#but gohan's wouldn't know how to answer it
askdbhc · 2 years
Nice earrings Gohan can I have one
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duhragonball · 2 months
Akira Toriyama (1955-2024)
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I wouldn't say I'm feeling better today, but I'm feeling less bad than yesterday. So let's see if I can put some words together.
In case anyone still hasn't heard, Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama passed away on March 1, 2024. This news was made public on March 7 or 8. I woke up early on Friday morning and found out while I was checking Twitter. I had a long, busy day at work, and I kept getting on my phone to scroll through fan reactions and tributes.
I think that, more than anything, is what's gotten me so worked up about his death. My Twitter timeline and my tumblr dashboard were just chock full of touching message and images about how Akira Toriyama's work has changed their lives. I wanted to write my own tribute, but I'm not sure what else I can say that hasn't already been expressed by Archie Comics, professional wrestling trio The New Day, and the Republic of El Salvador.
There's this immense, global community of fans, and it's easy to lose sight of just how big it is. It's easy to get bogged down in the infighting and petty squabbles. I saw one tweet responding to the criticism of Dragon Ball not being like this "entry level" franchise compared to other, more high brow anime and manga. It's popular with so many people, that critics will assume it's designed to appeal to the lowest-common-denominator. But the opposite is true! Dragon Ball is accessible, which is how so many people from so many different places and walks of life can get into it. The guy telling the story was such a master storyteller that he could grab an audience's attention and make it look easy. So easy that the haters would start to think that it was a trick, and he must be overrated.
Let me talk about this panel for a minute.
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Last night I started going through the original manga, looking for panels to screencap. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I thought maybe a selection of panels that really stood out for me might be worth posting. I'll probably still do that one of these days, but I got to this one, where Gohan tells Chi-Chi about Goku's death, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.
This was a powerful scene in the anime, of course, but in the comic it's even more profound. It's just one panel, no dialogue, because the reader already knows what's happening here. We know Gohan is telling his mother that Goku died in the Cell Games, and that he refuses to be wished back, because he thinks his presence on Earth will attract new enemies. It was hard enough to hear when Goku said it to Gohan and the others, and now Gohan has to relay that message to Goku's wife. All she can do is lie prostate on the floor and weep.
And look at the composition. She's surrounded by all that negative space. Gohan's there for her, but she still feels so alone, surrounded by her husband's absence. Pots of flour for food he'll never eat. An empty chair he might have sat in. Their son, who will have to grow up without him.
I saw this, as though for the first time, and it was so gut-wrenching that I had to post it by itself. I felt like it summed up my feelings better than any words could. We're all Chi-Chi in this panel, reacting to Akira Toriyama's death. And we're all Gohan too, each of us consoling one another with our own thoughts and tributes.
So what did Akira Toriyama mean to us all? Lots of people have answered this in a lot of different ways. Obviously his art, storytelling and cultural impact speak for themselves. I've seen people compare him to other luminaries like Jack Kirby and Osamu Tezuka. I'll try to add my own two cents with this:
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I wrote a post about "Dragon Ball Daima" back when it was first announced, and I led off with this image of a note from Akira Toriyama. I guess this was from some big fancy presentation about Daima at a convention. I forget which one. In particular, I was skeptical that the Daima rumors were even true, and if they were, the whole idea seemed half-baked to me. Turning Goku into a kid had been done before, and it wasn't exactly successful the first time.
But this note from Toriyama was very reassuring to me. More than the trailer clips and character designs, this was what got me interested in the show. That's because he took the time to not only hype up the show, but also to explain what's going on behind the premise. He took the time to tell everyone that he's working on this show, and what "Daima" means, and why all the characters get turned into kids. It's "due to a conspiracy", and the good guys will have to "fix things". In short, he established a plot, conflict, and resolution to the story. He didn't just slap this together to sell new merch. I'm sure that was part of the motivation to make Daima, but there's more to it than that.
I think that's the loss I feel with Toriyama's passing. It's not that there won't be new Dragon Ball stories in the future. I'm sure others will continue telling their own versions long after I'm gone. I'm not that worried about the fate of Daima. I'm sure they'll figure something out, whether it's delayed, rewritten, or canceled. But we'll never see another message from Toriyama to promote a new project, and that's what I'll miss. From here on, his credit will just be an acknowledgement of his past contributions.
There's this great credibility with Akira Toriyama's name. Fans will argue about how involved he was in a project as a way of establishing how good or bad it was. Dragon Ball GT has his name on the credits, and he provided some designs and artwork early on, and for some fans that proves the series has his endorsement. For others, the sole problem with the show is that he wasn't directly writing the script. There's similar debates over Dragon Ball Super, where he was involved, but only writing those mysterious "notes". So if a fan doesn't like something in DBS, who do they blame? Did Toriyama lose his touch, or did his co-creators fumble the ball? Dragon Ball Evolution basically ignored all of Toriyama's advice and bombed, while Battle of Gods, Resurrection F, Broly, and Super Hero all put Toriyama's writing credits up at the very beginning, and each film made plenty of money. I read his comments on the Daima confirmation, and immediately thought "Okay, this should be pretty good. Akira Toriyama knows what's up."
That's gone now. I mean, there's still a lot of talent out there, but we'll never again have the little gas mask-wearing robot telling us that this story will be good because he worked on making it good. I don't think I really appreciated how much I trusted that guy until now. I still can't believe he's really gone.
I'll probably have more to say about this in the coming days, but I'll stop here for now. Thanks for letting me ramble a bit on this.
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tobiasdrake · 7 days
Any love for the beginning of the anime, the Dragon Ball run? I just started and it's pretty charming honestly.
The original Dragon Ball hunt has its ups and downs. The biggest down, of course, being the uncomfortable handling of Bulma at times (as well as Chi-Chi's entire character design).
But setting that aside, it also serves as the foundation for the series to come. Dragon Ball wouldn't be what it is if it hadn't built on top of this goofy little Journey to the West parody that started it all.
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When I think of iconic Dragon Ball relationships, Goku and Bulma's friendship is the number 1. Everything Dragon Ball is, has ever been, or will ever be, all started right here with a teenage girl shooting a little boy in the face with a gun.
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Goku is unmistakably the main character of Dragon Ball. Characters come in and out of the series based on who is in his orbit at a given time. Even when the series tries to be about Gohan later on, it still winds up being about Goku. The universe revolves around him.
Bulma was the first to enter his orbit, and remains arguably the most important to this day. Characters compete over and over to be the other important Fighty Guy or Guys in a given scene, battle, or storyline. But there has never been another character like Bulma. In the Dragon Ball mythos, she is irreplaceable.
The strength of their lasting relationship is built on the foundations set up in this arc. Bulma is the driving force of the story, with much of its interesting character development coming from the growing dynamic between the self-absorbed and amoral Bulma, and this feral creature of a child she manipulated into accompanying her.
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The later context that Bulma's a privileged heiress to a megacorporate fortune explains a lot and only makes things like Goku offering her centipede-flavored roast wolf even funnier.
Seriously, I know I'm harping on about this but I cannot stress enough how much the interplay between these two characters carries this arc.
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But it's not just Bulma. This arc also sees the introduction of the Muten-Roshi, or "Old Heavenly Master of Martial Arts" - and the source of Sun Wukong's Somersault Cloud, Kintoun aka the Flying Nimbus in the dub.
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Bulma laughs, but Greatest Heretic in the Universe fares little better when it's her turn.
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Bulma, you're the best. But you are right this moment manipulating a naive and unassuming child to trick him out of a family heirloom. You have about as much chance of getting on that cloud as Tony Stark has of ever being worthy to lift Mjolnir.
...of course, in about a year's time, she'll have an answer for that. It wouldn't be Bulma if she wasn't using her genius super-intellect and irreverent science to bypass your mystical buddhist gunk. Bulma once managed to fly to God's Temple in Heaven in a plane. Fuck you.
It's hilarious that the character she's based on is a monk.
This arc also sees the introduction of Yamcha and, by association, our first real glimpse of the martial arts battles that the series would become known for.
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Yamcha has the distinguished honor of being the first person to ever seriously threaten Goku in a fight.
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Granted, it doesn't last long before Goku breaks him so hard he bounces Yamcha's face off of the fourth wall.
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Though it's ultimately Bulma who vanquishes Yamcha.
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Between the Muten-Roshi and Yamcha, everything that is the Tenkaichi Budokai and the martial arts crew grows out of these early introductions.
The mini-venture to Mt. Frypan sees the introduction of the fearsome barbarian Gyumao or the "Ox Demon King", terror of the realm, famous for looting and pillaging the surrounding territory.
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It goes surprisingly well. We also get what may be the biggest and most far-reaching moment for Goku's future from this arc. He doesn't even know it at the time, but Goku takes a critical step at Mount Frypan in defining the course of the rest of his future. After this moment, his life will never be the same again.
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He learns the Kamehameha. The biggest staple of his martial arts career, and something he will carry with him for years to come.
Also he gets engaged.
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But that's less important. Goku doesn't even know what they're talking about. Some thirty or forty years later, I'm still not sure he truly understands what they agreed to here.
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Sorry, Chi-Chi, but Goku is an ace. Despite Toei's best efforts to heteronormalize him in anime filler.
Toriyama had no real long-term plans for Dragon Ball when he was first writing all of this. But he laid the groundwork of so much that was to come. Mind you, not everything that happened on this journey would ultimately carry future weight.
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This is just about the only time Oolong is ever relevant to the story. For the rest of the series, he winds up hanging out as an artifact of the first arc, but rarely amounts to much ever again.
Puar doesn't get off much better, but he does get a moment of relevancy at the Uranai Baba tournament so that's something, at least.
Though while his time in the spotilght is slim, Oolong does serve to give us a solid moment of characterization for the vastly more important Bulma.
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That is, of course, when Bulma one-ups her previous manipulation of Goku by enslaving a sentient being. Holy shit.
It's easy to overlook this because Oolong's a little terror. He was a ten-year-old kid masquerading as some sort of ancient monster beast in order to kidnap village girls.
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A story, I should note, that the dub does no favors to on account of Oolong being voice-acted like a forty-year-old man. One of the weirder consequences to come out of Z getting dubbed before the first anime. He is actually supposed to be younger than Goku.
So there's a punitive angle to Oolong being karmically forced to come with Goku and Bulma. But. Still. Y'know. Bulma.
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The final mini-arc introduces us to the closest thing this arc has to a villain: The utterly ridiculous Pilaf-Daio or "Great King Pilaf", ruler of approximately two subjects.
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Pilaf doesn't have a lot of staying power, but he does come back from time to time simply because... Well, he's Dragon Ball's most harmless villain. Pilaf is effectively a self-important child with delusions of grandeur. Aspiring to world domination via Shenron and yet surprisingly innocent and naive.
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As an aside, I've always found it funny how much Mai sticks out like a sore thumb in their group. Pilaf is a weird little monster elf clown boy. Shu is a dog boy who is also a ninja. And then Mai is an utterly normal woman wearing a trenchcoat.
There's this thing in character design where male characters can be anything under the sun, any sort of eldritch or monstrous or cool or glamorous or wicked design under the sun, but then female characters are often just things like "Woman with hat" and "Woman in skirt" and "Woman in plate armor".
Like you'll have male orcs who are these huge beastly monsters with sharp tusks and grotesque bald heads with horns. And then female orcs who are female humans but green.
The Pilaf gang shine a bit of a spotlight on that dynamic, don't they? XD
But I digress. Point is, the Pilaf Gang are goofy fun. So much so that the anime tried to give the arc more connectivity by adding Mai and Shu to a lot of the preceding mini-ventures too - Although, since they were filler, they weren't able to influence the plot in any meaningful way.
These characters keep coming back because there's something that's just fun about a set of recurring troublemakers. They're the Team Rocket of Dragon Ball.
Of course, this opening arc also has one last piece of groundwork to unknowingly lay for the future: A major hint at what will become Goku's Saiyan heritage.
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This is one of the biggest recurring plot points in Dragon Ball. If Goku looks at a full moon, he becomes the Oozaru; A horrifyingly powerful monster that killed his Grandpa Gohan.
Goku doesn't even know that the monster is him; That he, Goku, killed his beloved grampa is a piece of information that dangles over him like a Sword of Damocles as the series progresses.
Though there's also a really interesting implication here buried in the fact that Gohan warned Goku about this in the first place.
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Gohan used to warn Goku against ever looking at the full moon. The implication being that one day, Goku messed up and saw it. Then he became the Oozaru, destroyed his home and the surrounding area, and killed Gohan.
But it's interesting that Gohan knew about the full moon and could warn Goku in the first place. The only way he could have known is if it had happened before. The day Goku killed Gohan must not have been the first time he saw the full moon and turned. Gohan had survived at least one Oozaru incident before the one that killed him.
I dunno, that's just interesting to think about.
When Goku does finally turn, this is the most serious the arc's ever been.
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The fight with the Oozaru is short-lived but will have far-reaching ramifications for Goku going forward. This is probably the biggest thing to be set up in the whole arc.
It's a goofy little tale through a silly little world, that unknowingly planted so many seeds and laid groundwork for so much of what Dragon Ball would become. The (failed and yet sort of succeeded) mission to get Bulma a magic dragon-granted boyfriend almost feels like a minor footnote compared to all the storylines that would follow in its wake. But Dragon Ball would never have become what it did without this opening act.
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misscnc · 2 months
I have another Gohan x Videl headcanon...
This one I'm actually trying to write a fic based on it.
This takes place a few months after the defeat of Buu. There's a lot unsaid between them.
They're going on an outing to the museum as there's a really cool bug exhibit going on. Chichi suggests they drive, because she wants him to have as normal a life as possible. Videl is the one driving.
On the way, Videl is trying to make small talk, but Gohan only gives vague answers, or answers like he isn't really listening to her. He's leant against the passenger window, looking deflated.
After some time of the conversation going nowhere, Videl gets fed up and demands he tell her what's wrong, because he's obviously off. Gohan sighs and stumbles with his words, because he doesn't know quite how to say what he's thinking.
Gohan starts with lamenting about how he could have prevented Buu's terror had he just kept training. He let his mother die, he let Videl die, it let to Earth's literal destruction. He could have avoided all of it had he simply kept training. He would not be able to forgive himself. He couldn't even protect her from Spopovitch, who had beaten her halfway to death.
He recalls his time on the Kai planet, with he and his father trying to convince the Grand Elder Kai to train him, and the bargain Goku made with him in exchange. He tells her how Goku at first suggested Gohan ask Videl, not Bulma to kiss the Elder Kai.
Gohan doesn't dare look at her, and she just listens. He tells her how angry he got, how he screamed that he wouldn't let that old relic kiss his girlfriend. Videl turns red. Gohan stares intently out the window, unable to look her way.
He apologises for it. He knows they aren't dating. He knows Videl isn't his girlfriend, and he shouldn't call her that. He just got so mad in the moment, because he secretly wishes she were his girlfriend. Gohan then says he's now mad at himself, because she doesn't owe him anything, he isn't entitled to her feelings just because of their shared trauma, and he's mad at himself because he never wanted her to feel pressured, or to feel like their friendship has to change just because he's completely in love with her.
Gohan's fists are balled up, and his knuckles are white. Videl is being uncharacteristically silent throughout. She asks him if he wants her opinion, or if he wants her to just listen. He tells her desperately he needs to know her opinion.
Videl smiles, tell him she's loved him for months too, and holds his hand. Gohan's face softens, and they continue their journey to the museum, now officially her boyfriend.
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
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Well, first I have to briefly speak about the other Saiyans. Don't worry, I won't bore ya with too much explaining. I'll keep it as brief as possible.
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His tail kept growing back over & over until Kami permanently removed it.
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It grew back once. Due to him being a hybrid Saiyan, the tail did not keep growing back as it would for a full-blood Saiyan.
GOTEN & TRUNKS [+ Pan & Bra]:
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In 2003 Toriyama stated that Saiyan tails seem to be a recessive trait.
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So, since Trunks & Goten are half Earthling, the physical traits of Saiyans are recessive compared to the dominant Earthling physical traits. Gohan seems to have been a rare case of being born with the recessive trait of having a tail, while the other Saiyan hybrids are born without tails. (But Saiyan abilities are a dominant trait.)
(You have to take some of these statements with a grain of salt because around this time, Toriyama was burned out from DB and just answered any kind of way at times. But, this one seems like he put some thought into it.)
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His tail should have kept growing back, but it did not for some reason. 🤔
Many fans have gone with the explanation from a Sub-Story of the video game "DBZ: Kakarot" that said that a Saiyan's tail has an 8% chance of regrowing if they have surpassed the power of their Great Ape form while in base. This simply makes zero sense. It is literally impossible for the base power of a Saiyan to surpass the Oozaru power since there is no set power level for Oozaru & it is a 10× multiplier. People should not take as gospel these kind of nonsensical statements from side quests that are solely meant to pad out the gameplay.
But, should you believe me? You can be the judge of that.
So, for full-blood Saiyans of Universe 7, their tails will always grow back. But there can be ways to prevent them from regrowing.
As we know with Goku, he had godly intervention to permanently remove it. But what about Vegeta? Here's my explanation...
The Medical Machine permanently closed up Vegeta's tail glands.
The Medical Machine (healing chamber) heals and seals all wounds. Since a missing tail is a wound, it was sealed up permanently. So if Vegeta had not gone into the Medical Machine, then his tail would have regrown (but, he would've died).
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Now, if it was the improved Medical Machine from Resurrection F that they call a "Regeneration Machine", then it's very possible that Vegeta's tail would've been regenerated.
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But, the healing technology hadn't yet advanced to that extent in DBZ.
(The DBS version of Broly probably had his tail cauterized by Paragus so that Broly wouldn't go out of control and unknowingly kill his father then accidentally destroy the planet & end up killing himself.)
EXTRA... (you don't have to read it)
In the same 2003 interview that I linked earlier, Toriyama says that the tails of Saiyans get in the way once you're as powerful as Goku & Vegeta. But due to not being burned out from.DB at that time, he forgot that Goku trained his tail and so did Nappa & Vegeta. But, it is a weakness if it gets cut off in Oozaru form.
He also says "it is thought that..." which is just Toriyama's way of not giving a real answer.
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Then in a 2016 interview, Toriyama has gotten back into enjoying DB and answers more truthfully & thoughtfully. He says that the tails do not get in the way of fighting (Goku strengthened his tail and Vegeta & Nappa wrapped their strengthened tails around their bodies like belts). He got rid of tails because he was overthinking how Saiyans would put pants on.
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It's honestly a silly reason. 😅 But that's only the out-of-universe answer.
An in-universe answer requires looking at the specific details from the series to make a conclusion. As well as using certain statements that further explain ideas in Dragon Ball without contradicting the series or what Toriyama says during times when he's interest in his series. Thus, I came to my conclusion.
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carnal-lnstinct · 7 months
All My Soul Within Me, Burning.
Content: 1k words. dbz crossover - inspired fic ( fnaf inspired ). android saga "what if" au. memory loss / small recovery. small plot twist. drabble w/ little plot. not completely proofread. parallels! spookies! excitement!╰(*°▽°*)╯ characters: au!android 16, bulma, raditz, gohan, goku, krillin Warning: referenced character death, implied existential crisis, soft angst ♫ what lies within
I will put you back together. / Leave the demon to his demons.
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Bio-mechanical Android engineering wasn't exactly in the Brief's work description, let alone repairing a prototype not meant to see the light of day yet according to the notes in Dr. Gero's specs. Were it not for him, this would seem impossible to do. Or better yet, something so inhumane wouldn't exist to begin with. His madness created this mess and the rest of the earth was stuck dealing with it, or at least everyone strong enough to stand in for the Cell Games.
With all the labor and time that went into the repairs, it was hard to believe it once it was all over. But Bulma and her father had managed to completely repair Android 16 along with some other safety precautions put in place. For what it was worth, there was at least one more fighter on their side against Perfect Cell and they got to walk away with some admittedly genius insight on bioengineering. Yet it seemed only hopes and prayers were what they could rely on the most now in these pending days to determine the future of the Earth. However, it also gave Android 16 some time to reflect on this purposeless life.
Does an android like him even get to live a life catered to his own choices? What does he do with himself now that his primary function has been made obsolete? Even his t̶̢̙͠ẁ̶̧̩̲́ō̴̝ ̷̡̞̊̚̚c̶̘̆̇͒ö̴̢͎́m̸̱͎͍̂p̶̹̻̫̀̒̽a̷͓͔̣͌͐͊n̵̡̺̜͊̌i̶͎͖͛̑ǒ̷̞̂̎ń̷̫̮̝͛s̶̹̒ who wished for this kind of freedom was gone, completely altering even his backup directive. If he had them, then he at least wouldn't be facing the likelihood of being free, but rudderless and alone.
Android 16 took a moment to look over his repairs in a mirror before completely redressing from his fix. It exceeded expectations so much that it was hard to distinguish the patchwork from his original casing—Skin? When his piercing blue gaze left its own reflection, it lingered on the bandage taped to his cheek and the dark red spot where his skin bled through.
̵̧̞͌S̵̥̺̀͌͜ọ̷̥̌͂m̵̨̻͗̈e̵̯̲̊̈͘͜t̵̬͈̿͒h̸̙̞͋̏ͅí̷͉̦̈́n̴̖͓̥̔g̸̳̬͙̊̈ ̸̤͎͈͑i̸̧̬͋̋͗s̵̘̱͂͜͠ ̶͈̬̂͆͒w̸̝̳͍̒̕r̷͙͒̽o̵̜͊n̴͇̒̈͘g̷̺̽ ̶̢̠́̍ẉ̵̥̉i̷̟͍͊̄̑t̴̙̯̆͜h̷̬̲̉́ ̴̲͎̈m̶̻̣̿̄́e̴̬̼̊͝.̵̣̜͠ ̵̮͇̈
Bulma interrupted before he could peel the bandage off, checking in on her handiwork after tending to her baby. "You're really starting to look like your old self. It's kind of hard to believe you're on our side now." She proudly declared before running down her list of last-minute diagnostics while he listened and predicted most of them. She referenced a few other things that seemed counterintuitive to Dr. Gero's intention with the Android but benefited him better under his new construction. It's like he was upgraded. Refurbished into something useful again.
Once more, it raised the question of what was to become of him now that he was fully operational again. Maybe the Briefs had an answer for that, too. He's never had to question what his role is before if he is not the one to kill Son Goku.
"You know, I'm not even sure what to call you now. From the scope of crazy notes, I got an idea of how Dr. Gero hot-wired you together, but...I don't know, do you even remember your name?"
"Android 16." He automatically answered her.
She didn't flinch at that response. Only raised the electronic pad with a screen visible from the back. "...Right. But your identity was more than just what Dr. Gero did to your body, ya know." Bulma hesitated to continue, but her scientific curiosity couldn't let her hold back bringing up the knowledge. She wanted to test her theory. " You used to work for a bunch of creeps up to no good before Dr. Gero did this to you. If you're having trouble remembering, your name is ̴̟̬͓̀͘[r̵͚̖͋e̵̮̾̽d̸̩͛͒a̵͚͒̇c̶̡̬̻̎t̵̥̑̅͝ẹ̶̈́̎̕d̷̩̭̖́̍̂]"
A soundless vision glitches through the programming code when she speaks the name. A memory. Just a visual moving slow and fast, though, blurred and colored by his once mortal senses. A memory of himself: small and embraced in nature until the wild-haired woman came to lift him in her arms speaking that same name. And then, wars. Wars and victories and death in the service of being the most dominant power in this world and the next. [R̶̨̧̞̃̈́é̵̥̙̈ͅd̶̛̝̰̂͝ͅa̷̹͠c̸̙͐ͅt̷̪͈̯̃ę̵̲̪̾͊d̴͓̥͝] was fortunate enough to be near the peak of the elites of the world and their glory, then felled by something...less than adequate for a soldier of his ranking.
̵̙̠̅͜͝Í̵̙̙͋͜͝ț̷̺͎̓̈́͆'̵͔͓̠̌͂̅s̶͚̠̰̄̃ ̸̫͋͗͋m̶̦͕̗͠e̷̋͜͝.̵̰̇̄ ̷͈͖̬̓͒͊I̶̦̽́̑͜t̸̡̲͊́͋'̵̛̠̳ŝ̸͖̇͜ ̴̪̈́͌ṁ̸̥͓̼͝è̸͇͈̪.̶͙̈̈́ ̵̮̳́̇͜Î̸̮̗̓̌ţ̶̘̭̈́̉'̴͔͎͇̔ş̸̳̤́̉ ̸̞̘̈́͑̋m̴̧̬̕e̷̮̱̾̌̐.̵͉̣͛̽ ̵̲̟̍̾I̷̫̓͆̏t̷̮̼͇̍͗'̷̧̀s̶͔̑ ̵͉̩͒m̵͓̳͛̊̔e̵̢̳͛̚.̵̞̈̒͗
Bulma watched as the cybernetic blue eyes widened and completely blackened, showing nothing but the small lights behind them like white pupils in a void. As she feared, some of Dr. Gero's fail-safes were still in place. The screen of her pad flashed a warning in response to this reaction with a code quickly reading off to try to diagnose and resolve it in real time. She was grateful to have disengaged the bomb inside him but she didn't feel too safe to turn her back at the moment. She clutched a remote in her hand, thumb grazing over the red button when Android 16 suddenly blinked and the blue eyes returned.
"I am...functional again." He reassured her once registering her panicked expression, gaze flicking to her remote and back to her eyes. "It's under control."
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At the Cell Games, Krillin was the first to approach Android 16. Genuinely happy to see him in better condition than when he dropped him off at Bulma's, even wearing the brand of Capsule Corp like a badge of honor where the Red Ribbon logo used to be. The Ascended Gohan joined Krillin, surprised at the sight for sure. Just like the others who kept their distance, Gohan was surprised to find an ally in someone who tried to kill his father. Even with Vegeta and Piccolo in present company. But with his father's training and Krillin's faith in the bio-android, he knew there was nothing to be concerned about from him. At least for now.
The way Android 16 stared down at him didn't come off too friendly, either. But Gohan would not flinch at it. The vacant, blue glare then flicked over his head towards his father, Goku looking back at the large android in kind. He then made his way over to join Gohan's side without breaking eye contact. Leaving a tense silence between the small huddle.
"R̷̞̺͓̘͉̋̇́̐̋͆ą̸̱̺̲͔̘̫͌d̶͍͆̍ĭ̸͔͖͌̔͠ṱ̸͆z̸͙̎̒͂͘." Goku stated with a firm acknowledgment of the form. He lightly tilted his head as he looked up at the large bio-android. In spite of his memories tied to this body, seeing his brother like this felt wrong. He could sense him, but it didn't feel like him anymore. "So it really is you. Dr. Gero did this to you?"
Į̷̼͐ ̴̡̢̯̎̍͂s̵̃͜h̶͉͝o̴͓̊́̕ũ̶̯̺l̴͍͚͌d̴̻̲̍ͅ ̶͚͇̻̅́b̴̡̮̙͆̈ê̵͚͊͠ ̷͎̥̳̿̉͊d̸̟̝͌ë̷̦͖͘ͅa̸̮͑d̶̟̐͛.̶͙͔̀ ̶̨̛̠̞B̶̨̫̈ů̷͍̑̌t̵̤̮́͆ ̵͔͕̍̈́ͅỈ̸̯͎̜̚'̴̧̪̒̓ͅm̷̤͌̈̓ͅ ̷͍̀n̵̛̝͆o̴̫̾̿t̴̖͓͖́͝.̸̬̺̔̏̈ ̸̢̙̋͒̐
"An irrelevant name. Android 16 will suffice." Android 16 answered simply. A dead man's name no longer fits his artificially enhanced mortal body. Though it was better suited for the thing inside, housing his trapped agony. It puts an enigmatic smirk on his face, teetering to a familiar, wicked expression. "But... it's me."
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Hello I love your blog so much and I was curious- how do you think Teen Gohan coped with the fact he killed someone? Specifically his father. After the Cell Saga of course. Like would he hve preferred he was dead instead of Goku?
Hey, thank you so much! And sorry I didn't get around to this sooner, it has been stewing on the back of my mind for ages and I wanted to draw something for it but couldn't come up with anything concrete...
I am very, very torn on interpretations for this tbh and swing many ways. I've read all the fanfiction and seen all the fanart, from Gohan being basically on the verge of suicide (I don't like those fics, but I've read them) to Gohan being overjoyed because he hated his father apparently (I, unfortunately, liked those at one point...) to Gohan having normal reactions and everything in between. Depending on my mood and the goal I want to accomplish in a story, the way I prefer he react changes. I also think many different interpretations sound more or less canon; I don't really have a staunch canon interpretation.
That being said, if you were to ask me right now I'd probably say...well, even now I'm torn XD My brain is thinking a few things:
He was fine, albeit a bit guilty at times. Goku made it clear to him during the Cell Saga fight that it wasn't his fault, that Gohan should direct his anger to Cell instead, that Goku was having a lot of fun with King Kai, etc. And it's true that without Gohan, the Earth wouldn't have been saved. And Gohan has lots of other support in his life: Chichi, Piccolo, Krillin primarily but also the others, and they would beat him up the moment they notice he's blaming himself again. So I think he mostly thinks about his father in a positive light: reminiscing on good times, feeling nostalgic, appreciating his father for protecting him, especially on Namek against Freiza (which seems to have impacted Gohan the most), and just generally thinking fondly of Goku, not having it tainted by memories of the Cell Games.
He felt guilty, but hid it well. This comes out in some DBZ games I think...there was that one game that had Cell come back and Gohan got angry at Cell, telling him he killed Goku, but Cell threw it back at him, and Gohan got angrier but clearly still beat himself up for it. In DBZ Kakarot, Piccolo calls Gohan out for still blaming himself for his dad's death, and Gohan decides to keep the Super Saiyan hair for a while to process his dad's death and his new role as protector. I think this Gohan channels his guilt into trying to be the new protector of Earth (in a self-destructive way, like "why can't I be stronger?" or "I have to be stronger so that doesn't happen again" kind of way), except that just makes him uneasy because Gohan's not like Goku and taking on the burden of being Earth's sole protector is a lot for him.
Gohan does say something like "I wish it would've been me" right after Goku dies. So I think it's plausible that this feeling comes back time to time, but I see this feeling coming back for any of the survivors (I'm sure Krillin's felt the same multiple times for multiple people).
Sorry for the essay LOL but those are my thoughts! Hope I answered your question and thanks again for the ask (and sorry for the long wait!).
Oh, to add: Gohan doesn’t like killing people, but Gohan has killed before. I don’t really know what Gohan thinks about the people he killed, but a lot of them were grunts and a lot of it was in self-defense -- I don’t think it keeps him up at night. Or maybe it does? I don’t have concrete interpretations for this, but part of me thinks it’s just par for the course of being an overpowered half-Sayian forced to protect his friends and save the world against genocidal villains...
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Does Trunks get angry that his childhood was stolen from him? That he never got to experience anything a normal teen/child would?
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The answer may surprise you, but no he does not.
And it's less because he moved past it or he doesn't think about it, Trunks just legitimately was too young to remember his life before the apocalypse, he doesn't have an understanding of what he lost because all he knows is the ruined world around him.
Hell, his closest frame of reference for what a childhood was like was Future Gohan, who had known terror when he was a wee lad and wouldn't know peace as long as he lived.
There's no anger there because he doesn't actually have a good idea of what was stolen from him, he's just told that he lost it, there's no actual connection there. It's like being told you missed out on watching a movie everyone else saw but you had no clue what it was about- you're curious, but it's not gonna have much of an impact on you.
He does, at certain points, realize just how different his childhood could have been, but it results in more inward frustration for not being strong enough sooner than outward anger.
There's much that he missed out on, but he'd rather experience those things now rather than lament anything about what could've been.
tldr; There's no anger over a childhood lost bc he doesn't really comprehend what was taken.
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noxiatoxia · 1 year
hello noxia from Real Life and also tumblr. I have one quastion for you: do you think anyone in the host club watches Dragon Ball. if so who's their favorite character. and would any of them pretend to do the kamehameha
sorry for not answering for so long i was busy looking at a wall.
OK SO the biggest DB fan in the club is undoubtedly Tamaki. he is a massive #otaku nerd who had a very weeaboo perspective of Japan before he moved there when he was 14. I can EASILY see him watching a buuunch of dragon ball to "better understand Japanese culture" and just being a nuisance quoting DB to everyone 😭 he also probably learned his Japanese via shit like anime so i would not be shocked if he talked like a DB character sometimes....ohhh the middle school twins bullied the FUCK out of him for it that is for sure. Also yes he pretended to do a kamehameha and his fave character, besides Goku (bc I think he would love Goku) is prob Gohan. He relates to him.
I also think the twins watched the anime when they were younger. Not super fans like Tamaki is but they have fond nostalgia for it. They both always liked the bad guys the best, namely Frieza and Cell.
I can see Haruhi having very basic knowledge of it since it is such a popular show and she probably saw it on TV once or twice. She isn't the type to really watch cartoons though after the Tragedy (rip mom) and focused more on school. Still, she probably read on a forum somewhere that Dragon Ball's English dub is a good place to start trying to learn English, so she probably watched a few eng dub episodes and was largely lost....and of course when tamaki found out he invited himself over so excitedly so he could watch with her. double whammy bc I hc that Tamaki is mostly fluent in English so he understands the dub perfectly well on top of being a DB fanboy while Haruhi is lost in so many ways.
Ok, Hani is an ACTUAL martial artist so...I can actually see him liking DB for the martial arts. The thing is tho, I think Hani wouldn't watch the anime but rather read the manga. I think he read the original Dragon Ball manga, and by the time he got to the Dragon Ball Z manga he only read the first two volumes before the whole "you have to act like a MANLY MAN" thing happened to him and he sealed away all his "childish" possessions, this includes manga. But once he starts accepting himself again, I can see him going through his old things and being reminded of the series and, though intimidated by how far behind he is at this point, I think he'd try picking it up again. Also, he FOR SURE learned how to do a lot of the actual attacks in real life, minus the other-worldly aspects. He turned the kamehameha into an actual feasible attack that can be preformed irl. (His fave character is Puar)
Mori and Kyoya probably don't know much about DB or really care all that much...Kyoya certainly not. He knows the very basics. That's it. He does not care. (Tamaki will still infodump it to him)
Renge is a huge DB fan and an avid Goku x Vegeta shipper. I am right on this.
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manygalaxiesinone · 1 year
What If Adell and Goku Swapped Places (Adell's side: Part 3))
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((Hee ho dood! Prinnyfrost reporting for duty! Time to continue Adell's side of this little swap idea I had in mind.
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We left off at the Z fighters, lead by Shoumei as Adell is preoccupied at the moment, coming to surprisingly aid Piccolo against the mysterious alien group called the Crusher Corp. The leader of these mercenaries or bandits happens to be none other than Turles, who revealed to Shoumei that not only is she a saiyan like him, but she was also his long lost little sister. While the Z fighters are continuing their struggle and Piccolo still recovering since they don't have any senzu beans at the moment, Amond helps Turles..."escort" his sister onto the ship. Turles then instructs Amond to help the rest of the Corp out until the tree finishes its fruit while he has a chat with his younger sibling.
Amond: "As you command, mighty Turles!" Walks out of the ship.
Shoumei: "..."
Turles: "So...you've certainly grown up, Brassi. On one hand, not really all that surprising. Last time I saw you, you were still a baby inside an incubator before I was...shipped out with a less desirable squad of other saiyans. On the other hand, it's just amazing to see you alive at all, what with the planet blowing up."
Shoumei: "Why are you attacking my world?!"
Turles: "What? Not interested in little family reunion? It's been so long?"
Shoumei: "Answer me!"
Turles: *Sighs* "Fine. I guess it's not really saiyan like anyway now that I think about it. Honestly, we're just taking the energy from the planet in order to make our tree of might. Our client is in need of its fruit, which grows better depending on how fertile the land is. Nothing malicious really, but sadly the planet will wither and die out as a result."
Shoumei: "Wh-what?!"
Turles: "Like I said, we mean no ill will, but this place just so happens to be the closest option for us so, a stroke of bad luck I guess."
Shoumei demands that he gets rid of the tree, but Turles refuses, instead he offers Shoumei to join his Crusher Corp. While he can't give her a high position right off the bad even though she's family, at least she won't have to die with the rest of the world. Plus he has a feeling that his client might take an interest in her as well.
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Personally, I like to imagine it being a bit similar to Cassim singing to Aladdin in the King of Thieves movie. Telling her that aside from just making trees, they also pillage other worlds for their resources as a member of the gang. This actually does stick out to Shoumei for a tad due to her bandit lifestyle. Pulling off heists on a grander scale than what this plan had to offer does sound pretty exciting to her, but in the end, she refused, as not only would it not feel right that Yamcha and Launch wouldn't be able to join her in this after all they went through together, but that also mean that he would have to abandon both her husband and child. That last bit caught Turles off guard.
Turles: "Husband and child? Wait, don't tell me you managed to interbred with one of these earthlings?"
Shoumei: "Well, yes and no. I did get married by someone on this planet, but he's not from this world either."
Turles: "What do you mean? If he's not an earthling than what is he?"
Shoumei: "A...demon apparently?"
This revelation made Turles turn white and shutter in fear. He knows how powerful and dangerous demons are and did NOT expect to find one on some random planet, especially one filled with life considering they have a reputation on being as ruthless as saiyans, if not more so!
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After all, Majin Buu, the one both King Cold and King Vegeta have constantly warned others about when it comes to those they have to avoid at all costs, was originally believed to be a demon himself. Look, I know he's actually an alien that came from another dimension, but his design was based off of genies, or Djinn, and they were sometimes depicted as all powerful and nefarious demons.
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Meanwhile, Gohan, Launch, and Bulma made their way to the studio Adell was working at and explain what's going on. They were lucky enough to catch him while he was taking a break, otherwise they would be taking quite an earful from the director.
Adell: "So they felt it too? I knew something was up. Why didn't you guys just call me? You have the studio's number."
Launch (Blue): "We didn't want to distract you in the middle of a scene."
Bulma: "Yeah, knowing that director guy would probably just chuck the phone in a fit of rage."
Adell: "...fair enough."
Gohan: "Daddy...do you think mommy will be okay?"
Adell: "Don't worry Gohan, your mother has been in some pretty tough jams before. But I better get going just in case. You go home and try to relax, okay? I'll bring your mom back."
Gohan: "Promise?"
Adell: "Of course!" Gets up from his chair. "Sorry to leave you with baby sitting but-"
Bulma: "Just go already Adell, you can pay us back later."
Launch (Blue): "Gohan will be fine with us."
Adell: "Thanks. Be back."
With that, Adell runs outside, making sure he has enough distance from the studio before he starts flying away. Naturally, the director is pissed once he realizes that the star actor bailed just when they were about to finish and before he could scream any profanities, he Bulma, Gohan, and Launch get in Bulma's ship and fly off. Sensing the energy of his friends, it didn't take too long for him to arrive on scene and witness everyone fighting the Crusher Corp and Piccolo trying to pick himself up.
Adell: "Piccolo? What are you doing here?"
Piccolo: "Same as you. I was inspecting the sudden loss of energy from the planet and found these guys responsible using that tree. It looked pretty even for a while, but the moment they ate some of the fruit, things went sour."
Adell: "Kay...where's Shoumei?"
Piccolo: "Don't know. Last I saw her, she was fighting that buff red guy over there."
Adell: "Alright. I think I got this."
Adell walks up to the Crusher Corp, getting their attention, as well as his friends. Krillin and Yamcha specifically were both pretty delighted to see him.
Krillin: "Hey, you actually made it buddy! I thought you were too busy filimg."
Adell: "Eh, you know how it is when it comes to emergencies. Besides, one of the other actors were making things difficult."
Amon: "What's this? Are we supposed to be intimidated by some movie star?"
Cacao: "They must be mocking us, not aware of how serious the situation is."
Tien: "Trust me, that guy right there is the last person you want to make angry. He's a lot stronger than he looks."
Daiz: "Really? Let's find out."
Diaz activates his scouter to read Adell's power level only for it to quickly get so high, that it explodes in his face. Amon plays it off like there must be some sort of bug in his scouter as he forgot to update it before this mission, prompting him to activate his and getting the exact same result. Naturally, the group start to get...a tad worried.
Adell: "I'm not fully sure why you're here, but I'll make you a deal. Hand over my wife and take that tree out of here, and you can leave in one piece."
Amond: "Wife? Oh! You mean Mighty Turles's sister!"
Rasin: "Wait, the boss has a sister?"
Lakasei: "He never told us about her."
Amon: "I don't know for sure, but she is a saiyan woman and dat's what he's calling her so..."
Daiz: "Well if that's true, then we have all the more reason not to. This planet's about to die anyway and if we're lucky, one of us might be able to have our own fun with her."
The moment Daiz said that, the dragon team stepped back, knowing that things are going to get a bit messy for Daiz. As I said before, Adell isn't really fond of needless killing left and right, however the moment you threaten his family, you practically guaranteed a death sentence. Adell lights his hand on fire and in a split second, he punches Daiz so hard, he literally split in half!
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Imagine Younger Toguro one shotting Topaz during Yu Yu Hakusho's dark tournament, only this time, Daiz is also engulfed in flames. The Crusher Corp was in complete shock after seeing this. The others, not so much with the only exception being Piccolo. He knew Adell was very powerful, but he had no idea how much he was really holding back during their fight in the tournament. That whole time, if Adell really wanted to, he could have killed him just like that, but for some reason, he not only went easy during their fight, but also spared him at the end of the match. But why? They're enemies and he wanted revenge. He couldn't fathom it. Regardless, Adell turns around and looks at the remaining Corp members. He asks the others if they wanted to change their minds about the deal. Cacao decides to step up and challenge him and see if he can get past his armor.
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For those who don't know, Cacao's armor is specifically designed to be immune to physical damage. This along with his magma like body being more resistant to fire as well as the power boost he got from the tree of might, makes him pretty confident that he can handle anything Adell can toss at him. And surprisingly, Adell did struggle for a bit with that armor, even when he boosts his strikes with his fire, but knowing that they're on a time limit with the planet dying, Piccolo sneaks a special beam canon at Cacao, piercing through the vulnerable parts of his head and instantly killing him. At first, Adell was upset, knowing how unfair that was, but Piccolo reminded him that the planet is still dying from the tree so they don't have the time to mess around. Adell agreed and thanked Piccolo for reminding him to keep his head in the game. Just then, Rasin gets a call on his scouter. It's Turles, asking for an update on the situation. The MOMENT Rasin mentions Adell, Turles instructs the crew to pull out as he knows this is a fight they can not win. Grab whatever fruit they can and get out. Unfortunately, this results in a back and forth between the corp members as they remember that their client might not be all that happy to hear that the fruit they bring over is lacking in both quality and quantity, but they're not sure if they have another option, thus giving Adell the chance to tell everyone to combine their power and destroy the tree. Not only was the tree destroyed, thus giving the stolen energy back to the planet, but considering how close the other three were, they didn't escape the blast unscathed. The twins are dead and Amond is handing on to dear life. All that's left is Turles, who's trying to contact his crew, but is getting no response. He has no idea that Amond is still alive because his scouter is destroyed. When the smoke clears, the group can see Amond trying to high tail it, but they follow him as they figure he's probably heading back to the ship, where Shoumei would be. Back at the ship, Turles is still panicking at the situation.
Shoumei: "You know, this probably wouldn't have happened if you just picked a different planet. I guess that's just bad luck."
Turles: Slams his fist on the wall. "Do you have any idea what this means, Brassi?! My client is going to mount my head as soon as he finds out!"
Shoumei: "Oh come on, so some rich guy won't get his fill. What's the harm?"
Turles: "You really don't get it..." Turles takes out a spare fruit that he's been saving for an emergency. "Well, if I'm going to die, then I might as well do it the saiyan way, in battle."
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He blasts a hole in the ship, quickly throws a fake moon into the sky and eats the fruit, gaining another boost in power as he turns into his great ape form. This ends up damaging the ship quite a bit, but not the whole thing, thus giving Shoumei the chance to escape once she sees an opening. It didn't take too much longer for Amond and the others to arrive. Unlike what Vegeta did to Nappa, the moment Turles sees Amond, he tells him to use one of the emergency pods that were left intact to escape, glad to know that at least ONE of his crew managed to survive this ordeal, even if he might not end up being one of them. Amond was actually reluctant to leave his boss behind as the two had a pretty good bond with each other, but even in his great ape form, Turles tells him not to worry and leave the rest to him. Amond does end up leaving, making way to a far off planet where he won't be noticed by anyone to stay on the safe side. Naturally, despite the danger in front of them, the moment Adell and Yamcha see Shoumei, they runs up to her for a hug, glad to know she's safe and sound.
Shoumei: "I'm really glad to see you too Adell, though you shouldn't be worried. I've been in some hairy situations before."
Adell: "That's what I told Gohan, but honestly, you can be a little reckless."
Shoumei: "A demon, calling me reckless? Has hell frozen over?"
Adell: "You say that EVERY time I scold you."
Yamcha: "Ain't that supposed to be my job? You know, as the "Big Bro" figure here?"
Adell: "Yeah, you're right? So why aren't you doing it?"
Yamcha: "Well I can't do it now, she's an adult, and since you married her, that's on you."
Adell: "Sonuva-"
Piccolo: "For the last time, can you please focus?!"
Turles is proving to be a rather difficult opponent for the Z fighters, even for Adell. Not because of power, since he's still a lot stronger in the long run, but Adell is purposefully trying to hold back knowing that Turles is Shoumei's older brother and wasn't sure if he should off him. That is until Yamcha recalls the night when Shoumei turned into a great ape and accidentally got stuck, which resulted in the lost of her tail. He gets the other fighters to distract it as he runs off.
Shoumei: "Yamcha, wait! What are you doing?!"
Yamcha: "Just trust me! I got this!"
As the fighters are dodging each of Turles's mouth ki blasts, Tien was caught slipping and was grabbed by Turles. He began to squeeze him in his hands, crushing him. Chaotzu was horrified and tries to use his powers to take over Turles's mind in order to let him go, but it doesn't work. Fortunately, Yamcha finally manages to cut off Turles's tail with his sword that he still has since he didn't fully give up his bandit lifestyle. Turles lets go of Tien as he returns into his regular form, but he doesn't give up. Knowing that Adell is the strongest one here, he charges at him, basically demanding a one on one fight between the righteous demon. There wasn't any particular plan behind it, he just figured it would be the most fitting to die by the hands of the strongest member of the warriors, at least have some dignity. As he expected, even while holding back, he stood no chance against Adell who had beaten him pretty badly. Despite this, Adell still doesn't kill him, something that clearly upsets Piccolo.
Piccolo: "What are you doing?! Finish the job!"
Adell: "Hang on! It's not my call to make here."
Piccolo: "What the hell do you mean?"
Adell: "Shoumei! This is your brother, isn't he? I don't think it would feel right to just end him without asking you first."
Shoumei: "..."
Turles braces himself, ready to die as he figures what Shoumei's answer would be.
Shoumei: "...Let him go."
Piccolo: "WHAT?!!"
Turles: "B...Brassi?"
Shoumei: "Don't get me wrong, I don't really consider you my older brother, but I think I understand the struggle you're dealing with. I'm a criminal too, you know. Plus, even though you say that saiyans are ruthless, you had no trouble letting your underling escape before fighting us, even though he failed his mission. You can't really be all that bad deep down, right? But let me make one thing clear, "brother". If you ever threaten my home or my family, what you received here will be nothing compared to what we'll do that will haunt your dreams for as long as you live."
Turles says nothing and simply gets into the other emergency escape pod and fly off. Piccolo tells them that they're making a big mistake by letting him go and Krillin somewhat agrees, but Adell just shrugs stating that it was Shoumei's to make and Shoumei and Yamcha reassured them that everything will turn out alright. They then carry Tien so he can go get healed up and resume the rest of their day. Meanwhile, Turles makes his way to a rather large ship. Upon arrival, he is escorted to a healing pod to get patched up, but when he's finished, he is told that his...client would like to speak to him...privately. Turles sighs as he pretty much braces himself for what's about to happen. As soon as he enters the room, he is met with a tall figure, sitting on some sort of round hovercraft.
???: "Turles. I see you've returned from your latest mission...without any fruit this time apparently."
Turles: "Yes. The planet we've been to resulted in a rather...disastrous expedition. All of my men, the entire crusher corp, have been vanquished. I'm the only one left."
???: "Really? That is rather disastrous."
Turles: "I have no excuses. At least...nothing proper. A failure is a failure sir...and to think the ones who defeated us decided to spare me."
???: "Turles, do you remember our arrangement?"
Turles: "Yes. How could I forget? I bring the fruit in exchange for my protection and livelihood."
???: "Close, but no. You were right about my end of the bargain, but you seem to have forgotten yours." The figure stands up and walks closer to him. "I specifically requested for anything of value from your little trips and what can be more valuable than information?"
Turles: "I-Information? Yes of course! In that case, I have at least made a couple of discoveries on that planet that you might be interested in."
???: "By all means, do go on, Turles. Spare no details."
Turles: "With pleasure...
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bleachanimefan1 · 4 months
Dragon Ball Legend Part 34
A Warning from the Future,
"How did you guys know that I was coming?" Goku asked everyone.
"This guy told us. He's a mystery man. I think he might be a fan of yours." Bulma explained to Goku and gestured to the purple-haired boy standing beside her.
"He knows all about you, daddy!" Gohan smiled. Goku blinked in confusion, looking at the young man, wondering who he was. 
"He even knew the exact time when you would come!" Bulma added.
"But how? We've never even met." Goku said, confused.
"That's what he said. He must have been tracking your ship from outer space." Bulma said.
"Really? I don't know. Freiza tried to do that, but I could sense his energy levels when he passed me. He sure was in a hurry to beat me home." Goku said, unsure, until he saw that Frieza was nowhere to be seen or even sense his energy. "What in the world happened here, guys? Who defeated Frieza?" Piccolo looked at Piccolo and Vegeta. "Was it you Piccolo or was it Vegeta?"
"Neither of us did. It was this guy." Piccolo frowned, looking over at the boy. "He did it with ease. He turned into a super saiyan and picked him apart."
"What? A super saiyan?" Goku's eyes widened. "I can't believe it! Outstanding! A super saiyan at his age!"
"Hey! Aren't you forgetting something?! You, your son and I are the only Saiyans still alive!" Vegeta shouted.
"Well, if he says he's a super saiyan then that's good enough for me." Goku smiled.
"Honestly, Goku, you take things way too lightly sometimes!" Bulma frowned.
"No I don't." Goku replied.
Then Goku's eyes wandered over to Ocarin and saw the baby Namekian in her arms, clinging to her shirt. Goku's eyes widened in surprise.
"Whoa, Piccolo, I didn't know you have a kid!" he exclaimed.
"I don't." Piccolo said, firmly.
"Then who's this?" Goku asked.
"I found him on the way here. He might have gotten separated when the Namekians left Earth." Ocarin told him.
"That's not entirely the truth." the boy spoke before he looked at Goku with a serious expression. "Goku, I need a word with you in private."
"Alright then." Goku nodded. The two flew off a few yards away from everyone, when they were out of hearing reach, and landed.
"Thank you for trusting me." the boy said.
"I should be thanking you for defeating Frieza. I had a chance to finish him, but I was only fooling myself thinking that he might change." Goku told him.
"That was your first mistake. He was out of control, and you couldn't stop him. When he landed and you aren't around, I had to step in. I didn't think you'd make it." the boy smirked.
"His ship was a lot faster than mine. I knew he was going to hurt the people here. I was about to make my move. But then you came along."
"And just how were you going to make a move when you were two hours away in space?" the boy asked Goku.
"Well, I picked up a technique I learned. I wouldn't have been here in seconds." Goku explained.
"Are you serious?" the boy asked surprised. Goku smiled and winked.
"It's called instant transmission."
"You mean time travel?" the boy questioned.
"No. You dematerialize and travel and the speed of light. You'd be surprised by how much ground you can cover flying 186,000 miles per second!"
"If I had known you didn't need my help with Frieza I could have waited and met with you alone and avoided the risk of meeting all the others." the boy clenched his fists.
"The risk? What do you mean?" Goku asked him.
"I don't mind answering that question. But let me ask you something, can you transform into a super saiyan at will?" the boy asked Goku. 
"At first I wasn't able to. But now I can control it." Goku explained.
"I need you to do it right now." the boy asked him. Goku blinked. "What?"
"Please. I need to see for myself."
"Okay." Goku nodded and started to gather up his energy and his hair turned blond, and his eyes turned green. "Are you satisfied?"
"Yes, I am." the boy smiled.
"So, what's next?" Goku asked him. The boy turned into a super Saiyan as well. Everyone watched in shock, wondering what was going on as they felt their tremendous power. The baby in Ocarin's arms woke up and blinked and looked around until he saw Goku and the boy staring each other down.
"They look like they're going to fight. Their powers are evenly matched." Ocarin spoke. The boy made a move and quickly pulled out his sword to strike Goku with it. But the blade stopped suddenly just inches from Goku's head. Goku didn't even flinch as he stared the boy down with a piercing gaze. "Why didn't you try to avoid it?" the boy demanded.
"I sensed your intentions. I knew you were going to stop." Goku smirked.
"Well, this time I'm not going to stop, got it?" the boy smirked.
"As you wish." Goku replied and raised one finger. The boy lunged to attack again but Goku blocked with the blade with his finger, stopping each and every one of the boy's attacks. Then the boy jumped back and lowered his power, turning back to normal and sheathed his sword. "Everything I've heard about you is true. You're good, no, you're great!" He smiled.
"I wonder what they're talking about?" Ocarin spoke.
"They were testing each other's strength." Piccolo answered telepathically in her mind. Ocarin's eyes widen and she turned to Piccolo. "Wait a minute, Piccolo, you can hear them?" She asked him. Piccolo nodded.
"My ears aren't just for looks. Namekians have super hearing." He told her.
"I'm sorry for the secrecy but I need your word that you won't tell anyone what I'm about to say." the boy told Goku.
"Well, I had no problems keeping secrets but sure you have my word." Goku said.
"Thank you. My name is Trunks. This is going to sound strange, but I'm not from this time. I traveled here in a time machine 20 years from the future." He explained to Goku.
"You're from the future? This incredible!" Goku exclaimed. Trunks nodded.
"Yes. Vegeta was right. Only yourself, Gohan have Saiyan blood and I got mine from him. He is my father." He told Goku. Goku's eyes widened in shock.
"What?! You're kidding! You're absolutely sure that Vegeta is your father?" He asked. Trunks nodded.
"Yes. I am half Saiyan, half Earthling."
"You're kidding. Vegeta's son, my gosh! I can see the resemblance!" Goku exclaimed in disbelief and laughed. "Vegeta's going to be a daddy! That's incredible! Who would have ever thought-"
"Goku, I didn't come here to tell you that." Trunks interrupted him. "I have something really important to tell you." Goku nodded and waited for him to continue. "In three years from now on May 12 at 10 am, a horribly destructive duo will show up on a island nine miles southwest of South City. They have dreadful power even by our standards. Their monsters, Goku. That's the best way to describe them. Once these pair show up, the Earth and everything we know will be gone for good."
"Are they aliens?" Goku questioned.
"No. They're androids created right here on Earth. Their creator is Gero. Doctor Gero the mastermind responsible for the old Red Ribbon Army, remember them?"
"Yeah! I defeated them!" Goku's eyes widened in shock. "Him?"
"Yes." Trunks nodded.
"But how? He lived?"
"Thanks to you. Yes, that's one battle you're going to wish you fought to the very end." Goku gritted his teeth. "I'm sorry to say that Goku. But letting Doctor Gero escape will come back to haunt you and everyone you know. He's probably working on these monsters as we speak. I'm still not sure where is his lab is. If I knew I would be paying him a visit instead of you. It's hard to describe these creatures, Goku. They are unlike anyone you have ever faced. Nothing even comes close to rivaling the technology that gave them birth. It's mind boggling how strong they are."
"What's his plan? What's Doctor Gero trying to accomplish with them?" Goku asked Trunks.
"No one really knows. The moment those things were able to think for themselves, they rebelled. They have their own twisted merciless agenda ever since then. There's no wrong or reason to what they do. They're machines of destruction. Man haters. Their first act after they were born was to turn on their creator, Doctor Gero himself. These androids are ruthless. They delight in causing pain and chaos. Living on Earth in my time is like living in a nightmare. Always running and hiding and looking for a way out."
"But you defeated Frieza in flash and yet from what you're saying these androids are even stronger than you?" Goku asked.
"They are, for sure. Hunting me down is one of their favorite hobbies but it's two against one. There's not much I can do against them except run."
"What? But what about the others? Aren't they helping you?" Goku questioned in disbelief.
"They can't." Trunk's clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "They're dead. Three years from now, the Earth's Special Forces will be gone. I'm all that's left. I'm doing the best I can. They're all gone. Vegeta, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaostu, Piccolo, Ocarin." 
Ocarin saw Piccolo's eyes widen slightly and saw him clench his fists as if he heard something disturbing. "Piccolo?" Piccolo was too focused as he continued to listen in on the Goku's and Trunk's conversation.
"They're all going to lose their lives against the androids in a horrible battle. There will be only one survivor, my master, best friend, Gohan. He narrowly escaped that battle but in 13 years, they get him. And with Piccolo gone, there's no chance to use the Dragon balls to revive anyone."
Everyone saw the grim expressions on Goku's and Trunk's face. "Now what's the deal? They look like someone died." Yamcha spoke.
"Making the time machine has also cost us so many countless lives, so many at the hands of those beasts! Darn them! Their just far too strong!" Trunks growled.
"Hey, Trunks, what happens to me? Do I die in the battle as well?" Goku asked him. Trunks shook his head.
"You die before it. Not too much from now, you're going to catch a new virus that attacks the heart. You're going to die from it." Trunks spoke. "You'll hearing about it soon. Not even a super Saiyan can beat it."
"What a bummer, being killed by a stupid virus. Darn it!" Goku growled. "I want to fight those androids and I don't even get a crack at them!"
"You mean after everything you've heard; you still want to fight them!? Aren't you scared of them at all?!" Trunks exclaimed in surprise.
"Sure, a little bit, all challenges are scary at first maybe I can make a difference." Goku said. 
"A guy like you, probably could. You're a true warrior. My mother and Gohan were right about you, Goku, I really can trust you." Trunks smiled then he handed Goku a small bottle. "Take this for your health."
"My health?" Goku questioned.
"It's an antidote. There's no cure now for that nasty virus you're going to get but in my time there is. Take this when you start to get sick, and you'll be fine."
"You're kidding me!" Goku grinned. "Wow, awesome, and it's purple colored too. I bet it's grape flavored!"
"I shouldn't be doing this, Goku, it's going to change history, but some history should change. Things are pretty bad. We're living in fear with no way out it's terrible! But you can make a difference, Goku. My mother told me that you could." Trunks said.
"Your mother knows me? Am I going to meet her, or do I already know her now?" Goku asked.
"Now." Trunks replied.
"Wow, I already know your mom, huh? That's bizarre!" Goku exclaimed. "Does she live close or something?"
"She's standing right there." Trunks told him and pointed at Bulma.
"Bulma's you're mother!?" Goku sputtered, falling over in shock. Piccolo's eyes widen as well and let an out a gasp in shock.
"That guy just pointed a finger and Kakarot just fell down!" Vegeta shouted.
"Bulma and Vegeta, huh? Unbelievable." Goku said, getting back up, still in disbelief. "I thought Bulma was going to end up marrying Yamcha, but Vegeta!?"
"They don't stay together very long. It's more of a passion kind of thing." Trunks blushed. "You know how stubborn they are. Yamcha and my mother are going to break up. He finds someone else and my mom, she falls in love with my dad. Of course, he would never admit it."
"No shock there. I know them and man they're the feistiest people I know." Goku replied.
"I don't remember my dad so it's really great to get to meet him." Trunks smiled. Everyone saw that they were looking over at them and wondering why. "I know its bizarre but they'll find a way pretty soon. But if they get wind of who I really am, it might not happen. Promise you won't tell them, Goku, or I might not exist."
"Not a problem." Goku smiled. Trunks smiled then looked over at Piccolo and Ocarin. "Can you tell those two to come over here? There's something I promised to tell them before I leave." Goku blinked and nodded and turned looking over at Piccolo and Ocarin.
"Hey, Piccolo, Ocarin! He wants to talk with you two!" Goku called for them. Ocarin blinked, wondering why this strange boy wanted to talk to her and Piccolo. Piccolo flew over and Ocarin followed behind him, holding the baby Namekian in her arms and landed down beside Goku and Trunks. Trunks told them the truth that he wasn't from this timeline and that he came from the future, along with the baby.
"I did promise to tell you two about this baby-" Trunks started to speak but paused for a minute before Piccolo interrupted him.
"So, let's hear it." He grumbled.
"About nine months from now, he will be born." Trunks told them. Piccolo's and Ocarin's eyes widen in shock and Ocarin looked down at the baby Namekian who was staring back up at her cooing happily.
"Born? You mean hatched." Piccolo spoke. Trunks shook his head.
"His name is Bansuri. He is your son, Ocarin, and yours too, Piccolo." Trunks told them.
"Wait a minute! He's our son!?" Ocarin exclaimed, while Piccolo remained silent still in shock from the news. "Come to think of it, I have been feeling a little sick lately."
"Does that make him my son, too!?" Piccolo heard Nail speak to him in the back of his mind.
"But wait, if he's from your time then why isn't he around your height, shouldn't he be I don't know, older? Why is he still a baby?" Ocarin questioned.
"I don't really have the answers for that. My mom checked him out as well and she told me that it probably has something to do with trauma, that his body hasn't adjusted yet. It's like he doesn't want to." He told her. Ocarin blinked before looking down her future son.
"I guess you got both our traits by being completely stubborn." She smiled.
"Especially when I told him that I was coming back and told him to wait in the time machine." Trunks replied.
"How do I know he's really my son?" Piccolo asked.
"Piccolo!" Ocarin scolded him. Suddenly, Bansuri vanished when he teleported from Ocarin's arms and reappeared on Goku's head then started to teleport randomly all over before reappearing back into Ocarin's arms again. "He has your teleporting ability, Ocarin!" Goku smiled.
"It was actually you, Ocarin, who gave him to my mom. You said that he was "special." Trunks told her.
"Special? What do you mean?" Ocarin asked him. 
"I don't know. Those were your exact words before you-" Trunks paused before he saw Piccolo narrowing his eyes at him and stopped.
"Before I, what?" Ocarin asked him.
"It's not that important. I've already gave my message. Hopefully, this timeline will fix everything." Trunks quickly told her. "Now I really must be heading back. My mom's probably worried sick about me. Bansuri, come on." Trunks walked over, holding his hands out to take Bansuri from Ocarin. But Bansuri clinged tighter to her shirt, refusing to let go. "Bansuri, we can't stay here. This isn't our timeline. We have to go."
Trunks and Ocarin managed to pry Bansuri to get him to let go of Ocarin's shirt and Ocarin, hesitantly, handed him back to Trunks. Bansuri blinked before he let out a loud wail and started crying. Piccolo groaned, gritting his teeth in pain, covering his ears. And it was probably hurting Bansuri's ears as well, considering he was half Namekian. Ocarin covered her mouth completely devastated, hating seeing her future son crying. She wanted to take him back from Trunks, but she couldn't.
Bansuri didn't belong here. He wasn't from this timeline. She would see him again in a couple of months. Ocarin walked over before Trunks left, cupping Bansuri's cheek. He stopped crying a little and looked up at her in Trunks arms.
"You listen to Trunks, Bansuri. He is right you can't stay here, but I can't wait to see you in a couple of months. And I'll love you all over again. You are strong, especially since you made it this far." Bansuri stopped crying and blinked at Ocarin processing her words and cooed.
"Thanks. It'll make the trip back home a lot easier." Trunks smiled and he hopped back into his time machine with Bansuri and took off, disappearing.
Piccolo started to tell everyone what Trunks had told him, except the he was Vegeta's and Bulma's kid. For the next two years, everyone needed to train for the upcoming android threat.
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teenandbeyond · 2 years
Piccolo x Artist.Reader
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Because his character is underrated and why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Talk to Me (DBZ or Dragon Ball Z)
From the moment you lay eyes on Piccolo, he intrigues you, but he doesn't seem too keen on a conversation with you...Well, apparently he hasn't met you.
Pt 2: Here
Master list: Here!
"[Name], can you help me settle all these Namekians? Relax them and such?" Bulma peeked her head into your room.
Your head shot up from the mural you were currently painting, you were crouched on the ground, a dorky smile on your face as you glanced at her, "Uhh, yeah. I'm guessing the Namekians are the aliens from the planet you were on?"
She nodded, "Mhm. What are you painting?"
You let out a tiny grunt as you stood and rolled your neck, sighing at the satisfying crack sound, "I'm not completely sure yet. I'm just going with the flow."
You closed up the paint carefully, not to spill any, "So far, I think it's a tree. But I hope something or someone ends up going along with it."
You cheerfully walked over to your best friend who was practically a sister, "But I need to take a break anyway," you grinned, "I'll be glad to help.
"When you said the Namekians...I didn't think you meant the whole population..." You blinked, there was so much green you could barely see another color. It made your eyes feel weird.
She laughed nervously, a sweat drop running down her face, "Yeah, I probably should have mentioned that to you."
You sighed and shook your head, "Oh, well. I said I'd help you, I'm not backing out now!"
And you didn't. You spoke to the Namekians, helping them settle, answering questions best you could (since you hadn't gone to Namek), calming ones who were frazzled, and showing kindness to them.
You were about to walk over to probably the fifteenth group of Namekians before you caught sight of a familiar Namekian.
"He looks familiar...Where have I seen him?"
Wait. he's that guy Goku fought years ago...and the guy that trained Gohan too, right? Niccolo? No...Pablo? That doesn't sound right...Ah! Piccolo!
He looks cool!
You found yourself walking up to him.
You waved with a smile, "Hi there! Piccolo, right?"
He opened his eyes slowly, giving you a bored expression.
"I'm [Name]. An old friend of Bulma's."
He didn't even blink.
"...Can you say something at least? I know you speak." You pouted.
He closed his eyes again, "You have paint on your face."
His voice is nice, you liked it...wait...
Your face warmed in embarrassment, "I do?! Where?"
You used your [shirt/dress/sweatshirt, etc.] to wipe at your face.
"This isn't doing me any good...I need a rag."
You turn to walk off when you pause, "Wait...you only mentioned that because you wanted me to have a reason to leave, didn't you?!"
His expression seemed indifferent at a glance, but as you looked a little longer, you noticed the tiniest of smirks.
"You're irritating. I don't get irritated," your cheeks puffed out. It was true, ever since you were a teenager you tended to be kind, a little bubbly, and mindful you did well at not getting irritated.
Until now.
"Then leave, so you're no longer irritated."
Was he mocking you?
"You know what? I'll leave for now, but I'm gonna get you to have a conversation with me."
You marched off with a determined gaze, "He doesn't know how persuading I can be, apparently."
Poor Piccolo, he messed with a person almost more stubborn than Bulma. But he didn't know that yet, he'd only caught glimpses of you here and there, this was his first interaction with you.
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"Hey, Piccolo!"
He opened a single eye.
"What are you up to? Meditating? That sounds nice."
Silence. Then he closed his eye again.
You sat across from him a few feet away, shuffling through your satchel bag and pulling out a sketchbook. You softly flipped through a few pages before you found a clear one. You dug into your bag again for a bag you filled with many different pencils.
You glanced up at him, you wouldn't bother him too much while he was meditating. But you heard spending time with someone can make a bond better, so you'd sit in silence.
You contemplated for a moment before deciding to sketch a dragon.
"Can you be quieter please?"
You raised a brow, "Oh, I'm sorry," your voice dripped with sarcasm, "But shouldn't you not focus on outside sounds while you're meditating, Mr. Super hearing? Your ears are just sensitive, I'm barely making a sound."
He tsked.
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There were a few interactions, overall they were kind of almost completely one-sided. But he learned more about you while you would talk to him...basically talking to yourself. You thought, anyway, he'd never admit he listened to you.
He learned you were an artist and you liked doing creative things.
He learned that despite your personality being more on the brighter side, you were crazy smart.
You were actually pretty chill and you weren't noisy and extra (not all the time, anyway) like he'd assumed.
You were really caring, you often talked about keeping up with his race, making sure they were okay after losing their home and if they were situated well, etc. You also cared for your friends.
You could fight, very well, apparently. You taught Goku a few moves. But you weren't feeling well that week, so you didn't go to Namek.
You were respectful, you never spoke too loudly if you happened to interact with him while he was meditating.
You had a soothing singing voice, he's observed when you hum to yourself...sometimes you forget he has super hearing.
He ended up finding himself intrigued by you as the weeks went by, even though he questioned how you kept finding him until remembering power level detection. He started...enjoying your company.
"Hi again, Piccolo."
You sighed, you were stubborn yes...But were you wasting your time? Maybe you should just finally leave him alone.
You gasped in surprise...did he just say your name?
You twiddled your thumbs shyly, "N-no meditation today?"
He opened his eyes and they met yours, "No, just relaxing."
Your eyes widened. Was he... conversing with you?
"Oh, mind if I join you?" You waved your sketchbook in the air.
"Why are you even asking at this point? It's been weeks."
You got giddy. He was talking to you.
"That's fair. I like sketching around you though, you're a lot calmer than most of my friends...all of my friends."
"I've noticed..."
You plopped down beside him with a laugh, your knees brushing, "It can't be helped."
You flipped open your book and flipped through the pages to find a clear one.
"Not bad."
You jumped and glanced over, his eyes were on your sketchbook.
"Thank you...Ah!"
The current page it was on, was a sketch you'd make of Piccolo meditating. You flicked it away, but it was no use, he'd already seen it.
He let out a huff of laughter.
You gaped and pointed at him, "You just...laughed."
"Oh? Did I?" he asked dryly, clear sarcasm in his tone.
"Shut up! You know you never give me any type of reaction to anything, I'm just surprised is all!"
In your room, your mural was freshly completed a few days before. The tree sat in the middle, the skies clear, the grass plush...Leaning against it...was Piccolo.
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After that day you conversated more often and maybe, just maybe, Piccolo made his second friend...or possibly something more?
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rainlover25 · 4 years
Series: Dragon Ball
Pairing: Goku x Chichi #GoChi
Title: Missing You
Goku's POV : Finally, Lunch break! Super hungry! I'm glad that I came here with Vegeta! Bulma packed a lot of foods in the capsule.
It's been 3 months since me and Vegeta starts our training with Lord Beerus and Whis. We're in this planet that's too far away from Earth, from home ... From Chichi
I missed Chichi, no matter how the food taste here, Chi-Chi's cooking skill is still the best!! No one can beat her! My wife, I miss her and our sons!
Hey--!!! Vegeta called me angrily
If you don't want to eat that then let's just continue our training!!
Fine, I'll just finish my meal, gosh vegeta! Relax!
Why are you acting strange? I asked
It's because it's Sunday, Goku! Bulma will came visit him whis said
Ow, that's why - I smiled weakly
I guess someone's getting jealous Lord Beerus taking shot at me
I hate to admit but, that's really how I feel. Since we came here to train every Sunday, Bulma visits Vegeta with their son, trunks.
At first I also looked forward to their visit and hope that Chi chi would along .. but. ...
It never happened
Gohan visited several times with Pan and videl. Once they bring Goten too
But Chichi, never.
Why wouldn't she come? Doesn't she miss me? I couldn't bring myself to ask my son's about her. I'm scared
She probably realized how terrible husband I am .. not being there when she needs me, when she's pregnant with Goten, staying dead for a while not getting a real job ... thinking that, my heart sunk. It's painful. It hurts more than the punches and attacks I received from the enemies before
They're here whis exclaimed
I saw bulma and trunks run towards Vegeta to give him a hug and kisses. Vegeta acts annoyed but he likes it ..
Hey Dad! I looked and saw My sons!
Gohan and Goten!
Hey guys! I thought you can't come due to schools activities? I said while smiling and waiting for them ... I hugged them tightly
I missed you guys! I said
Gohan helped me with my homework and projects so I have time to visit you dad! Goten said cheerfully
Really? Thanks Gohan! I smiled at Gohan.
I'm so lucky to have a responsible son still taking care of his brother even when he already have his own family
Well, I know you missed each other but, can someone help me carry this food baskets? I knew that voice! I can't be wrong! I looked at the direction of the spaceship and saw her ..
A beautiful woman standing and smiling at me ...
My Wife ..
My love
Yes! That's Chichi! I smiled the biggest smile i ever had
CHICHI!!!!! I screamed her name at the top of my lungs and do the instant transmission to be with her as soon as possible
Goku ~ how's your traini.. ~~ she's about to ask me something but I couldn't wait any longer I hugged her
Ahmm, Goku, everybody's watching us!
I know, but I don't care at all! I just hugged her, almost crying ...
But I need to know ... Why just now?
I gathered up my courage and ask her
What took you so long chichi? I missed you so much I thought I'm gonna die!! I asked her with a tears in my eyes
Ow Goku, my dear, I missed you too! She replied while wiping my tears
But, my father, Ox King became ill and he needed me by his side.but now that he's okay, I can visit you all the time she said excitingly
Gohan and Goten never told me about father Ox King I told her
I know, I asked them not to tell you so you could focus on your training chichi answered
You're too good to me Chichi!
I love you! With that, I kissed her .. I don't care if everyone's watching us, I missed her.
We ate ...
All the food was prepared by Chichi ..
But i couldn't eat .
I just hugged her, never letting go ..
So she end up feeding me while I hugged her
Thank you Chichi , you're the best! I love you!
Author's note:
My first attempt on writing story about Goku x Chichi #GoChi
English is not my language.. so forgive my poor Grammar
Should I continue making one? Thank you for reading! ❤️❤️❤️
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
What do you think of MasakoX's What If Gine Went With Goku to Earth?
Short answer;
Didn't care for it and only watched like... 5 or 6 parts, I think.
Long answer;
Gine is more unfit for combat than Goku. Plus she doesn't really like fighting like other Saiyans do. So it doesn't make sense for her to become some sort of fighting mom just because fans complain about DB women becoming wives & giving up fighting. The only DB wife who wanted to fight was Videl, but she stopped once she had Pan, then got back into martial arts as a teacher as mentioned in DBS: Super Hero. Chi-Chi learned martial arts in order to meet & marry Goku. 18 doesn't care to fight and was just programmed with martial arts know how and super strength so she still fights only when she's needed. Chi-Chi & 18 wanted normal lives. They dont want to fight all the time. 18 even notices that Krillin is more interested in fighting than she is. Heck, if anything you could say that Krillin became a husband/father for his family and put fighting secondary. Same can apply for Gohan, a character who never wanted to fight, but majority of the fandom overlook that fact.
As for Gine, she used to fight, but wasn't fit for combat so she works as a butcher & meat distributer. She is no housewife either. Why? Because she is Bardock's mate, not his wife. But back to the main point... Gine just isnt a fighter. And she doesn't want to be. Sure she would possibly learn martial arts from Grampa Gohan so she could protect her son better. But that's it. Once Goku surpasses her in strength, she wouldn't have a need to protect him if he can protect himself.
Idk if Gine ever turned SSJ in his what if, but I doubt that could happen. She doesn't just have tons of latent power like Vegeta or Broly. And she wouldn't train to get really strong either. So, based off of her character, I believe the most she would do is be able to turn Oozaru. And even then, I doubt she could control her Oozaru form well at all.
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