#but if i don't get back to you right away i'll respond in the morning!
buckybarnesb-tch · 2 years
Alpha!Klaus M. x Preg- Omega!Reader HC’s
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~When he found out you were pregnant he lost his God damn mind
•You momentarily had to wonder if vampires could go into shock as he froze in a way you had never seen Klaus freeze, still as a statue for about 30 seconds until you tried to walk away.  You had been planning to go call Elijah for help but Klaus thought you were leaving and as you got to the door his arms wound around your waist stopping you in your tracks
•"Where do you think you're going Little Wolf?"
"I think I was going to call Elijah to make sure you were okay, glad you've rejoined the land of the living...please tell me you want it because I'm not getting rid of her."
"Are you joking?!"  He seemed truly upset and you thought he was going to begin listing all of the reasons you were making a horrible choice.
"Please don't-"
"Of course you're not getting rid of our child!  I mean of course it's 100% your choice but I would be devastated if you didn't want this.  Don't worry love, everything is going to be okay, I'm going to take care of everything!  We need to get you checked out by a doctor, preferably a supernatural one, I think Elijah can help with that.  We're going to need to move you out of this apartment and into the mansion with me, finally!"  He crouched down to face your stomach, lifting your shirt and kissing just above your belly button.  "Thank you my little Princess for finally making your Mommy move in with Daddy, she's been fighting me on that for far too long-"
"Because your family is a lot!"
"Don't speak of my Littlest Wolfs aunts and Uncles like that!  Even if you are right."  He stood back up, wrapping his arms back around you and rubbing your butt just how he knew you liked.  "We need to set up the room next to ours as a nursery, get it painted a nice color, I can do some skylines, maybe some fun animals for her, I'm sure she'll love it.  We'll get a great crib, a rocking chair so she can sleep in my arms and never use said crib, I'll send Rebekah for clothes, you won't have to worry about anything, I promise my love!  She's going to love everything we-wait...how do you know it's a she?"  You broke down laughing at that point, unable to stop at the innocent look on the face of your hybrid Alpha before responding.
"I just feel it."  He placed his hand over yours on your stomach and kissed your head. 
"Im sure you're right."
•You we're completely moved in with ALL of your stuff from your apartment in under an hour, putting everything in the already empty drawers and seeing how long Klaus had been waiting for you to move in with him.
~His siblings were very supportive, they had loved you since the moment Klaus introduced you to them, all loving how you calmed their brother in a way they had never seen before
•Elijah was sure from the moment he saw you that you were the redemption he had always believed existed for his younger brother and the moment you told him you were pregnant his heart soared.  Elijah loved his family more than anything else in the world and the idea of adding a new member to it was everything he could have hoped for since the day they found Freya.  He helped Niklaus with the nursery as much as his hybrid brother would allow before turning to you and being sure to check on you at least 45 times a day, sometimes 46.
•Freya was thrilled.  She was psyched at the idea of training a new Mikaelson witch, even if she had quite a few years to go before that, excited to see how happy her little brother was as he waited on you hand and foot, even when you needed nothing.  She put a silencing spell on your room for you so you could get some peace and quiet as well as a lock charm on the door that not even Klaus could break, much to his displeasure.  You didn't use it much but as the mood swings got worse you knew it would come in handy.
•Kol tried to seem indifferent and everyone thought he was, everyone but you.  You noticed how he watched you the next morning as you walked through the kitchen, Klaus was still in bed otherwise he would be the one watching you like a hawk so Kol took it upon himself, discreetly.  You hadn't had any morning sickness today and were actually hungry so you began making French toast for yourself, getting everything out and just as you cracked the shell, getting a smell of the raw eggs, your stomach turned and you gagged, turning to find a trash bucket right in front of you in your brother in laws hands.  You doubled over it, taking it from him and he took hold of your hair, pulling it up into a messy bun.
•"Why don't I make the French toast for you Y/n, okay?  You go sit at the counter."
"Oh...thank you Kol, that's very helpful."  You washed your mouth out in the sink before drying your face and taking hold of the coffee pot when it was snatched out of your grasp.
"No you don't!  No coffee for the pregnant lady, I think Nik picked you up some juice at the store yesterday. Sit, I'll get it."  You were stunned but couldn't help your smile, nodding and hopping into the seat at the island counter.  At that moment you felt familiar hands around you and a kiss on your cheek.
"Good morning Little Wolf, how are you feeling?"  Apple juice was then set down in front of you by the youngest Mikaelson brother and you took a big gulp, seeing a shocked look on Klaus' face.
"I'm okay, Kol is making me French toast cause the smell of the eggs made me sick, isn't that sweet?"  Klaus snorted and Kol grumbled as he began frying the egg covered bread but you knew he was happy to do it either way.
•Rebekah was the only one who treated you no different, knowing you would prefer it like that.  The only difference she had was the shopping addiction, which in retrospect wasn’t really a difference, the only difference was the clothes weren’t for her. You had an outfit for EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. of your baby's first year of life by the end of the week.
•"It's all necessary Y/n."
"Rebekah, she'll grow out of them before she can even wear everything!"
"Well then you're just going to have to have more than one!"  With that thought in mind Klaus was even happier, taken by the idea of breeding you full of another baby the second you gave birth to this one.  DAMMIT REBEKAH!
~If you thought Klaus was protective before, think again. He was down right POSSESSIVE now
•He took you to Starbucks later that week to get you a shaken tea with lemonade, your favorite drink that wasn't coffee as, like Kol, he refused to let you drink that anymore and he had sat you at a table while he went to grab your drinks.  A second later you saw a man before you, a coffee cup in his grasp and a bright smile on his face as he looked at you, commenting quickly on how gorgeous you looked today.
•"Isn't she just?  Pregnancy suits my lovely girl so much, just like your neck at a 90 degree angle is going to suit you if you don't get the fuck away from her right now."  The calm way he said it was the startling thing and the man was gone faster than you thought a human could be.
•He got irritated every time one of his siblings helped you with anything. He was distracted by the nursery he was painting so Elijah and Kol had been waiting on you practically hand and foot, and though it was driving you insane it was pissing Niklaus off.
•“She’s having my baby! Not yours! Stop doing my job!” You overheard him screaming at his brothers one morning, thinking you were still in bed and realizing Elijah had made you breakfast.
“Nik, they just want to help.” Rebekah defended, even though she found the whole thing comical.
“She’s my Omega, I’m supposed to take care of her-“
“And YOUR Omega is carrying OUR niece, we want to help. We’re not saying you can’t do it Niklaus, but you’ve been busy making sure your daughters nursery is perfect, let us assist while you do that.”
“Yeah, you can still take care of everything your Omega needs in the bedroom, we won’t take that from you.” Kol teased and you instantly knew that was your moment to come in, before someone gets injured.
“Good morning!” You shouted and everyone turned to greet you except your Alpha who was already facing his brother and just before he moved you shoved your way into his arms. “It was a joke Alpha, just a joke. Breathe.”
~Your Alpha was sure to warn every single potential enemy away from you, The Salvatore’s, Tyler Lockwood, the Bennett witch, Everyone!
•You had escaped one morning before anyone woke up, just wanting to go out alone and as you got to the grille and ordered your breakfast omelet full or cheese and bacon that you were craving you were joined in your booth by Damon Salvatore.
•“Omega.” He greeted, as if it was some kind of nickname.
“Call me that again and I will have my Alpha tear out your tongue and shove it up your asshole.” He rolled his eyes, but nodded none the less.
“Apologies. Look, I’m here to ask that you keep him on a shorter leash.” You looked up at him strangely as your plate was placed on the table along with your soda. “He’s threatening everyone left and right for doing absolutely nothing. Say what you will about how much we hate the Mikaelson’s but we would never hurt an Omega, let alone a pregnant one just to hurt them.” You knew Niklaus had spoken to them but you didn’t know it was to this extent.
“Okay, I’ll talk to him. However if I find out this is a lie I will kill you myself, I won’t need his help.” Damon nodded his head, jumping up and darting off quickly as you saw Nik run in with Elijah behind him, sighing in relief when he saw you.
“You can’t do that love, I thought you were hurt! What…was Damon here? I’ll kill-“
“Nikky. Stop. He told me how much you’re going out of your way to threaten them and I really don’t think they have an interest in me. Leave them alone. If you find out they’re up to something that’s different but stop trying to make people hate us more, it’s going to put our daughters life in danger even more.” He looked to be taking what you were saying to heart and you took his hand in yours. “Order something and have breakfast with me…and order me more hash browns.” He couldn’t hide his smile as you said this, going back to your food as Elijah flagged down the waitress, joining you as well.
~The day Klaus met his daughter he fell completely in love and you knew you would be having more children if not just to see that look on his face again.
•You had decided to call her Hope and everyone fell in love with the name.
•Your Alpha didn’t even want her to sleep in her crib and she didn’t. He laid her on your bed nestled safely in the pillows so he could tend to her instantly when she cried. When you finally put your foot down about her sleeping in her crib, you found him, quite often, not in your bed and sleeping on the floor in her room.
•He adored her, as did everyone and there was never a moment Hope wasn’t in someone’s arms.
•You had to throw a fit one day before everyone seemed to realize you wanted to hold your own baby, the scared looks on these Original vampires faces would have been funny if you hadn’t been so pissed. The apology you got later was one reserved for you, a genuine apology from your Alpha would be worth its weight in gold to anyone else but you demanded it and he knew it. It was the first night he slept in your bed all night, letting you tend to Hope when you heard her cry on the baby monitor.
•Your Alpha was happy. Truly happy, never believing having a daughter would be possible.
•“She’s gonna be a Daddy’s girl. Practically already is.” You told him, standing beside him as he stood in her doorway, watching her sleep.
“She’s going to adore you Little Wolf.” I nodded.
“I know, I’m her mom, she’d better but…I just figure we’re gonna need to try again if I want to have a little Momma’s boy, I’ve always wanted a son.” I admitted and he looked down at me, barely disguising the hopeful look on his face.
“Do you mean it? Really, you want-“
“I think we should get started right away.” I had barely finished the sentence when I was scooped off of my feet and hauled to our bedroom, right passed Elijah.
“We’ll start cleaning out another bedroom tomorrow, shall we?” He asked and as he slammed the door he shouted back.
“The room next to Hope’s will be perfect.”
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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valyawrites · 2 years
I Can't Live Without You
Vi x Reader
Summary: You and Vi have a fight about how she almost died on the job and then you kiss and makeup. The first half is really angsty and the second half is just smut. That's it, lol. Enjooyy
Length: 5.6k words
Warnings: Language, excessive drinking, yelling, fighting, mentions of vomiting, mentions of blood and a gunshot, SMUT, oral sex, a little bit of degradation, begging, thigh riding (idk if those last two need a warning but I'll leave them here). (please tell me if ypu think I should add any more).
Reader's gender is not specified but they do have a vulva, so keep that in mind.
Author's note: Phew! Writing this was a RIDE. The first half of it was written in a single 12+ hour long sitting and the second was just me struggling to write fully-blown smut for the first time ever, so, at this point I have no idea if this is any good or not (probably not, but I digress). Like I have stated before, I am still in the process of getting back into writing so please don't expect a masterpiece. That said, I hope you enjoy! 💕
“They could have killed you, Vi!”
“I told you, I’m fine!”
“You got shot!”
“It’s healed now, so what’s the problem?!”
“You know that’s not the point!”
“Then what is?!”
“I could have lost you Vi! I could have fucking lost you! That’s the fucking point!”
Your voice broke and tears started falling from your eyes - the thought of losing the love of your life too much to handle. You took a deep, shaky breath and shook your head.
“I can’t deal with you right now.” You said, rubbing your temples, too emotionally exhausted to keep arguing. Making your decision, you walked past her, headed straight towards your apartment door.
“Where are you going?!” She asked, grabbing your wrist.
You ripped it away from her grasp and walked out, not even bothering to answer.
“You can’t just walk away from this!” Her voice was loud and clear through the paper thin walls of your building, but you didn’t turn back. The truth is, you didn’t know where you were going. All you knew is that you couldn’t be near her right now.
She’s unbelievable! You thought as you marched down the stairs.
She has the nerve to get mad at me for worrying?
She’s a reckless idiot half the time! How am I supposed to not worry?
If the roles were reversed she would be just as pissed, if not more!
One of these days she’s gonna get herself killed!
Angry thoughts swirled around in your head, serving as fuel as you moved through the busy streets of the Undercity, now with a clear destination in mind - the bar. You usually weren’t one to drown your sorrows - not with booze anyway - but today… today you really needed it. At least that’s what you told yourself as you stepped through the doors of ‘The Last Drop.’ It was crowded and loud, the thick scent of booze and cigarettes hanging in the air. Just like you remembered. You made your way to the bar and took a seat.
“Haven’t seen ya ‘round here in a while.” The bartender, Callum, said casually.
“Hey.” You responded, not wanting to make small talk.
“So what brings you here? Trouble in paradise?”
“It’s Vi.” You said curtly.
He let out a sigh, clearly understanding right away.
“The usual, then?”
“Yeah, please.”
“Coming right up.”
A couple of minutes later, Callum slammed your drink down in front of you and you took the glass in your hand. You stared at the clear liquid inside, contemplating whether a hangover in the morning was worth forgetting tonight.
Fuck it.
Making your decision quickly, you lifted the glass up to your lips and downed the entirety of its contents, sealing your fate for the night.
“Hey! Hey! Wake up!”
You felt someone shaking you, but you were too tired to face the world so you ignored it and tried to go back to sleep.
“Come on! Vi’s here and she’s gonna kill me if she finds you like this...” You heard Callum say.
You groaned at the mention of her name.
“Fuck Vi!” You yelled, still angry about the fight that had brought you here in the first place.
“Glad to see you too, cupcake.” Said a voice from behind you.
Vi’s here. Wonderful.
“What do you want?” You said bitterly over your shoulder.
“I’m here to take you home.”
“Well, what if I don’t wanna go home?”
“Yeah, that’s not an option.” She said, taking your arm and swinging it around her shoulder.
“Come on. Up you go.” Vi encouraged you.
You groaned in response and stayed still, trying to make yourself as heavy as possible in protest.
“Come on, sweetheart. Don’t be like this… How could you let them get this drunk?” She asked Callum, one eyebrow raised in obvious disapproval. You surged in anger at her words - how dare she talk about you like that? Like… Like you were a little kid whose babysitter allowed them to stay up past their bedtime?
“Am not a fuckin’ child! I can make my own choices, y’know?!” You slurred, standing up too quickly and losing your balance.
“Yeah, I can see that.” She said as she caught you in her arms, preventing you from falling flat on your face.
She swung your arm around her neck once more, but this time you were too tired and nauseous to resist her help, so you slumped against her and let her half-carry you out of the bar.
The walk back home was silent… or as silent as it could be in the Lanes, anyway. Neither one of you spoke a word, but you both knew that there was a lot being left unsaid. You could tell Vi was angry, both from the scowl on her face and the way she was staring so determinedly ahead, like she didn’t want to look at you. And maybe, just maybe, you thought, she had the right to be. You had disappeared on her for who-knows-how long and you had gotten black-out drunk by yourself. So maybe she wasn’t completely, entirely, absolutely in the wrong.
But I have a right to be angry too.
The fresh memory of Ekko busting through your door with a barely conscious Vi in his arms flashed through your mind. “Enforcers,” you remembered his words, clear as day, and the deadly weight that he spoke them with. And how could you forget the sight of the woman you loved, almost bleeding to death from the wound on her side? Or the feeling of her flesh as you dug out the bullet with your bare hands? Or the sound of her cries as you passed a needle through her skin, sewing the wound close, stitch by stitch?
Worst of all was the dread that you felt as you waited for Ekko to come back with medicine from the apothecary. You sat there for what felt like hours, unable to do anything but attempt to cool her down as her fever spiked and her breathing became labored. You held her hand through it all, the fear that it may be the last time that you did slicing through you like a knife…
“We’re here.” Vi said as she opened the door to your shared apartment. You’d gotten so lost in your own thoughts you hadn’t realized you’d walked all the way back home. She helped you over to the bathroom and sat you down on the toilet. Your head lolled back against the wall and you closed your eyes, the exhaustion of the night’s events finally settling into your bones. You felt yourself falling asleep and welcomed it, but the sudden sound of the shower spray startled you awake.
“Hey, hey. Look at me.” Vi crouched down in front of you and took your face in her warm, bandaged hands, tilting it down to meet her eyes.
“You need a shower.”
You furrowed your brows. What was she talking about?
“Whatdaya mean? Why?”
She chuckled at your question. “You hurled all over yourself, cupcake. Sober you would kill me if I let you go to bed with pukey clothes.”
“I threw up?”
“Yeah, twice actually.”
A vague memory of countless empty glasses at the bar flashed through your mind in that moment.
“Makes sense.” You said weakly.
“I’m gonna need you to take your clothes off sweetheart. Can you do that on your own or do you need my help?”
“Think I can do it by myself.”
You undressed yourselves as the water got hotter and steam filled the small bathroom. When you finally managed to take all your clothes off (which took you longer than usual, given your current state of intoxication), Vi helped you step into the tub and under the warm shower-spray. Too tired to stand, you sat down and allowed the water to hit your back.
The two of you stayed mostly silent as Vi washed you, only breaking the silence when she needed you to turn around or move a certain part of your body. On any other occasion, this would have been very relaxing and even sexy, but tonight, the air was thick with tension - and not the good kind. There were so many things you wanted to say, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say them. So you just sat there and said nothing, merely waiting until Vi was done.
Soon enough, the shower shut off and Vi helped you step out of the tub, making sure you didn’t slip on the wet tile floor. At this point, all you wanted was sleep, so you were quick to dry yourself off and put on some clean clothes, only brushing your teeth because Vi reminded you to.
As soon as you were done with your night-time routine, you rushed off to your shared bedroom and collapsed on the bed, eagerly awaiting the sleep you so desperately needed. Right before you fell asleep, you felt the bed dip behind you and a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to their owner.
“Thank you for tonight.” You whispered, barely awake.
She kissed your shoulder in response, as if to say “don’t mention it, cupcake.”
You woke up to the sun shining brightly in your face. On most days, this was welcomed - nothing felt better than cozy sheets that had been warmed by the sun’s rays, after all - but today, however, it was not. Your head was pounding and your body hurt all over, a clear and obvious consequence from your very, very poor decisions the previous night. In hopes of shielding yourself from the intense light coming from the window, you turned around and pulled the covers over your head.
You had every intention of going back to sleep, but the delicious aroma of coffee convinced you otherwise. Swinging your legs off the bed, you took a second to stretch your tired body before standing up and making your way to the kitchen.
“Morning.” Said Vi, as she moved around the kitchen, grabbing ingredients.
“Morning.” You said back.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better, thanks.”
“That’s good.” She replied, curtly.
“I made coffee. Yours is on the table.” She continued.
“Thanks.” You said as you grabbed the mug and took a sip, not knowing how to address the obvious tension in the room.
“I’m going to the gym today.” She mentioned, now pouring flour into a big bowl.
“Yeah, I got that new workout routine I wanna try.”
“That sounds fun.”
Oh god, this is so much worse than the yelling.
“I guess I’ll go to the market - get some of that stuff we’re missing.” You said, trying to keep the conversation going.
“Oh, could you get some eggs, then?” She asked as she used up the last ones, adding them to the mystery batter.
“Yeah, sure.”
At this point, you didn't know what was worse - the awkward small talk or the oppressive silence.
“So we're just not gonna talk about it?” You said, finally addressing what was clearly on both of your minds.
“What’s there to talk about?” She asked, now angrily pouring milk into the bowl.
“Come on Vi, we can’t keep running away from this.”
“If I remember correctly, you were the only one running away last night, cupcake. I was more than happy to talk, but I guess you just couldn’t ‘deal with me’.”
Your heart dropped as you remembered the cruel words you had spoken to her in your anger, not even realizing how heartless they were in the moment.
“Vi… that’s not what I meant.” You said with a sigh.
“Really? What did you mean, then?” She asked with a sarcastic tone, as she started aggressively whipping the batter.
“It’s just…” You started, trying to find your words.
“It’s just what?!” She insisted as she let go of the bowl, hands slamming down on the counter.
“It’s just that you don’t listen, Vi! You’re always ‘more than happy to talk’ but you never actually listen to anything I say!”
“Well, I’m listening now, aren’t I?! So come on! Tell me what you want to say! Tell me all these things that I apparently never listen to.”
“See? You’re doing it again!”
“Doing what?!” She yelled, finally turning around to face you.
“You’re dismissing what I say, Vi! You’re dismissing my very real - very valid - concerns!”
“Why? Because I won’t quit the Firelights everytime I get a scratch?!”
“I have never asked you to do that, and you know it!”
“Maybe not in so many words, no. But I can tell you’re thinking it - hoping for it, even!”
“Of course I think about it, Vi! Of course I hope for it! You’re the love of my life, you dumbass! If I could I’d never let anything hurt you! But I’d never ask you to do that!”
“Then what the fuck do you want me to do?! How are we supposed to make this work, huh?!”
“I JUST WANT YOU TO BE MORE CAREFUL, GODDAMMIT.” You yelled, your voice breaking into sobs. Your shoulders quivered as you wailed, and you sat down on the couch, feeling like your knees were going to give out on you.
Vi’s eyes went wide as she watched you from the kitchen. She had never seen you break down like this, and she wasn’t quite sure what to do. She stood there for a second, unsure, before instinct kicked in and she rushed over to you.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey.” She said gently as she crouched down in front of you. She cupped your cheeks in her hands, trying to coax you to look at her, but you wouldn’t budge.
“Come on, cupcake. Look at me.” You shook your head, sobs still rocking your body. You didn’t want her to see you like this - eyes red, cheeks wet, runny nose - you didn’t want her to see you so weak.
“Please, baby. Please look at me.” She was begging at this point, which she never did, so you obliged her, tilting your head down to meet her eyes.
“There you are.” Vi said with a smile as she wiped your tears away with her thumbs. She sat down next to you on the couch and pulled you into her side. “Come here,” she whispered as tucked your head into her neck and lifted your legs onto her lap, wrapping her arms around you.
Vi stroked your hair as she let you cry into her chest, her arms tightening around you every time you let out a particularly loud sob. You clung to her like a lifeline - finally letting all your pent up feelings out - the anger, the sadness, the fear you felt every time Vi walked out the door to go on Fireflight business, never sure when - if - she’d come back. The two of you stayed like that for what felt like eternity, cuddling each other in your own little bubble where nothing could hurt you.
Finally, your wails subdued and your breathing relaxed enough for you to find your voice.
“Vi, I don’t want you to quit the Firelights.” You said, as you lifted your head from its spot on the crook of her neck and turned to meet her gaze. She merely nodded in acknowledgement, encouraging you to continue. “I know how important they are to you and I would never ask you to give that up. Nor would I want to.” You let out a sigh, still reeling from the intensity of your break down.
“That fire, that - that - that drive in you, to fight and to stand up against those Topside assholes - it’s one of the things I love about you.” You continued as you raised your hand to stroke her cheek.
She leaned into your touch, placing her hand over yours and leaving a soft kiss on the inside of your wrist.
“I just -” You exhaled, trying to find the right words.
“Want me to be more careful?” She completed your thought for you, repeating your earlier sentiment, making you giggle.
“Yes... You can be so reckless, Vi. And I know, I know, I knew what I was signing up for from the very beginning. But I just wish you thought a little bit before you jumped into danger, y’know? It’s not just your life, anymore, baby. It’s our life.” You bumped your forehead against hers, further emphasizing your point.
“And three days ago, when Ekko brought you here… God, Vi. You were so pale, and your eyes - it was like you were already dead.” You gripped her hand, voice breaking once more.
“And I really thought you weren’t gonna make it. And it’s like a life without you flashed before my eyes and Vi… that’s not a life I want, ok?”
“So please, just, please. Promise me you’ll be more careful. Please. If not for your sake, for mine.” You pleaded.
“That’s all I ask.” You finished with tears running down your cheeks again.
You sat up, stunned at her words.
“‘Okay’? Just ‘okay’?”
Was she being sarcastic? You honestly couldn’t tell.
She looked you dead in the eye and placed your hand over her heart. “I promise that I’ll be more careful from now on, okay sweetheart?” She said genuinely, gripping your hand in hers.
“Just like that?” You asked with a sniffle.
“Just like that.” Vi nodded and you let out a sigh of relief.
“Expected more pushback?” She asked, wiping your tears away once more.
“Well… to be honest, yeah.”
She laughed. “You are severely underestimating the power of your puppy dog eyes, cupcake.” You let out a giggle at her words and pushed your head against hers.
“I love you.” She said, softly.
“I love you, too.”
“And I’m so sorry, for what I said last night, and for running out and disappearing on you and -”
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay, it’s okay. I forgive you.” She shushed you as she cupped your cheeks with her hands and pulled you closer. You looked into each other’s eyes for a moment, finding all the love and reassurance you both needed right there. Vi’s gaze shifted downwards, to your lips, and then back up to your eyes, silently telling you what she wanted.
With a gentle smile, you leaned in and pressed your lips against hers. Vi’s hands slid down from your cheeks, to your neck, making a final stop at your waist. Yours, on the other hand, made their way to her pink hair, where you buried your fingers as you pushed her closer to you.
Swinging your left leg over her lap, you straddled her, her hands immediately going to your ass, pushing you down against her. You gripped her hair by the roots and pulled harshly to the side, exposing her tattooed neck to your lips. Starting at the sensitive spot below her ear, you trailed kisses and bites down her skin, reveling in her tiny moans as you did.
“Fuck, cupcake..” She said, out of breath, as she cupped the back of your head, encouraging you to keep going.
You smirked at her words - you had no intention of stopping. You licked your way back up her neck and bit her ear, coaxing a whimper out of her lips. “Take this off, baby.” You whispered, grabbing at the collar of her jacket. Vi didn’t hesitate, practically ripping off the red garment before getting her hands back on you. “This, too.” You said as you helped pull off her undershirt, leaving the top part of her body completely exposed.
You let your eyes wander over her form, taking a second to appreciate the utter work of art that she was - her sculpted shoulders, her muscular arms, and fuck, her tits -
“Enjoying the view, cupcake?” She asked teasingly, knowing perfectly well that’s exactly what you were doing. “Can you blame me?” You teased back as you rolled her nipples between your fingers. You leaned down to take one of them into your mouth, biting just a little before turning your attention to the other one, making sure to give it the same love and attention. Vi was a panting mess at this point, and you couldn’t help but smirk to yourself, proud of your work.
You stood up from her lap and kissed her on the lips when she turned to look at you, confused. You stepped back before she could pull you into a deeper kiss, and kneeled down in front of her. Looking up at her through your eyelashes, you placed your hands on her thick thighs and started rubbing them, making your intentions clear. Vi nodded, answering your silent question of consent, and you got to work pulling down her pants. Given her position, she had to shift around a little bit to get them off, but soon enough Vi was wonderfully bare before you.
Without breaking eye contact, you spread her legs, and pulled her to the edge of the couch, lifting one of her legs onto your shoulder. You teasingly bit the side of her knee and kissed your way up her inner thigh, occasionally stopping to suck on her skin. “You’re gonna leave marks, babe…” Vi said, out of breath.
“That’s the point.” You responded, emphasizing your words with another bite to her skin. You kept teasing her, kissing, licking, biting at her thigh - fully aware that you were driving her crazy. “Come on, cupcake.” She urged you, trying to push your head to where she needed you most. You were tempted, of course - you loved going down on Vi almost as much as you loved her. But you wanted her to beg.
“What’s the magic word?” You asked, looking up at her smugly as you sucked a mark onto her skin, loving the way her head lolled back against the wall in pleasure. You turned to the other leg and lifted it over your shoulder as well, licking a long line up her calf and knee until you reached that sensitive spot on her inner thigh. You bit down hard - “mhh” you heard Vi moan above you - and you soothed over the teeth marks with your tongue.
Her hands came down to push your head against her pussy and you lightly slapped the inside of her thigh in reprimand. Vi knew exactly what she had to do if she wanted your mouth on her - the brat was just too stubborn to do it. “Come on, baby… Just say it.” Your hands trailed up her calves and past her thighs, reaching up to grab her breasts. “You know you want to…” you continued, twisting and pulling at her nipples. She lifted her closed fist up to her mouth and bit down, clearly fighting the urge to give you what you wanted.
Realizing you needed to up your game, you sat up so you were at eye level with her stomach. You planted a kiss right above her belly button, and then another one on her lower tummy, kissing your way down until you were face to face with her pussy. You took in a deep breath before diving in, inhaling the scent of her, knowing it always made her blush. “Fuckin’ finally…” Vi muttered under her breath, burying her hands in your hair.
Rather than giving her what she so clearly wanted, you upped the teasing. You licked at the sides of her cunt and around her clit, purposefully avoiding the place where she wanted you most. She let out a loud whine, finally realizing what you were up to and you felt your own pussy clench at the sound- there was nothing better than a needy, desperate Vi. “You’re killing me, cupcake.” She breathed out.
“You know what you need to do, sweetheart.” You said teasingly, looking up through your eyelashes to meet her eyes. She shook her head “no” - stubborn, little thing. “It’s just one tiny, little word,” you said as you now rubbed small circles around her clit, “you can do it.” She bit her lip and you knew you had her where you wanted her.
“Fuck… please.”
There it was.
Giving her no time to prepare, you pulled her closer by her legs and dove in. You swirled your tongue all the way up to her clit, no longer holding back. For what must have been the fifth or fourth time that night, her hands found your head and shoved it against her pussy, only this time you didn’t resist. Instead, you lapped at her folds, shamelessly groaning at her taste.
“Fuck, Vi… You’re so wet.” You said breathily, pulling away for a second before burying your head between her legs once more. You flattened your tongue against her core and licked up her slit. Vi bucked her hips against your face and you pushed down against her hips to keep her as still as you could. You started circling her clit, but a sharp tug at your hair told you the time for teasing her was over - and you agreed, finally wrapping your lips around her clit. You sucked at the bundle of nerves, coaxing a very loud moan out of your beautiful girlfriend. Bringing one of your hands down, you gathered some of her wetness and pushed two of your fingers inside her.
“Augh!” She groaned as you curled them, pushing them against that spot inside her that always made her weak. Her eyes squeezed shut and she gripped at the roots of your hair - she was close. With newfound determination, you drove your fingers deeper into her and intensified the pace, using your other hand to lift up the hood of her clit so you’d have more access. Without your hands to hold her down, she started rocking her hips, grinding her cunt against your face. You let out a groan, swirling your tongue around her folds before going back to sucking on her clit.
“Fuck!” Vi yelled out as she finally came, her hips slowing down and her grip on your hair loosening. You lapped up her juices, giving her slit a final lick before you pulled your fingers out of her and leaned back. Panting, you looked up at her and felt yourself get wet at the sight before you: Vi, flushed and out of breath, with her eyes squeezed shut and eyebrows furrowed in obvious pleasure. Sensing your ogling, she opened her eyes and looked down at you. Her hands came down to cup your cheeks and she pulled you up to sit on her lap.
“You taste so fucking good, babe.” You said, licking your lips as you perched yourself on one of her strong thighs. She blushed at your comment, and brought you down to kiss her. Your lips clashed together, her juices mixing with your saliva as her tongue entered your mouth. Now feeling the need for your own release, you started grinding your clothed core against her thigh, whining into her mouth. Amused at this, Vi leaned down to your ear, licking at the flesh before biting down. “Who’s desperate now?” She whispered, gripping your hips to stop you their movement.
You let out a whimper and attempted to move, but a harsh slap to your ass was enough to make you stop. Vi cupped the nape of your neck and pulled you into a deep kiss, the other hand remaining on your hip as a reminder to behave. She pulled away and looked you dead in the eye. “It’s your turn to beg for me, cupcake.” She said, voice low and pupils dilated. There was no hesitation in her words and you knew instantly that this was vengeance for your earlier teasing. Dropping your head onto her shoulder, you moaned as you tried to escape her iron grip on your hips, but to no avail.
“Come on, babe… it’s just one tiny, little word…” She said condescendingly, repeating your earlier words back to you. Lifting your head by your hair, she pulled it back to expose your neck to her hungry lips. She kissed along your jawline and down your neck, sucking harshly on the skin of your chest. Her hands settled on your hips once more, making sure that you wouldn’t get any release until you gave her what she wanted - you could be just as stubborn as her, after all.
You tried to hold out, you really did, but the truth was, that teasing game had gotten to you just as much as it had Vi, and you just couldn’t wait anymore. “Please, Vi.” You whimpered into her ear, giving in. “Please, what?” She asked sternly, biting at your neck. Fuck, she was cruel.
“Don’t make me say it.” You begged, pushing your forehead against hers, but Vi wasn’t budging. Letting out a whine, you prepared yourself for further humiliation. “Please let me ride your thigh, Vi. Please.” You insisted.
“See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” She asked smugly, now gripping your ass and pulling you closer. “Well, go on then, have at it…” She said as she released her hold on your hips and crossed her arms behind her head. You pouted when you realized that she wasn’t going to help you, but started moving your hips back and forth, anyway. “Come on, cupcake. Is that the best you can do?” Your eyes were closed, but you didn’t need to see her to know there was a smirk painted across her face. Getting worked up at her words, you started grinding faster and harder, desperate to reach your peak.
“That’s a good little slut.” She said with a slap to your ass. She moved her hands to your sides and started moving you back and forth, guiding your hips against her thigh. Her words went straight to your pussy and you moaned. “Fuck, Vi… feels so good.” You could feel your wetness leaking through the thin panties you had worn to bed the previous night, and based on the way Vi bit her lip and groaned, she could too. “Fuck yeah, babe - make a mess on my thigh.” She said out of breath.
She started bouncing her leg, just as eager to make you cum. “Ah!” You moaned in surprise. You swore, this woman was gonna be the death of you. You could feel the pleasure building as the rhythm of your rolling hips quickened, desperately chasing your climax. “Come on, cupcake. I wanna see you come for me.” She whispered in your ear, still bouncing her leg against your sopping cunt. You were panting and moaning and whimpering, your nails digging into Vi’s shoulders for support.
You were close, teetering on the edge of your orgasm, but not quite there yet. You groaned out in frustration, desperately rubbing yourself against your girlfriend’s bouncing leg. Vi grabbed your face with her hands, squishing your cheeks as she brought you closer to meet her gaze. “Keep your eyes on me.” She said sternly, her fingers holding your face in place. You did as told, your eyes never leaving hers as the pleasure almost became too much for you.
“Cum for me.” It was a command - sure and unwavering - and it was all it took to bring you over the edge. Your mouth opened in a silent moan as your hips slowed down, coming to an eventual stop. You took a second as you came down from your high, your breathing shaky and your body quivering from the extreme pleasure. Vi bounced her leg a couple of times, enjoying the way you shuddered at the stimulation, you pussy now overly sensitive from your climax.
You slumped against her, your activities having drained you, both physically and mentally. Vi reached up to caress your back, trailing her fingers up and down your spine. “You were so good for me.” She said, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. “You too,” you responded as you nuzzled into the crook of her neck, planting a kiss there to return the affection. You both sat there for a second, caressing and kissing each other gently.
“Fuck, cupcake.” She said with a laugh as she brushed the hair that had fallen out of place behind your ear. You grinned, “fuck, indeed.” You held each other for a brief moment, before Vi admitted that her leg was getting tired., making you laugh. You got off and the two of you laid down together to cuddle on the couch, too tired to move to the bed.
“We should really stop fucking on the couch.” You mentioned offhandedly as you thought about all the times you had gotten down and dirty with your girlfriend on these very cushions.
“You should stop being such a hot piece of ass then, babe.” She said, giving your ass a light slap before wrapping her arms around your waist. You giggled, placing your hand over hers. “But think about all the stains, Vi… Our guests sit here.”
“Mhhh, I’ve never heard you complain.” She planted a couple of kisses on your neck and nibbled on your ear for good measure, making you squeal with joy.
“Does this mean we’re good?” Vi asked, squeezing you just a bit. “Yeah,” you said, bringing her hand up to your lips so you could kiss it.
“You sure?”
“Really, really sure?”
“Do you need me to make you cum again to prove it, Violet?” You asked, now rolling your eyes.
“I mean… I wouldn’t be opposed to it.” She said, wiggling her eyebrows.
“You’re an idiot - a horny, insatiable idiot.” you said, laughing.
“And yet, here you are, completely and utterly in love with me.” She teased.
“I am.” You said, squeezing her hand.
“That’s good, cupcake. Cause I’m completely and utterly in love with you too.”
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astroluvr · 2 years
this jack blurb came to me in a dream. hope u enjoy!!!
When your alarm went off every morning, you were the first to respond. Since becoming a mother, it was easier to roll out of bed and get the day started- even if that meant you were in desperate need of a nap later on.
Jack grumbled slightly when you broke away from his body to turn off your alarm. "Lay back down."
"Can't." you said, reaching behind you to kiss his cheek.
You stood from the bed and rubbed your weary eyes as you shuffled to the bathroom. From behind you, you could hear the sound of Jack readjusting in bed.
"I'm coming back for you, Jack."
"I know." he sighed.
After getting yourself freshened up, you walked back to your bed and began shaking Jack awake. You rolled over his side and he turned his head against his pillow and looked down at you unamused.
"Five more minutes."
"No You rented the studio today already.. Up, up, up."
"Give me a kiss first." he pouted, making you cringe.
"Your breath is kicking, Jack."
Your husband vengefully tilted his hip to send you back to your feet and you laughed before rubbing his thigh. "Seriously, get up. I'll make breakfast."
He hummed as you started to walk out of the room. The shorts you had on under your shirt gave Jack a delightful view. "I'm not the only one up now."
When you turned around, you were greeted with a smirk and raised eyebrows. "Gross."
Despite your tone, nothing you said could diminish the girlish grin on your face. Jack, after five years of being together, never failed at making you feel like you were the only girl in the world when he smiled at you. The two of you had never left your honeymoon phase and it showed in the glint of your smiles and glow of your faces.
Across the hall, you went to wake up your little boy. He slept just like his father, on his back and taking up all the space with his shirt off. It didn't matter if you put one on him, when you saw him in the morning his torso would be bare. His curls were untamed, especially after a night of rest.
You would miss the mornings when he was too big to be woken up by his mother playing with his hair or the opening of his curtains. For now though, he woke up peacefully and only whined a little when you caressed his smooth cheeks.
"Good morning, honey." you whispered, rubbing his nose with your own before standing. "It's time to get up."
"Right now?" he frowned and you hummed.
"Yeah. Remember the ice cream truck is coming to the daycare today, right?"
"Oh." he sat up and looked up at you. "I'm awake, Mama."
"Good morning." you said again, and he yawned.
"Can I have pancakes for breakfast? Big ones?"
"You sure can. Go tell your daddy."
He hopped out of bed and went to your and Jack's room. While your son irritated Jack, you picked out his clothes for the day and went back to your room, expecting to see Jack up and ready to take him to brush his teeth, but instead they were cuddled up.
Jack's torso was exposed and the warmth that the blanket once provided was now being given by your son who leaned against Jack. They looked like carbon copies of one another and their eyes were rested on you.
"What are you two doing?"
"Why do we have to do anything today?" Jack groaned, letting his head fall behind his little boy.
"Yeah, Mama."
"Don't you want pancakes?"
"You're making pancakes?" Jack perked up and salivated at the thought.
"If you get up, I'll make them for breakfast and dinner when you get home." you bargained and the two of them shared a look.
Jack eyed you and pulled his son a little closer. You squinted at the two of them and couldn't make out a word coming from Jack's mouth before they both stood.
"There's my boys. Look, I'll go get... started on breakfast- Jack, what are you doing?" you asked when his hands latched to your hips.
"Go!" Jack yelled and you tensed when your son's hands clasped behind your neck and Jack leaned forward, sending you right to the bed and on top of your son with Jack laying on top of you.
"Jackman Harlow, if you don't get off of me right now."
"You're staying with us today, Mama!"
"No, we're-"
"Please?" the youngest Harlow whispered and you couldn't help but give in slightly.
"Five minutes."
"Five hours." Jack whispered in your ear and you shut your eyes before letting Jack roll over and free your son.
"Under one condition," you began and they both looked at you with anticipation. "Y'all brush your teeth. This is biological warfare."
"We got her!" Jack cackled excitedly, high-fiving his partner in crime before hopping out of bed. "I'm going to need your help with getting her to say yes to a Vegas trip with your uncles."
"Don't even think about it, Jack!" you yelled behind him, getting comfortable in your bed.
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could you write any smut w jennifer check or michael langdon pls😩😩 🥰🤞🏾
How dare you make me choose between those two 😤 I decided to go with Jennifer because I need to post more content on her tbh
Morning Hunger (Jennifer Check x reader)
Warnings: SMUT, cunnilingus
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You were sleeping in on a Saturday morning when you felt someone trying to nudge you awake.
"Babe. Babe, wake up!" Your girlfriend Jennifer said as she pushed you hard enough to roll you off the bed.
You pushed her back, irritated she had woken you up. "Go away. It's sleep time, not waking up time."
"But I'm hungry," she said as she flopped down on the bed next to you.
"Well, go out and kill somebody then. I'm not stopping you." You snuggled farther into your bed, trying to go back to sleep.
She pulled the blanket down off of you as she straddled one of your thighs.
"Hey, what gives?!"
"That's not what I'm hungry for," she said with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes at her. "Is that seriously the only reason why you woke me up? Because you're horny?"
"I'm not horny," she pouted. "I'm hungry. There's a difference. Besides, you know how moody I get if I don't get the chance to taste you at least once a day."
You raised your eyebrows at her. "You're moody either way."
She huffed. "That's not the point. Look, I promise I'll be quick, and so gentle you won't even feel anything, and I promise I'll let you go back to sleep right after, okay?"
"Oh, alright," you said. "How could I say no to such a beautiful face like that? Especially since you sound so pretty when you beg." You smirked.
She grabbed one of your legs and pulled you closer to her.
"Ow! Jennifer, you said you'd be gentle! You promised!"
"Yeah, but that was before you decided to tease me," she stated matter-of-factly.
You gave her a look as you felt her pull down your pajama bottoms before slipping off your underwear. She knelt down in between your legs, taking in the sight of your bare pussy.
Feeling her hot breath on your thighs, you groaned and said "Jen, don't tease."
"That's karma for you bitch," she said before placing the flat part of her tongue directly on your clit.
You shivered, subtly shifted yourself farther down the bed so your pussy would be closer to Jennifer's face. If she noticed, she didn't say anything about it, as she was far too busy kissing and sucking your clit to care.
You let out a soft moan as she moved her mouth further down, teasing your entrance with her fingers as her other hand was wrapped around one of your thighs.
Her tongue felt as though it was engulfing you, cover your entire pussy in one lick as she slipped one of her fingers inside your core.
Panting, you reached down to gently brush her hair out of her face. She responded by plunging a second finger into your tight hole as she ate your pussy.
You arched your back, feeling yourself getting closer to release by the second. "Jen, I- I think I'm gonna-"
"Oh, are you gonna cum?" She asked mockingly as she added a third finger.
"Jen, please," you begged as tears started streaming down your face. "I can't take it much longer."
"Cum for me baby," she commanded as you came all over her fingers. She quickly leaned her head back down to lap up your juices as you whimpered at the overstimulation.
Lifting her head up, she smirked at you and asked, "Wanna taste?"
All you could do was stare at her, too exhausted to say anything. She crawled on top of you and gave you a wet, sloppy kiss, you tasting yourself on her mouth.
"See, aren't you glad I woke you up?"
Taglist: @langdonsoutpost @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube
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minouyujis · 3 years
he loves her.
he loves everything about her.
she was warm. she made him feel loved. made him forget about the abandonment issues he faced every night when it indulged him in his sleep. made him forget that he had a last name that belonged to his mother, the woman he had never met.
megumi loves y/n.
she was sweet. she was so nice.
it could be one in the morning, and just the simple text of what are you doing? would be responded to in the blink of an eye. he was whipped. he was whole with her.
y/n: what are u doing gumi??
megumi: thinking of you
y/n is typing . . .
y/n: really?!???!
megumi: yeah
y/n: come to my dorm!! i'm watching ratatouille!
megumi: okay
he would watch all of the disney pixar movies in the world with her if it meant she would continue smothering him, basking into the presence of her warmth. he loved how she smelled just like how she presented herself. fresh out of the shower, her strawberry scented shampoo lingering off of her hair. he could even smell the non-scented body wash on her sensitive skin, he enjoyed how fragile she was in certain places of her character.
it made him feel protective.
he wanted to protect her. she knew the power she held over him, and did not bother to abuse it.
"do you think someone like that exists? like, a rat that can cook?" she spoke into his chest, eyes fixated on the television in front of the lovebirds. he mumbled into her head, one of his long arms in the back of his head as the other wrapped itself around the girl, slender, pale fingers twirling around the ends of her hair. "if curses can speak, why can't a rat." it had sounded more like an answer than a question.
"oh my gosh gumi," she would dart, retorting her eyes away to look back up at him for a quick second giggling. "you're so right! i totally forgot curses can speak. duh! silly me."
he loved that about her.
he enjoyed how opposite she was from him. every yin needed a yang. her run on sentences responded to by his one word answers. her cheery mood compared to his introverted actions. her ability to keep a conversation with five people at a time as he stood across the room, his eyes on her every second they were there.
y/n would be the death of megumi fushiguro.
he only hated it when she was sad.
he didn't enjoy it when she would cry. not when he felt like it was always his fault for something he didn't do. he hated when she would get hurt. if he really loved her, he would've prevented it from happening in the first place. even if it was as small as a simple paper cut.
he did not like the idea of her blood being visible to the human eye. it hurt him more than it showed.
megumi: are you almost finished with your errands
y/n: mhm
megumi: let me know when you're coming over
y/n: i don't feel like coming today. ily
he hated it when she was so terrible at telling him how she was feeling.
he hated it so much because they both knew that he could read her like a book. the shortened affirmation bothered him more than it should've, and he knew she only made a half ass comment because she was feeling down.
megumi: alright. i love you.
megumi was patient with her.
he didn't push it if she didn't want him too, and it's what drew her to him even more.
y/n loved megumi. there was nothing in this world that she wouldn't do for him.
y/n: ): when u do that it makes me feel bad
y/n: can we pls watch wall-e when i come over
the two loved each other. they didn't need to tell one another for them to know. it could be said through their actions. by the way she took care of him after a mission. the way he comforted her after watching a sad scene. where she fed him when he had a fever.
megumi: i'll do anything for you
it was undeniable that he was truly whipped.
but it was all for her.
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getosbigballsack · 3 years
Caught Looking Through Your Window.
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pair: model/prof! Gojo x student! reader x prof! Geto 
Warning: threesome, age gap, college au, unprotected sex, face sitting, oral sex (both male giving, one male receiving and female receiving.) Sato-Sugu relationship. just pure smut, comedy too mxm mxfxm.
synopsis: you were caught looking through window masturbating as you watched as your neighbors have sex. You avoided them after th incident, until one day Gojo found you at a coffee shop and he decided to take you home. 😉
Words: 4.8k 
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This is what you feel when you sit in the corner of your bathroom, taking deep breaths as you try your hardest to comprehend what just happened.
Buzz!! Buzz!!
You blinked and looked over at your phone and stared at the caller's ID.
Why are they calling you now? Didn't they embarrass you enough? You sighed heavily while picking up your phone in your trembling hands, swiping right; you placed the phone at your ear and waited for his voice to echo through the other end of the phone screen.
"Ms. L/N," he finally spoke after taking a few deep breaths of his own.
"Professor," you answered. You could hear it, the evident smirk in his voice as he spoke so calmly and smoothly over the phone as if he didn't just catch you in your dirty act.
"Are you ok? Do you want us to come over?"
"Yes I am alright," you quickly answered as you scrambled up to your feet and rushed to your bathroom sink. Clean hands, clean hands, you panicked as you washed away the slick from your fingers. "No need for you and Mr. Gojo to come over. I'm ok."
"Is that so?" She heard Gojo speak in the background.
"Yes, Mr. Gojo, I'll be fine. Don't need to worry about me," you laughed nervously as you continued to wash your fingers. "You two can go back to doing whatever it is that you were doing."
Gojo laughed, so loud it made your cheeks burn from embarrassment. Shit, the older male does know to make your skin get heated. "You should join us Y/N. Three is always better than two."
"Uhm... it's ok Mr. Gojo," you answered.
"It's nothing to be embarrassed about Ms. L/N," your professor cooly stated as if you didn't just commit your sin, to their dirty act. (Not entirely dirty because you enjoyed the heck out of it). "You should come over as Satoru said. Let us help you."
"I'm good," you practically shouted. You had a feeling they heard you inside their own house since it was right next to yours and it so happens that your bedroom window and theirs are opened. "It's late Prof. Geto. I should go to bed. Don't want to be late for your class, right?"
He laughed and before he even got a chance to respond, you quickly hung up the phone and slammed it down on the bathroom sink.
Your phone started ringing again. You knew who it was, but there is no point in answering. You know he's just going to tease you, embarrass you even more than how you were already.
How the hell did you get caught up in a situation like this?
You sighed heavily before taking off your soiled panties and tossing them in the hamper. You thought about a shower but you decided not to. You'll do that in the morning before you head to school.
You walked out of the bathroom and into your room, changed into your nightgown minus your underwear and you walked over to your bed.
The windows, you thought to yourself as you walked over to shut them, but before you could do so, your cheeks started to burn once again, your eyes grew wide - he was standing there. No, they were standing there both naked and uncaring, it was as if they expected you to come back to your window.
You saw the younger male wrap his arms around the older male's shoulder - kissing his cheek before looking over at you. They smirked and sent a wink your way.
"FUCK!" you screamed and quickly shut your window. You knew they'll forever hang this over your head. They'll forever tease you about the dirty act you committed.
They'll forever remind you that they caught you, hiding behind your windows on your bed with your fingers buried in your cunt as you silently fuck yourself as you watched them through your window having sex.
Yes! You were caught fucking yourself as you watched as your two hot neighbors, Your Professor, Suguru Geto, and his partner (who at first you assumed to be his roommate), Satoru Gojo who was a model and a Professor, having sex inside their bedroom.
How the fuck were you going to get out of this now?
You sighed heavily as you sat in a coffee shop with your laptop on the table and a coffee in your hand. You had an exam coming up, but you also had your assignment that is due in only a few hours.
You were almost finished, you just had to do your final review of the assignment. Only thing is that you didn't know what to do. You normally don't review your assignments. Your neighbor Gojo normally does that, since he's good with grammar and stuff like that, but after what happened that night, you were too embarrassed to ask for help.
You couldn't risk looking either of them in the eyes without memories of their bodies pressed together, lips grazing messily against each other while the younger male thrust in and out of the older male. And the older male, clawed at the younger male skin, from how good he felt.
God! Who knew watching your gay neighbors having sex would be so hot. You didn't even know they were gay, you always saw them as men who doesn't like having females over because the other one would try to sleep with her. That's what you always thought until you witnessed them having sex that night.
You could remember the soft moans of the older male, and the manly grunts of the younger male. You can't forget the image of him holding onto the younger male's back, arching his own back, and tossing his head back in pleasure making his long pretty pink tongue loll out of his head.
God you were so turned on you were convinced at one point as you watched them, that something was deeply wrong with you, especially when you couldn't stop your fingers from thrusting in and out of your wet cunt. It wasn't your fault they looked so hot doing the dirty deeds, and it most certainly wasn't your fault for looking. They were the ones that left their window open, they were the ones to be blamed, not you.
"Focus Y/N, focus," You said to yourself as you took a long sip from your coffee then you went back to your review. You were so caught up in getting your work done, you didn't notice when someone sat in front of you and rested their bag on the table along with a sweet slice of strawberry shortcake. Their eyes were glued to your face as you began typing rapidly on your laptop, chuckling as you failed to notice them.
"Having problems with your assignment Y/N?" They finally spoke. You gasped, your body trembled a bit once you removed your eyes from your laptop screen and saw Gojo sitting there with the same cocky grin he wore that night. "Doing your review by yourself?"
"Ah! Mr. Gojo hi, ah yes I am," you stuttered as you looked away from him, images of him getting fucked by the younger male started to play out in your head. Shit, shit, shit, you panicked as you tried your hardest to not think about it.
"Very strange of you not to ask me for help," he said as he took a sip from his glass of water.
"Well, I wanted to do it on my own this time. No need to bother you all the time with my assignment. After all, I'm sure you have your work to do," You answered as you nervously tapped on your keyboard.
"Nonsense you know I don't mind. When is it due?" he asked you.
"11:59 PM," you answered and he hummed.
"Well since I am here now, and I'm positive you haven't made a single progress let me have a look at it," he said before getting up from his seat and sitting beside you, then he pulled your laptop away from you. You watched as he began to read through your 10-page assignment. "Suguru and I missed having you over."
"Well I have been busy," You lied. You haven't been busy at all, you were just doing a damn good job of avoiding them, even though Geto was one of your professors.
"Is that so? Are you sure it isn't something along the lines of you avoiding us?" he questioned as he began typing on your laptop. He glanced over at you and watched as you bit your lip and hid your face away.
"Haha! Nothing like that Mr. Gojo. I just have been really busy," You responded nervously.
"Hm! If you say so," He responds before turning his attention towards your assignment. You both sat in silence for a while as Gojo worked and you watched him until his phone went off. "Do you mind getting that for me?" You shook your head no as you reached for his bag and pulled his phone out.
Looking at the screen, Geto's name popped up with a heart emoji beside his name. "It's Professor Geto."
"Answer it," He said as he rested his hand on his jaw and went back to reading.
You sighed and swiped right. "Hello," you answered.
"Y/N, is that you?" Geto immediately asked, recognizing your voice.
"No, I'm Yu..."
"Fine it is me," you answered and Geto laughed.
"It's been a while kiddo, where is Satoru?" he asked.
"Reviewing my assignment," You answered.
"Tell him that I've prepared us some dinner. You should join us," he said.
"No need for that. I have.."
"Alright then I'll see you at three," then he hung up.
"What did he say?" Gojo asked.
"He said he prepared dinner for the both of you," you answered.
"Is that it?" He asked you.
"No, he said that I should come over," You said and you saw a smile stretched across his face.
"Great, then we should get going. I'll finish reviewing your assignment at home," He said. You didn't have much time to react when he packed your things along with his stuff and yanked you out of the coffee shop, shoved you into his car, and before you knew it. You were outside his home. Well, you were already inside.
"Y/N," Geto said as he approached you with a glass in his hand. He gave the glass to Gojo before kissing the older male then he turned to you and smiled. "It's nice to finally have you over again. We missed having you around."
"I saw her at the cafe, I'm sure if she saw me before I did, she would have run out before I even got the chance to say hi," Gojo responded as he drank whatever was in the glass.
"Well, it's a good thing you saw her Satoru, come on now kiddo. Let's get you something to eat, yes," He said as he pulled onto your hand and into his kitchen.
"That's fine, I'm not hungry," you said as you tried pulling away from him. But the firm grip he had on you told you that he had no intentions of letting you go.
"Well you are going to be here for a while since Satoru is going to finish your review," he said as he sat you down on the barstool around the kitchen island. "Might as well have some dinner."
Gojo hummed as he placed your computer on the island and went back to reviewing your work, while Geto prepared the meal on the plates. He placed a plate filled with food in front of you, then Gojo. Then he sat beside the older male and took a look at your laptop screen to have a look at your work. "That's incorrect Satoru," Geto said as he pointed at the mistake that Satoru made.
"Thank you, I didn't even realize. I was too distracted," he said as he corrected. You all ate in silence, well you did while you listened to them bickered back and forth in hush whispers about something.
It wasn't long before you were done eating and waiting for Gojo to be done with your work so you could get the fuck up out of there. You sighed in relief when Gojo came and stood beside you with your laptop in his hand. "You should be able to submit it now."
"Thank you, Mr. Gojo."
"No problem. I have no problem helping my cute little neighbor out," He smiled as he placed the laptop in front of you. Did he just call you cute? Your cheeks burned as you uploaded your assignment then you turned it off.
"Well, I should get going thank you," You said as you went to pick up your bag, but you remembered that Gojo never bothered to take it out of his car. "Mr. Gojo, my bag would you mind getting it for me."
"No I don't but why are you in such a hurry to leave?" He asked as he rested his hand on your shoulders. You stared down at his well-manicured nails, your mind fleshing back to that night when he used these same hands to tug at the younger male's hair.
"Well I have an exam coming up," you responded and he hummed.
"Yes, but that doesn't usually stop you from staying for a while," he said before leaning down and placing his lip at your ear.
"Y/N why are you avoiding us?" he asked as if he didn't already know the reason. "Don't tell me that you are still embarrassed that we caught you." You snapped your eyes shut and squeezed your legs together when you felt his breath against your neck. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about, though I was surprised to see you playing with your pretty pussy."
"Mr. Gojo you can't say stuff like that," you whispered as you tucked your chin between your breast and bit onto your already swollen lips.
"I want to see you play with it again," he said as he removed his hand from your shoulder and placed it between your thighs, and spread them apart. The one day you wished you wore pants, you didn't.
"Mr. Gojo this is..."
"Tell me Y/N did you enjoy watching as I get fucked by Suguru?" He whispered in your ear as his hand rubbed against your heated skin, his fingers tracing delicate patterns, slowly moving up until his hand was right in front of your clothed pussy. Your panties began to soak from your now dripping pussy as he whispered in your ear. "I bet you wished it was you huh? You wished you were the one getting your pretty cunt stuffed with his cock. Or did you wish it was mine?"
"Mr. Gojo?" You whimpered, He shifted your panties aside; one long finger parting your folds rubbing the slick smooth skin of your pussy.
"That wet already," he whispered as he began to play with your clit. You bit your lips feeling as his finger pressed down at your sensitive clit, rubbing the bud in slow circles, making you even wetter than you already were. "Come on, let it out, sweet girl. I know you want to."
"Please..." You softly moaned while gripping onto your skirt. He chuckled before slipping his finger inside your warm pussy, your slick coating his finger. He slowly thrust his finger inside of you, feeling the warm wall of your tight pussy squeezing around him. God, it felt good, feeling him pleasure your needy cunt with his finger had your mind going stupid and he wasn't even moving that very fast.
"So wet, Y/N. I didn't know you wanted us so bad," he whispered as he placed a kiss on your ear. As he continued to finger you, you didn't notice when the younger male appeared beside you, his long hair swept behind his back as he stared down at you. "She is soaking my finger Suguru. You should put yours in and feel how warm and tight she is."
"No don't... ah," You moaned when you felt the younger male slip his finger inside of you.
"I love this," the younger male moaned before kissing his partner's lips. "I knew she wanted us to fuck her for a while now."
"We should take her upstairs," Gojo whispered before pulling his finger out of your cunt and sucking it.
"We should," Geto agreed as he continued to finger you. You didn't know what to say when you felt Geto's finger slip out of you and quickly lift you out of the chair and bring you upstairs with Gojo following behind. "Ms. L/N, I know you've wanted this as much as we do. You should have just come over the night we saw you fucking yourself."
"Professor," you gasped when he tossed you on the bed and Gojo closed the door. They both climbed on the bed, both at either side of you before leaning over your body to share a hot, steamy kiss. You watched them, as their tongue slipped past each other's lips and circled the other with thrusting it into their mouth. Then you heard Gojo gasping when Geto grabbed onto his throat, his mouth pressing firmly against the older male, dominating his lips before he pulled away to look at you.
"Pretty girl," He whispered as his lips met yours, while Gojo slipped your skirt off along with your panties. You moaned inside your professor's mouth as his lips hungrily devoured yours, drinking up all your pathetic whimpers as your fingers moved to clutch his shirt. You gasped again, feeling Gojo's finger at your entrance, slowly entering before he fucks you slowly with it. "Do you enjoy getting fucked by Satoru's finger, pretty girl?"
"Yes professor," You moaned. Gojo smiled as he added another finger inside moving a bit faster than before and your pussy began to gush around his digits.
"Look at the mess she's making Sugu," Gojo groaned as he stared at your pussy fluttering around his fingers. "Should I eat her out?"
"No, I want to. How about you suck on something while she rides my face?" The older male did not hesitate to slip your professor's sweatpants along with his underpants down his legs, making his cock strung free and slapped against his stomach.
You stared at his thick, fat, long veiny cock with wide eyes, before looking over at Gojo who was getting down on his knees and next thing you knew, Gojo's mouth was already on Geto's cock, sucking slowly before he glanced up at you and gave the most sluttiest smile you've ever seen. "He's so good at that," Suguru hissed as he slipped your shirt off. "Come and sit on my face pretty girl."
You swallowed thickly as you hesitated a bit. He held onto your hips and slowly pulled you up until your pussy was directly over his face. "That's it Satoru fuck," he groaned from below as his eyes flickered to yours, then back at your dripping pussy.
You've thought of this, you've been longing for this ever since you moved into the house next to theirs and they both greeted you with pleasant smiles and cookies, and the next day you found out the Geto was your Professor. You've been wanting to do this, you wanted to know what those lips, that spoke with such grace as he goes through the lecture with ease, felt on your pussy. "We've been wanting to have you like this Ms. L/N. Damn you have a pretty pussy. Lean over a bit and give Satoru a view of your wet cunt."
Gojo stopped his ministrations, his hand still stroking Geto's cock as he watched as you tipped over a bit and your dripping pussy was on display. "Can't wait to fuck you Y/N," Gojo said before slipping Geto's cock back into his warm mouth, bobbing his head faster while he played with the younger male's balls.
"Sit up," Geto instructed and you did so, your pussy hovering over his mouth, dripping, desperately waiting to be sucked by him.
"Suguru... say my name," he said.
"Sugu..." you were unable to complete your sentence when he tipped his head forward, his tongue licking a stripe up your slit. "Ngh."
He hummed from beneath you; he lifted one arm, wrapping it around your waist securely, holding you down on him while his other hand went to play with Gojo's hair. "Mhmm," he hummed as he slowly licked up your cunt once again, pulling another sweet moan from your lips.
Your fingers went to grasp at his long hair, holding tightly as you resist the urge to rock your hips against his face. But his damn tongue; grinning as he watched you struggle to remain still above him, he worked his tongue upwards, shifting from long strokes to short flicks that teased your clit. "Su- guru."
"That's it sweet girl, moan for him," Gojo said and you felt when he placed his long hand on your hips and slowly pushed you to grind on his partner's face. "Rub your pussy all over him."
Unable to control yourself, you slowly moved your hips, matching your rhythm with his tongue, moaning out loud from how good you felt. Your mind started to go numb with pleasure with more quick flicks and long strokes of your professor's tongue, your legs twitched with a sensation that was pleasurable almost unbearable as you felt the coils tighten in your longer stomach.
Out of no nowhere, you heard Gojo choking around Geto's length. Sloppy, wet slurping noises left his lips as the younger male thrust up in his mouth, his hips bucking at a rapid speed as he chased his orgasm in the older male's mouth. You turned your head around though your eyes were partially hazy, unable to see much. But you looked anyway.
And through your haze, you saw Gojo's eyes turned up into his skull, drool dripping down his chin, the apple of his cheeks were pink and his mouth stretched wide open as he allowed his mouth to be fucked by Geto.
"Shit, shit," Geto groaned as his grip tightened on Gojo's hair, his hips still as he burst in seed inside Gojo's mouth. You swore you heard Gojo laugh as he collected all his partner seed in his mouth, then he swallowed his load.
"Your turn to cum sweet girl," Gojo said as he climbed onto the bed and sat behind you on his partner's stomach, his long fingers coming up to play with your breast. He pressed his lips against your neck as Geto sucked harshly on your clit. "Give it to him. Give him all your cum."
"Mr. Gojo.. ah.. mhm," you groaned as your thighs trembled against Geto's face.
"Satoru, sweet girl," he whispered before pulling your head back and placing his lips on yours, swallowing up all your moans as Geto pushed you to your wit's end until you finally came.
You were a mess when he pulled away from your cunt, your legs still shaking from the intense orgasm as Gojo lifted you from Geto's face and sat you on the bed. "I wanna fuck you now, sweet girl. Sugu, are you gonna let me?"
Geto smiled as he stripped from his shirt and then he proceeded to get rid of Gojo's clothes; leaving the older male to lay bare in front of your eyes. "Of course Toru, go ahead and make a mess of her pretty pussy."
“Oh God Satoru… ugh mhm fuck,” you moaned as you held on tightly onto his shoulders. He breathes heavily above you as he thrust in and out of your wet tight hole, your wall clenching around him, sucking him back in each time he pulls out.
“That’s it, pretty boy. Show her how desperate you were for her,” Geto hummed as he rested his hand on Satoru's cheek. “Show her how badly you wanted to fuck her pretty cunt.”
Gojo groaned, his lips coming down to meet yours as his cock hit all your sensitive spots deliciously. “She feels so good, Su I wanna fill her up.” Gojo groaned in your mouth as your nails pierced his skin and your hips lifted to meet every smack of his hips.
“Gotta let her cum first,” Geto whispered as he grabbed your breast in his hand, his other caressing his partner cheek as he thrust harshly into you, his ball slapping against your dripping cunt, the tip of his swollen pretty cock head kissing your cervix. Gojo pulled his lips away from yours, his face away from Geto’s hand, and nuzzled his face between your breasts, his arms moving from the side of your face down to your back; locking his arms around you then he lifted you to thrust deeper inside of you.
“Oh, shit… fuck Satoru… God,” you screamed, your hand going up to mess with his hair. You felt so full of his cock. He was filling you up perfectly; shaping your womb to fit him, he was pounding heavily into you. He captured your perky nipple in his mouth, sucking harshly on the pebble bud. Sucked and bit as he dragged his thick cock against your walls. The feeling of his lips on your breast fueled her arousal, your cunt began to gush around his length.
Geto pants heavily as he watched them get both lost in euphoria, his eyes strained to the exposed spot of his sweet little neighbor/student pussy wrapping tightly around his partner's perfect pretty cock, “How does he feel, pretty girl? Come on, tell me,” The younger male went behind Gojo, pulled onto his shoulder until his back was on the bed and you were on top of him. Your pussy squeezed him tightly as you slid down on his length, you threw your head, moaning once Gojo picked up the pace again and pounded into your cunt from below. “How does his cock feel?”
“So - good Professor,” you moaned as you pressed your hand against Gojo's chest and finally lifted your hips to meet his thrust. Rolling your hips, squeezing so tightly around him, the older male moaned; looking over at Geto with glossy eyes.
“I can’t. I can’t - so good… too good. I wanna cum, please Su, let me,” Gojo begged as he gripped your hips and pulled you down to him, “I’m gonna cum in you.”
“Su,” The older male cried as hot tears began streaming down his face. The way you bounced on his cock, made his tongue curl under. Any longer and he’s going to cum.
“Hold it Satoru,” Geto whispered as he went behind you, pulled you off Satoru’s chest, and pressed your back against his. “Gotta cum quickly now pretty girl,” He whispered in your ear as his finger went down to play with your puffy clit. You moaned loudly - throwing your head back onto his shoulders, “Grab her tits Toru, squeeze them for her to make her feel good.”
“Ugh… Su ok,” Gojo moaned as his hand groped your breast once more while getting played with your sensitive bundle of nerves. Gojo his fingers felt good, Gojo’s cock felt too good inside you. Your legs began trembling as you felt the coils tighten once again which made your pussy flutter around Gojo’s cock. “Fuck Su, she’s about to cum,” Gojo groaned.
“Come on, Y/N. Let him have your cum,” he mumbles as he pressed his lips to your cheek. You nod, Gojo's name coming in babbles, his balls tightening with every harsh bounce. Geto watched as your pussy creamed around Gojo’s cock, your love juice dripping down his length to stain their bedsheets. Gojo whined, as the grip of his hand on your hips got tighter, his breaths were heavy, his vision blurry with how much your pussy just sucked him in. “He’s so pretty when he wants to cum, pretty just look at him,” Geto whispered as he made you gaze down at Gojo as he begged the younger male with his eyes to let him spill himself inside your warm, wet, and damn tight hole.
“She’s almost there, pretty boy,” Geto assured him as he played with your clit faster, pushing you towards your orgasm that was fast approaching.
You bounced faster on his overstimulated cock, feeling yourself finally falling apart and as you sank on him for the last time, your wall pulsated as you came hard around his length. “Yes, Yes, Yes,” you moaned when you felt Gojo burst his seed inside of you. His teary eyes rolled back, and his moans reduced to no hiccups, filling the room.
“Give him a kiss,” Geto said and you did so. You messily kissed Gojo as you both tried your hardest to calm down from that intense orgasm. After you pull away, you lay your head on Gojo’s chest, while Geto rubbed your back and kissed both your and Satoru’s cheek. The room was silent for a while until you felt Geto cupped your ass before speaking, “So now that Gojo had his turn. It’s my time don’t. Say how about I fuck your pussy while Gojo fuck your ass hm.”
What the fuck?!
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enhaheeseung · 2 years
Obsessive L. Heeseung
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Pairing heeseung x y/n reader
Warnings : toxic relationship, insecurities, obsessive behavior, angst, heartbreak, anxiety, jealousy, alcohol, obsessive love disorder kinda but not really, possessive, controlling, showering, death is mentioned but only used as an expression, intimacy is talked about but no smut, mental illness. I think that’s it, some of these are not mentioned but are alluded to. What the fuck even are these warnings???
WC 4,311
🚨If any of these warnings are triggering or make you uncomfortable, please do not read. if this is a topic that you feel doesn’t belong here, then please message me privately so I can take it down. make sure to read all warnings before proceeding.🚨
You don't know why, how, or when your boyfriend did a whole 180 and changed completely.
In the beginning, he was super sweet, kind, and thoughtful. He always put you first no matter what.
Ok, so maybe he didn't completely change. He was still all of those things and much more, but lately, it's been to an almost troubling extent.
Like right now, when you were going to hang out with your friends, and he said that he didn't want you to leave so late, it's only 6 pm.
"Baby, just cancel. I'm sure they will understand. Besides, you could stay here and have much more fun with me." he approached you at the door, entrapping your waist with his arms in a tight hug.
You were all ready, make up done, fully dressed, and ready to step out.
And here he was asking you to cancel.
"Hee, It's only 6, plus look at me!" you were completely glammed up. How could you cancel?
"And? You can just stay and look pretty for me all night."
You sighed "isn't that what you want me to do every night?"
"What's the problem with that? You're my girlfriend, not there's" he leaned down to nibble on your neck, rubbing up and down your sides.
Before he got any more carried away, you pushed his chest.
"What? You don't want me anymore?" This is what you meant by troubling. At first, he'd seem all confident and secure. But as soon as you wanted to leave or if you told him, you didn't want him at a certain time, he'd get all sad and insecure.
"Hee- you started but quickly got cut off.
"It's fine. Just go. I knew you'd always pick them over me anyway." And this was another thing. He would never see his fault in anything.
"You know that's not true. I'll just stay," you threw your purse on the couch. And texting them that you couldn't make it. It felt like that was the hundredth time you had done that.
He wrapped his arms around you again.
"That's my girl" he began kissing your neck, and you just stared blankly at the wall.
He leaned back so he could kiss your lips and noticed your upset expression.
"What's wrong?" He looked at your face, worried.
"Nothing" you placed your hands on his cheeks, deepening the kiss. He eagerly responded to you, kissing your lips with much more force than you did him. He pulled your body impossibly close and held you tighter.
"Let's go to our bedroom" you nodded weakly and followed him.
That's what it was like. Every time you tried to leave, he acted as if you had always done something wrong in the situation, saying things like you didn't love him anymore or making you choose between him and your friends.
And it would always end up with you and him tangled in the bedsheets till morning. But, funny enough, that's the only time he treated you the same was when it came to intimacy. 
He was so patient yet eager to please you. He kissed every inch of your skin, never forgetting to whisper how much he loved you in between. He always took his time.
And in those moments, you felt loved. It felt like a tiny piece of your boyfriend was still in there somehow, so you stayed and waited because you loved him too much to leave. You held on to that little bit of hope that he could go back to the way he was.
You woke up the next morning. You were about to rub your eyes but felt his arms around you. You looked to your side to see that beautiful face of his, the one you fell in love with, the one that made you feel safe, the one that told you everything was okay when it was the complete opposite.
You pried his arms away from your body so you could take a shower and get cleaned up from last night's escapades.
He woke up immediately when his arms were no longer around you.
"Morning, baby," he said and reached for your waist again. Only to have you move away slightly.
"Did I do something wrong?" He looked at you with that scared, worried expression that became a habit of his when he decided he was going to control nearly every move you made.
He'd ask if he did something wrong, but what could you say? If you said yes, he always took offense and deflected every word you said.
And because the weight of this relationship was taking its toll on you, you just replied with the same answer.
"You didn't do anything" his face immediately lit up with that blinding smile of his.
You got out of bed to go to the bathroom.
"Where are you going?" Yes, it was to the point you couldn't even go to a separate room without him almost having a heart attack.
"I'm just going to shower, baby. I'll be back soon."
"Can I come with?" He was looking at you like a curious puppy.
"No, you should rest a bit more. I'll only be a few minutes."
"O-oh, okay," he said in a tiny voice, and now he looked like a sad, dejected puppy.
He turned his body in the opposite direction of you, something he did when he was upset.
You didn't like seeing the love of your life upset, so what did you do?
"Fine, baby, you can join me."
He jumped up out of bed as quickly as possible to come shower with you, and there was that smile again.
He set the temperature just right. It was always too hot for him, but if it meant he got to shower with you, hell, the water could be melting his skin, and he would stay.
He let you step in first and got in right after you. He memorized everything about your shower routine. He grabbed your favorite shampoo and lathered it up in his hands. He pressed his chest against your back and began working the shampoo through your hair.
You let out a content sigh. His touch always made you feel so relaxed.
After washing your hair, he grabbed the matching conditioner and combed it through your hair with his chubby fingers. He placed kisses all over your back while he waited for the conditioner to be rinsed.
He turned you around so you could face him.
"My baby is so beautiful" he pecked your lips one time.
And last but not least, he grabbed your body puff and used his body wash instead. He wanted you to smell like him. It made him feel like you were his and only his.
"All clean," he beamed at you and kissed the back of your hand while his eyes never left yours.
With just as much care, you washed him as he did you, hand resting over his heart, feeling it beat faster whenever you looked at him for longer than three seconds. You finished the shower with gentle touches and loving pecks here and there.
These were the moments you cherished the most. If only he was like this all the time.
"All clean, my love" you kissed his cheek.
"Okay," he tried to cover his reddened ears by opening the curtain and exiting the shower. He was still just that shy little heeseung that had always been so smitten with you.
But just so different, you couldn't explain it in words.
Once you both dried off and got dressed, it was ready to start your day.
"I'll make us breakfast" you nodded. He pecked your forehead one last time.
He left the bedroom, going to the kitchen, and you followed him soon after, knowing he'd come looking for you if you took a second too long.
And just like with your shower, he remembered your favorite breakfast, he had your whole morning routine down to a T, and any other time, you would think you're crazy because what type of thing is this to complain about, wasn't this the definition of a perfect boyfriend?
That's just the thing. heeseung was never perfect. And it was those little imperfections that made you fall head over heels for him.
It's when he tried his best and still got it wrong, but that was okay cause you know how much time and effort he put into everything.
He was perfectly imperfect.
But after a while, he never let you do anything for yourself, always claiming you were too good to cook or clean. And that a good boyfriend should serve his girlfriend.
And blah, blah, blah, the list just went on and on.
Now it was to the point of it being a borderline obsession. He would have just the right amount of jam on your toast, the bacon cooked with the perfect crisp and freshly squeezed orange juice.
Ever since you mentioned you liked it one time, he went out of his way to have squeezed orange juice for you every morning.
You were grateful for all these things, but sometimes he was just overbearing, especially when he made it a point to feed you while his own food would get cold.
"I can do it myself, hee" you took the fork from his hands.
He just looked down and sighed, sitting back in his seat and eating his food. Everything was fine until he started feeding you from his plate. And holding your hand under the table.
Needless to say breakfast was highly uncomfortable, and you could feel the tension, especially from his strong grip on your hand.
He always held your hand a bit too tight it was as if he thought you were going to run away from him.
And he did. This obsessive behavior stemmed from when you would laugh with his friends a little more than you did with him or when you'd hang out till late at night.
And especially when you would come home and tell him stories about your day, he noticed you always looked happier when you talked about others than when you were with him.
He tried to do things that would make the relationship more interesting, so he made literal notes of everything you liked and disliked. From the second you woke up to the moment when you went to sleep.
He wasn't even sure why he acted this way. He just got this weird compulsion to do it. It was like his mind was telling him one thing while his heart told him something else.
For some reason, he felt like you were slipping away, so he did everything in his power to keep you.
Once you finally finished breakfast, you got up from the table.
"Did you like it?" He asked, referring to the food, tapping his leg impatiently. Waiting for your approval like a puppy that wants attention from his master.
"It was delicious, hee, it always is" you held his face in your palm, and he immediately leaned into your touch. You stroked his cheek with your thumb, and his eyes twinkled shut as a soft breath escaped his lips. you gave him a kiss before leaving to get ready for work.
He washed the dishes and put everything away neatly, and went to your shared bedroom.
"I wish you didn't have to go" he put his hands on your shoulders and massaged them.
"Me too, but how else are we gonna live, sweetheart?"
"Im glad you asked. I've been thinking that maybe I should take up two jobs so you won't have to work anymore."
Whenever he said something somewhat rational, he always backed it up with something that was absolutely insane.
"I have to go, or else I'll be late" you couldn't put up with his nonsense anymore. You really needed a breather. He's been all over you ever since morning.
And the bad moments outweighed the good ones.
He walked you to the car as if you were a child.
"Bye, I love you, be safe, don't work too hard, call me if you need anythi-
You couldn't physically take anymore, so you shut his mouth with a kiss.
He grabbed your waist and kissed you back. His head always got dizzy when you kissed him, and his mind went completely blank.
"I love you too, baby, only 8 hours."
"Only 8 hours," he repeated trying to comfort himself. "But a lot can happen in 8 hours," he complained.
"Baby, it's gonna be okay. I'm fine every other day, aren’t I?" He nodded, "so just busy yourself, and I'll be back before you know it" you squeezed his hand a little.
"Okay," he replied lowly, thinking of ways to distract himself, but to no avail.
"I love you" you kissed him one last time.
"I love you more" he finally let you go. It was like this every day, the same conversation. You had to convince him that everything would be fine.
It was hard enough to get him to let you go. It was like a job before your actual job.
Finally, you arrived to work, it had only been minutes, but you were already drained, a big part of that being from your boyfriend.
He paced back and forth, looking at his watch to see that only seconds had passed. He couldn't find anything to do.
Until it came to him, surely you would be hungry after working so hard.
He busied himself making you, not dinner, but lunch. Yes, He was going to visit you at the office.
He made sure to cook everything how you liked it, all your favorite dishes and quantities that you couldn't finish even if you were starving to death.
Once everything was packed, he smiled to himself, thinking of what your reaction will be.
He made his way to your job, driving carefully so the food wouldn't spill. Soon enough, he was in the parking lot, making his way to your cubical.
You thought you had been dreaming when you saw him standing in front of you with the biggest, most obnoxious bouquet of flowers.
All your co workers thought it was the most romantic thing ever.
In any other situation, it was. But not this one and definitely not right now.
"What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to surprise you, and I missed you," he stated like it was obvious.
"I've only been gone for. You looked at the time, 43 minutes."
"So? Is it a crime to miss my girl?"
You pinched the bridge of your nose, letting out a frustrated sigh.
"Hee, look, I appreciate all of this. But at my job? You shouldn't show up here with all of this"
"So you're saying you're embarrassed by me?" His lips curved into a frown.
What you meant is this was too much for a work setting. He could've just brought a brown lunch bag and a single rose, but not heeseung, no, he had to get a flower shop and a whole restaurant and bring it to your job.
"That's not it" he set the flowers down along with your lunch.
"I'll just leave. See you later. I guess" you could hear the shakiness of his voice before he walked away with his shoulders slumped down.
Even when you didn't do anything wrong, you still felt guilty.
He drove home but not before making a stop at the liquor store, he wasn't a drinker, but he bought the alcohol with the highest percentage in hopes it would take away the pain.
One shot in, and he felt fine. The taste wasn't so bad either.
5, 6 shots down the road, and he could barely stand, and when he tried To, he fell to the ground. He decided that 6 shots were enough. However, it didn't work. If anything, it only intensified all his previous thoughts of today's events.
He curled up in a ball and waited for you to come home.
A few hours later, his ears perked up at the sound of your keys jingling.
He jumped to his feet, he was about to fall right back down, but you held him up as best as you could.
"I'm sorry I made you mad. Please don’t be mad at me anymore" his words were barely coherent, but you managed to understand him perfectly fine.
You instantly noticed the nearly empty bottle of liquor on the table, and it came to you what he was talking about.
You felt terrible.
"Hey, baby, I'm not mad, okay,? I was never mad. I'm just a little tired, that's all” And it was true, you were tired of all his antics.
You made your way to the couch and set him down.
You cupped his cheeks and looked at his drowsy eyes.
"Don't be sad, baby. I loved the flowers. and your cooking is always the best."
You could see his lips upturn into a smile before you heard small snores coming from him.
You got a blanket from the living room and put it over his body. You snuggled up next to him and fell asleep.
For the next few days, you stayed home and took care of him. You showered him with all your love and attention in hopes that would ease some of his obsessive behavior.
You were wrong.
It only made it worse. Now he was obsessive times ten.
He cooked, he cleaned, oh yeah, he made you take time off from your job while he worked 2, insisting that if it didn't work out, you could go back to your job.
All of it was just too much. He didn't show any signs of letting up either, so this was the time you took to talk to him about it.
He was washing the dishes after he made you both dinner.
"Hee, you tapped him on his back. “when you're all finished, can we, umm, can we talk?"
"Of course, I'll be right there, sweetheart."
You sat fidgeting with your fingers, waiting impatiently for him.
It only got worse when you saw him coming to the living room, drying his hands off with a dish towel and showing you that perfect smile of his. That's when your heart immediately broke from what you were getting ready to tell him.
"Heeseung," you gulped.
"Okay, we can talk. but why are you calling me that?"
"C-cause, it's about you, baby, it's about us."
"What about us?" You noticed him chewing at his bottom lip out of nervousness.
"I'm sure you noticed recently that you've been very, how do I put this, overprotective of me."
"I haven't noticed," he replied in a monotone.
"Well, you have been, and for quite some time now, you don't let me do anything for myself, and I can't even go to the bathroom without you asking me where I'm off to."
"I just worry about you, that's all."
"I know, but I'm fine, I always am, and that's not all. Whenever I try to go out with my friends, you never let me. You always come up with an excuse to cancel my plans.
"I just want you to be safe, and it's not safe to go out late by yourself" he was trying to remain calm through all this.
"Heeseung, I doubt anything will happen to four females at a restaurant at 6 pm"
"You really never know these days, and you could go, but you never want me tagging along. It's not like I'm stopping you from going out."
This was the last straw.
"That's just the thing, is that you're always around me 24/7. I need to breathe, and you're suffocating me."
"Okay, I'll give you more alone time around the house if me showing you how much I love you is a problem," and here he goes again, flipping what you say to make it sound negative.
That was it. You and him were over. You realized he'd never be the heeseung you once fell in love with,
"Heeseung, what I mean to say is I think it's time to break up" your heart broke because you still loved him so much but sometimes what you love is not always best for you.
"Y/n, where is this coming from? we were doing great, and all of a sudden, you just want to break up? What did I do wrong? I'll fix it. I promise I'll fix us, let me," and you once again felt that tight grip on your hands, only this time you would actually be leaving him.
"It's too late heeseung, it's over, I'll just get my things in the morning, and I won't ever come back."
"W-what does that leave for me, y/n? You know I can't live without you."
You could feel that emotion that you felt when he would always try to hold you down and make it seem like you were the problem, but you couldn't do it anymore, and you definitely couldn't watch him going down this destructive path.
If only he would listen, if only he would understand.
"You'll be fine. You lived without me before. Surely you can do it again" you looked at him with regretful eyes.
"I'll be nearly everything except fine," he whispered.
"Look at it like this, if two people in a relationship are not happy, should they stay together even after they tried to work things out?"
"It depends. There are a lot of things to factor in."
"Let me put it this way, if you no longer want to be with that person, should they stay together?"
"I guess not" he looked down at his lap. He had an idea of what was coming next.
"Then, heeseung it's time to let me go, we had a great time. But maybe we're just not meant for eachother" you had to use every muscle in your body to keep yourself from bursting into tears.
"O-okay, if that's how you feel, I'll let you go. I can't make you love me. and I just want you to know tha- he got choked up in between his words. "That my intentions were never to hurt you. I guess somewhere along the line. I got confused about what a relationship should be like. So I ended up doing the exact opposite of what I wanted to, and now look, you're still leaving" he laughed to hide the pain in his voice.
You wanted to stay and tell him how much you still loved him and try to work on things, but at this point, he seemed incapable, it was like some type of switch in his brain clicked, and he couldn't seem to turn it off.
You wondered why he was letting you go so willingly, but you weren't about to ask questions. The sooner you could get away from him, the better.
"I didn't want us to end like this. But if breaking up with me makes you happy, then I'll be more than glad to. It's the absolute least I can do after everything I've put you through" he kissed the back of your hand one last time.
You stayed quiet cause you knew if you uttered one word, the tears would fall and wouldn't stop.
You gently let go of his shaky hands and left without looking back.
You got in your car and drove to wherever a full tank of gas could get you. So much for getting your things in the morning. There was no way you were going back.
Finally, you could let the tears fall.
He watched you walk out the door.
It was only then that he realized all the mistakes he had made, and the saying, you never know what you have until it's gone, never made more sense till now.
No wonder you never looked happy when he cooked you breakfast, or when he followed you everywhere and when he kept you all to himself.
Now he could see it so clearly, he was just insecure. His mind easily warped the reality of the situation. He knew you didn't have any romantic interest in his friends. He knew when you had to leave for work, he was just being dramatic, and he definitely knew that 6 pm was not too late to hang out with your friends.
But the idea of losing you to someone else heightened all of his insecurities. He thought he should be perfect. Then you would stay with him forever.
That was the complete opposite, though,
He failed to see what a person could love about him, but that was your job, and you did it well. Every day you showed him how much you cared about him, and he missed the mark drastically, so when he thought you were losing interest, which in reality, it was just his insecurities getting the best of him.
That's when he changed. And what he neglected to see was that you fell in love with the sweet, loving hee that would do anything for his girlfriend.
And not the weird toxic obsessive overprotective heeseung.
Even though it was too late, he was still happy that you were happy.
The pain and regret he felt was unbearable. If he had just one more chance, he'd fix everything and make you his again.
But this wasn't a video game. It was life, and there were no second chances. And it was a life he would have to live entirely alone, without you.
Maybe when you try to hold on to something so tight that your grip weakens and just for a split second, there's an opening for everything to slip away.
He lost everything he tried so desperately to hang on to.
Hi! 👋🏽 so I decided to post something a little different this time, I know I’m known for being a smut blog, but I do tend to take my writing more seriously sometimes cause I used to be a poet in the past, of course, I’ll continue to write smut, but I think I want to talk about other topics as well if you would like to see more stories like this in the future please let me know
Permanent taglist 🏷 @hee-in @kpopscruggles @sunghoonight @scarlet127 @ashxsmoon @lhsggg @heeseungleeworld @axartia @bunhoons @badidealy
I fucking did it, no smut bitches. Wheres my reward? Also patting myself on the back for making all the cover art 💅 all jokes aside
I really hope you all enjoy! Sorry for any errors/typos likes and reblogs are much appreciated, with that being said, enjoy your day/night I love you all🤎🐻
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connekoma · 2 years
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"it's not like i can control how everyone else around me acts," kuroo grumbles with a scowl he directs at the floor as he slams the door behind him.
"you could have at least made it clear you have a girlfriend," you retort, preoccupying yourself by haphazardly putting dirty laundry away.
your boyfriend scoffs. "you've made that pretty clear yourself. you know, with how much you've been nagging me all night."
"that's because you were letting all those girls blatantly flirt with you. right in front of me!" you pause to turn to him, clothes gathered in your arms and crumpled in your fists. there's a look of anger, distraught, most of all just hurt, behind your glossed over eyes.
kuroo avoids your gaze, clenching his jaw shut out of frustration.
"i just—" your voice breaks and so does your longing gaze at him, in favor of hiding how tears lined your eyes and threatened to spill. "i just need some reassurance and you're giving me everything but that."
"why? have i given you any reason to doubt me?" he whips his head to your direction, utter disbelief in his voice.
you scoff sarcastically. "apart from tonight? no, not really."
"i really don't get how you can't trust me," he laughs humorlessly, shaking his head. he drags his feet towards the direction of your bedroom, but you weren't going to let him leave it at that.
"you say that as if i like to feel this way!" you yell after him.
"we're done here. let's just talk about this in the morning," he utters his dismissal through clenched teeth.
you shove the laundry to the floor to chase after him, feet stomping the ground furiously. you attempt to grab his shoulder and get him to face you, but you don't miss how he shrugs your hand away. "you're not understanding me, it's not that i just can't trust you. don't you get it? how-how you can literally get with any other person but—"
"exactly!" he exclaims, hands in the air, as if he's overjoyed. his amber eyes glare right through you as if the gold in them had lost their shine, making you feel small and vulnerable. you almost cower beneath his height. he grabs your wrist, slowly pulling you close to him. his voice is quiet and cold and cuts directly right through you, "so why the fuck am i stuck with you?"
you blink back your tears, mouth hanging open as you desperately try to find the words to respond to that. the silence helps kuroo to register what he said, what he did. a look of horror flashes across his face and you take it as your cue to quickly step away from him.
"i didn't mean it," he blurts out, subconsciously closing the distance you tried to make.
of course he didn't. you know how he purposely tries to be mean and hurtful when he's angry, and this was the one time he went overboard. or maybe he did. this could have been his last straw, maybe he was just desperately tolerating you until now.
"hey." his soft, shaky voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you realize you really can't stand being in the reality of the situation nor in your own head; both hurt just as much. "i'm so sorry, my love. i really didn't mean any of it."
"i... need to go," you whisper, clutching onto yourself as if to keep you from falling apart.
"where, baby? it's late. please stay right here," he pleads, trying to reach for you but you shy away from him.
"i don't know—away," you quietly sob. the guilt weighs heavy on his stomach.
"from me?"
"i understand, but it's late. please go to sleep and we'll figure this out tomorrow okay?" there's a tiny surge of relief when you finally let his hands steady your shoulders and arms even though you still tense up at his touch.
you can only nod, feeling weak, helpless, hurt, but mostly because you were too tired to protest. his embrace is soft and cautious but it does little to ease the suffocation in your chest.
"i'm so sorry. i know it doesn't help right now, but i'll work for your forgiveness."
"forgiving is easy, tetsuro. i could never hold a grudge against you. but i need some time to... get over everything else."
"of course, baby. anything you need."
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our little secret.
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p0et-is-my-persona · 2 years
Unwanted visitor
Shota Aizawa X Reader
Mentions of Mic and Shinsou
Warnings: Stalker/ Squatter, Cursing (As if that isn't a usual thing in things I write), (Briefly) angry Shota.
A/N: Thought this would be something small like a head cannon but NOPE! Brain said write more so here is like a half-fic let your imagination run wild!
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Summary: You find yourself a unwanted, uninvited and quite scary visitor in the middle of the night.
A/N: Thought this would be something small like a head cannon but NOPE! Brain said make a fanfic so here you go!
You tried to pick up your phone but only resulting in you dropping it. You heard the clicking and saw the flash go off. Whatever you think I'll delete it or something. You picked your phone up and went to delete the photo, and you saw something.
You saw a person in a black hoodie their back was turned away. You had to stop yourself from screaming or running, in fear that the 'squatter' would run after you. You sat there almost powerless. You turned over to your partner. Shota can do something about this. Right? You shake him slowly as to not shake the bed.
"Mm?" Shota groaned. "Hey Sho," you continued "I'm going to go to the store-"You were interrupted "Y/n, love of my life it is 2:03 in the morning. Why are you going to the store?" ShitShitShitShit. "Because I want to pick out something-," you quickly thought of the boy he was mentoring on the side "for that Shinsou kid you were mentoring." "Oh?" He questioned "Why not do it in the morning?" Um. Maybe because I don't want to take the chances of being stabbed! Is what you wanted to say but you still had to play it smart. "Well, I'll forget about it by then and I think you'd be less panicked if I told you where I was going. -" You tried to give a fake explanation. Heavy sigh left your lover "Let me come with you," This caught you by surprise. "it would be safer that way." He got up to get his shoes on. Already ready to go because he could care less what he looked like right now. "Okay." You responded. Putting on your shoes aswell.
* * *
You had made it to you and Shota's car when he asked a question "Why do you actually want to go to the store Y/n?" He demanded. "I have absolutely no clu-" "DO NOT! Lie to me. I know for a fact that you know barley anything about that boy. SO, you will explain to me why we aren't asleep all comfortable in bed!" He Yelled. All of your thoughts went quiet, your words had died in your mouth. "Shota, I need to get out of there," you uttered "there was someone under the bed." Shota's face went pale. "You are sure you weren't seeing things?" "I'm sure. I have a photo of the intruder." You showed him what your phone had captured.
He started "Y/n You need to go-," "no". It seemed as if he doesn't know what to do with you. He doesn't want you to be outside alone even if it is in the car. But he can't risk you following him inside. Ge shot up. "Go to Yamada's radio station! Go inside and stay in the lobby explain the situation to Mic, he'll understand. I'll text you when it is resolved. Okay?" He explained fairly quickly. "Okay, love you.". You saw him run back to the door as you got in the car. I hope he'll be okay.
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heenuna · 2 years
morning, love!
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pairing: dom!reader / sub!jake
genre: fluffy smut
warnings: somnophilia, nothing extra, just a smut :D
word count: 1,182
tag list: @laxatives4hre @wntrsgf
«mhhhm, please, _____, i was such a good boy.." a low whine comes through your sleep, breaking it slowly so that you can watch the details disappear into thin air, leaving only emptiness. you try to catch the with your hands but it’s no use.
for the first time in months, you had a truly beautiful, wonderful dream that you would have liked to enjoy longer, but finding out who or what woke you up is much more important. your sleepy body doesn't immediately respond to your brain's commands, so you have to open your eyes more slowly.
your usual room.
everything’s usual.
nothing weird.
you don't immediately notice the weight of someone else's body on you, but as soon as you manage to catch a glimpse of Jake looming over you, you immediately turn to him, smiling sleepily.
«good morning, baby, why are you up?» your innocent question makes him smile sheepishly at you before his back arches a little, his ribcage gives way to you, and he lets out a small, plaintive moan.
«g-good morning, _____, my cock was hard and i couldn't sleep anymore,» his explanation, so quiet and filled with a needy whine, finally drives the remnants of sleep away from you, and you propped yourself up on your elbows to get a better look at what's going on.
just like you guessed.
his pajama shirt is unbuttoned to the middle of his stomach, so that he has a better view of his chest; one shoulder is flattened. what beautiful shoulders he has, the curves of his collarbones, the neck.. you get lost for a while, looking at your baby, whom you see every day, but now, in the semi-darkness of the morning, he looks completely different. his skin glistens enticingly, his slightly pinkish nipples collide and rub against the fabric, not sparing him the word at all.
your eyes drop lower, along his taut stomach, to find that his pajama bottoms and underwear have long been lying on the side, forgotten and unwanted. you don't see your own shorts and underwear on you either, but you decide that their loss is not the most important thing right now.
a few more inches and your eyes meet his swaying hips. he skillfully picks up the pace, bends his back and puts his hands on the bed on either side of you so as not to fall from the excess of feelings. he was so delicate, with disheveled hair, bitten lips, and a slowly blushing face. your boy.
«baby, you..»
«i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i really didn't mean to wake you up..» he mumbles barely intelligibly, so you decide not to distract him from his job anymore. the tip of his cock rubs pleasantly against your thigh, leaving sticky marks on it, and you are only too happy to help your boy at least like that.
your warm hands slowly stroke his waist and sides, relaxing him a little more, and his steady rhythm falters. he starts to move unconsciously, but the friction is barely enough to bring him even a little closer to orgasm, and he groans in frustration at it. the tip stops in a puddle of its own precum with a characteristic squelching sound. Jake himself turns his plaintive gaze to you, biting his lower lip guiltily.
«damn, i shouldn't have woken you up..» you smile at his words, shaking your head and sitting a little higher, resting on your own pillow. your boy wanted to come so badly, but it didn't work out, should you help him? definitely should.
«Jakie, come closer and sit on my stomach,» you command gently, and he obeys, instantly lowering his hips on top of you so that his cock is firmly in contact with your stomach. it's so hot and wet, so needy for you.
you bend your knees behind his back, to let him sit more comfy, and take his hand in yours, twining your fingers together, «i'll help you»
his face blooms into a grateful smile, filled with some kind of lust and expectation, but it's not all that simple. your other hand curls around him, squeezing his shaft just a little, and he groans a long time, finally feeling your welcome touch.
«mhmmm, thank you, thank you, _____,» his hips begin to slowly push into your hand, and you don't stop him. the way he thrusts faster and faster with loud moans, the way he leans closer and closer to you with gratitude, everything about him is so loving and alive that this wonderful morning you just want to enjoy him for what he is.
«cum when you want, my dear,» you know he was going to ask you anyway, and so you decide not to wait for him. he nods obediently, picking up the pace. his tip is leaking, and it drips sticky precum on your bare stomach. so shiny and glistering.
«i-i'm c-close..» Jake whines into his hand, covering his face with his palm in embarrassment, and you have to pull your hand away abruptly, thankfully not just before his orgasm. his eyes fall on you in mute pleading and bewilderment.
«unbutton your shirt all the way down and don't cover your mouth with anything, i want to see and hear you completely,» you explain gently, and he undoes the rest of the buttons in the blink of an eye, pushing the shirt off his shoulders and it stops somewhere on his elbows, making a tempting rustle. both of his hands are pressed against your ribs, and only then you take him back in your hand and slowly stroke him. your other hand gently rests on his chest, squeezing it with your fingers. you nod slightly, and Jake starts moving again.
«th-thank you, _____,» he squeezes his eyes hard when you squeeze his cock harder, and speeds up the pace, feeling his orgasm build with renewed vigor. you can't resist it, he's exhausted, and you can't torment him any longer.
a couple more joint, reciprocal movements to meet his thrusts, and he cums, pouring out right on your stomach. a small puddle of his true enjoyment forms, but you just smile as you continue to gently move your hand up and down to help him ride it down. soon, he nods at you, and you take your hand away from his beautiful cock, which is beginning to soften.
«you did a good job, honey,» your fingers gently stroke his rib, and he smiles, leaning his body into you. you can feel his cum staining his stomach, too, but he needs a hug, right now. he needs your love. you can't say no to him, and you just hold him, stroking his soft, slightly greasy hair as he buries his face in your neck, breathing in the warm scent of love and morning.
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mocharadio · 3 years
Go to Sleep, Idiot.
Now Playing(Title): Go to Sleep, Idiot.
Song Artists(Characters): Albedo x gn!reader
Genre: Slight Angst/Comfort, Mutual Pining
Remix(Au): Modern Au, College Au (somewhat vague)
Lyrics(Summary): You're tired, but you won't go to sleep unless Albedo does too. Feelings get acknowledged, much to your discontent (or not?)
Explicit?(Warnings): no beta we die like Albedo's sleep schedule, reader is emotionally detached, they/he used for Albedo, ooc(?), mentions of Bulimia (an eating disorder) on the readers end
A/N: yes this was rushed, yes this is manifesting for Albedo to come home. I'm writing this at 2 am by the way lol /srs
also this is the first time I've wrote anything besides headcanons in a while so like please bare with me </3 English ain't my first language either so..yikes.
Feel free to criticize! Please like and reblog ^^
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It's 3 a.m.
3 in the fucking morning.
So why isn't he in bed?
"Dude, Albedo, it's getting so late it's.....no longer late. Why haven't you gone to sleep yet?" You lean against the wall just a few steps away from your bedroom, peeking into the living area where Albedo was. They can feel the glare you're giving him, but choose not to comment regardless. "Ah, so you're ignoring me now. I see." you sigh. You walk over and plop yourself on the couch next to him, looking over his shoulder. They don't bother giving you a second glance, they're aware of your overbearing but very much enjoyable presence. He opens his mouth to say something but shuts it immediately to scribble something down. You lay your head on his shoulder, waiting for them to respond at some point. You know he will, he always does; they never ignore you without a reason. Luckily for Albedo, you're too tired to notice the hitch in his breath when your head makes contact with him. They're not used to this much.....affection? Does it even count as affection? Especially from the likes of you. No offense, you just tend to be very...distant. Glancing over his shoulder, he allows themself to relax for a moment and lean their head against yours. "I.....need to finish the rest of these notes. I'll be done in a few." he finally replied. "Uh-huh, sure you will. I know how you work, 'Bedo. If I don't stop you now you'll be at it till its time for your first class." Normally they'd just shrug it off if you scolded them. It's a normal occurrence for the two of you. Albedo reprimands you for your unhealthy eating habits (what are they, your mom?) and you reprimand him for his shit sleep schedule. Somethings....different this time though, they can feel it. You let out a small groan due to exhaustion and lean forward to rest your elbows against the coffee table. "I'm not sleeping until you do, period." you scoff. Albedo finally turns to face you, not even attempting to hide the dark circles under his eyes. They tilt their head to the side, as if they were trying to study you, analyze you, like an experiment. Hoping that they'd get their way.
And you weren't having any of it.
"Alright, that's it. Let's get you to bed pretty boy." You stand up and try to drag him off the couch, only to find yourself flung back on top of it. Son a bitch pulled you down. "You've gotta be fuckin-" they slap your hand over your mouth and give you a side eye to cut you off, before inhaling and saying those words you didn't even realize you never wanted to hear till now. "What's wrong? You haven't been acting like yourself lately. You still scold me as usual but it lacks a certain...energy. Have you not been eating well? Not sleeping, maybe? Did I..... do something wrong?"
That. That right there.
Truth be told you were doing pretty well, actually. Your grades are doing better than ever, as of recently you weren't gorging and then starving yourself for days on end (hell, you'd say this is the longest time you've gone without relapsing), everything was A-Ok! Except for the fact that you're in love with your roommate! Shocker!
You didn't and still don't have the heart to tell them about your feelings, it could ruin everything, but you knew it would come to this. You can't keep hiding your feelings forever, you know it would start showing at some point.
You just never thought it would be like this, never thought he would ever think that he was the problem and not you, but at the end of the day you're still too much of a pussy to admit your feelings.
"Y- Where did you even get that from? No, you didn't do anything wrong 'Bedo-"
"Then why are you so distant towards me. We used to be so close." Ouch. That fucking hurts. Especially because you know they're right. You thought it would be okay to open up for once, to let someone in, but as soon as you realized your...romantic predicament, you just shut him out all over again.
You hurt him, and this is another reason why you can't tell him how you feel. You don't deserve them, you don't deserve to love or be loved by them.
At least, that's what you think. Albedo sees it in an entirely different light though.
They adore you. They love you so much it hurts them sometimes, because they don't know how to show it. He tries, he really does; in lingering touches, soft gazes, their vulnerability. A kind of vulnerability only you're allowed to see. So where did they go wrong?
It's silent, and tense. Neither of you move or speak for a good five minutes. What's even left to say? You can't bring yourself to deny it, cause you know he'll want a reason, a reason that you just can't give him. Not now.
Finally, Albedo scoots closer to you, hand resting on top of yours. They tilt your head to meet your gaze, half-lidded eyes focusing intently on your lips. You act like you don't see it, there's no point in getting your hopes up, not for someone you don't deserve. You decide to break the silence, shifting the focus onto him.
"Bedo. Have you been overworking yourself just because you think you did something wrong?" You know you're right when you see a slight flinch, before he turns away. "You still didn't answer whether or not I did do something wrong...I did, didn't I?"
Your heart shatters when you hear his voice crack, you can't keep going on like this. If you didn't deserve them before, you definitely don't now. You need to fix it, you know you do. So you try.
"No, you didn't."
Part of you thinks you can get out of this without having to expose that part of you, the part that feels something for him. The part of you that's vulnerable, weak. "Then why?"
You realize there really is not easy way to get out of this. You can't bring yourself to say the words, you might fall apart if you do. So you kiss them instead. It's short, but it sends the message. You let your free hand cup his cheek as you pull away, avoiding his gaze in fear of what he might do, what they might say, and that fear only grows bigger when he just says "Oh."
It dissipates when they lean in for more, returning the kiss they didn't have enough time to process beforehand. This time, you both pull away, and he rests his forehead against yours.
"I see. Well, I'm glad I didn't do anything wrong but....maybe just tell me next time?"
Of course he would.
"Like you're one to talk" you grumble. You would wipe that shit-eating grin off his face right now if it wasn't so cute. They turn back around to continue typing their notes, but you just close the computer. Laying back on the couch, you pull him closer until he's laying on top of you, face on your chest and his arms wrapped around your waist.
"I'll help you finish it later. Go to sleep, idiot." Ah, yes. Your lovely word choice. They know there's nothing but genuine concern and fondness though, so he lets it slide. "Mhm. Thank you."
You both let out a sigh of relief, before drifting off to sleep.
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latent-thoughts · 2 years
Hello I have another drabble request- reader keeps trying to seduce bf!Loki while he's working and he gets exasperated and makes her straddle his thigh with his fingers inside her and orders her to pleasure herself on his fingers while he finishes work?
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Loki was going over a set of administrative paperwork that needed his inputs and approval. Ever since the Asgardians had settled on Midgard, his work had been cut-out.
Thor had insisted on his active involvement in the running of New Asgard, and Loki couldn't say no to the oaf.
Hence, here he was, engrossed in the documents, wanting to finish this task within the next hour.
So, when you entered his study, he was too preoccupied with the file in his hand to pay full attention to you.
"Something important?" you asked, skipping over to him to give him a kiss.
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He smiled as he returned the kiss, getting a whiff of your alluring scent as you leaned over. It aroused him instantly, but he controlled his instincts and pulled his lips away from yours to return to his work.
"Yes. How was your trip to Oslo?" he asked conversationally, even though his eyes were fixed on the text of the documents.
"It was nice. I did some shopping for us," you replied, stroking his hair and neck. The touch was almost innocent, but he knew you well by now.
You were here to seduce him, in simple terms, but you were trying to be subtle about it.
His lips twitched in amusement, but he didn't smile overtly. He kept his gaze trained on the file.
"And what did you get?"
"I'll show you if you come with me."
"Not right now, kitten, I have work to do."
"I never thought I would hear those words from your mouth."
Looking up at you, he let out a sigh. "I'm not just the god of mischief, I’m a crown prince too. Caring for my people's well-being is part of my duties."
You pouted, plopping yourself right on his thigh. "I'm not against that, but I'm your subject too, your highness."
You tried to kiss him again, but he didn't return it this time. So then you tried to grab the file from him. He foiled the attempt by grasping your hand and pushing it away from the file.
That's when you received a look of annoyance from him. "Kitten, don't be a brat."
"Please, I need you," you whined, bouncing on his thigh. "You didn't take me this morning, and I just..." you frowned, as if trying to look for the right words to express yourself.
It was an adorable look on you, but not enough to make him lose focus. He went back to reading the paperwork, even though he still humoured you.
"Are you saying that you're addicted to me?"
"Maybe? Will admitting it get me what I want?"
That made him click his tongue and shake his head in disapproval. “Behave.”
"Please Loki... please master."
Ah, you were using targeted words now. Smart...
When his eyes met yours again, they were narrowed in amusement, with an edge of salacious darkness.
"Well, if you're that desperate of a slut, you can simply ride my fingers and get off like that," he stated firmly, raising his hand to move his fingers with a flair. "That is your only option right now. Straddle my thighs and ride my fingers. So, do you want to do it, kitten?"
Your response was almost too comical in its quickness.
You jumped to your feet, took your panties off, and then straddled his thigh. His fingers were already there, in position for you to receive them inside you. You sat down on them gingerly, sighing happily as they filled your sweet channel.
“Mmm, thank you!”
Loki simply responded with a stiff ‘Hmm’ and went back to reading the documents. Of course, he had trouble concentrating, because you were undulating on his fingers now, all wanton and needy and wet.
Still, he persevered, turning the pages with the help of his seidr, keeping his visage devoid of his true feelings. That aside, he discovered that his reading speed had suddenly improved.
“Don’t be too loud, kitten,” he muttered as you moaned, humping his fingers more and more aggressively. “This is my study, not our bedroom.”
“Sorry, master,” you whimpered, grasping his shoulder to keep your balance. “I’ll be a good girl. I’m trying.”
“That’s what I like hearing.” He gave you a little glance as he leaned forward to make suggestions on the documents with his pen, acting completely indifferent towards you despite the fact that his cock was painfully hard.
This went on for a few good minutes… where he covered more paperwork than he had half an hour ago, with his fingers still deep inside you, and you trying your best to make use of them.
Still, you hadn’t been able to orgasm, and he could now feel your frustration growing, given the jerky movements of your body.
“Please…” you whined, bouncing on his fingers, clutching at them with your hot channel. “I need…”
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“What do you need now?” he asked in exasperation, counting the pages left for him to go through.
“Please, I want to come…”
He gave you a sneer, more for pretence than anything else. “What is this? Did my little slut forget to come on her own?” He knew that you loved the degrading talk, so he never missed the opportunity to use it on you.
You shivered and looked at him wide, almost forlorn eyes as you nodded.
“Oh dear.” He chuckled. “It seems that you’ve been fucked witless by me. I’ll try to remedy that.”
His fingers grew more active inside you as he said that, curving and thrusting into you with vigour. In tandem to that, his thumb began to tap on your clit aggressively.
As you squealed to your orgasm, he smirked and turned another page in the documents. “There’s my good girl. Witless but good.”
He gave you two more orgasms like that while he tried his best to keep his mind on the documents. It was tough, but he finally managed to reach the last page.
But by then, his self restraint had been eroded by the feel of your silken channel around his fingers.
“Open my pants,” he ordered as he kept his eyes on that last page he still needed to read. “Be quick about it.”
You followed his command eagerly, opening his pants to pull his cock out. Even that little touch made him twitch.
“Sit on it,” he rasped, trying to write down the last of his suggestions.
That gave you a pause. “But… you said that--”
“I said sit on it. Now!”
“Yes master!” Without delay, you hopped off his fingers to straddle him properly.
His pen snapped in half under his grip as you slid down on his engorged flesh, taking him in slowly.
“Damn you, woman,” he growled, pushing the paperwork aside (for now) and grasping your waist to bounce you on his cock. “You get your wish.”
“Mmmm yes!” you sang happily, threading your fingers into his hair to pull his mouth to yours.
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He took you with abandon then, pushing his tongue against yours, keeping his rhythm quick but his thrusts deep. He even let go of his rule to not be loud in his endeavour to find his release inside you.
When he finally reached his climax, you were already caught in the throes of yours. He kept himself deep inside you as you milked his hard flesh, knowing that he’d never get tired of the sensation.
“Stay,” he murmured, holding you against his chest as the last of his seed spurted inside you. “Warm my cock while I finish the work.”
“Still not letting it go?” you asked, all breathless and giggly as you rested your head against his shoulder.
“No, I had promised Thor that I’ll send these back to him today itself.”
“A man of your word, you are.”
“Indeed,” he said, pulling the file back to him to finish writing his suggestions in the notes.
If he were to be honest, it felt wonderful to simply sit there with his cock buried deep inside you, still hard and primed for another round of lovemaking.
He was contemplating doing this on a more regular basis when suddenly, the doors to his study burst open, with Thor barging in.
“Loki, are you done with those docum--” He stopped midway when he witnessed the scene before him.
Loki froze, as did you.
Thankfully, your long, flowing skirts had fanned around both you and him, protecting Thor’s eyes from seeing everything.
Still, from the look on his face, it was clear that he knew what was going on.
Loki gave him a sheepish grin and a wave. “Ah brother, not knocking as usual.”
“This is your study! Is no place safe from your debauched adventures?” Thor asked in mostly insincere exasperation.
Loki shrugged in response while you hid your face against his neck, inadvertently clenching around his cock in your state of nervousness. It almost made him lose his breath.
“Did you work on those documents or not?” Thor asked, grimacing as he saw the obvious lust on Loki’s face. “Or were you too preoccupied?”
Loki rolled his eyes. Thor was acting as though he hadn’t been caught by him in similar circumstances in the past.
“Before you bother me with more of your dramatic outrage… here.” He closed the file and sent it flying towards Thor with a quick cantrip. “I’ve done my bit, now go do yours.”
Thor grabbed it before it hit him in the face. “When did you get the time to go over these… no, don’t answer that. I’m leaving.”
With a telling laugh, Thor was gone. And as soon as the study doors closed behind him, Loki locked them with his seidr.
“How are you faring?” he asked you, chuckling against your ear.
“I’m fine,” you answered rather meekly, pulling your head back to meet his gaze. “Just a little shaken.”
“Will this help?” he asked, giving you a little thrust.
Your eyes fluttered in pleasure. “This always helps.”
“Good,” he groaned, taking your lips in a heated kiss as he started bouncing you on his cock again. “Because I’m not going to let go of you for quite some time.”
(Also posted on AO3. Please share and leave comments if you liked it.)
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One day| Xiao
Reader: male
Note: this a long one, with some angst so yeet
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"Xiao?" Zhongli questioned, him and Childe having a small lunch and tea together when Lumine came along, "He's gone to watch Yun Jin perform."
"Yun Jin?" Lumine questioned, Zhongli nodding in the process, "Right. Thank you."
Lumine made her way over to Yun Jin's area of performance climbing the steps with Paimon behind her.
"Hey isn't that Xiao?" Paimon questioned, Lumine looking at Xiao who was hidden behind the stair post watching the performance from afar.
"Xiao?" Lumine questioned.
Xiao jolted, his head running into the post as he grumbled.
"Are you okay?" Paimon questioned.
"I'm fine-"
"Oh sorry, sir I didn't know you were waiting for a table."
Xiao looked up, the young man in his twenties standing there, "Can I get you and you're lovely partner a table?"
Xiao gulped, was he shaking? No sweating? Both?
"Sir?" Y/n questioned.
"Yes! We'd like a table!" Lumine cut in helping Xiao up.
Y/n nodded, "Come follow me."
Xiao was dragged along by the woman and sat down at the table.
"Can I get you any tea?" Y/n questioned, "We have other drinks as well."
"Ooo! Paimon wants Boba! With the color-changing tea!"
Y/n smiled and nodded, "What do you recommend?" Lumine questioned.
"The glaze lily tea with quingxin flowers." Y/n smiled, "it's great with almond cookies, but if you want food I recommend the almond tofu."
"Can we have that tea?" Lumine questioned, "and a plate of almond cookies- Xiao?'
"Oh. Uh. Almond tofu, the way you like it." Xiao explained.
Y/n nodded with a smile, "I'll be back soon then with your drinks and food."
Y/n left to get the tea and snacks and Xiao turned back towards Lumine.
"What are you doing here!?" Xiao argued quietly.
"Well, I came to see if you wanted to go out on the field." Lumine started, "But you seem a bit preoccupied at the moment so who's this guy?"
"no one." Xiao defended.
"right, and Paimons not food."
"What does it matter to you anyway?" Xiao snapped back.
"Hey! She's just trying to help!" Paimon argued.
Xiao sighed and look back at Yun Jin's performance, "I don't know who he is..."
"So you're stalking a stranger?" Lumine questioned.
"No! I." Xiao argued, becoming flustered, "He. I."
"He caught your eye?"
Xiao nodded causing Lumine to smile.
"Here's your tea and cookies," Y/n spoke returning with the pot and snacks.
"It looks so good!"
Y/n smiled, "And your almond tofu sir."
The bowl was filled with the sweet and freshly made by the looks of it.
"What's your name?" Lumine questioned.
"Me?" He asked, "I'm Y/n ma'am."
"I'm Lumine, this is Paimon." She introduced, "And this here is Xiao, he's an adepti."
"Is that so?" Y/n spoke, "It's an honor to be serving you then Xiao, I haven't seen you up in the mountains."
"You go up there?" Xiao questioned.
"Well, of course, I made soup up there at least once a week for the Adpeti, Ganyu enjoys it much and I'm very glad," Y/n responded, "Perhaps I'll have to bring you up some almond tofu and tea sometimes then won't I?"
Xiao only nodded softly, how could he reject such a smile.
"Well then I'll be seeing you in the future shortly I suppose," Y/n told and with a nod went off to continue work, Xiao watching him leave.
He didn't expect much, humans lie, the forget, the move on seemingly so quickly.
Yet Y/n listened, satchel on his shoulder filled with the ingredients he made his way up that mountain top early morning.
Xiao though always welcomed was questioned why he had even come up, yet he gave no answer and watched from his spot up in the tree, hidden away by its yellow-orange leaves.
"Good Morning Y/n!" Ganyu cheered happily, "May I help you today!"
"Ah! Ganyu! It's your day off, isn't it? As much as I appreciate the help you should relax!"
Xiao couldn't help but watch the two interact, the two mindlessly talking about what not as Y/n cooked.
"Is. Xiao here?" Y/n finally questioned.
"He was last night, but I don't know where he's gone."
Y/n only nodded and they continued on, and Xiao watched and he watched. Not a word was said from him the entire day as he watched Y/n greet the others respectfully, putting bowls out for each of them. By sunset, Y/n was saying his goodbyes and finishing up one last plate. Y/n setting a nice full plate of almond tofu and a cup along with a pot of tea and with a quick pray he left.
Yet when Y/n returned in the next few days he couldn't hide fast enough.
"Ah! Xiao Good Morning! I didn't see you last time."
Xiao only nodded in response, trying to casually and cooly lean up against the table.
"What are you doing here?" Xiao questioned.
"I'm coming to make another pot of soup." Y/n smiled, "Did you get the almond tofu?"
"Oh, uh yes." Xiao spoke, "It...it was good."
Y/n smiled once again, he seemed to do that often, smiling, "I'm very glad you enjoyed it."
Xiao was silent for a moment as Y/n started pulling out vegetables.
"I am...glad you made it for me."
Y/n turned back to Xiao, "Well then I'll have to keep making it then."
It was akward, akward for Xiao atleast. Y/n was happily cooking Xiao just watching. Y/n tried making small talk, but Xiao didnt know much how too.
But with more visits and more time, Xiao found himself talking just a bit more each and every time.
Soon summer turned to fall as the days rolled by. Yet with the changing seasons Y/n never did change, he still came up, vegetables changed to the season, but still always came up with intentions of making soup and almond tofu.
Though nothing changed seemingly in Y/n, things changed in Xiao, Xiao found himself wanting to grab Y/n's hand as they sat and ate together, to laugh so much more with him, to be with him.
It was raining when he decided he wanted to tell Y/n everything. Walking up to Y/n's small little cottage lodged in the mountainside, it was fenced off by a short concrete fence wall with a small gate that he let vines of fruit and beans take over. Vegetables and some fruit trees growing.
He opened the gate, walking through it with the wind closing it shut behind him.
He walked up to the door knocking loudly in hopes of grabbing Y/n's attention.
The door opened revealing a man with green hair and a towel on his head, drying his hair.
"Oh. Y/n it seems like you have another guest!" He called looking back into the home.
"Let them in Baizhu!" Y/n called in return.
The man stepped aside letting Xiao into the cozy little cottage, the light from candles and fire giving a warm glow to the atmosphere.
Out came running two kids, a girl in red and a girl in purple both covered in white fluffy towels.
"Girls say hello."
"Hello!" the girl in red cheered, "I'm Klee! This is Qiqi!"
"Hello," Qiqi spoke softly.
"Are you here for Mr.Y/n?" Klee asked loudly, "Wait! What's your name first!"
Y/n followed in their footsteps not to long after, "Ah! Xiao! Let me get you a towel!"
Y/n rushed to get a towel and rushed back to wrap Xiao up drying off. Quickly drying off his face and hair.
"I wasn't expecting you today," Y/n spoke, "What can I help you with? Miss my Almond Tofu already?"
Xiao moved the towel from his eyes, Y/n's hands holding his face softly.
"Oh...uh..." Xiao started, his face starts turning red from the cold combined with the butterflies in his stomach.
"yes, Xiao?" Y/n spoke with a small smile.
"I um..." Xiao started once, again, "wanted to talk to you is all."
"kids lets go to the other room." Baizhu smiled.
"yes, Mr.Baizhu!" Klee cheered, Baizhu cheered, Klee dragging Qiqi away, Baizhu following with a smile.
"We'll be in the guest bedroom." Baizhu spoke Y/n nodding as he let go of Xiao's face.
"Now. What can I help you with-"
"I love you!"
It was silent and with such a heavy weight on Xiao's shoulders gone, he just felt another arise.
"Xiao...Im uh...flattered. i am...just..." Y/n started.
Xiao stood there, his chlothings still dripping water, puddles forming at his feet.
"I. I understand." Xiao explained, "...You have kids and...he seems to be a nice partner...I shouldn't have...I. my apologies..."
"Kids? Partner?" Y/n questioned.
Xiao looked down at the towel now in his hands.
"Xiao. Im not with anyone. Nor do I have kids." Y/n spoke walking over, "Xiao. Look at how I live. Look at the work I do."
"What about it?" Xiao asked head still down.
"I can't promise you everything I want to give you with how I live, how I work-"
"I don't want things!" Xiao argued.
"Ah. Xiao no need to shout." Y/n spoke softly, a hand running through Xiaos hair, the Adapti's face turning red as he adverted his gaze.
"I. I just want you." Xiao spoke softly, "and adapti loving a human. How idiotic does that sound...especially with me being what I am..."
"I don't see a problem with being Xiao." Y/n commented.
"That's not what I-"
"I know." Y/n spoke, "But. I see you as Xiao. And Xiao...he's...well he's fierce on the outside with dark blues and greens...but he's a good person, just no one wants to see him for that because of his past"
"The past defines the present." Xiao protested.
"And it shouldn't." Y/n defended.
Xiao was silent as Y/n brought him into his chest. Xiao resting his temple over Y/n's heart. His hands gripped Y/n's shirt as he was embarced in warmth.
''Come on. Lets get you some dry chlothes and almond tofu."
Xiao followed in Y/n's steps to his room, a large hand made bed with hand made quilts and blankets.
"I think most of my chlothes will be big on you." Y/n commented, pulling some spare clothes out and setting them on the bed, "Ill go get you some almond tofu-"
"What does that make us?" Xiao asked quickly stopping Y/n in his steps, "that is...if what I said means...anything..."
"Can...can you give me just a moment to think on it please?" Y/n responded.
"You...you don't love me back." Xiao protested.
"No! No thats not it!" Y/n defended Xiao pushing his way out the room and rushing for the door.
"It's yes or no!? Isnt it?!" Xiao argued, tears falling from his eyes.
"No! Xiao it's not! Listen!" Y/n shouted Xiao opening the door, just for it to be slammed shut by Y/n before he could get out and with the same hand Xiao was turned around and pinned to the door, "You don't deserve to live how I live-"
"Excuses! Thats all you humans have!" Xiao shouted, "I don't want your damn mora! Humans, there all so materialistic! I thought-"
"I fuck people for mora!" Y/n shouted over Xiao.
The two fell silent as Xiao looked up at him, "I. I don't...I dont understand." Xiao murmered.
Y/n sighed rubbing his head, "My mother...sold me off young. She had racked up a debt that Im still trying to pay off- I- between the raising taxes and the infilation of just about everything I can't keep up. No one else will hire me in Liyue and I can't make it to work on time if I have to travel. Im not ashamed of it-"
"You're friends with that banker. Childe" Xiao asked, he wipping his tears from his face, "aren't you..."
"It's not like that Xiao. I don't love him." Y/n tried to insist but Xiao kept his head down, "Xiao."
"That's why the medicane man is here. Isnt it?" Xiao qusstioned.
"No I swear! I just sell him herbs!" Y/n argued, "Xiao look at me."
Xiao kept his gaze adverted despite Y/n pulling his chin up.
"I don't deserve you." Y/n told him, "I never will. Thats why I didnt say anything back."
Xiao was silent for a moment, his gaze finally following Y/n's "But I want you."
"I can't give you what you want Xiao." Y/n told him, "I don't even own myself, but."
Xiao looked at him with a hopeful gaze
"One day. When I own myself. I'll give you a peice hm?"
Xiao nodded, "I have to go..."
Y/n frowned as Xiao opened the door and left in silence. Y/n leaned his head against the door.
"You never do let good things into you're life." Baizhu intruppted the silence, Y/n turning his head.
"I don't need another thing they can take away." Y/n responded.
"It'll be you're life sooner rather than later at this point Y/n."
"I know..."
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cruella-de-liv · 2 years
Can I Be Close To You?
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@atomicjuicer requests: “Marc Spector as ur boyfriend pls I need him” & “Can u do Marc Spector and y/n having a lazy day”
Summary: One of the rare occurrences when you wake up in the morning to your boyfriend actually asleep in bed.
Pairing: Marc Spector x Reader
Word Count: 752
Song: Bloom - The Paper Kites
The sun's gentle morning rays shine through the windows of your bedroom. The bed felt more comfortable now in the early hours of the day than it had last night, when you climbed under the cold sheets alone, as you did most nights. Though the bed was intended to be shared with your boyfriend, Marc Spector, his nights were typically spent elsewhere, donning a white suit and dealing out justice to those who deserve it. When he did get to sleep, it was usually during the day. Breathing a deep sigh, you roll over to find that the bed does not currently feel more comfortable simply due to it being morning. You come face to face with Marc, his eyes closed and slow, quiet breaths leaving his nose.
When he slept was the only time you ever saw Marc looking so at peace, his forehead free of the familiar lines that came with the constant furrowing of his brow. The sun was shining on his back that made him glow in a way that was almost god-like. You wished you could freeze time in this moment, not just so you could continue admiring him, but to let him stay this peaceful forever. You lightly place your hand on his cheek, stroking his cheekbone with your thumb. Even in sleep, he sighs into your touch, and a small smile makes it's way onto your face. After a couple of minutes, Marc's eyes began to open. He immediately smiles at the sight of you laying only inches away from him.
"Mornin', baby," he mutters groggily, the huskiness of his voice sending a chill up your spine the same way it always did when you got to talk to him first thing in the morning.
"Good morning. I was so happy to see you here when I woke up. How was your night?" you ask, wondering what time he had returned home and actually got to sleep for a bit.
"Uneventful," he responds shortly, and you know that he would not indulge you with the details of what he does as Moon Knight even if it had been eventful. "I forgot how good it felt to lay in bed with you. I think I'll stay here all day!" He exclaims, wrapping his arms around your waist and rolling onto his back, pulling you on top of him. You giggle, and revel in the feeling of his hands on your hips, your bare stomachs pressed together.
"Don't you think Steven might have something to say about that? Or Jake? What if one of them had plans today?" You muse. Marc is silent for a minute.
"Actually, it's quiet. Neither of them seem to be around at the moment. Which means..." He drags his fingertips lightly over your hips, down your thigh a bit, and back up your sides. "I get you all to myself."
You lean down and press your lips to his, before quickly pushing yourself up and off the bed.
"But first, breakfast!" You laugh, heading out the door and towards the kitchen. Marc sits up, disappointed that you got out of bed so quickly, but happy enough to watch your underwear-clad backside walking away. After relaxing for a while more in bed, he too throws the blankets to the side and lets his feet hit the cool floor. He sleepily shuffles his way to the kitchen. You had already prepared coffee and pastries, wanting something quick and easy. Marc then took your hand and gently led you back to the bedroom.
"I wasn't kidding about staying here all day," he said, climbing back into the bed and gesturing for you to follow. You had no complaints, crawling right back in besides him and letting him throw an arm around you from behind. You could feel his chest rise and fall against your back, inhaling your scent and relaxing once again into the pillows. You knew that he could use the rest any chance he gets, and you certainly didn't mind spending the day in bed with him. You trace light circles on his arms and hear his breathing slow as he slips back into slumber, but not before tugging you a little bit closer.
When the evening pulls the sun down, while the rest of the world is sleeping, your world will risk his life to protect them. And while it could be hard, these rare, lazy mornings with Marc were more than enough to make up for every lonely night.
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
hey hey!! can i request byakuya (thh), nagito, rantaro and korekiyo with a s/o whos all talk? Like they always say they’re gonna kiss them or initiate everything first but they shy away from it!! thank you <3
Byakuya Togami, Nagito Komaeda, Rantarou Amami, and Korekiyo Shinguuji with a S/O who is flirty but too shy to initiate
if this has any spelling or grammar errors i'm sorry but i'm fucking illiterate and i found like 10 in the middle of sentences as I reread them.
today I was standing with that-guy-mod-souda-sits-next-on-campus-slash-at-peets and behind us the frat boys were talking about asl so I started to roll my eyes. And Guy knows that I sign so he asked me a question about sign language and I answered, and then we were quiet for a bit so I went "they sound very stupid" or something and he asked me something I already forgot but I brought up how ASL was my first language and he looked really surprised and he said "oh is someone in your family deaf?" and I hesitated and then pointed to myself with a shy smile and his eyes went wide he was like NOO WAY REALLY and I saw him staring at my ears looking for a hearing aid or a CI or something but I let him look and didn't mention it. And he was like "did you get surgery on your ears?" and I told him no and then told him my estimated hearing percentage on each ear [15% / 79%] and was like meh I'm not really looking for hearing aids right now because I can make it through day to day life but sometimes in conversations I'll just awkwardly stare at someone while trying to read their lips but anyway. thinking about that.
-Mod Souda
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Byakuya Togami
❤ He finds your way of speaking to be rather crude. Talking to him like this: the innocent flirting; complimenting him, in public makes him want to degrade you for being so unprofessional. But he just holds his breath and counts to ten in his head. He knows that if he will regret anything mean he says anyway. So he lets you talk, knowing that nothing is going to come about it. Saying you're going to kiss him while in public is a lot better than you actually doing it. This is a good way for him to have boundaries. He can't tell you to not do something you're already not doing.
❤ He likes being the one to initiate everything. He has the sense of control, being able to kiss your cheek and feel your touch when he desires it. What's even better is the look of plead in your eyes when you need to touch him, when you need to kiss him. You craving him is a necessitated desire to be fulfilled. That look in your eyes makes him melt more than any amount of begging can.
"Byakuya," you whine. He just rolls his eyes and tries not to smile. You're being cute again... how dare you.
"If you want it so bad just do it yourself." 'It' being a kiss - though the suggestive vagueness makes you blush. He crosses his legs before leaning back in his chair. He is genuinely curious to see what you're going to do.
You just lean your head on his shoulder and continue to grumble. "You know I don't like to..."
His lips press to your forehead. "There - quit your whining."
"Thank you."
❤ Sometimes, when he's feeling flirty, he will respond back with the same energy. You'll say something about how you're going to kiss his lips off and he will just let out (non sarcastically for once) a "yeah?" and it makes you melt.
❤ He gives you most of the kisses in the early morning. It's when he's putting on his tie or when he's brushing his hair, or even when he just wakes up. He will ask you to come over just so he can kiss you. The rest of the day, it is rare.
❤ His smile is so beautiful. The feeling it gives you is amplified when you take into consideration that every time you make him smile he kisses your forehead.
Nagito Komaeda
❤ He was a bit too self-conscious to initiate things. When he learned that the reason you weren't hugging him or kissing him was not because you didn't like him - but that you are shy - it made him feel a lot better. Your lack of touch made his mind race. Does he smell bad? Have you been pretending? Then he kisses your cheek one day and he sees how flustered you get.
He hums softly in your ear, holding you to his chest as he sits up in bed. Your feet are swung across his lap. The two of you are scrolling hopeless on your phone, such moments like this rather common midday, as neither of you have an exactly busy schedule on the weekends.
Every few minutes you look up at him and try to angle yourself so you can see his eyes. His eyes are always so beautiful - the green with the sparks of grey and yellow around his pupil - like a foggy forest with peaks of sunlight.
"You're so beautiful." You whisper to him. The corner of his lips twitch, the fuzz on his skin glowing from the phone's light.
"Is that your way of asking for a kiss?" He says in his usual playful tone.
"Now it is."
He shifts his body, curving so he leans over you. Your hand goes to his neck, where you hold him, letting him place his lips on yours.
❤ His kisses are always so sweet. He kisses you as if it's his last kiss ever - every time. So you ask for his kisses constantly. And he is happy to give you them.
❤ I don't think he even minds the fact that you don't initiate anything (once he gets past the paranoia) - it isn't annoying or anything.
Rantarou Amami
❤ He finds it adorable. The way you respond perfectly to his flirting - but the moment he touches you you heat up, it's just precious. Whenever he feels down he knows he can grab your waist and kiss your neck and your burning cheeks will lighten his mood. This is one of the many things he loves about you.
❤ He is more than glad to initiate anything. You always ask him for a kiss, and he always asks you if it's okay to kiss you. The two of you have perfect communication when it comes to intimacy. He loves that you talk about kissing him whenever you actually want to because it leaves so little space for assumptions. Shy of intimacy so you only rely on talking? Perfect.
You jump when he wraps his arms around your waist from behind. You hadn't even heard his feet on the wood. He has always been very polished in movement.
"Hello, lovely." He whispers against you. He had been gone for a couple of days, just something work related.
"Good evening," you turn around in his arms, "aren't you happy to be home?"
"Oh, yes, extremely."
You stare into his bright green eyes. "What are you going to do about it?"
One of his hands trails up your stomach, holding your neck, his thumb against your jaw. "Is that an invitation?"
With your nod, he leans in and captures your lips with his own.
❤ Your shyness makes him feel comfortable with you.
❤ Outside of the fact that he thinks it's charming, it's also very appealing, and he prefers it.
❤ Whenever he comes home after his travels he waits for your flirty words before he swoops in to kiss you.
Korekiyo Shinguuji
❤ It's beautiful. Shyness is timidness, and he adores someone who is easily frightened. When you talk about kissing him he will snake his hands around your torso, pulling your body close to him. He doesn't take lightly to teasing, which is exactly what you're doing, intentionally or not.
❤ You both will makeout almost every day. When the two of you are outside, and you flirt with him, it makes him smile behind the mask. There - he can't do anything. He can't pull you in or kiss your neck or bite you in protest. He just has to stand there with an iron grip on your body until the two of you get home. That's when he pushes you against something and lingers his lips around your body before you ask him to kiss you. He loves it when you ask.
You call his name, stopping short once you realize he is probably in his office. You bite your bottom lip. Oh no, is he going to be grumpy? You hope you didn't disturb him. You get up, peeking down the hall, seeing the doorknob of his office turn. Goddamnit.
His thin form comes out, and before he can see you, you return to sitting on the couch, trying to look busy.
"I do hope you have called me for something important." He says with a soft tone. His eyes look tired and you wonder just how long he has been in there.
"Oh, it's nothing," you tried to brush it off, "I was just planning to kiss you."
He crosses the room in mere seconds, one of his hands on the cushion beside you as he leans over you.
"That's a very good reason."
"It is?"
"Yes." He breaths, eyeing your lips. "Is that what you want?"
You nod your head, putting your hands in his hair before he can even kiss you.
❤ He teases you over how you're all-talk. He just loves bringing it up, talking about how long you could go without his lips before you start to initiate things.
❤ He'd never act upon those thoughts: not kissing you just to test you. But the look on your face whenever he brings it up is just thrilling. He eats it up every time.
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Rest Your Weary Hands Part 6
Pure angst, it just pure angst. The post migraine hyperactivity has hit hard, I've literally done six days worth of stuff in one afternoon, so my four day timeline is gone and you get the chapter dump today.
Part 5
Comment if you want to be tagged.
Contains: Ivar being a hopeless idiot, angst, hurt (the comfort will be in the next chapter), YELLING, Ivar's Brothers think he a hopeless idiot, gambling addiction, Ivar get held accountable for being a dick.
1,118 words
Queen Aslaug walks into your little Healers store with one request, help her son. Said to be blessed by the gods, you find your life becoming more and more intertwined with the young prince as you do your best to ease his pain. It will soon be apparent that outside forces have other ideas.
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"I would like you to stay here in Kattegat with my family and me, I see no reason for you to go back to your village. You can treat your patients here, I'm sure Mother would be happy to give you the best stall in the market."
Oh no
You had no idea how to respond, as much as you wanted to stay, you had responsibilities at home, ones that you couldn't just put down. You knew you couldn't tell Ivar, Ubbe was reasonable and understood how precarious your situation was but Ivar had a reputation; you knew his anger would never be directed at you but you knew he was prone to extreme violence.
"As much as I would love to, I can't. My village is farmers and craftsmen, they need me there, most of them can't travel two hours to see me." Ivar wasn't listening.
"You won't have to charge them, Mother will pay you enough to live comfortably so you can treat people for free." You tried not to let the out of touch comment get to you.
"There are also very sick people who need me, some little children. I need to be there for them at a moment's notice." Ivar wasn't even looking at you now.
"Why do you keep finding excuses, if you don't want to stay, just say so!." You were getting frustrated.
"It's not that simple Ivar. Of course I want to stay, I have to go, I have a duty. I'm sorry Ivar, but you live an easy life in terms of obligations, your responsibility to the people of Kattegat is different to mine, I can't explain why." He was now standing at his full height, leaning up against the far wall.
"Then go." he waved at you dismissively.
"If you have so many people to take care of you should go, I don't need you anymore." You weren't going to cry in front of this man, not after the way he was speaking to you.
"Ivar, please. Just let it go, I'll still come and stay and you can see me whenever you like, I just can't stay forever." He was pacing now.
"I don't care, I don't want you here anymore. Get out, I don't want to see you ever again." You were standing there stunned.
"Now, pack you things and leave." He was being unreasonable.
"You want to pack up and leave in the middle of the night, ride back in this cold?" It was like you weren't even in the room.
You started packing right away, Ivar was glaring at you the whole time. It was very early morning when you were done.
"I'm sorry My Prince, I'll be sure you'll never have to see me again." He met your eyes, it was like he was staring into your soul.
"Good, I hate you."
If you only knew how much of a lie that was.
When you walked out, Aslaug was waiting for you. She looked deep in thought.
"I have told my Sons to stay in their room while we speak, I will not keep you here but I just want to talk before you leave." You stopped walking but made no move to sit down.
"I'll make sure Ivar gets the care he needs, don't worry. I just won't be the person who does it." You took your payment out of your satchel.
"Consider this a refund and a fee for ending my services, I am grateful for my time with you and your family." she was looking worried now.
"You don't need to go, give Ivar until the morning and he will see reason." She saw your shoulder sag.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Ivar made it clear that he never wants to see me again." You left without another word.
No one looked at Ivar when he walked out for breakfast, no one spoke to him or even acknowledged he was in the room.
"Are your proud of yourself Boneless?" Sigurd was the first to speak, Ivar didn't respond.
"You should be ashamed of your behaviour" Ubee sounded so angry, it was clear there was something on his mind.
"Why? She was no longer useful, why should Mother still have to pay for her services."
"If she was no longer helpful, why did you ask her to stay forever?" Ivar rolled his eyes.
"She had a good reason to leave Ivar, maybe if you actually took the time to talk to her like a person, you would know it." no one missed the subtle insult.
"What is that? Her duty to the peasants she cares for?" Aslaug hadn't said a word. Ubbe snapped.
"No Ivar, her father owes three pounds of gold to the debt collectors. When she started working for us he got even more coin and got so far into debt that he sold her store as collateral, if he can't pay them off it becomes her debt."
Aslaug and Hvitserk shared a look.
"Not anymore, it's been paid." Hvitserk's attention never left his plate.
"She will be back, don't worry. The Gods are not done yet." Aslaug seemed so sure.
Ivar looked like his world was falling in on him.
'Why has she never done anything about it? We know she can protect herself."
"Her Father told her he has contingencies, if anything happens to him she will be blamed. Ubbe's tone was short, almost hopeless.
Ivar was up and walking towards the door. All he could think was what a terrible mistake he had made.
He didn't hate you, quite the opposite.
"I have to go and get her, I......"
A raven had flung itself through a half-open window and landed on the floor. Ivar gave it a glance before continuing to walk towards the door, the raven shook itself off and flew at Ivar, landing on his crutch. He tried to shake it off but it wouldn't move.
He chose to ignore the bird and keep walking, but when he took a step, it dug its beak into this hand.
"Ivar the Gods are telling you to wait, sit down and enjoy your meal, you'll know when it time."
You chose to ride home slowly, fearful that galloping the cold and damp would cause your horse to slip. It was just after dawn when you got home, you could see people in your store, sitting at the table drinking and talking, but only your Father's face was visible.
When you walked in the door, it became clear who your guests were.
Earl Knut and his Son, who was looking at you like he want to tare you open and bathe in your insides.
Part 7
Tag List: @ladynightshade30 @katshuya @istorkyou @smears-and-spots @youbloodymadgenius @draculasbride-blog @profoundtyrantharmony @vikingsfranatic @hellie98 @localtrashopossum @polly-jayne @serenitybloodmoon @southernbe @rebyl-dollface @hamburgerslippers@wintersire
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