#but hey you are all free to ship what you like it just ain’t my cup of tea I hope this doesn’t get anyone mad lmao
talktomegooseman · 9 months
Missed You Darlin
Ship: Jake Hangman Seresin x Fem! Reader Word Count: 1,095 Authors Note: For @roosterforme’s rocktober challenge! Features The Chair by George Strait. Jake is a George fan and y’all can pry that from me Trigger Warnings: Mention of pregnancy, minor swearing, mention of being sick/naueseous
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Jake watched the patrons of the Hard Deck like a hawk, waiting to see you walk in. He was getting restless, and it was starting to bug Javy. “Jake. She’ll be here. Don’t worry.” He says, clapping his friend on the shoulder, walking towards the bar to get another beer. Jake didn’t say a word, just kept staring at the door.
You had just pulled into the parking lot of the beloved bar, rifling through your bag for a mint to suck on to keep your nausea at bay. It was still early on in your pregnancy and you found out not long after Jake got on the carrier for the mission. When he came home just hours before, you felt a little sick, but told Jake it was just anxious excitement for him to be home, and that you had something to tell him after your shift at work was over.
You felt his ring sitting at the base of your throat on the chain that he gave you before he left, promising to keep it safe for him. You felt your ring, a light weight on your finger, and you smiled down at it, touching the ring on your throat with your free hand, smiling. You took a breath, and got out of the car, making your way to the entrance of the bar. You opened the doors, and were met with the sound of a jukebox, and endless chatter. 
Jake’s head whipped towards the door for the umpteenth time that night, and his eyes met yours. “Javy, change the song on the jukebox. You know the one.” He whispers to his friend, a grin on his face, heading towards you, as the rest of the squad groaned.
“Hangman. Don’t. She’s got a ring on her finger.”  Fanboy and Rooster say in unison. “Dumbass.” Phoenix says, putting her face in her hands. “Hangman, I know you’re stupid, but you ain’t dumb. What the everlasting hell are you doing?” Bob asks as he walks past him. “It’s fine y’all. You’ll see.” Jake says, making his way to where you sat.
“Well excuse me, but I think you’ve got my chair.” You hear a voice say behind you. “Is it taken?” You ask, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips. “No it’s not taken, I’ll be glad to share.” Jake says, sitting on the stool next to yours. “Hey sweetheart, is he bugging you?” Penny asks, a protective look in her eyes. “Pen. You and I both know I wouldn’t quote a George Strait song to just anyone. This is my wife, Y/N.” He says, as you give Penny a smile and a small wave.
Back at the pool table, the squad watches the interaction. “The hell is he doing?” Rooster asks, watching as he places a hand on your lower back while you both talk to Penny. Javy returns to the pool table, after getting the song ready to go. “Like he said, you’ll see.” He replies, leaning up against the side of the table. 
“Hey darlin. You got my ring?” “Oh yeah! Here.” You reply, taking the chain from your neck, giving it to Jake, as he removes the band from the chain, and slips it onto his finger. “Feels good to have this back on.” “Feels good to have you back home safe and sound.” You whisper, as your hand rests on his cheek. “Darlin, you have no idea how much I missed you. Let’s dance. I got Pen to get our song on vinyl and convinced Javy to put it on next.” He says, leading you to the pool table near the jukebox. “I’m glad this is our song. The Chair is what started it all.” He says, pulling you close, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Me too. And there’s more to come.” You say, feeling the beat of his heart.
“What do you mean by that sweets?” He asks, pulling away just enough to look at you. You bring a hand to your lower abdomen, tears in your eyes. “I’m pregnant Jake. Found out two days after you left.” He stares at you for a moment, and then breaks out in a smile. “Really darlin’? Are you really?” “Yeah I am. Now as much as I love you and Mr. Strait, can we sit down and you grab me a ginger ale? Morning sickness is kicking my ass this week.” “Of course sweets. Mind if I take you over to Javy and the rest of the gang?” He asks, as you nod. 
Javy can’t help but grin as you and Jake walk over, an arm slung around your shoulders. A chorus of questions starts to form, but Jake ignores them, nods to Javy and goes to get your drink. “Penny my dear. Could I get a round of beers for the squad and a ginger ale for Y/N?” “Comin right up Hangman.” Penny says, grabbing the drinks and giving them to Jake.
He heads back to the group, sitting next to you. “Ok, Ok, I know y’all have a million questions. This is my wife Y/N. We’ve been married for 2 years, and knew each other years before that. Javy was the best man at my wedding, and that little charade you saw earlier? That’s been planned since we got called back for the mission.” He says, wrapping an arm around you. You wave and smile at the group. “Hey guys. Everything Jake said is true. He’s told me a lot about you. It’s nice to meet you all finally.” You say, leaning into Jake’s embrace. “It’s nice to have some more ladies around. Being around all these men can be tiring sometimes.” Phoenix says, with a laugh and you nod. 
You stay and talk with the group until late into the night, and Penny tell the group to leave. You say your goodbyes, and head to the car. “Did you ride with Javy?” “Yeah, I’ll drive home.” Jake says, his hand out silently asking for the keys. You give them to him, and he opens your door, before getting in himself. The drive home is met with a comfortable silence. 
You and Jake head inside, kicking off shoes and stealing passionate kisses. “Missed you darlin. Now can we make up for that missed time?” “Missed you too baby. We can make up for that missed time, so long as nugget agrees.” You say breaking the kiss, squealing, as Jake lifts you over his shoulder and takes you to the bedroom. 
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galaxycunt · 5 months
My Dinner With Buggy
Author warning: this is dialogue only. Why? Because I wondered if I could do it and so here it is I’m lucky I had power the whole time in my house during this ice storm bc I’m so bored 😭
Summary: You are waiting on a man, you haven’t seen each other in quite some time. Not since you were a bright eyed recruit and he was a young captain with more ego than sense.
“Welcome in! How many?”
“Two, please,” as you sat you said, “a bottle of house red, thank you.”
A hand tapped you on the shoulder some time later, “I never tire of that joke. You’re looking good.”
“Buggy, wow. It’s really good to see you.”
“Yeah, not every day a marine wine and dines me.”
“I can think of a few officers who’d like that, now.”
Buggy frowns, “you told them, didn’t you?”
You shake your head, “Buggy, I didn’t even know you were with the Roger pirates. I found that out from the snails like everyone else.”
“Huh. Swore I told you. I guess…I never tell anyone that shit.”
“Hey, doesn’t matter. You’re here. You’re safe.”
Buggy laughs, “god, it’s been forever. Remember when we climbed up the mast of the first Big Top?”
“Hm. Yeah. Tiny Top. That ship sucked. I remember beating you up there.”
“Oh fuck off, I let you!”
“I beat you by a whole 30 seconds!”
“I’m not letting a fucking marine talk shit while I’m trying to enjoy my damn dinner.”
You laugh heartily as the waiter arrived, “I’ll have the pasta special.”
“You paying or what?” You nod, “prime rib. Gimme a steak bigger than my head.”
“You sure ain’t a cheap date, Bug.”
“Oh! So this is a date? Okay, you sure you don’t wanna thrown in with the guy who tangoed with the best and came out on top?”
“I…I think I am quitting. I saw your little movie debut. He…he was just a kid. Both of them.”
“Y-yeah. He really was.”
“I guess that’s the life we choose.”
Buggy sighs, “let’s not think about that. I’m here, you’re here. This is a date.”
“Is this a date? Okay, what lines does Captain Buggy pull on these things?”
“What’s your sign?”
“I’m a Libra moon, they say a sun and moon sign being the same means they’re meant to be.”
You shake your head, “you’re so full of shit. Is that even your sign?”
“Maybe, maybe not. Take me on more dates like this and I’ll tell you the truth.”
You can’t hide your smile, “shut the fuck up.”
“Join me, I’ll treat you so good.”
“Uh huh.”
“It’ll be fun. I won’t even make you wake up at dawn.”
“And what do you get out of this?”
“A beauty at my side every day, that’s all.”
“You just want trade secrets, don’t you?”
He looks offended, “I ain’t that bad a guy. But my lips are sealed, if you wanna give anything up.”
“If you want secrets out of me, you gotta give me something to work with.”
“Work with?”
“What’s your big secret, tough guy?”
He chews the free bread thoughtfully, “the rumors are true. I washed Gol D. Roger’s underwear. Though I tricked Shanks into doing laundry duty more.”
“Packing gunpowder is way cooler. Only chumps think laundry is better. Just cause you do it once a month.”
“Sounds about right for pirates. Marines make you clean the toilets with a toothbrush every day.”
“See what I mean? I wouldn’t let you lift a finger.”
“I might hold you to that.”
“I’d be so good to you.”
In between bites you say, “I joined only because I needed the money. My dad was a marine, the pension don’t pay much if you’re just one of the grunts. He wasn’t happy I did it. They had a nice sign on bonus.”
“Is that really a secret?”
“Well, maybe. People on base like to act like they’re doing it for the greater good. Justice and all that shit.”
“Snooty fucks.”
“Oh yeah.”
He smiles, “see? Gotta join me now.”
You blush as he watches you eat, “what?”
“Nothing. Just nice. You write and call less and less these days.”
“Hey, man. You do have a bounty. Though I guess I don’t have to be as careful.”
“Heh, yeah. Maybe we can see each other more….especially if you join.”
“Let’s not talk work, tell me anything else.”
“Like how lovely you’re looking?”
“Look at you, wearing something clean.”
“So this is a date. Let’s go for another drink after this, my treat.”
“Twisting my arm over here.”
“I’m a pirate, baby. I have my ways.”
You can’t stop smiling, in spite of yourself, “last time I saw you, you threw your head at me.”
“I remember.”
“Did you mean it? What you said?”
“Yeah, I really didn’t want those fucks taking me in. Even if they were your buddies.”
“No, no. Not that.”
He hums, “I think I remember.”
“Don’t be a dick, Buggy.”
“Don’t leave me in suspense then.”
“If you don’t remember, then I won’t say it.”
He stares for a beat, studying you, “I’m sorry for teasing. I do, I always will.”
“You were so drunk I-“
“-I wasn’t. I lied.”
“Check please,” you flag a waiter down, feeling his eyes boring into you, “thank you.”
“Oh shit. No, I didn’t lie about that. I was sober.”
Relief floods you, “you’re so stupid.”
“I love you.”
“Do you, or just the young hot marine you met?”
“Baby, don’t be like that.”
“What if I’m tired of the sea, want something quiet?”
“I’ll visit. All the time.”
He nods, “I’ll treat you good. So, so good.”
“I love you too. Against my better judgement.”
“Let’s get outta here. When are you expected back?”
“I got three weeks off.”
“Just enough time to lay low with me.”
“Heard you got a new crew, all those prisoners. They won’t like me on board.”
“They think I’m their god or some shit, I dunno. We can rent a room somewhere. I don’t care.”
“You are something else.”
“I can be all yours, just say the word.”
“Let’s see how tonight goes then.”
“I’m gonna dazzle your pants off.”
“Won’t go for nothing less.”
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morallyinept · 3 months
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A full transcribe of JOEL MILLER'S dialogue/lines from the TV show THE LAST OF US.
Includes full dialogue, and dialogue from any deleted/additional scenes available.
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to read the dialogue. 🖤
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☝🏻Dialogue has been fully transcribed by myself using reference to original scripts (if available), audio subtitles and using my own two ears. Therefore, mistakes can be made, however I have tried to be as fully accurate as I can. If you spot an obvious mistake, please kindly let me know. Where audio is not clear, I have marked with *inaudible* Scenes are separated for ease of reference.
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Gas breaks down over time. This stuff’s almost water. Back in the day. We’d drive ten, twelve hours on one tank. You could go anywhere. 
Pretty much nowhere. 
It’s a siphon. It’s when liquid… travels against gravity, because pressure-
I know it works. No wanderin’. 
Feel free to wait in the truck.
Yeah, they used to stick big ass ploughs on ‘em and clear the roads for their tanks and such. 
You will. Tanks, choppers. All that stuff. Built to fight the wrong enemy. Just scattered around now. 
This is actually before my time. 
It’s a winner though. 
Oh, man. 
Oh. No, no, no. Put that back. That’s not for kids. 
Please get rid of it. 
Uhh… the-
Alright. That’s enough for today. 
Slow down. 
That is twenty year-old Chef Boyardee Ravioli. 
I actually agree. 
I figure I sleep tonight and drive tomorrow, all day, all night, get us to Wyoming by next mornin’. 
Now, why am I gonna tell you “no”? 
No, fungus isn’t that smart. This is too remote for infected anyway. 
They’ll have way more in mind than that. 
Well, that would be Frank’s then. 
'Cause he was outstanding in his field. 
No. Now go to sleep. 
No-one’s gonna find us. 
You don’t like coffee?
Theirs was a lot fresher than what Bill saved up, but yeah, this is what they sold. 
Eyes on the map. 
Last contact came through a radio tower close to Cody. 
Then... odds are he’ll be near a settlement. Probably close to another city. Ain’t too many of ‘em in Wyoming. 
Whose name?
Long story. 
Tommy’s what we used to call a “joiner”. Dreams of becomin’ a hero. So he enlists in the Army right outta high school. A few months later they ship him off to Desert Storm. It’s what they called that war. Doesn’t matter. Point is, bein’ in the Army didn’t make him feel much like a hero. Cut to twelve years later, outbreak happens. He convinces me to join a group makin’ their way up to Boston, which I did… mostly to keep an eye on him, keep him alive. It’s where we met Tess.
And that whole crew, we uh… Well, for it was, it worked. And then Tommy meets Marlene. She talks in him to joinin’ the Fireflies. Same mistake he made when he was eighteen. Wants to save the world. Pipe dream. Him, Fireflies, all of ‘em… delusional. Course, last I heard, he quit the Fireflies, too. So now he’s on his own out there, and… I gotta go get him. 
You haven’t seen the world, so you don’t know. You keep goin’ for family. That’s about it. 
No… You’re cargo. And I made a promise to Tess. And she was like family. 
I will.
I’m persistent. 
You got up pretty early if you wanna grab more sleep. 
Stay put. 
Kansas City.
Screw it. 
We can jog right around this tunnel, take the next ramp, then we’re back on the road, a minute tops. 
Where the fuck is the highway?
Don’t look at the state map, look at the inset. 
It’s gotta be the right… What the fuck?
Put your seatbelt on. 
Are you okay?
You’re not hurt or nothin’?
Belts off! Fast! 
Hey, you see that hole? Can you squeeze through?
When I say go, you crawl through to that wall, and you squeeze through and you don't come out until I say, okay? 
And they’re not gonna hit you. Look at me! They’re not gonna hit you. You stay down, you stay low, you stay quiet! 
Okay. Okay. Go! 
Get back behind the wall. 
Ellie. I gotta get in there, I can’t fit through. 
Well, can you move it?
Let’s go. Fast. 
We go up. 
Hopefully we spot a clear route out.
Stay close. 
For a little bit, maybe. Looks like they’re checkin’ out apartment buildings first. But they’ll be coming through these places soon enough. 
Yeah. Saw it. 
As soon as we don’t hear a truck, we move. Fast as we can. 
I’m alright. Are you alright?
Thing is, is I didn’t hear that guy comin’ and… you shouldn’t have had to, you know?
You’re just a kid. You shouldn’t know what it means to… It’s not like you killed him. But, shootin’ or… I know what it’s like. First time that you, uh, hurt… someone like that. If you, uh… w… I’m not good at this. 
I mean, it was my fault. You shouldn’ta had to. And I’m sorry. 
Show me your grip. Finger off the trigger. Now who taught you that?
Figures. Thumb, over your thumb. Left hand… squeezes down on the right. You got it? There you go. Lookit.
Uh-uh. You put it in your pack. You’ll shoot your damn ass off. 
We’ll get through this. 
You’re just gonna put your foot here. One, two…
Straighten up. I got you. 
Take a look around first. Ellie! Goddamn it. 
By now, Wyoming. 
Alright. We’ll make our way up, and come morning, I’ll take a look at the city and find our way out. 
Forty-five. But no, not all the way. 
As far as I can make it. 
I’ve been on both sides. It was a long time ago. We did what we needed to survive. 
And the people we were with. My brother, too. 
Come on. 
It’s gonna have to be. 
Give me a minute. 
“Lazy ass.” I'm fifty-six years old, you little shit. 
I don’t want someone sneakin’ up on us while we’re sleeping. 
Of course, I’ll hear it. That’s the damn point. 
Yeah, goodnight. 
When we were talkin’ about hurtin’ people… what did you mean it wasn’t your first time?
Alright. You don't have to. I’m just sayin’... it isn’t fair. Your age, havin’ to deal with all of this. 
No, not really. But still… 
Probably more from shootin’. So if you wanna keep your hearin’, you stick to that knife. 
That is so Goddamn stupid. 
I didn’t laugh. 
Jesus, I’m losin’ it. 
Go to sleep. 
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ego-osbourne · 9 months
Another oneshot! Been a while :] Pirate time
Calamity belongs to @metallic-scaled-scarf , Lorelei belongs to @liches-covered-in-lich , Kynreeve belongs to @the-troll-of-the-bridge , and Heracles belongs to @mellowscrolls !
Look Alive
Word Count: 3500
Status: Complete Oneshot
CW: Oogling, Brief Mentions of Alcohol
Summary: Rakell is hot. Velehk is down bad and in denial.
It’s actually mostly just character interaction practice
Rakell shielded his eyes from the blinding sunrays that struck his face upon exiting the crew’s quarters. With a few tired blinks his eyes adjusted, but not before bumping into a crewmate or two. Everyone was in a rush, having heard the order to leave port and set sail. A bell’s sharp chime had woken Rakell’s uncomfortable rest, far later than the others, and he was still affected by the aftermath of a sweaty sleep.
Rakell chuckled to himself, knowing the heat should not have affected him so terribly. He supposed he’d grown too used to the cold of Skyrim, his dresswear reflecting that sentiment; his trousers and boots were alright, but his top was lined in fur. No matter where he was, either on the main deck in noon’s sweltering heat, or turning uncomfortably in his bed in the wee hours of the morning in the stuffy crew’s cabin, his clothes stuck to him in a grossly annoying fashion. It all accumulated to him groggily making his way onto the main deck, only half-aware of what was going on.
…Before he was given lip. “March, kyn!” was Calamity’s sharp call to him from the side of the deck as she rearranged sail ropes. “Everyone else is moving, and I know you’re quick!”
Rakell blinked before finding himself in an automatic jog. It had been a long while since he’d been in any position that required orders, and even longer since he’d been the one to receive those orders. Suddenly alert and focused, he found that the capstan of the anchor was in need of assistance and made his way to it, inviting himself in and pushing on one of the bars. The others around him were humming and chanting a shanty that he didn’t recognize, but he was able to keep in-time with its rhythm, just like the others. It helped him focus on something other than the cruel sun… for a moment.
The anchor was raising slowly, and every push made new sweat, and the sweat made him feel like he was baking alive. He cursed the fur-lined top that he wore, making every genuine attempt to push forward without fault, but there was a point when too much was simply too much. With a heave of breath, he took his hands off of the bar and walked in line with the turning axis, taking a brief moment to peel his shirt from his back. With a quick shake to free his horns, he pulled the garment through his belt and went back to work. Already, things were feeling much more free.
A couple mocking coos sounded from behind him, and one of the crewmates sniped, “Who’s you tryna impress, Daedra?”
“It’s hot as shit,” Rakell responded.
A different voice, “Ain’t you’s from the Deadlands?”
“It’s a dry heat there. This wet fuckery is a new misery.”
“Welcome to our sorry state,” the crewmate laughed.
A few more hands joined the original group in raising the anchor, quickening the process where the work would come to an eventual close. Just as Rakell stepped away from his bar, paying no mind to the commotion around him, he heard Ego’s familiar chime as they called for him. “Hey! Take my spot, over, uh,” they gestured toward the rest of the deck, Rakell raising a brow at their vagueness. “…at the middle pole,” they finished with uncertainty.
Rakell chuckled at their poor vocabulary, knowing they meant the mainmast. “Will do,” he said, already starting his jog over. A quick glance back toward Ego showed them hopping up to the quarterdeck, having been beckoned by Lorelei to man the wheel. Why she was letting him direct the ship was beyond Rakell, but it wasn’t his focus anyway. Upon closing in, a few members called him over to help pull a stubborn rope, to which he was a welcome addition to the endeavor.
With a few extra jobs done, the Mahree began on her way, tipping into a turn as the ship left port. Things on deck calmed significantly after the fact, and Rakell finally felt that he could drop his focus. He tilted his head up to the glorious blue sky as wind made its slow arrival onto the deck, sighing into the salty air and bringing a hand to his forehead to dry it. As much as he internally complained about the heat, he could appreciate moments like this.
Rakell took a quick glance around to make sure there was nothing else that might have called for immediate attention. He found others touching up some areas and ensuring everything was steady, but his lack of expertise around the ship only made him good for labor work, of which there appeared to be nothing that needed done. He pulled his shirt from the strap of his belt, only to find an elbow lightly nudging his arm. “There’s the new sailor,” Kynreeve moved just ahead of him and leaned against the railing of the ship. “You overheatin`?”
Rakell gave a light chuckle. “It’s a bit different than Skyrim.”
“Oh, just a smidge,” Kynreeve smirked, gesturing with his hand in a pinching motion. “Gotta remind ye, though, when ye hear that bell, ye have t’be moving fast.”
“I realized,” Rakell folded his arms with a grin, “I guess you saw me dragging my feet, too?” Kynreeve gave a nod. “It’s just been a while since I was in any sort of service. Forgot in the moment. Won’t happen again.”
“Aye, well, keep that in mind. A short holler from Calamity leaves ye far better off than what the captain might’ve done had he been on deck to catch ye.” Kynreeve’s gaze shifted to the side, his smile becoming a bit more forced. “Speaking of which… Don’t look now, but the captain’s got eyes on ye.”
Rakell didn’t know if it was the wind or Kynreeve’s words that sent a small chill up his back. He was suddenly stiff, only assuming that Velehk must have been mere steps away, and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. Finding where Kynreeve’s eyes were, though, had him realize that Velehk was out of earshot and farther than Rakell had initially feared. He calmed only slightly, asking, “Eyes on me in a bad way?”
Kynreeve lowered his brow. “Hard to tell. He’s awful focused, though.”
Rakell didn’t dare look over his shoulder, his nerves excited in a way that was hard to pinpoint. Some part of him was glad that Velehk was giving him any amount of recognition, but the majority of his head spun with feelings of worry that he’d pissed the captain off. He gave a small snicker to soften the edge, asking, “Well, what? Do I disappear?”
“No, no,” Kynreeve pushed off the railing, giving a short wave to Velehk, who stood on the quarterdeck. “Let’s have ye workin` on somethin`. I’ve got a job for ye, let’s go.”
Rakell followed Kynreeve along, tempting regret as he gave into his curiosity and glanced over his shoulder. He was already pulling back before he had even registered anything, but realized shortly after that Velehk had shifted his gaze away from him. A mix of relief and disappointment washed over him.
Or so he’d thought Velehk had taken his eyes off of him. In reality, the captain had only faked not to be looking when he saw Rakell begin to turn, then cautiously glanced back from under the shadow of his hat once Rakell walked off. Still in sight, Velehk kept a close eye on him, shifting uncomfortably against the railing that he leaned over.
Velehk couldn’t lie to himself, he’d taken quite a liking to Rakell’s appearance. Whether he be shimmering in his gorgeously detailed armor, or shimmering against the sun with his skin exposed, he was an eyeful everytime. Kynreeve had dragged him away to shuffle things about the deck, clearing out spots to be cleaned and reorganized. Velehk gazed with a careful eye, studying his movements from a distance. He silently wished he could be closer, that way Velehk would be able to easier see the muscles in his back move with every cargo box lifted, the tightness in his hands as he gripped wood and rope, hear every exhale and grunt as he fought against the weight of the crates. Velehk would make conversation, no doubt, and be able to hear his voice roll over words in that deep accent of his—
“It’s none of my business—”
Velehk jumped in his stance, anger flaring up in his face as he shot daggers at the person standing beside him. It was Ego, having taken a spot just to his right, somehow going unseen despite being so close. Velehk ignored the possibility that he was so lost in thought that he hadn’t even noticed them, instead hissing, “Why ain’t ye at the wheel?”
Ego gestured lazily across Velehk. “Lor’s got it,” they said, with no hint of care in their expression. “Now, look, look, I came over here for a reason, I’m not just slacking,” they grinned, pausing before adding, “Captain,” with unnecessary accentuation. They tapped their fingers along the wood of the railing they leaned on, continuing, “But you should probably try to hide your… oh, what do we call it? Your look of delight?”
Velehk’s markings pulsed a smidge brighter for just a moment, a dremora’s equivalent of a flushed face. He quickly masked the fear in his eyes as he gazed down, gesturing for Ego to meet him on his other side. They complied, realizing that it would be so Velehk could hide his face from the rest of the ship with the wide brim of his hat since the other side was buttoned up. Consequently, he was also able to get a better read on Ego’s expression with the in-tact half of their head facing him now. With a low, anxious tone, he asked, “Was it that noticeable?”
“Oh, buddy-captain of mine,” they went to pat his shoulder, but recoiled when his bird suddenly landed on said spot, intercepting Ego’s hand. Scuttle shook his head as he folded his spectral wings against his body, getting an automatic pet on his chest from Velehk. Ego instead took their hand back to their hair, pulling strands away from their face. “If there are any other perceptive romantics on this ship, they’d spot that look clear from Elsweyr.”
“Romantics?” Velehk echoed, his face twisting into a blend of angry disbelief and horror. “I wasn’t—”
“I never accused you of anything,” Ego put their hands up. “But uh… that doesn’t mean someone else won’t.” They tried to wink, but the singular eye only presented an awkward blink.
Velehk’s frown straightened as he took in their words, turning away from them again and gazing back down at Rakell. He made sure to deliberately lower his brow to stave off any aforementioned accusations… but still found his mind wandering into a world of hopeful fantasy. He hummed as his eyes were drawn to Rakell’s lower half, watching his heavy steps tread carefully across the swaying boat, gaze crawling up to—
He groaned aloud, quiet and quick, and averted his gaze once more. “He’s awful cute, but that’s all I’ll give him.”
“Knew it,” Ego snickered.
Velehk pointed at them. “Ye don’t know shit.”
“Look, look,” they turned against the railing, putting their back to the posts and visually counting with their fingers as they went down the list. “I don’t read. I’m bad at math. Worldly knowledge is still lost on me. I don’t know your vocabulary, or your songs, or your drinks. My social skills are oblivious on a good day.” Every tap of their fingers against each other made a new tink sound. “But if I don’t know ‘shit’ about your starry-eyed expression, then you don’t know shit about being a captain,” they grinned the whole way through, adding one last, “Captain,” to the end of their speech.
Velehk’s icy glare was matched by his bird, who hopped down onto the railing and waddled closer to Ego. He pecked the muscle of their arm with a hefty jab and pinch of the beak, making Ego jump with a yelp. They rubbed their new bruise as Velehk chuckled, “Good bird.”
“I’m not trying to insult you, Captain!” Ego laughed.
“Tryin` don’t mean succeedin`.”
Ego attempt to reclaim their spot on the railing, but Scuttle’s hollow glare kept them at bay, so instead they danced around Velehk to try to get close enough to speak comfortably, but stay far enough not to bother him. “All I’m saying is…” they snuck back to the other side of him, wary as Scuttle began his catwalk over. “Maybe you should talk to him,” they whispered.
Velehk intercepted Scuttle’s reign of terror across the railing, taking him onto his arm and beckoning him further up to his shoulder. “Yer insane, y’know that? I don’t have a clue why I’m surprised either; there’s stories of ye dancing with Sheogorath.” He gave Scuttle’s cheek a scritch. “Maybe I’m the fool for inviting this git onto my ship.” Ego inhaled to protest, but Velehk continued with a smirk, “No, no, that can’t be right… I’m never the fool.”
Ego’s smile straightened as they tried to wedge themself back into the conversation. “I could even help. I know Rakell, he’s a…” they stopped themself short of saying ‘good man,’ swaying their head side to side as they came up with a new assortment of words, “…loyal man.”
“I’ve got plenty of loyalty on board already.”
Ego raised their metal brow, glanced at Lorelei across the deck, but ultimately decided it would be best to say nothing. “I’m not telling you to reenact a fairytale, but…” Velehk gave them a glare beneath the shadow of his hat, and Ego thought twice about their next string of words. “Maybe you could just… have a chat with him? He’s always wanted to meet the Pirate King Velehk Sain,” they grinned wide.
Velehk’s eyes narrowed.
Ego caught themself, “Captain Velehk Sain.”
Velehk nodded with acceptance, forgiving the slip-up, but ultimately continuing to ignore Ego. They sighed, widely gesturing out to the deck where Rakell worked. “Just try to meet him. Privately! Not in front of a crowd acting all boisterous with the higher-than-thee attitude—”
“Thou, anchor, higher-than-thou. If yer goin` t’quote yer landlubbin` literature, then at least know what yer sayin`.”
Ego stopped, raised a claw in recognition, and pointed out, “I told you I didn’t read much.”
“That much is obvious.”
“But still, you—”
“And none of my attitude is an act, either, git,” he stopped them again. “I’m the same man on and off deck.”
Ego’s voice wavered as they went to jump in and correct him, but they stopped just short of insult. Velehk’s eyes went wide and angry all at once, knowing exactly what they were bound to reference. He made a heavy step toward them, to which they fell back, but he continued his pursuit. “Somethin` on yer mind?” he hissed as Ego backpedaled to the side of the ship. “Anchor?”
They gave their telltale nervous chuckle, shrugging innocently. “No, no, all empty up here.” They side-stepped toward the stairs in an effort to escape, but Velehk was quick to draw his sword and strike the wood just to their right, stopping them in their tracks. They jolted, and their nervous grin turned cocky. They met eyes with Velehk, having a sudden look of fake realization. “Though… there is one thing.”
Velehk straightened himself.
Ego kept their voice quiet. “If I remember our time together,” the grip on the sword stiffened, “you never once had that look in your eyes with me.”
“That doesn’t mean shit,” Velehk whispered back.
“Does it not?” Ego let themself relax. “I saw you make a lot of revelations that night,” they tapped the blade of his sword, “But never once was I convinced you had a crush.”
With one quick movement, the tip of the sword threatened the bottom of Ego’s chin. “Keep talkin`,” Velehk furiously encouraged.
Ego shook their head. “Talking? Sorry, Captain, my head went empty again. Lost my thought.”
Velehk bit his tongue, heat burning in his chest from offense. He pulled the sword away, stepping right into Ego’s space and fisting the collar of their robe, threatening to push them over. “Ah ah!” Ego interjected, making him pause as they reached for their hip, retrieving a dragon priest mask that was fastened to their belt. “Just… entertain the thought. A drink or two with him wouldn’t kill you. I think you’d like his stories, too.”
“I don’t owe ye anythin.`”
“I wouldn’t be benefiting from anything,” they pointed out, slipping Volsung over their head. After a pause, they relaxed fully. “You can flip me, now.”
Velehk sighed through his nose, shoving their chest and lifting their leg in a split second, letting them topple over the side of the ship. He swore they laughed as they went down and crashed into the water.
A couple entertained whistles and celebratory claps rang across the ship as Velehk regained his composure. He turned back, calling, “We’ve got at least two minutes of peace, enjoy it!”
Rakell couldn’t stop the dopey smile that spread across his face — it was the first time he’d seen Velehk flip someone, and the joy was multiplied upon seeing that the victim was Ego.
“That’s the fourth fucking time.” He heard someone curse as they approached. Rakell turned to find a short Imperial meeting Kynreeve, asking with annoyance, “Spare wax, Kyn? Gotta fix that railing.”
“Yessir,” the quartermaster complied with a smile.
“Fourth?” Rakell echoed, tailing the two of them as they walked to the stairs leading below deck.
“And they just keep coming back. Dragon-fucker boat-ramming blond bastard,” the Imperial groaned, turning to Rakell. “Heracles. Hera. Either or,” he introduced himself.
“Rakell,” he responded, holding out a hand too late as Hera had already turned away, unintentionally missing the pleasantry. “Have ye sparred with the Captain yet?”
Rakell lowered his hand. “Sorry?” he blinked, pausing just before the stairs.
“Ye plan on stayin` with us?” Hera paused too, glancing back as Kyn walked ahead.
“If I can.”
“Then you’ll be sparrin` the captain soon,” he repeated. “It’ll probably happen before we land in the next port. Hope yer not sore by then.”
“What’d you mean ‘spar’?”
“It ain’t tonal magic, Oblivion-walker,” Hera raised a brow, “The captain tests yer strength to see if yer worthy of bein` on board.” He turned to the stairs, leaving Rakell behind. “But if yer as slow as ye were today, it’d take a miracle for ye to stay!” Kyn was at the bottom of the stairs waiting on Hera, and he rolled his eyes with a joking smile. He called back up to Rakell, “You’ll be fine, kynsman. But be ready!”
Before Rakell could respond, the both of them were gone, and he was beckoned to move out of the way of the doorframe by another crew member passing. He was left somewhat speechless, his head racing with thoughts. Sparring Velehk Sain? He didn’t realize that was part of the quota for joining. He turned his gaze towards the quarterdeck, finding Velehk pushing through the doors of his quarters and disappearing behind dark wood. A fleeting feeling rose in his chest, gone in an instant, but its echoes left tremors in his body. He palmed his sternum to ease his heart, feeling hair and skin, and suddenly becoming very self-aware of the fact that he wasn’t wearing a shirt while Velehk was watching.
He hadn’t felt so… nervous for two centuries.
Thankfully, Ego’s return was able to distract him from his thoughts. They arrived while adorned in glorious colors, horns, and wings — Dragon Aspect, something Rakell had seen before, and realized that much of the crew had probably also seen if this was their fourth return. Rakell made his way to the soggy Dragonborn to ask about the other three times.
In the captain’s quarters, Velehk was rubbing his face in terrible despair. Scuttle fluttered from his shoulder to the dresser, giving little cooes of reassurance as Velehk paced around the table in the middle of the room, tapping each chair as he lost himself in thought. He silently cursed Ego’s name, then his own, and thought of that twice damned Dagon dremora…
Velehk sighed aloud and shook his head. “Scuttle,” he spoke, “Maybe I am the fool.” The bird fluttered down onto the table, stationing himself close to Velehk’s hand as he leaned against the furnishing. He grinned down at Scuttle, hardly able to believe that he was playing right into Ego’s words.
He went to his desk, searching through one of the drawers and pulling out a coin purse. He fished out a handful of septims, already planning what type of drinks he’d buy for Rakell when they hit port. “Nah. Not maybe,” he murmured to himself, continuing his earlier sentiment. “I definitely am.”
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weirdlypersonalrpmemes · 11 months
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»        as dusk falls sentence starters           tw: alcohol, mental health.             feel free to change pronouns and/or phrasing to suit your muse!
❝ not so long ago, i wanted to be a journalist. ❞
❝ i tell ya, the only thing worse than feeding a dog fast food is smelling it again on the way out. ❞
❝ that’s a lot of stuff for just two men. ❞
❝ what do bank robbers eat for dessert? heist cream. you get it? ❞
❝ you lost the — no you didn't. ❞
❝ take a minute. get your shit together. ❞
❝ country kids. or the desert version. lucky we’re still in one piece. ❞
❝ this your work? you've done a good job fuckin' it up i see. ❞
❝ why weren't you keepin' an eye out, huh? ❞
❝ all right, big-man, you've got until seven to get this apartment ship-shape and ready to go. ❞
❝ learn how to drive, asshole! ❞
❝ don’t talk about him. this is all his dumb fault anyway. ❞
❝ jesus christ. i swear i never come so close to shittin' myself. ❞
❝ [NAME], no. we can't go from strangers to roommates. ❞
❝ you're trying to kidnap my WIFE, man. you think i'm gonna stand here and let that happen?. ❞
❝ so what’s next? license plate game? another round of row-row-row your boat? ❞
❝ i hope he didn’t see our license plate. ❞
❝ relax! it ain’t personal. ❞
❝ family? we’re just your fucking babysitters. ❞
❝ police, open up! ❞
❝ police, open up! or maybe... it's the big bad wolf. ❞
❝ jesus, [NAME], this isn't die hard. ❞
❝ you think you're bruce willis, huh? undercover, fighting off bad guys? ❞
❝ maybe you need a cold shower. ❞
❝ eyyy, let’s party. ❞
❝ shut the fuck up. ❞
❝ girls, booze, that fancy purple car of yours... i don't know, it doesn't sound like the worst. ❞
❝ gonna miss your sweet little smile, cupcake. one last drink? ❞
❝ you wanna hear my pitch? i say we rob the bank. ❞
❝ no offense... but i think you're just hot wind. ❞
❝ well you got a better plan? cause i don't. ❞
❝ these houses all look the same to me. ❞
❝ you're always out skulkin' in the woods, climbin' trees and all that. we all know you're good at it. ❞
❝ don't screw this up, kid. ❞
❝ i need you focused, or none of us are getting out of here. ❞
❝ no — no — STOP. YOU listen to ME. ❞
❝ you and i are goin' for a stroll. ❞
❝ she's tough. she'll make it. ❞
❝ it's not the walls. it's what happened within them. ❞
❝ you touch my things again, you won’t be happy. ❞
❝ he came back early, i don’t know what happened! ❞
❝ s'alright. i put my big boy pants on today. ❞
❝ get rid of the cop. you hear me? ❞
❝ you know what this means? shooting a hostage? ❞
❝ all i asked, was that you not do anything stupid. but stupid is all you do, isn’t it? ❞
❝ are you about to give me marriage advice? because if i recall, you walked out on yours. ❞
❝ take that stupid smirk off your face. you look like a fuckin' halfwit. ❞
❝ look, you got away. can you let me go now? ❞
❝ you’re coming with me. ❞
❝ you know you're going to jail after this, and when you finally die there, you're going straight to fuckin' hell. ❞
❝ newsflash — THIS is hell. and we've been here a lot longer than you have. ❞
❝ this is a toughie... ❞
❝ you know something? i don’t like you. ❞
❝ knew we shouldn’t have brung him. ❞
❝ you do that, i promise you’ll regret it. ❞
❝ wanna get high? ❞
❝ i'm scared, [NAME]. i don't want to be alone. ❞
❝ hey, my heart's practically thumping out of my chest. but at least it's still 
beating, right? ❞
❝ i'm sorry about what i did. i was selfish, and i hurt you... ❞
❝ easy now, let’s just — ❞
❝ wait. you need a hostage? take me. ❞
❝ sorry to lock you up like this. ❞
❝ i think it’s time to put this whole thing behind us. ❞
❝ you joke when you're hurt, you always have. but i can see through it. ❞
❝ don't speak. don't make a sound. ❞
❝ it'll be over when we win. ❞
❝ i shot him! we gotta run! ❞
❝ now, i can help ya, but you gotta relax those nerves first, all right? ❞
❝ we all have things that scare us — like the dark, and that's okay. i guess we just learn to live with it until maybe one day we won't be afraid anymore. ❞
❝ it was a mistake. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. ❞
❝ oh god, i was right? ❞
❝ was he good in bed? was it worth it? ❞
❝ i'll always be here for you. that won't change. ❞
❝ come on, man. just share the food. ❞
❝ you are testing my patience here, man. ❞
❝ how the hell do you climb so fast? ❞
❝ please write back, [NAME]. i need to hear from you. ❞
❝ do you think i'm bad? am i... am i broken? ❞
❝ you know the world thought you were dead. after you jumped off that cliff. ❞
❝ you'll be fine. you have my word. ❞
❝ aw, fuck! ❞
❝ spare me the lecture. can you do it? ❞
❝ i think the only real job i ever had was convincing people i was someone else. ❞
❝ wasn’t taking the scenic route your idea? i wanted to do this trip at 30,000 feet. ❞
❝ look, this is our only chance. we have a kid in the back of the car, ain’t no way the cops’ll shoot. ❞
❝ i got your back, you know that, right? ❞
❝ i'll always look out for this family. no matter what. ❞
❝ come on now. you're just being dramatic. ❞
❝ look, forget what i said, okay? of course i'm your brother. ❞
❝ it isn't working. it never does. ❞
❝ i don't remember you having a scar before. ❞
❝ family means sacrifice. ❞
❝ we don’t know that for sure. it’s a huge risk. ❞
❝ hop that fence and find a way in. ❞
❝ be there tomorrow. please. let me die looking at someone who knows me. ❞
❝ look, you said you see my face in your dreams? well, i see your face too. i can't explain why. ❞
❝ you deserve a friend, you really do. it just isn't me. ❞
❝ i hope you’re happy. ❞
❝ let me just have one last look around. ❞
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bellewintersroe · 2 years
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This is just some shitty ass Drabble that I wrote in 30 mins so it’s probably got a lot of mistakes - but anyway I’m gonna make it lead into a part 2 😈
“Hey, I knew I’d find you here..” Joe Liebgott’s voice approached, slightly muffled from the blustering of wind around me. Every now and then I’d get splattered with tiny droplets of the Atlantic Ocean. Turning over my shoulder, I met Joe’s curious eyes with my worried ones.
I knew exactly why he’d came up on deck to find me. “I’m not going down there, Joe.” My arms crossed firmly over my chest, protecting my torso from the harsh blustering of the surrounding area. “I know you ain’t, hun.” Joe let out a soft laugh, moving towards where I was sat. “Budge up.” He muttered, sliding onto the bench I was perched on, knees hugged up to my chest. They dropped when I felt the snaking of Joe’s arm on the back of the wood behind me. My eyes lingered over the vast sea in front of us, we’d been sailing for a mere 8 hours of our 11 day journey to England. I was already freaking out. The way his eyes lingered worriedly over me made me avert my own completely.
“What’s wrong, huh, Mags? You’re shakin’ like a god damn leaf out here.” His free hand came to touch my shuddering knees. I couldn’t tell if it was out of coldness or pure fear, a mix of both. “I just don’t wanna go down there, Joe. I don’t like it.” I commented as his head dropped to take a better look at me.
“Why? Somebody you bunkin’ with piss you off?” His legs knocked mine, attempting to lighten the situation in a familiar Liebgott manner. Sighing deeply, I finally looked up at him through teary eyes. His face dropped immediately and the arm slung over the bench pulled me into his side. “Aw, c’mere, Maggie.” He hushed, rubbing up and down my arm. His hold was soothing, warm and reassuring.
“I hate ships, I hate the water, I know it’s stupid but being down there makes me feel claustrophobic.” I explained, blinking away the tears. “No, no, it’s not stupid, baby. Is this why you’re raising all hell with them tryna get you down there?” The slightest smirk grew on my face as I showed him a little goofy smile, amused by his words. The ship crew had been doing the best to get me under deck, be with the rest of the people all crammed up down there in the sweaty space. I wasn’t going to give up so easily. “Maybe.” Joe pressed a kiss to my temple, looking a little proud of me for standing my ground. “Good girl, huh? I mean well- you do have to go down there, can’t sleep up here, can you?” “yeah.. suppose so.” I shrugged as Joe knocked me again. “How ‘bout you bunk with me instead? It gets dark down there at night-“
“oh no, Joe!” “nobody will see us together, it can be loud too, with all the engines, they won’t hear us…” a momentary silence took over me as I gazed properly over his mischievous expression.
“what are you trying to say?” My eyes narrowed, watching his own rake up and down me. Joe would flirt with me even if I was wearing a sack, he was shameless. “Well…” his finger tucked under my chin, licking his lips.
“I think…” he moved closer, pressing a soft kiss on my lips. “I think I could think of a few ways to distract you?” His voice was so gentle, silky smooth like honey. I felt my stomach fill with butterflies and a sexual tension to ripple through me. “Yeah?” I hummed, our eyes locked. Well, they were until his fell on my lips. “Yeah, I know how much you like sneaking around too.” He smirked, thumb smoothing over my cheek and grazing over my bottom lip ever so slightly. A shudder ran through me, and I crossed my legs. Joe didn’t fail to see this, he smirked again, even harder this time.
“I could occupy you baby, you wouldn’t even realise you were down there.” His hand then smoothed down my arm, over my hand and onto the inside of my lap, tucking it there comfortably. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t turn me on. Part of me was shocked, he’d managed to switch my emotions so quick.
“okay.” I whispered with a smile as he kissed the corner of my lips, pulling back when I moved back in for more. “Okay, I’ll take care of you…”
Ahhhhh sexual tension, I deffo wanna write a part 2 for this so prepare yourselves people
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 7 months
Fanfiction Songs Part 1- Letter To Santa Fe
So, I love taking melodies/words/phrases from songs in musicals and making my own versions of them, so I’ve decided that I’ll take a few of my favorite ones (published on my Quotev account, etherealbumblebee) and post them here! Without further ado, here’s one of my favorites, Letter To Santa Fe, a short bit that comes after Santa Fe/Letter From the Refuge (with some small edits because I wrote this so long ago)!
(CRUTCHIE sits on his bunk in The Refuge, staring at the letter he’d crafted for JACK.)
Aw, who am I kidding? He’s probably already gone now, hit the road to Santa Fe while I ain’t lookin’.
(CRUTCHIE begins to tear up, and stares out the window, wishing he could escape like he’d hoped. He’d never have admitted it to Jack, but he was tired.)
CRUTCHIE (To the tune of LFTR):
Where are you?
Far away?
Ran, when they took me here yesterday?
Left me here, and right here’s where I’ll rot
Help a buddy out, or it’s here I will stay
Though these guards
They’ve been rude
And I can’t stay, if I stay, I’m screwed!
But hey Jack, I’m still keepin’ hope
Though I can’t breathe, and I’m bout to choke
(CRUTCHIE coughs pitifully, and then chuckles sadly as he remembers LES doing the same thing to sell papers, at what seemed like an eternity ago. The laughs turn to sobs, and then CRUTCHIE begins to cry over the letter.)
CRUTCHIE (Through tears, to the tune of Santa Fe: Prologue)
Close your eyes
And imagine
I’m standing in those plains with you now 
And nothin’ can ever tear us apart again
Why, the minute that you see me
You’ll say, “Crutchie, my old friend!”
And maybe then we’ll be back to normal, no bitter end
But I’m scared
Can’t hold on
Santa Fe’s never been farther
And I don’t know if I’ll keep the train on track
But once them wheels make their way forward, no!
We ain’t never lookin’ back!
Don’t care how
We’ll leave now
(CRUTCHIE gets swept up in his dreams once again, not wanting to face the reality of where he actually was.)
Just you and me, Jack…
Where it’s clean, and green, and pretty
With no one to push us away
And we don’t hafta worry ‘bout finding a place to stay
And the bastards here, that beat us
Will be shipped off, locked away
Ain’t that neat?
Finally free
In Santa Fe
(CRUTCHIE, despite his attempts at being positive, finds his hope starts to dwindle as he remembers where he is)
Just… come home, is all I’m askin’
I’ve still got hope that you will show
Cause I’m dead if I can’t count on you today
But until then, I’ll hold on
To Santa…
(CRUTCHIE pauses for a split second, his voice breaking as he utters the next word.)
(CRUTCHIE collapses in sobs, for once completely alone.)
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whirligig-girl · 1 year
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Isabel Guz! In the 22nd-And-A-Half Century!
Image ID: Digital drawing of a Eaurp Guz and Hoshi Sato in the NX-01 starship Enterprise mess hall. Guz is a green slimegirl, Hoshi Sato is a japanese human woman. They are both wearing navy-blue united earth starfleet jumpsuits. Hoshi's uniform has blue lining and Guz's uniform has red lining. They both have ensign's pips. Guz looks a little flustered and melty, while Hoshi just looks happy. Guz is eating soup. Hoshi has a sandwich and some beans. There is a purple and blue nebula visible out the window.  End ID.
pre-ent-season-1 Introduction to Isabel Guz under the cut:
Ensign Guz was in the 602 club, enjoying a fruity beverage and talking to Ensign Reed about Titan V missiles. Guz was in uniform--her navy-blue jumpsuit with red stripes, but Reed was wearing a polo shirt and shorts. Reed spotted his crewmates from across the room and waived them over to the booth.
"Uh, Isabel, this is, ahem, Lieutenant Tucker and Commander Archer, from Project Enterprise."
"Please, call me Trip."
Guz's eyes went wide. "Wow! Howdy, I'm, uh, Ensign Isabel Guz, nice to meetchy'all."
Trip cocked his head to the side. "Ensign, where you from?"
"No clue sir, but I was raised in Greensboro."
"Ah, one of them reclaimation project towns?" Trip said.
Guz nodded. "There weren't much uh the city left after the 2nd civil war, but that meant it wasn't one of the targets during world war three."
Commander Archer chuckled to himself, then cleared his throat. "I think you and Trip have a lot in common. He was raised in Panama City."
"A real life Florida man...," Guz marvelled.
"In the flesh," Trip said.
"Have you ever made it out to Cape Canaveral? I know it's mostly a crater reclaimed by swamp at this point but I've heard the historical society opened the ruins of the VAB to visitors! I've always wanted to go, but I never found the time, and--"
"Calm down Ensign. I've done better than that. I've seen the preserved Saturn Five booster in Huntsville, Alabama."
"No... way..." Guz said.
"Forgive me for prying but, what's with the, uhh..." Archer said, gesturing vaguely at Guz's whole deal.
“The slime? The Vulcan scientists said I came to them as a cylinder of biomimetic compound salvaged from a Zaldan Empire ship. They didn't get any records, so I dunno what planet I'm from. Ain't like it matters; as far as I'm concerned, I'm from North Carolina."
"Zaldans?" Archer said
"They're at a similar level of development to Earth, but with much wider infrastructure. That's all the Vulcans told me about them.”
“So are you like, some kinda shapeshifter?” Trip said.
“If you want to learn all about me, feel free to read the Vulcan paper, Development and Maturation of a Biomimetic Mold Organism. If you can read Vulcan, that is. You’ll learn all about my shapeshifting abilities, or lackthereof; my fluidity, material structure, sentience profile… pain response.”
The table went silent. Guz looked down awkwardly, more upset that she’d made things awkward than about what the Vulcans did to her all those years ago.
“Hey, ma’am, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to--”
Guz feigned cheering up. “It’s ok. We all know how Vulcans can be!”
The waitress came up to the table. “The usuals, gentlemen?”
“Thanks, Ruby,” Archer said.
“How ‘bout Isabel?” Trip said.
“You’ve already guessed that one,” Ruby said.
“Damn,” Trip said, snapping his fingers.
“Wh-what was that about?” Guz said.
“Ruby said she’ll marry the first guy who guesses what she wants to name her kids.”
Guz muttered under her breath, “or maybe the first slimegirl…”
Archer furrowed his brow and pursed his lips, a little surprised.
Ruby came back with some drinks, and Archer continued in his small talk. “So, Ensign, where are you assigned?”
“I’m on Captain Jeffries’ engineering team.”
“Oh, damn, is he overworking you?” Trip said.
“I can handle the workload,” Guz said. “But I’m hoping to actually get… you know, out there some day. I’m hoping to get on one of those Freedoms, or maybe an Intrepid--”
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nyotasaimiri · 11 months
Arc Two 121
Nyota knew her crew well: less than fifteen minutes after she set a fresh muffin tray near the vents to let the smell waft through the ship, her entire crew had gathered in the kitchen, lured in as surely as bobfae to a sugarcane. Gizzie trailed uncertainly after Oldarva; she must have collected them on her way down. Mihre and Marcy arrived a little while after, their relieved expressions telling Nyota they must have gotten lost on the way.
“Did you sleep well?” Nyota asked, smiling at Marcy.
“Yeah.” Marcy interrupted herself halfway through with a huge yawn. “Maybe too well. I wanted to keep sleeping. But that smell is so good.”
“Isn’t it?” Hadley’s voice made Nyota jump; she hadn’t noticed her coming into the room. “Nyota makes the best breakfasts.”
“Good to see you out of bed again,” Nyota said, hiding her startle under a smooth smile. “I can’t claim this one, though. Lumen did all the work. I just told him the recipe.”
“Really? Could’ve fooled me.” She shrugged and snagged a muffin, biting into it with enthusiasm. “Say, we haven’t met, right? I’m Hadley.”
Mihre looked her up and down. “Yess,” they said carefully, “you certainly are.”
Hadley glared at them. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means this Floran knows much about the name Hadley.” They raised their hands to show lack of ill intent. “Not a professional interest these days.”
“Mihre is Namina’s older sibling,” Nyota explained, shifting slightly so she could get between them if things came to blows.
“Huh.” That seemed to be all Hadley needed to hear. “Another shady one, then? Nice to meet you. And you are…?”
“Marcy Reese. It’s a pleasure,” Marcy said, her smile only a little nervous. She’d been practicing, apparently. “I was one of Nyota’s classmates.”
“And a dear friend who supported me during my years on Earth,” Nyota added, putting a soothing hand on Marcy’s shoulder. “I lived with her and her family for a long while.”
Hadley considered this, stopping halfway to taking another bite of her muffin. “You said apex don’t really learn to cook most of the time, right? So you learned with her family?”
“Ye-es?” That wasn’t what Nyota had expected.
Hadley’s face lit up and she clapped her free hand on Marcy’s other shoulder. “You did us all a service. Great to have you aboard.”
Arjun almost choked on his coffee.
“Why are you acting like you’re in charge here, exactly?” Nyota could barely keep her voice steady; laughter tickled hard at her throat and threatened to rumble out if she relaxed her control at all. “And what do you mean, a service?”
Marcy’s eyes glittered with mischief. “Did you tell her about the plaster pancakes?”
“Ah. …so I did.”
“Then you have only yourself to blame.” Marcy patted Nyota’s hand with such acted pity that the laugh burst free. It was a solid minute before she could stop to catch her breath, lungs aching and tears tickling the corner of her eyes, her crew staring at her like she’d gone crazy and Marcy grinning right along with her. Like they were back on Earth, with no weight or grief between them. And this time, the feeling stayed. No cynical present bit into it.
What we had isn’t gone, Nyota realized, the thought sneaking in under her warm joy as she shook the last giggles out and drew a few careful breaths in. It’s just different: deeper, richer, stained but not broken. Not ruined. It’s still us. Still ours.
Hadley’s eyes were dancing. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh like that. Hey Lumen, you’ve been here longest. Is that a new trick?”
Lumen chuckled, his glow warm and bright as a hearth. “Sure is. Ain’t that music to my ears? I ain’t got ears, but ya get the point.”
“It’s not new to me,” Marcy said quietly, and her gentle, shy, hopeful smile told Nyota all she needed to know: she wasn’t wrong in her feelings. Wasn’t alone. Marcy had been afraid too. And now she wasn’t. “I didn’t think I would hear it again.”
“You’ll have to pardon the rust,” Nyota said, finally taking Marcy’s hand in hers. “But I think I will be knocking all of that loose, before long. First, though, we have muffins, and they will go cold if we keep gossiping.”
“If we keep harassing you, you mean?” Marcy grinned and elbowed her. “Ouch, geez. Your muscles are like armor.”
Hadley nodded with mock sadness. “Another victim of the Captain’s abs.”
Nyota’s retort got lost under her crew’s laughter, and the sound of Arjun actually inhaling his coffee this time.  
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chibi-pix · 8 months
Chibi watches V3D 11
Another night of Voltron: The Third Dimension!
Episode eleven. “Pidge Gets Iced”!?!?! Pidge-centric episode?!
Ooh! Excited for this!
“When nature threatens life, man must intervene.” But… uh… no? That is how life goes? And with a star collapsing and going supernova, what are you gonna do? Divert the energy? Stop it? The best you can and should possibly do is just evacuate if possible? But. These are just preliminary thoughts. I’ll find out what happens as I watch.
“-inhabitants who cannot be evacuated.” Oh… never mind. People can’t be taken from there. And they found a way to stop it. Well. Hopefully it works for the sakes of those inhabitants.
Hopefully this new robot, Igor, doesn’t turn on Pidge in this. And telling Pidge that he can’t have the rest of the force with him… that’s Zarkon’s idea, ain’t it? SUS! It’s adorable. The droids on that planet don’t seem to know how to greet Pidge.
“I’ve got clearance for Area 52.” Keith calling it that, the last time I heard “Area 52” was in Looney Tunes: Back in Action; it was amusing in that, too. Okay, moving on.
Oooh. Zarkon swapping the calculator’s chip. That’s not good. And. It makes me wonder how things were in the past episodes.
Oh no, Igor messed up the other droids! Poor droids. Poor babies…
“Green lion. What did he do to you?” Uh. Froze her, obviously.
Oh great. Why does it not surprise me that Lotor showed up on the frozen planet? Jeez. Just when I hoped we’d go an episode without him. Pity.
Igor isn’t the sharpest tool in the sheld telling them what became of Pidge. Well, hopefully the fiery red lion can help thaw Green. And poor Pidge! He’s all cold! Someone hug him til he’s warmer! “We gotta find Pidge-buddy fast!” I love the emphasis on Pidge being Hunk’s buddy.
“No one butts heads like a black cat.” Small deviation from the episode, but. After finally having a black cat in my life? I can feel this is accurate. My cat picks more fights with the others just for looking at her or snuggling me than not. She’s feisty with them. Okay, back to the episode.
Igor falling from the ship, and all I can think is “I’m free, freeFAAAAAAAALLING!”
It was a little concerning when Red’s first strike didn’t melt the ice. But hey! She got it in the end! Good job, Red! And they may need her for that icy robeast.
Ooooh! Using the shield to collect the ice from the robeast and then to use on the star is interesting. I didn’t expect that one as a delivery system. Nicely done! I enjoy that little surprise.
Proof that meets alliance standards? Jeez… Damn calculator and altered chip. I hope they can get solid proof soon. Because Zarkon needs to be outed.
Well, with that? Here we are. The eleventh episode. I actually enjoyed this one.
Anyway! That's it for the night! Until next time!
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tommyarashikage · 2 years
5 A few Songs OTP Playlist
I was tagged by the very beloved @adelaidedrubman​​ to list 5 songs that fit my ships! (I may have to many ships, so some will get less songs to not make this too long...) Playlists are always fun, so thank you for the tag! 💕
tagging (no pressure); @sstewyhosseini​​ @natesofrellis​​ @aceghosts​​ @hoesephseed​​ @thomrainer​​ @indorilnerevarine​​ @risingsh0t​​ @dihardys​​ @josephslittledeputy​​ @confidentandgood​ @lethal-justice​​ @roofgeese​​ @shellibisshe​ @ghastlyrider​​ @socially-awkward-skeleton​​ and anyone who would like to tag me!
just like last time, prepare for a(n unnecessarily) long post beneath the cut! 🤡
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now, who would I be if I didn’t give these two clowns 5 songs...
so, obviously they’re not only going on a journey but a whole rollercoaster of emotions; at first Zoiya is all cocky and on her typical brat behaviour and then the feelings kick in and boohoo look at her being confused and a lil sad :’( cry about it but hey, in the end they’re happy and disgustingly cute and in love
Dirty Thoughts - Chloe Adams
I get dirty thoughts about you // They get worse when I'm without you || When I'm lonely // All the corners of my mind start racing || But when you hold me // In the fantasy, it's so convincing
Love Like Mine - Stela Cole
You better treat me right // I'm a one in a billion, make that a zillion //  Cause I'll make a boy cry // Doesn't matter if I stay or go // You'll be wanting more || Baby, you'll never find a love like mine // I'll make you scream and I'll make you want it // You can be my ride or die
My Love - Florence + The Machine
So tell me where to put my love // Do I wait for time to do what it does? // I don't know where to put my love
Only You - Cheat Codes & Little Mix 
I'm broken here tonight and, darling, no one else can fix me // Only you, only you // Oh, no one else can fix me, only you
Our Love - Curtis Harding, Jazmine Sullivan
So, I don’t worry my head ‘cause I know her heart is tied to mine // The life that we live and the love that I give to her // Each day it grows more and more I’m sure, it shows || And after all // The rain will fall // On us too // But I’ll keep movin’ on // Proud and strong with you
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Devil I Know - Allie X
I think I made a big mistake // You keep messing with my brain // I want to, wanna get free // But staying with you is easier, than leaving || Baby, you're the devil I know // Better than the devil I don't // Maybe I could stop, but I won't
Killer - Valerie Broussard
They told me you are a killer, a killer // I saw your collection of hearts and I shoulda known better, better // 'Cause they told me you a killer, a killer // And I've got no doubt that the only way out of this thriller // Is if I am a killer too [all of this in the most literal sense]
Serial Killer - Moncrieff, JUDGE
You say you hate me in the morning // Could take my life without a warning // But I know, I know, I know it ain't true ||  And your love's a drug that takes me so high, high // Lights go down and you break mad // And you can find her on the war path // And she's not the same in the daylight ||  But that's what makes me feel alive
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Take On Me - a-ha
We're talking away // I don't know what I'm to say // I'll say it anyway // Today's another day to find you // Shying away // I'll be coming for your love, okay?
not only the song, but also the music video fit so well. they’re literally from two different comic universes...
Heaven Is A Place On Earth - Belinda Carlisle
When the night falls down // I wait for you and you come around || In this world we're just beginning // To understand the miracle of living // Baby, I was afraid before // But I'm not afraid anymore
Footloose - Kenny Loggins
the song itself is very special to them, it not only was the first time Bruce got Carol to dance, but also to laugh, out loud, genuinely, which she hasn’t done for so many years 
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Can’t Take My Eyes Off You - Frankie Valli
so this was after their not-really-a-breakup-because-they-weren’t-even-together-breakup, after Rose was caught by Two-Face, Adrian comes to her rescue and makes one hell of an entrance by singing this song while fighting off goons (totally not inspired by 10 things I hate about you *cough*)
Be My Baby - The Ronettes
skip a few action scenes and a few hours later, the roles are reversed and this is Rose’s entrance to save the guy who saved her first, but didn’t manage to get away
Sunny - Boney M.
Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain // Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain // The dark days are gone // And the bright days are here // My Sunny one shines so sincere // Sunny one so true, I love you
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shellibisshe · 2 years
—ship playlist
tagged by @marivenah and @roofgeese to list 5 songs that fit my ships! only 3 made the cut because I have far too many
tagging @indorilnerevarine @jackiesarch @risingsh0t @shallow-gravy @blackreaches @florbelles @multiverse-of-themind @loriane-elmuerto @leviiackrman @nuclearstorms​ @beautiful-delirium​ @ottobooty​ and anyone else!
this got atrociously long lmao so
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baby I’m yours | arctic monkeys
'Til the stars fall from the sky (Baby, I'm yours) 'Til the rivers all run dry (Baby, I'm yours)
francis forever | mitski
I don't need the world to see That I've been the best I can be, but I don't think I could stand to be Where you don't see me
ease my mind | hayley kiyoko
I need you to be here I need to see you crystal clear Like diamonds in a coal mine In the moonlight when you appear
we fell in love in october | girl in red
You look so pretty and I love this view Don't bother looking down We're not going that way
the king | sarah kinsley
So tell me Before we get older let's do everything You're scared of when it's over You're still young and you're still free
I want to be the king of your heart Let's fall apart and start again You'll see the end of me
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fire in the sky | anderson paak
I'm callin' it now I'm callin' it now I'm callin' it now You'll find love with me somehow, yeah somehow I'm callin' it now 
Fire in the sky  Now I can see brighter days
little numbers | boy
Looking at the cars that drive on by While spring is making promise outside Red cars are quite rare I realize Then I wonder which color you like
Seven little numbers baby, they could be a start Seven little numbers baby, I know yours by heart
falling for u | peachy, mxmtoon
I was hangin' with you and then I realized I didn't think it was true, I was surprised When I found out I've fallen for you
I didn't wanna believe my feelings for you I didn't wanna believe that I could lose you If I told you just how I felt
late night talking | harry styles
If you're feelin' down I just wanna make you happier, baby Wish I was around I just wanna make you happier, baby
We've been doin' all this late night talkin' 'Bout anythin' you want until the mornin' Now you're in my life I can't get you off my mind
i never wanna die | bea miller
'Cause you're so fuckin' special, oh And I don't wanna let go, oh 'Cause now I think I'm lookin' at you like it's the very first time You're just so fuckin' special
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saw you in a dream | the japanese house
I saw you in a dream You came to me You were the sweetest apparition, such a pretty vision There was no reason, no explanation The perfect hallucination
pancakes for dinner | lizzie mcalpine
I think that I should probably tell you this In case there is an accident And I never see you again So please save all your questions for the end And maybe I'll be brave enough by then
Well, maybe I won't ever say what's in my head No, I won't have to say anything You'll say it instead
gold rush | taylor swift
What must it be like To grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes My mind turns your life into folklore I can't dare to dream about you anymore
in dreams | sarah ferrell
I walk into the room and there you sit There you sit, you so alone and quiet I can't help but stare how I love you, and it just ain't fair
hey lover | daughters of eve
Hey, lover, won't you treat me right? And be with me tonight Just give me true love and understanding True love and understanding
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spell-cleaver · 2 years
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No. 25 SILENCE IS GOLDEN Lost Voice | Duct Tape | “You better start talking.”
Read it instead on AO3 or on FFN!
“Did you shut that kid up like I told you, Jen?”
Jen scowled. “Yeah, yeah, I tied him up in the back and taped his mouth shut, what do you want from me?”
“I want you to watch over him!” Alask crossed his arms and glared at him.
“He’s a kid.” He gestured to the image on the monitor. Alask was absolutely kriffing paranoid when it came to people on his ship and had holocams in literally all the rooms. Especially the cell. The kid they’d picked up, whose bounty was shockingly high for such a scrawny bastard, glared at him through the holocam. There was no way he knew what they were saying, though. “What is he, fourteen?”
“Bounty says nineteen.
“Bounties love pretending they’re more moral than they are, they wouldn’t want people balking at bringing in a child.”
“And are you?” Alask turned towards him, glaring. His crisp Core accent was at odds with his scruffy dark beard—theories among the crew were that he was ex-ISB, or even current ISB who had to slum it with all of them because he pissed off the wrong person, or the secret bastard of some posh person. The Emperor, maybe. Either way, Jen didn’t say anything explicitly bad about the Empire in front of him, which probably made everyone else suspicious of his loyalties, but better than being dragged in and tortured for all he was worth because Alask decided he was a Rebel. “Balking at bringing in a child?”
“If it was for free I would.”
“The millions of credits soothe your conscience?”
“It’s for a good cause. My pockets.”
Alask snorted. “That’s why you’re in charge of guarding the prisoner. If he escapes, you’re the one who loses your cut for the next five marks.”
Jen rolled his eyes but went to check on Skywalker.
“And,” Alask called after him, “go into Tinto’s bunk and shoot him.”
Jen paused. Before he could ask why, Alask continued:
“He’s gonna sell Skywalker back to the Rebels. Just do it.”
Jen went and did it—now, quickly, while he knew that Tinto was still asleep. Lazy bastard always crashed first thing after a raid, never bothered hanging out with them afterwards. A bolt through his skull, and he was dead. He was looking forward to splitting the bounty three ways instead of four, then.
Skywalker was still in his cell, chained to the wall. There was a bench opposite him that Jen sat himself down on, studying him. Alright, maybe he wasn’t fourteen. But he couldn’t be much older than sixteen. Seventeen? If he was a legal adult he’d eat his helmet.
This was the one who had blown up the Death Star? Damn. He’d known the Rebels got harsh—just look at some of the brutality the Partisans got up to, even if the Alliance seemed to wanna pretend they weren’t just like them—but indoctrinating a teenager made even him uncomfortable. Not uncomfortable enough to wanna help that teenager, of course—but hey, maybe that’s what the Emperor wanted to do with him. Help this poor kid out of his situation.
“You awake, kid?” Jen asked, just to get some reaction out of the still, slumped body. He’d heard he was a Jedi, and Alask had these fancy Force-sensitive binders he’d insisted on Jen using, but Jen hated touching them and hey, he hadn’t seen any Jedi shit from this guy yet. All he’d done is sit there and look sorry for himself. Which was good, Jen hated it when they fought and screamed, made his job a lot harder—he wasn’t a sadist—but it was pretty disappointing. He’d got himself all excited for this. “C’mon, I know you’re awake.”
Skywalker stayed sullenly silent. Admittedly he had to stay silent, his mouth was duct taped shut, but still. He could have the decency to open his eyes for Jen.
“If I don’t know you’re awake I’m gonna assume you died and pitch you into deep space. Your bounty’s for alive only, you know, we ain’t risking getting into trouble because you decided to die on us.” He had only minor injuries—broken face, broken arm, broken ribs—and shouldn’t be dying on them just yet.
You won’t dare risk killing such a valuable bounty unless you know for sure he’s dead. Jen shook off the thought. That was obvious. But he wanted Skywalker awake.
“Kid, wake up. Seriously. Now.”
He didn’t move. Jen stood up and punched him in the face.
That got a response. Skywalker didn’t stir—he was already awake, the bastard, obviously—but he did pry his puffy eyes open to glare at Jen. They were a fetching shade of blue. At least, he assumed they must be when they weren’t so bloodshot they looked purple.
“Alright. Good to know you are alive.” He inclined his head mockingly. “Thank you for your time.”
The prisoner gave a small, pained scoff, the tape on his mouth rippling. Jen didn’t care.
“Jen!” Alask barked. “Stop tormenting the kid.”
“Hey, it’s nothing that hurts, the bounty doesn’t say alive and unharmed—”
“I still don’t want him choking to death on his own blood. Get out of there if you’re too bored. I’ll tell Vaj to replace you.”
Jen rolled his eyes. But hey, maybe he could get some sleep like Tinto, now. Hopefully a less permanent one. “Alright, alright, boss, I’m coming.” He stepped out of the cell, making sure to lock it behind him. Skywalker wasn’t escaping on his watch. He wasn’t forfeiting a third of that beauty of a bounty.
Alask wasn’t in the cockpit when he strolled past it; he glanced at the screens and scoffed when he saw Vaj wasn’t even in the cell yet. Skywalker had closed his eyes again, changing his position to sit cross-legged. Jen was wasted in such a sluggish, incompetent team.
No matter. He strolled into his bunkroom and hit the pathetic excuse for a mattress, kicking his feet up. Dirt sprayed from his shoes onto the bedding.
Nothing let him sleep, though. Maybe it was a fear of ending up like Tinto. He rolled his eyes and rolled out of bed. They’d been in hyperspace for hours already. He should get something to snack on—not those ration bars. He knew that Tinto had had some fresh fruit in his bunk he was hoarding from the rest of them; if he didn’t eat it, no one would.
He ran into Vaj on the way out and rolled his eyes. “Shouldn’t you be watching Skywalker?”
“What?” she scoffed at his back, but he blew right past her. “Where are you going, anyway?”
He didn’t answer her, whistling under his breath. Tinto’s apples weren’t hard to find, and he savoured the crisp crunch under his teeth. When he had the cut of the bounty that was owed to him, he was never eating starsforsaken rations again. He chewed through the whole apple then grabbed the others—there were another three, honestly, he could’ve shared earlier—to drag back to his bunkroom. Tinto’s was starting to smell of blood and death.
The apples jostled under his shirt as he moved. Horribly, Alask caught him in the corridor. “What the hell’s going on?” he asked. “Why are you not watching Skywalker?”
Jen tried to duck around him before he could notice the apples. “Didn’t you say you’d put Vaj on that?” He stopped just at the entrance to the cockpit, frowning. “Hey, why’s the navicomputer recalculating?”
“It’s what?” Alask growled. He stalked towards it. “Who the hell did that? We gotta get that fixed, if not we’ll drop out of hyperspace in minutes.”
“Aren’t we supposed to?” Vaj reappeared, looking exasperated. “You told me to change it.”
Alask glared at her. “You know full well I did not.”
“Yeah, you did. Didn’t you tell Jen to watch Skywalker as well?”
“That, I did. Get back there.”
Jen still had those blasted apples to hide. “What? You said you’d send Vaj in to do that.”
“I did not, now get in there! I gotta fix this.”
“Alright, alright.” Jen ducked down the corridor to where Skywalker’s cell was, grimacing. He snuck out another apple and bit into it. “It’s your lucky day, Skywalker, you’ve got me back for company—”
The cell was empty. The chains that had held him dangled from the wall, untouched.
The chunk of apple fell out of Jen’s mouth.
“Skywalker’s gone!” he shouted, fruit mushing the words. He whirled back around, apples scattering over the floor in his haste. Forget about them. Without Skywalker, he wouldn’t ever have apples again. “Where the hell is the prisoner?”
“Where the hell is Tinto?” Vaj was saying. “He was meant to be in touch with our contact by now, let him know we were on our way.”
“Go check his bunk,” Alask ordered. He turned to Jen. “What is it now?”
“Skywalker’s gone.” Just as he said that, Vaj screamed. They both ignored her.
Alask’s face drained of colour. “What? Where?”
“I don’t kriffing know, do I?”
“We don’t have any escape pods and it’s clear he’s not in the cockpit! Go check the bunkrooms—”
“Skywalker’s loose?” Vaj demanded, returning. “Then he killed— he killed Tinto.”
“Already? How long—”
“I killed Tinto,” Jen said.
Vaj spun on him like a needle. “You killed my boyfriend?”
“Yeah? He was gonna sell us out to the Rebels. Alask told me to.”
Alask stared at him. “I did not.”
“What? Yeah, you did—”
“I didn’t tell you guys to kriffing kill Tinto, and I didn’t tell you to change the hyperspace course! What’s going on?”
“Maybe you’re losing it,” Jen suggested. Vaj punched him, hard enough to send him stumbling back, blood streaming from his nose. “Ugh!”
“You killed my boyfriend. You’re the one losing it—”
“I didn’t order this, Vaj,” Alask said. “You know I didn’t—and where is Skywalker—”
Vaj yanked out her blaster and levelled it in Jen’s face.
“Hey! Hey, put that thing away!”
“Is this your plan?” she hissed. “Take us out one by one, so you can get a bigger cut? We all know what you’re like about money, Jen. You’ll do anything for it.”
“Whereas you’ll do anything for a quick kriff, is that it—”
She shot him in the foot. Jen howled. “Alask ordered me to do it, kriff you!”
“I did not.”
She pivoted the blaster onto Alask. “Did you?” she demanded. “Really?”
She obviously didn’t believe him. Jen sure as hell didn’t, hopping on one foot. She butted him in the chest with the still-smoking tip of her blaster. “And what about you, huh? You’re ISB, we all know it. Disgraced or just low on the ladder? You planning on hiring this crew to capture Skywalker then deliver him to your higher-ups yourself having killed all of us off, getting all the credit—”
“Is this a mutiny?” Alask demanded. “You both pretending I gave you orders I didn’t? Without me, you don’t get Skywalker’s bounty, I’m the one here you need—”
“Tinto was the contact. He’s the only one connecting us to the buyer. Is the buyer even the Emperor? Or were you lying about that too?”
“It’s the Emperor,” Alask said. “Jen, back me up. You know I wouldn’t have ordered any of this.”
“You did order this!”
“I am ISB,” he snapped, staring down Vaj’s blaster. “Alright? Happy? Yeah, I am. But I’m still gonna pay you. So, you can put that down, shut up, and we can all get what we want, alright? Trust me.”
“I can’t do that.”
Jen scoffed. “Why would we do that?”
“Are you insane?” He looked between the two of them. Faster than Jen’s eyes could track, he drew his own blaster. “You’re actually insane—”
Vaj got him in the chest, but he’d been aiming for the head. They both went down. Jen gaped at the amount of blood spewing over the already filthy floors.
He looked back up.
Well, then. There was only one thing for it. Go to Tinto’s bunkroom again, get the contact details and coordinates, fix their hyperspace route, find Skywalker, and get that bounty. And pick up those apples again. At least he wouldn’t have to share anything this time—he was almost salivating at the thought of it.
The ship dropped out of hyperspace. He wasn’t expecting it; he almost slipped on all the blood, yelping. But he caught himself and ran to the cockpit.
He had no idea where they were. This was the middle of deep space, and the stars were unfamiliar. But he recognised that massive ship. Lord Vader’s Executor.
Alright, this could work. He’d hand Skywalker over to Vader, then, not the Emperor. He’d still get paid.
They had latched onto the ship. A shudder, and then they were tractoring him in. He turned—he needed to make the place acceptable for them to board, make sure Skywalker was trussed up neatly for them—but found he couldn’t move. He stayed standing behind the pilot’s chair in the cockpit, staring into nothing.
Not his head, not his arms, not his legs, but he could move his eyes. They flicked up to the holoscreens. The cam for the cockpit fed back to him: Skywalker was standing in the entrance. Jen hadn’t even heard him approach.
The duct tape was still across his mouth: a stark grey square.
“What’s this, kid?” he tried. The words came out garbled when he couldn’t move his lips. “Let me go!”
Skywalker’s eyes crinkled like he was smiling at him.
The ship settled in the belly of the Executor. The landing ramp whined and lowered. Sharp footsteps strode up it, but it was the respirator that truly announced who had arrived.
It released a sharp, semi-exasperated breath. “Was the insanity really necessary, Luke?”
Skywalker’s lips were still sealed, but he spoke. Always, Father.
“I will have to explain the loss of an ISB agent to the Emperor. Palpatine still wants the Death Star pilot apprehended.”
Tell him that the very scum he liked to associate with killed him. If he wants to lord it over bugs, he should be wary of catching a disease.
“That is so. Then, the Death Star pilot escaped, and we happened to run into the bounty hunters’ gutted ship.” On the holocams, Vader brushed a thumb down Skywalker’s cheek. “The Rebellion suspect nothing?”
Princess Leia considers me her closest friend.
“I am proud of you. What are you going to do with this one?”
Skywalker turned Jen around: his limbs unlocked, and he jerked around in a clatter of muscles contracting. His eyes were glittering gold as he beheld him.
He was particularly cruel. You’re always telling me I need to practise my interrogation techniques, Father.
“He will tell you nothing of worth.”
I know. Vader reached for the tape over Skywalker’s mouth and tore it away. Skywalker grimaced, smacking his lips, but grinned with slightly bloody teeth. “That’s the fun of it.”
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snappedsky · 1 year
Borderlands: Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter
Skies, Timothy, and the Vault Hunters fight their way into the Handsome Jackpot.
If you haven’t seen my post about it, I’ve decided to change my update schedule. Instead of every other Sunday, Skies will now update every Sunday!
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
The Handsome Jackpot: Chapter 1
It’s a rough ride as the security tractor beam pulls the drop ship into the casino. Skies, Timothy, and the Vault Hunters hold on tight as they’re jostled around, until the ship finally lands inside the casino’s entrance. The hatch opens up and they stumble out.
“Sorry about the rough entry,” Moxxi says through their ECHO communicators. “Security tractor beams don’t play gentle.”
Just in front of them is a large door with the Handsome Jackpot logo and ‘WELCOME’ displayed overhead in bright neon letters. As they approach, they pass by machines with a big button that reads ‘Win’. Zane presses one and money pops out of a drawer.
“Hey, free money,” he smiles.
“Oh, it ain’t free,” Skies replies, “you now owe the casino like a thousand dollars.”
“What? But I only got two hundred.”
“Yeah. This whole thing is rigged as hell.”
“That’s Jack for ya,” Timothy grunts.
They go through the entrance into a big hallway with velvet carpeting, tapestries of Jack’s face on the walls, and big windows looking out into space.
“I’ll keep Sanctuary away from the casino before we all become permanent guests,” Moxxi says, “Jack’s idea of a good customer was one that couldn’t leave.”
“Was Jack really that big of a dick?” Amara asks.
“At least those have redeeming qualities,” she replies, “Jack was a tyrant and a bastard to his core. The only thing he loved more than himself was making others hurt. He left scars on all of us.”
The Vault Hunters glance with concern at Skies and Timothy, who regretfully glare at the ground, clearly lost in memories.
Skies quickly clears her throat. “This place must’ve been locked down since Jack was killed by the last Vault Hunters seven years ago. Who knows what’s been happening inside so be ready for anything.”
Everyone nods and keep their weapons ready as they enter a large room with giant statues of Jack. They press through it into an even bigger room as camera flashes go off. Up a small set of stairs is another doorway with ‘CASINO’ in big letters overhead, and over that a large hologram of Handsome Jack appears.
“Jack here! Welcome to the Handsome Jackpot! Who’s ready to give me their money?” the hologram exclaims.
Timothy shudders. “It’s been so long since I’ve heard his actual voice.”
As the team approaches, they notice the doorway is actually blocked by a large slot machine. “Hey-hey-hey, we got a new chump! I mean customer. Ah, whatever, you’re already here. You gotta spin the wheel to get in, dumb-dumb,” the hologram explains.
“Alright, have at it, kiddos,” Skies says. She motions to a lever sticking out of the mouth of a statue of Jack’s face in the floor and Moze pulls it.
“Ohohoho, what are you gonna win? I’m so excited,” the hologram cheers.
The slot machine flips to three faces of Jack and flashes red.
“Oh, sorry, kiddos,” the hologram says, “the Jackpot can detect poverty-stricken Vault Hunters a bazillion miles away. VIPs only, bitch.”
“Wow, he is a dick,” Moze grunts.
“It’s also detected lazy subordinates who should be doing their jobs instead of slacking off at my casino,” the hologram snaps.
“Oh, slag you, Handsome Jack-off,” Timothy groans as he and Skies flip it off.
“Ooooh, insubordination detected.”
“I’ll show you insubordination,” Skies snaps as she whips out her pistol and shoots the hologram. The bullet passes harmlessly through its head, but it seems to be piss it off as more red lights start flashing.
“Oho-kay, how about a consolation prize,” the hologram says, “let’s see what you’ve won...it’s a bunch of murder-bots! You’re so stupid.”
Loader bots digistruct into the room and begin firing at the team. They quickly duck behind cover as the Vault Hunters fire back.
“Been a while since I’ve seen these guys,” Skies remarks, “you gonna be alright, Tim?”
“Yeah,” he replies as he readies his SMG. “No problem.”
Together, they tear through the onslaught of loader bots, but more just keep coming.
“The house always wins, Vault Hunters,” the Jack hologram says, “and I’m the, uh...well, I’m basically the frickin’ house. Whatever. You’re gonna die now.”
“Ugh,” Skies groans with disgust. “I have not missed the way you never shut up. We’re not playing Jack’s game. Cover me, guys!”
She stands up as her friends lay down cover fire and pulls out two small bombs from her coat, which she whips at the door. As soon as they hit, she activates their detonators and completely blows up the giant slot machine. The Vault Hunters finish off the remaining loader bots, and no more show up.
“Oh, you survived. Congratulations,” the Jack hologram says sarcastically. “But that’s a shame for you, because the cost of every one of those loader bots- and the frickin’ door- just went on your tab! Now you’re in the debt to the Jackpot, kiddos. Once you’re in, you’re never getting out.”
“Tch, whatever. I can afford it,” Skies grunts.
“That’s Jack for ya,” Moxxi says, “dead seven years and he’s still trying to screw us. But don’t worry about that debt. Once I’m in charge of the casino, I’ll wipe the slate clean.”
Skies, Timothy, and the Vault Hunters go through the smouldering doorway into a room with ambient lighting. On either side of the walkway are rows of slot machines as they head up to another doorway flanked by two golden Jack statues.
“That debt scheme is how Jack kept people from leaving the casino- and from winning,” Skies explains, “since they’ve been stranded all this time, they’re probably not gonna be very happy. Stay sharp, kiddos.”
They go through the doorway onto a balcony of a very large room lit up with many neon signs. On the floor below are more slot machines and goons with guns.
“Hey, meal ticket!” a scruffy voice shouts. “Wanna play?”
“Case in point,” Skies grunts as she grabs her assault rifle.
The team ducks behind the banister of the balcony and begin firing at the goons. As they do so, a large door on the other side of the room opens up and loader bots march in.
“Oh, crap! Loaders! The boss is after us!” a cowardly voice cries.
“Boss?” Timothy questions.
“Somebody else must have taken control since Jack died,” Skies muses, “whoever they are, they won’t give it up easily.”
Even with the added loader bots, the team make quick work of their enemies and head through the now opened door. They enter an exterior area with trash on the ground and graffiti decorating the walls. In the distance is a large, golden structure reaching into the sky.
“That tower is the control centre,” Skies explains as she points to it. “To take over the casino, we’ll have to get inside. And probably whoever has taken control since Jack’s death is there too.”
“Hopefully they won’t give us too much trouble,” Timothy adds.
“I hope otherwise,” FL4K argues, reloading their shotgun.
“There’s a subway connecting all the parts of the casino,” Skies continues, “I doubt it’s working, but we can follow the tracks to the main strip and from there we can reach the tower.”
“Sounds easy enough,” Zane comments.
The team go down multiple sets of stairs until they reach a subway station. Bandit hovels have been set up and more enemies emerge out of them, guns blazing.
“Ugh, great, more of this,” Timothy groans.
“Don’t sound so disappointed, Timothy,” Amara grins, “this is the fun part.”
The team race around the station, taking out all the bandits. Once it’s clear, they head down the tracks into another bandit camp. Here, they meet a particularly large bandit with spiky armour.
“You the one in charge here?” Skies ask.
“I’m Third Rail!” he barks, “turn back now or by all means roll the dice, if you’re feeling lucky.”
“I make my own luck,” she grunts.
“That’s it, meal ticket! I warned you!”
Third Rail whips out a large rocket launcher. The team doesn’t have time to dodge as he fires, but Moze hops into her Iron Bear mech and blocks the shot, taking the brunt of the explosion. Skies leaps over her as Third Rail is reloading and lands on him, tackling him to the ground. Before he can try to recover, a blade pops out of her right fist and she smashes it into his face, turning his head to mush.
“Nice punch,” Timothy comments.
“You good, Moze?” Skies ask.
“No problem,” she replies as her mech disappears. “My Iron Bear can handle anything.”
The team leave the bandit camp and follow the tracks, stopping when they reach a dark tunnel.
“This will take us to the Spendopticon, the main strip,” Skies explains. “Moxx, we’ll likely lose you as ECHO signal gets spotty the deeper we go into the casino. Can’t have customers calling for help after all.”
“Then I should be forward with you,” she replies, “this heist...it’s personal. Jack and I were an item, briefly. Back then, I dreamed of opening a casino. Jack even promised to bankroll it. But he turned out to be a psychopath, and calling the breakup messy would be generous. He stole my designs to build this place, and taking it back is my way of scratching him out of my books forever.”
“Then I guess we both benefit from this heist in more ways than one,” Skies says, “you know, I’ve been wanting to use what I’ve gained from Jack’s legacy to try and help the people he screwed over. So let’s consider this casino my make-up gift to you for having to date Jack.”
Moxxi chuckles. “Deal.”
“Alright. We’ll keep you updated as much as we can,” she smiles and nods to the tunnel. “Let’s roll, kids.”
The team enter the darkness and head deeper into the Handsome Jackpot.
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More incorrect quotes, this time with the dynamic duo of Chris and Carl. I know I don't talk about my ocs much, and I'd appreciate if you gave them a chance even if you usually only follow me for my fnaf sun and moon stuff. Essentially Chris is a quiet, serious bookworm and Carl is an extroverted goofball, and they have a really fun friendship. Note that I LOVE asks, so if you have any questions about certain things, even if it is just general questions because you don't know their names or whatever, it means so much to me really. :)
Chris: Carl... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? Carl: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Chris: Chris: I wrote sanitize, Carl.

Carl: Happy October 32nd! Second Halloween! Chris: That doesn't exist. Carl: Not with that attitude.

Carl: Assert your dominance over your friends by kicking them in the face, and then giving them a little smooch on the forehead!

Chris: So, she kissed me. Carl: And you kissed her back? Chris: No, I kissed her mouth.

Carl: "What are you into?" is such a broad question, like do I reply with a TV series or choking?

Chris: Damn, the power went out. Carl: Don’t worry, I got this. Carl: *stomps foot* Chris: What-? Carl: *Sketchers light up*

Chris: *walking around disappointed after visiting an aquarium* Carl: Chris, what did you think a tiger shark was?

Chris: Hey, aren’t you Carl? Carl: You a cop? Chris: No. Carl: Then yes, I am.
(basically how they met /hj)

*out grocery shopping* Carl: *takes a free sample twice* Carl: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.
Carl: Next time I'm at the pet store, I'm gonna take a hamster and drop it in the scorpion cage. I wanna see what a hamster's face looks like when it goes, "oh, fuck."
Chris: Did you like the food I made? Carl: No, not really. Chris: But I put my heart and soul into it! Carl: No wonder it tastes so cold and dead.
( “be happy your kitchen is still intact”)
Chris: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry? Carl: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition.
Chris: You know what I’ve realized? Carl: Some thoughts are better left unsaid? Chris: Nice try, anyways-
Chris: If I stay in bed I'll be warm. If I get in the shower, I'll also be warm. But the distance between the bed and shower? No. That is not warm.
Carl: Why are you like this?? Chris: I used too much "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid and I haven't felt a single emotion since.
(This is concerningly accurate lmao.)
Carl: I’m scared that when you become rich and famous you’ll be embarrassed by me. Chris: Oh Carl, I’m already embarrassed by you.
(Chris, the master comforter)
Chris: My only talent is being stress. Carl: Don't you mean stressed? Chris: No.
(Being a workaholic does that to ya)
Carl: Chris, I beg of you. Please, PLEASE go to the doctor. Chris: Hey, I'm sorry. Is this OUR stab wound?
(I love how I got this one both for Sun/Moon AND my ocs, and in both instances they fit perfectly on the first go. Every duo has that one person that never looks out for their own well being ig)
Chris: *seductively takes off glasses* Chris: Wow... Carl: *blushes* Haha... what? Chris: You're really fucking blurry.
(I don’t ship these two- though Carl is gay- but I thought the glasses thing was funny and fit Chris well as he... well can’t see shit without glasses)
Carl: Would you like something to drink? *They open the fridge* We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr. Pepper- Chris: Spiders? Carl: Spiders it is then. Chris: No, that wasn’t- *But they were already pouring them a brimming glass of spiders…*
Carl: When I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case? Chris: wHat? Carl: I want to be on Buzzfeed Unsolved. Chris: Can we go back to the part when you said "when I get murdered"?
Carl: Watcha doin? Chris: Stealing my neighbour’s cat. Carl: Scandalous. Carl: Can I help?
*Carl sends more than 5 messages in a row* Chris: I ain’t reading all that. Chris: I’m happy for you tho. Chris: Or sorry that happened.
Chris: I will beat all of you in Rock, Paper, Scissors. You go first. Carl: Rock. Chris: Paper.
(This was promptly followed by a pause as Carl processes what just happened, while Chris grins like that one smug cat with knives pointed at them)
Chris: What's that? Carl: Chocolate. Chris: What's chocolate? Carl: Candy. Do they not have candy where you're from? Chris: Yeah. Grapes, nuts. Carl: No wonder you're so bitter.
Chris: So you're looking for information on this thing, huh? Well, I feel like it must be from far away. Carl: What makes you say that? Chris: If it's something even I don't know about, then I'm sure nobody else must have a clue. So it's gotta be from some faraway place. Impeccable reasoning, isn't it? Carl: Chris... You don't have a clue about this thing, do you? Chris: *screams in anger*
Carl: I'm going the fight the next person who insults Chris. Chris: I hate myself. Carl: Alright, square up.
(Carl may be a dork, and mildly an idiot, but he means well.)
Carl: I’m quick at math. Chris: Ok, what’s 38 times 76? Carl: 24. Chris: That wasn’t even close. Carl: But it was quick.
Carl: Every zoo is a petting zoo unless you’re a coward. Chris: I’m worried about you.
Chris: Hello, my name is Failure, and you're watching my life crumble into pieces. Chris: *waves their finger and sings like they're in a Disney Channel intro*
(He’s very hard on himself :w:)
Carl: It'll be fun. Carl: We'll make a day of it. Carl: Come on you punk bitch. Chris: I can't believe I have to say this. Chris: I don't have time to get tested for sti's with you tomorrow.
(Chris is asexual which makes this even funnier tbh)
Chris: Do you even know what an amulet is? Carl: Of course I do! I eat amulets sometimes. I like the ones with cheese and onions! Chris: Carl, those are omelettes. Carl: Oh. Then I’ve got nothing.
Carl: Try not to roll your eyes at me. Chris: I don't have pupils.
(Fun fact: Old Candy doesn’t have visible pupils, yet everyone knows when he is rolling his eyes.)
Chris: I’m going to hell. Carl: Probably. Chris: I'll pick you up? Carl: *nodding* Carpool.
Chris: When I was your age- Carl, mocking Chris: When I was your height. Chris: Chris: Listen here you little shit-
(Chris is 28, Carl is 25. But he is a bit shorter then him, and he hates it XD)
Chris: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this? Carl, sighing: Fine. We're cowabunga.
(Chris is using a very outdated socializing dictionary okay??)
Carl: I won a new phone in a race. Chris: Huh? What kind of race lets you win a phone, Carl? Carl: A race between the store owner, the cop, and me.
Chris: Carl likes to say ‘you can be part of the problem or part of the solution,’ but I happen to believe you can be both.
Chris: *holds a gun out to Carl* Carl: I-I don't believe in guns. Chris: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
Chris: I like wearing oversized sweaters. Not just because they're extremely comfy and cuddly, but because whenever the sleeves are really big, I get to flop them around and smack people.
(What can I say? Chris is a wee bit feral)
Chris: Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices. Chris: Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
(Who needs sleep schedules?)
Chris: I can't imagine what Carl is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
Chris: I’m sad. Carl: Don’t be sad, because sad backwards is das. Carl: And das not good.
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mazojo · 2 years
I rly rly hope Aqua doesn't 'end up' with either girl, it would be less creepy if the mangaka didn't keep bringing up the fact that he IS an adult and both of them are teens. Like Kana becomes an idol specifically bc of a crush, and Akane is openly called a kid. And that scene in the diner, where he says he used to play around w girls? Amazing, a harem manga where the LEAST creepy ship is the guy and his mom
Ngl all aqua ships have always rubbed me the wrong way and made me uncomfy. Like I know he has the body of the same age as the others and what not but I can’t stop thinking of him as his doctor self so it just makes me incredibly off put. I like his relationship with Kana as friends because I think he does help both her and Akane in his own kind of weird way to grow as individuals but romantically it ain’t there for me
Specially because he kept using them and like idk,,,,,, they both deserve so much better
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