#but also gramatically
nex-has-gender-envy · 4 months
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Till Death Do They Part ???
What is this marriage vows ??
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loveyougoodbi · 5 months
Miami unserious race overview
Hello and welcome back. We have another interesting race behind us. My thought on each team and driver under the cut as always.
1. Red Bull
I cant believe I'm saying this but Max lost on lack of pace. This is both good news and bad news to me. Good news because the Red Bull is within reach to the rest of the grid and we might get a possible lestappen fight in the future and bad news because my Maxie lost 😭. But it's OK he's gonna win the next one (if Charles let's him he he)
And it looks like red bull got the setup wrong for this race (they applied for a change that was not approved under Parc Ferme) so I'm not too scared. And by the looks of it neither was Max.
At one point Perez had such a bad pace I was like WHAT is wrong with the Red Bull??? It's insane. I'm starting to like Checo again so I don't want him to flop too hard. But alas.. it's Checo. But please please for the love of good be good enough to keep Daniel in the midfield. 🙏
2. Ferrari
Charles was amazing once again all weekend. That's my perfect driver. He did everything right except for that spin but he controlled amazing there too. I just love him so much ok? OK. And he didn't seem too dissapointed with his pace compared to McLaren either maybe because they could keep up with them on similar tyre life's without upgrades. So those coking upgrades must be good if he is this nonchalant to losing to Lando. Like I said, both Charles and Max seemed pretty unaffected but maybe that was just them in the moment being happy for their friend. No way to tell.
Anti Carlos rant and thoughts on the rest of the grid below the cut
Carlos was horrible. Honestly just all in all a really bad performance from him. Please let us start acknowledging this. First he could not pass Daniel in the sprint, then in the race the first thing he does again is attack Charles instead of defend against Perez. Which lead to Perez barging in and almost taking both of them out. He was extremely lucky that didnt happen. Then he kept whining on the radio about how he is faster (he was 0.029 faster for god's sake). And one point when he lost the DRS he wanted a switch which was exactly when he saw he was losing pace and he needed something to happen for him to be in front. Then I don't even want to talk about the fight with Piastri. That was just embarrassing, both from a on track battle perspective and a horrible whiny human being perspective. No skill no personality nothing. I honestly don't remember him being in a battle with someone and not making contact in recent races. And then this same person goes and blames everyone but himself. And not only that, he's saying he had the win???? Honey, Lando would have passed you in half a lap if you hadn't pitted, what are you on about? What win? I wish to be this delusional one day.
Carlos rant over moving on to the man of the hour:
3. McLaren
Lando finally got the win! Yay. Kinda a lot of mixed feelings about this one. I don't want Lando to do good but I am happy that a man who has worked his entire life and has faced disappointment after disappointment is getting to have this moment. And I believe in good karma and positive attitude so I will not be a bitter hater on this one. Congrats Lando and Lando fans. And I am counting this as a win, the safety car helped him but he is not the first nor last to be helped this way, however he drove beautifully after that and deserved the place. Max and Charles fell behind on pace significantly and very fast (albeit Charles was on significantly older tyres).
I am so sorry for Oscar. He used the situation at the start then was really fast and kept both ferraris at bay for too long. All that without the full upgrade package. Really really good performance. He was my driver of the day. Not to mention he had the hardest job yesterday - having to deal with Carlos. Imagine if ferrari didn't decide to pit him first.. I cant even think about it honestly I might go crazy. Can't wait to see what he can do with all the upgrades in Imola.
4. Mercedes
They were fighting Haas all weekend. Toto should stop yapping about Max and resign once and for all.
5. RB
I think RB only have one working car but are not telling anyone. One race Daniel suddenly remembers how to drive the next one its Yuki. They switch the one working car they have each race and no k e can convince me otherwise. (Real talk tho Daniel being p20 3 hours after he got p4 in the sprint is extremely hilarious)
6. Aston Martin
They were racing? The only time I saw Strolls name was when he drove into Lando in the sprint (not his fault this time). I honestly have nothing else to say..
7. Haas
MY NEW FAVORITE TEAM!!!! They are so funny but they are gaining points from it. They provide entertainment on and off track AND they are climbing up the standings. How fucking amazing. Kevin Magnussen you beast. You my man represent what f1 should be about - unhinged chaos. He came he collected 1 minute worth of penalties he finished last. But did we have fun? We sure did. Did Lando win? He fucking won. Did Logan DNF? Unfortunately there has to be a victim here. And he has 2 penalty points left to spare before Ollie makes a comeback and with this track record I think we are about to see Ollie in Monaco. Kevin the fairy godmother of f1. Giving everyone what they want in the most entertaining way possible. Did I mentioned how much I love him? Yeah I do!
8. Alpine
Alpine got a point!!!! Another sentence I didn't think I'd be writing this soon. Good for them. I don't know if it is still only Esteban with the upgrades but it seems like it. Either way this is promising and I'm happy for them. They did that for Travis btw. If you even care.
9. Williams
I feel so sorry for Logan. I feel like I say that way too often but it's the truth this season. Poor guy. The latest victim of the Magnussen tornado. Who Will it get next week? My guess is Perez.
10. Sauber
Idk if anyone noticed but Zhou made it an insane amount if laps on a soft tyre. The last time j checked was 5 6 laps to the end and he was on lap 23 on softs. That's impressive. He probably didn't want to risk losing 50 seconds In the pits again poor guy. Other than that they need to do better. Good job to Zhou tho.
This was my lo gest overview to date I think but im happy with this race and how everything went.
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 months
i hate hate hate hate when people complain about words. "oh but we don't need that many words" why wouldn't we. i've heard enough shit about portuguese teachers (im a native portuguese speaker) saying "we don't need all these neutral pronouns stop complicating language and creating more stuff all the time" do you hear yourself rn like what do you think language is for, being static forever instead of being a tool that serves reality and not the way around, and tools evolve all the time to better serve their purpose, like science and math????
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thedrotter · 2 months
((cw blood, reference to eating a person))
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(OC) More Shiba drawings, but these are actually recent! This time I will share a bit about Shiba. A non-goat creature from the Nether (She is a Minecraft OC ww) who now walks with society. She can be briefly described as strange in any angle ww
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randomsataan · 11 months
Hi its me with another rant about chapter 7 of ofmd because im derranged
So i think its obvious to every one how stede and ed kinda flipped roles this last two episodes.
So i been thinking and do you all remember how in chapter 9 of the first season before stede leaves blackbeard badminton tells stede that he was the one who brought blackbeard to a ruin and that he defile beautiful things this making stede feel that he somehow fucked up blackbeard making him feel that ed would be better with out him?
I think that now ed is feeling that exact same way about stede. Like he thinks that stede killed ned in cold blood to avenge blackbeards name that action giving him infamy and turning him into a "real pirate" making him this new stede. In a way he feels like he has ruined him and that he needs to get away from him in order to not ruin him anymore. Also this and the fact that they where going to fast and that stede was starting to thrive in a lifestyle that ed wants to get away from because it was harming him.
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wizardnuke · 9 months
head in hands. i spent two days on that essay. i thought it was bullshit. what do you mean it was the only a in the class. what are you talking about. why.
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cappurrccino · 3 months
imagine if we lived in a world where all ads were for legitimate, quality products made by legitimate, reputable brands/sellers and not 90% scams
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ooachilliaoo · 3 months
oooh i am dying to hear about Rescue! my mind is already thinking about the possibilities - who is doing the rescuing? has alistair gotten himself into trouble or is elissa the one in need of a daring rescue? (or anything you want to share about it!)
Ooh! thanks for asking m'dear. I’ve really been enjoying this one. So, the plot of this one (roughly) is that King Alistair is in Antiva making a deal when one of the Antivan princesses falls into the lake. Naturally our boy jumps into save her on instinct and then suddenly guess who all the ladies are fawning over?
Naturally he is very much not about this. Eamon however is very much about this.
So here’s a little bit of the jump for ya:
He shouldn’t be in this section of the boat of course. This place was for servants and sailors to go about their duties, not for Kings, hence the cause of Eamons displeasure.
“I know I know.” He drawled. Eamon was already disappointed there was no harm in sassing him besides what was he going to do? Send him to bed without supper?
“There are several merchant princes eager to speak with you.” Eamon continued “We may yet be able to secure the ships we need at half the price if only you would apply a little of your charm.”
“I have every intention of doing just that.” He said dragging his gaze from the calming waves to Eamons disapproving frown “I just needed a moment.”
Eamon made a face. It was a familiar expression. He liked to think of it as Eamons ‘I want to banish him to sleep with the dogs for a night but I can’t because he’s King so I’ll just stand here looking like I’ve swallowed hot coals until he capitulates’ face.
It was not the simplest of titles it had to be said.
“Very well.” He said drawing himself up to his full height and donning the aura of authority he’d cultivated. It would help when dealing with the princes, and if it reminded Eamon of who was king around here so much the better. “Which ones offer us the best chance?”
He listened intently as Eamon listed off a litany of pro’s and con’s of approaching this Prince or that, paying particular attention to the names and descriptions, at least able to trust that Eamon would have done his due diligence in that respect.
Despite his inability to treat Alistair himself as anything more than the unwanted boy he’d been, Eamon did genuinely care about Ferelden and preserving Calenhad’s line if it came to that. It was just that what Eamon thought was best for Ferelden wasn’t necessarily what he thought was best and nothing annoyed Eamon more than when the boy he’d raised disagreed with him.
Especially now that said boy had the authority to overrule him.
In this case it didn’t actually matter who was right or which Prince he should charm into giving them the ships they needed because barely moments after he’d rejoined the party a defeating scream rent the air before a splash sounded.
Someone somewhere yelled out ‘The Princess!’
But he was already in motion.
He didn’t even think, the girl went over and a second later he was in the water.
It was probably a really stupid thing to do, but some part of him remained a warrior and when he’d seen someone in trouble he’d just reacted.
No doubt Eamon would lambast him for it later. Not to mention Ren’s diatribe on how the salt water would ruin his finery. But the stillness of the water around him proved that no-one else had dived in to the save the poor girl.
Probably because she was a poor girl who could swim.
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wonderousbeast · 1 year
Riptide ep #94 spoilers!!!
If You Give a Fish a Family
There once was a fish born on a very special day.
The day was so special, his family gave him away.
He was taken to a palace, but it didn't feel like home.
Though everyone there said they loved him, he still felt alone
The big fish of the palace said,
"You must become strong! We fish don't like people, because they are always wrong."
The big fish brought a target and said,
"You'll be family if you hit this"
So the fish tried everyday, but he always seemed to miss.
Then one day the little fish made a big mistake, and the big fish of the palace kicked him out of the lake
The fish was alone on the shore, sad and beached.
When suddenly out of the sky, a fleshy hand reached!
The fish saw two people, with no fins or tails, on a big brown floating thing, hollow and with sails.
The fish was worried.
"Is this hell? Did i do a big sin?"
The two laughed,
"No, we're pirates! This is our crew. And you're in"
They saved a lot of people and committed violent crime.
But because they were together, they had a real good time.
They met a dude, Duke D Dukem of Duke, and a plant with kind eyes that gave them a spook!
They made a new friend, a horse from a puddle, that the little boy rode and then they became buddles!
They even met a goobleck, who mostly said,
"Hee Hoo!"
He absorbed 100 people, but then pressed undo.
(↑ unsure how this got in the book???? Its got purple gunk all over it)
But one day, the man said,
"I have a confession fish. I lied."
The fish felt so betrayed, he decided the man would die.
The next day, the woman's father came and had a real big frown.
He said,
"You are a dumb baby loser, and you've let this family down."
The woman said,
"You're right papa."
And so she shot the fish, but before the fish died it said,
"Is that really your wish?"
The woman said,
"Wait no! I wanna be friends with you!"
The man chimed in,
"Im sorry for lying, me too!"
Their crew was back together, and finally free!
Then the fish saw another target, if he hit it, he'd be family!
The fish thought of his journey, god, and his friends.
The fish took one big swing
And the fish,
Missed again.
The fish looked sad, packed his things, and said,
"Well, I guess this is it"
But the two stopped him and said,
"But you're already family! Family fucks up shit!"
The End. <3
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hcdragonwrites · 1 year
Seeing the stupid auto correct things in some of my fics (because I write on mobile) makes me want to
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I would turn auto correct off but I am a coward because I don’t know if that would effect everything else on my phone
But I may take that leap sooner then expected.
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Bc apparently people think this is okay: Unless someone specifically asks you for constructive criticism on their fanwork, do not f-cking tell them how to fix their grammar???
Or any editing suggestions tbh, most people are posting this stuff for fun, not for renown or money or whatever
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kachimera · 1 year
Leon, Mathias, Sara, Hector, Isaac and Dracula for the bingo <3
(@viralvava also asked me for Mathias ) *cracks knuckles*
Leon: no bingo :)
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Listen he's not a bad dude, just a little insane and messed up by circumstances  (see next character) (also ppl pls remember he's a darn knight he has a body count let him be mean). Questioning on the ruthless bc while he is ready to do what's right no matter what and bc he's to be feared when he's pissed he's still a good hearted guy who will try to help others he aint in it for misery, and on family dinamics bc i dont think it's very healthy to be an orphan.
Mathias: double bingo :D
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YES THIS IS THE MAN I WAS THINKING OF. MY POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW. Why are you so fucked up. Why can you control others emotions but not your own. Why do you make your problems everyone else's problems so disasterously. I wanna dissect him and see how a person can end up like this. Also getting pissed off at god for stuff is a mood so interesting in a messed up way. And im sure his alchemist family inheritance played on this disaster too. They had to inhale mercury at some point at least.
Sara: no bingo
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BEST GIRL. My bby. In life she was someone sweet and good, maybe with some issues like ppl pleasing or insecurity and frustrated over ppl taking advantage of her generosity (a mood), but overall good mental health. And then circumstances happened (see character above). She gets kidnapped, dies at the hands of her own fianceé after begging him to do it, is turned into a weapon, murder ,  learn how they've been betrayed, more murder, see Leon pass away, take care of the belmonts for generations, plenty of murder, finally kill the bastard responsible for it all, m u r d e r, kill said bastard multiple times, deal with some of her kids getting possessed. All that mixed up with general vampire madness and the sheer frustration of getting fucked over so unfairly and damm you end up messed up. She's the well meaning but deeply hurtful matriarch of the clan now. Don't let me rant abt her or i wont stop help-
Hector: bingo! (Kinda)
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He's a fun guy to think abt bc, he was born "cursed", is hated or used by others and his destiny kept dragging him around. (For example, did he really have much choice in moving into Drac's castle when he was a hated child that would have been burned by fellow humans?) But he isn't an innocent little baby, he becomes powerful and prideful and commits atrocities- so, how much of his bad parts are his and how many are from him? At least until he, wether for pride or regret, decides to make a choice of his own to leave the castle and finally makes peace with humans and gets a pretty wife. And when someone (see character below) ruins his peace and his dark fate tries to drag him down again, he realizes this and overcomes it. Idk i had a point i swear. Anyways he hot
Isaac: Double bingo! (Kinda)
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Problematic badass pathetic hoe 10/10. Like Hector he has a terrible fate but he instead clutches onto it and makes it his purpose. God rejected him so he finds a god in Dracula, humans were cruel to him so he makes cruelty his method. He lost Hector and then everything so he makes Hector lose everything. He's always on this fine line of being wronged and wronging others, he never fully gets what he wants, he keeps spiraling down and down and its 👌
Dracula Triple bingo combo! (Kinda but shhhh)
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Ah yes the previous asshole but rip and rotten. He's had time to soak in his dark powers, turn Death from his ally into his husband confidant, assimilate vampire madness to compliment his neurosis and just become a proper bastard. And then Lisa appears and he feels love again, remembers his humanity, and has his own son (all of this with some general fucked up-ness but he legit cares). And then he sees her die at the hands of humans and just loses it. Any grip he had over the powers of chaos is just gone, he lets himself fully fall into madness and makes his suffering everyone else's suffering (like before but amplified to a thousand ) and through this he loses his son, his generals, and with each ressurection, himself. To resume: Utter fucking nuclear disaster that learned n o t h i n g and will learn n o t h i n g (until Soma).
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person4924 · 11 months
Sirius Black - Comfort Crowd: An Essay
TW: depictions of child abuse and blood (not too specific I don't think)
Notes: Bold = Lyrics from the song Regular = Explanation 
I’m using They/Them pronouns for Siri too in this! (just in case there was any confusion with grammar or anything)
Comfort Crowd. Somehow even the title holds meaning to Sirius?? I have no idea, maybe I’m utterly insane. But at first glance, if you hear the term comfort crowd you might think, like a crowd you find comfort in. Like a group of friends you feel safe with, and in the song, it may mean that (or not idk). But in the context of Sirius Black it means finding comfort in the crowd (I switched the words you see!). Which means that they just find comfort in being in a crowd, being around people. 
“This hurt that I’m holding’s getting heavy. But I’ma keep a smile on my shoulders ‘til I’m sweaty” This line is so Sirius in so many ways. They will physically glue a smile on their face until it rips their face off to anymore. They will crack jokes until their mouth is physically glued shut. 
“Beggin’ on my knees screamin’, ‘someone come and help me’. But by the time they’re there, I’ve already hid the body.” When their parents would curse them, they would scream for help, even though they knew (falsely) that no one could hear them (Regulus always could). Then, when they would inevitably lose consciousness, their parents would hide them in the cellar until they woke up (or would keep them there for days as a punishment sometimes). 
“My breath’s getting short and I’m unsteady, wellin’ up in tears as I lay upon your belly. Telling you, ‘I’m fine I don’t really need nobody’ But you say through a sigh, that I said that lie already.” WOLFSTAR. So whenever Sirius would wake up from nightmares and have panic attacks, Remus would see (they’d be sleeping together so it was hard to miss) and Remus, being Remus, would try to comfort Sirius but then Siri would say the lie, “I’m fine, I don't really need nobody.” I have the headcanon that when Sirius is upset or is being comforted, they would (sort of purposely sort of not) make their grammar really bad so it would seem like it's less important and they didn’t really care. Anyways, this shows in this statement. Because in general, they would have impeccable grammar (because of how they were taught as a kid). So Remus in maybe first or second year noticed this (his hard-crushing/denial era!) and took note (“They see right through me they see right through me…). So then whenever Sirius would start talking with really bad grammar or anything, Remus would notice they were upset and/or were lying. So then Remus would say, “You said that lie already” and sigh because, Why couldn’t they just talk about it? Then obviously Sirius would take this as Remus getting annoyed with them and not wanting them anymore, and they would get defensive (somewhat deflecting) and then ask “What was that about?” and then would end in an argument of some kind.
“I just needed company now. Yeah, I just needed someone around. Yeah, I don’t care what song that we play. Or mess that we make. Just company now.” Sirius was always a people person. Ever since they were little, they could dazzle the whole room and were always the center of attention at fancy dinner parties (whether the attention was good or bad). But as they got older, they craved the attention. They needed it to be okay. If people weren’t paying attention to them, then why were they there? If people were there, around them, paying attention to them, then they could pretend. It would be okay. If they could smile and crack jokes, they were still alive. And if they were still alive, then that was enough. That’s all they needed. Sirius wouldn’t care what they did, how they did it, how much trouble they got into, just as long as they were around people. 
“We rot, thinkin’ lots about nothing. Yeah, I could spend a lifetime just sitting here talkin’” In the early years, before the war, before everything. Like in 1-3 year, they would all just sit, listen to music, and talk about nothing but what seemed like everything at the time. And as Sirius sat there, they thought they could spend a lifetime just sitting there, talking about nothing and everything at once. 
“And even if I cry all over your body, you don’t really mind. Say you like your shirt soggy.” Once again, WOLFSTAR. So sometimes when Sirius would have nightmares, they would just start crying. Silently, always silent. But Remus (being the lightest sleeper ever) would always wake up anyway, and he would just hold Sirius’s head into his chest and let them cry. I don’t think Remus ever literally said the words “I like my shirt soggy” but I think this line just kind of symbolizes what this means and is kind of an unspoken thing. Like, cry into my chest, I prefer my shirt soggy anyway and it would just kind of be like an unspoken thing. Eventually, Sirius would just fall asleep like that, Remus rubbing circles in their back or playing with their hair, and it wouldn’t be spoken of again. This would happen multiple times though, especially after Sirius escapes. 
“We mess around and laugh too loud” So I think this just kind of symbolizes all the marauders. Like they mess around pranking. And laugh too loud at night or in the astronomy tower when their supposed to be asleep. 
“By blood, we’re bound. Through ups and downs, through smiles and pouts.” So I think this entire line is just like James and Sirius. I think definitely at some point when they were young (like 1st or 2nd year) they made a blood oath. Like they were climbing a tree or something or James cut his hand on something or whatever. And then Sirius said “OOO! We should make a blood oath, so then we’ll be real brothers! We’ll be bound by blood” (or something like that, I don’t know how kids talk). Then Sirius picked a bug bite or something that would bleed, and they became blood brothers (if you get this reference, marry me). Then the other half of the lyric, “through ups and downs, through smiles and pouts” is like just friendship, through ups and downs, through whatever they were going through, they were there for each other. No matter what. They were brothers after all. 
“Comfort Crowd, you can always count.” This line I think can have double meanings, so I’m gonna go through both! 1) so the first meaning I think it could have is something that I talked about before. Like how Sirius finds comfort and crowds. And so this means like in disguising yourself in a crowd, you can always count on. Like if your on the verge of a mental breakdown, just throw a party or surround yourself with people, it works. 2) The second meaning I think would be contradicting myself but whatever. So I think it could mean like their friend group is their comfort crowd. A crowd they feel comfortable in. And then it just means it’s a group of people they could always count on (until they die lol). 
In Conclusion! I am completely and utterly insane. I am also very un-normal about Sirius Black and Conan Gray so… BUT this also goes to show how Conan Gray IS Sirius Black and all of his songs are about the marauders (I could write more essays). And if you got this far, thank you for indulging this! This was so much fun to write /gen
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randomsataan · 11 months
Ok so am i the only one who does not understand why people got so mad about stedes fish coment?
Like a lot of people are mad at him because they said he just said it to make ed feel better, he lied, he told him that just to spite him
Like i didnt see it (and still dont) see it that way at all! The way i see it stede didnt said the fish thing to be mean to him.like in chapter 5 when he said "oh ed thats beautiful" it was a real compliment and he was saying it because is not the fish who is beautiful is how that achievement made ed look so proud that was beautiful to stede. So when he says" i said that to make you feel good" is not in a manipulative way i just like in a kind of this makes you happy and allthough its not that big of a deal for me for you it is and i suport it.
So now cut to chapter 7 stede is finally being respected he finally is able to share intimacy with someone who he loves and out of a sudden ed says it was a mistake and he is going away and becoming a fisherman because he caught one fish once. So when ed is like you said it was a good fish and stede says it was wahtever its like it caught him out of guard. Everything was going fine and out of a sudden ed wants to become a fishermanman because he caught a fish once? Like imaging someone told you hey i made a cookie once so now im going to abandon everything and cut contact with you to open a bakery even tho i dont have the basic knowledge to do that. Like for stede it was such an impulsive decision that made no sense. Like he said THEY ARE WHIM PRONE
Now stede calling ed a coward THAT was shitty and spitefull
Just in case im not blaming ed for his decisions like were they the best option? No. do they make sense when you think of his character and all thats happened? yes
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nanatsuyu · 1 year
I think naming all my fics something I can emoji is healthy actually and fun. Also I won't be able to tag blueberry pancakes much longer cus it's almost done so I need the next to be similar
Still love 🐙🪄💦 for better safe than damned tho lmao
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So a lot of people dislike/hate Korekiyo because of his background and the fact that he killed Tenko and Angie, so I shall prove to all these people what a splendor of a character Korekiyo really is.
Let us make a brief description/introduction of Korekiyo:
Shinguji Korekiyo, Super High School Level Anthropologist, one of the 16 students of the Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony cast, is a mysterious and brooding loner who shows to have an obssesion with humanity and all that revolves around it, describing it as 'beautiful, even the ugliest of it's aspects'.
Shinguji Korekiyo used to have an ill older sister, the absence of their parents making him take the role of her caretaker. Desperate to experiencing love, 'sister' enters in what is described as an erotic relationship with Korekiyo, her passing leaving him with nothing but her dreams which he decides to pursue.
At one point in his journey, Korekiyo is met by a 'welcoming tribe' who tie him up and presumably beat him, leading to Korekiyo passing out and receiving a 'message' from his sister that tasks him with killing 100 girls, task that Korekiyo religiously follows untill he is uncovered as the killer of Angie and Tenko.
With that in mind we can properly start, what I like to call, our character dissection:
What many people hate about Korekiyo is the fact that his character 'revolves' around incest. Which is indeed true, because if his entire person wouldn't have revolved agains sister and the relationship between the two then Shinguji Korekiyo wouldn't be Shinguji Korekiyo. But I think it is time we took a deeper dive into Korekiyo's 'sister dillema'.
What most Kiyo lovers were able to see about Korekiyo is that he was abused by his sister. But what I was personally able to deduce is that the treatment given to Korekiyo is frightingly similar to brainwashing techniques used in the Korean War.
Article link from which I was able to substract this information: https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-brain/brainwashing.htm
One of the first things you need for successful brainwashing is a space in which the victim is isolated, deprived of any 'normal' social reference points, sleep deprivation being a possible factor. We are able to associate this with Korekiyo's lifestyle, as he was deprived of any social interaction outside of 'sister', her health problems making hospital visits a part of Korekiyo's life, as well as possible sleep deprivation out of anxiety.
The process of brainwashing has been devided in multiple steps, the steps in this order:
1. Assault on identity
2. Guilt
3. Self-betrayal
4. Breaking point
5. Leniency
6. Compulsion to confess
7. Channeling of guilt
8. Releasing of guilt
9. Progress and harmony
10. Final confession and rebirth
1ST STAGE: Breaking Down The Self
1. 1. Assault on identity: the agent denies everything that constructs the victim's self[...]-> Once he is forced by his circumstances to take the role of his sister's caretaker, Korekiyo's has to mature, showing that the dire situation also forces Korekiyo to endure a life in which he is denied of being a child, only reduced to 'sister's' caretaker. Nothing more, nothing less;
1. 2. Guilt: while the identity crisis is setting in, the agent is simultaneously creating an overwhelming sense of guilt in the target, critisizing them for every mistake they have made, big or small[...]-> This is the most prominent trait of Korekiyo's abuse that we are able to see, as in the third class trial we are introduced to Korekiyo's tulpa, which is supposed to be a near-perfect copy of his sister, her most recognizable lines being: "You musn't raise your voice. You mustn't stutter. You mustn't lose composure. You mustn't become flustered. You mustn't waver.";
1. 3. Self-betrayal: Once the victim is disoriented and drowning in guilt, the agent forces him to denounce his close ones who share the same 'wrong' belief system that he holds[...]-> Even if we cannot consider the world 'a loved one', sister convinces Korekiyo that the outside world wants to separate them out of ill will and that their relationship is supposed to be 'sacred', lie that Korekiyo is unable to combat;
1. 4. Breaking point: with his identity in crisis, the victim may undergo what in the lay community is referred to as a 'nervous breakdown'[...] At this point the agent sets up the temptation to convert to another belief system that will save the target from his misery-> Something that can be observed if you do Korekiyo's FTE's is that Korekiyo's entire personality was constructed after his sister's wishes, meaning that the old Korekiyo, whose identity wasn't even complete at the moment of the brainwashing process, was completely erased, leaving space for 'sister's ideal partner', as proven by FTE number 3.
2ND STAGE: The Possibility of Salvation
2. 1. Leniency: First, the brainwasher shows leniency. With the target in a state of crisis, the agent offers some small kindness or reprieve from the abuse[...] In a state of breakdown resulting from an endless psychological attack, the small kindness seems huge and the target may experience a sense of relief and gratitude completely out of proportion to the offering, as if the agent has saved his life<-> Korekiyo is introduced to anthropology through a book about tales that exist all around the world, book given by his sister, making him interested in the subject of anthropology. In the same FTE Korekiyo also tells us that his uniform was made by his sister.
2. 2. Compulsion to confess: the brainwasher offers an opportunity for confession. For the first time in the brainwashing process, the target is faced with the contrast between the guilt and pain of identity assault and the sudden relief of leniency. The target may feel a desire to reciprocate the kindness offered to him, and at this point, the agent may present the possibility of confession as a means to relieving guilt and pain-> I don't think I can explain this point since it already offers the core message(I am deeply sorry if this sounds unprofessional of me);
2. 3. Channeling of guilt: after weeks or months of assault, confusion, breakdown and moments of leniency, the target's guilt has lost all meaning, he's not sure what he has done wrong, he just knows he is wrong. This creates something of a blank slate that lets the agent fill in the blanks: He can attach that guilt, that sense of 'wrongness', to whatever he wants. The agent attaches the target's guilt to the belief system the agent is trying to replace[...]-> 'Sister' manipulates Korekiyo into thinking that society is wrong and that the two of them are right, Korekiyo, as the disoriented child he was, believing her;
2. 4. Releasing of guilt: the target is relieved to learn there is an external cause of his wrongness, that it is not he himself who is inescapably bad, which means he can escape his wrongness by escaping the wrong belief system. All he has to do is denounce the people and institutions associated with that belief system, and he won't be in pain anymore[...]-> 'Sister' offers Korekiyo the chance to what seems as a healthy relationship. Since Korekiyo has nothing left but his sister, he accepts (and as time passes becomes dependent of her).
3RD STAGE: Rebuilding Of Self
3. 1. Progress and harmony: the subject is then presented with a path to progress and harmony. At this stage, the agent stops the abuse, offering the target physical comfort and mental calm in conjunction with the new belief system.[...] The choice is not a difficult one: The new identity is safe and desirable because it is nothing like the one that led to his breakdown-> This is when their relationship starts to form and when sister implements her sexual desires, Korekiyo unable of seeing the sexual abuse she is actually putting him through, disoriented by all she has done to him up to that point;
3. 2. Final confession and rebirth: next comes the final confession and rebirth. Contrasting the agony of the old with the peacefulness of the new, the target chooses the new identity, clinging to it like a life preserver. He rejects his old belief system and pledges allegiance to the new one that is going to make his life better. At this final stage, there are often rituals or ceremonies to induct the converted target into his new community-> Korekiyo sees himself as his sister's lover, their relationship becoming official, leading to Korekiyo clinging to his sister and what he saw as 'the perfect being'.
Now that we made it clear that Korekiyo's entire being depended on his sister we shall talk about the after-effects of the brainwashing and her death.
Once the two of them started their relationship 'sister' was able to get Korekiyo to pursue anthropology and travel around Japan, therefore being able to live through him, and Korekiyo was finally given a moment of peace. Everything seemed to be in perfect balance. But it only looked like it, for sister had the upper hand in the relationship, Korekiyo becoming her little toy.
After 'sister's' death, Korekiyo is left in shambles as he stands completely alone. Since anthropology is the last thing his sister left him with, he continues with his carrier, later becoming the Super High School Level Anthropologist. Throughout the time he deepened his knowledge on his culture and its' traditions, Korekiyo meets a tribe that tied him up and made him pass out as a 'welcome', which made him hallucinate his sister's image, who tells him that he must kill 100 girls for her so that she can have friends in the afterlife, Korekiyo complying.
This incounter shapes him into who we know him as: an observative individual who believes that logic is above emotion (which is quite ironic if you ask me), thinking of himself as an ugly person unworthy of love, as his Love Hotel suggests, his sister being the only person who would've been able of making him feel worth something. Yet Korekiyo was subconciously able to realise what his sister has done to him was wrong and both in his 4th FTE and his Love Hovel he tries to get his possible ideal to secretly confess their love in order to not anger sister.
TLDR: Olga was done listening to Kiyo haters hate on Kiyo without understanding him first so she decides to teach you all the ways of the Shingucci
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