#but if we're turning our brains off we're turning our brains off for everything
zorrxchicle · 1 year
i was going to leave it alone but i can't how do you type all of this down and don't realize what you're saying. yes maybe lately Mattel™ Inc. has tried to put a "feminist" spin on Barbie™ to appeal to a new generation of potential customers by modeling her body more realistically (no permanent heel feet!!), dialing it down with the Girl Color™ and making her "independent" from the man doll but like...??? not out of any genuinely held ideological position or any honest rejection of patriarchal gender roles cause Mattel Inc. does not believe in anything it's a company whose only true goal is making money how is it surprising that they singed off on the movie of the summer that will put their trademarked property on screens all over the world the one with every other actor in it. come on please
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UPDATE What's up, it's the proposal guy. You said you wanted to know how this turned out, so I figured I'd tell you. First some context though, because I'm mean and I wanna keep you in suspense longer.
1- I don't wanna doxx us so I'm not telling you where we live, but suffice to say, neither of us are American, and gay marriage has been legal here for less than five years. For both of us, this is the first relationship we've had where marriage was even an OPTION, and I think that's where we've been getting some of that whole 'this has to be a REAL proposal with EVERYTHING' idea.
2- I gotta figure out how to explain this properly. So, I'm pretty used to being the GUY guy in relationships? I was always the one who did the nice gestures, not the one they got done for. Before I met my dream guy, I didn't really notice or care that it was such a thing, I just assumed that's how shit worked. Also, I promised I wouldn't talk a lot about his stuff here, but his last boyfriend before me SUCKED. Anyway point here is, it turns out we both REALLY like feeling swept off our feet sometimes, and a big part of finding each other has been getting to feel special for once? That's a stupid sappy way of putting it the point here is I think all that's what morphed into "I need to be the one getting proposed to, also it has to be completely perfect", and then our Petty & Extra genes got involved.
So I'm sitting in bed thinking about all that up there, and watching all the comments coming in basically being like "Dude, you are BLOWING this" on repeat, and telling me to compromise, and I look up and see him flossing in the bathroom and making all these doofy faces at the mirror, and it's like a switch just flips in my brain, and I'm like "Oh, I'd rather he gets to have his perfect proposal than we both have an okay one". I'm gonna do it.
Morning rolls around, and while I'm 'out for my jog like normal' I hit up a pawn shop for a temp ring (the ring pop thing is cute but NOT HIM). I found one I was at least confident wouldn't get ruined the first time he got his hands greasy (he fixes old machines as a hobby it's hot as hell), got back home, and hid the box in the toe of my nasty ass workout shoes in the bedroom closet, since I figured he'd check there last.
He was still asleep, because he stays up late no matter what and then is SHOCKED he's tired the next day, so I called and booked a table at our usual anniversary spot. (Side note about the 'he picks bad restaurants' thing. This isn't an 'I like Greek, you like Chinese' situation, dude's just BAD at finding places. He either assumes pricey is tasty and I get to eat some overrated gourmet bullshit, or he'll try and find something hip and underground and risk giving us food poisoning again, and he REFUSES to give up and pick somewhere we've been before when it's his turn to plan date night. I'm obsessed with him <3.) Date was set, I'd propose on the 21st.
Some of you might have noticed this, but fun fact! It's currently the 16th.
Last night I'm doing dishes and he's been sent to our room for mug collection duty, and he's taking FOREVER, so I go check just in case he found the ring, because the man's a gift tracking BLOODHOUND. Turns out he hasn't, he's found my Angry Box.
I assume other people have an Angry Box? Basically, we had this huge messy fight right when we first moved in together, and I never wanna let it get that bad again, so I have this shoebox where I keep a bunch of our stuff I can look at if we're fighting and hopefully cool off. There's one of those photo booth roll things, letters we wrote when he moved back with his parents for COVID, the wine cork from our first date, shit like that. Anyway, he's just sitting on the floor staring at it, and I explain about the Angry Box, and then he! Proposes!!! Kind of.
He definitely didn't have anything prepared, because by 'propose' I mean 'ugly cried & rambled at me for several minutes before I figured out it WAS a proposal', but once I got on the same page it was amazing. I said yes, and he had to admit he didn't have a ring for me because he was CONVINCED he'd win and I'd do it, so I grabbed mine because, yeah, he was right. He was like "this is the ugliest ring I've ever seen" and I was like yeah well the plan is to replace it later and he went "No. You can pry this off my cold dead fingers. After I'm buried with it." So I guess it's not a temporary ring anymore.
I'm just gonna go ahead and skip to this morning. I pointed out we still have the reservation, and he said I should propose there anyway because "We can get a free dessert. They have those creme brulee shot glasses you like. And for love, or something" and I said ok deal, but that means you gotta get me a ring to keep it fair, and his eyes LIT UP. When I swung by his work for lunch he was still on the phone with a jeweler and he had a whole page of notes on three other ones. Pray for me.
OH PS: I was RIGHT that he'd been the one behind the cat biting me, but it wasn't about the proposal stuff, it's because I paid my baby sister three dollars to shout 'fuck you' every single time he enters a room she's in for (if you ask me, he should be madder at my sister for charging so little), and he did it by giving her a bunch of treats for biting his hands too, so now neither of us can pet our baby girl without oven mitts on. HOLY SHIT I love this man.
Oh my goddddddd I love everything about this <333 I awwww'd out loud on a voice call, like, six times while reading. You two are friggin perfect for each other and so obviously smitten with each other and I wish y'all all the happiness in the world
PS Are y'all planning to have a big wedding? If so oh boy I can't WAIT to get that one in the inbox
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tinydefector · 4 months
Do you think cybertronians ever get a bit freaked out on how tough we are? Yes they can break us like toothpicks but humans seem to be able to take a good beating as well with adrenaline helping. Even our own body and oxygen trys kills us and yet we stick around like roaches. We're fragile in some reasonable and dumb ways and then resilient in the most dumbest ways.
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Oh definitely, alot of the bots are very off put by how fragile humans are just in general and tend to avoid them.
But then there's the moments like Ratchet working a late shift and a small knock on the door alerts him someone's there, he turns around expecting it to be Rodimus or Whirl who he's about to scold but instead it's one of the humans and they look worse for wear. After fussing over them for a moment, detailed scans relay fractured ribs, a broken collar bone, and a heap of bruises and yet the humans just like. "Can I have some Panadol, Nurophen, and a glass of water?" Because they don't know what else to do its what they would get. Most of the times they ended up in the hospital. Ratchet is losing his God dawn mind as he rushes around looking for the best painkillers he can find for orgaincs in the smallest dosage he can give, hoping to primus it doesn't shut their heart down. In the end, they end up on a medication that makes them extremely drowsy, almost like the green whistle/ Weed.
Ratchet ends up doing alot of study on the human body and realises just how fucked up little monsters we are. We literally need oxygen to survive but he we have to much pure oxygen it will kill us. Water, we need a certain amount of it, if we don't have enough we will get dehydrated and die, if we have to much we will get water poisoning, intoxication, or a disruption of brain function. This happens when there's too much water in our cells, such as the brain and blood cells, causing them to swell. When the cells in the brain swell, they cause pressure in the brain, resulting in death. The issue is that it can become an addiction to drinking too much water for the effect it has on the body. Same with nearly everything we consume, it can kill us, but we need a lot of it in moderation.
Human: "I just need some basic pain killers and a nap"
Bot: "No, you need full surgery, sedations, and 3 weeks of recovery!"
Human: "nah she'll be fine!"
Bot: "Absolutely Not, bed now before I cuff you"
Following that imagine a first contact AU where Cybertronians and humans are just slowly getting to know how the other works and next thing a human is kneeling over in horrific pain and it send the bots all into panic mode trying to help them, wondering what's happening and thinking they are dying. And the human after about ten minutes some pain killers still looking rather pale and unhealthy just go. "Sorry about that fuck I hate, Cramps/palpitations/ phantom pains/ and such" and the bots are just looking at them horrified like.
Human: what you talking about?
Bot: everything that just happened you literally just short circuited!
Human: nah that's causal wait till you see the really funky shit.
Human pet AU
Cybertronian's keeping humans as pets is like humans keeping hamsters. Humans are some of the most homicidal, suicidal and just deranged creatures that Cybertronian's could keep as pets. It's gotten to the point that they are a luxury/ exotic pet because if you do not feed them the right stuff, give them the right amount of light and socialising, and they will just die. There are so many Cybertronian's who take their human into clinics worried as and its just the human being a little bustard because they didn't get the treat they wanted 2 weeks ago and are still holding that grudge. Not to mention, we are prone to causing as much trouble and issue. We are like cats.
But we are also very easily sick and primus forbid a human gets sick because to a bot they think it's a death sentence for their sweet little spitfire of a human who they have had now for ages. And the human looks ready to die, and the next day, they are up and about like nothing ever happened.
Human: if you don't feed me the meals I want I'm going to pretend to die. If you do feed me what I want I might actually die because I shouldn't be eating it.
Human: totally worth it.
In conclusion, the cybertronians are rather wary/ concerned about how resilient humans really are.
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accioscarheadthings · 3 months
kenji sato x reader
summary: kenji finds you awake in the room. so he offers to help you relax
pairings: kenji sato x fem!student!reader
warning: smut 18+ (tmi), so minors DNI, praise kink, wound kissing (?), oral (f receiving), hair pulling, soft!switch!kenji, mention of pubic hair, dirty talk
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masterlist !
you leaned back on your chair, palm reaching back to massage the pain at the back of your neck. the light from the laptop flashed in your face, you had to complete a report, but your limbs were starting to give up, brain slowly shutting down.
there was a set of knocks on your guest room door and you uttered a 'come in'.
kenji stepped in with an awkward smile, raising his hand to wave at you, "hi,"
you rubbed your eyes with your fists, yawning, "kenji? what're you doing here?"
he let out a breath of fatigue, "couldn't sleep. emi blew a hole in my room and i could hear her stupid song playing. she wouldn't turn the volume down,"
"yikes," you grinned, getting to your feet and walking to him.
kenji noticed the exhaustion painted on your face, "tired, are you?"
"i still have this report to finish. ugh! i must look pathetic," you groaned in embarrassment, pressing your palms against your cheeks.
"still beautiful as ever," he stated, tipping his head to the side with a charming smile, eyes scanning your features.
"ken," you chided softly, "you've gotta stop that," the way he had with words would be the death of you.
"or what?" he stepped directly in front of you, teasing and leaning forward.
you stared up at him, "i-" you cleared your throat, feeling it close up, "kenji we shouldn't I'm her for professional reasons,"
"i know," he held your gaze, "but i have been watching you ever since you marched up my house to help emi and all i can think about is you," he fessed up, "i see the way you look at me. and it is not helping at all," he let out a breath, shaking his head lightly, "that one night we shared... it was everything to me. i ran like a coward then, because i was so afraid. but i won't this time," his breath came shallow as he bared his heart to you.
you could feel his hands sliding along your back, his touch sending shivers down your spine, "this is wrong, kenji,"
but the illogical part of you wanted it.
"his breath was hot against your ear as he whispered, "then why are you leaning into me?"
you stilled when you realized you had curved into his hold, letting him hold you while your hands rested on his shoulder.
"you're tense, baby. lemme take care of you," kenji dragged his hand up the side of your body, stopping at the side to swipe under the curve of your breasts.
you raised your brows at him, catching onto what he was hinting, "with everything on our plates right now? and with your father in the house?"
"the rooms are soundproofed," his hands settled down on your hips, thumbs circling, "dad's two corridors away,"
you stilled, looking up at him in a contemplating manner.
"besides, we're exhausted. we could use some unwinding," he sighed when your face was still muddled in indecisiveness, "look, this doesn't have to mean anything. not right now," he added immediately, seeing the offensive frown on your forehead.
the watch on your wrist beeped with a new message, but you slapped it off, putting all of your attention on the man in front of you.
"we can take it slow," kenji lifted your arm with the watch, gingerly unclasping it, "but if you don't want it, i can walk out of the room right now. just say the words," he pressed a kiss to the inside of your wrist where the watch had been strapped.
he was right. you were exhausted and you could use some unwinding, but...
"one rule then, no kissing on the lips," you stated strongly, eyes falling to his mouth.
kenji grinned, tipping your chin back with his finger, "i can work with that,"
his touch was slow and deliberate, memorizing every curve. he avoided your lips, his mouth lingering just millimeters away from yours, as he pressed his mouth to your cheek.
kenji guided you back to sit on the edge of the bed and laid you back softly. He settled his body between your legs, "i want you to relax," he caressed the top of your head, "can you do that for me?"
you raised a hand to his face, thumbing his cheek.
he relished your touch, gently grasping your fingers and pressing a kiss to each knuckle, "and i promise I'll make you feel so good,"
he moved down your body, tugging up your shirt to press a kiss to your soft stomach, moving further down.
you inhaled at the feel of his lips against your skin. but you stilled when a thought hit you, realizing:
no one has ever gone down on you
you pushed yourself up to your elbows, "uh, kenji wait!"
kenji was at the waistband of your sweatpants. he looked up at you through his hair, pupils dilated, "what's wrong? are you uncomfortable? should i stop?"
"no," you said bashfully, looking anywhere but at him, "the thing is i've never been- y'know," you widened your eyes in emphasis, hoping he'd catch on.
but ever the clueless, kenji blinked, "what? i don't get it,"
"i've never had someone go down on me," you winced, hearing how crude it sounded.
kenji's eyes nearly bulged out at the absurdity of your admission, "never?"
"never," you admitted, shrinking under his gaze.
"well, that's just pathetic," he rolled his eyes with a scoff, "such a pretty little pussy, never gone down on. tsk, tsk, what a shame," he pressed a kiss to your pussy over your sweatpants, feeling the heat from it, "but that just means i'll have you all to myself,"
you sighed at the feel, his lips giving the right amount of pressure as your pussy clenched around nothing.
you spoke again, "also kenji, i haven't exactly shaved.... so it's not gonna be pleasant-"
his lustful look morphed into confusion, "What makes you think that'll stop me? I don't care about it," he reached up a palm to cup your sex harshly through your sweats, creating the needed friction, making you gasp, "I don't find your pussy 'pleasant'. Such a mundane word," he tutted, "I find her absolutely delicious. And who does your pussy belong to baby?" his voice switched to commanding and domination.
"y-you," you complied, heart fluttering at his words, "you, kenji,"
"good girl," kenji kissed down your body, pausing to suck bruises on your hips. he slowly pulled down your sweatpants along with your underwear, finding you already wet with need.
he raised your legs slowly, resting your thighs on your shoulders, and dove between your legs.
you cried out when you felt his tongue plunge into your pussy, his lips mouthing, "fuckk," you cried out at this new feeling, body arching into his face.
your hand instinctively went to grab at his hair, tugging on it needily, "kenji..."
he hummed appreciatively at your actions, snuggling further into your pussy as he fucked his tongue in and out.
he missed touching you so much. that one night messed with his head so much that he couldn't take it anymore. he had to have you.
his thumb caught on your swollen bud just right and before you knew it, you were coming on his tongue. the man lapped it up greedily, riding you down from your high.
but he didn't stop there. he was eating pussy for his own pleasure, not to just please you. his hands were wound around your thighs, pressing his face to your puffy folds and leaving no room for escape.
at one point, a dull pain began to spread down your legs and you were beginning to feel sore.
"ken- i can't. s'too much," you reached for his hair, pulling his face away from your heat.
kenji looked up at you, absolutely sex-drunk, a string of cum stretching from your heat to his mouth, his chin glistening. 
you nearly came undone again at the sight of him. Blissed out as he worshipped your pussy, "kenji..."
"please, please, please, darlin'"  he struggled against you and dived between your legs, "just wanna taste-"
This man was begging to go down on you. To get a taste of you. 
kenji pressed his open mouth against your pussy, sucking your clit into his mouth. his tongue slathered over your arousal, gathering them in his mouth as he licked up the mess on your inner thighs.
you cried out in pleasure, "kenji, i can't-" and yet you felt another strong wave of pleasure build up in you.
"one more, love," he kissed your inner thigh, biting down gently, "gimme one more,"
he lowered his face to your sopping heat, and flattened his tongue on your clit, earning a moan of encouragement.
your thighs wound around his head, trapping him as you humped into his face. 
You came hard with a loud moan, your thighs going slack on his shoulders.
"tastes so good- mmm," he pressed kisses on your throbbing pussy, tumbling incoherent praises.
you pushed yourself to sit up; kenji lowered your legs from his broad shoulders, kissing from your ankles to your knees, caressing the soft skin. he was on his knees in between your legs.
ah, you could get used to this sight.
you traced a hand over his ear; his face leaned to your touch, a lazy grin stretching his handsome face.
he leaned in, mouth parted and his eyes fluttered close.
"hm?" he was close to your lips. you could feel his breath on your cheeks.
"no kissing on the lips, remember?" you slurred at him, a bit dazed from your orgasms.
"mmhmm," kenji's eyes dropped to your plump lips, the way your pink tongue darted out to wet them.
"kenji," you called his name again, silently begging him to do the opposite. you wanted to kiss those damn pink lips of his.
his gaze snapped back to yours, taking in how you were undone in front of him, chest heaving as his hands slid up and down your thighs, gripping the flesh.
"oh, fuck it," he pressed his mouth against yours, shoving his tongue in.
"oh thank fuck," you sighed, moaning as you tasted yourself and sucked his tongue languidly.
you gripped his face with one hand, squishing his cheeks lightly, and bit down on his lower lip, causing him to moan into your mouth.
"filthy girl," kenji tutted, his belly did a flip, fully giving into your control.
that triggered something primal in you.
you looped a finger through his necklace, pulling him closer and closing your knees around him.
"did i make you feel good, baby?" he stared up at you in a trance.
"s'good," you mumbled, eyes drooping, "so fucking good. such a good boy," you cooed, holding his face between both your palms.
kenji felt his body shiver at being called 'good boy', his eyes locking on yours with a mixture of desire and submission, "fuckk sweetheart," he groaned, "you know just how to rile me up,"
"apologies for intruding, but emi is waking up," mina spoke, interrupting your moment.
"mmph!" he whined, not wanting to leave just yet, "just one more kiss-one more, baby," kenji mumbled, open-mouth pressed against yours.
the smiles on your faces grew wider, and your kisses became infused with a sense of playfulness; it was as though sunshine was coursing through your veins, warming your bodies.
with a final peck, you pulled back, making him chase after your lips.
he huffed in frustration, his expression only getting worse when you chuckled at him.
"go!" you shoved his shoulder lightly, thumbing his chin affectionately.
"fine!" kenji stood, kissing your forehead, reaching for a washcloth to clean you up. he was careful to be gentle, pressing a smooch when you hissed at the sensitivity.
he tossed the cloth in the bathroom, helping you back into your underwear and sweatpants. after, his hands caressed the length of your thighs, groping your ass firmly as he landed a smack on one side.
you yelped, gaining a pleased laugh from him.
kenji rose to his feet, "i'll be back for more, sweetheart!" he announced in a whisper-shout, "bye!" he reached the door of your room, blowing a kiss before he closed it after him.
"bye," you waved your fingers at him, a soft smile spreading on your face.
you dipped your head shyly, heat filling your cheeks at what had just happened.
"oh wait," you began to search for your watch, tossing and throwing away the blankets, but you couldn't find them.
just then, your laptop screen binged with a notification and you leaned forward to get a look.
"project surrogate?" you read the words with a frown.
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walking towards his room, kenji felt something beep in his pocket and reached into it. he pulled out what looked like your watch and realized he must have pocketed it when he took it off your wrist. he spun around to return to your room, but when he saw the message on it, his whole world turned upside down:
Kaiju Defense Force (KDF)
second defense force
highly sensitive information
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@earth-to-mee @sassy-cat-in-town @breaddippedinorangejuice @nuhteyam @gameboigyu @byunpum @jennypenny-19 @doublebunv @moonjellyfishie @m00nd0v3 @despacito-uwu16 @reivelmin @seyoran @warlike-morning @crimson-mage-02 @b3e-sat0 @miffysoo @t4naiis @lovingyeet  @imsimping4life @mmeerraa @btszn @jusmango-shak @yobriisstuff @goldenpoison @fruchtgeschmack @iateurdad16 @bandolls @iv-vee @awfulsoup @lunaryasha @graham-mckrackers @hoshi-hoshot @choco-vibing @fcheung750 @bl0osclues
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natsaffection · 3 months
Paramedic. | N.R
Paramedic!Natasha x Reader
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Warnings: Motorcycles Accident, detailed first aid, Imjurys
Word Count: 2,3k
A/N: I had a dream about this last night and just had to write it. 🫠
The sun was setting, painting the city a warm golden hue as you rode your motorcycle down the quiet street. The wind whipped against your helmet and you felt an intoxicating sense of freedom. But in an instant, everything changed. A car slammed into your path and you had no time to react. The impact was brutal, sending you rolling across the asphalt before everything went black.
When you came back to consciousness, the world was a blur of flashing lights and distant sirens. A sharp and unrelenting pain coursed through your body. You could hear voices, but couldn't make out the words. Panic began to set in as it became clear that you couldn't remember what had happened.
"Hey, can you hear me?" a voice called out, clear and strong. You blinked, trying to focus on the face above you. A woman with red hair, dressed in a paramedic uniform, leaned over you, concern etched in her face.
"Stay with me," she said softly, scanning your body for injuries. "I'm Natasha. You're going to be okay. We'll take good care of you."
You tried to speak, but your throat was dry and the words wouldn't come. You felt the panic rising again, the fear of not knowing what had happened or how badly you were hurt.
"Can you tell me your name?" Natasha asked, keeping her tone calm and reassuring. "Y/N," you whispered, your voice barely audible "Good, Y/N. Can you tell me what day it is?" Natasha's question was met with silence as you tried to remember.
"I... I don't know," you stammered, your eyes wide with fear. "I don't remember.." Natasha exchanged a quick glance with her colleague Sam, her concern clearly visible. "It's okay, Y/n. Sometimes our brains are a little foggy after a shock. Just focus on me and breathe."
When Natasha's team arrived with a stretcher, she turned to them and gave them instructions with practiced efficiency. "We need to remove her helmet, but very carefully. I don't want any further damage to her spine."
Two paramedics were treating at your side, their movements precise and monitored. Natasha knelt next to you and spoke softly. "We're going to take your helmet off now. It might hurt a little, but we have to do it. Just keep breathing for me, okay?"
"Okay.." weakly, bracing yourself. As she began to lift the helmet, you winced in pain, a soft moan escaping your lips. "you're doing great, just a little more."
Natasha could feel her anger bubbling just beneath the surface. The driver who had caused this was nearby and she had to pull herself together not to punch him in the face. Especially now, as she took in your features, absolutely beautiful even in distress.
"All right, Sam, let's put the neck brace on her," Natasha said. "Y/n, I'm going to hold your head completely still. This might be a little uncomfortable, but it's important. Ready, Sam?"
"Ready," Sam replied, getting into position. Natasha gently supported your head and held it completely still while Sam put the neck brace around your neck. "You're doing great, Y/n. Just keep breathing with me."
When the neck brace was secure, Natasha checked to make sure it was in place. "All right, now let's carefully lay you down on the back plate. Sam, you take her shoulders, I'll take her hips. On the count of three. One, two, three.”
They gently lifted you onto the back plate, Natasha's hands not letting go of your body. You winced in pain as Natasha's hands brushed over a spot. She turned to her team. “We need to check her chest. Get me some scissors.”
One of the paramedics quickly handed Natasha a pair of medical scissors. Natasha looked you in the eyes, her expression serious but gentle. “Y/N, I need to cut open your shirt to see what's wrong, okay? This might be a little uncomfortable.”
You nodded and tried to stay calm. Natasha carefully cut open your shirt and exposed your chest. She could see that it was slightly swollen and bruised. Natasha carefully felt the spot, feeling if anything was wrong.
“Does that hurt?” Natasha asked, squeezing lightly. You winced, tears welling up in her eyes. “Y-Yeah..”
“Looks like you took quite a hit. Can you feel this?” She lightly touched your legs, checking to see if she could feel anything. “Yes,” you answered, your voice shaking. “I can feel it.”
“Good, that’s a good sign,” Natasha said, relief evident in her voice. “It’s going to be okay. Just hang in there.” As your eyes wandered, you saw your motorcycle lying bent and broken on the road. Panic flooded through you and you began to hyperventilate. “My bike… oh my god, what happened? W-What happened?”
“Hey, hey, look at me,” Natasha said firmly, taking your face in her hands. “I know it’s scary, but you have to stay calm. Your motorcycle can be replaced. You can’t. You’re what’s important now.”
Just then, the driver who caused the accident tried to get closer, but a police officer held him back. "I just want to see if she's okay!" the driver shouted in a desperate voice. "Stay back!" the officer barked, pushing him away. Natasha glared at the driver and muttered under her breath. "Damn idiot."
Turning her attention back to you, Natasha's expression softened. "We're taking you to the hospital and they'll take care of you." As the paramedics lifted you onto the stretcher, Natasha stayed by your side, holding your hand and speaking in a soothing tone. "I've been in your situation once. I'm a rider too. I know how it feels. But you're strong and you'll get through this."
As they loaded you into the ambulance, you caught another glimpse of your broken bike "I need to see it, please.." Natasha held you in a gentle but firm style. "No, you have to stay still. Your head and neck are injured and we can't risk making it worse. The bike is just metal and rubber. You're what matters."
Your eyes filled with tears, frustration and fear overwhelming them. "But..." Natasha wiped away a tear that had slipped down your cheek. "I promise when you're better we'll sort everything out. But for now you have to trust me. Stay calm and focus on getting through this."
As the ambulance doors closed, Natasha kept her eyes locked on you. The ambulance was a controlled frenzy. Monitors beeped softly and the smell of disinfectant filled the air. Natasha sat next to you, holding your hand and constantly checking your vitals.
"Keep breathing, Y/n," Natasha said, her voice firm and reassuring. "We're almost at the hospital. You're doing great." You nodded weakly, your eyelids fluttering as you fought to stay conscious. The pain was relentless, but the fear was even worse.
Natasha picked up the radio and began relaying information to the hospital. "Unit 3 here. We're with a Y/A -year-old woman who was the victim of a motorcycle accident. Conscious but disoriented. Possible concussion, multiple bruises, and likely broken ribs. Vital signs stable but in severe pain. Estimated arrival in five minutes.”
After putting the radio away, Natasha turned her attention back to you. “How are you?” she asked softly. You tried to speak, but the words caught in your throat. You didn’t know how to describe the pain, the fear, the confusion. You just wanted it all to stop.
“Y/n, can you hear me?” Natasha asked again, her voice growing more urgent. “How are you feeling?”
“I… I don’t know,” you murmured, your voice shaking. “I… I feel sick.” Natasha’s expression hardened with concern. “Okay, hang in there. We’re almost there. Try to breathe slowly and deeply for me.”
As they raced to the hospital, Natasha continued to watch you closely. She reached out to adjust an oxygen mask on your face and make sure you were getting enough air. "It's going to be okay," she repeated, her voice determined. "Just keep focusing on my voice."
Your eyes fluttered open and closed, your breathing unsteady. "I'm scared," you whispered. "I know," Natasha replied quietly. "But you're not alone. We're here for you and we'll make sure you get through this."
The ambulance pulled into the emergency room and the doors swung open. Natasha and her team moved quickly, transferring you from the ambulance to a waiting stretcher. As they wheeled you into the hospital, Natasha stayed by your side, never letting go of your hand.
"Y/A -year-old female, motorcycle accident," Natasha reported to the emergency room team. "Possible concussion, multiple bruises, suspected broken ribs. She's in severe pain and nausea."
As they prepared you for further examination, Natasha leaned forward and whispered, "Remember, you are strong. You will get through this." Your fear began to fade in the face of Natasha's unwavering support. As you were wheeled away for further treatment, you clung to the promise of those words, knowing you were not alone in this fight.
In the days that followed, you recovered slowly but steadily. You spent a lot of time in the hospital regaining your strength and processing the accident. "Hey," she greeted. "I heard someone is being discharged soon."
Your face beamed at the sight of Natasha. "Yes... What are you doing here?" Natasha pulled a chair next to your bed. "Do you mind if I sit down with you for a moment? I brought coffee."
"Of course not," you replied, your eyes shining. “Thanks for stopping by.” You spent the next few minutes chatting, and the conversation went smoothly. Natasha pulled out her phone and showed you pictures of her own bike. “This is my baby,” Natasha said proudly. “I’ve had it for a few years now.” Your eyes widened in admiration. “Wow, it’s beautiful. What kind is it?”
“A Ducati Panigale V4,” Natasha replied, her eyes lighting up. “I’ve had some amazing rides on it.” You smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie. “It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve been on a bike.”
Natasha nodded sympathetically. “You’ll be getting back on one soon. For now, just focus on healing.” Your smile faded slightly. “I… I’m a little scared, to be honest. What if something happens again?”
Natasha's eyes softened with understanding. "It's perfectly normal to feel this way after an accident. It can be scary to get back on a bike, but you can't let fear control you. Take it one step at a time."
"How did you do it?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "After your accident?" Natasha had to smile, "Someone remembers, good." She took a deep breath and thought back. "It wasn't easy. I took my time, started with short rides and gradually built up my confidence. And I always remembered why I loved riding in the first place. It gave me a sense of freedom and peace."
You nodded, taking in Natasha's words. "I guess I just need to find that courage again."
"You will," Natasha assured her. "And I'll support you every step of the way." As they continued talking, the topic changed to Natasha's job. "So, how did you become a paramedic?" you asked, genuinely curious.
Natasha leaned back and sipped her coffee. "Well, I've always wanted to help people. After some time in other fields, I realized that being a paramedic is my true calling. It's hard, but it's worth it."
"I can imagine," you said quietly. "You were incredible to me. I don't know how I would have done it without you."
Natasha reached out and squeezed your hand gently. "You would have done just fine. You're strong, Y/N. But I'm glad I could be there for you."
There was a moment of silence, a pleasant one as they both seemed to reflect on the bond that had formed between them. You looked at Natasha, your eyes filled with gratitude and something more.
You smiled, a feeling of warmth spreading through you. "Maybe when I'm better we can go for a ride together?" Natasha had to smile, "I'd like that," Natasha replied, her smile widening. "I'd like that a lot."
Days later one afternoon, as you were preparing for your discharge, Natasha came into your room with a helmet in her hand. "Ready for a little surprise?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.
Your eyes widened with excitement. "Is this for me?" Natasha nodded. "It is. I thought we could go for a quick drive if you'd like. Just around the hospital grounds."
Your heart swelled with gratitude and excitement, but also a hint of concern. "I'm a little nervous," you admitted.
"That's totally fine," Natasha said in a gentle voice. "We'll take it slow. You don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with."
But with Natasha by your side, you felt a surge of courage. "Fine. Let's do it." As they walked out to the hospital parking lot, Natasha handed you the helmet and helped you onto her own motorcycle. The engine roared and for the first time since the accident, you felt a sense of freedom and elation.
You drove slowly across the hospital grounds, the wind in your hair, the sun on your face. In that moment, everything felt perfect. When she stopped, you turned to Natasha with your whole heart. "Thank you for everything, Natasha. You changed my life."
Natasha smiled and her eyes reflected the same feelings. "And you changed mine, Y/N. Here's to a new beginning and many more journeys together."
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r-rizzo · 1 year
dad jon snow headcanon with a targaryen!reader? i love that we have a new got writer and hotd! ♡
father's love. | jon snow
❝ pairing: jon snow x targaryen!reader.
❝ summary: what would jon snow be like having children with you, his beautiful dragon wife.
❝ warning: mentions of sex and innuendo, worried and scared jon.
❝ note: i really love the orders with targaryen!reader, thank you very much for leaving your request, i hope you leave one again and you like this. first post! ♡
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★, when you tell jon that you're pregnant.
at first you had your doubts, you didn't know if it was just a delay or you were with a child.
but when you decided to approach your dragon and this approached, sniffed and caressed your belly, everything became clear to you.
you were with a child.
you had talked to him before about the children, his children. jon was insecure, he didn't want them to do to his child the same thing they did to him.
but you always assured him that his children would also be targaryens, they carried the blood of the dragon and the wolves, son of the king of the north.
jon smiled and took you by the waist, kissing you and affirming that having three children with you would be a blessing from the gods.
so at night, when you were already taking off your clothes to sleep, you feel familiar hands undoing the strings of your dress while leaving kisses on your neck, you know that it is now when you should tell him.
"jon" you called him, and you felt how his inner wolf wanted to come out. you only called him that in two situations, when you were angry or when you wanted to have sex.
"yes, my beautiful wife?" he asked with his thickest voice, knowing what he provoked in you, you laughed at how his breath crashed into your neck and his cold hands went into your bare back.
"we can't do this right now, my love" you tell him as you turn around and place your hands on his neck, massaging it. a small smile appears on your lips when you see his confused face.
"i did something wrong?" he asked and you laugh, shaking your head and watching your husband's eyes widen at his smile, admiring your beautiful purple eyes. "nothing wrong, sweet husband. it's just not appropriate when i'm with a baby" you finally said.
you watch as he opens his mouth to say something but closes it immediately, the information reaching his brain slowly. his hands become lighter on your waist and his eyes become even smaller and watery.
"are you sure?" he asks with a voice that shakes, but his hands travel smoothly to your still flat stomach. "i didn't believe it until rhaegon proved it to me, i trust my dragon's judgment" you answered him and smiled, jon wasted no time in gently cupping your face and kissing you, his hands now caressing your stomach.
"i'm the happiest man in westeros, we're going to have a little pup" he says and smiles at you, showing you his beautiful silver pearls. "he'll be a dragon" you tell him, but jon shakes his head, taking now by the waist and sitting on the bed.
he crouches before you and brings his face close to your stomach, kissing him "you're a wolf, aren't you? you make me the happiest man in the world, my little pup" you smile caressing his curls, letting him call your baby a puppy.
★, when your puppy is growing up.
jon loves to see how his puppy grows inside you every day and considers that seeing you in this condition is his greatest adoration.
shamelessly caress your belly or look at it affectionately when he doesn't have much time for you and his son.
but he's always watching you, he knows you're a fighter, but you carry his son inside, and now you're more vulnerable. he would kill whoever touched a single hair on you.
when he has all his time or puts his duties aside to pamper his wife and son, he can't stop adore you.
"you are beautiful" "our wolf grows healthy and strong thanks to you" "my beautiful wife" "i hope he has your dragon eyes" things like that are whispered in your ear while he caresses your belly and kisses your neck.
jon denies it sometimes, but he would love it if his son had your eyes and his dark hair.
but sometimes it scares him too, the thought of his son being called a bastard makes his blood boil. he can take it, but when it comes to his son, never.
he already has people under his eye who dared to call his son a bastard.
he also thinks about the names, he knows that he wants to name it ned or robb, you suggest combining it with a valyrian name. he likes them but ned and robb are always his first choices.
if it's a girl, he would like you to choose the name, he loves valyrian female names.
you have always loved your mother's name, rhaella, and he would like his daughter to be named after the woman who gave him the love of his life.
he is not very interested if it is a girl or a boy, it is his and he will love it, with his being.
jon tries to always be easy on you when he's stressed, he never blows up on you. he already knows how your emotions are and knows that making you cry is his worst sin.
so, when some assembly goes wrong and some lord insults him for not responding to his request, he just enters his chambers and sits behind you, feeling how his wolf kicks in response to his touch and smiling on your neck. he loves that feeling too much.
it also comforts you when something stresses you out or makes you cry.
like your impossibility of being able to give a dragon egg to your son.
you've always dreamed of being able to see your child grow up with a dragon, but thanks to the disappearance of dragons and the fact that both your dragon and your younger sister's dragon, daenerys, are male, it prevents you from fulfilling that wish.
what makes you cry frequently.
and jon is there to comfort you.
"then he will have a direwolf, my love. don't worry, i'm sure that rhaegon will let our son ride him one day" he says and makes you feel good.
when he sees you standing, looking out the window, he always stands behind you and puts his hands under your belly, lifting it up to give you a rest. you love when he does that, it makes you overflow with love for him.
"i love when you let my poor back rest" you say as you sigh and rest your head on your shoulder, jon chuckles and lets your huge belly droop again. "jon!" you moan angrily and he lifts your belly again.
he only plays, but loves to give you breaks and massages, especially on your feet.
he is always protecting you, especially when it is time to sleep.
he has nightmares about how while he sleeps next to you, someone walks into the room and hurts you. you and his little wolf.
he couldn't take the blame.
that is why, when you sleep, he is always the one closest to the door. his chest against yours while one of your legs is on his hip, or your back against his chest while his hands cup your tummy.
he would rather something happen to him than to you, his loving wife and mother of his child.
★, when the time of birth comes.
the last time you approached the maester, he told you that the arrival of the heir to the north would come soon.
you and jon were looking forward to your son. the heir to the north and the iron throne.
jon was sitting in the weirwood tree one morning, thinking more deeply about the birth.
and if you died? or did they make him choose between you and his son?
he couldn't.
he couldn't allow someone to mercilessly cut you open and murder you. not in front of him.
so he asked, begged to the gods for your life and for his son.
"please give my son an easy birth, no pain for my wife, don't take her away, always leave her with me. i ask you to take care of my beautiful wife and my son. i lost her once and i don't plan to lose her again."
and when he finished asking for you and his son, a wind raised his curls, relaxing him immediately.
he knew that the gods had heard him.
his peace was interrupted by your servant, who ran towards him with sweat on her forehead and blood on her dress and hands.
"the queen is giving birth" he said in a rush, jon getting up quickly from the log. "is she in our room?" he asked and the maid nodded, he didn't even let her answer when he started to run to his wife.
the closer he was to the room, the more his heart beat, he was scared. he was scared for you. he loved you so much that the idea of your death only brings his as a consequence.
when he enter the room, he was already crying.
"jon" you said when you saw him come in, you were pacing around the room, trying to ease the contractions, your water had already broken, it was only a little more to start labor.
he came up to you and kissed you on the forehead, he walked with you by the hand until the time will come.
he knew his child was coming when you had to lean on him in pain. with the help of the midwives, he lifted you onto the bed and sat behind you, leaving your back with his chest while the midwives made you push.
it was the easiest birth he had ever witnessed, it was only three pushes and his baby came out.
his son began to cry and his eyes filled with tears, he watched as the midwives lightly cleaned him. "he's a boy, your grace. healthy and strong, like a wolf" said one of them, putting your son in your arms.
"ned" you whispered, caressing his cheek with your finger, which was almost the size of his face. "he's small" jon said and you laughed "my little wolf" Jon took your hand in his, reaching both hands towards ned.
ned's eyes widened at his parents' touch, jon didn't expect his eyes to be unique to a targaryen. purple eyes and perfectly black hair, small curlers were already visible.
"he's beautiful, just like his mother," he said, kissing the side of your head many times. "thank you" he said "why?" you asked, turning to look at him as jon took your hand and kissed your palm "for giving me a family."
★, what jon would be like with his son.
at first, he was afraid to touch him, that it would break.
but after his son took his finger in his little hand, he couldn't stop carrying it. he loved his little son ned and his wife.
jon walks ned through the gardens every day or takes him on horseback, he wants him to adapt to the environment that is winterfell.
but you always fill him with clothes that jon sometimes thinks his son even sees what's going on around him.
he introduced him to everyone a few days after his birth, naming him "ned, heir of the north"
you and he agreed that he should sleep with you, there are people who would harm their little son at the cost of everything.
so jon usually sleeps shirtless because he knows his son loves physical contact, he lays it on his chest while he strokes his head.
he loves to see how you fill his hungry son, and sometimes finds it funny how he takes so desperately from your breast.
"he's like his father" he says as he looks over your shoulder as his son desperately eats.
he protects his son with his very life, be it from people or words. he will not let his child be harmed or insulted.
jon is a great warrior with a sword, he knows how to use it with great agility, so he just lets his son ned watch him fight.
thanks to this, when ned was older, you found him several times imitating his father, leading him to be a better sword wielder than him.
he loves his family more than anything in the world, and having children with you is the best thing he has.
so, very soon, you will have a child in your belly again.
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masterlist | © vermithorider | do not steal, copy, publish my work without my consent, if you wish, ask and inform me about it, I am the one who should give you my permission.
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fuctacles · 1 month
Part 2 of the series that can't be named (it's the cat lady steph)
😺 | 😺😺😺
Eddie doesn't think more about Steph until there's a knock on the door on Saturday morning. He sighs, knowing it's his duty to open since his uncle would take forever on his crutch. And because he's a good nephew and wouldn't make him do that, of course.
He doesn't bother with the peephole, his sleepy brain basically forgetting of its existence. It's only when he opens the door and finds Steph with a duffel bag on the other side, that he realizes he went to open the door in nothing but his old Iron Man pajama bottoms.
"Good morning!" Steph greets him with a bright smile that falters a bit when her gaze drops to his tattooed chest. Eddie couldn't imagine a sight of zombie and spider tattoos giving him any credit in her pretty, middle-aged eyes. She quickly looks back up to meet his gaze. "Did I wake you up?" she asks, looking apologetic. 
Eddie shakes his head, hoping it would send his hair over his shoulders, and cover him up a bit. 
"I did!" Wayne pipes up from the kitchen. He sounds way too happy about running into a cupboard on his way out of the bathroom.
"Good morning, Mr. Wayne!" she calls out, making Eddie roll his eyes.
"You can just come in, no need to yell through the whole place."
"Right, sorry," she steps inside tentatively, her hand clutching the strap of her bag. She's wearing a colorful windbreaker and her hair is tied up, showing off the soft line of her jaw and the beauty marks on her neck. She heads to the kitchen, seemingly already knowing her way around, and Eddie closes the door behind her. He quickly runs off to his bedroom (/guest room, now that he's on campus most of the time) and grabs a t-shirt to cover his nipples, tattoos, and overall unattractiveness.
"Visiting Robin for the weekend?" He catches his uncle's question when he steps back in. 
It rubs him the wrong way, not knowing who Robin is. Is he Steph's boyfriend? Maybe they're doing long-distance? He returns to the ancient coffee maker he had abandoned to open the door.
"Yeah. I haven't seen Rob since last month. Our days off finally aligned."
"Can't you stay there longer? I'm sure Eddie wouldn't mind taking care of your cats for a day or two more."
"Hey!" Eddie whips around to glare at his uncle. The coffee maker splutters behind him. "Don't just offer my services like that," he scoffs. Then, he turns to Steph. "I wouldn't, though."
She chuckles and he grins, simply happy to make her smile.
"Try dealing with them alone first, and then we'll talk. But, you really wouldn't mind? If I stayed a day longer?"
He shakes his head.
"Not at all." He still has Wayne's words fresh in his mind. That people weren't kind to her, that she doesn't have many friends to rely on. "I'm assuming Robin is someone important to you?" he half-asks, leaning against the counter all casually. 
Just the thought of Robin makes Steph glow.
"She's my best friend. We met at our first job serving ice cream."
Eddie's a bit embarrassed at the relief of knowing Robin is a girl. Still, a best friend is higher in ranks than your friendly neighbour's nephew. 
"What's it been? Twenty years?" Wayne asks. Steph nods, making him whistle. "I couldn't stand any of my coworkers for longer than a shift."
"Maybe you're bad at making friends," Eddie butts in. "I've known Gareth since high school and we're still going strong."
"You guys are band buddies, that's different," Wayne scoffs. 
"You play in a band?" Steph picks up, her eyes shining with interest that Eddie squirms under.
"Yeah, we play metal though. Probably not your stuff."
She shakes her head.
"Any music can be good when you put your heart into it. My friends listen to all kinds of weird stuff, I've heard everything from classical to experimental techno." She rolls her eyes. "I'd love to hear your music if you have anything recorded. Or you could give me a heads up if you're playing somewhere."
All Eddie can do is stare at her, dumbfounded. 
Wayne, bless his sometimes useful soul, saves his ass by changing the subject.
"Coffee?" he asks the stunning woman at their table. She's just sitting there, in the Munson abode at their kitchen table while they're still in pajamas like it's normal. Eddie wants it to be normal. Wants to sit in her lap and listen to her laugh. 
She looks at her watch. It's white, she must be cleaning it often.
"I only have fifteen more minutes before I really have to go."
"Half a coffee then," Eddie decides for her, grabbing the mugs. She chuckles.
"Fine." She rolls her eyes.
Each of them gets their coffee, and Eddie notes Steph takes her with just a splash of milk. Before he can ask anything, to push their small morning gathering further into a friendly small talk, she reaches into her pocket to fish out her house key.
"I came over to drop the keys," she says, pushing them towards Eddie. "And if you have something to write on, I'll give you Robin's house number in case of emergencies."
"Sure, yeah." He nods, standing up immediately to look for the notepad they plan the grocery list in. In his haste, he catches Wayne's amused stare. He sends him a frown, but the man is already looking away, which only further agitates him. 
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besuggestion · 9 months
I have this fantasy of being in the shower with my girlfriend. She's washing up, but I come from behind and start playing with ample breasts. She tries to push me away at first, but when I tug on her nipples, she leans back into my chest. I keep playing with her and grinding my cock against her ass. Her moans are getting loader, and I pull my hips back and slide between her thighs. Her butts in the way, so I can't quite reach her pussy. But as we keep getting more and more turned on, my thrusts start to connect. The head of my cock is pressing against her pussy now, our juices mingling with the hot water running off our bodies. Suddenly its not just pressing against her warm entrance, the glans is rubbing against her clit and she's shaking in my arms. I can feel her tense as she climaxes, the soft moans almost drowned out by the sound of running water. I can't help myself, I pull back a little and push the head inside. She's still extremely tight from her climax, but I work it in inch by inch. This position and angle never worked before, but for some reason its working now. Its difficult for her to take the girth, but thats not unusual. When she starts saying I need to be gentle because I'm close to bottoming out, my lust clouded brain knows there's something up, but my body doesn't care. I keep thrusting and twirling her nipples, squeezing her large breasts. I'm losing myself in pleasure when she lets out a sharp gasp. Its still hard to think, but I slow down and try to be gentle, but it feels like she's climaxing again, getting tighter and tighter, until even without moving she says I'm hitting the back. I try to pull back more, but its like our bodies are resisting. I can't seem to pull out, and with how tight it feels, I'm quickly losing myself to the pleasure again. Between her squirming and my movement, the feeling is too much. My brain goes blank and I can't help but start thrusting again, she feels too good to stop now. With every thrust I push in deeper, as her body is stretching to accommodate me. Its only when she lets out a moaning scream that I come to my senses. Her breasts have swelled in my hands. What were J cups are quickly becoming even larger. I start to pull my hands away, but clasps them to her bosom and tells me to keep going. They continue to grow, the flesh spilling out between my fingers. She's too lost in pleasure to notice the growing bulge lower down. But I see it clearly over her shoulder. It push as deep as I can and gawk at the bulge I've made. Just looking at it turns my on even more and I watch in fascinated horror as it grows larger the more turned on I get. Soon though, her swelling breasts block my view and I lose focus on everything but the pleasure. Its not long before I start to cum, my thrusts getting more forceful and erratic. I can feel my balls slapping her thighs and before I know it, they're tightening against her. The orgasms leaves me shaking, and I almost lose grip on her, I catch her by the waist and can feel how round her belly is. I keep rubbing it, the urge to fill her up even more is overwhelming, and before ai realize it, I'm thrusting again. Pulling in and out of her rapidly, and I quickly cum again, this time feeling as her belly swells with each pulsation of my cock. Its too much. I can't stop myself now, and she so blissful, so content to be used and filled. Grabbing her breasts again, I twirling her quivering nipples between my fingers and she lets out low, soft moans. I tug on them, squeezing as much of her incredibly bust ask I can, and to my surprise milk springs from her engorged breasts and she lets out a wild moan. And so we spend so long in the shower the hot water runs out. But we don't care, the shower is off, but we're still basking in the hot and steamy room, and fucking madly. Her breasts have grown to be impossibly large and so swollen with milk. Her belly is full too. She can hardly move now, and I can't stop thrusting my hips as her pussy clings tightly to my invigorated member.
Ohhhh, that's a pretty good one,,, it really is so nice to be filled with milk and cum at the same time...
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alwaysmoncheri · 3 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧
summary: in which best friends, y/n henderson and steve harrington get caught up in their feelings while paranormal activities occur in the small town of hawkins, indiana
cw: fem!reader, I wrote this a long time ago(I apologize for everything cringe), shit writing, first person pov, mentions of making out/kissing, 2.1k
The next morning, I jolt awake at the sound of the phone ringing, my headphones slightly skewed from sleeping. Groaning, I push myself out of bed and cross over to the phone hanging on our living room wall.
"Hello?" I mumble, half asleep. When I lift the receiver to my ear.
"(Y/n), hey," I hear Joyce's panicked voice through the phone.
"Hi, Joyce," I respond with a little more alertness in my voice, "What can I do for you?"
"Uh, I was wondering if Will stayed over last night?" Her tone indicating a sense of urgency.
"No, he didn't," I mumble, worried, "Did he not come home last night?" I question more firmly.
"No, no, I'm sure he's..." Joyce's voice trails off on the other end of the phone, "You know what, he probably just left early for school."
"Wait, J—" I'm cut off by Joyce's quick response.
"Thank you so much, honey," Joyce says in a sweet tone, "Bye-bye." Abruptly ending our conversation, the line going dead before I can properly bid her goodbye.
"Huh, that was weird," I murmur to myself before heading back to my room to prepare for the school day ahead.
As I'm getting ready, my eyes catch the photos framing my bedroom mirror. My brain floods with memories with the first day of the eighth grade, Steve's arm around my shoulders. Both of us with a grin stretching from ear to ear. Halloween '81, Dustin and I laughing in delight as we terrorize the neighborhood. And even four years ago when Nancy and I dressed up as elves for the boys' Elder Tree campaign. As I remember each of the days, I'm filled with warmth, holding those memories close to my heart.
Two sudden honks on a car horn interrupt my thoughts. I jump startled, whipping my head towards my bedroom door. All the while, my heart pounds in my chest.
"(Y/n)!" Dustin calls out from outside my bedroom, "Your boyfriend's here!!"
Ignoring Dustin's comment, I snatch my backpack off my bedroom floor and walk towards the front door. I spot an all too familiar maroon BMW parked in our driveway.
"Dustin, why is Steve here?" I ask accusingly, my hands placed on my hips when I turn to face my brother, demanding answers.
"Why would I know?" Dustin asks, both hands in the air in a defensive manner, "He's your best friend."
I let out a frustrated groan and trudge outside to Steve's car. As I approach the maroon BMW, Steve catches sight of me and rolls down the car window.
We stare into each other's eyes for a second too long to be just friends.
"What are you doing here, Steve?" I ask irritated, once I shift my gaze elsewhere.
"What? You're not happy to see me?," Steve counters, placing his hand over his heart, "You wound me, sweetheart."
I roll my eyes but flush at the nickname and Steve responds a delighted chuckle, "I'm here to take you and Dustin to school." He adds nonchalantly.
"What?" I say, confused, "Why?"
"Because, (Y/n), we're best friends. I'm not letting that go ever again," Steve admits, determination in his tone, making it clear that he refuses to let our friendship slip again.
"Pinky promise?" I ask sticking my pinky finger into the window of Steve's car.
"Pinky promise," He nods, interlocking his finger with mine. My heart flutters at Steve's touch and I remember all the times we've done this before.
"Alright, Harrington," I grin at him, opening the passenger door and settling into the seat beside him, "Let's do this."
"Shouldn't we wait for your brother?" Steve asks, tapping his fingertips against the steering wheel,
"Yeah, he'll be out in a minute," I say placing my backpack down by my feet.
With impeccable timing, Dustin comes strolling out the door and jumps in the back seat of Steve's car behind me.
"Hey, Steve," Dustin says with excitement.
"Hey little Henderson," Steve greets my brother warmly. He then places his hand on my seat as he reverses the car out of our driveway.
Damn, that's oddly attractive.
"At least someone's happy to see me," Steve comments with a smug grin plastered on his face while looking over at me once we're on the road.
"Get over yourself, Harrington," I utter with the roll of my eyes.
"I'd rather be under you, actually" Steve responds suggestively.
"Oh? Kinky," I reply, with raised eyebrows, "I never took you as a guy that would be into that sort of thing."
"What I'm into? Honey, you have no idea." Steve sends me a wink, a devilish one, the same one he no doubt uses to sweep all his dates off their feet.
Before I have the chance to respond, I hear a repulsive noise in the seat behind me.
"Can you two quit flirting? It's disgusting." Dustin complains, gagging for the second time, his disgust plainly expressed.
Steve and I break into a fit of giggles as he drives us to school. Our laughter makes it clear we're both relieved to have things back to the way they used to be.
Having dropped Dustin off at Hawkins Middle School, Steve drives us over to the high school. When we pull up, I spot Nancy walking towards the school.
"Hey, Steve," I look over at the boy who glances back at me, "I'm gonna go catch up with Nance but, I'll see you later, okay?" I say, offering a warm expression to my best friend, preparing to hop out of the car.
"Sure," Steve responds, matching my warm expression with his own, "See ya, (Y/n)."
I exit Steve's car, my pace quickening as I hurry towards Nancy. I make it to her side just as we walk through the school's entrance.
"Good morning, Nance!" I greet my friend happily.
"Oh, hey (Y/n)!" Nancy says equally thrilled to see me.
We start our journey down the hallway, using the time to catch up as we walk together. Just beginning our conversation Barb suddenly appears on the other side of Nancy with a wide grin.
"So?" Barb says getting to attention of both Nancy and I, "Did he call?" She asks, her question, directed at Nancy. I can't help but feel a wave of disappointment wash over me. I know we're talking about Steve.
"Keep your voice down," Nancy says, a faux shocked expression on her face.
"Did he?" Barb asks again, with a teasing tone.
"I told you," Nancy says, defending herself, "It's not like that."
"Are you sure, Nance?" I pitch in, "From what I've seen, Steve likes you, a lot." I say, masking my true feelings about Steve.
"Is that so?" Nancy asks, her eyes growing bright at the thought that Steve might actually like her.
"Yeah," I reply, "I'm absolutely certain. That look in his eyes...it doesn't lie..." I trail off with a solemn expression, but thankfully Nancy doesn't notice. She's too busy presumably, thinking about Steve. I feel a pang of sadness inside, trying to suppress my feelings for Steve.
"Okay, I mean, yes, he likes me," Nancy says eventually, "But not like that." Barb and I follow as Nancy arrives at her locker and starts opening it.
"We just, made out a couple times," she continues with a dreamy smile.
"We just... made out a couple times," Barb mimics Nancy's words, teasing her.
Leaning against the locker with Barb standing next to me, we poke fun at Nancy about her relationship with Steve.
"Nance, seriously, with the famous "King Steve" by your side, you're gonna be so cool," I say dramatically.
"See, (Y/n) gets it," Barb says nodding her head towards me.
"No, I'm not," Nancy denies quickly.
"You better still hang out with us, that's all I'm saying," I say a little more seriously this time.
"If you become friends with Tommy H. or Carol—" Barb says somewhat lightheartedly.
"Who, believe me, are assholes," I jump in.
"Gross!" Nancy says shaking her head at our accusations, "Okay, I'm telling you it was a one time..."
Barb and I exchange a look before turning our attention back to Nancy with raised eyebrows.
"Two time thing." Nancy finishes.
After unlocking her locker, Nancy removes a note, someone had slipped in. As she unfolds the note, I'm startled to see familiar messy handwriting in blue ink.
The note read, Meet me. Bathroom -Steve.
Of course.
"You were saying?" Barb says with a smug look on her face.
Nancy flashes us a smile, latches her locker, and glides down the hallway with a click with each step of her heels.
"Go get him, tiger!" I call out and send her a playful wink as she makes her way to the bathroom.
Immediately, Nancy whips her head around sending me a playful glare before turning the corner.
Still standing at Nancy's locker, Barb and I can't help but giggle at Nancy's reaction to my comment.
Though, deep down my gut still stirs at the thought of Steve waiting for Nancy. My lingering thoughts making their way to an expression on my face, an expression Barb notices.
"Hey, he's an idiot," Barb says nonchalantly. I give her a confused look.
"Steve, I mean," Bard replies to my look, "He's an idiot for not picking you." She says firmer this time.
"What?" I ask, confusion still evident in my voice and face.
"Look, I love Nancy, but she's not right for Steve Harrington," Barb explains, "I always thought you and him would end up together."
"And don't try lying to me like Nancy does, I can see it in your eyes every time we talk about him, (Y/n)," Barb continues, "That's the look of love."
I open my mouth to speak, then close it again, struggling to find the right words.
"Don't worry, I won't tell Nancy," Barb says in a hushed tone, "See you later!" She finishes cheerfully walking away, leaving me standing by Nancy's locker alone.
With Barb's words still fresh in my mind, I walk to class.
I can see it in your eyes every time we talk about him, (Y/n).
That's the look of love.
During my third block, English class, three sharp knocks ring out from the door before the principal steps inside. For a split second, the room goes silent.
"Sorry to interrupt, may I see (Y/n) Henderson for a moment?" He says gesturing towards me.
I feel my classmates judgmental stares as I walk out of the classroom with the principal. Walking behind him to his office, I catch a glimpse of Steve talking with Tommy in the hallway. Noticing my gaze, Steve meets my eyes, his own tinged with concern. I just shrug in response.
When we arrive at the principals office I'm met with, Jim Hopper, Chief of Hawkins Police, and Nancy waiting anxiously.
"What's going on here?" I ask, sitting down next to Nancy flashing her a look of confusion.
Hopper narrows his eyes at the both of us making me uncomfortable. I find myself bouncing my leg nervously in response.
"When was the last time either of you saw Will Byers?" Hopper asks, searching for answers.
Nancy was quick to speak.
"Well, I saw him last night when he came up from the basement with Mike, Dustin, and Lucas." She says, shifting in her seat uncomfortably.
"(Y/n)?" Hopper asks me while jotting down Nancy's previous statement on his notepad.
"We rode our bikes home last night, I assumed he made it back," I say, picking at my cuticles anxiously, "Joyce rang me up this morning and asked if Will had stayed over..." I trail off thinking about this morning's odd phone call.
Will didn't come home.
"Okay, here's what I'm going to have you do. Go back to class and when you get home make sure both your brothers are their friends are well-behaved. And whatever you do, don't go looking for Will. Do you understand?" Hopper says sternly, making sure both Nancy and I get the message. We nod our heads nervously at his words.
"Good, you can go," Hopper says.
Nancy and I rise to our feet promptly exiting the office. Before closing the door, I hesitate, and look back.
"Hopper, is Will gonna be okay?" I say, showing my concern. A crease forming between my eyebrows.
Hopper reassuringly says, "Yeah, kiddo, we'll find him."
next chapter . masterlist . steve harrington masterlist . taglist
thank you for reading, my darling! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily! send requests to my inbox!
alwaysmoncheri © ─ all rights reserved. please do not repost/translate/copy any of my work.
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 12 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bob asks you to go out for drinks at the Hard Deck as a thank you for helping out all week, and there's a special someone waiting for you when you get there. After meeting some of Bradley's other friends, the bubble you had been living in bursts, and you're left questioning everything. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing
Length: 3300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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You managed to bumble your way through practice with Bob on Monday, mostly running around in your suit and taking care of whatever he needed. Your phone conversation with Bradley the night before had left you with just a few functioning brain cells, so it was a good thing you didn't need to take charge.
In fact, if you were left to your own thoughts for too long, you started thinking about how wet his voice made you. And you kept picturing the photo of his hard cock that you had shamelessly saved to your phone in a locked folder with personal items such as your tax return.
You felt flustered all week, and to make matters more interesting, Molly surprised you at practice on Thursday. 
"I had the day off!" she told Everett, scooping him into a hug when he climbed out of the car. The absence of the Bronco made you frown a bit as you circled your car to where your sister was tickling Everett. 
You kissed her cheek. "We had no idea you'd be here!"
She grinned at you as she sent Everett ahead toward the bleachers. "I have a date tonight," she sang in an obnoxious voice. "With Coach Cute Glasses."
"You do?" you gasped, happy Bob had taken the initiative. 
"Yep. We're going on a little stroll through the park after practice and then grabbing a late dinner."
"Molly!" you squealed, taking her by the shoulders and shaking her. "Bob is so sweet. Do not ruin him."
She turned to look at him out on the ballfield, and a soft smile touched her lips. "I make no guarantees." You and she started walking, and she held your high heels for you as you changed out of them. "Oh, and actually, Bob has something he wants to ask you, too."
"Me? What?" You had no idea what your sister was talking about, but as soon as you got to the bleachers, Bob came over to the three of you as you changed Everett's shoes.
"Hi, Molly," he said softly, and you watched your sister do the unthinkable. She planted one hand firmly on his chest like it belonged there, and she kissed him on the cheek. You watched him turn bright red, and all of the other moms looked like they were about to reach for their pitchforks. 
"Hey, Coach Cute Glasses," Molly said with a laugh that had Bob fiddling with his whistle. "I'm excited for our plans tonight."
Sandra and Tara appeared about ready to rage, looking between you and your sister like the two of you had stolen the most priceless of treasures. But you supposed you kind of had.
When Bob finally recovered, he asked you, "Team Mom? Can I take you out for a drink tomorrow evening as a thank you? I wouldn't have made it through the game last Saturday or the practices this week without your help."
"I'll stay with Ev for you," Molly added, nodding her head. "You deserve it."
"Oh, that's not necessary, Bob," you protested, but then Molly was glaring at you. "Okay, sure," you said, sending Everett out to start warming up. 
"Great," Bob said, and you followed him out to home plate as Molly sat down on the bleachers. "There's a Navy officer hangout called the Hard Deck. You want to meet me there after work?"
"Sounds good. Thanks, Bob."
Bradley felt a little dirty every time he pulled up the photos you sent him, but he really enjoyed scrolling through the progression of seeing you in your bra to seeing you bare for him. You were something else. So sexy. So funny. So smart.
It was Friday morning, and he had one more flight simulation to go. And if he skipped lunch, he could probably get home by dinnertime. Bob had mentioned that he was taking you to the Hard Deck for drinks tonight, and Bradley desperately wanted to get back in time for that. He couldn't wait to see the look on Nat's face when she met you.
Bob had also told him about his date with Molly. He gushed about how much he liked her for fourteen messages in the text thread, and Bradley didn't know how Bob managed to pull this one off.
Bradley hit the road for the long drive back to San Diego, deciding to skip changing out of his uniform. His khakis weren't the most comfortable thing in the world, but at least he'd get back sooner. He wound along the coastal roads, passing some ballfields on the way. He was pretty sure Everett would be able to make a real pitch team by next spring, but Bradley was definitely going to have to work on some things with him before then. It was okay, they had almost a year to get him there.
Bradley had also been thinking about what he could tell the kids in Everett's class about aviation during his career day speech. The fact that Bradley was looking forward to that still kind of shocked him.
The sun was setting when Bradley pulled into the Hard Deck parking lot, and he spotted your car right away. Then he spotted you, heading for the entrance in your tight, black skirt and heels.
"Kitten!" he called out the open window, and you spun around to face him with a smile on your face. He quickly found an empty parking space and barely had the Bronco in park before you were there. "I missed you," he said, climbing down and closing his door. 
Your arms were instantly around his neck, and you were kissing him so sweetly. "I didn't know you would be here," you whispered against his lips. Your hand trailed down his chest to play with his pins while you nibbled on his lips. 
"I drove straight through to get back to you sooner, Kitten." That seemed to do something to you as you parted your lips and tasted his tongue.
He turned and pinned you against the Bronco, licking and kissing his way up your neck. "You look hot in your uniform," you moaned. 
"You wore my favorite skirt," he mumbled, and you gasped as he ran his palm down the front of it. You were rubbing yourself against him with your fingers tangled up in his hair, and Bradley was hard as a rock for you. 
"Bradley," you whimpered as he nuzzled his nose down the front of your blouse. He kissed and tasted the tops of your breasts while you scraped your nails along his scalp. You were so sweet. His mind was flooded with thoughts of getting you in his bed with your tight skirt bunched up around your waist and your pussy overflowing with his cum.
He kissed you hard, making the back of your head tap the side window. "Can I take you home, Kitten? Skip the bar?"
You eyed his face in the dim, dusk light. "Yes, but I need to have one drink first," you promised him, running your fingers along his mustache. "I told Bob I'd meet him."
Bradley groaned and kissed your fingertips and then your palm and the inside of your wrist. "Just one drink. Then I get some alone time with you."
When Bradley wrapped his arm around your waist, you snuggled in next to him, kissing his bicep just below his uniform sleeve. "I can't believe you wear this out in public," you muttered, running your fingers along his pins again. "I think I changed my mind. Let's leave now."
Bradley chuckled and held the door open for you, guiding you inside the noisy bar with his hand at your lower back. "One drink," he reminded you. "Then you're mine, Kitten."
You felt warm and flushed all over as Bradley guided you through the crowded bar. There were people in uniforms and some in civilian clothes, and you spotted Bob near the pool table as he waved to you. 
"Team Mom!" he announced as you and Bradley neared him. "And Rooster, you made it back," he added, fist bumping Bradley. You had never heard anyone use his call sign before, and it made you laugh. 
"I forgot your name was Rooster," you said, smiling up at his face as he lazily rubbed your back. "What's yours, Bob?"
You watched his cheeks flush in embarrassment. "It's actually just Bob."
"Oh," you said, thoroughly confused as you were immediately introduced to a beautiful woman who went by Phoenix.
"So, she's the Team Mom," she said with a devilish grin in Bradley's direction. "I think that would be your aviator call sign. Team Mom. Also, I'm still pissd you don't have another sister." Phoenix sighed and shook her head at you.
You laughed as she offered to buy you a drink, but then Bob stepped in. "No, it's on me! It's the least I can do since you gave up so much of your time this week to fill in for Bradley. What do you like?"
Bradley leaned down and kissed your temple and murmured, "Expensive champagne." He was making your tummy feel warm, the way he was being so affectionate in front of his friends and colleagues. You turned to look at him and he kissed you softly. 
You pulled away, suddenly feeling shy; five more minutes in the parking lot with him and you'd have been fucking on his backseat, but apparently this was too much.
"I'll have a beer. Thanks, Bob," you managed, cuddling up next to Bradley's side as Bob headed to the bar. 
"Hey, Rooster. You playing us a song tonight?" drawled a handsome blond man who was smirking at you. 
Bradley glanced down at you. "You like Great Balls of Fire?" he asked.
You gave him a strange look. "As long as you're talking about the song and not some sort of medical condition, then yes, I do."
Bradley started laughing with his head tipped back, and you grinned as the handsome blond laughed, too. "You're funny. My name's Jake," he said, shaking your hand as Bradley meandered a few feet away to sit down at the piano. 
You introduced yourself to Jake and listened to the tinkling sound of the keys as Bradley warmed up. You had no idea he was musically gifted, but you were excited to hear him play. He was probably one of those severely annoying people who was good at everything. He started playing the song, and even his singing voice was good. 
"So, how do you know Rooster and Bob?" Jake drawled, drawing your attention back to him just as Bob handed you a pint of beer. 
You thanked him and took a sip. "My son is on their tee ball team."
"How old's your kid?" Jake asked, smiling at you in a way that had you a little flustered. 
"He's almost seven." You were still distracted by Bradley, and now he was looking at you as he played. He winked only at you, even though he was starting to draw a crowd.
"I love kids," Jake informed you. "Hey, when you're done that beer, let me buy you another one."
"Oh, okay," you agreed, and then Bob called over to Jake.
"Come on, Hangman. Leave our Team Mom alone!"
Jake looked at you with renewed interest as you drank your beer. "Oh shit. So you're the Team Mom. I've heard a lot about you."
You were really surprised. "You have?" you asked as Bradley finished playing the song. You clapped for him along with everyone else, and then he was making his way back over.
"Yeah," Jake replied with a laugh. "You're the hot mom that Bradley is never going to date, because moms aren't his thing."
Your smile immediately vanished from your face. "What?"
Jake waved his hand in the air while he sipped his drink, as if you were supposed to know exactly what he was talking about. As if you weren't immediately on high alert and having a difficult time breathing. "You know...too much baggage. Complicated. Not worth the aggravation. That sort of shit."
You were frozen in place, barely able to speak. "He said that?" Your voice sounded tiny and your throat was tight. You ran your fingers along your neck, trying to make sense of this.
"Yeah, he went on and on the one night we were all hanging out."
Bradley had told his friends he would never date you. He had said you were too complicated. He told them you weren't worth his time. And now he was walking your way, smiling at you like you were still expected to go back to his place after this and let him fuck you. That had been his plan the entire time.
"But listen," Jake added. "I don't feel that way at all. If you're interested, I'd love to take you out to dinner." You thought maybe Jake was a little drunk, because he couldn't stop talking and then he reached out and stroked your cheek with his knuckles.
You gently grabbed his hand and guided it back to his side, just as Bradley rushed over with an irate expression. 
"The fuck?" he asked Jake.
"Hey, it's cool, man. I get it," Jake replied. "She's so hot, I can't believe you won't date her just because she has a kid. But good for you for getting her to agree to come out tonight. No reason you can't enjoy her."
You gasped and took a step away, knowing you needed to escape now with your dignity intact, but Bradley was immediately focused solely on you.
You handed your pint glass to a random person, and then you were stumbling over your own feet, trying to get to the door as quickly as you could. Time seemed frozen, and you felt like you were going to throw up as you rushed past people who were happy and laughing. You could vaguely hear Bradley's voice behind you as you tried to get away. 
Once you were outside, you sucked in a deep breath of the salty air and fumbled in your pocket for your car key as you started running.
"Kitten!" he yelled, and you could hear the crunch of his boots on the gravel, and you knew that you would never be able to outrun him. So you skidded to a halt and rounded on him instead. A lot of things in your life were scary, like paying your bills, and making sure Everett had everything he deserved. But you would not be too afraid to stand up for yourself. You would not let another arrogant asshole determine your behavior for you.
As Bradley stopped abruptly in front of you, his face was illuminated by a street light, and you hated him for being so handsome. "Kitten. I can explain," he promised, holding up his hands in surrender. His brown eyes were wide as he searched your face.
"Did you tell your friends I'm too complicated to date?" you asked, voice steady as you stepped into his personal space.
"Yes, but-"
You stomped your foot, effectively silencing him. "Did you refer to my son as baggage?"
"Yes, but Kitten, I can explain."
You slapped him hard across the cheek, but his gaze never wavered. 
"I don't need you to fucking explain anything to me!"
"Please." He was pleading, his chest rising and falling as his expression was filled with panic. "Kitten."
"Stop calling me that. I can't believe you were just leading me on for fun."
"I wasn't," he insisted. "I wouldn't do that."
You just scoffed at him and shoved his chest. He grabbed gently for your hands, but you yanked them away and took a step back as tears filled your eyes. "I can deal with getting played, but not Everett! His dad already bailed on him, and I won't let him feel unwanted by anyone ever again! We come as a fucking package deal!"
Bradley was running his hands through his hair in dismay. "I care about both of you." His voice sounded choked up, and you wanted to believe him, but now you knew better.
You jabbed him in the chest with your index finger. "You're a liar," you told him as your tears finally spilled over. "Stay away from us outside of tee ball practice."
"Kitten." He tried reaching for you again, but you backed away, bumping into a parked car which made you cry harder.
"I need to figure out how to deal with Ev," you sobbed. "And don't you dare ever speak to me again." 
You ran for your car as you tried to take gulps of air into your burning lungs, swiping away the tears that were obscuring your vision. It took you a few tries to get the key in the ignition with your shaking fingers, but when you did you cranked the engine and pulled away. You could see Bradley in your rearview mirror as he dropped down into a squat in the dark parking lot with his head in his hands. 
The short drive back to your house was filled with the sound of you sobbing, and you stumbled out of the car and up to your front porch. You leaned against the railing and tried to compose yourself. But this was where you and Bradley had been making out less than two weeks ago after you had one of the best orgasms of your life. So you paced the length of your porch instead, wiping your tears and making sure your breathing was even. Because even though it was late enough now that Everett was surely in bed, you were going to have to contend with Molly.
"Hi," your sister said as you walked inside. She was snuggled up on the couch reading a book, but when she got a good look at you, she jumped up. "What happened? I thought maybe you'd be staying out later? Or all night since Bradley is back."
You pressed your lips together to try to prevent them from shaking, but Molly knew you too well. She was across the room collecting you in her arms immediately. When you started crying again, she didn't stop you, rather she just let you get it out of your system.
Finally, you were able to whisper, "Bradley told all of his friends that he'd never date me, because I have baggage."
Your sister's loud gasp was vindication to your soul, but you didn't like the price it came with. "That fucking prick. Does Bob know about this?"
"Probably," you said softly against her shoulder. "He must."
"I'll call him right now," Molly said, but you grabbed her tighter. 
"No, please don't. You had an immaculate first solo date with him last night which ended in a hot makeout session. I don't want the three ring circus that is my life to start messing up yours."
Molly kissed your cheek and promised, "Your life is not a three ring circus. And Everett is not baggage. And Bradley isn't worth your time if that's what he thinks. Now let me help you get changed for bed."
Molly helped you out of your black skirt, something you had hoped Bradley would be doing just a few short hours ago. And then you washed your face and brushed your teeth while shaking your head at your puffy eyes in the bathroom mirror.
You ended up climbing into bed in your bathrobe while Molly plugged your phone in. "You have thirty missed calls and seventeen text messages from Bradley."
"Ignore him," you whispered, pulling your covers up to your chin. "What am I supposed to do about Ev, Molly? He's so attached. Oh my god, I can't believe I did this. I knew better!"
"Shh," she replied, climbing into bed next to you. "I'll sleep over and take him to the game in the morning. And I'll deal with everything."
Eventually your exhaustion took over, and you fell asleep next to your sister, holding her hand in yours. Your last waking thought was a feeling of thankfulness that you had only mostly fallen in love with Bradley. 
Wow, Jake. I mean, he's not wrong, but still. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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serverusslaype · 1 year
Shameless, pt. 10
Severus Snape x professor!reader fic
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Shameless Masterpost
it's ya girl, back again...! 😼
hello, hi, how are you all? :) hope you are doing well! i'm feeling a lot better, i'm just congested now fml </3
this chapter is shorter, but not too short. as in it's not as long as the previous ones - they were like 6,000 words+, this is only 4,000-5,000 i think. The main reason is because it didn't really make sense to me to have it longer. so i hope you guys enjoy it!
thank you for all the likes, reblogs and most importantly the replies you left on the last chapter, they had me fucking dying oh my lord. 😭 you guys are so funny honestly. please keep leaving stuff like that it truly makes me laugh and makes my day 🌟🩷
Also guys what the fuck since when could you attach songs????? IM ABOUT TO GO BACK AND ADD SOME ON THE PREVIOUS CHAPTERS BECAUSE WHATTT MIND BLOWN
without further ado......
You trailed behind McGonagall and Snape, keeping your eyes glued to the floor in front of you as your body was still on fire from your encounter with Severus.
"How on Earth did Black manage to slip into the castle?" Snape hissed, briefly looking at McGonagall who was striding beside him, her brows laced together with worry. A shiver slid down your spine as Snape's stern voice bounced off of the stone corridor, creating a rather dramatic echo. Only moments ago were you about to kiss the man, totally disregarding the fact that you were seeing Ben. What a fucking mess.
Then again, you thought, how could anyone not get lost in his eyes? Gods, you were such a pathetic excuse for a woman as of right now.
Severus's eyes were distracting, almost magnetic-like, as they beckoned you to look further within them, silently persuading you to forget about anything and everything that mattered to you. You were sure he didn't intend to do such a thing, or maybe that's what you were telling yourself, but in that intimate moment with him, you couldn't help but feel inclined to kiss him. Whether it was the heat of the moment or not, you were sure he wanted to kiss you too.
"We're not sure," McGonagall replied, sighing in a distressed manner as she ripped you from your self-destructive thoughts. "Even Albus is baffled as to how he eluded our defences." You flicked your eyes up to glance at Minerva. You sort of felt like you shouldn't be here, it's not like you'd be much help if Black appeared in front of you right this second - your knowledge and skill in combat was nowhere near the level of McGonagall and Snape, you were certain that you'd probably be a burden. The thought of slipping away down a corridor poked at your brain, taunting you.
"Y/N?" Minerva's worrisome voice once again pulled you from your thoughts. You looked up, face flushing as you met Severus's curious eyes. Quickly glancing away, you focused your attention on the Gryffindor Head of House, afraid of the outcome if you stared any longer at him.
"Yes?" You cleared your throat, ignoring the way Severus was side-eyeing you from behind Minerva.
"Would you mind going to check the greenhouses?" She asked. Severus snapped his head at Minerva, clearly in disagreement with her proposal. You frowned slightly at his quick reaction, a tad offended.
"Minerva, I don't think that's a wise idea." Severus said rather sternly, glancing at you for a brief moment. Your face felt hot again.
"Y/N is more than capable of handling herself, Severus." Minerva replied, matching his stern tone. Severus's jaw ticked as he huffed quietly, looking away from the the older witch, silently feuding with her decision. She turned to you and offered a reassuring smile. You appreciated the faith that she had in you, but you weren't sure it was... correctly placed, to put it lightly. You pursed your lips, slightly awkward, stuck between staring at Severus's doubtful eyes and Minerva's confident ones. As you met Snape's eyes, he looked away, his brows furrowing. Your stomach somersaulted, but you weren't sure it was in the positive way you wanted. "Severus, check the dungeons." Minerva ordered, and he obliged with a curt nod, leaving almost immediately without a blink at you.
You shut your eyes briefly, fighting the urge to scream. Fuck, did you just make it extremely awkward between you two? Or was that just him being his naturally dismissive self? Was he just saving face because the two of you were in the presence of McGonagall? Did he actually lean in to kiss you as well or... did you imagine that?
"Y/N?" Minerva called, once again pulling you from your thoughts.
"Hm?" You blinked, eyes widening quickly as you realised you had a job to do. "Sorry, I was just-"
The older witch gently touched your forearm, causing you to look up at her with twinkling eyes. "What's going on with you and Severus?" Minerva questioned you, keeping her voice low but curious. As you looked at her, hesitantly, you saw sadness in her eyes, or perhaps... pity? "I know what I saw." She added rather glumly. You were a little confused at her tone, why did she seem so... sad about this?
"I don't know what you're talking about." You choked out awkwardly. Her brows knitted together as she leant her head back slightly, almost like she was disappointed in you.
"Don't make me sound like a fool, Y/N." She said. That was the same tone she had taken with you when you were a student. You immediately tore your eyes away.
"I..." Your mouth stayed open for a moment, unsure of what to say. "It's... complicated."
"It always is with Severus." Minerva sighed through her nose, a little agitated. You looked back and tilted your head at her, confused.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Severus is a complicated man, Y/N. I'm not sure you're aware of just how far his... trauma... goes." She said quietly, her tone switching back to it's usual soft one. You broke your gaze from Minerva's and shifted it to the ground thoughtfully.
"Nothing will come of it," You shook your head as the image of Ben flooded your mind. You winced. "It was a mistake, I shouldn't have done that, it was just a spur of the... moment... sort of thing." You shrugged, trying to ignore the pain that was currently blossoming in your chest at the sound of your own words. "I'm, err, seeing someone, anyway."
"Oh?" Minerva quirked a brow at you. This must sound so disorderly to her. You're seeing someone, but she had walked in on you almost kissing Severus? She probably thinks you're some kind of harlot that can't keep her legs closed now. Jesus. Nice one.
"Um, Benjamin- Benjamin Bluewater, I'm sure you're familiar with that name..." You trailed off, shrinking as you awaited her answer. You knew he wasn't a fond topic amongst the teachers at Hogwarts back in the day, so you were always preparing yourself for a scolding or some sort of judgemental remark.
"Oh, yes, I remember Mr Bluewater." Minerva hummed thoughtfully, staring at you with her inquisitive eyes. You felt as if you had to explain yourself.
"In regards to the... thing you saw- Severus and I, it's complicated, like I said, there's this weird... tension between us-" You were rambling now, and you couldn't stop yourself. Merlin, someone stop you, please. "I can't really explain it, I mean I have feelings for him, but he didn't feel the same, then I-I met Ben, and then today happened, and... it's just a whole... mess, Minerva, I don't know what to do." You huffed, clearly distressed with the situation. You looked down at the floor, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment, too worked up to even look your colleague and former-professor in the eye. "I'm sorry, I know there's another situtation at hand and I shouldn't be bothering you with such... trivial things but..." As you looked up, a soft smile had made it's way onto her face. You were rather shocked to see that. You'd expected another disappointed frown.
"Y/N," Minerva said soothingly, placing a calming hand upon your frantic ones, "as much as I respect and admire Severus, I think you should focus on Benjamin." She sighed softly. "Save your heart. Severus will only break it." A sad smile crossed her features, almost like she knew how you felt. Your mouth was parted - mainly from shock. Perhaps you should listen to Minerva, she'd known Severus for much, much longer than you have. You didn't know what to say, so you only nodded, closing your mouth slowly. "Now, I have to find Albus. Will you make sure the greenhouses are safe?"
"Of course." You swallowed, a feeling of uncertainty settling upon you.
"Lumos." You muttered, aiming your wand in the darkened room, the reflections of your wand glittering against the mossy windows. Your eyes darted around the greenhouse, searching for any sign of Black having been inside or nearby.
Everything seemed to be as you'd left it. All of your assignments were in the correct place, no plants nor pots had been knocked over and broken... no signs of forced entry... A sigh of relief slipped out of you, your tense body relaxing. Though, before you got too comfortable, the sound of a twig snapping behind you reversed all indications of your relief.
"Jesus!" You cried out, whirling around like a bullet, your frightened eyes softening a tad as they fell upon a tall, cloaked figure - none other than Severus Snape. "Please, can you not do that?!" You sighed, a hand flying to your chest in a feeble attempt to settle your racing heart as your cheeks painted themselves pink.
An amused smirk tugged at Snape's lips as his hands were clasped behind his back, staring down at you. "And not witness the terrified look upon your face?" Severus quipped, clearly relishing in your entertaining reaction. "I must disagree."
"At least let me know you're there, I could have hurt you." You replied with a glare, looking up to see an incredulous brow cocked up on Severus's face. You rolled your eyes at him. "Okay, I wouldn't have hurt you, but still, just... tell me next time." You huffed, rather exhaustedly. "Why are you here anyway? Aren't you meant to be checking the dungeons?" 
"I did." Severus nodded, allowing his eyes to study your still-petrified, yet red face. You swallowed, feeling rather vulnerable under his gaze. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, debating whether to speak again. "I just wanted to make sure you were... alright."
"Oh," You choked, feeling like someone had just winded you. Did he really just say that? "I'm okay." You said, placing your wand back inside the pocket of your forest-green robes.
"I can see that." Severus muttered, blinking slowly at you. McGonagall's words uttered in your mind as you felt yourself becoming lost in his dark, black eyes once more.
'Save your heart. Severus will only break it.'
"We should head back." You cleared your throat as your soft voice pierced the blanket of silence that had fallen upon the two of you. "The greenhouses are clear. I doubt Black would choose to hide out here, it's not exactly... erm, tidy." An embarrassed grimace twisted your features as you glanced around the room.
"I don't suppose it helps when one is bombarded with... gifts." Severus said, spitting the last word out like it was poison. You glanced up at him, frowning.
"And what's wrong with that?" You folded your arms against your chest rather defensively.
"In my humble opinion," Severus gave a curt sigh through his nostrils, evidently disapproving of Ben's tendency to send you a copius amount of flowers amongst other things. "Few small, meaningful gifts are far more superior than a prolific amount of materialistic gifts." He finished, sneering slightly at the wilting flowers that were dotted around your greenhouse, all adorned with different handwritten notes. Inside, you agreed with Snape, and you wished that that was the case with Ben, but he just seemed to think that throwing gold and flowers at you would keep you interested. Of course, you didn't mind him sending you such things, you were grateful, but it was getting a little tiresome. 
"Just because you don't get any." You teased, trying to hide the cheeky smile that tugged at your lips. Severus's head snapped to yours, an icy glare piercing your soul. You shivered slightly, a little sheepish as his sharp eyes dug into yours.
"I don't need gifts to satisfy my ego." He quipped, turning his nose up at you. Clearly, he didn't appreciate your light-hearted joke.
"Right, because talking down on people does that for you." You retorted, narrowing your eyes at Severus. Your patience was thin today, obviously.
"You seem to have grown a backbone, Y/N." Severus stepped towards you.
"I need one with you." You huffed, turning away from him. Severus watched curiously as you stepped away from him, his eyes trailing down your back, silently admiring your robes. He couldn't help but notice how pretty you looked in green. He thought it suited you better than your usual yellow and black. Perhaps he was just being selfish, imagining you in his House colour.
"Are you quite done?" Severus voiced. You cast a confused glance at him.
"With?" You frowned, cocking a brow expectantly.
"Having a tantrum." He replied, infamously cocking his brow at you.
"You're joking, right?" You scoffed at him, taking the bait like a fool. You turned yourself around to face him. "I made a lighthearted joke and you took it personally." The corners of his lips tugged upwards slightly in amusement. At this point it was too easy for him to wind you up. "What are you smiling about?" You stepped towards him, challenging him. He was getting underneath your skin.
"It's a pity that big mouth of yours doesn't match up with your brain." Severus said languidly, his deep voice sending a shockwave through your body. You had to swallow to compose yourself as your stomach began to tingle. He stood motionless in front of you, his hands still clasped behind his back, though you were blind to the fact that he was currently squeezing them harder the closer you got.
"Big mouth?" A gasp fell from your lips as you stared up at Severus, your eyes narrowing into a glare. "That's rich coming from you." You retorted, feeling your cheeks grow hot as you held his gaze. His lips twisted into a smirk as he closed the space between you with another step, that familiar smell of him overwhelming you.
"Is it?" Severus challenged you, silently enjoying your vain show of determination. He set his shoulders back as he stared down at you with scrutinising eyes, studying every inch of your pinkening face. He was getting a reaction out of you, and he was loving it.
"Yes." You panted. At this point, you were so worked up and distracted by his words and luscious scent that you hadn't noticed how unravelled you'd become. Your chest was heaving, breaths quiet and deep, your cheeks flushed unashamedly. You were a breathless mess. Your body was begging for Severus at this point. You were desperate for him to touch it, to even just lay a finger on it- anything. You had to relieve this ache.
"Please, enlighten me, Y/N." Severus whispered, leaning in towards you. A growl bubbled in your throat as you glared at him, your irked eyes boring into his. You were so tense and wound up that you couldn't talk. Your words were so jumbled together that you just couldn't form a coherent sentence without embarrassing yourself. "Hmm," Severus hummed, tilting his head at you, as if he was analysing you like an equation. "Didn't think so." He added smugly, the corner of his mouth quirking upwards.
"You're such an arsehole." You exhaled, shoving him with a flat palm. He didn't budge. Instead, his hand flew to your wrist, gripping it like an iron vice. Your eyes widened as Severus's once-smirking lips fell into a serious, flat line, his eyes burning.
"Weren't you taught that you mustn't... touch... what... isn't... yours?" Severus tutted, articulating each syllable with a hint of venom. You wished that wasn't the case, but in this world, you rarely get what you want. 
You clenched your jaw at Severus, tugging at your wrist in a vain attempt to free it. His grasp tightened, and you balled your fist. "Let go." You whispered as he tugged you towards him, just mere milimeters separating your bodies. Severus's eyes burned into yours, your body betraying you as it erupted into goosebumps; his face dangerously close to yours once more.
"Where are your manners?" Severus whispered back harshly, his hot breath dancing across your face once more, teasing you. You let your eyes flick between his, hesitating as they dropped down his face, eyeing his lips.
"Perhaps you need to teach me some." You taunted, breathless, your mind jaded. Not one appropriate thought was racing through your mind right now. Severus's brow quirked at your reply, quite obviously taken aback.
"An insufferable brat like you is unteachable." Severus spat back, baring his teeth. The insult didn't do it's job of hurting you, rather, it... aroused you. Your bodies were grazing against one another now, and the way his chest was scraping against yours was sending you into overdrive.
"You wanna bet?" You growled as he released your wrist after one more relentless tug from you. Severus kept his arm raised for a moment, his palm splayed as he glared down at you, your noses almost as close as they were just hours ago. Silence encased the two of you again, only your irregular, ragged breathing being the one thing that the two of you could hear. He was the first to break it.
Gods, you were so close. At this very moment, you had no care left inside of you. You were shameless for him. You couldn't hold yourself back anymore.
After several insufferable seconds, you threw your lips against his; the electric jolt that shot through you almost unbearable as a stifled moan slipped from your lips. A muffled grunt growled at the back of Severus's throat as his hands flew to your hips, kissing you back with such thirst and force you were worried he'd leave bruises around your mouth. His long, slender fingers dug into your clothed flesh like the desperation of a starved man as he pulled you taut against him, his left hand gliding down your arm to grasp messily at your hands, guiding them to sit around his neck. You allowed your fingers to comb through his thick, raven locks; nails grating at his scalp, prompting a delectable, throaty groan from him. Your legs tingled at the sultry noise. The rough, black buttons of his frock dug into your bared chest as he hauled you closer with greedy hands, the coarse texture scraping against your skin, bound to leave thin red scratches across your breast. A strangled cry fell from your lips as Severus teethed your bottom lip, playfully pulling at it. He released it and pressed another heated, sloppy kiss against your swollen mouth, your lids fluttering as you felt yourself melt into his addictive touch.
Severus pulled away from you, a begging whine falling from your lips. "So needy." He teased, breath hot and dangerous.
"Shut up." You muttered through gritted teeth, pulling him back onto you, your body igniting once more his lips met yours.
Pressing your aching body against his, Severus's cold hand slipped up to the back of your hot neck and brought your face impossibly closer to his; your spine aflame as delicious chills shot down it. With burning lungs, you parted your lips, darting your wet tongue into his mouth. Severus let out a heavenly whimper as your tongue licked against his, sending a rush of blazing heat through his shuddering body. Suddenly, he was pushing you backwards, lips still locked in a ferocious fight as the backs of your thighs hit the edge of your desk. Severus's hands swiftly slid from your waist and hooked themselves beneath your bum, inducing a breathy gasp to fall out of you as he lifted you up onto the wooden desk, the two of you disregarding everything that lay upon it. Including handwritten notes from Ben. You felt him smirk against your quivering mouth at the sensual noise that left you, clearly proud at what a panting, desperate mess he'd made you.
As he shuffled you onto the desk, your back knocked over a silver candle holder.
"Careful." You whispered against him, your eyes opening to shoot him a warning glare, though a hint of playfulness was hidden within your lustful voice.
"Shut up." Severus demanded, ultimately silencing you as he forced his mouth on yours, drowning you with his devilish tongue.
Your hands snaked down from the smooth skin of his neck, heading towards his chest, fingers clamping around the edges of his black cloak. Tugging him closer, you laid back on your desk with interlocked lips and Severus gladly obliged, leaning over you, planting a steadying hand beside your head. His other hand caressed your waist in a back-and-forth manner, feeling you, sending your body into a frenzy. Your wet, bruised lips fought against his, noses pressing into each other's cheeks. He pulled another moan from you as he gently brushed his hand against the side of your breast, teasing you.
Before Severus could trace his fingers down your middle, the crack of a branch in the distance ripped the two of you from your intense, sweaty encounter. Immediately, you and Severus pulled away from each other's faces with an audible, wet smooch, the both of you glancing to the source of the noise; breaths still heavy, hands still glued to one another's bodies intimately.
"What was that?" You whispered, fingers tightening around the silky material of his cloak. Instinctively, Severus's hand tensed around you protectively as he let his eyes search the dark; foggy mind racing.
"I don't know," He whispered back, turning back to look at you underneath him after he deemed it safe. You looked ethereal. Your hair was messily splayed-out behind your head, parts of it drooping over the opposite edge of the desk he was leant over. Your cheeks were red and flushed, lips swollen and pink, almost bruised from how harshly Severus had attacked them. After several seconds of admiring his work, he spoke. "Look at you," he hummed, a dangerous smirk painting his face, "what a beautiful mess." He let his eyes rake over your shuddering body, lingering on the red marks that scattered your bare chest. If possible, you blushed harder, your hands reluctantly flying up to fold against you, framing your breasts almost perfectly. Severus bit back a groan. "We should head back, I wouldn't want the others to think Black had had his way with you."
You rolled your eyes at him, a little irked. He'd learned perfectly well how to get under your skin. "What, you don't think I can hold my own against him?"
"Certainly not." Severus answered simply, stepping back from you and offering a hand to help you up. You wanted to protest against his answer, however, you knew he was right. There was no way you could fend off Sirius Black of all wizards. You'd just become another statistic to him. As you took Severus's hand and slipped off of the desk in one swoop, his eyes fell on the notes from Ben that you'd been laid upon. He let out a disapproving hum. You frowned and followed his eyes. Your stomach dropped and your body ran cold at the now slightly damaged notes.
"Shit." You exhaled as you stared down awkwardly at the ripped parchment.
"Shit, indeed." Severus repeated, side-eyeing you with a cocked brow. You glared at him. "Who would have thought, committing adultery with another professor at Hogwarts could be such an interesting feat?" He teased, stepping towards you, intentionally brushing his shoulder against yours.
You swallowed thickly, trying to ignore how close Severus was to you. "It's not like it was serious," You sighed curtly, running a stressed hand through your hair. "I mean, we've only been seeing each other for like, almost... four... months..." You trailed off, your shoulders feeling rather heavy as a strong wave of guilt flooded you. Were you really trying to justify your actions?
"Four months?" Severus sounded impressed.
"...Yes." You replied, avoiding his amused eyes. "You can wipe that smirk off your face right now." You scolded, casting a daring glance his way. For a moment, you admired how he looked - his hair was a little scruffy from where you'd had your hands buried in it, lips partially reddened from how you'd kissed him only moments ago. A hot blush took to your cheeks as you stared at him, your mind reeling back to how he'd grabbed you and pulled you so close against him, like he was scared you'd disappear into thin air.
"We can decide what to do later." Severus stated, slipped his wand from his sleeve and casting Lumos, illuminating the once-darkened greenhouse. "For now, let's return. I'm sure Minerva is wondering where we've disappeared to."
We? Did you hear him correctly?
Before you could question him, he already had his hand pressed against the small of your back, ushering you out of the greenhouse and back towards the castle entrance.
"I've searched the Astronomy Tower and the owlery, sir, but there's nothing there." Filch's decrepid-like voice came from in front of you as Severus escorted you into the Great Hall, his hand falling from your back as you neared Dumbledore and the other staff. You felt a little bummed at the loss of contact, but you didn't exactly want to out yourselves immediately. Speaking of that, you weren't even sure if anything was going to happen between you and Severus, maybe he'd change his mind again like he did last Christmas...
As you glanced around, you noticed every single student was asleep in the Hall, gentle snores slipping from their peaceful faces. You felt a little relieved that they were all safe and sound.
"Yes, the third floor is clear too, sir." Professor Flitwick said to Dumbledore, his beady eyes peering at the old man through his glasses. As the sound of yours and Severus's footsteps began to echo in the large hall, Flitwick turned, staring at the two of you. Clasping his hands together, he watched you and Severus stroll towards him.
"The greenhouses are empty as well, sir." You spoke, offering a polite smile to Flitwick. He happily returned it, averting his attention back to Dumbledore.
"Very good, thank you." Dumbledore acknowledged you with a small smile as you reached him. You stopped just beside Flitwick, your stomach flipping as Severus continued passed you. His addicting scent glided along with him, a pink tinge staining your cheeks as you inhaled. You turned away from Flitwick, afraid he'd notice your poorly-hidden reaction.
Severus was next to speak as he halted himself beside Dumbledore. "And I've done the dungeons, Headmaster, no sign of Black, nor anywhere else in the castle." He said, his deep baritone ruffling your feathers. You cleared your throat, quietly, glancing away from him. You could hardly control yourself right now. That moment in your greenhouse had really messed with your self-control. Severus glanced at you sideways, a tiny smirk picking at his lips. He must have noticed your crumbling composure.
Flitwick eyed the two of you, a perplexed expression crossing his features.
"I didn't really expect him to linger." Dumbledore replied, hooking Severus's attention from you. Flitwick used this moment to slip away to keep a watchful eye over the slumberous students.
"Remarkable feat, don't you think? To enter Hogwarts on one's own... completely undetected?" The Potions Master drawled as he and Dumbledore began to slowly walk forwards. You caught up to them and settled yourself beside Severus, sheepishly glancing up at him, your hands settling in front of your hips. He glimpsed at you, cocking a brow questioningly, a tingling sensation building in your stomach as you stared up at him.
"Quite remarkable, yes." The Headmaster agreed, his hands floating behind his back, subsiding as they intertwined themselves. The three of you continued walking between the rows upon rows of sleeping students, your shoulders brushing against Severus's now and again.
"Any ideas on how he might've managed it?" You asked quietly, your voice curious but concerned. Dumbledore glanced at you with his wise eyes, rather surprised at you. When the older wizard was around, you tended you keep quiet. However, with Severus beside you, a newfound confidence had arisen within you.
"Many. Each as unlikely as the next." He replied, turning back to focus on the path in front of him.
Severus spoke again, his voice rattling you. It felt as if someone had let off a grand show of fireworks in your chest. "You may recall, prior to the start of term I did express concerns about your appointment of Professor Lupin-"
Dumbledore quickly interrupted him, his voice strict and unforgiving. "Not a single professor inside this castle would help Sirius Black to enter it," he said, looking to Severus, "no, I'm quite convinced this castle is safe, and I'm more than willing to send the students back to their houses." You glanced away for a moment, zoning out as you glazed over the large stained window that had the crest of all four houses set within it. Your eyes lingered on Slytherin and Hufflepuff, flicking between them thoughtfully. Could a Slytherin and Hufflepuff truly work together?
As you'd stopped to admire the window, Dumbledore and Severus had continued on forwards. You stood still, your eyes falling onto Severus's tall, black cloaked figure, a deep sigh leaving your nostrils. Was this a good idea? Crossing the line with a colleague? Or was this a recipe for disaster? You wanted it to work out, but you had your doubts. Minerva's words were etched deep into your mind, and they slowly slithered out of the woodworks, chanting in your head tauntingly.
'I'm not sure you're aware of just how far his trauma goes.'
'Save your heart. Severus will only break it.'
'Focus on Benjamin.'
Oh, Merlin, Ben.
What were you going to do about him...? Do you tell him you kissed Severus? Do you just break it off silently? No, he deserves to know. You needed to be an adult and admit to your wrongs, whether it made you look like a sack of shit or not. You'd made your bed, and now you had to lie in it.
Just as you were going to return to Severus's side, a familiar voice called your name.
You turned around, your head snapping towards the voice like a bolt of lightning. All colour had drained from your face as your widened eyes became glued onto the one person you did not want to see right now.
Ben jogged towards you, a worried expression twisting his features.
No, please, no, not right now. This could not be happening right now...
talk about perfect timing, hey?
sorry this was such a short chapter!! i wanted to make it longer, but what better than to keep you in suspense? i hope you have partly forgiven me for this chapter... </3
let me know what you thought!! your replies on the previous chapter had me rolling omfg.
daily reminder that i love you all and to make sure you are taking care of yourselves!! thank you all so much for your continued support, it really means a lot to me, and i hope i am doing this story justice, i have- well, had a plan, but it's sort of gone a different way... however, i’m liking it. :) i hope you are too!
Part 11!
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nonclassyparty · 2 months
sweet and right and merciful (c.s)
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(A STARRING ROLE SPIN-OFF) Choi San deals with the mortifying ordeal of falling in love.
playlist (tba) // my main masterlist // moodboard (tba)//click to donate to Palestine
notes; i bet you thought you'd seen the last of both me and sr!san well you're wrong! tell me if you want to be added to the taglist
As he didn't have a disgustingly large amount of generational wealth to back him up nor parents who dabbled in political meddling and occasional blackmail like some of his peers, San always knew that he would have to fight tooth and nail for his spot in the world.
This would seem fairly overdramatic if all he was seeking out of life was a stable job and paid bills, of course: he was, after all, the son of a middle school teacher and a man that had several jobs which he never did right because hey, they never had much so San should've been satisfied with anything. 
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how one would look at it), Choi San was too ambitious for his own good. Having been born and raised in the small town of Namhae which was nothing more than an old supermarket some (nobody under the age of fifty) considered a shopping mall and a small beach - the moment he left for college, he swore that he'd never be back there again for nothing more but the holidays. And simply leaving Namhae wasn't enough, no, you see San's goal was money, more money than he would ever need. Bitterness could be considered a man's biggest motivator to get something done and spending his childhood and early adolescence watching his mother work day and night to make sure the bills are paid just for no money to be left spare sure did make San bitter. Call him shallow and materialistic but to San, money most definitely could buy some happiness.
And so, with that thought in mind (placed by no-one else but himself) since the tender age of twelve when he first visited Seoul for a football game and saw what exactly he's been missing out on living in Namhae, San poured everything he had into his studies until he landed a scholarship for Seoul National University in the field of Electrical Engineering. He had been strategic in his choice of career. Electrical engineering required just enough work and brains for it to be considered a lucrative degree and used just enough engineering principles to keep him interested in the job.
And San was excellent at his job. He was quick and efficient, precise and absolutely never wrong. Getting hired to work at one of South Korea's most renowned automobile manufacturing companies not long after he got his degree didn't come as a surprise to no-one. He was competent. The problem with competence and climbing the business ladder though was that it was rewarded with increasingly complex projects almost every month.
And so, our opening scene: A Thursday morning, sometime in January. Amidst the white cubicles on the third floor of Zenith Motor Company, Mr. Kim was doling out new projects to his top engineers with a vengeance.
"Jung, this ones for you," He smacks Jaehyun over the head with the folder before dropping it unceremoniously on his desk, "And try not to get doughnut smudges all over this one."
"Byun, you're continuing the testing from last month." Jaebum nods his head, eyes barely moving from the computer screen in front of him. Mr. Kim continues with an eye roll, "Lim, new model that needs surveillance."
He continues down the room throwing down casefiles as he goes until he stops by San's desk with a smile, "Choi, since you did so well on the Genesis project I'll let you choose." 
"What are my options?" San asks, leaning back in his chair as two files are thrown onto his desk.
Mr. Kim looks down onto his clipboard. "Mr. Jinyoung needs help with the 3D design for-"
Mr. Jinyoung is one of San's bosses.
"-the new model that we're ready to turn in for production. You could send him an e-mail but I wouldn't, he's a bit...difficult to be around these days."
Mr. Jinyoung is also the husband of one Son Danbi, the thirty-four year old woman that San got...very familiar with for a groundbreaking six times at his apartment before he learned that Danbi is a bit too clingy and his job actually might be at stake if she keeps calling the office asking for San instead of her husband. Three times in a row.
She didn't handle San deciding it's best to stop seeing each other very well.
Getting fired for sleeping with his boss' wife and probably getting his nose broken (for the second time over a woman) when his boss' wife inevitably has a meltdown and exposes how San fucked her into his mattress six times once San refuses to meet up with her out of newfound respect for the man she's married to (read: he's scared that he'll get sacked) or literally anything else. The choice was quite obvious.
"I'll take the second option." San quips with ease as he flips over the folder.
"Research and development for a new model! I was hoping you'd pick that one and am not disappointed, you never back down from a challenge." Mr. Kim comments with a grin that San returns because he's been kissing his ass too long to stop now. "You're working with another engineer from the second floor."
San nods and, as Mr. Kim keeps going down to the next cubicle, his eyes sweep over the file and stop at the bottom of the page where one out of two people tasked has already signed their name. In neat handwriting;
He bites back a groan, eyes falling shut and he can hear the Head of the office keep rattling off assignments somewhere in the background.
Nothing registers because suddenly, San remembers honey skin, judging eyes and a sharp tongue and wonders if getting his nose broken a second time right before getting fired by Mr. Jinyoung and losing his entire career would've been the wiser option.
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darlingofvalyria · 1 year
❝You don't think I can please you?❞
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part 05 | we're really in it now, darling
chapter summary:
[ Everything comes ahead at a hedge maze because. . . hedge maze. ]
[ +18 MDNI ] [ 4,517 ] [ series masterlist ] | best friend's brother!aemond targaryen x f!reader, ft. cregan stark x f!reader, aemond x alys rivers
contains— angst, a lil smutty but no full whorishness, ya'll good - i should really put idiots in love as a tag shouldn't i - nsfw: grinding + some sexy, sexy second base lmao - no kingslayers, no rogues, no betas.
a/n— i hope ya'll forgive me. comment, reblog & like at will, mi luvs, mwa!
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You don't really know what you were expecting come Sunday. Once you started to 'ehh' 'hmmm' and 'maybe's your way through random moments with Helaena after the radio silence from Aemond— your best friend put her foot down.
"Fuck him," Helaena grumbled. "You've been going to Sunday dinners before he was even born, you are not backing down now."
 You snorted. "That's wildly inaccurate."
"Point still stands. Fuck. Him. You deserve my mother's tiramisu cake. He doesn't get to take that from you." Her eyes widen as if trying to instil her determination into your system via eye contact. "You are not going to let him take that from you."
You nodded. That's at least a point to pro you can stand by. Though she can't cook to save her life— Alicent's words, not yours — the woman sure can bake. It became therapeutic for her, she once said. How measuring ingredients and kneading dough to patiently folding cream after another kept her mind quiet and her hands busy.
"My faith strongly does not advise rage shooting, you know?" Alicent once hummed.
"Did you mean 'range' shooting?"
"Oh?" she nodded absentmindedly, smiling. "Yes, that too."
"That's true," you mused. Tiramisu cake was her mother's specialty. Every Sunday, she has all attendees pack up at least one cake per person and you and Hel usually stave off bites throughout the week until the next Sunday comes.  "I deserve some tiramisu cake, gods be damned it."
"Plus, if you come with me, we'll get two cakes to take home instead of one." She wagged her finger. "We count as two separate entities with one fridge, it's our greatest privilege."
"Daeron calls it preferential treatment."
"I am her only daughter, of course I get preferential treatment."
"As you should, bestie."
Even when you've stopped struggling with choosing if you were going or not, your mind is never faraway from thinking about Aemond. You wonder if he's finally gotten back with Alys was a bad train of thought, while an even worse train of thought is how soft his lips were and how he holds your hair to pull you close when his tongue glides across your bottom lip.
You blink, shaken from the thought. Bad. Bad brain. Stop it.
And repeat. At this point, it was safer to think about Alys and Aemond.
According to previous cycles, by this point they'd be at the height of their newly blossomed relationship— all sweet kisses and heated looks, unable to stop touching each other much less act a little bit better when they're trying to leave a group function to fuck their brains out — so you wouldn't be surprised to see come Sunday that he arrives with Alys— both of them tall, gorgeous with just enough undertone of smirky, smarmy tension that would make you want to stab your own eye out — pointedly ignoring you or whatever happened between you and him.
It hurt to think about sure, but what else did you think was going to happen?
That call made a space the size of a puddle that turned into a lake, welled deep with unresolved feelings and untouched topics. More questions than answers, drawing lines both of you were too scared to tug and see.
It's big enough to notice, and both stubborn enough not to anything about it.
You tried. Well, you almost did. In the weird hours of the day when your brain and body are more physically disjointed so rationality gives way to adrenaline. Most of the time, this is during working hours. You, checking your phone, running around his profile with your thumb a few times, biting your lip as your mind blanks and your body fights to call him. Or leave a message.
Before your mind and body reconnects and you fling your phone as far away from you as possible.
It's weird. You've never fought with Aemond before. If this was considered fighting. You've been disappointed in him, gotten angry and annoyed with him, but someone always, always offers an olive branch.
Every time you think about that call, you close up, your annoyance flares, and you shove your phone away.
In your amicable defense, this was primarily his problem. You weren't truly dating. He made it clear every choice he was making was en toward the agreed conditions were of making his ex jealous enough to take him back, yada yada yada.
Even if, possibly, you wanted more, he made no actual steps to make it known that he was considering it too.
Funny stares on your lips don't count. The only sabbatical from sexual adventures Aemond got were the breakup round with Alys, and as established before, they got it on pretty frequently.
Another thought bubble about Aemond's lips pops in your head, the mint from his toothpaste and the coffee from his black with no sugar, no milk, the way he seemed to suckle on your sighs—
Gods. Damn. It.
That last call?
You're a grown ass woman. You're allowed to do whatever you want with whomever you want, and you're not going to make Aemond Targaryen's steely silence of what— disappointment? Of your choices? Of your choice in Cregan Stark and Cregan Stark Jr? Of what you were doing? Sure he was faithful to the Seven, a good old religious boy raised by his momma, but it doesn't make him a saint. Just because he's clinging to the vestiges of first love thinking it could very well be his last doesn't make him holy, or warrant enough to judge you for getting your little you some good dick.
Life is hard. Good dick is hard to come by!
So. Yeah. Days leading up to Sunday was radio silence and way too many thoughts circling your head like vultures, eating away at logic and rationality, and stubbornly still, you refused to make contact. If it's not out of pride, it's out of hurt.
Because he could apologise, but Aemond wasn't known for his apologies.
But then you remembered the flowers, the tulips, and now you just felt sad. Moping, getting annoyed, and trying to get through work without breaking your phone speeds the week in a blur.
Come Sunday afternoon, Helaena was coming to pick you up from her shift at the vet— the beauty of having a vet bff is the Russian roulette of pictures; you never know if you're about to get cuddly new patients with big, sad eyes and pouty snouts or her newest c-section win without any attempts of a blur — so you could get to her mother's house together, you decided to go for the nines with your outfit.
A sweet summer dress later, some gold gladiator sandals half off from your favourite but largely can't afford shoe boutique that you swear you were always going to wear to make up for the insane price (thank the gods Alicent didn't have a no shoe policy because it takes fifteen minutes to get them on and you cannot be on the floor, on her house, with Aemond around, rolling around like a hot potato on the entry way trying to get a fucking shoe on), dusted and prepped in you're fancier version of makeup, and was just finishing off your hair— using the good mousse whilst blaring Disney epics — when knocking came.
You freeze.
On one hand, it could just be Helaena, forgetting her keys again somewhere as she had done so numerous times before, but there hadn't been a slew of expletives or her impression of a cool, clinical voice saying, ''Tis I, the Stranger, have come for thee soul! Open up I gotta pee, woman!' so you got a pretty good guess on the alternative, sending your heart into a stutter and get smacked with a well deep of yearning.
You miss Aemond. You miss hanging out with him, even just having him on video call whilst you prepped a late dinner and he's working out his thesis defense, too late for either of you, but catching another's eye in the tiny phone and sharing a comforted grin. You miss being called my lady in a language that means so much to him, miss bumping shoulders and smelling his crisp scent of cologne and laundry.
Miss his lips, his very soft, very delicious lips—
"Gods damnit, woman, keep it together," you murmur to yourself. Another series of knocks, ever patient, and you're moved by body not mind as breathless giddiness yanks the door open—
Only to fall flat.
"Oh." You can't hide your disappointment at the curly blond with the smirk for centuries. "Aegon. I didn't know it was you."
"Yes, the expressive disappointment in your eyes could bring a man on the edge to his downfall, I must say," he jokes hoarsely, a little hurt. "Not even a hi Aeg. I've missed you Aeg, or— hey Aeg! You look good enough to eat!"
It's Aegon. Not Aemond. Or Helaena. Helaena and Aemond's older brother, Aegon. Party rocking, cocaine hiding, sweat and someone's lipstick smelling Aegon. You like him despite his whorishness because he's funny, because he's sweet when he wants to be, and he always, always gets you a funny mug when he comes back from wherever he came from.
You blink a couple of times, laughing awkwardly as you give him a quick hug. He still smells the same, with the lightest tint of sun in him from his days at the beach not so long ago no doubt.
"Sorry, sorry. Hi Aeg, I've missed you Aeg, and yes, you do look good enough to eat, Aeg."
He hugs back tighter, smothering you in the denim jacket he's wearing and the curly edge of his white blond hair. He's got a new piercing and smells of new perfume.
"So do you, princess," he says as you step back and he appraises you appreciatively. "Those shoes can step on me any time."
"I will never."
"You will never," he says chirpily, moving back with a teasing grin. "Let me guess, you were waiting for my uglier version to come by and got too overwhelmed by the majesticness of me."
'"Majesticness isn't even a word." You snort. "And Aemond is not your uglier version, you don't look that alike."
He raises an eyebrow as you blink. Fuck. "Dear me oh my, I meant Helaena, babe. When did Aemond get into the mix?"
You shove his shoulder, huffing as you pick up your keys and bag, forcing him to step back as you lock the apartment, trying to give yourself grace from his burning, teasing stare. "As if Helaena didn't tell you." You finally turn to him, lips pursed at his faux innocent pout. "Helaena tells you everything."
"She might have mentioned a thing or two about a thing or two." He bumps your hip as you both get into the elevator. "Imagine my surprise when Lae-lae tells me of a wondrous development between her two favourite people that involved a breakup, some gift-giving shenanigans, and kissing." He gasps dramatically as you groaned. "I leave for what— a month or two and suddenly you and Aemond are making out? Babe, I must say, you're doing the tongue tango with the wrong brother."
 "He's not the wrong brother, also the tongue tango? Really?" you snap suddenly. The wrong brother comments always irk you because you understand that it's a sensitive issue to Aemond, as well as Aegon himself.
But it's a bait you realise too late because Aegon Targaryen enjoys hauling truths from people in steps and tricks, uncaring if he takes a stab or two to get there as you meet his gaze against the reflective wall, positively smirking.
"Really now?"
"Why are you even picking me up? I thought you were in Oldtown."
"Already sorted. Hel wanted to make sure you get there in time, she's going to be late... After all your earlier ride backed out didn't he?"
Your mouth pursed, annoyance prickling at your edges as the elevator pulled into the lobby. "I don't want to talk about it, where's your car?"
He whistles, languid and all the time in the world on his shoulders with just the hint of smug. "It's a thirty minute ride, babe, you're going to spill."
You shoot him a withering glare. "Not if I have say in it." For emphasis, you yank his door and slam it. Fuck his new Maserati.
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Thirty minutes is more than ample time for Aegon Targaryen to weed his way into your brain like the worst case of earworm (like a stupid ass commercial jingle that just. Won't. Stop) that by the time you reach his mother's, you were ranting.
"—like I get it, saying I'm going out with another guy to get some good dick after confirming that we're going to your mother's for Sunday as a date is bad, but we're not really dating! He said so himself! He pressed the issue of it not being a real thing! And he didn't attempt any—"
"— any communication at all," Aegon echoes, stretching his legs as he stood. "Not a sorry or anything."
"Anything!" you bolster, slamming his door again that is less about him and more about the aggressiveness. "I know that he's bad at apologising, or facing things that are hard, choosing to stew in it and act all shitty to people, I just... I thought he'd at least tell me. Doesn't that warrant our friendship?"
"Hm. Ever think that's precisely why he struggles with you?"
"What does that even mean?"
"That he cares about you, so he struggles more with expressing himself."
You turn to him, cocking your head. "When did you get so wise, oh Gandalf?"
"A Seven focused rehab facility can do that to you," he muses wistfully. "There was this nun that says verses when she orgasms."
You make a face. "Love the fun fact."
"You're welcome. But back to point, isn't the issue also the fact that you never tried to make contact with him either?"
"Well. Yeah. Because..."
Aegon squints at you sympathetically. "Because you're scared of rocking the boat because of how much you like him?"
"Not, well," you hesitate. "Not like that precisely..."
"How much you're capable of liking him?" Aegon smiles wryly. "You had a crush on him, I remembered that at least. When Hel first introduced you to him, you couldn't stop teasing him until he lit up like a Christmas tree. I knew you liked him since then. You called him pretty half the time, and I started to realise it was less about his reaction but how you actually see him, and speaking as the naturally cherub, pretty boy of the family, I find this highly, highly offensive."
You pinch his cheeks, wounding your arm over his shoulder. Aegon was built like a linebacker with less muscles that aren't postern, with wide shoulders and a strong body that's too easy to lean against.
"You're pretty too, Aeg," you coo. "But he's just..."
 "If you say ethereal, I will vomit right in my mother's petunias." He makes a face. "How about this. The problem is that you think Aemond doesn't like you back."
You frown at him. "I know Aemond doesn't like me back."
"Oh, sweetie," Aegon coos, sympathy and pity swirling in his smug, smug smile. "I'm so glad you're pretty."
You pinch his sides until he squirms. "Fuck you, what the hell?"
"What I'm saying is, let's test that, you know? Because that's the only variable you aren't sure with?"
You sigh. "Aeg, even if he does, I'm not going to pounce—"
The door swings open, and there he is, of pretty boy face and good boy posture because his mother raised herself a good, devout boy who doesn't know what a slouch is because he's not an ape— and is he wearing his leather jacket? Of course he's wearing the leather jacket and you know that smell, that spiced cologne with the leather and his natural scent and fuck, Aemond is looking at you, looking at his brother, and the open expression, the shock, that smidge of relief— shutters to an icy politeness.
Aegon because he's Aegon, pulls you closer, his mouth curling into a grin that only says trouble, forcing Aemond to straighten up his already perfect posture in preparation for whatever his brother has in mind and his stare is white-hot on the conjoined appendages between you and his brother— and Aegon lands a wet, smacking kiss on your cheekbone.
"Had to pick up your girl, baby bro, I mean what kind of—" his blue gaze finds his mother descending the stairs, peering out to see on who it was, and you're frozen, waiting for the bomb to drop and simultaneously unprepared for it, "— boyfriend has his brother pick up his girl? Good thing you got a good excuse, huh? Oh, hey mother dearest! Your favourite son has come back!"
As Aegon leaves your side with a cheeky little wink, you bit your lip at the frosty look on his face that makes you feel like an absolute idiot and fills you with rage all in one go. Because Aemond has never looked at you like that, like you were at fault and acting like a child, but that you also want to jut a finger against his chest.
"Did you have a nice talk with him on the drive over?" he says, jaw hard.
"I didn't tell him," you hiss, taking the hem of his leather jacket instead of his hands enough so you can pretend to kiss his cheeks because his mother is right there, eyes wide at that two of you as Aegon gave you a discreet thumbs up.
"Helaena did. Get over yourself, your mother's—"
As he freezes and Alicent calls your name, you plaster the best smile you can make as you twine your fingertips with his.
When you leave his side to greet Alicent, you make sure to stomp on his stupid shoes.
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As soon as you've finished your mandatory greetings— even with Otto Hightower, Aemond's grandfather, who merely raised his eyebrows at the apparent new status of you and his grandson, Alicent having to blink multiple times, wrangling positives as she kept shooting her son looks while he stood like a block of ice behind you — Aemond takes your hand by his own volition, tangles your fingers too tight, and starts tugging you along like a bouy.
"Are you a child?" you hiss, trying to pry your hand as insistently without outright yanking, Alicent already sending you both concerned looks at a news that she called 'oh, that is wonderful!'
"I am younger than you," he murmurs back, holding you tight.
"Oh, fuck you."
With a defeated huff, you take longer, heavier strides and stomps so you're the one dragging him.
It's all illusion of control built on pettiness because you're still being navigated, it's more just pride at this point, but you don't care, and when he scoffs right back, you felt at least a pinch of a win.
And then he, of course, matches your strides so fucking easily.
"Freaking horse-legged motherfucker," you mumble. You don't know if he catches it, or you're imaging the soft, surprised noise that's both a snort and a laugh.
He winds you around the hallway, an unbreakable trajectory to the backyard, dragging you past an easy eye view from the dramatic, floor to ceiling windows and trespassing straight into the hedge maze because of course they had one of those.
"Really? Here?"
"Do you want to be ogled up by my mother?" he says in a nauseatingly chipper voice. "Is that what you and Aegon are planning with all this, hm?"
You twist out of his grip, walking deeper on your own until your eyes are swallowed by the darkness. When you turn to him, your eyes adjust, only seeing the silver of his hair, so different from his black leather jacket and dark green jumper. You don't see his expression or his sharp gaze.
"Planned this? Seriously? Nothing since coming here had been planned, Aemond," your voice has bite and if your eyes had adjusted faster, or if you could see better, you would see the flinch he makes, "if it had been, this certainly would be the last of my fucking choices. Or do I have to remind you of the fact that we were supposed to go together? Oh right, things change when you drop a call out of fucking nowhere!"
"I—fuck." He moves around, a hand through his hair as exhales in frustration. "I didn't... think you'd want to go with me. That Sunday plans had been cancelled."
"And you didn't think to message? I mean it's not like we're friends in literally every social media." You try not to sound hurt before taking a deep breath, offering your palms up. "I didn't—don't even know what the issue is, Aemond. Were you so offended that I was sexually active that you just had to rudely drop the call and not talk—"
It's maybe the darkness, or intuition but you can bet half yours savings that Aemond Targaryen is blushing.
"It... gods, no it's not... I wasn't offended that you were sexually active," he says softly, evenly. He clears his throat. "I don't... mind that you're... sexually active. I actively... support it. Even." He coughs. Swallows. Curses.
If you don't feel like your heart is pounding in your throat you would have laughed. You had never seen the boy this flustered before that it's affecting his words, because Aemond has always been the most well spoken person you know.
"Is it about Cregan? Do you have something against Cregan?"
His eye flutter close. "No... and yes."
"I don't understand, Aemy," you whisper, defeated.
He sighs. In the dark, you notice a movement. His hands flex. It's a habit he's had since you've known him. It's instinct. The way you reach out, finding a piece of his leather jacket until you find your way to his hands, running your fingers over the bones and ridges, his sinew and skin. There are callouses from his fencing, running your thumb over his knuckles.
He's frozen first before he sighs, melting through the warmth you share with him.
 "I have nothing against Stark," he finally says. "It's the fact that you were still having sex with him that I found unfair." He steps closer until you can see his face better, the struggle in him can be told through the furrow in his brows and the press of his pillowy lips, red and wet as if he had bitten through it. "I... understand that we're not really together, but I couldn't... not feel as if it wasn't right. As if I wanted it to be me."
His hands finds your arms, eye closing and gently placing his forehead against your own. At first you panic, your body trying to make your brain decide do you like this or not but it's Aemond, and he's warm, gentle, sweet almost. It's familiar and new at the same time. It's warmth you recognise, skin you will know anywhere, but in a way that you've never felt him before.
You close your eyes and breathe with him.
You know that this is rare. That this Aemond is reserved for people he loves and cares about, but with his forehead against yours, with his hands holding you steady, rubbing a comforting thumb over your skin that felt just as for him as it was for you, breathing you in and exhaling you out. A single breath between two bodies.
"I don't know if I can agree to that, Aemy."
"What?" He pulls back, hurt pulling taunt your favourite pair of lips. "Do you like Cregan more? You don't think I can please you?"
"That's not—"
His hands closes on your face, cupping it in his palms as you stare, wide-eyed at the blue fire lit up in his eye. His breath brushes your lips, making them tingle.
"Push me away if you don't want it," he says before his eye closes and he takes your mouth against his own, swallowing your gasp then pulling you away again, eye glinting.
"Push me away, ñuha riña." His voice is so soft, words crisp while your body thrummed in a single, frantic heartbeat. When you don't move, too shock, thoughts tangled, he smirks.
With his teeth, he captures your bottom lip, grazing it. When he feels you shudder, eyes fluttering, he chuckles meanly.
"Push me away as if you don't want me." He tilts your chin up as he looks down on you, eye confident in its lust. His thumb brushes your bottom lip. "As if you don't feel everything I do."
"Fuck you," you manage to exhale as you grab the back of his head and devour him just as you did at the restaurant. He groans, using his other hand to feel your side, pass your one breast, giving it a firm squeeze that makes you gasp, tongue clashing, legs tangling as you push and push and he pulls you to him, his back hitting the prickly hedge. It's teeth and tongue, breaths twisted in one air as you used each other like lifelines, like enemies in a swords match.
It's feverish and passion, infuriating want that gives. Because when you dominate the kiss, tangling his tongue with your own, yanking him down and down as if you want him to reach every part of you inside, he bends and follows. And when he pulls you, tangles your hair and takes every gasp and breath, you surrender.
He groans when you suck on his bottom lip, pulling away just enough to spit out, "You taste so much better than my dreams." His mouth moves down and down, leaving a path of heat as he suckles at your neck, practically ripping the buttons of the top of your dress as he slides down and grunts in pain.
"A-Aemy?" Your eyes flutter. "Your back, shit—"
"Fuck that." He tugs you down until you land with an oomph! on his lap, your chest at his eye level before he drags them back to your gaze. "Tell me to stop."
You shake your head, tangling your fingers in his hair. "No."
Your back arches, supported in his hold, as he starts sucking the skin lower and lower, another hand massaging your tit that pools hot down your core until his hand, warm and solid, sinew and bone, and Aemond Aemond Aemond, slides between your bra and cups your breast and his hand is so big, and it feels so good that you start grinding on the hard length you feel right at your—
An ear-splitting shriek freezes the both of you. You and Aemond pull back, hand still on your tit.
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sleepsunawareof · 11 months
Well like many, the Loki S2 finale has me still reeling and I have had this little drabble on my brain and had to get it out. I am not really a writer, I've not written a fic since I was a teenager probably lol so be easy on me but alas, I hope this is enjoyed by those who also just couldn't bear the thought of Loki being alone at the end of time forever.
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Description: Loki uses his time slipping abilities to talk to you one last time before making the decision he knows he has to in order to save those he loves. But, you aren't so willing to let him condemn himself to an eternity alone, or yourself to a lifetime without him.
Word Count: 1367
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVENT SEEN LOKI S2 EP6!! Angst, sadness, happy ending mostly
"How are you doing this?", you asked as you watched strands of space and time float around you and Loki throughout A.D Doug's workshop.
"We're outside of time. Darling, I had to see you. I had to speak to you." Loki said, a sorrowful look on his face that you had never seen before. "The Loom, it was a failsafe all along. And no amount of scaling can account for infinite timelines. I thought we had it, I really did", he explained.
"Damnit, we should have known it would be...", you lamented.
"I spent centuries trying to figure it out, and it was all for nothing."
"Centuries?" you questioned.
"It's hard to explain" he responded. "Darling, there are only two options. Go back and kill Sylvie before she kills He Who Remains and allow the Sacred Timeline to continue--"
You cut him off. "You can't Loki! The Sacred Timeline is full of misery, injustice, and sadness - what the TVA stood for under He Who Remains was all wrong! We can't go back to that. And you know you could never kill Sylvie...not after everything we have all been through together."
"I know...", he said, a sad knowing in his voice and his eyes. "But there is one other way."
"And what's that?"
"What? You? I don't understand Loki..." you said cautiously.
"The finite power of a machine can never handle the infinite timelines of a multiverse, but the infinite power of a God can", he said as he watched your face intently for any hint of reaction.
It took a moment as you stared at him, blinking. "Do you mean..." you questioned, as the realization of what he was saying started to set in.
"Yes, my love. Believe me, if there was any other way, I swear I would take it. But there isn't. I know what kind of God I need to be, for you, for all of us. It's the only way."
"Loki, if this is what you have to do, then please, take me with you at least!" you implored.
"My darling y/n, you know I can not do that. I must bear this burden alone, and you must go live your life on the timeline, the one you deserve to have. I could never condemn you to an eternity of solitude at the End of Time", he said sorrowfully.
"But you'll condemn me to a life of solitude on Earth? Loki, I can't live without you. There's no life for me down there if it's not with you! Please, as long as our friends are happy, and I'm with you, that's all I'll need. Please let me go with you!". The last part came out as a sob as your emotions got the best of you. You couldn't believe what he was talking about doing, the sacrifice he planned to make for the ones he loved.
"When I go back there, to that moment in time, you won't remember any of this. You won't know you said you wanted to go with me," he reminded you.
"Loki, every version of me across space and time would go with you. Even into the abyss, if that's where you have to go. I will follow you, I know I will!" you fully sobbed out as you threw your arms around him. The thought of him leaving you was killing you.
"They'll stop you if you try to follow me, you know that" he said, speaking of your friends back at the TVA.
"Then tell them not to Loki! Please, I'm begging. My place is beside you, always and forever, no matter where that place is."
And then Loki was gone and everything turned to spaghetti.
Loki slipped effortlessly back to just the right moment in the Loom control room, having been here in this moment over and over for centuries. This time though, it was different. This time, it was the last time. Loki looked over at you and his friends with a sad and knowing smile on his face. And then with one last look, he turned and ran down the stairs towards the blast doors. He knew he could keep you from following, lock the doors behind him with impenetrable magic. But he also knew that in your heart, you would never want to be without him. You would resent him forever if he left you on Earth alone.
You, Sylvie, and Mobius ran down the stairs after him immediately, but he was already through the airlock doors. The three of you watched Loki open the blast doors with his magic and start to step outside, absent of any protective suit. As you reached out to open the airlock door and go after him, Mobius pulled you back.
"Mobius, I have to go! I have to get to him!!!" you screamed.
"You can't! The temporal radiation will kill you if you open that door and go out there, you know that!"
"But it's going to kill HIM!" you cried out as you watched Loki walk out onto the walkway.
But something amazing started to happen. As the temporal energy shredded his TVA clothes away with every passing second, something else began to take it's place. Flowing dark green linen draped his form, traditional and humble shoes appeared on his feet, and a horned crown adorned his head. He looked absolutely Godlike and regal. As Loki walked closer to the Loom - this imperfect piece of machinery that took so much from so many - he lifted his hands, called upon his magic, and destroyed it in a flash of bright green and white light.
Then, there was darkness. Loki wasn't done, though. He reached out to grab a strand of time and suddenly it glowed back to life, his beautiful green magic allowing it to thrive. He grabbed another, and another. You, Mobius, and Sylvie stood silently in the airlock, watching as Loki brought the timelines back to life, one by one, gathering them in his hands. Above him, a chasm opened in the sky, revealing the End of Time. Loki looked back one last time at the 3 of you back in the airlock. He had no idea if you would really come after him like you said - but he wanted to see your face one last time if it was truly to be the last. Your eyes locked, and you knew now that the temporal energy was gone, there was no threat if you left the airlock.
"I have to go with him." you said to Mobius and Sylvie. "His worst fear is to be alone, and he is going to condemn himself to a lifetime of loneliness to save us all!" you said as you opened the door.
"Y/n, please! Stop! You don't know what you're giving yourself to." This time, it was Sylvie who pulled you back, holding your arm so you couldn't run down the walkway.
"Yes, I do. I'm giving myself to love. I'm giving myself to free will, to choice, to hope." you said.
"Sylvie, let her go," Loki called out. "It's going to be okay." he assured.
Sylvie let go of you hesitantly, and you started your walk out to Loki. When you reached him, he could not take your hand, but you took his arm. Together, you began to ascend the invisible stairs to the End of Time as he held the reanimated timelines in his hands. As you both crossed the threshold of the chasm to the End of Time, He Who Remains' throne and the ruins of his citadel came into view. Loki walked forward to the throne, the one he never wanted but was always destined to have. The timelines took on the beautiful form of a tree - Yggdrasil, the tree of life - the tree of the multiverse that Loki would tend to for eternity.
"This is where I'll have to stay forever, darling. I can never leave, never move. Tending to the timelines is my glorious purpose, my eternal burden. Are you truly willing to stay here with me?" he inquired.
"Yes, my love", you answered without hesitation.
"For all time?" He asked.
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Bet if we ask Tony how losing his virginity to us was he's gonna give us a full on review. He's always been a rambling idiot, and now he's all excited and giddy but also very relaxed and happy and his brain has turned into mush... at first, like, right after we're done, he's probably not able to form coherent sentences, but give him a half hour of cuddles and a power nap and he's gonna talk your ears off giving you a review of your pussy.
Five-star rating
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Pairing: Young! Tony x Reader
Warning: 18+ smut, fluff because its our boi
“That was…that was…yeah.”
You chucked as his sweat-lined chest rose and fell rapidly, his erratic heart beats made themselves known as prominently as his rambling thoughts.
“Good?” You decided to help him out, snuggling close to him as he draped the sheets around you.
“Definitely! No, definitely good. More than actually, great! It was great. You were amazing!”
You giggled, kissing his cheek and watching him blush as he turned to face you.
Moments ago, you and Tony had sex for the first time. A first for him. You were glad he felt safe enough to trust you, and you made sure he was comfortable with everything. It had been everything you had imagined it to be and more.
“I trust you, Y/N.” he had whispered when your kisses had turned from innocent to greedy, his cock sprung into action as your touch gently roused his primal needs.
As you sank down on his length, he had sighed, eyes shut in order to avoid climaxing right there and then. His senses had been on overdrive, with you bouncing on his cock steadily, taking what you needed, he had tried his best to last longer for you.
After making sure you had come, he let himself get lost in the pleasure you were bringing him and felt his cock twitch inside your clenching heat. The dirty words you were whispering in his ears while gripping his back, tugging on his hair finally sent him over the edge.
“You mean I get a full five star rating?” You joked.
“Absolutely! No doubt about it.” Tony smiled, already feeling his softened cock stir in excitement at your close proximity. Nobody had had this effect on him before.
“Why, thank you. You weren’t so bad yourself, Tony.” You smiled, bringing his fingers up to your lips as they were entwined with yours.
“No! I promise I’ll be better next time. If—if you want there to be a next time that is. Sorry, I don’t want you to think I presumed—”
“Yes dear?”
“I think you need a little power nap.”
“You’re probably right.”
He sighed, making you laugh harder as he pulled you closer, burying his face in your hair, red with embarrassment.
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skyahri · 20 days
Remember Part Four |SatoSugu X Reader| HC Series
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Part Three
A/N: Y'all, I'm so sorry it's so late. My mind has been buzzing in a different direction.
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"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"
He'd been begging to join you on your unofficial outing for the better part of an hour. He'd been following you around, making empty promises to behave and offering you random things in return if you'd just allow him to accompany you. But you knew better, and after nearly thirteen years of knowing the man, it was safe to assume he'd only cause a headache.
"I'm serious. Let me go with you. You don't have to do everything by yourself, you know."
Your patience is wearing thin at this point. There's a silent warning that follows the hiss of his name, but he ignores it all the same.
"Just let us in. Let us help."
"You don't know what you're asking."
"I know it has something to do with Suguru."
You froze, staring blankly in front of you for only a moment before turning around to face him. His expression was hard, something that you've seen many times over the years, but never one you'd expect from pre-tragedy Gojo- someone still high on the spoils of his upbringing and blind to the heartache of the real world.
He'd said it with all the confidence in the world, like it was a fact and not some half-assed conclusion he (and presumably Geto, too) had come to. Your lack of response and obvious shock must have been all the confirmation he needed- to say everything that's been on his mind since that encounter in the bathroom two weeks ago. To hell with Suguru's endless warnings about coming on too strong. He was tired of waiting for you to come around.
"You're struggling..." his voice was uncharacteristically soft, like he was worried he'd spook you, "You don't sleep. You skip meals. You disappear without so much as a goodbye. We know you're doing all of this for the greater good, or whatever, but it's hard watching you kill yourself in the process. I just want to take some of the weight off of you, but you won't let me."
You can only stare up at him. He'd tipped his glasses down to the tip of his nose, allowing you to look into his pretty blue eyes. (That asshole knows your weaknesses). It's easy to get a read on him, the seriousness of his words reflecting perfectly on his face. But even if he does mean it, you can't bring yourself to drag him into your never-ending pit of hopelessness.
"I appreciate it, Satoru, but I can't take that kind of risk. This could very well be my only shot and I can't risk losing him just because I can't handle a little pressure-"
"It's not a little pressure and we both know it."
"You just don't understand-"
"Then make me understand!"
"He leaves, Satoru!"
Maybe he's more in tune with your brain than you are, or maybe he just knows all the right buttons to push, because the stress simmering in your mind seems to bubble over in that moment. You inhale sharply and let it all out.
"Things happen, terrible things, and it changes him, and he just... leaves. I can't tell you because I can't risk fucking up our only chance to save him. I just-" a heavy sob breaks through your sentence, but it doesn't deter you, "I love you and you love me, but we love him. We need him, Satoru, and he isn't around. We're not the same. We're sad and empty and it's lonely."
It spills out like word vomit. You can't control what you're saying and you can barely process the actual syllables, but you don't stop.
"I can't spend another decade wearing his shirts that you've spritzed with his cologne and wishing he were there. I can't spend another Sunday looking at the extra chair we keep at the dining table just in case he comes back. I avoid your nightstand because I know you keep a ring in there for him. You and I still text in the group chat even though he's been inactive since that night!"
Satoru is quiet for once in his life. He's been completely stunned into silence, not daring to interrupt your ranting. Your eerily calm pleading turned into shouting at some point and he's grateful for the privacy of an empty school on a particularly busy day.
He hates the tears in your eyes, even more so when they start to drip down your flushed cheeks. He wishes that he had better listened to all of Suguru's annoying lectures about sympathy and empathy (or whatever it's called) because he's grossly ill-prepared for this conversation.
He settles on pulling you into a hug, because while words aren't his strong suit, actions certainly are. He lets you cry into his chest without complaint. You grip the fabric of his school-issued white button-up and let go of all the pent-up grief from the past twelve years.
He waits for you to become slightly more composed.
"What are we gonna do about it?"
You chuckle at how unapologetically comfortable he is with himself. You don't remove yourself from his embrace, choosing instead to hide the incoming tension.
"We stop him."
"A year and a half from now, Suguru goes on a solo mission to a small village, where he will kill a hundred and twelve villagers. He takes over a cult, whose new goal is to kill all non-sorcerers in an attempt to end curses forever."
Satoru swallow hard. Honestly, what the hell was he supposed to say to that?
"... seriously?"
Well, apparently not that.
You push off of him and punch him square in the chest. It's playful, kind of, lightening the atmosphere a bit.
"Okay, okay. I just mean, like, if Suguru were to switch sides, that's definitely the prerogative he'd take. So, what now?"
- - - - -
You sat across from him on the city bus to your destination, an envelope in his hands.
"This is it?"
There are three newspaper clippings inside. Obituaries, spaced years apart, and non-specific. Names, dates, and kind words, but nothing more.
"Yeah... that's it."
Satoru slumps back in his seat, his blue and white kimono fanning out across the seat. He sighs and slides further down, pouting like a child who didn't get his way.
"Why not wait until we have more information, then? Seems like a waste to me."
"They host a harvest festival twice a year to bring in money, but other than that, it's pretty closed off. This is the only time I can gather information without raising suspicion."
"What are we looking for?"
"Suguru spares two little girls. I only met them once and I didn't have the opportunity to ever ask him about it, so my knowledge is limited. I know they're sorcerers and that they adored Suguru, but nothing else. I was hoping to check out their home situation, if possible. The request the elders send in is very... hostile to say the least, so I was wondering if there was some build-up to the event."
"You think maybe they're being mistreated? Suguru would definitely snap over something like that."
"I think that something happened right around the time the girls would've acquired their cursed techniques. Villages like this tend to be irrationally superstitious. Three unexplained deaths and two girls who can see monsters probably won't go over very well."
Satoru let his head fall onto the window with a loud thunk. His brain was starting to hurt. Is this really what you're up to when you sneak off? Coming up with an elaborate hypothesis based on nothing but (only possibly relevent) future knowledge and guesswork? He'd only been on the case for two hours and he was already drained.
"So what are we gonna do?"
"Depends. I brought some talismans to hide around the area at the very least. If we see anything concrete, we'll return to the school and submit an official request to Yaga."
"I don't understand why we're sneaking around. Isn't future vision a good enough reason to investigate?"
"I'd like to keep this whole thing away from the elders if possible. Yaga and I have an understanding of sorts, but the geezers aren't as amicable."
You knew Satoru could at least understand that much. While he doesn't have the extensive experience you have with them yet, he's still vividly aware of just how scrutinizing they can be.
You can see the restlessness settle onto his face. He hates the back road way of things, preferring to charge in head first and think about consequences later- a big reason (among many) that you didn't initially plan to key him into any of this.
"We can't just, I don't know, ask Suguru to chill out or something?"
You lean over him and flick his forehead. He flinches back and starts to complain, but is cut off by the screeching of the bus's brakes.
The two of you exit the vehicle and make your way down the dirt path that leads to the village. You expected to feel something, anything really, but even once you're past the torii there's nothing. No cursed energy, residuals, or any sign of abnormality.
Satoru must not see anything either, because his brows are pulled together and there's a slight frown on his face.
Even without seeing anything off about the place, it's still weird. The only time you've ever been here before was directly after the massacre. Now, not only are all of the villagers alive, but the whole area is bustling with tourists.
You only have a moment to glance over the sea of people before Satoru is pulling you over towards the food stands. He heads straight for the Takoyaki stand and stuffs a handful of yen into the vendor's hand. He practically shoves one of the trays in your face and takes one for himself before pulling you off again.
"Satoru, stop! What are you doing? We aren't here to dick around!"
Two minutes. It's only been two minutes and yet he's already lost sight of the goalpost.
He doesn't show any signs that he's heard you, instead opting to maneuver through people until you're parked next to a giant oak tree on a small hill. He drops the wrist he had taken and turns around. He's wearing that shit-eating grin, the one that clearly says he's up to no good and doesn't feel all that sorry about it.
"We can do both. Enjoy the sights, eat some food, grab some fresh produce, and gather information. Consider it a win-win situation."
"This is exactly why I didn't want you to come. You never take anything seriously."
"I'm perfectly capable of doing two things at once, princess. Besides-"
He grabs your tray and sets both down on the ground. He turns you around rather aggressively and pushes on your shoulders until you're both sat on the grass, his long legs awkwardlybent on either side of you. He leans forward so his head is over your shoulder and his hands slide down to rest on your elbows.
You're rolling your eyes at his not-so-subtle flirting, about to lecture him, but then you see it- two little girls, a blonde and a brunette.
They're with two people who you can only assume are their parents. They seem fine. Happy. Healthy. Smiles on their face, sweet pastries in their hands, and powdered sugar on their cheeks.
You glance around from your elevated space and notice that everyone you can confidently assume belongs to this village looks fine. Vendors are laughing with their customers and farmers are helping kids pick berries off the remaining bushes.
"I don't understand..."
"It's just too early to intervene. We'll come back in the summer and go from there, okay?"
You relax your body and lean back into him.
"Yeah, okay."
"Good. Now,
He hands you the tray kindly this time and leans back just enough so he can enjoy his own while still invading your personal space.
"How about we eat our Takoyaki, browse around a bit, hang up some talismans, and then head back home? Suguru should be back tonight."
He'd successfully worn you down. You couldn't argue with him even if you wanted to. He'd gone with you to the (apparently useless) event, found exactly what you were looking for, and solidified that nothing could be done quite yet.
So what else is there to do besides having to his demands?
"... alright."
He smiled at you.
"Good girl."
Taglist: @wannapizzamymindposts @sadunicorns11 @reiluvr
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