#but his siblings are so naive its crazy
killerpancakeburger · 11 months
Astarion trying to rally his siblings: Don't we deserve better?
Also Astarion literally 2 seconds later: Make me your new master.
Me: We don’t have the same definition of "better".
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angels-fantasy · 5 months
Hii this is my first ever request so I'm so sorry if it's bad😭 But recently this has been like in the back of my head and I couldn't find any fics abt it. So basically it's Brothers best friend Bakugo... I'm low-key so embarrassed but I thought it would be cool for some angst 🤭 I love your works and I hope I'm not bothering, i hope you have a nice day!!
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My Brother's Bestfriend Is The One For Me!
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Details: umm little confessions at the end tee hee, nothing too crazy. reader gets in their head about some tingz, silly katsuki
Word Count: 1k
hello im sorry i replied a little late, thank you sm for your request this is an awesome idea :D i hope you have a nice day too <3 i tried my best at some angst 🥲 i hope i did your request justice! also plsss someone know what im referencing in the title lolol. its not exact but its close XD
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ever since you were a kid, you had a crush on your older brother's best friend-katsuki bakugou-who was also older than you, but only by two years! so it wasn't that bad, really.
watching him grow up into the handsome man he is now was hard, especially when you were always seen as the annoying, younger sibling that just wanted to hang out with the older kids.
though something that was even harder was having to watch people throw themselves at your childhood crush, only to see them grow disappointed at his arrogant personality.
this frustrated you because you knew katsuki better than any of those losers did. you knew how to work around his rough edges, how to tell apart his real anger from his teasing words, and so many other things about him.
but if you knew him better than everyone else that was interested in him, why didn't he want you back? did he still only see you as his best friend's annoying, younger sibling? he couldn't have, right?
that exact thought lingered in your mind every time katsuki was around. there was no way you didn't have at least a small chance with him, especially considering the fact that he'd never had a serious relationship before. it wasn't that he couldn't get one, because he definitely could, but it was because he chose not to.
katsuki was ambitious, and he didn't want to let anything get in his way while he was training to become a pro-hero, and that included relationships. now maybe you were naive for this, but sometimes you really thought you were different in his eyes, and you would have a chance with him.
so here you were, sitting at the dining table in your parents house across from katsuki. your brother had invited him over, like he usually did. you forgot the reason why, all you knew was that your crush was coming over, so you were excited.
but now that you were sitting across from him, you couldn't help but squirm in your seat nervously under his gaze.
"what's up with you?" he asked, causing your family to turn their attention towards you.
your face burned. "er-nothing. i'm just tired... i didn't sleep well last night." you lied, making katsuki squint at you while your family shrugged off your excuse and went back to their conversation.
the rest of the dinner continued on, with you occasionally picking at your food and glancing up at katsuki, who had caught you looking multiple times.
once everyone was done eating, you immediately offered to wash the dishes, just trying to find any excuse to get away from your crush's intense gaze. since you were cleaning up and it was late at night, you could hear your parents go to their bedroom and your brother tell katsuki he'd be waiting in his.
as you were washing dishes you felt a presence behind you, and you knew exactly who it was.
"hey, buggy." he said, ruffling up your hair and making you groan in annoyance. 'buggy' was your childhood nickname, given to you by none other than katsuki, when he found you playing with a few bugs one day.
he hasn't let you live it down since.
"i don't even play with bugs anymore! i was like five, katsuki." you said, growling at a particular stain that wouldn't wash off very easily.
he crossed his arms, and leaned against the counter next to you, silently watching as you continued to wash the rest of the dishes.
when you were done with the last dish, you dried your hands and turned to him. "why are you here, stalking me? shouldn't you be hanging out with my brother or something?" you snarled, getting frustrated at his company. usually, you'd appreciate it, but these past few weeks he'd been oddly quiet around you - especially when you two were alone.
"maybe i just wanna hang out with you, buggy. is that a problem?"
you clenched your fists, feeling your frustration boil over. how could he act like he wasn't doing anything wrong? did he not realize that he'd been making you feel flustered and confused all the time?? these past few months he'd been behaving strangely around you, and you didn't know what to think of it.
"stop messing with me." you said in a serious tone, looking down at your feet. "you always confuse me with all the shit you say and i hate it! i don't know what to think anymore!"
a part of you felt bad for yelling at him like this, but you couldn't help yourself.
you glanced up at his face and saw his shocked expression, and you wondered what he was going to say next. probably something stupid.
he sighed heavily and ran a hand through his spiky hair, "'m not tryna confuse you... i just-ugh. you're actually not a shitty person to talk to." he confessed, reluctantly of course.
you shook your head at his words. "you don't have to lie, i know i'm probably more of a little sibling in your eyes anyway." you said, making your way around him to go upstairs to your bedroom until he stepped in front of you, blocking your way.
"you actually think that?" he sneered.
"well it's what you make me think!"
your words made him sigh and he put his hands on your shoulders. "shut up and listen okay? i'm not good at this crap, so just let me talk." he demanded, making you pout, but nod in agreement.
"i like your dumbass and i just don't know any other way to tell you..." he said quietly with bright red ears. you just continued to stare at him, not believing his words, which scared him.
he shook your shoulders slightly, "say something dammit!"
"sorry! i...i just don't know what to say." you said, bring your hands up to your shoulders to grab his and hold them in your own. "but, i like you too. i have liked you for a long time."
after hearing yourself admit you like him out loud, you let go of his hands and brought them to your face to cover your burning cheeks.
he laughed his loud cackle and brought you in for a bear hug, "no way, little buggy actually likes me?" he teased, "i always thought you were scared or somethin'."
"well, i was scared sometimes..." you mumbled.
the two of you continued to embrace each other for a while, silently, until katsuki spoke up. "y'know you're mine now, right buggy?"
your heart fluttered, "only if you're mine too."
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authors note
i lowkey got lazy in the end im sorry if you can tell 😔 but i hope you enjoyed !
taglist for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot @b134ch-m4h-ey3z
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jaythedagger · 8 months
the possible endings / final characters in ‘until dawn’ and what would be my favourite potential interrogation lineups for the movie:
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jess and ashley - two survivors
jessica being the final girl was my favourite ending until last year where i rewatched a playthrough and realised how scary this possibility would be for both of the girls and the investigators. you have one survivor, severely physically injured and upset who doesn’t have a clear picture on anything that happened that night at all; she can only provide brief details from her own experience, as well as her worry for her boyfriend mike, which is all expected and ordinary. and then the other survivor, who saw elaborate torture chambers and murder and supernatural, carnivorous beasts tearing her friends apart and just before you think she is going crazy and that neither of their stories coincide, she says she heard jessica calling out to her in the mines, and when jessica is asked about this? it’s the only thing she is certain about; she did not call out to ashley that night.
jess - lone survivor, final girl
there is something about a horror / thriller story that finishes with no living person knowing what actually happened. jessica is so exhausted, and checked out, and is going in and out of confusion and worry. you just feel terrible for her. the viewer knows her character is completely different and has had the biggest shift among all of the characters. jess will never recover from this. she doesn’t know what happened to all of her group (including her boyfriend) and likely never will, because she has no idea what happened. another unsolved case plagues the mountain.
sam - lone survivor, final girl
you think everyone is about to be in the ground. bloody. perished. very, very dead. until wendigo hannah saves sam, showing that the sisters’ memories still survive and so do their feelings regarding these people who were once their friends. hannah is thanking her for not participating in the groups antics on the night of their death. she was her best friend! its an emotional and unexpected ending. and sam’s interrogation is incredible. i can picture her way into the future becoming one of those older women with a folktale that spreads around town telling what happened that night and after no one believes her, she goes insane and closes herself off from the world, living in a cabin of her own.
everyone lives (hooray!)
for obvious reasons. it’s badass. it’s beautiful. it’s action-horror movie swag. they make it out of the cabin with mike and sam’s survival tactics, wendigo hannah saves sam, and they all have each other. then we get the scene of wendigo josh that highlights the only person that suffered hannah and beth’s tragic fate was their own sibling who didn’t get the help he needed and in turn, tried to make his whole friend group suffer through a torturous and traumatic night due to the consequences of their actions, however naive and accidental they were.
i would love to hear the opinions from anyone who had the time to read this far. who is in your final ‘until dawn’ line-up? ⏳
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thelealinhypehouse · 1 year
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art by @theoasiswinds BOLD the FACTS
Thanks for the tag @imperial-topaz2003 !
Born to respected military family he break tradition and become doctor and chemist
Financial: wealthy / moderate/ poor / in poverty Mercenary life pays good
Medical: fit / moderate/ sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable Always prepared to fight and at least without any major injuries.
Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other The best doctor you ever meet but gonna be sassy and snarky that you get yourself injuried
Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed Hunting Siths, trying to kill own Father...yeee
Very complicated situation with Father. He is only close to his annoying sister.
Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable After trying to kil his Father he was disowned and officially exiled. Not much for AIn because he didn't want back there.
♦ extroverted / introverted / in-between
♦ disorganized / organized / in-between
♦ close-minded / open-minded / in-between
♦ calm / anxious / in-between / highly contextual
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
♦ cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual
♦ patient* / impatient / in-between *Patient only on missions, but so much anger when someone gonna do something stupid or reckless
♦ outspoken / reserved / in-between / highly contextual
♦ leader / follower / in-between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between
♦ traditional / modern / in-between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in-between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / in-between / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / in-between / unknown
Ok, there is the Force, and its stupid and make people gone crazy. No thanks.
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care That would be weird if don't
Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
Philosophical: yes / no / highly contextual
Thats the wild time. He and his sister have high libido. Seduce and conquer.
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Military family and Imperial Intelligence give him allot of experience in combat.
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none
Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
There was a time when he was addicted to pills to be always on at full capacity
Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic / former borderline alcoholic turned sober
Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict Former addict
Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gamble
This was fun! I maybe gonna do for Sall too! No pressure tags for @swtorpadawan @cryo-lily @vexa-legacy @ainyan @eorzeashan @raven-of-domain-kwaad
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Round 2
Propaganda why Dean Winchester is insufferable:
Really mean to Cas (called him a child, zero respect for him, calls him family and casts him out when the angels are looking for him), and an absolute dick to Jack (threatening to kill him CONSTANTLY)
>Was a misogynist (loved to call women skanks, bitches, hoes)
>Used gay as an insult multiple time during the show's run (idc if he's gay an homophobic, that's still insulting)
>Beat up his brother for being possessed
>Beat up his brother for losing his soul (not his brother's fault)
>Used dubious consent to get his brother possessed in a different unrelated possession incident after possession was being used (badly...this is supernatural after all) as a metaphor for SA
>Threatened to murder his brother when he was hallucinating (yay we aren't ableist)
>Locked a child up in a box
>Threatened to kill the child he locked up in a box
>Made a creepy, sexual comment about a barely-legal high school girl
>Got the woman and kid he was living with memory-wiped
misogynistic scumbag. theres also a few different times that dean finds teenagers sexy with the most recent and prominent example that i can recall being the scooby doo crossover episode in season 13 where hes super into daphne who in the version they chose for the episode is 15-16 and is interacting with her as if shes a real person cause they got magicked into the episode. he treats everyone around him like shit and the only time the narrative agrees that thats a bad thing is when he has the mark of cain put on him and hes acting no differently than he does usually its just now acknowledged that hes treating others like shit. ive been rewatching the show for shits and giggles with a friend and wow he really does not treat anyone well but i wanna focus on how he treats sam for a second cause dude's hobby seems to be ignoring what his brother wants and lying to sam about doing stuff that directly concerns him the demon blood and souless things are reasonable cause those were both Bad for sam but theyre still part of a wider pattern and the most prominent example of this being when dean tricks sam into letting gadreel possess him and actually gaslights sam about it with the whole ordeal ending when its revealed gadreel lied about who he was and while possessing sam murders a friend of theirs. his voice is just also stupid as fuck im sorry this is just petty but he just sounds like hes trying so hard to be gruff n intimidating but he just sounds like a kid pretending to be batman
Dean’s list of sins is crazy long because of how long the show ran, but the key thing for me is that post-locking Sam in the bunker (season 4 I think?), I just can’t enjoy their relationship anymore. I normally love their sibling dynamic, but Dean’s ultimate worst past-the-point-of-no-return moment for me was demonizing (pun intended) his little brother for being “addicted” to demon blood, which only happened because of a series of events that were either Dean’s or someone else’s fault, not Sam’s. I also really dislike how the fandom treats Dean like this angel (pun intended) who has done no wrong and even tries to justify the MULTIPLE times he’s beaten up and otherwise abused his little brother. Canon Dean is like the polar opposite of fanon Dean: he’s homophobic and racist (jokes about a Black man being sexually assaulted in prison), misogynistic (take a shot every time he calls a woman a slur and you’ll die of alcohol poisoning), and abusive.
Propaganda why Erika Shinohara is insufferable:
Doormat of a character
Impulsive liar, would rather take candid picture of a boy she didn't know than to admit friends that she's single, Naive to the point of being stupid, worst masochist rep since the 50 Shades of Grey protag
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I know what people would say. 'Hes grooming you honey, You need to stay safe and get away' etc etc and different variations of, But he's like I am. We're both 'weird'. I like talking to him. We talk about what we want, And we both want a future with a loving partner and lots of children. I've always been chastised and worn down by people around me for saying I want 7-12 kids, I couldnt handle it theyd say, That I'd be in so much pain, Who'd be crazy enough to want that, Its ridiculous etc etc but he wants the same.
We both believe in staying virtuous until marriage too. I'm not naive and he's not deceptive. He's been straight up telling me he's looking for something serious and to start a family. I am too. I always thought I'd wait until I was 25 to have babies, But if we do end up marrying it'll likely be before I'm that old. So I might have kids before that
I know he's almost as old as my dad. I know my dad isnt gonna approve, At least at first. I know my whole family will be upset with me for this, But its my choice and mistake to make. I still want to get a career, To graduate, To take care of my siblings and dad, But I also have always wanted to be a mother.
He's funny, Hes kind, Hes interesting and has so many amazing points and views on things. His mind is something I wanna explore and I wanna get to know him.
I'm not naive enough to believe that he truly wants a future with me yet. I know theres a chance hes trying to use me in some way, But I'm choosing to believe thats not the case
I can't tell anyone I know about this. Not until I'm 18. We can't see each other until I turn 18. We both made that clear. Its not illegal. Its not grooming. But I know people will think it is
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liverpool-enjoyer · 10 months
who would the liverpool players be if they were in mi7
this,,, is from JULY,, i have no idea how on God's green earth i didnt answer this sooner cause i will do ANYTHING to talk abt mission impossible,,, ANYTHING. anywho its been so long anon probly forgot that they sent this 😭😭 this ones for you anon, whoever you are
ok so basically what im gonna do is cast everyone as the characters role in the story rather than the characters themselves. so like for exmaple its like an au of sorts. like im saying trent would be our main man ethan not bc they share personality traits, but bc i could see trent filling out the main character kinda role.
ok so anyway!!! yeah trent is ethan!! look me in the eyes n tell me trent wouldnt have the time of his damn life as an action movie hero. i could totally see him filling out an ethan kinda role. hes still,,, relatively young ig(???) jus like how ethan was in the first movie, which in combination to him being naive led to him being betrayed. n i could see trent doing whatever it takes to get the mission done, so long as no innocents or his fellow imf agents are harmed
now WHO is ethan without ilsa!!! youre gonna hafta hear me out for this one but for ilsa im going w robbo. now HEAR ME OUT as i said this is based less off personality n more on the role they play in the story. n ethan n ilsa are equals, they UNDERSTAND each other. but the MAIN reason i chose robbo as ilsa is bc of my choice for,,,
grace!! grace would be dominik. now i chose this bc in the movie ethan (trent) is forced to choose between the lives of someone hes known n loved for literal years n understands more than he understands himself (ilsa/robbo),,, n some rando he met like five minutes ago (grace/dominik). n he ACTUALLY STRUGGLES TO CHOOSE BETWEEN EM DESPITE THERE BEING A P OBVIOUS ANSWER. now tell me that doesnt work w their lil friendship triangle. also no shade to grace i love her shes a real one but idk what mcq was thinking w that
ok for the rest a the team!!! good ol reliable luther is virgil. this ones simple. bro jus gets the job DONE yknow??? n i could totally see virg n trent having a similar relationship to ethan n luther, w equal parts helping each other out n ragging on each other
oh, my dearly beloved sweet benji,,, when we see him in ghost protocol hes a new field agent, so im going w our lil harvey. hes just starting out, but hes super promising n will surely grow into his own <3 also benjis jus a silly lil guy. n what is harvey if not that
ok i know I KNOW you said lfc players specifically but,,, there are some characters that i feel would work best w players from other teams
my beloved alanna n zola for example i kinda wanna say would be pedri n gavi respectively. yeah the ages are mixed up but why am i lowkey kinda seeing the vision of charasmatic philanthropist/secret arms dealer pedri n everpresently angry/socially awkward brother gavi. it also works that alanna n zola are siblings cause gavi n pedri are literally the same fucking person. im also realizing now that this means dominik would hafta impersonate pedri which is,,, kinda funny
paris would be sergio ramos. bc theyre fucking crazy.
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katyspersonal · 2 years
WASN’T THAT MICO COMIC GOOD?? Did you see the little hints about Rom in the first two parts? I loved that so much and it fits so well with our ideas about them being siblings. I’m so obsessed with the idea that Rom ascended unexpectedly and left Micolash behind, which sort of sent him spiraling into further madness. If I remember right, you have different ideas, but the sibling thing is mutual!! Idk, there’s something so natural feeling about. Kos choosing Rom and Mico being left in the dust, only to go crazy trying to play catch up. I love these characters.
And unhinged madman Micolash is the best. It was so nice to see him in character <3
That comic with Micolash going full psycho mode on a poor Choir member is just...
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I mean there was also the sheer agony of seeing that comic was made in 2016, I feel like Micolash is hardly ever portrayed that way anymore. Maybe Rom decided to also hide the secret of his depraved, mad personality from humanity for a good measure so now everyone blissfully sees him as the cutest blorbo that isn't dangerous at all? heheh; /lh
Also YES for the siblings headcanon club! I honestly just came up with it based on this line:
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It felt like it had to be them based on various tiny things! Each Brain Fluid has different description, and this particular one drops from a female just-head patient guarded by the black Church Doctor doctor! However it doesn't feel for me like THEY are the mysterious brother and sister, since black doctors are lower rank and I feel someone that discovered Arcane has to be the white doctors rank. Lore does say that black ones dispose of "failures" but the white ones are who experiment! Besides, that head calls for Maria for a comfort which is odd if her brother is RIGHT here?
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My latest idea on how the things happened came from not knowing in canon where did OoK's umbilical cord go! So here is the timeline:
🎀 Byrgenwerth obtains OoK's cord after Fishing Hamlet massacre, along with other things, Willem is unsure of how to make the best use of it but intends to investigate its features
🎀 Rom casually goes, 'Wait but if we don't know, why won't we ask his mother? o:' and nobody has a heart to tell her Kos was murdered and cord wasn't "just found laying somewhere" (Caryll attempts to say something but the whole class gives him killer glare). However, this exact question gives Micolash an idea, as the only one who figured by now that every single thing Rom says, even if naive/dumb one, tends to be worth of considering (fate foreshadowing much?)
🎀 He steals the cord and has a hunch to call Rom with him to attempt a ritual of beckoning spirit of Kos with it, trying his hardest to ensure her he wants no harm but instead to advance humanity in the way no such terrible thing can happen again
💦 Kos blesses Rom with eyes, thus making her 'Patient Zero' brain fluids of which could be used to transmit to other people with the water; Micolash gets no eyes but weird telepathic connection with her - similar to Willem/Ebrietas, Izzy/Fauna and... whatever strange thing went down between Ludwig, Laurence and Flora. Being the will of a Great One in mortal world is the closest analogy I could give.
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(I have an idea that after this point the eyes of siblings change from brown to arcane blue... Because Micolash's face data oddly has brown eyes, but his cut-scene model has blue)
💦 Willem is angry when he discovers the insane plan the two pulled, but can't deny that despite being crazy it was genius. (Except he fucking can because Micolash is cursed with never having his contributions acknowledged). But this encounter is not only the root for Research Hall antics, but also for Laurence learning that grieving Great One moms can be beckoned by a child's cord!
💦 Research Hall gets a different formal leader in stand of Willem however in actuality everything there is manipulated by Micolash from the shadows, Insight-granting brain fluids found within Rom's spinal cord quickly become mass distributed and created in large quantity (of course at the expense of other humans), but instead of true progress, it seems like patients are merely suffering witnessing horrors of the Deep Sea. Micolash is THE cruel mad doctor everyone is terrified to get under treatment of, always yelling at patients for being 'useless cowards' upon failure after failure to reach deeper into Sea and giving them more 'water' than they could handle (and always using Adeline as a model patient example -_-)
💦 Some patients discover the alternative - ones reaching for cursed Amygdalae knowledge become Gardens of Eyes (to later to be taken in Byrgenwerth), others discovering the 'stars' to give Blacksky Eyes and some live to become Living Failures. However...
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sjdsahdsgs no, no, sorry, but seriously tho, Maria was soon to suspect that something is wrong and the "progress" with the Sea doesn't seem to be... a good faith, to say the least. That was true; Micolash knows just what Kos wants, remember? Hunter's Nightmare is meant for HUNTERS, yet patients, innocent victims, are there too! And that was Micolash's fault; during his procedures, he'd ensure that combining their sheer terror with arcane would make them good fundament to ensure the creation of the Nightmare, as Kos was weak and her wish alone was not enough. (not saying he didn't still genuinely wish to learn more about the Sea from them...)
💦 Maria begs Brador to get a word out for her because Healing Church would LISTEN to him, and it works out in the end. Micolash is striped of his influence, along the lines of the Church re-purposing itself to seek the abandoned Ebrietas and focusing on the 'stars' for good, much to Micolash's resentment.
☄️ Speaking of resentment! His envy and bitterness towards Rom were increasing, largely based off the fact that Kos chose her as knowledge-bearer, not him. Around this time, he was to take the pain and anger about his failures out on her, rejecting her as a sister, calling her names, asking why Kos picked him as the one to ruin human lives and not Rom because 'you did just fine having ruined MINE!' and so on.. She never was ready to hear something like this from the brother that she was looking for her entire life and idealised. That caused Rom's attempted s*icide by downing way too much liquid, and she had another communion with Kos - never knowing whether it was just a dream or she did go somewhere that day. It was attempt of Kos to truly adopt her as a child upon her pain of 'no longer having family', that Rom rejected because she was unwilling to abandon humanity without even trying to help them against the mess they got themselves into. However, that still gave Rom absolutely unique Insight and properties (and gave her those strange tails).
☄️ Micolash was able to restore his presence and status in Healing Church's 'nerds' faction (that was only Choir by that time) by presenting Rom and her new abilities! Like 'look, I can not only ruin patients, but give them skills none of you can dream about, right? :)' . Rom became the head of the Choir, and the best way to communicate with Ebrietas, especially since Caryll was gone by then.
☄️ Rom's precedent also became an inspiration for the Choir to use little orphaned children to beckon the hearing ear of the Great Ones the best! She had intellectual disability* making her as naive as a child, and just like Micolash, she was an orphan herself. So like... why not use people with the same features, right? Pure naive mind, combined with yearning for a parent.
🕷️ In uncertain time, Rom reconnected with Patches and was able to seek selling herself to Amygdalae - ensuring her association as a 'Spider' despite connection to all three kinds of the divine. It was done under encouragement of Micolash, as Amygdalae knew the secrets most forbidden, all about immortality, splitting soul and body, true nature of the 'Moon' behind the 'Stars', and much more.
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🕷️ Micolash would eventually separate from the Choir and have his own faction, researching the forbidden and knowledge basically opposing the 'stars'! Some left with him, like our friends Damian or Iosefka! Depending on the timeline, Edgar would either fake leaving the Choir with him to be the secret agent, or only appear later after Mico's leaving and...
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🕷️ Rom, however, would stay in touch with him - especially through various reflective surfaces. And because she could use bodies of water to hide things, when Choir provided her a whole giant puddle in where Altar of Grief is now. She would secretly help, down to coordinating his cultists to be undetected, helping him with directions and... reviving body of Queen Yharnam (and Mergo that got fused with her womb, an actual thing happening irl). So the cord of her (eternally) infant could be taken...
And... this is where I get lost. x) No, honestly. I am not sure how she became a true Great One. Since Altar of Grief has her petrified body but we fight her in the lake (astral) and dungeons (physical), I presume she has the same body-soul split as Queen Yharnam, but... how?
I have this scene in my head where Fauxsefka discovers all the lies, secrets and twists Rom was pulling all along, and how she was helping Micolash all along, and how there is now a perpetual ritual to beckon Bloodmoon that was obscured. Naturally she exposes her before everyone, asks her how much Rom truly knew and said nothing, calls her a twisted monster (with only Julie getting defensive). And Rom is not able to explain her motivations, or how she had to play the slow game because Choir people were not ready for harsh truth about the world, nor they had the same approach as Micolash.. She just cannot deliver her point at all, and both ascends and soon turns into stone out of raw panic and despair. She was willing to escape the uncomfortable situation, and she is an idiot god that doesn't realise the extent of her powers, so... this happens. It'd put a permanent tension between Fauxsefka and Julie, that will only truly break later when they have to work together upon return to Byrgenwerth. Also Micolash would probably comment how undergoing something as extreme as becoming a god for a 'dumb' reason was a very Rom thing to do, ahaha.
But yeah, for all I know it could be something else? I just gotta agree with Micolash here - it IS a her thing to do, to accomplish something incredible without trying over a very humane reason.
And I totally agree that he was jealous. And... well, I guess he also did resent her for rejecting Kos' offer. She rejected something Micolash wants above everything else (being Kos' surrogate baby) for the sake of something he has nothing but disdain for (the humanity). He had to hate her, we know this much </3 On the other hand, it is things like this that make me slightly regret picking the siblings idea, because can you even comprehend how much drama it'd contain as a romantic ship, and how satisfying the happy alternative would be?
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But heyyyyy, the story makes sense, right? This is kind of more important! Because I do not have feelings, only logic, right- right...? sighhhhhh
Anyways, you didn't really ask for this, but the ask felt prompting enough, so here are my thoughts on the timeline and the story! Would like to hear yours!
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So this is inspired by the Spiderman next gen comics with his daughter as the new Spiderman but I wanted to put the part about the clones in the next gen comics in the Wordgirl universe but with a twist.
So this ties in the with canon au. Becky and Bob were both taken in by the Botsfords, but soon the Facility people that experimented on Carrie got wind of the alien baby and monkey coming into Fair City due to spies. Instead of kidnapping the baby and monkey and causing a fuss, they decide to create their own type of hero that they can manipulate and control to get rid of all the villains. They only take the baby because they see no use in taking the monkey and decide to clone the baby into the hero they want. Unfortunately the only way to stabilize the baby's alien genetics is to implant human DNA. The way that this process is done, the clone and the original baby will be technically twin siblings since the original's DNA is spliced into the clones, like how chromosomes separate in making identical twin babies. The human DNA that is put in to stabilize the clone acts as both the mother and father for the clone. So the person that the human DNA comes from is the biological parent of the clone. So whose DNA do they "borrow" to stabilize the clone. Why none other than Professor Steven Boxleitner's whose experience and knowledge of heroes and villains along with his own intelligence plus his naive and clumsy nature make his DNA perfect to use for the clone. Calvin was not working with them at the time so he gave no input. So the process is done under the guise of the Becky needing some hospital check ups - the clone is given to the Botsfords and they keep the real Becky at their facility. Bob does not even realize the baby with him is a clone. They have spies and other tech monitor the clone as it grows and things go fine at first until they discover that the clone has made contact with her bio parent. Fearing that Steven might discover the truth, they set up an "accident" with his mind reading device for mice. They honestly did not anticipate him becoming a villain, but treat it as collateral damage and are happy to see the two on opposing sides, not noticing the tender father/mentor and daughter/student moments they have in private. Unfortunately things blow up in their faces when their is an outbreak at the Facility. As well as Carrie escaping, the original escapes. She discovers this clone is in her place and is pissed off at it for taking its place and the life it should have had. Poor original Becky doesn't know that the clone had no idea it was even a clone. Slowly and angst-filled, the truth gets unraveled and everyone in Fair City is thrown into a mess.
Rundown: Becky was kidnapped as a baby by the Facility and cloned, the clone was placed with the Botsford Family and the original was kept at the facility. Steven/Two Brains is both the father and mother of clone Becky while the original Becky is technically her twin sister even thought they don't share the same parents. The facility is behind Steven's accident and no one knows the truth until the original Becky comes to Fair City and everything gets revealed and it is an emotional mess.
Ahhhhj this is so crazy good and amazing and yessss!!!!
Oh my God poor Becky. Argh damn you facility!!! But oooh yessss.
I couldn't stop rereading this over and over.
I'll be in the corner fangirling over this. Over there >>>
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dangermousie · 2 years
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Have the gorgeous OTP, whose chem is saving the writing mess.
I don’t think the show ever recovered from losing its original writer after 22. I am 27 eps in and in addition to focus switch, becoming a lot more black and white/idealized about characters, and randomly redeeming Galip and Adem without explanation (about which I ranted before so won’t repeat), some of the plot downright doesn’t make sense.
Like the whole plot by Kenan to kidnap Efnan and everything about it is WTF.
1. Kenan kidnaps Efnan to prove Aziz is masked rebel and so make Pierre happy. But how would Aziz rescuing Efnan prove anything other than he loves his wife? Hell, even if Aziz lost his mind and showed up at the hut saying “I am Turkish Zorro,” then what? It’s not like Kenan has a recording device or even military surrounding the place. Aziz shows up, Kenan confronts him and...then? Ummm
2. Pierre’s planning now makes no sense. He’s all Kenan I am gonna ruin you since you are useless except I have no other pro-French candidate so like...why? OK, Pierre is a megalomaniac who puts his own pride above everything. But then Pierre shows up to rescue Efnan, to Kenan’s surprise and...shoots Kenan. Why? Kenan wasn’t gonna spill anything to Aziz and Efnan about trying to win over Pierre but even if he did so what - they already know he’s a bad dude. But the kicker after this is he’s all and now I will support Kenan’s candidacy, Ummmm...you just shot the man, do you think he will genuinely represent your interests? And if you did think so, then why did you shoot him?
3. When Kenan kidnapped Efnan he told her he was Aziz’s half brother and wanted to ruin him. After Efnan is freed she doesn’t tell Aziz that Kenan is his brother or that Kenan was the kidnapper, lying she didn’t know who the kidnapper was. WHUT WHY!!! OK, she says she doesn’t want Aziz to kill a brother, fair enough. So I see why she didn’t tell in the hut, but why not otherwise? Does she really think Aziz is going to go shoot his half-brother down as the man lies wounded? Also, her rationale is “Kenan you can work it out” is naive, but fine whatever, but like - common sense says Aziz should know that stuff so he’d prepared; if a man is crazy enough to go for murder and kidnapping, Aziz sure should know to be prepared, let alone the sibling thing. But the main thing that annoys me about it is that it destroys 22 eps of character development. The OG writer made it very clear that Efnan learned her lesson - that Aziz can overlook most anything from her, but it’s the lying/concealment that guts him. He has an extra allergy to that due to his character and past. And it was made clear by 22 that she’s realized it; and they both were self-reflecting on their flaws. And here she is yet again lying about/hiding something important from a man who has made it crystal clear lying is the worst sin for him and every terrible fight they had was about it. And lying over something like this to boot -where it doesn’t make sense. Not to mention, if she lied twice or thrice over a major exigency (Pierre’s lessons, Pierre’s almost rape and D’s baby but because if she spilled about the baby D said she’s spill about the almost rape), it’s one thing, but if it becomes a chronic thing to a man who stll chose to trust her after all that, it’s just plain a mess - “I won’t lie again” and then she does over and over is bad writing for characters you want me to love and see as growing. (Seeing how they almost fell apart after her previous lie, this is unthinkable!) You get the sense that the new writers (who also forgot the gradual healing that was happening in 22 and just moved to “we are perfect now”) just did it for drama and screw character nuances.
Anyway, I have an ep and a half left. This show is no longer perfect, the way it was for me in 1-22, but it’s still beautiful and fun and the OTP chemistry-filled and delish (the lying insanity I am going to attribute to Efnan temporarily losing her mind from stress of kidnapping and assume she plans to tell Aziz once things calm down a little.) This said, I am so glad it ended on 28. The new writers really are not in the same class at all.
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avisafterall · 2 months
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Henry Hsueh 🌲
Character collage #3, the highlight piece for my favorite cowboy in a non-cowboy setting. Henry is an archetype that I would actually say is not one of my favorites, at least on its own - the saint, the caregiver, the helper, whatever you know it by. (It's not that I dislike it, but I tend to enjoy the conflict and extremes of others more!) That said, his personality is one of my favorite takes on the archetype: absolutely fucking exhausted. A saint who never asked to be sanctified, the older sibling who got stuck with the kids as the parents walked out the front door and left twenty dollars on the counter for pizza. Henry is constantly on his last leg, and his version of care makes me think of the "it is rotten work, especially to me, especially if it's you. i'll do it but jesus christ" post. It turns an archetype I'm not crazy about into one I positively delight in writing.
Besides essentially being a cowboy (a role already 10/10 in my heart), Henry is a character whose personality and role on the team have cemented him as one I am incredibly not normal about in terms of how much I adore him. He is, again, very exhausted and done with the risky, often life-threatening (or at least life-challenging) antics of the crazies he has suddenly become entangled with. He is frustrated, sometimes incensed at the role of bodyguard (cough babysitter cough) that he's been assigned for Qamar, even moreso given the world Qamar comes from compared to Henry. He is constantly on the verge of a panic or heart attack in current company.
What I love so dearly about Henry is that despite his fear and frustration and growing belief that the people he is working alongside have seemingly never considered their own lives to be valuable and worth preserving, he is one of the strongest voices of compassion on the team. I struggled for a long time to decide what his job outside of the team is/was - I cycled between rancher on the stead where he grew up, a general outdoorsman, even a hunter (although I struck that one down pretty quick). I eventually decided on conservationist, and the more I write and develop him, the more I see that he could never have been anything else as wholly, as perfectly. Henry sees life worth saving in everyone, and he's not quiet about it. I love characters who aren't naive but will not let themselves become jaded to humanity and the sympathy it asks for.
Also, I love that he's a cowboy.
I could of course go on for a while, but I'll digress - some songs for Henry:
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Light My Love - Greta Van Fleet
Abstract (Psychopomp) - Hozier
Theseus - The Oh Hellos
A Horse with No Name - America
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lepidopteragirl · 2 years
tbh, as much as i love hating and being a hater, i think /r tntduo in the nevadas era is rly interesting and if i wasn't a toxic karlnapityolo i think their dynamic would rot my brain So Much. however i do unironically strongly dislike ''right person wrong time'' soft pogtopia era ctnt so fucking much. obvs niki's birthday party happened lol, clearly they have a smth.. going on if you want to read it like that, and while i think it could be fun to look at that like that, i personally don't rly think that kind of hurt/comfort, sitting on the roof heart to heart kind of thing really works with them mostly bc, for lack of a better word, i don't think cwilbur really respects cquackity as an equal rly in s1/manburg era. he calls quackity schlatt's bitch for fuck's sake. (and perhaps this is a little bit fair given how swag2020's victory got started off, but i also am a toxic quolo and i feel like reading the whole story cq pays farrrr more he's got narrative consequences than his narrative crimes and it makes it hard for me to get upset w him also he's my special little boy i don't even care, okay?)
cwilbur has that bossy older sibling thing (/aff) going on where he very much sees his position towards a lot ppl during s1 as a leader, older sort of for lack of a better word authoritative figure who knows better than most everyone. (obvs cwilbur mental illness plays into this but it is also kinda not good lol) and im sort of scared to touch this bc i fear it will erupt into the most horrid rancid discourse to grace this fine earth, but the fact that cquackity is a few years (five i think actually lol) younger than cwilbur absolutely plays into this too. im not gonna sit here and go oh no fictional age gap bad bc i gen do not care about how it makes their relationship "toxic" or not lol. (also rpverse tnt my beloved are the only version of ctnt that wont be just a little but toxic imo tbh, the toxic-ness is where the fun comes in lmao.) however, it very much affects how the two of them interact in s1. it doesn't necessarily make their dynamic Bad or #Problematic or one of them using the other etc i don't think, but i do think it's why pogtopia era tnt content that starts w ''these two make out/fuck sometimes but they're both sad and somehow let down walls to take care of each other'' doesn't really work like it does in the las nevadas era. (which even as the worlds most toxic karlnapityolo i v much enjoy if ppl do it right) part of the issue i think is that some ppl transplant their s3 dynamic back into s1 and treat it like its the same, and i don't really think it works.
to me, its that huge change in the dynamic between s1 and s3 that makes nevadas era tntduo so intriguing. its part of what makes the " i don't think about you" line so hot sexy etc imo, the shift from cquackity being so Young in so many ways and then coming back face to face with cwilbur and being able to stand toe to toe with him now. (i am am not immune to girlboss cq.) its cquackity reinventing himself, he's not the little boy who wasn't worth cwilbur considering as a real candidate, one who would never be worth enough to be a real leader of lmanburg. he's not schlatt's bitch anymore, hes no one's bitch. he's not the naive ditz that stood on a hillside at sunset with cwilbur and was told he was too weak, too scared, too soft to do what's needed to get power. but he's better, he's better than that too, there are no walls around las nevadas, and he'll even offer wilbur a job as his vice when he wasn't even let in the gates of wilbur's nation. hes winning and by god will he make sure wilbur knows it. love her shes soooo crazy omg
(is it perhaps not that healthy mental state no it is not but he is like elle woods but withso many more problems he is moving to a brand new city and teaching himself how to die and so long to the person you begged him to be he's down he's dead etc i love characters sooo much)
also if i have to pick up one more rly good s1 cquack character study that suddenly springs ''then wilbur and quackity fucked in pogtopia'' im going to become the joker slash serious
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
Here’s a denki idea with incest and streamer denki for that anon that was asking about denki earlier and they get more fucked up as they go :)
(Tw incest Tw dub con... kinda? Tw non con) don’t worry Denki anon I got you, but hear me out. Denki is a live streamer that only shows his face once and a while, one day he “convinces” (basically passive aggressively threats and gaslights sister reader that they need to have sex with him to prove that “they aren’t a slut and they are still pure”, after sister reader refuses again. Denki forcefully bends them over the desk and tells them to cum around his cock or he will turn on the stream with the camera on so everyone can see how big of a slut his sister is.
(Ending one: consent is kinda given but it’s after he already pushes in so imma say dubcon) He’s surprised to find his sister trying to get him to speed up before she rubs against him and smirks at him with a small grind on his cock and a “get on with it then”
(Ending two: no consent, non consensual recording) Denki forces sister reader down onto the desk before slowly pushing in and out, wanting them to feel the drag from his cock before commanding them to say “I only want nii -san’s cock! I’m only a slut for nii-San!” After he fucks them for a while, talking about how much better their pussy and moans are rather than his hand and porn, he finishes. He cleans up sister reader before laying them to sleep, secretly saving the video he took of him fucking them for himself and blackmail
(Ending three: no consent, non consensual recording, non consensual somno, he broadcasts this bitch) pretty much the same as number two but turns out he has a seperate streaming account all for videotaping sister reader asleep as he eats them out or fucks them on his fingers all recorded and broadcasted. He turns on the camera with his face hidden but his sisters not, and fucks his sister as people flood in to watch as she takes his dick. Every time she tries to fight back or get him to stop he shocks her leg and goes harder to prove that she’s his and every time he shocks her he says something like “you must be enjoying it with how much you’re clenching down on me” . He ends the stream after finishing and finds his sister passed out, but not without smirking to himself and saying “tune in to the stream tomorrow and we’ll see if this slut can take dick in her tight little ass as good as she can take it in her pussy.”
Sorry for rambling but I just needed to share this or I was gonna go crazy
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Warnings: Noncon, incest, forced orgasms, non consensual filming, degradation, electric shocks, mentions of somno, yandere Notes: Dark!Denki is my favorite kind of Denki, so I went with option number 3.
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"I've got a surprise for you, sis," your brother says happily, grinning at you with that goofy smile like he used to. He had been changing so much lately, and not for the better. Much colder, much less likely to take on hero jobs. To your shock, he even said once that heroes were worthless, that the villains would end up winning. It wasn't like his usual self, and you're happy to see him acting closer to how he used to.
"What kind of surprise?" "Come into my room and I'll show you." He walks away, leaving you to trail behind him like you've always done since you were kids. You always looked up to your brother, always wanted to be close to him. And he was the same way. Everyone thought you were too close for siblings, but you disagreed. You wouldn't want it any other way.
Finally, he leads you into his room where there's a camera set up on a tripod and pillows and blankets arranged on the floor in front. You give him a surprised look, feeling uneasy for the first time. "Come on, this will be so much fun." He chuckles at you, pushing you roughly towards the center of the room. You're forced to the floor, face down and ass up in the air before you know it. "What the hell is this about, Denki-nii???" You snap at him, trying to get up again but finding your arm twisted behind your back painfully. "That hurts!" "I know you guys were tired of watching my toy with my sister while she's drugged up and asleep!" He chirps out, grinding himself against your backside. "So I thought we'd have a super special stream today!"
"While I'm asleep? I don't - I don't understand," you whisper, sounding far more childish than you intended. You think briefly to the times you woke up and your pussy was soaked, feeling sore and stretched out. You dismissed it as nothing despite the nagging doubt in the back of your mind. Sometimes you thought you remembered a presence hovering over you - but surely it was just a dream - "You really are a naive little bitch," your brother mocks you. "Can't believe you  never realized what your dear older brother was doing to you." He leans in closer to whisper in your ear. "Or maybe you did know and you liked it - " "Please stop," you whimper at him, "I don't want this, please - " You hear the ripping of clothes as your skirt is torn away, revealing a lack of underwear. "My sister doesn't even wear panties? What a little slut. I think you do want this." You feel something hot and hard prodding at your clit, and you let out another whimper as you try to squirm away. But an electric current runs through your body, and your muscles tighten up as you gasp. "Stay still, sis," Denki laughs at you. "You don't want me to keep doing that, do you?" You begin to weep, not understanding what caused your brother to change so much. Why he's being so cruel to you. But you don't have long to wonder before he's pushing inside of you, stretching your muscles out and taking your virginity cruelly. You only cry harder at the pain. "Fuck, my little sister's cunt is so fucking tight. Were you a virgin, sis?" You say nothing, shaking and shivering as his hips snap forward to bury himself entirely into his little sister's tight cunt. "Answer me," he growls, and an electric shock runs through your body. You scream this time, clenching around his cock involuntarily. "Yes! Yes I was!" You manage to choke out through the convulsions, and he stops his quirk.
His hips begin to move, balls smacking against your clit with every thrust. It causes unwanted pleasure to build up in you, muscles of your lower stomach tightening. "Please - Denki-nii, please stop -"
"Fuck," he groans out, "keep calling me that, it turns me on."
Your words fail you, and you keep your mouth shut until another electric current runs through your body. This one is so strong that you can barely breathe through it, the pain extreme. You want to refuse, want to do anything but what he wants, but you also want the pain to stop.
"Denki-nii, Denki-nii!" And still, despite the pain, you feel yourself begin to cum around your brother's cock. "Little slut," he giggles a bit, "cumming around your brother's cock like that. You've wanted your Denki-nii for a while, haven't you?" "Yes!" You scream, feeling a sense of relief as he deactivates his quirk. "Yes I want my Denki-nii's cock!" Tears stream openly from your face as he tangles a hand in your hair, forcing your back to arch and stare into the camera. "My little sis here is squeezing my cock so damned well. Her cunt feels fucking amazing." You let out a choked sob as you cum again, almost painful in its intensity as your cunt pulses around your brother's cock. He finds his own end inside of you, pace stuttering as he fills his baby sister full of hot cum. You can't keep your eyes awake anymore. They flutter closed and stay closed as you finally lose consciousness. "Oops," he chuckles, "I may have been a bit too rough. Ah well, hope you  like the show. Stay tuned while I wait for her to wake up so I can fuck this tight little asshole!"
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enbypool · 3 years
all of the anthro magical girl story lore under the cut even though NOBODY asked. if u read this i love you
ok so basically it all starts when nezumi, the main character, the girl in my icon, is walking home from school. a weird guy approaches her and noticing her sailor moon shirt and pmmm bag and other assorted merch shes wearing, asks if shed like to buy some gems that could turn her into a magical girl. and nezumi being naive and trusting was like omg omg yes!!!!!!!! and buys them. they were ridiculously expensive btw. anyway she goes off soo happy and rushes home. she texts all her friends to come over IMMEDIATELY bc she has something awesome to show them. shes so excited as she waits. they all show up and nezumi presents the magical gems to them and explains what happened. now. nezumi's friends all care for her very much and know that she is how she is and always try and protect her feelings and beliefs, even yori, whose normally rough and tough "life is cruel" type person. so of course they all support her and talk abt how cool it is which makes nezumi beam. she puts all the gems on necklaces and gives the girls the according colors. blue for herself, green for kohaku, magenta for yori, orange for shiori, and bright pink for aneko. (btw, Ill elaborate later but the gems themselves do have names. nezumi's is the zaphite, yori's is the huphite, shiori's is the oruphite, kohakus is the emephite and aneko's is the korphite. this is important) and they're all like ^_^ cool nezumi! thanks.. anyway after that over the course of a few weeks nezumi tries really hard to activate her so-called magical powers but nothings working. of course being the determined fireball she is she doesn't give up she tries and tries and tries ropes her friends into her futile attempts, its just a WHOLE thing. after she voices one particularly crazy idea to her friends, yori has decided it's gone way too far. so she snaps and is like dammit nezumi u were scammed magic isn't real that guy scammed u ok! and nezumis like.. no no that's not true yori its real and after some convincing she manages to get nezumi to believe her. yori feels bad but is like I'm sorry nezu but i kcouldn't keep letting u do al these insane stunts what if u hurt urself etc and the rest of her friends just kinda nod solemnly. as nezumi is processing this she starts to feel Intense despair her world is crumbling around her etc when (drum roll) as her tears hit the floor as she hits rock bottom the gem around her neck begins to glow... she is lifted into the air in an orb of light and transforms into a magical girl! she gains wings, a halo, a big fancy over the top dress, a cool blue magical staff appears in her paws, her hair gets huge and changes color etc etc all the tropes and once its done she is lowered gently to the floor. while all her friends stare on fucking jaws wide open blinking profusely . legit none of them even know what to say. there's straight silence for a good 2 minutes until yori finally says what the literal fuck. nezumi smiles so wide and if this was in an anime that's where the scene would transition. basically after this fucking insane revalation nezumi wonders when her friends will get their powers activated. since there's 5 gems that correspond to their colors they should all transform too. and slowly, over the course of idk a couple weeks, they start to do so. first is shiori. shiori is at home in the evening setting the table for all of her siblings. she asks one of them to go get their little brother who was playing outside. the sibling comes back in after a few seconds to say he wont listen. shiori sighs tells one of the older siblings (still younger than her tho) to start serving and goes outside to look for him. she walks outside and looks around. just as she spots him, his ball rolls out into the street and he chases after it. she has zero time to react as a car comes speeding towards him and hits him. cue screams. shiori races out to hold her brother screaming for someone to call 911. the car didn't stop. as one of her siblings calls 911 (its not 911 in japan I'm pretty sure but u know what i mean) shes sobbing as she holds her little brother,
who had been killed on impact. as her tears hit his body, lo and behold, she begins to transform as well. fucking awful time for this to happen i know. she is levitated into the air, wings, a halo, a bunch of cool floating glowing orbs surround her (these are her weapons) she gets an over the top outfit YKNO how it is. once she's lowered to the ground again she notices her brother isn't there. there's no blood, no indication that a hit and run had just happened here. a couple seconds after shes had time to process what happened she transforms back in her normal self. immediately after, one of her siblings appears at the door asks her whats shes doing, its time for dinner. strangely not feeling sad anymore, she goes back inside. at the table sits her brother that she had just seen be killed.shes not sure what happened but she knows that its gonna be fine. shes staring weirdly so her siblings r like onii chan ru ok. and shes like yeah. yeah. I'm fine. and she sits down for dinner with her family <3 next person to transform is kohaku. if you read my post on her with all the lore in the tags you'll kinda know the jist of this but. basically one day she heads over to yori to try and get her to talk to her again. its a very very emotional scene and i had all the dialogue in my brain but sadly I'm a stupid fucking idiot and didnt write it down. sigh anyway after some intense dialogue kohaku fucking snaps and admits EVERYTHING. her obsession with yori the fact that she cant live without her the fact shes so in love with her it makes her heart hurt the fact shes so damn angry he fact that she just wants yori to care about her again. yori is a little shocked after this monologue but quickly goes back to the cold hard self she is around kohaku; she says this doesn't change anything, to fuck off and leave her alone or she'll call the cops, file a restraining order. this breaks kohaku of course. she's heard yori say this before; its never bothered her. but now yori knows how she feels. she knows everything. and still, shes being so cold and cruel and hateful? tears start to fall from kohaku's face. she has an empty neutral expression. she has no idea what to do. when her tears hit the floor, it happens, of course. she transforms. wings halo giant outfit her tail gets very big a green bow appears in her paws and a quiver of arrows sits on her back. yori is kinda shocked and just stares blankly. after kohaku's initial shock of this she remembers what yori had just said to her and rushes out of the house. GOD FUCK I've written so much my fingers will fall off. there will be a part 2 for the lore for now i wanna post this and take a break, enjoy, ask questions, etc etc .
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bokunosoul · 3 years
overhaul with a sibling who's a lot like yushiro from demon slayer? how would he react if they were attending ua behind his back? love that there's another demon slayer fan!
Overhaul reacts to brother reader that is like Yushiro from Demon slayer attending UA behind his back
TW : Human trafficking, mentions of blood
So lets set this scene, you are basically Overhaul's brother and you lived under his control you also have no freedom and has no idea what is the outside world is like.
One time you disobeyed you ended up being on the surgerical bed and all day long and he tortured you almost to d̶e̶a̶t̶h̶ he also injected a couple of illegal medicines on you.
You and eri are also in the same boat.He conducted many researches and experiments on both of your bodies and sells the drugs that he made on both of you in the black market.
You are also Eri's caretaker since the day she was brought in the yakuza - mansion.Yoy the one she can rely on the even in hardest times even though when she can't express her feelings well.
You actually also dont know about you and Eri's quirk that much.But your "so called" brother said that it is powerful and they both needed you on his league.
Days, weeks, months passed you had enough and decided to take along Eri with you to escape.You conducted a whole plan to escape.Thankfully your observant and know the basics on how to make an sleeping pill.
Every night your brother commands you to make him food smth like that.You, an pharmaceutical genius ended up drugging him without noticing.
T̶o̶o̶ b̶a̶d̶.He's too sharp.
You ended up running with Eri while Overhaul commands his team to capture you and the scared little girl.
The last thing you know is you and Eri getting surrounded by overhauls underlings.You started fighting back even without knowing what exactly how your quirk works.Blood and several broken bones is the consequences that you received.
Your in the verge of giving up, you were naive and weak as an 12 year old boy protecting an 3 year old girl.
Then suddenly you exploded blood and several human organs surrounded the whole shie-hassaikai base also the scared little girl's screamed echoed throught the base.
But why, why can you still feel your whole body even when your dead.The last thing you knew Eri was taken away and everyone was disposing of your blood and your body.
Your body ended up getting thrown to the river carelessly, your body that has been exploded piece by piece also ended up regenerating and ended up being normal again.You also don't feel pain.So you thought.This is my quirk huh?
A sigh of relief and hot blood comes rushing in through your veins as you ended up not being able to bring Eri along with you.
You did not cried at all.Crying is pointless and staying like this is also worthless.
The thing that first comes into mind is you going to turn yourself in to the child welfare services.You introduced yourself as an child sold by your family and you also introduced yourself with an fake name to hide your real identity.
You ended up being adopted by an family living in the city.You don't care at all as you long you can have revenge and save your sister and you will together escape this madness again.
You also go to know how to use your quirk well and uncover many secrets about it.
Your adoptive parents also started noticing on how quite your good at using your quirk so they ended up home schooling you.They were shocked you were such an intelligent obedient child they also treated you like their own.
You feel kinda safe,warm and comfortable at the same time.You also can't help to feel bad and burdened on how you abandoned Eri.Your living in heaven while she's experiencing hell.What a good brother you are you asked to yourself.
3 years passed you basically got into UA due to hardwork and determination You became also strong and your appearance drastically changed.
Meanwhile everyone UA aims to be number one and your goal is to save your sister from your pathethic brother.You also kept an low profile of yourself to hide your existence.
You actually ended up getting along with most of the class especially to Midoriya.You dont know why because he just gives the scent that you can trust him and he's a good person.
Also the girls in the class likes you because you respect them and also beat that little shit up by being a huge pervert.(if you know you know)
Time passes by and eventually their will be an upcomming event, the UA sports festival.Everyone in the class is excited meanwhile you are anxious, your identity will exposed and all your hardwork will go down the drain.
It does'nt matter,your much stronger and confident now.The sports festival came to an end and everyone gathered at the classroom for an sudden meeting. To be honest you did great on the event but you did not manage to get through the top 3 rankings.
You ended up getting an reccomendation to a hero agency.You accepted the reccomendation and it was basically for a month to get better and stronger.
Everything happened so fast, you ended up getting an reccomendation and accepting it and getting attacked by the villains.So UA decided to just make an dorm system to make sure that the students are safe at all times.
Aizawa announced that there will be an hero internship and you ended up getting back to the agency that trained you a few months ago.
Everyday is like usual you did multiple patrols, go to school to study and mostly can't sleep in the night.
You and so as the others like uraraka, tsuyu, midoriya, kirishima ended up being summoned at Nighteye's agency.
Their were many pro heroes as well your teacher, Aizawa is here.You can sense that the situation is quite serious and Midoriya and Mirio is acting weird and you can also sense fear in them.
Nighteye's sidekick bubble girl and centipeder explained that there is a villain on the loose.You lost your complexion, you felt sick and scared.All of your memories in hell projected throughout your head "Y/N - san are you okay? your complexion does'nt seem too good." tsuyu said in an concerned voice.
You replied, that your okay and you said that you've never ever seen something brutal.
As they've continue on nighteye mentioned that overhaul or also known as kai chisaki has an daughter.
You snapped and standed up while shaking " What seems to be your problem Mr.L/N?" nighteye said in his intimidating voice,everyone was staring at you like your crazy.
"I-i have something to confess." you said as your voice trembled
"And what is that?"
"My brother is Overhaul."
"Y/N - san you must be mistake----."
"So your saying that your in hands with Overhaul or your so called brother?"
"No... I tried escaping with Eri but she was taken away and my body exploded in pieces and my body parts ended up being thrown carelessly through the river,thanks to my quirk i can basically regenerate and create an new identity.However i did not accomplished on taking her with me.AND DONT YOU DARE IMPLY MYSELF WITH THAT MANIPULATIVE PATHETHIC MAN DONT YOU KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE BEING TORTURED EVERYDAY?EVERYDAY IS HELL AND IF WE MAKE A MISTAKE ONE FLICK OF THAT BULLET YOUR BASICALLY AN DEADMAN WALKING!AND I HATE SEEING PEOPLE DIE IN HIS HANDS!" you yelled in frustration.
Your classmates, stared at you in disbelief you are the most calm and composed person in every situation but in this situation, they did not know that you we're in despair.
"S-sorry, with that said.He thinks that i'm dead but no and i'm not affiliated with him anymore, plus the last time we saw eachother is 3 years ago."
"So please, i beg you save my sister she's all i have." you said as you bowed to the ground showing pure respect.
Nighteye sighed and he said he saw that coming and commanded you to tell everything that he did to you amd Eri and about their Yakuza gang.He also said to keep an distance and do not fight in the infiltration of their base.He also said to Aizawa to protect you.You agreed, it's the least thing that you can do to help in this kind of situation.
The day comes and you were basically watched by Aizawa eyes wide open (Lmao i just remembered i cant stop me and cry for me #Once #Twice).
You ended up not taking it anymore and sneaking out of the UA teacher dorm without anyone noticing.
You have no problem in making it through the base but you have to fight multiple of villains tho.You ended up seeing the sight of the ruined base and seeing your brother and Mirio fighting over the little girl.
"OVERHAUL!" you yelled in your booming voice as you've appear in the darkness wearing your hero suit .
"R/N?ah, so your alive?" he said in disbelief .
"Yes?so?my dear pathethic brother also known as overhaul."
"Too bad i shot him already." he said as he pointed at Mirio's struggling limp body as Eri just covered herself with his scrapped cape.
You ended up fighting him one on one.You knew that he was strong and powerful and so are you.
The last thing you knew was going all out with your quirk and passing out to the ground and you were in the hospital getting treated by recovery girl.
A few hours later you received the news that everyone in the Yakuza got arrested but Overhaul got taken away by the league of villains,Mirio ended up getting shot by the quirk destroying drug and ended up loosing his quirk.
Lastly sir nighteye got killed due to the bad injury that he got whilst fighting him.On the good side Eri was taken custody of and is doing well in the hospital together with Mirio and Deku.
You sighed in contentment and walked in your hospital clothes in the hallway trying to find her hospital room.
Your heart started racing and you saw the letter engraved "ERI" you finally mustered up the courage into opening the door.You saw Deku and Mirio playing with her
"Y/N - chan your here!" Deku said enthusiatically.
The little girl hids on her sheets when she thought that you were a bad person along with Aizawa.Mirio said that it is okay and you two are their teacher and a school mate.
"Eri - chan do you remember me?" you said on your soft voice she immidiately remembers that familliar voice, her eyes widened and ended up throwing her arms onto your embrace crying.
"You do remember me!Your okay now your safe,nii-san is here to protect you and will not leave you alone." you said sobbing while hugging the little girl she nodded and you two just stayed like there for a while.
Deku and Mirio : 🥺 (Lmao you to scootch along i'm her real brother🔪).
And finally the hospital visit is over and they allow you to visit her along with Deku and Mirio during weekends on the hospital.
You also apologized to Midoriya and Mirio for meddling the middle of the fight.Instead they thanked you and if you were not there they would've ended up dead.
A few weeks later she can finally get out of the hospital and ended up being in Aizawa's care in the teacher's dorm in UA.Since you trusted him you allowed him to take care of her.
You also take care of her when Aizawa is not around along with Deku and Mirio in the dorms.
The whole class is also shocked in how much your attitude and behavi reverses when Eri's around.They were like : 🧐,🤭,🥰,😍,🤩,😱 is that even possible HShsgsh.
You also learned how to cook and teach Eri how to read and learn you also play with her ofc.
You also became more confident, and a .Lmao the look on your face when bakugo called you an Tsundere.And you said in the most murderous voice ever "DIE." then Eri comes in like : 🙁🗿.
"I said i will DYE my hair later pink HAHAHHAHAH😃." you said jokingly.
Everyone was like : 👁️👄👁️ Meanwhile eri's just : yea im down with that face with a small nod and a smile***
Mina aswell as the others ended up taking the joke seriously and you ended up having a pink hair color the next day to school.
Monoma said that you looked pretty u̶g̶l̶y̶ he ended up getting beat up by kendo.(SHHSHSHEHE LMAO😂).
Shoto thinks it's cool HAHAHHAHA.
Eri said that she likes it and it looks nice to you.Iida and Aizawa lets you slide disobeying the school rules just this ONCE he just wants to see the little girl happy.
The reaction on your adoptive families face when you told them that you have a sister is priceless.They we're like : " i guess we need to adopt another one." S̶i̶k̶e̶.
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Note : the gif is not mine a̶n̶d̶s̶o̶a̶r̶e̶y̶o̶u̶
💌 : OMGGG THANKS FOR REQUESTING AGAIN!✨Sorry it took too long hehehe anyways! i'm stoked to see that you also watch Demon slayer! it's really an good anime and i'm looking forward in the movie that will be released!the animation will be so sick😫✨💥.
ORIGINALLY by : bokunosoul
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fivescoffeemug · 4 years
milk coffee. (Five Hargreeves x Reader) (part 2)
Summary : you got too broke to pay for rent so you crash at Five’s.
Warnings : none
Words : 2,137
A/N : please please tell me (thru dm or ask box) if you want to be in this taglist, because I’m making more parts and this is seriously flopping :(
(Just to be clear, the story takes place on 2nd April 2019 assuming they got back to the umbrella academy and not the sparrow academy because fuck the cliffhanger)
taglist : @eyelash-curler
part 1 | part 2
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“Have you got the money?”
“The rent.”
“I—I ... I don’t—I don’t have it yet.”
“Sorry but you’ve been here for three free weeks.”
“Miss, please, please just give me another week I swear my book’s just—”
“Get out.”
“Miss just—”
“I’m going broke too and I need the money! But since you’re broke too one of us has to have money right? Now go back up and pack your shit.”
“I’ll be homeless.”
“I’m giving you till five.”
Five. It hit you like a swing of a sledgehammer to the back of your head.
No, you thought. That would be so pathetic.
But what other choice did you have?
You rushed up the stairs, grabbing your phone and finding the word ‘Five’ in your contacts. You pressed on it, calling it immediately.
At the fifth ring, he finally picked up.
“What?” He hissed.
“Wow, you sound overjoyed to hear from me,” You rolled your eyes, soon realizing now was not the time for the petty insults.
“Mhmm,” He hummed, seeming busy with something else. “What do you want?”
This wasn’t the first time you called Five since you met him, probably about the third, the other two times were just because you were bored.
It had just come to you that he always seems so uninterested in your company whenever you began conversations, but he would come around soon enough. You both wouldn’t stop at the scornful insults though.
“Can I ... crash at your place?” You struggled to say, biting your lip and closing your eyes right after.
“You were already crazy enough to even want to keep in touch but this just breaks the mental asylum records by a landslide,” Five comments. “What next, you’re gonna come up and tell me you have powers or something?”
You couldn’t help but smile at his remarks. You always told yourself, ‘damn I hate it when he does that,’ but you always knew that was a lie.
“Well? This is a joke to just keep me listening, right?” Five asked. “What do you really want, Y/N?”
“Sorry to disappoint you today mister masochist, but it turns out that I do infact need a place to crash,” You repeated, hoping you wouldn’t have to explain.
But of course, that’s if you lived in world where everyone was a naive nobody.
“What’s wrong with your place?”
“I’m fucking broke, alright?” You blurted in frustration. “I’m not from here. I’ve got no one else. I had to pay the landlady from the money I could scrape out of my pants pockets and I thought my book would sell by now, but I guess I was getting ahead of myself.”
You could feel Five huffing in a slight chuckle.
“Not from here, so no family or friends to turn to for shelter ... oh helpless, helpless Y/N ... ” He narrated, clearly amused at your desperate situation.
“It would really be amusing to see you on the streets, wouldn’t it?”
“For you, definitely.”
There was silence for a while.
“You know what, fine. I’m not as cruel as you think I am.”
“The fact that you had to point that out means you probably are,” At this point, talking to Five always just triggered the instinct of throwing any insult you could at him.
“You wanna sleep on the streets?”
“Then shut up and start packing.”
“Not even your address?”
“I’ll text you.”
“Okay, bye.”
And with that, he hung up, and you threw your phone on the bed and began packing.
When you turned up at the place, you thought you read the address wrong, you read it over at least seven times now. You looked up at the tall building. It was a mansion.
It made you wonder if Five really was just some regularly school boy.
You got to the front door, knocking at the wood. You found yourself admiring the patterns on it for a short while before the door finally opened.
“Can I help you?” A taller black woman with frizzy hair asked as you found youself puzzled.
“I—well, I’m ... ” You couldn’t find the words to say. You couldn’t say you were here to see Five because if anything you just needed a place to stay. “I just ... I wanted to see Five.”
“Five!” The woman calls. “Some girl is here for you!”
You heard the faint sound of some footsteps walking rather hastily down the stairs, finally seeing Five in the distance coming closer now.
“I was expecting someone, come in,” he said monotonously, barely making any eye contact with you.
You tugged your small luggage inside the building after you and got a good look at the foyer. There was a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling and the entire place just seemed so grand, giving off the 1990’s vibe but if they were dirty rich.
“F-Five how old are you?”
“Well ... ” his head slowly leaned to the side as he squinted in thought. “It’s complicated.”
“How is that complicated?”
“Okay if I said I was like twenty two would that satisfy you?”
“Well if that’s a lie then obviously not,” You follow him as he began walking up the stairs, dragging along your burden of a luggage.
“Then I guess you’ll just have to be unsatisfied for a while,” He turns to a corridor and you finally meet his plain room.
The walls reminded you of his eyes, the ones you fell for the time you met him. You had to admit, those were a true beauty.
Too bad its owner’s a real pain in the ass, you thought, smirking to yourself.
“What are you waiting for?”
“Do you guys just not have a spare room in this big-ass mansion?”
Five’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the ground. “Well, not one I’d want you to use.”
“Why not?”
“My dad’s. He’s dead.”
“Oh ... I—”
“Nope, don’t apologize,” Five shook his head. “Just put down your stuff. Crashing here is the best option you’ve got anyway, I’ll get an air mattress.”
You watch as Five exits the room, another stranger standing by the door, looking surprised and confused at the same time.
“Nothing I just ... I’ve never seen him so ... kind,” he finishes, soon entering the room. “Sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met. Klaus.”
“Y/N,” You shake the hand he held up, soon letting go as Five reappears again, seemingly glaring at Klaus before he left.
“Who are the other people in your house?” You ask before Five could start inflating the mattress.
“Does it matter?” He asks back, seeming to have no intention of letting you know about what was going on.
“Well, you’ll have to make some sense out of this,” You huffed, still slightly confused as to how peculiar Five has been. “If you’re not going to tell me then at least give me your age.”
Five grabs an air-pump and starts inflating the mattress, clearly ignoring your plea. You offer your help, and he let you but after discovering how incredibly slow you were going, he took back the pump and resumed doing it himself.
“Do you like reading books? I wrote one.”
“I really wished I had said ‘I don’t remember asking’, but unfortunately for me, I wanna know how the hell you ended up alone penniless where you don’t belong,” Five finished pumping air into the mattress, which you immediately say on after he left to put the pump back.
“Well?” His eyebrow raised, then returned.
“I was an orphan my whole life, it was abusive and I’ve had enough,” You huffed, frowning up at him. “That’s all I feel like saying.”
“An orphan ... when’s your birthday?”
“Tell me your age and I’ll tell you my birthday.”
Five looked to the side, biting his lip. He nodded, looking at the ground.
“How old do I look to you?” He cocked his head up as your eyes met yet again.
“Like ... eighteen?”
“There you have it.”
“I got it right?”
“Yes now it’s getting late and we’re going out to get dinner soon. You coming?”
“I don’t have any money left.”
“Five, let’s go,” A man appears at Five’s door, soon noticing your presence. “Who’s the girl?”
“Homeless person I decided to help,” Five replied coldly. “Poor Y/N doesn’t have the money for dinner too.”
“I’m not—”
“Y/N?” One of his eyebrows were raised, now facing you. “Don’t take the bitch too seriously he’s always like this.”
“I suggest you do the same for him, sadly Diego doesn’t have any spare braincells left, he shares one with our gorilla brother,” Five reviled, Diego turning back to glare at Five.
“I think I’ll skip dinner; I don’t want to bother the four of you about it.”
“The fou—Five! Does she not know about ...?”
“Do you really think I’d willingly embarrass myself by introducing the rest of our braindead siblings to her?” Five rolled his eyes.
“Up your ass, Five,” Diego digressed, soon smiling at you as he turned to face you again. “There’s actually seven—no six of us here. One of us died.”
“Your dad, right?”
“I—well n-no, he’s not really part of the picture ... ”
“My dad had seven of us. One of us died. That’s the end of it,” Five concluded, or at least tried to.
“My name’s Diego, that’s Five, and the tall black woman’s Allison, the short one’s Vanya, the bigger looking guy is Luther and the high one is Klaus.”
“Didn’t Klaus quit drugs?”
“Well, I don’t know. Drugs or no drugs he always kinda seemed high to me,” Diego shrugged.
After Five treated you to dinner, you washed up and Vanya let you use her pajamas for the night. Five got you an extra blanket and pillow too.
In the middle of the night, you had a nightmare. Your neck and face was sweaty and you were panting heavily. Five woke up to his room shaking, a few small things falling off the side of his table. He glanced down at you, trying to shake you awake.
“Y/N! Y/N!”
“No ... please ... I can e-explain ... ”
“Y/N you’re dreaming! Wake up!” Five fell off his bed as the shaking got worse, and ended up on top of you.
“Ow!” You jolted awake and the room’s rumbling had finally stopped.
He scrambled to the edge of the mattress, clutching the sides of your shoulders as concern had smeared his face.
“Y/N are you okay?”
Your face was already stained with tears when you woke up, but you couldn’t help damping your face again as you bury it in your hands, sobbing.
“Y/N ... talk to me.”
“No!” You cried, lowering your head to the mattress. It was a horrible nightmare. “I ... I don’t want to.”
“Y/N ... Y/N ... listen to me. Please, look at me.”
When you heard this, you stopped, as he asked. But it was only because you couldn’t believe what he was saying, or at least, the tone he was saying it in.
His eyebrows arched upwards as your eyes met once more. Those calm, sea blue eyes told wonders to you without saying anything at all. It made you calmer.
“You were dreaming. It was just a nightmare, it’s okay. You’re okay. Do you hear me?”
You felt his hand on yours. It wasn’t so obvious, though, because it was just the tip of his fingers touching yours.
But somehow, you still felt the tears rolling down your cheek.
“I’m ... I’m so sorry, Five,” you started tearing up again.
He held out his arms slightly, and you gladly wrapped your arms around his neck, your back now warm from his touch too. You buried your face in between his neck and your arm, while he places his chin on your shoulder.
You felt him inhale and exhale, and somehow the feeling of his chest, his shoulders rising, it made you feel okay. It made you feel at home.
“Are you okay now ‘cause I’d really like to go back to sleep,” five broke the silence after several seconds of feeling each others’ warmth.
You nod, pulling away from the hug. “It’s okay if you say no, but I ... I really don’t want to sleep alone. I mean, on this mattress. It’s so big, it feels so lonely.”
Five blinked for a few seconds before nodding, standing up to grab his pillow and blanket.
“I’ll face the other way,” He said, pullling his blanket over him as he laid beside you. “But I’m here. Just remember that.”
You nod, resting your head on your own pillow, feeling yourself ease back into the drowsy feeling of sleep.
“Actually, Y/N ... how did you make the room vibrate?”
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