#but i got just a tad bit carried away xD
henbytheshore · 4 months
Headcanon for a character based on a word huh? Sounds fun!
Hmmmm... flowers (not a bouquet just general flowers) and Shane- two of my favorite things!
Idm if it's sfw or nsfw, you do whatever feels best ^^
Have a nice day! <3
Send me a word and a character, and I’ll write a headcanon related to that word! :D Please specify if you’d like it to be SFW or NSFW uwu
Heyo! Thank you for the ask! :D I have several headcanons, but a lot of them sorta fit in together xD
I apologise this may be a little rambly! xD
When it comes to flowers, Shane is pretty indifferent to them over all.
Sure, he thinks they're pretty, but outside of the bouquet? There's no point of giving him any, even as a romantic surprise.
He'll blush, sure, and be very flattered, but he'll be more confused over why you'd give him flowers.
They're sort of just there in this opinion.
(For in-game flowers) If he had to say his favourite flower? He'd probably just say Fairy Roses - simply because those are Jas's favourite, so they're the only one he knows anything about.
(For real-life flowers) If he had to say his favourite flower? He'd probably say 'Bluebells'.
I feel he prefers blue/purple flowers, so, Bluebells' work well for that. They're a nice Spring flower.
Really, the only thing he dislikes is that they're not good for the Hens, so he (alongside Jas and Marnie most likely), have the fun of grabbing them out of the ground before the Hens can have a taste.
Apart from that, sure, Bluebells are pretty.
Why Bluebells? From a Meta stand point is due to their symbolism.
Bluebells symbolise: humility, constancy, gratitude, and everlasting love. There's old folklore claiming that if you wear a crown of bluebells, you can only speak the truth, and that if you can turn a bluebell inside out without tearing it, you'll win the one you love.
And, aside from humility because he already had a very negative view of himself, I think Bluebells fit Shane as a person once you go through his heart events - and if you chose to marry him.
Constancy: he goes to therapy, he gets help with his alcoholism. He finds a consistency in life, a constant, better, way to help himself that wasn't getting drunk. I know the 14 heart event kinda fumbled it, in my opinion, but we do see he finds a new distraction with the arcade game as opposed to drinking constantly - or at least as much.
Gratitude: The first thing Shane does after the 6 heart event is come and speak to the farmer about it. To say he's getting help. You do get dialogue relating to him being very grateful to the farmer; even new lines of speech in the 1.6 update (which I won't write because potential spoilers) mention he seems happier and such. Shane shows a lot of gratefulness towards the farmer and such as the heart events go on. He even says, as one of his marriage dialogues: "When I stop and think about it...I'm in a good place. My life is pretty nice."
Everlasting Love: I feel like Shane is the ride or die sort of person. He may not be the most romantic guy out there; he can be romantic, just don't expect grand gestures. But he loves hard, and deep - to him, it's everlasting. Divorcing him will just completely destroy him which is why I can never do it I will just start new farms I'm too soft lmao xD. Point is, I feel like when Shane loves; he does it forever. Whether that be the farmer, whether it be Jas, whether it be those in his life that have passed away - he'll never stop loving them, no matter what. He likes to be gruff on the outside, but he's scared to get hurt again - he pushes people away before he feels more pain, but deep down, he's a marshmallow and full of just love that never ends ;3;
When it comes to gifting flowers to Jas? Oh he's going to do his best to grow them himself.
Sure he could just buy them from Pierre's, but, well, he feels it would mean more if he grew them himself yanno?
Though I feel like he does only actually grow them one time before deciding to buy flowers afterwards, because growing flowers is difficult u_u
Thing is, Shane does not have the greenest thumb. Animals, especially Chickens? Sure; man knows Chickens to the point I feel he could just look at a feather and identify the breed, whether they're a Hen/Rooster, age just from one look with terrifying accuracy.
But actually growing something? Oh the poor man is clueless u_u
Shane does try though! He even speaks to Evelyn about it - she's the one in charge of all the flowers around town after all, and it was very awkward of him to approach her to ask. But Evelyn is just everyone's Grandmother so I feel she's more than happy to teach him.
He also turns to you for help, somewhere for him to grow them where Jas can't find them - he'd hate to ruin his surprise.
Why go through the effort of growing flowers for Jas? Because she is the number one person in his life, and he'll always feel guilty for the things he said when he was at his lowest, the drinking, etc.
Jas's favourite flowers are Fairy Roses! So course he's growing those. He has the seeds, a garden pot from Grandma Evelyn, and whatever else he needs.
And then it turns out growing flowers is difficult. Too much water? It's dead. Too little water? Dead! A lot of flowers were sacrificed in this mans attempts u_u
But after about 10 dead flowers and a small break down to the farmer later because Yoba this is harder than it looks it's a flower why is it so difficult ??? He finally managed to have one success, and thankfully, it was even in Jas's favourite colour.
It was surprisingly stressful to grow flowers without killing them.
But seeing the way Jas's eyes lit up, the way she smiled brighter than the sun? Oh that made it worth it for him.
Even when she insisted on showing literally everyone the flowers Uncle Shane grew just for her
So similarly to Jas, I feel like Shane would try and grow the farmers favourite flowers
Except, of course, he won't tell the farmer because well, what's the point in that?
Now I don't think Shane is the most romantic person in the World. At least when it comes to gifting/gestures, things like that.
Totes a massive cuddler, and just enjoys physical affection. Laying on the couch watching Gridball together and eating microwaved pizza? Sounds like the best night ever.
But romantic gestures? He struggles. Not because he doesn't want to, but because he's always has that little self doubting voice in the back of his head. Wants to make the farmer their favourite meal? Oh but he might burn it, or cook it wrong, or give them food poisoning! Wants to watch a [insert genre] movie with you? Wait, you did say you like those movies right, oh the farmer looks bored maybe this was a bad choice?? Should he turn it off, or talk, ask what you think? Maybe you were tired from farming and he should've just suggested you guys go to bed??
Basically he is plagued with the thoughts u_u
But back to flowers!
He wants to do something nice to the Farmer, and the farmer grows a lot of stuff, so he's gonna try!
It goes as well as one would expect; essentially take what I wrote for Jas but, imagine its for the farmer instead xD
He does eventually manage to grow a pretty decent bouquet of [insert farmers favourite flower here]
He course gets those doubts, worries. What if these weren't the farmers favourite and he mis-remembered! Do they even like flowers???
But when he finally decides to give them to the farmer, with their partially wilted and creased petals, he murmurs about how he wanted to grow something nice for them.
And he see's the soft little glimmer to the Farmers eyes, the warm smile, the faint blush, and the struggle of trying to grow them made it all very much worth it
Especially when the farmer pressed a loving kiss to his cheek
But he's never doing it again it was stressful; if he wants to romance the farmer a little, he's sticking to microwaving a pizza for them
Okay admittedly most of these are more Shane and Jas head canons but they're based around the Flower Dance so I'm like lowkey cheating I guess? xD
Shane really does not enjoy the Flower Dance; he doesn't really get the appeal, nor does he like wearing that blue suit, and having to dance in front of the town. He finds it embarrassing.
He really only shows up for the food, and because Jas always wants to go
And I really think he finds it difficult to tell her 'no' ;3;
Anyway, he'd rather stay at home, but, he'll always show up whenever Jas asks him to
I feel everyone in town always wears some sort of flower with their outfit; something unique to them in a way yanno?
For Shane, he'd get that Fairy Rose, and, again, it's thanks to Jas. He knows they're her favourite, and well, he wouldn't know what else to pick.
Shane technically does the Flower Dance twice.
He does it once with either Emily, or the Farmer, during the actual event.
The other time? With Jas
Sometimes she asks him in the morning, before the actual event. She's bright and peppy, and teasing how he needs to practice before he dances with Emily/The Farmer.
He always blushes when Jas points that out.
But he also always agrees.
It's mostly Jas standing on his feet, holding onto him, while Shane carefully dances through the steps for her. She always giggles and talks about how she's going to be Flower Queen one day. Shane knows she will be.
Other times though, he dances with her at the end of the day. When the petals of the Fairy Rose he wears is slightly wilted and crumpled; when his suit was creased and in need of being dry cleaned and hung back up for another year.
She's tired, yes, but she can't miss a Flower Dance without an actual dance. And Shane can't miss dancing with his favourite person in the World.
Instead of letting her stand on his feet though, Shane will carefully lift her so she can rest on his hip. So she can cling onto him tight, and rest her head on his shoulder.
He's rock her back and forth, just dancing those familiar steps, Shane humming that Flower Dance music that he finds so stupid, but will be stuck in his head for weeks.
If the Fairy Rose he wears hasn't already been added to the compost pile, or wasn't completely wilted at that point, Shane will carefully take it from the breast pocket of his suit, and slide it into her hair.
And he'll dance with her, all night, way past her bed time, until she falls asleep, and he can carry her to her room to tuck her into bed.
He doesn't like the Flower Dance, but he'll dance it, he'll deal with it, because it makes Jas happy, and that's the most important thing to him.
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ferahntics · 2 years
Quiver Knight meeting Kirby
So I was originally gonna sketch out her interactions with other characters like Dedede and Tuff/Bun, but I got carried away with Kirby so here we go xD
Quiver is not the easiest to approach starting off. She used to be very open, but is much more reclusive now. Although bumping with Meta Knight after so many years would help her walls to be sliiightly easier to penetrate. Though let’s be honest, they wouldn’t be a problem for Kirby either way.
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Heck, hanging around Kirby would honestly help her be more like her old self, actually able to crack a genuine joke or harmless fun poking at others. She’s very observant too, and would be able to spot anything from a country mile - mostly just to throw jabs at someone, in this case, Meta Knight - because she’s familiar with him. The others not so much (read: not at all).
Now it wouldn’t be the smoothest sailing all the time. For years Quiver has been very reserved and locked up almost all her feelings after Robin’s incident. And Kirby would notice that, and would try to interact with her more - which in turn makes her back away more OR become snip-snappy. Though in Kirby’s case she’d probably just shoosh him away if he got a tad bit too prodding.
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But Kirby’s not exactly someone to back away from a potential friend, nevermind someone who he can feel is struggling with something. So it turns into a bit of a game of persistency, who can last the longest out of pure and utter stubbornness - one out of her own bad habit of brooding, and the other out of completely pure intentions on trying to give affection and love and care to the other.
Results are obvious.
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It’s never just this once.
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13eyond13 · 2 years
Sidoh and Ryuk (not necessarily in a romantic sense)? I thought they could be fun xD
Hahaha nice
Who is the most affectionate?
They're fairly evenly non-affectionate, but Ryuk brought Sidoh back a chocolate bar from the human realm once. And Sidoh can sometimes be convinced to help Ryuk scratch the harder-to-reach itches on his body with his long insect leg things 😅
Big spoon/Little spoon?
Sidoh would be the big spoon, because these arms were made for grabbing ♡
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Most common argument?
Ryuk is constantly bewildered by Sidoh's lack of self-preservation, Sidoh is constantly disapproving of Ryuk's recklessness
Favorite non-sexual activity?
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Cruisin' around the city together lookin' fly
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Ryuk would carry Sidoh somewhere, possibly out of exasperation
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Hahaha good question! I suppose maybe they both appreciate that each other have wings so they can fly around easily together?
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
They actually start remembering each other's names
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Who worries the most?
Oh, definitely Sidoh
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Sidoh is way too absent-minded for that. Ryuk remembers Sidoh's, but it doesn't mean he will willingly ever order it for him
Who tops?
Sorry for this, but Ryuk probably would... he's usually the one taking charge, haha
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Who initiates kisses?
Uh. Ryuk, because he actually has lips
Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Who kisses the hardest?
Sidoh is a bit of a lip biter, if that counts as kissing hard
Who wakes up first?
Ryuk. He doesn't like to stay still for very long
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Sidoh, that's his favourite place to be
Who says I love you first?
Neither of them ever say it, haha
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
Sidoh sticks one of his handmade fliers to Ryuk's lunch one day when he is looking for something he lost (that Ryuk probably stole)
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Sidoh does. He pretends Nu is his friend anyway, and likes to vent about his problems and tell her all about his life sometimes (maybe because she doesn't have any mouth to tell him to leave her alone). Ryuk never tells anybody, especially not Light
What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
The other shinigami are probably just like, weird... Ryuk must be trying to get that notebook from him again somehow
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Well, if the shinigami realm ever had dances then I suppose Sidoh's long arms would be great for reaching above Ryuk's head and giving him a nice little twirl
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Sidoh learned about making chocolate fondue at some point, and gets that going in a shinigami realm cauldron sometimes so he and Ryuk can dip some apple slices in it
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Ryuk, though Sidoh doesn't usually understand them most times
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Sidoh, and his whispers are ridiculously loud, so Ryuk is always like:
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Who needs more assurance?
What would be their theme song?
Uhh... [Two Time by Jack Stauber]
Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Kinda forget each other exist
One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
If Sidoh was just a tad more vigilant about protecting his property then like a million human lives could have been spared 😔
One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
...but at least he got to learn about the wonders of chocolate along the way?
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
💭 for all Raphs: Technology, Flowers, Regret, Change, and Dreams
| Send 💭+ a topic Kezzie whhhhy XD i'm put it under a read more for length mostly. I'm gonna included some au stuff only if I got something to say for it cause I can, but they will stay under the verse of the iteration I'll specify the au sections ofc. Any talking bits are main verse only tho. 87
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"Eh that's more Donatello's thing." Tech isn't really in Raph's skill set, sure he isn't the meat head many other Raphael are but it's still not something he deals with too much. Mostly due to growing a bit of a distaste for his twins inventions and ya know one making him feel like he was gonna die? Yeah raphs not the biggest fan with most technological things. Raph often feels tech isn't all it's cracked up to be seeing how often it sort of fails even. He thinks tech should stay simple as simple as possible at that. But don't mean he won't listen to his brother ramble about his inventions like he used to before. It's sort of how hes trying to meet his brother in the middle when it came to their argument |Flowers|
"Eh I don't think much about 'em, long as they aint mutant ones trying to eat me at least."
Flowers are nice and all but I can't really say Raph is much for flowers, nothing against them he just dont see the appeal himself. He thinks they are pretty of course, they are very pretty. The closest he has interest into flowers is he really like the Sunflower painting by Van gogh as stated Raphs dose has a like and interest in art himself so of course he tends to stray more that way.
But Flower also relate to romance so lets go there uwu
Raph figured out he was more in favor for men when it came to his attraction. Not sure he had a type he just knew what he found to draw his eye like a well dress guy in a suit and tie looks good. SO it is funny that Casey in his trash attire as Mikey would call it drew Raph's eyes. Casey is wild, crazy and totally violent and despite it Raphael took a liking to Casey right away. Raph's pretty hands on with his and Casey relationship not really holding back how he feels and Casey seems to take no issue with how over the top Raph can be. All took was for Casey to say he thought Raph was funny for those seeds to plant and turn more into love than just Raph having a crush. Raphael likes that Casey seems to like Raph for the things that are who Raphael is even when he sometimes feels those things might make him come short compared to the rest. He knows he can make Casey laugh and even feel loved and safe so he takes pride in that.
"...I regert not being a better brother."
Raphael loves his family its kind of all he really has, I mean that's a tad obvious of course. They are the only ones like them and I would say Raphael is pretty close to all his brothers to different degrees. Of course, he is sarcastic to them all but they seem pretty used to the snippy behavior he has demonstrate time and time again. Mostly they blow it off or get annoyed but that's just brothers for you. He is arguably the closest to Donatello. So any fight between them tends to carry more weight. Raphael still blames his and Donatello's fight on himself. From being a jerk towards his brother when it came to their inventions something that Donatello takes a lot of pride into. To not even being away they went through some heart break. Raph really wants to re patch things between especially after Don's time ad a little turtle again where he just spent time with them he's seeing he misses that and feels it is his own fault why that happened.
"Eh I don't change much i'm always as I come off."
I dunno if it fits but I'm going with it, I like that despite how negative Raphael can be when it comes to being hero sometimes first to make things out for humans to deal with themselves not understanding why it has to be them to fix the issue. Heck sometimes he doesn't even want to fight instead he pitches they just go home. Much like the time he got to go to the boat party, when seeing people need help? Raphael at his core dose in fact want to help. When he thought he was going to die it was how he wanted to go out even. Raphael can act selfish and sometimes he is even but even when humans don't always have the best opinion of them, Raph with change his tune because in truth he isn't that selfish that he won't help someone in need.
|Dreams| "You uh ya don't wanna be bored with what I dream about now would ya? Nah course not I bet that yappy Raphs dream got way more going on."
Raphael sometimes dreams about Casey, but not in a way you might think. He dreams about them and a life they maybe can have. Raphael has said it from the start he is nuts himself he don't know why he could see forever with Casey from the start he just knew it was what he wanted. He dreams of calling home the same place Casey dose. He dreams of mundane conversations about things being broken or needing to be fixed in their place. The idea of lounging on the couch with out having to worry about falling asleep because if he dose they can stay there all night or Casey could carry him to bed for the night. Maybe little foot steps are in those dreams he hasn't thought to much on that outside knowing he might have to keep telling Casey he can't lay eggs despite being a turtle u-u
Raphael just get's a bit too embarrassed this is something he dreams about just something so normal despite everything about himself, their relationship even Casey himself not being normal he likes to think they can have their own normal.
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"I ain't the geek of the team 'hat's Don's 'hing. Me? I rather break stuff, mostly bones. But ya want the best guy for the job? Ask Donnie hes the wiz"
Yeah Raph ain't much for the tech stuff he tends to keep things more simple as well. Honestly he don't have the patience either. Raph is a more street smart turtle anyway sure he likes to read but his cleverness is far more on the being able to think on his feet aspect over how his twin brother tends to work. Brains and Brawn for a reason and Raph's pretty happy sticking to be brawn he approach to tech isn't to hack its just to smash it. least he tends to know when he should grab something for Donnie to check out later. |Flowers|
"Roses are nice." Despite Raph being mister tough guy we all know this boys got the biggest soft side to him. Raphael never had love on the mind though. Leo may be a romantic and Don dreamed to have a family his own someday. Raphael? nah romance wasn't in the cards he thought. Sure Raphael felt attraction being bisexual he dose tend to lean more towards men himself having a thing for muscular builds. Raphael wouldn't really turn down a chance to get intimate.
Then he gained feelings for Casey. And that was a problem. Casey struggled because of his fathers ways and instilling homophobia into poor Casey. Raphael? it wasn't that it was because Casey is his best friend. His only real friend. Casey the one person in the whole world hell universe that understands and gets him. Nothing about Raph seems to deter Casey away from him. Casey likes Raphael as he is, the broody, grumpy turtle he can be yet here's Casey draping an arm over his shoulders and telling them they should fix their bikes together well letting Raph have a space to air out his temper with out judgement. Casey this chill near laid back guy and well hes good looking. He looks out for Raph as well. Sure Casey likes to tease Raph but he never annoys Raph, despite being able to get on anyone nerves Raph even jumps in defense of Casey. And when he got feelings romantic feelings? Raphael wanted to deny them bury them and hope they die because he didn't think Casey would feel the same. What if Casey was grossed out by it?
Lucky for him Casey actually liked him back, so because Raph was the one to confess first he tends to try that more on his end. Like when he first told Casey he loved him he gave him a rose. He's seen humans do it before, and I like to think it's still something Raph dose for casey to this day present them with a single small red rose. Usually it's for no reason at all sometimes it's on purpose but he will kick Casey's ass if he teases him to much for it. But Flower mean feeling bloom and well that why he likes to do it. Cause Casey was the one to bring that out of Raph.
"....I regret hurting them."
Is it a surprise? his biggest regret is that he broke up with Casey, that he pushed Don out of his life. Raphael is closest to his twin and his best friend they are the ones that Raphael finds peace around the most. But Raphael will never truly forgive himself for what he did. Raphael dosen't know if they ever fully forgave him either. When Casey's needy side get worse Raphael complies because he knows it was his fault when Don shuts him out hes not as quick to push them to speak.Raphael knows he caused some scares himself.
Raphael knows Donnie gone through stuff he wont talk about he always is there if Don wants to talk or not. Raphael was in such a bad spot mentally. He was depressed deeply depressed he was listening to all his negative thoughts allowing them to rule his mind to points he couldn't. He believed how he thought. Deciding to do something so stupid like hurt his twin someone he shares a very special connection with.
And even if he knows better what it means to stick together he knows he can never truly make up for what he did. But he tries. It is part of why he got so close to his niece. Why he always has her side even on things he don't agree with. Raphael wants to prove he won't leave again. By trying to make up for it to Donnie through Ariel.
SK!Casey au: Raph is going to hold some regrets once the truth is out well at least to Raphael that Casey is the killer Raph is sort of regretting how open he was with Casey about everything even if it did sort of save his shell to express his views and thoughts. He regrets going to look for Answer more, because it shattered something for him. Casey to him was this goof ball good guy who treated him and his brothers so kindly. So how can this still be that same guy?
"..i'm tryin' I am really tryin'" Rapheal was at his lowest more than once when his anger was so bad he almost hurt Mikey, his pride winding him a victim to Bishop, his depression making him do a lot of stupid shit. Raphael is trying to be better. Trying to change for the better if he is? Well he's not sure but hes too stubborn to give up. When Summer came in his and Casey life she was the light that he needed to start changing for the better, trying to be better about how he lets his mind work. Basically he's learning some self love and keeping to it.
SK!Casey au: Raphael, admittedly can be selfish sometimes he doesn't feel some issue should be his and his brothers problem when the death started Raphael didn't care often fought with Leo about it not being their issue to deal with. Raphael's tone dose change once getting a reality check twice. Once after seeing Buck begin one of the victims it starts to make Raph rethink a lot. That maybe there is something to the whole code of Bushido Leo is so all about. And then when he learned that killer is Casey? Lets just say there is bound to be more change for Raphael. Because he dose still love and care about Casey but how can he be okay with what Casey is doing? Not that he's getting much choice here. Casey isn't giving him that choice.
Even once Casey has him caught Raphael's not sure if he can just change how he feels. He's going to learn Love can be just as confusing as anything else. That emotions can change and be twisted even uwu
"hmm I don' really dream?"
Raph is someone who doesn't recall his dreams all to well because he has narcolepsy, Raph's know to be night owl himself out late doing who knows what esp when he was going around as the Night watcher for a time. It dose add to why Raph's kind of just a grump over all. He feels rested after he sleeps but grows tried as the day goes on so it's not uncommon for him to be napping around.
Now he dose have other dreams. He dreams Summer to have a life where she is just loved and happy. He dreams of growing grey with Casey. he dreams of having his brothers there when finally dies hoping hes first to go. He dreams of just peaceful days laughing in the kitchen with Casey. It's all he wants.
When Casey asked Raphael to move in with him he asked if they were serious meaning the relationship. He was fine having fun but Raphael would like more, for all he knew Raph was just someone convenient or easy a chance to get their dick wet even maybe. Truth was far more than he thought he could ever have. Casey loved him and wanted to be with him. So Raphael said yes, and headed home but his trips out sort of put a target on his back seemed he made a pattern that someone noticed right away. And Raphael was caught and taken away. The whole time Raphael was captured and held he dreamed of the farm. He dreamed being with Casey on the porch sitting together as the sun would start to set. Casey's arm over his shoulders well they just talked on about the farm. Going on from the horses like Zombie to a cow or something he saw in need of a home.
Raph would wake up to the curl truth and slip back to that escape from his hell. All he wanted was to get back to Casey he wanted to return to the quite of the farm. He wanted to return to the peacefulness Casey gave him the clam quite of a county night the deep blue sky full of stars. Just like Casey's eyes he always loved the ocean but he was finding that a land lock area called to him more.
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"Yeah, ain't my thing can' understand half the gibberish Donnie says as is. He's the expert." I find it funny how often Raph in 12 just breaks things to get them into cells and such because he just doesn't not have the time to wait for Donnie to like hack into. For being a ninja Raph tends to gloss over the stealth often. I do like that Donnie at one point tells Raph he's got it when Raph's ready to do it again even taking on of his sai, though more precise than Raph is when he just jams his sai into something to bust it up. Considering Raph is often shown opposite on the thought process to Donatello. Even Mikey seems to understand tech a bit better from how he learned to use cell phone signals to track the pizza boy, able to do the same so they could find Casey. Yeah Raph is safe to say technological illiterate because even Leo can understand to a degree what Don is saying once dumbed down a bit. Raph will pick on Donnie for it but doesn't stop him from just assuming Donnie will know either. |Flowers|
"Case could pick a dandelion out of the side walk and give it ta me and it would be my favorite flower."
Raphs feelings for Casey started the day Casey saved him from getting ran over by the train, Casey didn't have to is the thing. Him and Raph had been at odds the second they met. But Casey saved him. Raphael's feeling for Casey only grew from then because Casey much like then was always there for Raphael. Casey actively listens to Raph even when it might not seem like he is, Casey became somewhat of a safe space for the turtle he could vent towards. Casey never saw Raph's anger as a bad thing either likely because he deals with his own anger issues and it just felt nice for Raphael to have someone in his corner when sometimes its like he never did. His feelings just grew and grew till he realized what he felt was romantic. I honestly think no matter what happened Raph would struggle to confess because what if confessing made him lose his friend? Raph just got lucky there was excuses for why he wouldn't or had to. But after some time Raphael felt kind of bad for keeping it to him he thought maybe the feelings would fade? They only grew he found he loved the big things about Casey and the small things. He loved how Casey was loyal, Casey values friends and family. Casey someone Raph can spare with in a fight, share interest in hobbies. Casey got dark hair and deep brown eyes, and cute little freckles uwu Boy can't help it hes hooked.
Raphael might not always be the best partner he will and often makes mistakes but hes willing to talk them out and fix things. Because at the end he knows he loves Casey And he just wants to do right by Casey. He soaks up every moment with them patrolling or holding them at night eve.
"Mona, how I was to Donnie, how I treated Leo when he was named leader, how I treated Mikey for years, not better watching Spike, not noticing Casey was spiraling sooner, not being able to protect them..all of them." Safe to say Raphael hold a lot of regrets, i'm gonna dive into a few though.
Mona: Raphael got along with Mona pretty easily and he even tried to convince the others they should work with the salamadians but after their first fight they weren't willing to trust them. Raphael did make friends with her and yeah he did find her to be attractive but that was about as far that went. He had Casey and Casey is his whole universe. But he still nearly lost Casey even thought they broke up for a time, happy to see it wasn't true. He did keep his friendship with mona and it paid off well that they had allies in space. However Dregg soon found out about this friendship and used it. Mona betrayed Raphael's trust and called them for help Raph of course came to her aid like he would any friend he cares for. But then it was revealed to be a trick. Luckily Donnie and April were back on the ship. But he put Leo, Mikey and Casey all in danger. Raphael was pun intended shellshocked by it all. It took Casey to snap him out of it. But thing is? this has stuck with him it's why he never wants to talk about Mona once they got through everything. Mona showed him that he may want to protect those he cares for more than anything but somethings he can't protect them from. It's a near fear he has been made to realize and it keeps him up at night. I like to think he might break down one day and confess this fear. Something he is reminded of later when Giant big mutants attack them and take everyone away. He is able to get past fear and save them but the fear has very well been cemented in his head and he blames it all on Mona.
Donnie: Raph feels awful for what happened when Donnie got sick he was hurt with Don sure and even tells him when confronted but he feels so bad for not being there when Donnie needed him, even if Raph is going to be there when Don's illness and stupid gets the better of him Raph still feels that guilt. Don is his brother and well to Raph there just isn't an excuse to him not to protect them. That his brother and Raph would be lost without any of them. But even more so with out Donnie.
Casey Spiraling: Raphael is meant to be Casey boyfriend and best friend. He knew all of the stress Casey keeps from the others. How he broke one day because despite hoe he carries himself it was just too much on his shoulders. Raph knew it was because of his mother Casey strives to keep it all together best he could as well. He knew Casey went to see his mother just before he stopped responding. Sure Raph had no way of knowing what was going on but he could have found out he could have been then for Casey sooner. So Casey would gone of the deep end. It's why Raph promises Casey mom he'll do better, why he will make the same promise to Casey dad. Raphael wants to be there for Casey no matter what it is
Raph soon learns all he wants to do is just protect those he cares for, he knows that is a big thing to ask but he dose he has so little and he might not be able to fully shield them but he wants to protect them all with all he has. He doesn't care if that price is himself in the end. Foot!Casey au:
Raphael wonders if he had been far more open with his feelings for Casey even when they were together if maybe he could have stopped what happened. If he had shown Casey just how much he really loved them feeling it wasn't enough could he have helped Casey sooner? If Raphael had made his devotion better know, let Casey see it wasn't ever light heart that Raph's love for Casey burns as hot as his temper then maybe Casey would understood he really dose love him. That he loved him for real, it wasn't about anything physical only. Sure that was fun and sure it how Raph got his emotions through but he should have made a better effort to word those feelings. Even when he has Casey back he worries about it all.
"Change is natural, all stuff changes." Raphael and Splinter's relationship wasn't always the best and it wasn't all that bad either. Raphael just really seeked his fathers approval but all he felt was that he was just wrong. That Leo was the favorite the better son and more. That no matter what Raph did no make how good he was in sparing and even art it wouldn't ever be enough for Splinter. And this did put some strain there he loves his Dad he really dose, why he freaked out thinking they had died during the kraang invasion. Raph biggest issue with Splinter is when it came to dealing with his anger. Raph just holds a lot of emotion in him and Splinter tells him to be a stone in river and let that stuff roll over him. B ut that isn't who he is. HE tries he dose but then the water gets to high and he feels like he's going to drown. Raph is fire he is meant to burn.
Raphael just needs to learn that fire isn't always destructive.
"...yeah I actually don' sleep much."
Sometimes Raph dreams nice things about him and Casey and their little family. He dreams about them just being together, cheering Casey as his games and such. Hanging out with Angel or his brothers for get together even. but not always are they nice dreams uwu.
Raphael deals with a lot of nightmares, sometimes he just doesn't want to sleep at all. He rather skip it if he can or survives on small naps here and there. His best sleep is when Casey's around. He likes having Casey curled up against him, even if he doesn't sleep he least can doze well holding on to Casey. He keeps them close and buries his face into Casey hair. When he dose dream he seeks out Casey for comfort. Dreaming about losing Casey, losing his brothers, April and more. It's always the same reason because he didn't do enough and it plagues him a lot. So sometimes he fakes that he's going to sleep and waits till Casey out before he just cuddles in against Casey. Sometimes when he really bad he'll ling his fingers with Caseys and hold their hand through the night.
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"Uhg still no." I'm running out of things to say here XD Raphs and tech just don't mix XD |Flowers|
"...I kind got good with making paper roses."
And yes he dose want to give them to Casey uwu
Reason behind Raph knowing how to do origami is because of Splinter. When Raph was younger his anger was far worse and he often got into fights with his brothers so Splinter as punishment made Raph sit down and learn orgiami as a way to work through his anger but also because he would be task with giving what he made to who he owns a sorry towards. Because it takes a lot of time and effort to fold the paper just right it means Raph really has to sit and think on what he did wrong.
It can also be seen as a symbol of luck, becuase one has to sit with their emotions at the time it's like they are being put into every fold even Raph's love for Casey when he makes them hockey sticks and of course roses.
"Not fighting betta." He dose feel better after Casey talks to him when Splinter was take from them but it still sort of eats away at Raphael. He just wants so much to protect those who he holds dear his world is so small, because his world are the people in his life. Losing anyone of them is too much. All Raph had is his fists but sometimes punching just isn't enough. What dose he do when fighting people off isn't enough? It was enough to get Splinter back, it isn't enough to get Donnie to stop blaming himself for everything that goes wrong. It's not enough to get Leo to understand they don't have to shoulder everything alone it isn't enough to help keep Mikey from getting hurt it isn't enough to protect Casey from harms he never knew about.
If Raphael was a better fighter? its why he trains and lifts weights even outside usual practice why he likes going out on patrol with Casey it's kind of like Leo wishing to sharpen his own skills.
"Eh I don' 'ike it much."
Raphael isn't on to take to change well he kind of finds comfort in things staying the same it makes it more predictable that way easier. But he also knkw that's some changes are good. When his feeling sfor Casey changed, when they met April. There are good kinds of changes of course there is. But it's the bad ones he don't handle well
When they lost Splinter for one. Thar was a change he didn't handle well missing even the smallest thing about his Dad like thier silly apron. Raphael acted tough as he always dose but emotional? He was a mess he felt lost aimless with out Splinter around sure they could talk and reach his sprit but it wasn't the same. He missed the way they patted his head or grabbed his face to force his attetion on to his father. Way he tried so hard to beat through swarms of bad guys to get things back to hiw it was before.
"Eh I don' really dream. Dreams are for sleepin"
I have also gave SF Raphie a case of necolyposy uwu boy dosent really get that rem cycle of sleep which is when people dream. Raph dose sleep heveaily once he is out but he dosent ever sleep for long which is why he often is able to up and about with Donnie because well Raphael knows He's at least awake too so he likes getting to spend the time around his brother. Sadly this is likely when he annoys donnie most resulting in Don's revenge to teach Raph wrong. But then he has todo deal with Raph being an idiot later so really he's cause his own pain later.
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"Donnie might be a total weeb but he's the tech guy."
I mean outside his cell Raphael's nit much if a tech person still. As the other Raph's they just are not tech savvy so to speak. Dumb? Sort of but street smarts still even when Raphael's in the middle of raging out we do see him able to think on his feet when seeing the car circling donnie and mikey he did at least think of how to stop the car by hitting its break. Happily calling himself awesome for it after. Least when he has a plan often he don't and just either gose all in or decides they could just go home really challenging some 87 raphie here. |Flowers|
"Uh dunno guess rose, sunflower, hibiscus, lily? Thise are flowers? They are nice I guess?"
There is a reason I picked those. Raphael knew if able he would like to go to school so he could make friends later it's because he wants to join a team he just thinks it be fun to meet other people and such. Romance neber crossed his mind let alone his sexual preferences and what not. Even after Raphael starts to sort of get that intrest and such he dosent really know what label fits him. When he dose get intrest he dose know he likes Casey in that way at least Casey's nonbinary though so he's not sure if that really factors or not he just knows he thinks Casey's attractive uwu he likes all thier freckles and their dumb smile. Like most my Rpahs he likes Bisexual male leaning. Especially because Raphael took a major liking to any old movies they watched thar were about sports teams like Remember the titans Sunshine may have made him think about kissing boys as well.
I mentioned off hand he has a crush on the rap singer Drake as well but he don't know that how he feels. Much as much as I like to joke about it this idiot isn't gonna notice that he's romanticly intrested in casey either right away. Despite the obvious signs being there uwu
"Kind regert tellin' my brothers I didn' want thier faces ta be the last thing I see."
Raphael likes to play cool especially around his brothers. Mostly his brothers. Cool os not caring and being the bug tough guy. But deep down? Raphael loves his brothers so much. You can see how much he looks out to protect them with out a second thought even. This don't fit anywhere else I just feel like bringing it up I like to think Raph shell is still cracked thanks to superfly. So it severs as a nice reminder now.
"I mean a lot changed now so guess 'hats cool?"
Raphael happy for the changes going on, mkre family is nice having other mutants around helps him feel less alone, less alien even. He gets to go to school and well I thinks he's friendly with some he still really only has April and casey as real friends Casey being his best even if they had a rocky start and nkt many understand how thier friendship works.
"I dream 'bout fighting a lot. There's no problem there."
Raph, even tells the others he dreams about fighting but not so much actual dreams he has at night just something he felt would be love todo. He still has he rage issues he just full of it and he needs to work it out he dose try to keep it in check he just always feel mad but things like going out into the city, messing around on tje roof with his brothers anything hands on even dose seem to help he dosent really knkw why he so angry and he tries his best not to take it out on his brothers. He very easily could focus it on like Leo when he snitches on them instead he keeps it in and let's it come out more as teenage mood swings and attitude which has a lot todo with how he carries himself around and speaks towards others.
Fighting and sports is a very good way for him to work it out least tap into he as an outlet but this means he may loose control and go to far maybe even. With out meaning too.
That why he dreams of meeting someone who will just get him understand him in a way no one else has. He just feels so alone despite being surrounded by a family. He's not a bad person he's just overly excitable at times and very passionate about what he likes.
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devendrasbeard · 3 years
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Marry me Once, Marry Me twice, Marry Me Six Times
Prompt: Getting Engaged Relationships: Eskel/Jaskier Rating: M Content Warnings: Alcohol, Drunk Sex, Accidental Sugar Daddy Acquisition (through marriage xD) Summary: Five times Jaskier has proposed to Eskel (more or less as a joke) and the one time Eskel has proposed to Jaskier (for real). Coffee shop AU!
Also on ao3!
The first time Jaskier has proposed to Eskel was only a few days after he'd moved to Rivia all the way from Lettenhove.
He reached out to his old college friend, Geralt, who he knew lived in Rivia, and asked him for help with the move. Even though they haven't seen each other in almost ten years, Geralt was more than happy to provide help not only with bringing all of Jaskier's stuff to his new place, but he was also determined to make Jaskier's start in the new city go as smoothly as possible.
And so, he offered Jaskier a job in his coffee shop, so that he didn't have to worry about money right after having moved across the continent. When Jaskier would settle down and think of a plan for his next moves, he'd look for other job opportunities.
It was his third day in "Deja Brew", but Geralt was already convinced he'd made the right decision by hiring his old friend. Jaskier's outgoing personality and clever, witty comments already earned them much higher tips. Little to no customers could withstand Jaskier's charm when he described their cookies and special lattes with flowery words, so their order values also increased immensely.
It was close to lunchtime, so the coffee shop was almost empty. Jaskier was stacking up some paper cups and reorganizing the paper straws by color, with his back to the front door, when he heard the familiar ding of that tiny bell installed just above the door. 
He turned around to greet the new customer but got tongue-tied after seeing the person who entered. It was a very tall man, taller even than Geralt, with shoulders ridiculously broad, gorgeous olive skin and longer dark hair. He was wearing a leather jacket over a red skin-tight t-shirt, and a pair of black jeans. What caught Jaskier's attention were the bits of tattoos poking out of the shirt's v-neck and a piercing on the bridge of the man's nose.
"Fuck me sideways..." Jaskier whispered a tad too loud as the man approached the counter.
"Hey, no swearing in front of the customers!" Geralt shouted from the storage room.
"No worries, I'm no customer," the man smiled softly and winked at Jaskier. "I assume Geralt's around?"
Jaskier pointed to the back door not saying a word, too busy biting his lip and ogling the gorgeous man in front of him.
"Oh, hey, Eskel," Geralt appeared next to Jaskier and greeted the man. "Did something happen? You usually don't come here after work."
"Nah, it's nothing. I left in a rush this morning and forgot my keys. If you could give me yours I'll make dinner tonight," he casually leaned over the counter and Jaskier couldn't help but stare at the chest hair poking out of the shirt and those goddamn tattoos.
"Yeah sure, I'll get them," Geralt replied and patted Jaskier on the shoulder. "By the way, this is my old friend Jaskier, you should remember him from my college stories. Jask, this is my brother Eskel."
Jaskier's eyes widened even more. "Brother?!" He shook his head. "You have a gorgeous, sex-on-legs brother and you never cared to tell me?"
Geralt chuckled. "Of course I told you, back in college. Baby Esk? Little brother did grow up a little in the past ten years."
Jaskier swallowed thickly and eyed Eskel, who was grinning at him with a mysterious spark in his eye. "Gods above," Jaskier sighed. "You're even more perfect than Geralt. I'm sorry, but will you marry me?"
Eskel laughed loudly, a low baritone sound, but so soft on the edges. He patted Jaskier on the shoulder and winked. "I like you, Jaskier. We'll need to get to know each other better if you'd like to marry me, so I'll see you around?"
Eskel left, leaving Jaskier feeling very fuzzy inside, knees wobbly, leaning on the counter to steady himself, and Geralt rolling his eyes at him and asking the gods if it really was a good idea to hire him.
The second time Jaskier has proposed to Eskel was about a month later.
He stayed in "Deja Brew" for a while longer than he and Geralt had planned initially, but they both agreed that Jaskier just fit into that place perfectly. His new ideas for special drinks and clever names for desserts helped Geralt's place make a name for itself. 
Jaskier's newest addition to the menu was the "Unicorn Fart" - a caramel cocoa drink with rainbow colored whipped cream and a ridiculous amount of sprinkles on top. Kids would buy that in bulk and parents would roll their eyes at Jaskier when he'd hand the drinks to the delighted kids while making farting noises.
Eskel was a cook in the vegan diner just across the street and he used to pop in every now and then after work or before his late afternoon shift, grabbing a coffee before he went back to his daily activities.
Jaskier would eye him very carefully and absolutely not as sneakily as he thought. It's been a really long while since Jaskier has been with anyone, and Geralt's brother sparked that long forgotten interest in him. Now and then Jaskier would ask Geralt casually about Eskel - how old he exactly was, what he liked to do in his free time - feeling more comfortable talking to his friend about him, than ask Eskel himself.
One evening Eskel came into the coffee shop right before closing time, carrying two takeaway bags and placing them on the counter. "You need to try this!" he said enthusiastically, crossing his arms on his chest. "I've finally managed to make the perfect dumplings."
Jaskier peeked into the bags with interest and took out two containers with wonton soup and a tray with some kind of stir fry. Eskel grinned at him, his face an example of sheer satisfaction.
Geralt emerged from the storage room and grabbed one soup from Jaskier. "It smells great," he smiled at his brother.
Jaskier eagerly grabbed one wonton with his chopsticks and ate the whole thing at once. It was delicious - hot, juicy, full of tasty vegetables - and his eyes rolled back into his skull as he hummed with contentment. He pointed his chopsticks at Eskel, mouth still full, and let out a few appreciative grunts. "This, my guy, is orgasm in the form of food."
Eskel laughed and scratched the back of his neck. Jaskier didn't miss the way his bicep bulged, his shirt almost bursting at the seams. "I'm glad you like it, I'm really proud of this."
"You should be!" Jaskier put away the soup and reached for the stir fry. "Gods, I would give you foot massages at every occasion if you promised to cook it for me everyday."
"You know where I work, Jaskier, you can come by whenever you like."
"I would much rather marry you and enjoy this orgasmic food in the privacy of our home," Jaskier said lightly, while looking Eskel deep in the eyes at the same time. "Could also use some different kind of orgasms you wouldn't be able to provide me with in your diner."
Geralt choked on his dumpling, looking daggers at Jaskier, while having a coughing fit. "For gods' sake! Can you try being less blunt with your flirting? It's my little brother."
"I don't see any flirting," Eskel laughed, sending Jaskier a wink. "I've only been proposed to twice, that's quite serious, my old guy, don't you think?"
Geralt huffed, rolled his eyes and left for the storage room, hugging the soup container to his chest. "I need to place some orders for tomorrow. Behave, you two."
Jaskier leaned casually on the counter, popping another dumpling in his mouth and grunting with pleasure again. "I've proposed twice, yet I haven't heard an answer from you, Esk."
"I like you, Jaskier, you're more than cute," Eskel winked at him and moved to the door. "Gotta do better than that to get a yes, though. See you around!"
The third time Jaskier has proposed to Eskel was on the night of Belleteyn.
As a promotional stunt, Jaskier offered their coffee shop customers a pair of limited edition coffee drinks - one infused with rose and the other with lavender extract - along with a big heart-shaped cookie. When couples ordered the set he would also give them plastic flower crowns that he'd bought in bulk a few weeks earlier at a super cheap price.
Geralt was amazed at Jaskier's ideas and kept shooting him appreciative looks, as they both worked fast and agile to get all the incoming orders ready. He even gave in and let Jaskier put one of the flower crowns on his silver hair, "for promotional reasons only, of course."
When the last customers for the day left, carrying two coffee cups each and trying not to drop their flower crowns, Eskel walked into the place, his signature grin plastered on his face.
"Ready to get absolutely shitfaced tonight?" he asked, holding up a bottle of red wine. "I like how cute you both look," he smiled pointing at the now crooked flower crowns on their heads.
"You'll get one too," Jaskier chirped, reaching under the counter and placing the wreath on Eskel's head and pursing his lips. "Absolutely gorgeous!"
"Nice!" Eskel smiled. "Are we going to see the parade or do you guys want to get straight down to business?"
"And by 'business' you mean...?" Jaskier leaned forward on the counter, grinning at Eskel, completely disregarding Geralt's exasperated huff. Jaskier was like a horny, hyperactive little puppy that Geralt had absolutely no control over. 
"It's up to you, Jaskier," Eskel smiled, absolutely unfazed by his friend's innuendos. "Geralt and I have seen the parade more than a dozen times, so if you'd rather hit the pubs already, then I'm game."
"Let's hit the pubs then," Jaskier commanded. "But the flower crowns stay on!"
A few hours and three visited pubs later, Geralt has called it a day and went home, leaving Jaskier and Eskel sitting alone at the bar, telling them to not do anything stupid while he's gone. 
"Sigh, Eskel, you're really handsome," Jaskier whispered, propping his chin on his hands.
"Did you just say 'sigh' out loud instead of actually sighing?" Eskel chuckled.
"I might have," Jaskier tried for a seductive smile. "You're still handsome." He reached out to pat Eskel's cheek, but miscalculated the distance and launched forward, his hand landing on Eskel's thigh and his forehead on Eskel's chest.
"Okay, how shitfaced are we?" Eskel asked, helping Jaskier find his balance.
"Well, I'm pretty hammered for sure. Time to go home?"
"Can I walk you home?" Eskel asked, still holding Jaskier's arms in his grip.
"Only if you stay the night," Jaskier went for a wink but ended up closing both his eyes several times. 
"You're absolutely not subtle while flirting," Eskel laughed, leaning forward and almost bumping their foreheads. "But you're incredibly cute and I'm terribly horny, so I'll take it."
"Talk about subtle," Jaskier snickered.
Before he could find another witty comeback in his alcohol-dazed mind, Eskel's lips were on his. They were soft and plush and very wet, and the kiss caught Jaskier off guard. He wrapped his hands around Eskel's neck and leaned into the kiss.
"Hey, no tongue wrestling at the bar!" the bartender swatted them with his towel. They laughed softly, muttering out apologies and left the pub, hips bumping against each other and legs wobbly.
They stumbled into Jaskier's apartment, Jaskier hugging Eskel's waist, Eskel's arm slumped over Jaskier's shoulder, laughing at something they have long forgotten about.
Jaskier pushed Eskel against the wall as soon as he closed the door behind them. "Okay, are we doing this because we're super drunk, super horny, or do you really really reallyyyyy fancy me?" he asked, propping his arm against the wall and looking up at Eskel's face.
"I like you Jaskier," Eskel said firmly, giving him a quick kiss. "And I'm also super horny, so I hope that's enough a reason for you?"
"Your hot-ass... ass is reason enough for me," Jaskier chuckled and pulled Eskel in for a kiss. Eskel was warm on his lips and his hot tongue in Jaskier's mouth was already driving him crazy.
"Bedroom," Eskel panted. "Quick, before we pass out from all the tequila shots we had tonight."
So Jaskier laid back comfortably on the bed, having already dropped his shirt and pants and he watched Eskel undress. Eskel didn't waste any time, pulling his shirt off in one swift motion and sliding his pants off together with his boxer shorts.
"What the fuck? What the... Shit, fuck, Eskel?!" Jaskier sat up on the bed, eyes wide with wonder.
"You okay, Jask?" Eskel turned to him, brows furrowed with worry.
"You walk around carrying this marvel of a dick in your pants and you didn't tell me?!" Jaskier gasped, his voice reaching incredibly high notes.
"When do you think would be the right time to tell you?" Eskel laughed, crawling up the bed and into Jaskier's arms. "'Yo, I'm Eskel, wanna see my marvelous cock?' This doesn't usually work out well."
"I usually don't propose to people immediately after seeing them, so I guess this could've actually worked," Jaskier replied with a seductive wink, his hands already roaming across Eskel's tattooed chest. His eyes, however, were fixed at Eskel's cock. "Gods, dick so bomb I will really have to marry you! I want to feel that between my legs every day for the rest of my life!"
"Watch out what you wish for," Eskel whispered in his ear, causing goosebumps on Jaskier's skin. "Or you might actually get it."
The fourth time Jaskier has proposed to Eskel was when he caught a nasty cold in the middle of summer.
Jaskier was sitting on the couch, watching reruns of "The Great Cintran Bake Off", a cup of now cold tea in his hands. He scolded himself for having worn flip flops to work the other day - a heavy rain had caught him when he was going home in the night and he was soaking wet when he had finally reached his place. The next day he woke up with a throbbing headache and runny nose and had to call in sick.
There was a knock on the door, but Jaskier waved it off. If it was the postman, he'd leave the parcel or letter at the door, and Jaskier didn't expect anyone else.
A moment later there was another, louder knock, followed by Eskel's soft baritone voice. "Jaskier, are you home? It's me."
Jaskier slipped off the couch, wrapped a blanket around his shoulders and shuffled to the door to open it.
"Aww man, you look like shit," Eskel said when Jaskier let him in.
"Good to see you too, Eskel," Jaskier replied weakly and shuffled back to his living room to plop back on the couch.
"Geralt has told me you called in sick and asked me to come over and check up on you," Eskel followed him into the living room, placing takeaway bags on the table next to the couch. He put a hand on Jaskier's forehead, worrying his lip between his teeth. "Good thing I have the whole day off. Someone needs to take care of you."
"I'll be fine," Jaskier mumbled from under the blanket.
"What did you eat today?" Eskel asked, eyeing the half empty tea cup on the table.
"Some Aspirin. Butter toast."
"Yeah, thought so," Eskel shot him a condescending look and grabbed the takeout bags. "That's why I came prepared."
He pulled out a container of hot chicken soup and another one with gyoza dumplings. He helped Jaskier sit up and wrapped the blanket around Jaskier's shoulders, so that he could eat comfortably on the couch.
"The chicken soup is what my grandma used to make whenever we were sick. She taught me how to prepare it," Eskel said with a hint of pride. "Eat it hot, you'll feel better in no time."
Jaskier ate a few spoons of the hot broth - it was deliciously salty, with lots of carrots, onions and noodles. He felt a pleasurable warmth already spreading around his stomach and he hummed softly. "Thank you, it's delicious."
"Now, eat it all up and go to bed. You need sleep," Eskel rubbed his back and Jaskier leaned in to rest his head on Eskel's shoulder. "I'll look after you today."
"You don't have to," Jaskier looked up at him, eyes fogged. "I'll take a nap and will be fine. No need to stay around and waste your day off work on me."
Eskel cleared his throat before placing a quick kiss on Jaskier's forehead. "It's... It's not a waste of time to be around you." He lowered his gaze and fixed his eyes on the floor. "You're my friend."
"... with benefits," Jaskier chuckled, then got a coughing fit. "Sorry."
"Let's get you to bed," Eskel commanded with a light smile. "You need to sleep for the soup to work its wonders."
Jaskier slept for over four hours. He was woken up by a warm hand on his forehead - Eskel checking his temperature. He sat up with a groan, but he was relieved to find that his head didn't hurt anymore.
Eskel put a tray with a bowl of steamy hot dumplings in Jaskier's lap and sat next to him on the edge of the bed. "Time for lunch," he smiled. "I also made you some ginger tea with honey - it's much better for your health than that generic supermarket shit you had earlier."
"I don't know if I should thank you or feel fucking offended," Jaskier narrowed his eyes. He then tried one of the gyozas and let out an appreciative hum. "Okay, I've decided to thank you, cause these are fucking delicious! Did you made them yourself?"
Eskel nodded with a smile.
"Gods, I'm so lucky to have you," Jaskier whispered between bites. "Fucking handsome, so caring, great cook, dick so bomb it leaves me breathless... Eskel, I'm going to-"
"Yes, I know, you will ask me to marry you," Eskel cut him off, letting out a breathy laugh.
"I wanted to offer you a blowjob once I get better," Jaskier retorted with a grin. "But marrying you would come with the same benefits, so I guess I should actually ask you to marry me one day."
"Who knows," Eskel replied, eyes unfocused and looking at the wall with a soft smile. "Maybe one day I will actually accept your crazy proposal. Now finish your food and let me get you some more Aspirin."
The fifth time Jaskier has proposed to Eskel was when Eskel saved his life.
It was a chilly night at the beginning of autumn. Geralt has left earlier to run some errands and Jaskier was closing up the coffee shop by himself. Having worked there for over half a year now, he knew exactly what to do and it didn't bother him to be left alone for the last hour of work every now and then. He closed the front door, swept the floors, counted the money and put it away into the little safe in their back room. He turned off all the lights and went out, closing the back door behind him.
"Your wallet and phone, pretty boy," he heard a hoarse voice behind his back. 
He turned around to see a man, hiding his face under a big hood, both hands kept hidden in the hoodie's vast pockets. Jaskier shook himself out of the initial shock and looked closer at the person - it wasn't a man, more a teenager, sixteen years old at best. He was grinning awfully at Jaskier, eyes mad and darting, probably on drugs.
"Okay, let's take it easy," Jaskier held his hands up, shivering a little. "I don't think you want to do this."
"Shut the fuck up! Wallet." The guy moved closer to Jaskier pulling a small knife out of his pocket. 
Jaskier instinctively scooted back, his back bumping painfully against the cold door of the coffee shop. This was getting serious and he was sure even his wit wouldn't help him get out of the situation. He looked at the knife's blade shining in the weak light of the few street lamps, took a quick glance at the guy's wild eyes and gritted teeth - he was definitely under some substance's influence, so Jaskier convinced himself that arguing with the guy or trying to talk some reason into him would make no sense. He exhaled slowly, trying not to shake too much while still eyeing the sharp blade in the guy's hand. He tried looking around without acting too obvious - but there was nobody in the street.
"Okay, I'm gonna reach into my pocket and take my wallet out," Jaskier said weakly, trying to sound as calm as possible. "No need to use the knife, okay?"
"Don't tell me what to do!" the guy shouted at him, waving the knife around. 
Jaskier looked up and prayed silently to the gods. He hoped that as soon as he'd handed the guy his stuff, he'd be gone and leave him alone. All he heard was the annoying sound of his teeth clicking and his rushed heartbeat ringing in his ears.
"Leave him alone!" Jaskier heard a growl coming from the end of the alleyway. Before Jaskier could recognise Eskel in the dark figure, he rushed at the robber, knocking him down. The guy fell on his back, losing the knife and groaning painfully. He scrambled to his feet and launched at Eskel, clearly going for a fight. Jaskier watched him lose his balance and fall on his back again, after Eskel had punched him straight in the face. "Get the fuck out of here!" Eskel's voice was dark and threatening, nothing alike the soft baritone Jaskier was used to. Eskel kicked the guy once, before Jaskier grabbed his arm and pulled him away.
"It's okay, Esk," he said quietly. "I'm okay. It's okay."
"If I ever see you around here again, I swear to god..." Eskel started, teeth gritted and jaw clenched. He watched as the guy got up as quickly as he could and limped away, leaving him panting and with a very scared Jaskier clinging to his arm.
Jaskier let out a deep breath, steadying himself on Eskel's arm. Eskel turned to him and grabbed him in a tight embrace. "I'm okay, I'm okay," Jaskier kept repeating, even though his legs felt weak and his teeth were still clicking a little.
"Gods, I'm so glad nothing happened to you," Eskel breathed and kissed Jaskier's forehead. Then he kissed his cheeks and left a soft kiss on Jaskier's lips. He was shaking a little too. "If he'd hurt you, I swear to god..."
Jaskier put a finger on his lips to shut him up. "Thank you, Eskel. I'm so glad you were here."
Eskel huffed. "Good thing I came over... Wanted to ask you to go out and grab a beer with me, but now..." he gestured around, while giving Jaskier a worried look.
"Eskel," Jaskier hugged him, hiding his face in Eskel's broad chest. He felt the stress leave him, as Eskel's strong hands rubbed circles on his back. He let out another deep breath, held back the tears prickling at his eyes, smiled faintly. "You saved my life, quite literally. So, since I now owe you my life, will you marry me?"
"Ahh, there it is," Eskel let out a breathy laugh, placing another kiss on Jaskier's forehead. "I will take you out tonight first."
And then Eskel has proposed to Jaskier.
"Hey, Jaskier," Geralt looked up from the delivery boxes and greeted him when he entered their coffee shop. "Before you change into your work clothes, can you go over to Eskel's diner and pick up a parcel for me? He said he grabbed it for me this morning."
"Sure thing," Jaskier replied, putting his jacket back on. "Be back in ten."
"Yeah," Geralt nodded towards him with a soft smile tugging at his lips. "No rush."
When Jaskier entered the diner, Eskel greeted him at the door and took his work apron off, throwing it to a coworker. "Good to see you, Jaskier," he said eagerly.
"Hi, Geralt said I was supposed to pick something from you for him?"
"Uh yeah... I don't have it," Eskel grinned with an apologetic look on his face, rubbing the back of his neck. "But you can come with me, I have something to show you."
"How long is it gonna take?" Jaskier hesitated at the door. "Told Geralt I'll be back in a minute."
"You don't really have to," Eskel smiled at him. "Asked Geralt for a day off for you today, he's already got someone to cover today's shift for you."
Jaskier propped his hands on his hips and eyed Eskel suspiciously. "Okay, what is going on?"
"Can't tell ya," Eskel reached out and grabbed Jaskier's hand. "Come with me."
They strolled slowly through the city's streets. Eskel was holding Jaskier's hand all the time, rubbing small circles on it with his thumb every now and then. Jaskier looked down at their intertwined fingers and smiled. Eskel's hand was strong and warm, his olive skin soft under Jaskier's touch.
"How come your skin and your hair are so much darker than Geralt's?" he wondered aloud.
"Geralt's a weirdo," Eskel blurted out without thinking, causing Jaskier to chuckle. "Also, he's old."
"Mind you, I'm the same age as him," Jaskier stuck his tongue out.
"Technically, yes. But you're different," Eskel smiled. "When I'm around you, I feel like you're more my age, while Geralt is already like our dad."
"I'm really glad he doesn't hear us now," Jaskier laughed, squeezing Eskel's hand tightly. "Okay, where are you taking me and what is going on?"
"Ah, we're here," Eskel stopped them. "You'll find everything out soon enough."
Jaskier took a look at the heavy steel gate they found themselves in front of. Botanical garden. Jaskier has always wanted to go there but never found the time to do so. He smiled fondly at Eskel and squeezed his hand. So it was a surprise date, a nice walk through the narrow paths between colorful flowerbeds. There were little to no people, since it was a weekday before noon - everyone was either at work or in school and they could enjoy their time together in privacy. A fuzzy heat spread through his chest and he gave Eskel a wide smile. "Thank you for bringing me here, I love it."
"You ain't seen nothing yet," Eskel grinned, grabbed Jaskier's hand and led him inside.
After a while of walking around, Eskel sat Jaskier on a secluded bench in front of a weeping willow tree. On both sides of the bench were flowerbeds of blooming autumn flowers - cyclamens, russian sage, and marigolds. Jaskier turned his face to the sun, letting it warm his skin, and inhaled the mix of strong flowery scents. "It's beautiful," he sighed. "But what's the occasion? It's neither my birthday nor yours... So what's the deal here?"
In reply, Eskel grabbed Jaskier's face and pulled him into a passionate kiss. His lips were warm and plush and so soft on Jaskier's and Jaskier immediately sunk into the sensation, slumping in Eskel's arms. Eskel was holding Jaskier's face firmly, kissing Jaskier so deeply, hungrily, as if he was afraid Jaskier would never want to kiss him again. But Jaskier leaned into the kiss, pressing his body flush to Eskel's, wrapping his arms around his broad shoulders, opening his mouth to welcome him.
"Jaskier, listen," Eskel grabbed his hand and exhaled deeply, when they parted their lips. "I know we're not technically together, like we never put the 'boyfriends' label on ourselves, but I feel that we have a strong connection going on between us anyway. And I know that you're much older than me, but I don't really mind, and if you don't mind, then..." He stopped for a moment, worrying his lip between his teeth, trying to find the right words.
Jaskier stared at him with interest and a hint of worry, looking between their intertwined fingers and Eskel's face.
"I've never met anyone like you, Jaskier," Eskel continued, squeezing Jaskier's hand between his strong fingers. "You're funny and smart, you're like sunshine embodied. You're so beautiful and so confident in who you are and I admire you and... I love you."
Jaskier felt tears already brimming at the corners of his eyes and he exhaled deeply, trying not to burst out crying at the very moment. But then Eskel slid down from the bench and got on one knee, causing Jaskier to gasp loudly.
"Marry me, Jaskier," Eskel said, expression serious but eyes hopeful. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small dark blue box, and pressed it into Jaskier's hands. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You might think I'm crazy but I've really thought it through and if you're ready to take that leap of faith with me, then I'll be the happiest person in the world."
"You mean it." Jaskier's voice was as quiet as a whisper, as he looked at the little box in his hands and then at Eskel's face. "You really want this?"
Eskel nodded, his throat too tight to speak. He squeezed Jaskier's hands between his a little bit tighter.
Jaskier opened the box. He found a small simple ring in white gold inside, holding a tiny aquamarine at the top. He let out a whimper, before pulling the ring out and placing it on his finger. He pulled Eskel up from his knees and into a kiss. "I knew from day one we're gonna end up like this!"
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fandomficsnstuff · 3 years
Guardian Angel - Part 5
Daryl Dixon x Reader
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(Warnings: the reader goes off on Jenner, so get ready for that XD also time skips again)
You giggled as Glenn groaned at his headache “that’s what you get for drinking so much” you remarked, getting a glare from him that only served to amuse you further. Glenn scoffed at your amusement “it was Daryl who-” you hummed low as you interrupted him “I know, but you’re an adult, you can say no” Glenn groaned again at your response, holding his head in pain. You smiled to yourself as you felt Daryl’s hand on your thigh under the table, and you found Lori’s eyes, smiling at you, but something was wrong, you could see it, you were about to gesture her to leave the table with you when Shane arrived, and instantly her face dropped and you knew something had happened between them.
You tried not to mind as you continued to eat your scrambled eggs, but your eyes kept going to Lori, who gave you a very subtle shake of her head, telling you to leave it, so you couldn’t argue with that, she didn’t want to talk about it, at least not now, so you respected that, and continued to eat your eggs as you enjoyed the feeling of Daryl’s hand on your thigh, a warming reminder of last night, which you could still feel in the rest of your body, a tingly feeling was left between your legs, and judging by the hand that stayed on your thigh, it wasn’t just a one time thing for him either, as he said, he doesn’t just take anyone with him on hunts.
You stared with wide eyes at Jenner, the noises of the others, Daryl included, trying to break down the security door was like static from an old radio, just there in the background, and without thinking your fist landed in Jenner’s face, something that surprised everyone, “how DARE you! You’d murder these kids?! So what if it’s shit out there and your wife died! Who are you to decide and play God?! You’re commiting murder right now, and so what if the world has gone to hell and that doesn’t matter anymore, so what if we die but you’re willing to kill the kids!? They haven’t even had a chance at life you asshole! They’re children they deserve a chance that’s what children are for, a second chance at this fucked up world! It was shit before the dead started to walk and that ain’t ever gonna change but you can’t just take their possibilities away from them! It’s their lives, and who knows if they’ll grow up to fix all this shit!!” Rick had to hold you back as you screamed at Jenner, who still held his cheek in shock, your body flailing and kicking “let me get him Rick!! He’s trying to kill us and the kids, YOUR kid!” you screamed again, this time feeling a second pair of arms, Glenn, holding you back, and you finally took a step back, still ready to mop the floor with his ass but you held back, realizing that kids shouldn’t see that, even now.
You were so lost in your rage that you hadn’t even realized that Rick had talked to him, and the security door opened, it as first when you heard your name that you turned and saw the door open, seeing Daryl standing there, waiting for you, a fire axe in hand and Glenn tugging at your hand to run. Your feet moved quicker than you thought possible, bolting towards the exit and reaching Daryl, his hand on your lower back as you both bolted towards the exits, but once again, you were trapped. You picked up a chair and joined the others in trying to break a window, slamming it against the glass and even trying with your own body, but nothing worked, it was only when Daryl tackled you and pulled you away from the window that a grenade did the job, Daryl straight up dragging you to your feet and back out the window, groaned as you landed on the grass outside but you didn’t have time to think or react, your feet picking up the pace once again and carrying you to the vehicles, Daryl right behind you as you hid behind a wall of bags of sand, your eyes scanning the group, only to come up with a few missing. You watched in horror as Andrea and Dale barely made it out of there, you quickly got up and ran over to them, helping them get up and run back to the cars just in time for the building to explode, the force of it making you trip and fall, scraping your knee and hurting your ankle even further.
You held onto Daryl tightly as you pulled up on the highway, your way being blocked by, probably, thousands of cars, abandoned and dusty, like they left in a hurry, whoever owned them. You winced as you got off of the bike and instantly Daryl got off as well, frowning and studying your knee and how you took the pressure off of your injured ankle. You were about to tell him to leave it when you heard your name being called, turning to see Lori waving you over, you smiled gently at Daryl, giving his hand a squeeze as you carefully made your way over to Lori, smiling at her as you finally reached her “what’s up?” you leaned against one of the cars and she smirked at you “so, am I allowed to sing that song yet or…?” you scoffed and rolled your eyes “you can sing it all you want, just watch out of arrows that randomly fly your way” you joked, making her chuckle before noticing your knee “that looks like it hurts, are you okay?” she frowned, bending a bit down to get a closer look, but you stopped her, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze “it’s fine, it’s just a scrape” she gave you a worried look, but ultimately gave up and sighed, leaning against the car alongside you, having her eyes on Carl, “so, how’d you get one?” you frowned as you looked confused at her “what?” you gave her a puzzled look but she just smirked and kept her eyes on Carl “our room was next to yours, apparently” your blushed bright red “oh my god…” you mumbled, burying your face in your hands, making her laugh, “so, how’d you get one?” you glanced up at her again, still confused “get what?” she smirked at you again and nudged your shoulder with hers “a condom” you grew even more red at that “oh uh, I didn’t…” you saw Lori stare at you in shock as you kept your eyes straight forward, looking at her out of the corner of your eyes “but you still-”
“Yeah but… like… he pulled out…” you mumbled, making Lori scoff “yeah so did Rick, nine months later I’m in the hospital with a son in my arms” you glanced at her with part horror, part shock in your eyes, making Lori just smirk again as she moved over to Carl, leaving you to your thoughts, were that woman trying to scare you into becoming a nun?! You glanced to Daryl who glanced back at you, giving you one of his rare, soft smiles that you completely loved. You smiled back and went over to him, but were cut off by Glenn who looked at you anxiously, glancing between you and Daryl “spit it out Glenn, come on” you gave him a reassuring smile but it only seemed to make him more nervous, making you realize that this was probably a tad more serious than you thought, so you moved behind a few cars, standing alone with him “what’s up?” he looked away embarrassed “I-I just uh… I heard you and Lori talking and uh…” you frowned, you knew he wouldn’t spy on you, at least not intentionally “yeah, so?” Glenn sighed like you made everything harder for him “I just-... you know I care about you a-and… I-I just heard and I… what if… what if you and him-... and you… and what about me if-... if it happens?... what am I supposed to do you're like-...” you sighed, you got what he was trying to say, at least you think so, you looked down before back up at Glenn, hugging him a tight hug “it’s okay, it’s not gonna happen, I’ll be okay” he nodded and carefully hugged you back, both of you unaware of a certain archer who had come to check on you as you got out of his view, hearing what you were talking about, a pissed off look on his face as he moved away. You parted from Glenn “if it happens don’t worry, you’ll be Uncle Glenn” you gave him a wink and he exhaled half nervous, half relieved, and it made you chuckle “yeah, sorry I just-”
“It’s alright Glenn, you know how much I care about you and you’re like a brother to me” Glenn nodded at your words before moving away, you moved your way towards Daryl yourself, smiling as you see him by his bike, like he was before. “Hey handsome” you were about to lean in to give him a kiss when he leaned away, making you frown, maybe he didn’t want to be public about it, or maybe he didn’t want you again… maybe it was just a one time thing for him… you looked down before back up at him, he still hadn’t looked at you “hey, is everything okay?” he scoffed almost immediately “I don’t know, why don’t you ask the chinese kid” you frowned even more, you were sure a few wrinkles would have etched their way into your skin by now “what do you mean, Glenn? He’s Korea-”
“Yeah whatever, go to him instead with all your bullshit” you tilted your head to try and get his eyes on you, but he just looked away even more, making you straight up pissed “the hell are you talking about, my ‘bullshit’ ?” you snapped, and finally he looked at you “I fuckin’ heard you, ‘you and him’ and all that!” you scoffed and shook your head “he overheard me talking with Lori, Lori was worried about what we did last night because we didn’t use protection, you asshole! He was just scared that something should happen to me, he’s like a brother to me! Prick...” Daryl’s face visibly softened at your words, and he was about to say something when you just scoffed and went off, trying to find Lori, you needed to cool off and she was pretty much the only one who could help you calm down when you were this riles up, plus you needed to talk to someone about Daryl, and since she already knew, it was ideal.
You held your breath as you hid under a car, watching the shuffling feet walk by you, your whole body shaking as you had your knife out, just in case, but so far they were unaware of your presence, that is, until one stumbled and fell, landing with it’s face facing you, growling once it spotted you. You couldn’t risk quickly stabbing it to keep it quiet, there were still others passing by and it might alert them, plus you didn’t really have a lot of room to wiggle around in, for now it were content with just laying there, watching you as it grew more aggravated with each second passing, when feet stopped coming from behind you, you took the opportunity, carefully sliding out from under the car, the walker growling and getting up slowly, on it’s way to chase you down, and without seeing another option, you jumped over the railing and slided down the hill, quickly taking off as you heard the walker follow you, unless it broke both it’s legs, it was probably going to follow you to the ends of the earth, just to get a bite, a taste. You pant heavily as you continue running, your lungs burning, and once you’re far enough out you stop, leaning against a tree as you try to catch your breath as quietly as possible, though it wasn’t as easy as you had hoped, and you probably sounded more like a dog in the summer with thick fur, panting and heaving for breath as you tried to listen for footsteps.
After a few seconds you heard some shuffling, turning you saw now more than the one that had chased you, there were now four of them, slowly walking in your direction. You sighed and glanced at your ankle, it had just gotten better and now you had to run again, for the hundredth time without a brake or a possibility to see how bad the damage was. You leaned your head against the tree, closing your eyes and giving yourself a few seconds to gather up your courage before bolting once again, your knife in your hand and your ankle burning, you had no idea where you were headed, you just needed to get away from those walkers, four were too many for you to handle on your own.
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the-phantom-ender · 4 years
Can I request Ranbob and Foolish? Wanna see how our favorite Dream kinnie would interact with our favorite totem god.
So. This is the first time I’ve ever attempted to write Ranbob. Forgive me if he’s a tad ooc ;^^ This might have to be the last request for tonight. I got a little carried away and it’s… past 2. 
To every power, there was a weakness. Every ability had a drawback. This was the nature of existence, a law of the universe. An action had an equal and opposite reaction, this was just how the world worked. And Foolish was as bound to the rules of the universe as any mortal man.
The acute awareness at death had long since been a thing he’d tuned out. Being a deity of the living and the dead, sensing every fallen existence was overwhelming, at one time. But eventually it had dulled into background noise. As familiar as breath. There were times, however, where a particularly tragic or abrupt death caught him off guard.
Long after the land of the Dream SMP was ancient history, regarded as folk tales and mythology, he felt this painful tug. There was a whisper, in the edges of his mind. The ocean itself seemed to be mourning, death and tragedy occurring under her blanket of darkness. His oceans did not cry out often, it was always oddly unsettling when they did. Perhaps a sailor had been caught in a storm and the waves regretted aiding in their passing?
For whatever reason, be it idiocy or curiosity, Foolish decided to check on things. To follow his ocean’s call to where she mourned. This led him to a vast underwater city. Now, of course, the god didn’t approach this place as himself. Instead, he shifted his appearance into that of a small catshark. Still a dangerous animal in a sense, but small and unassuming. Sharks were… his thing, alright? 
The city was alight with fire, water flooded into a room with a burning tree. Dark ash and smoke stained the sea black. Foolish just hardly noticed the body of a man among the wreckage. His heart was heavy. Certainly, the glass dome would shatter under the water pressure and send shards into the water, polluting and harming the environment. Once again, his heart ached for his ocean.
Gathering himself, he cast out his mind, sensing one living being in the entirety of the city. Abruptly, he shifted his appearance back into that of his own (albeit small enough to fit the halls of the city), appearing outside the ruined dome. He scanned the area sadly, drawing his attention to the opposite end of the hall. A man emerged, clearly startled by the presence of another. A bloodstained sword hung at his side. Foolish understood what this meant.
“Ah! Greetings!” The man spoke, a false sense of friendliness in his tone as he wiped the blade clean on his suit,” What brings you to Mizu? Do you, too, have an interest in the history of the great Dream SMP?” 
Right. So this was one of those people, huh? Not that Foolish had anything wrong with historians, of course! It was just… funny to see people tell tales of people he’d known. Especially if they were completely off base. And considering the familiar half toned appearance of the man before him, there was a decent chance he was. 
“Uh… something like that, yeah.” 
A smile grew on the man's face, Foolish noting the similarity to another smile he knew. “Right! Well then, my name is Ranbob. I am a descendant of the great and wise historian Ranboo! You’ll have to forgive me, I was not… expecting guests.” 
It took all the will he had for the god to not burst into laughter. The great historian Ranboo, eh? So that’s what history decided he became. That was a more flattering title than some past acquaintances of his had gotten, to be fair. 
“Foolish. It’s a pleasure to meet you Ranbob of Mizu.” A proper title. Foolish extended an arm for a handshake, emerald eyes sharp and dangerous. 
The handshake was taken, a handkerchief in between them. Ranbob’s eyes seemed cold. There was the same expression he’d seen in so many others in those eyes. A man who had given away his humanity in pursuit of a goal. The willingness to kill for their own gain. Still… this man was a descendant of Ranboo. There was still the clear haze of forgetfulness in his eyes. A trait that never went away, it seemed. 
“...Likewise.” a beat “Would you like a tour?” 
“If you'd like to give one.” 
Foolish stayed silent as he was brought between rooms. He knew this was a set up. He could tell that the person leading him was dangerous. Still, despite this, there was an odd charm to him. He’d learned, at this point, to appreciate the beauty in death. Sometimes, that was all you could do in the face of tragedy. By gods had Foolish seen enough tragedy to have a bit of beauty. 
He knew he was nearing the end of this encounter as Ranbob mentioned idols. Right, yes. Time had a tendency to turn normal people into those, putting them on a pedestal. Foolish had the excuse of being an old, old god. Even by the time that he’d met those of the Dream SMP, he was practically unheard of. At least it meant that he wasn’t recognized right away. Though… his temple was still standing. 
“Everyone in this place has their idols,” Ranbob hummed, leading him into a room that was immediately a red flag,” Would you like to know mine?”
Neon green.
“Who might that be, kid?”
“Dream! The god of the server! I aim to follow in his footsteps, to do as he did!” 
“You serve a false prophet, Ranbob.” 
“... What? No, no, don’t you say something like that. I know the history, my family wrote it!” The man gritted his teeth, expression souring,” I know what I know! And one thing I know for certain is that no one leaves Mizu alive!” 
And all at once, he charged. Foolish made no effort to deflect him, of course. His eyes simply glinted as the blade glanced off of his body- clearly making no dent in him. A green hue glimmered around him and his face fell. Ranbob hadn’t let him reason, it was a shame, honestly. He seemed to be a smart man.
“Dream is no god,” Foolish hummed, easily disarming Ranbob, who was promptly scooped up into a bear hug restraint,” He was a foolish mortal man with one hell of a god complex, though. You could stand to learn the lesson he never did. Cruelty is learned, life and death aren’t unkind, history is always doomed to repeat.”
“Let me go!” Ranbob thrashed in his iron grip, ears tilted down,” Let go of me! You know nothing! Nothing I say!”
“The totem knows nothing, eh?”
“N-no! The totem god isn’t- real! That was a myth even in the time of the SMP!”
Foolish squeezed the man harder, not quite hard enough to hurt. Ranbob’s goggles fell over his eyes as he tossed his head around uselessly. His heart hammered hard enough that the god could feel it in his grasp. This man was a murderer, sure, but Foolish didn’t like scaring others.
“Ranbob. If you’re looking for a god, I’m your best bet. Dream was a kid with a complex and, well, XD doesn’t exactly deal in mortal affairs unless someone’s breaking a rule. Or you’re GeorgeNotFound, but George is long dead at this point. If you want someone to teach you history, I have much scripture in my temple. If you’d like me to teach you, I can.” 
“Wh- huh?”
“You like history, right? Who’s a better source than someone who lived it?”
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 4 years
Bucky Barnes x Reader: Shall We Dance?
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(Author’s Note: Hey all, I’m back but this time with a Bucky fic!  I just thought this was an adorable idea, and I even found a soundtrack for it.  You could play some 1940′s instrumental jazz in the background while reading this fic to enhance the experience, or not.  Up to you!
Also, this is sort of an AU that takes place after Civil War, but where the Avengers don’t separate yet.  So yeah I’m jumping on the bandwagon of Avengers still living in the tower with Bucky joining them XD)
   “Are you sure about this?” you asked, poking your head around the corner.  Taking note of what the guests were wearing, you immediately felt out of place.  Despite the party having a 1940’s theme, most of the ladies were wearing rather modern dresses that were long and elegant and touched the floor.  Some did go as far as pinning their hair in updos that were fitting for the time period, but even so, you glanced down at your old-fashioned evening gown and perfectly matched shoes with doubt.  It was a beautiful deep blue dress that went almost to your ankles.  The sleeves were a tad puffy at the shoulders before tightening into long sleeves the rest of the way to your wrists.  The outfit was very lovely, but it was most definitely out-dated compared to what the guests were wearing.
   It was a birthday celebration for Steve Rogers- a surprise one at that.  Stark had volunteered a floor of the Avengers tower for the venue, and Natasha and you had the neat idea of making it an old-fashioned party complete with music from the 1940’s to make things feel more like home.  You and Nat had fun researching the sort of clothes worn back then, but apparently not everyone had taken the theme so literally.
   “You kidding me?” Natasha responded in a low voice, brows furrowing slightly.  “You look great.  Now, let’s get out there and own it.”  A smile crept on your face, and you were glad to have a friend go into the party with, especially someone as confident as Romanoff.  She was dressed in a 1940’s gown too, though hers was a pretty dark green which complemented the red lipstick she wore.  “We were pretty specific about the theme of the party,” she continued.  “Technically, most of these people are the ones out of place, not us.”
   “Good point.”
   “This is for Steve anyway.  I’m sure he’ll appreciate the gesture.”
   It wasn’t necessarily the guests that concerned you.  Or Steve.  A certain someone would be in attendance, and you strived to be cool as a cucumber.
   “Alright, here goes nothing.”  You stepped out from the hallway and couldn’t help but smile.  The music was jazzy, and the lights made the scene even more charming as couples danced on the floor while others conversed at little tables or the bar.  Natasha walked beside you, eyes scanning the room.  They rested on Bruce, who was talking to Tony with a drink in his hand.
   “You going to say ‘hi’?” you asked, giving her a playful nudge.  She played it off as if she couldn’t care less, but you knew there was something going on between her and the scientist.
   “Maybe later.”
   A waiter approached with a tray, and Natasha gratefully accepted a shrimp cocktail while you decided to take a chance on a pastry.  As you bit into your snack, you looked to your friend.   
   “You look beautiful,” you complimented. 
   She flashed a warm smile, a rare but lovely sight from the secret agent.  “You look beautiful too,” she said.  Then, her eyes seemed to dart to something behind you.  “It looks like someone else thinks so.”
   Your mouth fell open.  “What?”  You snuck a glance over your shoulder in the most subtle way you could before quickly turning away when a pair of dark blue eyes gazed in your direction.  Your heartbeat quickened as Natasha raised a brow.  “It’s Bucky.”
   “Yes, it is,” she nodded, though her probing gaze didn’t leave your face as she took in your expression.  “Something wrong?”
   “No,” you said quickly.  A little too quickly.
   Her eyes traveled to the former Winter Soldier before a hint of a smirk appeared on her lips.  “Oh, so you still have a thing for him?”
   “What?  I never told you that.”
   “Didn’t need to.”  Her smirk grew.  “I sort of read people for a living, and it’s written all over your face whenever he walks in the room.”
   “Well, glad I was being subtle,” you remarked with an eye roll.  “I just get so nervous.  He’s a good friend, and…”
   “And he’s coming over here.”
   “He’s- what?”
   “He’s walking this way,” she mumbled under her breath.
   You followed her eyes to see those eyes fixed on you as he approached.  Though his dark hair was still somewhat long and unkempt, he wore a nice suit and shoes.  His lips pressed together in an awkward smile as he entered the space where you and Natasha stood.
   “Hey,” he greeted with a small wave.
   “Hi,” you said, smiling.  Natasha didn’t speak.  She only observed the interaction as your eyes wandered the room in desperate search for something else to talk about.  “This turned out to be a nice party,” you commented.  “You think Steve is having a good time?”
   “Yeah,” Bucky agreed, looking over to see the Captain having a dance with Sharon.  “It is nice.  I think he’s having fun.  Sure looked happy to see everyone when he walked in.”
   You laughed as you remembered his reaction- your friend and teammate’s look of pleasant surprise and then a big smile as everyone shouted “surprise!”  You even asked that Tony get a picture from the security footage.
   “Definitely loved the look on his face,” you said.  The conversation between the two of you quieted for a minute as both of you looked at your surroundings until Bucky spoke up again.
   “You like the music?” he asked, gesturing with a metal hand to your feet.  You hadn’t even noticed yourself swaying in place to the tune.  The realization caused you to give a sheepish smile and shrug.
   “I think I do.”
   Bucky’s little awkward smile widened, and his eyes held warmth as he asked, “do you wanna’ dance with me?”  Your eyes travelled to that inviting gaze of his, and it was like your heart was doing flips.  You nodded, and he extended his other hand to take yours.  Then, he looked to Natasha.  “Mind if I steal her for a dance or two?”
   Natasha smirked again.  “Not at all.  Have fun, you two.”
   Bucky glanced your way again before leading you toward the dance floor.  You shot a look at Natasha over your shoulder, mouth falling open in shock that this was happening.  She gave a nod of approval.
   Bucky stopped before going too far into the crowded space, turning to put the metal hand at your waist while you put your arm around the back of his neck.  He exhaled sharply in a silent chuckle, glancing down at his feet.  “Sorry,” he said, eyes darting back up to yours.  “It’s been a while.  I haven’t danced with a woman in….well, about seventy years.”
   “Oh,” you said quietly.  An ache grew in your heart at the thought.  He’d spent a lot of time brainwashed and forced to do awful things for Hydra.  Before you could dwell on it much further, you remembered where you were and tried to keep the conversation light-hearted.  “Well I hope I don’t disappoint you.  I haven’t had much experience dancing to this kind of music.”
   “_________,” he said, starting to sway to the music.  You let him lead you in the beginnings of the dance.  “You are far from disappointing me.”  He stepped back to give you a twirl, and you followed through with a smile on your face.  “And since I’m out of practice, we won’t do anything fancy.”
   “Sounds good to me.”
   A warm feeling gathered in your chest, and you were absolutely elated as you and Bucky let the tune carry you both.  The grin never left your expression.  He seemed to be smiling even wider as he got more comfortable.  Hearing this kind of music on the radio used to feel so strange to you.  You’d breeze past it to the next station in search of something more to your taste, something more modern.  But being there in that moment, dancing with Bucky, it felt so real.  So alive.  You could see why people enjoyed it.  From then on, you’d never think of it the same way.
   “You look gorgeous, doll,” Bucky said over the music, drawing your attention from the live band and back to his gaze.  The lights reflected as a splash of glowing color amongst the beautiful blue of his eyes.  “Where’d you find a dress like that?”
   You ducked your head slightly from the compliment.  “Oh, I got it online.  It was Natasha’s idea.  We were hoping everyone would dress up, but turns out it was just us.”
   “Well, I like it.  Love it, actually.”
   “Thank you.”  He gave you another twirl just as the song ended, and both of you pulled away to applaud the band along with the other couples.  Then, the band took a short pause to turn pages and take a breather before playing a slower song.  As the other couples drew closer to dance slowly, you stole a glance at your dance partner, wondering if he’d want to dance this song with you or take a break.  Before you could ask, he offered his hand.  You smiled, uncertainty vanishing, as he gently pulled you forward and put an arm around you.  Your face was inches from his shoulder, and you decided to just go along with it by wrapping your arms around him.  You took your first few steps of the dance carefully, adjusting to the slower tune.  Despite the hair raised on the back of your neck and the way your breath caught in your throat at the sweet moment you had dreamed of many times, it felt so safe there.  So secure.  You didn’t want to leave anytime soon.
   “So I’m impressed,” you said.  “No feet have been stepped on yet.”
   He pulled away ever so slightly to give you a humorous look.  “It’s been some time, but I have danced before, _________.”
   You laughed.  “Actually I was talking more about myself.”
   “Ah.  See, that makes more sense.”
   “Oh, please,” you joked.  “I’m not that bad.”
   He chuckled softly and rested his cheek against yours, like you’d seen in old-timey movies, as he swayed with you.  “No, no that bad indeed.”
   You were stunned into silence again at the contact.  Your steps weren’t a concern anymore because it felt like you were floating across the dancefloor.
   “Is this okay?” he asked.  The question was so quiet considering how close his voice was.  
   It felt wrong to nod and break the contact, so you just uttered a hushed, “yeah.  It’s more than okay actually.”
   How long had you been dancing?  You weren’t sure.  All you knew was eventually the band announced that they’d be taking a break, a well-earned one in your mind.  Everyone at the party applauded, and you and Bucky hesitantly pulled away.
   “Hey, Buck,” a new voice greeted.  “Hey there, _________.”
   “Happy birthday, Steve,” Bucky said, clapping a hand on his shoulder.  “You’re in pretty good shape for being, what, ninety-eight?  What’s your secret?”
   Steve gave a chuckle.  “I already heard that one a few times today.  But thanks, my secret is that I go for a run every day.” 
   “Happy birthday,” you chimed in with a grin, giving him a hug.  “Do you like the party?”
   “Yeah, I really do.  I heard you had something to do with the theme?”
   “Me and Nat both did.”
   That Steve Rogers smile appeared on his face, softening his features even more.  It was the kind of smile that made anyone feel like a million bucks because it was always so genuine.  “Well, thank you.  It was very sweet of you both.”
   “There he is!” Thor called, and the three of you looked over to see him holding up a glass.  “The birthday boy!  Come hither and tell us one of your tales of victory!” 
   Steve hesitated, looking at you and Bucky.  “Ah, guess I’ll be right back, then?”
   “Go see your other guests,” Bucky told him, giving him a nudge.  “We’ll catch up with you later.”  Steve gave one last wave and approached the group, causing them to erupt in cheers.  You and Bucky exchanged looks, laughing.
   “How long do you think they’ll keep him?” Bucky asked.
   “A while, for sure.”  Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Natasha and Bruce conversing casually.  Wanda and Vision walked past, both glancing your way and waving.  They looked so cute together.  With the music gone, all you could hear was quiet chatter and the clinking of glasses and silverware.  It was such a peaceful atmosphere.
   “Want something to eat?”
   You nodded.  “Yeah, I do.”  He stopped a waiter so that the two of you could grab a few appetizers and go find a seat.  You found a few lounge chairs near the window where you could look out at the city lights in the dark.  There was some playful banter, as usual, and some brief talk of superhero work before you settled on a game of truth or dare.  So far, Bucky had dared you to try a new food that you weren’t so sure about, and you had dared him to throw a straw wrapper at Sam just to get his attention.  It was your turn to pick again, and you chose “dare.”
   “I dare you,” Bucky began, narrowing his eyes as he leaned back in the chair in thought.  “I dare you to save me the next dance, and the one after that.”
   Your smile faded at his words while you played with the hem of your dress.  “Hm, okay.”  You paused.  “Truth or dare?”
   “Truth,” he said.
   “Alright, here’s my question: Is there a reason you want all these dances with me?”
   His gaze was fixed on you sincerely as he opened his mouth to reply.  Unfortunately, this happened to be the moment that Steve returned.
   “I’m back,” he announced.  “Sorry about that.”  He halted to observe the way you and Bucky looked at each other so intently.  “Oh, am I interrupting?”
   “Um, no, we were just…”
   “Playing a game.”  Bucky said quickly.  “Truth or dare.”
   Steve nodded.  “Gotcha’.  Hey, was that why you threw straw wrappers at Sam?”
   “It was only one straw wrapper,” Bucky corrected.  “And yes, it was the reason.  If you talk to him again, you should tell him that it was ___________ who put me up to it.  I was just following the rules of the game.”  He feigned innocence with the casual shrug of his shoulders.
   “I bet,” Steve chuckled.
   Just then, you noticed the band heading back to their instruments.  It appeared that their break was over and they were beginning to play again.  Immediately, Bucky looked at you and then his friend.  
   “Speaking of rules of the game,” he said.  “__________ here owes me a dance.  Are you up for it?”
   You smiled, rising from the lounge chair.  “Sure.  It was a dare, after all.”  In reality, you both knew that it was a joke and you didn’t have to comply with the dare if you didn’t want to, but the thing was, you did want to.  You wanted to save all your dances for him.  As he led you to the dance floor again, you didn’t see Natasha walk over to Steve with her arms folded.
   “You think they’re going to get together?” she asked.
   “It’s their business,” Steve pointed out.  “Not our place to get involved”.  Natasha glanced his way with a raised brow, and he sighed in defeat.  “Okay yeah, I think it’s going to happen soon.  Back home, Bucky was never this hesitant when it came to dates.  He’s really taking his time with her. I think it’s because he really cares about her.”
   “That’s sweet, but how do you know he feels that way?”
   “He told me.  We’re best buds, remember?”
   “I thought you and I were best friends,” she deadpanned.  They shared a humorous look as they watched the two of you moving to the rhythm of the jazzy music, big smiles across your faces.  “I just hope it happens soon.”
   “I hear that.”
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bangtan-madi · 4 years
hello, are you still taking requests for mysme? if so, may i ask for headcanons with jumin and jihyun having a lawyer SO? thank you very much! (ps: jin rights!)
Hi! So sorry this has taken so long. I don't know how long this request has been in here, but my motivation to write the last few MysMe requests has been...lacking, to say the least. I apologize, but I hope you do enjoy these headcanons! (reminder: I don't write for Jihyun, but I went all out on Jumin because...yes. I needed these headcanons in my life) (also...please keep in mind that I haven't played the game in like six months, as my Tumblr content has shifted, so go easy on me xD)
Requests for MysMe are NOT open. This is just me catching up on the few remaining requests from pre-blog change. Thanks for understanding, lovies.
Han Jumin with a lawyer significant other is the power couple of all power couples.
Seriously. I didn't know I needed this until it was put in my Askbox.
We all know that Jumin can be a bit overly logical, out of touch with how others are feeling, especially when it comes to debating or discussing certain things. That's gotten him into a ton of trouble over the years. His friends, especially Zen and Yoosung, rely heavily on their hearts and feelings when making life choices. Even when it comes to simple things, like picking what to eat, they go with what feels right. To Jumin, he's much preferred the logical to his own feelings.
"They're unreliable and change with the weather. I prefer the tried and true."
So when he meets you, an applicant for the company's legal department, he's a tad starstruck. It's an entirely new feeling to Jumin, but not one that he's all that opposed to. When his father referred you, citing a great relationship with your father through their mutual work together, he didn't have very high hopes. Which is why he's lined up several more interviews later in the day.
To say he is pleasantly surprised to find someone who is very complimentary for him is an understatement. Upon first introduction, you present yourself as an individual of the law, of logic, and of stoic reason. The confident yet humble way your carry yourself convinces Jumin that you're exactly what his company needs, and you seal the deal with being able to answer and debate on equal footing with him all throughout the hour-long interview. It's intellectually stimulating and relaxing at the same time. The two of you are on the same wavelength. While your emotions and passion are proven to be powerful, it's because of this beautiful combination of head and heart that Jumin cancels the rest of the interviews.
"We won't be needing them," he tells Jaehee as you exit the building, turning back to throw him an assured smile, as if you already knew he was going to pick you. "I've found exactly what I was looking for."
What's more, what he didn't know at the time that you would tell him sometime later, is that you enjoyed it just as much as he did.
After a few months of working together, you're the one that finally asks Jumin out for a drink. It's the day you win your case against the company that wrongly sued C&R International. It was a case you got thrown into on your very first day. You'd poured hundreds of hours into working it up, which did not go unnoticed by Jumin.
The CEO goes out of his way to make sure you're well taken care of on particularly long days. Making you a cup of coffee just the way you liked it? That's slowly becoming a daily occurrence. Hiring extra assistants to make sure you aren't overworking yourself? He's brought on half a dozen additional support staff for you and you alone. Having his personal chef bring meals for the entire law department under the guise of HR? That's one thing you knew was especially for you, particularly because that chef always had a knack for preparing your favorite meals (You've always had a soft spot for Tteokguk.)
All of this, added to the adrenaline high from a successful Court Order, has you turning to Jumin with the biggest smile plastered on your face.
"Drinks on me! Don't worry. I know a place with the best red wine you've ever tasted."
And he'll admit it proudly: you were right. The wine was impeccable, but what he's more impressed by is the way you've loosened up and grown more comfortable around him over the past six months. His first impression of you is as strong as ever, but there's a very deep and emotional side to you as well. It perplexes him, but it also intrigues him. The way you use both in both your professional and personal life deeply impresses him. You find your strength in both, and leaves this man hanging on to every word you utter.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" you ask towards the end of the night. "You're staring."
Jumin blinks away and takes another sip of the house Merlot, a favorable new find. "Is it that obvious?"
"A bit. What's on your mind?"
"When I first met you, I saw that you were like me. You adhere to intellect and logic and use your mind to make choices. But over the last six months, I also see that you're guided by your heart as well. You have this admirable blend of genius and intuition that, to be honest, both confuses and amazes me."
"How so?"
"Because I'm nothing like that."
These after-work outings and deep conversations continue over the next six months, and pretty soon, you find yourself having been at C&R for a year. On your workiversary, you invite Jumin to your family home to introduce him to your family. They've planned to throw you a one-year party with family and close friends, and you could think of no one you'd want there more than Jumin.
"Wait...aren't I supposed to be doing something for you today, as your boss, [Y/n]?"
You merely grabbed the sleeve of his pinstriped, collared shirt and dragged him towards the front door, where you'd already hailed his car.
"You do things for me every damn day, Han Jumin. Just this once, let me do something for you?"
"What do you mean by that?"
After pushing him into the car, you tell the driver where to go. "You always say how much you admire the way I use my head and heart. But you always, always follow it up with, 'I'm not like that at all.' Well, I'm here to tell you that you can, too, you big oaf. And there's no one better to show you that you have a heart worth following that my mom and dad, so you're coming with me."
Knowing he has no power to refuse you once you've set your mind on something, the brunet follows you around the entire night. While you talk with your friends, while you cook with your mother, while you debate politics with your father, he enjoys it all. Seeing you with them, he sees how you've grown into the person you are today. These people have shaped you into the strong, independent, confident person you are, the one he's harbored feelings for in secret over the past few months. Through them--and you--he begins to see the world in a new light.
It's on that night, on the way home, that he asks you out for a first real date. He escorts you to your apartment, ensuring your safe arrival, and asks the question without any lead-up.
"How do you feel about a movie tomorrow?"
Though surprised, you can't help but smile from a few stairs ahead of him, putting you at equal height.
"That's an awfully normal thing to do on a Saturday night."
He gives a small smile and shrugs.
"What excuse can I give? Maybe you were right. Maybe I have a heart worth following, and right now it's telling me to spend as much time with you as I can. So...what do you say?"
"I say..."
You trail off, lean over to press a peck to his cheek, and stand back with a giddy grin plastered on your face.
"That you're pretty cheesy when you wanna be, Juminie."
"Is that a pet-name I hear?"
"Yep! And it's not going away any time soon. Pick me up at seven?"
"I'll be here."
You turn towards the door to your apartment, blowing a kiss in his direction as you slip away. Jumin stands there for another few seconds as you leave his sight, and--shaking his head--he turns back to the car.
"Confused and amazed, indeed."
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
Beating Hearts | Leo Valdez
WC: 1.3K
Summary: You were supposed to help Leo with his homework, but he can’t concentrate and you can’t concentrate and so you go for a walk.
Genre: High School AU
Warnings: None XD
Fluff | Smut | Angst
A/N: Hello, I decided to write something, so here it is :) Also, although it wouldn’t really be applicable here, I found out there are extensions on Google Chrome that can change out Y/N in text to a name of your choosing, which is really cool if you read x reader fics often! Just a tip for ya :)
«You have something in your hair…»
I sighed in annoyance and let one hand rake through my hair, not really thinking much about it.
«Seriously, do you want me to get it out?» Leo asked, already leaning over the table with his hand out, more focused with this than what we were actually doing.
I swatted his hand away. «No, Leo, please just focus! If you don’t get a C or better on this test, they won’t let me tutor you anymore!» I exclaimed.
He fell back in his seat with his hands up in surrounder, but his eyes didn’t leave my head. I tried to brush my fingers through my hair again, but it apparently didn’t work.
«I’ll concentrate as soon as you don’t have that stuff stuck in your hair. Here, just let me…» He leaned over the table again reached his hand towards my face.
I stiffened, feeling the familiar rush of butterflies making my head dizzy.
He plucked something out of my hair, his fingers lightly brushing over my cheeks and effectively making my heart skip a beat. I let out a breath, feeling like tingly mess as his very brown, very warm eyes gazed into mine. His hand rested at my cheek for a split second, but that was enough. My heartbeat was the only sound in the busy library, and I felt the irrational fear that it would beat out of my chest.
«Sorry,» Leo whispered when he sat down again.
I forced a smile and shook my head, trying to come back to the library, instead of the dreamscape I had briefly escaped to.
My eyes returned to the familiar page, the same we had been for the last half hour, and I tried to regain my posture. Maybe I should just let him fail that test. At least then he wouldn’t get a tutor who couldn’t have him within two feet before she combusted in a gathering of butterflies.
I glanced up at him, and his eyes were on the roof above us, his hands seemingly doing something without his knowledge. Tinkering with some metal scraps I hadn’t even seen he had brought up.
«Leo,» I said, softly.
His eyes snapped over to mine.
I knew when he got like that, there was no point in trying to teach him anything. It wasn’t him being rude, he truly didn’t have control over his mind wandering, so I never yelled or scolded him for it. Plus, I knew that so many teachers never understood how he worked, and he had gotten yelled at before, something that he still carried with him.
«I need to get some fresh air, and I think you need to get your body moving a little bit. Want to go for a walk?»
He grinned that smile that made all the other girls retract in disgust, but made me swoon, and then he swiped all of his stuff down in his bag and slung it on his back. It made me wince how little care he had for his stuff, at school stuff, and made sure to make a point of packing my books and pens down in my bag carefully.
He threw his arm over my shoulder, his spirits now a little more up. I felt my heartbeat just a tiny bit faster and was glad he couldn’t hear it.
Outside it was snowing, and I shuddered from the cold, regretting not taking my warm jacket with me. Whether it was a conscious choice or him just not thinking about it, I was not sure, but he shuffled closer to me, and the heat radiating from him was enough to warm me up. That boy never got cold.
I looked up at him. He didn’t notice, his eyes fixed on the horizon, which gave me a chance to really see him. See how the snowflakes fell down and got stuck in his dark curls, how his breath came out in small and short bursts like he was hyperventilating, how his jaw was tense. Something was bothering him, but I didn’t want to push him to tell what. If he wanted to talk about it, he would do it. At least he was predictable in that way.
The restless wandering around New York City seemed to help because as the time went on he became calmer. He still had that look in his eyes, like he had drunken three jugs of strong coffee, but that was always there.
He was beautiful under the city lights. I really couldn’t understand how he never got a girlfriend, because he really did look handsome. Maybe not in a conventional way, but in a way that made him interesting and not just like everyone else. Or maybe I was just biased. I had once read that once you fall for someone, they automatically look more beautiful because the endorphins released when seeing them make everything look nicer.
He was more silent now than you had ever heard him before. He was usually a rambling mess, never able to sit still or be silent.
«Everything okay?»
He looked down at me, almost surprised, and then chuckled a tad bit awkwardly.
«Yeah, no, I was just thinking.»
I gasped loudly, stopping and looking at him with wide eyes. «What?» I gasped, my voice overly dramatic and shocked. I let my hands slap my cheeks as I said: «Leo Valdez thinking? Something must be incredibly wrong! Here, let me check…» I trailed off as I let one hand stretch up towards his forehead as if I was checking his temperature.
He caught my hand in his, though, and then he stared down in my eyes. Such warm, brown eyes, they reminded me of hot cocoa. It warmed me up, and I didn’t notice it, but as he tugged me closer, my nose filled up with the familiar scent of Axe body spray and burned wood - his signature smell. I warmed up completely like I had just drunk hot chocolate, and I could hear my heart beating again.
The air around us shifted, much like earlier today when his fingers stroked my cheek. My eyes were wide, but this wasn’t me joking around.
Leo didn’t say anything, but we both noticed the anticipation - the tension - laying heavily in the air. His face was so close to me now, and he had that wrinkle above his eyebrow that told me he was concentrated, his eyes showed something else, something stronger, something warmer.
I could feel his breath on my lips, and then his lips were all I could feel. The warmth that surrounded us when his lips touched mine was like nothing I had ever felt. My mouth moved on instinct against his, but I couldn’t feel the rest of my body, it was as if it had just turned into a puddle of warmth.
Way too soon, he pulled away, and I let out a breath of shock, staring up in his eyes that were calmer than I had ever seen them before.
«S-Sorry,» he stuttered, then he pulled away from me, and just like that, all the warmth left me.
I reached out to him, desperate for him to be close to me again, and I noticed the look of alarm on his face as I grabbed his hand.
«What are you saying sorry for?» I asked him, so low he could barely hear me.
His head snapped down to my hand in his, and then back up at me. The other hand on his side was restless, and his eyes were wild.
«I- I wasn’t sure if you wanted that, but you just looked- you were just so beautiful, I couldn’t seem to control myself.»
I felt laughter bubble up from my chest, and I tugged him closer as a smile found its way to his lips too.
«Really, it’s okay. I wouldn’t have kissed back if I didn’t want you to kiss me, would I?»
His lips opened into a big grin that showed his teeth, and then he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me flush to his chest. Under the thin layer of his shirt, I could feel his heartbeat rapidly against mine.
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 985: Initial Thoughts
Tumblr media
Well that’s taking a turn, not 100% unexpected but still, we’re heading into the danger zone right now Today’s fan translations are a bit wonky, so a few things may be a tad confusing, but this is what I am taking from it, of course I’ll read the official to get the clearer insight
Spoilers for Chapter 985, Support the Official Release
And we start with a 3 Captains Color Spread, people will gush over how Law doesn’t get a parrot so is sitting on Luffy’s or the fact that Oda really does love parrots but my curiosity lies on Kid’s trousers (not that way you dirty minds!), that text feels like it’s hinting at something...
Just a note on the title, yesterday’s translation missed it, but this New Onigashima Initiative means that this naming is of Kaido’s choice, it’s like his Whole Cake Island or Fullalead
“A storm is coming” - feels like we’re gonna get some big stuff in a bit
Of course it’s this bitch Kanjuro intercepting the flank party, backed by his own artwork and some of Kaido’s men
Izo and Neko are taking this all pretty in stride for someone who are just finding out that Kanjuro is the traitor
Something irks me though that Momo - who has spent Wano training with a sword - could only do a papercut to Kanjuro’s hand. Like, I know he’s strong but if something that small would put Kanjuro into a rage mode then it’s a bit of an exaggeration
That is if we believe Kanjuro’s story, I don’t think he’s good, but I think it’s interesting that Kanjuro is completely darkened out when beating up Momo, as if to hide something. This hand injury may come back around
Kawamatsu and Kiku may be shaken, but Inu and Neko don’t give a fuck about Kanjuro’s speech XD
Kiku’s title being because her cuts carry into the afterlife does give off a similar vibe to Brook, who uses ice ‘from the afterlife’ in a similar manner
Also side bar, I think Kiku’s armor is the one Luffy initially wears in the pre-raid chapter, the old chapter cover (380?) and Volume 95, so that may explain where it went, but what about the Kozuki puffy trousers!?
Izo looking like some gangster with the samurai PACKIN’ HEAT
Neko had a gunhand so Inu raised him for a sword leg, nicking some Shiki traits there Inu?
Noticeably missing though is the Law Squad, so maybe they are pulling a sneaky
I wonder how far this Video Announcement Kaido is reaching? Like is it just Onigashima? just Wano? The entire world? Is the Revolution about to be Televised?
Yamato bluntly using Ace to convince Luffy to join...I’m not sure about it. As you would’ve seen I am not 100% on board with Yamato for Nakama, I think Oda is just playing those who are. It just, isn’t the right format, granted Nami asked Chopper to join and Robin convinced Luffy to let her join but Yamato saying ‘you’re Ace’s brother, so you let me join’ seems the wrong way about it all
The translation I have is really messy here, but Luffy seems to be as confused as me about Yamato’s kinning (is that the right word?), I think he’s also imply that Yamato just set off themselves if they wanna leave
The explosive cuffs make yet another return, first with Sanji, now with Yamato
We learn a little more info on Yamato, they appear to be 28 at least (2 years older than Hiyori) and wanted to venture with Ace last they met, so this has similar Tama vibes already
Yamato though going on this intense philosophical backstory of how Kaido would rather blow up his own child’s hands than let them leave and Luffy’s just all ‘I could take them off for you’ XD
Yamato definitely seems on board with beating Kaido, but we must remember, Kid and Law want to kill Kaido, it’s very different.
Also is that hesitation? Like, you want the cuffs off right?
Kaido with the current affairs updates, how is he getting this info though with Wano being closed off? But this is how Luffy and co find out that the Shichibukai system is gone at least, and Kaido is rating the choice
Kaido’s plan to combat it though is simple, we’re treading back on the Ancient Weapons route
Yamato’s horns peering out of the attic is somehow humorous to me
Big Mom strolls in though with her Homie army, a KO’d Zeus in hand too, it’s not a good look for Nami and Carrot as their disguises are removed and Nami’s power buff is gone, Shinobu is strangely missing though
A lot of people are picking up on ‘Ours’, but don’t get too ahead of ourselves, ours can mean any group, not just Kaido and Big Mom or the alliances as a whole, they could even be referring to their singular crews
Meanwhile Luffy is just ‘that shit is mine I called dibs ya bastard!’
The big decree though, Orochi’s men now have to make a choice because Wano is gonna be a pirate-led lawless state
Orochi’s head started to roll...and then it did literally! YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!
I was half right then, Kaido did kill Orochi and kinda save Momo from him...surprised he used King’s sword though...though, Hydra’s do have a knack of surviving when a head is cut off...
However, this now bodes potentially well for the raid. Kaido is opting for ‘with us or against us’, either the Samurai join or die, but that means our samurai raiders are bolstered by anti-Kaido samurai...if there are any that is
Luffy of course almost blowing his cover to save Momo, surprised so few picked up on the roof falling
Kaido’s main initiative now is to turn all of Wano into his Pirate Empire and spread from there, a tactical fortress fused with the ancient weapons and technological advance, Onigashima itself will now be the Flower Capital and yeah, makes a lot of sense for Kaido
I’m not sure about the Kiku stuff, Kiku crying with a bloodied blade alarms me because we don’t see a body, maybe Kanjuro pulled another sketch trick and got away?
Kaido wants Wano to be called New Onigashima, and per the Yamato-based announcement, they are the new Shogun
But Yamato’s quick to blow their cover to refuse, and now the Flying Six are also on their way as Luffy chases to save Momo
Whew, that was a lot of stuff happening in the chapter, a lot of it feels like misdirects but things are still very dire Yes, on the plus side we may get some Orochi loyalists and Wano purists on our side to save Wano from Onigashima, it’s not just its weapons but its culture and people that Orochi had neglected in vain to stay on Kaido’s good side. We also can confirm that Yamato is an ally, Nakama is still 50/50 I think they just want out more than to join Luffy, they didn’t even consider the One Piece!
But the downs are still dangerous, Orochi is dead so Kaido has full command, Momo is still in danger, the back flank is halted, Marco is far away, Nami and Carrot are injured by BM (and this storm negates Su Long), Perospero is oncoming, half of the crew are stretched away from the main dome and the flying six are about to close in, not to mention that Yamato still does have their handcuffs on The raid hasn’t even begun and we have so many twists and turns, but there are still the AWOL factors; Apoo, Denjiro, Kin’emon, Hiyori, Drake, Hawkins, Speed, CP0, Perospero, BM’s crew, the Numbers, Marco, Team Law, Team Walkng Tank, Team Rhinocycle, the shady person Robin and Jimbei were near, Shinobu, Sanji, Team Kid, Team Ulti, Sasaki, Who’s Who, Black Maria and more Not to mention I think SJ is on break next week so OP will be delayed again! So we have to bear that as well
Like I said, we haven’t even begun.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Monster Part 7
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: A tad bit of angst. But that’s it in this one. Next chapter will have more in it. 
Author’s Note: A very last minute post for the night. I apparently forgot to queue up the post and with how much I’ve been running around today, I didn’t realize. XD Anyways, a lot is about to happen in the future chapters. We’ve finally reached the last little bit before we get into the fun stuff.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
Y/N’s heart was racing as she sat at her desk the next morning. There were so many emotions running through her that she couldn’t get her heart to steady. She was afraid of messing this up. She was afraid of giving away something she shouldn’t have. But no matter how many fears came into her mind, she knew she needed to do this. 
Several lives depended on her doing what she agreed to do. Her father trusted her with this information. She was going to use that to her advantage. All she needed to do was get the plans and pass the information along to the others. 
“Y/N?” Caroline’s voice filled the air, causing Y/N’s head to shoot up at it. She had been so distracted she hadn’t even heard the front door open or hear her walk in. 
“Caroline,” She said as she stood up from her seat and took a step back. She knew her father was watching now. Especially since she had just watched him open his door and step out as she stood up. “How can I help you?”
Her father hadn’t missed how uncomfortable Y/N looked in that moment. It was obvious why she had.  The person standing in front of her was a vampire. While he had a lot of work to do, he needed to make sure that his daughter was safe. 
“Mayor Lockwood had approved my plans for the Founder’s day carnival. I just got a notice that those plans have been canceled?” Caroline was genuinely upset at that fact. She had put a lot of time into those plans and they had been approved months ago. 
“I’m sorry Caroline.” Y/N said trying to stay calm. “Unfortunately Mayor Y/L/N has taken liberty of denying several events after they had already been approved.”
“You’re his daughter.” Caroline noted. “Can’t you talk to him about this? I mean I’ve already started ordering everything and have a committee going to ensure everything runs smoothly.”
Y/N scoffed. “I was Lockwood’s secretary and I am Y/L/N’s secretary. If you have any issues you would like to discuss with him, I can set up a meeting and-”
“That won’t be necessary.” Her father said as he came to stand next to the two. “I can speak with Caroline now about it.”
Y/N’s mouth dropped slightly. “But you have a meeting in five minutes that you said there were not to be any interruptions.”
“We’ll be done beforehand.” He said with a nod before looking over to Caroline. “Mind stepping into my office?” He asked with a hand motioning towards the open door.
Y/N watched as Caroline followed her father into his office. The moment the door closed, she quickly sat in her chair and took a deep breath. It didn’t matter if she had known both sides of the story now. She felt completely on edge. 
“Easy there, Y/N/N. I could practically hear your bunny rabbit heartbeat from outside.” Hearing Damon’s voice has actually scared her.  One moment Damon hadn’t been standing there by the desk and the next he was. 
“Do you need to do that?!” She hissed as she put her hand over her chest. If her heart wasn’t going a mile a minute before, it sure was now. 
Damon chuckled and shook his head. “It’s just so much fun to do.” He shrugged for a moment. “What was Blondie going on about?” 
“Some plans she had, my father cancelled. So now they are talking about it.” She said a few moments later. 
“Perfect. She always makes the best distractions.” He noted. The look he got from Y/N about that had made him roll his eyes. “It’s easier for us to speak freely when your dad isn’t lurking.”
“Damon, you are practically here everyday to speak with me. He’s not going to find that any different than before.” She looked over to her father’s door before back at Damon. “I told you I could handle this.”
Damon ran his fingers along her cheek. “I know. But I want to make sure you are okay. There was a lot thrown on you last night.”
Moving out of Damon’s reach, she shook her head. “You don’t have to pretend anymore.”
After Y/N left the Salvatores last night, her mind had been trying to take in all the information that she had learned, along with everything that happened in the last few weeks. While she had begun feeling something for Damon, it was proved last night that she was being used to get to her father. It hurt for her to realize that. 
Damon sighed as he brought his hand down. “It wasn’t all pretend. There are some things you can’t fake.”
“What part of it was it?” she asked looking up at him. “Because I couldn’t tell the difference. You actually seemed to like me and you went through all of that to be on the ins with the council.”
Damon hadn’t missed the hurt that had been in her voice as she spoke. This was the one thing that Damon wanted to avoid. He knew it was a gamble from the moment he had roped Y/N in their plan. But the time he had spent with her, he had been enjoying it. 
Before Damon could say anything, the office door opened and Y/N’s dad and Caroline walked out. They had been laughing a bit before her father left and headed back into his office. The smile that had been on Caroline’s face had instantly fallen and there was an annoyed look on her face as she looked over at Damon. 
“Ask me to do that again, I will personally bite your head off.” She mumbled as she walked past the both of them and made her way out the door.
Damon rolled his eyes as Caroline left. He turned his attention back to Y/N a moment later. Her eyes had been on the screen in front of her and she began typing away on the keyboard. He huffed and leaned over, turning Y/N’s rolling chair towards him. 
“We need to talk about this.” He said the moment he had her full attention.
Y/N bit on her bottom lip for a moment before she nodded. “We can talk about this later, but for now I really do need to work. He’s got several meetings and a ton of other things I need to work on for the time being. I promise once I get everything I need, I’ll let you know.”
“I see you’ve got my daughter distracted.” Her father’s voice carried over to them, causing Damon to let go of her chair and for Y/N to look over at her dad. 
“Definitely not a distraction.” Y/N said with a small smirk pulling at her lips as she looked at Damon for a moment before looking back at him. “Your early morning meeting is all set in the conference room.”
“Cancel it.” Her father said with a shrug. 
“But they are already here.” Y/N had been confused by the sudden change. Her father had been insistent on that meeting since he had first arrived and now he was telling her to cancel it just as it was to start.
“Make up something.” He nodded his head. “I would like for the three of us to have lunch today and that meeting will just cut into that time. “
“The three of us?” Damon asked to make sure he had heard correctly.
“If you are willing to share family secrets with Y/N and constantly be present while she has work, I believe a lunch is in order.” Her father said, keeping his eyes on Damon. The whole time he could see Y/N roll her eyes at his words. 
“Go to your meeting. I’ll be sure to pull you out of it at Lunch time. “ Y/N said, trying to prevent any awkwardness. “You’ve mentioned time and time again how important this meeting was. I can’t just let you cancel it.”
“Alright, fine.” He said, giving her a small smile. “As long as this isn’t a ploy to avoid lunch.”
She rolled her eyes once more but it was Damon who answered. “If she tries to get out of it, I’ll stop her.”
Her father eyed Damon for a moment before nodding his head. Without another word, he walked down the hall towards the conference room. The moment he turned the corner and heard the door open and shut, Y/N had let out a breath.
“I didn’t know he was going to do that.” She said looking over at Damon.
“Don’t think I’ll be able to handle lunch with your dad?” He asked with an amused smile on his face. 
“We haven’t even spoken about this whole thing between us and you want to go to lunch with my dad?” She was surprised by that. 
Damon sighed and took a hold of her hand. “Wanting to spend time with you in the beginning was the pretend part. But the more I spent time with you and our every few days of drinking turned into nightly venting sessions that I enjoyed more than I ever wanted to. The pretending stopped after the night you told me about your dad leaving.”
Y/N’s eyes widened at that. “I told you he left me hours into us talking for the first time.”
“And I enjoyed going through the Archives together. Watching you get so lost in your work it actually made me stop and think about if hurting you was worth it.” He said softly. 
“And yesterday?” She asked not allowing the words to come out of her lips just in case anyone had been listening. 
“A stupid judgement on my part. I had the rest of the Brady bunch coming down on me on how I hadn’t pulled a typical Damon move. I was beginning to doubt several things at that point in time.” He ran his hand down his face as he tried to clear the thoughts that were in his head. 
Y/N nodded her head. “Okay. Good to know.” That information had helped her. SIt helped her to know that what she had felt wasn’t exactly one sided. But it also just told her that Damon has a problem of self sabotage. “We’ll go to lunch. And after he leaves, we’ll have another venting session and really get things out in the open.”
“I like that plan.” He said with a smile
“She’s not coming is she?” Mayor Y/L/N said as he sat across from Damon. 
Y/N had texted that she was running late and would be there at the grille soon. Though that had been almost a half hour ago. It left Damon and her dad sitting there for the first several minutes in awkward silence. 
“I wouldn’t say I blame her if she decided she didn’t want to.” Damon noted as he spun his cup slightly. “You came into town and tried to be her father again, she’s not happy with that.”
“So I’ve heard. Plenty of times.” He said with a nod. “But I am trying to make amends with her. She’s taken a liking to you.”
“If you believe I’d hurt her, this conversation is going to change drastically.” Damon said as he narrowed his eyes at the man before her.
“I’m actually counting on you to keep her safe.” The words had caught Damon off guard. He had expected something different. He expected the usual antics that come with speaking to a father. But this wasn’t it. “Y/N mentioned your parents passed down stories just as mine had. I’m sure you understand that there are some things that hold more truth than others.”
Damon sat back in his seat as he took in the words. If he had no idea he was a vampire, Damon could play this to his advantage. But the details of some things he could slip could mean the end of that conversation. 
“You believe they are back in town.” He said, keeping some words out of his sentence. They were in a public place. There were plenty of other ears that could easily be listening. 
“We both know they are.” He said with a nod. “I could tell you knew from the moment we had our meeting that day.” Mayor Y/L/N began picking at his napkin. “You had been a part of the council that was run by the Lockwoods. While my intention was to cleanse it of past mistakes, I never thought I would find parents hiding the creatures that were once their children.” His eyes looked around the room for a moment before looking back at Damon. “There will be a war soon, Damon. I’m counting on you to keep Y/N safe when that time comes.”
“You know who they are.” It wasn’t a question. Damon could see it in his eyes. 
A smirk pulled at his lips. “There was a long list of possibilities until today. You were even on that list.”
“What changed your mind?” Damon leaned forward in his seat. 
He chuckled a bit. “There were several things. But the main thing being how much you care for Y/N. Not just today, but I’ve seen the way you are with her. Those monsters aren’t capable of loving anyone. My first wife died by a vampire. Apparently she tried befriending one and he turned against her so easily.” He shook his head, almost saddened by the thought. “Sheriff Forbes said you’ve killed a few of them since coming back home.”
“I try to help out where I can.” He said with a shrug. 
“Good because the vampire that killed Y/N’s mother is in town. I would hate for my daughter to get hurt while it is visiting.”
“Understood.” Damon said with a nod. 
“I thought you said it would be here?” Elena asked as she rummaged through a filing cabinet
“This is where he had me put them when he finalized the plans.” Y/N said as she looked through another one. 
“Maybe he took them out again?” Elena asked, never taking her eyes off the files in front of her.
“I doubt it.” Y/N shook her head.  She tried to think of where else the plans could have been at. She was the only one to have access to that room, besides her father, and they weren’t in the same place she had put them. “Unless he’s making changes again.”
“We won't have time to search his office.” Elena reminded her. “You are technically supposed to be at lunch with him and Damon.”
“I would feel bad about that, but I don’t think a little interrogation is going to hurt Damon.” Y/N  said as she reached a file. Her head tilted to the side as she took in the file name. 
“Either that or Damon would just kill him.” The words hadn’t even registered to Y/N as Elena had said them. When she turned to look at Y/N she had been looking at a file. “What is it?”
“These files, they are new.” Y/N said as she pulled out a handful. “They are of the founding families.”
“That could just be anything.” Elena said as she took a few of them from her to look at. 
“Damon apparently has been cleared as human.” Y/N said as she looked at the case file. Her eyes scanned the details and her father’s handwriting. Interested in Y/N. Friends with Liz, but that could be a council thing. Nothing has been brought to my attention to say he is one.
Elena huffed a laugh. “That’s probably because he’s compelled his way through a lot of situations.” She looked at the file for her family. “We’ve been cleared as well.”
Y/N’s hand began shaking as she took in the next page of the file for the Salvatores. Paper clipped with several pages had been different case file numbers. One of them had included the very file she had seen of her mother’s the night she had been in the city Archives with Damon. 
News footage of Stefan has been found. Apparently someone else had looked into him before I had. Her father’s notes went on about different things. From certain differences in stories of several people on specific events that had included Stefan. But it was the last note on the page that had made Y/N’s eyes water. Responsible for Y/M/N’s death. Eyewitness saw him leave before her body was found. Similar to other bodies found during that time. Here in mystic Falls and in other cities.
“What is it?” Elena asked as she found Y/N tearing up after taking in the notes for the Lockwoods.
Y/N shook her head slightly and closed the case file and put the back. “Nothing, I need to head back out.” She said taking the ones Elena had and putting them back. 
“That doesn’t seem like nothing.” Elena knew something was wrong. She wanted to try and get Y/N to talk about whatever it was she had just seen.
“I know who killed my mother and I’d really like to not talk about it right now.” Y/N said as she began walking out of the room. “I need to get to the Grille before things get too carried away.” 
As she left, she tried to not to let the tears fill her eyes. She didn’t need to let either of them know that once she had arrived that there was something wrong. She’d get that out during her venting session with Damon. She couldn’t let her dad know that she had known that detail. She wasn’t supposed to be going through the files. She wasn’t supposed to be snooping around the office. And because she had, she learned that Stefan Salvatore had killed her mother.
Always & Forever Tag: @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @buckysarm4 @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @alka16555 @yaniiie
Monster Tag: @butifulsoul125 @this-is-mycrisis @writingsoftheunderworld @voidnarnia  @nicole-lynne @marvelouslysherlockedhunter @multifandom-fangirl4 @awkwardnesshabitat @ninipoo1 @herloveforstories @krazykatkay456 @aliahemmings97 @blackrockshooter780 @llama2264 @suits-and-smirks @llama2264 @newheart97 @amy-choices @heimdoodle
Bold Tags mean for one reason or another I cannot tag you in this. If you would like to be added to, or taken off, please let me know! ♥
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That's a lot of nice tags to wake up to!
I also see folks mentioning colors on the work quite a bit. I'd like everyone to know I referenced the screenshots for the colors, then added some more for sake of lighting, made some a bit more dramatic for values and such since the scene is intense. The colors originally looked more akin to the ones in the game, less saturated backgrounds so the platforms and characters can pop out more with their style, but at end I used color balance option to just lean the things more towards purple-yellow and saturate it a bit more (only cuz I liked it a bit more that way gkwjgjbq).
I think what also helped is the dark foreground and light background in the lower part of the image, plus lighter foreground and darker background to make things pop out right. I didn't initially plan it this way but I had time to play in it and realize it works balancing things out. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the more distinguished eye path for the composition that I originally sketched and wanted so it can truly feel like a climb to victory BUT I also enjoy the "freeze frame" feeling of it as well. I got carried away fkwjbgjwg
I could have added more values to the stone platforms but I didn't want them too distracting (heck the upper ones I even reduced opacity to make them blend with background just a tad since I didn't want them to pop out more as they go further in depth/height).
Also the fact that vessels or shades are 100% black and don't reflect light on their bodies and like, it was fun to switch from painting to silhouette for the gastly shades going across background that clearly reflects light and has colors and shadows.
Bonus fun with csp brushes, from light ink ones to realistic gouache one. Heck, the radiance light at the top of the drawing was done with gradient tool set on elipse with adjustable radious.
Also refrenced sprites for monarch wings and Ghost's movement with it xD
But yeah, tl;dr, used references from the game, since Ari did such an amazing mastery of the artwork in it!
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reimahowaido · 4 years
Spyro: Reignited review part 4.5
Great to start the evening/night off with something I love~~ So let's talk about those Peace Keeper Dragons, shall we~? Titan - What an introduction! This man is rearing to go! Or should I say, roaring to go. You know I had to make that pun~ Aaaah, buddy yeeeees~ I love the purple/magenta/flirt color they used for the accents along with the orange. He's got a nice axe and a great voice and everything about this design is so gooood. Even that exit animation~ I've not mentioned them a lot so far, but some of those are great too. Really embodies that feel you get when you enter the second homeworld Magnus - Big boiiiiii. He's Full of personality! And I enjoy his colors too. They really got those sumo wrestler vibes right on him and honestly I do really like him, he's greeeeat~ I think I might like him more than I did at first. He's definitely grown on me Gunnar - First of all, love the eyepatch. I'll always love eyepatch wearing characters. That's just Aesthetics.jpg to me~ Not to mention that that's a nice color scheme, and good voice - as seems to be the common thing with most these dragons xD A bit too many teeth and face spikes for my liking, but he's good
Conan - From a simple 'Thank you for releasing me' to someone I actually remember~ Not a favourite design, but I do recognize this reference. Didn't read the books, but I remember the Donald Duck comics on Don Quijote (*Proceeds to google name to know how to write that*). The fact he's facing the wrong way at first is brilliant too. Simple but shows that they really put a lot of love and effort into these games~ Although I Do Really like that wing color Boris - "Dry Canyon rewards good gliders" Don't remind meeee. Boris nooo I suck at gliding. A lot of people seem to like his design too, and yeah it's nice, the little rattle snake tail, the bull horns and the bell. Yeah I can kinda see what they were going for. He's alright, I like the wing colors again and he fine, but bruh, gliding. His voice is very nice too though, I can't lie Ivor - Honestly probably one of my favourites of the older elder dragons. He's got that design theme around an old bomber, he sounds nice and his attempt at remembering and saying something nice to Spyro is pretty wholesome. I like this fella. Oh, and it looks like at the end when he's supposed to leave, he sneezes, in the direction of the bomb he's holding so carefully. Uh oh. Uh oh Ivor. We all better hope he either doesn't have fire breath or that he's veteran enough with those bombs to not let such an accident happen. Because if not, oh no Maximos -Heeeere comes one cute big boi~ I did go and check on what I wrote before, I cheated on myself, R.I.P. but I still agree, he does look like a pitbull/bull terrier in a way. Tiny wings for a big boi~ He knows how to appreciate good well seasoned food and we love him for that. I'm not angry at him for being at a place where it wasn't exactly all that easy to get to because I was able to get there first try (and then I died and/or failed several times and had to go get the key again, woop). I like him, and especially that little "Oh, oh I got a little carried away didn't I." feel at the end Halvor - Yeeeee I like him~ He's really cute with his big ram headed hammer. I know that's probably not the first thing that people think of when it comes to Halvor, but I freaking love the lean/hugging of the hammer at the end of his speech. Also he's got a kinda unique color scheme. I like this fella, I dooo Enzo - Not a lot of time to take in this dude's whole design, we don't see or hear a lot of him. I gotta admit I'm not personally a biiiig fan of that chin. Not the worst design I don't think, and the crossbow is cool, even if you only really see a small glimce of it as he's leaving Marco - Slinky lanky prosthetics boi~ Representation here he is~ And he has a halberd too~ I love these little things they're greatttt. He's nice too, gives off some weapon crafter feel to be honest. Yeah he's not as big or buff as the others, but the variety makes me like him more Ulric - Lots of dragons in Ice Cavern, and the first one of them is red, nice contrasting color to be honest. He's got great animations. Not the most memorable to me, but not bad either. He's another fella who is very much fine Todor - But let's be honest, the real reason why anyone else in Ice Caverns loses some of their shine is because Todor Is Here~ Yeeee he my favourite, I really like him ok? Long lanky boi, with big feathery wings that have a very pretty gradient. Nice light blue color, fur, big bow, he's got actual ears, antlers as horns..... Yeah, He's great. I like this fella a lot. Sneaky man giving Spyro some hints. He wink. His releasing animation kinda looks like he was peering upwards as if to go 'yo what is that' so he was seemingly paying attention and aware of what was going on. And at the end he takes his bow and seemingly readies himself to go get stuff done. Love him, love him so much. The only thing I'm not 110% on is the goatie. Not the biggest fan of goaties, sorry ya'll. So, a, part of me is like... What if he has ice breath instead of a fire one? That goatie looks a little like it's frozen, so maybe it's just ice stuck to his chin. Or not but you know! And again, I love
this whole thing where there are different bodytypes for the dragons. Seeing the slimmer fellas among all the big buff bois is refreshing, makes Todor all the greater and more unique to me Andor - Another 'thank you for releasing me' dragon. I like the necklace he was given, it's big and bold and adds a nice little thing to the design itself (wow those words are contradictory, big little, I English, Yes). Big lion tail, he's very polite as he bows. Doesn't do a lot, but I like the design regardless Asher - And another few worded fella with some added lines this time. I kinda get a feeling he was about to get to some life lessons or such and the other Ice Cavern dragons just scattered - makes you feel a little bad for the fella. There's a lot of them in the level, so I kinda see them all as a unit, where the younger dragons are a little unruly, perhaps a tad over confident or narcissistic (Ulric boasts on his size, Todor is sneaky, Andor is polite but will sneak away with the others when a chance is given, Ragnar starts his talk off with a whole 'I, me, I am pretty great ain't I' so he falls under the stuff too. Andor is the least troubling of them all, but they're a bit of a team of rascals. Capable and get their job done, but a little unruly at times, which is why Asher is there. I feel. I've made a whole story of their relations now xD) Asher is fine, he's fine. He's got a lot on his hands Ragnar - I like his design. The smoke from his nostrils is a nice detail and gives him some uniqueness. The hothead of the team? Maybe? Certainly a fire breather though, keeps the place and others warm. I dunno what else to say, I like him in his simplicity Trondo - This man got attitude. Very expressive. Cool weapon bro, also a slightly sneaky hint on 'watch his back'. He's fine, decent, I do like him too and there's some unique feel to him. Not up there in my favourites, but I'd say like solid middle ground or such? Man, I should be doing one of those tier lists now shouldn't I. Oh boy
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akayauchiha · 4 years
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Okay sooo.. I did a little thing.. And maybe got a tinyyyy liiitle bit (really, honestly just a tad) bit carried away whole doing it <.. < (I got a problem I know, I am working on it, promise *cough *)
I just got massively inspired by @raendown 's amazing fic "Senpō" (sorry for not linking, I am dumb and don't know how to link without putting a whole goddamn website in here xD) .
Soon after some puppy eyes and pleading from @gigglestorm14, I gave in and now I am here.. Uploading things I wasn't sure of sharing because.. I have no clue xD
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shock777archive · 5 years
A little Excerpt from a BBRAE Roleplay between my friend and I:
A little context: It’s two years after the end of season 5. Raven is 18, nearly 19 and Beast boy is 18. Raven has fallen in love with Beast boy after he nearly died protecting her from a cult of Trigon seeking revenge. Literally a week after theyve recovered from their wounds, Raven has been losing control of her powers and has been sinking into depression and even losing control of her demonic powers. Robin told everyone to leave raven alone to collect herself, but beast boy had to talk with her...and so he decided to write her a letter. 
The excerpt is below the cut! :D I just wanted to share this cause it’s super in character and fucking cute ;A; I really wanna draw this and make it a full on fic, as it does fit nicely with my headcanons... Also, forgive us for any spelling errors. this is via the LINE app on cell lmao 
The parts written by me are indicated, and my rp partner is the marvelous @angel-dust-ryuuki
Me: Beast boy stuck his head out of his room...looked to the left, looked to the right. No one in sight. It was nearing bed time and everyone was in their respective rooms. He heard muffled robin and starfire chatting, but could not make out anything they were saying. Raven's room was still cold, and almost gave off an unholy aura. It was dead silent. He wondered if Raven had gone to sleep finally? In any case, Beast boy carried out his little "plan." "If robin wont let me speak to you in person..." He thought to himself, kneeling down to her door. "I'll just have to write instead!" Beast boy slipped underneath raven's door, that single piece of crinkled up paper. Raven noticed it right away. She could always feel when someone was near...And she saw the little paper quietly slip under her door. Beast boy trotted back to his room, took one last look down the hallway at her door, and then closed his door behind him. Plopping back down on his queen sized bed, he began to game some.
Raven didn't know what to expect. But judging from the crinkly-ness of the paper and the horrendous writing, it had to be beast boy. Beast boy...her heart fluttered. Raven opened up the crude letter to look at a small little paragraph or two. She had to squint her eyes to read it.
"Raven- It's me, beast boy. I heard you weren't feeling well with everything that's going on. I just want you to know that it's okay to feel the way you do. Sometimes we have good days and sometimes we have bad days. And I know you're gonna say 'I'm not allowed to have bad days', but...I just want you to know we all hope you feel better soon! I hope I didn't do anything to hurt you or make you upset. Let me know if i did! You can punish me in any way you want! ...well, just don't take away my videogames! (he drew a random smiley face here).
If you're having trouble sleeping, maybe come hang out with me for a little while. I know it's a stretch, but I know robin and starfire do their...Adult things at night and cy usually has to charge his battery by late night...I'm usually up though! You're free to come visit. I won't tell anyone don't worry! The offer's always there and my door is unlocked at night if you need anything. You don't even have to knock! (insert another smiley face here.)
I hope you feel better soon, rae.
-From: (there were a few words here that were scratched out and illegible, followed by a slightly more bold signature: ) Changling. "
Angel: Raven blushed at the letter and held it close. She couldn't help but feel the warmth of his words in this cold room. Deciding to play along.
Beastboy was on his bed when a crow appeared. Dropping a neatly folded and stamped letter on his chest before it disappeared like smoke.
"Dear Changling, Nice name by the way. It's rather fitting. Do you plan to make it your new hero name?I appreciate the concern for what appears to be a more then unwelcome bad day. I know you want to tell me it's okay to feel the way I do. But feelings are not something I can have. You know how unstable my powers are. You didn't hurt me or make me upset. Nothing that has happened is your fault. The fault only lies with me. So please do not blame yourself for any of this. I will take your offer under consideration.-Raven
Me: Beast boy smiled and then looked around his room for more paper. Of course he was cleaner the more mature he had gotten, no longer being able to tolerate the smell. Most of his mess remained inside his closet though. Finally finding another paper he began his response.
A few moments later another paper slipped under her door.
"yeah, changling sounds pretty neat huh? I'll have to admit even I'm surprised I came up with that! (emoji here).  Maybe I can ask robin if my personal file can be updated.
Look, I know you're not too keen on spending an evening late at night with some weird green dude but I SWEAR. I won't make you play video games or even make you talk.  U could just come and read one of Ur books and I can do my own thing... I know how being alone can make u feel depressed."
Raven paused for a moment. She felt a chill go down her spine. Her room was so cold.. No doubt thanks to her powers reflecting her mood a little.
" the offer is always here. Even if I'm asleep or something u can wake me up! I don't care! I just want you to feel better raven."
Raven blushed deeply and sighed continuing to read the last bit.
"I'm glad I didn't mess up anything... I seriously been feeling like u were mad at me about something. But thanks raven. I won't worry anymore."
Angel: "Dear Changling,I'm sure Robin will have no problem with that. I've heard from Starfire he too is planning to soon change his Hero name to Nightwing. "Pausing on how to continue this.  But feeling...lonely? Sighing. "I know your intentions are good. But my powers are unstable right now and I'm not even sure what might happen. I would prefer not to put you in any danger as much as possible."The last part she sighed a bit. "But...I do appreciate the letters. I wasn't even sure you knew how to write.-Raven"Bahaha of course she chide at him a little. XD Well he's never written a letter for her before. Heck he didn't even write one for Terra.
Me: Beast boy scowled at her sarcastic remark. He got out yet another piece of paper -(turns out he found an old empty sketchbook he was gifted but never used).
--- Another letter under her door. Beast boy was getting out of breath at this point XD
"Night wing?!? Okay well at least my name is cooler...."
Raven giggled and then immediately blushed when she realized she was laughing... At one of beast boys jokes?!? Hell had truly frozen over... Raven hadn't noticed it yet, but as she was writing these little letters back and forth, her emotions were stabilized... And her furniture no longer was floating. Hell, even her room began to warm just a tad...
"I think ur just using Ur powers as an excuse not to hang out with me! And yes, I know what happened earlier. Rob-(scratched out) night wing told me earlier. Look, I get that u have to control Ur emotions and stuff. But u were fine before all this trigon stuff happened. Maybe u could use a distraction or two? (winky face smile emoji here)
I do know how to write but I know how to text even better. U can message me via communicator u know.......
U do know how to make a private chat with that thing don't u? "
Raven looked at her communicator which lit up right as she finished reading his message.
In all green text in a private message it read: Sup?
Angel: She texted back then:
I'm aware. Starfire and I private message from time to time. How exactly would you plan on distracting me?
Sending the massage to him then. Putting the ball back in his court. She blushed.
Me: It showed he was typing... Then it showed he wasn't... Then it showed he was. Raven watched in baited breath almost awaiting a response. Why was her heart so giddy all of a sudden? She was technically still a teen at age 18, though the giddiness of young love had not yet crawled its way into her heart.... Til now.Finally his message popped up."okay well I just found out about the private message thing tbh...." he wrote. No wonder he always replied or sent mass texts in group chat...." well I know u like to read. Why not give one of my comic books a try? Or maybe u wanna watch a scary movie?" Raven saw that he was texting her again. Another message popped up."Okay bad idea. Emotions. Bad. Got it."
Angel: She almost rolled her eyes at his text messages. They were kind of amusing. 'You're pretty insistent on me coming into your bedroom " she texted back. Bet he would read that and we'll get embaressed. XD
Me: there was a long pause on her communicator. Then It showed he was typing, followed by a long pause of not typing. Was he embarrassed? Did it go over his head? Raven was tapping her foot nervously on her bed, awaiting a response. Still hadn't noticed the stability in her soul or room...she was that engrossed in this conversation. (Just like any earth teen, amirite?) Finally, then came a response: "I just want you to feel better, Rae." Is all he wrote in that long time. Raven's face instantly turned pink. She had to put her communicator down and cover her eyes for a moment. Meanwhile, Beast boy was in his room worrying sick that she thought he was up to no good. The last thing he wanted to come off as was some kind of creep like that asshole Adonis. But maybe Raven didn't know that about him?! He just wanted her to know he was a gentleman..He was purely doing this to help out a friend and nothing more.
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