#but i finally logged in after like 48 hours
Some random notes from yesterday's (25/05/2024) Scar stream. Not even all of the best parts because there were so many, at one point I was just laughing out loud pretty much continuously.
A chatter mentions Scar being the "mob boss." Scar is immediately delighted. In the shopping district he won't be the zoo keeper, he'll be the mob boss with his own outfit etc.
Scar built the nether portal for his train (it looks super cool!) and is now transporting skeletons to the nether so they shoot anyone approaching it because he wants to discourage people from using his nether portal. He put his own heads on the skeletons and calls them "Scar Junior." Only one of them dies.
Doc shows up for distraction and support. He teaches Scar things about redstone, like how you can place a lever on the block next to a rail to activate it. They complain about the new YouTube layout, Doc blames Elon Musk, who according to Scar lives in Doc's head rent-free 28 hours a day.
"just because you look like a taxi driver in Indiana Jones doesn't make you less evil"
Ren shows up too. Doc and Ren start to complain about shipping. Scar tells them a heartwarming story about his local UPS guy.
apparently Doc was a wandering trader in the woods as a kid. He traded home-cooked German food to American soldiers from a nearby base. For ammunition.
Next topic: the "worst" (unrestricted) fireworks. At some point Doc does an exaggerated German accent. Doc also made a joke about Scar being 48, Scar says he prefers the rumors about him being smart and handsome, Doc says that's just the truth.
Scar and Doc getting trolled by horns, including Cub shouting "help" which they both thought was real for a second. Chat suspects "horn man" is Grian, but it's such a huge variety I'm pretty sure it has to be Cub. Finally Cub shows up (briefly)
After all the skeletons were moved Scar wants to add a drowned. He got the go-ahead from Etho to take one from his farm. Scar blocks off Etho's portal and Doc wonders what he's getting dragged into, calls himself an Ethogirl once again
unfortunate realization: a drowned will not attack people with tridents in the nether because there's neither water nor night time. But then chat did experiments and they say it should work? Spoiler: it works very well.
the first trident guy refused to put anything on his head, but the second one put on Scar's hat \o/ so he can even move during the day. It becomes night though, Scar asked people in chat to sleep and Bdubs logs on ^^ a few seconds too late though, Ren slept first.
Oh noo, the trident guy hit a free-ranging iron golem and was killed. Bdubs joins the group just to say it serves them right. Bdubs is telling on them to Etho.
Doc refuses to mess with Etho's landscaping. Bdubs makes a walkway but very carefully. Scar, head in hands, this is what it's like with Etho fangirls… next Minecon, Scar says he'll print Bdubs a shirt with Etho's face on it. Bdubs says Scar is the one obsessed with him, coming over all the time.
Scar talking about a Hermitcraft rule called the "open seas rule", if something is built on the ocean it's free for taking. (Bdubs is skeptical)
Bdubs says dealing with Etho is like dealing with a rabbit. Don't pester it, you just have to leave it and it'll come to you. "How many moms does Etho have on this server." "This is what it's like having a friend." "Oh I wouldn't know" xD "We're friends not moms"
Doc complains about how hungry he is. It's late and he really wants to eat his mini pizza. Scar: why don't you just get a feeding tube, then you don't have to eat.
Bdubs: "I'm just taking notes for Etho later." Scar: "this is just Limited Life the whole time." "Every second is a second closer to Etho logging on and catching you guys"
Scar is now shifting the blame for their misfortunes to Tango because he never offered help or even made jokes in chat. Threatens to throw him out of the LNC, even ^^
"Ooh, you're not trapping Etho's portal!" "No, it's his own" "Oh there's no reason for me to be here then." Bdubs logs out immediately, then…
NOW Etho logs in xD "Etho's here, he's gonna come over here and cause an issue." "What's this about trapping my portal?", and other quotes such as, "I'm watching what you're doing Scar and it's infuriating me." "Put some water down" ("It's the nether!"), telling Bdubs he should have let his iron golem die instead of healing it, and "What you're building a rollercoaster over here, what is this"
"How do we do this, Doc?" "I don't know, give Etho some blocks and let him do it" "No no, I came for the show" Doc is just standing there with two dozen tridents in the ground in front of him xD
"You're like the muppets, those two older ones" - Doc about Ethubs. "We're the comic relief" "Yeah that's it"
Etho is concerned, they're representing Hermitcraft after all, people will think they're incompetent. Etho: "Tango, what do you think?" "Oh god don't tell me Tango's here." Tango is now here :D
Scar: "just to be clear, I am competent, things just didn't go to plan…"
Scar is in protest to both the nether and their nether hub. Etho: "If only we had a couple people around here often referred to as the best builders ever…"
Etho, contemplating the skeletons and trident guy: "So what are you going to do if Cub comes by with his Thorns armor?" Scar hides his head in his hands.
aww, Bdubs and Tango telling Scar LNC will help him with that mountain ^^
Doc finally logs out. Spoiler: he got his mini pizza.
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A Day Out with Mayflies
requested by @selkiegemm
Mayflies are a globally distributed order of insects consisting of over 2,100 species. They can be found in nearly any environment, provided there is a source of clean freshwater; the only places that lack any species of mayfly are the Arctic and Antarctic. The name of the mayfly order, Ephemeroptera, comes from a Greek word that means 'living for a day', which is appropriate given the group's famous lifespan.
All mayfly species begin their lives as nymphs, which hatch from eggs laid in fresh, usually slow moving water. These nymphs, also known as niads, are completely aquatic. Some species swim freely in the water; these species often lack gills and absorb oxygen directly through their exoskeleton. Other species do have frill-like gills, and burrow under rocks and logs, or directly into the mud. Most nymphs feed on detritus, algae, and vegetation, but a few are carnivorous and will hunt the larvae of other insects. Mayfly niads are also important sources of food for many other insects, fish, and amphibians.
The time a mayfly spends as a nymph largely depends on the species; some remain this way for only a few weeks, while others will live for up to three years as niads. When the time has come to grow up, the nymph will molt into the first of their two adult forms: the subimago. This form has a pair of wings, though they are rudimentary. At this stage, the gut also empties itself of organs and instead fills with air to bring the mayfly to the water's surface. They can fly as subimagos, albeit not very well; once they've fully molted, the new adult mayfly will leave the water to find a safe place for one last transformation. This is particularly tricky, as subimagos are a favorite food for many fish, amphibians, birds, and reptiles.
About 24 to 48 hours after emerging as a subimago, mayflies moult into their final form, the imago. This stage has much larger wings, which adults immedietly use to find a mate. Males swarm over open water in mating dances. When a male finds a female, he flies beneath her and clasps her abdomen to inseminate her. Afterwards, she lays between 400 and 3000 eggs in the nearest source of freshwater. The imago stage is the shortest of a mayfly's life; most live only a few days, assuming they are not caught by predators. The females of one species, Dolania americana, only live for five minutes after emerging from the subimago stage.
While there is a wide variation in the appearance of Ephemeroptera species, the general body structure is largely consistent. Nymphs are generally elongated, with compound eyes and an abdomen consisting of 10 segments. The imago adult stage has clear wings, short antennae, and distinct sensory organs known as cerci, which often resembles a pair of antennae emerging from the abdomen. Like antennae, these cerci are used to as sensory organs, as well as a defense mechanism in some species.
Conservation status: There is only one species of mayfly listed as Endangered by the IUCN: the large blue lake mayfly (Tasmanophlebi lacuscoerulei). This species is threatened by habitat loss; however many species of mayfly are sensitive to pollution, to the point where their presence can act as indicators of ecosystem health.
If you like what I do, consider leaving a tip or buying me a ko-fi!
Giant burrowing mayfly (Hexagenia limbata) by Miles Zhang
Mayfly larvae (Ameletopsis perscitus) by Jon Sullivan
Green drake mayfly (Ephemera danica) by James Owen
Drake Mackerel (Ephemera vulgata) by Felix Reigel via iNaturalist
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aowyn · 1 year
Fic Stats Game
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most bookmarks, fourth most comments, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
tagged by the lovely fairy @child-of-the-fairy-folk ! <3 thanks for tagging me!!! :D
first most hits: and though the winter came it hurt them not
Show me your true appearance, Wen Kexing had said at dinner, looking up at Zhou Zishu through half-lidded eyes. His long fingers were cool against Zhou Zishu’s, who clutched his wine cup for dear life. And I’ll tell you what I want. I know what you want, Zhou Zishu didn’t say. It’s written all over your face. Wen Kexing invites Zhou Zishu to his rooms, and Zhou Zishu forgets about the nails.
i wrote this in the VERY early days of word of honor fandom, when you could count the number of english-language fics on one hand. as a result, this fic became very popular because there literally wasn't anything else to read LOL. (if you go in the word of honor fandom tag on ao3, limit to english language, then go to the very last page, it's there!
second most kudos: all the fires faded and were quenched
“I’m losing my senses, Lao Wen,” he said, with a hoarse bluntness that was perhaps a little cruel. He paused, and took a deep breath. Wen Kexing stared, still silent, black eyes wide with a distressed devotion that caused Zhou Zishu’s stomach to fill with hot shame. “I’m dying.” --- Zhou Zishu can't smell Wen Kexing anymore.
similar situation to the first fic! this story is on the third to last page of english word of honor fics sorted by date rather than the last one XD
third most bookmarks: silent and immutable as snow
He reaches for Wen Kexing's hands; touching Wen Kexing has become as natural as breathing, or perhaps it's the other way around. Being with Wen Kexing means being alive, or maybe not something quite so all-consuming as being alive, but rather the many smaller intimacies that coalesce into a life: Wen Kexing is the click of chopsticks at a common table and the rustle of blankets in a shared bed. Wen Kexing's hands are cooler than normal. At first, Zhou Zishu attributes it to the chill of the room, but when he feels for a pulse in his wrist and finds nothing, his stomach curdles like souring milk.
i wrote this story to cope with how the word of honor finale made me feel, and it resonated with a lot of people!
fourth most comments: rivers have not kept their courses
Across the ashy remains of the campfire, Wen Kexing sat on a log, playing his jade xiao. To Zhou Zishu’s sleep-addled mind, he looked to be made of sunlight, daybreak setting the white silk of his fine clothing aglow with pinks and pale yellows. It seemed a full night of sleep turned Zhou Zishu into a sappy poet. He resolved to never fall asleep to Wen Kexing’s flute again lest that affliction became incurable.
similar situation to the first and second fics! this story is on the second to last page of english word of honor fics on ao3 XD
fifth most words: sky above, crowned with sun
An olive tree, trunk gnarled and black. The mortals would call it ancient, but time is not so fast for gods, and Persephone counts not the years. All she knows is that the tree is as old as her dead son.
this is a hades fic i wrote for the extreme timed challenge gift exchange, where you have 48 hours after receiving your giftee's prompt to complete a fanwork for them. i wrote 2.2k words!
least amount of words: saudade
They lay together, in the time-worn quiet of the Four Seasons Manor—Zhou Zishu refused to call it a ruin, because it stopped being one as soon as the three of them came back to live in it.
on tumblr a few years ago i wrote double drabbles for people who left an ask with a cool word and a word of honor character, and this is one of them!
i tag @maebird-melody @morluin @morifiinwe @feanor @andreth-with-a-sword @garden-holic @raine-kai @vryivs @aredhels @gayjaytodd @rose-ncrantz and anyone else who would like to do this game! (and also no obligation to do it if i've tagged you!) <3
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protocolseben · 10 months
a regular day in the ISS. | 1685 words alt title : a short story written while i screwed with html. you can use mobile, but landscape please!
you can read the story below the cut without all the jazz. it's pretty much all the same.
408 km above Switzerland / 4:18:48 PM /UTC +1 CET 38 Days - Manned Mission 2-1 LOG : a regular day in the ISS.
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"ah, switzerland again!"
"how about australia for once?"
"alright, suit yourself then."
"Besides, how hard is it to miss Australia? It's...one big thing just. There. Not my fault you can't catch it in time."
"Yes, and your stupid numbers board there."
"I want to win after all."
"Nothing to gain from winning it, love."
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(of course seb is winning…)
««« ────── [ approximately 2.5 years ago ]
Mark's half-superior-half-coworker Jonathan Wheatley had once jokingly asked him if he wanted to move to the STELLARIA Section, in which Mark's response was a grimace and a terse "No thank you," given the fact that the fellas of that section was…eccentric to say the least.
He was unsure as to why Horner decided to open a whole section dedicated to just original research, but given that even the man himself had superiors, he was not surprised. Must be the weird old guy from the Munich University again in his ear. Either way, he must be really special to have all the astrophysicists be in their very own area.
"I watched them do their stuff once." Wheatley said in one of break rooms. "I didn't get a single lick of it, even with the math they used. And I had almost full scores in all the Engineering mathematics. They can get real loony."
Mark shrugged his shoulders, in slight agreement. STELLARIA was chock full of these nerds that are constantly fixated on space numbers, but one of them stood out the most for looking like a 15 year old. but at that point the slightly scraggly man -- boy? -- already seemed to be fond of Mark from the get-go. Rocky had brought him over while touring the place, and the twinkle in the latter's eyes easily meant trouble for him in the future.
Theoretical subdiv, Rocky clarified, the guy bringing Seb around. Not the normal Practical use physics that the other sections worked with.
Charming, he thought, but still, it's unfortunate that they would barely see each other considering the differences in what they did. Some other fella named Anton looked at STRUCTURAL once, and slinked away at the massive working machines he and his coworkers went back and fro to. Couldn't blame him.
Wheatley told him that Sebastian had only joined the company a month ago, and apparently as part of his traineeship, or cadetship, something along the lines, while still working on his final fringes of his PhD or the like. It wasn't officially stated yet to the world, but rumours had already persisted that didn't really have any interest in the other agencies. But that was a wild story for another time. Mark wonders how he managed to do so many things at the same time, and was entertaining the thought of him having a twin or clone to help out.
At the end of the break, Mark had pushed away the thought of the starry-eyed section long towards the back of his mind. Not useful, he muttered.
»»» ────── [ present day, present time ]
(being pushed down by 25-year old worth of kilograms)
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"what lame ass metal thing are you doing right now?"
"being dragged down by you… why is your hair so ticklish?! it's just last part of today's experiment."
"ok. i think CORE wants to give us a report for today in a few minutes, and then i can knock myself out."
"you get to knock out? i had to drag you to your sleeping bag because you weren't meeting your 8 hours ─"
"the graph was too interesting…"
"oh god it's you two arguing again."
"oops, hello Marlon."
««« ──────
Overtime. He never really minded it, because the peace and quiet was optimal, for when Mark was too caught up in the place building his things, and free to audibly mumble his thoughts.
Unfortunately for him on this fine evening, a person stood waiting behind his back , holding a slice of chocolate bread made with approximately 100% passion and 89% skill 500% flavour. Mark was dumbfounded at the bread hanging in front of him, but he was kind of hungry. It was a bit singed at the edges, but it still tasted good. He thanked Seb, stuffing the piece into his mouth and delighting in the chip flavour burst.
Until you realise that the person's pass was not authorised for this specific part of the building, of course. He whipped his head around and nearly strained his neck --
"How the fuck did you get in?! You are not supposed to be here." Mark had exclaimed in hushed tones, the first time Seb had managed to inflitrate the Section. STRUCTURAL was tightly maintained.
"I know all the corridors to here already." there's that knowing tone again. What a nosy little shit.
"There's nothing interesting in this place mate," Mark threw his hands up, looking around to make his point and hunking pieces of things and thingmabobs, before looking at the kid before him. "all I do every day is testing and make sure the materials are working right. And doing work I'm too slow to finish."
"It's ok, making stuff is fun. My dad used to be a carpenter and make stuff out of wood. Writing space math gets boring when you're sitting there too long."
You couldn't argue with that, he's a curious kid alright.
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He let him have a look around. Seb's eyes were immediately drawn to the panel-type mish-mash item laying about in the corner, lifting and turning it gingerly like a new archaeological find. Dents, dings and bumps marred the surface of it, curious materials all welded with different names to them, like "Carbon Fibre" and "Heat Resistant Fibreglass".
"It's just our in-house materials, Seb. Not that big of a deal."
"Still, making a whole new kind of matter, you guys are pretty cool."
»»» ──────
"psst. hey. mark."
(rustling sound)
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" 'Thermo-Sterilised Chocolate Bread'… STRUCTURAL Section. What? When did they do these?"
"They had a whole investigation to try "compress" it. Also, i thought you were more level-headed, Mark. They told me you got visibly jealous over people snooping for my bread!"
"God, they noticed that…? Was i that serious about it?"
"you were."
««« ──────
As much as Mark wanted to entertain Seb's sixty thousand questions, which were basic engineering (but he didn't mind), he wanted to go home more. So he had to gently convince to him to leave, turning the lights out for the night.
By gently convincing, it meant Mark forcing Seb on one of those roller chairs and rolling him out STRUCTURAL Section's main doors, before kicking the empty chair back in. -- "wait let me get my stuff first!!" he had exclaimed, running back to STELLARIA and back to meet Mark in a record of 3 minutes.
Quite a speedy lad. Mark had not seen someone go as fast as that since University Rugby in Australia. He was obliterated on contact by the opponent as he dived for the ball. Three months out with a broken left shoulder. Ah, the wonders of youth.
"You didn't let me see the machines."
"And you didn't even tell me what you like." Mark had grumbled, fumbling for his car keys as they walked out the tall glass doors. "And you can do it anytime, the machines aren't going to grow legs and run away."
Seb simply gave a grin.
oh for fuck's sake. "Fine. Anyway, I'm going off. Goodnight, Seb." He was about to walk off, before realising something. "How… do you go home?"
"Huh? Bus obviously. Salzburg's pretty good with the public transport. Yeah I have a license but I don't care much for driving a lot."
Mark looked at him right in the eye. "Get over here. I'll just drive you back." He wanted to laugh when Seb just stood there in his stupid oversized jacket giving him a questioning look. "I'm being serious. Where do you live anyway? It's faster than just waiting around."
► ► ►
It was the world's most uneventful trip by many standards. In fact, Mark's passenger somehow managed to catch a quick snooze right after telling him the address. Seb lived on the other side of Salzburg, in a simple four-floored apartment. Despite being practically the same as his own, Mark thought the surroundings were more cozy.
He gave Seb a gentle nudge on the shoulder. "Ok sleeping beauty, nice place you have here."
"Huh…what…?" He looked around before realising. "You seriously didn't have to…"
"It's for the bread. Good stuff."
There was a short moment of silence as Seb processed what Mark said, before turning slightly red. "I-if you want, I can give you different flavours every week," he said. "Banana, Raisin,--"
Mark just sat the wheel listening in mild awe. He would've just gone home and knocked out or gotten a beer. It sort of made him want to try baking, but that was probably his illogical brain talking, before realising he had to tell Seb to not get any more ideas. "No, no, you don't need to do it, it's just that you are really impressive, still finding time to bake."
"It's a nice hobby!" Seb laughed. "Ok, ok, i'm leaving now. Goodnight Mark, thanks again. Take care." He clumsily opened the car door and right after, tried to give Mark the awkwardest fist bump attempt on Earth.
► ► ►
Twenty two hours to the first time Seb sneaked into STRUCTURAL, a slightly baffled Mark whipped his head around to the sound of the maintenance exit audibly opening, to a Seb holding some more of his homemade chocolate bread.
"I have a lot more at home in the fridge, actually, if you'd like."
»»» ──────
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(zip noises) come on stop struggling Seb.
translation : son of a bitch.
there, neat and tidy. good luck waking up tomorrow, i think you'll be fine.
I will throw you out the airlock tomorrow. You watch.
muah. ok, goodnight sweetheart. love you. don't wreck the module.
fuck you..............night.
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merl-out · 5 months
Breaking Customer Promises and The Harms of Online Business
I ordered a laptop from BestBuy on sale. The next day, I received an email that the order was cancelled. I pulled up a chat to ask why exactly my order was cancelled.
They don't deliver to hotels.
Okay. Sure.
I asked if I could change the address to my work place and was told to fully re-order everything and I would receive a refund for the post-sale price difference. Okay. Sure.
I received the laptop, and it wouldn't turn on.
I took it to my nearest BestBuy. They swap it out easy as pie. I think to myself, "I should've just gone here from the beginning."
Ah, but no matter. I have a laptop and it works great!
I wait a week. No refund. I call them. They assure me, I'll receive an e-mail with the refund in 48-72 hours. Okay. Sure.
I wait another week, just to give them space to process the influx of end of year orders. No refund. I call them again. "The billing cycle takes a month," they tell me, "the refund will come in around 30 days."
Okay. Sure.
It's been four months, friends, and I finally reach out again. Armed with my case ID number, three BestBuy supplied chat logs of customer service agents promising me my refund, a free day and a whole lot of righteous fury. How could they deny me this? I explain all of this to John, the customer service agent. And what does he say to me?
"Sorry to hear this, it is very disappointing, however I will try to resolve your issue as soon as possible. I would like to inform you that, we do not have an option to honor the price match for the old price for canceled order."
…What? Excuse me? I explain again, "They've all told me differently. I have evidence of your company representatives promising me this refund."
"I’m truly sorry to hear about your experience and I’m sorry you are having to face this issue. Please accept our sincere apology for the inconvenience caused and incorrect information provided by previous agent. As it is canceled order we do not have an option to honor the previous sale price." John tells me, merciless.
But it wasn't just one agent, I argue. I have proof. They all told me the same thing. So, I Karen. I admit it, I tell him, "Let me speak to a supervisor."
"I can surely arrange for a supervisor, but I want to let you know that I've thoroughly investigated all potential solutions in this situation. Believe me, if there were any available options to provide you with refund, I would have already taken care of it. Getting a supervisor wouldn't have been necessary since I've already explored this option on your behalf." John tells me.
And here's the thing, friends, I do believe him. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, even though he's complicit in stealing money from me, but in the words of an anachronistic Anne Boleyn, like what was I supposed to do? What's the worst thing that can happen, John, if I ask to speak to your manager? Explain it to me.
Is it a waste of my time? Four months after the theft occurred, to chase down $430 like some cadaver dog sniffing up and down a river after the frost melted to see if I can pick up on a trail? After four months, will one more conversation, one more long shot, really be the straw that breaks my back?? At worst, what will happen, John? Will I waste more company time? Good. I hope I waste at least $430 of company time. Frankly, I hope I waste more.
A supervisor is reviewing the chat logs now before they get back to me. They're a floor supervisor, but they didn't provide a name. Pray for me, friends.
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versaceeevixen · 6 months
Seven Stages of... Ego Death (Part 2) Edited
It was Thursday and I was on my way to my hair appointment. I drove through the rain feeling excited. Why is it every time I get my hair done it rains? Why can't Gawd let me be great? I made my hand into the Che Vuoi (Pinched fingers) hand gesture. I grabbed something I bought from the store that was in a grocery bag. I went into the hair salon, dodging the fat raindrops.
The salon was completely empty, the stylist welcomed me in the shampoo chair. As she was doing my hair she did it gently. Something I've never felt before when my hair was done, I was impressed. She was like an Aunty I never quite had, but wished I did. The ones that cooked food alongside your Grandmother on Thanksgiving. Her hair was dyed maroon cut short with curls. She wore the typical black on black on black apron, shirt, and pants combo that hair stylists wear.
"Wait can you add this?" Shuffling in my black plastic bag.
She nodded as she gently brushed my hair. "You need a trim."
"I'm scared, I normally don't get trims with new stylists."
She told me that she was only going to trim a certain amount, and she did exactly that.
She handed me the mirror, blonde streaks of hair were highlighted against my black-brown hair. They were extensions. I was too scared to dye my hair, so this was the best option.
I headed out the door, using the plastic bag as an umbrella turning towards her while halfway out the threshold. I thanked her for her service and said "I will be back."
She smiled and said "No you won't."
She really did say this, I shit you not. I wished I asked her why.
That was really weird, and I started to let it go as I turned my bluetooth on. Luckily it worked first try as my bluetooth was starting to get finicky as it was a year 2011 Hyundai Sonata. I had an hour to go back to school, to catch my meeting with my RD.
I finally made it back to campus, the rain stopped finally. I didn't have to schlep around campus with a plastic bag on my head. I grabbed my pink leather backpack from Aldo. As I walked from the library parking lot, I was nervous as hell walking towards the building. As soon as I got inside I greeted my co-workers, they were my first set of co-workers in college. I've been working at the library since first semester of Freshman year.
"Hey, I have a meeting on Zoom in ten minutes can I take the call?"
"Yes, you can go straight back to the meeting room." My boss said.
I headed back towards the meeting room, and sat my backpack on the chair. I logged into my computer, as I got settled. I was waiting for the meeting to start. I quickly grabbed my Great-Grandma's funeral card from 2012 and started praying. I don't know how it ended up in my backpack. Honestly, It didn't matter. I prayed to whoever, whatever was willing to save my ass and importantly my job.
Then the meeting was starting... They asked me to explain the situation all over again. I explained it exactly like the first time. Then they responded that I was wrong for getting a Non-RA to help me find the key. Then they said some other things.
Everything happened so fast...
And then I was fired, and was given only 48 hours to move my stuff out. I was going to get charged if I was going to stay on campus. And that I should get an email on what to do next. After that I stopped listening. The meeting ended, and I remember slamming my computer lid down and running to my other boss and crying.
"I have to make a phone call I'm sorry." I was weeping, as I walked out towards the front door. My big white Fila Disruptor II shoes stomping on the ground as I covered my face.
I facetimed Big Sis as I was pacing back and forth in front of the library hoping she'd picked up. Thankfully, she wasn't in class and the call connected.
"I just got fired!" I said sobbing.
"Oh." She said
"I thought you said I was fine! You said you talked to our RD and told me I was fine!"
"I thought you weren't going to get invited back."
"I don't know what to do."
Big Sis pursed her lips into a straight line. "Well, I have to go."
"Bye." I cried hanging up.
I called Xandra, and told her I got fired. The first thing that she said was.
"I knew that you were going to get fired, and... honestly I saw that you weren't going to finish school here and-"
"So you didn't tell me?!" I yelled
"I didn't want to freak you out!"
"I'm freaking out now, Xandra! I literally had money that I've SPENT because I thought I was going to be fine! I should've listened to my gut instead of everyone else!"
"You're going to be fine-"
"I gotta go because I don't want to hear it anymore!" I ended the call.
I walked back into the library, and my boss told me to take the rest of the day off. I grabbed my stuff and headed to my car. I called Richie and asked him to meet me in my car. What the fuck just happened?
"What?" Said Richie "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Vevi. I'm sorry you got fired."
"I gotta go to Home Depot and get boxes. Do you want to come?" Facing him with dried tears smiling.
"Honestly, yes, I'll skip my classes today."
"Maybe I'll just transfer to another school. Or do online classes. I remember during the first semester a guy asked me if I could work for Zumiez. Maybe he'll still need help"
The sun was coming out, as I was driving on the highway (Route 23!) to get to Home Depot. I was thinking how was I going to tell my Mother as my free housing and food was comprised. I rather call my brother and maybe he'll know how to tell her, and then I can give her the news gently.
"Call Kamran." I told my handsfree.
"Hello?" Kamran said
I told him everything, and he said...
"What? I'LL tell Mom. It'll be better that way."
"Okay, Thank you." I said
He hung up, and I finally arrived to Home Depot. I got out the car and looked at Richie.
"I love the blonde by the way."
"Thanks." I said
We walked into Home Depot, even though Home Depot was a home improvement store it felt so sterile. It smelled like wood chips and the floor was cold and grey like a corpse. When I was a kid I used to slide in my shoes on the floor, and steal the paint swatch card stocks.
"Oh gosh, he might be here." Richie said
I saw him, it was the guy from the Lazer Tag Boys that I was helping with the project. But I ended up not helping him. Here he comes sashaying towards us in his orange apron. I did not feel like talking to him, actually no one did.
"HEY GUYS!" He said
"Hi." I said dryly. "Do you know where the moving boxes are?"
"Why do you need MOVING boxes?" He pushed his black rectangle glasses back that his beady stressed eyes were hiding behind.
"It's for a project." I lied.
He kept talking at us about nonsense, as me and Richie kept staring at each other. He kept going on and on about his old female coworker not giving him a chance. Then she transferred to another Home Depot 'for some very strange reason'. At first I pitied him, now I'm annoyed.
"I'm sorry but we have to run." Richie said
We picked out medium, large, and small boxes. We checked them out and ran out of there.
"Yo, what the fuck." Ritchie said
"Yeah why are boxes so expensive?" I asked.
"No, no, I'm tired of him, he literally caused you to indirectly get fired. He's killing my high. I need another gummy"
I pulled out of the parking lot, I was heading towards the mall. Next on my list was to see if the manager at Zumiez was hiring still. My phone rang. It was Kamran.
"Oh shit it's my brother, shhhh." I said
I clicked the button on my steering wheel to pick up the call.
"Yeah, so Mom said you can't stay with her any more." He said.
Alright I'm ending this here, but the story gets even more fucked from here.
P.S. I edited some more to make it more detailed and coherent. I was just trying shit out this one because I just wanted to put this chapter out there. I shall release more content.
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mip248 · 8 months
Pausing and Unpausing an NBN Service while on Holidays
So, some Relos have a holiday house on the coast. Nice place, very cozy and well decorated, and very chilled. They've had it since 2021, and was mostly habitable in mid/late 2022 after being meticulously cleaned and renovated.
The only issue was, there was firm resistance on getting the NBN connected, because "We're here to chill", and "I'm not paying for another NBN service", meaning all internet connectivity was through a 4G modem, despite my requests, which is all fine and well, except being on the coast means peak times for everything during School Holidays and Public Holidays, Long Weekends and the sort, including and not limited to, Cellular networks.
Luckily for me, this impacted the relos while they were down there in a two-pronged manner - not only was it School Holidays (meaning 4G congestion), but for some reason, the FTA aerial appeared to be having some trouble, meaning it was bad news for wet-weather entertainment (and those binge-watching the Australian Open)
Luckily, there's a solution to this - Launtel is an NBN RSP that offers daily billing, and the ability to pause/resume their services. It is on the slightly pricer side, but for this purpose/need, where a service is only needed/wanted when needed/wanted, it's perfect!
I convinced said relos to take it up for the low low price of $3.10 a day, and pause it when not on-site.
But being realistic, this is probably something that'll get missed, and most likely being "forgetting to pause the service". I stumbled upon the linked article by James Healy which gives a familiar and easy way to pause/resume the service without the palaver of logging in to the web portal, all using the Shortcuts app on iOS/macOS.
While I appreciate the work James did, the post doesn't quite show how to resume the service, so I fired up Safari's "Inspect Element" and Postman, and had a cheeky look-see.
What I found is that to get the service to resume, all that is needed is to change the service type in the URL.
As per James' post, to pause the service (for example):
Now, to resume the service (for example):
Easy done!
The service can now be paused/unpaused as needed, and the service will do just that. I’ve advised the relos to just leave the modem powered on and pause/unpause the service as needed.
As a final note, it’s important to note a few things:
Resuming (or unpausing) the service during the free trial period does not resume/restore the free trial period. Pausing the service in Launtel, in essence, processes a disconnection on the NBN side of things (and thus the AVC is reallocated)
(This one’s a little more obvious) You cannot resume (or unpause) the service without sufficient credit applied in the Launtel portal
Service pauses/unpauses (in my very limited experience) have taken approx 5 minutes each time the request was raised - YMMV, but Launtel advise this can take anywhere from 20 mins to 48 hours
Pausing the service during the free trial period ends the free trial period, so pause the service at your own risk/cost/peril
As an extra-extra note - if the LocID/service address/UNI-D allocation was previously with Telstra, and the service had medical priority assistance, there is a lock flag applied to the line. This prevents the old service from being churned from. Luckily, the fine folks at Launtel were able to assist with this, and we simply needed to provide recent (ie within the last 3 months) proof of ownership of the property (utility bill, council rates etc).
I did email James asking for additional detail RE: the extra options (speed boost, slow, etc.). If I get a response, I’ll add a new post and edit this one with the link
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rsnahas · 2 years
Cj gta san andreas
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#Cj gta san andreas skin
#Cj gta san andreas android
#Cj gta san andreas Pc
In total, the app comes with almost 40 different sounds that you can listen to, which will be familiar to many GTA enthusiasts.
#Cj gta san andreas android
A medium meal (for example, fried chicken with sides) will add 2% fat, and finally a large meal (for example, an entire pizza) will add 3% fat. GTA San Andreas: CJ Sounds is a simple app that allows you to hear some of the more classic phrases spoken by the GTA San Andreas protagonist, directly on your Android device. Small meals (for example, a burger) will add 1% to CJ's fat stat. It adds new side missions to the game as well as Easter Eggs that could be found in the two predecessors of the famous San Andreas game. Healthy meals (for example, salad) do not add to CJ's fat stat. GTA United replaces the entire city of San Andreas with none other than Liberty City and Vice City, in a complete overhaul of the game map. Each restaurant offers a small meal, a medium meal, a large meal and also a healthy meal. If you need to eat but are on the go, stop at one of the vending carts located throughout San Andreas for a quick bite. However, the food in these restaurants have absolutely no affect on CJ's statistics. There are also a few slightly more pleasant restaurants, which are only available whilst dating one of the girlfriends. Each chain has a number of different available meals, each with corresponding nutritional value and fat content. There are 3 different restaurant chains scattered across San Andreas: Burger Shot, Cluckin' Bell and The Well Stacked Pizza. Restaurants open for business during the mission "Ryder". After his Fat statistic has been completely depleted, he will lose all health! Restaurants After an additional 26 hours, he will lose Muscle at a rate of 2.5% per hour. To "diet", CJ must refrain from eating for 48 game hours, at which time he will begin to lose fat at a rate of 2.5% per hour. MTA is a new way to enjoy your old game GTA San Andreas with your friends and.
#Cj gta san andreas skin
There are two ways to lose weight: "dieting" or engaging in aerobic exercise. Skin ID: 0 Skin Model Name: cj Skin Name/Type: Carl CJ Johnson (Main. A message will appear on-screen when CJ is hungry. It limits CJ's sprinting ability, his ability to climb over walls and also his driving ability. Eating too much also affects physical ability. Base Of Operations: The Johnson home on Grove Street, in Los Santos, CA. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game.
#Cj gta san andreas Pc
Android iOS (iPhone/iPad) Macintosh PC PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 Windows Mobile Xbox 360 Xbox Nintendo Switch Oculus Quest PC PlayStation 4 Xbox One. Within a six-hour time period, CJ can eat up to 11 meals If he eats more than that, he will puke! After doing so, all the fat gained from these meals is subtracted from CJ's statistics. Which are the advantages of a Fat CJ Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PlayStation 2. If CJ eats large meals all the time, he will get fatter and fatter. His assets and business interests include the Grove Street Families and Madd Dogg's contract in Los Santos, a car garage and several other properties in San Fierro, and shares in Four Dragons casino in Las Venturas. Whatever CJ chooses to eat will affect his overall health and fat statistic. After GTA San Andreas At the very end of the game, Carl is a young multi-millionaire. GTA Online Double Cash and RP Event WeekendĬJ must periodically eat in order to keep his Health meter filled. GTANet Exclusive PC Screenshot from Rockstar WC and Crazy Toones helped me out a lot like that.MTA: San Andreas Deathmatch - Developer Preview With VRoid Hub, users can post their own 3D models to make. When I did The Real Coast Guard CD, it became fun. VRoid Hub is a platform where users can post their 3D characters and share them with other users. “I was able to really kick back and be an artist,” he says. The record may not have launched him to that next level of stardom, but it was the statement Maylay wanted to make. The Real Coast Guard saw him deploy more complex cadences over “ What’s The Difference”-style horns. The CJ gimmick was out, and the songs came more fully realized. He’d hooked up with DJ Crazy Toones and Westside Connection rapper WC on the former’s It’s A CT Experience, and the pair came on board to help take some of the creative weight. The tape was well received by rap bloggers, but by the time his second tape, The Real Coast Guard, came out in 2008, he was ready to step out of the GTA universe. He oversaw everything- from sourcing the beats to mailing out the completed CDs-because despite the game’s success, he was still a new artist with few resources. Maylay dropped San Andreas: The Original Mixtape independently.
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kargyle · 2 years
i’m very behind on tags and such and my queue is running looow and filled with ST4 (sorry)
i’m moving to my new apartment on saturday and hopefully will have better internet there where it can load gifs and i can catch up on here as i relax
anyway i should be able to be on more and make more gifs soon after i get settled in my new place! (and yay no more one hour commuting to work!)
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I, of course, have a question about your werewolf au! Can you expand a little bit on Coyote and Jake's relationship? Like, how long was Coyote a werewolf before Jake was attacked? Does Coyote ever feel guilty for not protecting Jake from being attacked? What was Jake's initial reaction to finding out he became a werewolf? Also, what was Jake and Coyote's conversation like when Jake had to reveal that his Luna was a member of their rival pack?
M !!!!!!! lemme tell you something...LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING. I will accept any and all questions about the werewolf au for the rest of time because I love it so much. And I love you. Thank you.
Javy and Jake are best werewolf bros for life but their relationship is also a little....complicated....
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Javy was turned about a year before Jake (again by attack cause Bellmoral sucks complete ass)
And when he was turned, it was explained to him to genuinely not to get close to anybody (especially young, strong, healthy people) because Bellmoral had the nasty habit of stalking members of his pack, taking note of who they were close to, and attacking their friends
It's just how the dude finds his Beta pool (again, cause he sucks complete ass)
But Jake and Javy were technically friends before Javy was even turned.
Javy tried and failed to stay away from Jake. But neither of them are from Washington, Jake was new in town, and Javy at that point was a friendly face. Jake liked Javy and Javy liked him. They were buds. Some of the only non-natives who worked at the log yard.
In the end, Javy just had to purposefully be an asshole to Jake so he could stay away from him (putting Jake in his sad boy hours cause "not friends?" 🥺)
But Jake is nothing if not determined. So next day at the yard Jake confronts him about his shitty behavior.
"Look, man, it's for your own good! Just stay away from me!"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
But it's too late. Cause guess what happens that day after work?
Jake gets attacked.
And Javy just feels so fucking guilty about it.
In my head, Javy is driving home from the yard, sees Jake's truck on the side of the road. He pulls over to see if he needs help cause he really isn't an asshole, but then he hears screaming in the woods. And he just knows.
He runs into the woods and finds Jake face down on the forest floor, back torn to shreds and barely clinging to life. Bellmoral just left him there to turn and heal on his own.
So Javy takes him to a nearby cave, knowing he couldn't get him very far before shit started to hit the fan.
He stays with him the full 48 hours it takes for the bite to take effect and for his wounds to heal
Mickey and Rueben bring by food and blankets and stuff and they stay for a few hours (do they also have a similar story?? .....yes. so sorry red sky i just keep putting you through it)
Not to add injury to injury but Jake definitely just wakes up in the middle of the process and is screaming bloody murder cause that shit HURTS. Every fiber of his being is being altered and he's not used to his muscles stitching themselves back together like that. Eventually, he passes back out.
"What is....Happening to me?"
"I'm so sorry."
Jake doesn't remember asking that. But it haunts Javy to this day.
When Jake finally wakes up, completely turned and completely healed, he is so fucking confused. Could've sworn he just got attacked by a giant wolf in the woods. Was it all a dream? But Javy was there, looking at him like he was his greatest horror come to life. (OUCH anyway). But then he feels the scars all over his back and he knows that it was real...But how the hell is he even alive?
Javy explains it to him. And Jake has a hard time believing it but like...He definitely should have died but he's alive and in a cave and he feels different. It's not weird, but it also isn't not weird. He feels stronger, more confident, and his mind is nearly overwhelmed by the strong scents everywhere.
"You'll learn to block most scents out."
Jake probably asks that Javy show him. Cause there are so many signs but like this is just impossible.
Javy shifts in front of him and Jake just goes "JESUS CHRIST"
After that it's just a massive learning curve. And a whole lotta nightmares and PTSD. But the pack is there to help and guides him through everything like the family he's always wanted.
(and then he sees how that family is being treated and he is having None of That. But that's a story for a different day lol)
Javy feels guilty about what happened to Jake for the rest of forever. It feels like the entire thing is his fault even after Jake tells him, repeatedly, that he doesn't see it that way. That Javy did nothing wrong.
So when Jake becomes Alpha and asks Javy to be his second, he jumps at the opportunity because he can try and...make up to himself (?) for what happened to Jake. He gets to help and protect his friend and now his Alpha.
And as far as Jake revealing Ronnie is his Luna, well....Here we go:
That night in the tavern didn't go exactly as planned. But at least Blue River knew they were here, and their encounter had been controlled. That was until that woman with the raven black hair jumped over the bar and aimed a shotgun at Jake's chest.
Until Jake began to ache with something powerful to be near her. To touch her soft skin and have her scent of old book pages and lavender fill his lungs till there was nothing else.
He knew to ask Rueben and Mickey about it. The only mated werewolves he had ever met. They told him about the draw, the need to be with them, how it would nearly hurt to be away from them, how the bond would need to be accepted and settled - how Alphas' mates are called Lunas.
If you were mated, they would basically become co-leader of the pack in a way. Like a queen.
Jake felt his stomach drop as the pieces finally fell together. That Bradshaw girl was his mate. His Luna. His queen. Shit.
Rueben and Mickey obviously had some inclination about what was going on. But the first person he told was his second-in-command: Javy.
"Is that why you asked about her?" Javy questioned once Jake was done explaining.
He nodded his head. "Yeah. Didn't know what it was at first. I mean...She's beautiful so I thought I just...I don't know."
"Well, shit, man." Javy got up from the couch and sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "She's a fucking Bradshaw."
"I know."
"You saw the way they reacted when you just looked at her funny - if you take her away to be your Luna...Fuck. It'll rain down the fucking cavalry."
"I know," Jake repeated, then he rubbed at that spot at the center of his chest. "But I can't just ignore it. It already fucking hurts."
This pulls at Javy's heartstrings for reasons Jake will never fully understand.
So Javy sighs, "Just take things slow, okay? See if you can get her alone to talk. Who knows, maybe she'll just reject the mating and we won't have to worry about it."
Javy left after that, claiming a shower as Frank came out of the bathroom dripping. Jake still sat on the couch, rubbing that spot that hurt at the center of his chest. He knew that it was a bad idea. That there were so many risks. But she was his mate. His Luna. His queen. As soon as he got turned the Moon Goddess picked her for a reason.
And maybe that reason was to save Red Sky from the brink of extinction.
werewolf!topgun taglist cause this info is kinda Cool and Important:
@blue-aconite @darkestbeforethedawn16 @supernaturaldawning @illisius @hope-love-equality2 @wanderingdetectives @sqrlgrl22 @dempy @theforevermorereject @the-untamed-soul @emandems10 @xxshea-barnesxx @piceous21 @sopheeg @ollyoxenfrees @luckyladycreator2 @newlibrary @himbos-on-ice @gigisimsonmars @agentminnesota187 @indynerdgirl
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Jikook Dynamics Through The Years: 2014 Part 3
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The previous posts for the first 2 parts can be found in my masterlist under Jikook Dynamics as well as I'll link them here for you. This is when I think things start getting more interesting in my opinion. Something important to keep in mind that I'll be sharing moments, AND my personal opinions, along with facts. My opinions are my own. You can agree or disagree. I encourage you to go and check it all out, see this content for yourself as well and form your own opinions during this time frame too. I will be splitting this up into 3 different posts probably to manage the length and be able to add more links/photos in each post. This will be the final part, wrapping up the year with moments from Sept - Dec. This is so so long. I'm so sorry!
Starting this post off with September 1st! Our Kookie's birthday! There was actually a lot posted this day. Lol starting with the Naver Starcast Chuseok celebration live stream. You can watch it (in 3 parts) with English subs here. Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3. I'll just give a brief warning to headphone users here for volume control, there is a lot of yelling and Loudness 😅🤣 JK introduces all his hyungs to the steam and when he calls out Jimin he smiles sweetly at him before he even gets on camera and says "oh, so handsome." Jimin rubbing JKs back when he gets embarrassed over all the birthday wishes from his hyungs. Lol very sweet. And Jimin ends the live by wishing JK a happy birthday again and telling him to please accept my love, while blowing a kiss to the camera (the kiss representing his love lol). They performed Danger in their hanboks during the live stream. And they filmed it again after the live stream for a dance practice bangtan bomb, you can watch the appeal version of Danger and all the chaos in HD here too lol it was released on the 5th.
On this day we also have the official fancafe post for JKs birthday with him holding a cake and all his hyungs taking turns taking photos with him. Jikook pressing their heads together for theirs 💜 you can see the rest of them in the link.
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Followed by Jimins Twitter post for his birthday with 2 more silly photos. One of them together from AHL and the other of JK in the middle of getting his hair dyed. Lol he called him cute and apologized for using goofy photos in his caption and said "but you know that I love you the most right? Kekeke"
140906, Bighit offical Twitter post after their 2 day Dark & Wild fansign event and Music Core performances. Jikook snuggly on the couch with everyone else. You can look up fancams and photos from these fansigns (on the 5th and 6th) if you want to see them. They whispered to each other when they were sitting next to each other and were openly fairly touchy with the skinship and playfulness with their photos too. Really nothing big or major, just sweet and cute
Pops in Seoul Interview over their Dark & Wild Album. They were asked a serious of which member questions. When they were asked which member looks better or changed the most for the best since debut, they all picked Jimin. Lol when they asked if he did anything to look better, JK spoke up and said it's because he tried super hard and that he tries the hardest. He said that hyung watches music videos all day and practices. Jimin asked him if he looked okay doing it, and JK answered that yes, he looked really cool.
We finally get another jikook log! Filmed on the 10th. They talk sweetly about how they spent their individual time with their families over Chuseok. They were given a 48 hour break from the company and their parents came to Seoul to visit them. They talk about how they are the same in that they both just enjoy the little things in the moment too, like eating good food and watching movies with their family. There is a small mistranslation in this video though, JK is not talking about a waitress. Lol he is talking about going to a restaurant in a hotel and almost says the full name of the hotel chain, which is why Jimin cuts him off to censor him to be safe. Regardless it's a very sweet short log, where we do see JK speaking more informally a couple times with Jimin too, hinting again simply towards their closeness as friends, that such informality with someone older is allowed and there is no reaction to it. Something that has just become more and more prevelant as the years go on.
We then have BTS show up on the Volume Up Radio Show on Namjoons birthday. I'm including it here for really just one reason, which is that when talking about the way they describe love in their album, the hosts ask about their experience with dating. It's sort of confirmed that JK does have experience with dating (which we knew that he had a sort of girl friend in middle school. Where they dated but broke up later because he didn't talk to her for 200 days. Lmao). And when asked who is the most innocent member (least experience in dating basically) the answer was Jimin. Not the type for random hook ups and didn't really have dating experience previously. Namjoon was pointed out by the members as the "player" of the group. Lol they also talk in this interview about their experiences on AHL and living all together in one room, which is why they really never have any privacy nor any secrets between them. It's worth watching even though it's long!
Briefly including this one in here too, a small video from M!Countdown. Tae is wild here 😂 but not the point. Sorry, i can't find subs for this one, but it's short and the only thing I want to draw attention to is when they all squeeze into the elevator at the end, JK gets in last and basically just squeezes in next to Jimin who opened up his arms to be able to pull him into his side so that he can fit in nicely. It's sweet and clearly skinship in general isn't actually a problem for them.
Again from M!Countdown backstage we have them all being goofy together. But what we also have is Jimin being throughly impressed by Jungkook's muscles when he shows them off after carrying around a big camera (he was being the cameraman for a bit). Followed by Jimin showing off his own. And then Jimin also suggesting that the younger members get to address the older members informally for a bit as part of a game. Someone save Jin from the maknae line please 🤣🤣 and we also get to see Jimin fanboy over one of his sunbaenims for a bit too who is also preforming that night.
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On 140922, Jimin, JK, V and RM visit an orphanage as part of the Hope Delivery that they were doing. They tweeted many cute photos from their time there with the kids, jikook danced for them too, and later the orphanage shared this photo of the boys with some of the kids from this visit too. Which has a very sweet moment of JK back hugging Jimin for the photo. Very sweet to see. Tweet from Jimin. Tweet from Tae. Tweet from JK. Another from the 4 of them. Orphanage tweeted the photo from this 2014 visit in 2017 which is when we got to see this photo (above) for the first time.
Starcast Interview Translation from 140926. Very sweet photos of behind the scenes and everyone being playful with each other. Jikook playfully boxing together.
On the 28th, they have a behind the show interview, again about Danger. JK says his ideal type of girl is one who bears a boxy white button up shirt, Jimin didn't answer this time. I'll also point out in the beginning, Jimin dances to Danger briefly and JK squeezes his arm for zero reason other than just it was there I guess. Lol Jimin also makes a play to have the fans vote for him saying he will expose more skin if he wins 😅🤣 JK kinda looks like he checks him out a bit as he says that before laughing and teasing and shoving Jimin with the rest of the hyungs for taking things too far lmao.
On the 29th, they are in Deagu for a fansign. Jikook sit next to each other and take cute photos together for fans. It's very sweet. Here is a Jimin focused fancam (very short, but very HD) from the event. Jam to One Direction too as you watch. Lol now I'm not saying this was anything for sure, but um that look JK gives Jimin about 40 seconds in before they put their heads together again for another photo 👀 idk, song choice feels appropriate somehow for that look 🙈😂 some cute minimoni, yoonmin and jihope in here too 🥰🥰
On October 11th we have BTS spotted by paparazzi at a photoshoot location for war of hormone. This is also where we see photos of JK coming up and taking Jimins lollipop that he was previously sucking on during photos and while waiting for photos. Boundaries who? Jikook please 😅
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And also on the 11th we see them on the Global Idol show, episode 63. They each get asked a question at the beginning. Jimins question is if he wants to act. He says yes, they tell him to act out a scene for them. A scene where he has to stop his girlfriend from leaving/breaking up. Tae goes to get up to play the part of the girlfriend (vmin soulmate skits as usual lol), but JK jumps up SO fast to pretend to be Jimins girlfriend for this skit. Lmao like he really said "nah, this role is mine" 😂😂 wonderful little skit too. Lol Jimin was very passionate as an actor. He then also picks which beautiful actress he would have liked to act beside one day, to which JK replied "why didn't you pick me?!" I'd love to get another opinion on that one though since it's not officially translated and I haven't seen many others translate his words. Lol
October 13th! Chimchim day! Fancafe post with all the members posing with Jimin for his birthday. Jimin giving JK a piggyback ride for their photo. These are all cute. The hyungs all holding Jimin in some way, and then Jimin holding both the maknaes. It's precious. Hyung of the Maknae Line indeed 🥺
Jungkooks twitter post to Jimin for his birthday was insanely sweet. He posted a silly photo and a photo of a letter he wrote to him. The translation for his letter is:
"Hello Park Jiminnie hyung I am Jeongguk Hyung ♥ it’s your 20th birthday
So I couldn’t NOT write a letter keke
Happy birthday and I’m always grateful
And I always ignore your jokes and don’t acknowledge them but
You know I’m not doing that on purpose, right? ke 
Hyung I love you and
Happy birthday once again!~
I’ll buy us a meal next time!! Ke"
JK adored his hyung since always 💜💜💜
BigHit staff uploaded multiple photos to Facebook in celebration of Chimchim day, including this super sweet and incredibly cute photo sequence of jikook and JK coming up to tickle and backhug Jimin. Seriously. One of my favorite photo sequences of them from the early years. Precious 🥺
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BTS held concerts on the 17th - 19th and Starcast Naver did an article over them full of photos, not just from stage, but from rehearsals and after the concert too. Where we see Jimin try to kiss JK again jokingly which are some of the photos included. They make a joke about Jimin still trying to practice the blanket kick choreo with Jungkook 😂
BTS appeared on A Song For You on the 21st. They played games, watched and returned messages from a few fans, answered some questions and sang some songs! It was all cute. The game they played was where they tossed marshmallows and the other had to catch them in his mouth. Jikook made an excellent team, becoming the ace players for their team. As soon as the game even started being explained, JK saying that Jimin hyung was good at this game. And he kept blowing on the marshmallows each time before throwing them so that the powder wouldn't get all over Jimins face. They killed it. Plus so many amazing jikook harmonies too. The song for you group also made a post on Weibo with photos from the set and we see JK watching Jimin VERY fondly both times he got up to dance during the show, once on his own, and once when 3J danced.
On the 21st the Music Video was released as well as the concept photos. If you haven't seen them go look them up. 3J in this photoshoot were 🔥🔥 later the behind photos from the MV were released as well (again, look them up if you haven't seen them before!) But this one cracks me up. For as often as JK minorly panics and dodges all the times Jimin has jokingly tried to kiss him or asked for kisses, he doesn't seem to want Jimin giving Namjoon those kisses instead. Went ahead and directly blocked said kiss with his fingers 😂
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We then have the MV shooting film as well. Where we see JK WILDING sir, remember you are underage here thank you 😂 and Jimin laughing at his antics and them cuddled up on the couch together. And when Jimin is chilly, we see JK immediately offer him his jacket, just standing there holding it out to him silently until Jimin notices it himself 🤣 smooth, sir, smooth. Weren't you Mr. "I don't like to share my clothes". What happened?
Haru Hana Magazine Vol 22, Twitter Q&A interview, 141022. BTS answers fan questions from Twitter. If NOTHING else, this interview should highlight how close all the members are, ALL OF THEM, almost weirdly so. Lol Suga borrowing JKs underwear when he ran out his own, much to JKs disgruntlement who now protects his underwear more 😂 when asked if they have any special secrets with the members, they share that they literally know everything and they have no secrets from each other. They know everyone's birth marks even because they shower together because there is only one bathroom and limited time. Lmao so it is often they will shower 2 or sometimes 3 at a time. When they said no privacy, they really meant it 😅😂 when asked if they were a girl who would they date, Jimin picked JK, because he is very cute and shy, but also has a very manly side. When asked about if they fight over things, JKs answer was that sometimes they fight because he lacks social experience and while he is just joking around and wanting to be funny, it can come across wrong/inappropriate. And so then his hyungs will teach him better. When asked if they could become another member who would it be, JK said RM because he wants his smart brain (just one more moment in these early years JK has expressed wanting to be smarter like RM). There is ALOT more and it's a good read, you should check the full interview out if you can.
October ends with their Halloween dance practice. Lmao we have this cute Bangtan Bomb of them getting ready where everyone is very playful and giggly over their makeup. And then of course the final BTB of their dance practice in costume that is just pure silliness.
Seasons Greetings 2015. It's got a couple cute jikook moments in there too. My thoughts over that DVD and those moments can be found in this post. This was all released in December, but filmed sometime in October.
On 141102, BTS perform War of Hormone and then all hit up Twitter to say thank you to their fans for coming to support them. Jimins post referenced when Tae roundhouse kicked him on the ass on stage 🤣 JK posted a series of selcas with Jimin thanking ARMY for coming out to support them. They are incredibly cute. And unrelated, but I gotta include, Jin posted a thirst trap. Lol
Through this interview. JK hangs out right behind Jimin the whole time and around 4 minutes in, Jimin answers a question about how RM takes care of the maknae line, being a little silly with it. JK stares at him fondly the whole time he is answering, Jimin passes the mic to Tae to answer next and JK just continues to stare very fondly at Jimin, smiling bigger watching him laugh over Tae's answer.
Jimin posts on Twitter promising to look after his troublemaker members and thanking ARMY for supporting them.
On 141109, they go to have a mini fanmeet and jikook are very cute multiple times through it. You can find fancams if you want and cute photos too
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One of the most infamous jikook Scenes out there comes from this video... and it's always taken so wildly out of context, so here is the full thing. PLEASE WATCH IT ALL. I've seen not only antis, but jkkrs as well use cut up versions of this clip. Antis use it to pass along the narrative that JK hated Jimin or still does. And jkkrs use it to push the jimin fell first, but jk fell harder narrative. Or the I'm so glad that JK doesn't treat Jimin badly anymore narrative. Which has NEVER been the case. If you haven't seen from all my previous posts in this series, they have always been close and he has never treated him badly. I'll cut my rant short and just say, watch the video please. JK starts lightly kicking Jimin in the butt imitating the whole vmin teasing gimmick those 2 do during every war of hormone stage. Jimin then jokingly starts shoving JK against the wall. "Oh you are making me shy, why are you like this, why are you being annoying" etc etc things like this. JK is laughing his ass off as Jimin shoves him repeatedly into the wall. Jimin pushes JK FIRST. This starts their game of rough housing that we then continue to see. Jimin then jokingly wraps him up in a hug and says we are in a love relationship. JK says no and pushes him into the wall. Which was only what Jimin had just been doing to him. They laugh a lot and Jimin says "We are in this kind of relationship. I hit you, you hit me. Our relationship is good." They then shove each other back and forth, again, Jimin starting it. And JK has the BIGGEST smile on his face the whole time too and afterwards goes in to give Jimin a big hug. Rough housing between friends does not equal hate or discomfort or that they didn't want the other around. And this wasn't JK being mean, he was just giving Jimin everything back that Jimin gave him. It's actually a really cute little clip if people watched it in full and stopped manipulating it around.
A bangtan bomb posted where jikook are having fun together backstage, singing and dancing along to another group who is currently performing. Jimin absolutely caresses JKs chest during one of his dance moves there too.
On the 17th, JK once again posts to Twitter to thank ARMY for their support after their show with a jikook selca. One that is honestly one of my favorites for some reason. They both look so cute 🥰 but the follow up tweet from Jimin is even better. 🤣
Jimin posts to Twitter after this, JK has fallen asleep, but not before he drew all over Jimins phone case. And Jimin posts photos of it with his how dare you vandalize my phone and then go to sleep caption, with 4 different photos attached. And I just want to say that it's super cute how JK chose to vandalize Jimins phone by decorating it with hearts and the word love and sis. Lmao it's something alright. An interesting choice is all. Especially to contrast to how years later when we see him doing the same thing to Jins phone, it's just with his joking version of his name they tease him with "jan" and not love, sis and hearts all over 😅
We follow this up on the 20th with an interview on Pops in Seoul, and this is a bit of a hard one to watch at times. They pick sticky notes with questions on it to answer. JK picks one that again has him rank the members by look. You can absolutely tell he thinks this is going to be a funny joke that they all laugh about like they did earlier in the year. It's clear that he just really did not think through how Jimin had expressed that it wasn't a joke he liked even if he went along with it. Jimin is 100% not into this question from the moment it starts, situating hinself outside of the group a bit for it. And when he is again ranked last, he looks not surprised but also genuinely a little hurt by the whole thing. Pretty sure he thought they left this whole joke behind them. The rest of them too, RM even scolds JK a bit and Tae questions why he didn't change things up. It brings me back to that interview I listed above where JK mentioned how sometimes they fight because he wants to be funny, but that he sometimes says things that are insensitive without thinking about it. This is one of those times I think.
Jimin posts his travel blog on the 24th. These are always so cute. And in this one he includes a photo of JK comforting him when he thought he lost his airplane ticket, but the airport staff luckily found it for him. Lol its the cutest little photo. He also includes a photo of jikook enjoying a chicken meal together too.
A fansign on the 27th has the maknae line all in a row and being very playful with each other. Photo at the top from this fansign. Jikook sat quite close together too. And this wraps up November for us for the most part.
We start Decemeber off on the 3rd with the Oricon Style Interview. This is QUITE the interview. It's a lot 😅 so please just click on the link to read the translation of the whole interview. JK once again changes who his ideal type is. He says that he focuses first on a girl if she has a healthy beauty and well balanced muscles. Which then starts BTS off on a tangent and Jimin bringing up that his ideal type is... well, Jimin. Lmfao which JK in a almost panic like fashion, denies. He says he likes a girl with tan skin who does workouts daily. To which Jimin just says that he has pale skin. But otherwise is sticking to the "you just described me as your ideal type of girl" teasing. Which also he continues to tease the other members through the interviews too, his response to JK was quite different. Lol Jimin again says that he likes cute and charming girls. When talking about their ideal love story, Jimin scolds Jin a bit about how love is equality and if he wants something, he has to be able to give the same energy in return. And he says that his ideal love story would be where he loves only one person for the rest of his life. JK makes a joke about just being a lonely man. And when asked to expand basically just says that he can't think about love right now, but when he does, he is sure he would want to spend lots of time with her.
This is again, giving me JK doesn't know what his ideal type of girl is so it keeps changing and yet somehow ended up similar to Jimin at this point? Jimin seems way too interested in what JKs ideal type is and that whole exchange was so awkward too. Cute and crinegy. It's a pattern at this point for 2014. Lol and Jimin is so sweet with his view and outlook on love. JK and his outlook on love, for some reason he doesn't seem to think it's in the cards for him or at least not any time soon. I'm not trying to project, but if asked what my opinion over this is, it's honestly giving me thoughts that he is trying to figure out what love is to him, he might be trying to come to terms with his own sexuality at this point too. He just seems not that into this question and doesn't really know how to answer it.
Also on Decemeber 3rd are the MAMA awards. Which is the iconic Jimin ripping off his shirt and then performing shirtless MAMA award show. Lol we have the MAMA behind cam here which was posted on the 10th. Jikook have a few little moments through essentially the entire 2ish minute video. Lol it looks like they just sort of stuck near each other alot during this trip/stage prep. Including a jinjikook gym session. Lol we then also get another MAMA Behind the Scenes video here of them prepping for their stage and then after they perform. This one is longer and my favorite moment from it is towards the end. They all come backstage after performing and the reporter loses it a little bit and gasps and zooms in on Jimins abs. Lmao JK covers the camera up as Jimin walks by and jokingly basically just tells the lady that she is enjoying herself too much.
On the 10th that also gets posted is this BTB. It's mostly all just jihope focused and them being goofy about working out. But um, I won't say JK seems to be hovering, but he seems to be hovering a little bit. Lol
On Christmas Eve, BTS post a cute little Christmas themed "radio show" meaning it's basically a voice only video, they posted it on YouTube. It's just under 30 minutes long. Around 19 to 20 minutes in, jikook have a very cute, yet also cringey exchange of JK giving Jimin advice on how to confess his feelings to the girl that he likes (aka ARMY). Lol
Also on Christmas Eve, jikook post on Twitter. 4 selcas and the caption "Christmas Day. Coming soon." And they are the sweetest, most cozy selcas ever. JK just looks so comfortable and at home there with Jimin, the eyes closing and heads touching 🥺
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On Christmas Day, the 25th, jikook post their cover of Mistletoe, retitled Christmas Day.
Jimin posted a blog post over it as well when he posted this video as well as another photo of him and Jungkook. Translation of his post as follows:
Christmas Day
Did you receive our present?
It was really tough so hurry compliment that we’ve done well
Hm Hm I’m Jimin~
This Christmas song is a song by me and maknae Jungkook, a song titled Christmas Day
This time round its a song made by just two of us.
1 month ago while we were together practicing our singing, the suggestion came up that we try and record a song together
Our clever boy Jungkookie was the one who said that we try make a Christmas track
So we started on it and actually we really did not have much time so we worried a lot over what if we couldn’t reveal it.
Still we recorded during our free times and prepared, for it to be revealed like that it’s really movingㅜㅜ
A more more more more more important fact to note!!!
This christmas song’s lyrics are personally written by me kyaha
That I wrote while thinking about our pretties~ That’s for real
Our hyungnims can write a few songs within a day but its the first time I’m writing lyrics so it took a really long time for me to complete it
Heehee it’s my first time but do think of it cutely and listen to the song~
Also our ARMY
In this while there’s been a lot of memories
A year and a half, time’s passed all at once
In the future too be it cool things happy things or things that we congratulate one another while smiling
And the pretty memories that we’ll be making
I’m really looking forward to it so
Do look forward to it too and love us a lot in the future too
Merry Christmas A.R.M.Y~
Sweet dreams~
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They end the year on the 31st with a performance on MBC. They later tweet out their thanks to ARMY, including this tweet from I think Jimin, which was a cute jikook selca. And this tweet with a very cute group photo and Jimin leaning his head on JKs shoulder.
And I'm ending this post before I wrap it up with a quick add on from May (which shouldve been in part 2). I'll edit this into part 2 as well since I missed it there originally that way things are still in chronological order for the most part. So I'm very sorry!
140529, BTS is on a Japanese Public Broadcast, you can watch the full video here. Very fun. Very playful. And for someone who dodges all requests for kisses, JK seems to give quite the little indirect kiss here. Lol ugh, what a moment to have left off the original post! JK blows a kiss himself, then uses the same hand to blow a kiss for Jimin who had just simply puckered his lips before. Lol is this him trying to give Jimin a kiss? No, he is just being cheeky, but it's a cute little moment anyway. I mean, clearly their boundaries are lower with the skinship that people assumed. JK just had Jimin kiss his hand after he himself kissed it. Lol follow this by a few months later and JK deciding to share Jimins lollipop with him. Yeah.... boundaries just got lower lol
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And that wraps up 2014! Not every moment was included, more just so the ones I personally felt like were ones more worthy of calling attention to and spoke to their bond. I'm not including every skinship moment or playful moment or moment where they looked at each other. Lol and my opinions are littered throughout these posts too.
Basically, I think the overall feeling of this year between them was friendship. I think it's clear that there is the beginning of a crush forming between the both of them, a mutual crush so to say. But that neither are acting on it really or even aware of the other feeling that way and are mostly just drawn to be around each other more. Jimin especially has been very vocal about wanting more time with JK and how much he enjoys spending time with him. Where as JK has been a little more subtle, but while he might not be saying it, he is clearly been seeking out Jimins company and we see them together often too. They aren't inseparable though, they still often at times seek out and prefer their other members at times too. I'm not even sure if they themselves are admitting the beginnings of said crush to themselves yet or are just rolling with things about how they seem to want to be around each other.
I'm also sure there might be some denial of said inner feelings to themselves too that they might be working through. Wanting to be a good hyung to him and nothing more, not wanting to cross any lines, etc. Possibly having to work through some inner "is this okay to feel like this" type of feelings. They grew up in a very conservative and homophobic country, even if their parents didn't raise them that way, they would have been exposed to that type of thinking regardless. So this year I think was still them focusing on and enjoying their friendship. And the moments and vibes I got from them were definitely hints towards a crush, but one that isn't even being actively pursued or thought about all the time. This year was all about being playful and rough housing and silly fun times together mostly. The friendship was definitely the top priority for them, with some additional feelings slipping out every so often lol. But those underlying feelings? That's what kicks off the next changes for them over the following years as they expand upon them. At least, in my personal opinion, and how I see all of this.
Sorry again that this post is so long!! If you have read all of this, thank you!! And thanks for letting me share all my thoughts with you 💜
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postplus-protest · 3 years
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I posted 470 times in 2021
367 posts created (78%)
103 posts reblogged (22%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.3 posts.
I added 776 tags in 2021
#pp-p answers - 288 posts
#postplusprotest - 131 posts
#post+ is eww - 76 posts
#post plus - 65 posts
#tumblrlogoff2021 - 61 posts
#post+ - 52 posts
#not protest related - 39 posts
#pp p answers - 30 posts
#flying the colors - 18 posts
#signal boost - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#it’s almost like the survey was just bullshit to make us think there was ever a choice or that our opinion mattered
My Top Posts in 2021
Guess who got out of shadowban hell? Me!
Here’s what I got so far :
While there’s no way for me to track the hard numbers of who participated or what effect this had, what I could see after the fact was amazing.
I had no messages until I logged back in so to any one who tried to message before then; I’m sorry.
And finally, what is phase two? As of right now, we’re gonna lay low and see what (if anything) will be said in regards to the Post+ situation/the postplusprotest. After that, there might be another longer log off and (as much as I hate it) an actual Twitter campaign. It mostly depends on what happens in the next week or so. The ball is in staff’s court so to speak.
Thanks again, everyone!
Keep an eye on the pinned post for changes and updates.
707 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 14:03:30 GMT
Now, maybe I’m just being petty and pedantic but I was giving the Post+/+Post/whatever the hell they’re calling it help docs here a glance when I found this little gem I’ve screenshot for the class:
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Now, why is this funny? Because while it’s only an example, their example does exactly what can get you in trouble. Star Trek screenshots behind the paywall.
I am laughing so hard.
731 notes • Posted 2021-09-09 18:57:12 GMT
Here we are back again for a 48 hour log off protest of the current version of Post+.
October 2, 2021
12 am Eastern Daylight Time/Atlantic Standard Time
1 am Chile Standard Time/Brazil Time/Argentina Time
4 am UTC
5 am BST/London/West Africa Time/West European Summer Time
6 am Central Europe Time/Central Africa Time
7 am Moscow Standard Time/East Africa Time/Eastern European Summer Time/Arabian Standard Time
8 am Gulf Standard Time
9:30 am Indian Standard Time
11 am Indochina Time
12 pm (Noon) Hong Kong Time/Australian Western Standard Time
1 pm Japan Standard Time/Korean Standard Time
1:30 pm Australian Central Time
2 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time
5 pm New Zealand Daylight Time
October 1, 2021
11 pm Central Time
10 pm Mountain Time
9 pm Pacific Time
8 Alaska Daylight Time
6 pm Hawaii Standard Time
If you don’t see your time zone, or unsure which to use, click HERE for the checker!
We’ll be running countdown posts leading up to the main event!
We’re logging off for 48 hours! So, for example, if you log out on October 2, 2021 at 1pm JST you’ll log back on October 4, 2021 at 1 pm JST!
Also! Our Australian friends, take note that daylight savings/summer time ends in certain territories on October 3rd!
See the full post
8566 notes • Posted 2021-09-06 04:01:18 GMT
The Post Plus Protest is coming! Updated Edition
Fill out the survey on the original Post Plus post (be polite, don’t spam, but GET YOUR POINT ACROSS that we don’t want this). Since we mean business, it’s time to hit them where it hurts; Ad Revenue.
We’re proposing a 24 hour log off as the main event of phase one.
The protest starts by logging off on August 6th, 2021 at 12am Eastern Time (US). Here’s a quick chart to help figure out when you log out. AUGUST 6th, 2021  12 am Eastern Time (US)    4 am UTC    5 am BST/London    6 am Central Europe Time    7 am Moscow Standard Time    9:30 am Indian Standard Time    12 Noon Hong Kong Time/Australian Western Time    1 pm Japan Standard Time    1:30 pm Australian Central Time    2 pm Australian Eastern Time
AUGUST 5th, 2021
  11 pm Central Time (US)   10 pm Mountain Time (US)     9 pm Pacific Time (US)
So that means if you log off at say, 6 am Central Europe Time you’ll log back in at 6 am Central Europe Time on August 7th. We’d prefer if if there is no posting, no queues, no likes, and no reblogs during this period.
Like this post, share it, and use the hashtags #tumblrlogoff2021 and/or #postplusprotest on ANY and ALL social media. If you’re using the mobile version, you can always leave an honest review on the app center of your choice (once again: be polite, don’t spam, but GET YOUR POINT ACROSS!).
Tumblr’s primary focus is on FAN content (whether any of us want to admit it or not). Putting these kinds of contents behind patreon like paywalls is a terrible idea and the legality is NOT in the user or their subscribers favor. You can absolutely get in legal trouble for what tumblr is proposing with this new feature. There’s also the worry about the site’s (poor) security and access to Post Plus users bank information. Do you really want a site that lacks a functioning search function and whose userbase routinely get hacked to have your credit card information? No, you really don’t.
Maybe, maybe not. It’s an attempt at doing something to combat tumblr’s impending self-inflicted demise.
There’s a time zone checker linked in a previous post if you need it and I’ll try to fix any mistakes to times as I find them. Keep an eye out for future posts closer to the protest date and the eventual phase two! Thank you ALL for your support so far.
9017 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 18:48:17 GMT
Despite the fancy survey, changes to the UI and TOS reveal we’re getting the service in the future whether we want it or not. Obviously, Post+ is a terrible idea that is trying to bank revenue on user content. Unlike patreon or onlyfans, tumblr’s primary focus is on FAN content. The legality of this is NOT in the users favor and as the new tumblr TOS states, said users will be entirely liable for whatever legal matters arise.
Besides filling out the survey, it’s time to show tumblr we mean business and show our displeasure by hitting them where it hurts.
Ad revenue.
We’re proposing a 24 hour log off as phase one of this protest.
August 6th 2021
12 am Eastern Time (US)
4am UTC
5am BST/London
6am Central Europe Time
7am Moscow Standard Time
9:30 Indian Standard Time
12 noon Hong Kong Time/Australian Western
1:00 pm Japan Standard Time
1:30 pm Australian Cental time
2:00 pm Australian Eastern Time
August 5th 2021
11pm Central Time (US)
10pm Mountain Time (US)
9pm Pacific Time (US)
So no posting, no queues, no likes, and no reblogs!
Like this post and share it AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE. Use the hashtags #tumblrlogoff2021 or #postplusprotest on ANY and ALL social media.
Maybe, maybe not. It’s an attempt at doing SOMETHING.
99743 notes • Posted 2021-07-22 18:07:48 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
45 notes · View notes
thatsgay-writes · 3 years
Catra x twin!sister reader where reader travels in alot of planets to find her sister and when she landed on etheria she explored the whispering woods and found melog, with their help she found glimmer and she led her to her castle and she finally met her sister. Catra wasn't pleased about it thinking that her family abounded her she just pushes reader away and goes to her room. Reader stays and went to deal with catra. They talked (mostly arguing) and in the end catra and reader hugs and they became very dear friends.
(I'm basically making you a nicer version of Catra with super girl powers (which you don't use in the story) and Lena Luthor as your wife because why not. I am also putting everyone in their early to late 20s... I also forgot to add Melog :( sorry.)
"Space log, day... 2000?" You mumble as you speak into the recorder on your ship. "It's been... 4 years since my son was born. 8 years since my people finally fully integrated with the civilization of our sister planet. 10 years since I renounced my royal title. 12 years since I met the love of my life. 16 years since my home world was destroyed by the Horde and my parents were killed. And... 24 years since I have last seen my baby sister." You breath out, having lost hope after so many years of things going wrong. "Lena and Madden have stayed on the planet Oa while I explore this last planet. It appeared almost 2 years ago and was the last place the Horde had ever been. Who or whatever is on the planet must be powerful." "This... This will be the final planet I explore. I have no hope of seeing my sister again." God you were so tired of the disappointment you felt every time you couldn't find your sister. "Happy 26th birthday." You mumble out as you get closer to the new planet. "End log."
"This is spaceship Kr 97. Requesting permission to land. I repeat requesting permission to land." You spoke into your radio, hoping to hear anything back. Maybe this planet didn't have the technology yet for radios? "If anyone can hear me. My name is Y/n and I come in peace. I will be landing my ship on your planet and will wait 2 days before exploring on my own." You say into your radio before putting it back where it had been hanging and controlling your ship into the planets atmosphere. It was a little bit of a bumpy landing but you landed your ship just fine on the outskirts of what seemed to be a forest. You set a 48 hour alarm on your phone. You weren't sure how the people or creatures of the planet told time, so you just stuck with what you knew. It had kept you alive so far anyways.
"Alrighty." You say to yourself as you step off of your ship. You take a deep breath as you feel the yellow sun power you up. "48 hours, let's get to work."
You spent the next two days cleaning up in and around your spaceship, setting up a camp, and watching how the forest worked so you knew what you could eat and what you couldn't. You had been sitting on the ground relaxing when you hear your timer go off. You click the loud noise off and stand up, grabbing the bag you had prepared. While learning the forest, you had seen some villages that seemingly lead towards somewhere and you had decided that the best course of action was to hop from village to village to see if their was a kingdom or something of that nature that you could get into contact with. You just hoped everyone was nice and that this wouldn't be a hard planet to navigate.
The first town you enter seems to be a farming village. You can tell because you had to walk through fields and saw, what you assume, were the livestock on the planet. You stood behind some trees for a while as you assessed how the villagers acted. You watched as kids ran around playing with their friends, shopkeepers and homeowners leaving their windows open in the nice weather, clearly not scared of being robbed. You decide that it's safe enough to enter and you have your powers to back you up incase things go wrong. It was weird because the planet had 3 moons and only 1 sun, usually planets had the suns out number moons but it was enough. You fix your cloak over your ears and tuck them back so they wouldn't be noticeable or a defining characteristic if things went sideways.
You walk slowly through the village, having expected to get some attention from your large black robe. And you do get some curious looks but it's mainly all friendly smiles. You are almost halfway through the village, aiming to enter one of the shops and ask around, when a something hits your leg. You look down and see a ball a few inches in front of your foot. You pick it up, making sure to retract your claws, and hold it out to the toddler who was staring at you and his ball. "Here you go." You say to him as you hold the ball out and shake it a little so his attention goes to it. He waddles up to you and takes the ball from you. He stares at it for a few seconds before making motions with his hands, wanting you to hold him.
Without hesitating, you pick him up and hold him close to your chest. "Where is your mother, kitten?" You ask him as he reaches up to play with your ear that were still under your hood. "Kitty!" He squeals as he knocks the hood off your head and you hear an audible gasp from behind you. "Oh my gosh, Catra I am so sorry! We didn't think you were visiting till next week. We would have prepared a feast for you and the rest of the princesses." You turn around and see an elderly looking man, who's eyes widen at the sight of you. "Have you gotten taller and cut your hair again?" He asks confused. You give him a small smile, "I'm sorry but I'm not this Catra you speak of. Are you saying there is someone similar looking to me on your planet?" You ask and the man gives you a weird look when you call it his planet but slowly nods his head. You feel hope for the first time in years and eagerly ask the man if you could stay near the town till she came next week. He gave you a bit of a weird look, not sure who you were now and unsure of your intentions, even though your reaction was positive. "Sure."
After returning the toddler to his mother, you basically sprinted back to your ship in excitement. "Lena! Lena!" You shout happily into the radio on your ship. Time is a little different on the planet as the sun was just starting to set but it would already be completely dark on Oa. But by your clock it was only 9, so Lena and Madden should still be awake. "Y/n?" You hear your name crackle through the radio and a smile appears on your face. "Lena you'll never believe it! There is someone on this planet that supposedly looks just like me and vice versa!" You say into the radio, feeling like a kid on Nova day. "I think it's her... I hope its her." You say as you image seeing your sister again for the first time in 24 years. "I'm so happy for you y/n! We will start making preparations to join you soon." You bite your lip in thought. "Maybe you should wait... I just wouldn't want to overwhelm her, you know?" You can almost hear Lena nodding on the other end of the phone. "That makes sense, we'll plan to leave by the end of the week if everything goes well."
"Geez I love you so much." You mumble with a wide grin. "And Madden too. Is he still up?" "No he fell asleep a few minutes before you radioed, he spent all day playing." "Oh well, tell him I love him and I'll radio back in the morning." "Okay, bye." "Bye."
"We need to be very careful about this." Glimmer says as she and the best friend squad enter the village who sent a letter the day before about someone who looked like Catra in their village. "We already knew that there were other people out there but as we already know not all of them are friendly." Catra walks next to Adora, numbly nodding along. Could this be it? Could she finally learn where she came from? Everyone else in the Horde had been born into it and Adora had come through a portal but no one really knew where Catra was from. "Are you okay?" Adora asked as she squeezed Catra's hand, nervous at how silent her girlfriend was. Catra just mutely nods back.
"This planet is simply marvelous!" The group hears you laugh out after being greeted by the village leader. "They look almost just like you Catra." Bow comments as they watch your tall figure move around as you play with the kids of the village and let them climb all over you. "Y/n!" You hear someone call your name and turn to see the village leader standing with a group of people and... Catra. They watch as you freeze and let your mouth fall open in shock. You set the kids down and encourage them to go play together. You walk towards the group with a smile. You go down the line of friends shaking their hands and introducing yourself, ignoring their looks of surprise, before finally reaching Catra. "Wow..." You breathe out in absolute awe. You can feel your eyes get misty the longer you stare at her. "You look so much like mom." You say with a watery laugh that completely sets Catra off.
"Who are you?" She asks as she pushes her finger into your chest making you take a step back. "What? Catra, I'm your sibling. I thought the similarities would make that clear." She glares at you and you can feel the whole village watching the interaction. "Just because we look similar doesn't mean anything." You move quickly and grab her right hand and hold it up next to your left one, both birthmarks showing.
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You watch as Catra freezes. Her face and body come to a complete stop as her eyes flicker between the identical birthmarks and your face. "I know you must have questions and I do too. But I have spent the last 8 years going all across the galaxy looking for you and right now all I want is a hug... Please?" You get out as you let go of Catra's hand only for her to push you away one last time and storm into a temporary tent that had been set up for the best friend squad.
You take a second to take a breath before following after her. "I wouldn't follow after her, she needs time to cool down." A blonde, Adora, said to you as she placed a hand on your should to stop you. "I've dealt with people with anger issues before." You say as you brush her hand off. "I know how to handle this." You say and walk towards the tent again, not giving anyone a chance to stop you.
"You can't hide away in here sister." You say as you enter the tent, dodging a pillow that was thrown at your head. "Don't call me that." She mumbled angrily. "And why not, you are my sister are you not? I mean everyone saw the birth mark." Catra stands up angrily. "If you were my sister, you would have spent longer than 8 years looking for me! And how can you even compare me to this "mom" that I know absolutely nothing about!? Where are they anyways, huh? Where's great old mom and dad that I have spent the last 25 years not knowing about!" She unloads onto you and your feel your heartbreak at how disheveled she looked. You shouldn't have assumed everything would be smiles and laughs when the two of you first met.
"26." "Huh?" "You're... We're 26. Our birthday was 2 days ago." "So I don't even know my own birthday!" Catra explodes. "Get out." She says suddenly and quietly. "What?" "I said get out." She repeats and you shake your head at her. "I'm not leaving." You watch as Catra's hair stand up. "I am giving you one last warning, get out now or I will do something I might not regret." You cross your arms and stare her down. "I have spent the last 8 years planet hopping with my family looking for you. I. Am. Not. Leaving."
Catra jumps at you suddenly, attempting to scratch, hit, kick, do anything to make you leave the tent. Instead of doing what she wanted, you just wrapped her in a tight hug and sat on the ground. You stay like that for a while, her trying to hold back sobs and angry tears before finally letting go and you just rubbing circles on her back to try and calm her down. "Why?" Is all she says after almost an hour of being in that position. "Why what?" "Why now?" You let out a sad sigh at her question. "Mom and Dad are dead, killed by the Horde Prime and his followers when I was 10." You can feel Catra flinch at how blunt you were and the fact that she had worked for the Horde only a few years ago. "You had already been missing for 8 years at that point, multiple search teams being sent out but none could find you." You squeeze Catra tighter as you feel yourself relive all the grief that you carried for the past 16 years.
"I managed to get most of our people off the planet and to our sister planet before the Horde completely destroyed everything. Got everyone situated on that planet, met the love of my life, renounced my claim to any throne, and finally I started looking for you." It's silent for a few minutes as Catra absorbed everything you said. "So..." You asked as you wiped your tears off your face. "What about you?"
You and Catra spent the rest of the night and next day sharing stories about your childhood and how differently but similar the two of you had grown up. You even got to tease her about Adora and the fact that you were, technically, her older sister by 2 minutes. You were also very excited when you got to show Catra around the ship you had taken to get to Etheria.
"So I am guessing everything went well?" Lena asked over the radio after you finally called her about coming to Etheria. "It was a little rocky at the beginning but we smoothed things over... She's great Lena, you guys are gonna love each other." You say with a giant smile on your face as you look at Catra who was relaxing in the copilot seat next to you.
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write-ur-wrongs · 4 years
 A/N: Hi y’all! I was going through various prompt lists and saw this one by @chrmdpoet and just had to give it a try! So here is 39. We need to talk about what happened last night!
Geralt x reader, with some classic “there’s only one bed” fun :) 
It had been a terrible three days. You knew when you left on your journey that the storm brewing on the horizon would be cause for concern, but you hadn’t expected this.
The heavy raindrops that had been battering you from every angle left you chilled to the bone. Even in the brief windows when the rain had slowed, you were still shroud in a fog so dense you swore it added to your soaked state. All the while, the wind whistled wildly through the trees, which croaked menacingly as they were being pushed to their limits.
You rode slowly with your head held low, one hand on the reins and the other gripping your hood for dear life. Jaskier was seated behind you with his arms around your waist tightly and his head tucked between your shoulder blades. His gelding followed laboriously behind you, having been injured earlier when he tripped over a fallen tree.
Geralt led the pack with a quiet stoicism. His cloak and hair whipped around him wildly, but he seemed largely unperturbed – clearly the mutations that made him a witcher helped him cope with these conditions better than you could ever hope to.
You were riding on over two days without sleep now, and you could feel your body failing you. Knowing from experience that exhaustion hit slowly then all at once, you tried to tell Geralt that you needed to rest.
However, when you opened your mouth to speak, the fierce wind blew the breath right out of you and left you in a desperate fit of coughs. Once you got your breathing under control, you urged your mare on and strode up closer to Geralt before trying again.
“We need to make camp,” you shouted, losing grip on your hood while trying to shield your eyes, “I can’t go on much longer!”
Geralt considered you before speaking up. He watched as wet strands of hair clung to your face in chunks, made note of the way your hands shook as you tried to maintain proper hold of the reins, and was acutely aware of your how irregular your breathing had become.
Geralt screwed his face in frustration. He knew that stopping now made no sense, as there was nothing for miles. The nearest village wasn’t for another 4 hours ride; and that’d be on a good day. In weather like this, it would likely take them 12 hours to arrive. He wanted to push through, confident the rain would let up, but he was riding with two humans after all.
With a low grunt he scanned the surrounding area for some kind of shelter. The only place nearby that could pass as shelter was a shallow cave. Figuring this was truly their only option, he let out a resigned sigh.
Without speaking, he jerked his head to the left to indicate that he was veering off the trail. And without hesitation, you pulled your mare’s reins in that direction. You trusted Geralt in full in these situations. It didn’t matter that your eyelids were practically sealed shut by ice, you knew that where he led, it was safe to follow.
After 48 hours of being hit by rain-soaked branches and deafened by the furious wind, you breathed a sigh of relief as you entered the cavern. That relief didn’t last too long though, as the transition from howling wind to complete silence left you with loud ringing in your ears.  
You dismounted first, jutting out your jaw to try to get your ears to pop. Jaskier hopped awkwardly off the back of your horse and head straight for his gelding to check on its wound. Once satisfied his mount was fairing well, he busied himself by removing supplies from your packs to set up camp.
You were giving your mare grateful pats when you felt Geralt’s firm clasp on your shoulder. As you turned to look at him, you wiped furiously at the stubborn strands of hair that still clung to your face.
“Weren’t listening to me, were you?” he said, smirking slightly.
“Geralt,” you said, giving him a playful shove, “I can’t hear anything. I wouldn’t be surprised if my hearing never returns! I swear I never want to hear you talk about how ‘peaceful’ and ‘quiet’ forests are.”
“Hey now, that’s not fair,” he said, swallowing a smile, “the storm managed to keep the bard quiet, that’s got to be worth something.”
“Hey,” Jaskier shouted from across the cave, “I heard that!”
You winced lightly as his voice echoed through the cave, making Geralt laugh heartily at you both.
“Seems he can hear just fine,” Geralt teased, giving your shoulder a poke.
“Oh, shut up,” you muttered, tossing a twig you’d just freed from your hair at the still-laughing witcher. You managed to hit him square in the face and squealed as he lunged for you in revenge.
“Children! No fighting in the cave!” Jaskier scolded.
“Yes mum,” you countered, throwing another twig his way. Which made you all laugh as it didn’t even make it two meters before tumbling to the ground pathetically.
“I see once again I am the only helpful and mature one in the group,” Jaskier sighed as he shook out a blanket dramatically.
“Shove it, Jask.” Geralt laughed, letting you go, albeit slowly. “Can you help me start the fire now, Y/N?” he asked, clearing his throat to hide the way your closeness had caused his breath to hitch.
“I don’t remember you ever asking,” you said, rubbing your hands together to hide the way they’d clammed up after Geralt had picked you just then, “But yes.”
“I asked you four times, Y/N, don’t make me ask again.”
“An experienced witcher such as you are, can’t light a fire?” you teased, making Jaskier roll his eyes at the pair of you. You always turned the teasing up to ten whenever you accidentally (or intentionally) touched one another for too long. At first Jaskier found it funny, maybe even endearing, but after months of this dance, it definitely got a little tiresome.
“Just trying to make you feel helpful,” he retorted, without missing a beat.
“Save it, Geralt,” you said, “you might need those people skills when the folks who live in this cave come storming back over here.”
“No one lives here,” he started, faltering a little as you nodded your head towards a pile of long grass in the back that had clearly been acting as a bed.
“… anymore,” he added under his breath.
You were about to start another round of back and forth when Jaskier came rushing between the two of you carrying your supplies.
“Now, I don’t want anyone to panic,” he started, “but the rain soaked all our blankets except one, and as the only person here who’s done any work on setting up camp, I’m claiming as my own.”
“Jaskier –” Geralt growled, clearly about to argue that if anyone was getting the blanket, it would be you. But Jaskier stopped him with the wagging of his finger before he could get the words out.
“Ah, ah, ah! I don’t want to hear it! Y/N, you can sleep on that lovely pile of grass back there,” he said moving his pointed finger from you to the back of the cave, “and Geralt can sleep on the floor by the fire like he always does,” he finished, moving his point between Geralt and the pile of kindling at his feet.
“Now I am exhausted, so if you need me, I’ll be back there with the horses, eating some very wet bread in peace.”
Have fun staying warm tonight you ridiculous lovebirds, he thought, as he stalked off to the other side of the cave were the horses were tied, smiling to himself in silent victory.
You scoffed at your friend’s outburst and turned to look at Geralt with confused eyes. “What the hell was that?” you asked.
“Who knows,” he replied, looking just as confused, if not a little concerned, “he can be so sensitive.”
You hummed in agreement before busying yourselves getting the fire going. After about an hour of fussing, you finally got the fire going. For a while there you were worried it wasn’t going to happen, seeing as all the wood you found was either damp or completely soaked, but nothing seemed to be impossible when you had Geralt by your side.
Once he was satisfied that the flames would keep, he gestured for you to take a seat before handing you a portion of the rain-soaked bread. You ate in a comfortable silence, listening to the crackle of the fire as the wind howled just beyond the cave’s entrance. Now that you were warm and fed, the storm raging outside seemed less of a threat and more of an invitation to settle in. Seemed as long as you had shelter, you did find storms in the forest to be peaceful – not that you’d ever admit that to Geralt.
Trying your best to be subtle, you cast sideways glances at Geralt to take in the sight of him. His already golden eyes glowed softly in the firelight and the harsh lines of his face seemed blurred as he took in the warmth from the flames before him. You smiled to yourself before letting your eyes fall back to the fire.
Geralt thought he felt your eyes on him and turned his head to meet them, but just as he turned his head, you had turned yours. Despite himself, he found himself watching you; loving the way your hair went a little wild as it started to dry. It took remarkable self-restraint not to reach out to try and smooth it. Geralt shook his head as if to shake the thought away and shifted awkwardly in his seat.
“All good?” you asked, nudging him with your elbow.
He only hummed in reply, keeping eyes on the fire.
“M’kay,” you said, keeping your voice low, “well I’m going to go to sleep.” You gave his knee a squeeze as you left the warmth of the fire and head to your makeshift bed.
Geralt stayed up by the fire for another hour or so, poking at the coals and adding logs when required. He didn’t need as much sleep as his two human companions, and he besides, it’s not like he could fall asleep if he tried.
Every so often, he’d get up to see if Jaskier was okay and on his way back, he’d check in on you. He’d already done the rounds twice and while Jaskier slept peacefully, he found himself worried about you. Your breathing never slowed enough to indicate deep sleep, and you couldn’t seem to get comfortable.
By his third check-in, something inside him broke. Without giving his mind the chance to catch up to his actions, he got down on a knee and picked you up with ease. He then carried you back to the campfire and gently laid you down beside it. He then removed his cloak and draped it over you.
He wanted to make sure you were warm enough so he kneeled down beside you to tuck you in. You must have felt his warmth in your sleep because as he leaned over you to tuck the cloak under your chin, you mumbled incoherently and backed yourself into him.
Geralt was frozen in place – he had been doing his best to ignore the way his feelings for you had been growing – but he knew better than to risk your little team’s dynamic over something as fleeting as a crush.
And yet here he was, suddenly cold and exhausted, with you snuggled up at his chest. He was about to come to his senses and pull away when you rolled over and buried your face in his chest.
Hesitantly, he tucked his arm under your head so you could use his bicep as a pillow and pulled you in closer. He told himself he’d only stay there for a moment; just until he was sure you were warm enough and fast asleep. But there was something about the way you smell enveloped him that lulled him into a deep sleep of his own.
Before he knew it, he was out.
The next morning, it was the absence of noise that pulled Jaskier from his sleep. He laid in his nest of blankets for a few moments before it dawned on him that the storm had finally stopped.
“Oh thank – fuck,” Jaskier was about to shout out in celebration when his eyes fell on you and Geralt’s intertwined bodies. “Oh, thank you, Gods, finally! Oh my God!”
Jaskier was running his hands through his hair in shocked elation when you stirred in Geralt’s arms. When he saw that you were waking up, he quickly fell back into his bed and pretended to be asleep. He knew that if you were caught like this, your combined pride would suffocate the relationship before it had a chance to bloom and he’d be stuck with to romantically repressed fools.
You had an amazing night sleep; maybe the best you’d had in weeks. Not only that, but you were warm and comfortable. You were also absentmindedly running your fingers across a pillow that was warm and firm and –
Your eyes flew open in a panic and your body tensed up.
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you muttered under your breath in a panic. You were snuggled up to Geralt! This could ruin the team’s whole dynamic!
Gently as humanly possible, you tried to pull yourself out of his arms. Things were going well enough, but when it came time to lift his arm this went south. You had his hand in yours and you were trying to gently lay his arm back down when his bright eyes shot open and met yours in a soft, sleepy gaze.
Your stomach fell to your feet when you watched as his eyes grew wild in panic.
You shook your head at him frantically with your hand held up in front of you as he rose up on his elbow and backed away from you.
“You were cold –” he grumbled, frantically sitting up and grabbing his cloak off the floor.
“Oh! Yes, well – thank you,” you blurted, getting up to your feet a too quickly and tripping over the coals a little. “Well… I’m uhm just going to… uhm… check on Jaskier really quick.”
“Yea – y-es, hm, go.”
“Jaskier!” you shrieked, sounding a little shrill, “Up and at ‘em!”
The bard, who by all means was no actor, made a big show of yawning and stretching widely in an attempt to ‘wake up’.
“Good morning sunshine,” he said in a singsong, “how did we all sleep tonight?”
“Fine!” you and Geralt shouted in unison, both busying yourselves with packing up your camp.
“Sure looks like it,” he continued, undeterred, “Geralt you look exceptionally well-rested.”
“Shut up, Jaskier!” he seethed, shooting the bard a furious glare.
Jaskier rolled his eyes and muttered a quiet ‘okay’ before moving to help you pack up.
The ride out of the cave was incredibly tense. Jaskier had managed to bandage up his gelding and was bringing up the rear at a slow pace. Once again, Geralt was riding up ahead and you watched closely as how tense his shoulders were.
You were nervously biting your bottom lip as you replayed the events of the night before. You remembered the grass being itchy, uncomfortable, and cold. You tossed and turned constantly as whatever side of you was against the ground went numb after minutes of contact. You barely remember getting picked up or put down, but you remembered rolling over into something – or rather, someone – that made you feel warm and safe. Everything after that was a blur.
Maybe, you thought, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if you allowed yourself to feel like that again. With a steadying breath, you urged your mare on and rode up to him.
As you rode up, you saw him tense up even further, and lost a little bit of your nerve.
“Don’t say anything,” he said, keeping his eyes on the road ahead, as you were about to pull back on your reins.
“Geralt, we need to talk about what happened last night,” you said, taking care to keep your voice low so that Jaskier couldn’t hear you.
“No,” he said through clenched teeth, “we don’t.”
“Yes, we do, Geralt.”
“It was nothing, Y/N, please forget about it.”
“If you mean it,” you said, trying to keep yourself from crying, “then say it to my face.”
Geralt let out a low hum and lowered his head. He didn’t mean it and it practically killed him to say as much. He couldn’t say it again, and he sure as shit couldn’t say it if he met your gaze. He knew if he turned his head to look at you, he’d unravel.
Watching him sit rigid as stone was driving you crazy. You had transitioned from biting your lip to gnawing on the inside of your cheek and were starting to taste blood. You needed to know how he felt. You weren’t sure if you’d survive it if he didn’t feel the same way, but you knew you couldn’t handle all this longing and want anymore.
Slowly, you steered your horse closer to Roach until you were able to reach over and lay your hand over his.
At the point of contact, Geralt wiped his gaze up to meet yours and was horrified to see that you were crying.
“Oh god, Y/N,” he started, bringing a hand up to brush the tears away, “I’m so so sorry. It – it wasn’t nothing. I – I have been fighting these feelings for so long. I – You deserve better, Y/N,” he murmured, his hand now holding yours gently.
You shook your head at him tearily and squeezed his hand, “No Geralt, don’t say that. You are incredible, caring, and so worthy of love.”
Suddenly, Geralt leaned over kissed you. You returned the kiss without hesitation and let it deepen as he brought both hands up to cup your face.
“Finally, after all this time, these two dumb lovers surely did find, true love, true love!” Shocked, and a little shy, you pulled yourself away from Geralt to look back at Jaskier with wide eyes.
The bard had pulled out his lute and was singing loudly behind the two of you with a huge, shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
“Shut up, Jaskier!” you and Geralt shouted in unison before laughing lightly at the absurdity of it all.
“Ohh, what your language, lover boy!” he sang through bouts of laughter.
Geralt shook his head and turned to meet your eyes once more before saying, “How much would you miss him if he were to suddenly disappear?”
“Stop it, Geralt!” you laughed, “if it wasn’t for him, we’d still be cluelessly cursing our ‘unrequited’ love.”  
Geralt looked back at Jaskier accusingly before turning to look at you with a brow cocked in confusion.
“I put the blankets away this morning,” you said, “they were all bone dry.”
“Hmmm” Geralt growled in mock exasperation, before smirking to himself.
I’ll thank the idiot later, he thought before reaching over to hold your hand once more.
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honeymoonjin · 4 years
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader || ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 8.2k || ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut - rated 18+
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: fxf smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, technically a mff threesome
dedicated to my sfhs girls, everyone in the villa discord, and with a special appearance from eight special guests
A/N: due to burnout, i’m unfortunately putting tgm on hold and logging off of tumblr for a little while, so there will be a bit of a wait before you get the new chapter. i’m going to log back on after 48 hours when the vote is done, because i’m considering putting the results behind a ‘read more’ option so that if you don’t want to wait, you can choose to reveal who is being voted out, otherwise you have the freedom to wait for the chapter. i have a post coming out explaining why i’m going on hold and what that means. please keep an eye out for it xx
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The vote has closed.
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Your ass is still still a little sore the next morning, and having Hoseok smirk at you every time you shifted is a special kind of torture in and of itself. Waiting for everyone to gather, you’re one moment away from begging Taehyung for a massage right then and there before Sejin finally enters, rapping awkwardly on the doorframe as he steps in.
Skipping the pleasantries, he hunkers down on the coffee table in the middle of the couches, gesturing for you to join.
You swallow, aware of the attention on you. “Can I just stay on the couch?” You stubbornly avoid Hoseok’s gaze, leaning further back into the cushions, Taehyung’s arm wrapped around you as you tuck your head against his shoulder. Maybe you’d ask for that massage later, you reason, massages are platonic, right?
“Sure,” Sejin allows after a moment, eyes softening in sympathy. You flush at the unspoken reminder that he definitely saw the footage, but the producer powers on. “Let’s get started, then, we have quite the day ahead of us.”
Your phone burns a hole in your pocket. You’d been chatting earlier this morning over text with your friend, who was already on a train on his way here. You wonder how the boys will react to Eric. Part of you had worried, but you’ve yet to meet a single person that didn’t like him. It would be good to finally catch up.
The other guys don’t seem suspicious about the news, but before you can dwell on it, Sejin is clearing his throat and lowering his voice into the announcer-like tone he used for the meetings. “This week’s theme was Work Hard, Play Hard. According to the Bangasm Bomb, Week Two’s fan favourite Yoongi was allowed to distribute them. Instead of asking Y/n to guess, I want the players to each say whether they were happy with Yoongi’s choice or not. Starting on the right with you: Jin.”
Perhaps due to their splitting up yesterday morning - you hope their conversation went well in the end - Jin and Yoongi are on opposite couches, and Jin is a little subdued when he speaks to Yoongi. Not necessarily sad, just calmer than normal, like they were old friends. “So, Yoongichi gave me foodplay. As much as I appreciated getting the prompt, and I had a wonderful time with Y/n, never fucking again will I use something so messy. I swear to god, there’s still caramel in my hair, and I don’t think it’ll ever come out.”
You wince at the description, jostled slightly by Taehyung’s laughter rocking his body. Sejin confirms that he’d successfully fulfilled his prompt, and moves along to Namjoon, who looks about as red as a fire hydrant.
“Mine was ageplay,” Namjoon explains, voice dipping so quiet that you can barely hear him, before he clears his throat and glances up again. “I enjoyed it a lot, if I’m being honest. Um- thank you, Yoongi. I’m a little concerned that you knew to give it to me, though.”
“Come on,” Jin jibes, punching his shoulder lightly, “you’re absolute Daddy material. When it doesn’t look like you crawled out of someone’s pocket, at least.”
Namjoon frowns down at himself, the denim overalls rolled up at the ankles, mismatched socks and a t-shirt with a little embroidered sun on it. “Was that a compliment?”
Jin sends him a solemn, meaningful look. “It’s whatever you need it to be.”
“Anyways,” Sejiin jumps in, “congratulations, Namjoon, you’ve avoided the bunks again. Following on, we have Jimin. Go ahead.”
With legs that look a mile long in some skinny black jeans, Jimin winks across the room to Yoongi. “I got breathplay,” he explains, “which I’ll admit isn’t my favourite prompt out of them all, but I still had a really good time. Though I did try and go a little easy just in case.”
Your eyes widen, remembering ringed fingers around your throat and his cold smirk which contrasted with the heat of him inside you. “That was going easy?”
Jimin shrugs. “I’ve barely scratched the surface, Y/n,” he states vaguely and sits back, tilting his head to Sejin to indicate he’s finished.
The producer quickly informs him he was successful, and moves onwards. On your couch, the only active player is Hoseok, who sits on the opposite side to Taehyung. He sends you a mischievous grin before leaning out to face Yoongi. “Wax play for me,” he reveals to the group, “which was an absolute delight. I’m very glad I got this one, just for safety reasons. It sounds like some of the prompts this week were a little more intense.”
He sits back, but Sejin doesn’t move on this time. “Hoseok, unfortunately you failed your prompt this week.”
Hoseok blinks, brows lifting. “But there are cameras in that bathroom! I checked.”
“That’s not the issue,” Sejin explains with a sympathetic smile, “it’s that you directly revealed to Y/n what your prompt was. Now-” he begins, seeing Hoseok’s clear disappointment, “I had a talk with some of the editing and producing teams on this, as well as the higher-ups. Because we understand and appreciate that you revealed the prompt for reasons related to safety and wellbeing, we’re going to change things up a bit. You have a choice. Either you take the penalty and stay in the bunkrooms, or you stay in your own room. The caveat is that you randomly have to draw a name, and that person will join you.”
Hoseok winces. “God, this feels like a variety show,” he complains, “but I’ll risk it and take my bedroom. At least I’ll be comfy, and I’m fine sharing a bed with most of you anyway.”
Sejin’s already prepared, nodding and retrieving seven strips of paper from his pocket, all folded in two. The rest of you hold your breath as Hoseok’s hand hovers over the splayed-out options, finally tugging one out from the bottom. He takes it, flicks it open, and immediately deflates with a frustrated groan.
“This is fucking rigged,” he protests, ripping the paper into two, “I pick the bunkrooms.”
Sejin patiently holds his hand out for the torn shreds, reading them over. Is that a smile on his lips? “Jung Hoseok, you’ll be staying in the comfort of your bedroom with fellow contestant Park Jimin until the date of the next Sunday meeting.”
“Hey!” Jimin shrieks. “I did my prompt! Do I get no say in this?!”
“You don’t, unfortunately,” Sejin replies promptly. “Next up is Jungkook.”
Jimin squawks, collapsing back onto the couch with his arms tightly folded and his mouth screwed up into a scowl. Across from him sits Jungkook, clinging to Yoongi. With his legs tucked under him and his sleeves balled in his hands, the youngest gentleman is reminiscent of his subbier side when you played with him. “I got anal play,” he declares proudly, “I can’t believe it took me three weeks to get pegged. Shoutout to homeboy for sending that prompt my way.” He punctuates the comment by gently bumping his head against Yoongi’s shoulder, like a cat on its owner’s leg. Rather than sitting up, he stays there.
Yoongi doesn’t seem to mind, finishing off before Sejin can even step in. “I was cumplay,” he states plainly, “so of course, I took that. Who needs to fuck around with wax and food and shit when you can stick to the basics?”
The producer nods formally, tapping his shoe against the carpet. “And the two of you both successfully completed your prompts, congratulations. That means nobody will be staying in the bunkrooms this week. Taehyung,” he turns and fixes the boy with a warm stare, “you’re welcome to go back to your room for the rest of the competition.”
Taehyung beams, a boxy grin and crescent eyes. “Noted, sir,” he says with a chirp. “Do we get to find out fan favourite now? I know who I’m rooting for.” Taehyung sends Jimin a shy smile, and the older boy winks at him fondly.
“Yes, of course,” Sejin allows, clearing his throat. “As usual, we tallied up the results from the voting page on our website. I’ll say the top three. Third place this week was Jungkook. Congratulations.”
The youngest man sits upright suddenly with a wide-eyed look. “Seriously? I didn’t even dom! Oh, wow, uh-” he cuts himself off and looks around, finally fixing his sights on one of the cameras near the roof that are streaming to the fans. He pumps his fists with a little cheer, then folds them together and bows. “Thank you! I’ll do even better next week.”
Yoongi’s cheeks go pink as he tries to act like he isn’t cooing over the boy, reaching out to ruffle his ever-growing hair. “Good job, kid,” he compliments shortly.
“Second place,” Sejin continues, “Seokjin.”
It seems as if the therapist hadn’t seen it coming at all. A picture-perfect expression of shock blooms on his face before he lets out a bright peal of laughter, clapping his hands together with a single smack. “I did it! Ah, I knew I still had it in me. Old age won’t stop me yet, see. Everyone should learn from this.”
You shake your head with bemusement, lifting your brows at him. “Silver medal and it’s already going to your head, huh? The fans have created a monster.”
“The fans have seen the light,” Jin corrects placidly, before a line forms between his brows. “Wait. Who got first, then? Who outdid me plus caramel sauce?”
“In first place, and winning the chance to spend an evening outside the Villa with Y/n,” Sejin starts, before pausing for dramatic effect, “is Hoseok. You’re having quite the emotional rollercoaster this morning, Mr. Jung.”
Instead of a hooting cheer, a smug grin, or even disbelief, perhaps the one thing you didn’t see coming was Hoseok blinking quickly, before pressing the back of his hand to his nose. You don’t have to be watching a 1080p close-up to see his eyes misting.
Taehyung immediately croons, throwing his arms around the dom in a tight hug, wiggling in place as Hoseok laughs tearily. “I’m so proud,” you hear Taehyung say, muffled in Hoseok’s shirt.
“I- Goodness, I’m sorry- I really just wasn’t expecting that,” Hoseok admits, tilting his chin up to stare into the ceiling light. “That means a lot. Phew, wow, the audience are some kinky fuckers,” he finishes, relieved when the strange atmosphere splits into easy laughter.
Heart warm, you reach over and squeeze his arm. “I’m really happy for you, Hobi,” you say in a soft voice. “You deserve it.”
“Where will you take her tonight, hyung?” Jungkook chimes, teeth poking out of a teasing grin. “Is it ‘take your fuckbuddy to work’ day at the Red Room by any chance?” His comment rouses whoops and whistles around the room, Taehyung giggling and pinching the dom’s cheek.
“Ah, about that,” Sejin jumps in quickly, a hand held out to settle the noise, “the reward won’t be scheduled for tonight, unfortunately. We’re going to put it on Monday night, since today - as I’m sure you all know - we have some special guests.”
Your brows lift. Guests, plural? Maybe you weren’t the only one who was asked to contact a friend. Your heart skips a little faster at the prospect of being exposed to close friends from the boys’ real lives. What if they didn’t like you? Would it even matter?
Sejin isn’t done, standing up from the coffee table to give the announcement on foot. “A few days ago, you all received text messages from me with some instructions to find a close friend, colleague, or family member to join you on the show. This was up to your discretion, as long as they agreed to a quick police check, however there was one condition. Y/n; you were asked specifically for a male friend. The guys were asked to bring a female friend.”
You suck in a gasp. After three weeks being surrounded exclusively by dudes, you’d suddenly have seven new ladies to talk to. “Just for the day, right?” you question, knowing the plans you’d had to make with Eric.
Sejin’s lips quirk up. “For most of the guests, yes. However, for one lucky lady, they’ll have the opportunity to stay for a full week. At any point today, Y/n, you can draw a name from this box-” he pauses, glancing down at his again-empty hands, “-I’ll, uh, I’ll bring the box out in just a moment. But you’ll be able to randomly draw one name, and if the recipient agrees, they’ll be staying in the bunk room for seven nights. Questions?”
Taehyung raises his hand tentatively. “Hypothetically, would we be allowed to have sex with the guests?”
Sejin sighs. “All but two of them signed a contract in which they consented to the possibility of sexual interaction, yes. But none of them will be required to at all.”
You bite your lip. When talking with you, Eric had mentioned the contract, and stated that since it was just one day he’d rather not offer himself up for that. One of the girls must have done the same, then, but that still left six people who were joining for a day - or a week - willing to consider having sex with the others on the show. Perhaps you were raising your sex drive being on the show, or maybe you just missed the company of women, but that thought excited you more than anything.
“When do they come on?” Yoongi asks with a grimace. While the others are practically vibrating with the anticipation of being reunited with their friends and meeting new people, Yoongi seems begrudging, and you can’t help but wonder what girl in his life he asked to join him.
“They’re waiting outside right now,” Sejin reveals, “we’ll bring them in one by one to introduce themselves. As they come in, I want the person who invited them to get up and stand on the side with them until everyone’s paired up.”
Taehyung’s hands slip into yours and Hoseok’s, gripping them into tight fists with a hoot of excitement. His enthusiasm is contagious, and you sit up straighter, eying the doorway. “Do you think there’ll be a game?” the masseuse hisses, positively wiggling in his seat.
On the other couch, Jungkook’s eyes widen comically. “We’re doing a game? Oh, hell yeah!”
Sejin, who had been sending a text, glances up quickly. “The game isn’t ‘til the eve-” he cuts himself off, but it comes too late. “Ah, dammit. Anyways, please give a warm welcome to our first guest. Please come in.”
Before the person even rounds the corner, you hear an excited squeal. A slender girl with toffee-coloured hair and bright features careens into the room, her giddy smile widening as she lands her eyes on Jin.
If you had pictured someone to be friends with the therapist, it probably wouldn’t be this boisterous woman in tiny shorts and strappy sandals that’s currently cannon-balling onto him, but he lets out an oof, wrapping his arms around her with a fond smile.
Sejin clears his throat. “Could you please introduce yourself?”
“Oh!” The girl sits up, elbowing Jin in the stomach as she gets up to smile at everyone. She looks gorgeous in a summery red lipstick, and the voice that comes out is just as sweet. “Hi everyone, I’m Hyuna, Soogie’s better half.”
Rubbing his hip, Jin scoffs. “You’re my sidekick at best.”
Ignoring the person whose lap she’s sitting on, Hyuna beams. “If he’s been cool on this show at all, it’s my positive influence.”
“Thank you, Hyuna, the two of you can go stand to the side,” Sejin deigns, glancing towards the doorway. “Next?”
In this way, all the guests appear one at a time and pair off. Eric’s next in, and you rush up to give your old friend a tight hug, grinning as he immediately stands beside Jin and Hyuna and begins to schmooze, making the two of them alike fawn over him.
“Hi, everyone,” he announces in a cheery tone, “I’m Eric, longtime friend of Y/n and aspiring Gentleman. Pleased to meet you all.” Sejin nods at him, and Eric’s smile turns down a few watts to sober up. “Also, I didn’t sign the contract, so if there’s any funny business, feel free to not invite me.”
Unlike the first two, the third person that enters the room is shy, a reserved posture and sweet smile. She dresses in a corduroy dress and long-sleeved shirt, her dark hair up in a ponytail. Introducing herself as Ji-eun, she explains that she, too, chose not to sign the contract for sex, blushing at the word.
Equally blushing is Jungkook, who repeatedly bows to her as she comes in, hand hovering over her waist as he leads her to the side. You and Jin share a bemused look as the girl introduces herself as a family friend and Jungkook’s old babysitter.
Picking up the energy, the fourth guest is someone you actually recognise. Jessi, a Bangasm powerhouse in every right that Jimin is, turns the corner with a sultry look, sidling up to Sejin playfully before tugging Jimin up from his seat.
“Jessi, as most of you are probably aware,” she introduces, looking insanely stunning in a fitted crop shirt, high waisted shorts and eyeliner to kill. “Come on, Park; you’re with me.”
As he stands up, letting her ruffle his hair and gushing over his choice of earrings, you marvel at how different he appears around her. In the industry, if you’d heard of Jimin, you’d heard of Jessi. She started a few years before him, met him on a shoot, and the two were practically a power duo ever since. From the videos they had together, they portrayed an image of the King and Queen of porn, always working with each other whenever they could. But now, instead of some sex-crazed couple, all you see is Jimin being fussed over like a younger brother, leaning into Jessi’s fond yet teasing touches.
The two of them sit beside you, and your cheeks can’t help but burn up when she pokes her tongue out between her teeth and flicks you a wink, turning to Jimin and giving him a  meaningful nod.
So far Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi remain on the couches, and when the next girl rounds the corner, you just about think you must be seeing double.
With a black bob of hair sharper than her jawline, perfectly arched brows and a pouty mouth, an absolute copy of Min Yoongi scans the room. Her face changes, turns mischievous when she spots a begrudging Yoongi, and jerks her head. “I’m the hotter twin,” she announces, “Min Yoonji.”
As Yoongi huffs and gets up to join her, you watch with wonder as the two lookalikes stand together. She mumbles something low, ruffling his hair as he desperately tries to duck away, and the twins settle on the far side of you, beside Jungkook.
Quickly, another raven-haired girl steps in, barely even looking at you as she takes in the decor. “Fuck, this place is nice,” she mutters, before her eyes look directly ahead of her, maroon lips stretching into a smile, “Joon-ah, you’ve been here rent-free for the past month? Holy shit.”
Namjoon winces, bowing awkwardly to her, and you tilt your head. Why does it seem like they barely even know each other? Sejin must hear your internal monologue, as he clears his throat. “Could you please introduce yourself and state your relationship to Namjoon?”
“Oh, my name’s Sunmi,” she says with ease, “Namjoon and I are...” She trails off, looking to him for help.
Namjoon’s eyes widen, and he blurts, “best friends!” before going bright red. “Uh, we’re, um, we’re best friends.”
Sunmi beams, nodding matter-of-factly to the rest of you, before walking forward to pinch his cheeks and wiggle his face back and forth lightly. “Oh, yes,” she coos, “we go way back.” Letting go, she takes his hand and guides him to the side of the room where everyone but Taehyung and Hoseok are gathered.
You try to send Namjoon a questioning gaze, but he avoids everyone’s gaze but Sunmi’s, nodding shyly at the things she tells him quietly.
Luckily, the second-to-last guest takes up your attention fully. With velvet boots that reach the middle of her thighs, and a black shirt that reaches just as low, she’d look cute and preppy were it not for the black harness that brackets the shirt, reminiscent of Hoseok’s leathers, the sharp smokey eye and a red lipstick so dark it’s almost black. It doesn’t take you much to work out which of the remaining boys she’s accompanying. “Thank you to Hope for inviting me,” she begins, and your eyes widen at how silken and sweet her voice is, a total 180 from the typical dominatrix stereotype, yet it seems to fit her perfectly. “I’m Bee, I’ve worked at the Red Room for several years, and been friends with him for just as long.”
The two share a light hug, but you can see the affection there as his eyes crinkle and her beam widens. She hooks a finger around one of Hoseok’s belt loops and follows him to stand beside Jimin, barely enough room for them as it is.
Lastly is Taehyung, who’s already on his feet by the time a gorgeous blonde enters. Before you can get a good look at her, the two are bear-hugging, Taehyung lifting her off the ground for a moment as he grins so widely all his teeth are on full display. It warms your heart to see, and even when she settles back on solid ground, the two are attached at the hip, his arm tightly holding her to him.
“This is Chungha, my best friend,” Taehyung announces proudly, “we met at work when I was a trainee.”
“Aren’t I supposed to do that?” she questions with a throaty laugh, but still gives a warm smile to the rest of you. “But yeah, that’s me!”
They go to move over to the crowded corner, but Sejin steps in, clapping his hands once to gain everyone’s attention. “Alright, everyone!” he declares. “Welcome to all our new faces! You’ll have until 10pm tonight to socialise, have fun. For lunch today, we’ll be having a barbecue and picnic outside, but after then, you’re free. Be sure to respect Ji-eun and Eric’s choice not to partake in any sexual activity. And Y/n, I’ll be right back with the box. Make sure you pull a name before 10.”
Once he leaves, you let out a dramatic breath, collapsing into Eric’s side. “Today is gonna be busy,” you anticipate, “so many pretty girls to talk to. So little time.”
“Hey!” your friend protests, wrapping his arms around to trap you against his front. “Forget about the girls, you should be hanging out with your best friend! I’ve missed you, lest you forget!”
Suspicious, you wiggle around to face him, narrowing your eyebrows. “You just want me to be your wingman,” you accuse, “who is it? What guy here are you crushing on?”
Eric scrunches his face up, clutching at his chest in offense. “I am not crushing on anyone,” he insists, before glancing over to Hyuna, Jessi, and Sunmi have gathered around Namjoon like a flock of seagulls, cooing over the little embroidered patches on his overalls. “I just want the Iron Giant over there to crush me.” Squinting his eyes, he inspects the room until he locates Yoongi, who’s pouting like a wronged child as Yoonji makes herself at home in the kitchen, pulling out drawers and cabinets like she’s searching for something.
“He’s the doctor, right?” Eric asks of Yoongi. You nod, suspicious. “He likes to eat cum, I have cum to spare… I’m no mathematician, but x equals sex, you know?”
You wince. “Not your best line,” you say in a disappointed tone, “but anyways: I thought you told me you didn’t want any funny business? You didn’t sign the contract.”
Eric’s eyes skirt over you, taking in the seven men as he shakes his head slowly. “I was young then. Foolish. I know better.” Suddenly, he grips your shoulders and ducks his head to look you intensely in the eye. “Take me to Sejin’s office. I have a contract to sign.”
It’s a beautiful day for a picnic, and an even more beautiful day to watch the muscles in Jin’s back flex under his t-shirt as he mans the barbecue.
Sharing the same sentiment is Jessi, who sighs dreamily at him, sitting beside you on the sun-warmed grass with her legs stretched out in front of her. “They don’t make men like those anymore,” she muses, “face of a fucking god. You get to fuck him?”
You chuckle at the abrupt question, quickly learning that Jessi wasn’t one to beat around the bush. “Generally once a week, yeah. Unless I vote him out, I suppose.”
“God, please do,” she enthuses, “save some for the rest of us, you know?” Suddenly she sits up straighter, glancing around to take everyone in. “You know, when I heard about this, I thought for sure they’d either get a bunch of porn-addicted dweebs who jack off into crusty socks or all the airheads in the industry would sign up for a vacation. I guess they really filtered out the duds. I’m impressed.”
“They did good,” you admit, smiling fondly as you watch Taehyung jump around a small cross-legged group on the picnic blanket, holding out handfuls of beads. The masseuse had discovered Hoseok’s penchant for jewellery-making somehow and had demanded a tutorial. Jungkook and Namjoon look like two flustered schoolboys as they quietly help their respective friends, and Yoongi has his sister in a headlock as he tries to tie a bright pink and green bracelet around her wrist. Hyuna and Chungha are practically in each other’s laps, giggling as they wind delicate anklets onto each other.
Some of the others hang around Jin as he cooks. Bee is chatting up a storm with him, hip propped against the edge of the barbecue, and Jimin steals pieces of caramelised onion, sneaking glances towards you and Jessi. Your heart warms at his inquisitive look, the look of happiness and relief on his face when he sees the two of you getting along.
So caught up in your observation of the group, you don’t realise you’ve been silent too long until you get roughly punched in the shoulder. “Holy shit!” Jessi declares. “You like them!”
“Who?” you counter defensively.
She laughs, her whole face lightening up. “Fuck, maybe all o’ them. Is there anyone you don’t have a crush on? Anyone that doesn’t make you feel all giddy and happy?”
You’re stumped at that. For a long time, you’d been seeing having a crush as some grand, dramatic realisation. Realising you liked Tae and Jimin, and then more recently being confronted with your feelings for Jin, those romantic notions seemed so loud and all-encompassing. But the guys making you feel giddy and happy? Their presence cheering you up, missing them when you spent time on your own? It was a lot easier to admit to yourself that perhaps all seven of them fit within those constraints. “I… I hate to say that you have a point.”
Jessi squeals, briefly attracting the attention of the haphazard circle of jewellery makers. “I knew it! Oh my goodness, isn’t this so exciting? Have you had an orgy yet?”
You gape. “Jessi!”
“What?” she asks innocently. “If you’ve been here several weeks and you still haven’t had an orgy, you’re wasting your time, girl. Get onto that.”
“I have, actually,” you admit with firing cheeks. “Before Tae got eliminated.”
“The puppy?” When you send Jessi a bewildered look, she just shrugs, tipping her head over towards the barbecue where Jimin has taken to kissing the back of Jin’s neck and shoulders, standing up on his tiptoes to try and bribe the older man for some food. His friend sighs at his antics. “Park told me,” she explains in a matter-of-fact tone, “said he was an absolute delight to play with when he’s got his collar on. Fuck, and looking at him now really solidifies the image, you know? I’d love to make him beg for a treat.” Your face must sour, because without a pause Jessi is cackling, poking you lightly in the cheek. “Oh my goodness, you’re jealous! You can’t fuck him anymore so you don’t want me to!”
“It’s not that,” you protest, not wanting to expose that selfish desire.
“It’s fine, I get it! I’ll keep my distance,” she allows, rolling over on the grass to lean in, chin almost resting on your shoulder as her voice deepens to a conspiratorial tone. “But if I’m honest, you should just fuck him and take the penalty. I know I would.”
You bite your lip. “What if he accidentally touched me? He’d be sent home. It’s such a risk.”
She just shrugs, leaning back to watch him as he sits in the middle of the group, Chunga reaching out to playfully ruffle his hair. “Tie up his hands,” she deflects easily, “there are always solutions, you know? And if you really like him, I kinda think he’d appreciate you making the sacrifice to be with him.” Sighing out one last time, she stands up, brushing off her pants. “Food for thought. And speaking of food, there’s a big hunk of meat over there that isn’t on the barbecue.”
As Jessi makes her way over to Jin with a heavy swing to her hips, you decide to join the group. There’s a small gap between Ji-eun and Jungkook as they keep a respectful distance, so you wedge yourself in with a few muttered apologies.
Up close, Ji-eun is gorgeous, rosy features and kind eyes. It’s no wonder Jungkook looks at her like she hung the stars in the sky. Perhaps you’d normally feel jealous, but you get it. “So,” you start, reaching out for a cord to begin a bracelet, “the two of you are family friends?”
Jungkook nods hastily. “Our parents went to high-school together,” he divulges, fiddling with his finished bracelet to look busy. “And since my mom and dad both worked full-time, noona babysat after school.”
You coo, tying a knot at one end of the waxed cord so the beads don’t fall off. “That’s so cute, oh my goodness! Ji-eun, was he a troublemaker as a child? I bet he was.”
“Hey!” Jungkook protests, but the older girl just chuckles, sending you a genuine smile.
“Gukkie was actually a sweetheart,” she admits, “always super polite. He was cute, too, had this coconut haircut and the roundest eyes, little tiny hands. Not like now.”
Jungkook gasps again, clutching at his chest like he’s been mortally wounded. “How dare you! I’m still cute!”
You hum in an unconvinced way, turning to poke at his cheeks, tapping his button nose. “You’re a little bit cute,” you allow. “Though I bet you were cuter with the bowl cut.”
The camboy’s temporary pleased look vanishes and he abruptly stands up. “This is slander, it was not a bowl cut, I just have a very round head! I’m going to find Yoongi-hyung, he respects me.”
You glance around the group in confusion, but Yoongi isn’t in the immediate vicinity like he was earlier. In fact, the group has dissolved into a few stragglers finishing off their bracelets as most of the gathering emigrate to the sheltered patio. “Oh shit, is lunch ready? I’m starving.”
“Looks like,” Ji-eun chirps, but once the two of you stand up, she hooks her hand in your elbow, preventing your departure. “Before we go, I just wanted to say,” she begins, eyes earnest as they lock onto yours, “thank you for making Jungkook so happy. I know it’s not like it’s just you, and I’m going to try and thank everyone in due time, but he speaks so highly of you especially. He’s really coming out of his shell here, I can see it now.”
Your heart swells, instinctively turning to seek out the black and red hair in the crowd. Jungkook has slipped a glove on one hand and is cutting up pieces of meat with tongs and a pair of kitchen scissors, a broad grin on his face as he hands them out. “I’m really lucky to have met him. You helped raise him well.”
She beams at that, tugging on your arm as the others call out for you to join them. “It’s not me. That’s all just our Jungkookie.”
Throughout the lunch, you can’t help but think that every time you look at him. Our Jungkookie.
Much like Taehyung, Chungha is very generous with her hands.
The offer comes quickly after lunch. Most of the guests and guys are still outside socialising (Eric has managed to con a bunch of them into playing a rather hands-on game of football on the grass), but while you were inside getting a drink, both massage parlour workers joined you, Taehyung’s arms naturally slipping around your waist for a lazy back hug.
“Pour us one?” he requests casually, his voice like molten brown sugar. “I want you two to get to know each other. Maybe we could go upstairs for a bit?”
Beside you, smiling with her eyes as well as her baby pink lips, Chungha pats your hand. “I’ve heard so many good things,” she assures. “But Taehyungie is so disappointed that he can’t take care of you anymore.” Your heart freezes in your throat when she comes in close, smelling like cherries. Her voice dips so that only you and Taehyung could hear, the latter nuzzling his nose against the back side of your neck. “I could take care of you for him, if you want?”
You turn around in Taehyung’s grasp, seeking out his confirmation. He smiles, nods, and lets go to take the two extra drinks you’d poured. It’s only lemonade, but he takes an indulgent sip as if it were champagne.
Without another word, he begins to make his way to the stairs, glancing back to make sure you’re following. You think back to Jessi’s words, of showing him that you cared. It seems like, in his own way, he’s reaching across that divide and showing you he cares too. Chungha’s fingers winding between yours, you follow the two masseuses upstairs.
Perhaps it’s their job experience, or maybe just their sweet, puppy-like personalities, but being near them both feels so comforting and relaxing. In Taehyung’s bedroom, he sits on a chair, as close to the bed as he dares. Chungha tugs you directly onto the mattress, and you gasp as a slight push to your shoulder sends you collapsing backwards, head on the pillow.
She looks divine above you, smiling down as her pale golden hair hangs down and brushes against your collarbones. With a knee on either side of your hips, she straddles you and leans in closer, lips barely brushing. “Can I kiss you, Y/n?”
Your heart thuds strongly against your ribs. You nod, feeling dizzy as the pressure on your mouth increases and her hands slip into your hair. Her lips and fingers move in sync, massaging your lips and scalp indistinguishingly. Perhaps she’s even a better kisser than the others on the show, or perhaps it’s that the touch of a woman after three weeks of men feels like pure oxygen, like eating with a gold spoon after years of stainless steel.
Her fingers slide further, molten relaxation with every stroke. Soothing your temples, the crown of your head, the nape of your neck, she keeps you feeling warm and light, even a little hazy. Lips parting from yours for just a moment, Chungha whispers to you, her fingers playing with the waistband of your pants. “Will you let me taste you?”
Arousal thrums hot between your legs, but something makes you hesitate. Or, rather, someone. You shift your head on the pillow, looking past the curtain of Chungha’s hair to where Tae sits, cross-legged, on the armchair.
His eyes widen, soft and concerned. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, Y/n,” he assures.
Chungha pulls up at that, sitting back against her heels again. Losing the closeness makes a whine catch in your throat. “It’s not that,” you confess quietly, “I just… I don’t want you to feel left out.”
The blonde masseuse straddling you coos as Taehyung turns pink, and she beckons him closer. “I don’t feel left out,” Taehyung assures you as he tentatively perches on the edge of the bed, tugging your hand gently to clasp between his own. “I can’t touch you like you deserve, at least not now. But Chungha can. If you want this, I want you to have it, Y/n.”
Your hand feels so warm between his smooth palms, but your heart feels even warmer. “I do want it. But… Stay close to me.”
Taehyung laces his fingers through yours, holds your hand up, and delicately presses a kiss to the back of your hand, making your breath catch. Afterwards, his eyes dart accusingly to the cameras recording your every move and sound. “That was technically platonic contact,” he insists quickly, “they do it in movies all the time.”
You laugh softly, but it quickly mutes into a silent gasp as Chungha suddenly moves down, hooking her fingers into your waistband and undressing your lower half as she goes.
Spreading your knees and sinking to her chest between them, her perfectly manicured fingers run teasing lines up and down your bare thighs. “Just relax,” she coos, “just let yourself enjoy it.”
Her hair, like spun gold, tickles your thighs as she lowers her face closer. So light you can only just feel it, she presses a kiss into the seam at the top of your right leg, so close yet too far from where you need her. Doing the same to the other side, she begins slowly trailing them closer to your core, giggling onto you when your breath hitches in impatience.
Taehyung shifts, situating himself behind you so that your head lies back and rests on his lap. With the same hand that holds yours, he takes the other, holding both of your wrists together in less of a restraint and more of an embrace. Together, him and Chungha bracket you in this cocoon of gentle touches, and as his other hand begins taking over the scalp massage Chungha had started earlier, you can’t help but let your eyes slip shut.
It’s because of this that when she finally licks a bold stripe up your folds, it catches you by complete surprise. You squeak, jolting between them, but Taehyung just tugs on your hair lightly, shushing you.
“Doesn’t it feel good?” Taehyung asks softly, bent over so he can speak lowly.
Chungha, now that she’s started, uses her tongue and lips just as expertly as her fingers, marking Taehyung’s question redundant. You nod anyway, and are rewarded with the subtle vibration of her chuckling, lips wrapped around your clit.
There’s something inherently different about the way Chungha eats you out, that’s clear even with your eyes shut. Her lips are plush like Jin’s, her cheeks soft like Yoongi’s and her tongue roving deep like Jungkook’s, but with every second that passes, it feels like she’s explored your pussy a million times before. Each swipe and suck and nibble seems practiced, learned, and in mere minutes your thighs are trembling.
She alternates attention to your clit with fucking you on her tongue, and Taehyung’s hand never ceases its languid journey through your hair. The two poles of pleasure have you unable to catch your breath, unable to even open your eyes as every movement makes the lids heavier.
Two separate people, yet they work in unison. When Taehyung presses behind your ears, Chungha flattens her tongue on your clit in a slow drag. When that muscle becomes pointed, flicking over you to make you jump, Taehyung’s fingers curl so that the nails run over your scalp. Each nip of Chungha’s teeth is punctuated with a tugging of a lock of your hair, and caught between these tides, the only things that feel incomplete are your lips. What you wouldn’t give to have Tae bend a little lower and brush his mouth against yours, even for a moment.
Instead, you slip your bottom lip between your teeth, occupying them needily. A coil tightens in your stomach so slowly, like a gentle bubbling simmer, but it isn’t until you feel two slender fingers sliding inside you that there’s a tangible shift in pleasure. Like taking an exit on a highway, you feel a distinct change of path, like you’re now moving directly towards your orgasm. Driven by that desire, you rock your hips, moaning as her mouth hones in on your clit and her fingers curl, seeking out that spot inside you.
Unsurprisingly, she locates it with ease, and before you can even catch your breath she’s massaging it without mercy, twisting her fingers inside you with every audible thrust so that the pleasure is inescapable. You writhe, but she still has an arm free to throw over your stomach and hold you down.
Taehyung is still deliriously in-sync, and you can’t hold back a moan as his fingers press harder and nails drag stronger. Eyes rolling back, you feel that crest build, so close you can taste it, and your moans become desperate.
The two of them read the signs and up the intensity one last time. Taehyung drops your hands so that both of his can bury deep in your hair, and Chungha switches to three fingers inside you, scissoring and grinding them against your g-spot.
You come with a broken cry, seizing up as the pleasure wracks your body. While Taehyung stops his massage to brush your hair back, carding his fingers through it comfortingly, Chungha fucks you through it without mercy, sucking harshly on your clit and spreading you open on her fingers.
It’s not until your whole body is shivering and you try anad wriggle out of her hold that she finally lets up, leaving you boneless in Taehyung’s lap.
Far more full of energy than you are, Chungha straightens up with a satisfied sigh, licking her lips. As you fight to catch your breath, she runs a hand up and down your thigh. “You’re a fucking gorgeous specimen,” she compliments warmly, “when you get out of here, come by anytime.”
Suddenly Taehyung’s arms wrap tightly around your arms and chest, chin tucked onto the crown of your head. Even as you can’t see him, you can hear the pout in his voice. “When she gets out, she’ll be coming by for me,” he protests sweetly, “but I’m sure we could invite you too if she wanted.”
You laugh tiredly, leaning your weight back against Taehyung. “I’m definitely not turning that down, holy fuck.”
Chungha giggles prettily, chin still glossy from going down on you, though it doesn’t seem to bother her. “Won’t you give me one last kiss before we go clean up?”
You can’t deny her sweetly batted eyelashes, though you wouldn’t even want to. Once Taehyung begrudgingly lets you go, you lean forward and meet her halfway, tasting yourself on her tongue. It’s filthy but chaste, a quick swipe of her tongue into your mouth, a peck, and she’s pulling away with a wink, jumping off the bed.
Once she prances into Taehyung’s bathroom and closes the door behind her, Taehyung goes slack, winding his arms around your torso from behind and tucking his face into your neck. “I hope you liked it,” his voice comes out, muffled and shy.
You ruffle his hair fondly, wishing you could do more than that. “It was perfect,” you say without a doubt. “Thank you, Tae. I-” There are words that you can’t say, shouldn’t say now. “I like you a whole lot.”
If it’s possible, his hug tightens. “I like you a lot too.”
The rest of the day goes without hiccups. You spend your time getting to know the girls - albeit in less intimate ways than you had with Chungha - and slowly the idea of pulling a name out of the box becomes both exciting and worrying.
Hyuna brings out a new side of Jin. He looks more unburdened with her than he has the whole time on the show, and their vibrant energy together is contagious. Jungkook acts like a smitten schoolboy around Ji-eun, and she’s so patient and endearing that you can’t help but sympathise with him. It’s very clear Namjoon and Sunmi don’t actually know each other very well, but fuck you could watch their awkward banter and dynamic for hours. Sunmi is a relentless, unflappable tease, and Namjoon eats it up with a nervous laugh and bright eyes. Chungha seems more interested in the other girls than she is with Taehyung, but they’re never far apart, sharing countless meaningful stares between conversations. Bee is much like Hoseok, in that she’s so sweet and bubbly when she doesn’t don her dominant persona, and quickly she wins you over, her kind words and cheerful laughter a highlight of the evening. Jessi seems like the type of bossy but protective older sister that seems perfect for Jimin, whose usually-concealed soft interior lifts closer and closer to the surface with every minute spent in her easygoing, boisterous company. And finally, Yoonji is an absolute enigma, commanding attention with ease but seeming entirely disinterested with it. The moment a conversation bores her, you watch her eyes shift, inspecting some person or other like they’re a science experiment. You’ve been under that gaze yourself, and you practically feel the heat of the magnifying glass. But at the same time, when she does get engaged and speaks up, she’s just as articulate and sharp as Yoongi, and you can’t help but hang off her every word.
After relaying all this information back to Eric, who seems equally supportive and bemused, the only conclusion you can draw is that it would be entirely preferable to have all seven of them stay.
“Goodness, you insatiable minx,” your best friend teases with a mock look of disapproval. It’s 9:58pm, and the two of you have been stuck in the living room for almost the whole hour, staring hopelessly at the box. “Seven men is good, but fourteen people is better?”
“It’s not that,” you defend with a whine, “not that I would protest. No, it’s just- I wanna get to know them more, you know? And I feel like I’m learning more about the guys while they’re here, which is going to prove very important for tomorrow’s decision. And once I pull a name there’s nothing separating me from elimination, and I have no fucking clue who to eliminate, but then at least-” You huff, unable to articulate it. “I’m procrastinating.”
Eric grimaces, nodding. “It took you roughly fifty-nine minutes to come to that conclusion, but I’m glad we got there eventually.”
You kick your feet up over his lap, throwing yourself back onto the couch in despair. “I could’ve been out there researching this whole time, why didn’t you tell me?”
He shrugs, bouncing his knees so that your feet are jostled off. “I thought you wanted to work it through and that explaining every vivid detail of the past three weeks was necessary. It was riveting, by the way,” he adds in a drawl, “I’m certainly relieved you felt it pertinent to describe exactly the size and appearance of all the cocks in this house.”
You jump up, kicking him in the shin. “Hey! Don’t be sarcastic, I’m in a crisis!”
“Oh, I wasn’t,” Eric defends, brows lifted. “I’m doing my own research. Taking into account the past several hours, as well as the interesting mental pictures I’ve now been able to make, I’ve decided I wish to become the sexy meat in a Namjoon and Hoseok sandwich. Do you think it’s feasible?”
You open your mouth instinctively to protest, but then you stop, mulling over the combination. They had spent a lot of time together…
Eric claps his hands together with a victorious cheer. “You considered it, that’s basically a yes! Anyways, I hate to say it,” he digresses, quickly sobering up, “but it’s time to draw a name.”
Nerves immediately alight down your spine, but you fight them off. “Fuck, okay, I guess it’s random so it doesn’t matter, right?” Before you have the chance to second-guess that statement, you lean forward and plunge your hand into the circle-shaped slot in the box, feeling sharp edges of paper bumping against your skin.
Managing to close your fingers around a slip, you pull it out, opening the fold. Two words, three syllables. Eric and you read over it in silence for a moment, before you let out a amused chuckle. “Yoongi’s going to be pissed, huh?”
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On the seventh Day of every Week in the game, the Elimination vote is released for 48 hours following the post of the fic. Please note, this is NOT the fan-favourite vote, which has already happened.
The vote has closed.
Below are the results for last week’s vote for Fan Favourite! 
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661 notes · View notes
cupcakemolotov · 3 years
At Horizon’s Edge
I promised @lalainajanes​ a space fic sometime before Covid, so that could have been two years ago or three, who can remember anymore, but here it is. I hope you enjoy it!
You can read the story at A03 here if you prefer!
Synopsis: Sometimes when a girl goes on a shopping trip to pick up a new pair of boots at the local, and somewhat hostile, human space station, she accidentally aids and abets a prison break instead. What happens in the black really doesn't stay in the black.
Warnings: Alternate Universe; Alternate Universe - Space; Alternate Universe - Fantasy; Alternate Universe - Soulmates; Alien Cultural Differences; Alien Technology;  Werewolves; Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known; Werewolves in Space; Werewolf!Klaus; Alien!Caroline; Mostly Alien at Least; prison break; Accidental Rescue; Some Gore; Non-OTP Charachter Death; Found Family
Caroline slid into her pilot’s chair just as the comm on her dash beeped for an incoming transmission. Glancing over at the seat where her co-pilot sat, Enzo gave her a grim look. He didn’t agree to her plan, and she didn’t blame him. She wasn’t usually given to bouts of insanity but every day in space was a new one, and sometimes life tossed surprises at you with the impact of live grenades.  
“Five minutes until gate clearance.” He paused and then sighed, rolling his shoulders with a reluctant acceptance. “I hope you know what you are doing.”
So did she. 
Five minutes was an eternity when facing the guns of the space station they had just left. Named after a moon in the humanities home solar system, Titan was one of the few remaining stations that still traded directly with Earth. They were also very proud that they maintained the largest population of pure blooded humans outside of Earth Solar System, even by Earth’s exacting standards of what was considered human these days. 
If she’d cared to check, the history logs on her computer would tell her all about the wars that had nearly decimated Earth and its colonized planets, of the laws that banned anyone who carried alien DNA in their veins. The justifications of a world terrified by how humanity could change in the cold void of space and their desperate, grasping fingers trying to avoid change. 
Caroline had long since stopped caring about earth’s collective opinions, and the stars cared not all about the blood in your veins. Not all of humanity bent to fear, the far flung colonies that still lingered though they’d been abandoned by their home world. They’d learned to adapt, to change. There were wonders and nightmares in space that Earth could never imagine, but right then, none of that was particularly helpful. 
What she cared about was getting out of Titan’s airspace as quickly as possible without getting blown to bits. The conversation she needed to have to do that would require her to be very, very careful. Blowing out a breath, Caroline hit accept. 
Half a heart beat later, and the familiar eyes of Marshal Tyler Lockwood popped up on her screen. He looked worn, older than the last time she had seen him. The thick black of his hair had faded to more gray than the salt and pepper she remembered from their last conversation, and the creases in his forehead, and at the corner of his eyes, were a sign of his human heritage more than any of the military patches on his uniform. 
Old. He had started to look so old. 
“Marshall Lockwood,” Caroline said, tucking away any hint of sorrow. “This is a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
He grimaced, his face telling her exactly what he thought of either of them enjoying this call. Her ex-lover did not enjoy being reminded of their past, which was why she made a point to do it every time he initiated one of these little catch ups. A little pettiness always did wonders for her mood. 
“Forbes. You’re leaving early.” He looked down, the line between his brows deepening as he clearly checked something on his tablet. “We had expected your stay at the station to last for another 48 standard hours.”
Brows arched, Caroline tipped her head to the side and studied him. “I wasn’t aware that you were watching my flight plans so closely.”
A hint of derision entered his eyes. “You are dangerous, Forbes. I keep an eye on dangerous things.”
She was dangerous. But not in ways that Tyler could plan against, and they both knew to target her specifically because of her heritage went against a dozen interstellar laws. His team could enforce station laws while she was standing on it, but here, on her ship, minutes from making a FTL jump, what she did should have been of no concern to them. This wasn’t space owned strictly by humanity, where it could control its population down to its DNA. 
Tyler was walking a fine line. 
Smiling, she settled a bit more comfortably in her chair. “Awe, that’s so sweet of you. Being so concerned about your people. I think you’d be more relieved to see the back of my ship than making demands to justify why I would leave when we both know you're not entitled to that information.”
His mouth tightened at her jab. “Generally that would be the case but you’re predictable. This breaks your usual pattern, and that gives me cause for suspicion.”
She shook her head in false exasperation, deliberately misunderstanding him. “My personal life is none of your business, remember? You made that choice decades ago, no reason to get sentimental now in your final few years.” 
Her words were below the belt, but Caroline had never really been able to help herself where he was concerned. Walking away from her, walking away from the future they had been building together had hurt. Decades had softened the sting, but some scars still bled. 
“I wasn’t asking for personal reasons.” His words were clipped, the edges sharp and cutting. 
She laughed. “Such lies you tell. But there isn’t anything dramatic about my departure, Tyler. Your collection of goods suck right now. Did someone piss off High Command again? Would it honestly kill you to announce it when you have trade-shortfalls? Manifests exist for a reason, you know, and it’s such a waste that your ‘council’ won’t let anyone bring in additional goods. Seriously, I could have avoided this whole trip and it would have saved me some time and docking fees.”
Absently, she wondered if his jaw got stuck like that these days, clenched down on a brutal line that left the muscle jumping tautly. “You expect me to believe you couldn’t find the correct dress size so you decided to ignore two days of your itinerary? I know you better than that.”
Caroline scoffed. “Actually, you don’t know me, Tyler. It’s been fifty years since we last had a conversation that didn’t involve us insulting each other. Your personal opinions about my love of a well organized schedule are outdated.” The lie slipped easily from her tongue, and next to her Enzo rolled his eyes. She flipped him off, just outside of view of the camera. “My irritation at the lack of proper boot sizes available aside, you’re not usually this pushy. You want to tell me what’s really going on? And why you need a scapegoat?”
Tyler’s jaw turned to stone for a long moment, and she forced herself to appear bored. Every moment he delayed was another that they crept closer to their escape. He finally unlocked it enough to speak, words harsh. “We had a prison break.”
She didn’t have to fake her surprise, brows arching high at both his reluctant admittance and what it meant. Very, very few people knew that Titan had an advanced and secure prison system. Dear Old Earth had always enjoyed making its problems vanish, and Titan was one such place they used to keep their hands clean. Those shipments from Earth of goods and perishables that made Titan so popular as a trade station came with a dirty secret: in the belly of those ships were people. Political prisoners, murders, terrorists, inconvenient witnesses who needed to disappear. Titan housed them all. Some would be kept in the cold bowls of the station and others shipped off to one of the max-prisons deep in the black of space. 
None of them ever escaped. 
That Titan was a prison was a dirty little secret and not one that could be allowed to get out. But such secrets, buried in metal and technology, were very hard to hide from her. Tyler knew it, though he was bound to keep some of her secrets. As she was bound to keep the worst of his.
“You don’t lose people.” Caroline said slowly. “What happened?”
“He had help.”
Brows coming together at the word ‘he’, she frowned. “And now you want me to find him.”
Tyler’s face could have been carved from stone. “No, Caroline. I want to know if he is aboard your ship.”
Next to her, Enzo lifted three fingers in her peripheral vision. They’d only been talking for two minutes and it’d felt like twenty. 
“Tyler, that’s far fetched even for you. I don’t let random people on my ship. You know that.” She didn’t have to fake the bitterness in the curve of her lips. “If I remember correctly, it was a major point of contention in our relationship.”
He ignored her, only the flex of his jawline a sign that her words had hit home. “I want to board your ship.”
“Absolutely not,” Caroline said flatly. “You have no grounds.”
“I have more than enough circumstantial evidence.” He spread his hand in her view, eyes like flint, shoulders square. “We scanned your ship, and while there are only three bodies registering onboard, we both know you have the capability to hide someone.”
She arched a brow. “That’s a violation of at least three treaties, Tyler.”
Marshall Lockwood didn't seem bothered by that. “I also know that there are at least two smuggling compartments on your ship that are capable of housing a human for short periods of time without them suffering from asphyxiation.”
There were now four compartments, and all of them could hide people for up to four hours without risking asphyxiation but were rarely used for such purposes. Smuggling people was difficult, goods were safer. Goods didn’t talk about ships and captains and give people ideas. But there were some things she couldn’t stomach, and sometimes a girl needed to be prepared. 
But Tyler didn’t know that. 
It’d been fifty years since she’d let him step foot on her ship. And unfortunately for him, she was hardly the only crew member with secrets. Smuggling had brought such interesting bedfellows into her life, and she’d violate more than three treaties to keep them safe. But her ex didn’t need to know that, and none of it would save her, if he opened fire at her. The point blank range of those canons would destroy her and everyone who would be caught in the crossfire. 
Right then, Tyler was a problem and she could show no weakness. 
“Circumstantial evidence of what exactly? “ she tilted her head and let scorn drip along her words. “That your super secret prison had an escapee and I am conveniently close to blame? That is ridiculous and we both know it.”
“You’re a Tech Witch.” 
Next to her, Enzo tensed at the derogatory term and Caroline let her smile sharpen. Her mother’s blood wasn’t an unknown quality of hers, but saying so here, on this channel with who knows how many witnesses, put him perilously close to breaking the agreements that bound them both. 
“Marshall, my ship cleared your security systems ten minutes ago. We accepted the standard cargo check before we left the docking bay, and I am told they were very thorough. Other than requiring a scapegoat in the form of my non-human DNA for whatever inside job you're attempting to cover up, you have nothing.” She nodded when he remained silent. “You have nothing.”
Something beeped, and he glanced down. When he glanced up, nothing had shifted on his face. “I could request you return to the docking bay or face the canons, Forbes.”
Caroline shook her head. It was a threat, but here, for now, she had the upper hand. This kind of PR move for humanity would be costly, but Tyler didn’t worry about those decisions. But him, personally, and the blackmail she had?
“We both know why you won’t.”
The skin near his eyes visibly tightened and she let her smile dimple. They both knew her death would act as a trigger for a number of unpleasant consequences for Tyler. What bound them was contractual, but she had never trusted him to do more than keep the letter of the law, and today had proved she’d been correct in her assessment. If he could have violated the spirit of their contract, he would have. Lucky for her, he couldn’t. Tyler’s secrets could destroy everything he had worked to build in his life, and even now, less than a decade or two from his death, he wouldn’t risk her ruining him. 
Her previous lover had always been a coward when it counted. Earth had its enemies, and so did Titan, and she knew almost all of them. Today might cost her, but it could cost him far more. 
Letting her knowledge show on her face, she showed her teeth. “Do you even want to tell me who it is that you lost that has you so desperate?” 
There was a long, long silence as he stared at her and she just waited. Time was on her side now, the clock burning down. In the back of her head, she counted down. 
Sixty seconds. Fifty-five. So close. 
The gleam behind Tyler’s eyes turned calculating, and he dropped the name as if it was supposed to mean something, as if it was supposed to bring the weight of her guilt crashing down on her shoulders. “Klaus Mikaelson.”
Caroline just stared at him in surprise; she hadn’t expected him to tell her. The ghosts between her and Tyler faded a little more every year. Humanity might have extended their lifespans as far as they could be stretched, but they would never match those whose DNA held the remnants of long lived, non-human races. Soon Tyler would be one of the few living memories left from the single year of her life she had spent planetside. 
Klaus Mikaelson was another. 
Gathering her thoughts, Caroline shook her head, forcing herself to focus. “If he is alive, he should be nearing a century on a planet with less medical knowledge than your Station. He should be either senile or dead.” She pushed back a loose strand of hair that slid into her face, the pale gold as much as her mother’s blood as her fathers. “Out of all of us, I’m the only one cursed, remember?”
Next to her, Enzo made a grunting noise of disagreement, his disapproval clear. She waved a hand at him. Her hidden clenched fist relaxed as Enzo bared his teeth but started the sequence to activate the first of what was going to be several jumps. Right then, she didn’t care how much he hated Tyler. They’d be harder to trace once they arrived at the major traffic lanes, but first they had to make it. She didn’t dare take her eyes away from her screen. 
Tyler sighed, the sound deep and an echo that caught in her chest. His dark eyes creased, and for the first time the Tyler she’d once known peaked at her from behind the Marshall. “You’ve never been gifted at lying, Caroline.”
She laughed at him, the sound bitter. “No, Tyler. You’ve just never believed me when I spoke truly. I was never your enemy.”
His face told her that he didn't believe her. He never had. “I won’t forget this, Caroline. When we prove that you helped, and we will prove it, not even your precious interstellar laws will be able to protect you.”
The call ended just as their clearance to enter the gate came through. Caroline cut the open line, and immediately started backtracking through her systems to make sure that Tyler hadn’t tried to leave her a present. It wouldn’t have been the first time. Earth, and it’s subjects, tended to see laws as flexible when it suited them. 
The initial scrub didn’t take long, she’d never skimped on security and her ship did not endure itself to strangers programs, and the surface diagnosis came back clean. Jaw set, she triggered the deeper scrub that would erase the identifiers that they had used to dock at Titan. 
She’d known she’d have to burn the remaining dregs of that life soon, but hadn’t expected it today. Better to make a clean cut, erase her existence here in Pure Human Space now than end up in the darkness of its prison, driven mad by the hum of machines she could hear but not touch. 
“Ten seconds until FTL.”
Switching to her main screen, Caroline pulled up the screens to monitor their progress. Closing her eyes as the universe started to blur with the faster than light speed jump, she inhaled slowly and didn’t breathe again until the sound of space tearing around them drowned out the anxious rush of her heartbeat. 
It took twenty minutes after they passed through the gate to clear enough space to make the first jump. They didn’t quite dare engage their cloaking device until they left the jump points. It took another precious half hour before they finally winked out of existence as far as radars were concerned. But the muscles along her spine didn't relax until Enzo finally gave her a nod.
“We’re clear. No one followed us, which means they didn’t have enough time to scramble a ship. We’ve got a sixty minute window before this airspace becomes too hot for us.”
Caroline laughed. “Good thing we won’t be here that long. Go ahead and start planning our next jump.”
Enzo tipped his head. “Are we sticking to our plan then?”
“For now. I don’t want to risk picking up a tail, and they won’t be able to follow us from here. As long as we stay out of Federation space, we should be okay for the short term.”
For now. If they were going to stay that way was entirely dependent on what exactly she had gotten them into. Grimacing a little, she hit the comm button. “Bonnie? Everything alright down there?”
There was a pause and then the droll voice of her closest friend came back over the mic. “So far everything is holding up. I did a fast scan once we cleared the gate, and I didn’t find any extra tech that might have been dropped in the ship.”
“Thanks, but we’re clean.” She pressed her hand against the panel, listening to the hum of engines and the computers that were as familiar to her as the back of her hands. The curious hum of its voice. “I’ll be down shortly to deal with our pickup.”
“Better you than me.”
Enzo leaned back, watching her with dark eyes as he waited for her to finish her conversation. “You sure this is what you want?”
Caroline snorted and unbuckled herself. “I think it's a little late for second guessing, don’t you?”
A shrug. “We could space him.”
She laughed, this one far more genuine. “If he threatens you or Bonnie, I promise, he’ll find himself ejected. But until then…”
Enzo crossed his arms, gaze dark. “You think he might know something about your mom.”
Eyes sliding shut, Caroline sighed. She wished she could have given him that as the reason, but it hadn’t been. Not then. Now… “I don’t know if anyone knows what happened to my mom.”
“Be careful, Gorgeous.” Enzo’s mouth tightened at the corners. “The past can make you bleed.”
She knew that far better than anyone should, but arguing with Enzo about unnecessary reminders wouldn’t get her anywhere. “Yeah.”
Tipping back into his chair, Enzo studied her. “I’ve still got a friend or two on that station. I could arrange it so Lockwood stops being such a problem.”
She shot him a look and he shrugged unrepentant. “He has no teeth.”
“Gorgeous, we both know that’s hardly the truth. He’s going to do his damndest to make your life difficult. Even if he sticks to your bargain until he dies, you’ve got nothing to protect you after his death.”
Caroline shook her head. “Legacy means everything to Tyler. I don’t think he’ll so easily let me ruin it.”
Enzo snorted but turned back to his computer. “I’ll make the next jump.”
Understanding it for the grumpy acceptance but not an approval that it was, Caroline lifted hand to acknowledge she heard him, and left the bridge. The door closed behind her, leaving her in the quiet corridors, only the sounds of her boots loud over the hum of the ship as she walked. 
She wished she could explain her impulsive reaction to Enzo, wished she could find the words that gave her actions any kind of logic. Particularly since she couldn’t explain to herself. 
Walking around the corner, she found Bonnie waiting on her. There was grease smeared on one cheek and her mouth was pulled into a frown. Sighing, Caroline rubbed her forehead. “Are you going to yell too?”
Bonnie seemed to consider that, the data pad she held tapping against her thigh before she sighed. “I’d like to. But would it do any good?”
“Probably not.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” She held out the data pad with a sigh. “I still have a bottle of that shit you call liquor in my room. When this is over, you’re going to owe me an explanation.”
Caroline’s fingers curled around the peace offering. “It’s a pretty long story.”
“You noticed I said an entire bottle?”
There wasn’t much she could say to that. “Deal.”
Bonnie nodded and tipped her head towards their small medbay. “Good luck.”
Taking a deep breath, she nodded and pressed her palm to the door, unlocking it so she could step inside. He was waiting for her, the familiarity of him the same punch to her system as it had been before. He’d lost the horrible prison uniform, Bonnie must have felt far more charitable than she’d wanted Caroline to know. But then, her friend had spent her own time in the prison uniforms herself and still avoided the color orange. 
But that meant he was now shirtless, his bandaged ribs on display, his expression guarded. 
Caroline gave herself a moment to absorb that change in perspective, to take him in. The tumble of curls still touched the tops of his ears, but he’d cleaned up his beard so that only a short stubble remained, leaving behind a man’s face, thin from his time beneath Titan but hardly weak. His eyes were gold touched blue, and awareness brushed down her spine. The decades since she had last seen him were stacked behind his eyes, visible in the way he had grown into his skin.
But the impact of him, the jolting rush of recognition from earlier still lingered beneath her skin. The sudden awareness of who he was and the bone deep hello she couldn’t explain. Which made no sense, had made no sense when she was hauling his ass through Titan. If the boy who had once been kind to her was buried beneath lean muscle and a hardness she recognized from her own mirror, she didn’t see him. This man, with his steady gaze and roughened features was a stranger.
She didn’t know what to think of the way he watched her. He brought so many complications with him. Tipping her head, she arched a brow with more casualness than she felt. 
“Werewolf, huh?” Caroline kept her voice even, and the edge of his mouth curled. “I’d have remembered that if you’d mentioned that little detail before.”
He took his time responding, gaze dragging down her body in a thorough perusal that left her skin tingling as if he’d touched her. “Caroline Forbes. I must say, you were not who I was expecting.”
She snorted. “Yeah, well, me either. I wasn’t there to rescue you.”
His gaze narrowed. “Then why were you there?”
Caroline kept her voice bland, shifting her weight to tap one boot against the floor. “New boots.”
And Klaus Mikaelson blinked at her as if the words that were coming out of her mouth were in a dialect he had never heard before. She felt a perverse amount of satisfaction from that. The Klaus she had known had been a few years older and nearly unflappable, outside of the mercurial moodiness of his temperament.
“New boots.”
“Yup. And lucky for you that I decided I needed them. There are reasons that Titan has never lost a prisoner before.” She tossed the data pad in front of him. “I don’t know who or what you were expecting when you made it onto the surface level, but if I hadn’t found you and decided to help, you’d have been collared and sent right back into the depths of the station.”
Caroline wasn’t certain she’d ever shake the shock of it: turning the corner, and finding Klaus standing there. Klaus, who she had thought of only in the safety in the dark of space, when she allowed herself to remember that tumultuous year she’d spent with her feet on solid earth. She had hoped for him to have married, to have had a batch of sarcastic moody children, to have grown old having survived the machinations of his mother. 
Another quiet piece of her past disappearing before she’d gained even so much as a hint of a wrinkle. 
But he hadn’t, and now she didn’t know what to think. 
When she’d seen him, his beard had been too long, the shackles from his cell had still been curved around the bones of his wrists. He’d been slightly hunched, the blood on his uniform not just from whoever had gotten between him and his escape, and the way he stood said something had hurt but he was on his feet. 
Somehow, she hadn’t gotten any of that blood on her. Right then, she was regretting that a little. A single touch of his skin against her own, and she’d have managed to avoid some of this conversation as she’d been given the answers. For the first time, she cursed the prison uniform for more than its obnoxious color and terrible material.
And now here she was , struggling to understand the certainty she hadn't felt in decades when she’d seen him. Her mother’s blood never forgot an enemy, but it also never forgot a friend, and once, a very, very long time ago, she’d thought of him as such. The punch of that knowledge had been staggering as they’d stared at each other, too much between them, and she’d heard the alarms blaring from beneath the soles of her feet. 
She hadn’t been able to turn, to leave him like she should have. Swearing at him, at herself, she’d moved forward and slid her arm beneath his and gritted out an order to stay quiet and to follow her. 
And he had. Now here they were. On her ship, trying to outrun the long reach of Titan. His gaze finally left her face and lowered to the datapad before returning to hers in a silent question.
“Bonnie is med-trained,” Caroline lied easily. “She did a data scan before I came in when she was tapping up your ribs. I know earth uses the prisoners below Titan for experimentation, but did you ever hear them mention what they were putting into your blood?”
“Bonnie,” Klaus said softly. “Is a witch.”
She didn’t lower her eyes. Esther had been a witch. “Is that going to be a problem for you?”
Not even a flicker of a lash. “No.”
“Because if it is,” Caroline said, “I will toss you into the airlock myself. Werewolves can last for a few minutes in the black, you know. Not long enough to live, but long enough to fight for it.”
The yellow in his gaze spread in a wash of power. “Threats already?”
“Duh,” she replied. “This is my ship, my crew. I might have saved you, but you try to harm them, and you’re going to see what it’s like trying to breathe in a vacuum.”
Klaus laughed, low and rich, and it ran across her senses like a touch. “Your threats have gotten better, love. I approve.”
Caroline snorted. “I’m touched. Really.”
He didn’t move towards her, but the sudden intensity to the way he watched her, the wolf clear in his gaze, left her very aware of the careful distance and one table between them. “I think you’ll find that even here, on this ship you’ve claimed and marked as your own, that I am not so easy to destroy.”
She didn’t doubt he believed that, that he was capable of horrible things, even injured, but she refused to give him an inch. Not here, not now. Not yet. Not when her ship would tear itself apart to protect its heart. “So says the werewolf that had to be rescued from humans.”
Klaus’ gaze narrowed, a flicker of deep seated rage there and gone again. “The result of an unfortunate betrayal, one I plan to deal with as soon as I am off this ship.”
There was something dangerous there, something terrible that kept her from asking the questions that lingered on her tongue. “Are you going to be a danger to my crew, Klaus?”
His head angled to the side, and there was nothing soft about his expression. “Will you believe my answer?”
“You’ve never lied to me before,” Caroline said slowly, feeling her way through the strange sense of knowing she hadn’t been able to shake. The buzzing of her mother’s blood. She wanted to believe him. “I don’t have a reason to think you’d start now, though you were apparently keeping some pretty big secrets.”
Klaus went motionless in front of her, the flex of his jaw unexpected as he stared at her. The wolf slowly faded from his eyes as he clearly weighed her words. “I intend no harm to your people, Caroline. Witches or no. But I cannot say the same for my enemies.”
She shoved her fingers through her bangs. “And just who are they?”
“Why did you rescue me, Caroline?”
She blinked. “Does that matter?”
A hint of a dimple curved along his cheek, and Klaus crossed his arms, leaning against the table. She tried very hard to ignore the shift and flex of muscle, the bare skin still on display. The fascinating movement of his tattoo. “Very much, I’m afraid.”
She mirrored his stance, arms crossing across her chest. “And why is that, exactly?”
“I’ve answered a number of your questions,” he pointed out in a reasonable tone that made her teeth clench. “It's only fair that you do the same, don’t you think?”
“I wasn’t the one rescued.”
His teeth gleamed in the lighting. “A man has reasons to be concerned when a near stranger offers him his freedom. Particularly in such… serendipitous circumstances, don’t you think? The black is full of terrible things. Slavers. Blood Witches. Those influential human scientists who wish to unlock the immortality of magic without the cost. We knew each other a long time ago, love.”
Her eye roll was automatic. “Oh yes, I’ve risked my reputation and my neck to drag you off to a backwater moon so you can become someone’s wolf bitch. How did you guess?”
The hint of amusement that had tugged at his lips disappeared, and something hard entered his eyes. “The truth, if you please.”
It was a velvet threat said in a voice lined in steel. She hadn’t liked that tone from him when she’d been seventeen, and she liked it even less now, knowing of the wolf that lived under his skin. She forcibly reminded herself that she’d have questions if he’s just up and rescued her too. Locking him in the med bag until he was reminded of his manners wasn’t a smart decision. Yet, at least. 
She lifted her chin and held that inhuman gaze, unblinking. “You were something of a friend, once. I hadn’t forgotten that and I have no love for cages. Though I suppose I should worry why humanity decided to bury you in their favorite graveyard. There are some things even I won’t look past. Are we going to be enemies, Klaus?”
Truth and lies, they tangled together and she wondered if he saw them. None of that had been in her mind when she’d seen him, none of that had mattered. Her reaction had been inexplicable and confusing, and it wasn’t something she was willing to discuss. Not now, preferably never. 
“You don’t want me as your enemy, love.”
Caroline scoffed. “I’m not sure I want you as my friend. The last werewolf I made an acquaintance of was a real dick, and this conversation isn’t shaping up to prove you’re much different.”
“And would that werewolf happen to be the esteemed Marshall Lockwood?” His words were casual, as if that information actually existed outside her head. As if he knew. But Klaus had known Tyler once, and that made her wonder. 
“Marshall Lockwood is not up for discussion .”
Klaus brow arched with intrigue. “So the rumors are true.”
“That would depend on the rumors.” It was a strain, to hold that slightly bored expression. To keep her pulse steady. 
“Lockwood should have been promoted past Marshall decades ago.” Klaus dragged his gaze down her face, and for a heartbeat she imagined those eyes lingered on her lips. “The why’s have always generated a great deal of speculation. He passes as human, you see. He is also loyal even when that loyalty is detrimental. The rumors of blackmail, of alien involvement have been rampant for years.”
She’d made a point not to follow those rumors, and it was a struggle not to wince. No wonder Tyler hated her. But she remembered the way he’d spat Tech Witch, the way he’d made it clear to anyone around him, and that wince turned to anger. He’d made his choices. 
“You’re pretty knowledgeable for a man who was locked away in the depths of Titan.” Caroline said slowly. “Why exactly did they toss you into their comfy retirement home? Werewolves take resources to hold.”
His smile was slow and sharp. “Humanity considers me a threat.”
“That hardly makes you special.” She waved a hand towards the walls of her ship. “Earth considers everyone not fully human a threat. It’s a long, extensive list.”
“True. Let’s say then, that I have made an effort to be noticed.” His eyes glittered. “They are well aware of who I am.”
“How wonderful for you. How?”
Klaus studied her for a long moment. “When you said you couldn’t return, you meant it, didn’t you?”
Her breath caught in her throat at those softly voiced words, the memories they dragged violently to the surface. The way she could almost smell the smoke, feel the splash of her mother’s blood against her face. 
“I never lied to you.” Caroline said. “Even then.”
Especially then. 
Not when she had a choice.
He gave a nod, the wolf back in his eyes, as if he had come to some internal decision. “Esther didn’t survive you leaving the planet.”
She blinked, frowned. “Esther was amassing a cult following, how did anyone get through that? And how does this answer my question?”
A sharp slash of a smile. “I killed her.”
Caroline stared at him. Esther had been his mother. “I don’t understand.”
He lowered his arms, shifting his weight carefully. “My mother… Esther was a monster. And so was Mikael.”
“They did try to sacrifice my mom, so no arguments there.” She let the bite of her nails into her palm ground her. “But they were also powerful, which is why we ran.”
And why she’d been willing to barter with Tyler’s mother to get him off that world, the one family with limited permission to leave the planet without the terrible protocols. Not that it’s done her any good, in the long run. Tyler had chosen to bury what he was and to become something he wasn’t. And she...
She’d woken to the cold berth of her ship alone, the only clue the blood that had stained the walls, the floors, of what had been her mother’s room. That ship had been destroyed in the heart of a sun, the blood too potent and the horror of it too binding. The ship sang too mournful song, a song of rage and sadness even as she watched it disappear in an explosion that erased it down to the last molecule.
“Yes,” Klaus agreed. “But by rescuing Liz, you allowed the rest of us to find our freedom.” A lowering of his lashes, charm in every word. “I suppose that means you’ve saved me twice.”
For a long moment their gaze held, and the room felt several degrees too warm. It had been Klaus’ hands who had caught her when she had staggered at the weight of her mother. Klaus who had told her to go, as the screams around them had grown in fever pitch as the fires Kol had set to burn began to consume houses. 
Clearing her throat, Caroline shook her head. “If you killed Ester that debt is even. But what does any of this have to do with you escaping that planet and pissing off enough people you got tossed into Titan? Stop avoiding my questions.”
Another flash of teeth, a deliberate god behind his eyes. “And where have you been all these years, Caroline?”
Hand sliding to her hip, Caroline glared. “What do you mean? Space is a big place.”
“You’re not an easy woman to find,” Klaus said casually. “Even when one knows what to look for.”
Unexpectedly, her heart jolted into her throat. “You shouldn’t have been looking for me at all.”
The dip of the crease of his cheeks, the curve of his smile were all predatory. “No?”
“My mother paid her debts,” Caroline said bitterly, chin lifting. “I owe you nothing.”
“No,” he repeated, voice softening. “You do not. I believe if anything, if what you say is true, I owe you.”
Her gaze narrowed, but his eyes didn’t waver from hers. Motioning towards the pad on the table in front of him, she firmed her words. She was done discussing her mom. “I bet Titan’s food sucked. I’ll find you an energy bar while you read that report.”
She turned her back to him, and it itched along her spine. But even a werewolf couldn’t get a clean jump on her in her own ship and to flinch now would be to lose ground. Digging through the supplies they kept for emergencies, she found a shirt that would probably fit with something like regret. Another drawer for one of Bonnie’s stashed meal replacements, and she walked over and set them both in front of him. 
For a moment, she imagined she could feel the heat radiating from his skin, even with the table between them. She shook the thought off, ignoring the way she could almost pick out the scent of his skin beneath the sterility of the prison smell. Klaus, for his part, had done as she said and was looking at the data pad, the full line of his mouth pressed into a thin line. 
“You’re sure this is accurate?”
“Bonnie doesn’t make mistakes,” Caroline said. “Not about this. And neither do I.”
“Why show this to me?”
She tipped her head and studied him. Considered the words she wanted to say. “Titan is full of the echoes of old ghosts. The kind humans cannot see, even in the black. The kind that skitter along nerves, that flicker with the hum of an engine, that race across a tablet screen in the shape of quick anomalies and distortions. What that station swallows, it keeps.”
There was no judgement in Klaus’ eyes at her reminder of her alien blood, the gifts that left her far more integrated into technology that should be possible. Tech Witch. If only it was so simple. 
“So you’ve said.”
“So I did.”
Those brilliant eyes narrowed. “Tell me, love. Your people avoid human space. Yet, here you are. Why?”
Her lips twisted. What few of them were left. “We avoid humanity for good reason. We… the best way to put it is we leave behind our own echoes, and too many… well, this ship would swallow its enemies too. Titan would never allow that sort of integration, but they fear it. What it could become.”
“Titan has no consciousness, no knowing.” Klaus said, as if he’d been prepared for what she would admit. “It’s halls are lined with human nightmares, not the kind your people give shape to.”
“Humanity has never been so simple.” Caroline returned. “The remnants of my people… they litter empty colonies like broken alters. What humanity tries to do with those bits and pieces could never be allowed on earth, could never be allowed to be seen as anything but human invention.”
“Nanotechnology is not new.” He pointed out, referencing the report she’d given him to read, the details Bonnie had included for him. So he could understand. “Humanity has been experimenting with improving vaccinations and healing for more generations than have passed since your people’s first contact. Even in the black, the science of it has trickled out into space. Improved healing, improved health, longer life spans as organs stop failing quite so quickly.”
“What we suspect that they have injected you with is not so simple.” She gave him a brief smile, barely more than the bitter curve of her lips. “Over the last twenty years, we’ve discovered that the scientists on Titan have been less than satisfied with the dozens of prisoners that earth sends them each year as experiments. They’ve turned their eyes towards slavers, towards their own people when it suits them. I can’t imagine how delighted they’d have been, to have found themselves in the position of having a werewolf in their grip. Whatever they injected you with, it’s going to be dangerous.”
Klaus ran his finger thoughtfully down the screen of the pad. “Experiments with what technology survived the fall of your people seems like a bit of an extreme jump in logic. Earth would never sanction such things as the fallout should it be proven would be terrible.”
She’d once thought the same. That had changed. Caroline held out her palm, nudged her chin towards the pad. “There is an easy way to tell. If Bonnie was right. If we’re wrong.”
A simple touch, and she would know just what part her people’s cast off ruins were being used in the torture of those Titan claimed as its own. To see what they had shoved in his veins, this man-made monster who might now carry worse sins in his blood than he knew.
In front of her, the line of his throat went taut, the cords of his throat in sudden, sharp relief. What blue had returned to his eyes disappeared under a wash of gold so potent, she felt it sizzle across her nerves. 
“Ah,” he murmured, voice dipping low and deep. “That might be more complicated than you know.”
She frowned. “Why? If they managed to inject you with their bastardized nanonites, touching you will let me confirm. Removing them is the complicated part.”
And would require help. Not something she thought the wolf would enjoy. Not when he was injured. 
“Tell me, Caroline, do you know why Earth, why the Federation, put such a strict quarantine on my home world?”
The sudden switch of topics sent warning fingers dragging down her spine. “You mean other than it being infested with witches and apparently the occasional werewolf, the two things they like to pretend don’t exist?” She wrinkled her nose. “I always assumed it was one hell of a prison planet.”
There were a few of those, scattered around the galaxies. Klaus’ homeworld had been unique in that it was beautiful, and it inhabited more than just a prison carved into an otherwise uninhabitable chunk of rock. But it was also full of horrors, and not all of them had been man made. 
He laughed softly, but there was no amusement in his eyes. “You’re not entirely wrong. But what they wished to trap there is more complicated than blood and magic.”
“Very few things are more complicated than either of those,” Caroline said carefully. “And all of them are alien in nature.”
The flicker of approval on his face shouldn’t have mattered. “Earth has mostly forsaken its children spread among the stars, but not all survivors consider themselves lost. My mother certainly didn’t.”
“Your mother was a fanatic.”
A tip of his head in casual agreement. “My grandmother called it an artifact, my mother thought it was a map. My father knew it for the danger it was, and it cost him his life.” He gave a careful shrug of his shoulder. “The werewolf homeworlds have long since been thought to be lost, though most people believe their Armadas must disappear to somewhere. Esther sought to change that.”
“The werewolf homeworlds?” Caroline repeated incredulously. “No one even knows if they truly exist, or if they do, how they came to be.”
A thoughtful glance from beneath his lashes. “So you do know the stories.”
“Yes, because they are stories.” She crossed her arms with a scoff. “It’s everyone’s favorite boogeyman bedtime tale. Particularly once their ships started to have more frequent sightings.”
“Enlighten me.”
Caroline rolled her eyes. “Of what, rumor? Urban legend? Seriously, Klaus. What could you possibly have not heard? The stories that blame witches for your existence, the gift that the black pulled from your blood? The ones that blame earth's scientists who went deep into the heart of a solar system that no longer has a name. Or my personal favorite, the ones that blame my mother’s people, though how they came to those conclusions I don’t know. They left behind experimenting on flesh and blood eons before they were destroyed. There is no fact behind any hint of a rumor that currently exists.”
“The werewolf gene is an interesting one,” Klaus murmured. “It breeds true but not always in strength. Ansel thought it had to do with our longevity, that when born on planets where it was peaceful, we didn’t need that strength.”
“My father.”
“Your…” staring at him, she struggled to find a coherent thought. It hadn’t occurred to her that Mikael couldn’t have been Klaus’ father. But perhaps it should have. Esther had been a witch, as were her children. All except one. 
“What are you saying?”
“Esther’s ambition knew no bounds,” Klaus said. “She planned to use your mother’s blood to find the werewolf homeworld, to activate the map she suspected your people had left behind. And then she hoped to conquer it. But to conquer, she needed a weapon, one she could bind with the familial bond.” Another careful movement as he rolled his shoulder. “Ansel wanted to know if having a son under the horrors of our moon would grant strength back into his line. For a while, they’re politics aligned. It was short lived, as was with most things my mother touched.”
Caroline swallowed hard at the implications of his words. That he was that weapon. That her mom was a key to finishing worlds long lost. “That’s insane.”
“Perhaps. My mother was certainly many things, and sane was not one of them. But my father.” A slow tilt of his lips, the blunt edge of his teeth barely visible. “My father was not wrong. Though he was not entirely right, based on Tyler’s pathetic existence.”
“This,” Caroline said slowly, straightening her shoulders. “Is not your home world.”
The I am not your prey, hung between them. 
His smile widened. “Esther did not expect you or your strength to defend your mother.” His wolf glimmered in jagged shards behind his eyes. “That seems to be a weakness in my family, as twice now, you have surprised me, when I know better. I’m very aware of where I stand, love.”
Strength that had eventually failed her. That had left her with nothing but the smeared remains of her family. “Why tell me this? Why bring up any of this?”
“I looked for you,” Klaus said, voice dipping into a caress that was almost a touch. “All these long years that I’ve spent among the stars. Hunted for a mention of your ship, chased every glance of gold from the corner of my gaze. And yet, when I looked for you naught, when my only thought was survival, there you were.”
Caroline’s stomach flipped at his words and she forced herself to hold his gaze. “I didn’t want to be found.” 
“So I’ve gathered.” The dryness in his tone almost wrangled a smile from her. “But finding you has never been about just want, Caroline, but need.”
She bared her teeth. “So I am just an alien to you.”
Klaus moved, a slow deliberate shift of his body to remove the barrier of the table between them. Caroline had to sink her heels into the floor to hold her position, and while he didn’t touch her, he was close enough that when he dipped his head, his breath brushed along her chin. 
“If only it was that simple.” He tipped his head, the movement strangely wolffish. “If only. You know what I am.”
Her fingernails dug into her palm as she wondered when she’d started to lose control of this conversation. “Yup. Werewolf, asshole, planet born. Big deal.”
An exhaled noise of amusement. “Alpha.”
She blinked. Blinked again. “Alpha of what? A backwater planet that eats its people regularly as it’s own wonderful world of sacrifice? Sounds awesome. Big congrats.”
A dimple creased his cheek. “You wanted to know who my enemies are, love? They are many, and varied. Earth, certainly. A number of werewolf tribes. The families of those whose son’s I left broken in my path to ruling. My inheritance from my father came with a heavy price, but it did not come without its gifts. Thankfully, the Armada did eventually see my value.”
“Armada,” she rasped. Swallowing, she tried again. “The werewolf armada. You are seriously trying to tell me you escaped your homeworld, and… what. You challenged your way right to the top of leadership? In the werewolf armada. The ships that are nearly impossible to find, that are made up of mercenary bands and other wonderful, loving people and they just let you stroll in and start killing people?”
He sounded so unbelievably satisfied. “Well, clearly that didn’t stick since you ended up in the bowels of Titan.”
“Careful,” he murmured.
“Or what?” She wiggled her fingers, careful to not touch him. “You’re still on my ship, presumed alpha or not, and I can still space you. I probably should.”
An arch of his brow, though nothing about his body said he was worried about her threat. “Oh?”
Caroline gave him an annoyed look. “Have you not listened to a single thing I’ve said? Nanobites, Klaus. My people’s technology that’s been fucked about by humans into who knows what, swimming around in your bloodstream. Do you know what else they put in those things? Trackers.”
“Yes, ah.” She lifted her chin. “Which brings us full circle to the original problem. I need to see exactly what they injected into you, and then Enzo and I might have to remove them, which is going to be a bitch for everyone. Otherwise dumping you on a planet to apparently contact your armada to come pick you up will mean absolutely shit. You’ll be cooling your heels on Titan in a matter of hours.”
“Enzo.” His voice turned cool, the line of his shoulders stiffening. “Who is Enzo?”
“My co-pilot,” Caroline said. “And someone I trust.”
Klaus moved, a quick shift of his weight that put his nose and mouth excruciatingly close to the skin beneath her ear. His breath was hot and damp, and she froze as he breathed deeply. “You don’t smell of him. So not lovers. Good.”
Caroline spluttered and took two steps back, cheeks hot. “That is none of your damn business.”
“I think you’ll find that is not entirely the case the moment you put your hands on me, Caroline.” His eyes met hers, and there was nothing human in the expression behind them. “You marked me decades ago.”
She straightened her spine, denial on her tongue, even as beneath her feet, her ship hummed with attention. “I did no such thing.”
His laugh echoed harshly between them and he prowled towards her, the line of his jaw set. “No? I disagree. So does my wolf. You’ve been in my blood so long, what does a mere echo of your people compare? Even the other wolves, the ones who sought my favor, who wished for my benevolence never quite dared ask for more than what I offered. They too, saw the claim you’d etched into me.”
“That’s impossible.”
An amused, indulgent glance that spoke of too many things that left her so very aware of how close he was standing to her. “Is it? You know the stories of your people as well as I do. My kind have a similar belief, though it is rare away from our worlds. Of claiming, of mating.”
Her fingertips tingled with the need to feel that uncompromising edge of his jaw and she swallowed. Tried not to think of the way her blood reacted to him, the impulsive need to help him. Mate. Impossible. “Klaus…”
His head lowered, lips lingering so close to her own. “Why did you save me?”
Caroline gave a tiny shake of her head, terrified that she’d give into the need to lean just a little forward. “I told you.”
“New boots,” Klaus murmured. “I suppose it doesn’t matter.” He straightened, and smiled, dimples on full display, cutting deep. “There is an easy way to tell. If I am right. If I am wrong.”
Her throat ran dry. 
Klaus spread his arms slowly, moving to lean back against the table. “Do your worst. Go ahead, tell me what runs beneath my skin. All of it. But, Caroline.”
She took in a deep breath, lifting her chin to meet those moon glow eyes, that daunting smile. 
“Don’t say that I didn’t warn you, love.”
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