#but i need someone who watches supernatural in my house and my mom doesn't want to
soft-for-them · 1 year
Palm readings and tulips - Roman Godfrey x plus size reader
Summary: You and Roman are close, best friends even. You think he doesn't love you despite everything pointing to him loving you.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated and help more people read my works.
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A/N: Before writing this I hadn't watched Hemlock Grove since I was like fourteen so at this point in time I've only re-watched the first few episodes so the characters are probably way ooc. Not proof read.
Since turning eighteen, aka a legal adult, you’ve realised that you still don’t have the power to do much at all. You’re still learning to drive despite knowing that you won’t be able to afford the cost of a car on your own. You’re working part time and you’re still somehow waking up every morning to go to school which seems to never end.
Then there’s Roman.
Best friends since your family moved to Hemlock Grove when you were twelve, the promise of a job at the steel mill shattered as soon as you arrived leaving you to play outside alone whilst your parent(s) worked over jobs. Roman's always been generous with his disposable wealth when it comes to you because of your family situation.
Roman Godfrey with his fancy little red car always filled with fuel, his house always open to you when you don’t feel safe at home, his disregard for the price of anything, him choosing to always pay for your shopping the rare time he stalks around a shop with you when he’s not busy bedding other people. With a flick of a wrist he can get anything he wants no fake ID or drop of his prestigious name needed, though he does the latter one regardless, Roman Godfrey has the world at his feet.
Maybe that’s why you’re forever thinking up reasons why he’s still friends with you.
As you bang you head on your dull green locker, no one around the hallways to stop you doing so for most if not all the students have been killed in gruesome bloody ways only leaving the younger students and the less than savoury upper-classmen left. To think, if you didn’t have someone like Roman following you around like a shadow then you’d probably be mauled to death and left in a ditch somewhere.
What a lovely thought indeed.
Raising your head you look down the hall, only small clumps of people mulling around, a larger group of tall teens clad in baggy clothes huddled around some lockers probably looking at something indecent catching you attention.
“I am an adult for crying out loud.” you mutter to yourself as you check you book bag filled with heavy textbooks and your large novelty pencil case, “I should be out of this fucking town.”
Then a loud obnoxious laugh, one that sounds more like some exclaiming ‘HA!’ rather than a proper laugh echoes down the hallway reminding you that nothing good ever comes from such fake sound.
So with a reluctant sigh you mosey over to the group of boys, not caring that you look half dead in your oversized baseball jersey and baggy mom jeans, your bag clutched in your hands ready to use it as a weapon if need be.
“Alright fuckers what you looking at now?” you holler as you squish in between two towering boys who smell like B.O and dress like nul metal band rejects.
The best outcome is that they’re all ogling at a magazine of scantily clad women or huddled around a small screen of a phone looking at social media but no, sitting against a locker looking horrified is none other than Shelley Godfrey.
Her long faux hair droops over her entire face as she tries to look as small as possible, her long grey cardigan pooling on the dirtied checked floor of the hallway, her arms holding onto her speaking tablet with an inhuman clutch.
Your face turns stern, tired eyes showing how pissed off you are, the very small amount of power you have in this supernatural town bubbling up.
Most all the boys huddled around you both are way taller, a couple of the shorter ones plus size like you, so really you are outnumbered in every way including size. However, somehow the remaining gaggle of teenage boys who roam the school have an odd resect for you. Much like how Roman, when he’s not fucking someone or completely gone like he was never alive, they follow you around school like lost puppies finding you entertaining, your straightforward and sarcastic wit making you ‘one of the boys’.
That and you’re one of the very few teens who Roman hasn’t bedded, some of your classmates almost seeing you like a challenge for surely soon enough Roman will fuck you too. You’ve overheard them talk about you like this many times, too many for your liking and you have mixed feeling about how they see you. On one hand some people see this pretty young woman who must be next on Roman’s conquest whilst others see you as just ‘the fat girl’ and nothing else.
For once in your life you’d like to be seen as more than a piece of meat but you digress, you’d much rather have the respect of these teenagers than have their ogling eyes look you up and down like your either their next fuck or next bullying target.
 “What? Her wig was falling off, it’s funny (y/n).” one smiles thinking that you’re going to happily chuckle alone with them.
Honestly you feel too much like a mother goose sometimes, these greasy teenagers your rebellious goslings who think you’d laugh along with them at such cruelty.
“Oh! FUNNY LIKE BREAKING YOUR DICK!” you shout at the top of your lungs, everyone is a five mile radius knowing it’s you shouting out your secret knowledge.
No one other than you and the gaggle of lanky teens surrounding you know who you’re exactly talking about however everyone else will have a fun time trying to guess who ‘broke’ their dick and hopefully the humiliation will hammer it into their head not to mess with Shelley Godfrey again.
“Come on (y/n)!” one scoffs whilst another gives you a “not cool bro.” to no avail.
“Where’s your brother?” you ask in you softest voice as you crouch down to Shelley’s height ignoring the scattering boys who try to do damage control now that everyone, which isn’t a lot compared to the beginning of the year, has heard what you shouted.
Speak of the devil Roman appears out of nowhere crouching down beside you as you talk softly to Shelley.
“Where the fuck have you been rich boy?” you scoff as you turn your head to look at your childhood befriend.
“How did you know Tyler broke his dick?” Roman retorts back with a handsome smile.
You ignore him, instead you help Shelley up.
“I’m not a blushing virgin Rom-“ you smile up to Shelley silently nodding asking is she’s ok which gets you a smile back before looking back to Roman, “- me and his brother was in the middle of some things when that idiot fell in the shower screaming bloody murder ‘My dick’s broken, my dick’s broken!’.”
You were having fun too, it’s not that often that a hot guy genuinely takes an interest in you let alone a hot college type who can take your wondering mind off Roman Godfrey, but then his idiot younger brother had slipped whilst belting out pop tunes in the shower making everyone in the house hold privy to the fact he hurt his member.
It was quite easy sneaking out whilst his family crowded around the bathroom, though your thoughts where quickly back of Roman.
As of late all you’ve been thinking about is Roman, that and escaping Pennsylvania but mostly of Roman’s stupidly handsome face.
Him looking at you now with eyes so filled with emotion, most of which you can’t decipher makes you almost blush and fumble. However before you can blurt out your feelings for the guy who used to follow you around town whilst you caught bugs or explored the library instead of going home you offer your arm to Shelley stating you’re going to take her to her class.
Shelley takes your arm with a small smile, a faint glow of blue like a firefly radiating from under her fringe. Roman follows closely behind you protectively, his heart filling up with an emotion he hasn’t properly felt in his life.
Roman Godfrey, the most powerful person in school, the man who is your shadow, in love with you.
“He’s not happy with you (y/n).” Peter says between puffs of his cigarette the two of you sat at the front of his static home.
He offers the cigarette to you but you refuse it.
“He’s never happy with me lately.” you say not believing a word that comes from your lips, you don’t think Roman has ever be properly angry or disappointed in you, not really.
“You know that’s a lie.” Peter says nudging your arm as you stare off into the distance to the house upon the hill.
“Peter, don’t contradict yourself.” you hit his arm back.
Ever since Peter Rumancek moved here you’ve been spending more and more time with him, well not as much as Roman has but you’ve been spending more time with the shaggy haired man then at home.
“What I mean is that he's annoyed at you.” as Peter talks you lean you head down on his shoulder, the late afternoon slowly fading into sunset, the air around going cold.
“How so?” you ask looking up at him.
“Something about a brother and you helping his sister.”
“Ah, that.”
Sighing, nuzzling your face into Peter’s bicep you try to figure out how to explain to him the situation that you hadn’t even realised was a situation until now.
So you explain it to him. In as little words as possible you recount the story of having a one night stand with a classmate’s older brother and the ensuing hilarity that you used as leverage to help Shelley.
“He really likes you.” Peter says bringing his hand up to pat your head as you slump down more into his arm like it was a pillow on your bed.
“Of course he does Peter, we’ve been friends since we were twelve.”
You don’t want to really explain anything more to Peter because you know exactly what he’s trying to get out of you.
Surely someone like Roman can’t like you back, right?
And from that conversation sometime later the next week you find yourself sat awkwardly on a throw covered blue sofa, a decorative pillow on your lap and Peter by your side fully relaxed.
Destiny has been kind to you the half an hour you’ve been here, she’s offered you tea, told you embarrassing stories about Peter and genuinely been hospitable and nice however as she breaches the subject of why you’re here you start to feel nervous.
It was Peter’s idea, he had been the one to bring up Destiny’s palm readings and curtsey of Peter you’re getting the palm reading for free. You’re not some naive little girl any more so you can take whatever Destiny gives you. Unlike the bigots of the town who think Destiny is scamming people out of their money because she is Romani you’re hopeful that she can give you a good reading and get Peter off you back to boot for he has been trying to tell you that Roman like likes you all week.
But still you’re nervous and jittery.
Destiny asks for your hands which you reluctantly hold out.
“I know you’re probably really good at this-“ you begin as she cradles your hands, your palm upward facing, Destiny leaning over to look at them, “-but I don’t need you tell me if I’m going to have kids or if I’m going to rich.”
Your eyes flicker between her and Peter.
“That’s no entirely how this works.” Destiny grins as Peter touches your arms to try to calm you down, “Anyway from what Peter has told me we may only need to look at your heart line.”
“Heart line?”
“Oh! Yeah, love…” your face scrunches up in worry, “Sorry, I’m not saying you’re a fake or anything but I, well, I already know who I love already, I just haven’t done anything about it so I don’t need a reading for that.”
She smiles, the dimpled lines either side of her mouth appearing as she does, her eye sparkling with curiosity.
“Peter you should have brought her over sooner.” she says eyes trained on you, “Shall we begin then?”
You nod a quick yes.
She begins tracing your palms, her fingers light but slow as she figures out both your past and your future form just the curved line of your hands.
“This hand-” Destiny begins cradling your non dominant hand, “- this one show your past.”
Her manicured finger traces a long line slightly jagged and curved.
“You’ve been through a lot.” she states, not trying to get anything out of you but allowing you to speak if you want to, “I assume it’s to do with your family.”
Two hours later Peter's leading you out of Destiny’s flat, a promise to visit again as a friend promised to her, tear soaked tissues stuffed up your sleeves and Peter holding your hand as he leads you onto the street now bathed in yellowing streetlamp light.
“That was a lot.” you try to upbeat but all that comes from you lips is a solemn exhale, “Promise you won’t tell anyone about all that?”
He bumps his shoulder into yours, his hand squeezing yours in a silent ‘yes’.
“Not even the bit about twelve year old you falling in love with Roman?”
“Shut up.” you laugh as you knock your shoulder into his back playfully, “Now walk me home.”
The next day after Destiny’s palm reading you’re overthinking too much so much so you get a headache that can only be cured by taking a long mid-morning nap.
Thankfully it’s the weekend and you don’t have work but unthankfully as you groggily wake up from your impromptu nap you hear the tell tell signs of one Roman Godfrey lowering himself down on top of your crowded double bed, his nicely dressed frame clashing with the teddy bears and old granny floral sheets of the bed.
“You climb through my window or something?” you ask as you drag yourself up into a sitting position, ignoring the fact your face comes dangerously close to Roman’s.
“No one’s here (y/n) so I used the key underneath the front door mat.”
“Liar-” you joke as your rearrange your twisted t-shirt on your plush body, “-the key is under the pot Rom, you know, the one with the dead tulips.”
You both maybe siting side by side, you under the covers and him fully clothed, but you can see his growing smile on his smug face from the side of his face, mischief soon to come.
“What, stop smiling like that and spit it out.”
His smile grows into a clown like grin as he lets out a deep chuckle. He bends down to the side to pick something off the floor. On hand latches onto your leg anchoring him down as he bends down hanging his other arm off the bed, warmth rising in your face at the rather forward action.
He rises bringing, what at first you think is a wad of paper, up but as you look closer you see the paper is combined with translucent pink plastic in a cone shape holding flowers in place.
Not just any flowers but blood red tulips, much more vivid and alive than the ones that used to live by your front door. And they’re not some supermarket type flowers either, there’s no barcode stuck to the plastic or creasing on the paper from where they’ve been sitting in a pot with other bouquets of flowers. No, they’re big, new and most certainly handmade, so perfectly arranged that they must have cost too much, well too much for you anyway.
For Roman it probably was nothing at all, his wallet still filled with too much money.
You must be frozen in place for Roman, one hand still on your leg, passes over the bouquet of tulips.
“Who you got these for?” you ask.
“I don’t like seeing you sad.” he says leaning closer so your noses almost touch.
“I’m not sad.” you try to smile, your eyes flickering between the blood petals and his sharp mesmerising eyes.
“I saw you yesterday with Peter, you were crying.”
Despite there being a thin blanket separating your bare legs from his hands you can feel him stroke patterns near your knee.
“Then why didn’t you come over then? You know I’ll always have you.”
Your words come out wrong for you were trying to say that he’s always welcome in your home though you guess the growing bubbling feeling of love has impaired your mind just a bit.
As your eyes look at the flowers you miss the hungry, almost monstrous look flash in Roman’s eyes, his pupils going large. It takes all his strength not to grab you and kiss you all over making you his.
He won’t even tell you either that last night another classmate died, that he was trying to investigate it.
“I’m taking you out.” he demands.
“Ok.” you say feeling that you can't decline, the thought of it being a date pushed out your mind for Roman always seems to be spending money on you, “Let me get dressed first Rom.”
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darknqlmes · 6 months
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PARING: John Nolan/Reader Bailey Nune/ Daughter!Reader Henry Nolan/Reader
SUMMARY: Harper Nune is Bailey Nune's daughter, and when her mother invites her to there wedding, she says yes. What her mother doesn't know is that Harper moved to Los Angeles.
"Yes, mom. I'm on my way." Harper told her mother on the phone. Harper was on her way to L.A. for her mother's wedding. Harper was a little hesitant about her mother getting married again, especially after Jason, who is her birth father. "Okay, I just want to make sure." Harper chuckled, told her mother goodbye, and hung the phone up while boarding the plane to L.A.
About nine hours into the flight, she was very excited to get off the plane. She only had about thirty minutes left on the flight. She heard someone on her right side ask, "Are you Harper Nune?" Harper looks over at him and smiles. "Yes, I am. How may I help you?" The boy smiled. "I'm such a big fan; I love your character on Supernatural."
"Awe, thank you so much." Harper then heard the pilot on the speakers. "We are arriving in Los Angeles, California. Thank you for riding with us." Harper sighs and waits for the plane to land.
"Mom, I am getting in the car. Yes, yes, I'll drive safely. I love you too, mom." Harper hangs the phone up, gets in the driver seat, turns the car on, and drives to the address her mother gave her the night before. While on the drive, Harper was jamming out to Dove Cameron's song, Boyfriend. "I could be a better boyfriend than him; I could do the shit he never did-" Harper got interrupted by the GSP. "Your destination is on the right."
Turning right, Harper parked her car in her mother's and fiance's driveway. Taking her keys out, she still kept on singing the song, Boyfriend. "I never would have left you alone. Here on your own, glued to your phone. Never would have left you alone. For someone else to take you home." Harper stopped singing when she got to the front door. Raising her fist, she knocked on the door.
"One moment!" Harper heard a man's voice. She was mentally hoping she didn't have the wrong house. Just a few seconds later, the door opened to reveal an older man. "Oh, hello- Wait. Aren't you that actor, Harper Nune?" Harper smiled. "Yeah, I am. Glad to know someone knows me." The older man laughs. "Um, what can I help you with?" "Oh, right. Is Bailey here? Bailey Nune?"
"Um, yes, she is. Just give me a- Bailey! There is someone at the door for you!" John shouted. Harper heard footsteps and her mother's voice. "Who is it?" "It's-" Harper saw her mother and smiled. "Hey, mom. How are you?" Bailey gasps and hugs Harper. "You never texted me like you said you would. You scared me!" 
Harper laughed while her mother invited her inside. "I'm sorry, mom; I was making sure to be careful. Especially with L.A. traffic." They heard John clear his throat, and the two women looked at him. "Oh, right. John, this is my daughter, Harper Nune. Who you might know as an actor, and Harper, this is John Nolan. My fiance." John looked surprised and shocked. "You never told me you had a daughter." Bailey looked at her daughter sheepishly. "Yeah, I kinda forgot to."
Just then, they heard a knock on the door. John looked at Bailey, while Bailey looked at him. When he opened the door, Harper recognized him; it was the boy on the airplane. "Henry! Hey, come on in." John invited the boy, Henry. Inside. "Henry, this is-" "Hey, nice to see you again, Harper." Harper smiled at Henry. "It's nice to see you again, Henry." The two parents looked at each other, confused about what was going on. "What is happening?" Bailey asked. 
"Oh, Henry and I met on the plane when we were about thirty minutes away from L.A." Harper looked down at her watch and silently cursed herself. "Crap, I have to go. I have a few errands to run. Uh, Henry, can I borrow you for a second?" Henry nods and walks out the door with Harper, while John and Bailey just stare at each other. "Okay, so I need some help." Henry nods for her to continue. "I'm getting my mother a necklace, and I am planning on getting John something as well, and I don't know his taste very well. So I thought, 'Why not ask if you wanted to help?"
"I'll come with you, as long as I can drive." Harper smiled and nodded her head. Handing him her car keys, they got in the car and drove to Blue Nile. (Blue Nile is an actual jewelry store in L.A. I looked it up.)
Walking inside the jewelry store, Harper and Henry look at each other. "Okay, you go find something you think John will like, while I go grab a necklace for my mom. Meet back here in fifteen." Henry nodded his head and headed off to the right side of the store. Walking up to the necklace, Harper looked at them all for about five minutes and found the one she thinks she will love.
Looking up at the employee, she asked if she could grab the necklace. When she pulled it out, Harper looked at it in 'awe'. "This is perfect; thank you." When she bought the necklace, it cost $2,620. Harper paid for it and met back with Henry, who was still looking at the watches and rings. "Hey, found something you think he might like?" Henry looked at Harper and nodded.
"Yeah, this one." Henry pointed to a ring that was really nice. "Hi, could we get that one, please?" The employee grabbed the ring, and Harper and Henry decided that it was the final decision. The cost was $1,620. Henry tried offering to pay for it, but Harper told him not to. "No, I'm doing this that way John knows I consider him in my family."
Harper and Henry thank the employee and leave. Driving back to John and Bailey's house.
After staying for a few hours, Harper was getting ready to leave when she forgot to tell her mother about another surprise. "Oh, mom, before I forget, I moved." "That's amazing, sweetheart. Where did you move?" Harper smirked at her mother. "Oh, I don't know. About. five minutes away from here." Bailey squealed and hugged Harper. "Really!" Harper nodded. "I wanted to get a house close to here, but not too close, so I don't seem like a creep."
Harper saw the time and told her mom she had to go. "Goodnight, mom, and night, John. I love you, mom." "I love you to, Harper."
Harper opened her house door and sighed, feeling tired from the day she had. Putting her keys down, she locked all her doors and windows before getting into bed. She read a book for about thirty minutes but got tired and fell asleep without realizing it.
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hellbubu · 3 months
Ugh, its awful. I need to mask SO hard whenever I'm home. I explained to mom about my social battery and now she uses that expression alllll the timeee....but she doesn't seem to realize I'm including *her* too, in the 'people that tire me out' category ¬¬ She gets mad I go to bed late, but it's the only time of peace and quiet where i can do stuff without noise and interruptions from others! Usually when im alone im a depressed useless lump half of the day, but the need to mask with a smile and answer and interact and be *cute* is just so engraved in me i do it automatically and it never ends *cries* Sorry for the rant lol (also, im too tired to write correctly so sorry for that)
Derrick forcing the others to play bad and Red house losing AND redmond not noticing would be hilariousssss
Oh, man, imagine a teen movie with this plot xDDD I'd watch the hell outta that!
Ikr!! Like, WHO kills someone to supossedly 'solve a problem' and immediately goes 'and bringing them back will solve everything! Like, why ?? If getting rid of him was the solution, why bring him/them back...??? Ugh, teenage boys. La edad del pavo, indeed.
Gaaahhh, imagine Druitt being a friend of the LM. *shivers* I mean, it makes sense? All these pervs seem to run in the same circles...(although LM has the 'easiest' option of taking what he wants from helpless children 24/7 9 months of the year, and the security of them not being brave enough to tell anyone or being able to scape. Imagine the nightmare of having caught the eye of that creep, blergh.)
Fr, fr, we se Seb, LM, UT and....one more teacher? For such a 'prestigious' institution, the education sure seems lacking (this is why they send the royal brats off to Eton lmao)
Right, right???? They should have totally manage to escape! And we weren't shown any more violence or blood or ANYTHING. So what. happened. (Also, I imagined Violet with the knifes cause there's no way he'd be able to take on two guys lol. Poisoned darts would work as well, Dementia!)
asjdhakjafhsdkjfshd, I've seen all kind of theories! Still, all I know is that UT is obssessed with Phantomhives but somehow doesn't care about killing Ciel OR about who slaughtered them. (Alsoooooo....if UT was able to save r!ciel's body before seb burned the body...does this mean he was there??? inside the house where they were torturing the boys??? for how long????? why didnt he save them????)
Poor Joanne. Truly, a hellish year. *tu-tush!* Also, he was probably so relieved about the canoe incident since people would talk more about that than him...only to end up pissing himself in front of the others. ALSO! Was he even made prefect?? Like, i saw a post about him being too young and being passed over, which would MAJORLY suck, since the other prefects are the only people he can talk about that night with. But the blurry red house prefect we see is blonde so idk. (I bet you he joined the boyband purely out of pettiness to fuck the P4 over. Im sure the others -except Soma, poor clueless baby- joined for the same reasons lol)
Awww, that's so cute! And a totally worthy endeveour for a 2nd son to invest in! FU r!ciel (i wanna like you, bb, but the fandom hasnt given me much hopes about you and i still have to read the manga)
SPEAKING of that. Yana went on hiatus!!!! I'm in despair.
Victoria being mad jealous of Claudia over UT would be hilarious. Basic in a 'powerful-women-can-only-be-enemies' kinda way; but hialrious.
I DO feel that if she did order it would have made more sense to 'save' the twins (or at least one) and earn their devotion? Give them a false enemy to burn and keep using them as her loyal dogs. But if she gave the order to erradicate the family completely someone fucked up MAJORLY. I bet heads rolled xD
A shift in power would make sense...but how? An Earl is a looong way from the crown (and with her many children and even grandkids!?). Maybe she started something supernatural over Albert's death? And Vincent found out? Questions, questions.
Beso <3
Constant social interactions are the worst especially when you can't be yourself. Having to act like you're someone else is tiring and you should really get some rest. Like not just sleep or be alone for a bit, but take some days to actually properly recharge, if possible.
He wouldn't force them to play badly during the tournament, only during practice... or at least I hope so. The Red House getting beaten by the Blue House because of Derrick does sound fun tho.
I think that the previous P4 took all the brain cells when they left. Otherwise, why would they 1. think that killing a bunch of boys was a good solution and 2. think that bringing the boys that they killed back to life was a good idea?
Druitt and the LM are both pedos, but I think Druitt would think he's better than LM because he (Druitt) has a title, is a doctor, and gets away with buying and selling kids. LM has to watch in the shadows as boys are beaten, while Druitt goes and kidnaps kids to sell. Druitt thinks LM is in a league waaaayy lower than him. He doesn't seem to even realize LM can do as much as he does (well, maybe not the selling part) and not even be found out. He (LM) brings it up once but Druitt is too busy salivating over a boy (Ciel in a cheap wig and different clothes) to pay attention.
I like to think that the bullies have never been held at knifepoint, so when Violet pulls out one, singular, butter knife they freak out and think Violet will manage to kill them. Meanwhile, Violet is just stabbing air and swinging his knife around while praying that they'll back off so Greenhill can kill them.
Maybe he got there just after Sebastian was summoned or something. He thought "holy shit, if he (Sebastian) knows I'm here, he might just eat the other twin. I need to keep quiet so I can still the other's body. I'll bring him back to life so they can play happy family later."
I think I might like R!Ciel if I read the manga. Alas, I can't. But O!Ciel would always be my fave twin. He's always been so kind. <3
I heard she's working on the ending. I do think it might take a few years for it to end tho. I feel like there's still too many questions for it to end soon. I'm not a manga reader, but even I know that there's still quite a bit left until they start to unravel the Phantomhive murders. Like, the current arc might lead to the final one, but from what I understand SebaCiel have yet to meet UT&R!Ciel again and are on their honeymoon... so quite a while still
Maybe Claudia fucked her over and Vincent was about to too, so she'd rather just get rid of them all. We know she doesn't trust O!Ciel because she had the Charles follow him during the Circus Arc. So it might not be too far-fetched to think that many of the previous Guard Dogs have turned against the crown at one point or another and she might've wanted to start over with a cleaner slate.
I mean, maybe Vincent just saw something he really didn't like and was willing to fuck England over. Let drugs freely on the streets and sell secrets regarding England. But I could be wrong. He does have this dude called Chlaus as an informant and this guy travels a lot. So, if Vincent were to try to fuck shit up and then make a run for it with the help of Chlaus but the Queen finds out...
Besitos :* :*
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draganasimpsforjeff · 2 years
Creeps during Christmas headcanons?
So one I think Liu would still be into holidays but just doesn't talk to his brother about it and most of their gift exchanges is kind of more if you've seen supernatural where Sam and Dean give each other shaving cream and like motor oil it's kind of like that too
But it's more so bc they can't really go shopping so it might be clothes they find at victims houses or Liu will give jeff dog food and treats for smile.
Jeff would probably just give a candy bar or something idk really
Cody would love to bake but for love of hod keep Jane with him while he bakes she has more tolerance with him
Clockwork lowley will hide in her room and binge watch like Disney Christmas movies maybe barbie ones (ssh they're classics) I think Jane would know but clockwork didn't really have a trusting or safe family environment so her being locked in her room with snacks is it
Toby will try to help everyone with decorating if they have any but he's more so into just the Christmas dinner and everyone gathering at the dining table(even tho it usually breaks out into a fight of some kind but what kind of family dinner doesn't include violence of some sort?)
Jack (eyeless I don't write for laughiing) he would be kind of confused bc u know demon but he does enjoy the smell of the house with the scented candles and the food he just doesn't really eat it but it's nice to see people together I don't think he'd want to get gifts unless it was food.
Brian/hoodie would help cook the food and would help cut the turkey or ham (my family makes both so yeah) and helps serve food
Tim/Masky would help alongside Brian on cooking it's actually one of his hobbies but doesn't do it as much and also if someone needs help wrapping presents he's the guy he makes anything that maybe be awkward to wrap look very neat and pretty
Kage would definitely be the shithead that climbs quietly and steals food before anyone gets it and so whoever is cooking has to keep making more...he maybe steal some gifts or hide things in the house and keep moving items and somehow scare someone but he tells Liu ahead of time
Ben is a salty little shit bc he can't physically eat the food and it's so delicious and he scams people online so he can give people that he likes at least one gift
Sorry this came late my life has been quite the Shitshow lately and for people who don't know I'm a mom so I'm constantly needed but hope u enjoyed!
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finsterhund · 1 year
Liveblog kinda I guess?
Someone recommended I watch the horror movie "Come Play" (2020) because "that's basically you" and yeah ten minutes in and this is pretty much exactly what 2010s Cayden embodiment would be. Except pure and not deranged lmaoooo.
So far this seems to be a more typical horror movie so it's more of an "eat snacks and try to guess when a jump scare is happening" experience which is usually what I watch. It's serviceable if generic. Not really bringing anything new to the table or being too interesting. I've been focusing a lot on artsy indie horror of late so it's good to change things up and go back into something knowing it's not going to completely flood my brain. It's nice to have neurodivergent kid protagonist representation that doesn't turn the kid into a source of "ooooh scary" for the sake of "disability weird and creepy" either. I kept bracing for "autism scary" but they never resorted to that.
Jealous of the cool house he lives in. This is quickly becoming a pattern.
The picture book monster designs are straight up spectres. I swear to fuck. If the little common spectres could grow up I guess. I want the in-universe book as like a hardcover or something it's cute. Can't tell if it's a ploy or if it's really a heartfelt monster friend yet. That's the fun of it. Could be either OR BOTH. I'd love to see that more in things. Where a supernatural creature is a predator with hunting instincts but it's not evil and will potentially under ideal circumstances be able to pack bond with humans who are otherwise a prey item.
Not gonna lie thinking about it now having it being central to the plot of a movie I am somewhat jealous of the availability of digital speaking devices possible with today's technology. I would have been far more articulate if I had something like that when my selective mutism was at its worst. May have made it easier for me to break into the wider world. Get more of a headstart. Saying that though the movie is quick to remind that neurotypicals can be fucking mean and stupid about accessibility tools. Not to go on and bash neurotypicals for seven hours straight but people get so fucking weird about this sort of thing. Call us unable to adapt to things but can't just roll with it when it comes to fairly cut and dry extensions of the self.
By the time I finally had an assistance device (first laptop) it was in high school and everyone learned to mind their own fucking business. I'd get chewed out by the occasional teacher but they quickly discovered I can't write for shit and that it was the only possible way I could take notes.
I'm expecting the "phone bad" plot to be stupid and drag my experience down but we will see.
I'm not liking the parents very much but how much of that is personal bias I cannot say. I may just be very stressed at the moment and projecting onto characters I know next to nothing about yet. The mom seems ok but the dad has a classic case of the "not really being there in equal measure as the mom is" that might imply worse.
Props to how you can really hear the parent's opinions and the learned ableism through the kid in Oliver's class whinging about how he gets "special treatment" for having use of a phone for accessibility. It really sounds like the sort of stuff you just know the kid is parroting from their shitty parent. The teacher could have handled it better than making it about that kid doing something to not deserve his phone as a toy. Should have instead been explaining that Oliver literally needs his for accessibility. But a lot of the time that is how these situations are mishandled by well-meaning but otherwise incorrect neurotypicals. The "clap back" at the kid who played Fortnite on his phone rather than explaining that the nonverbal kid uses his as a TOOL. and that's what's different.
The scene where the one kid from the bully's group lures Oliver with surface niceness just to get him away from prying eyes so their group can berate him is perfectly illustrated also. Because yeah they know to superficially not bully someone with disabilities, they know how to play nice, and the whole "pretending to be your friend to fuck with you" shit was very prevalent. I like how despite this being handled well it's not overly triggering like it could be.
God watching this just makes me wish we could have grown up together. This is a fictional fucking character but I know what he's going through so much and it's just not fair.
A lot of the spooky shit is interesting and isn't overdone visuals. Like the part with the papers in the car park. The camera filter scene also got me too. Because I am scared of cameras and the dark and faces. 🙃 The movie doesn't have deep psychological environmentally impressive fear building but the simple jump scares don't feel shitty either. It's basic for a horror movie but inoffensive.
Also I was right in the beginning to feel sus about the parents. They're having fights about Oliver and the mom is going on about how much she wishes she could "get rid of that part of him" so that she "wouldn't have to deal with it" as if it isn't literally a facet of who he is. The dad responds that it wouldn't be him then. The mom I swear to fuck I hate her. Shut the hell up "you have any idea what it's like for your own child to never look you in the eyes?" Bitch shut up. The kid doesn't feel comfortable with eye contact it's one little fucking thing to you but it's really significant issues for him. The mom is going on about how he apparently loves the dad but hates her. Oh I don't know autism warrior mom Karen perhaps he is able to tell and feel the way you talk and think about him? Like this? Right now? And that's why he doesn't feel comfortable or safe around you? Do you magically think he doesn't understand or feel the energy and vibes you emit about him? He's autistic, not mindless. For fucks sake. You think because he doesn't do things the way you think is the only way to do them he isn't able to at all? Gah. The dad being less present in his life is a double edged sword. Negative in that he could be there more for him but positive in the fact that when he is there he isn't a fucking bitch. Of course the kid is going to like him more. (I am taking this too personally I realize but jesus christ does this really hit at a sore spot)
"Larry" communicating with the same speech program Oliver uses is supposed to be creepy. They have him looking shocked and play suspense chords but I just think it's sweet. They're able to use the same aid and it's probably the first time Oliver has really had that sense of familiarity. I know that this is a monster and it's probably gonna try to eat him or something but so far the literal spectre ass looking demon thing has been more compassionate, respectful, considerate, and willing to be accessible to Oliver than any other major character. It's just scary and from another dimension. It feels like the monster is an allegory for having a disability that you're ostracized for.
Fucking screaming at the mom planning get togethers with the bully just because she's friends with his mom. Again, this is a common thing and it doesn't work out anywhere near as much as it should for parents to keep doing. But the mom being a fucking shit I realize she's likely never going to intentionally try to go out and find other disabled and/or neurodivergent kids to introduce Oliver to. These sorts of parents hope their kid will find "normal" friends that will make them "more normal" they already have to "suffer" "dealing with" their disabled kid they're not going to want to care for his peers too. 😔
The mom fucking going "can you try and have some fun for me?" You are literally forcing your kid to hang out with someone they don't want to, that I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you aren't aware is bullying him. You are taking away what little autonomy he has in his life at the present. God. And the cherry on top is him leaving a situation that's uncomfortable to him (terrified his phone is possessed) and the mom of course assumes it's all about her, that he's avoiding her.
God the bully's whole friend group gets invited to the sleepover and the literal first interaction I see of the bully's mom with him is her joking about how she wants to get rid of him and load him off on Oliver's mom. Just casually joking about not wanting to be around your son to his face. That's lovely.
Christ the bully's mom asking Oliver's mom if she can say hi to him. As if he's her pet and not his own person. 😬 100% why the bully is like this.
CHRIST THE BULLY KIDS WERE LIKE "WHYS HE BEING WEIRD?" AND BEFORE THE BULLY'S MOM CAN TELL HIM OFF OLIVER'S MOM SAYS "ITS OKAY" I want Larry to kill this fuck so bad. She then goes on to explain stimming... I guess. The fact that the moms are talking about his personal developmental milestones also just right in front of him and the other kids. Man for fucks sake stop it. Can you at least make the effort to pretend to give him a level of privacy and dignity?
It's really hard at times to not want the bully kids to get got by the monster lol. Sometimes their lines make it clear they're just wildly misinformed and other times there's that level of cruelty that I still don't know where some kids get it from and other times they're behaving a bit too "adult wrote the lines" bully cliche.
Larry being described as pale when he's been depicted until this point as corpse-black threw me for a loop. Was hoping this wouldn't end up being another pasty white "rake-esque" creature. It got old fast lol
I get the feeling that if the bullies don't die they're gonna end up friends with Oliver through shared trauma. Jokes on you nobody's getting out of this neurotypical.
Yeah the "real life" Larry design is just uninspired copy of the rake. The visual effects are good but man.
I don't get why they blamed Oliver for that shit with the book though. Like they witnessed all the bulbs go and the creepy ebook and the table move on its own. What do they think he's got telekinesis or something? What happened really doesn't seem like something they'd all collectively make up the same story to blame on him. If that actually happened they'd be going on about ghosts or some shit surely? Frustrated me and I had to pause for a bit.
Have yet to see "phone bad" at all and maybe they won't do that. But the mom is a sack of shit so don't hold your breath.
God the mom thinking he did it. Yeah I'm sure your kid did all that with his mind. Of course.
Also next day at school one of the bully kids has a chew stim????? He's never shown with one before. He's only got it now that their ringleader is absent from school? Which shows I guess that they join him in picking on the more obviously neurodivergent kid to try and prevent him from targeting them as well? Sadly a realistic thing that happens also. Bully kid is clearly traumatized so I guess my joke about nobody leaving this story neurotypical is coming true to some extent. Then he confesses it wasn't Oliver but the Larry entity. The weird thing is the mom believes now too because she was in the house when it again started fucking with shit but even though it's shown to have control over the house she zeros in on the tablet. Eventually the dad finally takes Oliver and immediately he's a better parent. Brought him to his job at a toll booth car park and encourages him to participate and explains to him aspects of the job that make it accessible. Saying that you can watch cartoons when you're not dealing with customers. I feel he means well.
Find it funny that everyone's immediate first reaction to the Larry book showing up randomly is to read it. And read it aloud. Oh neat a spooky monster kids book is on this ipad. Gonna read it out loud. I've got nothing better to do.
Again, the different ways they show that the invisible entity is in the physical world and where/how it's moving is pretty cool. The cameras, the laser sight measurement tool, THE STICKY HAND. The use of the sticky hand is GOATed
This fucking speech therapist is bringing up PHYSICAL EMPATHS. Aka pseudoscience. Being like "the reason you are also experiencing this creature from Oliver's imagination is because you love him very much" which is bullshit because 1. she fucking doesn't. 2. The closest observed condition that this could even remotely be compared to is Folie à Deux. There is no fucking basis of "empaths" as having psychosomatic reactions like this in real life wtfffffff. Everyone in this movie except for the goddamn monster and kinda the dad is absent incompetent negligent or stupid to the point of infuriating ineptitude in being there for Oliver. Christ. Then this stupid fucking mom is like "oh I destroyed *that* device. As if the problem was a single thing and not idk. It did stuff in your fucking house. What is the logic of this!? They even discussed how Oliver has been using multiple screens for so and so long period of time wtffffff
Oh I fucking knew it was the bully kid's mom who was why he turned out that way. The reveal felt so validating. These poor kids. The bitch tricked her kid into thinking Oliver hated him and turned him against him. Jesus Christ. Felt so gratifying when they realized and made up. She is now the character I want to die the most. Second is Oliver's mom obviously.
The later parts of the Larry book make it clear that the monster is at the very least possessive and will kill those who get in its way but still no confirmation if it has ulterior motives to making friends. It looks like it's just really possessive and lonely. Are they trying to set it up as being evil???
The scene with the streetlights going off behind the car is sick af. God. Too bad Larry himself the real world version sucks. Got a closeup of his face and it's just not working for me as a design. Took the mom way too long to realize that this thing wasn't tied to just the one tablet. The way it talks by skipping channels to different words is a neat concept but ruins the mystery of it. Okay Larry you go and villain monologue to the mom through the TV. That's great. Finally we get to the "phone bad"-ism where "everyone's so lonely looking at their screens all the time that it literally created Larry out of their loneliness" man wtf. If you love someone who's in another continent go fuck yourself I guess. You're actually lonely. You don't have real relationship through the screen. Never mind the fact that the main character is literally only so reliant on electronics because it's his fucking accessibility device. He is using it to communicate in person. God they didn't think this through. Also this movie literally came out in 2020 I think Larry being born is small potatoes compared to the obvious alternative of everyone dying from a certain pandemic. Hmmm 😬
I was really hoping it wouldn't pull a "phone bad" but somehow it held off on doing so and then did so in a way that's somehow worse.
God the mom being like "Larry is lonely? How do you think I would feel if Larry took Oliver?" Always making it about you. Not to mention the fact that you treat him bad and talk shit about him and say that he doesn't love you as much as his father because he won't overstep his own personal boundaries for your benefit. Everything you've done and said up until this point would indicate that you'd enjoy your life better if it did just go and take Oliver.
God the mom is something else. running around like a chicken with its head cut off grabbing every screen in sight in the house and yeeting it out the door when the obvious solution is to take Oliver somewhere else. Then when I think it won't get any worse she's unscrewing all the fucking lightbulbs. Making a racket. Oliver is having a meltdown and the bitch screams at him "can't you just be normal for one second" oh I dunno. You're acting like a complete mindless stupid dumb animal right now, assuming it's because you're stressed. Maybe have some of that fucking "you love him so much empathy" the speech therapist thinks you have for once and understand that he's stressed and scared out of his mind. The irony that Oliver has handled everything better than her is obvious to seemingly everyone except her and the writer. Ugh.
Saw a blurry dark camera angle of toys on the floor and immediately went "lol Skinamarink" so my brain is broken obviously.
Oh fuck it wasn't the bully's mom who lied and manipulated the situation and ruined the friendship (???) It was Oliver's stupid fucking mom? (Honestly I think it was equal parts both of them but ymmv. I do not understand this reveal) And during this reveal she's trying to force him to look her in the eyes. And they're hiding from the monster. And poor Oliver writes that he wants it to take him because she ruined his friendship 😭 god. I just can't.
First decent thing this shitheel does is recognize that Oliver calms himself with the SpongeBob theme song and hums it to him. It came out of nowhere. Really didn't feel this character has grown enough for this moment. Doesn't feel deserved.
Yeah the clearer the shots we get of Larry the more I can see his real world design sucks. Disappointing. I must stress the practical effects that bring him to life are incredible. Great effects. Just I'm so tired of oversaturated trope of tall pale humanoid creature. He's got pretty boring designed feet and hands too like. It's like if they took all the style out of the monster designs in Little Nightmares. So you're left with mildly uncanny valley stretched out hairless man.
The mom is something else. "This thing is powered by electricity. Why do you keep saying for us to go to the field???!!" Oh I don't know 😒 truly one of life's greatest mysteries.
The mom sacrificed herself to the creature which is honestly the only way I think she could have redeemed herself. Kinda saw this coming with the "only goes away when you finish the story, give it your hand" thing. Doesn't feel at all earned. I mean yeah she gave up her life to protect him even though she did it right in front of him and further traumatized him 🙃 again, the story keeps having this issue where it will suddenly insist the whole universe revolves around Oliver's mom.
There's some pretty big storytelling inconsistency whiplash in this movie. It really had no business sympathizing with the mom so much. She literally caused every non supernatural problem and significantly worsened the supernatural ones. In the end she like... comes back as a ghost and spends time with him and definitely loves him unconditionally now. We hope. The movie wants us to think this. She has the teensiest amount of redemption and it implies more than shows that she's learned from her negligence and wrongdoing.
I did like a lot of what this movie did but god the autism mom martyr complex shit is genuinely wrong and bad. The narrative that parents of autistic children are heroes and the true "victims" of the "disease" for their insurmountably good deed of not abandoning their own children and blah blah blah is wretched. It's the mindset that makes the "charity" Autism Speaks so insidious. They don't care about autistic people. They care about the poor undeserving neurotypicals who are forced to have autism in their lives 😒
This movie could have been an absolute banger if it instead focused on Oliver dealing with this creature. Hell, I was hoping that he would bring it into the real world to stay rather than what it wanted which was the reverse and after the friendship he had with bully kid was repaired he'd introduce Larry into their newly forming friend group or some shit. Or that the creature was insidiously trying to take advantage of the situation to capture him or something. But no. We got "phones bad" because they somehow created this creature who only wants friends but is also violent and scary, and several times is shown in a comparative way to the autistic boy, and we have shitty mother redemption. God.
It really felt like there was a good story here and a lot of stuff was really good but the bad shit is impossible to ignore. The actors were all good but yeah there's some serious issues with the writing and message. Very frustrating. They didn't use the kid being autistic for horror because instead they made the monster essentially a representation of a neurodivergent child and blamed his creation on the use of the very same electronic devices that the autistic boy used to empower himself and have more autonomy. Yeesh that's a big issue.
Oliver was such a tender sweetheart literally didn't deserve any of this.
I went into this thinking "oh boy this is just run of the mill monster horror shit that has a relatable protagonist unlike the artsy horror this isn't gonna make me use my brain" but no that quickly changed.
It is worth noting that I never finished the Babadook because of all the issues I had with it. This feels like it wanted to right those wrongs but still valued neurotypical comfort and status quo over neurodivergent child acceptance.
Idk I'm probably way too hard on the mom character but just this once can we have an autistic kid being loved not in spite of his autism but including his autism? Please?
0 notes
Supernatural destroyed my already damaged and poor emotional stability and of fucking course I'm making my little brother watch it. I can't be the only one fucked up in this family.
Getting destroyed by a show, cry a lot over Cas. The family business
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Intro and masterlist
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✨about me ✨
this is a mature blog, I trust all minors to be responsible and avoid everything marked NSFW!
NSFW sideblog: @pervstash-spencer
Hi! my name is emily, I'm 23 she/they
Capricorn, bisexual, non-binary, autistic, and I have fibromyalgia ✌🏻 overall just a fun time y'know.
i love: supernatural, star trek, marvel movies, criminal minds, this is us and grey's anatomy !!
Accepting requests for Spencer Reid x Reader fics currently
all my tags are listed below if you want to see other posts about said fics, also here is my Spotify for the fics <3
Dad!spencer Masterlist
First times Masterlist**
all links to my fics below the cut!
Updated: July 28th, 2021
** for smut
~~ for angst
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Spencer Reid x Reader fics
Hypothetically**~ Ao3 | Tumblr -- 27 chapters, complete. 89k
reader and Spencer were friends in kindergarten, she watched him grow up and explore the world while she was still trying to catch up to him. now that they work together, they fall in love incredibly fast.
friends to lovers, case of the week style story
touch me**~ Ao3 | Tumblr 5.8k
Spencer is incredibly touch-starved and hard on himself since coming home from prison. Luckily, the medical examiner in this small town is really good at reading people, and exactly what he needs.
amethyst you so much P1 Ao3 | Tumblr 6.4k
Spencer has had a crush on Y/N since she started working at the bau. She only ever works the night shift after a case, handling all the aftermath gracefully. one night, Spencer stays back and they strike up a conversation about rocks, causing their feelings to dig a little deeper.
of quartz i will P2** Ao3 | Tumblr 6K
after 2 years of dating, Spencer decides it's finally time to get Y/N something to match her Amethyst bracelet.
Amoreena**~ Ao3 | Tumblr Completed 83k
Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Seven* Tumblr WIP
Summary: Spencer’s been married to Y/N for 7 years now, they have 7 children together and each one is going through something different. Spencer’s always wanted to be the best dad, now he gets to figure out how to be.
the guy at the rock show Ao3 | Tumblr 5.6K
Y/N lost their parents when they were 17, finding a new home and solace in Penelope Garcia and taking the Garcia name. They're the top forensic specialist in D.C, in a band and they drive a motorcycle... not to mention they are madly in love with the cute doctor who works with their sister.
journey to Camelot** Ao3 | Tumblr 3.8K
When Penelope introduces Spencer to online games, he expects to be spending his nights alone. Yet, somehow every time he comes back from a bad case, he logs on to chat with the ever so lovely user FairlyGwen and getting a lot more than just a helpful tip from her.
Exploration** Ao3 | Tumblr 4.7K
request: season1/2 spencer walking in on reader while she's watching porn in their shared hotel room
Expedition** Tumblr 1.2K
Summary: there's a first time for everything... including joining the mile high club with your boyfriend on the work jet.
10 Days Ao3 | Tumblr 1.4K
it's spencer's first father's day and he's extremely emotional about the little love of his life that he's only just met. he spends the day with his baby, Edwin, and his wife, crying and happy about how wonderful new little lives are.
ain't it fun?** Ao3 | Tumblr Masterlist 11K
reader just needs an NA meeting before they have a meltdown, they end up with the best friend they could ever make.
I'm not kidding!** Tumblr 6K
Spencer keeps getting little notes from a secret admirer, they're nice and sweet at first as they tease him with their crush until she's sending him notes about all the dirty things she wants to do to him
Perfect Timing** Tumblr 1K
spencer and reader have been spending the last month together in the same hotel room during a pretty brutal case. tension has been rising and she's completely in love with him.
what happens when they both think the other won't be back for a while and they want to shower?
Redamancy** Tumblr 5.4K
the co-op librarian at the FBI Academy has been secretly crushing on the smartest agent in the Bureau, TA, Doctor Spencer Reid, and he's been crushing on her too.
Being Neighbourly** Tumblr 1.9K
Request: reader is Spencers neighbour and she can hear him masturbating every night that he's home how do you have her deal with that?
Professional Hair Dresser (Ph.D)** Tumblr 6.4K
summary: after Spencer's knee injury, he starts visiting a salon every week to get his hair washed
36 Questions to Fall in Love Tumblr 8K
Summary: When Derek bets Spencer that he cant make someone fall in love with him in a week, he doesn’t expect Spencer to marry the girl the next day
New Romantics** Tumblr 23k
Summary: She needs help studying for her Case Exercises at the Academy, He needs a date for the annual Banquet... they just so happen to be neighbours who aren't afraid to lend a helping hand, or in this case, a helping kiss.
Million Dollar Man** | Tumblr WIP 5k so far
summary: Spencer's therapist recommended he branch out and meet new people who don't want to talk about his work... she didn't expect him to sign up for a Sugar Daddy website.
Sugar, Honey, Ice Tea** | Y/N version | 1-4, 5-9, Epilogue 25.6k
Summary: Fix-it-fic: Dr. Y/L/N and Savannah Hayes have been best friends since their medical internship at Bethesda General. When she receives a frantic call that Derek's best friend is being transferred to the prison she works at, an unlikely friendship bubbles.
Eventually falling head over heels for the innocent man.
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Prison, Prison Violence, Assault, Blood, Depression, Murder, Self-Hatred, Hurt Spencer Reid, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Drug Addiction, References to Drugs, Drug Use, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Romantic Tension, Forbidden Love, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Strangers to Lovers, Requited Love, Falling In Love, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, past abusive relationship, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault
Spencer x Ethan
Ruin it.** Tumblr 5.4K
Summary: Spencer never had sleepovers as a kid, so now that he's an adult he's always sleeping over at Ethan's house, ad he'll take any excuse to crawl into bed beside him.
Warnings: mutual pining, love concessions, blowjobs, handjobs, anal sex (both top and bottom spencer in this), childhood friends to lovers
400 Celebration fics
Reid Me Tumblr 2.5K
Spencer has noticed a beautiful woman at a spirituality booth at the farmers market every Saturday for almost a whole year now. he finally asks her to give him a reading.
mystery of love Tumblr 700
Spencer surprises his wife with a trip to Italy.
Spy Kids Tumblr 900
Spencer and Y/N's kids think that they are secretly spies and request a mission story before bed.
a father's greatest weakness Tumblr 1K
Princess Y/N is betrothed to the Viking king in an effort by her father to keep the peace between their countries, he doesn't expect her to join in the fight to free Scottland.
Luke x Reader
Best Dad Ever 2.8K
Request: angst with a happy ending, reader and luke have been divorced for a few years but have a child, she tries and tries to fall out of love with him but he's around so often that she can't
Spencer x OC
Sugar Honey Ice Tea** Ao3 | WIP 9/10 chapters complete 25.6K
Fix-it-fic: Dr. Beth Pattinson and Savannah Hayes have been best friends since their medical internship at Bethesda General. When she receives a frantic call that Derek's best friend is being transferred to the prison she works at, an unlikely friendship bubbles.
Eventually falling head over heels for the innocent man.
Intro to Criminal Minds: Why They Did It Ao3 | Tumblr WIP 6K+
Spencer is teaching a 7-week seminar on the most interesting criminal cases, explaining their actions to understand why they took place. Only, not everyone in the audience is a student.
Criminal Minds x Mindhunter AU
Spencer x OC Peggy Carr
Franklin x Reader
Voulez-Vouz** | 3.2k
Summary: in a small town, everyone knows each other… or at least they think they do.
Warnings: porn with plot, smut, Dom reader, Sub!Perv!franklin, making out, teasing, face sitting, oral (female and male), hand jobs, overstimulation, prostate message, multiple orgasms, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, let me know if I forgot anything.
Chip x Reader
forever is the sweetest con** | 6.2K
Summary: Reader’s dad is a carpenter; sometimes he takes on apprentices and sometimes, if they’re lucky, they get his daughter’s number at the end of their training. Chip Taylor, however, hits the jackpot when her father invites him over for one of her homecooked meals.
Warnings: reader’s mom passed away, mentions of parental death, strangers to lovers, random acts of kindness, mutual pining, falling in love, steamy make-outs, oral sex (male and female receiving), fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk, sub!chip, food mentions, praise, love confessions.
Raymond x Reader
Alone Together ** | 2.4K
Summary: Raymond moves into a haunted house and ends up sleeping with the ghost who lives there... only he doesn't know that when you fuck a ghost you also become one.
Warnings: details of suicide and murder, blowjobs, pegging, bottom!raymond, top!reader, becoming a ghost, major character death.
Star Trek Masterlist
Star Wars fix it fic
Supernatural masterlist
thanks for all the love, as always,
-Emily <3
501 notes · View notes
pretoriafics · 3 years
If I wasn’t a goddamn werewolf - Pt. 2
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Hi! First of all, thank you for my first 100 followers !! I can't believe someone really likes all of that crap I write here haha! I really don't know about the future of these imagines, so let me know if you want a part 3 or something. So, I just posted it here because I really want to break your heart. Here it goes!
Seems like Peter and Talia just figured out why Derek's plan to keep away from you is bad. But unfortunately for you, Peter is the one who does something about it. Word count: 2.052 Pairings: Reader x Derek Contain: Pure angst!! Warnings: English is not my main language <3 TEEN WOLF MASTERLIST PART 1 | PART 3 Gif credits here
Talia had tons of things that made her respected in the supernatural community. However, one of her most meaningful abilities was her smartness. Well, she was convicted that Derek made the best choice when he left you. But then, after thinking about the whole situation for a few days, her judgment changed entirely.
"Do you really think Derek made the best choice about back away from that girl?"
Talia was driving, with Laura at the passenger's seat. The question arose so suddenly inside that silent car that Laura looks at her mom with arched eyebrows.
"Are you still thinking about (Y/N) and Derek's drama?"
"Why? Shouldn't I?"
"Uh, well..."
"I think if someone dangerous knows about her and Derek, she could be caught easily. She doesn't know anything about the supernatural, so she's easy prey."
Laura blinks her eyes repeatedly, still trying to fit herself in the matter who suddenly appeared into the car.
"Mom, wait, I just can't understand. What are you talking about?"
Talia breaths in and talk slowly.
"I think (Y/N) is Derek's weakness. If I was someone trying to get him or manipulating him, I would love them to keep away from each other."
Laura finally caught the point her mom was talking about.
"Because she would be defenseless and easy prey. Someone could use her to get to Derek. Oh. Gotcha."
"We should do something about it."
Laura arched her eyebrows with a soft smile on her face.
"C'mon, mom. If you want to meet her, just ask her for a dinner night. I know you're curious about her."
It was Talia's turn to let escape a soft smile.
"My curiosity about her is just a secondary matter to keep her close. The main one is her safety and Derek's as well."
Laura's smartphone rings in her hands. It was Cora.
"Laura, you and mom are near?"
"Yeah, we're just a few minutes home. We are just coming back. I know something happened just from hearing your tone of voice."
"It was Peter. Come quickly. God, Derek will kill him."
Reform the old Hale house would put everyone into an aim to the hunters. So, Talia did something not too evident and bought a new home - where the exact location was unknown by the hunters. Talia parks her car in front of the new Hale house. She and her daughter get out of the car and walk inside the house with wide footsteps. When both of them enter the living room, Isaac, Boys, and Erica were frozen on the couch. Cora was on her feet, mad with rage.
"Are you fucking insane?!"
Peter was in front of her, with hands raised in front of his chest in surrender.
"But it makes sense! Look, she is completely defenseless without Derek. The Argent's could take her to manipulate him, and it would put all of us in danger. I just gave her a way to defend herself."
Laura and Talia look at each other. They don't need any explanations about what the heck happened.
"This was not your choice, Peter." Yelled Cora, with her eyes glowing with her inner wolf. It was Laura's turn to walk towards Peter, entirely pissed off.
"What the hell do you did?"
"I just bite (Y/N). Oh guys, really? Why all this drama? Now she will take care of herself, and Derek would finally take the girl."
The room is plunged into incredulity silence. Suddenly, Talia walks in Peter's direction and grabs him by his shirt. Her eyes were glowing red.
"Did you bite her after all the thing with Paige?"
"But what's the chance (Y/N)'s going to reject the bite as well, just like Paige? Don't you think it would be huge bad luck? I mean, two Derek's girlfriend dying for it? Oh, no, chances are minimal."
"There's no way for you to know, Peter!"
Talia knew that arguing with Peter would be such a waste of time. With this thought on her mind, she unleashes his shirt and lets out a long sigh.
"Where is she?" Talia looks for everyone, trying to focus on a problem per time. Erica's voice could be heard from the couch.
"She is upstairs, in Laura's bedroom. After the bite, she had an anxiety attack and just simply passed out."
"She saw you?"
"No, but she saw Cora. She was the one who found (Y/N) with Peter."
Suddenly, the front door opens. Derek got into the house just like the Devil himself, with glowing red eyes and a killer gaze. Without any hesitation, he runs in Peter's direction. Scott runs inside the house, and all of that action makes Talia predict what would happen - as well as Scott.
They were fast: Scott grabs Derek's arms in an attempt to hold him. Talia got in his way, staying in front of Derek and between him and Peter. Laura and Talia gave a step forward, prepared to put aside a fight. Isaac, Boyd, and Erica got up from the couch, full of adrenaline through their veins.
Then, Derek let out a loud and threatening roar to Peter. The one that made everyone shiver and cringe, and the one that echoed to far distance indeed.
Derek couldn't be put things straighter with his message to Peter.
The room dived in a deep silence after that. Trying to solve things - because of course that Derek was being unable to do this at that moment - Talia breaths in and break that heavy silence in the living room.
"You and you" She points her finger to Isaac and Erica "I want both of you upstairs, watching the door of Laura's bedroom. I don't want Peter near that door."
Isaac and Erica walk in wide footsteps in the direction of the stairs, going to the door of Laura's bedroom without questioning. Talia's sight was now focused on Boyd.
"I want you to take Peter to the basement. Don't let him leave, and watch him closely."
Well, after Derek's roar that did the entire house shakes, Peter even protested. He just goes in the basement direction, with Boyd near him. Now, her eyes were at her son. Without saying any word, she just shook her head in the couch direction in straighter request to Derek sit - which he did after Scott unleashes him.
Talia runs her hand through her face, already tired of all that mess. Why is it always Peter who causes the problems?
"Derek, look" She started, trying to call her son to reason "I know you are pretty pissed of and-"
"I will kill him!" He said, his eyes glowing red.
"It wouldn't solve anything, Derek. What's done is done. There's no way to come back. We need to deal with this now."
Derek let out a long sigh, with his eyes coming back to usual green. His gaze was lost in somewhere of the room. He was worried as hell because, well, he would never give you the bite. You could die, just like what happened with Paige.
Cora sat on his side, looking at her brother. With a soft voice and trying to calm him down, she said:
"Hey, calm down. She's fine."
"She's not fine, Cora." Now, Derek's voice was not full of angry, but worries. He was afraid of losing you definitely "I can smell her upstairs, and she smells like fear. She's terrified!"
It was Scott's turn to say something.
"She just needs some time, and she's not alone. We can help her to adjust. You did it with me, so you can do it with her."
"You forgot to say 'if she doesn't reject the bite'"
Cora's voice resurged into the discussion.
"Derek, she's fine. I took a peek at her, and I didn't saw any negative reactions to the bite. She's just pretty scared. I mean, of course, she is. Peter simply mutated himself in front of her."
Laura crosses her arms and looks for everyone.
"So... What will we do now?"
Derek stood up from the couch, with his mind cleared and the answer ready to be spoken.
"We will do what Scott said. We will help her and train her. She's one of us now."
No one protested. After all, it was exactly what should be done.
Derek goes upstairs, letting Laura, Talia, Cora, and Scott in the living room. When Derek approach Laura's bedroom, Isaac and Erica let the door behind and goes downstairs. They knew Derek would need some time alone with you. When he put his hand on the door's handle, he could smell your fear.
Derek breaths in. Damn, it would be so freaking hard to see you right now. He knocks on the door softly and opens it slowly. The vision of you broke every inch of his defenses.
You were hidden in the corner of the room, shrunken like a frightened puppy. Your knees were close to your chest, with your arms around your legs, sitting on the floor. Your face was wet, and your eyes were red in tears. When you saw Derek, you shrank yourself even more.
You were afraid of him.
In fact, Peter not just mutated himself in front of you. He actually told you the truth about Derek - and if he had just a few minutes more, you would know the truth about Cora and Laura as well. Now, knowing that Derek could turn himself into that creepy thing, you can feel only but fear.
Derek just stopped in front of the door. He wouldn't dare himself to take a step forward to you. Completely broken, he looks at you. His voice was low and soft.
"Cora told me what-"
"Please, call Laura."
Your voice was low and trembling. Derek could already see your cry approach. Your heart was racing, and your breathing was heavy. Derek didn't know what to say to you. At first, he just stays silent for a few seconds. Derek determines that he should take care of you and calm you down. But when he gave the first step in your direction, you shrive even more with new tears running down your face.
You were terrified by him - the one who, until yesterday, you wanted so much. Derek's heart ached with that vision of you, so scared. Scared to him, the man who loves you so much.
"(Y/N), please. I would never do anything that could hurt you."
"You already did."
His heart ached one more time with your words. It was true. Derek really had hurt you with his sharp words when both of you took different ways. Remembering all that tough words he said to you, Derek's gaze goes to the floor. He had his own reasons to say those awful things to you: It was just to keep you safe. However, you didn't know about that.
"I'm sorry." He said, after a few silent seconds.
"Call Laura. Please, call Laura."
Your voice was tired and almost a whisper. Gosh, all of that was so hard for to Derek absorb. He could deal with you making out with another man. But your fear of him...
It was too much.
"Hey. Can I talk with you?"
When Derek look back, he saw Laura with her crossed arms and a worried face. Without saying anything, he walks out of the bedroom. In the corridor, Laura just looks at him.
"Give her some time, Derek. She just needs a break. Her mind should be a full mess right now."
"I just wanted to see if she's okay."
"I know, Derek. But don't worry. We'll take care of her. Mom's making tea to calm her nerves. I'll keep you warn about everything. But, look, I think you should stay..."
"...Stay away from her for a while. Yeah. I got it."
Laura let out a long sigh, with her heart being broken into small pieces.
"Peter got everything worse, didn't he?"
It was his turn to let escape a long sigh. Derek crosses his arms.
"What do you think?"
"I'll solve this. I promise."
"Good luck with that."
Derek just simply walks away from his sister, going downstairs. Without saying a word for anyone, he took the car's key from his pocket and goes out of the house.
Derek just needed some time alone.
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apollostears · 3 years
ICY HOT [ l. wong ]
↬︎ group: wayv
↬︎ pairing: vampire!lucas x black!huntress!oc
↬︎ warning(s): blood, violence, angst, swearing
↬︎ wc: 1255
↬︎ apart of the ‘cold blooded’ series
PLOT. continuation of ‘cold & colder’ where selene and lucas are about to have their arranged wedding, eight months after the events at the gala. sinister forces are at work to stop this wedding from happening, even if it means death.
2021 halloween masterlist
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“selene, i’m telling you what i already know; these flowers will not go with this dress!” selene’s mother had been adamant on her distaste for the flowers her daughter had chosen for her bouquet.
according to her mother it was tacky to want to have black roses as a bouquet.
“great thing you aren’t wearing it, yes? also, this is my wedding, however forced it may be, and i will not allow you to have your way. understood?”
it was rough how she spoke with her mother, but their relationship was strenuous and if it was up to selene, she’d only be her mother by name. queen mei was a lot nicer and more motherly to her than she had ever experienced in her twenty-one years of life. selene wished the undead woman was here instead.
“well, i think it would look lovely paired with you selene! and i’m sure we can make any alterations needed to dress, to make those flowers fit!” her wedding planner, kai, had encouraged.
in the few months selene had been planning this ceremony, kai had to endure a lot of tense conversations and awkward stares. selene would make sure the prestigious wedding planner was paid handsomely.
“thank you, kai. now, what’s next?” she asked, handing the flowers back to the florist before following kai out the shop.
her mother was the last thing on selene’s mind as the two chatted away about the day’s plans. “actually, you and the prince will be meeting at the castle for a private dance session with estelle and eben to go over the first and final dance. after that, you are free for the day.”
selene let out a sigh of relief. planning for a wedding was exhausting. especially one that’s fit for a prince and soon-to-be princess of the vampire race. it was still very weird to her. a huntress marrying a vampire; a prey being with its predator. she was sure that several people throughout the supernatural world were not pleased with this union. and neither was she to be honest, but then she understood why this was happening and figured she push her pride aside for the greater good.
“am i to change then before heading over there?” selene had been dressed in light blue jeans and a cream colored turtleneck with trainers on.
without paying her any mind, kai gave her an answer that had the huntress smiling and rolling her eyes at her. “aye-aye boss lady.”
after selene's comment, the rest of the ride to selene's apartment was silent. reese, her driver, had dropped mrs. cole off first, much to selene's pleasure. their exchange was brief with her mom promising to call later about her table seating for everyone that rsvp'd.
truthfully, selene was surprised by the turnout for the reception. she didn't have many friends, but she did invite the few that still liked her despite her situation. lucas invited whoever he knew and then the rest were just elders that the two would have to grow familiar with during their reign as king and queen.
"hate to put you on a time limit, but you really only have ten minutes before we have to be at the gate to make it on time." kai advised, fingers moving across the ipad.
selene nodded and quickly exited the car with the help of reese, to enter her apartment building. her place of sanctuary for the last four years of her life. she was only twenty-one, about to turn twenty-two, and her she was about to get married to an immortal being. being's that she, just a few months ago, was slaying in the streets at night.
entering her penthouse suite, selene hastily got changed. going through the motions, she slipped on some sweatpants and a cotton crop-top with sneakers. grabbing a water bottle and her keys, selene was on her way out the door when she noticed something.
"took you awhile to notice me darling. planning a wedding makes you soft, doesn't it?" his voice was smooth, non-threatening in the slightest, but that doesn't stop the chill that runs down her spine.
"the fuck are you doing here?" she was nervous. how long had he been here? how did she miss him? why was he here?
the man tsk'd and stood from the loveseat positioned by her window overlooking the city. his posture was straight, footsteps heavy, and stature terrifying. selene was not one easily frightened, but he. . . he was her version of the boogeyman.
she backed up slowly, moving closer to the door for an easy escape. "don't run from me angel. i just came to share something interesting with you."
"who's to say that you're telling the truth?"
suddenly, he stopped moving, almost looking like he was in thought before he lunged at selene and pushed her up against the wall with a harsh grip on her neck.
she was surprised and scared, her nails leaving tiny trails of blood on his hands as she clawed at them for release. he hadn't restricted her airway yet, careful not to squeeze too hard to avoid bruising. his breath tickled her ear as he leaned forward to whisper in it.
"someone isn't who they say they are, princess. several people are working actively against you as we speak. now, i'd hate for my favorite monster slayer to perish over some trivial diplomacy. so, be a good girl and figure out who it is after you and your precious vampire prince." he warned, releasing his grip on her neck at the end.
selene glared at him as she attempted to soothe her burning skin. "how can i trust you? you just attempted to choke me out and broke it my house. how do i know it's not you plotting against me?"
as she questioned him, the man made his way back over to her window and pushed it open. "if i wanted you dead, i would have killed you the second you stepped foot in the door. see you later selene."
and just as easily as he came in, he was gone like nothing happened. all that was left of his presence was her aching throat and her open window.
"hey selene! you in there? we gotta go!" kai's voice pulled selene back to reality and she cleared her sore throat before speaking.
"yes! yes, sorry! i'm coming out now." she called out, hastily picking up the items she dropped and rushing to her door. selene stopped in her tracks at her face in the mirror. her dark skin showed no signs of bruising, but the fear in her eyes said everything she needed to know.
shaking her head, selene attempted to pull herself together before opening her door and stepping out into the hallway.
"that's my bad. i forgot where i put my water bottle." she laughed, locking her door.
her hands were shaking and she cursed herself for being so weak. she's supposed to be this feared huntress and she can't even lock her fucking door.
"hey, you okay? are you nervous about seeing lucas?"
kai was kind. too kind for her own good, but selene had to remind herself that she hadn't grown up in the world she did. where kindness gets you killed.
"yes. just hungry probably. lets go, we're already late."
but what selene didn’t know, and wouldn’t until later, was that people really were watching her every move. and if kai hadn’t of came when she did, she would be dead.
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❧ join my taglist: @cliffordasparagus @olamidey @supop @knjkitten @sweeneyblue1 @pimpnameyannie @sunrayyellowhalo @namjoonswifeyy @valkryienymph @wayv127dream @lordoftomatoes @marvellifeforever
NOTE. this is part two in the series! as i was writing this, i figured i would make this into a mini series. hope you guys enjoy!
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doyelikehaggis · 4 years
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Twelve Days of Rarepairs: Scydia/McMartin | Scott McCall x Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)
Requested by @wonderdoves & anonymous
"This place is…"
Scott can't even think of a word. He just gazes ahead of them in wonder and awe. For miles, all he can see is snow. A thick white blanket of it covering the entire path ahead, the roads, the cobblestoned buildings, the trees—god, even the trees feel like something out of a fairytale, with long, twisting branches that have a dusting of snow themselves. And it's still going, trying to make them part of the scenery, too.
"You'd think you'd never seen snow before," Lydia teases. 
"I haven't—not like this! California's snow is nothing compared to this." 
Lydia just smiles, a certain fondness in her eyes. She squints up at the sky, her nose wrinkling slightly, their suitcases dragging along through the snow behind them as they continue their way from the ferry port. Something else that Scott is admittedly still in amazement over; he'd never actually been on a ferry before. 
It's just a good thing that the snow stopped long enough for them to actually reach Ireland, or else they'd have still been holed up in their cabin, stuck somewhere in the middle of the sea. Not the worst scenario he can think of, to be fair. But he's glad, nonetheless, because this is so much better. 
"I don't know," Lydia says. "I think I prefer the warm winters. I'm just hoping that Gran and Nana make their hot chocolate like they used to when I was younger, I'm telling you, it's the best thing ever."
Scott smiles, finally looking at Lydia as they come to a stop outside a two-storey, cobbled house with a gate around the garden. Her cheeks are flushed from the cold, her nose a pale pink. Snowflakes have clung to her green hat, along the shoulders of her matching green coat, and to her eyelashes. There's a gleam of pure excitement and joy beneath them as she stares at the house. 
When she takes a deep breath, it returns like a puff of smoke. Scott gently squeezes her hand and holds it up in his own, bringing her gloved knuckles to his lips.
"You look nervous," he tells her softly. 
"A little," Lydia says, nodding. "Only because I haven't been here since I was… nine? And there's so much to tell them. I mean, I know my mom filled them in on pretty much everything, but still."
Scott nods as well, saying, "I know. It's a lot. But it'll be okay."
"Yeah, of course," Lydia agrees. Her smile seems a little more confident as she gives another nod.
They walk through the gate, into the garden that Scott's now seeing is teeming with things; empty plant pots, kids toys, an overturned bicycle. Even the stones of the house are more interesting than he had initially realized, with bright murals painted across the whole front of the house. 
As soon as they enter the house, the door closing behind them, they're hit with unexplainable warmth. And the shouting and giggling of kids that whiz past them, nearly knocking them off their feet. 
"I forgot how loud it gets here," Lydia says, but she's laughing. Scott can see it in her eyes as she looks around the entrance hall, beautifully decorated with lengths of tinsel, and handcrafted baubles hanging from the ceiling. 
Framed pictures line the walls up the stairs as far as he can. The closest one, hanging by the bottom of the stairs, has a familiar little girl, giving her biggest smile to the camera beside a young woman with a striking resemblance. 
"Is this you?" Scott asks, his smile wide. 
Lydia looks at the photo. "Oh god, yeah. I think that was when I was, like… six? I came up here every Christmas and New Year before my parents divorced. That's my gran."
"You look like her," Scott tells her, and he can hear the joyful skip of heart, hear it in her proud little hum of agreement. 
"Well, maybe without some of the grey hair," a voice says from behind them. 
They both turn around, and Lydia's face lights up. She's already squealing and dropping her suitcase and Scott's hand. 
"Gran!" Lydia practically flies at her, hugging her tightly. 
Her gran laughs, caught by surprise but only for a second, wrapping her up in her arms. "I've missed you too, Ariel!" 
"Haven't heard that name in a while," someone else says, with a distinctively more Irish accent, but still holding the same fond, overjoyed tone.
Scott looks at the woman who appears at their side from the room behind Lydia and her gran. He recognizes her instantly from all the photos. 
Maddy places a hand on Lorraine's shoulder as she and Lydia pull apart. Lydia looks on the verge of tears as she buries herself into Maddy's open embrace as well for a second, both laughing now. 
"And you…" Lorraine looks over Scott with a smile and a gleam in her eyes. A certain kind of knowing. "... You're Scott McCall."
Scott returns her smile and nods. "I am. I've heard a lot about you, Mrs. Martin."
"Yeah, I know a thing or two about you as well," Lorraine tells him, and he knows. 
He knows she isn't just talking about him and Lydia being together, but about everything. The deadpool. She knew who he was and what he was going to be before he even hit ten. 
For a moment, his worries from the ferry come back. Not all supernatural creatures are a fan of each other, and with the destruction that werewolves have a history of causing, banshees can't be that fond of them. And especially with everything that's happened to Lydia. 
But then her smile grows and she says, "I'm glad to finally meet you! And, please, call me Lorraine. This is my wife, Maddy."
"So, this is the little wolf that got your heart, huh?" Maddy jokes to Lydia, an arm around her shoulders. 
Lydia looks at Scott. She bites her bottom lip through her smile, and her eyes are saying everything. 
She nods and softly says, "Yeah. He is."
"Then you're more than welcome here," Lorraine says.
Relief starts to lift the weight off of Scott's shoulders and chest. The warm, welcoming atmosphere is hard to resist, and he's already feeling at home. 
Lydia was right. The hot chocolate is one of the best things he's ever had. Creamy and overflowing with marshmallows with a candy cane to stir it around. Not to mention the plate of cookies. He has never had a gingerbread man that tastes this good.
It's already dark outside, the sun having set an hour or two after they arrived. They already changed into warmer, more comfortable clothes, and settled in front of the fireplace in the living room to get rid of the chill from the snow. Lorraine and Maddy insisted. Didn't want them getting sick, and ignoring their protests about not being able to actually get sick.
"Your cousins don't look like they're having a good time," Scott comments quietly, watching the half-asleep couple sitting in the corner. 
"They have five kids, all under the age of ten," Lydia replies. "I think the only thing they can feel right now is exhausted."
Scott snorts. He looks around the room. He's met nearly everyone on this side of the family by now. Every cousin, second cousin, aunts, uncles. The kids that Lorraine and Maddy took in have been especially eager to meet him. 
His attention is drawn back to the little boy sitting cross-legged in front of him. He's only nine.
Scott wasn't expecting it when Lorraine and Maddy told him that around ten years ago, another banshee had found them. She was only nineteen and had no one and no idea what was going on with her. They took her in, Lorraine helped her. And from then, it's like their home was its own supernatural beacon, but for kids who had nowhere else to go. 
Sean, the little boy currently sneaking another gingerbread man from the plate, is a werewolf. His family, his pack, were hunted down when he was four. Lorraine felt it coming. She and Maddy found Sean. 
There's a little yelp and Sean clutches his hand. Scott catches a glimpse of tiny claws where nails should be. 
"Can I…?" he asks, holding out a hand. 
Sean hesitates, but he glances at Lydia, who smiles and nods encouragingly, then back at Scott. He slowly gives him his hand, palm up. 
"I don't know how to control it…" Sean mutters, looking down sheepishly. 
Scott inspects where the small trickle of blood is coming from. Three little lines where his claws accidentally caught his skin in passing. 
Shaking his head, Scott speaks gently, and draws on the pain in Sean's hand. "It's okay. You're still learning."
"Yeah, it's actually harder for born wolves," Lydia chimes in, nodding convincingly when Sean lifts his eyes to her with curiosity. "You'd think it was the other way around, but one of our friends—he was born a werewolf."
"And he didn't learn until he was sixteen," Scott tells him. "It just takes time."
"And knowing what keeps you grounded," Lydia adds. "Your anchor."
Sean looks at Scott. "Do you have an anchor?"
Scott nods. "I do. I had to learn to let me be my own anchor, but when that doesn't work for me, I focus on all the people I love. My mom, my best friend, my pack." 
He glances at Lydia only to find her already gazing at him with the softest smile, her cheek leaning against her shoulder. She places a kiss to his shoulder, her hand resting on her arm for a second.
"You just need to find something that makes you feel more in control," Scott finishes, turning back to Sean. "Even if it's an emotion."
Sean nods slowly. His expression is one of deep thought, trying to work to figure out what his own anchor could be. 
"Now, you should go clean this up," Scott says. "Just run it under warm water with some soap, okay? It might sting a little, but just ask Lorraine or Maddy if they have any antibiotic cream, and then put a bandage on it."
"Are you a doctor?" Sean asks.
"No," Scott can't help but grin as he says, "I'm just a vet."
That answer only seems to confuse Sean. But he gets up and hurries off to go do what Scott instructed. 
When Scott turns back, Lydia's still watching him. She has this look on her face, a thoughtful glaze in her eyes and a certain kind of smile that he can't read. 
Chuckling, Scott asks, "What is it?"
She lets a beat pass. She shakes her head, takes a slow breath in, then looks over at the window instead.
"It's still snowing. Do you wanna sit in the garden? There's a nice bench out back."
Scott's eyebrows furrow a little, but he stands with her, following her to the back door from the kitchen. Stepping outside is like what he'd imagine stepping into a walk-in freezer would feel like. 
But the cold biting at his skin is unimportant. The awe hits him all over again as he takes in the sight of the garden, feeling like he just stepped into a fairytale instead. Everywhere he looks, everything is white and sparkling. From the entire ground, to the gazebo at the end of the garden. 
Somehow, in amidst it all, there are flowers. Whole roses and everything, snow dusting across their dark red petals. 
"This is…" Scott breathes out, his eyes wide, "... I don't even know what this is. This place doesn't feel real."
Lydia laughs gently. She wraps her arms around her and nods, looking around as the snow falls around them. 
"Yeah, it does feel kind of… magical."
"We could actually make a snowman," Scott continues. "Or have a real snowball fight. Are snow angels things that people actually do?"
Lydia's eyebrows are raised when he looks back at her, and she's shaking her head. But she's got a smile that stretches to the corners of her eyes and he can feel emotions radiating off of her.
"You are so dorky." She moves closer, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck. "And I love you."
Scott smiles. His voice is soft and giving away all of the fondness he feels for her when he says, "And I love you."
She leans in, her head tilting. Her lips are soft against his. He pulls her a little closer, his arms wrapping around her waist. The cold and even the snow is easier to ignore.
Lydia pulls back, her hands lingering on his shoulders. Scott doesn't let go at all. 
"I'm really glad you're here with me," Lydia tells him. "And my whole family now loves you, so that's a nice bonus. I think you even made a friend."
Scott grins, shrugging. "Your family is great, and I am… beyond relieved that they like me. And, I think with Sean, it's a werewolf thing."
"Oh, no." Lydia shakes her head firmly. "Maybe that's a small part of it, the whole Alpha thing and all, but all of the kids in there love you."
They pull apart. Lydia sits down on the bench. Scott follows, and can't help but start piling the snow from the arm of the bench into a ball in his hand. 
"You were amazing with Sean," Lydia comments, glancing at him. She's doing the same thing with the snow on her side. 
Scott shrugs again. "I just told him the same as I told Liam. And Alec. It's how I wish I could have been introduced to all of this. With someone reassuring me that it would be okay."
Lydia nods in a shared understanding. Neither of their starts in the supernatural word were exactly pleasant or comforting. Scott's only sorry that Lydia was brought into it the way she was. 
She rests a hand on top of his, curling her fingers beneath his palm. She squeezes gently. 
He knows that she can tell what he's thinking. Sometimes he worries that banshees have the ability to read minds as well. But the look she gives him and her hand there with his draws his thoughts away from the past. Everything is okay. It's better than okay. 
"It's amazing what your gran and nana have done, though," Scott says. "Taking in supernatural kids who have nowhere else to go."
"Yeah, it's like a little foster home, but… for werewolves, banshees, and everything else," Lydia jokes, but her smile is sincere. "It's a really good thing they're doing. The kids are so happy here."
"I can see why," Scott says, gazing back out across the garden. The snow has the sky practically glowing, in no way looking like it's dark enough to be night. 
There's a slight pressure against his hand from Lydia's fingers, moving slowly. 
"Do you… do you think that's something you'd ever want to do?" Lydia asks, careful with her words.
Scott looks back at her. She's watching him again, with curious eyes. His heart drops many beats.
"Wait, are you—?" he starts to ask, but Lydia's eyes widen and she quickly shakes her head.
"No!" she hastens to answer. "No, I'm not! I just meant… you know, in general, is it—is it something that you can see for the future? Not necessarily the foster home part, but… you know."
She chews her bottom lip. Scott takes it in, letting the question process. After a moment, a smile curves the corners of his mouth up.
"Imagine, the first werewolf-banshee hybrid," he says.
"That can't have been done before," Lydia agrees, a laugh to her voice. "I wonder if one side would skip them, or if we'd be creating a whole new species."
Scott actually does laugh now, and Lydia joins him. His stomach is buzzing with butterflies or bees, he can't tell. 
When they both go quiet, Scott slowly nods. He lifts his eyes to meet Lydia's.
"I like the sound of that," he says softly. "Whether it be a werewolf-banshee hybrid, or even an orphaned werewolf with nobody else… yeah. It's something I see for the future."
Lydia takes in a deep breath. She presses her lips together as her smile threatens to take over her entire face. She just nods, and breathes out slowly.
"Good to know," she says. "I do too, for the record."
"Okay, that's great," Scott says, grinning from ear to ear. 
Lydia hums in agreement. Then the ball of snow that she'd been forming hits him square in the chest. 
It's safe to say that it is freezing. The snow instantly seeps through his Christmas jumper, melting into his skin. He gasps while Lydia laughs behind her hands, hee eyes wide.
"You said you wanted a snowball fight…" she reminds him. 
Scott nods. "You're absolutely right. I did."
The ball of snow in his own hand hits Lydia. She gasps, snow sticking to her jumper as well now. 
"Oh my god, so cold!" she exclaims. "Why is that so cold?!" 
"Because it's real snow," Scott says, his excitement quickly returning. 
Lydia looks at him, her eyes narrowing. A familiar, competitive smirk forms on both their faces. 
"Game on," she says. 
Next second, they're trying to dodge out of the other's way, snowballs flying across the garden. There are gasps and shouts and laughter when they successfully land a shot. 
Maybe it's a little unfair that Scott taps into his heightened abilities to move faster. But the advantage doesn't stop Lydia from managing to sneak up on him and tackle him into the snow. It's so deep that they sink a few inches into it, laughing until their sides and faces ache, and neither of them actually win, both claiming they did. But they end up just lying there in the freezing snow, curled into each other, staring up at the night sky. 
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sara78 · 4 years
Thank you, Supernatural
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I don't think a simple thank you can cover everything these boys have done for me, for many of us out there.
For lots of people, supernatural is just a show.
But for me and for lots of other people it means many more.
Let's be honest, this year sucked.
2020 for me started empty. I would wake up every morning with emptiness in me, because one person I really looked up to and loved with all my heart, my grandpa, suddenly died in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything but watch. Even though everybody thought I bounced back from that really fast and adapted to it, it was just my very well built mask. I didn't want them to know. That maybe wasn't the right thing to do, since I for sure wasn't the only one mourning, but I just got used to throwing out masks and smiles whenever it was a bad day because they usually wouldn't understand why am I upset and would tell me to stop being a crybaby.
The fact that I lost my grandpa who was my father figure, who raised me up and was the only one who ever supported me and had my back, tore me apart. I was aware I will never go and spend summer breaks in village with him, I will never be able to watch "Only fools and horses" with him on TV.
It just couldn't settle.
And then, the Corona virus happened.
Let me be honest, school and certain people in it helped me with mourning. A lot. Being able to focus on schoolwork, studying, projects, it took my mind of for a brief time. But then, we were all of a sudden closed in our houses because of this whole situation and I didn't thought it was going to be this painful for me.
I was always thinking "Meh, I rarely went out anyways, I got used to being home" but the fact that I was back in the apartment where my grandpa died, and the fact that I woke up every morning and went to the living room to see an empty bed and a turned off TV, instead of him sitting there, reading the newspaper while waiting for a certain TV show on the TV... It didn't feel like home.
I closed in my room. Most of the days I would spend by trying to figure out everything about school, who's using what platform etc. Soon enough, my mother, a nurse in city hospital, told me that she will be transfered to work on a Covid part of it.
I didn't really think it would change anything, but hell, was I wrong.
Every day, she would come pissed from work. She would scream at me, yell at me, blame me for whatever happened in her shift, blamed me for everything that wasn't in my power.
Listening to constant hate from her never had such an impact on me. She would usually do that but grandpa would always be there and talk to me. My mom would usually go to my grandma to see her and talk to her about her troubles at work, but she couldn't risk going to her place, so she decided to obviously, yell and scream at me, thinking I don't bother because I never showed it.
She would just randomly slam the door of my room open and start telling me I'm a terrible daughter, that I don't want to do anything, that I'm useless, that people will never love me, that I'm stupid etc. Those words now started to settle down in me and started piling up. Day by day, the pile became bigger and bigger and I was in a darker place than ever before.
I didn't talk to anyone about it. I didn't want to bother and others had problems too, much bigger then this one.
I was really desperate. I needed a way to get out.
One of those days, I called one of my good friends, and asked him to tell me something that he likes to watch, or to play. I needed a run from reality and I decided to find it in a video game or a TV show.
That's where supernatural came.
April 5th, 2020.
Just when I thought this year would never get better, it did.
I tested the waters with the pilot - he told me that I would like the show since I was a fan of The X Files and Scooby-doo. He was right. It took me one episode, and Dean's famous "Dad's on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days" to get me hooked.
Every day, I would turn on the show and would run away from reality. Every time it all became too much, I would watch them. Soon enough it felt like home. Those boys going around the country, hunting, having each other's backs, it really was unique and interesting to see how well they worked together.
As the show progressed and the boys went more mature, I started feeling better. I wouldn't have dark thoughts, I wouldn't feel empty anymore. Even though I could never talk with them in person, their presence helped me deal with my grandpa's death and my mother's sick obsession of blaming me for everything.
Sam and Dean taught me to stand up for myself. That's what I did. I stood up for myself and told my mother to stop being such a fuss and blame me for whatever happened to her on work because I'm no God (Chuck now 😂) and I'm not controlling anything. She was at first pissed when I talked back to her yelling but soon she stopped as well. I don't know where did she take out all of that anger and I honestly don't care. As long as it wasn't me, I didn't care.
Sam and Dean taught me that nobody really dies. Well, those boys never seemed to stick to that title. But the ones who did, as for example their dad, mom, later on Bobby, Jo, Ellen, Ash, Crowley, Rowena, Jack, Kevin,... You shouldn't think about how you lost them, about how you will never get to see them again. You should remember and cherish the moments you got to spend with them, and to be grateful that you were able to spend time with them. I started watching at grandpa's death from another point of view. Instead of missing him, I remembered him. Whenever I felt that feeling of empty, I would take our photo album and watch our photos together. I would read my old diary entries in which I wrote about how he took me to a fair and bought me a gigantic burger. Instead of tears, I would smile and be happy for being able to spend the time of my life with him and was grateful for making me who I am.
Sam and Dean taught me that family don't end with blood. But it doesn't start there either. I started taking better care of my friends, tried to talk to them more, ask them more often how they felt. I knew how bad I wanted someone to ask me that when I was in a bad place and I knew someone would appreciate that. But as well, I opened up more to some of them. It really felt nice, knowing that they don't care that you're broken and that they are more than ready to help you deal with whatever you need to.
I binge watched the whole show in about 4 months. I watched the boys grow up, and so did I. I learned so much from them, I loved them for who they are, I cried and laughed with them, I was scared and happy with them, I would stay up late at night just thinking about Dean and Sam and whatever they were dealing at the moment or rant to my friend who never even watched the show about how much I love Castiel for being who he is.
Also, I fell in love with the actors. Jensen, Jared, Misha, later on Mark Sheppard, Alex Calvert,... I laughed for hours when watching their panels, comic-cons and other interviews they did. I learned about the always keep fighting campaign, and much much more.
I was happy to be in this fandom.
And so, I want to thank them for giving us the opportunity to watch Sam and Dean's adventures. I want to thank Jensen, Jared and Misha for sticking with the show for years, for giving us a ticket for the most wild and exciting ride that will always be a great, bright memory in our lives.
You guys left a legacy behind, a big legacy. As long as there's us out there, you will never be forgotten. The show will never be forgotten as long as there's people to remember it and talk about it, write fanfictions about it, re-watch it, laugh about it.
The show might be ending, but what it's left behind, that never ends. This family the show has built, there is no other like this one. There's no other Fandom like ours. This fandom is much more than just a fandom. This fandom is also a place where everyone is welcome, there is no judgments, no hate. This fandom is a family. A legacy. Not much shows can say that they've left a legacy behind. Right?
As much as I am sad the show's ending, I'm happy it happened. I'm happy I got to see 15 seasons of it, knowing many shows don't make it past 10. I'm happy I got to see Team Free Will kicking names and taking asses.
So, don't cry because it's over. Smile, because it happened. Part of a journey is the end, but then, nothing really ends.
Carry on... ❤️
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gayboy9904-blog · 6 years
Red Leaf Clover   December 19th, 2009, My mom thinks it's a good idea to “write my emotions down on paper.” I think she’s full of crap but it's better than telling her about them. I have therapy every week on Tuesday where all I have to do is sit and talk about “how I feel,“ or “how my day was,” and other stuff she probably does not care about unless she gets paid. My job is better - I still hate my boss - but other than that I get paid five more dollars an hour so that's good. I have depression, anxiety, and signs of being suicidal so whenever she can my mom checks up on me saying “you okay?” or “wanna snack?” I’m tired of people asking me how my day was or if I’m okay. I just want to be normal. December 23rd, 2009, Today is my birthday, I’m fifteen today and as always I hate today. My dad was caught selling  drugs and was sent to prison for about 20 years and I just played video games and ate cake. An hour of playing Grand Theft Auto 4 and eating cake someone knocked on my door, it was three hard knocks like they ran all the way here. “Hello is this Rich’s house?” The boy’s voice had a sweet flavour to it, it was strange. “Yeah who is it?” I said hoping they left. “Can I come it?” He said with passion. “Sure?” I said as the door opened, and the boy was... I don’t know, he was something. “So why are you here?” I asked as he tried to get comfortable on my couch. “I wanted to come down and say hi, and ask if you wanted to be friends .” confused I keep moving in my seat feeling a little uneasy aground him but not in a bad way.”sure” I say “yeah” trying not to look happy about it.  he sits next to me and for some reason…….my heart start picking up speed….my face was burning and I was nervous talking to him, so I put in mortal kombat 9 and play it with him so we don’t talk about anything but the game. By 15 minutes of me beating him to a pulp in the game he says he has to go, “sorry man I gotta go me and my mom just moved here so we got some stuff to  unpack.” he makes a smile which makes me smile, and then…….my heart starts to speed up again. He walks out the door and I watch him disappear into the night like a plane disappears into the clouds when it gets off the ground. My mom walks in and says “how was your birthday?” I look at her and say “it was alright.” and then she leaves the room, but that boy…...I never felt like that's before around…...anyone……..he’s cute…….I like him. January 15th, 2010, It's really early and I’m making my mom breakfast, I finish to see the time it’s 7:30 am I put my backpack on and shoes and leave a note to tell my mom that I made her breakfast and leaves to go to school. I take my bike and ride it to school, than out of nowhere I see him…...I’m so focused on him I crash into a tree and scratch my leg, he hears the noise and runs to see if I’m okay. “Are you okay?” he says worried “yeah i’m fine.” ~no I’m not~“I’m gonna go to school want to walk with me?” his hair white hair blows in the cold air “yes” ~I would love to being honest~ “ how’s your day?” he says “it’s okay” ~better now~ where walking and all I do is look at him sometimes look to where i’m walking so I won’t die but I like looking at him. Where at the school and he’s asking me something but I can’t hear what he’s saying I just see his breathing and say yes. “Perfect see you at your house after school.” he walks away,  I walk in to my classes and work on tests and assignments but….all I can really think about is him sometimes the teachers would tell me to pay attention and shouting. “Mr. clover please pay attention!” I zoom up “yes sir.”  he nodes his head as he….falls asleep. As I walk out of the school he walks behind me and screams in my ear. “HELLO BRO!” it felt like it busted my ear drums but no matter what his voice was calming, “sup” he smiles a pretty smile “you okay?” I ask about to laugh but holding it in. “I have army of two for you” my face lights up as I grab the game from his hands screaming “ OH MY GOD THIS GAME IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES I HAVEN’T PLAYED IT IN 3 YEARS!!!!” he just starts laughing and walks ahead “hey”  he turns back at me “yeah?” “What’s your name?” he turns and  says “my name is ghost” I ask why he’s  named ghost he replies “it’s just a name I gave myself.” and he walks away disappearing once again. January 29th, 2010, “How are you Richard?” Mis.Ruby says I say good and she asked about my month and I say “pretty good, better than last.” she smiles and says good than I say “my birthday was….better.” Mis.Ruby looks at me with a face that says explain, “This kid…...came to my house and played video games with me.” I say face turning red “boy or girl?” I say boy while my face feels like it’s on fire. She smiles and writes it down, than erasses it. “That's good.” she says with a smile “what about your thoughts?” my face stops burning as soon as she said that. “I have…..done it…..” she puts her notebook down and says to me. “Look if you keep doing this I’m gonna have to turn you in.” I look up at her and basically scream  “NO!!!” I pull my arms to my chest and tear up. “I’m sorry but I have to but this is the last chance to stop this if not its the 3 moths to a year in green waters psychic housing I’m sorry.” I look at her and say okay i’ll try and leave, before I could go she gives me a button and a drink “you're a good kid I known you can do this.” I open the bottle of coke and take a sip while walking to my mom’s car, I get in and my mom looks at me with a concerned face. “Let me see?” I pull up my sleeves and red marks up and down my arm shine off my pale skin. “Get out..” my mom says about to cry. “What?” I say with confusion “GET OUT OF MY CAR NOW!” I step out of the car rolling down my sleeves and my mom’s car speeds away.   February 2nd, 2010 I’ve walked inside to see my mom on the floor….drunk , “mom?” she pops up with a look of disgust, “what do YOU want?” she looks at a half empty bottle of beer next to my feet, “nothing.” I leave the room to go to bed. The next morning I wake up too the smell of bacon, I put on my jacket because I can’t find a shirt and walk down stairs. “You want toast?” my mom tries to smile and not cry, “I’m sorry rich, is there anything I can do for you?” I look at her trying not to yell at her for what she did  yesterday but I smile and say “you can hand me a pancake?”  we both laugh. February 5th, 2010 Ghost pushes me to join a club, to be honest the only reason why I’m doing this is to get away from my mom and to be with ghost. “Hey, you okay?” he asked me and I jump “ye..yeah I’m fine.” he looks at me with his frozen blue eyes and my heart melts ( he just doesn't know it) he walked in a room and pointed to a bunch of people that I’ve seen in the hallways but never talked to. “This is max, philip, and jessie.” he smiles at me and yells “WELCOME TO THE SUPERNATURAL CLUB!!”  I say hi like the anti-social person I am and for the rest of the day I just sit there and watch people and they stare at me, than ghost says “you know what the club has a meeting tomorrow wanna come?” his face looks concerned for a bit then he smiles really quickly too cover up he’s sad I know because I do it. “Okay, I guess I can come.” he smiles and pull me to the group and we just start talking about ghost sightings, legunds, and huntings and for the first time in a while….I was happy and if never meet ghost than my life would be worse. After the meeting me a ghost raced to my house and ghost won, “hey what are you doing tomorrow?”  he asks me and I start to feel...warm “uhhh a movie?” his face looks surprised and turns red a little “like a date?” my face burns “m...maybe” he stepped closer to me with a smile “ you're gay?” my face burns and I step a little closer “I...I guess?” he puts his hand on my face and steps closer to me “well than why not.” ~his hand is so warm~ he comes closer to my face kissing me. My face melts off, “did I invade your personal space?” I look at him smirking, “shut up cute boy.” March 1st, 2010, I’ve been sleeping a ghost’s house for the passed month, it’s way better than at my mom’s because I have a real reason to wake up in the morning. He wake me up  with a huge smile. “How was your sleep?” he says smile growing wider “really good cute boy” I say as he blushes and turns to get some clothes to wear down stairs. “You looked peaceful, which is cute because you always look on edge.” he says as he puts on pants and a shirt. “Yeah I guess?” I replay as I  set up and get to the bathroom to take my meds and make sure that ghost doesn’t see me, after I get out and turn on ghosts ps3 and play fear than I put on a hoodie and go too my house too get some more clothes. As I walk in I see over 5 beer bottles on the floor and a note on the kitchen table and read it. “Dear waste of space of a son, your so pathetic you think that EVERYONE hates you well they do most of all I HATE YOU goodbye you, From no longer your mother.”  I crumble the paper up and throw it outside because I left the door open, and then break a beer bottle. At first I just picked up the piece of glass, then  i rolled up my sleeve and added a new mark……..”rich?” I look remembering that the door is open seeing ghost walk back and run, I run after him pulling my sleeve down but his house is an hour away from mine and by the time I got there  the police was there with my therapist. “Ghost?” I say as my face is overcome with tears and so is ghost. “Let’s go Richard.” I start to run and before I could get too the corner the police catch me. “NO PLEASE I DON’T WANT TO GO!!!!!” the tranklize me and as my world got black ghost ran up to me and said with his sweet sounding voice “sorry ri…” I blacked out. March 2nd, 2010, “How are you feeling?” mis.ruby asks, “you haven’t talked to anyone, it’s worrying me.” ~of course I’m not okay my boyfriend turned me in and my mom left me on top of that I’m in a mental hospital, so yeah I’m fine~ “I’m okay.” she puts her hand on my shoulder as if trying to say she cares about me. “ no you're not….you need help.” I say nothing “that's all for today Richard goodbye.” the two staff workers take me back to the cafeteria and out ide the window  of the waiting room for guests I see him….standing there with a smile, the staff worker says go outside he’ll be waiting. I walk outside and he’s standing there. “Hey ho….” I hug him as soon as he starts talking, “I’m so so so sorry please don’t hate me…….” he pats my back  and I here is heart race, “i don’t” I start crying and he hugs me tighter. “Me and my mom are gonna to take care of you from now on oaky?” I say that's fine and we watch the sun set. “My name is ross by the way...my real mane.” I smile “last name?” he blushes “my full name is ross redleaf.” I hug him “I like it ross.” he puts his hand on my head. “But at school you call me ghost okay?” I laugh “okay ghost, and my full name is Richard clover.” he starts to laugh and say “ put our last names together you get red leaf clover.” I hug him and say with a smile that I can only do in that moment with him alone. “Love you cute boy.”
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Haunted - 1
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"I don't understand! Why can't I come see her!" I whisper yell into my phone. I was at school, by my locker.
Stefan has Vicki back at his place, he's going to try and help her control her bloodlust, and apparently is banning me from coming over.
"I swear you are as persistent as Vicki"
I smirk, "It's a family trait"
"Listen I will call you with updates, just please don't come" I grumble as a response.
"Fine" I say as he cuts the call. I shove my phone in my back pocket and close my locker with anger.
It's bad enough that I'm already lying to every one I know about Vicki, now I can't even see her!
"Alright what's going on?" Said Tyler as he appeared beside me. "I don't know what your talking about" I said as my eyes darted around the hallways.
The school was having a haunted house party for Halloween. Caroline is ecstatic, but after everything that's happened I'm not all that sure I even want to go.
Um..nope definitely not.
"Your taking the pills for insomnia again, does Matt even know" Tyler asked as he stepped in front of me. I looked around to make sure Matt or anyone else was around to hear.
"No, Matt does not know and I'd like to keep it that way"
"What, so what happens when you get another panic attack?" He questions.
"I'm not gonna get another panic attack Ty. It's just...with the animal attacks and Vicki missing it's bringing back some unwanted memories" I explain with a shrug.
After my mom died, I did suffer from insomnia. And it was only because every time I closed my eyes, I saw her face. I didn't want to sleep. That went on for a month or two till I finally got over it. And anyway the pills are just in case.
Tyler sighed, unsure whether or not to believe me. "Fine, but if you have a panic attack you have to tell Matt" I gave him a smile. "I promise"
I skipped school to come visit Vicki.
No visits my ass.
I thought as I approached the boarding house. She's my sister and there's no way in hell that I'm not gonna help. I knocked loudly on the door. Stefan opens the door not pleased that I ignored his specific instructions.
"I thought I told you not to come" He says, crossing his arms.
"And I thought you said I was persistent" I say with a grin as I walk past him. "Where is she?" I ask, my voice echoing across the halls. "She's in the dinning room" When he says that I flee towards it.
I'm there in a matter of seconds since I know the layout of this house very well. "Vicki!" I exclaim as she comes into view. She stands up from her chair and smiles.
Her hair falls on her face and she looks like the same old Vicki, well except for the fact that she's now a blood thirsty vampire.
I reach out to hug her and I hold her tight. "I thought I had lost you" I confess as she hugs me back. My eyes bulge out of my sockets as I notice someone else in the room.
I part from Vicki and turn to Stefan. "So she can come but not me? Her sister?" I ask him in disbelief.
"She came unannounced" Stefan says trying to defend himself and her.
"I wanted to see how she was doing, wanted to see how much more I would have to lie to the people I care about" Elena explains but there's resentment in her tone. She's angry. I spin towards her with a scowl
"You think it doesn't hurt me? Lying to Matt? I'm doing this for the same reason you are" I hiss between teeth. Vicki grabs my hand, trying to calm me.
"Alright, Stefan why don't we get back to your lesson" Vicki suggests to Stefan. He nods and sits down. I sit down across from him to be closer to Vicki's side.
There's two cups of what smells like coffee and I sit and watch eagerly.
"Coffee is our friend. It's the caffeine. It circulates through our veins, and it warms our body so we're not so cold to the touch" Stefan explains.
"Well, what if I wanna drink human blood?" She asks.
"You're gonna have to learn to live with that urge, and fight it on a daily basis. One day at a time"
Vicki groans. "Oh, God. Don't start with that whole 12 steps thing. School counselor has been down that road, and it doesn't work for me" She says with annoyance.
"It can work. It's your choice, Vicki" He says trying to convince her. "So you've never tasted human blood?" She asks, hitting a nerve.
Stefan tenses and so does Elena. I eye them both, mostly Stefan. He doesn't really talk about how he used to live.
"Not in a long time" He shares. "How long" Vicki pokes again, he's getting slowly irritated by her questions.
"Years and years. I'm not proud of my past behavior" Vicki let's out a noise half way between a groan/sigh.
"Does this sketchy feeling ever go away? It's like I have a massive hangover. And this daylight thing is a bitch" She says, annoyed once more. She gets up and looks at Stefan.
"I need more blood. Where's your bathroom I have to pee. Why do I have to pee? I thought I was dead" She shares, her face scrunching in confusion before heading off in the direction of the bathroom.
My eyes widen a little surprised at her behavior. "I'm gonna go um, I'm gonna get her some more. I'll right I'll be quick" Stefan says as he gets up.
"I'll go with" I say, not wanting to be alone with Elena. I follow him out to the forest but I stay back as he goes in deeper.
"Hey, so, um" I scratch at my head, not really sure how to say what I want to say without my stomach churning. I mean how do you say
"Hey, is it weird that I wanna know who my sister fed on, or killed?" But I guess when it comes to the supernatural these questions aren't exactly a shock.
"Who did, she uh, feed on?" I ask. Stefan's deep in the forest but I know he can hear me. "Fells, Logan" He yells back in response. I shudder. He's probably dead.
I know Damon was there when Vicki ran off. So I can't help but wonder which one of them killed Logan. Vicki or Damon?
"I'm heading back" I say into the forest. I pull my sweater in close. I'm suddenly freezing, well I guess having a vampire as a sister will do that to you. When I step inside and go into the dinning room I gasp at the scene in front of me.
Vicki is holding Elena by the throat saying something I can't quite hear. "Vicki!" I exclaim. Vicki drops Elena and turns to me, her face expression less as she leaves, walking up the stairs.
0 notes
buffster · 8 years
Dead Man’s Party (BTVS 3.02)
This is part of my ongoing Buffy Project, where I write notes/meta for every episode in an attempt to better understand the characters and themes of the show. You can find the full list here. Gifs are not mine.
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Dead Man’s Party continues to deal heavily with the fallout from last season as Buffy returns to Sunnydale and faces what she’s left behind. Let’s start by going over every character’s perspective before the big living room showdown.
Let’s start with Buffy. To the audience she is the most sympathetic. We know what she’s been through and how true it is that no one else can really get it. She just wants her old life back and she probably came back to town with some expectations of thrilled faces and instead got a whole bunch of distance. She is still haunted by what she did to Angel but is trying to do the right thing. Buffy left because she felt isolated, but returning has left her feeling even more so. Willow won’t be honest with her and everyone else is acting like she’s not even there. The entire episode she just looks like she’s dying for a hug and someone to ask her what’s really wrong. But no one does. When she overhears her mother say it was easier without her it’s too much and she tries to pack up. 
Joyce is not a person that likes to face unpleasantness. She tends to bury it and simply hope it will go away. She tries that when Buffy first returns, but she can’t help getting annoyed that Buffy expects to just jump back into her old life without consequences. Joyce is trying to maintain her happy mask and do the best she can and Buffy is complaining that things aren’t going exactly as she wants them. Joyce has been worried all summer and Buffy is acting like it’s nothing. When she’s talking to Pat in the original script she says that now that Buffy’s home she sees how unhappy she is and feels helpless. I think this line is important in making Joyce seem more understandable. 
Giles has been worried sick about Buffy. He’s her Watcher and must have felt like a failure when he couldn’t even find her. Add in her tendency to attract the supernatural and he had to wonder at times if she was even alive. He did everything he could to find her. Had she needed her space, it wouldn’t have killed her to just call and let everyone know she was alive. When he slips away to make tea you can see the huge relief on his face.
Willow feels pretty betrayed. Buffy and her were confidants and told each other pretty much everything. And then Buffy took off without so much as a word (in part due to Xander’s lie–ugh, Xander!). She lost her best friend and to Willow that was huge because she’s never really had any friends. Being left behind like an afterthought was especially painful for her. I’ve heard people say Willow was being petty talking about her small problems when Buffy had to kill her boyfriend, but I think that’s a little unfair. First, how can you maintain a friendship if you start playing who has it harder? Second, we have to keep in mind that Willow doesn’t know Angel was Angel when Buffy killed him. She was there for Buffy as she was working it out that he had become Angelus and she had to kill him, so she’s a little lost and why she suddenly skipped town. Buffy had processed what happened with Angel and what she had to do, but seeing him as himself again traumatized her and changed things. Willow doesn’t know that.
Xander can’t stand to see his friends in pain. He’s been building some anger at Buffy (you can see him waiting to jump in as she’s arguing with her mother) because he’s had to watch Willow and Giles worry and be upset all summer. He’s clearly been worried as well and is just totally blind when it comes to why someone would be in pain over killing Angel. He doesn’t show the slightest signs of guilt over his lie either…it’s all just very strange. The narrative doesn’t really explain his meanness.
Xander: And by the way, thanks for ruining our lives for the past three months…
Xander, Willow, and Oz have been risking their lives all summer doing a job Buffy is actually equipped to do. Is it self-centered and short-sighted to think that way and not look at it from Buffy’s perspective? Yes. But I’m trying to look at things from all sides here.
So we have The Fight. 
Joyce: Buffy! You didn’t give me any time. You just dumped this… this thing on me and expected me to get it. Well - guess what? Mom’s not perfect. I handled it badly. But that doesn't give you the right to punish me by running away-
This I find pretty understandable. She did dump a lot on her mother in the midst of a crisis and I don’t fault Joyce too much for handling it poorly. But I do fault her for refusing to accept the truth when it’s right in front of her…that’s just one of her core character flaws.
Buffy: As if I could have gone to you, Xander. You made your feelings about me and Angel pretty clear-
Xander: Look - I’m sorry your honey was a demon, but most girls don’t hop a Greyhound over boy trouble!
This I find less understandable. Xander is positively vicious when it comes to Angel. He turns into a real jerk. I honestly find his behavior kind of baffling. Cordelia tries to stick up for Buffy but it doesn’t come out right. I kept waiting for Joyce to jump in on Xander and found it odd that she just let him attack Buffy that cruelly. This scenario was one that played out a couple of times on Buffy. Her friends never grasp what it means to be a Slayer. To them it’s simple; she has a job to do and if she avoids it people die. So avoiding it=you’re a terrible person. But they never seem to stop and consider how much that sucks and how much choice that takes away from her. The argument heats up and Oz intervenes, which is when our monster of the week–people brought back to life by Joyce’s mask–attack.
This episode sets up the season finale, since the students are obviously aware of the supernatural madness and help fight off the zombies. I couldn’t help but notice that Xander and Willow took off upstairs, leaving Cordelia and Oz to fend for themselves. It shows they aren’t as committed as they should be. Oz, however, immediately goes to Willow’s side at every important moment in this episode. 
The fight brings the gang back together and gave Joyce a taste of what Buffy’s life is like. Willow and Buffy are soon out for girl talk and coffee, where Willow explains she’s moving deeper into witchcraft. She even says it’s like being pulled apart inside, but for some reason Buffy isn’t alarmed. Willow mentions she used magic to hide a zit; she’s already in it for personal use.
Principal Snyder refuses to let Buffy return to school. He’s well aware he’s got the city council and the Mayor backing him, so Joyce doesn’t intimidate him at all. Giles finally persuades him by threatening to go over his head and slamming him into a filing cabinet, all while wearing an easy smile. I love scary Giles moments.
Character Notes:
Xander Harris: His code name is Nighthawk. He also can’t stand an awkward silence.
Buffy Summers: Snyder mentions she does not have a good grade point average.
Joyce Summers: She joined a book club, where they read Deep End of the Ocean. It was kind of strange she was cool with a bunch of teenagers trashing her house.
Rupert Giles: His library sign says “Check ‘em out” which I just know he didn’t write. Must have come from Willow. Also, GILES CAN HOT WIRE A CAR?! I need some young Ripper fanfic.
Daniel Osbourne: He’s fascinated by the dead or alive cat and says they should name it Patches.
Cordelia Chase: She says her dish of choice is Onion dip because it doesn’t require cooking. 
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