#but i'm listening to playlist i made for him almost 3 years ago and fEELING things my god
eggmeralda · 2 years
really wanna analyse my blorbos over the years bc there is definitely some Themes
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glassartpeasants · 6 months
How to Love
Eustass Kid/Trafalgar Law x F!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, semi-slow burn?, beginnings to chapters are hard </3
A/N: yeah here we are. just wanted to set a light on what the base plan is. Also, this takes place RIGHT after the prologue ends. hopefully, it's good for a first chapter.
music playlist
Your heart beats harshly against your ribs as the events of only moments ago replay in your mind like a broken record. The images of the two most significant people in your world, your boyfriend and your best friend, betraying you, makes your head spin. It almost feels unreal, like a nightmare instead of reality.
But it wasn’t a dream. It was a harsh reality, a stark contrast to the life you thought you were living.
Instead of waking up next to your boyfriend, you find yourself in a disorienting place: your ex-best friend's ex-boyfriend's car. Random items you managed to grab scattered across the passenger side and on your lap. The smell of Eustass’s cologne, a scent that used to bring comfort, now only added to your heartbreak, still plaguing your nose.
“Thank you, Law. You really didn’t have to.” Despite being almost inaudible, Law still heard you like you were screaming. The tremble in your voice notifies him of his own inability to speak without breaking down.
“It’s fine. Thank you for telling me about (.....)-ya’s infidelity.” The fact you even told him in the first place shocked him. You had known (.....) for years, and she was your best friend, while you only had a class project with him. Given that it was a whole semester-long, you were willing to throw away a friendship just like that. 
“You're a good guy, Law. You don’t deserve to be cheated on. Whether we’re friends or strangers. I would have told you regardless. No one deserves such heartbreak.” Law can see tears slipping down your cheeks out of the corner of his eyes. The fact that you're trying to stay strong after being the one to discover the affair is admirable in a sense. It could also be that you didn’t want him to see you cry. The latter sounds more plausible.
“I'm glad I didn’t delete your number. It would have been awkward if I had tried to catch you at work.” A small, sad chuckle left your lips. The tension in the car was too much, and you needed something to keep your mind distracted so you didn’t start wailing in front of Law.
“That would have been a scene I’m grateful we avoided. I like to keep my private life and work life separate.” 
“I’m the same in a sense. I don’t tell my co-workers much except to recommend shows or movies. I know you're more of a book guy, but have you seen any shows or movies recently?”
“(.....)-ya made me watch a movie the other day. It was a horror movie.”
“Oh. Was it good?”
“No, it was terrible.” You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at Law's cold tone.
“Bad effects, or was it a storyline issue?”
“I could’ve made a better movie with a budget of two dollars.” Even though tears still fall from your eyes against your wishes, Law manages to make you laugh to ease the pain.
“Well, have you read any good books recently?”
“Haven’t had the time.” Law’s admission made your eyes furrow together. You know the medical field could be rough, but there wasn't enough time for him to read?
"The bookworm hasn't read recently? Are you sure you're the real Law?" A small smile tugs at the corner of Law’s lips as he listens to you talk, but even he can only hide the effects of heartbreak for so long.
Whether Law knew it or not, you could see tiny droplets of water gather in his eyes. Seeing him trying to hold it together made it just a bit harder to prevent yourself from breaking down. You grip the seat of his car and try to regulate your breathing. Clenching your teeth together,  you lay your head on the window and look outside. The sudden tap of water hitting the glass makes you jump. You look around and watch as more water droplets start hitting the car. 
“It’s raining. I thought it was supposed to be sunny all day?”
“I thought so, too.” The thick, tense silence rose once again, making it hard to breathe. If there had been enough room, you would have curled yourself up in a ball and cried. But you could do that when you get to...
“Where are we going?”
“My apartment. Just for now.”
“Ah, okay. Do you have any alcohol at your place?”
“Maybe some (.....)-ya left. Why?”
“So we can drink away our sadness.”
“I’m not much of a drinker.” A second silence covers the car.
“So I can drink away our sadness.”
“We’ll see when we get there.”
Your feet feel heavy as you walk into Law’s apartment. It’s been a while since you’ve been inside it. After the project was finished, you stopped coming over. Law’s busy schedule and your own just didn’t mix. Sometimes, you’d text him to check up on him and ask him how he was doing. He’d take hours or a day to respond, but you never held it against him. He always answered before it had been 48 hours, so it was okay with you.
Looking around his apartment, you see things that hadn’t been there before: some plants, many pictures on the wall, a TV, and some knickknacks you recognize that belong to (.....). The atmosphere was more welcoming than when you first visited Law’s apartment. If an apartment could feel like a hospital waiting room, then that’d be Law’s place before (.....) put her touch on it.
Placing your things near the couch, you take a deep breath as you rub your sternum to try and soothe the pain in your chest. All the pictures of Law and (.....) smiling happily nailed to the walls made your throat go dry. The images of your own apartment clouded your vision as you remembered your own photos with Eustass. Pictures of times when you did matching Halloween costumes, went to concerts together, relaxed at a beach together, or the two of you would just stay home. Every picture held a memory. 
A once cherished memory is now tainted by the image of betrayal. No amount of effort can make that image disappear. Even your happiest memories become blurry when you hear (.....) calling out Eustass's name. It ignites a fiery rage inside you, and seeing (.....)'s face everywhere makes you clench your teeth. You feel like tearing apart every picture of Law and (.....) just to remove her face from your sight. Every bone in your body screams at you to lose control. To destroy everything that reminds you of Eustass and (.....) until it is nothing but microscopic pieces.
But you weren’t home. The home you once had was now lost to time. For now, your ‘home’ depends on whether Law will allow you to stay the night for tonight.
“You can stay the night on the couch for tonight if you want. I have blankets in the closet over there.” You let out an internal breath of relief from Law, answering your question without being asked.
“Thank you, Law. Can I make you dinner or something? Just so I can repay your kindness?” You watch Law lean against the kitchen counter before crossing his arms. His eyes staring out into space.
“I haven’t gone shopping yet this week, so I don’t have much.”
“I’m sure I can craft up something.”
“If you want, then go ahead.” The sound of a ringtone brings a silence to the both of you. You check your phone and see the screen’s black.
“I think it’s yours.” Pulling out his phone from his pocket, you watch Law look at the screen. A frown crosses his face immediately, letting you know the caller. Letting out a heavy sigh, you watch him answer the phone.
“What do you want (.....)-ya?” While you couldn’t understand what she was saying, the tone of her voice was frantic. You could hear sobs coming from the other line. Hearing them pissed you off to hell and back. Didn’t (.....) have a shred of decency? How dare she plead and beg after she committed such an act?
You had to sit on the couch to calm yourself down just so you wouldn’t start screaming at (.....) through the phone. As soon as your body relaxed on the couch, a wave of soreness came over you. It feels as if you’ve been working out for hours on end and only now stopped. Even your eyelids felt heavy as you feel tears starting to form and blur your vision. Trying to breathe normally falls short as you begin to hyperventilate. Your lungs burn as you can feel your throat constricting. It feels like you're swallowing your heart just to keep yourself quiet.
“I meant what I said (.....)-ya. I’m breaking up with you, and that’s final. You can come get your things tomorrow afternoon.” Hearing Law’s voice helped soothe a part of your aching soul. Hearing something other than your own ragged breathing helped calm down the streams of tears that were flowing down your face.
“I’m done talking with you (.....)-ya. Goodbye.” The sound of Law’s calls ending made you rub your face, trying to hide the tears that plagued you seconds ago.
“Your more civil than I would have been. I probably wouldn’t have even picked up her call.” Your voice cracked as you tried to let out a small laugh.
“She was asking me for a ride. Apparently, her and Eustass got in a fight, and he threw her out in the rain.” Scoffing in disbelief, you turn your head to look at Law, hoping he wouldn’t notice your puffy eyes.
“She asked you for a ride after cheating on you? Serves her right, getting thrown in the rain. Hope she gets a cold.” You can see Law’s body tremble and how he bites his lip. His eyes get glassy as he looks at the ceiling.
“Fucking a man.” Even from across the room, you can hear Law whispering to himself. You hated seeing him like this. Watching someone you care about hurt only adds to the pain you feel.
“Hey…do you wanna watch something to get our minds off them?”
“I should go back to work. They probably need me.” You let out a hum, hearing his words. A slight feeling of rejection crosses your mind, but you're quick to shake it off. The last thing you wanted was to make him uncomfortable. And if he was the type to work away his feelings, who were you to stop him?
“Well, drive safe. It sounds like the rain is hitting harder.” The sound of rain beating against the windows of Law’s apartment was finally acknowledged. Its beat almost matched Law’s own heartbeat as he thought about the phone call only minutes ago.
Hearing (.....)’s voice felt like nails on a chalkboard as she tried to explain what happened. The voice that once calmed his aching heart was now the reason it hurt. It was astonishing how fast his whole world flipped upside down. Earlier today, he couldn’t wait to come home and see (.....) and have her talk to him about her day. But now, instead of (.....) smiling at him, you were sitting on his couch with puffy eyes.
The way he could hear the tremble in your voice and how the light shined against the path of tears left on your face made his own wave of emotions try to surface. Even if he could tell you were trying hard to hold them back, he could see tears collect against your eyelashes. The sight had tears accumulating in his own eyes, making him look up at the ceiling to try and stop them. He didn’t need to show how bad (.....)’s betrayal has affected him. At least not in front of you.
Sure, you guys were going through the same thing together, but it wouldn’t help him or you if he let his own emotions out. It’d just be easier to shove them down, ignore them, and work until the pain left. He’s done it before, so he can do it again. 
“Um, Law?” Looking back down, he sees you standing in front of him. You refuse to meet his eyes as you fiddle with the bottom of your shirt.
“Can I hug you?” Law felt his heart skip a beat hearing your request. A part of him told himself no that he’d break down the moment you wrapped your arms around him. Yet, the voice of someone he used to know told him something different.
“Okay.” As soon as the words left his lips, he felt your body smushed up against his. Your arms held him in a tight embrace as the sound of your hushed sniffles made Law finally cave. Wrapping his own arms around you, a sense of comfort filled him. The feeling of being cared for once again was nice yet terrifying. As soon as the feeling would come, it’d leave just as fast.
But for now, he’ll indulge in your hold.
The blanket that wrapped around you did little to replicate Law’s hug. Sure, you were warm, but it wasn’t the same. It reminded you of how alone you were. You had no family in this city, and your only friends were (.....) and Law, but you wouldn’t count him as an option due to the current predicament. It felt like you were running in circles with every idea that popped into your head. Always leading to a dead end and making you start all over again.
You couldn’t go back home. It’d take you around three to four hours to drive there! Plus, you didn’t leave on a good note with your parents when you left for college. And if their last words to you were anything to go by, they didn’t want you back. You shake your head at the thought of your parents.
“No. No need to drag myself down even more thinking about them.” Slithering your hand out of your blanket cocoon, you grab your phone that was on your right. The black screen stared at you as it showed your reflection. Eyes red from tears earlier and a cut lip from biting on it so hard earlier.
A ding echoes across the empty apartment as the phone's black screen soon turns on. The quick flash makes your eyes burn before squinting to try and get used to the brightness. Once adjusted, you see a message from Law hiding in your notification bar.
-“I need a favor from you.”
-“Sure, what ya need?”
-“(.....)-ya is supposed to be getting her things this morning. I want you to make sure she takes everything and leaves her key in the dish by the door.”
A frown skims across your face as the thought of seeing (.....)’s face makes your stomach churn. It’s only been a day, and you're already forced to see her face? At the same time, Law did allow you to stay the night last night. So, despite your distaste for seeing (.....), you agreed.
-“Will do. Can count on me :)”
-“How’s working going so far?”
-“That's good”
The urge to ask him what his plans were with you after you did him this favor ate at your conscience as soon as you sent that last text. Law was really the only one whose place you felt safe enough to sleep at. And he’s the only person you have in the entire city. You didn’t have a license since a lot of things were always within walking distance, so you never had a reason to. 
But now, you were on the complete other side of the city. What used to be a five-minute walk to your job now would take at least thirty minutes. You had no idea where anything was on this side of the city. Sure, you and Law would go grab an energy drink from the gas station when the two of you worked the night away on that old project, but that was two years ago. Who knows? Maybe that gas station doesn’t even exist anymore!
“Do you go here a lot?”
“To buy an energy drink and coffee every now and then.” The sound of small pebbles crunching under your and Law’s shoes goes unnoticed as you walk next to him.
“Okay, so every day then?” A laugh escapes your lips as Law rolls his eyes, yet a small smile plays against his lips.
“This gas station is the only place that sells my favorite one.”
“Which is?”
“Can’t tell you. What if you take it?” A smirk appears on his lips as he puts his hands in his pockets. Scoffing, you place your hand on your chest in fake offense.
“I can’t believe you’d think so lowly of me. Stealing your beloved drink? Only a monster could be so heartless!” Hearing Law let out a chuckle from your words made a heavy feeling of confidence run through your veins. He was always relatively quiet when in class, so it was nice to see him show emotion other than ‘bored.’
“How much farther? I’m dying to know the favorite drink of the future best doctor in the world.” A faint pink tints Law’s skin as he tries to look away from you, hoping you don’t see what your comment did to him.
“You really think so?” Despite trying to copy your playful tone, you can hear his self-doubt and hopefulness that your words were true.
“I know so! No one works harder than you! If anyone says otherwise, tell me and I’ll kick their ass.” Law could feel his palms grow sweaty, and his heart beat a little faster. 
Sure, he’s gotten praise from his teacher, but hearing it come from someone he had just met and barely knew felt a little more sincere? Why, he didn’t know, but he won’t complain.
“Will do.”
The sound of light knowing pulls you from your memories. Looking up at the clock, you see it’s nearly three pm. You sigh as you shed the multiple layers of blankets you were snuggled in. The rage and anger from yesterday are still strong in your system, making you clench your fists. You walk towards the door when you hear your fingers popping from the sheer force. Unlocking it, you take a deep breath before fully opening it.
In front of you stood a very unkempt (.....). Her hair was in a messy ponytail, accompanied by red eyes and a red face. Makeup from the night before was still applied to her skin as mascara streaked down her face. Your eyes even caught the barely covered hickeys and bite marks that shined through her concealer.
“(Y-Y/N)?...Why are you…Where’s Law?” Her pitiful voice made you squeeze the doorknob tighter to try and calm yourself.
“He’s at work. Not that it’s any of your business, but he was kind enough to let me spend the night.” Your eyes narrowed at her as you couldn’t help but glare daggers at the marks on her neck. Noticing your stare, (.....) moved her shoulder to cover her neck.
“I see…” You move to let her in and shut the door behind her. She lets out a shaky breath before beginning to take down the multiple pictures hanging along the wall. The sound of sniffles hits your ears as you watch her grab the frames with shaky hands. Listening to her hold back tears made you struggle to hold your own.
How could she have done this? Years of friendship only to throw it away for some dick? Did you mean so little to her? You’ve been with her for everything! Breakups, grandparents passing, getting in trouble together, anything and everything you’ve done for her! If she needed a kidney transplant, you would’ve volunteered right away!
Now, seeing how a friendship can easily be thrown away like trash after years made bitterness fill your heart. If your best friend and boyfriend could betray you without so much of a second thought, what does that say about the strangers all around you?
What does that say about you? Did you do something to deserve this? Was (.....) mad at you and thought fucking your lover would get back at you? There had to be a reason. To be an explanation for the horror you saw yesterday. Maybe after a drink or two after (.....) leaves will calm you down.
“You got everything?”
“Yeah.” Just as she was about to walk out the door, you remembered that she still hadn't given you the key.
“I need the apartment key.” Putting your hand out, you move your eyes to your hand and back at her.
“I-I don’t have it.” Furrowing your brows, you sigh.
“Don’t bullshit me. I’ve known you for years, and I know when you lie. Now give me the goddamn keys (.....).” You watch (.....) bite her lip before digging into her jacket pocket. The light shined off the key as she gently put it in your hands.
“Can you say goodbye to Bepo for me?” Confusion hit you like a train at her request.
“What the hell are-you know what? Fine. I’ll say bye.”
“Thanks.” Closing the door, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. After locking the door behind her, you placed her old key in the dish Law has near the door for his keys. (.....) request puzzled you as you tried to think of what she was talking about.
“What the hell is a Bepo?”
Just then, a light pitter-patter echos in the apartment. Your heart stops as the sound gets closer. There shouldn’t be anyone else in the apartment but you. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you try to move quietly towards the kitchen to grab something to defend yourself.
“Meow!” You stop in your tracks upon hearing that noise. Embarrassment floods your body as you move even closer to the noise. Upon turning the corner, you see a white cat walking in your direction. A big white cat.
“Can’t believe I got spooked by a damn cat. Didn’t even know Law had a cat…a fatass one nonetheless.” Bending down, you move your hand to let the cat smell you. A smile appears on your face when it rubs against you.
“Hmm? What’s this?” Moving the fluff from his neck, you see a collar with a tag. Squinting your eyes, you finally see the name engraved on the tag.
“Ohhh…your Bepo! Well, aren’t you a cutie-pie?” With (.....) 's request finally making sense, you fight to actually fulfill it. With a sigh, you pick up Bepo and hold him gently. 
“Let’s send your dad a selfie. I think he’ll appreciate it.” You go to the couch, pick up your phone, and find the right angle for the picture. When you find the right spot, you smile as Bepo rubs his head against your face.
“Say cheese!”
It’d been a long day at the hospital. It felt like nothing went right. Sure, he put in his all, but he had to tell people how they were diagnosed with a terminal illness or dealing with dumb co-workers. The only good thing today did for him was keep (.....) out of his head. But now that work was over, the nagging thoughts could finally bother him once more.
Sighing as he unlocked his apartment door, he was immediately hit with the smell of something cooking. Whatever it was, it smelled good, and he was happy that he didn’t have to make anything tonight. When he went to put his keys in the dish designated for them, he saw (.....)’s key lying in the middle. A wave of relief washed over him as he finished taking off his shoes and coat.
“Oh, Law, are you home?” Your voice rings in his ears as he walks further into his apartment. He spots you setting up the table while humming to yourself.
“Yeah, I’m back. Did you make something?”
“Well, you’ve been at work for sixteen hours, so obviously, you should be hungry! Not to mention that you deserved a home-cooked meal after working so hard.” Moving closer to the dinner table, he sees a plate of grilled fish along with a can of what looks to be sparkling water. The smell of his favorite food drew him closer, and he felt a sense of calm filled him. It’d be the second night in a row you made him dinner.
“Where did you get the fish? I don’t remember having any?”
“Oh, after (.....) took her stuff and left, I used GPS to find a store nearby, and there was an organic type of food store only two blocks away! So I went shopping and got things! Except for beverages, so I stopped by the gas station we used to go to and got sparkling water 'cause you don’t drink and no way you’d drink an energy boost at eight pm.” You continued talking, but it was lost on Law’s ears as he stared at the set-up table. The fact you put yourself to go grocery shopping and making him dinner made his sour mood from only moments ago lighten.
“Thank you.” As he moves to wash his hands in the sink, he sees his beloved cat following you and purring.
“I see you’ve met Bepo.” Upon speaking, the cat changed his attention to Law. Bepo begins to meow as he prances towards Law’s feet before rubbing against them. Leaning down, Law gives him a few pets before washing his hands.
“I didn’t even know you had a cat. Did you just get him?”
“No. I’ve had him for almost a year and a half. Why?” He watches you lift your eyebrows and look at Bepo before looking back at Law.
“Law. Do you see how big that cat is?” Despite just washing his hands, Law picks up Bepo and holds him in his arms.
“What about it? He’s growing.”
“That cat is obese. He needs a diet.”
“Bepo is perfect the way he is.” You couldn’t help but giggle as you watched him hold Bepo protectively and away from you.
“You can be delusional all you want, but come eat before the food gets cold.” Turning your back, you begin to dish up after washing your hands. You can hear Law rewashing his own before sitting on the opposite side of the table.
As awkward as it may be, the presence of one another brings a slight calm to your new chaotic world.
TAGLIST: @yuki190 @stachelrose @loraleiii @axcel-lucci @st4rfevrr @rexspersonalhell @nanapurinpurin @elen-alambil @starlightkitten19 @bby-deerling @queenofthekill @chaes-tea @emmaiscool22 @shuujin @augustanna @likeliterallywtf @iraaiitz @cherrybomb5000 @lavenderkaye106 @jabean @wrennyx @jamaicaa-blakee @ashortdork @kat2tired @nerdgeekandeverysweet-blog @getsue @kaptain-rebekah @reigenmagnet @rebeccawinters @keenzinemugstudent @mydearlybeloathed @firefistussy @throne-inmyside @littleleelee @thepurpleempath @yuji4lierrr @whodissbitj @slut-for-buck i hope i got everyone and if i didn't im sorry. I tried writing everyone's names
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starringthesturniolos · 3 months
bite me(part 5) matt sturniolo
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part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
summary: matt hates your guts but all of that changes when he wakes up and finds out your his mate.
contains: vampire!matt x reader, highschool au! (18 years old), dark themes, death, smut (not in this part)
matts pov.
"okay, you guys should feel different any minute now" Madi says before giving me a look. a look that says what I am doing is stupid. judging by the sadness that's roaming in my chest, I'm guessing y/n thinks its stupid too. why does she care, its not like she likes me, I think to myself. but even as I think it, I can't help but cringe at the loss of emotions I would have from getting rid of the bond. sure, it was annoying sometimes, but hell, Iife gets a little boring when you've been living for so long. its easy to go numb and become desensitized, and that's what made y/n an anomaly. even before the mating bond, she made me feel things. even things I didn't want to feel like annoyance and anger.
I look over at her and I can't help but stare. she's so pretty, I think even as the bond fades into a dull nothing.
"quite staring, your freaking me out" she says looking at me. I can see the tears in her eyes, and ,even though the bonds gone, I know she wishes there weren't any. I knew her and I knew that she didn't like to feel like others had power to make her sad or upset. she never wanted to lose control. I can't help but note how much I know about her. more than I thought I knew.
I look away and grab her arm and sigh at the fact that there are no tingles or heat that flash through me this time. "I'll take you home, it's been a long night." and so from there we head back to the car. shit, I almost forgot about chris. I open my phone to call him, but I see a text notification from him instead. "I'm going to stay, the spell could take all night for me" it says. I can't help but wonder how someone can take away the pain of losing a mate, but shrug it off. if I knew I'd be a magic user, not a vampire. and I wouldn't be standing here awkwardly with a girl I hated two days ago. a girl I wish I could comfort, but don't know how too. we climb in the van and I turn on the car. the hiss of the ac and the quiet hum of the radio are the only sounds in the car. she opens her mouth and closes it again. "what? what is it?" i sigh because the tension is killing me.
"if the bond is gone then why am I still sad?" she says quietly. I note the fact that this is the most vulnerable I've ever seen her. she's always had a strong front, and always had something smart to say. but now in the quiet that is my van, I feel like I see her, the real her.
"I don't know why." I say honestly, but cringe at the monotone way I say it. like I didn't care to know why she was upset, and right then I knew her walls were going to come back up before they even do. she shrugs and wipes her face once. "can I play music then, I don't like moping around." she sighs, grounding herself again. "I know you don't" I say softly "and yes you can, as long as you don't have shit music taste" I smirk at the end. teasing her is so much easier and more natural then whatever we've been doing the past 15 minutes. "Oh it's amazing, you're gonna wanna add my songs to your playlist when I'm done. " she takes the mood change and runs with it. she even laughs and I don't even try to stop myself from admiring her smile.
I pull into her house and all the lights are on and there are clanging noises coming from the inside of her home. its damn near 5 am and no one should be up that early on a Sunday morning. we were just having a good time, surprisingly, listening to music with each other. we both like the same kind of music and even though I acted like I hated her singing I didn't mind. but she wasn't singing now, she actually looked really scared.
"my dads home" she whispers and looks at me with wide glossy eyes. worry flutters in my chest at the sight of her being afraid. this guy must be bad news. "he rarely ever comes home" she says in the same quiet tone her eyes widening even further before she turns to me. "I thought Madi said she put a protection spell on me." she runs her hands through her hair and her breathing is picking up. if she keeps this up, she's going to have a panic attack.
" she did, okay, so you have nothing to worry about!" the words sound all wrong coming out of my mouth. I meant for them to come out comforting but instead they sound a bit like I just want her to shut up and get out of my car. why do I always have to sound so mean.
her breathing picks up more and she's crying now. "you don't know what he's like, matt! you've never met the guy. he doesn't want anything to do with me! and when he comes home, he's always drunk" she pauses and closes her eyes gasping for breath. "and he's mean!" she sobs. before I can stop myself I grab her face and guide her gaze away from the house to me. if she hadn't told me this, I would have never known she'd been hurt this way. I couldn't help but wonder how many times she came home to find a nightmare in her house.
"you don't have to be with that guy" I say slowly and nod my head before continuing
"just stay with me" I whisper.
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valorant-drabbles · 10 months
Hallo! I'm the one who requested the iso x reader from last time (^v^)
I was wondering if you could make a part two showing how they slowly progressed with each other if it's alright since I really loved the first part and I'm brain rotting hard about Iso
PS - I'll go by ♠️spade anon from now on
Not me accidentally creating a multi-part slow burn Iso fic!! Oh boy
Could be seen as platonic or romantic… but if people want a part 3, it’ll definitely be more romantic.
Gender neutral reader!
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Mild Cursing, Spoiler for Part 1 of this fic
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Cold Shoulder
Reader x Iso
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
It had been about three weeks since the incident; since you and Iso had your little quarrel, and inevitably having started to understand one another. It was definitely a challenge for you, since you’d struggled for years when it came to getting along with people outside of work hours. Thankfully, Iso was proving to be extremely patient and courteous towards you and your growth. That wasn’t to say he didn’t get irritated every so often if he noticed you slipping back into your old, cold habits…
But you were making a genuine effort. What more could he ask for?
Despite it only having been a few weeks, you and Iso had started getting along quite quickly. He’d made it clear that you were always welcome to join him if you were feeling lonely- and considering your friend quantity in the Protocol was quite low, you were finding yourself ‘lonely’ often. It was strange- last month, you were completely fine being on your own. And now, if you went a few days without a casual conversation with somebody… you felt an odd emptiness inside your chest. A yearning for connection that you’d thought you’d severed long ago.
There were many days where Iso would return to his room after training to find you sat on his bed, listening to the playlist he’d shared with you. Usually you were reading, or watching movies on your laptop… passing the time until he’d return and possibly join you. Iso knew you had a bit of trouble asking to spend time together, so when you were in his room- it was kind of obvious why you were there. Once he’d shower and change clothes, he’d settle into bed and join you in whatever you were doing.
Overtime, this became routine. On days neither of you had a mission, you’d spend time together in the comfort of Iso’s room… quietly bonding, occasionally starting conversations- though usually it was Iso initiating. After all, even after all this time, he still found you to be absolutely fascinating, and desired to learn more about you.
“What do you think we learn from fighting ourselves?” Iso’s voice cut through the current silence filling the bedroom, causing you to look up from your book, eyebrow raised curiously at the sudden query.
“… what?”
“Ah- sorry. That came from nowhere.” Iso apologized quietly, his gaze sheepishly moving away from where you were watching him. “I was just… thinking about our mirror selves. From Omega Earth. How they look and act almost exactly like us- and our teammates as well.”
“Mhm. What about them, though?” You questioned further, noticing Iso shift in his seat.
“I’ve… had this question on my mind ever since I saw myself on the other team. ‘What do we learn from fighting ourselves?’… I’ve asked a few of the others, but… honestly, none of them had an answer I was looking for.” Iso grimaced softly at the memory of him asking Phoenix this question, only for the Brit to cockily answer ‘How much better I am compared to that fake me!’.
You took a moment to ponder his question. This was something you genuinely appreciated about spending time with Iso- he posed questions that made you think. Nothing too philosophical, usually… but it kept conversations interesting, and additionally helped the two of you learn more about how the other thinks.
“I guess… we learn our weaknesses.” You answer after about a minute of silence. “Though it’s not ideal… there’s certain circumstances where our double will be better than us at something. It’ll reveal a weak point in our abilities… and give us something to work towards improving. Alternatively, we learn the weakness of our double, and how to potentially exploit it if need be.” Your shoulders shrugged slightly, as you bit gently at the end of the pen in your hand. “It can also help us to… uh…”
Your hesitance to speak further piques Iso’s curiosity, and his gaze moves to you. He can’t help but notice your cheeks glowing a faint shade of red. You seldom showed emotion like this… allowing yourself to be embarrassed or even revealing a moment of weakness. Despite his desire to urge you into finishing your thought, he knew pushing you to answer would just make you uncomfortable. And, there was the possibility it could cause you to throw out your walls again, giving him the cold shoulder again- he couldn’t risk that. So, he waited.
As much as you wanted to change the topic or just… leave the thought unfinished, Iso’s eyes on you made it clear that he really wanted to know what you were thinking.
“Y/N?” Iso called out quietly. A sigh escaped you reluctantly, as you turned your body to face away from him slightly- only so that he would have trouble seeing how flushed your face had become.
“It… it also helps us to… see what we couldn’t see before. In our own teammates.” You finally continue, deciding to occupy your twitching hands with twirling your pen between your fingers. “How much our team would do to… to protect us. In the face of danger. The threat of death is always so real when you know the enemy won’t hesitate to kill you… sometimes you forget how dangerous it can be. How quickly you can lose somebody. And… how… if a teammate dies, you might go about the rest of your life… regretting that you never got to know them better. Or you might die with the same regret…” You swallow.
You thought back on the day you nearly died at Pearl almost every day. It all felt so surreal… the rush of emotion you felt when you saw Iso in danger? The searing pain from the bullets that had pierced your body?… the last thing you see being Iso using your Operator to take down the approaching threats…
His words echoing constantly in your mind.
“Don’t you dare die on me, Y/N.”
You’d always been so cold towards him… never giving him any reason to like your company. And yet… Iso risked his own life to save yours. With no hesitation.
“Y/N.” It was only after feeling Iso’s hand on your own that you realized he’d been calling your name. His voice was gentle, worry lacing the elegance he spoke your name with. His gaze on you was equally as concerned. It was only in that moment, seeing your own reflection in his eyes, where you notice you’d started crying.
“Shit.” You pull your hand away from Iso’s, and quickly moved to wipe your face of any tears that may had fallen. This was… new. You never let such fragile emotions show in front of the other agents… you only ever let out your piled up emotions behind closed doors, where nobody could see. Where nobody could know. “Sorry, I don’t… know why I’m crying. Can you just forget I said any of that?” You requested, though your voice wavered as you spoke, making you cringe internally. Were you truly so emotional when you thought back on that day…?
Without another word, you found yourself being pulled into Iso’s lap, his arms wrapped around you comfortingly, yet not intrusively. Physical contact wasn’t something you were used to either, but… in that moment? It felt… incredible. You needed this… so badly. For how long you’d needed it for, you didn’t know. You just knew you never wanted this moment to end- as soft as that sounded.
“I’m… not going to let either of us die with that regret.” Iso promised ever so softly, with his head resting comfortably against your shoulder. “And believe me, I don’t intend on dying anytime soon. So you don’t have to worry to much about missed opportunities to… get to know each other. And stuff.”
You kept your face hidden away from Iso; thankful he wasn’t making an effort to look regardless. You felt incredibly vulnerable in that moment… so you truly appreciated that Iso was making the effort to give you some level of privacy. At least as you attempted to pull yourself together again.
“I… I’m glad that… you didn’t give up on me.” You mumble gently against his chest. “… even though I was kind of an asshole to you.”
“Oh, no. You were a total asshole.” Iso chimed. You could just hear the grin on his face through his voice. It made you want to strangle him… not to death, per se.
“… besides. There’s no way I’d give up on someone as… incredible as you.”
Iso’s hand managed to find yours once again, and slowly, gently, you found your fingers intertwining with his without even thinking about it. The previously jarring silence in the room had been replaced with an air of comfortable quiet, as the two of you sat in each other’s company.
You never thought you’d have this thought towards another agent… but…
You really did enjoy Iso’s company. To what extent?… You were unsure.
Yet you enjoyed it regardless.
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pixiemage · 22 days
I’ve recently re-read your magebound au and was wondering if you had anymore snippets you would be willing share :)/nf
Ahhh hi! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!
I honestly love that AU so much. I really need to get back to it when I can; there are a LOT of people whose stories I have planned out in my head, I just haven't had time to work on them hah.
That being said, if you're curious to see a character I haven't posted anything for yet, I HAVE been working a little scene in recent weeks for a prompt I got a while back. I made an MCYT Playlist Prompt two months ago, and then I immediately got busy after making it and didn't have time to do it lol...but this request from @i-am-oshawott caught my attention:
[Playlist D, Track 3] Magebound - "My Heart is Split" by Kerrigan Lowdermilk
It's a song I associate with Grian in this AU, for obvious reasons once you listen to it and read what I have written for it so far! <3 Enjoy!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Grian felt as though perhaps he should be more grateful. If it weren’t for Mumbo, he was sure he never would have survived out there alone in the woods, as injured as he’d been after escaping the Watcher Coven. The fact that someone had found him and brought him to safety was a blessing in and of itself.
The Hermits were kind too, kind and a little kooky…the best kind of company to keep, in Grian’s opinion. Xisuma had been more than welcoming and Stress had been a spot of upbeat and chaotic positivity as she helped him heal. His wings were almost back to flight-ready thanks to False’s advice, and with the potions Joe Hills had been brewing for him, his magical core was finally feeling closer to normal than it had in years.
(Not that it would ever be normal again, as much as he hated to acknowledge it. The experiments the Watcher Coven had performed on him to strengthen his magic in order to better their own…he was sure it was practically irreversible. The most Joe’s potions could do was help him stabilize so he could regain full control over his magic again. For that, he would always be thankful.)
But back to the point…he thought perhaps he should be more grateful for all the Hermits had done for him, all the kindness and care they had provided in his time under their protection. But…something was missing.
Or rather, Grian was missing something.
He missed his home. He missed his flock. He missed the Evolution community and the mages that resided there, the other familiars like him who he had grown up with, and the witches and hybrids that he’d come to call his family. Martyn and BigB and Taurtis and the rest…
And Jimmy and Pearl. Grian heaved a sigh and drew his knees to his chest where he was sitting on the front stoop of Mumbo’s home. He rested his cheek on his knees and gazed unseeingly out over the lawn. He probably missed his siblings the most. Pearl may not have been a blood relative, but she was as close to a sister as he’d ever had, and up until the Watchers had taken him Grian couldn’t remember a day he hadn’t spent alongside his little brother Jimmy.
It had been years since then. Jimmy wasn’t a teenager anymore, was he? He’d probably lost all the juvenile plumage in his familiar form, and Grian hadn’t been there to see it.
…but Jimmy was still alive at least, and for that, Grian would gladly give another thousand days in captivity if it required.
The door creaked open behind him, but Grian didn’t bother moving.
“Oh! Grian! Hullo, I was just about to look for you.” A shadow fell over Grian and he glanced up to see Mumbo leaning over him, a small smile peeking out from beneath his mustache.
“It is lunch already?” Grian asked, wondering how long he’d actually been outside, but Mumbo shook his head.
“Not quite, mate,” he told him. He sidestepped Grian and trotted down the front steps. He must have been working on some invention or another because he was missing his jacket and tie, and Grian could see red smudges on his rolled-up shirtsleeves. “Xisuma just sent me a message. He’s got a surprise for you at the center of the village. C’mon.”
Grian made a face at Mumbo’s extended hand.
“I don’t like surprises,” he whined, his one unbandaged wing slumping against his back. “Can’t you just tell me what it is?”
“Sorry buddy, X didn’t say.” At least Mumbo looked apologetic about it. “I’ll stick with you though. If you wanna duck on out, I can cause a distraction.”
Grian pondered this. It seemed like a fair enough offer. So with a very put-upon sigh Grian took the offered hand, letting Mumbo drag him to his feet amid Grian’s undertone grumbling.
“It had better be a good distraction,” Grian told him flatly after a moment of silent walking. “Lots of flair and pizzaz.”
“Oh, absolutely!” Mumbo nodded. “I can do pizzaz. I’m Mr. Pizzaz. Mr. Mumbo Flair-Pizzaz Jumbo. Master of distraction.”
Grian had to fight against the grin that threatened to overtake his expression.
“Good to know I’ve got an expert,” he quipped, hearing the laughter under his own words. “Does Mr. Pizzaz have a business card? I’d love to recommend you to my friends.”
“Yup! Definitely!” Mumbo said, mirth starting to seep into his voice. “Business cards by the boatload. I could get you one the second we’re back at my place. They’ve got - ya know - glitter, and beveled edges, and everything–”
“Glitter?” Grian gaped at him, finally letting out a proper laugh. “Who puts glitter on business cards?”
“Well - well Mr. Pizzaz, obviously,” Mumbo chuckled brightly, his mustache curling upward with his grin. “Careful around him, it’s infectious. Once you go glitter you never go back–”
Grian snorted and fell into giggles, rolling his eye at his newfound friend. It was a shame they hadn’t met sooner. Their senses of humor were such a perfect fit…and in the aftermath of the horrors he’d endured at the hands of the Watchers, Mumbo had become an unignorable bright spot amid the shadows.
Perhaps Xisuma had seen it from the start. Perhaps he’d placed Grian in Mumbo’s care for that very reason.
They were approaching the center of the village by now, and Grian felt his feathers stand on end against his will. He didn’t like the unpredictable. He used to, he was sure he used to - he was certain surprises once held a good connotation once upon a time - but as it stood the unpredictable had come to mean danger in recent years. The unexpected held too much risk, too much fear. Perhaps Mumbo could tell that his humor had only been a half-successful distraction because the back of his hand brushed against Grian’s, an awkward attempt at comfort.
“Like I said,” Mumbo told him in an undertone, “if you need out you let me know, an’ we’ll go. But whatever X has got planned can’t be bad. Right?”
Grian nodded stiffly. Right. Right. Xisuma had been nothing but kind. They all had, really. He took a deep, shaking breath and tried to reign in his anxiety. He had nothing to fear here. It was called a Sanctuary for a reason.
…voices met his ears. Bright voices. Painfully familiar voices. Grian’s breath caught in his lungs and he swallowed past a lump in his throat, his eyes widening and a fragile, careful hope welling in his chest.
They rounded the corner. Sun-yellow feathers caught his eye, and he froze…and it was suddenly very difficult to breathe.
Jimmy was there by the fountain, taller than the last time Grian had seen him, with shorter hair and longer limbs and a little less of the boyish look he’d had as a teen. His wings were on full display - properly grown in now, though his feathers were just a tiny bit messy - and he was slightly turned away from Grian. He was bickering with Martyn - Martyn - over something Grian couldn’t make out, the feathers around his ears flared. Martyn looked older too, though somehow exactly the same, the same familiar fond exasperation on his face as he spoke with Jimmy that Grian had seen hundreds of times. There was a tension in his brow too, one that matched Jimmy’s, one that matched Pearl’s. Pearl was there too, a rich red traveling cloak hanging around her shoulders that Grian remembered had once belonged to her aunt. She was less animated than Martyn or Jimmy, her arms folded tight over her chest as she chewed on her nails, glancing between them silently.
She was the first to spot Grian.
Pearl’s eyes landed on him and Grian could hear her gasp from across the courtyard, catching the attention of Martyn and then Jimmy in quick succession. They turned to follow her eye and fell immediately silent, their expressions shifting through too many emotions for Grian to even try and decipher. Not that it even mattered. They were here. They were real. They were–
“Grian,” Pearl breathed, and it was like a spell broke.
“Grain!” Jimmy was running toward him in an instant with the others hot on his heels, and Grian met him in the middle on unstable legs. He and his brother crashed together in an engulfing hug on impact, clinging to each other like a lifeline, with the desperation of those who feared the other would vanish if they even dared to let go. Pearl crowded in on the right and Martyn on the left, a warm hand on his shoulder and another on his arm and fingers clinging to the sweater on his back.
Grian sobbed before he even knew he was crying, shaking in Jimmy’s arms and not caring that he was probably leaving damp patches of tears on the shoulder of his brother’s shirt. He didn’t care.
They were here. They were alive. They were okay. It was all worth it.
“I can’t believe it,” Martyn choked out, an emotional laugh in his words. “When they told us they found you, I didn’t - I could hardly believe it. We’ve been looking for so long–”
“Told you he’d make it,” Jimmy said shakily. “I told you. I did. I said–” His breath hitched and his wings shuddered, curling forward around the little group where Grian’s one unbandaged wing had fallen slack. “–I said ‘He’s Grian, he’d never give up. He’s stronger ‘n that.’ And I was right. I was - I was right.”
Grian chuckled wetly, weakly, unsteadily, leaning into his flock and burying himself in the feeling of home.
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lindentea · 3 months
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a Dyke-nonychus for Pride month! Baltimore Pride is tomorrow and i'm excited! it's my first Pride since coming out as a lesbian and i'm PUMPED.
(a longer-than-i-thought-it-would-be ramble about identity follows!)
i'd been out as bi for something like 25+ years (i just turned 40 three weeks ago). i thought that since i'm not a †3®ƒ and i'm attracted to women and nonbinary ppl no matter their hardware, and since i'm transmasc/genderqueer myself, that it fully excluded me from being able to call myself a lesbian. i've heard and internalized some really cruel takes (mostly on leftbook, ugh) from tankies screaming that no one can be a lesbian unless they strictly identify as a woman in a very binaristic sense, are only attracted to women also in a binaristic sense, and only use she/her pronouns.
what a crock of shit, amirite??
comphet got me real bad, too. i'd been partnered with an uninterrupted stream of men since i was 15 (also dated women/nb ppl during that time, polycules, yadda yadda). i was married to a man for almost a decade, then only a handful of months after we split up, i jumped straight into another almost-decade-long relationship with a man (lovebombing is one helluva drug). i'm still friends with my ex-husband but that latter partner was horrendously abµs¡ve and thank fuckin' Satan i'm no longer with him.
up until i escaped The Arsehole, the longest amount of time that i wasn't in any kind of relationship with a man (whether romantic or just a hookup) was only a couple months at most. the societal pressure to never say "no" to a man is crushing. to always seek validation from men, because if men don't find me attractive then i have failed at life. the pressure when identifying as bi and internalizing the message of "but if you're bi, why don't you want to date men? if you're really bi, you shouldn't exclude any gender(s) from your dating pool."
...and then i spent an entire year without having any sort of relationship with a man. and hooooooo-lee shit, y'all...!! i had an existential crisis that was.. honestly...? set off by Tracy Chapman's performance at the Grammys. i made a whole 3-hour long Spotify playlist of as many songs as i could think of that had made me feel the gayest. (the playlist is fuckin' siiiiiiiiick, if i may say so myself. but i'm sorry to non-paying Spotify folks, since i prefer to craft playlists meant to be listened to in a specific order. still slaps on random, tho.)
i spilled my guts to a few trusted friends (as well as my lovely nb partner), and i in a conversation with one of my closest friends (whomst, in the past, i'd had multiple deep-dive conversations about our identities as bi) i said, "so like... if i'm nonbinary... and i'm only attracted to women and nonbinary ppl who identify more with that 'end' of the timey-timey gendery-wendery gender spectrum...." and she told me, "Linden... Linden. that is literally in the definition of lesbian." and... that was that, then.
ANYHOW, i could go on and on, but..... uhhhhh HERE, HAVE A CUTE DINOSAUR! happy Pride!!
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echoalyssa · 1 year
Omg I’m so sorry for some reason I automatically assume people know who I’m talking about 🤦🏼‍♀️ How about Marcus Baker x reader where she lives in another state and they met on like Instagram and one day she comes to see him?
ORRR (just to be safe😉😂)
Where her personality is like sunshine and rainbows so people are shocked that they’re together
Request 3 | Marcus Baker
You're gripping the steering wheel all too tight considering the road is empty and you've been driving for seven hours already.
Your comfort playlist plays through the speakers in an attempt to eradicate some of the nerves. You'd known him for a year, face-timed him every night for the past six months. He was real, you knew that much.
Though all those horror crime documentary's meant that somewhere deep down you were worried he might brutally murder you.
The two of you had met through a Instagram group chat for artists around the United States and had connected immediately. Your lives differed in every way possible.
You were from one of those small towns that barely made it onto the map with three siblings, and he was living in a million dollar house with his twin sister.
Your phone buzzes in your lap and its him.
'Hope the drive is going well! I'm excited to see you!'
You smile.
You're meeting him at a coffee shop in Wellsbury. It would be in broad daylight in a public place so not much could go wrong.
The navigation chimes, telling you to take the next exit.
Just like that, you're ten minutes away.
~~~ You take a breath outside of the door, using the slight reflection to check that your hair doesn't look insane. Your palms are sweating profusely so you have no choice but to wipe them on the front of your jeans.
You push the door open and the bell on top jingles softly.
The place is cute, with low ambience lighting and lounge chairs in the corner. There's plants just about everywhere and a mural has been painted on the far wall.
He spots you first, and he almost drops the two drinks he's holding. Marcus can't cross the small shop fast enough. He didn't even need a second to realize that it was you, he just knew immediately.
You shoot him a tiny shy smile and he returns it.
He wraps you in an awkward hug because he's still holding both drinks. Even though he's hugging you with his arms straight because of the drinks you can't help but think about how nicely you fit into his arms.
He smells good, like fresh linen.
His hair keeps falling into his face, and you keep wanting to push it out of the way for him.
"I got you a mocha frappe! I could have sworn that's what you told me you order but if that's wrong I can get you something else."
You're flattered by the fact that he bought you a drink and even more so that he remembered your order. That conversation must have taken place almost a year ago.
"That is perfect, thank you."
"Want to take a walk? You must be tired of sitting from the drive."
You nod, the weather in Massachusetts was stellar today.
He guides you out the door by placing a hand on the small of your back which sends sparks up your spine.
"I can't believe that you're here."
"I can't believe you're real."
He chuckles. "Are you cold?"
You're not really but he shrugs off his jacket anyway and drapes it over your shoulders.
His fingertips brush your neck and you shiver.
The town is cute but is very obviously a place where money is plentiful. Marcus tells you about his motorcycle and his plan to restore it.
You listen intently, your arm bumps against his as you walk.
He stops abruptly and turns to you.
"I feel like I know you already."
"You do! Now you're just putting a voice to the face,"
"I don't want you to ever go back home."
You can feel your face heat up, hopefully he wouldn't notice and would just think it was from the wind.
"You're just so far away." He continues, "And now that you're here I can't imagine you not being here."
Just the way that he looks at you makes you want to pack up all your belongings and move into this town, almost eight hours away.
His fingertips touch the side of your face, and he tilts your head so that you are looking up at him.
"It's a good thing I'm here for a week then." You whisper.
"We should make the most of it."
"Yes." You choke out because he's getting closer to you and you're barely breathing.
"You're beautiful you know."
You nod, scared to break this trance like interaction.
And then he leans the last few inches and his lips brush against yours, hesitant at first but they slowly grow more confident.
You tilt your head up for a better angle because there is no way that you're kissing Marcus Baker right now.
The butterflies in your stomach are doing somersaults.
It's slow and gentle. He pulls you close to him, his body radiates heat and warms you.
You could stay like this forever you think. This was perfect. All the anticipation and build up from the past year and finally, finally the two of you were together.
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My Experience with Wilbur Soot
So, the Wilbur Soot situation. This is mostly going to be me ranting abt the whole situation, so don't keep reading if you don't care.
I mostly just had to type this out and post it so I can vent and (hopefully) get over Wilbur Soot.
Wilbur supporters DNI
I've been a fan of Wilbur's for a long time, I believe the first time I watched him was in January 2021. Initially, I just knew him from Technoblade's (Rest in Power, king) videos, but after a while, he kinda grew into his own thing for me.
I wasn't huge into Dream Smp as it came out, as most of the time I couldn't tune in for personal reasons.
I started seriously watching it in September of 2021 if I remember correctly. It soon became a hyperfixation of mine. I knew basically every crumb of lore like the back of my hand, and I loved what Wilbur did for both the server and its stories. I still do, to an extent, as the Dream SMP is still really near and dear to my heart.
Then, Lovejoy’s Pebble Brain album came out. Previously, I had no idea Wilbur had started a band, so it was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. So when I tell you that that album had been my single favorite album of all time up until this point, you better believe it. I spent hours listening to the songs, over and over again, whether it was on a good day or a bad one, I always had a small comfort.
After about a year or so, I fell out of MCYT again. I still kept up with it occasionally, mostly just watching Tommy and Wilbur.
Frankly, before Tuesday, I hadn't even thought about Wilbur Soot since about 2 months ago. So, when all of a sudden, I saw he was trending on here, I was somewhat excited. I thought he had announced a new project or something. So, I clicked on the hashtag.
I am truly disgusted by Wilbur Soot's actions. To think, someone who I personally looked up to, did such horrendous actions is horrifying to me.
A part of me feels almost ashamed that I didn’t see it, that any signs in the past of Will being a bad person I swept under the rug, choosing to ignore it because “He was young'' or “He said he was sorry”. However, I have since realized that I COULDN’T know what was going on behind the scenes. I only saw his persona, the mask he put on when he streamed or was recording. TBH, this situation has really affected me, if me writing such a long post about the situation didn't tip you off already.
And worst of all was his "apology”. I first learned about this situation on Tuesday, about 3 hours before he made his public “apology”. When I read it, at first I was semi-satisfied, because he claimed he was/had gone to therapy and felt his previous actions were “slobish, disrespectful, and selfish”. I felt like he had downplayed his actions, but that overall he had felt bad and was seeking help.
Then, I realized a ton of things were wrong with it. Not only did he downplay his actions, he completely skipped over like 75% of it, he also JUST DIDN'T SAY SORRY. He somewhat vaguely apologized, if you turn your head and squint, but the words “I'm sorry” never appear in the text.
With all these things coming together, plus all the reactions by creators that have met him IRL/talked to him in private, I can't in good conscience support Wilbur Soot. Whether it be in music, youtube, twitch, whatever, I just can’t. I have removed all of both his and Lovejoy’s songs from my streaming playlists, and have pirated a small few that I’ve used as comfort music. I plan on eventually fully cutting him and his work out entirely, but I need a little time to adjust. I feel bad for not supporting Lovejoy, as there are other members than Will, but I feel it is the best course of action unless they fully remove him from both the band and the cash flow.
Hopefully reading through my experience has helped anybody else who has felt a familiar experience to me. I truly hope Wilbur gets the help he needs, he is a messed up individual, and needs psychological help.
Small note: Please, don't tell Wilbur to kill himself, while his actions were bad, that's not an excuse to tell somebody to end their own life. His actions were horrible, but verbally assaulting someone online is not a reasonable reaction to this situation.
Go support Shubble. She's very brave to talk about her experiences. Support SA victims. Go support both Tommy and Phil, Tommy has most likely been a victim of his manipulation and abuse and Phil is a close friend of his that most likely feels betrayed and hurt by his close friend’s actions.
I don't really have anything else to say, so bye everyone, stay safe and vigilant.
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kamiversee · 6 months
oooOOH okay - the way i forgot abt the songs BUT i'm gonna have to straight up make a playlist for these men (as if i don't do the same thing when i'm writing anywaysss)
incoming YAP SESH
so when you mentioned it in the last chapters, i immediately went back listened to 'sober' [childish gambino] BUT i forgot abt 'die for you' [the weeknd] sooooo he's a mini gojo analysis for that song for all my fellow gojo girlies (RAAA):
'i just can't say i don't love you / cause i love you'
this one is obvi lmao the way bro is like "hey btw i LOVE you" every chance he gets
'you hate that you want me'
bro literally says this almost verbatim when he's like "you shouldn't care abt me" but also "it's not a crime [to miss me] love" (ch45)
'i would die for you / i would lie for you ... i would kill for you'
REALLY seein the references to this one in chapter 45 lmao when he's like "i've done worse, for you" and he's said SOOO many times that he'd do anything for you and is explicitly like "the person i am around you now is not the person who fell in love with you"
so here's where i might be wayyy off base again but - what if the list started bc of something gojo tried to do for you, to show how much he cared about you? so like order of events:
years ago, gojo does something bad (ex: hurting someone, manipulating people in your life he views as "bad") in the name of helping you -> sukuna either catches him or he needs sukunas help -> sukuna uses this info to blackmail satoru
the deal for the blackmail is that you either have to complete this list that's made to hurt gojo so badly by punishing the woman he loves AND turns her against him (which is why gojo is so set on the fact that the reader can't have feelings for him, bc he's the one who's supposed to be punished by this whole thing) OR sukuna will kill gojo
which i know is like BIG but ! think about how gojo is always saying he'd do anything for the reader: he was ready to die for her; he had no intention of doing the list. when he walks in on her in ch1 he's like genuinely surprised that an opportunity like that "presented" itself to him, so he really wasn't planning to blackmail you ever
and when you finish the list, gojo is genuinely surprised and relieved that you finish it (ch45) !!!! he's also said that there was no time limit on it but that there actually was one, that it needed to be done by the end of the year i think??? somethin like that i don't remember but that always felt weird to me, so that's probs what sukuna's deadline for gojo was
anywhooo i also think sukuna put choso on the list bc he felt bad for hurting him (bc i'm refusing rn to think that choso lied abt the abuse which is the basis of my other theory but it bums me out so i'm just ignoring it lmao) and sukuna saw how obsessed w you gojo was and he was maybe like "hmm ok so this girl must be somethin special" and that's why he was making you hook up w choso !
yap sesh OVER (apologies this got so long and the way i was pulling out citations lmao) i will send more theories when i'm actually awake but i just read your response to my ask and HAD to do a song analysis! love you kami xoxoxoxo
Okay this is yap session 1/2 that I’ve received & it’s not as long as the other so I’ll reply normally!!
To start, ty for this theory & semi-breakdown!! I rlly do love reading these ><
1. I LOVE how you broke down the song reference because every lyric from that damn song applies to Mr. Gojo in this fic🙏 Die For You applies more than you guys realize but it’ll make even more sense when we finally receive his backstory <3
2. You & ☃️anon have similar theories with how this whole thing started & it’s fun to see you guys on the right track & nearly hitting the nail on the head ^.^
The first theory about Gojo & Sukuna’s situation is… it’s a wonderful theory, I’ll say that. I will not say if it’s right or wrong but, since TFL is over, I think it’s safe to say you’re definitely on the right track :)
3. The Sukuna & Choso theory at the end is OH MY FUCKING GOD. I’m going to just burn my fic plans atp because I’m pretty sure you guys somehow have access to it 😄 /hj
Anyway, don’t consider that response as me confirming what you just said but DAMN you cooked & the kitchen might be on fire! :3
TO CONCLUDE, ty for the yap sesh, I love u & these sosoosooo much !!
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artificialqueens · 1 year
Fantaisie in F minor, Op. 49 (Anetra x Sasha Colby) - Writworm42
A/N: 3 years after a life-changing and career-ending attack, Sasha comes back to the piano with Anetra's help.
TW transphobic violence, though not written about in detail. Chopin is my absolute favourite composer and in tough times, I cling to his music. I hope I gave him a fitting tribute. Title is one of his pieces; I tried to pick one that fit the fic's mood, but lmk what y'all think! I highly encourage everyone who's not familiar with his music to listen to the songs named in the fic as well, they're all beautiful.
Thank you Athena for beta-ing & hyping me up. Please note, I'm not a guide dog user, but I did try my best to research. If anyone who is a guide dog user has any feedback for me, please let me know!
It makes the news the night it happens, and stays on the news for weeks.
First transgender winner of International Chopin Competition attacked at awards ceremony. Even three years later, the thought of it opens a pit in Sasha’s stomach that makes bile rise in her throat. The hospital stay where all the nurses treated her coldly, where she didn’t speak the language they spoke to each other, sometimes right in front of her, and only knew what she was told despite having so many questions. The way she had been only half-conscious most of the time between the painkillers, anesthetics, and ICU delirium. The pain, so much fucking pain. Being wheeled from surgery to surgery, never knowing when the last one would be.
Blinking and blinking and blinking, but seeing nothing but clouds and muted colours. A fog she’d never be able to get out of, no matter how many ophthalmologists she consulted. 
She brings her hands to her face, the phantom burn of acid tearing over the bumps of her scarred skin as her throat tightens, her heart speeding up. Her mind’s eye was 20/20, suddenly maybe more. She could see the crowd on their feet, hear the thundering applause, feel the weight of the award plaque in her hands. See the shine of the gold medal as it extended towards her, only for a collective gasp to draw her attention away, away from her joy and towards a man’s face twisted in disgust and anger, the open jar in his hand flying towards her--
“Baby, baby, breathe. Breathe.”
Sasha blinks at Anetra’s voice. The music that had been playing on the radio came to an abrupt stop. Chopin’s Grande Polonaise Brillante. The piece she’d been trying to forget for three years. 
“You’re safe,” Anetra repeats, “It’s okay. I’m here.” 
Sasha feels the phantom pain fade, replaced by the prickle of hot tears at the corner of her eyes. It strikes her as incredibly ironic in a cruel way--of all the things that attacker had taken from her, he had somehow managed to miss her lacrimal ducts. Or maybe the surgeons had just saved them. She supposes she should be thankful--no, knows she should be. And she is, most of the time. 
It’s just that right now, she feels ugly all over again.
Sasha’s psychologist had encouraged her to start listening to Chopin again about six weeks ago. It had been extremely difficult at first; she barely made it through half of the Wrong Note Etude before Anetra had to step in and help Sasha calm down. But it had worked—slowly but surely, with Anetra by her side, she could make it through a playlist without needing to do much more than deep breathing. And even though sneak attacks from the radio were difficult, just picturing Anetra leading her through a breathing exercise was enough to help her come out the other side unscathed. 
“Would it help if I hold you?” Anetra asks, as if the answer isn’t almost always yes. Sasha nods anyway, leaning in for Anetra to wrap her in a hug.
“We can reschedule, you know--if it’s not a good day, I mean.” Anetra says quietly after a few minutes, stroking her fingers through Sasha’s hair like she knows she likes. It’s a tempting offer, but Sasha just shakes her head.
“We already reserved the music room,” she sighs. “Besides, if we waited for a good day…”
Anetra nods, not even needing Sasha to finish the sentence. They set today to reach this goal so that there would be a firm time, less room for Sasha to second-guess and back out just like the last two attempts.
She’s made up her mind--for better or for worse, she’s going to sit at a piano today.
“I think I’m okay now,” she pulls away from Anetra after another minute, heaving herself up to stand again. “I’ll go get ready.”
The drive to the community centre is relatively short, but feels like an eternity for Sasha. They drive in relative silence except for the occasional yawn or sneeze from Sasha’s guide dog Busby, a chocolate lab with as much personality as Sasha and Anetra combined. They don’t dare put on any music for fear that something upsetting might come on the radio, and Sasha can’t think of much to say, anyway. So she reaches her hand out into the back row for Busby to move towards and hit his snout up against, allowing the cold, damp feel of his nose to ground her. 
“We’re here,” Anetra advises as they turn into the parking lot, and for a second, Sasha falters. They’re doing this, they’re really doing this. it’s freeing to think of, yes, and she’s proud of herself, but… The battle’s not over yet. They’re still in the parking lot. They have to actually walk in, have to actually open the door to the music room, have to actually walk up and sit down and then what if the piano bench isn’t big enough for the both of them, what if there isn’t even enough space for Busby to sit by the piano and he has to stay by the door and so she’s trapped, trapped sitting on a bench because she doesn’t know her way around the room and Anetra will be far and Busby will be far and it’ll be a disaster--
Sasha jolts to attention at the sound of Anetra’s voice and the feeling of her wife’s hand on her shoulder. 
“The room has an upright, I think it’s a Yamaha. It’s arranged on the far side of the room so there’s room to move around freely. The piano bench fits two and Busby can sit beside you.”
“How did you--” 
“I know you is how,” Anetra laughs. “I visited the room last week just to make sure all the logistics would be smooth for you. For us,” she adds, moving her hand down to grab Sasha’s and give it a comforting squeeze.
“I love you,” Sasha sighs, the warmth of gratitude and affection flooding her chest.
“I know,” Anetra says, and Sasha just knows she’s smiling. 
They walk into the community centre together, Sasha holding Anetra’s hand in an iron grip. Even though she can’t technically see, Sasha swears she can feel a million pairs of eyes watching them as they move through the building. She can’t decide which of her insecurities is worse; the bitter anger that people might see a mangle-faced freak with a victim for a partner, or the painful dread that they might see her as a pitiful charity case with a saint of a wife. If they even see Anetra that way; Sasha swears that every time they’ve been out since they came back from Poland, people have assumed Anetra was her aide instead of the love of her life.
“We’re here,” Anetra gives Sasha’s hand one more squeeze as they come to a stop, Busby guiding Sasha right to the door of the music room and pointing his nose to indicate the location of the doorknob. Not that he needs to; before Sasha can reach out for it, Anetra has swooped in ahead of her, throwing open the door and stepping aside with a theatrical ‘ milady.’
“You’re such a dork,” Sasha snorts, giggling a bit despite herself as she steps inside. It’s strange; maybe it’s because she can’t really see, but as she’s walking deeper into the room, nothing plays in her mind and there’s no anxiety in her chest. She knows there’s a piano, yes, but somehow, for a split second, she convinces herself that the room is empty, just a regular room with nothing special or scary in it.
That is until Busby guides her to the piano bench, allowing her knees to graze its edges, and her heart drops into her stomach. 
Breathe, Sash. Breathe . She closes her eyes and inhales shakily, imagining the things that make her feel calm just like her psychologist taught her. Listening to her favourite songs. Red velvet cake. Her family back in Hawai’i. The soft feeling of plumeria petals against her fingertips and sun-warmed sand between her toes. Her and Anetra’s honeymoon in Tahiti, making love under a deep orange sunset. 
“I’m coming beside you,” Anetra warns, careful not to disrupt Sasha’s fragile attempt at inner peace, for which Sasha is incredibly grateful. She relaxes a little further, opening her eyes by sheer force of habit so as not to feel surprised by the sudden warm presence of her wife beside her. 
“Take your time, angel,” Anetra murmurs, reaching for Sasha’s hand and giving it another squeeze. “We have the room for an hour, we can just stand here that whole time if that’s what you’re up to doing.” 
“If I do, Dr. Da Luca will make me come back again next week,” she jokes, even though it’s definitely true. Though Sasha supposes that she’ll have to come back next week regardless of whether she succeeds today or not; that’s the key to exposure, Dr. Da Luca keeps reminding her--consistency and repetition.
She’s trying not to think about that right now, though.
“Would it help if we put on music?” Anetra chances, and honestly, Sasha isn’t really sure, but she nods anyway, willing to try. She’s curious, anyway, what kind of music Anetra will pick--Anetra’s a mood-listener, someone who forgoes genre or artist to pick solely based off of the vibe she feels. And considering that Sasha has absolutely no idea what to call the vibe in this room right now, if Anetra can provide some clarification, well. She’s sure Dr. Da Luca would support that. 
“Remember when you taught me this song?” Sasha can hear the grin in Anetra’s voice as Go Tell Aunt Rhody starts playing off her phone, and Sasha can’t help it--she bursts into the kind of laughter she never would have thought she’d be capable of in this moment. 
 “Yeah, I remember,” she rolls her eyes, giving Anetra a playful shove on the shoulder, “It took you three days to get the hands-separate version even remotely acceptable. Which honestly was pretty impressive. Just, you know, for all the wrong reasons.” 
“Hey! I got it in the end, didn’t I?” Anetra protests in mock offense. “Pretty damn well, too, I would say. Hands together, even!” 
“And I was very proud,” Sasha giggles. 
“You know, I think I still remember it, actually,” Anetra continues pensively. “Move over, let me check this out--”
Before Sasha can even think about what’s happening, Anetra is plunking her way through something that sounds more like one of Busby’s more theatrical whines than any song Sasha’s ever tried to teach her. It’s absolute chaos, and as much as Sasha knows Anetra’s doing it on purpose, she also can’t help but try to step in.
“Oh my God, stop, that’s not how you do it--”
“Mhm,” Anetra’s hands come off the piano, her voice smug as it suddenly hits Sasha that she’s not standing anymore. She’s not hovering, not bending over to correct her wife. Instead, she’s… 
“Did I… Am I…?” 
“You did it, baby!” Anetra squeals, practically throwing herself onto Sasha and squeezing her tightly. “I’m so proud of you.
“Oh my God,” Sasha laughs in disbelief. Her heart is pounding, and her throat feels tight, but she did it--she really, actually did it. 
“How do you feel, sweetheart?” Anetra keeps hugging Sasha, holding onto her tightly as tears begin to gather at the corner of Sasha’s eyes again. She knows they’ll spill over if she tries to speak, so instead, she just puts her head on Anetra’s shoulder, sighing contentedly as Anetra brings a hand up to stroke her hair. 
“Neech?” she finally says after a few minutes, when the beating of her heart has fully calmed and her throat feels relaxed again. 
“Yes, angel?”
“Can you play it again?” Sasha buries her face deeper into Anetra’s shoulder, breathing in the scent of her perfume.
“Oh, you want a little bit more of this?” Anetra’s voice is dripping with mischief as she begins to bang on the keys again.
“Fuck off,” Sasha laughs. “No, for real this time. Just… play it again.”
So Anetra does, and it sounds absolutely beautiful. 
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siobhanhawthorne · 1 year
I haven't made an actual post that wasn't a reblog in a queue in almost ten years? But @bi-bats tagged me so I had to change that!
name: Amandine but Siobhan on the Internet because it's much prettier
pronouns: she/her
where do you call home: south of France (unfortunatelly)(help me, we need to cancel summer)
favorite animal: in the wild, wolves; to live with, cats 💖
cereal of choice: a good old porridge with fruits, almonds and hazelnuts (I am 86 years old inside)
visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: eeer depends on what I'm learning? But I guess mostly kinesthetic then visual then auditory
first pet: a gorgeous cat named Speedy who had so much Maine Coon in him it was crazy; the guy actually had some kittens with a neighbour's cat, spent a while there to look after the kittens while the Mrs took a break, and once they were old enough, brought all of them home to show them off (he was an amazing cat dad)
favorite scent: most foods
do you believe in astrology: nope, I'm more on the "down to earth" side (see what I did there?)
how many playlists on spotify/apple music: I feel so old answering this but I use neither of those, I usually buy my albums digitally and listen to them offline, plus I rarely make playlists but I made one a couple days ago with just the songs with lyrics from the season 3 of The Witcher
sharpies or highlighters: highlighters
songs that make you cry: Never Let me Down Again by Jessica Mazin; Enchanted Flowers by Joey Batey, Joseph Trapanese, feat. Percival Schuttenbach; Let Her Go by Passenger (links to YouTube)
songs that make you happy: suddenly realising that it's so difficult for me to find some because apparently I tend to go for songs that make me either sad or angry?? That's Alright by Laura Mvula; It's Raining Them by Mila Jam; Photosynthesis by Frank Turner (and so many of his other songs) and it's pretty niche but Ar vuhez ? by War-sav
do you write/draw/create: I used to write but haven't in so, so many years, I hope to find the time and energy to start again soon! Otherwise I crochet and embroider stuff
I'm tagging anyone that might be interested in doing this, maybe @sergeisilence if you feel like it?
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arleneworld22 · 7 months
Today, yesterday and other days
Today I decide to wear my favorite coat to be more comfy at work, it’s light and a little long and color gray, it reminds me of Harry Potter’s cap. I worked for first time in months at the pharmacy and at the beginning I made many mistakes but after the first hour I started to get it so it wasn’t too bad, I like my co-workers of there because they are very nice to me, there are 3 women, I like to think about them like the superpowerful girls, Betty is Blossom, red hair, kind of bossy, very communicative with the patients and focus on her work, Perla is Buttercup, kind of serious, carefree personality, calm and a little abrupt, but she is very patient with me, I think of her like a “senpai” she is very attentive with me, most of the time she trained me when I started there; and then America, she is the sweetest person I meet in the whole hospital, she has personality of preschool teacher, very kind, sweet voice, veeey kind x2, patient and loving, you really feel safe with her. Btw two patients gifted us snack bars to all the workers there… well thinking about it better, I think those were to America and she shared with us, well it was delicious anyway.
Today I listened your playlist when I finished my exercise, when I was cooking and that felt very relaxing, I like discovering this kind of new feelings in moments like this.
Yesterday my bro sneaks into my space at night and I know that when he does that it’s always because he wants to tell me something important; he told me about a classmate that it’s currently flirting with him and he doesn’t want to express how really feels because he is afraid to be hurt, but actually he likes him (oh btw he is gay) he told me he is deaf too so communication it’s not a problem, he told me about him and sounds like a nice guy actually, I hope they can be fine.
I forget to congrats you for finish all your homeworks the other night, now you have to keep that consistence, I wish you good luck with that.
Also, do you buy me something? I feel suprised, moved and speechless... oh God, what I'm going to do with you and your kindness? you really caugh me off guard.
Listening your playlist, and see that actually we enjoyed each other's, would you like me to expain you some of them to you?, would you like to explain me some of yours?, choose the ones you want and I'll do it, music is something that help us to connect more with our feelings, and the point of this is to get out what we feel, what we felt, heal and move forward. So if you want, can you explain me how Heaven's on fire make you feel? I feel that maybe I get it but I think I'm missing something, also with the bug collector, just if you want.
I have to confess that I never looked for Natalia’s albums before, as I listen her music most of the because my mom played it, so I never have the neeeded to look for them because my mom puts it, maybe I already listened all her songs and I didn’t know lol.
Talk to me about everything you want, I’m going to be happy for know more about you. I don’t have plans to watch OP for the next couple months, maybe neither this year but I want to watch it some day, tell me whatever you want, I’m going to feel happy to know about how do you feel with references and everything.
I noticed that yesterday you added “Sigo aquí” from treasure’s planet and my mind almost exploded for that coincidence because yesterday I watched that movie! Life is weird but I like things like this, I already watched but maaaaaany years ago, so this little coincidence… wow.
Hey, the second highest score and it was a 18/50?! WOW that’s hard, but amazing! congrats for that achievement, it’s not perfect but it doesn’t mean that you lose, enjoy this victory, you deserve it. I hope you really enjoyed that nap.
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daintyduck99 · 2 years
ao3 wrapped asks: 3, 12, 19, 28
AO3 Wrapped Asks!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
The Pirate AU (I'll Be Your Tangerine) has to be the one I'm most proud of. I reread it not too long ago and it actually had quite the impact on me--I love the atmosphere, their chemistry, the prose, the significance and evolution of tesoro, the tenderness earned through violence--all of the vibes, when it was originally just this super niche setting my brain spit out for a smut prompt. I didn't have to go that hard but I'm glad I did because I love that universe so much. (I also still think the moodboard is one of the prettiest I've made.)
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Unless I missed any, I should have seven!
For Stranger Things:
Part 3 of the Summer Camp AU
A Steve/Jonathan AU based on The Proposal
For Julie and the Phantoms:
wingman wanted (companion to sunflower syndrome)
Step Into The Daylight (a Peterpatterlina Fake Dating AU)
The Rulie epistolary based on Something Like That
have you ever thought, just maybe (a canon-compliant Rulie fic where Julie and Reggie listen to the Fearless album because that scrap of lore from one of the books where he likes You Belong With Me enough to put it in a playlist took root in my brain)
Missing Christmas Dinner moments from Our Luxury (A Love Like Stars), but we're hoping to have that one ready around Christmas
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I don't really have a JatP answer, sorry XD There are several ships I'd love to explore for Stranger Things still as I haven't written nearly as much for it, but the main one at the moment is Steve/Jonathan. I also like Steve/Jonathan/Nancy and have included it as a background relationship in fics focused on other characters, but Steve/Jonathan is less popular, and most of the fics it's tagged for are actually OT3 fics. I find them interesting enough that I'd love to read about just the two of them--so much so that I'll write it myself! It's similar to how I feel about Reggie/Julie, although the actual relationship dynamics are so different--Steve was kind of an asshole until Jonathan literally beat some sense into him XD
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
sunflower syndrome for sure
It was so fun to write, especially with all of the emphasis on the mutual pining and the huge, all-consuming feeling of falling in love as a teen and the extra drama of the almost kiss(es), and it was refreshing to make Julie the more oblivious one for once. Weaving the whole sunflower metaphor through was also fun, and I even had fun with the summary for once, instead of wracking my brain going "ugh, what do I even say about this" like I usually do. The ending especially makes me so happy. (They're so cute and I still blush about it when I reread it lol)
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time-is-standing · 2 years
top 10 songs of october
aka it's time for spooky scary skeletons
1. astrid by glaive
this song is pure gold. I love every second of it. actually I'm sad because it's so short but I just can't get over it no matter how many weeks pass.
2. MISA MISA! by CORPSE, Scarlxrd, Kordhell
this song has already been on last month's list and I'm finding myself listening to it over and over again. there's something about corpse that makes all of his songs so enjoyable. his voice, the raspiness and this style is everything to me.
3. The Pretender by Foo Fighters
this song is the one that made me fall in love with my boyfriend all over again. even though I feel like I'm loving him more and more with every day that's passing by, there are super special moments like the one time we went to a party together. this song came on and he sang it all in such a passionate way that I still can't get it out of my head.
4. mr. nice guy by KAYDEN
this one I found from the same playlist that astrid came from. somehow I clicked on this one randomly and it was the happiest little accident in a long time.
5. Sick Of You by DNMO, Sub Urban
I started listening to it by the end of last month and it made it to last month's list. that in itself is a sign of how much I really love this one. it's such a great song with relatable lyrics and just the right amount of anger & rage to get me through these trying weeks.
6. Roadtrip by Dream, PmBata
this "old" gem made it on the list because of the dteam meetup and the vlog and other content they are making together. I don't even know how to describe the things I feel and the way it all makes me the happiest I've been in a long time.
7. Enough by charlieonnafriday
another one to cure my anger issues - because that's something I definitely have. sadly my bf gets most of it but I'm working on myself daily.
8. idfc by blackbear
I actually don't remember listening to this one, it just appeared on the list. I might've had a manic episode sometime this month because some strange shit has happened. but yeah, shit happens.
9. Heat Waves by Glass Animals
I still remember 2 years ago, just after I moved to a new city and started my own life without my parents. it was a trying time and it took almost all of my power to stay alive and get to work every day. one cold winter night I logged into ao3 and read a fanfic that changed my whole life. I smiled & I laughed again after such a long time. I was crying happy tears, I was just full of emotion while reading the lines about two boys who try to figure out who they are. and I'm sure that that lost little girl would be insanely proud of who she's became in two years time.
10. Still Waiting by Sum 41
"so am I still waiting
for this world to stop hating?
can't find a good reason
can't find hope to believe in"
this boy I'm dating makes me feel more and more secure with every day passing by. I can't imagine a world where I could feel this free with anyone else. and as we get to know each other and the relationship progresses, I'm getting some memories back from my past. and this song came with one of those memories. we went to a party and they played this at the afterparty and I finally was able to look my old self right in the eyes and tell her how sorry I was for what she's been through. I'm sorry I've let myself down.
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loovsoobs · 2 years
Thousand words unspoken / 최연준
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
꒰⁂꒱ “You closed your eyes, and when you opened them again it was like the stars that were in the sky just a moment before, were now in front if you, in his eyes.”
genre: fluff
setting: yeonjun x gn. reader!
word count: 1.3k
Synopsis: You and your friend group decided to go on a weekend getaway from the city. You can't sleep the first night, so you decided to go outside. Coincidentally Yeonjun can't sleep either and has the same idea. Will you finally be able to talk out the events that occurred a while back?
a/n: HAPPY YEONJUN DAY!! As summer comes to a close, and warm nights get colder with time, I wanted to feel the warm summer nights again, and I'm hoping that I will bring that feeling to you as well. This fic is inspired by two songs; Express Moon by Jo Yuri and Cassette by DEMIAN. If you want to listen to them, here is a playlist I made and listened to while writing this. As usual the text was written at 2 AM and is not proof read, I hope you enjoy <3
The was no other feeling like this one. The night was warm, hot even. The only sound you could hear were waves crashing against the shore and crickets chirping. The only thing you could see were stars and the moon. If you turned your head just slightly, you could probably see the boy sitting next to you, or at least the outline of him, with the help of the starlight. If you looked behind you, you could see the vacation home everyone else was asleep. It felt like the whole world was right here, in this moment.
The getaway from the city was just what you needed, and although the beginning of this day was as chaotic as it could get, now nothing but this moment mattered. It's almost as if you didn't wake up at four in the morning to finish packing or that you didn't have breakfast until eleven because you were already running late, picking everyone up. You also almost didn't run out of gas in the middle of nowhere.
And yet, running on about four hours of sleep, you couldn't fall asleep. You lay in bed for what felt like infinity. You felt hot and sweaty, and just when you were about to fall asleep, you had to use the bathroom. Finally, frustrated, you came outside, hoping the warm breeze would clear your mind. And that's precisely what happened. Now you could leave all of today behind. You could relax your shoulders and take the deepest breath in months. And just when your eyelids were getting heavy, and your head started to fall on your right shoulder, you felt a material cover your shoulders. And when you looked up, you saw the prettiest person you have ever known.
Yeonjun covered you with a blanket and sat down next to you on the cool sand. "What are you doing here?" You asked, your voice raspier than ever. "I couldn't sleep," He said, fixing his own blanket over both of your legs. Something about the care with which he placed the blanket over your knees made your senses tingle, and something about the way you sat so close in such an intimate setting made you now wide awake. "What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Me too," You said, staring at him, trying to make out all of his features in the dark. It wasn't as hard as you thought. Maybe it's just the fact that you were so familiar with him. Sneaking glances at him whenever you could. Your eyes inevitably drifted towards him whenever he was in your proximity. You've known him for a few years, but ever since a few months ago, it felt like he was a new person. Maybe it was that kiss? The drunken kiss you both shared on a night quite similar to this one. Even though you were drunk, you remembered everything. You could never forget it. The softness of his lips and the way his hand wrapped around your waist still gave you goosebumps. You didn't even realize when you began to play with an edge of the blanket and smiling to yourself. It didn't feel like you. You felt like a fool, giddy with excitement. Weren't you just about to fall asleep? You couldn't help your mind drifting to him. How come you didn't see him this way before? He was always just Yeonjun. He was everyone's friend, your friend, always just the way you wanted him to be. From the moment you were introduced to each other.
"Hm?" you hummed. Your voice was low, almost a whisper, mixing with the sound of waves.
"You know that I like you right?" He said, and for a moment all words you've ever known lost meaning. What did this mean?
Your head turned to him and opened your mouth to say something, but no words seem to leave your mouth "You knew that, right? I know you remember our kiss... a few months ago. It seemed like you've been avoiding me since then, and I just can't sit by and wait anymore". He said and his hand brushed through his head. You just observed. Observed how his head tilted backward, how his Adam's apple moved. Have you been avoiding him? No. If anything it felt like a constant search for him whenever you entered any room. Something did shift after the kiss, though. It seemed like you didn't talk as much as you used to, laugh as comfortably as you used to next to him. Did it come off completely wrong?
"Do I make you uncomfortable by that kiss? I don't want us to be like this, we used to be really good friends, and when I proposed this trip I was hoping you could relax a bit, but it seems like every time you're with me you're uncomfortable, on your toes." He said, a bit quickly, blurring some words together. Was it because it was late or because he was nervous. You proceeded everything he said. Was this trip for you?
"You don't make me uncomfortable," You said.
"Even now you seemed so at peace, and when I came you suddenly sat up, you keep playing with the blanket-"
"No, I-" You wanted to interrupt and tell him the truth but couldn't put your words together. You were never good at putting your emotions and thoughts into words.
"Wait, let me say this," He said after a second of silence. "If you don't like me, please tell me now. I've liked you ever since I first layed my eyes on you. Your words, the way you first looked at me. I must have had a wrong idea, but that night I thought that maybe, just maybe you liked me back. So i tried my chances." He took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. You carefully followed his sight.
"But if the memories of that night made you uncomfortable, if I misunderstood... I will stop liking you. As long as we stay friends I will be ok with it" He looked you into eyes. And as if you knew in that second that no words could explain how you felt, you just grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer, close enough for your lips to brush against his. You closed your eyes, and when you opened them again, it was like the stars that were in the sky just a moment before, were now in front of you, in his eyes. His smile grew bigger, and in just a second turned into his famous smirk, you realized you haven't seen in months. Has he been this affected by how you acted? Was he cautious with you from then on? Now that he knew you liked him too, his confidence grew even bigger. He was back to the old self you knew and loved, the Yeonjun that shined whenever he went. You pushed those thoughts to the back of your head and let yourself think of how only. You smiled. You weren't drunk this time, this time you were sure of your feelings.
"I like you too," You said, and before you knew it, Yeonjun's hand was on the back of your neck, pulling you in for another kiss. This time the kiss was deeper, more romantic, as if you still had a thousand more words to say, but not enough time. Yeonjun's hand stayed on your neck even after you pulled away. This night with him, when the whole world sleeps. When it's just you two. You felt like you could stay with him until the sunrise. Like you could share kisses and sweet words for the rest of eternity. And instead of fiddling with the blanket, now you intertwined your fingers with his. And let your head rest against his shoulder. And against all your protests, your eyes became heavy again, weighing you down. You promised yourself, the moment the morning comes, you will tell him the thousand words you left unspoken.
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stylistiquements · 3 years
Day 9 : Scronch'love.
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𐐪𐑂 Pairing : Sapnap x fem!reader {Playlist}
𐐪𐑂 Summary : a lovely afternoon and an ancestral question; when are you going to join the dream smp?
𐐪𐑂 Word count : 1.5k
𐐪𐑂 Warning : swearing
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“Have you been here for a long time?”
“Have you been here for a long time?”
“Have you been here for a long time?”
Time bends and twists into unknowns shapes when well spent. So, you’re so not sure. Long enough for your fairy garden to start looking like at least a proper garden, long enough for your feet to start fidgeting, brushing against the soft fabric of the blanket ever so slightly and softly.
“Can you share your screen?”
“I’m just picking flowers, there’s nothing much to see,” you warn but it never does the proper job.
“That’s fine, I like watching you play.”
“Oh, do you now?”
“Yeah. You’ve been playing for years and you’re still dog water. It's almost soothing,” you hear him grin through the silkiness of his voice.
You smile evasively, palm gripping the mouse and executing on memory. Soon, Sapnap’s satisfied noises hovers and everything is just how it’s supposed to be. You spend a while humming the music of days and nights of the game while building your project. Sap helps from time to time, giving advice when his attention is there and leaving trails of compliments on his way. You don’t think the garden is necessarily that good, you don’t mind either.
“Do you think the tree should go on the left or the right of the pond?” You ask, fingers drumming back and forth between the two options. Right he says. "What about the roses, do I plant some or not?"
“It’s just a detail, don’t hurt your brain too much on that,” he says in a light tone, but you disagree.
“Details are what make things important. Like when you remember I prefer warm pillows so you give me yours, it’s just a detail but it makes me happy.”
“Of course I do; you’re a baby,” he murmurs teasingly.
With an arched eyebrow, you retort, “says you,” and silence follows for a second as you plant the tree on the right of the pond.
“Yeah, Dream already made sure I was aware of that.”
“Not sure why the piss baby thinks he’s qualified to have this conversation, buddy,” you note and Sap chuckles are as vivid as contagious. “Why would he call you a baby anyway? What have you done?”
“I-I’m not telling you.” As soon as the mumbles fades, your phone sends loud vibrations on your desk. You abandon your character to the night and the wildness, picking the phone as you murmur a low oh, okay. Whether it’s to your phone or Sapnap, that, isn’t really clear. Still, Sapnap’s words sound more distant, more of what wonders are made of. On the screen, a twitter notification of a certain Karl Jacobs.
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“You’re not even listening to me anymore,” Sapnap whines.
“I don’t listen to whiny babies, sorry.”
“We’re on the verge of divorce, yn and it’s your fault.”
A scoff skitters out through teasing lips, “But you still talk about me all the time, don’t you?” Your voice drags through different lands, unknown and musky.
“So what?” He splutters all awkward like it’s some kind of confidence that shouldn’t have left his thoughts and, somehow, you’re surprised the almighty confidence has left the game. “Who said that?”
“Doesn’t matter. You’re obsessed with me, admit it,” you demand and though you don’t notice it, too tangled with the moment, the atmosphere is tinted with a different nuance like it’s suddenly dawn at the end of a summer party.
“So are you.”
Now, your heart drums a strange yet familiar rhythm. Something made of secrets and uncertainty, something you decided to leave unnamed a long time ago. Sapnap, you reason, can’t be lied to. He knows better than words half meant, half made up and it’s annoying, really, but he just does somehow. If you dare to lie, he would know and then it would be even more annoying.
“Yeah, you’re living in my head rent free but at least I’m not trying to hide it.” No answer. You peek at the game, you’ve been slain by a spider. “Karl said that,” you resign yourself. “He said he was about to join the vc by the way.”
Before the conversation can carry on, the sound of Karl joining the call resonates. Being in this Discord server is like living in a house with 10 siblings, that’s what you understand from the way Sap exhales heavily.
“Oh, I am interrupting something?” Karl says, struck by a peculiar energy.
“Besties time Karl, besties time,” Sapnap mumbles beneath his breath and it chimes a little like disappointment.
“Well, too bad I guess,” Karl exclaims. “It's about time I meet miss Bunnyshow.”
Karl is like that gif of a cat sitting in a tiny box with the caption “if it fits, I sit”.
“Does that mean our passive aggressive subweet arc is over?” You ask, faking the dejection when your smile grows wide.
“Oh god, I hope not. That’s my favorite part of the day.”
"It means a lot to me. Especially coming from my comfort streamer Karl Jacobs," you confess.
Satisfied, your attention gets back on the game; flowers rooting gracefully into the dirt and hives ready to host the beloved honey bugs as Karl and Sap catch up on time being apart. Everything is quiet and peaceful like the end of an afternoon well spent.
“I like your garden,” Karl points out and you hum a thank you beneath your breath.
“So you can take Karl’s compliments but not mine.”
“We’re besties you’re honor. Sapnap you can leave now, thank you,” Karl giggles and you follow along.
“Sorry Karl, there’s only room for one man in my heart and that has to be Sapnap.”
He fakes a cry to keep the theatrics before adding without transitions, “You know if you asked Dream he’d probably let you on the SMP.”
“No thanks,” you grin.
“Sapnap, your girl doesn’t want to play with us.”
“She’s already been whitelisted for months now,” Sapnap informs but fails to comment on the first part of the complaint.
He’s not lying, but you feel like it says more about Dream’s stubbornness than it says about you. As for your best friend, he understands better than anyone that wish for privacy and it’s something made of respect like yours for his career. You’d rather see him shaped by all the light than being touched by a glimpse of it. He does, after all, deserves it all. So, that’s the contract you made with yourself because it made sense; being a supportive shadow. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that you’ve never considered streaming before. It’s that it’s his world more than yours.
Karl, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to think the same way, “This is unacceptable, I gotta send a few texts.”
“Lost cause, dude, lost cause,” you grin but stubbornness seems to be a pre required trait for those mcyts.
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Before you have time to find a suitable comment about the newborn group chat, a new person joins the call and Sapnap's annoyance is even more palpable, "No fucking way dude. We can't even have a second of peace on this server."
"Why would you be in a discord call if you want peace. You're just dumb," Quackity retorts with an energy he and he only can ever own.
Then George joins and Dream follows on his heels and soon your ears are filled with conversations that are as loud as scattered. Your shoulders sink in the back of your chair as soft fingers try to brush the upcoming migraine away. This is why you can't join the SMP; -not really but still- too much energy that has to be processed at all time. And you should know better, being friend with a very chaotic boy for the last 15 years, but you're not somehow.
"No, fuck that," Sapnap mutters. "I'm out."
"You can't leave now we have things to discuss," George exclaims. "Bunny, explain to me how Sapnap's proposition is more appealing than mine."
"Because I know her more than you do," he defends, and he's right. Money isn't of you interest. Love, on the other hand...
"Because she's like scronch'love," Karl giggles mindlessly.
"The fuck does scronch'love mean?" You ask, amused.
"It's very simple," Quackity intervenes. "If I offered you the same thing, would you even consider it?"
"Of course I would. What kind of question is that?"
"Fine. So, if Sapnap keeps his offer, here is mine; you become the president of Las Nevadas in addition to what he said."
"What?" Sapnap takes offense.
The call brims with an agitated confusion as you smile deviously, heels rooted into the floor to make your chair spin lightly and your fingers drum on your desk.
"I don't think you wanna do that," George corrects.
"Yeah, you absolutely don't," you confirm.
"Fine," he retorts. "So Sapnap's offer plus a Las Nevadas citizenship. How does that sound?"
"Like an offer I'll confider," you sigh. "So who's scronch'love now?"
"Still you," Dream answers. "Except you're also a big dummy."
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A/N : helloooo,, how are you??? this part very self indulgent and I think this fic will be in general but I hope you liked it anyway. I love the idea of c!quackity always being too much and always having something to add to be even more over the top. I'm having more trouble than I thought about Bunny's and Sap's friendship because I want them to have a very special friendship but I hope it appears as such. idk. lmk what you think and thank you for reading it it makes me very happy <3 Until next time (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
Taglist : @open-minded-chip-101 ; @itsoakaa ; @gaysludge ; @tinyegg ; @qnfdnf​ ; @paintingpetalsforyou ; @notjennaleigh ; @victoria-a567 ; @washy-washy ; @moneybagmarvel ;
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