#but i got a ton of irl stuff done. so i guess that’s ?? nice
windrunner · 5 months
>want to play wow
>no wow money
>want to talk about wow / make wow ocs / etc.
>no wow friends
>laying in puddle of blood wheezing
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forecast0ctopus · 2 years
how do you use references when you draw fanart or figure out how to draw irl characters?? it's just that i've been looking through your art and i feel like you ability to capture a character's idk essence, in vibes + appearence, are just unmatched! they're all so dynamic and like them i just <33
aaa thanks so much!! im glad to hear that since i honestly dont watch a ton of live action? i generally have done a lot more fanart for animated things so thats nice to hear haha anyways though!! i have far too many words that may or may not make sense to say so i'll put how i use references and figure out live action characters below
the main rule i like to keep in my head is that i am drawing the character, not the actor, if that makes sense?
this is all taking arthur as an example, to show what kinds of things i look for!! if i were talking about merlin any other live action character like. bobby briggs or something all the details would be super different haha a way i like to familiarize myself with a live action character at first is tracing which i must preface by saying TRACING ISNT BAD!! its a tool and it just needs to be used correctly. tracing is a great way to figure out a method to drawing things, so its really valuable in studying. im not gonna address using tracing in finished artwork rn bc thats where it gets a little dicey and i would talk about it too much.
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i dont really need to do this for arthur anymore but it was a fun exercise lmao
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sorry the images are so crunchy i always forget i work on small canvases, anyways in capturing a likeness i like to emphasize and exaggerate a little which features make the character most recognizable to me.
he's got a sharp nose which is bumped at the bridge and a little bit upturned at the bottom. when he's smiling his eyes crinkle a lot and his cheek muscle becomes more pronounced and connects into the corner of his mouth
very square jaw. his brows are thicker near the center and don't have much of an arch. his cheeks are hollowed with neutral expression and the muscles on the sides of his mouth (depressor anguli oris, if i remember correctly lol) are obvious when the corners of his mouth are downturned
the corners of his mouth fold in a lot when he bares his teeth if hes angry or agitated, its a different type of fold when hes relaxed or smiling
his masseter is rather pronounced when he's talking or agitated, and i usually connect the line of it to the line that goes down from the inner corner of his eye. i forget what the word for it is rn but its different from eyebags (though i do like to draw eyebags)
but none of these details work if whatever hes doing in the drawing isnt in character, yknow? like he could look like arthur but he wouldnt really feel like arthur if hes not acting like arthur. idk it s hard for me to put to words im sure u get what i mean enough
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body shape and language are also super important to think about, these are some things i keep in mind with arthur - hes shredded but not like marvel movie dehydrated shredded (good for him) - hes very broad and his shoulders slope down because of his trapezius muscles - he takes up a lot of space! he hardly ever curls up or sits with his feet up in his chair. even when hes sleeping hes pretty sprawled out - his "closed off" body language is crossing his arms or raising his left hand to twist his index finger ring with his thumb (worried/thinking gesture) - he moves with a lot of purpose usually and isnt often clumsy (unlike merlin lmao) - he moves his shoulders a lot when he walks (see top left image)
honestly think body language is just as important as facial features if not more, for the purpose of creating personality and character
i probably sound like i think way too much about this stuff which i. i kind of do but not in so many words i dont need this many words when its all in my brain. but yeah thats how i figure out how to draw a live action character i guess? anyways this was kind of a mess haha
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danganronpafan777 · 3 months
danganmon reading update also how thy day going!
Not too bad!! I’ve been busy with a Wattpad story, and a TON of irl stuff, but I just finished Chapter 2!
Here’s some notes/reactions while I was reading it/watching Blaze’s playthrough
Danganmon Chapter 2 from someone who knows nothing about Pokémon:
I’m curious to see what Faust looks like without the mask as much as everyone, but ngl it kinda rubbed me the wrong way that they were pushing him so hard when it’s clearly a sore subject
Sam: “…I think it looks nice too, maybe in this case “cute” would be the right word”
Last chapter, I wasn’t sure whether I should ship them or see it as a sibling relationship, but I’m leaning towards shipping
Faust keeping the mask on because he wants to be taken seriously is honestly a pretty valid reason (it’s a nice twist instead of a scar or trauma)
Maya is growing on me ngl
She reminds me of a more socially awkward Rei
Flidgey being amazing as always 
Cyrillo and Wimessir give that “We will be adored” energy 
Kami deadass asking Cyrillo why he’s tall- 
This premotive game sounds like a fun concept! I feel like Sam is gonna let Faust win
Fry seems like such a cutie that it makes me scared
So Kami and Fry don’t actually have to face off against each other? I’m assuming all the funhouses are different, so theirs is just not competitive?
They’re literally exchanging their fav flowers while trying to escape from lava 😭 I honestly like this duo and I’m scared Fry might die
Sam really disappeared faster than my will to live 
Okay Zoro definitely giving blackened energy
Zoro and Roxanne got some sibling energy tho
I want to hug Faust so bad 
Maya and Flidgey friendship is unexpected but not unwelcome in the slightest (I actually love this dynamic)
Flidgey: A ghostly guy and a ghostly girl… lemme guess, some guy tried to suck you up with his vacuum? 
I love her sm
Stella and Cyrus being bullied by a robotic Gordon Ramsay for burning bread is def my favorite fun room 
Voodoo doll motive :0
Apollo probably got Maya, I’m calling it now
I’m getting some death flags from Lillie and Juno…
At least one of the melons is probably poisoned
Glad Sam apologized and everything worked out. Genuine apologies and communication is rarer than it should be in dangan/fangans
I’m officially on board with Sam x Faust and Maya x Flidgey 
If any of them die I’m rioting man
(Flidgey raised some death flags and if she goes then I’m quitting this fangame I swear /hj)
*end credits*
(I swear that wasn’t planned)
A trade between dolls?  Apollo is probably involved, but it’d be a cool twist if Flidgey was the one who swapped
I’m never forgiving whoever the hell killed Flidgey tho 
Okay now Apollo starting to piss me off (Still like his character tho)
(I hate how it made me laugh)
Wimessir is my top suspect tho, she’s just acting a bit sus
Okay I forgive Wim but Apollo you’re dead to me
Oh god, using Cyrillo against her is a whole new level of screwed up
Sapphire tucking in Juno’s doll makes me feel a lil better tho
Out of all the antags in dangan, Apollo is the first to just be badshit insane, and like a genuine pychopath
(Well, his backstory does sound screwed up from what little we’ve seen of it)
The bags under Cyrillo’s eyes makes me sad :(
I actually loved this chapter tho, the funhouse games and the bonding between the characters is such a good buildup
The investigations are a bit short and Wimmessir’s guilt came a bit out of nowhere (In terms of evidence. I had suspicions from her behavior, but Apollo’s accusation and the purple hair was a bit abrupt) It felt like everyone turned against her rather quickly, and not much could really prove her involvement, but her execution was well done
This was great, but I kept thinking of the ways a reader would fit into the story which really shows the type of person I am (I write too many x readers lmao)
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finally have time to continue my rewatch and its the bob episode
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this episode really raised my expectations for the show in a way it never delivered so idk that there'll be much to say unless i see random stuff that ended up tying in later
now that the show is over i kinda feel like this episode was unnecessary lol it should have been a half ep if all it was gonna do was push guel back to space. it should have been an episode where the audience is made to sympathize with the plight of earthians more given what was to come and from what we see in the episode itself, but from the posts i saw around the internet between when the episode aired even up until now, a lot of people did not care for the earthian struggle and some even called them stupid. i'm sure that's just a ton of outspoken reactionaries but i wish they could have done more with this plotline
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instead we get this idiot full on stockholm syndroming over his abusive father. guel could have had a clean break from everything. hell, he could have continued being a shitty capitalist but yknow maybe not be a war profiteer.
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anyway, this ep marks our first opening change with eri's silhouette finally revealing her datastorm form
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i love nika's character but lol i'll always side with norea on this issue. nika's idealism is noble, but it just doesnt work irl. and her saying that dawn of fold is causing suffering is so laughable when spacians and the benerit group are literally foaming at the mouth for profit at each new conflict on earth that they can provide weapons to
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sabina-sama, my beloved
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yea amerikkka sucks, norea, i agree
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lol capitalists are so goddamn stupid
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the depressing thing about this line is how so many things work like this irl and capitalists don't care that eventually profits will come down to a trickle becuase they'll jump on to the next big thing to get them high profits as quickly as possible
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lol this is so dismissive to the suffering of an entire planet these evil ass people just left to rot
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i didnt remember that they have kenanji in this scene telling rajan what a bad idea it is to send benerit group brownshirts to attack earth. i guess it's supposed to paint him in a better light and make him seem "reasonable" or "moral" or whatever but lol no
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literally everyone pretty much until almost the end of the show
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i wish we'd gotten more interactions with sophie, like a flashback of her on earth with these kids would've been nice
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ok i guess i forgot the fight in this ep is cool, but lmao the prodoros doesnt even have a kit at all!!!!!!! so like what was the point
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damn comrade olcott rules
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oh huh thats kind of interesting. whatever that thing olcott's wearing looks an awful lot like the headpiece suletta and miorine wear in the timeskip to communicate with eri. i'm guessing it's some kind of gund tech since that facilitates the use of his prosthetic arm?
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*secelia voice* kashtanka woof woof
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can the novels please give us more info about this lmao like we're just never going to know why the hell notrette created quiet zero
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i'm really never gonna feel sorry or bad for delling, like ok you were sad your wife died and you were a controllling freak
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ok sure it's finally revealed to us why he came up with this ridiculous holder system but how dumb do you have to be to do this?
i said it in an earlier post as part of my rewatch, things could have gone soooo badly for miorine. guel was physically abusive, how was that leaving your daughter in "safe hands"? someone could have become the holder and literally raped her or something
anyway i hate delling and i'll forever headcanon that even though maybe they're on amicable terms in the end, miorine probably never fully forgave him
ok on rewatch i guess this episode was better than i remembered it being. like standalone, its definitely a good episode imo, but mannnn i really really wish it ended up tying more into the actual plot than it actually did. i just really sympathize with dawn of fold lol and instead they just got kinda brushed off as being pawns of the SAL's big plan to just rearrange who was profiting off weapons sales lol
ok might do ep 16 tonight too, not sure yet
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
Hi, Minor Blog & Fic Updates
If you don't want to read this today, consider checking out my pinned post when you can, and/or just read the ScarletPenguin section at bottom for transparency
📌 Made a minor update to my pinned post; I removed the spreadsheet link since my buffer's running low and it'll be one less thing to worry about while I play catch-up. Also added a permanent ask game, mostly to give visitors / new followers a way to break the ice if they want to. I'll also add a link to this post to the pinned one.
🦷 I've moved my one Coco 'fic (That 4k contest entry I wrote September 2018) to the Anonymous collection. If you would still like the AO3 link, it's here (River Teeth). It's also currently available on my FFN.
🐶 Dog's Life Chapter 9 goes up on Tuesday, then Chapter 10 goes up on October 3rd. That's the last chapter of Session 1 and the 'fic will be on hiatus while I build the Session 2 buffer.
🎃 I expect to post a lot of short pieces in October; I'm giving myself a (tentative) monthly challenge so I can get rid of a bunch of WIPs without holding onto them for a year. Not committing to a full 31 days, but I've got a lot of little things that don't need to be masterpieces, so it should be a busy month. I'll probably do one announcement post each Friday instead of individual story announcements. Still very much playing this by ear and I might get busy IRL, but expect at least a few things.
I had a plan to post something Anti-Fairy related for Friday the 13th in October, but it's not playing nice with me so we'll see.
✍️ After October, I need to spend time rebuilding my 'fic buffers. I'd also like to update my table of contents tab and possibly the sideblog. In other words, expect a busy October for 'fic updates. November will probably be Traffic Season 5 drabbles and stuff (I'm guessing), and then we'll start winding down on 'fics during December and January. I'll probably post again in Feb or March; not sure yet.
🐾 A ton of Session 1 stuff I wrote for Dog's Life got bumped to Session 2 for pacing reasons, so I already have a lot done; I might start posting Session 2 as early as mid-November or early December, but stuff for Origin and Knots definitely needs polishing and will take longer. Not sure yet.
❤️ 2 months ago, I made a post talking about my ScarletPenguin pseud. That's the pseud where I keep any M works, and I wanted to explain how this works to people who may be unfamiliar (as I have a piece I'm working on that I'll probably post as M).
The majority of my content is Gen or T, so I'm using the pseud to keep my M stuff in a separate place [i.e. not immediately visible to people browsing my main page, because I mostly do children's show fanfics that ARE Gen and T, and I just feel better doing it like this].
In other words, if you would like to scroll through my works but would prefer not to run across anything M, THIS is the link that only has Gen and T stuff [It's the FountainPenguin pseud link; you can also access it by clicking on my username on any of my AO3 works]. You will not see M 'fics if you use this link :)
I have not yet decided if I'm going to do announcement posts for M stories. If I do, the posts will be tagged #ScarletPenguin, so I recommend blocking that tag now if you would like to.
If you would like to find any M works after they're posted, you can access them by going to FountainPenguin's Profile -> Pseuds -> ScarletPenguin (left sidebar on desktop).
If you are subscribed to me on AO3, I'm pretty sure you'll get an email when any new stuff is posted. If you do not want to subscribe to me as a user, consider subscribing only to the 'fics you like or even to a series (ex: all the 130 Prompts are in the 130 Station series and you can get email notifs that way even though all those stories are posted individually).
I'm trying to post 130 Prompts in the 130 Station series before any others because I suspect that only the first series counts for the email alerts (Not sure). However, you can also subscribe to the individual trains if you like (Blue Train, for example, only contains Anti-Fairy content so maybe you're into that, etc.) I'm just not sure if you'll get an email since if you want to put a work in more than one series, you have to post the story and then edit it, and I'm not sure if that sends a notification.
I also don't know if you can have a series with two pseuds in it, or how that will affects the tag visibility on the series page. We'll see.
tl;dr - I feel good about having done my part to make this news accessible, create a blog tag for it just in case, and this info will be added to my pinned post when I wake up [This is in the queue]. Stay safe, safe comfy!
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suedrawl · 2 years
sue ramble/vent, trying to get brain to process and figure out how to tackle social media and interacting with others
i guess while i am in the process of using tumblr more—it might be a good idea to reconsider a lot of social media, and by default, friendships/socializing/what i really want to do vs what i am doing out pure habit. like, It’s Always Been that Way without having any awareness to consider…hmm, maybe that’s unhealthy, maybe this isn’t fun. so on. not all of it is inherently good or bad, but ready to move on and find a better path
it’s a variety of things that interconnect. small stuff like making sure i’m following/unfollowing/setting more practical tactics. to putting my foot down and communicating firmly over anything that may come up. this also will help me hopefully to figure out how i want to handle art and business side of my persona. i run a discord server and ultimately at the end of the day, a lot of that is my responsibility and there’s no way in hell i’m going to neglect it. but it’s not my job—i got fussed at that a year before, was grounded by my friends. so i’m far from flaws—fawning, people pleasing, helping. it’s a weird balance and sometimes goes up and down. then there’s my struggle with handling 1v1 and connecting to friends individually. and finally, real life and touching grass
so that mess of a paragraph shows the chaos and goals that are all over the place. but it’s progress. one thing that has been helping me is trying to spin both irl world and my internet usage on similar fields. ie—no, i do not need a ton of friends here and just because i dont go out every weekend means i’m not being social enough. or that “if i was hanging with irl friends the way i do online?” which made me realize that it’s not necessarily healthy to spend hours with a friend or a group everyday for hours at a time. i couldn’t handle that—going to a coffee shop, a meeting, meeting multiple friends throughout the day? Either of these sides don’t translate perfectly, and sometimes can vary.
and finally, i’m beginning to feel more on track with being myself, taking up space, and embracing my hermit aura. i think for years and years i was scolded for my like of solitary, and still clashed with my inherent habit of getting involved with communities, how important it is to help others, and loving to meet new people. but i’m getting pretty clear signs from others and the universe about where i need to shift—and if not, then it’s all learning in the end
i might make a simple to -do list, post it here? lately lists have done nothing for me, which is usually one of those time management techniques i need. some i think is forcing myself/i am out of practice. but the other bit is exhaustion. i always ramble about this, but god i can do so much more and it’s easier to do basic tasks to actual goals when i feel well. my brain is <insert some computer analogy>, so it keeps having BSODs, memory problems, the limited CPU can’t handle all the things that need to run inside my brain. so everything feels twice as hard and exhausting
mmm it is nice to be able to go beyond a word limit and just blog XD, it does help. i’ve been struggling as well to keep up with journaling and other practices that help with self-therapy
rn tho, feeling pretty anxious—I think it’s bcs I had too much coffee. but i turned off the PC, moved to the bedroom to quietly read or do art. Pablo’s already crashed; I feel safer if he’s right by me when i get all antsy
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boolger · 5 months
i was tagged by the sweet @rosieblogstuff !!<3 anyone who wants to answer this too, consider this your tag 🫡💖
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 53! Somehow, haha. Once I'm done w thesis, it will grow for sure!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
608,326 words! 😳 i stresswrite
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now its only Macgyver(2016) and Call of Duty! I've made a marvel crossover, but not anything else. Once I'm done with uni and actually have the time to write and see shows without feeling like I should be doing other stuff, I will definitely write for more! I want to write something for stuff like Knives out, Phantom of the Opera, Star wars -- but mainly a ton of Macgyver and call of duty, lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? well, they've changed quite recently, since i jumped headfirst into the COD fandom and was welcomed very nicely! So, right now, theyre:
Adventures of 141's bunny (1,502 kudos😳😳)- Call of Duty
Mami's omega (448 kudos) - Call of Duty
The Heron Club (363 kudos) - Call of Duty
Warm water (150 kudos) - Macgyver
A pregnant night (144 kudos) - Macgyver
Im very grateful for each single kudos !!💖🥰
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, or I try now! It was easier when I was only in the macgyver fandom, since it is much smaller, but now in the Call of Duty fandom, i'm afraid I simply cannot keep up! So if I don’t reply to your comment, I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be rude or anything!👉👈
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
phew, that is one good question, because I honestly don't know. I have a tendency to end things either happy and hopeful like, or dark and like, with the vibe of things just being uncertain but not necersarily angsty? Lmk if im wrong lmao. I think the closest is in A dog needs a garden, but then again, its not really angsty - at least not to the characters. just... dark.🤷‍♀️
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hm. I mean, in my two fics Sir and his good boy and my baby’s got a gun (that I struggle to read myself now bc while I do have a soft spot for them, I hate my writing lol.) I make poor Mac go through a lot of shit, and they both end up on a happy or hopeful note- so those two, I guess? For now, heh.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
mmm, not really. When I do get some questionable comments, I either just answer in a jokingly manner or ignore it. I think I've only deleted one comment, lol. 💀
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
hah, YES. what don't I write. Despite being ace and not really being interested in sex irl, I sure do write a lot of smutty smut. I mostly write kinky stuff, a lot of BDSM ones. A lot of darker stuff too. I mean, out of 53 fics I think maybe 13 ish of them doesn’t have smut in them? So yeah, I write a bunch of smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Well, I've only written three (so far) lol. Two of them was just... Angus Macgyver and Jack Dalton having a threesome with a character from a different fandom, LMAO. I've written them having a threesome with Bucky Barnes from marvel and then one with Simon Ghost Riley from Call of Duty. The craziest one technically isn’t a crossover lmao, more just the fact that I made twilight vampires canon in a Macgyver fic I wrote once 💀😂 it’s called this is the skin of a killer, Jack and yes, I find it funny and stupid myself.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not, lol. So no, at least not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Uh, no, again, not that I know of, lmao.👀
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Mmm, not technically, no. I don't talk often with a lot of fanfic writers, (im shy and idk how to become friends with people) but I do have 2 wonderful sweet friends I met through the macgyver fandom, whom i'm very grateful for and love lots. (They adopted my imposter ass who hadn’t even seen the show) They have managed to deal w my annoying ass for like... almost 2 years, I think and somehow isn't scared away yet. So, what I was going with that is, no, i've not co-written anything, but they do spar a lot with me and we discuss ideas and such, hehe. They've def helped me with a lot of fics.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
That is one good question that I honestly don't know the answer of. I'm pretty open to most ships, as long as they're written well in the fic or the show. (and legal. and not *ncest or pseudo *ncest.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
don't call me out like this, I have a lot of WIPS. But honestly? Probably Wet footprints on the wooden floor (Macgyver). A part of me wants to, but its been like 1,5year or so, i think. At this point I would probably just delete it, then rewrite the entire thing and post it again, lol, because I do like the concept.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't know, actually. I like to think I write somewhat interesting plots whenever I'm trying not to just write pure smut. But eh, idk. I think I have an okay sense of humor too? but I am also biased.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Weird sentences! English isn't my first language, Danish is! and the structure of a sentence can be very different in Danish, so sometimes my English sentences ends up weird bc they're translated, lol. I'm working on it and I have definitely become better ver since writing my first fanfic, lol.🤷‍♀️
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like to read it, but I struggle with writing it! It's hard, especially when you dont speak a certain language. I sometimes go with google translate, but I've tried just writing it like this when its in another language, lol. so ye, fun but hard.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Eh, i mean, I wrote a fanfic or two when I was like 15 or something, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember what for. probably marvel or twilight or something😂
If we go with the boolger account time-line, then it's Macgyver!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
don't make me choose between my babies. So I shall cheat the system and mention some of my fav.
The many deaths of a phoenix(macgyver), since I like the plot ideas lol, even though I feel stuck with it atm.
Lovers in the garden of Eden (macgyver) (dead dove dont eat) which is def fucked up, not the worst kind I've written but still. It has a special place in my dark, f'ed up heart. 🖤
Do you think I'm broken? (macgyver) bc I tried to voice a lot of my own gender struggles through it lol.
and finally, i am a lil proud of So long as I'm your favorite toy(COD) heh.
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Hi, Chance Amon here! Blitzwing for the ask meme, please! Whichever letters you want to do.
Chance anon coming in for the giant metal boyfriend deets, welcome to the feast:
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B - Before - before you decided to make them your F/O, what did you first think of them/their source?
I got into Transformers animated pretty late, and found the more cartoony style lacking compared to Prime and the MTMTE comics I was reading. Blitwing was one of the few characters I enjoyed watching and I basically stayed to watch glimpses of him even as the episode quality and lore improved into one of the darkest versions of TF.
L - Language - what’s their love language? what’s yours?
For him: quality time, acts of service and gift giving varies between the three personalities, but they're the major constants. For me: quality time, physical affection and words of affirmation! We're also both artistic, so making eachother things is nice.
I - Image - show us a picture of them that gives you a lot of feelings. if they aren’t a visual character, describe your mental image of them!
See above GIF - I love every moment he's onscreen, you can't properly see it here but. He's BIG (30ftish) and love me a partner that could crush me with minimal effort. Also his design is pleasing, his colour composition is on point and all three faces are devastatingly handsome.
Z - Zodiac - what’s their sign, or if you don’t know, what would you guess it is based on their personality? (Eastern or Western - personal preference)
Pretty sure Blitz predates earth's zodiac signs by at least 4 million years, lol. Pass.
W - Weakness - what’s theirs? it can be a fun weakness like trashy romance novels or a more serious trait if you want.
Boredom! Blitz did NOT do well on the long space flights of the Decepticon flagship and often found his way to destructive habits to pass the time. They might not have been initially destructive (humming, tapping, playing I-spy with very unwilling crewmates) but the sheer annoyance wrought from the rest of high command led to fights anyway, which he also enjoyed when he was winning. Less when being sat on by Lugnut.
I - Image - done.
N - Nostalgia - what’s your f/o’s favorite memory?
I'm...honestly not sure and I don't think he is either. The war has dragged on for so long that the cause he joined with has been dragged through the mud twice over, and he has a shit ton of mental and physical trauma he's never really had time to process. Stuff like that really affects your ability to remember things, and is why he 'lives in the moment' so much. To forget.
G - Gush! talk about how much you love them 💜
Ok Ok Ok I know it's cliche but I cannot fucking get over the fake german accent thing, bruh, OK?! I legitimately get flustered IRL, it's ridiculously sexy! Also, also he's so fucking proud of himself when he does things well, and when allowed to be he's incredibly competant. I also fucking love how strong he is??
I also feel like if given the opportunity to explore he would like Earth and what it has to offer. Might just be wishful thinking on my part though...
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boytumms · 2 years
Do you ever have stuff happen irl that is like your kink but you don't know how to feel about it because it's also a real situation? Like, I went to the doctor recently because of stomach issues and pain and bloating. I had some tests done and then went to have an abdominal ultrasound and X ray. This is something I would fantasize about and I kind of got turned on a bit at times but it's also so weird to feel that way.
I had to drink a ton of water before the ultrasound so my full bladder was making my belly stick out and the pressure of the wand felt really good. The technician even told me to push my belly out much as I could a couple times. I guess to get a clearer image of something. Anyway it turns out I have 2 ovarian cysts so that's likely what's causing my pain. I go back in 6 months for another ultrasound to see if they're gone or getting bigger.
Actually, I kind have similar to yours, I had an ultrasound cause I had some spotty bleeding and they wanted to make sure there wasn’t anything serious going on (there wasn’t, I just am bad at taking my t shots regularly) and honestly, it was kinda nice lol. I was surprised they actually warm the gel they smear on you, I totally thought it was gonna be cold also lmao
I could stop thinking about it after. there definitely needs to be more ultrasound stuff, like a boy gets pregnant with something inhuman and when he gets an ultrasound they show him what kind of horrible creature is growing inside him, or honestly any kind of medical issue when someone is having Bally pains and need to get an ultrasound
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goldenpixel · 3 years
Some quick tips for people who write fics and want to write about their characters smoking weed but don’t know anything about it
I’ve never heard anyone irl say “weed cigs” “cigs” or anything like that
The white cigarette shaped ones are called joints, the brown ones are blunts (blunts hit harder than joints do, this is because they are rolled in tobacco papers - same kind as cigars. If your character doesn’t smoke much/at all, a blunt could potentially make them cough so hard they throw up (I’ve seen this happen several times and it almost happened to me the first time I hit a blunt) this is also because most people also don’t have experience smoking tobacco, and that stuff still makes me sick sometimes)
If it’s a small glass thing, then it’s a pipe and it’s called “smoking a bowl” (the “bowl” is the part of the pipe where the weed goes in). Pipes are the really pretty ones that glass blowers make that have super cool designs and colors, stoners are typically very proud of their pipes
If it’s glass and there’s water in it, that’s a bong. Hit a bong wrong or hit it too many times, and your character can get something called “bong burps.” These aren’t pleasant, they’re basically just burps that taste like weed and bong water, and trust me, that’s not a good taste
If it’s a sticky, dark honey type thing, that’s wax, and you smoke it with a dab pen or a dab rig using a blowtorch to heat up the end of the pen or rig, and lightly touching the hot end to the wax and inhaling (these are also called dabs)(a ton of stoners have burn scars from handling blowtorches high)
Joint and pipes are, in my experience, the most common way to smoke weed. And dabs and pipes are the easiest to smoke in terms of how much they’re gonna hurt your character’s throat and lungs
The absolute easiest way to smoke is to shotgun (this is great for steamy fics). Shotgunning is when one person takes a hit, and then blows the smoke into the other person’s mouth. I’ve seen this done platonically and romantically (this is actually how I had my first kiss)
Weed makes people horny. More so girls than boys, but guys get horny too. Every girl I’ve ever talked to has been horny at least 90% of the times they’ve been high. And I’m not talking like in-the-back-of-your-mind horny, I’m talking like if you get high enough, girls will literally be sitting there dripping and guys will be hard as rocks, without having done or thought about anything to make them that way (again, this is much less common with guys, but it definitely happens). Not to mention weed makes you wayyyy more perceptive to touch, so the smallest touch to your thigh and you’re done for, girls and guys alike
If your character is taking edibles, they can take anywhere from 30 minutes to up to 2-3 hours to kick in (much much faster if taken on an empty stomach) and the dosage/amount taken will also determine how hard it hits (again, much much harder if taken on an empty stomach)
Edibles can knock out even the most frequent stoners, especially if taken on an empty stomach. For example, this past 4/20, my friend and I (who both smoke pretty much everyday for years now), took edibles on empty stomachs, and they knocked us on our asses so hard that we didn’t get off the couch for like 7 hours
And if you wanna be really fancy and have your experienced stoner characters tell your inexperienced character exactly what they’re doing, the two types of weed are called Indica and Sativa. Indica knocks you down, and Sativa hypes you up, this can be easily remembered with the saying “Indica: in-da-couch” (take a guess at what type those edibles I mentioned were). Most people smoke hybrids of the two, so they’re not totally knocked down or hyped up. And there are thousands of “strains” that have weird names like “morning mimosa” and “white yoda,” these are the different variations of hybrids that have been selectively bred and grown to be the exact percentage of indica/sativa, a lot of people have favorite strains
The end of a joint or a blunt after it’s been completely smoked is called a “roach”
The smell of weed may be strong, but it doesn’t cling like cigarette smoke does. A quick 15 minute drive with all the windows down will almost completely get rid of the smell in a hotboxed car
If your character could potentially be caught because of the smell, many stoners rub themselves down with dryer sheets to get rid of the smell (hair included)
You can smell a little bit of weed on someone’s breath, stoners with the potential to get caught chew a lot of gum
Depending on how much you smoked, how much you had eaten that day, and how high your tolerance is, people usually come down from a high after 4-8 hours (potentially longer if they smoked a lot and had no tolerance)
You can wake up still high, it’s a disorientating experience
Every stoner I know has a favorite lighter, this is the one they keep on them at all times. They’ve also got 1-2 car lighters, a nightstand/desk lighter, and a backpack lighter
Not everyone’s eyes get super red, it kinda just depends on the person. Most people’s eyes get red, but if they smoke daily, they probably don’t anymore
Weed can make you super cold (also really nice for fluffy or steamy fics), this leads to a lot of cuddling, because stoner friend groups rarely have things like personal boundaries lmao
Idk about other groups, but my group regularly jokes that we all make out every night, because we’re always passing a pipe or a joint or a blunt around
In that same vein, if one person in the group gets sick, everyone gets sick - side effect of all putting your mouths on the same thing. Sometimes this leads to sick smoke seshes, where you put on a good movie and all sit and smoke and be miserable together
Smoking in the morning right after waking up is called a “wake and bake” (most people say this quickly and it sounds more like “waken bake”)
Most people don’t really say “high” all that much, instead there’s a ton of slang words that mean the same thing like “baked” “zooted” “faded” “gone” “smacked” and if they’re both drunk and high, then the slang would be “twisted” “cross-faded” or “crossed”
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serenedash · 3 years
I started rambling about my experience with kh and then it turned into khux and then it just turned into me rambling about Ryou and my art journey????? enjoy I guess,
it’s very long but there’s art in there :)
It’s funny to think about my kh journey as a whole tbh, I grew up watching my mom play video games, which included kh1 and 2. I wasn’t allowed to play the playstation2 we owned BUT I did have a gameboy so the first game I played was CoM (after my mom finished it ofc,) so I guess you could say I’ve always been passionate about kh “””side games””” lmao but I did fall off of kh very quickly bc again, I wasn’t allowed to play our PS2 and also I Am A Terrible Gamer I’ve Never Finished CoM I’m sorry you all had to find out like this, but then 358/2 came out when I was in middle school and!!! I didn’t care and I didn’t play idk why lol
Anyway, fast forward to high school I’m like 15 and my older sister, who HAS been keeping up with kh, has a wallpaper on her phone of roxas and ventus. And bc I haven’t kept up I say “nice roxas wallpaper” and she says “thanks but it’s roxas and ventus” and I proceeded to get so mad that I was determined to prove to her that her wallpaper was just roxas twice and then I fell down the BBS rabbit hole and suddenly I was reading about vanitas and then I’m reading the fan translations of the BBS novel and I’m crying??? I am sobbing???? and that’s how I actually got into kh for real lol we are vanitas stans before we are people,
It’s so funny how I thought I was some kh super fan, knowing all this stuff that I spent so long reading and rewatching cutscene movies, but I never once, SOMEHOW NEVER ever came across khx. It���s so absurd and bizarre I seriously have no idea how I never once encountered khx prior to khux. I suppose that has to do with the fact I wasn’t involved in the fandom? In early high school I had stepped away from fandoms as a whole and I didn’t have any interest in really posting content or interacting with fans anymore bc of how burnt out I was from a previous fandom,
but khux released! and I was so hype and excited for it! on launch day I was a senior in high school, I had ran around to every “nerd” and weeb I could find in school to ask them to join my party and fun fact about me is I have crippling social anxiety I literally refuse to start conversations irl so holy shit I was OUT HERE doing the MOST
My player just originally had my name (Matt) but everyone in my party had fun names so Ryou was born! High school was one big yugioh phase for me and ryou bakura is one of my favorite characters ever so it was just the logical name choice lol I quickly started creating Ryou, the character, as well. I was also leaving my homestuck phase and that + vanitas obsession made This character design (art circa 2016)
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If y’all are familiar with my kh oc’s you might notice that keyblade now belongs to my kid Monty LOL
Anyway that got scrapped quickly for the chip and dale outfit (which is where Ryou’s trademark goggles are from <3) Goggles have been a staple of my character designs for a LONG TIME so like, it had to be done, (that’s a separate ramble about a separate oc tho)
OG Ryou was an interesting guy; he was a young party leader with this overwhelming responsibility on his shoulders bc of his status as a party leader. In his original story, he also struggled heavily with darkness, much like Terra but for Ryou it was more that the darkness was controlling him and not like a source of power like it was for Terra
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A big part of early Ryou I kept, however, was the crushing awareness of loss. One of my party members (the strongest one at the time,) had left without saying a word and I was very confused and hurt. This was around the time the ephemera plot was happening so I decided to incorporate it into Ryou’s story; having him experience losing a friend to darkness since it’s so normal for wielders in Daybreak Town to just disappear, and this would unintentionally become a theme for both me and Ryou as khux friends would just randomly disappear.
I was desperate for khux at this point and I decided to watch the fan translations for khx and GOD, god, was I obsessed. I couldn’t stop thinking about the foretellers. And I’m not going off about that here bc I already did that, but I actually started entering fandom again! I did it slowly, I started on tumblr before this blog was made altho it was me sending anons to the few khux related blogs I could have lol a friend convinced me to get twitter where I got involved with the ffxv fandom, which led me to the kh fandom and eventually the khux fandom there which is what REALLY got me going on khux.
I joined discord servers, most of the servers I’m in are khux related, and from there I joined the khux oc rp (shout out to anyone there who might be reading this lol here’s some art from the beginning of the rp,)
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It’s SO FUNNY how the RP influenced me so heavily. I hadn’t RP’d in YEARS, I used to have a strict no oc rp policy, but here I was? And the funny part is, I had barely developed Ryou. I had scrapped his original story and all I had was POST WAR Ryou so I literally had to reverse write him; I had only ever written him as a depressed, guilt ridden adult, but it was a fucking blast and I have such fond memories of this rp when it was active,
But anyway, this encouraged me to get more serious about art! I started drawing, writing, cosplaying, and roleplaying when I hadn’t done any of that stuff in a very long time. The first time I ever drew a background was for a deviant art khux competition actually LOL
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also! I always think extremely fondly of the drawing I did of Aced in the keyblade war. It was also one of the first backgrounds I ever drew and it felt like my real starting point in the khux fandom. It got a ton of notes on here and someone wrote a tiny fic in a reblog which just made me SO HAPPY like it really felt like people were noticing me :) I was going to draw a matching Ira but!! I just never did!! One day tho, it’s on my art bucket list to redraw this along with Ira,
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Aside from my personal growth, khux was great for my social life ngl, I made SO MANY friends online and got to meet a ton of people irl over the years! It’s crazy to think about all the people I now know and talk to? It honestly makes me really emotional. I’ll never forget taking the train into NYC and meeting up with discord friends. Going to conventions and talking with people about the latest khux update? Absolutely insane and those were some GOOD TIMES, if I thanked every khux friend or even just person who made an impact on me then we’d be here for a LONG TIME,
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Fun fact, for my Lauriam cosplay all I needed to buy was the wig I just owned his outfit LOL also? Probably retiring that cosplay ngl people treated me like absolute garbage when I wore him and it led to a lot of confidence issues for awhile ngl. That’s probably one of the only memorable negative experiences I have with khux; it was great when khux people recognized me but for kh fans that weren’t in khux? They were FUCKING MEAN??? fuck kh fandom at large, I only care about khux fandom,
This leads me to another huge part of my experience in khux fandom: THEORIES!! I used to write SO MANY and oh my god my brain was so full all the time. It was a huge appeal for me in the fandom; I had been previously writing theory posts in the RWBY fandom and it just migrated over to khux for me lol I had done a ton of theorizing around Lauriam tbh, it was really the only reason I liked his character at all bc initially I did not care about the dandelions, anyone who wasn’t Skuld I was like “please leave Now thanks”
A funny part of khux fandom I never intended to be apart of is the MEMES, I really only started doing memes as stress relief bc college had me so busy all I had time/energy for was these quick little shit post drawings.
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The first meme I made, file name “invi despair” LOL we need to get her a girlfriend smh anyway, I think in my senior year of college I did a bunch of rapid fire memes all in one month bc the stress of finals was getting so bad afdgfhdgf as far as I know my impact on this fandom will be my memes bc all I do now is enter a kh/khux server and introduce myself and I go “yeah I draw art. here’s a meme” and everyone goes OH YOU, honestly I am nothing if not a clown
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I’ve talked so much idk where I’m going with this. Khux is just a good game even if the gameplay actually kind of really sucks yknow lol but it was the first game I played where I like, REALLY got into the meta and the mechanics. I used to read so much on the mechanics and watch youtube videos on which medals were worth pulling for. I was never a whale or a top player exactly, but I could rank well if I tried lol I’ve made it to the top 100 for solo rankings, my party has made it to top 10, and in pvp I’ve made top 300. I’m not the highest level in my party but FUCK do I know how to manipulate this game LOL
And with all that hard work, the strategies, the theorizing, the content I’ve made-- it’s been my life for 5 years. I’ve logged into khux almost every single day. At the end, I have logged 1820 days in khux out of 1910 days. Kinda crazy. Crazier I’ve never spent money on khux either lol the only “money” gone into it was one time my mom gave me a google play store gift card and I used it on my birthday for a VIP xemnas medal which eventually made it to regular pulls anyway but it was nice and a little treat :)
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I’m not a gacha fan, I don’t care for it, so I don’t think I’ll be touching another gacha again. But for kh? This was pretty fucking awesome, even if it sucked a lot sometimes LOL It was worth it for the people I’ve met most of all I think. I would honestly be a completely different person without khux and that’s REALLY insane to think about.
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night-dragon937 · 3 years
Sorry i accidently Unfollowed trying to hit the ask button: Im a little anxious about this but, I want to know how best to refer to you/yall? I know, the basics of DID and im sorry if this just, comes off as wrong/bad, but im, assuming that DID is specific to each system (I think im using that term right? im sorry if im not) and i just want to know how best to, like. avoid making you feel bad/wrong? (like, im anxious about referring to you as, you or do i need to refer to you as, like. them? or yall?, because i think all of you is valid and great and deserves respect? individually and as a whole?) and i saw the post where like, people think the Host (I am so sorry if i am messing up these terms) is more valid then the others, and that made me sad because, I think everyone is valid? and its like, i dont want to refer to you as the wrong thing (eg: a singular person, incase that strips away the importance of being known?, or as multiple, incase that invalidates?) like, im sorry if any of this comes off as tone deaf. i also got anxious about asking because, I dont want it to seem like the first thing i think about is, this? when interacting, but its why i get really nervous about using you/yall? not that anything was done to make me feel like that, i just want to be respectful? I also dont want to ask tons of questions cause, i know what it feels like to be bombarded with questions about something like this and being treated less like a person, more like a thing to gawk at i guess? like, ive done my best to read up on DID to, better try to understand, but if its unique to each person, I dont want to generalize it? I also am trying not to refer to this as a disability? as im not sure if its, ok to? because it just felt, strange, referring to, what to me seems like a Group of people? as a disability? Im sorry if thats, incorrect or wrong, or even ableist? im genuinely not trying to be. I just, think its important to give everyone individuality and importance? and if you all ? are, different people with their own personalities (if im, understanding that right, i know its possibly different from one person to another?) Then i want to respect that to the best of my ablity? Sorry for all of the rambling and if this is too much a wall of text. im also extremely sorry if anything ive said/done in our interactions, or this ask were offensive? Its alright if you dont want to answer this of course, or if any of this was too personal/touchy, im not gonna get upset or anything and thats completely fair ? I honestly second guessed asking, but figured i needed to before i accidently messed up and said something wrong?
hey no need to apologize! we are willing to answer questions about our experiences with did/plurality! (in fact, it's nice when singlets/non-systems ask questions when they're unsure bc it shows that they care about respect n stuff)
each system's experience with their diagnosis is unique, yes! we have did, but there are various types of osdd that are diagnoses for systems as well
we have what's called a singletsona, essentially a "sona" that's a single person. we mostly have this irl for safety reasons, but we also understand that a constantly changing roster of many people can be confusing esp for neurodivergent people. so, generally, we go by night (cause we're the night system lol it fits perfectly!) and use they/them.
some people do want to interact with us individually (like. maybe four singlets so don't feel bad if you'd rather just interact with us as a whole, but we will let you know if we switch or about alter-specific things) and they refer to us either by who's fronting or by "night sys" or "night system" and refer to us with plural pronouns
you're so very sweet <3
so that refers to people who act as if the body belongs to the host and no one else in the system, the life belongs to the host and other alters shouldn't get as much of a say, or as if other alters aren't really people, like the host is.
you're not being tone deaf at all! even if you were, we'd still be willing to provide info
so, referring to a system depends on a few things. if you're referring to a singletsona, then singular pronouns/preferred pronouns. if you're referring to a single alter, then singular, but if you mean the whole system, then plural. also, if you feel weird about using "you," just know that you was originally a plural pronoun (but has changed in meaning and usage, like they! and thou was the singular)
we're generally pretty understanding and won't get offended unless one is being intentionally malicious (understanding what one is doing, what the affects of the actions are, and still choosing to do it)
we don't know enough to comment on osdd but did is absolutely 100% a disability because this impacts every aspect of our lives, for several reasons. there's the obvious sharing every life decision with a multitude of others with their own personalities and opinions, but did is a trauma based disorder and thus has a lot of symptoms of trauma. did is usually concurrent with ptsd and c-ptsd, and often others. this is bc dissociation is a learned (unhealthy) coping mechanism where we put ourselves literally anywhere but the physical present rw to avoid trauma at a young age, which impacts development of the personality (talking specifically about did). did is... so much more than having brain friends, its freaking out bc someone used a specific tone of voice even if it's not meant maliciously. it's coming to front and having no clue where you are or what's going on. it's being held accountable for actions you have no memory of (and are often out of character). it's often dealing with depression, anxiety, flashbacks, anxiety attacks... you get the point lol
the group of people isn't the disability, it's how traumagenic systems form that cause them to be disabilities, and how that affects daily life. that sounds contradictory. it's... not that any specific alter is debilitating, but the cause of the condition (trauma) and the effects of the condition (dissociative amnesia, etc) that make it a disability. does that make sense?
and you've been nothing but respectful! but thank you for checking, it means a lot to us, truly.
feel free to send more asks/reply to this if you have any more questions or need any clarifications in regards to this (we've been awake for far too many hours lol). also we love talking about our system and info dumping about our diagnosis/diabilities lol
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iwantitiwriteit · 4 years
Slow Burn: Act 1 - Part 4
The Game Night
Pairing: Chris Evans x Famous!Reader
Summary: Game night with your cast and crew turns into a silent game of cat and mouse between you and Chris.
Warnings: Profanity, Sexual connotations, drunken silliness
Notes: This one was a fun challenge for me. Wanted to make sure there was a decent amount of conflict, but it was hard cos I am the queen of avoiding drama IRL; literally don’t know how that shit starts lol. Enjoy! Read the previous part here and check out the moodboard + music here.
Lush, autumnal trees that have yet to drop their leaves become more abundant and houses fit for large families grow farther apart as your Uber takes you from the bustling Boston city into the neighboring suburbs. Over the last few weeks, between staying with your sister in her Boston brownstone and filming on location on Harvard’s campus, you’ve become familiar with the urban terrain. You’re looking forward to the slowness of the suburbs, even if it’s just for an evening. It’s an experience you missed since being on tour non-stop. Always in an airport, then some large city, then on stage, in front of thousands. The quiet of the suburbs had evaded you the past few years, so you welcomed it with open arms.
“Whatcha got back there?” You had hoped having your earbuds in would keep talking at bay, but Charlie, the older gentleman driving your Uber, had other plans. The stress of his vowels lets you know he’s Boston born and bred. “I won’t say it smells bad, just… interesting!” 
In the backseat with you are a ton of old, dusty games you borrowed from your sister, but no matter how musky, you know he’s talking about the aromatic platters of food. “Oh, it’s um, samosas.”
“Orange juice and bubbly got the cah smelling like that?!”
You giggle slightly at his misunderstanding, “Not MImosa; SAmosa. Here, try one.” You hand Charlie a fried savory pastry.
He screws his face at it, the sight obviously foreign to him. “What is it?”
“It’s a fried pastry with some really flavorful potatoes and peas on the inside. Go on! You’ll love it!”
Charlie takes a tentative bite, then widens his eyes as the food hits his palate. You both begin to nod at each other slowly, knowingly.
“Good right?”
“So good! Where’d you get this?”
“From the Indian place on Columbia.”
“Oh I know that place! Pass it all the time, never go in. Smells weird.”
“It doesn’t smell weird; it’s just different to you. But now that I’ve introduced you to something on the menu, it won’t be so foreign to you, now will it?”
“You know what, you’re right! Next time I pass by, I’ll order me some, um, what’s this called again?”
“Yeah, samosa. Thanks miss!”
“No problem.” You love introducing others as well as yourself to new cultures, part of the reason you don’t mind being on the road so much.
“Wanna know something? My Ma has a restaurant on Columbia, too.”
“Oh yeah? What’s it called?” You ready your phone to look it up, but Charlie is already handing you a takeout menu. “Thanks. ‘L'amore Della Madre’. Mother’s Love?”
“Sì! Puoi parlare Italiano?”
“No, at all. I can read a little if I go slow and the words are short, but that’s just about it.”
“Well if you come by, tell ‘em Charlie sent you, and you’ll get free Italian lessons!”
“No, but they’ll treat you like family and you’ll learn all the bad words you’ll ever need to know.” You both laugh as you pull up to a gate with a call box. You tell Charlie the passcode to let you through —‘Harvard Hottie’, to which he quirks his brow at you through the rear view mirror.
“My friend thinks very highly of himself,” you laugh as you think about how excited Scott was to make that the passcode. He’s been highly excited in general about having some of cast and crew over for game night, insisting it was a great way to bond and team build.
“Your friend has got some money, huh?” Charlie remarks as he drives the stretch of winding road along a sizable amount of land before there’s a grand but understated farmhouse in view. Yeah, I guess so. Scott is living well. Good for him.
The car parks in front of the house, and you bid farewell to Charlie, gifting him another samosa for the road. “Thanks sweetheart, and I’ll see you at Ma’s sometime soon, yeah? We’ll get you set up with a nice Italian boy, ok?”
What is with everyone and setting me up?? “Least of my worries, Charlie. Least of my worries.” You collect your cumbersome party offerings and head for the door, then ring the doorbell with your pinky, as it’s the only appendage you can get free. As you struggle to balance the things in your hand, the door opens. You have a nervous smile ready to greet whatever familiar face that will be on the other side of the door, but it fades into a nervous confused expression as you take in the unexpected, but familiar face opposite yours.
There you are: dumbfounded and face to face with the one person you dutifully have not thought about or seen in the last few weeks since New York. Chris stands across the threshold looking widely at you, just as you are at him. You stare at each other for a few more seconds before you fumble with the stuff in your hands, Chris catching them effortlessly.
“Woah there, I’ll get those for you.”
“No, it’s ok.” The two of you do an awkward little dance trying to keep the things from falling. Just then, Scott comes from another room to greet you, but is met with the sight of you and Chris, each holding a little bit of everything, and one another, in order to keep the things between your bodies from hitting the floor. Scott can’t help but smirk at the two of you before coming over to help some of the things out of your hands. He’s quick to leave you alone with Chris, disappearing around a corner.
“Um… it’s good to see you again…”
“Uh-huh, that’s nice. SCOTT! Can I talk to you a moment?” you say as you go in the direction Scott disappeared in. You’re brought to a large, homey kitchen. You take in the simplistic decor, modern but rustic design and clean state of it. Scott was at the counter, already digging into the samosas and looking through your tattered game selection.
“I thought you said this was a cast and crew get together. What’s your brother doing here?”
“Well, I'm staying with him while we’re filming; couldn’t just kick him out of his own house! Besides, he hosts a WICKED game night and offered to help.”
“What’s with y’all Bostonians and ‘wicked’? Like, who the hell actually says that?”
“Plus I figured you guys hit off ‘cos he only asked me about a million times if you were coming…”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. Yeah, yeah, whatever. Knowing you couldn’t badmouth your costar and new friend’s brother, even if he had done so about you, you were careful with your answer.
“Look, I know what you and Mackie are up to and you gotta stop.”
“What EVER do you mean?”
You clench your teeth at his faux ignorance. “You know what I mean! Stop trying to set me up with your brother, or anyone for that matter. I need to focus on our film, ok?”
“Hey, is everything ok?” Chris comes to check on you and Scott.
“Yep, everything’s everything!” Scott turns to you, “I’m gonna go let everyone know you're here and that we’ll be starting in a few.” Scott excuses himself with a wink at you.You and Chris stand a few apart, stiff as rods. This literally couldn’t get more uncomfortable.
Thinking that if you gave Jimi the coffee and flowers, and focused on your work, you could magically disappear Chris from existence. You let yourself believe that you’d *unrealistically* never see him again, while Chris made sure that wouldn’t be the case. When he didn’t get a response for his green room gift, he knew he’d have to apologize in person, but he didn’t think too much about what he'd say.
Chris breaks the silence. “Soo, how’s filming going?”
You look at him, head tilted, eyes squinted, nose scrunched. Really? That’s what you’ve got to say to me right now?
“Right… that was—  listen, I—“
“Where’s your bathroom?” you interrupt him.
“Uh, down that hall to the left.”
“Thanks.” You briskly make your way there and whip out your phone. Glancing over your shoulder, you see Chris face palming himself. As soon as you’re in the bathroom, you FaceTime Jimi.
“Hey hun! What’s up?”
“Girl, he’s here!” Your voice is panicked.
“Use more descriptive words honey. Who is where?”
“Chris is here at the game night!”
“Ooookay… and that’s a problem because...”
“Because he’s gonna ask me why I didn’t respond to his apology gift and I’m gonna say what? ‘Cos it was lame attempt after you grossly offended me after playing nice in my face all night. Like dude, I thought we vibed!’” You catch your breath before you start again. “Jimi, I may act like I want the smoke, but I really don’t! What do I do?”
“First off, take a chill pill. Secondly, just steer clear, and be neutral. Play nice, but don’t get too friendly. No need to make this bigger than it is.”
You exhale at your friend’s rationality. “Ok. Ok, I can do that!”
“Yeah you can! I have faith in you! Now, leave me alone until tomorrow, I’m catching up on Insecure and this ice cream is NOT gonna finish itself. Love you, bye!” You hang up with Jimi, and repeat “steer clear, be neutral, play nice, not friendly” as a mantra, while opening your messages. You text your sister to remind her to pick you up at 10pm. She offered since she knew you’d be drinking and said she didn’t want her “drunk, famous little sister in an Uber at night. They might hold you for ransom!” Simultaneously annoyed and endeared by her concern, you accepted her offer. She replies affirmatively.
Slowly opening the bathroom door, you poke your head out, checking to see that the coast is clear of Chris. When you find that it is, you step out and exhale.
“OH SHIT!” You jump at the sound of Chris’ voice behind you, clutching your imaginary pearls.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.” He chuckles a bit, but stops as you side eye him. She's not gonna make this easy. He clears his throat. “Um, I was hoping I could talk to you for a few—“
“Hey Kid! Scott said you were here!” Mackie pulls you in for a hug. You hadn’t seen each other all week because you hadn’t shared scenes with him. “What’s up with ya?”
“Oh ya know… same old, same old,” you say with a shrug. You look over to Chris who's rubbing his neck.
“Hey!! Party in the hallway!” Ansel joins the three of you in the hallway already a little tipsy. “What are parlaying about?”
“Not how you use that word.” Ansel boops your nose as the hallway fills with a couple more people, and you were never more grateful for your overly personable, slightly invasive film family. You squeeze out of the “hallway party” towards the living room, relieved to have escaped interaction with Chris, but unsure of if you would be so lucky the rest of the night. 
The group of about 30 cast and crew members congragate in the living room and are split into 2 teams: Team 1 In A Million and Team A-fucking-mazing. Team 1 In A Million includes you, Scott, and Jaden while Team A-fucking-mazing has Mackie, Ansel and your director, Sonya.
“Wait, we only have 14, they have 15!” Mackie complains.
“No need to whine, Mackie. Chris, I know you were gonna hang back some tonight, but you mind joining their team?” Scott gestures to the opposite team and Chris reluctantly joins them. He sits with his team on the end of the sofa across from you. He’s dressed like the big brother of a fraternity: cap on backwards that pulls his hair away from his crystal blue eyes, too tight t-shirt that show off his bulging biceps, basic jeans that accentuate his long legs, and a plain pair of color coordinated Nike’s, a size who knows, you just notice how big they are, and quite frankly, you find it all… mouth-watering. He offers you a shy smile and shrug, but you look away before you could melt and forget why you’re icing him in the first place. Chris just sighs to himself.
The games get under way, drinks and conversation are flowing, while both teams compete in a series of minute-to-win-it games. You forget about Chris long enough to have some real fun. Not really one for smack talk, though you love healthy competition, on-the-spot made-up cheers to hype up your teammates is your specialty. Every once in a while, you’ll look up mid-smile or laughter and catch Chris looking and smiling at you. Your expression immediately resolves into a neutral one, and Chris’ heart sinks every time.
“This next one is called ‘Blow Ball’.” Scott announces.
“That’s what she said,” Jaden jokes, and you just shake your head, barely laughing.
“Thank you for that, Jaden. When the timer starts, each player must use only their breath to blow the 73 blue ping pong balls off the pizza tray, while at the same time keep the 3 yellow ping pong balls on the tray. Any questions?”
Jaden raises his hand. “So you’re saying the players have to blow on the blue balls until they get off?” Chris does his classic, boisterous belly laugh, and you’re inclined to smile and sigh to yourself. I forgot how good that sounds.
“You’re exhausting, Jaden. Ok teams, pick your representatives!” After some deliberation, you’re chosen to go for your team, insisting you had the best breath control. You turn from your huddle to see who your opponent is. Of. Fucking. Course.
“May the best player win,” Chris offers his hand to you to shake.
“I intend to,” you reply, slapping his hand away and the group erupts in instigating chorus of “ooo’s”. There’s even a “you gone take that Cap?!” from Mackie. Under normal circumstances, Chris would’ve found your cockiness cute, attractive even. But seeing as you snubbed his apology, have been avoiding him all night, and consistently let your face fall at the sight of him, he couldn’t help but take it personally.
“Alright, alright,” Scott calms everyone down. “On your mark, get set, go!”
The two of you set to work on your trays. Chris struggles to get strong enough breaths out to move the balls thanks to the amount of beers he’s already thrown back and his distracting thoughts. What’s up with this girl? Why won’t she accept my apology? Is she really that full of herself?
Meanwhile, you breezed through your ping pong balls, moving them off the tray with your controlled breath with ease. A couple minutes pass of you going at your trays, your team ridiculously rowdy thanks to the copious amount of alcohol consumed at this point. You’re down to the last few blue ping pong balls on your tray, careful not to blow the yellow ones off.
You look up slightly at Chris who has a little ways to go before catching up to you. You lock eyes with him. He then flicks his eyes down to your tray and notices there’s just a single blue ball between you and victory. He brings his eyes back up to yours, then to your Fenty-glossed lips that are serving him a cocky grin, which turns into a soft ‘O’ as you puff out just enough air to skid the last blue ball off your tray and onto the floor. You win.
You both rise slowly, maintaining strong eye contact, but it’s broken as your team crowds and rough houses you like you’ve just won the Super Bowl. Jaden puts a beer bottle to his mouth like a microphone. “So here we are with the most badass, bodacious Blow Ball player in the land. Tell us, how does it feel to bring your team to victory?” he asks you in his best broadcaster voice.
You patronize him because you’re having fun. “Well, you know, I couldn’t have done it without their support… and my Grammy-award winning singer’s lungs baby!” There’s another round of rowdiness from your team, but looking over at Chris, your smile falters for a different reason. He seems unamused by your antics. What’s his deal? You don’t stay looking at Chris for long, as your team turns you around for more drunken celebration.
“I want to challenge you to a game of beer pong.” Chris pipes at you amongst the loud chatter.
Your back is to him, as you were talking to one of your teammates. You only look over your shoulder as you reply. “Challenge all you want, but I don’t wanna. We won. That’s it. Move on.”
“What, you’re scared cos it’s not in your element you won’t win?” The group quiets down as you turn to face Chris. Studying his face, you come up with nothing, unable to read him. He’s joking, right?
Your mantra about steering clear and playing nice are gone from your tipsy brain. “No, but I’m sure your confidence is coming from the fact that it’s well in your element.” You approach him, sizing him up as he looks down at you.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Despite your best efforts, you had been watching him tonight. The more drinks he threw back, the more bro-ish he became. Hella loud, overly competitive, with unsolicited coaching. It gave you a headache, but you brushed it off until now.
“Nothing, just that some of us,” motioning to yourself, “spent our college days studying, while others,” poking his chest, “got their frat on. Hence why beer pong is right up your alley.”
“Jokes on you: I didn’t go to college.”
“That explains why you think ‘brown’ and ‘mouth’ rhyme,” you say low enough for only him to hear. So she got the gift... There’s a pang in his chest and it’s evident to you in his eyes. The look he gives pains you and causes you to soften your features.
“So are we gonna do this or what?” says Ansel, mouth full of samosa, cutting the heady moment.
The next 30 minutes are a complete blur. There’s yelling, cheering, sneering, and shit talking. Cup after cup of beer is thrown back on your end as Chris whoops your ass at this game, just like you knew he would. By the end of it you are thoroughly drunk, having reached tipsy quite a few games back. His team swamps him in congratulations, but his eyes stay on you, his face still unreadable.
You’re not a sore loser, you swear it, you just couldn’t take the unsaid tension with Chris any longer, and excused yourself. You find a quiet corner to take a breather and an opportunity to text your sister to remind her to pick you up at 10. She says she’ll be there.
“Hey, cute doggie!” You notice the pooch perched on an oversized ottoman and sit next to, not bothering to make it to a chair. You read his tag. Dodger.
“Aaahhh. Chris’ best boy and dysfunctional codependent,” you recall from when the night you met in New York a few weeks ago. “Tell me, is he always this, this… frustrating?” You drawl out. Dodger just responds with a light bark as you scratch behind his ears to his delight.
You enjoy the dog’s company for a few minutes longer until he gives an alerting bark, causing you to look in the direction of the patio that you’d just left. You look up and can see double the Chris approaching. Not even thinking twice, you crawl out of the sitting area and into the next room where most everyone is now sobering up and playing low energy board and card games. You, however, are frantically looking for somewhere to avoid Chris.
Once Chris reaches, he only finds a happily panting Dodger, that he crouches down next to. “She’s seriously avoiding me, huh Bubba?” Dodger barks then licks Chris’ face, as if to say, “Yeah dude, give it up.” How childish.
9:55 pm rolls around and you are waiting at the front door for your ride like a kid on the curb of their school. All night has been an exhausting game of cat and mouse between you and Chris, and you appreciate the moment of solace in his foyer. The ringtone for your sister fills the room, and you put your phone to your ear.
“But Lynn, you offered!” Chris hears an anxious voice from his spot in the kitchen and walks in its direction to investigate.
“You didn’t just find that out! Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!” As he gets closer, he identifies it as your voice. There you are, at his front door, coat and purse, ready to leave the festivities, and scoffs. Last to arrive, first to leave.
“Are you kidding me right now? I don’t need you to send me money! I’ve got money! Money is not the issue here!” Chris raises his brows to your statement. He has no idea who you’re yelling at like that, but it’s not helping your case in his mind.
“Yeah, whatever. Just don’t even breathe in my direction tomorrow.” Stupid sister, and her stupid bowling league. You continue to mumble to yourself as you assess your options. Seeing as you didn’t want to interrupt anyone’s good time, and want to get the hell out of there ASAP, you decide to just take an Uber anyway.
One last try. “Everything ok?” You look up to see Chris, eyes glossy from drunkenness, red from tiredness, nursing a water bottle and leaning on the archway.
“Yeah,” you say, not meeting his eyes, hoping he’d go away. When he didn’t, you moved closer to the door, hoping he’d get the picture then. Steer clear.
“Leaving already?”
“Uh-huh.”  Be neutral.
“We were just about to cue up some karaoke. I’d love to hear what those singer’s lungs could do.” You loved karaoke. But not tonight. Not with him.
“You all enjoy; I’m not in the mood.” Play nice, not friendly.
That’s it, I’ve had it with her cold shoulder! “Wanna know something? I was wrong about you.”
“Is that so?” You brace for another cringey apology.
“Yeah… You’re not an airheaded, wannabe popstar. You’re an arrogant, childish diva.”
You’re taken aback, but not entirely surprised. You can see how he got to this conclusion. What with you icing him all night, taking digs at him, and if he was in that archway long enough, that conversation with your undependable sister could have sounded diva-ish out of context. It’s a complete misjudgment of you, but you can’t help but think you started it. “Oh yeah?”
“Hell yeah.” The two of you meet in the middle of the foyer for your second stand off tonight.
“You wanna know what you are?”
“I get the feeling you’re about to tell me.”
“You’re a fickle, judgmental bro dude.”
“Bro dude?”
“Yeah! A bro dude! You're good at beer pong, you flirt relentlessly, try to get in my head, and get pissed and start calling names the second you realize you’re not getting the time of day.”
“Oh honey you wish I was flirting!”
“Is everything alright in here?” Scott appears in the archway his brother was in just moments before.
“Yeah, I was just going; my Uber’s here.” Your ride share arrived just in time to save you from any further wanton ridicule.
“Uber? I— or someone can drive you home.” Chris says as he grasps your elbow.
“More of your mixed signals. Save the fake concern for someone who’s got the time, cos it ain’t me.” Taking back your arm in a huff, you leave for your waiting ride.
“Woah... what was that about?”
“I… I’m gonna call it a night. I’ll help cleanup in the morning.” Chris kisses his brother goodnight, one last drunken act before retiring for the night. Scott is left in the foyer stunned, as Mackie comes to see what’s holding him up.
“Hey man, where’s Chris and— are they… ya’know?” Mackie gives a suggestive look, bumping Scott with his elbow. “I know you felt that tension, that sexual tension!”
“No, they’re not— They just had some intense words, and she left and he went to bed— alone.”
“What?! What happened?”
“I don’t know but we gotta think of something. They can’t hate each other!”
“Yeah, we’ll think of something… after we sing some karaoke. I’ll be Diana if you’ll be Lionel.”
“No, I’m definitely more Diana, you be Lionel!”
Part 5
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 17: Just Throw em on the Murder Pile
Ah, week one of the Stay-at-Home mandate. After a week of getting so little work done, I decided to get Animal crossing so I could get away from the people I live with to our own little virtual islands. So, I spent my time, fishing so many fishes and bugs for the the museum that wasn’t open yet, placing them all over the island so I could use them later. Went to bed having done all this wonderful work, my masterpiece, my beautiful island.
The next day I woke up an hour later than my brother, who spent that time logging into Animal Crossing, not realizing he was sharing an island with me (for some reason you only get one island per switch, which was a decision they made???) and he was like “the hell are all these fish everywhere?” So he sold all of them, made himself an Oricalchos shirt and a Yami third eye in the fashion editor, and then used all my fish money to buy so many oil drums and put them all over the trash side of his island.
I was asleep one hour. One single hour. It is all trash oil drums and fire and a poorly drawn Oricalchos t-shirt.
Ah, the irony when you get a game to escape the people you live with only to realize that you share the location of the game itself--with those same people. The irony. 
So anyways, we found out that our efforts were futile anyway, long story short we sort of...soft locked this children’s game, and had to restart the entire island. lol.
So while I recover from that shock, lets talk about Yugioh.
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They’re still on the Caltrain and Yami is still appearing to have a lot of difficulty remembering how to use cards without Yugi. But, we find out at the end of the episode, he’s mostly just pretending to have difficulty. We’ll get to why this bluff is so mind boggling later--Yami just has a lot of weird layers to him, and most are just so...so lovingly stupid.
Anyway, Timaeus doesn’t work with him now, but honestly it wasn’t clear why Timaeus ever did in the first place since Yami is both two people and a dead person at the same time. Yami shouldn’t exist.
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This doesn’t matter in the end, because Yami is good at cards when he isn’t actively trying to get cursed to give himself a handicap like he did with Raphael.
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Unlike Yami, Joey decides to reflect upon the moral consequences of Hella Killing a Guy, which youknow...should mess you up a little bit.
But obvi, Rex has to die for the plot to move forward, so RIP.
(more RIP under the cut)
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Yugioh made sure to give Rex a big send off that took waaaaay longer than Gurimo, just saying.
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Just two u’s, sleeping so pleasantly.
And I’m just guessing, ps, but I feel like it’s a good guess. I feel like this wasn’t like this in the original.
Back at the train that should be crossing the ocean at this point, Weevil has pulled out some misdirection. Knowing that Yami has been misdirecting Weevil this entire time, it is just so baffling that he’d totally fall for this.
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If someone did this to Seto Kaiba--that I would believe, instantly. But to Yami? OK there, Yami.
Mind you, Yami is grieving, and he’s not mentally all there in both the literal sense and in the mental sense, but wow, Yami. You fell for that.
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Yami has lost his entire mind and is just kind of winging it until he gets arrested.
He has no reason to be better than this. He’s like “FML. I’m gonna go ape, I don’t freakin care”
Like, Yami has this anger problem, which the show has said out loud a few times this season, but we haven’t really seen too often in previous seasons to a great degree. So we have to give him some places where he can demonstrate getting super pissed, to make up for the fact that Yami’s character developed has mostly been about “I’m too lonely and cursed to make friends, Yugi.” and “I’m DEAD, Yugi, I don’t want to learn about my history.” and “Gods why are you always making problems for me to solve for you, Kaiba?”
Not saying he hasn’t been mad and vengeful before this moment, but he hasn’t been as explosive before this season--it’s always been a chill anger, a quietly menacing kind of crazy, youknow? But...characters change. Yami’s developed to be different now and that’s fine. Being pissed someone killed your soul bud that you share a body with, I feel, is a natural thing to be pissed about.
But, Yami is permanently in a state of anger and brooding since Yugi left, despite being pretty chill for most of the past 4 seasons. It’s like the first time we get to experience Yami be Just Yami since the beginning of Season 1 and it’s a completely different Yami anyway.
I guess this is to point out that they really did rely on the other to complete their personality. Which is weird, but that is a thing you do with people that you’re spend a ton of time with--you kind of forget how to do things solo.
Like there was this interesting study where they took married people and asked them simple grade school questions, and they answered them fine when they were together in the same room. But, when they were separated--they suddenly would blank on random stuff. They couldn't remember capitals or multiplication tables--simple stuff. But people who were single, were able to do these things fine alone or with a friend.
People who spend a hell ton of time together learn to help eachother answer the questions as a team, and the parts of the brain you use to like...memorize capitals and multiplication might decay because there’s someone else who will just always do it for you.
So anyway, the takeaway I get from this is that the part of Yami and Yugi that could read if Weevil is lying was Yugi and that’s a lot to take in. Yugi might be smarter than Yami? Weird. Low bar, but weird.
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So, Yami won’t need to justify to himself like Joey, he’s just gonna kill this guy outright. Immediately. There was some card shenanigans, and I guess he had the opportunity to beat him even further after he was dead? I didn’t fully pay attention to the card logic but it was so brutal that Tea had to get involved.
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She was quicker to save even S1 Seto Kaiba, just throwing that out there. Tea was like “I’ll step in between you two, but I’ll be run really slow about it.”
I think she was more worried about Yami going dark than Weevil who’s...already dead. And again, you don't have to worry about Yami going dark. I say it a lot but he’s a dark wizard. This is kind of his zone.
And then, they actually touched for the first time in like--kind of a lot of episodes. I kind of forgot about this ship.
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How come when she’s wrestling him it looks more like a hug than the few times they’ve hugged? These writers, man. They’re just...so close to figuring out how to write a ship but just so, so far away.
I just want to remind y’all that the Oricalchos broke Valon’s arm but Tea and Tristan just walked away because they’re that hulk IRL.
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I just love that Yugi is so short that Tea has to be on a ladder below him in order to have this pose happen.
After that awkward moment that Yami lost his entire mind and killed a guy, he had another weird moment where he just...looked down at his hands and was like “I’m the real monster?????”
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He didn’t think about the moral consequences until AFTER he killed Weevil. And honestly, that feels a lot more like the Yami I know. That was maybe the most Yami thing he did this episode. Reminder, they got into this train duel while trying to stop a runaway train, and they did nothing about that.
So anyway, how’s this train going?
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(San Jose has over one million residents but don’t tell Yugioh.)
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And then, sadly, I had to say goodbye to my penultimate favorite character in Yugioh, second only to the storyboarder. Goodbye, forever.
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At least the death sequence for the Caltrain seemed appropriately long, as it should be. Rex’s went ON but the Caltrain? Lets get that slowmo pan for it. Goodbye, first train in Yugioh (that wasn’t shaped like a dragon.)
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And I just figured it was Darts who did this, but apparently Darts was just as upset as I was when he saw that train derail and then soar 500 feet above the track like a figure skater.
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First off congrats to Darts’ fluffy as hell lower eyelash extensions, I’m lowkey jealous.
Second off, every year on the ballot we get a measure that wants to funnel money into the Caltrain. Every single year. It almost never passes, and when it does, the money sort of vanishes into the aether. It’s really annoying.
To think that THIS ineptitude is what helped Darts loose track of Yami and I’m going to assume save the whole damn world.
I can’t believe the auto lobby and the corrupt Caltrain management just saved the world like that.
I can’t believe that’s Canon to Yugioh.
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My expression when I found out that after we just mercifully cut the cast by two, they decided to stick in this new guy?
Ugh a new guy.
So Yugi and Tea do say at the end “you ok?” “yeah” so it’s nice that Tea can survive a train crash off a cliff into a ditch. Tea, and this reincarnated ghost. God tier.
Anyway if you just got here, this is a link to read these in order
I feel like I say every week “ah, I finally have time to catch up” but I still post at exactly the same rate anyway but...I guess we’ll see, huh?
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gerbitsold · 5 years
which packs do you think of absolute musts then? ep, gp and sp
okay here’s what I got for ya ‘non (put under a read more bc it’s a p big post):
Seasons: adds a butt ton of depth to gameplay with holidays, calendars, and ofc weather/seasons
Get to Work: pairs nicely with almost every pack bc of the fact that you can basically create any type of business that you want. I don’t use the interactive careers much but I think owning businesses adds a little extra something to the game.
Cats & Dogs: tbh my game is never complete without this pack bc I’m a huge animal person. I wish it was done better but what can ya do
City Living: honestly I just like the apartments lol
Discover University gets an honorable mention bc it’s SO new but so far I’ve been entertained immensely and it just feels different than most packs. plus the CAS items alone are worth the money.
Parenthood: This pack adds SO MUCH to your family gameplay!!! I will forever recommend this as my #1 GP
Outdoor Retreat: It’s truly underrated imo, I love what it adds to my game and I send my sims camping way more than I thought I ever would considering I loathe camping irl.
Dine Out: This pack is buggy af but it’s really good for getting your sims out of the house :D
Toddler Stuff: Listen, the more toddler stuff you have in game the better.
Kids Room Stuff: See above. But for kids. Also voidcritters.
Movie Hangout: Another pack to get your sims out of the house, I used to have a bunch of movie theaters popped in my saves!
Bowling Night: More things to get your sims out of the house, yay!
Spooky Stuff (but ONLY if you have Seasons): Pairs SUPER well with seasons, that’s about it. If you don’t have seasons, skip this one.
Laundry Day: I’ll throw it on here bc it ads realism I guess, also the stuff that comes with it is nice ^^
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lexosaurus · 5 years
Do you ever feel lonely being asexual? I feel like none of my friends understand what it's like and it's so isolating and terrifying and I feel do broken. Have you ever felt this way? How do you handle it? Sorry if this is too personal.
Hey anon! I hope you’re okay! I also hope you’re ready for a long post because that’s what this turned out to be!
Firstly, you are NOT alone. I think every ace feels this way at somepoint or another. It’s super common, especially since there really aren’t many out-aces, there’s virtually no actually helpful resources out there for aces, and most people legit have never heard of asexuality or believe it to be something that can be cured either through sexual acts or medication. The fact of the matter is, that being asexual is very much an isolating experience and it can be really really hard to become comfortable with.
For me, I grew up in a conservative town in a liberal state. So while no one was outwardly aggressive towards lgbt people which gave me a false sense of security, coming out was ROUGH. I lost all of my friends to the point where in highschool I wasn’t allowed in a party that everyone else in my grade went to, I got in a massive fight with my mom and ended up having to move out for a few weeks (don’t worry, we’re super close now), and I ended up going back in the closet which only ended up with me being coerced into having sex a bunch until I finally reached my breaking point. I realized I had to figure this out or I was gonna lose it.
Moving away from that environment was probably one of the main ways that I was able to start feeling okay. I moved to a nearby city, dropped all my old friends, made new ones, joined new activities, etc etc. I made sure my new friends knew I was ace pretty much right away, but I didn’t really talk about it past the casual, “Yeah, I’m asexual. I’ll date anyone but I won’t have sex with anyone. It hurts my body and I don’t like it.” and then that was it. I mean, I answered the inevitable questions that followed as if no, they weren’t dumb questions or invasive, even if maybe deep down I thought they were. But other than that it was just a casual mention, made sure they were chill with it, and then moved on.
And knowing that my friends were totally 100% okay with me being ace was like the best thing ever. They don’t UNDERSTAND being asexual on a deep level, (not even now after 3 years of living together), but I don’t understand how their sexualities function on that deep level either. It’s a two way street. And sometimes with people I’ll even ask them, “Okay but how do you KNOW that you like like someone like that?” and then they’ll have to take a step back and be like, “Oh shit, I guess it’s just innate. Oh damn I’ve never thought about this. Huh. Wtf.” You know, just showing curiosity in their feelings and showing that it’s okay to ask “obvious” questions really does a lot.
But tbh, my friends and I now will talk music or memes way before we’ll talk lgbt stuff. And half my friends are lgbt too. I just chose new friends who I connected and related to on deep levels that had nothing to do with sexuality at all.
The second big thing I did, and this is gonna sound counter-productive, was I unfollowed every ace-centered blog on Tumblr. No joke. I went through my followers and unfollowed EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. I found that a lot of ace blogs, even ace-positive blogs, made me feel good for a second when I saw those ace-positive posts, but in the long run they ended up being really detrimental. Thinking about asexuality like something that needs constant validation is not healthy, no matter how positively it’s presented.
I was in a place where being asexual wasn’t normal in my head and I needed to normalize it, not validate it. Because validating asexuality comes AFTER normalizing it, not the other way around. So I needed to not constantly think about it or read about it or see it all the time. I needed to just watch it casually in modern media (aka watch Bojack Horseman and Saiki K on Netflix), talk about it with REAL PEOPLE irl in casual conversation occasionally, and just in general start looking at it like something as normal and mundane as my brown hair or dark eyes. Asexuality isn’t special, it’s not cool, it’s not sad either, it’s just another normal thing that contributes to me as a person.
So now when a follower reblogs an ace-positive post, I feel good. Like truly good. Not that fleeting good that will disappear in 30 secs and remind me that “oh yeah, there are a lot of people out there that hate aces.” I just get an occasional reminder that, “Oh yeah! I’m ace! Nice! I’m dope af!” 
But being asexual isn’t like in my “top 5 qualities” list. I don’t write my bios and put my asexuality at the top of my “about me.” In fact, I don’t even think i wrote that im asexual in my about me on tumblr lol. It’s not that I don’t like asexuality, it’s just so normal to me I’m just kinda like “oh yeah im ace. i have dark eyes. and 10 fingers. surprise! Okay now back to the good stuff…”
Also, a bit of a sidetrack, but that “everyone’s valid” culture on tumblr is actually super toxic and not good. And so getting away from that is v helpful to your mental health.
The last thing that I did that helped me a lot was actually a bit of a coincidence but I met a girl irl who was my coworker who happened to be asexual too. We worked together for like a year, we totally vibed and started hanging out together a ton, and then one day out of the blue she was like “yeah I’m pretty sure I’m ace too.” It was super dope and just having that one person that I could relate to like that who I also truly enjoyed hanging out with was like a breath of fresh air.
Finding a fellow ace irl that you vibe with can be tough. She wasn’t the first ace that I’d met, but I tend to be a rather blunt person and the previous aces I’d met were all through my school’s lgbt club and they tended to be,,,sensitive,,,(told me i was ableist because I talk loudly and my loud voice was insensitive to their sensory disorders like bitch i’ve got hearing problems i can’t solve but you CAN buy earplugs so lol thank u next byeee),,,BUT I DIGRESS, chill aces are hard to find but finding that one person is so nice. But I should say I was pretty much comfortable with being ace at that point. That was kind of the cherry on top. So if this isn’t available to you, which it doesn’t sound like it is, that’s okay. There are other things you can do in the meantime.
Also, I do have to add that much of the phandom happens to be asexual. Idk how that happened but it did.  So if you ever wanna talk ace-things, I’m sure so many people on here would be DOWN to talk ace stuff. I’ve done it before, it’s fun. They’re all rlly nice.
So yeah that was pretty much how I got from a place where I was so defeated about being ace from pretty much everyone around me to now I’m totally comfortable and normal with it to the point where I have turned several homophobes into lgbt-supporters because “fuck, Lexx is so chill and we vibe so hard but she’s lgbt??? i really like her as a person but she’s bi and ace??? hhhhhh,..,,,,i guess lgbt people are cool idk man ya wow ok.” (Legit one of these homophobes sent me screenshots a few months back where some kid was calling me a slur like on instagram or something and he was like “What, you mad cuz she won’t sleep with you? Get a life.” it was sweet 😊)
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