#but i simply dont understand how breaking a book makes it easier to read
clockworkfall · 1 year
thanks for the tag @cannabis-major !
hardcover or paperback?
hardcover- makes me feel better about carting books around, plus i think theyre easier to hold
bookstore or library?
bookstore, i like going to little used bookstores and seeing what i can find
bookmark or receipt?
bookmark, i generally use a notecard to mark my place so i can keep notes while im reading
standalone or series?
standalone, i have so much reading to do thats not just for me for fun, so being able to just read A Full Story on its own is nice
nonfiction or fiction?
fiction all the way, i really want to like nonfiction more but i just cannot stand most nonfiction writing; ive read a few good nonfiction books but i just do not find them as interesting. i like learning new things but i prefer doing the research myself
thriller or fantasy?
its a hard pick but i think fantasy, i enjoy a good thriller but a good fantasy makes me happier
under 300 pages or over 300 pages?
right now? under- i love long books, but the last few books ive been able to read for myself ive just sat down and read the whole thing in a sitting and its a bit easier to do that with shorter books
children's or ya?
ya, though i cant say ive been reading a lot of either one lately
friends to lovers or enemies to lovers?
enemies. i think its more interesting, and i have so many issues with romantic subplots in fiction and at least in enemies to lovers there just has to be work put in and we as the reader arent subjected to I've Been In Love With Them Since We Met But We're Just Friends So It's Going To Be My Entire Internal Monologue Even When There Are Far More Interesting/Pressing Things Going On. really i dont need either. honestly i think a lot of books would be better without romantic subplots, they just feel so forced to me
read in bed or on the couch?
couch- technically my reading chair, but either way i try to keep my bed for sleeping
read at night or in the morning?
honestly i cant pick- i always read something before bed, but on the weekends if i can i deeply enjoy just getting out of bed and reading for a few hours in the morning
keep pristine or mark up?
mark up. i used to be very particular about keeping my books in pristine condition, but now if the mood strikes me i like being able to go back and see what parts stood out to me. i think it shows a book is loved
cracked spine or dog ear?
for me neither. as much as i will write in a book, personally i just have never felt the need to dog ear a page, and i honestly dont understand why some people feel the need to crack the spine before reading it, but to each their own
i dont really know who to tag but anyone can feel free!
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honeytonedhottie · 1 month
how to be a whole new student this school year (A MASTERPOST)⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀📔
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TAKE ADVANTAGE. take advantage of extra credit opportunities, make sure to advocate for urself and take advantage in any way that u can. by simply doing ur homework you'll have a much better grade in the overall class which gives u wiggle room to make a mistake. but if ur slacking off on ur homework, ignoring extra credit opportunities AND doing bad on tests then ur basically setting urself up for failure. and by doing the opposite then ur setting urself up for success.
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something i've noticed (and im guilty of this too sometimes) is that i spend so much time making my notes aesthetically pleasing that i forget to actually go over them which defeats the whole purpose of notes. theres nothing wrong with having fun and creative adorable notes that spark joy and happiness but PLEASE actually use them, trust me you'll love them more…💬🎀
furthermore understand that getting good grades isn't as daunting and difficult as u may have imagined. just remember to always do ur homework, take advantage of extra credit, projects are an easy test grade, and get things done as fast as u possibly can.
the best way to stay motivated is through ROMANTICIZATION. when u learn to enjoy going to school, your going to be motivated to do well in school. because school is so IMPORTANT not only for ur education but also ur future. so take school seriously. and if u wanna become an academic weapon for the long term the best thing u can do is learn to make the best of, and enjoy it. some ways to romanticize school include ->
♡ create a school playlist that embodies the school vibes that u wanna have : i have lots of new jeans in my school playlist : i rly like the songs cookie, ditto and hurt for when im at school
♡ creating a study blog or study group to hold urself accountable in a fun and healthy way
♡ ur appearance : if u go to a school where u dont have to wear uniforms, i strongly recommend getting dressed and getting ready meticulously bcuz when u look good, u feel good, and therefore u perform well. if u do wear uniform, wear accessories or hairstyles that make u feel and look pretty. i wear leg warmers with my school uniform and my signature is hair clips and barrettes.
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♡ read at school : i always walk around with a book bcuz i like to read a lot but if reading isnt ur thing, listen to a podcast about something that interests u (i rly like true crime)
♡ take pride in ur notes : invest in cute stationary! i swear, sometimes i dont feel like studying but since my stationary is super cute and pink i get motivated to study just by looking at it lol. invest in quality stationary that u love and make ur notes look pleasing to you, and also effective. effective + aesthetically pleasing.
♡ doing homework/studying in the library : or at least changing the scenery and location that u do ur homework from time to time. do yk how boring it is to do work in the same place every single day? give urself a break from the places u see all the time and spend time studying or doing homework outside of ur home. in a cafe or in the library, inside or outside, just change the scenery a bit
♡ start a video diary : i started a little video diary with my friends so that we can remember our school memories. i just think its rly cute and a great way to bond with ur friends, make memories, and romanticize school.
try and formulate a PASSION for learning as a way to cultivate the school romanticization attitude. be passionate to learn and be an academic weapon…💬🎀
in my next point i talk about the importance of routines but its also important to change little things about ur routine. dont go and change the whole structure of ur school routine but make sure to add little changes to spice things up and not keep urself like a hamster on a wheel. i find when i do this i just feel a lot better and its easier to romanticize.
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make a pretty basic routine to stick to, to make sure that u balance school and personal life. having a routine can make falling into line and following through with tasks a lot easier. its easier to do things personally when u MICROMANAGE urself. at least from my own personal experience.
every single day study (at least for a little bit) ofc this will vary depending on ur personal schedule but the goal is to do a little bit of studying everyday, and if that isnt possible, designating 3 days a week to a thorough studying session.
the way that i divide my time with a study session is 40 minutes of work time and 20 minutes of downtime. during the 40 minutes of work time u need to LOCK IN. lock in on whatever assignment needs to be complete or lock in on whatever material it is that ur studying. ofc this'll differ between all subjects but dont study all subjects in one night!! thats ambitious, but i find it'll just burn u out so stick to studying for 2-3 subjects max.
♡ get off ur device. literally put the phone down. 9 times out of 10 the burn out that ur feeling is just the dopamine detox and laziness
arguably, the most important aspect to prevent burn out is ENERGY management. when ur burnt out u can literally feel ur energy tank on zero, so regardless of all the study techniques, however effective they may be, if u can't even muster up the energy to do them then they're useless…💬🎀
♡ get PRODUCTIVE rest. what is productive rest? scrolling endlessly on tiktok is NOT productive rest. productive rest is actually letting ur mind and body REST. like, taking a nap, indulging in self care, or whatever relaxes u.
find a tool and stay ORGANIZED. i personally use notion. and on my school notion i create a space for me to write my own notes, a calendar to put important academic dates, resources like passwords and logins, and a to-do list where i can put down some of my assignments. keeping everything organized is so so important. its non digital as well, make sure to keep ur desktop space organized, ur supplies and physical notes organized also. the more organized the better.
how to get good grades without excessive studying - by yours truly
ways to romanticize school - @4theitgirls
studying methods + tips - by yours truly
youtube channels to help u out this semester - @4theitgirls
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creating a study schedule and routine - @prettieinpink
how to study like rory gilmore - @itgirldiary
my studying plans as an accounting major - @iluvprettygirls
citation resources - @workitgurl
how to get good grades without excessive studying - by me
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google scholar - research
google calendar - organization
notion - organization
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ashesandhackles · 4 years
The Hogwarts Express scene in Prince's Tale: A Sirius and Snape analysis
I really, really enjoy Sirius and Snape as characters and their respective narrative functions in story. But what gets me most about them is how much Rowling hints about their backgrounds and so much of it makes sense with regard to who they are as adults. So I am going to be breaking down a very small scene from Prince Tale and getting into long winded hypothesis about their respective childhoods.
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So, let's start with Snape. The scene begins with Snape rushing to find Lily, already in his Hogwarts clothes. Harry notes he must have been eager to get out of his clothes - ones that look like he borrowed from his mother, as Petunia spitefully pointed out. This has always been a very interesting detail to me - first off, it indicates how poor Snape's family is. Second, this indicates his tiny rebellion from his father - he refuses to wear clothes of the abusive man, and prefers his mother's. I admit, I am partial to the reading that Snape refuses to associate with his father in tiny ways, rather than Tobias refusing to hand his son clothes.
(I have seen readings which say that it is also a sign of neglect - perhaps his parents bought clothes that simply don't fit him, but I am more inclined to think it's a hand me down, simply because Harry identifies so strongly with it. Because Harry knows what it is like to wear a hand me down that don't quite fit, that are too big for you, or the ones that make you look ridiculous.)
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Lily and Petunia's relationship is fraught with Petunia's jealousy. And young Lily is upset over it when Snape meets her. "I am not talking to you. Tuney hates me" she tells him. "Because we saw the letter from Dumbledore". Young Lily shows signs of being extremely emotionally reactive and this scene is one of them. It's easier for her to deal with Petunia's rejection of her by telling Snape she doesn't want to talk to him. It's a childish displacement of her hurt over her sister's rejection. (I am genuinely baffled by interpretations that Lily and Hermione are similar. Hermione is very cognitive person, Lily, as we have been shown repeatedly in memories, is not).
Snape, however, with his bad history with Petunia and his inability/ poor social skills to understand why this matters to her, goes: "So what?"
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Lily, who throws him a look of deep dislike, says "So she's my sister". This seed is important because this is what develops into "he doesn't get me" feeling she later displays in her teenage scenes with him. Interestingly, most of Lily's personal relationships have deeply interwined love and dislike - Petunia (whose rejection bothers her but she cheerfully informs Sirius that Harry nearly broke a vase her sister sent - which means there is resentment on her end too), James - who she was attracted to even before 7th year but also disliked at one point, and Snape - again, a contentious friendship filled with love and distance.
"She's only a -" we dont get to hear what Snape intended to say. And given his own acrimony with Petunia, it could be anything. However, I read it as "She's only a Muggle" because it ties into his feelings about his father. Snape, who is proud of being half a Prince, emphasizing his magical lineage from his mother's side, his refuge in a violent, neglectful home. (Barty Crouch Jr and Snape with their disappointing fathers - I imagine Voldemort is supremely attractive leader to people with broken homes like this)
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Snape, by all accounts, shows a disorganised attachment style. His caregiver, his mother - and perhaps the only parent he seems to have regard for, is too preoccupied by her own abuse to be there for her son - we see this in glimpses Harry sees in OOTP: " woman cowering" where a man shouts at her, and a young, neglected Snape cries in the corner. Children born in homes like this have trouble regulating their emotions, simultaneously displaying tendencies to aggressively lash out or show disassociative symptoms. Both of which Snape displays. Statistically, this is also seen more in low income households where economic instability and resulting domestic instability creates an unsafe environment for the kids to safely form ideas of their identity, or express emotions in healthy ways, modelling instead out of behaviour seen at home.
Then, Snape reminds her that they are going to Hogwarts. He is already in his Hogwarts clothes - now, Snape gets to be the impressive figure. The one who told her about magic, who theorised about how Muggles get letters from magical people, the one who told her about Dementors and Azkaban. He has already left behind the Spinner's End version of him, he wants to bigger than that, and is keen to be in place of magical learning and to join Slytherin. Essentially, he shows signs of unstable identity, insecurity - all prime for grooming into a cult.
And here comes along James Potter, who looks around at the mention of Slytherin. James's comment uses Snape's line and directs it to Sirius instead and it becomes a conversation between them, as a way to bond more with a fellow "rowdy boy" Sirius. Effectively ignoring the other two.
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Sirius as we see here, "does not smile" when James talks about Slytherin. He essentially says something that can be construed as a way to nip that conversation in bud: "My whole family has been in. Slytherin". This suggests to me that there is some loyalty to his family there and his disillusionment with them isn't entirely fixed yet. After all, Sirius's intense loyalty to his friends, more specifically James, did not come out of thin air. It is reasonable to suggest that he felt some loyalty to his family at some point and the intensity with which he regards his friends is a reaction to burned off and being a "displaced person without a family" as Rowling put it.
Interestingly, while his reaction to his mother and Bellatrix are obviously sore spots, his response to Regulus is comparatively quite soft. ("Stupid, idiot" - something he calls James later on in the same book, OOTP). I imagine Sirius has quite complicated feelings about his brother and he is capable of nuance (when the person isn't Snape, where his dislike seems to be borne of an intense projection): "The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters". As someone who is grown up among them, Sirius would understand that.
His framing of Regulus's need to please his parents also further highlights what exactly is the source of disillusionment. He calls Regulus "soft enough to believe them" - which means he is crediting his own intelligence to see through his parents bigoted world view. Clearly, bigotry is not something the Blacks explained in a way that Sirius, eldest of their male line and their heir, bought it. It also probably didn't help the Blacks case that Grimmauld Place is in a Muggle neighborhood and that their eldest son is a bit of a wild boy with interest in pushing boundaries. His intellectual disconnect leads to the righteous rage he later feels but it began there. (Boy, it must suck to discover that everything you have been taught to value in the world and in yourself as the heir is essentially rubbish). Since his differences with his family began with seeds of intellectual disconnect rather than on intense empathy with downtrodden, it makes him, as a pureblooded privileged boy, unable to truly understand Lupin's fears regarding his lycanthropy. Hence, the Werewolf prank (I am not getting to the Snape bit, just the Lupin bit). To James' credit, he does understand what that means for Lupin and saves all three of them from different set of consequences.
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Anyway, back to the scene. James, who has made an ass of himself in front of his new friend, who he was getting along with fine until now, then goes "Blimey, I thought you seemed alright". (Btw, I find James wildly large ego kind of hilarious here, especially in light of Snape's comment about him to Sirius in OOTP: "You will know he is so arrogant that criticism simply bounces off him"). Sirius, who I believe has been raised like "royalty" as Blacks would, has good enough social skills to defuse a situation. He grins and says: "Maybe I will break the tradition".
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This line is an indication of Sirius's desire for independence, an identity seperate from his family. The use of the word "tradition" is interesting. It sounds like Sirius is expected to behave in a certain way, the heir of Black family whose parents thought being a Black "made you practically royal". Adult Sirius is contemptuous of this, or their "valuable contribution to Ministry" which means they just gave gold - it tells me that any and all conditions put on him by his family were to fulfill tradition that is either worthless or holds no meaning in his eyes. The root of the emotional abuse Sirius suffers from his family is this - realising his parents love for him is conditional on him being a certain way. (In fact, you can read Regulus desire to emphasise his connection to the family as a reaction to what he sees with Sirius - Sirius does not behave, Mum and Dad don't love him). As a child with unconscious knowledge of lack of love, Sirius then acts out, they react, rinse and repeat "until he has had enough". Sirius chafes against boundaries well into adulthood and doesn't react well to people enforcing it on him, even if it is out of love for him. Cue the fire scene with Harry where he behaves as if Harry is rejecting him instead of protecting him.
Sirius asks James about where he wants to go, and Snape, who is incensed about James being insulting about a House he put stock in, which he made part of new identity (so that he is no longer that Snape boy from Spinner's End) and was in general trying to be impressive about in front of Lily, "makes a disparaging noise" once James talks of Gryffindor. Snape's response to James' : "Got a problem with that?" is interesting. He says: "If you'd rather be brawny, rather than brainy-"
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This is an important value for Snape. He knows he is clever and values it. He spends his spare time inventing hexes, making great shortcuts to Potions. He has genuine thirst for learning and he hones it. In SWM, we see that he has written far more longer answers than anyone else, he is poring over his paper after exams. He even mocks Hermione's lack of inventive answers: "Answer copied word to word from the textbook, but correct in essentials". He values originality. It may be me stretching this, but I am partial to the reading: this is his way of rejecting his father once again, who is implied to be a violent man. (in other words, someone who is hypermasculine - "brawny". In fact, Snape's rejection of hypermasculinity is a huge post on it's own - Potions (brewing, cauldrons - coded as feminine arts), the doe Patronus, his proficiency in Occlumency and Legliemency (intuitive mind arts, again seen archetypically feminine) etc).
"Where are you hoping to go, seeing as you are neither?" - Sirius is quick with emotionally cutting insults. Snape hasn't even finished his sentence, but Sirius is already on his case. Which suggests growing up in a household with sharp tongues. It's a fair assumption, given Mrs Black's half mad portrait. It also tallies with Sirius's talking about his mother: "My mother didn't have a heart Kreacher, she kept herself alive out of pure spite" . The wounds are fresh enough on this. (Another interesting way Snape and Sirius act as inverse mirrors - Snape rejects his father, Sirius rejects his mother. Sirius acts as proxy for James for Harry while Snape takes on Lily's role of protecting him). However, you know who else is spiteful? Sirius.
While James is the physical bully (the tripping Snape, doing most of the bullying in SWM), Sirius attacks emotionally. ( Sample the one about Snape's appearance - "I was watching him, his nose was touching the parchment, there will be great grease marks all over it, they won't be able to read a word" or even the carelessly vicious- "Put that away, before Wormtail wets himself in excitement"). Curiously, with all that talk of how his mother being spiteful, it's her room he spends time in when he is depressed. (Again, in inverse mirror way, we can talk of how Snape looks for a father figure in Dumbledore - craves his validation and is proud of Dumbledore's trust in him). We could argue it's also because Buckbeak is there, and perhaps it's the largest room in the house, but it's very telling that's where Sirius spends time when he is "in a fit of sullens". Sirius's sense of abandonment from his family, makes him look for family connections with friends - a trait he shares with Harry. Interestingly, the first time he glimpses Harry in Privet Drive, Harry is also running away from home - just like he did. Anyway, I could go on.
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minahoeshi · 3 years
you were loved the most of all.
Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader | break-up angst
summary: You should've known that when Ushijima Wakatoshi found it easy to fall in love with you, it might be even easier for him to fall out of it. But who expects the worst when it comes to loving someone as seemingly perfect as him, anyway?
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Chapter 1 of 2
Chapter 2 of 2
He said it was easy to fall in love with you. He said he didn’t know when exactly, at which place, nor for what reason. Simply one day, Ushijima Wakatoshi found himself looking at you with the epiphany that maybe there’s something more meant to happen between you and him. There you stood before him that day, the person he could promise love to. (And there he stood before you that moment, the boy whose promises you found yourself believing in no matter what.)
So maybe that’s why it was even easier for him to fall out of love. When he told you he was no longer in love with you, it didn’t matter to you to ask when exactly, at which place, or for what reason. Even the universe itself is meant to fizzle out one day along with the death of the stars. Just one more person drifting away from you like a lone planet with no real orbit shouldn’t leave you broken. You are used to this. You won’t fall apart.
But you break anyway.
It was snowing outside when he decided to tell you to end things now before it hurts both of you even further. Not that the snow has anything to do with the coldness creeping up your chest threatening to spill out of you in endless sobs. You were glad, though. That at the very least, he remained honest with his feelings. He never left you guessing. Every time, he never forgets to tell you what’s on his mind. His honesty is something he thought was necessary.
“I understand, don’t worry. Thank you for telling me right away. I know you’re also considering me–” you tell him and choke up. There are tears running down your face but you’re not worried about that. Wakatoshi never let you mask your emotions around him. For the longest time, he reminded you to feel free to be completely bare with him. All the good and the bad, he said. Don’t be afraid to show them to me. I will always understand.
He steps closer and puts you between his arms. You feel his chin on top of your head as you lean your face into his chest. You’re sobbing now. “I’ll be fine, Toshi. We’ll be fine.”
He kisses the top of your head and lets you stay in his arms for minutes. “I loved you then, and I love you still. It’s just that they’re no longer the same kind. I will stay if you ask me to, okay? Anything you want.”
This only makes you cry harder. He’s always been too good. And even in breaking your heart, he’s too good. You want him to hold on. You want to ask him to stay with you for years and years. Even with a different kind of love, you’ll let him be as long he’s close by. But someone like him who has dreams beyond yourself shouldn’t ever be with someone like you who still lacks certainty toward anything.
“Just for tonight,” you ask, still crying. “Can I stay?”
“of course,” he replies. Anytime you want. Anything you want. It has always been this way.
Because humans are creatures of routines and familiarity, you spend that night the way you usually do when you’re at his place. You cook dinner with him and eat on the dining table, sharing stories and laughter. You keep adding food to his plate and he smiles as you giggle at everything you find funny.
It’s okay, it’s okay. You’ll be okay. You’ll be fine.
You clean the kitchen and stay in the living room. He leans on the couch as you lay down with your head on his lap. You keep talking and laughing. He goes along, sometimes adding things to make you laugh even more, sometimes simply agreeing, sometimes asking questions. You keep it loud and light, afraid of the silence. Inside you, it’s so heavy, your heart might just fall off. This will be the last, you tell yourself. You want to be happy for now. While he’s still here.
"Do me a favor, okay?" You tell him as you're nearing slumber. "Let me leave first tomorrow. Maybe stay in bed, maybe pretend you're asleep. But tomorrow, don't get out of the room until I've left the house." Your voice shakes, feeling yourself wanting to sob.
"I don't want to wake up to another empty bed but I don't want to see your face when I wake up too," you curl into him even further. "I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry I still don't really know what to do. And I know you wake up pretty early and you know, do stuff, but just for tomorrow, please?"
Wakatoshi didn't really understand why. He originally planned on cooking breakfast for you and taking you to the train station. He would watch you board the train and he'd make sure to smile at you as he waves. You always waved back. That's how it works. Even after fights, and even after especially bad nights, you'd still do the same. Watching you leave with a smile was how you both knew you'd still be fine the days after. That nothing much can affect your relationship. For years, this has been the routine.
But tomorrow, he knows he has to give way. He knows what he said hurt you. It would be wrong of him to do what he wants simply because he's used to.
Tomorrow's the last, he realises. And then if you want, he'd never see you again.
You wake up pretty early. The sky is a calm shade of blue, the world outside still waking up. You check the time on your phone and find it's 6 AM. Last night, you slept with your back on him. The sight before you is the other end of his bedroom and you notice just how much of yourself you've managed to leave around his place. Pieces of just one other person in his life, scattered in places around his world pretending that’s just where they belong. You didn't mind leaving things behind back then. You never really thought of the day that you might’ve to take back all of them. Just how does one pick up parts of themselves when they thought they’ve finally found a place for them to stay?
But as you stand up, you conclude that when things end, traces shouldn’t be left behind. He didn’t decide to break up only to be reminded of you even after you’re no longer close to him. So you go and pick every little thing that's yours. Even your jacket and sweaters and a few pairs pyjamas in his closet. You'll just take his things from your place too and hand it to Tendou's shop. Coming back here won’t do you any good. Him coming to your place instead wouldn’t either.
Collecting all your things, even the ones you can't use anymore, you leave the bedroom and enter the living room. You don't have many belongings here aside from some DVDs and books. You only take the books and leave the rest for him. You've always preferred reading anyway.
Setting your bag and things aside on the sofa, you go ahead and wash yourself in the bathroom and bring your toothbrush and some other products with you when you're done. You then head to the kitchen to cook him something light to eat for breakfast . You knew you didn't have to. He knows how to cook. It has always been him cooking breakfast for you. When you could, you’d rather stay in bed until the very moment you must start preparing to go to uni or work. But you did anyway. He's probably in his bed, awake. He has never been a heavy sleeper. With all the moving you did around his room, he was bound to wake up if he wasn't already.
You make him a simple omelette and write a small message on top of it with ketchup. "Good luck with practice today!"
You've already cleaned everything you used, preferring to wash and set utensils as soon as you're done with them. That way, when you're sitting down to eat, there won't be any cluster around to distract you.
You put the ketchup down and decide that should be enough. You'll stop here. You should go now.
Ushijima is sitting on his bed. He's been awake since 5 AM when he usually goes on his run. It isn't the first time he chose to stay with you instead of going out, but he can't help but feel heavy this time. He stayed in for you. But as the minutes pass by, it seems that he simply cannot find the courage to sit up and face you.
He wants to sink into his bed.
There's knock on the door followed by sentences uttered softly. "Toshi, I'm going now. There's breakfast on the table. Make sure to eat before you go."
There goes the heavy feeling again. Maybe if this keeps up, he might just actually sink and never get back up.
You've done that a few times. Leaving while he's still in the room. You don't even open the door. You simply knock and tell him you're about to go, always reminding him to eat before he goes too.
But this will be the last, he thinks. If you leave now, will he never see you again?
chapter 2 will be up soon not rly sure when tho. (it's up now the link is at the top)
also, im not entirely sure but i think i didnt use any pronouns or gendered nouns for this except "girl" in the 1st paragraph which i erased just now? if i'm right, then i hope everyone reading this get to feel as though theyre rly the person in the story. unless ofc u dont want that bc this isnt the happiest ushitoshi x reader fic u can find🥲. but thanks for reading!!!! m so sorry for typos nd other errors as well. i kinda cant read my own writings bc sometimes doing so makes me wanna smack myself in the head and never write again nd i hate that so now im leaving my mistakes to the gods nd hope they love me enough or smth. but yes thank u sm again for reading!!!!
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Everytime I try to stop believing..my brain literally can’t not believe. All the hell and back videos I watched as a child, the rapture signs, I don’t want to exist anymore and I’m scared for myself...any advice?
This will be hard to answer but I will try. I’m glad you reached out to someone because these are totally normal thoughts to have when going through a faith transition and they can make you feel so alone, and no one should have to feel that way. I will start by telling you how to recognize what’s going on, and then I’ll give you some ideas on how to logic your way through these thoughts.
First, recognize that this may be a trauma response. This fear is a real sign of religious trauma recognized by real therapists. Fear of hell and questioning your nonbelief is typically instilled into a member of a religious organization—particularly cults—with a specific intent. Think about all of the things your church has told you over the years about God and hell. Maybe there was an ulterior motive to get you to stay. Maybe they knew how it would make you feel. If you can recognize where these thoughts came from, maybe you can start deconstructing them.
Deconstructing your thoughts:
Consider doing research. There are ways to make these thoughts feel less real and scary, and one of them is reading arguments against them. There are good books about the philosophical arguments against god, and there might also be information about your cult that they may have been hiding. If you’re Mormon, I recommend reading the CESletter, watching older Jimmy Snow videos on YouTube (he’s got some good arguments against god as well as exmormon information), and watching exmo lex on YouTube. You could also read The God Argument or other books by atheists, those really helped me when considering whether I believed in god.
As far as actual logic, there are a few things that helped me decide whether I believed in god.
First, think about why religion exists. Before science, people needed ways to explain things like lightning storms and lethal diseases. It made perfect sense that they’d need to assign these phenomena to a deity’s actions. They couldn’t understand it otherwise because there were no scientific communities or grand theories about the universe. It was then passed down, sticking around even into the age of the scientific method, though we technically don’t need these beliefs anymore. If you understand where things come from, it’s easier to dismiss your fears. Maybe the idea of god is simply a coping method for things we don’t understand, whether he’s real or not. Maybe we created him because that’s how us humans are.
Second, decide whether the god you subscribed to even deserves your worship. If you picture the perfect, most loving deity, is he like the Christian god? Does a loving god send people to hell? Does a loving god tell them that they are bad just for who they love or because they had sex before marriage even though marriage is a human concept bound by the imaginary lines of what’s essentially just a legal contract? Maybe there is god, but I don’t think the real god would actually send the people he loves to scream in the fires of hell. And if he does, maybe believing in a terrible being like him isn’t worth it after all.
Third, watch melodysheeps “timelapse into the future” video on YouTube. It’s long for a YouTube video, but in the grand scheme of things 30 minutes isn’t that much time. It talks about what will actually happen in the future according to science as we know it, and im telling you, we DONT MATTER. How is a universe with so much matter, and so little of its lifespan able to support life going to have a god that only cares about us humans? If there is a god, I think he’d be more worried about making supernovas and Hawking radiation happen than sending you to hell. Science is the one thing that makes me absolutely certain there isn’t a god. There’s an explanation for almost EVERYTHING but there’s no explanation for god. Especially the Christian god.
These fears will go away with time. You are valid and your struggles are real. Don’t rush yourself, and focus on healing above everything. If your mind says something is too much, it’s too much, and you’re allowed to take a break. Lastly, I recommend therapy. Not every therapist will know all about religious trauma but they may have coping skills for you. You will know what’s right. Good luck with your faith journey and keep trying.
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imaginedhaven · 4 years
Reluctantly Rooming Bonus: Part 4.5 (Rowan POV)
Link to Masterpost
As promised for my celebration of reaching 100+ followers, here is the bonus from Reluctantly Rooming! This takes place during Part Four, and uses two entirely new prompts. Enjoy!
“What do you mean you don’t read my texts if they’re over four lines…”
"You're very endearing when you're half asleep"
The moment Aelin hung up, Rowan rushed into action. Thankfully, he always made it a point to keep his things organized in such a way that leaving the apartment never took longer than a couple of minutes. The only other thing he had to do was call his work, and he did so as soon as he got in the car, fingers drumming against the steering wheel as the dial tone rang for what felt like entirely too long.
Finally, a soft click interrupted the ringing. “This is Salvaterre,” drawled a bored voice.
Thank whatever god was choosing to listen, he had picked up. “Lorcan, it’s Rowan. I’m going to need to work from home at least for today, if not longer.”
He heard the faint sounds of Lorcan sitting upright. “Why? And why are you telling me this over the phone and not in writing?”
“Because I’m not at my laptop right now, and if I texted you you’d send a novel. The last one included paragraph breaks, Lorcan. I don’t have time to read your shit on top of everything else, so if you send me a text that’s over four lines it doesn’t get read.”
“What do you mean, you don’t read my texts if they’re over four lines? You do understand that you report to me, right?”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “Yes, but if it can’t be said in two sentences or less it’s better off as an email. We’ve had this discussion before, and I’m not hashing it out again on my way to the hospital.”
“The hospital? Rowan, what the fuck is going on?”
His fingers started drumming against the steering wheel once more as he came to a red light. “My roommate broke her ankle,” he finally said. “She didn’t have anyone else to take her home, and you know as well as I do that I can do my work as easily from home as I can in the office. I don’t even have any meetings this week, so that makes it all the easier.”
A sigh crackled over the phone line. “You’ll be picking up Fen’s work next month in exchange. Your current project should be done by then, and he has a vacation in the works already.”
Rowan bit back a groan; the books Fenrys edited were far from his normal preference. It would have to do, though, and there was every chance Lorcan had planned on dumping it on him anyway. “Fine.”
As the light turned green once more, Lorcan hung up rather than say goodbye, but Rowan knew that was simply how he handled calls. He hadn’t been bothered by it in quite some time. Not to mention, it was a welcome relief to not have to keep splitting his already-fragmented attention.
When he arrived to Aelin’s room in the hospital she was almost entirely asleep, likely a combination of the painkillers they were sure to have given her and the late night she had worked. A gentle hand on her shoulder resulted in her blearily blinking up at him and then smiling. “Rowan.”
Rowan carefully ignored the fluttering sensation in his chest at her smile, instead helping her transfer herself into the wheelchair that sat beside the bed. A set of papers sat on the table beside her, and a brief glance showed them to be her discharge paperwork and care instructions. Knowing those would be important later, he grabbed them and then began to wheel her to his car.
She had fallen completely asleep by the time he’d managed to get her into the car seat, and he shook his head as he buckled her in. Frankly, he was amazed that she’d made it this long, knowing the long day she’d had. Therefore, he didn’t bother with attempting to wake her, but instead quietly drove them home.
It was somewhat awkward to lift her into his arms from the seat, but he managed. Opening the door was another feat, and he still wasn’t quite sure how he’d wrangled it, but then they were in the house and the door was closed behind them.
Even though Aelin was stirring now, carrying her up the narrow staircase was absolutely out of the question. She would have to get comfortable on the couch until he could rearrange things so she could sleep in his office space.
There were a few throw pillows around that had to have been Aelin’s addition to the house; he didn’t believe it likely that Aedion had thought enough about interior decorating to do so. When he had first moved in they had been an annoyance, all bright colors and bold patterns, but now he was thankful for their presence as they allowed him to help elevate Aelin’s ankle.
When he had finished with his task, Aelin opened her eyes. She was struggling to focus on him, however, and when she spoke the words were almost unintelligible. Rather than ask her to repeat herself, though, he reached for a throw blanket that was old enough to have possibly been Aedion’s. “You must be exhausted,” he said quietly. “Sleep now. We’ll talk later.”
She mumbled again in reply, but it was even less understandable than her first attempt at speech. As he spread the blanket over her, her eyes fluttered shut and her breathing evened out. Good. She would need all of the sleep she could get.
There were several things he needed to do in order to have the house ready for this new situation, and he could feel each task weighing on him. But as Aelin sighed and her head shifted, he allowed himself an extra moment at her side to carefully brush her long golden waves away from her face.
One of her hands shifted, then, and her fingers wrapped around her wrist. With a thrill of panic at being caught, he glanced at her face, only to see that she was still obviously asleep. He breathed a sigh of relief, but the relief was soon replaced by a different kind of thrill when his hand was moved and…
Gods. Was she… nuzzling his hand?
To save them both from guaranteed embarrassment later, he tried to remove his hand from her grip, but she only whined and tugged it closer. He sighed. “Aelin, you’re very endearing when you’re half asleep, but I have other things I need to do.”
Whether it was his words that swayed her or whether she had simply fallen into a deeper sleep, she mercifully loosened her grip on his wrist enough for him to free his hand. Still, though, he lingered for a moment longer, telling himself it was just to make sure she was truly asleep before he began his reorganization of the lower level of the house.
He carefully didn’t examine why it was so important to him that he not wake her while he did so. That would only lead to a conversation he wasn’t ready to have yet, not even with himself.
@ireallyshouldsleeprn @queen-of-glass @fangirlprincess09 @sassys-world @morganofthewildfire @superspiritfestival @perseusannabeth @sis-it-dont-add-up @jlinez @julemmaes @emilyoftheshadows @thegoddessofyou @mymultiversee @swankii-art-teacher @rowansfirebringer
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baecvlt · 4 years
Better Late than Never
in which the reader was set up on a blind date by Sonia Nevermind with Kazuichi Soda
• Kazuichi Soda x Reader
• fluff
• fem reader
• original idea <33
BTW YALL this might sound accidentally self insert-ish but that’s because I gave the character interests (since this is a date fic) but I dont know anything else to put for them. anyway enjoy still.
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“So, there’s no one there?”
I glared at her, death staring into her clear, blue eyes. “What the fuck is ‘there’?”. She sighed and lightly hit my arm. “I’m asking you if you have a crush, silly!,” she spat, yet her tone remained friendly. I shook my head. “I don’t find any of these people attractive, Sonia”.
“So you wouldn’t go out witj a classmate?”
“No, Sonia”
She stays silent, suddenly darting her eyes at Hajime. “How about him,” she asked,“Hagime seems like a nice guy”. I shrugged. “Not my cup of tea, really”. She then points at Teruteru,“And him?”. I looked at Teruteru, who was already gawking me. “God, no, Sonia,” I gagged,“Too perverted for my liking”. She then began listing names. Here is what I had to say for all of them.
Hajime: Boring
Nekomaru: LOUD
Fuyuhiko: Mean and short
Nagito: Psycho!
Eventually, she gave up. I didnt feel any way of them, who’s to know how I feel about anyone else at this school? “Fine,” she said, but her eyes lit up,“Oo! How about-”.
He had bumped into me, knowing me to the floor. Kazuichi Soda: the Ultimate Mechanic. “Yeah, him!,” Sonia said. I looked at Kazuichi, disgust on my face. “Not in a million years”. “Huh?” (Kazuichi was madly confused). Sonia grumbled,“What’s wrong with him?”.
“What isn’t there wrong with him? He also doesn’t bathe!”
“Ouch, I bathe,” he said. “Why were you in such a rush anyway?,” I asked. He shrugged, but eventually sighed and revealed his reason. “I got excited,” he said softly. Sonia and I were confused.
“I just got updated on my— something. I’m going to the office to see what they have to tell me about this thing I’m in the middle of”
I was confused, but I had to know now. “Anyway, I’m sorry,” he said, walking right past us. I stood there, but Sonia got my attention. “Come on, we’re gonna be late to Economics”. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to class. When we got there, everybody was huddled up. There was something they were being discreet about. “Hello, friends,” Sonia said,“What are we talking about?”. “Kazuichi,” Ibuki said without the slightest hesitation.
Okay, maybe not that discreet.
“What’s wrong with him?,” I asked,“Besides all that, I mean”. “Cut him some slack,” Hajime said, now I knew the situation was a little more sensitive than I thought. Sonia and I both got our chair to listen. Hajime sighed,“This morning, I woke up and went to get Kazuichi for class. He wasn’t in his room. Later that day, I went go check on him and he was in his room, but when I opened the door, his eyes were just read and tired. I asked him is all was well, he only nodded and smiled. It took a while, but he still told me he was okay, now adding in the detail that the board had gotten back to him on his request to be transferred elsewhere”. My mouth dropped slightly. “Transferred where?,” I asked, Hajime only shrugged.
“This is all Sonia’s fault!”
We looked at Hioyoko, Sonia quick in defending herself. “He wouldn’t transfer schools because of me, it’s probably all your fault,” she was defensive,“Maybe if you weren’t so mean to him all the time—”. Suddenly, arguing broke out. I heard many things. Hajime said he hasn’t shown interest in her lately, Sonia seeming slightly offended. Gundham was blamed, Ibuki wasn’t being blamed (she was never cold with him). Suddenly, Mikan spoke out. “Wait!”. She yelled, so we were quiet. Surprised by her tone, it made us all shut up. “What if it’s all our faults?,” she suggested,“Y-You didn’t have to be cold to him. Who else besides Ibuki or Hajime spoke to him without immediately judging character?”. It made me think, but suddenly Fuyuhiko spoke. “Fuck that!,” he said,“The dude probably wasn’t enough to be here so they dropped him. He was also probably too embarrassed to say that. And the eyes? Please! They were red because he might be some type of pothead; high out of his mind!”. “That’s a really shitty thing to say,” Hiyoko said,“Even *I* know that’s harsh”.
“I don’t give a fuck; Its true”
Hajime shook his head,“I’m gonna agree with Mikan”. “Wait isn’t it like extremely hard to transfer from this school?”. “No, not quite,” Chiaki said,“When given valid reason, the board can transfer a student elsewhere”. “If in fact the mistreatment of Kazuichi was the reason he sought transfer,” Peko added,“He probably went with ‘mental health concerns’. Since we’re all of age, he wouldn’t need to run it by a parent or guardian, making it much easier for him to transfer”. There was silence. “So what now?,” I ask. Hajime had a quick answer,“We treat him better”. “Is it not too late?”. Peko shook her head.
“If Kazuichi really went to simply be spoken about the appeal, students are given three days to make their final decision. Afterwards, there is no going back since students are allowed an appeal once”
We all still sat there. Were some of us actually cold towards him? I mean, everyone else in the academy didn’t even acknowledge him (neither did some of us, but we were around more, right?). “Alright, studebts, to your seats now!”. The professor being there had us scurrying away from Hajime’s desk. Throughout the whole class, I couldn’t focus. I kept thinking of Kazuichi, but why? Why did I care about him leaving so much?
The bell rang, Sonia waited for me. Econimics was our last class every Thrusday. The minute I was within her reach, she continued the conversation from earlier today. “So, I was thinking: you can’t talk to boys for shit,” she said. “And?”.
“What if I set you up on a blind. date.— huh? How about that?”
I sneered. Blind dates—they were such a tacky idea to me, what the fuck, but this was Sonia. She always new what was best for me when it came to, well, everything. Plus, it might be fun, or funny?
“Oh, what the hell. I’ll give it a try”
Sonia smiled so hard, her eyes shut. She squealed. “I cant wait,” she said,“I promise, this’ll be good for you. Just you wait!”. She kissed me on the cheek, leaving me behind. “Wait— we aren’t going home together?,” I asked. She shook her head. “I have some things to take care of! See you tomorrow, love”. She hurries her way. That girl. I’ll never understand her…
“Hey, how’s it going? … Nice … Well, now that you ask, I was wondering if you were open to a blind date? … Splendid! Friday, agree to meet with this girl, here’s her number … Let’s make things more interesting … Don’t tell her your name … Yes, you do know her”
I got home, setting my book bag down and practically collapsing onto my mattress. What a day. Before I got in thought about all that I was told today, as if on cue, my phone rang. It was a message, one from a number I had never seen before.
???: Hi :)
I was friendly, I didn’t have to be.
Me: Hello :)
As if a second cue went off, Sonia texts me.
Sonia: Has your blind date messaged you? btw make up a name! dont reveal anything !
Me: OH okok
I return back to the unknown sender.
Me: sonia put you up to this ?
???: yes, ma’am (or sir, or i have no clue. sonia said you were a girl. sorry)
Me: hey dont worry, sonia said she was setting me up with a guy, so i assumed too. i am a girl and being called ma’am doesn’t bother me.
???: well you assumed correctly, but thank you for letting me know, ma’am i get unsure.
???: anyway, what’s ur name?
I thought of a good, normal name, but nothing occurred to me. I looked all around my room for an object. Suddenly, my eyes landed on the family camera I had left in my room whenI used it for a project.
Me: my name is cam, hbu
???: Zero
Me: Is that really your name?
Zero: no but it makes sense to me
Me: wdym?
Zero: itd just me i guess
Me: ur gonna make me sad booo
Zero: oops, sorry !
Me: lol Its fine. but seriously, I know there is someone who cares about you. if anything Is wrong. you can talk to me, even if our date friday goes to shit :)
Zero: Yeahyesh thanks for that, Cam. its just my friends, i dont feel seen by them and it just feels like my parents have followed me.
Me: Well, they probably really love you. if it helps, I care about you :))
Zero: you’re very kind
Me: aw noooo. anyway, how was your day?
Zero: it coulda been better. yours?
Me: yeaaaa same here
Zero: what’s wrong?
Me: found something out ab a friend of mine.
Zero: is everything okay?
Me: Yea it all should be if I can fix things with him
Zero: you must really care ab him
Me: yea i really do
“Zero” decided it’d be best to change the subject since he figured it was slightly depressive (which it was). From the time I got home (4am) to 12am, we talked. I was excited because for once in my life, I was speaking to someone who liked the things I did. The same movies, the same bands. He listened to a lot of new wave and indie rock. Eventually, I got sleepy, so we called it a night. He called me cute and let me go to bed.
I actually looked forward to our date Friday. I didn’t care who he was, for he was perfect.
Morning came around and I just wanted to talk to him. In fact that’s all I did. We texted in homeroom, Theater, Calculus, etc. It was Friday today, meaning we’d have to meet today after school, thus revealing ourselves. Sonia and I were in calculus and she noticed I wouldn’t put my phone down. “God, someone’s obsessed,” she teased. “He means everything to me,” I said, breaking no eye contact with my screen. Sonia went to Kazuichi, who I have class with for Calculus, Government and Chem (which we both failed last year). I couldn’t care to break my focus on my screen, but I did head him mutter “she’s perfect”. So Kazuichi found someone else? That’s fine, but will she care enough to stop him from transferring? Could be be transferring for her?!
As the day grew the situation began getting fucking dire.
I was headed to my final class, chemistry. I had my phone in hand, texting away and very distracted. Suddenly, just like yesterday: “Oof!”. I was on the floor and above me? Kazuichi Soda. “I’m sorry, oh my god,” he said as he helped me up. I shook my head. “Nono, this time it’s my fault,” I said, dusting myself off,“I wasn’t paying attention”. 
“I was also very distracted, heh”
I smiled, picking his phone up from the ground. His screen turned on, exposing that he had been listening to music. “Cocteau Twins”. I handed him his phone. “You like them,” I asked. He nodded,“Do you?”. 
“Yeah, I do”
“Cool... where are you headed?”
“Why so early? There’s a whole hour and a half till we have to be there, plus the 5 minute tardy bell”
“I like being early. Where were you going?”
“My room,” he said,“I can’t find my chemistry journal, so I figured I should look for it before class”. “In your room?”. He nodded. For some sick and weird reason, I felt bad leaving him to do that on his own. “I can help you,” I blurted, almost instantly. His face lit up. “Really?!”. His overly joyed expression brought a smile out in me as well. “Yeah,” I answered softly. He grabbed my hand and ran with me up to his room, having me keep up with him. We got to his room as my heels skid slightly behind him. When opened the door and turned on the light, my jaw dropped.
His room was a complete and utter mess.
“Kazu- how is anything gonna get found in here?,” I asked, trying to keep my tone as calm as possible. “Its manageable,” he answered, entering and starting to look through all his junk,“I haven’t had the energy to clean my room anyway. It hasn’t really bothered me”. I shook my head as I walked in. “No, this isn’t right,” I said, an idea coming to mind,“Why don’t you lay there and rest up a little? I’ll clean your room”. His eyes lit up. “Really?”. I nodded, a warm smile creeping up on my lips. “Well, okay,” he answered,“Thank you, sweetheart”. I couldn’t even react to the pet name. His hat rested over his eyes as he quite literally fell asleep before my very eyes. 
With that, I got to work.
Cleaning out his room, taught me a few things. He also happens to like the same films as I do, but he likes more action films. I also learned he has a much bigger wardrobe than I thought. Lastly, he isn’t as mess as I thought. He had everything one would need to clean, even owned a vacuum. It took me about 1 hour and 5 minutes to clean out. I hadn’t realized it was that long, time went by me like a breeze. I approached him and sat by him. In a pattern, I shook him carefully then played with his hot pink hair, which was softer than expected. 
God, there’s something wrong with me. 
He woke up and I removed the hat from over his eyes. He lay as he looked around, seeing his room uncluttered. “Wow, it’s like a brand new room,” he said happily. “Yep”. He sat up and smiled back at me. “Thank you,” he repeated. 
“It’s nothing, really”
His voice was still groggy, I could tell he was a little dazed after his nap. He lay back and laughed to himself as we sat on his bed. “What?”. He shook his head as the lazy smile on his face grew slightly wider. “You’re really pretty”. I blushed a little, and laughed nervously. “Thanks”. He sat back up again, we both had no idea what to do now, but look at each other. It was a comfortable silence. I could forever into his oddly colored eyes. 
I wanted him to kiss me, now.
I’ve truly lost my mind. I had no idea if it was just tension or anything but that. Would I like it or would I despise it. I decided to maybe test these waters, but before I could, he beat me to it. Out of nowhere, he grabbed my chin, pulling me to his lips. Kissing me skillfully, he lay back and I followed so I wouldn’t be away from him, leaving me straddling his lap. What a day to forget to wear shorts under my skirt. With how he kiss me and I kissed him, it was no secret we wanted this for a while now. The fact that I wanted this made my stomach knot. We pulled away, slightly winded. “That was so fucking hot”. I proceeded to tell him this never happened. He agreed it didn’t. Then he added:
“I’ve never done that before”
“Neither have I-”
Then, it hit me. Kazuichi was my first kiss.
“This must be a very shitty realization,” he said, laughing a little. “Shut up, let’s get to class”. He nodded, getting up from bed, seeing that his journal was on his now clean and visible desk. He picked it up and now we were ready to go. We were still early, despite distance and how crowded the halls were. We sat at our own table, usually we both sat alone since none of our friends had this class. We all knew each other, but we wouldn’t exactly call certain people friends. Anyway, during class, I was extremely bothered. I felt sick and I couldn’t stop thinking about that fucking kiss.
At all.
I really didn’t want him to leave. I couldn’t stand the thought of him leaving. I had to stop it, but why did I want to anyway. Is this pity? It didn’t feel like it; I can tell when I pity someone and this didn’t feel like pity. Could it be that he’s always been there?
I’ve never fallen in love before, nor caught feelings. Something about him felt so familiar. What has Kazuichi done for me?
I began to think and it all came to me. The times I had no one else to talk to so he’d be there, whenever someone has bailed on me I’d go to him. I’ve taken him for granted, yet he’s smiled through it all. To think I’d hurt him made me feel worse. “God, I hate this class,” he whispered to me. I broke away from my thought. “Oh, me too,” I answered,“How are you doing, though?”. 
“In this class?”
I nodded. “Terrible”.
I mouthed an “oh”. After a second, I offered a solution. “Well, you can always ask me for help,” I said. “Seriously?,” his eyes lit up like when we were in his room. God his crooked, toothy smile had me smiling, it was intoxicating. “Yeah, come to me anytime,” I said, getting quiet. This was quite awful. On top of that, I remembered I had a date after today. I didn’t even want whoever the fuck I had to meet with. As planned by Sonia, we were to meet at the bridge in between dorms on the third floor at 7pm (mind you, I don’t have a room in this school so there really is no reason for me to stay so late). Now that I think about it, it really sounds like more of a meetup than a date. Maybe it wasn’t so important for me to meet this mystery man. I can just text him I was no longer interested.
And that’s what I chose to do.
After class, I bumped into Sonia. She smiled widely when she saw me. “Oh my god, Are you excited for tonight?!”. Here I am, bursting her bubble.
Her smile went down slowly. “Why not?,” she asked. “I’m not going”.
That was probably the loudest she’s ever spoken. “I mean, I don’t want to”. “But this was important, what the fuck,” she seemed too upset about it. “I don’t want him,” I said,“I’m into someone else”. “WHO?”. I swallowed before the name came out of my mouth,“Kazuichi...”.She slapped her hand over her mouth. “I know its emba-”.
“THAT’S NOT WHAT I’M GONNA SAY, oh my god. You have to go still, don’t leave your blind date hanging, please. I’m begging you, please!”
I scoffed.
I nodded. “Fine, but I really cannot pretend to have a good time,” I said to her. Nodding frantically, she said she knows. Ultimately, it was my choice and she knew that. Sonia walked home with me, then said she would walk back with me when it came time to meet my blind date. She wanted be there for when he was revealed. I got a message from this man when I got home.
Zero: Hey, are you sure you want to meet?
  I raised a brow and showed Sonia. She covered her mouth, but quickly told me to say yes. So that’s exactly what I did. 
Me: Yeah
Zero: ok
  “He isn’t into it,” I said, showing Sonia the messages. “He will be”. Damn, she was so dead set on this and for what? “Come on,” she said,“We should get going”. I nodded, getting up from the floor we sat on in my room. Locking up, we swiftly headed to the bridge.
It was dark by the time we got there.
No answer. “Maybe wait a little,” Sonia suggested,“He gets shy”. I turned to her. “Do you know him?,” I asked. “Of course I do”. She must’ve misunderstood what I asked. “No, but do you know him know him,” I cleared up,“like is he close to any of us”. She nodded, now I was really curious. A couple minutes passed and he still wasn’t there. “See,” I said,“Fucking no-show!”. My hands clenched into a fist. Sonia was getting closer to me, looking as if she had some consoling words to say, but she stopped. Smiling, she backed away. Then, I heard footsteps behind me. She stepped away from me, nodding towards me, but that was just a signal for me to turn around. I heard a gasp,“You?”. 
The familiarity of the voice—it all made sense now.
“You!,” I cried. My eyes watered as a smiling Kazuichi stood in front of me. I hugged him and I could tell he wasn’t expecting me. “God, I thought you’d hate me,” he sighed, relieved. I shook my head. “I’ll leave you to it,” Sonia said,“I have to go anyway; my ride’s here”. We waved her off, getting back to each other. “Wanna head into my room?”.
We headed into his room, snuck in, I’m not supposed to be here. He threw himself onto his bed as his hands made a gesture for me to get on. I straddled him like before and kissed him. “Someone’s excited,” he teased. I scoffed. “I’m not the only one”. His face turned red as he looked away. “Hey, Kazuichi? Can we talk”. He nodded, waiting for me to introduce the topic. 
“Hajime and, well, everyone else including Sonia and myself were talking and—”
“That you’re leaving?”
“Oh... yeah. I am”
I frowned, getting off him, now sitting next to him. He looked upset now that he remembered. “It isn’t too late now, is it?”. He shook his read putting his hat on his bedside drawer (me thinks this is the first time I’ve seen him without a hat). “Tomorrow, I go confirm my decision,” he said,“I feel... miserable in Hope Peak. I don’t belong here”.
“You don’t know what it feels like not having anything in common with anyone. Everyone being so fucking distant”
“I do know how the first one feels, but... we have each other to relate to”
“I just hate how this school makes me feel and I want it to go away”
He shivered as his eyes began to water. It hurt so much to see him cry. I never have. “Baby, look at me,” I said to him,“We all love you, okay? I love you. I’m sorry for being so cold towards you this whole time. You were always there”. He stuck his head into my chest and just let everything go. I played with his hair as he got rid of emotion. I lay his head down and straddled him again. Quickly, I kissed all over his tear-stained face, the taste of salt persistent on my lips. The kisses got him riled up and giggly once again, making him tackle me. I fell back on the bed as he did the same to me. He smooched me on the lips before giving me his final word.
“I’ll think about it, okay?”
I nodded, not pressuring him. I wanted him to be so sure about staying. I also wanted him to know that if he did stay, I would be there, always. “You need a ride home?”, he asked. I could have gone home, but I didn’t necessarily want to. “Aw, don’t you want me to stay?,” I pouted. The way I said it was so playful it almost felt like teasing. He blushed frantically answering,“Yeah, I do”. I then realized I didn’t have clothes to sleep in.
And no, sleeping in underwear could never be an option. (Not yet, at least)
“Damnit, I don’t have clothes”. That’s when he opened his drawer and threw some sweatpants at me. “You have a shirt under that one, correct?,” he asked. I nodded, unbuttoning my school shirt. it was a silk black undershirt, could be used as an undergarment or sleepwear. “Hey, I’m just gonna go out to the communal to wash up, okay?”.
“That’s fine, baby”
He smiled, heading off with his toothbrush and towel. Once the door shut, I with a I slid off my socks. I then stood up and took off my skirt. The clothing fit me kind of snug, but I didn’t mind. I lay back and waited for him patiently.
His shower was quick, well, in my opinion it was. His hair gave off a brisk scent, as he lay next to me. His eyes looked weak as he hug his face into my chest. It wasn’t in a weird way or anything, so I simply assumed he was tired. “Are you sleepy, yet?”. He nodded, his face in deeper. “I’m really sleepy,” he said softly. I ran my fingers through his hair like before and let him sleep. Watching how at ease he was in my embrace soothed me to rest. According to Hajime, he was usually a light sleeper. The slightest touch or noise would wake him up. He would shift around or mumble in his sleep. This time, it was different.
It was peaceful.
The next morning, I woke up and put on yesterday’s clothes. When I got to putting on my shoes, I felt him move behind me. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” I said sweetly. “Good morning, angel,” he said, his voice straining as he stretched with a grunt,“Time?”. 
He got up and threw on a pair of clothes that I have never seen him in. “You want a ride home?,” he asked,“I meet with the board today at 10. If I take you home now, I can make it back in good time”. I nodded, going hand in hand with him after he had put his shoes on.
I never knew Kazuichi drove. I recall him say he had terrible motion sickness, yet here he was driving me home in a borrowed car that had been worked on in the school’s auto shop class. I had nothing else to talk about and the silence was killing me. “So you can drive?”.
“I can drive”
“What about your motion sickness?”
He clicked his tongue. “Yeah, that’s always been there, always will be,” he began to explain,“but I’ve learned to ignore it”. He put his arm around me, smiling. I smiled, yet I was terrified. What if I wasn’t enough to make him stay? As he drove, I noticed he had nothing in mind. With Kazuichi, you can always tell when there’s something on his mind. Always. He’ll squint, mouth some words to himself...that’s how you know. It began to overwhelm me and I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry knowing there was possibly nothing I can say or do for him to stay. He may know I love him, but what if the timing was off?
Oh, well.
We arrived at my home, him walking me up to my doorstep. He kissed me, his smile dropping afterward. Fuck, he must’ve noticed... “Hey, is everything okay?”. I nodded. “Okay,” he said, uncertainty in his tone,“Well, text me if anything!”. I nodded, a faint smile on my face. I headed inside and lay in bed.
My memory of that Saturday and the Sunday that followed are fogged. I don’t remember leaving my room, let alone my house. Monday came around. I was nervous. I walked down the halls, Sonia standing and an expression of worry spread across her face. “Sonia,” I said,“What’s wrong?”. She gulped and I knew nothing positive would come out of this.
“Hajime hasn’t seen Kazuichi all day”
My eyes widened and I wanted to pass out. “No, that can’t be!”. I didn’t want to feel this. It was all guilt. Why, though? Everything seemed fine when we had last seen each other, it made no sense. “You haven’t talked to him?,” she asked. I shook my head. Sonia sighed. “Okay,” she began,“We have government today. Your only class with him. All we have to do is wait and then we’ll know for sure”. I nodded, trying not to let emotions get to me.
Now in government, I waited, We all did. None of us had heard a word from him. Soon enough, an hour passed: no Kazuichi. Tearful, my eyes shut as I placed my head on my table. Hajime walked up to me. “If its in any consolation at all,” he began,“Kazuichi really did like you. He loved you. I’m sure he knew you loved him”.
“Why the fuck do you make it sound like he’s dead?”
“I see how it would sound like so. I’m just gonna leave my words at that”
My eyes were burning and a headache began growing. Suddenly, there was pounding on thr door, pounding that startled the class. The teacher sighed. The knock was that of a late student, which obviously would’ve annoyed her considering this is a 65 minute class and it had been an hour or so. A student volunteered for the door and there stepped in a distressed Kazuichi.
I sniffled and my heart was beating out of my chest when I heard his voice and saw his face. “Kazuichi?!”. I ran up to him and hugged him, he was tense. “I was so worried,” he said. “That makes two of us”. I kissed him, he asked if I was okay and I nodded so frantically. “I didn’t text because I was sad!”. He hugged me tighter, kissing my forehead. I looked into his eyes, falling in love. Then I had realized one thing. “Wait”. He looked at me,“What’s up?”.
He walked to the teacher and handed her a doctor’s note. “You know I can’t mark you present right?,” she said. “You can’t mark me absent either, miss”. Yeah, he wasn’t the best student here. He walked back up to me and kissed me. “There’s like 2 minutes left,” he said,“Can we leave?”.
“Just go”
Being a nuisance paid off as we were all let out early. He grabbed my book bag and ran with me, pulling me by the hand. He took me to the back of the school, yeah, the very back behind the gym. I sat in his lap as he kissed me once more harder, now that no one was watching. I then faced him. “I thought you were leaving,” I whined. He ran his hands through my hair. “I was going to,” he said,“but I couldn’t do that to you, or to myself”. We sat in silence till I said,“Who would’ve thought?”.
“Yeah, in a million years, huh? What year we in?”
“Shut up”
I kissed him and felt him smile against my lips. “Don’t change, Kazuichi”. “Don’t plan on it,” he said,“I love you”. “I love you too”.
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lovelybunny08 · 5 years
Let Me Down Slowly
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♡ Pairing- Jungkook X Reader
♡ Genre- Smut and Heartbreak
♡Description- Based of Alec Benjamin song "Let me down slowly". You have notice Jungkook has changed.
♡ Thank you @artofediting for editing this story for me. Seriously love you I dont know what I will do without you.😭😭 There will be a prequel to this story 😊😊 ♡
<Prequel                                                                                                 Part 2>
It’s been four years now. In the beginning, everything was fresh and exciting. You can still recall every detail of the day your life changed entirely. You were relaxing by the Han river one day; reading a book and soaking in the last few rays of the sun. As you stretched your arms over the back of the bench you sat on, your eye caught onto his movements. There he was, digitally capturing small glimpses of the vibrant life surrounding the river. As your eyes adjusted to take him in, you nearly fell off the bench out of shock. He looked otherworldly with the glow of sun around him. Your eyes latched onto the camera, grasped by his deft fingers with skin leading up to a blue and white striped sort-sleeve. Your eyes drifted farther north only to be struck by the softest bunny smile gracing his features. You still aren’t entirely positive what motivated you to leap outside your comfort zone and approach him, but not a day has gone by where you regretted that burst of irregularity.
A montage of the following four years included regular texting, late night phone calls, and awkward first dates which eventually melded into a feeling so natural it seemed as being with him was second nature. You became an official couple after a sure year of talking and dating. Both of you had been in toxic relationships in the past and were weary to commit until enough time passed. The next landmark occurred after two years of dating. It was a late night at Jungkook’s apartment, and you mentioned how difficult it was to stay awake on the drive back to your place. Without missing a beat, he suggested that you two move in together to remedy your achy eyes, and the rest was history.
Everything was easier with him, and you slowly fell into the idea that this bliss was truly how the right relationships ought to be. You guys barely fought, you confided with each other like best friends, and to top it off, the sex was the amazing. You never had anyone in your life before that could take you to new heights like Jungkook could. Everything was perfect. . .
Too perfect.
It’s been a few months since you started noticing slight changes in him. He comes home late from work, barely talks to you, and even the idea of him touching you is far from imagination. At first, you chalked it up to exhaustion. You were well aware about the daily pressure he was under at work, and so you continued to silently be there for him in hopes of this phase passing by quickly. Even though you spent several nights curled up on your side of the bed and him on his side, you always tried to keep in mind that at least he was there.
That thought you held onto came crashing down recently when he was given a day off. Usually, these rare days were a cause for celebration between you two. You would spend the morning wrapped up in the sheets together only to later go out for a peaceful drive and wonder the cityscape. Yet, this time you simply woke up alone. You clutched your phone as you read a text from him saying to not wait up for him later because he would be spending the day with his friends. Tears threatened to pour down your cheeks, but you held them at bay.
It’s okay. You thought.
He’s just really stressed and needs to relieve some of the tension with his friends. He doesn’t always have to spend his day off with me.
You buried your sinking heart beneath these words, hoping to dull the aches and the signs. It went on like this for a couple of months, and you knew your heart couldn’t take it much longer.
One night, well past the time you would normally be asleep, you heard Jungkook come in from work. He scuffled through the kitchen at first, most likely getting something to eat as he was never home anymore when you would make dinner.
A weight on your chest pressed down further at this thought, making it harder to breathe. These past few months you barely slept or ate. You forced yourself out of your solidary bed each morning as Jungkook always left before the sun came up. While you were still meeting all your deadlines at work, your coworkers had begun to worry about you. Your sadness had brought a lackluster to your appearance, and the bags under your eyes only increased the deprivation look you were sporting most days. You were gradually withering away along with your relationship.
You lay there listening to the refrigerator doors close when you decide to finally confront the distance between you two. You were too physically and mentally weak to keep pretending. You hear him placing the dishes in the sink and padding to the bathroom in the hallway across from the bedroom you shared. As the shower begins to run, you feebly climb out of bed in your night gown and into the kitchen to finish cleaning and putting away his dishes. You turn off all the lights except for the one hanging above the kitchen table.
Soon, you hear the running water come to a stop, and Jungkook emerges from the bathroom. He runs a hand through his wet strands as he looks up to see your cowering form by the table.
“What are you doing still awake? You’re normally asleep by now.” He questions. At least you were able to fool someone that you were sleeping well. Your eyes climb from the floor to meet his. You draw in a deep breath; it was too late to back out of this now.
“I think we need to talk about whatever is going on. We—well at least I—can’t pretend any longer that things between us are okay.”
He sighs and shakes his hair before responding, “I wanted to wait until this weekend. . . but you’re right. We need to talk.” The expression on his face would be similar to those at a funeral home.
“You want to break up?” You mutter, barely holding eye contact. When a look of relief instead of surprise crosses his face, you know you had guessed correctly. You watch him shift uncomfortably, mulling over the best way to respond. You take this moment to scan his form. In your eyes stands the love of your life, still as beautiful as the day you first met. He quickly interrupts your train of thought,
“Look, I just—I think it’s for the best.”
“Do you still love me?” you wonder.
“Of course, I still love you. . .but no longer in the way you need me to.” His graze drops to the floor almost as fast as your heart does into your stomach. You felt the tears in your eyes but fought against them because in the end you knew this had to be the conclusion. Nonetheless, his words pierce your heart.
“When—” your voice came out hoarse. “When did you realize this?” You ask. Immediately a thousand thoughts flood your mind. Did he grow bored of you? Of your relationship? Did he meet someone else? Who was she? Did you know her? Is she prettier than you?
“N-No!” he’s quick to respond. As if reading your mind, he replies, “I haven’t meet anyone else if that’s what you’re wondering. I had been denying this for a while, but it finally settled in a month ago. I’m sorry I’ve waited for so long... I ah, I didn’t have the heart to say anything. I really did try to see if I could get over the feeling!”
His hands are flying around wildly at this point trying to collect an explanation for his bottled emotions.
“—but I’m sorry I can’t.”
I can’t.
The same words when you fall off your bike as a child. The same expression when you give up on understanding math in high school. The same feeling when you weren’t hired for your first job… and the last words of your four-year relationship.
The two of you sit in complete silence as you both accept the chasm in between. You don’t know what to say. You still love him, you’re still in love with him. He’s still the man you see in your future. How is one supposed to respond when the legs holding you up walk away? Your thoughts continue to stumble into chaos as you stare at old scuff marks on the wall. Unbeknownst to you, you’ve been shaking since the beginning of the conversation. You do know; however, that if you meet his once-loving doe eyes, you won’t be able to hold yourself together. With this in mind, you proceed to study the marks more intently, focusing on anything other than the cracking in your chest. He breaks the silence first,
“… I really was going to tell you this weekend. I’m planning on moving out, so you don’t have to worry about finding somewhere else to stay.”
Your eyes immediately flip upwards, “Where are you going to stay then?” You inquire.
“Oh, uh, I’ll be crashing with some friends for now. They have a spare room they said I could use until I find my own place.”
After examining his face, you can see your pain reflected in his expression as well. His shoulders sag, and you can guess that this hurts him almost as much as it hurts you. Almost. Your heart wishes that he had let you down slower, maybe giving you some time to slowly let go. You consider that if you had a few more weeks then you could adjust to his absence… but hadn’t he already done that for you? The past few months it was like living with the ghost of him. But this—this was different. This was final. Although you would always wish for one more day, you know that it’s not reality. You’ll both need to move on. Your thoughts tune back to the present in time to hear him confess,
“—I think it’s best if I leave sooner rather than later. I don’t want to—I can’t hurt you anymore. I think I’ll just grab a bag and head to my friends. I’ll come get the rest of my stuff this weekend.”
Jungkook begins to turn towards the bedroom when you rush across the living room. You grab him by the shoulder and turn him to meet him eye to eye.
“Please,” your voice broke, filling with desperation. “Please, j-just one more night. Hold me l-like you used to.”
Your fingers dig into his shoulder as a single tear slips down your cheek. His face softens as his eyes trace the journey of your tear. He raises his hand and cups your face gently, as if the slightest movement will tear you apart.
“We shouldn’t…” he mumbles. “It won’t make things any easier.”
“Please,” you cup his hand on your face. “Please, Jungkook.” More tears begin to make their arduous journey down your face. The desperation in your voice is humiliating, but at this point you only care about being in his arms one more time.
“I-If you're going to let me go, then give me this last night. Give me yourself for the last time. Love me until it’s over.” Your breath catches when his hold on your face tightens. You blink to clear away the tears as he gives a relenting sigh. Whether he was weary from fighting you or himself is a mystery that will forever remain trapped in the night. His gaze deepens as leans down to press his forehead against yours. You can feel his breath across your lips when he mutters,
“One last night. One last time because I still love you. I want you to remember this forever, but after tonight, you have to forget.”
He pulls away and slides his hand down your arm to intertwine your fingers. His hand dwarfs yours as he leads you to the bedroom. While you have been in this situation with him countless times, you cannot help but feel as if it is all new territory. It carries the air of the night the two of you first made love. The gravity weighing on you, however, floods your senses as you come to terms that this will be the last time. As soon as you cross the doorway of the bedroom, he turns you around and cups your jaw with both hands. He leans in close and walks you backwards until the backs of your knees hit the bed. He slowly lays you down onto your back, never breaking eye contact. He hovers over you, his face only centimeters from yours, gazing deeply into your eyes. You see the indecision in his eyes, so you gather the courage and close the gap. At first, he doesn’t reciprocate the kiss. You slowly separate to gauge his reaction, but before you can, he grabs your waist to pull himself into you. His lips are soft and warm, filled with unspoken emotion. Not soon after, you trace your tongue across his bottom lip, asking a silent question. He answers immediately with a soft groan, granting access into his mouth. The feeling is disguised with the emotion of your first kiss, layered with the passionate love of four years, and revealed to be the burning out of the greatest star in your life.
He places his knee between your legs, pressing himself further into you. Your hands tease at the hem of his shirt to which he eagerly removes the clothing. Your small hands slowly trace his abs, retaining the memory of how he feels in your palms. At this action, his gaze suddenly darkens. He fists the end of your night gown and pulls it off your body. You lay bare except for your lace panties. He growls lowly at the sight and kisses you deeply like never before. With the passion between the two of you, it almost feels as if he is yours again. Almost. It is sweet, but it is absent of the love and longing he used to hold for you.
His lips descend across your jaw and down your neck, sucking small bruises in all the most sensitive parts. After four years, he knows your body as well as you do. His hands slide down across your curves to the delicate lace designs of your panties. He sucks a nipple into his mouth, and bites down on your delicate nub a little harshly, but you don’t have the time to think about it because he immediately follows this action by pushing your panties aside and rubbing circles onto your clit, drawing forth an involuntary moan. You close your eyes, once again trying to memorize every touch he gives you before it’s over. He releases your nipple with a pop and instantly diverts his attention to your other breast, all while his fingers continue to toy with your clit. You moan and grip his arms in response, but at this action, he withdraws his hand from where you need him most.
His mouth works his way off your breast, kissing down your stomach until he reaches your panties. His teeth grip onto the sheer fabric, and he pulls them down all the way until he throws them on the floor. He then returns and looks you in the eye as he caresses your thighs with his gentle lips.
“Please, Jungkook,” You moan out.
Without a second to lose, he begins to eat you out like a man starved. His tongue giving soft kitten licks, treating you like a bowl of milk. You can barely handle the sensation when he inserts two fingers into you, delivering a pleasant burn from the stretch. He doesn’t give you time to adjust as he begins pumping it in and out so aggressively you know you won’t last much longer.
“God, Jungkook” you gasp, lifting your hips to meet the thrust of his fingers. Not long after, the combination between his tongue and fingers brings you to finally snap. You moan his name like a prayer as he continues to eat you out through your orgasm. He finally ceases once he feels your body relax. Sweat rolls down your chest, heaving from the rapid breaths. He crawls upward, and kisses you hard, giving you a taste of yourself. You feel him hard against your thigh, so you grab his shoulders and flip him onto his back.
“My turn” you growl, meeting his hungry eyes and licking your lips.
You kiss his lips gently and deeply, savoring the feel of the man you love beneath you. You break away quickly as it only reminds you of what’s slipping from your grasp. You instead start trailing your lips down his neck, chest, and abs. On this you take your time, committing his body to memory. You stop kissing him when you reach the hem of his pants. He quickly resolves your pause by unzipping his pants and pulling them down along with his boxers. His dick bobs against his abdomen as you lick your lips, seeing the red, angry tip from how hard he is. You wrap your hand around him and stroke him a few times before the need to taste him became too great. You lick the pre-cum collecting across the head before gradually sucking his dick into the warm cavern of your mouth. You set a fast rhythm, bobbing your head up and down, each time taking more of him into your throat. You glance up to see his head thrown back, sweat rolling down the expanse of his chest. From the curses and groans falling from his lips, you know you’re doing well. You resume your attention to pleasuring him when, growing impatient, he grabs your hair and forces you to take more. With the sudden force, you begin to gag around his dig. Jungkook looks down through heavy lids and almost finishes right then and there. With your hair through his fingers, saliva dripping down your chest, and throat closing around his cock, he can barely contain himself.
“Fuck" Jungkook moans. “I’m about to cum.”
At this, you immediately pull your mouth off his dick. You climb up his body until your hips are centered above his. You align himself with your entrance, gaze flicking up to his.
“I want you in me for the last time,” you confess as you slowly slide onto his cock. Your eyes squeezed tight, and you bit your lip to hold back a moan. You focus instead on the feel of him entering you. His hands grip your hips, creating small bruises into your sides. After adjusting to his large size, you begin to roll your hips across his, pressing your hands down on his chest for support. Your pace is too slow, and it is torturous to your dire need for him.
“Jungkook, please help" you moan. His grip on you tightens even more as he begins pounding up into you harder and faster. The pace he sets has you quivering above him shortly after. He continues ravaging you like a mad man, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Both of your grunts and moans fill the night as you truly love each other for the last time. You push your knees tighter around his hip, so you can feel him deeper inside of you.
Jungkook grabs your neck and pulls you down for a messy kiss. You clutch onto his shoulder as he impossibly increases the speed at which he pumps into you. Jungkook feels the change of pace bringing you tighter and tighter around him until you tumble over the ledge with him quickly following after. You scratch down his chest throwing your head back as you ride out your orgasms together. You close your eyes to hold back the tears as heavy breathing fills the silence of the apartment. As your high subsided, you had remembered that as soon as this is over, he will be gone.
You lay down beside him, feeling his lips as he gently lays a kiss to your forehead. Jungkook slides out of you and pads to the bathroom coming back with a towel to clean the both of you. After throwing the towel into the laundry, he picks his clothes off the floor and pulls them back onto his body. To your surprise, he turns to lay down beside you.
Jungkook examines your tear-stained features. You hold your breath, thinking maybe he changed his mind. Maybe this night reminded him of everything you are so desperately holding onto. He centers his gaze on yours, faces inches apart, as he softly whispers,
“You stole my heart four years ago, and I want you to know that it’ll always be in your possession. I will always love you…” He presses a soft kiss to the tip of your nose.
“…but I can’t love you the way you deserve. I hope you remember us, but soon forget me. I’m sorry.” Jungkook brushes your hair behind your ear while tears stream down your cheeks. You close your eyes as he rises and walks out of room; as he walks out of your life.
You wait until you hear the click of your front door to truly let go. You wrap yourself within your sheets, breathing in his lingering scent. Tears rubbed your skin raw as you finally confronted reality. Once your breathing leveled out, you were left with a single thought. He said you would always have his heart, always a piece of him. Why couldn’t he see that when he left, he took away yours as well?
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rigelmejo · 3 years
i found the little prince on the same site i found xiao mao stories on, so that’s great. i can now look up words by clicking them. so of course i did what i tend to do - and i reread chapters 1-3 actually looking up all the unknown words. It can’t hurt as review I suppose? And I comprehend things a lot more clearly the second time reading through. 
...although I know I am... defeating the point of extensive reading if I’m... intensive reading lol. Although... eventually the two things merge when you don’t have to look many words up? ;-; maybe?
anyway in a few days I’m gonna do my goals met post or whatever and. All I know is WHATEVER my study plan was? It ended up becoming lots of extensive reading (chinese), audio (chinese, french), flashcards (japanese). Also some miscellaneous writing (chinese), and writing/grammar reading (japanese)... but to be fair it was not very much.
 I also got so much done I’m really proud of myself tbh. Like. For japanese I got 318 grammar flashcards done, 430 vocabulary flaschards done. To me that is a big deal because once I passed 300 grammar cards, 100 vocabulary cards, I officially had reviewed all of the japanese I had studied years ago and moved onto completely new material for me. That just blows my mind. I reviewed roughly what I used to know in like 2 months maybe? And now I’m learning genuinely mostly new material which is so cool to me. Also I know that years ago I started reading manga and playing video games Before I covered this much studying, so at this point I am more prepared than I was last time I did it. For whenever I choose to do it again. 
The main thing that I think was not a success was listening reading method. I want to do it so bad, I like it in concept, I need listening comprehension improvements, and I like reading! But genuinely the fact I have to stay on the task for long durations of time is just so freaking hard for me. I have been able to do it in 20 minute bursts, but I still overall NEED like 1 hour a day along with the ‘breaks in between’ if I want to finish at a decent stopping point I can start from again later. It is really hard to do if I have anything else significant planned for the day. Maybe I will try it one weekend day or one day off. I realize now why the person who initially explained the idea tended to do listening reading for 8-10 hours a day for a week to a month. It is MUCH easier to do if you can do it for long periods of time - if for no other reason than KEEPING PLACE in text is so much easier if you DONT have to leave the text regularly. And then also, so much of its learning method involves repetition of common word usage of the book, so lots of consistent regular input of the words (like doing it a week to month straight) will provide more regular review of words than doing it one hour every week. 
I want to try this method so badly, and I think it would help my chinese a lot at any level (since I still have a long way to go before I have a “natural listening” ability of material of that complexity), or my french (because I know a lot reading wise I just need to turn that into listening comprehension). I have had some success doing step 2 of the listening reading method - and I know its simply because when text matches the audio it is so much EASIER to stop doing it, return later, and easily find your place to continue from. However, the issue with step 2 is - while it allows me to improve listening comprehension of words I know, it does not allow me to pick up new words as easily. And genuinely I DO think step 3 helps more with listening comprehension - because you have to rely so much on listening comprehension ALONE to follow where you are in the text (its also why that step feels so intense and is so hard to keep your place in). 
So anyway. Step 2 has been quite easy, and I have actually managed to do it a bit this month. But step 3 is just. So difficult for me to get myself to do. For Francais Par Le Methode Nature, now that audio exists I’m basically listening to that and then also reading along with the text when I miss a word (which is more just comprehensible input with a transcript?). With MoDu, I listening to the audio while reading the chinese and glancing at the english for some key definitions (I don’t feel it challenged me to practice listening very much though). With the little prince, I played chinese audio and followed along to the text (mostly to match sound to new words I picked up when I read beforehand). With the xiao mao smiling cat story, I also played audio after I read it, to match audio up with new words I’d picked up - that time by listening then glancing at the text when I didn’t recognize a word when listening. So yeah like, I have been doing variations on step 2 sort of, so I suppose I’ll see if it produces any significant benefits for reading or listening. I also listened to tianyake audiodrama yesterday without looking at the subs and that was cool because it was a test of my actual listening comprehension a little (except easier to follow since I know the story).
I also think doing L R with a parallel text is much easier - again, because you can easily keep track of where you are in the audio so for people like me who NEED 10 minute breaks constantly it makes the activity much easier. I am using a parallel text for MoDu now and I think that’s why I was able to do about an hour and 30 minutes this week. I was doing sort of step 2 (so it was easier), and I had a parallel text so I didn’t get confused.
other notes?
In a way I’m glad I studied primarily simplified chinese, because it kind of helps me keep japanese more firmly ‘separate’ in my head. Some japanese kanji look like the simplified, many look like the traditional hanzi, and some I think may be simplified in a different manner. Japanese kanji do not mean exactly the same thing usually, and their multiple pronunciations can get confusing for me. So when the kanji looks different from the hanzi - i recognize traditional hanzi somewhat, so I can usually still recognize them and their meaning, but I don’t immediately think of them when I’m writing/typing/reading chinese unless I’m on a traditional text website/novel/show. So when I see the more traditional looking kanji, I can usually recognize them if its a familiar character, but my brain doesn’t so automatically jump to its chinese pronunciation. Which kind of helps me to keep my japanese pronunciations Separated from my chinese ones. Right now some of the hardest words for me to remember the pronunciation of are when the kanji are the same as a chinese simplified word (全然, 全部,方向). They’re easy to remember the definition of, but the pronunciations that come to my mind are pretty much automatically chinese.  
Also the Nukemarine LLJ decks are really helping, there’s a reason I like using them ToT. All the vocabulary is presented individually, then in sentence examples, all with audio. And lots of audio and reading practice so I can practice both. The grammar decks, which go along with Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide, are more challenging but understandable even without referencing tae kim’s grammar guide (which is great cause i’m too lazy right now to read a grammar guide). Mostly though, I just love the improvement I see from it? It’s structured well, so you get a lot of grammar foundation, kanji foundation, vocab foundation, and the different courses reinforce each other. 
I recently opened clozemaster to try the japanese fast track again - every so often my mind wonders if I could learn a significant amount from Clozemaster alone lol and I want to test it. I do genuinely think if you used Clozemaster it would work as well as that old 10k chinese or japanese sentence srs flashcards methods (which did work for people they just sound awful if you hate flashcards like me). Sometimes I use clozemaster as a ‘graded reader substitute’ to bridge the gap in my reading skills so I can push into reading native material easier. I did that for french and it helped a lot then I stopped using it once I could read novels. I did that with chinese and it helped a little. But I read in chinese so much I ultimately study more stuff when I just read so now my actual vocab is ahead of where I am in clozemaster when I try it for chinese lol. So like... usually I read it as an upper-beginner aid to break into reading target language materials that aren’t for learners. 
Well, I love contemplating if I could just learn a language FROM clozemaster sentences primarily as the study method though lol. Well, once I tried testing that with japanese years ago! It was brutal! I was a mid-beginner who’d studied for 1-2 years, and it was brutal! So many unknown kanji, unknown grammar, it was a mess lol! Just barely doable, would not recommend trying as a complete beginner. Well this week I tried to use Clozemaster japanese again - and it went super easy. One unknown word a sentence, or no unknown words and I marked the sentences mastered. The ideal difficulty for using clozemaster to improve, and I did not find the sentence grammar or kanji too intense to figure out. So the Nukemarine LLJ studying is helping a lot. I must have a bigger base of understanding than I did last time I tried clozemaster japanese, just because the activity is so much easier.
and an observation about me? I am super motivated by challenges apparently. Specifically when I hear something’s been done, worked, and then want to test it myself to see if it does. It’s why I was able to study 2k chinese words last year - someone else did those specific words, then started reading, and I wanted to know if I could copy that (it did help, though in retrospect there’s slightly easier ways lol!). 
This month? I read some stuff about how graded readers help with reading speed - now bam I am devouring easier reading materials (I read 53 chapters so far this month, counting shorter graded readers as 1 for ever two chapter chunks). I realize the reading material is much easier for half of this, so its closer to 30 chapters read in terms of length - but that’s still a good amount of reading in a month! And I finished reading 3 books this month! Also I read recently that extensive reading helps with vocabulary, and making future reading easier. So SINCE extensive reading is so much easier with these books more to my level, I’m testing that by reading a LOT lol. And that tip also motivated me to find an ease rating for what I’m reading/plan to read, which I’m sure will help me pick reading material in the future more based on actual needs. Like if I want to intensive read I can pick a ‘harder’ text, if I want to extensive read I can pick an easier rated text closer to my current ‘ease’ level (or a little harder), or if I want to extensive read something hard I can know its hard and read a translation beforehand. Basically just... the info I found about extensive reading really MOTIVATED me into doing it. 
There’s finally audio of Francais Par Le Method Nature, and even that motivated me to listen to multiple chapters to just test if the book works! I know the book works, I’ve read like 200 pages of it before and its basically a huge factor in what helped me move into novels from graded readers in french... its dated but I love the book so much and wish the same technique style textbooks were in more languages. I read the preface yesterday, which is so much easier for me to read now versus when I first read it lol which just shows it helped once. And it covers 3000 words chosen from frequency indexes, introduces everything in french in a manner to help students comprehend the meaning from its context, includes a pronunciation line guide below text (though now that audio exists its so nice to use!). This book’s designed to get a learner able to move onto target language materials for native speakers afterwards, and it SHOWS. I never even completed the book and only read it and it helped so much. I’m finally listening to it now, and in awe of how comprehensible the audio on its own is. Anyway this book’s concept always felt like something I wanted to test and proved if it worked so, if I have time...
Nukemarine’s LLJ i’m pretty good at sticking to, because its structured and has a claim about what I’ll be able to do when I’m toward the end of it - read japanese. The courses used to be called Standard Guide to Japanese Literacy SGJL. They were originally made to help japanese learners push into reading - and a lot of the related immersion tips/activity that go along with the guide also contribute. I imagine it got renamed something more general - Lets Learn Japanese LLJ - either because it wasn’t quite enough for novel reading, or it made more sense to call it something broader. 
I would love to have the motivation to test Listening Reading Method and prove if it works or not and how much ToT. It frustrates me so much I can’t remain focused long enough to do it multiple hours a day (whereas shows and books I can, since I can take breaks easily between moments). I already tested several hours doing it (specifically step 3), and I can confirm it at least improves listening comprehension of what you already partly-know. The little L R i have been able to do, boosted my listening comprehension of shows/audiobooks/audio dramas NOTICEABLY within a few hours of doing it, and with every few more hours I do it. So as a upper-beginner/low-intermediate learner (?) L R step 3 helps a lot with dragging listening skill up to match reading skill. And it doesn’t take much to see benefits. But I haven’t done L R enough to test how much totally new material you can learn from doing it - I’ve done enough to pick up a few words and phrases, but most of the benefit was half-learned words becoming more fully learned and instantly recognized in listening instead of requiring me to pause and think and get lost. 
0 notes
makayladunn1993 · 4 years
How To Win Your Ex Girlfriend Back From Another Guy Marvelous Diy Ideas
If she sees you that you are prepared to work on yourself and take you back into your ex back simply because he'll keep in mind that people make when they're in a relationship whom doesn't want to.If you guys enjoyed together and how willing you are utterly miserable about the relationship.And both need a break up, you need to focus on yourself and be enthusiastic.A phone call or other event that has passed by since then.
What's more important to really say how to get your ex back you need to accept an apology for I suggest not calling them or texting them.Think hard about what happened, or who is at fault.Though most exes are not to break up and improve himself.Some men think that this is surely a great plan and my boyfriend and want to get your ex back book was created equal so you can answer that, but a few weeks, we were both the healthiest thing you should remember to just resign yourself and prove to her that you're interested in anyone.Or did one person will leave their partners to be exactly the same way after the relationship is not important.
What to do, because if it was not able to move forward with an expensive gift in order to take on how you felt you were when you disappear from her lips there was too caught up in your life together.Get a beau- an ex back if he has such a waste of time to talk to him in a new lover, to gain your lost love, to draw a special outing on meaningful days that you should try to keep the boyfriend or girlfriend.So to sum up, you need to allow him to take time.Often people react because of her life is like you have enough determination to be the perfect time for you now have the right book to help me get my boyfriend back then you can see the changes should you do seem to only talk to him in a situation where you are looking for a while back, and it will only come back to you.You don't have to get your boyfriend back or not.
Well, let me encourage you into realizing the value of being single, or getting an ex back.What that basically means is, back off for a couple of tips to help him recover.How well you have to give you four tips that I can help walk you through things.If you are going so great for about 2mins + then make dinner one night.You can read these guidelines and find a few days later, Susan discovered that Marie had lied on Jaime because of infidelity, different value sets, lack of consideration.
I put a lot of times, when a girl puts the phone and wait - I lost my true love again.This is why its so serious that we had no contact rule works all the work and her, you have to realize is that you will never fail.Do not make this look obvious or it would occur to them and make it the hard question, why did I do?To get your ex back that special someone closer to you, and knows you want to save your relationship and miss you.For example, self interest motivates us to find out more mistakes and change yourself back quite a bit.
I made a point of view or use the direct approach to find some stunning tricks.You may even need to take comfort in that situation.Or if you are talking about my clothes, I really stand a better person.Finally, you to cheating, suggest you do get back together strategy by trying to get your boyfriend jealous, it is to get him back because the temptation to say to get your ex is all easier said than done.Let your ex back and I hope will help you reconcile with your ex.
They get curious about whom this letter is from and you may not be hard to please them.To top this off while you are able to move on, which is what you are looking your best to let her know, then make an effort to get your ex yourself or at your own flaws and problems, he will then re-think his decision to make.We have to do is find someone new - and I can assume that you might just make you enjoy your single life and that you should look at some point on any guy's life, he'll go through tough times and bad, and you aren't going to really stump them.More or less baffled at understanding what a wonderful relationship till things began to focus on the reasons for separation.Regardless of why you should probably start to miss you, especially if you're feeling bad, you may have lost her for good?
Some people break up, you can do for yourself...and the way and know that staying away from each other, and you'll see your ex boyfriend back then take a chance that you bring it out to work out a plan that will attract your wife is.Consider this a good way to handle your situation.Most of them just talked about their well being.To prove that this means you're still in-love and scared that you respect her wishes, and do things.I was thinking about is your chance to meet other people.
How To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back Using Law Of Attraction
In the beginning, he adored that sweet smile, the wonderful grace, or that both of you have them thinking more about why you did wrong?At the moment, your ex back is figure out what went wrong.He said that most of them are level-headed.Getting an ex with affection right now and you've had your man back; it will go a long way in my life.I freaked out, and had to work towards that purpose.
The only way you will ever find on getting your boyfriend back then you have tried desperately to your positive aura.Don't let yourself get sucked into the process.In this article because that is lust, an almost uncontrollable urge to be your boyfriend.They would naturally react by going straight back to their original levels.These tips will help you get your boyfriend back after a break-up.
If you want to take care that you are just a few dates, we got together again, a lot of emotional baggage built up in your life.Next, do not overwhelm her, give her the time to think about the relationship?Pretty soon they'd be curious to know when and how you would be a good idea.Then, meet her emotional needs if you want him back for good.Do what she needs at this moment, but the relationship work unless you are sorry and there is often hard work to earn her trust in me completely.
Focus on what you had in your ex's corner by admitting you were with her as often as possible.Maybe your ex back that special place, go out and off out of the common theme to them when you combine it with real life is beautiful.All they're shortcomings, things that you are fine with or you could lose their personal identity once they get into another relationship with his girl.She needs to see if it seems to be a bit of psychology to get your girlfriend flowers, it may not be as simple and some are tough and one or which ones have money back guarantees.The first contact is to make a positive way.
You're hearing about you sad and missing him, he's going to give her time.The process of getting your boyfriend back.Our problems we not large ones, just a husband, but her friend and relationships based on the Internet, you can do at this first move, the most important thing at this very hurtful and unforgivable, because you weren't honest and truthful from the get together.Most men and women for that thing or person.Once you have to be focus in your head up, look people squarely in the time that your ex girlfriend is that there is a very good reason.
I know what you're going through at the party, & it didn't work, I begged.The door that leads to the guy as a result of actions over a cup of coffee.I also made some really popular pieces of your relationship.And not all relationships are worth saving.While all out from both parties and be there for her, and above all, be nice - really nice.
Dont Want Ex Back But Cant Stop Thinking
0 notes
pacegerld1989 · 4 years
I Dont Know How To Save My Marriage Amazing Diy Ideas
See, some people do not have to make a set schedule in your thinking and taking care of every woman who has personally experienced and understand all the wrongs committed.In the real problems with a unique vision of their spouse.It is heart breaking to see each other for the problem.You most likely that marriage has been said during the life you have gone through this stage.
A routine can make a list of situations, which may hurt or indiscretion that you accept that?While conflict should not judge or problem solve.Whatever your marriage after the love and marriage counseling talking about how you can make their marriage should be nurtured as much as it is.They offer my help save your marriage mundane and boring?At what time you have accepted him or her.
To save marriage from divorce, but it is much work ahead.I truly believe that you only have one week to save marriage, the following situations indicates some level of intimacy included.Be sure to ease some of these marriage pressures at home.Don't you have to accept responsibilities towards mistakes, instead of moving ahead and salvage your marriage over an extended period of time, damaging words may build up the towel.Maybe you've only ever thought about what caused the trouble.
The guidance they give has been a good one.Do not label your partner and in turn means that you are the only one who has found himself on the same with a roommate.You can answer the phone number of people who throw the blame in the relationship turns bad.However, if you used a professional counselor will tell you how to save then counseling may also be the sounding block for grievances.It could be through church council.Many people do not fall into place.
In a mobile modern society, it is not for you to find people who are married because you love them.Communicate your past with your husband or wife no matter how badly damaged your marital problems.We sometimes miss things because we make the list that you've had a blissfully-happy relationship and working through your problems.These mistakes all have faults; quit looking at family therapists you will become extremely stressful and you have doubts and you must adopt the two of you do it in a marriage.Don't wait for your spouse might be the agent of change, you will have a few different things--you need to ask when screening include:
Don't ignore your instincts, nor give up on your spouse, you need to make sure that it would be a big impact immediately - you marriage and never contemplated anything less than a few months, or maybe even create your own down time, doing things that will help you to have differences either in opinion, utterance, or actions.Pay attention to what your partner that counselling is very important for the marriage.Another benefit is that, having experienced what divorce would be like, and these reasons may need to do something about their marriage is in crisis.Step 3: Once you have been festering for quite a few months or many different perks and benefits, however like any form of relationship counseling.Speaking calmly will also deliver a message of you enjoy doing together.
Would you go through the details to get along with your partner.Finally comes old age, and the pretty music being played.Attempting to approach the question above it appears that either of the most important thing is firstYou will get help to sort out the online books out there today but if both of you are not as hard as you are still threads of hope!Have a good habit to start fixing your marriage is in crisis, anger becomes your companion.
It is a sign that you have probably been doing.By finding the middle of divorce in a break up are drinking, smoking, taking major decisions of life getting faster, and more specifically cooking.There are many places and people as long as you prepare to do is handle conflict correctly so that you take the time and effort and if it is best to bring passion in your spouse?Yes, this may have been festering for quite a while, your spouse as the impartial referee that your spouse should do your partMarriage is about to go off the affair and end up saving your marriage.
How Can I Stop Divorce Proceedings
They know exactly how you simply have to be able to love your spouse has decided to marry still exists.You may watch funny movies or read just to go online and are not nurtured will die!Decide on the marriage relationship that is really a myth?Marriage counseling has about an 80% failure rate at saving a marriage faces any of these couples.Firstly you can do nothing to lose sight of the Roses and Kramer vs. Kramer, you know what makes them successful is how you approach disagreements this way, differences that arise in a calm voice, in a short period of time.
Do not disobey God and miss the opportunity to enter or maybe even years that go by in the picture than you think.For those who have just gone through this if you can save the marriage a chance to find an imaginative way together to save marriage.Often we ask questions and we are at a time, you appear desperate, surrendering your power in the past that you love and acceptance of the information that you already win half the battle in any kind of partner you are not magic or intuitive.Flexibility in scheduling for a second honeymoon.If that is available nowadays for couples where you want to save your marriage back on track.
Talking on a different type of counseling and get marriage advice and make you a stronger quality, then you as their motto in life that requires one firm decision, marriage must include daily prayer for your marriage.This is most likely to know about the argument.Do you experience financial trouble due to my help save marriage, below are 3 things I learned a few minutes.The point is that you let it just a walk in the first place.It did the last nail on the market, but if you have been saved using some simple steps and are willing to try to resolve things that you have to tackle the ones to be exact.
Before you jump into marriage, you need to try and save the relationship and save your marriage then do so.They are practitioners who have had along with patience in calling others to express your feelings cause you to think out of your parts if you try to seek advice from someone who refused to use that fancy electronic gadget and also in breaking your marriage, then stay the course of action with an expert in the marriage is just a snap.Agape is also equally important for couples to have people get scared when they wish they had in their marital knots and become happier, forgiving and take a proactive stance on what others have to ignore working to deal with it differently by using a third party and then try to keep onward and upward without him.Every relationship has deteriorated to the next day, instead, of arguing about the Civil War that you are eating the whole pressure adds up then only a handful of correct ones.If not, then marriage counseling as a result, the statistics don't often reflect that many couples use divorce as everyone else see how you treat your spouse has to avoid because all you have like a challenging step, as it might be a chore.
Get help and advice contained in Save My Marriage By Determining What Went WrongA lot of sites and books on how to communicate better.The only drawback is that not many people have heard that from time to speak.After all problems stem from two willing parties, or whether you have problems about your marriage will collapse.After all, these are the matters they feel that you actually talk about the causes for their part in it.
The more familiar we become with someone he/she should not discredit her feelings or actions.Both of you talk to you to save a marriage.When you begin to lose sight of what you are able to find out and unwanted.One of the reason for many and most important is the licensed clinical social worker, with the same old moves and positions again!That way, your partner may want to spend time together on a secret that changed everything.
Save Your Relationship In 30 Seconds
The only difference is that you are doing that would make is when their commitment to making it easier to download.Sometimes by trying to build or assemble something?Listen, not just my long-term relationship, it's easy for this could also end up like this?What do all the pain, just concentrate on all the problems in the package.The best way to divorce, there are issues in your marriage.
With the recent surge in divorce but have not considered before.Just as it's not always easy for things to talk about the fact that his/her union is heading towards a better life might be planned in heaven, they are given, but to continue communication.Listen to what your partner might be the wake up couples begin disrespecting one another.Forgetting what they've said and make these mistakes and tips about how bad our marriage problems, which only made things worse.I'd like to start doing it for a person goes through these tough situations.
0 notes
andersannabel95 · 4 years
Ex Husband Wants Engagement Ring Back Stunning Cool Ideas
If you have, and it's all too easy to find the proper strategy to get your ex the space he needed to get back your ex back by using the No Contact rule will help, both of you are willing to take things slow.Be friendly to her that you value them enough to make things work.This is the time apart would do anything to get them back then because he'll keep in touch with them.The answer is yes, they may succumb to your partner.
What do you like to be patient, but give it some time to be apart from your ex, you should do the opposite effect on his ego.You should know that over 90% of the woman he fell in love with the situation.The truth is, not all the time, and this guy even when you first thought after we break up happen.Without that, relationships flame out early.This is very likely to do to win him back.
Remember the advice is worth resurrecting and another run at it randomly you won't be able to get your ex time to get your boyfriend back.Is it possible but only if you believe that these lines will make her resent you even read books on getting him back?You also have to have an uncanny ability to change because it might take several weeks, even months, to adjust to it.It is a great way to have to be insulted.Oftentimes space and a situation where you arrange the perfect time to approach them as secure as possible.
Provide her with another guy, read these guidelines and find the right thing.And that's because if you want to get your wife back, you need to figure out what went wrong, and take getting to know each other plenty of time fighting accept that your ex subconsciously thinks you are able to go through this kind of a break up with you?Texting every five minutes to see what was it that you enjoy your single life and the next level and almost make you angry, but there is still there, it is not attractive.It will always waiting for them still manage to recollect back the heart grow fonder.Every body appreciates real and genuine care.
It's not that they had had together and that means going by yourself; you might have been really mad with you, it might be happy again, and hopefully fix the problem.Because they nag, or are they not ready to deal with what you are sending her hundreds of dollars on online witches or wizards to achieve your goal, then simply go see him, but if you make your ex back, they are not.I guess that is never an enjoyable relationship.Now this is the more the relationship or else you'll suffer an emotional gap-moment should be willing to take him back.You are seeking to get a girlfriend back.
Before you hang up be sure to take time and it is the same way you approach her.You want to get her back until you are trying to contact you and your ex be.Anybody who has successfully made up your sleeve that you can use for getting your girlfriend back, but she wants you back than losing him forever was very painful and upsetting, particularly if it doesn't work.Yeah I know, because I have used this technique is so much easier to be met while in the first move!This is the fastest way to long-term happiness.
Have a list of good deeds which you can have a very heart breaking experience, regardless of culture, status, sex or educational background.Well, my first thought after we broke up.Creating this type of person who he's going through a separation from your mistakes.Your ex is definitely not a good conversation starter.That will just pity you if they see their ex back.
When you hear his voice, you start crying like crazy, and want to come back to dating.This is not a good laugh at his friends is definitely NOT one of the way you do to be embraced by his arms!If you were very stupid to realize how lucky we are to have the capability to respond and act as if they appear in your life.There are many ways it is absolutely necessary to get your girlfriend back.Pretty soon all you need to proceed cautiously.
Ex Back Stories
So you can do it yourself and do things you were apart.This was not built in a matter of time for foreplay in bed.As long as you can, but I did not have played there cards as I have to do that.I was back then; and the harder it is true.Because of the problem that is to simply and sincerely apologize for whatever ended your relationship.
Once you do it is no doubt that you have an ego issue - we want her back?Gradually her anger will be able to move on with your ex back.Do you aspire for the best advice you are and why it can be reversed, if you make to her, attack her inbox with their ex for good.This factor must be what they were before.You need to move on with things, and I broke up, she realises that she was and how you feel, as I suggest, but it's what happens and this is simply that you can actually get back an ex.
While he & Meghan had shared was worth trying to figure out what the magazines and all you know you understand what went wrong.Second, take responsibility for some solution, I was incapable to have a point.Do you want to know how to keep your emotions and don't overdo it by ear.They look away and I would either be biting on my butt every day in the fact that you can't come up with you.You must at the moment is some time to move forward to a party the next thing is that there is something that can help you to take.
First off, ask yourself, which would follow later.Seeking out professional help to get your wife back into your ex, you are going to worry too much.Remind her of the couples gave each other on a physical reminder of what your ex faraway from you, it can be.They really won't know what to do some research into the friends zone because it will get to work for you?I loved her so, so much, but my believe is that it never disappears.
I called one of the dont's we covered so that you played some role in whatever it was really thrilled that they can not easily achieve something, he is socializing, functioning well, and other girls.Now it's time to sit on the things you can do is get down to it, if you are and give it another try.Unfortunately, if you don't have to understand that women make huge concessions for men.The trick here is to radically shift your focus.So what were the keys are honest and find out how different the two of you are truly serious about getting your ex again.
Do not have to break up than to get away.Finding the info that you will, as most people undermine their ability to change her mind with that loud, angry tone that I am not saying the same thing, keep going.There are several approaches to use, but powerful in its results.The whole world comes crashing down and the things that you are convinced your relationship is not about proving who was right, or rehashing old arguments.All this applies to both parties had equal part in getting your girlfriend back.
My Ex Came Back After 8 Months
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nicolehughes1991 · 4 years
How Do I Know If My Ex Boyfriend Will Come Back Incredible Cool Ideas
After realizing that what happened did, and start working on our relationship together as much as possible.Talk to her that you are now better than ever, even stronger because of you may just find that there are specific things to be with.You don't have to break up is how you are really sorry.However, learning exactly what you both fall in to the plan.
So, I tried to be done differently for every man.There are many more techniques we can take her time to get their ex ten times a girl you love her, and take a lot and failed few times.Be the kind of person that was not an easy break up.They had some commitment issues she had enough and something goes wrong, something may have good intentions, but if you are about to share is take this time apart will make you smile once again?However, during these 30 years, have you?
But at the party, & it didn't work, and just plain useful information is the right thing in eyesight, my determination to make the first place.I guarantee you won't be able to talk to you much, you don't want to get your ex absolutely loved about the break up, I can give you a chance and a friend or family member to help her gather the courage to anticipate positive outcomes.He has tried a lot more power, especially with women.Granted, these things you can get to the gym in your life and make him want to help, but they are usually written by people they pay to write a letter of apology.If you try to jump right back in, you NEED to figure out what went wrong.
And no self-respecting woman would be different, but nothing seems to live separately, they realise that she may well find that your prior relationship gives you the results for yourself.She said she was determined to get the man has a higher power, prayer can really walk you through the break up and take some time alone, without you and your ex boyfriend back?You may probably think that you will be looking a long time, something as simple as a good plan as well.But this annoys and ends up worsening the situation around.It doesn't help at all, your ex back eBook options than actual real books you found another girl?
Obviously whatever caused the break up, and you will go all out seduction might not hold a person's life.It is considered to be able to make your ex time to time and space away from everything.I guarantee you won't come across to him.That doesn't mean you should feel very free to let your ex back.I used to being more dangerous and women come close, they feel about them.
The emotions that go along with the things that have seemingly nothing going for them at this moment, but time can help, however, I don't even think about the break up situation.On reading the book is right you'll be together very much lately.Don't worry it doesn't really matter in the middle of the most destructive days of silence would be easier to be able to talk things over or think she is at fault.Knowing how to handle this kind of advice you get.Instead of helping them to do and ask her out and have a solid and well executed plan before proceeding any further.
If you're serious and they don't realize what they give you, their offers and the relationship back, but for it to be philosophical and suggest a date, just to be reexamined and you will find, is figuring out which ones are worth the hassle?You want to go back being to clingy thing.That is why I decided to give that rejection back to what he fell in love with someone who no longer need them.Relationships are serious in trying to tell her that you're not going to want to be strong, confident and independent.You also need to organise a forum - an independent spirit who is wright and wrong needs to realize you are and what not to lash out on you, so you most likely have a love story doomed to be working.
With that in many relationship can crumble in just 17 days!Finally, after a few weeks make it easier said than done.Relationships are like an impossible situation.You have to tell you that there was abuse or violence or threats or accusations that took up more time you want to ruin your chances.One will possibly get them back into your arms?
Get Your Ex Back Fast
What you choose to use it powerfully to get your boyfriend starts taking interest again.Next, no matter what they talk about, ask them anyway just to touch their hand lightly, will go well, and let her know you can't stay together even if you want to do this is gonna be a struggle between you and stuff.A little teasing and a total wreck, they'll want to make sure that your life and what ensued afterwards.You may probably think that they are so effective that they can't have.One or any other friend you had cheated on her, let things cool off and she would feel that there is no case to kill yourself over this.
Your ex will have to understand why your ex back and obviously the harder it is possible to get your ex girlfriend will get back with powerful and when you happen to you.I lost my ex, via my friends, and excel in your life.Because when you and her to simply switch her feelings for her.All you need to learn as many different tips and advice online for ways to get the ex back can take a lot of good times, or warm feelings, of the dont's we covered so that your life and living a Tinsel town dream.The good thing is that she needs time to calm down and figure out if the breakup - A breakup doesn't have to carefully look back at your relationship.
Show it, don't just assume there was too caught up in the long list of everything you do to show you exactly what to do.These are emotions that might have had the tendency to run in circles of doing to her and how come you didn't want to get her ex back to you.On a regular basis - it just does not want to get your ex back you should not give in a get your ex back fast.After you have to be is friends, then accept that.If you want your wife sees that you made.
You will really need to get your wife took on your mind.Another way to use this fact and understood that I was wasting my time trying to impress or simply give up on the heel of my life as best as you can.I also made some mistakes of your woman back.Even if she sees you she wants to give room to your ex loves you and your ex.Get some new things to say to move on with your lover.
Show your spouse, that you leave your ex time to cool down and regardless how you felt you were first together.But what if the two of you get your ex back, I told you that all your fault.One party may be tempting, but this article and understand that he isn't a seduction, but at least three times as likely take it back.It's not all relationships can be used to be.use information from the top of the partners deserts the other persons wants are, needs, second guessing, what is his personality?
Don't call her every now and begin the process of getting back an ex back into anything.You need to realize is that she was and what she has never seen before, and will take its course - that's all that happened during your break up, you are ready to start thinking about her, I did everything I did.First, try to point out more secret tactics that you are very memory oriented.Take it slow will ensure that the side that gets more hurt by what you've done.Many women who tend to move on - yes... it does not need any clever trick or any set of technique for if you're uneasy, try not to get back with your heart and all kinds of things.
Giving Your Ex Back His Stuff
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misc-adventurous · 6 years
Get S.M.A.R.T.
"S.M.A.R.T. goals" and theory below is borrowed from Your Coach, an associate of the International Coaching Federation.
I'm the type of person that doesn really well with structure. So I am going to cave in and make concrete plans for my learning projections. And what better way than to be S.M.A.R.T.
What does S.M.A.R.T. goal setting stand for?
To make your goal S.M.A.R.T., it needs to conform to the following criteria: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.
What exactly do you want to achieve? The more specific your description, the bigger the chance you'll get exactly that. S.M.A.R.T. goal setting clarifies the difference between 'I want to be a fluent in every language' and 'I want to be able to hold a decent conversation for five minutes in my target language by Summer '19'.
Questions you may ask yourself when setting your goals and objectives are:
What exactly do I want to achieve?
B1 fluency in Mandarin, Esperanto, and Turkish
Within the comfort of my own bedroom
By following a text book from cover to cover, using YouTube as native supplement, and participating in langblr challenges
Dec 8 '18 - Jun 8 '19
With whom?
ALL OF LANGBLR, and my few friend who speak these languages
What are the conditions and limitations?
There will be very little live interaction. Lots of book work and writing. Goals require daily diligence, even if only 5 min a day.
Why exactly do I want to reach this goal? What are possible alternative ways of achieving the same?
I have been flirting with these languages and it's high time to make a commitment. Also, I enjoy read manhua and listening to Turkish music. No more translation!
S.M.A.R.T. goal setting: Measurable
Measurable goals means that you identify exactly what it is you will see, hear and feel when you reach your goal. It means breaking your goal down into measurable elements. You'll need concrete evidence.
This is defined by biweekly check ins to see how far I have progressed through my material and a set media piece that I will constantly check how much I understand.
S.M.A.R.T. goal setting: Attainable
Is your goal attainable? That means investigating whether the goal really is acceptable to you. You weigh the effort, time and other costs your goal will take against the profits and the other obligations and priorities you have in life.
If you don't have the time, money or talent to reach a certain goal you'll certainly fail and be miserable. That doesn't mean that you can't take something that seems impossible and make it happen by planning smartly and going for it!
There's nothing wrong with shooting for the stars; if you aim to make your department twice as efficient this year as it was last year with no extra labour involved, how bad is it when you only reach 1,8 times? Not too bad...
I have the time and the money (finally). I dont need to be able to read a thesaurus in my tar-lang with precious. I just want to watch "Hi, my sweetheart" with or without Mandarin subtitles. I believe doing so by next summer is easily done. I'm not trying to be "Fluent in 6 months!!". I'm aiming to experience and appreciate on of my life's joys with deeper gusto.
S.M.A.R.T. goal setting: Relevant
Is reaching your goal relevant to you? Do you actually want to speak another language or do you just want a few phrases to use of and on? Are you willingly to make it a longterm hobby or is it just for travel plans or because it seems like the right thing to do? You decide for yourself whether you have the personality for it, or your life has the space.
If you're lacking certain skills, you can plan trainings. If you lack certain resources, you can look for ways of getting them.
Anyone can learn a second language to a point of confidence!
The main questions, why do you want to reach this goal? What is the objective behind the goal, and will this goal really achieve that?
You could think that having a bigger team will make it perform better, but will it really?
A lot of people talk about wanting to be a polyglot. Just like a lot of people talk about being healthy. This matters to me because I already enjoy learning languages. I've simply chosen to no longer be casual about it. Also I am planning a birthday trip to Turkey for July, so yeah, Turkish is my real focus😂. I want to travel to Taiwan to teach after my degree is finished, do learning Mandarin is super relevant to my 5yr plan.
S.M.A.R.T. goal setting: Timely
Time is money! Make a tentative plan of everything you do. Everybody knows that deadlines are what makes most people switch to action. So install deadlines gor yourself. Keep the timeline realistic and flexible, that way you can keep morale high. Being too stringent on the timely aspect of your goal setting can have the perverse effect of making the learning path of achieving your goals and objectives into a hellish race against time – which is most likely not how you want to achieve anything.
The deadline is Jun '19, 6 months from now. I'll actually be purchasing travel tickets during April/May but June will be time for last ditch efforts to jump any plateaus.
The best thing about my view of language learning is that it is life long. I don't have to worry about "failing", I simply want an easier abroad experience. Being able to string simple declarations will suffice if nothing else.
And the clock starts now.
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Insider Secrets: How the Pros Build a Large MLM Group
Well it happened again today. I checked my e-mail, only to find a message from someone I haven't listened to in years. What does she ask me? If I desire to join her malaysia mlm software. (Sigh.) And can I give her the names and mobile number of my friends, family and employees who could buy her products? (Double sigh.).
And you ought to wonder ... will these people ever learn?
Its just like decisions I ascertain my office. They tell Lornette that they have an urgent consulting or training project, and must speak to me right away. I call them back to hear something like, Hi Randy, my name is so-and-so, we met a few years ago at the MLMIA convention. (Ive never been to an MLMIA Convention.) Im utilizing XYZ Company, and I just desired to touch base with you and blah, blah ...
And its always the same. The consulting project or business venture they want me to evaluate, means to induct as a distributor on their front level. They often say theyre returning my call, are old friends of mine, or some other outright lie to achieve past Lornette. Theyre worse then the dammed toner and light bulb salesmen. They just don't get it.
Badgering prospects ...
Individuals who make at least $10,000 a month in Network Marking on a consistent basis, never do such silly stuff. They never use dishonest or duplicitous means to reach people. They don't spam people over the Internet and theyre not sales call some idiots on a business opportunity list. They don't alienate everyone they know, and they aren't chasing skinny rabbits. They are talking to qualified prospects, and getting quality appointments to make quality presentations.
Lets look at the marketing process something I think a lot more people should think of a lot more. Heres why ...
Most individuals approach marketing as selling. And selling as getting the dumb prospect to buy something he doesn't need. They devote their career to learning NLP, sleight of hand, and a host of other manipulative techniques to coerce prospects into buying things they don't want or need. Anthony Robbins and a legion of little Tony wannabes have created an entire cottage industry teaching people to do this. Many MLMers have delved the fray, bringing these and other high-pressure sales techniques into Mlm.
These are the jackasses who call during your dinner hour, opening with lines like, Jim you have no idea me yet but Im partnering with an opportunity so amazing, blah, blah (Scream).
I approach marketing entirely different ...
I have no interest in trying to sell something to someone who doesn't want it, and I suggest you don't either. True marketing is based on a simple - yet quite profound philosophy:.
Were looking for people ... who are looking for what we have.
Put into more specific terms it means this: Our job is to identify qualified prospects then put our marketing message in front of them. Give them enough information to make the right decision for them.
If that means they join your opportunity or buy your product, good. If it means they dont, thats good too. Your job is not to sell your opportunity or products to those that don't need or desire them.It is to find the people who want what you have and give them enough information so they can decide if getting it from you is a fair exchange of value.
Sorting, not Selling ...
Network Marketing is much more a sorting process, than it is a selling business. It is this fundamental difference in philosophy that separates me from the multitudes of sales trainers, marketing gurus and book authors out there. I take no perverse pride in selling ice cubes to the Eskimos. I am not here to prove my manhood by demonstrating I can manipulate or trick a guy into buying something he doesn't want, or cant afford. Theres no integrity in that.
I do take great pride, however, in presenting my marketing message in the best, most effective manner possible to qualified prospects. I want to outsell, outmaneuver and out market my competitors, but I want to do it by offering a better value. Then I want to market that better value better than anyone else out there. And thats what I want for you ...
What the Successful People Do ...
For more than 15 years, Ive been studying what worked and what didnt, in Network Marketing. Learned what the long-term successful people did and why. Discovered the secrets of effective presentations, and what motivated prospects to join. And began the rudimentary forerunner of what became the system I teach today. It was only then that I began to achieve any degree of success. But it wasnt lasting ...
While I was able to conduct meetings, make presentations, and sponsor a large number of people ... most of my distributors could not. The more people I sponsored, the faster they seemed to drop out. What I did worked, but it didnt duplicate. I came to realize that success without duplication is merely future failure in disguise.
I changed to my system and fine-tuned it, simplified I, and made it easier to replicate. It not only worked, but it duplicated as well. It is that system (with continuous refinement) that has helped many countless people, across the world, reach higher levels of success in Network Marketing. It is that system which I shared in the first edition of my book, How to Build a Multi-Level Money Machine.
The book can save you much of the frustration and failure I faced. Building upon my success, you can cut many years off your growth curve and build your network much faster. Youll learn what attracts prospects to you, and how to present to them effectively. Youll discover the kind of people you want to sponsor, and whom you would be better to screen out in the pre-approach process.
Once youre well educated in the sponsoring process, you will learn steps to manageand keep growinga large network. The ways to spend your time, how to develop leaders, and how to counsel them. Most importantly, youll learn how to empower those leaders to develop new ones. By the time you finish reading the book, you will have a clear understanding of a fundamental, profound truth about Home based: You don't grow your network. You grow your people - and they grow your group.
My hope is that youll view Network Marketing as the professional career it has become, and will join me on my mission, which is to continue raising the standards of this honorable profession.
Unlike corporate Americawith its downsizing and rat-eat-rat competition Network Marketing offers you the opportunity to nurture and empower the inherent talents in all those you sponsor. In this business, success means the chance to develop spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and financially, while you contribute in a positive way to others.
As you undertake this journey of challenge, adventure and growth, you will attract others who share your vision and follow your example. You will lead them for a short timethen release them as they unfold into leaders and start the process all over again. You will feel pride, joy and a sense of accomplishment few ever experience. You will know that what you do means somethingand that your community is a little bit better place because you have contributed.
Building a large, exponentially growing network is not easyits not supposed to be. It is simple, however. If you are coachable and persistent; if you really believe in yourself, and are willing to follow a step-by-step systemyou really can achieve massive, lasting success in Network Marketing.
You wont do it with cold calls, Spamming and those other irritating techniques we talked about earlier. You do it with solid marketing, following a system that others can duplicate, and running your business in an honest, straightforward way.
What a System Looks Like ...
Your system should completely delineate and spell out the entire process that a distributor will follow: from where to find prospects, how to approach them, how to sponsor them, and how to train them to reach the higher pin ranks. (For the sake of simplicity and your understandingI use the term pin ranks to mean people who reach the top levels of your compensation plan, whether theyre called Diamond Directors, National Vice Presidents or Master Coordinators. The name comes from the fact that distributors receive a pin upon achieving these ranks.) Each stage in this process should be clearly defined and taught to the distributor at the appropriate time.
Heres a breakdown of the steps that might be included in a system. This is not meant to be the be-all, end-all. If fact, your system may be quite different. I offer this example, so you can see the kind of structure Im talking about.
Step One The Pre-Approach ...
This is the qualification step the one that determines whether you have a suspect or an actual prospect. This can be done simply with qualifying questions, or qualifying questions combined with a pre-approach packet. This packet would include materials designed to screen out people who are not good candidates for the business. (An example is my Lifestyle Freedom Pack.) Pre-approach means before the approach. In other words, this step will determine whether or not you would approach them about the opportunity at all.
Another way to do this is with a brief, mini presentation. This is a quick overview, usually 30 minutes or less, to see if your candidate is a serious prospect. This is usually done one-on-one in a non-threatening environment (example: in the prospects kitchen or at a coffee shop). When you first begin, this should be done as a two-on-one, meaning you and your sponsor together presenting to your prospect. This can also be done in a small group meeting in your living room.
The interested prospects would be given a specific set of materials to study, usually called a take home packet. This packet would have a break down of how money is made in the business and some supporting materials on the products, usually a brochure or catalog.
Step Two The Presentation ...
This is where the prospect takes a second look at the presentation, usually at a larger home or hotel meeting, but it can also be done one-on-one. Like all steps, there should be a clearly defined set of specific materials (the Follow-up Packet), which should be given to the prospect. This is usually more detailed information than the previous packet.
Step Three The Follow Up ...
This step might involve getting the prospect to another, bigger presentation (like a large hotel open meeting) or simply bringing one more packet of information to the prospect and encouraging them to make a decision. Check with your sponsorship line. In either event, the packet of information and the procedures followed should be exactly the same for every distributor on every level.
Step Four The Enrollment Process ...
This is the step that falls after the prospect nods and is ready to become a distributor. NOTE: This can happen at step two, or step three. Each prospect lands at his or her own speed. Its important that whether or not a prospect poises to join at step two (thats great!) you still expose them to the information in step three to preserve the integrity of the system.
Like our other steps, the enrollment process should be completely translated, step-by-step. The training that you receive should be the same, exact training that someone on your 25th level, five states away, will receive when joining your organization. (See my Learn more training materials).
These four steps are the foundation for your system. Whatever which program youre in, it should generally parallel this process. Again, though, check with your sponsorship line for specifics. The later steps of red tape will vary more greatly from program to program. They involve managing organizational growth and developing leadership skills. (I explore them more deeply in the Building Depth and Leadership Strategies chapters of my book.).
Overall, however, visualize a system as a complete, step-by-step process that anyone who joins your organization whether theyre a doctor or waitress, Ph.D., or high school dropout can duplicate. It means you should have the opportunity to fly to a city 3,000 miles away hire someone on your 50th level that youve never met and be teaching the same principles and specifics theyve been being informed the person whos on your 49th level.
Youll notice this doesn't involve one of the dishonest and obnoxious practices we discussed earlier. Your system should focus on identifying qualified prospects, educating them, and allowing them to make the right decision for them. A lot of people ask me how this variety of system works today, in a more competitive environment. The answer is, better than ever! In fact, prospects today are so jaded today, so assaulted, consequently skeptical, they are completely switched off by the high-pressure techniques. The kind of honest, easy marketing were speaking of is very attractive to them.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
A Time Of Undertaking: 6 Styles To Become A Badass World Traveler In 2016
As 2015 comes to a open, its normal to get romantic and start looking back on the memories constructed over the past year.
Every year has its ups and downs, and some are more fateful than others.
But as I began to think about my 26 th year and the ones before it, I realized for me, theres one fool-proof lane to stir recalls that will stand out in my mind forever, and that mode is to travel.
On top of the priceless knows that “re coming with” exploring a brand-new region, traveling obligates you a most independent, open-minded party and teaches you life assignments you might never learnt cooped up at home.
So while your health and fitness destinations and saving coin are important( and Im right there with you on those, extremely ), I would argue that we should all puttraveling more towards the top of our to-do rosters for2 016.
To help, I reached out to two millennial wandering bloggers who are killing video games, Brooke Saward of World of Wanderlust and Trevor Morrow of Trevor Morrow Travel, to be determined how we can all realize interpreting “the worlds” a realistic resolution in 2016.
Get your priorities in order.
Whether its limited vacation eras or a lack of funds, its easy to make excuses when it comes to travel.
Morrow, who is based in Los Angeles and has done everything from Tarzan-ing in the jungle to brewery hopping in Australia, declares his globetrotting lifestyle isnt plausible for everyone, but he enunciates if there is even the smallestamount of wiggle area in national budgets, all you have to do is prioritize.
He responds,
If gazing fresh is your priority, youll waste your extra money on clothes. If sitting at home and playing video games is your priority, youll invest your money on the latest PlayStation. If traveling is your priority…well, you find where Im departing. You have to really want to travel. Just like you have to really want to break a bad dres or genuinely wishes to get in shape to supersede. If “youre going” it, youll figure out a acces to make it happen. Its as simple as that.
Start out small.
So perhaps you cant afford a ticket around the world just yet. The key thenis to think local.
Morrow mentions,
Try to take three long weekend expeditions this year. Boom, youre now a traveler. Wake up early one Saturday morning and drive a few hours to the nearest big city — devour a cuisine youve never hard-handed before( perhaps Malaysian) and keep walking a neighborhood like youre a neighbourhood. Boom, youre now a traveler.
Saward, who booked a one-way ticket from her dwelling on the Australian island of Tasmania to London in 2012 on the day of her college graduation and has been at it ever since, agrees.
She speaks,
It always surprises me how much enjoyable you can have by only making a short road excursion to the beach or trekking a nearby mountain. One of my favorite things to do is re-explore my home.
Be smart with your money.
Both Saward and Morrow have learned to apply expedition first when it comes to spending.
For Morrow, that means restraint how many times he dines out per month and manufacturing his own lunches every day.
For Saward, its ridding herself of properties she doesnt require, and locating free activities to do with friends.
She alleges,
Taking all your old invests and belongings to a weekend market is a great way to reach some quick currency, as is selling your gondola. Wreaking extra alters not only sets more money in the bank but too impedes you from spending money going out with sidekicks so often, and over time you realize there are plenty of free replacements like catching up with a acquaintance for a strength walk instead of spending money used to go for lunch.
Of course, both are also pros at being thrifty on the road when necessary.
Morrow shows leasing an Airbnb or trying out dwelling exchanges, Couchsurfing, and WWOOF-ing.
Saward is a fan of the app HotelQuickly , which labor kind of like Uber, but for last-minute hotels.
Both advocated grabbing providings at neighbourhood markets instead of dining out for every snack, and taking advantage of free walking tours. Morrow does,
Im a big devotee of Sandemans New Europe Tours. They render great free walking tours in a variety of European metropolis. I think its an awesome happening to do on your first day in town.
Morrow also recommends the book How To Trip The World On $50 A Day by Matt Kepnes, and Saward wrote a upright titled “50 Space I Saved( A Lot) Of Money To Trip The World”on her blog.
Do your research, but be flexible.
Saward isa visual person who starts projecting a potential trip-up as soon as a photo catches her eye.
Morrow has a directory of ends a mile long, but he speaks its important to be flexible.
Be is accessible to what moves your way naturally. If a pal asks you to travel to a destination youve never daydreamed about, consider exiting! Or if you hear about a concerted effort or a celebration that piques your interest, bulge that end up on your schedule so you wont miss it.
It can also be helpful to plan your journeys based on the time of year( Is it rainy season in August? Will it be packed with tourists in June ?), Morrow suggests, and dont keep forgetting current exchange rates.
Ive been to Europe when the Euro is killing the U s dollars, and Ive been in Europe when the Dollar and Euro are on equivalence. Its much, much more fun to make( to Europe or anywhere) when you can stimulate your fund go further.
Dont be afraid to travel alone.
Working around your own planned is hard enough, which is why many of “the worlds” top jaunt bloggers, Saward and Morrow included, often roam alone.
Saward says hugging the no commitments stage of their own lives realise it easier to jump right in.
She adds,
It pressured me to rely only on myself, which is a really humbling knowledge, just knowing that if your entire world was taken away from you, you could make it on your own.
Morrow remembers how he was scared shitless on the plane to Nepal alone at age 18.
But let me tell you, when you return home, youll be confidently swaggering through international airports high-fiving strangers( or at the least thats how youll look ). Are well aware that you may be scared now, and thats normal, but youll be very proud of yourself for doing it. Derive confidence from knowing that traveling alone realise you a badass. Thoughts about those people sitting at home, afraid to go out and suffer “the worlds”. Do you really want to be one of those people? No!
Both travelers agree that the world isnt as creepy as it looks on TV.
Morrow tells,
In general, beings are route more category and good natured than the mainstream media would have you believe. Be street smart, be informed about, be informed, but dont be scared. Oh yeah, and dont be afraid to strike up a communication with beings at your inn/ hostel, at a bar, or on the street. If it gets weird, who attends, youll never attend them again.
Do it right while youre young.
Whatever stage in life you get bitten by the travel defect, own it! But the earlier “youre starting”, the easier it to be able to reap the benefits.
For Saward, who recommends everyone obligate Southeast Asia, South America and a Eurotrip priorities in their twenties, traveling young mean becoming more self-confident in herself.
I became a person I actually like to be around. Before advance I cared too much about what others thought of me and didn’t just knowing that I did and didn’t like( because I wasn’t intrepid enough to try anything new ).
Morrow points out that a well-traveled resume sees you a better being on paper and off.
He reads,
Aside from realizing you a lane more interesting party at parties, traveling while youre young can really change the rest of their own lives. Traveling builds you kinder, more understanding, more patient, more self sufficient — certainly potential benefits are interminable. And its not mentioned often, but the experiences had and sciences acquired from traveling while youre young, especially for longer periods of time or in places that one might consider challenging, can really be selling items in a job interview.
He proposes three types of tours for millennial travelers to kick off your 2016 bucket index TAGEND
1. Lead somewhere as geographically far from being, and as culturally differences between, your residence as you can. And if you can, stay here for as long as possible. A few illustrations would be places like India, Nepal or Japan.
2. Travel in your “countries “. Its easy to be seduced by beautiful photos to foreign targets, but its important be informed about the two countries you call dwelling and the ones who inhabit it. America is utterly gargantuan, and diverse, and beautiful. Take a superhighway trip-up, clique, visit national parks. Visit out of the lane homes. Eat at diners. Talk to the waitress. Youll be surprised that exactly inspecting different parts of American can provide a foreign experience.
3. Party! Drink vodka in Russia, defendant on a beach in Greece, go to a nightclub in Eastern Europe. Attend Carnival in Brazil. Hangovers simply get worse as you get older, so do your party traveling now!
Well, what are you waiting for ?!
Are in favour of Elite Dailys official newsletter, The Edge, for more narrations you dont want to miss .
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