#but idec it's whatever at this point
fivekrystalpetals · 2 months
Okay, going into #bsd fyodor tag is still impossible for me :/
Look, I love Bram a lot, but how are people saying that Fyodor somehow killed Bram??
'Cause if you see it in order:
Bram orders his vampire to kill Fyodor -> Fyodor dies -> Crime and Punishment activates -> He becomes Bram
So, in this case, (cuz we do have a lot of other things to blame Fyodor for lmao) but in this particular case, what are we blaming Fyodor for lol? Dying? Getting killed by Bram? His ability activating involuntarily?
Dazai literally says this:
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Meaning, Fyodor has no control over his ability. He becomes whatever or whoever kills him, so he has been morbidly molding his masterplans around his own DEATH all along! He was frantic because he feared he will be MURDERED by the wrong person!
No wonder, he wants a world without abilities! Because, no matter what, he just cannot DIE. No wonder, he says this. He almost sounds envious other humans can die so easily?
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Also, did he manipulate Bram into killing him? No. Fyodor has not made contact with Bram at all. He let Bram do whatever he wanted. Bram was under direct control of Fukuchi, btw. And, it was Ranpo who asked Bram to kill him with one of his vampires.
In fact, Fukuchi says he locked up Fyodor faraway in prison so, he won't interfere in any of Fukuchi's plans.
I mean, once again, this panel:
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Sorry I am salty, but I guess seeing him as a demon who feels no pain in killing others or even himself (rather than the fact that he has been killed who-knows-how-many-times over the centuries yet is unable to "die" and be set free from the world -- this has made him completely desensitized to the idea of pain felt over death) makes it easier for everyone to plot out the next plan for "its" the demon Dostoyevsky's death.
Murder is the activation condition for his ability god just just think about it?
He might have lived his whole life as a normal ability-less person
until the day he was......... killed
I wonder if he died a death of natural causes, his ability would never ever have activated??? idk
but this also carries the heavy implication that he has never died a death of natural causes.
Only murdered by another human every. single. time.
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yamikawaii · 2 months
something something kill myself
#i thought insane posting would make me feel a little better#but no now i just wanna slice her name into my skin down to the bone and bleed out and die#idec abt holding it back its 2 am.honestly life has gotten 10x as meaningless as it was before since our anni was basically ruined#and yknow what my life will always always be meaningless and yknow why?#because the one thing i am meant to live for the ONE THING that couldve made it all worth it doesnt physically exist in this reality#how am i supposed to find any point in life if my one true purpose is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.#just imagining was enough for me when i could comfortably live inside my own mind but the outside stressors are too much now#its getting too much to bear and i have no home to go to when i want to just take the weight off my shoulders and relax#no im never home i dont have a home my home doesnt exist#but i just want to go home. i want to go home. i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home#i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home please#but i cant#i cant have anything to make it better#i cant even have a hug from the person i love most. or a smile or kind words or anything#i have nothing but me my phone and a framed poster of her that i have nowhere to hang up#and nowhere to go but flying off the roof of a 30 story building#i have nothing. my life is nothing. i am nothing.#sui tw#sh tw#whatever whatever goodnight
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orange-plum · 7 months
I've been obsessed with listening to this song the last week. Even if you don't like Helluva Boss, pls listen to my fav's song. Also if you hate capitalism and your boss too lol
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freevoidman · 5 months
man everything with chuggaaconroy lately has been making me upset. And not even sad upset, pissed-off upset.
It costs zero fuckin' dollars to not be creepy to others. I know Chugga has ADHD and Autism but holy fuck man, none of the communication issues those two disorders can cause would explain... anything? That he did?
idk in the era of "everything is shit in almost everything I'm interested in" seeing one of the first lets players I ever got genuinely interested in, who inspired me to play more video games and branch out more, who got me invested in an entire community I didn't know about... it's just fucking infuriating. Over foot fetish shit and being a creepy fuck that can't respect any boundaries.
EDIT: fuck me i wrote this BEFORE seeing the gaia online shit. I was solely referring to stuff with masae and other female creators. I'm so fucking DONE bro.
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eyesocketinchworm · 1 year
i'm not going to complain about shadow and bone too much because i could obviously just like. not watch it. but just know that ohh my god. oh my god
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namchyoon · 2 years
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hrhrg · 11 months
writers should write more optimistic characters in an apocalypse setting actually. like wheres the joyous and whimsical nature of human in these trying times huh??
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rosenallies · 2 years
U know what I actually give up from now on I’m just gonna write whatever I feel like and I’m gonna pretend that idc that no one reads it. <3 if I wanna write only sad and depressing things then that’s what I’m gonna do, if I feel like writing a crack fic that makes 0 sense I’m gonna do it<3 simply do not care any longer that I’m a flop I just accept it ❤️🥹
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hyunubear · 1 year
The red suits from the music video or even the black outfits would've been AMAZING for the inkigayo stage! Did they change stylists? Or like???
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alientee · 4 months
Please more helluva boss with a chubby reader!!! Idec who, the last 2 were just too good!!!
I know you said helluva boss but I kinda wanna give Lucifer a try if that’s ok I hope you like it because it’s fluffy🤣.
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Let’s say you met him because he needed company and had to play it off as though he just wanted someone to work for him. So why not hire a maid to keep his castle clean. When he first saw you, instantly hired! He couldn’t say no to someone as adorable as you. Lucifer loves how plump you are. He won’t admit it but he thinks your more cuter than his ducks. You catch him staring at you he goes back to work pretending to be making new ducks.
He lets you wear whatever you want but then he gets you diffrent maid outfits. Overtime the maid outfits become a little more shorter each time he gets you one. “Oh it’s too short? sorry hahaha……yeaaaa….can you keep it on please” you raise an eyebrow “why?” He literally gives you a pay raise to keep the outfit and not ask questions.
He has you clean up in high places so he can look at your thighs. He’s not that big of a pervert to look up your skirt but seeing your thick soft thighs made his day a whole lot better. Once you get used to him and see a man that’s too depressed for his own good, you shower him with affection. He also can’t help but lean into your touch. (The man is touch starved) He’d blush heavily when you made him lunch or made him rest. He feels like he has a wife all over again.
He lays on your lap all the time, to the point where he doesn’t sleep in his bed anymore. If he can’t lay on your thighs or tummy he can’t sleep good. He’s childish enough to motor boat your stomach if you tell him you need to get up. Will make the cutest awkward squeaking noises when you pull him to your chest. “You seem uncomfortable do I make you nervous your majesty?” He will admit to no one that his face was hurting with how red it got after you said that.
He gifts you cute ducks made to look like your favorite characters all the time. Likes buying you duck underwear, pajamas, socks. (The man loves ducks ok) He’ll buy you things like a tooth brush and body washes even house shoes. It’s his little way of asking you with not really asking you to spend the night. “You don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with it! I just thought you’d enjoy a game night with some good company maybe some pancakes in the morning you know FRIEND stuff like that and I-“ you kiss his forehead “I’d love to sir” later in the night you hear him yelling “take that depression!” But you don’t mention it.
And of course you indulge in your king. You both are mainly baking together, watching comedy movies, or he flys you around hell taking you to diffrent rings taking you to the real lulu world . You try to get away from all the ducks telling him they can listen but won’t answer and it’s not healthy to imagine them answering. He pouts but listens regardless. His relationship with Charlie has even gotten better with your advice. (She loves you by the way)
You get Lucifer to open up more, and in return he gets more bold. Gripping your hips, kissing you all over. He try’s to smack your ass a few times but ends up leaving a mark because he doesn’t know his own strength. “I’m so sorry! It’s been so long!” But you tell him not to worry because you liked being marked by him. And he becomes a flustered shy mess all over again.
He has an obsession with squeezing you. When he hugs you, he squeezes your love handles. He squeezes your cheeks (face 😏) , your thighs it doesn’t matter as soon as he gets his hands on you he’s squeezing. You try to tell him you’re not one of his ducks and he gives you that shit eating smirk.
And if Lucifer took off his wedding ring, well nobody dare mention it.
His nicknames for you are: Duckie, sweetie, apple pie
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hope-di-angelo · 1 year
Friendly Reminder
"And the next thing we know the High King is on our doorstep looking ready to tear down the whole apartment complex to find you!!"
(Pardon me for inaccuracies)
So like, what. I wanna know exactly what happened. Honestly when I read I squealed and then the first coherent thought was "Wait. What did he wear?" And then "What did he do? Did he go alone? Did anyone from the Court of Shadows go along? What EXACTLY did Cardan say?"
Like, imagine Vivi just sipping coffee and Oak out playing with the kids while Taryn just does whatever idec, and the suddenly they hear a knock (idt Cardan knows the doorbells that well) and then Vivi opens the door and BOOM. Cardan. In his full glory. Like, did he try to look the best he could to go down to his wife's family home and win her back? Imagine his finest and most ridiculous clothing, lined with gold embroidery and what not, with his makeup impeccable. Or was he in too much of a hurry? To just, get her back. Because where fuck is she? And why did MADOC, of all people, come to get her? Was she so mad that she switched sides? Or did he realize the truth that Madoc didn't know it was Jude? Or did Cardan not dare to believe that to be true because it'd break his heart if it wasn't?
At this point I'm just rambling. I'm sorry.
But then, like, also imagine Taryn comes up behind Vivi asking who it is and just for a slight second Cardan gets super hopeful thinking it's Jude but then there he sees Taryn and he's just like, bitch, this is enough. And THAT MOMENT, my friends, was in which he lost it and then proceeded to give Vivi the impression that he was gonna tear down the apparent complex looking for his High Queen.
I'm sorry. I really will stop.
What if he wore some sort of mortal clothes. Like, imagine Cardan in sweats and a hoodie. Or, like, a 3 piece suit. But for some reason I just can't accept that he'd ever wear a Tshirt with Jeans. Idk why.
Ok bye-
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gor3-hound · 4 months
Nyxy Baby Haiii!!! I love your bg3 theme sm!! It’s super pretty I love it sm, especially the astarion pfp :33
Also saw that anon talking about the person giving the fart asks and I wanna chip in this as someone who’s been dragged into this by the fart anon.
Anon your opinion on this situation is wrong. The fart anon is doing it to purely harass us, myself included. I’ve had to delete too many of their disgusting ass asks despite not even being a writer. This anon is doing it for the point of harassment and it’s annoying alongside the fact it’s just fucking weird since fartplay isn’t something any of us like😭 that anon is an obsessive freak who needs to get a life since they spend too much of their time doing this.
Maybe that anon is into that stuff or whatever but to go harassing multiple people about it multiple times a day/week relentlessly is rude when it’s in our no section. Also comparing it to people who write incest is such a stupid thing to say since people who write incest fics do not go round into others inboxes requesting this stuff especially when they know it’s something someone isn’t comfortable with. Your take is bad and you lack basic comprehension skills :3
Sorry this is so long and I’ve put it on your inbox nyx but I’m just fed up of the situation and the fact that anon is trying to not make it seem so bad is pissing me the fuck off😭 anyways ily nyx <33
omg hiiii!!!! tysm i love astarion sm <3 he's the cutest ever i'm in act three now and... i'm obsessed with him we're dating i'm gonna kick you-know-who's ass as soon as i get the chance :3
also last thing i'm gonna say about the anon thing like... ever bcs i don't wanna clog the dash n idk why i'm getting so many random asks today BUT!
literally my problem isn't the kink. it's the spamming and disregard for people's blog limits. when it's getting sent to almost every. single. blog i follow, it's too much. i have them blocked n it still manages to slip through, but i don't complain. tbh it doesn't even really annoy me that much, only ever bothered me when i was tagged in others blogs, but everyone seems to realise that its a fake ask anyway so idec anymore. idek why that random anon sent the para to me today, bcs i haven't replied to an anon like that in forever, but we move.
i'm mean ig what can you do.
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thepunkmuppet · 11 months
things i want from ncuti gatwa’s era of doctor who because thinking about it is keeping me up at night
ruby sunday is from earth, but a different time period, preferably the 1960s because having her be from the time of the show’s creation next to a modern black doctor would just be awesome
rose noble becomes a companion!! please!!!! poc trans woman companion who was raised by donna noble what more could you need in your life!!!!
companions from different eras and planets, i cannot stress this enough. why the fuck does the doctor always go to britain in whatever year the show is airing, it’s excusable for a while because of the great characters but at this point it’s just weird and leads to companions like ryan and graham seeming boring when compared to those like jack harkness, nardole and river song. i want an ancient greek companion, or a companion from the year 55232749, or one of those cat people or something, anything! just make it exciting!
i just want it to feel like rtd doctor who. can’t describe it but you know what i mean, i’m not a 13 era hater but it’s just not the same show!
show me clara and ashildr. show me river song. show me captain john hart. show me jenny. show me martha jones. show me madam vastra. as long as it’s fun and it serves the story, all the characters who were teased to come back or we haven’t seen in a while, let them come back!!!
scrap the timeless child thing idec just retcon it, absolutely not
give the doctor a canonical male love interest!!! doctorjackrose and thasmin walked so mlm ncuti gatwa doctor could SPRINT are you picking up what i’m putting down
please add yours in comments and reblogs i really want to know what other people want to see!!
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hamartia-grander · 5 months
At that point where pronouns don't feel real to me. hearing ppl call me 'they' feels just as weird as anything else like idec. use whatever pronouns on me it all feels weird
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b1adie · 2 months
thank u for being the realest hsr blogger ever . my unmeta inspiration. fellow ruan mei unhaver.
🫡 i was watching people discuss earlier how ruan mei is basically the best 5 star support for blade rn and growling. no she is not. idec. like its just out of spite at this point that i’m not getting her whatever ill take the dps loss..
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elidoesntbreathwee · 2 years
It all started in a bathroom stall. Steve and Robin had been drugged by Russians, and were high off their minds, a little less now though.
"But Tammy Thompson's a girl..."
"Oh... Holy shit."
Robin, his best friend, his crush at one point, like girls. He knew that if he had been who he was in high school, he would have walked away from her forever, and thank fuck that he isn't. It finally, REALLY clicked for him; girls can like girls, and boys can like boys, and it isnt weird, or of the devil, or whatever people are saying.
Now he understood one of his kids more, and thats always a plus. Will probably would have never said anything explicitly to Steve. Will liked Steve, he thought he was cool, but Will could barely work up the guts to tell Dustin, Lucas and Mike (though Mike sort of always knew) But Steve also kind of knew, so he didn't make Will come out or anything, just pulled him aside and told him that he could be who he was, and that Steve wouldn't judge.
Then Steve thought. He thought back on high school, about the weird feeling he had about Tommy H. Steve thought he just loved him as a friend would. He was wrong about that feeling. He realized he didn't have the "close friends" feeling about Tommy H. after being taken to the police station after getting into one heck of a fight with Johnathan Byers. Yeah, so those close friend feelings weren't close friend feelings. "King Steve" had once had a *crush* on Tommy H. of all people.
This didnt make any sense to Steve.
"But i like girls, i always have. How could i have like Tommy H. in that way, and still like girls" he thought
He didn't know what to do, so he asked the closes one to him, his Platonic (with a capital P) other half, his best friend, who also happened to be a lot more knowledgeable about this topic. He asked Robin.
"Hey Rob, what if someone, let's call them, Mark. What if Mark had always like girls, but one day he realized he liked a guy. What would Mark do?"
"Well, I don't know "Mark", but i assume that he would panic a bit, then go to his best friend and tell her about it, and then she would say ' Well, Mark, you can be bisexual. That means you like girls AND boys' and then she would hug Mark"
Robin hugged Steve.
"Its ok", she started, "that you're still figuring out who you are, Steve. And im always here if 'Mark' has anymore questions"
They laughed and went back to whatever they were doing on that particular night.
Then the world needed saving again, and one Eddie Munson was a suspect for murder. Dustin knew Eddie, and knew that he would never do that, so Steve had to help Dustin (and Eddie) by 1) getting rid of Vecna (a.n. getting rid of the B, iykyk) and 2) clear Eddie's name
It did not go according to plan, of course. First Steve comes closer to death than he would like, (which is nowhere near it) then Death looks Eddie in the eyes, but Eddie, being himself, looked Death straight back and told him, 'No, fuck off'. At least they finished Vecna. (as far as they know)
But the biggest thing that didn't go according to plan was Steve's new big fat crush on Eddie-fucking-Munson. Of course, because Steve needs more drama in his life, so why doesn't Life through a crush on a drama queen like Eddie (a.n. get it, cuz he's a theater kid. idec if its cannon, its just flat out true) into his life.
The worst part of it is that now Stee knows what he's feeling and has to worry about if Eddie's straight or not, and knowing his luck, Eddie was about 99.99% likely to be straight. But Steve held on to that 00.01% chance that *maybe* Eddie liked guys. But Steve? Why would someone like Eddie Munson, goofball, metalhead, and 'dragon game narrator thing', like boring old, ex-king, Steve Harrington.
But Eddie keeps looking at him in a way, a way that makes Steve feel like he might have a decent chance with Eddie. He keeps pressing up to Steve. To be fair though, Eddie does that with everyone, y'know, getting up in their faces, leaning on people. But with other people, it's only for a few seconds, with Steve, though, he lingers, like he wants to be near Steve all the time. Steve wouldn't mind that though, not at all.
Guess who Steve tells first. If you guessed Eddie, then you're wrong. If you guessed Robin, then you win! He didn't really want advice, he just wanted to tell someone; to get it off his chest.
Robin listened, as a good friend does, and they moved on from it, Steve not wanting to linger on the subject.
Then, one evening, the whole gang had come over to Steve's for a movie night. They were 2 movies in, when Eddie left to go smoke outside. Robin encouraged Steve to go with him, even though Robin didn't like that Steve still occasionally smoked, she could let it rest for a bit in the name of love.
Outside, Eddie was leaning against the railing of the back porch. Steve walked up to the railing as well, silently.
"Nice sky. Pretty stars" Eddie said, in between puffs, breaking the silence
"Yeah, it is. You happen to have an extra?"
Eddie handed Steve a spare cigarette and handed him his lighter as well. The two smoked in silence for about 10 minutes.
"Didn't know you smoked, Steve"
"Yeah, i guess. I don't really know. I've been thinking, y'know. Before a few months ago, the only way i knew you was by how you were in high school. Dustin had told me you changed, and i guess i believed him, but I never knew how much you'd changed. I've said it before and i'll say it again, you're a good guy, Steve. Hell, you're a great guy, and i guess I'm still jealous of-"
"Of what?" Steve interpreted him. "Of my stupid hair? Of how i can't win a fight? Of my stupid fucking polo shirts? What's there to be jealous of?" Steve said the last sentence quietly, looking down at the ground below the porch.
"Hm?" Steve said without looking up. He had already gotten through his whole cigarette and Eddie was just about done with his when he said:
"You know how much Dustin talks about you? The kid sees all the good in you, which, to be fair, is most of you. You're funny, and smart, and you may not win fights, but you sure as hell give it your all." Steve looked up at him, eyes tearing up.
Steve bit his lip to try and keep himself from crying, but it was no use, the tears had already started streaming down his face. Eddie ashed his cigarette and hugged Steve, giving him a shoulder to cry on. They swayed ever so slightly, which was comforting to Steve, even though he felt bad about crying in front of someone, much less in front of Eddie.
Steve cried for a few minutes, and when he had gotten most of his tears out, Eddie leaned back and wiped the tears off of Steve's face, cradling his cheek. Steve rested his forehead on Eddie's and before he knew it, Steve was kissing Eddie Munson.
When the two walked back into Steve's house, instead of going back to their original seats (Eddie next to Dustin on one couch and Steve next to Robin on the other) Steve and Eddie squeezed next to Robin (who was next to Nancy YIPPEE) and cuddled. Robin scooted closer to Nancy to give the two more room on the couch (and to be closer to Nancy) and Mike sat where Eddie had been sitting, and Will scooting closer to the couch Mike was on, but still sitting on the floor. Lucas, El and Max were already halfway asleep, so they didn't really realize anyone had moved, and Erica couldn't have cared less, because she had her ice cream and that was all that mattered.
And the rest if up to you and your imagination cuz i dont wanna keep writing :D Hope u liked :)
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