#but hopefully this isnt? as bad???? praying and hoping
pepper-rex · 7 months
*trembling like a wet dog* going to try and tell my parents that i dont really think this college thing is for me anymore 👍
update: it went better than i expected tbh
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atlaskrr · 8 months
Istg if whatever tf mysterious medical conditions I have rn are stopping me from having a job in marine biology...
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loverboybitch · 1 year
gang i have to go to the office tomorrow for the first time since covid started for a big meeting thing with my whole department and im nervous.//.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
Congrats on setting up commissions!! Ok so you mentioned something abt chastity belt on my last ask with CEO yandere and now I’m just 🥴🥴🥴 thoughts. So: how long would different yanderes last with a chastity belt/regular edging routine ? </3
thank you!!! i havent gotten any yet but im hoping i get one soon!
so, i think the ones that would enjoy it the most would be big bad, rival yan, girly yan, housewife and worshipper yan! they dont really mind, not really noticing it that much at first but i think playboy would crack first and beg you to take it off and just touch them, theyve been so good!! (they lasted like. a day. didnt even get to the edging.), next would be rival yan, taking it as a challenge and doing great until you start teasing them, slowly moving your leg between their thighs in a semi public area as they desperately try to maintain their composure, trying so hard to subtly grind into your palm before they finally snap and tap out, having to take a second to compose themselves before letting you take them to a private area and fuck their brains out (and imagine their shame when they cum early!! so cute!!)
big bad would be the one to break next, flinching every single time you touch them, barely able to walk and just imagine them laying in bed, panting, huffing, moaning oh so sweetly as you gently touch their sex, running your finger tips over it, teasing them about how wet/hard they are as you rest your cheek on their thigh, feeling the muscles tense and spasm as they try so hard not to fuck the air above them or shove their fingers inside of themselves and when you giggle and blow on their sex? theyre gone, unable to even squeak out a warning before they make a mess of themselves, crying out as they get cum everywhere.
girly yan would get... snappy and clingy. their craziness is dialed up to a 100 and if someone so much as looks at you, they'll chase them down in broad daylight unless you stop them. every few minutes they look at you and whimper, trying to guilt you into letting them cum and they actually last a long while until youre making out with them and you get your hands under their shirt and then their clinging to you, biting into your shoulder to stifle their cries, hips bucking and you just standing there, eyes wide as you realize they came untouched
housewife yan would be a god damn expert. youre always at work so you never really have time to tease them! theyre working hard too, cleaning the house, cooking, mundane and unsexy things so they have little to no trouble!... until they start really struggling. smelling your clothes leaves them guiltily humping your pillow, unable to get over the edge of orgasm, showering with you at the end of the day leaves them tingling all over, your kiss goodbye every morning makes them whimper, if you have them sit around with a toy inside them all day it really drives them nuts, has them grinding against their seat, subconsciously groping themselves, whining when something as small as a breeze touches their crotch and they finally just call in sick for you and spend the next few days screwing your brains out
and now, worshipper yan! edging and chastity is nothing to them! anything for their god! anything you ask and theyll do it, besides, they always edged themselves and remained celibate for you so doing it for a little while longer is no issue! they snap their wrist with a rubber band, take icey cold showers, avoid unintentionally edging themselves, they focus on praying to you when they start feeling urges and cumming untouched isnt unusual for them! theyve got this in the bag!... its a little annoying but overtime, they get desperate, esp if youve been edging them personally. they start getting brain fog, they start staring at you for hours on end just panting, they can barely walk without accidentally stimulating themselves and its just too much for the poor thing! hopefully you see it in your heart to help them relax and release all the tension theyre holding <3
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marionscriptions · 2 years
꒦꒷ encounter. ꒷꒦
SYNOPSIS 𖦹 maybe agreeing to go along with your friend's friday night plans wasn't such a bad idea after all...
CHARACTERS 𖦹 arashi narukami, gender-neutral!reader (no pronouns used)
MARION’S NOTES 𖦹 my brain couldn't come up with any other titles so i hope that 'encounter' suffices. i have not written proper dialogue for arashi before so hopefully she isn’t majorly out of character.. ALSO sorry about the length, i ran out of ideas </3 part 2 to this post. (F/N = friend's name)
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You were most definitely lost.
People surrounded you from every angle and direction and your head throbbed, undoubtedly the start of a long, painful headache. You winced at the thought of how horrible you would feel once this was all over.
To make a long story short, (F/N), a friend of yours, thought that it would be a bright idea to drag you to a night market near Yumenosaki. You immediately lost them to the large crowd, and... here you were, trying to wade through this sea of people without bumping into anyone. With your luck, you'd probably be able to get out of here within an h—
Your foot got caught on a crack in the sidewalk and you went tumbling down to the ground, your face meeting the concrete within seconds, and you winced at the dull ache that spread across your face.
People stepped around you, trying not to step on your feet or hands, but paid you no mind otherwise. Sighing, you dusted the gravel off of your palms and knees as you tried to sit up. Your nose stung, but other than that, you would probably be fine... 
You tried to sit up, but a hand suddenly presented itself in front of you.
Wait, a hand?
"Oh my, are you okay?" a voice (presumably the owner of the hand) asked you, voice tinged with concern. You paused for a moment (due to embarrassment, you mostly assumed) before you merely nodded as you took the person's hand. It was only after you steadied yourself that you got a glance at your 'savior'.
The pretty girl from the live... it was her. If your memory served you right, Arashi was her name. How embarrassing..., you internally sulked. To be saved by the pretty girl that you kind-of-had-a-crush-on felt nothing short of flustering and embarrassing. So much for trying to look calm and collected in front of her...
"Oh? Is something the matter? It's not very polite to leave a pretty girl hanging, you know~?"
Right... you didn't exactly respond to her question. Clearing your throat, you managed out an "Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry about that."
"What a relief~ It looked like you took a nasty fall...” 
"Yeah, but I should be fine... Thank you." You gave her a soft smile, praying that she couldn't detect how nervous you looked. "I don't want to hold you up or anything.”
"Ah, but it's no problem! I'm just here with a few friends, so it's really not burdening me or anything~♪" she responded. Her words reassured you in some way. Her voice was cheerful but soft, in contrast to her powerful voice onstage.
“Same here,” you responded. “I’m here with my friend, (F/N), but I lost them in the crowd...”
“Oh, speaking of which...” Arashi started, taking your right hand in hers. “I’m sure that Izumi-chan wouldn’t mind too much if you came along with us.”
...Were you dreaming? Being able to spend time with not only the idol that you had a kind-of-crush on, but her friends that also happened to be idols that you looked up to? What were the odds?
"You don’t have to if you don’t want to, of course!” Arashi reassured, her grip on your hand loosening. “I’m sure that we’ll see each other around again...”
“Hmm...” you trailed off, pondering your options. Surely (F/N) wouldn’t mind... right?
“I actually don’t mind at all,” you settled on, trying to contain your excitement and nerves.
Arashi’s face lit up at your answer. “Oh, how wonderful!”
Hastily, you sent a text message to (F/N).
(NAME) im with someone right now, dont worry about me
(F/N) who (NAME) that isnt rlly reassuring u better be safe >:/
Stifling a giggle at their protective nature, you turned your phone off and put it back in your pocket before looking at Arashi again. “So... where to first?”
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bunnyb34r · 1 month
So new bossman will be the (now former) temp district manager
As a DM he was pretty good, so hopefully our store can stop being the worst in the region for once
But I am anxious... I have a feeling he's gonna make us swap womens and childrens. I'm not opposed to the location (hey gets me farther from NewLady and most of my work buddies are on that half of the store 👍) but I AM anxious bc that's a lot of moving and is gonna be such a pain in the ass
Especially bc I just built up all my levels 😑
Will get at least 1 more endcap which would be... interesting 😬 idk how I feel ab that shit tbh
But I'd be able to match the layout if I do get more tables (rn I cant bc I have 1 and it requires 2.5 - 4)
So um I guess I'll just pray and hope that overnight crew does the bulk of the work (yeah right) and that he is actually a good manager for once bc I havent had a good store manager since starting working (If I had a nickel for every bad store manager I had I'd have two nickels. Which isnt a lot but it's weird that it happened twice (and that I've only been working for 2 years)
Maybe if we can stop sucking as a store we can get better bonuses lol
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sowthetide · 3 months
heyyyyyy *saunters saucily into your ask box* congratulations! you have written a character so appealing that i cant stop thinking about her! and considering shes an alternate version of an already fictional character, i literally have no one else to bother about the brainworms she gives me. so, youre stuck with me. (side note if you do get sick of my endless asks just say the word and i will limit myself to like. two per chapter. probably. i can be normal i promise) ANYWAY i was listening to incredible amazing bigbrained theon playlist this morning and foreigners god by hozier came upand. the way i see it, in asoiaf canon theons one of the characters with the most interesting relationship with religion. he has the conflicting background, and doesnt really seem to connect with either. which isnt bad, not every character needs tk be spiritual, yet he is also some sort of mesiah figure??? like he has visions and talks to the weirwoods and has SO MUCH religious imagery like im not gonna get into it all but dude literally got crucified?? at a stake??? shit idk man. i like it. i like the part where he swears by the seven WHILE AT THE ISLANDS BEFORE HIS DEATH BAPTISM CEREMONY bbg theyre not pagans. but but but back to quenn- i feel like this is more emphasized in her story? maybe thats just me being delusional but (she lights insence in the sept after cat leaves hahahha im normal about this i swear) shes been abandoned by ALL the gods but still prays??? and for what??? stability???? hope?????? shes can seem like such a pessimist at time, a down to earth realist at best, but SHE STILL PRAYS. to what god???? im not very eloquent with words but you should listen to foreigners god the end byeeerer
Why, hello again ;-) You're so nice to me 🥺 I really appreciate it cause I've been dealing with some Family Issues lately ❤️
Also, you do not have to tell ME about the pain of Quen brainworms!!! Thank god I have goddcoward, Ashen_Onion, and, of course, Y'ALL to scream with about Quen with, because otherwise I'd have probably lost my mind by now. Never worry about being normal because I've spent the last year being increasingly Unnormal about Quen, with extensive daydreaming about all of the Saw traps I have/will put her in.
You've reminded me to update my Quen playlist (the link is around here... somewhere...), but I also reallyyyy need to finish my Theon playlist too... eventually...
But back on topic! Yes, Theon's relationship with religion is such an interesting part of his character, and it's something that really drew me to him while reading (as someone with a complicated/agnostic outlook on religion). He has an unusually strong connection with the North's old gods, which is especially apparent in his ADWD chapters (which are some of GRRM's best-ever chapters, I will die on this hill), and I can't wait to see how that (hopefully) intersects with Bran's journey in TWOW.
I took this aspect of Theon's character and ran with it for Quen, as she has a lot of exposure to all three of the main religions in Westeros: the Drowned God during her childhood on the Iron Islands, and the old gods + the Seven during her time with the Starks. Quen has a closer relationship with the Seven in particular, due to her closer relationship with Catelyn/Sansa/Arya/Septa Mordane (by nature of being female in this 'verse), but she oscillates between all three when the occasion calls for it.
What is she praying for? Does she even believe in any of these gods? Who knows! Quen certainly doesn't. But she'll pray to the gods of the people she loves, so their gods might protect them. Also, as my dad would put it: "there are no atheists in foxholes". This is to say, Quen will cling to whatever gods get her the hell outta this clusterfuck in one piece. And, unfortunately, she finds herself in an inordinate amount of clusterfucks. She's clusterfucks Georg, really.
"Foreigner's God" is Thee Theon song fr. We all listened to it and collectively went THEON 🫵 If anyone has any other Theon song recs, I am always open to suggestions... 👀
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daisyshimmer · 1 year
06.27.23 2:04
i went to practice today, i did really bad but it's okay i tried my best, not really but i was scared and this sport just isn't for me. from now on i won't be going to practice again. i hate when it's monday (practice day) i hate getting ready i hate my family arguing before practice i hate that im scared before, during, after practice and I'm so glad i stopped. it's like a burden off my heart. i was so pressured to do good from my dad but now I don't have to do good, I don't have to do it at all. i will be looking for another sport or maybe go to the gym. this is my reminder that i need to heal my perfectionism before my senior year. the moment i dont perfect it on the first try i cry and lose hope and im just immediately discouraged. when im discouraged or feeling down i cant do anything. it's okay. tomorrow is arafa day. im questioning my religious beliefs right now and i don't pray I don't even know if my prayings will be heard by god, im considered infidel to him. tbh I'm just going to pray because im scared, im scared of god, im scared that this is going to be the right thing all along, after death, and i just wasted my life while those believers are happy in paradise. fear is taking over me. i will fast and pray in secret and hopefully, god will hear my prayers. i hope i come back next year to see them fulfilled.
i want to leave my abusive parents in the future when im independent. i want to get more than 95% in my senior year, i want to get into an abroad university as an international student in the us or uk or germany or europe in general, a university that is known it's good and it's actually good, i want to have a lot of money that will fulfill me, i want my mom to be strong enough to leave my dad and eventually leave him and get divorced for a better life, i want to see my old school friends and be happy meeting them just like old times, i want to have a boyfriend because i feel sooo unlovable or maybe not a boyfriend but i just want boys to have a crush on me lol, especially M.O ;) i want my mom to be forever happy with a lot of money, i want my dad to stop being abusive and have mercy on my mom and treat her good, maybe buy her a present and treat her this year! i want both my parents to stop saying im a lier and believe me more, i aant them to support me my whole senior year, i want my senior year to always have the motivation and power to study and never miss lessons, never be discouraged, always be hopeful, and make it a good year for me, god please make me only have good friends and make them closer to me, and move away bad people from me to never cross me in anyway shape or form, please make my cousin do well on her exams and have more than 95%, please make logy do well on her exams and have more than 95%, please show me the truth of people around me as soon as possible, good or bad, please make have some self esteem in myself, never make me lose myself to beauty traditions, make my heart always calm, please make me good with communication with people, please guide me and make me never ever say too much in a conversation, help me resolve my oversharing, please make me always speak the right amount and never annoy others, please make me loveable and make everyone like my setting, please resolve misogyny in the world and don't make a girl ever go through anything like that, please let me find the right husband for me or boyfriend who isnt a misogynist, treats me right, and always gentle with me, and truly loves me, make him just like the man in my fantasies or what you see fit me, a man that always Leeds me to the right thing that always supports me and helps me in house stuff, who is open minded, please make me believe in myself, make me beautiful in people eye's and most importantly mine, make me always know what to say and how to react, help me find the right sport, help me find the right boyfriend that will help me progress and feel loved this year, please god make me feel loved with or without a boyfriend, after this dream being in love is the best thing in the world please please please let me have a boyfriend pleeeeaaaase that loves me, and is actually attractive, i know this doesn't happen but make cute guys in love with me lol even if they don't show it, or make them show it it will make me feel loved, god please let me have motivation and courage to go to the gym, please god i want to be without acne without accutane before my senior year, i want to reach my best weight and be strong (55 kg) before my senior year, make me take my bike to summer vacation please, please help me resolve my anger issues, please let me have my dream room before senior year, please let me have the comfort believers have in you, make me feel like you actually love me and don't forget me, please make a successful woman, with a lot of money, make me know what i want in my future career in my senior year or even before and help me pursue it, please let me know the knowledge and always be educated, let me actually write read-worthy stuff on feminism, make me never lose arguments and always have the right thing to say in mind, especially in feminism arguments, please god appear in my dream, and make me remember my dream, that you will accept my duaa. please make me always return to you and always pray while actually wanting to. thank you :)
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thebeardkingxl · 1 year
To KC,
I’m writing this message cause I feel really bad, thinking about the way I hurt you makes me really sad. I hope somehow some way this gets through to you.
I’m genuinely sorry for all the hurt I’ve caused you and I regret the things I’ve done. Im losing and it seems I’ve lost the 1 girl I’ve loved more than anything since Day 1 and it was cause of the things I’ve done.
KC I feel so bad right now and each day, cause I tore your world apart, and now all I can think about is how I broke your heart.
These tears that run down my cheek are filled with sadness and hurt, because you really do mean alot to me and I care about you until the end. I messed up big time and I only wish I could go back in time and do things differently and maturely and not disrespect you and make fools out of each other or anybody else. I think about you often and hope some day you have the energy and courage to forgive me and know that the David you encountered recently isn’t the person I want to experience again ever. Nor should you or anybody for that matter. I hope you understand.
I know sorry’s not enough because I’m such a screw up.. But for whatever its worth I wanted to say, that you cross my mind every single day…
The thought of you makes me smile and not sad, and I know our love was and still is real, so I’m typing you this message so that you know how I truly feel.
What I really want to say is that I’m sorry, I know that you didn’t deserve to be hurt like that, and I know that you will soon find peace and things will eventually be calmed down and our heads will clear up as long as I can give you your space that you need right now.
So I’m sooo SORRY for everything I’ve done, also i have to say is that I care about you and really do pray for you and wonder how you are doing every day and I’m so sooo sorry KC 😕 I hope some day we can make things up and put our past behind us and be better people for ourselves and for us. At the end of the world, I love you and your family. I always will. I always had a mindset of you being “home” to me and I know it might be the opposite with you now but if it isnt, well…idk 😌. But you need to know that. Again, im sorry for all the hurt I may have caused you. I really truly don’t know why it all happened the way it did. I love you. Hope you are doing good, I miss ya. You always will be with me in my heart and soul. We are soul tied. 😌 Okay talk soon hopefully.
Love Always, David
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
I don't know what happened; Tumblr just decided to ghost me for 4 days😭 Like, it didn't even open ;-;
I missed you so much and I feel so bad like I've abandoned you ;-;
I hate Tumblr sometimes,, I also missed the ice-cream game grrrrr
Anyways, how are you?? How is your life going? Do you have time for yourself? I hope you do >:c
I'm so sad Halloween is over,, but at least now Tohma is here and I can start praying to get him without using too many primos :|
Also, I love you tons, remember that <33 💖💖
OMG YACHIIIII!! FRIENDDDD *hug* Awww it's okie!! tumblr breaks all the time, I'm not even surprised something like this happened!
aww no! it's okie, if anything, I abandoned yall but in my defense I'm really busy! Like this week i'm planning on finishing 2 weeks worth of hw. I have an essay due next week and I JUST settled on a topic so I plan to finish the rough draft today, edit as much as I can, and send it to a tutor who's gonna look it over for me. They take like 3-5 days to respond so HOPEFULLY i can get my essay back within the time limit. I'm sad I can only send in a rough draft and not a finished product. I could also take a whole extra day to perfect before but i can't risk not getting it back ;w; im so scared it's worth 60% of my grade AND i've managed to maintain an 89% (it was 92% idk wtf happened) and so if I don't turn it in i wont pass BUT I'VE TURNED IN EVERY SINGLE HW ASSIGNMENT >:0
don't mind me going on a tangent there o.o
so in summation! to answer your question, I do not have time to myself ;w; but it's just this week! then i'll be free next week sooo that's a positive! although I think i have two exams next week or an exam next week and then one after that.
omg YES. I was so sad when we had to take the halloween decorations down! ;w; like I said, i dont like xmas THAT much to be that excited about it. Mainly bc my family doesn't celebrate xmas like some people. i mean we don't celebrate halloween either BUT we did get into the halloween spirit and im sad it's over so soon TwT ONE MONTH ISNT ENOUGH LIKE COME ON-
but yes! have you gotten thoma yet? do you plan on rolling for Itto, Gorou, or Albedo??? or are you saving primos for a completely different character?? o:
I LOVE YOU MORE ^w^ <33 you're so sweet hehe
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just watched wigfrid short few comments below
1. STUNNING animation. i would kill for them to keep animating dst shorts until i die.
2. i always thought wigfrid was a like 14 year old, though clearly she isnt, shes just very short. i think i partly thought this because hardcore theater kid vibes. i still see her as younger than say wilson or willow, so id say shes like 18 or 19 ish in my brain now, which is believable if you consider the possible time period and the fact shes clearly wealthy. (in my brain i consider wilson/willow to be in their mid to late twenties)
3. maxwell dick bag ruiner of dreams. fucking hate this prick i hope they still let him be an asshole even if hes doing this because he has to or whatever. i hope hes never nice.
4. if all of these disappearances take place in the same area, which im assuming is europe (like germany or the UK) in like the early 1900s-20s, then i wonder if wigfrids accent is just part of the role she played. partly i want to say its her real voice, and another part of me thinks it be interesting if she went just a tad bit crazy due to the fame her role landed her and in a desperate attempt to regain the high of her career she fully adopts the personality of her most popular role. clearly shes troubled by it, as its enough for her to literally follow a magic shadow man to god knows where. either way if its real or not i still like her vid and her hair.
5. i like to think all of the characters a a bit unhinged in their own ways at least desperate enough to again, follow literal magic monster demon lookin ass dude. take wilson desperate to further his own knowledge by any means necessary, willow literally pyromaniac, wendy grief stricken morbid child whose suicidal at a very young age, webber, who may or may have not have died twice, once by being eaten by the spider the size of a dog. i like dst so much because it takes all of these normally very heavy things that could be blown way out of proportion but they all get back burner because literal physical survival themes. the humorful way they color in this pretty depressing picture a la tim burton but way cooler imho and more consistent in quality. its creepy, but funny.
6. i already thought wigfrid was cute, but now im really in love w her character, she needed this lore soooo bad!
7. webber is next hopefully. i hope and pray. i wont be mad if we get robot first i just really love webber.
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mazojo · 5 years
Favorite Sohma’s
Hi yes, uh, I needed a space to rant about fruits basket because I am still very broken so yea
Disclaimer that this is just my opinion and I still love them all very much, just needed to get this out of my system ayee. Also I will include a song that reminds me of them because I am that invested in this so yeaaaa
14- Kagura Sohma
Boy by Little Mix - “I know what you’re worth girl, you know what you got”
I rank Kagura as my least favorite just for the fact that I cant really relate to her I guess? I mean, she is okay, I think she is cute and all but I don't think violence is the way to go about her struggles and she is so much more worth than she gives herself credits for. In the end, I dont think I full understood her big struggle as much as the other characters and thats why she is at number 14, although I want her to be happy and full of love and support like the others ;w;
13- Akito Sohma
My Eyes by Neil Patrick Harris and Felicia Day - “But it’s plain to see, Evil inside of me is on the rise”
Akito is a complicated one for me man. Of course, in the beginning and throughout the manga you learn to really dislike her because she did some terrible things, specially to my baby boi Yuki and eye-.... But then when we learn more about her and everything she has gone through we start sympathizing with her but i..... cant just forget everything she did. I get she was traumatized since she was little, she became dependent on the zodiacs because of her father’s words and mother’s behaviour thus becoming a broken person with this big responsibility she didn't ask for. It really ticks me however, how much pain the others underwent through her, and even though its a healing process, the traumas and everything they suffered is still there which is why I cant place her higher. I do not hate her by any means, but she isnt my favorite person on this list either. I do ship her with Shigure and I think they help each other out, and they grow from the other.
12- Shigure Sohma
Used to the Darkness by Des Rocs - “Now would you pray before you twist the knife? Yeah, would you take my hand and take a life?”
*big sigh* Shigure is also a complicated one for me. It may be my big dumb energies showing but I didnt fully get a grasp on his character? I know he was doing everything for Akito’s sake to liberate from the curse and be with her so she is finally a “woman” but he always acted a bit shady xD?? I would have love to know more about his backstory, we dont get much from his motivations and character other than the perverted aspect and that he loves Akito lmaoo. I do think he is hilarious and I love the dynamic he has with Hatori and Ayame lol
11- Ayame Sohma
Starships by Nicky Minaj - “Starships were menat to fly, Hands up and touch the sky “
To be honest I am pretty neutral about Ayame’s character. He is hilarious and I love how Yuki insults him every tike he gets the chance lolll. I like how throughout the story he tries to change to become a better brother to Yuki and person even though he is pretty extra most of the time about it. He has a good heart and even though he made some mistakes he owns up to them which in my opinion, makes him a good character <33 I love his friendship with Hatori lmaooo they balance each other out sooo well
10- Kureno Sohma
Taking Chances by Celine Dion - “Never knowing if there's solid ground below, Or a hand to hold, or hell to pay”
I really like Kureno! He has gone through quite a bit and he needs a hug. I am sad thinking how most of his life he lead it pretty similarly to Yuki’s, apart from everyone and super enclosed to his relationship with Akito due to him breaking the curse and feeling bad about it. I do wish we would have gotten to know more about his personality and story, if we did I would have definitely ranked him higher! He really reminds me of Tohru’s father and I think Uotani is perfect for him <33 would have love to see more about the two of them and hopefully they expand upon it in the anime
9- Ritsu Sohma
Waving Through a Window by Ben Platt - “On the outside, always looking in, Will I ever be more than I've always been?”
Okay okay so I have a lot of thoughts on Ritsu. Manga Ritsu is okay, I really dont have much of an opinion on him due to him appearing only in a few chapters, I feel like from the Sohma’s, he is the one we get the least information about. But then the anime episode came out where they presented Ritsu and I thought they gave him so much more life and rounded personality where, I get to relate a lot to him? I am someone who is constantly apologizing for absolutely no reason and seeing him be all anxious and stressed about others interactions is big relate to me and I stan. I also think the whole dressing as a woman plot line is better dealt with in the anime and I hope we get to see more about his insecurities and troubles in the future because he is truly a very interesting character! I stan my one (1) anxious monkey.
8- Kisa Sohma
Mean by Taylor Swift - “But you can take me down with just one single blow, But you don't know what you don't know”
Cinnammon rooooooolll. Kisa is such a cutie. I dont have much to say other than my mood every time I think about Kisa is hugging her like Tohru does because she is babyyyy. Also her bullying story is one I think many viewers and readers can relate a lot to and such an important topic I think they covered pretty well and I loveee. Also her and Hiro are one of my favorite ships because they work so well and asdfgh in this household Kisa is a queennn.
7- Isuzu Sohma
Take me Home by Jess Glynne - “Came to you with a broken faith, Gave me more than a hand to hold”
I really like Isuzu!! I am pretty bummed we wont get to meet her in season 1 of the Anime reboot but hopefully in the nest season! She is quite a complex character that I didnt really understand at the beginning but once we see how much she loves Haru and all that she does in order to protect and keep him save she really went up my list. She has gone through so much, from her shattered reality from her parents, Akito threatening Haru, her being locked up withour given any food.... Isuzu is so strong and one of the best build characters in the series and I am super excited to see her in the anime!
6- Hiro Sohma
Time to be a Man by The Airborne Toxic Event - “And it’s time to be a man, Tell me how does that go?”
My bastard childdd <33 He is such an asshole and such a sweetie at the same time. His whole inner struggle of not feeling like a good enough man for Kisa is so heartwhelming and I think it really makes sense to the type of person he is. The flashbacks of him telling Akito how he loves Kisa and the feeling of uncertainty and impotency when seeing the girl he loves being hurt by his actions and wanting to be good enough for her even though he is more than enough sdfghjasd. I am also a softie for older brothers who love their families *cough cough* spoiler alert: Momiji *cough cough* that I love me one angry boi
5- Hatsuharu Sohma
4 Seasons by Rex Orange County - “I saw myself as less and you so high above me”
Cow boil! apart from the fact that I love love loveeee Haru’s design, I think he is also such a well build character! He is not only supportive of everyone (aka the loves of his life, Rin and Yuki xDD) but he is so interesting! His split personalities give him a cool trait (even though dark Haru doesnt appear much in the end of the manga) and I love how he helps everyone and makes sure those he loves are protected at all cost and happy. He is Rin and Yuki’s fan club stan leader and I am co-leader so we been stanning aye
4- Hatori Sohma
Fireflies by Owl City - “I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes, I got misty eyes as they said farewell”
Boooooy the next four to come are my absolute favorties and I would die for their happiness and love so *takes big breathe* I LoVE hAtORi sOhMAAa. To be honest when we first meet him I didnt like him much. I thought he was your usual dark deep character who doesnt talk much because he is too cool for everyone (which, he is) and that was that. But boi was I in for a riDE. His story about having to erase the memories from the woman he loves is one of the ones I cried through the most. I put myself in his shoes and wonder if I had to erase the memory of the person I loved the most, make them forget they ever met me, all our happy times, sad times, angry times.... No matter what its one of the most saddening moments and the whole scene is heartbreaking, which makes me love Hatori even more for the fact of how strong he is and selfless. He puts himself before others and he need to know he also deserves happiness and I am glad in the end he got it because homeboy needed a break ;w;. I also adore Ayame’s relationship with him xDD, he is like his idol and big same.
3- Kyo Sohma 
This song saved my Life by Simple Plan - “Sometimes it feels like nobody gets me, Trapped in a world where everyone hates me”
Top three babyyyy. We have now my angry cat boi™. I mentioned it before but going into the reboot firsthand without reading the manga nor watching the first anime, I thought Kyo was going to be my absolute favorite character. I knew he would be the angry boi who was soft inside and probably had a tragic backstory™ that made him act the way he did and I am a sucker for those types of characters. And I love Kyo, I really do, specially when we find out more about his struggles and past. The exclusion he felt throughout his life for being the cat, the abandonment, feeling like he had no one and was ready to die because he didn't have any source of genuine happiness (well, apart from Kazuma ya know but stillll). Then he finds Tohru, the girl he promised to protect, the one that reminded him of the woman that helped him out all those years ago and I just.... poetic cinema at its finest. Kyo and Tohru make one of my favorite couples and I love how flustered and In absolute l o v e he is with her and Kyo is great man....
2- Yuki Sohma
Nandemonaiya by RADWIMPS - “Crying even when you're happy, Smiling even when you're feeling lonely”
THIS WAS ONE OF THE HARDEST DECISIONS OF MA ENTIRE WEEB CAREER SO EXCUSE WHILE I SCREAM. Yuki Sohma won my heart and entire soul throughout the series. I liked him from the start but he wasn't my favorite favorite at the beginning you know? I thought he was isolated and thats why he didn't have much friends and he was perfect and what not but boi was I wrong and happy about it. I think one of the reasons Yuki is one of my favorite characters in fruits basket is how much I can see myself in him. Having the constant need of perfection while also wanting to connect with others but finding it hard is something I personally struggle with and every time we learned a little bit about his backstory my heart broke. Everything Yuki had to go through, the rejection, the isolation, understanding that you are loved and not a burden, falling in love with someone, finding that figure of a mother/friend he always yearned for.... The complexity of Yuki’s character is astounding and I love my rat boi so so much.... When he joins the student council, finding his little group of friends and opening up to a more carefree and true Yuki, forgiving those around him and going and eye- YuKI IS MY BABY RAT BOI AND STAN HIM OR PERISH FROM HERE ;w;
1- Momiji Sohma 
Eine Kleine by Rachie - “If I were to go through life living just to take somebody else's place, Then I would rather have been born as a pebble, living out my peaceful days “
*Clears throat* *trumpets sounds intensify* *stands on podium* I LOVE MOMIJI SOHMA WITH ALL MY HEART AND HE MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS. Thats it. Thats what I want you to get out of this post. I don't know if this is maybe an unpopular opinion-ish but Momiji’s backstory of his mother rejecting him, saying awful things, him having to accept being forgotten by his mother and sister whom he loved, not even being able to live with his family, is one of the most heartbreaking ones of fruits basket. Maybe its like what I said with Hiro and I am a sucker for big brothers that love their families, the sad smile of Momiji, my baby, angel, perfection when he sees his family and not being able to be with them, him loving Tohru but letting her go and be with Kyo because its her happiness that matters to him and I am-..... The selflessness of Momiji and how much of a sweetheart he is, his heart of gold and always being there for those around him, that moment where Akito was looking for Tohru and he got hurt trying to defend her.... Momiji is one of my all time favorite characters. He is a precious bean and I will never not shut up about my love for ma boi <333
Anyways that was long and ramble but I just needed to shout this somewhere because I've been missing they //rip
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
If you don't like Misha, this post might make you smirk.
I did this post yesterday and then deleted it because the OP made me feel sorry for her.  Luckily for me, someone reblogged it and my momentary stupidity is now remedied.  This whole scenario makes me smirk. 
Yesterday's post:
Doll face found @dean-supernatural-akf ranting in the main tags, including the Jensen tag, which is why she forwarded this biased drivel to me.  Thanks sweetie.  I scrolled though OPs blog, trying to figure this person out, because she ships wincest and destiel, apparently.  And she hates the haters.  It is convenient and dismissive to label those who don’t agree with you, don’t you think?  Label them rather than proving them wrong conclusively, because that would be difficult and you might lose the argument because of a lack of intelligence.  So call them names and be done with it.  Her rant is in italics, and my rebuttal in bold.
Rude and Missunderstood.
Shocking right?
Here have a seat and lean back.
Very recently i got heavily missunderstood, and i’m making this post so it won’t happen again.
I asked someone if their blog is real . Because it was so full of hate against this actor named Misha Collins.
This guy right here, and I bet when you are one of the anti misha people then you even share the same look on your face right now, congrats.
Listen… I love JENSEN and i love JARED. And yes i love MISHA too.
But i don’t follow him around like a dog, i don’t kiss the ground where hes walking on.
AND i also don’t do this with J2.
Why is it that when there is an entire blog dedicated to hate for Jensen or Jared, there is no bleeding heart rant like this about that blogger?  But if you write a blog about all the mean things Misha and his fans do, you are a “horrible human being” with “toxicity and hate in your heart”.  No, I would prefer to call it discernment.  I wont like someone just because “it SPNFamily darn it, haters don’t belong”.  So if Misha gives me consistent reasons to hate him, I am still not allowed to hate him because I will be ejected from SPNFamily?  What is this?  A communist fanbase?  Nobody is allowed to have their own opinions?  Everybody must think the same way and feel the same fairytale happy feelings?  Which dandelion world did you pop up from?
I fight for all of them, i fight against the hate that all of those three get and Misha gets more hate then J2 and thats a fact.
Misha gets more hate?  Really?  You mean like death threats?  Like people tweeting him directly that they wish he was dead?  That kind of hate?  Please, show me where the hate is.  Bring me your receipts.  I want to see all the hate that Misha gets. 
And it’s so fucking unfair, i have seen blogs and people that wish that he would die, a man with two children and wife.
This is so sick and it’s so not okay.
Prove it.  Screenshot and show me where all these horrible people are.  I will put it in a post.  I always do.  The death threats and death wishes for J2 have been screenshotted and are on my blog.  So I have proof for my claims.  Bring the proof for your claims.  Its called making mature statements.  Quantifying your claims.  So please, set me straight.  Show me all the nastiness poor Misha gets.  I would like to see it. 
Shocking again, right ?
From under which rock did you emerge?  Misha named his fans minions.  Very disrespectful.  No other actor has ’‘minions’’.  Benedict Cumberbatch didn’t like his fans referring to themselves as Cumberb*tches.  I respect him for that.  Misha did the opposite.   Shocking, right?
The people who only love J2 hate on Misha. And the people who love all of them hate back against the anti Misha people.
That is an incredibly simplistic way of putting it.  And it gives me the impression that this rant was written by someone who is young and idealistic in their notion of how the world works.  How come you don’t talk about the people who like Jensen and Misha and therefore hate Jared?  You cant.  You cant because that would be problematic to the narrative you are vomiting right now.  Those cockles perverts are the ones that tweet him, telling him that that they cant wait for him to die.  Receipts on my blog. 
The way you support J2 is the same way that Misha’s people support him.
Actually no, J2 fans don’t get angry when Misha is interviewed for Elle magazine, yelling “where’s J2”.  They don’t ask “Whose line is it,anyway?” why they excluded J2.  They don’t threaten to burn Misha alive in his house for being anti-destiel and/or making a joke about Jensen.  That happened with Jensen.  I have the receipts.  The same group were discussing kidnapping Jared’s kids.  That group was made up of 3500 people.  So many haters slipped up your radar?  Well, now you know. 
Minions and bitchy people are EVERYWHERE.
It is such a useless fight, don’t like someone?
Yeah, take a page out of your own book.  If you don’t like the “haters”, as you dismissively call them, then don’t put this incorrect, unsubstantiated, unquantifiable rant in the main tags.  In fact, keep your uninformed opinion to yourself. 
What you do when you hate someone so badly and make a whole tumblr Blog about it then you are not better as those highschool bullies.
Dealing with the entire subject of hate, in the most abstract manner, without any analysis into your darling actor’s bad behavior and without taking into account the nasty behavior of his fandom, shows that high school is all you know.  Hopefully, one day you will grow up and think on broader terms. 
Cyberbullying is a serious subject, and thats exactly what you do with Hate Blogs and Hate tweets and Hate comments.
Keep using the word “hate”.  It will abrogate all the legitimate anger that the J2 fans have against Misha and his hellerminions.  Hellers are the biggest cyberbullies in fandom.  They sent hate directly to J2.  Some of the things they write will shock a person who has a real disdain to hate, not a daffodil like you who thinks Misha is infallible and doesn’t deserve an anti tag.  One said that she couldn’t wait for Jared to die.  And she tweeted that directly to Jared, along with a praying emoji.  Oh, you don’t know about that?  Well, then I guess you are not an authority on who is SPNFamily and who is not, now are you? 
You want to be a bully ? You love spreading hate ?
Don’t reply to this?  Then why put it in the main tags, as well as inappropriate tags, and still hope that nobody disagree with you.  Aren’t we childish? 
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What happened after the post was put up:
She DM's me and says that she has since changed her mind because she did another post about the hate that J2 get, and if I could please remove my post, because she was suffering panic attacks over it.  I said I would, but she is going to remove the above misleading post and provide me with proof that Misha gets death threats.  Caught between a rock and a hard place, she said that she came across the death threats on two blogs, that had blocked her for some mysterious reason, which is why she couldn't screenshot the evidence.  I found what those reasons were, when I went to those blogs: 
I searched through their blogs, and found nothing.  No death threats.  They just point out the truth about Misha.  That is it.  She accused them for nothing.  Of course, that didn't occur to me until today, because I still felt concerned for her because the poor kid was suffering panic attacks.  So I deleted the post.  Today I find this message from her:
''So i asked like 10 different people Misha stans and Misha haters about those things you said he did. Nobody has ever heard of it, no one. You are telling your lies man, i aint stopping ya. But you are a horrible person if you need to attack a 19 year old on the Internet and 'Call me out' just because it gives you a kick. And just because you disagreed. My post will stay deleted because it wasnt up to Date anymore, but it wont be my last one. People like you need to be stopped, people like you are the reason why this fandom sucks so hard. Bye Bye. You are the sick one here .''
The weird thing is she attached this gif:
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I don't know whether she thought it was going to hurt my feelings or something but, it actually helps to show her true identity.  She is not a wincest fan.  She is a Sam-hating heller in disguise.  Who would have thunk it? 
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cow3survivor · 3 years
Ep. 4: “Trying To Cover Ur Murderous Tracks” - Jones
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nash isnt on my tribe but i cant help but feel bad for them :((( the last two days that we were together as old calumma i actually started to connect with them. they will be missed 💔
(a little later)
why am i obsessed with ethan ? *insert meme of that tiktoker just standing there*
(after building a bamboo bed)
super nervous for immunity, if we end up losing i think i might try to push for pennino bc he pissed me off the other night saying he wouldnt be available for the comp and literally SITTING THERE watching us do the comp... i really like sam and ethan (tbh more than i like lindsay and jabari) but thats only bc of how much we communicate with each other idk i do know lindsay wants to push for pennino too bc she was annoyed it too so maybe let her do all the pushing and if it backfires, just push for her to go😳
No song 4 today Last round we voted out Nash. That was not my ideal choice (I wanted Nicole to go) but Pete was paranoid Nicole may have an idol, that Nicole/Mikey/Nash were secretly working together, or just that something might go down. He also trusts Nicole for reasons unknown. I didn't love leaving Mikey in the dark (I think that really only helped Pete, not me) but I was nervous that if I pushed Nicole too hard as the vote, Pete would vote Mikey and then that was really the worst case scenario. If we lose this round, I am voting Nicole no question. She asked me what happened after the vote + if we could talk which I thought was great! I sent her an explanation that basically said I didn't trust Nash because they did not talk to me, I was worried OG Calumma was still a thing, and I didn't trust Nicole because she didn't start talking to me until after we lost + she left me on read a lot. And what does she do right after I sent that? Leave me on read again! I was excited to work with her when we first swapped but I don't see that happening at all now. The nice thing is because Pete lied to her, Mikey and Nicole voted each other, AND Lovelis was already initially down to vote Nicole, I'm hoping if we lose the vote is really easy. I also don't think Nicole has the idol because.... ...I found it! Okay, no I didn't. I did find a ruby though. I think that in each quadrant of the adventure, there is a gem and the four gemstones combined will make an idol. I already have 1, I have a good idea of where it could be in the north, and most importantly I am pretty sure Nicole has no advantages. I think if she had an idol, she might have played it last round, but my guess is that there is only one idol in the game and no one has it yet. However right now I'm not sharing this information with anyone. I hope that if we lose, Pete votes for Mikey out of paranoia (and that Nicole does as well) which means moving forward, Mikey really only has me and that's an alliance I can keep long term. I do also think that we are potentially swapping after this OR we will do a double tribal after this and swap then. I do not want us to lose twice because that's when things get tricky but if we do, I think I will be set up well enough that no one is coming for me.
so my og Brookesia alliance of jessica and lovelis (plus me) they want to vote out Nicole but i reeeeaaally don’t wanna do that. Nicole and I had this talk of moving on from our past so if I just vote her out first chance I get that’d just be a huge dick move. They for some reason believe Mikey which I honestly don’t, I think he may be a little weasel. Nash doesn’t talk to me at all, so i’m hoping maybe I can shift the vote onto Nash by scaring them with the thought of Nicole having and idol
(after dropping his rice into the sand)
AAAAAAAAHHHHHH IDIDIT I DID IT IDIDIT literally i have THE biggest fucking knot in my stomach i was SO fUcking NERVOUS this is so fuckignw crazy i cant skdjdbxsjkdb i’ve NEVER been in control of a vote before like everything i told someone to do they did like i’m not gonna get all like egotistical and all that but like sjkdsxkdbsjjdjxjdkdb ive never been in this position before it’s wild i’m usually like the mikey. like i’m just there, hoping people include me but kinda just scraping by until they decide it’s my turn to leave and NOW!!!! I JUST BLINDSIDED SOMEBODYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
trying really hard to do this comp and my arthritis is making my hands spasm :(( powering thru and hopefully we dont go to tribal. if we do im afraid that im going to be voted out :((
So i scored for the tribe which is great but then we tie and there is tower of hanoi. Lets just say ill never play that game again but I swear im not giving up no sir....they said they wouldnt boot me because of it but ima make sure of it.
in love with ethan hes the best person in the world
(after staring at Ethan)
really sucks going to tribal council and i know i let my team down so now im trying to find a way- SOME WAY to remind them that old calumma wanted to go after pennino next and to hopefully keep ethan out of the fire. sam approached me about an alliance with him and ethan and tbf idc what anybody calls me or what they think but im honestly closer to the too of them than to anybody on the tribe- closer to ethan than i was to jake even😳
https://drive.google.com/file/d/12YzvXBooOu3lndrE99YopPOcO4VEAYYB/view?usp=drivesdk lmk if this works also fun fact i just tried to open the camera on the computer im borrowing and the computer bluescreened lol i hate it here
The way this game is going Id say that I’m probably closest with Jessica just because we’ve been talking since the start, she’s really nice & enthusiastic, and we’ve agreed so far on the things that need to happen so we share a lot of information with each other. Lovelis is a little bit of a wild card because he never really talks that much so I’m going to try to bond with him more so that he doesn’t feel like just another number.
Who knew we’d pull out a win with flash games! Maybe we need to stop shitting on then and start praying for more of them to pop up here LMAO. So glad I can just have this day to speak to people a bit more and just relax a little - I feel like me Jess and Pete are in a comfortable position within this tribe so I’m praying for no more funny business with another premerge swap but I’m tryna stay on my toes!
Ok so tribal time: I am in a minority position right now and it is looking sketchy. I feel like I am going because of how Jabari and Jennet have not talked to me at all today and instead have ghosted me. I have something, but not sure if I want to play it. Do I trust people, or do I just full send and blow it up? Time shall tell
Yay we won immunity! I love getting my Dolphin Olympics redemption arc, it's been 6 years in the making.
Now, it's 4 hours before the first tribal as Furcifer, and I think that us from OG Calumma will go and do a Pagong to Ethan and Sam. Since Ethan was a beast in  the comps, and we want to keep tribal lines, that puts Sam up for the chopping block. As for Nash leaving, no surprise. Honestly, I feel pretty safe and now i'm just waiting for another swap.
I don't know how I've survived four rounds but here we are. I think I've legit gotten the lowest score in the past 2 challenges but everyone else is a beast so I get to stay safe for another round. The downside to being safe so long is that there isn't really a lot of gameplay happening over on Planet Brookesia and some of us might be a little bit too comfy so that when swap time comes or we lose the next challenge, it'll be scramble city to figure something out.
https://youtu.be/Hz-Ix0ZeQ7E y'all when I tell you i'm manic just thinking about crazy fringe theories related to this game lmaoooooo
ok bet lets get strategic:tm: i feel like a lot of my confessionals are rlly like ,, , , ,me just talking ab "wow i rlly like this person, not this person so and so and whatnot" and i haven't rlly gotten to bare bones like ,, what i'm thinking ab game wise ? for starters - i think i'm in a rlly good spot surprisingly? LIKE don't get me wrong its fking dangerous being in a 4-2 but i think i'm set up super super well? i'm officially working with all of Daisy, Sammy, Shane, and Jake, and am in an alliance w everyone of those people besides Sammy. but sammy has vouched saying that he does want to work w me and has my back and i don't have like,, any reason to doubt that rn ? unfortunately the only way to rlly like ,, ,, have everyone prove their trust to me is by going to tribal aldksfjasdlfj but i dont rlly see a reason for them to like ,, , lie to me ? esp when we haven't gone to tribal? i don't see the point in marinating someone this isn't among us and ur trying to cover ur murderous tracks,,, but ya ? i'm in a good spot. i think based on my alliances and allies and whatnot, and i've stated this already so this isn't rlly a surprise, but madison would probs be the target if we'd have to go to tribal. and Jake has stated to me too that he hasn't rlly talked to madison that much either so it doesn't seem like an uncommon thought process. after the challenge tiebreaker yesterday , the newly formed ALLEANCHE! kind of came together as the 4 most active people on the tribe so it SEEMS like it would be madison AND sammy getting targetted and , ,, , sammy going for me isn't rlly cash money bc if sammy DOES have my back then that's me losing one of MY allies,, but i don't think we're going to enough tribals before another swap for that to actually be a thing ? so hopefully if we do go to tribal it'd be madison and not sammy, but i think i, if not i then maybe jake LOL, can make a good case for madison to go over sammy. speaking of jake i have a rlly bad gut feeling that i'm gonna have to think ab cutting him soon - or at least before merge. i've kinda been letting him take the reigns since preswap to make him kind of look like a leader ish ? so i'm rlly hoping that like ,, , hypothetically speaking. lets say i'm AGAIN put on another tribe w jake (bc lbr we're swapping again),, and lets say hypothetically they wanna split up the supposed "duo" of myself and jake,,, whos the smarter person to take out - the leader whos kinda been calling the shots and making the alliances since round 1, or the person whos proven themself to be reliable and to keep their team safe and be able to go to bat for their team ? idk IDK that's just me but i definitely think like ,, in terms of a building threat level i think jake is definitely the easier target asldkfjasd which is UNFORTUNATE like i LOVE JAKE but i feel like if it comes to me and jake and jake is putting me in DANGER then , ,, well,, :( i gotta do what i gotta DO i'm pawned as old reliable for a reason :katenails: but ya uhm,,, shane/daisy/jake/i were talking on call after the tiebreaker ab what could happen and we all basically agreed theres no way in hell that there ISN'T another swap on the horizon or at least like,, a twist or something. u can't just swap at 18 on a 20 person cast and just expect us to sit like lil ducks on sunday brunch, if anything we're probs gonna swap at like ,, , , , 15? OR hosts are cracked and swap us NEXT ROUND bc they're sadistic. but ya there's def another swap it rlly just depends on when and whos there to experience it - i.e whether or not i'm gonna have security from my allies or not ya feel? i feel. also there's definitely probs like ,, , ,a double tribal. or smth. or like, smth crazy and dumb and stupid that i don't have the brain capacity to rlly comprehend. but ya hope i win this was a good strategy talk #fruciferandcallumathrowchallenge
Hello!!! Nash went home and I'm sad so I am PROTESTING confessionals! You won't know anything that is happening with me! Nothing! (Just kidding nothing happened this round, everyone ignored me and then we won immunity so they had no need to)
so I had to write a paper and I'm rushing to get this in...blinks...whats new anyways I have been so off in like the idol hunting and I have felt so detached from this game since I have only been to tribal once? but I think the people in danger would be like Madison or Jake? they have both been brought up to me by daisy...and in all seriousness I would be fine with that? I honestly really am only prioritizing Jones and Daisy in this tribe. I feel fine with my position in this game and I even got a point from the flash games. Luckily Daisy won for us in the tiebreaker and we were able to barely escape tribal. I really do hope I can continue to avoid tribal so that I can get as far into this to make it to the more individual stage of this game.
0 notes
Episode 3- “Y'all wanted magic within and we delivered- case closed”-Autumn
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Another super fun challenge! I want to shout out to the hosts for just doing a great job so far. This is making this quarantine just a little less terrible. So happy we have immunity and getting our first reward is so exciting! I’ve been trying my best to connect with members outside of my tribe in the great hall chat and get close with my tribe mates. For the most part I really trust all of them. And that’s horribly scary. I really love being on hufflepuff. But I have a feeling a swap is gonna happen. Kevin told me he thinks it’s going to be 2 tribes of 8. We will see. GL to slytherin and ravenclaw! 
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I'm so dead and drained rn but I look forward to reading this round and seeing how heated people are over this. And this will definitely follow me the entire game but you know what I'm glad. Don't let the 16 month hiatus fool you: when I show up I show out. Everything is mind over matter in a way and y'all caught me on a good day so I was just like fuck it I'll do this all day if I have to. So I walked into that challenge at 11:30 am and deadass my phone never left my side... for 9 1/2 hours. Also y'all know I'm at my best when I'm an underdog? So of course I went all out, please tell me you didn't expect anything less. And can I just say Gryffindor legitimately and collectively earned that because everyone participated and put points up. So yes I am that girl but I do it for the squad because I know they'll do it for me. BIG ups though to Vi and Jess- I don't care what their alliances were before today they better have each other's backs and I'll riot if they don't both survive. Literally do the right thing and send a man home. And the same goes for Ravenclaw! I wanna know what's going on over there and I'm not picky but send a man or inactive home if you can. Let it be known that I literally came into this game to raise hell for Dan and Owen lmaaaaooo. I mean I don't want them to go (yet) because that's not what good frenemies do and where's the fun in that. We make each other's arcs better and if we're cast, there will be a fight to the death sooner or later. But until then! Yes I am absolutely living for them sweating it out for a full round. Can y'all believe it? They finally lost at something God is so good. Would've loved to make Hufflepuff sweat too but hey. There's always next round
14 minutes later
Also I just wanna say that 6:00 hour was chef's kiss. In my entire org career, I have never been on a tribe that pulled off a shutout like that and that was ICONIC. Hoes mad but did your entire tribe come together and get a streak of points nonstop for upwards of an hour?? No ma'am you did not. I kept us alive all day but that hour was THE hour that took Gryffindor from 4th to 2nd and that's how you win immunity. Y'all wanted magic within and we delivered- case closed
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I don't trust Nick at all. I know in the back of his mind he's thinking i'm gonna play like our previous game which I wasn't exactly loyal to him because I was loyal to some bitch ass alliance that ended up... ANYWAYS. So he seems like the type of player to keep that into consideration because he happened recently and he's sort of a newer player. So I have to be mindful of this all and as much as i'm STRESSING the fact that obviously there were external factors in that game.. that won't impact this game kind of a deal. I know this all could just be my paranoid little brain and thinking that he's out to get me when he's not.. but I haven't played any back to back games in FOREVER and when something THAT FRESH happens.. it's hard for me to not have the after thought of: Wow Nick must think i'm an loyal person who won't tell him my real thoughts. 
 But Nick gonna be a scary player down the line. He's already in my pm's bragging about how him, Landen, and I think his name is Matt? idk one of the "Weebz" (still don't know what that means) and how he will have those potential relationships moving forward.. I just... don't.... understand..... him. ANYWAYS
 The thing is... I think? I can trust Jacob fully. I think this vote SHOULD BE EASY.. but I can't help but feel really fucking bad. Like terrible. Like extremely heart broken about voting out VI. She's put her all into everything and honestly I would be so mad if i've given my all and these two dweebz didn't even show up to the comp. I know she's gonna be upset and I hate knowing that. So i'm TRYING to take emotions out of this decision and make this all strategical and within the game environment because if I was voting with my HEART i'd keep her. BUT then I have that voice in the back of my head that is saying "But if you save Vi.... she'll be loyal to you!" BUT ALSO... I know from HOSTING VI... is that Vi is only loyal to... the fun she has. If she gets bored she fucks around. She's a crackhead. But I obviously can't VOICE THIS TO ANYONE because they could flip this and reverse this on ME. 
I'm scared that if I cast any form of doubt about the vote to Jacob he will relay the message to Nick and well I become more threatening than Vi at this point because I pointed the gun at him... SO I was fucking around with the idea of... using my idol on myself, causing a 2 to 2 tie.. and well.. unless Jacob wants to go to rocks by himself... and basically get voted out.. Mr. Nick goes. But it's LITERALLY FINAL 18............ If this was final 11, sure i'd do this in a heart beat... but this is such a bad bitch move i'm scared people will see I got something on my resumé already. They'll see I went against an alliance for VI. It's just so risky.. but I told myself i'd have FUN in this game.. I just don't want to make a move purely on a past game or purely on emotion. I want to be making moves that move me forward in the game..
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I LOVE JOANNA!!! THIS IS A JOANNA APPRECIATION POST!!!!!! and dan has the idol. 
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Unsurprisingly, we lost the challenge. I worked my lil booty off as best as I could (I did give up but that is beside the point at this current moment) and I have been friendly, fricking nice as all hell, and then Miguel wants to vote me out. And honey... I think that sealed your fate. I am working on being a little more ruthless I guess because I really want to win this game, so if you come for me, you bet I'm coming for you. I've always made jury and I don't think that this is the season I'm getting stuck with pre-jury. Miguel is the only relationship I don't feel confident in so... bye sis. 
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The immunity challenge was a hard-fought battle, but we managed to pull out a win near the end. It was the most stressful time of my life. Honestly, I felt that if we lost then I would get voted out next. Thankfully, that did not happen. However, this is a huge wake up call for me to get my ass into gear and start being more social with my tribe. Otherwise, I might find myself in the bottom and that is not a position I want to be in.
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AHHHH so my tribe won immunity and reward and things are great!  Someone mentioned yesterday (Kevin?? Maybe) that this means we are the last tribe to have to see tribal council and that is a GREAT THING!  I really wonder who is going to go home- I just hope it isn't Owen.  I also really hope he still wants to work with me if we end up on a tribe together. In other news, I'm curious to see if a swap is about to happen.  With a double tribal happening tonight it seems as though it would be a big maybe! Also I'm still irritated that my glee shirt didn't count as a band tee, when everyone asks what kind of music I like the first thing I always say is 'anything by the cast of glee' xD I don't feel like I was much help in the challenge but I was there and got points for wine and sequins if that means anything. 
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doing this ON TIME.. anyways chile. WOO WE DID IT! finally not coming in last hehe. god the amount of i was just frantically running around my house.. well thank god my family didn’t question it for the most part hehe. overall this challenge was super duper fun and i’m HOPING we can continue to win some because the stress of my tribe wanting to go against me.. yea it’s there. hopefully my paranoia is just that and i have nothing to worry abt ✨
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Hey all you cool cats and kittens! It’s Dan, not Carole Baskin, but with the same crackhead energy. So Miss Miguel should be leaving tonight! It’s not anything personal at all. He’s a really sweet guy, but he’s just not around. I work mad hours a week and still make time for this stuff. Joanna is worried because she knows her name is going around so as long as she doesn’t try to pull something, everything is good. I think the chances of that happening are slim to none honestly. I feel like had I been able to compete in the comp I could have helped way more than others. I have a ton of random shit in my apartment that was asked for!!! I was a little shady toward Jacob in the Great Hall chat so lettuce pray that he doesn’t act like a petty fool if we swap together. I am kinda anticipating a swap after this tribal but we’ll see!!! 
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we won immunity and nothing has changed on my tribe for me since my last confessional woo consistency yay c:
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im sad. we have to vote out vi which is so sad. i love her shes so sweet but i have suhc a tight bond with jess and nick that like there isnt another option. but ugh someone hold my hand
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Darn, we were so close to winning, yet so far. Always remember, the unintentional matsing is just as mighty as the intentional, so 3 of us making swap or merge is much more advantageous than a unit of 4. I love my tribe, I do, and I genuinely feel I may be in danger! I trust Jess and Jacob though (JJJ: Jess, Jacob, Jay), so I’m hoping for another unanimous decision. (I will probably be asleep at tribal since I have 1 hour of sleep today)
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So out tribe basically gave everything they could in a 12 hour challenge of Hell. I tried especially hard thinking I would be voted out if we lost because no one really talks "game" with me. I know that side seasons are 'Survivor Lite' but typically people at least talk game. I know I wasnt the target from last vote because everyone assured me they want to work with me and Josh said to vote him out in the tribe chat. Apparently though Josh wanted to do a blindside and reached out to Autumn to let her know asking me if he had asked me. So honestly Autumn is the truest! The other two notnvoting me inlobe seeing but if Josh talked to them then... hm Anyway I cant play a perfect game anymore :( Also I have officially dug through all of Hagrids things and he has no idol for me. I thought he might have something in could take and use somewhere else since he is a keeper of keys. But naw.
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Guess who lost by two points!! Fricking Nicholas and Jacob leaving us for 7 hours. Then nick only showed up for the last 3ish but he didn’t even submit anything. Wth? We’re gonna try to kick him out.
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i love my tribe so much we keep having more and more fun each time :D i definitely think after max's april fools prank i'm even more inclined to want to vote him if we lose, but i'm also grateful he's not really gone because mayhaps a weeb alliance in the future is possible.... !!! i also always utilize the great hall segments to make myself known and thought about even if people also think i'm a bit annoying, idc, the main thing is they remember me and when we meet on a swap or something i am one of the first they choose to talk to! it is always an important strategy of mine, people don't realize that in big games, one of the most crucial things you can do is leave a big first impression on people on the other tribes, you have the lucky opportunity to get some spaces where you meet them in ORGs unlike in the real world - USE it to let them form an idea of you in their head and decide they like you before they even meet you, it's a weird phenomena but i've found it's one of my most consistent strategies, when i actually decide to employ it (flashback to me being so lazy in 2020 i barely even used one world.. eep) hufflepuff is cute and we WILL be continuing to make marshmallow moves, until i get to make my own independent marshmallow moves to win
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Soooo we finally lost a challenge kfjahsdj time to put this alliance to the test! The answer seemed pretty clear to me though - everyone kinda just wants to do Miguel. I feel bad, because I do think these competitions have NOT played to his strengths at all and I know he can be a great competitor. And I really wanted to get to know him again this time around. For a second, Dan and I considered saving him as a loyal number... but I just can't do that to Joanna, who has rlly busted her ass lately. So tonight it's a harder choice than it seems, but ultimately, I'm going with Miguel, and I told him that. I really wish he would've put more effort into our conversations before he was in trouble lmao. Also, DAN FOUND THE IDOL HEHEHEEH so that's great :) Glad to know he trusted me enough to tell me about it! I think he's probably going to be pretty loyal this time to me? And I feel like I have to give that same courtesy back to him. Someone will probably take one of us out eventually. I rlllly do not want to stress. If for some reason they blindside me tonight or Miguel has another idol or something, it has been fun <3
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granpris · 7 years
Please listen for once.
Hello, I'm Granpris. I'm known as the current leader of Team Switched and the TS:Underswap project on Gamejolt. For several days drama has been going on on Tumblr, Gamejolt and wherever.
I'm quite sick of it having it cause me to become very ill recently and stressed, my team alike, due to the amount of false accusations and attacks directed towards me and my team.
I'm here today to debunk several popular claims and accusations that have been made towards our team, and hopefully end this mess. Please do not see this as an attack. I simply want to debunk some claims, as I’ve previously stated, and get my thoughts out there.
Before moving on to read my own post i highly recommend checking out the following posts as well for they also contain vital information and are a bit less opinionated than mine:
http://megaderping.tumblr.com/post/165903415711/regarding-the-drama-over-team-switched https://emeraldheck.tumblr.com/post/165910458062/hey-everyone-i-know-this-isnt-what-you-would https://gamejolt.com/games/undertale-underswap/160094/devlog/the-sans-dillema-jiagyb7p https://gamejolt.com/games/primus-underfell-official/249907/devlog/regarding-the-recent-team-switched-drama-mc9frvdb
- "You have/had a GoFundMe and have been scamming us for a year!"
Back when the team was first founded, some members expressed wanting to put up a crowdfunding for the game, one having made a private page for it even. However, this was taken down, as it went against fangame policies. The same person later tried to get funding through Steam gifts, as receiving money directly wasn't allowed. However, none of this was ever shared with the team, and this member was booted off of the team. This project is free, and will always be free, no matter what. If we had a GoFundMe, Ko-fi, Kickstarter or anything of the sort, we would have likely been taken down ages ago, and we would have been called out for this way earlier. Long time fans can confirm we have not had any form of a crowdfunder.
- "This isn't Underswap! You're falsely advertising your game!"
Also no.
Underswap is a community owned AU now, meaning it has no set-in-stone owner and thus, everyone can do with it what they want. Not everyone has to stick with what has been introduced, and this was the case even before the original creators abandoned the AU.
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The original creators had always encouraged different interpretations of the AU, even ones where personalities do not swap like with our project (As is clearly evident here). (I recommend right about now checking out Megaderping/Dorked’s post i linked earlier if you haven’t for it adds to what follows after this sentence.) 
And that's what it is! AN INTERPRETATION! I think this is something a lot of people misunderstand; it isn't meant to replace Underswap, or Blueberry, or Carrot, or anyone! This is just how we would've tackled the Underswap AU, using the base concept of characters having their roles swapped. If you don't like it, that's totally fine! If you don't like our designs, that's fine too! However, what isn't fine is making hate art, rant posts, and launching attacks and campaigns at us, all because we do not obey your every whim and make what YOU think our game should be, rather than allowing us to have the creative freedom this fandom has been given as well.
We have been very transparent about our project for well over a year now, having stated numerous times what our intentions are. We aren't doing personality swaps, we aren't going to have Sans be a sugar rushed childlike character wanting to be in the Royal Guard, nor will we have Papyrus be a lazy, honey chugging smoker, we won't have any of that. It isn't true to the characters so many of you and us fell in love with, and robs them of their character. We find it more interesting working with characters who retain their personalities in different scenarios rather than personality swapped characters who you can expect to just respond and act the same way towards situations as the character who had the role prior would have.
I find it honestly quite offensive when people tell us this is not Underswap, and that we aren't doing things how they were meant to be, when looking at Underswap's current state in hands of the fandom, that's exactly what's been done to it now. Underswap used to have a canon, and it was disrespected with people misrepresenting the AU and its characters, primarily Sans; he was made into a super smol, star eyed, sometimes if not permanently cat mouthed character with a personality nowhere close to either  Sans' or Papyrus'. There is nothing to their character besides just being and acting cute.
If you are looking at this from, let's say, a fanartist's perspective, that doesn't matter much. It's just a cute character you enjoy, right? Which is perfectly fine! However, try looking at Blueberry from the perspective of a writer, or a developer... you can not work with this. It's a flat, 1 dimensional character. They have barely any personality, and as previously stated, they're just meant to be cute. They aren't relatable or appealing at all. This is simply not something we want to work with.
I've gone on long enough here, so I'll end it off with something my co-worker and friend Kalin had to say:
We are trying to focus on making a game that tells the main story of Underswap. But let's just pretend all the unique art and music doesn't exist for a second. If we truly did it like that, we'd be telling the exact same story but all the names are switched and some objects and phrases would be switched around as well. Anything we could salvage out of that would be violating copyright of the original work, which Toby has explicitly stated before to not dis-encourage people from buying UNDERTALE, which would not only rob Toby of money, but also generally just be really disrespectful.
If you wanted Underswap to go the way it did, it would've been shut down by now.
Blueberry is only really meant to work in really short comic form or fan art. Our Sans, on the other hand, is written with more long-term stuff in mind; with the original Sans' character being placed in a different scenario, the outcome of the story can be different. Think of it like this: Would you rather have a game where you can predict everything that's going to happen, as in, Blueberry acting exactly like Papyrus, or would you rather play a game where you don't know what is going to happen?
- "One of your members used a ableist term to describe Blueberry and insult us!"
Yes, this member used an ableist term to describe Blueberry, and they are terribly sorry for it. However, he should not be the one getting hate. He showed me the message he was going to reply with containing the slur before he posted it, and I didn't point out the slur. If you have to be mad at someone, be mad at me. Do not get mad at them, and do not put my entire team in the same boat.
I, too, am sorry, for I approved the message knowing the term was used in it. It was unprofessional of me and I should have pointed it out when I could. I'm sorry for anyone offended by this.
It was never used to insult real people. The member used it to describe the current representation of Underswap or otherwise known as Blueberry Sans. No real person was meant to be targeted with the word.
- "You've been very rude to fans and have been bashing the fandom!"
Yes, this is somewhat true.
There have been occasions where some members have been kind of rude, and while I do not speak for them besides myself, we are sorry for our behaviour to some people. Working on a game for over one and a half years without any form of income and scraping for time to work on it, combined with other factors such as bad personal lives and impatient fans pushing for a demo/full release, may cause us to lash out sometimes. We're only human, after all.
As for bashing the fandom, this is also true to a degree.
Some of us, including myself, have been making several remarks towards the fandom and some of the people in it. I apologize for my part in that at least, for I can not speak for any of the others. I'm not going to try and justify my actions when it comes to this too much, but most of this originates from some things like Blueberry Sans that I've seen in the fandom and have a strong disliking towards. Yes, I apologize to the people I've possibly offended, but I shall not apologize for the bashing of any fictional AU characters and such. I am allowed an opinion on these things, and while I can be rude and extreme with this at times, which again I do apologize for to a degree, it is, nonetheless, an opinion. One of our members recently has gone a bit wild mocking several people and bothering them. I was not there when this happened as i was paying attention to our Tumblr at all times. Know, however, i do not approve what they did. I told them to stop and i hope that nothing more comes from this. I’m sorry for the long LONG post but I’ve been stressing out, throwing up, breaking down and whatnot because of this situation and needed to get my word out there. I just pray this drama can just end already because it’s not necessary at all and frankly quite petty.
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