#but i'll try to get to it later tonight!
metalheadmickey Β· 2 years
Crying and gagging (god it already sounds kinkyπŸ˜‰)
Lol I already like the sound of this!
Answered below the cut 🌢
C.Β Crying: β€œ You ever make someone cry before? from ecstasy” was it with Mickey? Has Ian cried during sex?
You bet your ass it was with Mickey. The first time it happened it shocked the hell out of both of them, but man Ian fucking looooved that he could make him do that. And YEAH Ian has definitely cried during sex! He's gotten misty-eyed while making love (because, I mean, come on), and he's had tears streaming down his face while Mickey's made him choke on his cock, and he's cried while begging to come, and he's cried when Mickey finally did let him come...all kinds of reasons. Love that for him.
G:Β Gagging:Β We’ve all seen the famous Gag in their room. Who wore it? Who bought it? How was the first experience? How’s their gag reflex?
I think they take turns putting each other in it, but I see Mickey in it more. I also think it was Mickey who bought it. Dude knows what he wants, and what he wants is to have his jaw forced open and mouth stuffed full while he shuts his brain off for a little while. As for their first experience with it, I mentioned briefly in this fic that Mickey had a hard time swallowing all the spit in his mouth and ended up choking while lying on his back lmao, poor dude. But he is undeterred! And they figure it out. Good for them. How's their gag reflex? Lol neither of them have one. Except, well. Mickey will gag on his toothbrush and be like, why does this happen when I can swallow dick without a problem, this is so stupid. And he's right, it is stupid.
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triona-tribblescore Β· 28 days
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IM FUCKING BACK BABYYYY!!!! [Read tags for a lil info!]
(Please accept this silly doodle dump of my brainrot boys uvu ✨)
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imperiuswrecked Β· 8 months
I hope people remember.
When Gaza is razed to the ground I hope people remember those who were lost. When the rest of the Palestinians who are being massacred all across Palestine are gone I hope the world remembers them all. I hope those who loved them celebrate their memory.
I hope the people whose hands are coated in the blood of these beautiful, brave people remember. I hope they are haunted by their actions every single moment of their entire lives. I hope they feel the suffering that every single Palestinian felt every second of their lives. I hope it's the last thought in their head when they die.
I will remember. I will never forgive.
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daughterofhecata Β· 6 months
Got my writing session yesterday cut short by a visual migraine that got to the point where I couldn't see the keyboard anymore, and now the damn thing is *back* and idk yet if I'll be able to write later -.-
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hyaciiintho Β· 11 months
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🌸q*゚+. Give this post a β™‘ for a starter; Specify the muse you would like to interact with in the comments, and if you're a multimuse, specify which muse you would like it written for.
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radiomurdeer Β· 3 months
plotting/starter call! Like this post for a small starter. If you're multimuse, plz comment to specify muse. If we haven't spoken before I might hop into your IMs to plot a bit beforehand, depending on the muse/inspo/phase of the moon/mood.
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desperatepleasures Β· 1 day
wehhhh pain's at a 5 and fatigue at a 4 today so we're doing our signature "only leave the house for groceries and library" move today
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youremyonlyhope Β· 1 month
why won't my brain shut up why won't my brain shut up why won't my brain shut up why won't my brain shut up
#i'm overthinking something that i did and was told off for doing by my director#and on my way home i was thinking when was the last time i was even talked to like that during a production#and then i remembered the costume experience from hell of only a couple months ago that i've already began blocking out#but the thing is that that person was someone i knew i'd never have to work with again#i mean at first i thought i would have to work with them more. then they announced they were moving away immediately#so i only had to deal with them face to face for another weekish after that point and anytime they yelled at me#i was like 'cool. i'll do exactly what you say to do. and nothing more.' but then of course me being me#i did some extra stuff and they initially were like 'oh that's pretty' and then days later told me to cut everything i added#and like sure i get that the show was frozen but girl. that costume was unfinished. i was trying to finish it. it was frozen but looked bad#anyway. whenever they yelled at me and had actual malice in their heart i was like whatever. i was hurt. but i didn't care as much.#but this time it's someone i've worked with many many times before and it was about a habit i have that i know isn't great#but at the same time the thing that prompted it wasn't even me doing this habit it was something else#but she interpreted it as that habit and said that i can't do that on a production she's directing#and that if i couldn't stop then i could pull out from the production and there'd be no hard feelings between us#and honestly i think her reassuring that she knows i'm valuable and that she wants me there while also telling me not to do this thing#and the fact that she's someone i like working with and will continue to work with just made it all hurt so much more#especially since she referenced another past production we've done where i didn't even realize she had noticed that i do this.#and i found myself in near tears. and still am kind of in near tears. i can't decide if i need to cry or not.#and i had NO sleep last night so i was looking forward to sleeping tonight but now i'm just overthinking EVERYTHING#and like. i know everything will be fine. if i just stop inserting myself and stick to just my specific tasks. it'll be fine.#but this is one of the ways my ocd manifests. i feel like i have to personally fix something i notice going wrong. or it'll be bad.#because every single time i choose to sit back and not be nosy when i notice something it ends up bad in a way i could have prevented#if i just inserted myself in a situation i technically wasn't part of but knew i could help or fix. so i just need to not do that.#but then i feel guilt if it does go wrong in the ways i immediately assumed it would and in a way i could prevent.#and i've been trying to work on this for like 6 months and aaaahhhh it's hard and being called out on it from her just really really hurt#i still may or may not cry. i don't know. the irony of me telling my therapist THIS MORNING that it's been a while since i last cried.#and the universe being like 'i took that as a challenge' and handing me this situation for me to spiral over.#i need to leave things alone. i need to stare straight ahead. and ignore whatever isn't specifically for me to do. but ahhh i want to help#and then of course my mom has this same habit and it annoys me when she does it yet i do it to other people and ahhhhhhhh#brain please just shut up. i need to sleep. i have to work tomorrow.
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take-ya-to-the-ghey-bar Β· 2 months
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Just making little "housekeeping" sorta post here, but~... i think over the weekend, or maybe the start of next week, idk yet-- i'm gonna try and get a new thread tracker set up. Not sure yet how i'll add it to my pinned, as i'm unsure if i can edit the current post and not screw up the formatting... And i dunno if i can even redo said formatting in a new post, or if i'd have to scrap it for something that does work in the editor format-- = A =
But anyway-- just a lil mention for things i might be working on~...
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violetsareblue-selfships Β· 2 months
good morning~ <3
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invinciblerodent Β· 3 months
i try not to vague about personal stuff or talk too much about "real world" things on this blog, but i'm feeling.... a lot of things today, all of them kind of shitty, and i just... want to let it out without also making myself into someone else's burden or putting even more undue pressure on my partner. (he'd listen. he wouldn't mind. he'd be nothing but understanding, the sweet man. but i just know he'd worry too much, and i don't want that.)
something small happened last night that reminded me of something from a long time ago (a time i was hurt and lashed out, when i acted in a way i didn't want to in response to fear and feeling abandoned, and generally just... an ugly time in my life when i was probably at- or just past my lowest), and with a whole bunch of unrelated things all coming together, and me not having slept for the better part of almost a month now (with noisy neighbors and what's quite possibly stress-induced tinnitus), i just...
i'm sitting here, 11 pm on a bloody tuesday, and all i want is to be able to have a nice, long cry, but i just... can't. i want to, i feel it stirring and straining in there, i can feel that pressure and squeeze in my chest, but i just.... can't seem to cry properly, in a way that'd offer any type of relief.
and it's such a weird thing too, like i shouldn't be bothered anymore. i'm almost 30 years old, i should be able to just shrug and move past something so.... stupid that happened more than like... god, over 6 years ago? when i was younger, terrified of so many things, depressed, and so, so deeply lonely. but it's very hard not to feel all... isolated and alone when you're so exhausted, and insecure, or even angry for like 3 totally unrelated reasons, and can't even have a genuinely good cry about it.
a good handful of years ago, when i was in therapy, my therapist said that crying is like... when you overfill a glass with a kind of water that's made of your emotions. even if there's too much, for a while, the surface tension can keep it all inside the glass, but eventually... if there's too much water, too much tension, it will spill in some way. you can't keep tamping down all that water, and keep filling the glass infinitely, because the tension needs to release somehow. but he didn't talk about what happens to the glass if you put a bloody brick on top of it, and yet keep filling it anyway.
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eli-workshop Β· 5 months
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Said I'd do it so I did it. I'll remake it better 'cause Vincent is too small
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Also i hc this man can't take a hint
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tvrningout-a Β· 8 months
what if i offered a lil starter from kaiya's jjk verse...
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sureuncertainty Β· 7 months
hopefully it's just tonight but i haven't written at all in the last couple of days and i tried again tonight and it didn't work AGAIN i just can't get myself to write idk sometimes i really feel like the sequel to silence agenda is literally never ever going to actually get written and there's no point in even trying
#like i go thru phases where i'm all excited about it and they never last and i NEVER fucking finish anything with it#like literally ever#i have started to write this novel literally like 4 or 5 times now at this point?#and i can't get it done ever#since 2020 i've been working on it for almost three years#i've been making steady progress on tmtou i literally rewrite silence agenda like every fucking year#and yet i fucking can't get this story written#and idk how much of the problem is me how much of the problem is US and how much of the problem is my motivation levels and stuff#idk idk i think i'm just In It tonight and i'll probably feel differently later#it goes in these cycles#but idk man for awhile i was REALLY CONVINCED that this was gonna be the Time that i actually got this book written#i have the story! i have it! i just need to make it! and idk how!!!#i try and then a week later i can't#and my brain is hyperfixating on other things (idk why i decided to reread aftg) so i just Can't#and i do wanna get silence agenda published soon so i wanna focus on that#but i feel like i can't deliver on this sequel i feel like i can't even write it#idk i've never spent THIS LONG and gotten THIS MANY DRAFTS out of a book without being even like. close to the halfway point#i should finish it! i want to! i want to want to! but i fucking CAN'T#part of it is me part of it is the fact that it's hard to write when kat's not around and she hasn't been lately#idk i really thought i was gonna be able to do it this time. but apparently not#idk when i'll learn#that i can't write this fucking book#win rambles
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rejectshumanity Β· 1 year
i'm here....lurking....working on things 😎
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kingspuppet Β· 1 year
Also I had meant to say this yesterday, but thank you to those who read my 6 am extremely personal ramble post from the other day (or I guess it was yesterday but still). I honestly wasn't really expecting anyone to do that or interact with it in any way, and to be honest I was more than fine with that because I just wanted to clear my head before I tried to sleep. But the fact that ya'll did that even though you really didn't have to actually meant a lot to me. Just the silent support of the likes alone felt really encouraging and supportive, and I honestly can't thank you guys enough for that. Especially since cutting off a parent is never easy and probably one of the hardest things I'll ever do. I was already proud of myself for setting my boundaries, but it really did feel like solidifying that I did the right thing to protect my peace and that others were supportive of my decision. So seriously, thank you. πŸ’™
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