#life updates that idk if anyone cares about
diabolicjoy · 1 month
started college! at age 24! I’m happy :)
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timesskip · 10 months
ok Im back
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teabookgremlin · 1 year
got a little personal thing to get out bc i don’t feel like talking about it with people in my real life right not
so i’ve mentioned before on here that i’m currently working with a service dog in training for an organization via a club at my school. the dog i’m working with, justice, has fairly strong anxiety around new people but other than that has been doing amazingly in her training. i’ve had her for about 2 months now and have loved it, it’s hard but it’s a really rewarding experience. today i got a text from one of the professional trainers in the organization that, due to justice’s anxiety, they are looking at placing her with someone else for a while to see if it’s a phase or not. now i fully get that a college campus is an overwhelming place for a dog and that if it is a just an anxious phase this is a rough place to work through it. i also obviously want what’s best for her and her training, that is the priority, that is the commitment i made when signing up to be a puppy raiser. it’s just hard to feel like i did something wrong or that i failed her in some way. i know that this being considered is just due to justice and her issues and my environment maybe not being the best place for her. i’m just really struggling with the possibility of her leaving me so much earlier than expected. it’s also hard because i am finally finding a community here at college in my fellow puppy raisers and i (somewhat selfishly) don’t want to lose that by no longer having a dog i’m working with. i meet with a professional trainer on thursday to discuss and figure out if justice will be placed with someone else and i’m so so so nervous. the hardest part is that i truly think she would be better off being placed somewhere else. i just wish i could acknowledge that without feeling like i did something wrong. because i know that i have done the best that i possibly can with this dog. it also doesn’t help that one of the dogs in the college program recently got moved due to her raiser being irresponsible so i’m also scared of people thinking that a similar thing is happening with me. i hope we can figure out what’s best for justice and i hope that whatever it is allows her to overcome her anxiety and eventually have a career because i think she’d be an amazing service animal. i just wish it wasn’t so hard.
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anarchyloser · 14 days
I haven't been on tumblr on months I'm scared to try to relearn the meme culture. Does anyone still care about horse plinko?
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mrfoox · 1 year
Can information be an love language? Because I think it's mine...
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rrriiight i was thinking of a hualian x reader thing. the reader is a bit cold and apathetic but caring of two certain people and had been all the way through with hualian like for example, had served xie lian when he was still a prince or helped hong er from time to time. but somehow they just vanished and never came back.
surprise surprise, whilst hualian and some other gods were on a mission, they got attacked let’s say (or were in danger) and guess who came to save them? reader! and thats when it clicks for hualian. that was you. you weren’t gone. so- they never let you get away ever again.
just an idea that came to mind :D
In the Back of Your Mind
Hua Cheng x gn!reader x Xie Lian
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I'm so sorry it took so long! I try to put my life updates in my bio, but I've been very busy moving houses! So I'm rlly sorry and I hope this is good!
I didn't know if you wanted reader to be a ghost or a god but I made them a ghost
Because gods don't usually disappear for like ever? Idk uhm if you don't like that just tell me and I'll edit it!
Made up a scenario that puts Xie Lian and Hua Cheng at a disadvantage
Ignore grammar mistakes
Slight OOC!!!
Made up details about reader and their life
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are very happy with their relationship and their life
But something's missing
Someone's missing
They haven't seen you in a very, very long time
It's been centuries actually and you still haven't shown up
But they haven't forgotten you, even though you've been missing or maybe even dead they still think about you in the back of their head.
Xie Lian misses you dearly
You had served Xie Lian during XianLe and had always been by his side.
You took your job seriously and it was your first priority to keep Xie Lian happy
You served him well and fought for him too
Your loyalty to Xie Lian was deep and everyone could see it
Everyone knew you loved him besides Xie Lian of course.
Because it was obvious! You wouldn't utter a word to anyone else
Your presence was a cold force to anyone besides Xie Lian
You were always quick to create space with anyone who came near him too.
It seemed like you couldn't care less for anyone else's problems but Xie Lian's.
Not that it mattered to you, as long as you could stay by his side it didn't matter what you were
Whether you were his servant or guard, whether you were next to him or below him, whether he used you as a step or tool.
You never minded, you'd do anything for him even if he wouldn't do those things.
You stayed by his side when Mu Qing and Feng Xin disappeare
You stayed when his palace fell
When his parents died
When Xie Lian started on a bad path
When he turned meaner, rougher, and angrier so that he wouldn't be hurt by the world again
When he grieved because he had been done wrong
You stayed with Xie Lian for as long as you could, and you loved him deeply every second of it.
But then someone took you from Xie Lian.
You never came back
Hua Cheng misses you just as dearly.
You took care of Xie Lian so well and then you just disappeared
When Hong er as caught by Xie Lian obviously he couldn't take care of Hong er by himself
But when Xie Lian was busy, everyone else was too disgusted to touch him
And Hong er didn't want to be in anyone else's arms either
You were different though, even though you were a servant like Mu Qing and Feng Xin you reacted differently
You held Hong er gently, as if the mongrel child would fall to pieces in your arms
You wouldn't let anyone touch him or try to kick him out of the palace
Always quick, you would settle a cold glare on someone if they tried to pull Hong er from your arms
Taking care of Hong er was just as serious as taking care of Xie Lian to you
You spent a lot of time with His Cheng like that
So after Hua Cheng's first death he searched and searched and searched
He never found the two of you
When Hua Cheng had finally found Xie Lian he was so excited to finally see you both again!
Even though he doesn't want to reveal his secret just yet, he hopes the two of you won't find him disgusting for his actions
But. . . You weren't there.
Don't get him wrong Hua Cheng is very happy to see one of the loves of his life after searching so long but you have never left Xie Lian's side so where are you?
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng continued their relationship and their story without you
Which was unfortunate but what could they do?
They had both tried to search for you and found you no where
Things are always changing though
It was just another mission, and it should've been quick and easy. Especially since Xie Lian and Hua Cheng tagged along. Hua Cheng was only here for Xie Lian though, no one else. The mission didn't go smoothly though.
Missions rarely go smoothly when you're in the dark woods, with lots of monsters, and a heavy fog covers the forest. Not smooth at all when lower gods are bickering with Hua Cheng and Xie Lian.
They all got lost and wherever they ended up in these dark woods, had a block on the arrays. Xie Lian can't call for help or reach the heavens and neither can the other gods. What's worse! Powers are blocked too! It's like they've all stumbled upon an area of complete silence as if they were muted.
So even Hua Cheng is struggling a little bit right? Can't break the blocking energy source if you can't find it! Of course the gods all split up, leaving Xie Lian and Hua Cheng alone. It doesn't matter to Hua Cheng if his powers have been weakened or not he'll still do everything he can to protect Xie Lian from the monsters in the woods.
The more time Xie Lian and Hua Cheng stand around in the fog the more things they see. The deeper they go, the thicker the fog gets. And the thick the fog gets the more people they start to see the more things they start to see. It's not a good thing though, it's all illusions and they figured that out quickly when Hua Cheng swipes at a humanoid figure that looks just like Xie Lian.
Xie Lian doesn't have the time to solve the problem because him and Hua Cheng have a big possibility of being hurt right now. E-ming and rouye refuse to move. Hua Cheng will happily use his body and hands to defend Xie Lian if he has to though. Xie Lian says that's silly and chooses to run, dragging Hua Cheng along with him. The foggy ghosts only chase, and it's hard to run in such thick fog.
In fact the fog is so thick that eventually after running so long the ghosts give up on running after them. Xie Lian thought they were safe now but when he looks back Hua Cheng is gone.
Xie Lian shouts for him and tries to look around but the more he looks around the fog the more humanoid figures he sees. they're just. . . Fog. If Xie Lian could see Hua Cheng right now and he still wouldn't know if it was the real one.
The fog is dangerous, creating illusions of people Xie Lian already knows or things from his past, trying to trick him. He's only more lost and he doesn't know how to get out of this mess. It's actually very stressful, how does the fog know all these things, how is it forming the people he used to know and love?
Hua Cheng is in the same predicament. He wanders around the fog and at one point he thought he found Xie Lian again but when his hand wrapped around Xie Lian's arm, the figure turned in vapor. They're both lost. They're both being surrounded by crowds of foggy figures.
Just before the foggy figures are able to touch them the fog disperses though. A loud screech Is heard in the air, a sudden cold breeze blowing past Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, then the fog settles down. It turns out they weren't that far from each other at all and Xie Lian has never run into Hua Cheng's arms faster.
When they both see a foggy figure again they get nervous. One, because the fog has dispersed so they thought they were safe now. Two, it looks like you. Xie Lian already hates the fog he's already seen awful things but he doesn't want to see you like this. Not the fake you.
He can't help but tear up when 'you' try to urge him to come forward, but with the fog gone so is the blocked energy. Xie Lian shoots rouye out, trying to make the awful sight go away by rouye wraps around a surprisingly very sturdy wrist. You grip on rouye and pull Xie Lian forward a little, uttering a small "Dianxia, Hong er"
They know it's you, even though it seems so unbelievable. Xie Lian is literally jumping on you and knocking you to the ground. Hua Cheng manages to act a little more suave but he'd be a liar to say he isn't astonished. It's just a big pile of tears, embraces, and "I love you's".
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng waste no time bringing you home, they cling on to you desperately. Even if you just want to explore Paradise Manor it doesn't matter, both of them are at your side. They absolutely refuse to let you go. As if they're scared, if they look away you'll vanish again. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng just won't let that happen! They love you very much and they've missed out many years of loving and caring for you. They plan to repay all the missed affections
Uhhhh here it is! I hope it's good 🤔 honestly I feel a little eh about this but let me know what y'all think 🖤I don't know if this is exactly what you were imagining anon but if it wasn't this make another submission in like deeper, exact details and I'll try again okay!
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 11 months
Congrats on 5k my dear you deserve it!!!! <3
My humble request is a lil angsty, [Reader] passing away unexpectedly (accident maybe idk) and leaving their child in Simon’s care whom he didnt know existed until then. Child is probably 2-5 years old maybe. Angsty, bittersweet Simon coming to terms with fatherhood, where it goes its up to you!! <3
Also if it feels this can be more than your current limit to two page request celebration then feel free to ignore it! ^^
—Supposed To Happen
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [You died and left him a child he had no idea existed. How can he even begin to try and understand?] ❞
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He watches his child as they play in the living room with one of the blankets from the couch, his hands digging into the skin of his biceps. 
Simon didn’t know what to think, and that resulted in a panic that could only be seen in his unblinking eyes. So much had happened—so much gone wrong in so little time there wasn’t a moment to process before the next problem jumped on his already heavy shoulders. 
You were dead. 
And he’d had a child this entire time and had never known about it. 
Why hadn’t you told him? Why hadn’t you said anything? None of this made sense to him—even hours after he’d taken this small toddler back to his flat, Simon’s body was quivering under his clothes; indiscernible to anyone but himself. He felt nauseous. 
He wasn’t ready to be a father. Even normal civilian life was…difficult to fall back into. And that was putting it lightly. 
A child. His child. Flesh and blood.
Blinking slowly, the man hadn’t said a word as the child no older than two grabbed at the fabric with its tiny hands—raising it up and down to watch the material wave. Small cut-off giggles stab Simon in the heart and he has to look away firmly as his jaw clenches. It is a bone-deep fear that he holds like a brick in his lungs. 
“Fucking hell,” he breathes out, a hand coming up to rub over his face. Simon wasn’t wearing a balaclava—too afraid he’d scare the little thing. 
The last thing he needed was for them to cry.
“Fucking hell,” Simon repeats, slower and more harshly. 
He was a soldier—a killer…a father?
Simon hadn’t picked the child up after he’d last set them down on the floor, his hands gloved because of the blood he was afraid might be under the stitching; the stain that can never come out. 
A father? No, no he can’t be a father. Not now. Not…not after…
Tiny hands grasp at the material of his pants and he tenses, flinching back two quick steps. The mini body that had been attached to his leg stumbles, tripping on air as the balance it had disappears. 
Wide brown eyes stare tightly, face blank of any emotion as a small silence falls when the thump of little knees meeting the rug makes Simon’s ears twitch in remorse. 
Sniffles result in the man panicking. 
“No, no, no,” he utters, stepping closer with his hands raised as the toddler’s limbs move to their eyes, tears making their way to the floor. “Hey, d-don’t cry. You’re alright, Kid? Yeah? You’re fine.” 
Simon clears his throat as the crying continues—seemingly growing louder as his eyes move about the room. Seeing nothing, and locking with the grabby hands that are leveled up at his face, the soldier shoves down his fear and hesitancy grasps the child. 
Picking it up, he holds it to his chest, whispering quick pleas under his breath. 
“You’re fine.” He paces the room, slow heavy steps trying to make him ease his doubts as the thing grips at him, sniffling. “You’re just fine, eh? I’m begging you, little Devil, ease up on it. I’m right ‘ere.” 
Simon had a child. You were dead. He had a deployment in one week and a stack of paperwork to update. But he can’t leave his kid alone—no, no that was never an option. 
Family meant sticking by one another, and now…this one was the only family he had left. Brown eyes move downward to where the tiny being rests on his pec, his large hands splayed about to keep it secure—one on the little head that puffs breaths now that the tears have stopped.
When had they stopped? Simon didn’t know; he didn’t know the first thing about being a father.
He takes a deep breath of air, filling his lungs with oxygen. The shaking of his hands slowly settles as the minutes lengthen, letting his mind move back to the state it usually was in. There was so much to do—to try and understand. Truth be told, most of it would be shoved to the back of his fractured mind like the rest, but here, now…Simon grunts, keeping his child close to his heart.
First, he had to go buy baby food.
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crackerzaf · 2 months
The cycle is never over
Trigger warning:
When she was a kid, she didn't understand it, but now she knows, and she knows that she's just part of the cycle.
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Mimzy's mother, Ruth, was fiercely protective of her daughter, never allowing anyone to take advantage of her while she was around. Ruth's presence was a constant shield, ensuring that Mimzy's career was managed with an iron fist and that no one could exploit her. Ruth's vigilance kept the darker aspects of Hollywood at bay, and Mimzy, though pushed relentlessly, was kept safe from the industry's more nefarious elements.
However, everything changed when Mimzy turned 18. After a severe falling out, Ruth abandoned her, taking all of Mimzy's money and leaving her to navigate the brutal world of Hollywood alone. Without her mother's protection, Mimzy was thrust into an environment rife with predatory behavior and exploitation.
Naive and inexperienced, Mimzy struggled to secure roles and manage her career. She trusted the men around her, who saw her vulnerability as an opportunity. They convinced her that casting couch sessions were essential to maintaining her star status. This deceitful manipulation marked the beginning of her downfall.
In her early 20s, the media caught wind of these casting couch sessions. The scandal exploded, with headlines painting her as a willing participant rather than a victim. This public shaming further damaged her reputation and mental health, driving her deeper into addiction and depression.
The absence of her mother's protective oversight left Mimzy exposed to Hollywood's darkest facets. Her once-bright career prospects dimmed as she spiraled into despair, her life unraveling in the wake of exploitation and betrayal.
What a way to come back to posting backstory. Am I right, all seriousness guys. This is a very serious subject, and the last thing I want is for anyone to think I don't take the subject matter seriously but I do it might have never happened to me but I've done research reading and watching many documentaries of actress and their experiences in 1920s.
Ignore if you don't care about updates!
Side note: sorry I haven't done anything on tumblr idk why I think I'm just avoiding writing the alastor and dad comic tbh so I'm gonna put a pin in it for now and will see when I come back to that
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fairydares · 6 months
loook i get why the idea of riding the "anti/pro" fandom disk horse makes people gag a little in their mouth and try to opt out entirely, but here's why i went from feeling exactly the same way to taking a firm profiction stance. I've been meaning to make this post for a while.
~10 years ago, I posted a fic for the first time and it got its own harassment campaign. The fic wasn't even sexual, and wasn't going to be (it remains incomplete). It was accurately rated T on fanfiction.net. Anyone in the Fairy Tail fandom will understand this: I literally got harassed for writing a "Lucy leaves the guild" fic💀.
After many nice comments, someone left a pretty nasty one. Hurt, I messaged them back. They acted super attacked that I'd responded (lmao) and after we argued, threatened to "rip my shitty story apart in the comments section" if I responded again. I told them "go ahead lol."
They went ahead.
Now know that it was a relatively small harassment campaign, but at the time, it was devastating. Right around then, I wound up in the hospital. After I got out, I went to excitedly check my fic, and found several reviews saying things I wouldn't repeat to my worst enemy. I was suicide-baited more than once, told "thank fuck you finally abandoned this shitty story, dumb cunt," stuff like that.
There were several accounts involved, and I can't say for sure, but I suspect at least a couple different people were involved, though probably at least half of it was one person.
All the other comments were screeching about how I hadn't updated, mostly. "NO UPDAAATEE WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS TO MEEEE??!!!" was one that stood out after I'd been miserable in a hospital for an extended period of time.
Idk what people think is going on when FT fic authors write this trope, and frankly I don't give a fuck. Because while I was partly writing the story out of some young, cringe feminist rage, I also did genuinely have a real story I was compelled to tell. I was inspired by another, popular fic I loved which used the trope to talk about how trying to shoulder our burdens alone really just hurts both ourselves and everyone who cares about us.
My own story was ultimately going to have similar themes, with more focus on strength, what it means, and in what contexts earning and having it actually matters. In retrospect, no wonder I wound up in hot water, because at the time "Lucy vs. Strength vs. Misogyny" was the FT fandom's Designated Nonsensically Activist Debate™. But that's partly why i wanted to write about it; engaging with the fandom had gotten me thinking about it 🤷‍♂️
Not too long after that, FFNet oh-so-benevolently granted us the ability to delete comments from our own stories (they never took my reports seriously at all, afaik). I deleted all or most of the harassers' comments (may still be a one or two up, and i'm fairly sure there's a couple comments defending my fic from the harassment) without saving screenshots, which I really regret now. I was just so mortified and full of self-loathing about the whole thing that i wanted to forget it completely. Something that had brought me joy at a very lonely, vulnerable period of my life had turned so negative, and i couldn't even tell the people closest to me about it without being made fun of for writing anime fan fiction.
I didn't understand why this happened at the time, but--after a period of trying to forget/bid out of it all with a slight anti lean (a common approach I see people use, and one which I'm not proud of adopting)--I just had to figure out What the Fuck Even Happened There. And I'm telling you, after years of reflecting, wrestling with both sides, and educating myself, that this "status quo of harassment" culture which pervades fandom goes way deeper than you think and comes out of a way darker well than you probably realize. An astonishing amount of this is, quite literally, TERF shit and evangelical shit.
Trying to be in fandom and take a stance of, "Anti/Pro shit? Ew, I'm Not Touching that," is like swimming in a heavily polluted river and being like, "Poison? Cringe. Not me lol."
You might be lucky enough to be in a less-polluted part of the river (AKA a relatively non-toxic fandom, in which case good for you!)...but tbh this rhetoric and peer-signalling will still seep in.
I can't stress enough that pro-fiction, AKA "proship", is the normal, leftist-about-art-and-sex opinion. Pro-ship is against all the horrible things you're against; in fact, pro-ship isn't trivializing real trauma by equating it with fictional trauma, or trying to apply literal evangelical/radfem solutions--which are proven not to prevent or help. Profiction/proship is literally just saying, "Fiction is fiction, reality is reality, and the two don't have a 1:1 relationship. And historically, trying to censor just things we've decided are bad has done nothing but get LGBTQ+ and POCs censored. Therefore, depictions of illegal things shouldn't be censored." That's it. "Proshippers all ship problematic ships," is a brazen lie. Many of them share other fans' disgust for those ships, they just don't believe in censoring fic authors over it.
It is also taking a stand against harassment because--and I hope my own story has helped drive this home--as with all groups who adopt ingroup/outgroup thinking, antis are defined by their tactics, not actual stances on real, serious issues. What happened to me was absolutely a result of anti, "it's okay to 'bully out' anything I just don't like" mindset pervading fandom. In a way, this was the mindset's final form. They didn't even feel the need to cite a reason the trope was "bad" or "wrong"; it annoyed them, and they viewed their own feelings as a valid enough pathway for policing to go right ahead and do so.
In the interest of offering solutions instead of just bitching about problems, I might make a "how to know if you've bought into these types of views"-type post sometime. Also might come back to this and provide some sources/citation.
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mwalani · 6 months
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Hazbin Hotel X Star Butterfly!Reader (part 1 - Charlie)
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︴Notes - Hello everyone! This isn't a request but I got this idea and I needed to write it... Also, I was thinking of maybe a oneshot or series with it but idk because I would be so slow to update it lmao. Anyways yeah I hope you guys enjoy it! <3 if you guys want it to be a one shot, pls tell me!!
︴Content - Headcannons of the hazbin hotel characters with a reader who is like Star Butterfly.
︴Summary - Reader was in Mewni and just got their wand, but they didn't have a lot of control, so their parents decided to send them to the afterlife to be more responsible.
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Charlie was really surprised when she saw a human in Hell. That made her get really worried about you, like, what the heck were you doing here??
She obviously went to help and took you the hotel, introducing you to everyone in there.
Charlie and you quickly became close, I mean, just look at you two, you were really similar in so many aspects!
She also noticed you had a wand. And at first she thought it was something only for the looks. You're a human, there's no way you have powers.
But you were really excited to show it off so Charlie happily agreed on seeing you use it.
And she was so shocked when she saw you destroy a random building with one of the spells.
Charlie made a lot of questions to you, and then you remembered that you had forgotten to properly introduce yourself, that's when you told her your name.
"I'm a Magical Princess from another dimension!"
The way Charlie's eyes lightened up when she heard you were a Magical princess. She's a Princess you too!!
I don't why, but that probably made her very happy.
Charlie wanted to know more about where you came from and how was your life there. She was also really curious about the heart on your cheeks.
You then explained that Mewni was a really magical place with real magical powers!!
And for the hearts, it was probably because you touched the wand and also for genetics.
You and Charlie spent all day just talking about Mewni and this stuff.
After some time, you remembered that you didn't have a place to sleep, but Charlie said you could stay at the Hotel!!
And you obviously said yes, being excited to meet the others and also to just have a place to be.
Eventually you met Vaggie that somehow you never saw before??
Vaggie was definetly more reserved and less talkative, but you didn't really care.
You didn't leave her alone until someone else showed up.
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One thing that you were a bit scared about was everyone's height. You were around 5-6 foot tall (trying to be less specific with it😭) but everyone else was at least 6 foot.
With the exception of Niffty of course.
But yeah, it was still something to considerate.
Also, lots of people had powers. But not powers like yours, who usually needed spells or wands or whatever.
No, just pure demonic power. Definetly something to be careful with...
Charlie also told you to never, ever, make a deal with any demon. No matter how good it might seem at first.
You still had your dimensional scissors, but you didn't show them to anyone yet.
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bluerosefox · 2 years
So I'm writing for the Twins story rn (snails pace of small updates and working on it but it's going) and an idea struck me and I wanna share it and bring it all the DP x DC and Twins AU lovers attention cause were missing out on some PRIME ANGST. (BAD Mom Talia ahead btw, I normally like her in the grey areas but this time, bad mom) (also I LOVE some good Angst.)
So we all know that Talia had Damian cloned right? And later that clone killed Damian. What if, now hear me out, after that (when Damian is brought back to life) what if she tried to use another clone (only not aged up so they’re at Damian age) to coax Damian back into the League and that he can use the clone as a replacement for Danyal (Danny), its her ‘gift’ of trying to give him back his twin.
Can you imagine the feral outrage, insulted anger or heartbreak he'd have over that. He didn’t care much about the first clone cause it had his eyes but this one has Danyal’s blue eyes. Especially if Damian does care for Danny and doesn't want to hide that anymore now that hes not in the League and he can freely talk about his twin without being hushed up (but hasn't been able to due to his own complex emotions over missing his twin). Can you imagine the after emotions after Damian verbally tearing into his mother for such an insult against his twins memory and life and defeating the mindless doll like clone (Taila made it so it'll follow Damian's orders with no fuss should he come back, she ended its life once they left Gotham, another failure it seems) and Bruce asking 'Who is Danyal, Damian?'.
AND THEN CAN YOU IMAGINE THE NUCLEAR MELTDOWN OR RAGE HE'LL HAVE IF HE SEES DANNY. Like Danny is in Gotham for something (class trip? One of his Rouges sneaking to Gotham? A ghost fight taking him there and is sight seeing in his human form now that its over? Sam taking him as her Plus 1 for a social event (Dating? Best friends? Danny being cool with being used as an (entitled, dumb, rich, elite) heir repellent for Sam? [Side note: ALSO DP fans we need to really play with that idea more, Sam comes from money her parents would totally want her with a powerful rich heir, which she would HATE and would totally ask her friends to be her Elitist Heir Repellent] Idk any one is good. Her parents hating that cause they planned to have her 'single' for some of the elite heirs) and Danny gets his face decked hard or his head gets nearly chopped off by a katana.
And when he looks at who did it he's surprised to see someone who looks nearly like him but when green eyes being held back by a few other guys (Dick and Jason)
Does Danny have his memories? Does he remember Damian? Or has he hoped to never see his brother again after all these years? Idk it's open for anyone to pick and choose the plot, I'm just throwing the idea out into the sea and waiting to see if anyone wants to try nibbling at it.
Do they discover the actual truth? Does Damian despise Danny the entire time? Does it go away when the Bats find proof that Danny isn't a clone (online media showing pictures of him growing up in a small town called Amity Park)? Does Damian take note that despite them looking so much alike, Damian is more leaning towards Bruce's body type in the future, while Danny's is leaner/more runnerish (mainly due to their fighting styles/what they fight)? Which is a huge difference from the last clone that was merely a copy paste of Damian but with blue eyes. Idk.
[Small side note: normally in the Twins stories Talia is the one that saves Danny if he dies/sent away, if it's bad mom Talia, who saves him? Maybe have Clockwork save Danny, cause he knows Danny's future is Phantom and later King]
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babiebom · 6 months
Hello hello. I just recently stumbled across your blog and in celebration of the 1.6 update (and also just outta pure curiosity), I wanna ask about the SDV bachelors reactions to a farmer who's ace/uncomfortable with intercourse but still wishes to pursue a loving relationship with them. If this ask isn't up your alley, feel free to disregard it. Hope you have a good day ✌️
A/N: hiiiiiiiii!! Obligatory I am not a part of this community(I am cishet lmao) so I am just going to have to try my best!! I am not ace or aro or anything but like never feel bad for sending an ask like this!! By the time you see this it’ll probably be like next week or something bc I do take little writing breaks so it isn’t absolute trash but I hope when you see this you enjoy it!!
Tw:mentions of sex, some cursing maybe,
Bc: idk at least 5 or 6 for each bachelor
Stardew Masterlist
Is this a joke?
No? Okay.
Would be disappointed at first because let’s face it dude is constantly horny
But would get over it rather quickly like just because you don’t wanna have sex doesn’t mean he can’t run one out
And now that you’re dating it’s easier than ever to do that because he finds you so attractive.
So not really all that disappointing when he thinks about it, really
Dude for real? Like ever? I mean I guess that’s okay
Sex isn’t the top thing on his list so it’s fine
Like yeah he would like to have it but it’s whatever
Would rather give up skateboarding and music than give you up so not having sex is easier than that by a long shot
Can he still get kisses tho??? That’s all he’s really worried about
I think the least affected and disappointed out of the bachelors
He has more things to worry about than having sex
It’s not that he isn’t attracted to you
It’s that you loves you for you and sex is the last thing on his mind when he’s thinking about bettering himself and taking care of Jas and his chickens the list goes on
Would actually be so chill when you have this conversation like “yeah okay, that’s fine.” And would never make you feel bad about it because he honestly doesn’t mind
Tries not to react on the outside.
I think before you two start getting hot and heavy it probably wouldn’t have come up
Because I think Elliott would want to be a gentleman and not bring it up until you do
And during a particularly heated makeout session he tries to take it further to test the waters when you stop him in his tracks
And he’s like oh…okay!
He’s good with whatever you give him
Sometimes he’s disappointed when he gets the urge but gets over it very quickly because he obviously knows how to handle those feelings himself.
“Like…at all?”
Would be high key disappointed because dude likes to fuck tbh
BUT at the same time you aren’t just some random whose pants he’s trying to get in
You’re quite literally the love of his life (if anyone asks him he will never say he believes this because he’s scared of rejection)
So it takes a minute but he accepts this with literally a “welp back to using my hand” mentality
Like when he thinks about it, sex is literally the least important aspect of your relationship, he fell for you because of who you are not because he just wants to fuck.
I think he wouldn’t really be disappointed but like dang y’know?
Like he doesn’t care that much about sex to really be disappointed
But does enjoy the act of sex, especially with a person he’s connected to like you two are
So it’s not as far as disappointment but is still like oof okay.
Out of all the bachelors understands the lbgtq+ community better than the others so isn’t really all that surprised when you talk to him about it.
He knows what it is and doesn’t mind, you don’t have to explain yourself, you’re valid how you are he doesn’t mind and he won’t and doesn’t want to force you to do anything.
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matan4il · 6 months
Daily update post:
Another one that I start with news of a terrorist attack. -_- This morning, a terrorist started shooting at several vehicles driving down the Jordan Valley, one of which was a school bus. The driver of this bus confirmed that the terrorist was wearing what looked like an IDF uniform. According to Magen David Adom (Red Star of David) there are at least 3 people injured, one is a 13 years old kid, another is in serious condition. The terrorist has not yet been neutralized.
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After Amit Soussana's testimony about being raped by Hamas, we also have a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist admitting during an interrogation that he had raped a woman in her home in an Israeli kibbutz. It's not the first such testimony, but these are important enough that when they're published, they ALL must be heard.
The prosecution against the terrorists responsible for the massacre of October 7 has been expanded to include clauses which could end with the death penalty (I found a link to a journalistic source online, then I accidentally closed that tab, and can't find it again, but it's been reported on TV. The following tweet recounts the indictments, though the headline is misleading. A death sentence has not been approved, it's just now approved that it's a possible outcome of the trials, once they take place).
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For those unfamiliar with the Eurovision Song Contest, it's an event that has been run since 1956, with the intent to help heal a post-war Europe, by allowing countries to have a friendly competition (instead of a bloody conflict), and also have a chance to get to know each other better through music. It's meant to be a unifying, and therefore also a-political fun music fest. This contest has since been expanded to include all countries that are members of the European Broadcasting Union, which means Israel also gets to compete since 1973, and has even won 4 times. I wrote this post about our entry this year, if anyone's curious. In recent years, the ESC has been used for annual anti-Israel propaganda, way before the war in Gaza. This year, a senior official in Israel's National Security Office had to issue a warning for any Israelis going to the competition in Sweden, to be careful and hide their identity as much as possible. I am passing along the warning, because wherever Israelis are in danger, so are Jews in general.
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After Canada, Sweden, Australia and Finland, now France is also declaring that it will fund UNRWA again, proving that no amount of complicity in anti-Jewish terrorism will stop some European countries from passing along money to those who have raped, maimed, tortured and murdered us. But no worries! France promises it will ensure that their money won't go to terrorism. I will just remind everyone that France brokered a "deal" to pass along medications to Israeli hostages with chronic illnesses in Gaza, in exchange for an additional 1,000 packages of meds for Gazans. It then said they got reassurance that the meds got to those hostages (meaning, France quoted Qatar, which quoted Hamas, so this is the international diplomacy version of, "Trust me, bro. I'm a highly reliable antisemitic terrorist"). When Israeli soldiers got to a hospital in Gaza, they found some of the med packages for the Israeli hostages in its pharmacy, unopened and clearly not delivered to the rightful address. So... IDK about you, but I'm pretty sure even the French know their assurances about the UNRWA funding are just empty words.
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This is 40 years old Mohammad Alatrash.
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He's an Israeli Bedouin Muslim Arab, and father of 13, including a one month old baby. He was kidnapped on Oct 7, and has been held captive in Gaza since. Mohammad's uncle said the whole family's life has not been normal since he was taken hostage. Despite that, today several families of hostages had a tour of the attacked communities in the south, with Israel's and Belgium's Foreign Ministers, his brother Salem said that they're okay with Mohammad being released later, as long as Hamas frees the female hostages. "It's hell what they're made to go through there." Just a reminder that Mohammad is one of the Israeli Muslim hostages that Hamas could have and chose not to release even during the month holy to all muslims, Ramadan.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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idk who this can be paired with but i would love to see your spin to “really nice guy who hates you”! hehe :3 tq — @milkstore
He was the first person I thought of. It helps that he really is just a nice guy.
“You should come with me to see Ayaka one of these days,” Yoimiya suggested as the two of you moved boxes of fireworks packing them up for a delivery to the Yashiro commission.
“I've met her before… and that bodyguard she has.” her voice dropped.
“You okay? Did something happen when you met Thoma?” She peaked her head out from behind a box.
“I've been running over what happened in my mind that day but it doesn’t make sense.”
Y/N placed the box on the ground in the front. “I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I was just as polite and kind as I am to anyone. I even offered to pay for a drink for them while taking care of my parent’s stall.”
“You do that for almost everyone nice enough to you. You did it for me probably too many times.”
“Cause you keep giving my family free fireworks! What am I supposed to do?”
Yoimiya laughed.
“Anyway. I made the drinks right in front of them. Ayaka was the sweetest. Thoma… are you sure he's a nice guy?”
“Yeah! He's like suuuper helpful! He came to read to some of the children around with me last week. Even gave them all piggyback rides.” Yoimiya seemed to genuinely like the guy.
“He just stared at the drink as if I poured him a glass of mud that I spat in. His eyes were so cold. Like his eyes stared into my very soul looking at me for any past sin I could have committed all with the smile of a devil.”
Yoimiya put her box down. “Are you sure you were talking to Thoma? That sounds nothing Like him.” With the box no longer covering her view she could see who was coming for the firework pickup. “That's Thoma coming this way actually. Hii!” She yelled out with a big wave.
“Don't call him over. He might bite my head off.”
“Yoimiya! Y/N.” He greeted back upon getting closer to the two. His voice was cheerful greeting Yoimiya but when he said her name it felt like he had to force it out through his teeth. It looked as if Yoimiya didn't even notice.
“Let me go inside and finish packing up the last box. It won't take too long.” She explained leaving the two of them alone despite What Y/N explained. Betrayal.
The least she could do was try and make an effort. Maybe Yoimiya was right and he truly was a nice guy. Maybe she just caught him on a bad day and that was clouding her thoughts. “So how's Ayaka doing? Well, I hope.”
“None of your concern but she's fine.” Yikes. And people describe him as a puppy? His arms were crossing making him look even more closed off.
“I'm glad. Especially with the festival drawing near. By any chance could I get an update on if my parent’s drink stall request to be at the festival went through? I know it's a bit informal asking now but-”
“Like the request was denied or that this isn't a good time to ask if-”
“Denied.” He sighed. People could have two bad days in a row, right?
“Oh okay.” She held her head down not wanting To make eye contact with him any further. “It just seems like Ayaka enjoyed it so much.”
“Miss Kamisato.” He corrected. “Your parents are the ones who put the application in. It would have been best if we saw their skills. Even then since your name wasn't on the application I really shouldn't be disclosing any information to you.”
Y/N frowned looking up at him. “Did I do something? We've barely known each other and all you done is look at me like I'm something you wiped off your shoe. Maybe a life of luxury afforded to you by the Kamisato's has gone to your head!”
She didn't even notice the door open. Yoimiya's eyes widen upon hearing The last sentence. “I'm so sorry! She's usually nicer than this.” She elbowed Y/N as she handed Thoma the box.
“Ah, don't worry about it.” His whole personality seemed to flip. “Nothing I hadn't heard before. Probably best I leave. I’ll be out your hair quick Yoimiya.”
“Take your time. Everything should be out here. We will just be inside if you need anything.” She waved goodbye before pulling her friend inside and closing the door behind them. And with a whispered yell she asked, “What was that about?”
“He started it. I was being polite. I'm just telling you. I think he despises me.”
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kikiwooo · 1 month
i’m the anon that asked about xavier and fredrinn tag teaming me and i haven’t been brainrotting about fredrinn lately but i’ve been thinking about xavier as a camboy alot 😭 idk the idea just appeals to me. and i’ve been trying to think of other characters that would fit this trope, like i could totally see lancelot, yin and gusion as camboys HAHAHA
MANNN GODDAM Y'ALL HAVE SOME QUITE INTERESTING FANTASIES 💀😭 I kinda didn't liked what I wrote and some parts might be short because I died
notes; gn! reader, camboy! mlbb boys
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lmao gus after his brother didn't give him enough money or overall he doesn't have enough money for himself, quite pitiful indeed. Let's jump straight into it cuz if I ever go into detail that would be an essay +he's paxley so probably there's like lot who knows him and his ego just wouldn't allow him
He probably does challenges about how big and deep he can take in and people just following cuz he's not only a new face but a pretty one too+he's also stubborn. He reads every donation out loud, also those shitty and troll ones too, he's that gullible but he learns it after it happens a few times. his eyes does go wide and his system stops for a few seconds after receiving big ass donation (while having a big ass dildo up his ass, his challenge not mine) will also smirk if the person who donated him challenge to another thing and says they'll pay him even more if he does this and that, Gus will do it no matter how impossible it is. (is that dragon di-
Will frequently invite you to his streams or videos if you guys are in relationship irl, but if you only watch and donate and maybe sing in membership(he has the silliest emotions of himself) he'll favor that one person(it's you)
INEXPERIENCEDDD I TELL YOU, but somewhat he's pretty good with those dildos, bro's born for it. Lieh is tired of hearing Yin's sloppy whimpers and half moans which he tries so hard to hide.( They're twins) most of the people favor him and only him cuz he's cute.
He recording videos cuz he heard it from Lieh that one makes so much money from it and only it. Yin was insecure at first so he first talked it with one of his very very close friend(you), but like super duper close, he can't handle anyone else other than you so you're his go to. He's pretty vanilla but from time to time he doesn't skip to try new things (𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂), also somehow gets lots of donations even if he does literally nothing and just sits in front of the camera (you know the deal shh)
But if you're one of his viewers, and probably the nicer one than those of the perverts and just keep him in his ground and offer him to do new things to not lose the attention+also keeping him updated about literally everything going around, somehow Yin even offered you a private video just for you- or just a simple invite (lieh didn't liked that)
ALRIGHTTT, lance is experienced and probably has been in this camboy things for years, he's pretty proud of his own body and shamelessly shows it into the camera without any hesitation maybe that's why he's so popular.
Though he's open to the camera, you can never get anything from him real life, he shuts the topic really fast that you can't even argue back. If you're one of his viewers+have membership probably the earliest one, yeah lance over here has a VIP room for y'all like the first seats of the cinema. Lance cares about what his viewers want because that's where the money comes from, no?
Lancelot is actually fond of tight clothes/gears?? Like how they squeeze is skin so deliciously(he knows his chat loves it, he also himself likes them so win?)
Everyone's literally there for his girly moans what are you talking about.
Y'all how we got him on here, 's like we won the lottery???? despite being quiet both irl and in front of the camera, we can hear soft grunts and gasps whilst he's taking it hard(I'm not the one salivating no it's you) AHHHH HE'S JUST, PERFECT??? the way his waist and they way he turns around to check, the way his muscles mmhmmmmhmhmhm. Though he likes you interrupting his streams when you come behind him to tease, he scolds you from after the stream (damn). if one of his viewers with membership, he quietly thanks those people (he whispers, asmr fr) at the beginning of the video/stream, doesn't show much of a reaction at the donates, he's doing it for it anyway, but his eyes will visibly widen whenever reaching such lot donations with cute messages(his fandom is 🎀yes both genders),
He's always sore after the streams and videos, no matter how he took it from low, he always ends up sore which he complains about it, but does he make money? yes so so much and he doesn't thinking about giving it up any time soon.
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ao3-shenanigans · 7 months
Okay wait here me out!
I never truly understood Hanahaki AUs where once character A confesses, B's all like "Actually, I liked you too for a while now!" because isn't it a sickness about unrequited love?
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind when characters finally confess and they get the sickness cured but what about literally SO MANY OTHER POSSIBILITIES!! I have a couple ideas in my head but don't have the chance to write them atm, but I was wondering about your thoughts on them!
So the first idea is what if you still want that happy ending but don't want the instant gratification? Like, A confesses to B and B is like "I'm sorry, I don't love you, but I want to take care of you to make this process go smoother for you." (And maybe add some guilt for some ✨spice✨) And eventually, B SLOWLY falls for A as they take care of them, but are unaware of said feelings until A's final dying breath and their final request is at least a kiss, even if B didn't love them. B desperately follows through trying to save A after realizing that they finally got feelings for them and BOOM! Happy ending!
Another idea is where character A is Aromantic so they literally cannot love B, and they know that. After realizing that B has gotten Hanahaki, A stays silent about it, not wanting to assume that B got it over them and wants to take care of them. B then says in a feverish state just how much they like A and let's just say the angst can get pretty heavy with this...
Now I like this one idea I have cause it mixes Hanahaki and the Red String of Fate! This one actually involves many characters and is a little more complex so my there are still some wrinkles in this idea, but what if A got Hanahaki for B, and B has Hanahaki for C, who's interested in someone else and C even gets with that person later. Eventually A confesses to B and B gets with A, curing A's Hanahaki, but B still dies because they couldn't let go of their feelings for C. That's when character D comes along, able to see the Red String! D can see other people's string, but doesn't have one for themselves for whatever reason (idk yet) and can see A's broken string and C actually even has a broken string because of their deep friendship to B. D then tries to figure out what the broken strings mean because they never seen it before, eventually falling for A, who (maybe) falls for them back. Again, still working on this idea! Just thought it'd be interesting to combine 2 AUs together!
This is all I have for now, but if you want more for me to share, I can gladly do so! If you could rate the Hanahaki trope in general out of 10 what would you pick? Feel free to even rate my ideas if you want! I won't take it personally if you don't like them, haha! Have a lovely week!
Friend I’m listening 👀
I did read a fic where the love interest couldn’t love back, not right away and it scared him because how are his feelings responsible for the life of his friend? How do you fall in love with someone on demand? It was really good
(I’ll link it below for anyone interested)
Ive read maybe 6 or 7 hanahaki fics? Its not one I frequent often, but I do enjoy the ones with a fun little twist in them :D
If you continue the AU please! Send updates and ideas! I’d love to hear them!
Fic mentioned:
Full, riotous bloom by BigTed on ao3
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