#but i could see the purples/purple-reds! especially the color in the first pic
robo-dino-puppies · 1 month
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aurora borealis | may 10-11 2024 | oregon coast
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the-grove · 4 months
Grove Digimon Partner: Westley+Willow
Hi we are joining our headmates in picking out a digimon partner/line that represents us. We decided to go with a split Digivolution line that we thought would be fun. Especially since there are two of us. Westley+Willow is made up of well Westley and WIllow. Westley is a ghost boy and WIllow is a skeleton girl. So this should be easy yeah? Just pick some undead/spooky digimon and call it a day? WRONG We love Birds, so we decided to go with a bird/bird related creature theme. We also decided to play with a theme that we thought would be fun, a more bestial side and a more humanoid side of things. We also play around with some digimon who have awkward stages, ones that in their first appearance(animated at least) existed outside of the Traditional Rookie/Child> Champion/Adult> ultimate/perfect> mega/ultimate line of things and tried to fit them into a place that made sense. So lets start things off with Rookie/Child- Hyokomon
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There are quite a few bird starter digimon that we like but we ultimately decided to end up with this cutie for a few reasons. The first being that we love chickens and this guy is just a excited little chicken friend. The second one is the Egg surrounding the body up a nice solid white "armor" if you will, which will be nice to help set up both "champion" stages especially since they are both armor evolutions which, armor evolutions when they first appeared made use of Digimantles or Digi-Eggs. Plus its just so cute. Any Way lets start off with the more Humanoid Evolutions shall we...
First Digivolution path: Champion/Adult- Harpymon
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Harpymon is an Armor Digimon who tends to be accessed by a Child/Rooking Digimon(usually Hawkmon but digivolution in general is weird.) using the Digi-egg of light. We obviously had to have Harpymon on our list because heck our url is Harpyboytits of course it made sense. Not to mention it offers some visual cohesion from from Hyokomon, the white hearkens back to the Egg Hyokomon wears while the red is similar to Hyokomons Orange and the Gold assimilate to it's yellow. It also offers up some nice contrast to the other champion idea we had. But first Harpymon DIgivolves to
Ultimate/Perfect- Shutumon/Zephyrmon
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It is a bit Ironic that I am making Shutumon the ultimate for the *humanoid* evolution line since it was the *beast* spirit of Wind in its original Appearance. But this sleek wind warrior seemed like a very nice pic for an in between stage between the champion and mega stage. I don't have much to say except I really like the design. I guess I can add that the wing/ears are super cool imo. Mega/Ultimate- Valkyrimon
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I had a hard time picking between Valkyrimon and Ancientirismon but ultimately Valkyrimon ultimately felt like it was more cohesive with the line as a whole. The fact that it brings back a bladed weapon makes me feel like i can see this as some sort of Warp or biomerge evolution since those tend to incorporate elements even from the rookie stage. But it also had the white red and gold of Harpymon and ear-wings similar to Shutumon( although valkyrimons are a bit smaller) Alright time for the second potential branching path. Champion/Adult-
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Nefertimon is also a digimon that tends to digivolve from the Digimantle of light( usually Gatomon using it to digivolve), you can even see some of the cat-like elements from Gatomon in this design.(which will actually be relevant later) That being said there are elements that could connect to Hyoko, obviously there is the winged element, but the Yellow, red, and white colors hearken back to both Harpymon and Hyokomon.
Ultimate/Perfect- Hipogriffmon
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Hippogriffmon moves further away from Hyoko in terms of color scheme, with a primarily white and purple which it keeps from Nefertimon. It also regains some of the bird elements from the lines as a whole. It seems very stoic in nature imo. We always have been a big fan of Hippogriffs and Griffins... speaking of....
Mega/Ultimate- Griffomon
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Griffomon feels like an appropriate end for this bird related four legged creature line. While it is the most visually distinct it keeps the yellow/gold motif and the massive front claws the two previous stages had. Amusingly this Griffin digimon has some elements from another mythological creature, specifically the Chimera which is often depicted with a snake like tail. But of course Chimeramon is a completely different terrifying digimon.
And there you have it Westley+Willows digimon partner. :3
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milkhoney531 · 2 years
Just some things I've noticed in Sky recently.
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We can now hide from the krill with our props!
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Dont these red sparks look like the red crystals in Eden? And theres also other colors? Purples and oranges it looks like. Weird affect of standing in polluted water.
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At the treasure reef you can see the fish from above! I thought this was pretty neat!
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Crabs underwater dont turn red when they charge at you for some reason? If this is intentional, I wonder what it could mean. I also noticed that crabs will rush to their fallen companions and they flip over much quicker than normal, suggesting they help eachother out. Sadly I didnt get any pics of this, but i did test the theory a few times.
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During one of the tests with the crabs, I noticed this. It could be a darkness infection. Or just a glitch. I'm not sure. It requires further study.
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Lately the first krill in the Golden Wasteland has been acting strangely. Sometimes its appearance is delayed, or it does not appear whatsoever. Not sure if this is intentional or a glitch. If its intentional, it would be a very interesting study to give more insight on the krill.
I am trying to study the behavior patterns of the animals in Sky to get more context of our place in the world, especially since more and more animals have been added, such as the fish and shrimp of the treasure reef, and the turtles in sanctuary. Who knows what I could uncover? You all sure did like it the last time I discovered the odd behavior of the crabs, specifically when interacting with the krill.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
a little unconventional (part one)
[foster au]
this is set in America because i don't know how Romania works
rapture rising
“Alcina, my beloved sister, are you sure all of this is necessary?”
Alcina shot a glare over her shoulder at her toddling younger brother, who she was making carry in several boxes full of various items into one of the many rooms in her mansion. This one wasn’t one of the bedrooms, but rather a temporary storage room for all the things she had recently bought. She was going to have everything set up for the children to choose from when they eventually arrived. Just thinking about them getting to pick out their bedsheets and paint for their new rooms made a smile come to her lips, excitement rushing through her like dozens of butterflies flying for the first time.
…And then her idiot brother bumped into the doorframe and caused an avalanche of boxes to come down on top of him.
“Be careful!” Alcina barked, whirling around to him. She bent down to start picking the boxes up. “You’re lucky there was nothing fragile in here.”
“I’m fine, thanks for asking,” Heisenberg grunted, rubbing his head.
“And to answer your questions, dearest brother, yes, this is all very necessary,” Alcina said. “I need this to be perfect for them. This may be the first time those little girls get a real home.”
“Inflating your ego, aren’t you?”
Alcina stepped on his foot.
“I have the paints.” Moreau, Alcina’s other brother, shuffled inside, holding several cans of paint on his arms. If they were hurting him, he didn’t say anything. He seemed pleased with himself for being so useful.
“Thank you, Sal,” Alcina said. She took the cans from him and placed them against the wall. “Yellow, green, red, blue, pink, purple… Do you think that’s enough? What if they want, like, a mauve room?”
“Mauve?” Heisenberg echoed as he was crow hopping on one foot, still recovering from being stomped on.
“It’s a shade of purple,” Moreau supplied.
“I know what mauve is, asshole,” Heisenberg hissed. “I was just saying.”
“And I’m just saying, what if they want a lighter-colored room?” Alcina said. “This purple is dark. Should I go buy more?”
“You could mix white into the paint?” Moreau suggested.
Alcina thought it over, then nodded. “Yes, I could do that. Good idea.”
“Who wants a mauve bedroom, anyway?” Heisenberg muttered.
“Alcina!” A fourth voice echoed throughout the house, and Alcina’s sister entered the room. Donna looked uncharacteristically bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. She was clutching something in her hands. “Alcina, I have finished them!”
“When did you get here?” Heisenberg looked at her.
“Just now,” Donna said. “It doesn’t matter. Look!”
A beautiful doll was presented to Alcina. It was hand-stitched and dressed with great care. All the little details, down to the freckles and shiny eyes, were incredibly-made, and Alcina couldn’t help but pick it up tentatively, as though she were afraid of accidentally destroying it.
“Oh, Donna,” she said. “It’s beautiful! Thank you.”
Donna beamed. “I have also made stuffed animals and toy clothes for them. An entire wardrobe, in fact. Many selections.”
“Damn,” Heisenberg looked impressed. “Toys dress better than I do.”
“We know,” the other three said in sync, eyeing his ratty trenchcoat and old cowboy hat that he insisted on wearing everywhere.
“You weren’t supposed to agree!” Heisenberg barked like one of his dogs.
“Shouldn’t have said anything,” Alcina shrugged daintily. She looked back at Donna and smiled. “Thank you, Donna. I really appreciate your support. I appreciate all of your support. Even yours, Karl.”
“Sure, sure…” Heisenberg said, though Alcina didn’t miss the glint of fondness in his eyes.
“This is so exciting,” Donna said. “It’s a wonderful thing you’re doing, Alcina. Do you remember when we were all adopted by Mother?”
Heisenberg snorted. “I remember being kidnapped as a child and held for ransom, and then being one of the abduction victims to be actually found alive, only to discover that my parents had been killed while trying to get me back, to which I was then thrown into a home with you three.”
Donna winced. “Not…quite what I had in mind.”
“And you say ‘you three’ like we weren’t your best friends growing up,” Moreau pointed out idly, not looking at Heisenberg as he was helping unload some of the boxes. That one in particular held a wide selection of different bed sheets, ranging from leopard print to floral to plain blue.
Heisenberg raised his nose and huffed. “Well. Still.”
Alcina shook her head with a warm smile.
She vividly remembered life with her adoptive mother, Miranda, and her three other siblings. She was reborn from ash and flame after her old family estate burned down to the ground, smoldering the life she used to have and taking her parents with it. Yes, she could still smell the smoke, taste the embers on her tongue, even now, thirty-five years later. She was so small back then, only nine years old when the fire started, and she watched her home crumble to pieces right before her teary eyes. She thought it was over, that she had nothing, that she was going to be alone forever without her mother and father, but then a woman in a black cowl whisked her up into tender arms and took her under her wing as though she were the chicken to a nurturing mother bird.
She was the first of Miranda’s ragtag rascal children with harsh upbringings. For two years, it was just the both of them, reading books and watching movies in a beautiful countryside manor that quickly became her new home. Though the wounds had still been raw, the burns were very fresh, Miranda filled the void in her heart that her parents’ death left behind, extinguishing that eternal fire of survivor guilt and mourning.
And then the others came along.
At the time, Alcina had been rather indignant at the idea of having siblings. She was an only child with her birth family and she preferred to stay an only child with her new one, too, but she never voiced this opinion to Miranda. She grinned and bore it, even if it meant losing the attention of her mother.
Though, they didn’t end up being that bad…
The first of the “intruders” as she used to call them was Salvatore Moreau, a boy her age, though three months younger, and with a story similar to her own. He had been in a car crash after his drunken father got into a pretty nasty collision. The engine caught fire and it wasn’t long until the rest of the car followed. Moreau was trapped in the inferno, but managed to get out, running towards a nearby lake to extinguish the flames that were trying to make him its newest pyre. Unfortunately, the event left him badly burned, the scar still lingering all these years later, and nobody wanted to take in such a “disfigured child.” Miranda, however, stepped up to the challenge and fostered the boy, eventually adopting him fully later on.
Alcina was, admittedly, rather uneased by her new brother’s appearance at first, but she quickly got accustomed to him, even protective. There were several moments in school where she verbally (and sometimes even physically) pummeled any kids who dared to make fun of him, drilling into the bullies that he was not to be messed with while she was around. Some of her best retributions were when she threatened to leak unwarranted dick pics to the entire school, as it wasn’t uncommon for horny teenage boys to try to get into her pants, and that always shut them up quickly, especially when she loudly proclaimed details on their pathetic excuse for a penis, like the size and shape.
She and Moreau grew close rather quickly, much quicker than Miranda had been expecting. They both enjoyed more mellow things, like reading books and going on walks through the forest. Moreau was the sole reason she passed any English assignments done on Shakespearean literature, as he actually knew how to discern the confusing text, while she had to reread the same page over and over again to simply get a loose grasp on the grammar. He enjoyed cheesy romcoms, birdwatching, and swimming, the last of which he had a strong affinity for because of how the lake beside the car wreck very well could have been the only reason he survived. Now, he owned that very lake and made it into a popular fishing and boating destination for locals and tourists alike.
The second to arrive was Donna Beneviento, when Alcina and Moreau were both twelve. She was a full five years younger than the two of them and didn’t talk very often, at least for a good chunk of the first year she was there. She was put into the foster program after her parents commit suicide, leaving her with nothing but anxiety, trauma-induced selective muteness, and a doll named Angie.
It took time, but Donna eventually started opening up. First to Miranda, and then to Alcina and Moreau. Alcina strongly remembered a time when her little sister came to her room during a thunderstorm, lips quivering, tears glistening in her eyes, Angie clutched in a vice from her thin arms. She didn’t say anything, just stared from the doorway, whimpering and shivering.
“Alright,” Alcina had sighed. She flipped open her comforter, welcoming Donna. “Come on.”
Donna had brightened and skittered into the bed, snuggling right up against Alcina’s side. Alcina didn’t mind and resumed the book she had been reading before--Animal Farm, she believed. Donna pointed at the pages and then looked up at her curiously.
“Oh, this?” Alcina had said. “It’s called Animal Farm. It’s about these talking farm animals overthrowing their farmer to gain freedom, only to then be ruled by a communist pig.”
Donna blinked. “What’s a communist?”
“Well, you see…”
Her late-night explanation was certainly aided by the fact that they were in the middle of the Cold War at the time.
Overtime, Donna slowly grew out of her shell. Though she was still soft-spoken and reserved, she was also very kind-hearted and incredibly creative, which she showed through paintings, arts and crafts, and doll making. She would make dolls out of anything she could find--wood, thread, clay--so it made sense when she eventually became a toymaker once she grew up.
Finally, there was Karl Heisenberg when Alcina and Moreau were thirteen and Donna was eight. Right from the start, he was a loud, spitfire ten-year-old that broke the serene silence that used to hang over Miranda’s estate. He caused a great amount of mischief and mayhem, though Alcina would later discover it was to hide the fact that he was deeply traumatized by what exactly had happened to make him a foster child.
Even now, so many years later, Alcina still didn’t know the full story. Miranda said it wasn’t her tale to share and Heisenberg simply didn’t like talking about it very much. But from what she did know, Heisenberg used to belong to an incredibly wealthy business owner that ruled over their company with an iron fist. Due to the harshness his parents inflicted on their employees, it caused the workers to revolt against the abuse. A certain group took this way too far and kidnapped Heisenberg, holding him for ransom so they could get better treatment and pay at their work. Something ended up happening during the time between Heisenberg being held hostage and his parents paying up, and it left his mother and father in a way that he could never bring himself to explain. She only got snippets of the brutality of their deaths through brief moments when he would come to after vicious nightmares, one of which she actually stepped in to stop when she heard him struggling one night.
“Their heads, Alci,” Heisenberg had gasped, clawing manically for a desperate grasp on her arms, his body jerking and spasming in terror as his nightmare was still releasing his small, twelve-year-old body. “Their heads-- their brains were--” And then he stopped and keeled into her chest, sobbing in a way Alcina had never seen him do before in the two years he was living with her before that moment. Despite her occasional vex towards the boy, he was still her little brother and she was still his big sister, so she had wrapped her arms around him and held him close while he trembled and cried.
She never did find out what Heisenberg meant by “their heads,” but she had a hunch. Still, she never asked.
Nowadays, Heisenberg ran his own factory, where he treated his employees the way his parents should have treated theirs, learning from their mistakes. He also fostered all different kinds of dog breeds until they found their forever homes and rescued the more ‘vicious’ ones, like pit bulls and rottweilers, all of which he treated like royalty.
A freakishly tall girl, a burned boy, a selective mute, and a dog lover… They certainly weren’t the epitome of the stereotypical nuclear family, but they were family through and through, if not by blood, then by bloodshed.
“Do you guys remember the time Karl tried to clean the dishwasher with Kool-Aid?” Donna reminisced with a giggle.
“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?” Heisenberg said.
“Absolutely not,” Donna grinned at him.
“I still don’t know how you came to the conclusion that that would work,” Alcina shook her head.
Heisenberg threw his arms up into the air. “John said it did!”
“John also tried to steal a school urinal.”
“Also, you’re supposed to take all of the dishes out before you try to clean it with Kool-Aid,” Moreau spoke up. “You left all of the pots and plates and silverware in it.”
“And he didn’t even put it in the right spot!” Alcina joined, cackling. “You’re supposed to put the powder in the detergent dispenser. Karl, you just poured it out all over the dishes!”
“It wasn’t even the right powder,” Donna put in. “You’re supposed to strictly use unsweetened lemonade only. You used tropical punch!”
Alcina, Donna, and Moreau all burst into laughter, while Heisenberg crossed his arms and glared at them.
“John never specified any of that!” he blustered.
“Never trust John, dear,” Alcina tittered.
“Well, it happened!” Heisenberg said. “It’s over! What other boxes do you need to move!”
More laughter.
“I’m serious! I’ll get the boxes! Also WHAT IS THAT.”
They all turned to see a patchy tortoiseshell cat lazily strolling into the room with them. It looked like it had been run over, dismembered, run over again, and then put back together by a blind surgeon, but it held itself like it was the most pristine lion to ever walk the earth. It glanced over at the four siblings, meowed at them, then continued on its stroll to one of the empty boxes, which it jumped into and made itself comfortable inside.
“It’s a cat,” Donna said as if it should have been obvious, earning a snort from Moreau and then a glare from Heisenberg.
“It’s not funny,” Moreau said quickly after Heisenberg glared at him, too, but it was obvious Heisenberg’s leer was all in good fun.
“No, no. Tom from Tom and Jerry is a cat,” Heisenberg said. “THAT is an overgrown street rat.”
“Well, one could assume the same about you, but you don’t see us pointing it out,” Donna said breezily.
Another bout of laughter, this time with Heisenberg included.
“Okay, okay, you got me there,” Heisenberg said.
“Must you insist on reacting the same way every single time you see Tea Cake?” Alcina finally spoke up through the playful bickering. She crouched down next to the cat and stroked its back, which caused it to purr in content.
“It’s my trademark,” Heisenberg said with a shrug. “That old woman is still alive?”
“And kicking,” Alcina smiled fondly at her pet.
Tea Cake had been with her for a long fourteen years, witnessing more than a few existential crises and drunken concerts put on to chase off her lurking PTSD. That cat came during the worst part of her life, and Alcina owed everything to that little beast. She learned how to laugh and smile and genuinely feel again, not hide behind the facade that she was a strong, powerful woman who could take on everything and come out without a scratch.
And, yes, Alcina had known- still knew, that she had Miranda and her siblings, but sometimes they were not enough, not back then, not when she was filled with so much shame and self-hatred and disgust. Animals were different in a way people couldn’t be. Animals didn’t lie, they didn’t judge or think about how messed up you were in their heads. They didn’t share your secrets or give you false hope. They just--be there. They listened and lent their presence and, sometimes, that was all that was needed, and some people didn’t seem to understand that.
Tea Cake’s fur had dried more of Alcina’s tears than anyone else ever had because she never let them fall in front of others. Tea Cake didn’t get upset when Alcina touched her; she didn’t understand the concept of emotional trauma and sexual harassment and body image issues. She just cared, even if she didn’t quite get it.
Alcina would probably be dead if it weren’t for her.
Yes, she remembered that fateful night… The wind in her shaggy hair she hadn’t washed in days, the moonglow on her ashen skin, the tears burning in her eyes--all of it was so clear, even now. She remembered how horribly, hopelessly depressed she had been and how she drove out to a field with a note on the dashboard and a gun in the passenger seat.
At the time, nothing had helped her. Her antidepressants weren’t working, going out only made her feel unsafe, and her family’s presence no longer brought her comfort and happiness, rather guilt and shame. The only thing that ever helped was when she drowned herself in the alcohol she made for a living, drinking away her despair and trauma until her body tingled and the phantom hands went away. She was surprised her liver never exploded inside of her during those awful few months.
She had sat in her car for a while, leaning her head on the steering wheel and wallowing in silence and darkness. Then, she got out, made sure the note was visible, and grabbed the gun.
She considered calling or texting her mother and siblings, but that would make it hurt worse. It was better to leave them with their last memories of her than to have this sudden news of a goodbye that they wouldn’t be able to stop.
She placed the pistol’s barrel in her mouth and rested her finger on the trigger. Her life didn’t flash before her eyes like some movies or books say it did, and she was quite thankful for it. She didn’t want to relive the agony she had been put through that led her up to that point. She just shut her eyes as tight as possible in preparation for the bullet to pass through her brain…
Then, there was a rustling from the grass nearby.
Alcina hesitated. The metallic taste of the gun left her tongue and she looked in the direction of the noise.
“Hello?” she had called out in her best possible not-about-to-kill-herself voice.
A tiny meow answered her.
“Your roadkill wants you,” Heisenberg’s voice cut through the daze that had momentarily descended upon Alcina’s mind.
Blinking, Alcina realized that Tea Cake was gnawing on her finger and meowing. She smiled.
“It’s probably dinner time,” Alcina said. She stood up straight. “Come on, children. I have news to share.”
Curious, her three younger siblings followed her out of the room and to her kitchen, Tea Cake padding after them eagerly. Her house was a beautiful creation of the finest wood and the most luxurious stonework. Top-of-the-line appliances filled the space and every little detail, down to the hanging droplets on the chandelier and the grooves in the staircase railing, were customized to her preference. 6 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, 17,182 square feet, 14.99 acres filled by lush vineyards, and $5,500,000 later, and you had the Dimitrescu Estate.
And it was a barren prison.
It had always been there, ever since she moved in: that lingering loneliness that seemed to shroud every hallway. She had so much space, but nobody to fill it. Nobody except herself, Tea Cake, and her maids, of course. Lying awake one night, thinking about this issue as she often did, a solution had finally come to her.
After pouring some wet food into Tea Cake’s food bowl, Alcina grabbed a bottle of sweet butter wine out of her wine fridge and poured a glass for herself and each of her siblings, all of which were staring at her curiously. After taking a long sip, she finally began: “As you all know, I have plans to foster a child. And I greatly appreciate all of the support you three have provided me up until now.”
“Is this an award ceremony or something?” Heisenberg joked light-heartedly. “Can I have the award for most boxes carried? I think I deserve that one.”
“You mean most boxes dropped?” Donna giggled, earning her a playful poke in the side.
“No, it is not an award ceremony,” Alcina glared at Heisenberg without any fire in her gaze. She opened up a drawer in the stainless kitchen island they were gathered around. “Though, this may very well be an award…” She pulled out a blue folder packed full of papers and set it on the marble countertop, grinning brightly. “I just wanted to let you all know first that my training is done. I’ve completed all the classes.” Her heart swelled in her heart as she spoke her next words: “I’m a foster mom now.”
All at once, her younger siblings lit up brighter than the sun’s supernova, throwing their arms up into the air and letting out a celebratory shout. Donna and Moreau even raced around the island to hug Alcina, which she returned with a laugh.
“Oh, that’s so wonderful, Alcina!” Donna said, squeezing her with surprising strength. “I’m so happy for you!”
“Me too,” Moreau agreed.
“Sal, are you crying?”
“No!” Moreau yelped, then sniffled. “I just have something in my eye, that’s all.”
“You mean tears?” Heisenberg teased. He then looked at Alcina. “That’s amazing, Alcina. I’m really happy for you. You deserve this.”
“Aww,” Alcina crooned. “Is my little brother going soft?”
Heisenberg instantly steeled himself. “Me? No way! I was just saying what you would want to hear.”
Still being embraced on either side by her other brother and sister, Alcina chuckled. “I see.”
“Do you know your placement yet?” Donna asked, looking up at Alcina as though she were a child again.
“Placements,” Alcina corrected. She couldn’t help but grin again as she spoke of her future children. “Two. I’m getting two little girls.”
“Aww!” Donna and Moreau both cooed.
Heisenberg was nodding. “Girls. Yes. I can do girls.” He looked up at Alcina. “I’m getting them a puppy.”
“Oh, you don’t have--”
“I’m getting them a puppy,” Heisenberg said again, and it was clear he wasn’t taking no for an answer.
Alcina chuckled. “Alright. A puppy it is.”
Donna and Moreau began to join in on plans for being the greatest aunt and uncle, with Moreau saying that they needed to come to his lake for a swim and Donna listing off all the toys she would make for them. Alcina listened to them with a fond smile, happy to have such a supportive family. This was exactly what her daughters were going to need.
Just thinking about that word made her heart flutter in her chest. Her grin turned giddy. She was going to be a mother soon.
As she sipped from her wine glass, she thought about her placements. She had gotten the call four days ago and was scheduled to meet the little ones in the next two weeks. She could still hear her caseworker’s words in her ears during the conversation as she recalled it to her siblings.
“The first is named Daniela,” Duke had said. He was a studious, patient man with a warm smile and hands like chipmunk paws, keen on helping Alcina ever since she started her training to become a foster parent six months ago. “She’s a little girl and eleven years old. Her parents have, unfortunately, recently died due to a car crash. Her living relatives are unfit to take care of her, so she’s been placed into the foster system. Right now, she’s staying with her aunt and uncle, but she cannot be kept there much longer because of, ah…jealousy issues with their actual child.
The second is named Cassandra. Another girl, this one twelve years old. She’s been in the foster program ever since she was a baby when she was given up, as she was born from a teenager who couldn’t take care of her. She’s had…quite a few foster homes, all of which had given her up to someone else due to…issues. I understand if you don’t want to take this child. She’s been known to cause problems in her houses and pick fights. There is-- woo, that’s a lot of complaints… There are some notes on her left by her former families and-- Goddamn. They’re writing of her like she’s a monster or something…”
“Of course, I couldn’t turn down either of them,” Alcina concluded her retelling. “Especially the second one. Cassandra. The poor thing sounds like she needs a good home.”
“You’re so sweet, Alci,” Donna said, smiling at her.
“Think you can handle it?” Heisenberg asked. “I’m not doubting your abilities, but from what you said about the kid… Well, she just sounds difficult.”
“You were difficult,” Alcina said, grinning at him. “And everything turned out just fine, didn’t it?”
Her youngest brother’s concern didn’t diminish. “Yes, but… I don’t want anything to happen to you or my niece.”
Alcina, Donna, and Moreau all cooed. Heisenberg huffed.
“Oh, shut it! I have a heart!”
“You do,” Alcina’s smile lightened slightly. “But don’t worry: everything will be okay. I can do this. I need to do this. Those two little girls need a mother.”
Heisenberg considered her for a moment, then nodded. He smiled at her. “You’ve got a good heart, Alcina,” he said. “If you ever need any help, I’m here.”
“Me too!” Donna joined in.
“Me three!” Moreau piped up.
Alcina laughed. “Thank you. Really. This means a lot to me. Now…” She raised her glass. “Let’s drink before we have to cut back because there will be children around!”
Her siblings laughed and mimicked her gesture.
Alcina couldn’t wait.
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airi-p4 · 3 years
Miraculous escape - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
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I wasn’t planning to post this yet, but it’s Lukadrien June and today prompt is ‘escape’ and, even if it’s only Lukadrien friendship (bc it’s Lukanette & Adrigami endgame), it fit so well that I couldn’t stop myself from posting this. Chapter 1 and the final chapter have been finished for months, but I don’t know when I’m going to continue with the rest... 
This fic is based / inspired by Marilyn Monroe’s ‘Some like it hot’ film.
Thank you @alittleshycat for the header and wanted posters pic! ( I hope you’re doing well... I miss you... 🥺💙 )
Thank you @brickercupmasterx3​ for proofreading! 💙
Luka helps Adrien escape from his prison-like house and his strict father but Gabriel Agreste is not planning to let them go away easily. They become fugitives and ask Juleka for help, who offers them a very unconventional escape plan: joining a girl band/orchestra to flee the country.
Easier said than done, especially when they find something unexpected in that band: the two most beautiful women they've ever seen.
Warning: includes art
Chapter 1: Fugitives
"My father is going to kill me."
"Your father is going to kill us."
One carrying a guitar on his back, and the other a piano keyboard case on his hand, two musicians were being chased by multiple cars around Paris. Turning corners, going up and downstairs, hiding behind trash containers and cars, the chase seemed far from an end anytime soon. Panting for air, the pair continued running after they turned the corner, just in time not to be seen-  a close call. The loud sirens never seemed to stop, coming from all directions.
"I can't believe I finally escaped from home!", the young blond man exclaimed excitedly. "Thanks, Luka. I wouldn't have made it without your help. You're a real friend."
"Don't mention it, Adrien. That's what friends are for, right?", the blue haired man laughed and patted his back. "It would have been perfect if we hadn't broken half of your father's statue collection while escaping your bodyguards, though. Now he's gonna kill us for sure. We can't let them catch us!"
"We need to run away from Paris. And fast! My father is the devil itself! You don't want to know..."
"I don't!"
Jumping down a wall, and turning another corner, the two friends hid in the back of a funeral car and waited until the police sirens got further away. They had been scolded for being disrespectful with the dead, but it was worth it: they were safe- at least for now.
"We need to leave the city and find a place to stay. Knowing your father, he must have all stations, roads and airports under his control." Luka said, stopping Adrien from crossing the street to firstly check their surroundings.
"How are we going to do it? Our car became 'inoperative' during the chase and our friends and family must be monitored!"
Adrien's panic made Luka grab his shoulders to reassure him of their plans.
"No, look. They know you, but they don't know much about me. Not many people know I have a sister who lives here, in Paris."
"You do?"
"Yes. We need to make it to her apartment and then we’ll figure out how to proceed. Are you ready to run again?"
"More than ready. I'm excited!" Adrien grinned back at Luka, feeling an adrenaline rush.
"Let's go!"
When Juleka opened the door of her apartment, she wasn't expecting to meet her dumbass older brother and Adrien Agreste, the young man who had been on the news non-stop for the last two hours. She raised one eyebrow and Luka knew she was looking for a reason not to shut the door on their faces.
"Juleka! We need your help! We have to get out of the city. Could you lend us your car?"
"What the heck is wrong with you!? It's been two years and that's all you have to say? What kind of trouble are you involved in now? This flower boy has been in the news for hours! They are even offering a reward for whoever finds him! And one for you! A dead or alive one in your case! They're saying you kidnapped him! So you better have a good explanation or I'm kicking you out."
"I do, I do! Listen: remember dad? I know you were little, but do you remember what being trapped is? That's this man's, Adrien's, everyday life for you. I couldn't bear to see my friend like that anymore so I offered to help him escape" Juleka's eyebrow sank deeper towards her nose, meaning Luka knew that wasn't good news. "I had to help him get his freedom! Can you believe he has never had a burger? Or been to a drive through? He can't even drive a car! He literally crashed my car at a streetlight after mistaking the gas and brake pedals! Have some compassion and help us escape Paris. Please?" he finished, pleadingly.
Juleka's eyes moved to analyze Adrien before answering: blond rich guy, well dressed and innocent looking. The way he was trying to figure out her front door and how his green eyes curiously examined his surroundings made him look like a playful cat, and Juleka had no doubt that he was as dumb, or probably dumber, than her older brother. Which meant Jukeka wanted them out, but also that she couldn't refuse to help- otherwise they would surely not make it out alive.
"Fine. What do you need?" She resigned.
"A car or anything that takes us away from Paris! No, better! Out of the country!"
Adrien was still examining Juleka's old and untidy room when she noticed his eyes paused on a paper on the table. She knew that paper: a girl band/orchestra called "Miraculous" was looking to recruit experienced musicians to perform around Italy for three weeks. Suddenly, she knew what to do.
"Join that girl band, the one in the pamphlet", Juleka suggested, pointing at said paper.
"What? A girl band? We're men, Jules! We can't join a girl band!"
"Luka is right!" Adrien quickly agreed.
"No, it can be done. I'm good with makeup and I'm tall enough for my clothes to fit Adrien. We can use some of Mom's clothes for you. ‘Old style’. Oh, and I have some wigs too.” Juleka continued. "Can this blondie play any instrument?"
"Well, yes. He's a pianist," Luka answered.
"Perfect! I'll find a way for you to cover for the pianist and the guitarist of the band: Chloe and Lila. Nobody likes them anyway, and the band members probably don't even remember their faces well, since they joined recently. Nobody will miss them. And it's perfect that you're blond, just like Chloe. I have the perfect wig for you"
Juleka disappeared for a few minutes and came back with a pair of scissors, two wigs and a box of makeup- oh, and wax. The two male friends could feel cold sweat down their backs.
"Wow, you have such a pretty face!" Juleka exclaimed, taking a closer look at Adrien's facial features. "I'll cut your bangs a bit so they don't show under your wig. Luka: do yourself a favor and go shave meanwhile."
"Are you serious about this, Jules?" Luka asked, moving towards the bathroom sink.
"Of course I am", she glared confidently at him. "Do you want to flee the country or not? I'm getting you out, but you need to trust me."
"Is this really necessary…?" Adrien asked in a trembling voice, seeing how Juleka's scissors were close to his eyes as she was cutting his long bangs.
"It definitely is! The band orchestra is leaving midday tomorrow and we have a lot to do!" Juleka ordered. "I can't wait to wax those hairy legs of yours" she murmured. Adrien could only gasp in fear.
When Juleka finished, she was proud of her results. The disguises were perfect: a long blond wig on Adrien, tied as a long braid, his big green eyes standing out with the mascara on his lashes, and he had pink colored cheeks and cherry lips. His face and hair were perfectly complemented by a white dress to his knees and a short jacket over his shoulders, covering his strong forearms. He also used some pads to simulate not very large breasts. The final touch was a pair of elegant high-heels with diamond looking glass studs on them. He looked beautiful, prettier than many women. So pretty the Couffaine siblings blushed a little at the sight.
As for Luka… well, he was tall, big and manly, and with sharp features: definitely not easy to pass him as a woman. But Juleka was almost a professional and she did an incredible job. He had his hair cut short so his blue hair didn't show under the long dark haired wig - good for covering his wide muscular back. He was advised to wear a hat and sunglasses most of the time, but he was also wearing lots of makeup. Using a full palette of skin tones, Juleka managed to hide his strong jawline and make his cheekbones, chin and nose look smaller and rounder. He wore black eyeshadow and mascara, brownish red lipstick and natural blush. He looked like an unfeminine lady but that could pass as genetics, right? People would maybe look away, but they would understand. As for his clothes: he wore a long wide purple dress tied with a belt and some brown pirate-like high boots (the only ones that would fit him because they belonged to himself). The bottom half of his outfit was complemented by a grey knit poncho. His fake breasts were bigger than Adrien's and he wore a wine red scarf to cover his neck- especially his pronounced adam's apple. He looked… pretty good, considering the base product. And that alone was an amazing accomplishment.
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"You're perfect. Ready to go. I've packed a pair of party dresses too. You'll need them for your performances" Juleka said, admiring her amazing work. "Oh, and just so you know. I'm also part of the band, so I'm coming too."
Later that night, just before sunrise, Juleka sneaked to Chloe and Lila's apartment to steal their accreditations and sent them fake cards about the train being delayed so they wouldn't appear at the last moment and ruin everything. Juleka smirked victoriously for having at last taken her revenge on the two women she hated the most.
After nervously passing the first frontier of the train station- the ticket man, Luka and Adrien, who were disguised as women, moved towards the platform, happy for not having been recognized after the first control. Adrien had trouble walking in heels, so Luka lent him his arm to help him keep his balance.
"Remember: your name is Chloe now, and my name is Lila", Luka reminded his friend as they walked towards the train platform.
"I don't like those names", Adrien complained.
"I don't like them either, but it’s better that we don't stand out". Luka sighed.
Grabbing their baggage and instruments, the two men approached the train car written on the ticket. They were stopped before they could get on the train- just next to one of their 'wanted' posters. The two men didn't notice it, but Juleka did and rushed them to get on the train fast.
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"Hey, who are you?" Asked a middle aged woman, the one in charge of the band, they assumed. "I've never seen you before. Are you new?"
"I- I'm Adri- My name is Noirette”, Adrien said, receiving equally surprised and annoyed glares from both Luka and Juleka. Before Luka could speak, Adrien continued. “And she's Lucia. We're the new pianist and guitarist of the band".
‘What. the. heck?’ Luka couldn’t believe his friend as he stared at him in annoyance and shock. His high pitched voice acting was hurting Luka's ears too. 'We're dead', he thought.
The middle aged woman showed orchestra at Adrien’s words: she clearly didn’t like last minute changes. Scanning them under her glasses, she questioned them again. "What happened to Miss Chloe Bourgeois and Miss Lila Rossi?"
While the two men were taking too much to come up with an excuse, Juleka, who was sick of their bad acting, stepped into the conversation.
"The talent agency sent them somewhere else. These two are here to fill in for them."
Still unconvinced, she raised her glasses. "Hmmm... you know them, Juleka?"
"They come from the same talent agency as me", Luka’s sister confidently said.
"Hmmm... that should be enough then..." It seemed like she was convinced at last and the two men could finally breathe. “I'm the band's director. You can call me Madam Mendeleiev. And that man over there is Mister Damocles, the manager. You can introduce yourselves later. Go to your seats now.” Before they could take a first step, the middle aged woman stopped them again and called for someone. "Yves! Come here and carry these ladies’ instruments to the train! Be useful for once!"
Luka and Adrien exchanged looks when a young blond man approached them quickly. "Yes, Madam!" He shouted, approaching the disguised men to get their instruments. He stopped in front of them, intensely staring at Luka’s pupils before trying to complete his job.
"Oh. Hello, there. XY at your service! Can I help you, beautiful? Fancy a drink sometime?" He raised his eyebrows twice, shamelessly flirting.
Luka's face went white in disgust. Juleka's chuckle and Adrien's big eyes made him snap out of it.
"Oh, Just carry this, thank you!" Luka answered, annoyed, as he shoved his and Adrien’s instruments and suitcases into XY’s arms, making the blond man lose balance from the pile of weight on his arms. “And take good care of them because they’re… fragile”
"A- As you wish, beauti- Ah!…" He stumbled, losing his balance and almost falling down. “But later that drink-”
"Yves!! Stop the crap and do your job!" Mendeleiev scolded him.
"Yes, Madam!" He straightened his back. "See you around", he winked at Luka before leaving, having trouble walking properly. The guitarist could feel shivers all over his body, while Juleka snorted, having real trouble trying to hold her laugh in.
"C'mon, hurry up!" Juleka pressured them, adding in a whisper "you better not expose yourselves before leaving."
"Thank you for saving us, Juleka." Luka whispered to her ear while getting on the train.
"You better stop acting stupid if you don't want to get caught!" Her response showed her annoyance and the men gulped in response.
The seats were arranged in pairs, so the two fugitives could sit together and relax a bit. They were also grateful for the lack of contact needed with the rest of the band.
The ‘Miraculous band’ was a dancing orchestra. Similar to a big band, but with vocals, a spectacular stage and completely fine for all ages to enjoy. In this case, its main particularity was how it was formed only by women. The band formation included: a rhythmic section (electric bass, electric guitar, drums and electronic piano), a wind section (saxophones, trumpets and trombones) and two singers. Many of the members were usually multi-disciplined in those bands, which meant they could play more than one instrument, just like Luka with the Lyre. Some of the side instruments were the violin, the flute, the maracas or the tambourine. Another particularity of these kinds of bands was the big range of styles in their repertoire: from rock and popular national or international hits to swings, waltz, salsa- anything that could be danced to.  
If it weren't for the all girls' rule, Adrien and Luka wouldn't have minded joining them for real. But they had something more important to think about now- running for their lives.
"Is everyone here?", Mendeleiev asked, standing at the train car passage.
"Marinette and Kagami are not here yet, Madam" A dark skinned, red haired lady pointed out.
"Those two again… if they weren't so talented and popular I would have fired them already!"
"There they come!' A small blond short-haired lady screamed, startling Juleka in the process. "Sorry! I didn't want to startle you. My name is Rose" she introduced herself.
"Juleka…" and that's all she could say as she lost herself in that petit woman's eyes.
"What do you play?", the little woman innocently asked. "I play the trombone!"
"The electric bass…" she answered, hiding her blush. ‘Cute, sweet and with lungs of steel?’ Juleka gulped. ‘I’m screwed’.
"Finally!" Madam Mendeleiev said, as the ladies arrived, panting from their run there. "You're late! Go to your seats quickly!"
The two ladies who got in the train, bowed their heads in apology for their tardiness, as they walked to the empty seats of the back of the car. And when their faces looked up for a moment, it was the exact moment Adrien and Luka reached heaven. Their eyes couldn't stop staring at the most beautiful ladies they had ever seen, following them with their eyes and faces as they passed just beside them, moving to sit a few rows to the back. They couldn't take their eyes off them until Juleka called for their attention, warning for their discretion. But it was too late: the boys had lovestruck grins on their faces that didn't plan to go away anytime soon.
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The two ladies had black hair and asian features. The short haired one was taller, had brown eyes and wore a beautiful white blazer with a red skirt. She looked elegant and confident, while the other woman looked cute, clumsy and innocent, and was shorter. She had blue eyes and dressed in a pink coat. Her hair was long and tied in two curly twin-tails. Their beauty stood out even more when they were together.
When the train started moving, Madam Mendeleiev gave the girl band some instructions- something Luka and Adrien would ask Juleka what it was about later. Later, Rose suggested an introduction game for the new members after the explanation had ended. The ladies excitedly agreed.
"I start!" said the same blond girl. "My name is Rose Lavillant and I play the trombone! I studied at a conservatoire in Paris for 3 years before joining this band recently. I like pink and unicorns and my favorite food is strawberry shortcake. Nice to meet you!"
After a round of applause, Rose signaled Juleka to continue, and she passively proceeded. "I'm Juleka. Bassist. Nice to meet you"
Next to continue was the red-haired woman from earlier, Alya, flautist and trumpeter; the drummer, Mylene; another trumpeter, Alix; and one of the saxophonists, Sabrina. It was Adrien's turn next.
"Hello!" He started, with his high-pitched voice. "My name is Ad-" he paused for a second at Juleka's deathly glare, gulping once before continuing. "My name is Noirette. I play the piano! I'm from Paris Classical School and I'm very pleased to meet you all!" He squealed, moving his arms along.
Adrien's excitement for freedom and new experiences was contagious to the rest of the ladies who energetically (almost hysterically) responded "Nice to meet you too, Noirette!".
It was Luka's turn next. He gulped, nervous, and with his fake high pitched voice and under Juleka's death stare, he started.
"Hi... My name is Lu- Lucia". 'I'm killing Adrien for giving me that name' he thought. "I play the guitar. Nice to meet you"
With their introductions over, Juleka finally relaxed. The rest of the ladies' introductions followed but, to be honest, neither Luka nor Adrien were listening: they were just patiently waiting to know more about the ladies that captivated their hearts. Their turn finally arrived, and the short haired one started:
"Hello. My name is Kagami. I sing and play the violin. I've been in the band for a few weeks. My favorite color is red and my favorite food is katsudon. Nice to meet you" a silence followed Kagami's introduction, so she called for her partner's attention with her elbow. "Marinette, your turn!"
"Oh-! Sorry… I was distracted… He-ello… My name is Ma- Ma- Marinette! I'm a singer but I can also play side instruments like the tambourine, the maracas or the castanets. I've been in this band for a few weeks and I studied in Paris Music School. My favorite color is pink and my favorite food is macarons. It's nice to meet you-", she ended with a nervous high-pitched voice.
Luka and Adrien exchanged excited lovestruck grins: the ladies' names and voices were just as beautiful as their faces. They were going to enjoy their outing with the band better than they could have expected.
When the car got loud from the ladies chit-chat, Luka and Adrien found their moment of peace to share their thoughts.
“Luka, did you see that?” Adrien started, signaling at the end of the car, towards the singers of the band.
“Yes…I saw.” Luka answered, with a lovestruck grin on his face.
“That beautiful face…”, Adrien continued.
“Sweet voice…”, Luka added.
“Asian features…”, their mumbles continued.
“Dazzling eyes…”
“Dark shiny silky hair…”
The two men reacted at their exchanged words and looked at each other, surprised and nervous. Adrien gulped, worried.
“Wait- who are you talking about?”
“Who are YOU talking about?” Luka threw his question back at him, slightly aggressively.
“That girl, Kagami, of course!” Adrien exclaimed as if it was the most obvious response.
“Oh, that's good. I was talking about Marinette.” Luka sighed and showed him a relieved smile.
“Oh...” Adrien blinked, sighing and smiling in relief too. “I'm glad we weren't talking about the same girl. I wouldn't have liked to steal a girl from you.”
“What makes you think I wouldn't win her over you?”, Luka confidently grinned.
“Oh- anyway- It's better this way.”
The two men laughed together, trying not to be too loud for their manly voices to destroy their cover-ups.
“Will you help me with Kagami?” Adrien asked his friend.
“Only if you help me with Marinette.” said Luka, offering him a handshake he excitedly returned.
“Count on it, my friend!”
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L!Joker/Patrick/Eric Draven/reader
Warnings: mentions of death
Note: this wasn't edited i just wrote it and bam posted. This was an idea given to me by @whoslaughingnow-comic while talking about Eric and my two other boys.
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(Not my gif)
You had been dating Eric for about 2 years when he was brutality murdered in his apartment on Devil's night.
His death hit you like nothing else had. You felt terribly lonely and missed his loveing embrace. You had a few of his belongings which he had left in your appartment the night before; his guitar, a pic and one of his shirts.
In the weeks of his absence you had turned the pic into a necklace and wore it everywhere. Eventually it became apart of you, never taking it off.
As you tried to move on, you couldn't. Everywhere you went you were reminded of him. The old club you went to to see his band play, the coffee shop where you had your first date, the record shop where you met and eneded up going to every week.
Then there was your apartment. You had everything in boxes, seeing as you were to move in together that week. Too lazy were you to take everything out, yet it hurt to see the boxes piled high.
2 months went by when you decided to move to the other side of Gotham. A nicer area, a bit farther from the dangers of the mob. You eventually settled into the area falling into a routine, enjoying the local pub, going to cafe, and working at the record shop.
One night while you were at the pub you meet a young man named Patrick Verona. He wasn't hitting on you or trying to get your attention, no. He had asked you about the band on your shirt. The two of you talked for a while about music, movies and city life. Eventually he asked you to dance while Plainsong played in the background.
You couldn't help but smile as you danced with him. How could you not? He had the biggest smile you had ever seen!
As the night drew to a close Patrick insisted on walking you home, "It's the right thing to do." All along the way you didn't stop smiling, though in the back of your mind you worried if it was a trap. Ignoring that thought you enjoyed his company until you got to your apartment. That night you gave him your number and agreed to a first date.
As you entered your apartment smiling you frowned when you saw the gutar next to the sofa. "What would Eric think?" You wondered, "would he want me to move on?" That night for the first time in 5 months you desided not to sleep with his shirt. That night you desided to move on.
After sleeping over one night Patrick asked you about the necklace.
"Is it a lucky charm?"
"Yes...and no... It was given to me by somone I loved."
"I see," he smiled and kissed you. "Did they give you the guitar too?" You nodded.
As time went by you and Patrick were a happy couple. Though the guilt of Eric hit you at times; somtimes it was the guilt of hiding him from Patrick, other times it was the guilt you felt for loving Patrick. Those were the times you would take out his shirt and hold it tight. How it still meant so much to you with almost a year having gone by.
By the aniverseray of Eric's death, you still hadn't told Patrick about Eric. You decided that you would have them meet.
You were nervous about it. "What if Pat dosent understand...what if he gets upset." It was the day before your trip when you tell him. At first he's shocked and asks you why you hadn't told him. You explain that you were afraid he would leave you,that it would scare him away. As you told Patrick more, you can't help but cry. He held you close to him, as he rubbed your back. He had lost a few people close to him as well, but he couldn't imagine losing a partner. He could hear the love as you talked about Eric. Patric could also tell that you loved him the same way.
As you went to bed Patrick held you close to him and kissed your head.
The next day you both headed to the subway, making your way towards the east side of Gotham. Once you both arrived you showed Patrick around the area where you used to live. It was so strange being there with Patrick. You were over come with emotions as you passed the boarded up apartment building Eric used to live in. You held Patrick's hand as tightly as you could, holding back tears. Once you arrive at the graveyard, Patrick tells you to go in first and have a moment alone. Greatfully, you head towards his grave only to find an empty pit and a headstone with a crow sitting upon it.
Fearfully you call out to Patrick who comes running over to you. Both staring at the grave you both stand there dumb founded. All you can hear is the quiet echo of the city and the soft piter pater of rain.
A voice in a whisper breaks the silence. "Y/n?" You heard it and turned to see Eric. Seeing you move Patrick turns to see him. The three of you stand there staring at one another for what feels like an hour.
"E-eric? Your-your dead....ho-how...?" You say as you approach him, ever so slowly. "Y/n..." He said as he quickly aproached you huging you for the first time in a year. As he sees the tears in your eyes he wipes them away.
"I don't know what I am. All I know is that I'm back here." Is the response you receive from your previous question.
You slowly break away from the hug, sadly, as you look over to Patrick. "Th-This is Patrick. He's-he's my uh, boyfriend." Patrick nods shakily walking over to you. "Nice to uh, meet you mate." He says shaking his hand.
Eric lead you both to his apartment explaining what he knows. He wants revenge on those who killed him and tore him from his love. You gave a sad smile as you walked into the scorched apartment, seeing a few salvageable items.
You were quick to pick up a polaroid of the two of you cuddleing close. Patrick couldn't help but smile at it when he looked over your shoulder. Eric smiled as well, knowing which picture you were looking at.
You lead Patrick towards a singed black sofa and sat down listening to more of what Eric had to say. He had yet to meet a man by the name of Joker. A man who played by his own rules and was stealing money from the mob. A rumor was going around that he had offered to kill Batman for the mob.
Patrick frowned, he didn't like the idea of revenge, no matter how horrible those people were. Patrick didn't like how violent vigilantes could be, and by the sounds of it, Eric was rather violent. Especially as he heard the tale of how the gangster T-Bird died.
You on the other hand agreed. You felt that justice was finnaly being served. You were glad that your Eric was being a hero and helping to remove the scum of Gotham.
Slowly the conversation went from dark to light as Eric began to ask both of you questions. Eric had originally been taken aback when he saw Patrick with you, but was starting to warm up to him seeing that he truly did love you. As Eric asked more questions Patrick did too. Both men were curious of the other, and were quickly trusting one another.
It made you smile so brightly to see them getting to know one another without any sort of malice.
As night began to approach Patrick was the one who had to tell you that you needed to head home before it got too dark. When you began to protest Eric was quick to agree with Patrick telling you that it wouldn't be the last time you saw him. Despite how badly you wanted to stay, you began to follow Patrick out and started making your way home.
Halfway you began to notice a single black crow following the two of you. When you told Patrick he smiled telling you it must be a sign from Eric, to keep the two of you safe.
Later that night when you your arrived home you found a record from his band on the counter. Neither of you knew how it got there, but you were happy to have it.
After that day the two of you often found small presents from Eric. You also would receive random visits from Eric which slowly began to fall into a routine. Though his visits slowly became became longer and longer.
Eventually he started staying with the two of you. When he wasn't hunting out the evils of Gotham, he was sleeping on the sofa, often without either of you knowing.
When Patrick finds out he suggests that he alternates nights. At first Eric opposes this idea, not wanting to leave either of you unprotected. Though he ended up agreeing to alternate with Pat to sleep in bed. On the nights Pat slept on the sofa, Eric's crow would watch over him; allowing Eric to feel at ease with his decision.
One night you and Pat awoke to a loud thud. Thinking it was Eric coming home from his work, you told Patrick to go back to sleep, and you headed towards the kitchen.
Upon entering the kitchen you can't help but laugh at the color of his hair and coat. Unlike his ussual black attire he was wearing a purple trench coat and had his hair died green. At the sound of your laughter Eric stood up from the fridge abd as he turned you stoped laughing.
The man before you was not Eric, but rather a stranger. White, black, and red grease paint covered his face making him look even more menicing. Not to mention the feirce scars that created a permanent smile, did little to keep you calm.
"Boo." Was all he said to have you running and screaming for Patrick and Eric.
Eric arrived just in time to see you running into the bedroom and to hear the laughing in the kitchen. Eric steadily headed towards the kitchen. He frowned as he saw the clown before him.
"Now I know why you said Boo!" J said in between bursts of laughter.
"I told you not to scare them."
Patrick of course hearing all the commotion, walked in with you trembling in his arms.
"Whose this? Howd-"
"This is the one I told you about. This is Joker. He's helping me with the mob."
Patrick looked up at him. "How? I heard he was robbing banks."
"Not just any banks, koala, but the mob's banks." Joker said as his laughing finnially died down. "It's a pleasure to meet you both." He said smiling like a toddler.
Eric gave you a hug. "He's all bark and no bite around us. He won't hurt you."
He had you and Patrick return to bed while he and J stayed up and talked about the mob.
By morning the Joker was gone and you hadn't seen him until the next week, when he jumped out from behind the door and scared you.
Though as time went by you slowly began to get used to his jump scares. His vists to your apartment slowly became more frequent. Patrick, who still felt rather uneasy around him, was beginning to become used to his presence. For Patrick the clown reminded him of a crazier version of Eric.
Eric and Patrick had become rather close in the last few months. Both of whom began to get used to the idea of napping together.
Soon J followed suit, squishing Eric in the middle of the sofa.
For you, those moments were sweet, when your boys were together peacefully. No worries. No fighting. No plans. Just peace amongst them. Somthing that neither of them tended to bring to the table.
Over this time, you too, began to have a closer bond with the crazed clown. He had even began to call you Bunny, thanks to your first encounter.
With his help though, you began to learn how to throw knives, shoot guns, and build a bomb (not that it was needed). On the other hand Patrick didn't quiet agree with J on these leasons, why should anyone know how to build a bomb. Often you and Eric would break up the bickering between the two.
As more time went by the four of you began to fall into a strange relationship. One that was rather unconventional. But then again none of you were conventional.
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2021 Megaman Valentine’s Day Contest Results
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Among the many things this past year or so has tested us with is delays, and I apologize that this year’s Valentine’s Day contest results are included in that. I certainly did not plan on this taking until March to get completed, and I am sincerely sorry to have kept you all waiting. But hopefully it is all worth the wait!!
Thanks once again to every single one of you who participated! I will be contacting the winners soon enough. Work will probably keep me from replying to everyone immediately, but I will send a message about prizes hopefully within 24 hours.
Also, my thanks to @subzeroiceskater​ for helping out with judging this year. Not to mention the promo pic above and other assorted bonuses that always bring me a big smile. I might say this seemingly every year, but you all made judging this VERY hard. It might have something to do with the themes as well, but I think both of us flipped and rearranged our rankings repeatedly, and even then, it was hard to decide on who would place. XD Each one of you did an amazing job!
After the break, you’ll see the winners for both categories, along with all of the entries. Raffle prize winners will be noted below by their alias, as well.
Category 1: Kiss From a Rosered (Talent)
For our talent category this year, the theme focused on your favorite Megaman characters giving roses to their special someone, along with incorporating the symbolism of specific rose colors within the piece. That rose color was also to be the predominant color within the piece, to the best of your ability.
A grand total of 9 entries were submitted for this category. You can see the full gallery of all entries at full-size [HERE]. Each entrant’s name will also link to their individual pieces at full-size.
1.) Sapphire: *$100 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said:
Oooooh, this is so cute and pink! Piiink~ Ehem. I love the depth, angle, and color grading of these—notice how Roll’s black linework is at the forefront of the pic but colors mixes with the lights and colors from the sun further along the pic. There’s a lot to admire about how everything easy to read with so many competing elements like the similar hues and bright lighting.
Pink roses usually mean a gentler sort of love but did you know that different shades of pink could signify different things as well? A darker shade may mean gratitude; medium shade could be about a first love or congratulations while a light shade may mean admiration. Tron holding a singular pink rose with varying shades of pink while literally tripping over herself and a Servbot could only mean—that this is hilarious.
Miyabi said:
From a technical standpoint, I think your piece clearly felt the most polished, crisp and virtually professional of the bunch. But more than that, I felt it also best gave off the vibe of the rose color dominating the piece, but in very subtle, beautiful ways. Where as the pink sunset causes many of the normally white areas, like Roll’s collar/sleeves, parts of Gustaff, and more, to ooze that pink lighting. Even with her klutziness, you still also portrayed the feeling of sweetness, admiration and appreciation that a pink rose conveys. Just so pretty, calming, and joyful to look at!
2.) Forceway: *$75 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said:
There is a sort of gentle irony with how Skull Man and Shade Man are both robots modeled after horror symbols—skulls and vampires—but are here surrounded by a soft sea of pink roses. The dark night is often depicted as a primal fear because it hides our deepest fears but here—illuminated by the bright shining moon—the night is transformed into a scene of love—perhaps devotion, with how Shade is gently cradling Skull, as well with the church bell in the background. This is a very tender piece mixing the shadows and the sweet.
Miyabi said:
I know most digital art programs have the brushes and shortcuts to make detailing things like roses a lot easier, but your bed of roses certainly look all done by hand on your own, and that alone impressed me a ton! Based off of the Ariga Megamix tale of Skull Man not feeling appreciated or having a family after Cossack stored him away, I felt the pink roses and Shade showing him that he is actually appreciated here was a fantastic conceptual choice. Purples in the sky and Shade’s body split the canvas and contrast with the pink well, including how you used the pink for some of the stars in the sky. Beautiful job!
3.) DigitallyFanged: *$50 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said:
Yellow is a bright color, often evoking the sun, warmth, light, joy and hope. With roses, its positive connotations continue with possible meanings of friendship, care and remembrance. Tabby’s piece seems to evoke the last one the strongest—with Zero, broken and forgotten in a lab—but, not entirely, because of a bond that is stronger than apparent death lives on—even if in this moment, it’s only a memory. Even the roses are not real—just projections of what was once alive. This is fantastic use contrast with the dark, moody blues against the vivid, almost defiant yellows; and the repeated little motifs such as X crying and the water drops falling all over Zero. It stands out from the rest of happy entries with how sad it is but it still manages to be hopeful.
Miyabi said:
Zero’s blonde locks certainly are an iconic part of his design, so playing off of that and focusing on yellow as your rose color fit perfectly. You definitely made this a very emotive piece considering technically, neither of these two are even alive and moving here! As mentioned above, the little details like the water droplets balancing against Cyber Elf X’s tears, the digital lines to make it appear like X has created the cyber-roses for Zero, and Zero’s battle damage caught my eye immediately. You certainly captured the yellow rose symbolism of remembrance and friendly affection beautifully!!
And the rest of the wonderful entries, in alphabetical order by alias:
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*Raffle Prize Winner* Captain N Mega Man Cel
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Subzeroiceskater said:
It’s so poetic about how this contest theme is about how the language of flowers is used to communicate feelings beyond just using words; and so, the comic is completely silent, relying on actions to convey its meaning. Yellow roses could mean friendship, care and affection; and it’s shown wonderfully with how Iris and Lan are so thoughtful with one another. It’s so cute how Iris missed Lan only because he was already out buying roses for her. Given how hard comics are to make and how this is fully colored, I really wanted to give this first place—however I felt the color usage of yellow could have been stronger, especially with the last page, where it would have had the most impact. I had to squint and zoom out to even see if the lighting had changed. Still, it’s such a very warm and lovely work.
Miyabi said:
I always appreciate the effort people put into making multiple-page comics for these contests, and this is no exception! Even without dialogue, you did a great job at conveying your story through your art in each panel and it was easily understandable. Another utilizing the yellow rose, I certainly felt the friendship and warmth in your tale. As Subzero mentioned, the only thing keeping it from placing was that the yellow colors weren’t as dominant in other areas of the pic, besides the panel by Sal. Still, your coloring was very crisp and vibrant throughout each page, and it was an awesome submission!
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Subzeroiceskater said:
With the red for Metal Man, orange for Cut Man and the explosion of yellow flowers, that’s the trifecta of warm colors. Yellow roses could mean delight and this pic is delightful in all ways. Cut looks so cute practically swimming in the sea of flowers and greenery, as does Metal’s adorable expression—which is a feat since he only shows his eyes. I also really like the juxtaposition and balance of this piece from: the rust-brown car against green-yellow nature running wild, and Metal holding a bouquet meanwhile Cut’s covered with plants. It makes me want to get some fresh air myself!
Miyabi said:
Cut Man looks grateful for being able to ride in that pickup bed of flowers, and I have a feeling the two of them had a wonderful time just snipping and sawing away at all the stems to gather them all. XD Love how the yellow and oranges play off of both character’s color schemes nicely. The subtlety of the yellow flowers in the foreground, along with the sun and tree in the background all play off each other well, too! Just an absolutely cute pic!
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Subzeroiceskater said: 
What a fantastic composition. Dark-Dullahan does away with most color, leaving the colors of the mixed-bouquet roses as the main focal point. Classic red for romance, a gentler pink for affection, mixed yellow roses to signify caring and probably so much more—seems like Nana can’t contain her feelings for Massimo. I love how the close up of the bouquet doesn’t just form a kind of heart at the top but serves as the divider between the two, like a diptych. With such a wonderful offering, Massimo would surely accept her feelings.
Miyabi said: 
As you brought to my attention, your mixed bouquet had a few different meanings, such as the dark pink representing thanks to Massimo for saving Nana from Silver Horn, and the red tips on the yellow roses to symbolize falling in love. Certainly got those vibes from her shy demeanor, as she sheepishly tries to hand them to him. Also agree with Subzero that the line from the bouquet nicely works as a way to separate them uniquely with the background. Sorry you weren’t able to complete it as fully as you had hoped, but the concept behind it certainly was strong!
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Donnie also sent in an alternate version made during the creative process, in a different artistic style, that I still feel needs to be shared, as well. Fun to see the contrast, yet still have the same feeling and mood to the piece. 
Subzeroiceskater said:
Oh, I adore this one. It reminds me of a movie poster with the tagline. I love the extra PINK flourishes of the letterings like with the Mega Man logo color change and cute pixelated font and heart. Both Rock and Roll’s expressions are so cute, too—with his more subdued smile contrasted with her exuberant grin. Much like how the pink rose could mean many things like thoughtfulness, cheer or as a show of appreciation, this piece is positively sparkling with affection, hearts and all. It’s clever how the sunset is giving the picture an overall pinkish-red hue while having the yellow light as an outline. A darling piece.
Miyabi said:
With pink roses again, I truly liked the additional hue adjustments where you can feel the warmth and see the lighter pink mixed into their skintone, or areas normally of white - from eyes to teeth to the Megaman logo - that have taken on the pink in it’s place. With the painterly watercolor style you used, it all blends in nicely. Even in your earlier version, I feel you brought a strong game with the hues, but toned down the red from that version to make it feel much stronger towards pink, with a tighter crop of your canvas. It was fun to see how it evolved, and strengthened your piece in doing so! Fabulous job!
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Subzeroiceskater said:
No better way to show how madly in love you are than a bouquet of roses that run the gamut of—I can’t call these warm colors because these passions are running hot. Orange seems to be the dominant color here—which in roses could symbolize a love that’s passionate, fierce and deep. It’s also expressed nicely with the two lovers embracing, engaged in mid kiss, their bodies also forming a subtle heart shape, to emphasize the flurry of hearts around them. The bouquet is not just orange roses, however, but a mixed bouquet of the classic romantic red and the more affectionate pink—it’s a piece that’s bursting with all degrees of love.
Miyabi said:
You also certainly mastered the limited color pallette challenge as you tackled this piece! Orange, the color of passion, is certainly felt in their deep kiss and embrace. I too caught the heart shape their heads essentially form, which is then further enforced with the heart of hearts behind them. I thought that concept was pulled off very well. Perfect for the fiery intensity of Match, this turned out to be a very hot pic!
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Subzeroiceskater said:
This one has a very clever framing (eh? EH?). The color white is often associated with purity, innocence and hope, and with white roses—weddings and marriage. Sonia dons the classic white wedding dress which has a très élégante design—and the little Lyra on her belt is very cute. The pink background is also very romantic and a nice way to tie in with her theme colors. I dig the lovey-dovey feel of Geo doing the classic bridal carry while clasping a single white rose...but seeing the thorns, I think he better watch his hand!
Miyabi said:
For a theme emphasizing color within the pic, I salute you for taking the biggest challenge in choosing white. In many ways, it could have been the hardest to keep as a predominant color, but still make the pic interesting and visually appealing. Choosing to have the petals all around the frame, with the bouquet nearby was a clever touch. With white often used for weddings and new beginnings, I think the concept of your piece worked just right, where it was subtle, but still incorporated enough other color to give the piece some life. 
Category 2: Kawaii-rimi (Humor)
For our humor category this year, the theme focused on your favorite Megaman character gifting the plush form of another Megaman character to their crush, instantly created by a ninja-like character, to play off of the Kawarimi concept from the EXE series. 
With just 3 entries in our humor category this time around, every entrant placed. You can see the full gallery of all entries at full-size [HERE].  Each entrant’s name will also link to their individual pieces at full-size.
1.) Mattasaurs: *$100 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said: 
Y’know how blocks of wood are sometimes used by ninjas when they do that whole body switching thing? I think it’s clever how this pic has Sal—Woodman.exe’s operator—conjuring the doll. Everything about the pic is so fun and colorful: from Sal’s mischievous grin of accomplishment, Miyu being completely shocked by her chibi doppelganger (check out that body language!) and Masa’s confused expression.
Miyabi said:
Yes, while to some, Sal might not be the first one they think of when they think ninja in the Megaman Universe, but I certainly thought she still fits the bill in her design. Usually we don’t see this much emotion or shock out of Miyu, so seeing her torque her body, taken aback at a doll of herself, is amusing in it’s own right. Meanwhile, nothing fazes Masa. And a bit of randomness: oh man, seeing Masa’s head in profile, with his bandana...wow, I never realized how much his head shape with the bandana looks like a fish’s. I can’t unsee it now. Anyways, I also agree that the color, polish, and fun vibe made this a worthy winner!
2.) ColeManX: *$75 prize*
*Raffle Prize Winner* Captain N Cutsman Cel
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Subzeroiceskater said:
E-Eyes? What did you mean by that, Mr. RT-55J?  Although judging from the sparkle on those booblights… I understand, Cinnamon—if that happened to me, I’d be making asides to the camera, like I was in “The Office”, too. Cinnamon’s enthusiastic smile with this whole bizarre scene really sells it for me but shoutout to Marino’s smug satisfaction in the background.
Miyabi said:
🎵 I kind of liked it your way How you shyly placed your eyes on me Did you ever know That I had mine on you?🎵
RT says it only has eyes for Cinny right now, but it’s also known to be a little grabby hands, so I don’t know if I’d fully trust it...but good thing this is just a plush version. Time for the tables to be turned, and Cinnamon to get her claws and paws on it, instead. Very cute, although after the DiVE V-Day event, we all know this is a ruse and your pal boobeyes only belongs to the Ferham Fanclub. XD
3.) Ronin-Apprentice: *$50 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said: 
This whole comic is so sweet and fluffy, nya!  ~(=^‥^)ノ☆ It’s adorable how Proto brings up his gift first and the surprise is how Shadow handmade his gift. The little cat-eared Blues design is so darling--almost as cute as him fussing how totally NOT a cat he is. “Did you steal my cat.” had me snorting. Now I’m wondering where Tango went off to…
Miyabi said:
Aside from getting his own Super Adaptor, this is probably the closest we’ve got to seeing Tango and Blues merged as one. LOL I’m sure that plush would have a ton of fans wishing it actually existed. The panels where Blues embarrassingly hides behind his scarf and gets pet like a cat had me laughing! Very cute and adorable comic, that certainly had the most depth in terms of the theme of this category!
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Daisies and Daffodolls Day 17: Book Series
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Sorry I've been MIA a lot. I've been busy doing sewing stuff (next photo challenge I'll prepare a few weeks in advance). But anyways, I took a pic of Celestina in what would be her meet outfit. Celestina's story is different in many ways than other AG characters. For one thing, she's my Gorillaz OC as well, so her story involves some Gorillaz lore as well, and her story starts at age 11 in middle school in 2016 and goes to at least 2020 when she's 15. Basic outline, Celestina is a cheerful creative girl living in Orbitz Ohio. She was raised by her mom Sharon and her stepmom Mia, (they got married in 2015 when gay marriage became legal in the US), and her dad is Stuart "2-D" Pot, the lead singer of the British band Gorillaz. In her story, Celestina faces many changes, such as her Mom starting a new paramedic job, her dad returning to England to reunite with the rest of Gorillaz to record Humanz, as well as starting her first year in middle school. I'm actually planning to write a whole book, maybe more, about Celestina, and post the chapters here on tumblr. I think I'll go ahead and post the first chapter here as a preview, but I'll post the full story later, maybe with illustrations.
Summary - It's the year 2016, and Celestina is starting her first year of middle school.  While she's excited for a fresh start of the new year, she's also nervous.  School uniforms, more classes, more teachers, and new classmates.  Unfortunately, the school year starts out on a sour note, she barely shares any classes with her best friend, and in homeroom class, she gets paired up with Lucy Phillips, a cold, aloof, yet mysterious, new girl from Britain.  Meanwhile, things aren't easier at home either, her dad ends up returning to the UK to reunite with his fellow band members to record their next album, and her mom begins work at her new paramedic job.  But when Celestina begins to get close with Lucy, the new girl's iciness starts to melt, and they both learn they have more in common than they thought.  
Celestina's Family and Friends
Celestina Damon - An excitable 11 year old girl starting her first year of middle school in the year 2016.  
Sharon Damon - Celestina's mother, a practical, but cheerful, lady.  She starts working a new job as a paramedic.  
Mia Lucci - Sharon's wife and Celestina's stepmother, a funny and kind woman, she's always there when Celestina needs advice.  She runs and works at The Leaning Tower of Pizza pizzeria with her twin sister Gina.  
Stuart "2-D" Pot - Celestina's father, and lead singer of the British band Gorillaz.  He isn't quite wired like other people, but in his own 2-D way, he's very deep, and he's also got a big heart.  Despite the troubles that come with being a long distance parent, he loves Celestina immensely and tries to be in her life as much as possible.  
Kailey Green - Celestina's next door neighbor and best friend since childhood.  A smart and sweet girl, if a little awkward.  A self proclaimed theater nerd.  Often gives Celestina the nickname "Lessie".
Lucy Phillips - A new girl in Celestina's homeroom, who's family arrived from Britain.  She seems mysterious and comes off as cool and guarded, but in reality, she's a little shy, and becomes much kinder and sweeter once you get to know her.  
Chapter 1
New Year, New School, New Hope
The alarm clock on the bedside table chirped on and on as Celestina Damon slept in, nestled in her soft, pastel colored, blankets.  She was dreaming a wonderful dream; Celestina, rocking a sparkly, purple, galaxy print dress, was singing in front of a sold out crowd on her first performance.  Fans in the crowd were holding handmade signs and cheering her name.  Here she is posing for pictures with fans!  There she is signing autographs!  She finishes her last song of the show, wishing the audience a good night.  The crowd erupted into a thunderous roar of applause, fans shouting her name "Celestina!  Celestina!  Celestina! -"
That did it!  At the sound of her mom's voice, the young girl jolted up from her bed with a start. "Gah!" she exclaimed.  Her wavy blue hair was messy and needed brushing, and she was no longer clad in galaxy print, but rather, blue and white pajamas with panda bears printed all over.  Celestina ground the sleep out of her eyes and smashed the "stop" button on her alarm. 
"Okay, I'm awake Mom!" said Celestina, slightly irritated.  Her mom chuckled.
"Hey, if I let you have your way, you'd be asleep until lunchtime." laughed Mom.  "I told you not to stay up too late."
"I didn't stay up late!" Celestina protested, "I'm just, not used to waking up this early."  She was kinda right.  Today was the first day of the new school year, after three months of staying up and sleeping in later than usual, it can be hard to get back on a schedule.  
"Fair enough," said Mom, "but I can't always be around to make you wake up, especially now, you understand?"  Celestina nodded.  What her mom had meant was that she just got hired to work as a paramedic at a new ambulance company, which meant that some days she had to go in early.  Unfortunately, it also means that she would come home later after working many hours, some nights possibly after when Celestina was supposed to go to bed.  Luckily, today was only her orientation, which wouldn't start for a few hours, so her Mom could drop her off on her first day of school, but she was still dressed in her work uniform, black boots, navy blue pants with lots of pockets, and a wine red shirt with the ambulance's logo embolized on the left breast, and her curly blonde hair was tied up in a long ponytail.  
Speaking of uniforms.  Not only was Celestina starting her first day of school, but it's the first day of a new school, specifically, middle school.  Okay, so technically this school is a combo middle and high school, so not only does she have to deal with the 7th and 8th graders, but also all the high schoolers as well.  And all the students have to wear uniforms.  Actually, the uniform itself wasn't that bad, it was pretty cute, the top was a rich shade of purple with a white collar and ribbon, and a white pleated skirt that fell below the knees, had a "sailor suit" sorta look to it, kinda like what an anime character would wear.  All the same, Celestina couldn't understand why she just couldn't just wear her regular clothes to school, you know, like everyone did in elementary school.  Sigh, another change to have to get used to.  Mom caught Celestina eyeing her uniform.  
"Well get dressed, hon." said Mom, "And come downstairs for breakfast.  I think Mia made some chocolate chip pancakes!"  Mmm, just the thought of those pancakes made Celestina's mouth water.  
"Okay, you win." laughed Celestina, giving her mom a hug.  "I'll be down in a few."  After Mom had left the room, Celestina got dressed, brushed and pulled her long wavy blue hair into a ponytail, using a hairband with two pink poofballs on it.  Before she left to go downstairs, she looked toward the corner of her room, and saw Scratchy, her fluffy gray bunny, stirring around in her cage.  
"Hey there Scratchy!" she cooed, giving the bunny little pats.  She then slipped a little chew treat for her to play with.  "Be good while I'm at school, okay?" 
The young girl grabbed her backpack, filled to the brim with school supplies, and headed downstairs to the kitchen.  The aroma of chocolate chip pancakes and maple syrup filled the room.  Mom had seated herself at the kitchen table, eating her small stack of pancakes, and Mia, Celestina's stepmom, was busy flipping the pancakes at the stove.  Her mother, Sharon, and Mia have only been married for less than a year, but Mia has lived with Celestina and her Mom her whole life.  They probably would have married sooner had it been allowed before last year!  Mia is a pretty lady, tall, tan skin, and shiny dark brown hair, and she's a great cook.  Her and her sister Gina (Aunt Gina to Celestina), run a pizza place called Leaning Tower of Pizza.  
"Pancakes, comin' up!" shouted Mia to Celestina.  Mia still spoke with a New York accent, despite the fact that she's been living in Ohio for at least 15 years.  She served the girl her pancakes before sliding her own onto a plate.  Celestina took her breakfast to the table and poured on the sweet maple syrup.  She cut a piece and took a bite, mmmm, was so good.  Her smile fell slightly looking around the room.  She couldn't get used to the empty space at the table.  
"What's wrong?" asked Mia, noticing Celestina's frown, "Don't you like chocolate pancakes?"
"I LOVE them!" exclaimed Celestina. "I just wish Dad was here to have some."  Mia and Susan exchanged a look of understanding. 
"You miss him don't you." said Mia.  Celestina nodded. 
"Yup!" said Celestina.  It was actually more than that.  She paused a bit, trying to think of how to put it into words, "I mean, I dunno, I guess I'm also a bit worried, you know, about him leaving again."  Celestina's eyes looked down at her pancakes.  Talking about stuff like that always made her uneasy.  
Celestina's dad, her whole family life in general really, was, well, unusual to say the least.  For one thing, her parents weren't married when her mom had her, in fact, they split up shortly before Sharon found out she was pregnant.  Whatever, no biggie, there are lots of kids whose parents are like that, people who have children before they got married, or had kids and didn't stay together.  However, it was even more complicated in Celestina's case, because her mom is American and her dad is British, meaning it's harder for her to see her dad on a regular basis because he lives so far away.  Also, her dad is famous.  Celestina's father is none other than Stuart Pot, better known as 2-D, the lead singer of Gorillaz.  Yes, that 2-D!  It's been awhile since the band did any songs together though, the last album, Plastic Beach, was released when Celestina was 5, but a couple years before that, something else happened, and that's what worried Celestina.  For a short while after Celestina was born, 2-D would often call the house to say hi, sometimes even visit.  But after a visit that Dad made sometime when she was 3, he had gone on a trip somewhere, and suddenly vanished.  Her mom tried to keep calm around her when she asked where Dad was, but even as a kid, Celestina could kinda tell that her Mom was worried about him.  The sudden release of a new Gorillaz album didn't help either.  At one point, her Mom told her stories that 2-D and Murdoc Niccals, the band's foul mouthed, green skinned, bassist, were taken by pirates and trapped on an island called Plastic Beach, an island in the middle of the ocean made of garbage and spray painted pink.  Looking back, Celestina wasn't sure if this all really happened or if this was something Mom was making up, but she knew something happened that made her dad unable to contact her for awhile.  Shortly before Celestina was 8, her dad had called her on the phone for the first time in years.  
"Celestina, is that you?" said 2-D in his thick Londoner accent, "You sound so big!  How old are you now?"
"I'm gonna be 8, Dad!" answered Celestina proudly, "I'm a big kid!" 
"8!?  Wow!  You really grew up!" exclaimed 2-D, Celestina could hear the tears caught in his throat. "I've missed you so much!" 
After a brief vacation, or "holiday" as her dad called it, in Guadalupe, he visited Celestina and the family for the first time in a while, right in time for her 8th birthday.  And since then, he had been able to keep in better contact, and came to visit Celestina in person more often these last few years, as if to make up for missing out for those last 5 years.  She even got to fly with him to England one time and met her grandparents, David and Rachel Pot, for the first time at the amusement park that Grandpop had owned.  This year, 2-D stayed in the guest room for a few months, he was able to keep Celestina company during the summer while Sharon was taking paramedic classes, and Mia was working at Leaning Tower.  2-D had been helping Celestina with her budding interest in music, teaching her how to play her new blue Melodica, a small keyboard with a flute-like pipe in it.  When they weren't practicing, the father daughter duo would watch scary zombie movies, or listen to some older Gorillaz songs on Celestina's old CD player.  On June 23rd, the whole family, and a few of Celestina's friends from school, celebrated her 11th birthday with a bonfire cookout in the backyard.  It was a wonderful summer.
But all this fun and excitement of summer had to come to an end.  It was now time for school, and just as well, Dad left to go back to England, rather suddenly at that.  Somehow, one of his old band mates, Noodle, the guitarist and the only girl in the band, (and Celestina's favorite band member, next to Dad of course), ended up getting back in contact with him.  Apparently, the band was getting back together to make a new album called Humanz, which would be released sometime next year.  Like always, Celestina was sad to see him leave, but she was also worried too, maybe because a part of her is scared he would go missing again.  
Sharon put a comforting hand on Celestina's shoulder.  "It'll be okay," she reassured her daughter, "He said he's gonna text us when he arrives to meet the others.  Plus, he said you can visit him during spring break."  
"I know," nodded Celestina.  She finishes up her pancakes, thinking about everything going on.  Mom's starting a new job, Dad's going back to England, I'm starting a new year in a new school, and we have to wear uniforms!  So far so good, she thought sarcastically.  She rinsed her dirty plate in the sink and slipped on her black flats to meet Mom out in the car.
"Are we taking Kailey today?" asked Mom.  Kailey Green is Celestina's best friend and next door neighbor.  
"No, Mrs. Green wanted to take her this morning," answered Celestina, "but she's picking both of us up after school."
"Okay, good," said Mom, "let's get going, you don't wanna be late," she checks her watch "and neither do I!" she laughed.  Celestina gave Mia a hug goodbye.
"Have a good day at school, rockstar." said Mia lovingly.  "I'm coming home from Leaning Tower about an hour after you get home from school, okay girlie."
"'Kay 'kay, I got it." smiled Celestina.  She gives Mia a fist bump, complete with a little explosion sound effect.  
"You have a good day at school," then she turns to Mom "And good luck with orientation Sharon."  Mom gives Mia a loving kiss on the cheek.  
"Bye honey," said Mom grabbing her keys.  "I should be home by dinner tonight."  Celestina and her mother wave goodbye to Mia before getting in the car.  As Sharon drove on to the school, Celestina sat in her seat nervously, her breakfast doing flip flops in her stomach.  
"Are you doing okay back there?" asked Sharon, looking at her daughter in the rearview mirror.
"I dunno," she answered.  "Honestly, I'm pretty nervous.  Middle school sounds kinda scary.  All these classes, new teachers, ugh, no recess, school uniforms," she grimaced.  She had so many thoughts, so many "what-if's", that they started coming out one after another.  "What if I don't like my teachers?  What if me and Kailey don't have any classes together?  What if all the classes are too hard?  What if I get bullied by the older kids?  What if -" 
"Celestina!" said Mom suddenly, "sweetie, sweetie, it's alright." She took a deep breath before continuing, "I know this isn't something you want to hear, but I kinda know how you feel.  I was nervous starting middle school when I was your age.  And, if I'll be fully honest, I can relate to how you're feeling right now.  I'm a bit nervous starting this new job."
Celestina looked up in surprise, "You are?" she wondered.  "But you said you were excited."  Mom gave Celestina a loving smile.
"And I am," answered Sharon, "But I have so many mixed feelings.  I'm worried I won't be good enough, I'm worried the boss could be a jerk, or that I won't like my co-workers.  So many things can go wrong.  But," she paused before continuing, "There are also good things I'm looking forward to as well.  I'll be able to use the skills I worked hard learning in all these classes, I'll be able to help people, I'll be bringing home a little more money, which means we will be able to go out more often." she said with a smile.  "It's normal to be scared and nervous, it's okay in fact.  But you also have so many good things to look forward to.  Yes you have more classes, but you get to have more classes you enjoy, like music and art.  And even if you don't have any classes with Kailey, you'll always be able to see her because we're neighbors.  If you're having a problem, whether it's classes, mean kids, or even a mean teacher, you can always come to me or Mia.  I just want you to know, even if the bad things do happen, there are also a lot of good thing to come, I want you to remember that."  Celestina thought over what her mom had said.  She did have a few good points.
"I did hear that the music department puts on a school musical every year," said Celestina, feeling a bit more hopeful, "And there's all these fun clubs".  Sharon's eyes lit up.  
"See, there you go!" said Mom. 
"It just seems like so many things are changing at the same time." Celestina admitted, "it just feels so fast, I feel like I can barely take a breath."  
"I know, it sucks, it really does." said Sharon in an understanding tone.  "The funny thing is, is that the only thing that never changes, is that everything changes."
"That's so confusing to think about!" said Celestina laughing.  
"Ah, but that's the truth," said Sharon with a chuckle.  "But you know what else will never change?"
"No what?" asked Celestina.
"I'll always love you," Mom answered warmly, "The same goes for Mia, and for your dad, we will never stop loving you.  You are our child, and nothing will ever change that."  
"Aw mom, I love you too!" she exclaimed.  At that moment, Celestina's cell phone chirped with a new message.  Oops, better silence it before class, she thought, making a mental note.  But seeing who the message was from made her smile.  
"Ooh I got a text from Dad!" shouted Celestina in excitement.  The text read "i made it to studio 13 in london.  about to start recording for the new album.  I miss you already, but i'm happy to be home again.  russ, noodle and murdoc say hi.  say hi to your mum for me.  love you little panda bear."  Celestina smiled at the mention of the special nickname her dad gave her.  Attached with the message was a picture.  It was a group photo of the whole band in what looked like the inside of a recording studio.  Celestina had yet to meet the other band members in person, but she knew who they were from the music videos and interview clips on YouTube, and from a few stories from her dad.  There was Murdoc Niccals, the band's bassist, and probably the biggest troublemaker of the band.  He has an odd scrunched up nose, and green skin and black hair, sorta made Celestina think of the Gangreen Gang from The PowerPuff Girls.  Then there was Russel Hobbs, the drummer, a heavyset black man from New York, with bright white eyes lacking pupils, a result of being possessed by a demon when he was young.  He seemed to be the voice of reason in the band, and when he speaks in interviews, he has a gentle voice.  Then there was Noodle, the guitarist, and the only girl in the band.  Celestina almost didn't recognize her at first, she's so used to seeing her in the music videos back when she was a kid or a young teen, and now she's a beautiful grown up woman!  Noodle was not much older than Celestina is now when the band released their first album, and according to her dad, when they were first looking for a guitarist, Noodle traveled from Japan all the way to England, in a FedEx delivery crate, and gave such an epic explosive guitar solo, that the band ended up giving her the part on the spot.  Celestina likes to imagine that if they were the same age, she and Noodle would be great friends.  And in the middle of the pic was her dad, 2-D himself.  He's tall and wiry, the tallest of all the band members in fact, he has spikey blue hair, and due to two separate car accidents (which were Murdoc's fault), he lost his front tooth, and his eyes were injured, they now look like blank black circles.  Murdoc gave him the nickname 2-D because his black eyes made it look like he had "two dents'' in his head.  Surprisingly, her dad liked that nickname, at this point, the only people who really call him Stu anymore would be Nana and Grandpop, as well as Sharon and Mia.  People would often describe her dad as, well, not very bright, sometimes saying he's thick and calling him names like "space cadet", but Celestina doesn't like any comments like that.  To Celestina, her dad has his own 2-D way of thinking, and his creativity with making music is where he shines the best, and he's got a kind heart.  In the attached picture, all four band mates were smiling (even Murdoc), and that made Celestina happy, seeing her dad and his old friends all back together.  
"That's great!" said Mom, "What does the message say?" 
"Dad said he got to England safely, he's excited to work on songs again, and that he loves and misses me, plus he sent a pic of him and the rest of the band." said Celestina.  "Oh yeah, Dad says hi, and so does Russ, Noodle, and Murdoc."
"Aw that's awesome!" replied Mom, "See, I figured he would make it there okay.  How do the other three look?"
"Murdoc is as green as ever," Celestina replied with a laugh, "Russel pretty much looks the same, but Noodle looks so different!  She's a grown up lady!"
"Yup, I believe it," said mom with a chuckle.  "Oh man, I haven't seen her since you were a baby, she was still a teenager then.  Grown up so fast, both of you." she said with a sigh.  "It's good they seem to be doing well." She paused, thinking, "I got an idea.  We're almost there, why don't we take a few back-to-school pictures of you when we get there, and you can text them back to your dad?"
"Ooh I'd love that!" said a delighted Celestina.  She was quiet for a bit before continuing.  "Hey, I know I was sad before with Dad leaving, but, well, it's also really cool that the whole band is back together and they'll make more songs again."
"I know, I can't wait to hear them," agreed Mom, "but like I said earlier, it's okay to feel sad about missing him.  Just don't forget that there are also a lot of good things to look forward to."
"I understand," answered Celestina.  Mom had just pulled up to the school.  There it was, Orbitz Public School.  Mom was lining up to park at the entrance where the middle school classes were.  While Celestina had seen the school many times when going on errands with her mom's around town, today the building somehow seemed larger and more intimidating.  Her breath slowed down and her hands grew sweaty the closer they got to the entrance.  Mom had found a parking spot and Celestina nervously left the car, carrying her backpack.  
"This place is way bigger than South Lincoln," remarked Celestina, referring to her elementary school.  Sharon gave Celestina's hand a comforting squeeze.
"I know it's scary," said Mom. "But you got this."  Even though Celestina was still nervous, she somehow felt a bit better with her Mom hyping her up.  
"I got this!" repeated Celestina.
"You're the star of your own stage," encouraged Sharon, "You knock 'em dead!"
"I'll knock 'em dead!" repeated Celestina, feeling pumped.  "Oh yeah, let's get that picture taken to send to Dad" she remembered.  Celestina and Sharon walked around to find a spot with good lighting in the courtyard. 
"Ooh, we can take one here," said Celestina, handing the phone to her mom.  She struck an adorable Sailor Moon style peace sign pose in her new uniform with the school in view in the back.  After the picture got taken, she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder.
"Huh," said Celestina, before turning around to see her best friend, "Oh hey there Kailey!"
"Hi Lessie!" greeted Kailey, using the nickname she used for Celestina since they were little.  Kailey was wearing the same purple and white school uniform that Celestina was wearing.  She kept her short brown hair in her natural curls, and her red square glasses framed her blue eyes.  The giggly girls greeted each other with a hug, before realizing that both their moms were standing by with their phones.  
"Smile you two," said Mrs. Green.  Both girls smiled for the camera with their arms around each other.  
"Perfect!" exclaimed Sharon before handing Celestina her phone back.  Celestina then quickly sent both the pics to her dad with a special message.
"So glad you made it home safely Dad.  Mom and Mia say hi back.  Today is me and Kailey's first day of school.  Can't wait to see you again, and maybe meet the rest of the band (even Murdoc lol).  Have fun recording.  Love you lots!  We got this!"
Shortly after she sent it, her dad replied with another quick "I love you", and Kailey got Celestina's attention.
"C'mon Lessie," said Kailey, "We still need to get our schedules."
"Oh my, that's right!" exclaimed Celestina.  "We gotta get going!"  
The girls gave their Moms a quick hug and said goodbye, and headed into the school.  Celestina still felt a bit nervous, but she felt a lot better than this morning.  She headed inside the front doors of the school with Kailey, walking through the purple and white crowd of students, feeling determined to take on the day no matter what happens.  
"Celestina, you're on!" 
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fishandshesmygills · 3 years
hello. your moodboards. i'm... i'm fritzing even writing this ask, like how. they're so good. pls i bow down, what is your process / what's your favorite image so far / tell me your ellie moodboard creation lore!
omg hiii <333 this got LONG so i will put it under the cut. it's on you for inviting me to ramble about my boards they are a labor of love they bring me soo much joy and this ask has made my night <333
first i made a pinterest board on my super secret pinterest acc (will NOT be linking, its got some very cringe stuff from days past) and at first i just put pics of anna and mary then i searched up angelcore then i took a few pics from my own pin library that i felt gave the Vibes (like all those lonely lit up houses) and then i kept on adding things that i thought matched my aesthetic and now my board is pretty cool looking if i do say so myself :) then i went through my larger board and found pics i thought went well together, i started w the 4 yellow ones bc i wanted to do a 3x3 at first but those 4 just went so nicely and evenly together that i just left it. the first one was literally just vibes but i wanted a sort of ominous feeling, the kissing women being anna and mary, the eyes being anna, the nervous amy gumenick picture being mary, the angel tattoo being a possible representation of their relationship... the fingers gripping the arm conveying that same urgency... i can see mary getting a tattoo especially post-resurrection i think it would be nice for her to have something john never touched. she always told dean that angels were watching over him and i like to think that was a reference to anna :)
that same day i also made my next one, the purple one, in which i included an edit by @sarahblakes which is also my header and by then id decided i was going to make all the colors of the rainbow and i had good purple stuff on my board. so i picked out my 9 fav purple pins on the board and saved them to my desktop with names like m2-1 and so on so i could keep track of them and opened a photo post, put them all in, and moved them around until i liked them. i rearranged it a bunch of times to get it right honestly. again i wanted to convey a sort of fraught urgency, but a little more cosmic now- the hands reaching out to each other are anna and mary, obviously. the stained glass window and church are for anna, the suburban neighborhood for mary, and the art piece of the woman reminded me of mary burning on the ceiling. the first one was smaller and more intimate to me. ive always loved purple it's just such a mystical color i think. again i included the angels watching over you line. i included 8 pictures in this moodboard because they were all different sizes (i save images directly from pinterest and credit where i can, but even with reverse image search a lot of them time finding the original is just not possible) the 4-format didnt work. anyways, i had more pictures for this one.
the next one: red. i almost did a taylor swift, red, reference in the caption, but i restrained myself. i did however include the yonic book painting from portrait of a lady on fire. for lesbian rights. this one im personally really in love with: red represents both anger/violence and love/desire in a way i think annamary really embodies. the photo of the redheaded girl playing the video game is just sooo anna to me: searching for those deeply human experiences. i love the painting with the two characters, one threatening the other with a gun, because that basically did happen in canon. another angel in the middle, red like the moodboard, two vintage-y blonde girls for mary, and of course anna, impaled. loving her was red, indeed. this one again had 8 images because i wanted to keep anna and mary together in the bottom row.
and now, blue. regina spektor caption!! blue, the most human color. anna deeply wanted to be human. she ripped out her grace to truly experience the world. mary meahwhile wanted safety, represented by the various suburban houses. i LOVE the look of this board: blue is also one of my favorite colors. i like how the glowing hands reaching around the moon mirror the image of the wings, but i didnt plan that when i picked the images, i chose them and then arranged them. i loveee houses that look lonely and haunted, lit up from the inside on a blue-dark night. suburban gothic is an aesthetic im obsessed with and it really fits mary and her cookie-cutter motherhood dreams that were heaven sent and wrong for her. the "im still here" sign across from the angel wings one makes a nice visual parallel and i also included it to include the scene where anna proclaims "there's still me" oh anna i love you so deeply.
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mm2305 · 3 years
Heyy!! I was scrolling through insta and found these and felt like olivia would rock these!!
And these..
Hope u like them❤
Helloooo there my darling anon! You can't imagine how HAPPY you made me with this ask, because you thought of my baby Olivia!!! And let me tell you that I am OBSESSED with the outfits you sent me.
Let's have a closer look to them, because these deserve some attention and love from everyone.
(sorry for the awful crop of the pics)
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These are all so damn BEAUTIFUL! I definitely see Liv wearing them all except for the last two at the right bottom. My favorites are the red dresses, the black one and the outfit with the pants and blazer that would make her look like the BOSS she is. Honestly though, in every one of these outfits Ethan would die lol.
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Woah. That was my first reaction. Colors, colors, colors! I love them all because they are so elegant and beautiful and I see Olivia in all of them except for the purple and the green/pink outfits in the bottom row. Mainly because of the skirts. The rest though are to die for especially the first one, to the left, bottom row and the 2nd to the left of the first row.
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These. ALL OF THESE. GIVE THEM TO ME I BEG YOU. Honestly though I could see Olivia in all of these. Classic, elegant, with a hint of sensuality. My favorites : the white dresses and the blue silk one.
Thank you so much for sending this nonnie, I absolutely loved this!! ❤️❤️
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Analysis of the F7′s map
I’ve seen the movie like four times so me basically becoming that pic of that guy with the conspiracy board with whatever my brain decided to chew on was bound to happen. (Mind you this is all speculation.) So this going under a cut since I see this getting long. XD
Okay so first off, this is the map I’m talking about:
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I was watching the movie a few days ago and I was very intrigued by the map they had with all these notes and stuff. They’re the super heroes of this universe so this is probably to be expected, but the stuff they have pinned everywhere really got my gears turning. (I’m probably looking way too deep into this but I wanna provide for this community. And I really love this movie.) So, here we have the following mentioned places:
Dismal Lake (I think that’s what Arthur said):
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Caves of Despair which honestly reminded me of the ones in Ninjago but that’s just me:
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And Golden Goose Avenue with Prince Average’s castle nearby (sorry if it’s blurry):
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Clearly they know their way around which is why they have places marked and such (as seen in the first shot). Also here’s a closer look at the map (please excuse the meh quality):
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At the bottom left next to Arthur there’s a dragon that kinda looks like a Night Fury. That’s probably not what it is but that’s what came to mind. I think the writing above it says “Rapunzel Dragon” which makes sense I think since there is a dragon near what I’m assuming is Rapunzel’s tower in the Caves of Despair shot (then again I could be wrong.):
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Next to that black dragon is this . . . really long thing with a lipstick mark on it, which you can see in the above picture. It looks like it’s at the same location as the dragon but there’s another string attached to it leading to a tiny island of a sort (island to be shown in another shot), either representing a connection or multiple locations of whatever it is (or both). The first letters look like “Pla” or “Cla” but I can’t read the rest even after putting it through Gimp and attempting to clear it up. -_- If anyone wants to give their two cents feel free to.
Under that one is what I think is maybe a dinosaur-looking thing but I couldn’t get a proper shot of it other than barely the top of it (for all I know it could be a bird). Also, backtracking a bit, there’s a sheet of paper next to Arthur’s elbow that says “Open Market Every Monday” which is really cool:
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Moving back to the left there’s another small sheet of paper that I can’t really read too well, but I can make out C-a-i-a or L-a. Then the red letters I can just make out either an I or J and then an A:
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Heading down to a diagonal left there’s what looks like a hooded person, and I think they’re wearing purple. There’s also blue in there if we look at these shots here:
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I’m gonna go with the blue being water unless for some reason it’s blue fire (*cough*Hades). That picture’s supposedly located at the same little island the Pla/Cla picture’s supposedly at. Maybe it’s the fish lady Jack meets, or it could be someone else entirely.
Going up we have a picture with clear red letters saying “witch” that’s also either located on that tiny island or near the Caves of Despair (or it shares a connection):
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There’s what looks like a crown on the head and blue around what would be the left eye. The skin looks green but that just could be the lighting. I would assume it’s the Fairy Princess but it also could be another person they think is a witch.
Going way up we have a girl in a dress with what looks a lot like the Beast above her as well as the small piece of paper directly under the flyer/poster:
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Pretty sure it’s something that has to do with Belle and the Beast. There’s text on it at the bottom that’s partially being covered, but I can at least make out “Please” and what looks like “daughter” so maybe the first line says “Please find [my?] daughter.” For the second line I think it says “rescue” but the rest of it is covered (I’m going to guess that it says “Rescue from the Beast” or something like that judging by the “st” at the end). Also there’s apparently a sort of stamp or something in the top left corner of the flyer/poster. As for the paper attached to it, I’m pretty sure it says “Missing. . . . Date Unknown.” And apparently the location seems to be below the Caves of Despair.
Moving to the right, we have something that says 7:20 and what looks like “execution” as well as a flyer of sorts that has “Sleeping Beauty” on it:
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Either someone’s getting executed for whatever reason or the boys had a plan they were going to execute at that time, but I keep thinking the former. As for the second line of text in the flyer, all I can make out is “For.” And the location for the flyer looks like it’s in the north/northwest, probably near some cliffs or something. It also either shares a location with or is connected to the Rapunzel Dragon and the Pla/Cla pictures (as seen more clearly in the first Beauty and the Beast shot).
Next to that is a dragon-like creature located in the water (in the second and third pics it’s apparently blue):
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My thoughts were “It’s long, lives in water, and looks like a reptile/dragon, so it’s probably the Loch Ness Monster.” The red marks might be what the boys have identified as weak points or probably some other notes. There’s a W at the beginning of the second line within the red circle of the first shot, but that probably doesn’t confirm anything. There’s also writing under the tail that I’m guessing says “Specialty [or Especially],” “Fun[?],” and maybe “Riding.”
Continuing to the right and heading down a bit (I think we’re almost done) we have a “Missing” poster of the boys. It says “Daily Island” on it so maybe it’s from a billboard or newspaper or something:
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Behind Arthur there’s a picture of what looks a lot like Cinderella with what’s probably the same stamp that’s on the Beauty and the Beast flyer/poster. Also it says “Shoes” on it so I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be her:
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The location for this one looks like it’s Golden Goose Avenue sooooo maybe her shoes are missing? I dunno, I’ve been throwing darts blindly throughout most of this. (Also there’s another piece of paper by his shoulder but I only recognize the letters D and F in there and then either a 5 or an S in red. Maybe it says “Dwarf” or something.)
And lastly we have a calendar I spotted that was also behind Arthur:
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I think it says September in the shot with Merlin so maybe the movie takes place in that month? Leaves don’t change colors until October so that would make sense. I can’t figure out what day of the month is it, though. Seems like it’s pretty early into it.
Thanks for giving this a look! This was pretty fun to do, and it’s always nice to see the thought put into the backgrounds of the movie. I hope you guys enjoyed this! :)
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Romana II - Destiny of the Daleks Cosplay Resource and Guide
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I received a request in the inbox to do Romana 2 (Lalla Ward’s) outfit in the Destiny of the Daleks episode. It’s another one of her iconic outfits, so it’s must. <3
The outfit itself is a bit complicated, but still easy to put together. I’m still trying to upgrade my own. As always, I’ll provide helpful links, guides and tips. 
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This is another outfit created by the great June Hudson. You’ll be seeing me mention her A LOT throughout this guides because she responsible for making most of the costumes. 
This outfit is pretty much a feminine one to the 4th Doctor’s outfit. 
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All you need for this outfit:
Pink Trench Coat
Long White Scarf (comparable to 4′s)
Purple fold-over heeled boots (pirate like, but feminine)
Pink pants (or waist highs/pantaloons with straps)
White long sleeve shirt
First off I HIGHLY RECOMMEND getting the book called Time Capsule by Lalla Ward. It has almost all of June Hudson’s costume sketches she did for Romana 2 in them and this is where I am getting mine for Romana’s Destiny of the Dalek’s one below. 
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Here are some mighty helpful sketches from the book itself to better understand this outfit because there are details to it we never get to see in the show:
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These are the only sketches I was able to find of this outfit. The first one I found a long time ago from a site that no longer has the picture. I’ve tried seeing if I could read the notes June left on it, but to no success. 
However, what’s underneath Romana’s pink coat is an important detail to this outfit. While pink pants work, she intact wears something like pantaloons with straps that have floral embroidery on them. 
This outfit of her’s is very pirate like, especially with the poofy white sleeves. 
The only time we get to see any detail relating to what’s under her coat in the tv show is here:
Notice the floral embroidery on her strap.
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She also wears a small necklace with this outfit:
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Here are some extra pics for reference to the outfit:
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How I put my outfit together:
You can find close rendition’s of the coat online almost anywhere. I got mine on Cosplay Sky years back. 
I bought two white scarves at my local fair and put them together to give the illusion of being long (plus I still have to sew them together.)
I use pink pants for my outfit, but I plan to upgrade it to the pantaloons she has someday (especially with the ones Magnoli Clothiers has *drools*)
I use my purple equestrian boots I got for my Androids of Tara outfit and a white renaissance shirt I got at my local Ren Faire and BAM. The outfit.
The results of mine:
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Important things to note:
As always, take screenshots of her outfit in the episodes! Little details can go unnoticed.
There is a floral embroidery on the braces to her waist highs/pantaloons. 
Pink pants can work for the outfit. I usually see a lot of people using pink pants anyway, so not fret. 
I’ve also seen others just buy a pink coat and go with it instead of getting the coat you can get online. It doesn’t have to be exact.
The boots are similar to pirate cuff boots, but with a heel. To me it’s look like they could be a red-brown, pinkish purple or somewhere in between. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact color of them.
Resources to find items:
You can find Romana’s pink trench coat almost anywhere online. I’ll provide a few links just because. 
Romana’s Pink Trench Coat:
White Scavres:
Pirate Boots:
It is rather hard for me to find something on this, especially in the color that is needed. 
Romana’s Sonic Screwdriver: 
See this post for information on it. 
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Now, onto the ultimate bonus to behold. It’s very pricey, but if you want to be super accurate with this outfit of her’s, then get your hands on this:
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Magnoli Clothier’s make’s amazing screen accurate Doctor Who clothing for cosplay. They make things ranging from coats, to scarves, vest’s and etc for any Doctor or Companion.
AND they just happen to make Romana 2′s Frock Coat and the matching pants. But you know what’s flipping awesome about their’s....
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I talked to them about pricing for this wonderful thing of perfection and here is how it is broken down:
Coat is $695 (I believe with the coat comes the white shirt too, but I’m not quite sure on that)
Pants are $525 (includes embroiled braces/suspenders.)
If you just want the pants and not the coat, you can request as such from them. Same with just wanting the coat and not the pants. But if you want both, you’re in for a treat. It’s pricey with both (and remember, this doesn’t include shipping too.) 
The link for Magnoli Clothier’s Romana 2 outfit:
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Now that you’ve decided on which outfit to wear, you can match in style with the 4th Doctor. 
If you have any questions regarding anything, feel free to send me an ask or message. I’ll be happy to help and answer however I can. 
Thank you!
- Jamie (TimeLadyJamie)
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nadjastersurveys · 3 years
Randomly Random - Part 1  
Middle name? I don’t feel like revealing my middle names here.
Favorite color(s)? I like purple but every color can be nice.
What college do you want to/or are attending? I’m not attending a college/university right now and I have no idea if I ever even will.
What do you want to/are you majoring in? -
Democrat/republican/other? Other?
Birthday month? I was born in October
Do you dress according to your mood? I’m not sure, I don’t really pay attention to that lol but I dress according to the weather and where I’m going to though.
Tomboy/girlie girl I still don’t know lol. I guess mostly a bit more tomboyish.
Are you good at doing hair/make up? I don’t wear makeup and the only hairdo I do is that I put my hair up in a ponytail lol.
Do you wear glasses? No.
Can you drive? No.
Are you shy? In front of people I don’t know, but I wouldn’t call myself shy in general.
Are you always worried or stressed about something? Not always but I get stressed and worried really easily.
Tell me about your dream wedding. I don’t dream about having a wedding lol.
Randomly Random - Part 2
Do you like to sing? When I’m alone, yes.
Do you like to write poetry? I don’t think I’ve ever actually done that.
Can you swim? I can but I’m not a swimmer, so I’m not good at that.
Do you like the pool or the ocean? I prefer actually swimming in the pool. I just dip my feet and maybe legs in the ocean/lake.
Do you hate water in your face? Well no unless it gets in my eyes lol.
Do you hold grudges? Noo, I don’t feel like that solves anything.
Are you/have you ever been in love? I don’t know, I feel like I am right now though.
Do you/did you ever sleep with a teddy bear?if so who gave it to you? I have a big bunny plush toy in my bed but not a bear. My mom bought it for me haha.
Are you a very random person? I don’t even know what that means lol.
What do you do when you’re nervous? I tap my fingers on everything and just do anything with my hands.
Do you love making new friends? Yeah it’s fun because I’m not very good at getting to know people.
Do you like the twilight series? Never read/watched those.
Favorite animal? Cats.
Randomly Random - Part 3
Do you have any pets? We have two cats.
What would you name your daughter? I haven’t thought about it yet lol.
^ your son? ^
What length hair do you like in a guy & why? Whatever fits them pretty much but I’d say boys with a bit shorter hair are usually more attractive, especially like a buzzcut lol.
Do you have friends who are shorter than you? No I’m the shortest.
When you get mad do you cry? Sometimes yeah but it just depends on the thing I’m mad about.
Would you ever consider modeling? Nah.
What color eyes do you wish you had? I'm happy with my eye color but sometimes I wish for more lighter brown eyes, like amber eyes.
Silver/gold jewelry? Silver.
Do you always wear jewelry? My earrings and my nose ring are the only jewelry I wear.
Are you afraid of needles? Not really.
How many kids do you want? I don’t know yet.
Long/short nails? Short but not too short.
Do you like wearing hats? Sometimes yeah.
Randomly Random - Part 4
Do you love taking pics? Yeah it can be fun.
Do you sunburn easily? Not super easily, no.
Does mall Santa Clauses or Easter bunnies freak you out? I've never seen mall Santas or Easter bunnies haha.
Do you prefer to call a person or wait for them to call you? I like when people call me first for sure but sometimes you just have to call first.
Are you scared of crossing bridges? Those wonky bridges, yes lol but I’ve never had to cross one.
Do you have a short attention…oh squirrel…span? Yeah.
Do you hate sitting in silence but get irritated if someone talks too much? Well yes something in the middle of those two is nice.
Has anyone ever called you baby or hun? No.
What’s your favorite kind of chocolate? Milk chocolate.
Would you consider yourself clumsy? I can be pretty clumsy.
Do you hate using public restrooms? Yess I try to avoid them as much as possible.
Do you like when a guy picks you up in his arms? No guy has ever picked me up in his arms haha but sure, that would be nice especially if he’s someone I like.
Ever bought ice cream from an ice cream truck? Yes but that was ages ago.
Do you hate chihuahuas? I don’t.
Randomly Random - Part 5
Has a teacher ever made you hate your favorite subject? Nope.
Do you like hairless cats? Yeah I think they look cool and kind of mysterious.
Did you ever cry at school? Yep.
Have you ever had a poem or story published? Nope.
If you had/have a kid would you ever let them get a tattoo? Well if they’re old enough then yes.
What’s your favorite thing to have for dinner? Just something with chicken or fish.
Would you ever paint your walls red? Nah, I like them white.
Have you ever licked a pole? No lol.
Has your hand ever gotten slammed in a car door? No but my head has lol.
Are you allergic to grass? No.
Do you love guinea pigs? Yeah they’re pretty cute.
Do you prefer to write on chalkboards or white boards?   Chalkboards are nice but I wouldn’t mind writing on a white board either lol. It doesn’t matter.
What is the worst thing you ever did that got you grounded? I don’t know if I’ve ever been grounded haha. I’m not sure what that even actually means. I was sent to my room a lot when I was an annoying 7-10 year old though lol.
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?   I could really use a wish right now so yes.
Randomly Random - Part 6
What would you do if your best girlfriend said she was lesbian? I’d support any friend who tells me that.
Have you ever been chased by a snake? No.
Where do you wanna work? I don’t know.
Is there something you tell yourself you’re going to do but never do? There’s some things, like I’ve been meaning to watch this one movie for like 6 months now.
Has a teacher ever called you an idiot? Not to my knowledge but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did lol.
What awards have you won? Medals from dance competitions.
Do you get nervous eating in front of people? Usually no, but that has happened.
Would you consider yourself good at taking care of kids? I've never actually taken care of kids so probably not now.
How old would a guy have to be before you wouldn’t date them? Right at this age I wouldn’t date anyone older than 18.
Be honest, have you ever tried weed? No.
Has anyone ever broken up with you with a note? Never broken up with anyone before.
Have you walked into a wall? I’m sure I have.
Do you have sensitive teeth? No.
Do you sleep with a fan on? In summer if it’s really hot.
Randomly Random - Part 7
When you hear sirens, do you get afraid its someone you know? When I see a firetruck go with sirens on I always worry if it’s going to our house.
Do you often get nosebleeds in the winter? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a nosebleed because of winter lol.
What’s a word you use to substitute for a cuss word? I don’t use substitutes for swear words lol.
What was the worst thing you ever did to get detention/suspended? I’ve had detention mostly for forgetting to do my homework.
Have you ever suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder? No.
Have you tried the new crackle nail polish? No.
Do you enjoy the “i love you more” argument? No lol.
Do you like the color yellow? Yeah I like it.
Trees are awesome! Yes? Why not.
Do you suffer from nasal allergies? I don’t.
Marrying your cousin. Yay or nay? Well, no lol.
Are you distracted by anything shiny at the moment? Ooo shiny!! No.
Has your parents ever called you names? Like mean names? No like they were trying to be mean, they were just telling the truth haha, like lecturing me if I did/do something annoying or wrong.
Have you ever seen a cat have a hairball…i have soo gross Yes.
Randomly Random - Part 8
Have you ever had a tooth pulled, i have : / No, the thought of that scares me.
Do you still watch tom and jerry? : ) I’ve never watched that but I read the comics often as a little girl haha.
Do you use your hairbrush as a microphone? No lol.
What’s your usual morning routine? I get up, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, get some breakfast and get dressed properly if I have to go somewhere.
Do you ever get bored with something so you’re unable to finish it? Yes I get bored so easily it’s ridiculous.
Do you wanna redecorate your room? I’m happy with my room.
Have you ever worn black to someone’s house & left covered in fur? Haha yes people who have cats have cat hair everywhere around their house usually, just like our house.
What would i expect to find under your bed? Just dust lol.
If i were to walk into your room, would i be able to see the floor? Yes it’s not messy and I hate when I have stuff that is not furniture on the floor.
What is something you did when you were a kid that you still enjoy? Dancing is one thing.
Has anyone ever said they would love you forever, was it true? I don’t think anyone has ever said that to me.
Do you watch America’s Got Talent? No but I sometimes watch some clips of it on YouTube.
Do you ever sit and look at old photo albums & recall memories? Yes that’s fun.
Do you watch onision on YouTube, if not you should he’s hilarious. This didn’t age well lol. I’ve seen some of his first videos and yeah they’re pretty funny but now he’s in deep shit and so many people hate him. I feel so uneasy and weird watching his new videos also because he disabled the comments in the videos and you can’t see the likes or dislikes either.
Randomly Random - Part 9
Don’t you just hate taking showers in the winter? Noo, I like it but I like taking showers in any season.
Do you say “epic fail” a lot? I’ve never said that lol.
How personal does a question have to be so that you wont answer? In surveys? I wouldn’t tell my last name or the place i live in like the adress.
Do you ever feel like sometimes you have short term memory loss? Yes because I have really bad memory.
What if a stranger came up to you yelled BATMAN & ran away? I would jump a little because it’s something I don’t expect to happen lol.
What’s your favorite kind of pudding? Vanilla or caramel.
Did you ever run over something with a lawn mower? Never used a lawn mower.
When someone says don’t look do you look? Well sometimes.
Have you ever played spin the bottle? Once yeah.
Did you ever have a cat that was obsessed with shoes? No lol.
I believe i can fly! Ever jump off things & try to fly? I haven’t haha.
What was your first Halloween costume? I’ve never dressed for Halloween I think.
Ever have chicken pox? Yep.
Did you eat your Wheaties this morning ? What was for breakfast? I had a smoothie and crackers for breakfast lol.
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anotherkpopvictim · 3 years
Into a New World (Through the Gate) - BTS OT7 Fantasy Story Chapter 1
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(Pic Source - Jaiho? (I found this on a pinterest but I don’t think it was this person’s) ((Edit is by me tho))
A/N: Hi, so, this is a multi-chaptered story that I’ve had swirling around in my head for a while. I’m not sure how many chapters it’s going to be, and I’m not sure how often I’ll update (especially because I have a few other stories I need to update first) but I will finish this story one way or another.
Happy Birthday, our Hobi <3
Relationship: BTS X BTS
Rating: T (for now)
Words: 2928
Hurt/comfort, fluff, fantasy
Chapter 1: The Banishing
Worldbuilding Notes on Fairies:
The origin of how fairies came to be is rather unknown. Their attributes and used honorifics suggest they are of Korean descent.
Fairies can be creatures of trickery. Though not inherently evil, fairies possess the ability to manipulate easily if they so please (not all use this ability, though). While they can also sometimes use aura reading to detect whether someone is lying or not, a fairy’s downfall is that they themselves cannot lie. Despite this, they are talented at twisting words and finding loopholes in different situations.
A Fairy’s magic ability is similar to that of witches, but it is easier for them to learn as they are born with a close connection to magic itself, while witches spend years and years learning to connect with magic. Fairies are often good spies as they have their smaller form that can easily hide. Fairies are born with a given color - the color of their hair and eyes. These colors represent common personality traits (though not always 100% accurate from person to person, and not all fairies have all the traits the colors represent). A mix of two or more colors just means that the person has personality traits of multiple colors (i.e. a very dark blue would have traits of both blue and black).
(Link to the basis of color symbolism I’m using - https://www.color-meanings.com/)
Colors and their meanings:
(This part is optional to read, but I will be using this as a basis for fairy personalities in the story)
Red - The color of passion and energy. Red draws attention like no other color and radiates a strong and powerful energy that motivates us to take action. It is also linked to sexuality and stimulates deep and intimate passion.
Orange - The color of enthusiasm and emotion. Orange exudes warmth and joy and is considered a fun color that provides emotional strength. It is optimistic and uplifting, adds spontaneity and positivity to life, and encourages social communication and creativity. It is a youthful and energetic color.
Yellow - The color of happiness and optimism. Yellow is a cheerful and energetic color that brings fun and joy to the world. It makes learning easier as it affects the logical part of the brain, stimulating mentality and perception. It inspires thought and curiosity and boosts enthusiasm and confidence.
Green - The color of harmony and health. Green is a generous, relaxing color that revitalizes our body and mind. It balances our emotions and leaves us feeling safe and secure. It also gives us hope, with promises of growth and prosperity, and it provides a little bit of luck to help us along the way.
Blue - The color of trust and loyalty. Blue has a calming and relaxing effect on our psyche, that gives us peace and makes us feel confident and secure. It dislikes confrontation and too much attention, but it is an honest, reliable, and responsible color and you can always count on its support.
Purple - The color of spirituality and imagination. Purple inspires us to divulge our innermost thoughts, which enlightens us with the wisdom of who we are and encourages spiritual growth. It is often associated with royalty and luxury, and its mystery and magic sparks creative fantasies.
Pink - The color of love and compassion. Pink is kind and comforting, full of sympathy and compassion, and makes us feel accepted. Its friendly, playful spirit calms and nurtures us, bringing joy and warmth into our lives. Pink is also a feminine and intuitive color that is bursting with pure romance.
White - The color of purity and innocence. White is a true balance of all colors and is associated with cleanliness, simplicity, and perfection. It loves to make others feel good and provides hope and clarity by refreshing and purifying the mind. It also promotes open-mindedness and self-reflection.
Black - The color of power and sophistication. Black is an incredibly strong and intimidating color that exudes authority and makes us feel secure and protected. Often seen at formal and prestigious events, this mysterious marvel arouses and seduces our senses with its elegance and sexiness.
Gray - The color of compromise and control. Gray is neutral, conservative, and unemotional. It is practically solid as a rock, making it incredibly stable, reliable, and calming. It has a peaceful, relaxing and soothing presence. Gray avoids attention but offers mature, insightful advice to anyone who asks.
Brown - The color of stability and reliability. Brown is dependable and comforting. A great counselor and friend full of wisdom. You can count on its help if you need an honest opinion, support, and protection. It stabilizes us, helps us stay grounded, and inspires us to appreciate the simple things in life.
Hoseok listened to his older brother babble on to the other five high council members, trying to manifest the courage to speak up to him about what had been weighing him down since the last meeting.
Minseok, his brother, was not a bad person. However, he also wasn’t necessarily a good person either. As the crowned King of the Fairy Kingdom of Aurora, he wasn’t the worst candidate in their long history, not by a long shot. Hoseok had watched him exile a butler after he brought him an indigo-colored robe instead of a dark purple one by accident, but had also seen him send fresh-baked loaves of bread to the orphanage nearby as a treat for the children. He was a man capable of coming up with creative solutions but sometimes allowed his power and authority to cloud his judgment.
An enigma, his brother most certainly was.
This was why Hoseok was so nervous to bring up the topic on his mind. He wasn’t sure how Minseok was going to react, though no one ever really knew. Nevertheless, he needed to give it a try, for the good of their people.
“King Minseok,” Hoseok addressed, standing up from his seat when a lull came in the conversation. He bowed politely towards his brother. “There is a concern of mine that I needed to bring up, brother.”
The older man with a head full of shocking dark purple hair and eyes the same color looked at him curiously. “Yes, Hoseok-ah. What is the matter, brother?”
Hoseok gulped against the lump forming in his throat and forced himself to speak. His brother was being kind right now, but he knew the man could turn on a dime. “The army, brother. They have been urging us for some time now to give the soldiers more time before sending them to war.”
Minseok raised an eyebrow, “We have an alliance with the jinns, a promise to fight with them against the demons.”
“I know, my King,” Hoseok replied. “But our soldiers are being slaughtered on the battlefield. If we could change the laws in place and give them a few more months of training to build up their skills-”
“So, what you’re saying is that I should spend more money and time on our soldiers when the war they are fighting isn’t to be a long one?” The King asked, interrupting Hoseok’s words.
It was predicted that the jinns were going to win the war with the demons, though it was a slow process. “We’ve lost thousands of our citizens, Minseok-hyung.” Hoseok urged. “Lives were lost when they could have lived if only they had more skills and endurance. The captains have been coming to us since they realized the pattern months ago.”
Minseok furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. “We already give so many resources to the military, we don’t have anything to spare.”
“We’ll find some, we’ll find a way-”
“ENOUGH!” Minseok boomed, standing up from the throne and slamming his hands down on the table. “The way the laws are written right now give our soldiers plenty of time to refine their skills before they are sent off to fight. More soldiers come back than don’t and that’s more than we could ask for. I will not spend another second on this unimportant topic when there are other issues to be resolved.”
“But, hyung,” Hoseok pleaded. He knew he should just shut up, but the worried words of the captains wouldn’t leave his mind. “Perhaps you could just allow some of the captains to tell you their worries personally. I really think that we need to-”
Minseok’s dark purple hair began to lift around his golden crown, glowing and sparking with magic. That was when Hoseok knew it was over for him.
“Hoseok-ssi, you know better than to talk back to your King!” his brother hissed.
“Hyung, my King, I’m sorry-”
“You’re banished!”
Hoseok nearly choked. “W-What?”
“I’m banishing you from Aurora. How dare you rebel against the King!” Minseok raged, motioning for guards to grab onto Hoseok.
Hoseok could see the anger in his brother’s eyes, the betrayal, and knew that there was no changing the crazed, overdramatic sentence given to him.
“Minseok,” Hoseok looked at his brother with one final plea, “Please don’t do this. I didn’t mean to offend you in any way.”
Minseok snarled, his bright purple hair starting to glow and move as his power began to build up inside of him. “You’ve betrayed the crown. You’ve betrayed me. There is no place in Aurora for you any longer.”
Hoseok bent his head, knowing that his brother had truly made his decision and nothing he could say would change his mind. His own shocking orange hair lay flat against his head, no spark of power anywhere to be found - a sure sign of any fairy’s defeat.
The five councilmen who were occupying the table with the two brothers sat in silence, eyes sympathetic as they watched Hoseok being escorted out of the room.
There were ten guards that led them towards the Gate that was situated just outside the castle walls, two of them holding onto Hoseok’s arms like he was going to even try to get away. He knew better than that.
A misty, swirling wall of fog lay just behind the golden bars of the Gate. Hoseok could only watch with a defeated look in his eyes as his brother opened the right door of the Gate and then turned to look at him.
“Jung Hoseok, you are hereby banished from Aurora under my authority, King Minseok of the Fairy Kingdom. Shall you ever choose to return, you will be greeted with death.” Minseok snarled out his brother’s sentence with such malice it made Hoseok cringe. Then the King turned to the two guards holding Hoseok’s arms and ordered, “Throw him through the Gate.”
Hoseok, whose heart was racing with fear in his chest, didn’t fight the two men at all. As he was forced forward, he shut his eyes tightly and braced himself. He merely accepted his fate as he was pushed harshly into the swirling fog.
Now, Hoseok had never traveled worlds before, so he hadn’t ever experienced what it was like to go through a Gate before.
At first, it felt as if he was falling at a great speed, the breath snatched from his lungs. Then, he suddenly felt himself slow down before dropping onto some sort of hard surface.
Laying on the ground, Hoseok was reluctant to open his eyes. He knew that he must be on Earth now, as Earth was the center of the worlds, but he didn’t know exactly where. He couldn’t hear much besides the ruffling of some leaves in the breeze and birds chirping happily. The temperature was slightly cooler than he was used to, and his attire of matching silk shorts and a shirt certainly didn’t do anything to keep him warm.
Taking in a brave breath, Hoseok opened his eyes and took in the scene before him. He was in a forest lush with tall, green trees. Pretty blue flowers bloomed in patches on the ground, bringing Hoseok a bit of relief. Surely the place couldn’t be too bad if there were beautiful flowers blooming, right?
From Hoseok’s limited knowledge of Earth, he knew that it was the center of the realms and welcomed those of all supernatural backgrounds. While most supernatural beings had their own realm to call home, there were a few that didn’t. Vampires, shapeshifters, and witches lived primarily on Earth. Creatures like jinns, goblins, demons, and yes, fairies, all had their own realm.
Gates only existed between Earth and these worlds, but they were plentiful all across the Earth. Most Gates were situated in Gate Stations (just like a train station) but there were some that were simply situated in the middle of nowhere.
Of course, it appeared that Minseok had to make things even more difficult for his brother by sending him somewhere obscure. Hoseok hadn’t had the chance to see exactly where he was sending him to. A childish move on the older man’s part.
“Well, gosh marbles!” Hoseok shouted into the trees as he stood up and dusted himself off. “What am I going to do now?”
Where was he to go? What was he to do? The Fairy Kingdom was all he had known his whole life.
“E-Excuse me?”
Hoseok yelped with a start at the sudden voice, his head whipping around to find the source. He caught sight of a young-looking man peeking out from behind one of the trees to his left. He had big, curious doe eyes and didn’t appear to be much of a threat, but Hoseok knew from experience not to let his guard down.
“W-Who are you?” he asked, kicking himself when he stuttered.
The young man came out from behind the tree, revealing his all-black ensemble; jeans, a leather jacket, and some army boots. Hoseok remembered reading that fashion was quite different on Earth, but he was still surprised. “I’m Jungkook. Who are you?”
(JKs look) (except no beanie)
“Hoseok,” he replied cautiously.
“Did you just come through the Gate?” Jungkook asked, head tilting towards said Gate right behind Hoseok.
Jungkook hummed thoughtfully. “No one’s come through that Gate in years.”
“Oh...” Hoseok said intelligently. “Um, could you perhaps tell me where I am?”
“Well, I would assume you at least know that you’re on Earth, but more specifically, you’re just outside of Seoul, South Korea.”
“South Korea...” Hoseok repeated, wracking his brain for anything he knew about this place. He knew that he’d heard of it, but he wasn’t sure where from.
“You’re a fairy, right?” Jungkook asked, rather excitedly. “Many fairies seem to have Korean in their blood. So technically, you’re in your ancient homeland!”
Ah, Hoseok thought, that makes sense. Fairies were rather sheltered about things outside of their own Kingdom, so while Hoseok had heard that they were possibly descendants of Earth’s South Korea, he didn’t know much about it at all.
Hoseok blinked at the smiling young man before him, whose grin and scrunched-up nose made him look uncannily like a rabbit, not to mention his adorable front teeth.
“Ah, sorry!” Jungkook turned a little sheepish. “Ever since my Jimin-hyung came, I’ve really wanted to meet another fairy so badly!”
Hoseok didn’t have time to register that apparently, South Koreans used the same honorifics as fairies, as the more important part of the young man’s statement caught Hoseok’s attention. “You know another fairy?”
“Mhm,” Jungkook nodded his head dutifully, his shaggy dark brown hair bobbing up and down with it. “Jiminie’s color is pink. And he lives with us.”
“Me and my hyungs! There are six of us. We live just a couple miles away from here.” Jungkook answered with a fond smile.
“A pack, huh?” Hoseok gave the young man a once-over when he realized he had no idea what creature Jungkook was. “Are you...human?”
Jungkook shook his head before opening his mouth and pointing at some very tiny but pointy incisors that hadn’t been there a moment ago. “I’m a vampire, like my Yoongi-hyung. I was obviously a human, though, before he saved me.” Jungkook’s smile faded a bit as he seemed to get lost in a memory.
“A little vamp, I see,” Hoseok replied, feeling like he needed to lighten the mood. “How old are you?”
“I’ve been a vampire for seven years, and I was twenty-three when I was turned.” A pretty young vampire then. Hoseok had read about vampires who lived to be thousands of years old.
“Well,” Hoseok began with a gentle smile, “I’m one hundred thirty-eight, so I guess that makes me your hyung.”
Jungkook let out a sigh of relief. “Good, I don’t like being a hyung.”
Hoseok chuckled at the younger’s adorableness before he remembered where he was and what had conspired for him to be here.
Jungkook must have noticed his expression sadden because he gave a little gasp. “Hoseok-hyung, do you need somewhere to stay? I’m sure my hyungs wouldn’t mind housing you for now.”
Hoseok honestly questioned the young man. Who in their right mind invited a total stranger into their home? Jungkook the baby vampire, apparently. Hoseok doubted that he had any nefarious ulterior motives for inviting him, as fairies were fairly good at reading others and he didn’t sense anything from him, but it was strange nonetheless.
However, Hoseok really didn’t have anywhere to go or any money to get a place to stay. He’d been thrown out of the only world he’s ever known and didn’t know what he was supposed to do. And he was tired, just plain tired from the eventful day.
So, he gave the only answer he really could.
“I would love a place to stay, Jungkook-ah.”
A/N: So...what did you think?
I’ve never written anything in the fantasy genre but I’ve been loving so many fantasy fics lately that I just had to take a try at it. I don’t know much about the specifics of the different supernatural creatures in legends and such, so these will mostly be of my own making, but with some common traits you probably know.
Please do not expect me to update this for a while, as I need to update a few other stories first, but I will not abandon this fic.
I tried to make it clear that Hoseok’s brother, Minseok, has an unstable mentality, and thus feeling like his brother betrayed him over something rather ridiculous and banishing him seemed reasonable to him. 
Please leave comments and likes as they fuel my motivation to write exponentially <3 And if you have any suggestions now or in future chapters for what you would like to see, I would love the ideas and will try to work them into the story (though I don’t have much solidly planned just yet anyways).
So far we know:
Seokjin - ?
Yoongi - Vampire
Hoseok - Fairy (138)
Namjoon - ?
Jimin - Fairy
Taehyung - ?
Jungkook - Vampire (30)
(I think you’ll meet the others in the next chapter!)
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prosebushpatch · 4 years
First of all, I feel like it’s safe to say that Hat Kid’s home is very possibly in a different time than which the game takes place because why else would you pilot a ship that runs on magic hourglasses? However, if she is originally from Earth during a different time, she does not seem to recognize it. This is the main reason that I think her being from Earth was originally cut and is no longer in the story.
In her diary after Chapter 1-1, she writes, “Why couldn’t I have gotten stranded near a normal planet,” which indicates to me that Hat Kid has no connection to Earth at all. Her diaries continue in this tone of exploring an unfamiliar planet as she documents her encounters. Especially when she writes about the Snatcher or about Vanessa, she appears to have no knowledge of who they were and talks about Vanessa as probably being a creepy old lady and Snatcher being a jerk making her do chores. I feel like if Hat Kid knew the home she’s trying to return to is the past Subcon forest, there would be more hints, at least, where she either reflects on the state of the forest or outright shows more affection for Snatcher or Vanessa. 
However, it is probable that Hat Kid simply doesn’t know. We don’t know how long she was separated from Home, and we don’t know when she was, potentially resulting in a Clark Kent version where Hat Kid was shot out to space as a baby to protect her from Vanessa? This specifically could make sense when considering how the beta characters, Tim and Thor are frozen in Vanessa’s manor on the same floor where there is a nursery. Tim was originally going to serve as Hat Kid’s instructor/tutorial and Thor was an inventor. It makes sense that they might have not only constructed the ship for Hat Kid, but would have helped her escape before being frozen by Vanessa. (Or they’re there so their models get used and it’s not that deep). But, it does seem telling either way that Vanessa’s Manor does hold a nursery. (On a creepier note, the painting in the nursery is slowly filled in with what looks like Hat Kid holding the fox Forest Dweller Mask as Hat Kid goes back and forth to bring balloons to the key on Vanessa’s bed. While this could be just to add extra horror to the spooky situation, it does seem to connect Hat Kid directly to the nursery).
Subcon Forest has the most cut content from what I can tell, and seems to have the most fleshed out characters and world. Focusing on Scenery, there’s the frozen manor and village, the burning forest, the Forest Dweller’s village, the well, the swamp, and most importantly, the area of the forest where the purple time rift is. According to the wiki, this area of the forest is known as the Augmented forest and could have been where Moonjumper lived. The forest is full of crumbling homes and furniture, giant gears, a giant face of a yellow clock with a red hand, and the Purple Time Rift that tells us Queen Vanessa’s story. The Time Rift is inside a large ice shard that varies with hit boxes and a tower with Hat Kid’s Top Hat right in front of it. To my knowledge, there isn’t any similar structure in the other worlds so it’s strange that Subcon has a whole pillar dedicated to Hat Kid’s signature Hat.
Speaking of Moonjumper, he was originally the prince before he was cut and the Snatcher took Moonjumper’s backstory. Interestingly, the outline of the prince in Vanessa’s manor looks, to me, more like Moonjumper’s design with the jagged cloak which doesn’t matter too much to this theory but I thought I would point it out. The moon is always looming over Subcon Forest and the higher you get, specifically on top of the Snatcher’s tree, you can see shadowy buildings with golden windows reaching towards the moon. This is reminiscent of where Hat Adult is found in the beta.
Hat Adult, another scrapped idea, exists a bookstore in a grey looking world with shadowy structures and golden windows. Hat Adult has a song called “Hat Adult Masked Song” with lyrics that seem to tell the story of the Prince and Vanessa and was supposed to be played over “TheSubconForest_Masked” (as explained here) And interestingly, the lyrics seem to refer to Moonjumper instead of the Snatcher, saying, “Skin so blue/His eyes shot red.” Which better matches Moonjumper’s blue skin and decorated red eyes. So, at least in the beta, Hat Adult seems more connected to Moonjumper and his story. I think it’s worth noting that it’s also snowing in the area with the bookstore, almost like tying in Vanessa’s icy influence as well. Whether the bookstore is in fact where Hat Adult calls Home or not, it seems odd that there’s a lot of connections between Hat Adult and Subcon in general.
Mentioned in the same video I linked at 9:23, there’s an art piece of Hat Kid and Hat Adult, a Rocketship, and Penguins under a moon (also boy with a sword but idk I’m focusing on the moon right now). The only other place, to my knowledge, where we see the moon is where DJ Grooves films his movies, which is supposed to be on the moon. This might explain the penguins in the pic but the rocketship and Hat Kid and Hat Adult seem to further emphasize that they need to get to the moon for some reason or other. Most likely because it is connected to Home.
This is all hypothetical, but in my gut I want to connect “Time’s End” to the Horizon, which is where Moonjumper would have been trapped. I feel like if there’s going to be a place where time is unmoving/doesn’t exist it would be the Horizon? Again, connecting Moonjumper to Hat Adult.
In the wiki there’s also a very interesting quote from the Snatcher that takes place some time during the Death Wish DLC. He says, “You look just like your parents, you know that? At least I think you do-their spirits are looking kind of hazy. Just kidding! Or maybe not, who can really tell.” Assuming this is directed at Hat Kid and not a depressing quip about her parents’ souls being with the Snatcher, it could be a hint that the Snatcher is talking about himself and Vanessa. We don’t get a lot of specific facial features for human Vanessa or the Prince, but the Prince’s hair does seem similar to Hat Kid’s hair color and the fact that the Snatcher admits their spirits are looking kind of hazy could refer to the Snatcher and Vanessa’s shadow forms.
Also this is small, but the amount of character dolls and the fact that right at the beginning of the game you can find a snatcher ball even before the time pieces are lost seems suspicious if Hat Kid was never supposed to have been on the planet before or know any of the characters...
Finally, there’s a picture of an idyllic wooden home by river in a lush green forest in the kitchen on Hat Kid’s ship (even at the beginning of the game). This could be a picture of Subcon Forest before Vanessa changed as the building structure is similar to the wooden homes in the frozen and burning parts of the forest. Also, the picture of Hat Kid’s home on the screen keeping track of time pieces looks like a shorter version of the picture in the woods, complete with trees growing beside it. Coincidence? Probably. JK I totally think it makes sense that Hat Kid was at least born in Subcon Forest pre Vanessa turning it to ice.
That was long. For easier access, I used this video about cut bits, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZlM5wWOY2k, this video with all the diaries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_tnPIiwNEA, and the wiki https://ahatintime.fandom.com/wiki/Hat_Kid, the lyrics for Hat Adult Song https://www.deviantart.com/domobfdi/journal/A-Hat-In-Time-Unused-Subcon-Forest-Mask-Lyrics-794023592, and of course, my excessive excursions into Subcon Forest. 
Please feel free to message me or correct any info, obviously I relied on beta stuff that I might not have gotten right or understood but I’m interested to hear what you think!
TL;DR: Hat Kid was at least originally planned to be the Prince’s and Queen Vanessa’s daughter but that part of the story was probably cut because of all the beta content cut and all the ties Hat Kid has to Subcon Forest.
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purpleleopard96 · 4 years
Cas Founders Challenge
Rules: Post all of your founders together to compare and contrast them! Share some details to see how similar or different they are. This can be done in CAS, or you can jump in game, or you can share old screenshots!
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I’m just gonna say that @samssims​ tagged me since she said if anyone wants to do it, say she tagged you so here we are. I realized I had way too many founders. 
I tag @greenfooddog​
Details Under the cut
Nan (NSB) - I originally got Nan from a sim request I had sent to @hula-zombie​ so very long ago and she didn’t always look like she did. I decided I wanted to use her for a new NSB since I lost my old save so I changed up her colors and here we are. I love her so much and still so happy Caitlin made her for me.
Snowdrop (BPR) - Oh my precious Snowdrop. Not many have even seen her unless I have sent you spoiler photos or posted some in the berry server I’m in. But Snowdrop is my founder for my story-based BPR and I haven’t posted any cause I haven’t set everything up for it but wrote sooo much for it and if you want to read any of what I’ve wrote so far for it, you may dm me.
Cucumber (Seven Songs) - Oh Cucumber, my sweet bean. Back to what I said regarding Snow’s story, the thing is my BPR and Seven Songs are connected. Cucumber is the cousin of my future pink spouse in my BPR so again why you probably haven’t seen Cucumber unless I had sent pics to you talking about her. I seriously love her though and it will all come to light at some point, but if you want to read the story so far or just want some spoilery pics, dm me (:
Azure (BOL) - So if you’ve been following for a bit, you would know that I tried to do a Bachelorette Challenge called Berry of Love like Caitlin(hula-zombie) did. People sent me all there sims and you know what ended up happening? Yeah I realized I could not do a bachelorette challenge even though I really wanted to and I am so sorry to the ones that sent me sims. I just didn’t know how to set it up or try to make it even semi-decent. But I did recently give makeovers to the sims sent to me and our bachorette herself, Azure. I still count her as a founder even if that challenge just bombed. And if you want to see the makeovers, you can dm me.
Emeila (DPR) - Emeila is super new, I decided I wanted to do a DPR even though I’ve started so many other challenges. She hasn’t left cas yet so someday she will.
Glitter (Cas BPR) - Everybody in the berry server was doing it and it looks so fun especially do see all the color combos just using cas so I found my old sim, Heather and berrified her and Glitter Frost was born and I love her and all the sims after her looked sooo good. 
Rose (Garden Legacy) - Rose is my first red sim and I love her, she’s super cute and I love playing with her and love how she takes her pets with her everywhere. And her and Almond are gonna have super cute babies I already know.
Capri (100 Berry Babies) - Oh Capri, we are almost to 10 babies and I still love this girl and the babies have been sooo cute. Capri is also now a B-list celeb and mastered the painting skill. I think I’m gonna be sad when I have to pick the next one to have 10 babies.
Danica (Forgotten Realms Legacy) - Danica originally a sim in my household I had when Get Together came out. I hadn’t done anything with her in years since I lost that save and her traits already fit for the first gen of the Forgotten Realms Legacy by @anxiousmoodlet​ so I berrified her and made her a matcha spouse and Danica ended up looking really nice as a purple berry so success.
Paris (Berry Bouquet Legacy) - Paris was made specifically for a challenge I definitely wanted to try and have played a bit of it so far and I had some friends in the berry server even provide me with some sims for it including the future spouse. So thank you to those people and thank you to @sinfulwunderss​ for making that legacy challenge.
Opal (BPR Gameplay) - So while in the berry server, we started talking about doing bpr gameplays that don’t have a story so we can just have fun but still do a bpr but without a story. So Opal was born and she was my second sim to make with no pupils but with stars in her eyes hense her name Opal Moonstone. I also made her mother, Pearl Moonstone who is harsh and mean but they get along alright. I’ve played quite a bit of this save so far and it’s so fun and I used Tulip from my cas bpr but with full pink skin instead of white and white and pink two-toned eyes and the lovely @dcwnandout​ provided my purple spouse, Thistle. And more people from the berry server are providing more sims for it. They are really great there, if you like berry sims or banilla, you should definitely join. Just shoot @sweetlysimss​ or @berryconfetti​ a message.
Aloe (Seven Songs Gameplay) - Along with my gameplay BPR, I also decided to do a Seven Songs gameplay. And Aloe is definitely a treasure and I love her pet fox, Cotton Candy and her cat, Clover. I have played a bit of this save so far and I quite like and thanks to @fridays-sims​ I already have the future teal spouse and they are getting along quite nicely. And once again I have people providing sims for the future gens and I still have room on there for bpr and seven songs so you can do that here if you want to provide a sim. 
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