#but god.... its just so unfortunate finn looks so much like his dad. and he acts like him. too. atleast in the way he copes
fiomeras · 1 year
Its always so fun when theres a character whos had terrible or great distaste over their parents they swear never to become like them, comes up again in a timeskip and they end up possessing so many traits of the very parent that has deeply hurt them and they're either oblivious to their development, or in deep denial about it. like omg finn mertens you look just like your father
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shutteredislands · 4 years
Hi!! I spent my entire winter break reading reylo fics and I feel like I’ve found some gems! I’m boring and don’t like angst, so most of these are pretty fluffy, however, always read the tags before reading. Anyways, happy reading!
Already Home -  College, Roommates, A/B/O, Soulmates AU - Complete - Rated E - 79k
“Oh stop being all Alpha-y.” She flexes her foot, rolling her ankle as if to prove a point, and he doesn’t miss the wince that crosses her expression. “You aren’t my Alpha, and you definitely aren't my soulmate,” she mutters.
He can’t help but let out a dry laugh. “Thank god for small mercies.”
Okay so this is a trope fest but it was so good! I’m not gonna explain the plot in depth because I think going in blind is best for this!
Baby, It's Just Biology - Professor/Student, A/B/O AU - Complete - Rated E - 113k
For Rey Jackson, trying to finish your degree in Biomedical Science at Harvard is difficult enough when you're one of the few Omegas on campus.
It's made even more difficult when your Professor is the one to trigger your heat. You can't help it, it's just your biology.
An Alpha Omega love story.
This is the perfect balance of angst, fluff and pure smut. This one Is a lot angstier than anything else on this list, but you can see every stage of this relationship and I loved it so much! Please read the tags on this one!
I’ve got you (under my skin) - Nanny/Single Parent AU - On Hiatus - Rated E - 81k
“Hi, I’m Rey. I’m here for the—”
“Nanny,” Ben blurts out dazedly, still trying to remember how to form coherent thoughts. “You’re the nanny.”
Her smile hitches up a little wider. “Well, I might be.”
Suddenly, Ben thinks he might be in for a whole new world of problems.
Because Rey Johnson is still most likely the only thing standing between him and disaster, that much hasn’t changed, not by a long shot.
And Ben can’t seem to stop staring at her mouth.
In which Ben hires Rey to watch his son... but he can’t seem to stop watching her.
Okay so I almost never read WIPs, but this one was left off in a pretty good place so don’t worry about cliffhangers or anything. I am a sucker for single dad!Ben so expect more of these. I loved this fic so much and get ready for a SMUTFEST.
Light My Fire - Rivals to Lovers, College, A/B/O AU - Complete - Rated E - 20k
When rivals Ben and Rey break into a professor's office together, it comes out that Rey might not be the Beta she thinks she is.
I’ve never been the biggest reader of enemies to lovers, until this. This was so so so good! I loved their banter so much, and this is another smutfest lol.
Peacock - Fake Dating, Enemies to Lovers, Neighbors AU - Complete - Rated E - 72k
Thanks to a series of misunderstandings, failed attempts at flirting, and loud Katy Perry music, Ben grows to hate his new neighbor.
Proposing to her wasn't the best solution to his problems.
This is, hands down, one of the funniest fics I have ever read. I cried actual tears because of how funny this is. Slowish burn, but their banter will keep you engaged the whole time. I love this so much!!
An Unexpected Vacation - Scientist, A/B/O AU - Complete - Rated E - 62k 
“You don’t care that someone, that people will watch you fuck?” He looks two seconds away from puking. “Like multiple, multiple people will be able to describe your vagina. They’ll probably analyze it in a boardroom. Someone will feel proud about a shitty PowerPoint full of annotated pictures. They will use words like ‘arousal fluid’ and consult charts and these things will never not be digitally saved. That doesn’t bother you?”
“Are you suggesting my vagina is unworthy of analysis?”
In which Rey attempts to bolster her bank account by volunteering to fuck an Alpha in a scientific study. Plans go pear-shaped when she accidentally triggers scientist!Ben’s first Rut.
This was a really funny smutfest and I loved that. I loved Rey and Ben so much, and Ben was the perfect “I hate everyone but you” boyfriend! I love this!
She Doesn’t Normally Bite - Single Parent/Teacher AU - WIP - Rated E - 37k
Ben Solo is a single dad to 6-year old Ellis. Her teacher isn't the old-cat lady that he expects and naturally, sparks fly when they meet. Rey helps show Ben that he is allowed to be happy and the romance is DELICIOUS. There will be the happy ending we all deserve.
Both Ben and Rey have a lot to navigate, and of course - things are never straight forward.
Tw: Bens wife died when their daughter was born - whilst it is mentioned periodically, it does not form a significant part of the story. There'll also be warnings in the notes for the particular chapters it'll be mentioned in.
Down an Inch, Up an Inch - A/B/O, Soulmates, Gym Rats AU - Complete - Rated E - 60k
Omega instructor Rey has always been the master of her domain at Rebel Belle Barre and wouldn't dream of dating an Alpha.
When her new neighbors at Supremacy Bootcamp start ruining her classes with their terrible music, she storms over to give them a piece of her mind. She challenges the beefy ex-Marine owner Ben Solo to a plank-off and the loser has to take the other's class. When they spark an unusual connection, can Rey stay away for long?
Has she bitten off more than she can chew with the gentle giant Alpha with the warm, sad eyes?
SMUT FREAKING FESTTTTT. Okay but I loved these two so much, even though I am opposed to working out in any shape or form! I love the non-traditional soulmate part, and I really loved Rey in this. 
Tea for Two - Enemies to Lovers, University Setting AU - Complete - Rated E - 67k 
'"This is a tea house, you know." The plummy, ultra-posh voice startled Rey Kenobi from her day-dreaming, almost spilling the scalding hot coffee over her chest.'
Rey, an American former hacker, turned cyber security expert, has been commissioned by Oxford University to protect their systems from hackers. Unfortunately, she has to work closely with Professor Ben Solo, Merton Professor of English Literature who also happens to be Lord Ben Solo, member of the English peerage. And an unmitigated snob.
She drinks coffee. He drinks tea. He only reads classic literature. She reads Marvel comics. He is nobility. She is a nobody.
Things should go swimmingly, shouldn't it?
SO. MUCH. UNRESOLVED. SEXUAL. TENSION. I loved the slow burn aspect because I sat in bed because I was waiting for them to bone for so long. And after they bone its a smut and fluff-fest I loved this so much!
And They Were Roommates - Roommates, A/B/O AU - Complete - Rated E - 49k
“This isn’t going to work.” He points a finger between the two of them. “This arrangement.”
Her eyes narrow. “You didn’t put any specifications on who could apply.”
“Yeah…” He rubs the back of his neck then, the action making it look longer, making her wonder what it might feel like under her fingers. “You have to know that this isn’t a good idea.”
She knows what he means, she does—but she’s so tired of being brushed aside for her designation that she challenges him anyway. “And why not?”
His eyes bore into hers, his expression blank as he says, “Because I can tell how much scent-block you put on—and I can still smell you.”
In which Rey’s new roommate turns out to be a lot more than she bargained for.
EVEN. MORE. UNRESOLVED. SEXUAL. TENSION. Like these two would be eating cereal and I would be chanting, “bone! bone! bone!” the whole time. I loved these two, and the family aspect of this one was so good.
Imprints - A/B/O, Boss/Employee AU - Complete - Rated E - 74k
“I was happy you’ll be working with someone you know. He’ll take good care of you.”
Take good care of you.
The words send a shiver down her spine, sparking memories that flood her with embarrassment. She feels a strange itch just below her ear, her gland giving a phantom pulse as if her body remembers the incident even still.
Suddenly her triumph fades into dread, the idea of working here leaving a hollow pit in her stomach. Poe is still talking, but she doesn’t hear most of it. Her mind is firmly trapped in the vivid memories of six years ago— in a moment she wishes she could forget.
By the time she hangs up the phone— she isn’t sure anymore if she can do this.
Okay so this is pretty popular so I wont say too much, but it lives up to the hype. Smutfest, fluff and angst rolled into one beautiful fic! 
Bespoke - Enemies to Lovers, Boss/Employee (?) AU - Complete - Rated E - 38k 
When new stylist Rey Jackson receives a request to dress the hottest (and most unfashionable) new actor in Hollywood, she gets a lot more than she bargained for.
Mentally AND physically.
Because Ben Solo is freaking massive.
THIS WAS SO HOT OMG! Smutfest but also super cute. Another “I hate everyone but you” version of Ben I fell in love with. Loved this!
Incognito - Coworkers AU - Complete - Rated E - 30k
“Somehow Rey’s coworkers find out about her Daddy kink. They all kink shame her for it, except her coworker Ben. He has something else in mind.”
This was so funny! Ben and Rey were so cute, and I love Finn and Rose in this too! This was great!
A Home For Christmas - Single Parent, Sugar Daddy AU - Complete - Rated E - 109k
Rey is a struggling single mother who needs to do right by her daughter, even if it means she needs to steal. Ben is sad and lonely, recently divorced for the second time. When Rey's daughter picks him to help her find her mom, their paths cross and their Christmas becomes a little more bright.
This was so freaking cute OMG!! I know I say that a lot, but this was so adorable! I loved Ben and Rey so much, but Nova was obviously the star of the show. I cannot recommend this enough!
Unsuppressed - Office, A/B/O AU - Complete - Rated E - 49k
Rey had only ever encountered two Alphas in her entire life that had been unsuppressed. And now this third one that stunk up the entire building. Not that it stunk, his scent. In fact, it was the most delicious thing Rey had ever smelled. ///////////////////////////////////// Ben Solo closed his eyes as he rode down the elevator from the 40th floor to the lobby, trying not to reach up to his glands to scratch them. Somehow, it felt like he always caught the elevator that was dripping in the Omega’s scent. The one that wandered around the building without any suppressants. The one that smelled better than any Omega he had ever smelled before.
STRAIGHT FLUFF AND SMUT OMFG!!! I loved this so freaking much! This was whatever the opposite of unresolved sexual tension and slow burn. Like Ben and Rey tried to make this a slow burn but they could not keep their hands off of each other. I loved this!
Sunshine and Gunpowder - Hitman, Surprise Parents AU - Complete - Rated E - 48k
She’s a teacher who would do anything to protect her student. He’s a glorified hitman with a heart of black gold.
Together, they make up odd halves of a beautiful whole.
THIS WAS SO CUTE!! Like, yes, I know Ben is a hitman, but when I tell you he was the softest hit man I have ever read, Temiri was so cute in this! I loved Ben and Rey, and their UST made me love them even more. Han and Leia are also hilarious in this! 
It Takes a Village - A/B/O, Surprise Parents AU - Complete - Rated E - 40k 
Who knew that all it would take for Rey Johnson to interact with her enigmatic Alpha neighbor without wanting to melt into a puddle of hormones was a baby being abandoned at her doorstep?
Not her. That was for sure.
Sensual Storytime - Office AU - Complete - Rated E - 23k
When Rey Johnson starts a new job, her initially antagonistic relationship with Ben Solo from IT turns into friendship... and maybe something more.
Little does she know he also moonlights as Kylo Ren, the creator of her favorite audio erotica. One day at the office, worlds collide, and she realizes the sweater vest-wearing nerd of her dreams is also the tattooed fantasy man she listens to while getting off every night...
That is all I have time for right now, but I’ll make another list later if anyone would like that! Please take care of yourself and have a great day! 
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lady-divine-writes · 3 years
The Hitchhiker - Chapter 1/4
Picking up a hitchhiker isn't exactly the dumbest thing Kurt has ever done, but it's not exactly the smartest either. When he comes across Blaine Anderson caught in a sudden downpour, he can't just leave him on the corner to drown... can he? (1756 words)
Read on AO3.
“Excuse me? Sir? Do you need a ride?”
Kurt flashes as confident and honest a smile as he can to the man standing on the side of the road. But the second those words leave his mouth, he hears his father’s voice in his head yelling: “Kurt Hummel! What the hell are you doing? Picking up a hitchhiker? Are you out of your mind!?”
And Kurt has to admit, the voice is right. 
There is a fifty-fifty chance that this man, standing alone in the dark by the side of the road, is a violent serial killer. His outfit alone perpetuates the stereotype - indigo jeans, white t-shirt, leather jacket. He has an olive-green duffel slung over one shoulder and he's carrying a guitar case, for God’s sake! What are the odds that there’s actually a guitar in there!? If Kurt picks this man up, he has a greater chance of becoming a statistic than of that man being a musician! Kurt should drive away now without an inch of guilt, floor it without looking back.
And he probably would have deferred to his better judgment and stepped on the gas had it not been for a few things. 
It's pitch dark out for a start. Only a handful of street lights line the curb, installed twenty or so feet apart, which creates long expanses of shadow in between. The road they're on is in the middle of nowhere, with trees towering on both sides of them. This doesn’t help Kurt’s argument any since it seems like just the place a killer would lie in wait for a potential victim. But, in that same vein, someone or something could be stalking him, waiting for Kurt to drive away so they can pounce on him from the trees. Then it would be up to the reach of this man's legs and his athletic ability to save him.
This leads directly to reason two: the man is a klutz. In the five minutes Kurt has been stuck at this red light, he’s seen him smack himself in the face with his own bag, drop his sunglasses (pink rimmed Wayfarers, no less), catch them, then fumble them again, and step in the same puddle twice. If this man is a serial killer, he may not be the most competent one on the planet. 
Three, just as Kurt’s light turned green, it started raining. And not the light drizzle he has come to expect during his infrequent forays to San Diego, but an honest-to-God downpour. Kurt saw the man turn his face up to the sky, his shoulders slumped, wholly defeated by this new development. He put the butt of his guitar case on the toes of his shoes to keep it out of the mud, then attempted to wrap his jacket around it.
And Kurt’s heart melted. 
Kurt is a musician himself. Singer more than musician but he has friends who play the guitar. His stepbrother Finn owns a Fender that he sold plasma to afford. Puck's Gibson is the only thing he has never hawked when he needed money. And Sam, in this man's position, would take off every stitch of clothing to protect his Blueridge if it came down to it. Kurt can imagine this man’s whole life wrapped up in that case, which he is now convinced does hold a guitar.
Kurt isn't a gun enthusiast by any means, but he thinks a semi-automatic should be able to withstand some weather. He may want to Google that one later on… provided he’s still alive.
And about that guitar case: it isn’t a plain, generic, black guitar case. The thing is covered in travel stickers and bling. It has a personality all its own. An easily identifiable personality. If this man is a killer, Kurt is pretty certain every human on the West Coast would know about it. He’d be nicknamed the Kitsch Case Killer or something along those lines. That case sticks out like a sore thumb. There’s no way a man carrying a guitar case decorated like an old-school Lisa Frank binder is getting away with swiping a pack of gum, not to mention murder.
To a lesser degree (Kurt tells himself so he doesn't have to admit how idiotic this idea is), this is the most a-dork-able man Kurt has ever seen. He looks more like a puppy than a predator (weak reasoning, he knows). But Kurt has instincts about people that are usually on the money. He has to give himself credit for making it this far in life. Kurt is tougher than he looks. He has taken his fair share of licks, and he’s still ticking. 
Plus, he has bear repellent in the pocket of his jacket the size of a can of Aquanet. He feels he has his bases covered.
The man walks slowly towards Kurt's car, the curls piled atop his head hanging heavily down his cheeks the wetter he gets.
No, Kurt can’t leave him out here.
“Um. Thanks. Thanks a lot,” the man says, cautiously eyeing Kurt up and down as if he may be asking himself Kurt’s same string of questions in his head. “But I… ” The fact that he isn’t jumping at Kurt’s offer, that he’s glancing anxiously down the road, mulling his options even as rain pours down his back, puts Kurt at ease. The man looks like he’s trying to gauge if Kurt might have a weapon hiding somewhere on his person, contemplating if he’ll come out of this alive if he accepts this ride. 
Ironic, but that proves that there are two sides to every situation.
The man looks about to step away and decline until a fork of lightning turns night into day for five seconds, a boom so loud following it shakes Kurt’s rental car. 
“Sure. Okay. Why not?” He pulls open the rear door in a rush but still wary as he puts his belongings into the backseat and joins Kurt in the front. “Thank you so much. I didn’t expect it to rain this hard, or I might have stayed in my hotel room one more night.” He runs a hand through his hair, cringing at the water that sprays the headrest.
“Not a problem.” Kurt reaches behind the seat and grabs the towel he’d fished out of his luggage earlier when he’d done the same thing. But the rain was only a sprinkle then – angel spittle, his mom would have called it. “I couldn’t just drive by and leave you out here to drown.”
The man chuckles. It, much like the rest of him, is too cute for words. “My name’s Blaine.”
“Kurt.” Kurt extends a hand for Blaine to shake. Blaine looks at it, hesitates a second before taking it, still questioning Kurt and his intentions, Kurt assumes. Despite being stuck in the rain, Blaine’s hand is warm, comforting in a way Kurt speculates a serial killer’s hands would not. “Well, Blaine, where you headed?”
“Oh, uh… I’m trying to make my way to L.A. But you can drop me off anywhere between here and there.”
“Ooo. Actor? Producer?”
“Unemployed schlub, unfortunately. Currently riding my brother’s couch. He’s the actor. I’m the… the failure.”
Kurt pulls onto the road again and heads for the highway. “That’s a really unkind thing to say about yourself.”
“It’s what… well, it’s what my father would say.” He wrings his hands uncomfortably. “He’d also say I’m a disappointment, a waste of a Harvard education, a bum… ” He shivers. Kurt raises the temperature of the heater. Blaine glances at Kurt in embarrassment, and Kurt gets the hint that it’s not the cold that has him trembling.
“I know it’s not my place to say, but I’d stop listening to your father if I were you. It doesn’t seem like he has anything worthwhile to say.”
“How can you say that? You don’t even know me,” Blaine says under his breath, with an edge like a growl, the kind wild animals give when you stumble into their territory unaware. It sets the hairs on the back of Kurt’s neck on end, and he starts second-guessing this decision. 
Relax, Kurt. The man’s just beat down. Exhausted. You understand what that’s like.
Blaine sighs, sinking into the passenger seat and leaning his head against the window. "I'm sorry. I know you're trying to be nice. It's been a long day." 
“I understand. And I may not know you, but I know fathers," Kurt continues. "A father’s job is to be supportive of their children, no matter what they do in life. Succeed or fail, win or lose, they should always be in your corner. And if he’s not, screw him! Surround yourself with people who want to lift you up, not tear you down.”
Blaine winds his arms around his torso, hugging himself tight. “I---is that the way your father treats you?”
“Yup,” Kurt answers with a subconscious smile at the mention of his dad. “He supports me in everything, even the stuff he doesn’t entirely agree with. And when things don’t work out, he’s the first person there, helping me to my feet and encouraging me to try again.”
“Sounds like a great guy. You’re lucky.”
“He is," Kurt says proudly. "And I am.”
Blaine fixes his gaze to the road ahead as Kurt merges onto the highway. He chews the inside of his cheek, stares too hard at the rain-slick asphalt, not shifting focus. It's as if he can't bring himself to look at Kurt when he asks, “So, you think you’re a good judge of character?”
Kurt nods. “Yes, I do."
"How do you know?"
"Experience. I have a decent track record.”
"Surround yourself with a lot of questionable people, do you?"
"I guess you can say that," Kurt agrees with a laugh, thinking of the people who have come into his life that he has adopted as his own: Rachel, Dave, Santana, Puck, all of them rivals or bullies. Or both. But now, a cherished part of his found family.
People he hopes will miss him if SDPD finds him by the side of the road tomorrow with his throat cut.
Stop it, Kurt! Relax! You're in no danger! Everything is going to be fine!
Blaine shrugs, examining his wet hands as if he’s reading something etched on his skin. “Someday you’ll be wrong.”
“Probably." Kurt meets Blaine's eyes in the reflection of the windshield, flashes his confident smile again. "But I don’t think that day is today.”
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froegs · 3 years
My Stardew OC’s!
long post, but feel free to read up if u wanna ask questions or request to see more of them!!
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Ivy Sodbuster!
Quick Facts about Ivy:
She worked in customer service @ joja for 6 years
She was a dedicated scene kid 8th grade and all through high school, unfortunately she had to trash (almost) all her clothes and redye her hair bc of joja 😞
She only wore business casual bc she would go and work for seven hours and come home, sleep, repeat. When she started working on the farm she was broke as hell so she had to rip the sleeves off her shirts and cut her jeans into jorts so she could have work clothes
Emily was her first friend in town bc she saw ivys busted ass and said..... let me help you
She became friends with Sam second just because. He was around.
She inherited grandpa’s farm with her cousin, Oakley (my friends oc, once she finalizes a design I’ll draw them more).
Oakley’s more “mature” (bc shes 30) but she just is really anxious. Ivy tries to set her up with Leah but they don’t click,,, Oakley ends up falling for chicken man.
Sam introduces Ivy to Seb and instead of Farmer falling for NPC its the other way around Fr.
Seb crushes on Ivy immediately
His first attempt at flirting was like “hey ivy...... wanna see me beat Sam at 8pool for 3 hrs straight?” And Ivy immediately joined Sam’s side and demolished Seb in 8ball.
Ivy ended up hanging out with the ASS trio on a daily.
Seb and Ivy started dating Fall 1 of year 1 after they confessed their feelings for each other during the dance of the moonlight jellies festival
They moved in together 3 days after Seb’s bday
And were married Summer 10
They fast burned this bitch but they are so stupidly in love
In Year 3 Spring Ivy’s other cousin on her moms side became pregnant and chose to give it up for adoption, but beforehand she asked everyone in the family if they wanted a baby
Ivy looked at Seb like 👀
So on Year 3 Winter 1 they brought home their son, Finn
I think this is a classic trope for all Sebastian lovers but he def dresses Finn up in a frog onesie and calls him tadpole !!
Her favorite activity is fishing, that’s how’d she find excuses to hang out with Seb by the lake
She loves making artisan items, especially truffle oil. Oakley prefers large crops and agricultural designing and ivys like fuck yeah mushroom >:D
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Milo NoLastName!
Quick Facts About Milo:
Milo was smuggled into Pelican Town by the Traveling Merchant when he was 6 and was taken in by Gil and Marlon.
Gil was 55 and Marlon was 46 when they “adopted” Milo
Gil took the most care of him and Marlon kind of had the attitude of like... a dad when your family pressures him to get a dog. First week their like FINE I GUESS we have to TAKE CARE of HIM. Next week: me and the bestie!
Milo looks up to Gil so much. His favorite brown jacket was Gil’s old one.
Marlon took Milo into the mines when he turned ten as a sort of “coming of age” trip and.... a bat nipped a part of his ear off.
Marlon said it’ll build character
But he was freaking out about it
Gil was upset but got it patched up.
I head canon that Evelyn taught the kids in town before they went off to high school, so four times a week (he’d usually stay home Friday to reset and relax or help out his dads) he’d have to socialize with the others
But he was always a few years older than them so he felt kind of distant
The others in question were Alex, Penny, Sam, Abigail, Sebastian, and Maru
Once he graduated middle school he convinced Gil to let him homeschool so he could find geodes and sell them during most the day.
When he was 17 he finally reached floor 120 of the mines, but on his way climbing back up he got attacked by three squid kids and void spirits, lost his left ear, and blacked out
He was rescued by Marlon, who rushed him home and took care of him
Because Pelican Town didn’t have a doctor at that time, the bus was broken down, all Marlon could do was try and clean up his ear and give him antibiotics and make sure it didn’t become infected
He lost his hearing in that ear
That was the biggest injury he’s gotten so far, but he was grateful when Harvey moved to town
Harvey opened his clinic, fresh faced (ish) at 26 and immediately some scruffed up 24 year old saunters in like “thank GOD ur here dude, here’s fourteen years worth of problems. Good luck.”
It didn’t actually go like that
Milo’s not really a social person, at 25 he discovered he could easily buy a car and drive out to the desert to try his hand at skull cavern. He came prepared but ended up needing emergency surgery that night anyway
He slowly but surely became friends with Sandy and the desert trader. He liked the trader for her prices and Sandy for her kindness.
He also fell in love with....... HARVEY!! (shocker)
Harvey actually fell in love with him first :))
Idiots to lovers slow burn
Hell they’re not even together by the time ivy rolls around and they met like.... 6 years ago??? My god these bitches.....
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Pheobe Dy
Quick facts about Pheobe:
Pheobe actually grew up closer to the desert than Zuzu City or pelican town!
Her parents own a decent sized cacti farm and she’d bus into town for school where she met Sandy and Emily!!
I like to believe there’s another town (not as small as Pelican) but close knit in the desert. I hc that Sandy’s shop, skull caverns, and the trader are just like the entry road to a nice desert town
She got into fashion and design when Emily pulled her and Sandy into it in sophomore year of high school
Sandy didn’t like it that much and would usually hit glue or staple pieces bc she’d procrastinate the whole time lol
But Pheobe and Em where DEDICATED
they’d hang out after school to design clothing and critique each other’s work (with love, of course)
Pheobe went to college for clothing design with her backup being IT and computer work (another passion of hers)
She started dating Sebastian when she met him during a trip to a small computer repair store in ZuZu city
He thought she was cute so he gave her his number and they met at Stardrop Saloon
She felt a need to like him, not because she was actually attracted to him in any way, but because she was a ~closeted lesbian~
So that relationship didn’t last too long
Ok maybe a little
2 years
But she’s bad at cutting off things, ok?
That’s when she realized she liked her best friends... Sandy and Emily
Emily and Sandy were already in a pretty open relationship by the time Pheobe came around, but it still took her some courage to admit her feelings to them.
They started dating when all three of them were around 26.
Emily moved with her sister Haley to pelican town a year into their relationship, and Sandy and Pheobe followed.
They bought a car so Sandy could maintain her shop in the desert
There is now a house where that garden that Harvey stands in 25/8 is. And Sandy and Pheobe live there. I don’t make the rules.
Pheobe and Emily work together on a small clothing company, they design the clothes together, Emily makes them, Pheobe made a website and uploads them there, and Sandy sells some at her shop :D
The three of them would like to tie the knot one day, but right now they’re super content on where they are, so sometime in the future :)
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cescalr · 3 years
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i've been in fandom for a decade at this point. i know what i like. and unfortunately there's not much of it bc the general fandom consensus
My Top Posts in 2021
Kissing Prompts.
@theheightofdishonor​ asked ‘63 or 75′ from the Kissing Prompts List!
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See the full post
21 notes • Posted 2021-04-28 21:21:02 GMT
Your dash today is making me relive The Tragedy of Kurt Hummel. He started off being such a great character and then turned into a mouthpiece for all kinds of bigotry against the "wrong" kinds of LGBTQ people.
It still infuriates me!
Mood, oh my god. I was so.... ARGH about where they went with him because he started out *great* and then went *horrible.* Wasted potential smh
Glee did a lot wrong, but using its characters as bigoted, gatekeeping mouthpieces was one of the worst aspects of the show. I can't *stand* Kurt in the later seasons, and as much as its... unfun to talk about now (may their actors rest in piece) but Santana and Finn were also massive perpetrators of this. Not that anyone wants to hear that against Miss S... but she was.
And do not get me STARTED on Brittany Sam and Blaine I will be yelling from the rooftops for the rest of my life about how they were treated by the show, aaaarggghhh
The Tragedy Of Kurt Hummel: A Tale In How To Not Write This Shit, Oh My God, You Started Out So Right, How Did It Go So Wong??
At least Burt is still best dad. Good man. Only decent parent in the whole show
27 notes • Posted 2021-06-13 14:00:00 GMT
OK but 2 things:
Marinette remains a stalker, right, like that's just casually a thing she does?? Um???? Guys???? Stealing a fishing rod.... sabotaging a shoot... mari that's his job please honey stop this foolishness. Also goddamn do you not care about your own responsibilities? Um. You agreed to look after those kids... ditching adrien once isn't going to kill you. If anyone would get a busy schedule, it's him lol
Nino can't fucking stand chat and said that right to his face i- how is adrien supposed to act after that. Like Nino is his best friend and can't stand chat.... hmmmm. Rocketear dashing all the hopes and dreams of the ninoir fandom in one fell swoop alfjakxhlajf. Ig since Luka knows abt his identity now, and doesn't hate either persona, then ig I'm gonna have to rely on him for bestfriendism. Sad times.
34 notes • Posted 2021-10-28 04:16:47 GMT
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42 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 19:02:40 GMT
the Only reason i want timestuck gf AU with Stan and Dipper is bc of Dipper’s “I could probably rob a bank”  from one of the books u kno
42 notes • Posted 2021-05-05 20:12:59 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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be-the-spark-flyboy · 4 years
Glitter On The Floor
Call It What You Want 4/?
Pairing: Med student!Poe x Reader (college AU)
A/N: I have an unusual ship going on in this dont come for me if you dont like it okay also I suck at writing summaries
Chapter summary: A new years party that brings more revelations than resolutions
Warning: little angst, drinking, swearing
Word count: ~3.2k
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You never thought you’d ever be excited to attend a party but here you are checking and double checking your reflection in the full height mirror in Jessika’s room.
“Oh god, you look hot okay? Stop hogging the mirror,” She teases you, nudging you aside trying to perfect her eyeliner.
Oh, you look hot, alright, and you feel damn good too. Your cropped sweater top was thick enough to keep you warm and paired with the mini skirt and velvet thigh-highs boots, you feel damn fine in your all black ensemble.
Normally you would’ve opted to stay at home and watch the fireworks all by yourself at midnight from the rooftop. But after a lonely Christmas eating takeout and binge watching shows all by yourself, you just wanted to see you friends again. Rey and the boys were also attending, which made you feel a lot better about going. You had a good feeling about this.
No one was more excited at the prospect of you attending a party than Jessika. She’d basically went through your entire wardrobe to find you something appropriate to wear, then ended up lending you her sequined mini skirt because your all black theme was too gloomy for new years.
“Our ride will be here in five minutes and then we’re gonna find you someone to make-out with at midnight,” Jessika wiggles her eyebrows at you suggestively and you roll your eyes, “Unless, you’d rather make-out with a particular med student you can’t shut up about instead, huh?” She’d been teasing the hell out of you about Poe since you told her about the hot stranger, who saw you fall down the stairs, who also happened to be a friend of a friend who was an adorable med student, dog dad and also afraid of ghosts-
Okay maybe you did talk about him slightly more than anyone else. But that didn’t mean anything did it? “Poe is just my friend, Jess,” You shove at her, sighing in frustration. “And he has a girlfriend,”
“But don’t his friends hate her? I’m sure if you ask, they’d help you break them up and set you up with Poe,” she says, drawing indignant gasp from you.
“Jessika Pava, since when did you start giving out ideas to ruin peoples’ lives?”
“I’m not trying to ruin lives,” She grabs you by your shoulders, bringing you to look at her, features set in a serious frown. You wonder if she was actually being serious for once in her life. “I just want to see you happy, with the man you love,”
Nope, not serious for once. You slap her hands away and she guffaws at your exasperated groan, “God, who said anything about love?”
“So you do like him though, right?” you roll your eyes again, walking away from her to collect you purse from your room. “You didn’t deny it!” You hear her squawk from behind you.
The party was already in full swing when you arrive. Jessika drags you along with her right away to introduce her boyfriend to you for the first time. She had only been dating Snap Wexley for around three months now, but she seemed to really like him.
Snap was a nice person. He was warm and welcomed you into his residence with a huge smile. His apartment was a two storey duplex with a ridiculous amount of patio space. It seemed everyone in your college were filthy rich, except you.
The entire place is crowded, music blaring from the speakers and people dressed in sparkling attires, milling around. Thankfully, you recognize almost no one, though it seemed like Snap had invited almost half of the entire campus.
Jessika loops her arm around yours, pulling you along into the house. You see Rey excitedly waving you over from the living room and you happily tackle her and Finn in a hug.
Jessika gels right in with the two of them although this was the first time they got to meet. Extroverts. The night goes on as both Finn and Rey animatedly recount their holiday stories and in no time, the four of you are laughing at Finn’s reenactment of how his cousin almost broke the Christmas tree in half, trying to decorate it.
“Where’s Poe?” You ask, noticing the absence of the third member of their little clique. Not like you were searching for him or anything.
Rey shrugs, “He should be here soon, he said he was about leave the house,” then her attention shifts to behind you, “Oh look, he’s here,” Rey motions.
You see him from across the room and your breath catches at the sight of him. Dressed in a navy blue button up tucked into his dark jeans with the sleeves rolled up, he looks handsome as ever, with an arm around his girlfriend’s waist. Your chest tightens for an entire different reason at the sight.
Then the entire conversation you had with Jessika earlier on plays in your head. You couldn’t possibly like Poe right? He was just your friend.
They look good together, like some celebrity couple that just stepped out of a magazine. Sarah’s dressed in a burgundy cocktail dress that fits her like a glove, elegantly coiffed curls sits on her shoulders, not a hair out of place. Something like jealousy curdles in your stomach and you stomp it out before it grows into something ugly. But not before it spoils your mood entirely.
“Urgh, he’s with that witch,” Finn scoffs beside you. You have no idea why Finn hates Poe’s girlfriend so much. He really isn’t the type to just be mean to people for no reason and it also confuses you to no end that Rey seems to agree with him. Not that it was any of your concern, anyways. So you brush it off.
You make the mistake of turning back to the pair just in time as Sarah pulls Poe in for a kiss. You quickly avert your gaze elsewhere. The excitement you felt since morning completely drains out of you. Suddenly, the last place you want to be in was anywhere surrounded with people.
“I’m going to get something to drink,” You inform Jessika, unhooking your arms from her. You break away from your small group without another word, before she even gets the chance to react.
Poe never thought he’d ever feel this miserable around people. Because these weren’t his people. He wanted to run to where his childhood friends were standing as soon as he had caught sight of them. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do that. He was to busy being talked at by people he barely knew. This was the last place he ever wanted to be.
But Poe keeps up the pretense of a happy couple and feigns through the crowd convincingly enough to not invoke the wrath of the woman beside him. Poe follows Sarah, steering away from the corner where he spotted his friends. Having Finn and Sarah in the vicinity was just a recipe for disaster. He had only made that mistake once.
Poe finds you weaving through the crowd, hurriedly moving past everyone with a singular destination in mind. And you look...wow.
Poe remotely registers that he shouldn’t be ogling you from afar with his girlfriend right beside him. Despite that, he just can’t seem to tear his eyes away from your figure until you disappear around the corner.
Your outfit complements your figure just right, and your boots- Shit. He catches himself wondering how soft your thighs would feel under his fingertips.
Shut the fuck up, Dameron! He scolds himself, forcing his thoughts back to the present. He really shouldn’t be thinking about you like that.
He wonders how far his imagination would go if he didn’t try to stop it. No. He really shouldn’t. A tug on his arm brings him back to reality as he gets dragged along to patio, half against his will.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you curse as the liquid sloshes out of the cup spilling onto the table.
“Are you always this clumsy?” You yelp as a tall figure materializes behind you, almost making you drop the cup. “Relax, its just me,” Ben Solo passes you a roll of kitchen towel for the mess.
You had managed to somewhat befriend Ben over the course of two weeks while the two of you worked on your assignment together. He wasn’t bad company. 
“How long have you been standing there?” You mop up the beer on the table, “And how did I not see you?”
“Lost in thought?” he shifts back to his previous position, perfectly blending in with the wall painted black. Huh, no wonder you didn’t notice him.
“Um, no,” you lie. “Who are you hiding from?”
“People, in general.” He replies like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. But of course, you understand.
You hear bright laughter before you see a head of blonde hair walk towards the kitchen. Her eyes light up in recognition when she sees you standing there, “Hey, it’s you! We have that class together, right?” You try your best to make small talk but thankfully Phasma was chatty enough for it to not feel awkward while she collects her drink.
She turns to leave and then startles when she sees Ben standing against the wall, casually sipping on his beer. You’re pretty sure he didn’t mean to position himself like a Halloween decoration meant to sneak up and scare everyone, but you wouldn’t put it past him to do just that.
“Oh hey, Solo. Didn’t see you there,” She quickly recovers, sending him a bashful smile.
“Hey, Phasma,” Ben replies, barely meeting her gaze and shifting on his foot, cheeks dusting pink as she brushes past him. Your eyes widen when you realize what just happened.
“Oh my god, Ben, do you like her?” You whisper-shout at him once you’re sure she’s out of earshot.
“What? No, what are you talking about?” He tries to act nonchalant but the pink in his cheeks turns to a full blown scarlet, giving him away.
“Is that why you’re hiding in the kitchen?” You tease him. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone,”
“Who are you hiding from?” He throws back at you.
“I’m not hiding,” it was your turn to act nonchalant.
“Really? Then why are you here?” He crosses his arm, scepticism evident in his tone.
“To get a drink,” you raise your beer as if to prove your point.
“Oh so you’re gonna leave now, right?” He raised an eyebrow at you, not buying your excuse.
“What? Is this your kitchen now?” Leaning on the counter, you roll your eyes, relenting. “Fine, I’m hiding. Let’s not talk about this anymore,”
“I don’t know, she seemed a little down all of a sudden,” Finn leans against the patio parapet, facing Rey. Raucous laughter bursts through the quite night from the group gathered on the other side of the patio.
You had disappeared after telling them you were ‘going to get a drink’ and Jessika had informed Rey that you were still in the kitchen only minutes earlier. Rey couldn’t help but wonder if there was something going on with you. 
“Maybe she’s just tired, Rey,” Finn pulls her into his embrace, trying to comfort her. Rey worries to much about other people. It was just in her nature to try and take care of everyone she could and Finn loves her for that. But sometimes it also causes her more stress than she needs.
Rey rests her head on his shoulder, “Maybe,” You seemed pretty pumped to be hanging out with all of them, why did you deflate so suddenly? 
“Oh my god,” She pulls away from the embrace, looking at Finn in shock from her sudden realization, while Finn watches her, confused about what caused her outburst. “I think she likes Poe!” Finn continues staring at Rey in confusion, unsure how she came to that conclusion. “Think about it! She was fine until Poe came waltzing in with his girlfriend,” she gestures frantically to the pair on the other side of the patio, Sarah practically draped across Poe, the two of them looking like the embodiment of an ideal couple. Only in the outside.
“Oh... OH,” Finn exclaims when it finally hit him. “Is she jealous? I don’t know, maybe hurt?”
“If only he wasn’t with her,” Rey couldn’t keep the malice out of her tone at the mention of Sarah. “We can’t even do anything about it now,”
“I’m really gonna kick Poe the next time I get a chance.” Finn groans. Finn really would’ve loved to meddle with his best friend’s life, but in this scenario it would only make things more complicated. But the drama was so tempting.
“Kick me for what?” Poe’s voice startles the both of them as they swivel around to look at him. How the hell did he walk across so quickly?
“Heyyy, Poe, didn’t see you there,” Rey forces a chuckle from herself, trying not to look too suspicious.
“Yeah! Hey, Poe,” Finn adds lamely.
Poe narrows his eyes at the two of them acting all dubious. It was never a good sign. He’s been on the receiving end of way too many of their pranks to not know what that look meant. He sighs, thinking, what’s one more prank in the joke that is his life right now?
“So... Phasma, huh?” You start again, determined to get something out of the brooding man beside you. If you’re going to spend the rest of the night in the kitchen, you might as well try to get entertainment out of your fellow anti-social buddy.
“I thought we weren’t talking about that anymore,” he mumbles. You grumble something about him being no fun under your breath. “I’ll tell you if you tell me,” he bargains with you.
You contemplate your choices. Surely it wouldn’t do any harm telling Ben about Poe right? “Okay, fine,” one advantage of taking refuge in the kitchen was that you had a free flow of drinks. You were on your third cup of whatever was in the punch bowl and feeling slightly tipsy. “There’s this guy I kinda sorta like, but he’s also my friend,”
“Why don’t you just talk to him if you’re friends?” Ben questions you.
“He’s here with his girlfriend,”
“Oh,” He winces as you nod your head in agreement.
“My turn. Why don’t you talk to Phasma?”
“I don’t want to?” He answers you, unsure, more like question instead.
“You’re just scared, aren’t you?” It was pretty obvious. Fear was the reason so many people held back from doing what they want.
Ben sighs heavily before turning to you, lowering his voice a little more “I just don’t wanna screw this up, okay? I really like her and I don’t know how to talk to her,”
“So you’d rather not try?” Ben just shrugs. “I think you should ask her out,” you give him your opinion. “Okay consider this. The worse thing that could happen is that things between you two remains the same. But if you try, at least you’d know,” 
“The worst thing that could happen is that she throws her beer in my face infront of everyone,” You couldn’t help the laughter that bubbles out of you from the picture he paints. “But I get where you’re coming from,”
“Okay, maybe don’t immediately ask her out. Just chat with her a little, first.” You reach up to pat him on the shoulder, “Whenever you’re ready,”
“Wait, right now?” He whips his head around to look at you, alarmed at the prospect.
“Then when? After your graduation?” You sass. Ben takes a deep breath steeling himself.
“Okay,” He pushes himself off the counter, smoothing down his shirt, then his hair. He takes a step forward, then turns back to you, “Do I look okay?”
You give him a reassuring smile, poor boy was so nervous. “You look great, Ben,”
He takes another step forward then immediately propels backwards again, turning to you, “What if I get rejected?”
“Then we’ll ditch the party and get greasy pizza from that shop around the corner,” you promise him, earning a grateful smile from him.
Another step forward and he turns back, again. “What if-”
“Oh god, Ben just go!”
“Okay, fine fine,”
You carefully position yourself in the kitchen so that you’d still have a view of what was going on in the living room but still be hidden from sight. It’s been a few minutes since Ben had gone on his mission to ask his crush out.
As the clock strikes closer to midnight, the crowd gravitates towards the patio to watch the fireworks. You follow, staying at the back of the crowd. The whole place was packed.
You briefly wonder if you could just pick up your coat and leave. You could take a nice long walk back to your apartment and curl up with a book and mug of tea. You had promised Jessika you’d stay, but you were also tempted to leave. She was already in her boyfriend’s care anyways.
You can clearly see Ben’s tall figure sticking out in the crowd. It’s not easy to miss him. Surprisingly, he spots you easily in the dark as well. He sends you a discreet thumbs up and you respond with no lack of enthusiasm on your part. At least one of you were having a good time. Good for him.
You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to keep yourself protected from the cold. But it finds a way to your bones anyways. It seems it was your curse to spend all your time all by yourself, year after year. You couldn’t remember the last time you had your family around you, opening Christmas presents together in the morning and watching the fireworks on New Year’s Eve. Although this time was kind of your fault. You could’ve still hung out with Rey or Jess, but you really didn’t feel like it.
Well, if this was what the rest of your life was going to be like, then you’ve already had enough practice for it.
Poe watches the firework being set off in the distance. The light and the colours painting itself across the night sky, ebbing and flowing like waves. One disappears and another one explodes, sending a different shade shining through the sky.
From his vantage point, he could clearly see Finn and Rey, arms encasing each other, giggling at something. So content to just be in each other’s company. He wants that so much it aches.
Sarah’s arms around his feels like lead, weighing him down, and he wishes it were someone else’s. Finn was right. He shouldn’t have let himself be treated like he was expendable.
Maybe in this new year he’d finally let go of his fear and look for someone who actually loves him. In this new year Poe decides he deserves better.
The Dameron Taglist (open):
@writefightandflightclub @arkofblake @yougottakeeponkeepinon @multifandomlife22 @skymerons @smol-peter-parker @rae-rae-patcha @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol @spider-starry @hkmultifandom @cloud-leader @elmoakepoke @staringmoony @valhallavalkyrie9 @the-cry-of-youth @liadamerondjarin @m1rkw00dpr1ncess @takemepedropascal
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Solo Para: Identity In a New World
The Romulan war won, their universe returned, the Orville crew has been through a lot in the past several months.
With all the initial chaos finally aside, Claire was looking forward to telling Marcus and Ty the truth of her relationship with Isaac. But just as the boys are finding out and responding, Isaac’s eyes vanish and he collapses, shutting down without warning and leaving the three in shock.
When no ascertainable reason can be found for Isaac’s sudden failure, the crew goes to Kaylon, discovering Isaac was shut down but getting him brought back online, only to discover he was planning on returning to Kaylon full-time. Unfortunately, they dig a little too deep and discover the Kaylon’s true intentions, to wipe out all Union organic life and then moving on to the Federation, before the Kaylon storm their ship and take command.
The crew is trapped in the shuttlebay deciding what to do when a Federation starship finds the Orville on scanners and goes to check in on them. The Kaylon originally intend to take Captain Mercer and Commander Grayson when...
“Wait a minute. What’s the ship, exactly?” Dakota’s head pops up as an idea runs through her head and she goes through with it without thinking, stepping forward. “Please, this might be important to your cover.”
“The USS Excelsior,” the Kaylon answers, and she prays to god Sammy keeps her mouth shut.
“Oh, I have a cousin on that ship. My whole extended family knows this week I’m supposed to be doing a command training exercise-- I’m filling in for Commander Grayson this week, isn’t that right, captain?” Dakota’s head turns to Ed with a plea in her eyes for him to go with it.
“Uh, exactly, that’s right,” Ed agrees momentarily, confused but going with it. Relieved, Dakota turns back to the Kaylon.
“If you take Commander Grayson up there, they’ll think something’s wrong. I wouldn’t miss a command training exercise for anything. They all know that. You’ll have to bring me instead.”
There’s a pause, she assumes as they confirm the, actual truth about her cousin and that she’s on the command path. Once both are confirmed, Kaylon Primary instead instructs her to follow with Ed to the bridge.
Ed leans in and mutters to her, “I hope you know what you’re doing, lieutenant.”
So does she.
Taking respective seats on the bridge, Ed swallows a lump in his throat when Captain Sulu answers. “Captain Sulu, I hope you don’t mind if the lieutenant conducts this interaction as a part of her command training,” He gestures kindly to Dakota.
Hikaru nods with a smile. “Of course. Lieutenant, that’s quite an entourage you have there.”
“Yes, sir, the Kaylon are looking to join the Union, so as to be present for peace talks with the Federation,” Dakota answers with a smile. “It seems they make a very big deal out of their ambassador.”
“I see. Are you in need of any assistance? I know my bosses would approve if we had Federation representation present for this monumental occasion.”
She sees a subtle headshake from one of the Kaylon out of the corner of her eye, not that she needs it. “No, that’s all right. Having a number of Federation lieutenants, including the children of the Federation’s fleet admiral himself, will be more than enough. Thank you, though!”
Captain Sulu nods. “If that’s all--”
Now or never!
“Oh, captain, before I forget. This is a bit less professional but your trajectory puts you guys on that path-- can you tell my dad on the USS Kelvin that I love him and I’ll see him later? We were going to meet up but with the Kaylon thing takes precedence, I’m sure you can imagine. He’ll have to meet me for lunch, maybe we should go visit the Union’s version of Earth or something. Sorry to ask this of you, and I know it’s not my place, but with everything going on around here I don’t know if I’ll have time to get the message out.”
The captain doesn’t even flinch. “Of course, lieutenant. Tell my daughter that she owes me a huge hug when our paths cross again.”
“Absolutely, sir,” Dakota answers with a smile, and then the channel cuts off. She turns back to see the horribly confused look on the captain’s face and then braces her explanation.
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“Have you attempted to deceive us? Your Federation’s starships do not use the name Kelvin in memorial of the one destroyed many years ago,” the Primary says warningly, and Dakota holds up her hand, willing herself to keep herself contained.
“Congrats on getting into our records, but not everything is ever officially recorded in Starfleet. We have recorded security, but we don’t trust our enemies to not hack that. So we have word of mouth security too. Only captains and the families of crew of some ships even have clearance to know that those ships exist. One such ship is the Kelvin, rebuilt following the disaster with the Narada as a training ship to prepare for enemies such as Nero should the need arise again.” Dakota crosses her arms. “There’s no computerized file of it. Officially, it doesn’t exist, and the name Kelvin was never used again in memorial, but in actuality the Kelvin’s in deep space training. My dad got assigned there after an off-the-charts aptitude test for security.”
“She’s telling the truth,” Ed pipes in quickly, though he definitely has no idea what’s going on. “I was surprised the lieutenant knew the name but it’s the truth, I was briefed on it when I was reinstated to captain by the Federation admiralty. The Kelvin and the Shenzhou are still in operation for a deep chapter of security that has no records for the exact reason of running the risk of someone searching records for them and locating them.”
“You can ask any of the other crew, they’ll tell you the Kelvin was destroyed and its name is not present on any ships because that’s all they know. I’m the only one with family on the ship. I don’t know who all is on the crew, but my dad went over the manifest once and confirmed no other crewman on the Orville has family there.” Dakota keeps herself together, refusing to let them see through her.
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And it works. The Primary takes a very long minute before returning the two to the shuttlebay with the rest of the crew.
Once they’re on their own with the rest of the senior officers, Ed turns to her, keeping his voice low. “What the hell was that?”
“I believe your guys’ equivalent is a 13-button salute,” Dakota explains, in an equally low tone, “The Kelvin is a code for danger. But ours isn’t shared with just anyone, and it’s only shared by word of mouth. None of the Union officers on this ship were to know about it unless it became necessary for its use to come up, Admiral Kirk didn’t approve but he was severely outvoted. And ours is versatile, it’s all in the messages you pass on and the way you phrase it. Saying to tell my dad I loved him said to tell the admiralty we were held by hostiles, telling him to meet me for lunch meant they’d launch an attack, telling him we should meet at the Union’s Earth for it tells them where.”
Ed pauses and shakes his head, awestruck. “That was some incredible bullshitting.”
“We’re also taught how to lie convincingly to the hostiles in question when they ask about the Kelvin being named,” Dakota answers with a shrug. “But we don’t know how fast Captain Sulu can reach out to Federation admiralty or how fast the Federation can get the message to the Union. And even combined I’m not sure it’ll be enough, we just got out of a war.”
“So, we need to get some more backup,” Kelly agrees. “We need to take a shuttle out to find the Krill.”
“The Krill? Kelly, are you NUTS?” Ed whips around to face her, but as the argument continues, Dakota tunes them out, turning to John.
“Commander, suppose they go get the Krill and convince them to go along. We still have to get the message to the Union, we may be much faster than the Federation.”
John nods, waving for her to follow him quietly, leading her to a small conduit that Yaphit is waiting by. “This should do that. Yaphit can get out through here and send a message to the admirals, but there’s a problem. We can’t mask the message and the Kaylon could kill it before it gets out if we don’t.”
“So until we’ve got that figure out, we’re stuck,” Yaphit agrees, and Dakota nods, thinking.
She’s not the engineer, though. “What are our options, sir?” Dakota looks at him and he thinks the question over.
“If someone could go out with him and change the frequencies randomly, the Kaylon might think that it’s just subspace noise.”
“Yeah, but no one can fit through there but me,” Yaphit points out. “This conduit is tiny, like half-a-meter wide.”
“I could fit,” comes a small voice behind them and Dakota turns in surprise to Ty, seeing the rest of the senior staff must have worked out their argument about the Krill and had come to check on what they were doing.
“Absolutely not,” Dr. Finn says, while the others look at each other uncertainly.
Dakota sighs. “Doctor, we don’t have a lot of choice. If we do nothing, a lot of people are going to die. If Yaphit does this without that kind of backup, nobody’s going to know what’s going on in time.”
“You’re not sending my son--!” Claire insists, but Ty is the one to convince her he’ll be okay and talk her down, and the two are off in moments during the chaos of the shuttle’s escape at the same time.
Dakota approaches Sammy as they’re waiting. “Hey. Your dad’s okay. He said he loves you.”
Sammy looks up at her and nods, shivering slightly but not from cold. The redhead is scared... they all are.
The next thing Dakota knows is some kind of... pulse, over the speakers of the ship, and the Kaylon watching them collapse, seemingly dead. When the shuttlebay doors open, it’s Ty, talking about how Isaac saved them.
Lily and John send out another covered message to hide it from the Kaylon vessels informing Federation and Union admiralty that the Orville is back in control and not a moment too soon as they find themselves at the other Earth-- with two entire fleets waiting to defend it.
The battle is hell. Things look grim until the Krill show up, with a short and sweet hail from the ship in the lead, revealing Kelly and Gordon, safe and sound. Finally, though, the Kaylon are forced into retreat.
Yaphit successfully revives Isaac as soon as things have finally settled. Then, the crew is invited to the most important meeting of their careers: the meeting between the Union and Federation to finally unite the two forces as one, officially, creating the United Planetary Federation.
They don’t quite know how easy things will be moving forward. But they know they’re ready to fight back. And they’re going to do it side by side. The way it needed to be when two worlds collided.
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24stiles920 · 6 years
Pack Mentality
Teen Wolf Rewrite
Pairing: Stiles x Reader
Warnings: Ages 16+, swearing, jerk!Stiles
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf or Harry Potter. I am just borrowing the spells and potions from the wonderful Harry Potter Universe, not stealing them.
Words: 5724
A/N: Oh, my God. What a whirlwind chapter. Hope you like it, but I worked very hard on the end. Muhahaha. 😊
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Season 1 Masterlist
“Happy Birthday!”
I woke up abruptly, rubbing my bleary eyes to see my mom and dad wearing cheesy party hats and gleeful expressions.
“Thanks, mom and dad, but it’s—” I snuck a look at my iHome. “—actually a normal time. I thought it was earlier.”
“Can we take these hats off, now?” Dad complained to mom. “They’re awfully uncomfortable.”
“Finn, honestly—” Mom sighed. “Yes, you can take it off, she’s seen it already.”
I grinned at my parents, loving how their relationship was even after almost thirty years together.
“So,” Mom turned to me, her expression hopeful. “Did it come in yet?”
I looked at my wrists and saw nothing. No writing or anything. But that was to be expected. It wasn’t five p.m. yet.
“No, and you know there won’t be until five, mom.” I pursed my lips at her playfully.
At the age of sixteen at the exact time they were born, everyone gets a soul mark of a person’s name on one of their wrists. It was a taboo thing; people didn’t like to talk about it, as some people don’t even have a soul mark. I know Scott doesn’t have one. And some people have two names, in which case a name appears after their first soulmate dies, which is very rare.
“Eleven hours until five o’clock.” Mom grinned while dad looked nauseous.
“Dad, you don’t have to look so upset,” I laughed. “It’ll be ages before I meet him.”
“Or her.” Mom chimed in.
“Or her.” I agreed.
“Sorry, munchkin.” Dad forced a laugh. “I just don’t like the thought of you leaving us.”
I gave dad an indulgent smile, thinking that his sappiness was sweet. “Dad, today’s my sixteenth birthday; I won’t leave you yet.”
Dad finally smiled, the skin by his eyes wrinkling up. “Well, we’ll leave you to get dressed. We need to go finish breakfast.”
My parents bustled out of my room, allowing me to get up and get ready. I picked out a black camisole and paired it with a black and pink floral skirt. I topped the camisole with a pink cardigan and finished the look off with black tights and black, high-heeled ankle boots.
My phone chimed with a text while I was putting my hair up into a milkmaid braid. I looked to see that it was a text from Scott, wishing me a happy birthday and that he needed to talk to me and Stiles as soon as possible. I quickly sent him a reply and finished my hair.
I grabbed my white leather purse, slipping my wand into it, and walked downstairs, my nose twitching at the smell of baked cinnamon. I entered the kitchen to see the breakfast table laden down with cinnamon rolls, eggs, bacon, sausages, and toast.  
We had a nice breakfast, talking and catching up. I didn’t dare tell them about Scott being a werewolf, but I knew it would come up sometime. Just not now.
“So, how are you getting to school?” Mom asked casually.
I looked at her confused. “Uh, I was just gonna catch a ride with you guys, why?”
Neither of them said anything, instead, dad held out an arm and opened his fist. In his hand were keys with a silver keychain that said ‘Y/N’ on it.
“No way.” I gasped, feeling elated. My own car? I’ll take it.
“Yes way.” Dad grinned. “A Jeep Renegade, just like you wanted.”
“In navy blue?” I wondered. It didn’t matter to me, but I was just checking to see if they went all out.
“In navy blue.” Dad confirmed.
I squealed and jumped up from my seat, giving each of them a tight hug. Together we walked out to the driveway, where my brand-new jeep was sitting, gleaming in the morning sunlight.
“Oh, my God, thank you so much!” I cried, wrapping them both into another hug. “Oh, I love you guys so much.”
“We love you, too, sweetheart.” Mom smiled, cupping my chin gently. “Now get going. Don’t forget we have your birthday dinner with the Stilinski’s tonight.”
“I won’t forget.” I assured her, grabbing my purse from my dad. I walked to my jeep and got in, loving that new car smell.
I quickly hooked up my phone to the Bluetooth and played music, pulling out of the driveway, and thanking God that I had actually gone to those Driver’s Ed classes and gotten my license on time.
The ride to school was, unfortunately, fast, but Scott and Stiles were waiting by the school for me.
“Happy Birthday!” They greeted in unison, while Scott thrust a bouquet of sunflowers at me that were from him and Melissa.
“Thanks, guys.” I grinned at them.
“I have your present for later.” Stiles told me. “Dad and I went in on it, so he wanted to see your reaction.”
“Okay.” I shrugged. “That reminds me… Scott, did you want to come over for dinner? We’re celebrating my birthday. Melissa can come too. We’re having homemade pizza.”
“Sure.” Scott smiled. “I love your mom’s pizza.”
“Great.” I nodded. “Now, tell us about your text.”
Scott started explaining about this dream he had, where he and Allison were about to get it on, until Scott lost control and attacked Allison, basically killing her in a school bus.
“So, you killed her?” Stiles asked, opening the door for me and Scott.
“I don’t know.” Scott shrugged. “I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn’t breathe. I’ve never had a dream where I woke up like that before.”
“Really?” Stiles raised his eyebrows. “I have. Usually ends a little differently.”
I scrunched up my nose and turned away, trying not to think about Stiles having wet dreams about Lydia. I just had to ignore it for a few more hours. Later today I would get my soul mate’s name, and then I could focus my time on someone other than Stiles.
“’A,’ I meant I’ve never had a dream that felt that real,” Scott said in a disgusted tone. “And ‘B,’ never give me that much detail about you in bed again.”
“Noted.” Stiles sighed.
“So,” I started, “Let me take a guess here—”
“No,” Scott cut me off. “I know, you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I’m gonna lose control and rip her throat out.”
“No, of course not.” I lied. Both Scott and Stiles gave me disbelieving looks. “Yeah, that’s totally it.”
“Hey, come on, it’s gonna be fine, all right?” Stiles said positively. “Personally, I think you’re handling this pretty fuckin’ great, okay? You know, it’s not like there’s a lycanthropy for beginners class you can take.”
Scott and I exchanged looks, both of us probably thinking the same thing. Derek Hale.
“Yeah, not a class, but maybe a teacher.” Scott suggested.
“Who, Derek?” Stiles exclaimed, pausing before slapping Scott on the back of the head. “You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?”
“Yeah, I know, but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it felt so real.” Scott said.
“How real?” I asked.
“Like it actually happened.” Scott answered as he and Stiles pushed open the doors to go outside.
I gasped at the sight before me. A buts was parked outside of the school, its back door ripped halfway off with claw marks and splats of blood everywhere. It was exactly as Scott had described in his dream, and my worry for Allison bubbled within my stomach.
“I think it did.” Stiles said, mouth wide open with shock.
I fumbled with my bag, trying to grab my iPhone out of one of the silly pockets. Scott seemed to have the same idea as me, taking out his phone as well. I unlocked my screen and frantically texted Allison, wondering where she was. There was no reply and one glance at Scott showed that he was getting the same results as me.
We raced back into the school, searching the hallways for the familiar dark head of curls. We had no luck, so Scott and I kept pression on, with Stiles trailing behind us.
“She’s probably fine.” Stiles tried to calm us down.
“She’s not answering our texts, Stiles.” I said nervously.
Stiles grabbed my hand, causing me to calm down a fraction. How he could soothe me with just one touch amazed me.
“It could just be a coincidence, all right?” Stiles spoke soothingly. “A seriously amazing coincidence.”
Scott glanced back at me and Stiles. “Just help me find her, okay? Do you see her?”
I looked around, but I couldn’t spot the Argent girl.
“No,” Stiles and I said in unison.
Scott turned down a different hall, getting lost in the crowd. Stiles and I turned to each other, at a lost at what we could do.
“Hey, come here,” Stiles said suddenly, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the side of the hallway so that we weren’t in the way of people. He took off his backpack and rummaged through it, pulling out a small white box.
“I, uh,” He rubbed his head awkwardly. “I know I said I already got you something, but I wanted to give you this as well.”
I smiled warmly at him. “You didn’t have to, Stiles.”
“Of course, I did.” Stiles said indignantly. “You’re my—you’re Y/N.”
I gave him a small smile as he handed me the box. I took the top off and gasped as I looked at the ring inside. It was simple, but perfect, with a silver band and a single garnet stone in the middle. My birthstone.
“It was my mother’s.” Stiles said, watching as I slid it onto my right hand. “She left it for you, she loved you, said you were the best goddaughter out there.”
I glanced up at him, noticing the sadness in his eyes as he talked about his mom.
“I loved her, too.” I assured Stiles. “It’s beautiful, Stiles, thank you.”
I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his firm waist, resting my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating fast as he wrapped his long arms around my shoulders and squeeze tight.
I breathed in his intoxicating scent and savored the moment, because there, with Stiles’ arms around me, and mine around him, I felt like I was floating on cloud nine.  
“Attention, students, this is your principal.” The overhead speaker boomed. “I know you’re all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes with proceed as scheduled.”
Having parted from each other as the principal was speaking, I watched as Stiles sighed in disappointment like most of the other students in the hall.
“Come on.” I laughed, elbowing him playfully. “Walk me to class?”
“Why, of course.”
And off we went.
“Maybe it was my blood on the door.” Scott said later in chemistry class, turning around in his seat to look at me and Stiles.
“Could have been animal blood.” Stiles suggested. “You know, maybe you caught a rabbit or something.”
“And did what?” Scott asked, disgusted.
“Ate it.”
“Raw?” Scott looked appalled.
“No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven.” Stiles said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “I don’t know, you’re the one who can’t remember anything.”
“Mr. Stilinski, if that’s your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while.” Mr. Harris called from the front of the classroom, his hands on his hips.
Stiles laughed mockingly.
“I think you, Mr. McCall, and Miss Stark would benefit from a little distance, yes?” Mr. Harris continued.
“No.” Stiles objected softly. Mr. Harris ignored him, pointing to two empty seats for Stiles and Scott to take on the opposite sides of the room from each other while I stayed in the same seat.
“Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much.” Mr. Harris quipped as the boys moved to their new seats.
Stiles scoffed, hauling his books and bag to the back of the classroom. Scott sat at the front with a girl named Harley, who was staring out the window.
“Hey, I think they found something.” She exclaimed suddenly, running to the window.
The whole class got up to walk to the window to see what Harley was talking about. I walked up behind Scott and Stiles, but I was too short to see over them.
“That’s not a rabbit.” Scott murmured to Stiles.
Suddenly, whatever the class saw made them all scream and jump back, causing me to startle a bit. Scott slowly backed away from the window with a horrified look on his face. Stiles joined Scott and I, a relieved look upon his facial features.
“Okay.” He said, patting Scott on the shoulder. “This is good, this is good. He got up, he’s not dead. Dead guys can’t do that.”
“Stiles,” Scott said solemnly. “I did that.”
“Okay, but dreams aren’t memories.” I argued softly as Stiles, Scott, and I walked to an empty lunch table, our trays laden down with food. I sat down while Stiles sat on my right, with Scott across from him.
“Then it wasn’t a dream,” Scott said. “Something happened last night, and I can’t remember what.”
“What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers?” Stiles asked, bringing up the older, grumpy wolf.
“Because during the full moon he wasn’t changed. He was in total control while I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy.” Scott huffed.
“You don’t know that.” Stiles said firmly.
“I don’t not know it.” Scott countered. “I can’t go out with Allison. I have to cancel.”
My mouth opened in surprise. How could he just cancel on Allison like that? Especially when all she’s been talking about lately was Scott.
“No, you’re not cancelling, okay?” I said. “You can’t just cancel your entire life.”
Stiles nodded from beside me. “Y/N is right, Scott. We’ll figure it out.”
A tray slammed on the table in the spot next to Scott. I looked up to see Lydia standing there with a charming smile on her face.
“Figure out what?” She asked, before turning to me. “Happy Birthday, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Lydia.” I smiled begrudging at her. “And we were just talking about homework.”
“Yeah,” Stiles added breathlessly. He looked at me and whispered lowly, “Why is she sitting with us?”
I shrugged and looked up to see Allison sit in the chair across from me.
“Happy Birthday, Y/N!” She smiled sweetly at me, before handing me a chocolate chip cookie.
“Thanks, Al.” I beamed at her as Jackson walked up to the table.
“Get up.” He commanded the boy who was sitting at the head of the table.
They guy looked extremely offended. “How come you never ask Danny to get up?”
Danny, who was on the other side of Stiles, quipped, “Because I don’t stare at his girlfriend’s coin slot.”
The guy huffed loudly and got up, going to take a seat elsewhere.
“So,” Danny started casually, “I hear they’re saying it’s some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar.”
Jackson shook his head in disagreement. “I heard mountain lion.”
“A cougar is a mountain lion.” Lydia corrected him quietly. To her chagrin, we all heard her. Jackson even gave her a weird look. “Isn’t it?”
“Who cares?” Jackson said rudely. “The guy’s probably some homeless tweaker who’s gonna did anyway.”
“Actually, I just found out who it is.” Stiles said, looking at his phone. “Check it out.”
He held his phone out, so everyone could see what he was talking about.
“The Sheriff’s department won’t speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack.” The reporter on the video said. “Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition.”
“I know this guy,” Scott stuttered, taking Stiles’ phone into his hands.
“You do?” Allison asked as Stiles and I exchanged worried looks.
Scott nodded. “Yeah, when I used to take the bus back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver.”
“Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please?” Lydia drawled. “Like, oh,” She turned to Allison abruptly. “Where are we going tomorrow night? You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?”
Allison swallowed her food, glancing worriedly at Scott. “Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do.”
“Well,” said Lydia briskly. “I am not sitting home again watching lacrosse videos, so it the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun.”
“Hanging out?” Scott stammered, looking bewilderedly at a regretful Allison. “Like, the four of us? Do you wanna hang out, like us and them?”
Allison looked at me for help, and I grimaced at her. I didn’t know what to do in this situation. On one hand, Lydia was being rude by barging her way into Scott and Allison’s date. On the other hand, I’m sure she didn’t mean anything by it, and Allison would look rude if she said no.
I think Allison had the same lines of thinking, because she answered hesitantly, “Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun.”
Jackson scoffed and reached for his fork, holding it up to his face. “You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork.”
Lydia pried the fork from his hand and gasped excitedly. “How ‘bout bowling?” She asked Jackson. “You love to bowl.”
“Yeah, with actual competition.” Jackson snarked.
Allison leaned forward, a challenging look on her face. “How do you know we’re not actual competition?” She looked towards Scott, “You can bowl, right?”
“Sort of.” Scott answered, his face screwed up.
Jackson leaned forward, putting his arms on the table as he leaned into them. “Is it sort of, or yes?”
Scott scowled. “Yes.” He lied, “In fact, I’m a great bowler.”
I twisted my lips together to hold back a laugh. Scott was a horrible bowler. In fact, the last time he bowled was at my eighth birthday party. He had gone to throw the bowling ball down the lane and accidently threw the ball backwards. The damn thing landed on my foot, and I landed in the hospital on my birthday, sobbing, with Stiles trying to cheer me up and Scott apologizing to me profusely.
Stiles and I hadn’t had time to confront Scott on his colossal lie throughout the day, so when we approached him when school ended, Stiles burst out, shouting, “You’re a terrible bowler.”
We walked down the stairs to the first level of the school.
“I know!” Scott exclaimed. “I’m such an idiot.”
I reached out and patted him on the shoulder. “You’re not an idiot, Scott.”
“Thanks, Y/N.” Scott smiled down at me.
“God,” Stiles interrupted, literally squeezing in between Scott and I. “It was like watching a car wreck. I mean, first it turned into the whole group date thing. And then out of nowhere comes that phrase.”
“Hang out.” Scott and Stiles said together.
“You don’t hang out with hot girls, okay?” Stiles continued. “It’s like death. Once it’s hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out.”
I frowned at him. Why he insinuating that I was ugly? I mean, we hung out all the time, and I know he’s not gay.
“How is this happening?” Scott moaned. “I either killed a guy or I didn’t—”
“I don’t think Danny likes me very much.” Stiles pondered aloud.
“—I ask Allison on a date, and now we’re hanging out—”
“Am I not attractive to gay guys?” Stiles asked Scott and I, completely ignoring the fact that Scott was freaking out.
“—I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me,” Scott went on, “And now—now I’m gonna be late for work.”
Scott walked away from us, mumbling to himself, and leaving Stiles and I alone.
“Wait, Scott, you didn’t—am I attractive to gay guy—you didn’t answer my question.” Stiles pouted.
I gave him a confused look. “Why do you want to know if you’re attractive to gay guys?”
Stiles shrugged. “I dunno.”
We started walking out of the school towards the jeep.
“Stiles,” I started. “Are you gay?”
“What?” Stiles asked, shocked. “No! Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay, but I like girls. In fact, I love them. Why?”
“Well, you said only gay guys hang out with hot girls. We hang out all the time.” I said slowly. “So, if you’re not gay, that must mean I’m not attractive.”
Stiles stopped in his tracks and grabbed my arm, stopping me from walking any further.
“Wha—” He stopped and shook his head. “Of course, you’re attractive, Y/N. You’re one of the hottest girls in school.”
I blushed, my cheeks turning hot and pink.
“Come on,” I said, grinning like a fool. “Come look at my new jeep.”
I stared at the name written on my wrist in slanted writing. I didn’t know anyone named Mieczyslaw, but the name sounded Polish. Maybe I would meet him when on a trip overseas or something.
“Y/N, the Stilinski’s and the McCall’s are here!” Mom called from downstairs, shaking me out of my daze.
“Coming!” I called, walking over to my vanity and grabbing a chunky bracelet to put on my wrist, covering the writing for now. I would talk to my parents later, but for now, Mieczyslaw would be my little secret.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Y/N! Happy birthday to you!” My friends and family sang as my mom brought a large chocolate cake into the dining room where we were all sitting.
My cheeks flushed at their attention as I blew out all the candles in one blow. Everyone clapped loudly, cheering my name. Scott even threw in a cake cheer.
We opened presents as we ate the double chocolate cake.
Scott and Melissa got me a beautiful leather-bound journal with a elephant carved on the front. Mom and dad got me some books about potion making and a few cookbooks, as I had mentioned that I wanted to get into cooking and brewing.
But Noah and Stiles’ present was my favorite.
They presented me with a large photo album, filled to the brim with pictures of me, Stiles, and Scott, along with our families. There were even some pictures of Stiles and I in the bathtub together when we were toddlers.
“This was the best birthday.” I told them all sincerely. “Thank you so much for everything.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Now, did you get a name?” Melissa, still in her work scrubs, asked eagerly.
“I’m not sharing.” I told her, my lips quirking up a little.
Later that night, after getting interrogated about the name on my wrist by all the parents, Scott pulled Stiles and I aside, telling us that we needed to go the bus where Garrison Meyers was attacked. Apparently, Scott had went to Derek’s house to find out what happened, and Derek told him to go back to the bus and use his senses to remember.
So, after giving an excuse to the parents, we headed off to the bus garage. When we got out of the jeep, we walked up to the closed gate and Stiles put a foot in one of the links, ready to hoist himself up over the fence.
“Hey, no, just me.” Scott objected. “Someone needs to keep watch and stay with Y/N.”
I scowled at Scott, I was not defenseless.
“How come I’m always the guy keeping watch over Y/N?” Stiles whined.
“Because there’s only two of us.” Scott retorted.
“Okay, why’s it starting to feel like you’re Batman and I’m Robin?” Stiles said seriously. “I don’t want to be Robin all the time.”
“Nobody’s Batman and Robin any of the time.” Scott sighed.
“Not even some of the time?” Stiles asked in a disappointed tone.
Scott glared at him. “Just stay here.”
“Oh, my God!” Stiles yelled exasperated. “Fine. Come on, Y/N.”
He grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards the jeep, while I followed him willingly.
We sat in silence as we watched Scott scale the fence and run to the bloody bus. Stiles was unusually quiet, and I knew that it had something to do with what just transpired.
“You okay?” I asked him softly.
Stiles blew out a long breath. “I just—I just feel useless, you know? Like I’m not important.”
My heart broke as I watched his sad and disappointed face. How could he say that? Did he not know how important he was to me?
“I’ll never be the hero.” He continued. “Always the sidekick, I guess.”
“Hey,” I said strongly, capturing his attention. “Just because you don’t have powers doesn’t make you any less important than Scott.” He opened his mouth to argue, but I kept on, “No I mean it, Stiles. And who says you’re not a hero? You’re my hero. I mean, who talks with me for hours after I have a bad dream?”
Stiles said nothing.
“Who, Stiles?” I prodded, wanting an answer from him.
“Me.” He mumbled.
“Who let me drive his jeep during Driver’s Ed?”
“Me.” Stiles repeated.
“Who has to live with ADHD and constantly get good grades? Who did all the research to find out if Scott was a werewolf? You did, Stiles. You’re a damn good friend, an even better hero, and you are very important to me.” I said firmly as he watched me with an open mouth.
Finally, he smiled a little, the corners of his full lips turning up. “This is why you’re my Y/N.”
“Aw, shucks,” I waved at him.
We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, until suddenly Stiles swore, “Fuck!”
“What?” I looked at him alarmed. He didn’t answer, instead pressing on the horn two times.
I looked to see flashlights approaching the bus that Scott was currently exploring.
“Shit.” I muttered, climbing into the back seat.
“Come on—” Stiles groaned as Scott came running out of the bus. He jumped on the bed of a truck and flipped over the fence, speeding his way to the jeep.
“Come on!” Stiles shouted as Scott opened the passenger door.
“Go! Go! Go! Go!” Scott rushed out, causing Stiles to step on the gas and sending us into reverse.
“Did it work?” I asked, leaning up to put my head between the two boys. “Did you remember?”
“Yeah,” Scott nodded, breathless. “I was there last night. And the blood—a lot of it was mine.”
“So, you did attack him?” Stiles guessed, taking his eyes off the road briefly to look at Scott.
“No.” Scott answered simply. “I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren’t mine. It was Derek.”
“What about the driver?” I prodded, ignoring Scott’s theory about Derek.
“I think I was actually trying to protect him.”
“Wait,” Stiles said, clearly not over what Scott said about Derek. “Why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?”
Scott sighed and shook his head. “That’s what I don’t get.”
“It’s got to be a pack thing.”
Scott looked to Stiles, confused. “What do you mean?”
“Like an initiation. You do the kill together.” Stiles theorized.
Scott scoffed. “Because ripping someone’s throat out is a real bonding experience?”
“Yeah, but you didn’t do it, which means you’re not a killer.” I said as I patted Scott on the shoulder.
“It also means that—” Stiles started but was quickly interrupted by Scott.
“I can go out with Allison.” He sighed dreamily. I giggled under my breath. What a love-sick fool.
“I was actually gonna say it means that you won’t kill Y/N and I.” Stiles grumbled.
“Oh yeah,” Scott said in a casual voice. “That too.”
I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around, narrowing my eyes at the photo album that Noah and Stiles gave me. It had fallen off my bed as I got off of it, making a tipi-like shape on the floor.
“Y/N, hurry up,” Mom called from the hall. “We have to drop you off at the Stilinski’s!”
“Okay, mom, let me pack a bag really quick.” I told her, grabbing the photo album off the floor and setting on my bed, intending to pack it for my stay at Stiles’ house.
My parents were going on a weekend getaway. Why they had planned it my birthday week was beyond me, but they’d had it planned for months, so they couldn’t get the money back from the hotel that they were staying at.
I had offered to stay at home, but my parents overwhelmingly shot the idea down, insisting that I’d get myself in any trouble I could find. So, I was staying at the Stilinski residence until Monday.
I quickly packed some clothes in my Vera Bradley weekend bag, and shoved the photo album in there as well, fully intending on looking it over front to back tonight before I went to sleep.
The ride to Stiles’ house was quick, and the goodbyes were quicker, as my parents were eager to get on their way. Noah wasn’t home when I arrived, but Stiles was, so we ordered Chinese food from our favorite Asian place and sat down to eat.
We talked about how we thought Scott’s group date was going, and we both had not-so-positive answers. Well, mine was okay, because I knew that Allison liked Scott, but Stiles’ was more negative.
“He sucks at bowling, so I bet Jackson’s laughing his fucking ass off at him.” Stiles prophesized, eating a bite of broccoli.
“True.” I agreed, eating some chow Mein. “I bet Allison is giving him tips, though.”
“I still think Scott will royally fail, though.” Stiles laughed. “Remember when he broke your—”
“Yes, I remember.” I scowled playfully at him. “What a great memory to bring up.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Stiles chuckled. “But you have to admit it’s kind of funny now.”
“It’s a little funny.” I admitted, a smile breaking through my lips.
After dinner we watched, to Stiles’ insistence, the first two Star Wars movies, and then I told him I was heading to the guest room, intending to fall asleep.
I snuggled into the comfortable bed and pulled out my photo album, opening up to a random page. The first photo that caught my attention was Stiles and I when we were maybe three years old. Stiles had picked a dandelion and held it out to me, where I was smiling cheekily.
I slid the picture out of the sleeve and turned it over, hoping that the year was written on the back. It was, and so were our names.
Y/N and Mieczyslaw. 1999.
My hands trembled, and I let out a gasp. Stiles’ real name was Mieczyslaw? It had to be. It was on the picture in Claudia’s handwriting.
I got up out of the bed and walked to the door, deciding that I was going to go ask Stiles about this. I opened the door and wandered down the hall, walking to Stiles’ room and knocking on his door with a closed fist.
Stiles opened the door, a curious expression on his face.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” He asked.
“Your name.” I replied. “It’s Mieczyslaw?”
Color drained from his face and he stumbled back into his room, letting me follow him in. The room was a pigsty, but it was mostly clothes strewn on the ground.
“How’d you know?” Stiles asked.
“This picture.” I told him, holding up the photo so he could see the back of it.
“Fuck.” He whispered, putting his hand over his mouth.
“Do you know what name’s on my wrist, Stiles?” I asked, looking down at his carpeted floor.
“My name.” He said softly.
“And how’d you figure that out?” I wondered, not putting two and two together.
“Because your name’s on my wrist.” Stiles admitted.
I closed my eyes and shook my head, not believing that he kept this from me for close to nine months. Tears started gathering in my eyes and I made no move to wipe them away.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I cried, opening my eyes to see his guilty face.
“I-I don’t—” He stammered, but I cut him off.
“The truth, Stiles!”
“I don’t love you like that.” Stiles confessed, causing me to cry out as I absorbed his words. “Y/N, I’m sorry—”
“No, you’re not.” I sobbed. “So, what, you’re just going to wait for Lydia?”
Stiles was silent, not answering my question.
“That’s why you don’t want me?”
“Y/N, please.” Stiles begged, rushing towards me. I stepped away from him. “There are plenty of platonic soulmates.”
“I’m in love with you!” I cried out tiredly. “I’ve loved you for years and you never even noticed.”
“Oh, my God.” I gasped. Sadness wanted to drown me until I was dead, the air sinking out of my lungs. “I can’t believe this.”
“I-I don’t want to lose you, Y/N, please, can’t we work this out?” Stiles asked desperately, tears now glistening in his eyes.
I bit my lip and shook my head, storming out of his room. I entered the guest room and slammed the door, locking it before he could even try to enter.
“Y/N, come on.” Stiles groaned, knocking on the door. “I need you. Don’t do this.”
“You did this, Stiles.” I spat, glaring at the dark-grained door. “Just—just leave me alone.”
I laid down in the bed, ignoring his knocking for over an hour until it went silent and I cried myself to sleep.
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raptorginger · 6 years
Ear-sy Rider II: Reconnect chapter 1 - New Bacon-ings
for @ever-so-reylo
Not sure why I haven’t been posting this here from the beginning.  Maybe cause I was doing it on my phone and that’s hard to do?  I dunno
Anyway, here is a gift fic for Ever So Reylo, fellow Bob’s Burgers fanatic and amazing writer (but y’all already know that)
Former mortal enemies, nemeses even, Rey and Ben reconnect after Ben comes back into town.  A Bob’s Burgers/Reylo mashup
“Oh my God, Poe!  You can’t just let him in here!” Rey shouted as her sister Rose’s long time friend and sometimes romantic rival opened the front door of her family’s restaurant to let in a very round, very old raccoon.  The critter’s nails clicked across the worn linoleum floor as it scampered toward Poe’s stool at the bar and sat, waiting expectantly.  She couldn’t muster much malice in her voice, though.  She was about to close up shop and join Maz and Chewie upstairs, and the raccoon was practically a family pet at this point.  She heaved an exaggerated sigh and retrieved the little bowl Maz had set aside under the counter, the name “BB8” painted lovingly in grey and orange around the cracked porcelain vessel.  She carefully sloshed a couple of ounces of Merlot into the bowl and handed it to Poe, who set it on the floor.  The animal lapped it up greedily and used his paws to judiciously wash up when he was finished.
“He’s neater than you,” Rey teased.
Poe rolled his eyes and made a sound that sounded like air hissing out of a pipe.  He twisted his hips on his stool while he finished his beer and the rest of his fries, the once sparkly red vinyl cracking and squeaking as he spun.
Rey suppressed a groan.  They’d need to replace the seats again soon.  It had been ages since it’d been done last.  She hoped the supplier was still around.  Rey picked up a clean bar rag and and wetted it so she could start wiping down the counter.  Poe got up and let BB8 back outside, flicking the main light switch and “Open” sign off.  Only the small lights over the bar were on now, the entire restaurant cast in a soft dim light.  The sickly yellow pallor from the street lights could barely reach through the glass, and Rey could just make out the sign for Sheev’s Pizzeria (the Original!) through the fog and mist.  She rubbed the Formica counter a bit harder and started muttering under her breath.  Although Sheev Palpatine was no longer around to harass her foster dad Chewie, she felt like he’d put up that sign just to annoy him.  Palpatine had franchised his restaurant years ago and moved away from Seymour’s Bay “for his health.”  He came back every now and then to check on things and trade barbs with Chewie and Maz, but otherwise he was no longer a part of their lives, for which Rey was grateful.
She set her rag aside and began to pick at The Spot on the counter, the one no one had been able to get out since the damn thing had been installed decades ago.  She huffed into her palm.  Pick.  Pick.  Pick.
“Something on your mind, Sport?”  Poe asked as he brushed fry crumbs and ketchup from his mouth.
Rey pushed back against the counter’s edge and went to grab her own beer from the cooler.  Snapping it it open, she took a long thoughtful sip before she answered.  She’d moved back a couple of years ago to help Maz and Chewie go through old things and ended up sticking around.  As Chewie and Maz had gotten older, it was impossible to miss how they struggled to accomplish the tasks needed to keep the business going everyday.  Rey didn’t mind.  She’d always wanted to take over Takodana Cantina when she was older, but she couldn’t help feeling like something was missing.  Maybe things left unsaid or undone.  To whom or what, she had no clue.  Moving back to Seymour’s Bay had dredged up strange feelings of yearning and nostalgia that she had no idea how to deal with, so she often shoved them aside and chose to live in some strange emotional purgatory.  It worked for her.
“Arthritis is a bitch,” Rey muttered finally, taking another swig of her beer.
Poe barked a laugh, but it didn’t reach his eyes.  Rey knew Poe was going through his fair share of strange feelings too.  Well, maybe not strange.  Just, a lot.  He and Finn had broken up, again, and Finn was dating Rose now.  Again.  Rey didn’t see why the three of them couldn’t just be together, but apparently Rose couldn’t stand Poe.  Or something.  Rose always mumbled when she talked about Poe.  To be fair, Poe had a tendency to mumble about Rose, too.
Rey was pretty sure they were all in love with each other, but just couldn’t admit it due to years of childhood rivalry.  She gave Poe a sympathetic smile.  They’d figure it out.  They had to.
“Hey, you about done?  I need to lock up here,” Rey said.
Poe wiped his face with his napkin and chugged the last swig of his beer.  “Yup,” he coughed as he tugged his worn leather jacket on.  “Thanks for listening.”  
He pushed his way outside, turning up his collar at the damp, and flipped a wave goodbye.  Rey tried to plaster a smile on her face as she waved back, thankful when Poe stepped out of view.  Her face fell back into its familiar morose expression as she continued to sip her beer and wipe down the counter and tables.  Overall, she enjoyed this time of day, closing time.  The air was still and mostly quiet, the only sounds the groaning of the large refrigerator in the kitchen and the pipes in the crawl space.  She could hear the hum from Biggs’ furnace next door, and tried not to think too hard about why it was on and instead focused on the soothing white noise.
Absentmindedly, perhaps to cover up the sound of the furnace, she started to whistle the theme song from her favorite Hawk & Chick movie, Hawk & Chick versus Seaweed Monster, a genuine smile creeping up on her.  She remembered when she and Chewie had to improvise the dubbing on stage during an impromptu film festival.  Rey laughed to herself and decided she’d pop it in the VCR when she got back upstairs.  Maybe make some popcorn.  Rey stopped wiping the table she was cleaning and took a step back, holding her arms around her middle.  She wrapped the nostalgic feeling around her like a blanket, allowing herself to bask in the warmth of her memories for just a moment.
Rey finished the rest of her cleaning quickly and switched off the bar lights.
“Good night, Restaurant,” she murmured to the dark interior as she pushed open the door.  The night air was thick with mist and fog, the smell of sea salt strong in her nose.  She could hear the rush of a car here and there a couple of streets away from Ocean Avenue and the sounds of the late night revellers at Wonder Wharf as she turned the key in the stubborn lock and headed for the apartment door.  Her hand hovered over the handle for a moment, the mist in the air clinging to her skin.  Distinctive laughter cut through the night air like a knife, shrill and biting.  Hux and Phasma.  Rey groaned inwardly.  They had always been more of Rose’s problem than hers, but that didn’t mean they ignored each other.  Unfortunately.  
Rey tried to hurry and unlock the front door when Hux’s simultaneously deep and whining voice called out to her, “Hey, Rey!”  He and Phasma snickered at the rhyme.
Rey rolled her eyes and plastered on her fake smile and turned around to see the pale red headed man and the fabulously tall platinum blonde behind her, inseparable as always with knowing smiles on their faces.  Rey didn’t like that look.  It meant they knew something she didn’t and were about to burst a bubble she didn’t even know she had.  “Hey, guys!” Rey replied as cheerfully as she could.  “What’s up?”
Hux and Phasma shared a look between each other before Hux spoke in a mock conspiratorial tone, “Did you hear who’s coming back to town?”
“No, I didn’t.  Tourists?” Rey replied in a wry tone, dropping her fake smile.
“Don’t be thick,” Phasma said, rolling her eyes and snapping her gum.  
Rey turned fully around and crossed her arms defensively.  “Look, I just want to go upstairs and relax.  Why don’t you just say what you came here to say and go to The Desire Dungeon, or whatever the hell it’s called, thinking you pissed me off, and we can all have a pleasant evening, okay?”
“Geez, don’t get so defensive,” Hux said in his weird nasally voice.  “We just thought, as friends…,”
Rey gave Hux a speaking glance.
“As acquaintances, we should tell you that Doctor Ben Solo will be back in town.  You guys knew each other right?”
Rey felt the color drain from her face.  Oh, she knew Ben Solo.  Practically everyone in town knew she knew Ben Solo.  Her nemesis as a child, her torment as a teenager, a fleeting dream as an adult.  And, if she was honest with herself, probably the reason she felt so weird about being back in town.  Hux and Phasma smiled in an infuriatingly superior way.  She rammed her keys back in her jacket pocket and shoved between them.
“Fuck you, Hux,” she snarled as she strode down the sidewalk, heading she knew not where but trusting her feet to get her there safely.  Hux and Phasma headed in the opposite direction, cackling wickedly.
Rey stalked quickly down the sidewalk, head down and hands fisted in her jeans pockets.  She slowed when she eventually turned off Ocean Avenue, her pace becoming more shuffling.  Pebbles and stones bounced against the rubber heel of her black Converse as she kicked them half heartedly, only to encounter them again after a few feet.  It was darker here, quieter, colder.  The sounds of the rocks clattering along the pavement seemed to echo all around her as Rey came to a stop.  She was at The Steps.  The stone steps where she’d first met Ben when she was nine years old.  He’d been a teenager then, and a bully.  He’d taken her hat, a silly pink thing with rabbit ears, probably her most cherished possession at the time.  She’d gone...a bit overboard in her response perhaps.  But, if a nine year old has access to the leader of an outlaw biker gang, it’s only natural she’d call him up to help deal with a bully.  Yeah, just a little overboard in hindsight.
Rey sat down on the steps and stared at the tops of her shoes, hands limp between her knees.  He’d tormented her all through her childhood with pranks and, just, his general existence.  It was easy for a nine year old Rey to make him into her nemesis, and her into his.  What sixteen year old wants to lose face to a nine year old?  He’d tormented her in a much different way when she reached her teens and he started college, although he seemed to have forgotten her completely by then.  That hurt worse than the childhood teasing and jokes to a scrawny high school girl with a crush on a college boy.  She thanked whatever God was out there for Rose, who had helped her get her feelings out on paper, and for Dopheld who insisted she practice all of the ridiculous dance routines he made up on the fly so he could “visualize his art.”  It helped her forget.  She still thought about Ben sometimes, especially now that she’d moved back and saw reminders of their shared past everywhere she went.  She wondered how college had gone for him.  His parents had pushed him into a very prestigious university, and he’d gone on to medical school.  She wondered if it had been what he wanted.  He was a doctor now, as Hux had so kindly pointed out, so he must have been okay with it.  
She was grateful Maz and Chewie had never been that way.  Then again, they’d always struggled to keep their heads above water, so maybe that was just a result of their focus needing to be on the family’s survival rather than their futures.  Things seemed to have turned out well enough, however.  Dopheld was a choreographer in New York and Rose was a fairly successful author.  And Rey had more or less taken over the restaurant, which had now seen a fair share of success thanks to Millennials who tended to shun chains and franchises in favor of local places like hers.
Rey heaved a loud rumbling sigh and chastised herself for feeling so maudlin.  Why did she let him occupy her thoughts at all?  There was no way she occupied his.  He’d probably stopped thinking about her the second he became a high school senior.  A junior even.  Chewie would say something about how she was letting him live in her head rent free, or some other weird parent bullshit that sounded helpful but ultimately wasn’t.
Why had she even stopped here?  Damn subconscious.  Rey pushed on her knees and stood up, straightening her My Chemical Romance t-shirt back over her hips.  She turned to head toward Wonder Wharf, thinking she might ride the Ferris Wheel or the Scream-i-cane when a voice called out to her from behind, stopping her dead in her tracks, soft and low and deep, like caramelized sugar.
“The only thing missing is your ears,” Ben Solo murmured.  “I’m sure I gave those back to you when we were kids.”
Rey blinked at him, completely overcome with something.  Something fragile and precious that left her awash in warmth and pain and softness.  It was too much, too many conflicting things and she hated it.  And he stood there, appearing completely unaffected and looking better than anyone had a right to look.  Rey knew she had grown since she was nine, and he still towered over her as he always had, but he was broader now, the perfect tailoring of his jeans and his well fitted black jacket making him appear even more so.  His hair was still thick and dark, his mouth teasing and expressive.  He looked expensive, like something in a store she’d been told not to touch in case she broke it.  Like something so out of her sphere of existence it was a surprise they’d crossed paths at all.
And yet, he’d remembered her ears.  Rey fingered the hem of her oversized jacket.  She’d dressed much the same in high school.  Jeans and band t-shirts and Converse.  And her ears.  He’d remembered her ears.  
He’d remembered her ears.
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aerialsquid · 6 years
Title: The Men Upstairs Fandom: The LEGO Movie, The LEGO Batman Movie Pairings: Batman/Joker (…sort of), The Man Upstairs/OC Characters: Finn, The Man Upstairs, Batman, Joker, Original Male Character Tags: Meta Fic, Dating, Legos, Metafiction, Symbolism, Parenting, Fatherhood, Businessman Description: Borrowing from the meta reveal at the end of The LEGO Movie, where we find the plot to be a metaphor for a child playing with his father’s Lego sets, this offers a ship-ish look at the meta subtext behind The LEGO Batman Movie. Closet nerd Jack goes on a lukewarm date with a closet LEGO collector, and finds a Batman in dire need of a Robin…and maybe a Joker too.
"-so the main goal is increasing our audience base by 40%. Which let me tell you, is hard when we've got a 30% churn rate, but our senior initiatives team is expanding the database capabilities to-"
Jack made eye contact with the overexpensive coffee maker on the other side of Hank’s overexpensive kitchen. This was he didn't date people in the business. Why in the heck had he decided he should go on a date with someone in the business? Especially one who was just some stranger he’d met on a dating app?
Oh, right. Because he was an idiot who had a hard time saying no.
“Yeah, audience segmentation’s tricky,” Jack said with as much passion as he could manage, which was the same amount of passion he raised for an extra ketchup packet at McDonalds.
“Exactly!” said his date, raising his glass of wine emphatically. “Especially when the sales demographics are changing so fast.”
Jack’s plan had been to get to the bar, have two drinks, and if the guy wasn’t done being dull by two drinks Jack would find an excuse to go wash his hair. Unfortunately, when they got to the bar a sign in the window indicated it was closed due to “Personal Issues, Don’t Ask, But It’s All Her Fault”. Jack’s date had mentioned that his own house was right up the road, and his kids were at tutoring. They could still enjoy a few glasses of fancy nineteen-whatever French wine, and they wouldn’t have to worry about overpaying for imported cheese and French bread.
And Jack was an idiot who had a hard time saying no.
Jack was considering discretely texting his BFF an SOS for GTFO support when the door opened. A kid with a frizzy, curly mop of hair and a solemn expression usually reserved for priests conducting funerals entered, one hand tugging along a younger girl and the other holding a tiny bag of bulky toys.
Hank snapped around, wine sloshing out onto the cheese platter as Jack leaned out of splatter range. “Finn? What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be with Susan!”
Finn looked up at his father with a dulled expression. “She didn’t show up.” The kid sounded as if this sort of thing was business as usual – being left behind, left out, ignored, forgotten. The younger girl took the bag of toys from his hand and wandered off into the depths of the house with it clutched tightly to her chest.
Hank rose to his feet, nearly snapping the stem of the wineglass in his hand. “And how did you get home?”
“Bus? You went on the bus alone? The school just let you get on the bus alone?” Hank’s voice was rising in pitch with each sentence, heading towards a shriek. It didn’t seem to make a dent in Finn’s dulled demeanor.
“Yeah.” He gave an idle shrug.
“Oh, I am going to murder them!” Jack’s date stormed upstairs, likely to get his phone, leaving Jack forgotten next to the fancy cheese.
Jack and the kid stared at each other.
“You’re…Finn, right?”
“Mhm. He’s pretty mad,” the kid noted. He grabbed a slice of cheese with cracker and stuffed it into his mouth. “Who are you?”
“Jack. I’m a friend of your dad. We were…talking.”
“About business?”
Jack opened his mouth for a yes. Then he looked the kid in the eye as Finn stuffed grapes into his mouth, and considered the sad way that the word ‘business’ had tumbled out of his mouth. Hank had barely talked about his family life but Jack knew enough about Hank’s job to practically do it himself.
“Honestly, I hate business,” he said instead. Jack leaned over, elbows resting on his knees. “What do you like, Finn?”
Finn shrugged. “Stuff. TV shows." When it was clear Jack wasn’t going to move on to another topic, he mumbled, “Legos.”
“Oh. Cool. I love Legos.”
The sound of a very angry middle class white man tumbled back down the stairs. Hank’s exact words were muffled but the intent and emotion behind them was fairly clear.  Jack winced.
“I think your dad’s gonna be busy for a while.”
“Do you think I should leave?”
“I dunno.”
Jack sucked his teeth and considered the matter. Something about the kid just made him ache. It was that look in his eyes, like this was inevitable. A kid shouldn’t feel like he was an extra load.
Jack knew that much from experience.
“Hey, Finn? You want to show me your Legos?”
“Wwwwwwow. When you said Legos, I didn’t think you meant you were running an entire Lego store out of your basement.”
“Dad collects them,” Finn said. “And builds them. He’s got all the sets. He likes to build the sets.”
Jack’s jaw hung open as he wandered the basement, staring at models of Isengard and the Sears Tower that were almost as tall as he was. The figures could have been shop models for how perfectly they were built, each Stormtrooper storming the plains of Hoth and pirate swinging across the ratlines of the Black Pearl in perfect position. “Your dad collects enough Legos to build a literal house and he had me talking about demographic segmentation?” That asshole.
Jack followed Finn around as Finn named off the sets in regimented order. The constructs were built box-picture-perfect but each had some endearing little quirk to it. Firefighters were trying to get a kitten down from the Eiffel Tower. Gremlins had invaded Hogwarts and built a crude airplane on the parapets so they could sit on its wings.
“He used to keep them to himself, but now we play together sometimes. When he’s not doing business.” Finn said the word business like it was a slur, which was something Jack could get behind.
“I love it. This is amazing. Oh my god, is that a Batman set? That’s huge!”
“That’s Arkham Asylum. It’s from a set. This is Wayne Manor, I built this one, and the Batcave one.”  Finn pointed to an immense house construct.  It was furnished with at least two dozen rooms, each with small chairs and tables or cute little plastic toilets. On the shelf below it was what was indeed the Batcave, full of at least a dozen Bat-appended vehicles.
“Have I mentioned I’m a huge Batman fan? Huge.” First crush huge, but he wasn’t going to say that in front of the nine-year-old.
“Really?” Finn gave Jack a once-over. Jack realized what an absolute square he must look like, wearing his finest business casual and looking as professionally average as possible. It made him regret everything he was doing with his life.
“You want my cred? I got cred.” Jack whipped his phone out and swiped through Facebook, back through the carefully curated archive of incredibly dull, employer-safe vacation and brunch imagery. He stopped on a specific photo and held it up, gloating.
“This was me last year at Halloween.” he said, pointing to the central figure in a generic ‘badly lit people at table in bar with beers and arms around each other but not in a sexy way’ shot. “Check out what I’m wearing.”
Finn leaned in to look at the picture, then giggled. “You have Batman pajamas?” he squeaked, one hand over his mouth.
“Batman pajamas with cowl.” More of a onesie, really. There’d been a sale at ThinkGeek.
The first real smile Jack had seen on Finn for more than a few moments began to creep to the surface. Upstairs he could still hear the faintest of yelling—if Hank was the kind of guy Jack thought he was, he’d be there a while and ask to speak to at least two managers. Jack’s eyes roamed the table until he found the airport set (with a little TSA and metal detector, wtf).
“So now I’m going to need you to show me your Batman cred. Trivia time. What if, uh….so what if there was a plane coming into Gotham city that was full of bombs, and explosives.” He leaned over to the ‘Old West Gold Mine’ set and grabbed a pile of TNT. Finn looked mildly concerned as Jack distributed the explosives around the plane like salt on pasta.
“Aaaaand it got taken over by ninjas!” Jack ran to the Samurai set and plucked up fistfuls of ninjas. Finn’s expression went from concerned to alarmed.
“You’re mixing up the sets…”
“It’s fine, I’ll put them back later.” Jack was on a roll now. He grinned eagerly, distributing the ninjas on top of the plane and walking a few of them inside. He looked over his shoulder and eyed Arkham Asylum. “They’re toys, right? What’s the point if we’re not playing with them?”
Damnit, he was going to entertain this small child if it killed him.
“—and I always come to work with a smile!!!!”
Jack grinned wide, wiggling the tiny Joker menacingly between his fingers. The little pilot cap balanced on the molded hair fell off and he quickly balanced it back on top of one tiny green spike.
Finn was silent, staring at him from the other side of the table. The little pilot figure that Jack had forced into his hand hung loose between his fingers. Jack could feel his pulse pounding in his throat. “You should be terrified,” he prompted.
Finn offered another of the apathetic shrugs that were starting to be cheese graters on Jack’s soul. “Why?”
Jack pitched his voice high again. “Because! I will be taking over the city!” he made the little Joker dance back and forth.”
“Hmmm.” Finn’s eyes roamed around the model city as he let out a noise of unclear emotion response.
“What? I mean it!” The high pitch in his voice grew higher and just a shred more desperate. He felt like someone trying frantically to start their car by turning the key again and again, each roar of the engine even more subdued and upsetting.
The moment of ‘hmmmmmmmm ‘ stretched out again, until finally Finn looked up, humor dancing in his eyes, “Batman will stop you.”
Jack blew a gleeful raspberry. “Pffft!”
“He always stops you.” Finn insisted.
“No, he doesn’t!”
“Yes, he does.”
“No he doesn’t!”
“Like that time with the two boats?
“Your dad let you watch—I mean, this is better than the two boats!” Finn was still looking up in skepticism. Jack wracked his brain, trying to yank in what little shreds of his improv classes hadn’t been violently repressed by his mind. “Tonight is going to be different! Tonight is my greatest plan yet! And trust me, Batman’s never gonna see it coming.”
“Like that time with the parade and the Prince music?”
“Hey, quiet! Your city is under attack by Gotham’s greatest criminal masterminds! Including...”
Jack scrambled for the Arkham Asylum set, ripping tiny plastic figures off their pedestals and out of their cells.
“Riddler! Scarecrow! Bane!” He snapped the characters down to the table one by one, their arms upraised in defiance of the law and common decency. “Two-Face! Catwoman! And let's not forget Clayface! Poison Ivy! Mr. Freeze! Penguin!”
Jack dove into the plastic bin of spare minifigures and started yanking out random bodies, slapping capes and hats onto scowling figures and setting them down on the table one by one.
“Crazy Quilt! Eraser! Mime! Tarantula! King Tut! Orca! Killer Moth! March Hare! Zodiac Master! Gentleman Ghost! Clock King! Calendar Man! Kite Man! Catman! Zebra-man! Annnnnnd the Condiment King!”
He paused, panting as he set the last little caped figure on the platform, tapping a tiny red bottle into its hand. A row of hastily cobbled second-stringers stretched out down the length of the table, all glaring menacingly towards the perfectly constructed cityscape.
Finn raised an eyebrow at him. “… Okay, are you making some of these up?
“Nope, they’re all real!” Jack winked. “Probably worth a Google.”
Hank came down the stairs just as Batman was delivering t-shirts to the orphanage, and stayed silent until the Batmobile slid elegantly into the Wayne Manor and Batcave sets.
“What are you doing?”
Both Finn and Hank froze, their expressions of childish guilt almost identical.
“We’ll put it back, Dad,” Finn mumbled.
“We just saved Gotham City anyway, so I think this episode’s wrapped up.” Jack sat back on his knees, disconnecting the Joker from his little balloon harness. Finn was already collecting up the ninjas and running away to quickly put them back into position.
“Well. I’m glad you have that handled,” said Hank, his expression carefully free of every emotion, including that of apathy, which on reflection was kinda impressive.
Jack rolled the airplane back to its landing pad next to its little government-empowered metal-detecting autocrats.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this? Heck, why isn’t this the first thing in your dating profile?”
“Some people think toy collecting’s a little childish.”
“Some people can suck my Loot Box Exclusive Batarang Multi-tool. Seriously. This is great.” He began stripping the plane of tiny bombs.
“Hey, Hank? Why don’t you have a Dick?”
Jack’s date stopped, jaw working as he tried to muster up a reply. Jack’s penny dropped and he rushed in with “A Dick Grayson! A Robin! Red shirt, yellow cape, green tights. Sorry. Finn says you have about fifteen different Batmans but there’s no Robins.”
Hank blinked. “Oh. I think the dog ate it. I haven’t replaced it, I haven’t been into the media tie-in sets for a while.”
“You should get one. Actually, I will buy you one if I have to.”
“Uh. Why?”
“Batman’s got all this crap but he hasn’t got a family. I had to dig the Alfred out of the back of the Wayne Manor set. Batman needs people to back him up, always has. And Robin’s his son. I mean he’s adopted, or at least the Dick Grayson one’s adopted, and they’ve got this really tight bond, and I feel like Finn would really relate to that.”
“You sure you’re not getting a little too into this?”
“It’s not me who’s getting into it. I mean, not just me.” Jack looked over his shoulder at Finn, who was cleaning up the discarded piles of Batvillains and neatly placing them back into Arkham. “It’s him. Kids work out stuff through play, and his idea of a strong person isn’t one that needs to deal with sidekicks. His Batman doesn’t need a family, and he definitely doesn’t do ships.”
“Relationships. Connections. He’s not even that into the Joker and lemme tell you, every good Batman has some twisted fixation on Joker. This the kind of Batman you get in the Nolan movies where he’s emotionally stunted, not the kind that winds up opening up to people like in some of the better comics. I’m not sure that’s…”
Jack abruptly stopped the word fountain flowing from his mouth, biting down hard on his thin lip to keep the words inside. His gaze fell away as the weight of adulthood abruptly fell down on his shoulders. Here he was, a grown man with a professional job, messing around in some other guy’s basement with his Lego models like he was one of Finn’s colleagues here for pretend play and video games after elementary school, talking his head off about the significance of superheroes having sidekicks.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “I’m a huge dork.”
“No. It’s, um.” Hank peeked over Jack’s shoulder. “Hey, Finn? We’ll clean this up, why don’t you go start your homework?”
“Okay, Dad.”
Hank lowered his voice once Finn had scrambled up the stairs. “It’s hard to get him out of his shell with other people,” he whispered. “He’s up in his head so much of the time, and he’s so shy with other kids. I’ve never seen him just click with someone like that. I’ve been trying to play with him more but I can never seem to get it right.” He reached over and readjusted the angle of the airplane, almost looking guilty for needing to do so. “I don’t think I’m on his level. I spend so much time around people hyperfocused on the profit line that I forget how to be a kid.”
“You’re saying I’m immature?”
Hank smiled. He reached out to take the Joker from Jack’s hand, and his fingers lingered a few moments longer than necessary against Jack’s skin. “I’m saying that’s not the worst thing in the world for me right now.”
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scrapyardboyfriends · 7 years
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22 June 2017
[The Cafe (The New Mill) with Robert, Aaron, Victoria and Rebecca]
VICTORIA: Hey, I’m wearing butterflies today in an effort to get the fans to like me again because I know how much they liked your butterfly blanket. (Fandom: You’re going to have to do more than that Vic) Also...Look, I care about other people besides your unborn child. Harriet’s still in a coma as a result of your latest failed plan that I know nothing about.
AARON: I’m sure she’ll pull through. The Sun hasn’t announced that she is leaving yet.
VICTORIA: How did she even end up being involved in your scheme?
ROBERT: Look, Emma got involved with the Plot, okay! It’s not our fault. And my plan did not fail, it actually worked brilliantly. I just didn’t know there were actual drug dealers involved. So get off my back.
*Rebecca Enters* (Fandom: Sigh…)
ROBERT: *Oh god, not the Plot Face* I’m busy...doing literally anything else, but mostly enjoying a nice meal with my #BeautifulHusband and my sister who for once has other words coming out of her mouth other than ‘Baby’. I mean, we could have been having this meal in our brand new kitchen on that brand new set they built for us, but unfortunately we had to have it here because there’s no way I’m just letting you stroll into my new house ever again, so the cafe it is. But I’m really not ready for this Plot Point yet so, don’t ruin it yeah?
REBECCA: Sorry, due to the other Plot I’m tangentially involved in, I now really care about paternity. Also, The Plot gave me a heads up that Aaron is pushing you to talk to me. So, here I am, ready to talk about our baby’s future!
AARON: *I still hate this fucking Plot even if I’m trying to be there for my husband Face*
ROBERT: Wait...didn’t you want to do this on your own, on your own terms and all that? I thought everyone was content to leave me out of it. This Plot Baby’s not even born yet and it’s already taking over all of my screen time.
VICTORIA: Robert! BABY! - yep, I’m back to that again -
REBECCA: It’s no use Vic, your secret plan to get him to care by me suddenly doing a 180 on how I feel about his involvement didn’t work. Sorry. I’m just going to take my literal hat and go. - seriously, why am I just carrying this thing around if I’m not going to wear it? -
VICTORIA: Why don’t you care about the BABY?!
ROBERT: *Eye Roll*
AARON: No, she’s right Robert, we talked about this. I’m putting aside my own feelings to be supportive for you, so...get to it….oh fine...BABY! Happy Vic?
ROBERT: *Eye Roll* *Oh great now it’s both of them Face* Fine...if it will get both of you off my back for a bit, next time Plot contrivances put us in the same room, I’ll talk to her.
VICTORIA: *Well it’s a start Face*
AARON: *I know this genre doesn’t do time jumps but can we please do one so we can all move on Face*
[Main Street with Robert, Aaron and Finn]
*Robert and Aaron walk down the street together* (Fandom: Hold hands, you’re married!!!)
FINN: Have you seen Ross?
*Robert and Aaron keep walking* (Fandom: No really, why aren’t you holding hands?)
FINN: Stop ignoring me! I really need to ask you a question! Uhhh…..Cain! That’ll do it!
AARON: Cain? Now suddenly I care.
ROBERT: Aaron, I still don’t care. Let’s just go back to that set no one will ever see again...get some non Plot time for ourselves before our next scheduled visit to the cafe.
FINN: But he heard me talking about the drugs because I was an idiot and was talking out loud to a coma patient...yes, I know this isn’t the first time. Anyway, now Ross has vanished and I’m a tiny bit worried that maybe he’s learning a little bit more about how our dad died without any of us realizing it because that Plot is still dragging on.
ROBERT: Look, I already got scolded by my husband for going too far with that, so I’d just prefer to stay out of it from now on. Was that better Aaron?
FINN: Well, then you shouldn’t have stolen our stolen drugs in the first place then! Look if Cain’s involved, I’m hardly going to be able to do anything about it.
AARON: *Ugh why are we involved in any of these stupid Plots Face* Why do you keep going on about Cain? I don’t even understand how he got mixed up in this Plot?
FINN: I don’t know. There’s clearly something we’re all missing. But that’s par for the course. #LetTheTheoryLive
ROBERT: Come on Aaron, please, can we go back. We’re running out of non Plot time. I really just want to cuddle on the sofa at the Mill with you for a while. Maybe we can even make a reference to it at some point later down the line that we like to cuddle on the sofa and then the Fandom can be upset that they’ve never seen it.
AARON: Sorry Finn, I’m sick of all of these Plots and I really do want some non Plot time with my #AlmostQuiteFitHusband But if I hear anything, I’ll let you know.
[The Cafe (where else) with Victoria, Rebecca, Robert and Aaron]
VICTORIA: *Carrying Milk* - I’m sure this could mean something….- Sorry Robert isn’t as obsessed with the BABY as I am.
REBECCA: That’s hardly your fault. It must have been like whiplash for him, me all of a sudden wanting him to be involved. I know it is for me, my mind constantly changing all the time.
VICTORIA: I did tell him he needed to start caring. Are you okay? - at least I’m mostly speaking in my normal voice today -
REBECCA: This other Plot I’m involved in with Chrissie has really made me reconsider everything. It’s why this Plot sent me to talk to Robert. She’s so single mindedly focused on finding out about her birth father even though my dad is making it near impossible because he can’t figure out how to stop lying ALL THE TIME. It’s really messed her up, not knowing who her real dad is.
VICTORIA: And you don’t want that for the BABY? (Tinfoil Hat Fandom: Stop saying things like this! #LetTheTheoryLive)
REBECCA: I’m not going to force him into anything. I’ll leave that up to you. But I’m sure everyone, including my “BFF Aaron”, would be happy if he was just honest about how he feels about the Plot Baby already. I’m tired of seeing his Conflicted Face all the time.
*Door opens and Robert and Aaron walk in*
VICTORIA: Well that was impeccable timing. Robert, I trust you’re ready to talk about the BABY now if I leave you to it?
ROBERT: *Oh here we go Face*
*Victoria and Aaron awkwardly stand by the counter trying to remember that they used to be friends* (Me: Doesn’t that milk need to be refrigerated?)
REBECCA: Look Robert. I only came back because the Plot made me. I’m not trying to ruin your life with my Plot Baby. I promise!
ROBERT: Sure...So...let’s get this over with. We’re certainly not the A Plot in this episode, so we don’t have a lot of time to go in depth here.
REBECCA: We need to work out what to say to Plot Baby when it asks about its father. #LetTheTheoryLive #GetADNATest
ROBERT: Uhhh...we’re a few years away from that. Who knows if any of us will still be around. (Fandom: YOU’RE NEVER ALLOWED TO LEAVE!!!)
REBECCA: I want to put you on the birth certificate, make it official…
ROBERT: *Why didn’t I ask for a DNA test Face*
*Up at the counter*
VICTORIA: I’m going to use my normal voice and talk to you like we’re friends Aaron even though I’ve totally ignored how you feel about all of this. But look! They’re not throwing things at each other.
AARON: Yet. He’ll be alright though. The Plot wants him to care about this Baby so he probably will at some point.
VICTORIA: I hope so. Well...I should really put this milk in the refrigerator so it doesn’t go bad. Tell me all about his progress on the BABY front later.
AARON: Yep, that’s my sole purpose in life. *Smiles like we’re still good friends and you haven’t totally replaced me for Plot purposes with the woman who’s still potentially ruining my marriage*
*Back to Rebecca and Robert*
REBECCA: I know what lies can do to people (Tinfoil Hat Fandom: Seriously?!) I want my baby to know where they came from. (Tinfoil Hat Fandom: Stop it! But no, don’t stop! #LetTheTheoryLive) Even if it is less than ideal #UnderstatementOfTheCentury
ROBERT: Sounds like you really don’t need me in this Plot at all? Congrats on finally making a decision yourself.
REBECCA: But no wait, I need you to validated it.
ROBERT: Do what you like. I need to get back to my #BeautifulHusband
REBECCA: *Rapid Blinking* *Even I hate this Plot Face*
*On different sofas with Robert and Aaron*
AARON: So...how’s the Plot?
ROBERT: Sucks, like usual, but it’s fine, I guess.
AARON: Remember that time in my vows where I said I was going to be the best husband I could be and then I bought that world’s greatest husband mug, totally for myself, well I’m going to be proving those things right again. If you actually want to be a part of the Plot Baby’s life, I’m going to try really hard to be cool with it because I want to support you. You just need to let me know. I know, honesty isn’t your strong suit, but you have been getting a bit better with that lately.
ROBERT: *Heart Eyes* *Probably puts hand on Aaron’s thigh* (Fandom: What the hell, Cameraman?! Surely that was important!!!) Nothing’s changed, Aaron. I still want nothing to do with this godforsaken Plot.
AARON: *I’m nodding but I don’t believe a word you’re saying because eventually the Plot will make you care about this Plot Baby Face* but *Heart Eyes because I know you think you’re doing this for me*
ROBERT: *Looks at Rebecca* *I fucking hate this Plot Face*
[The Woolpack with Robert and Ross]
ROSS: Charity’s working so...we could be a while…
ROBERT: You’re not wrong there. Heard anything about the latest unintended consequence of one of my revenge schemes? - even if this one totally is not my fault -
ROSS: Yeah...Harriet will be fine. I’m sure since she’s been briefed on our Plot with Rebecca and has given you a lecture, that she’d be happy to hear from you once she gets out of hospital.
ROBERT: You look like you should have gone to A&E yourself. Cain?
ROSS: Yep. I’m okay though...thanks for asking. - I think that was supposed to be sarcastic but I’m off my game a bit today -
ROBERT: Could have been a lot worse...trust me, I’ve been there.
ROSS: Relieved you’re not getting blamed for this?
ROBERT: Yeah, but i guess none of us come out well on this one. I’ve already gotten the lecture from the husband on that one. At least this Plot Point is over now.
ROSS: Hardly! We could still go to prison, have Cain or those pesky drug dealers after us, oh, and we still have no money for anything and no business to help earn more! Thanks for that. #LetTheTheoryLive
ROBERT: *Yeah...sorry about that but the Plot wants what it wants Face* - I should know. Is Charity still not back yet? Aaron and I ran out of booze in our giant alcohol fridge. We need reinforcements for our non Plot time and the Plot made me come here instead of the Shop -
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laurlovescookies · 7 years
Glee Kadam Fic: It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Kadam Week Prompt II
Kurt sings while he repairs a car, unaware that Adam is watching him. The song referenced in this fic is “Hallelujah” by Jeff Buckley.
“You’re an angel, saint, and a bag of chips, Kurt.”
Smiling broadly, Kurt waved him off as he set his toolbox down on the curb.
“Not a problem, Silo. It’s not like the Apples don’t make you drive everyone’s props and costumes over time and creation.”
“Damn straight.”
“Damn not-straight.” The two young men chuckled. Kurt looked under the popped hood and hummed thoughtfully.
“I still think this will be an easy enough fix. But I’m glad you waited to visit a mechanic here in the city— they’d charge you three times the amount my dad would. And what’s worse is that more likely than not they wouldn’t even do a great job—enough to get you going, but poorly enough to have you crawling back.”
“That’s evil,” Silo said wonderingly, giving the engine a baffled look.  
“That’s business,” Kurt said briskly, rolling up his sleeves. “If you give me…maybe a little over or under an hour, I can have it fixed.”
“How much do I owe you?”
“What? No,” Silo protested immediately, looking panicked. “Kurt, it’s a car repair. I have to pay you a little.”
“You’re a broke-ass art student,” Kurt chided, though his eyes were glinting with gentle amusement. “Whom we more or less force to carry all of our crap around at all these events like a packhorse. I won’t charge you.”
When Silo hesitated again, Kurt asked, “Buuuut if you want to pay me back, would you mind covering for Adam and lead the next AA meeting?”
“Hello everyone. I’m Silo,” said Silo in a deadpan tone.
“Hi Silo.”
They both burst out laughing and Adam couldn’t help but smile ruefully himself from where he watched several feet away. The initials for Adam’s Apples were admittedly a little unfortunate.
Kurt wiped his eyes. “He’s got finals soon and judging by how hard he’s been working, seems to be attempting suicide by-proxy. If you could lead a meeting or two, I can’t tell you how much I’d appreciate it.”
Silo grinned and gave him a thumbs-up, looking profoundly relieved. “Of course. I was going to offer anyway since I just finished for the semester.” His smile broadened and he briefly looked away, cheeks pinking just a bit. “Tori told me how you brought back her baby Michelle back from the dead. I don’t know if you can save Perry—“
“I promise you Perry is in good hands. By the way, is Perry a boy or girl car?”
“Oh, definitely a boy. I only ever ride men.” Silo started chuckling when Kurt looked away, visibly blushing. Shaking his head, Silo said wonderingly, “Geez, Adam is lucky to have you. He found himself a man whom can service a car and belt a high e. Any chance you have a brother?”
Adam winced a bit at that, nearly dropping two coffees. Kurt did not turn, so he could not guess the younger’s man’s expression.
“Thanks Si. Did you need to be going?”
Silo immediately checked his watch and started.
“Crap, my shift starts in ten. If there’s any problem—“
“There won’t be—“
“—just call and let me know. And bring over Adam tonight before closing; I’m happy to give you guys cheap food and booze under the bar.”
Adam thought he could hear Kurt smile faintly. “Sounds good to me. Have a good shift.”
Silo waved as he raced off around the corner. Kurt watched him go, and then got to work over the beloved rustbucket the apples teasingly referred to as the apple automobile. Adam watched him for a few long moments, knowing he was being stupid and yet thoroughly enjoying watching Kurt in an element that seemed every bit as natural to him as Apple rehearsal. He remained quiet, not wanting to make his boyfriend self-conscious.
It wasn’t long before Kurt started singing (it never was) as he worked, voice and his hands exceedingly gentle. Adam continued watching him, brow furrowing as he recognized the tune, which was un-Kurtlike to a near extreme:
“Well I heard there was a secret chord That David played and it pleased the Lord But you don't really care for music, do you? Well it goes like this: the fourth, the fifth The minor fall and the major lift The baffled king composing Hallelujah….”
Kurt scrubbed at his eyes with his upper forearm. Were the car fumes stinging him? His voice dropped softly as he sang the refrain.
“Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.”
Several long moments passed as Kurt continued singing. And to Adam’s surprise Kurt’s voice was reaching a painfully soft, piercing register he’d only ever heard his boyfriend reach a few times before—such as his debut at the NYADA winter showcase. Adam’s throat tightened, mouth drying as it had that night, when Kurt threw his heart at the audience’s feet.
“Baby I've been here before I've seen this room and I've walked this floor I used to live alone before I knew you And I've seen your flag on the marble arch And love is not a victory march It's a cold and it's a broken Hallel—“
Kurt’s normally strong voice abruptly cut off. His back stiffened, and he stooped over the engine, immobile for a long moment.
“Hallelujah.” Now his voice was thick with tears, and the beautiful word sounded as torn as if it were cutting the beautiful boy’s throat on its way out: “Hallelujah. Hallelujah.”
Adam hastily set the coffees on the curb and hurried to Kurt’s side, arms closing around his waist just as Kurt let out the last, near-inaudible “Hallelujah.” He jolted violently at Adam’s touch and hastily stepped away, entire body radiating tension. Adam’s heart ached when he remembered Kurt telling him about people whom flung him into lockers or attempted to toss him down a flight of steps—had he thought…?
“Dahling?” Kurt’s eyes were red, and he abashedly wiped them on his shoulder. “Are you alright?”
He immediately stooped and pressed a hot coffee into Kurt’s grease-stained hands. A peace offering. Kurt looked at him with a watery smile, and then sighed.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to see…”
“You sounded lovely,” Adam insisted, catching a stray tear with a fingertip. “But you look so sad. I don’t—“
Kurt turned to look at the car again, expression inscrutable.
“The first time people came into my dad’s shop, and I would tell them I’d be fixing their car, they always looked a little freaked out.” He snorted inaudibly and pressed a hand against the car’s side. “That this…fairy boy in bedazzled overalls was going to be working on their baby.”
Adam kissed Kurt’s cheek. “Joke’s on them, dahling. They didn’t even know how to take care of their own cars. And no one could see you resurrect a car and call you a fairy.”
A fae, maybe. You could call Kurt a fae.
“They didn’t,” Kurt complained, smiling fondly when Adam kissed him again, embraced him. He set the coffee down. “Hey, I don’t want to cover you in car oil.”
“I don’t care. If Kurt Hummel is wearing car oil, it’ll be de rigeur by Fall.”
Kurt hesitated and then hugged him back, lips tracing over Adam’s neck pulse.
“When Finn came to work in my father’s shop, he didn’t seem surprised that I knew my way around an engine, though all the guys in Glee did.” Adam tensed and hugged him tighter. “I mean…you know we had problems, but he compensated by playing up the older brother role to a t.” He snorted again, tears dripping on Adam’s shoulder. “Never mind he was maybe two months older than me. He was really eager to learn everything in the shop…he was pretty good at it.”
Kurt only hugged him for a long moment, a near-wailing sadness emanating off him in waves. Adam desperately wished he knew what to say, but everything that came to mind sounded like a cheap platitude in the face of so awful a tragedy, so much life and promise cut short so early.
“The last time we were together, when we found out Dad’s cancer was gone…and Blaine tried asking me to marry him…Finn read him the riot act. He was so furious that Blaine asked all these people to help propose to me in public even when we weren’t together.” A shuddery laugh and Kurt shook his head. “I thought Blaine was going to wet himself, I really did. And the way he got after the other Glee members was actually pretty nice…it felt good to have someone supporting me for a change.”
“Whatever it’s worth,” Adam said seriously, pulling away from Kurt to look at him. “I am always in your corner.”
Kurt’s eyes narrowed at the ends as he smiled, and Adam’s mouth went dry again.
“Thank goodness for that. I know he was uncertain about you the first time you met judging the way he kept giving you the side-eye, but you passed. When we left, he told me he was happy for me.” Kurt exhaled, squinting into the pale light of a chilly spring sky. “And that you were a good guy.”
“He threatened to break my face if I broke your heart.”
“Oh God.” Kurt buried his face in his hands and Adam laughed. “That does sound like him…
“The night before you and I returned to New York, he and I worked on a car together.” Kurt lowered his hands and closed his eyes, somehow managing to look very old and painfully young all at once. “It’d been a long time, and it was nice. We even started singing together—Hallelujah.”
Adam reached for him again, and again remained silent. He was floundering helplessly inside, deciding at last that the only nearly-appropriate thing to do was to stay silent, bear witness, and to hold onto Kurt for dear life.
Kurt squeezed him back hard. “I like the challenge of finding what’s broken and fixing it. I even like the smell of car oil. I think Finn liked those things too…I’m never going to be able to work on a car without thinking about him.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“It’s…it’s not okay, exactly, but I’ll take this hurt for having known him.” Still Kurt did not pull back and he did not let go. “But every now and again, when I think I’m closer to fine, something dumb like this—or when I go grocery shopping for Ben & Jerry’s and I gag at that Late Night Snack flavor he liked so much…” Kurt’s hands tangled in his own.
“The other day I realized that his birthday was coming soon and I started looking stuff up online. And then I remembered. My mother is dead. My brother is dead.”
Looking pained, Adam pulled back to kiss Kurt’s tearing eyes, his fingers cupping the younger boy’s pale face. They looked at each for several long moments, Kurt managing a half-hearted smile.
“You’re staring. Do I have grease on my cheek?”
“Yes.” Said Adam, before leaning in for a kiss.
It was long, and hard, and their faces were slippery from tears, some of which were Adam’s. He had liked Finn Hudson very much, looked forward to a long friendship with him.
Thought they would possibly be brothers-in-law one day.
But that would never be, and Kurt was again holding his heart’s pieces in his hands, and not for the first nor last time he felt a rush of gratitude that Burt Hummel at least still lived, because how many fractures could even Kurt’s impossibly-strong heart have left in him?
Kurt let out a soft noise of surprise when Adam pulled back to press his swollen lips against Kurt’s hands.
If he died right now he might be happy, save for the fact that he’d hurt Kurt on the way out….how much Adam would like Kurt’s to have proficiency to fix things, to be able to open Kurt himself up and fix the staccato jerks of a broken heart. But of course that was impossible too, and as he tucked Kurt’s head beneath his chin he felt a wild surge of gratitude that Kurt was still here, that the grief that would topple older and wiser men had not poisoned Kurt’s insides. Awed, he ran a hand up and down Kurt’s back.
Despite what had become of them, Elizabeth and Finn could not have died unhappy, not in having the love of someone so precious and remarkable a person. Adam’s heart gently broke a little more, and he tenderly placed his lips to Kurt’s ear, singing what he thought Finn might’ve sang on his death throes:
“Hallelujah. Hallelujah.  Hallelujah.  Hallelujah….”  
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celestialmazer · 7 years
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The Everglades, White Sands, and Carlsbad Caverns. PHOTOGRAPHS BY RYAN MCGINLEY Brad Pitt Talks Divorce, Quitting Drinking, and Becoming a Better Man by  Michael Paterniti VIDEO
“Summer is coming and, in America, that means it’s time to hit the national parks. So we took Brad Pitt and photographer Ryan McGinley tumbling across three of them: The Everglades, White Sands, and Carlsbad Caverns. Then we sat down with Pitt at home in L.A. for a raw conversation about how to move forward after things fall apart.
Brad Pitt is making matcha green tea on a cool morning in his old Craftsman in the Hollywood Hills, where he's lived since 1994. There have been other properties in other places—including a château in France and homes in New Orleans and New York City—but this has always been his kids' “childhood home,” he says. And even though they're not here now, he's decided it's important that he is. Today the place is deeply silent, except for the snoring of his bulldog, Jacques.
Pitt wears a flannel shirt and skinny jeans that hang loose on his frame. Invisible to the eye is that sculpted bulk we've seen on film for a quarter-century. He looks like an L.A. dad on a juice cleanse, gearing up to do house projects. On the counter sit some plated goodies from Starbucks, which he doesn't touch, and some coffee, which he does. Pitt, who exudes likability, general decency, and a sense of humor (dark and a little cockeyed), says he's really gotten into making matcha lately, something a friend introduced him to. He loves the whole ritual of it. He deliberately sprinkles some green powder in a cup with a sifter, then pours in the boiling water, whisking with a bamboo brush, until the liquid is a harlequin froth. “You're gonna love this,” he says, handing me the cup.
Serenity, balance, order: That's the vibe, at least. That's what you think you're feeling in the kitchen of Brad Pitt's perfectly constructed, awesomely decorated abode. Outside, children's bikes are lined up in the rack; a blown-up dragon floatie bobs on the pool through the window. From the sideboard, with its exquisite inlay, to the vase on the mantel, the house exudes care and intention. And it carries its own stories, not just about when the Jolie-Pitts were a happy family, but also from back in the day, when Jimi Hendrix crashed here. It's said he wrote “May This Be Love” out in the grotto, with its waterfall (Waterfall / Nothing can harm me at all…). “I don't know if it's true,” says Pitt, “but a hippie came by and said he used to drop acid with Jim back there, so I run with the story.”
And yet Pitt is the first one to acknowledge that it's been chaos these past six months, during what he calls a “weird” time. In conversation, he seems absolutely locked in one moment and a little twitchy and forlorn in the next, having been put on a journey he didn't intend to make but admits was “self-inflicted.” The unfortunate worst of it surfaced in public this past September. When he was on a flight to Los Angeles aboard a private plane, there was a reported altercation between Pitt and one of his six children, 15-year-old Maddox. An anonymous phone call was made to the authorities, which triggered an FBI investigation (ultimately closed with no charges). Five days later, his wife, Angelina Jolie, filed for divorce. By then, everything in Pitt's world was in free fall. It wasn't just a public-relations crisis—there was a father suddenly deprived of his kids, a husband without wife. And here he is, alone, a 53-year-old human father/former husband smack in the middle of an unraveled life, figuring out how to mend it back together.
And yet the enterprise known as Brad Pitt inexorably carries on. In November, the movie Allied came out, starring Pitt and Marion Cotillard. At the premiere he was described as “gaunt,” and rumors of an affair with Cotillard, and an on-set encounter between her and Jolie, had been so virulent that Cotillard took to social media to deny them, underscoring her love for her own partner, with whom she was pregnant with their second child. Meanwhile, Pitt's production company, Plan B Entertainment, found itself winning an astonishing third Oscar for Best Picture, with Moonlight. (Pitt spent the Oscars ceremony at a friend's house.) This month Netflix will release Pitt's War Machine, a satire based on the incidents surrounding the firing of General Stanley McChrystal. In the film, he plays a gruff, ascetic stand-in for McChrystal, General Glen McMahon, with both big-gestured comic panache and an oblivious unknowingness that seems to be a metaphor for the entire American war effort.
But on this overcast spring morning, catching Pitt at this flexion point, I would say he seems more like one of those stripped-down Samuel Beckett characters, in a blank landscape, asking big questions of a futile world. Even the generalities he employs for protection seem metaphoric. (He mentioned his estranged wife's name only once, when referencing her Cambodia movie, First They Killed My Father, telling me, “You should see Angie's film.”) The loneliness of this new life, he said, is mitigated by Jacques, who spent most of the interview beached in a narcoleptic reverie at my feet, snoring and farting. (“Did you ever have the uncle that came over with emphysema, and had to sleep in your room when you were 6?” he says. “That's Jacques.” And then: “Come here, boy. Friends for life!”)
When I ask Pitt what gives him the most comfort these days, he says, “I get up every morning and I make a fire. When I go to bed, I make a fire, just because—it makes me feel life. I just feel life in this house.”
GQ Style: Let's go back to the start. What was it like growing up where you grew up? Brad Pitt: Well, it was Springfield, Missouri, which is a big place now, but we grew up surrounded by cornfields—which is weird because we always had canned vegetables. I never could figure that one out! Anyway, ten minutes outside of town, you start getting into forests and rivers and the Ozark Mountains. Stunning country.
Did you have a Huck Finn boyhood? Half the time. Half the time, yeah.
How so? I grew up in caves. We had a lot of caves, fantastic caverns. And we grew up First Baptist, which is the cleaner, stricter, by-the-book Christianity. Then, when I was in high school, my folks jumped to a more charismatic movement, which got into speaking in tongues and raising your hands and some goofy-ass shit.
So were you there for speaking in tongues? Yeah, come on. I'm not even an actor yet, but I know… I mean the people, I know they believe it. I know they're releasing something. God, we're complicated. We're complicated creatures.
So acting came out of what you saw in these revival meetings? Well, people act out. But as a kid, I was certainly drawn to stories—beyond the stories that we were living and knew, stories with different points of view. And I found those stories in film, especially. Different cultures and lives so foreign to mine. I think that was one of the draws that propelled me into film. I didn't know how to articulate stories. I'm certainly not a good orator, sitting here telling a story, but I could foster them in film.
I remember going to a few concerts, even though we were told rock shows are the Devil, basically. Our parents let us go, they weren't neo about it. But I realized that the reverie and the joy and exuberance, even the aggression, I was feeling at the rock show was the same thing at the revival. One is Jimmy Swaggart and one is Jerry Lee Lewis, you know? One's God and one's Devil. But it's the same thing. It felt like we were being manipulated. What was clear to me was “You don't know what you're talking about—”
And it didn't fuck you up? No, it didn't fuck me up—it just led to some eating questions at a young age.
The best actors blur into their characters, but given how well the world knows you, it seems you have a much harder time blurring these days? I have so much attached to this facade. [gestures]
But then, in War Machine, you find the little gesture that makes the Glen McMahon character ours. Like the way he runs, which is hilarious. The run to me was important because it was about the delusion of your own grandeur, not knowing what you really look like. All pencil legs, you know. Not being able to connect reality to this facade of grandeur.
The other equally distinctive characteristic is Glen's voice. Where did it come from? You know, it's a little bit of a cliché, but I just enjoyed it too much: There's, you know, of course, Patton in it. But I could not get Sterling Hayden out of my mind. I'm just fascinated with Sterling Hayden, off-camera, between films, and I couldn't escape that. There's even a little bit of Chris Farley in mannerisms. And then Kiefer Sutherland in Monsters vs. Aliens, you know, doing the cartoon voice. It just wouldn't go anywhere else; it kept coming back there.
Have you ever felt the need to be more political? I can help in other ways. I can help by getting movies out with certain messages. I've got to be moved by something—I can't fake it. I grew up with that Ozarkian mistrust of politics to begin with, so I just do better building a house for someone in New Orleans or getting certain movies to the screen that might not get made otherwise.
You're good at playing that kind of character, the one that doesn't have a truly accurate vision of himself. It makes me laugh. Any of my foibles are born from my own hubris. Always, always. Anytime. I famously step in shit—at least for me it seems pretty epic. I often wind up with a smelly foot in my mouth. I often say the wrong thing, often in the wrong place and time. Often. In my own private Idaho, it's funny as shit. I don't have that gift. I'm better speaking in some other art form. I'm trying to get better. I'm really trying to get better.
And the movie really pokes at this, too, right—America's hubris? When I get in trouble it's because of my hubris. When America gets in trouble it's because of our hubris. We think we know better, and this idea of American exceptionalism—I think we're exceptional in many ways, I do, but we can't force it on others. We shouldn't think we can. How do we show American exceptionalism? By example. It's the same as being a good father. By exemplifying our tenets and our beliefs, freedom and choice and not closing borders and being protectionists. But that's another issue. You want me to tell you something really sad? I thought this was so sad. We were looking at—let me say, a certain war film that was looking to promote itself. The European posters had the American flag in the background, and it came back from the marketing department: “Remove the flag. It's not a good sell here.” I was, like, Man, that's America. That's what we've done to our brand.
You've played characters in pain. What is pain, emotional and physical? Yeah, I'm kind of done playing those. I think it was more pain tourism. It was still an avoidance in some way. I've never heard anyone laugh bigger than an African mother who's lost nine family members. What is that? I just got R&B for the first time. R&B comes from great pain, but it's a celebration. To me, it's embracing what's left. It's that African woman being able to laugh much more boisterously than I've ever been able to.
“For me this period has been about looking at my weaknesses and failures and owning my side of the street.”
When did you have that revelation? What have you been listening to? I've been listening to a lot of Frank Ocean. I find this young man so special. Talk about getting to the raw truth. He's painfully honest. He's very, very special. I can't find a bad one.
And of great irony to me: Marvin Gaye's Here, My Dear [Gaye's touchstone album about divorce]. And that kind of sent me down a road.
Intense. But beautiful—and quite honest.... You know, I just started therapy. I love it, I love it. I went through two therapists to get to the right one.
About These Parks: To choose the locations for this summertime celebration of America’s national parks, Brad Pitt, Ryan McGinley, and GQ Style all collaborated on potential destinations. Pitt requested the lunar dunes of White Sands National Monument. Ryan McGinley had previous experience shooting in the underground labyrinths of Carlsbad Caverns National Park. And we nominated the swamps of Everglades National Park. Then we came together and covered all three over a stretch of eight days in March.
Do you think if the past six months hadn't happened you'd be in this place eventually? That it would have caught up with you? I think it would have come knocking, no matter what.
People call it a midlife crisis, but this isn't the same— No, this isn't that. I interpret a midlife crisis as a fear of growing old and fear of dying, you know, going out and buying a Lamborghini. [pause] Actually—they've been looking pretty good to me lately! [laughs]
There might be a few Lamborghinis in your future! “I do have a Ford GT,” he says quietly. [laughs] I do remember a few spots along the road where I've become absolutely tired of myself. And this is a big one. These moments have always been a huge generator for change. And I'm quite grateful for it. But me, personally, I can't remember a day since I got out of college when I wasn't boozing or had a spliff, or something. Something. And you realize that a lot of it is, um—cigarettes, you know, pacifiers. And I'm running from feelings. I'm really, really happy to be done with all of that. I mean I stopped everything except boozing when I started my family. But even this last year, you know—things I wasn't dealing with. I was boozing too much. It's just become a problem. And I'm really happy it's been half a year now, which is bittersweet, but I've got my feelings in my fingertips again. I think that's part of the human challenge: You either deny them all of your life or you answer them and evolve.
Was it hard to stop smoking pot? No. Back in my stoner days, I wanted to smoke a joint with Jack and Snoop and Willie. You know, when you're a stoner, you get these really stupid ideas. Well, I don't want to indict the others, but I haven't made it to Willie yet.
I'm sure he's out there on a bus somewhere waiting for you. How about alcohol—you don't miss it? I mean, we have a winery. I enjoy wine very, very much, but I just ran it to the ground. I had to step away for a minute. And truthfully I could drink a Russian under the table with his own vodka. I was a professional. I was good.
So how do you just drop it like that? Don't want to live that way anymore.
What do you replace it with? Cranberry juice and fizzy water. I've got the cleanest urinary tract in all of L.A., I guarantee you! But the terrible thing is I tend to run things into the ground. That's why I've got to make something so calamitous. I've got to run it off a cliff.
Do you think that's a thing? I do it with everything, yeah. I exhaust it, and then I walk away. I've always looked at things in seasons, compartmentalized them, I guess, seasons or semesters or tenures or…
Really? So, this is the season of me getting my drink on.… [laughs] Yeah, it's that stupid. “This is my Sid and Nancy season.” I remember that one when I first got out to L.A. It got titled afterwards.
So then, you stop yourself, but how do you—I don't know why this comes to mind but I think of a house—how do you renovate yourself? Yeah, you start by removing all the decor and decorations, I think. You get down to the structure. Wow, we are in some big metaphor here now.… [laughs]
Inside Brad Pitt’s GQ Style Cover Shoot
Metaphors are my life. You strip down to the foundation and break out the mortar. I don't know. For me this period has really been about looking at my weaknesses and failures and owning my side of the street. I'm an asshole when it comes to this need for justice. I don't know where it comes from, this hollow quest for justice for some perceived slight. I can drill on that for days and years. It's done me no good whatsoever. It's such a silly idea, the idea that the world is fair. And this is coming from a guy who hit the lottery, I'm well aware of that. I hit the lottery, and I still would waste my time on those hollow pursuits.
That's the thing about becoming un-numb. You have to stare down everything that matters to you. That's it! Sitting with those horrible feelings, and needing to understand them, and putting them into place. In the end, you find: I am those things I don't like. That is a part of me. I can't deny that. I have to accept that. And in fact, I have to embrace that. I need to face that and take care of that. Because by denying it, I deny myself. I am those mistakes. For me every misstep has been a step toward epiphany, understanding, some kind of joy. Yeah, the avoidance of pain is a real mistake. It's the real missing out on life. It's those very things that shape us, those very things that offer growth, that make the world a better place, oddly enough, ironically. That make us better.
Would there be art without it? Would there be any of this immense beauty that surrounds us? Yeah—immense beauty, immense beauty. And by the way: There's no love without loss. It's a package deal.
Can you describe where you've been living—like, have you been in this house since September? It was too sad to be here at first, so I went and stayed on a friend's floor, a little bungalow in Santa Monica. I crashed over here a little bit, my friend [David] Fincher lives right here. He's always going to have an open door for me, and I was doing a lot of stuff on the Westside, so I stayed at my friend's house on the floor for a month and a half—until I was out there one morning, 5:30, and this surveillance van pulls up. They don't know that I'm up behind a wall, and they pull up—and it's a long story—but it was something more than TMZ, because they got into my friend's computer. The stuff they can do these days.... So I got a little paranoid being there. I decided I had to pick up and come here.
“If I'm not creating something, putting it out there, then I'll just be creating scenarios of fiery demise in my mind.”
How are your days different now? This house was always chaotic and crazy, voices and bangs coming from everywhere, and then, as you see, there are days like this: very…very solemn. I don't know. I think everyone's creative in some way. If I'm not creating something, doing something, putting it out there, then I'll just be creating scenarios of fiery demise in my mind. You know, a horrible end. And so I've been going to a friend's sculpting studio, spending a lot of time over there. My friend [Thomas Houseago] is a serious sculptor. They've been kind. I've literally been squatting in there for a month now. I'm taking a shit on their sanctity.
So you're making stuff? Yeah, I'm making stuff. It's something I've wanted to do for ten years.
Like what? What are you working with? I'm making everything. I'm working with clay, plaster, rebar, wood. Just trying to learn the materials. You know, I surprise myself. But it's a very, very lonely occupation. There's a lot of manual labor, which is good for me right now. A lot of lugging clay around, chopping and moving and cleaning up after yourself. But I surprise myself. Yesterday I wasn't settled. I had a lotta chaotic thoughts—trying to make sense of where we are at this time—and the thing I was doing wasn't controlled and balanced and perfect. It came out chaotic. I find vernacular in what you can make, rather than giving a speech. I find voice there, that I need.
All the bad stuff: Do you use it to tell your story? It just keeps knocking. I'm 53 and I'm just getting into it. These are things I thought I was managing very well. I remember literally having this thought a year, a year and a half ago, someone was going through some scandal. Something crossed my path that was a big scandal—and I went, “Thank God I'm never going to have to be a part of one of those again.” I live my life, I have my family, I do my thing, I don't do anything illegal, I don't cross anyone's path. What's the David Foster Wallace quote? Truth will set you free, but not until it's done with you first.
Is the sculpting a Sisyphean thing: rolling the rock up the hill, action obliterating all thoughts? [Jacques interrupts, nuzzling] I know you've been lonely. I know you've been lonely....
I find it the opposite. Well, I guess so, in that there's a task at hand. You have to wrap your stuff up at night and bring order back to your chaos for the next day. I find it a great opportunity for the introspection. Now you have to be real careful not to go too far that way and get cut off in that way. I'm really good at cutting myself off, and it's been a problem. I need to be more accessible, especially to the ones I love.
When you go dark, do you retreat, disconnect? I don't know how to answer that. I certainly shield. Shield, shield, shield. Mask, escape. Now I think: That's just me.
You were talking about the Glen character in War Machine and the idea of delusion, that we have to create our own mythologies, our own stories, to explain the things we're not proud of. At a real cost to ourselves.
How do you not delude yourself? I worry about that— You don't have to worry about it. [laughs] Delusion is not going to let you go. You're going to get smacked in the face. We, as humans, construct such mousetrap mind games to get away from it all. You know, we're almost too smart for ourselves.
Okay. But if you had a slideshow of all your worst moments as a human, you wouldn't want anyone to see that slideshow. The way you've had to live for years, that slideshow has been public. But so little of it is accurate, and I avoid so much of it. I just let it go. It's always been a long-run game for me. As far as out there, I hope my intentions and work will speak for themselves. But, yes, at the same time, it is a drag to have certain things drug out in public and misconstrued. I worry about it more for my kids, being subjected to it, and their friends getting ideas from it. And of course it's not done with any kind of delicacy or insight—it's done to sell. And so you know the most sensational sells, and that's what they'll be subjected to, and that pains me. I worry more in my current situation about the slideshow my kids have. I want to make sure it's well-balanced.
“People on their deathbeds don't talk about what they obtained. They talk about their loved ones or their regrets—that seems to be the menu.”
How do you make sense of the past six months and keep going? Family first. People on their deathbeds don't talk about what they obtained or were awarded. They talk about their loved ones or their regrets—that seems to be the menu. I say that as someone who's let the work take me away. Kids are so delicate. They absorb everything. They need to have their hand held and things explained. They need to be listened to. When I get in that busy work mode, I'm not hearing. I want to be better at that.
When you begin making a family, I think you hope to create another family that is some ideal mix of the best of what you had and what you feel you didn't have— I try to put these things in front of them, hoping they'll absorb it and that it will mean something to them later. Even in this place, they won't give a shit about that little bust over there or that light. They won't give a shit about that inlay, but somewhere down the road it will mean something—I hope that it will soak in.
It's a different world, too. We know more, we're more focused on psychology. I come from a place where, you know, it's strength if we get a bruise or cut or ailment we don't discuss it, we just deal with it. We just go on. The downside of that is it's the same with our emotion. I'm personally very retarded when it comes to taking inventory of my emotions. I'm much better at covering up. I grew up with a Father-knows-best/war mentality—the father is all-powerful, super strong—instead of really knowing the man and his own self-doubt and struggles. And it's hit me smack in the face with our divorce: I gotta be more. I gotta be more for them. I have to show them. And I haven't been great at it.
Do you know, specifically, logistically when you have the kids? Yeah. We're working at that now.
It must be much harder when visitation is uncertain— It was all that for a while. I was really on my back and chained to a system when Child Services was called. And you know, after that, we've been able to work together to sort this out. We're both doing our best. I heard one lawyer say, “No one wins in court—it's just a matter of who gets hurt worse.” And it seems to be true, you spend a year just focused on building a case to prove your point and why you're right and why they're wrong, and it's just an investment in vitriolic hatred. I just refuse. And fortunately my partner in this agrees. It's just very, very jarring for the kids, to suddenly have their family ripped apart.
That's what I was going to ask— If anyone can make sense of it, we have to with great care and delicacy, building everything around that.
How do you tell your kids? Well, there's a lot to tell them because there's understanding the future, there's understanding the immediate moment and why we're at this point, and then it brings up a lot of issues from the past that we haven't talked about. So our focus is that everyone comes out stronger and better people—there is no other outcome.
“I know I'm just in the middle of this thing now—not at the beginning or at the end, just smack-dab in the middle. And I don't want to dodge any of it.”
And the fact that you guys are pointing toward that—that clearly doesn't always happen. If you ended up in court, it would be a spectacular nightmare. Spectacular. I see it everywhere. Such animosity and bitterly dedicating years to destroying each other. You'll be in court and it'll be all about affairs and it'll be everything that doesn't matter. It's just awful, it looks awful. One of my favorite movies when it came out was There Will Be Blood, and I couldn't figure out why I loved this movie, I just loved this movie, besides the obvious talent of Paul T. and, you know, Daniel Day. But the next morning I woke up, and I went, Oh, my God, this whole movie is dedicated to this man and his hatred. It's so audacious to make a movie about it, and in life I find it just so sickening. I see it happen to friends—I see where the one spouse literally can't tell their own part in it, and is still competing with the other in some way and wants to destroy them and needs vindication by destruction, and just wasting years on that hatred. I don't want to live that way.
What in the past week has given you immense joy? Can you feel that right now? It's an elusive thing. It's been a more painful week than normal—just certain things have come up—but I see joy out the window, and I can see the silhouette of palms and an expression on one of my kids' faces, a parting smile, or finding some, you know, moment of bliss with the clay. You know, it's everywhere, it's got to be found. It's the laughter of the African mother in my experience—it's got to come from the blues, to get R&B. That'll be in my book.
Are you going to write a book? No! I find writing too arduous.
But do you worry about the narrative others have written for you? What did Churchill say? History will be kind to me: I know because I'll write it myself. I don't really care about protecting the narrative. That's when I get a bit pessimistic, I get in my oh-it-all-goes-away-anyway kind of thinking. But I know the people who love me know me. And that's enough for me.
Do you remember your dreams? Yeah. A few months ago I was having frightening dreams and I'd consciously lie awake trying to ask, What can I get out of this? What can I learn from this? Those ceased. And now I have been having moments of joy, and you wake and realize it's just a dream, and I get a bit depressed for the moment. Just the moment, just glimpse moments of joy because I know I'm just in the middle of this thing now and I'm not at the beginning of it or at the end of it, just where this chapter is right now, just smack-dab in the middle. It's fucking in the middle of it and, you know, I just don't want to dodge any of it. I just want to stand there, shirt open, and take my hits and see, and see.
There's obviously incredible grief. This is like a death— Yeah.
There's a process— Yeah, I think for everyone, for the kids, for me, absolutely.
So is there an urge to try to— The first urge is to cling on.
Then? And then you've got a cliché: “If you love someone, set them free.” Now I know what it means, by feeling it. It means to love without ownership. It means expecting nothing in return. But it sounds good written. It sounds good when Sting sings it. It doesn't mean fuck-all to me until, you know—
Until you can embody it. Until you live it. That's why I never understood growing up with Christianity—don't do this, don't do that—it's all about don'ts, and I was like how the fuck do you know who you are and what works for you if you don't find out where the edge is, where's your line? You've got to step over it to know where it is.
For the photo shoot you went to three national parks in a week. It sounds like a boondoggle. What's the definition of a boondoggle?
I think of it as a sort of ridiculous adventure— Sounds very Ozarkian. Like something I should know but I don't. Yeah, it was great. Ryan [McGinley, the photographer] had us jumping in the Everglades, you know, like gators. I figured, Well, if they do it on Naked and Afraid, I can do it. But they had the old wrangler, he's got his snake pole and it's got this grabber, like something Grandma would use to pick something off the top shelf, but fine. He took a little walk-through, and if he didn't get eaten, then reportedly I wouldn't get eaten. At least that was the logic behind it all, but he said to me, “When you get to be my age, never pass up a bathroom. Never trust a fart. And never waste a boner.”
Whoa. Then White Sands? I've never seen anything like it. I mean the dunes are so sculptural and modern and simple and vast and just incredible shapes. To see them white and reflecting white—the sky's actually darker than that ground. It's an odd, beautiful place.
And then the third? We did Carlsbad Caverns. If we're going to do a celebrity shoot, let's make something, work with an artist, see what we come up with. It's always more interesting.
After all this, do you feel constrained as an actor in some ways? No, I don't really think of myself much as an actor anymore. It takes up so little of my year and my focus. Film feels like a cheap pass for me, as a way to get at those hard feelings. It doesn't work anymore, especially being a dad.
On the pie chart, what is acting? Acting would be very small slice.
Do you see yourself as having been successful? I wish I could just change my name.
Come out as a new person? Like P. Diddy. I can be Puffy now or—what is Snoop? Lion? I just felt like Brad was a misnomer, and now I just feel like fucking Brad.
What other name would you have put on yourself? Nothing. When outside success comes, the thing I've enjoyed the most is when there's a personal discovery in it. But when I find it repetitious or painfully boring, it's absolute death to me.
When you're talking, you kinda rub your thumb against your fingers a lot—it's just an observation. I don't know. I'm tactile—I'm a tactile individual. “I like to feel things up,” he said. [laughs]
Yeah, in high school he was the boy voted most likely to— To feel you up. [laughs] I don't know, I guess it's back to feeling. I think I spent a lot of time avoiding feelings and building structures, you know, around feelings. And now I have no time left for that.
When is the acting still exciting? I would say more in comedic stuff, where you're taking gambles. I can turn out the hits over and over and I just—my favorite movie is the worst-performing film of anything I've done, The Assassination of Jesse James. If I believe something is worthy, then I know it will be worthy in time to come. And there are times I get really cynical, you know. I spend a lot of time on design and even this sculpture folly I'm on, I have days when—it all ends up in the dirt anyways: What's the point? So I go through that cycle, too, you know? What's the point?
Oh man, that's a big question. I know what the point is—it's communicating, it's connecting. I believe we're all cells in one body; we're all part of the same construct. Although a few of us are cancerous. It's helping others. Yeah, we help each other, that's it.
So what's on the agenda later? I'm anxious to get to the studio. I think it was Picasso who talked about the moment of looking at the subject, and paint hitting canvas, and that is where art happens. For me I'm having a moment of getting to feel emotion at my fingertips. But to get that emotion to clay—I just haven't cracked the surface. And I don't know what's coming. Right now I know the manual labor is good for me, getting to know the expansiveness and limitations of the materials. I've got to start from the bottom, I've got to sweep my floor, I've got to wrap up my shit at night, you know?
A metaphor again. But it works. Right now I've got to hammer my own nails.
Michael Paterniti is a GQ correspondent. This is his first piece for GQ Style.
This story appears in the Summer 2017 issue of GQ Style with the title “Monumental.””
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lunaticfringe216 · 7 years
Survival Of The Fittest Ch. 4
Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 4
Riley Webb / AJ Styles
A/N: Sorry this one took so long to post. We’re getting real close to an finale for this one.  This one is a two-parter, from the perspectives of OC Riley Webb and AJ Styles. I also introduce Nikki Cross of Sanity and Akam of the Authors of Pain. OC Shawn Vayne also appears in this chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and thanks for reading. If you’d like to be tagged in any fics, drop me a line or leave a comment.
W/C: Approx. 1,300
 Tags: @baleesi  @jackie06xox
Ch. 4 Pt. 1
 *Riley Webb*
           It’s been about four weeks since Sky’s disappearance.  I tell myself she’s okay. She’s strong.  I really believe she can survive anything.
           We’ve been in an abandoned warehouse for about a week now.  Not much contact with anyone. Last time we heard from Regal and the X’s, Shawn haad taken off with Akam and Gargano to look for Sky. I find myself looking at the clouds when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
           ‘Hey.’ I turn around and see Finn. ‘How are ya, babe?’
           ‘Fine. I guess. ‘ I sigh. ‘Just thinking. What’s the word? Any new plans?’
           ‘As a matter of fact…  Dean and Seth are going through rations and supplies. Roman is going through ammunition. You think you could help Becky with the med supplies?’
           ‘Yeah.’ I scratch my head. ‘What’s going on, though?’
           Finn sighs . ‘We’re headin’ out.’ We walk inside the warehouse.  ‘Seth and AJ mentioned a lake, with some cabins not too far from here.’
           I sigh. ‘What about Sky? You don’t think Adam would do anything, do you?’
           “He’s using her.We’re going to find her. There wasn’t much here, so we have to move on. I have to lookout for all of us too, yeah?’
           I sigh as I go to walk away. Right.’
           I don’t think he sensed my agreement. ‘Whoa!’ Finn grabs me by the arm. ‘Why the attitude, Riley?’
           ‘Because, the longer she’s out there…’  I exhale. ‘She could be the best survivalist in the world. Can she survive them?’
           ‘Finn… I got this.’ Finn walks away and AJ is standing next to me. ‘Talk to me.’
           We start walking. ‘Why haven’t we found her yet? I think he’s taking this too lightly.’
           ‘You and me both.’ AJ pulls something from his pocket. ‘Unfortunately, all I have is a gut feeling that she’s okay. I don’t trust Adam.’
           He pulls the knife from it’s sheath. ‘Is that the one Sky gave you?’
           He nods as he looks at his reflection in the bladde.  ‘Yeah. I got Adam’s name on it. ‘ Wewalk over to Becky and the other medic. ‘Riley, don’t worry. We’re going to get Sky back, and everything will be fine/ Stay resilliant.’ He nudges me. ‘Be you.’
           I smile as AJ walks away. ‘Hey Riley.’ Becky taps me on the shoulder. ‘We got inventory. We’re all set.’ I sigh. ‘Ya alright lass?’
           I smile. ‘Yeah.  Ready to get moving, I guess.’
           ‘I know.’ Becky and I start getting the backpacks ready. ‘All we got to do, is stick together, lass. We’ll be alright.’
           We head out in search of the lake, and our new shelter. The whole journey, I hope and pray that my best friend is okay. Our trek leads us to an abandoned military base.
           ‘Gather any supplies or rations you can find.’ Finn walks over to Becky, the other medic, and myself. ‘See what you can find in the infirmary, yeah?’
           The closer we get to the infirmary, the smell of death takes its toll on my nostrils. ‘Dear God!’ I open the door and see two dead bodies on two cots. Who knows how long they’ve been there. Get what you can. I don’t know about you two, but I’m not sleeping here.’
           ‘I’m with you.’
           Becky covers her mouth. ‘The bodies?’
           ‘We’ll ask Finn. Leave them be for now.’
           After we clear out what we can of the infirmary, we meet up with the rest of the crew, at what appears to be at an old command post It’s agreed that the bodies found should be buried, but time is a factor. After a debriefing, a few of us, including myself, grab a bunk to sleep for the night. As my eyes drift shut, I feel a tap on my shoulder.
           “Riley. Wake up. It’s me’
           I open my eyes to see AJ standing over me. ‘AJ? What is it?’
           ‘Shawn is outside with Akam, Nikki and Johnny.’ He sighs. ‘We need a medic. And supplies.’ I put my head in my hands. I believe we should move, but I believe we should stay together.  ‘We think we should start heading to the lake cabin.’
           ‘Why? Your gut?’
           AJ crosses his arms. ‘Because it’s your best friend.’
           ‘Dammit AJ.’ I grab some paper and a pen to leave Finn a note as to where we’ve disappeared to. ‘Is there even a plan?’
           ‘We’ll discuss it with Shawn. ‘ I throw down the pen and follow AJ. ‘Let’s go. Time is the key.’
           ‘This cabin…. The one you and Seth were talking about. ‘ We make it to the outside door. ‘The one Shawn and Sky went to with their dad?’
           AJ nods as we open the door and head outside. The four X’s are waiting for us. Shawn walks up to me, and wraps his huge arms around me. ‘How are you Eiley?’
           I sigh. ‘Ready to find Sky.’
           End Ch. 4 Pt. 1
Ch. 4 Pt. 2
           We make sure everything is in check before heading out. Shawn and Johnny take lead, Nikki and Riley, then Akam and myself  fall in at the end of the line. While we’re walking, Johnny breaks the silence. ‘Why do you think she’s at this cabin?’
           Shawn laughs. ‘First off, not too loud Johnny. My sister is smart. That place is loaded with supplies, for such an emergency. Lead them up there, hole up for a bit.’
           ‘We know they’ll be there.’ I smile as I step over some branches. ‘She’s been leading us all along. Take it was your dad was a smart guy, Shawn.’
           Very. Well, just a couple of miles, not even, guys. We can make it.’
           I wipe some sweat from my forehead. ‘We will.’
           We march on until we get to a highway. Rusted signs, some abandoned military vehicles.  Shawn…’ Riley approaches him. ‘Where are we?’
           I-75.’ He starts checking the vehicles. ‘Not much gas.’ He hops down to the ground. ‘Alright. Grab what supplies you can carry. We get Sky tonight.’
           ‘Hold on!’ I approach Shawn. ‘How are you for sure? I mean, I want to find her more than anything, but we still have to be carefu. We don’t know what that situation is like…’
           ‘We’re gonna be careful.’ Shawn puts his hand on my shoulder. ‘We’re gonna get Sky, and we’ll go back to some kind of normalcy.’ I throw my back pack on.  ‘Alright, everyone, let’s move. Almost there.’
           After a hike through some wood, we make it to the lake where about six or seven cabins ssit. I feel that itch. That urge.  That something inside of me that wants to just come out and go get my girl. I swallow hard. This has to be done right. Not recklessly.  
           ‘AJ!’ I see Shawn leading everyone to a cabin a little further off the lake. ‘Let’s go man!’
           We stop and stakeout for a little bit. I feel my eyes drift shut, followed soon by an all too familiar voice. ‘ ‘No Adam.’ Omega. ‘You’re right brother. As always.’
           I look and see four  gguys following Kenny. ‘Shawn?’
           He nods and puts a hand up to hold fast. ‘Just a second!’
           I get that anxious feeling in my stomach, but my right hand, is still. We wait for Kenny and the other four men to clear out.  ‘What’s the word?’
           ‘Akam, Johnny, out back. Nikki, Riley, each of you take a side. AJ, you and I will take the front. Stay cool, man.’
           I nod as Shawn leads the charge to the front door. As he knocks on the door, I reach for my knife when I hear Adam tell Sky to ‘Stay put. Probably just Kenny.’. When the door opens, Adam’s eyes widen, and I reach for my knife.
           End CH 4
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raavenreyes · 8 years
Bellamy x Raven: reincarnation / immortal au
Word count: 2,487 words.
Description: Bellamy Blake has been alive for longer than he’d care to admit. When he refused to side with a God in a petty disagreement, the God decided to curse him with immortality. When the war resulting from the petty disagreement reaches Bellamy’s front step, the immortality benefits him but kills the love of his life. Now, thousands of years later, he’s doing his best to blend. That is, until the love of his life finds him once more. But that’s impossible, right?
[ rating: R for language. chapter description: bellamy blake tells everyone but raven reyes how feels about raven reyes. its basically canon verse without ppl dying]
Chapter 6.
Booming music filled Bellamy’s ears, and it felt like for a moment, his brain was shaking in his skull as he made his way through the crowd on the dance floor. There was a time in his life where he went out to the bars, or a couple of clubs every weekend, but now he was in a period of rest. Every once in a while he enjoyed going out, it usually meant good drinks and on occasion, when he was feeling it, a one-night boyfriend or girlfriend. But now, his presence in the nightclub was on business rather than pleasure.
“Nate!” He shouted from the other end of the bar as the man manipulated two chrome shakers in his hand. “Miller!” It was his last name that caught his attention, and Miller slid over, giving Bellamy a smile.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Raven said you needed some dinner, I was on my way home, offered to drop some stuff off.” He held up a bag and Nate grinned from ear to ear. “It’s Louie’s on 5th and Beret.”
“Damn right.”
“Hey, Asher! I’m takin’ my lunch.” His co-worker gave him a thumb’s up and Bellamy followed Nate out into the back of the club, sitting on empty wine crates next to each other. A beat of silence settled between them as they opened up their meals. “You mind sittin’ with me, or is Raven waitin’ for you?”
“Ah, no she’s not. She and Lexa are having a girl’s night. I don’t know, I told them I’d be home late to give ‘em some space.” Bellamy replied. “I think it’s good for her, y’know?”
Nate nodded, taking a large bite out of the sandwich and wiping the corners of his mouth as he chewed. “Did she tell you about Anya?”
“Mentioned her. That’s her ex, right?”
He cleared his throat. “After Anya left she uh, kind of sank in on herself I guess.” Miller shrugged. “We wanted her to go out with us, meet people, but she just…I dunno, it hurt her.” Bellamy stayed silent, staring into the darkness of the alleyway. “Sorry, does it upset you to talk about it?”
“No, no,” He replied immediately. “I just…I wish she would talk to me about it because I wanna help her heal, but she doesn’t—she won’t. I try to bring it up, I tell her about my wife and—”
“Wait dude, you’re married?”                                    
It had slipped so suddenly, Bellamy didn’t even notice. “No, I’m—widowed.” He lied, leaning back against the brick wall. “I was married, but I lost her.”
“Shit, I had no idea. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, she knows. She told me about Finn.”
“Yeah, Raven told me she told you—you know, I don’t like speakin’ ill of the dead but that dude was jackass sometimes. Treated Raven like shit, but he had his good moments.” Miller took another bite, but continued talking through his full mouth. “Crazy though, how life can just rip people away from you.”
Nate crumbled up the wrapping paper his sandwich had come in, tossing it into a nearby trash bin. “Nate,”
“I think I love her.”
“Good, you deserve it.” He smiled. “Don’t tell her yet, though. You need to have a conversation about Anya.”
Bellamy nodded. “I’ll let you get back to work. Gotta get home to my girl.” He patted Miller’s back before heading back into the club. Bellamy lit up a cigarette once outside, deciding to enjoy a smoke before he hopped onto his bike and went home to Raven.
“Mind if I borrow your light?”
Bellamy turned, holding out the lighter until he recognized the face. He dropped the device and slammed the other man’s body into the wall of the club. “You son of a bitch,”
“Nice to see you again, my son.”
“Fuck you.” He hissed. “What the fuck do you want?”
“I’ve never seen you so angry.”
“You cursed me with this shit and then abandoned me—me and Lexa,”
“Lexa, unfortunately was not my handiwork. That…was someone else. Ontari the dreadful. She gets jealous, and she does so often.”
“Yeah? What name d’ya go by now?”
“Jaha? That means dignity, right? That’s somethin’ you don’t got.”
“I understand you’re upset.”
“Get rid of it. Now. I want to live a human life.”
“Why, because you fell in love? I told you, Bellamy. Life repeats itself eventually. You have your wife back, you should be happy.”
Bellamy took out another cigarette, cursing himself for dropping the half finished one in his hurry to assault the god in human form. “What, I get another…seventy years with her and then another two thousand without her? Yeah, sounds fucking great.”
“You’d like me to lift your curse so you can die with her?”
“Yes.” He breathed out.
“And what if she dies before you? An accident, a sickness, a bad piece of tuna?” He asked. “Then you’re alone for those seventy years.”
“I don’t care. I’m sick of this, I don’t even know how old I am. Can’t remember where or when I was born, and until a couple months ago I was losing the memory of Raven’s face. I don’t want that to happen again.”
Jaha shrugged. “I can’t help you. The curse is permanent. You are to live until the world itself dies. At least you’ll have Lexa.” Bellamy let out a growl of frustration. “Accept it, Bellamy.”
“Why me, huh? Why me?”
“You displeased me.”
“Great answer.”
“It’s the truth.”
He shook his head, “Leave me alone. If you’re not gonna help me, leave me alone.” His eyes closed, and the air around him dropped in temperature. When he opened his eyes again, the man was gone.
Home was a welcomed sight, and a smile lifted his cheeks at the vision before him: Raven and Lexa sharing a blanket, at the bottom end of a bottle of red wine with a platter of cheese and crackers between them. “Hi baby,” Raven greeted him warmly, a slight slur in her tone.
“Did you get my girlfriend drunk, Lexa?”
“I might have, she’s adorable when she’s drunk.”  She teased, and Raven’s face got even redder. “Well, Dad’s home so I should go.”
“Oh no, Lexy, come on. Stay.”
“I would love to, birdie but Clarke just got off work.”
“Starbucks?” Bellamy asked as he shed his outer wear.
“No, she got a second job as a cocktail waitress at that piano bar.” Lexa explained, pulling on her leather jacket. “I’ll see you guys later.”
Bellamy followed her out into the hall and closed the front door behind him, causing Lexa to raise a brow at him. “That fucking bastard showed himself to me.”
Her eyes widened, “You mean—”
“He goes by Jaha now. He also told me he wasn’t the one that cursed you. It was Ontari.”
She groaned. “Ugh, that fucking bitch. She was tied up with him, I should have known.” Lexa ran her hands through her hair, tugging slightly at the roots. “Well, what are we gonna do, Bell?”
“Something. I’ll figure it out.” He wanted to tell her the curse was permanent, get her to stop trying so hard but…he couldn’t. The words were there, wanting to spill over the edge, but something was holding them back. “Get some sleep, I’ll call you in the morning.”
“I’m sorry, Bellamy.”
“Stop being sorry for this, it’s not your fault, Lex. You carry too much sometimes. I worry about you.” He pulled her into a hug and pressed a kiss to her hairline. “I’ll see ya later.”
When he entered the apartment again, Raven hadn’t even noticed he had left, eyes still glued to the muted television. He settled in next to her, and that pulled her attention. She gave him a lazy smile and he pulled her leg into his lap, massaging around her knee. “Hi, handsome.” She cooed.
“You smell like hoagies.”
“I had dinner with Miller behind the club.”
“Thank you for doing that. Sometimes he gets so into his job he forgets to eat.” She explained. “You okay? You look stressed.”
“Yeah, I’m fine, baby.”
“I worry about you all the time. You got so much in that head, I think you’re too old for your body.”
You had no idea, he thought to himself. “Let’s get you into bed, Rae.”
“Wait, wait,” She whispered, slender fingers digging into his skin on his arm. She slid her hand up into his shirt and sought out warmth. “Wait, don’t go. I have to—” She hiccupped. “I have to tell you something.”
“I’m sure it can wait until morning when you’re sober and able to form a cohesive thought.”
“No, it can’t wait—I was talking to Lexa and she told me—she told me everything, Bell.” His heart began pounding in his chest. How could she? That wasn’t her secret to tell.
“Rae, lemme explain.”
“No, I get it. I should have seen it because sometimes you say or do things that…I can’t explain, and I—it scares me, but I get it now. I get it.”
“I know it sounds crazy, but—”
“No, it doesn’t sound crazy.” She shook her head. “Bell, you loved her. You were lucky to find someone you loved that much.”
“Lexa, she explained your relationship you had with your wife, why you’re—why you’re you…the way you are and,” She sniffed. “I don’t wanna replace her, I don’t want you to feel obligated to love me as devotedly as you did her. I don’t…” He sighed in relief, closing his eyes for a moment. “Bell, I…”
“I miss her,” He said, but it was a struggle through bubbling emotion in his chest. “I miss her so god damn much but I feel like I foun—I find her, I find her in the little things. It helps. Some days, it feels like she’s right in front of me.” Bellamy made eye contact with Raven, fingertips tracing a small tattoo of a heart on her wrist bone. “Right there. Like I can, smell her, hear her voice. I was forgetting what her voice sounded like.” A tear fell from his cheek and turned into a darkened spot on his jeans. She ran her hands into his hair, and he turned his head to the side to kiss along her wrist. “When I lost her it ripped a hole in me, baby. I can’t—”
“I love you.” She whispered, and he looked up at her in time to catch a tear sliding down the outside curve of her cheek. He caught it with his thumb and kissed the trail. “You don’t have to say it back, just—I wanted you to know. I needed—I love you, and you don’t have to feel like you have to keep that from me because of…I want you to be able to talk to me about her, y’know? She’s…she’s a part of you.”
He nodded. “Thank you, Raven.”
“I’m someone who cares, Bellamy. If that’s all you want to think of me right now, that’s fine. Love me when you’re ready to love me. Tell me when you’re ready to tell me. Just know you’re safe with me.”
“You’re so drunk,” He mentioned, and they both began to laugh through their tears. Bellamy deposited a kiss onto her lips.
“I’m getting a tattoo on Friday, do you wanna come?” She said suddenly.
“Where are you gonna put it, do you even have room?”
“I’m getting Rambo’s machine gun from the first movie on my hip.”
“It’s fucking Rambo, Bellamy, I’m honestly offended you even asked me that question. Now, come help me to bed because I can’t remember where it is.”
“Anything for you, Reyes.”
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primadonnatartuffe · 8 years
-- primadonnaTartuffe [PT] began bothering impenetrableVitality [IV] at 17:29 --
PT: hey finn.
IV: ryan
IV: hey
IV: what's up
PT: well i just so you online and thought hey i should totally hit up finn?? we didnt really get a chance to catch up much at the party since you kinda ran off.
PT: and then i kinda ran off...
PT: so yeah.
PT: plus i just read your status update?
PT: yo.
IV: oh yeah
IV: okay i figured it had to do with that
IV: it's a thing
PT: it sure is????
PT: i cant leave you alone for three measley years without you getting into some crazy shit.
PT: lmao jk.
PT: congratulations!!
IV: thank you
IV: if you mean that sincerely
PT: i do.
PT: shes beautiful.
PT: and i think youd make a stellar dad.
IV: that
IV: means a lot
PT: yeah im sure youre probably getting some shit for it... but thats how i feel.
PT: so youve got me in your corner at least.
IV: oh definitely
IV: that's good to know
IV: it's good to have you back
PT: a weird burnout runaway is in your corner but hey...
PT: yeah.
PT: its good to be back.
IV: how's your family handling it
PT: okay i guess. my parents are happy but i think my dad is gonna be pissed for a while too lol.
PT: im working things out with russet...
IV: that's cool
IV: i think she'll come around
PT: yeah im weirdly optimistic about it.
PT: i kinda expected more backlash but everyone has been really cool.
IV: you were really missed
IV: like
IV: by everyone
PT: yeah...?
IV: including me
IV: i missed you a lot
PT: i missed you too dude.
PT: ... im sorry.
PT: i must have really worried you.
IV: you worried me so much i went crazy and adopted a child
PT: fuck... i did this.
PT: if anyone gives you more shit about it you can just blame it on me.
IV: no i'm kidding
IV: it's believable though isn't it
PT: it really is.
PT: speaking of i gotta visit you and the baby soon.
PT: where are you living these days?
IV: with colt and little
IV: in odimist
PT: oh shit... hahaha.
PT: sorry.
PT: that just sounds like a trip.
IV: i mean it can be
IV: like last night colt dragged me out and we ran into joel and rammie
IV: joel had a lot to say
PT: about the baby? or just in general like he always do.
IV: both
IV: uses me as a reason to feel betrayed or something
PT: what a dingus dongus.
PT: dont let him get you down... you gotta do you.
IV: yeah i'm
IV: working toward that
PT: good deal.
IV: i don't think i've ever seen you near a baby
PT: i dont think ive been near a baby since lucy was born?? and i was practically still a baby then too.
PT: babies are cool tho.
IV: then you'll like sofia
IV: she's pretty cool
PT: i could tell by that picture you posted.
PT: i thought to myself... now that is one cool chick.
IV: it makes me wonder why anyone would leave her but
IV: i guess i have ideas
IV: and she's better off with me anyway
PT: agreed.
PT: hey... so...
PT: this is nice?
PT: being able to talk like this.
IV: well yeah it's
IV: always been
PT: i know... its just cool we can kinda... pick up where we left off?
IV: yeah i mean
IV: other than like missing you and all that stuff i still feel the same
PT: daw... :')
PT: that means a lot.
PT: i
PT: wanna be a better friend.
IV: stay a while and you will be
PT: okay... i can do that.
IV: we should actually like
IV: i don't know
IV: officially hang out
PT: yeah... i wanna do that.
IV: sooner rather than later
IV: i mean just saying
PT: you want me to come hike out to the woods rn for you?
IV: you could or i could go to you if it's a huge hike
PT: i mean colt kinda lives out in the middle of bfe.
IV: i could get him to watch sofia
PT: okay. how about we meet up someplace in amberhold so all i gotta do is zap over to odimist and you dont gotta trek all the way outta the woods and then to skaia?
IV: sure
IV: that sounds good to me
PT: noice.
IV: there's a coffee shop
IV: it's tiny but really close to like
IV: the transportalizer
PT: ok ill be there in two shakes.
PT: (two booty shakes.)
IV: perfect
FINN: -he'll be waiting at the coffee shop for her in a reasonable amount of time, sitting at a table with a tea and waiting-
RYAN: *enters the establishment with two more booty shakes. gotta show off the goods... though she is much thinner than she used to be and doesn't necessarily feel all that attractive. but oh well, she slides up to the table, flashing finn a smile.*
RYAN: heyyyy.
FINN: -she's still beautiful unfortunately for him. he smiles up at her- hey what a coincidence
RYAN: i know right?? fancy meeting you here.
FINN: take a seat stay a while
RYAN: *plops down across from him and steals his tea to take a sip of it.*
FINN: sure you can taste it
RYAN: thanks man. youre so generous.
FINN: i know i try
RYAN: *snickers and hands it back*
RYAN: so... finn. *chinhands at him*
FINN: ryan
RYAN: what have you been up to all this time? i mean i kinda know but give me the details.
FINN: where do you want me to start
RYAN: *sings* lets start at the very beginniiiing... a very good place to start.
FINN: so from when you left
RYAN: mm... i guess thats about the beginning yeah.
FINN: well i spent a lot of time volunteering all over the galaxy
FINN: i mean i don't think it will be that interesting for you
RYAN: i dunno man... why dont you give me your most interesting experience from it at least?
RYAN: see anything awe inspiring? meet any cool people?
FINN: well -he suddenly stops and looks to the side- yeah
RYAN: *tilts her head at him* yeah?
FINN: -remembers his talk with satomi and he clears his throat a little, fidgeting- i met a guy from where i'm from
RYAN: yeah? what was he like?
FINN: he was cool and he wa pretty old
FINN: was*
FINN: pretty sick too but had a great sense of humor you know
-- impenetrableVitality [IV] is now an idle chum! --
RYAN: *smiles softly. there's one way these stories usually go, but she's still happy to listen what it was like for finn.* yeah i get you.
FINN: told me all about what it was like growing up there
FINN: he was just a guy who refused to leave you know
FINN: until he was forced out
FINN: his name was mateo
RYAN: ah... tenacious with a sense of humor? mateo definitely sounds like my kind of guy.
FINN: you would have liked him
FINN: if you could speak spanish
RYAN: *laughs a little* if only...
RYAN: you should teach me sometime by the way.
FINN: i'd be down for that
FINN: stick with me you'll be a pro in no time
FINN: in which no time is quite a while
RYAN: pffff.
RYAN: okay tell me more about mateo. youve got me hooked.
FINN: well what do you want to know
RYAN: did he ever bestow any elderly wisdom upon you?
FINN: i guess you could say that
RYAN: *just chinhands at him like 8) *
FINN: just kind of told me that if i had the opportunity to explore where i came from then i shouldn't pass it up
RYAN: thats good advice.
RYAN: im pretty sure i came from like a utility closet on the uu or something.
FINN: so go explore that utility closet
RYAN: pretty sure i already have. ;) *remember that time finn...*
FINN: -THAT CANT BE THAT SAME ONE. he pauses and then gets red- oh that is not the same one
RYAN: you never know...
FINN: i can't believe you're entertaining the idea of having fucked in the same closet as your parents
RYAN: hahahahaha.
RYAN: um is that not romantic to you??????
FINN: romantic would not be the word i'd use to describe that
RYAN: *folds her arms on the table and lays her head in them, wheezing with laughter*
FINN: -STOP BEING CUTE IT'S RUDe. but he's laughing too-
RYAN: *surfaces with a big breath. okay, she's good.* god...
RYAN: this is fun.
FINN: -still laughing intermittently- yeah
FINN: hey if we made hgtv fun
FINN: possibilities are endless
RYAN: holy shit. *she's laughing again. memories...* okay so i hate to run off so suddenly but... its getting kind of late so i think im gonna head back to skaia.
RYAN: *she's a little paranoid about staying out late, for various reasons...*
RYAN: ill go to your place next time so i can meet the babby.
FINN: -it's sad she has to leave so soon but...he understands.- sounds like a plan
FINN: be safe on your way back okay
RYAN: yeah of course. *slides out of her seat, but before she goes she rounds the table to give finn a kiss on the cheek.*
RYAN: later alligator. *double pistols and a wink as she moves off to exit.*
FINN: -waves wordlessly after that cheek kiss. he'll be sitting here a while-
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