#dragon hoops
commonplacenook · 1 year
Every time they step on the floor, they give us their Superman. Who can blame them for wanting to keep their Clark Kent to themselves?
Gene Luen Yang, Dragon Hoops
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lairn · 1 year
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Book 3/24: Dragon Hoops by Gene Luen Yang Rating: 3/5
This comic was fine. I’ve read two other Yang graphic novels and prefer them to this one, but it was still engaging enough. He follows the path of a high school basketball team as they attempt to win the state championship while Yang negotiates the challenges of managing a personal life and telling a “true” story.
I think Yang could have done more to engage with the struggle to write non-fiction as entertainment, as I get the feeling that in some ways that is what interested him most - more than a story about basketball. But he is clearly invested in the story itself and wanted to tell some version of it.
I’m a little puzzled why he gave himself a different typeface than everyone else. He starts as an outsider, so in that sense the text difference is sensible, but even when he is in his element with his family, his speech remains distinct. I’m not sure the choice entirely works.
I enjoyed the chapters dedicated to fleshing out the players. I don’t think Yang’s character design is very strong (as he says himself, he’s no good at caricature), so chapters focusing on individual players were crucial for reader investment. He does some nice work with repeating visual motifs, but ultimately the art is a little dry and characters remain indistinct.
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I know we all love Secretly Silly Dragon but I think maybe the reason some people have a hard time picturing it is that we forget Silliness, like all good things, comes in many forms. I posit that Dragon’s silliness presents itself not through loud and goofy behavior like in his father and son, but rather through a willingness to immediately commit to any and all bits. This man will Yes, And you all the way down. He won’t even ask questions. He’ll just immediately start playing along, and he’ll stay completely straight-faced the whole time. This man’s ability to keep his face in check through a joke is legendary and his willingness to keep a bit going for years should be feared and respected. He once invited Ivankov into his office for a private meeting, revealed to Ivankov that one of the fancy mysterious boxes on his desk actually holds a bottle of bubbles that he blows when he’s bored, and when Ivankov asked why he would reveal this secret to them Dragon said “because no one will ever believe you. Dismissed.”
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mapipipi · 9 days
they’re never beating the being exactly like the targtower siblings ™ allegations
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goobersplat · 3 months
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Stuffed Plush Lot: Yo-Yo, Spyro, and Kiko Neopet
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hate how team green stans jump through hoops to justify alicent’s wrongdoings but then end up backing themselves into a corner.
they want her to be this poor little victim forever stuck at fifteen and ignore the fact that she put her daughter through the exact same thing when she was even younger. but then they also try and say that she was ruling the kingdom for decades while viserys was ill and was the best monarch, and ignore the fact that she was just attacking the heir constantly and used her standing to enforce the laws that were already there. she expected everyone else to suffer and accept their place because she believed herself better than those around her for laying down and accepting her suffering and she attacked those who wanted to benefit themselves and others in a system set against them - rhaenyra fighting for her rightful place as heir despite being a woman. she also silenced others with pain - dyana, the serving girl who was assaulted by aegon (and this was not just a one-of occasion cause the maids were literally shown to be scared of aegon and he is canonically a vile person.)
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bluebird-ascended · 6 months
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Rainbow dragon
my first art post of 2024! the time is just past midnight
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spacerockband · 4 months
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winter dragon, baby basilisk, and american hoop snake
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jadenoryuu · 1 year
Day 27: Rings
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First of all: TOE BEANS. (Because I decided that in the Ghost Animal Noodle AU for DannyMay they are mandatory.)
Second, I thought that our (@tourettesdog's) favorite Baby Man would be such a gremlin that he would try to use his transformation rings as hula hoops! (≧∇≦)
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yusuke-of-valla · 1 month
You know considering Sombron like barely makes an appearance in the Xenologue and is also not originally from Elyos anyway I feel like they could have saved everyone a lot of trouble by changing the name of the Fell Dragon in Felyos.
Jeremy the Fell Dragon, now with DOUBLE the child abuse bc all his kids are born as twins
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commonplacenook · 1 year
Y'know, I've hated sports since I was a kid. I hated playing, but watching was even worse! So boring... I didn't get why people liked it so much. But now, after following you all this season, I think I finally do. When you step out onto that court, no matter how prepared you are, you don't really know if you're gonna win or lose. But you step out anyway. And maybe those of us in the audience hope that watching you take that step will inspire us to do the same thing.
Gene Luen Yang, Dragon Hoops
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kvroii · 3 months
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10 - The Wheel of Fortune
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silversapphire5691 · 1 year
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💕pretty in pink💕
today begins my series of my rainbow toy photos! so for the next few days, ill be posting photos like these for each color of the rainbow. hope you enjoy!
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revasastrophel · 3 months
one of the dd2 reviews implies they kept the original beloved system and I stg if I get aelinore'd again
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speakeasier · 5 months
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testing a new pen out for fun.
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blackcatsthree · 3 months
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All of my current WIPs
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