#but honestly it's sooo interesting to ask yourself those questions
So, I thought about androids having a stomach, and I think that some models have like a trash in their belly to put everything that goes in their mouth. Maybe cooks ? If they want to taste smth. And that would also explain why Alice can eat, since Kara also makes food for her.
From my point of view, Alice is like a life-sized doll, one of those creepy babies that our family always gave to us girlies (gave me chills tbh I hate dolls 💀) so she probably could eat stuff, but Todd (or herself or kara ofc) had to empty her "stomach" once in a while.
Connor probs don't have one, but I would think his tongue has extra sensors so he can analyze liquids and stuff.
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chilschuck · 6 months
So... How about Laios x a dragonkin reader? (Specifically an ice dragon, they just look so fluffy!!)
I can imagine having sections of her body covered in soft feathers! Something like Falin at the end of the manga. I also think her body runs on the colder side of things, you know? For one reason she's partially covered in feathers. So I imagine her being quite affectionate, the warmth that others radiate is just something she can't deny!
I can picture Laios basically vibrating with excitement as he asks questions about her and her body, and, can you llame him? Come on! She is half dragon! How could he pass up this opportunity!?
And before any of the party (Marcille) can stop him or say something, she accepts perhaps too calmly (I can hear the "HUH?" from Marcille rn)
Laios' enthusiasm is like that of a child at Christmas as he asks questions and lets his hands explore his feather-covered wings. He compares and looks for the less noticeable differences between her and a real dragon, measuring her saw-sharp teeth and making comments without any shame, while reader just sits, answering the questions that she can answer, looking happier than she should.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ WAHHH THIS IS SUCH A CUTE REQUEST and i hope i did it justice!!! i did some headcanons but writing a piece for this one day would be sooo fun!! i hope this is close to what you were thinking!!!!
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— LAIOS x ice dragonkin!reader.
꒰ rating: ꒱ sfw fluff! gn!reader.
꒰ wc: ꒱ 365
✦ i’m fighting off allergies and brainfog so i apologize if this is incoherent at all, lol. if you’d like a drabble, feel free to submit something again and i’d love to do another dragonkin!reader piece for you!! hope you enjoy! <3
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✦ Laios is instantly drawn to you. This isn’t surprising considering his fascination with monsters, but it doesn’t help that you’re cute, too. Don’t even get him started on how sweet you look with all those feathers. And if you let him run his fingers through them, you’d see his face light up so brightly with delight!
✦ You aren’t naturally very warm, so you’ve found yourself sneaking into Laios’ bedroll and nuzzling into his side. Laios doesn’t mind this at all, and even encourages you to take all the warmth from him you need. (As long as you answer some of his ramblings!)
✦ Laios is extremely excited when you first meet, eyes filled with wonder and chest giddy with curiosity. Expect him to start babbling out questions and watching you closely. “Wow… Look at those feathers!” or “Is it okay if I touch your wings?” will definitely be said a bit too loudly as he’s basically vibrating on the spot. Before Marcille can reel him back in, to her bewilderment you give a sweet nod and a calming smile. (I think she just about falls over from that.)
✦ When he finally does get to feel your wings under his palms, he’s so enchanted he could implode. This was an opportunity he may never get again, so best believe he’s going to take full advantage of it!
✦ “So this is different from others I’ve seen. Interesting…” he mumbles to himself. “Can I see how sharp your teeth are?” You hum, opening your mouth to bare your fangs and he’s taking and comparing notes in that head of his.
✦ You’re probably a bit too happy to be dealing with something like this. The others wonder if and when your patience for his questions will run out, but they watch as you beam right back at him. (And there he goes, enamored by your fangs again.)
✦ Laios is very determined to make sure your needs are met. Is what you’re eating fitting to your natural diet? Are your wings in need of stretching? Are you able to get enough warmth? It honestly makes you giggle a bit. You’ve never had someone so interested in your wellbeing. It feels nice.
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beauty-and-passion · 1 month
Hello, everyone, welcome once again to another post about Bill’s dimension. One day this analysis will end, I promise. But today is not that day: today is the day we will talk about Bill’s family.
And oh boy if there’s a lot to talk about.
Please check all previous posts to understand this one (and the masterlist too!).
<- Previous post - Masterlist
“If you think Stan’s relationship with his family is bad, Bill’s is worse” - Alex Hirsch, NYCC 2015
Loved and ostracized
Everyone loved me immediately and the mayor dubbed me the “best baby of all time”, made my birthday a holiday and gave out free knives. (...) Truth is I’ve always been loved and admired by all!
Of course Bill starts telling his story with a huge. Fucking. Lie.
How can I be so sure? First of all, the hyperbolic way in which he talks about his birth as if it’s the second coming of Christ. Then, all the previous points of this endless analysis.
Considering everything we have until now, I find it very difficult that Bill’s birth was celebrated by everyone. Surely his family celebrated it - if his society is similar to Flatland’s, having a regular son would’ve been enough to make them very happy.
But also… he’s just an Equilateral. And if his world has social classes based on the number of sides, then he’s from a middle class. I doubt the birth of another Equilateral was a reason big enough for huge celebrations.
Also, let’s not forget what Bill himself said in the TBOB: you should make a new reality and a meaning for yourself. Well, what if this is the reality he made? A place where he was immediately loved and admired by everyone?
Scalene and Euclid
Sooo… those are the names of Bill’s parents.
Honestly? They’re interesting. Even if I’m a bit weirded out by Scalene: in the only image we have of Bill’s parents (the grayed-out triangles on thisisnotawebsitedotcom) neither of them looks like a scalene triangle. On the contrary, they both look equilateral.
It’s a bit strange, you know? As if a person has “Neanderthal” as their first name. “Neanderthal Smith” or similar. Sounds strange, doesn’t it?
While speaking of Euclid, I think it’s a nice name. It’s the same name as the dimension they lived in and no, it’s not as weird as it seems: in our world, some people have the same name as the country they’re from, so it’s not so weird.
But hey, the most important thing is that we canonically have the names of Bill’s parents! We know he had parents and we know details of his relationship with them!
And this raises A LOT of questions.
Let’s start with his mother: we know she loved him, at least a little bit. She sang him lullabies and told him she loved him, despite his strange eye. So we can be sure at least one of his parents didn’t mind his deformity so much.
Also, this part in TBOB after Bill and Ford's breakdown, in which a very, very drunk Bill talks to his mom:
“I’m gonna be back from school soon, don’t forget to cut out the crust off my sandwiches or I’ll —”
I don’t know you, but to me, this sounds like the threat of a spoiled child. Something like “cut the crust off or I’ll throw a tantrum”. And yes, this implies Bill was a spoiled child - or at least, a child who considered himself above others, mother included. So yes, I can imagine him throwing a tantrum at his mother for something stupid like some crust on his sandwiches.
But again, even more questions! How was his mother towards him? Was she submissive? Was she combative? Was she ready to answer to every little whim of her son like a Flatlander Woman or did she ask for some respect? Considering how bratty Bill is, I'm more prone to believe she was very lenient towards him.
While speaking of his father, I find it very fascinating that we know absolutely nothing about Bill’s relationship with his father. We know his mother loved him (maybe to the point of spoiling him too much)… but his father? Did he care about Bill? I suppose so, considering Bill visited a doctor (unless it was his mother’s decision only, but I doubt it).
And about his job: was he a Tradesman? Bill attended school, but was school supposed to teach him about his future job too? If not, then this was up to his parents, right? Presumably, it was his father’s job to teach Bill how to be a Tradesman, a bit like in the Flatland society. If that’s the case, then why we don’t have any information about this? Why no memory at all? Bill seems to care about his father too - if we assume that the top hat he has was his father’s. So at least he cared enough to keep something of him.
Was his father a bad guy? Was he cruel? Or was he so blinded by society’s rules to torture his son and think he was doing it for his good? In that case, I would understand why he did everything he did - but beware: understanding doesn’t mean accepting. It would be a bit like Filbrick Pines’ situation: I can get the reasoning behind his actions, but that doesn’t make him Father of the Year. Maybe it’s the same for Bill’s father. This wouldn’t be the first parallel between Stanley and Bill, after all.
An Irregular masquerading as Regular
Time to talk about Bill’s eye.
We can safely assume Bill’s rare mutation was having his eye on the face and not on the side - which, from the Euclideans’ perspective, meant having an eye on his insides.
Now, imagine with me: you have a child and you see that your baby has no eyes. No eyes at all, not even an eye socket. I bet you would freak out, at least a little bit. You would probably send your baby to a doctor and ask if there is something they can do.
The doctor checks the baby and gives you both good and bad news: your child has eyes and they work. But they are inside his body. In his goddamn stomach.
And if all of this isn’t enough, your child starts telling you that sure, he can see a lot of things! He sees things you cannot see - no one else can see.
Now, would you say: “Oh, no problem. He can see things no one can, so he’s fine and his eyes work well”? Or would you probably freak out even more and fear your son is having goddamn visions because he’s probably dying or has a tumor or who knows what?
I can understand why Bill’s parents brought him to a doctor. And I can understand why the doctor thought the best solution was to “blind” that eye. As far as Euclideans know, there are no “stars” and there is no “above”. It’s as if someone in our world says they can see rotating hypercubes in real life. Would you think they’re perfectly fine or question if they’re insane/growing mad/getting very sick?
So yes, even if it's insane for us, from Bill’s parents' POV, giving him medicine to make him blind was for his own good. Does that make them Parents of the Year? Hell no, they were literally blinding their own son, of course it’s terrible and insane and if someone tries to do the same they should be immediately thrown in jail. But for the rules of Euclydia’s world, this was probably the best thing to do.
And personally, I ADORE the tragedy of this. The tragedy of giving something to your son that will permanently blind him, but trying to make it at least bearable - he’s still a child, he doesn’t really understand what he’s drinking, but you think it’s for his own good, your whole world think it's for his own good, so you use something silly that he likes, like straws, because this will make the medicine - the impairment - more tolerable. Uuurgh, it’s so tragic I love it.
And it’s even more tragic, if we consider that even after billions of years, even if he talks about his doctor and the medicine as something bad that wanted to “blind” him, Bill never forgot the straws. He still loves the straws he was using so much, to the point he still gave them a place in his book.
But since there’s always room on the angst train, also think that by making him blind, Billy would’ve probably stopped talking about these visions (at least, according to his parents). And if he stopped, it would’ve been easier for him to fit into society. He would’ve followed the rules and standards. He was a Regular shape after all, so if they took away that hidden-and-yet-so-present pieces of Irregularity he had, he could’ve become a respectable member of their society. One who didn’t go around, talking about weird things no one could see. Things that were against the law.
Again, it’s not me saying this, it’s Bill:
“Technically, talking about a “third” dimension was illegal in my world.”
This makes Bill’s character EVEN MORE fascinating. He could’ve been the Apostle of the Third Dimension. He could’ve spoken to everyone, because he had something of everyone - he could’ve been a bridge between Regulars and Irregulars, because he was both. He could’ve changed his world or died as a martyr.
But in the end, he chose the third option.
And we will talk about it in the next post.
See you soon with the fourth and final post on this part.
Next post ->
(How about a coffee? ☕)
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hugemilkshake · 4 months
So after the Game Night, I was incredibly suspicious about BlackBerry Shade, sooo may I ask for after that night, Y/N Cookie organizing a romantic date with BlackBerry Shade, but secretly tries to learn more of whatever it is she’s doing?
Enjoy the milkshake! Honestly, you have the right to be sus of blackberry shade. But I can now talk about blackberry and her… questionable actions
Here is the game night one
Date (gone wrong)
-Platonic or romantic, I don’t really care-
Well… how did you get here? You were in one of those cheesy candlelight dates with a cookie you honestly feel very suspicious of. The last time you talk to them, Bubbly Milkshake was very nervous around Blackberry Shade. That in itself was very shady.
But what’s even more shady was that today… Bubbly Milkshake wasn’t around.. it was strange… But there was another cookie you had never seen before acting as your waiter
“You know, we didn’t get to talk that much last time you came around so I’m so glad you came back to visit! You are quite an interesting specimen”Blackberry Shade grinned at you. You were kinda weirded out by the last part but you needed to know what exactly her deal was
The atmosphere wasn’t the most pleasant, there was a radio playing some cheesy love songs that kinda unsettled you. You couldn’t tell if Blackberry Shade was actually being lovey dovey with you since this cookie didn’t seem the most trustworthy
The cookie you saw soon came back with an actually good looking plate of pasta but before he could set it down Blackberry Shade chimed in “Oh dear the foods here… but something is missing… I’ll go get it! Don’t scare our guest away Dark Apple!”
Once Blackberry Shade walked away the radio was silent… kinda like it was attached to her in some way.. but the cookie, who you learned was Dark Apple Cookie looked at you and before you could say anything he slammed his hands on the table and started to talk to you like you were being interrogated
“You. What’s your name?” “Y/N Cookie..?” “Why are you here?” “I uh… want to see what Blackberry Shades deal is?” “… well you shouldn’t be digging into her. Shes bad news.. you want to know where Bubbly Milkshake is right?” “Uh yeah! From what I know, Bubbly Milkshake is always with Blackberry Shade!”
There was a brief moment of silence before Dark Apple started to talk again, he got straight to the point. “Bubbly Milkshake lost their leg due to Blackberry Shade. They are currently recovering.” He took a second before continuing. “You really don’t want to stay around. You’ll end up being stuck in a deal like me and your friend Bubbly Milkshake. You won’t be able to leave. No matter how hard you try.“
You had to take a moment to process but Dark Apple just kept laying more info to you “I hate Bubbly Milkshake with all my heart but if there’s one thing we can agree on it’s that Blackberry Shade is a bad person. So stop trying to insert yourself in this.”
The radio began to emit static noises and soon went back to the cheesy love songs that were playing as Blackberry Shade walked back in… but she had something with her… it was your favorite food…
“You enjoy this food right? Well I wanted to make sure you’re happy!” You smile and nodded at Blackberry Shade. you never told her about your favorite food. Dark Apple could see that you were kinda weirded out, but all he did was whisper to you… he told you to stay away from radios…
You were kinda glad that the night was over when you left…
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anulithots · 3 months
Contrived tropes, the Kingdom of the Planet of the apes, and how to write a fallen civilization
Okay so the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.
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(I'm just going to keep using these gifs instead of the ones from the new one sooo)
How did you take an absolute masterpiece of a trilogy, crafted with internal conflict and nuanced characters and some of the best moral dilemmas I’ve ever seen in media, and create a movie so boring that I could barely sit to the end… IN WHICH YOU MAKE A WHOLE NONESENSICAL PLOT TWIST THAT MESSES WITH THE LAST MOVIE.
And I have thoughts, some ideas for rewrites, IDK I’m just so disappointed with western media I absolutely loved the other planet of the apes movies. (The war for the planet of the apes messed me up in the best and worst way possible for DAYS). I’m not going to claim myself as better than the writers here, but I am. I can do better. And I will. Suggestions are appreciated. Also note I haven’t watched the original planet of the apes movies. I’m only talking about the triology here.
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Honestly the trilogy was perfect, and I want something original from Hollywood and it’s so sad that I have to ask that. Anyways watch indie animation; it’s amazing and here we go:
Noa, and how to copy Ceasar but badly
The wasted potential. What I will say is that they did make him cry. Love to see that.
Other than that, the first bit of this movie, with the trio and a bonding ceremony only for protagonist to lead the bad guys to the tribe, which causes all of them to either die or be taken away, leaving the protagonist to make a basic goal to make things right.
Does that sound familiar?
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It’s basic middle grade fantasy. Not that there’s anything wrong with middle grade, quite the contrary, middle grade has some of the deepest writing known to humanity. But this? It feels like someone took basic tropes and shoved it onto a Save the Cat formula (did I mention how much I hate that book and want to burn it for what it did to wider storytelling?) then proceeded to pander it out for a good two hours. Honestly the poor sound design people. The music tried so hard to make me feel something. But I didn’t. Which juxtaposes the last movie and it’s visceral storytelling but I digress.
Now if you wanted to use the same structure, the same events, but have them rise to the same level of perfection as the trilogy, then here are some suggestions.
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(a) Themes. Holy herbs the basic themes here actually rotted my brain. The ‘apes versus humans’ thing. In the original trilogy, these themes hinted at a question: at what lengths will you go for the people you love, and what havoc will that bring to the world?
(The entire decimation of the human race actually. Also, this is based off memory from years ago, my apologies if it isn’t completely accurate)
According to @myleesketches “the first three movies had so much more of a psychological exploration” Which yesssssss.
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So for this movie? Simple. Keep the same theme. Although, the characters often mentioned the theme of trying to reclaim an old world, which is fine, and could prove to be interesting, so I’ll make an updated theme:
For what lengths will you go to preserve the people you love, and retain that safety for them, which will only backfire in the end? You cannot save them. Silly humans, silly apes, silly curse of intelligence, thinking yourself so powerful that you could change fate itself.
Okay actually that second half is interesting to me.
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(b) Noa himself.
Siighhh he’s a basic protagonist. I’m sorry but he has so much wasted potential. Given a decent beginning then doomed to side quests for the rest of the movie.
So with this theme one can build a basic internal conflict. If I remember correctly, Ceaser struggled with the attachment form those he cared about, versus the needs/requirements society had of him. And he struggled with the initial rejection of his human family, the desire to keep his new family around throughout the entire trilogy.
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So for Noa, we can use a slightly different angle. The idea of intelligence and control over fate perhaps? (IDK this movie showcased a new ape world, if you’re going to have a society replace human beings, might as well have a conversation on if human struggles are simply byproducts of intelligence, on if creatures cannot have intelligence without the problems it brings, on if, with evolution, it brings our own downfall.)
Listen it would be amazing.
Since they kept talking about how ‘Noa is so smart’, have him be that intellectual sort, with ideas for how to better improve things around him, and this sort of mentality, this need to fix things will drive him mad later. This can be his belief system, that he looks to the world and sees ways to make life better for those he cares about. (Yes I know this was the villain’s point of view here. That’s the point I have ideas.)
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Then as far as a fear, or contradicting belief goes… hmm, perhaps we’ll bring control into this. How, compared to nature, the creatures within have no control of whether they live or die. This could be interwoven into that whole ‘clan law’ thing that they had. Nature is good, do not kill fellow apes, respect nature, don’t mess with it. (wouldn’t want to be like that last dominant species… wherever they are)
So Noa grew up with this belief, doesn’t like it because it contradicts his ‘intelligence’ belief, so it becomes his fear. He fears that, in the end, nature will make all his efforts futile. So in an attempt to counteract this, Noa often overcompensates with his intelligence to tame nature, and is quite paranoid over things he cannot control.
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From here we get some ideas about what could happen in the plot:
-corruption of the clan, Noa cannot save them. They could still get stolen by some Ceasar cult… which is… fineee I guess. But let’s bring in some ‘brainwashing’ that is absolutely irreversible. Something that messes with everyone’s heads to such a degree that they aren’t the same anymore.
-okay and here you can parallel the first movie, the thing that started it all, trying to save the brains of those they care about. If Noa attempts to save them perhaps? IDK I’m throwing around some ideas. I do not want to write this entire thing but the ideas, they interest me.
-so human technology can save them? … hmm now how technologically advanced can the apes…
Okay so random orangutan guy? Has a human ‘pet’/companion perhaps? I’ll figure this out more later. Eccentric and technological but in the ‘reusing old human things in scraps’. Idk then something with that? … mmm I don’t love that idea. I might come back to this.
-also just. have. Noa’s tribe cherish the memory of Ceasar. If you’re going to have a Native American-esque tribe then do it properly. Otherwise do something original. In fact….. what I do for my non-human creatures and their culture is base it off of le science. So all. you. had. to. do. was base the new ape culture off of what apes already do, but tweak it for increased intelligence. In fact. I feel like you could do something interesting here. With these apes being aware of their human predecessors… and please have them be aware of it. The audience saw how the world got to this point, do not explain it to us again. Instead, have the apes have their own perception of what to do with the ruins, and how to continue. I don’t have any ideas for this as of now but I might IDK.
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-what lengths does he go to? Well the usage of humans perhaps, in fact, perhaps Noa is the one who employs the slavery of humans for his goal? ANd he decimates the previous ape clan perhaps? Let him go to the lengths that not even Ceasar went to.
-like if humans are still intelligent and in scraps. And I’m talking absolute scraps. They live in tiny little villages, perhaps just a few, some old weapon stores, hidden away, and stories about what they once were. Resentment for apes has been built up for generations. So they could represent lost intelligence. Overall, they actually live pretty well, pretty comfortably. They have to live with the wild and survive, but there is peace. Less problems. Ect. ect. Yet still they crave for something better. -also apes keep some humans as pets. These pet humans are just barely intelligent. They are either treated very well or not so well.
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Why. do. they. talk. so much.
That is all I have to say here. Bring back the sign language. That or have them make a mixture of languages… perhaps something where they use bits of words and sounds to accentuate a sign along with facial expressions. Sign language is a rich visual language and it would be perfect for beings who were not made to speak aloud to adapt into something of their own.
ALso more ape mannerisms. I loooveee when non-human characters have non-human characteristics. Make them act like apes. Make them act like smart apes. Please.
I miss Maurice. And side characters.
At this point the story would’ve been more interesting if Noa was a lone, angry wanderer, snapping at everything in his path on a search for his clan.
But also… le side characters. Also wasted potential here.
(My siblings and I are talking about the first three moves and I’m sobginggg they were soo good)'
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I think his name was Raka? He died or something. I did not like him. He talked too much about things we’ve already seen. I did not miss him.
But I mean… if you want to have his theme be about preserving the intelligence of the past?
If you have his theme be about not repeating the sins of the past, of treading forward with caution, and remembrance of the past so it does not repeat? Could prove to be interesting.
Yes I do like the idea of someone who lives on the edge of civilization, collects things, and has opinions for how society should run. But Raka was just… executed so poorly.
So you could have him be generally quiet, and constantly collecting things, a bit aloof, getting lost, seems silly but if you ask or if prompted or if necessary then he’ll say the most wise thing to ever exist. He’ll basically serve as an unreliable moral compass. That does die we’re keeping that. Perhaps when this new Raka dies it symbolizes Noa throwing the dangers of intelligence to the side, and instead pursuing his goals with full force.
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Okay now to talk about Mae.
I sob.
Everyone’s white with blue eyes and perfect skin and I am so tired.
The little. girl. in. the war for the planet of the apes. was. so. tragic. and. wonderfully. told.
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But like… wasn’t she supposed to be the last human?
Anywho, if you will have humans here. Please. I beg of you. No more skinny white teenagers with blue eyes trying to survive a world that should have some more diversity other than: white and not tanned whatsoever. Yes, I will be salty about this.
Anywho, so if you do want to have humans in this, following Noa and co. around, then some options can be:
-someone older… either middle aged or some grandma that managed to survive and is like a cat IDK
-a parent/non bio parents or smth + children
-parents who have lost children
-a lot of younger humans. Perhaps siblings that follow the apes around. They can be around … 12 maybe? Then… you know… if Noa uses them for some purpose and it’s horrific then it’s just horrific and you know… storytelling. Let it be dark.
(no matter which human option you go with, they can all be dark. LET IT BE DARK! MUAHA-)
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Especially because the humans trust these apes. Like very much so.
…. okay so perhaps Noa here somehow uses the humans to regain his tribe back?
That sounds very le science and I’m not sure how much I love that idea… unless you have this thing set up where Noa likes tinkering with human scraps. In fact, just have this world be riddled with old human things… then they come across this whole facility/hospital thing or something.
Then Noa has control of the Ceasar cult at this point, and also does horrific things with them. If he does manage so save some of his tribe - either his mother or one of his friends - then they are also horrified, and they reject being saved.
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Backstory is better than chronological fight me. Have Noa flashback to his life with his friends, eventually leading up to how he lost everyone. Have it start with him traveling to save everyone. SHow a fleshed out character and tease that there are reasons behind these actions. Show them. Pay off. You know… storytelling. wowow.
hmmm this is missing something.
What to do with the humans, rebellious apes, and suches
If you have some of Noa’s apes survive the Caesar cult, and stay behind to rebuild, then oppose Noa’s efforts, serving as the theme of nature’s simplicity. They have been living with nothing for awhile and there’s a comradery in that. There’s a peace in that.
Then Noa returns, not just clinging to the old world, but to a better one. And they know that this will ruin what little they have left.
Chaos ensues. Pain and angst and such
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Yes so those are my ideas for now!
Erm this makes watching that entire movie better, I needed to rewatch some link click just to refresh my brain.
Any suggestions are much appreciated. Thank you for reading my rant <3
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multifanlol · 1 year
Hello! Love the recent Marcy xShy reader post you did think you do a part 2 of what happens when all 4 meet up again maybe have Sasha and the reader get into a argument and Marcy goes to comfort them afterwards
Sure! And thankkss I honestly hoped someone would request for a part two sooo-
Sasha may be seen OOC but i need to remind y’all this is her BEFORE her development Sasha b4 that was a bit much 😭 (still love her tho 🫶)
Marcy Wu x Fem! Shy! Reader (pt 2)
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Ever since that “incident” you honestly thought things were gonna be awkward
I mean okay, sure they were a little awkward but that was because it was an awkward nerd and another nerd who can’t keep a full conversation going
Other then that things were pretty chill although you couldn’t lie you still felt extremely guilty
I mean, sure you and Marcy didn’t kiss or anything like that but you still knew Sasha ever since you were kids even if she DID turn into maybe a psycho trying to kill one of Anne’s frog friends(?) (readers pov) you still cared about her in some way-
Recently you’ve gotten the other stones to open the calamity box and now you just had to do the last one
Which happened to be Sasha
And “Grime” or whatever according to Anne tried to kill “Hop Pop” (y/n doesn’t know the names okay 😭)
To say the least tension was in the air
With the planters and Grime and you Anne, Marcy and Sasha
It’s not like you hated her you were tense over having to end things with her, Marcy was tense due to guilt, Anne was tense due to well everything that happened
Now you took a breath in while walking out of the cave and walked over to Sasha
“That was surprisingly brave of you” you thought to yourself
“Hey Sasha…”
The blonde turned around to the h/c girl while she was talking to Grime
Grime seemed to get the message then clears his throat awkwardly
“I am not being involved in this, you can go and chat I’ll just be…..over there”
We watched him awkwardly walk away
“Sooo, Grime seems……interesting”
“Yea, Grimesy isn’t so bad once you get to know him…”
There was the awkwardnesss
You clear your throat again
“So, Sasha ever since we’ve been apart I’ve had time to…”
You notice Sasha yawning then she notices you staring
“Oh, I’m listening relax! It’s not like what your saying is gonna be a big deal anyway”
You take a short breath and stare at her
“it’s now or never” you thought
“Listen Sasha I’ve been thinking a lot and i believe that we should-“
“Hey, when you look at this cave when you look on the side, it kinda looks like a face”
“Sasha, i mean-“
“Our English class teacher back in 2nd grade!”
She laughs at it then notices you looking annoyed
“Why are you so upset-oh! don’t tell me Anne told you about it i mean, of course she did, listen n/n what happened was a misunderstanding and me and Anne made up so if your so mad about it-“
“It’s not about that Sasha-I’m sorry I-look, me and you are over-“
“I’m sorry, i hope you won’t hate me for it forever but i just can’t deal with this anymore-“
“Your…..your breaking up with me?! Why?!”
“It’s not you-i mean maybe it is you-or us both! I just-“
“After all the times i stuck up for you whenever they’d question why i went out with you, all those stuff I’d let you get, YOUR dumping me?!”
You honestly felt terrible but getting it over with now seems best….maybe
“Listen Sasha, you weren’t a horrible girlfriend i just don’t have strong feelings for you-“
“Don’t have strong feelings for me?! Why didn’t you tell me this before we landed in Amphibia?!”
“I wasn’t sure of it then! Maybe i didn’t tell you this often but i kinda thought you were a control freak!”
“I let you buy whatever you wanted!”
“YOU bought them for me, and when I’d try to ask something you’d completely dismiss my opinion!!”
You noticed Sasha seemed somewhat stunned by your courage but that quickly covered with rage
“Well what about the times we went to the movies i payed for everything!”
“YOU payed for the tickets i had to pay for the snacks and seats!!!”
The argument only just got longer you honestly didn’t wanna do this but honestly…..you had a lot of rage trapped inside you for years
“Okay maybe after all of that stuff, WHY did you actually dump me?”
“I’m not stupid y/n, there’s something your not telling me”
Ugh you knew Sasha could tell through lies as well as seeing through a telescope (bad comparison but honestly idc)
“Well, maybe it’s because i just don’t have feelings for you, ever thought of that?”
“I know that’s not it!”
“….Fine your not gonna tell me then, cool, maybe you were cheating on me and want an excuse while making it not be cheating? You were using me?! You-“
“I like someone else!”
“Well i…liked you at some point but i became more aware of these feelings later on…..and i wanna end things with you to attempt to not hurt you but, i guess i already did”
“I knew it….”
“I guess you wanna dump me for someone who might not even like you? Cool, maybe I’ll let you with open arms if you don’t come back too pathetic when they reject you”
And just like that she walked off
Ouch, it did sting though, it honestly hurt but you can’t expect much good from Sasha Waybright
It did hurt a lot though thinking about all of it, I’m not crying…..why are there tears rolling down my eyes
You noticed Sasha back talking to Grime and she looked at you for maybe a mil second then completely turned her head
It’s like she’s refused to even look at you
You were too caught up in your sadness to realise a certain bluettte noticed your sad frown
“Soo, do you wanna talk about it-“
You jump due to being caught up in your head you didn’t notice Marcy approaching you which resulted in her lightly giggling
“Oh! Sorry that was mean! Sorry for scaring you….heh”
“Soo….do you wanna…..or-it’s okay really!-“
You turn your head around to see if it’s close to anyone hearing
“I’ll….tell you back here…”
You walk a bit behind the others so it’s not close to anyone except you and Marcy hearing and tell her everything
“And so then…..”
“And then?”
“I revealed i liked someone and well, I’m a horrible person….i think i hurt her…..”
“Ouch that sounds awful! For you-or her! Or well both?”
You knew Marcy had trouble deciding which “side” she should “be on” you honestly felt bad and felt she didn’t need to choose
“Um well i don’t think Sasha thinks your a horrible person maybe she was just a little mad-“
“No, i know what i did to her was wrong, i hurt her and she has every right to be upset with me but, the other stuff i just don’t want to make things awkward for you, and Anne, and stuck in Amphibia for crying out loud!”
You stop when Marcy hugs you
“You looked like you needed it-“
“No! It’s fine….i like it…”
This time it was……peaceful silence
“Sooo, when we head back wanna go eat that cake i was telling you about?”
“For the last time, I’m not eating something that may or may not have flies in them”
“Oh come onnnn!”
It was peaceful
I’m bad with names 😭
Andddd now that’s done with i hope you liked it-i didn’t really have much ideas for it so day by day I’ve just been doing little bits it is low-key short tho-overall i hope you liked ittt! Have a good day/night bye y’all!
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literaturewithliz · 11 months
matchup trade!!!
this is a trade with the wonderful @bokutosbiceps
Okay so I know this took a while but thank you sooo much for being so patient and your match for me was just wonderful! I hope you enjoy.
I match you with…. RORONOA ZORO
okay okay okay time for my little rant
so what REALLY got me was you saying you would do anything for your friends/family. I think that is so Zoro. I think loyalty would be a requirement for him if he were ever to pursue someone. And you fit the bill in more ways than just loyalty!
The shared love for working out?? Chefs kiss. Imagine the dates. Imagine goofing around while doing push-ups or something (can u tell I don’t work out). I think that for Zoro working out is more than about getting stronger, but also a way to stay disciplined. I think he holds himself to the standard of always getting better, which looks like something you do too, considering you study and work out frequently. As for studying, I can’t honestly say he would be of much help or find it very interesting but it’s my belief that Zoro’s love language is acts of service and so if you want someone to be there with you and keep you company or call out vocab words he will do it no complaints. (Okay maybe some complaining but he always shuts up with a kiss)
another thing that made me think of Zoro for you is how chill you are. Zoro doesn’t strike me as the type of person to really think deeply about most things, because he sees things for what they are, and just that way. It’s very rare that he applies emotion to things, and I think he would need a partner who doesn’t sweat the small stuff, you feel me? He needs someone who can look at the bigger picture the way that he does. All of this to say, that doesn’t mean he is incapable of digging deeper. Especially if someone he cared about (you) needed him too. So on those days where you are feeling philosophical, he would listen to you talk about what was on your mind, and would entertain your questions.
I wanna talk about your love for sunshine for a sec bc Zoro would eat that up. The way he naps on the Sunny? He understands totally. You might not even be napping with him but your presence and the sunshine kinda just makes him naturally relaxed I think.
one other similarity between the two of you is seeming intimidating upon first look, but being really chill once you’ve gotten to know someone. I think your meet cute would def involve a mini staring contest trying to size each other up before eventually relaxing. It’s giving bar vibes. Like if you are a sailor and stopping at port getting a drink, he went to the nearest bar for some sake. Y’all stare each other down before just like talking about the most random shit and some things that are pretty common upon first meeting.
but also, let’s talk about the DIFFERENCES. The main one being, of course, how social you are. Your life of the party attitude and his reserved one work quite well, because you both understand and accept each other being that way. Zoro understands that every good thing must have balance, and he applies that rule to your relationship. So he doesn’t get annoyed or anxious at seeing how energetic you are, he just goes with the flow because that is you, and he loves you for it. Zoro would never ask you to change any part of yourself because, again, balance. With that being said, he definitely appreciates your quiet side too. Being able to sit in silence and still be comfortable with you is so therapeutic for Zoro. Just having someone be there and not expect anything from him is very comforting, dont be surprised if he falls asleep.
teases u for not keeping ur plants alive
idiots in love
bubbly x stoic
he fell first
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fluffybutt-7 · 2 years
Hey fluff do you have advice on dating when having a um preferance like this? Im really bad at getting to know new people and im horrid at small talk unless it is something I am interested in. I tried grommr but had the experience of people wanting hook ups and or i would just get cold feet. Im almost 30 now and I realize how short life is and how much i want to at least try out being a feeder/mutal gainer with somebody, but its hard to get somewhere due to being in a bad location and not feeling really connected/ having friends in the gainer/encourgement space. It being kind of "taboo" to most people also kind of stresses me out. How did you get over your fear of being a gainer etc?
Hey there!
Sooo I’ve been trying to think of how to answer this. I think I’ll do it in two parts, one about dating and one in general.
When it comes to dating, I feel that it’s best to just be upfront about it IF it is something you feel safe doing. Wild things can happen, you never really know who you’re talking to when just meeting someone. So there’s a lot of nuance to the “just be upfront about it.” I often wait until I feel there could be a genuine chance with the person to bring it up (assuming they’re not part of the community), and even then I try to be careful with it. People can have all kinds of assumptions about this kink, so I always try to approach it while making the other person feel like they can ask questions about it and genuinely have a conversation about it. Sometimes I’ll kinda tease the idea before that point, it just depends on the vibe I’m getting from the person. But a well placed and ethical feedist comment can sometimes give insight into how the person would feel or possibly already feels about the kink. And honestly? More people are into it or at least open to it than I would expect. Be safe, and be clear in your communication when you feel that it is time to tell them. That’s how I approach it at least, I am certainly not the end-all-be-all and if anyone has something they would like to add, leave a comment so we can all learn how to navigate dating with this fetish/kink better. 🥰
Now - how did I get over my fear of being a gainer? That’s a pretty solid question. The answer I have may not be wholly relatable, but it’s the one that I think will convey my feelings best. I think it’s similar to when I came out as gay. I grew up in a verrry small, verrry conservative Midwest town, and I was the only out gay kid in my high school when I came out. It was fucking terrifying, but for once……. I was me. And holy FUCK I was happy. I felt untouchable, because at last there were no more secrets, no reason to hide. It didn’t matter if someone said shit, because I knew who the fuck I was and I knew I fought for my own happiness. I also knew that the people who really loved and cared for me would have my back, and they did. Well, most of them. But I guess those were the ones who didn’t really care, weren’t they? At the end of the day, we deserve to fight for our own happiness, whatever it is (as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else or yourself, etc. I don’t wanna miss the nuance to that statement), and the people in our life who are really our people, the ones who will love us and accept us and celebrate us, will support us (see above parentheses) and have our back.
I also very much understand the struggle of being in a bad location and not feeling connected - I think maybe that’s one of the reasons I made this blog, so that those of us who feel isolated in this community can start to feel like… a community. You can certainly count me as a friend. ☺️ I hope somehow this helped, and I apologize for rambling a bit lmao. Feel free to message anytime! I may not respond right away but I always try to respond to my messages here. Hope you have a good night. :)
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askfucktoyfelix · 10 months
What am I supposed to do I can-t get aroused little feelings in my female bits I only feel aroused when I gotta pee and i-m female i-ve been like this for well forever- and i think sexually a lot
sorry 😅I just feel like it isn’t normal to be like this, I don’t joking when I say that I wouldn’t be aware if something went there,
Not sure honestly! Pee feeling and aroused feeling are pretty different. You think sexually a lot but you don't think you feel horny from it? That could mean sooo many different things. Not everyone feels sexual arousal, and while it's not common, it's not abnormal either. Many asexual people don't feel arousal, even if they have an interest in sex. The interest in sex that some asexual people can have can be intellectual, or something else. You can figure that out with yourself if that resonates with you. You also might be neurodivergent in some other way. Everyone thinks and experiences things differently, and neurodivergent people are more likely to feel common sensations differently, or not at all. For example: many ADHD people don't feel "hungry" until they are in pain. This can be really confusing because they have heard of the feeling of hunger, but they just assumed it was that pain feeling. Questions to ask yourself: what do you think arousal should feel like? Where does your conception of arousal come from? (Something seen in media, or things people have described to you?) Do your genitals or your body ever respond physically when you engage with your sexual thoughts? (Getting hard, getting wet, feel flushed, breathing faster etc) Do you WANT those things to happen? Why or why not? There can also be physical, medical reasons for a lack of arousal. I would definitely recommend seeking the help of a doctor, and potentially also a sex therapist if you want have the best support necessary to help you figure this out for yourself.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Duuuuude, dragons are just so freaking cool, with how flexible there are with how they can be written.
They could be just savage, rampaging monsters, who just so happen to have a habit of collecting precious gems and metals.
They could be intelligent, morally complexing thinking beings. Who just so happen to have a habit of collecting precious gems and minerals.
Sometimes, they're a little mix or both! Intelligent creatures, who just take the piss out of rampaging around and terrorizing the poor peasants….. and may or may not just so happen to have a habit of collecting precious gems and minerals. Lol.
Sorry for that little tangent there, as I'm sure you could never, ever could have guessed(/s/j) I'm something of a dragon fan, eheh.
Regardless, I saw your new OC, and I just wanted to give Lian a grand old welcome to the.... universe! I found your lore for them interesting, and I look forwards to how you potentially may expand upon them in the future!
I unfortunately am going to have to skip the dragon boy, as much as it fucking pains me to do so as I'm planning on saving up for Jingliu when her banner pops. Or maybe Topaz, she's on the table too. I'll definitely try to make a grab for the other High Elders when we start visiting the other Xianzhou ships. Honestly all the High Elders have such sick titles. Imbibitor Lunae, Caelorum Venti, Glaciator Marum, all them are so dope!
Aaaaand, I saw the announcement of you opening up requests for HSR, and oh-hoh-hoh, I got an idea featuring the found family of all time (the Astral Express crew) that you may find interesting!
As well as maybe another genshin one, but I imagine you already have a lot of those, so I'll hold off and let you work through what you already have!
and finally, before I take my leave for the (at the time of me sending you this ask) night, I leave you with food for thought. If you were a god in a fantasy setting (whatever one you find yourself particularly musing with when reading this ask), what would your domain be. As in, what would you be the 'God of'?
SOOO TRUE hi beloved <3
dragons are so fascinating and have soo much potential. like. they COULD be feral and a little violent and deeply in touch with their more animalistic instincts, especially DRAGON dragons, where they aren't a humanoid species. or they could also be very gentle and intelligent! just a huge gentle giant who is consciously aware that it has the capacity to be destructive and therefore does its best not to be <3 or they could be a blend of both, depending on the circumstances they're in. and i think that's so cool. dragons are so cool.
lian is sooooooo silly *squishes them lovingly* i adore them. lian the silly. the beloved. i am still altering their details and whatnot, but they're very lovely and wonderful <3
i understand AKDHFJKSH ouuuhghgh the other high elders... i feel like i am absolutely going to want to add them to the collection one day. they seem so neat. they really do have very cool titles!!! i love them they're so interesting to me. i should have gotten into hsr later so that i wouldn't have to wait for more vidyadhara lore smh /j /lh
you are always welcome to send in requests! i promise i'm not overwhelmed haha <3 i can't guarantee when the req will be posted, but i will definitely get to it eventually, so don't feel bad if you send in thoughts often. you wouldn't be the first anon to, and i love reading all of you guys' thoughts!!!
ohhh this question is so fascinating...... i'm not completely sure, really. something to do with change, resilience, and transition, i think. rebirth maybe. the transition between life and death. the transition from cisgender to a non binary eldritch horror (/hj). major life changes. something like that, i think. transformation. not metamorphosis though because i do not like flying insects! but you know. things like that maybe!!!!
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nebulouscoffee · 1 year
For the fanfic writing asks - 42, 49 & 79 please? :)
Thank you so much! And, kudos to you for actually reading all those questions, have my sincere appreciation 👏
What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
Honestly, 'Light Matters and Hollow Graphics', because cringe is dead and I love making puns. I don't care what anyone says puns are funny okay!!! (context: this is primarily a Holosuite Fic but it's also about The Issues And Illusions That Guide Us or something lol)
What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
I'm gonna say 'Who We Are', which is funny because it's probably like the least self-projectey fic I've written? But it was also among the first, and it just has sooo many nebulouscoffeeisms going on lol:
identity crises (my jam)
ridiculous meandering metaphysical soul-searching (my jam)
too much worldbuilding (do people really need to know the names of the entire senior staff on Ezri's old ship? I say yes)
being an ensemble fic (I am not by nature a blorboist rip)
being mostly gen (this is going to sound hilarious but, up until I started writing star trek fanfiction I had never once attempted writing romance or couples before? All my work before this was literally like. thee most sexless sci-fantasy you ever read in your life lmaooo, and while I have been trying to use fanfic as a medium to get more comfortable writing romance, my fics still tend to be dominated by platonic relationships)
callbacks and references (read: excessive)
messing around with format
Found Family Moments™️
various characters giving each other emotional pep talks
748324 species headcanons
being a longfic that's probably about 10k too long, and finally
not being updated since 2022 😇
Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
(obviously using "you" as a general you here, not you you :D)
I mean it's always gonna be some variation of "kill the cringe". I know (and understand!) the desire to have all your works be of uniformly good quality and The Best Possible Versions Of Themselves, but that's just not possible. It's not! The more you write, the more you improve. The longer you pickle a show in your brain, the more nuanced your understanding of it becomes. The more you read, the more you take on new inspirations. And as time passes, both your writing style and your readings of the source material will change, and that's okay. That's okay. It's so much kinder to yourself to look at your works as a sort of- idk, diary? of your brain- a time capsule of what shows you were obsessed with, what characters and ships you were feral about at the time, what fics you were reading and feeling inspired by, what issues were weighing on your mind, what songs you'd been listening to, which people you'd been interacting with, what conversations you'd been having- like, those are precious memories right there! Your fics aren't entries into a competition or a gallery; they're a record, a little piece of who you were when you wrote them. It doesn't matter if your earlier fics aren't as "good" as your new ones, or if you'd do the same idea more justice now, or if your interests and/or characterisations have changed. You watched something, you were filled with the desire to create- and you did it, and you shared it, and you connected with other people through it- and that's just wonderful. And like- deeply human, right?
And honestly, the best way to stop cringing at your own work is to train yourself to stop cringing at other peoples' work. To be clear I don't mean works with language or characterisations rooted in bigoted/otherwise harmful lines of thought, I just mean badly written dialogues, or harmless mischaracterisations, etc. Stop cringing at them!! Not everyone writing fic is a Writer writer, and not every Writer writer is a good writer, and that's fine!! Seriously, actively helping create an environment where people enjoy sharing their work with you and don't feel extremely stressed and cringed at WILL LITERALLY HELP YOU NOT FEEL STRESSED AND CRINGED AT!!! On that note, I am now going to proceed to continue not updating any of my stuff for some more time, because I am a hypocrite and posting is stressful😁
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jinxiaobao · 2 years
it’s your secret santa again 🎁💞 the holidays really are always a season right between nice and really stressful, but i hope the nice part is lying ahead for you and your week has gone well so far <3
loved what you said about nct (127)!they’re one of my favourite groups too and doyoung is one of my biases too, i sooo get what you mean. at first i only listened to their music without watching any videos or content, so his voice stood out to me first and i was like … damn, who is that … and here we are now! he has a fantastic voice and is really hilarious dhhdhehje. and your song choices! ahhh, i loved seeing those! your blog title made me think of time lapse right away and seeing you mention it i was like, well, that’s clear now (what a good song whew). overall, i just love how nct always has some stuff going on and you can just sort of pick what you want to enjoy and see from them 👌
loved your character list, i feel like these are so very you and fit what you’ve told me about the shows and stories you go for (and dw i would find it difficult to seoerate jwds and vegaspete too, they are so intertwined in each other). your taste really shines and i love how your gifsets always are an extension of that. the way you see your favourite media and characters and give them room in your stuff and your creativity is so cool! ☺️
i know our time is coming to a close, but some last questions bc i still love reading what you have to say: are there any dramas you are looking forward to in 2023 or any on your watchlist? any movies you really loved this year? and any show or movie that took you completely by surprise or was just a fun watch for yourself?
sending you good vibes and thoughts! 🌞
hello my mystery friend! i'm a little sad that our time is coming to a close--i've had such a nice time "chatting" with you!
this got kinda long, so i'mma put this behind a cut!
i'm trying not to freak out about the holidays--this was a rough year for us and frankly i don't need to compound my stress, y'know? it'll be okay. my family is relatively healthy and happy, and that's more than i could ask for.
right??? doyoung's voice is so good! doie, release a solo mini album, i beg 🙏 my friend pointed out once that my biases tend to skew toward the singers and when i thought about it, i realized she's right. doyoung from nct (also taeil!), kihyun from monsta x, onew from shinee, baekhyun from exo... there's definitely some merit to that lol
i was reviewing that list and wow i do have a type, don't i? i like my men slutty and/or emotionally stunted. 👌
you're so kind 💕thank you for saying that about my gifsets. i'm enjoying making them and stretching myself creatively. honestly, i haven't felt this creative in years. i didn't realize how much i missed giffing until i started doing it again on a regular basis. i thrive on engagement, and i'm so happy that people seem to enjoy what i do.
hmmm. dramas i'm looking forward to... i don't have a lot of new dramas on my list but there's a lot of already-released stuff waiting for me. 'prison playbook', 'under the skin', and 'big bet' are a few that come to mind. there are A LOT of dramas that i need to get back to (that adhd brain baby!): 'tomorrow', 'extraordinary attorney woo', 'the guest', 'flower of evil' and 'my country: the new age' come to mind. despite having lots of shows to resume, i've delved into a couple of new ones--'bad and crazy', 'somebody' and 'connect'. i'm enjoying them all so far. 'bad and crazy' is so much fun right now (i suspect it will get less fun as the series goes on) and the chemistry between lee dong wook and wi ha joon is great. 'connect' is interesting (and kinda gross, but it is takashi miike so). and 'somebody' gives me the chills. love it.
as far as movies, i really liked 'incantation'. i finally saw 'the handmaiden' this year--amazing. i also watched 'mother' and 'memoir of a murder'. both very very good films. i hope to continue my journey through shin ha kyun's filmography 😍 (god that man makes me insane)
i'm trying to think if anything took me by surprise, and honestly it would be 'beyond evil'. i realize i'm a broken record at this point, but that series really changed my life. i went into it anticipating a murder mystery and what i got was this beautifully told story about love, loss, death, greed, companionship, loneliness, found family, and flawed people. i think about it literally every single day, i've watched the whole series three times so far, and i feel like i'm due for another one soon.
sending you good vibes and positive thoughts!!! i hope you're safe and well, mystery friend! 💕
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starleska · 2 years
i'm not even being patient, you simply respond to all of my asks more than quickly enough <3!! they're pretty long so again, take your time ^^!! therapy can be sooo exhausting so please remember to take care of yourself nd everything <33!
i was talking about a TOTALLY different old man HAHAHA i've been watching a lot of ducktales 2017 and grew fond of both scrooge n flintheart through it lmaoooo,, especially the latter has very few redeeming qualities and is supposed to be insufferable but like,, im in love with the blorbo version of him that lives in my brain, LMAO
ohhh you just know he would REFUSE to do the animation if anyone else was obviously watching the screen as well- it's just for you <33! i imagine he wouldn't do it either if you're recording it, because he wants it to be only for you haha,, you think very hard about the unlock conditions for the specific animation but it seems completely random! oh well. (totally self indulgent note here but i am silly in public for a living and would totally blow a kiss back @ the animation or smth LMAO) and!!! ill look forward to seeing it!!! id reblog it but i only rlly have writing blogs on tumblr ughhhh maybe i should just finally make a selfship ramble one lol
the true sadness is that king candy never showed up in the second movie man </3 the chaos he'd wreck on the internet would've been very much entertaining LMAO !!! i'm glad you enjoy the phone idea as well :D!! you just randomly find notes from him in your tumblr drafts or your notes app! he'd be constantly watching you through your front camera and if he's unhappy with someone he sees, your phone will just start vibrating VIOLENTLY nonstop lmao. also something silly i immediately thought of; i don't know if this is something you're familiar with but in some dating sim apps you'll have like this little minigame where you can like poke the love interest and they'll have these little responses? god. brainrot. i would just poke his bald little head man HAHAHHAHAH
my asks just get keeping longer thank u for reading all this and hearing me out TT i should just write a little fic about this guy already but man english is NOT my native language and he speaks in a pretty specific silly way sometimes that i do not know how to replicate well,, doesn't help that ive only watched the english version once vs. the many other times ive seen it haha
hello again you lovely individual!! once again i must apologise for my delayed response. i received some pretty big news this week that's left me not so well, and i wanted to come back and reply properly when in a better frame of mind. thank you for your patience 🥰
OHHH oh my god you are so damn valid for this, i always thought Scrooge was kinda fine 😳 capitalists just hit different! and Flintheart is a GILF i'm not gonna lie 😂😂 Ducktales 2017 just gets you by the throat!! i remember being so head over heels for Gyro Gearloose (basic bitch that i am)…kind of interested in rewatching to see if another bastard catches my attention…but for real, isn't it wonderful when you love a truly dreadful character? whatever version you have of him in your head, i'm sure he likes you very much 😉
ahhh i feel all special 😖💖 honestly going a little down the darker path i kind of vibe with Y/N questioning their reality the more time they spend noticing these special animations…wondering if they're losing touch with their sanity, and becoming gradually more obsessed with figuring out exactly what it is about this arcade cabinet and its enigmatic, unique character…also hell yes!! you should absolutely make the selfship ramble blog, it'll make you feel so happy 💖💖 i admire those of you who can separate your blogs out, i just pour out my silly loves into one place and all my poor followers have to deal with the blorbo of the week 😂
we'll never recover will we 💔💔 like for real Ralph Breaks the Internet makes me sad for its lost narrative potential…if not King Candy, then there were several perfectly good character candidates to be put into a fantastic antagonistic role!! to truly show the power (and horror) of the internet!! the vibrating phone idea is so cute dfgfds;;; perhaps he could even track into your friend's social media and send them fake messages/texts to get them to leave. oh YES i knew someone very into…was it Mystic Messenger? that had that mechanic and oh it's adorable :3c
thank YOU for sending these lovely asks in and gushing about our favourite sweet-themed hacker!! i'm so sorry for being a boring monolingual person - you could and should totally write him in your native language!! do you have any clips? i love seeing how characters have been portrayed in different ways, and i'm curious if Alan Tudyk's lisping mob boss vibe has been carried across 👀
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infitsovermisfits · 2 years
Tiny Swords - Eddie Munson X GN!Reader
an; sooo... did anyone else fall in love with him and think he was the best part of this season and went out and bought the hellfire shirt and is your tiktok fyp just full of him too.... No?? What the fuck are you doing here then? /lj / j
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WARNINGS: GenderNeutral! Reader, friends to lovers, slower pace, fluff, kissing, making out, biting/marking, poor knowledge of 80s technology and dungeons and dragons but we manage... I hope (sorry), maybe a little ooc?? denotes to smut though doesn't include any
(completed) PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | MASTERLIST
5891 words
"Are...?" Your gaze shifted your gaze to look towards Eddie as the rest of his sentence died down on his tongue,
"Hmm?" You hummed in questioning, ignoring the movie playing on your television. 
Eddie Munson was nothing like you had expected. The two of you went to the same middle school but never shared the same classes- you'd only heard about his insane antics and theatrics, sometimes even seeing him messing around during lunch. He built this weirdo reputation that sometimes came off as intimidating, so you never really went near him. It wasn't until High School that something changed for you...
It was definitely the hair... Maybe his confidence too. Although jarring at first, it was honestly like a breath of fresh air compared to how uptight and 'one dimensional' your peers were. Were they enjoyed their parties and sports and pep rallies and ragers, you favoured the wilder bunch- the outcasts and the misfits. 
It began when you started occasionally helping Eddie in his math and history- since you shared those same classes- and he helped you with English. Even if his methods were unconventional, you much preferred them to any teacher you've ever had. He'd make you conjure up some fantasy world with its own rules and physics and characteristics. He makes you think up the strangest characters and wouldn't settle for your 'Bob of The Fields' in 'Normallia'. His efforts proved successful when your teacher began praising your work, though Eddie's praise meant more to you than a passing grade. As the stories got more complicated with their intricacies and details, he'd help by pointing out plot holes and mistakes. He was honestly phenomenal- no doubt due to playing Dungeons and Dragons so much.
You'd never been crazy about the game. You'd only heard some things in passing but always assumed the game was only accessible to some freaky nerds who had nothing better to do with their free time. So it surprised you that Eddie wasn't a nerd at all... Freaky, yeah... He sure made the Hellfire Club seem like some exclusive VIP club- the way he'd gush about his campaigns to you in the beginning. You'd always thought it was cute. He'd get this spark in his eyes that made them shine with giddiness and excitement- his energy always spiked up and he'd become more animated than usual. And you'd be lying to yourself if his constant chatter about the club didn't make you at least a tiny bit interested.
He did eventually ask you to join. You had been planning on coming to a session to surprise him but your fear got the best of you. After all, you knew nothing about it- just that it was on Thursdays after school. Besides, you were already hanging out with him more than enough, what if he caught on to your crush? He finally asked when one time, you had forgotten to do your English homework the night before, being preoccupied with chores and taking care of your siblings, and were rushing to get it done before class,
"Hey so uh..." He spoke up from where he sat across from you, breaking your focus. When you looked up, he was half laying on the little picnic table way out in the woods. As you met his gaze, he sat up straight, bouncing a little in his seat. You hummed as an indication for him to go on, and then turned back to your homework. He didn't respond, but you could hear the wrinkling of paper next to you. You glanced up at him to see he had pulled a piece of paper from his bag and slid it over to you. Quickly scanning it you looked back at him confused,
"Was this part of this assignment?" You asked, feeling your heart drop. You knew this lunch period was coming to an end soon, so knowing you'd have to rush and complete another form before it ended only added more pressure,
"No, no," He quickly assured you, "It's a character sheet," He said, moving his arms out then back in, clasping them together as he watched your confused expression,
"A character wha?" You asked confused. He smiled at you then ducked his head, looking down momentarily,
"It's for Dungeons and Dragons. You make your own characters and then you role play as them. I just finished the new campaign I told you about a few days ago- we're gonna be playing on Thursday after class," He explained. So that's what he was scribbling away in his notebook the whole time. He wasn't usually so quiet during your hangouts, "I... Thought that maybe you'd wanna join this time?" He offered, "Instead of listening to my pitiful recreations. You know... Experience it for yourself?" He smiled,
"In your Hellfire Club?" You asked for clarification,
"That's the one," He clicked his fingers. You looked back down, looking over the chart and feeling your face contort with confusion as you focused on all the different boxes,
"Strength, dexterity-" you read out loud,
"Yeah so- the way you figure those out is-" Your head snapped up from the paper to the sound of the school bell in the distance, 
"Shit- gimmie a sec Eddie," You said, quickly scribbling a few more sentences down in your English book as you heard him shifting around and packing his stuff, 
"I can always cover for you saying you went to the bathroom," He offered, and you looked up to see him putting his jean jacket back on. Slightly mesmerised, you glanced back to his face, where he quirked his brow at you. Blushing, you nodded, going back to your work, 
"Thanks, Ed, don't know what I'd do without you," You said, in a quieter, more mumbly tone than you'd wanted. You continued quickly writing away in your book, and upon moving your other hand to the table, you heard a slight rustle. Looking at the empty character sheet, you glanced back to where he was leaving, "Hey Eddie, you left this!" You called after him. Watching him momentarily run back out of the forest clearing made you smile, as you waved the paper,
"Oh! No that's for you- I can teach you how to fill it in after class today!" He said, "Room 240-B!" He added, running back through the trees. Glancing back at the paper in your hands, you smiled softly. 
It had been the first time you'd actually hung out together- creating your character from scratch was more fun than you had expected. In fact, you never realised how fun the game was until that Thursday. The night before, you squealed and kicked your legs at the idea of spending your whole afternoon with Eddie. The evening went great- the other two players greeted you pleasantly as you entered and offered as much help as you needed with the rules and way the game worked before you started. Eddie was slightly late because of a detention, but soon arrived. In truth, it was he who sold the whole thing for you.
You clearly knew he was theatrical before playing- with the snippets of funky antics and theatrical nature you experienced in your tutoring sessions as well as in class, and paired with his unabashed confidence he truly shone. He was clearly in his element as the 'Dungeon Master', making you feel genuinely excited for the game. Seeing him so happy made your heart flutter, along with a happy warmth you hadn't felt in a while settling in your chest. Not to mention the smiles he kept giving you whenever it was your turn. It reached his eyes and made them sparkle, even in the low moody lighting. The whole campaign was euphoric. Escaping to another world and going on an adventure with Eddie? It sounded like a dream come true... Perhaps it was then that you realised you were in love with him?
When the game had ended, you didn't expect to feel so sad. Seeing that it had been almost three hours since school ended shocked you, and as you made your way out of the school, you happily said your farewells to the other club members. You left school with a bright smile on your lips that wouldn't leave, and when Eddie offered to drop you off at your house since it was getting dark you felt overjoyed. You tried your best to articulate how much fun you had, but the words escaped you. You kept reassuring him it was fun though, and you found him only grinning back at you
You quickly became a permanent member of the club, even helping them design their T-Shirts. You noticed you began to hang out with Eddie more, where your affection for one another blossomed.
It was one day, about seven months ago, when he'd invited you over to his trailer that you confessed your feelings for one another. It was a couple of weeks before the end of the year and you found yourself overwhelmed with the workload and your chaotic home life. You'd only been over at his trailer a few times, but it was by far more quiet than home. You were sat on his bed, and with a sigh, you dropped your pen into the open spine of your book and leaned back on his sheets. You took in his familiarly delightful scent immediately as it surrounded you, and your face fixed itself with a blissful smile,
"You alright?" Eddie's voice asked. He was sitting on his messy floor in a section of space he had cleared out for himself. You felt the bed move slightly as his head leaned back against the mattress near your thigh,
"Uhuh- yeah. I finally finished this assignment," You said, satisfied as you closed your book on the pen and sat up, throwing the book away from you on the floor. You sighed loudly as you pressed the heels of your palms into your eyes and rubbed your tired eyes, "Jesus Christ it's like she wants us to write fuckin' novels every time," You sighed,
"At least she gives a weekend and a day for us to finish it," He said, and you felt the bed dip next to you, indicating he had moved to sit next to you, ignoring his own work. Considering how long you had known each other for by now, you would say you were comfortable with your friendship. You gently leaned back, setting your head on his shoulder and looking down at the object in his hands. He had picked up your discarded English book and was skimming over the words you had written,
"And a day..." You repeated with a sigh. You groaned slightly as you stretched your arms and torso, before shifting to lean your back straight against the wall letting it stretch there. You watched him for a few moments. His warm brown eyes shifted around as they read your words, his smooth skin, gently blotted by minature freckles you could only see this from close, the soft pink tint of his parted lips. Subconsciously, you moved your tongue over your own lips, wetting them slightly as you continued to closely watch him, until his head turned to you,
"It's a really good, strong ending," He said with a smile, and you blushed as his eyes met yours, shining with a twinkle- the telltale sign of his excitement. With how good he was at make-believe, Eddie was a shitty liar. He was telling the truth now, "I like how you made who the killer was ambiguous enough to keep the reader entertained and guessing but didn't say who it obviously was so it's still fun to guess," He said, moving to lean his head against the wall next to you,
"You think?" You said with a smile, "D'you not think that kinda stuff is annoying? Withholding information?" You asked, "You really wouldn't prefer for me to just say 'this guy did it- he's guilty as shit!'"
"Not at all," He assured, "In fact, I like it more. I personally think it would have sucked if you just.  said 'And the killer is...!'" He deepened his voice and moved his hand out, causing you to laugh slightly,
"So not like Scooby-Doo?" You teased,
"Scooby-Doo is bullshit compared to this. You've written a real murder mystery, darling," You knew it was teasing. You knew it was teasing. But God how you wished he could call you 'darling' all the fucking time. As if he was embarrassed, he glanced away, and you thought for a few moments,
"Well, thanks Eddie," You said, smiling softly as you shifted a little, "I'm no Sherlock Holmes but-
"Sherlock Holmes is the character- Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the book," He corrected with a smirk. You narrowed your eyes in a playful glare, and rolled them as he laughed,
"As I was saying-" You continued in a joyful tone, grabbing the book from him and pulling the pen out, capping the lid you had slotted on to the end. You threw it away from you back to his floor, letting it twist through the air and land with a thud," -I always appreciate your feedback- I like it when you praise me," You smiled softly,
"You do?"
"Well yeah- Mrs Clarke just yells," You said, and watched him smile at you,
"She never yells at you," He said,
"She yells at you plenty. And we sit next to each other, so some of it hits me in the crossfire,"
"Damn- you're blaming me?" He teased,
"Then stop fucking around so much," You grinned, watching him as he laughed softly. For a moment it was quiet, the only noise coming from the distant radio playing loud metal music somewhere else in the house. The two of you were alone, considering his uncle was out working tonight, "I don't remember if I thanked you for letting me do my work here," You sighed, "I know it's a Friday and you'd probably want to be doing something more fun than looking over my homework and sitting here in silence with me for hours but you know how crazy loud my house gets," You rambled,
"It's alright... I've told you a million times you're welcome to stay here for as long as you need and get whatever you want done," He assured. His voice was gentle and soft, and his words magically relaxed your aching body, making you lean closer to him. He really has told you you're free to be around him a million times. It was sweet- he'd always clear out a spot for you on his desk or swipe everything but the covers of his bed so you could do your work comfortably. Eddie would either stay with you, sitting quietly and chirping in whenever he'd ask if you wanted a snack or needed help with whatever he was working on, or he would leave you alone to do something else so you could work in silence- though he was never far. You could often see him from his room's window smoking outside, which led to him throwing rocks at the glass to get your attention. You'd smile playfully and lift it up so you could chat, before he'd playfully scold you and tell you to get back to work and disappear. You hoped at this point he wasn't annoyed with you, or that you were overstaying your welcome, or using him too much- before Christmas break, you spent almost every day at his trailer just studying for your end of year exams,
"I know, I just don't want you to get too tired of me," You said self consciously, though keeping a playful tinge to your tone so as to not worry him too much, "I know I'm irresistible and all, but sometimes I feel like it's a lot," You said, "Feel free to kick me out whenever, by the way," You said quickly,
"I honestly think you're the one person in this world I won't ever get tired of," He stated, his voice nice and low. The statement shocked you, causing your mouth to fall open wordlessly for a moment before you quickly closed it, blinking rapidly. When you looked back at him, he was already looking into your eyes, 
"Really?" You asked,
"Definitely. I mean, if I didn't I wouldn't be hanging out with you so much," He said, smiling,
"You'd have a lot more free time," You commented, moving your head away,
"I'd honestly rather spend it with you," He said. You could feel his fingers gently moving some of your hair that fell in front of your face, tucking it back behind your ear. At the contact, you looked back at him. You could now feel the cool metal of his rings against your flushed cheek. He was unbelievably close now, and just staring at you with this... This look in his eyes like you were the most beautiful thing in the world. The only other thing he looked at like that was his guitar, hung proudly behind him, next to his bed. With a small swallow, you spoke up again,
"Yeah?" He breathed; you felt it against your lips,
"Are you gonna kiss me or just stare at me?" You whispered back, your mouth curling slightly into a smile. His eyes darted between your lips and eyes, and he swiped his thumb over your cheek once more before pressing his lips to yours in a gentle, loving kiss.
Dating Eddie Munson was the best decision you had made in your entire life. Every day was an adventure with him- and since you shared your first kiss, you found yourselves even closer than before. He started picking you up and driving you to school- and you thoroughly enjoyed screaming along to the lyrics of his favourite songs.  In your free time, you'd somehow always end up at the picnic table together, laughing and talking the whole time. Your favourite thing to do with him was, after your DnD sessions, he'd take you on walks to his favourite locations in the Hawkins Forest and smoke.
On your first Valentines Day, he carved your initials into a tree by his favourite smoke spot behind his trailer. It may have been a small thing, but to you, it was the sweetest. He had also gotten you a necklace with a skull on it, which you quickly vowed to never take off. He'd also playfully stated you could have a lifetime free supply of weed from him- you hadn't taken him up on the offer yet, though. You always said there'd be a time and a place. You, on the other hand, had bought him a new ring which he, in turn, vowed to never take off- even in his sleep. And after spending countless nights together, you knew his words were true. 
Now, you had somehow managed to make it through school to summer break, and when your parents told you they would be going on a camping trip with all your younger siblings, you almost couldn't contain your joy in declining their offer. Five whole days spent only with Eddie sounded like a dream too good to be true. You stocked up on snacks while he bought the drinks and happily joined you the morning after your parents left you alone. A few days before they left, you'd even gone out to Family Video and rented 'The Thing' for the sixth time. It was your first 'real date' as Eddie put it, to the theatre, where you watched it twice through before you got kicked out. After that, you waited for the VHS and regularly rented it to watch together- from then, it became your favourite, and you were glad to be watching it for the seventh,
"Jesus, you really don't get tired of this?" Steve Harrington asked as he typed your details into the computer,
"Not yet, unfortunately," You smiled pleasantly, grabbing the VHS from him and placing it into your bag, 
"Hah- you might need to invite me over to watch it with you sometime," He said, giving you a flirtatious smile. With a confused blink, you glanced over to see your friend Robin roll her eyes and smirk at you,
"Ignore him- enjoy the movie!" She said, giving you a two-fingered salute,
"Thanks, Robin," You said, glancing back at Steve, "I'll ask Eddie if you can join," You teased, "Maybe he'll even letcha join the Hellfire Club. If you asked nicely," You said, smiling before turning to leave the store,
"Is that a yes??" He called after you; he sounded desperate. You smiled, barely hearing his disappointed sigh as you walked out of the store. At this point, you weren't entirely sure if Eddie was your 'boyfriend'. It was clear you shared a lot of love for one another, and you were going on dates and seeing each other and... Being intimate. But did that mean he was your boyfriend? Your... Boyfriend... Eddie being your boyfriend. It sounded good...
"Are you wearing swords for earings?" He finally says. It takes you a moment to register what he says, but when you do, you reach a hand up to touch the miniature plastic weapons and smile,
"Mhm," You nod to him, beginning to gently fiddle with the fake blades, "Y'Know when we went through all the old DnD stuff at Hellfire a few weeks ago, babe? The stuff we didn't use and were asked to donate?" He nods, "Found 'em, took 'em, repurposed them," You smiled proudly, "Stuck little hooks in too and everything. It was kinda a hard process. I did have to steal my sisters' earings and I had to break them apart, but I'm sure she won't mind" You smiled playfully as you waved a hand, "I thought they looked cute- I hope you don't mind," You said quickly, your relaxed demeanour dropping slightly, at his prolonged silence and unreadable expression. You quickly let your hands drop back into your lap, and gently bit your lip, "I'm sorry I should have asked I-"
"No, it's just..." He's still staring at you when you curiously look back at him, "I'm just... It's really fucking it's cute," He smiles and you blush, "Don't gotta get so embarrassed on me," He said playfully, and you moved slightly so you could pull your hair in front of your face to hide it. With a laugh, Eddie reached and grabbed your hands, "Don't hide away from me, lemme admire you," He was grinning the whole time,
"God, Eddie!!" You say playfully, letting him take hold of your hands and move your hair away from your ears, even taking the time to be gentle when moving the hairs that got caught on the false blades away from them. You let him meticulously work, regarding him with a loving gaze,  "You honestly think they're cute?" You see him nod again, 
"It's actually kinda hot," At that you burst out laughing, swatting his shoulder gently as he grins, "C'mon! You sit here looking like a total babe and expect me to not wanna reach out, my dear?" You laughed at his comment, shaking your head,
"Jesus Eddie," You sigh, and roll your eyes dramatically looking back to the movie, "Thanks," You say in a cheery tone,
Suddenly, he shifts much closer to you, so you can feel the warmth of his leg against yours. Then you feel his warm breath against your neck, and his warm hand moving to your hair and brushing it out of the way. One of his hands slides it away, then gently curls and brushed the back of your neck, keeping a gentle hold there. You can feel his hands there, just gently resting, along with the cool metal of his rings. Then his lips touch the sensitive skin of your neck, making you shiver as he places a gentle kiss there. 
His gentleness always surprised you, given how intense he could be in his everyday life. He was very sweet and gentle with you, always holding you like you were the most precious thing in the world- not too tightly, just enough to keep you in place. It made you feel so... So fucking loved and happy you could melt. Or die. Or both.
You could feel his soft hair against your cheek, and you gently reached out to scratch the back of his head as he opened his mouth against your skin to gently suck your skin. With a shaky exhale, you felt his mouth curling into a smile on your flesh, before he gently grazed his teeth against your neck.
As you squeezed your legs together, he moved a hand to your thigh, resting it there at first before giving it a small squeeze. You placed your hand over his and squeezed it, silently consenting for him to continue. You felt the gentle poke of his tongue against your skin and couldn't stifle the soft moan that escaped your parted lips. Your eyes had fallen closed in bliss as he began to gently suck, lick and kiss your neck.
He moved his head lower to a spot he found you loved most, and bit into your skin. With a sharp, startled gasp, you squeezed his hand on your thigh, and gently tugged on the back of his hair. It earned a lovely low hum from him as he began to suck on your skin until it felt warm and tingly. When he pulled away, he gently blew air onto the mark, surrounded by wet skin, and chuckled gently as you shivered. 
He move right back to kissing you, or rather biting another mark onto your neck as you whined his name and eagerly rubbed your thighs together. He was now kissing up your neck, and found himself at your jaw, gently sucking the skin there. As you moved your head to try and kiss his lips, you squeezed the hand he had on your thigh and attempted to move it further south, only for him to pull it out of your grasp and slap your hand away. Simultaneously, he moved his head back, but not too far, considering you were holding the back of it.+,
"Wha- What was that for?" You asked, not realising how whispery your voice had gotten. You felt dazed and your breath was shaky, chest rising and falling quickly as you stared up at him. Your breath hitched slightly as he moved his left hand up to his mouth and wiped his lips with the side of his hand. You swallowed hard and returned his small smile, looking into his lidded eyes. Your hand moved slightly to play with his hair, gently petting it,
"Felt like kissing you," He said simply, smirking away. With a small sigh, you glanced back at the movie and realised you wouldn't be too disappointed if you missed more of it... After all, there was always tomorrow... You flicked your gaze back at him,
"Yeah?" You asked, nodding your head once,
"Yeah," He said back, moving his head as you did. Your smile widened as you shifted closer to him. Purposefully, you moved your face close to him just so your noses could brush, before throwing one of your legs over his to straddle him. You gently settled your hands over his chest, and smiled feeling his rapid heartbeat beneath your palms. You reached a hand up and began fiddling with the metal of a necklace he was wearing- it was a necklace you had gotten him on his birthday- a small disc with a wolf carved into the front and your initials into the smooth back, "Hello," He said lowly, making you look back at him. One of his hands moved to rest on your thigh and the other moved up to your neck as he now began to gently mess with one of your earings. You could feel his rings against your face, and you shifted your head to kiss them gently, 
"Hi, Eddie," You said softly, smiling back at him,
"You come here often?" He asked playfully, and you laughed as he moved, shifting the hand from your neck to your back so you wouldn't fall. He only sat up more, and leaned forward to try and kiss you. Quickly pulling away you grinned,
"Uhuh, you'd know," You teased, moving a hand to touch his cheek with yours. You loved looking down at him like this- even if you were the same height (though he swears on his guitar that he's an inch taller) it fills you with a certain desire looking down at him like this- eyes wide and full of wanting, pupils larger than normal, and mouth fixed in a smile,
"Mhm..." He hummed, drawing it out as his hands moved- the one on your thigh stroking up and down while the one on your back shifting up to your arm and neck, grazing the fresh marks he had left and making you bite your lip at the pleasurable feeling they filled you with, "What're you gonna do up here?" He asked you smoothly, moving his head to try and get closer to you once again. Gently, you moved a hand to his shoulder, pushing him back so he'd be pressed against the couch. Slowly, you trailed it up his shoulder to the back of his neck, scratching at his scalp to make him sigh and tilt his head back. Leaning forward quickly, you kissed his neck in a similar way to him, 
"I want to kiss you too," You breathed beginning to slowly undulate your hips against his as he let out a low moan. You'd want to give him the same treatment but found yourself too impatient; you trailed your kisses up his neck and touched his cheek before firmly pressing your lips to his. The hand on your neck moved into your hair to pull you impossibly closer, causing you to shift in his lap too, earning simultaneous groans from both of you. At the opportunity, he moved his open mouth against yours, and as your tongues met you released a shaky breath. 
He smiled, gently biting the tip of your tongue and eliciting a small squeak out of you. You both laughed gently, before moaning into each other's mouths as the kiss grew more heated. He gently sucked on your tongue before sliding it over yours and further into your mouth. You quickly fell apart in your attempt to dominate him, and in an attempt to shift the control, you moved so you were kneeling over him. Considering the change in height, it caused him to lean up more to keep kissing you. Your desire for more only grew as he tried following your mouth with his.
A few more heated moments later and you pulled back, lips buzzing and heartbeat racing wildly. You moved to sit back on his lap, pulling him close as you let your hands rest on his cheeks and playfully kissed his nose. You let yourself catch your breaths for a moment, 
"I love you," He said, and smiled wider at your suddenly shocked expression. Your heart began to skip a beat, as if it was about to fall right out of your chest. You laughed silently, a small exhale falling out of your lips, which he pressed a small kiss against. Considering he was still trapped beneath you, he could only kiss the corner of your mouth,
"You do?" You asked softly, swallowing again. You kept your hands still, letting one rest against his neck and the other, which had been in his hair, in his shoulder, as you felt your fingers begin to tremble,
"I do," He confirmed, nodding. His hair tickled your hands, "I really fucking love you," He smiled, moving to kiss you again, this time trailing his mouth down your neck and pressing more kisses there. With gentle hums, he repeated the three words in soft whispers as you felt your hands tremble more. The affection... It was almost overwhelming in the best way. You smiled to yourself, letting your eyes fall shut and small sighs to escape your lips,
"Love you too Eddie," He moved his head back up to look at you. You dropped your head slightly so you could look more into his eyes,
"You do?" He asked, making his voice a slightly higher pitch to mimic your response. As you laughed, he grinned, his teeth showing. You moved off his lap and got off the couch, offering your hand to him to help him stand. He grabbed your hand, kissing your fingers gently, before standing, "Glad to hear it, my love," You breathlessly let a small sigh out, glancing back at him at the term of endearment. Quickly, he moved to kiss you again, grabbing your face and holding you there while he kissed you
"Yeah," said against his lips, before pulling away to look back at him. He kissed your forehead, before moving his hands to your shoulders and smiling at you,
"Why're we standing?" He asked curiously,
"We- uh... Let's go upstairs," You offered with a slight blush,
"Mmmm," He hummed, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. You flicked your eyes from his mouth to his warm brown eyes, "Movies down here though," He teased. One of his hands was gently holding your arm, caressing your clothed skin,
"Yeah but I have a bed upstairs," You tried to clarify,
"Ahhh... Right," He smiled, moving closer to you, "The couch is fine in my opinion," Your eyes widened at his proposition. You glanced beside him, down at the couch you had just been sitting on, before looking at the movie still playing on the TV,
"Do you still have our cassette?" You asked, and watched as he moved away from you to grab his jacket. As he turned, you took a moment to admire him. The way his hair swung as he moved, the way the sleeves of his Hellfire shirt had moved up his forearms, exposing parts of the bats tattooed on his arm, the way he... was wearing jeans... 
"Here- why?" He asked, turning back to you and handing you the rectangle. You moved to the radio cassette player and placed the cassette inside, waiting a few moments for the song to start playing and turning the music up just enough so you were sure the simultaneous music and movie would help drown out the noise. You turned to see him watching you, sitting on the couch already with his legs outstretched slightly looking so inviting. You walked closer to him, touching the hem of your shirt and pulling it over your head, discarding it off to the side as you took your place back on top of him. His eyes had widened at your display, and you smiled to yourself, 
"Drown out the noise," You clarified, giving him a playful wink. He grinned back at you, shaking his head slightly as he moved to kiss you again. His lips quickly moved back to trailing down your neck, eagerly seeking out the exposed skin now available to him and making sure to leave plenty more bruises against your skin, revelling in the sweet moans and weak sighs emanating from your bruised lips, as well as the way you gripped onto his shoulders and pushed his head closer to your body... 
Eddie was completely in love with you, and desired to show you just how much every time you were intimate like this. Loving Eddie Munson was the greatest thing in your life by far. The joy he brought you was incomparable to anything- and you hoped this overwhelming feeling of love could last for as long as possible.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
More undateables with a demigod hades mc???
By request, have yourself a part two!! 
Demigod MC Series: Hades Pt. 2 (Un)Dateables Edition!
I will ask that y’all please don't ask for continuations of other gods unless I say it’s okay to do again. This series already fills my inbox something fierce and this is a one-off that I allowed for during the request window.  If I have to make ideas for new gods while continuing a bunch of old MCs, it'll burn me out fast...
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2
Oh, he has no problem at all hosting a child of the Underworld, hell he even throws them a welcome banquet when he finds out! Hades is a dear friend - and practically a parental figure to him growing up - so he's more than happy to take in one of his children for a year.
Diavolo is actually one of the few people that the MC can talk to about their home with any kind of fondness. Usually when they bring up things like the comforting wailing of the River Coctyus, the brothers will give them weird looks... but Diavolo knows where they're coming from!
He spent numerous summers in the Underworld growing up doing things like pestering Charon on the River Styx or playing games with Cerberus (the other one) in the Asphodel Meadows... His beach house is actually modeled after his childhood summer home in the Isles of Paradise! Really, it can be a lovely place if the gloom doesn't bother you!
So in the spirit of his fond memories, Diavolo really tried to make their time in the Devildom a fun one!... in his maybe trying a little too hard way…  
Poor MC found themselves offered pretty much everything under the moon… Tickets or exclusive passes to different cultural events/festivals, invitations to gala events, and tours of nearly every inch of Hell by the Prince himself - it was… it was a lot for the poor introverted thing…
It didn’t help that Diavolo would have a hard time gauging if they were having any fun due to their naturally melancholic nature, which only pushed him to try harder… He means well, he does. He’s just not the most in touch with what would make an anti-social doom child happy...
It took Barbatos and Lucifer stepping in for the mortal to actually start getting some much needed space and that improved their experience significantly. Sometimes less is more, Dia… Less is more. But they appreciate his efforts anyway.
Also has a pretty amicable relationship with the Ruler of the Underworld, though his is much more professional compared to Diavolo’s. He actually has a good deal of appreciation for the man for taking good care of the Prince during his visits, so he sees this as an opportunity to return the favor.
Like Diavolo, he’s rather focused on making sure the MC is having a good stay in the Devildom, but he’s much more subtle about it. He’ll come by the House often to check up on them and make sure everything is to their liking... 
Even the brothers notice that he treats them like anothering visiting Lord/Lady in that way, which he would argue they very much are and should be respected as one. It’s the least the Devildom can offer their father at this point.
His visits may also be an excuse for keeping an eye on the brothers to make sure they don’t do anything to inconvenience their “young guest…” To be honest, the entire House is a little paranoid about that… Nobody wants to know the punishment for hurting MC if Barbs is the one dishing it out...
Apart from watching out for them, Barbatos tries to encourage the MC to accept the Young Lord’s gifts (while also actively advising Diavolo to go easier on them at the same time). It would be so disheartening to him if his Prince feels like he hasn’t offered them the best experience that he could… He’s sure they understand.
Any time that he invites the MC to tea, they usually end up talking about their father in some way. Barbs knows a surprising amount about the god… He’s been around about as long as Chronos - preceding the birth of Aether and Chaos themselves - so he has some stories to tell.
The MC did once ask him why he doesn’t just run everything if he’s really been around for so long... his answer was: “Kings and their kingdoms will rise and fall… Worlds upon worlds are born, then cease to be. But time is what brings about all changes… So, I think I’m perfectly content with the power I possess. Wouldn’t you be?” 
Annnd they never asked Barbs another question like that again… and people think death is scary… 
He was honestly a little worried for their new companion for quite a while… It’s not like there’s never any sadness in the Celestial Realm or anything, but they seem to have something else entirely…
He’s heard stories about the Underworld. He’s never been himself, that’s usually a job for the Seraphim due to the… dreary nature of the place - but he’s heard it would make the Devildom look downright festive…
If he were being honest, he had half expected the MC to be obsessed with skeletons, ghosts, and other elements of darkness but that wasn’t the case. They certainly knew a lot about those things, but they appeared to have a healthy interest in the afterlife in general, so they asked him a lot of questions about the Celestial Realm, angels, and how the souls of the blessed are treated up there… It was surprising to say the least.
Of course he did the same and, frankly, Simeon found it incredibly wasteful that so many Greek followers find themselves just wasting away in a field of nothing for so long… but that’s neither here nor there.
He was also surprised by how gentle of an influence the MC ended up being on Luke as well. He had always suspected that the little angel just needed a bridge between him and Devildom to start finding appreciation for it, and the MC fit that bill perfectly - nothing he was used to, but still approachable enough to make everything less frightening. He thanks them a great deal for that… but...
It’s just that… Well they’re just so… depressing sometimes…! He doesn’t want to blame them because it hardly seems like their fault! They’re a very kind person, it’s just an atmosphere around them… It brings him to tears if he isn’t careful…
He’s invited the MC to Purgatory Hall on multiple occasions to chat and try to make them smile… When they do, the gloom is dispelled - even just a little - and they’re a truly beautiful creature regardless. It’s just so unfortunate that their life brings so much sadness...
Even so, he actually likes the MC enough to consider basing a character on them if he ever wrote another book. Something about a gloomy but sweet protagonist at home in a world of darkness sounds appealing… doesn’t it?
He didn’t know how to feel about the MC when they met. At first, he actually thought they were just as unhappy as he was to be there due to how depressed they looked but when they told him that wasn't true, he was really confused...
The Devildom is a dark, brutish, and dangerous place. Why would anyone feel at home down here??
But… well… He would spend time with them at RAD between breaks (partially to help scare off their many, many demonic suitors) and it might be weird to say, but they really made the Devildom look beautiful… literally.
The world just looks better when they’re around! It’s really hard to describe because it’s not something you notice much until they leave, but when the MC is around everything looks more vibrant and inviting! The grass gets greener, flowers grow bigger, and butterflies/birds hover around wherever they are like they have their own gravity - the realm loves them!
It started getting hard for Luke to hang onto his disdain for the place when they made it look so appealing… And then they started talking to him about the Underworld and the creatures they’d befriended there… creatures a lot worse than any demons he’d seen there...
Like. If the MC can be good friends with a bunch of rude walking corpses, then he could probably make friends with a demon right? There’s nice ones… kind of… 
Beel. He can make friends with Beel.
Like Simeon, he does feel bad that they seem so sad all the time… but unlike the older angel, he’s a bit more understanding that this is just how they are and enjoys his time with them regardless. (It helps a lot that just being around this little bean of a boy can lift their spirits anyway).
And you know what’s even better for him? When Lord Diavolo gives the MC tickets to things that they don’t want to go to, sometimes they’ll invite him along or give them to him instead! 
He’s gone to the Devil’s Coast with MC and Simeon sooo many times by now and he loves it!! Maybe the Devildom isn’t so bad after all, I mean, it can be a lot of fun when you go to the right places, anyway.
Oh, he finds them both deeply fascinating and utterly terrifying - so just his sort of test sub-er, person!
He kids (somewhat), Solomon isn’t that dumb/lacking in self-preservation instinct. Experimenting on a child of death in a land of the dead (even if it’s not their “home turf”) would be asking for trouble. They’d have more than enough ammunition to fight him off and if their father found out? Immortality wouldn’t even begin to save him...
That being said, questions aren’t necessarily experiments… and oh boy, does he have a lot of them.
If the MC isn’t being pestered by Diavolo or the brothers, then they’re probably having to put up with Solomon nipping at their heels trying to get them to use their powers or answer all sorts of “innocent” scientific questions…
“MC, reanimation of Greek dead requires a blood offering, correct? Do you have to sacrifice animals for that process or do you allow them to feast on your own?”
“MC, when you’re controlling a skeleton do you move the body as a whole or do you have to animate each individual bone due to their lack of ligaments?”
“Think fast!! Oh look, you just caught the skull of my good friend, Richard! Could you bring him back from that, or should I fetch the rest of him?” 🙂
They put up with it because, believe it or not, he’s not nearly the weirdest person they’ve ever met (a lot of crazy people drift in and out of the land of the dead…) and well… they’re a pretty lonely person too so it’s not like they have a lot of standards when it comes to friendships anyway.
But the second they breathe a word of this to Barbs or Diavolo, this boy is on his way to a royal restraining order… Where does he even get those skulls…?
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hesgunnalovethis · 4 years
Dark Circles
Summary: You’re cramming for a big exam. Until Leonard McCoy finds out you haven’t slept in 3 days.
Bones x Reader
Masterlist!  (thank you for all the love you guys are the best <3)
 TW: bit of sleep deprivation init, strong language, passing mention of death (satirically)
 Word Count: 1514
  You had been working on the Enterprise as a student medic for some time now. With a busy five year mission, an unspoken fling with the Chief Medical Officer and a crew who couldn’t seem to keep themselves in one piece, you’d began to believe you’d never make it that final step to officially become Doctor Y/L/N. So, when The Academy offered for you to take your final exams online, you jumped at the chance. 
The exam was in three days. You’d somehow managed to nab yourself a week clear of shifts. Whoever made up the rotas must have it sweet for you you’d joked to Leonard who was now working a doubly busy week. He didn’t mind, he knew how important this was to you. 
 You were ready to be free from the constant watchful eye of people only as skilled as you and you knew it. But having neglected textbook terminology for three years you panicked wondering if you’d be able to convince Starfleet the same. You’d been hitting the books hard for the last few days. Really, you’d been doing little else. So much so that the words were beginning to jumble before your eyes. 
Your comm rang. You answered to Jim’s shrill voice like you were teenagers on a landline. Jim had been a good few years above you at The Academy but you had always been close. Jim initially approached you as a night out trophy and when you’d firmly put him in his place, even through six vodka blackcurrants, he knew he’d found a good drinking buddy. 
 “Sooo how you feeling!” Jim asked as if your final medical exam was a first date. 
 “Honestly? Nauseous. Although I don’t know if that’s the nerves or the tiredness.” The first time you’d spoken in days, you remembered. 
 “Jeez how long have you been up?” 
 “Long enough to be two and half notebooks down.” You eyed the strewn pads filled with messy words and diagrams. You definitely passed the doctors handwriting stereotype. 
 “Maybe I’ll stop by with another one for you. And maybe some crushed up pills.” He wasn’t joking but you laughed anyway. 
 “And how is... the ship?” You said, head scrabbled but feeling rude not asking about him. 
 “Still in space.” 
 “That is good to hear.” 
 “For real, Y/N, are you alright? Do you need anything? Water? Food? A certain doctor?”
 “I need everyone on this ship to stand still for three days so I’m ready to sit this.” Jim was silent knowing that he couldn’t promise that and that he’d probably be first injured. “Currently skim reading the dermal regenerator chapter. If another ensign gets stabbed that’s on them.” 
 “As your Captain I can’t laugh at that.” 
 “’As your captain,’” you mimicked “shut the fuck up, Jim.”
 “Fair.” Jim said in defeat after a long silence. “I’ll get Bones up to see you in a bit” 
 “Don’t bother him, he’s working all his own shifts and all of mine, he’ll be more of a corpse than me.” 
 “I have never seen that man in any state other than grumpy. I’ll check up on you in a few.” 
 “Catch.” You said hanging up the comm.
 A few hours past and you’d filled up your third notebook throwing it on the pile and picking up a fresh one, like clockwork. 
 Another hour passed and Jim had rang your comm, again. You ignored it. Another hour. Another ring. Another comm ignored. You only had six textbooks left and you weren’t going to let anything distract you. Almost. 
 The door to your quarter opened as you finished notepad four. You didn’t fully register it until you noticed the room become significantly brighter. You’d really been sitting there for long enough for the room to assume you’d died. Interesting. 
 You looked up to silently thank the ceiling and were greeted by two cold hands against your skin planting a kiss on top of your head. You’d recognise those hands in death. Hands that didn’t need to sit this exam. You were jealous of them. 
 You felt him squat behind you hugging you from behind his cheek brushing against yours. 
 “How’s it been?” You asked instinctively about the sickbay. 
 “Y’know,” he began, spinning your chair away from the desk to face him, “It’s been-“ he stopped brief worry passing over his face. Brief but not unnoticed. 
 “Darlin’ you are so pretty, you know that, but right now you have two friends I don’t know called ‘extremely dark’ and ‘evidently from sleep deprivation circles’ under your eyes.” He said it delicately, you scoffed. 
 “You’re not looking so hot yourself Mr Five O’clock Shadow.” Leonard’s mouth peaked at the corners suppressing a laugh. 
 In that moment you felt silently sorry for Jim who’d claimed never to see Leonard’s softness. ‘Jim’ you thought. 
 “Jim sent you?” You questioned spinning your chair back towards the desk but finding it halted by Leonard’s foot. He shook his head. 
 “He mentioned a few missed comms but I was already on my way here. I assumed you’d be sleeping. It is 4am.” 
 You looked at the time to verify. You swore the last time you checked it had been 5am. 
 “How long have you been awake?” Leonard asked assessing the desk space. 
 “A few nights.” 
 “Nights?” He cocked his eyebrow at you. “Nights are for sleeping.”
 “It’s the same as working a few nights.” You stated. 
 He smiled softly at you, reaching forward to knock your glasses from your hair to your eyes. You could see again. He’d actually gifted you sight. 
 “When we work a few shifts in a row, we take breaks. How many breaks have you taken?” 
 “A few.” 
 “Bullshit.” He was right so you didn’t argue. 
 “I just have a few things left to cover before I can start doing practice exams. I’ll take a break then.” 
 Leonard was already at your desk closing textbooks and tidying flashcards. You tried to interfere but he simply moved your hands and stroked your hair. 
 “You get changed, I’ll get you some water.” 
 You were suddenly thankful someone had pried you away. You didn’t realise how awful you felt. Head pounding, nauseous, eyes failing. 
 “Test me?” You asked. Leonard turned eyeballing you. His facial expressions having a silent conversation. 
 ‘Really?’ His face said. 
 ‘Please?’ Your face said back. 
 “Your patient is paralysed. First point of call?”
 “Neutral transducer.” You shouted from the bathroom not missing a beat. 
 “And how does that work?”
 “By picking up neural signals from the brain to mimic and stimulate appropriate muscles.” You were right. Leonard was silent for a few minutes allowing you to brush your teeth and change. “Keep going.” You shouted back. 
 “It’s pointless you know everything.” He stated. You walked back into the room giving him a sad face. He rolled his eyes he couldn’t say no to you. 
 “What are the symptoms of fatigue?” Leonard said handing you a glass of water. You shot him an annoyed look, his face was pure innocence. 
 “Chronic tiredness.” You said. He urged you to continue, “Dizziness, headache, impaired vision, slow reflexes, muscle weakness, appetite loss.”
 “I think you’re missing a few.” He said. You sighed at him knowing the point he was trying to make. 
 “Poor concentration, short term memory problems, impaired judgement.” 
 “Heck… sound familiar?” He said as you both climbed onto the bed. 
 Leonard pulled you towards him, taking your entire body in his kissing your under eye repeatedly. 
 “It’s been fun ‘evidently from sleep deprivation circles’ but you’ve gotta go. It’s not personal I just love your host too much to keep you around.” Leonard joked and rearranged your pillows to make you both more comfortable. 
 “One more.” You whispered almost completely asleep. Leonard sighed heavily. 
 “Where’s a Vulcans heart.” You laughed at the easiness of the question. 
 “Right side. Between ribs and pelvis.”
 “Oooo, wrong.” He said pulling you closer. 
 “What! No I’m not?!” 
 “Vulcans don’t have hearts. Have you met the one we work with?” 
 You laughed, softly elbowing him in his own ribs for being horrible. 
 “You do this every time you have something big. You work yourself into the ground. It’s not good for you darlin’. Not good for my blood pressure either.” Leonard softly said removing the glasses from your face. 
 “I’m just scared. God knows how long I’ll need to wait to resit it.” You mumbled. 
 “Y/N, you don’t have to scrounge through textbooks for these answers. You’ve lived these answers. Hell I’ve watched you take over from doctors well above your rank when they’ve started feeling the heat. You’re exceptional. Being a doctor is in your damn blood.” You could tell by his tone he was sincere. Your heart sung but your head retorted. 
 “What if I fail?”
 “Then I guess you’ll have no choice but to have me watching over you for another two years.” Leonard rested his head on top of yours allowing your own to fall onto his chest. 
 “I guess that wouldn’t be so bad.” ‘And hopefully a lot longer’ you thought as you finally drifted off to sleep.
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