#but trust me he is a MESS
mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
i love the idea of bryce just being the most messy and not pretty sleeper on the fucking planet. like he's got baggy fluffy sesame street pajama pants w a neon orange shirt and christmas socks and his hair is always a mess and he usually does a face mask before bed and doesnt always get it all off and he has his mouth guard to stop himself from grinding his teeth and i just,, i love him not being perfect all the time
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tech-obssessed-shark · 3 months
thinking about Prowler thinking about how nobody figured out he was being controlled thinking about how everyone sees him as the bad guy even if they’re on the same side thinking about how even STARSCREAM becomes an important figure with (some) allies yet Prowl goes feral because of everything thinking about how the only people to support Prowl were the ones he was forced to mind-meld with thinking about all his relationships ending with others hating him thinking about
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cr1mson5returns · 1 year
Sort of obsessing over the concept of Tim, having been acknowledged canonically as a talented photographer, using these skills for morally gray reasons. This kid doesn't intend to use his fists to win every battle, or even most battles, actually. He's well-connected, fits into unconventional hiding spaces due to being lean and slender and 5'6", and he has a very nice camera. So really, Senator, it's a shame you thought you'd get away with so much. Think of what the Times could do with this evidence. High-definition doesn't lie. So you'll vote to expand funding for public education and Medicaid in the state, is that correct? Of course, you're an upstanding politician, after all. Couldn't have all this getting in the way of your career.
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wyrmtrain · 9 months
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he's so :3
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kelpshippingceo · 8 months
you ever think about how lloyd lost his childhood due to the tea, his teenage years to being a ninja + (gestures vaguely at harumi-induced trauma) and his early adult years to isolating himself from the world and grieving his friends? because I do
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virgothozul · 1 year
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Ok. I have listened to the people. I have watched the thing. It is very wholesome.
Kazu comes home. He is hopeless and tipsy. And he swings between excited and wasted.
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freddy-owo · 4 months
HAPPY TOYA BIRTH!!1!1!!!1!!1!!!
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storge · 10 months
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Xue Dingfei being the MVP
Story of Kunning Palace (2023)
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theofreakingbell · 5 months
thinking about a scenario I came up with the other day where post infinity war, Loki comes back but Thor refuses to believe it. no matter what they do they cannot get Thor to believe he's actually alive and isn't just a figment of his imagination. and that everyone else is just playing along with the ruse for Thor's sake. and this being the first and at first the most obvious sign that thor is Not Even Remotely Okay mentally. 
Nobody knows how to deal with it. Thor oscillates between going along with it to some degree and snapping at people or crying because he doesn't get why they are so determined to keep up the lie. HE can see Loki, but they shouldn't be able to, so why are they acting like they can? 
Loki himself finds this tremendously unnerving and annoying but quite frankly he is too busy dealing with what Thor won't or can't and the trauma of coming back from almost dying that he rolls with it after a while because he hates how sad and angry Thor gets when he tries to persuade him again, and he's afraid to leave Thor altogether given how worrying this is. Thor doesn't treat him badly when he knows he's around, and with the exception of refusing to touch him for the first month or two of this because he's afraid he'll dissapear if he does, how they act is relatively normal. Except for the fact that Thor thinks he's imaginary. 
it becomes easier for things to go even more off the rails once they are in new asgard. With the people settled and relatively safe, the parts of Thor's psyche held together by emergency start to fade. He starts sliding further into a deep depression, starts neglecting taking care of himself, and develops similar issues around food to what is seen in endgame as an escape from everything that has happened. 
He excuses the thhings that don't make sense by thwt he is just somehow missing them. Evidence of Loki's existence becomes evidence of his own madness. There are so many papers, he must have worked on this one too (never mind how it's in his brother's handwriting). the food which Loki eats becomes explainable to him by his own deteriorating relationship with food and growing apetite. little things like water glasses and wrappers and tissues and plates, oh those must be his as well, even if he never remembers putting them down or using them. Even if his imaginary brother was there earlier. He must just have forgot. 
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
postcrisis era is my favorite for a lot of reasons but chief among them is the tangled mess of everyones relationships in the era after kon's death. can you imagine being kara and being told that one of your closest friends on earth, one of your only friends on earth, has realized she actually was just using you as a stand-in for the cousin you barely got to know before he died? the cousin you've been grieving because you didn't get to know him, but everyone around you loved him, and now you're told you're just a substitute for him in your dear friend's eyes. and she knows that's not fair to you, but what can she do? she's grieving, too. and you just have to live with that, somehow.
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dailymothanon · 8 months
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This one is very experimental and hasty 😼 but errh, I’m sure Alaska didn’t always have his hat, so I’m weighing when in time I’d imagine he’d first get it or something similar to it. This was him during maybe either Department or District of Alaska era in my head 🤔 nothing just works out for him, life bad and been bad so he’s just gonna accept wasting away 😔 (he did not have his adorable son boy pups in his life yet) (or really anything) (got in a lot of fights because ain’t no Outsiders were good to him for a long long time so he’s just agitated about everything)
Yes, I am very interested about looking into post Russian but pre statehood Alaskan history and stuff! It’s why I was looking into Skagway and all that, so expect me to be doing some more of that stuff hopefully 😌 also because many folks seems to focus solely on Alaska’s Russian colonization era as if it were all Alaska ever dealt with, so I feel shading about it can help folks develop his character better. Alaska propaganda my love
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAu Drabble - The Gang
Hello! I am back because I had an idea! And so I must WRITE! @spotaus Hope you ready friend :3
It is a feel good one! :D
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No edit or beta we just having fun!
Horror carefully grabs the bowls and moves them to the sink as Killer and Cross go off to continue clearing their new area. Dust should still be in their nest as it is his rest day today.
Crop joins him in cleaning up the table. Horror shoots him a look "You are a guest." and he gives him a pointed look.
Crop just grins back "Oh you know! Small town politeness!" and he grabs the towel, clearing appointing himself drying duty.
Horror grins as he turns slightly "What do you say Nightmare?"
Nightmare stands wiht his arms crossed by the table. trying his best to look angry but Horror just thinks he is pouting.
Nightmare huffs as he looks down and mutters "I am perfe-ctle able to help dry." he glares harder as he tripped slightly over his words.
Horror chuckles and gently nudges him out of the room "Or. You could go outside with your book? Enjoy the sun as you read and keep an socket on Killer and Cross."
Nightmare frowns at him. Horror knows he isn't exactle being subtle but they don't need to be. Nightmare needs to relax and enjoy his second chance at a childhood.
Nightmare glances at the sink for a moment before nodding and leaving the kitchen. Horror listens for a moment and hears more shuffles before the frontdoor closes.
Horror nods and turns back to the sink and sees Crop's looking curiously.
Horror raises a brow but joins his side and the two start on the chore. Horror starts with soaping up the dishes "Still think that as guest you should relax."
Crop shrugs as he waits his turn to dry "I like helping."
Horror chuckles "And we are still very thankful... let us know how to repay you."
Crop waves it off as he leans back against the counter. Horror shoots him a glance and sees that Crop seems to debate something with himself. Horror just continiues washing the dishes.
"I did... wonder something..."
Horror hums and tilts his skull as he waits.
Crop seems to consider how to ask it before turning to Horror "Nightmare is... very helpful."
Horror chuckles "That is the right word alright. Wants to help with everything." the little perfectionist. Of course it isn't that surprising.
Crop rubs his cheek "Well... I mean... I was wondering... Was he... like that... before? When he was still... big?"
Horror blinks as he looks at Crop for a moment before nodding "Well, yeah." and he continues washing the dishes.
Crop blinks and stares "seriously? But everyone always spoke about well... you know..."
Horror raises a brow at his friend and grins "That he is someone who spreads negativity and only cares about that?"
Crop cringes and shrugs "I didn't mean it like that..."
horror nods "I know."
Crop glares at him and hfufs "How any of them can think you are the most mature is beyond me."
Horror chuckles "Has a lot to do with how i was introduced." the original meeting with Crop had after all been much more chaotic and Horror ahd been actively hostile back then. Let his own mischievous side shine more through. Horror still loves jokes and pranks he just knows when to pick his moments, unlike some people.
Crop finishes drying the next few dishes before shooting him a look "Like... introduced? How did you end up working together with them?"
Horror shrugs as he finishes washing the last few things "Same as everyone. Nightmare hired me."
Crop pauses before snorting and laughing "I am sorry. Now whenever i hear nightmare i immediantly see that tiny six year old and they idea of him just standing before you and hiring you like that is real funny."
Horror chuckles and nods "It is rather amusing. Trust me. We did not miss the fact that technically we all agreed to work for a six year old." even when that same six year old was parading around in the adult version of his body. It did explain some of Nightmare curious habbits. The way he would get grumpy if tired or when he was low on magic and negative energy. The way things had to happen in a very specific way or he would just stare at the problem. just a lot of tiny things.
Crop chcukles and looks over "So... what? He realised you were very strong and decided to hire you as muscle?"
Horror grins "Ironically. My role hardly changed between when i was first hired and now."
Crop blinks confused "Waht?"
Horror chuckles and shrugs "I was originally hired to keep an eye on Dust and Killer. So you could say that I was already hired as babysitter to begin with." he snorts at the look Crop sends him.
Crop just gapes at him "seriously?! But... like.. .you are you!" and he waves at him "mega strong and amazing with tracking and traps!"
Horrro shrugs "Nightmare didn't specifically need those things at the time. At the time he needed someone steady to keep the chaos of Killer and dust a bit more contained."
Crop finishes his own task and crosses his arms "really?"
horror nods "It is true. I was surprised myself. But... well... Even if Nightmare had always been a god and while he wasn't used to mortal things and habits..." especially not after being in a fake adult body for 500 years powered by godpowered apples "He isn't afraid to admit he doesn't know things. At least to himself."
Crop just stares at him and Hroror rubs his own neck "Killer was the first one to be recruited. I know that story but it isn't my place to tell. All I can say is that Killer took his role of first follower very seriously. But... well... it isn't an easy job that Killer and Nightmare did and Nightmare was very quickly aware Killer is a mortal."
Crop blinks and gives aslow nod "so he got help?"
Horror nods "exactly. We once asked Nightmare why he picked Dust and Nightmare had just told us that Dust fit the requirements and was willing."
Horror sometimes wonders if Nightmare had asked others before hand. If others had said no and he had just disappeared form their lives. Or if he asked Dust first but had been prepared to just leave if he said no. He never ended up asking him.
Crop gives a slow nod "Still doesn't explain your role."
Hroror grins "Dust and Killer hated one another."
Crop sputters "waht? No way! There is no way. Those two are like this!" he crosses his fingers "You all are!" and he waits.
Horror shrugs "took time. more important, took us all being honest and vulnerable." which none of them enjoyed being at the time. It had all felt too good to be true. Horror knew he sometimes worried that he would have woken up back in his universe, away from his new friends and his brother and world still slowly dying of starvation. Nightmare had offered him a solution in trade for his service, Horror had quickly accepted.
Crop frowns "Like... I know Killer annoys Dust a lot but i mean.. that is more like.. .you know... playground.... boys and girls..."
horror chuckles "you can call it flirting. THough Killer will die before admitting that, he will tell you he is teasing. big difference."
Crop groans as he rubs his face "but how did that came to be? If they hated one another?"
Horror shrugs "both of them reminded each other of themselves. They both hated that. Took a long time of me being there as supervisor and buffer before they started to interact without fighting." both a physical and a metaphorical buffer.
Crop seems to consider this before nodding "I guess that makes sense... And you had the same role when Cross joined?"
Horror shakes his skull "by that time I had already joined Nightmare's normal forces and took pretty much the same job as Dust and Killer had. but by that time we had all learned not to just judge a book by its cover and to respect some boundaries. It was easier when Cross joined because of that." Good to because Cross had been, and still was, a bundle of nerves and anxiety. self doubt if honestly the biggest thing holding him back. If only Cross could see that himself, then Horror doubts there is much in this multiverse that could stop Cross from doing what he wants.
Crop chuckles "All of you had to learn that? YOu seem perfectly fine with interactions."
horror raises a brow at him "First week i stayed in this universe."
Crop's winces and rubs his arm "Yeha okay fair."
horror shakes his skull "I made my own mistakes and am thankful that the others forgave me for. It was a learnign curve for all of us." to be coworkers. to rely on each other. to be friends. To be a team and unit. and now... a family...
Crop nods "well... I can say that you guys are doing great!" he grins "people in town were nervous but they all really like you!"
Horror chcukles "good to hear. and thank you for everything..."
Crop shrugs "don't worry about it." he checks the clock and grins "I will need to go back. need to milk the cows and Betty loves her schedule. If i am late she may come looking for me."
Horror sighs "please don't bring a cow to these grounds..." Hell knows that they all had been assholes enough to joke and prank Cross with those. Before they realised how bad the phobia was. Again, they can all be assholes.
Crop gives him an easy thumbs up "don't worry. I will make sure it doesn't happen." he glances around and whispers "there was... one thing i was wodnering... you guys are real close. Is it... you know?" and he grins widely.
Horror chuckles and shrugs "not specifically." he shoots a glance towards where he knows Dust is sleeping in the nest. Then he glances out of the window to see if he can spot either Killer or Cross "There is no hurry..."
Crop grins and nods "cool cool. just people asking me stuff."
Horror nudges him "don't gossip. It is a bad habit."
Crop sighs "come on. you guys wouldn't give me the details on yourr made backstory. can tell me this at least."
Horror shoots him an amused look "no." and he starts to lead Crop's out.
Crop huffs but joins his side. They walk towards the path that will lead Crop home before stopping and both saying their goodbyes.
Crop shoots hima look "You have a lot of patiences with this."
horror shrugs "there is no hurry" and if he learend one thing with his family is that sometimes things just took time. Especially things concerning emotions and feeling vulnerable. Which love is a part of.
Crop nods before smiling "I am sure you four will figure it out eventually."
horror shoots a tiny smile back "thanks. Have a safe trip."
Crop grins as he waves "you guys have a great day and thanks for breakfast!" he waves into the distance at the other skeletons before starting to make his track back home.
Just a matter of time and giving them time. Horror knows by now that it is better to let them come to their own conclusions and thoughts then trying to force them to see stuff they aren't ready to see.
Luckily they have their own home now and can actually take the time they need.
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octodrawn · 1 month
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I think Zoe and Pepper would go on thrift shop dates :)
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nyashykyunnie · 4 days
Okay but in a fr sense why the hell are my types so goddamn opposite of eachother? Blud it's either the cold and strict type or u cant trust that fae aa look and it makes me go🤺🤺🤺🤺 everytime I realize it
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WHERE THE FUCK IS THE CONSISTENCY LORD??!!!?!!????? Dear god just give me my future husband alr like man or just outright tekl me if I'm gonna die single buddy I'm in a dillemma at how my types are just pkain polar opposites spare me pls
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yuukimiyas · 9 months
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how could i leave your side? i just had a revelation i'll come by, let the flames burn through and if it's coming down to me when i reach your destination i'll ignite into flames for you... when you show me the way all will fall in place . . . ₊˚⊹♡
eeep!! surprise!! 1 out of 2 of my teased comms!! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა living my mwpsb fantasy with my favorite enforcer!! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა i got a cutie lil shinya & chloe comm from the ever so lovely @/luvluvluv06 on twitter!! she is the absolute SWEETEST!! & saw my vision PERFECTLY!! & i seriously couldn't be happier with the results!! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ def check out their other works!! <33 i'm def gonna commission smth again in the future!! :3
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
Hehe Yep! Eurylochus in the myths was married to Odysseus younger Sister, Ctimene. So he was not only a Long time friend/brother of war/ second in command, but pretty literally FAMILY.
one would think that would make Eurylochus more lenient on Ody but nooooo.
The family reunion would be kind of awkward with Ctimene now that i think of it😅
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