#but how tf did that happen hahahaa
synonymouslyyours · 6 months
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chillychive · 11 months
Because I’m insane, I’m watching TOS. And since it seemed to be entertaining, I’m writing commentary. I take no responsibility for how incoherent this is. (Fair warning, there is swearing bc this show is wild)
Bro why were there two people walking around in street clothes? Why does she walk like thattttt
Not the doctor giving him alcohol
Also hello Una ik ur not Una yet but hello <3
This is so weird cause there’s absolutely *no* context to anything they mention. Whatever happened on Rigel, we have *no* idea about.
Ayo Pike’s horses!!
Hello Spock.
IT IS!! It’s a piece of PAPER hahahaa
Intercraft? What does that mean??
The bridge was soo tiny back then.
And i love the little goofy effects. They so silly.
Yet again, reports on paper??????? They can pilot a ship through space and go to different star systems, but they can’t send an text??
“I Can’t get used to having a woman on the bridge?” BRO WHAT THE BLATANT SEXISM IS KILLING ME. C’mon, pike, in about 60 years of real time, you’ll be on a bridge with primarily woman. AND UNA’S LITERALLY YOUR FIRST OFFICER WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT
The sound effects are soo silly
And the audio is killing me
Im gonna stop commenting on the obvious low budget stuff because it is *so* bad. But also so wildly impressive for a show that has such a low budget
A SPOCK SMILE IN EPISODE 1?! What is this???
Ah hello, Vina. Of course, it’s been only 18 years since the landing and Vina is very much 18 years old, and pike is very much not, but of course there’s gonna be a whole thing now. And hello talosians!!
“Prime specimen.” What
HAHAHA the way the talosian put him to sleep that was hilarious
I love how the phaser produces wind HAHA
Yo ik he just got kidnapped but that bed/couch looks so comfortable i want it
The shadow puppet aliens are hilarious
It’s so strange how in the same breath this show can have a woman in charge of the ship and then be totally sexist
Oh the transitions are SO BAD he’s not even vaguely looking the same direction as he was in the last frame
THe whip sounds on the axe im dyinggggggggg
BRO WHHAT why did she hug him like that TF ive never seen anyone do that ever
Their little goggles I canttttt
Okay turn off the lasers now ur just wasting power
The random music hahahhaaa
Ayo he refuses to eat so they put him in hell??? The goofy fire effects lolll
Also i wanna know about that bird species that they put in the cage. There are so few winged species in memory alpha, literally just that one that has wings made of butterflies in disco
YO its the horses and a picnic
Im so confused how this becomes the pike and vina we know from disco
“I can’t help but love you.” Ew ew this is all ew
What is happening
Literally the misogyny is weirddddddddd
What just happened.
Ayo she’s not 18 she’s actually old gross. Wait they changed that in disco i think.
EW what why do they say that abt una. I doubt any of these things are true
Literally the whole premise of this episode is pike resisting fucking one of 3 women while aliens try to make him horny
This is weird as helll
The airbag veins hahaha
“A unique hatred of captivity” bro tf
Whoa they had no idea how to make old or injured makeup. Oh wait that actually makes some sense
Bro wait so the ending is just she stays as a captive with a fake pike??
What is this
Also the lighting was so wacky
A clipboard with paper whattt
The yeoman i cant
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
currently watching punz’s mcc vod and have not gotten an ad so far so there is that
ikr??!? like their system is just so bad. I love learning, I love knowledge and knowing stuff but gosh. also half my lecturers are just not good. like all they do is read off the slides like I can do that myself :/ :(
oh god know I could never be an updates account. I don’t even know how they get half their information like how does one figure out that dream commented on some random tik tok??? I meant that I’ve been a person that has seen a tweet feom an updates account that dream is on some stream and gone to that stream. yeah I never know what’s going on cause I never have the energy to catch up with stuff I’ve missed but also I have this like need to know everything so I just have like half the information. I don’t even know how dts work on twt. like sometimes they tell people to off themselves in qrts/replies or like dm them probably too, which is so, so shitty. but yeah it’s kinda laughable how they have to censor all the words. but yeah no dts are not cool in the slightest. I’ve never gotten any of that because for the most part I have a very limited online presence and like I wouldn’t get to worried by it or anything but it’s such a shitty thing to do. god the kaveytfon thing was so ughh. and all I saw of it was clips and summary threads. yeah I get that. it’s a bit annoying cause some of my irls are gamer nerds that dislike dream cause “he cheated,” “he scripts manhunts,” “he’s bad at the game,” “he encourages his toxic stans,” and some other “anti” arguments. but what can you do. like I was just talking about minecraft once and one of them was like “oh but he so cheated” like yeah dude we’re well past that now these days we’re shitting on dream for making questionable sounds on a discord podcast /j. yeah like 100% I know dream can handle it and his friends will back him if needed I just feel really sad for him sometimes. maybe it’s just me cause I sometimes have annoyingly emotional reactions to things unnecessarily. bbh popped off with that one tweet on main.
nah we just say uni here and I didn’t know if you also said uni in america or just college. ohhh I see. we just say uni here. ohh that makes sense. and that’s pretty handy! here the only subjects I’m required to do are any that could be a possible prereqs for any major that I may choose to do. a friend of mine who is now going to college in america is doing spanish too! haha yeah my english language teacher once said something about it like two years ago and it’s never left my head ever since.
brooo no,, beets are good!! well not always but I like them in one specific sandwich that I used to have for lunch in school when I was in yr10. but they’re definitely a great plot point. ughhh I 100% agree with the silly lore stuff. it’s so fun and I love it but all the fandom does is whine. like first they’re like “oh I miss silly lore” and then they’ll get silly lore and be like oh not like that. I will never forgive people for writing of l’sandburg. I was asleep for most of it but it was still great. so true!! that was jack manifold right? smartness man ever. everything that ever happens on the dream smp is canon, there is not “semi lore” or “just a bit.” I add the “bit” argument because I’ve seen it used to excuse some c!actions recently. lmaoo yeha like I enjoy high production lore especially if they’re passionate about it but there’s just something about silly minecraft roleplay that I love. like when I first joined the fandom, it was through animatics and then watching the actual streams was so different but in a good way
no we haven’t!! it’s on the list of stuff we still don’t know about. glad to know you agree that enderwalk and c!dream and best friends. idk much about ballsmp but it looks fun and 3rd like looks cool tok like I’ve seen artwork and it interests me. and I really wanna get into hermit craft. if I do with any of them it’ll probably be hermitcraft. wait I do not know about that but that’s absolutely hilarious. I may just not remember cause I feel like I do know about it but my memory is unbelievably shoddy.
oh hahahaa I was asleep for that bit but I heard about it lol. ahahahah george and sapnap just there after dream just leaves is so funny. never fails to make me laugh/not laugh when dream just leaves that quickly. dreams been on a roll since like mcc like he’s done so much. liek today he was even on bads stream playing gartic phone !! I missed it live cause I was busy but imma watch the vod now!
alright I’ve just gotten through like the half of punz’s mcc vod that I had left and not a single ad so woooo for that!
Yooo pay to win actually wins!
Lectures are a bitch I keep falling asleep in them!! Which is bad because I always decide to try and sit up front to show dominance but I keep falling asleep
Oooh sorry I thought you meant that you ran one. Yeah no how tf to they do it??? Everything ccs do seems so fucking random??? Also my brother hates dream not because he cheated but because his fan base is bad? The only fan base you know ya little shit is me step up fucker. I am emotionally attached to dream so I understand
Calling it university isn’t super common here and I don’t think most americans even know the difference. Honesty it’s more about what the school calls itself, so like theres Harvard University & Bowdoin College but you mainly refer to them by their names anyways.
No all beets are bad and I will take 0 criticism on this they’re bad in real life and they’re bad in minecraft!!! Did I forget to add that jack manifold said that I was pretty tired when I wrote it and kinda gave up my b akjdkd. Animatics are banger but they’re just 3 times more banger when they have to be taken out of context. I just started watching 3rd life from grian’s pov and I’m enjoying it so much! The idea is super interesting also big fan of any game that has proximety chat
I miss the garlic phone thing! I had a busy day but I wanna watch it after jack & scott ylyl
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
Yeah it's the same anon 💜 dude my apologies for the amount of crap I've spewed in your ask box but in my defense no one I know gives a shit about batfam or gotham rogues or Alfred (I've gushed here about alfreds fabulousness too opps) anndd I partly blame you for me falling back into the titans trap cuz s1 was meh I forgot I even watched s2 😅 then I seen some titans stuff on your blog and boom my brain latched onto it and now here I am experiencing maternal fear for my son jason 😢you are 1000% right this jason is PERFECTION as robin like actual perfection I dunno why but I thought this robin was like 16? So I was thinkin how tf is 16/17 yo supposed to be redhood!? It work in comics/cartoon but live action 16 y/o redhood seems meh I kinda want the lazarus pit just I freakin want TALIA but I don't think that's gonna happen I dunno
Tbh (this may be biased) but I think the Gotham tv show is literally the best dc comics adaptation of anything ever! it is superior to all thier shows movies animations and the arrowverse at least in my books lol
Tumblr is my only form of 'social media' and I don't keep up with updates or anything about shows cuz I like to pretend the fiction is real and I don't want reality wrecking that for me like hahahaa so I had no clue about timmy or babs but I'm so happy
DUDE YES this is literally the only time I can see bruce ever killing the joker on screen aww please I want it so bad I mean they probably won't but they should cuz this is the only capacity in which batman can kill the joker live action like if down the line somewhere on another show/movie bruce killed joker he prob wouldn't be dead dead or they'd bring him back some way so the kill wouldn't even matter but old bruce killing the joker because he's finally had enough he's old now, jasons death finished him and he's not gonna be batman anymore it's a nice end for batman and the joker, it's the only way we'll ever get this end cuz like you said they'll never have the balls to permanently kill joker any other way in live action everything is aligning perfectly for this to happen so dang dc just freakin let it happen c'mon
Yo whose your first fav rogue? Is it riddler? I feel like mines riddler haven't really thought much about whose my fav gotham rogue but I'd probably say riddler, I prefer the central city rogues but the Gotham rogues are just pure chaos and I'm living for that hahaa
I'd rather superheros/vigilantes/villians in live action not have relationship drama just put them in a relationship or dont like I came for the action and weird super shit not the ordinary relationship drama thankfully titans seem to be doing okay in this aspect I do quite like dickkory a lot but I mean in the supergirl show ughhh I was like I came here for the flying and the dope laser eyes I don't give a shit about her getting a boyfriend like seriously whyyy
My brain decides to jump about obsessing over characters like one week Kory is my wife next week detective grayson is my husband and I AM NIGHTWING then my brain is like no Barbara kean is wifey just basically fictionally I'm married to everyone 😅
Yikes this was so long sorry girl
Omg, pls don't apologize! I get so dang excited whenever i get an ask, yours always make my day, you don't even know! Like same about no one i know caring about dc/batfam! And talking to someone about it is so much better than yelling into the wind here on a text post that no one reads xD Don't stop sending your asks whenever you wanna dump your feels/talk about dc/batfam omg.
And Im so proud I got you into this Titans spiral xD My work here is done hahahaha. But yes, I feel like his looking so young for red hood over shadows how great his jason robin performance was! Love seeing him get that recognition! But yeah, the age is def off, like I cant remember how old they said he was in the show, maybe 16? but too young for red hood in live action form. Like its hard cause in reality 16 year olds and 19 year old boys typically don't look too different, for the most part, while comics you can get get away with it more. Huh, yeah, it doesn't seem like Talia is gonna happen, maybe just maybe a cameo or something? Cause we also weren't expecting joker but here we are(tho it almost looks like he wont be a big plot point/even see him much, it almost looks like it is just showing how brutal gotham is? But like its just the trailer and doesnt always give the full picture so who knows!)
Omg YES about Gotham! I 1000% agree! Im also biased cause its what got me into batman, again like exactly a year ago! It got me into the world like no other media of dc had before!(well, Shazam did, i guess tech thats the start of my interest in dc/first time i read the comics, but gotham is what really got me into this spiral). I hate how much hate it gets, like yeah its not perfect and they took creative liberties obviously, but i 100% agree that its the best adoption of DC yet! 100%! Its so nice to see the characters and rogues fleshed out more. I feel like it successfully did what Nolan tried to do in terms of making it dark and realistic, but in a way that was more accurate and true to the comics! I wish it wasn’t canceled so early and thus the last season had to be so rushed :(
thats smart, i typically dont look for spoilers and stuff anymore but I just got so hyper focused that I had to look at least what the stars were putting out on social media, but yeah, i use to get so caught up in all that that it took the fun out of seeing it live.
Oh my gosh, that would seriously be the PERFECT end to batman and joker story in this universe omg. Amen about all that! And like it would hopefully show Jason how much he cares? So maybe Bruce would kill him after red hood emerges? It will be interesting to see hat causes Jason to be so dang pissed in this version.
ahaha yes riddler is my fav! (my header gave it away didn’t it xD) I love most Riddlers but ESPECIALLY gotham riddler, Ed is like one of my fav character of all time. Oooh, I don’t know central city rogues all that well(well, way more than Metropolis rogues, I know so little about superman world), like I know some from the first 3 and a half seasons of the flash (I watched a couple years ago but got busy with school and couldn’t keep up and just never caught up/didnt have motivation to finish(plus i forgot so much id have to rewatch everything again), but I saw they finally just introduced Bart Allen, so I have have to randomly jump back in for a bit cause Bart is one of my favsss), and the ones in the cartoons and stuff
Ha! true, i dont mind it when its for character development or if I happen to be super into the ship(like Nygmakins in Gotham omg, I know they are super unpopular but they are like one of my OTPs omg), I feel like it has to be balanced right/not too much focus on the drama of the relationship over everything else. Like a minor subplot is good but don’t make it the focus of the show. And yeah , supergirl never appealed to me cause of that reason! i like drama and not JUST action (I like psychological drama, as long as there is comfort to follow xD) but yea i get what u mean by too much relationship focus . I think, for the most part, Gotham did that pretty well.
omg i love the disaster bi vibes you are giving off xD But omg I feel the jumping around thing so much ahaha. Like right now the 4 robins are constantly on rotation on who I’m obsessing over at the moment tbh xD
Omg mine responses are just as long, don’t apologize!!!! <333333333333333
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nanalikessurveys · 4 years
Have you ever mowed the lawn? Nope, never had to
Do you get an allowence? I actually do
Where do your parents work? My mom's a practical nurse and my dad works with computers
Did you ever know your great grandparents? My great grandmother from my mom’s side died when i was about 4 or 5 but that’s it, i don’t really remember her
What does family mean to you? Everything
What does friendship mean to you? Everything as well
What does true love mean to you? Okay that’s too deep sorry
What’s your favorite band/group/singer? James Arthur
What’s your favorite movie? There’s so many, Carrie, Misery, Glass, Split, Unbreakable, My friend Dahmer, Shutter Island, Joker, Gothika etc.
TV show? CSI Miami is my whole childhood lol
What radio station do you listen to most often? I don’t listen to the radio
Do you get snow days often where you live? It snows here, yes. it also snows in summertime, like today, yay
Do you try to run from things that are bothering you? Does it work? Hahah yesss, it does not work but i still fuckn do it
Can you smell fear? Not really? i can sense it
Would you ever pet a lion? Nope
What’s your favorite perfume? What’s your favorite cologne? I like my Moschino Toy 2 and also Brit for her by Burberry, i don’t know about my favorite cologne
What’s your favorite overall smell? Something fresh and sweet
What’s your favorite sign? (star, heart, rainbow, skull) Heart
Do you know how to play marbles? I don’t know, i used to kind of play with them, i just did something with them, i actually don’t even know how you play with marbles
Do you know how to play jacks? I have not even heard of that, i googled it and i literally haven't even seen those things, i guess i’m too young or something
Do you know how to play poker? No
Tape or tacks? Depends what i’m doing with them of course
Plastic, wood, or wire clothes hangers? Plastic, but i prefer velvet hangers
Do you have a light in your closet? No
Do you collect spare change lying around the house? Nope
Do you like the taste of Tums? I don’t know what those are
How about Pepto Bismol? No idea what that is either
Do you have a fast or slow metabolism? I don’t know
Do you drink coffee? Yes
Is the room you are in right now a mess? A little bit
When you slip and fall do you laugh it off or freak out? I usually laugh, depends how i fell tho
What is your definition of feaking out? I don’t know haha, something like you emotions going extra? lol
Have you ever played in a refridgerator box? Nope
Do you still draw with chalk? No
Have you ever finger painted? I guess i have once
Have you ever had a pie in your face? No
Ever bobbed for apples? No
Ever hit a piniata? Nope
Played pin the tail on the donkey? Yes
Have you ever been on tv/the radio? No
What’s your favorite number? Don’t have one
What’s your favorite letter? Q
What’s your favorite color? Blue and purple
(>0.0)><(0.0<) <- Is that cute to you? No. lol
What’s your favorite onomatopoeia? (Crash, bang, zoom, meow) MEOW
Have you ever been fishing? Is it really all that much fun? I’ve done it once and it was literally the most boring thing i’ve ever done
Ever been minurature golfing? Yes
Are you a tennis geek? No, i’ve never played it. i like badminton tho
Computer geek? Not really
Video game geek? Nah
Anime geek? No
D&D geek? Nope
Are you one of those people who watch Naruto? No
Do you agree that even Pokemon is better than naruto? I've never watched naruto so i can’t compare
Ninjas or dinosaurs? Ninjas i guess
Do you watch stand up comedy? Not really
What’s your favorite tv network? I don’t know
Do you have one night that you could play on repeat forever and ever? No
Is there one dream you wish you could just live through once? I don’t know, i don’t rememebr my dreams
Do you think people with a British accent are hot? How about Australian? Irish? They sound hot lol Do you eat ramen? Sometimes
How about microwavable pot pies? No
What’s your favorite topping on popcorn? Just salt
Sweet or regular pickles? No pickles thank you
Have you ever tried pickled eggs? ..what? no
What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever tasted? PICKLES OR JUST ANYTHING PICKLED
Have you ever lied about your age? I have when this random older guy tried to hit on me, i was 17 and told him i’m 14 so he could leave me alone lol. but he didn’t tho
Do you look your age? People tell me i look younger
What age do you look? I don’t know
What kind of dreams do you have most often? Just weird and random ones, so i guess dreams like most people have
Do you even dream a lot at all? Yes but i forget them during the day
What is the name of your favorite teacher of all time? I don’t know, i don’t have a favorite teacher
What is your mom’s name? Dad’s? Not telling you
Do you have any siblings? If so what are their names? I have an older sister, not telling her name
When was the last time you threw up? Like three years ago or something
What’s the worst part about throwing up? The feeling during and after throwing up
What do you do for personal growth? Uhh, nothing i guess
Do you wear jewlery a lot? Just my earrings
Would you rather die burning or die freezing to death? Ehh
In other words do you prefer the hot or the cold? I prefer the cold but don’t wanna die freezing
Do you really believe that in 2012 we’re all gonna die? Well that didn’t happen obviously
Where do you think the Mayans went? I wouldn’t know
Who do you think built the pyramids? The slaves did
If you could read anyone’s mind who would be the first person you’d read? Haha i don’t think i would do that
Who’s your number one on your friends list? -
Do you know what the word Mollycoddle means? No, i don’t
Do you think it’s cheating to put questions on here that aren’t real Qs? What’s a real question tho?
Have you ever been dizzy without spinning? I don’t remember
Do you like to make yourself dizzy? Sometimes i spin around at home to make me dizzy so yeah hahahaa
Do you agree that milk cold is the equivilent of butt warmth? Tf?
Do you believe that if you want something enough you’ll get it? No
Have you ever wished on a star? Did it ever come true? I did but i don’t even remember what i wished for
Have you ever thrown a penny in a wishing well? No
What was your favorite mall ride? (mini carousel, pony, helicopter) I've never ridden any
Do you take care of your cuticles? Not really
Do you even know what a cuticle is? Yes
Do you believe that everyone has a soul mate? Hmm
If you could keep any person in the world as your pet who would it be? Uhh i wouldn’t want a person as a pet lol
How would you treat them? -
Would you put them on a leash when you went out? Lol stop hahaha
How would you punish them when they were naughty? -
Are these inappropriote questions? I don’t know, but just sign me out
I’m sorry. Have you ever seen Scary Movie? I’ve seen scary movies and i’ve also seen all of the Scary Movie-movies
Which is bigger? The Godfather or Star Wars? I don’t know
What are your views on the second Godfather movie? I have't seen that. or the first one
It sucked I think. Anyway are you inbred? No
What’s your favorite text word? (lol, wtf, brb, g2g) Lol and wtf. and lmao
PC or Mac? I use PC
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