#but hmu if you need clarification!
hi!! i was wondering how you made that cool profile thing you did for your invincible oc?? it looks super neat and i’m genuinely really curious bc i wanna do stuff like that meself cause i think it’d be really cool
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ahhh thank you so much, and thank you for the submission <33
i use canva!!
i’m generally pretty scared to touch photoshop cause it looks intimidating, but i really like using canva! it’s easy to navigate and use, you can download the app or use its website (although my go-to is definitely the website, i edit on my laptop cause my eyesight needs it)
disclaimer: canva has a canva pro option where you pay so you have access to all templates, pics, and other elements. but good news, even without canva pro, there’s already a lot of free stuff in it.
this post is long-ish so under cut is a breakdown of my process :3
so before i got to make these:
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i started out with this as my base/inspiration:
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the best thing about canva is that it has tons of templates. if you have something specific in mind you can freestyle it. and if you want inspiration, you can always search it up and canva will offer you tons of pre-made stuff to choose from.
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2. i mostly go for minimalistic templates for a clean look, especially if i’ll be including a lot of text in the edit. the size of the audora design moodboard thing earlier is 20x25 cm which was enough space for me, but you can always customize that to any size you need it to be.
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^^ for a specific size, click on ‘create a design’ then pick the plus sign that has 'custom size’
3. i start out with changing the fonts first. since i’m making character profiles, i wanted to incorporate their handwriting. i put 'handwriting’ in the font style search so i can pick styles that resembles it (i love that canva has a lot of aesthetic cursive styles <33)
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if you’re not sure on which fonts to use or which combinations look good, there are options under text that you can pick from
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and if you have a font you already like but want to modify it, go click on that text and pick 'effects’
the effects work best when the text is bold but it’s still good with unbolded text too. the effects i use the most are shadow and lift (shadow if the background is a solid color and lift if the background is a photo)
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4. to add little designs and details (like the blood splatter, circle, arrow, etc.), go to 'elements’. graphics portion is the one i use the most. but if you need photos or moving graphics, canva has those too! i promise they literally have everything
just drag the graphics to where you want to place it and resize it with how big or small you want it to be by pulling on one of those white circles around it.
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you can also change the colors of some stuff. just pick what you want to change, then the square that shows its color, and click the ’+’ thing - feel free to drag through it if you want to play with a shade or put the hex code
there are a few graphics that have a default color scheme tho, so there’s some stuff that you can’t change the colors
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5. now you’ll notice this from time to time (especially when you have a lot of stuff in a page) that when you move text boxes and details, there’s always those pink lines that show up. sometimes they even have certain measures that let you know the distance of certain items from each other
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^^ you can ignore them if you’re casually moving stuff but if you want items to be aligned or placed accordingly in the middle or have equal distances from each other, i recommend using it for basis so you don’t get lost (sometimes i get frustrated with using the mouse cause it moves a bit more than i want it so i use the arrow keys)
6. after having my texts and details, i move on with the photos. you can simply paste a photo as is, but if you want it to be inside a certain shape, put 'photo holder’ under element’s graphics.
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^^ you need to paste your photo on the page first. after pasting your photo, select which photo holder you want. now that both items are on your page, simply drag the photo inside the photo holder and it’ll be inside it (you can always crop the photo before dragging it inside the photo holder if you got to take out specific portions you don’t want to be included)
7. canva has multiple features that can help you a change your photos too! just pick the photo you want to alter and then click on 'edit image’
there are filters, a background remover (although sometimes it doesn’t totally take out the whole background but it’s a good 8/10 feature for me), and options for you to adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation
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def take time to check out canva’s walkthrough (is that what it’s called?? i’m not sure haha). i remember that canva showed the ropes on the basic stuff so first time users get a general feel of how stuff works.
check out the labels. i really like canva cause all the tools have its name listed below it so i know exactly what they’re for. and if they’re not written bellow, let your mouse kind of just hover on it and then the label will appear.
there’s no proper arrangement of what to do first and do last. if you wanna focus on the photos first, def go for it. if you wanna type the content before adding any design, add the text first.
when i finished making my first page for my oc’s profile, i roll on from there :3 i use similar font styles and color scheme on the following pages.
have fun!! experiment with styles you see on pre-made templates, take out stuff and slap on things you want, rearrange some things, change the colors. the more you experiment and explore the options, the more you’ll get the hang of canva <33
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lucidfairies · 9 months
hi 🫡
. yes that is me embarrassing the shit outta myself (I actually sent that to a handful of girls)
i. for those of you who may not know, i'm maya. i'm 18, i'm typically a masculine presenting lesbian and I happen to be a she/her. I also am unfortunately asexual
• everyone meat riding rn about why I read and write so much smut as an asexual, I would love for you to know that I'm fighting a losing battle with hypersexuality! that is all I will be sharing on that matter thank you. •
ii. I'm proficient at finding people's instas whether they wanna be found or not!! if this relates to you, you may want to hmu.
iii. um I'm single if that wasn't clear from the kicker.
iv. I have severe Audhd and I have OCD but I don't really count that because you can't really tell it's there. I'm a POTS and scoliosis survivor
(can u tell idk what the hell I'm doing)
v. I will drop my socials if you so want them but I would prefer u DM me cuz I don't need my public insta in tumblr comments tbh (I have insta, tiktok, discord, snap, so on so forth)
vi. I'm still in high school LMAOOO pls I'm not less than eighteen guys don't worry but I aspire to be in the military but I'm taking a gap year
vii. I've been writing since like third grade but over quarantine my parents kinda banished me to our basement and I was doing a lot of things I shouldn't have been doing but now I'm sorta good at writing !!
viii. fics are kinda a side gig, I do write real shit here and there but there's genuinely no point so idk why I do it
ix. I'm what people like to call a whore except I don't fuck around I just talk to like nine people at once (hop off my dick rn)
x. I'm hilariously funny if you ever wanna strike up a conversation
xi. I'm down for ANY conversations. you wanna talk about what kinks some random bitch has based on their appearance? let's talk about it. wanna tell me about the sex you had last night? I'll go get a snack. I don't get triggered by really anything so if u need an outlet, I'm right here bb
xii. I actually have a massive gyatt
xiii. I can curl a lot of lbs and um I can bench some too and I guess do leg stuff (gym girlies rise)
xiv. I'm Jewish but not like Jewish my fam just is, I am probably one of the furthest things from religion and I don't hugely support organized religion (my fav way to describe it is being Jew-ish)
xv. I am a leftist through and through (pro choice, pro science, pro gays, Black lives matter, stop Asian hate, in case you needed clarification on that one) and I avoid knowingly being friends with Republicans at all costs
xvi. I am pro Palestine, nothing anyone will say or do could change my stance on that one.
xvii. I have a cat + dog
xviii. I don't get cold like ever cuz I ski in like 10° weather all winter
xix. I have Duolingo and if u wanna beef it out w a quest then I am definitely down for that because I will beat you (I'm learning Hawaiian and Hebrew)
xx. I'm fluent in German and speak it at home w the fam and I know some Spanish + French
xxi. juice boxes > anything
xxii. some more pics of me will follow whenever I stfu
xxiii. I stand at a whopping six feet tall but I swear I have short person energy
xxv. in my personal opinion I have huge dick energy but you're welcome to put me in my place (I'm a switch and I'll cook for you)
xxiv. if your snap score is more that 300k we can't be friends I'm sorry (mine is 100k suck my c o c k)
xxvi. best position is doggy but I can be persuaded into something different
xxvii. CUNT
xxviii. uhhhh I'm from the East Coast of America so l operate in EST time
anyway it was nice getting to talk about myself for a long time 🫡 feel free to make numerous comments about my life in the comments
anyway y'all here are some for faceless pics that are guaranteed to make u cream (see, hilarious)
sayonara sistas
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“Always Remember (the burning embers)” by kazoosandfannypacks
Pairing: Captain Swan Rating: General Word Count: 1380 Summary: Killian and Emma have a late night conversation about careless words that've left their scars Tags: au, fluff, captain swan, one shot, post canon, canon compliant, fix-it-fic, missing moment Author’s notes: I've been planning this fic for a little while here, since sometime during season 5. The title is based on the taylor swift song "the great war," which I feel nicely sums up Killian and Emma during the Dark Ones arc, though this fic takes place probably a couple years later. Taglist:@zahara@kmomof4@jonesfandomfanatic@booksteaandtoomuchtv@jrob64@tiganasummertree@anmylica@teamhook@undercaffinatednightmare@gingerchangeling@lonelyspectator@caught-in-the-filter  @ultraluckycatnd  @cs-rylie @silver-the-phoenix @pawshapedheart [if you’d like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Killian had gotten so used to waking up next to Emma that it always felt weird when he didn't- especially when it was two A.M., and she'd been right there when he fell asleep, and now she wasn't.
 At first, he suspected maybe she'd gone to the bathroom or to get a drink of water or something like that- but then he saw her, sitting at the foot of the bed, seeming a touch unwell.
 "Is something wrong, love?" he whispered.
 She turned around, a bit startled.
 "I didn't realize you were still up."
 "Love, it's two in the morning," he said, "have you been awake this whole time?"
 "I guess," Emma said.
 "What's wrong, love?"
 "Nothing," she shook her head.
 He knew her better than to believe that.
 "What's wrong?" he repeated.
 "Nothing important." Emma said, quickly.
 "Emma," he said, hoping his soft tone could soften whatever armor she'd been crafting, "if you're up thinking about it at two in the morning, it must be important. What's wrong?"
 She sighed, and glanced back at him for a moment- and in that moment he nodded to her, like you'd nod to an injured animal to ask it to trust you, to tell her, "Go on. Let me help you."
 "It still feels like a fairy tale," she said.
 Rather than try and read into that statement, he simply asked for clarification.
 "What does?"
 "All of it," she said, in a whispered breath like an angry laugh, "you, Henry, my parents, our home- our happy beginning."
 "Aye," Killian nodded, knowing she still hadn't hit the point of her problem.
 "And the problem with a fairytale is the story always ends, the book closes, and you're back to being whoever it was you were escaping from."
 "Emma," Killian crawled out from under the covers and over to the foot of the bed so he could sit next to her, "what we have here is real, and it's not going away."
 "I know," Emma shook her head, "and I'm trying so hard to believe that."
 "What's stopping you?"
 She shrugged. "Myself. For someone whose job is happy endings, I'm pretty good at destroying my own."
 "What's that supposed to mean, love?" Killian asked, trying to sound reassuring and not like that was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard.
 "I…." she shook her head.
 "You don't need to push me away, love."
 "That's just the thing- that's what I do," she shook her head, "I push people away- people I love."
 And she tacked on, on top of it all, so softly he almost didn't hear it: "and that's why I'll always be an orphan."
 "Emma, love," he said, carefully but desperately turning her face to his, "where did you get such a ridiculous idea?"
 She pushed away physically this time, shaking her head and turning away from him.
 "I'm glad you don't remember," she said, almost smiling.
 "Remember what?"
 "It's nothing."
 "It's not," he insisted, his voice raising above a whisper for the first time that night, "talk to me."
 Her eyes almost seemed the blue ones for all the tears they held back as she looked up at him. He wanted to help her, wanted to dry the tears she was afraid to cry, wanted to clean up the mess she was afraid to spill, and wanted to make everything right for her. That's all he ever wanted for Emma, to be that for her, to be the one she could turn to no matter what she was facing- to be the one who made her burdens lighter.
 "The conversation at Regina's," Emma took a deep breath, "back when we were Dark Ones."
 He'd tried so hard to purge those awful memories, choosing to dwell on their happy moments instead of ones like that, those moments where they didn't trust each other, where they closed themselves off to each other, where they argued with each other….
 "That moment when I told her she'd always be an orphan," He recalled, "her pain now is my fault."
 He didn't know what to say now. All he knew how to do was throw his arms around her, pull her close to him, hold her as tight as he could and choke out an "I'm sorry."
 So, that's what he did.
 "It wasn't you," Emma said, "it was the darkness. I've tried not to mention it, because I know you'd never…."
 Though he couldn't see her face (which was buried in his embrace,) he could tell by the way her voice trailed off that she was crying, and he quickly let go of his right arms' grip around her, so he could catch the tears as they rolled down her cheek.
 He knew his apology was nowhere near sufficient, but he still didn't know what to say- what could his words do to make up for such loveless atrocities?
 "I'm sorry," Emma said, "I shouldn't've brought it up. I shouldn't've mentioned it."
 "Nonsense," he said, taking her hand in his and pulling it close to his chest, "I never want you to think that a problem you have is too big to share with me. Understand?"
 She nodded. He sighed, unsure what words would tumble out after his breath.
 "I love that you're my anchor, Emma," he said, "a ship would be lost without her anchor, and I'd be lost without you. I love everything you've ever done for me. Do you know what else I love about you?"
 "Call me a bit of a narcissist, but I love that you're my mirror. When I see you, I see a lot of myself. I see someone who never gives up, someone who risks their life for those they love, someone who does everything they can to be a hero, no matter what mistakes they've made.
 "And when I first met you, I saw what you were," he continued, "and what I was- a lost boy, a lone wolf- an orphan. And when I said those angry dark words I wish I could take back, words I never should've said- I was talking to myself too."
 He'd never seen a perfect blend of confusion and understanding quite like the one he saw on her face now.
 "We did push people away, love. We did hide from the people who cared about us. That's why we should still be orphans. But that's not what we are anymore."
 "Why not?"
 "Because we turn to the people we love. We've set aside our armor and chosen something new."
 "What's that?"
 Still holding her hand close to his heart, he instead brought it to his lips and kissed it.
 "Emma Swan, you will never be an orphan again. That's not who you are anymore. You're the Savior. You're my True Love, my happy beginning and ending and everything in between. You're a mother and a daughter and a hero and the most perfect wife a man could ever ask for."
 "Some days I have trouble believing that," Emma shook her head, "but I believe in you."
 With the hand that he wasn't holding, Emma reached up and stroked his face, her cold hand warming against his cheek. "So if you can believe in me, I can believe in me too," she said.
 "I'm glad to hear it, love."
 "And you're not an orphan anymore either, Killian Jones," Emma said. She kissed his hand, then pulled it close to her heart, "You're my family. You're my best friend. You're my true love. My hero."
 "Aye," He nestled his head against her forehead, gently, then whispered "I love you."
 "I love you too," she whispered back, "thank you."
 "Anytime, love," he said, "now, let's get back to bed."
 They both let go of each other, only so they could crawl back across to the other side of the bed. As soon as they were both under the covers, Emma slid into his arms, wrapping her own arms around his waist, resting her head against his chest.
 "Goodnight, my love," he said, craning his neck forward so he could kiss her forehead.
 "Goodnight, Killian." She replied, sounding sleepy but satisfied.
 And with that, Killian fell asleep the only way that felt natural anymore- with Emma in his arms.
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dreamstatesims · 8 months
Hi! Thank you so much for your answer! I"m the anon who asked about swre or hq mod. Could you please share a tutorial about resize the screen resolution with GeForce? Thank you for your time!
it's no problem at all. i've been wanting to shout about this from the rooftops for a while. it's been such a game changer for me as far as the quality of my screenshots. and the best part is that i don't have to switch it on and off, i can just play.
if you have any other questions or need further clarification, hmu!
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noyasaur · 7 months
Thanks for taking your time to respond to my question and not just shout at me to stop doubting or sum shit. I really appreciate you for that 🩷
I will be going over this post whenever I experience doubts again and the links too
no worries! and i think i said this in my post but i'll say it again, but if you're ever doubting, need advice, need further clarification over anything i've said in my response or just in general, then please don't hesitate to hmu. i'm always happy to help :)
good luck!
- saturn ♡
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@inibicion liked for a starter! || For King Deshret~
Note: Deshret is (very likely) just an imaginary presence in this starter, unless you'd like him to exist in some more concrete form (as a ghost, spirit, time traveler, etc.). I am going off of personal headcanons that you can find here. Hmu in DMs for any changes or clarifications if you'd like to engage the starter! I hope you like it.
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Another day to be forgotten someday, in the vast sea of memories a man was bound to outgrow and leave behind, to make room for other things. Responsibilities, duties, worries and fears.
But for the young boy that Cyno as at the time, the moment couldn't have been more special. He'd tried so many times to get through that little squeeze in the wall, of one of the biggest ruins he'd managed to find in his solo excursions - who was there to tell him no? - and he knew he'd grow someday. Too big to ever try again. Like the adventurer he dreamed to become, he'd seized the moment and tried, and tried some more. Sure, he'd acquired a few extra bruises in the process, but at last he was through.
The place was poorly lit, and the air felt a bit stale to breathe, but his lungs were young and strong. And the dark shadows of the corridors didn't scare him. He had all the company he needed to feel safe.
Even if people said it was all in his head.
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"Al-Ahmar?" He called in question, listening to his own voice echo against the corners of the hall. His eyes were transfixed on the unmistakable depiction of his friend, painted on the wall in a scene that he did not quite understand. The figure held an object high before his eyes, while at his feet, many people sat on their knees and gazed up in his direction. Their arms were high towards the sky. Were they afraid? Or were they celebrating? It was hard to tell. There was something else, but time and wear had erased most of it to his eyes.
"What is going on here? I don't get it."
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tigirl-and-co · 1 year
Had a rough idea for 80's Atlas (yes he is my favorite), where instead of rebuilding himself and Livian, he lets himself just...shut down, since he's too mentally, emotionally, and even physically exhausted to keep going, and he also fears that he and Livian would just go through more unbearable pain if they kept living. (Thus, this would mean that he may be the first robot to actively want to die, even on impulse. I think? My memory is extremely fuzzy. Gonna need some clarification.)
Sometime later (still working out timeline kinks), Ochanomizu finally finds him (for the same reasons in your All SIblings AU; a robot that's just as advanced as Atom is significant), and since he doesn't know Atlas' wishes, fixes him. Ochan's unable to repair Livian however (think robot dog in Pluto).
Atlas was able to recognize that he was being repaired, but as I've said, he doesn't want to live and doesn't hold much hope for Livian. So he seals his own mind, denying himself the ability to consciously think. After he wakes up, he can only communicate and act via his subconscious.
That's the gist of it. I only really came up with it the other day.
Oh this FUCKS I love this. I'm an absolute sucker for 'forever in death' stuff, especially interrupted.
Hmu if you ever expand more on this
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astrologysvt · 3 years
hiiii i saw your post and was curious if can i get a little reading about relationships, how i approach them etc :) i’ll put my chart below but if you want more details i was born 02/01/2000 in NY @ 1:10pm :)
Basic chart stuff:
sun: aquarius (9H)
moon: capricorn (7H)
mercury: aquarius (9H)
venus: capricorn (7H)
mars: pisces (10H)
rising: gemini :)))
(my chart is a bit similar to vernons and i know you did a reading on him so i added my houses and rising to see if it makes the basic placements come out a bit different lol, thank you so much!!!)
OKAY so before i get into things, i want to clarify that the way i do these readings is like mad Picasso. I'll throw out things that I see, though each detail may not fit entirely into your reading of this? I'll do my best to boil down my descriptions into their most fundamental energies, but i'm always curious to see if the random details I pick up on end up being accurate so i put em out there anyway!
your chart is v interesting when it comes to relationships! you have a lot of sag influence through the 9th house (sun, mercury, neptune, uranus) so there is this sense of expansion, ambitiousness, and levity about you. I imagine you have few things you feel particularly inspired by, but those things make you feel expansive in the sense of widening your world view, broadening your knowledge, and making you feel limitless in that sense. There is probably a part of you that keeps on reaching out like "what's next, what's next" which can make you rather hard to pin down. Uranus in that house adds this sense of rebellion, almost as though acknowledging that embracing those 9th house influences is what sets you apart. Neptune also adds this sense of mysticism so you're almost constantly striving to make your world as big and inclusive as possible, even if it feels impossible. This influence is translated into your relationships via your 7th house in Sagittarius. Having the 7th house in sag can mean you'll marry someone from abroad, or you'll meet someone traveling. It can mean you meet someone in school, or someone with a drastically different background than yourself. Generally, this placement hints towards a constant need for expansion in your relationships. Sag influences need to feel momentum, and it's imperative that your partner can keep up. Even if that's just constantly challenging your perspective in a way that's enlightening, and not confining. Between your sag influences and your gemini rising, there is definitely this constant sense of "displacement" i feel. idk if that's the best word, but I'm familiar with these energies and it's almost as though whenever things are stable/established, that's when you start to feel antsy. In a less dramatic sense, it can also mean you're constantly looking to the next adventure. The real kicker here (lol I sound like a dad) is your cap moon and venus in the 7th house. Emotionally, you need stability and you need clear commitment. There is this very traditional mindset in terms of what makes you feel secure and safe, but a lot of your intrinsic energies/values defy those kind of expectations/barriers and lean extremely independent. this is EVEN MORE emphasized with your aqua sun where there can sometimes be an extreme rejection of "tradition" or expectations. I don't know your pronouns or sexuality but I feel the most basic analogy I could make is like... being a cis woman and really wanting to get married and have kids, but being a feminist and hating the patriarchy. The way I see these energies (in freudian terms) your ego is very much defined by that sense of individuality and intellect, but that id (that instinct) wants that kind of companionship. That pisces mars on top of all this, there is this very strong churning water/emotional energy with this that can make you very quick to invest in those who emotionally speak to you. I'd wager to guess your emotions cause you to be far more dependent/emotionally invested than your general personality presents. Your friends may think the idea of you dating someone is cRaZy but deep down that's something that you crave.
you also have a huge concentration of your planets into the southern hemisphere of your chart, which can indicate a lot of things. In the most general reading, you may have struggled to feel stable in your life. Your sense of "home" may not feel particularly traditional, and any instability you may have experienced is what motivates you to reach beyond that. if that makes sense?? the issue with that is that, you also are simultaneously acting out of fear of instability. You probs deal a lot with trying to satisfy your need for stability, and your need for momentum/progress. I HOPE THAT MAKES SENSE
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tempesttragedya · 3 years
@vagasbonds​ gets Laura for Eleven
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“are you a new friend of Shaun’s?” her focus is on the pb & j on the plate before her, slathering on a healthy amount of strawberry jelly to one piece of bread and gently squishing it down onto the already prepared peanut butter slice. just how he liked it. “can I get you a snack? I assume he brought you here to show off his latest project...” 
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skypxllar · 5 years
[HEADCANON] Kathy Drake
Well, until I finish her intro post and bio (I had a much busier week than expected while I was away), I wanted to at least share some details about my OC, Kathy Drake.
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Kathy’s a Draconid. She spent most of her life in the Dragon Village with her parents until two years ago.
Kathy’s starter is a Goomy (now a Sliggoo)
Kathy isn’t a particularly good battler nor does she care for history/lore of dragons or the world all that much, which makes her a slight outlier in the village.
Kathy’s parents died in an accident in Mt. Chimney 2 years ago. Because of it, she moved with her aunt, Lady Wyvern of the Shokiko Elite Four (Shokiko’s a fan region if you don’t know).
Kathy’s 15 years old. She really doesn’t care for relationships, either.
Kathy Drake’s current team consists of: Altaira, Sliggoo, Noibat, and Sylveon (Yes. Fairy Goon Leader Sylveon for those of you that know).
Note: Kathy CAN Mega Evolve her Altaria, but she chooses not to most of the time due to the fact that the both of them are still fairly new to mastering it.
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Kathy’s demeanor changes depending on whether or not she bothers to dress. When she doesn’t bother to dress (FC: Maki Midorikawa, Sakura Quest), she’s carefree and lazy, not really wanting to do anything or care about anything other than her Pokémon and Wyvern’s Pokémon. When she does get the energy to get dressed (FC: Megumi Tadokoro, Shokugeki No Soma), she’s a lot more empathetic and emotional, willing to help while she still has the energy to.
It’s nothing too drastic to where it seems like two different people, but it’s worth mentioning nonetheless
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Kathy also secretly practices Pokemon Contests, going by the pen name Mikoto (FC: Daru Dayu, Show By Rock). The only person that knows that it’s her is her best friend, Yuu (@lunarisvesperaregina​)
Kathy/Mikoto specializes in beauty and tough contests, and also specializes in both Dragon- and Fairy-type Pokémon
Kathy’s idol and the Pokemon Coordinator that she looks up to the most is Lisia.
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the-twinventors · 5 years
∞ -Sonic @ both or just one, whichever works best for you
Jayce and Stella:If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY MEIf I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My LifeIf I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || DeeplyIf I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe (they wanna see how things go first) || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW! My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath TogetherIf I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
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roodle-things · 3 years
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Ava’s Demon and Sleepless Domain character color references for anon, I hope you like them!! Click them for a bigger pic and if you need clarification for one them, just hmu! Also just wanted to say that to anyone who wanted to request a color reference page from me, these two are great examples of medias I will do. The cast is not too big, max for me is 50 characters, and the style isn’t too detailed for color picking. 
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wardenspaeon · 5 years
      ♪ Another memory, another meeting with a certain inspector and his assistant. While Akaela herself is a little unsure of exactly why she has been recalling the various adventures she’s had with Hildibrand and Nashu, she can’t say she’s unhappy with it. After all, these memories are some of the more fun and mirthful times of her life; when things had been simpler or finally had winded down for a little bit after saving the lives of countless others.
     In this particular dream (or memory, rather), the bard reimagines the time Hildibrand, Nashu and even Gilgamesh sought out the inspector’s father in order to repair a broken, antique vase. Though she is mildly surprised to see another stranger standing nearby, Akaela quickly recovers from the temporary shock seeing as this keeps happening. 
     Perhaps there is some magic at work here that she is unaware of...?
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      ❝ ... Don’t worry; he’ll be able to fix it, ❞ comes the quiet reassurance to the stranger, the saffron hues of the Auri looking up and over to the taller woman. As she does so, a small smile forms onto her visage before her attention turns back once more to the father of the inspector, Godbrand, as he gets out his tiny hammer from... Well, somewhere.
      ❝ Looks can be deceiving, especially in this case. ❞
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amjustagirl · 3 years
hi,,, ksndrj i feel embarrassed to say this, but do you have any tips for someone like me who has never been in a relationship? and i have this strict mentality where i don't get into certain friendships/relationships if i feel like i wouldn't stick with those people in the long run? like if i sense that this person isn't going to be a friend, i'd much rather just stop talking to them??
which i think affects how i look at romantic partners now. because i am 100% sure that my first partner wouldn't be the same guy i'll marry. and that makes me think how much bothersome it will be if i spend months or years in a relationship that ik wouldn't be end game? it's like i've wasted time?
if this makes sense mskdkrkr. but i'm so scared of heartbreak and commitment that i'd rather avoid it than experience it you know?
don't be embarrassed! i do think it's good to set healthy boundaries and be firm about who you want to be friends with, but at the same time my philosophy is that you learn and grow from interacting with people, and if you only stick to a few ppl then sometimes it can really stifle your growth, especially if you're young!
life is transient. relationships (even marriage) can be transient. almost everything in the world is transient. i used to fear the impermanence of things, but now i've come to accept it, and i treasure the beauty of the relationship i have, here and now.
as for romantic relationships, well. you learn and grow with each relationship, with each friendship. you learn what you appreciate, what you hate, what you want, what you don't want. that's valuable, in and of itself, and i think if there's the possibility of happy memories and beauty, it's worth pursuing. i'd say that there's no guarantee that you won't marry the first person you date either (i'm my husband's first and only girlfriend), the possibility increases if you choose the right person (e.g. right values, right attributes) and put in the effort to make the relationship work.
but honestly. if you're still unsure of romantic relationships, then there's no need to force yourself into it. do what you want, do what makes you happy. but if the only thing that's holding you back from a romantic relationship is fear, then i'd say - take a (carefully planned) leap of faith! it might work out in ways you wouldn't expect.
i hope my answer makes sense? feel free to hmu if you want further clarification!
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childofathena · 5 years
totally agree with you on rr and leo’s character. how would you have handled calypso and leo’s stories if you got to rewrite it?
oh DAMN okay please understand how excited i got when i saw this ask. its such an amazing question & im so excited to answer it. if anybody else has suggestions/things to add, PLEASE share bc im sure others can come up w better ways!
this is the original post
the Big Ones: calypso and leo are not romantically involved. leo learns the art of self-love and self-acceptance. calypso is more than just “woe is me i love 15-year-old boys who will never love me back.”
i think leo shouldnt have just bolted and let everyone think he was dead. i dont have a copy of blood of olympus i can turn to, but surely leo couldve found a way back to the island w/o all that “whoopsies im not actually dead just a prank haha”
i think leo getting calypso off the island 100% makes sense. but i also see calypso leaving leo to go explore. not to be a butt, just for freedom, while leo needs a place to settle down and feel at home (CHB). 
it doesnt make sense for calypso to settle down somewhere after being stuck on an island for who knows how long. and it doesnt make sense for leo to settle anywhere other than CHB. he needs somewhere to feel at home, and he had been at CHB for around 6 months before mark of athena, i think. so, with his siblings and friends, he was probably pretty comfortable there. he should have gone back there and settled back down w ppl he loves.
so, yes, leo saves calypso. cool! fun! heck yeah our girl is free! but then calypso leaves and leo stays w his friends. then, along the way, learn that he doesnt need a gf. his friends force him to realize “bitch u are loveable. u are so worthy. we love u. love urself.” maybe he finds someone to date, maybe not, but he learns to realize that he doesnt Need to date someone to be whole.
EDIT: also!! ive seen the headcanon that calypso joins the hunters of artemis. IT MAKES SENSE!! she gets a break from men which my girl needs that break okay. and she gets to travel!! and just!! it makes sense
once again, i have no clue if this makes sense! its late and my mind is a mess. hmu for clarification tho & thank you so much for this badass ask!
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ppangjae · 4 years
Aaaaah thank you so much Alex!!! I love all of em. I am sure I follow any one of your suggestions!! Love youuuuu and thank you I will definitely ask you in dm if I need more, thank you for offering that. Oh, did I tell you you are my favorite angst writer? Well- maybe overall favorite writer in here. Love you, have a great day. 🤡anon
yay! no problem love 💗 hmu if you get stuck anytime!
and yes, don’t be shy to dm me if you need any more clarifications or if you just want to talk LOL.
and ohohohoho thank you for the compliment. angst is gr8 and it’s something i work tremendously hard on and getting such compliments help me out!
love u uwu
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