#but he didnt mention anyone else in our friend group
saelterlude · 1 year
my crush: i really want to try the free double decker bus tour but its only available from tuesday to friday, 10 to 5
me: didnt you say you have no class on wednesday? just go ride it on wednesday
mc: but youre not free on wednesday
me: yea i have class but if you want to then just go for it
24 hours later
me: ...was that him subtly asking for a date? or at the very least a hangout? and i bring up class schedules instead??
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bestygogirl · 4 months
Group C Finals!
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Anzu Mazaki
the original It Girl, very underrated anzu masaki is stubborn. she’s all about friendship and she believes in you soooo much. she’s the type to give you a lecture while picking you up because she’ll never leave you stranded but you should take better care of yourself. she has dreams of being a dancer and takes that risk in moving to whole different COUNTRY to follow her dreams. vote for anzu!!! This is ANZU. Yugioh's most dedicated friendship philosopher!!! The one who knew the power of friendship before anyone else did!! Always backing up her guy friends even when (especially when) they're up their own asses about card games!! Not the mom friend bc she's reckless and nuts in her own special way!! The girl Yami confided in when he couldn't even confide in Yuugi... who sees through everyone's bullshit into their true feelings.... who said "learning how to love yourself is a game we play our whole lives"..... She is THEE GIRL. Literally iconic. Foundational to the whole damn text!! She didn't haul ass after a bunch of goofy card game geeks supporting them through 343 chapters and suffer through endless early 2000s Anzu-bashing fic to NOT win this tournament!!
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
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nie7027 · 2 months
Related to the all persona au I have that I have briefly mentioned before...
I've been thinking about my headcanon of how persona users become stronger/more powerful the longer they have had their powers and how that coupled with my headcanon about how the P1 and P2 casts are leagues more powerful than the neo persona casts (a single person from P1 or P2 would be able to take the the whole SEES or the Investigation or the Phantom Thieves on their own) because unlike the neo persona casts they received their powers directly from Philemon while the neo casts received it from the remnants of Philemon's power that Igor has means the P1 cast HAS to be introduced before the P2 casts in my all persona au.
Because the P1 cast being the ones to receive their powers first (and from Philemon) are the most powerful of them but they are also the ones who have been able to grow up accustomed to that power, to learn to control it as it develops and be aware of the huge responsability of it whereas the P2 cast didnt have that chance.
They are time bombs.
They have a huge amount of power they don't know how to control, they never got to learn how. Due to their circumstances they aren't even aware of the great power they have. They have no memories of that.
And if the memories ever return they would cause such an emotional overload that it would leave the person completely unstable. If only for a few minutes.
A few minutes too much considering the great amount of power they are unaware they have.
Decades of power they never learned to control accumulated along with mental unstability... That's an extremely dangerous combination
They are time bombs only someone from the P1 cast would be able to manage, not someone from P3/P4/P5 (maybe Minato/Minako but they are... you know.... Dead....speaking of Ryoji would also definitely be able to take them on but yeah he's unavailable too)
Even someone like the Real Tatsuya who actually got to grew up using his power isn't free of that because yeah he has decades of experience using his power but he also was trapped in a post apocalyptic dimension filled with shadows.
He's traumatized.
He lived for decades in a permanent high stress environment with next to no support (or none at all if he lost Katsuya at some point which is most likely the way im going) and accustomed to using his power without any constraint (there's only shadows around him, there's no need to care if he goes over the top and destroys everything in his path).
Upon returning to this side Tatsuya will be unaccustomed to living in a society, to having to restrain his power. And he will be in another highly stressing environment except completely different from what's he's used to because all will come from his head. His trauma.
He will hear a dog bark(having no heard anything but shadows for years) and he will go completely nuke over it in mere seconds launching super powerful attacks before he can even realize what hes doing. Just pure instinct and reflex he had to forge to survive the way he lived but that it's no longer useful to him here, back in the normal world.
He will need a therapist.
And Maki will be perfect for the job.
Not only is she a psychologist and a persona user who received her power directly from Philemon even before Tatsuya(so actually more powerful than him, if not one of the most powerful even in her own group) but she's also someone close to Tatsuya. Someone he knew and considered a friend.
Maki would know this and probably prepared for years for this (never losing hope that she would someday help the kids she couldn't help when she was younger).
She would appoint herself as Tatsuyas therapist the moment he steps back into our world, already applying all the psychology techniques she knows to help Tatsuya start processing his trauma way before Tatsuya or anyone else even realizes what she's doing.
It also fits nicely in my au because she's already also Akechis therapist which gives me an excuse to give them something in common, something that would help them get to know each other and bond over.
I imagine either Akechi or Tatsuyas exiting Maki's temporal office in the Shadows ops headquarters just as the other is arriving for their respective session and making small talk while Maki gets ready to receive the other.
Or them talking/complaining about the exercises Maki has ordered them to do and how much they frustrate them.
Just. I love when the au builds on its own
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thephloxbayou · 3 months
Im so fucking angry.
I wasnt going to talk about going per protocol but this was so fucking lame it doesn't matter. It was never a threat or a blink on existence.
I went to a local vigil for Aaron Bushnell.
Now, a few things. This is my first time getting to go to anything like this. I have a sleep disorder, and I work nights. Usually activist groupings tend to happen last minute/you find out last minute. I'm far from Boston, on Cape Cod (I've mentioned where i lived generally before hence why I dont mind saying it here), and it's an ordeal to go even for fun. Things rarely happen on days I have off, and if they do, i probably worked the night before or have to that night. I cant take work off, im poor and its hard to get last minute coverage without my job being at risk.
But I found out yesterday about the local vigil. I rested up well before my shift, did it and came home and got very little sleep. But I could manage and that was the point, I could so I should. I had clothes prepped, black bloc even though i didnt expect anything to happen, and dressed for the cold and rain (its closer to 50 today). My phone was at home, my ID and house key in the car, parked some ways away and walked, only had my car key, a water bottle, and a few fruit snacks on me. It started at 1pm but I got there at 2 (lack of sleep plus making sure to eat a good meal just in case rather than run out on a near empty stomach).
I didnt expect a ton, this area is wealthy and white, but I wanted to be ready if anyone of color got harrassed because I have my privilege as a white person. Good to practice anyways. I also felt like maybe the gathering would have more energy, given that it came out that Aaron was a Cape Cod native. Either way, I was prepared to stand outside all day even if the rain that was forecasted was pouring down.
Well I walk up at 2... and they're wrapping up. Everyone (like 45 people) is standing around with signs, but theyre chatting and holding the signs down at their sides. They took a group photo with their signs calling for an end to this horribleness while smiling. I finally managed to say hello to the organizer, and mentioned that I didn't realize everyone would only be here for an hour. "Well it started to rain really hard." People stood around and talked about their anger at our government, and the horrors of whats happening in Palestine, then left because they were cold and it was wet (was listening to conversations and goodbyes. I was wandering on my own, everyone else was with friends). I heard the organizer talking about how he just vacationed in Costa Rica and was going back, then going to some other vacation spot.
My husband was surprised when I came home basically right after I left. I am so deeply angry by how comfortable these people out here are. This is not the first time Ive complained about that, i grew up with a hard life, we came out here on an opportunity, so I wouldnt off myself in the bad situation we had been in, and with his mother's help where she could (he grew up here). Ive never felt comfortable here because these people are living in a different world than I do, and even people who are just normal people and not some rich asshole look at me weird when I say stuff that I consider perfectly normal given where i grew up/class level. You're so angry over this, over the pain the people of Palestine are going through, that you go through the effort of organizing an event, and you stand around and talk about your "anger," and then you LEAVE after an hour because it's a little cold (warmest day we've had in weeks) and it's raining, which was forecasted and you could prepare for???
I havent calmed down. I cant go back to sleep cuz I already took my adderall which i need to stay awake on any regular day with that sleep disorder. I went ready for a fight, I wasnt expecting one but I was prepared, and expected at least a little energy from the group. But nothing. You accomplished nothing but making yourselves feel better.
I wish I could do more. I wish I had money to donate. I wish I had the ability to go physically support activist movement. All just like I wish I could during the summer of 2020. Im constantly torn between recognizing my position and suffering as valid and not a reason to beat myself up for not being able to do more, and feeling like I'm not doing enough and it's just excuses. But I just... cant fucking believe everyone I saw today. I mean yeah, i believe it, i know, i knew, but im just still furious. This is why we're in this fucking position people.
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A/N: i made a moodboard for yaera and im really proud of it lmao
warnings: blood mention, drugs mention, suicide/self harm mention, gambling
wordcount: 8000 and some change
prev chapter
i remember climbing out my window that night. the moon was full, my stomach giddy thinking of seeing his pretty eyes. he said he wanted to meet me, i couldnt believe that what people said was true.
guys really were MEAN to the girls they liked.
being made fun of constantly? not my love language. never was. it reminded me too much of how my parents treated me, and i never found comfort in that at all.
my insecurities getting pointed out, getting mocked for the enjoyment of others. how could you like someone who did all those things to you?
i wondered that for a while. i was too hopeful, i guess.
that didnt stop me from doing my hair and finally making use of all the designer my mother brought home. i curled my fringe and the ends of my black hair, giving myself the look only a stupidly happy person could muster and snuck out of my house.
i didnt expect to see my twin sister doing the exact same thing.
our mouths collectively dropped open when we saw one another, completely baffled that neither of us had said anything. i wouldve told her where i was going, but she hadnt given me the time of day.
"i can explain," she nervously said, laughing. "okay nevermind, you first."
"no way!" i said, shaking my head. "you? sneaking out? fess up!"
yasmine was like the model twin to everyone. of course she wasnt perfect, she had flaws just like everyone else. she was a massive people pleaser, so i wondered just exactly who she was trying to impress with her new sneaky habits.
anyone that had my goodie two-shoes sister sneaking out of the house couldnt be good news, i thought. i was also impressed by how they managed to actually get her to go through with it.
"im just meeting...someone," she giggled dumbly. it was almost pitch black in our yard and yet i knew her cheeks were stained red.
"and you didnt tell me about him? who is it? someone from a rival school?"
my sister was dramatic enough to hide something like that. she had just broken up with her asshole boyfriend, collin, who no one liked, so i would have gladly encouraged this phase.
"its just someone. you dont know him."
i raised an eyebrow. "so when will i get to? whats his name?"
"im not saying anything, yae." she deadpanned.
"what?" i couldnt hide the disappointment from my voice. "but we tell each other everything."
she sighed. "relax, i will tell you just not right now. gosh quit being so codependent."
i frowned. "im not codependent i just care about your life. but whatever since you wanna be a massive bitch about it."
silence filled after a familiar insecurity rose to surface level. my sister knew how much i loved and needed her. she was my sister. some siblings were close, some werent. but my sister was my only friend. and all i really had. she knew that.
and sometimes she reminded me of how much i held her back.
she would sit with her massive friend group with attractive, sociable and fun people. she would always try to push me to talk to them or even make my own friends. i tried, i swear i did. it usually didnt go well. i never understood why.
maybe i was the problem. i could only really care about one person at a time. i didnt know what that was called. it took time for me to get close with people, the fear of being judged and abandoned an imminent one.
my brain always told me, my own sister would never abandon or judge me. we were blood. we were in this shit forever.
apparently i was the only one passionate about it.
"yae, cmon dont be like that," yasmine sighed. "i didnt mean that. i will tell you i promise."
i didnt answer her, only wiped the tears that gathered in my eyes for that moment. i crumbled up the letter he gave me as i rolled it into a fist in my pocket.
"its whatever, i guess ill see you in the morning," i muttered and started walking to the gate.
"wait!" she whisper-yelled. "where are you going?"
"ill tell you later. good luck with whoever youre meeting."
i called an uber to the address, trying to lighten up my mood on the way there. i put lipgloss on, trying to smile in my compact mirror. i wasnt really good with make up, but since i had a good feeling about this boy, i would need to start getting good.
this was the first time he'd invited me to his house. usually when yasmine went it wasnt a mutual invite. now i was going solo. he really changed his mind about me.
i kept impulsively eating mints, practicing my facial expressions and the uber driver probably thought i was crazy. when i got dropped infront of the wrought iron gates, he was standing there waiting for me.
in a white tshirt and grey sweatpants. he was so beautiful. he pulled his lips into that sly smirk i knew, as if he got everything he wanted. and being who he was, he did.
i mean, thats how i was here even though he bullied the fuck out of me whenever he could.
"hi," i said, giving a small wave. the wind blew my skirt a little, making me hold it down embarrassingly.
jongho continued giving me that satisfied smirk as he eyed me up and down. "you know its two am. i really didnt expect you to actually come."
i mean you asked me to. of course i would. im almost in love with you.
i shrugged like it was nothing. "you told me to come when i was comfortable. i thought this was appropriate."
"i see you dressed appropriately too. nice legs," he said, making my face heat up. "goddamn, model genes really runs in your family. well i dont wanna keep you in the cold. lets go inside."
he guided me into his home, his hand on my lower back. i swear i couldnt breathe. he never touched me like this infront of the others. infront of her.
his house was dark except for the light in the living room and up the staircase. the sound of my miu miu boots on the marble made me realize how empty everything sounded.
"are you alone at home?" i asked, kind of excited for the answer.
"yeah, my folks left for something in singapore. you know how it is," he casually said, showing me into a room. "make yourself comfy."
it was his room. i dont know what i imagined, but seeing it, it was so jongho.
trophies for singing competitions, soccer, and some even for academics lined the walls around his massive bed. he had a large mirror directly opposite his bed and a balcony that overlooked the infinity pool in his backyard. i strolled around in admiration, turning around when i heard two loud pats.
jongho sat on his bed and was gesturing for me to do the same. the led lights in his room were red and so dim, making him look far more hot than he already was.
i reluctantly planted myself next to him, my heart rate going higher than a kite. jongho licked his lips and took a heavy breath as he prepared to speak. god he was so attractive, i hated how much i liked him. i left my home at two am just because he asked. fuck.
"thanks for coming to talk," he muttered, his voice deeper and hitting the perfect spot in my ear drums. "i know it was kinda a lot to ask."
i rolled my hair behind my ear and shrugged. "its no big deal. what did you wanna talk about?"
jongho moved closer, now he was so close i could feel the radiation of his body heat. oh god.
"i know ive been hard on you for coming into our friend group and everything. im really sorry for all the mean things i said."
the apology struck me, hitting the thoughts from my brain. that wasnt what i expected.
"i called you clingy and made yasmine think you were a loser," jongho sighed, shaking his head. "she doesnt believe that of course, but im really sorry. i know i can be mean sometimes but its just how i give affection. youre cool with that, right?"
i nodded thoughtlessly. i was just happy to have him talk to me.
"yea, thats fine. i get it. im not that sensitive dont worry," i forced a smile, knowing his insults hurt more than anything. but at least he was sorry. right?
"cool, cool." he smiled down at me. "i hope we can be good friends then, yae. can you do me a favour then?"
"what kind of favour?"
my mind was running wild right then. all the insane teenage hormones were overflowing. the close proximity and how handsome he was, the fact that my short skirt had such easy access. choi jongho was a hard guy to resist. and i was failing.
i didnt hear his words, i was so focused on his lips and the cute mole in his neck, i acted without thinking.
i leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, softly grabbing the side of his face. i couldnt believe what i was doing. for a second his warm mouth welcomed mine, taking it in fully. then, i felt coldness on my lips as he pulled away.
"what are you doing?" he scoffed, his eyes narrowed spitefully. my stomach shrunk.
"uh–i–" i stammered, only to be cut off.
"are you fucking kidding me right now? are you deaf?" he raised his voice. "did you not just hear me ask is yasmine if interested in anyone? why the fuck would you kiss me."
"im sorry–i–" i couldnt believe what i just did. what was wrong with me. he wanted to know about yasmine. not me. what the fuck. this was so awkward.
wait. so i read everything...wrong?
"shit," he cursed under his breath. "this is bad."
"is that why you called me here?" i asked, fearing the answer. "to find out if yasmine is interested in anyone?"
"obviously. why else are you useful?" he meanly answered. i felt an embarrassed pang in my chest. "did you think i liked you?"
the mocking laugh that fell from his lips after made me flinch. because how stupid was i to think he actually saw me differently now.
to think that someone like him could actually like someone like me.
"youre so fucking naive, yaera," he kept driving the knife in, shaking his head with that taunting smile. "just cause you look like your sister doesnt mean you should have the same confidence. youre setting yourself up."
i remembered the first day i sat with yasmine's friend group, jongho pointed out that even though we were twins, i wasnt nearly as attractive as yasmine. i laughed it off awkwardly because i thought he was joking.
"you know desperation is unattractive as fuck, right? i cant believe you drove here at two in the morning because you thought i liked you."
i was shivering in my skin, trying not to completely burst into tears. my entire body was flushing hot with anger and spite, and the most embarrassing of all–heartbreak. because deep down i knew he would never get over my sister. it made me insane.
why did everyone fucking act like i wasnt worthy of being liked just like everyone else? but as soon as they saw the scars on my arms they wanted to tell me the same bullshit.
youre loved, yaera.
stop hurting yourself, yaera.
stop using this for attention, yaera.
i couldnt bear to stay a second longer. i wiped the wetness of my cheeks and got up from the bed, immediately going to leave. jongho got up and tugged at my wrist, pulling me back to him.
"you havent told me about your sister yet," jongho said, making my rage spike. because who the fuck did he think he was. "cmon, dont cry because of silly shit like that. its water under the bridge."
"i hate you," i seethed through my tears. "i dont know why yasmine is friends with someone like you in the first place."
"because shes like me," jongho taunted. "and thats what you refuse to see. you dont realize how much of a burden you are to her. you dont realize the only reason she hasnt ditched you yet is because youre related to her."
okay, so he was continuing then?
"you always act like youre so perfect," i spat. "you talk about how much of a burden i am? imagine how much of a burden you are to yasmine because you keep trying to date her. shes never gonna like you. you're just another guy friend in her collection, cunt."
i ripped my arm from his grip and stormed out of his room. he followed me till i reached the bottom of the staircase, where he just watched me spitefully from the railing. now he was angry? of course. pieces of shit like jongho were great at dishing it out and not taking it back.
i felt so petty. he could have rejected me normally but he thought he could say whatever he wanted to me. tearing the little self esteem i had down was fun for him.
i turned around and smiled. "you really wanna know what yasmine thinks of you? she doesnt. in fact, she snuck out of the house to meet someone. shes probably getting fucked as we speak. enjoy that mental image, fucker."
"get the fuck out of my house!"
an hour has passed since san left me in his apartment. im worried and have a weird feeling in my stomach just imagining what he's doing right now.
despite the anger i feel toward him, i hope he's safe. that's all I hope for. he's hurt badly, looking more damaged than when he fought the last time. he definetely has open wounds. so i look around for any first aid. he's gonna need it for when he comes back.
i rummage through his cabinets. there's so much empty spaces but its filled with random stuff. this guy needs to go shopping. he has so much expired medicine. i find a thin roll of bandages and plasters in the very back of a cupboard but when i take them out, something falls on the ground.
its a folded up piece of paper. when i pick it up, i realize its actually a crumbled up picture. a picture of a family.
my stomach immediately sinks.
a young asian lady and her husband are holding their toddler son. it looks like theyre at a carnival. everyone is smiling, except for the kid. hes pouting.
he was so cute as a baby.
a weird feeling of melancholy hits me hard realizing the people in this picture are no longer around.
san lives alone. apparently hes been alone for a long time. i can tell by the way he operates. hes selfish, not even in a bad way. i get why he caters for himself and tries to keep away from others.
im not even angry anymore. it just makes me sad.
i put the picture back where i found it and go sit by the bed. san doesnt have any alcohol in his house, so i end up having to look up the nearest pharmacy.
i make a quick run for it, deciding to buy him some more medicine and fill up my asthma pump while im at it. i dont know why im doing this when he probably hates me. i guess im always gonna be a sucker for the men i like.
when i get back, his door is unlocked. i panic, but then i find him and his friend eyeing me like they want to kill me.
"where were you?!" san asks me, raising his voice. "dont walk around here. you know this isnt the suburbs."
i lift the pharmacy bag. "i was just getting you medicine. i threw out your expired packs. which were all of them, by the way."
he has a lost look on his face. i turn to his "cousin" and hold my hand out. "the name's yaera marino, san's fake girlfriend. good to officially meet you."
"im wooyoung. san's fake cousin," he says, taking my hand with reluctance.
"are you sleeping here tonight?" i ask him.
"yes he is," san answers. "we're sharing a mattress. you can still sleep on my bed."
i feel a pang of jealously. goddamn it that should be me.
i nod to san. "go take a shower. im gonna give you first aid."
san is confused, looking at me like he doesnt understand english. "you know how to do first aid?"
"i learned it when i was still doing karate. go shower." i chase him away with my hand.
san awkwardly goes off, leaving me alone with wooyoung. i quietly take in the boy, who now that i can see clearly, is obviously younger than san. i cant believe hes in the gang too.
"what took you so long?" i ask him, frowning. "i was worried."
"we had to get rid of the license plate," wooyoung answers, his tone curt and cold. "and you were worried? dont make me laugh."
his words are sharp and sound spiteful. im guessing he knows how san and i began this partnership. i hold my tongue and let him snap.
"you dont care about san. youre using him," he says, but still quiet enough so that san doesnt overhear. "i just want you to know, i can make you disappear at any time i want. all i need is the greenlight from san and you'll be scattered across a lake."
"you think that will protect him?" i ask with a wry smile. wooyoung's fist clenches on the side of him, his knuckles bloody and bruised.
"what makes you think i dont have a million copies of that video? that i dont have a plan in case one of you hurt me? im not some dumb bitch."
wooyoung shakes his head and laughs scornfully. what did he expect me to say? shiver me timbers? i literally know he shot someone tonight.
"and here san thinks you wouldnt hurt him. i dont care what kind of plan you have. if you hurt san, i'll fucking kill you myself," he threatens.
i wouldnt ever hurt him. not even in my dreams. unless he hurts me first, then fuck him.
"trust me, i wont be an issue," i say nonchalantly, sitting on the bed. i lean back and feel a pain in the spot where san kicked me. right above my boobs.
"i just need enough money by the end of the school year. then i'll go back to my country and disappear from your lives forever."
"do you know how much of a risk this is? what san is letting you do?" wooyoung scoffs. "thats if you even make it to the end of the year. if anyone finds out about this, youre both fucked."
"no ones gonna find out unless you tell them," i eye him sharply. i dont trust this guy but apparently san does, enough to tell him about our parternship.
"san has a hard life already. you should just get out of his life," wooyoung snaps. "if you knew why he was in the gang, you'd never ask him to do what youre doing now."
his words somehow make me feel guilty. but why? why should i feel guilty when san doesnt even tell me whats going on.
wooyoung's demeanor changes when he hears san's voice. he immediately stiffens and acts completely clueless.
my breath gets stuck in my throat. san is standing there in nothing but a white tank top and a striped red pyjamma pants. his muscles and skinny waist are on perfect display. my mouth suddenly goes dry.
no. fuck. yaera, focus.
"what are you doing?" san asks like hes talking to a kid. i find it highly amusing but keep my face blank.
"i was just defending you," wooyoung says with a scowl.
"im not in any danger. like i told you."
"yeah but–"
"jung wooyoung."
wooyoung groans at san's warning and shoots me a hard glare telling me this conversation isnt close to over. he storms into san's extra room and shuts the door, probably thinking the worst of the situation.
i cant lie, despite his intimidating and handsome appearance, i cant take him seriously at all. i find it endearing that he cares so much about san that he even threatened me. so san isnt alone after all.
he looks at me and sighs, his face adorably awkward. the black strands of his hair are wavy against his forehead, making him look so soft despite the bruises and cuts on his face.
its embarrassing how quickly i forgot how badly i wanted to hurt him today.
"sorry about wooyoung," he says and comes to sits down on the bed. "hes just...possessive."
"you mean protective," i correct him and smile. "its good that you have someone looking out for you. you need it."
san goes quiet but is looking at me like he has a lot on his mind. right, he had to get someone killed tonight. how could i forget.
i take out the first aid materials and scoot closer to him. the warmth of his body is already wafting towards me, the scent of the soap so potent on his skin. its an intoxicating smell.
"can i see where you got hurt?" my voice is so hesitant it doesnt even sound like me.
san is slow with lifting his top. i refrain from visibly gulping at the sight of his beautiful lower body, my mouth going dry when i notice the large gashes against his ribs. they cut him with a knife.
"why would you put on a white shirt to bed?" i ask him with a scowl.
"the bleeding stopped in the shower," san shrugs embarrassedly. "plus this was all i could find."
i inspect the wound and it looks like he cleaned a whole lot of it in the shower. "it looks like i just have to put ointment on and wrap you. you need to go to the doctor if it gets infected, you know that right?"
"i dont think that will be necessary. ive never needed to before," san says coolly.
i cant believe hes just brushing this off. "how often do you get injured like this?" i ask him as i dip a finger into the antibiotic cream. i gently run it over his gashes and he winces. .
"now and then," he forces out, as if trying to hide that it hurts. "it wouldnt really matter the extent. i'd still have to go to school."
i roll my eyes. of course. the perfect student.
i rub in the ointment and it feels like my cheeks are on fire. ive never been this close to anyone. ive never done this for anyone. my hands are shaking as i reach for the sterile bandage.
"are we ever going to talk about what happened tonight?" i ask quietly. "because i dont want us to forget."
san is staring through my soul with his intimidating, and pretty brown eyes. i can see him withdrawing. hes already far away.
"i know i was reckless and im sorry. but please dont lie to me, san. i really fucking hate not knowing whats going on. i know you were probably trying to protect me, but you could have been honest."
i expect him to say sorry too. but only silence is returned.
"i wont lie to you again. ive seen the effects it has," he mutters.
"i dont want our partnership to be us just lying to and antagonizing each other. i know you dont trust me. but we're gonna have to trust each other for this shit to work."
"i do trust you," san says after a few moments pass. he tightens as i roll the bandage around his torso. "i just dont trust myself. and everyone else."
i stay quiet hoping for him to elaborate. i feel it coming. the hope is bubbling in my chest.
"i watched yunho die," his voice is flat, as if drained from emotion. "he got stabbed right infront of wooyoung and i. we should be used to it, we've seen tons of people come and go in the last four years."
i finish bandaging him and lower his shirt reluctantly. san watches my every move, and im surprised he lets me.
"im sorry you had to go through that so young," i tell him, genuinely. the look on his face is so distant that it feels like hes given up a long time ago.
"is this is how its gonna be? forever?" i ask. "is there any way out of this for you?"
i remember san implying that he wasnt doing this out of his freewill. which means his boss must have a lot of leverage over him.
"i dont know. im still trying to figure that out."
"what do they have on you?"
san chuckles darkly, his soft laugh full of scorn and hopelessness. "well, they know where i live, for starters. they know where i go to school. they know everything about me."
and his parents? where the fuck are your parents san?
he can see the question in my eyes. his smile is filled with gloom. "you can thank my dad for that. hes the reason all of this started. the reason ive been in this servitude for most of my childhood."
i frown. "servitude?"
"my dad...he was a shit guy," san sighs. "he was an alcoholic gangster with gambling tendencies. he made a bet with the 105ths he couldnt repay. so he took off. and when they couldnt make him pay it off, they took me instead."
"im paying off hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, thanks to my shit father. and i dont have any money so i had to give all i could so they dont kill me. myself."
i cant believe it. san is basically in a slave contract. and theres nothing he can do about it. my chest feels tight.
"what about your mom?" i ask softly. 
san shrugs and lays down on the bed, looking straight at the ceiling as he crosses his arms behind his head.
"shes gone. she left when the gang stuff got too complicated. they sent a warning to our apartment telling my dad to pay his debt, in the form of a petrol bomb. it scared the shit out of her, so she took off."
"without you!?" i ask incredulously.
"while i was at school. i just got used to it. coming home to nothing."
what kind of parents...fuck. i cant even say anything. im just fucking sad. i feel a hundred times worse about blackmailing him now.
"the 105ths said they would let me go if i paid off everything. theyre still letting me go to school as long as i dont neglect the gang."
"what if you ran away?" i ask curiously. san stares at me blankly.
"they would find me and do to me what they did to yunho. or even worse. its not worth it really. im just hoping it ends soon. then ill disappear. for good."
and now im dampening his plans by making him share his money with me. god i hate myself.
"how much do you owe?"
"i dont know. i just know the deal ends when miss A calls it off. she deems how much is enough."
i scowl. "what? and what if it never gets called off? what if they trap you here?"
"im hoping it wont come to that. ive been loyal for a long time."
that doesnt mean shit when people only love using you. but i dont say that. it already means so much that san decided to say something. to be honest. i cant lie and act like im okay after hearing the truth. but i wont pity him. san deserves better than that.
"ill help you," i look down at him fiercely. "ill help you cancel out your dads debt."
san looks at me deeply. "thats not necessary."
i hold out a hand. "dont even say it. get a fixed amount from your boss and ill help you get it."
"why would you do that?"
my stomach turns at the question. i dont even know. i cant say its because of the mild lady boner i have for him. its more than that. choi san deserves more than what happened to him.
"its only fair, isnt it?" i say with a small smile. "i get to go back home and you get to go to...where was it? nottingham?"
he wants to study pharmacy. i wonder if he meant that.
sans cheeks are red. is he...blushing?
"why do you remember that?" he asks with a soft groan.
i chuckle to myself. "cause its weird as fuck. england? what the hell do you wanna do in england? seriously if you want to go to europe there are so many better places. why nottingham?"
san shrugs embarrassedly. "i like football."
"you? like football?" i scoff. "that's the reason you wanna live in england?"
"why do you sound so shocked? can't i like football?" he asks defensively.
"you don't even look like you've watched soccer a day in your life. i'd never guess that you'd like an english team."
san snorts and laughs to himself a little. my legs go jelly a little. i keep underestimating how adorable he can be.
"my mother is a huge soccer fan," he admits fondly. my smile is quick to fall away. "once we went to watch her favourite team play in nottingham. she was so excited about it, she got me interested in it."
i feel myself soften. "so you want to go for your mother? is she going to move with you?"
"no," he sighs. i must be shit at connecting the dots because i still dont get it.
"she's in Korea. i can't go back there. i had to give up my Korean citizenship this year because I'm not enlisting."
"so you'll never see her again?"
my question hangs in the air. san doesnt answer it, because even he doesnt know. he still has hope. i can tell. he just doesnt know if its still worth holding onto.
everything has gotten deep so fast.
"maybe we should go to bed. we still have school tomorrow," i say and lie down next to him. theres a small gap between us that i know neither of us will close. but it feels good to hope.
san tries to get up but groans as he holds his injured side. i push him down gently by the shoulder, his eyes slightly widening.
"youre too tired to get up anyway," i say softly. "just stay here. i promise i wont bite."
unless you want me to.
san looks at me awkwardly and nods, lying back down on his back. his eyes are aimed at the ceiling and i pull my knees inward as i lay on my side looking at him.
everything about him is so...i dont even have the words to explain it. i just have a feeling that everything will work out for us exactly the way we want it to.
"thank you," i say. san slowly turns his head and raises his eyebrows at me in confusion.
"for being honest. i know you didnt wanna mention all that. but thanks."
san doesnt say anything more. theres a  ghost of a smile on his face, but its enough for me to hold onto. choi san, maybe youre not actually that much of an asshole.
"goodnight, yaera."
i thought i imagined it. having her curled up in my arms. i felt it that night, her warm skin against mine and her soft breaths and hair on my chest. i told myself i was imagining it. because the morning after, she was gone.
yaera vanished like thin air. i feel embarrassed for everything that came out of my mouth last night. i cant believe i actually told her what happened to my family.
are you that desperate for friends? i ask the loser in the mirror as i get ready for school. the bruises in my face are so bad it looks like im going to have to wear a mask all day.
wooyoung comes out of the spare room as im almost finished with breakfast. he doesnt greet me with a good morning, instead he looks around expectantly.
"wheres the blackmailer?" he asks sarcastically. "is she also a magician?"
"her parents drop her at school so she left," i answer dryly. "morning to you too, asshole."
wooyoung gives me a bland stare. "you didnt come to bed last night."
"sorry? are we married?"
"what the fuck are you doing san?" wooyoung shouts at me. oh god are we really doing this at six in the morning.  "do you actually like this chick or what?"
"where did you get that idea?" i ask him calmly, knowing it will rile him up even more.
"maybe the fact that you slept in the same bed. youre letting her blackmail you for fucks sake–"
"wooyoung, we both passed out. with clothes on. and didnt i ask you to fucking trust me?" i glare at him. because why is he acting like my wife.
"i dont like this one bit." he shakes his head like a disapproving parent.
"you dont have to like it. all you have to do is let me do the work."
i feel my phone buzz in my pockets. i open it and see a missed call from yeosang. ugh this loser.
i open a message from him and its a birthday invitation. oh shit i almost forgot.
"woo, wanna come with me to a party?" i ask him. maybe he'll be less annoying if he can get the attention of some private school girl too.
"is it gonna be one of those fancy private school prick parties?" woo scowls, then smiles. "free food. im in."
"not to mention you could probably sell some stuff from there."
woo suddenly gets a burst if excitement. "that reminds me, i stole from that black dragon dickhead. we still have to split up the cash."
now that hes reminded me, i move to punch woo in the arm. "owwww!" he yells and shoves me. "what the fuck!"
"youre worried about me getting blackmailed when you possibly started a gang war," i snap at him. "when are you gonna tell miss A?"
"i dont plan to," woo says confidently. my face pales. no way.
"are you serious?" i ask worriedly. woo nods confidently. too confident who saw one of our own get mutilated last night.
"since im keeping your secret, you better keep mine."
thats entirely different, i want to say. i wanna argue with woo but the annoyingly playful nature on his face tells me hes not going to take me seriously at all.
"you know what they say," woo says with a grin. "out of sight, out of mind."
"youre in a good mood," my father notes as we get in the car that morning. and hes right. i cant take the smile off my face because i woke up on choi san's chest.
"i have a good feeling about this week," i say. my mom snorts, her eyes glued to her phone.
"and what brought on this feeling?"
its weird that my father is asking, because he genuinely never seems interested in anything i do. but since we're on the topic...
"miss evans got me a tutor. i invited him to come over after school today, is that okay?" i ask them. my mother immediately turns around with the signature sneer on her face.
"and who is miss evans to assign you a tutor? does she plan to pay for this?" she asks.
"uh? my AP bio teacher? you met her the beginning of the year?" i remind her. "and no, im paying out of my own pocket."
"good," she dryly says. "in that case its fine. the maids will all be home. as long as hes gone by dinner."
i quietly fistbump myself in the backseat, my stomach filled with butterflies. san, in my room, teaching me stuff i dont care about at all. what a dream come true.
best part is? he wont have to meet this family at all.
im skipping out of the car by the time they drop me off at school. i light up a cigarette as i stroll through the parking lot, feeling like a girl from some book who just landed a date with her crush. maybe life is worth living.
"marino!" a voice calls me. i pause in my tracks as i blow out my steam, turning around slowly to see...
...ah fuck.
"hey marino!" kang yeosang calls me with his signature douchebag smirk as he walks up to me. "long time no see."
i take an extra long drag from my cig because god it is needed for any conversation with yeosang.
"what do you want?" i ask him. he acts surprised and offended.
"wow, is that how you greet an old friend?" he shakes his head with a sigh. "kinda mean you know?"
i roll my eyes. "get to what it is you want, you know you and i have never been friends."
yeonsang clicks his tongue, his half smile not even shrunken by an inch. "always the pleasantries with you, marino. i just wanted to know if youve seen lazarus. since i hear you two come as a package nowadays. congrats by the way. you two totally look good together."
"lazarus?" i repeat dumbly. "who the fuck is that?"
"choi san," yeosang giggles like its the funniest thing ever.
"why do you call him lazarus?"
yeosang tilts his head at me like its obvious. "cause hes a scholarship student? hello?"
this fucking asshole. i toss my cigarette at him and he dodges fast enough to my dismay.
"dont call him that," i hiss. "plus why do you want to see him?"
"thats between us men, sweetheart," he says as a matter of fact. "just let him know when you see him, to give me a call. he doesnt answer my messages."
"maybe you should take the hint then."
yeosang looks at me with strange fascination, as if hes high in this very moment. its like he finds me amusing, hes just always giving me that stupid lopsided smile.
"i wonder how it happened, the two of you," he says with a glint of mischief. as if he cant wait to say something offensive. "its just funny how your type went from jongho...to him."
heat hits my face in embarassment. "jongho isnt the only guy ive had a crush on you know, you can stop bringing him up for every fucking thing. we never even dated," i say defensively.
this is why i hate talking to anyone my sister was friends with. all they could talk about was the past. not to mention most of the people she liked were fucking horrible.
"you never dated, but you were in love with him," yeosang childishly points out. "and even if he wont admit it, he probably felt something for you too."
i scoff. no he didnt. choi jongho doesnt love anyone but himself. id learnt that too late.
"i dont care," i grit out. "why are you even bringing this up?"
"yas would have wanted you to be with jongho. especially because he couldnt have her," yeosang just keeps boiling my blood. i cant believe this. i cant believe he just said that.
"i dunno how she would feel seeing you with...lazarus."
"shut the fuck up," i snap.
yeosang lifts his hands in defense. "im just saying because i care, yae. you cant just date someone you dont know. choi san might not be the sweet guy you think he is."
what is he even playing at? does he think san will sell him drugs if he goes around badmouthing him?
"and youre sweet?" i scoff. "you and jongho and whoever else was in that fucked up group? you think you can talk because you knew my sister? dont act like you ever cared about me."
"god youre so sensitive," yeosang laughs meanly. "i was just playing with you. and you wonder why you never got invited to our parties. youre just the strawman of fun arent you?"
"that doesnt make any fucking sense," i snap at him. "i can never get back the time i wasted having this conversation. mind your business and leave me alone, yeah, stronzo? and dont mention san to me ever again."
"dont forget to let him know i was looking for him!" yeosang calls after me as i storm off. i dont even need to turn around to know hes smiling, completely full of himself.
i only see san when lunch rolls around. all our common classes are later in the day and ive been obsessively waiting to see him all day. ive got a busy day ahead, my mind set on a very specific target.
i find him by the abandoned stairwell, and its like hes been waiting for me.
he shakes his head at me as i come, i narrow my eyes in confusion.
"am i missing something?" i ask him. "whats with the face?"
"why dont you check your phone?" san grumbles at me. his eyes trail behind me, where i turn to see jongho descending the stairs.
hes smiling like a prick. oh god. two assholes in one day.
"i guess the two of you dont learn," he says tauntingly. "this isnt a place for your dates."
"we havent done anything wrong," san says annoyedly. im glad he finds jongho as annoying as i do.
"maybe not you. but her," jongho turns to me with a smile. "i see your hair still isnt dyed back. you were given two warnings. one more and its suspension. i dont think your failing grades can afford two weeks out."
looking at him now, i dont know what i ever saw in him. im so embarrassed to say ive been rejected by this asshole like a hundred times.
i cant risk detention today. it would spoil mine and san's plans and would just be boring as hell. i guess im going to have to cave.
jongho smirks dreadfully. "why you so quiet, yae? didnt i tell you'd get you back?"
"look, im sorry okay," i say against my will. "i didnt mean to punch you. and ill have my hair dyed by tomorrow. good enough for you?"
san looks between us in confusion. i hope he doesnt ask any questions. if he thinks im crazy now he shouldnt ever hear of jongho-obsessed yaera.
"not good enough, sorry," jongho starts writing on that stupid peach notepad and i sigh. this time he only writes my name. meaning ill have detention without san. miss morri will love this.
"maybe next time you'll watch your mouth," jongho smiles at us before strollling away like the arrogant pig he is. i sigh heavily as san turns to me with narrowed eyes.
"why does he hate you so much?" san asks me annoyedly. "he just came here asking specifically. what did you do?"
"why are you assuming i did something?" i scowl. san gives me an obvious look.
"why else would he hate you that much?"
"because hes an asshole," i scoff. "i might be one too, but im nothing like him. my sister never reciprocated his love and he made it everyone elses problem. he also told me i should have died instead of her."
"what the fuck. he needs help."
"most people at this school do," i sigh. "speaking of help, i need yours."
san gives me his suspicious, pretty eyes. i smile excitedly. "im letting you into my side hustle. you remember how i told you i got my savings?"
"you said you stole most of it..."
san groans. "i hope you dont expect me to help you steal a car or something."
i roll my eyes. he must think im an adrenaline junkie or something. "dont be ridiculous. all i need is a look out before school ends. you think you can do that?"
san sighs hopelessly, surrendering. "what do you need?"
"get me into the boys lockeroom."
"...what are you doing there?"
"if i tell you it wont be special, would it?" i say and he scowls.
"dont do anything stupid. what about detention? are you going?"
i smirk. "obviously not. you still owe me a tutoring session."
san nods in a way that tells me he definetely forgot. how shameless.
"luckily for you, my parents allowed you to come over. and they wont be home till night and i'll make sure youre out of sight before then."
san nods. "just tell me what to bring."
the day goes by quickly until the last period finally rolls around. its geography, and as much as i love this subject, i end up skipping. san is having english and i couldnt convince him to skip, so i wait for him after school near the sportsfield.
the school soccer team are practicing, meaning all the lockerooms are unoccupied. its perfect.
i didnt usually target them, but the plan felt brilliant when i thought of it. usually i went for the girls, they were easy. expensive phone cases, airpods, clothes, and luxury perfume. all things that sold so easily online. people would do anything for a bargain.
can you imagine how much soccer gear would sell? i know damn well not every one of those players were using ALL of their gear.
plus, i need to get back at that asshole jongho. i didnt know his number so i'd just have to look around and guess whose locker smells the most potent and obnoxious.
san comes jogging around the bend, looking so prim and proper in his school blazer. i smirk in greeting. "you ready for some fun?" i ask him.
"i hope this doesnt take long, you know we have to catch the bus if we're going to your house," he reminds me.
i managed to convince my parents i was taking the bus with him home so they didnt have to pick us up. they called the school and made sure san wasnt a trouble maker and questioned his records. you know, a completely normal response.
"dont worry. i'll be in and out, lets go."
i take san's arm and we sneak into the separate building reserved for the boys lockerrooms. of course it smells like stale air, cologne and dampness.
i walk past the lockers and gaze at the numbers and locks. i check my watch. practice ends at 4:30 pm. its currently 4:00.
i nod to san and gesture with my eyes to the door. "guard while i get busy." i take various pins out of my pocket, having brought them specifically for this purpose.
"how are you gonna get those lockers open?" san asks me. i bend down infront of the first locker and start fiddling with my pins.
"lock-picking," i answer distractedly.
"you know how to pick locks?" san says in disbelief.
"you dont?"
"no. im not a weirdo."
"youre such a lousy gangster. arent you supposed to be street smart?"
"im not a gangster," san corrects me with an eye roll. hes feeling sassy today. "im a part time employee."
i cant take him seriously and end up chuckling. the locker clicks open and i find only a folded uniform on the inside. i rummage through the pockets and find a wallet. i open it and theres no cash, only cards. useless because as soon as its found to be missing they'll all be blocked.
i sigh and check deeper. i find a silver watch. its an omega brand. jackpot.
i slip it into my pocket and fold the uniform back. they should really secure these lockers better.
"are you getting somewhere?" san asks as he nervously looks out the door.
"of course," i say with ease and move onto the next locker. its slightly harder to open. i remember a specific scenario like this coming up in the youtube tutorial i watched. all i have to do is whatever that guy did.
it takes longer than i thought. when it pops open i can see san's distressed eyes glaring at me to hurry up.
and thats when i see it. the treasure guaranteed to win us a mini lottery.
"holy shit, look at this baby," i gasp and take out the camera, showing it to san.
"who leaves a camera in their gym locker?" san scowls. "that person deserves to get robbed."
"its expensive too!" i giggle in excitement. "its a Lumix GH5! you know the price of this? we're gonna be fucking rich!"
"who does it belong to?"
i shrug and look back inside the locker. there isnt much except the camera and a few pairs of gym socks and knee pads. "i guess we'll figure it out when we look at it."
i slam the locker shut and we're about to leave when san suddenly shoves me back. i stare at him in confusion as he runs out and i hear voices on the outside.
"what are you doing here?" someone asks him suspiciously. oh god. i recognize that voice. jongho.
"i...was looking for you," san says, and i can tell hes fighting for his life thinking of a good lie. "are there still spots left on the team?"
jongho scoffs. "youre kidding, right?"
theres an awkward silence. oh fuck i need to save him from himself.
"stick to the books, choi san. at least you dont embarrass yourself there."
"no im serious...i wanna join your team. is there anywhere to sign up?"
jongho groans. "im team captain, you have to go with me to the coach for this."
"lets go now then."
"i need to get something from my locker."
"uh...im in a hurry. can we just go now? i cant miss my bus home."
hes trying to get jongho away so i can sneak out. theyre right at the door. ive never held my breath so long.
"ugh! fine! couldnt you have asked earlier?" jongho snaps. "im guessing you need soccer for a sports scholarship too, huh? you wont get into any schools if you suck ass by the way."
i can just picture san's clenched jaw as he holds himself together around jongho. i hear their voices fade and steps grow further away. i stuff the camera and watch into my bag and sprint out and make my way around the school buildings. now i can jump the fence on the other side of the field.
i call san instantly when im alone, looking around for any security. he picks up on the first ring. "hey, im at the fence we jumped after detention. the bus stop is somewhere nearby here."
"okay okay mom, I'll be home right now," san says into the phone and im guessing hes making an excuse to get away from jongho now.
its funny how everything plays out. san gets to me within a few minutes and his face is red with stress. i hold my laugh in.
"next time YOU be the lookout," he says with a scowl and it makes me burst out into laughter.
"i thought you could lie better than that!" i nearly double over from chuckles. "you shouldve heard yourself. seriously youre a criminal and thats how you lie?"
"oh shut it. he wouldve seen you!"
san's angry face is really so adorable. he expects me to take him seriously like this?
"you should have hit him over the head instead," i sigh. "we couldve made him believe everything was a dream."
we jump the fence and end up catching the bus somewhere near my neighbourhood. the entire bus is empty, and san is on the verge of falling asleep, leaning his head against the window. im severely bored and decide to take the camera out to inspect the specs.
its such a good camera. i dont know a lot about cameras but i know by the brand its quality. i wonder which soccer guy has this hobby. maybe he wants to be a professional photographer.
i open the existing pictures and find random pictures of cars, birds, sunsets, and aesthetic places around the school. theres a folder named "her", so i click on it hoping to see something different.
...pictures of me.
thousands of them.
i feel my face pale, which is wrong on so many levels because im brown as fuck. the first few pictures are of me with a cigarette, smoking on and off campus. theyre from a year ago based on my hair colour. the other pictures are dated from two years ago and theyre filled with me in my school uniform.
the point of view is the part that leaves me cold in my bones. from above, places that cant easily be spotted. random corners capturing me sitting on my phone, bending over...looking around...
thats until i realize the lavender scrunchie in my hair. and the lack of bangs.
these arent just pictures of me. in fact, most of them are my sister.
next chapter
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sunshine-arcanine · 1 year
okey… starting a diff post for this but
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im gonna tell about them but first um.. be mindful of uh
pokemon abuse and death
read at your own risk, ermm yeah
ive mentioned them before, vaguely, but the year i became champion a … lot was going on in my region . professor sine’s new pc box program had been implemented most everywhere to allow anyone to access their boxes remotely instead of going to Pokémon centers to take your pokeballs out you know , because everything had been turned into digital data
well soon after me n my friends sascha and jony set out for our gym challenge this group came up called team Eden. and they were just about everywhere and they seemed pretty harmless at first cause all they talked about was , like, training their Pokémon in humane ways and how that made them better than everyone else . we kind of just ignored it , but eventually something happened with the new pc box system … it had been taken over by team eden and they had made the pcs unusable. you couldn’t retrieve your Pokémon, and even worse, the pcs were tied to the Pokémon centers themself to allow Pokémon to heal inside their digital pokeballs — so you couldn’t heal your injured Pokémon without restores or potions . a lot of Pokémon couldn’t get help and ended up dying , as well as a lot of mons stored in pcs ended up disappearing.
what happened was that team eden had used the flaws in the pc to edit their own pokemon’s stats, hurting them , AND to genetically modify two legendary mon using data from other mons- killing them in the process- to create a Pokémon stronger than arceus . I don’t know why they did it . but Sascha left me and jony to join team eden at that point and he ended up becoming the trainer for one of these pokemon . it was called polybius I think . but it didn’t turn out the way eden wanted it to, i think, cause it was always in pain and Sascha told me it dissolved any pokeball he tried to keep it in except for a master ball . so the only way you could keep it was against its will .
the other pokemon, Hieroconas, turned out ok.. but it was confused and didn’t know how to exist and was freed from team eden headquarters by a grunt who took pity on it, iirc… and i don’t really like talking about this part but i think it’s important to educate people about the tragedy of genetically modified pokemon . we already know about type:null and mewtwo but nobody knows about the polyhiero incident.
well. i was with Hieroconas for a while before I could finish my gym challenge; i never caught it, i just kind of hung around with it before I knew what it was because my Pokédex said nothing about it . i was too scared to go to Pokémon centers and the team eden grunts had gotten vicious in cities looking for it (which.. i DIDNT even know I HAD). and I learned that it didn’t know how to fight without a trainer instructing it ; but there was this move it had , Breaker, it was described in data to always hit but only work on one Pokémon as an instant ko
AGH THIS IS GETTING TOO LONG i just wanna make sure the full story is there . And people in my region like to pretend it never happened . This wasn’t that long ago ! Two years is not a long time! The team eden tower still stands in ka’dako!
Well anyways I’ll hurry this up and say that I had to instruct Hieroconas in a battle against Sascha who had polybius . And the way that thing sounded when it moved and it’s cry i really don’t think I’ll ever forget it was just so WRONG everything about it . Well. Breaker works only on Polybius and it killed it. I’m kind of glad about it, not to be dark, but at least it was put out of the misery it never asked for
Hieroconas is somewhere on a preserve now i think . I hope it’s okay.
Here’s a picture of their pc icons I took from a team eden computer
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puzzlekinq · 1 year
Getting older and realizing just how shitty so many of the friends you made as a teenager actually were?? Like I was genuinely friends with an ultra conservative kid who bought a red MAGA hat to wear to school so he could “make the libtards mad” 😀
(Which didn’t even happen because our school was mostly filled with other Christian conservatives lmao)
LMAOIEWHAHHSU fuckin loser
ermm i can talk about the worst two out of my old friend group
1- had a crush on a 10 year old character. the character, you ask? eric cartman. in relation to this she started making antisemetic jokes. also used to sexualize other child characters. i stopped speaking to her because she made me and others uncomfortable. like this was genuinely a problem because she Could Not stop being weird
2- broke up with their partner because they couldnt handle a relationship, and then started dating someone else not long after. while they were dating the new girl, they started flirting with their ex, leading them on. and then when they admitted to dating someone else, they had the audacity to get sad when their ex yelled at them and blocked them. admitted to having a superiority complex, mentioned it often like they didnt want anyone to ever forget it. also admitted to not loving their long term partner as much as their partner loved them. they could NOT own up to their own actions and crytyped for pity on their vent account whenever they hurt someone
this person is also still my exes best friend. which makes sense because they both suck
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joculatrixster · 1 year
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I posted 7,601 times in 2022
That's 780 more posts than 2021!
581 posts created (8%)
7,020 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,549 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#mod trix - 707 posts
#reblog for l8ter - 552 posts
#loz - 517 posts
#lol - 440 posts
#cookie run - 437 posts
#pokemon - 359 posts
#link - 285 posts
#yup - 217 posts
#zephyr - 178 posts
#cookie run kingdom - 166 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#as long as they respect skintones acting like a black person cant have big eyes or tiny noses is wwell gross! especially in a stylized styl
My Top Posts in 2022:
The current discourse revolving around Affogato Cookie is literally just Aloe Cookie but genderbent.
YUP i said it in my reply to anon its not about HIM specifically its a FANDOM WIDE ISSUE the fact this keeps happening is the issue. as one of the only fandoms w/ MULTIPLE CANON nonbinary and gnc cookies we cant keep forcing gender roles on cookies then acting a fool when they dint align w/ our assumptions this kind of thing is what makes pll not want to explore their genders because then they'll feel like there something else to them like they have to be gay or nonbianry. like i get u guys want to express thise hcs but the problem is i NEVER see ppl say cookies like cheesecake or chocolate bonbon are nonbinary or trans women no its always sour belt or aloe. why does Affogato HAVE to be a trans man or nonbinary but not dark cacao...? think about why u guys chose the LITTERAL man in a dress for ur trans hcs but not the strong heroic kingdom leader. thats fucked up. and trans men can hc whayever the FUCK they want i dont care but cis ppl and other trans ppl are ALSO buying into it and being upset he wasn't a she/her or they/them. thats when i get the issue. because this shit never spreads in the fandom unless a cookie is gnc and yall wanted them to be the opposite gender or nonbinary. if u make trans hcs even subconsciously because u dont like the assigned gender of a character thats. fucked. up.
this is coming from a bitch w/ a mostly trans and nonbinary friend group who loves dresses, skirts, and leggings im very much fem irl but i do not use she/her online. anyone coming across this in the tags pls stop assuming if someone disagrees w/ u they r automatically an enemy to ur cause lmao just tell me if u disagree and we can have a talk about it
36 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
btw if u think kumiho is a slut/whore genuinely i hate u so much if u think its ok to insult her like that i want u hunted for sport
38 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
if ur harassing ppl over info that came in a brand new update ur a bad person i dont care if canonly or heavily implied the dragons r all related the devs JUST dropped this info and ships like Ananas x Pitaya have been around for years. let ppl hae time to see the new info and change their stances on stuff yall r too fucking rude and stupid to understand that sometimes ppl dont play updates or dont have all the info before u run ur mouths istg
46 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
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60 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
dear cookie run mutuals! i just got a reply on my post about how Cream Unicorn canonly did kidnap children(not even mentioning modifying 2 adults body w/out their consent) that was condescending and also woobifed cream unicorn cookie. once again fandom ppl assume when i point out the flaws of my favs it means im being malicious and misunderstand canon as if im an idiot newbie who doesnt understand what motivation is so i obviously make posts w/ouit understand that no bc ur fav was sad/lonely they get to do whatever they want
u know what that means?
war. this means war.
im gonna start Cream Unicorn cookie is a bit fucked up propaganda now. join me in my cause of being petty bc someone didnt bother to read my tags on my post for the millionth time!
Cream Unicorn cookie is a faerie who IS fucked up that DOESNT mean they r evil but it does mean they lack general human morales and will do things like *checks notes* kidnap children and keep them bc they r lonely bc they do not understand other ppl may like *check notes* not want to be trapped in a fantasy world forever! wow! look at that a valid interpretation of a character based off canon facts that doesn't woobify my fav or ignore their actions. ik its crazy to see it!
if u wish to see more of this join me in the cause!
63 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dream 6/17
in part of my dream i went to a sex shop with some friends and they got made at me for saying loudly that i liked the idea of sexual roleplay with a partner, and they made us leave immediately. i was mentioning it because the shop had this weird little game that looked like a gameboy advance and you and your partner each got one and basically used it for sexting but pretending to be these pre made characters the game had assigned. it was strange but i wanted to play it anyway but my friends did NOT want to hear about it. in another part i remember someone i used to be friends with (who i was still friends with in the dream) started drawing a picture of our friend group (never had one irl but this was like at least 10 people in the dream) and we were all lined up and for some reason, they drew me as a girl? with longer hair? it was strange. i had another dream that i was door dashing and i had to park my car on the side of the interstate to go into a mcdonalds to get someones food. when i got inside it became a chick fil a and i tried to log into my account for door dash to find the name n it made me create an account so i sat in there doing that for a while. then i grabbed the bag off of the little shelf of doordash orders and went back to my car. nothing else rlly happened with the door dash thing. i remember another dream had my sister in it but i cant recall what happened. then i was walking through an airport or something and saw my friend Brennan and tried to say hi to him and he didnt respond, so i said “Okay fuck you too then” and started walking away and then he called after me bitching me out. then i saw my ex Peyton sitting at some seats in the airport and for some reason i walked over to her, and we didn’t act like we hated each other. i sat down in the floor and it was kind of awkward but i shared the blunt i was now holding in the middle of the airport with her. then the next guy she seriously dated after me walked up, i know he doesnt like me so it was even more awkward. but we just rolled up some more and kept smoking all together. another dream i was a little girl with rich parents. we started in my backyard which had a decorative pond as well as a little swimming hole my parents built into the ground for me because i did swimming a lot ,i believe i used it to help my body , i had arthritis in my hips or something. i walked up through the yard which was full of elaborate stone structures and landscaping you could walk on. i hopped around on the rocks and stone for a bit before going inside the back door. my father was in the kitchen, as i walked in he was coming outside with a tray of cookies. there was some sort of party going on. i think in the dream i was a little black girl which is very weird to me. my father was a black man too. i walked through the kitchen to this room with very big windows. i realized the windows had handles to swing open and let in the outside air so iwent to open them. as i tried to open them the glass panels in them started falling and i called out for my father. i told him i broke it and he was sweet and gentle and grabbed them from where i was holding them up so they wouldnt fall. then he leaned them against the door frames and left them there to go back to his party hosting. as i sat by the windows my mother approached, who was an asian woman. she was very upset but not yelling, just very stoic. she started fixing the door/window things and i told her i loved her, and she replied with just one word i cant remember. i was so hurt by it that i ran to my bedroom and sobbed in my bed. as i was sitting in my room this weird guy that i used to know because peyton dated him named Griffin came into my room and started talking to me.
the next dream i was sitting with my ex Niko, and we were talking. We were talking about tinder and grindr, which apparently she had been using. I told them i hoped they didnt move on yet and that they shouldn’t be trying to date anyone yet, i was being selfish but also wanted to make sure she had time to heal both from me and from the other things she needed to work on before dating. i was pretty bummed because i found out she paid for like the premium grindr thing. then they used their ipad to set up a grindr profile for me which i didnt really want but i didn’t want to argue with them. it felt like she was trying to move on so fast and i just wasn’t ready. thats all i can remember from last night, but i know there was a LOT more. crazy how i only slept for 8 hours last night but had the most amount of dream content to log that i’ve had yet. 
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pinksnow · 3 years
abridged timeline of the au from yours truly (pink)
- gen 1 addisons with the birth of the internet lol
- mid gens appear eventually which is what spamton is
-nboth of these gens are are susceptible to code glitches causing them to become worms
- yeah computer worms specifically are corrupted addisons lol
- spamton had an originally friend group of a gen 1 pink addison and 2 mid gens, blue and yellow
- they all got wormed except for ogpink
- spamton is a shitty horrible way of coping befriended the addisons we know because hee hee they look like my dead friends
- ogpink is like. ok. this is the worst way to go about this. spamton does not care LOL
- btw hope you don't mind ships bc we are supergluing blue and spamton together since he was closest to spamton canonly and also im just a sucker
- so ^ mostly befriended them all because our blue looked like his ogblue which he was crushing on and like. oh my god dude. mf you are really using this person as a replacement
- after a year or so idk he starts seeing blue as blue, just himself, not ogblue
- asks ogpink for dating advice LOL
- woo blue mission accomplished everyone go home
- ((gestures)) not many notable things here they're just living their best life. blue and spamton go out on dates and slow dance thats important because i use those to create agony later
- yadda yadda gaster phone call whatever i dont need to explain this
- becomes increasingly distant to them all and blue
- not a good look bro
- eventually they cant contact spamton
- spamtom and blue tried to see eachother but. spamton cant get out of all the constant meetings and photoshoots and deals to sign
- everyone is now very pissed at spamton because blue is now being emo in his room while spamtons face is everywhere yet he cant even go see him
- my mans boyfriend basically ghosted him LOL
- not only pissed but theyre all very, upset too
- yellow goes around breaking billboards and posters and anything spamton related he can get his hands on hoping itll grab spamtons attention (it wont hes got employees to take care of little things like that lol. he isnt even aware of what yellows doing)
- orange is talking to the mannequin as if it was spamton himself. man. you need therapy
- blue you already know is moping in his room listening to fucking radiohead LOL
- pink. pink. pink pink pink pink. this is where shit gets good. my man. my dude. he decides that the best way to cope with this is obviously to go around and find werewires and virovirokuns and anyone else to fight in alleyways. he takes that freezering and he goes to town. its all downhill from here folks
- spamton eventually puts out a job for a personal assistant and does EVERYTHING he can to make sure its very hidden from the general public and tries so so so hard to get blue to pick up the spot because then theyll finally be together all the time again. fucks sake he prints the ad in the newspaper that goes round to their house but blue never sees it
- despite his best efforts he hears one day they chose the absolute best candidate for the job. he hopes to god its blue
- its not its thiis fucking green bitch named Novarg
- hates this man for a solid month bc it should be blue there not him
- anyways ((gestures)) whatever more time passes
- 2000 ILOVEYOU computer worm appears. which is ogpink. he got wormed. spamton is. well he is not doing very well after that
- did i mention spamton is wormed ((smiles))
- did you guys know the second worst worm in the world is called SOBIG i think thats funny anyways thats spamton lol
- gaster behind the scenes trying so fucking hard to make sure spamton doesnt completely lose it bc thatll fuck up EVERYTHING
- worms spread by infecting ppl which can be cured easily but the worms themselves cant be cured
- i say this bc what spamton is unknowingly doing is making people think theres nothing wrong. you see the slight puppet joints appearing on his hands and mouth and you dont even register it. they see spamton suddenly rise and get his hands on every product everywhere and dont register that only a worm could spread this fast. yes im making the puppet features a wormed thing i can do whatever i want
- blue and nova notice though. blue because well of course hes staring all those spamton images and also because you know damn well those two explores eachothers bodies. lol
- nova asks spamtom about the finger joints one day and spamtons like what joints and thats when nova realizes oh he doesnt even know himself im gonna stay quiet then
- ((gestures again)) gaster cuts off spamton in 2004. why 2004. because. because. thats when the mydoom virus appeared. also known as novarg, thats right bitches ((slaps knee))
- everything is suddenly falling apart and spamton has a huge breakdown and without gaster there doing his freaky shit my mans does start glitching the hell out like a worm
- nova tries to help calm him down anyways, gets infected, due to spamtons code being unbelievably fucked up it mutates/rewrites itself when it yoinked novarg and just made him a completely new worm. which happens to be the worst one in the world. you see what i did i made the worst one derive from the code of what was the worst at the time. lol
- you know some swatchlings saw this happen and were like. oh my god hes wormed.
- nova at this point has probably already gone crazy and is just doing his own thing, ykno, destroying stuff, as a worm does
- spamton gets his ass thrown in the acid as an attempt to kill him because worms are very dangerous very big deal
- yeah im making his reason for an acid bath this instead, listen this au is already off the rocks
- he is 🤏🤏 tiepnsy now. hes still wormed but hes just like a fucked up rat now LOL
- well now news is out that spamton is dead ((like hell theyre saying he was a worm))
- its assumed nova killed him
- well see now our beloved addisons are REALLY depressed
- orange is straight up acting like the mannequin IS spamton hes in. such heavy denial dear god
- yellow is still breaking stuff
- blue is just even sadder now lol
- pink. a heem heem whimper. folds my hands. he also believes nova killed him and hea dead set on getting back at him. he goes out of his way to find them. of course he doesn't recognize nova AS nova, no one does, its just the MYDOOM worm, but its easier to say nova LOL
- this is when pink first uses snowgrave. he is at his limit. he never ever wanted to use it but now is a great time. well. well that went pretty badly
- half the fight is him getting knocked around by nova because he has to get 200tp to cast it in the first place so hes just running around
- when he DOES though, good god
- thats it hes gone you are dealing with this white eyed freak now. nova only barely escapes with their life due to being a computer worm but he got so fucked up
- pink snaps out of it after the fight is over thankfully and is like what the fuck happened
- only gets worse from here he keeps blacking out and he never remembers anything and after a few years at some point the magic in the ring just kinda. goes in him. its not even the ring anymore. why? bc i said so lol
- after years it gets to a point where its noticable, like before he just kinda went around in alleyways but now whole streets are getting freezed and you just see frozen ppl everywhere and its like damn bro!
- this dude sets the city into a fucking artificial winter it happens so much. bro its not supposed to SNOW here what is going on
- obviously a lot of snow is made when using snowgrave but also just when hes using any attack now so you can just barely make out his silhouette, which leads to those who were able to run away before being spotted only seeing a humanoid outline
- which well. ykno. they assume its a human, a lighter, bc of that
- why would they ever guess its an addison, worms haven't been a problem for years now since only firsts and mids really got wormed, and a worm wouldn't be using ice magic, and addisons alone on their own obviously cant attack
- so like ((gestures)) yeah
- pink in the snowgrave state goes and finds spamton for the thornring bc he KNOWS he has it and getting that ring would make casting so much easier, bro it cuts tp cost in half
- spamton fights for his god damn life!
- also only barely makes it out bc worm
- blue is also out looking for pink
- finds spamton
- insert the image from the you have no idea ask
- found lost boyfriend, is wormed, is also small, is also half dead, says pink tried to kill him
- thats way too many crisises to deal with at once !!
- runion stuff idk he screams when pink walks thru the door lol
- they dont all really fully believe spamton until blues out one day during a particularly bad snow attack in a part of town bc he knows pink is out and it like. i gotta get this bitch home
- THEN he sees its actually pink. jawdrop. deer in headlights
- being in a life or death situation and being determined to not die makes his soul go ah time to wake up i guess heres a cursor thats a harpoon
- yeah addisons cant use magic unless theyre put in a situation that calls for it or they r really trying. like i mean they can create pop-ups and little cursors but not like full on magical shit like a god damn harpoon
- he does not know what hes doing he just throws them around to distract pink and fucking BOOK it
- some time passes this little routine starts where blue goes and spars with pink to keep him from targeting others
- they have not all yet told pink in fear of his reaction to himself and what hes done
- pink believes the lightner theory going around and theyre all like yep uhhuh so true pink
- im getting way too tired hunched over my phone writing this im wrapping it up my bones are killing me
- idk stuff happens spamton gets his ass in the neo suit and the addisons are there and hes beating their ass bc him in the neo suit is basically what he should've been like at full potential as a worm. hes so big. get it lol
- all the worms are actually hiding down in his broken down part of the city
- being away from society for years their infection code has like. just kinda shut off
- they're just kinda freaks now
- iloveyou jumps onto blues cart like hey man need some help
- seeing dangerous computer worm thought to be dead is obviously not going ovee very well with blue
- smth happens they fall down into the broken city and while yellow orange and pink are trying their damnest to stop spamton and get him to snap out of it and listen, blue is about ready to beat iloveyous ass as is he
- gets infected by iloveyou, his emotions are so overwhelming at the moment that its enough to keep the code telling him to go around and infect at bay
- now theres just a very angry and upset blue with hearts floating around him and a heart harpoon ready to beat ass
- mans powered up
- look at the first post of this blog lol
- idk eveyrhting is fine they all reunite
- spamton has some fucking.explaining to do and relationships to fix
- whatever idk thr worms help pink train and get his magic under control and spamton can go to neo at will
- worms code is still like dead so they don't have to worry anymore. if you ask about blue i mean the instinctive drive to infect is gone they can still do it though lol
- iloveyou gets a baggy hoodie to hide himself so he can go out in the public again and tag along w/ one of the addisons
- eventually is brave enough to go out on their own
- newer gen addisons notice little hearts under their hood and pulls it down. ogpinks freaking out but theyre all like omg how are you doing that is it like a new accessory
- anyways ogpink goes outside normally now without hiding. yeah theres still people who recognize them but everyone just stares at them if they make a scene like bro this is just our local heart guy chill out
- whatever whatever happy endings spamton makes up with everyone here you go thanks for coming
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yes nova is there you dont think him and spamton didnt fuck over the desk at least once. also ogblue. lol.
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kaz11283 · 3 years
“That’s a shiity piece of news” with Loki pretty please 🥺 love you 💕
That's a Shity Piece of News
Characters: Loki (my main man 😄),Tony
(Loki x you)
Warning: very slight angst, humor
Summary: you had be kidnapped on your way back to the compound from spending the day out with some of your friends, Tony start stressin. But not one god of mischief.
Announcement: awww I love you too dear! Thank you for the request. It keeps my mind busy! I have been enjoying these request so so very much they have widened my skills so very much and everyone that had requested them thank you thank you thank you! I have one other request that I have to work on after this and then I have GOT to work some more on my series Fire and Ice! But I will still be taking requests also it just might take me longer to do them 💚💚💚💚💚
Loki MasterList
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"Loki have you seen y/n, she was suppose to be back by now." Tony asked walking into the living room where Loki was reading.
"I think I remember her saying she was going to spend the day out with 'some nonsuperheros' today." He stated turning the page.
"And she just left unattended? Shes suppose to at least check in or take someone with her." He sighed.
"She asked if I wanted to join her." He turned another page.
"And you didnt go?" Tony started to sound annoyed.
"Oh gods no, last place I wanna be is with a group of gossiping girls... Or the mall. Tony, she is a very well trained assassin. She is more than capable of taking care of her self." He saod closing the book and facing Tony. "Besides everyone else gets to come and go as they please why not her?"
"I'll just call Parker, I'm sure he wont mind dropping in on her." He walked out, Loki roled his eyes and went back to his book. Loki looked down to his phone that started ringing.
"Look, thats her now." He answered picking up on the third ring. "Hello my love."
"We have your precious love." The male voice said over the phone.
"Oh, thats a shity piece of news." Loki responded.
"Whys that god of lies and mischief? Dont know what to do wothout your darling fiancé? Its about to get worst for you and your precious Avenger friends if you dont meet my demands." Loki could just imagine the shit eatting grin on this creeps face. By this time he had put the phone on speaker so that Tony could here what was going on.
"No, no. I'm not very worried about her. You on the other hand, she can get quite rough in hand to hand. Take up for her self, you know the whole spill. But I will warn you now, if one single hairnis out of place on that head of hers I will remove your head from your shoulders... With my bare hands." His voice held a darker tone to it, more threatening, more sinister. Tony was going crazy, trying to pull up locations to were the vehicle was heading and what it looked like. He was glad that he had made you take one of the Stark phones now no matter how much you had fought him on it.
"Ahhh, so now your the one thats threatening someone? See that-" The other end of the line suddenly went quiet except for the few grunts and sounds of fist hitting skin, Loki turned rasing an eyebrow at Tony as if saying I told you so.
"Loki?" Your voice came over the phone. Tony sighed in relief.
"Yes my pet?" Loki answered you. Tony flopped down on the couch trying to catch his breath.
"I just wanted one day." You sighed, he heard you opening the back door to the vehicle you were in.
"I know, love." He responded walking to yours and his shared room so that he could get you a bath ready.
"One day to not be a superhero, one day to just be a normal girl spending a normal day out with normal friends."
"Y/n, you know better than anyone thats to good to be true. We dont get to live the happily ever after like most people do." His voice soothing over the phone.
"It wouldn't hurt to be normal though with a normal life. For Christ sakes, I just took out three men, I am a deadly weapon, I even have a boyfriend that shoots green magic from his hands." You chuckled.
"Ouch, darling, you wound me." He laughed. "I do alot more than just shoot green magic from my hands. Im amazing with my daggars, I am the god of mischief and lies. And not to mention my style is absolutly amazing."
"Loki, you know what I mean." You answered hanging up as you entered the compound. You looked into the living room where Tony was still sitting, he gave you a thumbs up before shooing you away.
"These kids, all these kids are going to be the death of me." He sighed to no one rubbing the bridge of his nose.
You walked into your room kicking off your shows and following the sound of running water. "And I do stuff like this. Tell me pet, would a midguardian boy do this for you?"
Loki was sitting in the tube with candles around and just enough bubbles, you couldnt help but stare at the sight in front of you before twking off the remainder of your clothes.
"Yeah they would but indont think they would look half as amazing as you do." You said slipping intonthe warn water and letting him massage your shoulders.
"We're not normal by any means y/n. Thats something that you will have to learn to accept like it or not. But think about it this way, if you had gotten lucky enough to be normal we would have never met, you wouldn't be living in this amazing place, you wouldn't have friends like Nat or Clint, but most impotantly you wouldn't be saving people. Midgurad needs you as well as the others, its not school book normal but it is our normal. Living with two geniuses, one that turns green, two gods, super soldiers, assassins, an archer. I wouldnt have it any other way honestly." He said pulling you closer to him.
"I thought you hated it here." You laughed turning back to face him. You met his emerald green eyes that seemed to look into your soul.
"You made me learn to love it here, just don't tell the others." He laughed leaning in and kissing you.
Announcement 2: not as good or as funny toward the end as I was hoping. This was one that i kind of struggled through from start to finish and I am honestly not very satisfied with it but to each their own. Thank you guys for the love, the reblogs, the likes, and the support!!!! If you have and request that you would like to submit my asks and messages are always open!!!
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
raising the bar bucky barnes x reader
me and a friend have been re-watching the marvel movies and have started calling him Jamie because its another nickname for James. idk why we thinks its cute/funny but I'm running with it and you get to see some of that here. enjoy lol
song: i cant handle change by roar
tag list: @cynic-spirit
Date night. Finally! It had been so long since we'd been able to just sit and relax at some random restaurant or bar or diner or wherever, and God it felt so good. Every weekend for the past month was "get in, get out, no questions asked", mission after mission. But now we were cut off. The government wanted to handle things themselves. And as excited as I was to have my Bucky bear all to myself, I knew he was more so happy he didn't have to fight anyone any time soon. He could just relax with 'his best girl' and live his life like a normal person. And that's what we were doing, sat in a booth in the back of the diner, enjoying each other's company.
"No, no, you mean to tell me that he actually did that?"
Bucky asked, looking over me intently before sipping his coffee. I nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes! And by god he was so embarrassed."
I let out a loud laugh, him shaking his head in amusement.
"I just can't believe Sam would actually do that. I mean don't get me wrong, I believe he'd be stupid enough, but to actually pull that off? No way."
I watched as he shook his head.
"There was water everywhere."
Then the door chimed, signaling someone's entry and taking both of our attention. A whole group of large, bearded men, came in talking loudly. Bucky looked a little more uncomfortable now that there were many more people in the room, something that happened a lot more recently. i knew how this usually went down, we had talked about it the first time it happened and came to an agreement. we keep the conversation going, he doesn't have to engage if he doesn't want to and if he feels uncomfortable we leave. simple as that.
"uh, but uh, he kind of recruited me. per usual when he gets himself into a mess. and it was a big one."
"ill bet."
he said quietly, looking over my shoulder and swallowing hard. i frowned, looking to the table in front of me.
"but uh we got everything figured out. the plumbing department was furious when they got to the house. and i still dont know how he got the insurance company to pay for all the damage. i mean damn, there was water running down the stairs."
i laughed a little at the end, watching his gaze shift back and forth. after a second i reached across the table and took his hand in mine.
he sent me a look, his jaw tightening.
i tested and he looked to the table.
"talk to me."
"of course she has to give him permission."
i heard from behind me, all the men laughing. he sighed hard, looking over my face. they had been chatting about us since they sat down and i was trying hard to ignore them. clearly we both were.
"maybe we should go."
he said just above a whisper.
"ill ask the waitress for the check, yeah?"
he nodded as i stood.
"oh so now she gets up, gotta give him a break."
they all laughed and i paused, my face straightening and buck giving me a look.
"you got a problem?"
i asked, not turning around.
"I wasn't talking to you."
he said gruffly, still holding a laugh. i clenched my jaw.
"No but you're talking about me and someone I care about."
"Let's just go."
buck tried but i shook my head, finally turning to face the man.
"No, not until he apologies."
i said sternly.
"We both know that's not gonna happen."
bucky defended, his presence looming behind me as he stood.
"He's right darlin, why don't you just buzz off."
"I'm not your darlin, asshole."
i watched intently as he stood, moving to stand over me. he and bucky were probably about the same height but in the moment i felt bigger than both of them combined.
"What was that?"
he fumed.
i clenched my fist and felt buckys hand gently against my arm.
"y/n just dont."
i looked back to him.
"you may not enjoy violence but i have no problem with it."
i growled. he looked between my eyes.
"lets just go."
he tried to pull me towards the door but the man stopped him.
"hey i wasn't done talking to her."
the man said, bucky starting to challenge him back.
"we're going man, just leave us alone."
the man looked back to me with a smirk before pushing bucky. he just sighed and shook his head.
"God damnit."
bucky said under his breath. i was already staring daggers into the guys head.
"that was a mistake."
"and whys tha-"
before the word even got out of his mouth my fist was colliding with his jaw. he had stumbled back, Bucky tripping him as he went and grabbing my hand.
"time to go."
he said, and without even thinking i was letting him drag me out of the diner.
"we didnt pay!"
i protested as he lifted me onto the back of his bike.
"im an ex assassin, not a thief, i put a twenty on the table."
he said quickly, getting on and starting it. when we both looked up the gang was coming out into the parking lot, all looking rather angry. the man stumbled out the door last.
Bucky kick started his bike before pulling out of the space. a few of the guys were quick to get on their own but we were already gone, the diner fading into the background. i clutched onto Bucky for dear life as we wizzed down the street. you could hear the rumble of a few of the other men's bikes behind us but Bucky was weaving through traffic so much i was sure they would lose us, and then he turned down an alley way slowly.
"can we not have one day off?"
he grumbled, stepping off the bike and looking over me. i closed my eyes and shook my head for a second before swinging my leg around and sitting off the side of it.
"we had today off, its the break we need."
i mentioned, annoyed, picking my hand up to look at. the pain was starting to set in now that the adrenaline was wearing off. i looked up to him and noticed him staring down at my hand as i opened and closed it slowly.
"Shit, I hope that's not broken."
I looked down over my knuckles again. They were definitely bruised but it didn't hurt as bad as it could've. I just shrugged and slid off the side of the bike, shaking my hand out.
"I'll be fine. How are you?"
He gave me a look.
"I'm not the one that just punched a guy three times bigger than them."
I shrugged again.
"Words hurt buck, I know you. How are you doing?"
I persisted but he just sighed. When he leaned forward, trapping me between him and his motorcycle, his hands at my hips, I felt a little bit better.
"With a pipsqueak like you to defend me I'm doing just fine."
I raised my brows at him, smirk on my lips.
"You mean that?"
i tempted and He nodded solemnly.
"you know i do."
he pressed his forehead to mine and breathed deeply.
"i love you Jamie."
i said softly, pecking him on the lips. i could feel his thumbs rubbing circles into my hips as we stood there for a second. this was something that happened a lot too. the nickname had become one of those things that tended to calm him down, ground him, make him feel new since no one else had ever called him that.
"i love you too."
he whispered before pulling away. he took my bruised hand in his and kissed my knuckles.
"ready to go home?"
i asked and he nodded.
"yeah, lets get some ice for that and cuddle up on the couch."
"watch a movie?"
i inquired. he smiled a little bit before kissing me softly.
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just-a-fangirl13 · 3 years
Why s5 *might* be the season MacRiley happens
Okay so...Hear me out! I'm not crazy I promise!!
Firstly, after 5x03 (and probably 5x04) it may seem very unlikely that MacRiley could ever happen. But I thought of a few reasons why they might actually happen by the end of s5 after all.... (it gets a lil long winded and kinda complicated but just stick with me till the end!)
1. All the MacRiley moments including the ones in 5x03.
[this Mac smile could not be an accident or something that slipped through both production and post-production right?! that in itself is a whole reason!]
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Every Macriley moment we have ever had- whether it's the hugs, Riley saving Mac, Mac saving Riley, the ultimate show of loyalty when Riley went after Mac during Codex or even just the looks exchanged between the two- to any outsider it would seem pretty obvious that they are dating or at least in love. Keep in mind the writers would have written each of those scenes and Lucas and Tristan have acted them out with a specific build up in mind aka MacRiley.(think about the date episode: Riley just got dumped but was still thinking about how Mac might be hungry. She didnt have to do that. She could have just shown up at his place..) I mean how can they write two people so perfectly in sync and so perfect for each other and not have them end up together? It would just be a waste of all that tension and slow burn. (not to mention all the hugs and glances)
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2. They know we exist. 
The MacRiley fam is very active on twitter with the writers and while they were writing 5x01 they knew we were around. They know we are a huge group. They would not want to risk pissing 90% of the fandom off by not making MacRiley endgame.
[P.S.yes 5x03 was a bait and switch but if you were paying attention you would have noticed that neither Lucas not Tristan live tweeted or hyped up the episode. They knew we would probably hate it so they didnt publicise it too much! so in the future if you have doubts about the episode being a MacRiley one just check their stories or posts on twitter/intstagram]
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3. Yes 5x03 happened. 
I really think it was an episode they HAD to write. Ok so after 4x13 they had 7 more episodes planned and were filming 4x20 (aka the finale) when the pandemic struck. So they have these 6 episodes but no finale for it. [Idk if anyone else has noticed but in 5x01 there were clearly some parts cut out. For example the conversation between Desi and Riley towards the end seemed a bit jilted. Riley asking Desi to forgive her but Desi replied with yeah we are cool (still no apology ofc) I feel like something happened during that which ended up getting cut out so it could fit with the final story.]
This makes me think that they have rewritten a few bits to tie into the new finale episode. In 5x03 when Mac asked Desi to come fishing with him which was clearly something very personal to him she was like no do better.. then we see Mac's disappointed expression. She could have easily said okay but maybe not for our first date? Or its not really my thing? Or just about anything else rather than laughing in his face like that. Eventhough MD is together they still arent compatible. Mac’s final words in 5x03 was him being desperate. I truly think he is so broken and lost that Desi is the only safe thing left, the only thing he feels like he can fix right now. Once he finds himself again and heals...then it's going to hit him like a pile of bricks!!
4. But Riley doesn't have feelings anymore...WELL doesnt she? 
When it comes to Mac, Riley is always in denial. We saw it in s4 when she tells Bozer not to make her say it. I think s5 will show her finally accepting it. Finally accepting that she is in love with her best friend and that it definitely isnt Codex adrenaline because she caught the feels when Codex wasnt even around. While Mac's arc would include realising he and Desi are never going to work and that he is unhappy and that RILEY is the one for him.
[why else would they give Riley feelings for Mac? Something has to come of it.]
5. The slow burn rule.[this point is a lil complicated] 
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Now season 5 is rumoured to have 13 episodes. So here’s what I think: If MacGyver follows the pattern that most shows do when it comes to slow burns, then technically MacRIley should have happened at the end of season 4. But since the season got cut short and they didnt get to air/finish their final episode the writers had to improvise. 
From what I know, 4x19 which is 5x04 for us is the episode where Mac meets Desi’s parents and 4x20 was supposed to be the finale that was left unfinished.(they are definitely moving the timeline ahead if a pre finale episode is suddenly a mid season one.) There might have been a 4x21 or 4x22 but I haven't heard anything about those....EVER.
So what I think they have decided to do instead is extend the MD storyline a bit longer just so they dont end up scrapping all their s4 episodes where they would be together and write a new finale that ties everything together, aka MacRiley.
If you think about episode counts, s4 and s5 together would have 26 episodes which is a how long a normal season runs. Basically what im trying to say is if we follow the ‘slow burns end by s4’ and take season 5 as an extension of 4 then MacRiley should get together in the season 5 finale or maybe the episode just before. (IM REALLY TRYING TO GET SOME LOGIC INTO THIS)
This would be a typical TV thing too where the couple finds out about each other’s feelings while the main arc of the show is also at its peak, which perfectly sets up a future season where fans are hyped but still has a satisfying ending.
6. So what about MacDesi?
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So far the macgyver writers have given us characters we love. Think of every character on the show apart from maybe Desi... Mac, Riley, Bozer, Jack, Matty, Leanna, Samantha, Russ and even Murdoc. WE LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. So then why is Desi such a strange character? I think shes purposely been written as an opposite to Mac or even Riley (I get she’s supposed to kinda replace Jack but Jack is really irreplaceable). 
It's not necessarily a bad thing its just not a great thing to do or have great execution. People have said things like Desi is a badass and shouldnt have to apologise or say I love you back to her boyfriend because she is a strong woman...I'm sorry but your opinion of who a strong woman is, is EXTREMELY skewed. A strong woman is someone who can make mistakes and when she does, she is ‘strong’ enough to own up to it, she is loyal and fierce and also caring while being a badass who can take down bad guys. And for GODS SAKE, RILEY DAVIS IS A STRONG WOMAN...people have called her mushy and feminine on twitter and I'm just very confused by that.....
Anyways before I go off on a rant, it seems like Desi is intentionally being written this way. Every opportunity they get to redeem her and make her more relatable or just a better person they just dont take it. While Rileys character arc is one of the best I've ever seen. Either its intentional or they’ve forgotten how to write characters...which is worrisome but ill give them the benefit of the doubt.
The writers also know we dont like Desi. The amount of times we've tagged them in the toxic posts or pointed out problematic things we can be sure they've seen at least half of those. So theres no way they dont know. RIGHT?
So why then is MD still a thing you may ask??
Well for one they cant break them up again off screen because of those unreleased s4 episodes. (not to mention the other parts of the audience who arent as invested in mac’s love life would probably be very confused.)
Secondly Mac has to be the one to pull the plug, not Desi. 4x13 made it seem like Desi was the annoyed one not Mac. He apologised to her which meant he wanted to fix things. 
Thirdly, they are opening the chpt one last time before they permanently close it. MD is going to be a stark contrast to macriley(it already is in every way possible). Every issue Mac and Desi had can be used to show how amazing macriley really is as two people who arent even dating yet.
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Fourthly, MD being together is a sort of commentary on Macs mental health as well. We can see how happy he is with Riley but around Desi he becomes some one else. If the writers are doing this on purpose or subconsciously still remains to be seen.
And Yes keeping MD around for a few more episodes seems like a necessary risk right now but I have a feeling its going to be worth it later.
[I know we have had like 4 desi entered episodes already but I really think 5x04 will be the last of it since 5x05 is the Jack episode and 5x06 is Mac+Riley+Bozer episode with no mention of Desi at all!]
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The writers know we are a dedicated bunch and they know that once MD breaks up for the last time the entire fandom will be waiting and watching. That's when the show will be at its peak. That will be the perfect moment to bring in MacRiley’s arc to a new start!
Congrats if you stuck with me through this whole thing! if you agree/disgaree with any of these or have other reasons why they could be endgame in s5 let me know!!
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hamliet · 3 years
when does a relationship become queerbaiting? theres a book that i really like and the 2 male leads characters have a lot of storylines and arcs where they get closer and i think some of the tropes used can be similar to the typical romantic tropes, neither of them end up with anyone at the end of the story since its more about found family and the long journey the whole cast goes through. they even get shipped by another character as a running gag. personally i always saw it as being open to interpretation but recently the revised edition of the original novel came out and there were several lines those 2 characters had about each other that were kinda toned down, i didnt think much of it but i saw a post about how it was clearly baiting and the author was being homophobic for toning it down. i didnt think it counted as baiting since as far as i know, the novel was never advertised as anything with romance and the author never pretended they were gonna end up together. i am definitely a little weirded out by the decision to change those specific lines but a lot of the story stayed the same, including a lot about their relationship so idk what to think.
i guess im more confused on if it counts as baiting, or even substext??
Sooooo I am not the best person to ask about this, because I’m a cis woman who has thus far in life only been attracted in a romantic sense to cis men. I can talk a bit about baiting as a general concept in fiction, but you should definitely take it with some grains of salt. 
Baiting, for me, is like deliberately playing up an aspect writers have no intention on delivering on. Usually this is done for ratings, to tease fans, fanservice, etc, but without payoff, it is just bad writing. Red herrings are good in writing, but only can be successfully used if the actual result is more satisfying than the herring. This applies to writing in general, not just to romantic ships. However, when the baiting involves historically underrepresented groups for no reason other than to get fans to spend money consuming the story, I think we can all agree that becomes something more grotesque than just bad writing: it’s insensitive, socially irresponsible, frankly hurtful. 
Some common examples are Bridgerton which has a gay character, who is extremely minor, yet they played up this character in advertising. Also, Rizzoli and Isles I think actually had its producers mention deliberately playing up the lesbian subtext to hook the audience without ever intending on following through. 
That said, context also matters. Like, there are aspects of the culture of the work’s author, the target audience, and such that come into play here also (so like, romantic tropes differ by culture. For example, enemies to lovers is common in Asian stories but less in the west, and the “girl who pursues a guy” is extremely common in Japanese shonen in particular, while it is very much a cringe trope that almost never results in romance in American fiction. So if a writer reads, say, tropes that are common in America into a Japanese work and says it’s baiting, that’s quite possibly not the intent even if it may have been the experience of the reader. So even if there was no intent, there can still be hurt, and that hurt can be real, if that makes sense. 
The definition of what constitutes ‘baiting’ varies. I do think that, in true Tumblr fashion, the term gets thrown around a lot and loses its intended meaning, or is so rigidly defined that creators can meet the letter of the “not a bait” requirement while ignoring the spirit of it.
To start with the latter: regarding something hitting the letter of what most wouldn’t consider baiting yet not really the spirit, let’s look at The Rise of Skywalker. This movie had a genuine lesbian kiss in it... between two characters we’d never seen more than a glimpse of while others are celebrating around them. Since it has a kiss, it’s not baiting, right? Well... the director deliberately said in the lead-up to the film that he included it because he “wanted LGBT people to see themselves in the film.” If “see yourselves in the film” is like a nanosecond of background, then, like... idk. Baiting or not, it feels icky, and I know some people consider it baiting and some don’t even if they don’t like, love that representation. But I think this is more queerbaiting than like, Nobara and Maki, who don’t have explicit romantic coding. 
Going back to the former, in terms of ‘queerbaiting’ losing its intended meaning... I think there are a lot of really poorly written romantic ships out there, often het, while a lot of same-gender relationships are really well written regardless of whether there’s romantic coding within the text. The main emotional energy in stories with 90% male characters (as frankly many if not most stories are, great job world) is probably between two men. There’s just so much more potential with well-written characters who share a lot of screen time, so of course people are going to ship them. In my opinion, this does not inherently make it baiting, but it certainly creates an environment that lends itself to baiting even if the writers aren’t intending to do this. 
Like, you could say the main emotional energy in BNHA is Bakugou and Deku. However, Bakudeku is 100% not queerbaiting. It’ll never be canon romantically (I don’t even ship it lol). There has been nothing to imply romance between them even if the main emotional message can be seen in their development. Deku/Ochaco is likely to be canon, but there is a significant lack of genuine emotional energy between them (the story’s plots and themes don’t coalesce around their relationship), so it’s probably going to feel forced. In contrast, Naruto/Sasuke had an actual kiss in canon, which while played for laughs is a lot more direct romantic coding than anything between Bakugou/Deku. I actually don’t think the majority of Narusasu is baiting, but I definitely think that one moment in chapter like 3 was really poor fanservice for yaoi fans, and has not aged well at all. 
It is also the case that fans can confuse headcanons with what is actually in the text, and that just never ends well. For example, Clover and Qrow’s ship in RWBY: a lot of people read Clover as gay, which led to “bury your gays” outrage when he died. A member of the crew stated explicitly they had never intended for Clover to be a love interest for Qrow, and truthfully here was nothing strictly romantic in their relationship--nothing like a kiss or a declaration of love or a parallel to another romantic couple. Hence, I don’t personally consider it queerbaiting or bury your gays, but a lot of fans felt that it was and their pain is legitimate even if I think textually the argument isn’t there. The one thing I do think is true about this in particular is that there was also no strict platonic coding, which encourages headcanons. Clear writing, yo. It can help. 
Note the word “can” not “will,” because strict platonic coding doesn’t always fix things, either. In what was probably a reaction to the outrage over Clover’s death, you had extremely blatant platonic coding of Ruby and Penny’s relationship this season leading up to Penny’s death. Ruby refers to Penny as “our friend” three different times, wherein “friend” sends a platonic message and “our” sends an even stronger message that it’s not about the two of them despite the fact that their friendship is one of the sweetest and most interesting in the show. A lingering Ruby-Penny hug then is followed by a lingering Penny-Weiss hug, then Yang, then Blake, etc. The writers went out of their way to hit people over the head with “platonic” and yet they have still gotten accusations of bury your gays and queerbaiting because people will see what they want to see in a story. 
Seeing what you want to see in a story also isn’t inherently bad. People who are underrepresented are going to have to read themselves into stories because Lord knows writers ain’t incorporating them well enough if at all. It’s why “Mary Sues” are common in fanfiction, which is primarily written by people who are not straight white men: because where the hell else are we to see ourselves in fiction? So essentially the macrocosm of culture creates this problem, both in terms of baiting and the misuse of the term, and the only fix is a shit ton more good representation.
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buckyjustbelikethat · 4 years
The Fiction of Fairytales: Prologue
Title: The Fiction of Fairytales: Prologue
Characters: (eventual) Stucky x Reader
Summary: (a/b/o au that is non-cannon compliant) After being captured and forced to live as Brock Rumlow’s mate for years you are kidnapped by the Avengers. They plan to interrogate you for information on Hydra and Rumlow, but after Steve and Bucky realize they are your true mates, they realize that their kidnapping was more of an unexpected rescue. 
Warnings: Mentions of assault, kidnapping, and abuse.
Word Count: approx. 1400
A/N: Why is it becoming a trend in my multipart series that the first chapter takes place between tony and the reader. Anyways, this part is very angsty and not fun, but there will definitely be fluff and romance coming in the future. I hope you guys like the beginning! 💕
As a kid you dreamed of finding your mate one day. Your parents had a beautiful relationship, you grew up watching the adoration in their eyes when they looked at each other and you wanted that. They seemed the most relaxed and at peace when you all were together. You didn’t know much about what your parents did, and to this day you still don’t, but at the age of 16, you learned that whatever it was that they did, they had made themselves an enemy of Hydra. You were having a movie night, all three of you watching the most recent released Disney movie. You sometimes imagine yourself there in the days that followed, praying that your mind could conjure those moments in the present rather than remain cruelly unreachable memories. But they are gone now, and you weren’t sure if you would ever know true peace again.
Hydra had invaded your home, and killed your parents. This is when you had begun to wish you never were an omega. Maybe if you weren’t, you never would have been taken that day. You would have gone with your parents, and your life would have stayed blissful up until the moment of your death. Unfortunately, when the Alphas that had invaded smelled you they decided to take you. The head of the group that attacked you was Brock Rumlow. He had decided you would be his before any of the other Alpha’s could get their hands on you. Though that didnt mean he had stopped them in the future.
For the past 8 years you were Brock’s omega, not by your own choice. You had tried to escape him a few times and soon you realized the pain when they caught you again was worse than staying. It was pointless to try and leave. Brock had all of the resources of Hydra and you had nothing, and since your parents died, you had no one.
The faith that you previously had in love that was demonstrated and proclaimed by your parents seemed like a fairytale. Most importantly a fictional reality you were not given the privilege of having in your own life. You only knew pain from alphas, not just your bonded mate Brock, but his alpha friends he would invite over to your place.
In the beginning Brock kept you locked in the cold basement, chained up most of the time due to your many escape attempts. But at some point he had broken you physically and emotionally, and he knew it. That was his goal, to not be able to see beyond the life he had given you. You were expected to please him in all aspects. You were his to command in any way imaginable, he had convinced you over the years that he only asked what was expected of every omega, convincing you that even if you left you would never be safe from your presentation. You were now able to sleep with him in his bed, though that was probably the last place you would want to be. You were given free reign of the home, mostly so you could keep it to his expectations and serve him. He even allowed you to go to the grocery store, though you knew he was watching you at all times, he would know when you left and if you didn’t make it back within what he considered a reasonable time or you talked to too many people you were punished. You were punished for just about everything, and sometimes just because it was what he felt like doing at the time.
Most people in hydra knew about you. Brock took you to all of the public events, and he would often make sure to not harm you in any visible places leading up to whatever event he wanted to show you off at. Not that anyone at the party would care about his abuse, hell most of them had, at some point, had a part in it, he just wanted you to look more attractive. Though he never complimented you, too focused on making you feel worthless, you knew from others that your scent and appearance was enticing, and you wished that it wasn’t the case.
Brock was having people over tonight, and you were expected to go to the grocery store. He didn’t give you the luxury of knowing who it was, you only wished to know what to expect, whether or not Brock would expect you to please whatever company it was. But like normal you were left in the dark, you only knew how he expected you to prepare and what food to make. Over the years you felt like you had gotten really good at cooking, though you weren’t allowed to have much of the food you made, he would tell you it was too good for you. He would either give you scraps or make you prepare something bland to eat for dinner.
You were picking up the ingredients as quick as you could at the store, despite the pain you were in from the morning. Brock had gotten mad at you for something minimal, you had looked at him in the eyes on accident, which was one of his least favorite things, and he had beaten you. Though you were sure you had a few broken bones, you were used to continuing on through the pain, he did not tolerate anything else. You thankfully had gotten used to the layout of the store since it was the only one he would allow you to go to, so you were able to make your trip as short as possible. It was the closest one to your house, and you imagined that at some point he had someone hack into the cameras.
After you loaded the bags into your car, you got into the drivers side only to scream when you saw a figure behind you.
“Hello, I’m sure you know of me, at this point everyone does, and you’re going to listen to my directions.” It was Iron Man, and though you weren’t too familiar with him, you had heard of him enough to know that he was an enemy of hydra, or that hydra was an enemy of him, you didn’t know which one was more appropriate. He almost didn’t need to point his weapon at you, he was wearing his whole suit as if he imagined you were some kind of threat, and you wouldn’t stand a chance even if he wasn’t wearing it, especially with the kind of pain you were in. Based on his threatening position in your back seat, and the fact that he smelled very much like an alpha, you assumed this was no rescue. Whatever it was, you hoped it would even be the slightest bit better than how Brock treated you. Maybe he would even give you the gift of killing you, then all of this would be over.
You looked at the cameras and noticed that in his position the car next to you blocked them from being able to see him.
“Don’t even bother looking, your mate isn’t going to save you. You’re going to put the car in drive and follow my instructions.”
You were too fearful to argue with him calling Brock your mate. Sure he technically was, but you had no choice in any of it. You originally had dreams of only bonding with your true mate, but that’s all it was, just dreams.
You didn’t respond. You had learned over the years to only speak when necessary, and you had a feeling Stark wasn’t going to listen to anything you had to say anyway. So you put the car in drive and followed Stark’s instructions. “You know you need to get out more, we’ve been following you for a while and you only go to the grocery store if you aren’t with your mate. I gotta say, that’s a little weird.” You didn’t know what to say, unsure if an honest reply would really get you anywhere.
“So, you aren’t much of a talker either I’m guessing, that’s fine, as long as you answer our questions when we get to the tower, I don’t care how much you talk.”
So, that’s why they wanted you. They thought you could give them information on Brock, or hydra. Maybe when he realized you were of no use to him he really would kill you.
Next Chapter
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brelione · 4 years
Three Rules (JJ Maybank X Reader)
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Warnings:Smut,Angst,JJ low key getting his heart broken,ends in fluff because sad JJ makes me sad.Not really edited because im lazy :)
JJ sat on a rock far away from the large group of people as they danced to loud,shitty music.He had been hoping that you would show up.It had been a month since he had seen you last.It had been a month since he had ruined everything you two had.Or, in better words,what he thought you had.He knew how much you loved boneyard parties because you loved people watching.You had always sat on this rock to sort everyone into groups in your head.He hadnt noticed that until you had gone to at least eight parties.You’d always disappear but he figured you were talking to someone in the ocean of people or had just gone back to the house.He had come over to you with his red solo cup in his hand to ask what you were doing.That’s when he learned about your hobby.You had pointed people out to him and asked him who in the crowd he would want to switch lives with for the day.He had just pointed to a random guy to satisfy you.That had been the night that your little ‘relationship’ had started.That had been almost a year ago.He watched as you walked down the sandy hill.Your hair was half up half down,you were wearing tight white jeans and a mustard yellow crop top.You looked so effortlessly beautiful in a way he could never understand.
Kie had quickly separated herself from the crowd as she ran towards you to hug you tight.You hugged back,laughing as you exclaimed that she was crushing you.Pope didnt take long to join in,next in line to hug you.JJ bit down on his bottom lip,wishing he could hug you.You wouldnt be happy to see him and he knew that but its not like you could scream at him in front of the others. “God,(Y/N)!Where have you been for like the last month?Ive tried calling you but you didnt answer.”Kiara frowned.You shrugged. “Ive been really busy and then my phone decided to crash and I dont have the money to fix it.”you answered.Pope frowned,JJ walking up behind him.You sent him a quick glare,covering it up with a grin as you continued to speak to Kiara. “Hey,(Y/N).Can I talk to you real quick?”JJ asked,holding his breath unknowingly.Your eyes darkened and he didnt miss the way your fists clenched. “Sure.I’ll be right back.”You told Kie,walking past Pope and giving him a quick fist bump.You didnt get hostile until you were away from your other friends.You and JJ walked out of sight closer to the large mount of rocks and washed up lobster traps. “What do you want,JJ?”You asked,glaring up at the blond.He gulped,looking down at his feet.
 “How do I fix this?”He asked.You rolled your eyes,laughing quietly to yourself. “You cant,JJ.You messed up our deal and then you fucked up my feelings and lied to me and you cant change any of it.”You sighed,looking up at him.He shook his head,biting his tongue. “I never lied to you!I’ve lied so much but I have never ever lied to you.”He almost shouted.You shook your head. “You’re lying right now.I dont get you,JJ.You broke every single rule and now you’re mad at me for it.Its been a month,why cant you just move on?”You asked.He shook his head. “You know why.”He answered.You went to walk away but he grabbed your hand,making you turn around.It brought you back to a month ago when he had broken the final rule.There had only been three.Why was it so difficult for him to not do three things?Ten months back you two started a whole friends with benefits kind of thing.JJ had mentioned how he had been looking for a nightly fuck and it kind of just happened.You two had both agreed it would be a lot safer to not hook up with random people and let them find out where John.B lived so you ended up just become eachothers nightly hookup.
You had made a set of rules.Just the three.Rule One:No Marks That Anyone Else Could See.He had broken that rule only two months in when he left six dark hickies along your neck and even more across your chest.You had woken up the next morning and looked in the mirror to see the dark purple marks that covered your body. “What the fuck,J?No noticable marks,remember?”You huffed.He turned to look at you,a grin on his face. “Well that sucks for you,princess.”He smiled up at you.You rolled your eyes,straddling him.He looked up at you with a sleepy yet confused expression.You smirked before leaning down and sucking hickeys up and down his chest.He didnt fight it,instead telling you that you missed a spot.You found it funny that the others hadnt managed to connect the dots.
The Second Rule was Not To Go To Eachothers Houses.This shouldve been common sense because of how loud JJ was and how small your house was.His house was too chaotic and dangerous as well.He had broken that rule five months in when he had climbed in your window in the middle of the night and shook you awake gently.You had been startled,obviously and ended up grabbing him by the neck and rolling on top of him. “Geez,(Y/N),didnt take you for the kinky type.”He grinned.You face palmed,laying back down on your bed. “What the fuck,JJ?Its like three in the morning.”You whisper shouted.He smirked,leaning down over you. “Yeah,but im horny and you werent around.”He spoke,his knees on either side of your hips.You sat up under him. “You’re not supposed to come to my house,JJ.”You reminded him.He frowned. “I know but im horny and I need help.”He reached for your hand and placed it over where he wanted it most.You sighed,leaning forward so your forehead was against his. “JJ,my parents are literally across the hall.”You told him.He nodded,leaning down to kiss you. “So just be quiet.”He instructed you.You bit your lip,nodding.He started off gentle,leaving feather like kisses on your lips and neck.He often got rough with you,not afraid of pinning your hands over your head or trying different positions.But this time he was surprisingly gentle.
He unbuttoned the oversized shirt you wore to bed,kissing your collarbones and sucking on your nipples.You let a moan slip out,causing him to hold his hand over your mouth.He licked a stripe up your neck,leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Bite my hand if you want me to stop,understand?”He asked.You nodded.He left hickeys along your stomach before tugging down your boy short underwear.He grinned at the small wet spot in them before tossing them onto the floor.He licked a stripe between your folds after kissing your inner thighs gently.You let out a small moan that was muffled by his hand.He put a finger in you,pumping slowly and only being fueled by the noises coming out of you.He put in another finger,pumping the two fingers into you at a hellish pace.Your eyebrows furrowed,eyes clenching shut as the bubble in your stomach grew before releasing itself all over him.He grinned,slurping it all up. “You want more,princess?”He asked.You nodded weakly,making him grin.He pulled down his shorts to reveal that he wasnt even wearing underwear.
He slowly slid into you,jaw dropping as he did so.You quickly reached your hand up to cover his mouth.He lowered his head and buried his face in the crook of your neck as he began to pound into you.He went hard and fast,making you reach your high again.He bit your neck lightly and let out a small moan that was muffled by your skin.Your hands went to his back and under the shirt that he was still wearing,your fingernails digging into his skin.He eventually collapsed on top of you,a panting and sweating mess.He pulled out of you,grabbing a tissue and cleaning you off.You pulled him close to you,pulling him down on the bed to hug him for a few moments.You always loved hugs for a reason he couldnt really understand.
The Third Rule was to not catch feelings.He had broken that the first day that the ‘relationship’ began but he hadnt admitted to it until a month ago.You two had just finished,laying next to eachother on the guest bed.He had pulled on his boxers,watching as you got dressed and pulled your hair up into a ponytail.You caught him staring,turning to look at him and raising your eyebrows in confusion. “What?”You asked.He shrugged,pulling the sheet over himself while still staring at you.You fixed your chain,still staring at him.You sighed,walking over to him and sitting down on the bed. “Somethings up with you.”You observed.He shook his head,avoiding your gaze.You rolled your eyes,sitting on top of him so he was forced to look at you. “What’s up,J?”You asked.He sighed,looking up at you with a certain look in his eye.It wasnt lust or anger...it was something that you had never seen before. “How do you even know something is up?”He asked.You shrugged.
 “You’ve been fucking me different lately.”You answered,combing his hair with your fingers.He furrowed his eyebrows. “Is that bad?”He asked.You shook your head,grinning. “No,just different.Now stop changing the subject.”You insisted,hoping he’d finally tell you what was on his mind.He let out a small breath as if he was nervous. “Could you maybe...not stare at me.”He mumbled.You frowned,getting off of him and sitting across from him on the mattress. “What is it?”You asked.His heart was beating quickly,blinking hard.His mouth opened as he struggled to form words. “I just...I dont know if i should be doing this anymore.”He answered,not looking at you.You pouted. “Doing what?”You asked.He sighed,looking up at you. “Us,I mean.I’ve broken all the rules and i just dont think I can handle it anymore.”He answered,waiting for you to answer.You stared down at your lap,trying to make sense of what he had just said to you.You shook your head,realizing what he was saying. “JJ-you havent broken all the rules.Not all of them,right?”You asked,hands shaking.He bit his lip,glancing at you before looking away.
 “How am I not supposed to have feelings for you when you fuck me like this?How can you expect me not to fall for you when you moan so loud and talk dirty to me and-god,I didnt mean too.”he sighed,holding his head in his hands.You shook your head,not believing it. “Bullshit,JJ.What’s actually going on?”You asked,hoping this was a sick joke.JJ knew how scared you were of love and how repulsed you were by the idea of someone loving you in such a way.He knew that yet he still decided to fuck with your feelings and joke like this.He looked directly at you. “Im in love with you, (Y/N).”He admitted.This wasnt going how he had always hoped it would.Kiara had made the group watch plenty of cheesy romance movies where the guy confessed his undying love for the quirky girl and she loved him too and they’d kiss and live happily ever after.He knew that wasnt going to happen but he had still hoped that maybe just maybe you’d smile and tell him you liked him as well or at least let im down gently.But no,you were staring at him completely horrified.
 “What the fuck,JJ?”You asked,angry.He just stared at you,nails digging into his palms. “I-I dont know what you want me to do about it.”He whispered,dumb founded.You bit your lip,looking at him as your eyebrows casted shadows over your irises. “Just stop.”You answered before standing up and walking out the door.He didnt try to stop you,instead just staring at the door after you left.He had tried texting and calling when you hadnt come around to the Chateau in a week.Kiara had tried but you didnt answer her either.John.B and the others had even drove to your house in the van but your mother had answered the door and told them that you were out.He had missed you so much.He had even tried going to your house in the middle of the night and knocking on your window.You hadnt opened the window or even woken up.He had seen you at the beach once on an early morning.He had immediately run up to you. “God,I thought you were dead.Where have you been?”He asked.You rolled your eyes. “Im so sorry if I dont wanna be around your lying manipulative ass.”You grumbled,attempting to walk away when he grabbed your hand.
JJ looked down at you,hand still holding yours. “Please,just give me a chance.Just let me love you.”He whispered.You pulled your hand from his grip,swallowing. “You dont love me.I dont know what youre feeling but I want nothing to do with it.”You spoke bitterly.He shook his head. “At least just be my friend again.Please,I need you in my life.Dont even do it for me,do it for the others.We’re all falling apart without you around.Kie is just depressed all the time and Pope has been trying to tell me about science shit and we need you back.Please,please,ill leave you alone if thats what you want but I just need you around again.”He begged.You nodded slowly. “Okay.But if you ever bring this whole thing up it’s all over,alright?”You asked.He nodded,eyes becoming glassy.It hurt to see but you werent sure what to do.You felt bad,of course,but there was nothing you could do about this.
You got a weird little shaking feeling in your stomach when he was near you but you didnt know what that meant.It couldnt mean that you liked him because he just wasnt the type of person that you should like. “Dont start crying right now.Dont you dare do it-I will drown you.”You threatened him.He sniffled,glancing away from you.You grinned. “You just started a war.”You grinned,dragging him to the water.He tried to fight you,a few tears slipping out.You splashed him,making him laugh before rubbing at his eyes.He splashed you back with only half of his effort,making you roll your eyes.You cupped your hands,throwing water at him.He scoffed,tackling you into the cold water.You laughed,flipping him over and splashing water into his hair.He sat up under you,laughing.His laughter stopped as he noticed the position he was currently in. “What?”You asked.He glanced down and then back up at you.
You rolled your eyes. “You’re such a pussy.”You sighed,climbing off of him and sitting in the water.He sighed,looking up at you. “We should go back so you can catch up with Kie and Pope.”He suggested,hoping you’d stay for a little longer anyways.You shook your head. “I think we should catch up.”You told him.He nodded,sitting up straight next to you as the waves smacked onto your thighs.You were both silent,the only noise being the constant smacking of the waves and distant music. “So….what do you want to talk about?”He asked.You sighed,leaning back on your elbows. “Id ask how youve been but uh….I think I already know.So….hows your dad been?”You asked,holding your breath.He shrugged. “You know,he’s just him.I’ve been staying at John.B’s.How...how has your mom been?”He asked.You sighed,brushing your hair away from your face. 
“Well,her and dad still argue and shit.They broke the window last week so that sucks but its fine.What have you been doing?”You asked.He wanted to be honest with you but he was embarrassed.He had smoked three times the amount of weed he usually did,went days without showering and had pulled a good 12 all nighters in one month.But he couldnt lie to you.Not when he had hurt you once. “Well,you know,the usual.Lots of weed,lots of beer,lost of surfing.”He answered.You nodded,laying down in the sand and closing your eyes. “That sounds nice.I’ve just been painting and swimming and thats pretty much it.Ive missed you guys,not gonna lie.”You admitted.He frowned,wanting nothing more than to wrap his arm around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder. “Then why wouldnt you come around?You werent that mad,were you?”He asked.You sighed,opening your eyes to look at him. 
“I dont think im as mad as I am scared.”You answered.He bit his lip,nodding. “I just...I dont get why you’re scared.I just dont get what about love is so scary.”He hoped you wouldnt get up and walk away.You stared up at the dark sky,letting out a loud,dramatic breath. “I just dont like the idea of it,okay?You know I hate it and that I want nothing to do with it.You know that.”You answered,your voice dripping venom.It sounded just like it had that time you scolded him for stealing from an independent business.You had been so pissed off.He nodded. “No,no,I know.I just want to know why you hate it so much.”He tried to form his questions into words.You grumbled something under your breath,sitting up. “Because if I fall in love I dont want to be the only one falling!The universe does this thing where it makes you fall for someone thats way too perfect and then of course they dont fall for you and you’re just stuck!”You exclaimed.JJ chuckled,looking away from you.
You had just explained his exact situation without meaning too. “Tell me about it.”He sighed.Your eyebrows furrowed,jaw dropping a bit when you realized what you had just said. “JJ-shit.Fuck,dude.”You whispered.He grinned sadly at you,his eyes having that same expression they had had that day he had first confessed to you. “Yeah,I get why you dont want this.It really sucks.”He laughed half heartedly.You sighed,looking up at him. “What does it feel like?”You asked him.He gulped,trying to ignore how close you were.Your body was practically pressed up against him.He was tempted to reach out and twirl your chain between his fingers. “Um...well its like just kind of wanting.Just like wanting things like when you see someone you just want to hug them and appreciate them and you just want them to be happy even if they arent with you.And-and you get this feeling in your stomach like when you drink so much and get all giggly.”He answered.He felt you inch closer,one of your arms wrapping around his torso as you rested your head under his chin.
He didnt really understand what you were doing but he wanted you to be comfortable around him.He tried his best not to act strange,wrapping an arm around your waist in a half hug. “JJ.”You mumbled. “Yeah?”He asked. “I think...I dont know.I think I might be in love with you.”You sighed,waiting for him to say something.His mind went completely blank,trying to think of what to say to you. “Umm...okay.Okay.So...so...what do we do now?”He asked.You shrugged,kissing his cheek lightly. “I have no idea.”You answered.He kissed your forehead,looking down at you.He leaned down slowly,giving you the time to pull away.You didnt,kissing him gently.It was different from the kisses you had shared before.This one was innocent and gentle,ending with a hug. “We should go back to the others now.”You spoke quietly.He nodded,helping you up and holding your hand for as long as he could.
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