#but i will be leaning more multifandom in the near future i think
itoshi-s · 2 years
if u followed me strictly for bllk content please do not fret ,,,, u best believe these boys will be my main content even if im in my hq phase 😭
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yyuangss-main · 4 years
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i. will rules
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— Dearest Daddy is a collaboration with many other writers about Haikyuu boys. At the bottom of the chapter, I will link the material list to Dearest Daddy and you can find other stories to read. Thank you!
TW: Character death
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You gather with friends all the time and think about the future. You’ll guess who will get married first, who will be the one to have children, the one to stay single and travel the world. Have you ever gathered and thought about who might be the first to leave this world? Because you don’t want to think of what you know will be a reality. At one point, everyone will pass away.
“Thank you Takahashi. Any expenses on Wakumi, I will pay you.” Sakusa said. The collar from his suit pinched the skin on his neck. Emiko Takahashi, the babysitter, has stayed with Wakumi since Yoichi and Tadema arrived at the hospital. “For now, you can go rest. Wakumi’ll be under my care.”
“Ah, no worries Sakusa.” Takahashi said, “Yoichi and Tadame were your friends. Not mine. I will gladly take care of Wakumi until a family relative fixes up adoption papers.” Sakusa exhaled.
After the funeral, everyone went to (L/N)’s home for a repast. She sat in her living room, bags under her eyes shown noticeably. (L/N) seemed to not listen to what everyone said. What could she be hearing? The sound of Yoichi and Tadema’s flatline? Her piercing scream that awakened Sakusa from his slumber?
“My condolences (L/N).” Takahashi gripped her hand. “If you need anything, you’re allowed to call me.”
“Thank you Takahashi.” Her lips moved, the dry tears on her cheeks stretching. “Did Wakumi fall asleep upstairs? If she did, you can spend the night here.” Sakusa subtly rolls his eyes.
‘Just say you want someone by your side.’ Sakusa maneuvered through familiar faces, unknown friends, and family members to get to the kitchen. He feels more secure, still hating large crowds. Leaning on the countertop, the male checked his notifications. A bunch of missed calls in a thread from an unknown number was at the top.
Sakusa’s head cocked to the side. Whoever was the caller left a voicemail too. He clicked on his phone, heading to the back door in the kitchen. His foot was wedged between the door, keeping it from closing on him, the sound of a male voice entering his ear.
“Hello Mr. Sakusa. My name is Hansuke Fujioka. I’m leaving a voicemail hoping you can call me as soon as you can. An urgent matter needs to be spoken about. Thank you and have a nice day.”
Sakusa went to his missed calls and clicked the top notification. It began dialing.
“Hello?” Said the same voice.
“Hello, this is Sakusa Kiyoomi. You called me about an urgent matter?”
“First, I’d like to give you my condolences on your loss. Secondly, yes. I am Hansuke Fujioka, the Suzuki’s family attorney.” Sakusa leaned in closer to the phone, pulling down his mask to his chin. “My reason for calling is because I’d like to discuss their will with you. The information is much to process over the phone.”
“Understood. Would you like to make a meeting?” Sakusa mentally remembered his free days. “I’m available to meet up this upcoming Thursday. Maybe around ten in the morning?”
“Works well for me. Come to Fujioka Attorneys.”
“Thank you.” Sakusa said, hearing a ‘You’re welcome’ and Mr. Fujioka hung up. Sakusa entered the house through the way he came out. He quickly typed out a reminder in his calendar for Thursday. He heard the clicking of heels and a ringtone. Sakusa’s eyes darted up to see (L/N)’s figure exiting through the back door. He wondered what that could be about but he dismissed it as uninteresting.
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“It’s good to meet you.” Fujioka shook Sakusa’s hand. “Please, take a seat.” The male sat on the left chair. Fujioka quickly aligned documents spread on his desk. He stacked them together and cleared his throat. Sakusa sneakily checked the time from his Black Jackals coat.
“We’ll start? I assume?” Sakusa sat up straight. Mr. Fujioka spared him a glance and held up a finger.
“Just a moment, Mr. Sakusa. I’ll be right back.” The attorney ushered out the room, leaving Sakusa alone. He craned his neck to see through the small crack the door had left. Sakusa’s foot anxiously bounced on the floor. What could it be? What could they have left?
“No worries! You arrived at a good time!” Sakusa heard the voice of Mr. Fujioka say, “Come right in and take a seat! We’ll start immediately.” The door opened, revealing her. Her fake smile she would throw on for photo shoots and movies. Her face he wished he could stop seeing everywhere.
(L/N) (Y/N).
“Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Fujioka!” You said, unaware of Sakusa’s presence. “We can—” You stopped mid sentence, making eye contact with Sakusa. He glared, clearly giving a look of annoyance from under the mask. You returned it, replacing it instantly with an even faker smile.
“Ms. (L/N), I’m not sure if you know Mr. Sakusa. The two of you were mentioned in the Suzuki’s will.” Mr. Fujioka went around his desk, scooting up in his chair. You slowly sat down in the other open seat beside the volleyball player. Fujioka grabbed the file nearest to his computer, “And with that being said, happen to be in the same sentence.” In cue, both you and Sakusa gave each other a confused look.
“What do you mean by that?” Sakusa asked. Fujioka opened the file, picking at the corner of a sheet and pulling it from the pack.
“Oddly enough, the Suzuki’s requested in their will that if they died,” Fujioka said, “You two would have custody of Wakumi.”
“What?” You and Sakusa both said at the same time. And here you were, planning on asking Fujioka where a family member could get custody on Wakumi. “That must be a mistake!” He glanced up from the sheet, eyebrows raised and shook his head.
“I’m sorry. There’s no mistake.” Fujioka said, “I have a copy of the transcript. You can read it.” Sakusa extended his hand, getting a small packet from Fujioka. He brought it back, seeing the words that were typed up. Sakusa flipped through the pages. It was only three stapled all together.
“Is that even possible?” You ask. “And wouldn’t it be better if a family member got custody?” Mr. Fujioka placed the sheet at the top, only holding the top right corner. You could feel the scowl from Sakusa burning holes on your temple. Maybe even hurling insults internally or planning on doing it once the meeting was over.
“Yes. It’s rare but possible to happen.” Fujioka stated, “What’s not possible is the law giving Wakumi over to a family member. Yoichi and Tadema’s will is signed by a judge. I’m to execute these requests. Along with that, all money left in the Suzuki’s accounts are to be saved for Wakumi until she is eighteen or unless the two requested guardians need to use it.” Sakusa hummed, flipping the small packet in your direction. “She also inherited their house.”
You read the first page, Yoichi asking for the money to be under Wakumi’s name. In the second, Tadema asked her husband if they were still going with what they agreed. Finally, near the end, Fujioka confirmed he’d written down ‘(L/N) (Y/N)’ and ‘Sakusa Kiyoomi’ to be Wakumi’s legal guardians. Your breath hitched, feeling conflicted. You felt your eyes begin to swell, placing the stapled papers back on the table.
“Mr. Fujioka, can we change this?” You said. Fujioka clicked his pen repeatedly.
“Look, from an outside perspective, would you really want to defy your friend’s last wishes?” Fujioka asked. “There’s a reason why you were picked. They trust you with Wakumi. I can’t deny this request nor can you. Make this process easier.”
“I just— I just can’t fit a child into my schedule.” You exclaimed. “I love her but my life is busy as it is. A child would only add more stress.”
“Give it time Ms. (L/N). When leaving, you’re allowed to discuss your next moves. Of course, a process for adopting Wakumi’ll happen. We will meet again to finalize more things. I’ll give you both a call.” He gave a nod. Sakusa agreed, his chest rising as he stood up.
“Thank you for your time.” Sakusa said, shaking his hand. “And for informing us. Ms. (L/N) and I are going to talk this out.” Fujioka seemed pleased, seeing the two of you out. Your heels clicked on the wooden flooring as you stormed out.
You fetched for your keys in your purse, muttering curse words under your breathe. Using your shoulder to push the door open, Sakusa trailed behind you with a growing headache.
“(L/N).” Your head whipped around, baring an angry look.
“Yes?” You harshly said, making Sakusa’s eye twitch. “Hurry up Sakusa, I don’t have all day!”
“Fujioka said we need to discuss.” You grunted, turning away and coming closer to your car. Sakusa’s eyebrows raised, a look reading ‘Are you serious right now?’ behind the mask formed.
“Just follow me to my place.” Your voice cracked, fumbling your keys to get inside of the car. “I’d rather talk there than burst out crying in a parking lot.”
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❝A tragic accident brings two enemies together under one roof as sole guardians of their late best friend’s baby daughter. Will they survive together and find happiness through the bundle of joy in their lives? Or will their hatred for each other win over the worst?❞
Taglist: @thirsthourdemon @london-quynh @kallikseeker13x @rethinking-life-choices @angrylittleriri @elianetsantana @jovialnoise @paripedia @ushi-please @iwaizluv @kyomihann @lunarknox @bokuakadaily @ushiwakaout @shinhiromi @ddaewng @defunkitatedmess @kittifer @headinthe-fridge @prswail @swoonhui @food8me @sophie-duck @onlyshinji @lovaly-angeli @anjvxmmv @minaces @kac-chowsballs @vicassa @bokutosuwus @rintarous @juno-multifandom @moonyslupins @banananuttrash @sol-demure @neomemartin8383 @catchmeb-r-awling @starryhyun @chaelysian @iwaoi-mate @bellesowl @redflannel @aikochan4859 @actual-spawn-of-satan @froyopet @myucchu @seiijixcia @curiouslilbeast @kontj @yeahhemmings-
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ladyrynofsunnydale · 3 years
Bo-Katan Week Day 7/ Free Day
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Bo-Katan Kryze & Korkie Kryze, Bo-Katan Kryze & Rey
Summary: It’s been twenty years since the battle of Yavin. The Empire is gone and Mandalore is once again in the hands of Mandalorians. Bo-Katan has not heard from her nephew Korkie in over five years until one day out of the blue he contacts her and asks her to meet him. She agrees, unaware how this one act may change the future.
Author’s Note:  Happy Day 7 (and final day) of Bo-Katan Week! I have had so much fun, and thank you @bokatanweek so much for doing this and for all your time and hard work! And what amazing artists who’ve submitted and such a great group of people! 
So, this is such a random headcannon that once I thought of I had to get out. I intended to finally do a fluff piece for Bo-Katan, and unfortunately it didn’t turn out that way. But I finally get to have two of my favorite characters meet, so I am a happy Star Wars nerd. And yeah, you get another Lord of the Rings quote for the title. Mando’a translations at the end.
Warnings for loss and hurt
Click on the link above or Keep Reading to read.
Bo-Katan walked into her chambers, unbuckling her armor. It had been eight years since they had retaken Mandalore, and everything was finally starting to run with a semblance of normalcy. To Bo, the feeling was somewhat surreal. Before now the only other time she had lived on Sundari without waiting for the other proverbial shoe to drop was when she was a little girl, years before the Great Clan Wars. She paused before the painting of Satine that was on her wall and grazed her fingers over her sister’s painted ones.
“You’d be proud, Satine,” she said sadly.
Generally, Mandalore and the surrounding systems were at peace. Once legitimized, the New Republic had tried to get them to join. They’d even sent their most prominent Senator, Leia Organa Solo, to try to convince them, especially since Leia’s brother Luke Skywalker was training their Mand’alor’s, Din Djarin’s, foundling. Despite a surprisingly enjoyable visit, Mandalore remained independent.
Bo had originally resisted Din Djarin becoming the reluctant Mand’alor. But as she watched him, she realized he may just be the one to bring them all together. And for once, Bo realized, she could just be Bo-Katan. While she still led her Nite Owls and other fellow Mandalorian ex-Death Watch members, the expectation to rule, to have everyone’s hopes and dreams on her shoulders, was gone. And she didn’t miss it. And Djarin had brought everyone together. Her dream of retaking Mandalore had finally been realized.
Once stripped out of all her armor and clothing, Bo stepped into the shower and let the warm water cascade over her hair and down her back. She’d been training new recruits and could feel the fatigue in her body. She wasn’t young anymore, and she felt it.
Showered and dressed, she walked back into her sitting room and looked over at Satine’s painting. One of her biggest regrets at the moment was losing track of Korkie, Satine’s one and only son. Yes, while officially he was their cousin’s son and called Satine Auntie, Korkie and Bo had uncovered the true documentation with proof that Korkie was Satine and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s. Korkie had taken some time to get used to that idea, but over the years he had embraced it. He had even met with Luke Skywalker, one of the last people to see Obi-Wan Kenobi alive.
But Korkie had taken off about six years prior, saying he needed to make his own way. And Bo had let him. But she still thought about him. The first year he sent her updates, but he’d been quiet since. She’d tried to find him with no luck.
Her comm beeped with an unknown transmission. She looked at it suspiciously and thought about declining it, but on a whim accepted it.
“Aunt Bo?”
Bo’s heart skipped a beat. She knew that voice.
“Hey Ba’vodu.”
“Korkie, you’re alright! Where have you been?! You haven’t contacted me in over five years!”
“I know, and I’m so sorry. But…I had my reasons. I…can you meet me somewhere?”
Bo paused. This could be a trap. From whom, she didn’t know. She’d made plenty of enemies in her many years. But Korkie was the last of her direct family. She’d risk it for him.
“Just tell me where.”
After a quick conversation with Djarin, who hadn’t been too happy about her taking off to gods know where without much information, and another with Koska to take over leadership duties of the Nite Owls, she was off to the coordinates Korkie had sent her. When she exited hyperspace, the first thing she noticed was that she was in the middle of nowhere. There were no planets anywhere near, and any star was far enough away to shed hardly any light. But there was a single ship. They hailed each other and she pulled her ship up alongside and docked. She took a deep breath, ran her fingers through her graying red hair, and headed to the airlock, adjusting her blasters in their holsters just in case. Opening the door, her eyes fell on a sight that caused a wide grin to break over her face.
“Korkie Kryze Kenobi,” she said, and Korkie smiled at her.
“Hey Auntie.”
Bo, too happy to see her nephew, let the nickname slide and stepped forward to pull him in for a hug.
“I’ve missed you ad’ika,” she said and Korkie squeezed her in response.
“I’ve missed you too.”
Bo pulled back and kept her hands on his shoulders, looking intently at his face. He looked tired. Very tired. And afraid.
“Korkie, what’s going on? Where’ve you been?”
But his answer was interrupted by a small voice behind him.
Bo craned her neck to look around Korkie and was shocked to see a small girl, not more than five, peering at them from around a corner. Korkie sighed and turned, but Bo saw a mask slide over his face, hiding the fear.
“Rey, I thought I asked you to stay in the cockpit?”
“I know, but…who’s that?”
Bo couldn’t keep the surprise out of her face as she looked from Korkie to the girl and back. Da? Was this…?
“Come here,” Korkie said and gestured to the girl. Hesitantly she glanced at Bo and came up to him, hiding behind his legs to look out. “Rey, this is your Aunt Bo-Katan. She was my mother’s sister. Aunt Bo, this is Rey. My daughter.”
Bo stared down at the girl for a moment, not blinking. She could see so much of Satine in her. Bo took a breath and kneeled down to get on the girl’s level.
“Hello Rey. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Rey hid more behind her father, then glanced up at him. He nodded at her and cautiously she stepped around him.
“Hello,” she said. Her eyes moved from Bo’s face to her armor and she took a slow step forward to reach out to tap her shoulder guard.
“That’s beskar,” Bo said.
“Why?” Rey asked, and looked back up to Bo’s face. Her curiosity was chipping away at her shyness.
“Because I’m a Mandalorian. Beskar, especially beskar armor, is an important part of our culture. This armor has been in my family, our family, for three generations.”
Rey looked up at Korkie.
“I’m a Mandalorian too?”
Korkie hesitated.
“You’re part Mandalorian. I’m only half.”
Bo reached into a pouch and pulled out a small pendant, a mythosaur skull made of beskar on a leather thong.
“Being a Mandalorian is more of a creed. It’s what you believe in. You have very strong, very old Mandalorian blood in you Rey. If you’d like to be a Mandalorian, you absolutely can be.” She held out the pendant to the girl and she tentatively reached out, but paused and looked up at her father. He smiled and nodded at her and she took it. “Can you keep an eye on that for me?” Bo asked, and Rey nodded. Korkie leaned down to look Rey in the eye.
“Can you wait in the cockpit for us, love?”
Rey looked between Bo and her father, clutching the pendant in her hand, and nodded.
“See you soon,” Bo said and smiled at her, and for the first time Rey gave her a small smile back before scampering back into the ship. Korkie watched her go with a fond look on his face before the mask fell and he turned back to Bo. “Who’s her mother?”
“She’s…it’s complicated,” Korkie said, leaning up against the wall of the airlock. He glanced into his ship then back. “Aunt Bo, I need you to take Rey. Keep her safe.” Bo blinked at him.
“Wait, what?”
“Please Ba’vodu…”
“Korkie, what is going on?”
“There’s a lot. More than I have time to tell you.” He reached into a pouch at his waist and pulled out a data stick. “This has all the information you need. And things for Rey, when she’s older and can understand.”
“Korkie,” Bo said, stepping towards him, but he took a step back, glancing into his ship once more.
“My wife, Rey’s mother, is Palpatine’s daughter.”
Bo recoiled.
“But she’s good! Kind. I love her. But Palpatine. He…”
“Palpatine’s dead, Korkie. You’ve met the man who killed him.”
Korkie shook his head and Bo’s eyebrows furrowed even more.
“I’m not so sure.”
“Korkie this is crazy.”
“I know!! Don’t you think I know!” Korkie almost yelled, but he recoiled. “But someone is after Rey.”
“She’s Force sensitive. More than either I or her mother. We think he’s after her power.”
Bo felt a powerful protective urge swell within her. This girl was aliit; she was family.
“Then I can help you…”
“No! No. She needs to be hidden. And safe.” He looked up at her and his eyes seemed haunted. “You’re the only one I trust who’s strong enough to protect her.”
“What about Luke Skywalker? Do you not want her trained?”
Korkie shook his head emphatically.
“No. Training her will only put a mark on her. But a Mandalorian? You can teach her to protect herself. Mandalorians and Force users are sworn enemies after all.”
Bo’s heart clenched. “But if you want me to take her, what about you?”
“I’ve got to keep his attention away from Rey.” He turned to look up the hallway where Rey had left. “She’s my world, Auntie.”
“Korkie,” Bo said softly, reaching for him, and he turned, giving her a troubled look.
“Please Aunt Bo. For me. For Auntie Satine and her granddaughter.”
Bo blinked away tears. “She’d want me to protect you too.”
Korkie smiled sadly at her. “I can protect myself. And I can better do that if I know my daughter is safe.” He held out the data stick. Bo sighed, then nodded, taking the stick. Korkie visibly relaxed then took a step forward and pulled Bo into a hug. “Thank you.”
Bo squeezed him tight. “I love you, Korkie.”
“I love you too.”
She followed him down the hallway towards the cockpit. Sitting there in one of the chairs, her legs swinging, was Rey. She glanced up when they walked in and stood, ducking her head somewhat shyly again and walking forward. Korkie kneeled down beside her.
“Rey, you’re going to go with Aunt Bo-Katan, ok?”
Rey looked up at her father, uncertainty in her eyes.
“But why?”
“Because your Mom and I need to go and try to make the bad man go away, alright?”
Tears welled up in Rey’s eyes but she nodded.
For the first time since she’d boarded the ship Bo saw tears in Korkie’s eyes.
“Oh Rey,” he said and he pulled her in for a hug, one which she returned fiercely. “I love you, we love you so much. Don’t forget that.”
“I love you too, Da.”
Bo walked out and let father and daughter have their moment. She leaned up against the wall, her head bowed. Was their family always destined to be split up from each other? Couldn’t they just have one normal childhood? She turned to look as Korkie and Rey stepped out of the cockpit, a bag strapped to Rey’s back.
“Ready to go?” she asked, and Rey nodded. “Got everything?” Rey glanced up at her father and he nodded.
Bo stepped forward and pulled Korkie into one last hug. “Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum,” she said, and he echoed it back to her. With one last nod she held her hand out to Rey and she took it and the two of them walked down the hallway and back to her ship. With one last farewell she closed the airlock and took one last look at her nephew. Rey’s tears were flowing freely now and Bo just looked down at her sadly.
“Um, so I don’t have any beds here on the ship, but I can make you a place in the back, or you can come up and sit with me?” Rey just stared at the closed door. “You can stay with me.” Bo guided her down the hallway and back to the cockpit. “Here you can sit right next to me,” she said, and brought her over to the co-pilot’s seat. After strapping her in, she took a seat in the pilot’s chair and began pre-flight checks. Once done she glanced back over at Rey and noticed she’d pulled a doll out of her bag. Made of some sort of fabric it had the rough look of a Rebellion fighter pilot. “Who’s that?” she asked, and Rey looked up.
“Red. That’s a good name.”
“My mum and da gave him to me on my birthday.”
“When was your birthday?”
Bo’s heart lurched. She reached out and squeezed Rey’s leg gently. “Well happy birthday Rey. I’ll have to remember that.”
Rey looked out past the viewport. “Where are we going?”
“To Mandalore.”
Rey perked up a little at that. “Mandalore?”
Bo nodded. “And after that, we can go anywhere we want.”
Rey looked at her and nodded. “Ok.”
Bo smiled at her. “Ok.”
She was going to keep this girl safe if that was the last thing she did, and she was going to make sure she was happy and supported. It was the least she could do.
Mando’a Translations
Ba’vodu- Aunt
Ad’ika- little one (fond)
Aliit- family
Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum- I love you
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hamilsquadwritings · 4 years
The Flowers (Philip Hamilton Soulmate AU) ~ part 3 ~
A Soulmate AU in which flowers bloom from your left ring finger, coiling up and around your body, Identical to your soulmates. They stop growing when you meet and turn white when you get together
Soulmate AU in which flowers bloom from your left ring finger, coiling up and around your body, Identical to your soulmates. They stop growing when you meet and turn white when you get together Soulmate AU in which flowers bloom from your left ring finger, coiling up and around your body, Identical to your soulmates. They stop growing when you meet and turn white when you get together
(I decided to work on an old idea I had on my old blog @stargazelaurens and develop it properly)
Words - 2.2k
Warnings - Eacker being an asshole, a couple swears
Tag list {omg people want to be tagged?!<33}: @elizabethgrace459 @agelicl-y @popbubblegum @livylululivy @fanfic-addict-98 @xoxotashxoxo @laic2299 @multifandom-loser @loomingisabel
{{let me know if you wanna be added!!}}
Your flowers had stopped growing.
You couldn't be sure, but all of your flowers had six petals. All except the new one blooming, it wrapped its way around your pinky finger but only five petals were present. Uncertainty filled your mind. 5 petals. How long had they been there? Was it possible that it was working on a vine or a leaf, only to come back to the last petal, if there was to be a final petal.
It had been 2 days since you’d spent the night with your sister, Theodosia and Philip. Spending time with them was a solace and you were more then eager to be away from the monster that was unfortunately still your fiance. You spent a full day with them on a picnic yesterday. Sure it was a bit awkward to start with but at least you werent the only third wheel anymore, you had someone to keep you company while Theo and your sister occupied each other
"theyre pretty cute huh.." philip says softly. He was leaning against a tree while you sat across from him working on a drawing. He looks over across the meadow to watch your sister and Theodosia pick wild flowers to weave into each other's hair.
"they’re so perfect for eachother" you say looking up from your drawing over at them your eyes meeting his in understanding
"I wish I could meet my soulmate..." Philip sighed softly. He hadn't stayed up to date with his flowers. He'd been obsessed at one point, his eyes glued to his arm. He’d trace them with a pen, growing disappointed when a new vine or leaf would emerge from under the ink. He rarely glanced at them now to avoid the disappointment. Philip knew the chances of meeting your soulmate was slim but he couldn't help but hope, desperate as hope may have seemed. It didn’t help that he was engaged to someone who had already met her soulmate.
"me too.." you say as you take a second to glance down at your own markings. You looked to your newest flower tracing the familiar pattern with your fingertip counting the petals, sighing softly, still only five petals.
"Is everthing okay?" philip asks curiously
"uh.." you say quietly briefly looking at him and then back to your flowers "I think maybe my flowers might have stopped growing.. Im not entirely sure but I think they might have..?" You trail off meeting his eyes as you lean back.
"Do you know who it could be if they have?" Philip asks as he looks over, he catches a brief glance at your wrist, his breath catching in his throat, the flowers weaving their way around your hand looked so familiar- no no he shook his head. How could he could he even entertain the thought, there was no way...
"no..." you say with a soft sigh, even on the small chance that you had met your soul mate, the options weren't looking good. On one hand you had George; you would rather live without a soulmate than live with him. On the other hand the only other new person you had spent time with in the last few months was Philip. The universe would never be that kind to you, besides there was that teeny tiny problem. He waa engaged to your sister.
Philip had spoken to his mother the day after you told them what had happened with George. She, as expected, was completely horrified. She listened as Philip explained what you had told him and your sister and how it made him feel. He didn't need to embellish anything, he would never admit it but he cared about you, more than in just a sister in law way. He couldn't do anything about it of course, because you were engaged and so was he. But with your sister and Theo being confirmed soul mates he knew he would never be number one for her. Philip was honest with himself, and sadly felt a bit cheated. He'd always grown up with his parents' example, they may not have been soulmates but they did truly love each other. He thought he would have that when he grew up. Well, he had hoped anyway. But the world seemed to have a very different plan. The conversation you'd had with him the day after the picnic only made his feelings and thoughts more confusing. 
You were sitting in your room with your sister, Theodosia, Philip and Angelica when the Eackers arrived. The shouting was heard by all through three closed doors and a flight of stairs. Philip filled you and your sister in on what had happened the day before. His mother had interrupted Alexander at work to tell him he had to do something. He'd listened as his wife relayed everything Philip said to her that afternoon. Allowing her own suspicions of how their son felt about you to be heard as well. He  agreed to call off the engagement. Not only could Alexander see how much it meant to his son, but if a family was willing to pretty much give their youngest daughter away to be a prisoner locked in a room. It wasn't a family he wanted his son to marry into.
He'd met with your parents the next afternoon, they were equally horrified. Your mother was beside herself, your father however was embarrassed at hearing about it from an outsider instead of you. When he’d called you into the office to explain, your sister had spoken for you. She hadn't realised Philip would be talking to his parents so quickly. She herself had planned to bring it up that afternoon. Then the yelling had started. Your father at you. Your sister and mother at your father. 
Mrs. Hamilton had quickly intervened, telling Philip to take you, Theo, your sister and his upstairs. They would be the ones to handle things for now. Your father had sent a message for the Eackers, requesting their urgent presence. Alexander and Eliza had just taken their leave before the Eacker’s arrival.
The Eackers were in your fathers office with your parents for over an hour before you heard anything. A stark change to when the Hamilton’s were in there, it was so silent you could hear a pin drop.
"Y/N!" Your father calls. You look at your sister quickly, unsure what to expect. She stands at the top of the stairs with Angie, Theo and Philip as you make your way down. George was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with your father. His parents were already waiting outside in the carriage.
"Darling” George says with false endearment. “Your father has told us the most disturbing things. I'm not sure how you’ve become mistaken.. I am so sorry that you thought we’d ever.. well that we’d ever mistreat you in any way, I could never.." he says holding out a hand for you, taking yours when you stare into his open palm, he uses it to pull you flush against his, his other holding you close “you have to know that. I would never dream of treating my bride to be with such hate.” His voice was thick with sadness and regret. You were a bit impressed by  his acting abilities, though they were merely an extension of his twisted nature and despicable lies. You were even more repulsed that he could even put on such an act after the way he had planned to treat you. 
"Well now that all that has been sorted.. until next time Mr Eacker" your father says dismissively as he breezes past you both without a glance in your direction retreating back into his office. You looked around for your mother, she had already left to the garden, leaving you alone with George.
"Wait.. were still getting married?" You ask in confusion, your eyebrows furrowing across your forehead. You could feel your skin growing cold. The realization of your near future playing vicious images in your mind, this couldn’t be happening.
"Well of course we are sweetheart.." George saying taking your arm, squeezing just hard enough that it was uncomfortable. He watches your fathers office door shut as he leans in "listen, closely, I wont say this twice.. if you ever pull a stunt like this again.." his voice was rough and cold, dripping with the thrill of threatening you. 
You look up the stairs meeting the curious and worried eyes of your sister, best friend and the Hamiltons. George pulls you out of their view. You barely heard his harsh words, they didn't make any impact, you couldn't believe it. Not only had George managed to weasel his way around your father, but now your father was angry with you for telling the Hamiltons before you told him. According to him therewas nothing wrong and you had made a fuss only to embarrass him in front of the Hamiltons and the Eackers. That couldn't be further from the truth, although you knew he would never see it that way, if he wouldn’t listen to Mr and Mrs Hamilton what hope did you have?
You were pulled from your thoughts as George kissed your cheek, it took everything in you not to flinch "I'd spend as much time as you can with them. That room of yours is going to be terribly lonely.." he whispers lowly looking from you up to the stairs where your friends were waiting. George smiled widely and waved, leaving your wrist with a handprint, that brought a red color to your flowers, before he headed to the door to leave with his parents. As soon as they were out of view, you dashed up the stairs to join your best friend, sister, her fiancé and his sister. 
"What happened??" Theo asks asks as your sister hugs you tightly. 
"Nothing... he lied and- “ You had to pause trying to control the fear your voice was sure to give away. “were still getting married" you say quietly as you hold onto her. Theo wrapped her arms around you both, holding you close. She couldn't believe it. Much like your sister, she'd offered to go and sort George out herself when your sister filled her in on what had been happening. Theodosia was a big believer in soulmates, the day she found your sister was the happiest day of her life. She felt that everyone deserved to experience the once in a lifetime happiness. Though she understood why some people didn't marry for love, she'd always found it cold how people married their children off. Even when it worked out. It was unfathomable to her that George and his family would treat you like that, and to actively plan it before you got married was beyond horrific. 
"How- what-" Angie says looking over to Philip quickly. He stood with his hand clenched tightly around the banister watching the carriage retreat down the drive. His jaw was set and tight with tension, his eyes full of anger. He really thought this was going to work. When you'd told him and (S/N) what happened he thought your father would listen to his and sort it out. He was horrified to learn not only was George getting away with it but just as your sister had predicted, it didn't seem like your father cared. At least not enough to put a stop to it, unlike his own parents. 
When Eliza had told Alexander he'd been furious, admittedly not just at the situation but for his own reputation (which was a problem in itself but not the one Philip wanted to focus on right now). If word got out that his daughter in law was being kept prisoner in such awful conditions the fall back on him, as a politician tasked with shaping the future, would be astronomical. And make no mistake, it would get out, Philip and (S/N) would make sure of it. 
(S/N) was pissed, there was no point in talking to your parents now. As far as they were concerned everything was resolved, it was just teenage meddling, despite the fact Philip’s parents has been involved. Your parents, especially your father, wouldn't hear anything more on the subject. In fact he was likely to raise his temper if she even thought of bringing up the subject. She glanced at Philip before she and Theodosia lead you to your room. She could tell he felt bad about talking to his parents straightaway. He should've listened to her and let her approach your parents first, it was a little late for that however.. she thought settling you into your bed tucking the small blanket around you comfortingly. 
"Thats it... there's nothing to be done. I have to marry him.." you say slowly, your voice full of defeat.  Your shoulders slumped as your sad eyes look to your sister and your best friend, taking their hands in each of yours "I'm going to spend every second with you guys.” You said finding a new determination “The next time I see him will not be a second before I have to"
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laurenmm62017 · 3 years
Jedi June: Day 5
5 Times Luke met Force Ghosts
Prompt: There is no death, there is the Force
This sort of ignores the whole “It takes years of study to learn to become a Force Ghost” thing but oh well.
The first time he spoke to someone who was not really there was back on Tattooine. Luke was working on one of the vaporators at the edge of the farm, near the end of the day. He had been working on the damn thing for the better part of the day. One part failed just as another was fixed, but it seemed that Luke finally figured out what was wrong.
He straightened up and wiped a bit of sweat off his brow with a satisfied huff. At that moment, his eyes strayed over to the fence that marked the edge of the farm. Leaning against the electric fence was a Kel Dor, long robes flowing around them. As if that wasn’t strange enough, they were completely blue and translucent. What the kriff?
“Hey!” He shouted over, lowering his hand to his holster to make sure his blaster was there. You could never be too careful with Sand People roaming around. “What are you doing out here? Tosche Station is a long way from here.”
The Kel Dor chuckled, and stood up straight. “So you’re the Luke Skywalker that Ben keeps going on about. A pleasure, young one.”
“Ben? Ben Kenobi? What about him?”
Then, the Kel Dor walked straight through the kriffing fence. Luke’s eyebrows nearly shot off his head at that. He fumbled with his blaster a bit before turning the muzzle towards the… ghost is the only word he could think of. “What the hell??”
“Do not be afraid, young Luke. I mean you no harm. I was simply curious.”
“Y...you’re see through. And blue? What are you?” Luke was so confused.
“Simply a memory from a time past. May the Force be with you, Luke Skywalker. You will do great things. Just like your father before you.”
And just like that, he disappeared, leaving Luke confused and intrigued.
Luke doesn’t see another ghost until the aftermath of the Death Star explosion (the first one, as he will find out later). Luke had just climbed down from his X-Wing, adrenaline still flowing through his veins. He yanked his helmet off his head and looked hastily around for where the Falcon landed.
As he scanned the landing field, he caught a glimpse of translucent blue, and his mind flashes back to that time on the farm.
Luke weaved through the crowd of Rebel pilots and engineers and mechanics to the edge of the airfield, almost out of sight of everyone.
This figure was tall, much taller than Luke, with hair pulled back in a ponytail, and a mask that covered his eyes with some interesting markings on it. While the last ghost wore Jedi robes, this one was wearing typical Rebel Alliance attire. He was leaning casually against the hanger wall, watching wistfully as a modified Corellian freighter slowly came in for a landing.
“You don’t look much like a Jedi, sir.” Luke called out casually.
The man turned to him and smirked. “Neither do you. You look like a hero of the Rebellion.”
“Ehh, all I did was pull the trigger.”
“And blew up the Empire’s biggest weapon. Come on, kid. Don’t be so modest.”
“Alright, alright, thank you, Master…?”
“My name is Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight. I fought in the early days of the Rebellion, with my crew over there. Maybe you’ve seen them around base.”
Luke and Kanan observed this crew disembarking the Corellian freighter. A Twi’lek woman walked down the ramp holding what looked like a very small baby with bright green hair. A Mandalorian with colorful armor was chatting with an older man with a beard and bright white armor, followed by a ginger-haired man in standard Rebellion clothes and a big purple alien of whom Luke did not know the species of.
“That’s your crew? They seem... formidable.” He looked over this eclectic, mismatched crew, who seemed to know exactly where each other were as they walked towards the rest of the rebels. Luke stared at the crazy amount of modifications on top of this ship. There was almost as much as the Falcon, but this ship actually looked in much better condition. Don’t tell Han he thought that.
“They’re my family. I watch over them through the Force when I am able to. When this war is finally over, then I will feel comfortable with becoming one with the Force.”
Luke’s gaze focused back on this crew and contemplated the last few days. He went from a simple farm boy on Tattooine to hero of the Rebellion in an insanely short period of time. He met a Princess, an old Jedi, and two smugglers that he had become very close to. He really hoped they could become as close as Kanan’s crew appeared to be.
He turned back to Kanan, only to find that he disappeared.
Luke was recovering from his encounter with Darth Vader- his father when he met the next ghost.
Well, ghosts.
The doctor just left after making sure the stump of his arm wasn’t infected. It wasn’t, and what a relief it was for that small miracle. He was lying down with his eyes closed in a room between two empty beds.
Slowly, as the sedative the doctor gave him worked through his body, he began to sense two? Force signatures, sitting on the bed to his left. They were so melded and tangled together, he almost thought that it was one person.
He turned his head, and there sat two men. The first was wearing robes that looked similar to Old Ben’s robes. He was slightly too thin and his eyes didn’t quite connect with his own. The other was more built, had shoulder length hair, and was wearing a simple shirt and pants.
But Luke could see the way that their bodies were angled towards each other, the way the larger man had his arm on the other’s back, the way they seemed to unconsciously lean against each other.
“And who are you two?” He muttered, his brain still a bit fuzzy.
“My name is Chirrut. And this big softy is Baze.” The one who wore robes said, and gestured with his hand to the other man, whose frown deepened slightly at his introduction.
“Hi. I’m Luke.”
“You’ve been through so much, young one. The Force feels heavy around you. You faced a horrible creature and paid the price for your mistakes.” Chirrut declared, a bit too loudly, in Luke's opinion.
“Yeah, guess that’s what happens when I don’t listen to Master Yoda.”
“No.” Baze rumbled. “This sort of thing happens when you go into a situation you think you are ready for, but horribly overestimated yourself.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I should have listened to Master Yoda. But if I had, Leia and Chewie…”
“There is no changing the past. All one can do is look to the future.” Chirrut smiled. “Besides, I don’t think you’re ready to give up yet. After all, the strongest stars have hearts of kyber.”
“What does that even mean?” Luke asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
“I still don’t know what you’re talking about.” Baze said, smiling very slightly.
“I’m disappointed, Baze. Do you not remember our time in the temple as Guardians?”
“I’m surprised you can remember something that happened so long ago, old man.”
“Such a shame. Baze Malbus was once the most devoted Guardian of us all!”
Luke smiled at them, letting their bickering to wash over him, then allowed the sedative to take hold of him.
The next time Luke saw a ghost was right before his turn in the plan to get Han back from Jabba's palace on Tattooine. He was at the outer edges of the Dune Sea, doing a bit of moving meditation to settle his nerves and center his focus. As his movements flowed smoother and smoother and he sank deeper into the Force, he could sense the Force coming together next to him in the form of a humanoid. Harsh, wild energy barely contained within, but already one with the Force. He could feel that this ghost was following the movements of his meditation with sharp precision and only a split second behind him.
He was winding down now, moving slower and slower, and finally settled in a kneeling position on the sand.
A beat of silence, then...
"You were trained by Obi-wan Kenobi, weren't you?" This ghost's voice was light, jovial, but his energy was dark, a shadow just out of sight.
"Yes. Him and Master Yoda. How could you tell?"
"I'd know Obi's style anywhere. We grew up together, after all."
Luke's eyes opened and looked across from him at this new ghost. He had dreadlocks that went slightly past his shoulders, a stripe of color across his nose and cheeks, and what looks like only the outside robe of standard Jedi robes? Interesting choice, Luke supposed.
"Obi-wan... I knew him as Old Ben, he lived out in the Jundland Wastes. Uncle Owen... he never trusted him, I guess. But I was always drawn to him, for some reason. Now I know it was because of the Force.” Luke smiled at the man. “You said you knew Ben?”
“Sure did, kid. But I knew him as Obi. We grew up in the Jedi Temple together. He was a cute little thing, always chasing after me and our group of friends. A lot happened to him at the start of his Padawan training, and it influenced him for the rest of his life, and therefore, the fate of the galaxy.” The man shook his head. “He was so full of anger when he was younger, but then he went to Naboo with his Master, that was the turning point for him. We could all feel it. Had the Jedi Order continued, I totally believed that he would have been the youngest Grand Master the galaxy had ever seen.”
“He was a bit distant, and I could tell there was a lot that he didn’t tell me before… he went to face Vader.”
“He was always like that. Never wanted to be a burden on others, so he kept everything close to his chest. He really only confided with Master Yoda. Or during the Clone Wars, he would spend a lot of time with his second in command.”
“A clone?”
“Yes, Commander Cody, highest ranking clone in the entire GAR. They were very close. Dunno what happened to him after the war.”
“May he be with the Force.”
There was a pause between the two.
“Hey, kid. Be careful, in there. Jabba is a lot smarter than his appearance would indicate.”
“Of course. How could he be the leader of an entire system if he wasn’t?”
“Heh, that’s true. Just don’t underestimate what he would do if he found you out.”
“He won’t.”
The last time he saw a ghost, or Force ghost, was during his exile on Ahch-To. He had lost track of time many cycles ago. The local population helped him acclimate to basically having nothing. They taught him how to fish, sterilize water, plant edible food, and build a shelter for himself. All of the books that he collected over the years were kept in an isolated part of the island that he rarely went to.
It was peaceful. But there was still a storm in his heart.
Luke stood on one of the higher cliffs on this small island, looking over the endless water. The waves roughly washed up the cliffs and he felt the sprays tickle his feet.
He wasn’t meditating; his head was too much of a mess for that.
Why didn’t he see it sooner? Why didn’t he sense it? If he were a better teacher, would he have been able to stop it?
“Luke, stop that train of thought this instant.”
He jumped and nearly fell from the cliff as a result. He turned around indignantly, ready to tell off whichever ghost had come unannounced to his exile, but paused when all he saw was blue and white lekku.
He slowly looked up to see a scowling and unimpressed face glaring down at him and they stepped back. Now he had a better view of this Force ghost.
A Torgruta, at least a head taller than him, wearing long flowing robes and patches of… stormtrooper armor? No, it was a little too angular for that. Clone trooper armor then. She had many decorative beads draped over her montrals and lekku and her face markings were very sharp and distinct.
“Well it’s true. What would you know of any of this?” He retorted back.
“Oh, you will find I know betrayal very well. After all, thousands of my children betrayed me.”
“…you’re talking about the clone troopers.”
“Indeed. My name is Jedi Master Shaak Ti, and during the war, I was stationed on Kamino, the home plant of the clones. I oversaw thousands of clones’ training, I gave them advice, I comforted them when their brothers were decommissioned. I fought with and for them all. But in the end, it was for naught. They executed almost all Jedi, even the youngest in the crèche and the eldest in the Halls of Healing.” He listened in awe.
“But I do not blame them. It was Palpatine who forced them to do this. Implanted a chip to control them with the right code words. They couldn’t control it, just as you could not control what happened with Ben Solo.”
“But I could have stopped this from happening, if only I had seen it!”
“What if’s and could have’s won’t change the past, Luke. All you can do now is look forward. What could you do in the future, if only you would forgive yourself.”
“I… I can’t go back. How can I face them? Leia, Han, Chewie? Their son Fell to the Dark side, because I wasn’t a good enough teacher.”
“Falling is a choice, Luke. Ben was manipulated by the Dark and Fell because of it. Not because you failed.”
“Heh. Sure, whatever you say.” He turned on his heel and began walking back down the hill to his hut.
He heard her sigh, and then felt her Force energy disperse.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
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Title: ghosts of christmases past
Theme: holiday party
Fandom / Character(s):Juice Ortiz x OFC! Hazel Morrow.
Warnings: A little bit angsty/bittersweet here. This is kind of Juice and Hazel being stuck on the side of the road together and... internally reflecting on their last christmas together, alone and earlier at the MC. One in particular. Listen, if I’m never gonna write either version of this story, just enjoy these random ass little bits as they come to me, lmaooo. Love you guys.
FYI, the bit in italics is Haze having a bit of a flashback. This ties to the theme, I promise.. It’s theme adjacent...
I made the moodboard thing. Don’t steal or repost/claim as your own.
Word Count: uhh.. 300 to 700+, roughly.
My last intention was for this to... Turn angsty and bittersweet. But alas, here we are.. But don’t fret, it ends kinda.. somewhat happily.
Also, again.. I made the banner for this. Don’t steal or repost.
@chasingeverybreakingwave @sassymox and @kyleoreillysknee are the only people on my Sons Of Anarchy taglist. If you’d like to be on there, dm my main or this blog or click that link belowa nd add yourself.
also gonna tag bb @champbucks and @12daysofchristmas
[ about my writing | masterlist | multifandom tag doc ]
“Sweetie, can you go with Juice into town? Your brother said that Tig and Chibs are sending him after some things for the party tonight and I need a few things too. I’d do it, but I’m kind of enjoying Grandma time with little bit and your nephews.”
My mom thought she was asking the harmless questions. Apparently, she’d completely forgotten how Juice and I can’t even be in the same room anymore without either a shouting match or awkward silence and heavy tension as the air around us filled to the brim with things that hadn’t been said. 
And all I could think was that this time a few years ago, before I left town, we were so happy. I thought he was it for me. I thought back then that by now, we’d be settled down. That maybe Juice would be working at Teller Morrow and I’d be teaching or something.
I swallowed hard and nodded. My mom wasn’t going to let me out of this and obviously, whatever she needed was important.
She handed me a list and some money. I tried to shove the money back at her, explaining that I’d pay, but she wouldn’t hear it. 
As I went to walk out the door, my mom called out to me. “Juice was a better man than Jase.”
I whirled around, gazing at my mother with my brow raised. “ If this is your way of saying you told me so, Mom… Trust me. Lesson learned.”
“No, I was just suggesting that maybe you use the time you’re out with Juice, you at least attempt to talk to him. I know things went wrong back then, but I also know that if you didn’t still feel something and feel it strongly, you wouldn’t spend so much time picking fights with the poor guy. He doesn’t really have anyone but the club, Hazelynn.”
I opened my mouth but I closed it. My mom had a point. And lately, any fool could see that Juice was really going through it.. He rarely talked to anyone, he was always so damn tense I thought he’d jump right out of his skin. If he did have to interact with me, he was even more tense. Standoffish, even, and that wasn’t like the man I’d known years before. That wasn’t the man I loved. Juice was more easy going and a bit of a joker. Not this tense and serious guy he’d apparently turned into as of late.
I was beyond worried about him. To a point where my own current situation was sort of taking a backseat. But any attempt I’d made to reconnect had been met with annoyance. Bitterness. And deep down, that cut me.
He was literally the one man I’d honestly never wanted to give up back then. But I had to at least try to follow my dreams. I had to at least try living a life free of the MC and it’s dangers and scary situations. I’d just needed a break.
“You know I’m right, Hazelynn. You look at him the way I used to look at Jax’s father. You never wanted to break it off back then. You’re home now. You’re safe. You deserve to be happy. And if Juice makes you happy, maybe you need to stop pushing that down and lean into it. Just a thought, sweetie.”
“Mom, I…”
“No buts. Go. I need everything on that list now, not four hours from now.”
I eyed my mom and after a second or two, I walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway, stopping to put on a light jacket. It wasn’t terribly cold, but I knew it would get cooler the later in the afternoon it got.  I made my way down the hall and into the guest room where I’d put down my little girl Serena earlier after she crashed for her daily nap. I leaned over and brushed my lips against her forehead. “Mommy will be back as soon as she can, okay? Until then, Gramma’s got you. Be sweet, little angel.” I muttered, walking to the door of the bedroom and shutting it quietly behind me so the boys didn’t run in and wake her up.
I’d just walked outside when Juice’s motorcycle as well as my brother’s and Opie’s came to a stop in front of my mother’s house. They were laughing and talking and as usual, the second Juice and I locked eyes, his jaw set and the smile was gone. There was only hurt and bitterness there.
Opie and Jax shared a look and quickly retreated to the inside of our mom’s house and I shuffled my feet, trying to figure out a way to ask if he’d give me a ride to town too. Even though I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the last thing he wanted to do was have me riding behind him on his bike. Even something as simple as an accidental brushing of bodies lately seemed to make him overly annoyed.
And it hurt.
I knew I’d hurt him. I just wanted to make up for that. But so far, he wasn’t willing to let me.
“Are you going into town?” I asked the question tentatively. Juice stopped messing with the bike to look over at me and then he shrugged. “Maybe. Why?”
“My mom, uhh.. She needs some stuff from the grocery. I’d go in my car but it’s kind of sitting in Teller Morrow on a jack right now…” I gave a sheepish look and bit my lip, watching his facial expression as he seemed to take forever mulling it over.
“Fine. I’m leavin now though.”
“I’m all ready to go.” I answered, stepping a little closer. I stared up at him intently, noticing just how pronounced the deep circles seemed to be under his eyes. He clearly hadn’t been sleeping.
,, Oh Juice,” I thought to myself, ,, Why do I feel like there’s something wrong but you stubbornly refuse to reach out.”  
He eyed me and bit his lip. For a few seconds, I almost thought he was going to say something. He looked like he wanted to ask me something so badly that it literally almost came out, but he closed his mouth and cleared his throat, nodding to his motorcycle. “Hold on tight.”
I slipped onto the bike behind him, careful to hold on tight but leave distance. Last thing I wanted was for him to get annoyed because I was leaning against him a little.
The ride into town was quiet, only the sounds of the motor and the wind. I shivered a little, wishing I’d opted for a long sleeve beneath my thin jacket too. I’d forgotten just how chilly it got to ride a motorcycle, because I hadn’t done it in so long.
The lights of town were coming into view when things went downhill quick, fast and in a hurry.
The motorcycle got wobbly and Juice swore, pulling over on the side of the road, near one of the canyons. The wind picked up a bit and I hugged myself. Juice kicked at the motorcycle and dragged a hand over his head. A movement which I spent far too long staring at as my mind just kind of… Drifted.
To a Christmas a few years ago, back before everything went so horribly wrong between us.
“ Baby girl, wake up.”
The warmth of his breath against my ear had my eyes fluttering open and as soon as I saw the bright midmorning sun, I groaned. “Oh no. Mom is going to absolutely murder me.”
“We both crashed. Question, how dead do you think I’m about to be in Clay Morrow’s eyes, scale of ten?” Juice asked the question as he rushed around, grabbing my clothes for me so I could go and jump in the shower. My head was pounding. I knew the few drinks I had the night before at the MC Christmas party had been a very, very bad idea… Especially when you consider that of my entire family, I’m the one who never does things like this.
But last night had been magical. Cuddling in front of a bonfire with Juice, wrapped in a blanket. Stargazing as we sipped cocoa and later, whiskey… and we just kind of really talked about the future. Where we saw things going.
I didn’t have the heart to tell him that after I graduated in the spring, I was heading off to UCLA. And that I intended to put distance between myself and Charming for a while. I just.. I needed the break from the rollercoaster of crazy my life had always been. I needed time to process discovering that my father wasn’t the same man as Jax’s father, but Clay Morrow, a man that I really hadn’t ever bonded with. A man that I’d always seen as merely ‘dad’s replacement’. 
I didn’t want to ruin our time left together, so I hadn’t quite told him yet.
His arms wrapped around me from behind just as I went to step into the shower in his bathroom and he muttered quietly against the shell of my ear, “Want some help washing off, baby girl?”
I turned to face him, melting against him and biting my lip as I gave a soft laugh and giggled. “Your hands all over me? It’s only one of my biggest fantasies, baby.”
His mouth crashed against mine passionately, our tongues tangling, his hands all over me as he pulled me even closer somehow and mumbled into the deep and passionate kiss, “Love you so fuckin much baby girl. Can’t wait until we don’t have to deal with curfews and all this other shit. When it’s just you an’ me. Our own little family.”
I swallowed down the lump in my throat and smiled up at him, nodding even though I knew I wouldn’t be around for a while. But not having the heart to tell him…
“I asked you a question, Haze. You listenin to me?” Juice’s stern tone had my head snapping up and I bit my lip, surveying the blown tire. I finally managed to clear my mind from my memories enough to ask what he’d said and he grumbled, repeating himself.
He’d asked if I had any signal on my cell phone. I handed it over and he took it, unlocking it and promptly pausing.
And in that moment, I wanted to kick myself, because I forgot that I’d taken a photo of him with Serena asleep a few days ago at the MC when she got dropped off there to be watched by Jax and the guys until I finished my shift at the hospital. I’d come in to find her asleep on Juice’s chest, arms around his neck. She’d told me on the way home that she had three favorite uncles now… Apparently, she’d really bonded with Juice.
I told myself that I put the picture on my phone because my little girl was in it. But deep down I knew it was more or less because the two people I loved most in the world were in a photo together and I wanted it where I could see it every time I had a shitty day or a long double shift at the hospital.
He glanced at me, rubbing his hand over his head and held the phone back out in haste. “None. Same as mine. We’re either walkin or we’re standin here all night. Because I don’t exactly have a spare.”
“Shit… I.. I can walk up the road a little, see if maybe I can pick up service.” I offered, starting to walk away before Juice even had a chance to verbally answer. I’d gotten a few feet away from the motorcycle and Juice and I heard him running to catch up, stopping me.
“It’s getting dark. I’ll come with ya.”
“I figured you might want some space, I… you were getting annoyed.” I mumbled softly, staring up at him. His entire expression changed and he sighed quietly, shaking his head no, tilting my chin up when I decided it was better if I looked down and not directly at him.
Because I couldn’t take the pain in his eyes anymore. I also hated that I was the reason it was there to begin with.
Everything had gone so horribly wrong between us and it was all my fault. All because I’d been too afraid to do what I really wanted. Too young, too stupid, too filled with all these big plans. Plans that all went wrong and even if they did go alright, they always felt wrong. I’d never really felt like I was where I was supposed to be.
But since I’d come home?
I hadn’t felt like I was ever supposed to be anywhere else. Maybe I never should’ve left. Maybe then my daughter would have a good father and not some prick of a sperm donor who was already married and wanted no part of her, or of me.
“I wasn’t. It’s just hard bein around you… Knowin that I wasn’t enough.” Juice mumbled quietly and I gave a quiet gasp.
“Juice, you’ve always been more than I deserved.” I found the courage to actually hold his gaze, my brows knit in concern because his words weren’t like him… and somehow, I knew he meant them and that he felt them.
Had he always felt them?
“That’s not why I left…” I started, only to go silent. “I left because I had to know if there was more to life. I needed a break from the craziness and I had a lot on my mind. I was so in love with you that sometimes it scared me.” I trailed off completely, muttering the last part “I wish I never left every single day.” quietly enough that I thought maybe he wouldn’t hear it.
But he did hear it. And he tilted my chin again, leaning down a little, his mouth brushing against mine. “It’s also hard bein around you because I still love you, baby girl. I never stopped. I just thought you didn’t...”
“I didn’t what?” I asked, my mouth brushing up against his with each word that left it. His fingertips dug into my waist and I rubbed against him just a little, my breaths shaky and erratic. Everything coming at me so fast I didn’t have time to process. I waited on him to answer.
“That maybe you didn’t love me.” he finally answered, adding quickly, “I was scared back then too…” his hand caressed my cheeks and he stared into my eyes. The wind picked up and he wrapped his arms around me to try keeping me warm just a little.
“I still love you too.” I admitted it quietly, making him blink in shock when his eyes met mine. He swallowed hard and started to  tenderly move his hands up and down my sides, one hand stopping to caress my cheek all over again.
“First.. We get off the side of the fuckin road.. Then, baby girl… when we get back to the MC, we’re going to have a serious talk, okay?”
I gave a soft laugh and nodded. “Okay. That’s fair enough. Let’s go try to find a spot with some service, yeah?”
“Yeah, even though I don’t wanna let you go right now.”
“You have all night to dance with me and hold me.. Like that last Christmas party we went to back then.. I’ve missed us so much.” I pointed out, making him nod.
Nothing mattered but getting back to the MC. Because I had so much I wanted to say. So much I needed to do to make things right again. To show him that I loved him and I’d missed him every single day I was away. That I made a huge mistake back then and I was so sorry.
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
Love Me Less
A/n: This was up on Patreon a week before I posted it here, I release fics around a week early over there and have some Patreon exclusive drabbles, fanart, so feel free to check it out at my Patreon. Commissions are also always open. I’m going to be doing profiles and such for characters here too, so stay tuned!
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Summary: Jimin is an undercover cop, and you know he’s lying to you. But he’s trapped in a huge mess, and he doesn’t want you in the crossfire. Multifandom Mafia AU (BTS, EXO, Got7)
Warnings: Some violence, mention of drug use, angst
Word Count: 2892
Jimin winces when the door shuts too loudly, but it doesn’t matter anyway, because you’re sitting at the kitchen table and there’s a bag packed by your feet and his heart sinks to his toes. Suddenly he’s so tired he can barely hold his head up, and you’re looking at him warily and he can’t help thinking about how this all started.
Jimin couldn’t help but notice you bartending at this little place near the freeway, a dive bar called the Dirty Dozen and owned by Min Yoongi, who was well known for playing all sides of the game, letting certain gangs drink free depending on who owned the area that month. He’d been trying to blend in, trying to be just another thug ordering soju from you, but he couldn’t help catching your eyes when you brought him a drink in these little cut off shorts, asking you about the tattoo on the long line of your thigh.
It’s second nature, flirting with a bartender, especially one that looks like you, and your easy smile made the two years he’d already been undercover seem just a little bit lighter. It’s fun and casual and easy, and he tells himself it’s just for intel, buying you soju so that your tongue gets looser, maybe you’ll slip out something about Kim Yugyeom since he was always hanging around you at the bar.
A month later, he has a drawer at your apartment and he’s spending four nights a week there, barely making it out of the house to meet with Namjoon and Hoseok because he just can’t stop kissing your upturned mouth.
Hoseok gives him a wary look the sixth time he shows up with your nude lipstick on his collar, and throws a few pictures on the interrogation table. Jimin only glances at them, sees they’re mostly of you with those long thighs draped over his lap at the bar, and looks up at Hoseok expectantly.
“What? You gonna tell me you never got some strange while undercover?”
Hoseok shrugs, sits down across from him, slumped in the chair a bit, legs spread wide.
“Sure. But that’s not what this is, and we both know it.”
Jimin leans back in his chair, smirking a little, putting his hands behind his head. He hasn’t even seen Jung in a couple of months, not since he’d given him the poke and stick “Nevermind” across his ribs, telling him if he’d be telling people that he’d done time, no one would ever believe he got away without a mark.
“It’s not? You know something I don’t?”
“I know you’re spending an awful lot of time at her place.”
Jimin shrugs. “That Yugyeom kid from the Im gang is sweet on her. Sometimes he tells her stuff.”
“Yeah? You think he’ll keep doing that after you threw him up against the bar wall last night?” Hoseok says, deadpan, and Jimin laughs a bit.
“What can I say? I’ve always been a bit territorial.”
“Just tell me you aren’t getting too deep, Jiminie,” Hoseok says, softly, and Jimin loses his smile, sighs and places his forearms on the table.
“Maybe I am. I don’t know. It’s hard to tell, Seok. At first it was just a pretty smile and long legs and intel, but now… I’ve been in this what? 18 months now? It’s easy enough to believe a street kid from Busan chose a different path. Hell, sometimes I believe it myself.”
Namjoon comes in, then, with a huge file, and Hoseok groans.
“Fun’s over. Christ, look at that paperwork.”
“It’s good news,” Namjoon promises, throwing it down on the table with a thud. He looks as if he’d had one too many late nights, his white button up wrinkled and stained with coffee, hair mussed and too long at the collar.
"Good news?" Hoseok looks skeptical.
Namjoon slides a photograph out of the file and flashes them at Jimin.
"This is your girl, yeah?"
Jimin stiffens a bit. It's you, all right, piggybacking on this muscle pig's back, he'd recognize those legs anywhere.
He nods. "Who's the beefcake?"
"Lee Hoseok. He was high up in Hyunwoo's crew until he went ghost a couple of months ago. Everyone thought he was dead along with Hyunwoo, but turns out both of them have been in lock up over in Daegu. Turned themselves in, been ratting out all their friends for weeks. We just got the file."
Jimin groans. "So you're telling me the crew I've been trying to bust for a fucking year and a half just rolled over? Just like that?"
"Just like that," Namjoon agrees, but he's rifling in the file again and Jimin knows there's more.
He slides a photograph across the table to Jimin.
Jimin looks it over curiously. The guy is tall, lean but his suit is expertly tailored and there are muscles there, for sure. His first undercover stint had been in an underground fight club and he hadn't broken the habit of sizing people up. Probably not too strong, but fast, likely, well balanced. His hands look manicured so he probably didn't get his hands dirty, and that suit…
"New player? Family ties, I'd guess?"
Namjoon nods. "Good eye. He's Kim Junmyeon's cousin, and mostly we'd dismissed him because he stays quiet, to himself. Lately he's been seen with Do and Zhang, though, and the rumor is that he's up to take over for Kim."
"He looks young," Jimin muses. He's handsome, full mouth, charming smile.
"He's only a few years older than you. We'd expected Minseok for next in line but he's been in the spotlight so much, been arrested five times this year. This kid... Jongin... he's clean. No record at all."
Jimin throws the photograph down on the table. "What's this got to do with me?"
"Turns out he drinks at your girl's bar. Not only that, Min says he tips double when she serves him."
Jimin frowns. "Min's giving intel again?"
Hoseok snorts. "Yoongi would sell out his own mother for a few thousand won."
Namjoon nods, his eyes going wide and bright like he gets when he's chasing something.
"Your girl has all the connects. She used to live with this Lee Hoseok and now someone from Im's crew and Jongin have the hots for her? You've gotta stick with her."
"She's popular," Hoseok grins, and Jimin wants to punch him in his perfect teeth.
"So you brought me in to tell me to use my girlfriend for intel?"
"Oh, she's your girlfriend now?" Hoseok teases, but Jimin ignores him.
"She's got ties to three of the major players in Seoul, Jimin. You know how to pick em."
Jimin leaves soon after, popping the collar of his leather jacket against the wind. He's pissed off, having them tell him to stay with you as if he'd ever had any intention of leaving.
Hoseok was right. He'd been in over his head since the moment you'd smiled at him and now that he knew you lived and worked in a snake's den, it made panic claw up his throat to think that he couldn't protect you.
First, Kim Yugyeom with his predator's eyes and wolf's smile and now the fucking future head of the Kim crew?
Jaebeom and Hyunwoo were small potatoes compared to Kim, dabbling in carjacking and marijuana mostly.
Kim had his fingers in all the pies, heroin and cocaine smuggling, black market guns, whores, every crime you could think of, they were committing...and most of them got away clean.
Only a couple of them even had records and it was for petty shit like battery or simple assault.
Jimin would have stayed with you anyway because of the way he felt waking up with your long leg looped over his hip, the way you'd grumble and tuck your face into his neck in the mornings.
But now? He had to make sure you were safe, no matter what that meant for him.
It's less than a month later when everything falls apart for Jimin, and he can't tell you a single word of it.
Jimin manages to track this low level crew boss, a foreign kid, not even 21, goes by Lucas to an opium den.
He catches him outside the abandoned building, has the arrest warrant based on pictures and intel already. There's no one in the alley so Jimin cuffs him on the spot as he whines in protest. Then he hears a familiar verse and drops the kid on the ground, cursing.
"Well well well," Yugyeom drawls. "Park Jimin the piglet. I can't fucking believe it."
"Don't fucking try me, Kim. I could bust you right now."
"Bet you won't. Bet you won't want that pretty little thing of yours knowing how clean you really are, yeah? She wouldn't like you as much."
Yugyeom is grinning, eyes glassy from alcohol or weed or god knows what and he's getting closer to Jimin.
"Don't-" Jimin warns, already instinctively spreading his legs, in a fighting stance while barely realizing it.
"Baby likes it dirty," Yugyeom continues. "She likes to slum it, I should know."
Jimin's hands are itching to clock him, right on the chin because Yugyeom isn't protecting himself at all, too drunk or stupid to block, but he waits for him to get closer.
Yugyeom is tall and lean, has a higher center of gravity and the closer he gets the better, and they always do, the tall ones, think because they tower over Jimin they have the advantage.
But they're easy, always go high, swing wide without protecting their middle and when Yugyeom swings, Jimin ducks and punches him in the gut, a sharp jab that takes the younger man's breath.
While he's gasping for air, doubled over, Jimin grabs him, swings him around and puts a knee in his lower back, taking him to the ground easily.
Yugyeom is still laughing and Jimin presses down on the back of his neck, grinding his face into the gravel.
Lucas is staring wide eyed at them, having turned over on his side, but Jimin ignores him.
"What the fuck are you laughing at?" Jimin growls, and Yugyeom's snorts, blood spurting from his nose when Jimin presses down harder.
"Now I get to do whatever I want. You can't fucking touch me."
Jimin's heart sinks and he hauls them both into the station but of course, Yugyeom is right, he sings like a canary and now he's an informant and Jimin can't touch him with a ten foot pole.
Now instead of shoving him into the bar wall for palming your ass when he slips a tip into your back pocket, Jimin has to grit his teeth and ignore it.
Jimin buys a ring after nine months, keeps it in a sock in his underwear drawer because he can't get down on one knee when he's lying to you.
He starts to drink more than he should, stays out too late because he can't bear to come home and lie to you about where he's been.
The third or fourth night he gets home and you're already asleep, you wake when he plops down clumsily on the bed, turning over and trailing your hand across his chest.
"Baby," you murmur. "What's wrong?"
There's something stuck in his throat, all the secrets he's been keeping from you and he snakes an arm around you, squeezing you tight.
He can't bear to say "nothing" because that'd just be another lie so he tugs you on top of him and kisses you silent.
When he's got you flipped onto your back, buried inside you, he says the one thing he can, the one truth he can tell you, over and over.
"I love you, jagi. You know I love you, yeah?"
But of course, love isn't enough.
He ends up here anyway, with you looking at him with hollow, wary eyes.
"Jagi-" he starts, but you cut him off.
"Is there someone else?" You ask, your voice low and shaking.
Jimin scoffs. He's barely noticed other women even exist since you'd come into his life, but when he puts himself in your shoes, he supposes it isn't a far stretch.
"Not since the moment you smiled at me, jagi," he says earnestly, and your face softens.
"Then what is it? What's going on?"
You stand up, come around the table to wrap your arms around his waist and Jimin wants so badly to tell you everything, to pour out all the secrets that burn like acid in his throat.
"You're leaving me," is all he can choke out, his voice hoarse, and you sigh and rest your forehead against his chest.
"I don't want to," you admit, locking your hands at his back.
"Then don't. Jagi. Y/n. Please don't."
You shake your head against his chest and Jimin's heart cracks right down the middle when you look up at him, tears standing in your eyes.
"All you have to do is tell me the truth."
His throat works and you sniffle.
"Jiminie...please. I don't care what it is. We'll work it out just...just tell me."
He feels tears rolling down his face and he doesn't bother to stop them.
"Please," he pleads, and you release him, put a hand on your suitcase and Jimin wants to rip it from you, throw it across the room but all he can do is stand there and watch you, a sob catching in his chest.
He can't watch you leave, stands with his back to you, and when he hears the door close behind you, quiet and anticlimatic, something inhuman rips from his chest and he grabs onto the back of the dining room chair when his knees give out.
Jimin lets himself wallow, turning off his phone so that he doesn't call to beg you to come home, crying into your pillow because it smells like your shampoo, going only as far as the corner store to replenish the soju he replaces all his meals with.
It's Hoseok that finally nearly breaks down his door and Jimin stumbles to the door and jerks him inside, rubbing at the stubble on his chin and blinking at him blearily.
Hoseok looks around at the bottles of soju littering the table and Jimin gives him a look.
"Don't, Jung."
Jimin expects him to berate him, tell him he was stupid for falling in love and losing all their intel, but he doesn't.
Hoseok just puts a hand on his shoulder, pulls him into a hug, and Jimin can't stop the tears that are always so close to the surface.
After Jimin is sniffling instead of sobbing and Hoseok has gathered all the bottles to throw in the garbage, he sits down at the kitchen table.
"Jimin...I came to tell you something."
"Fuck," Jimin mumbles, rubbing a hand across his face and taking a long sip of the glass of water Hoseok had brought him.
Hoseok nods. "Jongin is spending four nights a week at the Dirty Dozen."
"Let me guess," Jimin says tiredly. "Only the nights Y/n works."
"Bingo. Joon has been going in your absence, he's gotten close to the other bartender. Y/n is living with her and Joon says…" Hoseok pauses and Jimin drops his forehead to the table.
"Just spit it out, Jung." He says miserably, keeping his head on the table.
"Joon says Y/n went home with Jongin a couple nights ago."
Jimin had been bracing himself for what his friend would say next but he hadn't been prepared for this, how it took the very breath from his lungs.
"No," he wheezes through the pinhole that has become his throat. "No, he's wrong, it's only been a couple of days, she wouldn't-"
"You've been mia over two weeks, Jimin," Hoseok says softly.
Jimin gasps in a breath, lifts his head.
"We've got an unmarked car following her. We'll watch out for her, you don't have to-"
Jimin barks out a bitter laugh. "Shut up. Just shut up, Seok. Of course I do."
Hoseok sighs and nods. "I told Joon you'd say that. Word of advice?'
Jimin looks at him.
"Shower first."
So Jimin ends up right back where he started, sitting at a table at the back of The Dirty Dozen breathing in the fog of tobacco smoke and the errant joint, watching you walk toward him with a bottle of soju and a shot glass.
"Hey," he says dumbly, and you give him a ghost of your easy smile that makes his heart skip.
"Hey, Jiminie. Long time no see."
You pout the shot and go to leave but Jimin takes your wrist.
"Ah, leave the bottle."
You frown at him, and he wants to tell you he has to stay a certain level of drunk so that he doesn't beg you to come home, break down when Jongin inevitably shows up and arrest him the second he smiles at you, to keep the steady ache in his chest just numb enough.
You leave the bottle, though, going back behind the bar, and sure enough, Jongin has already slipped in while Jimin was distracted, leaning across the bar with a big smile.
Jimin takes in a shaky breath and downs the shot, thinking he had a lot of long nights ahead of him.
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thebeethathums · 6 years
Observers - 29
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Warnings: mentions of abuse, triggering situations, and a panic attack
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Lestrade was relieved to see the two of you show up at the scene, handing Sherlock the case files for the other two murders and giving you a small grin. You returned it before diligently following Sherlock as he explained the case files to you while walking toward the house. You got a strange feeling as you took in your surroundings, letting Sherlock go ahead of you as you did what you did best- observed. You came out of it with a little frown, stepping over to the body to stand next to Sherlock, and he looked to you, “What do you see?” You shook your head, “Something’s not right. He fits the profile, same erratic stabbing pattern and similar features to the other two victims, but he didn’t live here… I just have this strange feeling that something is off. I can’t place it.” Sherlock nodded, going back to his own deductions, “The other two victims were killed in their own living spaces. This is his sister’s house.” You only vaguely heard that as you wandered around again, tuning out Sherlock’s deductions to let a wariness settle over you. The victim looked to be in his late thirties, hard worker, married with children, and his face held a certain aura of kindness mixed with determination. Your general observations couldn’t in any way compare to Sherlock's since deducing people didn’t come naturally for you, it was learned from years of watching people around you with the utmost curiosity. 
Your ability to see people’s emotions just by looking at them, now that was natural. You always said that it was because you truly looked where others did not, it was what made you a fantastic artist as you captured things as they really were in a way that allowed others to see it. You could tell just by looking at that man that he would do anything for his family… so why was he here? What was going on with his sister that he came over alone while she wasn’t here and got murdered as a result… unless… You stopped in a sitting room a ways off and yelled, “Where’s the sister?” A random forensics person answered, “Talking with D.I. Lestrade, outside.” You turned on your heel and walked out, seeking out your target from the porch. Your eyes locked on a distraught looking young woman attached to a stocky man, both of them talking seriously to Lestrade, and your stomach turned before you called out to Sherlock, “Hey, genius! Come here a mo.” He complained that you were pulling him away from the area where the body was but came anyway and you turned to look up at him, “Rough me up.” He was visibly taken aback by this, already shaking his head, but you flashed him a look and he glanced toward where you’d been looking as you said, “I have a hunch.” 
Sherlock considered this for a moment- he had promised never to harm you but you had approved and he could easily make it seem more severe with a little bit of acting. Hesitating for a moment longer before he set his jaw, he gave a single nod and roughly grabbed your wrist to drag you towards Lestrade, loudly announcing, “You useless idiot! Can’t you do anything right?! I asked for one thing, just one bloody thing, and you managed to screw it up!” You convincingly stumbled along behind him, welling up tears in your eyes as you pleaded, “Sherlock, I’m sorry. Please. You’re hurting me.” He chuckled darkly as he threw you forward into a car near Lestrade and the couple, clearly garnering their attention before he slapped you across the face, “That will teach you to pay more attention in the future.” You’d scrunched your eyes shut as soon as you’d hit the car, refusing to see the whole thing happen no matter how fake it was. He'd made it look far worse than it actually felt but you still pressed a hand to your stinging cheek, nodding tearfully, “Of course, Sherlock. I’m sorry.” He crossed his arms, “Go talk to the sister and don’t muck it up this time.” You purposefully hesitated, thinking to yourself that you would have made a fantastic actress as you waited for him to hiss angrily, “Go! Get out of my sight.” You slunk over to where Lestrade was giving you a rather horrified look and addressed the young woman, “Could I speak to you alone for a minute, Miss Thacker? I mean if it isn't too much trouble...” The man on her arm responded for her, “No. She’s already had a rough night. Can’t you just leave her alone?” You opened your mouth but were cut off by Sherlock audibly grumbling, "Useless. Why do I have to do everything myself..." and then addressing the man “We need to ask you some questions as well, this will go a lot quicker if you let my subordinate talk to her.” The man looked between the two of you and you kept your eyes trained on the ground and your stance weak, in no way posing a threat to him, so he agreed, following Sherlock a short bit away. Lestrade placed a hand on your shoulder, worry clouding his eyes, but you gave him a slight smirk and wink before pulling the young woman out of earshot of your respective men. You gave her a warm smile, “I’m (F/n) Watson. What’s your name?” “Lisa. Lisa Thacker.” She answered, sniffling. You pulled her down on to the hood of a police car, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, “I’m so sorry about your brother, Lisa. I have a brother too and I don’t know what I’d do if something like this happened to him.” She just sort of numbly nodded and you continued, straight to the point, “When did he start hitting you?” Her eyes shot up to meet yours, flashing fear in amongst the overwhelming grief, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You sighed knowingly, “I’ve been where you are.” She looked towards Sherlock and you added, “And not with him. He just did that to get you away from your boyfriend so we could chat.” She scrutinized you and you locked eyes with her, conveying that you spoke the truth as strongly as you possibly could, “Lisa. I need you to tell me what happened. I promise he won’t be able to hurt you anymore. It’s possible to get away, to start again, but you have to make the decision to leave and never look back. Don’t wait until he almost kills you like I did.” She searched your face for any sign of deception and then burst into tears, “He killed my brother… he just…h-he just killed him.” You wrapped your arms around her, letting her sob into your shoulder, “Your nieces are going to need you, Lisa. I know nothing can bring him back but he loved you enough to try and stop this and the only person to blame is the man who took him from you. Not you. Remember that.” You patted her back with one hand and pulled out your phone with the other, texting Sherlock and Lestrade the same thing before returning to comforting Lisa as Sherlock pinned her boyfriend against a car and Lestrade slapped some cuffs on him and shoved him into it as he yelled profanities. Lestrade approached you two cautiously and you hushed her, “Lisa, I need you to tell my friend Greg here exactly what happened ok?” She gave you an unsure look and Lestrade offered her a small friendly smile as you soothed, “It’s alright. I promise he’ll take good care of you.” He nodded, taking her hand, and you quietly whispered to him so she wouldn’t hear, “Make sure she shows you the bruises.” Once she was away from you, your calm façade broke down and you moved to lean against the side of one the further police vehicles, away from prying eyes. Your wrist was already starting to turn purple and your heart raced faster than your thoughts could form as your breathing became short and ragged. This could have so easily been you and John if he had intervened in your abusive relationship, it was so similar you couldn’t bear it. Damn your overactive imagination and the images it just called up. You were desperately trying to reassure yourself that it was all in your head and Sherlock had only been doing as you asked but you couldn’t seem to get a good grasp on reality. You were well on your way into a full blown panic attack when an unaware Lestrade approached you, “Good work, (F/n). How did you know about the boyfriend?” You shook your head, trying to keep from just sort of dissolving into a mess on the ground, “I lived it. Six months ago that could have been me.” Saying it out loud clinched it and you sank to the ground to hold your head in your hands, feeling like you couldn’t breathe and only peripherally aware of Lestrade calling for Sherlock.
TAGS <3:
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krreader · 6 years
ensorcell | chapter 5
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pairing: prince!taehyung x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; prince!taehyung ;  arranged marriage ; language genre: fluff ; angst ; smut previous: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4
summary: it was funny, how meeting one single person could change your life forever. you were ordinary, he was not. he was rich, you were not. he fell in love with you and so did you. even though he was never supposed to.
a/n: I am so fucking sorry, honestly. but I remembered how much I love this fic when writing this chapter and I really hope I can update more frequently again!!! hope you all like it, because this might be my fav chapter so far!!! ( (Y/S) means your studies. if you’re not a student, just think about the thing you’d like to study/did study :))
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Meeting the family of your partner for the first time was always nerve-wrecking and slightly uncomfortable. Sometimes even extremely so, if the parents weren't too happy about the choice their child had made.
But meeting the royal family of the guy you were going to marry soon, despite knowing barely anything about him, royal life or the customs of his kingdom? And all just because you made out with him?
Now that wasn't just nerve-wrecking or uncomfortable anymore, that was downright horrifying.
But here you were, at a way too large table for the few people that were sitting at it, you next to Taehyung, staring at the food in front of you that servants had brought on a silver platter, realizing once again that this really wasn't what you were used to.
“So, (Y/N),” his mother decided to try and break the ice first, a kind smile on her face and her voice quite cheerful despite the situation. It made you look up from your plate and try to smile as well, “Tell me about yourself.. Taehyung hasn't told me much, apart from you being the prettiest girl in the world.”
“Has he?” but when you turned to Taehyung, he was suddenly very interested in the soup in front of him, pretending not to have heard what his mother had just said, “Well.. I'm afraid there's not much to say about me. I'm just.. you know.. normal.”
“My husband told me you're a student? What are you studying?”
“Oh, it's (Y/S),” you smiled proudly.
“Well, see? That's quite interesting.”
Unlike Taehyung's father, who has been glaring at you throughout the entirety of this dinner, his mother actually made an effort, which was nice. This was probably not what she wanted either, but it almost felt like she understood where her son had been coming from. Wanting to find real love, and not marry the person his parents had chosen for him. It's like she could relate on some level..
“Can I ask you something?” his younger brother spoke for the first time since you met him, looking from you to Taehyung, then back at you and only spoke when you nodded, “How much has he paid you to make out with him?”
“I swear to god..-”
“Taehyung, stop,” his father raised his hand when Tae wanted to get up and walk around the table with the napkin in his hand, but his brother and sister only chuckled, “You're behaving like little children today.”
“Well, we finally have a normal person here,” his sister smiled happily at you, “And I'm happy that she is. Maybe I can have a normal conversation for once and not talk about the latest results of horse racing. Do you like music, (Y/N)? And.. I'm not talking about classical music.”
“I do,” you grinned, “I'm mostly into rap, though. Three of my best friends from college are rappers and trying to make it big..”
“Seriously?” she leaned forward, her eyes suddenly big, “That is so cool! Oh my god, I love rap music!”
The look of her father. It was like a mixture of disgust, as well as annoyance. He didn't seem like the type of guy to enjoy rap music at all. Or maybe it was just your presence that he didn’t like. Taehyung on the other hand could only watch you interact with the.. nice part of his family with a happy smile, glad that they were already accepting you so much.
“I'm glad you're all enjoying yourself over such.. mundane matters. But I think it's time to discuss the reason you're here in the first place, (Y/N),” his father patted his mouth with the napkin, before looking up at you, “Tomorrow there is going to be a press conference, where we will address matters. I will speak first, Taehyung standing next to me. We will explain the situation and tell them what we've discussed before. And then we will introduce you.”
You gulped hard, but nodded anyways.
You could feel a hand over yours, finding it to be Taehyung's, who smiled encouragingly at you. That alone had you calm own a bit.
“Do I.. have to say something?”
“No,” his father laughed, “I want you to smile and act like my son is the love of your life. If you two manage to do that, there shouldn't be a problem.”
“What about Dae, though?” his youngest son asked with a full mouth. Something that he usually never would do, but he just felt so comfortable with you being around. He felt like he could be a little bit more like a teenager for once, “Did you tell her yet?”
“She's.. been informed. But I haven't spoken to her personally yet.”
The rest of the dinner was relatively uneventful. His mother and siblings kept asking you questions and it almost seemed like they were genuinely interested in you and the life that a normal person leads. And even though the life of royalty was always portrayed to be so perfect, you couldn't help but wonder whether these people were actually longing for some normality every once in a while.
And when the dinner was over, Taehyung personally escorted you to your private bedchambers.
Yes. Bedchambers, because this place was bigger than your freaking apartment and it was just one bedroom.
“It has a bathroom right here and if you need anything else, you can either ask me or the maids,” he smiled.
You let yourself sink onto the mattress of the bed, before you fell backwards, letting out a moan and closing your eyes for a moment, “Shit. This is so comfortable.”
“I know, right? Get used to that luxury, I guess.”
You opened one eye again and turned your head so that you could look at him, “How did I do, by the way? At the dinner I mean?”
“Apart from the fact that we definitely need to teach you not to use the same fork and spoon for all meals? Wonderful.”
“I was wondering why there were so many of them,” you laughed and stared back at the ceiling.
Taehyung was a little unsure, because even if you two were supposed to play lovers, you were nowhere near that yet. Like, sure, you both liked each other, a lot more than friends did, but if you were normal college kids, you'd currently be in that awkward 'Are we dating?' phase. So he carefully sat down on the bed next to you, but keeping enough distance between you, just in case.
“Are you okay? About tomorrow? And everything in general?”
“I think so.. I just hope you won't regret all of this, you know? I don't want to make it any worse than it already is.”
“Just be yourself tomorrow and they're all going to love you like my mother and siblings already do. You're that normality that this country is missing.. and maybe having you become queen one day is actually a good thing.. maybe even revolutionary, you know?”
“Queen,” you repeated, slowly sitting up, “You do realize I know absolutely nothing about royalty or ruling, right?”
“We've got time to teach you all of it.. And I'll be by your side every step of the way.”
You smiled at him, taking a risk by sliding closer to him and leaning against his chest. Tae reacted right away and wrapped his arms around you, that same smile that you had creeping on his face.
Neither of you said anything else that night, you just remained in that position of holding each other, while Taehyung occasionally dropped kisses against your head.
This felt oddly right. It was new and it was not what you were used to, but it felt right nevertheless.
So as unsure as you had been and still were about the whole marriage thing, it was moments like these that made you think you'd be okay with it all, as long as you could be with him.
At some point, you must have both fallen asleep, since you woke up the next morning with his arms still wrapped around you, but your head now resting on his chest. And unfortunately you hadn't been woken up by your the alarm on your phone, but by his mother and sister standing in front of you.
“Oh my god,” you instantly rolled away from Taehyung, “It's not what it looks like, I swear!”
“Taehyung,” his mother crossed her arms in front of her chest and let him sit up and rub the sleep out of his eyes before she continued, “Did you use protection?”
“No, we really didn't..-”
“Can you imagine?” her daughter turned towards her mother, laughing wholeheartedly, “Imagine them having a baby even before the wedding. Oh, the scandals! I love it!” she pulled you towards her, “You're my new best friend, (Y/N)!”
Well, your best friend at home would probably not like that, but you also didn't complain that she liked you so much.
Apparently they had come here because they wanted to help you get ready for the day and didn't want to leave it all in the hands of the maids to find the perfect outfit, hairstyle and make-up look.
But while his sister was already dragging you towards the bathroom, Taehyung's mother sat down next to him.
“You promise me to be careful, right?”
“I didn't sleep with her, mother. We just talked and then we fell asleep.”
“I'm saying this for the future as well. Your father barely accepted this marriage, but if she becomes pregnant before the marriage, there is nothing even I can do to calm him down anymore.”
“I'm not that stupid. I know what condoms are and I know how to use them,” he remembered that lesson that he had to sit through when he became of age. A shudder ran down his spine just thinking about that wooden penis and the condom and the way his teacher taught him how to roll it on. Ugh, it had been so stupid and awkward.
“Good,” she smiled and kissed his cheek, “Now go to your room and get ready. Breakfast will be waiting for you.”
“Take good care of her? Please?” he sounded so cute and worried in that moment, that his mother couldn't help but chuckle.
“Don't worry. Your bride will be fine.”
And as soon as he was alone in the room, he fell back down onto your bed with a happy grin.
His bride.
Because he'd marry you.
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Taehyung didn't actually see you up until the press conference again.
But when he did.. oh boy.
It's not that he didn't like the way you looked before, he obviously fell for you when you were your natural self. But his mother and sister have been doing this for their entire lives, so they knew how to make a woman.. accentuate her features.
While he was in his usual suit, looking like the prince that he was, you were wearing a simple, yet elegant navy blue dress with black heels that matched his outfit. Your make-up look was natural again, but he could tell that it had been done by professionals and your hair had been straightened.
His breath literally got stuck in his throat when you approached him and he was already worried about seeing you in one of the ballgowns for the first time, because if he reacted like that upon seeing you in casual dresses, he'd surely have a heart attack when seeing you in something more fancy, right?
“Do you like it?” you giggled as you looked down at yourself.
“You.. fuck.”
“Taehyung!” his mother scolded when he used a swear word.
“Sorry, sorry,” he shook his head, then looked back up into your eyes, “You're beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
The cameras and everything was already set up and the family was waiting in the room next to it. When his father came in, Tae immediately grabbed your hand and squeezed it once.
“Don't worry okay? We'll pull this off.”
“I know,” and if the room hadn't been full of his family, maids and servants and other people that helped the family, you would have leaned over to kiss him. But because of all that, you just settled for a small smile, before Taehyung followed his father into the other room and you turned your head to the screen, where you could watch the live press conference.
At first he just greeted everyone in the room and everyone watching, but then he came to the really important part. The part why everyone was here and watching today.
“As you all have probably heard by now, there have been headlines about my son, Prince Kim Taehyung, being involved with another woman, even though he and Princess Dae were supposed to marry soon. I would like to hereby give a statement and explain the situation to everyone out there,” he waited a second, before he looked back up at all the people in the room, “My son and Princess Dae have had an arrangement to get married ever since they were children. Something that many royals do. But you need to understand that these arrangements don't usually involve love. It is purely for the benefits of the country and everyone involved. But sometimes.. sometimes the universe has a different plan for even us. Even for princes and kings. And so what happened, was that my son fell in love with another woman. That woman that you see him kissing in the papers. Now I know the rumors say that he and this woman haven't actually met before, but that is a blatant lie. My son has met her three years ago. And they fell in love.”
A couple of gasps resonated through the room and the king let them settle down again, before he continued with this made-up story.
“Because my son has always wanted what was best for this country, he kept this a secret. From all of us. He wanted the prosperity of our country more than his own happiness. Something that I can only applaud him for,” he turned around and put his hand on his shoulder.
But Taehyung knew that the look he gave him was saying the complete opposite. Because Taehyung did the complete opposite.
“That I found out about this love affair was only accidental. He and I talked about it for a long time and discussed every single possibility. But you need to understand that I am not only king, but a father as well. And to all of you out there having a child, you will understand. You will understand that you just want your child to be happy and you want to know that even if you'll be gone from this world, they're going to be in good hands. And when I met his lover, I realized that that was exactly the case. He met someone that I knew would take good care of him.”
“But she's just a commoner,” one of the people in the room screamed and Taehyung had to bite his tongue as to not let an insult slip.
“You're right. She is just a commoner. But why should that be a bad thing? Isn't a commoner more likely to understand the problems and needs of the normal people of this country? The people that depend on us to make decisions? Isn't she going to bring a new perspective that we've never had before?” again, a small pause, “I truly believe that she will bring something to this family that we haven't had before. That no royal family had before. We will break the barriers of royalty and the normal people of this country. I believe, that this will only bring us closer together.”
Nobody said anything to that.
Because the king knew it was good. He knew that it was a good idea.
“She won't bring riches, she won't bring land, but she is bringing my son happiness and I truly believe she will bring happiness to this country as well,” that.. was a lot of responsibility. And you could feel your palms beginning to sweat at that. Bring happiness to the country? How the hell were you supposed to do that? “So I hereby announce that the wedding of my son and princess Dae will not be happening.”
Again, a couple of gasps, the first people jumping up and wanting to ask questions, but the king quickly shook his head.
“Instead, let me introduce you to the woman that my son will indeed marry,” the king turned to the door, while the maids pushed you forward a bit, “Please welcome, the future princess of this country and the betrothed to my son, Lady (Y/N).”
You remembered what his mother and sister had said beforehand.
Take a deep breath, check.
Smile, check.
And then you just walk and pretend like you're okay, even though you're having a mental breakdown.
That was fun, by the way.
But seeing Taehyung standing there, smiling at you like you were the only one for him.. like he truly believed this was right and that he wanted to marry you, by his own free will, that did make it better.
He kissed your cheek when you were right beside him, his arm wrapped around your waist as the flashes were going off like crazy. His father smiled too, but unlike yours, his was absolutely fake.
For a second, all you two did was smile at all the cameras, before he leaned down to your ear and whispered: “I'm going to kiss you, okay?”
He told you, because he didn't want you to look too surprised when he did, because that would have been suspicious. You had to act like you’ve been doing this for years and not just.. you know.. days.
It wasn't passionate, but gentle. It had meaning..
His lips softly pressed against yours, just for a moment, before he pulled back and looked directly into your eyes.
Somehow, the flashes of the cameras and the questions the paparazzi were screaming towards you all faded away. All you could see was him. All you could focus on was him.
And that's when you knew.
Love at first sight did exist.
It just took you a bit longer to realize it.
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ranger-of-estel · 6 years
First date
Day 4 of #CCWeek2018 by @writing-multifandom
This is another piece from my E2 universe...which I’m writing all out of order, but will eventually start posting.
Mayor!Leo Detective!Sara Pre-relationship
Date Night
               Sara’s apartment building is in a decent part of town, and he parks out front before sending her a quick text. He exits the car, moving to lean against the passenger door, arms crossing over his chest as he waits. Only a couple minutes pass before the door opens, and Leonard’s heart skips in his chest.
               Sara is always attractive, in her uniform, in those snug jeans and a practical shirt…but this. Her hair falls over her shoulders in waves, blue dress hugging her curves before flaring out for easy movement in he legs, a sentiment matched in her simple black boots. He steps forward to meet her on the sidewalk, making an effort to tear his eyes from where the material pools at her collar before draping elegantly over her toned shoulders. Her wine colored lips pull up into a smile as she approaches, eyes giving him a brief once over.
               “And here I didn’t think you could be more dressed up than when you’re giving a speech as the mayor.” Her fingers dance over the suit jacket, “I do like the blue.”
               He smirks, keeping the tone light. “I think you wear it better.”
               She smiles, “smooth talk already?” The amusement fades as she glances around, “security?”
               He rolls his eyes, “Mick.” He motions to the motorcycle parked a couple spots down, “you’re not on the clock tonight, Lance.” He shifts to open the passenger door for her.
               “I’ll try to keep that in mind.” She accepts, slipping into the car before he returns to the drivers seat. The ride to the restaurant is quiet, but not unpleasant. Leonard pulls under an awning, offering the keys to the concierge as Sara walks around the front of the car. He offers his arm and she just raises a brow, “I’m not really the draped over a guy’s arm type.”
               He chuckles, “fair enough.” He allows the arm to drop, settling against her back to keep them together as they navigate the busy waiting area.
               “Reservations?” the waiter at the front podium asks.
               “Two for Snart.” He drawls, watching as the young man looks up with wide eyes.
               “Mr. Mayor, of course.” He shuffles to get a pair of menus before motioning to their left. “Please, follow me.” They do, and as they reach the small table Sara allows him to pull out her chair before settling into the seat opposite her. “Your server will be right with you.”
               The pair nod, and the young man walks away. He watches as Sara scans the room, hands folding in front of her on the table. A brief glance to the bar reveals Mick, as they’d discussed, close enough if they need him but distance enough for privacy. He shifts focus to the menu. “You want something to drink?”
               Sara’s focus snaps back to him at the question and she shakes her head. “Wine has always been a little on the rich side for me.”
               “Who said anything about wine?” one brow rises.
               She grins again, “in that case, maybe.” She picks up her own menu. They discuss merits of different drinks, before settling on separate drinks and an appetizer of mozzarella sticks. Their server jots down the order, then leaves them alone once more.
               “Thank you, for agreeing to come out with me.” Leo motions between them, “I know this is, non-traditional, given your position as my part time employee.”
               There’s a glint in her eyes, that same hint of trouble that he’d begun to notice in the seemingly strict detective. “I’ve found you to be a rather non-traditional man, Leonard.”
               “I take that as a complement.” He replies easily.
               “I meant it as one.” Her menu is on the table once more, hands folded atop it as her gaze wanders once more. “Besides, I’m only part of your protection detail as a liaison.” A smirk pulls at her lips, “so I’m not really your employee.”
               Before he can reply their appetizer and drinks arrive. Sara quickly snatching several of the deep-fried sticks with her fingers, hissing as she does so. “I believe those are hot.” He teases, she sticks her tongue out in ridiculously childish gesture.
               They have a relaxed conversation about work, about things that need to be addressed and upcoming events. By the time the server takes their order they’ve fallen into the familiar routine of comfortable conversation paired with playful flirting. Sara is on her second drink when she finally seems to loosen up some, though her eyes show that none of her perceptiveness has been dimmed. “So,” she looks at him, head tilting slightly. “do we really think this will work?”
               He watches as she motions between then, tries to find the right answer. “I think we’ve proven that we are capable of spending time together. Which, in my experience, is half the battle.”
               She offers a hum of agreement. “And our working relationship?” She looks at him seriously, “I’m a representative of the CCPD,”
               “And I’m the mayor,” He shakes his head, “when we are at work I expect nothing but professionalism from either of us.” A playful smile tugs at his lips, “and I promise not to make excuses for you team to be present for events….often.”
               She laughs at that, “well, I may let the latter slide. After all,” she shrugs, “you are a magnet for the meta’s my team is supposed to be capturing.” She bites into another cheese stick, “but here’s the real question,” His brow raises in question as she finishes her appetizer. “Does this mean I get to hang out with your sisters now that you aren’t worried they’ll let your secret slip? Cause I’m sure they are both full of ways to improve our sensors and anti-meta gear.”
               “Oh, now the truth comes out.” Leo places a hand over his heart, fake hurt in his voice. “you just want to use me to get to my brilliant family.” They share grins, their meals arriving before Sara can respond. Once they’ve thanked the waiter his attention returns to her once more. “Though, if you haven’t noticed, neither of my sisters are terribly interested in humoring my requests to keep away.”
               “Which is likely for the best, from what I can tell.” She shrugs, cutting into her chicken as he begins cutting up his steak.
               “You’re probably right.” He gives a half smile, “sometimes I need them to give me a push, keep me from overthinking things.”
               “They also need you to pull them back, talk through things.” She shrugs, “that’s how family works, everyone supporting each other.”
               “And what about you, Lance?” he tilts his head, pushing his empty plate to the side. “who plays counter balance in your life?”
               “My team, mostly.” A smile tugs at her lips, “your team…you.”
               “Me?” he folds his hands before him on the table, “what could I bring that you don’t already have.” He smirks, “besides my charming personality.”
               She chuckles, “I do love our banter.” Her eyes wander the room, “but I think it’s things like this, getting my head out of work for a little while.”
               He hums, “I can accept that. Though to be fair,” he motions toward the bar, “if Mick wasn’t around you’d never let yourself come off of high alert.”
               “Guilty,” she shakes her head, “Captain wouldn’t take kindly to me letting you get injured on a date though.”
               “I was taking care of myself long before you and the CCPD came along.” He shrugs.
               “That was before you took office and challenged the most powerful meta we’ve got.” She rolls her eyes.
               “Hey,” he frowns, “we have no proof that Zoom is the most powerful. Just the fastest.”
               “Whatever the case, not something you’re ready to face alone.” She reaches out, fingers resting over his. “besides, my team is much to attached at this point.” She shrugs, smiling across the table at him. “Afraid your stuck with us.”
               “Guess I will just have to accept that fate.” He replies easily.
               They turn to realize the waiter is standing patiently beside their table, speaking as soon as their attention shifts to him. “Can I get the pair of you a desert tonight?”
               They share a quick look, that grin playing on her lips again. “You know what? Yes, I want dessert.” She opens the small dessert booklet, “cheesecake, Snart?”
               “Whatever you want, Sara.” She flushes slightly at the way he says her first name, but shrugs it off as she turns back to the young man.
               “Cheesecake with raspberry drizzle.” He nods, then disappears to the kitchen once more.
               “Wonder how long he was standing there,” Leo wonders aloud.
               “About twelve seconds.” Sara replies with a shrug, grinning proudly when he looks surprised. “If pretty eyes and a smirk was all it took to distract me, I’d hardly be head of a task force.”
               Before he can reply Sara’s phone rings, and she quickly pulls it from her clutch. “Something wrong?” he frowns.
               Sara rolls her eyes, typing out a quick message. “No, just my roommate asking if I’m coming home tonight.”
               “And what, pray tell, is your answer?” he asks.
               “Yes,” she gives him a pointed look, “it will take more than a fancy dinner to get me staying the night.”
               “So…” He offers a lopsided grin, “you’ll go out with me again?”
               She pretends to be thoughtful for a long moment, going so far as to tap her chin with one finger before smiling back at him. “Yes, Leonard Snart, I think I could clear another evening in the future.”
               “Good,” before he can say more the large piece of cheesecake is placed between them, two forks resting on the plate. They eat in silence, though as they near the end Sara makes a point of knocking away his fork, which he reciprocates. They both end up laughing as their duel ends with the forks somehow locked together. Sara reaching out to grab the last bite with her fingers.
               They talk a little longer, until finally with a sigh Sara looks at him. “I should probably be getting home, wouldn’t want to be late to work in the morning. Besides,” she motions toward the bar, “if the bartender asks Mick one more time about a drink I think he’s going to punch the guy.”
“And that’s attention neither of us need.” He adds, placing several large bills on the receipt before rising and waving at his head of security. The concierge brings the car around, followed by Micks motorcycle. At first the ride is quiet, only the occasional shared glance in the rearview mirror.
“Thank you,” Sara says about halfway back to her apartment. “For tonight.”
He glances over at her, “I was afraid the restaurant might be to…rich…for your taste?”
She laughs, “absolutely not!” she shifts in her seat to face him, “That food was amazing, and I’ve wanted an excuse to wear this dress for ages.”
“Well,” he reaches over, resting a hand over where hers are folded in her lap. “You look stunning in it.”
As he pulls up to her apartment he motions for her to wait, letting him walk around to the open the door and offer a hand up. She accepts, looking up at him with that amused fondness that he’s caught glimpses of when she doesn’t know he can see her.
He walks her to the door, raising her hand to his lips to press a kiss to her knuckles. “Goodnight, Sara.”
“Goodnight, Leo.” She raises up on her toes, pressing a kiss at the corner of his mouth. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Until then,” he dips his head as she walks inside, waiting until the door shuts to move back to his car. He feels the boyish grin pulling at his lips, shaking his head as he settles into the driver’s seat once more.
There’s a lot of darkness pushing against him, against he city he’s sworn to protect. But if Sara’s in his life, if he gets to have time like this with her, then it will be worth an eternity of fighting.
Leo laughs at the thought, shaking his head he stops at a light. “so much for playing it cool.”
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ikesenmotonari · 7 years
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yay that ikesen oc thing. she’s a multifandom oc but hey im not creative so i might as well JAM her into another universe lets go lads
idk who to tag but if u have an ikesen oc go for it i wanna know bout em!!!
i was tagged by @nyktoon-ikemenlove thank you sweetheart!!!
Age? Height?
“Hi! I’m Melody Wyverne, but my friends if I had any would call me Mel, Mells… that fun stuff! I’m nineteen and I’m five foot two!”
She’s petite, on the curvy side. She’s 5′2″, or 155 cm; she is only nineteen and wants to go home. lmao
What’s your fashion like? [Time travelers – pre & post-wormhole!]
“Er, pre time-jump I was a fan of sleeveless hoodies and high-waisted jeans. I didn’t go out much, so I dressed comfortably. Now I wear kimono and hakama… it’s pretty. I sure hope it didn’t trouble people too much to make these…!“
The top one is an older doodle. thonk emojis
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Where are you from?
“I’m from Canada, actually. I lived alone for a bit then my dad reached out to me and asked me if I’d like to spend some time with him in Japan. So uh, I just wanted to talk to him again and thought this would be a good way for me to intern somewhere… it might as well be his business right? Then the storm thing.“
Her mom is French, her dad is English. She’s got a ridiculously high IQ level and no social skills whatsoever, so she knows most Japanese and speaks it pretty okay despite her North American kind of accent. Is that a thing? thonks
Feudal era – pros and/ or cons?
“There are pros?!“ She’s not very happy being surrounded by blood and death…
Pros? Cool clothes. Cons? HAVE YOU MET THESE PEOPLE?!
If you’re not in your homeland/time, do you want to go home?
“Gosh. Absolutely.“
What’s your home life like?
“Well, I’ll run you through a usual day! Ah… well, I’d eat something, then play with my cat, talk to Avery for a bit, then… yeah I’d spend the rest of it at the garage, just working on my projects! It’s… I like working. It’s not healthy, and I’ve been told… but it’s nice, you know?“
Melody doesn’t go outside.
She scarcely leaves her property and the only close friends she has is a cat and a cyborg (a man with no arms). Her parents split years ago and she wasn’t properly socialized as a kid. Being raised as a certified genius? It’s… lonely. She doesn’t know how it’s affected her, but being thrown back in time is forcing her to look at things differently.
You just got your dream job! What is it? / Or, what’s your line of work?
“I’m a programmer on the side, but first and foremost, I make prosthesis for people. I have a background in medicine and engineering I suppose…”
Any other hobbies or skills? Do you use them / how do you use them in the Sengoku period?
“Not really… I can barely take care of myself as is, haha! Erm. I can’t use my skills much at all in this era. Other than some simple automatons, there’s also guns I can piece apart, but I’m more hesitant with those… all I can do is use my expertise in biology I guess. There’s a lot of injuries going around, and I’m glad I’m not completely useless.“
Where is your base of operations? Azuchi Castle? Kasugayama Castle? A pirate ship? Running all over the woods or in a secret monastery? Some other cool place?
“I woke up in a forest near Azuchi and stayed in a neutral tea house for a while before Lord Masamune pretty much dragged me to the castle. So I stayed there for a few months, and the warlords grew on me, but… I… got kidnapped. So I guess my base of operations is a pirate ship.”
“…I don’t like it. Don’t get me started on their captain…”
How do you feel about killing and violence?
“I just wish there’s another way past it all. I don’t think I’ll ever understand the logic behind killing someone. I… I’m a doctor. Not a murderer.”
Have you learned to fight? If so, what’s your weapon and/or fighting style of choice?
“Nope, actually. But there’s some good guys on board that might be willing to teach me! At least, I hope so. The only thing I’m leaning towards are guns, unfortunately, but they’re the closest thing to a modern mechanism I can get. Eep… I don’t know how to fight! I don’t want to!”
What are you fighting for?
“Um, my life?!“ It changes. Eventually. ;3
What are your feelings about authority?
“As long as they’re not bullies? Fine.” She pauses. “Lord Nobunaga was different though. I didn’t understand him fully, but he doesn’t really make fun of me or anything. He’s just curious I guess. I don’t tend to question authority unlike some pirates.”
How do you handle someone invading your personal space?
“I just get really uncomfortable and back away if I can. I can’t bring myself to yell at people unless they’ve seriously whittled down on my patience. I didn’t know I had it in me, actually… huh.“
…do you invade people’s personal space?
“Ha…. haha! Yeah, sometimes. I get nosy okay? I didn’t even know what personal space was until I was eleven!”
Are you more open, or more reserved? Are you secretive?
“Avery says I’m an open book. I have nothing to hide, no secrets to keep. There’s not much that happened to me before, so I guess I’m some kind of blank slate? Gee, that sounds so harsh…”
Is this the first time you’ve been truly in love?
 “Love? Have you spoken to these people?”
Eventually? Yeah. Yeah this is her first time.
What’s your style as a lover? (interpret this as innocently or not-innocently as you please ;) )
She’s sweet, affectionate and balanced. She knows when to handle time with her partner and time working on whatever independent activities. Though she’s quite a dense person overall and won’t realize if she’s even fallen for someone, she deeply and wholeheartedly trusts them. It takes a while for her to know this.
Also, she’s 99% submissive and slightly masochistic. As well as a rope bunny.
What are your favorite ways for someone to show you love?
Touches, fleeting ones. Tight hugs, any kind of embrace. Show her something unconditional, undivided. She’s been isolated for so long she convinced herself she won’t have someone to love, so she carries on merrily alone, not knowing how deprived she is of human contact. Hmm.
Take her on an adventure. Bring her out of her comfort zone. Show her what the world could be like… you’ll change her.
Do you use a petname or endearments for your lover(s)?
Not really, she would give nicknames if she could! She already says things like ‘honey’ and ‘dear’, but nothing too mushy unless it becomes super playful and joking.
How do you feel about…
Nobunaga? “He’s such a complicated warlord… I don’t know if I’ll ever understand him. But he’s shown some really keen interest in me. Is it because I’m a Westerner? Either way, Lord Nobunaga scared me and he still does. But after spending months in the castle and talking to him, he’s not actually as mean as I thought he was. I don’t know why he laughs at me though! I guess the things I do seem really silly to him!”
Hideyoshi? “Oh he’s super nice. He taught me how to make tea when mister Mitsunari and I put way too much leaves in. He tends to scold me for staying up though, but I can’t help my insomnia without my pills! It’s really comforting to know that Lord Hideyoshi is looking out for me though. The things he does reminds me of how Avery takes care of me, so I guess he’s like a big brother? Heehee.”
Masamune? “He was the one who brought me to Azuchi castle, and boy is he wild! His energy shocked me honestly, it’s like he never runs out of it. He’s so cool though! He kinda scared me too, and I’m pretty sure he can stab me once told to, but he’s been really playful. I didn’t know I’d have so much fun in Azuchi thanks to him. And he makes amazing food! Though he should stop bugging me to eat three meals a day…”
Ieyasu? “Aw man, I wish I can talk to him without him speedwalking away or trying to avoid me! He’s reading stuff about medicine, right? I’d like to know what he’s learning. It’s no doubt super different from modern medicine. I try to talk to him sometimes but Lord Ieyasu’s always busy… was it something I said?”
You know that question about invading personal space? Melody leans in to peer over at his books sometimes. She’s a bit too friendly to his liking.
Mitsunari? “I relate to him a lot. He’s really friendly and sometimes I’d spend my free time reading with him. Time goes by so fast though and either Lord Hideyoshi or Lord Ieyasu would step in to tell us we’ve missed dinner…”
Literally. They are so alike. They got along swell.
Mitsuhide? “S-Scary… have you heard of those rumors about him? I mean, in person he’s okay, but he’s just tall and intimidating to me. He did take me out to the marketplace once and show me around, which… well, nevermind. I guess he’s nice. Apparently Lord Hideyoshi told him to stop teasing me, but I don’t recall being teased?”
She’s dense. 
Shingen? “Big man. Very tall, and… I think he was flirting with me. Whatever it was, he’s… really.. erm, polite and all, and I met him along with Yukimura and Sasuke at the forest tea house before I was taken to Azuchi. I don’t know him too well, but with what Lord Nobunaga told me, he must be a strong warlord…”
Kenshin? “I never met the guy. With a title like the ‘God of War’, I don’t think I want to…!” Fear.
Yukimura? “He’s… he’s kind of… what’s the word, gruff, isn’t he? I met him along with Shingen and I guess it’s a good quality to be honest and stuff. I think we got off on the wrong foot.”
She spilled tea on him. You can imagine the rest. Sasuke came in clutch.
Sasuke? “He’s super great. I wish I had more time to talk to him! He kinda saw right through my attempt to hide the fact that I’m from the future and he gave me helpful advice on fitting in and staying under the radar. Eep, sorry I got dragged to the castle, Sasuke! We can talk about astrophysics another time…! Seriously, I’m so grateful to him. Without his advice I’d probably be in big trouble.”
Kennyo? “He went near the tea house once and was feeding the fish in the koi pond. He’s scary, but… he’s nice. I served him tea and some dumplings. I had no idea he hated Lord Nobunaga so much…”
Motonari? “Ugh… infuriating. I didn’t know I could be so angry at someone before I met this guy. The nerve he has, to kidnap me in broad daylight, spit on Azuchi defenses, and then use me as his impromptu surgeon for the high seas! Hmph. … I… I don’t know. The more time I spend with him, I feel like I’m not going anywhere - you know, I try to get along, I really do, but I think he’s keeping me away? Like, he just tends to stay shallow with people. As annoying as he can get… I want to know why. He’s shown how playful he could be, and his crew loves him. He gives me the same vibes as Lord Nobunaga, actually… intimidating, but I want to know more about him.”
Any other friends/notables?
“I have a friend named Avery and he’s awesome! He took care of me ever since I was eleven, he was twenty-one at the time and now he’s thirty. He’s like a dad to me. Oh, and this isn’t too important, but he has metal arms. I made those! Er, the updated ones, actually. Just to make sure they’re functioning like real arms and all. The prototypes were made by my mom and he was severely injured, so the surgery took a while. He and I grew really close after my parents’ divorce. He lives a few blocks down, and he has eight dogs. Don’t ask ME why, you should ask HIM. … I miss him. I hope he’s okay.”
She also has a cat named Charlie. He’s a grey ragdoll. That’s… that’s about it.
hooray for my shallow motonari headcanons with trust issues
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thebeethathums · 6 years
Observers - 51
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
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John pretty much expected his phone to ring sometime in the near future, what he didn’t expect was for the person on the other end to be Sherlock, “Can (F/n) dance?” “Umm… Not particularly, no. She’s pretty decent at salsa and the tango-something about the music-… and I’ve seen her do a bearable very basic waltz but other than that she’s awful. Doesn’t keep her from doing so but really… just complete rubbish.” Sherlock hung up on John so he didn’t have to deal with his questions, having already gotten the information he needed, and strode across the street to the small dance club. It wasn’t hard to find you since both you and Gabriel weren’t exactly shy, dancing openly near the center of the floor, and for a moment, Sherlock did what a number of other people were already doing and tucked himself off the side to watch. He’d never been so bombarded with emotions in his entire life and, while normally he would have found this either interesting and taken extensive notes or immensely annoying that he couldn’t reign in his feelings, at this moment he was so far beyond that that all he could manage was jealousy. For the first time in his life this wasn’t about experimenting or studying human behavior, it was just simple raw emotion.
It took him a while to tear his eyes away from you- the way your hips were moving was entrancing and he was beginning to feel hot and short of breath. Then there was the smile on your face- it could have lit up the whole room it was so bright and uninhibited. He’d only seen you smile like that a few times before but every time it managed to unwittingly bring a smile to his own face. This time though, his face quickly fell into a frown because that smile was directed towards the suave looking Spaniard in front of you, his hands wandering over your various curves as he spun you and your lilting laugh mingled with the upbeat rhythms and punctuating brass notes. 
Had Sherlock been a more impulsive and base man, he would have very quickly ended the scene with a series of quick but forceful blows to Gabe’s nose, jaw… and possibly throat. Fortunately, he was not. He clenched his hands tightly as his natural instincts screamed at him to do something, setting his jaw and forcing himself to tackle this like he did everything else, with precision and logic. You startled badly when Gabe spun you and you ran directly into Sherlock a few feet away, blinking up at him confusedly for a second and then letting out an exasperated sigh, “What are you doing here, Sherlock?” “You stopped responding to my texts” “I’m on a date.” “It was an emergency.” Gabe slid up behind you, wrapping a protective arm around your waist with a serious frown, “Is everything alright here, mi hermosa?” 
You turned from glaring at Sherlock to press a calming hand on Gabe’s chest, offering him a reassuring smile, “Everything is fine, Gabe. I know him.” You gave Sherlock a look that told him he had better behave or you were never going to speak to him again and he clenched his jaw, holding back the biting deductions and other viciousness that threatened to spill out of his mouth. Gabe sized up the man in front of you with a wary glare and Sherlock raised an eyebrow as he extended a hand, doing everything in his power not to just punch him and end this, “Sherlock Holmes and you are…?” “Gabriel. Gabriel Salazar.” You didn’t like where this was going so you quickly offered, “He was just lea-“ “I was just asking if I could have the next dance. You wouldn’t mind, would you?” Sherlock interjected smoothly, trying to keep his expression as amicable as possible. Gabe pursed his lips, looking between the two of you before tucking you to him tightly, “I think she’s enjoying dancing with me right now.” The music suddenly changed to the distinctive rhythm of a tango with a slight salsa twist and there were a few groans from other dancers around you as Sherlock gave the slightest of smirks, detectable only by you. Gabe huffed, blatantly ignoring Sherlock to look at you as he pushed some hair away from your face, “The tango is not my dance, Cariño. Shall we grab some drinks?” Unwilling to let this little event ruin your night, you pouted at him and ran your fingers teasingly down his chest as you leaned in a little, “But I like the tango, Gabe. Please?”   You both swiveled to look at Sherlock when he hummed, “A happy coincidence. I also enjoy the tango,” before extending a hand for you, “May I?”   You could see anger flash in Gabe’s eyes as his grip on you tightened protectively and you felt your own temper flare but pushed it down, patting his chest calmly, “It’s only one dance, Gabe. He and I need to have a little talk anyways.” He searched your face, worry apparent in his eyes, but you gave him a small reassuring smile so he relinquished his grip on you grumbling, “I will be right over there if you need me, Querida.” Sherlock flashed a smug smirk at your date as he stepped away and you took his still extended hand, allowing him to pull you into the close steps of the dance as you seethed, “Why are you doing this? You do know that requesting a tango in the middle of a salsa night is like a death wish, don’t you?” “Who said I requested it?” he thrummed, dipping you down as his large hand stroked down the curve of your waist. You pursed your lips and gave him a look that said don’t play games with me as you twirled away from him, glad that the dance allowed for a bit of teasing on your part. He was quick to pull you back flush against him with his forehead nearly touching yours, “Why didn’t you come home?” You faltered momentarily as his gorgeous eyes locked with yours in an intense stare and his long legs gracefully wrapped around yours in a quick succession of movements. You took the opportunity of the next move to look away as you huffed, “Nothing was wrong, Sherlock. Can’t I have one night without you being the center of my attention.” “You weren’t complaining last night,” he hummed, his nose brushing against your collarbone as he dipped you again, fitting himself against you and running a hand up your bare thigh when you bent your leg to bring your knee up to his hip. Your breath caught in your throat and you threw your leg back to force him to bring you up, cursing the intimacy of the dance. He caught your hand when you twirled away again, keeping your face turned away from him as you growled, “Why does it bother you so much, Sherlock? I’m just an experiment to you.” With a flick of his wrist, he spun you back to him, a hand at the small of your back keeping you close as he frowned at you confusedly, “I don’t understand why you are upset.” You abruptly stopped dancing, pulling away from him as you lowly fumed, “You are so bloody ignorant, you arrogant cock. I let you trick me into thinking you cared but John was right- all I am is some specimen for you to run your little tests on so you can learn more about the colloquialisms of the mushy ignorant minds of everyone who is not you.” He gaped at you for a second, mind racing to analyze what you’d just said, and you turned to look for Gabriel, storming off with Sherlock close behind, “(F/n).” He caught your wrist just as you reached a concerned looking Gabriel and you spun to snap, “I care about you, Sherlock, more than I should… but I can’t do this! You took something wonderful between two people and made it into something cold and meaningless. And now you... I’m not some plaything at your beck and call! I have feelings! I’ve already been with someone who didn’t love me, who hurt me, and I will not end up in that situation again. I deserve to be loved- to be happy!” You lost your battle against the tears and they quickly rushed the territory of your cheeks, a mix of sadness and anger filling your chest as you slapped him hard across the face and spun on your heel to leave, grabbing Gabriel’s arm as you went. You stopped short when he didn’t move, removing himself gently from your grasp to face Sherlock who for once in his life looked a little stunned. There was a sharp crack as Gabriel’s fist collided with Sherlock’s face before he turned back to you, leaving Sherlock sprawled out on the floor rubbing at his wounded jaw. He wrapped an arm around you to lead you away from everything as he whispered sweet Spanish nothings in your ear, trying to soothe you. You let him, sparing only a tearful fleeting glance over your shoulder at the man you loved before slipping out into the cool night air.
Tags <3:
@team-free-sherlock @multifandom-ramblings @madshelily @severusminerva @yes-but-theyre-my-dorks @smitemewiththysherlock @not-fandom-addicted @unknownwonder @deducingdevil @aviien @mrsfrankensteinsworld @lolamurphy @bakerstreethound @musical-doll-x @protectteamfreewill @delightful-pirate @lilcutekittykat @broke-and-overwhelmed @adri1ii @turtle-at-the-disco @fanfictionsilove @chasedbyhowlingwolves @thorkyrie-rights
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