#but i have BtB open as well
kanmom51 · 1 year
The way JK just walks in and takes his natural place next to JM.
The way JK just takes his place next to JM, no visible exchange between them to start with in the moment - all when we know, we see, them interacting right through, close interactions, feels like the two weren't really apart for too long.
Kind of like when you are together with someone close, part ways for a short time and then get back together. No need for hellos and niceties, just taking your natural place by their side. You acknowledge each other's presence. It's enough. It's not the start of an interaction, it's just a natural continuation of one.
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Full clip here:
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As for Tae, he comes in and stands behind JM, it looks like the manager draws JM's attention to Tae behind him (this before JM can acknowledge JK by his side, which he does immediately after), he turns around and Tae opens his arms for a hug, JM going in for it.
Just thought I'd bring this post back.
From the interactions we saw during the concert Vmin seemed to be fine. The friendly hug, the catching up (JM showing Tae what seems to be his boxing knuckles) - oh how that moment must have burnt for some... I definitley don't think it's a rift or a quarrel or a friendship breakup. If they have been seeing less of each other it would be more so perhaps each busy with their own lives, relationships, workloads. You know, like real grownups in the grownups world, where we have good friends but don't get to see them as often because life and work get in the way. Also, you know, as that pesky thing called everyday life gets in the way, some friendships get stronger and some can go stagnant or fade away. I'm not saying that's the case with Vmin. But it is possible that both find it more important to spend the spare time they have with their significant others, now that they can, while they can and before they can't.
And to those that are even thinking of it, don't start with the comparisons to the Hobi enlistment BTB or hug. That was totally different. The setting was an emotional one. JM walking in, going to stand by the 2 people he needed to be with emotionally (for them and himself).
As for the dialogue there, it clearly proved that it wasn't a "I missed you because I haven't seen you for a long time" hug, and more like an "I'm kind of emotional and hung over from drinking with you all night" hug.
Ok then, now that this is done, on to a little admin.
I'm still having issues converting my clips and uploading them. I guess we'll just see as we go. Me probably uploading clips in separate posts in the next few days.
In the meantime thought, I'll leave you with this:
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Well, because!
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untoldsoup · 19 days
Hi! I was curious about how you organise work with your comics, including the writing parts :)
Idk if my process is how it's supposed to be done, but I'll share what's been working for me so far!
So for the btb comic, I got it written last year before the 'change' comic was done being drawn. I learned alot about how I wanted to do storytelling with that comic and it influenced how I organized the sequel.
One thing I learned from the 'change' comic is I absolutely loathed drawing the same location too much. Most of that comic is the wedding and by the end of the wedding I was so sick of drawing the wedding scenes (it almost caused me to quit a few times lol).
So when writing the script for the sequel I told myself every chapter would indicate a scene change. This would help me get through drawing a chapter knowing a new scene location would be drawn for the next chapter.
A scene change can be as small as a different room or as big as a new location, as long as *something* changed about the background I would have to draw.
Each chapter is its own word document (well google docs now, i switch over)
I write my stories in movie script format. When researching how to write comics I found the most helpful advice was screenwriting advice. I highly encourage people to watch youtube videos on screenwriting. I also watched a ton of videos aimed at screenwriters that talk about plot, how to write interesting characters, and the three act structure.
I made sure i could answer questions such as "why is my character doing this?" And "what motivates them?" And "how does their wants and desires change throughout the story?" I made sure that each character's motives and personality could answer these questions with a few simple words. I needed to make sure I have a clear understanding of what they wanted.
I go through a TON of edits in my chapters. I even edit alot when I finally start drawing, if I think some dialogue would work better rephrased once I see it next to my art. Editing is huge. Your first draft really is just getting the "dumbest" version down. Once you get over that hurdle, you can mold the script into what you need.
I remove a lot of dialogue during edits. Comics are a visual story telling device, so i try and make sure the words and art work together, and that the words don't feel like they could exist without the art.
There is nothing I hate more than when a comic page is a giant block of text. I find large scary blocks of text uninteresting, So I will often go out of my way to draw more panels if it means breaking up the dialogue.
I also try my best to write realistic dialogue. Would this character say this? Why are they saying this?
If you notice with my stories alot of characters are not direct in how they speak. In real life no one tells you directly "i am mad". They deflect, lash out, say things because they are jealous or hurt ect ect. I wanted to do my best to have my dialogue reflect how each character would realistically handle the pain they are dealt.
When I start drawing, I have the script for the chapter I'm working on open on one computer screen, and my art tablet with my program open on the other. This way as I'm drawing I can easily reference my script.
If I'm drawing an action heavy scene, I will often start paneling out on paper some crude sketches just so I can keep track of where everything should be. It's easy for things to get lost in the action so I try my best to make sure I am aware of where every character is in busy scenes.
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These drawings are extremely crude but really really helpful. I don't mind sharing these as they are so abstract they don't really give anything away lol. But they do help me organize.
I use clip Studio to draw and from there start drawing my pages. Each page takes about 2-3 days to finish depending on complexity. I think I get about two pages done a week, more if I have vacation days or something from work.
I have a full time Quality Analyst job, so I'm only able to work on my comic between the hours of midnight and 5am lol. It's why you always see me updating and posting at horrible hours lol.
Anyway I hope that helps? Hopefully I answered your questions!
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(because you said your inbox is open for chatter, here is some chatter for you:)) A few months ago my brother forced me to watch Bigtop Burger and I freaking loved it. That show is so so good!! But I also remember seeing you reblog stuff about it and I was just thinking about you and those posts while I watched and also going: ooohh that’s who that little clown guy was haha. That show needs more fans. Anyway, hope you’re doing well! <3 (also it’s been a while since we talked. If you don’t recognize/remember me no hard feelings lol I will happily remind you;))
HELL YEAH DUDE!!!!! Treat your brother for me bc more ppl need to watch btb!!!
I’m sorry brain fog goes brrrr, I remember your pfp and username but not what we have talked about in the past, my apologies. But I’m more than happy to talk about the clown show
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okamirayne · 6 months
Rayne, last episode was awesome!! Just here to remind you that your work is loved by everyone! Shipps in fandom tend to have a person, yk, that internet usser that opens people's eyes and teaches them about a rarepair like its a master class. For me, you are that person. 💗💗 You've done a lot for the shikaneji community, I don't know a single person that ships them and doesn't know about you! You kinda inspired me to learn english years ago because I'd just straight up translate everything with the google translator extension 😂 It's been years since then, and now I read the btb series comfortably in its native language. And there's where I have to ask you something: To celebrate the new HHU's chapter, I'm rereading the whole BtB series. I'm currently in Requiem, but something it's been in my head making noise enough for me to come here and ask you! In Break to Breath, chapter 28, I think they're in Hanegakure and the boys did what hot traumatized boys do... However they're woken up next morning and it is said that Sikamaru tied up his hair with Neji's tie, what Neji did with his hair wasn't mentioned so I always thought that they used each other's ties from then on... Until the very end. Because during the war, Neji isn't using a hairtie, maybe he didn't want to lose it and he save it along Shikamaru's note.
It's never explicitly stated that they got their hairties back, so my favorite headcanon (having people creating headcanons over your fanfic? ur the GOAT) about BtB has allways been that Shikamaru didn't give Neji his hair tie back, and viceversa.
Like when you have a partner in real life and, well, you cannot make a public statement about being together o maybe you cannot see them everyday, so (if you have long hair) you give them your hair tie for them to use in their wrist or properly in their head.
To summarize, what are your thoughts on this? 👀
It's been a while since I last reread the series, so I don't remember this fact being brought up again, at least it wasn't ever mentioned again in Btb nor OtC. Hair ties are mentioned again, but not this. So I live in delulu and imagine them playing with the hairties when they feel lonely/sad. However if it indeed was, then I'm blind and I'm reallyyyy sorry you had to read this 😭
Again, I sincerely love you and the works put online, they're masterpieces and, knowing about the author's block you suffered these years, I hope you're not pressuring yourself on writing! I think we will always wait for you, wheter its BtB universe or your original works 💗
English it's not my first language so I'm sorry if you encouter trouble reading this! xoxo
Sweet Anon 💗💗
Please forgive me if I struggle to find the right words - always a challenge when I am hit so hard by the mega-feels that I'm reduced to a puddle of pure emotion...
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There is so much I am thankful for in your beautiful message. The reassurance and kindness of welcoming me back onto the writing stage after such a crippling absence. The sweetness of your incredibly high praise and regard for my work, and the intense combination of humbleness and amazement, learning that you came into the BtB story via Google Translator and took a chance on a fic not in your native language. THANK YOU, for giving my mad story that opportunity, time, investment, and love. I am so touched that the fic gave you traction regarding learning English and that you can enjoy the fic in his native language. Thank you for crossing that language barrier to read my work...again, I'll never not be humbled by that...💗
Thank You for Every Single Word of Kindness and for the monumental love and support your message has contained. I'm so, so touched and so very thankful 💜❤️‍🩹🙏🏼
To celebrate the new HHU's chapter, I'm rereading the whole BtB series.
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Aww! I sincerely hope you enjoy the ride once again, sweetie. 🙏🏼
Regarding your question about the hair ties!
[...]...and it is said that Sikamaru tied up his hair with Neji's tie, what Neji did with his hair wasn't mentioned so I always thought that they used each other's ties from then on... Until the very end. Because during the war, Neji isn't using a hairtie, maybe he didn't want to lose it and he save it along Shikamaru's note. [..] It's never explicitly stated that they got their hairties back, so my favorite headcanon (having people creating headcanons over your fanfic? ur the GOAT) about BtB has allways been that Shikamaru didn't give Neji his hair tie back, and viceversa.
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Oh I do love where your headcanon has gone.
To summarize, what are your thoughts on this?
I can confidently say, it's a yes. Insofar as Neji allowing Shikamaru to keep his tie when Shikamaru's goes pinging off into the bowels of whatever place they're ravaging each other in...although, I won't lie and say there aren't a few instances where one or the other fight over the last hair tie...
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Of course, said fight for the almighty hair tie is always instigated by Shikamaru absolutely refusing to be caught with his hair down, whereas Neji doesn't particularly care, unless he needs it tied back for practical reasons, in which case...may the best genius win. Good luck. 😂
So I live in delulu and imagine them playing with the hairties when they feel lonely/sad. However if it indeed was, then I'm blind and I'm reallyyyy sorry you had to read this 😭
OMG don't apologise! I loved reading this 💗. I'm so happy your mind plays in the BtB madness and again, there's truth to the hair tie sharing (Neji doing the sharing lol and Shikamaru the stealing)
Again, I sincerely love you and the works put online, they're masterpieces and, knowing about the author's block you suffered these years, I hope you're not pressuring yourself on writing! I think we will always wait for you, wheter its BtB universe or your original works 💗
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I love and appreciate you in return, dear Anon. BtB would not have happened - would not STILL be happening, if not for the kindness of readers reaching out to share their thoughts, feelings, feedback etc. on the work. You make it possible for me to do it. And for all the words I could ever hope to possess, none of them will ever adequately describe or encompass the enormity of the gratitude, joy, healing, and love I feel hearing from you. 🥰
I honest to gods have no words when it comes to my Original Works and your interest in them...I am just an utterly melted heart, spilling all over the floor of emotion at this point....and I thank you for that beautiful mess and the peace, joy, inspiration, motivation, and reassurance it grants me...bless you, sweetheart. 🫶🏼
Thank you also for your compassion towards my burnout and for the reminder to not pressure myself. Coming with so much sincere love and support, it soothes that awful workaholic and over-thinking streak that has my brain on non-stop and constant insomniac spin. The simultaneous stillness and sky-high floaty feeling I get from your message is a beautiful little cocktail that chills me the hell out when I need it most...and I needed it today, whilst eyeing Chapter 9. 😉😅
English it's not my first language so I'm sorry if you encouter trouble reading this! xoxo
Holy heck, are you kidding me? *bows down in respect* If I tried to write in another language, I would butcher it so hard there'd be no recovering at all. You are fluent, my lovely - coherent and awesome. The only trouble I encountered reading your message was trying to keep my heart from detonating in my chest from the overload of feelings. 💜💜 I thank you for that. It beats the hella insane nerves that eat at me as I return to writing. There's so much heart and healing to be found in this message that I'm sincerely at a loss now....thank you, so, so much.
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Huge, HUGE love coming at you from all sides, sweetheart. 🥰
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
Doodle ideas.
Dismantled and eaten RBB Sun. Blue Moon over them. Looking distressed.
RBB Moon repairing Blue Moon. Reattaching arm. Blue Moon sitting next to bed looking bored. RBB Sun scolding them.
Blue Moon versus BTB Eclipse again. Ripping off his arm.
Blue Moon being held back by LS crew. Screaming at LS Eclipse.
Blue Moon and North. Blue Moon circling him like predator and prey. -Dialogue.
Blue Moon showing off rune magic to north. -Dialogue
Saturn and Blue Moon. hey Ron. Hey Billy.
CSS Eclipse meets Blue Moon. There's a weird cat outside.
Supernova meets Blue Moon in a destroyed universe. -Dialogue
Cryptid like Blue Moon staring at you in a forest.
LC lunar plays a game.
Hissing fit LC crew
CC eclipse and BiM glitter cannon
CC lunar hide and seek with BiM.
CC Moon helps sun stack barrels.
CC Monty makes a gift
Montgomery Gator dress up as Steve from Blue's clues.
Blue Moon about the murder Monty and Moon torturing void.
Sunset. a mouth full of blood. Maybe dripping out of eyes
Mer North on boat with mer Saturn and Blue Moon surrounding boat.
Blue Moon and Saturn sparring- story?
CC Blood Moon with a baby night in mouth
Blue Moon tells TF dying fire the truth
Cruel copy ask. All that happened- ask hiatus?
Red blue and black ask. All that happened- ask hiatus?
Blue Moon about to eat inferno like a picked cherry.
Blue Moon yawning. Kitten reaching into the open mouth.
Puppy and Blue Moon playing around.
Fearful expressions. Blue Moon looking at Vim, Glint, etc?
Blue Moon blast up face. Gluttony staring at failed rune.
Might go overboard with these ones.
Blue Moon and Saturn sitting down and watching all the TF Lunar's. Blue Moon numing on supernova's arm. Supernova behind him on floor hugging his side were his arm is no longer. Facing away. Supernovas Lord night? In front of him him looking concerned. Saturn's blackie? Running with giant cat toy. Frankie the cat chasing him. Blue moons Traveler on Frankie's back with fashioned rope collar harness thing. Grass?
Mer RBB camouflage.
Big art projects
Truth in lies-
Comfort Blue Moon after that one comic. Blue Moon chasing nice eclipse through play structure. Nice eclipse framing right side. Looking back worried. Hand touching top of play structure. Leg stretching out to the left. Head twisted sideways on top of frame. Blue Moon right center frame. Farther away. Eyes glowing red. Snarl on face. Hand grasping side of play structure as if he had just crashed into it. Posture alert. Pounce like.
-Big story attached
To be finished
Mystical tightrope
Dragon TF lunar, BTB solar, and Crystal Eclipse. well deserved revenge.
Yes I'm posting all my doodles ideas. They're starting to faid from my memory And I'm having less time too draw so.
@synthcoyote @madcatdaderpydrawer-blog @artoutoftheblue @churchydragon @digimonlover09 @sigery . Have fun imagining these guys until I draw them.
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itsbrucey · 9 months
i got into your cave through an ask i saw on the btb tag that i've been stalking since the directors cut of season 2. also thanks for liking that cesare idea! i always think about that with the undead
So style. starting with the bigtop burger themselves, I got steve's style about right. jeans and buttonups. however i thought khakis. I don't imagine the buttonups to be super fun, but i did draw him in one outfit that is basically the same as an outfit Stu Macher wore in scream. It is the only button-up i think Stu wore. Billie in my heart is very typical 'grunge' with sweaters and layers, but pretty basic. She owns stuff that she doesn't have to think about matching, and mostly lives in basic prints like stars and stripes (i think she liked stars a lot) as well as dark colors. Steve wears the same thing every day, but I agree with your take on the no skin. I don't have any ideas for Penny so far.
I think Cesare is stuck dressing like an emo kid with the black layers to cover up the zombie thing as well as the perpetual bleeding. Also he is forced to look gothic since is he undead, so perhaps he'd lean into the style to look more natural. The only reason I said he dresses 'emo' is because it can be basic and he fucking hates having to dress like that so he puts in little effort. Maybe before he died he was more fun and flashy. I dunno. Frances I haven't thought of yet, same for conrad, though I think his zomburger outfit isn't too different from the normal style he would have. for doctor, I like to think he has piercings. I have more headcanons about his day to day life than style.
I'm about to upload a the outfits i drew, but here's the stu outfit i mentioned
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AWWWW THANKS FOR STOPPING BY THEN!!!! I'm trying to post about Bigtop Burger more bc it's like. My favorite thing ever so I'm glad some people outside of the DnDads fans are seeing it :]
I really like your thoughts!!! Billie being grungy/alt is sooooo true.... I think she'd definitely be a band shirt enjoyer. Chunky sneakers. Baggy pants with fun chains or rips!! She'd be a dark flannel enjoyer vs Tim's brighter button ups and prints!!!!
If I had to think about Penny, I'd think simple, practical, and casual!!! Maybe it's my own bias bc she's my fav but like... As a mom who we assume is cheery, I think a lot of fun tshirts and mom jeans!! Cardigans and pullover sweaters too!! She has the CUTEST burger earrings so I definitely think she has more silly earrings and things like scrunchies!! She's very floral/simple print/springtime coded to me!
I think the Zomburger crew's outfits reflect what they'd normally wear more already, especially Conrad!! Francis and Doctor both have a lot of piercings to me,,, Francis definitely strikes me as the type to have a lot of cool jackets and like...handsewn/altered things. Doctor too but in a more "plain" way. Conrad...my wonderful. My beloved. He definitely just had tshirts and baggy sweats and jeans and sometimes one of those muscle shirts that have the side stretched open SO much. And he forgive him /j
( Emo Kid Cesare is so funny.... He'd make a killing on TikTok )
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jikookuntold · 2 years
1. https://twitter.com/i/status/1583735800407027719
Here he clearly dropping honorific with Jin who's 5 yr elder than him. And he does it so often. He send a heart and editors add a romantic caption to it. If it happened to jkk i know u will see it as romantic.
2. JK always initiating hugging and kissing and sniffing Jin and hobi, well his bros right, but nothing absolutely NOTHING with his so called bf. Unless that bf do something funny like children he doesn't even care abt him. The only time when he opens mouth with Jimin is to tease him.
3. Jk singing euphoria and pointing to Tae as his euphoria.. if it was jkk I bet jkkrs already claiming the song.
4. JM and JK does practice together, as claimed by their ON choreographer they seem to have same work ethic but it's absolutely no relation to their 'romantic relationship ' and majority of times hobi is with them.
5. In total there's absolutely NOTHING in that DVD which shows jkk maybe couple or atleast are closer than other bts pairings. Mind u it happened in 2019. And they have almost similar dynamics now also, in that sowozoo DVD also jkk had no moments lol. 2022 Whiye house BTB jkk zero moments. Yes I know they went to arcade after that. BUT along with hobi. Unless they are a throuple atp there's no way jkk are Romantic when they have similar chemistry and moments like hopekook or jihope, if anything jkk is far away from chemistry 3J have.
That means they were just friends then, they are just friends now too.
I bet you were typing while crying anon 🤭 Fyi none of these has ever been considered as a slight proof for Jikook. I feel sorry for you and the time you waste to write these all, but I think as a jobless hater your time has no value 🤡
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gyunmireu · 2 months
Hi hi hii!!!! How are you doing??
I found your blog cause I was searching for material on best teacher baek aND THERE IS NOTHING AROUND??? It’s literally a crime cause it’s an absolutely fantastic series, I literally binged it in one night and now I’m waiting for the hiatus to be over :((
So I don’t know if you’re taking requests right now? I don’t even know what kind of genres you’d be willing to write but tbh at this point so long as I get fed with something I’m fine with anything.
I wanted to ask if you could write something for Namgung Su (or Soo I’ve seen it written in both ways so idk) x reader. Every time I see that man I get mad over how good looking he is (tbh it probably runs in the family cause have you seen Namgung Jaehak?)
Anyways remember to stay hydrated!!! It’s important to drink lots of water right now since it’s so hot (at least it is in my country and all around)
(warning, long message incoming:)
Hey there!! I'm going good, thank you for asking (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
You're so right, the lack of content is an absolute crime 😭 I wish we had a ton of other writers too but oh well, you just gotta make content where there is none if you want some...
To answer your questions one by one:
— I am currently not taking requests BUT I will make a post when I do so that you can send in a request then because I'm doing my last year of degree college and I'm absolutely swamped and drained and my writing motivation is all over the place. I might likely open requests back around Nov, when my exams for this sem would be done with, but take that with a grain of salt cause I'm not a trustworthy person with time estimates lol
— when you say genres, what exactly do you mean? cause like, I usually do fluff and angst (I prefer doing fluff the most) and I'm trying my hand at writing steamy or smut scenes but I have no experience in this regard so I would not advertise it due to my lack of skills in this department... I'm good with writing plot focused fics, but for character fics, I tend to lean more to romance type fics, or something like hurt/comfort where the reader cares for a character. I can write aus and stuff as well but again, I'm not very confident doing it for short fics because I run the risk of making a character ooc and that's my worst nightmare lol.
I'm best at writing fem reader, pretty moderate at gender neutral (I just started it recently so I'm still learning my way around it) and I have never done a male reader until now but I could try. Request at your own risk tho 😭
— I haven't considered Namgung Su, but I could try if you want? I can't guarantee that it would be good but I'm willing to try :) the only issue is that I've read BTB months ago now, and I binged it in like 3 days. Case in point, it's been quite a while since I last read it so I'll need to reread it to refresh my memory for all the characters. Like I mentioned before, college is currently kicking my ass so I'm not gonna be able to reread it until Oct/Nov. But I will keep in mind to look out for Namgung Su when I do the rereading for you!
(also, you're right, he's absolutely gorgeous for no viable reason. the genes are too powerful here...)
It's rainy season over here so I'm in fact tired of the water falling from the sky 😂 thank you for the concern tho, I appreciate it 💕 You remember to stay hydrated as well! Take care ♡
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Lessons from Punk Rock #145 🤘
When you show support to others, you often see the same support returned. Even if the latest venture from a friend or contact isn't for you, that doesn't stop us from helping them to create some early momentum and have a better chance of finding their crowd.
When you're playing on a bill with other bands, the 'one man and his dog' audience scenario need never be true.
There was an unspoken rule for the shows I played, that if, for whatever reason, it was a quiet night, or a smaller turnout for a particular band, everyone and anyone in the venue would make up the crowd.
You knew that at some point (and likely many times in the past), you'd be in the same boat and might hope for the same show of support. As we see our connections from the world of work start new projects and creative endeavours, it pays to apply that same DIY ethic. 
If I see someone pouring their heart and soul into their work, only to fall victim to the frustrating algorithm or the general noise of social media, just like those nights spent in dingy clubs, I'll take a step forward.
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This photo is from a show I played in 2006, opening for Bullets To Broadway from the US at The Opera House (now the O2 Academy Bournemouth). My friends and I were big fans of two bands the members of BTB had been in previously. This was their first time in the UK with the new band and we travelled to see them in London and Southampton on the same tour, prior to the Bournemouth date.
They recognised the support we'd shown and, umprompted, wore a couple of our band's t-shirts on stage. We hadn't played to many people earlier in the evening, and I'm not sure how well we went down with the audience, but this gesture from Bullets To Broadway meant the world to us.
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unusual-ly · 4 years
Send some WIP words!!! Or any other asks!!!! *^*
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK Seven MV making sketch BTB
Yay, the subs are back on. And I got to watch it and even understand what he was saying, lol.
Loved it.
I was just sitting here for the 12 minutes with a huge smile on my face.
Because JK is just so adorable. So genuine. So real.
He had the time of his life, and seeing that just made me happy.
Now let's talk about a few thing I took from the BTB, why don't we?
I think I'll start from the fun and make my way to the more serious.
Not too much went on really. It's mostly him enjoying himself.
Being his own chaotic loveable self.
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Trying to keep his eye open with the water pouring down on him, lol.
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Can you imagine just how much fun this all was for him, our daredevil?
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Funny, just thought about it, but they didn't even talk to Hun Sohee. Not a word. She might as well not have been there. Now I understand that JK is the focus, it's his song, BTBs are about the members, but at the same time, she's a well known and loved Korean actress acting in his MV and not only don't we get to hear from her even once, we also don't really get to see interactions between him and her in the BTB. In a way it feels like they are trying to keep this distance - this is JK, he's singing Seven, he's shooting a MV, but he's disconnected from it. I'm not sure I'm being clear enough here.
Ok, so for example JK explains what the scenes are and says the word girlfriend, god forbid. We know y/ns went into a frenzy over this stupidity. JK explaining the concept of the scene in which he's fighting with his gf, cause that's what the MV is about, and she's his gf in the bloody MV.
But maybe, knowing this fandom, they wanted to keep the delusion to a minimum, not to mention keep Sohee away from the crazy ass fans that are already harassing her by just keeping her off camera as much as possible. Idk, just found it interesting.
JK tells us a little about his acting, lol.
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To all those that are still riding the scripted fanservice bandwagon, time to fucking get off it.
Omg, the way he disses Yoongi, he just LOVES to do that with Yoongi. Now I can kind of understand the "even at 60 years old jeon jungkook will be freaking annoying".🤣🤣
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JK is wearing THE brand again. I'm telling you folks, JM made a huge online order for the two of them!!
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He's just so precious, with this thing he has of checking out his hands, every single time it feels like it's the first time he's seen them, lol. The fascination he had from his water wrinkled fingers. So endearing.
Looks at them in amazement, shows everyone, then back to looking at them again all fascinated.
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You'd think the man has never in his lifetime taken a long shower or had a bath or been in the damn swimming pool. Nah, lol. It's just one of those cute loveable oddities of his.
Did we notice the ASSets?
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And I thought JM was in charge of that body part in the family.
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Well, apparently the competition is on.
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Has JK surpASSed JM?
Should we progrASS? Oopsy...progress?
And now I will take a moment to breathe.
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I went looking for more pics from the BTB and came across this:
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I don't know enough about the movie but do we know of any kind of connection to Jikook? Or this could be the directors tribute to the movie too. In any case it's a fun tribute.
Now for the heavy stuff, or not so heavy just a little more on the serious side.
I wrote a long ass brain fart of a post yesterday. And some of it is very relevant here too.
JK clearly sees the song as a love song. Period.
He did the explicit version for the fun of it (well and also probably because the America market loves a song with profanities in it). But for him it's the fun of not being restricted by the Kpop rules of engagement, the "don't swear because the song will be censored" and "don't swear because it's too adult" or whatever other reasons for it. He's having fun feeling more freedom, and that he's all grown up and can say fucking multiple times out loud.
But when it comes down to it, when asked about it directly, his answer was that he prefers the clean version. Because to him Seven is a love song, not one about the physical act alone. Yes, of course sex is part of it (the song lyrics are kind of loud), but sex is not even half of what loving someone is all about.
We saw JK talking about the love of his life while explaining about the song.
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Him in the BTB about the death scene:
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And at the end of the BTB explaining more:
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And we also have what he said in the interview aired earlier today on Z100 radio.
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The more we get of JK talking about the song the clearer and louder it becomes. I just wish people would only be listening to him.
Anyway, the man is beautiful.
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Love him.
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Not as much as the love of his life does though.
No competition there!!
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Please elaborate on that AU Mello
Gladly! (Whoops it’s almost 2 am again but I don‘t have the energy for any more panel work today, but I’m not quite sleepy yet either, so it’s writing time—- I’m gonna put a whole ton of story stuff under the cut.)
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So! These references are apparently 8 months old now, so definitely outdated compared to his more recent drawings, but they’re the only full bodies I have made, so we’re using em! On the left is his regular design, and on the right is his Toppat design! (technically his Toppat leader design, but just ignore the chain and he’s a regular recruit—-) Nowadays, the only major change is his body type is a little different, I just draw Protag!Charles a bit more chubby now :)
The story I have so far:
BtB and EtP technically play out like normal, meaning Henry goes through them. But he isn’t the focus, this part isn’t entirely important. Meanwhile, however, Charles is discharged from the military. (Reasons why slightly vary depending on the route, but generally it’s just “too reckless, crashed too many government vehicles.”) Charles eventually discovers he has the choice/time based powers Henry would usually have, and as he is having trouble paying his rent, he turns to a life of crime to make ends meet. He finds he’s very good at burglary, and adopts a whole Robin Hood esc persona under the alias “Black Hawk” (which no one ever seems to remember) So, steal from the rich, give to the poor. He supports a bunch of local charities and an orphanage he often volunteers at! Things are pretty good.
Eventually, a local museum suddenly opens an exhibit for the Norwegian Emerald! So of course Charles snags it. A while later, the same museum opens a Tunisian Diamond exhibit, and a certain other little thief goes to snatch it. However, after the Emerald got stolen, security was bumped way up. Henry gets caught and arrested by a familiar red head, and sent to the Wall. The Tunisian Diamond is put in government custody for safe keeping.
At some point, Charles gets kidnapped, but not by the government. In this version of ItA, Charles is kidnapped and “offered” a job by the Toppat Clan! They offer him a chance at revenge against the government dogs who fired him, by stealing a file on a bunch of imprisoned Toppats’ locations, so they can break them out. Charles can then take several different routes, just like in ItA. Burt, a double agent infiltrating the government for the Toppats, will accompany Charles in the GSPI equivalent routes. Burt has assumed the role of a newbie helicopter pilot/covert ops agent for the past while, and his covert ops partner is one Ellie Rose. At the end of the GSPI equivalent route, Ellie discovers what the two are doing, and attempts to stop them. Charles can decide to try and recruit her as well, or leave her behind. In the PBT equivalent route, Charles goes off and steals the Diamond instead of cooperating with the Toppats, and in the RPE/RBH routes, Charles realizes he can blackmail the Toppats with the file they sent him to get. They can either give him a spot at the top of the Toppat food chain, or he can completely turn on them, turning them in and getting his job back. So there’s technically 5 routes here instead of 4, but it’s kinda like a Pardoned Pals/Toppat Recruits situation.
FtC is where I start to run out of stuff that’s set in stone. All I really have is, Henry takes Ellie’s spot, but he’s still the one who gets boosted up for the start of CA/GI, so technically Henry can still abandon Charles. Past that, I don’t have pretty much anything 😅 CtM, I have approximately nothing for, since I still need to figure out FtC before I can get to that. It’s still quite a lot, though! That’s most of the games covered, just excluding the two biggest ones—-
But yeah! That‘s the gist of my Swap AU! I can answer any questions you all have while I continue working on the next post, I’d love to continue rambling about it if you guys are interested ^^ It’s 2:30 am again, I’m gonna head to bed now—-
-Mod Mello 💎
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okamirayne · 4 months
Helloo, another BtB fan coming out of the woodwork lol
I completely second anon’s post about your humor, I find myself giggling like an idiot at ungodly hours re-reading your work more nights than I feel confident disclosing (as well as seconding the ask about burnout and your mental health, I would hope the majority of Okamirayne stans understand the absolute necessity of mental health breaks in the arts, and if not then there is a strong minority of your fans that will fight anyone who prioritizes the product over the author 👊💥)
I’m not much of a writer, and I think most ppl have articulated my feelings in asks much better than I could ever hope to, so this is just me writing a long winded “I AGREEEEE” to already existing asks. But god, when I found the BtBverse my eyes were opened to how amazing fics and headcanons can add on to already existing universes and characters. Maybe this is elementary level reading comprehension, but I’ve never been able to get immersed into worlds like I have in your fics. Normally when I read, I feel outside of the world, reading dialogue and an occasional sprinkle of world context that helps me understand what’s going on, and so many fics I read seem to relegate the characters to caricatures of their main personality traits (shikamaru is lazy, neji is a hardass, naruto is goofy, ino is obsessed with self-image) but in your writing I feel like you give so much respect to each and every character, adding the context of WHY they are the way they are in the canon universe. You’ve expanded so much of their characters that I pretty much think of your universe as canon (Kishimoto..and his disrespect of his female characters..jaded me from the canonverse a long time ago) More than reading words on a page (or a screen, I saw one post a while ago where you had a printed out copy of BtB and I’ve been yearning for one ever since), I feel like I’m actually inside your universe when I’m reading. I can actually see the entire scene you’ve laid out. Again, this is probably beginner reading comp, but when I read your work I’m actually imaging each character and their perspective, looking through their eyes (and yours) from every possible angle — what are they seeing, how does it coincide from what I’ve read about the other character’s pov, etc etc etc.
This is a giant ramble to basically say, not only am I grateful to have such a brilliant and beautiful work in the Shikaneji fandom, I am also grateful to have been exposed to your writing. I’ve always been a stem girly, but reading your work has opened my eyes to the beauty of what writing is capable of. BtB has helped my brain reintroduce its love for reading, something I thought I lost long ago. Of course, I am constantly yearning for more and more HHU installments, but, to reiterate already existing asks and comments, I am so incredibly grateful for the already existing work that you have produced. I hope that whatever your future holds, whether it be more HHU chapters, your own independent worlds, or just doing whatever the hell you want, you keep on writing. You probably know this already, but you have such incredible writing skills, and I’m sure whatever you decide to do in your future will be brilliant.
- love letter from a longtime fan
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Hello there, Long Time Fan!💖
So ridiculously excited and happy to hear from you! Thank you so much for making the time to hit me up here on Tumblr with this phenomenally kind, sweet, thoughtful and all out awesome message. I'm gobsmacked but will endeavour to respond. 🫶🏼💜
Firstly, so chuffed you enjoy the BtB humour, luv. *high fives* Solidarity in the giggles to dilute the angst! I also thank you for your support regarding my burnout and what you mentioned about prioritising the author over the product. That means a lot and I appreciate it, especially when there is so much content flooding out to be consumed and the pressure to create feels immense at times. 🫠💀
I’m not much of a writer, and I think most ppl have articulated my feelings in asks much better than I could ever hope to, so this is just me writing a long winded “I AGREEEEE” to already existing asks.
Just the fact that you took the time to write to me, means everything. I love, appreciate, respect, and treasure every single comment or response I get - as they are as individual to me as the person writing the feedback or sharing their thoughts at the other end of the screen. Each message or comment reads different and hits different to me and are uniquely precious. 🥰
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But god, when I found the BtBverse my eyes were opened to how amazing fics and headcanons can add on to already existing universes and characters. [...] I’ve never been able to get immersed into worlds like I have in your fics. Normally when I read, I feel outside of the world, [...] so many fics I read seem to relegate the characters to caricatures of their main personality traits [...] but in your writing I feel like you give so much respect to each and every character, adding the context of WHY they are the way they are in the canon universe.
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Ah, you hit me right in the feels, luv 💖. I know I repeat this a lot but the characters are the most important part of the storytelling craft for me. If they have weird quirks or habits I wanna know what's behind it all and I am so delighted and touched to know that the deep-dive into these characters has engaged you and gotten you invested in the BtB-verse. I am glowing right now. The characters are the heart and soul of it all. Expanding on them, acknowledging them as the heroes of their own stories is so important - extrapolating from that, that's why each individual review means so much to me, because a person is a character on the other side of the screen with their own reasons for connecting with my work, and I acknowledge how varied that is for each person. 🥰
[...] I feel like I’m actually inside your universe when I’m reading. I can actually see the entire scene you’ve laid out. Again, this is probably beginner reading comp, but when I read your work I’m actually imaging each character and their perspective, looking through their eyes (and yours) from every possible angle — what are they seeing, how does it coincide from what I’ve read about the other character’s pov, etc etc etc.
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In no way is what you're describing beginner reading comprehension. We never know what's going to connect with us. I am so touched by what you've shared here...especially as it relates to two of the most important elements of the storytelling craft for me. 1) To do justice to the characters 2) to deliver an experience for the reader, and if not that, then entertrainment and escape - but "an experience" is always what I aim for...and you've given me such an incredible validation with what you described in your message, so THANK YOU, so, so much...THIS is why I write and invest so much into the writing. So that someone can feel that sense of immersion into the world, into the characters. I'm beyond thrilled that you feel this way. 💖💜🫠🥰
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I'm so thankful to have you as a reader and am just buzzing to have received this beautiful message from you.💖🥹💖
[...] BtB has helped my brain reintroduce its love for reading, something I thought I lost long ago. Of course, I am constantly yearning for more and more HHU installments, but, to reiterate already existing asks and comments, I am so incredibly grateful for the already existing work that you have produced.
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💖....just, wow. Seriously. Thank you.
I hope that whatever your future holds, whether it be more HHU chapters, your own independent worlds, or just doing whatever the hell you want, you keep on writing.
Messages like yours remind me why I want to keep doing it. Thank you so damn much for the love, support, kindness, insight and amazing solidarity your words have expressed and gifted me with. 🥰🙏🏼 Receiving messages like yours will always mean more to me than I can ever do justice to in words (which is always a bittersweet irony).
Thank you. Sincerely. Wholly. Utterly. Thank You. 💖💖💖
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agustdakasuga · 2 years
hi I hope that you’re doing well <3, i‘m sorry that you haven’t been getting a lot of feedback for WOAC I know that it can be quite frustrating
I have been following you and your work for quite some time now (I love your writing and blog so much..I reread everything like a thousand times :‘)) so I’ve been thinking of how I could give you feedback and maybe help you because I know that you and a lot of other people were/are so excited for WOAC, me included!! (I’ve been literally checking out your blog everyday) and what I personally noticed is that maybe getting into the story in the beginning is not as easy as in your other works?? like just in comparison maybe, I could be wrong and for all I know not know what I’m talking about rn but for example I haven’t noticed a strong bond between the characters and the build of of the story hasn’t hit me yet, I know that we yet have to get to that parts but it’s just a feeling I had but besides that I really like it so far, especially the individual characters, I don’t think that you have to rewrite the story as a whole or anything but just know that I’m here to support the process!!
I hope that this isn’t offensive or anything, also take your time to figure things out, remember that at the end of the day good things take time right? :D
hi!! So firstly, thank you so much for this! This is the kind of feedback that authors love. So no, I am in no way offended at all (compared to the others that are just filled with nasty words and hate with no intentions of growth)
But yes, I understand that this work is drastically different from others. As you know, I always try to improve my writing and all that. So let me try to share/ explain my thought process with you! (and the other readers that are reading this)
In WOAC, I tried to have a more realistic thinking approach rather than one of complete fantasy. (y/n) and BTS are complete strangers. She's still moving on from the loss of her father and she basically has no one else. Now, imagine yourself in that situation. Feeling isolated, alone, abandoned, guarded. If 7 suspicious males approach you and say they know your father, what would you do/feel?
Would you run into their open arms and agree to live with them? Agree to sell your house, which is the only thing you have left that ties you to your deceased father? So in that way, I wanted to be more realistic. I wanted to show a slow build of trust and friendship.
Looking back at my old stories, I felt that that's where I lacked. I moved the friendship and relationship too fast that it seems very scripted and unrealistic. For readers that have been with me for a long while, you know that I do like my stories to be realistic to a certain extent, or rather the best extent I can get it to.
Also, there's that... pressure getting off of BTB-EBU's success. I know everyone loved that mafia series so I'm trying to give WOAC the same level of focus as I did to those stories but at the same time, make it different. Does that make sense...? The BTB universe focused on (y/n)'s attitude, career and family, which from the readers' response, I got my intended outcome.
But I felt that I lacked in building a relationship between her and the boys. And I failed to put any focus on the boys' careers in the mafia and how that jeopardises their growing friendship and relationship.
Of course, this is just my thoughts and my personal feedback to myself. Thank you again for this lovely feedback, this really does help me understand a bit more about what readers are looking out for and how I can continue to improve myself. I really really appreciate it so much! You have no idea.
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cloneslugs · 2 years
top 5 batsuits
not in any order bc well. anyway
good lord this got longer than expected oopsies
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this is just an honorable mention i dont like it that much like im not a fan of everything about this one but im a sucker for a purple(pink) cape i think its cute, this one is just special bc i am very like. highly prefer all black & dont particularly like the light grey body but who even cares do you see the cape? its pink(in my dreams) yellow accents are alright but who cares? do you know why it doesnt matter whether i like it or not? the man has a pink cape. sorry idrc for or like anything else about this one i just. whenever he pulled out the new suit w the colored cape when i read this years ago it did something to me i was like this rules
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this ones just a win for live action batsuits bc this was the first live action batsuit i saw and didnt immediately hate so that means something i like the all black design im in love w the cape collar , the eyemakeup under the mask is a win, i dont like the cowl cut for the mouth area i wish it was thinner and not just across the whole bottom half of his face but thats my biggest complain not show but i love the boots and glove details as well also the batarang bat symbol is very fun i hate when he has visible abs or abs built into the suit i prefer it like this w the armor plating thank you very muc
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origins is by far my fave in the series, which is maybe weird bc im usually a sucker for when he has the shorts like he has in city/asylum but this one won me over really fast maybe im a sucker for the weird crotch opening idk im usually not into the visually heavy armor but this one i really like i love the boots and thigh armor a lot, i like the cut of the torso armor, as far as open eye hole cowls go this one isnt very ugly at all which is a win i just very much enjoy this one, sorry idk why like i said im usually a sucker for the shorts but this one i am just a major fan of very pleasing to look at
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fighting for my life for a full body image i loooove the btb batsuit a lot, it wins in the all black department like i like & its one of the gold belts i dont hate bc it looks very cool + i like the long horns/ears i think its a cool sleek design (:
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not originally gonna put wk on here bc its wk but once again i love the cape collar very much also i forgot he wears fucking thigh highs so i have to forget everything else and say its batman in thigh high boots it kind of wins over everything just for that, belt is too chunky for my taste at times but i really like the glove details shown on the hand in the last image (prefer longer gloves overall though, dont like how blank the arms are) and i like the spikes on the heels and sorry hes in thigh high boots
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slapping him here bc i like how sleek it is just genuinely very nice, i like the blue interior i like the shorts i like the simplicity, also im a sucker for when hes not wearing heavy/visible armor like a freak sorry i think its fun i like when he can be more agile and stuff bc he does move more agile & less brutish violent in dcau stuff like this i like the long ears a lot i just genuinely love how simple and sleek and cool it is
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extra long halloween (film) one which is basically the same as above but his cape is stupid long and i just am in love how the shading & highlights on the cowl/cape in the film esp when its all black and not hit by the light like in this one sorry im at photo limit um this is mostly to say its the same as prev i just like the long ass cape i need it in fact
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tehjleck · 3 years
Teleportation hijinx
This is for DM’s who want to introduce a little random fuckery in their players Teleportation efforts.
To bend (the 2nd ed) rules, we should know them, so here’s the basic spell:
Teleport (W5)
Range: Touch Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
The wizard instantly teleports himself (and an amount of additional weight) to a distant location.
* Wizards who are 10thlvl and below have a 250lb max - meaning anything on them or being touched by them up to that 250lb limit will be teleported with them.
- Wizard casts Teleport and touches two allies (whose combined weight exceeds the 250lbs) only one of them will be teleported with the wizard (I’d roll for it), the other will be left behind.
* Wizards above 10th level - The “carrying capacity” increases by 150lbs per lvl above 10th
The accuracy of the spell is dependent on the Wizard’s familiarity with the destination.
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Teleporting “High” means arriving 10ft above the ground for every 1% below the lowest “On target” results.
* This could be as high as 320ft if the destination was never seen…
*** DMG pdf pg100 - Fall damage is 1d6 per 10ft fallen (max 20d6 - in-game equiv. of terminal velocity) ***
Teleporting “Low” could potentially mean an immediate death if the ground is solid, but potentially survivable if you arrive 15ft below the surface (if the destination is a body of water). * DM note: BtB it's 10ft per 1% here as well, but I do 1ft per 1% low instead * * Areas of strong physical or magical energies may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible. *
Teleport w/o Error (W7)
Range: Touch Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
The wizard instantaneously teleports himself (and an amount of additional weight - using rules from above) to a known location on the caster’s home plane without chance of errors.
The spell also enables the caster to travel to other planes of existence
*** provided the caster has visited the plane and carefully chosen an area for an eventual casting of this spell ***
Other planes are always treated as “studied carefully” on the table above to determine the chance of error.
The caster can do nothing else in the round they arrive from the teleportation.
----------------------------------------------------------------- Now, the chart I use for the destination is filled with locations unique to my game world. Countries / Kingdoms, Forests, a bog, Oceans... none of which will make any sense, so I'm not posting that table... but for the 100 spot, I threw in a chance to randomly be teleported to a different plane... which could introduce all new issues
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One of the other things I did was to include an NPC specific thing where they don't need to have a teleport spell memorized. (I had a ritual casting ala 5e in mind). Which allows me (the DM) to narratively stretch the casting time out a bit more. I like describing it as a "window that doesn't want to be open", I find it adds to the drama and urgency of it all...
I worked all of this up for one of the campaigns I'm running... I cannot wait to resume that game.
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