#but i invited two different groups of friends and each group mainly talked to each other and i felt split between them
pentanguine · 1 year
The next time I’m tempted to have a robust social life, someone remind me: DON’T
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asmutwriter · 7 months
The Gangsta's Wife (Part 4)
DESCRIPTION: You have been invited to your friends party with your husband, Thomas Shelby
From Beginning / Previous / Next / Master List  
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WARNINGS: brief mentions of cheating, swearing, mentions of gangs, talk of arranged marriage, drinking, smoking, calls reader 'love', smut, dom Thomas, sub reader, fingering, orgasm denial, dirty talk, degrading
This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
It will not follow the timeline of the show. But I hope you enjoy.
You sit in the living room of your friends house. Your husband sat next to you as the other guests talk around you. You recognise some of the other people. Knowing them from previous parties and interactions. Talking mainly to them but still joining in with some of the conversation from everyone. Laughing at the jokes they make or adding your own knowledge to subjects. You notice Tommy stays silent beside you. Occasionally smiling at a joke, even letting out soft chuckles. But you pay it no mind.
Once all the guests have arrived is when the party truly gets started. Music, food, and alcohol is served. You got up, getting yourself and your husband a drink each. Him thanking you as you sit next to him again. Sipping your drink you lean towards him. "That is Vanessa's niece and nephew. Her brother and sister in law" you point out the people. His eyes following your finger as he listens to your introductions.
"The group over there are some of her friends from her early childhood. They used to play together when they were younger. I wish I could remember all their names" you pause as you try and think. "I've only met them once and that was a few years ago on my defense" he continues to watch the different people. "Oh that is her nanny. Vanessa comes from a very, very posh family so they could hire a nanny" you look around. Pulling at your bottom lip slightly with your teeth as you try and find a specific person. Shrugging slightly, downing the rest of your drink before muttering. "I can't see either of her parents"
You stand up. Causing his eyes to move from the crowd up to meet yours. "Do you want another drink?" he shakes his head. Watching as you go over to the drinks area. Grabbing a bottle and refilling your glass. You go to walk back over to your husband just as Vanessa comes up beside you. You smile at her, going to speak but she cuts you off.
"So... you got married" you nod, placing the lid of the bottle back on as you place it back onto the table. "That must be nice for you... " Turning to face her you take a sip of your drink "Thomas Shelby correct?". You nod again, getting ready to answer her 21 questions. "How did you two meet then?"
"I ran into him a few times around where we lived. We got closer once I became his neighbor. Once that happened one thing led to another and well - now we're married"
"Oh that's... sweet"
"You hesitated"
"No. No I didn't" you look at her, a smile taunting your lips as she shakes her head. Raising your eyebrow a fraction she lets out a sigh "Ok maybe I'm a bit hesitant" you lean against the table, picking your drink up.
"I just- I'm concerned for you" she comes closer to you, her eyes darting over at the man as she speaks in a hushed tone "I've heard about the Peaky Blinders. What they do. And who they are run by" you nod, watching as she moves a little bit away from you. Placing her hands either side of your arms. Almost holding you in place as she tilts her head down slightly. Looking at you through her eyebrows. As if the new angle could give a new perspective for either of you.
"I'm worried you've gotten yourself into a situation that you can't get yourself out of. That you've done something to end up here" you nod in understanding. Bringing your drink up to your lips as you take a sip. She continues "The violence that surrounds his name. The illegal acts that his family take part in. The affairs he has with every girl with a heart beat". Your eyes glance over to him. As if on cue a young, very attractive girl goes and sits next to him. You take a deep breath and look back at your friend. Smiling at her as you place your drink down. Taking her hands in yours as you look at your friend.
"I appreciate your concern. I do. And I love how much you care about me. But I am aware of who my husband is and the acts he gets up to in his free time" you look downward as you continue speaking slowly, thinking the words through before saying them out loud. "I know that - so long as I am his wife - my sisters and I will be protected from everyone who used to want me dead. I also know that my husband would never cause me harm as it wouldn't be in his best interest to hurt me"
Before either of you could continue your conversation, a youngish lad comes over. Asking your friend for a dance to which she accepts. You take this time to down your drink, pouring yourself another one before going back over to the table with Thomas at. The girl he was talking to stands up, smiling at you before turning to him. Gently resting her hand on his shoulder as she leans down. "I've got to go. My car is waiting for me. It was lovely seeing you today" she smiles, gently kissing his cheek before she stands up. "We should meet up again. Some time soon" he nods, watching her as she walks away.
"Who was that?" you ask.
"Just a girl. She thought I looked lonely so kept me company" you nod slightly.
"Sorry I would've come back sooner but I got talking to V" he nods and smiles softly at you as you turn to face him instead.
"How do you two know each other then, eh?" you let out a soft chuckle. Bringing your glass up to your lips, speaking before taking a sip of the liquid.
"I stole a large sum of money from her". His normal expressionless features turn to one of confusion instead. Causing you to let out a small chuckle, turning to watch your friend dancing as you talk to him. "I was 17. Stole her purse from her. I went to a poker game and won a good few times. She found out. I gave her back the money and the extra earnings I had made. She was impressed by how I had dealt with the money, how I stole it plus how I'd increased the earnings that she offered me a job. Working for her. Stealing for her. Being a spy of sorts. I denied the offer. I was young and knew if I started working for her then that would be it for life. But she took a liking to me. Let me stay in her house for a bit. I guess that's how we became friends"
You down the rest of your drink before placing it onto the table. Turning to face your husband. His features soft but unreadable as you watch him. You smile, standing up as you hold your hand out. A look of amusement on his face as he looks up at you.
"Lets go dance" he watches you. A smile threatens his lips before he places his hand into yours. Letting you essentially drag him to the dancing. The both of you engaging and dancing with other party goers. The song finishes and you all cheer for the band. He turns to you, gently resting his hand on your lower back as he whispers into your ear.
"You carry on dancing love. I'm going to sit down" you nod, smiling at him as you feel him move his hand from you. You take hands with one of the other party guests. Dancing with them in place of your husband.
A few more hours pass. You dance and drink throughout the night. That is until the party starts to disperse. Ending in the early hours of the morning. You say goodnight to your friends. Finding your husband sitting at a table. The girl from earlier that night sitting next to him again. You bite your bottom lip slightly. Unsure if you should go over and say something. He is your husband after all. But you arent jealous of the girl hes talking to, yes you find him attractive but you arent married to gim for romantic reasons. Because of this you decide to leave it.
Retiring to your bedroom for the night. Stumbling slightly as you make your way to the edge of the bed. Sitting onto it and regaining your balance. You must've drunk more then planned. Chuckling slightly at yourself, taking off your shoes. Starting to undo the buttons of your dress, the door opens. You automaticaly stop undressing as Thomas walks in. You smile at him softly before standing up and turning your back slightly. Undoing and taking off your dress. Leaving you in your bra, pants, and socks. Your husband takes off his blazer. You watch as he loosens and undoes his tie. Placing them onto a small armchair sitting in the bedroom.
"Mr Shelby?" you ask. Your voice quiet as to not disturb the other members of the house. He turns to face you, starting to undo his shirt buttons as he gives you his undivided attention. Your drunken mind taking over from your logical one. "Do you find me attractive?". He pauses. His hands that were undoing his buttons fall calmly to his sides. His piercing eyes standing out in the room as they watch you. The silence quickly falling onto your ears. You break your gaze with his, shaking your head slightly. Your slowly sobering mind catching up with your drunken one. "Sorry it was a stupid question. Just forget I asked it".
You reach your hands up. Fumbling with your earrings as you take them out. "Why would you think I don't find you attractive?". The suddenness of his voice making you jump slightly. You look at him. His gaze just as harsh as it was when you originally looked away.
"Please just-" you shake your head as you break his gaze "Forget I asked. Please. I think the alcohol from tonight is clouding my judgement"
"There must be some other reason behind this thought though eh?" you meet his eyes again. "You want a trusting relationship with me. This is a good way to start. So tell me - why are you suddenly asking this question"
"B-because..." you feel your cheeks start to turn a slight shade of red. His eyes dart to your cheeks, noticing the change of colour in them. He tries his best to hide the slight smirk that comes over his face
"You need to speak up love" he teases. You avoid his eyes. Speaking softly but loudly.
"We haven't had sex. Not since our wedding. I know that it's not because you're to busy for it. I've seen how you are with other woman. I know that you get it else where. I just- I assumed its because I was a social accessory. Not someone you would actually want to have sex with". There's a small pause before you hear him walk towards you. A soft grip onto your jaw as he tilts your head to look at him.
"This marriage was constructed for social reasons. Not sexual ones" he leans down, his eyes watching yours as his lips hover dangerously close to yours. "But if you want a fuck... Then I can give you a fuck". You pause a moment. Taking in what he said before you nod. A very quick but enthusiastic nod. Dropping your face he stands up straight. Taking a few steps back from you. His eyes grazing over your half naked form. You watch him. Waiting for his next move.
"Get undressed" he says. His eyes coming up and meeting yours. Never once breaking contact as you stand up. Slowly taking off your layers as he rolls his sleeves up and pushing his suspenders off of his shoulders. Watching your every movement as your undergarments soon become a small pile on the floor. You keep your arms by the side as he comes over to you. Closing the gap he created. Tilting your head up by your chin as you lock eyes with his. "Open you legs". You do as he says. The hand wondering from your chin, down your throat. Between your breasts. Over your stomach. Eventually finding that spot between your legs.
Your hands come up, resting onto his shoulders as he moves his fingers slowly over your clit. You flutter your eyes shut as soft moans leave your lips. Hands gripping his shoulders as he continues to work on the small bundle of nerves. You feel his finger move. Gently pushing two digits into your needy hole.
Another soft whine leaves your lips as he begins to slowly thrust his fingers in and out of you. "Poor thing. Already so wet for me. And I've been a neglectful husband. Not helping to attend to your needs". He puts his arm around your waist. Holding you close to him as he continues.
"P-please Mr Sh-Shelby" you manage to stutter out. Opening your eyes, your gaze connecting with his as he quickens his pace on you. Causing all logical thought to leave your head as you dig your nails into his shoulders. Feeling your orgasm building up and up. "Please. Please" you mumble. He smiles, watching as you start to crumble under him.
"You want to cum eh?" Feeling him curl his fingers inside of you. You nod
"Yes. Fuck yes. Please" he smiles. Kissing you harshly before he removes his fingers. Right before you could cum. "No. Please. Please" you beg. Your hips rutting against nothing as you try and get some sort of friction. He smiles. An almost sadistic smile as you grip at his shirt.
"Its ok love. I'll let you cum before morning". He kisses you again. Enjoying the small grunt you make as your mouths connect. He pulls away. Pushing you gently away from him, perching you onto the end of the bed. You watch as he starts to undo the buttons of his shirt. You bite your bottom lip. Watching his hands remove the delicate fabric. Your eyes fixated on him removing his trousers and underwear. His clothes becoming forgotten on the floor as he walks over to you.
He doesn't hesitate as he pushes his lips back onto yours. Your hand going to the back of his head as the other holds his bicep. His hands going to either side of your face. The slight taste of alcohol on both of your tongues as you continue to kiss each other. He holds you close to him as he pushes you to lie down. Him coming on top of you as you put a leg either side of him. He breaks away from the kiss, gently running the back of his fingers down the side of your face. Your soft smile quickly changing as he pushes himself into you.
"Holy fuck". You groan out. Eyes fluttering as he bottoms out. Kissing your neck before he pulls out completely. Pushing himself back into you. Repeating this action, slowly but precise. His tip hitting that sweet spot inside of you with every thrust. He keeps eye contact with you as he rests his forehead onto yours. Your hands go to his cheeks. Soft whimpers leaving your lips as he begins to fasten his pace. That familiar feeling building up again.
"I didn't think... that a girl as smart as you... could be fucked... into being so dumb... so easily" he says. Emphasizing every few words with a thrust. The words going straight to your core, causing you to tighten around him. He lets out a chuckle that quickly turns into a grunt. Kissing you as he also gets closer to his own high.
"C-can I cu-cum? Pl-please?" he smies. Kissing you again before speaking.
"Let me feel this pretty pussy cum around my cock" you moan out. Shutting your eyes tightly as you ball your hands into fists. Letting your orgasm wash over you. Tightening around his length. A few more thrusts and he hits his own high. Pushing deep into you as he lets his cum fill you up. The both of you breathe deeply. Catching your breath as you gently run your hands over his shoulder blades. Shutting your eyes as you feel him start to go soft inside of you.
He plants a deep kiss to your lips before he pulls out of you. He cleans himself up, putting his boxers back on. You sit up. Bringing your knees up to your chest. He grabs out a pack of cigarettes, rolling one over his lips before placing it into his mouth. Taking out a lighter and lighting the end. He draws a drag from it. Taking it from his lips with his thumb and forefinger he hands it to you. Exhaling the smoke, you watch as it falls around him. You take the item, placing it into your mouth. Shutting your eyes as you let the nicotine fill your body.
Opening your eyes you take the cigarette from your lips. Standing up you give it back to him. Grabbing some sort of cloth to clean yourself up with before placing your night clothes over yourself. His eyes watch you as you make your way over to the bed. Getting underneath the covers you hear the birds start to chirp outside. A tired smile appears on your lips as you look over at the window. You nestle down under the duvet. Bringing it close to your face as you get warm. Knowing you have a couple of hours before you need to be awake.
A few minutes pass, feeling movement in the bed next to you. You open your eyes, seeing Thomas getting in next to you. He rests on his back, bringing an arm up to rest behind his head. Your eyes scan over his profile. The early morning sun sneaking in past the curtains, making his skin look beautiful as he lies next to you. You shut your eyes again. Speaking softly to him
"Sleep well, Mr Shelby"
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im-so-tired-sorry · 1 year
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Kiribaku x gn!reader headcanons <3
A/N: my first time writing like this so bare with me lmao. these boys are always in my head. Part 1 since i realized while writing this was already long enough.
CW: mainly platonic, slight flirting
Genre: fluff
Word count: 0.8k
while still attending ua (and still friends), you, kirishima and bakugo would always be hanging out together: in class, training at the gym, studying, or even chilling in each others dorms (sometimes even after curfew)
you would hang out in each others rooms, watching movies, reading books/manga, doing skin care, etc. sometime you would even invite the rest of the bakusquad over.
if two of you were planning on hanging out, you would plan to invite the third.
the boys would become a tad upset if you already had plans with your other friends/ classmates, but they wouldn’t say anything. they would still hangout and try to bring back a souvenir— whether it’s food or a gift shop item or even a small plush—for you once you come back to the dorms so you can hangout again and talk about your day.
it’s almost as if you three being separated for a long time was draining; you would all at least have to be in the same room to recharge and relax.
study sessions where bakugo would start to become less strict on you and kiri once you start pulling better grades, but still call you out for slacking off.
study sessions where bakugo bets that if you and eijirou made an equal or better grade than him on the next test, he would take you both out for dinner.
you and eijirou making dinner plans while katsuki is trying to figure out how you both passed his grade by a couple of percentage numbers. “you cheated didn’t you?” “we swear we didn’t!!”
there are two specific types of inside jokes between you three; if it happened in public, you can tease each other about it and explain the context if someone asked. then there are the ones you keep to yourselves, the ones that originated from private moments. those are the ones where, if mentioned, not even bakugo can help but break a smile reimagining the moment.
katsuki, who will stay after everyone else has left and help you with your training if you’re having trouble with a specific move. you tell him that “it’s ok” not wanting to waste his time, but he’ll just grumble. “how do you expect to be a good hero if you won’t even put in the effort?”
eijirou, who will never let you eat alone. no matter how late it is, if he finds you having a late dinner, he’ll join you with his own snack.
katsuki, who will maybe let you lean on his shoulder to catch up on sleep after staying up late to study and train.
eijirou who will carry you to the infirmary as soon as you catch a really bad cold, and katsuki who will blame it on you overworking yourself. either way, if they’re not in class or training, they are staying by your bedside ‘till you get better.
the three of you, along with other classmates, celebrate together when you pass your exams
the three of you, along with friends and family, grab dinner after the graduation ceremony
the three of you become a little distant once you start working at a different hero agency while kiri and baku get to work together. a couple of months go by and there’s silence between the pod. being a hero is busy work after all, especially when your trying to be some of the best.
you still try to make time for each other, trying to align every day off you have to see each other.
you would buy every magazine that had either of the boys on the cover and send it in the group chat. “wouldn’t mind being saved by this hunk😍” “💪💪😘” “You guys are gross.”
at one point, the three of you just start going straight over to each other’s houses after patrol shifts, eating dinner together, and if it’s too late, it turns into a last minute sleepover.
katsuki, who give you old clothes of his to let you sleep in.
katsuki, who will add your hero costume to the laundry pile and wake up early in the morning so your suit is clean and dry before you wake up and have to go.
eijirou, who will let you choose anything in his wardrobe to change into once it’s decided you’re staying the night.
eijirou, who, though can’t usually cook well, will make a solid breakfast for you before you have to clock back into work.
when they shoot you a text saying they’re coming over, you prep the house and take out their clothes and toothbrushes that they’ve “accidentally” left at your house so they can easily change and settle in once they arrive.
if you all have the day off tomorrow, it’s automatically a movie night and you each pick a movie to watch
cut to you all cuddling on top of each other, dead asleep while the credits roll.
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sturnstvs · 2 months
finding out
warnings: talks of sex, teen pregnancy, use of y/n, toxic friends, mentions of periods
a/n: I hope you guys will enjoy this series! what I should add and shit should be added to the comments if you deam necessary
third person POV
y/n and the sturniolos were childhood bestfriends. matt, nick and chris became friends with y/n shortly after kindergarten. they found each other on the play ground one by one. nick was the first one to say hi to y/n and introduce himself to the girl.
chirs was the next to introduce himself when nick said he had a new friend. then it was matt.
y/n was good friends with all of the triplets however her and Chris had a different bond.
they where attached to the hip as some might describe it. they were best friends. all of them were.
when they got to jr high however the friend group got a bit complicated.
you see chris and y/n had made some friends on the first day of 7th grade. they were a little bit older being 9th graders. however at the time cahris nor y/n knew that. (big mistake) they introduced the older kids to matt and nick. the other boys thought that they seemed a little wired and they seemed older.
chris and y/n brushed it off as a 'their just overreacting' turns out they weren't
in 8th grade the now 10th graders invited the whole group to a party. matt and nick said no. nick was hanging out with this girl alahna they he had met recently and matt, well he was just matt. so chirs and y/n decided they would go by themsleves
long story short chris and y/n ended up having sex that night. they where pressured into it mainly. but the two fully decided to carry it out. and its not like they were drunk or anything they were 13 for god sake. the next morning they both decided that what they did the night before was a mistake and should never happen again.
which brings us to here right now, in present time.
y/n had been feeling under the weather recently. it was the colder months of the year so she didn't think anything of it. of course as a 13 year old your not going to automatically think the worst. so she didn't. she didn't think it was a problem. until her friend sophie started saying something about it.
"I saw in this movie that these could be the symptoms of pregnancy" sophie told her as they where walking into the school.
"no way! I mean I know I'm not stupid but there is no way I'm pregnant" y/n shrugged off
"well...you do have the symptoms that my older sister had before she told everyone that she was expecting" shopie said
"are you sure I mean I dont even think its possible, I mean yeah me and chris had sex during winter break but there's no way" y/n told her
"well I'm pretty sure as long as you have your period and you didn't use a condom, its a huge possibility" sophie shrugged as she and y/n walked to class after they put their books in their lockers.
"whatever I'll take a test just to put your mind at rest after school if you promise to come with me" y/n told sophie as they sat down in their first period.
latter that day after school chris came up to y/n after a long day just ready to go hang out with his favorite girl.
"hey! y/n! wait, slow down your going to fast" chris yelled running after the two girls walking out of the school
"what chris?" truth be told y/n didn't want to deal with his hyperactive ass today
"where are you going? aren't we supposed to hang today? my moms waiting in the car" he spoke
"oh, actually change of plans, I have to do something, sorry we'll hang out later" y/n said apologetically as her and sophie walked to the nearest convenience store.
matt and nick who had watched the whole interaction cringed when they saw y/n walk away leaving chris with a frown on his face.
"that was rough" matt comented
"why do you think she ran away so quickly?" chris asked his brothers
"I don't know but I think it might have to do with sophie I mean she has been hanging with y/n way more often" nick said
"yeah" was all chris said as the three walked over to his moms car. he couldn't help but think this was about something much bigger.
it was about a half hour later when sophie and y/n got to the convenience store.
"come on" sophie dragged y/n over towards the aisle trying to find the pregnancy tests.
once both of the girls found the aisle they decided to get the one that was somewhat cheep but also worked.
"I don't have any money" y/n pointed out
"its okay. I have some just pay me back later. this is important" sophie said
"okay" y/n said hesitantly
sophie grabbed the one that seemed like It was the most accurate and cheep.
"should we get two just in case?" sophie asked the girl
"i don't know? should we" this was all very overwhelming for y/n and she didnt want to do any of this.
sophie looked at y/n sympateticly and sighed grabbing another test.
both the girls got in line at the checkout. there wasnt many people in front of them so they got to the coaunter pretty quickly.
the older lady that was at the counter looked at the two girls suspisousely
"hope these are for an older sister" she said scanning the items
the girls just nodded not wanting to say anything.
sophie kindly payed and got handed the tests. she then started walking out of the store while y/n was still standing there.
"I cant go back home and take those" y/n panicked.
her parents werent the most supportive so she knew this was going to freak them out.
sophie nodded while y/n walked over towards the lady behind the counter. as if she knew what she was going to ask, the lady pointed towards the back of the store
"thanks" y/n whispered
as she walked to where the lady pointed thoughts began rummaging through her brain. what if she was actually pregnant? what about Chris? there both only 13, there's no way they would be able to keep it. and their parents. what are they going to say? once she got to the bathroom she let out a shaky breath.
theres no way this was happening.
y/n did everything that she had to once she had read the instructions. then waited.
while she was waiting sophie kocked on the door.
"you good in there y/n"
y/n opened the door and sophie immediately wrapped her arms in a hug. in the time of waiting the was tears streaming down her face.
after a little longer the timer had went off. with shaky hands y/n flipped over the test to revel two very prominat pink lines. y/n immediately broke down. what was she going to do
after a good few hours of crying and trying to adjust the reality of the situation sophie had convinced her to tell chris.
she invited him to her house later that night. chris with a happy face, strolled into her house not knowing his life was about to change.
y/n told him what had happened and obviously he was shocked. they both just cried into each others arms not knowing what they where going to do.
"I guess it sucks that I got my period only a couple weeks before that huh" y/n sniffled a laugh trying to cheer both of them up.
if they had each other they were going to get through this.
note: I want to point out that i feel like this isnt very realistic but that's okay it was a fun idea and it kinda came to me at night? I hope you guys liked it anyway. no hate please.
also give me requests of what if should do make sure you click the info page for more details!
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vxmpyr-clxb · 5 months
☆ . . . HYUNG LiNE!
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CONTACT NAME. doe eyes 🦌  ( his : starry eyed 🌟)
SHIP NAME. sage + heesung = saesung / sungsae / heege
RELATIONSHIP. in the beginning they had a sort of rivalry. during i-land they had a misunderstanding and from then on they were rivals/enemies, but when they realized there was a possibility of them both making it into the group, they sat down and talked out their issues. as of now, heesung takes on a more caring role towards the girl in their day to day life.
the two met before i-land but were never friends, they just knew of each other because of what people told them about each other. 
Heeseung was an ace trainee and everyone knew it, including Sage. This intimidated the girl because of how everyone spoke so highly of him. 
the only time they hung out was when mutual friends of theirs went out to eat to celebrate passing a monthly evaluation and both were invited. 
even then, they only exchanged a few words mostly because they sat at separate tables. 
and skip to i-land days, when heeseung saw her enter he knew she was a tough contestant 
the older opted to be a friend rather than a foe so he quickly went up to her and started a conversation post-first performance
this convo did not go as he planned
the two had a misunderstanding and Sage mistook Heesung's attempt at befriending her for him trying to sabotage her. their “rivalry” continued for a few more weeks ( a couple of episodes ) before the two realized they might debut together and talked it out
Heeseung reminded Sage of one of her best friends from back in New York and she thinks that was why they grew so close in such a short time. 
nowadays Heesung is one of the ones who is very big on making sure Sage is doing alright
being the oldest, even though he doesn’t act it a lot, heesung likes to look after her even more so because she’s the only girl
he knows she doesn’t want to be treated any differently and he tries to adhere to that, but he also understands she has extra stress put on her because she is the only girl 
when she's wearing a skirt and the stylists don’t give her a jacket, he'll lend her his && when she has solo promotions, he always calls to make sure she's doing alright
her knight in shining armor frfr
but that’s not to say she doesn’t help him too. she helps to make him feel like a kid again ( him and jungwon but we’ll get into that later )
when they hang out they typically play basketball together, write lyrics, practice/run through the choreography from their songs, and or play video games
sometimes they’ll also go to the gym together as well. the girl likes to tag along with the other members every once and a while ( usually Heesung, Niki, & Jake).
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CONTACT NAME. bank account 💸 ( his : sage 🌱 )
SHIP NAME. jay / jongseong + sage = song-seong / sang-seong
RELATIONSHIP. although they didn’t know each other before the show, when  the two first met, sage didn’t really like the boy. she thought he was competition and didn’t want to lose to him at all. so she did everything she could to make sure she ranked higher than him. but as time went on, sage began to notice tiny things about his attitude and they soon developed a friendship which was mainly based on looking out for each other and helping the other.
when Jay was struggling in the show, she was the one who could be seen next to him, teaching him and lifting his spirits. she saw how he continued to grow and learn and would’ve hated to see him waste his talent.
in exchange, Jay would be the one protecting Sage from rude comments and her own temper. 
^ whenever the boys on i-land would make any comments about her being a girl or doubting her skills she tended to get riled up and Jay would be the one to calm her down and or defend her
unlike heeseung, who mainly makes sure she's physically okay, Jay is the one who makes sure she is mentally and emotionally okay.
he does a lot of checkups on her because he knows that Sage tends to put up an act a lot of the time to not worry anyone
sage is Jay's official helper/chef. jay likes to cook for everyone else, but sage comes from a family where food is a love language so she likes to give him a break here and there and helps to feed the others.
jay asked sage ( + niki )  to help him with learning japanese and the girl also teaches him bits and pieces of the other languages she knows too
sage also likes to share some recipes she’s learned from her family throughout the years and with these she typically records blogs that she posts on her youtube channel
their favorite activities to do together are cooking, watching movies/shows together, and shopping.
jay also has a habit of shopping for other people when they're out. especially when it comes to sage cause they're very interested in fashion and clothing so he often buys her thing she thinks she'd look good in.
in some of her vlogs/lives sage can be seen shopping for jay and the other boys and she has clothes saved to carts and wish lists she's made in preparation for birthday's and other reasons to give gifts
 ❛ SHIM JAEYUN ❜  ꜝꜞ
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CONTACT NAME. PARTY PARTY WHOO 🥳 ( his : don’t answer 🛑 )
SHIP NAME. jake / jaeyun + sage / segye = sae-yun / sa-ke
RELATIONSHIP. these two had became friends quickly on the show due to them being the few who spoke english as a main language as well as sage making jokes and comments in english during their stay at i-land. jake and teagan are the two members who cause the most amount of chaos together and should not be left to their own devices for longer than five minutes. that being said..jake and sage are known for their clumsiness, iconic moments, and their chemistry.
being as though in i-land, they were part of the few who could speak english, they were seen speaking in english with each other almost all the time  
the members say that they're always fighting
teagan loves teasing him by joking that he’s such a nerd for liking physics && jake teases sage for her clumsiness and her bad habits
the two are known for their dynamic where they’re able to joke about anything and go for each other’s throat with jokes
as well as them being the main two ( + jay ofc ) who speak english, they make stupid dirty jokes at the worst times
one of their most iconic moments being when the two of them, mid interview, lock eyes and burst into laughter and throughout the whole video they’re just seen whispering back and forth and holding in their laughter.
ALSO- them both being from wealthy families?? even more of a connection
the two of them showing off things they bought on lives and fans blowing up hashtags on twitter about how the items they showed cost like a 1000+ bucks/millions of won
their favorite activities to do together are having movie nights, play goofy sleepover games when they hang out, exploring places in seoul together, playing puzzle games, doing escape rooms, and talking about their doggies!
these two may not have a whole lot to say about their dynamic but don’t take that as them not caring for the other
the clumsy twins. sage known for tripping, even on nothing, and jake for tripping over people and falling into desks
jake is literally whipped for this girl like whaaat
he’ll deny it every chance he gets, but he’s always there to help her and adores her sm
teagan is also a victim of jake’s charms but the two hang out so often she claims she’s immune now
sage was named Layla's official godmother by Jake and he was named Rex’s official godfather by her
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CONTACT NAME. elsa ❄️ ( his : anna 🍁 )
SHIP NAME. sunghoon + sage = sage-hoon
RELATIONSHIP. due to training at bighit previously, and both of them taking up ice skating as a hobby, these two already sort of knew each other, but they never really spoke to each other one on one. and when teagan’s eye-catching performance got all 23/24 votes? sunghoon wanted to befriend her even more. and later on, her close relationship with jake helped her and sunghoon bond more. the two treat each other more or less like siblings nowadays.
Segye recognized Hoon mostly for his ice skating days. although she was nowhere near as good or in love with the sport, she did like to stay updated on those around Korea & Sunghoon was included in that.
after realizing that it was him, she quickly struck up a conversation with the boy. this took sunghoon by surprise, being as though she knew him for ice skating, and they had a small conversation about their shared admiration of the sport.
during and after i-land they were known as the opposites attract duo
very much popular x loner energy.
they bring each other's playful/chaotic side out
he isn't one to show much affection physically but Sage knows he supports her through his actions
does Teagan need water? he's already on it. she's stressed because of uni? he has set up her game on her computer in her room.
in exchange, Sage is always there when he needs to vent or just someone to sit with.
during one of their comebacks sunghoon was stressing out and having a rough time so on the one day they were free she asked him to come out with her, he said yes thinking she was going to the movies or shopping, but she actually took him to an ice rink she rented for a couple of hours so he could have some fun
he even ended up teaching her one of his old routines
funnily enough, these two— at least in my head, are the real-life embodiment of todoroki and izuku from bnha.
because like, at first Sage would just talk and sunghoon would just listen. so much so that while on i-land, a lot of people thought he was just tuning her out. and when sunghoon heard one of them say it, he recapped word for word what Sage said and she was gassed for the rest of the week.
their convos are 50% sarcastic
people think sunghoon is completely introverted at first, but Sage is one of the first people he opens up around, revealing his true personality on i-land.
whenever Sage, Jake, and Sunghoon get together prepare for chaos-
long story short, sunghoon is a little shit who cares a lot, but hides it very well. 
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askladyinwhiteandfam · 5 months
Missing Stitch AU
Welcome to the missing stitch au! It's a new AU idea I had while listening to music, and I got the idea when listening to 'No Wind Resistance' For some reason-
The AU is based off of the kidcore / possible Traumacore aesthetic, and it's actually a game idea I've decided!
I call it the missing stitch au, mainly cuz the critters are stitched together and catnap is the only one who isn't
(If you want more info about the characters and the AU, please keep reading)
༻꫞ ᗩᗷOᑌT Tᕼᗴ ᑕᕼᗩᖇᗩᑕTᗴᖇՏ ꫞༺
Dogday - Dogday Is the leader of the group! His role within the place is to Make sure guests are happy and comfortable, He is overly friendly and quite adventurous sometimes, though he does set out some explicit warnings about different areas
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Bobby Bearhug - The medic / nurse of the group, her role within the group is to make sure that guests are okay and to heal them when they're hurt, She can be quite motherly the kind, And she does make sure that if You get hurt, You get healed right away
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Hoppy Hopscotch - One of the athletic ones of the group, She tends to make games for you and the other critters to play, mostly running around and that stuff. She is energetic and a tiny bit impatient, but she means no harm, the least she would do is just thump her feet And tell you to hurry up
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Kicken Chicken - The other athletic one of the group, he tends to make games that are more skill type, say, skateboarding for example. He can be a little bit cocky but he's also very kind and chill, He isn't as impatient as hoppy, he'll just wait for you until you catch up
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Bubba Bubbaphant - The teacher of the group, He is definitely the one to elaborate more on Dogday's warnings, and like the original AU, he steers the group to make smarter choices, especially in a panic. He's smart and pretty chill, and as long as you listen to him, he'll be okay with you
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Picky Piggy - The cook of the group, she's the one that makes sure that guests are eating well and she cooks for you and the others! She is sweet and kind, and she is real knowledgeable when it comes to cooking, Sometimes she'll invite you to cook with her, but she doesn't mind if you say no
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Craftycorn - The artist/storyteller, she enjoys making up stories and doing art and she often shares it with the rest of the group, therefore it has became her job to make up stories so that she could share them with the group, she's shy and sweet and artsy, and she is often the one to try and cheer you up when you're sad and haven't told Avery
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Avery Antelope - the therapist of the group, he's the one to make sure everyone's mental health is in check and that they aren't going insane- He's generally calm and respectful but he can also be quite panicky, or energetic, kind of like Hoppy and Kicken, Of course due to his ADHD. Whenever you're down, he often invites you to talk it out with him
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Catnap - The "Puppeteer or"String Puller", He is the one controlling the characters, he can control what they do but he can never control what They say, in fact, he's the reason why the critters never want you to go into "night mode" in the game, because he's often roaming around the place, if he catches you, looks like you'll become one of his puppets...
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༻꫞ 𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚜 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚞 ꫞༺
• The critters are basically all controlled by catnap during the day, But at night, he doesn't really control them anymore, he just gives some free will for them at the end of the day
• Avery is the only one that catnap can't really control, mainly because Avery is still haunted by that thing, and he can't really have two people trying to take control of him-
• Bobby is always making sure her friends are well, And she's willing to take care of them if they're sick
• They each have their own rooms, just like in the amazing digital circus
• They all have their own color scheme, such Dogday being warm colors and Catnap being colors related to purple and black
• They have their own areas related to their hobbies and that stuff, Hoppy and Kicken share an area because they're both sporty and that stuff
• The closed off areas are usually covered with large stickers, pieces of paper, cardboard, etc.
• All the closed off areas Usually lead to Catnap's room
• Among catnaps walls, you can see all the dead players that have actually played the game and lost
༻꫞ About Y / N! ꫞༺
• They are Genderfluid
• In the real world they're around 16
• They're generally curious, always trying to find ways to open up the restricted areas
• Outside of the game, They have a younger brother named Rowan, who just went missing...
• They are based off of your favorite animal and fav color, Of course because they are self-insert OC's!
• They do tend to enjoy the weirdcore aesthetic, as well as other aesthetics related to it
• They enjoy playing games, and exploring!
༻꫞ Location names ꫞༺
• Main area / Lobby
~ Inhabited by all the critters, each of them giving their own little spin on the lobby, safe to say, it's bright and colorful with each of the critters' drawings / twists
~ Has doors leading to different areas, each of them having a sign above them
• Medical room
~ Inhabited by Bobby Bearhug
~ Has so much medical stuff, but also very colorful, mainly colors related to red and white
• Classroom
~ Inhabited by Bubba Bubbaphant
~ there are different areas of the classroom that represent different classes, such as science, social studies, and math
• Hangout
~ Inhabited by Dogday
~ It has a mainly warm color scheme, as well as a bright and happy atmosphere
• Outside
~ Inhabited by Hoppy Hopscotch and Kicken Chicken
~ has lots of physical activities, like running, playing hopscotch, tag, etc.
• Kitchen
~ Inhabited by Picky Piggy
~ Has a lot of things related to cooking, like pots and pans, as well as a bunch of recipe books, each for a different food category and different ingredient categories
• Art room
~ Inhabited by Craftycorn
~ Similar to the classroom, But with much more artsy stuff, like paint and canvases, it also has a bunch of pictures hung up on the wall, seemingly the things the characters made
• Therapy room
~ Inhabited by Avery Antelope
~ Has a calm and quiet atmosphere, as well as more neutral / dull colors, more calming colors as well, as well as those chairs you see in therapy rooms as well-
• Catnap's room
~ Inhabited, of course, by Catnap
~ It has a map of the entire place, as well as some dolls of the critters, all except Avery and you, the walls are also aligned with avatars of different people who played the game...
• The Void
~ Not Inhabited by anyone
~ a quiet place, almost all sound is absorbed, depending on whether it's day or night, it's either white or black, and everything there is floating
༻꫞ Voice lines! ꫞༺
Dogday ☀️ -
☀️: *When you first appear in the Lobby* Oh hello player! Welcome to the lobby! Name's Dogday! You?
☀️: *when you introduce yourself* Ohh! Pretty name! Would you like me to show you around?
Bobby Bearhug ❤️ -
❤️: *when you first enter the medical room, where she's organizing things* Hm? Oh hello there sweet pea! Do you need anything? *You ask her who she is* Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Bobby Bearhug! What about you sweetie?
❤️: *When you introduce yourself* Oh what a wonderful name! I hope you don't mind me calling you N / n! (Nickname), do you?
Hoppy Hopscotch ⚡ -
⚡: *When you first enter outside and decide to talk to her first, she's just running around* Huh? Oh hey newbie! What are you doing here? Oh, by the way, I'm Hoppy Hopscotch, what's ya name, newbie?
⚡: *When you introduce yourself* Oh! Nice name, anyway, I'ma go back to running now, see you later newbie!
Kicken Chicken ⭐ -
⭐: *When you first enter outside and decide to talk to him first, He's just waxing a surface for him to skate on his skateboard* Hm? Who are you?
⭐: *When you introduce yourself* oh, cool name! I'm Kicken Chicken, would you like to skate with me?
Bubba Bubbaphant 💡 -
💡: *When you first enter the classroom and decide to talk to him while he's reading* Hm? Hello (insert one of the smiling Critters), did you need anything? Oh wait you aren't them ... Hello, I'm Bubba Bubbaphant, who might you be?
💡: *When you introduce yourself* Well, nice to meet you Y/n, If you have any questions, please ask me, alright?
Picky Piggy 🍎 -
🍎: *When you walk in the kitchen and find picky reading her recipe book* Oh hello! Are you new here? I haven't seen you around here before, oh, by the way, I'm Picky Piggy!
🍎: *When you introduce yourself* Nice name! If you want I could make something for you? Also, how is your day so far?
Craftycorn 🎨-
🎨: *When you first walk into the art room, where you find crafty drawing* Oh! Hi! Welcome to the art room! I'm Craftycorn! You?
🎨: *When you introduce yourself* oooh! Your name is so pretty!!! Anyway, if you want, we can paint together!
Avery Antelope † -
†: *when you enter the therapy room, where Avery is just staring in a mirror, and you make a noise that scares him* Oh! Uhh... Hello! Wh-Who might you be?
†: *when you introduce yourself* oh, nice to meet you Y/n.. I'm Avery, Is there anything you would like to talk about?
Catnap 🌙 -
🌙: *When you first enter his room after finally getting the cardboard off of the restricted area door* ... I've been expecting you Y/n... My name is Catnap, no need to introduce yourself
🌙: *When you try to run* Well, off you go little puppet... Just know, I'm always watching...
༻꫞ Their nicknames for you! ꫞༺
Dogday - Sunny, Sunnyside, Daylight, Cloudless
Bobby Bearhug - Sweetheart, Sweet pea, Honey, Dear, lovely, Cub
Hoppy Hopscotch - Zippy, Skippy, Hopster, Hopscotch
Kicken Chicken - Man, dude, bro, Clover
Bubba Bubbaphant - Student, Class clown, Teachers pet (In a good way), Friend
Picky Piggy - Buddy, Spice, Strawberry, Pepper
Craftycorn - Artsy, Painters buddy
Avery Antelope - Dear friend, buddy, Lucky
Catnap - Puppet, Doll, Ragdoll, Seams
Anyways, that's all for this AU idea, if you want more, please let me know!
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cocrante · 2 months
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I Start Over With You
summary: After the great battle against the forces of Gaea, Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter had formed a long-lasting alliance. Everything had gone well, and everyone was ready to start anew. This included Nico, who, after confessing his feelings to Percy, was prepared to open a new chapter in his life—perhaps the happiest one the Fates had ever written.
note: the chapters will be updated every Wednesday. If you want to read upcoming chapters of the fanfiction in advance, I invite you to follow me on Patreon. Subscribing is not necessary, these chapters will be added for free on the platform on Mondays and Fridays. Following me there is just a kind and free gesture to support my work c:
Reblogs are highly appreciated c:
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THE SEASHELL SOUNDED AGAIN, BRINGING THE DEMIGOD BACK TO REALITY. He didn't feel much like going to the mess hall that evening, he would have preferred to stay there in the silence and darkness of his cabin, which during winter nights seemed even more gloomy and deserted.
After a noisy sigh, he pulled himself up, leaving the cabin and heading towards the pavilion. Night fell quickly on the camp, the fog seemed to cling to him, and the shadows seemed to lengthen as if bowing to him. Only the torches illuminated the camp.
The mess hall, the only truly illuminated part of the camp, was already full of demigods sitting at tables, filling the cold and gloomy air with pleasant and warm laughter. Waiting for him at the table was Jason, hand in hand with Piper—who had arrived later that afternoon. The two were so engrossed in conversation that they didn't notice Nico's arrival until he cleared his throat, casting a veil of embarrassment between them.
"Welcome back!" exclaimed Piper, releasing her hand from her boyfriend's. "Everything okay in New Rome?"
Nico shrugged, briefly recounting his months spent there. He mainly talked about school, glossing over the kindness of his classmates.
"Well, nothing special" concluded the son of Hades, taking his plate to make his offering, followed by the other two. "And with your friend?" whispered Piper.
"Normal" he said, glancing at Jason, hoping he hadn't said too much.
The three demigods threw their offerings into the fire, making silent requests or thanks to the gods. Together they returned to the table, which among all was the farthest from the warmth of the fire. "Have you talked much during these months?" Piper asked again, subsequently ordering her goblet to fill with apple juice. "Sometimes" said Nico, unable to help but look up at Jason. "We mainly talked about school"
Piper nodded, hoping to extract some more information from him. Jason had never told her anything in his Iris messages.
"He started a singing course" he told her, although she expected to hear something else. "A what?" "Singing course" he repeated without realizing he was smiling. "He likes singing. I think he has a nice voice though" "he explained briefly, and Piper glanced at Jason, confident that he knew more about it.
The evening continued fairly quietly, Piper occasionally asking questions to break the silence, and Nico was always ready to give her an answer, although in some cases, he remained rather evasive.
After dinner, some groups returned to their cabins, while others gathered around the fire. It was all different without the Apollo campers leading the choir and delighting them with their excellent rhetoric.
Nico stayed with Jason and Piper for a while, who occasionally exchanged kisses and whispered a few words in each other's ears. They stayed a bit to listen to the campers from Cabin Eleven, who entertained the few remaining with comedic scenes and hilarious stories. Later, however, even the son of Hades left, now the general mood was subdued, and even the fire was turning into a dull yellow. He bid farewell to his friends, heading towards his cabin enveloped in the cold mantle of the night.
That night, he was truly determined to sleep, pushing every possible thought from his head, ignoring those annoying and stubborn butterflies in his stomach. The moment when Will would arrive was getting closer and this thought had been tormenting him for too long.
He turned towards the window overlooking the outside; the sky was covered with gray clouds that obscured the stars and the moon as they passed by. The trees in the forest were now completely devoid of their green foliage, and even the grunts and screams of the monsters that lived in the jungle had died down with the arrival of December. That silence seemed truly unnatural.
The son of Hades curled up tighter in the sheets, ignoring the voices swirling in his head. He had no intention of running away this time; he would do as Percy had told him: face it, with head held high, leaving your fears behind.
In the end, he managed to fall asleep, albeit consumed by dreams that slowly turned into nightmares. It had been a while since he had dreamed of anything, and he was certain that something was happening outside of that camp, something he didn't even want to know about. The nightmare then stopped, bringing him back to his more peaceful dreams until they disappeared along with the first cold lights of dawn.
Nico didn't immediately get up; he simply stayed still, staring at the landscape slowly waking up. His stomach was churning, as before an exam. Suddenly, his strength seemed to desert him; he would have liked to stay in bed, hidden under the sheets, or disappear somewhere and reappear later, but a part of him didn't really want to do that. With a push of courage, he got up, feeling the icy floor of the cabin beneath his feet.
He got ready carefully, taking more time than usual in the bathroom; he wanted to make a good impression that morning. From the wardrobe, he chose a high-necked sweater he had found in a store in New Rome; the saleswoman had told him it fit him like a glove, and indeed, it suited him well.
After encouraging himself in front of the mirror, he headed out towards the pavilion. He didn't have much of an appetite that morning; the butterflies in his stomach didn't stop moving for a moment.
As every day, Jason was waiting for him at the table, sitting next to Piper, who was smiling at him in a strange way. "Good morning" Piper greeted, widening her smile. Nico responded with a nod, sitting down at the table and being served immediately. "Jason told me your friend should be arriving today"
Nico sighed, confirming what Piper already knew. From the way Piper kept staring at him, he was pretty sure Jason had told her more than just about his friend's upcoming arrival. "Do you know when he'll arrive?" the girl asked.
"I think in the afternoon" he replied, although he didn't really know himself when he would arrive. "We'll probably go to the bay, there's never anyone there" he added, resigned to the fact that they wouldn't leave him alone until he told them all about his plans. "That's a good idea" Piper nodded. "Have you prepared a speech?" she asked, and Nico shook his head in response. "I'll improvise" he told her, mentioning his feeble attempts in front of the mirror.
"You'll loosen up when you have him in front of you" Jason reassured him, understanding the difficulty of expressing one's feelings in words.
They talked a bit more; the daughter of Aphrodite occasionally gave him some advice, like not losing eye contact. Piper was fantastic, spontaneous, and genuine; he should have told her before instead of keeping it to himself. "Don't make the speech too long, get to the point" the girl concluded, giving him some simple tips. Nico truly appreciated that gesture.
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1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
The actual AGITM Ovey ask.
ALL OVERLORDS: Began their life in 3/12’s hands and has a special hatred of the Functionalist similar to Rung’s. During the Moon Arc, he and Rung meet and Rung definitely does that dark grin from his first Functionalist World appearance when Overlord breaks into the chamber with the others and settles things by ripping 3/12’s head off and Rung, who’d been talking about how he knew how the day would go, comments “I didn’t guess that.” and is surprisingly warm and open to Overlord who thinks he’s hilarious and charming in his own hatred. (Rung is little bit in Machine Who Punches Fascists Mode) Impactor is also part of this group and has become, not quite friends, but tolerable drinking buddies occasionally with Overlord and Arcee. Rung invited him to stay and he actually considered it.
Overlord is fond of provoking people and stirring the pot and smug. He was a gladiator once 3/12 was distracted and he wiggled his way into freedom. He has a thing about authority figures and obeying people due to this. He became involved in crime following this and ran a protection racket, somewhat be accident, but was becoming bored with it when he saw Megatron’s gladitorial match and grew interested. He definitely became a gladiator and joined the Decepticons for the sheer joy of potential anarchy but found the government was too much for his taste.
Captain Glitch and him have a homoerotic encounter in which Glitch uses his Outlier ability on Overlord’s Spark and he triggers the Murder Strut Peacocking obsession instead of Megatron and pokes and threaten-flirts with him.
Sideswipe may or may not have made the very questionable decision to take for a ride. Briefly. Once. Sunstreaker is judging. Hard.
He enjoys bothering Prowl and hinting at crimes and calls him “Officer” to the point Mesothulas who sees him harrass-flirt with Glitch becomes convinced it is the same thing (it is platonic harrassment) and wants him dead. Prowl reigns him in but he is ready at the drop of a hat to commit murder and Blackarachnia inherits this from him as he encourages it, though Ozzy is doubtful Prowl actually approved of it. Overlord was tempted to actually try flirting just to mess with him, but was certain that Mesothulas would and could actually kill him and he isn’t entirely confident he wants to have to deal with that. Anytime he pisses Prowl off, Mesothulas swans up and asks if his darling wants Mesothulas to kill him, because he would definitely kill him.
I mainly have general vibes and the title of his character focused saga.
OPTION ONE: Perfidia Overlord is an arrogant sadist who embraces violence and subtle manipulations and goes full bastard mode and amuses himself with the Towards Peace crew, eventually betraying them, and dying at the end betraying the [END BOSS] because “Little Gltich” is his to kill and he’s a possessive bastard. (A little boring, angst OverTarn possible, maybe serial killer plotline, meeting and being fascinated by Trepan because I love those bastards together) He'd basically become the Getaway of the story somewhat to make a parallel to MTME/LL.
OPTION TWO: Gignō Overlord slowly becomes close to one particular crew member, treats them harshly, but begins to become close to them. They die. In the interdimensional trip when poor Glitch gets traumatized by his other selves he meets this mech in a different universe and decides to stay with them though he recognizes they are a different person and leave their universe behind.
OPTION THREE: Lupārius This Overlord becomes an actual member of the crew and finds genuine friendship and acceptance. He still is a sadist and clever and sharp and enjoys violence, but he funnels it differently and is like the token evil teammate who brings you dead bodies like a cat and Pharma has to keep chasing away with a spray bottle and scream at to wash the Energon off because it is unhygienic and “no one finds it attractive you feral technimal!” while making bedroom eyes at Captain Glitch. He and Hot Rod have a weird friendship because Hot Rod, as morale and personnel officer, decided Overlord needed to be socialized and did this by win against him once in a fight, he only needed to do it once to get the minimum respect needed. Also they make Fight Club.
Overlord's right to be pissed at the Functionists yes yes
damnnnnn ovey damn. W for killing 3/12 thought—
Overlord, Impactor, Rung, and Arcee grouping together a bit was something I didn't expect but it would be so so interesting
Ykw considering what I've seen in canon and here, yeahhhh Overlord does have a Thing About Authority ™️ and I can see why
Oh he definitely did it for the anarchy and the thrill
Sorry Ovey bae, you missed out on the war that never was.
Overlord and Glitch finding each other in this dance without so many of the factors we typically recognize has gotta be 💖interesting💖
Murder Strut Peacocking indeeeed
Sideswipe I stg💚💚💚
Meso he's not trying to steal your man, he's just Like That sometimes (usually) (often) (very often)
Overlord? Not wanting to deal with an attempt on his live via a very jealous scientist? Fascinating
Oooo damn, that'd turn out so interesting especially considering all the little shit Overlord would continue to pull and how he'd be slowly driving everyone nuts, and the fixation on Glitch driving him to do Whatever The Fuck He Wants even if it means betraying who he's working for? Interesting
This makes me wonder who he'd get close to that dies, who can (try to) soothe the very spicy spark that is Overlord enough that he seeks out another version of them?? Oo
I admit this last one was the vibe I was (kinda?) getting upon first learning Overlord was gonna be part of the crew, and I will never not find the Token evil teammate situation hilarious. Like. Overlord, why are you like this. You bastard. Do you reminisce about the glory of the ring.
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citrinebahng · 1 year
Moments 01 | bang chan
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Characters: Bang Chan x female reader (y/n)
Genre: idol oneshot (both are idols)
⁘ idol series | bc
Warnings: mentions of getting hurt (getting cut), brief mentions of blood, kind of drowning in a non die-ish way(?), random povs (first person, second, third), grammatical errors, grammatical errors and lots of grammatical errors
A/N: I hope you guys excuse my writing. Lemme know if you want more details/parts from each scenario<3
Word Count: 951
Summary: After your relationship has been made public, it didn't take long for the both of you to take advantage of the times whenever you two meet in public and show some pda, giving fans the butterflies with your encounters.
Y/n and her group was nominated for best song of the year on MAMA, along with her being nominated for best OST. The girls were admired for their hard work and how fast their success was even being only 3 years in the industry.
Being on the red carpet was a thrill for the girls. Multiple big idols and groups were seen in the event including Stray Kids.
The red carpet, hosts and cameras and fans warmly greeted the girls. They introduced themselves and hosts started asking them a few questions about the group and a few about y/n and Chan's relationship.
Though it was hard to not get shy about it, she tried to keep things professional by not over sharing and getting all the attention about the relationship instead of the group's achievement.
Later on, Chan and y/n were seen greeting each other and some fans mentioned about a forehead kiss he gave her.
Chan often has vlives to interact with fans. It has been a few weeks after both of your companies have released their official statements confirming the dating rumors.
Just as the live was starting, fans started commenting and asking about the relationship, but Chan wasn't really paying much attention until in the middle of the live for he was busy talking about the song 3racha was working on, casually oversharing about what it's going to be about.
"'Chan, what can you say about y/n getting nominated and winning this year's Best OST Award?'" He said with his aussie accent as he read the comment, getting a little shy as he read your name.
"Um, I can really say that she, uh, they, deserved it very much. And that they've been working really hard for it, and I know how badly she wanted to win alongside with her group." He spoke.
You and Chan have been recently invited to a variety show where k-celebrity couples were to play missions while traveling different places in South Korea.
In one episode, you were brought to a water falls, hidden in the mountains.
Cameras captured moments when Chan would help you climb slippery roads, he'd hold your hand and would ensure your safety even before his.
When you guys reached the place, you then got ready to swim in the water along with your boyfriend and your other friends.
"Wow, after all that walking we finally got here!" Whein, one of your co-hosts said.
"It's really worth it once you get here." Another added.
You were given missions and games to do when you started taping, but mainly it was all about you guys swimming in the falls.
You were so excited to swim that once you got there, you weren't even talking to Chan and was busy swimming, talking to friends and finding fishes that weren't even there.
Whenever Chan felt like the cameras weren't directed to him or you, he'd swim silently to get to you and would jokingly scare you out of the blue.
You'd sometimes hold onto his shoulders whenever he swims, dragging you along with him where ever he went.
One time, he suddenly went down while you were behind him, holding onto his bare shoulders making you unintentionally drink some of the water.
At first he was laughing because of how red your nose became. But then you were already crying because you felt overwhelmed.
"Oh my, are you okay y/n?" Krystal said.
"Ah Chan what did you do?" Seungmin added.
"I'm sorry baby," He said as he wiped the tears and stray hair out of your face and gave you a forehead kiss that made everyone feel butterflies.
"Are you okay?" He asked and you nodded, confirming that you were okay.
You would often visit Chan in his dormitory and spend some nights over. Though you were dating for 4 years, you guys didn't really rush things and keeping things old school, you guys would get married first before settling down and live together. But that was far ahead since you both were focusing on your career.
The day you went over, he was having a vlive in his bedroom. So you didn't bother and went to the kitchen after letting him know that you already arrived.
You were cooking food that he loved since it was near their comeback and he was very stressed about getting everything perfect to not disappoint fans.
Just then, in the middle of his live, you somehow open the door forgetting that he was live, showing him your quickly bleeding finger.
"I don't really want to give spoilers but-" He cut in the middle of his sentence, when he saw you there, bleeding.
"Hey," He left his phone on the bed and went to you directly.
"I was cutting veggies, and," you said through your little sobs.
Ever since you were young, you have always been scared of blood. They made you feel anxious and sick.
He was comforting you through your sobs as he went over to his bed with you and reached for the drawers that probably had first-aid.
The comments were confused why they were hearing sobs, where Chan was (since he can't be seen in the frame) and what happened.
Since you already washed your hands, he quickly wrapped your finger with gauze and wrapped tape to secure it.
After comforting you, you went back to the living room as Chan said he'd be the one to take care of dinner.
He then explained what had happened to fans and they immediately started praising him for prioritizing her and comforting her calmly. He answered a few more questions before ending the live and helping you cook in the kitchen.
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Digi Dynamic Shipping Game
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
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Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not:
Sora and Hikari belong into that category of “Technically, they should be (very) familiar with each other due to their circumstances (and shared character traits), but canon doesn’t really tell you about their dynamics, so you can’t be 100% sure how close they actually are”, which is a bit unfortunate. So for the sake of this analysis, some things are left for interpretation, but let’s look at the circumstances mentioned above first: 
With Hikari being Taichi’s younger sister and Sora being among his oldest friends due to to them having been classmates (and football teammates) since forever, it can be seen as a given that they’ve known each other since before the events of Adventure 01. In the novels, Sora voices her concerns towards Taichi about Hikari being sick and unable to attend camp with them. So far so good. Since Hikari joins the group very late in the series, her main interaction points with Sora consists of “her being sick and Sora taking care of her (mainly in Taichi’s absence)”, which limits their interactions quite a bit. Sora, being the big sister and mom friend, seems to be a natural fit in this situation, caring for her closest friend’s little sister, being protective of her and making sure she doesn’t get hurt in any situation. And while we do not witness them talking to each other a lot, there are a few subtle indicators towards them sharing a gentle bond - and actually being surprisingly similar to one another.
In the PSP game, Sora gets the chance to invite Hikari to come over and play together once their adventures are over, indicating that she does have an interest in forming a closer bond with the younger Yagami beyond everything they’re going through. And why wouldn’t she? Both of them are very empathetic characters that want to make sure that others are okay - and yet, they both shall not be underestimated in their will to fight either, as they both understand the neccesity behind it. In the Dark Masters’ Arc, we see them joining forces in trying to defeat LadyDevimon - and they’re both getting very passionate about it. Up to this point, the viewer has seen glimpses of Hikari being determined - but in this moment, she basically copies Sora’s expression 1:1, indicating that them spending time may have influenced her to come out of her shell more now that she sickness has worn off. It’s really subtle, but, at least in my opinion, a very endearing interpretation of Sora inspiring Hikari, causing her to look up to her.
As for the rest of the series, we do not get a lot - there are only very minor interactions in 02 and Tri; as seen above, Hikari pokes gentle fun at Sora for mentioning a “generational drift” between them - also indicating that the age difference between them of three years actually matters. With Sora being as busy with tennis as she is in 02, they do not appear to be generally close - even if Hikari is the first one she chooses to contact once she feels that Piyomon is in danger. All their other interactions are mostly spent together Mimi, Miyako and/or Meiko (and Hikari usually takes a step back when Mimi teases Sora about various things regarding her “love life”, just smiling serenely at the back). One last thing that definitely bonds them together though - which gets very apparent in the stageplay -, is that they both HIGHLY worry about Taichi(s tendency to isolate and shutting them out).
Long story short - there is not nothing, but you have to read between the lines a lot. A subtle bond is definitely visible, but they do not share the closest of friendships, despite their similarities.
Whether I think why and how they’d work:
From a general point of view, their bond actually appears to be more that of two sisters - if Hikari grew up witnessing Sora being close with Taichi, her thinking of Sora as a big sister would make a lot of sense. In return, Sora thinking of Hikari as a little sister upon seeing Taichi taking care of her, spending time together while she’s being more vulnerable, also seems very plausible and in line with her personal character structure. Due to their lack of significant interaction, it’s not as easy to see romantic potential in them though; as much as they might bond over their shared closeness to Taichi (because, let’s be real, they’d be shaking their heads over him together a LOT), seeing them fall for each other requires a lot of imagination. They do seem comfortable in each other’s presence overall - and Sora’s protectiveness towards Hikari may potentially result in her feelings blooming into something more. But she would definitely fret over that at first - falling for her closest friend’s sister of all people would make her overthink immensely and may cause her to withdraw from her (and everyone else) to sort out her own feelings. (In general, Sora discovering her lesbian side will always requite a lot of self-reflection, because that’d be part of her journey of figuring out what SHE really wants/needs and how that may contradict tradionalism.)
In a scenario in which they actually end up together, I could kind of see it being a very communicative, mutually caring relationship - even though they’d probably get into fights over who of them is more selfless and needs to accept the other’s help more. But maybe that’s exactly what they’d need to snap out of their overly selfless tendencies, realizing that letting someone else care for you is just as important as you taking care of them. Especially with Hikari becoming more and more vocal as the series progresses, she may be the perfect mirror for Sora to realize things like these.
Taichi brain may need a while to come to terms with that turn of events, whereas Mimi and Miyako would celebrate them hard - and I think them being together may actually cause all the girls to spend more time with each other. Even if I can see them spending a lot of alone time as well, cooking or going out for dinner; Hikari would absolutely love to document all of Sora’s work (whether it’s ikebana or fashion design) and creating albums for them and all their friends.
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship:
As sweet as a romantic bond between them could potentially be, I do prefer the sisterly angle between them. (Even if the idea of Sora falling for Taichi’s sister is just too ironic not to find it funny.)
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marinerainbow · 1 year
I've talked about how Poppy would treat the weasels here and there. But I've never really discussed how I imagine their friendship would be (if they could be friends). So here it is!
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(If my resources are correct, yellow roses symbolize friendship)
Since Poppy lives Downtown and has heard a lot about them, it would more than likely take a lot for her to trust them, let alone be friends with them (though she would be polite/nice either way. She believes one should take the high ground and remain at least civil during meetings. But she'll still be cautious). Though if she did grow to trust them, and they trusted her...
Poppy is the mom friend. The kind who will call you up just to make sure you're taking care of yourself, or try to be the mediator when there's conflict. So, in a way, that kind of makes her the opposite to Smartass' more harsh approach. But, even with his abrasive attitude, he does care for his team as well.
Even though she's not an official member of the gang, she would care for the others like she was. So she'd be talking to Smartass and asking him how things have been going, and she'll even ask how he is doing ("You seem really stressed. Are you ok?"). He may try to deny he needs help, but she can see through it (she knows too well trying to hide your problems rather than reaching out for help).
Smarty, I imagine, probably isn't used to people fretting over him. And he doesn't want to look weak since he's supposed to be the boss. He'd probably be harsh with her in the beginning, both to hide his confusion and subconsciously trying to see if Poppy is actually going to stick around.
It would take a long time for her to get through to him. Once she does though, he starts sharing more with her; what's going on with the group, how business is going, and eventually... He may accept her help whenever she offers it. And when that happens, they are officially the mom and dad of the group (the other weasels make jokes about this, it drives Smartass insane).
Greasy and Poppy would be an... Odd pairing. This weasel flirts with anything that moves, and that includes Poppy. And considering his approach with women, she uh... Gets overwhelmed, to say the least (she may or may not have held a chair against him like a gladiator at one or two points). So yeah, Greasy was only interested in getting some at first, and Poppy tried to keep her distance from him as much as she could.
Though, she still would have tried to ask about him if she doesn't see him. Mainly because she's friends with the others, and feels bad about not asking about him. Though she still does show care. And when she saw him genuinely upset for the first time (which was quite a shock to her; she's used to flirty Greasy, not negative Greasy), she would take the initiative to try to help him. Which in turn, would show Greasy the kind of person she was (he did always know, since it's his job to know people... But he was also blinded by the horny most of the time 😅). And seeing these different sides to each other probably would have been the turning point for their relationship.
Greasy probably does still flirt on occasion. But it's more him trying to be playful and less because he has an agenda (not that he would oppose getting laid if she was interested. This is still Greasy we're talking about after all 😅), and Poppy now takes it with a grain of salt. But more often than not, they'd be more like the 'extrovert adopts introvert' friends. Greasy tries to invite Poppy to go with him when he goes out, he shares the Toontown gossip with her (she wasn't much for gossip before... Buuut Greasy has ways of getting her full attention XD). And Poppy is just there, nodding along with him, and making sure he doesn't flirt with anyone he's not supposed to.
Also, they're totally cooking buddies. I love the idea of Greasy being the best cook, and Poppy would be pretty decent in the kitchen too (she's lived on her own for years. She's gotta be skilled for her own sake). They'd be spilling the tea in the kitchen and taste each other's cooking, and share recipes. Which she absolutely uses against him if necessary, ("Greasy! If you flirt with that married woman- I see the ring, and I know for a fact you do too- I'm taking away the chicken parmesan recipe!")
Being the most chill member of the group, Wheezy was probably the one Poppy found herself drawn to. Yes, his appearance and smoking was alarming to her at first, and she's still worried about Wheezy (even if they are toons). But between a guy with a napoleon complex, a serial pervert, a giggling loon, and a big oaf with a bat, Poppy would prefer being on the side of the room with the quiet guy.
They more than likely didn't talk that much. Especially at the beginning. They both can appreciate the quiet. As long as Poppy doesn't try to bother him while smoking, Wheezy wouldn't mind having her around. And when the others are being crazy, they both glance at each other in understanding for what's about to happen.
Since she doesn't want to disturb him and he doesn't show any interest in conversation (that she picked up on at least), then she would be nervous about talking with him outside of the usual checkup. So this time, it'd actually probably be Wheezy who opens up first. Maybe he asks how she's doing, or brings up a topic that he thinks she might be interested in. And if he does, Poppy would be happy to chat.
He also can help calm her down, in a way. If one or more of the others are stirring chaos, and Wheezy isn't reacting in any way, Poppy takes that as a sign that things are still cool. Or, when they get close enough, she starts opening up with him about what's on her mind (and offers him her own ear too). They'd just be two, very relaxed buds.
Also, as a bonus. I hc Wheezy has some sort of intuition pertaining to the whether. And Poppy will ask him what he thinks the whether will be more often than not, especially if she's got a bad feeling, ("Hey, Wheezy? What do you think is gonna happen today?" "Eh... A storm is brewing. Gonna be a loud one. Why?" *internally screaming in astraphobia*)
Another odd and very unexpected friendship would be Psycho and Poppy. They are from the same genre, but on two different sides. Not to mention with how easily frightened Poppy is, anyone would have expected Psycho to scare her off more than Gressy would have. And, initially, he did frighten her.
But, at the same time, they come from the same genre. They know what kind of life the other must have lived, they know what the other must have gone through during their time in front of the camera. They don't know each other, but there is an underlying sense of understanding for the other.
And that would have led them to finding out they have similarities. They're both oddballs in their own way, they both have interests in things more macabre (Psycho, everything related to horror. And Poppy, history, including the darker aspects of history, etc), and some things they both like. Like chatting about insects and paradoxes.
Sure, he may still startle her- both accidentally and purposefully- and there are things he does that greatly concern her, and she would be constantly apologizing for him in public ("I'm so sorry sir. Please, you don't have to call the police, he's my friend, I'll take care of this."). But they both look out for each other, and there are things that they share only with each other. Because they understand each other.
Stupid, in her eyes at the very least, is the sweetest member among all of them. Sure, he's clumsy, not the brightest, and follows Smartass' orders, but there's no way he can be that bad, right? She can hardly believe that Stu is a part of this gang in all honesty.
They probably would have taken the least amount of time to become friends. Stupid likes talking to people, and Poppy wouldn't mind a conversation with him. And she wouldn't really have the heart to get irritated at him- or anybody- if she had to translate things for him ("-And that's only going to exacerbate things." "What do you mean?" "Well you know how they can get." "No, what does 'ex-ah-cer-bate' mean?" "Oh! It means 'to make things worse'.")
Honestly, I can see her taking on like a big sister role for him. Sticking up for him when some stranger is giving him a hard time, and offering to help him better understand things he has trouble with. And I think Stupid would like that a lot. And even if she didn't help him, she is still nice to him; who can turn down kindness?
Also, Stupid would love sharing his interests in baking and sci-fi media, and Poppy would be more than happy to listen. Especially with baking; she isn't the greatest at baking since she doesn't do it so often, so this is Stupid's chance to teach Poppy instead of the other way around!
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The Biggest Music Hero In The History Of Hong Kong, Master Joseph Koo Ka-fai—Our Quiet Friendship And The 2 Great Lessons Given by him
Music that has no past, neither has present…nor future.
The first phonograph record was released in Hong Kong in the 1930s. Cantonese opera ditties and folk songs were popular in those days. Honouring the old music masters of Hong Kong like heroes is the gesture that we can show for all the hard work and sacrifices which they did for our city in the past.
The greatest pop music master of Hong Kong Joseph Koo(顧嘉煇), born in 1931, passed away in Canada in 2023 at the ripe old age of 92. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. God will never abandon his family and friends, and shall provide them with love to take place of sorrow.
During Master Koo’s golden days, singers in Hong Kong could not afford to lose face without one and would bide their time to wait for a song written by him. He wrote more than 1,200 songs for the history of Hong Kong covering the time periods of 1960s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s. His first published song is called ‘Dream’(夢) as the theme song for the movie Love Without End(不了情) in 1961. His music touches people of Hong Kong emotionally, straight from the heart. His powerful songs produce a kind of pleasure and satisfaction which we cannot do without. They have become the spiritual language in our city. His most popular song ‘Below the Lion Rock’(獅子山下), almost the city anthem of Hong Kong, is a homage that, generation after generation, will be preserved here.
The medal of Gold Bauhinia Star(GBS) was awarded by Hong Kong government in 2015 to Master Koo for his distinguished music contributions of a very high degree of merit to the community. My femtor who initiated the heart-warming efforts to procure such an honour for Master Koo upon his retirement has also vanished gracefully from the political scene of Hong Kong. Time and tide wait for no man. I feel grey too, in whatever meaning of the word.
Master Koo was much older than me. It was not contrived circumstances that brought us together. About 20 years ago, I met him accidentally in the backstage area of a concert presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra in the 2000s. We chatted and had a lot of shared life experience. People of two widely different age groups thus started to reach out to each other. He had his circle of pop music friends and I mainly came across people in the legal and fine art sectors. Yet, true friends were those whom trust came by and conversations could bring out our shared fun and understanding. Master Koo and I were like spices and we added flavours to each other’s life, intersecting as much as interacting.
I told him how I became a lawyer despite my dream of being a writer. He told me why he chose music instead of painting as his career. I told him why I left TVB station as a part-time scriptwriter in the 1980s. He told me how he joined TVB as their Music Director after studying in the Berklee College of Music in the 1960s. I told him I would present a play pertinent to our classic Cantonese opera The Purple Harpin(紫釵記). He told me he was asked to write a book which would be a mixture of autobiography and his songs. But, he hesitated as he felt tired of taking up such a task.
Master Koo travelled regularly between Hong Kong and his second home in Vancouver. When he was in Hong Kong, I would invite him to have a cup of coffee in a quiet local City Garden Hotel in North Point—only 2 of us, since he and I lived in 2 drastically different social circles and we had no close friends in common to be invited. We talked about art, culture, life and Hong Kong—why quality music was in a decline and how people could get hold of their dreams in the midst of all of that social instability in which we were living. Master was taciturn but very ready to bounce ideas off me.
My regular talks with Master Koo remind me of a world famous book Tuesdays with Morrie, first published in 1997, except that ours is a happy but not sad story. In that book, Mitch Albom, the author, visited his former college professor Morrie Schwartz regularly and Morrie taught him the practice of forgiveness. Master Koo taught me in a slightly different way: not everything in life was within our control and not letting go would not change our fate. Giving ourselves more time to enjoy peace and self-pampering would be the true meaning of freedom of life: the freedom of lifestyle and the freedom of not meeting the irrelevant people, no matter good, bad or ugly. He practised what he preached. After announcing formally his retirement in 2015, he cut off a lot of social contacts and devoting more time to himself and family only was the most agreeable way of fulfilling the remaining days of his life. He painted a lot, mostly about the scenic beauty around him. He enjoyed internet surfing which, like music, would let him spread his wings and soar into the air of an artist’s imagination. He still made songs, not for any commercial reason but only pleasing his creative vitality. For Master Koo, sedentariness would mean happy humility after a superstar like him fading away.
I learnt 2 life lessons from Master Koo and they are invaluable and worth cherishing. He told me that it was important not to live life on purpose but live life by accident. Luck was just a matter of hard work meeting opportunity. During World War II, he got no proper education and was forced by circumstances to become a nightclub pianist. He never gave up. He tried to be the best nightclub musician and so when the provost of Berklee College of Music stayed in Hong Kong for a short while and spotted his talent, he was offered a scholarship to study music. He was poor with a family to support. Master Koo was fortunate to get the surprising generous monetary gift from the movie tycoon Sir Run Run Shaw(邵逸夫) through his senior singer friend Mona Fong(方逸華). He completed his music education in Boston and returned to Hong Kong to work as the Music Director of TVB, the biggest television station in Hong Kong. He thrived on overcoming obstacles and deadlines and finally became the most successful music composer in the history of Hong Kong. Master Koo warmly smiled, “When an opportunity arises to test yourself, try to imagine it is also good luck and you must pick a course which may mean improving your life, no matter how many hardships that you will endure!”
He also taught me that human beings were tiny and feeble. We could not resist the acts of God. He sighed, “People liked to compliment me on my ‘great’ achievements. I don’t feel the same. My life is just a chronicle of the social milieu and cultural circumstance of Hong Kong existent in the 1960s to 1980s. During those days, the majority of the population in Hong Kong, a small city, got chiefly TV as their entertainment and this was why so many people could be familiar with my songs written for TV drama. Now, Hong Kong is part of a much bigger country and Asia too. It is no longer easy for a small city to start trends and we have to follow trends. Music fads come and go and we, as pop musicians, could only identify what trends to listen to and what trends to stay away from. No music piece is timeless unless our work, despite the trend, also embraces our own unique style which is about how you carry yourself in order to stand out.” 
There are too many inspiring stories told by Master Koo that I want to share. He told stories about himself inside his own soul. Beautifully, his stories inspire me partially what I am today as a writer. We all learn and build ourselves out of stories of others, especially stories from a great hero like Master Koo who is the epitome of taste, wisdom and etiquette.
Look up at the sky. I saw clouds. There was a cloud which must be Master Koo. I miss this charming old gentleman Master Joseph Koo very much—sitting in solitude now, I want to be reticent and still like Master. Busy life at a certain stage of life can be meaningless. Calm yourself, get to feel your inner voice and listen to the song that Master Koo loves very much—‘Heart will Brush Aside’ (忘盡心中情)…
Maurice Lee
Chinese Version 中文版: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ji-shou-wo-he-gu-79042995?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
1st song composed by Master Joseph Koo: “Dream”  https://youtu.be/jmxwrQdaLMA  Acknowledgement-Andy G
Song “Take care, Tonight” composed by Master Wong Fook Ling  https://youtu.be/lF_A-aXdoTU  Acknowledgement-Alan Kayangan
Master Joseph Koo’s Interview   https://youtu.be/1X1QEdXpmnM  Acknowledgement-HKCO
Song composed by Master Joseph Koo: “Below the Lion Rock”  https://youtu.be/kKWA3aOjsXg Acknowledgement-沿途有你2
TVB/TVBS News Music by Master Joseph Koo  https://youtu.be/S5wyNnVqbvs  Acknowledgement-1912dzsnt
Song “Interlude”  https://youtu.be/7qXej8xJeLk  Acknowledgement-jpeglariosa  
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tetsurouskuro · 4 years
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pairing: bokuto koutarou x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, smut, slight angst, breeding kink, unprotected sex, public sex, bokuto does the kabedon
word count: 5,006
a/n: this is my submission for the Haikyuu Headquarters second NSFW server collab! this time it’s the prompt “Guess I’ll just have to cum inside you.” you can find the masterlist HERE by the amazing @vixen-scribbles who is my queen so go give her a follow! 💖
thank you @deathcab4daddy​ & @gallickingun​ for beta reading, ily guys so much (go give them a follow if you aren’t already)! 💖
now enjoy; feedback is always appreciated! <3
tag list: @miamiya (message me if you want to be included)
Synopsis: Three years has passed since you got your heart broken by your one true love Bokuto Koutarou. A high school reunion is about to take place at Fukurodani Academy. What will happen when you finally meet your ex boyfriend? 
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Your eyes scanned the invitation card from your high school. Reading every word that’s written. A high school reunion. The thought alone makes you think of him. Wondering how he’s doing. He may be your ex and the boy who broke your heart, but he was your first and still to this day, your only love, and you knew why he did it. He had his reasons.
He had talked you through it before you both graduated high school. He had told you that he wanted to focus on volleyball and that he was going to move away from Tokyo, and you were not the type to try and stop him. You wanted him to succeed. You also had to think about your future and what you wanted to achieve. Both of you went your separate ways, heartbroken that you could not be together anymore.
Bokuto succeeded in achieving his dream. He was playing in big arenas with huge crowds, on TV and he was a well-known volleyball player. The number 4 ace and captain from Fukurodani made it big, just like he promised you all those years ago.
You sighed and placed the card onto your fridge. There was still one week left until the reunion, and it wasn’t like Bokuto would show up. He was busy with volleyball, especially since a new season just started. 
You sigh and turn around to grab the warm coffee cup and head to your couch. Once seated you turn on Netflix and start a random show. Grabbing your phone, you go to the search bar on Facebook and search for your ex-boyfriend. Once the two of you had broken up you had unfriended him immediately. You knew it was going to be hard to get over him, so to save you from having to see his posts and face on Facebook, you removed him.
He’s the first one that pops up. You share mutual friends, so it isn’t that weird. You go to pictures and see him with all sorts of different people, smiling and laughing. Sometimes even looking, upset?
Sighing you close the application, lock your phone, and toss it next to you on the couch. Closing your eyes, you throw your head back against the headrest, hoping and praying that Bokuto doesn’t show up to the reunion.
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Wearing a black evening gown with a front slit, thin shoulder straps, and a pair of black heels you step into the big gymnasium where the rest of all the third years are gathered. A waitress walks up to you with a tray in hand, offering you a welcome drink, probably champagne. You take a glass and nod your thanks. Taking a sip, you sigh and take in your surroundings. People are standing in groups, chatting, and laughing. You see Yamato, Konoha, Haruki, Yukie, and Kaori in the middle. Konoha looks your way and you lock eyes. He smiles widely and waves you over. The rest of the gang turns around and sees you too, all of them start to yell at you to rush over.
You smile at them and head towards the squad.
“(y/n)! you’re here!” Yukie excitedly exclaims.
“Yes. Here I am,” you laugh. “How’s everyone? Haven’t seen you all in ages.”
 You stand there talking with everyone. You chug the rest of your glass and turn around to grab another just as a round of applause is heard. You follow everyone’s gaze and see someone enter the gymnasium.
“Hey, hey, heeeeeey!” The voice echoes. A familiar voice.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” You chant and shove your champagne glass to Yukie. “I need to use the loo.”
“Wait- (y/n)!” She yells after you, but you’re already headed for the door that leads you towards the nearest toilet.
Your heart is beating hard, you can feel your pulse rising. Adrenaline has kicked in and you feel nervous. You’re breathing heavily as you reach the door, turning around slightly to just peek at the man that has made you react this way.
He hasn’t spotted you yet. He’s surrounded by girls and boys, welcoming their former ace to the reunion. You stand there, the door slightly opened, your body halfway through the doorframe and take him in.
He’s wearing ripped black jeans, a matching black tee, black vans, and a light blue jean jacket. His hair is spiked the same way as usual and his golden eyes are filled with happiness. He laughs loudly and scans the room like he’s looking for someone and then his orbs land on you. The way he gazes at you makes your whole-body shiver and you feel like you can’t breathe. You stand still, watching him watch you for a second more until you turn your body back and go through the door and towards the ladies’ room.
Once inside you stand by the door, back against it, trying to control your breathing.
Okay (y/n), calm down! Act normal and don’t freak out!
After 5 minutes you turn around and push the door and walk out, walking back to the gymnasium. You pass a hallway when suddenly-
“Jesus fucking christ!” You jump. “Don’t scare me like that.” You exclaim and turn around and are met with a pair of golden eyes.
“Ah sorry,” Bokuto speaks, his hand rubbing the back of his head. “I just wanted to see how you were feeling. You rushed out so fast.”
“I’m fine,” you sigh. “I just needed to use the toilet.”
“Oh. Okay.” There’s a long pause. Both of you are silent.
“Bokuto-kun!” A female voice yells out, interrupting the awkward silence and you turn around to see where the female is.
“I should head back. Yukie is probably waiting for me,” you lie. “It was nice seeing you Bokuto,” you smile at him and turn around to leave, but he grabs you by the forearm and pulls you towards him.
“Let’s take a walk around the school. I don’t wanna head back just yet.”
“Bokuto I-“
“Please (y/n)? I haven’t seen you in ages and I just wanna talk.”
“Fine,” you sigh.
“Great,” he smiles. “Let’s go then!” He grabbed your hand instead and intertwined his fingers with yours as he dragged you down the hallway and escaped the voice of the girl that was calling his name.
He suddenly stops outside of your old classroom and you both stand there, panting and trying to control each other’s breathing.
“Felt like a teenager doing that,” he laughs. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just need a moment.” Still panting, you stay silent, and watch his tall frame. You stand up straight and clear your throat. Bokuto turns his body sideways and looks at you.
“Do you think it’s open?”
“I don’t know, but what do you wanna talk about Bokuto?” You speak up, wanting to get away from this situation. “We broke up. We’re exes, we’re not supposed to be like this.”
The silence returns, Bokuto’s eyes never leaving yours. You watch him, still out of breath you feel an aching pain in your chest. You fist both of your hands beside your body, tears starting to form in your eyes.
“I- shit,” you curse and let out a small laugh. “I need to leave.” You’re just about to turn around when Bokuto’s right arm slams itself on the wall to your left, stopping you in your tracks. You press your back to the wall and raise your head so you can meet his gaze. His tall frame towering over you.
“Don’t,” he sighs. “Don’t leave.” You don’t listen to his plea and try to leave again but this time he slams his left arm on the wall, caging you in.
“Bokuto. Let me go!”
“I- What?”
“I came to this reunion mainly so I could see you,” he pauses before continuing. “I made up my mind that if you came, I would try to get you back, ‘cause I still fucking love you.” His golden eyes stare right into yours. You can see the determination in them.
“The way we broke things off, I should never have ended it that way. We shouldn’t have ended it that way. If I could go back and change it, I would’ve made you come with me. I was stupid to let you go.”
“Bokuto, I-“
“And stop calling me Bokuto!” he fumes. “You never called me that while we were dating and-“
“We’re not dating now!” You respond, interrupting him.
“I know!” He slams his right fist on the wall, making you jump. You have never seen Bokuto this upset before, not even when you broke up.
“I’m sorry. Shit (y/n) I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me. I-“
“It’s okay, Bo! It’s… fine,” you sigh out that last word. You let your head hang low, watching the ground, seeing how close his body is to you. You gulp, trying to contain your thoughts. You haven’t had any sexual contact with anyone for as long as you can remember, and seeing Bokuto now, here, this close makes you clench your thighs together. But you would not let your sexual desires over him take over. If he wanted you back, he had to tell you, and apologize.
“When I- We broke up I did it because I wanted to focus on volleyball.”
“Yeah, I know that.”
“Wait, let me finish.” You stay silent and let him continue.
“I wanted you to come with me, I wanted you with me so badly and I thought that I couldn’t let you come with me because I didn’t want you to stop chasing your dreams. Volleyball was my ambition, not yours.” He pauses for a second, collecting his thoughts and breathing before continuing. 
“But I was wrong and dumb. I didn’t ask what you wanted, I just assumed and chose for you. I should’ve talked it out with you, asked you if you wanted to come with me and I didn’t. I fucked up,” he takes a deep breath before yet again continuing talking, expressing his emotions.
“Over these past few years, I haven’t been able to let you go. You were always on my mind. You had taken over my head so bad that I started seeing things. Seeing you on the streets, in the audience while I was playing. I never stopped thinking about you. I even stalked your Facebook multiple times and-”
“You stalked my Facebook?” You look up, watching him. Your heart beating fast against your ribcage.
“Yeah, not my proudest moment but I did. I needed to see your face, needed to see what you were doing, and if you were seeing someone. If you were as miserable as I was,” he sighs, his eyes watching yours. “Please (y/n) I am desperate. I want you back. Give me a second chance. I need you back in my life. If you just give me a small chance, I will prove it to you that I will be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.”
Bokuto sighs out loudly, like he was in pain, and places a kiss on top of your head before sinking so his eyes are in front of yours. His face just mere inches from yours.
“Just give me one chance. Just one so I can have you back. I want you (y/n). I want to be able to call you mine again. I just need one-“
You decide to instead of using words you crash your lips against his. Cutting him off mid-sentence, wrapping your arms around his neck. It only takes Bokuto a few seconds to respond by kissing you back, his body pressing itself close to yours, his forearms bracing him on the wall.  
You break off the kiss, bite your lip, and look into his golden shimmering eyes. “I never stopped loving you either.”
“Really? I expected you to have a boyfriend or fiancé by now.”
“No,” you groan. “I tried dating, but nobody compares to you.” He smiles widely at your words. Like a kid on Christmas morning.
“I’ll try to give you everything I can Bo, I’ll try-“
“Everything means nothing if I can’t have you (y/n)!” Blushing you look down, but Bokuto grabs your face in his hands and presses a kiss on your lips again. And again. You fist a handful of his shirt in your palms and press your body close to his, feeling his semi poking you and showing how much he wants you.
“You’re mine, (y/n). I love you so much,” he moans against your lips and then pushes his tongue inside of your mouth. His hands moving to grab your ass, pushing your pelvis against his. “I’m gonna prove it to you. I need you now. No time to waste.”
He pushes himself off you and turns around, trying to open your old classroom door and to his luck it does. His wide smile is back as he ushers you in.
“Wait- Bo! We can’t, not here.”
“Aww c’mon baby, it’ll be fun and besides,” he pauses, still looking at you as he undoes his belt. “I always wanted to fuck you in this classroom back in the day.”
His sentence makes you hurry inside, and you look around the now unfamiliar classroom. You hear Bokuto close and lock the door, the sound of his zipper being pulled down makes you turn around and face him. His pants are undone but still around his hips.
“Come here baby,” obeying, you take a few steps forward and stop once you’re in front of him. Both of his hands grab you by the waist and pull you forward, his lips instantly crashing to yours. His lips don’t stay on yours too long as they start to travel down the side of your neck towards your exposed collarbone. While his lips are giving your upper body some attention, his hands push your dress up, exposing your black lace thong to his fingertips.
Bokuto recognizes the material and stops his movements just so he can peek at your underwear. He grunts.
“Do you… like them?”
“I love them, baby. Jesus Christ.” Bokuto’s lips return to yours, his index and middle finger tracing the outline of your slit, making you squirm. He then removes them and ushers you to get up on one of the desks, and you do, but not before you remove your thong as sexy as you can, and throw it on the ground nearby.
“Babe, you’re gonna be the death of me!” he exclaims in a groan and hurries back to you. His body standing between your thighs. A slight breeze passes making you shudder, your nipples peek through your dress. Bokuto notices this and instantly with both of his hands, he pushes your dress down your arms and chest, making your breast spring free.
“Haven’t touched these girls in years,” he speaks while palming them both. “So beautiful.”
“Bo- I-“
“Shh love. It’s all about you now,” he removes his right hand just so he can tease your opening. Lubricating your core with your wetness before inserting a finger inside you, making you moan and throw your head back.
“Baby. Look at me,” he groans. You pull your head back and watch him. He removes his left hand and places it beside you, bracing all his weight on it while his other hand is occupied with your cunt. His finger going in and out of you, your walls clamping around him tightly. He snickers at how wet you feel around him and adds another finger, his middle and ring finger are fucking you slowly, too slow for your liking.
“Bokuto, please. I want more,” you moan.
“Easy now baby, I wanna savor this moment. Feeling your wet cunt around my fingers after such a long time,” he grunts. “God baby, you’re so wet.”
“I know, it’s all for you Bokuto.”
He licks his lips seductively and leans in closer to you, his breath hits your neck and makes your whole body shudder. His tongue comes out and licks you up from your collarbone to your ear, nibbling at your earlobe and making you let out a sigh in pleasure.
“Do you like that, hmm?” He snickers. “Do you like my fingers inside you (y/n)?”
“Y-Yes Bo, I-I love them,” you moan. He lets out a slight “fuck” as he rests his forehead on your shoulder and thrusts his digits harder inside your wet and aching core. Wanting you to cum so badly. He arches his fingers inside you, making them hit your g-spot.
“Bo, please. I’m so close,” you groan. “I want to cum so badly, please.” You keep on whining to him, the once familiar feeling returning to the pit of your stomach. The pressure in your lower abdomen is getting higher and higher. Your legs start to shake and in just a couple of seconds, you’re releasing yourself around his fingers, your right-hand wraps itself around his wrist, nails digging into his soft skin as you moan out loudly from orgasming. 
“Kou!” you scream, your walls clamping themselves around him, his fingers still going in and out of you, your legs shaking and your pelvis grinding itself on his hand. Eyes closed and mouth wide open and panting, trying to get your breathing under control.
After a minute, you open your eyes and are met by a smug smile as he removes his fingers and raises his hand to his lips, licking your juices off his fingers while still maintaining eye contact with you. 
“I missed the taste of you baby,” he groans. His long fingers going inside that beautiful mouth of his. A big smile on his lips, his excitement palpable. 
Once he has licked his fingers clean, he moves his hands to his pants and starts to pull them down his long legs along with his briefs, his cock springing free and colliding with his lower abdomen. Precum leaking from the tip. 
Your eyes are glued on his hard member. It’s as beautiful as you remember, two veins going around his shaft, the pink head craving attention. 
Your eyes never leave his crotch as his hand goes down and wraps itself around his hard cock, moving up and down slowly.
“You’re so eager, I love it baby, so sexy when you look at me like that,” his voice speaks, making you look up and meet his golden eyes. He takes a small step forward and with his hand that’s around his cock he traces your lips, mixing his precum with your wetness. 
“Wait Kou- Condom!” You moan. The fact that you managed to even utter those words surprised you, but you didn’t know who he’s been with.
“I didn’t bring one,” he answers. “Guess I’ll just have to cum inside you instead,” he groans and rams himself inside you. Your walls clenching around him tightly. Your heat making his cock twitch from excitement. 
“Fuck Kou, you- you feel amazing.”
“Fuck, you’re so tight, baby. I can feel you pulsating around me.” He’s still for a moment, letting you get used to him. Had he gotten bigger since you last were with him? Or had it just been such a long time since you’ve had sex? It didn’t matter to you, you loved the feeling of him stretching your walls, making your tight cunt ache for him to move.
His hips backtrack only to force themself back to you, colliding and hitting your g-spot, making you throw your head back and grip the edge of the table hard. Your eyes are closed as you take in all the pleasure that he’s giving you. He repeats the same action, he grunts and you moan at the friction.
“Baby look at me,” he moans, his hand going to your cheek, holding it with his large palm. “I want you to look at me.”
You answer him by moaning, opening your (y/e/c) eyes looking at him, pleasure displayed on his handsome face as he starts to increase both his speed and the power of his thrusts. His hips colliding against yours with a strong force. The pleasure is displayed on your face, a lewd look as you’re loving the way he continues to ram himself inside of you.
“I’m gonna cum inside of that pretty cunt, baby. I’m gonna fill you up with my cum,” he moans loudly, not caring if anyone hears him. He loved the excitement of knowing you could get busted having sex in your old classroom but he didn’t care. He had craved you for 3 long years and he wasn’t going to let this moment pass up. 
“I want a future with you,” he continues. “I want to marry you. I want to get you pregnant.” 
This makes your cunt clench for him. Your walls clamping themselves tightly around him. Marrying him? Pregnant? 
"Oh, you'd like that baby? You want me to breed you, baby?" His thrust hits hard, his cock going deep into your core. His eyes travel down, watching his cock going and out of you. The wetness surrounding it like lube, making it easy for him to thrust in and out of you. His gaze is locked on where both of you connect, watching the way your cunt swallows him whole.
"Fuck baby. Beg for me to fill you, I know you love the feel of my cum inside you."
"Oh god Kou, please fill me with your cum. Breed me," you almost sing. Your voice is filled with all kinds of emotions, pleasure consuming you.
"You want me to breed you, baby? Fill you up with all my sperm," he moans, his hands holding your hips in place as his thrusts got deeper and deeper inside you. The tip of his cock grazing your g-spot viciously, the pressure in your abdomen getting stronger after each thrust. The thought of you swollen with his child made him even harder and closer to reaching his climax. 
"Cum for me baby, I want you to cum for me. Cum with me. I'm so close," his thrusts get sloppier and you know he is near his release. 
"Cum with me Koutarou. Let's do it together."
"Fuck (y/n)," his whole body stills as he ejaculates inside you. The warmth of his semen spurting in you, coating your walls and you follow him soon afterward. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you coat his cock with your release. 
Your body is shaking from the intense orgasm you just had, your teeth biting into your lower lip and you feel him move, his still hard cock going in and out of you. Bokuto is making sure that his cum doesn’t come out, to make sure you’re bred and hoping you get pregnant from this. 
"Mhm Kou," you moan. Your eyes glance up to his face. A big smile was plastered on his lips. 
"That was so hot baby. I want more."
"I don't think I can stand," you giggle. His eyes are watching you, the smile on your face making his heart squeeze harder and being filled with all his love for you. 
"What now?" Your tender voice asks. 
"I'm waiting."
"... On what?" 
"For you to calm down before I go for round two,” he smirks. 
“W-Wait. Hold on. Round two?”
“You didn’t think I was already finished with you, baby? I’m just getting started.” With that being said, he flips you over. The action making his cock get pulled out from your heat. 
You’re bent over and your front is pressed against the now warm desk. His hands start to caress your body, from the base of your neck to your naked ass. He gives your ass some attention before slapping each cheek, making you jump from the sudden action.
"I could just cum from the sight of you," he grunts. "I'm gonna cum inside you again, to make sure you're bred."
"Kou-tarou~," you moan as he enters you without warning, his cock rock hard and coated in both your juices and his semen. His hands holding your hips still as he thrusts deep inside you. Ramming his cock hard into your wet and tight core. His fingertips are digging hard into your flawless skin, leaving a mark but you don’t care. The only thing that’s going through your mind right now is the way his cock is pounding into your wet and swollen cunt.
"I won't stop until you're dripping with my cum, to be sure you're pregnant with my child," he almost screams. "Jesus fuck baby the way you clench around me is wonderful."
Your cunt clenches harder around his cock, the thought of being pregnant with his child makes you reach some kind of bliss that you never thought you could. The soft image pops up in your mind for a second, but it’s soon gone as one of his hands grabs your shoulder, his other following suit.
You can feel his semen leaking out as he continues to ram into you, and you know he notices it cause he lets out a snicker. 
"My cum is seeping out of your pussy, but I'll fill you up again baby. I'll fill you up again and again."
"Kou- I'm gonna cum again," you moan. Your left hand holding the edge of the desk while your right one is in front of you, trying to grab something and it does as Bokuto's right hand comes forward and intertwines with yours, clamping around it. His body pressed against yours. Feeling his breath on your neck.
"Say it, baby, say what I want to hear."
"P-Put a baby inside me Koutarou please."
"Fuck yes," he moans vocally, biting down on your neck as he fills your cunt with his cum, the feel of his cum inside you again makes you clench around him and you reach your climax. 
"Yeah, my cum makes you orgasm so fucking hard right baby?"
"Mhm," you answer, too worn out to even form your own words. 
You press the side of your face on the desk and close your eyes. You're breathing heavily, so is Bokuto. His warm breath hitting your neck, making goosebumps form on all of your body. 
"I'm getting soft."
"Oh my god!" You giggle. 
"Stop. You're making me fall out, stop it!" This makes you laugh out loud, this man who just minutes ago went all sex god on you is now filled with concern. 
"Are you alright though? I wasn't too hard? Or rough? Or-"
"Baby, you were perfect," you answer in a giggle, interrupting his worrying self. 
There's a comfortable silence surrounding you both, not a single word is uttered. The only sound is the sound of your breathing. 
Suddenly you feel him move and pull himself out of you. Bokuto is fast with tucking himself inside his briefs and pulling his pants up, buckling his belt too. While doing this, you feel his cum seeping out from your hole.
"Hold on I'm on it," his voice speaks and you can hear him look for something to clean you up with. "This will do."
He's back fast and with some paper towels that are not very nice to your lady parts, and he cleans you up. The feeling of the paper made you wince, both from being sensitive and roughly fucked by your ex and now boyfriend, but also from the paper not being soft enough for your liking. 
"I'm done, there," he softly speaks, his voice filled with tenderness but also worry, that it was hurting you. He wasn't. He was doing something so much more, and you loved him for that. 
Getting up and getting dressed was the part where it got uncomfortable for you, his eyes stared at you as you dressed, fixing both your gown and hair, making it not look like you’ve just been fucked. 
Your thoughts wander to what had just happened. Was this just some kind of roleplay or did he want to impregnate you? Not that it mattered for you, you couldn’t care less because you got what you had wanted for years. Him.
Once you’re done you turn around and see that Bokuto is already watching you, a big smile on his lips. 
"Nothing. You’re just so beautiful I can stare at you all night.”
"I-" you blush. “Thank you.”
"Now,” he says as he takes a small step forward and grabs you by the waist, pulling you closer to him. His smile still there and you can see how his eyes are glowing. 
“I love you,” he kisses you. “I love you so much (y/n). You’re the love of my life.”
"Huh?" He turns his head to the side, not knowing what you mean. 
"Say it again. I need to hear it again." With confidence, he grabs your face in his hands and holds you in place. His eyes watching yours and with the softest smile on his lips, he says: 
"I love you.”
"I love you too." You sigh in happiness and he seals your lips with a passionate kiss. Both of you smiling through the kiss in pure bliss. 
He pulls away and grabs your hand and starts to lead you out of the classroom and in the opposite direction of the party. Confusion consumes you as you speak.
"Kou, baby. The party is that way," you giggle and point down the other side of the hall. 
"I know. We're not returning."
"We're not?" You ask in confusion.
"Why not?" He stops in his tracks and you collide with his rock hardback. He turns around, smirking.
"We have 3 years of lovemaking to do and I want you in my bed when doing that." He returns and walks you out and into the parking lot, leading to his car and a future of you and him together again. Nothing could stop you now.
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it was always you ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 2655
request?: yes!
“Hello! I just want to start by saying I love your writing and I'm a bit obsessed with your Colson fanfics 😍Not sure if your requests are open yet, but I'd love to make a request if that's okay? Apologies if it's super detailed, it's a very specific daydream 😂So, you (the reader) have been friends with Colson for a few years, first as acquaintances, then you became really good friends as you started working together on music. You're fully part of the crew and your friendship with Colson is really flirty, you're very touchy and people joke about you getting together because you clearly like each other but you're both in denial. You've been spending a lot of time together in the lead up to him leaving to work on a movie with (dun, dun, dun) Megan Fox. Just before he leaves to work on location for a couple of months, you guys kiss and it leaves you both confused. When he starts working on set, Megan totally love bombs him and he gets sucked in straight away. You start hearing from him less and by the time he comes back he's in a full blown relationship with her and the media is obsessed with them. You start becoming distant from him, avoiding his calls, being short with texts and declining a lot of invitations to hang out. When you do hang out it's only as a big group and you keep your distance mainly. He starts getting pretty annoyed and obsessing about why you are being like this and things get tense between you. Megan picks up on it and becomes a bit hostile towards you. Her and Colson start fighting about you and his efforts to figure out what's wrong with you. She accuses him of being in love with you and that you clearly feel the same. They start looking more and more unhappy in their pap walks and eventually they break up..He realises that she was right and the reason he's so bothered about how distant you've been over the last few months is because he is actually in love with you. Then there's lots of fluff about him declaring this to you and some super passionate make outs. If you want to make it a two parter then there could be the initial story and then the second is the declaration and smut 😉😈 Sorry again for how specific this is, I have the imagination but not quite the writing skills 😂”
description: in which there was chemistry between them, until he went away to film a movie and came back with a girlfriend
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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I was bouncing on the balls of my feet, looking between my phone and the arrivals terminal ahead of me. I couldn’t concentrate on either for long, I just wanted to see Colson walk through the gates so we could pick up from where we had left off before he went filming.
I had known Colson for basically my entire career. He offered to help me gain some traction for my music by collaborating together, and next thing I knew, he had become one of my best friends. I had even become an unofficial part of his touring/friend group.
Before he left for filming, Colson threw a little part for all of us. The two of us were the last to fall asleep that night and, after some alcohol fueled deep talk, we ended up kissing. I had fallen asleep shortly afterwards, exhausted from the long day plus all I had drank, and when I woke up the next morning he was already gone.
The whole situation had left me confused. I didn’t think I liked Colson that way, but the kiss made me feel a way I had never felt before. The more I thought about it, the more my heart would race and my hands would get sweaty. I figured Colson was just as confused as I was because we had barley spoken to one another since it happened, which was probably a good thing. This was a situation that should be discussed in person, not intermittently throughout the day while the two of us were in completely different countries.
I made the decision that I wanted to be the one to pick him up the day of his return. A long car ride, alone, was the perfect opportunity to talk about the whole situation.
Except we weren’t alone.
I spotted Colson’s tall stature over the other passengers that had gotten off the plane. I was about to race over to meet him halfway, like all those cheesy rom-coms, until I realized he already had a woman attached at his hip.
My heart dropped to my stomach when I figured out who it was: Megan Fox.
I tried to keep a smile on my face as Colson spotted me and waved. Megan was practically clutching his arm for dear life as they approached me.
“(Y/N)!” Colson said. “This is a pleasant surprise. Rook told me he was gonna pick me up.”
“I beat him in a game of rock, paper, scissors for it,” I joked. I looked at Megan and extended a hand. “I’m (Y/N), by the way.”
“Megan,” she said, shaking my hand. “Nice to finally meet you. Colson’s told me all about you.”
I bet he didn’t tell her about our kiss.
We collected their bags and made our way to my car. Colson put everything in the trunk and gotten into the backseat with Megan, leaving me completely alone in the front. I had to bite my lip and hold back the hurt tears that were forming in my eyes before I got in with them.
The whole ride back to Colson’s I could hear the two of them giggling and kissing. I glanced in the rearview mirror once to see that Colson had his arm around Megan’s shoulders and was kissing her neck. I felt like I wanted to throw up.
I didn’t get out of the car as we stopped in front of Colson’s house. I popped the trunk so he could get their suitcases. When he walked up to my window, I continued to look forward. I was afraid I’d start crying if I actually looked at him.
“I’m gonna have the guys over tonight,” he said. “You coming?”
I shook my head. “No, I...I don’t feel well. I’m just gonna stay home tonight.”
“Oh.” I could hear the falter in his voice. “Okay. Well...see you tomorrow then.”
I didn’t respond. Instead, I rolled up my window and started driving away. I looked into the rearview and watched ass Colson put his arm around Megan again, kissing her cheek before the two of them walked into the house together.
That’s when the tears finally started to fall.
I started to distance myself from Colson after that. He started trying to text me and call me like he had before he left, but I’d ignore his messages and decline his calls. I only hung out when the group of us did, and that was mainly as an act for the guys. If it were up to me, I’d probably never leave my house besides to record my own music.
What was worse was that I had signed on to do a tour with Colson before he had left for filming. By the time my manager had brought it up, it was way too late for me to try and back out.
So there I was, sat in a cramped tour bus that consisted of mostly guys, including the guy I was in love with and his new girlfriend.
I was grateful for the post-show alcohol that the guys had provided the first night. I was pleasantly buzzed when Megan and Colson walked onto the bus. I noticed him glance at me, but decided to ignore it in favor of my beer.
They sat down on the other side of the small couch that I was on, Megan practically sitting on Colson’s lap. I rolled my eyes and stood to walk away.
“Where are you going?”
I looked down to see Colson’s eyebrows were furrowed together in confusion.
“To get another drink,” I lied. Not a very convincing one considering my beer was still half full.
“Are you gonna come back and sit next to us?” Colson asked. An annoyed look passed over Megan’s face at this.
“Maybe,” I said with a shrug.
“Why maybe?”
I was starting to feel as annoyed as Megan looked. “I don’t know if I want to sit next to the two of you if you’re gonna be fucking in front of us.”
The entire bus went quiet then. I could hear the guys snickering around me, but I was more focused on Colson’s face, which was now also twisted with annoyance. Megan huffed and turned away, completely ignoring my presence now.
“You know what? I don’t want another drink,” I said. “I’m gonna go to bed. Try not to be too loud guys.”
And with that, I hoisted myself into my bunk and pulled the curtain across.
I woke up a few hours later with an overwhelming urge to pee. I usually try not to pee when I’m drinking, as not to “break the damn”, but I knew I couldn’t hold it this time. I would regret it later when I was peeing every five minutes until I got sober again, but I really had to go. I silently rolled out of my bunk and raced to the bathroom, trying not to wake my sleeping friends.
I was about to go back to bed when I heard someone whispering in the back room of the bus.
“I just don’t understand why you care so much. It’s not like her salty mood means anything to you, she’s not your girlfriend.”
Normally, I wouldn’t eavesdrop like this, but I recognized the voice as Megan’s, and I was sure that the “she” she was referring to was me.
“I know she’s not my girlfriend, you’ve reminded me a million times,” came Colson’s voice in response, “but she’s still my friend. I don’t get why she’s being so distant all of a sudden. We were so close until I got back from filming.”
I repressed a scoff at this. As if he wasn’t the one who got distant first after he started fucking Megan Fox.
“Why does it matter?” Megan asked. “Just let her be moody. It’ll pass eventually. Hopefully when she realizes that she can’t have you.”
There was a pause then, one long enough to make me regret having listened in on their conversation. Hearing Megan say that, that I “couldn’t have” Colson, it hurt more than I wanted it to.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Colson finally asked.
Megan scoffed. “Please, babe, you’re not stupid. Put two and two together. She started acting this way after you got back from filming, which was with me. She’s obviously jealous of us because she’s in love with you, and I think you feel the same way for her.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. (Y/N) is just my friend, Meg, nothing else.”
“If she’s just your friend, you wouldn’t care this much about why she’s acting this way.”
“I care because she’s my friend, Megan!”
“Whatever, Colson. I’m going to bed.”
I didn’t have time to get back up in my bunk before the door to the back room opened, revealing Megan stood there and Colson sat behind her. They both looked shocked to see me, but Megan’s shocked look turned to a glare in no time. She walked past me, purposely bumping my shoulder as she did before getting into the bunk that had been designated for her and Colson.
Colson and I shared a look and I wasn’t quite sure what to do in this situation. Especially considering the fact that his girlfriend who he was just arguing with was still right next to us with just a thin curtain as a barrier.
I decided to just get back into my bunk and pull my own curtain across, pretending like I hadn’t heard the whole conversation at all.
Megan left the tour a week later. I found out the news when Colson came pounding at my hotel room door.
“We broke up,” he said the moment I opened the door. “Megan and I. She’s upstairs packing her stuff, she’ll be gone within an hour or so.”
“I’m sorry, Colson,” I said, although I wasn’t completely sorry. I was kind of glad to see her go, but I couldn’t exactly tell him that. “Want to come in while you wait for her to leave?”
He nodded, so I stepped aside to let him into my room. He threw himself down onto the queen sized bed that I had been sleeping in by myself, stretching his limbs out to take up the entire bed.
“I haven’t slept by myself in a bed in so long,” he commented. “I guess that’s one upside to all of this.”
I sat on the tiny corner that he left open. “What happened?”
“She just had enough, and I guess I did too. We have been fighting basically non-stop basically since the tour started, but we kept making up afterwards. The last week or so though...well, let’s just say both of us knew this moment was coming. We just hoped it wasn’t, or that we could work past it.”
I suddenly felt guilty. Despite my feelings for Colson, and how I felt about Megan, he did seem happy to be with her. I didn’t want them to be together, but I also didn’t want Colson to be unhappy.
“I’m sorry,” I said again.
I gave Colson a look. “Let’s not pretend I didn’t hear you guys fighting last week, and let’s not pretend that neither one of us knows what you were fighting about.”
Colson sighed and sat up then. “It’s not your fault, (Y/N).”
“Technically it is.”
“It’s my own fault. I never should’ve entered a relationship with Megan when I wasn’t completely sure how I felt about her.”
I looked at him in confusion. “What do you mean? You seemed pretty in love with her.”
“That’s cause I was trying to convince myself that I was. The truth is, when I went away for filming, I was still thinking about that kiss we had just before I left. I kept wanting to message you or call you to try and figure everything out, but every time I tried I would chicken out. Then Megan came to set and from the moment we met, she was super flirty and very obviously into me. I still had you on my mind the entire time, but I started having doubts about...about what that kiss meant. So I was confused, and here was this gorgeous woman basically throwing herself at me, so I figured the no brainer was to start dating her. I had myself convinced I was happy...until I came home and saw you at the airport. Then I remembered...everything. From that moment onwards, I knew our relationship was basically a ticking time bomb that was gonna go off at any moment.”
I was stunned by his words. I didn’t know what to say, or if there was anything I could say. That kiss really had meant as much to him as it meant to me. He went through the same inner turmoil that I had. There was something comforting about knowing that how I was feeling hadn’t been one sided.
I sat back with my arms propping me up, trying to figure out where to go with this information. I wasn’t about to make a move when he had literally just broken up with his girlfriend, but knowing what I did just made me want to pounce on him and kiss him.
“What would you have said if you did call while you were away?” I asked. “Before everything happened with Megan, I mean.”
“I would’ve told you that I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” he responded. “That I was going to bed every night wishing that you were there with me, in my arms. That I wanted to kiss you again, that I wanted to keep kissing you and never leave you the way I had to for filming again.” He looked up at me for the first time since admitting his feelings. “What would you have said when I called?”
“I would have said that the thought of kissing you again put butterflies in my stomach. And I would’ve told you that I had a whole plan in mind to admit my feelings for you when I picked you up at the airport that day.”
Colson groaned and laid back on the bed again. “God, I really fucked that up then? No wonder you were so off that day.”
I laid down on my side next to him, propping myself up on my elbow. “You did, although I can’t blame you. I could’ve also called to admit my own feelings. I just thought you were busy so I never did.”
He rolled onto his side to face me as well. “What do we do now then?”
“I don’t know, what do you want to do?”
I could see the wheels turning in his head as he considered his options, and when he finally zoned in on his decision he leaned forward. He cupped one of my cheeks and pressed his lips to mine.
It felt just as good as the first time we kissed. Maybe better even, because we didn’t have that haze of alcohol clouding over us.
Our innocent kiss turned into something more as Colson pushed me down onto my back and hovered over me. He pressed his body against mine and I wrapped my legs around his waist, wanting to pull him as close as I possibly could. His tongue traced against my lower lip, trying to slip into my mouth. I was holding onto his shirt as well, ready to pull it over his head when I realized something.
“You just broke up with Megan,” I breathed. “I don’t think we should do this so soon. I think we should give it some time.”
Colson nodded and rolled onto the bed next to me. “You’re probably right. I’m willing to wait as long as I need to for you.”
I smiled. “It won’t be a long wait, but for now, I’d like to start by cuddling.”
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denkamis · 3 years
hc’s about falling in love with your childhood best friend.
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warnings: swearing ig?? it’s fluffy, mainly. i tried to make it fairly gender neutral in terms of the reader. 
notes: hi uh these were supposed to be for the dekusquad but they ended up being SO much longer than i originally intended so i cut down on the characters ;-; i struggled with bakugou’s but his ended up being the longest??? idk man, hope you guys like it <3 these are seriously just drabbles in disguise
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izuku midoriya
you met at an author meetup at the local bookstore. the book was a biography about all might, ofc you were bound to meet
you were in front of him in line and he shyly complimented you on the all might t-shirt you had worn
you two basically spent the entire time talking to each other about your favourite pro heroes as you waited in line
by the time you got to the front, you were so engrossed in your own conversations that both inko and your mom figured it would just be better to take you two home for a playdate instead 
since you were friends with midoriya, that meant bakugou was also in your little circle 
you stood up to him a couple times and always checked up on midoriya after kacchan’s tiny tantrums 
midoriya appreciated that, and you two were practically inseparable 
bakugou always accused you two of teaming up against him 
you would simply link arms with midoriya, tilt your chin up high and say that you were a full package deal. two peas in a pod. two halves of a whole, always 
midoriya’s face seemed to be permanently red that entire day 
you two were pretty dedicated in school, with you wanting to persue your top picks for high school. that meant that there were lots of study dates between you two 
during those study dates, midoriya couldn’t help if his gaze lingered on you just a bit more than his notes about quirk laws 
he realized he was in love with you when you had stayed after school to look for the notebook kacchan had burnt 
“you don’t have to do this, y/n. i can find it on my own… i don’t want to make to make you stay any longer.” 
“don’t say that, izuku. i don’t mind. besides, we always stick together and we will even after you get into ua!” 
“a- after i get in?” he spoke in a disbelief. everyone had doubted him, everyone had told him that he needed a quirk in order to get in but not you
you stayed. you supported him. you believed in him. 
he grabbed your hand on instinct, startling you. “i- i-” he began stuttering, eyes darting about as the feelings he hadn’t realized resurfaced
“thank you.” 
you gave him a gentle smile, chest feeling light as your hand encased in midoriya’s squeezed his own comfortingly 
“full package deal, remember?” 
he nodded, his smile jittery and shy. you giggled, blush dancing on your cheeks as you went on your next rant about how kamui woods could totally beat mount lady in a fight 
midoriya gripped the straps of his backpack, chest feeling light and his head feeling dizzy with all the new thoughts of you flooding his mind
oh yeah, he was definitely in love with you
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shouto todoroki
you were his neighbour 
well, more accurately, your grandparents were his neighbours and you visited often 
your grandparents made you get the mail in the mornings and sometimes you would see him outside in the front yard with his mother. you would wave to him, and he would give a timid wave back after some encouragement from his mother 
you would play outside with your grandfather, flying your tiny kite and playing catch with him 
until you noticed there was a boy lingering near the fence separating the both of your houses 
he was watching the relationship you had with your grandfather curiously, almost as if there were a bit of envy in his eyes 
being the kind child that you were, you went over to him and passed the small ball between the rungs of the fence to him 
shouto was hesitant, but eventually took the ball from your inviting grip and tossed it back and forth between his hands testingly
this began a little game between you two 
he would toss the ball over the fence, and you would throw it back over to him
you didn’t quite understand why he couldn’t come on the other side of the fence to visit properly, but that was okay
you two would spend hours by the fence, sitting and talking you would give him tiny daisy chains made from the flowers in your grandma’s garden 
he wouldn’t tell you, but he kept each one you gave him on his windowsill 
he would compliment you a lot, too
not that he knew what that meant, he was simply stating facts to you 
“i like your hair. it’s very pretty.” 
“you’re very strong. you throw over the ball like it’s nothing.” 
“you want to become a hero? i think you would be the best one.” 
“your smile makes me want to smile, too.”
all of his words make your heart do somersaults
sometimes when you’re sitting with your backs to the fence, leaning up against each other, you feel the heat of his left hand ghosting your fingers. you don’t know why that made you feel shy, but it did
one day before you were supposed to go back home to your parents’ house, you went to go say goodbye to shouto 
he was sitting there normally, but his head was hung low so you couldn’t quite see his face 
as you approached him, you noticed that there was a bandage covering his left eye 
he said nothing as you sat down 
“mom says i have to go now,” you tell him. he says nothing, again 
“um… are you okay?” 
an indiscernible noise comes from the small boy. you press your face right up against the one barrier separating you two. he looks up to see you worried. you didn’t like seeing him so upset
then an idea came to you
“before i go.. let me kiss it better.” 
shouto looked at you in bewilderment
“you’re not… afraid?” 
“no, why?” you asked in a confused manner, yet shouto remained hesitant 
“come here, please,” you asked of him, “before mom catches me kissing a boy.” 
pink dusting over his cheeks, he slowly crawled his way over to where you still kept your face against the fence. your gentle lips met the fabric of his bandage. the scent of something burnt catching in your nose as you did 
“you’ll come back?” shouto asked quietly. you nodded, promising him 
he nodded back in understanding, the tiniest of smiles appearing across his features 
“i’ll be waiting.”
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katsuki bakugou
you had been in the same class since kindergarten, meaning that you knew him before he had his quirk 
even so, you thought he was pretty cool 
the reason for that? well, you weren’t exactly the most well liked kid in school. children were ruthless, and there was always a bottom of every social ladder between preschoolers
you got teased a lot. they pulled your hair, made fun of the way you cried, poked fun at the shoes and shirts you wore despite them being your favourite ones 
you were different. they didn’t like that 
the world seemed completely against you
during a colouring activity, the box of crayons you were holding was smacked out of your hands. your bottom lip quivered as the same boy taunted you to no end about how clumsy you were 
you simply bent over to pick them up before hearing another voice call out 
“oi, picking on small fries like that is lame.” 
looking to your left stood katsuki bakugou, looking bored and disinterested in helping you out. but your bully stopped in his tracks. being called lame?? by the great tiny katsuki bakugou?? 
no one had ever stood up for you like that 
even though he didn’t help you pick up your crayons, it felt like you had some type of ally in this class
slowly, you connected two and two together 
if you stayed around bakugou, no one could pick on you anymore! so you glued yourself to him practically every day 
at first, he found it annoying, but after seeing that you admired him up close, he liked the attention that feuled his ego, so he kept you around 
because you followed him around so much, you picked up a lot of things from him. he taught you how to defend yourself, and you taught him that some extras didn’t deserve as much attention as he was giving him. it was better to walk away sometimes
you ate lunch together, he came over to your house to play heroes and villains, he even showed you his secret all might poster collection. you were his person to talk to
he even had a katsuki bakugou™ nickname for you: small fry 
you two were quite the duo. bakugou went from simply tolerating you, to gradually beginning to care for you being around
and as you grew up with him, he caught himself beginning to admire the strong, gorgeous person you had become all on your own. it seemed he had developed a bit more than just a simple friendship bond with you
did he ever tell you that? fuck no 
you knew bakugou had always been rather… brash 
but you absolutely drew the line in the sand when he wouldn’t stop picking on midoriya for being quirkless. that one day where you walked into that classroom to meet bakugou and his group of friends only to see bakugou telling some green haired kid to jump off the building because he would never make it into ua without a quirk. he was different
bakugou turned to leave and he saw you standing in the doorway with a bit of an angry, hurt expression on his face
“small fry, thought you were never gonna show up.” 
“... lame.”
“hah? what did you say?” 
“i said it’s lame picking on small fries like that just because they’re different,” you spat at him. his eyes stayed fixated on you as you walked past him, helping the smaller boy off the floor and asking if he was okay 
normally, if it were anyone else, bakugou wouldn’t care. at all
but it was you
 you were different 
and all he did was act like he didn’t care. why? he didn’t know. but what he said to you that day came out rash and hurtful. you two had your fights before, but this had struck a chord with you. no one deserved to be treated like how you were back in preschool. that hurt
he didn’t realize how much you meant to him until you stopped inviting him over, you stopped eating lunch with him, you stopped texting and that bothered him 
the one person who he wanted to admire him didn’t anymore 
so it was a surprise to you that he waited for you to be finished your club after school to talk 
“small fry, listen. oi! i said listen up!” you kept walking, but he stopped you by grabbing your wrist 
“what? what is it? what can you possibly say to make things better? how could you treat people like that?” 
“come back.” 
“i said, fuck- come back, y’know, eat lunch with all the extras again.” 
the frustration showed true on bakugou’s features. his cheeks were turning red, you figured from the anger he was feeling towards you yet his voice dropped 
“i didn’t mean that shit back there. i was angry. fuck, i.. you want me to apologize or some shit, right. heard you small fries like that.” he shifted uncomfortably, his clammy hand still holding your wrist in a firm grip, as if you would walk away from him any moment now 
“sorry, or whatever.” he mumbled out in the smallest voice you had ever heard bakugou speak in 
your heart stopped as he looked at you with such sincerity. you held his gaze, eyes locked on his before you shook your head
“i don’t forgive you for saying what you said and doing what you did, but i do trust you. and i know that you’re better than that. you’re not lame. but if you seriously do that again, i’m not giving you any more chances.” 
relief came flooding back to bakugou at your words, but his face fired up almost instantly as you moved your hand so that your fingers intertwined with his 
“now c’mon, the new all might special is airing tonight, if we hurry we can still make it to my house.” 
“don’t speak so fucking loud! ... damn small fry.”
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all works © denkamis 2021.
want to be on the taglist? see this post!
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f1united · 3 years
Zoo - DR3 Imagine
Daniel Ricciardo Imagine
Summary: You and Daniel are having a family day and talk about the future :)
Word Count: 2.9k
Please let me know if you have any f1 requests, I am more than happy to write anything for you!
As much as you loved watching Daniel race, you were grateful that you were able to spend some time with him now the season had ended. Although you were lucky enough to attend many races, your work schedule wouldn’t always allow it and you also wanted to still have time on the weekends to catch up with your friends and family.
You’d decided to spend this Christmas in Australia, it was your first away from home, but you were loving the warm weather and seeing a bit more of Daniel’s family. You had met them plenty of times now and were so thankful for how well you got on with them. It was late last night that Daniel had climbed into bed with you, he had been out seeing some of his old friends, leaving you to have the house to yourself that evening.
You loved spending time with Daniel, but it was nice to have some alone time after the busy race weekend. You had a nice long bath and a mini pamper session before painting your nails in front of the tv. You were so tired that you can barely remember him coming home, only noticing when the bed dipped beside you as he pulled you close to his chest.
Your early night may have been the reason you woke up so early the next morning. You weren’t really a morning person but had got a bit better at it over the years. Daniel’s family were coming over for breakfast and then the plan was to go to the local zoo. His nephew loved animals and when you had suggested the idea everyone couldn’t see why not, plus you hadn’t been to a zoo outside the UK and wanted to see if it was any different.
You rolled out of bed and into the shower. Your shoulders relaxed as the warm water hit your skin. It wasn’t as nice as the heat from Daniel’s body, but then you didn’t think anything could ever beat that. You stepped from the shower onto the fluffy bathmat, quickly wrapping yourself in a towel to dry yourself off. You walked into the dressing room opposite the bedroom and slipped on a nice summer dress. You rummaged through the drawers to find some nude underwear that would be discreet under the light colour of the dress but were unsuccessful, realising they must be in the utility room drying with the clothes you had washed yesterday. You placed your towel in the wash basket and made your way downstairs.
The view from Daniel’s kitchen was beautiful, the white rectangular island stretched for metres and looked across to the dining table and lounge area where you’d often have company. The folding glass doors separated you from a huge garden, some of his nephew’s toys were littered around the patio from when he’d last visited and the paving stones drew your eyes towards the pool.
You were lucky to have met Daniel, it had always been you dream to work in Formula 1 and you were beyond grateful to have had the chance to join McLaren in your early 20’s. Of course you knew who Daniel was, and he grew to know who you were. Working mainly at the office in the UK, you didn’t often see him to begin with. You weren’t too annoyed about it, as you fancied the pants off him and found it hard not to blush anytime he even looked in your direction. Your team was more in the background, didn’t attend races and just focused on the work at hand so when a few of your team members began getting invites you were slightly confused. You’d spoken to Zac Brown about it, he had interviewed you for your role and you had got on very well with him ever since. He had just said that your hard work had been noticed and smiled as you left his office.
Your team was overjoyed with the invites to races, it was something all of you had always spoken about. You were more of a family unit, you saw each other for hours on end every day and had grown so close that summer barbeques and birthday get togethers happened regularly, they made great drinking partners.
Whenever you’d see Daniel at a race, you’d wish him good luck as everyone else around him would too. However, you didn’t know he’d noticed how your eyes lingered on his body slightly longer whenever he was in his race suit or how you intensely stared at his hands when he ruffled his hair after he took his helmet off. It wasn’t really new to him, someone was always watching, but something about it being your eyes had got his attention. It made him slightly nervous if he was honest, but the thought of you watching meant he wanted to go out there and do the best he could in the hope that if he saw you after the race you might congratulate him with a smile on your face, and even the thought of that gave him butterflies.
Even though you were unaware of this, there was never a time he’d finish a race and you wouldn’t congratulate him. You’d grown up watching him race and just thought he was brilliant. A mixture of his personality and nonstop smile along with his determination meant that even in a race where Lewis Hamilton might even be about to win a championship, you would still be watching his car. Whether it was in 2nd or 16th, that’s where your eyes would be. Some of his crew has started to pick up on it, although the people you worked closely with sometimes joked about your little crush on him they never mentioned it outside of the group. As much as it was all fun and games, there was a mutual understanding that this was a professional environment and things like that weren’t to be joked about around management, and especially the drivers. It wasn’t any comments they’d noticed, they would tell Daniel after races how you’d been shouting at the screens just as much as they had, often louder. How you’d cheer when he overtook someone, even if it only meant it was for a single point.
Sometimes he’d question why they told him these things, a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice and they all rolled their eyes at him. They’d noticed how he’d look for you after a race, craving the smallest conversation from you and how he would instantly start paying more attention if he heard your name mentioned. They would poke fun at him and wind him up where they could but at the end of the day he understood he was there to race, and that’s what he did.
You were emptying the dishwasher when his arms snaked around your waist and kissed your shoulder before resting his head on it and whispering a small morning into your ear.
“I’ve been calling down for you, what has you in a little world of your own?” he questioned as you both swayed from side to side lightly.
“Nothing” you smiled as you placed the bowl you’d picked up on the side and turned around to face him.
“You sure about that?” he smirked as your eyes found his. “That smile suggests otherwise” It was true, you were grinning from ear to ear.
“Just thinking about when I first started coming to the paddock, and now here I am in the kitchen of the best-looking driver in Formula 1” he let out a small laugh as you spoke. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a small peck on the lips.
“What can I say? I’m great with the ladies” you playfully smacked him on the arm and frowned before laughing and turning your back to him to continue unloading the dishes. He moved his hands down from your waist to your arse as you bent over to grab something off the lower shelf. Then to your surprise he lifted the bottom part of your dress up.
“Daniel!” you laughed as you shot up and turned around again.
“You seem to have forgotten to put on underwear” he winked at you
“That isn’t my attempt to seduce you” you giggled as he started kissing your face. “It’s in the utility room”
“Lame excuse” he continued kissing you, starting to trail down your neck. Just before he could do anything else, the doorbell rang. He looked at you and groaned as you let out a laugh.
“I’ll go and put some underwear on while you let them in” you unwrapped his arms from around you and left a kiss on the corner of his lips as you made your way across the kitchen and he headed towards the door.
“Or don’t” he responded.
“I’m not really planning on flashing anyone accidently today” you replied. You heard him laugh as he opened the door and greeted his family. His parents and sister’s family made their way into the kitchen as you came out the utility welcoming them all with a hug. It had been a few months since you’d last seen them as you hadn’t been able to make it to all races.
“It’s so lovely to see you” his mum spoke as everyone began sitting down on the sofas. You were nervous when you first met his family. The age difference between Daniel and you wasn’t huge, but it had certainly gained some media attention. You didn’t want his family to think you were with him for his money and fame or even think that you were too immature to be with him. You had never brought it up with him before you’d met his parents, but he could sense you were nervous and knew why. He knew there wasn’t anything for you to worry about but didn’t say anything as he didn’t want it to play on your mind. He was right though, they loved seeing the two of you happy together and could immediately see how genuine your feelings for one another were.
“I’ve missed you guys; I’ve been looking forward to today for ages” you smiled. It was true, you loved spending time with his family. You had a relatively small family but that doesn’t mean it drama free, there was always something going on and here you felt slightly more relaxed. Daniel loved that, for years he couldn’t imagine bringing someone into his family in case they didn’t get along but when he saw how well you fitted in he couldn’t help but watch and smile.
“Y/N” his nephew shouted as he ran through the kitchen towards you. He held him arms out for you to pick him up and you placed him on your hip.
“How are you little man?” you asked
“I’m okay, look!” he said pointing down to a scrape on his knee.
“Oh no, how’d you do that?” you asked
“I fell over out there on the drive” he explained.
“Shall we put some cream on it?” you asked, “we don’t want it to get dirty do we?” he nodded his head as you spoke and carried him over to the medicine cabin and sat him on the worktop before grabbing some antiseptic cream out and rubbing it into his knee.
“Look Uncle Daniel!” he shouted across the kitchen to get his attention as he showed him his knee that now had a plaster on.
“Wow, Auntie Y/N has fixed you!” he gasped making the little boy giggle as you picked him up and put him down on the floor so he could explore wherever he wanted.
“Auntie Y/N?” you questioned Daniel as you began to get food out of the fridge for breakfast. You spoke quietly, you had never been called that before and didn’t want his family thinking that you were the one who wanted to be called that.
“What’s wrong with that?” he replied as he grabbed the eggs and bread from the cupboard next to you.
“Just haven’t been called that before, I don’t want him to think he has to call me that”
“He always calls you Auntie Y/N” Daniel said casually which caused you to freeze a bit. You had been dating for about 3 years now but hadn’t really considered that his nephew had grown up with you around and didn’t know any different. You continued to place the bacon next to the stove and grabbed a frying pan out from the drawer below.
After breakfast was over, you all headed to the zoo and spent the day wondering around visiting all of the animals. Seeing Daniel with his nephew made you smile, they had so much fun together. You also secretly loved when he went into dad mode like when he was making sure that he’d had enough to eat or drink and making sure he had enough sun cream on and wasn’t too hot. It made you excited for the future, not that you had spoke about it in much depth. You both wanted kids but hadn’t discussed when, you just figured it would happen when it felt right.
You all headed back to the house after the zoo, it was getting quite late, so you’d all ordered a takeaway. Daniel’s parents left not long after while the rest of you had some drinks, agreeing that they would all spend the night in the spare room so his nephew could stick to his routine. You didn’t drink much, only a gin with dinner. You wanted Daniel’s sister and her husband to have the chance to get a little bit drunk so agreed to stay sober in case something happened to the toddler and someone needed to be able to drive.
He was currently asleep leaning against your chest while you were all sat on the sofa’s chatting.
“I’ll put him to bed” Daniel’s sister went to get up from the sofa, but the sudden movement sent her head spinning slightly and caused her to sit back down. Everyone let out a little laugh as you volunteered yourself to carry him to the room and make sure he was settled for the night. As you carried him upstairs he stirred a little. Placing him in the bed he started muttering about the animals from today, you spoke back quietly, careful not to wake him even further as you stroked his head lightly and he drifted back to sleep. As you got up to leave, you jumped at Daniel standing in the doorway.
After shutting the door slightly so the noise from downstairs wouldn’t disturb him, Daniel spoke up. “I thought I’d see what was taking so long” he was slightly drunk, his eyes a bit drowsy compared to their normal alertness.
“I’ve been gone for about 2 minutes lover” you replied as he embraced you in a hug.
“I know I just like seeing you with him” now he was just being soppy. You laughed and took his hands into yours as you stepped back.
“I like seeing you with him too” you winked.
“Maybe,” he whispered as he hugged you again, “we should give him a cousin” he lifted you up as he spoke, and you wrapped you legs around his waist. He started walking towards the stairs but then walked past you towards the bedroom.
“Daniel Ricciardo we have visitors’ downstairs” You laughed as he carried you into the room and placed you on the side of the bed.
“They won’t hear if we’re quiet” he suggested as he ran his hand up your thigh.
“No but they’ll definitely know what we’re up to” you ran you fingers through his hair as he leaned over you before pulling him into a kiss. You continued for a minute or two until you could feel him starting to get hard against you. “We can continue this when everyone’s gone to bed” you voice was almost a whisper, you wanting this as much as him but not wanting to be rude to the couple sat downstairs, although if you’d have been drinking too you were sure it would be a completely different scenario.
It wasn’t until late the next morning after waving goodbye to his sister, brother in law and nephew that Daniel had mentioned your conversation from the night before. You both headed back upstairs to the bedroom, you were meeting some friends for lunch and both needed to get ready.
“I wasn’t kidding yesterday” You were doing your makeup in the ensuite mirror as he dried himself off from the shower. You were concentrating more on his body in the reflection than where you were spraying your setting spray. “I want to have kids with you”
With Daniel being older, it played on his mind that by the time you wanted kids, he’d be too old. He hadn’t wanted kids when he was your age and expected you to feel the same but he also didn’t want to be an old dad, he wanted to be involved with as much as he could for as long as he could. Even you thought you’d be a bit lost for words when having kids were mentioned. When you were younger you had wanted to have a secure career path and always imagined having kids in your late twenties, maybe even early thirties. However, things were different now. You loved your job and you had the man of your dreams alongside you.
“Let’s have a baby then”
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