#but in my defense spanish is my second language
anartisticdreamer0 · 7 months
time for liveblog of qtoo stream:
oh hi tilín o/
we’re all wondering what your doing here
“there will be more to come” tilín don’t be like this man
damn how evil was? is? q man.
oh okay we acknowledge the beeping, it’s definitely life support
ah a portal, but he doesn’t wanna go- he did- he looked at all his other options and went fine
he realized he’s really far out
RICHAS- pfft richas doesn’t have the fuckin skin on- BAHAAHAHA
there he is properly, q trying to get the admins to redo the scene pfft
tilin wants q to introduce them to richas
i like the detail that richas has their personal blue sign while tilin has the basic signs that they all used to have
q asking why richas looks so bad and is happy one of them is treating him nicely
DAMN TILÍN- damn q is really trying to make them understand he loves them both and richas didn’t replace tilín to him, and richas still means a lot
why is richas here, someone free this stinky child.
richas is doing the most-
WHY IS THERE A BOAT. (oh roier)
richas is like “nah dude its fine i get it” and tilín is like “nah fuck this guy”
should be clear i’m not 100% this is actually tilín but ya know gonna treat them as if they are until otherwise obvious
oop richas is burning the trees and tilin ain’t complaining
TALLULAH- HIJA YOU FUCK- why is he not saying whose tallulah’s parent is- BRO SHE AINT YOUR DAUGHTER- YOU TRIED TO KILL HER DAY ONE OF HER LIFE!!!
“a better father than you” well about that tilín- roier’s probably currently hitting his new kid or something
aww q’s excitement to see a picture of tilin and him together
WILBURRR- bruh not this bullshit of him maybe being tilín’s other father- BRUH YOU JUST WANTED IT TO BE WILBUR Q!!
oh etoiles!!
Q EITHER JUST SHAT ON WILBUR OR ETOILES- probably will- bro at least his kid is alive so ya know- he may be absent but hey at least she lives sooo
ayo is that a chest of tnt- AYO WHY DID TILIN JUST KILL Q DOR WHAT RICHAS SAID??
oh now they’re fighting- they want q to stay out of their fight- but richas is being weirdly mean towards tilin- hey wait what- WHAT?? HE LITERALLY WASNT LIKE THAT 5 MINUTES AGO???
that heart monitor should be going way faster truth be told
damn richas is so fuckin jealous for some reason
q is realizing how much he fucked up
oh richas statue is back.
ya know i did hear tilin was a big fan of fighting eggs
DAMN. “have you achieved something in life?”
IS RICHAS DEAD?? coma defo. OK SO NEITHER OF THEM DEAD. just tilin.
and we’re going full tnt. RICHAS IS NOT DEAD!! HES IN A COMA!! unfortunate, BUT HES NOT DEAD!!
awwww richas. richas said q made him really happy and asked if q was happy with life. q said no.
BOMBS AWAY TIME!! THERE GOES THE LABYRINTH OF MEMORIES! (bot yet) he just wants to keep the memory maze. to say goodbye.
he really wants to keep the memories- damn. “why do you think your life has value?” (tilin) FUCK. FUCK. “my life never had value, neither did my memories.” (q) AAAAAAAA “they meant a lot to me dad. but they were in the past.” (richas)
(oops looks like lore spoiled into the main game)
water. it’s always FUCKIN WATER.
oh he’s leaving tilin? telling them not to wait for him, not to come for him.
oh okay lore over? but he didn’t die? welp lore over.
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femme-malewife · 1 year
I feel like Honeyworks has both bettered me as a person and also worsened me simultaneously
On one hand, I literally began self teaching myself Japanese for the sole purpose of knowing what happens in the novels and I've gotten relatively good at it. I'm still god awful at kanji and I still get a lot of hiragana mixed up, but I'm still learning on my own...
...On the other hand, I'm probably spending more money than I should on merch...
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t1oui · 1 month
chaotic bcj headcanons bc i have brainrot about this man OFTEN
italian, greek (mum), british, and spanish (dad)
grew up in italy, it's his first language (he was invited to hogwarts bc his dad works for the ministry)
can learn a language in about 2 seconds
speaks italian, english, greek, and spanish (only learned it to spite his dad who can't speak spanish)
almost sorted into ravenclaw, he was nearly a hatstall
likes to spend his time pointing out all the reasons why english sucks (he is probably the best english speaker of all his friends and he wasn't fluent till he was 11 (they've been speaking english their entire lives))
very tall. it is literally impossible to lose this man in a crowd
loves to swim but gets pissy if the water's too warm
is a sub 100%. if evan is ace he's still a sub but in a nonsexual way
he's crazy in the way that all smart people are a lil crazy because nobody fully understands him (read: he's best friends with lily evans)
makes fun of jegulus for being jealous but will throw hands if someone smiles at evan from across the great hall
in constant need of piggyback rides but too tall to get them from anybody but remus
love language is physical touch, if he is not touching someone at all times he gets anxious
this usually means holding hands with his friends... and biting evan
worships the ground his bf walks on daily <3
never studies but has perfect grades
loves dying his hair, usually green but also random colors like red and purple and blue (pandora's favorite color)
once sirius dyed barty's hair hot pink to get back at him for who knows what it's barty but barty actually loved it (sirius was PISSED)
happily asks evan to give him pictures to wank to (evan obliges)
have i mentioned he's a total fucking simp. yeah
was quidditch commentator for 2 seconds before mcgonagall fired him (he kept gossiping about the players)
actually loves people so deeply it hurts (james does the same thing but his love for people is on the surface while barty hides his most of the time)
hella adhd
insists on being the little spoon, can't sleep otherwise
has a ton of piercings and is completely COVERED in tattoos (at least half are dedicated to evan, the other half to the rest of his friends (including the gryffindors, especially lily!!))
mama's boy, like this man brings up his mom every 6 seconds, he thinks she's the smartest person on earth (other than evan ofc)
has a lot in common with james (as seen above), barty beefs with him for about a month and then realizes james is actually super chill (james and evan were already friends lol)
the biggest fuck you to his dad? not only does he hate politics, he wants to be an artist
likes painting just fine, and drawing is ok (he mostly just draws evan and the skittles, sometimes others like lily and james), but he LOVES ceramics
is an amazing cook, spends a lot of time in the kitchens with the house elves
(in a world without voldemort, he and hermione granger would get along very well)
favorite subjects are charms and defense against the dark arts (y'all remember when he was actually kind of a good dada professor in gof? yeah)
my computer's about to die so i'll leave it here, might add more later tho <3
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emzii-hi · 5 months
I would like to start to say this hurts me as a fan of forever and that I would honestly want to stay neutral and keep out of this whole thing until its be clarified but will keep tabs on whats going on. I do not speak on behalf of forever this Soley my thoughts and opinions. I do not know the culture of Brazil and i speak only from experience when i make connections. And the whole reason I am righting this is that I want to just get it off my chest. THIS IS A VERY VERY LONG POST!!
First of all i have seen the tweets and have watched the whole stream that forever streamed talking about this. I would also like to say that I speak and can read portugués so I feel like I can confidently form a well informed opinion based on what is being put out there. And i will talk about each part separately and then give my final opinion
The tweets are in no other words gross and very concerning and that's honestly all you can say about them. He was very obviously over what we know is the legal age and was talking about/towards minors fan or not is gross. Concerning about every other ableist and sexist tweets again are gross and shows a lack of maturity that he had at that age.
The way people especially English speaker from what I can see is actually crazy that people and assume information then spread THEIR opinion as fact towards other people. Whether the information is correct your opinion is not fact. sharing and putting your opinion of the information is okay but don't go around spreading your information as fact because it can be more hurtful then helpful to both parties.
Also this is another language AND culture. I feel like people speaking online about his voice sounding this or the way he phrase this are mainly English/Spanish speaking and even if Spanish is similar we do not know all their tones and cultural cues
Also a big thank you to everyone who is translating the information about everything that is happening you are all doing gods work and me and everyone in the community appreciate you
On stream today forever both talked about the drama and the way he is handling it.
I see a lot of people complaining and saying he must be guilt if he is lawyering up. Now this has two faces. ONE is that yea okay of he is so innocent why does he have to lawyer up it makes no sense. And to an extent i can agree with as like if you have nothing to hide. Especial if maybe the same victim is not able to get a lawyer.
But on the second side think about this logically. If you were accused of a crime petty or not your first thought is clearing your name. He is lawyering up in a way that is able to clear his name is a legal sense. Why can't and wouldn't he be able to defend himself is he MIGHT of truly not done something.
Another people were hoping that he would at least say sorry about what he did to the victim. But i would like to put it out there that if he is taking the legal route and he is getting a lawyer and defense to help him, if he were to say anything at the moment that made him seem guilty like admitting to the allegations would be used against him. Obviously this is in thoughts that the victim/s are taking any action towards Forever other that just stating it on the internet.
First things that i want to say is that one we do not unless you are Brazil know the culture. I am part Mexican and I can say that you will find a lot of men (more like boys) that joke like this. I can say from experience like that one of my ex and his friends that would joke like this a lot and people in Valorant joke like this ALL OF THE TIME. Is it wrong yes, did it make me feel super uncomfy yes. Point is that people usually joke like this and it was way more common back in the earlier 2010s, even fucking racist jokes where consider super funny until like super crack woke era came. He in the stream was like did I say this yes and I was wrong and I am not the person I was back then. For me I am like okay that's valid. PEOPLE CAN CHANGE. People can grow and mature. A school bully can become a better person. The fanfics we read where the mean person becomes nicer is change. Character development, character growth, maturing, call it what you will it does happen and honestly I am shock that people will point at someone that wasn't always they way they are now go 'OMG YOUR THE DEVIL NOW WHY DID YOU DECIEVE MY EXPECTATIONS'. Again this is not me defending Forever for his past tweets but more of me saying that you cant judge a person sometimes because of their past. This man probably met people that slapped sense and knowledge into him that he was like wtf I was a shit person.
Him deleting his old post is him starting a new and trying to show the person he is now and not the person he was and no longer agrees with. I would do the same if I posted something and just not longer agreed with it cause people do change and learn and grow new opinion whether for better or worse.
He also talked about how its kind of ironic that this claim/s has come to light right after his popularity has hit an all time high especially after the QSMP. And how every claim/s has first started on Twitter when theirs not actual legal action be taken into consideration by the victims. (from what i can tell) THIS DEOS NOT MEAN FOREVER IS INNOCENT. This just means keep an open mind. If people are able to send raid officers, break into streamers house, dox them online I would not put it past people faking a very gross and traumatic experience that effects actual peoples lives and hurts ACTUAL VICTIMS.
There was this person named Choquel (trigger warning) committed suicide due to a gossip blog spreading around false information. This person was who had a life and family that are now in shambles just because people wanted to spread rumors. I hope that they rest in peace and are enjoying their after life. And I send prayers to their family and hope for the best for them. I honestly don't feel comfortable taking 100% on this mainly cause idk a lot and this is just what ik about this situation but full am sadden that the world lost a person that could of made a change in someone's life but ended up taking their own because of others and their words.
I do not know much on this aspect put from what I can see and do know is that a lot of people are unfollowing forever and even people from close circles like: PHIL, & BIRIUM.
I think this has two sides one is the very obvious opinion. They unfollowed because they believe the claims/have actual information that has not been released. And if they do and that's is why they unfollowed him then GOOD FOR THEM. I am glad they are standing in solidarity with the victim.
BUT on the other hand, is just in my opinion is that they just don't want to drag into drama that might effect them as streamer/person just for following the person being accused even if they don't support that person. Then again I do not have the information to be able to fully understand this.
I am going to remove myself from the forever community but will keep my eye out for any update. This can go either way, and if the victim is an actual victim and not someone that is just hateful, then I hope you get your Justice and forever gets the punishment and karma that he deserves. If forever truly is innocent then I wish him Goodluck on clearing is name.
I am really sad that this has happened to us as a community especially right now in the new year. I am sorry and give my condolences to any victim in this situation which includes, his wife, the victims that brought this to light, any past victims in the past from his tweets, and his friends.
Overall this situation is a bad situation and if its like what the community believes to be which is true then keep boycotting forever, keep spreading information/translations, and supporting the victims. But please do not send hate to fans in the community who choose to continue to support and enjoy Forever. They are fans and entitled to their opinion and do not deserve any hate towards them.
Again this whole thing is my opinion and thoughts if you have questions or concerns or feel that I missed something please let me know. IF you had or are going through grooming/sa/domestic violence speak to someone please trust me you will find people in life that will treat you and support you in the way you need and want.
Stay safe and warm. Eat and drink water
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respectthepetty · 3 months
I've been wondering for a while- how did you start getting into all the colour stuff?? I would love an origin story <3 what got you into your passion for deciphering colors and how did you figure out what they mean??
sorry ik it's a lot but ever since I started following you I see colors everywhere and I'm curious of where you started noticing them ((: it's so fun and intriguing to me! I'm usually more of a "foaming at the mouth for the lighting" girlie but it's been a heap of fun figuring out colors with the lights ^^
thanks for everything you do to show us your eye for color btw ♡♡ your blog is so fascinating and I love reading all your theories and notes
@overrgrown, never apologize for asking questions, but I've actually been asked this before by bengiyo. You can find my write up HERE, but the short version of that post is I've always seen colors; therefore, I've always attached meaning to them, even if the meaning was not valid.
TLWR: Appreciate the artists who work on these shows, not me.
In bengiyo's ask, I stated that when I was younger, I thought the colors were showing me what was good and what was bad. That's it. In my defense, I was a kid, so everything really was good or bad in my book with no in-between.
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Even though I've always seen colors, and it comes very naturally to me, the meaning I attached to them when I was younger was very much based on who I was rather than what was being shown to me. Five-year old me thought if someone was dressed all in red that they were the devil. Adult me now knows that isn't always the case. Adult me also knows that red in American (United States) culture means something different than other cultures.
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Not a flex, just a fact, but I have several degrees in languages, linguistics, and rhetoric. What they are in is not super important, but, in general, a formal education has greatly helped me infer meaning from what I'm visually seeing in the media I consume. My degrees are not in film or communications, yet I've taken undergrad and grad-level courses like Visual Media, Multimedia and Visual Communication, Language of Film, Digital Narratives, Cinematography and Lighting, Film Theory & Criticism, Queer Cinema History, Spanish Film & Feminism, and many more all because under this great big academic umbrella of rhetoric and composition lies storytelling.
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And that's what this is really about - How do we tell a story? Regardless if that story is a simple flyer for a school bake sale, a 30-second commercial advertising cleaning wipes, or a 12-episode BL series, how do we get the message across? We can't just rely on ONE thing! We have to use as many things as possible! So when I'm watching a BL series, I'm just not paying attention to the words being spoken or the acting alone. No, I'm paying to the background noise. What do the clothes tell me about the character? What does his apartment tell me about him? And what do the colors mean?! All of it is important!
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I've mentioned this before but I serve on a screening committee for a queer film festival. I actually got involved with the film festival as an undergrad because of one of the film courses. This has allowed me the opportunity to speak to several filmmakers about their process, and all of them have confirmed that the colors were intentional. People who deal with props and costume design have spoken to me about trying to find very specific items that reinforce the story being told. Oh, and theater is a whole different level. Because of the nature of the stage versus film, if it is on the stage, it must have a reason for being there.
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Basically, people who work in visual media work really fucking hard, which you probably know since you love lighting. Most times, 12-hour days are the average, if not longer. This video does a good job of briefly covering the work that goes into costume design, and I timestamped it to begin at the part that covers colors.
I love seeing colors. I love deciphering them. I love the story they tell.
But they wouldn't be there if the hardworking people behind them didn't do their job, and those are the people who I appreciate.
So, as always, I'm thankful that you let me know I'm helping you see the beauty is in the details, but I'm really just here to admire the beauty with you.
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max1461 · 3 months
Russian is the first language I ever wanted to learn, and I think I should try again to learn it at some point. I didn't try very hard the first time (in my defense, I was 14). My present language learning priorities are
improve my Japanese > improve my Spanish = learn Arabic > learn Mandarin = learn Persian > learn Russian
(dead languages are ranked on a separate list)
which I can't really see changing, except for a potential circumstantial shuffle between the second and third ranks. So I may never get to it. But I really want to be able to read Dostoevsky and, thanks now to tsarina-anadyomene, Andrei Bely.
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shouldershimmycity · 2 years
Les Pilotes n'parlent pas Français (Hangman x Reader)
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This is a short, self indulgent fic, inspired by someone I know who got drunk after their Spanish exam and began speaking fluent Spanish. Alcohol takes away your reservations and unlocks knowledge apparently. IF MY FRENCH IS WRONG DON'T FIGHT ME ON IT, I WRITE LIKE A TODDLER AND I SPEAK LIKE A BABY! I'VE HAD A LONG SEMESTER AND I WILL CRY
tw: drunk reader
“Hey, Bagman? Your girl is drunk, you might want to come get her,” Phoenix sounds like she’s fighting back laughter from whatever is going on on the other end of the line. He could hear babbling in the background.
“Uh oh, is it good or bad?” he asked, only mild concern able to come from the smirk that filled his face while he stood from his couch. 
You had been waiting on your grades to come back from your exam. It was the final class you had to take before graduating and getting your degree, and if you failed you were undoubtedly going to be crushed. You loved to learn languages, and adored the idea of being able to communicate. However, your appreciation for the practice stopped at appreciation; despite all your efforts you found it hard to actually comprehend them, so the academic aspect of it was tough on you. Hangman was desperately hoping you passed. He wasn’t sure if he could watch you break down from French verb conjugations all over again for another semester.
“I’m not sure, to be honest. At the very least it’s impressive, I think?” she was belly laughing at something now, and said something to someone that he couldn’t comprehend. 
“Uh, what?” he raised an eyebrow to no one in particular.
“You’ll have to come see for yourself,” she gave up trying to explain, and said her farewells to Jake, who was already out the door.
Jake opened the door to the Hard Deck, and music floated out into the open world. He looked around the bar, which wasn’t sure busy on a weeknight, but busy enough that it took him a second to spot you sitting with Phoenix, Bob, Rooster and his wife Knuckles. 
Bob waved at Jake, who began walking towards you and the group, smiling in greeting.
“Il y a un beau pilote, Phoenix!” your voice was heavy with alcohol, “Je voudrais le pilote là-bas!” You giggled, and pointed at Jake, who put his hands up in defense and walked over to you cautiously. Phoenix simply nodded to appease you, not having a clue what was said otherwise.
“What, hon?” he asked, cracking a smile but beyond confused. Natasha and Bob tossed him a look that was similar to now do you understand? 
“J'ai réussi mon examen, Jake!” your hands were thrown into the air in celebration, and you leaned forward. Hangman quickly stepped forward to catch you before you face planted, and you were wrapped around his torso. It was good to hear that, from what he could tell, you passed your exam. Wiggling, you danced in his arms and he wiggled in response as it felt appropriate. Hangman wiggling in unison with his girlfriend was not the most unusual thing to occur at that moment, but then suddenly you pulled away to look at him fervently.
“Pouvons-nous manger des frites ensemble, s'il vous plaît? Avec du fromage? Et avec du bacon?!” your words were hushed, but frantic as if you had just come to an earth shattering realization, which had to be remedied immediately. Hangman looked between you and Phoenix and Bob, unsure how to respond.
“Is she asking me a questio– I feel like she’s asking me a question?” his panic made you giggle, and you patted his chest goodnaturedly. 
“Ahh, j’aime les pilotes,” you sighed, hugging him tighter. 
He wasn’t sure what was going on, he was entirely lost, but he sure didn’t mind.
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Latino flavor (400+ Follower’s Special)
Pairing: Striker Human!Wally Darling x Goalie latino!Male Reader / Human Goalie!Howdy Pillar x Defense!Gepeto Verinechi
Human Soccer Au, We fucking made it to 400+ in my account and so here is the fic that has been sitting in my drafts for weeks-! I’m a latino myself so I enjoyed writing this and yes my first language is Spanish sooo enjoy! Don't know where the hell y'all came from but I don't mind one bit! Picture isn't mine btw
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Wally loved watching M/n's futbol games, loves the way his eyes would just glaze a darker shade of color in determination, loves the way he could go from standing normally to throwing himself on the ground and stopping almost every ball from entering the net, loves how in each game you would cross your arms and with both hands do a sign to which recognized him for and he mostly loves the way the crowd cheers everytime M/n enters the field.
Sure Wally Darling is a striker, the one of the opposite team M/n played for but he couldn't help but crush over him. After all no one but M/n could stop his goals and he loves seeing that soft smile he gives Wally everytime he does as if saying "Next time?"; Even though it wasn't smug, of anything it was encouraging and because of that he put more effort. M/n still blocked any, if not all, of his goals.
They had a game, Welcome Home 9 and Hidden Pictures 13, it was a nerve wrecking game but Hidden Pictures managed to pull up. Wally knew that M/n was tired from only his pose and that is the only reason he managed to score so many goals long side his teammates but then, Gepeto, their striker started gosling the living hell of their goalie, Howdy, and slowly the score ended like that.
The stadium was on fire by the end of the game, tears flowing down their face at the winning of Hidden Pictures and Wally couldn’t help but smile at M/n doing his signature cheer.
“Good game,” said M/n in the locker room while patting Wally in the back who blushed softly at the contact. Wally’s eyes traveled until they landed on Howdy and Gepeto blushing softly while holding hands, big smiles on their face. 
Gepeto was an amazing defense while Howdy was a great goalie and they made the most adorable couple. Wally’s eyes went to M/n’s figure; he wanted with M/n what Howdy had with Gepeto, he wanted M/n. M/n finished changing into some fitted jeans shorts and a loose merch shirt of Wally’s team and he walked towards M/n in a shy manner.
“Hey M/n, I had a question to make you,” said Wally making  M/n smile while turning his way. M/n smiled softly while turning around to meet with Wally’s blue eyes and Wally smiled weakly, already feeling how his legs were aching from being up for so long and M/n’s tights were burning from all the bruises that were being formed while he looked at Wally but neither seemed to care.
“So I was thinking that we could, maybe, if you’ll like, go out with me, perhaps in tomorrow?,” said Wally while fiddling with his hands and M/n smiled while lifting up Wally’s face with his hand and before Wally could question it he pressed a feather light kiss on his cheek.
“Me encantaría ir en una cita contigo Darling…” Wally has never being happier of knowing spanish in his whole life
I loved writing this and I’m willing to write a second part for it but let me know if you’ll like a second part!
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fagidarity · 10 months
OKAY. slightly more comprehensive and hopefully more useful tips for writing qmariana because the other post i made was kinda a mess. this one also is but hopefully less so. this is basically me expounding upon everything i already said + adding info from a lot of the tags i got on the original post pointing out stuff i didn’t mention
also going to mention again that a lot of this IS related to slimeriana because that’s the main flavour of qsmp fics i read BUT they should all work as general pointers. slimeriana are just gonna end up as my go-to examples for what i’m talking about. and second disclaimer that i barely speak even basic spanish so there are probs gonna be even more things i may have missed or messed up, i’m forging through with the power of youtube auto translate
all that said, here:
he’s not great at speaking english —
it is okay to write a character not being good at speaking a language! i don’t know why everyone seems to be fine with writing charlie speaking broken spanish but not the other way around. so many times i’ve seen him written as speaking perfect english and then just sometimes swearing or having a few lines of dialogue in spanish, if even that. that is simply just not how he talks
common things i personally have noticed mariana does: repeats words, says words that sound similar to the one he wants but not Quite [think words that rhyme or have a similar sound to them, like nipples and pimples lol], he’ll often get frustrated and switch back to spanish and just rely on the translator, especially for longer or more complex sentences/statements, there’ll sometimes be pauses between words or he talks slowly. he tries his best to speak english around the english speaking server members but again, will also just speak spanish and use the translator if he’s gonna be talking a lot
other small things: he swears quite a bit, and has a few favourites [namely mamahuevo (eng equivalent is cocksucker) is the one that comes to mind. and i don’t feel like i’m writing this out correctly but also chinga tu madre (fuck you/fuck your mother? i think?). in english the first one that comes to mind is motherfucker]. also calls kids mami/papi a lot, not even just juanaflippa
he’s almost always written as either too nice OR too mean —
he’s not a one-dimensional piece of paper just there to either dote on slime or make his life hell. he jokes and teases and he has a bit of a harsh sense of humour sometimes, but he’s very rarely malicious in his actions. if he’s really in the wrong about something he’ll get defensive, but will eventually end up apologising
that said, again, he’s not always nice! he gives as good as he gets when slime picks fights with him, he and bobby had a very playfully antagonistic relationship as far as i could tell. it’s like picking playful fights is part of his love language
he was always very sweet to juanaflippa though :D except a few teasing jokes here and there. he was a good dad, besides the murder JHVSJD
speaking of his sense of humour —
it can be very… blunt? for lack of a better word? he says some bizarre shit with a completely straight face. best example i can think of is him suggesting he and charlie could play a porn game together because they wouldn’t have to talk. obviously that’s cc not character, but it carries over. or, alternatively, the circumcision bit on day 1. basically if u watch charlie more, look at his sense of humour and translate it into spanish — there’s a reason they get along so well :D zero normal people in this relationship. the most you’ll get is them occasionally passing the “straight man” role back and forth, getting bewildered at each other but ultimately going along with whatever the bit is
he’s not a cheater! —
i know. i know ppl like the angst. but he never actually cheated on slime, not beyond being kinda flirty with other men but then pulling back and saying he was married whenever they returned that energy. he’s a bitch, but a loyal one /silly
but seriously, qmariana loves his family so much. he always wanted things to work out between him and slime. the only mc skin of his that actually shows his hands has him wearing his wedding ring, for christs sake. he’s not an absentee father, and he’s not a cheater, he just likes to joke flirt with his friends
he’s very open about his emotions! —
i have never once known this man to hide his feelings or be stoic in any situation. if he’s sad he cries, if he’s angry or frustrated he yells and swears, if he’s happy he laughs. if you are writing mariana as a person to keep his feelings hidden you are Doing It Wrong. the most he might do is hide one emotion behind another, but he’s almost always showing something
he LOVES music —
this man will sing at any given opportunity. he quotes song lyrics out of nowhere constantly. english, spanish, doesn’t matter, he loves music. it is literally always worth it to have him singing a lullaby to juanaflippa in a fic because it is both very in character and very cute
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hargrove-mayfields · 11 months
It’s Disabled Billy and Steve Week
Day 2- Family
My prompt: A family reunion with Billy
Quick content warning, there is discussion of child abuse against a baby and abusive head trauma.
“Watch out, big bump in the sand.” Argyle warns, in his signature slow drawl.
He’s pushing Billy in his wheelchair, across a beach, heading towards a reunion for Argyle's family, the first since the couple had moved back to California.
The Gaspar family isn’t the biggest, just Argyle's mom, her two sisters, and their kids, the oldest of which have a few babies of their own. It’s still a lot bigger than any family affair of Billy’s, but those became obsolete when Billy was still just a couple of months on this earth.
Everything fell apart around then, the family split into bitter chaos and hatred. See, back then Neil had done something that couldn’t be hidden or ignored. He shook Billy.
All it took was a few seconds, but to this day he’s never regained function of the right half of his body. It’s cerebral palsy, hemiplegic. Along with the paralysis he’s got to worry about seizures and a whole list of cognitive problems, memory loss the most prominent.
Billy’s mom is his full time carer. Now that Max and Will are all grown and leading educations of their own, Ima Joyce can stay home with Billy and help him do all the things he either can’t do anymore, or never learned how to.
Argyle is a big help too, always bringing over giant casserole dishes of food for Billy and his adoptive family, or lifting Billy into the bath. It’s sweet, and fills a void that his childhood had left.
Billy wants to repay some of that with the simple things, tasks he can manage- giving cuddles, trying his specialty pizzas, visiting his family. Still makes him nervous, to be faced with his boyfriend's entire family.
Argyle tells him that’s normal, that he’d been terrified the first time he sat around a table with Max, Jane, and his secondary caregiver, Murray, at the same time, but it seems different. Billy’s terrified of not just making a bad impression, he’s worried about something like having a seizure on the beach in front of Argyle's baby cousins.
And, at the moment, he’s scared of being dumped on his face into the sand because of these bumps Argyle is pushing him over.
“Told you the power chair would’ve been better.”
“I tried my best, dude. It died before I even got it to your room. Like, tires locked, beeping sounds kinda dead, man.” Argyle doesn’t even sound defensive, he just laughs about the absolute train wreck that was their morning.
“Just tell me this thing is close..” Billy keeps complaining, only to be reassured right away by Argyle.
“Right around the corner, blue sky. Just follow the smell of tia Evelyn’s carnitas.”
Another thing that Billy really enjoys doing with his boyfriend is exploring his culture. Argyle hadn’t really been too open about his Mexican roots, since when they met Billy was in the midst of a custody battle between Hargroves and Byers. He said it felt wrong to talk about family when Billy hadn’t really found his own yet.
Now that it’s been a few years, and things are a lot better, Argyle likes to share certain dishes and songs passed down by his family that Billy just loves. It’s his favorite part about living in California instead of Hawkins.
In the same way that Mrs Byers taught her boys to speak the language of their Tanakh, and Billy loves to listen, he loves to hear Argyle and his family speaking Spanish, although he can usually only mentally translate a few words or less.
Argyle's mom is the first to spot them now, calling as they make their slow approach to the perfect spot between the trees, where they’re all set up on a few picnic tables pushed close together, “¡Hola cariños! ¡Finalmente lo lograste y mira, trajiste a tu novio!”
Billy catches that she’s relieved they both made it, but that mostly comes from Argyle's next words, where he restates what she says. That’s they’re tactic, to make sure Billy is never left out.
“Yeah, we’re here mami. Me and my boyfriend. And not just that, but we brought my super delicious world famous brownies!” Argyle sounds excited.
His mom, however, does not. She puts her hands on her hips and raises her eyebrow, “¿Las normales, cariño?”
“Uh, Billy these are plain brownies.. right?” Argyle leans forward, looking at the tray of brownies Billy’s been steadying for him in his lap, a look of sudden worry on his face.
Now Billy’s just confused, but he goes along with it, answering, “Yeah? What else would they be?”
“Well…” Argyle looks sheepish, and Billy realizes just what other kinds of brownies Argyle would be making.
Howling with laughter, he exclaims, “Argyle, you did not!”
Bring pot brownies to a family gathering that is. But by the looks of it…
“It was a mistake, my guy! And uh, I ate the whole tray myself ‘fore anybody else could get messed up.” Argyle defends, face flushed a subtle but deep red, but somehow that just makes it worse.
Accidentally mixing up the trays is one thing, but eating all the evidence? Billy is stumped. Shocked. Almost in awe.
Starting to regain a little humor about it, Argyle asks, “How what, sunshine?”
“How are you alive?” Billy clarifies, genuinely curious.
And then there’s another blow to every assumption Billy had made about life ever, in the form of Argyle proudly declaring, “Back in the day, I could eat two trays.”
All Billy can do is stare and look horrified, somewhat unsure if Argyle was joking or not. He’s too bad at social cues to distinguish.
But Argyle moves on, turning back to his mom to explain to her and promise that no, this is not a repeat of last time.
“Si, mami. Sin marihuana esta vez. Prometo.”
“Esto es un alivio. Quiero que te comportes lo mejor posible para tu novio hoy.” She seems to be satisfied with that answer, kissing Argyle's cheek and stepping aside so they can enter the imaginary boundary line of the party space.
Billy’s Spanish skills aren’t good enough to pick anything out this time, leaving him to wonder, “What did she say?”
Argyle shrugs, “Just something about making good impressions.”
That’s confusing. Billy’s actually a little worried he’d imagined last year's picnic while in a hospital fever dream or something. He doesn’t sound very confident as he says, “I’ve met your family though.”
Argyle tells the whole truth now, probably sensing Billy is getting stressed, “Right. She meant me though. That whole tray of hashies fucked me up pretty bad. Mama doesn't want me ruining the party in front of you.”
Billy is understanding, but also, he’s kind of surprised. He didn’t expect her to think Argyle was the problem.
After all, he’s not the one in a wheelchair, who can’t even hold a plate of food for himself, or sit through the whole family party without falling asleep. Maybe it’s leftover fear from being shoved around the house in an uncomfortable hospital lent wheelchair and never let out of the house by his biological family, but Billy is sort of used to being the one people don’t like.
For some reason, maybe because he hasn’t felt this way in a long time, Billy doesn’t hold back in expressing that.
“She’s scared about you ruining it. I’m scared about myself ruining it.”
Argyle shifts the dynamic from standing next to Billy, to crouching in front of him, a gesture that Billy only feels comfortable with when it’s someone he’s really close to. It brings them to an intimate space to talk about this problem neither of them really realized was a thing until now,
“Wait, what? You don’t got nothing to worry about, babes.”
Invited to talk about it, Billy spirals, “What if I get sick or somethin in the middle of everything and we have to go home, and everyone’s upset at me, and-“
“Baby. Mi angel. That’s not gonna happen.” Argyle declares passionately and confidently, holding the hand Billy has feeling in, “They love you. They’ll understand.”
Billy wants so badly to believe it, in spite of whatever irrational part of his brain flared up today, “Promise?”
“From the bottom of my heart, dude.” Argyle promises, impossibly romantic and heartfelt.
Feeling better, and ready to socialize in the way Argyle's family does best- food -Billy smiles, “Could you wheel me to the food table?”
“‘Atta boy!” Argyle kisses his hand, and stands back up to push Billy over. On his way, he calls, “Mami! Pass me a plate?”
“¿Qué dices, mijo?” His mother playfully purses her lips and waits for his answer to her demands about his manners.
“Por favor?” Argyle corrects himself.
The smile she wears is unmistakably full of love and joy for her boy, getting him a paper plate and waving him over, “Of course. Come, come.”
By the end of the day, Billy doesn’t even remember why he was worried. He leaves the beach full of love and good food, and with an invitation to the next one. The little cousins all loved him, one even crawling into his lap to play shark watcher with him.
They accepted him. All of him, abled or not. And one day, when he and Argyle decide they’re ready to take things to the next stage, these folks will be his family too, as William Reuben Ocean Byers-Gaspar.
Thanks for reading! It’s time for todays charity highlight!
This time I’ve chosen The Arc.
The Arc is a US based organization specifically designed to advocate for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Their board protects the civil rights of those with IDD and is working to break down the societal barriers that intellectually and developmentally disabled individuals face.
These include areas like criminal justice, healthcare, employment and education, and travel. The Arc works to provide resources directly to disabled folks so they may advocate for themselves, self-identify issues with language easy for them, access care, and feel safe and protected.
Most importantly, they work directly with disabled individuals to set their standards and align their goals with what disabled people actually want and need. This allows disabled members of their board and staff to be heard, not talked over or told what to do or say.
Fighting against inaccessibility and advocating for the legal and social rights of disabled people is something I’m really passionate about. The Arc is one of my favorite organizations and I’d appreciate if anyone would like to check them out.
So, if you’re interested in supporting The Arc, there are several ways. You can donate money, sign up for their news updates, share your story about programs in your life as a person with IDD, or access and utilize the resources on their site!
For more information or a place to donate (not required of course, I just want to give the option), click here for a link to the site.
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skylarmoon71 · 10 months
Miguel O' Hara (Across the Spider-Verse) AU- Oneshot
Word Count: 7k+. Opps, I did it again XD
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Life really had a way of throwing you into the blender. 
First you had to deal with your jerk of a boss who apparently didn’t do much but scowl and give demands without a single thank you.
Not one!
But that's besides the point.
Your current predicament was much more dire than a self centered superior.
Case in point.
You are presently in the air being carried by some man in spandex and as he swings through the streets of New York. You were clutching onto him while screaming and trying to break free. None of which he seemed to like because his head turned in your direction and the red markings on his navy color suit just made you that more terrified.
“Would you stop yelling I’m trying to save your life!!”
He sounds pissed and when he finally releases you, it’s after he’s landed safely on the top of a very high building.
In his defense, he did stop you from being attacked. Most people knew better than to walk the streets of New York that late. You’d just been dealing with so much. The second he’s no longer holding you, you grip your purse, scampering to a corner. There’s really no way for you to run and when he straightens to his full height, it does nothing to ease your nerves.
“It’s stupid to be out on your own this late.”
His lecture kind of pisses you off.
“I thought you said you were helping me! What kind of hero talks trash to the person they are saving!!”
“I never said I was a hero.”
“Yeah, well good, you would suck at it anyway. I-I didn’t even need your help.”
“Por supuesto.”
The little grumble in Spanish catches your attention and you inch away from your cowering position, recognition flashing over your features.
“No way..”
A part of you thinks it’s a delusion, but you know that voice. That exasperated tone. You heard it too often not to recognize it.
He’s still standing there clearly agitated, but when you no longer look scared, his body language shifts.
“M-Mr. O’ Hara!!”
You yell in surprise. He turns his back abruptly.
“You got the wrong person.”
It sounds like he’s trying to mask his voice now and you growl, charging at him.
“Oh no you don’t!”
It’s clear he doesn’t expect you to fully attack him, when you jump on his back, he stumbles.
“W-What the hell are you doing get off me!!”
You grab the top of his mask and when you yank it off. Those thick brown locks are hard to miss. He turns to you in surprise.
Of all the people, why did it have to be him?
He shrugs you off, and you almost tumble, but he grabs your arm before you fully meet the concrete. His glare is fixated on you. Much like the other times in his office, you feel so small under it.
“Give me back my mask.”
It doesn’t take a genius to see that he’s pissed. You hand it to him shakily and he runs a hand over his head with an aggravated huff. This wasn’t making any sense.
“W-Why are you running around the city as a vigilante..”
His gaze is still somewhat boring to you.
“The better question is why the hell are you out this late with no protection. Are you really that reckless? You were basically asking for trouble. “
“Y-You have some nerve!! You’re the one that gave me the shitload of entrance forms and told me to have it done by Monday. You think I enjoy getting mugged!!”
Maybe it was the darkness playing tricks on you, but for a second he actually looked a bit guilty. It disappeared within a second, and you were once again being hoisted into his arms. You screamed.
“P-Put me down!!”
“Stop fighting me, I'm going to take you back to your home!!”
You intended to protest, but then you realized you were in fact on the top of a very large building that you would not be able to climb down on your own.
“I guess that finally shut you up.”
You had every intention of firing a response, but he took off in the air again and you could only shut your eyes as you tried not to look down at the daunting buildings. Miguel’s eyes strayed only for a moment when he felt you bury your face deeper into his chest. He brushed off the thought that ran across his mind the second it appeared, focusing on getting you back.
That night was eye opening for the both of you. Not only were you an assistant for the world’s most grumpiest boss, but apparently you were also his accomplice in crime.
In his case it was more justice..maybe?
You were still trying to wrap your head around the whole vigilante situation. That’s why you decided that you were going to be anywhere he wasn’t. You couldn’t continue working there knowing who he was.
“He’s crazy if he thinks I’m staying.”
You’d already quit and you were at home packing up your things. The plan was to move to another state and start fresh. You could do temp jobs until you found a solid one.
“Where exactly do you think you’re going?”
Your screech must have been heard from every floor.
“H-How did you get into my house!!”
“Your bedroom window was open.”
“What kind of psycho does that!!” 
You grabbed a mug from the box, chugging it at him in which he caught easily, placing it on the table nearby. You swallow when he approaches. His stature has always been intimidating, but now, it’s more daunting. Knowing what he was fully capable of was terrifying. It didn’t help that he was wearing that suit again. Something about the way those eyes were painted over just had you so unsettled. The design of his outfit was just as unnerving as his personality.
“Do you really think I would let you leave my company with all you know? You’re my assistant and since we’re both in a compromising position, there’s no way I’m letting you out of my sight. You know my secret. Knowledge is power.”
You shook your head.
“P-Please, I promise I won’t say a word to anyone. J-Just let me go. You won’t ever hear from me or see me again I swear.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. I wish I could take your word for it. But you’re a liability that I can’t afford. “
You managed a glare.
“Y-You can’t force me to do anything!”
He turned his palm over and when he drew those claws, you could physically feel your heart stop for a second.
“Try me.”
He approaches and you stagger backwards in an attempt to run, but in a matter of seconds, you're pinned to the door. Miguel leers down at you.
“I know where you live, who you are and where you might run to. So I insist that you reconsider my offer Ms. Caine.”
From his tone, you really don’t have a choice.
You’re stuck.
That’s how the partnership started. You showed up the very next day, and the whispers were non-stop. A lot of people speculated that there was an affair, or that you were almost taken by another company. There’s a long list of rumors and assumptions. You should have been more affected by the voices, but all you could think about was him. Your ill tempered jerk of a boss who was basically holding you hostage.
“Why did it have to be him!!”
Of all the people, why did he have to be the vigilante?
Following the encounter you conducted some very in depth research. As it turns out, Miguel was actually cleaning the streets of New York, both with his companies and his skills. It was bad enough that he was a pompous rich guy. He just had to be a superhero too. It was infuriating.
He got to spend his day bossing you around and then his nights kicking the butt of bad guys. You didn’t understand how such an unlikeable man could be doing such good deeds. There was no press in it for him if he was insistent on keeping his identity a secret. Honestly, with what he was capable of, he could have turned into a crime boss. With some of the things you saw on youtube, the man was next to unstoppable.
You would have admired the cause if you didn’t know who was under the mask.
“What are you doing?”
You blink.
You hadn’t realized that you’d completely zoned out. You turn your head, getting back to work organizing his files.
“Nothing.” You mutter.
Miguel is at his desk, and you’re shuffling through his cabinets as you put everything where it belongs.
“I hope you’re not getting any crazy ideas. “ He stands and you tense up because you think he’s about to head right over to you and tell you off, maybe offer another threat.
“Have my schedule for this month done by today.”
Your eyes widen.
“S-Sir, that's impossible. I usually take at least three days to have everything sorted.”
“You better get to work then.”
You aren’t given a chance to retaliate because he’s already out the door, heading off to another meeting. You’re beyond pissed. Not just for the inconvenience that being his assistant has always brought, but the sheer fact that tonight you actually had a date and this is the third time you’re canceling. You slide out your phone begrudgingly.
“I’m sorry, I’ll be working late again. Could we maybe meet on Saturday.”
The response you get is almost immediate.
“I don’t think this is going to work.”
That’s all the message says. You try to respond, but it appears he’s blocked you.
You can’t really blame the guy. Neither of you had met yet, but you’d spent the last two times explaining why you couldn't make it. All because your boss is a grade A asshole.
The next few hours you drown yourself in tasks. The only good thing this man has ever done is make your office fairly close to his. Throughout the day you move back and forth. Even when Miguel returns, you don’t give him the satisfaction of seeing your displeasure. At this point it’s obvious he doesn’t really care. When your friends had warned you about taking the job five months ago you should have listened. Everyone heard the rumors of him being a difficult person to work with but you wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. That and the pay was amazing. So you just dove in because you knew rumors weren’t always true. As it turns out he wasn’t difficult.
He’s insufferable.
Regardless of your situation you continued to do your job. You’d only stopped when you happened to glance at your cell phone. It wasn’t strange for you to work late. There was a knock on the door and the person that stepped in didn’t even look surprised.
“Figured it was you? Working late again.”
You let out a heavy sigh.
“Yeah, I’m just about to wrap up. Thanks for bringing me back to earth John.” He nods, stepping inside. He pulls out something from his pocket.
“Here, my Elizabeth made this for you. She’s just recently got into bracelet making.” Your eyes lit up at the bead style accessory with your name on each colored bead.
“It’s so cute!”
John smiles.
“My wife wouldn’t stop gushing about the outfit you bought for Elizabeth either. You’re basically a part of the family now. Don’t work too hard kid.” He gave you a little pat on the shoulder, and you smiled in thanks, sliding the little gift into your bag.
That small interaction had already brightened up your night. You cleaned up the space, exiting the building in a few minutes. On your way back, you couldn’t stop the little giggles at the thought of John’s family. He’d spent the first few months of her birth showing everyone pictures of his kid and wife, it was endearing.
You envied it
At this rate you wouldn’t get there because Miguel wouldn’t offer you even a chance to breathe. You tried your best not to dwell on that. Increasing your pace. Whenever you got out this late it always made you weary. You needed to take the train back to your place and all the creeps tended to come out at these hours. You buzzed right by a bar, keeping your head down to avoid drawing any unwanted attention. 
Fate wasn’t too kind because for the last five minutes you were certain you’d felt the same figure following you. Your heart rate increased and you clutched your pace, speeding up. For a moment you turned behind and when the lights flashed on the street, you could see a smirk on his lips. At this point you were full on panicking. This particular street was vacant, so throwing caution to the wind, you began sprinting the best you could in heels. 
Better to look crazy than to be attacked.
You took one turn and you were pushed against the wall. You staggered, hitting it roughly. Just as you moved to pull out your pepper spray you were punched in the gut. Your body hit the floor like a brick, and you gasped when the man jumped on top of you, holding you down.
“Pretty thing like you shouldn’t be out so late.”
The taunting in his voice just spiked your pulse faster and you tried to fight him off, you really did.
His hand pressed against your lips and he ripped your blouse. The tears were coming before you could stop them.
“Be quiet and you just might leave here alive.”
Dread struck you.
This was it. 
He was too strong, you were too tired and weak. You hadn’t even had a full lunch. The stress from your job had been weighing on your mind so much that you hadn’t realized how exhausted you really were. Now you were about to be assaulted in the back of some alleyway.
Your sobs continued and he began moving his hands lower. You weren’t even sure if you were fighting anymore or if you’d just given up.
One second he’s on top of you and the next you hear a grunt. The weight is gone almost instantly, and you briefly process the sound of punches making contact. Each one that hits makes you jolt. You’re still actively crying, now pressed to the wall as you pray for help.
One last hit and something hits the ground. Your entire body is shaking, and when the figure rises from over the man who’s now laying on the ground, you want to scream. You wonder if you’d just escaped one monster to get jumped by another. He steps out from the shadows and the crimson and navy patterns are the first thing you see. It’s a breath of relief that leaves in an instant.
He barely gets a word out, because you run right into his arms.
Miguel looks down at your state. Your clothes are a mess and he can still feel you trembling. You’re holding unto him as if you never want to let go.
“This is my fault.”
If he hadn’t been such a jerk about getting his tasks done you would have been home safely like all the other employees. You were attacked again and it was all his fault. Sliding his arm under your legs, he lifted you up. His free hand slicks a web to grab your bag. The second he has it all secured, he’s gone in the darkness of the night.
After he’d dropped you home, you seemed a lot more settled. He’d given specific instructions about reporting your attacker and he made it his mission to head back there and kick the guy some more just for the hell of it.
At the moment, he’d found himself just watching you. There was still a slight tremble when he looked at you, but you’d thanked him and turned around. You were a mess, he could understand why. So he stayed. You didn’t ask him to, but he caught the look of relief you wore when you stepped out the bathroom and he was still standing by the bed. He watched you get tucked in and had every intention of leaving, but you grabbed his arm.
“Can you..stay just a little longer…”
The vulnerability displayed made him feel like shit. Right about now he would have loved to see you yell at him or fire a crafty insult. Anything other than the pain you were now experiencing.
“I’ll stay as long as you want.”
He owed you so much more than that.
For the very first time, you actually smiled. Not at a coworker or some friend, but at him. You slid into the bed, and he could see your features begin to even out with the sounds of your breath. Some point early that morning he’d finally gotten himself to leave.
That’s why the following morning he’s anxious. He knows that you probably won’t show up. But he’s not certain if he should drop by to check on you or simply just call.
The soft knock makes his head raise.
“Come in.”
Someone does walk in, to his surprise it’s you. You’re holding his calendar that he’d been adamant of you finishing.
“Good morning Mr. O’ Hara.”
He stands almost out of impulse. You look physically alright, but that expression from last night is engraved in his mind. You walk right over so casually. It almost makes him wonder if he imagined the entire ordeal.
“I finished your calendar. It’s been fully updated. I also adjusted it on your computer. You should receive the updates in a few minutes with a link to forward it directly to your phone as well. Your 10 am has been pushed to 11am today because the benefactor is currently stuck in traffic due to an accident on the main highway. He sends his apologies.”
You place the binder on his desk.
“I set all the new applicants for the internship on your desk for you to look over. The interviews went very well, but we only have six positions open. I made notes to help you get a better understanding of the individuals. Is there anything else you need at this moment before I go for a small break? I skipped breakfast this morning. “
He’s not sure what to make of this.
“Are you..is this..”
He can’t really form a proper answer.
You hold his gaze for a few moments, then look down.
“I filed the report this morning at the precinct. They found him tied to a post on ninth avenue. He’ll be charged accordingly thanks to you.” You still refuse to look at him.
“Thank you so much for..saving me..”
It sounds like you’re about to cry again and he grits his teeth.
“It’s my fault you were in the position in the first place. From now on you leave here at 6pm for the latest, do you hear me!”
It’s a very sweet gesture, but he’s yelling. It’s become clear that he’s not truly a heartless asshole, he’s just not good at communicating when he’s worried about someone.
“Yes, I will. Thank you Mr. O’ Hara.” 
He grumbles, running a hand through his hair, taking a seat. Now that the atmosphere is much more mellow, you can’t help but ask.
“So how did you get your powers? Were you bitten by a cat-spider?”
He looks annoyed.
“Are you serious?”
“Well you have spider webs shooting out of your hands and you have claws and fangs. Plus I'm positive your eyes changed color last time.”
You place your hand on the desk, leaning over as you squint at him.
He’s a little unsettled by how intently you're looking at him now. He doesn’t like the way his heart reacts to the attention.
“Get back to work before I change my mind and make you work until the morning.”
“You can’t do that, it’s against company policy.” You fold your arms proudly.
“I own the company.”
Damn, you forgot about that.
Dropping your arms, you brush it off.
“You wouldn’t do that. I can tell that you’re starting to warm up to me. I think this whole tough guy act is just a charade. You’re actually a teddy bear aren’t you.”
“Please leave my office.”
“See, you don’t deny it!”
“Okay okay I’m going.”
You make a sharp turn, happily walking to the door. When you’re halfway out, you look back at him. He expects another snide remark, but your expression is nothing but warm.
“Thank you again for last night sir.”
It’s just above a whisper. For a moment he’s taken in how nice it feels to be thanked by you. With one last smile, you leave.
Miguel frowns.
He never thought he’d ever really trust anyone. Especially with the secret he holds. He’d gotten so good at keeping others at a distance. You finding out was never the plan. But it was surprisingly easier when he didn’t have to lie about his whereabouts to an unsuspecting assistant. Especially when he showed up at random times in the morning, covering it with poorly made excuses of sleeping in or unplanned meetings.
To his surprise you’d even gotten him a small wardrobe in his office to keep an array of business suits. It was after that one time he realized that he couldn’t show up to a meeting dressed as Spiderman.
This particular afternoon he was actually working on a crime syndicate he’d intended to take down. He had the files and pictures he needed to bring them down. Now it was just a matter of linking it all to the politician he was certain behind the whole operation. You walked in, carrying two bags of what looked like chinese food.
“You should have dinner. I’m just about to leave.”
He was relieved you were now sticking to the agreed time. That moment felt so far in the past.
“Thank you, I’ll be done in a second.”
He barely gave another glance after he said that. You dropped the food on his desk, but he noticed you hadn’t moved. Raising a brow, he looks up.
“Is there something else?”
You shook your head.
“Not really, I just think you’d have an easier time getting a date if you spoke to people like this rather than barking orders all the time.”
You grin.
“That defensive response just proved it. Besides this is a cooperation. People talk.”
“I should fire you all.”
You just laugh.
“Then who would keep this place afloat. I doubt you’d be able to be out there galavanting and run an entire company all by yourself.” You tease.
“I’d manage somehow.”
He directs his focus back to his work, and you admire him. For so long you’d convinced yourself that he was just a narcissist that enjoyed making others miserable. But the truth of the matter is he was shouldering quite a lot. If word got out of his nightly adventures, he could lose a lot. Regardless of how rich he is, there would be consequences. 
The media would probably run his name through the mud, then when he finally picked up the pieces, his image would be tarnished. In an instant he could potentially lose all of this. Yet he still went out there to protect people. Suddenly his distant personality makes sense.
“Why do you do it?”
You can’t help but ask. His eyes don’t move from the computer.
“You seem to have everything figured out, why don't you tell me?” His sarcastic reply is what you expect.
“I think it’s because of what happened to your brother.”
He stops altogether.
It looks like you were right.
“After that night I found out I did a little research. He was a reporter and a good one. He uncovered that Alchemax was using lower class people to experiment on. He got too close and they killed him for it. A month after the whole thing was brought to light. Families were reunited and reimbursed by an anonymous source. They honored Micheal O’ Hara down at city hall. If not for him, no one would have known. “
His entire body is tense, and when his gaze finally meets you, there’s a strange vulnerability that you’ve never witnessed before.
“He wasn’t supposed to die like that. I kept telling him to let it go. But he never listened. We both know what it’s like to be taken advantage of when you don’t have much. Micheal was always fighting for the underdogs. He didn’t live in a big suite or mansion even though he was making six figures. He donated most of his funds to the orphanage that we grew up in."
You’re a bit shocked to learn of his background.
“Surprised that I wasn’t born into wealth.”
You nod.
“A little, yeah.”
“Micheal and I grew up dirt poor. Parents abandoned us when we were three. We spent those years on the streets until social services caught us and forced us into the system. Almost got separated. We promised that if we ever made it big, then we’d give back.”
This is quite the discovery. You always assumed he was linked to so many nonprofits to help his image, but he was actually making good on the promise. His eyes drifted to a picture on his desk, and you stare at the image of him with another man who bore a striking resemblance to him. Both men were grinning so widely.
“People are scum, but he wasn’t. He was the greatest person in the world. He died doing what was right.”
You could see the pride as he spoke.
“That’s the only thing I care about.”
Who would have thought. You have a newfound respect for him.
“Micheal would be proud of you. I know it.”
You find yourself reaching over and placing a hand over his on the desk. Miguel looks up, shaken by how easily your smile causes his thoughts to jumble.
You give a soft pat, pulling away.
“Well I’m turning in. Have a good night sir.”
Miguel stands abruptly and you slow your steps.
“Everything okay?” You question.
He nods.
“Yes. Just..let me take you home.”
You tilt your head in confusion. You’ve been going home alone for the last month or so. It was a bit scary at the beginning, but you are better now.
“You really don’t have to. I’m fine, I promise. “
“I want to.”
If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that expression on his face was bashful.
“I didn’t know he could wear such a cute expression..”
You push back the thought.
“I’ll go grab my things.”
You pace out of there, slapping your cheeks for almost giving you away.
“Calm down, he’s just being nice!”
That’s what you were trying to convince yourself.
But for the nights that followed, he kept driving you home. It has gotten to the point that it was routine. He’d wrap up his work and then drive you back. It was weird being this close with him. He was maybe ten years your senior. You always knew that, but it seems like recently you started to take notice of the way he did things that just oozes maturity.
His gait, the way he spoke during conferences or meetings. The sharp suits. You’d been so fixated on the bad qualities at the start that you wrote off him having any good ones. He was so put together. Sure of himself. Whatever he did there was no doubt or uncertainty. Whether it be closing a contract or addressing an unreasonable client.
Although it was a change, it’s nice to see the different sides of him.
Like that one time you caught him singing to himself. You both had been working to close a contract, so it’s not shocking that he’s distracted. His door was slightly ajar, and the soft tune is what drew you inside
Ya hacen día' que no' vemos
Y creo que un tesoro encontré
¿Será verdad? Aún no lo proceso
Es que eres tal como te soñé
You were surprised to find out that he had a pretty nice voice.
Cuando me ve, no le tengo que decir
Si mi sonrisa no sabe mentir
Lo que no sabe es que mi sueño me va a cumplir
Si tú me ves y te empieza' a desvestir
Sneaking into the room, you just enjoyed the melodies. He was sitting in his chair, but his back was turned, grabbing something from the shelf at the side. When he got what he needed, he wheeled back to his desk. It’s then he takes notice, and he fumbles, almost falling out of the chair.
Your grin is stretched wide.
“I didn’t know you could sing sir. Quite a nice voice you got there.”
He straightened in the chair, and you could have sworn you saw a light dust of red on his cheeks. It was honestly adorable.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than sneak up on people.”
He stood, getting busy around the room in an attempt to play off his embarrassment.
“I’m pretty much free for the moment.” You hum, walking over to him.
You’d planned to ask if he needed any assistance, but he turned suddenly and you found yourself looking up at his massive form. The way he stared down always seemed to make you feel small. Not so much inferior, just, tiny.
Like he was the lion and you were the mouse.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re built like a bulldozer?”
“It’s come up.” He groused, stepping to the side, staying on task. You turn, following him to the desk.
He might have had a bit of a short fuse, but you were a little surprised he didn’t have a girlfriend.
Possibly relieved.
Miguel picked up his glasses from the desk, slipping them on as he read over a document. You couldn’t help but drink in the sight of him. There were a few stray locks that lay just over his forehead. He’d discarded his jacket and his shirt appeared to strain against his broad shoulders. Even with his perpetual scowl, you couldn’t deny that he is a very very attractive man.
“Are you interested in dating Mr. O’ Hara?”
It was a personal question, but if you were being honest at this point the both of you had already crossed so many boundaries that fell under normal boss-employee relationships.
What’s one more to that?
You can tell by his gaze that he expects some snark that follows on your part. Yet he’s met with nothing but your curious eyes. You looked generally interested in what he thinks of the topic. He stands from his seat, and once again you feel as though you shrink back when he moves into your space.
“What if I was cariño..”
You don’t really expect the lowered tone. His hand comes down on the desk at the sides of your waist and you exhale shakily. Somehow the spectacles on his face had made him ten times more handsome.
That or you have a serious kink.
There’a a knock and you both seem to snap out of the short daze.
Miguel draws back and you’re a little afraid to move. Your legs feel a bit unsteady.
The person enters and you do your best not to look frazzled. It's another manager presenting reports. Miguel dives right into work, exchanging notes.
You just take it all in.
A sudden realization seems to hit you that you no longer see him as the pissy superior you used to detest.
Rather than deal with your new discovery, you decide to just brush it off. Your dynamic with Miguel is already complicated at the moment. It’s better if you just don’t think about it.
Instead, you distract yourself with episodes of your favorite show.
When you’re settled in the comfort of your home, you finally have a chance to decompress.
Grabbing a bowl of popcorn, you got comfortable in your sheets as you got ready to watch a much needed movie marathon with your favorite district attorney.
“Barba for the win.”
You grin to yourself as the episode starts. Just as you were stuffing your face with the buttery goodness, there’s a harsh collision at your window. You’re startled, but you recognize that tall figure.
Pausing your show, you practically toss your bowl to the side.
“Hey did you forget how to land sir.” You joke.
When you fully opened your window, you took in his bloodied form and your heart dropped.
You reached for him instinctively, guiding him from your balcony into your room. Sliding the window close, you moved him to lean against your bed. It was tough managing his weight.
His breathing didn’t sound that great. The very prominent slashes to his chest were hard to miss. His suit was a mess of materials. There seems to be blood everywhere.
You’ve never seen him this bad before.
He looks like he’s on the verge of death and you have no idea what to do.
“I-I need to call the ambulance, we have to get you to a hospital!”
You’re about to go search for your phone, but he takes your head, halting you. You lower to the floor slowly.
“No..no hospitals.”
His voice is strained.
“T-Then how am I supposed to help you. I-I don’t know what to do. I’m scared. I-I don’t want you to die!”
You’re on the verge of tears and he does his best to straighten his leaning form. He always lectured himself against resorting to this method. He wasn’t even sure why he came here in the first place. It just felt right at the moment. Like no matter what, everything would be alright if he just made it to you.
“I need..blood..your blood..”
It sounds a bit ridiculous. You’re convinced that he’s somewhat delirious. But he doesn’t look hazy, just in pain.
“M-My blood will help?”
He nods, groaning under his breath.
“It plays the same purpose as vitamins or herbal remedies. I don't usually need to ingest blood to survive. But when I’m injured, it helps me recover faster.”
None of it made sense to you, but if this would heal him, then you didn’t care. Miguel tried to look up when you ran into your kitchen. You’re walking back and he sees the knife. He feels a bit panicked.
“W-Wait what are you-’
You slice it across your palm before he says another word, and the red flashes over his usually honey brown eyes. You're on your back in seconds, the knife sliding out of your hand across the floor. You can only stare. Miguel’s tongue darts out and his fangs become visible.
You half expected him to bite you, you’re fully prepared, but he licks instead and your face heats up at the contact. You should be grossed out by this, but the way his wet appendage runs over your digits almost makes you blush. You close your eyes, and just when he pulls back, you wait.
All that follows is a thud.
You jump, because he’s now passed out on the floor. To your relief, the color has begun to return to his features.
You sigh to yourself, because it dawns on you that you can’t leave him here on the ground.
Oh joy.
It took maybe five minutes for you to get him into your bed. The top half of his suit was already pretty torn, so you ripped the remainder, tossing it on the ground. He’s set comfortably and you get busy, grabbing a washcloth and wiping the blood that’s stained on his skin. You would have to toss out all your sheets in the morning, that was for sure. But you can sleep much easier knowing that he’s alive.
At some point in the night you’ve fallen asleep.
You’re shaken awake when you feel movement on the bed.
“Are you going to sleep all morning?”
Rubbing your eyes, you try to adjust to the surroundings. You finally make out the towering form of Miguel.
He’s wearing that usual scowl.
“I guess I have you to thank for the scrap of my suit.”
For a moment you just stare at him. Last night he looked so weak and frail. Now watching him frown as he addressed you is comforting.
You run right into his arms, and he’s frozen.
“You’re okay…”
Miguel finds himself returning the embrace. He never imagined that he would have gotten so close. The both of you had barely been able to stand each other at the start. It was a miracle you both were able to be in the same room together without tearing the building apart.
“Don’t you ever do that again.”
It’s mumbled into his chest. His eyes soften.
“I’ll be more careful from now on. Thank you for taking care of me.”
Possibly the first sincere thing he has said to you. You move back slowly, and when you look up at him, you can see from his expression he’s confused.
You shake your head with a little smile.
“I’m just really happy that you’re okay Mr. O’ Hara.”
He never thought he’d hear those words coming out of your mouth. Everything that usually followed those pretty lips of yours often came in the form of a heated insult.
“Her lips..”
His eyes couldn’t help but stray. You look so innocently happy. Miguel gulps and he almost bites into his lips when he feels the dryness that follows in his throat. His hands lay on your shoulders and he pushes you away, lowering his head.
“W-What’s wrong!”
You immediately assume the worst.
He shakes his head.
“I-I’m still recovering. You should keep your distance for the time being.”
You don’t get it, not at first, but then you remember his words from last night.
“Is it because of my blood?”
The cut is still present on your palm where you’d slide the knife. You’d just wrapped it with some gauze.
“It has nothing to do with your blood. I just need to be careful.”
“Then why won’t you look at me? I let you guzzle down some of my delicious iron, the least you could do is say thank you.”
“This isn’t the time, Caine.”
“Just look at me!”
He meets your gaze, but the power behind that stare isn’t what you expect. Nor is the ruby color of his irises.
“This is what you wanted, are you scared?”
He takes one step and you try to move back. It results in you almost falling right onto the bed. His pointed stare is still on you and this time you frown. You hate when he does this. You’ve been around him long enough to know when he’s trying to distance himself. Create that barrier. It's cowardly.
Turning your body, you shove him. You can see the clear shock as he falls right onto your bed. He means to yell at you, but you climb on top and he grows completely silent. Unable to breathe or talk or think.
“The only thing I’m scared of is losing you. Even if you’re a jerk, I care about what happens to you. Someone has to. You refuse to show anyone who you are or how you really feel. I’m done playing this game. I know you care. You care a lot and I think that you..t-that you might actually care about me the same way I care about you. Y-You could have gone anywhere last night but you came here.”
You pin his wrists to the bed the best you could. Given the clear size difference, he can easily push you off the bed.
“I-I’m not moving until you admit it!!”
You’re aware of how childish it sounds, but you couldn’t have imagined it.
His eyes hold uncertainty that you’ve never truly seen. When his gaze falters, a strange feeling erupts in your stomach. He wasn’t fighting back. Even though this was clearly breaking the rules of conduct.
“I care about you..”
It’s said so softly that you almost miss it.
“You do..”
Now he’s glaring.
“You pinned me down and demanded an answer when you weren’t even sure!!”
“Well I had a hunch but I could have been wrong.”
Miguel turns his head in the opposite direction.
“I can’t believe this. I should have fired you when I had the chance.”
You grin at his little mumble.
“Hah, like if. You’re crazy about me. I’m barely holding you down right now yet you haven’t budged. You’re secretly into this kind of stuff aren’t you sir. You want me to hold you down and have my way with you.”
You smirked and he rose to his feet, taking you with him. He was holding you in his arms and he could see the taunt about to follow, so he dropped you back on the bed.
Miguel rolled his eyes.
“I’m heading back.”
You scramble off the bed.
“W-Wait you can’t go out like that!”
“My mask is still intact.”
He was right, it’s just his top that was missing.
“You’re half naked, what kind of hero would you be if you went out like that. N-Not a very good one.”
Truthfully you just didn’t want other women seeing his beefy body.
That’s for your eyes only.
“Just stay here. I’m going to run to the store and get you some clothes.”
Before he could protest, you’re out the door.
From the moment he hired you he knew he was in trouble. 
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Human Tito x Human Ozzie pt. 11
What the fuck!" Sara screamed, "Cammy? Did you pack any pads?" Cammy opened the restroom door and covered her eyes, "Shit! I didn't pack any!" Sara started to panic, "No, no, no! Fuck! Oh, wait..." She grabbed the toilet paper, "Nevermind! I got toilet paper. I did this a lot in middle school." Cammy sighed in relief and closed the door, "Jerry, I-I'm too nervous about this... What if I get another miscarriage?" Jerry sighed, "You're gonna do well, I promise. I feel bad that you lost your child, but I promise you that you'll do amazing and give birth to their child!" Cammy sighed, "Where did you get that condom from?" Jerry looked at his hand, "I was gonna use it on Dr. Fine-" Cammy looked at Jerry weirdly, "You were gonna rape her?" Jerry's eyes went wide, "I was gonna ask her out and then fuck her! She's a hoe anyway." Cammy gasped, "You asked Tito if he didn't pack any condoms a week ago-" Jerry chuckled, "Nah, I was just basically asking if he wanted one! He seems a little pissed at me..." Cammy looked down, "I know why..." He gasped, "Please, tell me!" She looked at him, "You exposed his secret to us about him losing his virginity to his father. He told me about this..." Jerry looked down, "Oh..." She walked away, trying to look for Tito. "Tito, where are you? Uhm..." She walked in the hallway, "Uhm, knock, knock!" She opened the door, "Oh, fuck! When were y'all 2 together?" Gus gasped as he dropped Knolan, "Hey, uh, Cammy! Don't tell Jerry about this!" Cammy backed away, "O-Okay... Shit, did he suck your dick yet?" Gus blushed, "Well, I was about to let Knolan suck my dick~" Knolan blushed and went on his knees, "Okay, but have you seen Tito and Ozzie?" Gus gasped, "I saw them go outside! I think they went for a walk!" Cammy groaned, "Ugh! We have to make the baby!" Once she said that, "Haha! You're back! Well, how was y'all's walk?" Cammy heard Jerry and ran to the front, "There you are!" Tito sighed and smiled, "I was just trying to relax myself before making the baby, and Ozzie wanted to come too." Arthur walked in, "Couldn't y'all just consider adoption?" They all looked at him, "It involves identification! We can't expose ourselves! We must stay hidden." Jerry laughed and smiled, "Baby, I'm always right!" Arthur turned red, "H-Hospital?" Jerry sighed, "Security, T.V news, identification, bills, and more!" Cammy sighed, "Should we start making it upstairs...or..." Tito blushed, "There's an upstairs? W-Wow, yeah..." Ozzie looked at Tito, "O-Ozzie...no w-wanna...leave y-you!" Tito chuckled, "Amor, you're coming with us. Don't worry, we will have the child. You wanna be a mother?" Ozzie laughed and giggled, "Y-Yeah!" Jerry laughed nervously, "Want a condom?" Tito smacked Jerry behind the head, "Bitch ass hoe!"Jerry groaned, "Fucking shit... That hurts like hell! You are overprotective!" Tito smiled, "I've been overprotective. I mean, you can't doubt me either! My first language was Latin American Spanish. Secretly coming to Texas helped me learn English. I now speak English fluently, and here introduced me to a word called 'Defense' and 'Strong'. No wonder why I act out!" Ozzie put her head on Tito's chest, "B-Baby?" Tito hugged behind her, "Sí..." He smiled at Ozzie and at Cammy, "Gracias, amiga." Cammy smiled back and nodded, "Alright...." Ozzie started to jump around with joy, "Over here, ¡amor!" Ozzie looked at Tito, "O-Okay!" She ran over to him as all 3 of them went upstairs, "Oh, Cammy, how brave she is..." Sara said as she went next to Jerry, "Couldn't you imagine hiding from the police, wanting a child but can't go in public, so a best friend of yours helps you make the child..." Jerry nodded, "Yeah, I can imagine that. I can always imagine..." Jerry gasped for a second, "Is she a virgin?!" Sara shook her head, "No, but I am." Jerry smirked, "Wanna know a secret?" Sara nodded, "Sure." Jerry chuckled for a second, "I've had gay sex before." Sara looked at him with her eyes wide, "Wow! Did not expect that! What about your girlfriend who cheat on you for a guy with ancestors that 'picked cotton'?"
Jerry laughed, "I killed her!" Sara started to laugh too, "My boyfriend cheated on me for my best friend! Debbie, that son of a bitch! I can't forget Gary..." Jerry smirked, "Gary and Debbie sound like horrible people. Did you kill 'em?" Sara looked at Jerry and smiled, "Of course, I did! No wonder why I was sent to a mental asylum." Jerry laughed, "Oh, I was sent for murdering families. Disguising as a photographer, killed a child before. I was sent to court, realizing that I, myself, was mentally ill." Sara thought for a second, "Wait, during that gay sex, were you the bottom or the top?" Jerry turned red, "The..uh...bottom, of course." Sara giggled a little, "How did it feel?" Jerry turned red even more, "Amazing! It was so wet inside me, the rubbing against the inside of my ass, going in and out! The white sticky semen all over me as I also sucked that guys dick-" Sara turned red for a second, "Okay, that's enough!" Gus and Knolan walked out of the empty room, "Gus," Jerry asked, "Why is your pants all raggity and your belts not put on right?" Gus's eyes went wide, "I was uh...acting like a Hispanic! We got thug for life, fool!" Gus tried to act all cool, "Even Knolan has white stains on his mustache, he got that Hispanic drip on it!" Sara looked away, "Your penis looks like it's up..." Gus screamed and ran off. Knolan was using sign language; Me and Gus are together now, do you accept us?" Jerry nodded, "Of course, I do! I'll always accept my friends for who they are, except if they're a pedophile or a zoophile... That shit's nasty and fucked up!" Knolan smiled and walked away, "Say," Sara asked, "I wonder what all 3 of them are doing right now..." Jerry noticed for a second, "Where's Arthur?" She looked around, "Oh, he went outside and he's smoking some cigars." Jerry sighed in relief, "Oh... Thank, God!" Sara looked at Jerry with a smirk, "Why were you so worried, huh? Got a crush?' Jerry started turning red, "Okay, fine! Don't tell anyone, but I have a crush on him! I want his dick inside me! He's amazing! I want him to be mine..." Sara smiled, "You didn't have to actually tell me, but I'm proud of you. I bet he'll like you back." Jerry smiled, "So, that makes me bisexual? I liked a women before, now a man." Sara nodded, "I guess, that makes sense. I'm probably bisexual or Lesbian..." Jerry looked at her with a smirk, "You like Cammy?!" She nodded, "Okay, I'll confess too!" She rolled her eyes and laughed, "It's fair enough. I do have a crush on her."
Cammy started to grab on the table cloth, "I-Is it out yet?~" Tito started trusting faster and faster, "N-Not...yet~" Ozzie went up to Tito, "M-My... turn?" Tito nodded, "Y-Your turn after Cammy~" Cammy started to moan as she felt the pleasure of Tito's dick going in and out, "T-Tito, I-m glad to see that y-y'all are gonna be a-a happy family~" Tito smiled, "G-Gracias!~" Tito cummed inside of her, "There, I'm done..." He slowly took out the stick and wet penis out, "Tito, I hope that you'll have a child with Ozzie..." Tito nodded, "Me too..." She got off of the table and started puting her clothes on, "Sara's gonna try helping me steal a pregnancy test from the store. If we don't happen to have the child, we'll continue to try again. I'm here and I'll make sure that baby will come to your lives!" Tito nodded and hugged Cammy, "Thank you! Thank you for being there for me! How should I repay you?" Cammy shook her head, "No, don't worry! As long as I see that child in your lives, that's a type of repay I'll love to have." Ozzie went up to Tito again, "M-Me turn?" Tito nodded, "Sí, amor. Your turn." Cammy looked at Tito, "I thought Ozzie was gonna be a part of this too?" Tito shook his head, "Oh, she loves being around me. If I leave her alone, she'll feel lonely. Very strong connection she has with me. She also needs special care." Cammy smiled, "Alright, I'll be downstairs..." A few moments later, as she went downstairs, Sara ran up to her and gave Cammy a hug, "How did it go? Are they happy? Do you feel like a hero? I need to know!" Cammy blushed, "I just love how happy they're gonna be. Them 2 having a child and I'm the one having it, that's just a brave thing." As soon as Cammy said that, they both kissed. Jerry smiled, "You had a crush on her too? Sara, look who's lucky!" Sara turned red, "Jerry, come on! I'll help you get Arthur!" Cammy gasped, "He likes Arthur back?!" Sara nodded, "We gotta find a way to let them be!"
(Pt. 12 coming soon)
(💀goofy ahh story)
Sneak peak of pt. 12: The girls are gonna find a way to make Arthur and Jerry be together. Will it work? One of them has the smart ideas.
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nikolaykelen007 · 3 months
Hallo! How are you guys going?
Well, I'm here now just to Introduce a bisl oyf myself. :)
I'm a Brazilian >20yo living in somewhere of São Paulo
I'm actually focusing in studies, I intend to become a professional electronic engineer and/or work in physics area.
I'm an artist, usually drawing in paper, and a linguistics lover trying to become a poliglot, so if you chat with me in Portuguese, russian, finnish, Ukrainian, Yiddish, Polish, German and Spanish there is a little probably of me answer in the same language or try to understand hehehe
I'm a native ptbr speaker, my second language are English, my third is russian and my fourth it's yiddish, that I'm still starting.
And some warnings:
1 - I usually don't like some kind of discuss, manly political, so, I'll probably block or just ignore, as some kind of questions.
2 - I'm Zionist: I'm in agree and in defense of the idea of the creation and existence of the Israeli state as a place in word for Jewish people.
3 - I'm trying to convert myself into Judaism, searching a synagogue at moment: in really, something like 2 years ago i was in some antisemite groups, but since I started to learn Yiddish I fell in love with the Jewish culture and religion, as its knowledge and books.
4 - I'm into furry community: actually I'm just who I am because of furry community in some way, even in artistic as in social or professional ambient, so that's a kind part of my identity ☠️
5 - I'm an diaperlover: yup, I like to use diapers. Why? Idk. Where? Manly when alone at home, nobody need to see or convive with my own schizophrenia :D. And when I say "nobody need to see" it's the same motive for me don't post or repost dl content and block access to my "likes", and probably diaper content I'll post in scraps of FurAffinity, so don't worry of seeing some extremely soggy thing here ☠️
If you want to interact with me, don't worry, I'll not talk about this things if you don't want to :)
I'll post basically sfw furry or non furry arts, Fotograph sometimes and post about Judaism
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sacred-stanning · 3 months
Chapter 6: I spy a spider in the fog
Chapter 6 starts out with Riev and Novala discussing plans to capture Eirika.
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Novala uses this interesting expression in Japanese that I was unfamiliar with. "(Like) A mouse in a bag". It seems kind of similar to the English "Like shooting fish in a barrel". Basically, Novala is convinced that Eirika is trapped with no way out.
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Oh, and here is Novala's name in Japanese: "Nobera"
Or maybe "Novela"? Is he named after Spanish-language, daytime TV???
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Anyone who has played this game knows that Valter is creepy, especially in his interactions with Eirika. But here, Novala also creepily opens with "As beautiful a woman as rumored..." before demanding Eirika's bracelet.
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And again, Seth insists that Eirika not hand over her bracelet, even though he has yet to explain why it's so important.
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So Novala shows his hand and reveals that he has captured some Renais civilians that he will kill if Eirika doesn't hand over her bracelet.
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So why am I spending so much time introducing this one-off villain? Well, this chapter's opening has always stuck in my mind. I like what it does with the situation, and with Eirika's character.
Here, after Eirika expresses her shock at Novala's actions, he belittles her for not understanding that "this is what war is" and that "in war, you can do whatever you want to your enemies".
This scene nicely illustrates what I like about Eirika's character, which is that she is at heart someone who believes in the goodness of people, and in fairness. She shows shock at Grado's sudden invasion in the beginning of the game, and then here too when she is confronted with an enemy willing to mercilessly sacrifice civilians.
However, she is not a naive pushover. Once it is clear to her that Novala has no interest in negotiating in good faith, she declares that she will not allow evil actions like the ones Novala is taking. She is willing to fight when needed, even if it is not her first instinct.
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I also always found this line chilling for how real it is. Here, Novala tells the villagers that, if they want to be mad at someone, they should be mad at Eirika for forcing his hand. This kind of blame-shifting excuse is not uncommon to hear from people who do bad things in real life.
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The three villagers end the scene by asserting that "someone" will surely come to rescue them.
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This is the team I'm thinking of using. There are some hard choices to make here.
I wouldn't mind having Natasha in order to have a second healer, but I don't feel like I need one so badly that I want to use a slot on that.
I'm bringing Colm because he'll help me see in the fog.
And I've dropped Garcia in favor of Ross. I think I do want to use Ross, but I haven't leveled him up much yet, and it's going to get harder the more I put it off.
I wanted to bring Neimi since I like her, but I feel like I already have enough squishy characters deployed, so I'm leaving her out for now.
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I also use the dragon shield I got on Vanessa to raise her defense by 2. In Fire Emblem games, usually it's better to raise stats for characters who already are good in that stat since leaning into a gimmick typically pays off better than having a well-rounded character. But I feel like my two tankiest units, Seth and Franz, have enough defense already, and Vanessa is pretty much the next closest after them.
Since she can fly around (and there's only one archer on this map to watch out for) she also may spend some time on her own, and it's good if she can be self-sufficient.
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I give Lute the secret book to raise her skill because
She deserves all of the nice things.
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Finally, here's the layout of the map. We can't see much due to fog. All of the enemies are to our right / upper-right, but after a couple of turns, some reinforcement cavalry will appear right about where we are starting, I think around where Franz and Joshua are now.
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There isn't much straight up in this map, so everyone is going to head right. Notice the hills to the right of Joshua, those can make a useful choke point for dealing with the enemies who are right and up from our starting position.
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This is to the right of the above picture, and I think the boss is right around where I've left the cursor. Defeating the boss ends the map, which is important since rushing the boss can potentially save the villagers before they're ever in danger.
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Down from the above photo, and due right from our starting position we find the villagers. A giant spider will head at them from the mountains above. You have quite a few turns to finish the map (or potentially rescue them out of there) before the spider reaches them.
In the past, I've often sent Vanessa flying over to save them, but she can't really do much against the spider, so I'm thinking that this time I might just have her stick with everyone else and help rush the boss.
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And we've come clockwise back around almost to where we started, so this photo is to the left of the one above. I don't remember what's in the village, but I remember it being something disappointing. Aside from the hills above that I pointed out in one of the photos above, the scattering of forests to the right of our starting position, and the fort all are useful in handling the enemies since they hinder movement and give avoid.
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While Sacred Stones is overall not a very difficult Fire Emblem, especially on normal mode, this map does have a bit of a jump in difficulty from the ones before. If nothing else, the fog makes it much easier to make a mistake, and it's early game, so most units are doing well if they can take even two hits without dying.
To be continued!
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applefan28 · 1 year
-I was really hesitant to try and ask about it again, since I didn't want to be too pushy or bothersome, especially since I'm just some random ass anon 0_0; But I got the confidence to try again <:) Forgot if I said this already but the headcannons can be whatever you want, if you ever wanted to an excuse to go ham with the rambling, this is it, I definitely won't mind-
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(deleted the original ask + response because tumblr fucked up the formatting BAD)
hey man i dont mind the asks here youre totes in the good here 👍 im just very wishy-washy with doing things but really, your interest in my thoughts on these guys make me :] greatly appreciate it
(ALCOHOL CW here as its the headcanon topic this time.)
Apple is the type to go through such a weird whiplash of stages, as she starts out with being hyper and very active with near no doubt in what she does or says. it progresses, however, into how she was like prior to marsh on mars. apple gets very self defensive, short tempered, and hells of lot more brash with her language (as well as cursing in spanish a lot more). as we all know, her crude snd aggressive front was a subconscious way to protect + repress her deeprooted insecurities and self hatred. she could get easily angered and put up a fight response to a lampost of all things because she thought it called her dumb. eventually, it all sorta wears out into this very toned down, sad loner that keeps to herself. shes quiet and doesnt really speak all much, but is actually thinking a little bit too much for her own good. kinda like shes given up on that front? shes back to being post elimination apple at the hotel (at least, how i think of her to be). finally, she hits the last stage where shes this outwardly overly sensitive crybaby that overthinks every single thing going on. shes got tears in her eyes, sniffling every couple of seconds, sees every bad as her own fault and is sooo switchy with being overly attached/overly self distancing with marsh. apple is just a huge emotional mess of self hatred and deep insecurities 
thankfully though, apple doesnt have much of a reaso to drink a whole lot and neither do the mansion folk. she does dabble in a bit of beer every now and then in moderation if shes doing some heavy farm work (just like her dad). btw she has a sorta strong alcohol tolerance but in turn gets the absolute worst phases and digestional struggles. when it hits, it hits her HARD. beer and anything packed with flavour are her go-to (she knows nothing about mixing and types of drinks)
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Marshmallow is not one to drink a whole lot to begin with, and is the designated driver most of the times (only one who can drive and trusts herself + pb to handle things). marsh doesnt really have phases, at least like how apple does, but does kinda go through the motions enough where the next day she regrets having more drinks than she should have had. she gets a lot more loose and careless, shedding off that cynical and doubtful approach she has. it delves more into a very affectionate and surprisingly emotionally open individual who displays this carefree demeanor full of love and carnal desire (towards apple especially). there will however, be moments where bits of herself seep through these drunken love behaviours. every now and then you can catch a glimpse of marsh's hidden attachment and a flavour of guilt-ridden self hatred. marsh isnt exactly as self hating as apple is, but she has a tendency to make things about herself including issues between her and her loved ones. dont be mistaken though, she still wont budge and express her inner turmoil to you even under the influence. marsh desires agency and control over herself enough to not be completely loose on alcohol
like ive mentioned before, marsh isnt one to drink even casually and restricts herself from such during occasions as shes the self appointed and mutually agreed designated driver. shes more into sweet-tasting but not overly decorated mixed drinks and wine if she were to drink though. shes not exactly alcohol tolerant but not easily moved either, she has that subconscious restraint to not open up but its no match against her rampant lesbianism lets be real
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Bow is the type of drunk to bring lots of fun to the party, while having you keep medical aid on hand. shes a lot more hyper and energetic, sparking up the light and bringing life to whatevers going on sometimes to an annoying degree. bow also gets a hell lot more flirtatious with about anyone and will get mopey if you show disinterest or flat out reject her. thankfully, her attention span at this rate is tanked so she'll just switch gears haha. there will however, be a tipping point to her patience and will get irritable towards rejection or something not going the way it should. bow's pranks and stunts get even more chaotic and at this point flat out shows no regards to others' or her own safety. not to mention her moments where she will be extremely honest with intentions/feelings, sometimes even her grudge and depression over being dead + irrelevant. one second its flirting the next is casually raging over being nothing now, then back to flirting all to the same person. all this to compensate for the constantly looming void of her prescence, bow is destroying that void 
much like apple, thankfully this isnt something that would happen all that much nowadays. bow is the type to take a hard swig of straight vodka and probably shoot it onto someone else's mouth. she'll down on a fuck load of shots like its nothing and can chug beers in a fell swoop then crushes the can on her head. probably the strongest alcohol tolerance out of the mansioners, dough being a close second
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Dough isnt much of the exuberant and hyper party type like bow is (in fact his tone doesnt change at all), but still becomes this more outgoing, social guy that loves to get crazy with his pals and pulling stunts. shes more genuine and less "ironic" under the influence, as that flimsy façade she carries is taken down. dough's kinda a more approachable guy now as shes less to deal with the incessant Too Cool For This mask made out of plastic wrap, though WILL go on and on and on about whatever interest or topic she knows. not to mention, he can get rather annoyingly clingy with this newfound authenticity. the combo of a drunk dough telling a sober bow how much he loves her as a sister and thinks shes totally cool is very funny to me. not to mention much like bow, he gets flirtatious, but still retains that nonchalant attitude. while the flirting is genuine in emotion, its still some of the most blunt, unattractive flirting ever (hes having fun). all in all, dough doesnt suffer as bad as the others when drunk. a drunk dough is a zooted unmasked dough who, while drops the rather transparent ironic apathy for once, will still end up being a pesky guy but with added genuinity <3
dough is the opposite of bow here where she just has a pretty weak alcohol tolerance. makes sense with how flimsy her front is, its easy to kinda see shes bullshitting the irony. much like bow, he does likes just about anything from canned beers to complex mixes to really shitty mixes done in barrels that'll send you to sleep for a week. speaking of mixing, id like to think he at least knows some basics and will call himself a mixologist but honestly dough is very amateur at it and can NOT do tricks without using ghost abilities
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
This language discussion has been very interesting and there have been attacks on the American school system by both sides. There was one anon that said something along the lines of... it wasn't their fault that the school system didn't offer language classes until late and by then it was too late to learn and most folks can't take lessons after high school.... Okay I'm from Iceland, if we want to be able to communicate with more than ~400 000 people we need to learn a second language. I started English at 11, Danish at 13 and then Spanish at 16 (Japanese at 17). Learning 2-3 languages is manditory, you can choose at 16 betewen a couple and they start english earlier now.
However, and this I say as a language teaching student, learning a language is not just about becoming fluent, when you learn a language it changes the way you think. Learning a second language, helps you better understand other people who are non native english speakers. This is just one example of how monolingual english speakers are at a disadvantage even when everyone is speaking in English. The fact is you do not have to be fluent in the language or even be able to communicate in it to gain the advantages from learning the basics. The first time I went to Japan I could use phrases and string together basic sentences and that was after 2 years (4 classes) of the equivalent to HS classes, less than they teach you in 1 year at the University, we got through Genki 1 but without any serious kanji or writing lessons. One of my fondest memories from that trip is speaking with a cab driver who was delighted that we spoke some Japanese and spoke the whole trip animatedly with us about Iceland and Japan in a mix of japanese and english. His broken English and our broken Japanese was enough for us to hold a conversation.
Most Icelanders don't retain much knowledge from their 3rd language studies, its 2-4 semesters depending on which track you are on. However, for some its the basis for studying abroad or working in that country. They can atleast order a beer in Germany or wine in France or Spain, interact in a store and are not completly helpless. You might forget it but its easier to reclaim it than starting all over again.
Travelling abroad and not even attempting to accomidate locals by looking up a few important phrases or having a phrase book on hand to help yourself or others help you and expecting everyone else to understand english is entitlement. That may not be the anons here defending their experience however, those tourists exist. Those people exist on the internet commenting rudely on social media about how they are not being accomidated, or they react badly to a word that to them sounds racist or 'dirty'
Learning a language isn't just about learning the vocabulary, its learning a different culture, a different way of thinking, structuring sentences and you do not have to be fluent or even an advanced learner to benefit from studying the language.
The thing that gets me about defensive comments on our lack of opportunity is that while we have reason to be envious of Iceland's educational system, it's not like the US has uniquely crappy schools.
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