#but i was talking to ric about this earlier and im still thinking about it
yuheartss · 6 months
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IN WHICH— Rick grimes meets and takes in the most sarcastic girl known to man in one of her sarcastic comments she tells him that she’s the girl of his dreams
wc : 884
warnings! - fem!reader, poc!reader, unedited , lowercase intended!
a/n: this ws just in my notes I thought I’d finish it or whatever 🤷🏾‍♀️
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You hid in the trees after the war between the governor and the sheriff ended it had been days and you were going in circles soon you got tired of that your stomach growling and attracting even more walkers you sighed and clutched your stomach and looked around hoping to find that prison the governor always led you and your former group to “ugh..where is it?” You muttered underneath your breath
You whine as you see two walkers make their way towards you your vision weakened slightly to your loss of food and water you stumbled your way towards them muttering “my black ass better not die..” and just when you were about to hit two gunshots rung in your ears you turned to see — look at a blurry figure that lowered its gun and trudged towards you
You stumbled back rubbing your eyes to make your vision clearer “wha-“ you started the figure now turned man grabbed your arm and pulled you close to his chest he whispered in your ear “I saw you with the governor, what are you doing here?” His voice low and threatening you shivered under his gaze
“Im not workin for the governor anymore alright? I just..can I not switch sides?” You stumble over your word’s slightly your lack of sleep,food and water finally caught up to you the man held you in his grip tighter “can ….can you let me go? S’ startin to hurt” you pleaded knees buckling from your overall dizziness
“You look like you’re about to pass out” he acknowledged now holding onto both of your arms “no shit Sherlock I’ve been out here for days” you sneered with a voice full of sarcasm the man opened his mouth to say something back but you fainted
your head leaned in his chest your limbs were limp the man sighed, took off your backpack and put it on his back the machete that you were carrying made it’s way to the back of your backpack as he wrapped his arms under your back and legs he hoisted you up to carry you bridal style
A while passed you you could hear voices “why did you bring her? You clearly said that she was working for the governor” a male voice protested “let’s at least give her a chance to explain herself Glenn” another voice, woman, reconciled “we’ve already had a virus attack do you really think it’s best to let another’s person here?” The voice “Glenn” spoke
“She wasn’t bit Glenn” an elder voice spoke up “she’s fine” you heard a lot of shifting and two sets of footsteps came towards you “watcha gon’ do with her?” A more gruff man asked you heard pants shift as if the other person had just shifted legs “ask her some questions first” that same man from earlier responded
You stir awake you rubbed your eyes and sat up “where am I?” yawning you stretch your arms glancing at the two very good looking men that stared back at you they looked at each other than back at you the man that you met earlier spoke up “your in the prison, now what’s your name?”
You turned your feet so they were on the ground you pushed yourself up off the bed and stood in-front of them “if I told you that then I wouldn’t be as mysterious anymore” you joked earning a scoff from the man with the crossbow “just tell us your name, no time for jokes” the man replied crossing his arms you sighed as your stomach growled “Y/N..” you trailed off looking at your stomach
“Soo…can i know your names or what because if I get killed i at least want to be killed knowing the names of two hot men that’ve killed me” you explained in a matter of fact tone “you talk too much” the crossbow guy turned to leave “okay well fuck you too then” you rolled your eyes
The first man was still standing there and staring at you “staring problem much?” You taunted putting a hand on your hip “maybe…I’m Rick” he readjusted his arm position “and the other guy was Daryl” you nodded as Daryl came back with some food and water “Hershel wanted me to give this to ‘er” Daryl told Rick handing you the food
You were hesitant to eat “come out of the cell you can eat at a table” Rick noticed your unease as you walked out of the cell to see a couple standing on the next floor by the stairs an order man sat down at a table looking at his medicine from your right you see a boy protecting a blonde and the baby that she carried the whole room was silent except for the footsteps of you, Daryl and Rick and the soft coos of the baby
“Where were you trying to go?” Rick spoke up just as you sat down next to the older man “here“ you answered sniffing the food before taking a bite “why?” He asked standing next to you as you ate “so you could meet me, the girl of your dreams” Ricks face once serious turned into a look of shock and amusement “the girl of my dreams?” He repeated
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leclerced · 2 months
I found the bracelet! I’m so relieved I didnt actually loose it just put it in a different drawer😮‍💨
Also I’ve listened to news from F1. I swear if they put Ric in Red Bull imma combust on the place. This guy needs to retire sorry not sorry. Give Liam a seat or I’ll fucking show up on your doorstep red bull. Newey’s possible contract talks with Ferrari are in kind of a dead end. The wind whispers he considers McLaren or Aaston. Rolex’ contract comes to an end. It was for 50 million. Now the company that owns the big things like LV and this shit I believe will be the sponsor. I mean in Poland we have a saying “z deszczu pod rynnę” and…yeah… Toyota wants some kind of deal with Haas but rather small one (the wind/aerodynamic tunnel? Is that what it’s called?). Possibly Ocon to Haas. What’s Ollie done in his short 19 years of life to deserve this? Hopes and prayers if it’s true
im so glad you found it !! i knew it would turn up. this post takes up my whole screen on my pc so im adding a read more for everyone's sake.
i think they should knock out two birds with one stone and retire checo and daniel, then put yuki in the rb because he's been in the vcarb since 2021, and put liam and a new driver in the vcarb seats. and if yuki doesn't do well in the rb, they can swap him and liam around so yuki can mentor the new rookie on the vcarb team or somethinggg idk.
i saw that ferrari apparently doesn't want to pay newey as much as he wants (they spent all their money on lewis?) but mclaren and aston will, so we will see how that turns out. i personally think it'd be fun to have lewis in a car designed by newey, so i still would like to see him go to ferrari but it doesn't look like it'll happen.
the lvmh group or whateverrr owns tag heuer, who currently sponsors redbull and used to be their official time keeper and had their engine branded with tag heuer until their partnership with toyota began! so likely, tag heuer will be the new time keepers instead of rolex. wonder what will happen with the redbull sponsorship, are they going to keep supporting the bulls or will they solely be sponsoring f1 as a whole?? i looked up that saying and it seems we have it here too! out of the frying pan and into the fire. it's a good one and very fitting for a lot of things currently
the article i skimmed earlier was talking about haas using toyota's technical facility in germany because they have better/more specialized equipment including two wind tunnels, (it mentioned other things too that i don't recall) and more employees, so it would all around be better for the research and development of future cars!
im so confused about ocon at haas tbh i don't know what to think about that. i genuinely forget he exists sometimes. oopsies. im rooting for ollie, i hope he does well when he gets a seat. i'd hate to see another rookie be bumped up too early ):
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fyrewalks · 2 years
also, justice for chimney han’s forehead scar. i miss it. 
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taviewritesstuff · 7 years
If You’d Only Listened
A/N: Before anyone asks, this snippet is Vulaan Kulaas’ fault. XD Her review on my last chapter of Blazin’ Trails inspired me to write some angsty brotherly fluff.
And for obvious reasons, this short’s considered AU to the main series.
WARNINGS: Mentions of graphic violence, including eye scream.
The door to the doctor’s office slammed open, and Doc Johnson didn’t need to look up to see who’d burst in. “I was fixin’ to call you, Ricochet,” he said.
“How is he?” Ricochet asked.
Johnson picked up the strain in his voice, and he turned to look at the sheriff. Ricochet’s expression was angry, but he could feel the worry in those eyes. He took off his glasses and sighed. “Well…he’s been better,” he said. “He won’t be goin’ anywhere for a couple of weeks after he wakes up…if he wakes up that is.”
“He will,” Ricochet said, walking over to the bed. “I know he will. He’s tougher than he looks.”
Doc Johnson held out a hand. “I don’t think you want to see this, Ricochet.”
“I need to see if he’s alright,” Ricochet replied, a little more firmly, trying to push his way past.
“I’m not lyin’ when I’m sayin’ it’s pretty gruesome.”
“And I’m not lyin’ when I’m sayin’ that I’ve seen my share of gruesome injuries, some of which on my own person,” he said. “Let me see.”
“I’m not leavin’ this room ‘til I do,” Ricochet replied sternly, fixing him with a glare.
Johnson didn’t want to let him by, but he knew if he didn’t, it was going to get physical. Sighing, he pushed his stool aside.
“Thanks,” Ricochet said softly, and stepped forward, but he stopped just as quickly. He didn’t make a move to get closer to the bed, his eyes locked onto Droop-a-Long’s face.
The coyote’s fur was burned to a near black around his neck and the back of his head, where much of it was gone. His muzzle was also lined with horrific jagged cuts, some of which were covered with bandages, but most of them were exposed, and some were deep. But the sight of a white bandage covering his left eye was what’d stopped him. There was still blood leaking from it, dribbling down the side of his face.
He didn’t need to ask what had happened—he’d seen a few people lose their eyes, once at his own hand.
“…it was that Silverhorn feller, wasn’t it?” Johnson asked.
“Yeah. This fits the way he operates,” Ricochet said. Even as he said it, he was starting to see red. “The burns, the cuts, the…the eyes…it all fits ‘im.”
“Sheriff, calm down,” Johnson replied, and his hand was soon on Ricochet’s arm. “Don’t get too worked up.”
Ricochet didn’t even notice his arm was shaking until he looked at it. He turned his gaze at the doctor. “Sorry,” he said, and willed himself to calm down, but couldn’t. Imagining what Silverhorn had done to his deputy was only making it worse. “I’m sorry, Doc.”
“I can’t blame ya for bein’ mad, Sheriff. But if you’re goin’ after Silverhorn, don’t do anythin’ rash,” Johnson said.
“I think I’d have the right to in this case,” Ricochet said.
“He nearly butchered Droop-a-Long alive,” Ricochet ground out. “And he took his eye. As sheriff, it’s my sworn duty to bring him in…but as Droop-a-Long’s friend, I’m not gonna let him get off easy for what he did.”
“I…I need a few moments, Doc,” Ricochet said, turning to face Droop-a-Long. “Right now, I need ta be alone.”
The last thing the sheriff needed was to be alone, Doc thought, but he knew that even if he opposed it, Ricochet wouldn’t listen. He never listened when it came to things like this. “I’ll be at my desk,” he said, and after groaning from trying to get up, he walked out of the room.
Ricochet waited until he closed the door, and then turned back to his deputy. He stared at him, long and hard, allowing each cut, each injury, each detail to etch into his memory. He wasn’t about to forget this. When he found Silverhorn, he was going to make sure that he remembered what he’d done.
And he was also going to make sure that Droop-a-Long remembered as well.
He knew he shouldn’t be so angry…but he couldn’t help it. The anger he felt towards Silverhorn was nothing compared to what he felt towards Droop-a-Long. “You idiot…you knucklehead…!” Ricochet snarled, gripping the sheets. “If you’d listened to me, you wouldn’t be here in the first place! You wouldn’t be here, butchered and with one eye!”
He still remembered the argument he’d had with his deputy earlier that morning, when they’d learned that the wolf had been spotted outside of town. Ricochet had been called another case before they’d heard the news, so that left Droop-a-Long to do it alone. From the moment he’d heard it, he’d felt uneasy. He’d heard of what Silverhorn had done to the residents from Shadybrook. And he knew of Silverhorn’s favorite targets. Several coyotes had turned up dead in the middle of the desert, all of them with blackened fur, gashes along their muzzles and their left eyes gone.
Ricochet didn’t want to let Droop-a-Long go out there by himself. He was tougher than he took him for sometimes, but since Silverhorn targeted weak-looking coyotes, he knew that he’d try to make short work of him. He’d told him so that morning.
 Droop-a-Long sighed as he walked over to the rifle case, studying the shotguns and rifles they had. “Mr. Ricochet, I’ll be fine,” he said, a hint of exasperation in his voice. “I can handle ‘im.”
“That’s exactly what the other sheriff said before he wound up bein’ a victim!” Ricochet retorted. He glared at the coyote as he picked up a shotgun. It was like he wasn’t even listening. “You know who he targets. You’ll be a prime target fer ‘im!”
“But iffin’ we don’t catch ‘im now, he’ll disappear again,” Droop-a-Long said. “I’m worried about my family, an’ I don’t want any of them turnin’ up dead.”
“I get that, but you need two people to take ‘im down,” Ricochet said. “And if he tries to come after you, I’m your best shot. I can protect you.”
“Mr. Ricochet, I appreciate it, but I don’t need your protection all the time,” Droop-a-Long said.
“I disagree with that,” Ricochet replied.
“And why?” Droop-a-Long sounded irritated.
“Why? You’ve nearly died several times, that’s why!” Ricochet shouted. “I don’t want you goin’ out there because I know what’ll happen to you!”
“For once, can’t you trust me to do somethin’ on my own?” Droop-a-Long snapped, turning to face the sheriff with his mouth formed into a snarl.
“What, that you’ll never get to be a sheriff if’n you don’t get to catch any top criminals do on yer own?” Ricochet replied.
Droop-a-Long’s mouth clacked shut, but his face was starting to turn red. Ricochet narrowed his gaze. “So, that’s what this is about? You’re willin’ to get yourself killed jus’ you can catch an A-list criminal,” Ricochet said. He shook his head. “Unbelievable. You’ve usually got more sense than this, Droop-a-Long.”
“Yeah, and you’re usually like this when someone dangerous shows up!” Droop-a-Long shouted. “You’re so paranoid that sometimes, I think you don’t want me to do anything!”
“I have a good reason to be worried, Droop-a-Long! Silverhorn is a A-list criminal who’s killed many coyotes, and I’m not lettin’ you add yourself to that list, no matter how much you want to catch him!”
A knock on the door stopped Droop-a-Long’s reply. Jeb was standing there, nervousness on his face as he looked from Ricochet to Droop-a-Long. “Uh…I talked to Mr. Stonewall, and he said he’s willin’ to help ya on this case, Sheriff,” he said. “Should I tell him that you’re comin’ later?”
“I’ll be there in a minute, Jeb.” He turned to Droop-a-Long, who was glaring at him. “We’re not through with this talk, Droop-a-Long. Stay here until I come back.”
“But Ricochet-”
“Don’t argue with me, Deputy,” Ricochet snapped. “I mean it, stay here, and don’t move.”
He turned and marched out of the office, not even bothering to look behind him to return Droop-a-Long’s glare.
 He still remembered the anger he’d felt when Jeb had told him how Droop-a-Long had disappeared after he’d come back from stopping a robbery, and how he’d run out after the coyote until he’d found him in the desert. For a split second, he wanted to punch Droop-a-Long, and his dark side told him that he deserved it for being such a stubborn idiot.
But a part him also felt guilty. What Droop-a-Long had said was a little hot-headed, but it was a little true. He often did imagine worst-case scenarios that involved his deputy, and did refuse to take him along on their more harrowing cases. But he felt as though he had a reason for it. Droop-a-Long had been hurt badly by a former A-list criminal, A.T. Sam Jose.
Ricochet had meant what he’d said to Droop-a-Long before. He wasn’t going to let him die just because he wanted to be a hero.
There was a low groan, and Ricochet looked up to see Droop-a-Long try to push himself off the bed, grimacing. He put his hand on his arm. “Droop-”
“S-Silverhorn…w-where is he?” Droop-a-Long groaned.
“He’s long gone, Droop-a-Long,” Ricochet replied gravelly, watching as the coyote raised his hand to his left eye. “An’ he took that with ‘im.”
“Crap,” Droop-a-Long groaned. “S-Still, I-I’ve gotta find ‘im-”
“I’ll be takin’ care of that,” Ricochet said.
“But Mr. Ricochet, that was my case-”
“And now it’s my case, since you went and screwed it up!” Ricochet shouted. He glared at Droop-a-Long. “I can’t believe you right now.”
“…I know…”
“No, I don’t think you do. I literally can’t believe you right now,” Ricochet said, trembling in anger. “You disobeyed my orders to stay an’ look where it got you! You wanted to be so hot-headed and stupid that you ran out there on your own! If you’d only listened to me, you wouldn’t be like this and we could’ve captured him! But no, you had to do this, so now he’s on the loose and could end up killin’ more people!”
“If’n yer family were here to see you, they’d be just as angry!” Ricochet continued. “I know for sure they raised ya to be more sensible than this!”
That brought out a reaction. Droop-a-Long finally turned to face him. “Mr. Ricochet…”
“Droop-a-Long, right now, I feel firin’ you. This isn’t the first time you’ve disobeyed me an’ nearly got yourself killed for it,” Ricochet said. “I warned you about what would happen, and you didn’t listen. I don’t have time for people who don’t listen to me an’ throw their lives in jeopardy for stupid reasons.”
Droop-a-Long didn’t say anything, just sat there with a trembling jaw.
“I didn’t tell you to not go out there because I didn’t want you to catch any criminals, Droop. I told you not to go alone, because I knew what he’d do to you. You fit his type. And you ain’t stronger than him either, so I don’t know why you fooled yerself into thinkin’ you were,” Ricochet said. He knew it was harsh, but he had to drive the point home. “There are moments where you can be the hero, but this was not one of them.”
“I-I…I wasn’t tryin’ to do somethin’ stupid, honest, I wasn’t…” Droop-a-Long started.
“It was well-intentioned, but stupid, that’s what it was. I left you there to cool off for a while, not to run off on your own!” Ricochet yelled. “I know what you wanted to do. But when I say that you can’t do it alone, you need to listen to me. You’re lucky you’re even alive at all and an eye’s all you lost.”
“I-I’m sorry…Mr. Ricochet, I’m really sorry,” Droop-a-Long said. “I just…I’ve always felt…”
“You felt what?”
“I’ve always felt like I’m overprotected, Mr. Ricochet,” Droop-a-Long admitted. “I appreciate ya lookin’ out for me an’ all, but sometimes, I feel like I can’t do anythin’ because you won’t let me go with ya to help on those cases, ‘cause you’re worried about me getting hurt.”
“I have a good reason to,” Ricochet said. “I nearly lost you several times ‘cause folks want me dead.”
“And I get that…but I’m not made of china, Mr. Ricochet. I wanted to help in getting Silverhorn. An’…an’ I admit, I did want people to look at me an’ know that I caught an A-list criminal without yer help,” Droop-a-Long said. “But most of all…I wanted ya to be proud of me for bein’ brave like you.”
“Bein’ brave doesn’t mean ya act stupid, Droop.”
“I know that now…but I just thought it’d be nice,” he said. “Guess I got too carried away.”
“Alright, I did. And I’m really sorry for makin’ ya angry,” he said. “If you still want to fire me, I-I get it. Once I get better, I’ll leave.”
“Droop-a-Long, hold it-”
“Course, I’ll have to explain to my ma about my eye bein’ gone, an’ Hop-a-Long’s gonna kill me for it, but at least I won’t cause you any more-” Droop-a-Long was cut off as Ricochet smacked him in the head. He looked up at the sheriff, who was glaring at him. “Seriously, Mr. Ricochet?!”
“Seriously? You’re the one not listenin’ again!” Ricochet said. “Now pipe down before you end up makin’ a stupid decision again!”
Droop-a-Long sighed, but he kept quiet.
“Droop-a-Long, I said I felt like firin’ you right then. But since you’re willin’ to learn from your mistake, I’ll give another chance, but as punishment, you’re gonna be put on probation from now until two weeks after you get better. Jeb will handle your duties until then,” Ricochet said. “Considerin’ what I could’ve done, that’s rather fair.”
“Yeah…I guess so. An’ I deserve it, I reckon,” Droop-a-Long answered. “I’m really sorry, Ricochet.”
“I forgive you, Droop-a-Long. But if you do this again—which I know you won’t—you’ll be on the first stagecoach back to Shadybrook, understand?” Ricochet replied.
“Yessir. I think I do now.”
“Good. An’ now that I’ve given you that earful, I can do somethin’ else I’ve been wantin’ to do.”
“What, more paperwork?”
“This, silly.” Ricochet climbed onto the bed and embraced his deputy, careful to not put too much pressure on the burn marks.
“M-Mr. Ricochet…?” Droop-a-Long started.
“You’ve had some pretty close calls, Droop-a-Long…but this was too close,” Ricochet murmured. Droop-a-Long thought he picked up the traces of a sob. “An’ I know I can be overprotective, but I can’t help it. You’ve nearly died several times. I don’t want to lose the closest thing I have to a brother out here because of me.”
“Promise me that you’ll listen. An’ promise me that you won’t run off an’ do somethin’ this dangerous ever again,” he continued.
Droop-a-Long wrapped his arm around his back, and he nodded slightly. “I promise.”
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iheartgod175 · 7 years
So We Meet Again
A/N: I forgot to put up part two of “Spring In His Step”.
This is technically supposed to be part of my Yogi's Treasure Hunt fic, but seeing as I'm still stuck on the technical aspects of the story, I'll probably leave this as a continuation. I had fun doing this little chapter, especially with the references to "Blazin' Trails". Of course, most of the events mentioned here are pretty much AU in regards to that series.
Anyway, I'll shut up and let you guys read the story.
Summary: Another case involving a well known treasure thief has Snooper and Blabber heading back to the FBI to meet with Special Agent Ricochet Rabbit, and things haven't changed a bit. Well, maybe a few things. It's been five years after all. Continuation to "Spring In His Step".
Disclaimer: I still don't own Snooper, Blabber, Ricochet Rabbit or Droop-a-Long Coyote. They are property of Hanna-Barbera and Warner Bros.; Lucky is an OC that Vulaan Kulaas and I created, Drag-a-Long and Serena are Vulaan Kulaas', while Caroline, Chance, Rose, Trevor, Denise and Melissa (the latter two are only mentioned) are my OCs.
Snooper sighed as he and Blabber pulled up in front of the FBI's secret headquarters. "Five years later, and they still haven't learned their lesson," he muttered, glancing at the neon signs around the building. It looked like they'd gotten some new ones since last time.
"Well, at least it was easy to find, Snoop," Blabber replied, giving the cat a bright smile.
Snooper sighed. He considered the mouse to be one of his good friends, but sometimes, he was too naïve for his own good. "That's exactly what I mean, Blab," he said as he got out of the car. "Anyhoo, let's make this quick so we can get back on the Jolly Roger."
"I'm looking forward to seein' Special Agent PING-PING-PING Ricochet again, Snoop," Blabber said.
"Aw, not you too," Snooper groaned. Thankfully, the rabbit only said it when he introduced himself, but he was still not used to that, even though it'd been five years and his former deputy told him that it was his catchphrase. "Next thing I know you're gonna try an' ricochet across the room like him."
"Well, I've been working on it, Snoop, and I think I should leave it to the professional," Blabber replied. "I kept crashing into things."
"Is that why there were so many holes in the office walls?"
A pause. "...maybe...?"
Snooper started to say something, but that was when someone called their names from the other side of the room. The two detectives turned to face the person who'd called them: a tall, lanky coyote with pink fur and wearing a dark blue uniform. His dark green eyes were warm and friendly as he came over to them.
"Howdy, Mr. Snooper, Mr. Blabber," he said. "I haven't seen you fellas in a while."
"Aw, shucks, I told ya you don't have to call me 'Mr. Blabber', Sheriff Droop-a-Long," Blabber said. "Just Blabber is fine."
"Heh, sorry 'bout that," Droop-a-Long replied. "It's a habit of mine."
"Greetin's, Sheriff," Snooper replied. "You know where we can find the whereabouts of your former boss?"
"Oh, he's right in that room over yonder," Droop-a-Long said. "He moved to a brand new office a few months ago. I'd take ya to him myself, but I've gotta watch the little ones."
Snooper quirked an eyebrow. "Little ones?"
No sooner did he say that than two children came racing down the hallway, toy airplanes in their hands. In the lead was a grey furred rabbit with white and light blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He was on the run from a white-furred she-rabbit with yellow sclera and light brown eyes. Her white hair was tied up in a small flipped ponytail.
Snooper and Blabber barely avoided getting bowled over. Droop-a-Long turned to face them as they raced past. "Lucky! Caroline! Be careful, there are folks walkin' about!" he said.
"Sure thing, Uncle Droop-a-Long," both of them replied.
"By the way, Chance is at the food court again," Lucky replied. "Rosie an' Trevor were playin' by the boss' office."
Droop-a-Long groaned. "I'm gonna have a long talk with that boy 'bout leavin' his sister an' brother like that," he said. He turned towards Snooper and Blabber with a sheepish smile. "Sorry ta leave ya like this, but I've gotta go. I'll have to chat with you two later!" He then raced down the hall, leaving a stunned pair of detectives standing in the hallway.
"...Droop-a-Long has kids now?" Blabber asked. "And he's an uncle?"
"Uh, apparently so," Snooper said. "I guess we'll have to get our answers from Ricochet himself."
The two walked down the hallway, where Ricochet's name was screwed above the door to their right in a bright gold plaque. Snooper knocked on the door, and Ricochet shouted from inside, "I already told you kids, no, I'm not givin' ya any more money to buy sweets! Wait until dinner!"
"Uh, it's Detecitives Snooper and Blabber, Ric," Snooper said. "Ya know, the two ya met a few years ago?"
"Oh! Oh, goodness, I'm sorry! Come on in! An' mind the wires," Ricochet replied.
Snooper opened the door and nearly fell flat on his face due to the tangle of cords that ran from the side of the wall to Ricochet's desk, which currently had a computer, printer, scanner and coffeemaker. Sitting in front of the computer was Ricochet,who was typing away with a speed that could put anyone to shame.
"Hi, Special Agent Ricochet!" Blabber called.
"Howdy thar, Blab, Snoop!" Ricochet got down from the desk and walked over to them. That was a surprise to Snooper, as he'd normally bounce off of the walls to greet them. "How are ya?"
"Uh, pretty good, Ric," Snooper said. "Droop-a-Long tells us that you got a new office, eh?"
"Yeah. Comes with the new position, too," Ricochet said. He puffed up with pride. "You two are lookin' at Supervisory Special Agent PING-PING-PIIIIINNNGGG Ricochet Rabbit!"
There he goes with that pingin'. "Is that so?" Snooper asked.
"Mm-hmm. My former deputy-turned-sheriff, Droop-a-Long Coyote, is workin' his way to becomin' a Special Agent," Ricochet explained. "I was kinda surprised to hear about it, though—ol' Droop usually drifts from one job to another, but I heard that he was asked to be in it after his stint as a marshal."
"He was a marshal, too?" Blabber asked.
"Yup; he told me about it personally, too!" Ricochet said. "That surprised me a lot, but not nearly as much as when he told me he got married."
"He did?!" Blabber exclaimed.
"That would explain where the kids came from, Blab," Snooper said.
Ricochet chuckled when he saw their surprised expressions. "That was my exact reaction," he said. "Then again, I can't talk. He completely flipped out when I told 'im I was getting married."
"You did?!" Blabber exclaimed again.
"Ya did?" Snooper asked, being much more cool about it than his assistant.
"Eh-heh, well, it's a pretty long story," Ricochet replied, blushing slightly. "But long story short, I ended up marryin' an old flame of mine an' now I've got a daughter to look after, although not after I adopted a little boy who was a 'special case' in the FBI."
"'Special case'?" Blabber asked.
"Mm-hmm. My son, Lucky," Ricochet said. "It's his birthday today, so later on I'm takin' him out for ice cream."
"That other kid Droop-a-Long was talkin' to earlier...he's your son?" Snooper asked.
Ricochet nodded. "He's also Droop-a-Long's nephew."
"How is that possible?" Blabber asked.
"I know it's a lot ta process, but...his pa was a renowned criminal and his ma was a gang leader who declared war on the law," he said. "She wasn't around, an' his pa treated him horribly. An' that's the nicest way to put it. He broke 'im before he turned four years old." His eyes narrowed, and his voice lowered to a growl. "He didn't even give him a name on top of all the crap he put 'im through, that savage-"
Snooper ducked, and half of a pencil went flying over his head and hit the ground behind him. "Whoa, uh, Ric? I hope that pencil wasn't company property."
Ricochet looked down at the other end of the pencil he held in his hand, and sighed. "Sorry 'bout that. It just angers me, you know?" He set the pencil down. "You didn't want to be thar when I first heard of all that Lucky's father did to that boy."
"What did you do?" Blabber asked.
"I threw a chair against the wall. It's the reason why I had to move to a new office," Ricochet answered.
"I can't blame ya," Snooper said. "It sounds like it was tough case."
"It was. Aside from the business of findin' his parents, I had to take Lucky in until we found a home for him," Ricochet continued. "I was the one who named 'im Lucky, since it was a mircale he survived that long under his pa. It took a while, but he slowly came out of his shell, an' he warmed up to folks, 'specially to me. After we sent his parents to prison, Droop-a-Long took him in since he's immediate family, but Lucky wanted to stay with me. An' so, I adopted him."
"Awww..." Blabber said. "That's so nice."
"Heheh, yeah. I don't even say that he's my 'adopted son' or anythin' like that. I jus' call him what he is: my son. An' I love him an' Caroline equally." Ricochet paused and stared at Blabber in confusion. "Why, Blabber, you're cryin'!"
The mouse pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his eyes. "I can't help it. T-That was so touching..."
"Uh, yeah," Snooper replied. "Not ta ruin your touchin' story, Ric, but we've actually come here on assignment."
"Hmm? Oh! Oh, right. Sorry 'bout that," Ricochet said. "Well, to be honest, it feels good to talk about somethin' other than work. But now it's back to business." He paused upon hearing squeals from outside the office, followed by Droop-a-Long shouting, "Come on, kids! Put that back!" He sighed. "Well, hopefully we can get back to business. I've been interrupted so many times today I've lost count."
"Why are the kids here anyway?" Blabber said.
"It's 'Bring Your Kids To Work' Day," Ricochet said. "So Droop-a-Long and I have double duty."
Snooper sighed. "This is why I'm never havin' kids," he said. Ricochet's chuckle brought about a raised eyebrow. "What's so funny?"
"I wouldn't say that too soon," he replied. "You might meet a pretty female-type person who'll win ya over an' that'll probably change your mind. Trust me, I know."
"What?" Snooper replied, utterly flabbergasted.
"I mean, ya do have a lot of female contacts," Ricochet said, a sly smirk on his face. "Maybe one of them would be the future 'Mrs. Super Snooper'."
Snooper groaned, while Blabber tried (and failed) to cough back a laugh. Ricochet still hadn't stopped teasing him about that, even though it's been five years. "Back to the point, Ric..."
"Alright, alright, Mr. Businesscat. I'll get back to it. Jus' come over to the computer an' I'll find it for ya," Ricochet said.
"Much obliged," Snooper said, picking up a chair and making his way over to the computer.
"Hey, Snoop?"
"Yes, Blab?"
"...Can I be 'Uncle Blabber' in the future?"
"Drop it already, Blab!"
The End
A lot can change in five years. At least Ricochet's "PING-PING-PING" came up once, which is good news for Snooper. Plus, detecitives is how Snooper says "detective" :)
Lucky is me and Vulaan Kulaas' OC that we created for the Blazin' Trails universe (more on him in my profile), while Caroline, Chance, Rose and Trevor are my OC's—Caroline is Ricochet and Melissa's daughter, born a few years after Ricochet adopted Lucky and later married Melissa, and Chance, Rose and Trevor are Droop-a-Long and Denise's kids.
I think I'm having a little too much fun writing about this. I can picture them having an odd friendship of sorts: Snooper being his usual calm and collected self, Blabber being the chipper and naïve one, and Ricochet being...well, Ricochet. If you couldn't tell, Snoop and Ric were like the stars of this. Blabber kind of faded into the background while I was writing it—so I had to give him a little role at the end there. I was chuckling myself when I wrote it. Sly/teasing Ricochet is best Ricochet :)
Anyway, I hope you guys like this and like/reblog if you do!
God bless, iheartgod175
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