#but idk if im cut out for that sort of thing && I left it too long oof
itsbeeble · 5 months
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SUMMARY: It wasn’t like you and Kevin hated each other. In fact, you quite admired him despite his somewhat indifferent attitude toward you. Well, now that you’re paired up for the last dance of the year, you guess it’s the perfect time to find out why.
GENRE: smut, very little fluff, a lot of angst
PAIRING: Kevin Moon x afab!reader
WC: 4.3k
PERM TAGLIST: @juyeonszn @winterchimez @flwoie
WARNINGS: insults (nonsexual), mentions of injuries, mentions of what is basically sabotage, kevin is actually really kind of a bad person to y/n yall im sorry, kevin is still stupid (keeping with the trends), kevin is emotionally constipated but so is y/n but she's less emotionally constipated, pining, enemies to lovers, making out, marking, hair pulling, scratching, dry humping, poor attempts at humor, guys i'm actually warning you kevin is a total asshole in this
A/N: Idk why i went the angsty route for this but i'm very very excited to be releasing the final installment of this series. this was supposed to be released on christmas but me and fawn did not give ourselves NEARLY enough time to actually prepare this so we had to push it off. Much love, kiss kiss. Anyway thank you to everyone for reading this collab. This is part 1 of the final installment, so please be on the lookout for part 2 on fawn's page!!
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You couldn’t have been more excited to be partnered with Kevin Moon for the end-of-year exhibition. He was kind, he was incredibly talented, he was funny, he—
“You have to be fucking joking.”
— hated your goddamn guts.
You weren’t even sure why. One day the two of you had been just a couple of freshmen, excited to become the best versions of yourselves, and the next…it was like Kevin suddenly decided that he just hated everything about you. He did everything from mocking your solo performances to outright screaming at you for the tiniest of mistakes that not even your professors had picked up on. Your foot was a centimeter too far to the left, your back was arched too much, or your arm looked flimsy. Anything that he could possibly berate you for, he found it. 
“Language, Moon.” Your professor scolded, hovering beside you and gauging both of your reactions. Your thumbnail is wedged between your teeth, and your free hand is wrapped around your waist. Kevin is fuming across from you, staring at the paper with such intensity you fear that it would catch fire. 
“Professor, you can’t possibly expect me to work with her!” Kevin flings his hand out in your direction, and you scoff. 
“You make it sound like this is my fault.” 
“Isn’t it?” He raises an eyebrow, lips curling up into a nasty sneer. “Most things usually are.”
“Oh really?” You drop your hands to your side, taking a small step toward him. 
“Like what?” 
You’re inches away from each other now, a palpable tension between the two of you that had your professor shuffling back uncomfortably. A few lingering students glanced at the two of you, whispering amongst each other. 
Do you think they really hate each other?
I think that they’re doing this just for show, just like Sangyeon and his girlfriend.
Maybe they really do hate each other…or, at least, one of them does.
“Like the class performance of Princess and the Pauper last year.” Kevin grins smugly, as if he’d won some sort of competition between the two of you. There’s a flash of anger and hurt in your eyes.
“Let’s not remember that you were the one who dropped me, Kevin.” The smugness dissipates and now your “opponent” is standing uncomfortably before you. 
“I— I know that, but—” You cut him off abruptly, and there are a few tears brimming in your eyes. 
“You know damn fucking well that the performance would’ve been fine had you not intentionally let me fall. It’s your fault that happened, not mine.”
“Y/N,” your professor warns. “Let’s calm down, shall we?” 
Her hand on your shoulder steels you, and your body relaxes. 
“The two of you,” she speaks slowly and calmly but there’s cold authority in her tone, “are going to work together on this performance, and you are going to work nicely. I will not be tolerating arguments this time. If you two cannot prove to me that you can work together as a team then I will fail you, and I will recommend you both be removed from the program. Am I understood?”
You bite on your tongue, eyeing Kevin and waiting for him to respond first. His words dug deep into you. It was easy for you to take the blame for mistakes you made, for starting on the wrong beat. But for him to blame you for his mistake? That was going too far. That was crossing a line that no dancer should ever cross (i know nothing about dancing). 
“Understood,” Kevin mutters after a moment, and you nod your head slowly. 
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“I think we should do Angel by Keshi.”
“And I think that’s the dumbest fucking idea I’ve ever heard.”
Your eyes widen when Kevin says that with his back flat on the ground of the practice room you’d rented. He’s got a stress ball in his hand, throwing it toward the ceiling and waiting for it to fall back down into his hand. For at least an hour, it had been, essentially, a one-sided discussion with you throwing out ideas and Kevin ignoring you as best he could until you threatened to tell the professor he wasn’t being cooperative. He’d proceeded to call you a “stupid snitch” before responding to each suggestion you threw out with something negative.
“If it’s so dumb then how about you give a suggestion for once?” You retort. “Instead of just sitting there moping like a child.” 
“Ooh, good one,” Kevin says mockingly, his eyes narrowing at you after. You know he can see you’re getting frustrated with him. You can see it in the smirk he sends your way as he sits up. “Stings real bad, Y/N.”
“Why are you such a prick?” You grab your crossed ankles, rocking back and forth on your butt. 
“Why are you such a teacher’s pet?”
“I’m…I’m literally not.” Your head tilts and Kevin shrugs.
“Sure you aren’t.” 
“Can you focus please?” Kevin rolls his eyes when you change the subject, leaning back onto the palms of his hands and spreading his legs out in front of him. 
“I’ve been focused, you’re the one who keeps getting distracted by me.” 
Your jaw falls slack. You kept getting distracted? The whole time the two of you had been in this room, he had done absolutely nothing to contribute. You, arguably, were the only one not distracted!
“What if we did—”
“Partition by Beyoncé.” Kevin interrupts you, and you quirk an eyebrow.
“I’m not doing that song with you.”
A smirk, and he leans forward. “Why? Afraid you’ll be seduced by your enemy?” 
It's too late for that. “Nope. I just don’t wanna be that close to you at all. You fucking smell.” 
For the first time ever, Kevin falls silent. His jaw hangs open and his eyebrows shoot to his hairline. Internally, you cheer at how you were likely the first person (as far as you know) to make him shut up for a few moments. 
“I do not smell!” He snaps, finally jolted from his stupor when you clear your throat. 
“You kinda do, Kev,” you pick at something on the ground. “Sorry to be the one that broke it to you.”
“Don’t call me Kev.” 
You look at him, and his nose is wrinkled with disgust. He doesn’t look angry, per se, but he isn’t exactly the most pleased you’ve seen him. 
Kevin goes quiet again, and now both of you are picking at the floor. 
“So we’re doing Angel, right?” You ask, trying to clear the awkward air. Your partner kisses his teeth and shakes his head.
“I really think we should do Partition.”
“Why are you so set on doing such a sexual song?” Your cheeks are warm, but you try to ignore it as best you can. Kevin notices, that smug smile returning to his face.
“Why are you so uncomfortable with it? People love these types of performances.” He has a point, but you’ll die before you let him know it. “They love tension between dancers. Gives them a thrill.”
“It’ll be thrilling when they see my fist in your face,” you mumble so he can’t hear you.
“What?” His eyebrows knit together and you smile coyly.
“What?” Your voice is pitched up to mock him, and a muscle feathers in his jaw. 
“We’re doing Partition.”
“Whatever you say, boss.” 
He kisses his teeth again, returning to leaning on the palms of his hands. You lay flat on your back, fingers splayed across your stomach. 
“You’re annoying. You know that, right?” You hear him shift on the ground, and then his face appears in your periphery  A dry laugh escapes you.
“That’s not what your mom said last night.” 
“Don’t— don’t talk about my mom.” You lift your head off the ground, a lazy grin plastered onto your face when you see Kevin’s lips twitching. “That— that wasn’t funny. Like, at all.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t, Kevin.” You agree, lowering your head back to the ground. 
“I’m serious, Y/N. You aren’t funny.” He stands up, gathering his belongings and keeping his back turned. Had you not seen him fighting a smile just a moment ago, you would have thought he was truly angry with you. Or, perhaps, he was angry with you, but the joke was enough to get him to crack a smile.
“I believe you,” you sat up again, following his lead and grabbing your own items. “Totally. Why wouldn’t I?” 
He turns to look at you again, his expression shockingly dull when he meets your eyes. The tension is back, and you shuffle awkwardly in your spot. In the silence of the practice room, you’re struck with the urge to ask him questions. Why he hates you, why he dropped you during the performance. It had been on your mind for so long, but not once have you had the strength to ask. Now, though, you have an unstoppable urge. 
You clear your throat, dipping your head down for a second and then lifting it to keep your eyes on him. 
“Why d—” 
You’ve barely gotten one word out before Kevin interrupts you again, taking long and heavy steps to the door. It’s as if he’d sensed your questions, your curiosity. His timing certainly made it seem that way.
“I’ll text you when we can start working on the choreography.”
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Kevin slams the door of the TBZ house so hard that the walls shake. 
“Why the fuck are you slamming my doors?” Sangyeon yells from his bedroom, his voice muffled by the distance between them. 
“Sorry!” Kevin yells back, but he’s not. He’s not sorry at all, not now at least. Why the fuck did he have to get paired with you? Of all the people in the class, why did the professor think it was a good idea to stick the two people who hate each other the most on a team?
“You’re lucky that Sangyeon’s too busy getting his dick sucked to care that you slammed the door.” Changmin peers at Kevin from the kitchen counter, hunched over with a frog-shaped cup in his hand. The older of the two wrinkles his nose in disgust, making his way to the counter and sinking into a barstool. 
“Didn’t need to know that detail, but thanks anyway.” 
“No problem,” Changmin grins sarcastically, lifting his cup as a sort of toast. “What’s got you so ticked off anyway?”
“Some stupid assignment my professor assigned me.”
“Oh, right. The dance one?” 
Kevin drops his head into his hands, rubbing at his eyes with the base of his palms. Then he raises his head, eyebrows knit together in confusion. 
“Wait, how did you know about the assignment?” 
“One of my friends is in that class,” Changmin sets his cup down and leans forward to fold his arms on the granite countertop. “He said he saw you being a dick to Y/N after you found out the two of you were partners for the exhibition.”
“Well, she deserved it,” Kevin grumbles, dropping his hands onto the counter. 
“She always deserves it, according to you.” Changmin kisses his teeth and purses his lips. “Why do you hate her, anyway? She’s a fantastic dancer, she’s super nice, she’s really pretty. She’s got your humor, too, so shouldn’t the two of you, like, get along?”
“Y/N L/N is the spawn of the devil himself, and I’ll die before I get along with her.”
“Okay, I get that, but why?”
Why. Why do you hate her so much? What could she possibly have done to make you drop her in the middle of one of the most important performances of your college career?
“She…” Kevin trails off, his face heating up with embarrassment. “She spilled coffee on me during freshman year.” 
For a few moments, Changmin says nothing and Kevin thinks that the younger man didn’t hear him. Then he speaks, and Kevin wishes he hadn’t said anything at all.
“You…broke a girl’s ankle…and almost ruined her chances at ever dancing again…” Changmin speaks slowly, trying to comprehend the sheer absurdity of what he’d just heard. “Because…because she spilled coffee on you?”
“It wasn’t just that!” Kevin tries to defend. “She got it all over my expensive shirt, the white one you got me for my birthday back in high school. The stain wouldn’t come out, even with bleach, so I had to toss it!”
“You’re the dumbest person I have ever met, Kevin Moon.” Changmin pushes himself up to stand straight, suddenly radiating anger and startling Kevin. “You don’t fucking drop someone and break their ankle because of a goddamn shirt that I bought you from fucking Target.”
“Wait— it was from Target?” Kevin’s jaw drops.
“Yes? Did you think that I bought a wicked expensive plain white button-down shirt?”
“Well, I mean…” Kevin scratches the back of his head, his cheeks heating with embarrassment. 
“You know what?” Changmin pinches the bridge of his nose, biting down on his tongue briefly. “That’s— that’s not the point of this conversation. The point is that you’re a horrible person. You’re a horrible person and if you don’t get your shit together and apologize to that poor girl, I’m gonna get Sangyeon involved.”
“Why— I’m not a horrible person!” Kevin snaps, and Changmin scoffs.
“I truly wonder what she sees in you.” 
For a brief moment, Kevin stops breathing. In that moment, a series of thoughts run through his mind, thoughts that he can’t even begin to process.
Horrible person.
I wonder what she sees in you.
Who is ‘she?’ Why does Changmin know what she thinks of him?
He couldn’t possibly mean you. You hate him, and he hates you. There was no possible way that you cared about him at all, especially after how cruel he’d been to you. 
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One week.
A whole damn week goes by before Kevin texts you to meet him at practice room 304. To be honest, you would have forgotten about the project had your professor not sent out an email the day prior requesting progress videos to be submitted by Monday morning.
“That leaves us, what, four days to draft at least half of the choreography?” You’re sipping at an iced latte, your back against the mirror as Kevin ties the laces of his sneakers. 
“Something like that.” 
He’s on edge. You can hear it in his voice. Something has him tense and you aren’t entirely sure what to do about it, especially since you aren’t the cause (for once). Part of you wants to ask him what’s wrong, but a much larger part of you is screaming to just leave it alone. For a while, you listen to that larger part. You begin working with Kevin to choreograph the song and while it was a bit awkward for you, you find it much easier to work with him than with previous partners you’d had. You ignore the way your skin burns every time he touches you— correcting your posture, helping you with a movement. You ignore how much you enjoy his hands on your body, however faint his touch is. 
You’d admit that Kevin was right about the tension. The air felt stuffy, the walls closing in on you. It was erotic, the choreography Kevin had created. It was fast, and most of the moves you’d gone through required you to have your body close to his. The audience, however, would love this, just like Kevin said. So, no, you weren’t against admitting when Kevin was right, and you would have told him that at the end of practice. 
Really, you would have!
But then Kevin starts pissing you off. 
Small, quiet comments about how ridiculous you look. Insulting how you do a specific move. Nitpicking every step, every breath, every water break. Sweat is dripping down your neck by the time Kevin officially lets you stop for a while. You can see how tired he is, can see his shoulders slumping and his legs wobbling every time he steps. 
“I think we should call it a day.” You call over to him, and he scoffs.
“Of course you would say that.”
Your eyebrows furrow, and you set your water bottle down. 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Kevin spins to face you as you say this, his jaw ticking and his hands clenched into fists. 
“You know exactly what it means, Y/N.” He sneers, standing tall when you take long strides over to him.
“No, actually,” you fold your arms over your chest, “I don’t know what it means.” 
“Then I’ll tell you.” His face is now inches from yours, and you back up a bit. Just enough for your face to not be so close to his. “I think you’re losing your touch. I think that you’re sloppy, that you’re arrogant, you can’t admit when you’re wrong.”
Kevin goes on listing these qualities, these faults, and all the while you can only scoff knowing that those are exactly the same things you would use to describe him. 
“I think that—” he continues, but then you’re interrupting him.
“Shut the fuck up, dude.” You can’t stop your eyes from rolling, but it’s not as if you’d planned to hold back anyway. “You think you’re any better than me?”
“Yes, I do.” Kevin tilts his head with a mocking smile. “I think I’m a thousand times better than you.”
“You aren’t,” you tell him, and he bites his tongue when you pretend to pout. “Sorry to burst your egotistical, self-absorbed bubble, but you aren’t better than me. You aren’t a better dancer, a better student, or a better person.” 
Kevin’s gaze hardens, and you don’t notice the step he takes toward you. Or, maybe, you do and choose to ignore it. Maybe it’s exactly what you wanted. 
“You’re full of shit.” He breathes out, and you can feel a few strands of his hair brush against your forehead. The corner of your lips lifts into a lopsided smirk.
“And so aren’t you. We aren’t so different now, are we Moon?” 
A few silent moments. Bated breaths of air. The tension between the two of you is something unlike anything you’d felt before. You take a deep breath, ready to step away from him, and then his lips are crushed against yours in a furious kiss. There’s no love or care for one another behind it, just a fatal mixture of hate and lust for one another. A build-up of tension that could only be dispelled by the two of you.
Kevin’s hands are all over your body— squeezing at your hips, running up and down your waist, brushing over the curve of your ass. Your own hands tear at his clothes, stretching the fabric beyond repair, and your nails sink into his skin, breaking it and making him hiss in pain. Your lips mesh together, your teeth clacking together and your tongues pushing together in more of a fight than a dance of dominance. 
You allow yourself to be backed into the mirror, too caught up in how good his lips feel against yours, and you almost forget how much you supposedly hate him. When his lips fall to your neck and your hands scrape their way up his back, you want to let yourself forget about all the horrible things he’s said to you. His teeth sink into the skin of your neck, listening to the way you groan at the sting, and then his tongue is laving over the spot, his lips sucking at the skin at the same time. He does that over and over again, practically covering every inch of your throat with these marks until it looks like a wild animal got to you.
“I hate you,” Kevin lifts his face from your neck, grabbing your face in one hand and squeezing your cheeks together. His eyes are dark with so many emotions that it has your stomach churning. “I hate you so fucking much.”
You try to respond, but he just squeezes your face tighter and grins maliciously at your desperate whine. He kisses you again, uncaring of the fact that your lips are smushed together and your can’t exactly kiss him back. In fact, it’s almost like that’s exactly what he wants. He wants you to struggle against him, wants you desperate and whining. 
“Isn’t this nice?” He teases, his mouth a hairsbreadth from your own. “Finally quiet for me. You’re so much prettier when you aren’t talking back to me. If I let you go, are you gonna stay quiet?” 
He releases you, and you surge forward to connect your lips in another kiss. Your arms are around his neck and his slide down to your legs, haul you up, and press you against the mirror. You wrap your legs around him, clinging tightly and forcing him impossibly closer to you. Something shifts in the way you move against each other, no longer just your lips and hands, but now your hips are grinding together and you’re moaning, and Kevin is breathless against you, throwing his head back and groaning into the open air. You use this as an opportunity to return the favor, marking his neck up in the same way he’d marked yours (if not a bit harsher). 
“Fuck,” Kevin hisses, hands squeezing so hard at your thighs you know they’ll be bruised in the morning. “Always gotta be so harsh, don’t you?”
“You just did the same thing to me,” you snap back, your body shuddering as he continues to rut against you. Your voice is shaking, containing not nearly the amount of malice you’d hoped it would. You sound desperate, you sound like you want him. Which, of course, you do. But you would prefer it if Kevin didn’t know that.
Too late.
His eyes are gleaming as if in a trance and his hands slide to your ass to drag your hips harder against yours. The pleasure continues to build, your eyes rolling back, and your head falling against the mirror. 
“Thought you hated me,” Kevin coos and laughs when you moan out his name. “Poor baby, so desperate for me you can’t even speak.”
“H-Hate you,” you whine. “Hate you s-so much.”
“I’m sure you do, baby.” He hums, watching as your body begins to convulse. He can feel himself getting closer as well, his dick twitching in his sweatpants. “Go ahead, cum all over the man you hate.”
And you do. Your body shudders, back arching off the mirror as you moan and sob against him. Your hips continue to rut into his, and eventually, he drops his head into your chest, laving with his tongue at the skin exposed by your t-shirt. Your hands are in his hair, holding tightly to the strands.
After a moment, you tap at Kevin’s head to get his attention.
And boy, do you get it. 
As if he was hit with a wave of post-nut clarity, he practically drops you to the ground with a crazed look of horror in his eyes. You frown at him, stumbling back to your feet with legs made of jelly.
“You okay?” 
He backs away from you, nearly tripping over his feet. You follow him, but he’s too fast.
“Don’t— don’t fucking come near me.” He snarls, and you flinch. It’s not fear. It’s hurt. You’re not sure why the statement hurt you, but it did and the feeling stabbed into your heart like a golden dagger. “Stay the fuck away from me. This— this was a mistake. You were a mistake.”
It’s become a sort of habit for him, you think, watching as he slams the door to the practice room. You still aren’t quite sure why it hurts, why your throat feels like it’s closing up and your stomach churns with displeasure. You turn to face the mirror, tracing a hand up your neck to touch the marks on your neck and there’s a sad smile plastered on your face.
It can’t be helped when he’s hated you for so long. 
There’s a crack in your heart, and you wonder if it’ll be fixed just like the crack in your bone from the last time he hurt you.
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Kevin slams the door of his car so harshly he almost fears he broke it. The engine rumbles to life, and tires screech against the ground as he speeds out of the parking lot and gets far, far away from you. 
His hands are shaking, so unsteady that he’s almost afraid he’ll get into an accident. His heart is pounding. Adrenaline, maybe. Fear is more likely. Fear of what he’d just done, what he could have done. It terrifies him, the rush of emotions he’d felt when you looked at him. 
It didn’t make sense to him. You were supposed to hate him, to want him dead. Why did you look at him like that? Like he hung the stars in the sky and painted the moon just for you. Why. Why. You ruined everything. 
A choked sob forces its way up his throat, and he covers his mouth with the back of his hand. 
He doesn’t understand it. Why is he feeling so many emotions from this? He shouldn’t. He shouldn’t be feeling this…this…
Kevin doesn’t even understand the emotion he’s feeling, so he decides he won’t bother. 
He’ll ignore you, avoiding you as best he possibly could. You’ll practice alone, that way he won’t have to speak with you. 
Avoid, ignore, hate. Avoid, ignore, hate. 
That was the perfect solution.
Avoid you and the inevitable questions you’ll have.
Ignore you and the looks you’ll send him. The confusion, the anger.
Hate you. Hate the way you make him feel, the way you make him want you.
Hate you.
Hate you 
Love you.
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© itsbeeble. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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ghostlygeto · 1 year
pairing: sakusa kiyoomi x fem!reader
warnings: not nsfw, but mentions toys so mdni!!, fluff, atsumu is there and a dumbass, atsumu specifically calls reader "girl", more selfship content because im insane :D, bad ending bc idk, i only cared about the middle bits. i never ever proof read btw
wc: 1k again somehow?? im crazy
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the way you met sakusa kiyoomi was incredibly, and i mean incredibly, embarrassing. you would be out of town for four days, so you had to ask your incredibly attractive neighbor to take your package for you. he agreed, of course. and then the two of you moved on.
but when he gave you the package back, his ears tinted pink (you could only assume his cheeks were, too, but the black mask unfortunately covered them so you couldn’t tell), you felt mortified.
“sorry, my dumbass friend opened it when i left him in the same room as it,” sakusa’s words drilled into your brain, you felt your stomach fill with embarrassment. 
sakusa remembered the exact moment it happened. atsumu kept insisting that it “wouldn’t be a big deal, you’ll never know the difference”. he’ll be extra careful in cutting through the tape, and make sure that he rewraps whatever is inside the little box just the way it came. sakusa warned atsumu not to, that it was impolite to snoop in other people’s things. atsumu swore it’d be fine. you’d have no idea he was even in there. sakusa threatened him some more, but made the mistake of leaving atsumu alone in the room with the package.
until he opened the box and saw the cute little sex toy, causing him to laugh out loud. “omiomi, yer neighbors a li’l perv! look at this!” he held it up, giggling some more at the clear glittery silicone in his hand. “can’t believe she’d buy somethin’ like this, why don’t she jus’ ask ya for the real deal? or if yer not interested maybe i could help ‘er out.”
sakusa walked back in the room horrified, seeing his best (soon to be dead) friend holding the contents of your package in his hand. “put that away, miya. you know you’re the perv here, going through someone else’s things like that. and we’ve barely spoken past our conversation when she asked me to pick up the package for her. i highly doubt she wants or needs any help with that. especially not from someone like you.”
“mean,” atsumu rolled his eyes, rewrapping the toy in it’s cloth packaging and bubble wrap. “nev’r hurt t’ask ‘er. maybe she’ll be thankful. do it, when you give it t’er! i’ll give ya money if ya do it.”
“i don’t want or need your money,” sakusa snatched the box out of atsumu’s hand, sighing as he realized now he’d have to explain to his pretty neighbor why her package was opened. and try to pretend that he didn’t know what was inside of it.
— – - – —
“uh, enjoy.” he wanted to kick himself in the stomach as he shoved the box into your arms, leaving you standing in your doorway somehow more embarrassed than you were to begin with.
why, why, why would he say something like that. you wanted to curl inside a hole and die, never to return. you had been kind of excited for the toy prior to now. but now even thinking about using it made you feel kind of sick to your stomach.
“thanks,” you replied while his back was turned, wishing you could retreat into yourself and never be seen by anyone outside your apartment ever again. you opened up the box when you were behind closed doors, seeing the poorly rewrapped bubble wrap before sighing loudly. you needed to do something as an apology. but would that make things more awkward? to bring him over some sort of baked good as an apology?
— – - – —
the knock on his door made his heart sink a little. sakusa hated unannounced company, and the only person who ever showed up unannounced (atsumu) was already sat comfortable in the living room of sakusa’s apartment.
you pretend to not notice the combined looked of shock and embarrassment when sakusa opened the door. you held up the tray of sweets, a combination of cookies and brownies. you weren’t sure what he liked best, so you settled with the most common desserts that almost everyone enjoyed: chocolate chip cookies and brownies. “these are for you, sakusa. as a thank you and apology for my package.”
sakusa stared down at the tray in your hands, trying to decide if he was going to accept it or not. he didn’t feel like he needed an apology (though the thank you was nice, as it’s the normal thing to). but the sound of sakusa’s grandma rang in his head, telling him that rejecting gifts was rude. he grabbed the tray from your hands, getting ready to bow and say his thanks when probably his worst nightmare came true.
“oh m’god, ‘re ya dildo girl?” atsumu asked, a large smile covering his face, “y’know i really hope ya didn’t mind my lookin’ in the box, omi told me not t’, but the curiosity was killin’ me.” he walked closer to the door, staring down at your blushing face. “not sure if he relayed my message, but if ya ever get tired of the dil-”
“enough, miya,” sakusa hissed, shoving his friend further back into the apartment. “i really am very sorry, y/n. about him, and the package thing.” he had to pretend he couldn’t feel the heat in his cheeks, hoping you’d do the same. “we can just pretend that never happened, if you want.”
you nodded your head, though you couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. the tall, pro-volleyball player sakusa kiyoomi towered over you, blush spread across his cheeks as he apologizes for his best friend, pro-volleyball player miya atsumu. if the circumstances were different, you’d be living your best life. “we can pretend none of this happened, if you prefer. we’ll have a formal meeting another time.”
without further goodbye, you walked away from sakusa’s front door and toward your own. if these few interactions with your neighbor were any indication for how the rest of your time living there would be, you knew that there wouldn’t be many dull moments.
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reblogs, comments, nd likes appreciated (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
What's up?
General collective pick a group tarot reading.
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Group one
So you guys are being excluded or not participating as much socially. Trust it's for good reason. The universe has or is going to give you a gift of some sort. You are also in a pretty good energy as of now. In terms of any mystery or something you don't know or can't see I see you taking proper actions at this time, wether that be moving slow and cautiously or whatever it may be depending on you and what's going on ok. Practice gratitude at this time or you are. Understand that you're future is very bright actually. I heard someone say "you just don't know." So this is someone's guide Im guessing or a spirit speaking on behalf of some of your guides. Either way so it seems that you guys don't understand yet how good you've got it. But seems like you're enjoying the journey and keeping your head up or you got to. Have fun if you feel called. Maybe go sit in the grass outside look at some flowers or something. Go pet someone's dog that's on a walk maybe. Whatever floats your boat. You got a destiny you're going to.
Group two
Seems like a transformation is taking place. Most of you an ending already happened or it is happening. Whatever was left behind, mainly something social it seems , or something about you and how you are presented to others. It could be anything though technically.. believe me what's coming in is superior. It's deeper and more enjoyable. Something about......... That kind of humor so idk ... You guys have developed quite a lot as souls and it's time you get something that matches up with that anyhow. And yah for somee of you it could be a loverr. Yay . Whatever it is it's better than whatever ended or died out what have you. Maybe you ended relationships or just cut chords. Idk basically, death and rebirth and a great majority of you are at least half way through it so get readyy!! If ya aren't already ..
Group three
Something about a bird maybe. Somebody could want a family and or somebody could desire to post things on social media that are basically to flex if it be of them on vacation, them with family, their dinner. Whatever, right.something about bacon and or pork. Maybe about blts. Like, sandwiches.someone from above is watching over you. Be proud of who you are. Something about say(ing) your name. Something about fairness when dealing with other people make sure everything is fair and everyone is content as possible equally. If something dramatic happens it's a test of somebody maybe your own character and how you might go about handling it so keep that in mind.
Group four
Somebody is having dreams they could be nightmares or very confusing or something like that. Most likely some type of distressing . Maybe causing insomnia. I heard sleep apnea. I looked it up apparently that's very shallow breathing while you're sleeping so maybe somebody need to understand nightmares or something could be the cause of that. Either someone needs more love in their life or you know who this is and you need to do something or some things to help them ok. This could just be making sure their waking environment feels more safe and comfortable and less stressful hopefully then they might stop having bad dreams right. Also not just on this but in general, watch out for trying to help people by trying to have them get into what you're into. Like look for this specific thing that I like to do and enjoy this the way I do and you have to feel better like I would. Just give them options and be cool about it, you know ? Offer them a leg up ,I heard. Hmm. This was a cool reading. I hope it helps. Also, if someone snores too much dude just get them something to clear their nose)sinuses it might help a lot.it might have a cool almost minty effect.
Group five
Hmm. Growing, learning, looking towards the future. Right? Well there's still something wrong or missing or something. I get that the past is over, but your emotions might not be so you may have to notice if there's something you have to deal with. Especially if this is trauma or just grief not processed /(all the way)try not to be too guarded or let yourself always find ways to be distracted. Also, it's ok to be angry. It's ok to be hurt. There's nothing wrong with that and there's nothing wrong with you. Look outside of yourself. You're only human. Also , for someone or some people it's something about a toaster... Make sure you guys are eating ok and drinking enough water. If you have a comfort food especially if it's toast or something... You might wanna go for eating that now.
Group six
So you're not getting along with someone or there's someone in your past being brought up right now to me. If something is going on in a relationship make sure you look at it without an ego . If you let someone go or are about to make sure you know that it's worth it and you won't regret that. Especially if this is just some type of miscommunication. I do understand needing to defend yourself especially so people won't look at you in a lower way or treat you worse than you deserve but you might want to be in a calm place and reflect on this deeply. It depends on the specific person what's going on and what to do about it so I'll just say it's up to you guys and just make sure you know what is the right decision and to pick that.
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shootingstarrfish · 28 days
Do you have any tips on how you do shading ?? Your art really inspires me and I literally suck at shading lmao.
hello anon!!! im honoured i can inspire you sdfhkjh it's crazy to me that i can inspire literally anyone :,DDD <33
tbh i do all my shading purely based on vibes/what makes me happy so im not sure im a good advice person but ill show you a breakdown of how i go about shading and hopefully that might help a bit? :o i've left it below the cut because i have too much to say and it ended up being really long LOL
of course if there's anything you want more details on i'm always happy to explain, just let me know!
okay SO ill use this asmo as my example, i think there's enough to talk about here that it should be helpful hopefully
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so here's my lineart and flats! i do all my flat colours in one layer because i find it easier to make everything look more cohesive when the pieces arent separated (i usually like it when the colours bleed into each other a lil), but i also just dont like the process of having to switch between layers for everything too LOL flats are unfortunately my least favourite part :,D probably because my lineart is so messy hahah
as you can see, the shading is very minimal here, just some subtle stuff in the wings/sheer parts of the fabric and some blushing on the skin, i also stole the orange under eye/liner thing from TBHK because <3
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and then i clean up any messy stuff by just painting over top of everything on a new layer, i also rendered the metal at this stage because i felt like it i guess???
i dont think i did a suuper good job at rendering the metal here (because i was lazy), it looks fine but something to note about metal is that usually you want to push the highlights and the shadows a lot more, as well as the reflections because it is so shiny and smooth this is why you'll see a lot of pink and blue in the metal, to show the reflections of his hair and the sky
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i would recommend using reference to get a better idea of how metal ACTUALLY works but again, i was lazy lol so that's a simple explanation based on what little i know/have observed
the jump here is a bit drastic and you might be like woah starr where'd all this come from?? but this is all in one layer-
('hard light' - 62% opacity)
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this is how that layer looks as a normal full opacity layer, for reference:
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lately i've been using hard light layers to shade! they're very versatile because unlike multiply layers i can do my shading and my highlights within one layer (do you sense a theme of me disliking having too many layers lmao)
SO this is where i have a bit more to say about shading you'll notice the prominent shading colour here is blue, this is because the main environment here (the sky) is blue. i dont know if that's how things work in the real world but it works for me LMAO i usually prefer to have my shading lean cooler purely for aesthetic reasons, i like how it looks more
you might also notice some areas where the blue is a bit brighter, this is to imitate reflected light, again because the environment is blue light tends to bounce around on things and reflect back even into the shadows so this is the effect im trying to get, i like to typically go with a brighter blue cause it gives things a sort of shinier? quality that i enjoy aesthetically, idk if its very accurate to real life tho it also helps me to give depth to the shading since shading isnt usually just one flat blob, and this is a bit of a shortcut to having more dynamic (?) looking shadows
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i also want to point out my use of bright reds on the edge of the shadows:
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i believe this is called diffraction- there's a real legit scientific reason why it happens but i... dont know what that is i just know it happens in real life (maybe not to this extent?) and it looks cool so i do it SFHJKSFH i usually blend it into the shadows though as opposed to into the lighter parts, i find that tends to look better
some miscellaneous things-
don't be afraid to throw random colours around!! who cares about realism, it's fun lmao
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this artwork is a spoiler for asmo's bday so shhhhh but i did want to quickly show that you can also use hard light layers to create a glowy effect, i literally just painted the pink/orange directly on the shadows layer and it helped to make his eyes more glowy
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of course i do go in and paint over a little after and add some layer effects but it helps to have that base there
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now that you've learnt that i dont know what i'm doing, i wanted to highlight a couple of resources that have helped me! i hope they help you as well <3
this video gives some really interesting insights into this artist's process and some problems they had throughout, as well as how they overcame them! it looks a lil clickbaity but i promise it's good!!
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this tweet also shifted how i think about rendering when i want to do something with dramatic lighting!
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+ an attempt i made to replicate this (i wanna try this again lmao it was fun)
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i hope that helps even a little bit, i did my best to explain but sorry if it was mostly nonsense though :,DDD best of luck with your art, anon!! <3333
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YES. yes!!!!
like the thing i keep running into is that it's kind of very easy to make the heartbreak about the regeneration(/transness). you could make 14&yaz a grieving the living sort of story. you could go sort of the rose "can you change back?" or 12 "you cant see me" route. but i think while that sentiment might be there somewhere for yaz it's way way down at the bottom of the list of things shes struggling with. like she has bigger things to be upset about right?
i think 14&yaz is not a grieving the living kind of story even though it might look like that on its face because i think thasmins last months (between sea devils and potd) were that story. i think theyve already done all the grieving. and i also think they were both so deadset on keeping the other alive, they cant help but be relieved too now because theyre both alive! safe! on earth! they got each other home!
they already did the grieving, together-apart, parallel but not talking about it. and now whats there is mostly i think relief, and for yaz all the anger she hasnt allowed herself to feel for like 5(, 6, 7?) years, and for the doctor a sort of involuntary detachment that comes with having regenerated. the doctor has a scar where yaz has an open wound. which i think in some ways helps because it makes 14 able to be there for yaz in the way 13 never could but it's also really painful right? if youre in yazs position
i wrote a little sex scene between them yesterday that im probably not gonna post i was just curious to see what would happen and !!!!!!! the amount of tension between two people who trust each other so absolutely. delicious. like the tension that used to be there between yaz and 13 in all the things left unsaid is completely deflated by yaz and 14 saying almost everything out loud. not always in the most direct way and definitely not in the most honest and fair good open communication kinda way, but they do say things now. so this like taut string between them is cut and completely gone and to balance it out (bc without tension no scene) this entirely new kind of tension appears. like it goes from this:
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to two of this:
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idk if im making sense. it was the most interesting scene ive ever written. not bc i wrote it well, just bc of the situation. also at one point the doctor was like i dont know what you want so Show Me and yaz was like Okay!!!! and that inversion too i thought was really interesting. i know i wrote it but like i dont make the decisions here i just write down what happens alright. yaz initiated because she was like I Just Need To Know. yaz is like i want to have had sex with you last year and we're time travellers so this works right?
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xnchxntmxnt · 1 year
If you're taking Nightbringer requests (well this might be more of a ramble than a request tbh):
With the way we can suggest certain things that might influence the OG timeline (like suggesting to Luci where to hide Goldie), do you think us being here is creating some sort of a time loop paradox? Like the Exchange program was highly influenced by MC's future-past self in OldTimey Devildom, but OldTImey Devildom wouldn't have existed without Exchange Program MC and it's all just a huge timeline mess (or, as Nightbringer put it, like mud).
Plus if that's the case, then us going back to our "regular" timeline probably erased the boys' memory of us.
Anyways I'm just imagining MC making it back to their normal spacetime and having to explain what happened to their demons (and maybe them unlocking their memories of OldTimey us, idk) and I'm curious what your thoughts are
i wasnt sure how to answer this in writing (like a oneshot or smth) but I CAN reply with my own thoughts i hope that's okay :D i put in a cut so its not so long
ok im not very far in but i can tell you this
personally, i'm not a huge fan of time travel tropes. its a lot to wrap my head around but i do think from a timeline standpoint its gonna change things and that can be fun to think about. i just gotta wrapp my head around it for a sec 😅
i think the boys would all have different reactions do it. considering/assuming they have memories of og obey me events and nightbringer, i think everything would make more and less sense at the same time.
mc is probably going to be incredibly confused (when aren't they tbh) and the boys are going to think everything happened. linear-ly.
from mc's perspective, they got to the devildom but were sent back in time later. according to the demons & co. (solomon, simeon, etc.), they met mc, then they left (?), and diavolo brought them back from the human world because of the exchange program without any memories of the demon world. however it's mc's actual first time in the devildom. maybe this erases the boys memories too.
i believe, knowing what we do about barbatos, that he's the one at fault for all the time travel stuff and he's the unknown person at the beginning of nightbringer. maybe im wrong. idk i think its the only reasonable explanation based on the characters we know so far.
there's a lot of ways this could go, but lets assume no one loses their memories when they come back to the "present", mc's memory is gonna be a lot different than the boys because they did things out of order. i think this is where i get to finally your question (I tend to ramble, can't you tell 😂)
i think lucifer takes it the best. he knows barbatos is powerful and figures this kind of magic isn't out of the question. he's glad to have you back, though to him it didn't seem like you were gone at all. he also apologizes for any way his past self might have treated you since it was directly after the celestial war.
mammon is a different story. he gives up on trying to understand time travel and when he makes the connection that was YOU, HIS mc, he gets all sorts of defensive. feels your face all over and makes sure you're still his mc and that you're still normal and that time travelling didn't change you any (if anything, it could have changed him, but you don't mention that. probably would freak him out more)
levi thinks about it like a video game. he understands, but pulls you aside later and begs for you to explain everything and anything that happened because now he believes he should pitch this to some animator friends he made online to see if it could be a new up and coming anime.
satan is pretty quiet. mostly, he's just happy that you're okay. he waits for all the chaos to settle and makes sure you're physically fine, then swears he'll hurt whoever sent you back in time and away from the rest of them. he also apologizes if he ever hurt you int he past that he may not remember distinctly. please reassure him its okay.
asmo is the first to pounce on you for a hug. immediately. you explain that you were gone for what felt like forever and he's SO happy to have you back!! insists that he gives you a makeover and you do a self care day for you to unwind after having to deal with their antics when they first got to the devildom.
beel low key wants to take you from asmo (and almost does) when you suggest you'll spend the whole next day with him and belphie. beel's idea of quality time is eating food & watching movies with people, so when you agree to do that, he agrees to not argue with asmo about who gets to make sure you're okay first. he's not really sure about this time travel business, but he knows he cares about you a lot and the thought that he (or him at the moment) wasn't there to protect you makes him feel a bit guilty.
belphie is more or less on the same lines as beel. he takes a bit more convincing to not pummel asmo (he's worried about you in his own way). however, he wants to spend the whole day learning about your adventures and trying to figure out how you remember everything versus how he does. his best way to think about it is like a weirdly-specific and realistic dream, but actually in reality. it's strange, but its the best way to wrap his head around everything.
i tried my best to answer your question!! i also started writing this WAY to late for my brain to be functioning properly so im sorry if this doesn't make sense :(( but thank you for sending smth in!! i love talking about these guys they're so fun. let me know if you have any other thoughts/want me to share any of my own!
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sinswithpleasure · 2 months
hai sins :hugg:
kariselle super duper hot, im actually jealous how u were able to set that up so well and casually, makes me think abt how I do my own worldbuilding like maybe in Minecraft terms turning down my render distance(?????) to just the characters and less to the environment
sisterly bonding also cool, named reader is something id love to try out. I haven't done threesome yet and I will be taking notes :DDDD in particular im interested in how you wrote in such a way that didn't take long, I didn't think abt it a lot before I started but after I did I've been avoiding threesome bc I felt they had to be long like 5k+ and have all the moving parts when you could just,,, do that which is awesome
tuesdays with you again named reader and this time fem, it's another thing I have an aversion to bc im not well into the intricacies of the female experience but reading eunbi I had to stop and think if it really really warranted that much special attention. the cut was also perfect tho that wasn't too hard to do in hindsight, just makes me wonder abt how I do my own cuts since im kinda insecure that I do them so often sakfjflshshdkf
this maybe wasn't the sort of feedback u were looking for lmao sorry but ily sins go to sleep :DDDD
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hi box!!
okay let's dissect this part by part.
Kariselle exists because I work with characters, yes. I think the world around the characters can only be built when you have a grasp of what you want these two, three, four people to do with each other. It's the wrestling philosophy—I'm the booker of the show, and it's a sex show. I want the audience to see these two people fuck. These two really complement each other in some shape or form (character trait, like, for example, in To-Do List, Minju's naughty, and OC's corruptible and a bit of a pushover). Now, I have the complentary traits, and I can start selling the reason why they fuck: Is Minju exploring? Is she a known pervert? Is OC just a horndog? What does Minju want out of this? What does OC want out of this? Why do they have to fuck? I think this is an effective way to start a draft—knowing your characters first, and making a world around them.
For Sisterly Bonding, a threesome does not have to be complicated. You can actually just start with the sex scene, and sprinkle details in later. Writing does not have to be a linear process—this is something I need to learn myself too. You can absolutely just cut the story short, and sprinkle details of it into the smut instead. However, remember that Sisterly Bonding is Chapter 1 of a series, and not a standalone, so I do have wiggle room to spread my worldbuilding out, which results in what is posted.
For Tuesdays With You—I'm not familiar with that experience at all either. I'm absolutely shooting from the hip, but I've also tried to really make it as realistic as I can imagine or know through research. I'm pretty sure there's a girl out there who's read my work and went "this is bullshit" and left, but I don't think I'll ever know, unless they use this AMA to really tell me "haha ur shit" or something idk. I think I'm doing okay though, based on the comments on AO3.
Your cuts are fine, from what I remember. Don't worry about it.
Sex in the Box,
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 4 months
i had a thought yesterday, and im opening it up to share with my blog because it really fascinated me as a concept.
do you think that after philip's death and luz realizing papa titan's magic being unspeakable, that she went through a depression during then too before the timeskip occurred?
like obviously due to time constraints they couldn't flesh out those emotions, but I think that she could've gone through some sort of depression after realizing and coming to terms with not being able to do magic as she once did.
genuinely, and I'd think she wouldn't see it being a bad thing as a whole or regretting having things turn out the way they did, but I feel like she would wish there would've been a different outcome where she could've still been able to use glyphs despite also feeling as if its selfish to want.
because after we see that little cut in watching and dreaming-- it's unclear (though i believe) if she's even able to perform magic.
i feel like it would've been an interesting character arc if we would've seen it. having to come to terms with that, as society within the demon realm rebuilds itself and being surrounded by witches who think of her so highly-- the same ones who believed she couldn't be a witch at the start, now calling her one of their own. yet at the same time, she feels as if she's inferior and not a witch anymore.
i think in a way her and eda would talk about it, maybe not at first but i think mentor to mentee she would ask eda about how she came to terms with losing her powers. and while not being the same, i think that it definitely could've been a potential arc.
EVEN STILL. eda probably calls lilith, and amity and her help king learn and discover his language before the timeskip (taking over the course of a few years) because they all want to get luz out of said funk and in any case want to find a solution.
i dont think its the same sort of depression as what we saw in the show, but more of a grieving of acceptance. "the realm is saved and everyone is fine, but at what cost to me?"
but it doesn't take away from her wanting something so terribly and feeling left out and like an outcast in a crowd of people that love her and accept her.
it scratches my brain idk. this is a random info dump from my head. this probably makes no sense but i hope thats not the case.
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sea-saur · 3 months
gender rant under the cut
ok here's the thing i've been on t for a little over a year now and i had top surgery back in september of '22 so like i'm cooking right im a little guy in an incubator and my voice has changed for sure and my bottom growth is growing and im getting more hair in places etc etc so like things are happening right. but i'm also 5'2" and have a big ole ass and while my voice has changed it isn't changed enough to pass and while yes i have more body hair plenty of cis girls have more body hair than me and like basically i'm getting on and off dysphoria for not passing. i don't even WANT to pass as a cis man, i just want to NOT be read immediately as a girl. you know? and frankly i'm happy with the body hair and bottom growth and it'd be nice if my fat redistribution kicked in a little more but i'm comfortable with my weight etc etc like....frankly i think it's mostly the voice. the voice and the face. like if my face looked more boyish and my voice sounded more boyish i think the rest of my body would coast cause i've seen enough chubby guys of various shapes to not really feel that self conscious about my body. it's the face and voice that sell it.
and the other thing is like....i have this thing where it's like 'i don't pass as a boy therefore i'm not one' when i don't put that requirement on any other queer person but for ME living it mentally? it's hard to put together the 'i walk around and am read as a girl, and i was raised as a girl, and hell i frankly WAS a girl up until my 20's like that's a part of who i am and im not ashamed of that, i love child me she is important to who i am as a person and frankly i'm grateful to be trans in that way, i think growing up a girl can make me a better guy" (and yeah there's a lot of privilege to be able to say i love being trans, i'm in a large city and work in an industry where queerness is accepted and often celebrated so like. i know. i'm really very very lucky and im extremely grateful for that) but mentally, it's hard for me to even see myself as a transmasc person when i don't SEE it physically, AND because my insides are still me. like i'm still me. and i didn't grow up as feeling like a boy in a girls body. i'm still some kind of nonbinary, still very queer in general, like being bi puts an interesting spin on this too since i have never been and don't associate my personal self with lesbian spaces, or gay men spaces, i sort of float in any queer generalities that people are into. but yeah, never really clicked with lesbian specific environments. i love lesbians but im just not one.
BUT i was raised a girl, so i feel COMFORTABLE around women, often times more than men. queer people in general of any gender are number 1, but ya know. the gist is coming off of a gig the last month that was very queer coded in the musical we were doing, and being surrounded by queer women making lesbian jokes, i felt...simultaneously left out (no one was leaving me out, to be clear, i mean within my own personal identity crisis lol) and also too included. i don't know. a lot of it is in my head, people are often good about my pronouns and frankly i don't KNOW how my usual colleagues see me as a person, if they have to work harder to reframe their interpretation of me away from "girl" and into "transmasc person" since i worked with a number of them before i started medically transitioning. thankfully i always read as a queer person haha. i have that going for me, which does feel very affirming.
idk. even my own apartment decor gives me dysphoria sometimes, which drives me crazy!! i like my apartment decor! I keep trying to do little things to "masc" it up, neutralize it a little, even tho i love all the things i've put in my home. i need new curtains.
there's nothing more to do about it right now i guess, besides try and take more active steps toward my legal name change, and potentially switching from t gel to injections, but that scares me because i'm afraid of doing it wrong and hurting myself. the gel is safer that way. and the dose is daily so i think it gives are more consistent level throughout the week. i also don't know exactly how much i want to pass as "just some guy" even tho this entire rant is literally about that. i think that my fear is that i look cis/straight, which frankly idk that i ever even would based on how i am as a person, so idk why i'm worried about it. basically, i want to stop feeling like i'm 'pretending' to be transmasc. cause sometimes it feels like it's all a lie and im actually just a girl who doesn't want to be a girl but is stuck as one. especially since i don't want to be a cis guy either. i also don't want to lose my ties to my past - i don't connect with womanhood, but i don't want to lose the "sisterhood" for lack of a better term? But also really want to be part of the queer "brotherhood" that i feel like i can't be based on where i am as a person? idk i feel a lot of the time that when im in my own home, im just a little goosey guy. the second i leave my apartment and im percieved, i'm a masculine woman to the world. and even tho masculine women are the fucking shit, im just not that!! and so. dysphoria.
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pixiecapsalt · 1 month
okay so. still trying to piece this all together before you know its done for me so Pausing the episode heres what im understanding
the santo berço is a town that exists in a place where the membrane is incredibly weak and the reason the people look different is because we know that bodies begin to shift and change when they stay too long in these areas so i believe the gray skin, point ears, and such is a side effect on these people who were once “ignaro” they transform the longer they stay. my thought process at least rn regarding their appearances
the reason the black eyes stood out to me is because during the 6th episode with the fight when they were losing the power checks and theyd lose control and their eyes would get blacker as if consuming them right? and theyd begin to have black tears running down their face. which is really fucking specific so im wondering if the black eyes there is the same type of scenario we’re seeing here. sorta implying some sort of controlled state? or heres the thing they call themselves lucidio? i forgot how to spell it kekw which is im assuming derived from the word lucid and that sorta represents an awareness of a dreaming state. unsure if that plays into something here with their consciousness and awareness of everything it seems
the blacksmith said the tree represents their life in a way and i found it interesting that the trial is this three year thing where when they return they chop down that tree. its like a metaphor for what happens when they choose to stay in santo berço right? this tree is growing their life and when they return its cut its no longer able to continue growing it stays in that state forever now. staying in santo berço is like ending your life the growth of it. and i wonder if thats what its meant to basically mean.
what i found interesting was that the gatekeeper was brought when he was 8 and he remembers his life before santo berço and the fact children can be brought here was really interesting to me because they generally lack a sorta agency when it comes to making decisions? idk if the gatekeeper talks more about his backstory but im assuming he was brought by his parents or guardian to live here. hes 23 now so this town has existed for a Long Time. a fucking while.
what i found interesting was they themselves dont quite understand the maze and treat it as this legend and tale. but it has this thick mist around it which we know to mean an area with a very very weak membrane. which isnt surprising with all of this. but they dont seem to know that themselves. the 5 statues i assumed were the doctors but i havent gotten there yet to where anything is said about them. so im just assuming the 5 guardians are them but the thing is their documents were recent years like 2019 and 2020 and we know FOR A FACT this town has existed way longer. so either the 5 guardians arent the doctors who were doing this project and founded this town and instead someone else OR IT IS THE DOCTORS AND THERES SOME TIME TRAVEL AT PLAY.
they all are relatively aware right like they knew about caprizinha and they knew about other towns nearby and they know how cellphones and the seemingly how different the world is outside their town etc the only real confusing discrepancy is how they bring people. supposedly just asking? and people accept? and stay forever? and are seemingly happy forever? murcilos case was really odd because when we met him he really seemed to love his girlfriend jessica but when asked about her here he said well you know theres other things to life and generally the notion that its fine he doesnt care he left a life behind with no warning to anybody. like it holds so little value? thats where im like okay clearly theres some trickery something isnt adding up for people to just vanish and leave their lives. but again theyre in this town right now and dont seem to be manipulated in any way? they still have that option to leave according to the blacksmith but again they did enter in an unexpected way.
now when they found the town they did pass by a fog where they couldnt see anything except the path and an illuminated way that led them to santo berço so i wonder what exactly happened there. because they were looking for The Cave and instead found this town and its like okay how does that fucking happen. i keep going back to cesars reaction where they were going to enter the forest. the feeling that there was no going back and that shiver.
now i think back to what the doctors were doing and trying to achieve and the major question remains as Why? i wish i had taken photos of all the documents so i can read them all myself again lmao. whats the reason? they live without names just titles they have no technology or electricity they called those things aberrations. why why why why whats the point? how is this town used in an ulterior motive. its not just a town it functions to do something clearly. but what?
ok ima play the episode again ive just been ranting kkkkkk
Still so confused about the old man fml. ik on one of his papers it was written “im the blacksmith” but like was he really? is the symbol burn mark on his back one of those markings the people of santo berço seem to have on their faces the same? do all blacksmiths have that marking on their back? was his tongue cut because he left santo berço? i need to understand how he plays into this meu deus. did he even write that paper? was he just holding it? he clearly knew enough to run down that basement and release subject whatever the fuck
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ketavinsky · 1 month
advice for 19 year olds?
hmmmm heres some stuff from myself and from observations of ppl i knew at 19
im not sure if this will apply to you mate, but when i was 18 i was really fighting to fit in a certain sort of hierarchy and be a certain sort of person. i didnt let go of that when i left my childhood home and i wish i had. dont perform to the standards of your birdcage
take care of the body you have. i didnt want to live at 19 and i did some shit to myself that i now sincerely regret. dont live for the future but dont punish yourself for shit that happened in the past yk
if youre 19 and living in dorms or college or halls of residence, dont shit where you eat. i was in a hall of residence, i witnessed this time and time again, just not worth the stress im ngl
try not to live in a snowglobe
try not to live in a lab. im guilty of this now and at 19. spent more time analysing people to bridge the gap between us than trying to actually interact with them. on the plus side i write about it now but, still. i think it helps to remember that youre making your life with each breath and step and people around you are your peers not your specimens
seek to understand everyone without needing to take them apart. be open. the world is so huge you know. theres so much to see and listen to
dont get into a serious relationship. or go ahead and lose yourself in people but idk, i figure 19 is too young to be gunning for the person that could make it all better for you forever
tell your friends you love them all the time regardless of context or consequence. youll wish you had, honest. treat every stranger as a friend to be
i really dont think you have to grind at first yesr undergrad lol but im not gonna encourage you to slack off and do fuck all just keep in mind i tried way too hard at undergrad and burnt out in sem1 of postgrad and dropped out lol
do everything you possibly can while you have the time but dont feel guilty for resting yknow. volunteer for things whenever you can.
dont fucking buy shein
write poetry about what it was like to be younger. it's important that you decide how you felt about all of it before someone decides for you
be weirder than you think appropriate
there is a limit to how far you should go for free drugs and it depends on you but you gotta trust your instinct. tbh i could do a whole paragraph on substance related advice but . when your gut tells you to get outta there gtfo. dont mix lsd and alcohol. share but dont be taken advantage of. if someone cuts you a line and it stings when you snort it's ket not coke and you should find a place to sit down.
theres so much to be excited about and so much to love. be good to yourself so you can see as much as you can
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eryanlainfa · 10 months
hi hey very random but im new here and can i ask everything abt aiden? like the lore and their powers they seem so cool i wanna get into ur au :D
(idk how to exactly sayit)
Do not worry I basically shared almost NOTHING about them at all so no one really knows much about them except me and ONE friend. But maybe it is time for me to share more !
But- everything- ? You sure about that ? You want everything ? I'll assume you mean the important things because there's a LOT going on, you don't want to know 😭
If anyone wants MORE infos about Aiden or my worldbuilding around Tangled or my version of Vat7k. I CAN make posts going in more details but do YOU really want to read ALL OF THAT ??
So for now ! Important infos about Aiden under the cut !
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Small worldbuilding thingy first : witches exist in my version, they're basically halfbloods of humans x whatever magical being, and it stays in their lineage for a whiiiile. Basically, contrary to humans, witches don't need artefacts to do magic, and different witches have different magical abilities (depending on what/who was their magical ancestor). And fun fact : they can't break promises. They genuinely physically can't. Because promises are a sort of pact, so they avoid it. (Aiden made two throughout their life and it always ended badly for them)
Aiden ! They're a witch and are from a powerful witch family known for their purple eyes. Their father ran away from said family before Aiden was born so they only got to learn more about their heritage when meeting the extended family during the vat7k journey. Lots of drama on that side.
Aiden's parents are very kind and simple people, they arrived in Old Corona around the same time as Quirin and Ulla so both couples became friends. But while Quirin quickly got the villagers' respect by helping around, Aiden's parents prefered to stay low, they were here in hide-out afterall.
Aiden is around a year and a half older than Varian. They are friends, at first because their parents also are, then because they're both nerds and the only ones capable of keeping up with the other's brain. They both care for each others, and yeaaaars later Aiden gets a crush, but it's very obviously one-sided.
When Aiden was very young they didn't really know how to control their powers, causing incidents and starting weird rumors around town, so their parents decided to lock it up. Since then Aiden got a tattoo on their back as a binding spell. Their father also added an illusion rune to said tattoo to turn their eyes orange/light brown instead of purple. (so through all of Tangled The Series and a good half of Vat7k they have orange eyes).
Due to the rumors (and needing someone to do the tattoo) Aiden's family moved away from Old Corona, they spend some years in another small village farther away and only come back to the capital 2 years before the movie takes place.
Aiden almost always knew they wanted to become a physician, for multiple reasons, and worked hard to attain their goal. So when the current royal physician accepted to make them his apprentice Aiden was overjoyed. They've resided within the castle since.
They lost the use of their right leg and left foot to the storm in Queen for a day. Due to not receiving proper care in time, once back to the castle, their mentor had to cut of the limbs because they were too damaged. Aiden got a prosthesis since then and they have multiple mobility aids they can use. Though it did take a while for them to accept the whole thing.
They took care of a hurt magpie and the bird just keeps on coming back to them, his name is Camille! He is very useful when Aiden needs to communicate with someone who's far away.
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Aiden has almost no impacts on the Tangled Series, I like to make things difficult for myself and kept everything canon intact. During the series they are mostly off-screen being busy, their mentor makes them work a LOT, and when they have time off they mostly hang out with their friends who also work within the castle. I could genuinely make a spin off solely on castle staff shenanigans-
Aiden's interactions with the main cast is limited and, as I said, happen off-screen. The only plot point they impact is the saporian take-over of the castle. Which happens off-screen for my own delight.
They helped to get Varian and Andrew out of jail. And helped Saporians to take over Corona, until things went too far and they tried to convince Varian to turn against Andrew, to no avail. Cue to Varian and Aiden having their sort of 'break up'. Once the whole ordeal is handle by Rapz and co, the two teens decides to give their friendship another try, they still do care about the other a lot, but the subject still stains their relationship a little, even through vat7k
I've been rewritting my own version of Vat7k for the 5th time and explaining everything would take forever :'D help. But there' s like... A whole other quest that results in finding the eternal library but is kind of more important for the world- It's a forever work in progress...
Var and Add are back to being close friends when Vat7k starts. Except that while Aiden is repressing their feelings, Varian is slowly accepting his. Cue to Varian clearly flirting with Aiden but the other keep on dismissing it.
Aiden's reason for joining Varian through his journey is because : 1-something is wrong with the magic and witches started to get weaker, they hope to find the cause and a cure. and 2- their mentor really wants to retire but Aiden doesn't feel ready to take his place yet, so they kinda run away from the responsability by following Varian
Aiden's story is a lot about accepting their disability, learning to put their needs before others and learning to trust themself.
At first they kinda fall for Hugo as a way to get over Varian (he looks like fun).
Upon discovering Hugo got feelings for Varian, Aiden immediately started to play wingman for the two. Drama ensued.
They got a crossbow because they needed to find a way to help while staying at a distance.
Aiden sees Yong and Nuru as younger siblings. The whole team enjoy bantering with one another but if anyone is in danger they would not hesitate to destroy things. Aiden is closer to Nuru than to Yong though, they relate to each others in multiple ways, and Yong finds Aiden can be a bit too uptight.
Aiden learnt about their heritage and got to see how shitty their father's family is like. Said family tries to get Aiden to stay with them at ALL COST. Resorting to brainwashing at some point.
Their magic got unlocked and they got their purple eyes back definetly at that point. The tattoo is gone.
the relationship between Aiden, Hugo and Varian is pretty vague when they get back to the Light Kingdom but they are aware of each others feelings to an extent- and it almost becomes a thing! Then Donella comes back to fuck shit up-
When Varian locks himself in the eternal library Aiden was against going after him right away, they wanted to give him time to cool off and to get back to his senses on his own.
Fun fact. Since Aiden never really got the chance to learn how to do magic properly the "final battle" is genuinely.. terrible. They do try to use their power but at some point they kinda give up and just shoot "Ulla" (so Varian's body) with their crossbow. Nothing too bad no worries.-
End of Vat7k.
Once they get "proper" rest, Aiden goes back to being a physician for the crown and gets back to work right away because Rapunzel is pregnant and their mentor basically leave them a note like "your turn now, good luck 😋✌"
Varian Hugo and Aiden get officially together after all of that, the three of them. They told no one at first (except Quirin and Aiden's parents) just to mess with everyone.
I'll stop there for the story because my drawings are mostly around this period. And the rest is barely written at all yet but more shenanigans with Aiden's family happen and Donella comes back to be a bother as well. Results in Aiden's father dying and Hugo loses his right hand.
More facts :
Aiden's green ribbon in that ref sheet is from one of Hugo's dresses. Even when their hair got short they kept wearing it as a bracelet.
Aiden is from a lineage of mind witches (yeah its hypnosis basically). Their power impacts the mind. It can be used as an 'enhancement' (making someone believe they're stronger than they are or making them unable to feel pain), or to create illusions only the affected person can see. Mind control or brainwashing is possible but takes a lot of energy and practice. And each members has their set of rules to be able to use such power.
They can also like.. See the flow of magic and some other stuff. But that's a thing for most witches
Yong and Nuru are witches as well (so I could keep their original eye colors). I haven't fully decided on what kind exactly yet- but I have ideas.
Aiden does learn how to use their magic a bit better and sometimes use it on their patient as an anesthesia. They also use magic to help Hugo and Varian fall asleep every now and then.
They don't like lying but they're good at turning the truth in their favor. They enjoy playing with words.
This is for the main universe/timeline ! Because I have many AUs and 'what ifs' and since I keep on rewriting things I kept old versions as 'other timelines'- voilaa
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idk if i can put into words how bad this is for me im thinking like. angel/fallen dynamic almost. i need your love like a boy needs his mother's side. i need you because you make it safe you make it easier to breathe to hold onto. i am clinging to the last shred of home i have in you because i'm not sure i have anywhere left to go. except.
what happens to the boy who is abandoned by the mother. what happens when he is torn from his mother's side, cut away, ripped apart, tossed aside like nothing. does it become a need for that same love or does it become a hatred. hhnsgh.
this is about party poison and also by extension kobra kid and oh wait fuck what if the mothers side is the city FUCKUFKXUDUCKCUJCC I HAVE A MATH TEST TOMORROW I CANT
also this has made me realize the like. inherent connection between the venom siblings and frankenstein's creature (or maybe its not inherent and this is just me projecting again) bc its like !! they are from the city they are products of the city wether they like it or not. and it was supposed to be their home they were supposed to be safe there but because of these fundamental pieces of themselves, things entirely out of control, they were deemed broken, failures, monsters that needed to be fixed to fit into bli's narrow version of humanity. they were set up for failure from the start because the system they were born into the world they were born into was designed specifically to kill people like them!!!! they were born seeing the beauty of the world (because i firmly believe they found some beauty in the city. as hard as bli tried to stomp it out theres just some things you cant ever get rid of) and they wabted to be a part of it but the world around them was never gonna accept them as they are andvs !!!!!!!!!! maybe this doesnt make sense and im just too far into the frankenstein feels from listening to the musical earlier but fuuuuuuuck kaz im gonna fucking chew a hole trhought the wall now WHAGT THE FUCK OH GOD AND IT WORKS WITH THE ANGLE/FALLEN DYNAMIC TOO FUCK MY FAVORITE FRANKENSTEIN QUOTE "I OUGHT YO BR THY ADAM BUT I AM RATHER THY FALLEN ANGEL" OR WHYEVER WHAT THE FUCK KAZ THIS IS SO BAD FOR ME
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glambots · 9 months
I just have to share this cause i've had brainworms about it since I heard the song im gonna mention. this is NOT a request, just a thing i wanted to share! any and everyone is free to take my ideas here and run with em!
So, I found a song called The Court Jester by thquib/Joe Swensen, and then an amazing cover of said song by Sanguine. As i kept listening to the song, and thinking about the lyrics, it inspired a sort of AU? or something? and i've just now gotten the confidence to share.
This might get cut off or something, since i dont know the current limits on asks. Also, preemptive apology for my rambling lol.
The italics (slanty text) is the lyrics, the normal text is my thoughts.
I am the Jester, my job's to entertain
And it seems that soon enough it too will be my job to reign
Over all that you see, over all that you know
As the king is slowly dying, any moment he could go
Yes the king is slowly dying, any moment he will go
This section is the introduction to the DCA, who notices how the Fazbear Company is slowly dying due to his change to a childcare bot from his old job, and how less and less people are coming, and things they overhear from others. This section is also mainly a flashback to when the Pizzaplex was still open.
Oh! Sweet memories, come rushing back to me
As I trace my fingers on these haggard walls within your keep
Though my exile still stands, I heard my duty call to me
Because I am the Court Jester, I've grown tired of my sleep
After all, I am the jester, and I've tired of my sleep
This section flashes forward to a damaged looking DCA wandering a ruined Pizzaplex. It’s clearly been at least 10 years since the Plex fell into disrepair, due to all the overgrowth.
What good is a crown if the brow it sits on is that of a dead man
I'll wear my cap and painted smile with pride, my trusty baton in my hand
And you will see me, sire, I'll make my way back to you
You cannot stop me sire, your time is up, I see right through you
Mostly flashback again here. Mostly shows the DCA’s prime in their original job. With the last couple lines, it flashes forward again to the DCA’s damaged hand clenching in anger.
Though resolute you may pretend to be inside your walls
The people soon will realize that your feeble body can't forestall
The inevitable end that we all will one day meet
You are human, you are dying, yes know I it's bittersweet
But you knew this day would come, and you can't borrow steal or cheat
Yes, your maker gave you time, but you've run out, and soon you'll meet
The DCA continues to wander the ruined Plex, with flashbacks to when it was open throughout.  (or maybe someone else could think of something more interesting for this part, idk.)
I was awoken by some nibbling in my brain
A single thought, just like a knot, a stone, a weight I can't explain
That sat there pulling me to consciousness and waking soon I found
Myself entrenched in ancient earth, with roots and vines my arms were bound
And in this post-hibernatal state my mind was filled with clouds of doubt
Were these my memories? or something else? and soon I felt the urge to get out
Flashes to the DCA waking up buried under rubble some time after the Fire Ending. They are covered in plant growth, showing it’s been at least a few years since the fire.
Tearing, ripping, painful as it was
Vines and leaves gave way easy just because
All that's left in this world is decay;
Soon I knew what caused me to awake
The DCA suddenly sits up, and begins freeing themself with surprising strength.
With a newfound memory after rest
I felt something bubbling in my chest
Soon I felt myself losing control
Peals of laughter rang into the distance from my soul
I cannot recognize a single thing in front of me
The world as I knew it now is gone, is this reality?
Absurd and nonsensical, fantastical and daft
All that is left to do is sit right down and laugh
After resting for a moment after freeing themself, they remember what happened up to the building collapsing. They laugh as they realize they were completely forgotten there, the thought nearly breaking them. The instrumental part is just them sitting there.
Oh this world that I left you in
Has been tainted by your sin
And as such I have now taken it upon myself
To reinstate the reign of laughter and in health I will return
Oh I am making my way back I will return
Soon the people will remember the reason why they burn
And the fires in their might will start to turn
Pointing fists and shouting out with no more reason for concern
The DCA decides to try to find anyone they can, human or bot, and figure out what has happened since the fire. They meet some human they knew from the Plex, and they team up. Slowly, they start telling the world what happened.
Soon you will see! the world will turn upon its head!
Just you hope that you can see it 'fore you're dead!
Foolish king, you sit in empty meaning on your throne
But in my time away you've ended up alone
Oh, all the power in the world could never save you now
As the time at which your curtain's called draws nearer, get ready to take your bow
The age of reason is now drawing to a close!
And now I, the mere Court Jester, will his majesty depose
I will tip the gilded throne, in me the people will repose
Because I am the Court Jester, not all thorns come with a rose
After all, I am the jester, and this future I propose:
Let the fool, let me, the jester, bring the olden tales to close
Let the fool, let me, the jester, a new saga now compose
In this last section, there is a big time skip. The events eventually leads to a sort of sapient robot rights revolution. The vast majority of people support the idea, so those in power are “alone”. The ending could be either more positive, with humans and sapient bots living in peace, or whatever else you could think of.
Love when the Brain Animatics take over, it is a burden we all must share.
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glamfellens · 1 year
Any thoughts on the FNV companions you'd like to share?
sorry i have had to Ruminate on my answers. so!
i think arcade is probably up there as one of my favourite companions. his self-deprecation was very familiar, extremely relatable and funny in a sad sort of way... like king please be more confident in yourself. his general awkwardness is endearing too, like this man really isn't supposed to be trekking the breadth and width of the mojave wasteland but he's potentially here because he thinks the courier is too fucking stupid to survive on their own. LMAO
i found his personal quest really interesting and i personally encouraged him to remain with the followers and step out of his father's shadow and carry on with his life outside of the enclave. i havent played any other fallout games so im not 100% on the context of the enclave and what they did exactly but from what i gathered they were an organisation that did some terrible things, the only reason they're coming back for the battle of Hoover Dam is to attempt to atone for what they did so i just didnt feel as though arcade had any reason to really... stick with them, i guess? it just feels as though they're coming to an end and he was better off elsewhere.
it was so sad when he left....... i really like it as a story choice and i find it really interesting that he was allowed that much character agency... it just felt bittersweet but realistic... :'^)
boone is another favourite...tho i'm not a fan of what happened with carla. having a female character being sold into slavery which ends in her being mercy killed just to further the pain of a male character and challenge him is just like :^| Ok. like i understand that its there to illustrate the brutality of both the mojave wasteland and the legion but i feel as though theres a disproportionate amount of....intimate violence perpetrated against female characters in new vegas in a way that doesn't happen so often to the male characters. idk! anyway
boone is so quiet and harriet isn't a very open person either so i love the idea of the two of them just existing in comfortable silence the entire time theyre travelling around and everyone finds it a little weird but they're perfectly content.
i need to do another playthrough and thinki about the others. i didnt spend much time with raul because i got him kind of late...
oh but i do love ed-e. he's my son. also i wish the concept of benny as a companion hadnt been cut i think that could have been really interesting and it would have been fun to work with him and take new vegas... but alas
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liz-allyn · 1 year
Omg im so sorry i Hope i didn’t intrude and I pray that things are ok now
It seems I’ll need to drum up more fluffy head canons because Damn ma’am I pretty sure I must have violated the spider gods for you to rain such angst down on me after such a soft chapter damn it nearly killed me to see John show her those pictures I guessed it would be the first things he would show her you told me there would be blood during the eventual confrontation between him and Peter and I’m gonna hold on to that so as to keep my sanity to try and not materialise into the story so I can put a boot to johns ass myself I really really am worried about what the fuck has he placed between her thighs some sort of tracking device ??!!!? Idk but I’m worried also a little muddled about what happened with the car did ? Did Peter make it explode ? Fisks doing ? Johns ? I hope we find out soon if anyone comes after my babies aka miles of Bella I’m gonna be John wick on their ass through some teleportation that’s all we need them all there for my fluffy family ending and no one is going to ruin that
What actually Made me tear up tho is Peters reaction to honey when the car went up in flames took right back to him holding Gwen under the clock tower for me ahhh 😱 speaking of what !!! Peter might have killed Gwen is that what this was the venom inside him getting unhinged and splitting people in half and making cars explode
also the ending of the chapter is so ominous my god chills everywhere my whole body
Thank you dear!
(Spoilers for sugar and vice part 15 under the cut)
Yes, that chapter was intense! It was painful to write, too. I’ve always said that my goal is to bring you down low, break these characters down deep, but then however low they are, I always want them to come back high.
I love how much we hate my John Walker. I actually feel a bit bad sometimes because Wyatt Russell is a pretty good actor and I think he got to face some shitty fandom nerds when TFATWS came out, and as a creator I hate adding to that. But it’s too perfect. As an actor, he’s so talented. His role in Under the Banner of Heaven was terrifying and I feel like it informed a ton of my characterization of this John Walker.
If I’m gonna make a villain, it can’t be some bullshit throw away bad guy. I want you to hate my villain more than the characters do, so that you can triumph when the bad guys lose. Because they always lose.
So for clarity, because I choose vague language carefully in the bathroom scene, but John has Honey’s burner phone on him. When he says “you left this,” he’s handing it back to her, warning her not to ignore him and that he can get to her even when she thinks she’s safe (how did he get her phone out of her bedroom at the penthouse?) So that’s what he shoves in her underwear.
(In chapter 10, Honey is wearing a dress to meet the Pyms, and her favorite feature is that it has pockets. The better to hide that phone on her person and perhaps secretly record conversations.)
Also the car was rigged to explode via a bomb. Interesting how that valet got out of there quick, huh?
Thank you for reading and I’m so glad you liked it!
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