#but if anyone wants me to expand on this I WILL
awaywithself · 2 days
thoughts on “fell first” sanji and “fell harder” zoro? “fell harder” sanji and “fell first” zoro seems more typical for their characters so it’s seen more in fanfic, but i think a reversal would be just as fitting.
sanji, who’s been in love since they were in east blue waters, learning to temper his affections so it simmers just beneath his skin, his expressions, his actions. undeniably constant, but subtle, controlled, and nonetheless warm- like the flame of a lighter. when he hands zoro something he prepared with extra thought and care and is gifted a small, pleased smile after the mosshead takes a brutish bite, he tucks the vision away into his pocket like a handkerchief. something to retrieve and treasure later.
then there’s zoro, who had always acknowledged sanji as an equal- his other half in battle. he knew sanji was important to him, that they had a bond that differed from those he shared with his other crewmates. it wasn’t until the events of zou and whole cake island did he realize it was love. and since then, he’s been in a constant war with his feelings- a kind of battle that made him plant his feet, grit his teeth, and clutch his heart like he did his swords. everytime he saw sanji, he was engulfed in rampant thoughts, loud and wild like the bonfire that illuminates a chaotic celebration.
and sanji, who’s been there and done that, easily shoots a glare, already long accepted it would never happen.
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okiimii · 2 days
Thank you for green lighting my ask!!! I appreciate it <3
I see [and personally have heard] anti-endos claim that endogenic systems are stealing resources, and that's part of the reason they are anti-endos. I just wonder if they know how terminally online that take is?
First of all, what resources are they taking??? Like I have never seen an endo or pro-endo 'steal' resources. If anything, I've seen resources that come from endos or pro-endos that are genuinely helpful for ALL systems. Second of all, if they are seeking resources, that's not inherently 'stealing'. That's just seeking help.
I have one anti-endo friend [so not representative of all] even say they're 'stealing' specialists like??? If they're going to a specialist, that just means they are inherently disordered w/ their plurality and need help- regardless of endo or not. Like are you really going to hate someone for going to therapy? Like isn't that inherently anti-recovery if you don't want someone to seek the help they need? It's just ridiculous to me.
If it's a something with terms, I hope anti-endos realize that a good 95% of terms, in general, are just online community terms. Community terms are meant to be shared. I do believe that traumagenic and endogenics should have separate, and shared, spaces, but it's ridiculous to call an endo a thief over using a community term.
With much love, some anti-endo's just need to get offline. I understand being chronically online, I really do, I'm chronically online myself, but it's really ridiculous to say endos are 'stealing' resources.
[I hope this isn't too negative for your account </3 I just feel like this is something I see a lot in anti-endo spaces, as someone who is in both anti and pro endo spaces. I myself don't identify w/ either label, but the hatred towards endos is really getting ridiculous.]
this is so true!! i have nothing more to add, you explained it very well!
if anyone wants to expand, you’re free to!
endogenics aren’t stealing resources, resources should be free to anyone to needs them. and if endogenics need them, they should be free to use them <3
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hatchetation · 2 years
Sorry I just wanted to talk about how beautiful Yasmine looks this season, especially imo ep 3. Her beautiful brown skin and those kissable lips and those lashes ugh. And the way she's panting from sparring with Tori, the way she's talking with her hands and being really intense in character. Looking respectfully of course but thinking about things as well....
And yeah I'm thirsty anon. ✌️
oh yeah thirsty anon we are ALL looking respectfully 👀
i honestly dont have much to add other than that she's gorgeous and i would watch ncis: hawai'i every week just to see her!!! also i think she's an excellent actress because the way she carries herself as lucy tara is truly different from the way she carries herself irl. i mean, obvi i don't know MUCH about how she carries herself irl, but from what i've seen there's a marked difference between her and lucy. anyway i think that's really really cool and impressive.
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dammjamboy · 24 days
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I LOVE AU'S!!! i might have gotten a little carried away though ;;;
alt versions under the cut! including a version with the translated ciphers ^^
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palmviolet · 15 days
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And they'd cut around your face, grip your scalp, yank down, rip your face off… And they'd put a mirror in front of you so you could get a good look at yourself.
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miriaocs · 5 months
GET TO KNOW YOUR TWST OCs (and their relationships)
(Or how I make up excuses to blabber about my OC lol. Most of the "who" questions are aimed at the twst cast, but feel free to include other twst OCs as well!)
Name: What does your twst OC's name mean? Why does Rook/Floyd call them [insert nickname]?
Inspiration: Is your twst OC inspired by any villains? Concepts? Anything Disney-related?
Age/Birthday: How old is your twst OC? When is their birthday? Whose birthday (among the cast) is closest to your twst OC's? Does the horoscope lie or do they get along well?
Dorm: Which dorm is your twst OC in? Why? Which qualities they have make them suitable for said dorm? Do they have a roommate and how is their relationship?
Class: Who is your twst OC's classmate(s)? How would you describe their relationship? Did they have different classmates in previous year and did they get along?
Height: How tall is your twst OC? Are they conscious about their height? Are they close to someone with similar leg length?
Hair/Eye color: What are your twst OC's hair and eye colors? Who got the closest/opposite palette to them?
Homeland: Where is your twst OC from? Do they know anyone from the same hometown prior to NRC?
Club: Which club does your twst OC join and why? Is there anything memorable about the club fair day/their first day at the club? Which clubmate is their favorite?
Subject: What is your twst OC's best subject? Worst? Do they study with another whom excels at the same subject? Do they ask anyone for help with the subject they are bad at?
Hobby: What are your twst OC's hobbies? Who among the cast will they possibly ask to join in their pastime?
Pet peeves: What are your twst OC's pet peeves and which one in the cast accidentally (or not) commit the "crimes"? How will your twst OC deal with that person?
Food: What is your twst OC's favorite and least favorite food? Why (optional)? Is there anyone they can share their favorite food? Is there anyone they can count on to take over the food they dislike?
Talent: What is your twst OC's talent(s) and who can properly appreciate that?
Unique Magic/Signature spell: What is your twst OC's UM (if applicable)? What can they do? What is the incantation? Is there any weaknesses/loopholes and who can exploit those?
Quote: Give me something your twst OC will say. Either something they always say or something iconic they said. Something that helps solve the problems or something that is a catalyst to even more issues.
(Ok I'm kinda running out of ideas here) Personality: Give me 3 adjectives to describe your twst OC. Or an essay. Whichever works. Whose personality among the cast is closest to your twst OC and do they get along?
Backstory: Tell me anything about your twst OC's backstory. Their childhood, their parents, their siblings etc. Does their backstory affect how they are as a character now and how they interact with the cast?
Pick only one: Let your twst OC pick only one and explain the reasons: only one favorite from each dorm, only one favorite housewarden/vice housewarden, only one favorite first/second/third year etc.
(For my beloved yume shippers) Partner: Who do you ship your twst OC with? Are they in a relationship? If yes, how did it start/end? If no, why?
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raccoonbraingobrr · 5 months
Accidental Cannibalism AU
so while the fenton parents aren’t known for their world class parenting skills, they can usually keep food in the fridge (the local grocery store gives them a 76% discount so they don’t blow it up)
however, on one memorable occasion they spend almost a week in the lab, only coming up to put samples in the fridge (this will definitely have no lasting effects on the other food in it) (the hotdogs have started another uprising)
now danny has been managing with cheap takeout and cafeteria food, and thankfully jazz is on a weeklong class trip- probably eating non-potentially poisoned food- but he’s running out of cash, and the cafeteria has been serving increasingly more dubious refried beans that danny is pretty sure expired in 1956.
needless to say, when he sees unlabeled but notably not sentient meat in the fridge, he sprints to get a frying pan as fast as possible before it changes its mind, and then wolfs it down as quick as he can without choking.
He feels sort of funky afterwards, but he chalks it up to the meat being in the fridge for more than five minutes.
When jack and maddie fenton emerge from the basement to put more samples in the fridge, they notice something odd.
“Jack, did you move the flesh sample they gave us from the morgue? I could’ve sworn it was in here.”
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ailithnight · 6 days
Imagine some desperate parent in Gotham taking a gooning job for one of the big rogues explicitly so that when the Bats catch the rogue, cause the Bats always catch the rogue, they can beg the Bats to find their missing kid.
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lunellum · 2 months
I've seen some folks criticise the Decameron (the Netflix show) for not being "authentic" and "accurate" enough for
being too colourful
being too horny
being too silly and not serious enough when it comes to the subject of death and pandemic...
To which I would like to say they've clearly never looked into actual medieval history, culture and literature.
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livvylubug · 7 months
In honor of a crumb of murder drones from glitch, here’s another AU me and my friend have been cooking up.
It’s a super hero/villain AU!
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“Uzi” the villain! Who uses her real name as her villain name
(And she has two sentinel minions who are absolutely silly)
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N J and V who are our heros (surprising I know)
V and N are designed and drawn by my friend Jack who doesn’t have tumblr
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“Killer queen” the villain, AKA Lizzy! Absolutely coated in sparkles and glitter
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And “Likho” the villain, AKA doll! Designed by my friend!
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prosperdemeter2 · 24 days
I know everyone is all "I hate that they're pushing the everyone forgives the Buckley parents" agenda, including me, but also I think we're just accepting something at face value that doesn't need to be accepted and missing what could be really good character nuance (and something so much more miserable and realistic in some parent-child relationships): Buck hasn't forgiven them, he's just stopped expecting more than they'll give. Maybe expecting isn't the right word, maybe I mean hoping for.
He's stopped hoping for his parents to be anything more than what they will always be... and that in itself is such a hard, heartbreaking, detail if you stop to think about it.
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crime-wives · 1 month
when emma’s hurt by something, she pushes it down and away and pretends until she can’t anymore. she bends and bends and sometimes she can steady herself, pull herself back from the precipice. until she breaks, and all the hurt springs back and she’s an open wound. a lost girl who’s always running, always afraid. emma fears her pain will make her unlovable. that the people she loves will leave if they realize the breadth of the wounds she carries. emma is bruised knuckles and hard, lonely eyes and an indescribable ache.
regina is more obvious in her hurt. she’s angry. a storm. she wields her pain as a weapon. she is not afraid to be seen in her intensity. often, it’s a mask to cover to the grief she feels. her life has been a series of losses strung together with only her as a constant. love is often the source of her pain. she feels so much hurt because she has the capacity for so much love. beyond the anger is so much self loathing and hatred. anger is the easier of the two. she is rage and she is destruction, and if she can’t find someone to destroy, she destroys herself.
emma grew up angry, regina grew up sad. they both became what they needed to survive.
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toshidou · 28 days
not to be very on brand but i am very much thinking about chubby chaser logan.
i just KNOW he goes absolutely fucking feral for plush curves, practically obsessed with the way fattened flesh spills between his fingers when he fucks you, how your stomach ripples with every sharp cant of his hips against your ass; it sets a wildfire of pure unadulterated lust through his veins, teeth clenched as he desperately tries to keep his claws in the confines of his skin-
... i need to stop.
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robin-with-a-pen · 5 months
Okay I’m having ideas I need someone to stop me-
Anyways, so we all know that Chilchuck probably doesn’t have the healthiest relationship with food? Right?
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I don’t think he has an eating disorder but more so disordered eating- that hellish middle space, right? I mean “maintaining his body weight at an acceptable level” really sticks out to me
So picture this- my man retires, he doesn’t need to control his weight anymore, no worry about setting off or anything, but he realizes that the unhealthy habits he’s developed over he past ten years are harder to break than he thought
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azuzula · 1 year
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ghoulsghoulsghouls :>)
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ilovedthestars · 5 months
So i was bitten by the zine bug this semester and i keep thinking that a collaborative zine would be really fun to organize, especially one i could open up to my little corner of the internet. Not the shiny polished fandom zines that are really cool but also more of an anthology than a zine. I'm talking DIY photocopier and scissors zines--or as close as you can get over the internet, as the case may be.
The most fun and low stakes idea i have at the moment is a doodle zine. Like, what kinds of scribbles or shapes or little creatures do you draw in the margins of your notebooks? Fill a zine-sized page with them and send me a photo! Zero expectation of artistic skill or effort, just fill a page with marks and have fun.
And then i could stitch them together into both a digital zine file and a printable version you could use to make a paper copy. I think that would be a cool way to get as close to the physical collage vibes of a traditional zine as you can in a project that would obviously have to be conducted over the internet, where we can't just hand each other pieces of paper.
Anyway, i finally have both the motivation and the energy to potentially dive in to making this happen, but only if other people are actually interested. And this would look very different if 8 people want to participate vs. if 40 do. So:
Please feel free to reblog/spread this if you know others who might be interested! Right now this is just an idea i'm playing around with, but it might become a Real Thing very quickly if other people are also excited about it.
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