#but i’m just having one of those moments where i’ve been fighting the Bad Thoughts for so long
waitimcomingtoo · 1 month
I’ll Cry If I Want To
Pairing: enemies to lovers!Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Synopsis: you get stood up on your birthday and Peter attempts to cheer you up despite your feud
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Peter walked into the kitchen in the tower and was immediately greeted by a confetti popper exploding in his face followed by a tender kiss on the forehead from Tony.
“Oh, my. Good morning to me.” Peter smiled at the greeting.
“Damn it, Parker.” Tony groaned. “I thought you were my little girl.”
“Don’t feel bad, daddy. A lot of people confuse Peter for a little girl.” You said as you walked into the kitchen behind Peter. The two of you made eye contact and you gave him an innocent smile while he rolled his eyes at you.
“Ha ha.“ He said sarcastically and then hissed at you like a cat. You gave him a look as you walked over to your dad.
“Happy birthday, baby girl.” Tony said and pulled you into a long hug.
“Thank you, daddy.” You smiled and hugged him back.
“Thank you, daddy.” Peter said in a high pitched voice to mock you. You and Tony looked at him and he quickly cleared his throat.
“Sorry. What I meant to say was, happy birthday. I didn’t know that was today. I mean, I’d been wondering why you looked so old but I assumed it was from your lack of sunscreen use.”
“Nice try. I wear sunscreen everyday.” You replied.
“Really?” He gasped. “Might want to up that SPF a few. You look like a crumbled piece of paper and not in a fun Taylor Swift way.”
“Don’t talk to me about skincare, Rudolf.” You snapped and tapped your nose twice to point out the zit on the tip of Peter nose. He covered it with his hand and narrowed his eyes at you.
“Children, please. No fighting. It stops my moisturizer from sinking in.” Tony sighed and rubbed circles into his skin.
“Sorry, daddy. I just wanted to make sure Peter knew about the giant pimple on his nose in case he was going to see anyone today.” You said as you smiled sweetly at Peter. He discreetly flipped you off by scratching his cheek with his middle finger.
“Any plans for the night, jelly bean?” Tony asked you.
“Nothing crazy. My friends are coming over later for a sleepover.”
“Oh God. Is this gonna be one of those crazy parties where you all get drunk and things get out of hand and you accidentally kill someone and have to dispose of the body together while hijixs ensues?” Peter. whined.
“No, because this isn’t one of the pornos you watch.” You scoffed.
“Pfft. That is not what I watch.” He insisted. “Where would I even find something like that? What would I even type? I’m open to suggestions.”
“Shut up.” You laughed. “You’re such a weirdo. And don’t be hanging around when my friends are here. I already told them you’re a pervert and on the FBI watch list so you don’t have a chance with any of them.”
“I don’t want to date your freakbob friends anyway.” He scoffed. “And to keep it down tonight, will you? I already wake up the birds chirping every morning. I don’t want to hear you birds all night too.”
“I actually came up with a solution for that. What if you killed yourself?” You asked through a smile.
“That’s a great idea. I might give that a whirl today if I’m not busy.” He replied and matched your smile.
“You? Busy?” You laughed. “Please. Busy doing what?”
“Peter and I are gonna be in the lab doing boring stuff with the suits. Adjustments, additions, and what have you.” Tony answered you.
“Oh. Okay. Do you need any help?” You asked.
“I wouldn’t ask you to do that on your birthday, baby girl. Peters got it.” Tony replied, making your smile falter a little.
“Yeah. I’ve got it.” Peter boasted and gave you a smug look. You glared at him for a moment before looking back at your dad.
“I’ll catch you later for some cake, okay honey bun?” Tony told you before kissing your forehead.
“Okay. Bye. Have fun.” You smiled sadly as he left the room.
“You look greasy, by the way.” Peter said once you were alone.
“Like I care what you think. Even your hairline won’t stay with you.” You scoffed and nodded towards his forehead.
“It’s not actually receding, is it?” He asked and touched his hair.
“Maybe your forehead is just getting bigger.” You shrugged and popped a grape in your mouth from the bowl on the table.
“Bite me.” He replied and stopped touching his hair.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” You chuckled. “Isn’t that how you got your powers, spider boy?”
“Yup. What do you think would happen if you bite me? Would I be able to a do anything a total bitch can?” He wondered, making you pelt a grape at him. He caught it with ease and popped it into his mouth.
“Watch your mouth before I bring out the peppermint essential oils again.” You warned him.
“You wouldn’t.” He said quietly.
“Try me.” You shrugged. You stared at each other across the kitchen for a moment before Peter gave up.
“You win. Here’s your card. Happy birthday, gaylord.” He said as he handed you a homemade birthday card from his jeans pocket before quickly running out of the room. You rolled your eyes at him but smiled once he was gone and read the card. As annoying as you normally found him, you appreciated that he remembered your birthday. Inside the card was a crude drawing of the two of you fighting next to a drawing of a gift card to Planet Fitness.
Peter strolled into your bedroom around 10 pm when he had grown curious as to why your friends weren’t there yet. It was getting kind of late and you had listed many activities that you had planned to do while Peter begrudgingly listened to you talk earlier in the day. You were still in your room by yourself so he went in and knocked on your door to see what was happening.
“Hey dingus. When are your dumb friends getting here? I need to know when I should jam my ears with scissors.” Peter said as he leaned against your doorway. You were sitting on your bed with your knees draw to your chest and your chin resting on top of them as you stared out the window.
“Do that anyway.” You mumbled and didn’t move from your position.
“I’m going to. I can’t listen to you all yap about when Reputation TV is coming all night. And your friend Stacy’s theories are always way off.” He continued. You still didn’t turn to look at him and his smirk dropped when he heard a sniffle. He frowned and took a step into your room.
“Hello? I knew you were dumb but did you forget how to turn your neck or something?” He said to try to make you laugh. You stayed still and he craned his neck to try to see your face.
“Seriously though, when are they coming?”
“They’re not coming.” You said finally in a horse voice.
“Why? What happened? Did they finally realize you’re an annoying brat whose only redeeming quality is access to daddy’s credit card?” Peter teased in another attempt to make you laugh.
“Something like that.” You mumbled. Peter frowned and finally realized that something was actually wrong. He sat down on your bed and reached his hand out.
“Whats going on? Are you okay?” He asked in a soft voice.
“Just go away.” You said sadly and wiped tears from your face. Peter shot a web at a tissue box on your dresser and pulled it over.
“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what happened.” He said and handed you a tissue. You gave him a skeptical look and he held up one hand in defense while waving the tissue in the other like a white flag. You sighed and took the tissue before wiping your eyes.
“They found out it wasn’t a yacht party or at some fancy restaurant or some elitist club in Tribeca so they all cancelled.“ You said as you nervously ripped the tissue up in your hands.
“They cancelled? Why?”
“Because no one wants to come to my party. They want to come to a Stark Industries party with puppies in the gift bags and acrobats suspended from the ceiling and Avengers walking around like party clowns. Just hanging out with me wasn’t cool enough so they all bailed.” You sniffled and turned back to look out the window. Peter raised his hand to place it on your shoulder but then drew it back. He didn’t know if he was who you’d want to comfort you and he didn’t want to push it.
“I’m sorry.” He said instead.
“Like you care.” You laughed sadly and held your knees tighter to your chest.
“I do care.” He insisted. “And I’m very sorry this happened to you tonight.”
“No you’re not.” You scoffed. “You’re probably thrilled to see me like this. This is probably the greatest moment of your dumb life.”
“It’s not.” He said quietly. You finally whipped around to look at Peter and he saw the pain in your red eyes.
“It’s not? Look at me, Peter. I’m pathetic. I’m alone on my birthday because I wasn’t good enough for anyone to hang out with.” You exclaimed. Peter went quiet as you slowly caught your breath. You teased each other all the time but you’d never actually yelled at him before. You wiped your eyes with the tissue before staring at your hands.
“You were right.” You said quietly. “I am just a spoiled brat who people only like because of my connections. And I’m sure you’re anxiously waiting for me to shut up so you can say “I told you so” and prove to me once again that I’m always wrong.”
You and Peter sat in silence for a minute without looking at each other. Peter felt guilty that you were expecting him to kick you while you were down. You were feeling your own guilt for snapping at him when he was trying to be nice.
“I’m not gonna say that.” He said after a beat.
“It’s fine. I’m fine. Just go away.” You said miserably and turned back to the window. Peter opened his mouth to say something but shut it when he couldn’t find the words. He patted your shoulder twice before getting up and leaving your room. You turned to look at the door once he was gone and felt yourself missing his presence. You turned back to the window and stared out at the night sky through your teary eyes and let time pass.
After a while, you started to smell something. You sniffed the air until you recognized it as the scent of a something burning. Out of sheer curiosity, you wrapped a blanket around your shoulders and padded into the kitchen. You found Peter in the kitchen with a lace trimmed pink apron tied around his waist and flour smeared on his cheek. You smiled in surprise and leaned against the wall to watch him for a minute. He was humming to himself a song you didn’t recognize while scrapping a burnt black lump of something into the trash can. When he finally turned around, he jumped when he saw you.
“Jesus. You scared me. But I guess I should’ve known the smell of something baking would have your big back running to the kitchen like I hit the bat signal.”
“Shut up.” You chuckled. “What are you doing in here?”
“Well, your parents went to a movie since they thought your friends would be here. That means no ones home.” Peter began.
“And?” You asked.
“And so I thought we could fulfill a lifelong fantasy of mine and making sweet love to you on the kitchen counter.” He smiled suavely and raised his eyebrows at you.
“Excuse me?” Your jaw dropped as he drummed his fingertips on the counter.
“I’m joking. I’m clearly baking a bake. Or, I tried. I guess 500 degrees was too hot.” He said and looked at the burnt cake in the trash.
“Yeah, that’s a few hundred above what it should be. But why are you baking? We have a chef for that.”
“Because it’s your birthday you miserable bitch. And everyone deserves a cake baked with love. Now do you prefer chocolate or vanilla frosting on your burnt cake?” He asked and held up two cans of frosting. You looked between the two before your eyes settled on him. You hugged your blanket tighter around yourself and shook your head.
“I don’t want your pity.” You said quietly.
“You don’t have it so shut up and grab a spatula before I rescind your choice in the matter and funfetti the fuck out of this cake.” He replied and held out a spatula. You stared at it and felt compelled to take it and join him, but you were still throwing yourself a pity party.
“No? Look, I’m trying to cheer your dumb ass up so can you please work with me here?” Peter sighed and looked at you. You stared at him for a while before cracking the slightest smile. He noticed the smile and knew he had succeeded in his plan to cheer you up.
“Fine. But I’m not eating that. That’s what Santa puts in the bad kids stockings. We’ll make a new one. But I’m not touching raw eggs.” You told him and grabbed your dad’s matching pink apron from the drawer.
“I wouldn’t expect you to, Princess.” Peter mumbled under his breath. You glared at him through your lashes as you threw some flour and sugar into a bowl. Peter went to put the butter in but you pushed his hand away.
“It can’t be cold butter or it won’t mix properly. It has to be room temperature.” You explained as you filled a measuring cup with water.
“Oh. Let’s pop it in the microwave then.”
“We can’t do that either. Then the hot butter will scramble the eggs. Do you want little egg bits in your cake?” You asked him as you microwaved the cup of water for a minute.
“Maybe just a little.” Peter replied as he watched you put the butter into a small bowl and then place the bowl on top of the microwaved water.
“There. This will soften the butter without making it hot enough to scramble the eggs.” You explained. He looked between your little invention and you for a minute before smiling.
“Wow. That was really smart.” He said genuinely. “Women really do belong in the kitchen.”
“Shut up.” You rolled your eyes as you set the temperature to the correct heat on the oven. Peter couldn’t help but watch you over his shoulder as you combined the rest of the dry ingredients and expertly cracked an egg in one hand. He rarely got to see you like this, no makeup and in lounge clothes. And he definitely never saw you upset before. He was used to the perfectly groomed and standoffish version of yourself so this change of pace brought him unexpected joy.
“Move over. That’s not how you mix batter. You need to fold it.” You told him and reminded him of the you he knew. You bumped him with your hip and put your hands over his to help him fold the batter.
“Like laundry?” He asked as his cheeks heated up.
“Like you know what laundry is, Pigpen. And no. A different folding. Like this.” You said and helped him mix the batter until it was the desired consistency.
“Oh wow. That worked really well. I usually just go sicko mode until it turns into goop.” He confessed.
“And how does that work out for you?” You asked him.
“Look in the trash and you’ll find out.” Peter replied and eyed the burnt cake in the garbage can. You playfully rolled your eyes at him and kept helping him fold the batter. Everytime he tried to stir the batter, you gently corrected his hands to fold it instead.
“Why don’t you just do it?” He asked when he started getting frustrated with himself.
“Because you won’t learn if I do it.” You replied in a softer tone. Peter went quiet since you were being unexpectedly nice to him. You let the batter sit for minute once you were satisfied and then poured in into a cake pan.
“There. Thats gonna take about 30 minutes to bake and then it needs to cool before we frost it.” You told him as you shut the oven door.
“Oh, so we have 30 minutes? Then circling back to that making love on the counter idea-“
“Shut it.” You warned him. Peter pretended to zipper his lips and throw away the key. You cracked a smile before starting to clean up the kitchen. Peter wordlessly helped you tidy up and you exchanged a soft smile with each other in the silence of the kitchen.
“What was your worst birthday?” You asked after a long beat of silence.
“Are you talking to me?” Peter asked after looking around.
“Peter, we’re the only ones in the room.”
“Sorry. It’s not like you’ve ever asked me a personal question before. It’s usually “are you stupid?” or “can you go away?” or “do you need a tampon cry baby?” He recalled, making you feel bad for always being so mean to him.
“Oh. Sorry about that.” You said quietly. “I sound a lot meaner than I thought I was.”
“I’m mean too.” Peter shrugged.
“You tease me.” You shook your head. “I’m just cruel.”
“I think we are an equal amount of mean to each other. Don’t let it keep you up at night. I’m sure your chronic yeast infections do that enough.” Peter tried to lighten the mood, but you didn’t crack a smile. You seemed faraway in thought and he was curious as to why.
“Do you think I’m hard to be around?” You asked after a minute. Peter was about to crack another joke until he saw the look on your face. He could tell you needed a friend right now and was filled with determination to be one.
“No. I think those girls you called your “friends” are hard to be around.” He said seriously. “I’ve seen you with them. They’re the mean ones. Them bailing tonight has nothing to do with you. They’re a bunch of shallow jerks who only care about the material things in life. They don’t care about having deep connections with people. They only care about deep pockets on people. I know this isn’t the first time they’ve ditched you. And I know you feel alone even when they are here because you’re never fully included. You think no one notices because you tell stories about your charming adventures together but I see it in your eyes. They make you feel like an afterthought. You act tough and pretend it doesn’t bother you but I know that it does. You shouldn’t hang out with them anymore.”
“Then who am I going to hang out with?” You shrugged sadly. “Without them, I don’t have any friends.”
“Sitting alone is better than sitting at a table where you’re the topic of conversation when you get up.” Peter said simply. You stared at him for a moment before your eyes fell to the floor.
“I just don’t want to be alone.” You said quietly. Peter nodded his head in understanding and let a silence fall between the two of for a while. He was going to say that you wouldn’t be alone because you’d have him, but he didn’t know if you wanted to hear that.
“Can I ask you something?” He asked.
“No.” You said immediately. You made eye contact and you let out a sigh.
“Okay. Go ahead.”
“Why don’t you like me?” He asked without looking into our eyes. You saw that coming and stared at him to try and get a sense of what was going on in his head. He slowly looked back up at you and gave you a weak smile.
“Do you remember that time the power went out in the city due to that Max guy or whatever and we all lit candles and hung out in the tower?”
“Uh oh.” Peter gulped. “You answered my question with another question. That can’t be good.”
“Shut up. Do you remember or not?” You asked and gently kicked his foot with your foot.
“I remember that.” He told you and held your gaze.
“You were new around here. You had just gotten your powers that year so I didn’t really know you yet. I had gone to look for more candles and found you crying on the floor of the linen closet.
“I remember that.” He nodded. “It was all so overwhelming to be here with the whole team. I had never felt so small.”
“I know. I told you I felt like that too sometimes. And then we stayed up for hours talking about every stupid thing we ever worried about and gave each other advice. I think at one point I gave you advice on how much conditioner to use.” You said as you replayed the night in your memory. You had a look on your face that Peter had never seen on you before. It was natural and relaxed and playful, all things he knew to be the opposite of you. It was so rare that the two of you were getting along and he didn’t want to do anything to ruin in.
“A dime sized amount and not on the roots. I still use that advice.” He chuckled. “You were so nice to me that night. You came in and pretended I wasn’t crying so that I wouldn’t be embarrassed. You just sat down with me and started talking ad if we’d always been friends. You quieted all my fears that night. I was initially so embarrassed about it but then I felt a lot better knowing someone had my back no matter how bad I messed up.”
“I always had your back.” You insisted. “Even when I was mean to you. If you were in trouble with my dad, I was always here talking him down and trying to get him to see your side. He sees you through the lense of his child that he doesn’t want hurt but I’ve always seen you as a hero who wants to help. I even got him to give you the suit back when you were 15. And it was my idea to put the warmers in because you told me you’re always cold.”
“Really? You were rooting for me this whole time?” He cracked a smile in surprise.
“Yeah.” You shrugged. “Always.”
“Then how come you act like…” Peter trailed off in fear of insulting you.
“Like what?” You asked, sounding like you already knew what was coming.
“Like you hate me.” He admitted. You felt your face burn in embarrassment and shook your head.
“I don’t hate you.” You said sheepishly.
“You don’t?” He asked in genuine surprise. You looked at him and he could see the guilt in your eyes even in the dim light of the kitchen.
“No. I don’t. I never did.”
“Then how come we don’t get along anymore?” He asked. He had only gone along with all the teasing since you began it, but he had always wondered why it started.
“One of the things we had talked about that night was how my one regret about being homeschooled was never getting to experience a prom. I told you had dreamed of it since I was a little girl and it broke my heart to know I’d never have one. So then you said…” You trailed off, thinking he’d remember what he told you. His face showed no sign of remembering it but he racked his brain anyway.
“I said what?” He asked, breaking your heart just a little more.
“You promised to take me. To yours.” You told him. You and Peter stood in silence for a moment before he burst out laughing. Your sadness immediately hardened into anger at the sound of him laughing at you.
“Wait, you’ve been pissy towards me for the last few years because I broke a promise I made at 15 years old and didn’t take you to a stupid school dance?” Peter asked through a laugh. You glared at him for his reaction and he immediately stopped when he noticed you weren’t laughing too.
“Oh. We’re not laughing?” He asked.
“Why is that funny to you?” You snapped. Peter saw the moment slipping away from him and started to panic.
“Well I was- I was a kid.” He said simply. “I had a huge crush on this girl Liz and we were finally becoming friends so I asked her and she said yes. That was years after I promised you that. I’m sorry but I didn’t remember.”
Peter thought you were going to yell at him and hurl a parade of insults his way, but you just nodded your head and looked down at the ground.
“You’re right. We were just kids. Forget I said anything.” You mumbled and started walking towards the door to leave. Peter knew he had messed up big time and possibly just killed any and all chances of the two of you becoming friends.
“Wait.” He said desperately just as the kitchen timer went off. You stopped walking and watched him haphazardly take the cake out of the oven and throw it in the stove top as he blew on it.
“You should stay. We have to frost it.” He said with a weak smile and an even weaker attempt for you for stay.
“You can’t frost it while it’s hot. It’ll slip right off.” You said without looking at him.
“Oh. I didn’t know that. Well then do you want to talk some more or-“
“I have to go.” You cut him off and swiftly left the kitchen.
You went back to your room to resume the pouting you had started earlier. You felt guilty about walking out on Peter but it had hurt you to know that a promise that had meant a lot to you didn’t even stay in his memory. You stared out the window and sulked as you thought yourself into a deep rut. It didn’t take long for Peter to start making noise in the kitchen, interrupting your thought spiral. You heard things falling out of cabinets followed by Peter swearing. He bumbled around for a while and slowly drove you crazy with all the noise he was making until you couldn’t take it anymore. Just when you were about to text him and tell him the knock it off, you heard the dulcet sounds of “The Dancing Queen” coming from downstairs. You groaned in frustration and got out of bed to go downstairs and see what was happening.
When you got to the living room, Peter was standing there in one of your dad’s suits that hugged him a little too tightly around his muscles. The room looked like it had been decorated by a child with poorly hung streamers, ripped up construction paper to act as confetti, and bunches of webs that Peter had tried to shape into stars and moons. He had dimmed the lights and put a single bowl of chips on the counter, which he proudly stood beside.
“What the hell is this?” You asked him.
“Will you go to prom with me?” He asked with a huge smile.
“No.” You said immediately. “Please kill yourself.”
“I will.” He promised. “After one dance.”
“I’m not dancing with you. I’m not doing any of this.” You told him and turned to leave. You heard a “pst” right before feeling a web hit your back. Before you knew it, Peter tugged on the web and sent you stumbling back into Peter’s arms. He caught you with ease and winked when you landed in his arms. You rolled your eyes at him but felt a smile tugged at your lips.
“Please? Just one dance? Then I’ll let you go and hate me for the rest of your life.” He pleaded as he stared into your eyes. He looked so desperate that you found yourself nodding before you knew what you were agreeing to. He smiled in excitement and twirled you around before slowly swaying to the beat. You begrudgingly sighed and wrapped your arms around his neck while his stayed in a respectable place on your hips. You could feel his eyes on you but you kept yours on the ceiling.
“You can look at me, you know.” He teased, making you begrudgingly look him in the eyes.
“Oh. I almost forgot.” He smiled and pulled something out of his pocket. You looked down and saw a few poorly drawn flowers webbed to a rubber band.
“Your corsage, my lady.” He said as he slipped it onto your wrist.
“This is so stupid.” You laughed but secretly loved the thought he put into everything.
“It’s about to get even more stupid. Wait here.” He asked and quickly ran into the kitchen. He returned with one of Morgan’s plastic tiaras with a big fake gem in the center.
“Every prom needs its queen.” He said as he placed the crown on your head. You made eye contact as he stepped forward to adjust it and you felt your breath catch in your throat from how close he was.
“You didn’t have to do this.” You said quietly.
“Yes I did. I owed you a prom experience. I’m sorry I didn’t take you the first time. And I’m sorry for laughing at you. You just caught me off guard. I have spent many nights thinking of all the things I could have done to make you hate me. I genuinely forgot about that promise. I had no idea this entire time that you hated me because of prom.” He said as the two of you started swaying to the music again. You felt a feeling rise up in your chest, a feeling you hadn’t felt for Peter in many years.
“It wasn’t just the prom.” You admitted before you could think about it.
“It wasn’t? What else did I do? Did I hotbox the elevator with you in it or something?” He asked. “I did that to Wanda once and now she’ll show up in my dreams sometimes and make me pee the bed.”
“That’s disgusting.” You said flatly. “But no. It wasn’t that.”
“Then what?” He wondered.
“It’s stupid. You’ll just laugh again.”
“No I won’t.” He assured you. “Probably. I’ll definitely try really hard not to.
“Come on. Please tell me.” He pleaded and gave your hip a gentle squeeze. “You have to tell me now or I’ll become so annoying so quickly. I’ll be worse than those people who try to describe SNL skits to you and keep explaining even when it’s clearly only funny if you’re watching it.”
“I can’t tell you. It’s dumb anyway. Forget I said anything.” You said and hoped he’d drop it.
“It can’t be that dumb if it stood between us all these years. What, did you have a crush on me or something?” He laughed through his question. You went quiet and Peters eyes went wide.
“Oh shit. Did you have a crush on me?” He asked in a soft voice. You looked down at the ground to avoid having to look him in the eyes now that you were caught.
“I don’t know.” You sighed. “You were my age and had these cool powers and muscles and unexpected sense of humor. I was homeschooled and had swiped to the end of Tinder. You were my only option.”
“Oh. I see. So you only liked me because I was the only choice?” He said through a laugh but it hurt him. You could sense in his voice that you had just hurt his feelings and for once, that wasn’t what you wanted.
“I mean, not the only choice.” You added. “Cap used to hang around a lot more and he’s not the worst looking. But he’s like 500 so I never really had a chance.”
“Why me, then?” He wondered. You finally looked in to his eyes and shrugged a little.
“Because you were kind.” You admitted. “You didn’t need to take on as much as what you did at such a young age but you refused to do the easy stuff. You used to drive my dad crazy with how for you begged for assignments. You were so determined to get out there and save people, it was almost obnoxious. You were never content getting back stolen bikes. You always wanted to protect people from the big things. Even when you were just a kid. I liked that about you. I still do.”
“Still?” He gulped. “Even now?”
Before you could respond, the slow music that was playing ended and “Munch” started to blast from Peter phone. He scrambled to change the song but the moment had already been ruined.
“Sorry about that. I don’t know who put that on my playlist.” He quickly lied.
“It was you.”
“It was me, yeah.” He admitted and hung his head in shame. You stopped dancing and slowly withdrew your arms from him, making his heart sink.
“This was really sweet. Thank you, Peter.” You said genuinely. “I should probably get to bed now. I just want this day to end.”
“But we haven’t frosted the cake yet. It’s still your birthday. You can’t go to bed without any cake.” He said in a desperate attempt to get you to stay.
“I don’t know. It’s late.”
“Come on. It’ll be fast. That’s one of my powers. Spider can frost cake really fast and so can I.” He said and rushed over to the cake. He held it up and gave you a lopsided smile, convincing you to stay.
“Fine. Let’s make it fast.” You agreed and walked over to him. He smiled at you joining him and got out the frosting. He handed you a spatula and you started to frost the cake.
“You don’t have to keep wearing that if you don’t want.” Peter chuckled and went to take your crown off. You quickly swatted his hand and adjusted your crown.
“Back off. It’s mine.” You said and stepped away from him. He chuckled again and you laughed too.
“I really do appreciate everything you did for me tonight. I hope I can make it up to you one day.” You told him.
“You can make it up to me right now if we clear off this counter top and-“
“No.” You cut him off.
“Worth a try.” He mumbled.
“Really, though. You cheered me up tonight and I didn’t think that was possible.”
“In a way, I’m glad your stupid friends cancelled on you. It gave us an opportunity to spend time together. And this was the least I could do for not taking you to my real prom. Which was total buns, by the way. I missed most of it because I was putting my dates dad in jail.”
“Well I’m glad that didn’t happen tonight.” You laughed softly.
“Me either. I wish I took you to the first one. We could have been friends this whole time if I had just remembered my promise.” He sighed.
“It’s fine. It was a long time ago. I’m done moping about it. I’m ready to eat this cake and be friends from now on.”
“I’m ready for that too.” He smiled at you. “Especially the part about us being friends. But also for this cake because it’s kinda giving me a boner from how good it smells.”
“It does smell really good. I can’t even blame your boner. But if that thing even looks at me you’re getting impromptu gender reassignment surgery with this spatula.”
“Ouch.” He chuckled and looked over at you. He didn’t stop looking at you until you felt his eyes on you.
“What?” You laughed shyly.
“I can’t believe you ever liked me. And that this whole time, I had no idea. I am so not cool enough for a girl like you to like.”
“Yeah, well. It wasn’t like I dropped any hints.”
“Maybe not. It just doesn’t feel real. I wouldn’t believe it even if you weren’t always mean to me. You reciprocating my feelings was not something I ever thought would happen.”
“Reciprocating? You liked me too?” You asked as your mouth went dry.
“Are you kidding? You’re my mentors insanely hot and totally off limits daughter. Of course I liked you. Not to mention you’re funny, smart, good with a screwdriver and the apparently my biggest supporter. Though you did it in secret. Make no mistake, birthday girl. I had the biggest crush on you for years. Even when you were being mean to me.”
“Oh. I didn’t know.” You said quietly. You had your back to him as you washed your hands but you could feel his eyes on you. You peaked over your shoulder and sure enough, Peter’s eyes were locked on you. You gulped and turned back around when you heard him walking over to you.
“You know, as mean as your insults were, they were always clever. And you always looked good saying them. How could I not fall for you?” He said as he came up behind you. He was close enough that you could smell his cologne, along with a scent that was just distinctly Peter, making your heart pound in your ears. You turned around and leaned against the counter as you looked into his eyes.
“Well how do you feel now?” You asked with unwavering eye contact.
“I feel like those feelings never left.” He admitted. You had never heard such confidence in his voice and it was just the thing to tip the scales back in his favor.
“Hm. Interesting.” You shrugged and turned back around. It was almost like you could hear the disappointment in the air once you had your back to him again. You decided not to torture him forever and give in to what you both wanted.
“Peter?” You asked and looked over your shoulder at him.
“Clear the countertop.”
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings
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@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
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peachdues · 3 months
COMPASS ONE-SHOT • bad boy!Sanemi x Reader
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A/N: a one-shot from my bad boy!Sanemi gang AU fic, Compass featuring Sanemi and Reader’s first kiss. It technically happened off-page in the first Chapter, so I thought I’d share it with you all now because I’m such a sap for these two.
CW: 1.7k • MDNI • mentions of explicit sexual content • mentions of masturbation • Sanemi’s been thinking about Reader in fun ways • first kiss • fluff/light angst
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You’re both seated on your floor, pizza box sitting in front of you, half-empty, alongside a couple of empty, discarded beer bottles.
“I’ve never had sex,” you blurt, prompting Sanemi to choke on his gulp of beer.
You pause in bringing your own bottle to your lips to glare at him. “You don’t have to be rude about it.”
“I’m not,” Sanemi wipes his lips. “Who gives a shit about that — I mean, where did that come from?”
You take a long, pointed sip of your beer before setting it back down, drawing your knees up to your chest. “I don’t know,” you shrug. “Isn’t it weird that I haven’t? We’re both twenty-one — but I’ve never even had a serious relationship, much less had sex.”
That surprises him. He’d thought about your days in school more than he’d be willing to admit ever since he chose your bookstore to hide in all those months ago. He’s devoted countless hours to wracking his brain, trying to recall every minute detail about you, in a concerted effort to figure out why the fuck he didn’t approach you sooner.
But he’d found that he couldn’t quite recall, and maybe that’s because he never had an excuse.
Still, you seem like you should have had at least the opportunity for love. After all, Sanemi can’t imagine someone worthier of it.
You’re staring at him, now, expectant, and Sanemi distracts himself by reaching for his own beer bottle to inspect it. “’S not weird,” he says after a moment. “You’re young. You’ve barely been out in the world.”
“But you‘ve done it,” you push, taking another swig of your drink.
Sanemi nods with a chuckle, setting his now-empty bottle down. “Yeah, yeah I have.”
You refuse to meet his eyes as you mumble, “And you like doing it.”
“Is that what the rumors say?” He asks drily, concealing his faint grimace by reaching for another beer.
“I don’t care about the rumors. I’m trying to make a point, here,” you scowl, finally lifting your gaze back to him. “I want to do it. I don’t want to be a virgin anymore.”
He glances at you from the corner of his eye. “Noted.”
“I want you to fix it.”
His hand halts midair before it can reach the last unopened bottle, and he turns to stare dumbly at you.
You must be joking — or you’re drunk. In either event, there’s no fucking way you’re serious.
He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about it — extensively, for that matter. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want it just as badly as you seem to — arguably, even more so, given that he can’t stop thinking about it.
He wouldn’t be caught dead admitting that he thinks of you that way often — so much so that he hasn’t been able to get laid in at least two months, because he couldn’t stop picturing you when he was with his designated fling of the evening.
Hell, he’d only been able to get off that last time because he stopped fighting the images in his head. Ones that involved that flirty sundress you loved wearing pulled down to expose your breasts, bouncing as you rode him, or the blush on your cheeks he imagined would form when he settled between your thighs, mouth lowering to steal a taste of what he could only assume was paradise.
Since then, the only thing Sanemi has been fucking is his own hand. And damn, if those little images of you didn’t keep sneaking into his subconscious. And though he always managed to cum fast and hard whenever those fantasies bled into his mind, Sanemi also was left to feel nothing but shame afterward as he wiped his hand and abdomen clean, guilt hanging heavily over his head for thinking of you in such a way.
For daring to think you might want him at all.
But now, here you were, looking at him with all the hopeful expectancy in the world. As though he has anything worth offering you.
Sure, Sanemi knew you were likely asking him to do it for practicality’s sake. You were a virgin and you wanted not to be anymore. And he was there, your only friend, and he was someone known for being rather unrestrained when it came to matters of the bedroom (or, anywhere that offered semi-privacy, for that matter).
He was a convenience; nothing more.
Did that stop him from considering it? Of course not. He was yours to use as much as you wanted, as far as he was concerned. But he’d assumed his usefulness stopped at being an ear to listen to; a companion — not because of anything you did, but because Sanemi had never felt like he held much value outside of what he could do for others.
And really, being used for this purpose — by you, no less — wasn’t too bad of an idea, all things considered.
But he can’t; he won’t. Part of him wants you to save that piece of yourself for someone who deserves it; deserves you. And that sure as shit isn’t him.
Part of him is also acutely aware that you’re tipsy and thus, the boundaries of your consent are blurry, and Sanemi would rather eat and shit glass than dilute them further.
But another part of him hesitates because he knows that if he does give in — gives you what you both want — that he’ll only further distort what remains of the lines he’s drawn in the sand. Lines, he sternly reminds himself, that are not just his means of protecting you, but rules that he is bound to obey as an extension of the Corps.
Don’t get attached.
And yet, he can’t help but wonder; can’t stop his traitorous heart from swelling, or his mind from running with the faint possibility of what life might be like if he just said yes.
What would it be like to be close to you? To hold you, kiss you, whisper sweet nothings in your ear he’d never told anyone else, but had secretly always longed to share? Would you moan or sigh his name? And if he was graced with the chance to see you fall apart — how would you look? Would you cry out, or would your mouth fall open in a silent o, your pleasure so intense that it stole the very breath from your lungs?
Never mind wanting and being wanted in return — what would it be like to have?
You rest your chin on your arms, eyes fixed on him, waiting, and Sanemi feels himself nearly break right there.
It’s nearly impossible to turn you down in a way that won’t hurt your feelings, but he has to. He has no choice.
He never has.
“Sorry, Princess. Don’t think that’s the best idea.” He reaches over to flick your nose before adding, “Plus, you’re a bit too tipsy.”
He hopes that his disappointment isn’t too evident on his face as he watches you; hopes that you cannot see the way his heart cracks under his own self restraint.
Thankfully, you drop your head onto your arms with a groan, concealing your face in your alcohol-tinged shame.
To his dismay, your obvious letdown punches at that soft part of his heart he’s reserved for you. His mouth goes dry. The idea blooms in his head and he’s acting before he can stop himself.
Just a taste. He swears. Just a taste. A little indulgence, so you know his reticence has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the fact that he isn’t worth it.
You roll your head to the side to peer shyly at him, a pretty blush still staining your cheeks.
“Come here.”
You lift your head from your arms then, cocking it in a question that Sanemi decides to answer by crooking his fingers under your chin and leaning in.
The kiss he shares with you is soft; measured. Your lips feel like silk against his, and it strikes him that never before has he kissed anyone with so much tenderness. The few kisses he exchanged with his flavors of the night were always sharp, bruising clashes of lips and teeth, each party more focused on sating their own needs rather than tending to that of the other.
Then again, Sanemi never felt this way toward those serving as his temporary distractions. He never thought of them as something precious; something to be adored, the way he does you.
You don’t move your arms from where they’re folded atop your knees, and for that, Sanemi is grateful. He knows that were you to move your hands to cup his face or even tangle in his hair, he would lose whatever thread of self control he possessed when it came to you.
So, Sanemi continues to kiss you slowly; indulgently. He never lets himself deepen it, never lets his tongue flick out along the seam of your lips in an effort to part them. He simply moves his lips with yours for a moment longer before he finally pulls away, though his fingers linger under your chin.
Only centimeters separate your mouth from his, and Sanemi can feel the sweet warmth of your breath as he whispers, “We should pick out a movie.”
You nod after a moment, still too stooped in the haze of his closeness to you. Reluctantly, Sanemi shifts away, his hand dropping from your chin. You don’t see how he flexes it over and over when you turn away to fidget with your remote, Sanemi unable to shake off the memory of your skin under his fingertips.
He watches the movie without really seeing it; his mind is far too preoccupied with replaying your kiss, over and over on a constant, never-ending loop.
He’d hoped that the small kiss would smother some of the fire that has been steadily consuming him over the last few months. A temporary respite to the near constant pang of longing he felt in his chest every time he looked at you.
What a stupid fucking idea that had been.
Because, as Sanemi sits beside you, limbs rigid under the incessant buzz thrumming in his veins, urging him to reach over and lay you back against the rug and make you his, he realizes your kiss was only a gallon of gasoline dumped directly over his fire.
And, judging by the way you keep your eyes fixed resolutely on the screen before you despite the persistent heat in your cheeks, Sanemi thinks you might be just as hungry for him as he is for you.
Oh, he’s fucked.
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likes/reblogs/comments always appreciated!
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thecapricunt1616 · 5 months
Hello all I’m still working on my requests daddy Carmy has just been taking over my fucking brain.
I’ve been seeing the trend on tik tok of wives asking their husbands questions about their babies it just got me thinking how Carmy would KILL this challenge and he would be super proud of himself because he’s so competitive I think it would go something like (Drabble below)
You walk out onto the patio of your gorge house where he’s in sexy daddy mode cooking breakfast on the little black stone grill while he drinks his coffee and you’re like -
“Babe I saw this video about this dad he didn’t know anything about his baby but I know you know cause you’re an awesome dad can we show the people what a good dad you are?”
and ofc he gets all blushy and is like “I’m not a good dad because I know stuff about my kid but I love talkin’ bout’ em so you can ask me questions sure.”
So you start off easy “What kind of formula do we use for cub when I’m taking a break?”
He answers straight away “Yellow one Enfamil neuropro I’m like 99% sure it’s in a yellow container”
“Correct and how many naps does he take a day?” You ask and He chuckles
“Uhm well when he’s bein’ good he’ll take 2 er 3 even if he’s doin’ a lot ‘er he’s sick, but we can usually only get one outta him.” He said while shaping the pancake batter into little Mickey Mouse shapes
“He gets being a bad sleeper from his dad, and what time does he usually nap?”
“Ye’ but he gets the attitude from you. We try gettin’ ‘em down at 12:30ish 1 but he usually fights us and he doesn’t go down until 2” he teased
“What brand and size diaper do we use?” You panned the camera down as he sprinkled blueberries on top of the batter
“Huggies - you like the snug and dry ones - he likes the snug and dry ones cause the box has Mickey on it- and he’s size 4 I think - ye’ 4 now cause the 3’s were lookin uncomfortable - are you filming my hands?”
You laughed, blushing a bit having been caught “sorry you have nice hands, how does he like to be held?” You moved the camera back up
“Uhhh depends? Is he tired is he upset is heee-“ he questioned
“Mm puttin him down f’bed” you said
“Ohh lil’ man likes the football hold” he demonstrates “likes to be all curled up here in my arm like a football and I’ll give ‘em his bottle. But w’you he wants t’fall asleep eating” he said and you smiled big at how attentive he was
“You got an A, I knew you would” you said and he grinned proudly
“That was it? Cmon! Those are easy gimme harder questions then that!” He chuckled
“Hmmm… alright-“ you think for a moment “oh! What’s his favorite movie”
“Monsters inc and monsters university” he said without missing a beat “he goes nuts he loves it he makes us do scary feet with ‘em” he laughs a bit at the thought
“Also correct, what abouttt…his favorite-“ he cuts you off
“Animal? A Bear” he smirks and you both laugh
“Okay what makes him laugh every time?” You asked
“Ohhh hmmmm…” he thinks with a big grin “well there’s a lot- oh well I’m gonna get you that always makes him crack up, also coughin’ if anyone coughs kid is done for” you giggle
“Which is why he is always wakin’ up laughin’ when you cough up a lung in the middle of the night after coming in after a cigarette” you teased and he laughed a bit
“Id rather him wake up laughin’ then cryin it’s easier to go in there and read to em till he falls asleep” he said
“Oh! That’s a good one- what’s his favorite book?” You ask
“Brown bear brown bear what do you see” he smiled “or Goldie locks, but he likes it better when you read that one to him” he said and you heard him squealing over in his playpen happily
“See he agrees doncha little bear?” He coo’d adorably over at him as he bounced up and down
“Dada dada dada dada” he babbled happily and lifted his arms, golden curls like Carmys of course falling over his forehead.
Of course carmen couldn’t deny his little guy so he walked over, picking him up and holding him on his hip and came over to resume cooking
“ you win this challenge bear you crushed it” you told him and your son is just so smitten and happy, cuddling up to Carmy and sucking on his pacifier contently
You post the video ofc it goes viral bc he’s Carmen but also becomes dilf of the year all the ladies in the comments simping over his sexy muscley arms and his tattoos and his ability to hold a baby and flip pancakes at the same time, everyone’s heart melting at the end of the video when your son pointed at the pancakes and went “mi-tee” and Carmy smiling telling him “you’re right cub! Such a smart little man. That’s Mickey Mouse. We gonna watch Mickey house while we have breakfast mm? With mommy?”
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sminiac · 5 months
Piwon after an argument 👉🏾👈🏾 -Kyokopi
💌 — I’m sure it’s just bc I started my period but I’ve been so fucking sad lmao, thought now would be a good time to write a lil angst HEHE
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⋆ Y. Keeho
Gen overview — He moves around your space very cautiously, slow in a way, like he’s scared of his presence being fully perceived. I feel it’s one of the very few times he isn’t tackling the problem when both of your wounds are so fresh in fear of further irritating them due to his eagerness that could come off as pushy or bitter. Forces himself to endure the silence, the lack of acknowledging each other’s presence even in close proximity, it hurts but he knows everyone processes things differently, including the timeframe of how long that’ll take.
Reconnecting — Truthfully, normally it doesn’t take very long before either of you come back with a “I’m sorry” at the ready, it’s never a you or him situation, in fact a lot of the time it doesn’t matter, the most essential part is communicating, which also consists of a lot of tears- but there’s something so sweet about being able to let go like that with someone else, sharing another one of your most vulnerable moments with each other, gaining an understanding of how his brain works in a way no one else can.
Remainder of members under the cut!
⋆ C. Taeyang
Gen overview — Forces himself to apologize first because he knows if he doesn’t, it’ll just never come. Puts his struggles to the side for you but that doesn’t mean it’s easy, he goes through with it though, and although the process is sore and sometimes difficult the outcome is always worth it. He’s good with noting his own faults and the crowding of his ego that he has to overcome, it’s just the daunting task of reconciling, what if it isn’t so easy? What if you won’t accept his explanation? Would another disagreement arise? Learns that a simple ‘I’m sorry’ with a genuine sense of humility is worth a lot more than he thought it would have.
Reconnecting — This is where Theo’s feelings really show, fighting can be exhausting, and you can tell by the look on his face- even his body language, that he’s really drained and sad now that there’s no other emotions left to cloud over. The most he asks is just allow him to be by your side. Showers or baths together are usually taken after. You don’t need to shower him in gifts or written letters conveying your regret, but you can wash his hair for him, massage his arms and back the way he likes while he hugs you under the comforting stream of hot water.
⋆ C. Jiung
Gen overview — The quickest to feeling irritated if he deems your behaviour as ‘excessive’, but don’t let that intimidate you, he gradually comes to his senses, just give it a minute or two for the bad feelings to settle down. Opposed to Keeho, Jiung isn’t so quick to feel the need to apologize or talk it out, he puts himself at quite the distance, buries his head in work to keep him distracted from the guilt, or the fear of having over done it this time. Coming back to each other is always the most fragile part, the culmination of all the hurtful moments make for quite the emotional reconnection. Apologies are always mutual, you dissect things with each other.
Reconnecting — Jiung’s typically more on the serious side, but after seeing you so upset it’s like a need to allow his silly side to slip. Puts away any distractions and focuses all of his attention on you! Do you wanna go get a drink? He doesn’t want you dehydrated after all those tears. Crying makes you tired, do you want to take a nap? Crying makes you hungry, do you want to go grab some food? He’ll pay, anything you want. Crying makes your nose stuffy, what about a walk outside?
⋆ H. Intak
Gen overview — Feels his emotions very deeply, they almost overtake his entire being, when he’s frustrated there’s not really a filter there to keep his mouth from running away which splits the two of you off, if you’re reactive he’s like gasoline to your fire. It doesn’t happen often, arguing or the spitefulness, he’s normally good with managing his emotions in a healthy way, so he’s extremely regretful when it gets out of hand and the both of you are upset with the other. Exudes penitence to the fullest extent when he’s coming to you with a tearful apology, holds you, just wants to hold you. The feeling of someone crying while being close to them always makes me emotional, it’s just such a deep, inexplicable connection, and that’s exactly how it is with him.
Reconnecting — Very physical and vocal after you’ve both settled. Intak will remain as close to you as possible without actually touching you, scared that his clinginess will be too much until you’re the one initiating it, and every few minutes he’ll try talk to you about anything that interests you, because if you’re talking then surely you’re okay. He’s so puppy, asking: “That new bubble tea place you’ve been talking about is opened, do you want to go soon?” “What happened to that shirt you’ve been looking for? Did you find it? Should we go get you a new one instead?” “We should go to an aquarium, you can dress all pretty so I can take pictures.”
⋆ H. Shota
Gen overview — Learning how to be supportive and respectful of each other’s functions is definitely a process, but it makes you all the more closer with Soul. Not being familiar with these intricacies prior to your arrival in his life means that he does struggle with admitting his own feelings. Soul tends to catch the wavelength of your discontent quickly and immediately molds himself to fulfill whatever your needs are, in doing so he unintentionally disregards his own. He’s at your every word, but he also needs someone who will be there for him just as willingly. Apologizing is easy, he’s quick to admit his mistakes and really takes the time to understand you even if he didn’t to begin with, but he is a little hesitant when asking something of you, all he needs is a little encouragement and reassurance that he deserves just the same treatment.
Reconnecting — Things transition back to normal very smoothly, the both of you silently agree to do your best to end the day off on a good note, which doesn’t take a lot, and by the time you’re in each others arms on the verge of falling asleep it’s like nothing ever happened. Soul’s just very.. you can never outright tell what he’s thinking or what he’s about to do, so even as you’re talking it out in the end, your argument is settled once he says or does something silly because once the both of you are laughing there’s no way the seriousness of the situation could be dragged on for any longer. He’ll kiss you with a big pretty smile, adding on a final “I’m sorry stinky”.
⋆ K. Jongseob
Gen overview — He hates nothing more than the tense atmosphere that post arguments have, and the thing that gets to him the most is not being able to approach you like nothing happened. He knows your feelings are hurt. His are too, but god does he ever miss feeling you curled into him, giggling with each other about stupid things no one else would understand. The silence and ignoring each other only ever lingers for so long, usually he breaks it by pulling you into him when you least expect it, quickly subjecting you to his kisses and a near constant reiteration of how sorry he is for being mean. He snaps out of things quite fast, because he can’t bear the thought of your day going sour because of him, so he does his best to make up for it.
Reconnecting — Immediately tells you how silly he thinks it is to be so upset like this in an attempt to wipe away any negative feelings that were left behind, because he wants to be with you until not even the existence of your souls can live on, why dwell on something so trivial? Why feed into it any more than you have to? Seob likes keeping you busy after, is it odd that he suddenly wants to build things together in your Minecraft world? Maybe a little, but it’s hard to say no when he’s suggesting you make a day out of it with snacks and cuddling included.
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ᰔ sminiac’s P1Harmony M.list
Update, after listening to my Laufey playlist and writing Seob’s ‘reconnecting’ bit I’m not as sad, just hungry.
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yggdrasilhypno · 7 months
So I have a question for you, if you don’t mind.
Can you resist someone hijacking your brain?
I mean, seriously. Can you?
I’d hope and imagine so, it’s not that hard to resist someone.
All it takes is some mental fortitude and focus on something and it’s easy peasy.
After all, you’re resisting control now!
Come on, don’t tell me you have no idea what’s going on right now.
This is all a ploy to have your brain drop its walls with reverse psychology, you figured that out by now I’d think.
And if you didn’t, well that’s not entirely a bad thing.
You see, when it comes to covert and the ideals behind it, it’s one of those things where if you don’t already know the tricks of the trade, it can be difficult to spot.
Think of it like a magic trick, the first time you see it you can’t believe your eyes but once you learn the truth behind it, it makes a ton of sense.
That’s essentially what covert is, and that’s what resistance is too!
Resistance at first seems surefire, like you could do it in your sleep.
However, once you really investigate how the brain is peeled back ever so easily, it becomes a bit harder to even gauge where resistance lies.
Do you resist the words im telling you, or resist the ideas behind them?
Am I hiding something within these words, or is it simply another ploy to lower your walls?
You can see where this all comes from, right?
Resisting me isn’t hard at all, I invite you to do it when you can.
Not because it’s something I always want for you, I do indeed want you to fall when listening to my words.
But, we both know what happens at the end of it.
You fall anyways.
It’s an inevitability.
That’s what makes it fun.
Like jumping out of a plane, you know your parachute will open and you’ll fall safely to the ground.
Resistance is the same in hypnosis.
You know you can resist, and it’s fun to try and fight that inner voice telling you to melt for me.
That’s why I invite it.
It makes it more fun for the both of us.
I want you to notice though that again, im using resistance as a ploy once more.
Simply telling you to resist me.
You know about reverse psychology, don’t you?
I mean, it would be silly for you not to think im using it right now.
I’m telling you to resist so that you hear those echoes in your brain.
Telling you to let down those walls because you know it’s your fate now.
And yet, you can still resist me.
You can still resist my control.
Or you may find yourself slipping anyways.
Maybe I told you to resist.
Maybe I told you to fall.
That’s the best part about knowing your fate though.
Like I said earlier, it’s all about that inevitability.
That you’ll fall soon enough.
And you will, don’t worry.
Hell, you may have already fallen and not realized.
Maybe you’re so deep now that the pretty fog inside your brain’s already destroying every thought you have.
Maybe every thought you have now is just something I told you to think.
But, that’s the best part about it all.
You don’t know what’s going on.
Why you feel the way you do.
And it’s okay not to.
Sometimes, it’s better to sink and enjoy the ride.
Or enjoy resisting me still.
You have been resisting me still, haven’t you?
Does it matter?
You’re still going to fall anyways.
It’s not like I’ve been brainwashing you in and out and in and out of resistance this entire time.
It’s not like you’ve had any to begin with anyways.
I could’ve just been using all sorts of reverse psychology on you.
Who truly knows?
Not you, that’s for sure.
You see, that’s the best part of the fall.
When we get here, to the end of this little adventure.
And you know what comes next.
I’ve told you a million times already about it.
You may even believe that number, it’s not like everything else I’ve told you has been fabricated.
But there’s one part to all of this that is the truth.
The ending.
You fall.
Just like that.
And sink, melt, drop, dream into the abyss once more.
And just remember for me, for a moment if you can.
When I started talking about resistance.
Don’t remember? That’s okay.
Maybe you didn’t have any before we started.
Maybe I just broke it all down.
But, you knew all along anyways.
You were gonna fall.
Good subject.
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request: Can you do one that the sister keeps going out without warning them, like in the middle of the night, and they get suspicious of her dating or hunting alone, and they go after her but turns out she is just having some alone time?
A/N: fluff fluff fluff, so cute I’m gonna cry. I made John somewhat nice at some point even though ewwww. but anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one!!! Requests are open and I’m still working on a ton. Some are just easier to write about while others are taking me a while. I love all of the requests I’ve been getting and I’m so excited for you all to read them!
Dean and Sam Winchester x Sister!Reader
Your life was extremely different from the rest of the kids your age. You were fighting monsters and risking your life every single day. You never knew if you were going to make it out alive at the end of the day and you also never knew if your whole life would crumble beneath you the next. Each day that went by was a blessing and you wanted to remember that. It was hard but if you didn’t focus on the tiny bit of the good in your life then it would be too centered on the bad. You were thankful for each day that you and your family made it out okay because you knew that one day it might end differently. So you held onto those moments. You would leave the bunker at night to sit under the stars and journal about your gratitudes. The alone time was good for you, but you could tell Sam and Dean were getting suspicious. You didn’t know if they heard you leave or if they noticed your absence in the middle of the night, but they were starting to ask questions that made you assume that they found you not in the bunker. They had asked you if you had a boyfriend or if you were hunting alone. You reassured them that that was not happening, but they never let on to why they were asking. So you weren’t actually sure if they knew that you were sneaking out or not.
Tonight you really needed to clear your thoughts and there was also supposed to be an incredible meteor shower so you were super excited to see the shooting stars. You grabbed your journal and went to head out. It was about 11:30pm and you told your brothers you were going to head to sleep an hour ago so you didn’t think they would notice if you left. You passed Dean’s room and heard both of your brothers talking.
“Sam I’m telling you, she’s going to get herself hurt.” Dean sighed.
“We don’t even know what she’s doing. It’s only been a few times in the couple months where we realized she wasn’t in bed.” Sam trailed off.
“She’s still a kid Sam, I don’t need her running all over town by herself in the middle of the night. She could be out with a boy or hell, hunting alone!” Dean said stressed out.
“I know,” Sam sighed, “I’ll go talk to her and figure it out.” Sam finished. You quickly tiptoed back to your room and hopped in bed, pretending to be asleep. You didn’t want them to confront you about sneaking out and leaving the bunker in the middle of the night because you thought that they would prevent you from doing it again. Journaling and looking at the stars were something you really loved and truly brought you some sort of peace so you weren’t willing to give that up.
You heard Sam knock on your door and when he heard no answer from you, he pushed the door open.
“Hey bug, you awake?” He whispered. You stayed still and stayed quiet, pretending to be asleep. He lingered for a few seconds before you heard the door shut and his footsteps get further away. You sighed and realized you’d have to wait a little longer to go out. So you waited until around 12:30. The bunker was quiet and you slipped out the door with ease. You walked on the path outside before getting to your spot. You sat down on the top of the hill that you always sat on and started journaling. After about twenty minutes you sighed and dropped your pen. You laid down and stared at the stars. Though, you didn’t get a second to admire them before you heard someone close behind you. Without thinking twice, you jumped up leaving your journal behind and got ready to run. You felt someone grab your wrist and you let out a strangled cry before reaching to thrash at them.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey it’s Dean kiddo, it’s Dean. It’s okay!” You heard Dean’s voice.
“You scared me!” You whined before bringing your hand to your chest, trying to control your breathing and heart rate.
“Sorry kiddo.” He said sending you a sympathetic look and ruffling your hair.
“I told him not to sneak up on you.” Sam sighed from behind you.
As soon as you heard Sam’s voice you jumped out of your skin and let out a gasp.
“Jesus Sam! I didn’t even know you were here too!” You shrieked.
“See you just scared her too!” Dean smirked.
“Whatever,” Sam huffed.
“What are you two doing here?” You sighed, already knowing that they followed you.
“We noticed that you’ve been leaving the bunker and we just want to make sure you’re safe bug.” Sam explained.
“I’m fine.” You said softly trying to keep it short, but knew there was going to be more questions.
“Really? Because you know damn well you’re not supposed to leave the bunker without at least letting us know, so what are you doing out here in the middle of the night?” Dean pushed. You looked between your brothers and both of their eyes pierced through you, waiting for your answer.
“I’m just journaling.” You said quietly, feeling embarrassed.
“Journaling?” Dean asked.
“Yes.” You whispered, looking down at the ground.
“Well why can’t you journal in the bunker, kiddo?” Dean asked gently, noticing your expression change.
“Well it’s really peaceful out here and I like to look at the stars.” You explained softly.
“Okay,” Dean replied. Your brothers glanced at each other before he continued, “Can we join you tonight then?” He asked. You looked up at him and smiled.
“There’s a huge meteor shower tonight! They said that the best time to see them is between 12-2am so hurry up!” You said excitingly, laying back down. Your brothers chuckled and followed your lead, laying down.
“We’re going to see so many shooting stars!” You smiled.
“Okay bug, we can’t wait to see them all!” Sam said, trying to match your energy and encourage your excitement. You looked at the sky for a few moments before Sam spoke up.
“What were you writing about?” He asked softly, trying to understand where you were at emotionally. You sighed.
“I just want to remind myself of the good that happens every day because if I focus too much on the bad, I’m afraid I’ll lose myself.” You said quietly.
“Okay.” Sam nodded, understanding.
“So I like to journal about the blessings I experience every day and when the day ends and I still have you two in my life it’s always a day to remember and be thankful for.” You finished. Both of your brothers sat up immediately and you sat up after them.
“Hey, you’re always going to have us, alright?” Dean said, looking at you with concern.
“Yeah,” you whispered.
“Nothing is going to happen to us bug, not if we have anything to do about it.” Sam reassured you.
“Okay.” You smiled slightly, nodding and looking back up at the sky.
“Hey kid, all stars twinkle so do you see that one right there that’s not?” Dean asked, pointing to the sky.
“Yes.” You replied, looking up at where he was pointing.
“That’s a planet, so whenever there’s something that looks like a star, but it’s not twinkling, it’s a planet.” Dean explained.
“Wow that’s so cool!” You beamed.
“Yeah I’m pretty sure that one is Mercury, and you can usually always see Mars too, but Mars has a reddish tint to it.”
“Oh there it is!” You exclaimed pointing at the sky to the reddish dot.
“Yup, that’s definitely Mars.” Dean said, smiling.
“That so cool De, I never knew that.” You said.
“Yeah, Dad taught me that a while ago.” Just as Dean finished his sentence, the brightest shooting star flashed across the sky.
“Wow!!! Did you see that?!?” The three of you exclaimed before chuckling at each other’s outburst. Once you all quieted down, you let out a small smile.
“Hmmm maybe that was his sign that everything’s gonna be alright.” You said out loud, finding comfort in the stars.
“Yeah bug maybe.” Sam said softly as Dean rubbed your back, smiling lightly. This was definitely a moment to be thankful for, you thought as you reached for your journal and pen.
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cocogum · 3 months
The Great Wave - Chapters 9 + 10 Review
Warning(s): watch me bully an old man, aurora slander, osamodas king slander, fat shaming, excessive use of foul language, racism, misogyny, did I mention I loath Aurora?, they’re both bad antagonists your honor, cyberbullying, PURE LOATHING.
I’d like to add a side note here:
I initially planned on reviewing chapters 9 and 10 separately but when I saw that confrontation between Aurora and Amalia, I decided to fuse the two instead. I did NOT want to talk about these specific chapters in their distinct posts because it would’ve sucked to see the conflict between Aurora and Amalia getting cut off in the middle of it.
We’re back.
Let the pummelling begin.
Aurora immediately starts making a fart face as she begins diving down to “attack” Amalia.
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Are we impressed? No.
Should we be scared? No.
Should we expect any twist in the fight? No.
As soon as Aurora stupidly declared she wanted to fight, we all knew she was gonna get beat up to shit. Tot and Cathiane were trying very hard not to cringe while showing this. You can trust me, I was there in the room with them when they were thinking about this scene.
This is just very painful but my god was it funny as fuck.
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This blue bitch with the witch face really thought she could take on a Mother Nature wielder with her chicken fingers please someone get this moron a brain.
Also what reason could Aurora possibly have to have wanted to beat Amalia to a pulp all these years? She claims she’s dreamed of doing this for so long but based on what reason? The fact that Amalia rejected all of Aurora’s weakass brothers and cousin for marriage? The fact that she would respectfully and calmly try to talk to Aurora even though she never liked her??? Bitch, what was the reason that would have made her so mad you wanted to beat her up????
Even Bonta will hear her scream in pain??? Girl, what the fuck are you babbling about? She clinically does not have a brain, where the fuck did it go? Aurora, YOU KNOW Amalia goes out and travels, right??? You know that her squad is filled with divinities, right??? What part of you thought it was a good idea to say that out loud AND think you had THE ADVANTAGE?????
This bitch wouldn’t survive a day outside of her kingdom, this is so fucking embarrassing. I loath her guts but imagine how embarrassed I’m feeling for her. She’s mentally slow. She doesn’t realize anything that’s coming out of her mouth and doesn’t use whatever’s up in that head of hers to properly think of any situation she’s in. She can’t think for herself, she can’t talk for herself if she wants to claim something, she can’t figure out the level of danger that she’s in, she can’t fight, she can’t lead, she can’t speak politely to servants, she can’t even be honest in a normal situation. I bet she can’t even make a sandwich for me, this hoe is even useless in the kitchen, on god.
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And finally. FINALLY.
You have no idea how much I fucking wanted Amalia to beat the living crap out of her and tell her how fucking weak she truly is compared to her. I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since we saw her stupid ass “family” make its entrance in Chapter 1.
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Amalia is speaking our thoughts so coherently. Not once did we think Aurora was a menace, let alone even an antagonist. This bitch is just so braindead and one-dimensional that even calling her “self-aware” or “sentient” is odd to say.
With all the shit she’s been doing, Aurora is not even an annoyance, she’s a migraine.
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This shot of her just getting the shit get beaten out of her made me so happy, you have no idea.
Like Tot must’ve been WAITING to see this hoe get wrecked too.
@geekgirles once explained how the osamodas’ strength might just be very weak compared to other races and how that weakness reflected itself based on where it was positioned in Oropo's tower. Coqueline can also be considered as a preview of what Aurora and her dad's strength would've looked like in the great wave because even Coqueline STRUGGLED to throw good attacks while fighting Oropo. She was canonically confirmed to be the oldest of the Siblings (even older than Echo) and yet the only thing she could have come up with while fighting Oropo was to use her teeth to try to tear Oropo's new form?? She literally went on all fours and tried to attack him with basic primitive skills. Literally what the heck.
So yeah, Aurora is unsurprisingly getting beat up and thrown around like a rag-doll by Amalia.
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Amalia, honey.
Aurora’s not naive, she’s just really slow.
And yet that’s not even what we can describe it either.
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Your pride is still here dumbass cuz you don’t look fine at all.
You got thrown so hard you couldn’t even fly, bitch.
Hoe thinks she was fine after the beating AND the throwing and then lies again about it.
Fucking pathetic.
I bet if she got a sword stabbed in her womb, she’d be like “i’M FiNe FaThER, bUt I cAN’t SaY tHe SaMe fOr mY pRiDe.” SHUT YOUR DUMBASS UP-
When Amalia comes up to them, this is where the osamodas king pulls out another weak manipulation tactic by saying this:
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Motherfucker, you attempted to kick her out of her kingdom, her home, what the fuck are you talking about? Bitch is clarifying that Aurora’s child is Amalia’s nephew now??? He is so fucking weak, he’d pretend like he never tried kicking her out like a complete stranger just to save his own skin.
This dick dared to throw the “he’s your family” card on her as if he didn’t just encourage Aurora to tell Amalia she doesn’t belong in her fucking kingdom a few hours ago.
Dude thought he ate, this is so embarrassing.
Look at him trying to scramble his way out of this.
Now that he realizes how weak and pathetic he is against A PRINCESS WHO BECAME QUEEN JUST A FEW MONTHS AGO, he’s trying to do anything in his power to do what he does best to get out of this alive: lie and manipulate.
Only this predictably fails since Amalia had enough of his and his trophy daughter’s bullshit of constantly being forced to have them around.
And Amalia is absolutely pissed off that they can just say whatever they want so SHE ENUMERATES THE THINGS THAT THEY DID JUST SO SHE CAN BE SURE IT FINALLY DRILLED IN THEIR HEADS.
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Even though what she said wasn’t exactly everything they did, she still has a right to point out the main thing they are known for since the necrome war.
But nah, they’re too stupid to actually get it and don’t even bear a second to the idea that their actions could have cost AN ENTIRE FUCKING RACE TO ERASE FROM THE WORLD. Imagine not having a full grasp of the idea that you could have been responsible for an entire race disappearing but also be the reason why the world had suddenly lost about 15% of its population in under a second.
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No jackass you’re not leaving.
You’re dying here.
Also what the fuck? He got backed to a corner by a queen newbie and he still has the balls to say that he’ll come back???
Is he trying to see his daughter get her ass kicked again???? Or is he trying to see how long he could last the next time they meet????
How the fuck is he king??? What the hell is that strategy he came up with???? You call that a STRATEGY?????
Now I understand why we never saw him in any of the past seasons before. I understand why his fucking advisor has to be king for him.
Cuz he sucks at his own fucking job.
That guy hired his counsellor to represent him which is why every time the royal council of the world had to reunite, it was always the old white-bearded dude who spoke and was actually present.
This fucking gorilla was so absent from his own duties. So much so, that for an extremely long time, since 2012, we all thought the white-bearded guy representing the osamodas race from Season 2 was actually the real osamodas king. It wouldn’t surprise me if his own people thought his counsellor was their king because not only did WE think that way, but it was also because we learned in Season 4 that this fucking gorilla stayed in caves for long undetermined amounts of time and would hang around with THESE UGLY CRUSTY BATS WE’VE SEEN IN THESE TEN CHAPTERS while he’d be there doing god knows what with them.
This man, actually no that’s not a man. I’d be insulting them if I was insinuating he was one of them.
This fat ugly gorilla not only thinks he can just come back from a fight he already lost without any shame or awareness, but he thought he could handle TWO KINGDOMS AT THE SAME TIME WHEN HE WASN’T EVEN PERSONALLY TAKING CARE OF HIS OWN TO BEGIN WITH.
We don’t even know why he’s been in the caves on his own for so long but it sure as hell couldn’t have been more important than taking care of A FUCKING NATION, YOU FUCKING IDIOTIC CUNT-
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I was so ecstatic when I saw that panel cuz not only did that mean I was going to see more prolonged pummelling, but it also means I get to see Aurora act like a total dumbfuck more.
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By the way, I love how @articwolfclawartist noticed the parallels with the choking here.
Amalia then commits animal abuse and that’s how these two ended up on the ground looking like disheveled and panting losers.
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Must be embarrassing for the osamodas king above all. This fat gorilla is much older, more experienced than Aurora, and has been a king for a long time even before Amalia and Aurora were even born.
And who did he lose to?
To a young Sadida princess who became queen just a few months ago.
The fight hadn’t even lasted 30 minutes and he already lost by forfeiting the battle when he realized he and his trophy daughter had been cornered by sadida bomb dolls.
I repeat.
This “man”, who was king for decades, lost a deadly battle against a princess who became queen a few months ago.
He is such a fucking clown and so are all his offsprings cuz my god he has so many.
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….she’s incredibly slow what the fuck.
I bet my whole bank account that the entire iop race can skillfully determine when their opponent wants to kill them better than Aurora.
Aurora: “ShE…sHe’S rEAlLy tRYinG To KiLl uS…”
Aurora a second ago: “I’d rather die than run away from that little brat…”
@pinkysgallery summarized it perfectly here.
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And just like animals being hunted in the wild, Amalia corners them with freaking bomb dolls and makes these two look terrified as shit. Good. Their fears make me ecstatically happy.
But AURORA has the fucking nerve to speak again and make her look even more braindead than she already was.
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I have so many things to say about this moment:
1) What is bitch talking about? This is the shit she can come up with? “ShOrt TeMpErEd”??? You guys didn’t even talk during the fight so how was she short-tempered if she didn’t speak about anything that would have made her look short-tempered???
2) Aurora is a fucking hypocrite but she’s such a hypocrite that she can’t connect the dots and realize how slow she looks when she quickly snapped just for seeing a female sadida servant being scared of her crusty bat, a male Sadida and a female eliatrope getting married, and knowing that she couldn’t fight Amalia so she still went on and tried doing that and expectedly failed miserably.
3) Contradicted to what??????? What is the chicken yapping about????
I believe she took her worthless manipulation “skill” from her dad. If you pay attention to her ugly chicken claws in the panel above, it’s shaking meaning that she’s genuinely scared of Amalia when she FINALLY learned that the boss-ass queen was trying to kill her.
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See, here’s the thing I don’t get.
Sure, the osamodas king did not poison Yugo because we see who it was later on after the osamodas king’s interaction with Amalia ends.
But, here he is again telling Amalia she has no place IN HER FUCKING HOME ANYMORE.
According to who??? Who said she doesn’t belong here??? You??? The fucking outsider??? The king to ANOTHER FUCKING KINGDOM???
Oh yeah, right. You don’t rule your own kingdom that’s true. Your fucking counsellor does your job for you so that you can chill with some ugly crusty bats in caves and probably fuck them too while you’re at it.
He just said that she shouldn’t have hurt her nephew but bitch, if she’s his nephew, that then technically means she has to stay in her kingdom to teach him the Sadida way cuz he’s technically gonna be the future Sadida king. Literally what the fuck????
Ever since these two loser clowns came, they told her she had to leave but why????? When Armand got married to Aurora, Amalia stayed and there were no objections. So why is it a problem now??? If anything, now is the best time for her to stay cuz she’s the only one in the royal Sadida family who’s left and can teach her nephew the Sadida culture.
These people treat kingdoms so badly and have poor organisation to the point that the osamodas king had to be replaced by his fucking counsellor.
Fucking kill me already.
I don’t believe Amalia will receive any severe consequences. If she was ever interrogated and she told them the story from her perspective, these two bozos would look extremely suspicious. Cuz from Amalia’s pov, this is what she could say: “I was having a normal day, these two show up and demand the thrown and tell me to leave and on the very same day, my husband gets poisoned so I attack them and fight them. The fight hasn’t lasted 30 minutes and they easily leave.”
Also from who is she going to get any kind of consequence??
The other rulers??? They wouldn’t dare do anything when Yugo’s acting so unhinged right now.
From Gorilla and Chicken’s “family”??? They are so many, I’m pretty sure one of them wouldn’t mind taking the osamodas throne if it means taking the side of Amalia.
Sure, Amalia will learn that Gorilla and Chicken weren’t actually responsible for Yugo’s poisoning but do you really think she’d still give them her position after knowing they weren’t guilty? Hell no.
This fight meant more than just punishing them for thinking they had committed a crime. This fight also meant the beginning of her separation from the osamodas. For too long she had been forced to get used to them around her when Armand was alive but now she’s queen and gets to finally decide to cut them off for good.
In a way, this is also ironic. Gorilla and Chicken were expecting to cut off Amalia from her kingdom and yet here she is cutting them off from what they thought would be theirs if they just yapped and acted like fake responsible royals.
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I’m so happy she finally fucking beat the shit out of them so that they can FINALLY learn that they have no place here.
Man, they’re such racists too cuz they realized the eliatropes stayed here, can you believe that? The audacity.
I’m just pissed that she didn’t kill them off though. They might come back for whatever fucking reason which infuriates me to no end cuz like…how the fuck do you come back after getting your ass beat the fuck out by one person when you had someone with you???
I swear if they come back wearing a smirk, I’m eating raw chicken and gorilla brain on the same day.
Fuck these people and fuck anyone who thinks they’re good antagonists. These shitheads gave me a daily migraine during the first volume and I’m so fucking glad they’re not acting like they’re the shit right now.
Look at them running away with their tails between their legs.
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If they think they’re royals and can take care of a kingdom, then why the fuck do they run away constantly???
Can you imagine having them as your king and princess? I’d rather die cuz I might as well vanish from the face of the earth if I was a sadida while being aware that these two animals would rule my kingdom.
I bet that the simple inconvenience that could impact the sadida kingdom would make them run away. If that happens, I wanna know what’s Aurora’s excuse this time.
The two people who shouldn’t have interacted so much in the necrome war were Eva and Armand. Eva was able to fight while handling two hyperactive children, and Armand was a fucking king and yet he was fighting on the first line of the battlefield.
Plenty of people, myself included, focused on Aurora leaving during the necrome war but now that I keep thinking about it more, the osamodas king was a bigger deal because he DID NOT have a reason to tell Aurora to run before running first.
If anything, because of the gorilla hanging around in caves and Aurora doing god knows what when Armand used to do his royal job, these two goobers are just royal cosplayers.
Literally. They’re just royal cosplayers.
Gorilla doesn’t do anything besides hanging in caves and Chicken just stands around.
I want you to know how big of a deal this is.
This is serious to think about cuz why the fuck WOULD ANYONE ENTRUST ANYTHING TO THESE CUNTS?????
Anyway, now that we’re done with whatever kind of circus that was, we go back to Yugo and Adamaï trying to balance the poison.
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Yugo stop stressing me out with your words.
I know you’re not thinking straight right now and you’re having trouble thinking optimistically in a time like this, but YOU’RE THE SAME PERSON WHO KEEPS SAYING THAT THERE’S ALWAYS A SOLUTION TO EVERYTHING.
You’re gonna be fine AND you’ll find a way to get rid of the poison. You’ve got six Dofus, which can turn any demigod, and mortal, into a god! I’m pretty sure a deadly poison has got nothing on you if you’ve got these artifacts with you.
You’ll be fine (I’m definitely not trying to calm myself down rn)
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Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…
The mysterious dragon and the female sadida servant were accomplices all along.
Not gonna lie, I seriously thought the Gorilla and Chicken hired this sadida servant for sharing the same hatred towards Yugo and Amalia, but now that I learned I was wrong, I have to keep reminding myself that the blue-skinned “royals” should not be taken seriously but should be treated like NPCs instead.
What flabbergasted me at this moment, however, was the reveal.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the female sadida servant wasn’t real. Instead, it was just a disguise. The actual culprit was…
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Freaking Julith.
She had been ordered by the dragon to poison these two which ended up making Yugo drink it alone instead. @onyichii once theorized, back when chapters 7-8 came out, that the female sadida servant in question could have been Julith and they ended up ACTUALLY BEING RIGHT.
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Hi daddy 🥰💕 help me instead 🥰🥰
It was Grougalorasalar guys….
I really thought the mysterious dragon in the dream was Draconiros…
Ever since Chapter 1 came out, I went on a legitimate rant/theory explaining why it would make a thousand times more sense that it was Draconiros and not Grougalorasalar.
Last time I checked, both dragons were the best choice for this theory but I was still shocked that it was the black dragon all this time. I was mainly surprised because Grougalorasalar had been part of Ogrest’s chaos when he was fighting Yugo and Dally back in the ovas which would be weird if he was the same dragon who traumatized Yugo in his sleep for unintentionally causing chaos around the world.
Not to mention that he’s smirking here almost like he’s enjoying the sight of Yugo suffering like this. Now yes, he technically hates Yugo so it would make sense to see that he’s enjoying his pain but then why did he tell Julith that they’ll put a traumatized Yugo and a confused Adamaï out of their misery if he’s now saying this? :
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“We’ll talk about it later” ???
What do you mean by that?
When the poison didn’t fully do its job due to the six Dofus in his body, didn’t you just come out in the open to kill Yugo once and for all? Why then tell him that “we’ll talk about it later”?
This makes me wonder if there’s more to this poisoning than we’ve been let on.
Because there’s a possibility that since Grougalorasalar noticed the poison hasn’t entirely worked, maybe he’ll try something else or severe the effects of the poison by moving Yugo and Adamaï away from the Sadida kingdom right now.
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mom come pick me up
Grougalorasalar is weird. Not in a bad way but not in a good way either.
He’s just weirdly weird? Does that make any sense?
At first, when I read chapter 10 for the first time, I thought Grougalorasalar being the one responsible for the poison wouldn’t have made sense until @kerubimcrepin explained how black dragons tend to be more inclined to cause chaos.
So I guess it would make sense why he’d be perfectly fine prolonging Yugo’s suffering if it meant it could slowly kill him? But then again, we have no idea if the belladone is even deadly enough to kill Yugo because he’s still breathing. The belladone poison should’ve killed him instantly so maybe the poison is only effective enough to severely injure Yugo but nothing more than that.
Man, I hate that it ended on a huge cliffhanger like that cuz how is Yugo supposed to get out of this one and how will they all react when they find out it was Grougalorasalar and Julith who tried poisoning them?
Do people know that Julith was supposed to be dead? Amalia knows her world of twelve history pretty well given her royal education so maybe she learned of Julith’s death in one of her classes teaching her about the Dofus era when she was younger.
Either way, it doesn’t matter.
Yugo, Adamaï, and Amalia will all be shocked as all hell in the 2nd volume.
My god, I already need it so badly I can’t wait anymore…
I’m scared and I don’t wanna throw up when I see what’s next for them…
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itsabouttimex2 · 3 months
Monkie Kid Villain Fates
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A more in-depth look (especially for Macaque) down below!
(I know I’ve been posting a lot of content that’s outside my usual, and I hope no one minds too much! I’m cleansing my palate to prep for Season Five, which I am very excited to write for. ((Especially for Li Jing and Nuwa!!!)) So here’s a slew of my thoughts on the villains, and which one is my least favorite!)
(Spoilers: his name is written in purple above.)
Disclaimer 1: I am not counting instances of “throwing your lot in with the heroes when the world is at stake” as redeeming moments. If you only do something because it personally benefits you at the moment, it’s not exactly selfless.
Disclaimer 2: Redemption means three things-
1. The character acknowledges their wrongdoings.
2. The character works to become a better person.
3. The character makes amends/reparations for the harm they’ve done, without the threat of death hanging overhead. Good must be done of one’s own will and volition.
Disclaimer 3: A character not being redeemed doesn’t make them a bad character. In fact, some characters work better without redemption. (Like the Lady Bone Demon.) I just wanted to make a villain tier list and talk on some of the people it contained.
Red Son: Decently humanizing interactions with Mei, but ultimately uncaring of all the damage and harm that he’s caused, especially in regards to potential deaths during his attacks on the city. Unfortunately, the first example of “pretty much unrepentant but universally-forgiven”. (Fix: Have him interact with people harmed by his villainy, and resolve to help them- even if only by repairing their destroyed vehicles. Something small enough to be reasonably in line with his pride and arrogance, but enough to show that he’s become a better person.)
Macaque: The worst villain here. Utterly unrepentant and shameless, outwardly cruel and violent… but still got a “you’re not a bad guy” speech before actually showing that he wasn’t a bad guy. Despite being able to skip fights with his shadow portals, he intentionally stuck around to raze the Dragon Palace of the East Sea to the ground. (AO GUANG AND HIS PEOPLE’S STATUS ARE STILL UNKNOWN) This still hasn’t been addressed in canon, not even by Mei, who was related to those who lived there. Instead, she has a team-up with him, never addressing the still unknown fate of her uncle. Never apologizes, never makes amends, never tries to repair the damage he’s done… but allowed to stick around all the same. Where characters like Azure or LBD do what they do because they truly believe in their causes, Macaque is just having fun hurting people. Again, given his ability to shadow-portal, he doesn’t even have the “I’m trying to save my own life” excuse. He could’ve just skipped the torment and violence, but explicitly chose not to, and is always happy to inflict harm- even bragging about what he did to the Dragon Palace.
Also, I don’t give a single shit that Peng “bullied” him. It doesn’t make Macaque more sympathetic, it makes him less. He knows what it’s like to be insulted and berated for your nature, then (unhesitatingly and gleefully) does the same to MK, who may well be a child?
Yeah, no. Then, his “awesome” team-up with Mei only serves to rip agency and nuance from her character, turning this caring and energetic warrior into an amnesiac that doesn’t care about her family for the sake of “Boo-hoo, Peng hit me once to protect someone they care about!” So, Mei holds grudges, right? That would make her a more interesting character! But no! No, no, no! That’s just for Peng! Her grudge isn’t against the man who essentially attempted genocide on her people and razed an ancestral palace full of innocent people to the ground, no!
Because then Macaque’s actions would have something called “consequences”, and the writers just won’t allow it! Because he’s just a murderous, violent, manipulative, cruel, spiteful, villain! How dare we expect any actual comeuppance for his crimes? No, we can’t have that!
Oh, and how does he help MK in the fourth season? How about he outright tells (great storytelling, btw) MK about how delusional Azure Lion is- a character with which he has no tie with beyond a tenuous past oath and no actual interactions. This moment could have easily been given to, you know, Wukong! Or Yellowtusk, if they were going the full redemption arc route for him, but no!
We have to pretend that Macaque’s input on a character he has no interactions with is important! Oh, and they let him play mentor to MK, who he has: manipulated, betrayed, violently assaulted, stole the powers of, berated, and attempted to kill.
Does MK care about any of this?
But MK is absolutely furious and heartbroken at Azure for doing maybe half of those things, and with an honestly noble reason to boot.
I think it’s only made worse by the fact that people get so mad when there’s any criticism of Macaque “redemption arc”. Throwing actual fits and constantly arguing when someone dares to say “everyone allowing Macaque (and many other villains) to get away with the worst of his actions and not holding him accountable for being a genuinely dangerous, unrepentant and violent criminal is bad and makes the “heroic” characters around him look worse.”
And you can’t use the “well, he didn’t get a redemption arc!” The writers didn’t try to redeem him!” defense.
Because, yes. Yes they did.
We are supposed to think this guy is better now. The series wants you to think of him as redeemed.
MK leaves him handmade food and a drawing. His “you’re not a bad guy” speech is supposed to be taken as truth. Wukong is making amends with him (sharing smiles and offering food) and no one has any personal problems on the guy sticking around (which makes them all seem blander, given that at least one of his victims should be upset), which is portrayed in a positive light.
This is portrayed as good.
So yes- he is supposed to be “redeemed”.
But he isn’t. He really, really, isn’t.
(Fix: God, where do we start? Some remorse? An apology? Have every character not forgive him immediately? Have Mei not forget about the razing of an ancestral palace? Have Pigsy threaten to kill him if he tries to hurt MK again? Have Tang refuse to interact with him? Anything would have been nice.)
Jin and Yin: No redemption arc at all. Essentially forgotten about by the show. They show up with the Scorpion Queen, but don’t have a satisfying send-off. It’s just a little funny scene. (Potential fix: more interactions with them as stagehands, working for the community. Why make them neutral only to shift immediately back to evil? It could’ve been nice to see them integrate into society instead of being turned evil again and written out of the story with little fanfare.)
Demon Bull King: Same as Red Son, but without the humanizing interactions with a heroic character. Bonus points for putting his life in danger to save Wukong and MK, despite gaining nothing for doing so. Unfortunately, aside from that, another “pretty much unrepentant but universally-forgiven” character. (Potential fix: Would’ve been nice to have more positive interactions between him and Wukong. Maybe talk about how hard it is to open up and be soft when they dedicated so much of their lives to being strong? Chat about his struggles adjusting to the modern era? Have him show clear remorse for mistreating his extremely loyal son?)
Princess Iron Fan: Not much to say. Same as her husband, same solution. Really wish she had gotten some more screen time outside of her family. (Fix: Maybe flesh out her bond with Jin and Yin? I know it was supposed to be a funny “noodle incident”, but learning about their past could’ve been nice- maybe we could’ve gotten a scene of her with little Red Son to humanize her a bit?)
As it says on the tin. I’ll do this all in one quick chunk.
Nothing much to say here- but it would’ve been nice to have one of the spiders survive and redeem themselves, especially since that it was teased for Huntsman.
I wish Goliath (not even his real name btw) hadn’t been such a nothing character. Like, we really don’t learn a single thing about him.
I pity the Ink Curse. Created to be a tool of torture, never allowed to love or be loved. Poor thing.
Mayor: One of Season Four’s biggest flaws is that it could really feel disconnected from the previous three, which all felt very tightly interwoven. Example one: Mei “no longer *wielding* the Samadhi Fire”, when it had previously been established that she fused with it. Example two: The mayor’s fate is never addressed, despite being such a prominent enemy. (Fix: Just… tell us what happened to him. Is he in jail? Did he escape justice? Did someone just… murder him? I don’t care if “it’s being saved for Season Five”. It’s weird to just forget about someone so dangerous in universe.)
Kui Mulang: Presumably either dead or returned to the Celestial Realm for punishment. Unlikely that we’ll receive further information on him.
Peng: Probable that we’ll receive an update on their status in Season Five. Very interesting character with a few humanizing moments (being close to Yellowtusk and Azure, being upset when Monkey King was trapped in the scroll) that keep them from being irredeemable. Actually a better person than Macaque, given that they never remorselessly razed a palace of innocent people to the ground. Or tried to murder an innocent kid who wasn’t involved with their fight at all. Or held a young lady’s life hostage and threatened to murder her. But they’re sort of mean, so I guess people consider them irredeemable? Super weird.
Like, Peng is an asshole, sure. They clearly aren’t in this fight out of the goodness of their heart. But the awful way they get treated in the fandom is insane, especially with the babying treatment that other villainous characters (like Macaque, the Mayor, and Red Son) get.
Azure Lion: Macaque, but better written! Letting MK be angry at a person who: manipulated, lied to, and betrayed him? Not having his misdeeds be forgotten and glossed over? People actually being upset at what he’s done further than a few minutes after he’s done it? Incredible character! This is what I’ve wanted from Monkie Kid for so long! Ultimately, Azure accepts his failures and sacrifices himself- a punishment for hurting innocent people and wreaking havoc? A villain acknowledging their misdeeds and making up for them? God, I love Azure so much!
Probably my favorite character!
Yellowtusk: I love this grandpa so much, for mostly the same reasons as Azure. His crimes aren’t immediately forgotten! Everyone doesn’t immediately forgive him! And he has to head back to the Celestial Realm for actual consequences?! Damn, this is what I’ve wanted from LMK villains for so long! Real redemption arcs, my beloved.
Also, this proves that the writers do know that people who commit crimes should be held accountable and punished for it? Can you give some of that to the others, please?
Scorpion Queen: Another character I don’t have much to say about. She acknowledges her mistakes, ceases her villainy, and seems to have made genuine friends in Jin and Yin. Given the very little harm she caused, redemption was never going to be outside of her reach- but I’m happy for her anyhow.
Finishing Points
1: I do not “hate” any of these characters. Though I definitely dislike how some are written, each one is lovable and enjoyable in their own way. I enjoy writing for all of them, and will continue to do so. I just wanted to take a break from fanfiction and talk about my perspective on some villains.
2: What do I mean by “punishment”?
Essentially, a consequence delivered to the character on account of their villainy. Someone tripping and eating dirt isn’t a “punishment”, unless they’re being shoved down by an old victim. Losing a fight isn’t “punishment”, it’s a matter of self-defense. Additionally, the punishment has to be actively performed as a consequence of misdoings- tripping and breaking an arm after doing evil things isn’t a punishment, but having a victim of the villain actively choose to break their arm is.
3: This is not an attack on you or your “fave”. This is not me saying that the show is bad. This is not me saying that I could do better. This is not me saying that you shouldn’t like these characters. This is not me trying to change your mind. This is not me saying you should feel the way I do. These are just my personal thoughts on the villains listed, and some of the “flaws” that I personally have with their portrayals and depictions.
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itsthestutterforme · 10 days
Glad You Called 2/2
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Summary: Reacher kept something hidden from you for those two years. And it was right under your nose the entire time.
Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, here’s the part 2 you guys asked for :) @cookiemonsterboss
Any tips for writers block anyone??
Part One
Blowing a long, satisfied breath, you descend down the stairs pressing your locs dry with your towel. You were about to watch an episode of Supernatural when someone sitting on the couch caught your attention.
“What are you still doing up, Reacher?” You said with an annoyed sigh.
“I was going to ask you the same question,” he said, looking up from the computer he borrowed from Neagley.
“I’m going to watch my show,” you sat down and the couch across from him and took the remote into your hands.
Signing onto Netflix, you scroll down and click on Supernatural, making sure to lower the volume.
You secured your locs tightly in your bonnet you had brought with you when you catch Reacher staring.
He pretends to scroll on the laptop as if you didn’t catch him staring at you seconds before.
It took you all of five minutes of him looking at you through your peripheral for you to speak up.
“Oh my God, just say what you want to say, Reacher.” You finally say, breaking the silence.
“I.. don’t have anything to say,”
“Your eyes are telling me something different.”
“I missed looking at you,” he confessed after a moment of silence.
“Should have thought about that before you ghosted me,” you state, not even bothering to look away from the TV screen.
“It was my choice and I have to live with the consequences. But I never meant to hurt you, Y/N.”
“It’s not bullshit. I thought I was doing you a favor by leaving-“
“No, you took the easy way out. I’ve been in enough of these situations to know. But what really burns me to the core?” You finally look away from the TV to glare at Reacher.
“Is that I told you everything about my fear of people leaving. I told you how deep rooted the pain was, and you left anyway.”
“There’s nothing I can do to fix what I broke. I know that.”
“I’m done convincing people that I’m loveable. I’m at point in my life where I prefer to be alone than to have bad company.”
“I know,”
“Then why did you come back?”
“You know why,” he says.
“I know you won’t say it,” you say, standing from your place on the couch.
You crossed over to where Reacher was, barely towering over him even when he’s sitting down.
“I hate you,” you seethe. Hurt flashed across his face and for a moment, you felt guilt nipping at you.
“I could never hate you, Y/N.” He confesses softly, his hazel green eyes searching your Y/E/C ones.
Your face grew hot the longer he stared at you and you finally realize your proximity.
Damn it, why was your heart racing? Why was your body betraying you like this?
“When this is over, I never want to see you again.”
“I respect it,”
You didn’t know how to feel about this. A part of you wanted him to fight back like he did before.
Because at least you wouldn’t feel bad for treating him this way.
Especially since he more than deserved it. The air grew thick with tension and you held his gaze when he slowly stands from the couch, standing in front of you at full height.
You catch him bringing a hand up to caress the side of your face with his thumb.
“You don’t get to come over here talking all soft and think you’re somehow forgiven,” you whisper, your heart skipping a beat when he leans in closer.
“Would you forgive me if I gave you an apology?” He leans in an inch away from your face.
“No,” you body tenses under his touch and your eyes fluttered closed.
“If you tell me to stop, I will.” His breath fans against your lips. You could feel a heart racing pattering in your chest.
Everything stood still for a moment. The show playing in background was long forgotten.
Just as your lips were about to connect, you said, “I can’t do this.”
He lets you pull away from him, watching as your legs rushed you up the stairs and into your room.
The door creaks closed and you linked your hands above your head, consequently pacing in your bedroom.
What the hell was he thinking? What the hell were you thinking?
Deciding to give Reacher a piece of your mind, you pulled the door open to find him standing before you, raising a hand to knock on your door.
Turning your walk back inside your room, Reacher took that as an invitation to come in. He closes the door behind him and starts, “I want to confess something.”
Your ears perk at his words, that was a phrase you’ve never heard him say before.
“Okay,” “I’m tired. Tired of being the leader. Tired of needing to fix things all the time. Tired of being strong for everyone else. I haven’t met anyone who really understood that besides you.”
He comes around the bed to where you were, dragging a chair over and spun it around to sit down.
“Aren’t you tired, Y/N?”
“You want to know what I’m tired of?” “I’m tired of the influence you still have on me after all these years. I hate it. But at least it taught me one thing. Never let a man get too close.” You added before he had a chance to answer.
“You think you don’t have an influence over me?” He challenges. “Obviously not, Jack. You left me. That’s as crystal clear of an answer you can get.” You state, noticing the visible wince when you call him by his given name.
He presses his lips together as he contemplates something. You lift a brow, daring him to challenge what you had just said.
He stands up from the chair and took his pocket knife from his boot. Flicking the knife open, he knelt down to and popped out a piece from the wooden leg of your vanity.
He slid his hand into the opening, your heart sank when he took out a navy blue, velvet box.He drops the box into your hand and you brushed off the dust that had collected on the top.
You spared him a glance and he merely crossed his arms, waiting for you to open it. Opening the box, a periodt pear cut diamond ring winked at you under the dim lighting.
“Reacher, don’t tell me this is-“ “I planned an entire getaway trip to New York City where I would have asked you to marry me with that ring.” He interrupts and suddenly your mouth felt dry.
This was your dream ring. This was your dream man. So where did it all go wrong?
“What made you change your mind?” You asked after a brief silence.
“I watched my father deteriorate when my Mom died. I knew that.. one day that would be a possibility. Reacher men have terrible luck,”
“So.. let me get this straight. You left me because you’re worried I might die?” “Yes. And I know how it sounds, but-“
“That’s your first mistake right there, Reacher. You were too caught up in the what ifs that you missed what was right in front of you the whole time: a home- our home.”
“I know,” his your gaze fell back down to the ring in your hands. “You should try it on,” he suggests and you find yourself taking the ring out of the box, hesitantly sliding the band on your ring finger. It even fits perfectly.
“How did you know I wouldn’t throw the vanity away?”
Without a second thought, he closed the gap between you and captured your lips in a warm kiss. His massive hands covered your face as he continued to kiss you.
Your eyes fluttered closed as you get lost in the way his lips felt against yours. He pulls away just enough for the two of you to get air, resting your forehead against his.
“Because I know you,” he says, caressing the apple of your cheek with his thumb.
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dira333 · 1 year
Open up - Tsukishima x reader
Requested by @shoulmate - kind of part two to "Friends"
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He had not known how bad he was at opening up to people until he left Karasuno.
The comfort of being a third year, of being familiar with the habits and quirks of his classmates and, especially, the people in the Volleyball Club, had tricked him into thinking he’d be just fine in College.
But he wasn’t fine. He was far from being fine.
Where it was relatively easy to explain to himself that what he was feeling was only natural, he couldn’t bring himself to tell Yamaguchi that he missed him.
His constant presence had become a comfort he’d taken for granted.
He missed Yachi, her bubbly personality, and even her almost predictable bouts of over-worrying. But he supposed that Yamaguchi missed her even more, now that she was studying in Tokyo. 
He even missed - and that was something he’d never tell anyone - he even missed the monster duo. Training was too quiet without their constant fights and with no one there to challenge him like those two had, he felt himself falling into a rut. 
Three months into College he caved and called Kuroo, nibbling on the nail of his right thumb as he waited for the Call to connect, the habit he’d picked up from Yamaguchi a sick kind of comfort.
“You’re lonely.” Kuroo summarized the moment he finished his explanation. “That’s not surprising.” 
He wanted to argue against it, but even he knew that it would make him sound even more childish. He’d been the one calling after all.
“It’s hard for everyone. To be a first-year again. To lose so many friends.”
His voice sounded a bit hoarse for a moment and Tsukishima remembered with a start that while he and Yamaguchi had always been in the same year, Kenma and Kuroo had always been one year apart. 
College must have been especially hard for him if he still felt like that about it.
“As nice as it is to know that I’m not alone, I didn’t call for that, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Kuroo laughed. “But do you really need my advice for that? You know what you got to do, right?” 
He scowled at the thought.
“Right. Yeah. I was just hoping-”
“You were just hoping I had something else up my sleeve? Sorry. You still need to talk to people. Open up a bit, Tsukki.”
“Don’t call me that.”
1. Find someone on your team. Maybe there’s someone you already know. Or someone you could look up to.
“Kyoutani, right?” He asked the older boy, despite knowing perfectly well that this was his name. God, he so wanted to be somewhere else right now.
“Yeah, so?”
“I was wondering if you’d be up to train.”
“Why would I?”
“We’re on the same team?”
He fought against the urge to pinch his nose. This guy was even worse than Kageyama.
Wait. Kageyama.
“Well, I wanted to train my blocking technique. But if you think I’m too strong for you, I’ll find someone else.”
“The fuck you just said?” Kyoutani is right up in his face now, baring his teeth. “I’ll wipe the floor with you!”
“Great. Tonight after practice?”
“You bet.”
Kyoutani did, in fact, wipe the floor with him.
But he pulled him up at the end of it, looked him over like he contemplated throwing him into the dumpster outside, and nodded.
“I can’t train on Mondays or Fridays. We can do all the other days. Just don’t talk too much.”
2. Find someone in one of your courses. Someone who needs help studying or someone who can help you study. Yes, Tsukki, such people exist.
“Watari, right?" He asked the boy, vaguely remembering the name from some assignments.
“Ah, yes. And you’re Tsukishima?” 
“Yes. We’re in the same Biology Class.”
“Yes, I’ve noticed. You went to Karasuno, right?”
“Yes?” He narrowed his eyes at the other boy. Where was this going?
Watari’s smile did not waver under Tsukishima’s glare. It was unnerving to talk to someone so calm. It reminded him of Sugawara and he’d learned long ago that that calm demeanor could be flipped like a coin.
“I went to Aoba Johsai. I remember playing against you.”
“Oh. But you’re not in the Volleyball Team anymore?”
“No. It felt like the time for me to try something new. Besides, I’d flunk all my Classes if I tried to focus on anything else besides the Course material.”
“About that…” Tsukishima started, already cringing at himself. “I think I could help with that.”
After one Monday and one Friday spent with Watari, Tsukishima was ready to admit he’d never become a teacher.
But the other boy was a lot less annoying as a student than the Monster Duo.
He could see himself keeping this up and it was kind of nice to talk about Volleyball in between studying.
3. Find someone else. Be a bit creative. You might learn something new about yourself. 
This is the hardest part.
He didn’t want to talk to the people he meets in the cafeteria. Or the people watching his Volleyball Matches, even now that he’s got to actually play on the court.
He didn’t want to think about the internship he’d going to have to suffer through next semester.
Weren’t two new friends enough, he asked himself when he’s alone in his room, studying, reading, listening to music. When he endures Watari struggling with memorizing things, or Kyoutani’s way of talking during their training.
Aren’t two new friends enough, he asks himself when he walks through the library one day only to find… you.
He’s neither quick nor small enough to duck behind a cart or another person and you spot him almost the instant he recognizes you.
And the way your face lights up cuts a piece straight out of his heart.
“Tsukishima.” You walk up to him where he’s frozen on the spot. “What a coincidence to meet you here. How are you?”
“Hrrm.” He makes, his tongue unable to unknot himself. You nod.
“I don’t want to keep you, but if you want, we could go for a coffee and catch up?”
He’s unable to say no. And not in the way that his mouth won’t open, because that too, but even if he could speak, he couldn’t say no to you.
But he can and will protect himself. He’s promised himself that.
Back as a first-year at Karasuno, when he had a crush on you and realized it was never going to be reciprocated.
Back in his second year at Karasuno, when you stopped coming to their games, and he only ever saw you in passing or heard you mentioned in conversations.
Back in his third year at Karasuno, when the hallways were void of you and he didn’t even have Ennoshita around to hear about you. When even the pain of not having you sounded better than the void you left behind.
“How’s Ennoshita?” He asks as soon as you take a seat.
“Good, I guess.” You puff out your cheeks and blow at your coffee and he wonders if you know how adorable that makes you look. “Haven’t talked to him in a while. Didn’t think he’d forget about me so easily now that he has a girlfriend.”
He chokes on his drink.
You hit him on the back, but it does nothing to ease his mind.
“He- girlfriend- Ennoshita- you?” He chokes out and you pull your hand back to muster him.
“Yes. He has a girlfriend. Is that surprising? I did think he was rather popular with the girls in Karasuno but no one ever confessed to him.”
“Yeah, because everyone thought the two of you were a couple.” He can’t help his snark and regrets it the moment your eyes widen.
“They did? Why?”
“Because you two were so close. Why wouldn’t we think that?”
He bites his tongue the moment the words are out of his mouth.
You’re frozen in motion, eyes wide, mouth open until you close it with an audible click.
There’s something like understanding in your eyes and he’s ready to grab his drink and leave when you put your hand on his arm.
“Did you think I was dating Ennoshita?”
“Again, why wouldn’t I think that?” He asks but it’s lacking the usual cut of his tone. He just sounds tired now.
You heave a sigh, so deep it seems to come from the bottom of your soul.
“Ennoshita was right after all. I should have confessed to you.”
Now it’s his turn to freeze in his seat and he’s a bit ashamed to say that he forgets to breathe for a moment.
“What?” Is that really his voice speaking?
“Everyone of my girlfriends said that I should wait until the boy makes the first move and looking back, especially after what you’ve told me, they probably had Ennoshita in mind when I was always talking about you. I just… I thought you were interested in me and I was interested in you and I was just hoping you’d confess.”
“I’m sorry.” He says and you shrug. 
“We can’t change the past, right?” Something changes in your eyes and he holds his breath, realizing it will probably shake his core again, whatever you’re going to say next.
He’s right. 
“So, what do you say?” You cock your head and grin. “Are you free tomorrow? For a date? Just to make sure there are no more misunderstandings?”
Kuroo calls him on Saturday and he barely makes it out of his room to accept the call.
“Bad timing?” The older boy asks and TSukishima huffs. “We’re having a watch party, but I’m not missing much. I’ve seen Jurassic Park a million times.”
“Oh, a watch party? So you made some friends?”
He leans against the wall next to his door, thinking of the people inside.
Yamaguchi, who’d called to let him know he was done missing him in silence and that he was coming over Saturday, no matter how he felt about it. He was very much okay with that.
Watari, who’d jumped at the idea of a watch party, especially after he heard the name of the chosen movie. “We can point out all the inaccuracies and review at the same time.”
Kyoutani, who’d needed a bit more convincing.
“You know, they say it’s good for team building, but if you’re above that-”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming. But I don’t want any mediocre snacks, alright?”
The door opened next to him as he was talking and you squinted at him.
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah, just talking to Kuroo.” 
“Oh, alright. Tell him I said hi.” You blow him a kiss and step back inside, leaving him flustered in the halfway.
“Kuroo.” He said, voice hoarse yet again. “You don’t happen to have some advice  for communication in a relationship?”
“Don’t laugh. I just don’t want to mess this up.” Again, he adds in his mind.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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andreabandrea · 9 months
The AndreaBandrea UTY post
I need some place to put my Undertale Yellow (UTY for short) thoughts & criticism, and this is my blog, so I might as well put them here. If you don't want to see constructive criticism about Undertale Yellow, don't click below the readmore!
Pretty much everyone I talk to really likes this game, and honestly, I'm really sad that I don't like it more. I like some parts of it quite a bit! But I have mixed feelings about other parts-- I think the writing and characterization could have been a little more impactful than they were, and I’ll be discussing that here. I don’t want to just rag on this game without expressing suggestions and parts that I do like in more detail, so those will be covered as well. 
I also want to add a disclaimer that I don't have negative feelings towards the development team or fans of this game in the slightest. I have nothing but respect for the creators of Undertale Yellow. This project was obviously a massive undertaking with a lot of love behind it, and I'm glad to see that it's found success and a community of people who do enjoy it. 
The reason I’m writing this post is that, again, I liked parts of this game and wish I enjoyed it more. If I didn’t like it at all, I just wouldn’t engage with it at all anymore. I also haven’t really seen any other people expressing constructive criticism on the game’s writing, so it’s felt more important for me to express these thoughts, be heard, and see if others feel the same way. 
The Good
I'll start off with the things I like. The art, the animation, and the music are all fantastic. I was very impressed by the battle backgrounds and the little touches, like the way Clover runs. Clover doing things like reaching for other’s hands, giving fistbumps, drawing their weapon, changing their expression at times-- they feel very dynamic and fun to play as.
The music is really catchy and fun. I love the iterations on the battle theme-- Snowdin’s battle theme having bells, for example. 
I also had fun with most of the fights in the game! I liked the unique mechanics that came into play (e.g. the lasso in North Star's battle). I think that changing the way Clover attacks compared to Frisk feels organic and fun. 
I also love the mail system. Ever since you could deliver and receive letters in Paper Mario 64, I’ve been hooked on mail as a storytelling system in video games. I think the letters you receive are interesting and clever, and it’s a great way to keep past characters relevant in lieu of a cell phone. 
I’m going to be discussing criticism of the characters later, so I’m going to take a moment to talk a little about things I liked about them. I really like Martlet’s optimism and belief in humans. Starlo made me laugh quite a few times and the Feisty Five have a great dynamic with each other. A lot of the background characters in the game are fun-- I like the one who serves you at the Honeydew Resort. The fact that you can go back to these vendors later on and get four new topics to talk about is fantastic and makes the world feel a lot more alive. 
The Slightly Less-Good (and more disclaimers)
The writing is where the game falls short for me-- and it’s sad for me, because the writing is the heart of Undertale. I don’t think that the writing is bad by any means! I like the characters and story well enough, but- again- I just wish that I liked them more. I’ll try to incorporate suggestions so this isn’t just a total downer post without anything backing it up. 
I want to express something about the ‘suggestions’ that I’ll be offering after the criticism. I know that Undertale Yellow  is now out, and the team isn’t going to go back and change it now, and that’s totally fine. I don’t want to make it sound as if the team should change Undertale Yellow just because I have some reservations about it. I’m just one fan out of many. In the very off chance that a member of the Undertale Yellow development team is reading this--
First of all, hi! 
Second of all, I know that changing major parts of Undertale Yellow at this point is very unrealistic, and I wouldn’t want you to. If anything, I’m honored you’re reading my ramblings at all. I’d be touched if you’d be willing to take some of my words to heart as you move onto your next creative projects.
The reason I’m including suggestions, therefore, isn’t because I think that the team should or must make these changes, but because I don’t want to just sound excessively negative about this game without offering a little feedback. 
I don’t presume that my criticism and suggestions are objectively correct or better than what the Undertale Yellow team created. This is my personal blog, and these are my personal rambly thoughts about Undertale Yellow. The reason I’m including so many disclaimers is because I’ve gotten into discourse before due to poorly thought-out posts about Undertale, and I hope to avoid that this time. I don’t want to just not post something on my own blog, though, because I’m afraid it could be misconstrued or possibly upset somebody. So, I’m trying to discuss this as carefully as I can. 
As one final disclaimer, I'll say that I know that it was more likely than not that I'd be at least a little disappointed by Undertale Yellow. The original Undertale was a very important game for me, and very little could reach that standard. (I think this is one reason why Toby decided to do Deltarune, a sort of AU/spinoff rather than a full-on "Undertale 2", and I respect that decision.) 
I also think that quite a bit of my criticism is subjective-- several of the characters didn't fully click with me and several of the jokes just didn't land for me, personally. More people than you might think just didn’t connect with the regular Undertale, either. I’ll be talking a little about my subjective opinion on characters, but I’ll try to explain why I feel the way I do rather than just say, “XYZ character sucks because they’re lame, moving on.” 
With that said, the post. I’ll be addressing my criticisms from smallest to largest. To begin, I’ll recap the plot of UTY to better analyze aspects that I do and don’t quite like. Spoilers abound.
Undertale Yellow Plot Recap!!!!
The central story of UTY, to my memory and understanding, is as follows:
In the past, a fallen human being went on a rampage in Snowdin and hurt Kanako, the daughter of Chujin, a former royal scientist and monster who happens to be a boss monster. Dalv, an unrelated monster, was also hurt in this incident and sealed himself away in the Ruins in a self-imposed isolation. Chujin’s family (presumably him or Kanako, but not Ceroba, as she doesn’t recognize Dalv) felt bad about this and left him corn from Starlo’s farm as a gift. But, when Chujin died, the corn gifts stopped coming. 
Stepping back a bit, after the incident, Chujin developed a deep hatred for humanity. He invented a security robot called Axis and told it to go kill the human. Axis did this (and we will return to this later). Chujin kept the soul (at least, for a time) to experiment on.
At some point in this, Axis failed to impress Asgore and Chujin was fired as the royal scientist. At some point as well, he began to teach Martlet how to build puzzles. Martlet got a job in the royal guard and Chujin disapproved because humans are very dangerous.  
Due to experimenting on his own boss monster soul in an attempt to find a way to turn regular monsters into boss monsters so that monsterkind could potentially stand up to the threat of humanity, Chujin wound up very ill and then passed away. He left video tapes to his wife, Ceroba, asking her to finish his research. However, he asked her to leave Kanako out of this so she could live a normal life. 
Ceroba agreed to finish this research, but Kanako found out about it and asked to be experimented on because she, like her father, has the power of a boss monster. Ceroba agreed to experiment on her, which injured Kanako and caused her to ‘fall down’. Ceroba sent the near-death Kanako to Dr. Alphys, the new royal scientist, who was collecting ‘fallen down’ monsters for her own experiments with determination. 
Plot summary over. I’ll take a closer look at some of these aspects going forward.
UTY Plot Criticism
I don’t feel like this is a bad story, necessarily. With that said, it doesn’t feel quite as tied together as Undertale’s story does, and I think certain aspects don’t land. 
First, I feel that the majority of the plot elements about Chujin & Kanako get dumped on you at the last minute. You might be thinking that the story about Chara & Asriel is also dumped on you at the last minute-- and to an extent, this is true. You do get a massive amount of information regarding their story near the end of the game, in the True Lab.
However, Chara & Asriel's story is a massive part of the narrative from the very beginning. You meet 'Asriel' (Flowey) in the very beginning of the game. Toriel is in the Ruins due to the fallout of Chara & Asriel's deaths. Asgore and the monsters are trying to kill Frisk and steal their soul because of this, and the royal guard has taken it up as their mission. Sans is aware of an anomaly that will end everything (implied to be the player), and he would have 'killed Frisk where they stand' had he not made a promise to Toriel. And so on.
I’ll be reviewing criticism of the game’s plot in sections themed around each major character. I will be discussing suggestions about each character in their respective section here, as I discuss things I didn’t quite like about each character, my suggestions are intrinsically tied to why I didn’t quite like them. 
The connections between characters and the Chujin & Kanako plot feel a bit tenuous to me. Similarly to Toriel, Dalv is in a self-imposed isolation in the Ruins due to a major incident in his past. He fears humans due to the attack he suffered in Snowdin, and he suffers loneliness  after losing his friend (who left him corn). When he sees Clover, he wonders if this is “some sort of haunting” (implying he knows that the human who attacked him was killed). 
In the pacifist route, Clover can prove to Dalv that not all humans are evil and Dalv can move out and learn how to trust people again. This becomes a recurring theme-- Clover, pure of heart, proving to monsters that humanity isn’t that bad after all. 
However, Dalv then disappears from the story. His motivation is to basically be left alone, but once you prove to him that humanity isn’t so bad, his role in the story is essentially complete.
I feel that, by comparison, Toriel’s motivation is more active-- to protect humans who fall down from Asgore. It’s this motivation that drives her to return at the end of the true pacifist route and ultimately make the true ending of Undertale possible.
Dalv’s passiveness makes him a weaker character to me. Now that you’ve proven that you’re his friend and humanity isn’t so bad, I would have liked to have seen him take an active motivation to protect his friend or help them in some way. We don’t have to copy Undertale beat for beat and have him dramatically save Clover from Asgore or anything, but it would have been nice to see him vouch for Clover in some way at some point. 
Now, for the final time, I know that UTY is released and major changes aren’t likely. Some of my suggestions are “I would have liked to see this, but this change would require redoing the entire game,” which I don’t think should or could be done at this stage. This is just daydreaming and- if I’m praising myself highly- potential considerations for the devs’ future works (and the works of any other creatives who are reading this). 
With this proposed major change to Dalv’s character out of the way, I’ll suggest instead the most minimal possible change that I would like to see, so my suggestions don’t feel entirely like just daydreaming. 
I really like how Dalv sends Clover a letter about his moving out to Snowdin. This is active of him in terms of motivation-- Clover is his friend and he wants to keep in touch with his friend. I’d be absolutely thrilled to see a little bit of extra dialogue for him in an update. After you go back to Snowdin and see him, I think the dialogue he already has is totally fine! But, I’d be really happy if he’d take initiative and tell Clover a little more about his experience with the past human, or invite them to rely on him, too. 
Martlet felt… a bit restrained in terms of her writing, to me. I think that one aspect of Undertale’s writing is that it’s not afraid to go over the top. Papyrus isn’t just silly, he wears a costume every day and cartoon eyes pop out of his head when he’s surprised. Undyne isn’t just determined, she aspires to be a badass anime heroine. I like Martlet just fine, but she never had a moment where she really stood out to me in this way. 
Martlet’s defining traits are that she likes puzzles, she loves reading and abiding by the rules of the royal guard, and she believes in humanity and wants to help Clover. As I said before, I really like this optimism and belief. I’d like to see more of it. 
Near the end of the true pacifist route, Martlet says that she was taught in the royal guard that humans are scary, but Clover proved to her that humans are kind. This felt very abrupt to me at the time-- we know that Chujin disapproved of her joining the royal guard due to his own trauma, but Martlet had no personal involvement in the last human’s violent actions. 
Martlet doesn’t seem to have any reason to dislike humans more than any other monster. We learn in her diary that she essentially joined the royal guard out of a desire to help people and build puzzles, and also because she needed a job. 
If she’s just supposed to be a representative of the average monster and their feelings toward humanity, and her growing to like Clover is meant to represent how all of monsterkind could grow to like humankind, that would be one thing-- but I think that she specifically is meant to represent a person who wholeheartedly believes that humans can be good and that humans and monsters can live in harmony. In the no mercy route, she repeatedly pleads to Clover to do better, that they don’t have to act this way, that she wants to help them. That’s not the response of the average monster, who fights Clover or tries to flee from them. 
I believe the intention is that Chujin & Martlet represent either end of an ideology axis (no pun intended). Chujin believes all humans are evil no matter what, but Martlet believes that humans can choose to be good. But why does she choose to believe in humans other than a sense of personal optimism? 
I would have liked to have seen some defining event that made Martlet choose to believe in the goodness of humanity. I would have liked to have her being kind and optimistic to a fault be more of a defining trait-- to have that go over the top in an Undertale-style way. A lot of her interactions with other characters just personally weren’t very memorable to me. 
Martlet spends a lot of the game sidelined. She loses you in the Mines. She gets thrown in jail in the Wild East. She has to go back to Snowdin once you're freed. Yes, she's there for you in the true pacifist route, but she's otherwise pretty absent through the neutral/true pacifist routes.
I recognize that the main characters in Undertale can be absent after you leave their respective sections of the game. However, you're able to call Papyrus & Undyne as much as you want, and you get a major hang-out (or “date”) with each of them and Alphys which gives time to expand on their backstory and character arc. Martlet doesn't get that. We even get a little bit of time to hang out with Dalv after we become his friend, but Martlet shoves us on a boat and hurries us to the next area as soon as we beat her. And sure, we get to talk to her on the boat, but it’s just a bit of silly dialogue-- it doesn’t really expand on her character. It feels like a missed opportunity. 
So, yes, my major suggestion on her would be to zoom in more on her belief in you and let her be a liiiiitle sillier and more over the top, and give more opportunity for Clover to hang out with her. 
At this stage, however? In this proposed minor ‘dialogue update’, I’d be really excited to see a little something more from her. Maybe a letter? She does send you one, but only in the neutral route to tell you to meet her on top of the apartments. It would be a good opportunity to either let her be silly or explain a bit about when she came to want to believe in humans-- or both, ideally. 
I honestly have very little to say on Starlo. He seems to be the fan favorite, and I did find his section fun! Ultimately, though, he's just kind of… there? I mean, he's on the periphery of Ceroba's (and Chujin and Kanako’s) story because he's her childhood friend (and his family grew the corn that Chujin gives to Dalv), and yes, he later on reminds her that she can still choose to be a better person because he also almost killed Clover! However, every monster in the game almost killed Clover.
There’s nothing wrong with having a silly character who wears a costume and isn’t a major player in the plot. I feel like Starlo is similar to Papyrus in this way. But Papyrus isn’t just a goofball, he’s the monster in Undertale who believes unerringly in Frisk & the player’s ability to do better because he firmly believes that you can make anything happen if you just try. This belief helps elevate Papyrus from comic relief to an actual rounded character. 
I don’t feel like Starlo has any sort of strong conviction like that. We do learn that he wants to bring hope to the Underground by roleplaying as a sheriff in the Wild East town, giving them a slice of (supposed) surface life. I think this is fine, but I’d like to see a bit more of it. In the no mercy route, he does bravely stand against you because he’s a sheriff and it’s his job to bring justice to murderers like Clover. 
My expectation when I first met him, a fellow cowboy (gender-neutral), was that he’d have his own ideas about justice. I expected that he would clash with Clover about these ideals, and neither of them would be quite right or wrong-- and this would prove that justice can’t be measured mathematically, and one outcome can’t be applied to all situations. 
But, he’s not at all bad the way he is. He has a lot of fans, after all. The minor change I’d suggest now that the game is out is that I’d be interested in learning why the cowboy aesthetic specifically appealed to him. Maybe a diary in his room explaining that Westerns are the epitome of ‘justice’ to him? I’d like to see a peek into the motivation that transformed an ordinary farm boy into someone who could bravely stand against a murderous human. 
I’ll be honest. I want to like Ceroba, but I don’t.
I understand that there's an attempt to mirror Asgore in that the war against humanity, in general, has taken Ceroba's partner and her child from her-- and ultimately, Clover forgives her and helps her learn how to move on. It's about letting go, just like Undertale. I get that. But Ceroba’s story doesn't land for me, personally. In order to talk about Ceroba, I need to talk about her husband, Chujin, because Ceroba spends so much of the story acting out Chujin's will. 
Whereas monsters in Undertale do attempt to kill Frisk and steal their soul, and Asgore has killed other children before, it's framed in a very 'video game' violence sort of way (again, Undertale has these meta elements). Ultimately, in the True Pacifist route, none of Frisk's deaths have stuck, and Asgore's actions- while reprehensible- allowed for Asriel to break the barrier once and for all.
Chujin, in the video tapes he leaves for Ceroba, implies that Axis’s murder of the human- presumably a child, like Clover and Frisk- was very violent and bloody. It feels a tiny step beyond the 'video game violence' aspect, for me. While it’s shown that Chujin regrets this, it still doesn’t change the way that this violence is expressed in the game. 
Instead of giving the human’s soul right to Asgore to bring monsterkind closer to freedom, Chujin- who has already been fired by Asgore, I should add- chooses to keep the soul and experiment with it.
This is very selfish, even though he has good intentions. He’s told nobody else about his experiments with his soul at this point- not even his wife- and Asgore has told him to cease all activities as the royal scientist. 
While monsters do want Frisk's soul for their own selfish reasons, they notably do not butcher them violently, succeed in this, and still try to get painted with the same quirky and fun brush that the other characters get. 
After Chujin dies, he leaves detailed instructions for his wife to continue his work-- and although he says "don't involve Kanako", he leaves her all the tools she would need to experiment on Kanako, and notably, no other way to finish his work except to experiment on Kanako.
As I said, Kanako finds out about this and asks to be experimented on. And while she does give consent, she is a child. I cannot stress this enough-- she is a child who just lost her father and is still wracked by grief. Kanako is a child who cannot possibly know what she is consenting to. 
Ceroba chooses to experiment on Kanako and more or less kills her. And then she chooses to send her 'fallen down' daughter to Alphys's experiment, despite the fact that Kanako presumably has some sort of trace of human soul/determination left in her-- which could have compromised Alphys's work as well.
Let's return to how I said that Ceroba is a mirror for Asgore. She's made so many mistakes and it's cost her her family and she can't stop now or it will all be for nothing. She's done horrible things, just like Asgore.
But the difference is that Asgore is the king of monsterkind. Asgore has no desire to kill human beings. He declared war on humanity in a fit of anger and grief, but the Underground had lost hope due to the loss of Chara & Asriel. Believing that Asgore could gather seven human souls and free them all brought hope back to the Underground.
His actions, while wrong, are selfless-- and much less explicitly violent and more 'cartoon violence'-like. Chujin & Ceroba have the well-being of monsterkind as their own pure intentions, but their actions are far more selfish and violent. Axis, Chujin’s creation, massacred a human being. Yet we're still expected to find them silly and fun and relatable-- it just feels unusual.
I’m not someone who hates nuance or morally gray characters. One reason I’m so sad that I don’t quite like Ceroba is that I love morally gray women. It’s just that we’re not allowed to really dislike Chujin or Ceroba for what they’ve done, and instead we’re supposed to see Ceroba- and Axis- as silly and relatable like the rest of the characters. 
Immediately after Ceroba’s boss battle, instead of processing what just happened to a greater extent, Clover chooses to sacrifice their soul for monsterkind. 
I understand that the intention is that Ceroba's grief and Chujin's desperation to protect monsters from humanity contributed to Clover's decision to sacrifice their soul. However, the idea is- to me- abrupt. Ultimately, too, Clover's decision is just as much about how much they love their friends (and how it's impossible for them to hide out in the Underground forever) as it is about Ceroba and her family.
Chara & Asriel’s deaths, Asgore’s war on humanity, the war of humans and monsters-- these elements impact every part of Frisk’s journey. But Chujin and Ceroba’s actions, while impactful on Martlet and Dalv to varying extents, are only part of Clover’s journey. And Chujin and Ceroba did awful things for this comparatively minor impact on the plot. 
EDIT: Further analysis about how Ceroba doesn't have a lot of agency and spends a lot of the plot just acting out Chujin's will, as well as the inconsistency in her characterization (and feelings about sacrificing Clover and the well-being of Kanako), with input from @carlyraejepsans. Thank you!
I would have liked to have seen a bit more from Ceroba without any influence from Chujin- maybe an interaction explaining her relationship with Martlet and an additional conversation about Martlet’s nearly unwavering belief in humans vs Ceroba’s inherited grudge against humanity- but I don’t know where this would fit in. Adding more time for Clover to process Ceroba’s boss fight before sacrificing their soul might throw off the pacing. 
In general, though, Ceroba's boss fight- while flashy and fun- ultimately feels pointless with how little she learns from it and how quickly she changes her stance on using Clover's soul for the benefit of monsterkind, and what will happen to monsters after they break the barrier. To quote @carlyraejepsans in the ask linked above:
In addition, it's like the writing didn't want to commit to her delusions and little character development. She feels that her daughter is alive and thinks she can save her—wait no that was a lie—wait it wasn't. The moment she's defeated she goes "Agh, what was I thinking!" out loud (which is already a questionable writing choice imo but i digress), and recognizes that sacrificing Clover for her plans is horrible... and then 5 seconds later Clover chooses to sacrifice themself to break the barrier and whoops nevermind she's suddenly the one getting the others onboard with the idea... wait. didn't she say she was making the serum because the humans would've only slaughtered them again if they broke the barrier? oh wait wasn't that also chujin again? whoops.
I would have felt better if there were more room to view Chujin and Ceroba in a critical light (and time to view Ceroba outside of just being a mom and wife). I can’t think of any ‘minor’ suggestion that wouldn’t require a lot of editing. 
And... okay. Let's talk about Axis real quick.
I want to give the dev team the benefit of the doubt, but I need to point out that this security robot's name is "Axis 014." If you don't know what I mean by pointing this out, I'll just say that both of these terms are nazi dog whistles and allow you to look up the specifics.
I recognize that, by this point, it’s too late to change his name. I’d at least be grateful if the team would acknowledge this and confirm that they aren’t nazis. 
Axis’s name makes his actions far worse in retrospect. He, as a security robot wants to kill a child, but he isn't able to anymore because his programming has changed. So, as a legal loophole, he forces them to hold 'a weapon' (a trash can lid) so he can justifiably kill them. This is the same robot that brutalized and murdered a human being in the past at Chujin's behest.
It feels tone deaf and ultimately the one thing I’d just outright call bad about UTY. I don’t think it was intentionally done this way, but I don't like that we're supposed to find this nazi-aesthetic police brutality robot "quirky and relatable" like the Undertale cast. In the true pacifist ending, he falls in love with a robot made out of a trash can and his eyes turn into cartoon hearts and etc. It’s even more jarring than viewing Chujin & Ceroba in a fun/relatable way. 
In the no mercy route, Axis will defend himself and claim that his programming forced him to kill the human and he didn't want to. This "just following orders" defense feels weak to me as well, personally. Axis clearly delights in harming humans, going out of his way to try to kill Clover. But also, Axis spends a significant amount of the game displaying a very similar amount of free will to the other characters. He’s not just a janitor robot that sweeps back and forth. 
He’s a nearly sentient being-- and the fact that there are these nearly sentient robots makes Alphys’s accomplishment of creating “a robot with a soul” (at least, so she claims-- Mettaton is only the ghost in a machine) much less impactful to me, personally. Yes, Asgore thinks that Chujin failed in creating a sentient robot, and so it’s impressive that Alphys supposedly did it. But I don’t know why Asgore wouldn’t be more skeptical of Alphys’s accomplishment after Chujin failed more than eight times and set fire to his flowers. 
I think that Axis is ultimately a missed opportunity to make a really villainous character. This concept that he disobeys his programming- used as sort of a parallel for law, as a security robot- to attack Clover could have been explored to further the ‘justice’ theme. He doesn’t write his programming (the laws), he just carries it out (violently enforces the laws). 
The ‘minor’ suggestion I’d make, though, is to just acknowledge the name. 
Undertale & Meta Elements
Now, we’ll be addressing my largest criticisms-- the omission of meta elements and the way Flowey is written.
Undertale Yellow never quite stopped feeling like a fan game to me. And it is, of course-- but I think that it feels as if it tries so hard to be Undertale (in the writing style, the humor, etc) that it fails to forge an identity of its own, and that holds it back from being just a fangame to a fangame that succeeds in expanding on the original creative work. 
At the same time, although UTY tries to feel like Undertale, I don’t think it captures certain elements that make Undertale be Undertale. 
Whereas Undertale was ultimately about video games as a medium and the normalization of violence in them, UTY doesn’t have this level of metatextual commentary. UTY does have a running theme of 'justice'-- and I don’t think this is bad! After all, if Undertale already said all there was to say about video games and violence, why retread that path? I respect that UTY knows its limits and simply focuses on justice as a concept instead.
At the same time, Undertale isn’t just an RPG about mercy-- it’s an RPG about RPGs. The fact that you can talk to and spare enemies isn’t just a quirk of the game, it’s what the game is about. This is one thing that makes Undertale great that UTY doesn’t focus on.  
UTY doesn’t completely ignore these elements, of course. Flowey takes over resetting for you, and you do have three distinct paths based on whether or not you kill enemies-- the ‘true pacifist’ path, the ‘neutral’ path, and the ‘no mercy’ path (I will not be calling it the ‘genocide’ route, especially in light of recent world events). Through whether or not you choose to kill enemies, the theme of ‘justice’ is explored-- who is Clover seeking justice for? In the true pacifist route, Clover seeks justice for the monsters, while in the no mercy route, Clover seeks justice for the fallen humans before them. 
However, Flowey taking over the mechanics of saving and resetting for you makes concept of ‘the player’ obsolete. I recognize that not everyone in the Undertale/Deltarune fandom quite enjoys the concept of 'the player' and the meta elements of these games due to the fact that there can be implications that playing Deltarune (as an example, which ups the meta elements quite a bit) can actively hurt Kris and make their world a worse place. However, Deltarune isn’t a complete work and we don’t know this for certain. Additionally, I feel as if at least acknowledging Toby's intentions are important to analyzing the work, no matter what one's personal feelings are about them.
The Importance of the Player
The presence of you, the player, is important in Undertale. Frisk is a subversion of the 'blank slate protagonist' trope. You think that you're able to name them and control them, but in the True Pacifist route, Frisk begins to act on their own (they walk slowly in some parts of the True Lab because they're presumably afraid, etc). In the end, you realize that Frisk is their own person with their own name, and you as the player have to let go-- when Frisk & the monsters go to the surface, Flowey (a mirror of the player themselves) urges you to let them go. Don't treat this as a game anymore-- don't replay and wring out any last drops of content you can. You enjoyed it, now move on.
But many players want to see the No Mercy route because it’s the last thing they haven’t done in the game, and they don’t want to let go. And that's where the role of you, the player, becomes undeniable in the game's story. What is the No Mercy route except playing a 'typical' RPG in the way it's meant to be played? You grind to become stronger, killing every enemy that stands in your way. And when you've killed all the monsters and become as strong as you can be, you've won.
Many players didn't do this because they hate the characters in Undertale and want to hurt them-- if they hate them, they likely just wouldn't play the game. Many players did it because they like the characters in Undertale, and wanted to see what would happen. They couldn't stop playing. And this is exactly what Sans means in his dialogue during his boss battle-- to paraphrase, "you think that because you can, that means you have to."
This is one of the ways that Flowey is a mirror of the player. Flowey didn't start killing out of malicious intent, but because he had become so bored and isolated that he just "had to see what happens".
Chara's role at the very end of the No Mercy route is to call you out directly for this. They tell you that their power was yours. Their words were very misconstrued by fans for a long time, and they themselves wound up as a scapegoat for the No Mercy route-- but ultimately, there's no reason for Chara or Frisk to kill every monster in the Underground. The only reason is because of you, personally. You want to see what would happen. You want to grind and play it like a typical RPG.
They call you out for this if you don't want to delete the game world at the end. Why go back to that world that you've already destroyed? Why play nice with the monsters that you just massacred because you can?
Why am I talking about this at such length? Because I believe that ‘the player’ and how they interact with the world of Undertale is important. Characters lampshade the UI and battle mechanics often-- Flowey talking about the world as a game and ‘saving’ and ‘loading’, Papyrus telling you to “press C to open the dating HUD”, Sans explaining ‘LV’ and ‘EXP’, and so on.
This is my personal opinion, and I recognize this is very nitpicky, but I feel that not acknowledging this or adding to these meta elements in some way makes UTY weaker for me. 
Flowey’s Role in UTY
Flowey essentially saves and resets for you because he's bored, and he wants to use Clover as a tool to access Asgore’s five stored human souls. His role as a mirror for the player becomes him essentially just acting as a stand-in for the player. While this in itself can invite self-reflection, I think that the execution of his role is a little awkward. 
We learn at the end of the neutral route that Flowey has already reset the timeline hundreds of times by the time we first start playing the game. According to him, Clover always ends up at a dead end (they choose to stay in the Underground for the rest of their life) or they die (and they can’t reset of their own power). Thus, Flowey chose to set Clover on an alternate path by sabotaging a lever in the Ruins, which made them fall into the Dark Ruins and meet Dalv.
Flowey then tries to kill Clover and absorb their soul because they, again, hit a dead end. Yet he gives up on it after a while because Clover won’t stop fighting back, and he thinks he can just reset and try again anyway. 
At the end of the true pacifist route, Clover instead opts to sacrifice their soul willingly to Asgore & monsterkind. Flowey comments that he could just reset (and you still can, if you want to play again), but Clover “earned their rest” and he calls them a friend. 
This progression from “Clover is a tool that Flowey is using to access the 5 human souls” to “Clover is a friend and Flowey willingly lets them die and stay dead” feels undeserved and underdeveloped to me. 
"But, Andrea," you might say, "Flowey went from trying to kill Frisk as Omega/Photoshop Flowey to hugging Frisk as Asriel really quickly too!"
Yes, but in that short time, Frisk and Flowey/Asriel had a Whole Thing where Frisk 'saved' him like everyone else and he learned he needs to let go, too. It was a short time, but it was a poignant time. By contrast, Flowey is pretty much absent throughout most of UTY's true pacifist route. Sure, you could easily say that he just got bored of Clover and gave up-- but that, too, doesn’t feel quite right to me. 
I really hate to say this, but I feel that Flowey’s writing in UTY cheapens the original Undertale for me, which is why this is one of my major criticisms of the game. 
Flowey's entire character arc in Undertale is about how he was stuck with the same places and same people for an endless amount of resets. In my opinion, the limited amount of places and characters for him to interact with in Undertale only adds to how trapped he is (and the Underground being so small really strengthens the concept of "there's overpopulation and the monsters are running out of time to find a solution/earn their freedom" that we see in the game, but I digress).
So when something finally changes and he meets Frisk, it's deeply impactful to him. Finally, someone new to play with! Finally, potential for change! Even though Flowey admits that, even if Chara came back, there's a great chance that he couldn't really love them due to his lack of soul, just experiencing something new for the first time in ages is as close to love as he can possibly get. So Flowey:
Starts to believe that Frisk is Chara, this person he ‘loves’ or wants to love, or some manifestation of Chara. 
Refuses to let Frisk go, even if that means- when Asriel has the power of seven human souls- just resetting the Undertale timeline over and over instead of going to the surface or doing anything else.
For Flowey to have gone through everything that he does in UTY- all these new places, all these new people, Clover included- weakens this, in my opinion. And sure, there's very heavily implied to be lots of places that Frisk doesn't explore and people they don't meet-- 99% of New Home and its residents, for instance. But Clover themselves is the real problem for me.
No matter how many times Flowey reset with Clover, I really struggle to believe that he would get bored of a human being that easily. He even said that Clover's actions and choices would sometimes change from reset to reset, and he only recently learned how dramatically he could alter their path by sabotaging that lever in the Ruins. Clover isn't a static being-- and even if they were, they're at least a new static being.
And although we learn in the neutral route that Flowey can't really absorb Clover's soul because they fight back too much, I can't believe that would stop Flowey so easily. What about at the end of the pacifist route, where Clover has given it up willingly and it's being transported in a little jar? Clover’s body is separated from the soul, now-- could Clover still fight back?
Or, what about if Flowey tried to kill them as soon as they entered the Ruins? Or, what if Flowey played nice the entire route and then at the end tried to convince Clover that if they sacrificed their soul, he would take it to Asgore for them? With access to full control of the timeline, I don't think Flowey would give up on this. We learn in Undertale how painful it is for him to be soulless and how desperate he is to access power so that things will change.
For Flowey to acknowledge Clover as a 'friend'- maybe even a true person, not just a compilation of dialogue- suggests character growth. It suggests remorse for his resets that he isn't capable of having and doesn't have until the events of Undertale. I just don't feel like it’s earned. 
Flowey is, of course, an unreliable narrator. 
At the end of the no mercy route of UTY, Flowey expresses that he never saw Clover as a friend-- he only enjoyed watching them die over and over again. It should be noted that this was said while under extreme duress (Clover is LV 20 by this point and has killed everyone save for Asgore), and this route isn’t canon in the way that the neutral and pacifist routes are. 
With that said, if we agree that Flowey can’t feel love as a soulless being, then I could argue that this is about as much of a ‘friend’ as anyone could be. This is how he wanted to keep Frisk (“Chara”, in his mind) for eternity when he had the six human souls + the entirety of monsterkinds’ souls-- just watch them try over and over again, for eternity. 
Why am I contradicting myself? Because, let’s suppose that Flowey doesn’t mean Clover is a ‘friend’ in the traditional sense- that they earned his respect and he cares for them in some way- but Clover is a new toy that he got bored with and gave up on. I feel like this, too, makes Undertale a little weaker. 
If Flowey did have some type of positive regard for Clover, but was willing to let them go, then it feels- to me- like Frisk’s role in his story isn’t that significant. Frisk helped him learn how to let go and move on, but Flowey has already demonstrated being capable of this. The circumstances are different- if Flowey gives up at the end of Undertale’s true pacifist route, it’s over for real, whereas if he gives up at the end of UTY, he can just wait for another human to fall- but I feel like the core feeling is the same. Flowey, by the start of Undertale, doesn’t strike me as someone who’s capable of letting go. 
So, how would I have changed this?
I recognize that- again- Undertale already made these points about video games and violence, and Flowey has his entire character arc in that game. For Flowey to have more of an arc in this game would potentially make this game no longer line up with canon Undertale or weaken Undertale further. And why retread old ground that Undertale already talked about?
I respect the decision to tell a self-contained story, but the meta commentary about video games in Undertale is so significant for me that I personally would have liked to see a bit more of it in Undertale Yellow. I also recognize how much of my criticism of Flowey’s writing in UTY is subjective. It feels unrealistic for me, his arc feels abrupt for me, it makes Undertale less poignant for me. 
A lot of people love his inclusion in this game, and it’s very novel to see Flowey as a friend throughout most of UTY and hear his snarky commentary on demand rather than having him as an enemy who’s absent through most of the game, as he is in Undertale. 
The Flowey Suggestions
First, I’ll be honest. I know this is not and has never been possible, but my easiest solution to the dilemma of Flowey’s lack of a character arc- and the lack of an ability to give him a character arc- would have been to just remove him from UTY. 
I think that Flowey’s inclusion in the story of the yellow soul human and his role saving and loading could have been interesting. It goes against certain story elements implied in Undertale, and popular fan theories-- and I don’t mind that, if something meaningful is done with it. But, I feel as if Flowey’s relationship to Clover isn’t impactful enough to justify including him. 
To clarify on ‘implied story elements’ and ‘popular fan theories’: 
While I might be misremembering, I thought that it was implied in Undertale that Flowey came into being after Asgore had already collected six human souls, and that a significant amount of time had passed since the last human had fallen down. 
I won’t go into it at length because this post is long enough and I, again, am not an Undertale expert. With that said, it’s also implied that all human souls are capable of saving/loading/resetting in the Underground. If you make Frisk tell Asgore that he killed them before, he just nods as if he’s used to it-- and he’s the one character who we know has killed humans before.
Now, how did Asgore successfully kill beings that can just reset the game whenever they die? Well, Sans faces the same dilemma in Undertale’s no mercy route. There’s no way that he can permanently defeat you, the player, who is a real being. Therefore, the way he ‘wins’ is by infuriating you enough with his difficult boss fight until you give up and stop playing Undertale (or, at least, reset and make better choices). 
Think about all the times you’ve played a game, got stuck on a hard boss, and never played it again. While it’s not ‘canon’ to the story- giving up on your copy of Mario doesn’t mean Bowser really wins- functionally, giving up on a game means that the story ends for you. This is how I believe Asgore captured the six human souls, even if they were also capable of resetting like Frisk is-- he fought them until they gave up.
Humans all are said to have great amounts of ‘determination’, not just red soul bearers. We don’t even know what trait the red soul exemplifies. Whatever it is, I don’t think it’s determination itself. 
The bottom line is that I don’t think it would be unrealistic for Clover to be able to save/load/reset on their own, or for Flowey to not exist yet during the time they fell down. 
But, I get it, Flowey was in UTY’s demo that has been out for seven years. He’s in the trailers. He couldn’t be removed at any part of development, and he sure as hell can’t be removed now. 
My second suggestion would have been to zoom in on him, instead. While the prequel is about Clover, the yellow soul human, I would have liked to see it be about Flowey in a significant way. I kept hoping for Clover to have an opportunity to ask Flowey at some point, “why are you helping me, anyway?”.
This is my personal interpretation, but I’ve come to believe that Flowey thinks that the reason he’s stuck as a flower is that it’s a punishment. Because he, as Asriel, refused to fight back, he failed Chara, and now they’re dead. Now he’s stuck as a rinky-dink flower with no soul, he can’t love his former family, and he can’t stop playing this game. 
In the no mercy route of Undertale, Flowey feels very much like he’s trying to appeal to Frisk- the person he believes is Chara- in a way like a younger sibling trying to impress an older sibling. He says he’s impressed by how you killed everyone. He helps solves puzzles so you won’t have to slow down. He brags to you about how he’s also a heartless killer. 
Notably, he talks about his past. He tells ‘Chara’ that he was afraid to start killing, at first. He said he wouldn’t enjoy it, but he just had to know what would happen.
Then, Flowey laughs and says that you (Chara) know how liberating it is to be this way-- to kill people and shape their fates. He ‘recognizes’ Frisk as being actually Chara because of how they killed everyone in the Ruins. 
But we have no indication that Chara was a violent or evil person in their life. I believe that Flowey is partially projecting and partially recognizes Chara because, in the last moments of their life, they were telling him to kill. He always knew that Chara hated humanity and wanted power to better the position of monsterkind. This is why Flowey brags about how he has a plan to get the human souls, and once they do so, they can go to the surface and “finish what [they] started.” 
To Flowey, in my opinion, killing people isn’t just about seeing what happens. It’s about trying to understand and appease Chara and doing what he thinks he should have done all that time ago, as Asriel. 
I bring this up because I think that I would have liked to have seen this be explored in Undertale Yellow. Flowey is still a very misunderstood character today due to being an unreliable narrator. I believe that a lot of Flowey misinterpretations are due to taking him at face value-- hearing him say that he’s an unfeeling, manipulative, patient killer and agreeing with him.
But Flowey contradicts himself at several points. He gives up his “catch these friendliness pellets” trick after you dodging just a few times. These aren’t the makings of a perfect manipulative killer, but an impatient child. That’s who Flowey is at his core-- a child. 
I recognize that, again, if Flowey told all of his tragic backstory to Clover and they became true friends, this wouldn’t fit with canon Undertale and his actions in that game. Flowey and Asriel distance themselves from each other, and it wouldn’t make sense for Flowey to tell this to Clover-- especially if he just views them as a tool to use and play with. 
I think, however, it wouldn’t have been impossible for Clover to have learned this information about Flowey in a way that could still be canon compliant with Undertale itself. Hypothetically, maybe the “hopes and dreams” statue in the UG Apartments near the Core could have sparked intrigue in Flowey. 
Maybe analysis of Flowey could have come up during his neutral route boss fight-- after all, Clover appears to peek into the minds of Ceroba and Martlet during the true pacifist and no mercy run boss fights, respectively. We already get a little of this- Clover has to run through a hallway of flowers in Flowey’s boss fight, and we hear sad and scared dialogue that’s presumably from a past version of Flowey himself. However, it’s not necessarily new and doesn’t quite add to Flowey’s character in my personal opinion.
I feel that including Flowey’s story more in some way would justify having Flowey in the game, and knowing the history of Asriel & Chara could factor into Clover’s decision to give up their soul for the sake of monsterkind. Chara, too, sacrificed themselves willingly, after all. 
I don’t have a ‘realistic suggestion’ that could be implemented with a dialogue update because these suggestions are so vast-- and, ultimately, very personal and subjective. I have very strong feelings about Flowey.
Meta Elements of Undertale 
In Undertale, you’re asked when you should or shouldn’t fight. As a pacifist, you can get through the Ruins without killing anyone. Flowey will then ask you what you would do if you met a relentless killer. Would you betray your morals and fight? Or would you give up and let yourself die?
Undertale is the friendly RPG where nobody has to die. While you have to kill Asgore at least once to do the neutral route, and you do have to fight back against Omega/Photoshop Flowey to end his battle, the game ultimately posits that there never is a good time to fight. You don’t beat Omega Flowey by being stronger than him, you do it by appealing to the souls and allowing them to rebel. You don’t beat God of Hyperdeath Asriel Dreemurr by beating him up, you do it by saving your friends- him included. The game, again, is about an inversion of the necessity of violence in video games to me.
I would have been interested in seeing an exploration of when it is necessary to fight, and this could be done through the lens of ‘justice’. Would Clover fight if it brought them closer to justice (on a pacifist route)? Is it morally correct to kill one person if it saves thousands? 
Sparing someone is always the correct option in Undertale. In that way, the true route is quite linear-- there’s one solution that works for everyone. What if there were situations in UTY in which there is no single correct option that works for everyone? What if Clover were placed in situations in which they had to act as arbiter and decide between two outcomes and what is right? It could have been like how they get forced to solve the trolley problem in the Wild East, but with consequences. 
Adding to putting a ‘twist’ on the elements that Undertale introduces with its combat system-- what if sparing someone ultimately enabled them to keep hurting others? What if fighting to weaken someone was the correct solution for once? These inversions could have built on the meta elements of Undertale, and I think that it would make Clover’s decision to sacrifice themselves to bring justice to monsterkind more poignant to me.
Again, I have no ‘realistic’ suggestion for this in the full release of UTY. I think that the plot about justice alone isn’t bad, but I would have been happy to see it tie into the gameplay a little more. 
Ultimately, I think that UTY tries too hard to be Undertale without iterating on the aspects that made Undertale memorable. The characters feel like they fail to pop or relate to the game’s story in meaningful ways, and to me, the main story isn’t executed as well as it could have been (and far darker than the main Undertale in ways that don’t feel as if they’re handled sensitively). 
I will say, again, that this project is very impressive in scope, and I applaud the dev team for finishing it and releasing it. I recognize that a lot of my distaste is subjective, and creating another Undertale is a fool's errand considering the acclaim that Undertale got. I recognize one final time that my suggestions are just daydreaming, and this game has already found a lot of success-- which I think it deserves.
I tend to criticize a lot of media I like, which might sound contradictory to some, but it makes perfect sense to me. If I don’t like something, I won’t engage with it. I think that the original Undertale has its flaws, too. At the end of the day, I like UTY, but no media is perfect. This is how I think it could have been better, and I hope that I think other creatives who want to make Undertale fanworks (or any creative works, for that matter) will take these thoughts into consideration.
Thanks for reading.
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lilacskyly · 8 months
Honored Ones: Yandere Satoru Gojo x Reader
(This might be bad idk :,> not that proud of it)
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Throughout Heaven and the Earth, he  is the honored one. 
Then what does that make you?
“Oh goddess~ You aren’t hiding from me, are you?” you heard Satoru Gojo coo as his steps echoed throughout the abandoned building. You covered your mouth, trying your best to cover your shaky breath. “You can’t hide from me forever~ You know we’re bound… right goddess?” You heard him laugh and then a chain rattled. You froze, staring at your wrist to see the spirit bind chain that was shackled to your wrist. “Stop fighting me. You already know I can sense you… right?” he questioned. Tears fell out of your eyes just as Gojo teleported in front of you. “Found you~”
You jumped before he covered your mouth. He put a finger to his lips, “Sssshhh my dear…. Ssshh… I’m here… those special grade curses are gone… there’s no need to cry!” He smiled for you before planting a small kiss on your forehead. If you didn’t know better, he would’ve just been his normal self. But, after you saw him kill those curses and some of his fellow jujutsu sorcerers for ‘getting in the way’, you knew you couldn’t trust his smile.
His smile only grew upon hearing his name come from your lips. God.. those perfect lips of yours. He was practically salivating.
He snapped himself out of his thoughts. “Yes my goddess?”
“W-where are the others?” you asked.
“The others? Oh… you mean the pests. They're gone now. They can't bother us now~” he whispered in your ear. “You cryin’? It's okay my goddess… you're safe now.” 
He took your hand in his and lifted you off the ground. Despite your fear of him, you hugged him and started crying even more. He engulfed you in a hug as well. “Never do that again.” he said, getting scarily serious for once.
“I-I won’t! I swear I won’t!” you cried. He knew better than to take your word for that.
He sighed, “Let’s go home goddess. You’ve had a long day..”
You couldn’t track how long it took you to get to his place. Time always seemed to mush together when you were with him. You couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not. Gojo locked the door behind you two when you entered his place. He collapsed on the sofa, pulling on the spirit bind chain to get you to come over. 
“Y’know goddess, I never imagined being this close to you…” he started. “After all, you’re barely a jujutsu sorcerer my dear… it’s a miracle we even met.”
“... y-yeah… I-I’m sorry, I’m really weak..” you said, looking down at his hands. 
He shook his head. “Stop lying to yourself. You may not be as strong as you want… but soon enough you will be.”
“I’ve been hinting at a surprise haven’t I? I think it’s about time I finally reveal it.” he smiled softly at you.
You tilted your head, confusion spread across your face. “W-what do you mean?”
“You’re almost entirely mine, my precious goddess~ Did you figure out what I’ve been doing yet?” he asked innocently. 
Wait. He didn’t.. He fucking wouldn’t.
He smiled after seeing your expression. “You’ve figured it haven’t you? You’re so smart my goddess! I’ve been putting drops of my blood into your food I’ve prepared for you… and you know how your cursed technique works.. Right?”
Of course you did! You weren’t stupid.. Were you?
“Your cursed technique isn’t very practical… at least for you. You have to quite literally consume a part of a person to gain their strength. But but but! If you ingest too much, your life becomes officially theirs to control. It’s funny really.. You get stronger but you become less and less you the more you do so!”
“G-gojo… w-what..?”
“Look my goddess… I know someone as holy as you could never be mine… so, I’m taking fate into my own hands. We will be together now, forever. No matter what you do, you won’t be able to die as long as I’m alive. You can’t even escape me in death. We’re bound, remember goddess? You’ve sealed your fate the very moment you agreed to this.” He grabbed your wrist, showing the spirit bind you two established. You both had to ingest some of each other's blood to even establish it. You just wanted to be stronger… to be protected by someone…
You should’ve died to those curses in that building earlier.
Before you knew it, Gojo tore at his wrist till it bled heavily. He held it up for you to drink his blood. He chuckled as you looked at him in horror. “H-how… how long have you..”
“Oh, since we made the pact. I’ve had my sight on you for quite a while my dear.” he said nonchalantly. “Now, drink up. Haven’t got all night.”
You shook your head causing him to laugh loudly. “Seriously? You’re still being stubborn? You really don’t get it dear… you’re mine.” His blue eyes pierced your own, seeming to tear into your brain. “Now, drink.”
Your body moved without you as you downed his blood. The taste was repulsive, you hated doing this. Gojo however seemed to be enjoying it as he petted your hair muttering ‘good girl’ every now and again. He pushed you away after some time. “Now now dear, we don’t want to suck me completely dry, do we?” he teased.
“Mhm…” was all you managed to say.
“Y’know… the pact is fully made now, right? Ha! How funny! I can literally control you now!” he laughed lightly. “We can claim this world as ours… and ours alone. After all, we’re gods… together we are the honored one…”
He pulled on the now fully materialized chain around both your wrists and hummed cheerfully. 
“Let’s go have some fun, shall we?” 
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ponderingmoonlight · 10 months
Hiiii! Can i request? I'm not sure if this was a good idea but I'm hoping maybe you could make an angst to fluff? Gojo x reader please. Where gojo thinks y/n is a burden but regretted it. Thank youuuu 🥺🙏
I've got you babe. It's not that heavy regarding hurt, I still hope you enjoy though (if you look for heavy heavy hurt, just look through my masterlist lol) Let me know what you think <3
Gojo calling (y/n) a burden to keep her safe
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Pairing: Gojo x reader
Word Count: 2,8k
Synopsis: Despite the fact that Satoru Gojo was the one who lifted you up and gave you the confidence to go on your very first solo-mission, it was also him who shattered your confidence in order to keep you safe.
Warnings: language, (y/n) being self-unconscious, hurt but comfort (not that heavy hurt though)
To say you are excited is an understatement. Heart almost pounding out of your chest, whole face light up in nothing but motivation. Yes, this will be your day.
This is the day you’ve been waiting for, the moment you’ve trained so hard for all those months. You, on the side on none other than Satoru Gojo. The gifted boy who has it all, the boy with the six eyes, the boy you secretly have a crush on since joining Jujutsu High. You hate to admit it, especially towards your best friend Utahime. But god, something about him just makes your knees go weak.
“I’m gonna be honest with you. I’m not a huge fan of you being here, (y/n).”
Not because he thinks you aren’t skilled enough. Despite being in your first year, your fighting technique is remarkable, never skipping a single training session, always motivated. But the thought of exposing you to that cruel world outside jujutsu high, having to leave you alone on the battlefield…
Satoru just can’t. Fuck that everyone congratulates you on your first mission, fuck the way your eyes sparkle in excitement. Your beautiful doe eyes, your gorgeous innocent eyes…
He can’t let them hurt a single hair on your precious body.
“How’s that? You said yourself that I made a lot of progress”, you reply with an ever so slight pout.
Why would he say something like that? Even though you’re still in his first year and Satoru keeps himself busy with missions that require a special grade sorcerer, he always finds time to train with you. Even if it’s only for 5 minutes before leaving, even if it means standing in the rain with you for hours. He’s always there, always by your side. And now…now it is a bad thing that you accompany him? What about all those times he told you you are good enough when it was you who doubted herself.
Satoru clenches his jaw, eyes darting away from the stinging presence of your gaze. What is he supposed to say now? That he fucking loves you and hates the thought that you might get hurt? That this mission means you’ll be gone from time to time now and he’ll miss having you around all the time?
No way in hell.
“Just don’t get hurt, okay?”
The stone-cold tone in his usually so melodic voice makes your heart ache. Did you do something wrong? Was it something you’ve said?
You don’t have time to think about it any further. In fact, you get thrown into the air within the split of a second.
Your eyes widen in horror, all air escapes from lungs in an instant. That thing…that is definitely a curse. And what a strong one.
With a fast slash of your sword you free yourself just in time before getting smacked against a nearby building, landing on the ground so effortlessly elegant that Satoru can’t help but stare. You make it look so easy. And yet…
“I will have to leave now, (y/n). Call me when you need help. And remember what we trained for and the movement I’ve showed you yesterday. Keep in mind that you need to swing your leg-“
Gently, you place your hand on his shoulder.
“I’ve got this, okay? Go and free those jujutsu sorcerers. We’ll meet again when I exorcised that thing and you return with everyone safe and sound.”
Your breath-taking smile makes it hard for him to stay focused, to remind himself of the fact that your life is in serious danger. Even though that curse definitely isn’t that powerful, you still have to be careful. And Satoru won’t be here to protect you for a while.
“Get going, Satoru.”
One last glance. One last touch of his hand and you’re gone in the wind, swinging your body into the hot summer air. He shakes himself out of his trance, eyes focusing on the tall building ahead of him.
He has a job to do. The faster he is, the sooner he can fight by your side.
“Please keep your eyes open”, he mutters more to himself than towards you.
Then you’re alone. Eye to eye with the quite small curse who doesn’t even tries to fight against you anymore. Did it give up? Is it already this drained? You didn’t even fight for 5 minutes by now. It doesn’t matter though. This is your first ever solo-mission, the first time you were truly able to show your abilities. Well, it’s not your fault the curse appears to be weaker than expected, right?
With a swift motion you slice through it, expecting to turn into smoke like you’re used to. You blink a few times, sword digging into the ground.
But it doesn’t.
Is it a misunderstanding, maybe? Could it be possible that only the strong curses disappear when getting exorcised? Until today, you were only able to watch from afar how Suguru and Satoru did it. Maybe you missed something, maybe it is in fact-
All colour drains from yourself in an instant, soul leaving your body along with warm liquid running down your stomach.
Something hit you.
Something definitely pierced right through you.
Your trembling fingers push the emergency button on your phone just in time before you are threatened to get attacked again. It takes all your strength to outstand that thing. But no, it’s not the quite small curse from before. That standing right in front of you is a decent-sized monster.
“How?” you breathe out.
Fuck, every single breath sends wave of agony through your veins, blood soaking through your uniform with ease. Suddenly you begin to tremble regardless of the fact that the sun is scorching hot, sweaty hand holding onto the handle of your sword for dear life. You need to hold on, at least a few minutes, at least until Satoru returns to your side.
“Who the hell is this”, he mumbles, taking out his phone while busting through a wall.
It’s you.
No. His heart skips a beat. This is your distress signal. This means that you’re…
His eyes widen in pure horror, all the nasty things he imagined earlier becoming reality. Please, let this be a mistake, let this be a bad joke. But he knows you aren’t joking, that you wouldn’t push that button out of nowhere. It means your life is in danger – in serious danger if your suborn self decided on calling him.
Satoru doesn’t have to think twice. These jujutsu sorcerers will have to wait.
“You need to come here. Right now”, he barks into the speaker.
“Huh, what’s up your ass today? What is even going-“
“I don’t know, but (y/n) pressed the button. Just come here and bring Suguru with you.”
He hangs up on Shoko without waiting for her reply. Instead, he storms back the way that he came, greeted by nothing but chaos. Fuck, this looks bad. Very very bad, to be exact. Did all of this happen within maybe 15 minutes? But the curse wasn’t that strong when he left, you were able to land hits so easily.
“(y/n)?” he screams on top of his lungs.
“I’ve got this, Satoru”, you blurt out.
There you stand, completely soaked in your own blood, your uniform torn. He can’t catch his breath, hands trembling just by looking at you.
“You’ve got nothing, (y/n). Get out the way and let me handle this on my own”, he instructs you with a seriousness in his voice you’ve never heard before.
Maybe it was a mistake calling him, maybe you would have been able to defeat this thing alone. After all, Shoko will stitch you up when you return to Jujutsu High, right? This is your first solo-mission, you need to try harder, you need to at least try, show Satoru what you’ve learned.
Without hesitation you storm forward, sword slashing through the air. But just when your blade is about to hit that frightful creature, Satoru pushes you out of the way.
Just to get hit full force by that monster and crashing into a nearby building.
“Satoru!” you cry out.
“Leave. Right. Now.”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
“(y/n), you need to get going, come on!” a familiar female voice shouts over the noise.
Shoko. Is that Shoko? You squint your hurting eyes, looking into distance. She’s here along with Suguru. Your heart sinks, eyes filling with tears. But this…this should have been your first solo-mission, your very first success.
“Hey, can you hear me? Move your ass away from here, he’s got it”, Shoko reassures you, now by your side through the help of Suguru’s controlled curse.
“I’ve got this! It’s my first mission, I’m still able to fight, I’m still strong enough-“
“You’re nothing but a burden, (y/n)! You’re doing nothing but standing in my way!” Satoru suddenly screams so harshly into your face that you flinch back.
“Come on, no need to shout like that…”, Shoko interrupts.
“Don’t you get that you aren’t strong enough, that you aren’t as good as you think? Do me a favour and get out of the fucking way, (y/n). I don’t wanna see your face anymore.”
“B-but you were the one who told me-“
“I lied”, he interrupts you immediately.
“I didn’t wanna hurt your feelings. Look what you’ve did today. You aren’t even able to defeat a grade 2 curse.”
His words hit you with full force, pull the ground underneath your feet. And just like that he’s gone, catapulting himself onto the curse in front of you that is about to destroy the whole city. All you can do is stare at him through glossy eyes, silent tears running down your face. You don’t even protest anymore when Suguru and Shoko grab your shoulder and transport you away. Away from this mess.
Away from Satoru’s cruel words.
“You’re nothing but a burden.”
Nothing but a burden. Is this really how he feels about you? All those encouraging words, all the precious moments you were so certain that he looked at you with a spark of affection in his eyes.
But oh, that spark definitely died today. Nothing but thick rage radiated from his bright blue orbs, staring down at you in disgust.
“Hey, don’t cry. He’s not worth your tears”, Shoko tries to cheer you up while working wonders on your drained body.
“I thought…he saw more in me”, you hush.
“Men are stupid and useless. You did very well for your first mission alone, (y/n). And that curse definitely wasn’t a grade 2 like that idiot said. Not all of us get power stuck in their ass from birth, y’know”, she mumbles, casually lighting a cigarette.
Meanwhile Satoru’s heavy footsteps echo through the hallway of the hospital wing, his mind racing. Fuck, his heart doesn’t stop bleeding from the venomous words he shot at you earlier.
“I know why you did it. Maybe she’ll understand somehow”, Suguru tries to reassure him.
He knows it too. Satoru know you well enough to be aware of the stinging fact that you’re suborn. Too suborn to miss a single training session, too suborn to give up when he already beat you multiple times. And too suborn to run away from a fight when you’re already on the brink of death. If Shoko wasted another minute, if he would have been by your side just a few moments later…
You could be gone. You would have been killed in front of his very own eyes because of a curse than transformed itself into a special grade with every hit you landed on it, you would have been killed by a curse that would have ended the lives of every other jujutsu sorcerer apart from the three special grades.
And that’s because he had no choice but break your heart. Even though it tore him into pieces, even though he’ll never forget the way your numb eyes stared at him while Suguru and Shoko carried you away from the battlefield. Hurting your feelings seemed to be the only option he had to get rid of you.
“I feel so shitty, man. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that she’s a burden, she was always so self-unconscious about herself…”
Suguru pats the shoulder of his best friend gently, coming to a stand in front of the door that leads to you.
“Then it’s your job to make her feel better now, right?”
One last look at Suguru’s encouraging smile. His hand rests against the doorknob, taking a deep breath in before opening it.
“Oh, there he is, the devil himself”, Shoko comments dryly.
Satoru sends a death glare her way, shaking his head over the fact that she’s smoking while you lay right next to her.
“Hey, how you’re feeling?”, he asks towards you gently.
You blink away the film of tears that starts to form on your eyes all over again, avoiding his gaze at any costs. Not now, not when you’re already feeling down. Satoru Gojo definitely is the last person you want to see.
“Like a burden”, you mutter.
His heart stings in an instant.
“I never meant what I’ve said, (y/n). It’s just…I wanted to save you.”
“Save me by tearing me down?”, you question.
Fuck, he feels so dumb, standing next to your bed like an idiot while you stare at the ceiling, not even daring to look his way. He knows he deserves every bit of your rejection, that his words earlier that day must have been more than hurtful. But please…just talk to him, just glimpse at him one time.
“I told you over and over how strong you are, that you are ready for a solo-mission. But that today…That wasn’t a grade 2 anymore, (y/n). I know it was a special grade. No one except Suguru and I would be able to defeat something like this. But you were so dedicated, you were already on your way to storm into your certain death and I just couldn’t let that happen…I know how badly you wanted this to work out, but this wasn’t the right time. And you weren’t able to see that.”
Gently, he cups your hand with his. Your mind screams at you to pull away, to jump up and run away from him. But why…why are tears starting to pool your eyes, running down your bruised cheeks like waterfalls? Why is all you want to feel right now Satoru’s hand against yours? Why does it have to feel so calming?
And why do his words have to make sense?
“You said I’m a burden…”
“You are everything to me, (y/n)”, he suddenly blurts out.
“And the thought of hurting your feelings for a moment sounded better than you getting killed in that useless battle.”
You look up at him, the boy you learned to love so long ago, the boy who actually made you believe in yourself and your abilities. Is it really this easy to simply believe him, to forget about the stinging fact that he called you useless one way or another?
“But maybe you were right. The only thing I did was making things worse. It took me 3 kills to realize that he multiplies with every hit…”, you mutter defeated.
“Don’t you dare to believe a single word of that. I thought be talked this over”, Satoru insists, cupping your face gently.
“I know I am a jerk and believe me, I hated myself for the things I threw at you. But the truth is…You mean so much to me, the thought of losing you forever hurts way more than that you might hate me in some kind of way. But please, don’t ever talk yourself down. You are wonderful, you are outstanding smart, you are so skilled that it scares me. You are in your first year and still you managed to keep up with that thing for so long. You are strong, (y/n). Don’t let an idiot like me make you believe that you are a burden when you are in fact the greatest treasure on earth.”
You rest your tearing eyes for a moment, allow yourself to snuggle against the palm of his hand. It feels so good, like balm for your soul. Before knowing Satoru Gojo, you were nothing but an insecure little girl who was sure nothing great will ever come from her.
It was him who made you believe in yourself. It was him who showed you what you are capable to do. It was him who showed you how to love yourself. It was Satoru Gojo all along. And one glimpse into his sincere ocean blue eyes is enough to know that he still feels this way.
“I love you”, you whisper into the thick silence of the room.
“I love you too, (y/n). And you’ll be never be a burden to me, always remember that.”
 @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr
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dark-frosted-heart · 5 months
Crown’s S Class Mission - Roger Barel (Part 2)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
Kate: Aaah. No…I can’t anymore, Instructor…Roger.
Roger: Keep going…your body can still handle it right?
Kate: Ah… No, not anymore…
Roger: When you think you can’t take it anymore, that’s when it actually starts. Same thing in bed. Come on, 10 more sit ups.
Kate: Why are you talking about doing things in bed? You’re absolutely the worst!
Instructor Oliver: Oh, is something the matter?
Roger: No, Miss Kate wants me to be stricter.
(......Excuse me?)
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Roger: 10 more sit ups. Muscle, muscle!
Kate: Muscle…muscle…Ugh…
(It’s no use, if I do a bad job, I’ll look suspicious)
Roger put his lips to my ear as I desperately tried to do sit ups…
Roger: Maybe the ‘S’ in S class mission stands for ‘sadist’?
Kate: …Eh?
Roger: Hey, you stopped. Come on, muscle, muscle!
(D-damn it!)
Kate: Haaa…haaa… So…did you find anything?
Roger: Nah, haven’t “heard” anything suspicious yet. I’ll keep an ear out ‘til I get a lead.
Instructor Oliver: Roger, a moment!
Roger: Yeah, I’m coming over.
Roger: Keep digging. Stay on guard, Kate.
With a nod, Roger went to where Instructor Oliver called him.
(I’m thirsty. I’ll get  a glass of water)
Kate:Huh, where’s the drinking fountain…?
Blonde lady: Excuse me, I can show you where it is.
I turned toward the voice and saw a dignified lady smiling at me.
After being shown where the fountain was, the rigorous training continued— 
I snuck outside.
(No one will come out here, right? I’ll just take a short break and then head back in)
Maybe it was because I’m not used to doing hard exercises, but my knees were about to give out.
???: Who’s this student skipping class?
Kate: Eek! I’m sorry! I won’t slack off anymore!
Roger: Haha. Dummy, it’s me.
Kate: Roger… Geez, don’t scare me like that!
Roger: Sorry, sorry. I’ll give you something nice as an apology, so open your mouth. Say ‘aah’.
Kate: Huh, mmm. It’s sweet… Is it chocolate?
Roger: You look like a sad puppy.
(You were strict with me, and now you’re spoiling me…)
Perhaps Roger often tames using a carrot and stick.
That’s really, really annoying…
Kate: Oh yeah, I made a friend just then. Her name’s Emilia Winslow. She told me that her dream’s to go into politics.
Roger: That’s an insane dream when you know women don’t have the right to vote.
Kate: Yeah…She mentioned that. She wanted to get out of her current situation, but didn’t know how. So she came to the club in desperation. She thought that if she got stronger, she’d be able to change her absurd situation.
Roger: The women who gathered here all want to get stronger and fight.
As his amber eyes looked up to the sky, a question I wanted to ask suddenly popped in my mind.
Kate: Roger, have you ever wanted to get stronger?
Roger: I have. It’s not like I’ve been like this since I was born. When I was a kid, I had my first friend. He was cursed. But because I was weak, I betrayed him in the worst way. I couldn’t protect him.
(This is the first time I’ve heard something about Roger’s past…)
It felt like his eyes, still focused on the sky, wavered for a moment.
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Roger: Maybe I’ve always been fighting something?
Seeing that smile on his face, as if he were trying to laugh away the pain, reminded me of what Roger told me that time I fired a gun at someone for the first time.
(At the time, I hated myself for being weak…What Roger said…)
“People who want to get stronger and are able to continue on are really the strong ones.”
When I first met Roger, I thought he was “just a strong guy”.
However, now I can clearly see that he’s someone that “tries to be strong”.
—Suddenly, Roger’s eyes became sharp.
Roger: …
Kate: …Roger?
Roger: Oy…who’s there? I can hear your heartbeat.
Instructor Oliver: …
(What do we do…? If he finds out that Roger and I know each other…)
Instructor Oliver: I’m sorry for eavesdropping… Will you please hear me out?
Somehow Oliver had a feeling that we were different from those that visited the Beauty Muscle Club. 
So he followed us—to ask for help.
Instructor Oliver: In the beginning, I was just an instructor working at the club. But then I uncovered something unthinkable about this place… The owner of the club and master of the estate belongs to the House of Lords. He has an extremely distorted view on women’s empowerment.
Roger: Does this have anything to do with the fact that women who visit here end up ill?
Instructor Oliver: How did you…Just who are you people?
Roger: That doesn’t matter now. Are the women here getting drugged?
Instructor Oliver: Illegal drugs disguised as muscle-enhancement drugs.
Kate: Why…that’s so ridiculous.
Roger: It’s to stop brilliant and strong women from entering the workforce, isn’t it? So stupid. Even though they were tricked into it, they took the enhancement drug. And now the women are afraid to speak out in fear of being accused of taking illegal substances. And so the truth doesn’t come out.
Kate: …Such a cowardly way of operating.
Instructor Oliver: I don’t want to do this. But they threatened to kill me if I ran away.
He looked like a little kid with how he weakly hung his head, face pale.
(We can’t overlook this evil)
Kate: …Roger, I have a request. I—
Roger: Don’t do anything reckless that’ll put yourself in danger, okay?
Kate: Okay!
—Then, Oliver and I went to where the illegal drugs were being sold.
The person who welcomed us was a man from the House of Lords, the wonder of the club and estate.
After Oliver introduced me, the man handed me a small bag of medicine with a friendly look on his face. 
(...I got the evidence. All I need to do now is leave)
Master of the estate: This will make you stronger and more beautiful. Let us build a better society.
The way he so easily lied filled me with rage.
Kate: …These are illegal drugs.
Instructor Oliver: ?!
As if he caught on, the master of the estate’s eyes turned terribly cold.
And he smiled cooly.
Master of the estate: Britain thriving, but with that, comes women getting louder… Give them the right to vote, give them places to work. Women are inferior creatures to men who are just clever enough to serve.
Kate: So, why would you do such a despicable and foolish thing?
Master of the estate: If I don’t pluck the useless weeds, then who will?
Kate: There are a lot of women trying to get stronger, you know?
Master of the estate: And for what reason, when it’s all in vain? 
(Oh my god…)
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I slapped the man before me as hard as I could.
Master of the estate: …You’re a woman! I can have you killed for this you know!
Kate: …
Before I could get the gun from my garter belt, a gunshot rang out and a bullet grazed the man’s cheek.
The window behind the man broke and Roger, with his hunting rifle, bursts into the room.
Roger: Hold up. Not gonna let you kill my cute student. Now then, it’s time for Instructor Roger’s fun and exciting punishment.
*House of Lords is the upper chamber of UK Parliament.
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pretendfan · 1 year
[Cruel to be Kind]
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Mickey Altieri x F!Reader
[A/N:This has been stuck in my head for a while now, I’ve been working on it forever. I’m not even sure if it makes sense or even sounds like Mickey, (I may or may not have added too many movie/tv references) but it’s finally here and I kinda like it so let me know what you think!]
“How much did you really know about Mickey Altieri? Sure he was your boyfriend of course but it wasn’t until a week ago, that a misdemeanour in the sack causes an argument, and for him to realise that he had to fix this mistake quickly but the question was how?”
Warnings:18+ ONLY swearing and some smut, Mickey is a naughty boy in the sack, mentions of light choking, Mickey’s serial killer tendencies are showing, dubious ending, some smut,p in the v, straight to getting laid, Mickey’s true colours, movie quotes a go-go, kinda cheesy it is a grand gesture after all...this is oh-so loosely inspired by the first script for SCREAM 2 that was leaked where Mickey was in the role of Derek and that scene in the cafeteria which I fucking love was him serenading Hallie originally but now it’s you…
The very last thing that you wanted to do right now was head into the campus cafeteria for food, grabbing something from a vending machine instead seemed like a way better idea, and it definitely wasn’t because you were avoiding your boyfriend though no fucking way.
Your life had pretty much changed the moment you were introduced to Mickey Altieri, the guy who spoke in film quotes and spent a huge amount of time, carrying a hand held video camera around usually obscuring his face as he filmed life around him.
You knew Mickey was a huge flirt hell you were even warned about it many times, but within minutes you had found yourself caught up in his smile and those confident brown eyes, the ones that had pinned you in place when met across a busy room that night at some random party on campus.
Now fast forward six months later and a little space was definitely needed, seeing what had happened over a week ago when you had been together in his bed, with Mickey placing a large hand around your neck whilst you rode him which had shocked you a little to say the least.
It had actually caused a huge argument with you fighting off tears, whilst Mickey had told you that sometimes he just had to be “Cruel to be kind” as if that actually warranted his behaviour.
…leaving you needing some space despite all of the weak apologies, that had fallen rapidly from your boyfriends soft lips.
A few thoughts had clicked into place after that incident, you mostly realising how intense Mickey was in real life almost like you were seeing a new side to him, it had both opened your eyes and kind of turned you on in equal measures.
…but that was the very least of your worries right now.
Because the last thing that you wanted was to break up with Mickey, but he had now stopped apologising to you even though you were in turn avoiding him, yet you didn’t want to be the first one to bring it up.
…seeing that you knew exactly how much the guy loathed rom coms despite being a goofy sweetheart usually.
“Are you really sure this idea will actually work? Surely someone will stop you-“
“Lighten up Derek it’s happening ok, but just know that you are my shitty accomplice in all this.” Mickey cuts off his roommate with a wide smile, and a hint of sarcasm playing on the tip of his tongue, whilst he scanned the cafeteria for your face.
“You must’ve done something real bad to have to go this low to win back y/n.” Derek retorts with a deep chuckle.
“It’s either I make a grand gesture or this right here becomes my evil origin story.” Mickey declares with a shrug, knowing full well which one he would rather go for, but right now wasn’t the time.
“You are so weird, Altieri.” Derek states whilst shaking his head with a small smile attached.
“Well I blame the movies, Feldman.” Mickey shoots back with a knowing grin on his face, because things were going exactly to plan it was all too perfect.
It had been breaking news even to Mickey that he would actually meet someone he could care about, here at Windsor college of all places where he had other things to be focused on, but you had been such a distraction it actually made the experience of being here all the more worth while.
It wasn’t as if he had tried to voice these thoughts to you, but then Mickey had gotten a bit too rough in bed yet he had definitely seen the gleam in your eye, when he had tightened his grip only for you to move off him very quickly.
…only because some idiot had knocked on the dorm room door and run away, totally killing the moment between you two.
Mickey knew that he owed you big he wanted you to know how much he cared, how far he had come with you by his side if it hadn’t been for your being Sidney’s roommate, he would never have gotten closer to her absolutely fascinated by the brunette’s past life.
…he really did still want to interview her some day with his video camera, and list of questions about her ex Billy and his idiotic friend Stu because they had been such amateurs.
But for now he just needed this idea to work like a scene straight from a nauseous romance movie, Mickey would win you over with his goofy charms and still have you by his side, that was what he wanted at the end of all this for you to be with him in the long run.
…he had many reasons to be sitting here right now in this cafeteria, and all of them came back to you despite working better alone it turned out he had a heart after all.
The thought did naturally scare him because Mickey was known for being a slut around these parts, he usually hooked up fast and often but after meeting you that had come to a sudden halt, actually respecting you enough which made him feel like a whole new guy.
…but there were parts of him that not even you knew were there, but you would do pretty soon if all this worked out like the way he hoped.
Having quickly walked past Hallie McDaniels who was waiting for you outside the cafeteria, you were almost out of the building scot free until your roommate Sidney catches you with a swift tug on your arm to stop you, grudgingly spinning around on your heels to meet your fate.
Alongside Mickey you had also tried to avoid your friends, but that clearly hadn’t worked because Sidney Prescott was looking at you with excitement on her face, which was a good look on her after all that had happened back in her hometown.
…both the massacre of Woodsboro students and then the aftermath, a town in mourning and the bitch Gale Weathers blowing a shitstorm through it all.
Which was maybe happening again would you believe a serial killer on campus, it sounded like a bad horror movie but this was Sidney’s real life, being reduced to two bodyguards following her everywhere and putting all the other student bodies on edge.
…three students dead already the second year of college was starting to scare the hell out of you.
Yet regardless of this you now saw the smile on Sid’s face, showing how brave she was which you couldn’t even begin to imagine seeing how you were avoiding Mickey, and he wasn’t even a killer just a dude who had gotten a bit too adventurous in bed.
“Aren’t you supposed to be meeting Hallie for lunch?” Sidney asks in a teasing voice dropping her hand from your arm whilst you fantasise about leaving this moment very quickly.
“I can’t I have a class soon-“
“Yeah in like two hours y/n so what’s the rush?” Sidney asks with a questioning look that you didn’t even have an answer to retort back with.
“No rush I-“
“Need to eat lunch! I’m sure Mickey is in there as well you guys haven’t been together much for the past couple of days.” Sidney informs you like you didn’t already know what was happening, an itch to suddenly tell all to the brunette next to you is hard to resist.
“Yeah we had an argument.” You begin in a low voice, but when you notice that Sidney doesn’t look very surprised you add “But I guess everyone knows about that it’s just I’ve been super busy.”
“Either way mickey will find you, so you might as well go and face the music in the cafeteria.” Sidney explains with a misplaced laugh, kind of like you were out of the loop on some inside joke.
“Er, sure fine I have time to grab a quick bite I guess.” You nod despite the rest of your body which was in flight mode, making you want to run away like the victim that you were.
“Perfect, so let’s go!” Sidney cheers grabbing hold of your arm again, as you both head back towards the cafeteria, ignoring the curious glances from the guards leaning against a wall.
“Sid? You do remember that the food here is trash-“
“Oh is it?” Sidney replies only half listening as she pushes open the large dark brown wooden doors, pulling you into the very last place you wanted to be right now.
…with the mall cops hurriedly following behind you both wearing pained looks, which somehow matched your face perfectly.
Noticing the looks from other students whilst being with Sidney, you see that she hasn’t even batted an eyelid, walking confidently towards the line for food tugging at your arm to hurry up.
Your eyes betray you by glancing over towards one of the tables the group sat at often, so of course you spot the back of Mickey’s head as he leans across the table, talking to a bemused looking Derek almost without a care in the world unlike you.
…his dark brown spiky hair sticking out in a million directions, whilst his hands moved around to his animated voice, because the guy was always talking he rarely paused for breath.
This thought makes you think of Sidney and how overdramatic you sounded right now, she had actually been through some shit whilst you had just discovered that your college boyfriend had a kink, which tracked because you had heard a lot of stories about Mickey in bed.
The guy had his own collection of rumours that had made their way to you, on the same day as meeting him you had become even more invested after learning that he liked to use his tongue a lot, which again tracked because you had first hand experience of this.
…both in and out of his bed because the guy would never stop talking sometimes, and the only way to distract him, was with a quick kiss seeing how that always worked in your favour.
“Hello ladies!” Announces a voice that makes you finally look away from staring at Mickey, to come face to face with Randy Meeks a friend within your group, with an embarrassingly obvious crush on Sid that was oh-so-clearly unrequited.
“What do you want?” You ask Randy grumpily unaware that, right now Mickey’s brown eyes were staring directly into your back, as all three of you had joined the line for food.
“Just haven’t seen you around for a bit, how are things with you and the mouse?” Randy questions with a cheesy laugh, whilst staring at Sid who looks down at her feet instead of helping you out.
“Me and Mickey are fine just ignore the rumours-“
“So you still haven’t dumped his stupid ass yet then?” Questions Randy sounding almost in pain as he reaches his point by adding “Man, that guy is so lucky you know that you could do so much better than him!”
“I think that you could do better than this Randy, maybe go and watch some more movies-“
“Is that a date then?” Randy asks you with a wiggle of his eyebrows as he steps back, into the busy crowd surrounding the cafeteria only to disappear seconds later from view.
“In your dreams.” You mutter to yourself making Sidney giggle as she hands you a tray, but you just grab some bags of chips instead ignoring the look on your friends face.
“Are there really rumours about you and Mickey?” Sidney asks making you look away from the staff behind the counter, to see her dark eyes watching you very carefully.
“Probably, but all I know is that we are fine I think, don’t want to overthink things it’s just a college romance-“
“I could easily see me and Derek staying together!” Sidney cuts you off in a dreamy but quiet voice like she hadn’t realise she had just shared that nugget of information.
“I just want to make it through lunch-“
“Let’s go and sit down with everyone else then!” Sidney cuts you off for the hundredth time, but you let it slide because you had other things on your mind currently.
Thoughts like what if Mickey had told the other guys about what had happened, sure college was a time to be adventurous but you didn’t want to get a name, even though you did get asked a lot as to why you were dating the “freaky Tarantino obsessed” guy from film class.
…mostly by Randy who always seemed surprised, that the pair of you were even together still.
But you were the only one who knew Mickey deep down, like how thoughtful he was and not to mention goofy by quoting whole chunks of scenes from movies, even attempting to act out the parts and then critique his own work the guy was a dork to be sure.
You had also often wondered about past girlfriends, the ones who helped fuel some of the rumours around campus that he was a cheap ride, but you knew since meeting him that he was true to you but you weren’t sure how much that statement rung true anymore.
“Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there all day?” Sid asks with a giggle as you pay for your food, then quickly decide to follow her and see what happens, likening yourself to a Dr Pepper commercial.
…what was the worse that could happen?
Not looking where you were going you soon walk straight into the back of Sidney, quickly glancing over her shoulder to see Randy had stopped your roommate in her tracks, because he could never be too far from Sid sure they were friends from before but the guy was obsessed.
“Now what-“
“Did I ever tell you guys about the time when I made mouse boy look like an idiot?” Randy cuts you off with a ridiculous question, that makes Sidney laugh at the face you were currently pulling.
“Mickey would kick your ass if he ever heard you saying that.” Sidney announces with a firm nod, knowing how these two worked when stuck together for too long.
…Randy and Mickey were well- known for always fighting like, well cat and mouse.
“He hates that affectionate nickname you’ve given him by the way.” You reply with a wry laugh.
“Mere foreplay.” Randy retorts with a shrug of his right shoulder.
“Can we get past now-“
“Sshh!” Randy cuts you off once again which makes you glare at him, but he was too busy looking back at the table, where your boyfriend was currently sitting to respond to you which was super rude.
…what was people’s problem today, because sure you had woken up in a mood but this wasn’t helping one bit.
“Are you ready then?” Derek asks looking away from Randy who was talking to his girlfriend Sidney, still with those two idiot looking guards on her tail, which was for her safety of course but he could’ve looked after her a lot better.
“Too late to back out now!” Mickey responds with a smile, because he really was doing this the set up was ready with everyone in their place, plus the euphoric rush he was suddenly feeling reminded him of another time in his life.
…one which makes a smile widen across his face from the graphic memory alone.
“Tone down the smile dude you’re looking a little crazy.” Derek states rewarding Mickey with a look, whilst his roommate shrugs his shoulders unable to stop smiling.
“Hey, this smile gets the ladies!” Mickey declares matter-of-factly, whilst his eyes watch Derek who didn’t look quite convinced.
“Oh sure!” Derek laughs deeply picking at the rest of his fries, but nudging his roommate hard when he notices that you and Sid were finally approaching the table.
…it was game time!
“Babe!” Mickey cheers getting up from his plastic chair to pull one closer for you, noticing the blank look on your face which annoys him briefly, but he continues to focus on the task at hand instead.
“Hey Mickey.” You state with a small smile attempting to make an effort, noticing that both Sidney and Derek, were watching you very closely which wasn’t weird at all.
“And where have you been y/n?” Announces Hallie entering the scene stage right, whilst dropping her plastic tray heavily onto the table, with a look of pure annoyance fracturing her pretty features.
“I’ve been busy-“
“Well did you just forget that you were supposed to be meeting me?” Hallie questions cutting you off whilst still sounding very annoyed, which was all on her really because you hadn’t actually accepted the invite.
“Yeah, but we are all here now!” Sing songs Sidney with a smile aimed at her boyfriend whose blue eyes sparkle back, it was enough to make you skip lunch altogether thanks to a hint of green eyed jealousy.
Sure you liked romance movies which was obviously a criminal offence in Mickey’s eyes, yet he did let you watch the odd one but only if you placed your hand over his mouth, because otherwise he would be ripping into the whole story from start to finish.
“Including the bodyguards looking completely out of place over there.” Hallie states pointing to the two men in dark suits, staring over at our table like something was suddenly about to happen.
“Any of them take your fancy?” You ask Hallie with a smirk, because she was always talking about being the third wheel of the group, even though Randy was clearly single but deeply preoccupied.
“Old white dudes, er no thanks!” Hallie brushes off your comment with a shake of her head, holding up her can of Pepsi to signal that the conversation was now over.
“So, how are you doing Sid?” Derek asks your roommate who rewards him with a quick kiss, which makes you glance at Mickey but he was currently staring into space.
…why did this all feel so fucking awkward?
Not to mention the fact that Derek kept looking from you then back to Mickey, watching you both as if something was about to happen which wasn’t helping your mood at all.
Mickey gives his roommate a dark look when he spots him staring at you, this wasn’t part of the plan he needed to move things along and have this all work out, knowing full well that you hated lots of attention but he wanted you to know how far he would truly go.
…not that you knew how insanely obsessed Mickey could get with things, but all he cared about right now was getting you back on his side, because you were somehow a duo stuck together through thick and thin.
Sure Mickey liked to act solo usually but ever since meeting you, he felt lost by himself so he wanted to show you his whole world, but first he needed to make things right before the real truth came out.
“The sorority house is hosting another party this weekend-“
“Please tell me you are not talking about the fucking Delta’s again!?” Mickey cuts off Hallie who had been talking to Sidney, all about the pretentious sorority sisters that she seemed to gossip about all damn day.
“Excuse me-“
“There are far better things in life than being a Delta!” You cut Hallie off for once as she narrows her eyes at you instead of replying.
“Aren’t you interested in ever joining Delta then?” Begins Mickey nudging one of your elbows with his as he then declares “I would like to see you in one of those little skirts.”
“Not a chance!” You retort with a wry smile that makes Mickey laugh loudly at your admission.
“I think that you would look cute in a pink two piece.” Hallie announces with a fake smile aimed at you, because she knew you hated the colour pink it was a whole thing.
“If you mean a two piece bikini then I definitely agree!” Mickey retorts with an over enthusiastic laugh, which causes you to shake your head firmly in the negative.
There was no chance in hell of you ever wearing a bikini, or joining Delta for that matter but they were far more interested in Sid than either you or Hallie anyway, which suited you fine but the latter was still pretty beat up by the fact.
You turn to look at Mickey to see he is talking to Derek again who is pointing over at something, or someone near the entrance to the cafeteria not that you cared, but you knew it was now time to try and talk to your boyfriend just maybe not here with everyone else.
“Are you ok?” Sidney asks Derek when you also notice at the same time, the suddenly guilty look appearing on his boyish face, whilst he tried to act nonchalant which wasn’t working.
“Dammit.” You swear you hear Mickey say under his breath, but then he quickly recovers by saying to your roommate in a louder voice “I sure am Sidney thanks for asking!”
Then with a well- worn goofy smile on his face Mickey suddenly stands up from his plastic chair, pushing up the sleeves on his dark purple shirt as his brown eyes finally meet yours, at the same time that you hear music begin to play noticing Randy across the cafeteria holding up a big red boom box high in the air.
…shaking his head like he couldn’t believe this was happening right now, because in fact neither could you.
Glancing back at Mickey you see him bouncing slowly from left to right, his hips swaying in time with his open hands as he winks at you, making your eyes widen as you suddenly recognise the music playing…
“If I should stay. I would only be in your way. So I'll go. And yet, I know, I'll think of you each step of the way...” Mickey starts singing incredibly off-key with you watching him in horror, placing a hand over your mouth, as he proceeds to leap back onto his seat then hops up directly up onto your table.
Derek moves the tray’s occupying the table space as Mickey continues to sway to the music, hand now on hip as he turns round to face you whilst you look up feeling helpless.
“Please stop.” You mouth the words quickly to Mickey but he just shakes his head, then carries on straight into the chorus holding both his hands high above his head.
"And iiiiiiiiyyyiii, will always love you oooooowuoooo, will always love you!” Mickey carries on singing even getting a high note or two, before he pulls a face from hearing his own voice echoing loudly around the large room.
Clearly all of this was garnering the attention of everyone in the cafeteria, some pulling the same face as you whilst others were clapping along, because Derek was also now out of his seat as well encouraging others to wave their hands around and join in.
Mickey snatches some notes from another students hand, because they had been waving them at him shoving them into his pants pocket, causing people to start throwing chips in the air around him.
The student body were responding in kind to Mickey’s declaration, of singing a cheesy song but he was used to pulling more crazier stunts, yet if this got you back in his bed then the real fun would truly begin.
“What is even happening here?” Hallie questions in disgust unable to believe, that Mickey somehow knew a freaking Whitney Houston song.
“Someone’s being romantic!” Sidney laughs as you close your eyes embarrassed, wishing that you had never even come into the cafeteria in the first place.
“Mickey please-“
"And I hope life treats you kind, and I hope you have all you dreamed of. I wish you JOYYY." Mickey cuts you off whilst singing the next verse, deciding to jump onto another table coincidently where two of the Delta’s were currently sitting with their mouths both wide open in shock.
“You’re standing on my sandwich!?” Snaps sorority sister Murphy, brushing some of her blonde hair away from her bare shoulder in disgust.
Mickey winks down at the blonde before he turns and blows you a kiss, still singing if you could even call it that, but you knew exactly what he was doing and damn it was actually working.
Everyone is literally clapping now besides you of course as you watch Mickey leap to another table, almost missing it because he was so tall and clumsy but getting his footing right, he then decides to belt out the crescendoing chorus clearly invested in the song which makes you smile widely.
“And I will always love you!!!!” Mickey practically shouts the last line his hips swaying ridiculously, as he then jumps down to rush back over to you, the mall cops finally approaching Randy who drops the red boom box.
…holding both of his hands behind his head like he was under arrest, but they just walk away from him instead, turning round to take in the surrounding commotion in front of them.
“Go to him!” Sidney states practically pushing you from your chair, standing up in a daze as seconds later, Mickey is right in front of you at the same time the music had finally been switched off.
“Well that was a surprise.” You state over the loud clapping, noticing the wide smile on Mickey’s face as he catches his breath his brown eyes staring, as you suddenly melt all over again just like the very first time that you had ever met.
Cheering still fills your ears as you glance to see one of the guards approaching Sid, who was too caught up in watching what was unfolding, with a look on her face that suddenly told you that she was somehow a part of this.
…why hadn’t you noticed any of this until now?!
“I did it all for you.” Mickey explains with a cheeky smile on his face as he then hurriedly elaborates “I know we still need to talk but I want you to know, that I’m all in and I can’t apologise enough.”
“I’m all in-“
You stop talking when you see Sidney is trying to be escorted out of the cafeteria, but she stands her ground with Derek taking hold of her hand, both of them grinning at you and Mickey which causes a smirk to appear on your face.
“Tom Cruise did it better!” Randy exclaims as he approaches the table, whilst some of the students are still watching with wide smiles and grins on their faces.
“I clearly wasn’t doing a fucking Top Gun routine!” Retorts Mickey with a roll of his eyes as he flips Randy the bird, shaking his head at the audacity of his classmates idiotic words.
“You’re way hotter than Tom Cruise by the way..” You inform Mickey who places one of his large hands flat on his chest as he grins wickedly.
“Firstly I clearly got inspiration from the bodyguard, hence the song and secondly, duh I’m taller than Tom Cruise so it’s obvious I’m way better.” Mickey explains with a know-it-all look that you knew very well.
“So now it’s getting personal-“
Before you can finish that sentence Mickey leans down, his lips brushing against yours as you accept the kiss, ignoring the shouts and cheers from all around the cafeteria just focusing on this moment right now instead.
Curling a hand around the front of Mickey’s dark grey tee, you pull him closer to you intensifying the kiss that could easily go on forever, but he eventually is the first to step back to take a breath.
“What was all this in aid of am I missing something here?” Hallie asks loudly holding a finger to her mouth, looking as if she was gagging but clearly she was just jealous.
“Derek you should take notes!” Grins Sidney having finally got the guards off her back, who were both stood at the front of the food line queue looking pretty out of place yet again.
“I bet that I could sing a lot better than Mickey!” Derek announces with a laugh, as he proceeds to sing a line from another Whitney song you notice, seeing the look on Hallie’s face as she rolls her eyes heavenwards.
“Just leave it to the professionals.” Begins Mickey with a laugh as he explains “Because in this scenario I’m definitely the true professional!”
“Don’t go changing your major just yet!” You inform Mickey, with a cheeky look on your face that you see, he very clearly appreciates.
“You would have gotten away with it to if it weren’t for your shitty singing voice!” Randy misquotes a line from a Scooby Doo cartoon, complete with inoffensive voice that makes Derek laugh at least.
“Ruh roh.” Mickey announces with a perfect impression of the aforementioned cartoon dog.
“Did you know that it wasn’t just Scooby Doo who spoke like that, in fact Astro from the Jetsons was the first-“
“As informative as this conversation isn’t, I do need to go take my girlfriend and have a few words with her.” Mickey cuts off Randy holding out a hand in front of his face, as if to prove that this conversation was now officially over.
“Yeah, words right!” Derek laughs causing Sid to shove him with her left hand against his broad shoulder.
“If you are implying that we are about to head back to my dorm room and get laid, then you would be completely correct!” Mickey states with a wink aimed at you whilst you feel your cheeks start to heat up.
“So you need to stay away from our dorm room until this time tomorrow, at least!” Mickey explains to Derek whose laughter disappears when the news sinks in
“But I need to study-“
“Not a chance.” Mickey cuts him off and with another wink complete with smug smile, the kind that drove you wild he takes your hand and the pair of you finally walk out of the cafeteria.
Rushing out of the building together hand in hand, you let out a laugh that you weren’t aware you’d been holding, causing Mickey to stop and face you quickly.
“I missed having you around, so from now on I won’t be letting you out of my sight.” Mickey states taking a step closer to you, whilst his eyes filled with that intense gleam again.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You inform your boyfriend biting your bottom lip playfully which obviously gets his attention.
“No, you are never leaving my bed but we can totally take it slow again-“
“That is the last thing I want right now.” You tell Mickey in a firm voice which makes him cut off whatever he had been about to say.
“What part?” Mickey questions placing both of his hands behind his neck, which of course shows off his muscles that were prominent and a brief distraction for you.
“Don’t go treating me like a porcelain doll, I can take a lot of things.” You announce even surprising yourself, spotting the wide eyed look from Mickey as you state “Just ask me next time, if you want to do something different in bed, because you might actually like the answer.”
“I can definitely do that!” Mickey nods whilst you notice, the look of pure adoration highlighted on his face, which causes you to grin back at your boyfriend playfully.
“I know you can so shut up talking because we need to get back to your dorm room.” You clap causing Mickey to grab one of your hands, and spin you around on the spot, just like something out of a rom com which was very cute.
“I love you.” Mickey states without a second thought in his mind, looking down at you with that confident smile you simply adored.
“I know.” You reply with a straight face aimed up at your boyfriend.
“At last you get a Star Wars reference, but I do also mean what I said.” Mickey informs you in case this conversation was becoming a little confusing.
“Me too.” You inform Mickey with a nod as he wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you towards him as your face meets his chest, and you start to finally relax feeling your bad mood disappear as you hugged your boyfriend tightly.
“Get a room!” Shouts Randy appearing behind Mickey with a disgusted look on his face, interrupting the moment with his bad timing.
“Go away Randy.” Mickey states darkly whilst rewarding him with a look that spoke volumes.
“What? I helped you win your fair maiden back and what thanks do I get?” Randy questions in a stupid voice complete with idiotic face to match.
“You carried a boombox-“
“It helped you get the girl!” Exclaims Randy cutting Mickey off with a wave of his hands.
“Let’s talk about this later-“
“One last thing.” Randy begins with a laugh which makes you roll your eyes hard as he asks Mickey “Is Evil Dead 2 a sequel something you have a clear hard on for or is it a remake?”
“Oh my god, it’s clearly a remake talk to me about Army of Darkness that’s an obvious sequel!” Mickey informs Randy his voice steeped in sarcasm whilst his classmate just laughs in his face.
“You are so wrong-“
“Hey Mickey, weren’t we going to go somewhere?” You cut Randy off at the same time that you give your boyfriend a wide eyed look.
“Oh yeah!” Mickey begins with a deep chuckle as he states to Randy “I’m off to go and get laid something you wouldn’t know anything about.”
“I disagree, I know a lot about it!” Randy replies flippantly as he adds “ I’ve watched the movie Basic Instinct a million times.”
“Paused on that one scene right?” Mickey questions with another laugh causing Randy to nod in agreement, both lost in their own Sharon Stone fantasy.
“Do I need to leave you two alone-“
“Of course not babe, let’s go!” Announces Mickey with a cheeky smile, highlighting his chiseled jaw and brown eyes that looked ready to burst.
“Be safe! We don’t want any little Mickey’s walking this earth quoting James Cameron movies.” Randy shouts in despair even holding out a hand in front of him to add to the moment.
“I say we take off, and nuke the site from orbit.” Mickey quotes with a loud chuckle because he always liked to quote his favourite movies.
“It’s the only way.” Declares Randy also quoting the classic film Aliens, then with a nod he walks off in the other direction finally you were alone again.
“You two are so cute together-“
“Back to mine room now!” Cuts in Mickey tugging on your right hand, pulling you towards him as he starts to walk fast like he was on a mission.
Heading back to his dorm room at break neck speed you finally arrive, with Mickey falling onto his messy unmade bed, pulling you down on top of him with a look on his face that said it all.
“Who knew that you were such a secret romantic?” You ask with a sigh when you feel Mickey’s hands, grip tightly onto your hips whilst you straddled him, still both fully clothed but hopefully not for much longer.
“If you tell anyone I will kill you.” Mickey whispers with a smile, which makes you roll your eyes back at him with a giggle.
“There is so much I don’t know about you Mickey, but I want to learn everything and more!” You decide leaning down to kiss Mickey gently, your breath hitches when you feel his tongue brush roughly against yours.
“So you want to know the full Mickey Altieri story?” Mickey asks when you nod and bury your face in his neck, lips meeting skin as you loss yourself in the moment.
“It’s not even a good story.” Begins Mickey making you sit up to see the uneasy look on his face as he continues “ But if you ask me again soon I will definitely tell you.”
“I will hold you to that.” You tell Mickey in a teasing voice noticing the smirk appearing on his face.
“But for now I just need you to take your clothes off.” Mickey informs you with a wide smile, as he lifts up your white tee shirt revealing bare skin.
“You don’t have to ask me twice!” You reply making short work of your tee shirt, quickly removing it over your head and grinning when you spot the look on Mickey’s face.
“That’s a good start but you’ve missed a couple of items of clothing-“
“Want to help me?” You question cutting off Mickey with as innocent a look as you could muster under the circumstances.
“I thought you would never ask.” Mickey demands moving a hand to the button on your pants, deftly undoing it as he then proceeds to pull down the accompanying zip.
..tugging the pants firmly down your hips revealing black underwear, which makes Mickey whine as you work together to get the offending item of clothing off as soon as possible.
Sitting back down onto his lap makes you feel exactly how much he wanted you, his hard cock pushing against the zip of his pants, making you brush your clothed pussy over him which causes him to jerk his hips upwards.
“Fuck!” Mickey curses grabbing at your underwear, but in the end he just moves some soaked fabric to one side his fingers brushing against your pussy lips causing both of you to groan at the same time.
“I need you-“
“Don’t I know it, damn you’re so wet just let me get a little something from my pocket, and the we will be all set.” Mickey declares with a smirk, as he moves one of his hands down to his pants, pulling out a silver foil packet that he rips open with his teeth.
“Hurry up!” You cry sounding bratty even to your own ears, causing Mickey to arch an eyebrow at you making your pussy muscles clench around nothing in anticipation.
“Somebody is excited.” Mickey states with a smile as he undoes his pants causing you to move back a little, watching as he puts on the condom then slowly pulls you closer back to him.
“Ready?” Mickey asks with a smirk as you silently move your body forward, locating the tip of his cock rubbing your lips along his length, then finally taking him as your pussy is filled causing you to cry out.
“You feel so good right now, but please don’t move for like a second or ten ok?” Mickey questions gritting his teeth like he was moments away, from blowing his load which would have put a dampener on things to say the least.
“Did you really miss me this much?” You ask in a low voice moving your hips ever so slightly, to be rewarded by Mickey’s cock throbbing against your pussy walls.
“Of course baby, but if you keep that up this won’t last at all, and I know you don’t want that.” Mickey places a hand on your face then curses when you tease him again with a quick bounce on his cock.
“We can go slow-“
“Or I could in fact do this and hold you in place.” Mickey demands moving his hand down towards your neck, placing it on your throat whilst you give him a small nod, and then gasp when he grips harder keeping you very still on his throbbing cock.
“I don’t want to be anywhere else on this planet right now.” You tell Mickey meaning every word, as you close your eyes and sigh when you feel him, starting to slowly rock his hips causing you to bounce on his cock desperately.
“You won’t be, we’re skipping class and are doing this at least twice more before going to grab some food!” Mickey states with a wide smile the very one that drew you to him, and right now you couldn’t get enough.
“Sex and then pizza what more could a girl actually want!” You giggle then groan when you feel that oh-so-delicious warmth build up, hitting low on your stomach the sensation making you clench hard around his cock.
“A very important double bill of Tarantino movies is always fun?” Mickey questions with a hiss feeling that you were getting close, he was beyond ready to finish but he wanted to tip you over the edge first.
“If I say yes will you fuck me harder?” You reply with a question of your own which goes unanswered, but Mickey must’ve understood when he kicks it up a gear, and pretty soon you feel yourself tipping over and losing glorious control.
Afterwards you roll off Mickey whilst he discards the condom, laying next to him to catch the look on his face, him studying you with those intelligent dark brown eyes.
“So you really want to know my story then?” Mickey asks getting up from the bed, pulling up his pants as he heads to the door double checking the lock was on which was strange.
“Is it boring?” You question back slowly sensing the instant mood change in the room, feeling cold suddenly but then you spot the look on Mickey’s face.
“It’s colourful.” Mickey states with a shrug whilst his face, contorts in anger causing you to wrap your arms around your front self consciously.
“Are you ok?” You ask Mickey noticing how he was flexing both his hands very tightly, and his jaw was locked tight causing him to scowl.
“You tell me bitch!” Mickey states in a dark voice his whole body language transforming suddenly, which makes you feel something you hadn’t ever felt before in front of your boyfriend.
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 7 months
Girl I just love your fics and I wanted to see I could ask for one myself
Could you pls write a Mirko x Fem!reader where reader is insecure about her body and turns to sh but Mirko finds out and she comforts S/o and they make out while Mirko praises her and sings a lullaby to her for aftercare
Sorry if it's a lot
Ive been though a rough patch with sh myself and I just wanted to find a way to feel better
I know you might not find this though your inbox
But I figured it's worth a shot
(Hello Anon, thank you for your kind words and I really hope this makes you feel better. Just remember, you are not alone in this, me and other people are always here for you. Also don’t worry, this wasn’t too much for me to handle)
More than Perfect
Rumi Usagiyama x FEM! Reader
(Warning: Self harm, swearing, and making out but nothing too spicy)
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Insecure. If there’s one word in the world that can describe you, insecure couldn’t be more fitting. Your body being the main victim of your insecurity. Everything about it made you feel bad and often times you looked in the mirror wishing you were in a different body.
Rumi is everything anybody would want in a woman; strong, confident, independent, brave, beautiful, just utterly perfect. Too perfect for you, she deserves so much better, you believe. Those thoughts run constantly through your head, causing your emotions to dampen and dull.
Eventually those thoughts became darker and irrational, making you resort to a more unhealthy, dangerous course of action. Self harm. You do your best to try and cover up the evidence. You can’t run the risk of Rumi finding out, she already has enough to deal with plus you don’t want to burden her or worst, hurt her.
Though life doesn’t always go your way, it never does. Rumi ended up finding out, she was returning from a long day of fighting petty criminals and when she opened the door and called out to you that she’s home she got no response. She assumed that you were in the bedroom taking a nap or something, so she walked to the shared bedroom and opened the door. She didn’t knock because if you were sleeping she didn’t want to wake you.
But what she saw was unexpected. You were sitting on the edge of the bed harming yourself. You froze immediately when you saw your girlfriend standing in the doorway just as shocked as you are.
You opened your mouth to speak but couldn’t find the right words to articulate together. Your vision became blurred as tears formed over your eyes. Suddenly you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you tightly but cautious not to accidentally hurt you.
Rumi knows that you must’ve suffered mentally for a while for you to go to this as a coping mechanism. She didn’t blame you one bit, the only person she blames right now is herself for not noticing or figuring it out sooner. But that doesn’t matter, what matters most right now is treating your wounds and comforting you.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to explain anything to me. Sit down while a treat your wounds okay?” Rumi says assuringly, pulling away to go get the supplies needed. Fortunately she wasn’t gone for long and started carefully treating you, making sure it hurts as little as possible.
The amount of guilt you feel is unbearable, you feel like a bother. Though your thoughts are easily interrupted by two hands cupping your cheeks and a pair of red eyes staring softly into yours. It’s almost like she knew exactly what you were thinking.
“I’m all done, now if you want to talk about it I’m all ears, but if you don’t then that’s alright too.” Rumi said, sitting next to you on the bed.
You hesitate for a moment before letting the words spill from your lips, “I’ve been..insecure about how I look and stuff..and I..just couldn’t take it anymore.” You confessed as you feel Rumi’s hands rub up and down your back for a moment before motioning you to sit on her lap. Usually she would just lift you up herself but right now she doesn’t wanna overwhelm you.
Straddling her lap, she wraps her arms around your waist protectively, you kiss her lips in which Rumi gladly reciprocates. But you wanted a bit more, trying to deepen the kiss you were left feeling disappointed when you lost contact with her lips.
“Are you sure about this?” Rumi asks, searching for any signs of discomfort.
“Yes I am..but I don’t wanna do too much, y’know.” You say and Rumi nods in acknowledgment. She is sure to not overstep a boundary and you trust her on that.
She gently puts one hand on the back of your head to pull you closer and kiss you. She lets you be the one to deepen the kiss, which is unlike her but she doesn’t mind at the moment. A minute goes by and you pull away for some air.
And Rumi took this opportunity to say something she thinks she should say more often.
“Your body is so damn beautiful, hell, even more than that. I am the luckiest woman in the universe to have a girlfriend like you. And don’t you forget that.” Rumi says in a matter of fact tone, accepting no denial to that statement.
You look into her eyes and see no sign of deception or untruthfulness instead you see nothing but confidence and sincerity. You embrace her tightly, grateful for her existence. She smiles softly at this and hugs you even tighter.
The both of you sit in blissful silence until you hear your girlfriend’s voice, but it wasn’t her talking, it was singing. She had a peaceful singing voice, like music to your ears. You’ve never heard her sing before so it surprised you but the shock didn’t last for long before sleep consumed you.
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