#but i prefer american born chinese
lairn · 2 years
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Book 3/24: Dragon Hoops by Gene Luen Yang Rating: 3/5
This comic was fine. I’ve read two other Yang graphic novels and prefer them to this one, but it was still engaging enough. He follows the path of a high school basketball team as they attempt to win the state championship while Yang negotiates the challenges of managing a personal life and telling a “true” story.
I think Yang could have done more to engage with the struggle to write non-fiction as entertainment, as I get the feeling that in some ways that is what interested him most - more than a story about basketball. But he is clearly invested in the story itself and wanted to tell some version of it.
I’m a little puzzled why he gave himself a different typeface than everyone else. He starts as an outsider, so in that sense the text difference is sensible, but even when he is in his element with his family, his speech remains distinct. I’m not sure the choice entirely works.
I enjoyed the chapters dedicated to fleshing out the players. I don’t think Yang’s character design is very strong (as he says himself, he’s no good at caricature), so chapters focusing on individual players were crucial for reader investment. He does some nice work with repeating visual motifs, but ultimately the art is a little dry and characters remain indistinct.
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dannyphannypack · 1 year
Writing ASL: Techniques to Write Signed Dialogue
Hey, guys! I've been reading a lot of DC Batfamily fanfiction lately, and in doing so I realized how little I see of ASL being represented in written text (love you, Cass!). I wanted to briefly talk about tactics to writing American Sign Language (ASL), and ways that these techniques can help improve your writing in more general contexts!
I will be discussing everything in terms of ASL! If you have a character who uses Chinese Sign Language or even British Sign Language, the same rules will not necessarily apply! Don't be afraid to do some extra research on them.
Do not let this dissuade you from writing a character who signs ASL! This is by no means the end-all be-all to writing ASL dialogue, and I do not intend this post to insinuate that by writing ASL the same way you write English you are deeply offending the Deaf community. If this is something you're interested in though, I highly recommend experimenting with the way you write it! Above all, have fun with your writing.
Related to 2nd rule, but still very important: not everyone will agree that sign language should be treated/written any differently than English. This is a totally valid and understandable stance to take! I do not hope to invalidate this stance by making this post, but rather to introduce an interested audience to how ASL operates in the modern world, and how that can be translated into text.
ASL is the same as English, just with gestures instead of words.
Actually, no! There is a language that exists that is like that: it's called Signing Exact English, and it's an artificial language; i.e., it did not come about naturally. All languages came from a need to communicate with others, and ASL is no different! It is a language all on it's own, and there is no perfect 1:1 way to translate it to English, just as any spoken language.
2. But everyone who signs ASL knows how to read English, don't they?
No, actually! Because it's a completely different language, people who sign ASL and read English can be considered bilingual: they now know two languages. In fact, fingerspelling a word to a Deaf person in search for the correct sign does not usually work, and is far from the preferred method of conversing with Deaf people.
3. Because ASL does not use as many signs as we do words to articulate a point, it must be an inferior language.
Nope! ASL utilizes 5 complex parameters in order to conversate with others: hand shape, palm orientation, movement, location, and expression. English relies on words to get these points across: while we may say "He's very cute," ASL will sign, "He cute!" with repeated hand movement and an exaggerated facial expression to do what the "very" accomplishes in the English version: add emphasis. Using only ASL gloss can seem infantilizing because words are unable to portray what the other four parameters are doing in a signed sentence.
4. Being deaf is just a medical disability. There's nothing more to it.
Fun fact: there is a difference between being deaf and being Deaf. You just said the same thing twice? But I didn't! To be deaf with a lowercase 'd' is to be unable to hear, while being Deaf with an uppercase is to be heavily involved in the Deaf community and culture. Deaf people are often born deaf, or they become deaf at a young age. Because of this, they attend schools for the Deaf, where they are immersed in an entirely different culture from our own. While your family may mourn the loss of your grandfather's hearing, Deaf parents often celebrate discovering that their newborn is also deaf; they get to share and enjoy their unique culture with their loved one, which is a wonderful thing!
ASL gloss is the written approximation of ASL, using English words as "labels" for each sign. ASL IS NOT A WRITTEN LANGUAGE, so this is not the correct way to write it (there is no correct way!): rather, it is a tool used most commonly in classrooms to help students remember signs, and to help with sentence structure.
A most astute observation! The short answer: it's up to you. There is no right or wrong way to do it. The longer answer? Researching the culture and history, understanding sign structure, and experimenting with description of the 5 parameters are all fun ways you can take your ASL dialogue to the next level. Here are 3 easy ways you can utilize immediately to make dialogue more similar to the way your character is signing:
Sign languages are never as wordy as spoken ones. Here's an example: "Sign languages are never wordy. Spoken? Wordy." Experiment with how much you can get rid of without the meaning of the sentence being lost (and without making ASL sound goo-goo-ga-ga-y; that is to say, infantilizing).
Emotion is your friend. ASL is a very emotive language! If we were to take that sentence and get rid of the unnecessary, we could get something like "ASL emotive!" The way we add emphasis is by increasing the hand motion, opening the mouth, and maybe even moving the eyebrows. It can be rather intuitive: if you mean to say very easy, you would sign EASY in a flippant manner; if you mean to say so handsome, you would sign handsome and open your mouth or fan your face as if you were hot. Think about a game of Charades: how do you move your mouth and eyebrows to "act out" the word? How are you moving your body as your teammates get closer? There are grammar rules you can certainly look up if you would like to be more technical, too, but this is a good place to start!
Practice describing gestures and action. ASL utilizes three dimensional space in a lot of fun and interesting ways. Even without knowing what a specific sign is, describing body language can be a big help in deciphering the "mood" of a sentence. Are they signing fluidly (calm) or sharply (angry)? Are their signs big (excited) or small (timid)? Are they signing rushedly (impatient) or slowly? Messily (sad) or pointedly (annoyed)? Consider what you can make come across without directly addressing it in dialogue! Something ese about ASL is that English speakers who are learning it tend to think the speakers a little nosy: they are more than able to pick up on the unsaid, and they aren't afraid to ask about it.
Above all, don't be afraid to ask questions, do research or accept advice! New languages can be big and scary things, but don't let that make you shy away. Again, there is nothing wrong with deciding to write ASL the same as you write your English. I've personally found that experimenting with ASL dialogue in stories has aided me in becoming more aware of how to describe everything, from sappy emotional moments to action-packed fighting scenes. Writing ASL has helped me think about new ways to improve my description in more everyday contexts, and I hope it can be a big help to you as well, both in learning about Deaf culture and in pursuing your future writing endeavors. :)
P.S: I am quite literally only dipping my toes into the language and culture. I cannot emphasize how important it is to do your own research if it's someting you're interested in!
P.P.S: I want to apologize for my earlier P.S! What I meant by “I am … dipping my toes into the language and culture” was in direct regards to the post; what I should have said is “this post is only dipping its toes into the language and culture.” While I am not Deaf myself, I am a sophomore in college minoring in ASL and Deaf Culture, and I am steadily losing my hearing. Of course, that does not make me an authority figure on the topic, which is why I strongly encourage you to do your own research, ask your own questions, and consult any Deaf friends, family, or online peers you may have.
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changbinsboobs · 24 days
hi!! i've just read your masterlist and i'm very interested in "physical traits skz looks for".
i love your account !!
Hiii💗thanx so much💗💗💗
Reading done with the Erotic Fantasy Tarot
*For entertainment purposes only!
What physical traits are Skz attracted to?
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He likes athletic, slightly boyish bodies (i think i've said that previously too, if im not mistaken). Especially those 11 lines on the stomach.
I think he much rather prefers foreign women. Mainly blonde or dark blonde/light brown hair. Mainly European/American/Australian
He likes a nice booty.
He also likes black women, but especially African. Like born in Africa especially. Says they have a Boss B, goddess aura thats UNMATCHABLE!!!!! Omg he's swooning so much i love it😂 im getting all giggly as well💗
Lee Know
This one's incredibly difficult🥲 i picked 3 cards for him and 2 of them are girls hugging their legs in a defensive pose. I don't really think he likes to share what attracts him. The first cards 3 women "recklessly" drinking and talking...and i feel like doesn't wanna share as much, at least on such topics as it gets quite a reaction and that may be influencing him energetically somehow. The only thing im getting thats on the topic is - he likes pale skin.
Boobs, boobs, boobs!!!
He likes rather darker features. Like more of an olive skin, dark chestnut hair or black (but preferably black). He likes it when theres big contrast in the features. Like...what was it? High contrast face? High visual weight? Something like that.
He's also a difficult one, i pulled 4 cards for him and 3 of them are literary solely focused on the boobs🥲
Ok so i pulled a few more and although not as strongly as boobs of course-cuz what can compare to that?!? - i picked up on him liking dainty fragile looking women. Smaller than him. In height, in weight, in dimensions, bone structure, anything. Just small, dainty, fragile looking, little thing for him to protect and cherish.
He also likes feminine and mature looking women. Ones that give off young mother vibes. Childbearing-looking women. Ripe if you will🌝
He likes big eyes, a small nose and small lips. A bit of a fish face. (Yk this chinese animal face trend, based on that)
I think he likes slightly wavy hair. Or slight curls?
And thats not so much a physical feature but i think he likes accessoires and also very feminine nature like accessoires. I think he might like cottagecore or boho style. It enhances a woman's femininity he thinks. He also like leather and chains tho😂 cuz it suits his style. But yeah idk so i guess both?
Oh and he also likes good nice teeth! Im also seeing sharp canines. Or just clean cut, well lined, straight perfect teeth. Small ones? Small dainty perfect, pearl looking teeth, with cute sharp canines:)
Calves and ankles? I dont think thats something he really looks for or notices straight away but if someone has nice slender but muscular calves and dainty, cute, feminine ankles and feet he likes it. It adds to the whole feminine, woman, mother picture he has in his head. ( i think he has put a lot of thought into what he likes about women😂)
He likes height! Tall and slender people!
He likes a well kept appearance. Good hygene and like - natural beauty? Like perfect skin without make up. Perfect, healthy, clean hair. A strong, healthy body. Athletic. Smelling good. Thats a big thing. I feel like if someone were to smell good that would definitely get his attention!
Also very little makeup. For example if we were talking about a woman here, something like douyin wouldn't be his thing at all. More like clean girl make up! In general i feel like he likes the western type of make up and style much more than the korean.
Full lips!
Lighter hair. Blond-ish.
A nice sharp jawline.
Beautiful big eyes! He also loves colored eyes. Like blue or hazel. Especially the ones that have yellow hues.
Boobs too, especially with large areolas? (If for men then chest, a big one)
Aggressiveness (on ones approach, like to pursue someone they like)
Pretty hands
Good hygene
Colored hair!
He likes the witchy/ alternative/ egirl/boy type of look. Just someone that looks edgy. I think he would love people with crazy hair cuts/colors etc.
He literary likes everything whenever he gets the mood. Im seeing he likes old, he likes young, he likes skinny and he likes fat, he likes it all if its the right time for that. And im not meaning a sexual mood here. Just the mood for an older person. Or the mood for a chubby person. That kind if mood.
Ehmmm...thats not so much according to the topic but i guess ill mention 😅 so he likes darkly colored genitalia and nipples. Like a purplish ashy color.
I think he likes long hair.
Ufhhggjg i really don't know if i should say this or not. Take it with a handful of salt, ok! But i think he has a thing for ...ifnfbbf no idk. So like, maybe if he were already a fww years older than now, he would be a bit of a dicaprio guy. Where he's fifty but like to date a 20y/o - if u know where im going with that👀 Take it as you like im just writing what im reading in the cards, i don't know anything for sure tho!
Butts, especially when in thongs🌝
Tall women!
Asian or if not the with asian-ish features.
Black long hair, pale skin, a nice feminine body. Long legs, a nice back line.
Playful and "dangerous" girls🌝
Cute faces
Korean for sure!!!
With a beautiful trained body. Not too big boobs, not too small - just right.
Beautiful hands.
Well mannered! I heard lady in the streets a freak in the sheets😂
I think he likes more of like...square-ish faces? Or is it oval? Im really bad at this. Something like his face😂 but a bit shorter and squarish. Likeee ugh idk who has a face like that😭 maybe like hyunjin before the botox. When he was in this survival show, he had a square ish face too. I.n himself too. Idk if their faces were really squarish or not but the face shape im seeing is something like that.
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gryficowa · 4 months
Watching videos commenting on miracolous episodes talking about racism is interesting (Especially when I'm older than when I watched them + I'm European, specifically Polish)
Note, if you are outraged by Chloe's defense, I'm sorry, but Europe and the US don't really have the same approach (Which can be frustrating for non-white Europeans)
First of all, the text about sushi… Sushi was created in China and then came to Japan, which means that this particular text by Chloe is not entirely racist, I know, shocking, but Thomas didn't do his homework before writing the episode, so it came out strangely
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As for Chloe confusing a Chinese with a Japanese, unfortunately I have an explanation, it is related to the fact that in Europe they speak collectively, i.e. "Asian", so yes, if we assume that Chloe only dealt with Japanese, and not Chinese, it was unconsciously confuses them with each other (I remind you, this is Europe, not the USA, here the topic of racism is more complicated), anyway, I don't believe that she's the only one who confuses Asians with each other, because we're talking about Europe, where such confusion is more "Normal" (however it sounds), why is she the only one? Why don't any adults do this? This is unrealistic and distorts the reality in Europe
Besides, the very fact that the series is written by a Frenchman who has no clue about racism says a lot, hello, you live in a country where Muslims are persecuted (There is a ban on wearing hijabs), so what more can I say about all this?
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It's unrealistic that only Chloe confuses a Chinese and a Japanese with each other, older generations should also have a problem with it, because the action takes place in Europe, not in the USA, plus, older generations are more racist than the younger ones (Because the younger ones have access to for information), so it doesn't make sense that none of the adults are racist, Thomas, do you know what country you live in?
So yes, taking the action in France, i.e. Europe, in practice made Chloe's racism seem even more strange, because they could make it seem that she is not the only person in the whole country who has a problem with it, but it is known that Thomas Astruc prefers to pretend, that in his country and in the whole of Europe racism does not happen (And only a white fourteen-year-old child is the only racist… Yes, it sounds bad)
Europe is not the USA, you could have searched the Internet for information about current acts of racism in your country or Europe itself to present them in your series, but you decided to do something that makes no sense because of the place of action which is France, it looks so unrealistic, when you are European and you know the approach of people from Europe, antagonizing Chloe for racism when she is a fourteen-year-old living in Europe (where such racism is more common, because it is not the USA), to punish her for… As a European, she does not have an attitude like Americans and she took bad examples from adult Europeans
Thomas' attitude towards Chloe is even worse for this reason, he forgets that children are not born racist, they acquire this through adults, the Internet and other media (Like the news), throwing Chloe on the pile for being racist is harmful, yes, we should talk about racism and fight it, but hate a child for being a racist, because adults taught her that? A child's mind is still developing, it shouldn't be done, educating children is necessary, so Thomas, you fucked up the whole series
As a European, I have more reason to criticize this series for how it ignores the very topic of racism in Europe in order to antagonize a child (Fictional, but a child), if you want to show racism, then use information about it, not create worse versions of racism from the 70s -those from America
I had to describe it because it's frustrating how Americans hate Chloe for racism and they have no idea what it looks like in Europe, instead of bashing Thomas for showing racism in such an unrealistic way, they attack a fourteen-year-old cartoon girl, it's fucked up on many levels
Thomas doesn't know anything about racism, especially in Europe, if he did, only Adrien and Marinette would know it's racism, and the adults, including Chloe, wouldn't see it as a problem because they're fucking adult Europeans and we have unrealistic shit that pretends to be that it is progressive because it talks about racism, but the truth is that there is nothing there, no realism in this topic (Compare to US productions from the 70's, even they did it better…), this episode would be better if it showed real racism, and not the one just to show how stupid Chloe is -_-
Yes, I had to get this out of the way because a lot of people in the fandom are Americans and they look at Chloe from an American perspective, the problem is that Chloe is not American, she is French and that changes the perspective, yes, racism is bad, but remember that in Europe operates on different levels and Thomas Astruc presented it so badly that if you are from Europe, you it hurts
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coolbeansnico · 2 months
I've caved. Here's my Avatar The Last Airbender uni au and modern/non bender au headcanons.
Here's what I think the main kids uni majors/minors would be:
Aang: wildlife conservation with a minor in political sciences
Katara: medicine, education minor
Sokka: engineering, polisci minor
Toph: geology with a martial arts minor (changed my mind, education minor)
Zuko: forced to do law & politics by his family but switches to history/anthropology, keeping politics as a minor
Azula: law w a psychology minor
Mai: forced to do politics by family but wants to do art, history minor
Ty Lee: training in acrobatics and performance at a performing arts school and works at the circus
Suki: human relations and activism, martial arts minor
Yue: Dance major (same school as Ty Lee, polisci minor
Living situations:
Katara and Sokka flat together and eventually Aang becomes a permanent resident
Toph lives right across from them, she likes her own space and independence but she'd never want to be too far from her friends
Zuko lives with Iroh above his teashop and works there part time
Suki has a sharehouse with the kyoshi warriors (her hockey team)
Ty Lee and Yue get assigned room-mates first year and became pretty quick friends, they continue to live together afterwards
Azula has her own apartment (of course). So does Mai, but she spends so much time at Azulas she basically lives there. Neither of them would admit it but they much prefer it to having whole houses to themselves.
General modern au/non bender au hcs:
(Pretty obvious) Ethnicity n nationality hcs:
Sokka and Katara r Inuit and from Alaska
Azula, Zuko and Mai are all Japanese American
Ty Lee is Japanese and Mongolian
Toph is Chinese and Singaporean (born in Singapore)
Aang is Bhutanese (so is Gyatso), but he grew up in Singapore. Him and Toph were childhood friends
Yue is Inuit and Sámi and her family lives in north-east Canada
Suki is mixed Chinese, Thai and French-Canadian and live in an island off of Quebec
Have not decided where the uni would be but probably BSSU (Ba Sing Se uni) cause I know a lot of ppl use that as the uni name
I don't know a ton about US and Canadian geography so if y'all have ideas for what states or provinces the characters would hail from (especially what state/city Zuko, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee grew up in) I would def appreciate the suggestions
Aang has a Tibetan Mastiff called Appa and Sokka has a Siamese cat called Momo (he found him behind a dumpster looking for food scraps and Sokka knew he'd found a kindred spirit,,, much to Kataras initial dismay)
Aang grew up in a sort of hippie/alternative living foster home that taughtbuddist beliefs, he never knew his real parents but he was okay with that.
I'm a fan of bigcorp ceo Ozai but also political tyrant Ozai works as well so I'm srsly torn on that. Politician Ozai would either have to be a nation ruler or American ambassador because I like to think Zuko and Azula moved around a lot as kids so he couldn't have a job that keeps him in ine place. That's why I like the idea of ceo Ozai. He would still have a lot of political power and it would still mean moving around a lot plus him being super corrupt and exploiting his workers is fun for angst.
Oh and!! Zuko and Azula lived in Singapore for part of highschool and their family visited a lot for holidays. Since Tophs parents and Ozai worked together, Zuko and Azula were around at The Beifongs a lot and entertained themselves by making fun of Toph for hanging out with a "poor tree hugging commoner" like Aang
I may add more to this so look out for a part 2
I'm currently working on drawing them (and maybe chara profiles with sexualities, pronouns, character aesthetics/how I think they'd dress, interests ect) :] I've done the boys and the (non fire nation) gals are next!!
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rain-and-jellyfish · 2 months
(pins my intro post but more like a voodoo doll than anything) hi gang
my name is tayeon/tay and you can call me either!! i use lots of exclamation points, and this is my main blog. i run @daily-vitamin-ena on the side.
pronouns are she/her but i call myself a ‘guy’ more than anything (silly guy, little guy, just some guy) and i’d prefer people do that too. i’m okay with anything though
bad at bowling!! i can not stress this enough. please don’t take me bowling.
i’m also a korean born american, i immigrated here in early childhood. on this note, i am also fluently bilingual. (korean and english) i learned chinese for four? five?? years then dropped it now it’s gone from my system.
my hobbies are swinging. sleeping. uhm. laying on the floor.
sometimes i say something ironically and then i think about it and i wonder if i really mean it ironically and then i have to question my entire belief system.
you’ll probably notice most of this blog is pjsekai, but it also has traces of all my interests. pjsk is very dear to me and my main interest right now but currently omori and alien stage are close seconds (as you can see i like angst i need the silly tap tap game to water it down)
i play cello and i have been playing for the last five or six years. it’s uhhhh okay i guess
theme changes incredibly often. i’m pretty sure i changed it six times in the last five days. i reblog this post every time it changes.
I DONT BITE IM FRIENDLY!!!! i love my followers so much especially on my side blog and here too. i love new mutuals you guys im friendly please interact with me
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bookcub · 7 months
Books I Read for My SFF Class Rated from Worst to Best
clearly this is the most objective list ever obviously (jk this is based on how much I got from reading the text to how useful it was in context)
also while this syllabus included movies and tv shows, I am focusing on the books cause this is a book blog
19. Islands at the End of the World by Austin Aslan- The worst of the worst. Contains racist ideology and a magic system that makes no sense. This is a book clearly written by a white outsider about Hawai'i. I am also far too old for dystopias. One upside is that there were no random romances and it was about familial love.
18. Survive the Dome by Kosoko Jackson- Despite agreeing with the ideology of this book, this was truly a horrible reading experience. Poorly written, annoying and bland characters, and very inconsistent.
17. Blazewrath Games by - You wouldn't guess that a book that's essentially The World Cup with Dragons could be boring, but you'd be wrong. Nothing significant in this text rip.
16. Peter Pan by J M Barrie- Unfortunately, this book makes sense being included in this context of children's SFF so I can’t say it shouldn't be included, but this book was agonizing to read. Beautiful writing. And yet, some of the most racist and sexist content I have ever read in my life!
15. Charlotte's Web by EB White- Pretty painless to read and interesting to discuss in the context of sff literature cause uh, not generally a book I would categorize as such. I didn’t think our discussions were particularly notable and I would have preferred another text.
14. The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline- *sighs* There are some incredibly important concepts in this text but woof. Again, I am too old for dystopias but unexpectedly I had a real problem with the way women were written in this.
13. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L Frank Baum- Again, this is helpful in context of a children's fantasy class and it was fun to read in context as a Wicked fan. If I didn't know it from related media, this would be super forgettable.
12. Bunnicula by Deborah Howe and James Howe- Fun, and a fantastic audio but there wasn't much to talk about here in our class but there's potential. Very funny.
11. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling- I am dreading the class on this but I am very excited for the critical readings and it was exciting to re examine the text as an adult with the knowledge I have now. I do think that we could have done a magic school section with books responding to HP instead. Again, interesting in the context of the genre.
10. The Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen- One of my classmates had a lot of issues with the portrayal of Judaism in this text, so ideally this would be replaced with a text written by an author who did more research.
9. Feed by MT Anderson- I did NOT like this but incredibly relevant and scary to think this was written about 20 years ago. Good for the syllabus, not good for me!
8. The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien- I didn't mind listening to this and it was another sensible inclusion. Occasionally boring but I'm supportive.
7. Haroun and the Sea of Stories by - I liked the perspective this book provided and it was a pretty fun read. I think this would work best as a readaloud text. It was also beneficial to read a book written by an author who wasn't American or British for comparison to the other texts.
6. A Wrinkle in Time by - Another classic that makes a lot of sense in its inclusion in the syllabus. Sparked really good conversations about the definition of genre. I enjoyed resisting this text as well, incredibly nostalgic for me.
5. Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova- A lot of fun! I love portal fantasies and this had a classic adventure but didn't feel trite at all. I actually enjoyed the love triangle and will consider reading the books later in the series.
4. American Born Chinese by Gene Luan Yang- This was a difficult book to read but it was incredibly rewarding. I had to sit with it a lot to process and I think the author asks really interesting questions. I would recommend this to most people.
3. Family Lore by Elizabeth Acevedo- Shockingly, the adult novel ranks 3 on my list. .. hmmm . . this was largely both because I loved it and hated many of the other books. Absolutely stunning as a novel, engaging, and downright magical. I love books centering family and slowly finding how much I enjoy multigenerational novels. However, it is interesting considering this class is about children's lit. . . I would highly recommend this to readers who want a story that isn't afraid to challenge normal.
2. Kindred (graphic novel) by Octavia Butler- I love Kindred and if this was the novel and not the graphic, it would be #1. An amazing book that does not stray from intense topics and makes history very accessible. The only time travel book I love. I adored presenting on this book and still believe Kindred is one of the best books I have read. Such a good inclusion on this syllabus.
1. Nimona by ND Stevenson- NIMONA MY BELOVED what is there to say. This is perfect for this class. It is certainly marketed to young adults, and uses elements of scifi and fantasy masterfully. Challenges conventions of the genre, asks the age old question of who is a monster and who is human. . .beautiful found family. . .funny as hell. Perfect.
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asianpopfan · 10 months
Asian (specifically South Korean) transracialism is a far bigger problem than thought of.
Why? Because many do not actually consider themselves transracial(It’s the minimum) but show “symptoms” of it in their DRs:
The practice of modeling their own personal appearance is not understandable. Even changing names and sometimes even profiles (where they have lived on etc) basically creating an alter ego and dream self/dream past.
But they often make themselves east Asians , at least half or fully.
On one side I heavily criticise this but on the other side I think that this is unfortunately a hidden self belief of “adjusting” themselves to Kpop. You see how people complain that non Korean artists shouldn’t be in kpop? It is all because they do not fit the average image of an East Asian person. People think that a fully and clearly non EA person is like a “fish out of water”. That they might lower the visuals of the group or the industry overall. It’s like a fetish without the segsual connotation to it.
There was a video made by a YouTuber, I can’t find it but I found out another similar one that said the similar things. And the argument is always that they risk wasting time(especially if they start training older, many SKorean trainees themselves “waste” many years into it) and facing discrimination. But it’s like that for almost everything all over the world with any person who becomes a minority in preferred country. If everyone acted on that, there would absolutely be no revolutionary people to look up to. People who “pass” as South Koreans to the international eye, are far more allowed. Think of light skin Vietnamese and Thailandese people. Because it’s still passable as “fetishizable”.
Anyway, these people who do DR, just feel like they would be uncomfortable in their own skin and body in such a fantasised environment, and that’s why they make themselves Skoreans, Chinese American, half Chinese half Thailandese etc. Me too, when I think of my ideal life, it all comes in a package or improved appearance.
Personally? I don’t do DRs, I don’t even know how they are done, but I fantasize a lot and sometimes get “help” from DR promos/scenarios, many times I fantasize being a whole other person with different skin colour, born and grown up on the other side of the world, but if I think “Ok, let’s seriously fantasise a bit actually putting myself in it!” I can barely purposely force myself to change such things.
DR means “Desired (alternate) reality” right? , so you DO desire to actually be East Asian, at least in the reality in which you are a kpop idol. Maybe not in your others DRs as you have “confidence” in yourself.
You are literally inserting your real world deepest concerns and insecurities in your fantasy that you do hardly claim doesn’t have those problems regardless if you are a minority or not. (You can clearly be a minority without facing “problems” for it).
For this reason I truly hope that you all find peace upon yourself. It’s your DR, right? You can literally scripts that things such as discrimination etc do not exist at all.
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flowersofstarlight · 4 days
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Hello, everyone! My name is “Connie” (or Flower if you want to call me that) and welcome to my art! Here is my persona. And yes, I like flowers and stars, which is why my social media is called “FlowersOfStarlight”. 💖💜💕🌸🌼🌟✨🌌
(This is a redraw of my persona incase you’re wondering)
I am a hobbyist artist who likes to draw. I am autistic and a Taiwanese-American. Both my parents were born in Taiwan and many of my family members speak Chinese and English. But I only speak English.
I only know several words that I can speak in Chinese like “Hello”, “Bye”, “Thank you”, “Happy Lunar New Year”.
I mainly draw fanarts from my favorite games, series, and movies. I like to draw my favorite characters and ideas I want to draw. I’m about to turn 22 this year, and my birthday is on December 9. So, you can either draw my OCs or my persona as a birthday gift or say “Happy Birthday” in the comment or reblog when I post a gif on my birthday.
But I want to mention to you that I do NOT do requests, art trades, collab, and ships that you want me to draw. I’m NOT interested and there are many reasons why I don’t do those unless it’s my friends who I trusted. So please do not ask me to draw something you want me to draw, especially that I don’t feel comfortable with. I only draw what I want to draw. And I am busy in college doing assignments, so it may take a week or more to post new art.
Anyway, when I draw fanarts in my free time, I sometimes like to either color or sketch them depending on my mood and if I feel like I want to color my drawings or not. I don’t do digital drawings because I’m more comfortable drawing with paper and color pencils only. I don’t have any drawing tablets and I’m not interested in it. I much prefer traditional drawing.
The fandoms I’m currently in are Welcome Home, Hello Puppets, and the Smiling Critters. My favorite games are Kirby, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mega Man (classic), Minecraft: Story Mode, Poppy Playtime, Hello Puppets, Gravity Circuit, Little Nightmares, Undertale, and Deltarune. I don’t play video games anymore, I only watch gameplays on YouTube.
My number one favorite shows I really enjoyed watching are Amphibia and The Owl House. Avatar: The Last Airbender and Gravity Falls are also my favorite and were my childhood.
So yeah. That’s all I want to mention. 😊💖✨
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evegwood · 1 year
NOOOO i am too late to the party, can I still submit my ask? If the inhibit cast could speak any other language other than English, which one would it be?
Haha don't worry, I'm always happy to answer questions and this is a fun one!
A few of the characters already know another language - David knows British Sign Language fairly fluently, though he definitely has a hearing "accent" (less fluid signing, tendency to use English constructions rather than the way a fluent BSL user would phrase something, difficulty reading fast fingerspelling). He also understands Urdu because his mum is Pakistani but isn't as good at speaking it.
Like a lot of kids in the UK, the Earl kids were taught some German but wouldn't be able to say anything other than like "Ich lebe im Vereinigten Königreich" and "Scheisse" because language education is here is terrible and even worse at Earl.
Masha speaks textbook French because she's a swot and would learn Russian if she could because her adoptive family is originally from Russia.
Nate is Chinese-American (born in San Francisco, moved to the UK when he was really young) so he'd be like oh yeah one day I'm totally going to learn Chinese. And you'd ask if he would learn Cantonese or Mandarin and he'd be like what.
Paulina's family is Polish but she wouldn't be much interested in learning it. She doesn't plan on going to Poland any time soon. Same with Julia, she'd have no interest in learning Scottish Gaelic, it's too hard and stumbling through German articles has put her off language-learning.
If Vic had to learn a language he'd probably prefer to study BSL properly - his signing is pretty poor comparatively and he wouldn't be able to hold any sort of conversation with another BSL user beyond the basics, it's like a cobbled-together sign language based on library books and what David has taught him. Otherwise he'd be much more interested in learning the history of another country than its language.
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limowlee7389 · 1 year
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+ The Good Bad Mother (2023)(26 Apr-) ~ Airing. ★★☆☆☆  
This has been a wild ride. I recall that episode seven was absolutely crazy. When you count up all the angst they filled that episode with, it's really unbelievable. What a roller coaster ride?
Thankful, that the drama has calmed down a lot since that episode. I don't think this is really a great drama, but for now, I find it watchable.
+ Skip and Loafer (2023)(15 Apr-) ~ Airing. ★★★★★
I LOVE everything about this show. I am so enamored with the female lead. She is absolutely precious. This is such a cozy watch.
+ Tengoku Daimokyo (2023)(15 Apr-) ~ Airing. ★★★★☆
I don't understand what is going on. This show has so many secrets and mysteries that it is hiding. Yet for something I barely understand, I am having a blast watching this each week.
+ Hell’s Paradise:  Jigokuraku (2023)(3 Apr-) ~ Airing. ♥ ★★★☆☆  
I LIVE for this opening theme every single week. Is it strange that there is part of me that prefers the manga so far?
+ Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru (2023)(1 Apr-) ~ Airing. ★★★☆☆  
This is super cute and fun!
+ Insomniacs after School (2023)(15 Apr-) ~ Airing. ★★★☆☆  
This is cute. The lead couple is adorable, but I find the pacing kind of slow.
+ Oshi no Ko (2023)(18 Apr-) ~ Airing. ★★☆☆☆  
I feel like I am missing the charm here. I believe it's because I'm not often drawn to stories about celebrities or idols, but this dark side of fame take isn't really doing it for me.
Plan to Watch.
Bloodhounds (2023)(9 Jun)
See You in My 19th Life (2023)(17 Jun)
King of the Land (2023)(17 Jun)
Rikon Shiyou Yo (2023)(22 Jun)
Revenant (2023)(23 Jun)
Black Knight (2023)(13 May-16 May)(3/10) ⏩
Koi no Kara Sawagi Drama Special ~ Love Stories III ~  Nidai ni Noserareta Onna (2006)(28 May)(6/10)
Love Village (2023)(5 May-29 May)(8/10) ♥ ~
Other Things I Watched. 
Schmigadoon! (2023)(s2)(5 Apr-2 May)(1/10) ~
The Company You Keep (2023)(23 Mar-7 May)(6/10) ~
Hannah Gadsby:  Something Special (2023)(9 May)(8/10) ♥ 
The Big Door Prize (2023)(2 Apr-16 May)(4/10) ~
King of Collectibles:  The Goldin Touch (2023)(18 May)(5/10)
XO, Kitty (2023)(18 May-19 May)(8/10) ♥ 
A Man Called Otto (2022)(20 May)(5/10)
Queen Charlotte (2023)(19 May-21 May)(7/10)
Dorohedoro (2020)(21 May)(6/10)
Dorohedoro:  Ma no Omake (2020)(21 May)(3/10)
Survivor (2023)(s44)(1 Mar-24 May)(7/10) ~
Jury Duty (2023)(21 May-26 May)(7/10)
The Summer I Turned Pretty (2022)(s1)(27 May)(8/10) ♥ 
Carole & Tuesday (2019)(1 May-28 May)(5/10)
American Born Chinese (2023)(28 May-29 May)(7/10)
Ted Lasso (2023)(s3)(18 Mar-31 May)(8/10) ~ 
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orsonke · 1 year
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if you’re hearing ARE YOU SATISFIED by MARINA playing, you have to know ORSON KE (HE/HIM; TRANSMASCULINE) is near by! the TWENTY TWO year old NHL PLAYER has been in denver for, like, NINE MONTHS. they’re known to be quite INTENSE, but being AMBITIOUS seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble CHELLA MAN. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those RESTLESS FINGERS, FEELING THE BASS IN YOUR CHEST, WELL WORN JERSEY/HOODIE COMBO vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RIVER NORTH ARTS DISTRICT long enough! 
full name: orson ryan ke
age: twenty two (born august nineteenth)
gender: transmasculine
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: gay
ethnicity: chinese, ashkenazi jewish
nationality: american
occupation: left wing for the colorado avalanches (nhl)
grew up in minneapolis to divorced parents, who were the most incompatible people ever, though it was only really started to show when they had orson. they disagreed heavily on how to raise a child, and ended up splitting when he was only three years old. his whole life was spent in two deeply different worlds.
his mother, a criminal lawyer, believes that "you don't need to be your child's friend," and so never attempted to connect with him really. she pushed him hard in school, sports, music, but never showed much care into who he was, or if he was okay, believing that you should never settle, always striving for more no matter the cost, and so ended up being very critical in everything, even the things he did well.
his father, on the other hand, had never been the driven sort, a trust fund baby who was perfectly content living on other people's coattails. he was more focused on his own life than really being involved in orson's. more casual friends than father and child, only showing a polite interest in what he was doing. when the going got tough, his father was more likely to leave him to figure it out for himself, if he even realized there was a problem at all.
it seemed that no matter what he did, he couldn't satisfy either of his parents, who both saw a reflection of the parent in him. seeking approval elsewhere, he started playing hockey when he was ten. it was a godsend, and not just because he was talented on the ice. a community of people who needed him. his parents didn't get, his father was never a sports guy, and his mom thought he didn't have the focus to commit to a sport.
orson has spent his entire career trying to win their approval, not that he's realized it. ever hungry for success, part of why he's become so good is that feeling that things he do are never good enough. he's always training, often at expense of any sort of social life.
this became clear during college. scouted by university of michigan, he spent his four years in college either training or studying (since his mom would never accept anything less than dean's list). when most people were discovering themselves, he was dedicating himself to his craft.
last summer he graduated, promptly joining the colorado avalanches. in a completely new place, with a completely different team, orson is painfully aware of how lost he feels outside of hockey. filling his time outside of it with elaborate parties, meaningless flings, he puts on a front that is very different than who he really is, but there are times where he feels like he doesn't know who that person really is.
orson is very social, though not always the most friendly. he can be a little full of himself, but if you can stomach it, he's a pretty good friend. an extrovert, he prefers to be with other people than by himself, so he's always spending time with one friend or another (when he's not spending time with the team). however, he's not very good at letting him get close to him, and very rarely talks about what's bothering him. this leads to some (most) friendships feeling superficial, though he wants something deeper.
in short, orson is terrible at relationships. past the casual stage, he is far too focused on his career, and can be inadvertently critical of his partners. in the casual stage, he can be a fun partner, though again not very serious about the relationship, or even the other person's feelings.
orson can very an abrasive personality, seemingly arrogant and unconcerned with other people. those not charmed by his smiles or talents or wealth find him annoying, two dimensional, and a vapid athlete. always defensive, orson doesn't try to win over those who don't like him, preferring always to poke the bear and win.
orson is deaf, with 40% hearing loss. he wears hearing aids, and can speak, but also uses asl
very, very competitive in literally everything. the kind of guy to race you to the end of the street for literally no reason.
very into fashion, but mostly streetwear. more money than sense, he sometimes wears the ugliest outfits you've ever seen but swears they are fire
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odyssey-xxartsy · 1 year
Hey. 💗✨
Probably should have done this introduction stuff months ago but never really thought about it until now. So, here we go.
12th July, 1999
Star sign:
Irish (and I still live in Ireland)
Skin tone:
Music (Gorillaz, Franz Ferdinand, The Chemical Brothers, yuné pinku, Kate Bush, Coldplay, Blur, etc.), art, water colours, pastel colours, cats, rabbits, horses, flowers, movies (mostly horror/supernatural/animated/comedy movies), anime (just got back into it with "Bungo Stray Dogs" after 5 years of not watching any), the works of Tim Burton (mostly his films, but back in November, I started watching "Wednesday"), supernatural beings, photography, chocolate - dark chocolate too, coffee, latte, cappuccino, hot chocolate, bowling, the colour purple, pizza, Chinese food, Indian food, burgers, noodles/ramen, Identity V, arcade games and air hockey.
Country music, opera music, tea, spicy food, golf, football (the European kind, but yeah, pretty sure the American version counts too), rugby, heights, overcrowded places, social situations (I have social anxiety disorder, ever since I was a kid - I always feel too overwhelmed and stuck for words) - this especially goes for speaking in front of people or presenting something to them, swimming (almost drowned once on holidays, I slipped on the pool floor and fell under for a few seconds - I was terrified), seafood, art stealers and tracers, being alone or left out and spiders.
Extra Information:
I'm a very creative person. Got a head filled with tons of art ideas ever since I was a little girl. I only do traditional art right now and currently use an app called "Snapseed" to edit them. Hopefully, one day, I'll be able to do digital art. 😊🤞🏻
I also love taking pictures, sometimes, of myself (yeah, selfies). Mostly though, I prefer taking pictures of anything around me. Usually ends up being street, nature and/or landscape photography. Been interested in it for well over six years. 📸
Been interested in anything supernatural for the past decade now. Which ends up being my favourite kind of horror movie/TV show genre. Animated or not. My family thinks I have a problem. 😆
I may have OCD and ADHD. I'm not exactly sure, since I was never diagnosed. But I feel like I have both. There's definitely something going on in my head that itches if I don't do this or that. Or if something feels out of place. 😣
By the way, I fully support the LGBTQ+ community, given the fact that I'm of course, a part of it myself. So, any hate expressed towards the community, I definitely don't tolerate it. Not even on my profile. Anyone who expresses such hate will be blocked and reported.
The same thing goes for racism and any hate towards any religion, and even someone's culture. Blocked and reported. Everyone is accepted here.
If anyone has any questions, anything you guys want to know about me that I didn't mention here, feel free to ask. Nothing inappropriate though. Keep it SFW.
Thank you. ♥︎♥︎
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
‘Catch-22’ was rejected for publication 22 times.
The Candy Crush app makes about $850,000 per day.
Is an argument between two vegans still called a beef?
Great sex can temporarily wipe a woman's memory clean.
When the economy is better, short skirts are more popular.
Over 20,000 people have purchased alien abduction insurance.
The Champagne region of France is home to the village of Bouzy.
There's no word in the English language that rhymes with 'month'.
The Monkees’ Michael Nesmith‘s mother invented correction fluid.
The most isolated tree on Earth was hit and killed by a drunk driver in 1973.
"It's okay" and "I'm fine" are the two most common lies spoken in the world.
MTV's show ‘16 And Pregnant’ caused a 4.3% reduction in teen births in the US.
The dinosaur noises in ‘Jurassic Park’ were made from recordings of tortoises having sex.
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on the same day he established the Secret Service.
In an early draft of Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ the song was titled ‘Mongolian Rhapsody’.
William Shakespeare was the first person to use insults about people's mothers.
The smell of doughnuts can increase blood flow to the genitals and stimulate an erect phallus.
About 40% of the ants in an ant colony are lazy and spend most of their time just sitting around.
85% of the world's population makes less than $200 a month. Bill Gates makes $290 per second.
85% of people have experienced a dream so real that they were not sure if it happened in real life or not.
Studies show that men who help their wives with household chores are happier and tend to have more sex.
Being dumped often leads to ‘frustration attraction’, causing the person who got dumped to love their ex even more.
In 2002, the average user spent 46 minutes a day on the internet. In 2012, that average had increased to four hours a day!
In 2011, a 46-year-old man tracked down and choked a 13-year-old boy who had been taunting him in ‘Call of Duty’.
Robert Pattinson was expelled from school at age 12 for stealing explicit magazines and selling them to his classmates.
The person that invented the stop sign, the pedestrian crossing, the traffic circle and the one-way street never learned to drive.
OMG is an acronym for a real medical condition: Oversized Male Genitalia, the technical term for men born with huge penises.
J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, was rejected by 12 publishers before Bloomsbury Publishing decided to publish her book.
In 1979, mathematicians David A. Cox and Steven Zucker wrote a joint paper about an algorithm that is now known as the ‘Cox-Zucker Machine’.
People who prefer Twitter over Instagram tend to be more educated, are less likely to be narcissists, but more likely to suffer from insomnia.
Eating chocolate makes you happy because it contains phenylephylamine, the same hormone the brain triggers when you fall in love.
In 2013, India's army spent six months watching what they thought were Chinese spy drones violating its air space, only to find out they were actually Jupiter and Venus.
2021's Ig Nobel Prize in medicine was given to a group of researchers who proved that having an orgasm is as effective at relieving nasal congestion as taking a decongestant medication.
When Ian Fleming’s ‘Casino Royale’ came out in paperback in the U.S., it was retitled ‘You Asked For It’, because of the fear that American readers wouldn’t know how to pronounce the word ‘royale’.
Top event names for 2024: Soul Gangbang, Soul Sewer, Crocheted Soul, Soul Stink, STS (Sexually-Transmitted Soul), Soul Toilet, Soul O, Soul Dungeon, Soul Cemetery, Soul Abattoir, Soul S, Soul Hole, and Aaah, Soul!
Richard Phillips survived the longest wrongful prison sentence in American history. He was locked up in 1972 at the age of 26 and wasn't released until 2018, aged 72. He spent 45 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit.
US states having the most sex: Top 5 States: Alaska: 2.806 times per week, New Mexico: 2.064, Vermont: 1.702, Arkansas: 1.666, Indiana: 1.531. Bottom 5: Colorado: 0.420 times per week, Maine: 0.500, Michigan: 0.511, Nebraska: 0.545, West Virginia: 0.638.
In 1186, it was agreed that the Sibylla of Jerusalem (eldest daughter of King Amalric) would become queen of Jerusalem as long as she divorced her husband, Guy de Lusignan. She agreed, on condition that she alone could choose her next husband. Once crowned, she promptly chose Guy de Lusignan.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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delux2222 · 2 years
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"I was so tired of the parts I had to play. There seems little for me in Hollywood, because, rather than real Chinese, producers prefer Hungarians, Mexicans, American Indians for Chinese roles."
Happy Birthday, Anna May Wong (1905-1961)
Anna May Wong was the first Chinese American film star in Hollywood. She born January 3, 1905, in Los Angeles. Her birth name was Wong Liu Tsong, and her family gave her the English name Anna May. She was cast in her first role as an extra in the film “The Red Lantern” (1919) at 14 and continued to land small roles as extras until her first leading role in “The Toll of the Sea” (1922).
Her career spanned motion pictures, television, and theater. She appeared in more than 60 movies, including silent films and one of the first movies made in Technicolor. Wong also became the first Asian American lead actor in a U.S. television show for her role in “The Gallery of Madame Liu-Tsong” (1951). [USMint]
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xiaoderrrr · 2 years
𝑺𝑲𝒁 9𝒕𝒉 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝒌𝒔𝒏 ࿐ྂ
𝘑𝘑'𝘴 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘦 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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Home » Member profiles » JJ(Stray Kids) Profile & Facts
JJ (Stray Kids) Profile & Facts [Insert your bootiful face]
JJ is the youngest and the only female member of the South Korean group Stray Kids under JYP Entertainment
Stage Name: JJ (제이제이) formerly known as Jihyun (지휸) Birth Name: Josephine Park Korean Name: Park Jihyun (박지휸) Position: Dancer, Rapper, Vocalist, Maknae Birthday: September 12, 2003 Height: 174.5cm (5'7.2) Blood Type: B MBTI: ENFJ (Her previous result was ESTJ) Unit: DANCERACHA Spotify: Vibe with JeiJeiHyun
JJ Facts: -JJ is Korean-American -JJ was born in Seattle, Washington, U.S but moved to Korea when she was 8. -Her father is a President at Sinar Tour -Jay Park of Enhypen is her older brother -Nickname/s: JeiJei, Hyunie, Sophie, Pengsoo (only Sunghoon calls her this), haengbogi hyun (given by fans) -She graduated from Hanlim Multi Arts School in February 2022, alongside Enhypen members Jay and Sunoo. -Currently is attending SNU, course she's taking is currently unknown -Trained under JYP for 4 years -JJ is fluent in English, Korean, Japanese and a bit of Chinese -Her English has a little Australian accent due to her conversing with Chan and Felix in English very often -Prefers to wear glasses rather than lenses because she sometimes feels lazy to put it in her eyes -She thinks her charming points are her eye smile and her bubbly and chaotic personality -Was supposed to have a 4th degree black belt in taekwondo but stopped when she started training -JJ can roller skate and do tricks -JJ can ice skate as well, but still has a hard time -The members and the fans calls her and Felix "The Sunshine's of the group" -Her hobbies are listening to music, cooking and baking, dancing, helping 3racha in producing and composing, playing video games -She loves to annoy Jay every chance she gets (mostly with his iconic quote when he was in I-LAND) -JJ is the 3rd tallest member -The S in her name means 'Sassy' and 'Savage' -Her representative animal is a penguin, she chose it because she thinks they're cute and also because she walks like a penguin -She loves to spoil her members -She loves cats and wanted to own one when she was young but couldn't due to her brother being allergic to cats. -JJ is like the 2nd leader of Stray Kids due to her naturally mature aura and leader like persona according Chan, and has said he trusts JJ in making decisions he couldn't -Has a 165 Iq -She has a photographic memory -She's very flexible and her bones are double jointed -Has a very keen 6th sense as well as her hearing sense -JJ goes live on twitch when she can www.twitch.tv/jeijeihyun -In the old dorm she used to share with Felix -UPDATED: As of 2020, she lives in a separate dorm with their female manager -If she wasn't in Stray Kids, she'd either be a lawyer or follow her fathers footstep -Her motto is: "Just go with the flow ~(-v-~)" and "Famous or not, we're all the same species, no one is weird, we're just different and unique in our own ways, respect each other" -Ideal: "I don't really have an ideal type, but I guess someone who can keep up with my chaotic energy," -Fans speculated she described Kim Sunoo of Enhypen when someone asked her to describe a person she'd date, and thought she has a crush on the said idol.
More to be added... ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Masterlist *₊˚☕୧  𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒔 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒑 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Taglist [open]: Send an ask if you wanna be added Ps: Updates might be slow cuz of school
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