#but he's still always flabbergasted because lOOK AT SANJI !!!!
sogekyng-a · 2 years
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     there are times he still can’t believe THAT’S his boyfriend.
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an-au-blog · 5 months
I love zosan and think the art made me love it even more, but if I'm being honest with myself and how I feel about the canon, I'd say there should be zolu and sanuso before zosan. Let me explain:
The only logical explanation for Zoro - a pirate hunter, who had killed pirates for very petty reasons... to join a random guy with no crew, no boat and a pipedream, is that he saw something in him. The sheer amount of loyalty this man holds for his captain is more than akin to blind devotion than anything. And the trust Luffy holds in his first mate is absolutely astounding.
Outside of the ladies, Sanji only ever defends/vouches for Usopp. Even though Usopp is a man, Sanji doesn't treat him with the annoyance he sometimes has for Luffy and Zoro. During the water 7 arc, he keeps defending Usopp even though the Mary fiascos. He's super protective towards him.
In conclusion, here's how I think it'd go:
Sanji had been unintentionally courting Usopp and only realized it when water 7 happened. At some point while they're still in recovery or maybe while they were still traveling to enmys lobby, he tries to tell him what he's realized. Because if he really leaves the crew, this would be his only chance and he needed to live without regrets, as there was no guarantee what could happen.
Sanji: Usopp, I know it's not the time or place, but-
Usopp: Haha, this isn't Usopp, I'm Sniper King, remember?!
Sanji (defeated, knowing nothing will come of this): Yeah, well, when you see Usopp, can you tell him that I'm sorry I couldn't tell him on time, but I love him and I regret only realizing it now...
Usopp: ...
Usopp: Oh... well... I'll be sure to tell him.
Sanji might have taken that as a nice way to reject him, so he decided to take it with dignity and leave but was stopped when he heard
Usopp: And thank you... I mean, he'd probably thank you. For telling him.
Would it be too pathetic of Sanji to hold onto hope?
After everything was said and done, Usopp joined again. Sanji had forgotten, with all the things that happened, about his confession. So he was a bit surprised when he approached him about it.
S: Soooo... Sniper King told me what you wanted to tell me...
U, sweating bullets: Whaaat? I didn't mean- I mean I never told him to tell you anything, idk what you're talking about. That sniper king guy probably lied!
S: I don't think he's the type to lie. He's a man of honor, you know.
U, not believe that he's getting jealous of himself: you're so easy to defend him, you like him or something?
S, with embarrassment but loving adoration: Yeah.
U, heart broken: Oh. Well, I wish you two a happy life then.
(If he's wondering whether or not to "rejoin as SK", but living a double life would be hard and -)
S: Wait, where are you going. I just told you I loved you and you're walking away? Did something happen, I thought...
U: You said you like Sniper King, not me. (*insert rant about how SK is so much better than Usopp and all that self degrading bs*)
S: Okay, okay, no. I know you're the same person. But if you insist: I love you too. Not only in a friend way, not because of your persona, but because of you. Usopp.
And awww, would you look at that, they started dating. Time passes and Usopp stops feeling as insecure as he had before. Sanji keeps flirting with women but never means it and they all know it because they always ends up back in each other's arms. But then something devastating happens. Sanji can't stop thinking about how the mosshead never wears a shirt. It's infuriating and Usopp kind of understands, at one point he goes "Have you tried touching his chest? Maybe you'll get it out of your system."
To which Sanji is 1. Speechless, petrified, flabbergasted; 2. Shook and horrified at the suggestion; 3. Kind of obsessed with the idea now that he thinks about it; 4. defensive because "my love, you are all I need how could youuuu think thaaat".
In that order.
Usopp, laughing nervously: It's not like I haven't done it.
Sanji: What?
Usopp: What.
So it turned out, that one night of drinking made Zoro almost kiss Usopp, which he backed away because he was afraid, but then Zoro called it "physical traids" which made him.confused and a bit worried that he didn't know what that was, so he said he'd think about it. Zoro looked at him in a way that conveyed "what is there to think about", but never voiced it. With a shrug, he said okay and never tried anything after that.
So Sanji and Usopp decided that they needed to talk about it with the swordsman himself. To work out the logistics if anything... What he said, however, none of them expected.
Zoro: I don't know why you make it into a big fuss. Physical traids, yeah, it's like: I find you attractive, you find me attractive, we care for each other so we make out or if we're feeling it - more. How can Luffy het it, but you can't.
Jaws on the floor.
They call Luffy in on the conversation and it gets worse.
Luffy: Yeah, it's like when I'm bored, or feel like it, we do stuff. But I don't really wanna kiss anyone else and I told him you guys are okay to kiss cause I trust you!
Explaining to them that, yes - that's kind of what dating is, and yes - they've been technically exclusively dating until now, went about as well as one might have hoped. At one point, Sanji definitely got frustrated from his own overthinking about why Marimo had hit on his boyfriend but never him. To which Zoro responded that he had tried a couple of times but Sanji just kicked or ignored him, so he gave up, thinking he wasn't interested.
And at some point Luffy definitely drops something like "I'd like to try with you guys too, it could be fun." with a beaming smile and both Usopp and Sanji wouldn't be able to stop thinking about ot for a week straight, low-key obsessing over it until they decide, okay, yes. And then they would tell him and he would just go "Oh, right, forgot about that, sure, let's do it!"
(idk this was funnier in my head)
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Ya know there is so much in the Fandom and yet I have noticed a distinct lack of Buggy and Sanji content.
Not in a shipping way either but like. Buggy, the Flashiest Pirate In The East, would ABSOLUTELY go to the Baratie if only for the renown it has for its food. Also I bet he knew - or knew OF Zeff at the very least - when he was still a pirate. Buggy visiting the Baratie occasionally, sometimes in Normal Flashy Fashion, sometimes more toned down because he just needs a bit of a break. Zeff would absolutely take one look at this traumatized little hobgoblin of a pirate and go "oh wow. Someone get this bitch a meal. Bitches love meals"
Sanji, a wee tyke learning the ways of the kitchen, sees this absolute bozo who he, at first, assumes to be a second rate pirate. Zeff is better. Zeff tells all these stories about the Old Ways, the Pirate's Code, and Sanji thinks "this clown doesn't know the meaning of a code"
Then smth happens to completely change his tune. Maybe Buggy says or does something. Maybe Sanji overhears or sees smth. Maybe someone else kicks a fuss, and Buggy responds in the Right Ways. Who knows?
But Sanji is now intrigued. And Sanji is a kid, with lots of trauma sure, but a kid nonetheless. And Buggy Notices.
He gets forcibly assimilated into Sanji's found family. He never agreed to this. He never had a choice.
Sanji grows up with Zeff and uncle Buggy. He happens to leave with the Strawhats at the perfect time to do so - and he keeps avoiding Buggy via near misses, to the point Bugs is SEETHING playfully. How dare. Truly. All of his nephews are EVIL.
It comes to a head when, years later, with Emperors crowned, there is a series of wacky shenanigans which lead to Cross Guild and the Strawhats meeting face to face.
Sanji is flabbergasted by the realization that he now has step-uncles, one of which is the mosshead's mentor/father-figure. The other is the brutal ex dictator of Alabasta who later passed the captain's vibe check and might just be said captain's other father, there is no confirmation.
Buggy meanwhile is having twelve different attacks of a variety of nature bc he's due for his yearly fight to the death with his one nephew, and the other is here and within throttling range and - IS THAT A HICKEY!?!?!
Cue veeeerry awkward Meet The Family where Buggy and Usopp actually get along well while Sanji is debating his chances of kicking these men's asses and if it would dishonor Zoro's dreams if he threatened mihawk....
Both conversations boil down to "he's been through a lot, so be good to him or you'll be hearing from me, okay? Okay. Good."
Usopp actually is chill with this both bc "I would never" and also "even if he came for me, I could kick a clown's ass probably. If nit me, then Luffy. And if Luffy doesn't, then I will deserve it."
Crocodile and Mihawk are mildly amused but also curious - the clown? Having trauma? As if. They think of it initially as smth of a comparison. Severity of trauma is the highest rank. They think of Buggy's past as "his captain died, he broke up with his best friend, the end". They do not know of the interim details. The reasons that Shank and he both refuse to allow anyone below 14 at the bare minimum onto their crews. The reason Buggy was frothing when Shanks told him about Uta - after the fact. The reason Buggy only drinks certain brands of rum because some make him physically sick. The reason he can't sleep in pitch black darkness. The reason he sometimes simply Can't Sleep At All.
There's more to it, to everything, to all of it, than any one person knows.
Just. Back on topic but Buggy and Sanji. I just think they'd have the neatest dynamic.
You just chose two of my favorite characters and did THIS and I love it 😭 The funny thing is that it does make sense that Buggy had gone to the Baratie and met Sanji at some point... I've always thought mostly on Usopp/Buggy parallelisms but Sanji kind of relating to Buggy too because of feeling inferior to his family,,,, Besides I think the dynamic would be hilarious because okay, they get along, but I can imagine them growing closer and caring about each other but arguing all the time Sanji/Zeff style? So at first, everybody thinks he has something against Buggy because when they meet they won't stop yelling at each other but when they ask them about it, Sanji is like "??? Nah, he's something like my uncle don't- Don't think too hard about it". And I am also SO sure Sanji would know stuff about Shanks that Luffy doesn't because Buggy explained Sanji their childhoods,,, Going insane about this one, actually.
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
Also sliding in and out to ask if you have any other op characters you could see as regressors other than Buggy? Personal fav for me is Robin, partly I can’t find anything for her as the regressor, partly cuz she deserves it, partly because imagining Franky as her primary SUUUUUUPER caretaker is healing to the heart. (One of Little Robins favorite games is to climb on his back while he pretends to be flabbergasted and goes „Oh noooo where did Robin gooooo? Has anyone seen Robin?“ while she just giggles as he pretends to shield his eyes to look towards the horizon)
YES ACTUALLY!!!! I focus mostly on Buggy because he's my absolute favorite but I do in fact hc others as regressors
I'll divide them out under the cut with some headcanons as well bc this may.... get long honestly.
• starting here because she is the one in the ask and you're RIGHT AND SHOULD SAY IT LOUDLY!!!!!!!!!
• she's a playful person and that only gets x100 when she feels safe to regress
• she spent so long hypervigilant that it was honestly only with the Strawhats that she finally relaxed a little and wound up feeling that fuzzy blurry aspect in her head which took away some inhibitions. Nobody made a big deal out of it the first few times it happened. they were just happy she was happy. It's only after she reads a book on psychology on a whim that she begins piecing some things together.
• everyone is really excited when she finally feels comfortable to talk to them about it. And, in doing so, a few others on the crew also realize they may either benefit from it or already do it themselves.
• Robin really loves games and playing when she's regressed, and she laughs more openly when she's little.
• Franky is her primary caregiver, but everyone else on the crew also chips in constantly. (Zoro specifically always keeps an extra close eye when she's running around anywhere near the railing or somewhere potentially dangerous. He's the king of gentle redirection)
• Sanji will make her extra fun little snacks, cut fruit or little finger foods. He melts every time she beams at him or giggles or thanks him. He just wants to squish her cheeks~
• not an Aeathetic Regressor, honestly. She does what makes her happy, and her clothes aren't necessary for that, she's not obsessed with pastels or anything, she still finds morbid things amusing. She will, however, become the BIGGEST clothes thief ever and toddle after Franky in one of his button ups, spouting random facts about decomposition and the science of decay.
• spooky baby!!!!!!! Not on purpose, but she IS!!!!!!
• Luffy and her get on like a house on fire. He's one of her favorite people when regressed because he's just that perfect mix of On Her Level and Protective. He also has Mega Siblihg Energy. While Luffy himself is a complicated topic I'll get into later, he does take being her playmate and protector VERY seriously. He's also a polyglot bc I love the idea of him not being dumb at all, just operating on a different wavelength. They bond over Weird Facts and Special Interests, and they speak different languages a lot together, accidentally even making their own on occasion. ((Luffy also calls her mi pequeña luna even before the whole Gear 5 Thing, which becomes a bit of an inside joke))
• chewy stims chewy stims chewy stims if it can go in her mouth while she's distracted, it WILL.
• no particular age range, but she has determined she's likely an older kid - perhaps around the ballpark of nine? Maybe. Maybe not. Doesn't matter.
• can, will, and has justbwordless gone to Usopp, plopped down on her tummy, kicking her feet and Stared. He pauses slightly. "Story?" She nods. "Okay..... yeah, I got one-!!"
Moving on~
• I will die on this hill bc I have so many thoughts on it and nobody does it??? Justice?????????????
• he is SO resistant to it, honestly. This may come as a huge shock to many, but this boy is a Captain and had to grow and survive FAST. He may be a little weird or perceived as 'dumb', but he is most certainly NOT. I love Dadan, Makino and even Shanks, but his most stable adult relationships were a barmaid, a flighty pirate, and a largely hands-off bandit woman. He canonically faced potentially lethal ordeals as "training" from a man he loved, yes, but also FEARED. It's overlooked so often bc of how optimistic and bright and semi-competent he is, but that boy has So Much Trauma.
• he's the captain and so he puts a LOT of pressure on himself, though it's rarely seen point blank.
• I think he involuntarily regresses pretty often and hides it exceptionally well by either Faking It or hiding away as quickly as possible.
• personal hc here that Robin was the first to address regression with the crew, everyone gave it a try bc Nobody There Had A Good Childhood, and nobody noticed that Luffy.... didn't. Or rather, nobody brought it up. At first.
• it's baby steps. They let him be. They never push, but they do encourage the times when his lock on his Haki gets a little fuzzier, bubbly, and his laughter is bright and clear and innocent.
• Luffy has a lot to unpack, and it only really comes to ahead when he's teetering just a little during dinner one night, wriggling happily, someone reaches past a little too quickly, a little too close to his head, and he flinches. Everyone freezes. The mood drops like an anchor. Luffy apologizes. He's subsequently smothered.
• getting Luffy to really regress is difficult. One would think it would be easy with his normal demeanor. One would be very very wrong. The Luffy he is now is the one cobbled together by his experiences, under layers and layers of protective shielding and self applied armor of love. Luffy acts most like a child when he's big. Luffy acts far different when he's little.
• he also looks different when he's little. Current theory is the weirdness of his Devil Fruit, the way his body shifts and morphs according to whims and wants and stimuli. He used to shrink down after Gear 3, so sometimes just.... physically being tiny isn't TOO unusual. And having the little white curls peppered into raven hair is odd, but it is Luffy, they've seen, done and experienced weirder....
• Lil Lu, as dubbed by the Great and Powerful Big Bro Usopp, is quiet. He's firm stares beneath messy curls, red-brown eyes peeling layers of a person back and studying them bc that is how he can tell who is Safe and who is Not. He is not diluted by the cloak of sunshine, though stars still glow in his veins. He's quiet, he's slightly calmer, but he's also... more open than they're used to. Luffy doesn't cry easy. Lil Lu seems to make up for that in excess. He happy cries, angry cries, sad cries - they all learn to navigate the different tones of tears.
• Lil Lu also picks his people. It's usually not the exact same, but he'll choose a person and be their duckling for the day or evening. Sometimes it's Sanji, and Lu wants to help and hold his pants leg and just Be There. Sometimes it's Nami, and he helps count out the berri or draws her pictures while she works on a map, beaming under ink smudges and parchment smells. Sometimes it's Zoro, with the naps and occasional playtime, or Usopp and Chopper with games and stories. Sometimes it's Robin and Franky, the former big or little, the latter delighting in the trust given to him. Sometimes it's Brook or Jinbei, the oldest on the crew who understand better than most when the weight of the world crushes a too-small chest and grief stains his every cell. Sometimes it's one, sometimes it's many, and sometimes he wants to be alone. It's all progress.
• ironically, not a whole lot on him. His regression is blurry at best, and it's diluted in part due to his alcoholism. It mostly manifests in going semi or nonverbal, wanting more hugs and cuddles, being a little more emotional than usual - something often times attributed to drinking as opposed to smth psychological.
• his crew eventually puts it together that Drunk Shanks and Needy Shanks are very different, and they simply adjust accordingly. Nobody ever really.... brings it up?? But they know. And Shanks knows. And they know that Shanks knows. That's enough for them.
• honestly Shanks' regression is on the older end, but it's from around the time he was selectively mute.
• traumatized teenage captain hours.
• really likes texture stims btw. Lucky Roux made him slime once and he was mesmerized for hours.
• not a regressor but I wanted to include him anyway bc he went the full opposite of everyone else. He vibes as a caregiver no I do not make the rules but I do enforce them.
• Law, upon meeting little Robin and Lil Lu: you activated my Loving Side, now SUFFER- ((He spoils them but has safety rules and they thrive with the structure honestly, 100/10, he and Franky become The Best At Wrangling The Tinies))
• I don't know quite yet how she vibes but the vibe is THERE okay, it simply IS and I will die on that hill. She either regresses or she's a caregiver, but regardless she is very Big Sister Coded, especially to Luffy.
• pastel goth baby. On the younger end, and Mihawk and Zoro were the ones who clocked her habits at Kuraigana. She herself never really clocked it but they both started.... slowly accommodating it, and she was blindsided by it.
• eventually came to terms with it, and while they never put a name to the behaviors, Zoro knew damn well what was going on after sailing with Robin. Big Brother Energy honestly.
• it's only after the time skip, after some time away, and when she reunites with Mihawk that the greatest swordsman knows now what it was, thanks in part to Buggy.
• on that note, she and Buggy get on like a house on fire and it's adorable and mildly terrifying bc smth may, in fact, literally catch fire.
Okay that's all I have rn ily thanks for the ask, y'all have no idea how happy it makes me to see stuff in my inbox ♡♡♡♡♡♡
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hydine · 1 year
Modern AU ZoSan, where ZoSan are regulars at a gym. They do notice each other, and both think the other is hot, but they're also interpersonally constipated and neither works up the nerve to approach the other. Instead, Zoro thinks Sanji is this kinda perfect boyfriend, every mother-in-law's dream, and off the market for sure. Meanwhile Sanji thinks Zoro is this hot stud who fucks a different chick every other day. Little does Sanji know, Zoro is indeed working at a host club and would sometimes leave with a client, if he needs the money.
One day, Sanji gets harassed by an older man at the gym and Zoro finally steps in, talking to Sanji as if they were at the gym together, so the older man backs off. Sanji thanks Zoro, both of their crushes getting worse. They actually start training together, planning their gym days, and eventually start sparring, and hey, it might be love after all. Sanji is horribly conflicted about it, because he's in denial about liking men. Zoro is flabbergasted, because, considering his job, he never thought he could have a meaningful relationship, but it might just be possible with this beautiful blond man. But again, they are interpersonally constipated, and never talk about their feelings, leaving each other to wonder.
As Sanji comes to terms of actually liking a man romantically, one night he walks home from work, and sees Zoro in the distance. As he's about to call out, he notices a beautiful woman at his side, grabbing his arm, looking like she's very much in love. Sanji is shocked. Zoro once casually mentioned being single - is this his new girlfriend maybe?
Some time passes, Sanji and Zoro still train and spar as usual, Sanji not being as talkative anymore. Zoro notices. But they don't talk about it, as always.
Zoro calls off a gym day eventually. "Work", he says. Sanji roams the city that day, having nothing better to do. He spots Zoro in the distance, with another girl this time. "So I was right after all", Sanji thinks.
Sanji stops coming to the gym. He considers blocking Zoro's contact on his phone, but mutes him instead. He needs time to think. His first crush on a man and he gets disappointed, how shitty is that.
Zoro is heartbroken about Sanji's behavior. What did he do to him? He still needs to do his job, though. He needs the money to pay off his debts.
One night, it was Zoro who spots Sanji in the distance. He completely disregards his client, to run after Sanji, who's trying to escape, after he saw Zoro. They run to a rooftop, Sanji has nowhere else to escape, Zoro catches up. It's a beautiful, starry night. They finally talk.
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myonepiece · 4 years
Yoo~ author-san!
I love your headcanons and scenarios~ (。•̀ᴗ-)💕
So, you could write about an female S/O who is in love with Katakuri, and acts like Sanji when he sees or talks to him, (also knows his secret) S/O is always trying to please Katakuri, whether with donuts, sung, and always acting sweetly with him, ( she doesn't care about her brothers or big mom, she is willing to take any risk to conquer Katakuri), and with s/o saying "God I love you..., I thought the perfect man Doesn't exist, but the boy right in front of me, Is proving all those things wrong ..."– How would Katakuri react to all of this? Fufu~
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Never once has he been so confused
Big Mom is over there saying “You’re so hideous!”
“No one will ever love you!” 
“You scare everyone away what makes you think someone could have feelings for you?!
Then you come in and get nosebleeds eveytime he flexes or has his vest off, fuck even when you just walk past him you have to throw your headback to keep the blood from spilling onto the floor
He is baffled, flabbergasted
He really thought you were scared or embarrassed of him at first, especially when you would turn your head to avoid looking at him
When you were actually trying to shove tissues in your nose to avoid the bloodbath accompanying the sight of his fucking gorgeous abs 
When you told him you liked him it caught him completely off guard
He thought it was some kind of cruel joke at first until for the next few days you clung to his side and tried to get him to go out with you
He had agreed to date you, he loved you yes but he still doubted if you truly liked him or if it was a simple crush
So at first he would just go along with whatever you had planned 
But the more you flooded him with gifts and food and affection, the more he realized you truly have feelings for him
He won’t let down his normal exterior though
He prefers you to keep everything to a minimum in public and he’ll get irritated if you don’t
When Big Mom breaks his self esteem and spirit, all it takes is you running into his arms carrying whatever food item or gift you have now
He admires your takes-no-shit-from-big mom attitude, but he’s also worried because he knows all too well that she won’t have a problem killing you 
He’s very protective with you around his family because you never seem fazed by anything they say
Instead always standing up for him and insulting them back even
There is no bridge you won’t cross to prove your love for Katakuri, and he  begins to feel as if something on his heart is breaking
Not his heart itself, but rather something shielding it 
Only around you does he open up and show you his vulnerable side
Your constannt love and affection reassuring him of your feelings
He doesn’t need anyone else to love him, all he wants and needs is you
The way you pepper his mouth and scar with kisses makes his heart melt and he just closes his eyes and leans into you soft touch
Whenever you know Big Mom has fucked up his self view you hurl praises at him like you were trained in making him feel better
When you notice he’s. wearing his scarf around you in private, and you always notice, you tackle him with kisses and hugs and compliments and he actually giggles
But one night when he was feeling especially down after being attacked with insults and jeers all day from his mom, and as you were laying in bed that night he had stayed at the edge away from you
You noticed this of course- scooting closer until you trapped him with your embrace, climbing on top of him and refusing to move when he tried to pry you off
He gave up and simply stared down at you lying on his chest
“God I love you.... I thought the perfect man didn’t exist, but here you are right in front of me, proving all all of that wrong”
The look in your eyes was enough to fix his heart but at the same time destroy it within seconds
And finally the last piece of him belonged to you
Tears pooled in his eyes quickly overflowing and streaming down his cheeks
Your lovely expression changed to one of worry and guilt as you leaned up to cup his face as wipe the tears away
Katakuri gently took your hands in his and sat up, kissing the palms of your hands softly before leaning down resting his forehead against yours
He had never felt so much love and adoration for another person, and now you confessed you felt the same?
He looked deep in to your eyes as he held your small hands in his, quielty begging you to marry him
“______, marry me. Please, please, marry me. I’ll give you everything you could ever want and need, just say you’ll stay with me forever”
“Yes, yes, yes, yes!” 
Your cheeks soon matched his, stained with glittering tears
He squeezed your hands and brought them to his cheeks
He kissed you, soft and passionate and slow
Savoring the taste and feel of your lips against his scarred ones
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Hii,i really like you’re Writing and if it’s possible can i request a headcanon with the monster trio where they meet after 2 years with their shy girlfriend but now she is super confident and sexier. She had matured a lot in the time skip both Physically and mentally Ps you have to write more for Ace pls i live for him good luck and thank you🧡
Hiya anon! First of all: thank you!  Ever since this request I've written a little more Ace (I, too, live for him and his freckled face that I just want to smooch)! That being said, if you want more Ace, you need only request! 🙈 (once the box is open again.. which is gonna be soon). Anyhow, this RQ is about the monster trio that I love and live for as well 😭👌🏻 Enjoy!
Monster Trio and an s/o who’s had a glow-up over the time skip 
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Get this man some tissues because there will be blood.
Out of all three, Sanji is the one who notices your physical glow-up most. 
And god, he loves you for who you are as a person, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't falling for you all over again. 
And now that you're more confident, very well aware of your renewed sex appeal, you're definitely making good use of that to flirt with him a bit. 
He's nearly fainting. He wants to shower you in all the compliments, say all the things he's been saving up in his head for 2 years. All the romantic poems he's come up with, all the compliments, all the affirmations, he can just feel them leaking out of his ears, stumbling over his words as he only can gasp and stutter out your name, ears and face redder than the little stream of blood that is now trickling out of his nose. 
Once he finds his words again, they all come out together. How he's missed you, how he's missed holding you, kissing you, how he hopes you've missed him as well, and just how damn great you look. 
You cannot help but take it all in with a grin, telling him about the many things you've learned, playfully teasing and touching him as you tell him about your two years. 
He does his absolute best to listen, but he's so distracted, still absolutely flabbergasted that his sweet, shy y/n changed so much and grew into this confident playful lady that he's still lucky to call his. 
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Zoro notices your new appearance right away but isn’t too sure to comment on it. 
Poor guy has never really been a flirt, and it had taken ages for the two of you to start a relationship, with the two of you getting flustered the very moment anything even remotely intimate happened. 
He eventually gets out one flirty/snarky compliment, but the way you reply, with newfound confidence, turns his cheeks, nose, and ears all red. 
You cannot help but giggle at the prospect of getting him flustered more often. 
He’s trying to change the subject a few times, but every time he starts a sentence both his eyes and his mind drift off. It’s hilarious. 
With your new strength, you can now help him train as well, which goes all right for about 4 times before you overdo it with the slightly suggestive movements and Zoro suggests he should probably train by himself. 
Flusteredness aside, Zoro is super proud of you. He feels like he has to worry less whenever the group gets separated.
He had been thinking about the whole crew while on Kuraigana with Mihawk and Perona and he hoped everybody had trained properly to face the dangers of the new world. 
He’s glad that you had taken it seriously too, and he can’t wait to kick some ass together with you.
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You had always been shy. But never weak. Luffy did not like weak people. He didn't mind that you didn't speak up much before, other people on the crew are more of the silent types too. 
Luffy doesn’t really care for looks, barely noticing the glow up in terms of your physique, but noting that you look so much stronger and powerful, mostly due to your now way more confident posture. 
It’s the first thing he comments on, well, as soon as he lets you go from his typical jump-hug. He’s so happy to see you again. 
When you grin and comment on how he’s grown, he starts to notice just how much more confident you look, how much prouder you stand, and he cannot help but laugh. 
“shishishi y/n, you really have become a stronger lady over the break! Looking forward to seeing all the new things you can do! Let’s go kick the new world’s asses” 
He wants to hear all your stories of how you trained, like he wants to hear the whole crew’s stories, but you, as his girlfriend are just a teeeeeeny bit more important to listen to. 
“oi y/n, now that you’re bigger and stronger, we can eat more together too right?” 
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sir-crocodile-smile · 4 years
Your blog is awesome :D May I request headcanons for Sanji, Bellemere, and Robin reacting to their female S/O introducing them to soul food and making various dishes for them to try?
Thank you!! I was very excited to do this one, I thought it was soooooooo cute!
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Cooking is Sanji’s passion, second only to his passion for you, so when you offer to introduce him to soul food, he’s over the moon!!
He’s very touched that you’re sharing this part of your culture and yourself with him
He wants to help you cook if you’ll let him! He’s very interested in the recipes and techniques, and wants to learn from you. Even if you want to cook it by yourself, he still takes peeks to try to learn what you’re doing, just like he did with Zeff as a kid. Like full-on peeking around the door frame, sneaking a little taste when he thinks you can’t see him (you absolutely can)
It’s extremely cute the way his face lights up when he tries to guess what you’re making. The pure, childlike wonder in his eyes will melt your heart
He loves that soul food uses the forgotten parts of animals and plants to make delicious and filling meals. That’s something that he connects with
If you slow-cook anything, he spends the whole day defending it from Luffy. There’s no way he’d let Luffy be the first to try your cooking!
He compliments you constantly. The apron you’re wearing? Fit for a princess. The way your hair is tied back? Enchanting, he’s never seen anyone look so effortlessly elegant
He becomes obsessed with barbecue sauce because of all the different flavors in it. He starts making lots of different types of barbecue sauces for you try in his spare time
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Bellemere is so delighted that you want to cook for her! Honestly, she thinks cooking for your significant other is a really intimate thing, so when her girlfriend offers, she takes it as a sign that your relationship is really strong
Bellemere is really thankful to have someone else cook for her and her daughters for once, but she can’t just sit still.
She tries to help even if you insist on cooking by yourself, so you’re always shooing her out of the kitchen
Speaking of shooing people out of the kitchen, you have 2 little girls running around, desperate to see what you’re cooking. If you’ll let them, they’d love to be your taste testers!
Bellemere’s heart stops when she sees you being cute with her daughters, it’s too much
In a way, you cooking for her and the girls is a little bit of an audition. Her family is everything to her, and she wants to know that you’ll fit well (she wants to know if you’re wife AND mom material)
She loves any dish with bacon in it. I just see her as a bacon-lover. 
She’s flabbergasted that the girls eat your collard greens and NEEDS to know your secret ingredient. But you don’t have to tell her if you promise to come over and cook more often ;)
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Robin knows that food is deeply connected to culture and the people who live it, so she feels a little shy about you cooking for her
She’s very excited, don’t get me wrong! But it does feel like being welcomed into a new family to have you share your heritage with her
She spends a good amount of time reading about the history of soul food, as well several recipe books. She wants to be able to recognise and remember everything that you make
Robin takes care of the clean-up after dinner. She thinks it’s only fair since you made such delicious food especially for her
She likes to hug you from behind while you’re cooking, her arms wrapping around your waist and her chin resting gently on your shoulder
She is also the most likely to sneakily steal some bites when you’re not looking. If a hushpuppy goes missing, you can guarantee your girlfriend is responsible (though if you ask her, she’ll just giggle adorably and say she has no idea what you’re talking about)
As someone who isn’t a big fan of overly-sweet desserts, sweet potato pie is her jam. She wouldn’t ask because she’s always worried about being a burden, but if you remember how much she likes sweet potato pie and make it for her birthday or your anniversary, she’ll get so flustered and smile so wide!
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missallsundayyy · 4 years
Breaking Boundaries
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First oneshot for my first post here and there’s no better ship/pair i’d rather write than Nico Robin & Roronoa Zoro
Things were lively on the Sunny Go as usual. Franky was upgrading the canons on the ship, Chopper and Ussop were being...well...being them as usual. Luffy was bugging Sanji in the kitchen asking/whining when was lunch going to be served and in his words.
"foooooooood SANJIIIIIIIIIIIII!!" the famous straw hat captain yelled from the other side of the kitchen.
Nami was focusing on the weather and the sea behavior, navigating the crew to their next destination whilst Brook was beside her asking if he could see her panties in which he received a punch that sent him flying through the ship's walls. Thus starting a fight with the shipswright that was just beside the wall that was destroyed.
"WATCH WHERE YOU LAND ASSHOLE!!!" Franky screamed out.
"Yohoho!! don't get your panties in a twist Franky-sannn"
Aside from all the chaos was the crew's infamous swordsman, Zoro whom was doing impossible training once again. Lifting weights that no humans could ever lift.
He grunts out in training, muscles flexing, his body coated with sweat. He did this everyday at the same spot the moment the sun starts to rise until Sanji calls them for lunch. Not far from the green-haired man.....well in fact maybe 5metres away from him was the ship's beautiful archeologist Nico Robin. Seated as usual on her umbrella armchair with a book on hand. 
She was wearing her spaghetti strap purple tank top that did no effort to cover her large breast and a very small tight fitting jean shorts. It was a very hot day at that, she had put her hair up in a ponytail which was rare because usually she prefered her hair down. Even though it was scorching hot outside and she could just retreat into her room where it would definitely be cooler but it was out of habit that she situated herself here when she read.
She’s elated to be where she was right now. Doing what she loved and surrounded by nakamas that accepted her, cared for her, protected her and loved her. She would give her life 100 million times over for the Straw Hats without a second thought. Back at Enies Lobby she was afraid that that they would find her a burden, a thorn in the flesh even when they proved that they will fight the whole world fearlessly for her. Comparing then and now she was flabbergasted at how many things have changed. Everyone has gotten stronger, more matured. The bond Robin shared with the crew was strong that not even God can sever it, that she was certain for.
Her mind wandered everywhere and anywhere, she wasn't even focusing on the book she was reading anymore. She summarised everything in her head with a content look on her face.
The sounds of Zoro's grunting and counting snapped Robin back to reality, her eyes diverted to the green haired crew member. Her eyes shamelessly stared at his god like body that was now glistening in sweat due to the monstrous work out he does everyday. His muscles was amazing, his abs was rock hard and his chest looked like steel plates had been implanted in him. His face was fierce and focus, never losing concentration.
Zoro was a very very veryyy handsome man, that was what Robin had always thought even when she first joined the crew. She knew he was a very powerful man and a dangerous one at that, the crew was blessed to have such interesting and indestructible members and Roronoa Zoro was one of them. He had many cons to him...well according to Nami and Sanji's list. He sleeps too much, he was too direct with his words so more often than not he always comes off as an "asshole". He drinks too much when he isn't sleeping or training and to top the icing on the cake, he couldn't find his way to the ship's toilet even if his bladder depended on it.
Robin however found him to be interesting as hell and even charming most times. How he was always the calm one amongst all of them and he was a very wise man that stick by his words. He was a strong man with honour and pride. He will no doubt be the type to keep a promise even if will be his demise. Robin didn't know she had a type until she met Zoro, the more time she has with the swordsman the larger her attraction for him grew.
Having a lover has never came across her mind, not that she wasn't interested in intimate relations before, it just never came up until she found herself glancing at him more than she should. Also the automatic position of their area happened to be beside each other every day so there was not much of a choice in that matter. She snapped back yet again to reality still staring at the handsome swordsman, she wouldn't admit it but internally she was swooning over his very very shredded body.
"Oi oi Robin, your staring is bothering me. You should read at your room today, your face is red from the weather right now."  Zoro called out to Robin who was unintentionally caught gawking at him although being the dense man he was, he of course would have not though that she was checking him out.
Zoro had placed all this training equipments down and was now walking towards the self fantasising historian that still had her eyes glued onto him. He walked a few steps towards Robin and stood beside her, taking her lemonade drink right from her side table and gulping all of it down with greed-thirst sounds.  This was another normal thing between them, she would have her drink but she would never drink any of it because before she could, he would always finish it up unless she had coffee. He never did understood how she could swallow the damn bitter beverage. She also was starting to think that subconsciously she would bring the drink for him instead of her.
"Zoro-kun. Sorry for bothering your training  but I don't mind a little heat today and besides the weather has been quite gloomy these past weeks, don't you agree?" Robin held her face with her palm, her usual signature posture. She now sat upright never breaking her stare.
"Rain or shine won't hinder me from my training." Zoro stated simply.
"Fufufu, yet my staring has disturbed your workout?" Robin teased him.
"Tch. You've been doing that a lot lately woman." he turned his head away, folding his arms. Ever since the crew reunited after being seperated for two years, Zoro had noticed Robin's change the most. She had gotten stronger, wiser and more matured in many different aspects.
She would tease him or outsmart him in their little chats which irate the man but in a good way.
"I was thinking if I could company you on watch today if you don't mind." Robin asked hopefully.
Zoro turned his head back to her "Sure. You can do can do whatever you want woman. Let's go to the kitchen already, bet that love cook will start yelling for us anytime soon." he was already walking towards the kitchen but in a pace that told her that he would be walking with her and not just leaving her like that. She smiled and followed him.
"ROBIN CHWANNN! You're looking veryyyyy SEXYYY TODAY!! The lunch I have prepared for you today is just as hot and spicy as you are!!!" Sanji greeted Robin that had walked in with Zoro whom by the way Sanji had not scoop his share onto a plate yet.  Robin smiled at the flirtatious cook.
"That's very kind of you cook-san, this looks delicious. As always your culinary skills are impressive." Robin replied politely, frankly only Robin would acknowledge Sanji's aggressively manic compliments. 
"Tch. Stupid love cook." Zoro muttered under his breath which didn't went unheard by the cook of course.
The fight between the two men continued while the crew watched on amused, nothing new on the ship.
"Cmmonnnnnn Chopper give me some, I'm lazy to go refill..."
Chopper and Luffy both had their hands on the cup that was filled with the cool drink and they both were playing tug rope with the cup and well unfortunately for them the cup had tipped and all of its contents is now spilling at the person that was sitting in the middle of them. That person was......Robin.
The room was now silent, Sanji and Zoro's bickering was on hold because of the light spill sound that interrupted everyone.
"Oh shit.." Franky muttered
The red beverage was now seeping through Robin's tank top. Her chest and thighs was now covered with the sweet drink and it was dripping. Robin looked down at her now soiled clothing.
"Oh my.." was all she said.
"Robinnn....im sorry!! I didn't..we didn't mean to ruin your clothes!!" Chopper started exclaiming, feeling guilty. "OI LUFFY! This is your fault you know!! APOLOGISE TO ROBIN NOW!"
Luffy had one hand behind his head, scratching while having a goofy grin "Sorry Robin it was an accident...please don't be mad"
"SERIOUSLY. Why can't the men in this crew behave like proper men in FOR ONCE! You guys are barbaric and I don't know how two beautiful women like me and and Robin got stuck with you guys!!" This time the screaming and yelling was now coming from the ship's navigator.
Robin wasn't mad, in fact she enjoyed all their shenanigans. The crew made life fun, they make her feel alive and everyday she will always have a smile on her face. "It's okay Luffy its okay Chopper. I will go and change into a new shirt." she said with a laughter.
"Well there you go Nami, you heard Robin. She's not mad so I don't see why you're all worked up." Franky joined in to which he received a death glare from the money obsessed pirate.
In the midst of the whole conversation Zoro had been staring at Robin's wet stained shirt accident. Everyone was too busy bickering with each other they had failed to notice that the water just made Robin's voluptuous figure even more prominent. The outline of her huge breast could be seen through the god damn tank top and the fruit punch was still dripping down her cleavage and most of it had splashed onto her thick thighs.
He didn't know what he was doing but he liked what he was seeing. Robin was a beautiful woman and he knew that. She had the perfect curves and her assets were anything but small. She had matured into a sexy woman and he could never deny that. The sight that she had unintentionally presented him with was very fucking pleasing to his eyes. His eyes glued to her soft skin and the way the water would drip down her cleavage because she was laughing and causing her chest to move tentalizingly. He knew she wasn't doing it on purpose but she was sexy without even trying. He shook his head and tried to clear the dirty thoughts that was now forming in his mind 'Why the hell am I thinking about her like that' his mind yelled at him.
"Well excuse me, I am going to take a bath since the punch has made my body all sticky now." Robin stood up and walked towards the door. Sanji on the other hand had knock both Luffy and Chopper's head while yelling something like 'Look what you guys did!' 'Robin-chan's lunch is ruined' 'assholes'
A loud crash was heard 1 minute after Robin had exited the kitchen. Zoro and Sanji both had dashed out of the door in a fighting stance-run. 
"Whats' going on now!!" Nami yelled.
"Looks like Luffy fell asleep" Franky muttered in half disbelief and half lazed tone.
"ROBIN CHANNN!! ARE YOU OKAY?" Sanji yelled frantically.
Zoro had drawn his katana out ready to slice anyone whom had dared to attack their ship and more importantly Robin.
"So this is the infamous Strawhat crew everyone has been talking about?? You don't seem much if i managed to cuff your deliciously beautiful crewmate here. If i know you guys had such a sexy pirate lady, we would have attacked you sooner!" The malicious voice came from Captain Deck from the Sink Pirates; notorious for sinking every ship they come across with. He was however not interested in woman and was quick to carry Robin and throwing her off the Sunny Go to everyone's horror.
"ROBIN NNNN!!" Chopper and Nami's voiced chorus together,
Zoro of course had already jumped in right after Robin was thrown into the sea. His first priority was definitely saving his nakama. Slicing every last one of his enemy would later be the second priority. He dived deep and because he immediately jump in right when Robin was thrown in, she hadn't sink too far for his vision. She was still conscious, eyes wide with shocked with everything that has transpired. He could understand her fear, you can be the strongest fighter with the best abilities but its all over if you get thrown into the water. Her hands was desperately reaching for Zoro. She knew she was safe, drowning in the sea or not, she had her nakama protecting her and always having her back.
He grabbed Robin's hand and pulled her into his body and quickly swam back up in full speed. When they reached the surface, he found himself swimming to an island, the Sunny Go and his crewmates were no where in sight. Now he was just confused, how the hell did he got all the way here now. He now carried Robin bridal style whilst walking on shore since she was weakened by the effects of the sea water.
He lay her down on the grass part of the island and stood up to survey their foreign surroundings.
"Oi woman you okay?" he asked her with concern although he wasn't facing her. Robin who now had herself up on her feet.
"Thank you Zoro-kun, i'm better now." Robin said smiling even if he wasn't looking to see it. "However, seems like we're stranded in here. How did you find this island?" she was already walking around surveying the flowers, sand, grass and anything that might tell her where they were. He scratched the back of his head, "I don't know how we end up here, my priority was only getting you out of the sea and next thing i know, i got us here." he said with a tone of frustration.
'ara...so this is how he looks like whenever we get seperated' Robin's amusing thoughts caused her to laugh behind him. He snapped his head to her "What's so funny woman" to which Robin smile "Nothing. Lets explore this island together, i'm sure Luffy and the others are already nearby." she suggested to which Zoro just grunted in agreement.
The both of them then ventured into the thick jungle of the island.
Meanwhile back at the Sunny Go.
"Geez you can definitely count on Zoro to be lost even when the ship was right above him." Franky grumbled while the crew set sailed for the island Ussop had spotted.
"That shitty asshole took Robin-chwann away! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME THAT SAVED HER AND WOULD PROBABLY BE ON THAT ISLAND WITH A VERY WET RO-" Sanji fainted from nose-bleed before he could finish his sentence.
"SANJIIIIII!!!" Chopper ran towards his perverted nakama.
"Leave him to die Chopper, he propably don't mind dying" Nami said while shaking her head.
"YOSH! FULL SPEED AHEAD TO THAT MEAT ISLAND MEN!" Luffy yelled to his crewmates.
"Oi oi what do you mean meat island" Ussop replied, "And we can leave stupidity to our captain. Zoro and Robin are missing and there he goes thinking about food" he finished leaving Nami and Chopper nodding their heads vigorously. Luffy laughed "Don't worry! They're strong and i'm not worried."
"Perhaps the plants here spit poison that could kill you in a second or maybe the soil might swallow you whole the moment you step on it." Robin said voicing her thoughts outloud.
"Oi Robin stop saying things like that." Zoro chastised the historian for always saying dark things.
"Fufufu sorry Zoro-kun." Robin giggled into her palm. 
"By the way......” he started “Robin,i'mgladyou'refineafter2years."
Zoro managed to choke all the words out as fast as he could. He was not one with sweet words but he somehow felt that before the seperation he was very cold with Robin out of all the members of the crew.
It had to do with the whole ‘Miss All Sunday’ business but now when he looked at her, it was as if everything in the past didn't matter anymore.Robin on the other hand was taken aback by his words, she would be lucky to get a grunt out of the swordsman but he was initiating a conversation first and to top that off, he was telling her how he was glad that SHE was okay.
"I'm happy to hear that. You've grown handsomely in two years Zoro-kun" She replied him with a genuine smile. His face instantly reddened from embarasssment. There she goes again, he thought. Always saying things like that and now he looks like a cat just bit his tongue.
"W..we..well you'vegrownbigtoO!"
Robin laughed aloud "Are you saying that i’m fat Zoro-kun?" she stopped abruptly nearly making him crash behind her.
"What!" he panicked. Now these are one of her antics to get him all flustered.
"You said i've grown big, so does that mean I’m fat to you Zoro-kun?" She asked him with an innocent smile, teasing him was her favourite things to do.
"You know what I mean woman." Zoro grunted frustratedly, face still heated up. She? Fat? Farrr from it he thought. Her figure was amazing, perfect if he may be so bold to say.
"So after 2years of not seeing me, thaaat....is the only thing you noticed? I think cook-san has influenced you abit." This has got to definitely get THE reaction Robin was waiting for.
“IM NOTHING LIKE THAT SHITTY BASTARD OF A COOK AND YOU KNOW IT WOMAN!!" Robin laughed at his predictable reaction. "I'm joking Mr Swordsman." And there the nicknames comes again, this woman knew how to push his buttons well.
Then Robin did the unthinkable, she put her hands on her waist and came closer to Zoro and with a low sultry voice with a pose that would drive Sanji into his grave from nosebleed.
"So am I big enough or is there anything else I can change....for you Zoro-kun" Robin said suggestively. She have to admit whilst she finally have people to call her nakama she needed more. She wants that intimate attention just like every  woman. Intimacy wasn’t something she even had time for in the past, it never crossed her mind to romance with men. Now that she’s comfortable and know she has a place to call home, why the hell not.
Now he was just as red a beet, he didn't know why Robin was being flirty with him. She was usually the quiet one, calm, collected and only commented on things when it was necessary. Then again she was the only woman ironically that he didn’t mind invading his personal space. She and him was always in the same room in the ship every damn time and it wasn’t even planned nor did they ever agreed to always have each other’s back. He had always protected Robin, he would be there, ready to cut her enemies. Just like on sky island and fishmen island, as long as he’s around her he will put his life on the line for her
It wasn’t that he wouldn’t do the same for the crew but when he does save her, he feels something for her, he don’t know what he felt but he felt his pride and ego semi boosted from it. It was as if he wanted to impress her and show off how strong he was when she was around him. Maybe because all her life she was used to everyone betraying her or maybe she never had anyone protecting her. If she needed him to tell her that she wanted his protection, he would proudly declare that he will always protect and care for her.
Since she was graciously being so near him, his good eye clearly did not miss everything Robin had to offer. She was obviously testing the waters like this and eventhough he wasn't THAT type of man but he will be THAT if she wants it so bad. He will gladly play along with her game afterall he didn't enjoy being dominated like this.
Zoro grabbed Robin's waist roughly and pressed her figure with his hard and he brought his mouth against her ears.
"You better stop that Robin because i don’t think I can stop myself after this " Zoro growled with his grip tightening on her waist and back. That was an indefinite warning, he was ready to drop the whole ‘nakama’ thing and fuck her right there if she insisted on being a minx. Amazing that they had the whole island to themselves, amazing that his bad sense of direction got just the both of them alone, amazing that his crew wasn’t here to interrupt this moment and lastly Nico Robin was and amazing woman. His mind was flooded with thoughts of her and he thought he was going insane.
“I don’t want you to stop Zoro.” Her voice was filled with want, need, lust and when he looked into her eyes he knew that she only wanted HIM and he was the only one she trusted her body with. Right now her eyes was an open book and he could read every thoughts she had going through in her head.
Mentally he was battling a war, he shouldn’t be indulging in this but he knew he wanted this so bad he could kill someone.
 “Not here Robin.” It had took all of his will power to seperate him and Robin, all that lust and need. Trust him he really wanted to take her right there and then but... “Fufufu, that’s very considerate and sweet of you.”
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Midnight dip
This is for the ZoNami event on Tumblr. A huge thank you to Zonamievents, Evilishei and Tali-workshop for organising this.
There’s actually a prequel to this that I have planned, not related to the prompts or event but within the same ‘universe’ at this. I wanted to write that first, but I actually want to post on time for an event for once.
Also, I’m British, so this is going to follow the British education system. It doesn’t’ really matter for this that much though; think it’ll affect the prequel more.
Summary: Because a game of dare or double dare was never going to end well. ZoNami. University AU.  Rating: M. Gets a bit explicit towards the end... 
Can also be found on AO3 and FFN. 
It had all started as a bit of fun.
It was a late Friday night and they were all huddled in Usopp’s dorm room playing a game of truth or dare spin the bottle. Except the truth option had been thrown out the window immediately. Luffy had stated they’d all been friends long enough to know each other’s darkest truths so it wouldn’t be exciting. Instead it had been changed to dare or double dare spin the bottle.
Foolishly, they’d all agreed.
So far, it had all been fairly childish. Poor Chopper had to drink a glass of salted milk, Luffy had to do the worm across the floor and Sanji was made to trade shirts with Zoro. Something that had sent the whole group into fits, Zoro’s top on Sanji was fine, even if it did drown Sanji and sent him into a fit of rage. But Sanji’s shirt on Zoro? Zoro couldn’t exhale fully after being forced to button it all the way up and even then, the buttons strained, and the sleeves cut into his arms.
And it had carried on that way until the last dare. The mood in the room changed instantly.
Brook had just dared Franky to streak across campus. It was clear between them all that the childish dares were over.
Franky, to his credit, had barely made a fuss and instead took to discussing the technicalities of the dare. It was easy to say Franky wasn’t ashamed of his body, probably a bit too proud of it if anything. Each of them, at one point or another, had walked into Franky strutting about in just his underwear and, in some cases, more than once.
So they all ran to the window and crowded around it to watch from above as Franky stripped off below in the dark and took off across the green. He hollered whilst whipping his underwear around in circles above his head to draw even more attention to himself, not even bothering to cover his privates. Students that were still out jeered and cat called, which only fuelled the PhD student into making even more of a spectacle.
Ten minutes later and they were clapping as he walked through the door. It would be rude not to, Franky had truly gone above and beyond. He laughed and bowed before he sat back down next to Robin.
It was Usopp’s turn to spin the bottle next and everyone fell silent again, jitters filling the air as the bar had just be raised. Nami was trying to will it not to fall on her, she’d already gone earlier in the game and had to hug Sanji. Bless Chopper, his dares weren’t the best, but he’d really tried, and even she knew she’d had an easy pass.
But now. Now she was nervous.
Everyone watched with bated breath as it spun, and her stomach dropped as she watched it slow down, closing in on her. It wobbled and then stopped, aimed at her.
She desperately tried to keep a poker face and pretend to be unbothered that it’d landed on her, but that was hard to do when Usopp had such a vicious twinkle in his eye. She tried to keep calm because really, what could be worse than streaking?
“You have to go skinny dipping,” Usopp said deviously, his face filled with mirth.  
“What?!” She said, appalled at the suggestion.
“And take Zoro, he’s got uncanny luck with this,” Usopp added casually, jabbing his thumb towards the man seated next to her. It was true, so far, the bottle hadn’t landed on Zoro and he hadn’t had to complete a single dare. The top switching had been Sanji’s dare that he’d been dragged into. Even if it still felt like punishment.
“Oi, why am I being dragged into this?” Zoro argued, arms crossed despite the shirt’s protests.
“You’re her boyfriend and you’ll make sure she’ll actually do it.”
“Robin didn’t have to streak with Franky and they’re together!” Nami had no idea why she was trying to wiggle Zoro out of this instead of herself, but it’s really all she had right now.
“Robin’s already had her own dare and Zoro’s a man of his word. He knew the rules upon entering and I have no doubt he’ll see it through.”
Goddamn Usopp’s flawless logic. She was going to strangle him after all of this.
“Also, Zoro’s good for protection,” Robin chimed in. “Late night skinny dipping isn’t safe for a woman alone, unfortunately.”
Zoro frowned at their reasoning and Nami knew he was mulling it over. He was going to cave. That traitor.
Usopp intervened before Nami could protest any further. “Of course, if you don’t want to do that, there’s always the double dare option.” Usopp’s eyes strayed to Sanji as he said that and Nami was flabbergasted at her best friend’s cunning. They’d definitely spent too much time together.
She grit her teeth, knowing she’d run out of options but refused to back down and Usopp met her gaze unwaveringly, the smirk challenging her to take the double dare instead.
The nail in the coffin was when Sanji threw his arm into the air and spoke up, “I volunteer to go with Nami!”
Zoro was on his feet and pulling Nami out of the door before anyone could chime in, Usopp shouting behind them it had to be at least half an hour.
“This is so stupid!” Nami hissed as they walked towards the indoor pool located across campus. It’d be long closed by now, so not only did they have to swim naked but also break in.
“I know, but we agreed to play so we have to see it through,” Zoro said firmly, not budging.
“Come on Zoro, no one will know if we don’t do it. We can just go shower with our clothes on and go back.”
Zoro seemed to contemplate that and for a moment, she thought she’d won him over. It was a good idea after all.
Until, “Franky didn’t get that option.”
So close.
“Franky’s an idiot for not thinking of it!” Even if his dare had been hilarious, it’s not her fault he’s eager to show off his body.
“What are you really worried about?” He was eyeing her critically and she knew she was busted. There was no point lying, he’d see straight through her.
Head low, she murmured under her breath.
He stopped walking and turned to her. “What?”
“It’s embarrassing!” She blurted, face starting to colour at the admission.
Zoro looked confused. “Nami, I’ve seen you naked before. How is this any different?”
That didn’t help the flush on her face. “Because it’s out in the open and what if we get caught?”
“You’re with me, we’re not getting caught and after all the other stupid stuff we’ve done, this isn’t that big.” He caught her hand and pulled slightly to get her to walk again.
It was true though. Their group was notorious around campus for their hijinks, although Nami would argue it’s all Luffy’s fault. Even though she definitely started that fight at the last party they’d thrown.
Zoro sighed. “I’m sure you can weasel your way into charging Usopp for this.”
“Oh! You’re a genius Zoro, you’re absolutely right, I can!” She gave him a swift kiss of the cheek and started skipping, enthused at the idea and now pulling him along instead.
Her enthusiasm died a death when the swimming pool building came into view, but she didn’t have much time to think about it as Zoro hurried her along to the back door of the building. It was a balmy night already but the thought of what she was about to do only made them sweat more.
“This is so stupid,” Nami grumbled under her breath, she gained nothing from this other than humiliation.
“Quit you’re whining and hurry up before we get spotted!” His back towards her and his eye trained on the landscape around them.
She heard the last click and the door slowly creeped open.
They both agreed to keep the lights switched off to avoid drawing attention, the moonlight filtering in through the large glass windows was enough to illuminate the room and the swimming pool twinkled back at them. It would almost be romantic if they hadn’t just broken in and were about to strip naked to fulfil a dare from their stupid friend.
If the atmosphere was awkward when they entered, Zoro either wasn’t aware or paying attention to it as he casually stripped. But Nami was and her eyes tore away from him as he dropped the last piece of clothing on his body, instead trying to focus on the belt around her hips. He’d did it with such ease and yet she was still fully dressed. Somehow that made this even worse.
Behind her, Zoro rolled his eye, taking in the still clothed form of his girlfriend.
“I actually wanted to go to the gym in the morning,” He whispered into her ear, having crept up behind her.
She jumped, but kept her voice level, “No one’s stopping you.”
“You are if you don’t hurry up.” His hands slid over hers, making quick work of her belt and letting it fall to the floor, then moving on to her skirt. “But I have no qualms with helping you.”
Goosebumps erupted along her arms when he said that, his breath hot on her neck and she briefly wondered if he was trying to get her to relax. If he was, it was working as she felt their normal banter coming to the surface.
“Oh, how chivalrous of you,” amusement in her tone as she turned around to face him. Her hands gripped the bottom of her top to pull it over her head and his shortly after found the clasp of her bra to join her top on the floor.
“There we go, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” He looked far too pleased with himself and before she could question it, he was bending down, his arms wrapping around her bare legs to heave her up on his shoulder.
“Ready?” And his body was turning towards the pool and she swore when she looked over his shoulder at the pool it twinkled ominously at her.
Oh, god no. She knew exactly what this meant.
“Wait, no, Zoro! Let me down!” She screeched, her hands smacking at his back. She wasn’t worried about him dropping her, but she wanted to do this with some grace at least.
But her pleas fell on deaf ears as he started running towards the pool.
“No, Zoro-” She tried again but was cut off by him
“Hold your breath.”
And suddenly he was jumping, his arms tightening around her. She managed to hold her breath just in time as they met the freezing water.
It was only a second underwater before Zoro was pushing them back up to the surface and he adjusted her so that she was no longer hanging over his shoulder.
“You idiot,” she spluttered, her hands furiously trying to push her hair away from her face and keep her balance. She could only imagine how many tangles would be in it after this.
It seemed he hadn’t heard her; his head was thrown back and his laugh echoed around the empty building. No doubt at her bedraggled appearance but she couldn’t find it in herself to be angry with him. They’d both been stressed lately; University was only getter harder as the years went on and it’d been a while since she’d truly seen him so relaxed. But that didn’t mean she’d let him get away with it. She removed one hand from his shoulder to splash water at his face.
“Oi, that went in my mouth!” He’d stopped laughing now, but there was still humour in his voice.
“Serves you right, enjoy chlorine and pee!” It was her turn to laugh at his disgruntled face, but it didn’t last long when a smirk crawled across his face.
Nami didn’t like that look and suddenly she was pushing away from his body to swim away in fear of retribution. She didn’t get far when he caught her foot to drag her back towards him and the room was filled with her giggles as she glided across the water.
The fact that they were naked, in a pool late at night after illegally breaking in slipped from their minds as they started to mess around. Both splashing water at each other, Zoro carrying Nami around the pool on his back and having mini races across the length of the pool, as they completely lost themselves to the moment. They were either unaware or didn’t care that they’d been in the pool well over half an hour.
They calmed down shortly afterwards and as Nami took in the sight of Zoro laid on his back, floating as he looked up at the ceiling, she realised how silly she’d been. What had she even been nervous for? It was Zoro, for god sake. She’d known him for so many years, that of course if he was here it’d be fine.
Following his lead, she turned on her back to float towards the ceiling and somehow managed to bump into him, the water gliding her towards him.
“This is nice,” she said softly, reaching for his hand so she didn’t float away.
“See, told you it’d be okay.” His hand gripped hers back.
“Yeah, yeah, enjoy your one moment.” Nami rolled her eyes at him, not that he could see that. “The view’s pretty good too.” And her gaze left the ceiling to flit over his body before coyly smirking at him when he turned to look back at her.
He matched her expression, his gaze tracing a similar path over her body. “Yeah, have to agree with you there,” he responded lowly.
Gone was the serene atmosphere, instead replaced with something heavier when Zoro’s eye flitted down to her lips again but it was Nami who drew in closer to seal their lips together. The angle was slightly awkward, until he stood up to walk closer to her and bring her in. She followed his lead and the new position meant she could slant their lips together and drape her arms over his broad shoulders.
His hands slid along her waist and encouraged her to press even closer until their chests were pressed together. When her tongue swept across his bottom lip, his hands smoothed along her body to her behind and she took the initiative to wrap her legs around his waist.
The new position raised her slightly and when Zoro was finished exploring her mouth, he left her lips to trail kisses down her neck, his teeth nipping along the way. She moaned, her hands threading through his hair to keep him pressed against her neck and ground her hips against him. He groaned back and started walking them towards the shallower section of the pool where he sat her on the edge and stood between her parted legs.
She could feel him hard and pressed up against her thigh and when his thumb brushed against her nipple, she rolled her hips against him.
“Eager?” She could feel him smirking against her neck.
“And you aren’t?” To prove her point, she rolled her hips again and felt the hand clutching at her hip dig in slightly.
One of her hands left his hair to travel between his legs to grip his cock and she nipped at his lip before whispering in his ear, “Come on Zoro, you said it yourself, you don’t have all night.”
That seemed to get him moving. Their next kiss was bruising, lips hurriedly moving against the others as he rolled his hips into hers and just as she was about to say something else, his hand was teasing her lips between her legs. It may not have been exactly what she was after, but it was something. She moaned against his lips and rolled her hips into his fingers, hands pulling at his hair to anchor herself to something.
He groaned back when he felt how wet she was and that seemed to be the thing that pushed him over the edge, his hand moved from between her legs to grab her hips and bring her closer. One hand kept her close whilst he used his other to line himself up with her but suddenly stilled and she groaned in frustration when he didn’t push into her like she expected.
His palm covered her mouth and he was no longer looking at her, looking to the side and concentrated on the sounds around them. She stilled, going stiff at his sudden shift in demeanour and tried to listen for anything new.
In the distance they heard a quiet, “Hello? Is someone here?” and the lights in the corridor leading to the main door to the swimming pool flicked on.
Nami could feel the colour draining from her face as she looked in horror towards the main door.
That threw cold water on the mood.
“Oh shit! Move, move!” Zoro harshly whispered, pushing her legs out of the water before hurriedly pulling himself out of the pool. He was grabbing at her hand to pull her to her feet once he was out and that seemed to get her moving.
They both ran around trying to find their clothes, throwing pieces they’d picked up that weren’t theirs to the other and frantically dressing so they were at least somewhat decent before they went outside. Zoro finished before her and pushed her shaking hands away to finish buttoning up her skirt, throwing her belt over his shoulder.
“Wait, Zoro, where’s my-”
But he didn’t stop to listen, his hands urgently pushing her towards the door they’d come through as he eyed the other door where the lights had just turned on.
They’d just made it outside and up the little hill behind some bushes when the main lights to the pool flicked on, the person walking around inquisitively.
“Zoro-,” Nami whispered next to him.
“Shh, not now. I wonder if they’re going to come out here?” He whispered back, eye trained on the room, watching the person walk around.
“Zoro,” Nami whispered harshly, unamused at being ignored and interrupted, “Give me my underwear.”
That finally caught his attention. He turned to look at her in surprise. “Huh? I don’t have your underwear?”
“What?! But I saw you pick up something?”
And Zoro raised his hand to show his own underwear, not hers.
“Then…If you don’t have it…”
And their heads snapped back to watch the person cautiously walking around the swimming pool and stopped at the small pile of fabric on the floor.
Nami’s underwear.
The person poked at it and as soon as they identified what it was, shook their head and pinched it between their fingers before dumping it into the bin.
“That was my nicest pair, I have a matching bra!” Nami bemoaned and briefly, she wondered if she’d be able to break in again to steal it back.
“There’s no way you’re going back for them.” Damn it, Zoro knew her too well.
“You owe me a new thong! You have no idea how expensive that was,” Nami said venomously.
“You can’t be serious? How is this my fault?” He argued back.
“Had enough time to pick up your underwear I see?” She raised an eyebrow at the boxers in his hands. The absolute insult, they were so cheap and came from the supermarket. Honestly, he had no taste.
He spluttered back at her. “You didn’t say anything!”
“I tried to, but you pushed me.”
“Did you want to get caught standing commando discussing your underwear?”
Nami huffed but had to admit he was right. Begrudgingly.
“Let’s go, I’m getting a draft,” Nami sighed, mourning the loss, there was no getting them back now.
He barked a laugh behind her but followed, keeping low until they were far away from the building and on their way back to her dorm room. The game of dare or double dare long forgotten.
The next day, no one mentioned the email the whole student body received, warning them all about the repercussions of breaking into locked buildings or having private swimming lessons late at night.
Nothing brings me more joy than cockblocking my OTPs and pretending security cameras don’t exist.
Please excuse any mistakes.
Thanks for reading.
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lunnamars · 4 years
prompt: cold
Quick note: it's supposed to be for the Cold prompt from our ZoTash discord, but mine has a cold-ish theme, so forgive me anyhow. Your gal here is having a writer’s block, but I wanted to inspire myself on the LuNa fic from HerPrettySmile. If you're into LuNa, you should definitely check it out. It's one of my favorites fics!
The first time Sanji noticed them was back in Loguetown. When they were fleeing, Zoro was having a fight with a pretty lady and the cook had been outraged. The mosshead had never shown any interest in any woman whatsoever, so seeing him having a fight with one was absurd.
She was a swordsman, the blonde noticed. A perfect match, he thought. He never knew if the first-mate even had any interest in relationships, but if he does one day, the cook thought someone like that pretty lady would fit. 
Sanji had never known what was the result of the fight though. He wanted to stay at the time, but it was raining and so fucking cold, his clothes soaked, and he couldn’t even light his cigarette. So he trusted the Mosshead wouldn’t do anything stupid and went on his way. Zoro didn’t say anything when he came back to the ship and the cook never asked. 
However, he didn’t seem happy about something, and Sanji wondered what happened to the pretty lady.
Well, it’s not like we’ll meet again.
The first time Nami noticed that there was something odd with the relationship between Zoro and the Navy Lady was way back in Alabasta. She had never seen the green-haired man so agitated and flustered (and it wasn’t because of the fucking heat from that freaking country), not even when he was dealing with Sanji. That woman was definitely weird and also dangerous with her unceasing wish of chasing them. 
He had run away from the woman with glasses and Nami was stunned. She remembers him saying “She’s the only one I can’t fight” and the surprise hit her hard as a punch from Luffy. The only one he can’t fight? There’s no such a thing in Roronoa Zoro’s vocabulary — he’d never back down from a fight. Ever! Especially against a marine, even if she’s was a woman. 
She tried to drag the truth out of him, but to no avail. Zoro simply ignored her at the time and all the other times she had questioned him. Sometimes, he’d even give her a cold shoulder for poking her nose in too much.
Well, whatever. She doesn’t seem like she can pose a threat to him anyway.
Robin was almost sure there was something between the two swordsmen and she figured it out on Punk Hazard. She had seen how it was a really complicated and strained relationship and probably Zoro had his reasons. It was not like him to lose his temper over simple words and with strangers. 
She noticed how Zoro tried to act cold as that God-forsaken island towards the marine lady, but his efforts proved to be fruitless. He did lose his mind with her during the battle, but wasn’t able to leave her behind to die from Caeser’s gas. He had even bandaged her almost frostbitten shoulder! 
But there were two reasons she had been led to believe they were not strangers to each other: while running with the kids and the G-5 sailors, she heard them gossiping how the “Swirly Brow bro” had said the “Sword bro” was a softie inside and they didn’t need to worry about “Captain-chan”. Robin agreed, it was very well put. That was the first.
The second was when they were at the victory celebration, pirates and sailors together, she saw Tashigi fetching a glove for Zoro because his hands were cold. They argued in the end, yes, but she didn’t miss the looks they gave each other when they thought the other wasn’t looking. 
Both seemed curious, but Tashigi had a longing in her eyes and he had recognition in his good eye.
Oh my, something did change.
Usopp had never paid attention to that Navy Lady that Sanji and Robin would talk about sometimes. He just knew she was Smoker’s subordinate, she was not that strong and had a weird rivalry with Zoro. He didn’t know why she even bothered considering their gap in strength was huge. 
Until he saw her fight in Wano. She was not strong as Zoro and Law yet, but she stood her ground pretty fucking beautifully in order to protect the Strawhat’s swordsman. Which was odd, taking into account her past behavior and the way she acted towards him when she first landed on the Samurai’s country. 
Tashigi had been straight up cold towards Zoro, full of icy remarks, and indifferent looks. But that was before their swordsman almost got himself killed. Zoro was on the floor and Tashigi protected him, fighting tooth and nail. She had won and it had been a pretty impressive battle, but, in the end, she ended up badly hurt. 
Chopper took care of her, of course, but the other strange thing was that Zoro did not leave her side. He even stood up to Smoker when the older man demanded him to get the fuck out of her bedroom. 
Zoro did not obey. And Usopp was flabbergasted.
She was just a marine and initially, the sniper thought Zoro was just doing that out of obligation. The woman had saved his life, after all. But then, he seemed pretty fucking happy when she woke up (even if they got back to yelling at each other) in his own peculiar way and for some reason, started to follow her around.
Her frigid demeanor was no more and she would even send a smile his way sometimes. They’d go back to arguing in the end though.
Those two are really troublesome.
Brook was old enough to spot correctly the moment when the pretty Navy Lady stopped being Zoro’s enemy and became his friend. He also knew they were a step away from being lovers, but not yet. Their established friendship was recent, but they weren’t able to hide the looks they gave each other all the time. 
Only when the other wasn’t looking, of course. He had a strong longing in his good eye and she had recognition in hers. In Brook’s opinion, they were two kids dancing around each other, without the courage to stop. 
It wasn’t just the looks. It was the small gestures — the way he would wrap a scarf around her neck when she was shivering because “you’ll catch a cold and fuck everything up, so take care of yourself, woman”, the way they’d always stay or fight together or how he would sulk in the corner when she was giving Law more attention than necessary.
Or, especially, how he gave one of his earings to her before the girl left to end the revolution she, Smoker and Aokiji started in the Navy. She had looked at him with surprise and he was asking for a promise in complete silence. Tashigi smiled and nodded, and maybe that was the step they needed. 
Yohohoho, young love. Always an adventure.
Smoker had always known how that brat was special to that silly little girl. He knew since she had let the Strawhats go in Alabasta, when she had blushed when that fucking boy carried her in Punk Hazard, when she had stood between death and the Pirate Hunter in Wano, risking her life for the sake of that punk.
The Vice-Admiral also knew that, from the brat’s part, Tashigi has always been equally special. He knew when he saw him saving her in Punk Hazard and when he stood up to him in Wano. He noticed when his cold demeanor turned into a friendly one and their bickering stopped being full of hate and poisonous only to become something amicable. Or even when he had cuddled with her in a freaking frozen night.
When all was said and done, he saw her run to the pirate and hug him, face full of relief and happiness for seeing him alive. The brat had been fucking hurt while protecting her with all his might. Smoker had to admit that the boy would hunt anyone who would hurt her. 
They had mended their wounds, one never leaving the other’s side. Smoker was okay with it, what could he do? The heart wants what it fucking wants. He just didn’t need to catch them in a lip-lock in the middle of the party, kissing like there was no tomorrow and fucking oblivious to the people cheering around them. 
The G-5 men, the Strawhats, and the Revolutionary Army all screaming. Smoker didn’t know why they were so surprised, he has always known to be honest. And it was the same reason why he was not stupefied when she handed her resign letter followed by a wedding invitation. 
Her smile had been radiant as she was on the day of her marriage. It was extremely simple, it had quite some people and they were dressed in traditional Wano clothes. It almost didn’t have any ceremony, they both didn’t believe in any religion after all. It was supposed to be just a party, considering that parties are the Strawhat’s specialty. 
Everyone was drinking and dancing when he approached the fucking brat (now a full-grown man, to be fair, but Smoker would still consider him a punk), nodding and glaring at him. The pirate returned the glare and the now-Admiral just smirked. He didn’t want to play the father figure there, but someone had too. 
“I’ll kill you if you hurt her. I don’t fucking care if you’re the greatest swordsman in the world or any of that shit. I will kick your sorry ass, pirate,” Smoker used his most menacing tone to get his point across.
Zoro nodded and seriously, replied, “I won’t. You have my word.”
Smoker eyed him, taking all his features, from his stern and determined look to his strong posture. The brat-turned-man seemed to be speaking the truth.
“But aren’t you too old to be threatening people, Admiral?”, Zoro tilted his head and showed his usual cocky smile.
Smoker only rolled his eyes and turned his back to the current greatest swordsman in the world. What the hell that silly girl was thinking when she decided to marry that pirate?
Nevertheless, he had to admit the boy had some balls and in the end, Smoker admitted she’d be okay. They’d be okay. He’d miss her, but people always say that letting kids go is hard as fuck, right?
He snorted and lighted a single cigar. 
Fucking brat.
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xmenageriie · 5 years
"...What would you think if I said I...wanted another baby?" Her smile is nervous yet soft as she gazes at him ; fiddling with one of Raina's old baby onesies.
— @aemiliiu
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If he stared blankly at her, it wasn’t because the idea troubled him. It did the opposite, but what surprised him was the fact that they had hesitantly touched on the same thought at the same time. She had been brave enough to voice it, where he held onto it and wondered to himself. Hearing his thought come out of her mouth proved yet again that there was always a quiet, underlying understanding between them.
Stunned silence turned into flabbergast stammering. He looked between her and the slightly frayed onesie in her hands, cheeks growing a heated red in so few seconds
“I think.  .  . I think I’d be happy!” He took the onesie from her hands, linking her talented fingers between his own. “If it’s something you want, I’m willing to try. We did it once already. I’m sure we can do it again. But I want to make sure that you are sure.”
Raina wasn’t an infant anymore, but she still needed attention. Even if she was a teenager, he knew she’d need reassurance and love and a parental eye on her. Sanji would gladly take on double the responsibility if it meant his girls were happy.
To further prove that he was open to the idea, he arched a brow and gave her a knowing smirk. “Were you lookin’ to try now, or is it tasteless to do it on clean laundry?”
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doctorgerth · 5 years
(·w·)/Hello! Could I ask for a male matchup, please? I am an INFJ virgo gal. I am introverted and airheaded, but I try to be as responsible as I can and work hard. I try to get along with everyone, but since I'm not very social and I often get ignored because of my really quiet voice holding conversations can be hard for me. I like to make puns and sarcastic jokes, partly because it helps me stay positive but also because it helps me understand the other person better through their reaction.
(cont) I try to enjoy the little things in life and look at the bright side of things! My hobbies are reading books(mostly fantasy), cleaning and watching anime(favourites: comedy, action, horror). I like dogs(especially big ones) and learning about different cultures. I speak 6 languages and I get competitive easily. I’m not good at sports and speaking in front of big numbers of people either because of my stage fright. Thank you!
Hello, fellow INFJ!! Thanks for your information, dear! Hope you enjoy your match x
Your match is…
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Luffy is the pefect match for you! He’s a Taurus (your best zodiac match) and an ENFP (one of the best E’s for INFJs!) You two are quite the pair as you are more quiet and reserved, while Luffy is a little in-your-face. But! You both find these qualities absolutely endearing in each other! Luffy doesn’t pretend to understand your introverted nature, but he respects it nonetheless. While you put up with Luffy’s antics, much like the rest of the crew. You two somehow manage to find a perfect balance in your relationship, as you tend to stabilize Luffy, while he pushes you out of your comfort zones!
You are two peas in a pod with the airheadedness, tending to have things go over both of your heads much to the crew’s amusement. He adores your dedication and willingness to work hard! You are a perfect fit on his crew, and a perfect queen for the future Pirate King! He expects nothing less than the best from you, having seen you work hard time and time again, so he’s always there to remind you how tough and capable you are, even when you feel at your lowest.
The times when you feel as if no one is listening, he’s always there to pay attention; laughing at all of your jokes, nodding at every sentence, just always being there for you. He’ll also pipe in and make sure others pay attention to you, much to your embarrassment. He always laughs at your jokes, even when they’re not that funny. The punny ones are the best to him, though some go over his head, but he laughs at your eagerness for a reaction, regardless!
You two are both such carefree people who enjoy the little things, making life just so enjoyable! You both find everything amusing and when you’re together, it’s so hard to rain on your parade. You two have the biggest hearts, especially for each other, and literally everyone can feel your love. The crew is so happy to see their captain with someone so much like him, someone who makes him beyond happy. They love your kindness and your ability to ground Luffy when he can be a bit…eccentric.
Luffy could never be bored with you! You’re so talented and interesting, he wants to be around you all the time just watching what you do! Which goes to show, Luffy can be a bit clingy, but he just loves to learn from you (and be right by your side). He’s so fascinated with your capability of speaking six different languages! He loves to brag to people (even to enemies in the middle of battle??) about you and your skills! He is a very touchy guy, so he needs lots of love in the form of physical touch. It’s always innocent, he just needs to hold your hand or wrap his arms around you or just kiss you all over his face! He’s still rather shy with kissing, so you usually have to be the one to attack him with kisses - he always graciously accepts them
It really warms his heart to see you interacting with his nakama, you reading books with Robin, you playing with Chopper, you helping Sanji clean the kitchen, etc. Your kindness and cute little happy smile is really a treasure to him. It makes his heart go all aflutter, and though he doesn’t understand it’s love, he just sorta knows he wants you by his side, forever. In more than a nakama kind of way, of course.
Luffy is rather stubborn, and though he doesn’t ever really listen to other people, he actually mostly listens to you. You can crack that hard head of his and talk sense to him in ways people are just flabbergasted by! On the flip side, Luffy is always great at pushing you out of your boundaries easily, even when others have tried and tried for years. It’s not that he pressures you, he just reminds you that you can do anything you put your mind to! You are his stabilizer, he is your inspiration. It’s a perfect match!
Other potential suitors:
Ace (Capricorn, ESTP) - Much like Luffy, Ace is a bit more extroverted, but he can appreciate quiet, private, and introverted time with you. He tends to have a negative view of his own existence, so having you there to brighten up his world and remind him that he is loved really makes him fall deeper and deeper for you every day. He loves your jokes, especially after finding out the reason you crack them so much. You both tend to like and dislike the same people thanks to your intuition. Ace shares the love of big doggos with you! When you settle down, Ace promises to get multiple big puppies for you to love forever!
Rosinante (Cancer, INFP) - A fellow introvert! He really fell for your kindness and unique way of understanding people. When you cracked a sarcastic joke during your first interaction with him, he was a little confused but he knew it was a test. After that, he made it a goal to pass all of your tests! He’s fascinated by your language skills and love of other cultures. You two frequently have lessons as Rosi thinks you’re just the best teacher! He promises to take you all around the world so you can learn about various cultures to your heart’s content. He just wants to keep that sweet smile on your face, he will do anything to keep you happy!
Zoro (Scorpio, ISTP)  - You remind Zoro so much of his fun-loving, easy-going, and airheaded captain/best friend, so it was easy to fall for you. He didn’t even question it, which is surprising; he just had a natural attraction to you and he accepted it much like his friendship with Luffy. Zoro really appreciates your introverted nature as Luffy can be a bit too much at times, but he could never get tired of you. He really admires your competitiveness as he definitely shares that trait with you. You might not be good at sports, but Zoro will use your competitive nature to help teach you!
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Hi, lady~! (Insert Sanji's voice) I'd like to ask for a scenario where Bartolomeo, Cavendish, Sanji and Sabo are having a fight training with their crush and in the end of it they confess their love for them in a cute and tsundere way.
(Lady? That’s a new one, anyways that is an interesting request. Here you go anon-senpai!♡♡♡♡♡ A quick heads up, I didn’t do Sanji because I don’t really see him fighting with his crush, even if it is training. Sorry anon-senpai, I still hope you like it!)
~Bartolomeo, Cavendish, Sanji and Sabo scenario~
“Hehahahaha! Very impressive y/n! But you still aren’t even close to being as strong as Luffy-senpai!” You growl in frustration as you take another barrier punch to head, you hit the floor hard and he laughs once more.
You struggle to get back up. “It’s always "Luffy-senpai!” this and “Luffy-senpai!” that, can’t you talk about anyone else that isn’t Straw hat?“ He gasps and looks away from you, tears. "I can’t believe you would even say something like that! Everyday I feel blessed to even exist in the same planet as Luffy-senpai! I love him more than anything else!”
You cross your arms and look away from him as well.“Why would you love Luffy anyway? He doesn’t even love as much as m–I-I mean, he probably doesn’t even know your own name.” Bartolomeo looks back at them but with a slight grin on his face. “What was that y/n? I didn’t hear you quite well.”
“N-Nothing, moron! I don’t like you!” He’s laughing again as he wraps and arm around you. “Hehahahaha! Come on y/n, say it again. Please, for me.” Large puppy-like eyes stare back at you and you soon succumb to it. “F-Fine! I like you, there! Happy?”
“Never better.”
You huff and groan as your sword collides with the dashing former prince. Your body is aching while he doesn’t have a single scratch on him. “Aw, what’s wrong? Given up already? It’s expected when fighting with someone as great as me.”
“Oh please, like I’d ever lose to you of all people.” “Humph, typical. Clearly your jealousy is clouding your sense of logic.”
“Me? Jealous? The hell would I be jealous of?!” You shout with a deep blush on your cheeks. He casually walks towards you, rose in mouth. Once he’s in front of you, he pinches your cheek like that of a child and your blush deepens and a scowl forms. “Of my good looks of course, you may be cute but my beauty simply trumps over everyone else’s.”
“Pfft, it’s gonna take more than your looks to impress me, believe it or not I actually have to like the person before their looks are even a part of what I like about them.” “But you like me, don’t you?” “….. Uh, n-no! I mean we’re friends and all b-but I sure as hell wouldn’t like you like that.”
“I knew, I simply have you flabbergasted, come on, admit it. You’re simply adorned by me.” “FINE! Fine, fine, fine! I like you, there! Are you satisfied now? I said it, now leave me alone you jerk.”
You feel the rose touch the tip of your nose and you grumble a little, feeling slightly frustrated that you said it. He then taps your nose and turns around to walk back to the captains quarters. “I feel satisfied, why don’t you rest up? You’ll be needing the energy for tomorrow’s training.” He winks at you and leaves the room.
It was after training, you and Sabo are getting patched up in the medical bay. Both of you are heavily bruised and are sporting several bruises on the face and body.
Koala soon walks inside and hands the both of you a cup of tea while you wait for the nurse to excuse from the room. “So y/n, you were a little distracted today, everything alright?” “Yeah, yeah, I’m alright.”
“Heh, so stubborn, just like my brothers. You know it doesn’t hurt to just tell me what’s up, not like I’m judging or anything.”
“I said I’m fine Sabo, it’s no big deal.” He leans back and chuckles. “Okay, okay, if you say so.” There was a small pause, you look back at him. “Sabo, have you ever liked someone?” “Hm? Well, I like you, I like Koala, Dragon, Ivankov—”
“No! I meant like, ‘more than just a friend’ kind of like.” He blushes and sputters as he trues not to drop his tea in surprise. “Y-Y/N! Jeez, don’t throw that out of left field. A-Anyways, I never really liked someone that way, I find working with the revolutionaries to be more important than that. But no, never really felt that way about someone, why do you ask?”
“U-Uh, no reason! Stop asking, moron!” He scratches the back of his head while chuckling. “If I didn’t know any better, it almost seemed like you like me that way….. you don’t see me that way, do you?” “N-No! I-I mean I do like BUT only as a friend but……. ARGH! Stop talking!”
“It’s okay, y/n. I really like you too.” “Sh-Shut up.”
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sanjisock · 7 years
Sanji stares at the two men before him and thinks, he must be dreaming.
He has to be.
An older version of himself stares back at him, amusement written all over his face. Another version of Zoro—still taller than even his older self, Sanji grudgingly notes—is standing beside him, his arm stretched across Older Sanji’s back with a hand resting comfortably at his hip. As if it belongs there.
There is no way the universe is this cruel to him, is there?
But no matter how many times Sanji blinks, the supposedly imaginary beings refuse to disappear from his sight. He even rubs his eyes for good measure. No dice.
Older Zoro is the first one to break the silence. “Huh, I don’t remember you being this cute.”
Older Sanji whips his head and glares at him. “Are you telling me I’m no longer cute?”
Older Zoro smirks at that. “You’re jealous,” he says, teasing.
“I’m not jealous,” Sanji’s older self says in a tone that Sanji absolutely recognizes as the one he uses whenever he’s jealous.
And because the universe is this cruel to him and the two men in front of him are probably—Sanji shudders at the thought—dating or something, Older Zoro leans to press a chaste kiss on Older Sanji’s cheek as he says, “sure you aren’t.”
Sanji is going to need, like, therapy. And probably a dagger to scoop his eyes out.
His older self seems to sense his discomfort, thankfully, because he doesn’t start making out with Zoro then and there (oh, god, the mental image, Sanji is going to need so much therapy), and instead shoves Zoro away, muttering, “wait a second, Marimo, I think—I think this is…before.”
Older Zoro pauses and looks at his surroundings for the first time. Sunny floats idly, quiet; the rest of the crew has gone to explore the new island. Sanji has stayed back to keep watch of the ship, a decision he began to regret when the older version of himself appeared out of nowhere on the deck with Zoro, out of all people.
“Before…what?” Sanji asks before he can stop himself.
Older Sanji rubs his chin, thinking. “Where are we docked at, right now?”
“Not sure yet,” Sanji shrugs. “We just arrived a few hours ago. We left from Water Seven,though.”
The older version of himself smiles at that. “Then, definitely before.”
The cryptic talk starts to piss Sanji off. He loves his fair share of theatrics, but being at the receiving end of it proves to be more frustrating than entertaining. “Before what exactly?”
He turns to the Older Zoro, hoping to get something out of the brute, but Zoro refuses to meet his eyes. Instead Zoro is rubbing the back of his neck in what looks like a nervous tick, a blush appearing across the bridge of his nose. “You know, before…you and me.” He says, and pauses. “Well, not really, in your case it’s more about you and my other me…”
Oh. Oh.
Sanji feels his face warming at the thought; he’s probably sporting a blush that could rival Zoro’s in front of him now. “Zoro and me…I mean, you and me…” he turns to his older self and opts for anger instead, because it’s the easier emotion. “What’s with that anyways? How could you…how could I…” he trails off, for a lack of better words.
His older self just laughs at that, that fucker. Who knew Sanji would grow up to be such an asshole. “Come on,” his older self says, and starts messing with Sanji’s hair. “You know we both always thought this Marimo here is pretty hot.”
Sanji feels like he’s choking on air.
“There’s no way I’ve ever,” he says, and he was going to finish that sentence, really, but Older Zoro is standing right there with those sculpted muscles and toned chest and this is all just so fucking unfair. He thinks of his own Zoro (not his particularly, fuck no, what is wrong with him), nineteen-year-old and bare-chested and—it’s not his fault that he has eyes, damn it.
Older Zoro has started to walk away from the two, observing the Sunny. Sanji feels like his older self is waiting until they’re out of Zoro’s earshot before going, “jokes aside…we really were kind of slow, you know.” He tilts his head towards Zoro. “He’s waited for a long time.”
Sanji feels his stomach flip. “What are you even talking about,” he says, even though it seems foolish to lie to himself.
“The looks he’s given us when he thought we weren’t looking…” His older self says, and trails off. “Seems pretty cruel to keep pretending we never noticed, don’t you think?”
Sanji can feel his heart jackrabbiting beneath his ribcage. He’s never admitted this to anyone—the fact that he knows about Zoro’s affection towards him for quite some time now, but more importantly, the fact that he has stopped minding it a long time ago. He thinks of his older self, the way he leaned comfortably into Zoro’s embrace, and wonders, how does it feel. How does it feel.
What stumbles out of his mouth is, “when did he…?”
His older self shakes his head. “It’s not my place to tell,” he says. But then his eyes light up at the sight of something behind Sanji, and he says, almost teasingly, “why don’t you ask him yourself?”
Sanji follows the line of sight of his older self only to see Zoro. Not the older, taller one from the future—the one standing at the top of Sunny’s railings is the nineteen-year-old Zoro from his time. The one Sanji travels with, the one he’s shared a lot of memories with. His Zoro.
Speaking of, the nineteen-year-old Zoro currently looks flabbergasted, and Sanji doesn’t fault him—it’s probably quite surprising to go back to your ship and sees two versions of your shipmates talking casually with one another. Zoro has a stupid expression on his face, mouth hanging open, but Sanji thinks it’s charming, in an odd, Zoro-kind of way, and hell. He really has gone and fallen for the Marimo, hasn’t he.
He feels a tap on his back and hears his older self say, “well, what are you waiting for?”
When he turns, both people from the future have disappeared from the deck of Sunny.
“What the hell was that, cook?” Zoro—his Zoro—asks, and Sanji turns back to face him. How does it feel, he wonders, thinking of the way the older Zoro presses his lips on the other Sanji’s cheek. How does it feel.
He closes the distance between them.
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