#but i also really like joker x makoto
lacystar · 1 month
some of my favorite and least favorite details from royal:
when you go with sumire to the shrine and bump into the rest of the thieves, they basically say they all agreed to go together. this is backed up by futaba saying she's going in the morning. this means they specifically went out of their way to not invite you. either theyre shady as fuck towards joker or they knew you were gonna be on a date and didn't want to bother you, but I think its funnier to go with the first one
most of the people in Tokyo's dreams coming true bc of the actualization are met with some doubt or confusion from family members, as seen in passing conversations and the loading screens. this is to show the cracks in the plan and how the actualization hasn't been . well. fully actualized yet. however, the phantom thieves told maruki what they want directly and therefore have their realities so tailor made to them that you have to go out of your way to break them out of it. this includes Morgana. but the only ppl who can hear Morgana are people with personas. this means that some time between Christmas and new years, maruki heard Morgana saying he wanted to be a human and decided to go "fuck it, sure, the cat that the weird kid owns but that ive never met can have his wish too". this tracks because maruki has a persona and is not shocked or confused when he sees Morgana in the metaverse.
Yusuke did not wish for his dead mom to be alive again. just for her painting to hit the trending tab 😭
even if you are dating sumire, like I was, she will not say goodbye to you or give you a parting gift. this creates the awkward situation of her saying goodbye to you at the station with an unusual coldness and disassociation from you, even if you and her are boyfriend and girlfriend. I actually hate this. why the fuck isn't my girlfriend saying goodbye to me.
the winter outfits are the best designed outfits in the game. ann and makoto are in ugly 2010's H&M shit for 90% of the game and then get a fresh wardrobe for the new years.
in contrast, maruki's villain outfit is so fucking ugly. he looks like a golden toenail. the final villain in your game and you have him looking like that? come on man.
not royal exclusive, but Morgana has a talking sprite of himself in his cat form. for some reason, they refused to use this until the end of the game when he "loses" his metaverse form. this makes absolutely no sense, as the talking sprites of every other character changes on their clothes/appearence. why doesn't Morgana's change to his cat version in the real world and why doesn't he just have his "true" form in the metaverse. for some reason, this frustrates me to no end.
when you date sumire, she will not shut the fuck up about her dead sister. also, 90% of your relationship with her is based around her false identity she assumed of her dead sister. you are basically dating this girl's dead sister.
^^^ this is not helped by the fact that her "sumire" sprite looks ugly as fuck and she only looks cute when she's cosplaying as her dead sister. the devs even knew this and changed her back to her Kasumi sprite as soon as they justifiably could 😭
speaking of, royal REALLY REALLY makes it obvious that they see joker x sumire as the canon romance. in the base game I think they saw it as makoto or Haru, but in royal its uncanny how much they push you into dating her. however, she's objectively the worst girl to date because you can only date her at the very end of the game, and therefore only get to experience valentines and white day with her, whereas with most of the other girls you get Hawaii, Christmas, the school fair, etc.
^^^ however, this makes sense, as the realization that you were never dating sumire and instead were instead dating her dead sister would probably come as an uncomfortable surprise to the player. atlus had no choice but to wait until the truth came out to let you date her. they wrote themselves into a corner and then were unable to show off the character who has the biggest model on the poster 😭
when you go around and get goodbye gifts, you cannot say goodbye to certain phantom thieves members if you haven't maxed them out. this resulted in a weird situation where I hadn't maxed out makoto, Haru, and ann, and therefore joker, despite that in universe having helped them through trauma and loss and difficult times, did not say goodbye to some of of his closest friends and teammates . I understand not getting a goodbye gift from them, but its SUPREMELY weird that you dont get a one-on-one goodbye if you dont max their confidants 😭
not royal exclusive, but shinya Oda's voice acting (English) is so fucking terrible its actually laughable. in a game with outstanding voice acting, the fact that this 12 year old sounds like a 50 year old woman really sticks out. this is unfortunate, because Oda is one of my fav confidants and makes him hard to take seriously, but also fortunate because its fucking hilarious.
Akechi's evil Loki costume is ugly as fuck, but is saved singlehandedly because he's wearing thigh-high boots. if you dont believe me, look closely at his thighs. you'll see it.
maruki looks like wilbur soot and it really unsettles me.
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twilightknight17 · 10 months
Yesterday on P5T, it’s a nice day for a white wedding~
Namely, Joker fantasizing about his wedding. And my gosh am I happy that you can fantasize about marrying any of your teammates.
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I watched them all, and I’m impressed that they’re all actually well-done? Like, damn. Good job, Atlus. They’re all a little silly, of course, but there’s some genuine moments in all of them. Now I’m even more annoyed that Goro and Sumi aren’t here. Akira’s just as close to them, if not closer in some ways. This isn’t even real, it’s all in Joker’s head, so like, it’s not like the other Thieves would be uncomfortable if he was an option.
So we broke the rest of the rebel army out of prison, and now we’re finally ready to take the fight to Marie directly!
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(As far as you remember, Ann! *cries in PQ2* *cries louder in Hours*)
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These two are such a fun team. And Toshiro’s finally growing a spine, with everyone’s support. This war sequence is great. We gave the little hats cannons!
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The Rebel Corps is going to keep the main army distracted so the Thieves, Toshiro, and Erina can get into the castle itself and go after Marie. So they make it in, and find a projector revealing part of Toshiro’s missing memories. Apparently she is both his fiancee, and one of the shadowy figures from the beginning. Turns out, the real Marie, Marie Anto, is a CEO’s daughter that his father arranged for him to marry. As I told Po when I was texting her about it, Toshiro’s family gets money, Marie’s family gets power, Marie gets to be the wife of a future Prime Minister, and Toshiro gets… emotional abuse. X’’’D
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We get to have a brawl in the fancy dining room, though, so that’s awesome.
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After that, we find a creepy bear in a hallway that represents Marie’s view of Toshiro, and it gives him a major wakeup call about how he’s acted and how people see him. It steels his resolve to go after Marie, and he’s ready to push forward.
Also the sprite of Makoto grabbing Morgana after the bear starts talking is adorable.
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So now it’s into the chapel to face Marie! And she’s a terrible person. But we knew that! And Toshiro finally finds the courage to stand up to her, which pisses her off enough to provoke her into a fight.
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She throws exploding bouquets, tries to run us over with her tank, and keeps using that stupid collar and chain to single out one of your fighters to drag them in front of the tank and target them. It’s a tough fight and it requires a lot of maneuvering, but it was good!
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After a certain point, she full-heals herself, and while she’s gloating, Toshiro has a spark of inspiration and runs off. This man gets into the rafters and drops the chapel bell on Marie once we get her in position. Get rekt, lady.
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She whines and cries about how she was just taking what she deserved. Yeah, yeah. But then as she fades, she ends on this ominous note:
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But we’ve won! It’s all good! Erina makes the announcement that the Kingdom is free, and so many rebels flood into the room to celebrate that we lose Yusuke somewhere in the mob. XDDD
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Finally, we can approach the door at the back of the chapel. The same as the door that brought us here. It’s time to take Toshiro and go home, knowing that Erina and her world are safe now. Akira opens the door, and the Thieves walk through…
...into Feudal not-Japan.
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Toshiro gets recognized as a wanted criminal after trying to help a young lady being bullied by soldiers, and the young lady leads us to safety in the hallowed halls of… Leblanc. Again. These Kingdoms are centered around Toshiro, so why is Leblanc, of all things, showing up repeatedly?
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But we’re putting a pin in that and going inside. This girl’s name is Yuki, once again the only person in a world of hats. They’re lucky they’re cute, or this would be really weird.
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The Kingdom is ruled over by a beatific tyrant named Lord Yoshiki, who takes the appearance of an all-loving Buddha. The citizens adore him, because if they don’t, they’re whisked off to the “Labor of Love”: a work camp.
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Erina, who came with us on accident after sticking her head through the door to try to catch a glimpse of our world, wants to help free these people, too. And the Thieves theorize that if there was a door in Marie’s castle, there’s probably one here as well. Lavenza doesn’t know what’s going on, no one has any better ideas, so we’re set up and ready to topple another corrupt ruler. Who, let’s be real, is probably the other shadowy person from the opening.
So, still having a good time with this! Interesting that the second… person… oh man, THIS is the game where we needed to call them Monarchs, jesus Atlus. Anyway, interesting that the second Monarch is also on about a twisted form of love. I wonder if this is gonna be a recurring thing?
The sidequests are genuinely tricky, and are more puzzle-like than the main story battles. It’s actually really fun to figure out how to work the mechanics to reach the goal they’re asking for.
I do wish that you could just sell your old weapons in the shop menu, or buy new weapons from the Velvet Room. Having to leave the shop, go into the Velvet Room, sell the weapons, and then come back to buy the gun I couldn’t afford was a little weird.
I really like Erina as a character so far. She seems at least a few years older than the Thieves, but not by much, and it’s nice to see how she fits in with the group without being a Thief herself. Not that she doesn’t want to be; it’s cute seeing her trying to summon a persona when no one is looking. (Love the dialogue option to just yell “Persona!” back at her. XD) I genuinely don’t know if she’s going to have a persona in the end. Toshiro, maybe. Zenkichi got one, after all. But Zenkichi also had a few more points in his favor in terms of likeability when I was 13 hours into Scramble. XDDDD At least the wet blanket has upgraded to merely damp.
I am rethinking that Erina is his kid. Like, she’s clearly connected to him somehow. If the Monarchs are people he knows in the real world, the rebel leaders (using that term loosely for Yuki) are probably people he knows, too. But this man does not have a speck of Dad Energy anywhere in him. He’s not even up to uncle status right now. He is not invited to Coffee Dad’s Coffee and Dads Meetup. XD
So, with the Thieves still trapped in the metaverse, and the future uncertain, we press on. But at least one person is having a good time.
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daxieoclock · 10 months
Tactica Impressions Part 6, No Plot Spoilers
Toshiro continues to bring the entire plot down. I need him to stop being here. Please. Please, I'm dying and the only cure is No More Adult Man Party Member In Persona Game.
Erina is a fantastic character and her development is fantastic but it DRAGS that she's so fixated on being nice to Toshiro and sucking up to him and giving him unearned authority over her rebellion and the Phantom Thieves.
They've even co-oped Futaba into buddying up to Toshiro and it sucks so bad. Futaba. Futaba, cyber criminal and prodigal hacker, compares her being autistic and talented to Toshiro's...having experience deescalating cabinet battles. It's SUCH mischaracterization.
Complaining aside. All The Girls (And Ryuji) Love Erina's Flag and I feel like that's very gay of them. Everyone likes the cool girl.
RYUHARU SIDE QUEST with bonus Futaba and Haru sister moments, and Ryuji calls Haru "senpai." It's fucking amazing. Haru fans keep winning.
Even though Yusuke and Makoto are my least fav Thieves on average, I do love how they're animated this game. They both have fantastic poses, and there's even some good bits of characterization, though Makoto gets really robbed by most of the big planning stuff being handed over to Toshiro instead so he can show off. Stolen valor tbh.
There's one random moment where it looks like Haru and Makoto are holding hands. Yay! :)
The marriage fantasy scenes kinda sucked on average? The Makoto and Yusuke scenes were deeply unfunny jokes, the Ann scene felt like it was copy-pasted from Lovers 10, and the Ryuji scene was surprisingly earnest even through the attempt to play it off as a joke. Like...it felt like yet another case where Atlus accidentally wrote them into genuine bi subtext, as opposed to the "my friend is a weirdo" of the Yusuke scene.
The Haru scene almost made me tear up. Yes I'm a Harufan, yes I'm biased towards Shuharu. Don't care, it was so fucking genuine and played into her themes of overcoming romantic/sexual abuse and it was just AGHHGG I LOVE THESE STUPID KIDS.
How does Joker STILL have the grappling hook from Royal, what the fuck. We're playing X-Com over here, you didn't think that would have been useful EARLIER???
Anyway Erina continues to be an absolute badass, it's unreal how cool she is.
...I wrote most of these points as I experienced them, and now I may need to take a step back. Because the projection room scene in the castle has left me genuinely reeling. I'm not sure what to say beyond...that I am taking another look at Toshiro as a character. Because I might be starting to appreciate him. Metatextually, his role as a pseudo-party member is a fucking nightmare, and his writing is so inconsistent and uncharismatic that the most entertaining parts of his presence so far has been other characters dunking on him. His personality sucks and I don't like WHY Atlus put him in this game. But as a character, as a foil to the Thieves and an individual narrative...I am starting to be compelled. There is absolutely an opportunity for Atlus to absolutely dumpster this good faith they've got from me, but...I said "if they want to make Toshiro compelling, they need to do these things" and like fucking clockwork, they did. So now I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I don't have to LIKE Toshiro, but I will give his arc the benefit of the doubt. (Also if people want to read my specific thoughts on the scene, let me know, I'll definitely write them up if there's interest.)
Anyway pls look at this meme from @lilyhoshikawa
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Haru / Ann Close Read Lines: 21 (and boy fucking howdy what a handful of good ones we got this time)
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pikespendragon67 · 11 months
With a Resounding "Yes", It's Time for Paranormasight VA Headcanons!
I'm going to be an oddball and switch between Japanese & English VAs when I find it relevant. Also my order's gonna be based on how strongly I think the headcanon works. I'll also try to provide examples for the angle I'm going for
let's a go
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Tetsuo Tsutsumi Japanese: Option 1 - Akio Otsuka (Executioner from Akudama Drive). Option 2 - Jouji Nakata (Osvald from Octopath Traveler 2) English: Option 1 - Jamieson Price (Malik Caesar from Tales of Graces F). Option 2 - Jason Douglas (Kishibe from Chainsaw Man)
Middle aged men characters are my specialty so really it depends on the delivery you want. Richard Epcar (Ace from 999) could also work for English as well as Bill Butts (Ciocolotta from Jojo part 5)
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Makoto Ashimiya/Fumichika Nejima Japanese: Kenjiro Tsuda (Ogata from Golden Kamuy...and also Kishibe from Chainsaw Man). Katsuyuki Konishi could also be a good example but I can't really think of an old man character. I guess Takehito Koyasu could also work? But like this is THE most TsudaKen looking motherfucker I've ever seen English: Joe J. Thomas (Nobunaga Hazama from Hunter x Hunter). His "So I did" line really cemented this casting choice tbh.
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Richter Kai Japanese: Shiniciro Miki (Kisuke Urahara from Bleach) English: For this, it depends again on the delivery you want. I originally wanted Doug Erholz (maybe not like Vega from Street Fighter), but upon closer inspection, Ray Chase (Uzui Tengen from Demon Slayer) might be a better pick.
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Harue Shigima English: Laura Post (Empress from A Hat in Time) Japanese: Kikuko Inoue (Rhea from Fire Emblem Three Houses)
It just works, it just works~
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Shogo Okiie English: Chris Hackney (Yuito from Scarlet Nexus) Japanese: Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Noctis from Final Fantasy 15)
Standard older protagonist
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Jun Erio Japanese: Kaito Ishikawa (Noe from Case Study of Vanitas or Iida from My Hero Academia) English: Griffin Burns (Doppio from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure). Zeno Robinson (Akira from Zom 100) would also work great!
An excitable character that I think can work great with the right delivery.
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Takumi Yumioka Japanese: Toshiyuki Morikawa (Yoshikage Kira from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) English: Ben Lepley (Gouto from 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim)
I feel like a flat delivery that still has an air of intimidation would work best for him.
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Mayu Chozawa English: Option 1 - Tara Sands (Sonya from Fire Emblem Echoes); Option 2 - Cristina Vee (Velvet from Tales of Berseria). Amanda C. Miller (Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon) is also a good pick along with Heather Gonzalez (Cherche from Fire Emblem Heroes) Japanese: Miyuki Sawashiro (Kyoko Honda from Fruits Basket). Nana Mizuki could also work, though I sadly can't think of a role off the top of my head
Going for the woman who grew up a punk vibe
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Yutaro Namigaki Japanese: Jun Fukuyama (Draluc from Vampire Dies in No Time) English: It's tempting to put Xander Mobus for the total Joker Persona 5 duology but ehhhhh. It depends on the delivery again. Brian Beacock (Luthier from Fire Emblem Echoes) or Steve Staley (Hubert from Tales of Graces F) could also work tbh. Maybe Lucien Dodge (Waver Velvet from Fate/Zero)
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Ayame Touno English: Faye Mata (Amame from AI: The Somnium Files) Japanese: Rie Kugimiya (Rise from Persona 4)
The voices contrast each other, but I think each one compliments the kind of character Ayame is.
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Storyteller Japanese: Hochu Otsuka (Tsurumi from Golden Kamuy) English: TBD
Here's where I'm starting to think about 1 solid casting and kinda improvising for the second one. I think the Storyteller changes voices depending on the mask they wear, so for this old man mask, an old man they shall sound like.
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Michiyo Shiraishi English: Xanthe Huynh (Marianne from Fire Emblem Three Houses) Japanese: Aya Endo (Miyuki from Lucky Star)
Few lines for such a sweet gal
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Yakko Sakazaki English: Abby Trott (Older Annette from Fire Emblem Three Houses). For some reason I also pictured Cassandra Lee Morris (Tomi Kisaragi from 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim) Japanese: Marina Inoue (Female Protagonist from Persona 3 Portable)
Spunky young lady, ain't she?
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Mio Kurosuzu English: Amber Connor (Faye from Fire Emblem Echoes) Japanese: Rie Murakawa (Est from Fire Emblem Echoes)
Young but calm & sweet
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Yoko Fukunaga English: Cherami Leigh (Patty from Soul Eater) Japanese: Saori Hayami (Yor from Spy x Family)
Not related to casting but I think she and Ayame would be weird girl besties and I love that for them
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Hideiki Araishi English: Patrick Seitz (there's a specific role in mind that sounds similar to Mama from AI: The Somnium Files but naaah that doesn't sound right) Japanese: Tomokazu Sugita (sadly can't think of a role off the top of my head)
He's a bit of a snob so something a bit arrogant works best
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Kohei Jounichi Japanese: Here's where I think Katsuyki Konishi would fit best (Koito from Golden Kamuy comes to mind, oddly). Makoto Furukawa (why did I think Ronaldo from Vampire Dies in No Time??) could also work English: I think this will depend on the delivery. Do you want him more cowardly? I kinda see David Vincent tbh (Henri from Iruma-kun)
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Hajime Yoshimi English: He could be another potential Patrick Seitz role, but I want to avoid double casting as much as possible. Japanese: Subaru Kimura (Todo from Jujutsu Kaisen)
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Hitomi Okuda Japanese: Ai Farouz (Jolyne Kujo from JJBA) English: Option 1 - Laura Stahl (Alear from Fire Emblem Engage); Option 2 - Erica Mendez (can't think of a role off the top of my head)
Once again going for toughness, but from a younger angle
aaaand I think that's all the voiced characters! Some roles I had to think up of on the spot, so I might come back and revisit this, but I'm open for suggestions as well!
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project-neo · 2 years
Awakening yourself
Game/Anime: Persona 5
Charakter: Akira kurusu/ Ren Amamiya (Protagonist),
Ship's: Akira X Fem! Reader, Guyana X Yusuke, Ann X Ryuji, Haru X Makoto.
Warnings: mentioning of child abuse, gore, mentioning of self harm, death, mentioning of suicide, fluff, blood.
A/N: This was an idea from myself. I just love Akira/ Ren and he ist just argh. All talk parts are coloured as follows: Akira, Ryuji, you, you brother, your persona. Others are white Now let's start
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It was simpl, really. You knew that your boyfriend Akira was involved with the Phantomthieves ever sense the Kamushida incident. However you didn't though that he wer they're leader. Unaware to him, you hade followd him and his team in EVERY single Castle and fought your way through the shadows behind them. NONE of them notice't. Not even Akechi. But then they got in to the Castle of your Brother. And that's were you drew the line.
"How dear you!? I WILL DO AS I WISH!!!"
You brother screamed at Joker, Holding hin in the black Tentacle that came from the back of his torso (like kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul!). He squeezed Your Boyfriend so hard that he started coughing blood.
Skull's voice echoed through the big room they were in. All of the other thieves trapped in a cage. You saw it all. How your partner was so close to dieing. Everything rushed back. All the trauma that you hade to experience! A flashback rolled Infront of your eyes:
"You are useless!"
You looked up to your mother who was in Rage about what you just hade done. All the progress she made was gone and you caused it. She grabt you by the neck, holding you, as you started to suffocate. Your throat sore and you body unable to move.
You feeld a pain in your chest. Seeing this happing to Akira too made you incredibly angry. So you just wend for it!
"Oi!!! Lett him go Nee-san!!!"
With one leg in a rock you stood there. All eyes on you.
Your boyfriend's voice was quite and broken. You jumpt from the statue you were standing on, in you hand a pistol. Said pistol was now pointed at your Older brother.
"Why? Why should I Y/N!?"
Y/B/N shouted. You smiled softly.
"because the boy you are currently suffocating if my fucking Partner"
And with that you Shot you brother in the tentacles, causing him to drop Akira. You made sure that Akira was safe and ready to figth before you lett your guard down. Your Brother looked at you. Then he started screaming again:
"if it wasn't for you Mom and dad would never be in jail rigth now!!! And Grandma would also be alive. I hate you so much!!!!"
You looked him directly in the eye's. His face looked like the one of a zombie. Patches of skinn weren't even there, wich mend you could see muscle and bones. But you still looked at him with confidence:
"I am done listening to you going on and on and on about me being the problem. You are just spoilt rotten! And I will no longer bow to you!!!"
Suddenly you heard a voice. A male, calming voice.
"you hade me waiting quiet a while Y/N. Will you continue take the blame? Or will you make your own path?"
A sharp pain flue through your body. You started to Shake. But you didn't give in to the pain.
"I am not going to fool myself any longer! I am done!!!"
"well then. Let's form a pact shall we. I am thou, thou art I! Call you my name! Let everyone hear your Roar of revange!"
You mask appeared on you face. It looked like Akira's just in black withe a red base.
"now way! Y/N too?"
Morgana yelled. But you paid no minde.
"I hear you..... Come to me....."
Your ripped the mask of your face. Blood everywhere.
The blood truning to blue fine as you finally activated you full potential. You're persona Standing behind you. A men in shackles and chains. The red outfit reviling much of his none existent Body. Your on the other hand got some real glow up. Your Withe hier was in a high ponytail, the ends now pure black. But you outfit spoke for itself.
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And your weapon? A very,VERY large fan (just like Temari from Naruto) with your secondary weapons being a gun. You smiled and clutched your Hands into a fist. Then you took you Fan and got ready to Atack your brother.
"you are beautiful darling"
Akira was right next to you, ready to end this once and for all! And so you did.
"so this is the backslash? Dean it not only Hurts but I am tired as heck."
Your were Laying in Akira's bed after returning from the Metarverse. Everything hurt and you couldn't really stay awake. Awakening your rebel self had taken a good tal on you. But you didn't mind. Afterall you are in Akira's arms rigth now. Its just you 2. The others were already gone and Morgana out for a walk.
"are you okey?"
Akira's voice was soft but you could see that he was worried.
"I think I should ask you that. Y/B/N nearly crushed you."
Akira Smile's at your comment.
"I'm fine. Now go to sleep"
And that's exactly what you did.
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densesindealer · 7 months
Ask/Prompt Requests
Now that I finally updated my muse list, I'm going to ask or beg (take your pick) for more asks or prompts featuring characters I don't get to see as often as I'd like, or just some more for characters I really like. Also asking for asks or prompts featuring certain themes or kinks. You don't have to send in asks for the characters or asks with the kinks, though either would be greatly appreciated, but any ask in general is appreciated. That being said, I do really like these kinks or these characters and would love to have stuff in my inbox featuring them.
Kink Requests
Gender Transformation (Male To Female) (Can Involve Muses Not On My Muse List From Any Series)
Mind Control/Hypnosis
Slow Corruption
Mind Break
Instant Loss
Heart Eyes
Love Potion
Character Requests
Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa) (I Have A Lot Of Makoto, But He's Also My Favorite To Write)
Kaname Date (AI The Somnium Files)
Aiba (AI The Somnium Files)
Iris Sagan (AI The Somnium Files)
Mizuki Okiura (AI The Somnium Files)
Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Momo Yaoyorozu (My Hero Academia)
Mt. Lady (My Hero Academia)
Nejire Hado (My Hero Academia)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney)
Jaune Arc (RWBY)
Velvet Scarlatina (RWBY)
Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat)
Cassie Cage (Mortal Kombat)
Kitana (Mortal Kombat)
Dick Grayson/Robin (Teen Titans)
Komand'r/Blackfire (Teen Titans)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact)
Yoimiya (Genshin Impact)
D.VA (Overwatch)
Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)
Cornelia li Britannia (Code Geass)
Muffet (Undertale)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)
Audrey Belrose (Huniepop)
Yu Narukami (Persona 4)
Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4)
Akira Kurusu/Joker (Persona 5)
Lavenza (Persona 5)
Sae Niijima (Persona 5)
Hifumi Togo (Persona 5)
Sigma Klim (Zero Escape)
Clover Field (Zero Escape)
Alice (Zero Escape)
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil)
Eveline (Resident Evil)
Draculaura (Monster High)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Faith Seed (Far Cry 5)
Velvet Crowe (Tales Of Berseria)
Alice Angel (Bendy And The Ink Machine)
Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
2B (Nier Automata)
Lola Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Yor Forger (Spy x Family)
Anya Forger (Spy x Family)
Shaggy Rogers (Scooby Doo)
Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)
Bowsette (Super Crown)
Booette (Super Crown)
Any Animatronic (Five Night's At Freddy's) (All Are Women)
Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Character Requests For TF Asks (Males To Transform)
Jin Kirigiri (Danganronpa)
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead (My Hero Academia)
Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic (My Hero Academia)
Fred Jones (Scooby Doo)
Lie Ren (RWBY)
Cardin Winchester (RWBY)
Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat)
Flowey (Undertale)
Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5)
Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
Morgana (Persona 5)
Sojiro Sakura (Persona 5)
Takuto Maruki (Persona 5)
Dio (Zero Escape)
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
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haejjoon · 2 years
Hi I agree with the mako discussion I have always been neutral to her and this whole discussion articulated why. I feel like there's a big disconnect between the story concepts for p5 and the writers. I.e Ann's themes Vs her treatment in writing
Also I'm a local oc X canon shipper who likes to rewrite stories to insert my oc & Ur fic & blog is giving me inspiration for what I can do because I only recently started p5r after watching rtgame play it so I haven't digested & criticised details in full yet so hearing Ur thoughts really helps articulate vague impressions I've had!!!
That being said, I'm interested what u think of Sumi Because. I low-key don't like her (I DONT HATE HER but I don't love her beyond "she's cute")
Anyway that's all!!!! I love Ur au bye bye ✨
- oc anon
aw. hey anon!! thanks so much for dropping by :)) im glad the discussion helped somewhat
oh boy...... sumi. where do i begin.
i'll be clear from the start: i love fanon sumi. i think shes adorable, i love seeing her in fics, fanart, etc etc. and for the longest time i couldn't figure out why i loved her sm in fandom and hated her in canon? and then i realized:
sumi's character... has no clear purpose.
(sojiro voice) let me explain
each of the phantom thieves have a recurring theme of finding or rediscovering identity.
ryuji with track + his old teammates
ann with her stance on modeling
yusuke with his purpose for creating art (oh boy i also have a lot to say about Him)
makoto with her burnt out but not quite burnt out gifted kid syndrome
futaba with her purpose for living at all (ouch)
and haru with how she wants to define herself without her father's influence.
the only (ONLY) exceptions to this is akechi and the protagonist. akiren is the catalyst to aiding the others discover identity, and akechi already has his purpose in life so ingrained he doesn't need to (or doesn't bother) trying to grow as a person.
now... sumi.
she's first introduced as the brilliant gymnast honor student. over time, it's clear that she struggles with meeting others' (and even her own) expectations for herself.
if we follow the same formula for the other thieves, this would be when she'd start questioning why she does gymnastics at all, or who she does gymnastics for. instead, she double downs on her supposed love for the sport, and only spirals deeper and deeper when simple "hard work" doesn't pay off.
obviously we know why. she thinks she's her dead sister. but thematically, it just clashes with all the rest of the characters already presented, because the player now has no idea where her character's going with this. she suffers from the same thing makoto's character does: tons of payoff, no clear resolution.
by the end of the faith confidant she declares that she'll now be doing gymnastics as sumire, and not kasumi. that doesn't change the expectations stacked upon her to succeed. sumi never says, "it's okay if i don't succeed, because i'm doing my best." she says, "i'm going to succeed as sumire yoshizawa and not kasumi yoshizawa, and everyone will see me shine in my own way."
and don't get me wrong. it's a lovely conclusion on its own and i'm proud of her for it, but narratively it came so out of left field. there was no set up for that specific drive to succeed As Herself, because the entire set up thus far was that she just couldn't succeed at all. this is why the entire confidant felt so stilted to me.
and the reason for such a strange ending note is because of the twist itself. no one expected her to actually be her dead older sister. suddenly, sumi is a completely different person, and you're just supposed to roll with it through her confidant. there's just no time within the confidant itself for the player to digest it.
moving on from that though i just fucking hate how she's marketed. her entire palette is a copy and cut paste from joker's. her outfit is somehow worse than ann's--i get it, leotard for her gymnastic skills, but look up gymnastic leotards when you get the chance. there's no plunging necklines like her costume shows. her coat (again, carbon copy from joker's) is cut in the back in a way that no matter What You Do or How You Look at her, all you see is a flash of ass and thigh. the first thing you see of her the MOMENT YOU OPEN THE GAME is a slow pan up starting from her exposed crotch, for fuck's sake. fuck you atlus, she's fifteen.
also????? she's supposedly a gymnast, but she?? uses a ribbon??????? in her all out attack and in her final performance at the end of her confidant rank? is this just a localization issue? ribbon dancing and gymnastics are two very different sports???? someone explain??
she also pops up in thr story at the most random times, because the writing team over our beloved atlus couldn't figure out how to shoehorn her in to make her relevant to the main plot. why does she get the app in the first place, having nothing to do with the thieves as a whole? why does she awaken to a persona at all in maruki's palace, when all she does is vehemently deny who she really is?
dont argue with me on this, but the reason why she awakens to her persona SPECIFICALLY AT THAT POINT IN THE STORY at all... is so atlus could shove her into the opening cutscene where she "saves" joker. so the players could get hyped seeing her supple fifteen year old Pan Up From Crotch in the first five minutes of the game. joker didn't need saving. fuck off
and if you're gonna follow the rules already set in the p5 universe: how come she can use her persona so effectively in the first place? haru couldn't, even though she awakened. sumi definitely shouldn't be able to, given the whole... denying who she really is situation.
and lastly there's just some aspects of how she's depicted that rly irk me, but those are absolutely just my personal feelings. nothing inherently wrong with them, just annoying to me specifically:
- her over the top polite nature that only hinders her, but she doesn't abandon it to set straight boundaries with those being rude to her because she can't meet their expectation. even makoto told the principal to leave her alone that one time.
- the way she's so clearly shoved towards joker as the Canon Choice like makoto was in vanilla. p4 does this with rise, too, but it's far more bearable because of just how over the top she is with it, at least for me. i had a problem with yukari in p3 for much of the same reason as sumi.
- the fact that her outfit doesn't change after she accepts herself as sumire. i understand that it'd be a lot of work, but narratively, wouldn't it make more sense for it to change? akechi got two outfits (both ugly but i digress) for the two facets in his true self. if her thief outfit is a manifestation of her doubling down on her identity as kasumi, why doesn't it change? why is her hair, a clear indication of who she is as a person, still in a ponytail despite everything??? is she taking on kasumi's confidence in the metaverse?? it just isn't clear.
- her fucking magical girl transformation in her original awakening. sorry. it just wasn't necessary. again this is totally just a me thing but WOW it pissed me off so much first time i watched it, because what purpose was there to include that other than to make the player go "oooooooo shiny girl pretty girl near costume ooooooooo".
i think thats most of it. as a personality i adore sumi. it's why i love seeing her in art and fics. but as a Character made to drive a story's plot, there's so many holes i'm surprised the ship is still chugging along.
obligatory "this is my opinion im not forcing it onto you if you wanna dispute it with me go righr ahead, i love character analysis threads" here. jesus fuck this was long.
love you anon. muah <3
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I think the funniest crossover would be Batman x Danganronpa.
Hear me out.
Let's start with the obvious connection. Junko and the Joker. The Joker's whole thing (from what I understand) is trying to get society to burn, and being an agent of chaos, and ultimately it takes just one bad day to break.
Junko looks at her nails and asks, "And?" Joker has to reckon everything he is, everything he believes, is outdone by a 15 year old girl. She's a better terrorist, a better mastermind, and a better torturer than he ever could be. But the real kicker? She doesn't give a shit about his beliefs, she's doing it because she's bored. Junko's so chronically bored that the only way she can think to solve is to push people into corners and to their breaking points. I bet if there was a treatment of some kind to help her deal with this Junko would never bother to go to those lengths again. And Joker would be furious.
Next let's look at the protagonists.
Can you imagine Batman reckoning with the DR 1 cast? Like, imagine Kyoko, a freelance detective that seems to be getting involved with every important case because she was either A) Hired or B) Roped in because her malewife assistant Makoto stumbled into a part of a large conspiracy or emergency. He wants to tell her to stay out of his business but she's neither a vigilante or a member of the police department. She's also really good at detective work. He probably gets roasted by all of his kids when he goes to Kyoko for consultation.
Batman wishes he could get all the kids out of Gotham but he has no ground to. They're all friends with the Togami Heir Billionaire, he must be funding their vigilante operation right? Nope, he's just a philanthropist trying to also do Bruce Wayne work and fix Gotham.
Well they must be metas right? Nope, none of them are. Sakura is just the peak of human physical form and would not be involved if it weren't for her girlfriend's best friend (Makoto again?) getting roped into shady stuff.
Well what about that psychic guy? Well turns out he only has a 33% success rate and mostly just scams rich people.
Okay can he at least deal with the serial killer? Nope, she hasn't even done any crimes in Gotham except kind of harass that billionaire. And also, surprise surprise, she's dating Makoto's sister.
Well Makoto must be a vigilante tying everything all together right? Nope. He's just a lame, optimistic pacifist that keeps getting into situations with a plot.
Like everything in Batman's body is telling him to adopt or send these teenagers out of Gotham but they aren't technically putting themselves in danger like his kids and don't have superpowers that attract villains so he's just stuck. Bruce Wayne just has to not tear his hair out as they keep being the only ones to defeat Joker's new rival Monokuma (whoever they are with Batman not knowing Monokuma is also a teenager) whenever they try to destroy Gotham.
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Bored so here’s all my ideal p5 romance dynamics bc I have very specific tastes. Just joker x [ ] for now bc that’s A Lot all at once
Pegoryu: when they’re passionately best friends in love. Truly “you’re my one and only” vibes. I like when they get so overwhelmed with their crush and when their angst feels like the world is ending bc they love each other so much. Also love when they’re being complete dumbasses both as friends and when pining
Shuann: their canon dynamic tbh. I really value their friendship and how they talk about their emotions and confide in each other. They are very romantically in love in my ideal dynamic, like crying bc they look at the other and feel so happy and grateful to be together type thing. Also kinda cheesy and flirty and dorky
Shukita: them as partners, equals, comrade, companions. Most joker ships have a “baby” and “the one who takes care of the baby” vibe and normally joker is the one taking emotional responsibility of the relationship but with yusuke I feel like he can relax and be himself and not have to worrying about as many things because yusuke is always on his side and he’ll take care of him too. Yusuke gives joker a chance to let his walls fall and I also love how much devotion respect and love he has for joker so when I find those vibes it’s >>>>>>
Shumako: I actually do enjoy shumako but in a very specific “senpai and kouhai” kinda way. Not in a weird way but similar to shukita I like joker being makoto’s baby. She is the younger sibling so her getting the responsibility to take care of someone seems really important to her, she’s really good and reliable and capable of being responsible for someone else + enjoys it, and I just think it’s so cute how much respect and admiration joker has for Makoto, which absolutely makes her melt. It’s very much half shameless flirting to make her blush and half embarrassingly sincere reverence and then Makoto gets to take joker out on dates and guide him as a mentor and be his companion? That’s the good shit right there
Shuharu: a mix of Shumako and shukita but also different. Again with the senpai / kouhai thing but very much so the equal partners thing but also just Something Else. Their canon relationship tbh. Haru and Joker have SO much respect for each other it makes me dizzy. They are both in this strange place of feeling like outsiders in the group, not in a bad way, but just somehow separate. Observers watching around them instead of actively participating and they find comfort in each other for having that same feeling. Shuharu’s relationship is so great to me it’s hard to put into words I love them so much
Shuyuu: how do I even begin to explain the very specific portrayal of shuyuu I enjoy. I guess “I am thou thou art I” ??? I really vibe with them just having this Understanding. I love yuuki’s canon respect for joker and I really really love imagining joker slowly finding himself in love with a boy that is so hurt and yet so kind. I love them being friends, I love them being partners in what they do, I love them valuing each others opinion and feelings and thinking of them in everything they do. I just love them being super in love basically lmao
Akeshu: good god okay how do I do THIS ONE? It’s not. *sighs, groans, throws up* it’s not exactly like how everyone else likes them, which is the deranged and fucked up and such which can be fun but that’s not what They Are to me. If shuyuu is I am thou thou art I through a shining mirror, akeshu is I am thou thou art I through a murky puddle. It’s about the what could’ve been and how similar yet different we are and the betrayal of putting everything into something and getting nothing and against all odds some bastard still trying to understand you. Honestly I mostly see akeshu from akechi’s side. His feelings are so interesting that they take up all my thoughts about them. And then from jokers perspective it’s just. Sad love. He knows he can’t do anything for akechi and it depresses him so much and yet he loves him anyway because he can’t help it. They are souls meant to be together and yet they keep being ripped apart, is how I see them basically
Also no one really cares but shufumi: I think they’re really cute as competitive dorks and also kids who understand full well what it’s like to be under an adults thumb and the things you do that don’t change things because you can’t but help you stay sane. They kinda feel like abused kids bonding over that in my head and making a friendship in spite of their lives
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Rpg Anon: Who do you ship in Persona 4? I'm actually into Yosuke x Yukiko for a bit of biased reasons. I'm also for Yu x Chie or Yu x Marie.
//Again, I don’t really have many ships here either. I did like Yosuke X Chie for a while, but I was never hardcore on that. I just thought their dynamic was funny.
//Still, I liked Anne and Ryuji’s much better.
//I will admit it’s harder to ship the P4 protag with any of the characters in the party, because I think they all work super well together. Not to say Joker only worked well with Makoto and no one else, but Narukami feels like he works well with just about anyone.
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dragondemoness · 2 years
And will have a part 4 then the phantom and Jack arrives in Okinawa Jack got full of wonder and curiosity then he saw the sea for the very first time then arrived in the beach Jack get a floater and just relax in the water and also accidentally turn a fish into a huge popsicle then discover in Okinawa have a jail Jack got scared because that jail was really scary then that voice say Sophia was worthless he got angry and yell together with mona ryuji during that time Jack was friends with Sophia
This got so long holy crap-
Our Little Buddy- Ryuji Sakamato x Reader Part Four
After clearing Hyodo's Jail, the Phantom Thieves took off to Okinawa.
Hearing how excited everyone was to go made Jack Sakamato (Last Name) curious and excited. After all, he hadn't seen much of the world beyond Sapporo, and he couldn't wait to see it.
Upon arriving in Okinawa, Jack was practically bouncing off the walls.
He couldn't wait to see the wonderful city you guys had raved so much about.
Though he was pretty sad that he couldn't be seen with other people around, but you made sure to keep his mask with you.
You and Ryuji bought him some gifts from the gift shops, and he loved them.
And you and Ryuji brought him to the beach, where he had the time of his life.
He made sand castles with Yusuke, sat and watched the ocean with Morgana, and hung out in the ocean with you and Ryuji.
Although, while he was floating in the ocean, he accidentally froze a fish and turned it into a popsicle.
"Hee! Whoops, ho! I didn't mean to, hee!"
But you and Ryuji laughed it off.
"It's okay, little buddy. We know."
He also had a nice laugh when Yusuke buried Zenkichi in the sand, and ran away when he got pissed off.
Then, he joined the Phantom Thieves and had a nice meal with everyone.
That was the best day of Jack Sakamato (Last Name)'s life.
Unfortunately, it all came to an end when the zombified townspeople began to hunt them all down.
The Phantom Thieves escaped to the lab you found earlier, and Sophia discovered there was a Jail there.
So you entered the Jail, and it was horrifying.
Everything was in ruins, and the whole place had this scary vibe.
Jack was hiding behind you and Ryuji similar to how Makoto was hiding behind Joker.
So you and Ryuji made sure to hold his hands as you explored the Jail.
So together, you explored the creepy Jail
You listened to the tapes, and tried to figure out what was up with this Jail just like the others
When Sophie took off running out of nowhere, Jack got worried and followed her, prompting you, Ryuji and the Phantom Thieves to go after them
When you finally caught up to them, they were in a dark, empty room
Then you heard a voice, eerily similar to Sophie's
Jack watched her reactions as the disembodied voice called her worthless
Seeing her so sad made him sad as well, and furious at whatever meanie decided to put her down
And without thinking, he exploded
"Hee, the only worthless person I see here is you, ho!"
You, Ryuji, Sophie and the Phantom Thieves watched him in shock
"Hee, nobody talks about my friends like that, ho! What's your problem, hee?!"
And Ryuji joined him as well
Listening to his outburst shocked you, but you knew why he reacted that way, considering his past
And Mona joined in, and so did you
"Yeah, where do you get off on talking to Sophie like that?! She's the farthest possible thing from worthless! She's smart, she's kind, and she's loyal. That's more than you'll ever be!"
Sophie watched you all in surprise
She hadn't expected you all to get so angry
Jack took her hand and gave her a comforting smile
Sophie smiled back at him, and you and Ryuji exchanged a proud smile
So together, you fought the Lockkeeper and exited the Jail
After the whole ordeal, you and the Phantom Thieves went through all the stuff in the lab, trying to look for clues.
You didn't find much, but Futaba did find a  USB with a list of names. 
Jack asked Joker to see his phone so he could talk to Sophia, so Joker handed him his phone while he looked around.
"Hey there, Jack Sakamato (Last Name). Did you need something?"
"Hee, are you feeling okay, ho?"
Sophia let out a questioning hum.
"What do you mean?"
"Hee, after yesterday, when that awful voice said all those things to you, ho. Jack wanted to make sure you were okay."
Sophia smiled at him.
"Yes, I'm feeling much better now. And thank you for standing up for me. You are a great friend, Jack."
Jack smiled widely and handed the phone back to Joker. 
After that was over, the Phantom Thieves made plans to head off to Kyushu while Zenkichi headed back to Kyoto.
While the Phantom Thieves were talking, Jack wandered off a little.
As he walked around, he noticed Zenkichi by the docks.
And he heard a very interesting conversation between Zenkichi and his commissioner.
As it turns out, the man only made the deal with the Phantom Thieves to turn them in to the police.
Jack felt betrayed. This whole time, he thought of Zenkichi as a friend, and even though he gave him a hard time and called him "Gramps" like everyone else, he was still fond of the old man.
But knowing he was planning to harm his family, his dads, made the old man lose the little guy's trust completely.
Enraged, Jack stomped up to him.
As Zenkichi was putting his phone away, he noticed him.
"Oh! Hey, little guy. You startled me."
"Hee... Jack overheard everything, ho."
Zenkichi's eyes widened.
"Y-You did?"
"Hee, yeah! Jack knows what you're planning, ho!"
Zenkichi nervously held up his hands.
"Look, little guy, you don't understand. I just-"
"Hee, save it! You're a liar and a traitor, ho! Jack doesn't want your excuses, ho! And you'd best believe that if you do anything to hurt Jack's dads, hee, he'll freeze you into an ice statue, ho!"
Zenkichi stared at him in shock. Jack shot him an icy haha glare before leaving to join back with the Phantom Thieves.
Jack didn't mention anything about Zenkichi, and just talked casually with you and Ryuji.
He hoped the old man wouldn't go through with his original idea, but working under Mariko Hyodo had taught him not to trust someone too much.
Well, unless it was his dads.
So, he decided to mention it later.
For now, he would go along with the plan and stick with his dads.
They protected him, and he'll protect them from anyone, even the old man.
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shinobirain24 · 3 months
Young Justice x Persona 5: Honor Among Heroes and Thieves – Morgana vs Wolf Part 2
The Team and the Phantom Thieves, now working together as the Phantom League. The two are finding a way to get to the top of the futuristic Tower of LexCorp, a cognitive version of a helicarrier ship.
Conner Kent/Prower: So how do we get there if we need to get to the treasure fast?
Morgana/Mona: I'll bet I can get us up here.
Mona then steps back as he poses to transform into a helicopter.
Morgana/Mona: Morgana...transform! Meow!
Morgana transforms into a helicopter. The others were amazed that Mona can transform in a second.
Morgana/Mona: Takes a lot of time for me to maintain this form.
Donna Troy/Reina: But there's one problem. Is there anything else you can transform into? Cause the space is not enough for all of us.
Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox: I'm afraid the Princess is...
Donna Troy: Just Reina, Fox.
Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox: Apologies. That Reina has a point, Mona.
Dick Grayson/Night Edge: Oh, oh, oh! Transform into a motorcycle! I want to see how you can speed up!
Morgana/Mona: Hey! I am not a robot cat! And also this is all I can do! It might take months or years for me to turn into other vehicles!
Wolf/Lycanthrope stood there with his arms crossed. And tired of waiting, he then steps up.
Wolf/Lycanthrope: A helicopter is fine and all. But why not a plane?
Morgana/Mona: Pfft, that's nothing. What? Jealous that I am the right cat for the job?
Wolf/Lycanthrope: Actually, this is something I should've thought of. Hehehe.
Morgana/Mona: What are you going on about! You can't even transform even in the Metaverse!
Wolf/Lycanthrope: Well, I have taken some practice ever since I got here.
Morgana/Mona: Huh?
Wolf stands back and also posed for transformation.
Wolf/Lycanthrope: Wolf...Transform!
Wolf takes a form of an airplane that has enough room for the entire Phantom League.
Ren Amamiya/Joker: Incredible.
Conner Kent/Prower: Alright, Wolf!
Megan Morse/Mirage: Amazing!
Makoto Nijima/Queen: I never thought Wolf can pull it off even arriving to the Metaverse in a few days.
Morgana/Mona: N-no. This can't be.
Wally West/Speed Streak takes out a notepad and gives Wolf another tally mark of 6, and Mona only has 2. Morgana transformation back and saw the notepad.
Morgana: Scores?! Really?!
Then Mona hissed like a cat and attacks Wally by scratching on his face.
Wally West/Speed Streak: Gah! No! Mona! Stop!
Morgana/Mona: Mreoow! MREEEEOOOW!
Sumire Yoshizawa/Violet: Please, Mona! Calm down! I'm sure there are other things you're good at!
While Violet tries to calm Morgana down, everyone gets in the Wolf Plane. And Mona was left sitting with the Phantom League with his arms crossed and pouting.
Morgana/Mona: Show off.
Dick Grayson/Night Edge: A motorcycle would've been cool if you try it.
Morgana/Mona: *sigh*
0 notes
werewolf-cuddles · 4 years
Pick Yoshizawa, she sticks her leggy out real far
She’s adorable, and is probably the girl I would have gone with if I hadn’t already romanced Futaba by that point on my last playthrough.
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bisexualocs · 4 years
listens to take over ahhhhhhh ahhh
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makoto? 👀
Thank you for the ask!
What I like about them
I love Makoto's arc of realizing she's just a tool of adults who don't care about her, and its not worth it to compromise herself just for their approval. It's very powerful and relatable. I also like her confidence and intelligence. She really is like an honorary second leader to the Phantom Thieves who keeps them grounded. Without her the Thieves probably would have been found out a lot sooner. Akira can be...a little reckless, lol.
Also. She's hot.
What I dislike about them
Ok, before I get into this rant, let me first say: Makoto is one of my favorite Thieves. She's slowly lowered in my internal ranking of them over the course of the past year as I've soured on where her arc ended up and other Thieves overtake her as I grow to better appreciate their arcs, but I still love her, and I say all of this as a Makoto stan.
That said. Literally everything about her becoming a cop. It's not only an insult to Akira's trauma and a flat-out contradiction of the game's core themes, but it also walks back any progress Makoto makes in her character arc. Because, let's face it, Makoto can be a bit of an authoritarian. She's very uncompromising and stubborn in her point of view. Her confidant wants you to think that her friendship with Eiko expands her worldview, but in then the entire situation resolves with Makoto being Right and using her Fist of Justice to force Eiko into doing what Makoto thinks is best. Like a cop would. What happened to Makoto's flaw of being too stubborn and close minded? The narrative ends up taking Makoto's side and saying she was right all along. She doesn't learn anything.
I should probably write a more in depth analysis of her at some point because it is SO frustrating but I'm really tired of the fandom taking it out on her when its the writers' fault for screwing up what was intended to be her character arc.
Favorite moment
Her Awakening, no contest. One of the best Awakenings in the whole game.
Least favorite moment
Any scene that revolves around her dream to become a cop. Especially when the game forces Joker to support her in that goal after everything he's been through.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
This is probably obvious by now, but I want to see Makoto realizing her dream of becoming a "good cop" is fundamentally flawed and changing her career goals accordingly, deciding to reform the system in a way that doesn't turn her into just another cog in the machine that nearly ate her up in the first place.
An interesting AU for this character
AU where she hates the police.
Jk. Sort of. There was art I reblogged the other day where Makoto is a cop and Haru is an underworld crime boss and they fall in love and I think that is very very sexy I would totally read a fic about it. Here it is.
A crossover
I'm bad at thinking of crossovers so I'm just not going to try.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favorite ship)
Makoharu!!! It's my second favorite Persona 5 ship after Akeshu. I Love Them. Their friendship in the game is really sweet, I love how Haru is able to get Makoto to relax and loosen up a little, and how they're both ruthless but in contrasting ways. They're like opposites and yet the same (haha, like akeshu). They're just so cute and wholesome. And the Aesthetic is perfection. I adore their showtime.
Other ships?
Makoann is cute.
Makoto and Akechi, also Makoto and Ryuji. The Potential of both of those friendships is tragically untapped in canon other than Makoto and Ryuji's Showtime, which to be fair, is amazing.
Makoto x Joker. I don't hate it but I also don't ship it to the point I haven't romanced her despite her being my waifu. Yeah I know I'm a weirdo. I plan to romance her on a future playthrough ok.
An assortment of headcanons
She plays animal crossing and has her island organized Just So. The Thieves make fun of her for practically running a military state with how organized it is and how stale its aesthetic becomes with everything made of metal and stone. Haru helps liven the place up by planting flowers all around the island.
Makoto becomes like a surrogate older sister to Akane and becomes the kind of person for Akane that she wishes Sae had been for her.
Makoto and Haru go to the same college and become roommates (oh my god they were roommates).
send me some p5 characters
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strawberryjamsara · 2 years
give your thoughts on all P5 wlw ships
Okie dokie. I will not do Makoto x Futaba and Haru x Futaba fyi because those have way too wide an age gap same with the two of them and Sumi
Shihoann: This is a very good ship with a lot of really good feelings behind it and a ton of fans but it suffers because Shiho is kind of a… non character? (I get booed and tomatoes are thrown at me) now I know we get a lot of stuff hearing about her from Ann but… that’s it. We hear about her. Shiho is basically a tool in the narrative to develop Ann and not her own character, which means you don’t have a lot to work with for the ship. Hardcore shippers do what they can though and I am here for it.
Makoann: So I’m fucking obsessed with these two. Like THE enemies to lovers prep x criminal wlw ship. The fact they’re so similar in so many ways, used by the adults, seen as nothing but their pets by the people around them, the fact Ann herself falls into this trap seeing Makoto as nothing more than this, their friendship, the way they’re constantly hanging out in synch once Makoto joins and Ann is always telling her how awesome she is, they’re in my heart.
Anntaba: Yeah I see it. Model x nerd. Good aesthetic. Ann would definitely listen to Futaba infodump. Height difference. They’ve got it.
Annharu: So I’m gonna be honest and say, I view Haru as aroace, so that’s gonna get in the way of my ship opinions, but…. Yeah. Serviceable.
Annsumi: Why isn’t this a thing, I want it tattooed over my eyeballs, model x gymnast, big appetites, big hearts, this is a no brainer.
Tae x Sae: So I already don’t like Sae much, but when I see this pairing, all I think about is how Sae tried to launch a false abuse case against Sojiro to take his child away from him for information, and Tae, who also had the legal system unfairly pitted against her and who had a child she cared about almost die because of it, would want nothing to do with her.
Tae x Kawakami: good shit 👌 tired ladies, Joker sets them up on a date.
Makoharu: So I already stated that I think Haru is aroace, there’s a lot of cute art for it though.
Sumitaba: I’m pretty sure this ship is only so popular because it’s a means of getting Sumi out of the way of Akeshu but WHATEVER! Redhead glasses gays. I’m not complaining about having a cute wlw ship.
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