#but im so scared that's what me n elliot are gonna be like.
diviinaee · 2 years
it is 11pm and i cannot sleep so here are some hcs i have of the redacted characters n their listeners
these are really random so bare with me as I fight the urge to sleep on the floor
David : first off. mans is latino. ok moving on. his grito? 10/10. MANS CAN SING
Angel : has cried over their minecraft dog for HOURS (david had no clue what to do)
Asher : is strangely talented at claw machines and every time a restaurant has one, he ends up getting something for everyone
Baaabe : this lovable human is the mom friend. angel needs a tissue? baaabe has it. sweetheart hasn't eaten? baaabe has their favorite fruit snacks. someone has a headache? baaabe is already giving them advil
Milo : has the worst leg cramps ever LIKE THE ONES YOU GET IN YOUR CALVES mf literally almost punched a hole in his headboard once
Sweetheart : made of liquid. this menace quite literally sits in impossible positions, fits in the smallest spaces, and is so slippery. almost like a cat
Sam : smells like coffee 24/7. this mans hugs are legit heaven on earth and i will PREACH THIS TO THE GODS
Darlin : has tried dog food before. out of stupid curiosity. did not enjoy it!
Vincent : lactose intolerant (lol fucking loser) (ps me acting like im not also lactose intolerant)
Lovely : double jointed and occasionally scared Vincent with the ways they can twist their body parts
Fred : can type on a computer blindfolded (my sister can do this and I'm so jealous)
Bright Eyes : very good at stick n pokes. has lots of them on their legs and had developed a high pain tolerance bc of it
Gavin : weirdly in love with the show ancient aliens. loves seeing what explanations humans have for magical occurrences
Freelancer : heavy-weight. this bitch can drink alot before finally crashing but is also victim to the worst hangovers known to man
Lasko : listens to Lizzo. he just does alright.
Damien : is far- sighted but he refuses to wear glasses (same)
Huxley : makes the most amazing shakes known to man LIKE SIR WHAT DO YOU PUT IN THEM
Kody : (im petty but im giving him this) smells like hair gel. AND NOT THE GOOD KIND.
Xavier : has sung let it go at practice to many times (he really let his life go tho) (im so funny 🤭)
Elliot : had too many beanies that are the same color/design but strangely knows the difference between all of them
Sunshine : a major bookworm. passed AP Literature with an A and got a 5 on the exam (prayin i got that luck 🙏)
Avior : the type of mf to go into a starbucks and order a tea. AND DOESN'T SPECIFY WHICH TEA.
Starlight : opposite of Avior. has the most detailed orders for EVERYTHING.
OK THATS ALL CAUSE NOW IM FINALLY SLEEPY i got 2 finals due tmrw so im gonna get a good night sleep so enjoy these!!
mwahmwah goodnight ♡♡
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bigtittybitch10 · 3 years
Fezco & Ashtray - Sister
Requested? YES (Wattpad)  - "I had this idea that you could Rues fight with her mom and sister in season 2 but your Fezcos sister and your fighting about the same thing with fez and ash"
Summary: When reader gets caught doing more then just some weed all hell breaks loose between her and her brothers Ashtray and Fezco.
I posted this on my wattpad last night and I was very quickly asked to write a part two or turn into a book. I decided to go with the second option and chapter one is now posted on my Wattpad HERE. 
If you love this imagine I would love it if you could check out the story!
"Y/N get your ass over here right now," I hear my name being yelled while Im scrolling through my phone. I quickly get out of bed and making my way into Fez's room knowing that's where the voice was coming from. When I got in there fez was sitting in his bed and Ash sitting in a chair next to the window.
"What do you need Fezco," I say while rolling my eyes at my older brother.
"Ey! Drop that attitude," my younger brother Ash quickly says once he sees me roll my eyes. I just flip him off not really caring what he has to say.
"Do you wanna explain to me why Im being informed that my sister is doing more than just some weed," Fez says while looking at me. The blood in my body ran cold and if looks could kill Ash would have me drop dead right now.
I can clearly see the disappointment on Fez's face which makes forming a sentence hard.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," I mumble not trusting my voice fully.
"Cut the bull shit Y/N," Ashtray says while letting his voice boom. Even if I was several years older than him I will always be slightly more scared of him than Fez, especially after I saw how he took care of Mouse.
"I saw you hanging with that Elliot kid and the worst I thought was you were sleeping with him, then I noticed he was buying more than normal and assumed it was for Rue, so tell me what you're doing here?" Fez said while holding up his phone for me to see. I quickly noticed the phone was of me doing a line at a party I was at last week. It was one of the only parties I went to that Fez wasn't actively selling at making it easier to do things like that.
"You know how I feel about this shit," Fez says which makes me roll my eyes.
"Nah, Im serious Y/N, drop that fucking attitude," Ashtray says which makes me want to flip him off again but I resist the urge knowing Im already in some deep shit.
"Who even sent that to you," I asked while looking at Fez knowing there was only a handful of people who would actually say something about it.
"It doesn't mat-" Fez starts to say but I quickly cut him off yelling, "No Fez, it does fucking matter because the last thing I need is to have overbearing brothers and fake fucking friends too along with it."
I can visibly see Fez taken back at me raising my voice. I wasn't one to yell, I was always the calm one in the family, solving problems with communication was something I was known for. But it was clear right now was not gonna be a calm conversation.
"Lex-" Fez starts to say but Im quickly cutting him off again.
"OH she's one bold fucking bitch," I yell at Fez.
"Stop cutting me off," Fez yells back getting him my face which makes me back down ever so slightly not used to being yelled at by my older brother.
"Lexi and Elliot," Ash finishes for Fez which makes me look away from mine and Fez's stare off.
"Are you fucking serious?" I quickly return back to my calm demeanor which has Fez and Ash looking at each other trying to figure out my next move.
I quickly run into my room in search of the box that lived under my bed. It had a variation of drugs in it that I was able to steal from the business over time as well as my gun and a few personal pictures from when I was younger.
"Where is my box Fez," I yell out when I notice it isn't in its normal spot. I was met which silence which had me searching through my closet looking for it. I wasn't in the search for the drugs but rather the weapon.
I quickly run back into Fez's room in the search for said box. I look under his bed and in his closet knowing this box couldn't have gone far. At this point, I didn't even care if it was my gun so I was quickly searching for Fez's guns in their normal spots but was again met with absolutely nothing.
"Fez where is my fuckin gun," I said while getting into his face and hitting his chest with each word.
Fez quickly grabbed my hands restraining me from continuing to hit him. When the room fell silent again that's when I heard it, Lexi's voice.
"It's locked up." My arms quickly go limp from shock before Im charging myself into the dining room only to be met with Elliot and Lexi.
I quickly turn around fuming finding my brother quickly making their way out of the room to make sure Lexi and Elliot are both okay.
"Every single person in this fucking house is fake," I yell out while waving my arms in the air aggressively.
"You two make a living off the of the SAME exact drugs I was getting high off of," I say while pointing at my brothers looking both of them in the eye.
"and you two are some bold mother fuckers, especially you," I yell while making my way to stand in front of Elliot.
"It's funny really, the second I found out you SLEPT with FUCKING Jules I didn't go run my mouth to Rue but now all of the sudden you wanna run your mouth, I thought you loved me" I yell in Elliot's face before aggressively pushing him. I wait for a second to see if he'll say anything but Im met with silence making me sarcastically laugh at him.
"You can't even say shit, you know I'm right," I say while walking away from him and making my way to Lexi.
"You... you my dearest Lexi, you're a no good snitch. All of the sudden you get a taste of my brother's fucking dick and now you wanna be a good fucking samaritan," I say while shaking my head.
"Y/N cut it out," Fez yells while shaking his head.
"NO! I won't because this bitch is supposed to be my BEST FUCKING FRIEND but the second she gets the slightest bit of attention she wants to be a good person?! NO she doesn't get to be a good person, I've been actively using hard stuff for the past year and a half and Lexi has known the whole time, she was even there when I almost overdosed, BUT NOW she finally gets the attention she wants she runs her mouth," I say while shaking my head.
"You're a terrible friend. You've always been second best to Cassie and you'll continue to be second best to her. She's prettier, she's funnier, she's a hell of a lot better at keeping her mouth shut, and last but not least I bet she's better at fuckin-" but before I could finish my rant I feel a hand grasp around my mouth halting my voice from talking anymore.
"That's enough you're done," I hear Ashtray say before dragging me back into my room and closing the door behind him before sitting me down on my bed.
"Was that really necessary," Ashtray asks while shaking his head at me.
"Yes, it was. I also meant every fucking word of it," I tell him while looking at him straight in the eye.
"The second I get out of this damn room Im heading to Rue's and telling her everything I know, cause if I'm gonna be friends with snitches I better be one myself," I tell him which makes him shake his head at me.
"Calm the fuck down Y/N," Ash tells me while keeping a calm demeanor. I just huff and lay back into my bed trying to think up my next couple of moves when I remember about my box.
"Ashtray where are my pictures," I ask him while turning my head slightly to look at him.
"I don't know," he whiles me while shrugging.
"What do you mean you don't know," I say while sitting back up and looking at him.
"That box was gone through before I even got involved, I really don't know where they are," Ash says while shaking his head.
"I need those pictures Ashtray," I tell him while standing up and making my way to my door which resulted in Ash grabbing me and keeping me back.
"I won't say shit I need those fucking pictures Ashtray," I tell him while getting out of his grip and making my way back to the kitchen where I find Lexi crying and Fez trying to console her.
"Where are my pictures," I announce myself while looking over at the couple.
"In my bathroom now get out of here," Fez says which makes me absolutely lose my shit.
"What the fuck Fezco, this is my fucking house, if I wanna be in the kitchen Im gonna be in the fucking kitchen," I yell before quickly making my exit out of the house making Elliot quickly follow me.
"Where are you going," Elliot asks while keeping up with my fast pace.
"To Rue's to be a snitch like the rest of my friends," I tell him while speeding up my actions.
"I did this for you," Elliot says which makes me stop my fast pace and turn to look at him.
"FOR ME?!" I yell at him while laughing a little and shaking my head.
"Y/N I almost witnessed you overdose. I refuse to sit back and watch someone I love kill themself," Elliot says which makes me shake my head at him.
"You know you claim to love a lot of people but you're not very good at showing it. You claim you love Rue but you slept with her girlfriend," I continue to bring Jules up knowing my words are cutting deep. I continue walking with Elliot hot on my trail.
"Im sorry okay, I hate fucking seeing you like this. It was Lexi's idea and she wanted some back up not knowing how Fez and you would react," Elliot says which makes me turn to look at him.
"So you decided it should be you?" I question while letting the frustrated tears fall. Which just made Elliot sign and pull me in for a hug. I struggled for a few seconds before giving in and letting the hug happen.
"Im sorry okay, Im so fucking sorry," Elliot says which makes me shake my head.
"I don't wanna hear it, Elliot, I fucking loved you and this is the shit you pull," I tell him while pulling away from the hug and continuing to walk to Rue's house.
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lingeriae · 3 years
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𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝙍𝙪𝙚 𝙭 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩, 𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙪𝙨𝙪𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙙𝙧𝙪𝙜𝙨, 𝙍𝙪𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙗𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝.
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❦︎𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 corner of the room as the sounds of the music from the party continued to blast, the aftermath of being high finally caught up to you as you felt extremely exhausted. The people in the room and the loud noises overwhelmed you, so with a sigh you got up begining to search for Maddy, who was the one who dragged you to this shithole in the first place.
As you continued your search, a gasp fell from your lips as a hand grabbed yours.
"Rue, you scared the shit outta me." You said, looking at her face seeing a huge smile on her face, "You look hot." She shouted her grin expanding even more, if that was even possible.
A bashful smile came on your face at the compliement she gave you, completely forgetting the reason you got up out of your little corner as she continued to rock with you back and forth; "oh! I have someone to introduce you too."
not giving you the chance to respond as she began to drag you , only allowing you to stop and catch your breath when you were infront of this tall, fair-skinned girl. She looked like something out of a movie to you, she was fucking mind-blowing.
"Y/n, this is Jules. My girlfriend."
You must've stopped breathing, it felt like you did. Your chest tightened and your mouth went dry. Those words that day broke the fuck out of you, but you couldn't show that.
How fucking could you?
She looked so happy with her. Hence the reason you swallowed the feeling you had and shook hands with Jules that day, the reason you kept your feelings about Rue to yourself. The reason you cry yourself to sleep. Every. Single. Night.
The part that hurt real bad was when she constantly spoke about Jules. And when she did she looked so inlove while doing it.
You remeber this one time you were at Elliots house and she was talking about Jules, and you had to literally excuse yourself from the group just to go in the bathroom to have a break-down. 𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘤.
Over time you did get over it. Not over rue, but over her talking about Jules. You could bare it a little, you felt insecure as shit after but you could still bare it, but this exact day broke you.
The day you caught Elliot and Jules making out while Rue was in the bathroom.
"What the fuck."
You remeber ever single thing that happened that day, the way both of them stared up at you with wide-eyes. The way excuses fell of their lips. The way Rue walked in a 'what's going on.' came out of her mouth when she saw you glaring the two of them down
"I caught them making out," you said, watching her pause as a laugh falling from her lips, causing you to blink at her,
"Im being serious, rue."
She paused looking between the two before back at you, "W-what?" She muttered.
Not hearing a response she turned to the two, specifically Jules making a piece of you internally break, "Is this true?"
Jules looked at her before looking at you as Elliot stayed silent looking down, "No. She's lying."
Your eyebrows drew together as you looked at her, "That's fucking bullshit and we both know it-"
"Why would she lie?" Rue questioned cutting you off, causing your lips to fold, "Because, she's inlove with you Rue. And she hates what we have so she'll try anything to break us up-"
Sucking your teeth you shook your head as you looked at her, "Your sick in your head if you think she's gonna believe-"
"Y/n," Rue turned to you with unshed tears in her eyes, "Is she telling the truth?"
Your eyes went wide as you looked at her, licking your lips as you shook your her, "I-i, no! Why would I lie-"
"You lick your lips when you lie." She stated, cutting you off.
You don't know when you started crying, but when you blinked you felt your cheeks get wet as your lip trembled, "You don't believe me." You muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear.
You didn't hear a response, which made you nod with a bite of your lip before walking out of the room as tears continued to spill from your eyelids. Not stopping as you walked down the dark street with tears in your eyes sobbing hardly, your chest heaving wildly as the tears didn't stop falling.
You cried until the tears stop coming and until your throat was dry, and even then. You cried even more.
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elliotsmokebuddy · 3 years
between friends.
summary: something that happened between elliot and y/n left her wanting more affection.
warnings: cursing, slight angst, kissing
more: based off the song “affection” by BETWEEN FRIENDS
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you were so fucking nervous. you’ve never been this scared except for once in your life.
y/n raised her hand and knocked on the door gently. she was going over in her head what she was gonna say to elliot. she didn’t know if she did anything wrong or if he still even wanted ti be her best friend.
the door swung open causing y/n to let out a shaky breathe as she blurted out and soft “hi” just reacting and not thinking.
she thought he looked so perfect. she studied his face as if she was seeing him through a magnifying glass. his face tats, his round nose and his gentle eyes.
just something about him made the girl go insane.
“hey c’mon in” elliot replied with a soft but blank expression on his face making the girl even more nervous than she already was.
now what y/n didn’t know was that elliot was trying to figure out what to say to her too. he didn’t know how to tell her why he when ghost and dint even tell her.
he knew that him leaving would be hard for her so he just didn’t tell her. yes he should have told her face to face or even in some form of communication,
but he knew he could never say goodbye to the person he loved the most.
“was it me? did i do something to drive you away from me? you spoke. you wanted an answer but you were scared it was gonna be something you didn’t wanna hear.
“no of course not y/n” elliot replied back instantly
“the. what was it? i just wanna know” you didn’t wanna push or force him to open up but you just wanted to help him in anyway you could.
“come with me” elliot said while turning to walk up the stairs. you followed closely behind him as if you were afraid he was gonna just disappear into thin air.
you didn’t know why you just felt the urge to always be touching him. you just craved skin to skin and it drove you crazy.
you walked into his room after him and softly sat on the bed.
“look the reason i left wasn’t because of you. my mom sent my aunt back to town to come see how we were doing because she was too pussy to show up herself. then she tried to make my aunt give me some bullshit letter as if it was going to fucking make up for her leaving us”
as elliot told you each and every detail on why he went M.I.A you’re heart broke. he didn’t deserve any of the shit his mom put him through.
“im so fucking sorry that happened. she doesn’t deserve to even call you her son because you’re so special. she has no idea what she’s missing out on”
everything after that happened so fast. you felt a pair of soft firm lips against yours as elliot put one of his hands on your face. you kissed back giving the same energy he was giving as the kiss continued.
your stomach felt like it was on fire as you and kissed. elliot pulled away while slowly opening his eyes, seeing you with a small smile on you’re face as you tried to catch your breath.
“that was even better than the dreams” as soon as those words left you’re lips you could’ve sworn your life flashed before your eyes. instant regret flooded your face as you looked at elliot.
he let out a soft laugh while stepping closer to you.
“oh yea and what happened in those dreams baby?”
part 1 part 2
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gardenia-angel · 4 years
Chapter One:
𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓜𝔂 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓴
(First chapter is a little longer than I planned oops! Sorry not sorry but please let me know what you think of the story so far in comments!)
‘God I wish I could go home.’ I thought to myself as I worked. Today I had an early morning shift, which meant I had to be up at 5 am. As a non-morning person that took a lot of effort and a lot of coffee to get me up. I mainly worked by myself so it was just me and my wandering thoughts during my 7 hour shift. My mind mainly focused on what I finished binge watching last night. The Umbrella Academy. I was shocked but also excited with the ending. Even though the thought of what happened to ghost Ben broke my heart, I still cant wait for what’s in store for season 3.
I began to wonder what it would be like to live a world such as the Hargreeves siblings. I thought it be way more exciting than my normal boring life.
My phone buzzed signaling that it was time for me to take my break. I didn’t realized how much time went by while I was daydreaming about my Umbrella Academy fantasy. As I entered the break room, I realized I was the only one with a break at the time. I sighed contently. I find it rather peaceful being alone all the time. It beats having to be in a cramped room with all your other obnoxious coworkers. My break was ending soon so I decided to leave the room and head over to the restroom. When I opened the break room door however, it wasn’t the store I worked in at all. I stared wide eyed into a blue vortex that was blowing air everywhere. I put my hands to my face trying to shield my eyes from the bright lights flashing when suddenly I felt my whole body being lifted up. Im not the type that screams when im scared, I’m the type that cant let out any noise when im truly frightened. So with a gasp, I was sucked right into the vortex.
I dropped down into an alleyway. I groaned as I laid on my stomach for a few moments as I tried to piece together what the hell just happened. For some weird reason my mind felt all fuzzy and I couldn’t exactly remember anything. I decided to get up now and take a look around. Stepping out of the alleyway I glanced around. I seemed to be in a downtown area with stores that looked..outdated? That’s really weird. I walked down the sidewalk until I stumbled upon a very familiar scene, although I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I saw a boy in a school uniform sitting on a bench next to an older man in a suit. I watched from the side as the two talked. I started to get a bad feeling, like something was about to shift. Across the street I watched as a bus pulled up to a stop. In the back of my mind I could hear gunshots. I got goosebumps all of a sudden as I rushed to the boys side.
“Excuse me but you need to move right now!” I said to him while shaking his shoulder slightly. He looked at me in confusion and with a slight anger in his tone he asked “who the hell are you?!”
I shook my head. “Please you have to listen to me! Three men are about to get off that bus and start shooting at you!”
Just then, the three men did come off the bus. They began walking towards us.
“Who the hell are those guys?!” The boy said, trying to get a good look at them.
“Shit.” The older man said as he put something in the boys pocket.
“FIVE!” I shouted. In a matter of moments the men started shooting at us. The older man had shoved a briefcase in front of us and somehow the boy and I found ourselves behind a car. The briefcase now having bullet holes in it. “How many times did I say bulletproof briefcases.” The boy said in disappointment.
“I think I’m going to be sick..” I groaned as I held my stomach. Did we really just teleport from the bench to this car?! The sound of guns cocking and footsteps nearing us made the boy grab my hand and teleport us again. This time on a roof.
“Oh my god I’m going to throw up!” I groaned again. This time we were laying down on top of a roof. The boy quickly shushed me. “If you don’t shut up they’ll find us and kill us.”
The thought of being shot to death quickly made me stop complaining. He stuck his head up a little to see if the coast was clear. When it was, he grabbed my hand and teleported us both back down into the alleyway.
I ended up vomiting up a little bit. “Sorry about that, didn’t mean to make you sick but if I didn’t, well then you’d be dead.” His way of trying to comfort me did not comfort me in the slightest. “Thanks?” I said as I wiped my mouth and turned back to face him. “Who are you and how did you know that was going to happen before it happened and how do you know my name!?” He bombarded me with a whole lot of questions. I stared back at him in confusion as I stuttered trying to find the answer to these questions i truly did not know. His attention was then directed elsewhere. He looked towards a window in suspicion. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.” He said before heading towards a door into the back of a building. “Hey wait! Don’t leave me here.” I said before he teleported away inside. “Wait here my ass..” I mumbled before following him inside. Luckily the door was unlocked. I followed him up some stairs where he knocked on a door. The door next to the other one opened up and a man poked his head out. “What do you want?” The man asked suspiciously.
“Hi I’m selling encyclopedias for my youth group. I was wondering if you —“ The man shut his door without a word. Five then teleported into the mans home without a second thought.
“He really needs to stop doing that.” I said to myself as I tried to open the door. To no avail, it was locked. I sighed as I waited for them to open the door for me. I could hear the other man let out a small scream. They were talking some more until the boy finally came and opened the door for me. He teleported back into the other room where the man was. He jumped a little at how close the boy appeared to him.
“Listen to me I —“ The boy began.
“E-Elliot Elliot, m-my name is Elliot.” He said while backing up.
I looked around at all the newspapers and things plastered on the walls. Guess this guy is super into SciFi.
“Whatever, alright! I got 10 days to find them and save the world, and I’m gonna need your help to find them.”
I looked at him when he said that. Something about what he said rang a bell in my head. God why I can’t I remember anything clearly!
He turned to me. “And you? What’s your name?”
I shook my head solemnly and looked down at the ground. “I really wish I could tell you but I just can’t remember anything clearly.” I said truthfully.
“Well what was the last thing you do remember.” He said, this time his tone was more sympathetic.
“I remember being somewhere and..and opening a door, I think. The next thing I know is falling onto the pavement in that alleyway.”
“Hmm..” was all he said before taking a sip of coffee.
“I know I sound absolutely crazy but it’s true!”
“Well, my whole life is crazy so I understand” he sighed.
“I must’ve accidentally time traveled you too along with the rest of us.” He muttered before looking me up and down. “I can tell you’re from my time, your clothes don’t match the sixties fashion.”
My eyes widened. “Wait hold up..did you just say the sixties?!” I looked over at the other man. He waved at me but I just stared in disbelief. “Plus you also have a cellphone in your back pocket.” I reached down to my back pocket and pulled out my phone. “Oh shit maybe this could help me..” I tried pressing the home button but it wouldn’t turn on. “Just my luck, it’s dead. I doubt there’s a charger around here.” I said sadly as I put it back in my pocket.
“What I don’t understand is how you knew what was going to happen. Is that your power?” He asked nonchalantly. As if having powers is normal.
I knitted my brows is confusion. “My powers?! What are talking about, I don’t know! How do I even know your name? I’m not sure about that either Five!” I crossed my arms around my torso and held myself tightly. “It’s like I know you somehow..all of you. This all just seems so vaguely familiar.”
“You know my siblings names too?” Five asked.
“Yeah there’s..” I ondered on the thought for a few seconds before I could clearly say each of their names. “Diego, Vanya, Klaus, Allison, and Luther.” I said without a second hesitation.
Five looked up at you in curiosity. He’s never met anyone quite like you. Suddenly I got flashes of what seemed like memories. Of the brother Diego. He was in a hospital of sorts and he seemed to be sitting in a circle of patients, talking.
“I think I might be able to help you look for one of your brothers?” I said sounding more like I was asking a question.
Five nodded. “Where do we start?”
“I wanna say he’s in a sort of hospital or something. l don’t really know where for sure though.” I shrugged.
“She right actually!” Elliot chimed in. He went over to a desk drawer and pulled out a newspaper clipping. “Disturbed man with multiple knives arrested outside 1026 N. Beckley.” I read aloud.
“Diego.” Five muttered as we looked at the article. Five then took the paper from Elliot and put it in his pocket. “Let’s go, you’re gonna help me find all of them.” He said to me.
He began walking away towards the door, ready to start his mission.
“Woah woah woah! Hold on mister, what makes you think I should come with you? Have you forgotten about the three men that were shooting at us? There’s a fat chance that they’ll still be hunting us!”
Five turned back to me and shrugged. “They’re hunting me not us. They’re the Swedes as everyone would call them. They’re brothers and they work for my former employer at the Commission. I already know how to handle them. That won’t be our problem.”
“I don’t know Five. I might just slow you down. I’m a liability..”
He shrugged again. “Maybe you can actually fight, we don’t know that yet.” He smiled and I rolled my eyes. I decided to follow anyways.
“Key word Five, ‘yet’. And I don’t think I wanna know if we really do get in trouble.” I said as we walked out the door
In a short time we found the hospital Diego resided. So are we breaking him out of here or what’s the plan?” I asked as we went inside the large building. “I’m not entirely sure yet..” Five said.
Five talked to the front desk lady and she led us to a visiting room where we waited for them to bring Diego to us.
The orderlies led Diego in the room a few minutes later. “Five.” Diego stated as if he didn’t believe it was really him. He glanced at me as he sat down on the chair across from us but quickly put his attention back onto Five.
“Hey Diego.” Five replied back. All were quiet until Five broke the silence. “You look good in white.” He sarcastically remarked. Diego rolled his eyes. “About time you show up.”
“How’d you know I’d be back?” Five questioned.
“Because that’s the kind of shit you pull.” Diego said as if it were obvious.
“Where are the others?” Five asked.
“They’re not with you?” He said then glanced at me again. “And who’s this?” He said confused.
I smiled slightly and put my hand out to shake his. “Hi, I’m...well actually I don’t know who I am.” Diego shook my hand and gave me a skeptic look and turned back to Five.
“It’s a long story but basically when we teleported, I accidentally teleported her too. I don’t know how exactly, time travel is a roll of the dice. I haven’t exactly worked out all the quirks..” Five explained.
They went on talking to each other as I started to drift into my thoughts. Why am I here? What’s wrong with my memory? None of this is making sense. I don’t belong here. I need to find a way home. All Five seems to care about is this doomsday thing. It all just seems too unreal!
I was brought back to reality when I heard Five stand up and shout. “Guard! My brother here is plotting an escape. The bars in his room have been shaved down.”
In a matter of milliseconds Diego jumped up and pranced forward trying to strangle Five as the guards tried to hold him back. I quickly stood up trying not to get in the way. A nurse then came in and injected Diego with something causing him to knock out. Five tugged at my shoulder and leaned in to whisper something. “We’ll come back for him later.” He said and began walking away with me following right behind.
“How could you let them do that to your poor brother?” I said. He doesn’t look like he belongs in a nuthouse.
“Diego’s fine, he knows how to take care of himself. Like I said we’ll come back later.”
I sighed as we walked out the building. I gasped as a sudden flash of memories passed through my mind. I had to stand still afterwards. It had caused my head to start aching. “I need to sit down Five.” I said wearily. He led me over to a bench just outside the hospital entrance. “Did you just have another vision?” He asked with hope in his voice.
“Yeah Luther..” I groaned as I massaged my head.
“Well then let’s go.” He stood back up. Oh god how can he be so active all day and not rest for a minute?! I thought as I looked at him.
I made a tsk sound and shook my head. “No no no no, you can go find your other brother, I’m just going to stay right here.”
“What? Why!?” He frowned.
“Because Im tired Five! I can’t do this all day. I need to stop and think. It’s frustrating when you can’t remember shit!” I yelled and put head in my hands. Five looked down at me in sympathy. “I know it must be tough but don’t give up. I’m sure your memory will come back to you in time.”
“I sure hope so...” I said while looking back at him. “Which is why I think I should stay here. You said yourself you wanted to come back later on to get Diego anyways.” I said making a valid point.
“Hmm..I guess you’re right. You’re sure you’ll be fine here?”
“I’ll be good. There’s people all around here too so it’s not like the Swedes can just come up and shoot me.”
With that, I told Five the name of the Club Luther was at in my vision and he took off. Hours went by and soon it was night time. Five was nowhere to be seen. My memory didn’t come back yet either. I let out a huff as I waited on the bench. What do I do if Five doesn’t come back? I can’t break Diego out by myself. I can’t go back to Elliots because I don’t even know my way back. All I could was stay there. A few more hours went by and soon there were no more people walking about. I now started to regret not going with Five. It’s sketchy as hell out here by myself. Suddenly I saw a truck pull into the hospitals parking lot. It looked like a milk truck. Why the hell would a milk truck be here in the middle of the night? My question was answered when I saw the three men from earlier get out of the truck and load up their guns. I jumped off the bench and quickly tried to hide myself, scared that they were going to spot me. I watched as they made their way into the front doors. Shit they must be after Diego! What do I do? I don’t think I can fight. Five said Diego could take care of himself though. I trust that he can. My best bet is to try to make my way to Elliot’s home. I got up and began to walk away from the hospital.
It felt like I had been walking for a very long time with no final destination. I got myself lost. I ended up walking in a neighborhood. I could tell it was started to get very late because mostly all the house lights had turned off. As I turned down a street I saw flashing lights coming from the left of me. Police cars were surrounding someone’s house. They seemed to be arresting a man. I wondered what was going on. Before I could ponder on the thought any longer, something else caught my vision. I saw a fucking milk truck parked down the way. No way in hell thats them. The moment I saw the truck they seemed to have spotted me because the head lights turned on. “Fuck.” I said under my breathe and sprinted off down the street on my right. The car then began to chase me. I ran and ran as fast as my legs could take me. I tried to turn down every street I could so that I could loose them, but they always seemed to be on my tail. I made my way into a narrow alleyway. I took a right and then a left and then another left. To my surprise I had just lead myself into a dead end. “Just my luck..” I breathed out.
I turned to look to see if they were coming as I breathed heavily. All this anxiety wasn’t helping me catch my breathe. I looked around me to see if there was anything I could use to defend myself. Looking through a dumpster I luckily found a metal pipe. I held it up ready to swing at who ever tried to come near me. In the next few moments they came down the alleyway. With guns. How could I forget they had guns?! None the less I still remained calm with my metal pipe. As they approached me they saw that all I had to defend myself with was a metal pipe. They smirked and the one in the middle let out a small chuckle. The one in the middle that seemed to be like the leader put his gun away. The other two just lowered theirs. The leader made his way towards me. “Don’t you come any closer!” I yelled, tryingto sound mean but all I sounded like was scared. He went in for a swing but I dodged. I then went for a upper hand swing with the pipe but he quickly grabbed it. As if it were a reflex I picked up my leg and kicked him in the chest which caused him to fumble backwards. He looked taken aback for a quick second before resuming to fight me. How I had all these moves, I have no idea! I guess Five was right. Maybe I did know how to fight. Not good enough though. I went in with a high kick almost hitting his jaw but his reflexes were way faster than mine. He caught my foot before I could touch him and with the slightest effort he spun my whole body and I crashed onto the hard cement. I let out a groan and tried to crawl away to the wall to try and pick myself up. When I got to the wall the man turned me around as I stood there. I looked up at him with tears forming in my eyes. “Please don’t kill me..” I said in a hushed tone as I shook my head slightly. He looked at me with curiosity. His two brothers slowly approaching from behind him. He turned to look at the taller one and gave him a nod. I looked at them in confusion. What was their none spoken agreement?! Before I could think any longer the taller one turned his gun around and knocked me on the head causing me to pass out.
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euaxel · 4 years
heyyy, eonia. i’m reid, i’m twenty-three, still can’t read, and all i know about pjo is that it fucking rocks and the protag has the same learning disabilities that i do! also, i picked hypnos for this punk mainly to be mean to him and because in the hades game hypnos bullies me every time i die and i’m kiiiinda into it. hmu on discord one on one for the best plotting experience, but i’ll be around plenty to bug y’all in the gc too. you can read about bastard boy number one right here and under the cut we’ll get down to business. 
⟨ ELLIOT FLETCHER. TRANS MALE. HE/HIM. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, AXEL EVERETT is actually a descendent of H Y P N O S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT & COMBAT TACTICS MAJOR from BROOKLYN, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite WITTY & SELF-DEPRICATING.
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be advised, axel’s a pretty heavy character.  i’m gonna keep it brief for the bio & need-to-knows, tag around the parts with bold applicable triggers so you can skip around as needed, and tag this post accordingly, but just let me know if i miss anything and i’ll fix it & be safe reading. godspeed and i apologize in advance for bringing you all my personal punching bag as my first muse. 
the main triggers that are gonna come up are: parental abuse, alcoholism * major, mentions of bullying, drowning * major, religious trauma, and drug abuse with some harder drugs ( particularly, weed, pills and cocaine / nothing with needles. )
general stats. 
— full name ,  axel harley everett.  — nicknames/alias ,  axe, ax, wolverine jr, tyler durden jr, trouble, Who? - every professor he’s ever had. — house,  hypnos and mad about it.  — age, 22, as of today. also mad about it.  — gender,  trans male.    — pronouns,  he/him.  — sexual orientation, bisexual with a somewhat heavy masc lean.  — d.o.b, january 1st, 1999. ( generally unknown to anyone but maybe siblings, he will probably lie and say Nobody Knows... I Just Am unless he really fucks with you. ) — hometown,
— height,  5′0ft even. furious about it. — eyes,  brown. — hair, brown.  — face claim, elliot fletcher.
— zodiac,  capricorn. — alignment,  chaotic good. — character inspo,  lip gallagher, steve rogers ( young ), ellie from tlou1, logan howlett, stiles stilinski ( if anyone says shit i will scream ), probably someone from euphoria but i’m too scared to watch that, peter parker ( andrew garfield ), shinsou hitoshi, finn mertens, marceline the vampire queen, dipper pines, this is all over the place but it’s there.  — most played spotify songs, passion for publication by anarbor, sober haha jk unless by hospital bracelet, nobody by mitski, class of 2013 by mitski, king princess’ cover of monster from adventure time, way too much phoebe bridgers, in love or whatever by future teens, and the entire front bottoms discography but especially in sickness & in flames with the hard way & bus beat well at the top of his loop.  — aesthetics,   bloody knuckles, left open and tipped over prescription bottles, walking on the carpet with socks to get that tingly feeling, skateboarding inside, dozing off at the bar, tangled legs in messy sheets, ten pillows on a twin sized mattress, laying down in the shower, brian sella’s cracky singing voice. 
— axel was born and raised in brooklyn, new york, and he was claimed at thirteen, on his thirteenth birthday, by hypnos. — the day he was claimed, axel ceased contact with his human mother and his step-dad, and he attended a camp for half-bloods that wasn’t far from home. he spent his adolescence there year round for safety from monsters at home and abroad, then moved on to eonia.  — ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw begin ) i don’t want to be too graphic here so i’m going to plainly say that axel’s mother was a very, very bad person, and the man she married was absent at his best, physically abusive at worst. axel’s powers (  hypnokinesis, namely )  were potent and difficult to control at a young age, and as a deeply religious catholic woman, this scared his mother and influenced most of the animosity in their relationship. she was convinced that the defensive visions he created and his ability to put her to sleep ( an attempt to help her, on his end; insomnia plagued her and later, it would him, too ) were of demonic origin, and tried to drown him more than once; cleansing, she claimed. the worst instance was the day he was claimed, actually — new years day, 2012; his life was saved by hypnos, and that was the last he saw of her.   ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw end. )  —  that said, he’s a little ( very ) hydrophobic. poseidon kids do NOT fucking interact ( i’m kidding. kind of. he Will avoid a little though ) —  anyway! moving on. all of this aside, axel did his best to put his past behind him, and he was actually super stoked to learn that his powers came from somewhere good and that there was places out there for kids like him; to learn he wasn’t any kind of monster. ( still working on believing that, though.. marcelines monster.mp3 right here )  — he’s less stoked when he starts having trouble falling asleep, and really, it feels like a more cruel twist than any other fate has thrown at him ( his upbringing was chock full of mean twists, so that’s saying something ); and really, it’s more like insomnia just full on kicks in, but he can put other people to sleep. great, right? whatever, though — combat classes are kickass and he’s surrounded by babes that think he’s hilarious so things could be totally, way worse.  — ( bullying tw (brief) ) for the most part, axel was pretty well liked among his peers. he was bullied as a young kid (pre-claim), but he bit back and he bit back hard, and sure, some of that followed him into his teen years but he’s more confident by then; less fun to poke at, and absolutely unhinged when provoked, so people learn better of it. the only real lasting effect was one instant that hit him a little too deep in the inferiority, when he was seventeen — he fell in love with a girl, told her that, and found himself at the end of a very mean spirited prank. he shook it off like he did anything else, or at least — he told himself he did, even if the hurt hit him somewhere a little too deep rooted ( ie. being god’s most unlovable son would naturally land him here, right? ) love’s kinda stupid anyways, so what the hell, right?  (bullying tw end.)
— ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw begin ) this is already obscenely long so i’m just going to keep it to the point here and say he began drinking when he was sneaking booze in to camp at fifteen, and it just never stopped there. he’s also a massive stoner, which is all well, harmless and good for the most part; he’s always grinning, half-lidded, and has a room full of smoke at any given time. it’s the pills that do him in, and he did them at first just so he could get some shut eye, and... well. after that, because he’s dependent on them. but he keeps this part under wraps for the most part; it doesn’t have to be anyone’s problem but his, and it’s not a problem until it is one. partying’s fun, so is coke; so is taking a few too many xan’s, mdma.   ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw end )
— i swear he is not as doom and gloom as he sounds from the bio, and yeah, writing that made me so sad i feel like we absolutely must hone in on the fun and cute things about him!?!  — he loves dnd. he can talk about it for HOURS and if you let him, he absolutely will. — adventure time makes him cry. he’s a baby don’t let him fool you.  — very into cryptids, aliens, horror stories, conspiracy theories, in love with ryan from watcher, wanna be shane medej.  — he loves to draw! the one thing he loves about his power is what it’s done for his imagination, and sure, he mostly draws horror things, but it’s why he went into video game development. he wants to be a concept artist.  — his double major is in combat tactics because he loves fighting. he thinks it’s so fun. he’s a little nuts, actually — i mean, get hit in the face and come up grinning. all he’s ever wanted is to run a fight club and be the shortest, baddest little bitch on the planet.  — he tends to nod off in weird places because he doesn’t sleep enough at night, which is sad, but; he can seriously fall asleep anywhere. standing up, in a tree, you name it.  — he’s a hobby musician! he loves singing and playing guitar.  — he’s a huge flirt.  — loves to scare people. he’s harmless, though. like, honestly. he might make you think you’re seeing a walking toadstool but he’ll probably apologize later.  — he’s very much a singing in the shower type?  — clothes thief. friends and significant others beware.  — actually, just kind of a thief? but of weird, little things. like, just the left shoe. puts them in a little corner in his room that he has set up like an exhibit. “things you thought you lost lol” is written on the whiteboard on the wall above it. he likes collecting rocks too. he’s a little freak!!  — he’s better at the memory retrieval part of his power than the rest. naturally, as this mostly applies for other people. 
WANTED CONNECTIONS. im literally so tired of hearing myself talk... 
friends/squad. self explanatory!!!  he’s friendly, a class clown, and a loyal friend through and through; he’s also adaptable, and his demeanor is very relaxed and inviting. he’s probably gonna have 2-3 people that he’s really close with, and he’d do quite literally anything for them. seriously, don’t tempt him.  a best friend.  so this is kind of vague but. i’d really love for him to have one person that is just a tier above the rest? they’d know things about him that are like pulling teeth to find out ( aka, anything deeper than his most recommended podcasts and loudmouth opinions on non important things ), someone who will call him on his shit, and maybe take care of his stupid little self when he gets too fucked up, because they’d be someone he trusts enough to let them.   enemies?    he probably gets along with most people until given a reason not to? but he is a loud mouth and if one of his friends gets into drama, he will stick his nose where it doesn’t belong and he will throw hands, so it could happen.
harmless rivalries. maybe even steamy ones. he’s a little shit and he likes banter so, so, so much? if given the opportunity and if someone rubs him a certain type of way, he’s so not above being a menace, although never super maliciously. just, you know, annoying the shit out of them on purpose, for fun. he’s also not above blowing a few kisses their way.
current hookups. self explanatory too. he’s a little harlot. HFBHVFNJ. it’s gonna be kinda hard to go beyond sex with him because he’s very deep in his own insecurity but he does catch feelings, he’s just mad about it when he does. i’m mostly gonna go off chem for that though! an ex. could be on friendly terms? but, it should be noted that he could’ve ghosted someone too; or pulled from the relationship when things got serious and he couldn’t choke out that ‘i love you’, even if he felt it. worse, if he did choke it out, but they didn’t feel the same way.  siblings. hypnos kids he is gonna be so protective of all of u... family is hard for axel, i’m ngl, but he really wants one is the tragedy of it all, i guess? so he just really wants to be a good brother. he thinks hypnos is kind of a dick for making him but he tries not to fault him for his existence. fuck u dad i dont wanna be alive feels a little unfair. HDBHFDSJ. anyways he’s a good brother even if he is absolutely so reckless and terrifying in regards to himself but his siblings. his siblings he will do anything for. ALSO!!! FOUND FAMILY!!!! it would be kinda nice if he bonded with someone a little older maybe, could be outside of the hypnos house even, someone he’s kind of a bratty-little-brother type with.... or bratty older brother that takes your things and makes you laugh, y’know. 
PERSONALITY.  just tacking this part of the app on at the end too to highlight parts that i think are important for understanding who he is, and just so it’s all in one place!
toothy grins, half-lidded eyes, and keepin’ them laughing is what it’s all about, baby. axel walks with more confidence in his posture than he’s earned ( or claimed, for that matter ), and it’s the backbone of what gets him by. he’s a glowing example of the fake it ‘til you make it mentality, and he knows what he wants, usually how to get it, and doesn’t mind letting you know that. there’s an ever present mischievous glint in his eyes that says more about what to expect from him than he does, and that’s still not much? he likes to have fun, and there isn’t a whole lot of regard for righteousness or responsibility on his end, but hey! it’s usually only ever at his own expense, so what’s the damage? he’s an absolute clown and he knows it.
axel loves people. he does — you might not guess that with how elusive he is, but it’s true. there’s nothing he likes more than a good conversation with someone interesting, or maybe not even then; if there’s a sparkle in you, he’ll see it. ( might even draw it, not that you’d ever know. ) he’s warm, loyal, compassionate, relaxed, and understanding; and none of that is at the cost of being passive, or lacking passion. 
as long as the vibes are right, he’s happy to just be; though, he’s known to have a fuse for certain provocations, and will jump readily at chance to fight in someone else’s honor. also, it’s not unlike him to spar for the sake of sparring; but that’s all in good fun, no worries.
there’s no way to sugarcoat it — axel has an inferiority complex. where that stems from is something he’s more self-aware of than he’s willing to admit, but he doesn’t have the patience or the will to dissect it; much less do anything about it, and he’s as bull-headed as they come — especially regarding anything related to the psyche. how much this impacts his demeanor and relationships with others varies on the situation, but one constant is that he’s going to retreat before things get bad; even if ‘things are getting bad’ exists only as his own paranoia-born hypothetical.
things can’t go bad if you don’t let them, and he’s content to keep it that way; even if it means being stuck in the stasis of missed opportunities. it’s when he’s retreating into himself that he can get irritable, anxious, jumpy; secretive, defensive, even. he’s personable until he isn’t, essentially.
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gingerwritess · 5 years
"Person A is pregnant but finds out just before Person B has to gone on a six month long trip. When Person B returns Person A surprises them with their growing baby bump hilarity and confusion ensues" Maybe this one for Elliot and dad!Loki? have a great day sweetcheeks
combined with this request from @mylovelycrazyworld
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summary: well…Elliot wanted a sibling. it’s about time he got one.
warnings: pregnancy stuff, a tiny hint of angst, missing Loki, fluff, and lots of Elliot silliness
a/n: FIRST OF ALL I AM SO PROUD OF THIS so i hope you e n j o y
sorry, second, i got waaay too carried away with this and suddenly its like a part of a wholeass story and yeah we’re gonna move this little storyline right along.
third i accidentally posted this before it was done a couple weeks ago so if you read it that time, i’m so sorry, this one is done and much better.
i’m also so sorry i’ve been gone lately. it’s been a crazy hectic last couple weeks so i haven’t had much time to sit down and finish writing anything! thanks for sticking around :)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Of course Loki had to leave this week, of all weeks.
Elliot’s taking the separation fairly well; Loki had left for Asgard with a kiss on the forehead, a tight hug, and a pretty serious request.
“You’ll take care of your mother for me while I’m away, won’t you?”
The little boy had promised, naturally, trying to look as serious and grown-up as he could, and even offered his hand to Loki for a handshake when he went in for a hug goodbye. Loki’s jaw had dropped in shock; then he pushed Elliot’s hand out of the way and swooped him up laughing into his arms for a tight, chaotic, firm hug.
So now you have a protective five year old fussing over you all day long, which is honestly worse than having a protective 1000+ year old fussing over you. He tries to do everything he sees Loki doing, everything he’s supposed to do to “take care of his mother:” like holding your hand in every possible situation, running up behind you and hugging the back of your legs, he’s even kissed your forehead at one point.
Loki’s trained him well.
But morning four of Loki being gone brings an unexpected turn. Elliot has been sleeping in your bed with you, wanting to keep you company—but mostly just missing the clone that Loki normally lets Elliot cuddle up with every night. This Tuesday morning, he’s laying across your stomach, happily sucking a thumb and drooling onto your shirt—well, technically it’s Loki’s.
It would’ve been nice to wake up and see his chubby little face all squished up with sleep, but you’re brutally shaken from your rest by a lurching stomach—you’re going to throw up, right now. You try to push Elliot off you as gently as you can, already retching as you shove him one last time, a little harder than you meant to, and he groggily sits up.
“Whasgoin’on?” He rubs the sleep from his eyes, but you’re already sprawled on the tiles in the adjacent bathroom floor, emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet. “Mom! No, mom, what’s wrong?!”
“S-stay—stay back,” you cough and wave him away just as before another retch doubles you over, chest heaving when it finally simmers down. “Just give me a second, okay? You don’t want to see this, bud.”
“But are you okay? You got really sick!” He rushes up behind you and starts rubbing your back with a cool little hand. “Ew, you smell kinda funny.”
“Gee, thanks, kiddo.”
“I’m just sayin’!” He holds his nose with one hand, using the other to wrap around your waist and lean into your side. “What does dad do to help you when you’re sick?”
You pull yourself up and over to lean back against the wall, trying to catch your breath and running a hand through Elliot’s curls. “Uses his magic stuff to make me feel better…cuddles with me, just like you’re doing.” You smile weakly down at the little boy, and he quickly lays his little hands on your stomach. “No no no, don’t try it, it’s okay! I feel better!”
“Aw, man.” He sadly retracts his sparking hands—thank god—and nestles back into your side. “I’m getting gooder at my magic, ya know. Dad’s teachin’ me real good.”
“I don’t doubt it, Elliot,” you assure him with a light squeeze of a hug. “But you probably shouldn’t test out any of your magic on people, okay?”
He nods seriously, patting your stomach gently. “Good idea. I gotta be careful with your tummy now, too.”
“Don’t worry, buddy, this is just a bug. I’m already feeling better.”
Elliot shakes his head and crawls onto your lap, leaning down to put his ear to your stomach—what in the world? He listens for a moment and suddenly the wheels in your brain start turning: oh my god. This couldn’t mean…?
The little boy sits up again and feels your stomach one more time, focusing hard on something. “Nope, s’not a bug,” he smiles and gives your belly another gentle pat. “It’s just my baby tryna say hi.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Six pregnancy tests later, there’s no doubt about it. How Elliot figured it out before you even had a hunch, you have no idea, but the little piece of plastic drops from your hand when you flop face-first onto the bed, mind swirling.
This isn’t a surprise.
Elliot had asked. Loki and you had talked, agreed; this is what you want. But really, baby?
Loki doesn’t get back for another four months. Pregnancies are hard; you’re not going to pretend they aren’t, and to not have your husband here to help you through it…this is going to be much different than when you were pregnant with Elliot.
You glance once more at the last test: positive as ever.
Pregnant. Again.
Sighing audibly, you roll over on the bed and grab Loki’s pillow, hugging it to your chest and breathing deeply, eyes drifting shut.
“We’re gonna be fine,” you whisper, your voice serving more to soothe your own racing mind than anything, “we’re gonna have another baby, and we’re gonna be fine.”
You bury your face in the pillow, hugging it tighter. It smells like Loki—heavenly.
That’ll have to do for the next four months.
* * * *
“What does dad wanna name the baby?”
The plastic fork scrapes against Elliot’s plate in grating anticipation of your answer. He’s picking at his lunch; his appetite hasn’t been quite so bottomless with Loki having been gone for so long.
For yours, on the other hand, the exact opposite is true.
“Dad…doesn’t know yet.” You rip another chunk of bread from the entire baguette in your hand and dip it in butter. This baby seems to have an appetite for seven and a particular fondness for carbs.
“That’s ok,” Elliot nods thoughtfully. “Names are hard to come up with. I think it should be…blueberry! Cause I love blueberries so much and I love my baby—”
“No, no, I meant…” you struggle to swallow your mouthful of bread and hold up a finger. “Dad doesn’t know that we’re having a baby yet.”
“Why not?”
…yeah, that’s a good question. You probably should’ve called Loki a good while ago, when you’d found out you’re expecting—I mean, it’s his kid too.
But telling Loki he’s going to have a second child just seems like something you don’t do over the phone.
“I don’t want to miss his reaction,” you answer honestly, shoving another chunk of baguette in your mouth. “I wanna sh-uprise ‘im when ‘e gets home.”
Translation: I’m terrified.
Elliot eagerly claps his hands together, the fork falling to the table with a clatter. “That’s a good idea!” He squeals, jumping up to run over and climb into your lap, laying his little hands on your belly. “Dad’s gonna be so excited to meet Blueberry, he’s gonna cry—”
“We are not naming this baby after a fruit. Sorry, kiddo.”
* * * *
An agonising two more months pass, lonely and chock-full of horrid cravings, mood swings, aches and pains and puking nearly every single morning…this baby already seems to hate you.
Elliot’s been a little trooper the past four months.
Hugs whenever you need them, plenty of crayon drawings of your family so you “don’t miss dad too much,” peace and quiet when you fall asleep at the table again, even a few attempted breakfasts in bed. He’s been so sweet and helpful when you know he misses his dad more than anything, so today you drag yourself out of bed, throw up once for good measure, and tell him to get ready for an ice cream trip.
Loki was supposed to be home a week ago, but you can’t let yourself think about that.
Driving with your little bump of a belly is starting to get really uncomfortable, but you make it alright to the little ice cream parlour that Elliot claims makes the best cotton candy ice cream of all time.
“I miss my dad,” Elliot pipes up while you’re sitting in silence, a faint bluish tint to his skin due to the coldness of the ice cream. “He shouldn’t hafta leave ever again.”
“Same here, kiddo, I’m sorry.” You lay a hand on your belly and try to give Elliot a reassuring smile. “This little monster misses him too, but they’re just glad that they have an awesome big brother to take care of them!”
That brings a halfhearted smile to the little boy’s face, and he goes back to licking his ice cream cone, watching you with reddish eyes deep in thought.
“Y’know, dad loves you, mom.” Elliot reaches over to take your hand in his tiny, sticky one, much to your surprise. “He loves you a whole lot, I know it, and he’s not gonna be angry that we’re havin’ another baby.”
Your jaw drops.
What the hell??
Your son, who is apparently getting some kind of crazy read on your thoughts right now, leans over the table and plants a sticky blue kiss to the back of your hand—just like he’s seen Loki do countless times. “Don’t be ‘fraid of him, he’s gonna be so super excited.”
Part of you kind of wants to run away screaming, but maybe mothers shouldn’t do that to their children, so you just gape like a dying fish at the strange little mini-Loki in front of you.
“I’m…I uh…” your mouth opens and closes a few times while your brain tries to catch up. “I’m not…I’m not scared of dad, Elliot, what makes you say that?”
You’re not…right?
Elliot licks his ice cream cone again, catching a drip down his arm. “Nah, you’re ‘voiding your ‘sponsibilities.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re scared to tell dad about Blueberry, right? I heard you in my dream, you told me dad was gonna be upset and get scared to have two kids.”
You swallow hard, trying to find the lie in his innocent statement. “But he—no, he won’t be upset, he wants another kid, he told me.”
This kid is ripping you to shreds, covered in blue and pink melted ice cream.
“S’what you told me,” Elliot shrugs. “Said dad’s gonna like one of us better.”
…you’ve got to pee again.
A blessed escape, cause if Elliot says one more word about Loki or this baby, you’re pretty sure your hormonal self is going to break down in tears.
“I’ll—I’ll be right back,” you choke, scooting your chair back with a loud scrape and pulling yourself to your feet. “Are you okay to stay here? I’ll only be a couple minutes right over there, no talking to strangers, you know the rules.”
Elliot nods, looking worried as you swipe at your eyes and set down your cup of ice cream with shaking hands. “You okay, mom?”
“Fine, fine, I’ll be right back,” You mutter and rush off to the bathroom.
You certainly didn’t look fine, but Elliot shrugs to himself and goes back to his ice cream, keeping a wary eye on the other people in the shop.
“Did your mother just leave you out here all alone?”
Elliot spins around in his chair at the voice, dropping his ice cream cone to the floor and bringing his hands up ready to fight whoever is approaching him—Loki’s taught him enough to fend for himself.
But when he whirls around, he immediately lowers his hands and jumps out of his chair—it’s Loki.
“DAD!” Elliot scrambles out of the chair and bolts into Loki’s waiting arms, knocking him over with the force of his hug. “Dad, dad, you’re home! You’re home!!”
“That I am,” Loki laughs, hugging the little boy tightly to his chest. “I missed you so much, Elliot, so much.”
“Hey!” Elliot points a little finger into Loki’s chest, suddenly serious. “Don’t you ever leave us again, ‘kay??”
“Of course, I’m so sorry I had to—”
“Pinky promise??” Elliot shoves his little finger in Loki’s face, and the god chuckles, extending his own to seal the promise.
“Pinky promise. Hopefully.”
Satisfied with the agreement, Elliot jumps off his dad and rushes back to the table, frowning at the sticky mess that’s left of his ice cream on the floor. “You owe me an ice cream, dad, look whatcha made me do.”
“My sincerest apologies, young man,” Loki chuckles, swooping the kid up in his arms for another squirming hug, trying to sneak a few tickling kisses somewhere on his face. “Where is your mother?”
You come out of the bathroom just in time to hear Elliot answer “hidin’ from you, I think,” and you stop dead in the middle of the shop when you see your husband smiling wide and holding Elliot in his arms.
“Elliot! No I’m not!” You shake yourself out of your shocked daze, running over to the two of them and nearly knocking them over when you throw your arms around Loki’s neck.
Immediately setting Elliot back on the ground, Loki breathes your name and draws you into the tightest embrace he can manage, his arms clutching you so close you have to plant your hands on his chest and gently push him away to keep him from hurting your belly.
He doesn’t seem to notice, but Elliot sure does.
Loki’s hands cradle your face as he pulls away and just stares at you for a moment, trying to decide if words could even begin to describe how happy he is to be with you again.
“I missed…oh, come here.”
He laughs with watering eyes and pulls you close, pressing his lips to yours over and over until neither of you can breathe, half laughing, half teary-eyed because he’s here, you’re all here, together finally.
“That was—mmph—too long,” you laugh around Loki’s relentless lips, keeping a hand to his chest to keep him from your baby bump.
Elliot bounces on the balls of his feet, glad to see his parents so happy again, but sticks a hand between you both to cover your belly. “Careful, dad, don’t hurt my b—”
“ELLIOT!” You cut him off with a nervous chuckle, shooting him a pointed look—shh!
The little boy claps a hand over his mouth, eyes wide. “Sorry.”
“What for?” Loki asks with a breathless laugh, his hand cradling the back of your head to keep you pressed against him.
“Nothing, nothing,” you assure him, kissing him again. “Oh my god, I’m so glad you’re home, Loki. Tell us everything!”
He holds you away from him for a moment with his hands on your shoulders, looking you up and down with a dopey grin on his face—you’re really glad you wore a too-big shirt today, it covers your beginning baby bump pretty well.
“You look incredible,” he murmurs, shaking his head in disbelief—he missed you. His eyes fall on your chest and linger for a half a second longer; your breasts seem…bigger than when he left.
Trust me, he would know.
But he shakes it away and pulls up a chair, and the three of you launch into a detailed retelling of everything you’ve missed over the past four months.
“Well, everything went wrong the moment I stepped foot in Asgard.” He leans forward, eager to tell his story. “There had been an attempt on the relics, and rumours of more to come, so we had to—what’s so funny?”
Elliot’s covering his mouth with a sticky hand, desperately trying to muffle the giggle-fit overcoming him as he looks at you: you’re clutching your stomach with an extremely pained grimace, trying to get comfortable in the little metal chair.
“Nothin’…” he snorts and quickly looks away from you when you glare at him. “What happened next, dad?”
“Okay…” Loki shoots you a confused glance and you quickly grin back, trying not to look like there’s a tiny human laying directly on your bladder right now.
How’s that working out for you?
“Are you alright, my love? You look like you’re in pain.”
“Just a stomachache!” Your gritted laughter is nervous but hopefully convincing enough.
“Are you sure? Just tell me, darling, I can disspell the sickness in less than a second—Elliot!” He whirls around in his chair to glare halfheartedly at the little boy giggling again. “Your mother is in pain, why are you smiling??”
“‘Cause I know something you don’t know,” Elliot sings, clapping his hands with glee and wiggling around in his seat. “Mhm, I’ve got a secret, ‘n I’m not tellin’—”
“Elliot. That’s enough.”
You reach over and pull the little guy into your lap, clamping both hands over his mouth and smiling sweetly at your husband—who just looks very confused. And a little worried.
He’s made it pretty clear that there would be no secrets in this little family of yours.
“Our son…has a secret?” Speaking to you, not Elliot, he raises an eyebrow and it’s not exactly amused. “Care to enlighten me, wife?”
“Don’t worry, Loki, it’s not a secret,” you sooth, tapping Elliot’s mouth twice before letting him go again. “It’s more of…a surprise, really.”
Elliot clasps his hand behind his back and rocks forward on his toes, excited eyes darting back and forth between you and Loki.
“I don’t like surprises.”
“But you’re really gonna like this one,” Elliot promises, sending an overly dramatic attempt of a wink your way.
Letting out a dismayed groan, you drop your forehead to your hand. “Elliot, please stop…”
Loki crosses his arms, already looking a little on the defensive side with lips tightly pressed together—this is exactly why you didn’t want to tell him. Way to go, kid.
“If you have something to tell me, tell me now.”
“I—can I tell you at home? Later?”
The god sighs, not able to help feeling as if the joy of your reunion had been let out faster than the air in a deflating balloon—now he’s worried, feeling excluded, almost offended.
Secrets. Never a good idea within a family.
“Don’t worry, snowflake,” you chirp with feigned nonchalance. “You’re gonna love this surprise.”
Your fingers cross under the table.
* * * *
Loki doesn’t bring it up the rest of the day.
You’d guessed he would mention it again at least during dinner, try to pry the information from you, but he smiled and listened to Elliot talk about his loose tooth, eating his food apparently unbothered.
Your knee hasn’t stopped nervously bouncing since you sat down.
Maybe he knows? If Elliot felt it, Loki certainly could. The kid’s voice is still echoing through your mind as you get Elliot ready for bed:
“You told me dad was gonna be upset and get scared to have two kids.”
Okay, maybe you’re a little worried that Loki’s past may hinder his enthusiasm for a second child, but you’ve never even admitted to yourself that he would be upset or scared. But the more you think about it, the more sense it makes: he would be terrified.
Favouring one child over another? That would be Loki’s worst nightmare, yet he hadn’t brought that up when Elliot first asked for a sibling. He’d happily agreed to have a second kid, kissing away your concerns…
Hugging your arms around yourself, you stare at his back from the doorway. His hair is lazy, pulled into a mindless knot on the top of his head; he looks relaxed, doing dishes. At peace with his life.
His life with his wife and his one son.
Did he lie to you?
Had he looked you in the eye, said “I want another baby,” and lied?
God of lies, you keep letting yourself forget.
Your mind goes berserk right there in the kitchen, convincing you that he lied to you, that this baby is unwanted, that he only said that he wanted another baby to keep you happy, that no, he didn’t ever want children, he just wanted to fuck you, that everything he’s ever said to you is a lie—
“Your thoughts are deafening, my love.”
You jump with a start as his voice interrupts your destructive train of thought. “Were you listening?” You immediately ask, voice venomous. “Loki, did you listen?”
He turns around and dries off his hands, leaning back against the counter with a sad smile. “Of course not, out of respect for your secret. I trust you to tell me.”
You stare at him, unmoving and unsure, and he pushes himself away from the counter to take a few tentative steps toward you. “Let’s go to bed,” he murmurs, sensing your troubled mind. “You need rest, then you can tell me this secret when you are ready.”
Nodding slowly, you let him take your hand and lead you to the bedroom, keeping your mouth firmly shut. He shuts the door behind you and you walk straight to the bed, laying down and turning your back on him to avoid this as long as possible.
“Don’t you want to change first?” Loki laughs, and the mattress dips as he climbs on next to you, laying right against your body and pulling you back into him. “Those pants can’t be comfortable, let me get them off of you.”
You shake your head—horny, lying bastard.
“…would you like me to draw you a bath?” He’s trying a gentler approach now, noticing your apprehension and holding you closer.
Another shake of the head.
“Why won’t you talk to me?”
Your hand subconsciously falls to your little baby bump, but Loki’s follows right after to cover your own hand with his.
You’re sick of this—just tell him.
You slip your hand out from under his, grab his wrist, and press it to your belly. His breath catches in his throat, you can hear it, and his cold hand gently runs across the swell of your stomach.
“What is this?”
Just say it.
“I’m pregnant.”
He sits straight up behind you and you screw your eyes shut—he’s going to leave now, right?
But he doesn’t leave; instead cold hands grip your waist and pull you onto your back, catching the hem of your shirt and promptly ripping it from your body.
He looms over you, knees on either side of your body as he stares down at you. His eyes are wide and a distracted hand rubs over his mouth, trying to process this.
“How long have you known?” His voice is barely a breath.
“…four months.”
“You didn’t tell me?”
The hurt on his beautiful face is a sucker punch to the gut—you idiot, of course he wouldn’t be upset. This is Loki we’re talking about, your husband, the father of your child—children.
“I’m so sorry,” you apologise quietly, avoiding his gaze. “I didn’t…I thought you-you would be upset.”
He breathes a laugh and carefully runs his fingertips down your sides, trying to memorise the sight of you carrying his child…again.
“Why would I ever be upset, my love? I can’t believe you’re this pregnant and you didn’t tell me—”
“Elliot said something,” you anxiously cut him off. “It was stupid, really, I’m stupid for believing it…” you take a breath and ramble on. “He said he had a dream you got upset about having two kids cause you might like one more than the other.”
Loki pauses his kissing down your torso, freezing with his hand splayed across your baby bump. “How did he…”
“I dunno. He was freaking me out, Loki, he started telling me things I wasn’t even thinking yet.”
“That’s my boy,” the god laughs, resting his forehead on your stomach as your brow knits in concern.
Carding your fingers through his hair, you nudge Loki’s head up to look at you. “This doesn’t worry you?”
“Our son turns blue when he touches something cold.” He presses his lips to your stomach again, eyes tightly shut. “I’m afraid your family isn’t exactly the epitome of human normalcy.”
“Yeah, but Loki, was he right?”
“That I’m scared?” He trails his lips up your baby bump, over your chest and coming to rest firmly over your mouth. “My love…I am terrified.”
Your arms wind around his neck and pull him back down to your lips—maybe if you keep kissing him, he won’t be able to see the disappointment in your eyes.
It works for a little bit, and you nearly lose yourself completely when he starts gently nipping at your lips and moving to tend to your neck; he’s making you drunk on him with the flip of a switch.
It’s too easy for him.
“Loki.” Your hands curl tighter in his hair.
“Then why did you tell me you wanted another kid?”
The god pauses, moving from your collarbone back to your face to frown down at you. His fingers are cold along your jaw. “Because I do want another kid.”
“But you’re terrified.”
“And you’re not?”
That makes your mouth snap shut, eyes darting around the room to avoid his piercing gaze. Of course you’re nervous, it’s not like you have any better ideas of how to raise a child—and you’re the one carrying it, for god’s sake.
“I don’t think I need to say more.” Loki smiles, soft and edging closer to the sad end of the spectrum. “I’m always scared. Of you, of my son…and now my second child.”
You still can’t look at him. Shame, maybe.
“I’m terrified of you, did you know that?” He’s kissing you again, lazy lips soft along the outline of your own, up and down your jaw. “Terrified of you, our future, our children. I could lose you in seconds.”
“That’s optimistic.” You try for a cracked smile.
Cool lips meet yours, firm as his hand traces over your baby bump. “It’s realistic, actually. Keeps me honest with myself.”
“We’re not leaving you, if that’s what you’re scared of.”
“But I don’t deserve for you to stay.”
Here we go again.
“Why do you always do this??” You force a playful smile onto your face and sit up, a hand on Loki’s chest pushing him off of you onto the bed. “There you go hating yourself again, sheesh.”
Grateful for the change in subject, you roll over halfway on top of him and mold your lips to his—his, parted slightly in surprise. Your hands cradle his face, stroking through his hair and over his cheekbones as you pour every ounce of adoration you possess for him into the kiss.
Then it really clicks, just how much you missed him.
Maybe that’s why you feel this…disconnect.
Within seconds his shirt is off too, your hands scouring every inch of his skin you can reach, Loki’s breathing becoming shallower as he fumbles with belts and tries to hold your face to his at the same time.
“Missed you,” he whispers hoarsely, giving up on the belt and falling into you, shaking hands holding your neck and waist in a death grip. “My family, I missed you both, and this new one—”
His voice cracks and he moves down, littering every inch of you with kisses that come to rest on the swell of your stomach as his hands hold tight to your hips.
“I’m beyond excited.” It’s nothing more than a whisper. “Terrified, scared out of my mind, but I am so, so happy our family is growing.”
“You sure?” You tangle your fingers in his hair and tip his head up to smile down at him.
“Do I need to prove it?”
God, you missed him.
You grab hold of his face and pull him up, smashing your lips to his.  “I wouldn’t mind if you did.”
So he does.
At least, he tries, until a yell for dad echoes down the hall.
“Good to see nothing has changed,” Loki sighs, pressing one last kiss to the inside of your thigh. “Don’t you go anywhere, we’re not done here.”
You throw a pillow at him with a laugh as he winks and slips out the door.
Elliot is awake, as expected, sitting in his bed clutching the blankets to his chest, a strangely bright smile on his little face. “Hey dad!”
Loki raises an eyebrow. “Hey…”
“You awake?”
“I am now, clearly.” He sits on the edge of the bed and plants a kiss on the top of Elliot’s head. “Why did you call for me?”
The little boy shrugs. “Just wonderin’.”
“…if I was awake?”
They stare at each other for a second—
—Loki confused and battling with the fact that he just had to leave you on the bed to come take care of this kid, and Elliot scrunching his nose up in the biggest grin at his dad, just happy to see him.
“I’m…going to go back to bed now.” Loki points at the door, giving his son a strange look. “Unless you have literally anything else to tell me? Redeem my coming in here?”
“Nope!” Elliot throws his arms out in a request for a hug.
…that Loki all too happily delivers.
“Oh! Did mom tell you the secret yet?” He whispers, squeezing Loki tighter with arms thrown around his neck.
“She did,” Loki chuckles. “Are you excited?”
“I can’t wait! We’re gonna be bestest friends and I’m naming it Blueberry cause I love blueberries and I love my baby so I’m gonna—”
Loki shakes his head with a laugh. “Blueberry Lokason. A name for the ages, without a doubt.”
Elliot beams at his father’s approval and Loki ruffles a hand through his curly hair. “Come on, go to sleep. You shouldn’t be awake right now.”
“Well you guys woke me up…” he grumbles, flopping down on his pillow.
Not again. Loki freezes, face twisting in worry—you hadn’t even started. If that was too loud, then by the end of the night the whole neighbourhood is going to be awake. “Were we being too loud?”
“Nah.” A little smile spreads over the kid’s face. “Mom’s just happy, real happy, and it woke me up.”
“You…you can feel that?”
“Yup. Just like you.” He nuzzles deeper into his pillow. “Thought’ya might wanna know, dad, ‘case you forgot.”
With a face as precious as that, Loki doesn’t have the heart to tell him that’s not just like him…that’s not exactly how his access to the mind works, but the last thing Elliot needs is another reason to believe he’s unusual.
“In case I forgot what, Elliot?” He smiles and kisses the boy’s forehead, running a hand through his hair.
“How to tell when mom’s happy!” He opens his eyes and rolls onto his back, grinning up at Loki. “I almost forgotted too, she’s been sad so long. S’why I woke up!”
“Well.” Loki’s heart twists painfully in his chest. “Thank you. I think I remember now.”
“I gotcha covered, daddy.”
“Go to sleep, little giant.”
* * * * * * * *
The walk down the hall back to the room leaves Loki wondering.
He…felt it.
The kid could tell you were pregnant before you even knew, he could tell that you were nervous to tell Loki, he knew that Loki was scared before he’d admitted it to you…now he felt that you were happy? Strong enough to wake him up?
Apparently Elliot can do a lot more than just turn blue.
The thought of that is terrifying.
All Loki can think of as his hand rests hesitantly on the doorknob is what he’s done. What he’s passed on to this child, unwillingly taking another life down with his own curses.
Elliot’s life is going to be full of pain, if this is what he is capable of. It’s bad enough that he has no control over the shifting of his skin, no thanks to the fruitless attempts Loki has made to figure out how to help him, but now…
Loki starts when you open the door.
“What’d he need?”
You’re smiling—happy, Loki can tell this time. He silently thanks Elliot for the reminder.
“A hug.” He quickly smiles back. “Wanted to know if I was awake…the usual midnight Elliot inquiries.”
“Can I get one?”
You hold your arms out and grin, giddy and irresistibly bright, and Loki steps forward to sweep you into his arms.
“I’ll give you a bit extra, too,” he chuckles, peppering your neck with light kisses as he walks you backward towards the bed. Your knees hit the edge and you fall onto the mattress, grabbing him behind the neck to bring him down with you.
An arm by your head to keep him hovering over you, Loki pauses, just smiling down at you as a few lingering laughs leave your lips.
“Are you happy, my love?”
Cold fingers run down your cheek and he leans down, brushing his lips against yours.
“Of course I am,” you mumble, tangling your fingers in his hair to keep him close. “You’re home, I’ve got the best little kid sleeping down the hall, and we’ve got another one on the way.” Another peck on the lips. “I’m way past happy, snowflake.”
“Good,” he whispers, and decides that’s going to be enough for him.
That’ll be enough for all four of you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
hope you enjoyed, feel free to send me ideas!
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettrosella @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen  @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @vast-ish @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @little-scintilla @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective
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pickledeyes · 5 years
god i have SO MANY THOUGHTS on episode 7 im putting them in one post. BTW TW for like, child molestation mention.
1. I cried. Thx Rami Malek, I cried.
2. I kinda hate that this weird therapy session was with fucking Vera like ??? This guy ?? Season 1 killed whats her name and then let Elliot open the trunk to find her body like whys he here like “Oh Elliot I know how you feel my life was difficult too” I dont WANT to feel sympathetic towards him Sam Esmail I hate his guts hes disgusting lmao.
3. The MINUTE they started focusing on the window incident like the minute Krista was like “Do you remember that or do you just know what Darlene told you” I was like Oh boy. Here we go. Elliots gonna end up finding out he developed DID because his dad abused him. But like, god it still got me when they finally got to it just because thats... so awful I mean he threw himself out of a window rather than face his dad because he was so afraid at 7 years old thats... so awful for anyone to go through just in general.
4. Even tho I hate that they tried to give Vera a sympathetic background, I did like that he didn’t start calling Elliot a pussy or anything for crying bc like,, god I dont think I could sit thru Elliot having a genuine reaction to something traumatic w this stupid ass gang leader calling him a wuss for crying. Also just in general like, let men cry without being labelled as weak n stuff. Veras little speech was pretty okay up until he got got.
5. I was so afraid that they were gonna try to do a flashback scene.. lol I was so scared bc I really didnt want them to do any sort of flashback scene just bc to be honest alluding to molestation... is ENOUGH. I dont need to see anything more. They might do that in future episodes tho so I’m not gonna pat Sam Esmail on the back yet :/
6. I like that they didnt interrupt that moment w any flashback tho and I like that Mr Robot completely left right before Elliot like, came to the realization. I think it was a good choice just from like, director/writer standpoint.
7. THANK GOD FOR KRISTA. THANKS FOR FINALLY STABBING VERA I hope he stays dead I dont want his ass showing up again anymore smh.
8. Lastly bc I wanted to end on an even number, I’m really glad they made the window scene make sense. Tbh I thought they were never gonna make it make any sense and were gonna leave it at like “Lol Elliots just always been soo crazy he threw himself out of a window when he was 7 for no reason!!” n like, that woulda sucked. I like that its one of the storylines thats carried out through the seasons and has just been added on to.
Those are my thoughts anyway I’ll pick up tomorrow to catch up before the two part finale n I’ll use the mr robot tag again
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ramblingshit · 5 years
Persuasion 1995
The incoherent rambling commentary of a 3am viewing.
we start in a boat -- wait have i done this one before -- who cares CIARAN HINDS BBYYYY. I have sheep too just in my front yard ya know. that's just how it be. here's some boats - i can see where they pasted the fake boats in teh background i love it .calm nice piano music. dude is cutting the lawn people out here with top hats and wigs. oh dear everyone pissy SHOW ME THE MONEYYYY. lots of wigs and coats and here's a lady in a turban she's definitely the worldy kind. sailors n shit sitting drinking wine and smoking. oh god who's this. i can't hear the dialogue over my laptop fan. this ol mate's a fop i hate his voice. oh dear he's supposed to be a moron huh. oh whoops the fop is a baronet and he is poorr lol sucked in he got debtss extreme debts you musssttt retreennnnnchh. the neighbours be tryna help out and hereeee is Anne eyy. wow eatin grapes and sorbet and they're goin to Bath. he hates sailors and now he has to be ol mate's tenant. ohh Anne knows about the admiral and this fop keeps talking nonsense. a lady with no children has the best furniture. WENTWORTH she gasps. and she is dramatic and sad, puts her tea down takes a breath by the window and comes back takes up her tea and sits down damn. aww Ann---OH 'since no one will want you in bath its best you stay here!' what a fkn bitch what is happening. ITS AUNT PETUNIAA. naww anne is so cute and petite and so miserable. her sister looks cruel and stupid and her dad is just as bad honestly. damn they got Greek statues in their giant house. her sister. is. a . bitch. fuck me. give her like two lists and tells her to go visit everyone in the parish. damn all the peeps glared at him as he left like give us the money you foppish twat. Poor Anne, that is a fkn big ass house. everyone's watching em leave. ohhh cows. oop packing up the house, sheets over the furniture, she's lucky they got like a thousand servants. she's found something in teh box - it's a letter in the shape of a boat ooh i wonder who its from. she's been miserable for years; she hates Bath; her mum's dead and everything went to shit after that - her dad's a moron, her sister's a bitch, she's out here gonna fixedly avoid risking meeting him. Lady Russell - she's the one tsk tsk. oooh Annneeeee she is persuaded despite disapproval and anxiety of his prospects - she was 19 and she wanted to fuck and Lady Russell told her to fuck him off because he was a peasant damn fuck Lady Russell; she just brushes Jane off like shut up little girl I'm right you're wrong move on dumbass. And Anne's like, did you not hear me - i literally just tried to tell you I hate my fucking life and I miss him and I love him and I kinda resent you for telling me to say no. More sheep and a puppy, and close up view of sheep. dad and sister got to ride in a fancy carriage and Anne has to ride in a wagon that's a bit rough. I like her bonnet. oh my god her sister i love her. 'i am soooooooo ill' - she's searching for attention; lonely and miserable and sad and a little bitter. Mary you poor girl leave Anne alone none of that emotional manipulation. 'oh i was very well yesterday, it's just today' yeah alright. sounds like Charles isn't as rich as the Elliots and Mary's not happy about it.  ohh i know this lady and of course Anne can play piano very well and everyone knows it -- Mary tryna cut in like yes i'm as accomplished as Anne and they're awkward like ehhhh but we like watching you dance and Anne doesn't dance so there you go and she sits there with an awkward cringe 'no'. Mary goes off and sulks and Charles rolls his eyes. The Musgroves are rich and friends ohmygod Mary don't be embarrassing in your bitterness yikes and we cut and Mary was there but now Mrs Musgrove and Anne are sitting in teh same spot - I like Mrs M's dress, even the lace around her shoulders that matches the hat I don't know it just seems refined or something. There's lots of very swift conversations - good pace just like my fingers and brain can't keep up yo. Yikes Mrs M thinks Mary is a shit mum; Mary says Mrs M riles em up with lollies; Charles says Mary interferes and fancies herself ill; Mrs M tells the kids are so naughty the only way to keep em chill is to feed them cake; dunno who this girl is (Henrietta?) anyway the brown haired petite one, they're sitting in the window, Anne's finished her tea by now damn how is she so casually moving from person to person how long have they been chillin with the Musgroves? anyway she's tea-less and talking with brown-haired-possibly-Henrietta: wants Mary to stop being rude over Mrs M even though she has precedent to no one likes her for it; blondish sister now and Anne's got more tea and this one says Mrs M's not one for etiquette she just wants cake lmaooooo; Mary is superior and wants her to persuade Charles that she is very very ill. Anne and Charles sigh on the couch together. Now only Charles has got a tea. okay never mind Mary's a bit more like her sister than I thought. oh my god kids ew. it's petunia looking high as a kite ahaha i wish i was her naw petunia was like idc bout your sister I wanted to meet you btw ol mate is married and Anne's like kill me now I guess. she's horrified, shocked, wants to find an ant hill to bury herself in. god mary's a bitch i take back everything i said about her but all is well Anne has a new friend. she's got a very good memory, Anne does, naw and she's good with her nephews. what's this girls name plz tell me oh it is Henrietta. oh damn they're invited to the house tonight to 'meet Mr Frederick WEntowORTH by ALL aCOunts a most CHarMinG anD agreEable GeNtlemAn' Anne could not look more uspet. fixing her hair in the mirror - there's boys screaming ohh no a child what's happened oh god Mary's screaming for Anne the boy has broken his collarbone - she's knowledgeable chatting with the doctor - Charles marches in like wtf my dumbass kid out here falling out of trees - it's his first born the kid looks so fkn miserable that's hilarious now he's off to dinner cause -- oh damn i forgot they wear gloves. this kid's just lying there. ahah Mary doesn't give a fuck about her kids she just wants to be in on everything -- damn--"you are the properest person to sit with the boy. but you haven't a mothers feelings, have you?' like BITCH she's just offered to sit here so you can go to dinner and you're out here being a fucking cunt for no reason? gtfo. and the scene just changes with that damn savage leave Anne be she deserves better than this. oh damn i know that cheekbone. Anne's been out here watching this kid all night like literally and Mary shrugs off that Wentworth barely asked after her because they're barely acquaintances and says he and Charles are out shooting and Anne's tense like uhh they're not coming here tho right and just as Mary's like nah BAM SURPRISE BITCH o no O NO and THERE HE IS DRAMATIC ZOOM HE DOESNT EVEN LOOK AT HER SHE LOOKS TERRIFIED, HE BARELY GLANCES AT HER, doesn't talk to her, she grips the chair tight fuck he's hot. another swift glance and he's gone. dramatic zooms all around. Mary returned, didn't even look at her injured child who has a big ass cut on his face who's just sitting in the corner looking plain and miserable and wentworth - "you were so altered he would not have known you again' - scene cuts to her sitting in front of a mirror looking fucking sadddddd. they're all at dinner together fuck me he is so hot my god. the girls are all over him and he's enchanting everyone with his stories and of course the reason why he first went out comes up and he's like 'i was extremely keen... to be at sea. i was extremely keen. i badly wanted to be doing something.' the PAIn in his eyes, the tight swallow as he turned to listen to the Admiral, who sits Right next to Anne who's sorta just sitting with wide eyes staring at the salad bowl. then the admiral leans over 'when a man has no wife he wants to be afloat again' and she's like yeah wow ah ha ha ah 'yes well i had no wife - pity the essex (?? dunno what that means but I GET THE POINT)" and then he looks at her properly for the first time and i want to die and she wants to die and he wants to die and we are all quite miserable where we are BUT WE ARE ONLY A HALF HOUR IN and we move on talkin bout his ship crap just wait im eating chocolate but i have many thoughts. sorry honestly theres no time to take a breath in this movie i love it but damn it doesn't give one enough time to write and snack. RIGHT - ol mate's declared he'll never have a woman on his ship because its not pink and frilly enough and petunia's stepped in like fkn excuse me m8 wanna say that again? and also is Anne and petunia related because they are looking very similar to me right now??? they're not related. alright pulling us back yet again, I'm so sorry this is a mess I'm eating chocolate at 1 am and watching Persuasion, I think you can guess how my day has been. they keep talking about him getting married and he laughs and jokes it off and then excuses himself like yeah real smooth yeeting yourself outta here dude at that certain topic hanging around. naww the only time petunia felt scared or bad was when she was away from her husband this is adorable. ol mate's tryna play the piano to the amusement of the girls, sees Anne sneaking up to listen and immediately hurries outta there, face pale never moved so fast in his life i bet and they all follow him and she just sits down and starts playing while everyone dances. for people who were so refined they danced like crazy people --- 'no never she has quite given up dancing' Wentworth's face falls and he looks at her and she looks away from him come on guys you are hurting me. some guy has just rocked up who the heck is Henry - a cousin? who is not --- 20,000 pounds fuck me. Charles and Mary; wait we're talking about Henry. oh my god, they're planning who's gonna marry who - Henrietta and lousia and henry and wentworth 'what say you Anne, which one is the Captain in love with? she laughs slightly - I've never seen someone so depressed before in my life, at least not in a romance . this is actually a really sad story ya know, Wentworth got rejected and fled to sea; and Anne rejected him and became depressed about it for years. damn. anyway these girls can't go anywhere without Mary butting in, now they're going for a long walk or something and Mary's forcibly inserted herself and they look at each other and the poor kid is sitting with his arm in a bandage that goes round his neck? with that scratch on his face and adorable little round glasses sitting at the table with some cake and a puzzle he's doing with Anne like please don't abandon the suffering child has he even had any panadol?? Who the hell is looking after this kid if they're all going on this long walk - now Charles and Wentworth too. Charles helps two of em over, Wentworth helps Louisa over the fence, and Anne has to help herself over, which she does without hesitation good girl you do you fam. yikes Charles and that are going to Winthrop or something where Charles' aunt lives and Mary's offended to have such connections and refuses to go and assures Wentworth she's only been there twice and he half-smiles politely. louisa came running up to take Wentworth wherever and he like turned around to look at Mary and Anne and Anne fkn spun around to avoid him just generally so smooth these two so smooth. Anne's looking around at like anything and everything except him. every time he's nearby she tenses up and skitters around like she's tryna hide in plain sight but also stand tall and brave and staring straight at him like she wants him to look at her so badly. 'we all wish that charles had married anne instead' 'did charles want to marry anne' 'did you not know' 'you mean she refused him' 'yes' ... 'my parents think it was Lady Russell's doing, that my brother not being philosophical enough for her taste she persuaded Anne to refuse him.' ohhhhhh. damn. Wentworth is very quiet. Mouth tight. Brow low. Anne's freaking out down the hill. Mary's just stolen her spot. Christ. It's chaos. Anne's stumbling along she's tired she's sad she's got the depression her sister's a nightmare, WEntworth doesn't care about her, she cares about him, everything is awful and she trips over some sticks and he turned to look at her, concerned out of his thoughts. Hey petunias back with her carriage and they're offering a seat and Wentworth like rushes over and whispers for them to take Anne and she catches it like wtf confusion she goes to protest and suddenly He's AT her SIDE and he doesn't even say anything and he leans his head down to hers for a moment with a gentle look on his face, putting a hand to her back and her brain just shuts down as he leads her to the carriage and hold her hip tight as he helps her up and she looks around in shock and he's staring straight forward like everything is chill and doesn't look at her again. oh wait petunia is wentworth's sister damn awesome but she doesn't think very well of him. oh they're going to Lime and they ask if Anne can come and I think Wentworth choked on his tea a little bit. and here's some establishing shots : the ocean. Some rocks with seaweed on them. The shittest 'beach' ive ever seen there's like boulders everywhere where's the sand? is that a teepee of seaweed? what Wentworth looks pretty happy about it though like he wants to jump in. I like Charles he's a funny dude. Wow that is one helluva hat Wentworth. All these fancy people going into a sailor's home like etiquette is what but everyone is chill with it except Mary of course. is Anne supposed to have her bonnet off? o no now she's chosen to be the nice depressed girl who tries to talk to the weird depressed guy who is too into poetry about death. cute they're all shoulder to shoulder around the guy's table. she starts getting the hint that this guys a bit off 'you cannot know the depths of my despair.' damn son get a therapist. ohh shittt 'you have no conception of what i have lost' 'yes I have' she says, and Wentworth is sitting there smoking what could be a blunt who can honestly say and he heard the whole thing. Wentworth and Louisa are doing a whole lot of hanging out.  Like every time they actually speak to each other feels like a momentous occasion - they literally just said 'good morning' to each other and it feels like such a big step and her heads down and he's watching her BIG STEPS --oh shit some blonde haired guy that im sure will come up later tipped his hat to the girls and then Anne and Wentworth was coming up behind her and she looked over her shoulder to look at the BLondie but wentworth thought it was at him and he SMILED to himself nawwww. that looks like the house from Pride and Prejudice ahaha. whoop Blondie's back and she looked back at him again and now they're at breakfast ohmyGadh his eyes sparkle when he looks at her the few times he looks at her my god they're talking about Blondie who is apparently their cousin or something and he and mary and anne's father aren't on good terms and she tells Mary so and he looks over his bowl with those fkn sparklllinggg eyes and a playful smile and it doesn't even matter what he says just that look and he drinks his soup and licks his lips and looks up at her and she's just staring but like calmly not even freaking out and she lowers her eyes to her toast and just chills like all is well.  whoop i think weird depressed guy is gonna propose but before he can whats up we're helping girls down some scary stairs yikes i'd sit my ass down going down those things. Louisa is being crazy oh fuckkkk ahahaha hahaSPLAT holy shit oh fuck weird depressed guy is standing in the background with his hands over his mouth Anne is in there with Charles and Wentworth damn she'd 100% be a doctor nowadays, Louisa the dumbass has smashed herself on the cobblestones and WEntworht is just freaking out and he is looking straight to Anne who is giving straight smart orders and he is following them without hesitation - the other women are crying they're all sitting around her while the doctor does like... something and Anne's the only one like hey we have shit to do like people gotta hear about this we don't have phones and her speaking makes Wentworth speak and Charles is in shock cause its his baby sister whose hurt. Once again she's looking after the injured person and she walks out and Wentworth is talking to Charles 'I think it should be Anne - no one so capable as Anne--' he cuts off when he sees her coming in 'I-we-you'll stay, won't you?' he stammers as she enters holy fuck my heart can't handle...they're just staring into each others eyes; in any other context man. he clarifies himself but fuck if they didn't think it. ah fuck Mary is so annoying crying that she should be the one to stay with Louisa like bitch you didn't even give a shit about your injured son let alone your sister-in-law wtf she needs a slap why are they listening to her. 'If only I -- if only--' he cries in the carriage 'yes.' Anne said, looking at him sadly. 'Anne... I regret that...' he looks at her once and again and again and she lowers her eyes and holds the sleeping Henrietta close. like honestly i feel like there's no problem writing their dialogue cause there is just so little of it and when it does happen all of it means everything. but anyway she doesn't answer him and I am sad and he is sad. 'damned foolish' he sa---wait holy shit SCREAAAAAAAMINGgGg fucking hell grab your torches and pitchforks Mrs Mudahwhatver is screaming and Wentworth is riding off in the rain and once again Anne is all alone and she stays up just walking around all night and playing the piano and yay Louisa is conscious and Anne continues to be depressed poor girl and you can tell because its raining. and its still raining and they're not back-- wait now she's in Bath and her fop father and bitch sister are lounging irritatingly and he says he's happy for her to have come because it will be an advantage to have four at dinner. things are white and gold - clean and unhomely and too perfect and the fop is calling everyone ugly - they're eating sorbet again ahaha yum. god they all look bored and miserable and here's blondie come to greet them and he glances at Anne, processes and then snaps back to stare at her in astonishment he's got nice hair and he continues to stare damn and she's so confident she just smiles and stares back I'm so jealous she can do that. oh mygod they're having an intimate conversation in front of her shitty family dude i know he'll probs turn out like a wickham character but one can have hope. damn that jaw-line tho. hmmm lady russell is back. i hate her hair. metal cups are odd - they make sense but so strange. Russell's got plans man Anne's telling her about how her bitch sister is after Blondie and Russell laughs and pats her cheek. Oh yay it's petunia! aw she hears the admiral is in poor health and she's immediately like what's wrong here come get some water. damn bitch sister 'she is nothing to me' damn whats about the screaming and the random rage bursts damn. oh and here's a viscountess why are they always fucked. Blondie and Anne are in the corner flirting crazily I know he's bad but like you can't fake this chemistry no one's that good. and suddenly she's surprised?0oh my god that suit. Mrs Smith oh my god she's adorable she and Nurse Rook are gossipers hell yeah 'there are no secrets in Bath' naw this better not be a Helen situation come on guys - oh fuck Louisa is gonna marry weird depressed guy?? and Anne is freaking thrilled. damn it rains a lot here. far out hats are crazy. Here's Blondie. Anne's so used to being verbally abused by her sister she doesn't respond -----holy damn its Wentworth walking down the street. Penelope is n---- oh fuck he just walked in -- she took a breath with her back to him then spun around HOWDY he looks shocked and delighted and she hse ewihpewjihp oh my god they love each other and they're so nervous and uncertain about it oh my god so awkward and cute please trying to go through the etiquette script oh no so cute 'im already armed for Bath' he grins and she laughs ----oh no. ... oh shit. Blondie just showed up and she just accepted Wentworth's umbrella everything was going so well stop awwww nooo his face falls, her face falls everything is awful. standing all solemn and glum by the window and all dressed in white looking shiny and gorgeous her little sack bag is weird but. and who is she looking for, I wonder. The family is standing awkward---there he be. tall and commanding and hmhmmm i love a man in uniform - she steps in front of him as he tries to pass him by. asks him if he's come for the concert - 'no ive come for a lecture on navigation am i in the wrong place' damn son no he's so good at making her laugh she never laughs oohh her family have to bow to him interesting - he's asking her how she's been since Lime I love them talking he starts on about being concerned about weird depressed guy getting married to Louisa because of his depression about his dead fiance 'a man does not recover to such a devotion to such a woman - he ought not; he does not' i'm sorry was that a declaration of love m8 omg Anne knows it too 'i should like to see it again' 'would you i would've thought i mean the distress, too painful' 'but when the pain is over...' dudes DUDES guys please guys 'It was my doing solely mine - Louisa would not have been obstinate if i had not been weak - Anne, I have never--' GUYS NO the fucking viscountess wandered in ruining everything and now he's gone please come back who cares about this lady singing i mean the candles look cool and but stop honestly who cares bring back Wentworth. omg fop is asleep, Anne and Blondie are bantering and she's not realising that she's pushing into flirting, again my god silly silly innocent naive and entirely relatable lol help. but there's Wentworth standing all tall and handsome in the corner and he looks so sad and meanwhile Blondie is like tryna propose and Wentworth is tryna yeet outta there and she's sprinting over to him tryna block his way tryna convince him to stay HOW THE TURN TABLES 'the next song is beautiful its a very beautiful love song is that not worth your staying for.' 'there's nothing worth my staying for.' kill me. Blondie needs to like there's no way he couldn't tell.  Yay Charles is here! oh and Mary lol. Lol everyone is making decisions on what Louisa and Henrietta are gonna wear on their wedding day except they themselves?? And here is ol mate sweeping int eh room, smile briefly falling at the sight of Anne but everyone's happy to see them yay. mate what he just swept over to her talking softly ohmhwy god i don't think they've said anything directly to each other in their lives its all round the bend and metaphors and insinuations please kill me i love it he picks at her that she says she doesn't like the parties her family and Blondie give; 'they mean nothing to me'  she has nothing in common with them and dislikes how they are, they're smiling at each other - oh shit Mr Elliott is out there meeting with her sister's friend or whatever now fkn Russell's tryna PERSUADE (ahaha) her into marrying Elliot 'that is not what I want!' Russell is shocked. now he's here looking stiff and snappy and awkward because the admiral has told him to invite her and her newly engaged Mr Elliot to his house and oh my god poor ol mate he wants to yeet away into the sunset goodbye world fuck you all 'if you wish it all you have to do is give me a yes or a no and we are both released' 'the admiral is too kind...' 'just say it: yes or no.' fuck you jane austen. Anne is overwhelmed and stormed off Russell faces Wentworth, he sneers her name, she smiles serenely 'You have an extraordinary ability to discompose my friend sir' , he twitches ' you have an extraordinary ability to influence her ma'am for which I find it hard to forgive you.' damn and then the scene ends damn.  she's run off to Mrs Smith and Nook I love em she's ranting about everyone thinking she's gonna marry this guy and they're astonished and relieved cause he is poor and living on loans - he wants her for her money, title and lands thank god she's got her friends eyyy yasss. naw petunia and mrs musgrove are here my favs. Wentworth is writing a letter. whever they're in the room she can't help but look at him. she's talking with weird depressed gyu's fiance's brother - he's bitter that he's moved on so fast - she wouldn't have, its not in her nature, 'it would not be in the nature of any woman who truly loved.' 'do you claim that for your sex?' 'we do not forget you as soon as you forget us.' blah blah about women being stuck at home because people were shit to us back then fuck the patriarchy and all that. Fiance's brother says women and men are the same in being inconstant and forgetting those they love or have loved. Their convo gets interrupted by Wentworth knocking the whatever it is that they sprinkle over ink to dry it off the table and everyone's like dude the fuck we don't own vacuum cleaners you know. Fiance's brother says he's not read a book in his life that didn't have something to say on women's fickleness. 'but they were all written by men.' she argues. they laugh.  he's on about going off to sea and being the victim cause he has to leave his family behind and boohoo it's so hard for me to be away from them even though i'm the one choosing to go away. yikes too close to home. anyway lolol. She says that above all, women are the ones who love the longest when all hope is gone. they all left, he snuck back and put out a letter on the desk, gave her a look and then left. she pretty much threw herself at it OH MY GOD THE LETTTTTTTTERRRRRRRR dudes dudes dudes dudes deud ed dud oh ymf theihwhes 'where are you going' 'i hardly know' ihowyiqruhoijpfg0hurbj3ifjpgrn Charles just keeps on standing between them and chattering finally gets it tips his hat and trots off wringing his hands. those eyes - he offers a hand, he takes it - i tried to forget you, i thought i had. they kiss very slowly, very gently, very chastely. his hair all windswept like that is very becoming - the way she slowly ran her hands over his arm before tucking it into his --- aand now there is a very random festival procession what and they're walking down the empty street. okay cool fine. she wanders into the gaming room or whatever, the camera mans shadow spreading all over the place, her sister grabs her and tells her not to monopolise wentworth - there's another war coming? oh how romantic. 'MY PROPOSAL OF MARRIAGE TO YOUR DAUGHTER ANNE HAS BEEN ACCEPTED.’ he fucking beams. everyones shocked. 'Anne? You want to marry anne, whatever for?' he just grins at the fop. And now she's on a ship and they're sailing off to war, oh how romantic. and there you go.
ya know before this 1-3am viewing i wouldve given this a 4/5 or even 4.5/5, but now I’m gonna give it a 3/5. there’s just something about it thats a bit... idk. still really like it but also.. yeah.
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milkshake5sos · 7 years
Summary: Joe wants to take you to the mental asylum and you get scared by the haunted shit that happens and discover...some things
Word count: 2.2k
You wake up to see you boyfriend of 3 years looking at you.“Why you watching me sleep" you mumble with a chuckle snuggling further into the duvet.
“Just admiring beauty in its purest form" he replied running a hand through your hair.
“Cringe” you giggle completely ruining the moment Joe was trying to have. You hear him shuffle around and his weigh leaving the bed, his heavy footsteps walking away until he stop. He rips the covers of you body and exposes you to the cold winter morning and sunlight shining in your eyes.
“Oi" you groan and glance at the smirking Joe at the end of the bed.
“Come on get up I want you to join me today" he says walking of to the bathroom leaving you questioning what he's wanting you to do. Sighing you get up and walk to the bathroom not caring that Joe was in there already. You were both so comfortable with each other it doesn't faze you seeing each other naked or at your worse. He was cleaning his teeth watching you in the mirror as you take off you warm pj’s and get in the shower.“Do you need help warming up or cleaning babe?” Joe asks and you could tell he was smirking while asking you. You know you could try and tell him no but it always ends up in him joining you anyway. “You better not have cold hands" you say giving him the invitation to join you.
A little while later you're both ready and eating some breakfast which actually meant you eat some toast and joe having a protein shake. “what do you want me to do with you today" you question Joe.
“Thats for me to know and you to find out" he sassily replys. “We're not going out till it's dark though so you have the day to mentally prepare yourself" he adds putting emphasis on mentally. “JOE WELLER. you listen to me i'm only going to say this once. I. Am. Not. Going. To. A. Abandoned. Building. With. You.” you says pointing at him as you move around the counter you two were eating your breakfast at. You stare at him dead in the eye and a straight face. A smirk grows in his face and he lets out a chuckle. “your so cute babe" he says giving you a kiss on the head and walking to the living room. “Im being serious" you shout through to him. “Whatever you say" he shout back in a sing song tone.
You huff and clean the kitchen up thinking of how to get out of going to a abandoned building. All day you were trying to get out of it. You ignored him which ended up in him tickling you and giving up with that. You make him a really nice lunch which doesn't work. Pretend to being ill but ‘the ghosts aren't going to catch your fake cold’. So when the clock struck 6 you knew you only had one chance, so you ran upstairs and went into your underwear draw and get the set that was at the bottom. You pull on the black and red lingerie and place you dressing gown over the top. You walk downstairs and into the lounge stopping in front of joe who's on his phone. You place a hand on his knee and take the phone out of his hand placing it on the sofa. Joe has the perfect view down you dressing gown and look into your eyes.
“Babe I know what you're trying to do and I really like it. Your sexy body isn't going to get you out of this. If you want to fit a quick one in we have 15 minutes until Elliot gets here” he says giving you a kiss on your lips. You sigh and leave to go get changed. “Leave the underwear on babe never know the ghosts may like it as much as I do" he shouts up the stairs. You roll you eyes and change into some leggings and one of joe's jumpers to keep you warm out in the cold. You and Joe wait for Elliott to arrive and get all of the equipment ready. Flashlights, gopro's, cameras and box which they smuggled in the bag when you ‘wasn't looking’, you all grabbed the 3 backpack and shoved them into the car. You pull on your trainers, wooly hat and gloves and prepare yourself for night you're going to experience. You drive for about 45 minutes through some sketchy areas and woods before arriving to a long driveway. Once the cars parked so it's kinda hidden but also available for an easy escape Joe turns the camera on and starts the video.
“Hullo, it's Joe, Elliott and (y/n) reporting to you from the famous haunted mental asylum" he starts and you sit in the back looking around. He starts talking about the history but before he turns of the camera he shoves it in your face.
“You good (Y/n)?” joe asks. You give him a glare behind the camera and look into the camera. “I was brought here without my permission. And if I die and the police find this then you will know how I didn't want to do this" you say. You all climb out the car and you instantly grab onto Joe's arm. “Calm down (y/n)” he says almost as if it would calm the 100 thoughts running through you mind. You tut and let go of his arm. “Don't worry  (y/n) i'll save you from the ghosts" Elliot says throwing an arm around your shoulder and winking at the camera. You giggle and see the jealousy rise in Joe's eyes and his body tense due to you being in someone's arms that aren't his. Although it was only a joke with Elliot he grabs your hand and pulls you to him and starts talking to the camera. You shine your torch ahead an start to see the roof and chimneys through the trees. “Ahh" you hear a high pitch scream making you and Joe stop in your tracks and look around to see Elliot in a fight with a bush that managed to scratch him. You and joe erupt into laughter and help Elliot out the bush. Once making it to the clearing you all stand glancing at the almost mansion sized building in front of you. “Guys we have made it to the famous mental asylum and hopefully (y/n) won't go anymore mental" Joe says almost crouching as he speaks to them, but that doesn't stop you giving him a slight slap on his arm. “You deserved that bro" Elliot chuckles filming on the second camera catching the moment that just happened.
“Right boys and girls,” Joe begins before being interrupted when a sound of a rock of something get thrown. “What was that then" he asks looking out to the distance. He starts walking toward where the sound came from.
“Woah Joe are you mad. Why are you going over there it could be someone trying to hit us” you warn grabbing Joe to stop him going.
“believe it or not (y/n) that is the only entrance over there” joe explains pointing to a broken dirty white door. You sigh and make sure Elliot is still with you before walking over to the door. When you arrive at the door there's shattered glass and broken wood surrounding the building. Taking a glance inside you follow after Joe then Elliot climbs through after you. “Alright I know exactly where we need to go. But I want to tell all you sexy spirits that we aren't here to hurt you as long as dont try it on with my girlfriend. She has some checky lingerie on and that's for my eyes only" joe shouts into the mental asylum. “JOE-" You try to shout at him to be cut off by Elliot placing his hand over you mouth hushing you. Starting to lash out and panic you hit him by accident making him let go. “jesus (y/n) I didn't want you to shout I heard something.” After multiple apologises we walked a little further into the building to what seemed like a hall.
“look the wheelie bin is still here" Elliot exclaimed running over to the bin. I take the camera of Joe and he goes over climbing in. They play around with it for a while before getting bored and we venture upstairs. When you reach the top stairs you hear a loud smash. “What was that" you whisper and the boys shake their head looking at you showing that they have no clue just like you.
“If there is anyone here please we're not gonna hurt you so please don't hurt us” you shout getting a sudden burst of confidence. When you hear no replys you look at the boys who decide to carry on to the room they wanted to show you the most. They stand by the door and gesture you to open it. “Are you crazy?” you ask almost laughing in disbelief.
“come one (y/n) what are you scared of” Joe asks getting closer to your face.
“Jesus Joe stop messing around” you huff reaching for the door handle and then kicking the door open. A creak echoes through the building followed by a bang as the door hits the wall. “calm down (y/n) the building falling apart as it is. Don't need your help.” Elliot says walking into the room to the table which happened to be the only piece of furniture. You and joe follow taking the backpacks off and placing them on the floor. Meanwhile Elliot places his on the table and takes out the box. You instantly recognize it from a previous video and instructed joe strongly not to bring it into the house. “why do you have a Ouija board? Joe have you been keeping this in the same house as me? Were not doing this!” you ramble on getting frustrated and panicking. Joe comes round the table and puts his hands on your shoulders. “Don't worry Elliots kept it has his house and nothing's going to happen to you as long as we say goodbye. I promise" he says staring into your eyes. You start to calm slightly and look over the now set board. Taking deep breaths you consider if you're going to do this or not. You look up and both the boys are looking at you. “You don't have to do it if you don't want to" joe say in a soft tone. Slowly you lift your shaky hand and place two fingers in the pointer. The boys follow and joe open the session. “Can I ask the first question?” you ask the boys. Nodding it pushes you to go on. “Are you going to hurt us?” you question kind of hoping you don't receive a reply. Slowly your hands are glided to yes and you start to freak before it starts to move again to no. “Do you want us to leave?” Joe asks and it moves to yes. “Then we will leave but first tell us your name" you look up at him and didn't realise a name was being spelt out before you. E. M. I. L. Y. “How old are you?” You ask not registering what you saying. 2. 2. It replies. You feel a weight being put on your shoulders after the numbers come through. “Am I feeling your sadness" at this point the boys are looking and watching your every move amazed at the event unfolding. It moves to yes and you get the strong urge to say goodbye. D.A.N.G.E.R was spelt out and all 3 of you instantly say good bye to emily.  “You okay" Joe asks wrapping an arm around you as you 3 start to walk out the room.  “Erm guys I dont wanna ruin your moment but i think you should look at this” Elliot says from across the hall where he was taking clip for the video. You walk into the room probably not very bigger than the one you and joe shared at home. Looking around you could tell a girl probably stayed in her. You walk to elliot and find him holding a photograph. He hands it over, there stands a tall girl her hair flowing down to her chest , wearing a knee length flowing skirt. She looked like she in her late teens standing next to a woman you start to recognise.
“(y/n) is it me or does that look like your mum" joe points out your thought looking over your shoulder at the picture.  “I think you should turn it over" Elliot suggest. Flipping over the thin piece of paper their wrote “sum 2010. Em & mum"
Hehe cliffe hanger i will continue soon enough little chums 💖
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survivormoheli · 6 years
Episode Seven - “It's getting to my head. I need dick. I need DICK” - Dani
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Well Raffy is one clever goose. Wasn't expecting him to get the votes, I think Elliot may have self voted cuz he knew he was going, or everyone else just voted Elliot because they knew he was gonna go since he was inactive? No clue, but good job on Raffy for getting out a number on Blake's side.
Thanks for Free Rice Jay, I hate it! tara shoutout 2 julia the witch!!! u rock!!! i hope i can get in ur coven and braid everyone’s hair. thabk u again for drafting me
So Im a proven comp flop lol but as of now I'm keeping Raffy in the game because he's good at challenges and I'm trying to target other challenge threats because if I can keep all of my allies who are good at challenges then essentially I, a comp flop, gains information or a say in whatever advantage the highest scorer wins. Hopefully we don't attend another tribal any time soon after Raffy's incident.
I really wanted to win this challenge to prove to my tribe that I am a necessity to them and that I was true on my word: after Elliot I would try my hardest to win the comp. That's exactly what I did with my score of 100k. I needed to win that advantage. I wanted to keep it out of Blake's grubby little hands. Hopefully it is enough and we do not have to go to tribal. Another reason I pushed myself this hard is because I fear that AnnMarie did not submit. She seemed pretty busy all day, and I am not too sure what's going on. I know that I have about the same score as Lynn and Blake combined. Hopefully that is enough to push us a winners of this challenge.
We won! Even though GhostMarie didnt submit! (If you're reading this post game im sorry lmao) but woo!!!!
Maybe we could get out Blake, since he lost his vote? 
I really wish i had more time to do this challenge b/c i know if i’d had one more hour of free time b/c I know i could’ve gotten that 20k more to win but a girls gotta work 
I did that! I'm so proud of myself for finally coming in first in one of these types of challenges. Having to push myself was extremely taxing, but I'm glad that I did. Now I can finally improve these relationships with other people. My relationship with Richie is extremely improved, I believe, at this point. Hopefully I can speak more to Eric tonight so I can have him in my corner for merge. The reason I cancelled Blake's vote is not only because I am targeting him. It is because I want to prove to everyone that I am targeting him. The fact of the matter is that I need people to trust me. Transparency is the key to that. Therefore, I am being extremely upfront with my tribe mates, and hopefully this loyalty can last during the first merge vote. I've already planted seeds, now I need to tend to them.  
these ppl being messy is the best thing thats ever happened to me
I am such a mess. What would Raffy do? WHO COULD POSSIBLY KNOW BUT RAFFY HIMSELF! Turns out, he's a hero who just gives rice to kids. Nice. So now we're at Tribal Council (F12 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah) and it's a big fucking mess. Tara is scared. I want to save Tara. Raffy blocks Blake's vote. Tara is really freaked out. I reach out to Blake, bc I spoke to him a lot, despite "knowing" that he's just lying the entire time. I offer my help - anything I can do to save both Tara and him. He suggests to vote out Phoenix. Me, Tara, Lynn - that's the majority. At the same time, Tara pm's me that Phoenix pm'd her. Blake wants Phoenix and Dani to vote for Tara. Phoenix wants Tara and me to vote Lynn. Because Blake is an easy target once merge hits. EXCUUUUSE ME!? WHAT. THE. HELL. Just vote out Blake now and be done with it. Anyway, if merge hits at F11, Tara, Phoenix, Dani, Eric, Richie and myself NEED to form a majority, because Raffy is just beyond going in at this point. Also: Why is this season called Mohéli when the Tribes are named after towns on Anjouan? What if the "all-new, intriguing and breathtaking" twist is not having a merge at all??? WHAT IF I FINISH IN 12th PLACE aaaaaa 
soo hopefully i managed to flip the vote off of myself. hopefully. things might change tomorrow! but um basically blake n lynn were being super fake n like were telling me to vote phoenix w andreas, n then they were telling dani n phoenix to vote me! but anyway phoenix confronted me and told me what blake n lynn were saying, so i sent him logs back of lynn telling me to vote him, n then i told lynn that phoenix told me that blake was out to get me! bcos i knew lynn would leak that back to blake. n i thought that blake would get super pissed at phoenix n go after him instead of leaking his plan to me. AND BLAKE DID GET PISSED! and now blakes spent the whole night sucking up to me lol p iconic, n i invited him to a movie so we could just like not talk game bcos i'm over it, and that was fun! but ya i hopeee i last longer than 12th place bcos that'd b a p embarrassing placement.... but um ya who knows!! goodluck 2 me. merge is gonna b super interesting but i think i would at least b able to make jury if i get there so yay lets see!! shoutout to karen!!! i hope we meet eachother out of the game and talk! u have a very cool name, every karen i've ever known has been super cool and friendly, andddd thank u for drafting me!!!! 
We are most likely merging after tribal tonight. I feel like I have accomplished what I've set out to do after Bryan was voted out: to build relationships that would help me take down Blake at merge. This NuNuMoya has been really beneficial to my game as I was able to make relationships with people that were not completely under the Blake control. Now I have both Tim, Richie, and probably Eric K on my side. Along with JG and AnnMarie, I am ready to take this merge by storm! 
Damn Raffy must have a whole lot of nothing going on in his life to have pulled that off XD .This is the least nervous i have felt about a tribal which makes me nervous bc that is when you usually go home. During a blindside. If i get voted out tonight it will be more a semi blindside bc i know my name is being thrown around but in all realization i will still be surprised . As everyone knows Raffy took my vote away for this tribal so i'm a little screwed but i trust my friends and that they will save me tonight. I am coming for you Raffy <3 
But on a serious note i respect you Raffy as a player you are here to win and i respect that. 
Jay is standing next to me with a gun in her hand. Help. So, yeah. recap. I am involved in Phoenix' plan via Tara to vote out Lynn. (Me,Phoenix,Tara,Dani vs Lynn 4-1) I am scared AF because I barely talk to Lynn/Dani.
as opposed to Voting out Phoenix to save Tara and Blake. (Me,Tara,Lynn vs Phoenix,Dani 3-2) So, why am I putting my faith into people who I barely know? IDK I AM FEELING LUCKY OKAY!? For all I know, they could've just agreed on putting me to rest as soon as I go to bed. It would be __extremely__ dirty from Tara to blindside me. EXTREMELY! But oh well. I will wake up tomorrow and it won't play "I Got You, Babe." If it does, 12th place is my Groundhog Day and I will cry.
Okay I’m not gonna sit around and let Jg and his team of apes get their way. IM MAKING A MOVE TONIGHT, expect drama tonight. If this plan works then holy shit this game is about to be flipped upside down.
HOLY SHIT I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST FLIPPED THE VOTE ON ANDREAS LOL. I had to! If he was in the game he could have flipped to JG's side whereas Lynn and Blake have no one except for each other. It's a very easy decision.
K wtf, The vote flipped to Phoenix?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? UGH Now I'm PISSED. He's one of my closest allies and these motherfuckers really gonna play with me like that? Legit I'm done. Everyone on this tribe is fucking dead to me and there is no way I am going to stick to their side. JG I'm coming for you sister but this time not with claws, but with open arms... I want these hoes on my tribe down. I WANT TO TAKE THEM THE FUCK DOWN.
K FUCK THIS! FUCK YOU ALL! These fucking clowns! THESE FUCKING CLOWNS BACKSTABBED ME AND IM FUCKING PISSED... GRAWWWWEERRRRRRR. UGH. If they think they can just use me like a cheap whore and throw me away after giving me a good fucking... Oh... They've got another thing coming. Expect Drama sister. EXPECT drama...
Ugh this game has been putting too much pressure on me! TOO FUCKING MUCH! I haven't had sex in 2 weeks because instead of hanging out with people after school I just come home and do this. TWO WEEKS. It's getting to my head. I need dick. I need DICK, and I need it fast.
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