#but i guess i thought they'd try to talk to ME. or that my siblings would be like 'hey! we told them just fyi' afterward
brynnmclean · 8 months
I have feelings about this that feel so complicated that I can't even articulate them properly, but my younger siblings collectively outed me as non-binary to my parents ages ago and no one told me outright. Thank GOD I have a therapy call tomorrow, huh.
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feefivefoe · 1 month
I guess I'm unintentionally working my way up the age ladder, so Jason next-
This is the first part that contains backstory stuff I gave my reader, so unfortunately this is where a lot of the "they can be anyone" immersion dies, sorry y'all.
Genuinely, he thought he might hate you at first. Even at the preteen age of 12, where children were usually trying to start striving to independence, you had been so...bland.
It's not that you didn't stand out. Quite the contrary. Anywhere Alfred could be found, you were just a step or two behind him. A leech. Only ever speaking in a hushed voice, making the old man strain himself to hear you, surely.
He doesn't think you've ever even looked him in the eye.
It isn't until that summer he starts connecting the dots. You still cling to long sleeved shirts, pants over shorts, even when it's clear you're struggling to not overheat.
Then he catches you in the kitchen in the middle of the night, t-shirt and pajama shorts.
Burn marks, healed yet gruesome, decorate your arms and legs. Based on how they're positioned, he'd argue they probably exist on the rest of your body, too.
And yet, despite his invasion of what you clearly(?) wanted kept hidden, you merely bow your head in shame and offer a meek apology.
That's when he stops seeing you as a problem, but as a victim of consequence.
Not a bratty child who doesn't care enough about the lower class to speak to your new 'sibling,' but a lonely child who had never even once considered he might want to speak to you.
"Mister Wayne and Mister Grayson are very busy." You had said once, matter of factly rather than bitter or sad. "I'm sure they'd spend time with me if they weren't. But they have two lives, so they have less time than anybody."
He doesn't have the heart to tell you that they make time for him. And the rest of Gotham.
As you do with Alfred, you begin to shadow him. Meandering behind him without a care as to what his plans are, happy to receive the barest of acknowledgments.
You hesitate when speaking about yourself, as though taking up his time with mentions of you is an issue. He's starting to understand why.
Jason isn't sure if it's pity or growing affection that keeps him around, at first. For a while, he sees you as more of a sad, wet dog than as his family.
But you begin to connect with peers at school, finding validation outside of those that feel forced to give it to you. You mature, grow up more than you should, and realize the reality of your home life.
And Jason is thrilled! ...and...a little sad? He's happy for you, sure. Having friends is probably what you needed. People who want you around, genuinely. Who choose to make time for you.
But he'd be lying if he said that the way you used to stare at him didn't make him feel like a hero. Like he was doing so much, changing your world, simply by existing.
You still speak, of course. You're friendly siblings that get along well. You give him various foods you've tried making, courtesy of Alfred inspiring a desire to learn to cook and bake on your own. You talk about books you've read together, and listen intently while he rambles about his favorites.
You even peek in after particularly rough patrol nights, just to make sure he's gotten through it okay.
But it isn't...quite the same. No, but it's...it's for the best.
And he is still a hero! As Robin, he's protecting the whole city alongside Batman!
So he's still a hero.
He's still your hero.
"Jay? I was wondering if I could ask you for some help. The show my club is doing is one of those old books you like-"
"They aren't that old."
"-and my character doesn't show up much in the movie-"
"You watched the MOVIE before reading the book!?"
"-so I wanted to ask if you'd help me with characterization!"
He remembers groaning at you and rolling his eyes. "I'm busy tonight. Go watch the dumb, BAD, movie again." He pauses. "Uh, but I can tomorrow. I'll make sure I don't have anything planned, promise."
He saw you pause, and sees the constant same promises pass through you.
"I...have other arrangements. I'll make it up to you next time."
"Ah...sorry, kiddo! Big kid stuff. But next time! You trust your big bro, yeah?"
But this is Jason. Jason doesn't lie to you.
Jason keeps his promises.
You smiled. "Yeah. Tomorrow."
Then he died.
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avatar-anna · 1 year
I was thinking you could do a “5 times y/n told Harry she was pregnant” for the young!dad series !! That would be so interesting especially since in the last piece you mentioned that Harry already had a feeling she was pregnant before she even told him
The Thing About Having Six Kids
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so i got this ask and a couple others that were kind of about the kids' birth/pregnancy a while ago, and went with five different instances about each kid in the youngdadrry universe. it's all surrounding their birth, finding out about pregnancies, etc. enjoy!
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader
(a text conversation between Harry and Y/n)
Y/n: i'm pregnant
(one day later)
Y/n: Harry?
Harry: Are you sure?
Y/n: i'm sure
Y/n: i have four different pregnancy tests to prove it
Harry: I don't know what to say.
Y/n: the 24 hours it took you to respond kind of told me that
Harry: I'm sorry about that. It's just...a lot
Y/n: it's fine i guess. at least you finally responded.
Harry: Did you think I wouldn't?
Y/n: honestly? yeah. it's not like we're married or in love or anything. you don't even live in the same country as me
Harry: What are you going to do?
Harry: I know but I wouldn't just like disappear on you
Harry: I was just shocked that's all
Y/n: idk. i'm still trying to figure out a way to tell my parents
Harry: Shit my parents!
Y/n: that's kinda where i'm at right now
Y/n: but i think i want to keep it
Y/n: the baby
Y/n: fuck that sounds crazy to say. i have physics homework due tomorrow but let me stop and make a life altering decision really quick about whether i want to have a baby or not
Harry: I'm sorry. You know...
Y/n: for getting me pregnant? knocking me up? putting a bun in the oven?
Harry: It seems too early to joke about this
Y/n: it's keeping me from freaking the fuck out at the moment
(ten minutes later)
Harry: I want to talk about this properly and figure this whole thing out but I have to go
Y/n: please don't feel obligated or anything. this was just a courtesy
Y/n: i don't expect anything from you. i get it if your management wants you to delete my number and never see me again. i just thought you should know.
Harry: What are you talking about?
Harry: Y/n?
3 missed calls from Him <3
"Let's have another baby."
Y/n was close to nodding off, so it was very possible that she was dreaming. She looked behind her. It was dark in the bedroom, but Harry was close enough that she could see him, could see that his head was propped on his elbow so he could look down at her.
"What did you say?" she asked, because she needed to be sure.
"I...I want another baby," he said, voice soft even though they were the only two people in the room. Simone was fast asleep in her own bedroom, tuckered out after a long day of playing at the park and eating ice cream and fingerpainting with Harry. Now that One Direction was officially on hiatus, it was just the three of them—Y/n, Harry, and Simone. Y/n thought it would take some getting used to, living a relatively normal life. But their little family actually fell into it quite easily.
Perhaps a little too easily.
"Say something."
Y/n hadn't realized she failed to respond, but to be fair, that was a pretty big bomb her husband just dropped. Her husband. They'd been married for a few months now, but it still felt surreal, which was probably why the idea of having another baby felt too far from reality to comprehend.
"I just...I don't know what to say," Y/n said honestly. "I—I'm not sure we're ready for that."
"We weren't ready the first time," Harry said when Y/n finally flipped on her other side to face him. This seemed like a conversation he really wanted to have, so she thought facing him would probably be best. "I just think this might be the time, you know? I don't have an insane schedule anymore, there's no more management to say that we can't, and I've always thought about giving Simone a sibling. Don't tell me you've never thought about it."
"I...I have," Y/n said.
She did think about more kids. As young as she and Harry were and as impossible as their relationship seemed at times, Y/n couldn't help but think about wanting more. She loved Harry, and she'd been loving these moments they'd been able to share as a proper family recently. Harry was right, if they wanted to have another baby, now would be the time.
"Tell me what you're thinking," he said as she felt more than saw his hand push some hair away from her face.
"What happens when you start working again?" Y/n asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I know you, H," she said. "And I love you. Everything about you. And one of the parts that make you who you are is the music. This...this little bubble we're in, I love it too, but I know you'll want to go back to it someday. And then you'll go on tour for ten months, and I'll be alone to raise two kids by myself for a majority of the year."
It was harsh, but she trusted him enough to take it. This was the thought that always held her back. Y/n thought about the possibility of expanding their family on more than one occasion, especially in recent weeks when things have been practically perfect. But the reality was that Harry would want to go back to work. She knew, maybe better than anyone, the desire he had to make his own music, to create and write in ways he couldn't while in the band. And perform. Harry loved to perform live. Y/n knew that this time spent with just their family was fleeting, and she cherished every minute of it, the same way she knew Harry did. It was only a matter of time before he went back to work, and she wasn't sure she could raise Simone and a newborn without him.
"That's...That's all over now," Harry said. When Y/n tried to protest, he continued on. "What I meant to say was, the ridiculous schedules, the strict rules about when we can and can't spend time together, the separate hotel rooms. Mama, things can be different now."
"But management—"
"I bought out my contract," he said. "I haven't really given it much thought in a while because I just want to be present with you and Simone, but I've got a few people in mind for new managers. People who will prioritize our family."
This was certainly news to Y/n. It was hard to talk about Harry's management or the harsh thumb they pinned him under, so oftentimes it was a topic they avoided. Hearing him say this now, knowing how much money it would've taken to buy out his contract...that was a huge deal. As far as she knew, the other boys were just sticking with it until the contracts were finished. But Harry went and did what Y/n didn't even think was possible.
"Our family," Y/n repeated, and for a moment, she could see it. The three of them becoming four. It was crazy to think about, to think so far ahead into the future, but Y/n wasn't scared by it.
"Let's have another baby," Harry said again.
Looking at him, Y/n's heart squeezed in her chest. He'd been growing his hair out for a while now, and it was long enough that it reached just passed his shoulders. She loved it, thought it made him look older, more mature. And okay, hot. And Simone loved it too. She loved braiding it and putting bows and flowers in it or just twisting it around her finger. His shoulders were broad and lean, though he'd put on a little muscle in his arms from doing handiwork around the house, something he claimed he loved to do even though Y/n had heard him curse from another room while he worked on his latest project.
She looked at his face, the one that looked so different yet so similar to the one she'd met when she was seventeen. She wondered what those teenagers would think of the people they'd become, of the things they'd seen and experienced.
She thought about it. The baby-to-be. It would have Harry's eyes and smile, her nose and hair color. If it was a girl, she could wear matching outfits with Simone, if it was a boy...Well, they could maybe still match. Y/n thought about all the baby clothes—the adorable little onesies and shoes and mittens to keep the baby from scratching their face while they slept. She didn't let herself think of the late nights and sore boobs and dirty diapers. In this moment, she just thought about all the good feelings, every perfect moment that could be.
"You promise things will be different? I can't—I can't do it alone," she said, needing to hear him say it again.
Harry didn't try to kiss her, he didn't put his hands on her waist or pull her to his chest—all tactics he would normally use to distract her. This conversation was too serious, too important, and she loved him all the more for understanding that.
"I promise, Y/n," he said, taking her hand in his and squeezing it. "I will never make you regret living this life with me."
"That's not what I—"
"I know, but I just...I needed to say it."
He needed to make that promise to her, to himself. Life had not been easy, and Y/n knew Harry blamed himself for a lot of the hardships they faced.
"I don't," she said, kissing their joined hands. "And I won't. Ever. "
Harry grinned, and Y/n could tell even in the dark that his gaze was a little watery. Still, he inched forward and said, "So...?"
Y/n leaned forward and kissed him, her leg slotting between his. "Let's have another baby."
Maeve and Jules
"I'm sorry, did you just say twins?"
"I did. I'm seeing two heartbeats here. See?" The doctor said, pointing at the monitor she'd been observing closely the last five minutes.
Y/n couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. It was one thing to be pregnant (again), but an entirely different one to be pregnant with twins. "That's—"
"Amazing," Harry breathed.
Y/n turned her head away from the monitor to look at her husband, whose eyes were glued to the screen with a look of wonder in them. As she'd begun to process her own feelings about housing not one but two babies in her belly for nine months, she hadn't really considered how he might feel about it.
Looking at him now, she could tell he was ecstatic.
Y/n was still panicking a little, but seeing the elation on Harry's face was comforting. She took his hand in hers and squeezed it hard, needing to feel the warmth of his palm to ground her.
"Hey," he said softly, bending down to kiss the top of her head. "This is a good thing. Unexpected, but good."
"I know," Y/n said, letting out a shaky breath. "I know it's just...a lot. I mean...twins?"
"Nothing we can't handle," Harry said, kissing her cheek.
His confidence was reassuring. Maybe he was freaking out on the inside and not letting it show for her sake, but Y/n felt better about the situation at hand and was ready to continue with the appointment.
To the doctor, she said, "Are they healthy?"
The doctor smiled warmly. "They are. It looks like one of them is about a week behind, but that's nothing to worry about."
"Really? They're twins. That doesn't seem possible," Harry said, his brow furrowing adorably.
"It's rare, but it is possible. Fraternal twins can be conceived as much as twenty-four days apart," the doctor said.
Y/n understood perhaps a split-second before Harry, but when he did, he turned as beet red as she felt. The doctor didn't seem to mind their embarrassment, though she'd probably seen all sorts of couples and situations. Y/n imagined there wasn't much that the doctor hadn't seen before.
The appointment wrapped up pretty quickly after that. Harry snuck out of the hospital through a separate door while Y/n set up her next appointment. She met him in the staff parking lot, where he was standing by the passenger door to help her in. Harry gave her a quick kiss before closing her in and walking around to the driver's side. As he drove, Y/n was thinking about a number of things—twice the amount of clothes, twice the amount of crying, twice the amount of diaper changes. She was excited at the prospect of having a baby. It was a conversation she and Harry had before they started trying, but the idea of twins was a lot to wrap her head around.
She looked at Harry, wanting to ask how he felt now that they were alone, but she stopped herself.
Harry had one hand on the steering wheel, the other covering a wide grin. He was blushing a little too, and Y/n couldn't help but ask what had him smiling like an idiot.
"I'm trying to figure out which times," he said.
"What do you mean which—Are you kidding? Which times we conceived the twins?"
"Aren't you curious?" Harry asked. "Twice, babe. I put a baby in you twice. I mean, one of them had to be when we were on the yacht, right? I always feel good after we have sex, but I feel like we really outdid ourselves there. Clearly."
Y/n just looked at her husband in shock. "You are..."
"What? It's cool!" Harry insisted, but he was laughing too. "And it takes the edge off a little. Come on, you try."
So he was more nervous than he was letting on. That was comforting in its own way too, but Y/n appreciated his attempts to lighten the mood. They could have a serious conversation later, but for now it was fun to just forget all of that. Just for a moment.
Y/n gave him a dry look, trying to appear like she wasn't impressed until she eventually rolled her eyes and smiled. "Mm...I agree with the yacht, and...when you came back from London."
"Really?" Harry asked, more curious than surprised.
"Yeah," Y/n said with a little sigh as she remembered the night in question. "That was a good night."
It was one of those rare occurrences where Simone was in her own bed and Collette managed to sleep for more than a couple hours. They'd spent the whole night catching up and giggling like idiots and kissing and enjoying the pleasure of being truly alone with each other. Y/n loved those moments with Harry, where everything was just so simple and easy and it was just them having a little fun. They definitely should've been catching up on sleep while they could, but neither of them wanted to, so they stayed up with tired smiles and slurred movements until they heard Collette's cries through the baby monitor.
"It was. We should do that again sometime," Harry said. Taking Y/n's hand, he kissed the tops of her knuckles.
"You just want to go for triplets," Y/n teased, even though she knew that wasn't what he meant.
"I'm not that crazy," he said, but his smile told her he was thinking about the possibility. Maybe just a little. "I'm excited for this."
"Yeah? What do you think? Boys? Girls? A boy and a girl?"
Harry shrugged. "Our track record would suggest girls, but..."
"You never know," Y/n finished for him.
"We have some pretty big news to share."
Once a month, the Styles family held a Zoom call with their friends and family who were scattered across the globe. Since lockdown began, there was a lot of adjusting—online school, not being able to go to the park to play, being at home all day. It was a lot for everyone, but Harry and Y/n did their best to make the adjustments smoother. And when they needed a break, they set up the monthly Zoom calls.
They were mostly just to catch up. Once all the children went to sleep, Harry and Y/n stayed up late talking to other adults about everything and nothing, maybe even played a different drinking game or two to round out the night before they went back to being parents. Tonight was a special night, though.
Multiple faces looked at Harry and Y/n expectantly through their computer screen. Both of them were sporting big smiles as Y/n leaned on Harry's side, one of his older sweatshirts covering her body and the almost imperceptible bump that was beginning to show now. Today was the first day she'd begun to show, and Harry nearly lost his mind with excitement. Finding out Y/n was pregnant had been somewhat of a surprise, but when she told him, he was over the moon. He's started to suspect, having recognized some of his wife's symptoms by now, but they'd been waiting for the right time to tell their families and friends, and tonight was the night.
"What's going on, darling?" Anne asked.
Neither Harry nor Y/n could barely contain their excitement, which probably gave away the news before they actually said anything. However, in their own eagerness to share the news, neither of them saw a few people on the call sporting knowing looks.
"We're having a baby!"
Cheers went all around as everyone congratulated the couple. Questions were asked about due dates and how far along they were and what they were going to do about the lockdown situation. Everything was just as Harry had hoped it would be.
And then things took an interesting turn.
"Who won?" Jeff asked.
"Won? What do you mean—"
"If my math is correct, which I'm pretty sure it is, I believe it goes to Gem," Sarah said, looking down at her phone. "She went with three and a half months. Glenne narrowly missed with three. No one had four so it goes to Gemma."
A collective groan went throughout the Zoom, leaving Harry and Y/n very confused.
"Did you place bets on us?" Y/n asked, sounding more astonished than offended.
"When lockdown became permanent, we knew it was a matter of when not if we would be getting the announcement," Jeff explained. "Someone has a physical copy of the pool somewhere."
"And all of you did this? Mum?" Harry said, brows raised higher than Y/n had ever seen them. When Anne nodded sheepishly, Y/n had to stifle a laugh. "So none of you were surprised?"
"I love you, dear, and I'm so so happy for you, but since you were seventeen, anytime you've come to me with big news, it's been about having a baby. For my own sanity, I've just come to expect it."
Harry looked down at Y/n, who was grinning behind her hand. For her husband's sake, her gaze softened as she reached up to kiss his cheek. "I mean, they have a point. Even you guessed it before I told you."
As the shock finally wore off, Harry smiled. He supposed it wasn't the worst thing in the world. So, he and Y/n were predictable, even though they hadn't really been trying this time around. They were in love and had a lot more time together currently. Things were finally back on track for them and their relationship troubles seemed behind them now. They were happy, and as long as his family was happy, some light teasing and bet placing seemed harmless.
He did pin everyone on the screen with a mock glare before moving on, though. "You guys made a whole pool. Really?"
"Yeah. Can you believe Jeff thought it would take eight months for you to get pregnant?"
"It was for the adjustment to lockdown period!"
"Eight months?"
And on and on it went. Harry just smiled and rested his hand over Y/n's belly, thinking about how much it would grow in just a few short weeks.
"I want Mommy!"
Harry sighed and pulled his only son into his lap, pushing the curls away from his face and wiping the tears from his cheeks. "I know you do, JuJu."
Harry and the kids were waiting to hear from Y/n's mother, but he hadn't gotten so much as a text. He was anxious, worried that something was wrong, but Julian's crying served as a good distraction for the time being.
Julian continued to cry, still not understanding why he couldn't see his mother when he'd become so used to seeing her everyday. Harry would've been with Y/n had it not been for the little boy's crying, and he made the split-second decision to stay home while Y/n delivered the baby with her mother as support. He'd never missed any of his children's births, but for this, he could stay behind.
"She'll be back soon, bubba, I promise," Harry said, kissing Julian's cheeks and holding him close. "Should we go play with your Lego set? I know you've been excited to build it. Maybe we can build something to show Mummy when she gets home."
Julian shook his head and continued to cry into Harry's neck. Realizing his son was content to be miserable, Harry didn't ask again. He sat with Jules for a while, holding the boy to his chest and running a hand through his hair until his sobs turned into sniffles, and the sniffles into long, slow breaths. He waited a few extra minutes before taking Julian up to his room and setting him on his bed, making sure to place his favorite stuffed animal in his arms before leaving him to sleep off his troubles. As he walked away, Harry sort of wished he could do the same.
Every birth had been different. When Y/n had Simone, it hadn't been extraordinarily long, but it was extraordinarily stressful due to their young age. Collette was a fairly quick birth, perhaps a little too quick, seeing as Y/n barely made it to a hospital bed before the baby started crowning. The twins came early, which was apparently common for twins, but that didn't make it any less surprising to Harry and Y/n, especially because Harry was at the grocery store and Y/n was at the park with Simone and Collette and a nanny who was also there had to call an ambulance. Even still, Geneva's birth was probably the scariest, only because of all the rules and regulations brought on by Covid. Y/n's mother quarantined for two weeks so she could stay at the house while Harry and Y/n went to the hospital, as Y/n could only have one person in the room with her.
And now a year later, they were doing it all over again. Harry had been confident that this birth would go off without a hitch, that everything would be just fine, but the lack of word from his wife or mother-in-law made him nervous.
Later that day, Harry was still waiting. He'd gotten a text from Y/n's mother, which let him know that Y/n still wasn't ready to push but that they were getting close. That was an hour ago, and Harry had to believe that it was all happening now.
And he was missing it.
He knew being here with the rest of his children was important. That they were worried about their mother and probably found Harry's presence comforting. He just wished they could all be there in the waiting room instead of at home and fifteen minutes from the hospital. The not-knowing was killing him, and he was pretty sure his kids could sense it.
Harry's eyes flicked to where Collette was standing in the doorway of his bedroom. She was in her pajamas, a shirt and matching pair of bottoms with her favorite cartoon on them. Harry had been pacing around his room, his phone gripped tightly in his hand as he waited for someone to call him, but seeing his second daughter standing there, squinting at the light from his bedside table lamp told him he was up a little later than normal.
"Hi, peanut. What are you doing out of bed?" he asked.
Collette shrugged, her hair catching the light. She wiped at her nose and stepped further into the room until she stood in front of him. "Mommy always braids my hair before I go to sleep."
"She does, doesn't she?" Harry agreed. "She's kind of the best, huh?"
Nodding, Collette turned toward his bed and climbed up on it, looking at him expectantly. Even after having four daughters, Harry wasn't an expert at braiding hair. The girls always went to Y/n before school, and she did each of their braids or ponytails or pigtails happily. Harry always made sure to watch with a keen eye, and practiced on Y/n when she let him. He supposed now it was time to put all his practice to work.
The braiding didn't take long, and Harry didn't do half bad, in his humble opinion. Collette was just going to sleep in it anyway, so he wasn't too bummed by the few loose strands that he'd somehow missed.
He'd finished rather quickly, though Collette didn't slide off the bed to go back to her room. In fact, she nestled under the covers on Y/n's side of the bed, mumbling, "Night Daddy," before falling asleep. Harry didn't really mind. It wasn't the first time one of the kids stayed in his and Y/n's bed, and tonight, he figured he could use some company.
What he wasn't expecting was all of his children to stumble into his room. First it was Maeve, then Jules, then Simone, and finally Harry went to get Geneva, just so it was a proper sleepover. No one fought for space—which was a first. All the kids just found their spot and went back to sleep as if they were in their own rooms. Harry resisted the urge to take a picture so as not to wake anyone up with the flash of his phone's camera.
He hadn't planned on falling asleep. One moment he'd been watching a football game with the volume off, and the next he was blinking his eyes open as the sun began to stream in through the curtains. All of his little ones were still fast asleep, though Harry knew that would change soon. Maeve and Simone woke up early to watch morning cartoons, and Geneva would want her bottle within the hour.
Harry began to shuffle around and prepare for the usual morning routine—brush teeth, ok prepare the bottle, make breakfast for the early risers—when his phone rang. Startled, Harry rushed over to where his phone was plugged in, a huge grin splitting his face when he realized it was a video call from Y/n.
"Hi," Harry whispered, careful not to wake anyone up. "How are you? How's the baby? Is everything—"
"I'm fine, H. Everything's fine. Everything's perfect," Y/n said, a sleepy smile on her face.
Hearing that helped his heart stop racing, but only a little, as excitement flooded his veins. Y/n called him, which could only mean that—
"Wanna meet your daughter?" Y/n said, and even through the phone, Harry could see tears line her eyes.
Harry nodded, too overwhelmed with love and anticipation to form words. Quickly, he found an unoccupied spot on his bed and carefully sat down.
Y/n passed the phone to her mother who angled the phone so that Harry could see the baby, whose face was just barely visible through a pink blanket. He immediately felt tears well in his eyes, his throat going dry as he looked down at his daughter. Even through the phone, he felt every emotion he'd ever experienced when meeting his children for the first time. It was the most unique experience, Harry always thought. He'd seen and done so much, yet he still thought there was nothing like looking down at his newborn baby for the first time.
"Is that baby sister?"
Harry looked behind him to find Julian peering over his shoulder. Jules looked at the sleeping baby curiously, taking in his sister's little nose and tiny fingers and pouted lips. Then, he said, "Is Mommy there too?"
The camera panned up to Y/n, who was smiling and blowing kisses to Julian. "Hi JuJu, my love. I've missed you!"
"Mommy's home?"
Now everyone was up and crowding around Harry, taking turns talking to Y/n and baby sister, who had yet to be given a name. No one seemed to mind, though. If anything, they were more concerned about when Y/n and the baby would be coming home so they could have a party.
"Soon, my loves. The doctor wants me and the baby to stay one more night to make sure we're healthy. You think you can be good for Daddy?"
There was a chorus of yeses before everyone said their goodbyes, the novelty of a new baby sister wearing off when there were cartoons to be watched downstairs. Harry kept Y/n on the phone while he got Geneva's bottle ready, wanting to stay on the phone as long as possible.
"I know you must be tired," Harry said an hour later. He was in GiGi's nursery and watching her toddle around and play with her toys while talking to his wife.
"I'll hang up soon. I want you to get as much screen time as possible before I go," she said, turning the camera to where the baby was sleeping in the bassinet beside her hospital bed.
"Have you given her a name yet?" he asked.
Y/n shook her head. "I know we decided on one, but I wanted you to be with me when I said it for the first time."
"I love you," Harry said as his heart melted to mush.
"I love you too," Y/n said. She lifted the baby out of the bassinet, cradling her head with the expertise of someone who'd done it for years. Looking at Harry through the phone she said, "You wanna do the honors?"
Laughing out of pure bliss, he nodded. With all the tenderness and care he would've used if he'd been there in person, he said, "Welcome to this crazy, crazy world, Natalia Styles."
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animusxy · 2 years
Aemond Targaryen x Blind! Reader Pt.4.5
Summary: You and Aemond getting protective of one another when others in the Red Keep make snide remarks about the other.
Requested: I thought this was a great idea that was brought to my attention by @ateliefloresdaprimavera. I love this idea so much so thank you for coming up with it!
Warnings: None
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 3.5 / Part 4 / Part 4.5 / Part 5
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So, this is how the reader reacts to someone insulting Aemond (and Helaena) behind his back while your around.
Throughout your stay in King's Landing, you were known to be an extremely pleasant person to be around.
Despite the cruel things people whispered about you, this was mostly gossip from the Ladies of the court who were jealous of your relationship with the second son of the king.
Your friendships with Helaena and Aemond were the highlights of your life at this point.
So naturally anyone who insults them, insults you by association.
It was no secret that people, mostly servants, whispered insults about the two of them.
It made no sense to you as Helaena was always polite and thankful to them for their service.
For Aemond it was more understandable, he'd built himself quite the reputation over the years, but he was still polite to workers, and women.
Often preferring to doing things by himself, he meant this so that the servants did not need to spend time on him so that they could focus on more important things. Like spending time with their families. You knew just how much Aemond despised absent parents.
However, the servants always took this as him not trusting them enough to handle his tasks. Well, you could see why in hindsight. Aemon was always very blunt when talking to people and it could often come across and uncaring and rude but it did depend on who he was talking about.
Typically, if one couldn't tell how he thought of you. Then it was neutral, he held no like or dislike to you.
If he didn't like you, you would know just from the way he looked at you.
Still, the callous words that people often sprouted towards them infuriated you to no end.
Apparently, Helaena's prophetic mumblings and Aemond's lost eye was too much of a challenge to look past.
So, you too, made a name for yourself.
A gentle, kind and caring person but if someone disrespected one of your friends one would very quickly find them repenting.
Even Aegon was not spared from your words when he spoke of his siblings disparagingly.
The first instance was about Helaena.
Some of her hand maidens, three you'd guess, were just leaving her room and while you couldn't see them you could hear their headache inducing laughter.
According to the loudest, they had just killed one of her most exotic creatures to see how she'd react to the news.
She didn't even get to finish her sentence before you were hounding them.
'Excuse me?!' The hour was early so you did not wish to wake anyone in the vicinity.
Thankfully Helaena had been requested by her mother earlier than usual so you could at least teach some insolent brats a lesson before having to break the news to the princess.
Oh, poor Helaena would be so heartbroken.
With that thought in mind you proceeded to quietly argue with each of them.
Now, a bad thing about being fully blind is that when you were in an argument with someone. There were times where they'd just quietly walk away from you because, well, it's not like you could see them.
But you were raised with parents and siblings who did exactly that, you could just tell when someone was about to try.
So, when the closest maid attempted to quietly step past you to escape your aggressive words you gave them a firm hit on the shin with your staff that Aemond had gifted you.
You were rewarded with a sharp gasp of pain, and they didn't dare try it again.
That staff was dangerous Aemond made sure of that.
Gods you laughed when Aemond told you to use it as a weapon if you wanted to but now you thanked him for it.
When you were done you gave them all a light tap on the head with that same staff as they watched in silent awe as they were patronised by a blind person.
(As many had often said your gentle nature came from the fact you were 'unable to defend yourself').
Then you had stormed off to the Queens Quarters where Queen Alicent and Helaena were conversing.
Queen Alicent had thought of Helaena's obsession with bugs as being unsightly or random when she was younger, often trying to ween her off of them.
As Helaena grew, her dreams grew with her and Alicent came to realise that it was not an obsession at all but rather something to release the strain of the horrible things she had seen.
She also came to realise that you too, played a similar role.
By talking about her dreams with you, something she only did with Aemond and sometimes Alicent herself.
She was able to further release the strain on her mind and relax more in her own skin as she knew that you would always take what she said in consideration and would try to figure out what she meant by certain sayings.
To hear that someone, or people, had harmed one of the few things that allowed Helaena to help live a regular life was enraging.
Alicent had pulled you aside to get the full story and the names of the handmaidens before the two of you approached Helaena to break the news to her.
The princess was reduced to tears and clung to her mother and her best friend as she mourned.
Helaena had a bond with those little critters that you couldn't fathom.
You weren't a big fan of them yourself, well only really the ones with many, many legs but you were willing to put that aside as you offered if she would like you to attend as she picked out new creatures to add to her collections.
Aemond also joined the two of you after you informed him of what had happened.
Adding in his own ideas of which ones Helaena should invest in, even offering to fly on Vhagar to get some exotic ones from Essos.
Helaena had brought the two of you into one large hug to thank you for your consideration.
Despite her innocence, she knew that not everyone would tolerate going on a trip for the day to bring back to the Red Keep.
The second instance was about Aemond.
And as always, his eye.
You were aware that people often talked about it, but it wasn't usually in a purely derogatory way like this time.
The lords had been speaking about how while Aemond may be good at sword-fighting, he would never be able to wed a woman.
That he was much too hideous for that.
Now, usually when it came to Aemond you would back away and do nothing.
Aemond would often tell you that you shouldn't put yourself in a situation where you could be put in danger.
He specifically meant men.
He would say that it doesn't bother him so you shouldn't worry about it but he was your best friend.
You knew when he was lying to you.
You knew that it sometimes kept him awake at night or bothered him when he was walking around King's Landing.
After all, why would he wear an eyepatch if it did not bother him in the slightest?
So, against his wishes you spoke up to the lords.
Stating that their children would be incredibly lucky to be wed to such a wonderful person like Aemond.
At first, you tried to be respectful but as they disregarded your words and tried to convince you that no one would wed him now you only got angrier.
And it showed.
The words you spat were unladylike and venomous, but you did not regret them in the slightest.
Later Alicent would give you her gratitude for defending her son so vehemently
Aemond would ask once again that you do not put yourself in a place where others may find reason to harm you.
However, he would be grateful nevertheless and gift you with something the very next day.
A new dress that he would describe to you with emotions or jewellery which he would explain the importance of the gemstone.
Let's be honest though. The jewellery and clothes probably matched his own somehow and he would have no shame in admitting that.
Tag List:
@daddysfavoritesexkitten @ateliefloresdaprimaveraera @tachibubuu @discowizard88 @claudiajacobs @ephemeralninon @microwaved-timmies @sagittariuswritings @are-y0u-sirius @icarusignite @grippleback-galaxy @random-human02 @liathelioness @mingiholic @poohkie90 @tea-effect @bb-swift @psychomanias @farmerpinkpie @mikariell95 @schniiipsel @the-fire-lady @sarah-l-whiteman @vainillasmil157 @landlockedmermaid77 @betterdaysobsessing @alexayoonlee @meilikki @elizabeth-or-lily @peaches-and-sunshine @kittykylax @thegreat-annamaria
Okay a kind of a smaller one in comparison but I'm writing part 5 write after this. Not sure if it will be done tonight though. If you have any scenarios you'd like to see. Just comment them, message me or send me an ask. I really don't mind how I receive them.
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alaydabug2 · 27 days
I freaking HATE being the "Good smart kid"
I used to love it and be proud
But I HATE it now
I'm the youngest (and only girl) of four siblings
All my brothers are significantly older than me
Like 5, 10 and 13 years
The thing is they're very booksmart
Key word
But they don't apply themselves and even try
2 of them were in gifted and beta but they dropped out and didn't care
1 (who has a genius IQ) ended up doing drugs and stealing and ended up in prison
One knocked 2 girls up (one baby mama being legit cray cray) and is a dead beat to both kids
1 nearly dropped out of highschool and us 19 married to a 28 year old with 3 kids (who only really seems to be there for his paycheck)
Well (minus when I was younger) I am the "good child"
I behave do well and apply myself in school
Just got into gifted and starting out freshman year with all honors classes and in beta
I LOVE learning and stuff
But the pressure is getting to be a LOT
Im known by my classmates for being the smart kid and they only really talk to me and include me for awnsers on stuff
They get mad when I try to just help and guide them instead of flat out giving the awnsers
With my parents I'm their "last hope" cause the other three screwed up
I've always been known as the happy little girl and so I don't like crying in front of them because I don't want to worry them
Especially about stupid like this
And I've always done well in school
SO MUCH SO that when I get any sort of grade below a 90 they ask me "are you ok do you need help"
And it makes me feel like I'm not doing good enough (even though they are objectively GOOD GRADES)
Even if they don't say anything when I see anything below a 90 I feel really dissappin in myself
Yeah those jokes about "Oh I did so bad on a test I got a 88"
Yeah that's me
Then furthermore
I just had to miss 2 weeks of the first weeks of school from surgery
And when I got all my makeup work I just had a breakdown because it was SO MUCH to do
First week of high-school EVER in honors
That's a lot
I had a full on BREAKDOWN cause I was stressed out and I didn't want to miss that much school
My mama got upset with me because I was having a freak out (cause I don't usually act like that)
It's not my parents are bad
Not at all whatsoever and love them so so so much
But I feel like I'm not allowed to mess up or get a bad grade now and again because I've always been known for the smart good happy girl
I feel like I can't stray from that in being afraid of dissappinting them and myself
The bar I set myself is so high cause I want to do something with my life because my brothers just dont
I feel like I need to make up for what they didn't do with the potential they had
I don't want them to be sad when I'm lonely at school cause I have friends (I guess)
But I'm not really included in the planning they do (like homecoming) and I don't want to ask to join cause I don't want to be needy and annoying
I'm sure they'd be fine if I did ask but I don't feel like I know them enough to do thay and I don't want to be weird
And when my mama asked me today if they did include me unlike my other school where I just sat and watched I just told her they dud cause I didn't want her to be sad
I literally don't know what's wrong with me
Ik they don't HAVE to be my friend and include me in everything
Thats why I don't ask
Cause they literally DONT have to
I don't want them to feel obligated to either
Cause I've been on that and of the aisle too
And being stuck around someone you don't like but pretend to tk not hurt their feelings sucks
But at the same time.... I just really miss my best friend
I just want to know why I can never get good friends who include me in things and listen
They're either toxic or I'm the pitty friend
Am I really that annoying
But then when I act "normal" and I'm more quiet I just still....
I feel like they don't like me
I've HEARS some of these girls talk about saying others are annoying thay I thought were friends and didn't want to hurt the others feelings
I always get scared I'm that friend
I'd stay by myself but
I CRAVE companionship
Ik some of you are happy to be on your own
But I'm not that
But I'm starting to think feeling lonely is just my best option at this point
I feel like I don't have anyone to talk to about it
I don't want tk worry my parents
I'm not gonna go around asking my friends "am I annoying"
By bsf lives an hour away
I just... don't know what to do about anything anymore
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ryker-writes · 8 months
Jaxon Crowley's Birthday Interview
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(Image made with this picrew)
Jaxon Crowley's masterlist
Happy Birthday!
You look nice! It's not often we see you dressed in white.
For good reason. It's not my color. I much prefer darker clothes, but apparently you have to dress like this if it's your birthday.
Is someone making you wear it?
Not exactly. If I was being forced, I simply wouldn't do it. But...Riddle and Deuce were hounding me about it being necessary for my birthday.
So you wore it for them?
I wore it so they'd stop hounding me about it. Clothes hardly matter to me anyway. I could wear scraps and I'd be fine.
But doesn't it feel nice to be dressed for your birthday?
I've never particularly cared for my birthday. It might as well just be a normal day.
Do you normally not celebrate your birthday?
No. I've never seen much of a point to it. Though I usually don't have people who want to celebrate it with me either. Even when I was younger, my birthday was never a big deal.
I would've thought Crowley would've thrown a big party for you.
When I was really young, he did. Though the parties got smaller as the years went by. Can't say I mind it too much.
Has he said anything to you today?
He not-so-discreetly shoved a card under my room door that had some guitar picks inside with some designs on them. Leona caught him trying to sneak out of Savanaclaw.
That was nice of him. Have you gotten any other presents?
Deuce got me some sunglasses for the bright lights, Leona got me some new golden earrings, Silver got me a star projector that even shows constellations, and Riddle managed to transfer a bunch of books, including textbooks, into audio form for me.
It sounds like each of them put a lot of thought into their gifts.
It's good. I much prefer things I'll actually use rather than stuff that will just sit around.
That makes a lot of sense. Now...I do have a few questions to ask you for the interview.
Go ahead.
If you could pick any student from Night Raven College to be your sibling, who would you choose?
That one's not too difficult. I'd pick Deuce. We're already similar enough, and he's not annoying. We get along pretty well and he's already similar to a younger sibling to me. If not Deuce, I'd pick the little fighter.
Little fighter?
Epel. He's the little fighter. Tiny, but he's got bite to him.
What's your favorite food?
Sushi. I generally like all kinds of seafood, but sushi is the best. Especially nigiri, even more so if it's shrimp. Anytime I go to the Mostro Lounge, I get some type of shrimp.
What about your least favorite food?
Avocados. They taste disgusting. My mother used to try and get me to eat them all the time when I was young. I guess hating avocados is one of the things me and my dad have in common.
Can you tell us more about what your parents were like when you were young? Perhaps a different side to the Headmage?
When I was really young me and him used to get along. But I was so young that I hardly have any memories of it. I spent most of my time with my mother or the ghosts of Night Raven College.
You know the ghosts well?
More like they know me well. They've known me basically my entire life. In fact, I spent a lot of time in Ramshackle. It was a nice area to just relax. I had hoped I could relax in it again when I returned, but then I found out about you and the cat...
You're always welcome to come over!
I'll keep that in mind.
I only have one more question for you. If you were to join any dorm other than Savanaclaw, which dorm would you choose?
Probably Ignihyde. Those guys know how to keep to themselves and they aren't very demanding. No one there is going to try and boss me around. Ignihyde students barely talk to me now anyway.
Alright! Thank you for the interview! And happy birthday again!
Yeah, thanks.
Bonus Special Ryker Facts About Jaxon!
Jaxon is probably my favorite oc out of them all. I have many ocs in many different universes, but I carry Jaxon with me to almost all of them. There's a Genshin Impact Jaxon, Honkai Star Rail Jaxon, Legend of Zelda Jaxon, DnD Jaxon, and so many more! He originally started as a vague concept of an oc, but developed into a full fledged oc about a year ago! I thought I'd share some little facts about Jaxon that we didn't know, or I haven't fully dived into yet!
Jaxon's original design was much different than he is today. In fact, he was originally made for the DC comic universe. His first design looked a bit different, but still had the core parts of his personality and his delinquency arc. His early design actually had wavy black hair and light blue eyes. In his early designs, he actually had a sister named Sophia who also had black hair, but brown eyes instead. She often tried to set him on the right path and was very stubborn, but was one of the few people he cared about.
Another thing I wanted to mention about Jaxon is his struggles with schoolwork. This is something that's very consistent regardless of what universe he's in, and there's actually a reason why he struggles so much. Jaxon has dyslexia, but teachers in the past just sort of gave up on him or found him too difficult to work with, and he pushed them away. Because of this, he never officially got tested and still struggles with it sometimes.
Jaxon's character is one that I've always felt works best in my favorite dynamic of light and dark, or the good and bad dynamic. While Jaxon isn't all bad, he certainly has a lot of negative traits and a lot of trauma weighing on his mind. While he's capable of functioning on his own, he wouldn't do well with someone who is equally as negative as him. That is why Jaxon leans towards people who are seen as good or more positive. It balances him out well.
He's by far my favorite oc and I will forever be grateful for all of you for supporting my writings about him, and loving him just as much as I do! It always makes me so happy to see you guys enjoying him, talking about him, or even making artwork of him! It really makes me feel so special! And we've made it to a year since Jaxon's official creation! It's odd because I almost feel like he's my son and he's growing up so fast. It's amazing to watch how he's developed in this past year, and I'm very happy with him!
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pretentious-blonde · 2 months
I just saw that matchup ask with Steve and it was so great! I loved how you detailed the reasons why you thought they were a good match. If you're still accepting requests, can I have a matchup with the Stranger Things characters (any gender) too? If so, then:
I'm an INFP 9w1 and a Libra (Cancer rising) girl. I'm the eldest of three siblings and I really have that eldest sister energy (responsible but stressed lol).
I'm very introverted and I hate having to interact with people and leave my house, but when I do I can easily pass myself off as an extrovert or at least an ambivert because I really enjoy talking, even though I feel more comfortable chatting to people I'm close to. I'm also very sentimental, a bit of a crybaby and all that. I empathize and get very sensitive to other people's pain, yet I don't like showing everything I feel and think to others. I kind of prefer to keep my things to myself, I guess? Like, I'd kill and die for someone important to me, but it's not like I'm going to keep saying that to them. I think my opinions are my own and other people's opinions are other people's and I respect that and I also expect my privacy to be respected. I've always been at the top of my class, so I guess I could consider myself intelligent (or at least the people around me say), I'm usually quite funny/goofy, sarcastic (when I feel comfortable to be) and organized, but I can also be quite lazy and not even a bit proactive. I always try to be polite and friendly with others, but I won't shy away from a discussion if I have to (btw, I'm very argumentative in discussions lol) And also, as much as I'm an introvert, I don't mind "attracting attention" because I don't really care what people think of me.
About my appearance, I have light brown skin, shoulder-length curly dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I'm Latina (Brazilian), short, around 5'2 and my body is chubby and curvy. I don't have any tattoos or piercings. My style is very much inspired by the late 90s and early 2000s (if I had to choose some reference icons, it would be Lorelai and Rory from Gilmore Girls). I'm not a big fan of makeup, usually I just wear gloss and blush at most, and I only wear earrings or rings as accessories.
Things I like are basically movies and series, music, some books, and cooking. I'm obsessed with everything that involves history and I just love A LOT the 80s (especially movies) and the regency period. My favorite color is purple, my favorite season is autumn, my favorite drink is tea and my favorite animal is dog. My Letterboxd TOP 3 movies are "Mamma Mia", "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and "The Breakfast Club". My dream job would be to be a writer (but I know I probably won't be one). I don't like (most of) indie artists, hot days, coffee, movies and TV shows about superheroes and I rarely like the genres of fantasy or dystopia (I'm not the least bit nerdy lol)
I'm not a fan of clingy people; I prefer those who are funny and intelligent (even a bit of an asshole if it's within the bounds of being a decent human being). For me to fall in love with someone, they'd really need to have been my best friend first, because what I prioritize in my relationship is feeling comfortable. My love language is quality time (receiving) and acts of service/gifts (giving).
I think that's it! I'm sorry if there's anything missing (or if it's too long). I've tried to include everything I think is important about me. Thank you for reading it all <33
I feel like you and Eddie would fit together so well!
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Your personality types actually complement each other very well, with you being an INFP and Eddie fully embodying ENFP, you are pretty good at evening him out and vice versa. He kind of realised you were more of a homebody a few weeks into seeing you, even if you can display extroverted energy around others. He doesn’t vocally raise it, but instead just suggests more sweet ideas to hang out when it is just the two of you. Renting a movie to watch in his trailer, just driving around with him in his car listening to music (and yes he does let you always pick what you listen to/watch!). He is a sap over the little moments you share together, watching your face light up when you find a film you want to watch, curling up on the couch with you under his arm, the rest of the world forgotten about. He is able to read you like a book after a while, gaining the ability to know when you are overly stressed or overwhelmed. As your relationship progresses his feelings just continue to grow, he sees it as such an achievement as you get more comfortable around him and let your more goofy side show. You match his sarcasm perfectly, bantering with him and playfully pushing his buttons. He has never laughed so hard.
He is a man of many words but is always calm during these moments, knowing that his loud nature wouldn’t be favourable. Gently coaxing you into his lap and shushing you softly as you babble about whatever has been plaguing your thoughts recently is something nobody has really seen from him. It’s special to you. When the time does come for you to meet his friends, he waits until he gets the all-clear from you, not wanting to push you out of your comfort zone. He has given his friends a thorough warning as well, not wanting to make you feel even the least bit uncomfortable. He has nothing to worry about though, the way you are able to weasel your way into their hearts is almost immediate. They immediately see how gentle and kind you are to their friend and able to pull him back when he becomes too boisterous, that is tied with the way his gaze always seeks you first when he cracks a joke tells them everything they need to know. 
He won’t admit it but he was slightly intimidated by your intelligence, with him struggling all the way through school he felt he wouldn’t be able to keep you mentally stimulated, thinking you would quickly become bored of him. After a few discussions with you about your academic work he is immediately in the library, checking out a few books in an effort to understand what you are talking about, his eyebrows furrowing as his eyes scan the pages. You eventually find a few of these books tucked away under his bed, hastily pushed under to try and hide them. When he realises you have noticed he begins to stumble over his words, trying to distract you from what you have seen but you can’t hear anything over the feeling of your chest tightening. You reassure him that he doesn’t need to stress himself out over trying to match you intellectually. You chose him for reasons completely unrelated, for which he is more relieved than he would care to admit! This doesn’t stop him from asking questions in the future about whatever interesting things you are currently learning about, multiple times. You have all the patience in the world for him and will explain it ten times over if needed.
He tried to explain dungeons and dragons to you once, you asked him about it in passing out of pure curiosity, he began to tell you. However, he soon notices the way your eyes glaze over slightly as you try to follow along with the words coming out of his mouth and he has to hold in a chuckle. It’s adorable how you want to understand what gets him so excited but alas, fantasy is not exactly your favourite genre! He assures you it is no worries and instead just keeps you up to date on what his DnD group is up to, leaving out the world-building and keeping it easily understandable as to not bore you with words you will not know the meaning of! He doesn’t mind you have different interests, you both have your outlets and can focus on different things, even if you are sitting in the very same room. Spending quality time together without needing to be constantly talking.
As soon as you mention any of your favourite things to him, it’s over. You let it slip that your favourite colour is purple and he has run with that ever since! He insists on being a romantic when he can, I don’t think he is really a words of affirmation person, rather he is an acts of service or gift giving. He can’t help but get you small things here and there, absolutely getting you purple flowers when he can or random purple trinkets from vintage markets or thrift stores. Even when you scold him lightly for spending money on you he just shrugs with a small smile gracing his face, telling you the same response every time “It’s purple, your favourite”. Speaking of acts of service, he doesn’t want you to do stuff he can help with. Every morning without fail he wakes you up with a cup of tea, even going as far to have a small cabinet shelf just for the ones you like (far away from the coffee!). He just enjoys you drinking it around him, it might sound ridiculous but just allowing him to see you be pleased with something he has done for you fills him with a sappy feeling he can’t explain. 
The song I associate with you two would be "Shine Silently" by Nils Lofgren! A 70s/80s legend (since you said you love the 80s), he is a member of Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band as well!
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ursafootprints · 9 months
*eagerly holds up microphone ;D
1, 3, 12, 13, 17, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30
Sldkfjsdf 💖💖💖 THANK YOU FRIEND you're the sean evans to my weeping-while-answering-questions interviewee
1, 12, 24 have all been answered!
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer? Oh, gosh. That I can finish something longer than five chapters? That banking all my oneshot ideas is a great way to focus on a main project but means I will be extremely scattered from having too many WIPs in the aftermath? I feel like I'm much less thoughtful/self-aware about this kind of stuff than a lot of other authors, lmao.
13. What fic was the easiest to write? Cheating because it was by far the shortest, but it happens here every day (and its soon-to-be-posted Part 2, as they were actually originally written as a one-shot, haha.) I finished each scene in one sitting of CLAMP-fuelled brainworms.
For the ones that are on more equal ground wordcount-wise, Pyrite was the easiest! I had a pretty solid idea of what I wanted out of it and didn't struggle overly much with any of the individual elements.
17. What were your go-to writing snacks? Salt & vinegar chips are my favorite snack, but I don't snack while I write! I don't wanna get chipfingers on my keyboard.
22. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene I can't actually pick a favorite from the last two chapters of YNYD (Peter's talks with May? Tony and Peter's final date night before Peter moves for MIT?? the final scene?!), so instead, from Pyrite:
"I accepted that I had no fucking clue what Dad would let you get away with all the way back when you were three and I didn't revert to being an only child after you drew all over his Shelby Cobra with a screwdriver," he said, rolling his eyes at the memory. It's not like he'd at all wanted his baby brother to get slapped into next Tuesday, but— "For all I know you could blow Norman Osborn right in front of him and he'd just compliment your technique." "Tony!" Peter squawked with a peal of horrified laughter, twisting up out of Tony's lap to shove at his shoulder in protest. "'Hmm, excellent work, son,'" Tony intoned in a well-practiced imitation of their father, catching Peter's wrists. "'See how he's working the shaft, Anthony? Now this is how a worthy Stark successor sucks cock.'" "Oh my god," Peter wailed as he struggled against Tony's grip to try and shut him up, beet red and laughing.
Despite being wholly inappropriate, Tony was actually just being a big brother rather than trying to flirt with Peter here, and so this part actually struck me as being weirdly charming as a look into what their sibling relationship could've been like if not for… everything.
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year? Oh finishing YNYD for sure. I've never written anything near that long or complex before (my next-longest work is only 37k vs YNYD's 166k,) much less finished it, and it felt like a massive accomplishment.
If we're talking something more specific to the writing process, coming up with the idea of using Hanahaki as the premise for the wicked love sequel was also super satisfying! I was pretty content with the idea of just letting the first part stand alone as a full-on tragedy, but I did keep rolling the idea of "but what would their relationship look like after that" around in my mind just out of sheer fascination with it.
I didn't think my answer at the time ("they'd get therapy but Tony wouldn't really ever open up to talk about it and things would never really be the same I guess???") would be that interesting to write or read, but landing on "Tony would be forced to talk about it because his son got Hanahaki" was immediately exciting!
27. Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic? I live in a constant state of buying myself a little treat, so I probably did that, but otherwise not really actually!
29. If this were an awards show, who would you thank? Lolll oh god. You and @shivanessa for sure for all the lovely gifts and for being such thoughtful and supportive readers and friends, my sibling for listening to me ramble about my fics, Rome for letting me bounce ideas off of them and being a wonderful friend and cheerleader, allllllll of my regular commenters…!! You guys are what makes being in fandom so fun 💖💖💖
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024? Lmaoooooooooo
People were sharing their WIPs lists in the Super Starkers server a while back so I threw one together and, well…
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…We'll see what happens!!
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my sibling has some very exclusionist opinions and it makes me sad.
i brought up how it's possible to experience gender in the same way a typical woman does, but prefer labels usually associated with a typical man, such as he/him, sir, guy, etc. she said this literally isnt possible because gender labels exist to label gender and you can't go against it. i told them i sometimes go against it, because even when my gender sort of feels more feminine i still hate feminine terms and love masculine ones. she said it's different because i'm genderfluid. i doubt they'd be accepting if i told them i'm actually demifluid/bigender (idk, maybe both), half transmasc half changing.
she also asked "why would someone who identifies as a woman call themself a man?" and got mad when i tried to answer that the person wouldn't indentify as a woman, they'd indentify as a man, just have similar gender to most women.
i also a bit ago tried talking about how mspec gay/lesbian discourse was upsetting me, because everyone should be able to be themselves and if someone doesn't like it, they can just not interact with people who feel mspec fits them, and how people with contradictory labels aren't hurting anyone. they got really upset about it, which surprised me because i thought they would understand?? idk
i wasn't trying to start an argument either time, i was just trying to have a conversation with someone i thought was on my side and would understand me. but i don't think they're safe to talk about these things with anymore :(
oh well i guess
Submitted May 11, 2023
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mintythecuptalks · 10 months
I fucking hate myself bro
Im not even gonna try hide it.
I hate how i sound, how I look, how i act, how I feel, how I even make friends. How i talk. Just fucking everything. I'm really trying to be that role model for you guys and I can't give up just like that, but it's making me wanna give up on my au, and just.. delete everything
I cant make anyone fucking proud and I'm not even good enough for anyone. Shit I say was never fucking said to me. I really hate myself, I hate how my body looks. I hate how it's shaped. I hate my hands. My face. My hair. My arms. My legs. My stomach. MY CHEST. EVERYTHING
Im just that little girl who craved the "attention" they gave me BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS LOVE. I WISH I NEVER FUCKING CAME ONTO THE INTERNET.
Its so hard to cry, my room hadn't been cleaned and it smells fucking bad in here because of the old food. My clothes are everywhere. My bedsheets aren't even on my bed. I finally showed i guess. My eating habits are coming back where I starved myself until I ended up in the hospital. I'm failing school I can hardly fucking sleep now. I'm vaping, I wanna start cigarettes again.
My whole world is falling apart and I haven't turned to anyone about it. Because I feel like I'll annoy them so much that they wouldn't respond fast enough. There was a few times where they'd stop replying because they were texting other people and forgot to text me and shit. Am I that fucking boring?? Am I not worthy enough to reply to?? I'm always told that I'm good to talk to while venting to and I'm lovely for that. But the bad part about that Is- no one ever fucking spoke to me the way I spoke to them. A few people have. But it was never said to me before I met them.
Im always compared to people who were hated on. Called dramatic. Now I'm wondering if what I'm feeling even fucking matters anymore. It's getting worse and i know it. I'm hardly trying to get better and i know I don't even deserve to get better.
i hate myself so fucking much. I wish I was never born sometimes. I really fucking think i won't make it to 18 I swear. I have been thinking about that for these past 4 fucking years. I was 11 when I started thinking that.
Im not even good enough to even do anything for myself. But I always make sure my siblings are fed. I don't make them starve.
Im a burden to everyone. Everyone
Including myself
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pixelkip · 1 year
Aight. It's Annello time.
SO my interpretation of Annello has a slightly different backstory from the semi-official one given by Rageminer. They still fuse the same way, with Annie showing up after Garcello dies but is still hanging around as a ghost, she runs up and reaches out for him and. Yea.
A big difference in mine though is that the fusion isn't as much physically painful as it is uh,, mentally. Once they fuse both.. I guess sides?? of them are terrified and confused. Once they even realize what happened they're understandably fuckin horrified. Mostly because.. it technically means the 2 won't really see each other ever again
I say this cause.. while I might refer to them acting more like Annie or garcy, it's not a situation of 2 consciousnesses (is that even a word hell if I know) existing simultaneously, but just one with personality traits and memories of both. Sure, they can recognize what parts of them come from who, but they still are just one.
It also takes them a while to really be able to function again. Their highly conflicting personality traits can make it really hard for them to make decisions and the energetic-ness from Annie and anxiety from Garcello don't exactly mix nicely. They are simultaneously not used to being so energetic and highly emotional from Garcy's side, and not used to being so anxious and tired from Annie's side. They have a lot of moments where Annie's impulsivity kicks in, they do something kind of foolish and immediately wonder wait why the hell did I do that??
They also probably talk to themself a lot. Both cause they sometimes need to do that to get their thoughts in order and cause they're lonely :[
They eventually start sorting themself out though (but also with my version of them they at least have lil Rascal with them, since for me she and Annie would've had a sibling-rivalry type relationship that would carry over to annello, but that's probably a post for another day)
So. I imagine their actual personality being a slightly ominous goofball. I say ominous because come the fuck on they have both the Annie chaos and the garcy calm chill guy demeanor. Do u see what I'm going for here. They're gonna take Garcy's mysterious dude in the alleyway thing and take it to the next level by actually seeming like theyre totally up to something. They can go from tired bastard to bouncy ball of mischief within seconds. I think they'd start to lean into how they seem weird and unpredictable, since it's something about them they really can't change, might as well embrace it.
I imagine them kind of speaking with kind of a sweet but sly tone while also sounding very calm and quiet. Unlike their 1 official voice line, I hc that their voice can shift between sounding more like Annie or garcello, with it naturally changing depending on how they feel or what they're trying to convey. They could also consciously change it but they can't perfectly mimick one or the other. If they're excited or shouting though, that's how you get then speaking with both voices at the same time.
Ok that's mostly it for their character but there's a few more lil details that didn't really fit in this whole explanation so here's a few more things I came up with, sometimes with inspo from people on discord:
- since they're a fusion of a very much alive Annie and a ghost garcy, annello is half-ghost. For a while they'd randomly phase through things accidentally before they learned to get it under control. Might also allow them to dissappear at will. Because fuck you I think that's fun and cool
- said half-ghost thing also lead to an agreement that Hiroari Shoots A Strange Bird ~ Till When? is annello boss fight theme. Though, I also heavily associate them with Hartmann's Youkai Girl too. Fuck I can't avoid bringing up touhou every chance I get god dAMMIT FU
- oh on the topic of songs that fit my version of them. Deathbody by Ghost and Pals and The Ballad of Jane Doe from Ride the Cyclone
- I'm not sure if I'm keeping this now but i feel like it's worth adding, I had an old liquid form design for annello where they were more of a vapor-y ghost monster instead
- they have a bit of claustrophobia, both cause of their memory of dying in a small alley but also because they are significantly taller than the 2 goobers were, everything they're familiar with like their apartment and such feels smaller to them.
-oh yea. They're taller than even garcello was. I imagine them at like 6'5-7 ft tall
- they are the epitome of 2 idiots does not make a smart person. It makes an ominous but awkward airheaded dingus
- despite them being all weird and shit they're a complete fucking softie. I don't need to explain why with these 2 goobers it should be obvious
- for a good while after they fused they dressed like a complete fucking mess since they didn't know how the fuck they wanted to dress. This is what happens when u have the fashion taste of an emo furry and a man who'd wear pajamas 24/7 if it was socially acceptable
- they have fangs, but unlike Annie that's the only part of their teeth that are still sharp. Even so, garcys influence means they still feel awkward having them, so the fangs cause them to sometimes speak with a bit of a lisp
- still kibby just a really fuckin weird one
That's all. Have some doobles of the silly and uhh stan annello or perish
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silvertsundere · 3 months
Silver Talks AniManga (16/06/24)
new serialization round baby let's gooooo there's nothing too fancy on it but I'm curious about the series that will start in 3 weeks since I read the author's previous manga years ago when it came out, until it got axed, so I wanna see how much they improved since then
green - new series/new to me blue - finale/completed
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Dungeon Meshi Ep24 (Finale)
there really isn't anything else I could've given it. trigger absolutely killed it the whole way through and thank GOD someone convinced the shitflix execs to make this a weekly release instead of the shitty binge model which would've killed the show dead instantly.
but yeah, I haven't read the manga (yet) but I'd seen tons of spoilers before and even more during the show airing ( 😔 ) and it's an incredible adaptation. a lot of people complain about certain scenes not hitting as hard as in the manga for this reason or another but I feel like most (not all) of those complaints are just nitpicking and trying to give off a sense of superiority cause they read the manga beforehand
anyway, great animation the whole way through, like always above average and with a lot of sakuga sprinkled all throughout. we even got unorthodox animation like that one with the siblings or all the scenes made in the classic trigger style instead of this more "mainstream" look they used for the show everything else is stellar too, I loved the whole seiyuu cast and their performances and the music was great as well
also ryoko kui is an incredible author so it was just a treat to see all the thought that went into the world, dungeon and otherwise, tho I already knew that before the anime was even announced
anyway, TL;DR: incredible adaptation and what everyone should dream of getting for their series. can't WAIT for S2 coming TBA, surprised they announced it already cause they have a panel at AX next month so I figured they'd do it there
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Youkai Buster Murakami Ch1
I went into this not expecting much since I read the author's previous work, shugomaru, which while not terrible was also nothing to write home about. I was pleasantly surprised by this tho, I actually liked it a lot more than shugomaru. I was doubtful at first cause "oh boy here comes another exorcist series" until I was told who the author was. as expected it's a comedy series like their previous work. the gimmick is that the main girl is an exorcist and it's her job to seal all these youkais that are being ressurected but she's a huge coward so she brings her, completely normal, friend along to help her and he defeats the youkai by poking holes into it's story like you can see in the pic below I can totally see this being a fun series that I wouldn't mind having stick around for a while if every chap is at least this good. even being a shorter debut of 30 pages it felt like it dragged a bit too long but it should be fine with normal lenght chaps. we'll see how it goes in the coming weeks
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Dear Anemone Ch17 (Finale)
man where do I even start with this. first of, I'd thought about giving it a 2 instead of a 1 cause the art is really good but this final chap was so bad it made me change my mind. that spread I picked below is a compilation of stuff that never actually happened in the manga. I guess it was stuff the author had planned but it got axed so yeah. from chap 1 I said the art was good but way too gory for wsj and that stayed true the whole way, it was just way too much for the magazine it was in. impressive that the author managed to keep up the quality in a weekly serialization tho. that's all this manga had tho, the art. everything else was terrible. the story was confused and moving all over the place and the bad ratings made it even worse with the author trying to rush and give reveals and twists constantly which never felt satisfying cause there was no build up to it. the characters didn't felt like characters either and they were just getting pulled along the plot. I went into this not expecting much and still came out disappointed. author is gonna have to put a LOT of effort into their writting if they want do to another serialization or at least they should team up with someone else since again the art was actually really good
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bluebunnyears-08 · 2 years
Yeah that was great. I mistyped that ask a bit. I was wondering how nine would be as an older sibling to a sonic.
Oh! Good idea! I'm sorry I misunderstood!
Here you go! This is a time when Sonic didn't talk yet btw.
Nine didn't know what to say to this random child that broke into his lab. The hedgehog looked to be about 5 or at least 7 by the short stature. The initial reaction was to attack the kid and scare them out of his lab, but when the kid didn't budge and even fought back, it led to an entire chase from pod to pod in the subway.
Things led to him being saved by the kid, much to his surprise. The kid didn't seem to talk at all, using gestures and pointing to get his point across. Somehow, Nine understood everything. The urchin somehow knew he was bullied, only gesturing that they came by to save him, but that's not what he remembered.
Nobody helped him, those who passed by would ignore his cries for help or merely sneer in disgust at his extra limb. He had to rely on himself to make it stop. He helped himself, that's how it is here. Nobody has friends.
To his surprise, he began to think about what the hedgehog told him, blue skies, sunny beaches...? He asked the kid what else they did, he didn't want to believe it, but if there was a chance.
He needed to hear more.
The hedgehog went on and on about how they'd eat Chili Dogs, would fight Mister Dr. Eggman together, and more...
It was like a dream, his own dream was being brought up again by this stranger. Then his eyes caught sight of the burning-up sneakers, pointing it out to the kid who groaned and sat down pouting with his arms crossed. Nine smirked in amusement.
"The only thing I hate more than people in my space is whiners.", he pulled out a device and pointed it at the kid, who in turn panicked with his hands raised in alarm as if to say 'I thought we were making progress!'
Nine rolled his eyes.
The scanners managed to pick up levels of high energy sources, an energy that could make the sneakers explode but if Nine put together a...
"Follow me!", Nine crawled on with his metal appendages, having a small smile directed to the kid, who in turn followed beside him quickly to his lab.
While Nine worked the kid looked around his lab with curious eyes, poking and prodding all of the inventions and stuff scattered about the lab. Nine would occasionally glance over to the kid with slight amusement. The hedgehog was so wide-eyed and amazed by the inventions he made.
Nine guessed they were to outsiders, to him they were just simple needs he had to make. He didn't invent out of fun anyway, there was no fun in this place of misery. He felt slightly pleased that the kid liked his creative outlets.
He paused in his work when he felt a tap on his arm. He turned to see the urchin peering up at him with wide eyes shimmering with friendliness and a confident smile.
The kid pointed at his metal tails and smiled holding a thumbs up.
'I like the tails.'
Nine's eyes widened slightly in surprise, before he turned back to his work, trying to give off an air of indifference.
"Yeah, sure."
He was finished with the devices and put them on the child, to both of their surprise, it actually accepted the devices instead of rejecting them. Nine stroked his chin, trying to figure out just how it did that, only to be snapped out of his thoughts when the kid suddenly pointed outside with a cheeky smile, running off before Nine could say anything.
"No wait, you dummy, it's not safe!", he called out to the already-gone blur, chasing after him. He followed the kid out of the safety of the subway, and into the city. He didn't care for the kid, he just didn't want to deal with the kid getting hurt or the council finding him out.
Yeah, he didn't care about the kid at all. Totally.
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
MY THOUGHTS ON TBB 2×15 "The Summit" and 2×16 "Plan 99"
To say that I'm devastated is an understatement. As I write this during my second viewing of the episodes, I keep tearing up even before you know what happens. This is NOT how I imagine this finale would go. I guess I can say that objectively, removing all emotional perspective, it was a great finale, one where the setting up along the season pays off.
But emotionally, it's awful. Absolutely and undeniably impossible to believe. It'll take me a long time to process this. And I'm not sure if I'm capable of sharing with you all my thoughts because of that. I'll try, but probably I'll skim over some things that seem irrelevant at the moment or simply too painful to talk about.
In hindsight, the batch should've collected every favor they're owed from people they've helped the last 2 season to pull this off with everyone alive! just sayin'!!
Nope. I'm not talking about Phee and Tech saying goodbye. Watching it for a second time threw me into another sobbing fit 😭😭😭
The summit, ugh! I hate everyone in there. And especially Hemlock with his awful ideas to experiment on clones, and also Tarkin, how does he dare to disrespect clones that way? Clones that he fought alongside, and even they gave up their lives to save him?!!
I can't deal with all the foreshadowing here. It's too painful 😭😭😭 I can't stop crying.
Half kudos to that imperial complimenting the clones. A little naive of his part to think the Empire cares about that. He should've known better, but at least he has a little bit more of a conscience than the rest. I don't know who he is because there's no credit for the voice actor.
For a moment, I thought the other group infiltrating was with Cody in command. I thought he might've not gotten to Rex yet and this was the way to connect them, of course, after he helped to save Crosshair. But I was wrong! I never liked Saw Gerrera, and now he jumped to be part of the characters I hate! If he had helped, no one would've died!! Part of the fault belongs to him!!
The escape on the railcar went fine! Yep! Everyone is fine!! Everyone lives!! Plan 99 who? I don't know her.
But leaving extreme denial aside, I must admit that the part where Tech and Hunter are escaping after being made by the stormtroopers and Saw left them to their luck is very well done. There's a particular moment that it's both of them almost going in and out of the focus of the camera as they go kicking stormtroopers' asses, that's absolutely awesome. And after I took a nap (being sleepy and emotional is a bad combination), the pain of Tech's sacrifice is a tad less raw, and I guess I can see why it was necessary. I hate it but yes, absolutely, it was in Tech to sacrifice himself for his siblings, like any of them would. That's why Plan 99 exists.
And some part of me knew that Plan 99 was about sacrifices, honoring how 99 died. I just thought that they'd subverted it and everything would be fine. But no.
As if it wasn't devastating enough to see Tech falling, they had to do a parallel, carrying injured Omega to the Marauder as they did injured Hunter in season 1. So rude of them!!
I can't blame Hunter for wanting to hide in a cave (or a remote island) and never leave again. This is why he's been so cautious since the beginning. They already lost one of their own, he didn't want to lose another. And yet, he was helpless to stop it from happening.
And we all knew Cid would betray them. No surprise there. At least, she doesn't look too happy about it. I hope the regret gnaw at her for the rest of her life. That she can't sleep thinking about it.
And of course, Hemlock had to appear and Omega wasn't going to obey Hunter. He should've known she wouldn't go.
And I really, really, reeaaaallllyy want to cling to the idea that Tech is not dead, that Hemlock found him injured and took him in, hence why he has Tech's glasses. I mean, this is Star Wars, and we know that death can be temporary. And you know what? It'd be great (not really, but you know what I mean) if Tech is alive and Hemlock uses him in one of his experiments. We could get Imperial Tech, which is a terrifying thing to think about. Because that intelligence used for evil, damn!!
Omega trying to save Hunter and Wrecker, my poor angel. You should've listened to your dad!
I loved how Echo was a menace with the stolen walker. Also, Hunter and Wrecker taking out the commandos even as injured as they are, nice, but I knew they weren't going to stop Hemlock from taking Omega.
And like I saw a post earlier, Hunter just entered in his Joel Miller phase for Season 3. Anyone who gets in his way to find Omega is dead already. I agree 100%!
And clown of me to think that we'd get a fair share of Crosshair screen time during these 2 episodes, and all we got is 30 sec of unconscious Cross!! Ugh!! and still a prisoner!!
The theory that Emerie is a female clone too turned out to be true, altho I don't care much about it. I guess they want to show how Omega would be if she had stayed with the Kaminoans/Empire. I guess I have to wait and see what this is going.
I have more thoughts, but I'm too distressed to keep going. The season overall was way above my expectations, but the jury is still out about the finale. I have too many conflicting emotions about it. *SIGHS* Now, it starts the long waiting for season 3.
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But in the meantime, and bringing a happier note, let me remind you that there's ONLY 2 DAYS before the phase 1 of prompt voting for the bad batch appreciation week 2023 is over!!
Check the link below, and remember that you can vote as many times you want!
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hollypies · 8 months
I am hugging you so tightly ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm so sorry your family can't see you for who you are or give you the respect you deserve. I'm here if you need anything ❤️
Thanks.. I dont know, I'm probably going to be numb for a . While. Just numb. I cant even leave the house because I don't have my license yet. And I don't know I even want to talk to my siblings right now.
I know how they feel now though. I guess I've alwasy known. I thought maybe if I acted more like them I'd fit in more, that they'd actually listen to me. That I could joke around the same way they do.
I give up. I'm tired of trying . I'm so tired of trying. They're never going to see how hard i tried, they're just going to see an over dramatic, childish, and selfish brat.
I just wanted to fit in with my own siblings. That's all I really wanted.
I dont know why I thought things would be different. Even back when I was openly suicidal I was still told I was being sensitive and emotional. I'm a lot better at hiding how bad things in my head are, but if I just let it all loose I doubt much would change.
I'm just going to have to suck it up and deal with it, because there's three of them and one of me, and I think they've made it clear how they all feel. Very. Very clear
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katyspersonal · 1 year
You expected an ask about Gehrman... but it was me, an ask about Maria, 002!
Not everyday I get to talk about her in length, yeah x)
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character:
I really like her, she is the kind of strong female characters that I appreciate; who can and will kick the ass of the scariest motherfucker in the setting (or at least try to) and shows stoicism and is so strong and noble, but have not lost touch with their gentle, emotional, compassionate and vulnerable side. I dislike the idea that strong = suppressing and weeding out the more tender side of herself.
These are LAYERS of the character, some even contradictory at the first glance. She can't be described with one sentence unless you make that sentence really darn long and fractured, because if you focus on one side of her you'll miss another that is just as crucial. She also rejected the cursed, questionable blood antics of her ancestry and turned onto being more regular hunter of Gehrman's type... and then rejected that too, seeing what she's became, and discarded her weapon! She strikes me as a person that really doesn't want to fight and kill deep down, but whose morals are just too strong to NOT stand up and fight for humanity; that was her initial intention, and that's what so hurtful about her fate.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Adeline or Rom - they both happen to be her 'type' of a woman, and ironically both tragically yeet into the next plane because they consider that sweet Insight better than whatever worth they have as humans ;-; I just imagine dynamic being a bit similar, only Rom is kind of bad with subordination and doesn't see Maria as someone 'above' (in status or self-esteem vice); meanwhile, Adeline has more shared interests with Maria and in the contrast of Rom being too deep in her thoughts would be more attentive (like bringing her tea, helping her to carry things despite Maria not needing any help, all that).
Brador - somewhere on the outskirts because it seems like they only have true chance in the Nightmare, but they're their worst selves in there (Maria is back to being a hunter, for one)... so yeah, it is either be bi do crimes together, OR better reserved for an AU!
Gehrman - I don't know about this one because even though within my interpretations they're basically Valtr x Yamamura but straight, this ship is just really hard to communicate because people will assume too many things about the characters. With everything I know, the Doll's appear means either that 1) Gehrman knew Maria better than anyone else in the whole setting, including the side of her that no one else saw or 2) Gehrman didn't understand her at all but is aware he might have RUINED her innocent side by training her to be ruthless killer too much. I lean towards 2 more, so it is a one-sided "ship", but 1 is basically a goldmine of emotions and ideas and I support that too!
Ludwig - they're both noble, knightly warriors with good intentions and eager to fight for humanity that did lead to their downfall in the end... Ludwig, however, falls for the same issue as Adeline and Rom; he is just too attached to something otherworldly to find a deep connection with a fellow human being, unless they worship the same god I guess? And that's Laurence -_- And the two don't even have a chance to find connection within Nightmare, because Ludwig is quite further from humanity there than Maria, Brador or Adeline!
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My non-romantic OTP for this character:
hhhh Again, all of the above could qualify for this one too! But to not self-repeat, I'd say Crow of Cainhurst and Maria! Not to say I can't see the potential of a ship between them, but I am personally way more enthusiastic about them being basically like siblings since childhood! Just, being rather close, even though they'd have banters often and Maria would have to pull his hair for being a lil' dickhead to their more easily-scared and sensitive friends! Crow always been a little shit xD I think he also was very jealous and pouted for weeks after Maria left Cainhurst.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I believe that Maria [REDACTED] herself rather than was killed by Simon or something, but regardless, what we know before that was that she abandoned the hunt (discarded her weapon) upon guilt and regrets from participating in Fishing Hamlet's massacre, and resigned to being a caretaker for the patients. So, for that reason I feel like identifying her character with being super mean murderous super dangerous killing machine that likes blood and shredding and stabbing and killing and blood and killing and murdering and....... you get the point. I feel like it is tone-deaf to connect her character to THE thing she renounced in her character arc and that she regrets becoming. Acknowledging she is very strong and dangerous warrior =/= identifying her character as just that.
I try to shrug it off though because again, that character arc happened behind the scenes, and what we MEET in the game is a snapshot of Maria at her prime as a hunter. Not only most fans do not loredig far and interact on more casual level, but also duckling effect can be quite strong. Like, who will win: the arguably coolest battle in the whole game or a description of a weapon many players can't even get because of the stupid Shark Giants? You see what I mean!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish we got to see something of her in Cainhurst, like portrait, or finding an item that belonged to her... Something to help to resolve the timeline confusions of how long ago she left, what was her drip before Knights, just... just one little bit. But we won't get shit because that's infamous nebulous storytelling of FromSoft for ya. x)
my OTP:
I don't think I physically can choose between Mariadeline and Gehrmaria, I am skipping the move, sorry hsdfhds
my cross over ship:
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I do not have a ship, but back when I discussed crossover between FMA (03 version) and BB, she did kick Tucker's ass, hope this helps
a headcanon fact:
I do not quite see Maria and Doll as separate characters! Maybe after you release soul of Maria from Hell, Doll has a chance to develop and regain her humanity, but my default status for the two is 'when one of them is asleep - another is awake, and vice-versa'. Both of them are basically effected version of the same person with missing memories except for very selective thing (with Doll it is to care about people, with Maria it is to no longer let the hunters torment the corpse of a dead sea mom). Both things that were Maria's strongest emotional anchors before death. But yeah, I think they do share the soul.
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