#but in that he will wait until bryce puts it in before asking him a question so he has to take it out
mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
i love the idea of bryce just being the most messy and not pretty sleeper on the fucking planet. like he's got baggy fluffy sesame street pajama pants w a neon orange shirt and christmas socks and his hair is always a mess and he usually does a face mask before bed and doesnt always get it all off and he has his mouth guard to stop himself from grinding his teeth and i just,, i love him not being perfect all the time
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gavisuntiedboot · 2 months
We Can't Be Friends (but I'd like to just pretend)
Pedri x Stylist! Reader
Part 2
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Warnings: None
Word count: 4.3K
A/N: Back with part 2! I'm warning y'all now - it's going to suck until it doesn't. Please bear with me. Also, I have included the links to both the shirts being sold for Gaza and the direct donation link. Please check them out! And if you can't donate yourself, I donate $1 for every watermelon comment under this post! So please make sure to share at the very least.
Being scolded was the worst feeling in the world. Well, actually, sleeping with a famous client and then having him immediately chase your coworker was the worst feeling in the world. But boy was this meeting with Katerina a close second.
“There needs to be a case study on this kid.” She muttered under hear breath as she moved sticky notes around the December calendar. She darted her eyes around her current configuration, before turning sour and looking up at you. The dark circles under her eyes had darkened a shade since you had seen her the previous week, and a twinge of guilt played against your sternum for contributing to her fatigue.
“Let’s go over some basic rules, my dear. First and foremost, you cannot block your client’s number.”
“But I-“ You began to protest, but your boss lifted one finger, silencing you instantly.
“I do not care. I do not care if he is a dick. I do not care if he is going to make my stylists kill each other. Honestly, that might be a blessing.  I do not care if he is the father to a litter of bastard children running barefoot around your home. You work for SDF. You work for Pedro Gonzalez. He will have access to your phone, your email, your address, hell your underwear size if he asks. Understood?”
You bit back the urge to protest, just nodding silently. She breathed in deeply before continuing.
“Second, you will not share his information with the other girls in the office. That includes his photoshoot timing, the PR being sent to him– anything. I’m tired of having to file reports to Milan about my girls fighting.”
The command was followed by another nod, this one more genuine. You had no intention of getting within 100 meters of either Tania or Sylvia, who were still not speaking but had also telepathically decided that you were a common enemy. You had been stepped on a suspicious number of times while collecting their pins from the floor, and you always caught them whispering to the other girls in the office about “la naranja podrida”. Didn’t take a detective to put those pieces together.
You were still in a state of agitation regarding the whole ordeal. In your fit of anger, you had done the mental calculations of how long it took Pedri to text another girl. He had left just as the sun was rising, so about 5:30 am. Google maps said you lived 25 minutes from the stadium, but he would have gone home first, because that’s where the damned boots and more damned note would have been. That brings us to 6 am to account for wherever the gremlin lives. By all your most optimistic estimates, he had waited at most a hour between leaving your bed and texting your coworker.
“Hey Silvia” was the text heard around the world. After the report (and a few hair samples) was filed away, a company-wide letter from HQ was sent out reminding employees of professional boundaries with clients. The giddiness and satisfaction that had come from a harmless prank had dissolved, leaving a queasy feeling in its wake. Day damn one. You lasted 4 hours before you crumpled like a convenience store receipt over a boy at work. Ignoring every caution sign, you dove head first into a pool of prospective romance - and promptly hit the concrete.
The worst part was that you couldn’t tell anyone. Bryce had responded to your gushing sonnets in the worst possible manner: with logic. You had brushed aside every one of her very appropriate questions, looking through your rose-tinted lenses at your life. You had gone as far as to tell her she was being a bad friend for trying to find any possible negative in this situation, causing her to pull back.
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt, that’s all.”
The words of her static-garbled voice memo never left your head. There you were, only a few hours later, stomach turned and heart shredded, completely and utterly hurt. And you weren’t ready to face the sting of “I told you so” that was waiting for you, so you just… never said anything else. When she asked about Pedri, you responded formally with his upcoming campaign schedule. Lucky for you that she was too busy with her own life to keep pestering.
The upside to the current tragedy in your life was that you were working in fashion. It was hard to cry when you spent hours upon hours looking at some of the most beautiful clothes in the world, getting full creative freedom to bring your visions to life. Not impossible, because there were definitely a couple of wet spots on the Margiela from yesterday, but harder. Barca Femini had been in and out of the office for fittings, and it was a relief to be able to work with something other than khaki trousers and blazers. There were seemingly hundreds of hangers carrying vintage sports pieces, colorful jackets, and silky skirts. It sparked little moments of happiness, knowing that you were so good at playing dress-up that now you were getting paid for it.
It had been a week since your unfortunate altercation, and though the evening (and unfortunate following morning) had never left you, it had seeped from the front of your mind to the base of your skull, a dull throb that could be ignored during the course of the day. That was, of course, until you received an email from Adidas.
"Okay, Pedri, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but this means you're blocked."
There was a snigger that floated through the lunch room that, had he been able to pinpoint the source, Pedri would have promptly quieted with a slap to the head. But it whizzed around like a gnat between some of the younger players.
"How could I be blocked, Fermin?" The question was met with a raised eyebrow from Fermin, who was mentally cursing his college education.
"Maybe it has something to do with you sleeping with her and then disappearing?" Gavi offered up that brilliant hypothesis between bites of grilled chicken.
"No, it couldn't be. She's American - they don't take sex so seriously. Besides, we just met! What was I supposed to do? Propose?"
Pedri resisted the urge to shrink back from the judgmental stares he was receiving. He was used to being questioned by Gavi, who believed in the "stare at her intensely until she falls for me and confesses" method of romance. But now that he had roped in Fermin (the most tech-savvy of the squad), he couldn't handle the intensity of the silent disapproval.
In all honesty, Pedri was tired of the emotional rollercoaster that had plagued the entire day. The previous night had been incredible. He wasn't quite sure what to expect when La Naranja stepped through her front door, but she surely exceeded expectations. Pedri believed he was happy in his normal routine: DM an Instagram model, engage in the little cat-and-mouse game where she pretended she wouldn't bend to his every will, and go back to her place for a decently fun time. But there was something about the way you walked, so coy and bashfully, looking up at him through delicate lashes with wide eyes, that warmed the most primal part of his being. His heart quickened at the sudden desire to chase, to capture, to consume. He wanted to protect this pretty little thing from the sharp eyes and sharper teeth of his friends. He was ready to savor everything you offered.
Over the course of the evening, the feeling gnawing at the inside of his chest became harder to ignore. The soft grip you maintained on his bicep to keep him close, the warmth of your fingertips searing his skin. He wanted to bark at Ferran to never look your way again. To sink his teeth into your neck, have you cry out his name so every man would know to never come near you again. Your hand, so delicate and soft in his own, maintained a firm grip as he dragged you out of the club, and a firmer grip on his hair once he was finally able to kiss you senseless. He felt like a wild animal unleashed in bed with, unable to slow or take pause. You were so hypnotizingly innocent, and he was going to destroy that.
The warmth in his chest remained till the following morning. As he kissed your cheek and whispered his goodbyes, he allowed himself to imagine what kind of arrangement the two of you could have. He was more than eager to feel the caress of your soft lips again. Maybe you would be open to picking up his late night calls, spending long, tedious days together talking and fucking and laughing at nothing in particular. He thought about the flush in your cheeks that would arise whenever he came into work, dropping subtle hints about your activities in the days before. He could really make you a permanent part of his rotation with little difficulty, facilitated further by the fact that you had been assigned as his personal stylist. Filthy as it may sound, he contemplated not showering upon his return home. He would have to later in the day following practice, but until he could secure a second audience with you in a bedroom, he wanted to savor the scent a little longer.
His front doorstep was littered with packages once again, about half from Adidas and the other from Springfield. He was not a designer by any means, but he appreciated that he was at least sent the collections that were meant to be his. Fer was sipping on a coffee when Pedri walked in, and expertly avoided ay questions of where he had been the previous night. He was a concerned older brother, but he was also a guest. He instead asked to see the piles of PR that his younger brother had hauled through the door.
"I don't understand why they bother sending you all this stuff. Why wouldn't they just send it to the styling team."
"Because I actually have to play in the boots, hermano." Pedri said, lifting the lid off his newest pair. He was excited for another Adidas campaign, or any campaign really that would bring him closer to you once again. Oh how he wished he could have captured the way you looked in that dress forever, immortalized it in an oil painting and hung it on his wall (right beside the ripped remains of the dress, which he so desperately wanted to destroy). His daydream had been broken by a crisp white envelope contrasted against the bright orange of the boots. There was a feminine wave of scent in the air, and the heart pumping in his ears drowned out the sounds of his brother’s whistles and taunts. Had you done this? Had you been planning ahead to send him a note had he neglected to ask you out while at the office?
He tensed his forearms to disguise a slight tremble, ripping open the envelope and scanning the page only to find-
“Ay dios mío. Silvia.” He allowed his head to thud against the counter, Fer’s tittering laugh clear as a bell now.
“Is she the scary one or the weird one?” His brother asked, prying the crumpled letter from Pedri’s dejected form.
“Both are fitting adjectives. She’s the shorter one with the silver hair. She kind of looks like our Tia Marisol?”
Another tittering of laugher, and this time Pedri joined in with a cracked smile of his own.
“She wants to tell you how much she admires you, how much you make her … quiver? Ew.” Fer squinted at the note further.
“Listen to this line. Ehem: ‘I am ready to serve you, worship you, give you my body and soul because I love you.”
Pedri groaned so loudly he was sure the neighbors heard. Honestly, what were these girls thinking?? That he would start blushing and giggling at the mention that they would sleep with him? That was the least most girls would do. It turned his stomach, constantly fearing that he would be trapped with a child.
“Let me text this girl. I have to go in next week and I don’t want her bent over a table spread and waiting when I arrive.”
He typed in the number on the note, drafting a long text before deleting everything but the “Hey Silvia” at the top.
“It’s too forceful to say ‘hey I don’t want to fuck you’ right off the bat, no?”
He hit send, reluctantly heading off to shower away his escapades before he went into training, waiting for a reply before he asked not to receive any more erotic letters from his stylists. Oh how he wished she hadn’t.
“So run us through it one more time.” Gavi said, Ferran deciding to stifle his groan. The last thing he needed was to enrage Gavi further, as he suspected it would result in him finally getting the punch that was coming to him. Ansu and Fermin were nodding along vigorously, eager to hear all about Pedri’s first experience having feelings.
“We went out, we fucked-“
He rolled his eyes at the indignation from the boys. Kids these days.
“Okay. We went out, we had a magical lovemaking experience, and then I had to come to training. I texted her about her being my stylist to ya know break the ice. And I found myself in deep shit and promptly blocked on like everything.”
“I think your first mistake,” said Fermin, “was not texting her about last night. Why would you start with her working for you?"
Pedri dragged his hand down his face in frustration.
"What was I supposed to say? Good morning linda, great pussy last night?"
Gavi stood promptly with his hands up, leaving the room.
"I don't want to hear about another girl's vagina."
"Yes," Ferran muttered, "God forbid he cheat on his crush by listening to a story."
"Whatever happened to 'Hey, I had fun last night'? Is that not a normal thing to say?" Ansu asked, as shaken as Gavi but remaining planted by his desire to be in the loop.
"I think my agent is texting SDF to get her to unblock me. Not super easy to talk to my stylist if I have to do so through messenger pigeon. Where did Gavi go?"
Pedri followed his friend out of the locker room, watching as Gavi stared dejectedly at the Doctora’s office.
“Are you done moping?” Pedri asked, clapping him on the shoulder.
“No. She might lose her job and we play her stupid boyfriend’s team tomorrow. I just want to keep her safe from that asshole.”
For a minute, something sparked in Pedri’s chest. Was that jealousy? He had never before felt that there was something missing in his life, content with being surrounded by friends and family and teammates. But there was something about watching Gavi pine, listening to the way he spoke of this girl, and it caused him an ache. He was in awe of this foreign spectacle: loving someone so deeply, so intensely, that it led to begging for crumbs of their time and attention. He almost wished to be in the Doctora's position, always having someone waiting around the corner for him.
"I have a styling meeting today. Do you want to come and keep me company?"
"Naranja, the bastard is here."
You didn't even lift your head when Maria informed you of the arrival of your client. You had worn all black to mourn the death of your self esteem, prepared to ass-kiss as much as needed to preserve your job. Unfortunately, it was difficult to push down the burning rage in the pit of your stomach when you had to kiss the ass of the man who has hurt you so intensely.
Pedri strolled into the room clad in the ugliest jeans known to man, his doe-eyed teammate (Gavin?) trailing behind him. At least the littler one knew how to dress. He was in baggy jeans and an Amie Paris t-shirt, clean sneakers in the same shade of blue as his top. Pedri, on the other hand, was an abomination. His black hoodie was far too baggy on his frame, making him look somewhat inflated. It was made worse by the tight and ribbed denim hugging the (admittedly stunning) legs that ended suddenly in some chunky clompers.
"Good morning, Naranja."
God. Even the sound of his voice was like swallowing razor blades. You wished that you could hear the lilt in his speech without remembering the soft whispers against the column of your throat, guiding you to ecstasy at his command. The way that he encouraged you, coaxed the gentle sighs and high moans with just an ask.
"Let me hear you, pretty girl."
And who were you to deny? But now, looking at his soft eyes and confident stance, you wish you had resisted. Pretended you didn't speak Spanish that first godforsaken day in this office.
"Good morning Pedro."
A stifled laugh and wide eyes from the boy behind Pedri (God what was his name? Gustavo?). Pedri's shoulders had dropped significantly, his thick brows coming together in confusion.
"No one calls me Pedro. Not even my mother."
"Well, maybe it's a good time for you to learn what disappointment feels like. Especially since you're so comfortable giving it out to others. Do you have your boots?"
You could tell Pedri was lost for words, and it caused you a mild spark of satisfaction. You had spent the last week boiling silently, unable to unleash all the rage simmering in your chest. He nodded silently, pulling the box out of his bag.
"Great. Gabriel, there is a coffee shop on the second floor if you want to grab a drink while I'm fitting Pedro. I'm sure you've seen him naked plenty of times but-"
"No, no, I'll go. Would you like anything?"
After shaking your head, he exited the room, and you began frantically grabbing different sweat pants and shirts for Pedri to put on.
"His name is Gavi by the way." Pedri said to break the silence, and you turned so he could strip off his shirt.
"Come on, Naranja. Don't pretend you haven't see it already." He smiled somewhat earnestly, softer than he did at the other girls. You were a gentle thing, and he wanted to be gentle with you.
"How many other girls in this office have seen it as well, Pedro?" You asked with as much venom as you could muster, turning to face him and eyes locking as he unzipped his jeans.
"You think that sleeping with me is a company welcome gift, Naranja?"
"That's not my name."
"And Pedro isn't mine. But if you want to poke at me, I'll poke at you right back."
He was now in only his boxers and his socks, and it took everything within you not to glance downwards, a reminder of the sight from one week and one night ago. He took a defiant step forward, the heat radiating off his body.
"You know, Pedro," You began, steadying your voice. "Texting my coworker mere minutes after leaving my bed is a sin on it's own."
"Wait, what? Hold on-"
"But in those mere hours of bliss, I googled you. Looked at your name on Twitter. Saw who you were. And you're just another slimy athlete that uses girls and throws them away."
Your face broke when you heard him laugh loudly at the revelation. It made you angry, expecting him to feel ashamed of his behavior.
"I despise miscommunication, Naranja. So don't go jumping to conclusions and acting foolish. Your coworker sent me a letter essentially begging to fuck me, but I suspect you knew that already. Hell, you might have even been the one to switch the names around."
Your cheeks grew warmer, and a part of your brain registered that Gavi was now lingering in the doorway.
"But beyond that, linda, is that I was texting her to say I wasn't interested." He began dressing, joggers defining his legs in a way acid-washed denim never could. "But I don't like being judged based on rumors on Twitter. I want to be your friend-"
"Again with that word!" The outrage was finally seeping from you, and now that the lid had come off there was no containing it.
"How am I meant to be your friend, Pedro? You hit on me, you sleep with me, and then you moved on to the next girl. How am I supposed to be your friend after everything you've put me through?"
"What did you expect of me exactly?" He shoved his shirt over his head, a sweet bit of relief in a tense situation. "I like you, Naranja. More than a lot of other girls I've met. And I want to keep seeing you," he let his eyes burn a path down your body, "as a little more than a friend. If that's something you're into."
You took a step back, hand over your chest in shock. Did this man just ask you to be a friend with benefits, mere minutes after you asserted your disgust for his very being.
"You must think so highly of yourself." You couldn't raise your voice out of fear of it cracking. Just how much had you deluded yourself into thinking you found something special?
"I don't actually," there was a tone of laughter in his voice, "quite the opposite actually." There was suddenly not enough air between you. You simultaneously wished someone would interrupt you and that the moment would last forever.
"You're a sweet girl, Naranja. Too sweet for someone like me. I know who I am and what I want, and a girlfriend is not on that list currently."
"So what? I'm good enough for you to fuck and not to date?" You asked, the question heavy between the two of you. He remained silent, lips unmoving, the wheels turning behind deep chocolate eyes.
"I like you enough not to want to hurt you, Naranja. So, what do you say? Friends?"
"Go fuck yourself, Pedro."
The high pitched noise of the camera going off repeatedly was starting to get to your head. You leaned against the wall, rubbing at your temples to try and stave off the impending migraine. You opened your eyes briefly to see Gavi also leaning against the wall, gnawing on his lip and staring at his phone. Propelled by boredom, you shifted slowly along the wall to peak at what he was doing, desperate for any form of entertainment.
Thank God for the lack of Gavi's vertical blessing. A quick peek revealed that he wasn't actually typing any words, only rereading text from a contact that was saved as...
"Holy shit are you fucking your doctor?" You asked, probably a little louder than appropriate.
His eyes went wide as frying pans and he began to go visibly red. He started babbling out denials, explaining that the two of them were just friends.
"I mean she has a boyfriend and even if she didn't she would never go for me because she's so much older than me and cooler than me and she's way out of my league but all I want to do is keep her safe and make her happy and-"
His brain finally caught up to the words he was letting loose, and he abruptly suspended his word vomit.
"Does she know that you like her?" You asked, back against the wall, shoulder to shoulder with Gavi.
"God, I hope not. I don't want to do anything to make her life harder than it already is."
"Maybe telling her how you feel will make it easier. Maybe she feels the same."
"Yeah," he sighed deeply, looking wistfully at his phone again, "That's what Pedri keeps telling me."
The disgust was evident on your features. "I wouldn't really take Pedri's relationship advice."
"Now now, turning my best friend against me because you want me is a little extreme, Naranja." The voice behind you was too much to bear.
"Someone needs to give your best friend advice on how to not transform into a heartless user."
"Ironic. I remember one of us chanting 'use me, use me, use me' just last week." The response died in your mouth as Pedri's publicist approached. Where did this guy get off? Even if you believed his bullshit excuse about not wanting to fuck Silvia, the teen drama explanation as to why he doesn't "do" relationships compensated plenty.
"Alright you crazy kids! Ready to go shopping?" You spun around so quickly that you almost smacked Gavi with your hair.
"I beg your pardon? I am a stylist, not a personal shopper. I get pieces sent to me."
That was the truth. You weren't in charge or brand relations, and the purchasing department was an impenetrable fortress. Each week, a soulless intern wheeled a rack into the room, and you worked with what you were given. You had several ideas for how you could modernize some of these stuffy athletes, but that wasn't your place. Not yet anyways.
"Yes, of course. But we are redoing Pedri's wardrobe entirely. We have received communication from the team that his tunnel outfits are - what was the official wording? Oh yes, 'a detriment to the team's public image and an offense to the eyes of culers globally'. Springfield have also asked us to film some content during the journey."
"I don't think this is really part of Naranja's job description."
Of course Pedri was the one undermining you. Of course it was his voice speaking out only to call you incapable. You forced on your biggest smile, turning to face the agent directly.
"Oh, there's no issue at all. It would be an honor to makeover Spain's worst looking footballer."
Okay end of part 2!! I have decided that I want to post more frequent, smaller parts for this story rather than giant updates every three months. Please let me know what you think in the comments and in my ask box, and potentially where you want this dynamic to go! Thanks cutes xoxo gavisuntiedboot <3
(also if you would like to be on the taglist for this story, pls lmk!!)
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Winter's King 9
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: I can't explain why but damn I'm so tiredddd.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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As you approach the capital, you can’t help but poke your head up to admire the domes of the great castle and the high towers. The gates stand open as the party advances, in wait of their new liege and lord. You shield your eyes against the sun as you gaze at the silhouette of the mighty architecture. 
“May as well get a good gander,” Bryce says, “doubt the kitchens are any more glorious than the ones you know.” 
“Mm,” you retract your gaze and sigh, “suppose. But they will still be new to me.” 
“Not all that is new is wondrous,” he girds. “For as much as I’ve seen in this world, it is the familiar that keeps me sane.” 
You nod and let the cart rock you. Ahead of you, the horses tread over rocks and dirt, wagons bounce and creak, and some servants walk afoot to ease the cramps in their legs. You lean lazily on a chest and fold your hands in your lap. It will at least be nice to stay beneath a proper roof again. 
The streets of the city are crowded with faces. They do not holler for you but you can hear the raucous uproar ahead as the king and queen ride between the citizens. There are even more black and grey soldiers stationed along the roads, awaiting your arrival. 
As you wind up to the royal castle, the noise grows tantamount. At the walls of the grand structure, clusters of people threaten to crush the party between their writhing bodies. It takes some time after the king’s entrance for the luggage to make way into the courtyard. 
The carts depart around the back of the castle as the horses make way for the stables. You climb out as Bryce lurks around, dismounting Daisy with a grunt as he rubs his lower back. You glance over at him as the other servants quickly fall into work. 
“Maid,” he calls to you before you can follow suit, “no doubt the queen will need to wash away the road before she faces the hordes.” 
He beckons you forth with his gauntlet and you diligently near him. He hands off Daisy to a castle servant and carries on inside. You scurry beside him as he stops and gauges his surroundings. He is not versed with the corridors but he presses on unimpeded. 
You turn back a few times before you reach the great hall. It is crowded and chaotic. The soldier strides through without pause. You nearly grab onto him just to keep from being lost in the stirring of soldiers and servants, and the tittering lords and ladies in their colourful garb. 
Up the stairs and a few questions grunted to his comrades, Bryce takes you down to a set of chambers with yet another soldier before it. You’re let inside without question. You find Queen Jazlene before a steaming basin as another servant cleans her face. 
The queen scrunches up her nose and swats the lady servant, the maid still in the former king’s colours; burnt autumn orange and goldenrod yellow. 
“Watch my eyes, you moron,” Jazlene chides and jabs her nail into the maid’s ribs. 
“My lady, I didn’t mean--” 
“I am a queen, not a lady,” Jazlene hisses, “be gone before I have your teeth knocked out of that stupid mouth of yours.” 
The other maid wrings the cloth and steps back on her heel, chewing on an apology before she spins to flee. As she nears the door, she notices you and gives a panicked look. You reach to take the cloth from her before you go to the queen. 
“Your highness,” you greet her and dip the cloth back in the steaming water. “Would you like me to put ribbons in your hair?” 
“Mm, I suppose,” she tilts her face up and closes her eyes, “once the dirt is gone. By gods, I hate traveling.” 
You gently wipe along her hairline and trace the outline of her face. You delicately but intently clean away the errant dust and streaks. You drape the cloth over the brim of the basin and turn to the table. 
“And would you like your lips painted?” You intone. “Your highness, I do think your natural tones are beautiful.” 
As you peek back at her, her eyes open and she stares at you. Her nostrils compress as she inhales. She puts her head straight and looks at her reflection. 
“Do you think so?” She touches her cheeks. 
“Yes, I do, if you line your eyes, they might appear bigger but they are so lovely and dark already,” you compliment. 
She hums and tilts her head, turning her attention back on you, “it’s you.” 
You lower your head, “your highness?” 
“You’re always flitting around like some bird,” she sniffs, “suppose you are not so... agitating as the other. Yes, ribbons and some kohl. Then I will have one of the former queen’s gowns. They have delivered her wardrobe to me.” 
“Yes, your highness,” you say and go to work. 
You settle into your usual lull. The queen sips from her goblet as you twine ribbons with her curls, a halo around the crown of her head as coiling strands hang down to her back. She looks even more immaculate than you’ve seen her before. 
She calls for a dress and you bring her several options from those strewn across the large bed. She chooses the lavender and you help her into the light silk. You relace it to account for her lither figure, the former queen having some extra years in her hips. 
When she is dressed, she twirls before the mirror. She stops and sets her chin straight and glares at herself. She arches a brow coyly. 
“I cannot wait to see Lady Florence,” she scoffs, “she will choke when she realises I am her queen.” 
You linger by the wall, blending into the tapestry as she sighs and eyes the glass affectionately. She primps herself and spins again. 
“Well then, I must be overdue,” she goes to the door, “I must go to the king and show him I can be his queen.” 
You open the door for her and follow her out. The soldiers outside glance at her but do not move or speak. Bryce comes up beside you as you trail after Jazlene. She struts to the end of the corridor and is stopped by another guard at another door. 
“Do not think to stop me,” she spits, “I am the queen,” she flicks her fingers in his direction, “don’t be absurd.” 
The man lets her through as she tugs on the latch and his dull eyes stare past her. She hardly has the effect she thinks. People do not admire her so much as they tolerate her. 
She sweeps into the chamber as you wait outside. Bryce lets out a gritty breath and taps his fingers on his sword pommel. He chews more of the sweet leaves he loves so much. Jazlene emerges with a doe-like look. 
“Where is the king?” She exclaims. 
“He has gone to address the people,” the guard picks at his teeth. “He tired of waiting--” 
“Do not tell me about the king,” Jazlene snaps on the soldier, “ugh, let us find my husband. How can he think to face my people without me at his side?” 
She storms onward and you can only follow. She will no doubt need wine sooner than later, though you wish she might take more water or milk instead. Bryce keeps your pace slowed as he makes little haste. 
As she descends the steps, you can hear the king’s voice. The crowd is hushed, almost hypnotised as he speaks from atop a chair. Somehow, he is both overwhelming and unassuming. Jazlene shows as she sees him. The crowd does not move out of her way as they are rapt in his words. 
“...do not come as conquerer, but as liberator,” he declares, “I am not here to suppress but to unite. Our kingdoms, forged together as one, can attain glory. Peace. Joy. Our people needn’t suffer the droughts or frost rot without relief. By coming together, we will join summer and winter in harmony,” the king holds his sword, the tip on the armrest of the wooden chair, “to you lords who stayed loyal to Waleran, I do not seek retribution. You only did your duty and served the king you put an oath to. You had no part in his violations upon myself. I am aware you could not rein in your greedy master. You will keep what is yours, as by rights, but you will swear fealty to the new crown.” 
King Geralt looks around the hall, “I have spoken to the farmers and the peasants, I have seen the beauty of your lands. I wish not to ravage it but to build it. You will not have only from me writs and declarations, you will have fields sown, you will have harvests reaped, you will have coin in flow, and you will have full bellies.” 
He raises his great sword over his head. The large weapon could be held only by two-hands in anothers grasp but he lifts it effortlessly. 
“I saw how your king tucked tail when he saw me on the field. After you good lords followed him to battle and sacrificed your men and your blood. He could not stand and fight, but many of you did, many of you not here today. I will not let their souls be spent in vain,” he pauses and his golden eyes rove around the room. He points his sword suddenly towards you but not quite, at Jazlene, “I have taken a summer wife.” He curls his fingers to gesture her to him. People swivel to see her and clear the path to the king, “a winter’s king must have a summer’s queen, if our kingdoms our to rise anew.” 
Jazlene sways before she gets her footing. She moves forward, chin high as she lets a grin break out over her face. She looks this way and that, gloating as she goes to her husband. He steps down as she approaches and he takes her hand. He helps her up on the chair herself and she seems almost confused by the act. 
“Queen Jazlene of Debray,” King Geralt proclaims, “she will return with me to the Hinterlands to see that order is kept across our realm and perhaps, the next time I look upon you all, I will have an heir to present to you. A young prince to lead us into the sun ahead.” 
He raises Jazlene’s hand as she fawns. The crowd breaks out in racket, voices swelling to the rooves as you’re jostled against Bryce. The lords and ladies, servants and soldiers, throw up fists and hoot and holler. 
The king brings his sword up again, silence falling at the gleam of its silver blade, “but first, a feast!” 
The fervour is even louder as the hall explodes in glee. You hear it ripple out the doors into the crowd without and like an ocean, the tides carry through the courtyard and front gates, streaming into the city. Peace has come and old grudges cannot take the shine from the gift of a king’s mercy. 
“Your highness, we heard of what happened on Stag’s River,” an earl, you think he said his name was Kelvan, “it was a brave stand. Admirable, even standing upon the other ridge.” 
“You were there?” King Geralt muses, “mm, how fortunate our paths did not cross.” 
“Indeed, your highness,” the earl agrees, “I must admit, I dreaded it.” 
“But here we are, alive, together, as allies. It is all I ever wanted.” 
“And we knew it. We knew it, my liege, for when you let our men march back at all, we saw your grace,” Kelvan smiles. 
“Yes, but I have only ever admired your lands, never had I wanted to ruin them,” the king assures as he looks over at his wife. 
“He is a brave and good king,” Queen Jazlene praises as she puts her hand over the king’s. 
Lord Kelvan’s lips ripple, “mm, yes, I have not seen your father yet. If I shan’t happen upon the Duke, you will send my regards.” 
There’s an edge that makes you uneasy. You see how Jazlene bobs her head, “so I shall.” 
She doesn’t seem to notice the tick of resent in the earl’s cheek. How odd it is that they are so fond of the invader and yet their own kith and kin, they cannot help but revile. You’ve heard the whispers swirling already. It was not King Geralt who betrayed these people but this snakish woman and her blood. 
“Wine, girl, now,” Jazlene snaps as the early departs back to his seat. 
You stand against the wall, just behind the bench she shares with the king. You come forward with the jug reserved only for her, nearing between the shoulders of the royal couple. Before you can put the spout to brim, King Geralt’s hand catches the swollen belly of the ewer. 
“Perhaps you might have some more lamb before you indulge further, wife,” he girds. 
“It is a feast,” she slurs, “I am only celebrating. With you,” she touches his sleeve, “my king.” 
“I see that,” his voice is low but firm, “yet you are a queen and your subjects are watching.” 
“I can stomach my wine,” she sneers. 
He huffs and wraps his hand around the bottom of the handle, just below your grip. He wiggles it away from you and sets it on the other side of his plate. Jazlene lets out a childish gasp. 
“It is just wine,” she snivels. 
King Geralt runs his fingers along his collar, “we are having a good night,” he says as he peers out on the crowd, “please, let us not make a scene.” 
“I am not making a scene. I am the queen and I want more wine,” she insists. 
He faces forward completely. You stay as you are, trapped in their indecision. He blocks the jug with his elbow and she claps her hands on her lap and kicks her feet.  
“Perhaps you should have some of that wine,” she mutters, “it might make you kinder.” 
The king doesn’t reply and instead greets another lord; one who introduces himself as the Count of Bress. As they speak, Jazlene leans back on the bench and tugs your skirt. You look down at her. 
“Find more wine,” she growls, “and don’t be obvious about it.” 
“Your highness, but the king--” 
“I am your master, not him,” she snarls and nudges you harshly, “be away before I lose my patience.” 
You dip your head and notice how the king’s head turns towards his wife. You don’t look back as you critter off quickly into the shadows. You might be better to take your time and tell her you could not abscond any more wine. If you wait long enough, it might even slip her mind, as so often her desires fade into the next. 
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makeyoumine69 · 10 days
Pairing: Patrick Bateman x psychiatrist!fem!OC (April my beloved!) CW: Daddy kink, dirty talk, possessive Patrick, pet names, clothing kink, sensual foreplay and maybe something else. A/N: Hello my dears, I know this is not what most of you are waiting for but I just wanted to drop this concept of Patrick losing his mind over April (my personal OC for drafting and practicing lol) when she dressed herself in a very cute but sexy outfit, hehe. Also, sorry again for using x reader tag.
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Stepping into the privacy of their apartment, Patrick turned to April, his voice low and grim. "You know the rules. There are consequences for putting yourself in danger. This… will not happen again."
April knew what his words meant, so he just gave a quick nod and disappeared behind the doors of the fancy bedroom. While Bateman called his best friend from work—named Timothy Bryce—the woman changed into a cute pink lingerie, then she put on her white knee socks and after that she added a pair of cute fluffy ears on top of her head. The last detail was a pink choker with a bell that Patrick loved and before she knew it she was sitting on the bed waiting for him.
When the door to the bedroom swung open, April almost jumped, feeling nervous and a little scared. "I thought you forgot about me," she giggled embarrassed, looking away from her husband in shame. "I dressed up the way you like it most…I hope you like it…Daddy."
April blushed and crumpled the white sheets, her heart beating so fast she was about to suffocate, she couldn't even look at Patrick whose soft footsteps echoed off the walls, making her even more worried as she felt herself locked in a cage with a beast.
"Look at you," he murmured, his voice smooth yet threaded with an underlying danger. "So eager to please, aren't you?"
Patrick walked closer, his steps measured and deliberate, adding to the tension in the room. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he pulled her into his lap, one hand immediately finding its way to the bell on her choker, tugging gently so that it rang softly.
"Did you think dressing up like that would get you out of consequences?" he asked, his tone deceptively light as his fingers traced the edge of her lingerie. "You're very… persuasive, I'll give you that."
April's breath caught, her eyes darting nervously between his eyes and his lips. "I-I just wanted to make you happy," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I didn't want to disappoint you."
Bateman tilted her chin up with a firm hand, forcing her to meet his gaze fully. His eyes bored into hers with a fierce, dominating intensity. "Oh, you will not disappoint me," he promised, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "But you must understand something, sweetheart." Releasing her chin, his hand moved to caress her cheek in an almost tender way. "Tonight was unacceptable. You allowed a situation to get out of control and I will not tolerate that." Patrick's other hand slid down her back, caressing the soft curve just above her ass. "But you’re going to make up for it, aren’t you?" he murmured, leaning in to kiss her deeply, his lips capturing hers with a possessive force. The kiss was both punishment and reward, a tenderness with a cruel edge that reminded her who held the reins.
His tongue dominated hers effortlessly, exploring her mouth as if to stake his claim once again. Pulling back just enough to speak, his eyes locked with hers. "You are mine," he repeated, his voice dripping with both control and dark promise. "Everything about you is mine."
"Patrick…" The woman gasped, struggling to catch her breath.
Grabbing her hips, Patrick shifted April, forcing her to straddle his lap. The position gave him complete control while making her submit completely to his desires. "Now," he said softly, his hands cupping her ass possessively, "I want you to prove to me that you really do understand what a bad girl you have been..."
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! I don’t have a taglist. You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and turn on notifications to know when I update!
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jerzwriter · 9 months
A Little Holiday Cheer
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Happy Holidays!
@lilyoffandoms had no idea what they were creating when they wrote a tiny drabble about these three sets of loons. Since then, Lily, Dani (@storyofmychoices), and I have expanded on their hijinx, and it just gets more fun with time. I asked the lovely, talented, and all-around amazing @/artbyainna (IG) to create this commemoration not only of the friendship between Ethan, Merida, Bryce, Olivia, Casey & Tobias but, more importantly, the friendship between us! 😊 As always, she MORE than delivered! I hope this brings you a little smile.
Book: Open Heart Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Merida (@lilyoffandoms), Bryce Lahela x Olivia (@storyofmychoices), and Tobias Carrick x Casey (mine!) Rating: Teen Words: 825 Summary: It all started at Ethan & Merida's place, so it's only fitting that we go back there again!
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There was something about this time of year... even the mundane seemed to morph into magic, and tonight's gathering of friends was no exception. While the robust aroma of lasagna competed with the sweet scent of sugar cookies baking in the second oven, neither managed to diffuse the fragrant pine from the Christmas tree. Music served only as a background to the laughter and lively chatter, but while Bryce and Olivia were too engaged in the conversation.. and each other... to notice the music shift from soulful renditions of holiday standards back to melodic strings and woodwinds, Merida didn’t miss a beat. Resplendent in her holiday attire, she halted slicing provolone for the charcuterie board long enough to shoot Ethan a menacing glare. 
“Ethan Jonah Ramsey, so help me God! If you turn Stevie off to put The Nutcracker back on one more time, I will not be responsible for my actions!”
“I’d be careful,” Bryce advised. “She is holding an exceptionally large knife.”
Ethan started to open his mouth, then thought better of it. With a quick flick of the wrist, “That’s What Christmas Means to Me My Love” blared through the air once more.
“What did it?” Olivia teased. “Knowing you were outnumbered, or the large knife?”
Ethan leaned against the counter, popped a piece of chorizo in his mouth, and shrugged. “It’s the season of goodwill. Let's go with that.” His half-smile quickly retreated when Merida slapped his hand.
“There will be no goodwill in this house if you keep sneaking food! You have to wait until all of our guests arrive.”
A sigh tinged with frustration escaped him. “I fail to see why we all need to starve because Carrick is late... again.”
“Technically, he’s not late,” Olivia advised.
“She’s right,” Merida agreed. “It’s only seven-fifty, and dinner starts at eight. They have ten minutes before we can declare them late.”  
Ethan turned to her with astonishment. “But I was there when you told him to be here at seven!”
“Yes,” Merida said matter-of-factly. “I told him that to ensure they’d be here by eight.”
“But since it's Tobias and Casey we're talking about,” Bryce interjected. “You probably should have told them six."
"True," Olivia nodded, biting into a fluffy cheese puff. “Knowing Casey, she’ll want to redo her hair and makeup.”
Ethan raised his eyebrows in disbelief as Merida smiled. “What?” she asked.
“Olivia is eating a cheese puff and not an ounce of chastisement from you... but I sneak a sliver of sausage, and you considered dismemberment!”
“Ethan...Olivia is a guest! Besides, she’s too cute to dismember.”
The doorbell rang, and the friends looked at their phones at 7:58 PM.
“Wow! They’re early!” Bryce exclaimed. “And they say Christmas miracles are a thing of the past!”
“Great,” Merida laughed as she wiped her hands with a dish towel. “That means they probably didn’t get it all out of their systems, and they’ll be horny on main all night.”  
“And that would be different from every other time... how?” Bryce laughed. 
Merida scurried down the hallway, high heels clicking, but her irritated boyfriend beat her to the door, swinging it open to find Tobias planting kisses on a giggling Casey’s neck.
“Do you two ever stop?”
“What?” Tobias protested with a sheepish grin. “We weren’t doing anything. We were just stuck in....”
“TRAFFIC!” The four friends shouted.
“That is what they call it these days,” Olivia winked, all too proud of herself.  "Aren't they?"
“Hey! You can’t blame us,” Casey said, tossing her fuzzy coat over Ethan’s unextended arm. “Boston is just filled with traffic!”
“Mmmhmmm,” Merida greeted her friend with a warm embrace. “And you two are always without GPS.”
“That’s right,” Casey smiled. “We prefer to go by... feel.”
“Can we send them home now?” Ethan groaned.
But Merida and Casey were already halfway down the hall, linked arm-in-arm and giggling like schoolgirls. Ethan jumped when Tobias’s hand landed on his shoulder with a thud.
“You were saying, buddy?”
Running a hand down his face, Ethan surrendered. “Olivia is right. I’m outnumbered.”
Moments later, the couples were assembled around the kitchen table, with wine generously poured. Ethan happily partook in cured meats as he endured one too many jokes about salami from his best-freinemy.
“Tobias, I swear, you never escaped adolescence.”
“Was that something we were supposed to escape?”
Bryce raised his glass with a smile. “Only during working hours!”
“And these are not working hours,” Merida gleefully stated. “A toast... to friends, who have become family.”
“And by family, she means you’re inescapable!” Ethan grinned.
“Just like adolescence,” Casey beamed, clinking her glass with the others.
Merida set her eyes on Ethan’s, a radiant smile on her lips. “And would you have it any other way?”
Wrapping his arm around her waist he pulled her close. "No," he beamed. "Despite each of you, save Olivia, causing me more grey hairs by the moment... I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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Several drinks in, you know they started teasing Tobias about his "Ho-Ho-Ho" sweater. Everyone except Olivia, who wasn't sure what they meant until Bryce whispered it in her ear. Merida and Casey quickly agreed to corrupt the poor dear much more before their New Year's Eve gathering!
Happy Holidays! :)
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanart @openheartfanfics
@choicesholidays "I'm Thankful for You"
@choicesdecember2023 Christmas
Tagging others separately.
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nightfurylover31 · 1 year
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I really love Adam Bryce Thomas's cover for the 5th Year Anniversary issue! It's so cute! I was hoping the mini issue we were getting was centered around it, but we got something else. So I decided to write something about it! Capturing everything that happens in every picture, keeping it within canon range. I hope you all like it.
*takes place before #57*
The air was refreshing. Much warmer than it had been, yet the breeze had a bit of a chill. The cherry blossoms had bloomed and some of their petals had begun to fall. Other flowers had started opening. A clear sign of early spring. As such, the Riverside Romp was the place to be. 
“Wow, it just started but the place is already packed,” Sonic said as he and Amy walked through the entrance. 
“It is one of the biggest celebrations around the villages in this area,” Amy responded. 
The river in this zone branched out into several villages. As such, everyone gathered in the field outside of Riverside, celebrating the new season. Sonic recognized folks from Vista View, Windmill Village, Barricade Town, Spiral Hill, and more. There were tents and food stands set up all over. The festival lasted all weekend, but even the first day was filled with guests. 
“I’m glad you decided to join us, Sonic.” Amy was going with Cream and Vanilla, but decided to ask Sonic as well. Things had been tough on him lately, so she thought he needed to relax a bit. And she figured having the Rabbit family would put him more at ease about coming.
“Sure thing, I’ve always wanted to come to one of these.” 
“With all that’s been happening, this is just the kind of break we needed. Especially you.” 
“Oh come,” Sonic rolled his eyes. “don’t start that again. The last few adventures were rough, but nothing I couldn’t handle.” 
Amy put her hands on her hips. “You were violently electrocuted, and then nearly brain swapped with a robot. And both times your leg was injured.” 
Sonic let out a sheepish chuckle. “What can I say? Trouble always seems to find me.” 
The pink hedgehog sighed, resting her hand on her forehead. While she admired Sonic’s spirit, she wished he didn’t take these kinds of experiences so lightly. 
“My point is there’s nothing wrong taking it easy.” 
“I know, and you’re right. Let’s just enjoy today. I hear they got special chili dogs at these things.” 
Amy couldn’t help but laugh as Sonic licked his lips at the thought of trying the food. 
“Mr. Sonic! Ms. Amy! Hurry!” The two turned to see Cream calling them as she and her mother had already entered the gate. 
“What are we waiting for?” Sonic smiled. “Let’s go!” 
The group spent some time together until Cream saw a face painting booth. She got the artist to paint Cheese’s face while Sonic and Amy continued. There were souvenir stands with handmade clothing, bags and accessories. Naturally, the former stopped when he saw a hotdog stand. With so many toppings he had to try one with everything. Next to it was a backed goods stand, which Amy was drawn to. The large heart-shaped cookies hanging overhead looked especially delicious. As the two headed over to the picnic tables to eat and rejoin their friends, Amy noticed a familiar woolly figure making their way to the river. 
“Sonic, go ahead,” she said as she gave her treats to him. “I’ll catch up.” The blue hedgehog shrugged but did as he was told. 
Outside of the festivities, Amy met up with a lone girl sitting on a log. 
“Hello Lanolin.” 
The sheep turned her head. “Oh, Ms. Rose. I didn’t expect to see you here.” 
Lanolin was part of the Restoration. She joined just after the Neo Metal incident. She had been helping regularly. If memory served correctly, she was now an assistant to Jewel.
“I came with my friends, and please, call me Amy. No need for formalities.” Amy sat down beside her. “What are you doing here instead of the party? It looks like something’s bothering you.” 
Lanolin hung her head low, looking at her hands folded in her lap. “I just wonder… if I’m really making a difference.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“When you and Sonic saved my town, I realized how helpless I was. I couldn’t do anything. I wanted to do more. So I joined the Restoration to help. But even so, I feel like I haven’t done anything.” 
“That’s not true,” Amy quickly defended. “You’ve helped with the evacuations when we were dealing with the Metal Virus. You even protected the survivors when we were in Spiral Hill and Angel Island. That’s something.” 
“Barely. Most of the Zombots were focusing more on the areas I wasn’t in. And when the Zeti attacked HQ, I didn’t fight back either. I just grabbed as many people as I could find and hid. I feel like a coward.” 
“Protecting people is just as important as fighting. Nothing to be ashamed of.” 
“But it’s…” The sheep went quiet. 
Sensing her discouragement, Amy took a deep breath and sighed. “It’s not enough. You want to contribute more.” 
Lanolin nodded. “You and the others do such amazing things. I know I can’t do anything like that, but-" 
“You just haven’t found it yet.” 
“W-what?” Lanolin was caught off guard by Amy's interruption.
“You haven’t found your special skill yet. Something only you can do. I had my own problems figuring it out, but I kept trying.” With that Amy started fidgeting with her fingers. “Honestly, you remind me of how I used to be. I wanted to go on adventures with Sonic, but I was just getting in the way. Even after getting my hammer, I still felt like I was a bother most of the time. But even if I can’t run fast, fly, or anything super special, I still try to help in any way I can. No matter how small.” 
Hearing this caused Lanolin to smile. She rubbed her cheek, as if wiping a tear. “Thanks for that, Amy. I’m still not sure what I could do to help more.” 
“Well, is there any way you can think of to make the Restoration more effective?” 
The sheep blinked for a moment, then put her hand to her chin to think. After a while, she spoke “Considering all the havoc Dr. Eggman has caused… if there was some way to get the jump on him…” 
“Like a response team? That’s a great idea!” A way to stop Eggman before things get too out of control. That way there would be less collateral damage, and less Sonic would have to deal with. Amy knew he loved the thrill of the fight, and she didn’t want to take that from him, but so much weight had been put on him lately. Some have even blamed him for certain events due to his actions. If people did more, they wouldn’t have to keep relying on him or turn any distress towards him.  
“It’s just a thought. I don’t know how to pull it off—” 
“But it’s a start, and that’s what matters,” the hedgehog assured. “As a very special friend of mine says, ‘nothing starts until you take action.’” 
“Smart advice,” Lanolin agreed. 
Amy got up and motioned her hand. “Come on. Let’s get back. There’s still plenty of fun to be had.” 
The two headed back to the festival. Lanolin saw her friends before Amy did, so they split up. She saw the gang still at the tables eating. Though she couldn’t help but notice a few bites missing from her cookie. 
“I’m sorry Ms. Amy,” Cream apologized. “Cheese was hungry, and I couldn’t stop him.” The Chao still had crumbs on his face. His face painting had also been smudged trying to wipe them off.
Amy simply patted bunny on the head. “Don’t worry about it, Cream. There’s still plenty left, and we’re here to have fun." 
After going around to more of the stands, the last event of the day was about to start. Sparklers were passed out some people. Amy watched the lights dance around, careful that the sparks didn’t hit her hand. Everyone gathered as the mayor of Windmill Village stood at the front. The old ram cleared his throat and began to speak. 
“Thanks to all of you for coming out and joining us! I know the last year has been hard on us all, but that’s exactly why we need to celebrate the good days we have. We must cherish everything and everyone around us and let them know how they mean to us. Spring is a time of new beginnings. I’m sure new stories and opportunities are awaiting each and every one of you. So let us welcome it all with open arms.” He raised his fist in the air. “To a wonderful year!” 
The crowd cheered with absolute bliss. Amy was so in the moment she didn’t even realize she was holding Sonic’s hand. Soon the music picked up, and everyone was singing and dancing. This went on for a few more hours.
As the sun began to set, everyone began to head home. Cream and Vanilla waved goodbye as they parted ways from Amy and Sonic. 
“That was so much fun,” Sonic exclaimed as he stretched his arms in the air. “Thanks for inviting me along, Ames.” 
“I’m glad you joined us too,” Amy beamed. She felt much more at ease than she had been in a while, and she could tell Sonic did as well. The way his quills bent down, the way he smiled. She knew how to read him by now when he was tense. She did not see that now. All cares and troubles were out of mind. It felt great to finally be able to relax without Eggman or anyone else ruining it. “We should come again next year. We could invite Tails, Knuckles, Tangle, Whisper, and the others to come too.” 
“Or it could just be the two of us and make it a date,” the blue hedgehog said casually.
Amy froze in place. Her face turned bright red. She looked at Sonic, who was sporting his smug grin. 
She gave him a playful shove. “Don’t tease me like that!” 
“What? I thought that’s what you wanted, right?”
"Sonic, you-" 
The two friends continued laughing as they made their way home. 
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idabbleincrazy · 3 months
Metamour No More
Fandom: Smallville
Rating: T
Pairings: Lex Luthor/Helen Bryce, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor
Characters: Lex Luthor, Helen Bryce
Word Count: 370
Warnings: polyamory, au s4, canon divergent, not so evil Helen Bryce, heartbroken Helen, divorce, implied Clex (technically starting underage, but within consent laws for the state of Kansas), poly gone wrong
Summary: When Helen married Lex, she thought that Clark was the metamour. She's finally ready to admit she had that backwards.
A/N: this little ficlet came out of nowhere when looking over my pride edition card for fandom-free-bingo. I've always been on the fence about Helen since, even though she tried to kill Lex for the money, she never outwardly spilled Clark's secret. She's definitely one of those gray-area villains.
Square filled: It's time to make a choice ( @fandombingo - Reverse 1999 bingo), metamour ( @fandom-free-bingo - pride edition), left behind ( @fandom-free-bingo - plural edition)
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She couldn't take it anymore. She was his wife, damn it! And yes, while she might have known exactly what the situation was when she'd said 'I do', she hadn't thought she'd actually be expected to endure her husband's dalliances with…him…for the past two years. Two years of knowing exactly why they slept in separate bedrooms. Two years of only sporadically being visited in her own bed, never invited to his, never waking to his sleeping form beside her. Two years of sleepless nights when she knew he was either in his own bed, wrapped around long, muscled limbs under silk sheets, or those long, muscled limbs wrapped around him under cheap cotton and flannel.
Helen strode into Lex's office, not bothering with her usual polite knock, crossing the room to his desk before he even looked up. She slapped a file of papers onto his desk.
"Your attorneys should be pleased by how very little I'm asking for." She turned to go, but paused after a step, asking over shoulder, "why did you even marry me, Lex?"
"I really did love you, Helen."
"Not enough. Not as much as you love Clark. Not as much as I needed you to."
"I thought I would, over time. I never meant to hurt you, I just thought I could have you both, and that we could all be happy this way."
Helen turned to face him again, willing away the tears building behind her eyes.
"Go to him, Lex. Be with him, just him. Don't do this again. The next poor sap might not be content with just ten percent of your holdings. The next one might try to kill you."
Without waiting for his response, Helen left, the solid thunk of the door closing behind her a fitting sound of finality as she made her way out of the mansion. Her bags were already fit into the trunk of the BMW X5, the rest of her belongings being packed up to be sent to the penthouse until she could find a place of her own.
Taking the keys from the butler, she slid into the driver's seat, ready to put this town, and the mistakes it represented, far behind her.
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misschanadlerbong · 1 year
Chapter 10 - Damsel in Distress
A/N: I know I am posting after a very long time, but I'll try to be consistent now :)
Summary: Bryce tries to take advantage of the reader yet again.
Warnings: sexual assault, substance abuse, violence (I put a "..." before the triggering content)
Genre: Heavy angst
Word Count: 1.8k
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“Hey, Nerd!” You met Clay at your locker, and he greeted you by pecking your lips which brought a huge grin to your face.
“Really? Nerd? How about babe, or honey maybe? I thought we were past that ‘you calling me nerd phase’.”
“Oh Jensen, come on you know how much I love calling you Nerd and don’t tell me you don’t love that too. So, I am going to pass on your offer” you patted his cheeks and gave him a sweet kiss.
Well, Clay could not agree more. He liked it when you called him by those nicknames, but he was just trying to act like a normal couple. He decided not to argue further and held your hand as you both walked together to your first class.
This was the best thing in your relationship with Clay; you can be you. You can be honest with him; you can be yourself and you still got to roast each other and be sarcastic without a hint of judgment. This was nothing like what you felt with Zach, with Zach you had this urge to be the perfect girl because Zach was one of the most popular guys in school and there were no less jealous prying eyes on you. With Clay, you can be free and confident.
When you broke the news of your hot passionate night with Clay to Jessica, she could not be happier to know about you two, she felt like a proud mom.
It had been a month and you never felt this happy since the winter break. Your scores improved, and all your teachers were happy, you filled out your college applications for your top favorite colleges. With Clay being one of the most important highlights of your life, it felt like a cherry on top.
The basketball tournament was near which meant that you had to work harder every day after school, and now that your exams were done you decided to focus on your game because you needed that sports scholarship to get into the ivy college of your choice.
This meant that you could not focus enough on your relationship with Clay, but you always found a way to balance both. Sometimes, he came to pick you up after practice, sometimes you showed up at his place when his parents were out and sometimes you both took a walk up to the cliff and just sat there enjoying the city view.
Most of the time you fell asleep on Clay’s shoulders and when you did, Clay would kiss on top of your head and wrap his hands around you so that you don’t feel cold.
That day the practice was going to be longer than usual, and you told Clay to not wait up till late for you at night. You said your goodbyes to Jess and Clay and went to the gym with Justin. You changed into your practice clothes and tied your hair in a simple bun so that they don’t interrupt you while playing.
The practice was tiring every day but today, it was brutal. The coach made you do twenty laps and then the abdominal exercises to strengthen the core muscles. Then you finally got to play the game and if all that was not enough, he asked you to do a couple more laps and finish the day with stretching.
Before you started stretching you were a bit dehydrated and realized that you forgot your water bottle at the gym, so you went into the gym and drank water from your bottle, and sat for a while to relax.
Until you finished your stretching regime, most of the guys already left as they didn’t take it very seriously but you on the other hand took your after-practice stretching extremely seriously to avoid having sore muscles afterward.
You changed into your fresh dry clothes and went to the gym to grab your things. All you wanted was a long hot bath in your bathtub, just the thought of it was comforting to you and you felt so sleepy which was unusual. You did feel tired after practice every day, but this felt exceptionally weird.
You were just packing up your things and saw Bryce entering from the door. Honestly, you were skeptical but not scared of him. You just packed your things and walked up straight to the door. As you were going you walked past Bryce with a subtle smile on your face, you grasped as you felt a tight grip on your wrist.
Bryce grabbed your wrist and slammed you against the wall keeping you between both his hands. You tried to push him off as he was reducing the gap between you two. Your bodies were brushing against each other. You pushed him hard, and he held one of his hands against your neck pinning you to the wall. You felt your throat constrict as he put more force against your throat almost choking you. His other hand pinned you against the wall.
Your eyes were full of tears as you felt helpless. You struggled to breathe and could not gather much strength to push him off. You could see your fear in the reflection of his dreadful eyes. Those sinful green eyes looked straight at you with an evil grin on his face, there was no guilt in his eyes. It was like whatever he was doing was right. He came closer to you mounting his six feet body over your short body.
“Come on baby, we are just having some fun together. It is not my fault that you looked so hot today. Running in those shorts showing off your perfect ass.” Even his words creeped you out.
“I am with Clay asshole, leave me alone!” you demanded while struggling to speak.
“Oh, is that scrawny little shit enough to satisfy you huh?” he came closer and whispered right into your ear “I’ll let you have so much more fun. Trust me you will be satisfied”.
“His name is Clay Jensen; don’t you dare say anything about my boyfriend, dick.”
You gathered all the force left in you and kicked his crotch. As soon as you were released by his grip you started running straight towards the door, but Bryce recovered soon from the kick and pulled you back on the ground. He climbed over you and started taking his joggers off. It was then that you heard the door and saw Zach entering. Zack sprinted towards you and pushed Bryce off you.
“Oh, come on Zachy, let’s have some fun together now that you’re here too. She never let you have sex with her right? Come let’s show her how real men are.”
“You are so pathetic, Bryce! Get off her,” Zach yelled at him.
He carried you in his arms as you passed out after that. The last thing you remember was Zach pushing Bryce off you. You woke up in a familiar bedroom, but it wasn’t yours. You were in Zach’s bed lying with the blanket tucked around your body. You woke up in a panic and saw Zach sitting on the chair in his room. He brought all his attention toward your confused look. You had so many questions in your mind like what happened with Bryce? Did he do something? Why did you feel so dizzy? And more importantly, how did you end up in Zach’s bed?
You felt weak, and couldn’t understand why. Zach told you how he fought Bryce and why he brought you to his place rather than yours.
“Um…Your mum isn’t cool about you being in sports and stuff and I thought if she got to know what happened she might even forbid you from playing. So, I thought that I’ll bring you here instead.”
“Why am I feeling so weak and sleepy? It’s not usual?”
“I…uh needed some water so I thought to drink it from your bottle as I didn’t want to leave you alone. But You must not have noticed this, there was some sort of drug added to the water, and maybe that is why you felt so feeble. But I promise I did not do anything other than putting you to bed and Bryce couldn’t do anything either I um… I was there on time. You’re safe,” said Zach with reassurance in his tone.
You felt speechless, you were just replaying the whole scenario in your head, and it was horrible. Your face went pale, and you looked emotionless. You didn’t know what to say to him. Thousands of thoughts were running into your mind, but you couldn’t say anything. You’ve never felt this way before not even after your first encounter with Bryce.
“I called your mom and told her you had some doubts so you’re studying with me and Clay has been texting you repeatedly, you should probably text him back,” said Zach breaking the ominous silence in the room.
You looked at him and our vision was blurred with the tears forming in your eyes, noticing your tears Zach walked up to you and held both your hands to comfort you “Hey, it’s gonna be okay…” You cut him off and pushed his hands off you, “Don’t touch me!” you yelled at him and stood up to leave his place.
You turned towards him and shrieked “You expect me to thank you, Zach? When all of this is your fault, he tried to have sex with me even when you and I were dating.”
Zach looked surprised and you told him all about what Bryce tried to do earlier. Till Zach could comprehend all this you said, “You think I don’t know about your stupid dare of who gets to hook up with Y/N first?”
Zach was shocked as if you were not supposed to know anything about that dare.
“Yeah, Justin told me after you broke up with me and I wasn’t happy enough to be relieved that I was free from your trap. Seriously Zach? It was not expected from you and now you come to my rescue like a fucking hero. Who’d you think you are?”
“Y/N listen to me that was a stupid dare, and I did not date you because of a dare, I liked you, a lot. It was all when you came into the school, and you were a new girl and all.”
“You expect me to believe that after all that’s happened? And you know what I don’t even want to talk about it, I don’t want to talk about anything to anyone and you dare not mention this incident to anyone and I think you’ll do a great job at it as you’re good with dares and all” You raged at him and picked up your stuff and left.
You could hear Zach trying to say something, but you didn’t care enough, you didn’t care about anything or about anyone. You reached your home, locked yourself in your bedroom and curled up on the bed, and cried your eyes out. You felt awful and you never wanted to step into that shitty school and look at that asshole ever again.
Shower your love by liking and commenting on the post. Refrain from copying, plagiarism, or posting on any other platform.
P.S.: I also upload on Wattpad @immafreakingmoonstone, feel free to check out my account :)
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Another Transformers botbots Box au side story
TW: fire, violence and stuff
Night to know
At the Human allies home, Raven and Mina are preparing for prom. Raven wore a very dark dress and Mina wore a bit of pink. Penz-eye walked out of a room, wearing a simple yellow gown. She looks unenthusiastic about tonight.
The botbots asked and gazed at them, curious about the "Prom Night" that they're having tonight.
Dr Janet: alright everyone, these girls are going to have a prom night, so watch the dress, these cost money
Marcus: I remember my prom night, can't forget that awful fruit punch incident... Fruit punch all over my suit... But I'm sure you girls will have a wonderful prom... Hopefully...
Penz-eye: hmph, I've had prom at least seven times, well, this year is going to be my eighth
Raven: wait you have pro- oh wait yeah, you're older than us
Mina: but why are you coming to this year's prom night?
Penz-eye: because I promised Bryce, I'll be there for him
Hiraya: aren't you worried that... You know...
Penz-eye: Monica has been quiet lately, I'm sure it's fine
Everyone went silent. Suddenly, Bonz-eye came around, holding a corsage.
Penz-eye: a corsage? Bonnie, I already have one
Bonz-eye: I know, I just thought that my corsage would look nice on you
Penz-eye, felt touched by Bonz-eye. She took off her corsage and puts on Bonz-eye's corsage.
Penz-eye: it's perfect
Everyone wanted to help the girls out. Some of the bots styled the girls hairs. Penz-eye had Mother Strongroot trim her leaves.
Mother Strongroot: ugh, can't believe you're having prom in the school gym, sweetie, you had better prom nights at other venues
Penz-eye: mother, it's fine, it's not like there's going to be something bad to happen... Hey Mina, why do you have pink in your dress, it's not your colour
Mina: I just thought a little of Raven's inspiration is nice
Everyone awed. Raven grew serious.
Raven: alright! I got three cameras just in case Monica decides to do something! I'm not letting her ruin this night
Penz-eye: Raven...
Raven: I'm going to set this up around the area and you're not going to stop me
Penz-eye: fine...
They went outside. Rough Ride was waiting for them.
Rough Ride: damn, you look nice!
Raven: thank you!
Marcus: no time to chit chat, we have a prom night venue to reach!
After a short drive, they arrived at the school gym. The girls immediately entered. Raven swiftly moves around and sets the cameras up, out of the other people's view. Sabine was so happy to see them, immediately dragging Mina and Raven away from Penz-eye.
Penz-eye stood around until she saw Bryce. Bryce wore a nice suit. Excited to see her.
Bryce: hey! You actually came!
Penz-eye: yep
Bryce: you look lovely in that yellow gown
Penz-eye: thank you
They chatted for a while, taking a few prom photos, having a few cups of beverages. So far, everything was going so well. Until, the psycho herself, Monica, wearing a fancy red dress and holding unidentified objects in her hand.
Bryce and Penz-eye slowly danced together.
Bryce: hey Peni, I know I said this before but... You're the most wonderful person I've ever met...
Penz-eye: thanks, that means a lo-
Fire burned behind Penz-eye. She howled in agonising pain. Her screams were more than blood curdling, it was beyond human. Everyone froze and feared for the worst. They all saw her, Monica was holding a makeshift flamethrower, Penz-eye was barely holding on in Bryce's arms. He felt petrified, he can't scream, he can't focus. He just held onto Penz-eye.
Monica was about to get closer to Penz-eye, when suddenly, Raven tackled her, Mina followed too. They both had a fight with Monica. Everyone was freaking out. They aimed for the exit. Monica threw her makeshift flamethrower, a lighter attached to a hairspray can, at Raven. Raven dodges it, but the can leaked, causing fire to spread.
Fire grew, people screaming and Bryce was lost. He snapped out of it and checked on Penz-eye. He saw a gaping hole where her back is... Only, he saw this glowing thing, no human organs, and dirt inside... Her hair was also burnt, she smells like burning wood.... What is she...
There was no time, he rushed her out of the building.
The girls continued fighting. They reached the tables. Raven grabbed a fruit punch bowl, and threw it at Monica. Monica did get hit, but she isn't down. Mina sneaks up behind her, knocking her out. The two girls took a moment to breathe, realising that there was still fire.Everyone looks at them, shocked.
Raven: well, I knew this would happen *takes out memory wiper* Mina, get the cameras... And for everyone else... You wouldn't want to remember this... At all...
Raven covers her eyes and points at the disco light, the light from the memory wiper reflected to everyone. Wiping this horrible memory from them. Mina came back with the cameras and was wearing sunglasses, she wasn't affected by the memory wiper.
Raven and Mina immediately ordered everyone to evacuate out of the building. Raven also carries Monica out of the building. Outside, everyone watches as the school gym is in blazes... Raven quickly told them a convincing and less horrifying explanation to everyone, cancelling out the Penz-eye getting burned part. The teachers called the fire fighters and the police.
The fire fighters arrived and put out the fire, the police finally arrested Monica. Raven and Mina looked for Bryce and Penz-eye, they were last seen together earlier. They found them near the road.
Bryce was holding Penz-eye. Quietly. Confused. He heard both Raven and Mina calling out to him. Mina politely asked him, if she could hold her, he didn't say anything, Mina just took Penz-eye away.
Raven was about to wipe his memory, but the human allies arrived, dragging the three girls away.
Raven: wa-wait! I haven't -
Marcus: there's no time! We need to get you out of here, and Penz-eye is hurt!
They drove off. Leaving a confused Bryce standing. Holding onto a corsage. His mother came. She was worried. She called out to him. He looks at her, then at the van that took Penz-eye away, then back at her. And he ran off.
At the human allies home, Dr Janet was tending to Penz-eye in the living room. Everyone was feeling tense and anxious.
Gabby: will she be alright?
Dr Janet: hmm
Mother Strongroot: she definitely needs wires, lots of it
Gabby: I'm on it!
Gabby rushed to the storage room.
Raven: wait... How did you guys get here so fast?
Marcus: you know we can't simply believe this is going to be a normal night, we were around the area... Didn't expect the fire though....
Raven: you know what, I'm actually glad for your intuition
Suddenly a knock on the door was heard. Raven slowly walked towards it and looked through the peephole, seeing Bryce. He was sweaty, panting and desperate on something.
Raven slowly opens the door.
Raven: hey Bryce... Look it's not a good time right now-
He pushed open the door, hitting Raven in the head. He walked towards Penz-eye's unconscious body.
Dr Janet: young man, I can assure you, your friend is going to be fine
Bryce: how is she fine?! She has a gaping hole in her back! And... She's not human...
Dr Janet: indeed...
Bryce: that explains a lot of things... And what is this?...
He looks around, seeing a lot of eyes locked onto him. He doesn't know what to do, does he run? Does he scream... No. He just stares back at them.
Just as Dr Janet covers Penz-eye's back, Penz-eye woke up. Bryce immediately got closer to her.
Bryce: Peni!
Penz-eye: Bryce?! What- what are you doing here?!
Bryce: I... I... You left this...
He shows the corsage to Penz-eye.
Bonz-eye: hey! That's my corsage!
Bryce: gahh! You can talk?!
Penz-eye: Bryce, please stay calm... Everything is fine... But yeah that's not my corsage
Bryce: oh...
He fell silent...
Marcus: kid, are you feeling alright?
Bryce: no... No I'm not...
Penz-eye: I'm sorry that your prom experience had to go this way...
Bryce: I'm more worried about you, there's a... You know
Penz-eye: eh, I'll be fine, this isn't the worst thing to happen to me, which I won't tell you
Bryce sat down next to her. They both looked into each other. And began talking.
Bryce: you really aren't human, but like... What are you?
Penz-eye: I'm a robot/alien/bonsai tree
Bryce: oh...
Penz-eye: yep, you have feelings for a tree
Bryce: well, nature is my thing, but I didn't mean it like that....
Raven: yeah yeah *aims memory wiper at him*
Bryce: wait! I actually want to remember this... I want to know more! I want to know more of these little guys
Female botbots: and girls!
Raven: if you really want to keep this, you gotta keep this our little secret, got it! To protect these botbots!
Bryce: I promise!
Todd: whoo! We got a new member!
Everyone cheered. Gabby arrived with the wires. Confused and shocked to see Bryce.
Marcus: don't worry Gabby, he's alright! He's a new member!
Gabby: oh sweet! Anyways, here's the wires
Dr Janet and Mother Strongroot wrapped the wires around Penz-eye's body.
Dr Janet: this will do... Just don't exert too much
Penz-eye: thank you Dr Janet
Bryce: so, you're awfully calm tonight
Penz-eye: yeah, this is my eighth prom, what a night to know
Bryce: wait! Eighth?!
Penz-eye: yep, I'm way older than you think
Bryce: okay now that I'm in this group... With botbots... You don't have to hide from me right? I can ask questions?
Penz-eye: I won't, and yeah you can
Bryce: so like what are botbots?
Raven: tiny robots that are born by objects or animals merging with a dose of energon
Bryce: are there other members?
Hiraya: yes, a few
Bryce: is Peni your real name?
Penz-eye: nah, it's Penz-eye, Peni is just an alias
Bryce: *chuckle* I think it's cute
Penz-eye: heh thanks
Everyone continued chatting the night away. A breeze of nicer air elevated everyone. Surely, it is a night to know between them.
The End
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Rawhide Ch 13: Sneak Preview
@caffiend-queen you asked and I give…
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Rumlow blazed around the office he was in, kicking the chair over as he went. Langley, long used to his friend and leader’s temper tantrums, merely took a deep breath as he waited. “I will not have your Omega sister and her weakling pack get the better of me!”
“Look, if it wasn’t for Carter…”
“How the fuck did you not spot that she was a double agent?”
“Well, technically she was kind of a triple agent.” Bryce’s nostrils flared. “I mean, if she’d been Hydra pretending to be Shield, that would have made her the double agent, wouldn’t it? But she was Shield, pretending to be Hydra pretending to be Shield I mean…” He was cut off as Rumlow gripped him round the throat. Langley automatically landed a punch to the side of Rumlow’s face, and the man dropped him, recoiling from the blow a little. “Know your place, Brock…” he hissed, massaging his neck. “My family put you at the top of Hydra, remember that.”
Rumlow snarled before he sank down into the chair. “And we have no idea where they’ve gone?”
“If we did, you think we’d be here?” Bryce scoffed, “We’ve spent the last two weeks searching. Problem is, Shield have mobilised now they know that we’re gearing up for a fight. Up until your…experiment on my sister, they had no real proof. Now they do. Blue states up and down the country are taking up arms. Even those people that maybe hovered between accepting some of our views but not all of them are swinging to their side. Montana is now basically impenetrable thanks to Odinson and Stark…”
“They won’t be in Montana, that’s too easy.” Rumlow shook his head. “Locking the state down…that’ll be a diversion.”
“I know that!” Bryce snorted.
Both men looked towards the door, where Rollins stood, an excited look on his face.
“We might have a lead. One of our sources has seen two people, matching the description of Y/N and Rogers, in Bristol. Church Street Wharf to be exact.”
“Is it legit?” Rumlow demanded.
The guard nodded, “he’s a solid source, and what’s more so, he’s taken a recording on his phone so that we can verify it. He’s sending it through now.”
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socalwriterbee · 2 years
HC this!
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Why is Ethan making this face?
This ask had me thinking of how in the world could I answer this!
Then I saw @creativepromptsforwriting blind date prompts and it clicked. I took liberty with prompt #10 and I came up with this little story.
Can anyone say Fake Dating Trope?!?!?!?! (At least to start)
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Tessa Martinez (MC) x Ethan Ramsey
Rating/Warning: General
Word Count: 872
Summary: At the end of her rope, Tessa has something to ask Ethan. Can she get him to agree to this idea of hers?
A/N: Sorry in advance, this has not been proofread sorry for any spelling/grammar errors.
Some Characters/Settings/Storylines used or mentioned belong to Pixelberry
Hope you Enjoy!
“Ethan, I don’t know what else to do, I really can’t do another!” Tessa pleads, giving Ethan her best puppy dog eyes and pouting lips. “We don’t have to actually do it.”
Tessa shakes her head at how that must have sounded. “That’s—that’s not what, you know never mind about that. I can’t be set up again.”
Ethan contorts his face giving her the oddest side smirk as if he can’t think of anything that could be worse than agreeing to go on a date with his colleague but it was more than that, he was just waiting for Tessa to realize that. If word got out that they were going on a date, even a fake one whether or not they actually had to do it as she put would open a can of worms, a meeting with HR and so on.
That sounded like a headache.
“Give me more credit than that Tess. I know you meant going on the date with you.” Ethan’s mind wasn’t always wondering to those thoughts, the ones he’d keep buried deep inside until the day he died. “You must be really desperate if you’re asking me.”
Tessa hopes deflated at the tone of his voice and actually having to tell him that it was more than a date she was asking him for. She had to take baby steps before she gave him the whole plan she concocted the other night when her friends told her of the amazing guys that she should meet. 
It was like each one of them had someone waiting in the wings. Tessa knew her friends meant well, with setting her up on blind dates but every single one turned into a disaster. 
She was done with the dating scene, that was something she couldn’t tell her friends because she could already hear them, Sienna more then the rest of them, telling her that she just hasn’t found the right guy. 
Oh boy, Tessa had found the right guy but the guy couldn’t come to terms with someone actually caring for him. The man who showed her his feelings, the man she knew cared for others but was scared of being burned again by letting those feelings out.
So this whole dating not dating idea that came to her like a light bulb in the middle of the night was going be hard to explain but maybe not has hard with what she was trying to ease Ethan into agreeing. 
From where she stood it would be a hard no. The look on his face mere moments ago told her that much.
“Are you going to tell me what is running through that mind of yours.” There was this irritation that crept out of Ethan, it didn’t help that he was playing with his car keys as if he hurrying Tessa up with whatever she wanted to talk to him about. “I’m not a mind reader.” Ethan winced at the last sentence that left his lips.
An anger began to build within Tessa, frustrated with herself at thinking this was going to work and angry at Ethan for making her feel bad and not even being able to ask. “Forget it. It wasn’t going to work anyways.”
She turned her back to him muttering under her breath “I should’ve just asked Bryce.” As she took her first step back towards the hospital, Tessa felt a firm grip wrap around her arm, stopping her in her place.
“Don’t. Tell me.”
Three words.
That’s all Ethan said. He had an idea what Tessa wanted to ask him but he wanted to hear it straight from her.
“I’m done with the dating scene. I can’t possibly take another blind date, it’s exhausting and.. and— I was thinking that maybe you could help me. Like I said we don’t have to go on a date or anything, just make my friends think that we did and possibly have more dates down the line.” Tessa says releasing a deep breath.
There is a silence in the parking structure, Tessa waiting for Ethan to say something, to calm the rapid beating of her heart. To put her out of her misery and tell her that it’s a bad idea.
“What else?” Ethan asks, loosening his grip on Tessa and turning her around to face him. “Because if it’s just a date or two, your group of friends will go back setting you up and then we’ll become hot gossip of what went wrong and that is something that sounds a lot like a headache I don’t need.”
Tessa thinks for a minute, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. “You’re right it is a headache and will be one…” Ethan jaw clenched before Tessa could finish. “I was going to try and convince you to play along that we were in fact dating.” 
“And now you want to go ask Bryce to fake date you.”
Crossing her arms over her chest, Tessa blows away the strand of hair away from her face. “Well yeah. You clearly don’t want to and it was a stupid idea to begin with.”
With an eyebrow arched at Tessa, Ethan tells her “Where did you hear me say no?”
Thank you for the ask @txemrn I had fun writing this!
tags: @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations @cariantha @txemrn @issabees
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 2 years
a small drabble for @jerzwriter :)
"Jensen!" Bryce called urgently as he made his way toward the bedroom.
Jensen glanced up from the pile of clothes he was folding. "Yes?"
"There's a spider in the kitchen." Jensen gave him a small nod with a pitiful grin, returning his gaze to the pair of jeans in his hands. Bryce exhaled a short sigh, an amused smile spreading over Jensen's lips. "Can you get it, please?"
"Oh, sure." He smiled again on his way past, Bryce shaking his head with a good-natured eyeroll. As if he didn't ask the same thing every time.
Bryce followed him down the hall, staying a safe few paces back in case it decided to migrate.
"Oh my god," Jensen said as he rounded the corner into the kitchen.
"See," Bryce said with an I-told-you-so tone, "I'm not overreacting—"
"Look at how cute it is!" Jensen said excitedly, grabbing one of the dining room chairs and sliding it over to the wall it was on. "It's just a fuzzy little guy."
Bryce sputtered, watching Jensen enthusiastically climb onto the chair. "Pardon?"
"Yeah, it's just a jumper," he said, pushing it into his bare hand and inspecting it closer. "Regal jumper," he clarified. Because apparently that's exactly what Bryce wanted to know.
"Oh yeah, just a cute little spider that fucking jumps, even better," Bryce said to himself under his breath, shaking his head toward the ceiling as Jensen looked over it again.
"Don't be mean to her," Jensen said, climbing off the chair and walking towards him. "Look, she has some cool markings on her back."
Jensen opened his hands and Bryce nearly tripped over the coffee table, quickly circling it and putting a safe six feet between them. Jensen gave him a look when he glanced up again.
"They're not even aggressive, calm down."
"Aggressive?" Bryce asked, taking two steps around the corner as Jensen followed him from the other side. "You think that's the problem? I'm sorry, you said it jumps. I.e. could jump onto me or in my hair, kind of jumps."
Jensen sighed. "Sure, it could but I'm literally standing here holding it." He started toward him once again, Bryce making his way into the kitchen as Jensen said, "You'll be fine."
He backed into the dining table and couldn't move again before Jensen stopped a short few paces in front of him, opening his hands again for Bryce to see. Heart pounding, Bryce reached across and panickedly closed his hands again. Jensen looked at him with an expression that was completely and utterly done with his shit.
They stood like that for another whole, silent minute, Bryce holding Jensen's cupped hands closed and pretending he wasn't on the verge of running away. "I saw it."
"You did not."
"I did. Totally adorable," Bryce said with a vigorous nod. "You can take it outside now."
Jensen's expression was still flat, tone matching as he asked, "What color was it?"
"Brown," he guessed.
"It's orange," Jensen said in a sigh, tugging his hands away and heading for the patio door.
Bryce waited until he was out the door to walk any closer, watching as he leaned over the balcony railing to set it down as far away from the door as possible.
"She's gonna get cold," Jensen said with a harmlessly grumpy expression. Bryce slid the door closed behind him as he came back in, giving him a mockingly sympathetic expression.
"She's fuzzy, I'm sure she'll be fine."
Jensen rolled his eyes, turning to walk back to the bedroom. Bryce caught up to him easily, stopping him before he could reach the hallway and locking his arms around his waist.
"Thank you for getting it," he offered with a kiss to his cheek.
"Mhm," Jensen hummed back sarcastically, "Even though you wanted to kill it?"
"I just appreciate that it's gone now." Jensen turned, giving him a look again. He smiled, getting a grin out of Jensen before he continued on to the bedroom.
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fearfam69691 · 10 months
Kinda based on the songs like you mean it by Steven Rodriguez and my type ( little attitude) by Bryce savage
Enemies to lovers because who don't like it.
Prompt: what happens when you and Sam continue to argue and everyone is sick of it so they put you in a room and lock you in it.
Requested: No
Warning: cussing, angst, Enemies to lovers, SMUT, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you do it), dirty talk, dom! Sam, handjob, slight degradation, oral ( female receiving) , fluff at end
MINORS DNI !!!!!!!
You and Sam never got along which you never knew why. You, Colby, Nate, kat, Sam and Seth were currently at Sam and Colby's house talking about the new location that you are all going too. “ so the place were going too is in Ireland and it's the most haunted castle in the world. It's called Leap Castle”. Colby said smiling to the group of his friends. You always wanted to go to Ireland because of the history and the sights to see. Sam looked at his best friend with a smile but then looked at you “ dude, I'm excited to go but do we really need to bring y/n on this trip?” Sam asked Colby. Seth looked at Sam and rolled his eyes “ Sam you need to remember she is part of this team just like any of us. Just because for some odd reason you don't like her, which I will never understand.” Seth said calmly trying to keep the room quiet. You looked up from your phone looking at Seth smiling, then looking at sam “ yeah, why do you hate me so much? What have I done to you for you to act like a douchebag to me. " you yelled at the blonde haired boy that was rolling his eyes. He got up and looked at you " you want to know why I don't like you? " he said. " yeah I do Golbach” you said to him looking him in his eyes he went to open his mouth when kat got up and yelled at both of you “ that's it! I'm tired of you all arguing and fighting all the fucking time because of something the other said or just because, you both are going into this room and staying until you come to an agreement and we are leaving so you all can yell and we can't hear it" she said locking the door to the room. You both heard the door shut and a car leave.
"i can't believe they left me in here with you of all people. " you said to Sam. He looked at you and you could see him rolling his eyes " at least we agree on one thing " he said. You looked at him and asked" Sam, why do you hate me so much? What the hell did I do to you?" you asked the man. " you want to know since no one is here to yell at me " he said " I am waiting " you tell him with a attitude." you think you can come in here like you know everything and you don't. It makes me so mad how you get every one to like you and then you give me A attitude like a brat " he said. " if my attitude is a problem then fuck it out of me then " you said with a smirk on your face waiting for him to reply. His eyes were filled with lust " oh baby, you shouldn't have said that ", he said with his eyes filling with lust. You could see his cock straining against his jeans.
You've never seen him like this before. " you like what you see baby girl?" he says with a deep voice. You could feel your self getting turned on. "Sam, what are you going to do?" you asked him." you said to fuck the attitude out of you so that's what I plan on doing you whore. You talk big so let's see if it works. You are going to listen to me and obey me." he said to you. Your cheeks get red as the blood rushes towards them. He starts kissing your lips slowly " do you give me permission?" he asked . You nod your head to indicate yes," I need words baby " he said seductively. You look at him " yes sir " you tell him. As he continues to kiss you he goes down your neck and finds that spot that makes you moan and he starts sucking making sure to leave hickeys to show who you belong too. He moves his lips back to your lips and your mouths move perfectly together as your tongues fight for dominance. " do you want me to touch you and fuck you like the little whore you are?" he asked. " oh god, please Sam " you practically begging him. " God isn't here tonight, just me " he said while his hands were holding you against the wall. He smirked at you as he runs his hands up your leg using his hand to run over the fabric that is covering your pussy " you're so wet for me. I bet us arguing has always turned you on hasn't it? I also bet you have thought of us doing this." he asked," oh fuck yes Sam!" you moan.
He moves your underwear and he opens your legs bending down he looks at what is on full display for him. He uses his fingers to spread you open as he begins to rub her clit " you have been hiding this beautiful pussy from me all this time." he says as he shoves two fingers into you. He starts eating you out using his tongue on your clit while fingering you. You grab his hair moaning his name " oh Sam, I'm going to cum "you moan he stops eating you and pulls his fingers out " not s0 fast baby, I want to feel that beautiful pussy around my dick and have cum around me " you moan at what he says never thinking you would be fucking your enemy and hearing him say all these dirty things he saying. He comes up ripping your shirt off along with your bra. You start taking his shirt off noticing his abs and smirking. He starts fondling your boobs and takes one nipple in his mouth and starts sucking on it making you wetter and moaning his name. Sam pulls his belt Off taking his pants and boxers off you see his dick smack against his stomach watching as pre-cum seeped from the tip. " you sure you want to do this? Because once I start I am making it my mission for you to be sore where you can't walk " he said." yes Sam please just shut up and fuck me! " he uses his hands to flip you over where your on the bottom and he is in control. You could feel your clit throb from being so turned on. He lined up against your opening and slowly pushed into you causing you to moan he grabbed your legs and pulled them over his shoulders so he could get deeper. He used his his finger to massage your clit. You could feel a tightness building up." I'm going to cum Sam,i need to cum " you told him while the wave of pleasure was building." you Will not cum until I say so got it?" he says wrapping his hands in your hair. " yes sir " you obey him.
Sam keeps thrusting into you going faster and faster you could hear him moan as his thrust got sloppier. Your legs started shaking against him. You could feel his cock twitch inside you." Sam I need t0 come " you yelled " cum for me y /n, cum for me " he said. Sobs filling the room you both were in as your body shook under his. After both of you calmed down from your high he put his pants and boxers back on and went to get a washcloth to clean you up. " that was amazing Sam, maybe we should fight more if the sex is like that" you joked. You grabbed his shirt and put it on you tried to stand up but you couldn't. Sam was laughing " I told you you wouldn't be able to walk" he smiled. They both heard the door unlock " well, I don't hear screaming so either two things we have that they killed each other or that they worked it out. " Seth said to the rest. Kat went to where you were locked up in and opened the door and they all gasped at what they saw. " dude, why is your shirt off and why does y/n have it on? " Nate said. " also why does it smell like sex? " Colby asked. They all smiled " you guys fucked didn't you?" kat asked as you hid your face behind Sam's back.
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roman-cates · 10 months
"I could certainly recreate something similar within training, but I think you may be able to understand why that would be a bad idea."
Mal can hardly understand why Bryce attempted it. Unless it was an accident? She eyes her own pet speculatively. He's far more devoted to her than Bryce's is. She has been putting it down to superior training, but she did, after all, take him from a man who put him in sensory deprivation for six weeks, and she hasn't hurt him at all yet, really. Is it Stockholm Syndrome, rather than training, that gave her such a biddable puppy?
She knows Saša would say she could ask in front of her pet, but she's sure that's a bad idea.
"Can I put you hold for just a moment?" Saša agrees, and she hits the mute button.
"Pet," she says sharply, "Stop cleaning. Go to the gym and get changed there. Do warm ups until I get there."
"Yes, master," he says, and she waits until he's gone before she unmutes.
"Sorry about that," she says. "Please, go on."
"Can I put you hold for just a moment?"
"Of course," Saša agrees and Mallory's like goes silent for a moment.
"Sorry about that," she says when she gets back. "Please, go on."
She... really can't gather the answer on her own..? Surely she didn't really try to see the reason...
"Well, Mr Stryerson's pet is obedient for him, yes?"
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Just Fine!
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Book:                   Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing:                Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey) Feat: Bryce Lahela
Rating:                 Teen
Category:            Fluff / Humor
Summary:   Tobias stumbles upon a shaken Bryce... who tries to warn him about what he's in for. But Tobias has things under control... or does he?
Words: 1,927
A/N: I WROTE SOMETHING!!!!! 🎉🎉What did I say - it would just be a scene, right. lol well, it KIND of is. Thank you to @elenamoncadaibarra and @kyra75 for these two prompts (one two). I combined them into one fic; I hope you enjoy it! (Kyra - I'll try to do the others too!) Participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge - Romance and Babies
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It didn’t take long for Tobias to figure out something was amiss. Just a few steps off the elevator and it was clear. The hallway leading to Casey’s office was usually empty, especially at the end of the day. So the sight of Bryce leaning against the wall… protectively… yet frightened… his arms crossed and brow furrowed… something wasn’t right.  
If there’s one thing you don’t want to do to a man whose wife is weeks away from giving birth, it’s lead him to believe that anything could be wrong. So the usually unflappable Dr. Carrick became… flapped. Quickly.
“Hey,” he hollered from a few feet away, worry etched on his face. “What’s going on? Why are you standing outside my wife’s office like a poor man’s version of the palace guard? Where’s Casey? Is she OK?”
“Oh, no!” Bryce reassured, needing to put his friend at ease. “Everything’s fine, Casey… the baby… everyone’s fine.”
“The look of horror on your face tells me otherwise. Care to tell me what’s going on?”
“I’m just here,” Bryce swallowed, carefully measuring his words. “To… to make sure Casey is OK… uh… until you arrive and, uh… also…. to warn you.”
“OK, you’ve got me worried again!” His face fell as he gestured toward the office door. “Is she in there?”
Bryce barely nodded when Tobias’s hand was on the door, but Bryce pulled it off just as quickly.
“No! No, no, no… no… No! Wait!” Bryce insisted.
“All right, what the hell’s going on. Why can’t I go in my wife’s office?”
“Oh, you can… it’s just… you should be warned first.”
“Warned?” Tobias raised a brow. 
“She’s… she’s a little …. emotional.”
“Bryce, she’s pregnant. She’s been emotional for eight months. Tell me something I don’t know.”
“Yeah…. But tonight was… special…. I asked her if we could get dinner together this weekend….”
“And she flipped out. Asked if I thought we’d never have dinner again… did we have to get it all in now. I assured her I just wanted to see you guys, then she broke into tears and apologized. She said a whole lot of high-pitched stuff I couldn’t understand to save my life, and when I tried to console her, she threw me out of the office.”
Tobias snorted as an amused smirk overtook his face. “Well, thanks for keeping watch until I got here. But, no offense, buddy, but you’re an amateur. If my girl needs consoling, I know what to do.”
“Yeah,” Bryce droned, pushing his friend’s hand away from the door one more time. “About that…. Amongst the high-pitched sounds I made out was no wonder Tobias doesn’t want me anymore.”
“What?” he gasped. “Casey would never say that.”
“Casey wouldn’t,” Bryce agreed. “But that little alien she’s carrying around has cast a spell on her… that’s not Casey anymore. I’d be careful in there if I were you!”
“I appreciate you looking out, but I’ll be fine. If it makes you feel better, send security for a wellness check if you don’t hear from me within the hour.”
Bryce nodded as he began to back away. “Make that thirty minutes, and you’ve got yourself a deal. Godspeed, my friend. Godspeed.”
These little episodes were becoming more common as the due date neared. In fact, he handled one like a champ just a few nights before. So he had all the confidence in the world as he opened the office door. Even when he found the room dark, Casey scrunched up on the corner of the small couch; his hope never diminished.
“Baby?” he asked cautiously. “Is it OK if I turn on the light?”
“Don’t!” she barked.
“OK. We don’t need light,” he concurred as he sat beside her. “But is there a reason for the dark?”
“Yes! I’m hiding.”
“Hiding? From who? From what?”
“From life. I figured if I hide, it won’t find me, then maybe nothing will change.”
Suddenly, he was relieved to be in the dark. This way, Casey wouldn’t see the worry on his face. Sure, he knew these things were normal, to a degree, but with Casey’s history… he was starting to become concerned.
“Life’s gonna change, sweetheart,” he started. “There’s no avoiding that. But why don’t you tell me what got you so worried? Maybe I can help.”
“We’ll only be together two years, you know… when the baby is born. Just two years.”
“Two years by your calculations… by mine, we’ll be just over two-and-a-half.”
“Does it really matter?” She asked with annoyance. “It’s still not a lot of time. I can’t wait to meet our baby,” she took a deep breath to hold back tears. “But everything we knew is done; nothing will be the same. You and me… the spontaneity, fun… it’s all over. We won’t see our friends often; they probably will think we’re dull anyway. I bet you we’ll be exhausted all the time. If we’re lucky enough to have sex, it’ll probably be a quickie in the missionary position… and hopefully, I won’t fall asleep. We were going to travel the world, well that’s not happening! It’s just a matter of time before you start wondering how you got here. I won’t be your fun, sexy girlfriend anymore… I’ll be that old ball and chain. That’s why you never wanted to settle down, but it will be too late because you’ll be stuck with me. At least I hope you’ll be. Because I’d rather have you miserable and with me than taking off and leaving me for a  younger, sexier version of me. Someone like the Casey you first met,” she turned to him, and even without the light, he could see the worry in her eyes. “Promise me… promise me you won’t leave me for her?”
“Aw, baby,” he said, rubbing her knee. “I’m not leaving you for her. In fact, to prove it,” he pulled out his phone, “I’ll delete her number right now.”
He didn’t see it coming but laughed when her shove nearly pushed him off the couch. She still had it.
“You jerk,” she snickered, trying to suppress a full belly laugh.
“I may be a jerk, but you love me… and I adore you… so much. I hope you know that the horrible scenario you just painted is not going to happen. You know that, right?”
“I suppose,” she mumbled. “But what if it does. Lots of people think it won’t… and it does.”
His arms wrapped around her as she dropped her head into his shoulder. Didn’t she know she was his whole world?
“Lots of people aren’t us. Casey, I know the baby was a surprise, but she’s the best surprise I’ve ever had next to you. And you were a surprise… just ask my Ma!”
“I know,” Casey laughed nervously. “She’s told me a few dozen times.”
“I know it’s scary, but we’re gonna do this marriage and baby thing so well it’s gonna be a trend. All our friends will be jealous! You’ll see!”
“No, they won't,” she half chuckled. 
“Oh yes, they will be.”
“Don’t you worry? Even a little? I don’t want to lose myself, and I don’t want to lose us. I don’t regret this… but do you ever wish we had a little more time alone?”
“The only thing I wish is that I found you sooner… I don’t mind us adding to our little team here as long as I have you. And we’ll make time for just you and me; I’ll see to it that you have time just for you. We’ll be fine, sweetheart.”
She squeezed him tighter, and he could feel her becoming lighter. 
“You really think so? You won’t be dreaming of the chick whose number you just pretend deleted.”
He let out a deep laugh. “Hey, there is no one else for me. Hell, I’ve been dreaming of you since the day we met, and I still dream about you – and only you – even though you’re all mine.”
“I’m so lucky to have you,” she cooed.
“I know,” he boasted, earning him another little shove. “But I’m so lucky to have you, too.”
“But what if the baby never lets us sleep?”
“She will… and if she doesn’t… we’ll get some help. It’ll be fine.”
“OK. But what if I’m a shitty mom?”
“You’re going to be a natural.”
“You won’t think I’m boring?”
“Casey… I’m never going to think you’re boring.”
“Well, you did promise you’d keep having sex with me….”
“Yes,” he laughed wholeheartedly, kissing her temple when he was done. “I promise you that.”
“You won’t get bored? And you’ll be OK if we have to stay home because the baby is sick. Or because your wife is tired, or maybe you are. And the soccer games, and recitals… you won’t think they’re lame? What if we have to get a mini-van, and your friends all think….”
“Casey… Casey… CASEY!” he yelled.
“You need to come up for air, baby. Relax … it’ll all be fine.”
“Even the mini-van?”
“Can you please shut up so I can kiss you?”
“But what if….mmmhhhmmm.”
Her sentence was cut off when his lips crashed into hers, warm and tender at first, then turning more passionate. She felt the tension slowly escaping her body as the kiss deepened, and Tobias ran his fingers through her hair. Moments later, they were rubbing circles on her back, pulling her close, and when she finally came up for air, she didn’t have a worry in the world.
“Mmmmm,” he groaned softly in her ear. “We’re going to be so much better than fine.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry,” he assured. “We are the dream team… you and me. It’s gonna be so good! We’re going to have to write a book to let others know how it’s done. Or maybe a podcast! Yeah, we should have a podcast. You’ll see… we’ll be hanging with John and Chrissy… they can be the coolest parents on the West Coast, but the East is ours! You’ll see! It’s going to be so cool, that….”
“Tobias! Tobias! TOBIAS!” She yelled.
“Oh, sorry… yes, baby?”
“Would you please shut up so you can kiss me?”
She couldn’t help but giggle as she felt his lecherous grin against her lips, his hands on the back of her neck, pulling her closer to him.
“I’m just a piece of meat to you, aren’t I?”
“The finest cut,” she giggled.
“And that’s never going to change! Do you feel better?”
“With you here?” Casey smiled. “Always. Why do you put up with me?”
“Because you’re doing all the heavy lifting in bringing this little one to us. What was my contribution?”
“We all know what your contribution was, T.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “We do. Now. Let’s go get some ice cream. I feel a craving coming on.”
“I’m not craving ice cream,” she insisted.
“Not you… me! You know you need to be a little more sensitive to my needs!”
“I’m sorry, baby, I forget about your hormone surges.”
“It’s OK. I forgive you, and not just because your pregnancy boobs are blowing my goddamned mind.”
“I knew that’s the only reason you stay,” she laughed as he helped her to her feet. “Come on, let’s go get ice cream… I am getting a bit of a craving after all.”
“Ah ha!” He smiled, “I knew you would.”
“You’re right,” Casey grinned. “We’re going to be just fine.”
“You better believe it!”
Perma: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @doriopenheart @fayeswiftie @gryffindordaughterofathena @genevievemd @inlocusmads @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten
OH Only: @annfg8 @binny1985 @coffeeheartaddict2 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @ofmischiefandmedicine @peonierose @youlookappropriate
Tobias Only: @icecoffee90 @kyra75
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ravenwitch45 · 2 years
You know what is sad? Even before Circus, it was clear who was the one that actually cared in the relationship in Stolitz.
I've seen people complaining that Stolas only showed interest in sex before inviting Blitz over the night to justify the misunderstanding, when in the whole series he is shown being the only one that puts interest in GENERAL.
In episode 2 he invites him to spend time with him and his daughter in a theme park, in order to hava a nice time with his two favorite people. This repeats later when he invites him to a fastival to the Rage Ring, event in which Stolas made no sexual comment. In Ozzie's he also treated their "date" like a normal one, asking things like "how was your day" "how did you find this place" things that start up conversations, only to be ignored.
The thing is, Stolas tried, just like with Stella, to have an agreement. Just this time, he tried to get closer, to have something. Blitz drives people away, and the way he doesn't show any of the interest he has did that to Stolas.
Because Stolas is tired, tired of being the only one who makes an effort, of not being shown love, of having to tolerate others being horrible to him, of waiting somethong from people who give nothing.
Idk if Stolitz would be endgame, because Blitz really needs to himself solve his own issues (because is his fear for relationship that caused all the angst of Stolitz until now, not Stolas' miscommunication or the difference of power [both things should be addressed as well, but are not the main issue]), but while he does that, Stolas is just too tired to wait for him.
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Ohhhhhh Lord you are breaking my heart cause you are absolutely right. It has always been Stolas trying to get closer while Blitzo puts on this long old facade of annoyance and reluctance by just being around him. Which is made worse by the fact that Stolas is beginning to fall for it.
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Stolas is clearly one to always make an effort for those he cares about, aside from Blitzo, Octavia is a good example, and recently he just doesn't get anything from it, or just in general considering Stella and his marriage. I know how it is to make an effort and not get anything in return, and lord it's tiring.
But honestly I think it's good to see Stolas trying to fix himself and his life without the support. It's good to know you can stand on your own as well as with your loved ones. I think Stolas will be open to talking things out if Blitzo wants to, but he's not going to wait on changing his life for the better either.
They do need to talk, about every little wrong thing about their relationship, and to work things out but I do think Stolitz will end up being canon, cause with their actions, the merch and what Bryce and Brandon have said on the matter, I think these two are gonna work things out.
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