#but i like the merch arrangement i ended up with ^^
captorcorp · 10 months
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finished arranging my sho minamimoto itabag yesterday!!!
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andsjuliet · 1 year
i thought the backpack that i used the last time i went on vacation was at work, but i couldn’t find it when i was in the office today, so i figured it was at home. however, i just checked my closet and i couldn’t find it anywhere. it could be at work and i could’ve missed it, but i won’t be back into the office until wednesday and my flight leaves thursday night, so if it’s not there i won’t have time to get a new backpack. i guess i’ve gotta order one from amazon...
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alchemistc · 9 days
Donato spots it first - Tommy's been fidgeting with the just-too-short sleeves of his shirt for the past ten minutes, fingers curling into the ends of the arms, thumb sliding along the hem like maybe he could make them long enough to fully cover his wrists just by thinking really hard about it. It's stretched tight across his shoulders, the neck hole feels too high, biting into his skin, and Tommy is absolutely certain it's been hemmed in at the fucking waist, because he can barely keep the damn thing tucked into his pants.
(The cost of having those fucking magnificent gazelle legs is apparently torso space.)
"You shrink your shirt in the wash again, Kinard?"
Tommy's been begging their vendor to switch to a jersey blend for years because 100% cotton undershirts are a goddamn bitch and a half to maintain.
Tommy thinks about ignoring the question entirely. They've been razzing him for weeks about the way every single smile line in his face has been putting in overtime lately.
And then she gets a closer look at it. The merch is usually the same cross-department, but every once in a while some probie will get stuck with the task of ordering a few extras to have as backups around the station and they'll go a little too hard on customization. Like, for example, the one he'd picked off the top of his clean laundry basket without looking in his rush out the door this morning.
Lucy's eyes narrow. She reaches forward, pinches the 118 emblem blazing across the breadth of his shoulder, takes in the color and sturdiness of a shirt he definitely can't play off as being old enough to have been from his own time at the One Eighteen.
Donato grimaces so mockingly Tommy nearly warns her that her face'll get stuck like that. "Christ, Kinard, how fucking domestic are you two?"
(Three days off together after a week of getting by with random texts, their schedules nearly opposite, and when Evan had stared at his overnight bag on day two and realized he didn't have any spare undershirts he'd pouted up a storm about the fact that if he had to go back to his place it didn't make a lick of sense to turn right back around to Tommy's, so Tommy had just thrown Evan's dirty undershirt in with the rest of his own laundry. And then prompted Evan to throw all his other stuff in the wash too. Halfway across the city, Evan is definitely rolling too-long sleeves over his palm with the tips of his fingers and Tommy does not have time to think about how much he likes the idea of that )
"He doesn't even know my how I take my coffee," Tommy snipes, like that avoids the question, and across the locker room Johnson slams his locker shut with a snort.
"Because you've been using his increasingly more desperate attempts to figure it out as some weird intricate mating ritual for three months now."
"It's about --."
"--the journey, not the destination," they both interrupt, eyes rolling, and Tommy doesn't bother to try to hide the grin in his face.
"He just wants to get it right so bad."
Donato's face is unimpressed. "Ugh. Can you please stop being so smitten right in front of me? I'm gonna throw up."
Tommy leans in for the kill. "Your wife ever buy you flowers, Johnson? Because I've been trying to decide how much thought went into the arrangement he brought me on Saturday, and I figure -." He dodges the palm Johnson extends towards his face with a bark of bright laughter.
Evan 2:15 PM
Boyfriend privileges are a SCAM
Evan 2:15 PM
Why is YOUR NAME on the back of this shirt? There's no way that's standard
Evan 2:16 PM
Chimney's being homophobic
Evan 2:19 PM
Nvm Gerrard saw it and now I'm just sad he didn't actually have a heart attack about it
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ferrstappen · 1 year
hi!!! could you write something about max and reader dating and its winter break and reader gets sick. basically its just cute fluff of max taking care of her. thank you <333
this is great because its cold af (where I live) and I'm sick (both physically and mentally <3)
chicken soup l Max Verstappen blurb
You denied it.
Your brain tried denying the swelling of your throat, the heaviness of your limbs, the dizziness.
It made sense after visiting Max's family during winter break; one of the kids was sick, which meant Victoria woke up with a runny nose, Sophie with a headache, telling you and Max to go back home a bit earlier since neither Max nor you had any symptoms.
If only... the moment the small plane landed in Nice, your legs carried you to the tiny restroom, emptying your stomach, your head was spinning so bad you didn't notice Max holding your hair and rubbing circles on your back. at least, the best he could on the restricted space.
It didn't take two seconds when his phone vibrated, his sister letting him know the kids were now nauseous and dizzy.
No shit.
Max drove slower than usual, not wanting the bumps on the road to upset your head or stomach, constantly turning his head to see your eyes closed, breathing not so smoothly.
In his head, he made a plan for everything he'd do once they got home: ask if you wanted to take a shower, helping you change, choosing the best pajamas, defrosting some chicken so he could make you soup, remembering if any of you had bought some chamomile tea.
That's exactly what he did. You probably weren't aware you leaned on Max after getting out of the car, your body touching the bed and falling asleep in minutes.
It was dark when you woke up, head still pounding, forehead still warm, throat still closed, but the smell of soup was enough to drag your feet from the bedroom to the kitchen.
It was empty, no sight of Max, but a tray was already arranged with a bowl and his not-so-secret mix of green tea, honey and lemon, just a couple of teaspoons he always said, so the lemon wouldn't be too harsh, just enough to soothe the pain.
You could cry from the sight of everything Max did in a short amount of time, now you were realizing you weren't wearing the jeans and cardigan, but fluffy white pajama pants and oversized, navy blue Red Bull hoodie with his scent.
Then, you heard his voice. He was speaking with someone else, probably streaming or something, but the need to thank him was enough to open the door and carefully walking towards his seat, making sure to not show on the camera frame.
His head turned around and his eyes softened, arms reached for you instantly, making space so you could seat on his lap, your legs dangling over his legs and your face hidden on his face.
user1: i am so soft for them like... she is wearing red bull merch and he instantly reached out for her
user2: does he realize he's muted but still streaming???
"How are you feeling, schatz?" Max placed his hand on your forehead, forehead wrinkling after noticing it was still warm.
"I'm better, but you are definitely getting sick as well," You replied and Max laughed, body slightly shivering from the feeling of your breath on his neck.
"Good thing there's soup for both of us," Max kissed the top of your hair, telling you he was going to say goodbye and end the stream.
He didn't pay attention to the comments or anything, just unmuting himself and saying goodbye, carrying you to the bedroom and placing you on the bed, making sure you were comfortable before going to the kitchen.
"No, stay here," you told him, almost sounding like a toddler, even stretching your arms so he'd join you. "We can have soup later, when after your stomach starts feeling funny"
Max found his usual spot on the bed, letting his body cover yours from behind, trying to keep you as warm as possible, tightly gripping the duvet, noticing the little hairs standing up with the familiar feeling of his breathing on your neck.
He was definitely getting sick, but it'd be worth it.
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simply-trash5 · 5 months
heeeyyyy do you happen to do trigun 🥺👉👈 also BNHA DILFs is such a vibe rn can we have sum yummy hcs pretty please 🤤 i can't decide who so dealers choice 🥴
Heyyyy anon sweetie!
Sorry I am just now replying, I have the flu so miss girl is struggling. I am planning to watch Trigun so I don’t do it yet, but please come back soon and request because I will once I watch it ✨
So BNHA DILFs huh? Yummy HC will be under the line.
First and foremost let’s assume that all of my DILFS are divorced DILFs ✨ single and on the prowl…
Let’s start with Daddy OneforAll:
DILF Izuku is that big hunk of man with the boyish charm that has NO IDEA how sexy he truly is. I have this idea about you meeting him in the park while he plays with his kids. His kid will accidentally throw a ball where you are reading a book in the shade of a tree and here he comes to retrieve it. Curls falling in his face, a blush covering his cheeks when he notices your beauty that makes his freckles pop…he will stammer a little when he asks for your number…
Next thing you know you’re in his apartment. He arranged for a sitter for his kids and he took you on a date; now he has you on his couch kissing sweetly on your neck asking you if all of this is okay. His large scarred fingers are playing at the hem of your shirt ready and willing to all but rip it from your body.
DILF Izuku is patient and wants to take his time worshipping every inch of your body when he has you laid in front of him. He treats you like a goddess came to earth just for him as he watches you come undone from his tongue while you beg for him to fuck you mercilessly.
“Don’t worry sweetheart…I’m going to give you exactly what you want. Gonna take care of you…”
Next up DILF Bakugo:
Now I HC you meet him at some event for his children. I think his daughters are dancers and maybe you are their instructor and when he caught sight of you in your tights—all bets were off. He began to flirt here and there until he finally was bold enough to ask for your number and take you out.
Now you are bent over his bed being absolutely wrecked as he is pounding into you with a handful of your hair. He is all muscle and hard planes bent over you growling into your ear—“that’s right, be a good fucking girl ‘f me”
Now once he’s made sure he’s ruined you for anyone else he’s going to spoil the absolute shit out of you and show up at your studio all the time—even on patrols just to give you kisses or food or little gifts he thinks you’ll love because you’re one of his girls now and
“I’ll always take care of my girls…”
Now on to DILF Kirishima!
You meet DILF Kiri at the gym—at kids gym of course! He’s taking his little one to kids gym for a day of fun but he catches sight of you lifting and decides you need a little…help..on your form. So he leaves his little one in the caring hands of the instructors and comes over to ask if you want some help. You are stunned and maybe a little grumpy (which he finds cute) but sure why not. After a little fun banter you ask him for his number because he’s hot and you haven’t had a good fu—I mean date in a while.
One thing leads to another and Kiri has you in a mating press in his bed rubbing circles on your clit with those large fingers. You’re in shambles over his frame pressing on you and his cock hitting that spot so well and he’s cooing how ‘aww pretty girl you are doing so well don’t cry’ as he is wiping your tears. After you have came more times than you can count and he has marked you with his teeth—he cleans you up in a warm shower together and you lay in his soft bed as he strokes your hair and tells you how beautiful you are. You’re whipped and he’s whipped.
Now you’re going to the gym with him and bringing him lunch to the agency and prancing around in Red Riot merch as his little girlie friend. Good thing you’re getting speared by his dick every day that ends in a “y”. You’ll be moving in soon.
DILF simps come get yalls juice—lemme know if you want any other DILFs ✨❤️
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chemicallady · 4 months
Part 1 ; Part 2 ;
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Couple: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
Content Warning: I made a little homage to three fanfiction I really love! I leave you to find the references ;)
Taglist: @ada-clarence , @badalmondzzzz , my wifey @starsomens , @raventherockstarhippie @blacksoul-27 , @somewhere-diamond
Summary:  This is just cute. I swear.
But you never promised me to be wiser of better.
Time flies.
Two years passed by so fast that you almost didn't notice. At first, your job was not demanding at all, compared with the rest of the crew. You have to accompaning Noah or any other member of the band to attend the interviews, most of them for radio stations. Taking notes for integrations on their website. Keep an eye on publicize enough any tourdates or merch drop, find sponsor for bigger venues and check at the end of the day if the guys need something for the day after.
You had to spend a lot of your time on the band socials, especially instagram and twitter, which you have always shared credentials with your brother and the rest of the band. You also create their TikTok and take care about the creation of fun contents.
It was way easy before the release of Death of Peace of Mind. After the beginning of 2022, you were on the road more than at home. A lot of famous hosters started to ask for an interview with Noah. All the lights switched on the future promise of rock music when Just Pretend became one of the most used/listened songs on TikTok.
And now, in the middle of the summer of 2023, the band is still rising. More money bring more responsabilities, the necessity of arranged a better shows, bigger interviews, more publicity, more interaction through the socials.
Everyone has to work the double, you included. Speaking with radio manager and small magazine specialized in all metal subgenders was a thing.
But now the band is too huge to stop at this level. And you werent trained enough for all this pressure, but it started to grow on you month after month, tour after tour. You are the guardian of Noah's schedule. You are not charming enough to compete with others PR, but since the crew is more similar to family meeting than a serious ansemble of professionals, you became competitive.
Hard work got big results like the european tour with Bring Me the Horizon. Oli wanted Bad Omens to open for him but you were the one who put all her soul and time on the project. On the papers. Because behing any tour there is a mountain of burocracy, sponsor phone calls and publicity. You had to team up with Matt, Miles and Davis so many times that at some point, that it's like having more than just one older brother.
From june 4th, the last day on tour, you are on vacation. You have nothing to do with music creation or audio/video sound checks. You just need a laptop, a lot of patience every time you scroll your emails, and the fantastic mojito your neighbour Brianna makes. A good reason to work on your balcony, along with the sound of the ocean, is her company. You don't have many friends but she is amazing. She moved from Minnesota after the shutdown, and she is an actress. Small roles, but as she always says, small roles bring bigger ones.
《 and it would have been ever better if my prick boyfriend didn't show up and basically assaulted the casting director》
You have heard this story at least ten times, but it's still amazing how boys can be idiots. 《 Why are you still with him? He's a bomb ready to detonate, Bri》 , you know that your concern will not help her in resonate, but you can't shut up.
《 I can't afford either the apartment or the car and you know that, y/n. Also, he is not that bad when he's sorber.》
《 But he never is! 》 you place the now empty glass on the outdoor table, disappointed in seeing her almost offended expression. It's a fortune that Matt isn't around. He has to deal with Jim at least twice a week. 《 You're my friend, Bri. The only one unrelated to my job..... I can't sleep over this situation anymore. I can help you. Move in with me and Matt, take care of my plant and Lucifurr for me while we are on tour. We don't want you to help with the rent. You just need to tell that dick to fuck off.》
《.... but he drives me to every casting》
《 and he's the reason no one is picking you in a very first place. This relationship is too toxic》
《 y/n I think you're crossing the line.》
《 He's gonna kill you one of these days!》
You both muted for a couple of seconds, the now tense air between the two of you being thick as a wall. Yeah, you cross the line but like Matt, you're no good in resonate with people who don't want any help. And like Matt you can't stand injustice, not at this rate.
But you know that you have to excuse yourself, simply it's hard to find the right words. You are not going to apologise for speaking your mind, but just about the way you did it.
《 y/n? Are you ready?》
A raspy voice catch you off guard. It's already seven??
《 Shit, Noah. I'm outside》, you yell in response, before turning again towards Brianna. She already reached the empty glass and without a word, and she comes back to her apartment. 《 C'mon Brianna. I'm sorry, just-for the fuck sake.》
Noah is standing right next to you when Brianna shut the door loudly.
All you can do is sigh out loud - a bad habit you inherit from the tall man on your side - before bringing your hands to cover your face in frustration.
《 What's going on, here?》 He asks , munching a candy.
《 I don't understand women.》
He gives you a funny look. 《 Damn, that's the real deal, man. Not the chicken/egg question, or what's our purpose on earth.... but why you girls act so weird. 》
《 Shut the fuck up, Noah. Not now.》
Your relationship with Noah also changed drastically in the last two years. It required some time and a ton of patience, but he open up to you and from thenon, you became a sort of confident of him. In return, he is the one you call when things are not going well. It was a bit embarrassing, the first months, but your friendship now is stronger than youve ever immagined. You feel like you can tell everything to Noah without being judged. Sometimes he laughs at you, of course, but he knows when a situation has to be manged seriously.
He cares about you with all his heart.
He doesn't aspect nothing in return, but he is dear to you on a level than only your brother have always been.
And he knows you deeply, that's why it is so easy for him to detect how worried you are.
《 Do you think he beats her? I mean, Steve is a scumbag, but I can't figure him being actually that violent. He is always too high to have some form of coordination.》
Since his arrival - Noah has the keys of the apartment so he can come and go as he pleased, especially when both you and matt are not in town and someone has to take care of Luci- Noah asked you questions on Brianna's situation.
He knows you're concerned and he also can't pretend he is fine with your neighbors yelling at each others on daily basis.
《 I don't know but he is getting more and more jealous. She told me he's sabotaging her auditions, now.》
Noah takes a sip of the iced tea you offer him, before grab your hand on the surface of the counter. 《 Start to call the police on them, when they argue. Maybe you're right. He is not beating her yet. But he could start.》 You nod slowly, thanking him with a soft smile. 《 By the way, do you feel okay? Wanna postpone our date?》
He loves to joke around with you, because he knows how this helps in rising your moral.
You pretend to get offended. 《 I would never, ever decline a date with you. Let me change in a more adequate outfit.》
《 take your time, the limo's driver can wait downstairs.》
You giggle, before leaving him in the kitchen, reaching your room for a quick change. In five minutes you're ready: a ponytail, red joggers and a tank top.
《 Ready to run, pretty boy?》
《 I'm always ready, chicken butt.》
Noah has never told you the real reason why he has taken the work out so seriously, but you're glad he did, because you joined him on his program and honestly, you feel at your top right now. It's not a matter of aesthetics, but you feel healthy. You are less tired at the end of the day, and you can endure the - at least- 15 working hours while Touring. Back at home, it became a habit of the two of you going out for a run daily during the sunsets since Noah is not an early bird and you'd rather work in the morning.
The place you chose is on the street that runs alongside the beach in Malibù. One of reason why you got used to LA is also the precious view of the ocean while the sun sinks in it and paints the sky in gold.
There is a small beach, hidden in the stunning nature of the Pacific Coast, that has become your spot. Every day you reach that beach, stretch a little and then go back to your apartment when usually Noah showers before leaving.
Today is a Saturday and even if you don't have big plans, Noah sometimes takes his chances on a Saturday night. Even God took a day off on Sunday, right?
《 It's the red hair?》
You ear him chuckles while you bend, grabbing the tip of your toes to stretch your back.
《 No red hair as far as I can recall》
《 So... the girl you helped at that dive bar?》 You rise again, bringing your arms to the sky 《The one who broke up with her cheating boyfriend? Or maybe your neighbour? I like her. I remember you told me she was so happy when you sent her our merch.》
Noah pushes you a little, making you loosing your balance while a giggle leaves your lips. 《 You're making me look like a fuckboy!》
《you are a fuckboy, always surrounded by beautiful women. And don't look at me like that! I know you like it that way!》
Noah is young and awesome. You got a crush on him in the beginning of your partnership. It's more than obvious that he has a significant number of choices when he wants to spend a night out.
This used to hurt you a bit, but the feeling of jealousy or envy - you still don't know what it was - disappeared in the moment you realised what you have.
All this girls can have noah for a night or two.
You can have him fully, you can call him in the middle of the night if a guy screws on you and Noah will bring you to buy ice-cream to McDonald's. You two can talk for hours about the absolute nothing or regarding the most difficult life choices.
You can mocking him, make him laugh in the golden light of the dying sun, in this very moment.
And that's more than enough.
Maybe you and Noah are not meant to be lovers, but he is your person and you are his. Like twin Flames, that doesn't matter how far they are.
They always burn bright.
《 I don't know, I was thinking for something casual. Like Netflix and chill.》
Lucifurr jumps off the sofa in the moment he hears Noah entering in your apartment. Your cat totally ignores you and starts to purr to the tall man that interrupts everything to kneel and cuddle the black ball of furr.
Satanic animal...
《 Then you should text the neighbor. She is the sweetest of yours hooks up.》
《 Then I can simply ring the door on my way back.》
《 Call her, Noah. Don't be a prick. The world doesn't revolve around you. Maybe she is planning to go out.》
You can hear him sigh in his annoying way. 《Can I shower here, anyway? I smell bad.》
《 You always smell bad.》
《 Am I???》
You exchange a glaze with him and immidiatly know its time to run. In the moment he leaves Luci alone, he is following you around the house while you yell for help. But matt isn't back yet, so you're on your own. As soon as noah reaches you (very soon, his legs are longer than yours), he huggs you tight, trying to put your head under his armpit.
《 NOAH STOP IS DISGUSTING!》 , you try to defend yourself hitting him on his back and between his legs with small slaps.
《Ei! Low blow! Don't slap my nutts!》
《 Don't sweat on me, you piece of-》
A yell interrupted the both of you, follow by a long cry and some smashed dishes. Noah realise the grip on you and sighs deeply looking at the wall that divides your apartment from Briannas one.
《 Is it always like this?》
《 almost every day, now.》
And there is something that broke in your cracking voice that completely shattered Noahs heart.
《 let's call the cops》, he says with a soft voice, hugging your shoulders. 《 I'll stay. We can watch a movie togheter.》
You look at him in surprise while he is reaching his phone. 《 and your date?》
《 you're my date》 , is the cheeky replay. The both of you smile, and you need a second. Not only because you're worried about brianna, but also because these small situations make you feel.... weird on your feelings towards noah.
You don't want to admit it, but a real date would be all you desire.
....but at what cost?
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Puppyshipping ramblings
I like to imagine that Kaiba's need to slap his name on everything would translate to a relationship. Not outwardly possessive (cause like who could he lose to when he is rich, hot and a genius) but instead unconsciously protective.
So he would just end up dressing Joey in Kaiba corp t-shirts or he would buy "himself" hoodies and Joey would appropriate them. I love when one person is a clothes thief. I just imagine Joey grabbing something from a drawer and throwing it on not caring as long as it fits. Kaiba can do nothing to stop him nor would he want to. (He will not admit how cute Joey looks)
Matching accessories when they go out and dress fancy cause Joey insists on going with Kaiba to some of his fancy business parties (a. just cause he is spoiled for attention b. the food is really good) which surprisingly the snooty business people find Joey amusing. Partially cause he has bard level charisma and he cleans up well while trying his best so Kaiba will bring him to more.
Instead of a necklace I think it would be cute if he got Joey a keychain that matched his and Mokuba's. He never says anything about the significance but Joey thinks its so cute and sweet then spends the rest of the week showing it off.
I love possessiveness but honestly Kaiba is too confident for that. Joey could be but I think his whole emotional development from the early chapters would have him put a big deal of trust in Kaiba to not worry about the masses throwing themselves at Kaiba. Plus with Kaiba's attitude to people he is not interested in is a big confidence boost when he can easily get the oh so important business man's attention without having to schedule a meeting. (Ok Joey can just walk in but since he had been granted VIP privileges at KC after an incident with some rookie guards he tends to schedule ahead just cause he is a good BF.)
Secretary has Joey on speed dial for Kaiba's bad days when he gets in the mood to start firing people. Kaiba wouldn't really cause that's a loss in man power and it takes too much time to vet employees but those bad days make the other workers stressed.
(I still can not find the damned fic that put this idea in my head) Kaiba starts collecting Red-eyes merch to match the Blue-eyes merch. Its starting to bug him not all of the statuettes have a matching counter part. (Joey finds this super fucking sweet. Since there is not enough Red-eyes merch he arranged the few Kaiba did find to have at lest 3 Blue-eyes around each one. Joey finds it hilarious that Red-eyes has a haram. Kaiba refuses to comment the new arrangement.)
I stan Joey being able to cook. Nothing too fancy but its good. I imagine its from having to take care of himself and working odd jobs some of which landed him in a kitchen or two. Also from these jobs he has a random amalgamation of knowledge. Nothing like any fancy computer stuff but he knows how to take care of a garden, could build you porch and the like.
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roseapov · 6 months
Athanasia De Alger Obelia x GN!Reader
Tw: manipulation, obsession, yandere, reincarnation, killing of Emperor, arranged marriage, mistreating, dethronement
Povtober 2023, Day 20 [Masterlist]
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When she read the Novel named 'Lovely Princess' for the first time, she fell in love with a royal background character, who was supposed to be Athanasia's lover before she died.
She absolutely loved you, searching the internet endlessly for any content containing you. Merch, fan arts, drafts, fan fics, everything.
That's why she got stunned when she found herself reincarnated as Athanasia. Athanasia, your fiance!
She was absolutely delighted, but she couldn't enjoy these feelings for long, as she had a problem related to her father. Claude De Alger Obelia, cruel Emperor and tyrant, who executed her in the first life.
That was quite a difficult predicament, as she would've loved to meet and be your fiance, but if she were to choose that option she would've ended up executed like Athanasia in her first life.
That was a tough decision to make, but her love for you was stronger than anything in the world.
So she decided to stay, and make her way into the heart of the Emperor. Everything, to be able to be with you longer.
After many years, when she was quite sure, that even if she wouldn't succeed, she wouldn't be killed, she could finally focus on you.
But time passed, way after Athanasia's meeting with you, and she still never met you. With that in mind, she decided to go to her father, with a request.
And that's how you found yourself before the Emperor and his daughter, the most important people in the Obelian Empire.
Together with your parents, to talk about arranged marriage between you two.
Claude himself was displeased at the thought of giving away his daughter like that, yet the way she begged and seemed to truly love you, who was he to deny her? He's still watching you.
When Athanasia first met you, she was mesmerized to say the least. The novel's description could never give you enough justice.
You were perfect! Marvelous! Gorgeous!
And so, she showered you with compliments, greedy of your frustrated expressions and reactions, couldn't you be any cuter?
She has to act selflessly all her life, so allow her to be greedy with you! She needs to be selfish with you! Just this once, please!
You were surprisingly pleased with such a cute princess, being your fiance, very different from her cold father.
Even if she got overbearing you always shrugged it off, maybe she hasn't gotten any attention from her cold father? Maybe she's attention starved?
These are the thoughts you were filling yourself with, as you cuddled her, and played with her hair.
Soon there wasn't any moment when she left you alone, always clinging to you. You were so good to her, you can protect her if anything happens too, right?
She's close to you for protection, she's so afraid of her father, can you help her?
Get rid of him?
The Empire would've been a better place without a cruel Emperor like him, you two would've been amazing rulers!
Won't you help her with that? Your cute and totally innocent fiance?
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My mind works in mysterious ways I swear. I never planned on getting rid of Claude or making Athy a manipulator, even tho it's a yandere. Anyway, I'm definitely gonna make it longer and more detailed, maybe nsfw? Cause I already had so many ideas writing this, that it would've been a shame not to use them, take care all!💕
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lixenn · 9 days
KHR Ask Game 3.0
I'M BACK! And I come bringing even more specific, totally unhinged questions!
Go wild folks!
🕶️*hands you a crown* You are now a person of political significance and assassins are after you *le gasp* Which KHR character do you choose as your permanent bodyguard?
🏦You are up to your nose in debt (damn you merch addiction shakes *fist at sky*). The solution: Bank robbery. Which KHR character is your partner in crime? Note: All Mists are currently in quarantine because a virus broke out that only affects their flame type, so no access to reality breaking bullshit for you my friend!
🩸You have been dragged into the Varia. Why? Well, the pay is great and there's excellent eyecandy. So! What would be your go-to murder method?
🎁 *bonk* "Fuck!" A box has fallen into your lap. It seems like it can be opened via flames. It could be anything: a weapon, a box animal, random junk or radioactive waste some dipshit sealed away for shit and giggles. It's a ✨ mystery box ✨ What will you do with it?
⚙️You somehow, in some way ended up as a Vongola guardian. Now, what form does your Vongola gear take?
💒Your shitty KHR parents sold you off to some creepy mafia don for cash. How are you getting out of your arranged marriage?
🎩You fucked around and found out. Now, you are hunted by the Vendice. They are persistent and there's no escape. Obviously, your only choice is to fake your death. How would you go about it? (Bonus question: what did you do to get on vendice's shitlist?)
👻Which KHR character is your spirit animal?
🦟 There's been an "accident" and one of Shamal's mosquitos got you good. What deadly disease are you infected with?
It might take me a tad longer to answer them this time because I need to have a bit more of a think for some of them (also spoon level is currently low ), but I will get to it!
Also it would be super awesome if anyone participating in the game could tag it with #khr ask game so I can read easily find and gush over your answers 👉🏼👈🏼🥺
Here's part one and part two for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
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canmom · 4 months
NieR Orchestra Concert 12024 [the end of data] (London, 15/2/2024)
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NieR concert was incredible just as expected. Honestly, from the moment I got there - the cosplayers, the general atmosphere, it was just a good place to be surrounded by NieR nerds lmao. So many people happy to chat with the stranger next to them, kind of a con vibe.
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But of course we were there for the music! And it was fuckin amazing. The emi evans/j'nique nicole duets😭These were special orchestral arrangements specifically for this concert, and the way the sound of the orchestra fills the space, how you can see a phrase physically ripple across the orchestra... I don't get to go to a lot of concerts but I really should try to go more often, because it's something else to hear orchestral music.
below: further comments on the concert, lots of cosplay photos.
The multimedia elements also worked really well - every piece was accompanied with backing videos using either demosceney abstract visuals or images from the games, along with text that told a short story over the course of the concert, with some segments voice acted by the English voices of 2B and 9S (Kira Buckland and Kyle McCarley, who have previously made their own performances of the original Japan-only concert readings). I won't spoil the story in this post since there are still concerts to come, but it was... not that substantial I'll admit, but sweet, and a nice framing device to create a flow through the songs and various moments from the games.
Hearing J'nique Nicole's voice live though, that was incredible. Emi Evans was there just as last time, and just as amazing as always - but this time we had both of them on stage together, and it was absolutely sublime. We all went wild. They performed duets in several songs, with the standouts naturally being A Beautiful Song, Ashes of Dreams, and of course Weight of the World. I think we all thought that was the end because we gave it a standing ovation but then Emi came back out to perform Kainé. After that we got into the groove of standing up and stood up again like three more times lol.
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Yoko Taro and Yosuke Saito showed up at the end and made a bunch of rapidfire jokes in Japanese that the translator couldn't keep up with, bless her. But we got to give them like the fourth standing ovation of the night, and made a lot of noise when Yoko Taro suggested it would persuade the president of Squeenix to fund a sequel. I'm sure they appreciated it lmao. I think it must be so weird for Yoko Taro to go from someone with a career of niche, unsuccessful games to being internationally renowned to the point that a massive auditorium full of people in multiple countries will go absolutely nuts just to hear him speak a language we mostly don't speak.
Good mix of people who were at a NieR concert for the first time and people who'd been to the last one. There was a guy near me who had apparently been to the Berlin concert just a few days before, and snagged a ticket for this one literally yesterday just to get it again with better acoustics. I respect it lol. Everyone I spoke to was remarkably friendly - last time I went to one of these things I felt really nervous about approaching anyone but it seems I've gotten better about that kind of thing in the last few years. Anyway, people had come from all over - I chatted with a pair of Americans from Boston all the way down the merch line.
Here are some pictures, mostly of cosplayers. I am still getting used to shooting with the DSLR my friend gave me, so not all of these came out perfectly steady and some of them the exposure wasn't right,, but there are some nice ones in here...
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bokeeeeehhhhhhhhh... I spoke a bit to the owner of this 9S doll. Her mum was there too, and it turns out she's a haberdasher who makes cosplays for her daughters and has now done over 70. That's a legendary mum right there.
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The 9S cosplayer here gave me his instagram. he's a pro photographer so I feel a little embarassed at the quality of the photos I took of him ^^'
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I got some merch too, since I understand it's the main way events like this support themselves.
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That Kainé thing isn't a print, it's a vinyl record with a few arrangements of Kainé. Though I was totally prepared to buy it as a print because it's a lovely drawing. I don't actually own a record player, but one day I'll surely listen to it ^^'
I was too fatigued to make a cosplay this time, but I'm sure there will be another concert and next time, for sure, I will go as Devola or Popola. Unless Yoko Taro comes up with another redhead character in the meantime lmao.
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zimsrightantenna · 3 months
Invader Zim + ZaDr Fan Merch Review
I bought some zadr and iz directly from @banana-zim and the gist of it is that it was very good 5/5 stars would recommend
But here are the details:
Nana was very very accommodating for my horrible financial situation and was able to indefinitely hold items for me and make arrangements with shipping to make sure I had a stable income while making the purchase, and also was very patient and kind throughout the whole process even when things were not stable on my end. I was able to plan this for months! Very trustworthy I'd say
These are the items I bought
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[ID 1: A zim pillow in a plastic wrapper, and a notebook with stickers and stickiness wrapped in bubble wrap. /End ID 1]
The packaging had kept everything clean, dry and undamaged.
There was a Zim on both sides of the pillow, the colours were vibrant (though they look a little more saturated on my phone camera, no idea why) and the fabric was very soft. It has a zipper that is almost not visible, and you can open it. Inside is fluff, which you could theoretically remove to wash the pillow case though it didn't come with wash instructions. I will let Nana comment on that if there are questions!
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[ID 2, 3: The zim pillow from other angles showing the backside and zipper, unzipped. /End ID 2, 3]
The post-its are cute and easy to write on, they have enough white space to get a few sentences down depending on how small you write. Here is a little thank you note ♡
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[ID 4: The notebook laid out on the bubble wrap with the post-it notes and stickers on top. /End ID 4]
[ID 5: A close-up picture of the post-it notes. On the first page there is a heart drawn with a ballpoint pen and the words "Thank you Bananazim!" /End ID 5]
I got the zadr stickers for free. They have a paper-like texture and the colours seem slightly more muted than the pillow but they still look colourful in real life. I stuck one of them to the inside of my notebook and they seem to stick nicely!
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[ID 6: Three stickers. The first is the swollen eyeball symbol on top of the irken symbol. The second is a heart with a space background. Inside of the heart Zim and Dib are kissing. The third is square, with Dib laying on a pillow with a blanket over his waist and an open book under his hand. Zim clings to his back. /End ID 6]
The notebook looks like this! It has saturated colours on the front and back, and a protective plastic page on either side. The front and back pages are shinier than the inside, and all pages on the inside are lined. Size A5.
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[ID 7, 8: The front page of the notebook, a drawing of the black silhouettes of Zim and Dib in front of the control brains and swollen eyeball screens. The screens and Dib's eyes are coloured turquoise while Zim's eye and the control brains are coloured pink. Zim appears to sit in Dib's lap, and Dib's fingers have turquoise threads wrapped around them that go into Zim's back where his PAK is supposed to be. There is pink text reading "MY LittLE ALiEN". The lines are white. The pictures as with and without the slightly opaque plastic cover page. /End ID 7, 8]
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[ID 9: A page of the notebook. It is lined from top to bottom. /End ID 9]
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[ID 10: The backside of the notebook. It's black with the turquoise swollen eyeball symbol over the irken symbol. /End ID 10]
Overall I really enjoyed this, and I've already started using the notebook to keep track of my creative projects and everything I need to mend or fix in my room :)
In the reblogs I will link the Etsy shop and kofi because I don't know if tumblr hides posts with links or if that was an old bug?
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jessamine-rose · 1 year
。⋆୨୧˚ Campus Tour ˚୨୧⋆。
*sigh* I can’t believe this is the first thing I wrote after my Twst hiatus. This is based on my Student! Divus Crewel brainrot from two years ago, and I hope you all like my version of NRC’s attractive professor (〃´▽`〃)
♡ 0.8k words under the cut ♡
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♡ The Magift tournament is a rare opportunity for outsiders to visit Night Raven College. One such tourist is you, an ordinary student eager to see what the esteemed school has to offer—the inter-dorm game, the culture fair, and the handsome students!!
♡ Before the tournament, you explore the campus and accidentally enter an off-limits area. At first glance, the Pomefiore dorm looks as regal and intimidating as its students. And thankfully empty. Before you can return to the Hall of Mirrors, however, someone catches you.
“Look who we have here. I believe visitors were told that the dorms are a no-entry zone. You do know that we are obliged to kick out rebellious puppies, yes?”
♡ …...Well, at least you get to meet a handsome student before you are kicked out. He wears the standard NRC uniform accessorized with silver earrings, red high heels, and a black-and-white fur brooch. Even his natural features are devastatingly attractive, from his stylish black hair to his gray eyes accentuated with dark makeup.
♡ You don’t know what convinces him of your innocence, your flustered explanation or your fearful face. But he must’ve found you entertaining, because he laughs and tells you that he will keep this a secret. However, he can’t just leave you to cause more trouble like a lost puppy. So until the tournament, he will keep a close eye on you.
♡ It’s a convenient arrangement on both sides. The student can ensure your obedience and kill his boredom while you get a proper tour of NRC. You eagerly accept and give him your name, to which he charmingly introduces himself as Divus Crewel.
♡ Together, the two of you enjoy the culture fair. Beyond his serious first impression, Divus is the perfect date tour guide. He tells you about the school’s history, recommends the best snacks and merch, and is greeted by several friends. He is popular, charismatic, fashion-oriented...…and perhaps even interested in you.
♡ Not in a serious way, of course. He clearly views you as a cute little plaything with his casual flirting and suggestive gestures. But that’s fine; you flirt back and openly reciprocate his attraction. What a dreamlike tour this is shaping out to be. If only it could last forever.
♡ And that is how the two of you end up making memories in the woods behind the campus. Just a heavy makeout, nothing too risqué, though you and Divus end up quite disheveled. Who knows, the two of you might’ve gone further if a professor hadn’t caught you.
♡ The professor—Trein, Divus calls him—is not amused. After scolding the both of you for your debauchery, he tells you to return to the fair while he continues admonishing Divus. Unfazed, your fling rolls his eyes at Trein and turns to you. He takes off his loose tie, fixes your collar with it, and sends you off with a proud smirk.
♡ You see him again in the Coliseum, defeating Magift opponents left and right. He is dressed in his PE uniform this time, hair and makeup fixed to hide the evidence of your shared crime. After the tournament, he sees you in the crowd and offers one last smile, this time tinged with genuine delight from Pomefiore’s victory.
♡ And that’s it. Divus remains in the Coliseum, surrounded by teammates and sponsors, while you leave for your scheduled flight. Back home, you unpack your souvenirs—makeup, jewelry, official NRC merch, a jar of raisin butter…...and Divus’s tie. You take off the striped ribbon and keep it in a special box, the lasting memento of a dream.
♡ You don’t bother to reconnect with Divus. The two of you resume your ordinary lives, meet other people, and pursue your dream careers with little thought of your old fling. Apart from seeing Divus in his televised VDC performance, you rarely think of him and merely smile at that juvenile memory.
♡ Years later, you return to Sage's Island for a job promotion. Without the mob of tourists, the island is quite peaceful. A walk past NRC brings back nostalgic memories of that Magift fairytale and your rogue Prince Charming. You are chased out of that dream by the sight of a professor reprimanding his students...…and drawn back in when he turns around, instantly recognizable.
♡ A fancy black-and-white fur coat with scarlet accessories. Split-dyed hair fixed in a stylish hairdo. Sharp gray eyes holding your gaze with pleasant surprise. He dismisses his students and approaches you, a familiar smile cutting across his handsome face.
“Well, look who we have here. You’ve grown into quite the alluring mage, ______.”
*holds head in hands* Of all characters and ideas, it had to be Crewel-sensei. I hope you all enjoyed this old brainrot which is actually my least thirsty Crewel rot (〃 ω 〃)
Tag a Crewel enjoyer!! @nicebonescomrades @ramen-lord-baku @wildnya @sugoscurry @magicpumpkin3 @starshiningsirius
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duckprintspress · 5 months
Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributors Flore Picard and Alec J. Marsh
We are 57% of the way to our funding goal for AETHER BEYOND THE BINARY, with 19 days to go!! This awesome anthology featuring non-binary and genderqueer characters in aetherpunk settings has been in the works for a year, and we’re optimistic that we’ll reach our funding target so that we can publish the book as an e-book, trade paperback, and hardcover. Slow and steady, race winning, you know the deal. 😀 Things have definitely slowed down, as is normal for this stage of the campaign, so just a note that we’d always appreciate your help with spread the word about this project so that more people will know it exists! You can find our “main” posts about the campaign on different platforms using these links:
Patreon (public post)
Thanks in advance!!
You can learn all about the campaign, the book, the merch, and the authors, by visiting our Kickstarter campaign page!
And, today we’re introducing two more contributing authors: Flore Picard and Alec J. Marsh!
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The Light Organ by Flore Picard
About Flore Picard: I’m a linguist and translator who lives in France and I have been itching to write since I learned how to. I started writing (fan)fiction more regularly when I was procrastinating on my PhD dissertation, and I haven’t looked back since. I’m also an artist who loves drawing both fanart and original art, and I have a passion for patterns and systems, for the beauty at the edge of chaos and the complexity of being human. I tend to write about queer and disabled characters finding themselves and each other and learning to take up space in the world.
Links: Instagram | Twitter
This is Flore’s first publication with Duck Prints Press.
Title: The Light Organ
Tags: angst with a happy ending, capitalism is the real villain, coming out, disabled character, emotional hurt/comfort, family, fraught family dynamics, illusion, in the closet, magic use, mechanic, musician, non-binary, parenthood, present tense, science fiction with magic, teenager, third person limited point of view, transphobia (mentions of) (past)
“No, no, no—the organ, the light ring—it’s all about the imagination, not the mechanics,” Kas exclaims, gesturing widely to encompass the aether pool behind the glass.
“I’m just here for the tubes,” the tech—Gilbert—says flatly.
His face betrays no emotions, not even annoyance. Kas almost wishes he would yell or be rude, if only for the sake of feeling like they’re having an actual conversation, but Gilbert has always been polite. He just never seems to care.
“Fine,” Kas gives up. “We’ve got glitches. They started about a week ago. It could be a leaking tube, I’m not sure.”
“What kind of glitches?”
“It’s as if… as if the story stops responding to me. I know how that sounds, but I swear that’s what happens. It doesn’t last more than a few seconds, but it’s getting worse. Earlier, I powered everything up to tune it and it kept flickering.”
“Flickering,” Gilbert repeats, mumbling into his neatly trimmed beard.
Kas grabs a cane in each hand and makes their way to the organ’s seat. “I can show you.”
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You’re Gonna Get Older by Alec J. Marsh
About Alec J. Marsh: Alec lives in the Pacific Northwest, where they write romantic adult fantasy and self-indulgent fanfiction. They make candles inspired by their favorite characters.
Links: Etsy | Instagram | Twitter
Alec is one of the editors for Aether Beyond the Binary and has also published multiple titles with Duck Prints Press. His novella To Drive the Hundred Miles (modern, f/m, trans male lead) was recently successfully crowdfunded and orders fulfilled. His two erotica stories Heart’s Scaffold (sci-fi, m/m) and Study Hall (modern academia, m/m) are part of the Contributor Short Story Bundle add-on.
Title: You’re Gonna Get Older
Tags: arranged marriage, christian, coming of age, coming out, cults, fraught family dynamics, friends, in the closet, lesbian, midwest, misgendering, non-binary, north dakota, past tense, post-apocalyptic, relationship of convenience, religion, song fic, teenager, third person limited pov, trans man, trans woman, transphobia
There was a radio in the room, an old two-way they had found on their last visit and hidden in an empty supply closet. It was still there. They slid open the battery pack and snapped in a fresh battery from their aether lantern. Chips of the meteor had been encased in metal tubing to mimic the lithium batteries of the Before, but they were precious and had to be used sparingly. Stardancer knew better than to use precious energy on something this frivolous.
They popped the battery cover in place and pressed the power button. It crackled to life. They cradled it like it was made from glass. The dials made a tak-tak-tak noise as Stardancer scrolled through channels. Music came through softly. It faded in and out, cut through with static, but it was music, and not the kind made on an acoustic guitar. They adjusted the antenna and turned up the volume.
It was like nothing they had heard before, fast paced with a heavy beat. Even over the fuzzy AM connection, it was invigorating. They wanted to dance. They wanted to sing along with words they had never heard before. The singer screamed their triumph, and Stardancer felt invincible.
There's no time like right now to become a backer and help us reach 100% funded! Check it out!
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c9k · 2 months
the virginfest story
virginfest was organized by a woman named raven, also known as copkiller1999. it was intended to be held at her place of work, a tattoo shop called toki tattoo in atlanta, georgia, on september 11th, 2021, with tickets being sold at the door for $5 each.
the original lineup was negative xp, hard christ, hot leather, egg white, neet, sodaboy64, greens on toast, bad takes only, fried by fluoride, gjallarhornit, gezebelle gaburgably, pacific purgatory, and 13th century cowboy. however, not everyone was able to make it. sodaboy, fried, neet, and cowboy all dropped out. fried dropped out for mental health reasons, while neet and cowboy were going to meet each other but couldn't. this was likely due to cowboy having been doxxed, which caused him to delete everything. a lot of his discography is lost media now.
by the time the event was set to happen, nearly half of the artists who were going to be there, had either dropped out or left the scene altogether, but the remaining members were still enough of a draw to get people to come. posters were updated; tickets would no longer be sold in person and had to be purchased online. there was also a merch website called virginfestmerch.online.
for the most part, virginfest's existence was only rly known within the epunk community. but secretly, from the moment of its conception, a so-called "antifascist" organization called atlanta antifa had been keeping their eyes on it. (i say this bc their behavior isn't antifascist at all) on the day of, they posted an extremely long twitter thread about the event, falsely accusing the musicians involved of being far right and racist. they acted like virginfest was posing a threat, when in reality, it was just some people coming together to have a good time. raven privately requested that this be taken down, explaining that virginfest wasn't politically motivated and no one was far right. atlanta antifa didn't respond, instead screenshotting raven's message and publicly posting it.
due to all of this controversy, toki tattoo dropped the event mere hours before it was supposed to start. raven announced this on her story, clarifying that she did not support extremism. atlanta antifa was still not satisfied and said raven should be fired from her job. but it was too late for them to cancel virginfest bc many people had already arranged to be there.
chosewood park was 4 minutes away from the original location, so virginfest was relocated there. due to it being outside, everything had to be acoustic. it lasted for 4 hours and was livestreamed on twitch by a streamer called trofy. shooter claimed to not be attending due to family matters but snuck into the crowd wearing a fake beard, and ended up performing for 20 minutes due to a lack of gear.
atlanta antifa shared a pic of a man with white nationalist attire, claiming he was event security, but this wasn't true. they also shared pictures of random attendees, claiming they were white supremacists bc they wore shirts for bands atlanta antifa didn't approve of. they resorted to calling the cops but no laws were being broken. the cops ended up sticking around and hanging out.
after the event, atlanta antifa kept trying to get raven fired, going so far as to dox her. 4 days after virginfest, toki tattoo announced that they had let her go.
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rabbitenn · 9 months
hi! im excited to see another idolish7 imagines blog!!! my birthday is coming up, so would it be okay if i requested hcs/scenario for what nagi would do on his s/o's birthday?
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It’s your birthday and he’ll celebrate with you as you deserve.
ft. Rokuya Nagi x gn! reader.
cw/genre: pure fluff.
hi, nonnie ! first of all, happiest birthday to you <3 i’m wishing you have a very lovely time on your special day 🩷 and i hope i managed to post this in time for your birthday too. thank you sm for requesting, i really hope it is to your liking !
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— Nagi is one of the sweetest guys you can ever meet. He loves his friends more than anyone ever, and of course, that extends to his s/o.
— So, obviously, he has to celebrate your special day with you! And no small celebration will do either! Your boyfriend wants this to be a beautiful memory when you look back at it.
— First things first, this wouldn’t be a proper birthday if there wasn’t a cake present, so he totally begs resident cook Mitsuki to help him prepare a pretty and tasty one for you (the latter has to prevent Nagi from decorating it with a Cocona theme, though, but he has good intentions, Cocona is very cute, after all).
— Nagi is very considerate and thoughtful under that flashy exterior of his. Not being new to having to queue in order to get his favorite anime merch, he’ll go to the ends of the earth if he has to just to get you that item you’ve been eyeing for months. No matter how expensive it is.
— And of course, he plans a whole trip for your special day, which includes visiting all your favorite places, or new spots you’ve mentioned you’d like to visit some time.
You awake to the vibration of your phone, resonating against the wood of your bedside table.
Turning around in bed, you groggily feel for the device, bleary eyes squinting at the screen.
Turns out, what you see is a little different from what you were expecting, for, instead of your alarm, a bunch of notifications from a certain someone cover the background photo of you and him.
00:00 ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Nagi ✧: happy birthday, my beloved 🌹💕
8:32 ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Nagi ✧: good morning, dear ! ✨
8:43 ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Nagi ✧: look outside your window, beautiful <3
8:44 ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Nagi ✧: today is going to be special ~
followed by lots of cute memes and multiple emojis.
Despite the sleep still clinging to you like a blanket that beckons you to go back to the honeyed daze of nightly dreams, you get up from bed. Hair messy, and one of his Cocona t-shirts exposing your shoulder, you make your way to your room’s balcony.
And just as you expected, there your boyfriend stands. Cocona customized phone in hand, dazzling smile on his lips, and waving to you with one of his hands.
“Good morning to you too, handsome.” You chuckle, your arms laying crossed over the balcony railing.
The idol’s sky blue gaze brightens when your face comes into view, his smile widening even more if that was possible.
“Why don’t you come in, Nagi?” You invite him. “As much as the breeze up here is nice, talking like this is hardly convenient.” You suggest.
“That would be an excellent idea, my love. I’ve brought something for you.” He says, charming as ever.
“I’ll be right there.”
And sure enough, bring something he did.
A delicious looking cake, its sweet scent wafting through your living room as Nagi carefully arranges a few candles over its surface. Somehow, he even managed to find ones that match the cake’s coloring.
As he carefully lights them up, you get lost in him. He really is beautiful, and in that moment you’re convinced he is, without a doubt, a prince. You truly are lucky to have met someone as loving, gentle and caring as him.
“Happy birthday, [Y/n]” He utters, with a kiss to the crown of your head. “Make a wish, my darling.” Your lover whispers, his hands resting on your shoulders, his lips brushing the shell of your ear.
With tender eyes, you stare up at him, one of your hands resting on top of his.
“All I could have ever wished for has already come true, Nagi.” You confess, before reaching up to softly peck his lips.
Yes, Rokuya Nagi is definitely everything you had been looking for, you think, as you blow out your birthday candles.
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bawnjourno · 11 months
Chicago Sparks Rambles!!!
It was so slay to meet Claire @rhythmthlef Eiffel @thedevotionaltour and Sarah @ron-do-i-get-to-sing-my-way and to ofc be with my bff Alissa @taintmansion . Everyone looked so yass and slay and our group pic got on the insta story!
Also shoutout to @churippu who was so sweet and gave us the grooviest stickers in the merch line! I can’t wait to find a place for my sparkly suit Russell.
I NEVER go crazy at merch tables and have spent months not going to the movies, buying records, or eating out, so I got… 3 t-shirts, a tote bag, socks, and the pin set 💪 I love all my swag!
ofc last year in Chicago (same venue) was a bit more subdued all around energy wise bc it was still during COVID but the crowd was great this time. I wish we’d stood earlier (seated venues are like that sometimes) but the people in the front row were up dancing like crazy the whole time and other people were dancing in the aisles!
Those first few opening songs obviously went hard but I was LIVINGGGGGG during Beaver and Ron’s piano/Stevie’s drums in Nothing Is As Good As They Say It Is were fire. And Russell’s vocals in general jesus! How do u do that dude!!!
It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way has meant a lot to me personally for various reasons - mainly, I’ve felt weird and uncool my whole life and I find my passion in meaning in making art and using that art to connect with people who DO understand me - and so Russell was just introducing it and I started crying and cried the whole song 😭
Then cut to Balls when we NEEDED to get our fist pumps on!! ✊🟢
I love that they kept Shopping Mall Of Love bc people were screaming for Ronnie like it was Beatlemania. Love that bridge clapping also!
Toughest Girl In Town had one of the coolest arrangements eva god it was beautiful. And We Go Dancing went crazyyyyyyyy like I will never be that in shape in my LIFE
Eli ate that Bon Voyage solo tf up 🎸
By MTYCTD everyone was standing and dancing and the fire alarm started going off mid song but we all just ignored it 😭😭😭 tfw they are literally hotter than your mama will ever be. And the song ends and Russell just goes [slightly bitchy voice] “okayyyyyyyy. everything’s fine, carry on as you were” fjjfjfjfjfjjd
The 1 2 3 punch of Heaven My Way This Town is always godly. I made sure to scream my lungs out during the shuffle wahhhhh.
I can’t remember at what point but like 2/3 through the set maybe? In between songs Russell just starts singing 🎶My kind of town, Chicago🎶 it was really sweet
I wish they’d done the full Gee That Was Fun but the mini version served well as a final pre encore song 🥹
I had forgotten about the rainbow lights during Baby’s so thank god I was recording wahhhhhh that song goes so hard
All That was worse than IDHTBTW like I started sobbing and couldn’t stop until they left the stage 😭 They just mean so much to me!!! And Ron made a lil speech thanking us and said “I know it sounds hackneyed but at this point in the night I can’t avoid sounding hackneyed” and I mean ofc they’d say this but they said “best Chicago visit yet” which was nice
The standing ovation after All That and the pic was like 3-4 minutes long and Alissa commented on it and Claire just went “I could go all night baby!” which like so true
Russell made 🫶🫰 at the audience during this standing o and Alissa just screamed “KPOP KING !”
I stood on my chair and still didn’t get in the pic but Ron was technically on top of me so 💪😌
Random asides: got so many compliments on my Ron outfit! Sparks fans are the nicest! When our group met in the Dunkin a nice blonde woman walking outside flashed me a thumbs up from the window and then she was front row. We actually chatted after and she said she was considering going to Milwaukee last minute. Girl do it!!!! And when I got to merch and said “okay let’s start with the tote bag bc i’m gonna go a little crazy” the person in the left half of the line laughed and was encouraging lol.
Alissa and I waited outside for about half an hour and I guess the guys had been whisked away long beforehand 😅 but we said hi to Evan and Max and they were super nice!
One of the best shows I’ve ever been to. Once of the most meaningful and profound. So glad I have a favorite band. So glad I have great friends to do it all with. Gee That Was Fun (real)
Sparkle on ✨
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