#but in the car? I can be alone forever and not be scared
pingu-4 · 3 days
I've seen a lot of raven!Neil fics where neil helps jean and Kevin escape form ravens and he escapes with them/joins them later.
But what I really need to see is a fic from jean's and kevin's pov, where they escape but Neil is stuck being a raven, stuck being nathaniel.
I want to see them join foxes but still think about what is happening with Neil right now, what punishments he is getting for their escape. I want to see them scared for his well-being, while not being able to patch him up or do anything. I want to see them trying to heal, being full of guilt at the same time, because Neil, their ally, their savior, their brother is probably going through hell because of them right now and he's all alone. I want to see them guilty, because Neil has helped them so many times, he had saved them and they left him there to suffer, even though they know that if they even tried to come back to nest Neil would kill them himself.
I want to see Jean mourning his partner forever. I want to see him turining around expecting Neil to be there only to see empty spot next to him. I want to see him grabing car keys to go back to nest, to Neil, when loneliness, guilt, fear, everything is too much, only to be stopped by Kevin from doing anything stupid, from going back to their abusers. I want him trying to keep up on living, only because Neil gave up on his freedom, his life for it. I want Jean to miss his little British devil, while literally anything reminds him of neil.
I want Kevin getting himself drunk only not to think about about what it cost for him to be at foxes, not to think about who pays for it, who he had left behind. I want him to wonder why Neil sacrifaced himself for him, he understands why Neil did it for jean, but him? What did he do to deserve it? I want him to feel guilty he didn't help Neil more, to wonder why he didn't do anything when he had the chance, wonder if he would be brave enough to do anything different if he had a chance to. I want Kevin to miss this loud mouth who gave him a chance of better life.
I want them both to live with a ghost of Neil among them. To talk about him, what would he do in any situation, what they remember about him even though it causes them pain and they are trying to move on, because they are too afraid to forget about him. I want them to wonder why they didn't manage to force him to go with them. I want to see them hoping to see Neil every morning when they wake up, only to be met with harsh reality. To think every short red-head might be him. To have so many feeling when they get that one phone call from Neil. To wonder if there is any way that they can help him. I want to see them as puzzles with one piece missing, learning to live that way.
I want to see the foxes wondering who that raven jean and Kevin often talk about is. To wonder who is that guy that they never met, that had such a big impact and is so important to these two broken boys. I want foxes to see Kevin and jean and just know that they lost something, that even though they escaped and are healing, they are still grieving someone. I want them to hear stories that involve that third person, that "neil" but never getting a direct answer as to who exactly he is and what happened to him.
I want Jean and Kevin hearing the news that "nathaniel wesninski" got injured in some freaky incident and them knowing it wasn't and incident. I want them to be terryfied of what riko did to Neil. Or being even more terryfied of what if it was Neil that did something to himself. They know he is strong, stronger then them both, but what if when he is all alone, facing hell, without any support, without anyone who he has to fight for he finally gave up and decided to die on his own terms?
I want them to see other news, that he had died from these injures, and just break down not believing that Neil, their Neil is gone. Is gone and they weren't there for him in his last moment. I want Kevin and jean to wonder if he knew how much he mattered to them, to wonder if they had said it to him, made it aware to him enough times. I want them to suffer because they promised that all of them will escape one day, but while Kevin and Jean are foxes now, Neil forever will be stuck a raven, forever will be remembered as nathaniel wesninski by most people, will never be able to make Neil a real person for someone else then the three of them. I want them to think about how the one person who saved their lifes, gave them a reason to live, died himself and they didn't do anything to prevent it, didn't manage to stop it. I want them to finally spill all the truth to the foxes. To see Jean and kevin learning to live with all of it, trying to live to their fullest, maybe even dedicating their games to Neil. For them, to do it for themselves. And for Neil.
Or i want them to finally have enough, realizing that this is the last moment where they can do something to help, when they hear about the injury. To see them somehow getting Neil out and seeing how much more he is hurt, mentally and physically than he was the last time they saw him, but still being the same old neil. Being happy that he finally is with them but also sad seeing him in that state. I want them to get Neil into foxes, not wanting to leave him, worried, being very protective of him and helping him heal too. Making neil josten real. To have foxes to finally meet that Neil they heard about and being surprised to see how Kevin and jean, not very warm or open people are so fond of him, how they act so different towards him, how they finally are the way they were supposed to be. Together.
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people say the home is where the heart is. brad knows it's bullshit, though.
home is where you feel safe.
and the only place brad can feel truly safe is his car. whether it's his old beat up silver 2006 toyota corolla or his shiny new white 2020 audi rs 3, he spends more time in his car than his apartment.
well, when he's not sick, at least.
brad bought his corolla new back in 2006. it was his first car, and he still affectionately refers to it as "ol reliable" even though it's pushing 410k miles. the car's nearly undrivable now - there's something wrong with the transmission and the car rattles suspiciously when he drives faster than 60mph in it, but he keeps it anyway because it's the only non-living thing he's ever been attached to. that old car got him away from his father and zack, after all. he saved for years to buy it.
because the thing is - cars are safe. which is ironic, because people die in their cars far more than they die in their homes. but they aren't murdered in their cars. well, not frequently, at least. brad knows that zack knows his address. no matter how often brad moves, zack has always known his new address in a matter of weeks. brad's given up on constantly uprooting his life to hide from the inevitable.
but there isn't a paper trail to follow when brad is in his car. he can drive as long and as far as he wants, and no one can follow him or stop him. that was part of his reason for getting his current car - he knows zack can't afford a faster car than he has, so theres zero chance of zack stalking and hurting him when he's driving. not to mention the fact that brad doesnt have any neighbors when he's driving around, so he can blast his music as loud as he wants and scream when he's pissed off and no one will ever hear or know. it's a great release.
brad isnt a car guy. he's only owned two cars throughout his entire life. but he would rather die than be carless. thats another reason he kept his corolla when he got his audi - one day, his audi may be in need of repair or something that requires it to be taken into a shop, and brad doesnt feel comfortable without an escape plan. better safe than sorry, after all.
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wormwonder · 2 months
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playing with circles O●°○•°o.
#trypophobia#i want to draw again so bad#i feel like my brain is too full of gunk and the only way to clean it is by drawing and i just don't have the time#i did this at work when it was slow#i'm in the process of moving right now. it'll be my first time living alone#i'm finally getting my adhd medicated after getting diagnosed in january#my life is so different year to year it honestly is dizzying#at this time last year my current roommate and i were looking for an apartment#at this time two years ago i had been at my second job ever for three months and i didn't have a car#and my mom had to drive with me to and from work because the van had been totaled and we only had the one car for the four of us#at this time three years ago i had just graduated and was a month into my first ever job. didn't even know how to drive#i thought i was so behind in life and that i was gonna be stuck like that eternally#now... god i don't even know. i'm trying to be positive#this is gonna be my solo chapter. my zuko alone episode. my walden pond.#but really i'm just so scared all the time and i have no choice but to keep treading water forever#i feel like all through childhood everything stays the same. nothing prepared me for living through constant change#entering my mid twenties i'm learning that. yeah you can't predict everything you can't prepare for everything#you can't keep anything and you can't change anything#but you can hold it in your hands. you can choose to live it. you can choose to be there#i hope once i get settled at my new place i'll suddenly find time to do everything#i hope the meds help me with that. i just want to draw again. i just want to feel alive again
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floral-hex · 4 months
Two hours. I got two hours of sleep. I’m so frustrated with myself.
Went to the ER. Everyone was very nice. They gave me an IV bag of fluids (I was dehydrated! Sad cactus!) and a little ativan (teeny dose), which was nice at the time! Just a little amount, but the (mostly) quiet room, fluids, and meds managed to relax me a lot. Could have fallen asleep if the bed was actually comfortable. Then they packed me up, gave me another little Ativan to take home for tonight, and said they’d contact my primary. Cool cool. Got some much needed food on the way home, then took the pill and got comfy. Again, smallest dosage they make, so no feeling too good. Managed to muscle past my anxiety to fall asleep, and… 2 hours. Woke up. Tried to go back to sleep. Too frustrated and anxious and I feel like crap. What should I do? Just eat a whole gummy and hope that knocks me out? For me, that feels like playing roulette. Could work, yeah. Could make me sleepy and pliable. Could also backfire and make me feel sick and extra anxious for another 5 or 6 hours. What do I do? Roll back up to the ER? “Hewwo, I woke up and I need more benzos 👉👈🥺” haha funny, but I’ve seriously been thinking about it 😑
God, I’m miserable. Been sitting outside on the porch for a bit. Not quite an hour. Needed to get out of the apartment, but tbh, nearly 4am outside isn’t doing much for me. I just feel alone. It wouldn’t help with sleeping, per se, but just someone, I dunno, hugging or holding me for a few minutes would honestly save me a little. What a mess. Oh yeah, and apparently my kidneys are going 👎👎👎 down. Bad meat. Not great test results. Not what I’m focusing on tonight. I’m a mess. Anyway, this was my update. Sorry for all the walls of text. Suppose this is mainly for me to look back on in the future, but can’t pretend it’s not at least a little validating to put this all out into the world and knowing that maybe one or two people read this and I didn’t suffer completely without recognition. Yeah…
#this is a lot of text#not really a casual read#ok ok… I can’t sit outside forever#gonna go back inside and I dunno make a hot chocolatey drink. grab some snacks#TRY to feel good even though I don’t#YES will probably get a little high#hoping that the combo of sugar. salt. and thc will give me the sleepy tools to just pass out for awhile#just a few more hours! please!#omg I was so pissed when I woke up and thought I’d slept for awhile but realized I hadn’t#’ what do you mean the last text I sent was only two hours ago? ‘#seriously. I thought I fell asleep around 11 pm but it was closer to 1am.#stupid sexy ativan. messing with my sense of time#it really wasn’t that big of a dose! I was basically a little buzzed for an hour or so each time#but the doctor was nice and straightforward with me. I just dunno tho. I’m a big guy with a history of anxiety. .5mg is weaksauce#god I’m getting anxious just sitting here thinking about trying to sleep again#it’s feeding on itself. I’m trying to rationalize this but it’s just this feedback loop.#is this my life now? I’m outside. I feel so alone. I feel like I could die any moment. in a sword of Damocles way. it’s there and waiting.#ok sitting outside isn’t helping#after 4am and yes I see cars driving by. I hear the occasional siren. but I still feel alone in the world#please tell me life goes on? please tell me we’re not really at the end here.#I always feel like I’m staring at our final days. that we’re all barely here. fucking ghost planet. waiting to die.#there’s war and hate and everything is expensive and I can’t.. I’m not a part of this world. I’m too poor and sickly and so it all seems…#like we’re on our last leg. like the final days of a fire sale. this body feels fit for the grave. this world is the grave.#I’m scared#ok like I said sitting out here isn’t helping. Ian. please stop.#yes. yes. ok. snacks and drinks and distracting tv. let’s try this again.#sorry this is a lot#I spent the last 20 minutes writing these tags and getting progressively more anxious 😬#you can ignore this#text
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jcbmcdrmtt · 10 months
Sorry if I am not as good about tagging stuff for the foreseeable future. I shattered the screen of my tablet (to the point where there are chunks missing and glass dust coming off under your fingers and you can see the electronics under the screen), and I normally use that + a keyboard case to browse tumblr. I’m using my phone now which means a.) no physical keyboard, and b.) I don’t have as much battery life so my time is more limited. I do not see a point where I can replace the tablet or get it fixed anytime soon either.
All that coupled with the fact that I normally use tumblr in a browser, not the mobile app, means it’s a lot harder to tag things now, especially if I can’t just tap to apply OP’s/the reblogger’s tags because they didn’t add any or i don’t like what they used etc.. Tumblr mobile is honestly tiny and kind of crap on my phone browser - the keyboard makes the screen elements squish together and some things like tag rearranging are broken.
TL;DR: You may possibly see more untagged posts from me in the coming weeks. I apologize, understand if you unfollow, and just. Yeah. I guess I just wanted to explain myself as I normally pride myself on my tagging etiquette.
#i was so sad when it happened#it actually fell like 10 ft because I dropped it while going down the stairs#right in front of my sister and brother in law too#we all froze and they audibly gasped when i picked it up and the glass chips fell on the floor#i walked back to the kitchen to begin making my lunch and i could tell they were horrified because they just stood there in the doorway#in silence#they know how much i use/depend on/love my tablet i’m on it so much and i use it as my primary computing device#so they just stood there in horrified silence while i walked away and my BIL asked if i needed anything and i said no i’m good#and i sounded so normal???? which i hated because i was very much NOT okay like after they left i say in the living room petting their dog#and crying a bit#idk why my default response to situations like this is to pretend everything’s fine??#i know HOW i can do- being in the closet for a decade will make you a great actor#but i’ve been out for ANOTHER decade now#i thought i had worked past that instinct#apparently not#fuck that took forever to type on my tiny ass keyboard AND i lost 2% battery while i did it#fuck this#i don’t even need the tablet that badly i can fall back to my ancient laptop for most things#but now i have to sit in my room alone to do all my tumbling instead of introvert socializing on the couch with my sister and BIL#i think i cried mostly because life just keeps kicking me#i quit my awful awful job on the verge of a mental breakdown and then proceeded to take a full fucking year to realize the trauma from that#was WAY worse than i had originally thought and i was straight up mentally no longer able to work in IT/computer programming anymore#i lost my apartment and i literally would have been living in my car until that got repossessed too and then been homeless#if it wasn’t for my family offering me financial support and a place to live#and i am SO privileged to have a support network that is both willing and able to help me out like that#but sometimes i have a panic spiral when i think about the fact that i could have EASILY become another statistic#another person who became unhoused because of mental health struggles at the perfectly wrong time#without my family i would have been living in a bus stop enclosure by now#it terrifies me how close i came to that. a homeless person came up to me and asked for money the other day and i almost started crying#both because of how scared i was that that could have been (and still could eventually be) me
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neonvqmpire · 1 year
we need to talk about how close aziraphale actually was to saying no to the metatron after the kiss and why:
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he's extremely conflicted and keeps looking out of the window to crowley in the car.
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he previously said "nothing last forever" when crowley told him that he cant leave the bookshop (crowley also meant "you cant leave me"; the bookshop is a metaphor for their lives on earth for him) and he states exactly this as the first objection here. obviously the metatron shuts it down by appointing muriel as the next owner of the shop.
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now he's stuck between wanting to be with the being he loves & who he now knows loves him back and his deep inner need/duty to do good. crowley's confession and kiss clearly made him question his decision and change his mind because here is when he actually decides for both.
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you can see how he does not want to join heaven alone. he keeps looking out the window when asked if he needs anything to take with him.
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he desperately needs crowley there but he can not have him so he lies and says no.
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i this moment he tries to say no to heaven one last time. he starts saying "i think i-" and then looks out to crowley one last time. he's really considering crowleys offer here. i think the decision that he makes instead is actually FOR crowley as well.
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he decides to join heaven not as he was previously convinced by the metatron to do good and rule together with crowley (which he did not want to do) but instead to go and keep a close eye on heaven FOR crowley.
aziraphale isnt stupid, he remembers what crowley said about heaven being toxic.
i think the confession and kiss makes him question heaven. crowley, who fell for asking questions made aziraphale question heaven too. something that he was always too scared to do. he has started to rebel in his head. he realised that something has to be up with heaven/the metatron bc they offered him the position. he decided to go but with a completely different purpose than before. 
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he puts on a smile and it seems fake because it is. he wants to appear like he hasn't just fundamentally changed his position and decided to go against the one force who he was always afraid of yet dependent on. 
this is sth extremely relatable to someone who is queer and autistic and was raised by very conservative family members. even the thought of supporting queer people felt rebellious, terrifying but also extremely exiting and powerful because i knew it was the right thing to believe. 
aziraphale was being so brave here. he saw a glimpse of the life he wants and can have and choose to join heaven anyway to fight for this life. he is convinced it will not be possible for them to be together if heaven is still kicking about and making him feel powerless and scared. he wants to secure their future by changing or possibly even destroying the system from the inside out. 
unfortunately he didn't have time to tell crowley about his change of intention and i think it really breaks his heart. crowley would probably not understand it anyway. they still have a lot to work through and learn but ultimately they will find each other again. they always do.
i am so so interested to see where and how they meet again in s3, if we get it. after everything i just really want them to be happy and to spend their eternity together. they deserve it after all they went through.
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ellie period comfort fic pls? istg i hate this shit but love ur fluff fics KJAKSJHKA:cc
Comfort - (ellie williams x reader)
hi pookieeee!!! firstly thank youuuu, secondly so real. if i could get rid of it forever i would because joh the painnnnnnnn:(((( i hope you enjoy<3333
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Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are open! send me your silly thoughts
warnings: none
Summary: in which she helped you
authors note: its midterm break rn and im so bored, all i do is sleep, eat and write. also do yall think i should make playlist with all the songs people send me as requests???
Ellie was worried. Really fucking worried.
The two of you were supposed to meet at this new cat café Ellie recently discovered. She remembered showing you pictures that she found on Instagram, and how excited you were.
"Ellie there's ginger cats!" You squealed when you saw the pictures. "Can i hold them?"
"The website says you can"
You let out a scream of excitement and you hopped onto her, straddling her. Her hands immediately went to your hips.
You kissed her all over her face and she fucking giggled.
"Thank you baby!"
Now here she sat all alone with ginger cat on her lap waiting for you.
She sat there for over an hour waiting but you never showed up. She's called you so many times. She's texted you so many times.
I'm here (delivered)
when are you coming? (delivered)
Where are you? (delivered)
Baby are you ok? (delivered)
You're scaring me (delivered)
It wasn't like you to not respond, especially if the two of you had a date planned.
Maybe you were mad at her? Maybe you were ignoring her? Maybe you were in danger?
Fuck, so many possibilities.
She checked your location only to see that you were at your apartment.
She immediately left the café, and she hopped into her car. She was speeding down the highway, praying that she wouldn't get pulled over.
Maybe you fainted, maybe you forgot, maybe you had someone over?
She was terrified.
She pulled into the driveway of the complex and she rushed up the stairs forgetting that the elevator was there. She ran to your door and she unlocked it with the key she had, not even bothering to knock because if you were in trouble then she needed to get there urgently.
She walked into into your apartment and it looked like it always has. It was clean, everything was in its place.
What the fuck?
She slowly walked through the apartment and she checked every room but there was no one. She just has your bedroom left. She slowly opened the door and there was a huge lump on your bed. She walked to the other side of the bed to see you fast sleep covered with a million blankets.
She let out a sigh of relief and she squatted down so she could see your face more clearly.
She gently touched your cheek and your nose scrunched at the sensation.
"Baby" she muttered quietly.
You slowly opened your eyes and she gave you a small smile.
"Are you ok?" Ellie asked with concern "you didn't reply to my texts"
you frown and you reached out to grab your phone from behind you. You switched it on you read all the texts and you eyes widened.
"we had a date?"
"I'm sorry"
Ellie shook her head "what happened?"
you look away shyly
"baby talk to me"
"my period started and i decided to take a nap"
'that explains your mood swings' Ellie thought
"oh you poor thing" she got up and she kissed your forehead "does it hurt?"
"A little" you admitted.
"Let me help you"
you nodded at her request and Ellie immediately got to work. She went into your bathroom and she filled the tub with water. She back into your room where you quietly sat and waited for her. She came in and she gently grabbed your hand
"come on baby"
You got out of the bed following her. When you got into the bathroom and you saw the water filled tub you gave her a big hug. You took off your clothes and you gave you got in with a relived sigh.
Ellie took your clothes and she out it into the washer. She immediately went into the kitchen and she looked for every sweet treat she could find because she knew how much loved eating sweet this, especially at this time.
She changed your sheets, she got you pain meds and she sat on the edge of the bed waiting for you.
You walked out all clean, and you were immediately looking for Ellie. When you walked into the room, seeing the new sheets the snacks, you were suddenly overwhelmed.
"Oh Ellie" your eyes filled with tears.
"No baby don't cry" she got up and she walked over to you and she hugged you as you silently sobbed. The two of you stood together for a while as you found comfort in her arms.
"Lets lay down" she mumbled.
"Tonight we'll do whatever you want" she said as she cuddled up behind you.
"Can we watch Disney?"
"We can baby"
"can you also get me cheese?"
"Whatever you want baby"
you gave the arm that was wrapped around you a squeeze
"i like cheese"
" i know you do"
"thank you els, i love you"
"i love you too"
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selarina · 1 year
The phone rings. Once. Twice. Thrice… and Gojo Satoru found himself contemplating hanging up, yet just as the thought formed, you answered, on the sixth ring.
"Hello," your voice emerged painfully neutral.
He couldn’t tell if now’s a good time. He hears some background music, akin to the subdued chatter of a small crowd, as though you were in a café of some sort. He thinks, no— he knows this a bad idea, but the words tumble out of his mouth anyway. “Hey, it’s me Gojo Satoru.”
"Yes, I know, Satoru," you replied with tint of slight irritation
You didn’t delete his number. At least this is a hopeful start.
“Happy birthday,” he said. “I know I'm a few hours late. I'm sorry.”
"Thanks... you don't have to apologise," you replied, your tone truly void of any accusation. Right, he thinks, it’s not his place.
“I know, but I still feel sorry,” he confesses. “I feel bad.”
“Okay,” you respond flatly, and there’s a pause that extends into almost a minute of full silence before you speak up again, “Is that what you called me for? To wish me?”
“Yes,” he says.
“Okay,” you say, letting a pause mull over you. “I’ll get going then. It was nice talking to you.” you say.
“I— I forgot your birthday. I only remembered it a few minutes before,” he adds, his words flowing out a bit hastily just in case you cut the call on him,l. It would pull the plug on him forever, leaving him breathing heavy and heavy until he’s left alone to drift away in the dark.
"Uh, okay," you responded, sounding confused.
"I mean, I hated that," he continued, his words flowing in an anxious succession. "I hated seeing you become this... this person I used to know. Whose birthday I couldn't even remember. I used to be the first to wish you, every day for years. Do you remember that?” he asks. “I miss that."
“Yeah, I remember," you murmur softly. You remember it. But in your recollection, what emotions dwell? Do you remember it with a sense of fondness? Do you remember it with sadness? Or did you remember it as a cautionary tale? He couldn’t tell.
“I miss that,” he repeats because his words are limited and he’s scared of saying anything more but he’s more scared of saying nothing ever again.
A beat passes by, and he stays still in his seat, holding his breath for nothing in particular.
“Me too,” your voice comes out. It doesn’t sound like a confession, it’s the one thing he liked about you — how your confessions came out of your mouth like indisputable facts. I like your smile. I like your eyes. I like you. I love you. These sentences didn’t seem like a confession; you would say it and he would know for it to be as true as the moon in the sky.
He smiles, “How did you celebrate?”
You sighed, "Not much. Dinner with the family, drinks with some friends, and now I'm heading back home."
"It's only 11 pm," he chuckled, as though he wouldn't be in bed by 9 himself.
“Yeah," you chuckled in return. "Guess some things have changed."
“Not really, you were still a bit of a grandma back then,” he teased.
“I was not!” you protested. You were not.
"There's no shame in that," he reassured, well loving and accepting of your homebody nature.
“There’s an hour left,” you say all too suddenly, interjecting him into a pause.
“An hour?" he spoke up, puzzled.
"Of my birthday," you clarified.
"Right," he responded, uncertain where this was leading.
“Well, you can always make it up to me.”
“Make what up?” he asked.
“Not wishing me,” you specified. “There's still another hour left.”
A smile crept onto Gojo's face, and he was already reaching for his car keys as swiftly as your words had emerged from your lips.
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You said you'd stay with us (you swore you'd still be you)
absinthe makes the heart grow fonder - series masterlist here
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pairing: poly marauders x reader (gender neutral)
length: 1.5k
genre: rockstar au !! fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: drummer reader, some real 'where does the performance end and you begin' vibes, reader smokes, it's inferred that they're also drinking, y'all will have to pry bestie peter from my cold dead hands
a/n: oh uuuuuh more pining more yearning more I'm in love with you but I'm too afraid to make it real. like what if you were all in a band and you were all in love and you were all too scared of fucking it all up to say anything
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"You're looking awful glum tonight," James points out as he leans against the railing of the balcony you're on. He doesn't reprimand you for sitting on the railing, but he does frown as he glances down to where the ground is, inching closer to you to place a firm hand on your thigh.
"I called the car around - I'm going back to the hotel. You can let the others know if they notice," you respond in a sigh, the smoke leaving your lungs on the exhale as you bring your cigarette to your lips for another drag.
"…Are you sober right now, love?" James asks, eyeing you carefully. You look at him bemusedly.
"You think I came to a party after our show and… didn't have a single drink?"
"Well…" he says carefully. You narrow your eyes and James grips your thigh a little tighter - a plead for you to hear him out. "You weren't exactly the life of the party tonight, lovely. You disappeared pretty quick. If you have been drinking, that means you've been doing it out here - alone, sitting very precariously on a very high balcony, with no one looking out for you." You've stopped looking at him, keeping your eyes trained on the expansive driveway out front of whoever's house this is. When you see your car pull up, you put out your cigarette easily on the railing before sliding off of it, letting James keep a hand firmly on you, sliding from your thigh up to your waist.
"I don't need a babysitter, James," you say bluntly, but you can't help but soften a bit at the wide, sad eyes he gives you, his bottom lip jutting out slightly. You wonder idly if he realizes he looks at you so often like he's a puppy you've just kicked. "I'll see you tomorrow for rehearsals," you offer gently before you slip away.
In the safety of the backseat of your car, tinted windows blocking out the gaze of the outside world, you let your head lean back against the seat, sighing and closing your eyes as you rub at your temples. The relief is short-lived, however, as the car door is pulled open and James slides into the seat next to you, grinning despite the glare you sent him.
"Didn't really think I'd let you go sit at the hotel sulking all night, did you?" He quips. You bristle.
"I don't sulk," you huff. His smile widens as the car pulls away.
"Sure you don't, sweetheart." He throws an arm around your shoulders and you let him, sighing as you lean against him, resting your head against his chest. "You wanna tell me what's going on?" He asks gently.
"Nothing," is your quick reply. He hums thoughtfully, running a hand through your hair gently.
"Wanna try again?" He's still gentle, a patience seeping from him into you that lulls you as you relax further against him.
"It's just a lot sometimes. I'm tired is all," you admit. James presses a kiss to the crown of your head and your heart does something funny in your chest.
"You're allowed to take a break every now and then, love," he offers. You tense.
"I don't need -"
"No, but you still can," he placates, smoothing his hand over the back of your head as he silently coaxes you into relaxing once more. "I know you don't need to. God knows you'll run on fumes forever and never say a thing about it. But you don't need to - not here, not with us."
James, in all his mother-hen nature, continues to reprimand you in that gentle, caring way of his all the way up to your hotel room, only stopping when you shut yourself in the bathroom and turn the tap on so that you can't hear him. By the time you come out in clothes that are decidedly much more comfortable than what you'd been wearing at the party, he's lounging in your bed and flipping idly through TV channels.
"Oh, sure, make yourself at home," you quip as you flop onto the bed next to him, leaning against the headboard. James grins in that beaming way that he's so fond of, turning the TV volume down to a low, background hum.
"Thanks, love." You scoff at his words.
"Are you planning on staying here all night?" You ask wearily. He pretends to think about it.
"What will you do if I leave?" You shrug, sliding further down in bed and crossing your arms. James opens his mouth to speak and you know he's going to say something about you sulking, so you make a point to wack him with a pillow before he can. He laughs good-naturedly about it, though, so you're not so sure what you've accomplished.
Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, you don't have time to ponder it further before your hotel room door is swinging open and Sirius is flouncing into the room, Remus trailing in after him. You sigh and look at Remus imploringly, but he only shrugs, leaning towards you to squeeze your shoulder in what you're sure is supposed to be comforting before he settles in the armchair next to the bed. Sirius, on the other hand, takes to flopping directly across the bottom of the bed, landing on James's legs and causing some sort of friendly tussle between the two of them.
"This is actually my hotel room, you know," you point out dryly. "How did you even get in here?"
"You gave Peter your spare key," Remus points out.
"Peter doesn't come in unannounced," you shoot back. Sirius and James stop whatever roughhousing they're caught up in so that Sirius can lean over and press a sweaty kiss to your cheek. You click your tongue in annoyance and hope it hides the way your heart flips.
"Cheer up, doll," Sirius says, unperturbed by your scowl. "What were you playing at, anyway? Leaving without telling any of us and thinking we wouldn't notice? Like we wouldn't miss our favourite drummer." You shoot James a look that says you shouldn't have told them and he smiles disarmingly.
"Just because I'm staying in tonight doesn't mean you all have to - and I'm your only drummer, Sirius, in case you've forgotten," you say icily. Sirius smiles, but it's more honest than you're used to, and he reaches across James to smooth a thumb over your cheek quickly before pulling back.
"Could never forget you, love. Not even if I tried." You stare at him, his tone heavier than normal, as Remus shifts and clears his throat.
"Anyway, dove… we just want to make sure you're alright, yea?" He says, and you exhale a breath you didn't know you were holding as the tension dissipates. 
"Everything's fine," you say stubbornly. "I just didn't really feel like being there tonight."
"Well, we can see that," James chimes in. "But you always go to these things. You -"
"I know, I know, ok? I won't - it won't happen like that again, all right?" You huff. "I won't leave like that."
"No, see, I'm not sure you're understanding what Jamie's saying, love," Sirius says, the softness in his voice making your heart drop. It takes a lot for Sirius to be gentle, and he only does it when he thinks he really needs it. "What we're saying is that you don't have to. Pete never goes to the parties - we haven't kicked him out of the band yet, have we?"
"But that's different," you sigh, sitting up straighter. "Pete and I… are different kinds of performers. You know that." Remus leans forward in his chair to put a hand on your knee and you will yourself not to flinch at the contact, not to shy away from the kindness in his eyes that you know he reserves for the people he really loves.
"You don't have to perform here, love," Remus says gently. "You don't have to do that. Not here, not when it's just us." Your bottom lip trembles and you bunch the covers of the bed in your hands.
"Sometimes I think, for you lot, this life is fun… and for me, it's still work. I just can't make myself see it the way you guys do."
"But that's what we're here for," James offers, his voice kind. "Let us help you out. We decided to do this together for a reason, right? You decided to stick with us for a reason."
"I… I did, yea," you say.
"Yea," Sirius repeats. "So let us be here, alright?" Remus rubs his thumb across your knee as the other two look at you expectantly. You smile, a terse, small sort of thing - but it works nonetheless.
"Alright," you sigh. "Together, then."
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lunajay33 · 5 months
Finding You🩵
Summary: The group has been split up since the prison feel and you’ve been all alone with Judith until you come across a terrible group of men
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x f!reader
Warning: This story might have some uncomfortable parts for some readers, nothing fully happens just some harassment
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Things were going good, we had our crops and the community was coming together with the people who came from Woodbury but then….the sickness spread through the prison taking out a lot of people thankfully Daryl was smart to keep me away from anyone with signs and then to top it of the governor came back, he came back and killed Hershel right in front of us which broke out into a full battle field
I lost track of where Daryl was, I ran out of the prison with a quick to go bag finding Judith still in her bed, taking some more food for her and I ran out through the opening in the back of the prison
That’s how I got here, wandering the woods hoping just praying to come across anyone from the prison, Maggie Beth Rick anyone, if I ever found Daryl again I’d be the luckiest person on earth but it’s been what feels like two weeks, along the way I found a house got a blanket and tied it around myself making a makeshift baby holder for Judith so she wasn’t as difficult to carry
I was sat on these train tracks feeding Judith a can of peaches when suddenly I was surrounded by a group of dirty men, I held her close to my body scared of what might happen but I’ll be damned if I won’t fight tooth and nail to protect her
“Well well well, look what we got here, sweet lil thing like ya, might have some fun” this one guy with longer dark hair said as he ran his hand across my cheek but I flinched away
“Don’t touch me” I said trying to find away out of this circle
“You’re with us now darlin ya ain’t going anywhere” the older man said and now I was at the back of the group walking along the tracks just waiting to find a moment to escape
We eventually ventured off the tracks onto a road where we saw a man sitting in the middle of the road and my heart skipped a beat, I ran up ahead of the group careful not to upset Judith
The closer I got the clearer that winged vest became, the one person I needed to find the most and here he was
“Daryl” I said kneeling in front of him, he looked dirty and exhausted and……..broken
But when he looked at me I saw that hope in his eyes like when we first found the prison
“Are ya real?” He asked squeezing my arm
“I’m here D, I’m real”
He pulled me into a tight hug until Judith gave out a little whine
“Ya got lil asskicker?”
“Yeah, I lost track of you during the fight I saw Judith and I had to get out…..I’m sorry”
“Ya got out that’s what matters and ya found me”
“There’s something else I need to tell you”
I was cut off before I got to finish
“He yours? Ya claiming him?” Joe asked as the surrounded us
“Yes he’s mine” I looked back at Daryl and he looked defense and for good reason these people were dangerous
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“Okay we’ll stop here for the night” Joe said as people started picking cars to sleep in
“Guess we can take the floor” I said sitting down farther from the others as Daryl tried to make himself comfortable laying on his garbage bag
I looked down at him my heart swelled with so much love and appreciation that I was able to find him again
“What’re ya lookin at” he asked with a slight smile
“I really thought I’d never see you again, thought I’d be alone out here just me and Judith forever and this ba…….but then I saw you again” I still haven’t gotten to tell him the news I found out that I was meant to tell him the day the governor destroyed our home
“What were ya meaning to tell me earlier” he asked as he leaned up on his arm
I sighed looking down at little Judith fast asleep in my arms
“I meant to tell you but then you know……..the governor came………I’m pregnant” he was silent for a long time he just looked down to my stomach where a little bulge was showing, it was early so it was only noticeable if you knew about it
“How’d this happen” he asked his eyebrows furrowing
“Are you mad?” I asked feeling my heart pump harder, I know this isn’t ideal but it’s done now and there’s nothing I can do
“Nah just……scared, for you, I can’t lose ya like Lori”
“Lori had a c-section with Carl, that’s why she died, I’m sure I’ll be fine D”
He motioned for me to lay on his chest, holding me close
“I love ya” he whispered
“I love you too Daryl”
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Should I do a part 2?
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breezymichelle99 · 2 months
Pre-Race Nap | Lando Norris
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Summary: A little pre-race nap leads to an unexpected evening for the couple. 👀
Warnings: SMUT!! 18+, use of Y|N,hickeys, female receiving, cursing, dirty talk, begging, someone walking in, dom:Lando, frustration, teasing, angryish Lando, fingering, blow job, reader taking control, nipple play, orgasm, denial(brief), hand job(brief), mirror, doggy style, unprotected sex (please use protection kids), established relationship, embarrassed Oscar, semi rough sex, discomfort in the morning.(please please please let me know if I have missed anything. Thank you.) also a bit long. Sorry 😣
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Race day! The busiest day of the race weekend. Your boyfriend Lando Norris; Fresh off his amazing win in Miami was pumped and ready to go win another race. You on the other hand were exhausted. You decided to forgo the media day spectacle down on the grid to catch a little nap before the race. “I can’t believe you are going to leave me alone with the media Circus.” Lando teased you playfully as he adjusted his hat on his head before heading out of his driver’s room.. You smirked at him from the comfort of your blanket. “I'm sorry baby. The last two weeks have been so exhausting. “ you admit as he sits on the edge of the little bed in his Driver’s room, looking over at his beautiful girlfriend. He had put you through so much with the win in Miami and then p2 last week. Finally being home in Monaco felt like just the little breather the pair of you needed.
“I know baby.” he says, tucking you in and kissing your forehead. “I promise I'll be ready to go for the race, just need a few minutes. “ you whisper in a sleepy voice, you hear him chuckle. “Alright baby I’ll come back to get you before the race okay…I Love you.” he says looking at you snuggled in his bed, cursing the media day spectacle for not being able to snuggle with his best girl. “I love you too.” he hears you say before pulling the blankets around you. He sighs as he meets up with Oscar outside of the trailer and they head to the garage to see the cars and chat with the media for a bit.
Lando couldn’t get his mind off of you back in the trailer in nothing but his shirt all snuggled in; warm and cozy. He wished he was there. Hmmm. he thought; was there anyway possible he could cut this media day short and sneak back to his driver’s room for a few minutes of snuggle time with his girl before he went out to try and win another GP? Oscar saw the look in his eyes, the one where he looked miles away and he wondered if everything was okay. He elbows him. “Everything good?” Oscar asks, breaking Lando’s thoughts. He smirks. “Yeah Osco, everything’s good, it’s just been a long couple of weeks and I really just wanted a few minutes of peace with Y|N before the race, but these interviews always take forever.” he sighed again. Oscar got a wild look in his eyes; that for the first time kind of scared Lando. “What?” he questioned him with a boyish smirk. “Go.” he says . Lando looks at him confused. “What?” he says again, not understanding what he was saying. Oscar chuckled. “Go spend some time with Y|N, I can cover for you.” he says. Lando looked at him like he had just offered him a million bucks and the keys to Monaco. “Are you sure?” he asks. “Yes go. I've got you. it’s one interview set I think they will live, plus they want to see the face of Mclaren anyways.” he smirked, beaming from ear to ear. Lando rolled his eyes. “I appreciate this, I’ll owe you one big time.” Lando says, shaking Oscar’s hand. “I’ll take a spin in that new Mclaren of yours.” he jokes. Lando seriously considers it. “We’ll See.” he smirks as he sneaks off back to his driver’s room, trying his best to not be seen by any press or team members.. He checked the clock, he had a good bit before he had to be back to the garage for driver introductions. He slipped out of his shoes and fire suit and climbed into bed with you, pulling you in close to him. “Mmm Lando.” you groan, pulling his body into yours. He smirks into your neck. Both of you fall back asleep tightly holding each other.
It was almost an hour later before Lando woke up again; a wide grin on his face as he watched you sleep quietly next to him. God you are beautiful. He thought to himself as he watched you sleep so peacefully next to him. He was lucky to have you by his side. He ran his fingers across your cheek. He heard you groan. And he smirked. “Time to wake up darling.” he says, kissing down your neck and chest. “Lando.” you groan. But you don’t stop him. “It can’t be time yet.” you whisper, still refusing to open your eyes as you let him kiss his way down your skin. “almost .” he whispers, kissing deep purple hickies onto your chest, in which he knew he would get into trouble for but yet couldn’t bring himself to stop . “mmm.” a moan escaped your lips and he smirked again. “Come on beautiful, open those eyes and look at me.” he whispers against your soft skin. You slowly opened your eyes, meeting his gorgeous green ones, staring up at you as he lay on your chest. “Hey there.” you whisper with a smirk, running your finger gently over the scar on his nose. “What happened to media day?” you ask him softly as his lips still gently kiss on your soft skin. He smirks. “Well…” he says with a boyish grin and you know he’s done something. “I got out of it.” he says keeping it short and sweet, wanting to spend the last remaining minutes he had before he had to be in the garage, kissing you. You eye him. “Hmmm and how exactly did you manage that one baby.” his long fingers caressed your skin and you almost forgot to interrogate him. “Well..” he says looking up at you again with those absolutely gorgeous eyes, that most definitely always get him out of trouble. “Lando what did you do?” you smirk. “I was at driver interviews and I couldn’t stop thinking about you all alone here in my bed, in my shirt and not much else and how much I really just wanted to spend time alone with you and well Oscar he got me out of media day and back into your arms, and I now have to possibly let him drive my Mclaren for a day.” he says with a laugh. “Ohhhh Lando.” you chuckle. “What??? You know I will literally do just about anything to get out of interviews and spend more time with you.” he teases. Before you can respond his lips are on yours. So this was how he planned to play it; make you even more exhausted. God you loved this man.
Before you know it your hands are in his curls and his lips are back on your neck. “God I love you.” he moans between kisses, as your hips connect with his. His hands are under your borrowed shirt and you both know that you need to be getting changed and ready to go but you two just couldn’t help yourselves. Before you know it the shirt was being unbuttoned the rest of the way and his lips were attached to your skin again. “Oh lando.” you call out to him. “I know baby, I know.” he groans, enjoying teasing you. Neither one of you noticed the time. He had come to join you in bed with his compression shirt and boxers on and you could now feel him through the tight material.. You decided to tease him a bit. Your hips collide with his once more, slowly teasing him.. “Mmm.” he groans, biting his bottom lip. You whine at the sight. “Don’t start.” he groans, knowing they did not have much longer. “Says you who already has me in only my panties, Sir.” you tease. “Some of us have a race to win.” he groans again as your fingers caress his tanned skin. “And your point??” you ask licking your lips before kissing down his Chest leaving a hickey just below his collarbone. “You get to be all beautiful and naked and I have to go be all frustrated on the track.” he whines “Well Mr. Norris, you should have thought about that before you started something you didn’t have time to finish.” you say your eyes begging him not to leave you needy and wanting him for the 78 laps. “Mmm well there may be something I can do.” he grins even though he knew what he was about to do would make everything more difficult for him he knew the look of pleasure on your face would be enough to get him through the 78 laps and then back home to play with you; his favorite toy.
He slid down the bed kissing your skin as he went till he was situated properly between your legs looking up at you, panties discarded onto the floor. You bite your lip as you watch him. He throws your leg over his shoulder so he can have better access to you. His lips dance down your thigh. He hears a deep sigh leave your lips as your eyes flutter closed. Lando glances quickly at the time knowing he didn’t have long but he knew what he had to do. He smirked as he watched you as his perfect pouty lips kissed your core gently. “Mmm Lando.” you whine still not opening your eyes making sure to enjoy every little second you had with him. “Shhh pretty girl let me work.” he whispers as his tongue laps at your already wet center. “So wet for me already princess and I have barely touched you.” he chuckles. Your eyes dart open as you glare at your tease of a boyfriend. “Please Lando.” you beg him now as you watch his fingers dance down your thigh and to the place you’ve been needing them most; inside of you. “God Lando.” you call to him, your hands falling into his curls tugging them, making him groan against your already begging pussy. “God you taste so fucking good baby.” he groans breathless as he continues to work his magic between your perfect thighs. Watching you fall apart for him right in front of his eyes. “Fuckk Lando Baby I'm so close, please.” you beg him to give you the release you need. He smirks promising to give you what you need but right before he could make you loudly scream his name, cumming proudly on his tongue the door to his driver’s room swung open. “Lando we’ve got to go you’re going to be…. Oh good God I'm sorry I’ve just come to get you for a drivers meeting. Jesus I'm so…” he couldn’t move it was like his feet were cemented to the floor of his teammate's driver's room he couldn’t do anything. “OSCAR JACK PIASTRI GET OUT!!” you shout. Lando covers your body with his, so his innocent teammate can’t catch any glances of what was his. “I'm sorry I'll wait outside.” he says, turning Ferrari red, and running immediately out of the room. You lean up knowing the moment is over and you’d have to sit partially satisfied for the next two hours.
“And where exactly do you think you’re going? Did I say we were finished?” Lando growls shoving you back down onto the bed. “Lando.” you giggle at his forcefulness as he buries his head between your thighs once more finishing what he started. “Fuck god Lando please mmm yes right there baby.” you scream back arching off the bed and into his skilled mouth as you’d cum for him. His name: a beautiful serenade on your lips that he would hear echoing in his head for the next two hours, calling to him begging to be heard over and over again . He cleaned up the mess you had made with his tongue, licking his lips as he kissed gently up your skin. “That should hold you over for now, my darling.” he smirks, kissing your lips wildly, tasting yourself on his tongue. You can’t help but moan. “Now I have to go, be a good girl and get cleaned up and meet me down at the paddock for driver introductions.” he growls, grabbing your jaw with his long fingers making you look up at him. You can’t help but smirk. “Yes sir.” you say feeling bad that you were the only one that got your insatiable appetite satisfied. You eyed him, knowing he had to go. You watch him slip his fire suit back over his muscled body knowing how uncomfortable he was going to be. He sees you watching him. He looks down at his erection and then back to you, walking to the bed to kiss you goodbye. “Don’t worry baby after this race no matter the outcome I plan to fuck you so hard you wont be able to walk in the morning, and no matter where you go you’ll feel me.” he bites your lip as he kisses you passionately. He takes one last look at you from the doorway picking up your panties off the floor and tucking them into his pocket as a little good luck charm. You eye him catching him sliding your panties into his pocket, you can’t help but smirk at him . “God I love you so fucking much.” he groans again hating how he was having to leave. You smirk. “I love you too, now go win me a race so I can show you some real pleasure after.” you wink at him and he whines “Babyyy….” “Lando seriously.” you laugh. “I'm going I'm going.” he giggles. As he steps from his driver's room to a freaking out Oscar. He chuckles to himself.
“What’s the matter, Osco? Never seen a satisfied woman before.” he jokes as he puts his arm around his teammate. “Lando I'm so sorry, I didn't see anything. I swear I didn't mean to interrupt. Zak was looking for you and asked me to go find you, I didn't think i'm so sorry I should have knocked, I just didn’t think..” Oscar was wondering how long Lando was going to make him beg for his life before he interrupted him. Lando chuckled. “It’s really okay mate.” he says, slapping him on the back. “Lando for fucks sake where have you been?” Zak shouts as they begin their pre race drivers meeting. “I don’t think you want to know.” Oscar mumbles under his breath. Lando grins hearing him.
As for you, you quickly took a shower and got dressed doing your hair and make up as quickly as possible. You stood in the mirror noticing all the hickies Lando had left across your skin. Hmm this was going to make it difficult to find an outfit to wear. You settled on a papaya colored sundress minus the underwear, you smirk, a little surprise for lando later.. you grabbed your paddock pass and headed down to prepare for the drivers parade and the start of the race. Even though your mind was preoccupied with the events of earlier, you couldn’t help but smirk. Poor Oscar you chuckle. He’s probably never going to be able to look you in the eye again. You chuckle again. “You seem in a good mood.” Alexandra says intertwining her arm with yours as you gossip through the paddock stopping every now and then to let Leo get the love and attention he deserves. You talk and laugh and say your goodbyes as you stand in front of the Mclaren garage. “See you after the race.” She waves heading in Charles' direction who was standing outside the Ferrari garage waiting for her and Leo; he gives you a little wave. “I doubt that.” you grin knowing that after the race you would be extremely occupied. A devilish grin crosses your lips as you head into the garage to find Lando.
“Mmmm i know that look.” he grins wrapping his arms around you as if he hadn’t just had his fingers deep inside of you 5 minutes ago. Oscar avoids you like the plague. “What look?” you say blushing. “That look means trouble.” he says, again unable to keep his eyes or his hands off of you. “Does it?” you flirt. Lando eyed you, you giggle. You lean in close to him so you can whisper in his ear without any passers by hearing your dirty words to him. “Just thinking about all the things I’m going to do to you later.” you tease nibbling his ear. A quiet groan resonates in his chest vibrating through his whole body. “Y|N.” he warns his eyes darkening. He leans over to whisper in your ear, nose nuzzled in your hair. “Be careful princess. Before I have to bend you over right here, right now giving more than just, poor Oscar a show.” He growls. you blush looking away from his intense gaze. “Sorry.” You whisper. He looks at you, licking his lips. “Good Girl.” He whispers. you swallow hard.. You knew better than to distract him but you couldn’t help yourself after what just literally went down in his drivers room. His fingers intertwined with yours and you allow him to lead you out of the garage and onto the grid for the national anthem and race start. Neither of you saying another word to each other as you let him focus.
Time for the drivers to get into their cars and for the race to begin. You squeeze Lando’s hand. “Good Luck baby.” you say kissing his lips gently before leaving him behind to get race ready. You smirk at Oscar as he walks by. He turns red immediately and practically runs away. You couldn’t help but laugh. You take your seat in Mclaren hospitality with Lando’s family. The race begins with Lando taking off from his 4th position. You settle in for a long 78 laps. You could tell Lando was having trouble with his car. And from what you heard over his radio they weren't able to find the issue. So he just kept learning as he went. Lap after lap ticked off and he still wasn’t able to get his car out of fourth place. His car was fast but not fast enough to keep up with the cars in front of him, especially Charles whose car was near perfection. In the end Lando wouldn’t be able to catch up and would finish the day in 4th. Charles winning his home race at Monaco. Though you were disappointed for Lando, and you knew he’d be extremely disappointed in himself, but you were also happy for your friend getting his home win. You leave the hospitality suite to head out onto the grid to watch the podium, and cheer on Oscar since he finished second today, knowing that two top tens was good for the team regardless. You waited around patiently, knowing there would be interviews and photo opportunities. You talk with a few drivers that pass, along with Alexandra who was rushing to find her Boyfriend Charles for a big congratulations. “Go get him Alex, congratulations.” you chuckle, shouting after her. She gives you a sympathetic smile and wave, as she passes by knowing the heartbreak you would be dealing with later.
As you stand there chatting away with Carlos, you feel two strong arms wrap around you. “Why hello there, beautiful. “ Lando says in your ear, his face buried in your long hair. You smirk. “Hello handsome.” you say.. Carlos says his goodbyes to you and Lando. You spin around into Lando’s arms. “Hi.” you whisper, your fingertips caressing his cheek, you see the sadness in his eyes but he seemed okay. “Sorry I couldn’t get the win for you today baby.” he says. You kiss his lips and smile. “I know you're disappointed baby, but you did a great job with what the car would give you today. Plus I think I have just the thing to cheer you up.” you smirk that devilish little smirk at him. “Mmm” he hums looking down at you. You lean up to whisper in his ear. “Take me home, Lando Norris.” you whisper, taking his hand. His lips capture yours. “Yes ma’am.” he says, pulling you out of the Garage, headed to his drivers room to grab his stuff and yours and then out to his Mclaren in the drivers parking lot. The two of you barely stopping. His hand found your thigh immediately. “I love you.” you whisper. He smirks. “I may not have won the race today babe but I’ve got the best trophy of all..” he paused for a second looking deeply into your eyes. “You.” he whispers. You can’t help but blush. “Stop it.” you say playfully smacking him. He laughs and your world seems alright despite the tough day. As you drive out you pass the Ferrari team still celebrating their amazing win. You hear Lando sigh. You pat his thigh with your hand letting him know everything is going to be alright. He smiles over at you as he drives you home.
All the way back to Lando’s flat his hand never leaves your thigh. You laugh and talk and those perfect green eyes never stop looking over at you at every red light. As you get closer and closer to home you notice those gorgeous eyes darken and you know he was going to make good on his promise that he made to you in his driver's room before the race. You adjust in your seat, mind full of thoughts of what was to come once you got home. He glances over noticing your clenched thighs and devilish grin. He can’t help but smirk. “Something on your mind, love.” He asks long fingers beginning to stroke your thigh. You swallow hard as you look over at him, so comfortable, so relaxed in the driver’s seat. You lick your lips. “Nothing at all baby.” You grin shyly. “Hmm.” He says quietly, eyes back on the road. You had two more lights before the turn onto your street and you know Lando was going to torture you at each one. He didn’t disappoint. As he slowed the car to a stop at the next light he leaned over to kiss your neck whispering in your ear as he did so. “I think you’re lying my darling” he groans, voice deep and dark.. You whimper at his words and at his tone and you know he hears you. He smirks against the delicate skin of your neck, his stubble grazing roughly against it as he pulls away once more to continue the drive home. Moments later, he separated your clenched thighs with his long fingers. You whimper once more, looking at him desperately. He chuckles, as you so easily submit to him; granting him access to you without question. You watch as his warm hand slides down your thigh, pushing your dress out of the way as he goes, he immediately realizes that you weren’t wearing any panties. He raises an eyebrow at you. “No panties?” He questions wondering if you had gone the entire race watching him without underwear. He thinks back to the pair he had stolen from you earlier in the day, he recalls almost dropping them on the grid as he got into his car, he could have only imagined having to explain that one but the scent of you kept him going through an exhausting race.. You smirk, pulling him out of his daze. You knew he would enjoy that. “The whole race, no panties baby, just me all wet and needy thinking about you deep inside of me.” You practically pant. Lando groans loudly and you see his erection clear in his dress pants and you want to reach across the center console and give him a hand but he had other plans for you. Before long you feel his long index finger and you whine , biting your lip. “Lando.” You beg him breathless already. “Hush baby girl.” He grins as he watches your eyes flutter closed as he works his magic fingers inside of you, thumb slowly stroking your clit now. “Mmmm Lan.” You whine, your hand gripping his wrist holding him steady inside of you, unable to keep quiet, and he knew you wouldn’t be able too, that was the fun of it all. He knew you better than anyone else and he knew his girl wouldn’t be able to Keep those pretty little sounds to herself. “So needy for me princess.” He smirks as he watches your hips buck up into his hand begging for more, needing more. It had been several minutes now, you were so preoccupied with Lando’s hand that you hadn’t realized you were in the driveway, giving your neighbors a show, good thing it was late.
In seconds Lando withdraws his long fingers from inside of you, running them across his pouty lips. “mmm.” He moans licking his lips.. “Lando noo, please baby.” You whine finally opening your eyes realizing you were home. He can’t help but laugh. “Get out of the car y|n, I'm not nearly finished with you yet.” He says as he gets out of the car and stalks to the passenger side of his McLaren, opening the door for you and extending his hand. You take it interlocking his long fingers with yours as he practically yanks you out.. he slams the car door shut pulling you behind him. Before long he can’t take how slow you are walking and he throws you over his shoulder, you giggle smacking his ass. “Lando!!’ You chuckle, unable to stop the laughter now at how impatient he was being. “stop moving.” He commands., smacking your bare ass with his long fingers, for a second you had forgotten you hadn’t been wearing any panties until his warm hand made contact with your bare skin, sending a shiver down your spine and a moan to your lips. “Fuck Lando.” You curse, very aware of the ache between your thighs now. Lando searches his pocket with his free hand till he finds the house key. He opens the door quickly, shutting it behind the two of you with his foot. He doesn’t bother to lock it, he’s a man on a mission he will come down later and lock it, right now the only thing he can think about is how amazing he feels when he’s lost deep inside of you, he’s thought about nothing else since this mornings, little pre-race nap and now it was time to do something about it.
He flips on the light to the second floor as he carries you up the stairs still slung over his broad shoulder. “Ohhhh Lando Norris, please put me down. I have a little something for you if you do.” You sing behind him gently kicking your feet and wiggling around to annoy him so he will put you down. You hear him grumble as you reach the top of the stairs and he shoves open the door to your shared bedroom. It’s there that your feet finally touch the ground. He was standing beside the bed. The pair of you stare at each other for a second, lust and desire burning between you both. But it’s you that makes the first move. All day long you’ve been dreaming about returning the favor to him. Even though you knew he spent all 78 laps at Monaco frustrated and horny you appreciated that he hadn’t done the same to you. So for being such a good sport you planned to return the favor before he could make good on his promise to make you unable to walk.. You smirked. You step before him unbuttoning his white button down the rest of the way leaving it undone but loose on his shoulders, running your fingers down his chest, then you slowly undid his belt and unzipped his black dress pants. He groans at the slow pace but he lets you continue. You smirk, seeing how impatient he was getting. “Patience baby, I promise you’re going to like where this is going.” Your voice is practically a low moan as your dark eyes look into his as he watches every single movement you make. His dress pants fall to his ankles and he kicks them to the side as he stands before you in his boxers. His green eyes watch you closely. “Take off your boxers and sit.” You demand, pointing to the edge of the bed. His eyes widen as he quickly does what he was told, sitting on the edge of the bed as you get on your knees between his thighs. You lick your lips looking up at him through long thick eyelashes and he groans. “God baby you're so beautiful when you’re on your knees for me.” His breath catches in his throat as your fingers wrap around him moving slowly. “Mmm baby.” He moans, head dropping back biting his bottom lip.
You continue to tease him before giving him what he wants. “Since you were so kind to not leave me begging for you for the entirety of the race, I thought you deserved a reward for being so generous.” You whisper looking up at him watching him closely, his eyes are locked on you now, his bottom lip tucked tightly between his teeth as he holds in his moans as he watches you. “Y|N please.” He begs , his hands falling into your hair as your lips wrap around him. His breathing becomes erratic as you add your hand stroking him as you go, tongue swirling around his tip down his length. One hand of his fisting your long hair, controlling your movements just how he wanted them, the other gripping the sheets beside him. Hips buck up into you, you groan against him causing him to curse out loud, unable to control himself with the sensation. The way you look, the way you feel wrapped around him has him cursing your name. “Jesus fuck baby, I can’t handle you like this, mmm fuck right there baby, that’s my good fucking girl, fuck fuck I can’t take it . Please baby I’m gunna cum.” Your mouth hallowed, giving him all you’ve got begging him to cum and it’s not long before does unable to control it any longer. “Fuck babyyyyy.” He whines fucking your mouth through his orgasm. Hips bottoming out beneath you, head dropping back as you swallow, wiping your mouth, licking your lips, savoring the taste of him. you can’t take your eyes off him.
Lando’s green eyes darken and you know he’s about to make good on the promise he had made you earlier today. He tucks his long fingers under your chin, licking his lips as you lean on his muscled thighs making you look up at him. “You looked so good with my cock in your pretty little mouth baby girl, but you’re going to be absolutely stunning with my cock deep inside that tight little pussy. Get up baby my turn to make you feel good.” He says his words basically a moan, reaching down to help you up. His lips crash into yours as you stand, hands roaming your body, his long fingers slide under the straps of the dress you were still wearing, he watches it pool around your ankles. He groans at the sight of you. His long fingers trace over the hickies he had given you earlier in the day; he grins. “All fucking mine.” He growls as his fingers move up your neck gripping it tightly, a tiny moan leaves your lips and he grins as his thumb applies a little more pressure to your pressure point. “Lando.” you gasp your words almost catching in your throat. His tongue runs across his lips. “Fucking gorgeous begging for me.” His voice was a raspy tone that made you whine for him. He chuckled at the sound as he backed you up to your giant king sized bed. “Lay back for me angel.” he says finally letting go of you. You do as you're told and slide back on to the bed, never taking your eyes off of him. At this point after the spanking, and watching him cum for you, you were soaking wet and he planned to tease you about it before he did something about it. “Ohhh baby girl, look at you all nice and wet for me already and I haven’t even begun. Did my baby girl enjoy watching me cum?” he asks. You don’t respond for a second testing his limits. He grabs your jaw tightly. “Answer me darling, or it’s going to be a long unsatisfying night for you.” he growls. You shake your head yes knowing that wouldn’t be good enough for him. He clears his throat looking down at you with a stern look. “Best use your words then, my love.” your eyes widen. “Oh” you think to yourself as you try to find the words underneath the sexy forcefulness of his tone. His gaze is staring right through you as he waits for your answer. “Yes.” you gasp. There is silence for a moment as he watches you, enamored by your beauty and how responsive you are to him.
He leans down, not saying a word in response, his muscled body situated above you, large thighs on either side of you as his long fingers trace your delicate skin, his lips setting your skin on fire with desire for him as he makes his way down your body. Massaging each of your supple breasts with his mouth, tongue swirling around each nipple. Your hips bucking up into him with each little movement of his body above yours. “Settle down doll, i'm only just beginning.” he grins licking his lips. You whine. You were about to cum already and he hadn’t even barely begun, you weren’t sure what that said about you but you knew what it said about him, your boyfriend was absolutely insatiable and there wasn’t a single thing about him that didn’t turn you on and this was the problem. “Fuck Lando, i need you, please.” you beg him wanting him to stop torturing you and put himself inside you like he’d been promising all damn day. “So impatient.” he hums against the inside of your thigh as he continues to kiss and lick down your body. “Lando.” you whine again as he spreads your legs wider for him as he's now firmly set between your thighs. “Mmm look at you sweetheart.” he whimpers licking his lips looking up at you from between your thighs. Though this was a familiar position for him, as he’d just been here earlier this afternoon, something about being able to take his time, enjoy the moment, not be rushed, savor every reaction of your body to him made this even more pleasurable then any of the other times. His green eyes, pupils large with desire for you. His lips trailed down your thigh, you can feel his breath so close to where you want him, where you need him but yet he continues his slow torment. “Lando please.” you breathe. He hums again. “So damn beautiful when you beg for me, my needy little girl.” he whispers as tongue slides down your begging pussy, his perfect nose hitting your clit just right as he goes..
“Ohh fuck, Lando.” you cry out hips bucking up into his full lips begging him for more. He grips your hips tight, holding you into place. “Don’t you dare run from me darling.” he says eyes flashing up at you as he adds two fingers along with his tongue making you wiggle beneath him. “Fuck Lando that feels so good. Mmm baby.” you moan loudly, biting your lip to contain your moans. Lando notices you holding back and he stops . “Come on, pretty girl don’t do that, don’t hold back, I don’t care if the whole neighborhood hears my beautiful girl, come on now.” he says as he continues. You arch your back off the bed into him. “God Lando right there, fuck jesus please please please.” you beg again as you chase him begging for release. He hums against your clit. Making you cry out his name arching your back once again into him. “There's my pretty girl, so close for me now.” he says, his free hand reaching up to grab your breast, squeezing your nipple gently between his long fingers adding to the pleasure he’s giving you. “Lando I can’t please baby, I need to cum. Please.” you cry out to him. “Is that what you want? You want to cum do you baby girl?” he asks, slowing all of his movements waiting for an answer. “mmm hmm please Lando, please..” you continue to beg him. His fast than slow movements have you right on the edge and then back again head spinning but you dont’ dare cum, not without his permission. “Just want you to feel how l felt for 78 laps angel, how horny you made me after our little nap, how bad I wanted to bend you over that little table in my drivers room, how uncomfortable I was for two hours. Having to listen to the sounds of your sexy little moans when you cum for me being repeated in my head over and over, unable to do a damn thing about it. God i wanted to fuck you so bad after the race i was lucky i got you into the car as quickly as I did.” he pauses his movements had practically slowed to a painfully annoying halt. “Lando baby i'm sorry we just didn’t have enough time, please i'm sorry.” you continue to beg as he begins again. “The way those gorgeous pink lips looked wrapped around my cock when we got home, god you’re fucking perfect baby.” he groans finally shutting up so he could finish you properly. “Oh god lando yes please fuckkk mmm right there baby yes come on i'm almost there jesus god fuckk fuck fuck.” your back arches off the bed into him, your hands tangled in his beautiful curls tugging them between your fingers as he finally gives you what you want. “Cum baby.” he groans and like a good girl, you do as you're told. “Fuckkkkk LAND OOO. Ohh god yes fuck I can’t please mmmmmm fuck.” you call out as you cum hard on his tongue. You're breathless below him and you know you’ve only just begun the night. You practically melt into the bed. As you whine as he cleans up the mess he made with his tongue leaving a trail of soft kisses up your body, making his way up to your lips, kissing you hard.
You can feel him on your thigh and though your head was still spinning from your last orgasm you want him inside you, you need him inside you immediately. His lips separate from yours as he looks you over, checking in on his girl.. “”What is it, pretty girl?” he asks, voice low and raspy. You swallow hard, licking your lips. Your beautiful eyes lock with his. “I want you.” you say reaching between your bodies to stroke him with your talented fingertips. “Fuck baby.” he says thrusting his hips into your hand so you feel all of him. “Please Lando.” you practically whisper now needing him inside of you more than air right now. He smirks. “Alright baby but tonight we’re trying something different. Okay?” he asks looking at you for permission to continue. You eye him wondering what he was up to. You shake your head yes. “Trust me baby, I promise you’ll love it.” he grins. “I trust you, always.” you say kissing him roughly, still stroking him between your two bodies making him moan between words, now it was him needing you. “Fuck baby, you’re so god damn perfect.” he says trying not to get too caught him in the moment because he had special plans for you. You wondered what he was up to as he moved around your bed now, pulling himself from your grasp. “Sit up angel, on all fours, facing the mirror.” he commands and you do exactly as you're told. Trusting him every step of the way. You wonder what he’s up to as you watch the scene unfold in the large mirror in front of your bed, perfectly situated on the dresser, to see alll the best parts of your shared bedroom.. You watch him behind you through the mirror as he places himself behind you, watching you watch him. He smirks. Licking his lips. “Want us to be able to watch each other cum baby.” he groans, grabbing your hips, getting the just right position behind you. He lifts your hips up, getting the perfect arch in your back as he guides himself gently, slowly into you. You moan loudly. “Easy pretty girl, just breathe.” he says easing in and out of you, matching your pace to the arch in your back so he makes sure he can hit the right spot to make you cum moaning his name. The pair of you watching each other in the mirror in front of you. You toss your head back. “Fuck Lando please.” you plead as his movement had slowed to an agonizing pace that had you chasing him begging to feel him deeper, needing to feel him. “Mmm look at you baby girl, so damn beautiful like this, begging me to fuck you harder. Is that what you want, princess ? you want me to fuck you harder.” the tone of his voice made you shutter. He chuckled as he noticed your reaction to him. “Please lando!” you say responding to him almost immediately. Still inside of you, nearly stopping.. He loosens the grip on your hips running his long fingers down your back gently watching the goosebumps crawl across your skin. He chuckles. “Stunning.” he growls before slamming into you. You cry out as he finally speeds up the pace watching his perfect girl in the mirror as she begs for him over and over again. “Ohhh god Lando please please.” you cry out as one hand remains gripping your hip the other snaking around your body pulling your back to his chest. The movement inside of you causes him to groan as you tighten around him.. “You fit me so perfectly, baby, so tight and sweet. My everything.” he growls in your ear. “Fuck Lando, I need more please.” you beg him once more needing to cum.
The pace he set had slowed again and you were so close now but he kept you teetering on the edge. His free hand had slid up and down your body. Teasing both your nipples gently squeezing them between his long fingers making you moan aloud. His movements begin again as you watch his long fingers slowly begin to rub your clit as he eased in and out of you again. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, biting your lip. “God fuck Lando right there, please baby ohh jesus god mmmmmmmm yes fuckk you fuck me so damn good. I can’t please.” you cry out into the darkness of your bedroom Lando holding you steady as he puts you back on all fours as he slams in and out of you feeling you get closer and closer tightening around him. “Come on baby, cum for me, be a good fucking girl.” he growls slamming hard into you again again watching as you toss our head back, arching your back into him, the perfect angle sending you both cussing and screaming each other names into the night as you both watch each other cum in the mirrior Lando burying himself deep inside of you, his tight grip on your hips loosens and he gently begins to stroke your heated skin beneath his fingertips, giving you both a second before he eases out of you, you whine at the loss of contact between the two of you. “Shhh baby.” he says with a smirk at his needy girlfriend. You lay on the bed watching him as he dashes out of bed and into the bathroom, coming out with his boxers on with a warm cloth to clean you up. You smirk up at him. His long fingers caress your cheek. “I love you baby.” he says, handing you his shirt, tossing the wash rag into the wash basket and returning to bed with you wrapping you up in his arms. Your eyes haven’t left him. “You okay baby??” he asks, checking in on you, brushing a strand of hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear before running his fingers down your cheek, taking in your beaty and everything that was his. “Never better.” you smirk. “I love you.” you whisper realizing you had not said it back to him from earlier. Your fingers dancing over his lips. “You are everything to me Lando Norris, I hope you always know that.” you whisper, kissing his lips slowly, gently. “You sure that’s not just the mind blowing sex talking.” Lando laughs that cute little laugh of his as you smack him lightly. “No it’s not just that, even though that is a plus.” you pause winking at him.
“I wouldn’t trade this life with you for anything.” you say fingers caressing his chest as you look into his gorgeous green eyes. He smiles. “I don’t know what I’d ever do without you baby, I really don’t.” he says kissing your forehead.” you chuckle. “What?” he asks, loving your laugh. “I wonder how long it will take before Oscar can look at me in the paddock again.” you can’t stop laughing at Lando’s funny face he had made. “I think that one's gunna take him a bit. I think we traumatized the poor guy. You should have seen him after he was apologizing and going crazy. I felt bad, I also noticed when you met me in the garage after he refused to make eye contact with you.” Lando says with a laugh as his arms wrap around you “I'll get him a present, maybe that will help.” you laugh again. “I'm sure he’d appreciate that.” Lando says with a yawn as he snuggles into you as you run your fingers through his curls, both falling asleep.
When you wake up the next morning you groan as you find that Lando is not beside you. “Babe?” you call out listening for a response. But then you hear the shower on. You smirk getting out of bed, groaning but smiling at your achy muscles, chuckling to yourself as Lando had kept his promise to make it difficult for you to walk the next morning, and also that you felt nothing but him when you did. You drop Lando's borrowed shirt to the floor stepping into the bathroom. “You didn’t wake me?” you say wrapping your arms around his body underneath the warm water. He looks down at you. “You looked so peaceful I didn’t want to disturb you.” he smiles, kissing your lips slowly, the warm water falling gently between your bodies. His long fingers trace over the marks he had left on your body from the night before, he bites his lip. “Sorry baby.” he smirks. You chuckle. “I'm not.” you wink at him and his lips devour yours once more. You moan into his mouth before his lips separate from his. “I guess I should take a pre-race nap more often.” you smirk at him as he raises an eyebrow at you. “Only if we have time for both of us to get fucked properly. That race was fucking torture for me, probably why I drove so bad, I couldn’t focus.” he says as he spins you around washing your hair. You always did love the way he took care of you. “Hey don’t blame me, I warned you we didn’t have time, but you insisted.” you argue. He rolled his eyes. “I didn’t hear any complaints from you.” he teases. "Yeah cuz I'm the one that got to cum.” you tease him back, running your fingers through his wet curls. “Point taken.” he says, stepping out of the shower drying you both off, before you get dressed and get ready for another busy race week to begin, both grateful to have each other to navigate this crazy life.
The end
(All photos for the moodboard were found on Pinterest, I do not own)
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smooth-perceval · 10 months
“Stop acting like the grinch.”
Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Summary: Max pushes reader away, but reader is too stubborn to leave him alone- and soon find outs the truth.
Warning: swearing, max being a bit of a dick, forgiven very easy, reader being stubborn, fluff, angst?
Key: Y/N (Your name) Y/L/N (your last name)
Word count: 715
A/N: this is short and rushed please don’t hate me! It’s busy season and I forgot how busy I get at Christmas!!
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Me and max hadn’t spoken in a few weeks or so- something about needing space over the holidays to focus on training…
Every year without fail for the past 4 years we spent Christmas together, it was our sworn vow in our friendship- Christmas never gets missed. Maybe except this year… Well unless he tells me to leave him alone then I’ll have to just walk away- right?
“Max! I know you said you need space… but I got all my decorations!” Kicking the door with my foot, I juggled the boxes in my arms.
“Max? You in- I should’ve texted before coming over I’m sorry.”
Nudging the door once again, I then sighed dropping the boxes to the floor hearing what sounds like a possible few broken ornaments.
“Max?” Hands on my hips I stared at the door. “Such an idiot Y/N… he’s out.” Mumbling unholy words to myself I prepared myself to carry the boxes back down to the car.
“Y/N?” With squinting eyes, messy hair and slightly red face- peering through the slightly opened door was Max.
“Max?” Mouth slacked I stared at him like a deer in headlights.
“Hi-” it felt lovely to see him again… I missed him deeply.
“Hey… what are you doing here?” Furrowing his eyebrows- he opened the door a little more.
“To decorate?… like last year- and the year before…”
“Y/N- I said I am focusing on other shit…”
“But max- we do this every year.”
“Not this year… you need to go.”
“Don’t Max me. Just go…”
Deflated, my shoulders slumped. I thought it’ll be easy to just turn and go- but truthfully I wasn’t giving up the fight that easy.
“Stop acting like the grinch.”
A little smile crept on his face before he quickly wiped it away.
“You’re still here.”
“No shit Sherlock. Let me in.”
“Fine. I’ll wait out here… decorate your front door or something…”
Silence… he didn’t shut the door we just stared at each other.
“And if this is the most I’ll see of you- then merry Christmas and happy new year.” With my hand now against his forehead I pushed it back slamming the door shut on my own face. And true to my word, I started decorating his front door- making do with what I had, a little tinsel around the door- a doormat In front.
I went to tie some balbals around the handle- when the door sprung open again.
Leaning forward I wrapped the balbals around before rummaging through the bag again.
“What Max.”
“I’m sorry…”
“I know.”
“I just-”
“You just?”
“I’m not busy- I lied.”
“You lied?… why did you lie?” A little insulted I took a step away from him- like he twisted a knife in my heart. “I realised I am in love with you- and that has scared the shit of me.”
“You’re in love with me…?” And the knife was untwisted, heart was kissed better and floating back in his arms.
“So much it hurts.”
“Max…” shushing me he looked up pulling the tinsel down from the door
“So if you’ll have me- I’d like to celebrate this Christmas a little differently from the last.”
“How so?” With a sly smile on his face, he threw the tinsel around me pulling me in. “I’ll show you-”
And there it was the first time ever in 4 years- we kissed. And it was magical. I couldn’t describe the kiss just- I knew I wanted this forever. The tinsel around my waist, max grip on the tinsel wrapping it around his hands the closer he pulls me in.
“Max-” mumbling I pulled away- his eyes still closed as he pulled back slightly humming as a response. “Can we watch the grinch?”
“You was a dick.”
“Because I love you!”
“And now you’ll watch the grinch while we decorate!”
“I guess I will.” Rolling his eyes he grabbed the bag of decor, as I picked up the rest.
“Oh and max-” turning around he looked down slightly at me.
“Merry Christmas.” Whispering to him- I leaned up kissing his lips delicately- leaving him with a cute smile on his face.
“And a happy new year.” He whispered back returning the kiss.
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a2l1y1 · 3 months
Can you keep a secret?
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ft. Bsf Ellie Williams.
Summary ➜ You’ve always had a crush on your best friend, but you never got the chance to tell her. Both of you have horrible love love relationships status, you knew this wouldn’t work.
Warnings ➜ a LOT of smut. Praising, degrading, use of strap, receiving, teasing, use of alchocol, drugs, cigarettes, making out etc. Idk, lesbian things🤗 .And obviously Ellie being a total loser.
disclaimer : I have a little bad grammar when it comes to explicit/smut writing, and generally my English sucks.
(And basically too much writing so I don’t wanna use my time into checking for any bad spelling or mistakes here, if you can’t understand then uh, try to? Anyways.)
You always had a crush on Ellie. Whether it was seeing and listening to her talk about dinosaurs or yapping about the galaxy, the stars, the planets, just Ellie being Ellie herself, you loved and admired her. You always visited her and stayed over at her apartment, which was calmly quiet except for the times that you would bring a karaoke and blasted off some music until three in the morning singing and yelling with Ellie.
Ellie loved ranting to you about her romantic love life. Which, obviously as a best friend you’d be glad and excited that she has enough trust in you to talk into extreme details about her horrible relationship status. But, as a Ellie being your forever and obsessive crush whom you’d literally drop in your knees if she asked, even as a joke? You felt like complete shit. Having to suck up your excessive amount of jealousy you would’ve gotten over every single girl who was lucky enough to kiss Ellie was insane. So right when you would’ve gotten the chance to be alone away from Ellie or finally at your apartment, your room or your car, you’d just start sobbing over the thoughts of Ellie touching, kissing and loving other girls. You hated the fact of Ellie being so clueless she couldn’t see how bad you were for her, that’s why out of pure jealousy you’d scare away her dates every single time you could.
Like for example Cat; Ellie and Cat met around December? You and Ellie were at Jesse’s random party which he threw as a celebration for Dina’s score of something, nobody cared about the context. Which, honest speaking, everyone just went there and had a blast for the alcohol and the beer. Long story short you purposely dropped some wine on her white crop top and pastel blue jeans. You told her Ellie was taken so she could at least get an idea to go away.
But hey, sometimes you let Ellie have some dates to just cover yourself up so it’s not so suspicious that nobody in town wants to go with Ellie Williams, even if it hated your guts.
“Well, uh how did it go with that brunette girl, Katy was it?” You asked Ellie as you sat on her bed, legs crossed as you brushed your wet and messy hair, looking for a conversation while Ellie read a book beside you. “Hmm, I guess it was okay but I don’t think she’s into me, definitely straight.” Ellie answered as she turned her page over, marking her page up as she looked over to you and gave a soft shrug. You couldn’t help but to give an awkward smile back, having to play it ‘cool’ with Ellie was not your thing, but since you’ve been crushing over her for a while you tried to get the hang of it. “Well uh hey there’s plenty of other girls for you, maybe just not her” you sighed sarcastically, knowing you were excited and surprised that this girl failed just like the rest.
“Man I just think these girls are playing, I want a relationship like I dunno… maybe something that lasts more than just a conversation?” Ellie groaned as she closed her book playfully aggressive, turning to look at you while you finished brushing your hair and doing a little and simple ponytail. You laughed, Ellie just arguing about her hopeless relationships was cute, avoiding the fact you were the main reason why they didn’t worked but let’s skip that.
“Okay well y’know what? Let’s avoid that question then.” You answered as you dropped your head over Ellie’s shoulder, fidgeting and playing with her hand, admiring her tattoo. “Well, what about you? You barely talk about your boyfriends?” questioned Ellie as she gently moved your head, trying to make a firm and excited eye contact, waiting for your love drama. You haven’t told Ellie that you weren’t exactly ‘straight’ since obviously the only girl you were desperate to date was her, you just tried to find dates to fill the void with stupid and clueless guys who didn’t wanted anything but sex.
“Well uhm.. I don’t think I’m seeing Troy anymore, he asked me for nudes the third week of going out, and I don’t know feels weird.” You shrugged as you took your glasses off and began to clean them. “Oh shit uh damn… guys suck” Ellie answered as she tried to find a proper answer, she was horrible at comforting you but always tried to give her best effort at it.
“Well hey, you deserve so much better than that. I bet a lot of guys would want to treat you good and buy you flowers.” Ellie tried to comfort you as she placed her hand on your knee, softly rubbing it with her thumb as an act of love and comfort. You quickly felt embarrassed, needing to stay firm and regain control of yourself. “Y-yeah thanks els.” You relied as you checked your phone, it was two in the morning.
“Hey els, I think I should just go home” you pointed out as you softly put your things on your bag, it was too late and you weren’t having it. “Wait but it’s too late, why can’t you stay over?” Ellie suggested as she rapidly stood up and took her crocs off, turning some blue led lights on and turning the main lights off, throwing you some pillows and getting on her bed again. This was Ellie’s way of begging you to stay over, which cmon, it was Ellie. How could you decline her requests? You sighed, knowing it would be worse for you to stay calm but it was too late, Ellie was right. “Okay fine, only because it’s just too late and I don’t feel like driving” you groaned playfully as you got under Ellie’s dinosaur fluffy blanket.
- -
it was approximately four in the morning. That’s what you can at least remember, you couldn’t sleep, not at all. Ellie was knocked out, sleeping on your neck as if she hasn’t slept for decades. Her body wrapped around yours, she loved cuddling you at night. You were flushed and sweaty, couldn’t keep your eyes off Ellie at all. Her heavy breathing close to your neck, her body around yours, her arms on your waist, this was making you an absolute mess. You couldn’t breathe properly, your rhythm was not synced right, you could swear everyone on the apartment floor could hear your heartbeats of how loud and fast you felt them. On a good hand, this was good, but knowing how bad you are over Ellie? This wasn’t so enjoyable. Worse thing about sleeping with Ellie was that she is a horrible sleeper, she moves and constantly. her hands felt as if she was wandering around your body, this made you feel as guilty as possible. Before both of you said your good nights, you took off your shirt since you assumed this would happen, and you hated being sweaty. But now? You were regretting it, feeling every inch of Ellie’s hands around you felt as if every gasp of air you took was thicker.
“Fuck, els… move the fuck away from me.” You whispered as you tried to take her hands away from your waist, but every time you moved her away, she would just grab you again and tighter. You could’ve just sworn this was just some silly prank and she was wide awake of how strong her grip was on your body. The guilty feeling of being so needy over this but knowing it was wrong repeated over your head. After minutes of silence and stress you decided to shift sides to the complete opposite direction of Ellie’s face, it was tough to move but you successfully did it. Regardless of your hard effort of trying to get Ellie away from you, Ellie’s cold hands gripped on your waist tighter, pulling you closer to her. You tried your best to bite your lower lip as hard as possible, needing to hold onto a whimper that was so close to escaping your lips. Ellie was basically spooning you now, and you felt as bad as before. Just imagining of the possible scenarios, but quickly coming into realization of how wrong you were for every thing of this. Ellie’s hands roaming around your waist as if you were some body pillow had you sweating like you ran a marathon and did 60 miles in less than an hour. Guilty of this thoughts and emotions, you forcefully pushed away Ellie’s hands away, needing to get a little air on your body and controlling your breaths. You knew this was wrong, but fuck it, you weren’t doing anything but Ellie being a horrible and heavy sleeper. You stood up from her bed, and slipped down your pants. You were just on some sports bra and boxers you stole from Ellie earlier. Sighing at the exhaustion and stress, you assumed it’ll be better to sleep on Ellie’s couch. So you did, you walked over to the living room, gently opening the door with a pillow and a blanket and you threw yourself on the couch.
“Wake up what the fuck are you doing on my couch???” Ellie yelled as she threw some pillows on your face, it was 8 am already. You felt as if it was seconds ago you tried sleeping and failed.
“Shit it’s your fault for being a bad sleeper I had to leave your room” you groaned as you hid your face under her dinosaur blanket, which didn’t help so much since Ellie quickly grabbed the blanket aggressively and tried to throw you off on her floor. “Listen, I know I’m a bad sleeper but don’t steal my dinosaur blanket.”
After a long session of playful arguments with Ellie you left her apartment. Still having the crazy flashbacks of last night that didn’t let you sleep at all. You decided to drive over to Dina’s place because aside Ellie being your best friend, she was your crush. And who could you talk about your crushes if your best friend IS the crush? Dina.
“Girl are you fucking with me right now? You didn’t woke her up and let her make you a mess.. you’re….full of stuff yeah” Dina chuckled as she took a sip of her wine, looking at you concerned knowing how many years you’ve been trying to avoid talking to Ellie about your feelings or anything, actually. “Dina, I swear I couldn’t talk she had her hands all over me how was I supposed to remain caaaalmmmm” you sighed as you scratched your cheeks stressfully. Dina shook her head, she hated seeing you like this. “Have you fucked someone before? Like actually, I think you might need some sex in your life. You definitely need a break from Ellie.” she suggested as she handed over a party flyer.
“Jesse is throwing another party tonight, you should come well dressed and hook up with someone, I doubt Ellie is coming today since cat might be there but it’s a great opportunity for you.” Dina added as she stood up and walked to the kitchen to wash her cup. “Are you sure? I feel guilty, I haven’t been able to go on dates knowing Ellie is the only one on my mind.” You confessed as you stood up and followed the girl, feeling like you’d go crazy. “Well, that’s a you problem girl, you need to find someone else to fill the void or else you’ll go crazy, go for Abby, I heard she likes you.” Dina responded as she opened her door and walked away with you to her balcony.
“Abby likes me? As in the actual Abby?” You widened your eyes in shock, how could Abby be into you knowing there’s tons of hotter girls who tried hitting her. “I guess I could I dunno.. try” you added as you kept thinking. “That’s the spirit! I’ll see you at Jesse’s house tonight then.” Dina smiled as she playfully punched your shoulder, she needed to find a way to cheer you up and remove Ellie from your head.
- -
Pink or pastel blue? You couldn’t decide. What am I even supposed to wear for this party if I wasn’t gonna impress Ellie Williams, but instead Abby, what is Abby even into? You felt weird, but maybe if you dressed as yourself you’d get something. You had your head fuzzed off by the guilt of knowing you’d finally do your shot with someone else after a while. That’s when your phone vibrated and you heard a notification; it was Ellie.
“Hey, r u up? What r u doing.” 11:08 pm.
You didn’t know what to tell her, going on a party without actually telling her or inviting her felt horrible. What if she caught you and Abby talking? What if she thinks you’re dating Abby and she liked you? What if Dina already invited her and she appears out of nowhere? No, you were overthinking. But lying felt horrible.
“I’m just trying on some clothes.” - 11:15 pm
“Ooo can I see? If not it’s ok loll” - 11:16 pm
Your face flushed, but you felt shitty. Showing your outfit to Ellie knowing it’s meant for Abby destroyed your thoughts completely. You didn’t wanted to hurt Ellie, but fuck this honestly, you knew Ellie wouldn’t just like you back, right? You’re her best friend but it still hurt.
“Nty, I don’t look so good anyways I don’t wanna show you my ugly side.” - 11:20 pm
“Lmao you’re never ugly but ok :))” - 11:22 pm
You wanted to scream. Little messages like this would’ve just made you go crazy over Ellie fucking Williams. But you couldn’t show her you were desperate on texting her either, so leaving her on read was more acceptable for you.
After minutes of deciding your last choice was a pastel pink crop top with some light jeans and some Adidas. You heard Abby wasn’t a Nike fan so maybe Adidas would do the trick, avoiding the fact your Nikes were all creasy and some of them weren’t so clean. You meet up with Dina and Jesse at the party and they greeted you as you walked in.
“Finally you’re here, I assumed you didn’t felt like coming.” Dina chuckled as she hugged you and offered a drink. “I just didn’t know what to wear, am I too overdressed?” You asked as you accepted Dina’s drink, walking over to the kitchen with her. “No you’re just perfect, make sure to have fun today and don’t think about you know who.” Dina added as she smiled and winked, she pointed out that Abby usually likes to smoke on the balcony or talk with people on the second floor rooms. But you had other plans, you’d just let things flow and you decided to walk away and explore your way out of things.
Maybe a little initiative won’t hurt, right? You decided to look for Abby on some rooms, accidentally opening ‘occupied’ rooms but needing to find her and distract your head. That’s until you opened a room and all the stored smoke left to your face as you slowly walked in and saw Abby sitting on a bed.
“Hi.” You awkward said as you closed the door and walked infront of Abby. “Uh hey, what’s up?” She asked in concern, you didn’t know what to talk about.
“I… uh can I stay here with you? If you don’t mind of course.” You awkwardly said as you sat on the bed beside Abby, giving her a soft smile. “Oh of course go ahead” Abby replied as she returned a smile and offered you her joint. “No thanks I don’t smoke” you chuckled as she widened her eyes in confusion.
“But aren’t you Ellie’s friend? I thought you smoked with her” Abby questioned as she looked at you with concern, and a little bit of something else. “No.. no, I mean yes Ellie smokes but I’m not really into it, I prefer drinking even tho she loves to offer me.” You chuckled awkwardly. Your whole point of being with Abby was to avoid thinking and talking about Ellie, which it made you feel uncomfortable. “Oh I see, well how have you been? Why did you wanted to see me?” Abby asked with a soft smile on her face while she studies your expressions and the way you talk.
“I just wanted to talk to you that’s all.” You replied in a soft tone as you trying to avoid eye contact. “Listen, if it’s about what people have said, it’s true. I do like you and I know we haven’t actually had any proper conversations like this but don’t feel pressured into talking to me.” Abby quickly confessed as she looked over to you and grabbed your face softly, forcing eye contact. “I… I don’t know, I just thought we could talk and.. well—” You were starting to stutter and overstimulate. You never liked Abby and you couldn’t find anything to respond or comfort her, the guilt was starting to reach your core and it wasn’t good.
“Hey hey that’s okay calm down oka..—” Abby tried to talk to you as she softly placed a hand on your knee, which disclaimer, Ellie loved doing that to show you comfort. You couldn’t take it any longer. You stood up and left the room, tears forming on your eyes as you left with no response. You gently rubbed your watery eyes, not fully paying attention to where you were walking as you went downstairs to get a drink. How the fuck could you be so normal talking to Ellie knowing you loved her? You hated pretending you were just fine. Maybe it was the drink Dina offered you making you this sensitive, or maybe the night was not yours. Too many thoughts forming on your head you didn’t noticed you bumped over someone.
“Hey, you okay? What’s wrong?” That voice, those words just felt recognizable. It was Ellie. “Wait..— are you crying?” She added as she tried to take your hands away from your face gently to look at you more clearly. You couldn’t help it but to tear up and hug her. “Love, did someone made you cry?” Her words were so reassuring but how could you tell her she was the reason you were crying? When you got a glimpse of the place and your eyes weren’t that watery as Ellie rubbed your back and hugged you, you noticed Dina looking at you with concern, and a little disappointed. She only wanted you to focus on you, but there you were; all over Ellie Williams once again.
Ellie didn’t enjoy seeing you cry, instead she took both of you out of that party and drove you to her apartment. Once she got to her apartment she walked you to her room and made you completely comfortable. She threw her dinosaur blanket ontop of you, kissed your forehead and brought you some ice cream she had on her fridge and sat down beside you. Honestly, you loved Ellie even if sometimes she was a little loser, but you couldn’t deny she treated you amazing just for being her best friend.
“Why were you talking with Abby.” You heard Ellie asking you in soft murmurs as she crossed her arms and looked over you from her side of the bed, a little bit more serious now than some seconds ago. “What… what do you mean?” You asked confused, just how did she found out?
“Abby texted me some minutes ago you left a room crying after you guys talked ” the word ‘talked’ was mocked into sarcastic air quotes as Ellie turned her phone off to directly look at you. “Just what were you talking with the famous Abby Anderson” She raised an eyebrow as she watched you with a firm tone. “If I’m being honest, I don’t know, Dina told me to go to that party and I had no one to talk to so maybe talking to her was the trick.” You halfway lied, it was true in a point but the other was just to distract your mind from Ellie.
“And you thought talking to Abby, which almost the entire town knows she has a crush on you, was the best way out. Right?” She groaned as she stood up and did her ponytail while rolling her eyes. You were confused, why was she making a big deal out of you only talking with Abby Anderson? Yeah she was popular but it wasn’t a big deal, not for you at least. “Wait are you fighting me for talking with her?” You asked, deeply concerned about the vibe Ellie was having.
“I’m not fighting you, I just I don’t like the way she randomly fucking texts me at one in the morning to mention me both of you talked on a room knowing I hate her.” She confessed, she looked so disgusted by the thought of you and Abby speaking, aside the fact she assumed it was something else you just didn’t understand.
“Wait. You’re assuming I fucked Abby and left crying?” You quickly understood, Ellie was jealous.
“You’re jealous” you confronted, as you widened your eyes on concern. “What? No im not, im not jealous of anything.” Ellie murmured as she dropped her hands and looked down at you with an annoyed expression. “You are jealous, why would you be so angry about me talking with Abby Anderson, yes I know you hate her, but I was just talking to her like any other human being just like you do too?” You mentioned, both of you knew that you hated people too, yet Ellie continues to speak with them normally, so what was the difference here?
“You’re just jealous.” You added as you looked at Ellie, trying to hold your laugh back.
“Okay so? What if I am? What now?” Ellie confessed as she rolled her eyes, annoyed at your lack of curiosity. “well… maaaaaybe THIS—” you yelled as you pushed her on the side of the bed, as you quickly got ontop of her and straddled her from above.
Ellie, fully off guard now tried to get off before reaching out and using her fingers to tickle you. She forcefully pushed you beside her as she rapidly climbed on top of you, now both of you start tickling and tugging each others arms and legs. Though, Ellie’s leg found a way between yours and every time you moved, your cunt brushed with the roughness of her jeans and the thinness of the shorts you were currently on.
Every time her leg brushes against your clit you whimper but try your best to cover it up with a giggle or poking her extra hard, but there was this one time that her leg brushed your now soaked cunt and you moaned her name uncontrollably loud.
“E-els.. fuuuck..—!” You moaned out. Ellie immediately stopped in her tracks. She looked at you with wide eyes.
"w-what did you say?" Ellie questions, fully confused and shocked by the sudden noise which came out of your mouth.
“Fuck.. your leg your- please take it off” You shut your eyes completely off as you tried to push her leg away softly, as she quickly noticed. “Oh shit- I’m so sorry fuck” Her face immediately flushed, embarrassed by not noticing this earlier. She got off of you and decided to go right to her closet and chance. And probably avoid you for some minutes.
You felt like your soul would rip out of you right there. You were so embarrassed and so soaked by her touch it was unbelievable. But before you know it, Ellie came back into some short basketball pants and a large T-shirt, with her face extremely flushed, standing over your side of the bed;
“I’m sorry about uh that, but if you feel uncomfortable I can sleep on the couch tonight-” she quickly spoke, trying to break the awkward silence between you too. You knew staying was gonna make you horribly guilty, maybe leaving was the best option.
“Nono it’s fine, I think I’ll go home. Talk to you some other time, els?” You responded, softly standing up and getting your things, you could notice her face looked like if she felt the same way too. God why was it so embarrasing? Was it your dramatic and loud moaning or the fact you liked her that had you this way, and even worse what was Ellie thinking? Your head felt dizzy of how much you kept overthinking. Years of hiding your feelings towards Ellie felt like they were thrown and drained by this simple mistake.
- -
You were at your apartment. Overthinking the situation over and over, your mind was all fuzzy and you felt so bad about yourself. Was your friendship with Ellie gone now? Would she see you differently? God would she tell anyone about that? So many thoughts and questions running through every inch of your body you didn’t know what to do. No notifications from her, no calls, nothing. It was 2 in the morning and you couldn’t sleep at all. Maybe if you got Ellie a present or some chocolates and apologize it’ll all work out?
So that’s what you did. You drove over to an open 24 hour gas station, and look over something that might cheer Ellie up. That’s when you found a CD on the movie section. It was Game of Thrones. You’ve never seen the film but you do remember Ellie yapping about wanting to see it but not being able to afford HBO Max. This and some chocolates will do.
You were at Ellie’s apartment door. Afraid of entering, knocking or even the thought of opening it. You took a big breath and let it out as a huge sigh, grabbing the doorknob to gently open it. You and Ellie had the trust of just opening your doors without hesitation so, you did.
“Els, I got you a present, and I miss you so uh yea..” you spoke as you tried searching for Ellie everywhere. No response from her though, she wasn’t on her usual spot on the living room, neither on the couch or bathroom. That’s when you walked softly through the hallway and heard rough grunting and moaning coming from Ellie’s room. You quickly stopped. Was she with someone this quickly? Who was she fucking? Just the thought of Ellie’s hands roaming around someone’s body made your heart ache. Being jealous wasn’t the right thing now, but leaving didn’t felt either.
Her door wasn’t even fully closed, was it a sign to come in? The curiosity killed you inside. you’ll get so killed for this, but you need to know. And so, you slowly walked to her door, just a peek of the girls she’s fucking will do. Shit. You couldn’t see a thing, if you opened her door hard enough they’ll notice. So you tried to gently and softly move the door a little, just to take a quick peek at Ellie and whoever was at her room. That’s when you heard Ellie grunt your name and your eyes widened.
“Fuck.. jus’ like that.” Ellie grunted as you noticed she wasn’t fucking anyone but herself. Her hands tightly wrapped around a sex toy as she used her strap to fuck it aggressively. Your face immediately became red. You’ve never heard Ellie nor seen her act like this. You couldn’t move, neither did you felt like leaving, why was watching her fuck herself felt so good? you’ve always thought of Ellie as caring, a loser girlfriend who’d take you to Walmart since she has no idea what your favorite mall is or sing you a lullaby before you’d sleep.
Ellie kept grinding on, moaning and breathing heavily as she kept groaning at the toy, repeatedly saying your name; she was fucking herself to the thought of you. You felt so needy, you could swear you could feel your urging cunt’s pulse. Soaked by the view, needing to be the one below Ellie right now, not that toy. Without taking your eyes off Ellie, you lowered your free hand, teasing your cunt though your pants. Staring firmly at Ellie, resisting to blink and miss any detail. You pressed your clit harshly, biting your lip to avoid moaning or leaving any noises to expose you.
Desperately, you unbuttoned your jeans, slipping your hand below your panties as you felt just how fucking soaked you were by staring at Ellie fuck herself. You sighed at the feeling, softly rubbing and playing with your clit, trying your best to follow Ellie’s movements. Feeling the need for more, you slipped two fingers inside of you, uncontrollably moaning at the feeling of your walls tightening, immediately shutting your eyes.
Ellie quickly stopped, she could’ve sworn she heard a moan. She looked over at the half opened door, noticing how you touched yourself just by looking at her, she parted her lips, staying agape at the view of you. She covered her toy and rapidly unbuckling her strap, throwing it on the other side of the bed as she came over to you. Shocked by it, you took your hand off of your pants and walked in with the CD.
“I… I’m sorry I shouldn’t have come over, but I uh got you this.” You handed her the cd as you couldn’t help but to share at her soaked boxers.
“How long have you…. Um y’know been staring there?” Ellie asked as she looked at you, speaking with a lower tone than the usual. You were too horny for this, you quickly pushed Ellie to her bed, getting on top of her. “S-shit hey what are you—” Ellie groaned as you interrupted her with a kiss. You knew this friendship was gonna lead to something or nothing, might as well risk it now, right? The kiss was very deepened by now, your lips felt numb to the point you didn’t even know how to think clearly. Your body was on fire and Ellie’s hands were exploring every inch of you. You couldn’t control yourself, just not anymore. Loudly moaning and whimpering was all you could do.
“F-fuck please lower your voice joel is gonna kill me for this.” Ellie groaned as she shut your mouth with her free hand, the other exploring through your pants as she pressed her thumb on your clit.
You groaned, your clit was so sensitive and so puffy by nothing, you needed her inside of you as quick as possible. Gently, you took Ellie’s hand out of your mouth as you lowered it to your breasts. “Els.. please I need you to fuck me s’bad..” you moaned as you looked at her hand on your pants, teasing you with a smirk on her face.
“Yeah baby, need me to fuck your little hole so bad?” Ellie mocked as she chuckled at how vulnerable you were; she loved this view. “Take this off.” She groaned, as she kissed you, unable to let you do any noise nor speak, needing you to obey. And so you did, you were now half naked with only your underwear and bra on. Ellie bit her lip as she stared at every inch of your body.
“Fuck… you look so gorgeous baby.” Ellie groaned lowly, not taking her eyes off of you. She quickly grabbed her strap that was beside her from earlier, buckling it under her boxers as she grabbed your thighs and separated them and got in between both to arrange herself right into your needy cunt. “You don’t know how much I’ve been wanting this.” She sighed as she gently caressed your soaked cunt through your panties, rubbing softly your clit as she then grabbed your panties and slid them to the side, wanting to have a better view of you before fucking you. “So wet for me baby, already?” She smirked, licking her fingers as she rubbed your clit in gentle circles, looking how you took her so good, whimpering and jolting at the bare minimum. You couldn’t bare this feeling, you shut your eyes fast, needing to savor this moment you’ve been waiting for. That’s when you felt Ellie’s strap slowly getting inside of your tight walls, so long and thick, making your cunt feel so full of her. “F-fuuuuuckkk….!” You moaned as your eyes widened in shock, just looking how good your pussy was with her fucking you slowly, getting you to enjoy every little movement she’d do to you before going rough.
And Ellie enjoyed this, the need to tease you before dumb fucking you, seeing you so weak and needy for her strap it was incredible. “Wait wait please els go faster s’good…” you whimpered, these slow motion was making feel your cunt’s pulse, a strange feeling but felt so good. And before you knew it, Ellie pushed her strap more inside of you, now doing faster and rougher movements to hurry your ecstasy. “Fuck fuck fuck els els—” you immediately rolled your eyes back, grabbing the bed sheets as hard as you could. You could feel your walls tightening around Ellie’s strap, close to coming down from your high. The strap kept jumping on and twitching on Ellie’s clit, enjoying the view and the feeling, you could listen to her huffs and groaning, just felt so right. “You’re close aren’t you my love?” Ellie smiled, adoring the way you looked on her strap, how close you were into relieving the stress and desperation of being actually noticed by Ellie. Not as your best friend, but as something else. And you could’ve sworn, that even if Ellie didn’t liked you back, you would prefer of being her fuck doll than just keeping your feelings hidden for much longer. “Fuck fuck fuck…..—!!” You moaned loudly, releasing your ecstasy and coming from your fuzzy high, cumming into Ellie’s strap as she pushed deeper, making sure her entire cunt felt your wet slick. “Yessss fuuuuck, jus’ like that, good girl.” She sighed as she softly rubbed your puffy clit. Softly pulling her strap away, you couldn’t help but to move your hips involuntarily to follow her strap. Feeling so empty and so needier.
“Els..” you couldn’t help but to sob. “What is it baby?” Ellie asked as she wiped your tears off, laying beside you as she gently grabbed your waist to pull you on her chest, cuddling you up to make you feel better. “Did you not like it?” She added as she kissed your cheek.
“I like you, I’ve liked you for so long els I… I wanna be with you, I want you to love me.” You whispered on her ear, too weak to yell, cry or to even do the minimum effort into confessing when you felt your heart beating so hard you felt you’d die right there.
“It’s okay, I like you too. But let’s talk about this later, you need to rest. WE need to rest.” She assured you, as she caressed your cheeks, placing your head on her chest as she gently rubbed your back, using her free hand to get her dinosaur blanket and cover both of you up.
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pedrospatch · 2 years
Preoutbreak! Joel Miller x Reader
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summary: You're four months pregnant when you have an accidental fall; while you and Sarah wait for Joel at the hospital, an ultrasound technician accidentally reveals the sex of your baby.
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI. (TW) PREGNANCY, reader has an accidental fall, minor anxiety, Sarah calls reader her mom, talk of gender and gender reveal. fluff.
word count: 1.5k
a/n: i am a snail when it comes to requests, but i got around to this request here. it is the same reader featured in family, but it can technically be read as a stand alone. i know there isn't a ton of Joel, but I just adore Sarah and had a blast writing her!
“Where is he?” Sarah paced anxiously in front of your hospital bed. 
A thin, light blue curtain shielded the two of you from the rest of the busy, bustling emergency department that you’d been brought to in Austin. 
“I called him half an hour ago, what’s taking him so long?” she said, a frown turning down the corners of her mouth. “Should I just call him again?” she suggested, the anxiousness evident in her tone. “There’s a payphone down the hallway, I should call him and see where he is.”
“I’m sure your dad on his way,” You assured her, delicately rubbing at your swollen midsection with your hand. You were about four months into your pregnancy, and although your growing baby bump was still on the smaller side, it was very much there, prominent underneath a scratchy, itchy white hospital gown a nurse had helped you into. You watched the teenager as she continued to pace and pace; you didn’t blame her for being worried, but it was causing your own anxieties to begin creeping in, and the last thing you wanted was for Sarah to see that you were scared too. “Sarah, honey, can you please just sit down and relax? I’m sure the baby is perfectly fine.”
She stopped, turning to you. “You fell down the stairs,” she reminded you, as if you could have somehow forgotten that. “What if the baby is hurt? Dad’s not here, the doctors are taking fucking forever—”
“Language,” You glared at her lightly. 
“Sorry,” Sarah mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. “This is all just so scary. I don’t even know how you’re staying so calm right now. How are you not afraid?”
You beckoned her over and patted the space on your bed beside you.
Sarah hesitated, but then carefully sat down beside you.
You slid an arm around her shoulders, being careful not to yank at the intravenous line taped to the back of your hand. “Well if you want the truth, I am afraid,” You admitted, softly. “But I also know that freaking out isn’t going to help. It could actually make things worse and put a lot more stress on the baby.” Feeling her lean into you, you squeezed her shoulders gently. “Besides, if I show you that I’m scared, you’ll be even more scared than you already are and I don’t want that.”
“I just wish my dad was here,” she murmured, resting her head lightly on your shoulder; she placed a hand on your stomach, right over your own.
Although you didn’t say it, you silently wished the same.
Joel had been away, working at a construction site a couple of towns over when it happened, and when Sarah called him in a panic, he had promised that he would get to the hospital as quickly as possible. He sounded distraught over the phone, and as much as you needed him to be there with you, you didn’t want him rushing and risking getting into a car wreck. Still, every single minute that ticked by without Joel there felt like a fucking eternity.
“Miss Miller?” A woman’s voice called politely from the other side of the curtain.
Your eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “Miller?”
Sarah lifted her head from your shoulder, looking guilty. “I might have put that down as your last name when I was filling out the admission forms for you earlier. Is that okay?”
Before you could respond, the curtain around your bed was pulled off to the side, and a blonde haired woman appeared, wheeling what you guessed was a portable ultrasound machine behind her. “Miss Miller, I’m here to do your ultrasound.” She glanced at Sarah. “This must be your daughter?”
“Yeah,” Sarah replied quickly, nodding her head as she stood up from your bed.
You glanced up at her, your heart fluttering inside of your chest—did she really see you as her mother figure?
“Are we going to be able to see if the baby is okay?” Sarah wrung her hands together nervously as she questioned the technician. “And my mom? What about her? She told one of the nurses that her ankle was hurting her a little after the fall, are you going to check that too?”
My mom.
It sounded so natural, so right to hear her call you that.
“I’m just here for her sonogram, sweetheart. The first thing we want to do is to make sure the fall didn’t have an impact on the fetus. The baby, I mean.” The woman slipped on a pair of white latex gloves and peeled your blankets back, away from your lower body. “After, we will have one of the attending physicians run some tests and get an x-ray of your mom’s ankle to make sure it’s okay.”
Sarah reached for your hand, holding it in her own as the technician lifted your hospital gown and squirted a clear, cool gel onto your skin before running the doppler over the lower part of your abdomen; she squeezed your hand, her light green eyes fixed intently on the screen attached to the portable machine. “I can’t tell what any of that is.”
The woman smiled, pointing to the lower part of the screen with her free hand. “Well, the entire image is her uterus. And do you see that right there, that little thing? That’s the baby. There is her heartbeat, looking healthy and strong.”
You froze and Sarah’s mouth fell wide open.
“Her?” she gasped. “Did you just say her? It’s a girl?”
The technician’s smile faded. “You weren’t aware of the baby’s sex?”
“Does it look like we were?” Sarah nearly squeaked, her eyes wide.
The woman flushed a deep shade of red. “Oh no, I am so sorry—”
“It’s okay,” You managed to tell her. “Please, don’t be sorry. It’s okay.”
After cleaning the gel off of your stomach and tugging your hospital gown back down into place, the technician excused herself, uttering another quick apology about the mishap before leaving.
“It’s a girl,” You breathed out, a smile breaking out onto your face.
“I’m going to have a little sister!” Sarah squealed, beaming as she threw her arms around you. She pulled away, grinning from ear to ear. “I knew it, I totally knew it would be a girl! Uncle Tommy owes me twenty bucks.”
You raised an eyebrow at her. “You and Tommy made a bet?”
“We sure did! A bet that I won.”
Before you could say anything, the blue curtain around your bed was pulled aside once again and a frantic, panicked Joel appeared.
“Dad!” Sarah ran up to him, throwing her arms around him. “Finally!”
He gave her a quick squeeze and then rushed to your side. “Baby, I’m so fuckin’ sorry, I tried to get here as fast as I could but traffic was so damn bad, it was a nightmare just tryin’ to get back into the city,” he explained breathlessly, taking your hand. He began to sputter out his questions, going a hundred miles an hour. “Are you alright? What did the doctor say? Has anyone even been in to see you yet?”
“Joel, breathe. I’m fine,” You promised him. “I might have twisted my ankle a bit, but they’re going to take a radiograph in a bit. Other than that, I’m okay.”
“And what about the baby?”
“I just had an ultrasound done and the baby is okay. We’re both fine,” You assured him, prompting him to exhale a sigh of utter relief.
Joel pulled your hand up towards his lips, kissing the back of it gently before he asked, “Baby, what the hell happened?”
“I was doing laundry. I was carrying the basket of clothes downstairs from our bedroom and my foot slipped,” You admitted sheepishly.
“I’d just gotten home from school and I saw it happen.” Sarah walked over to his side. “I called for an ambulance and then I called you right after.”
Joel placed his other arm around her, pulling her close. “You did the right thing, babygirl. Thank you for that.” He kissed her temple and turned back to you. “And you’re absolutely sure the baby is okay?”
You nodded. “She’s fine, Joel.”
“Good. Because I was so—wait, what?” he hissed, his his dark brown eyes going wide with shock. “Did you just say, she?”
“Surprise!” Sarah grinned, her arm tightening around his waist.
Joel glanced at her, then back at you once again, thoroughly confused. “Wait just a damn minute, I thought we all agreed that we didn’t want to know the gender until it was born! You two asked for the gender without me?”
You almost felt bad for laughing at the look of complete and utter betrayal that crossed his face. “Of course we didn’t. The technician accidentally told us,” You explained. You tossed him a small, joking smile. “I’m sorry, Joel. I know you were rooting for a boy.”
“Sorry dad, you’re outnumbered,” Sarah teased him. “Three to one.”
Joel kept his arm around her as he leaned down, kissing the top of your head. “I might be outnumbered, but that’s perfectly fine with me,” he said. “Me and my three girls—my perfect little family. It’s more than I could ever ask for.”
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purplerain85 · 1 year
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Pairing: Happy x Reader
Summary: You catch Happy cheating with someone you never expected and Happy clearly needs a reminder why he’s not to mess with you let alone your heart (you are as crazy as Happy if not a little bit more nuts) that person pays the price for your anger and pain and Betrayal.
Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Smut (mentions of Blowjobs, protected and unprotected sex, Oral female receiving, fingering) and a small murder 🙈 at the end.
Tag 🏷️ @withmyteeth @darklydeliciousdesires @jvalentinesworld-cokes-hyna @yourwonkywriter @drabbles-mc @darqchilddaydreamz @reyeswritesmc @samcro-saint99 @happysoldlady @chibsytelford @twistnet @nessamc @indefiniteimagines @raewritesfiction
When you arrived at the clubhouse after working a 12 hour shift, walking up to the doors you can hear two people fucking somewhere in the dark corner, you giggle to yourself and then stop dead in your tracks when you hear his name being moaned…. You brain doesn’t comprehend what you heard at first because you know that voice but there is no way she would do that to you she knows better. But your feet are already walking toward the noise. Hoping and praying that you are wrong.
Unfortunately you are not it’s your “best friend” Brenda (who is smaller than you, blonde hair fake boobs, and prettier than you, in your opinion) and your Husband he has her bent over one of the picnic tables with he has a hand between her shoulders and one on her hip. You know it’s an emotionless fuck at least to him but to her it’s probably not. He has never cheated on you as you never counted the crow eaters from the other charters who just gave him a blowjob and moved on he never did anything like that at home.
Because he knows better he knows how insane you are, besides Gemma you are the only other woman that scares the pants off of him. When you two started dating a certain crow eater refused to get the message, she showed up at the clubhouse trying to get with Happy and you caught wind of her and she disappeared and no one knew what happened even though you were investigated there were no charges because there was no link between you and her as you said you never seen her and no one ever saw you two in the same place and there was no body like the last missing person you were investigated for when you first came in contact with Happy.
Brenda looked up and made contact with you and she gasped and said “Y/N fuck…. I” that was enough to get Happy to look up at you and he went white and pulled out of her ripped the condom off and threw it at Brenda (you were at least happy he used a condom) you just glared at them then turned and walked away back to your car you barely made it out of the parking lot when you heard his bike come to life. You knew he would be home the same time and you were ready to all but kill him or her at this point it didn’t matter this was the worst kind of betrayal you have ever had.
You both arrive home at the same time but you were faster than him as you were able to slam the front door literally in his face which you know is something that set him off. Happy walks in slamming the door so hard the house shook and the smirk on your face told you it was show time. “What the fuck Y/N!” He shouts turn on your heels so fast that he stops in his tracks yelling “no you don’t get to what Fuck the you jerkwad! You! not only did you cheat! you cheated with my best friend the one you think is an air head and keep saying is fake, the one I killed for!” Happy just stand there letting you vent cause he knows you are right and his anger over a door is nothing compared to the anger he can literally feel radiating off of you. “Did you get on your knees for her? Did you eat her out? Because we both know you have eaten me out in forever and she all but fucking demands it with who she is fucking so have you been fucking her all this time?” Happy goes to respond and you cut him off “You know what ? I don’t give a fuck, get the fuck out of my face” you take your wedding ring off and throw it at him and walk to your room and slam the door shut.
Happy stands there in shock as he picks up your ring and starts pacing the living room, trying to figure out why he fucked Brenda he can’t even stand her and her fake ass. At first he tried to blame it on your working so much but he cannot blame you, even after working 12,13,14 hours you still came home and even though you were dead on your feet you still took care of him and he realized that he neglected you and fell into a routine of not taking care of you, and just out for himself. He was literally just looking for a fuck when Brenda hit on him and Jax told him to think about what he was doing. He stopped mid pace and sneered at his clothes all he could smell was her, he ripped his clothes off and walks out back in his boxers and out his clothes in the fire pit and set the clothes on fire. Then went back into the house and had a hot shower so he could wash away everything from his Fuck up away.
Happy walks into the bedroom and sees you laying there in your fuzzy pjs and you watch him (well still glaring daggers at him) while he walks in naked and he slightly touch’s your toes as he walks by and you jerk away and say “don’t fucking touch me” he rolls his eyes and grabs his ankles and pulls you to the edge of the bed (you fight him a little bit but not much that he thinks you don’t want it) and yanks your shorts off and pushes your legs apart and his face is instantly attached to your core and he runs his tongue back and forth from your opening to your clit and eats you like a starved man, moaning so loud at your taste that you can barely keep it together you put your hand on his head to keep yourself grounded, he removes them and places his and your hands on your stomach to hold you still. He pulls to strong orgasms out of you before he is starts to use his fingers while keeping his mouth and tongue working your clit, he finds your g-spot in a matter of seconds and then he pulls your hood back exposing you clit fully to his tongue you are moaning about too much but he keeps going, you have no idea what to do with your hands, they go from his head to his arm trying to pull it lose so his will let go of your hood, to your hair pulling it to the sheets.
When he finally gets your to cum again his fingers are coated with your cream and he sucks his fingers clean while moving up your body you barely register what he is doing tell you feel him pushing into you and you say “I can’t cum again…” he hushes you with a kiss and says “yes you can, I have a lot to make up for” he starts moving slowly passionately while kissing you, sucking and nibbling at your neck, sucking and biting your breast to leave marks and sucking on your nipples. He moves back up to your mouth and says “I am so sorry, there is nothing I can do or say that will make what I did ok, I don’t even know why I did it.” You pull him into a kiss and then slap his ass and tell him to “fuck my like you mean it”. Some how he manages to pull four more orgasms out of him by the second one your are begging him to cum.
You wake up before Happy does and you see about 100 messages from Brenda and what set you off is the fact that she couldn’t even admit that she was wrong she was putting it all on Happy and basically said that he took advantage of her. You messaged her back saying you wanted to meet before she went to work at 8am. And the dumb bitch replied back with “okay 😊”
Happy woke up to Chibs and Jax barging into his house asking “where is Y/N at? Brenda never showed up to work and her mom and boss called the Sheriff” he looked over at the clock and realized it was 4:30 pm he said “I didn’t even realize she left, she was suppose to be off today so she could be anywhere”
Chibs said “well you fucked her best friend and now both girls are missing and both their phones are off but Y/N phone last pinged her and Brenda’s phone pinged North West of here there’s nothing out there” Happy for a look on his face and quickly grabbed his stuff and said he had to go and would call if he needed back up. He got in his van and called Tig “did Y/N ask for that fucking key again?”
Happy and Jax arrived at the factory 3 hours later he saw Y/N car and the side door of the abandoned Factory open and walks toward the door he gets close to the door and all he can smell is acid.
The factory use to make and sell acid but closed down for some reason or another Happy never knew why, he explains to Jax that he knows of this place because this is where he first met you, when he was hired to get rid of someone’s abusive husband but you had found him first as he later found out you had inside information on where he would be because it’s was Brenda’s husband he had been hired to kill and he never trusted Brenda from the get go.
He and Jax walk in and they can hear Brenda crying and begging and calling for help. Jax says “I know a lot of the other guys are scared of her but I had no idea why and I know she is loyal to a fault and is protective of what is her’s but I never imagined she was a killer! How many people has she killed?” Happy looks at him and shrugs “15 that I am aware of and that is including the two she was questioned on since we have been together, I kept her quite tame after we got together, but I think my Fuck up from last night might derail her.” Jax looks at him with wide eyes and says “15? 15! Wait so she did kill that crow eater? Here?” Happy nods to both questions “the acid is so strong nothing is left behind. And since she leaves her phone at home for all her killings and when she goes to work and has an old ass car with no gps and has access to acid vats she know she won’t get caught unless someone snitches on her and she knows that will never be me or Tig will and the weak link is up there begging for her life so don’t piss her off. She scares the piss out of me but I love her more than anything.”
Happy calls out “babe! We are walking up the stairs!” You reply with “who’s we?” Happy says “just Jax and I” as the step up onto the platform which was about 9.5 feet above the massive vat of acid, he assets the scene Brenda’s face is bloody and swollen and is tied to a wooden chair (probably not a good thing) and restrained with strips of cotton (nope definitely not good little Miss Brenda is not coming out of this alive) you look and Happy and say “oh great another person who I have to watch so they won’t tell on me.” Jax raises hands and says “darlin’ I am not telling anyone anything because unlike the rest of my crew who may be scared of my mother and you. I am scared of Happy and I like living! So what is your plan just going to toss her in?”
You smile at Jax and look at Brenda and say “You know after all I did for this bitch she was planning of snitching on me and all of you because she got caught hiring someone to kill her sister but then the guy chickened out and reported her but there was no proof so she decided to seduce you in hopes that I would kill you and then she would kill her sister and she thought she could work it so I would be caught and blamed for everything.” Brenda is crying “no, no, no, I promise I wasn’t going to tell on you, Ha-happy raped me I swear I would never betray you like that.” You look her in the eyes and say “I know Happy and he doesn’t rape woman let alone like to hurt them and as far as I know he has only killed one woman.” Brenda starts going on again about how Happy is this and that that you just roll your eyes and are about to walk over to her but Happy grabs the chair and flings her and the chair off the platform and you hear Breanda screaming tell you hear a splash. You stand there shocked looking at Happy with a fire he knows all to well and he says “now that, that is done can we please go home?” He hands you your ring and you three leave Jax takes the van and you and Happy drive home. Where you rode that man tell you passed out.
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lixie-phoria · 1 year
bf!chan comfort hours
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pairing : chan x gn!reader | genre : angst to comfort | warnings : nightmares, reader has a panic attack but not explicitly mentioned | word count : 0.7k
request : hey, can i ask for a comfort/angst one-shot with skz? it could be any member
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grief hits at the strangest times, sucking the breath out of your lungs and logical thoughts from your head.
grief was an old friend. grief was a toxic, manipulative, and pernicious old friend you wish you could let go off.
it was early in the morning. you were supposed to be asleep beside chan, snuggled into his side. but you weren't. you were squatted on the cold tiles of your bathroom floor, head tucked between your knees and back pressed against the hard marble. alone.
nightmares were a common occurrence. they would jar you awake almost every night, covered in a cold sweat and gasping for air. chan would help you down from them, always. he knew what to say, what to do, and how to bring you down to reality.
but this time he wasn't there.
the truth hit you like bricks.
you'd had an argument. it was silly, stupid, unnecessary. but it was terrible. he'd stormed off finally to spend the rest of the night at one of the boys' house. how you wish he hadn't. how you wish he was here.
you didn't know how long you spent trying to calm your breathing, but the sun's rays eventually filtered through the small window, and with them came chan.
you didn't hear his car pull into the driveway or the keys turning into the lock. your heart pounded against your ribs, trying to break free.
the poor boy had finally had some sense talked into him from lee know. he wanted to apologize, but he couldn't find you, and he felt his anxiety rising. you weren't in the kitchen. you weren't in your bed. you weren't on the terrace.
it didn't take him long to put two and two together and before you even realized he was home, chan was flinging open the door to the bathroom.
it startled you as you scrambled back, wide eyes staring into the concerned ones of your boyfriend.
the way he said your name: the tenderness, the accent, the softening of his eyes. it melted your heart.
your body acted before your mind did, and you were up in an instant and running into his embrace, the tears you had tried so hard to keep in finally falling.
he was waiting for you with open arms. he always was. he caught you, both literally and metaphorically.
"i'm here, babe. i've got you."
it was simple. no explanations demanded. he knew you needed him, and he was more than willing to be there as he gingerly picked you up, your legs wrapping around his torso as he carried you into your shared bedroom.
the sheets were cold, but chan was warm. he was comforting. he was home.
"channie, im so sorry-"
his soft hands pushed your hair out of your eyes, gently wiping the tears away and pulling the blanket up to your chin.
"it wasn't your fault."
"it wasn't yours either," he assured, enveloping your trembling hands into his bigger ones.
"i was so scared you wouldn't come back. i thought you left. forever."
"never. i could never."
he slid into the sheets beside you, tucking your face into his chest and wrapping his arms around you.
"i love you, y/n. don't you ever forget that."
"i love you too, chan."
you loved how he smelled. you loved how he held you close. you loved how his chest vibrated as he hummed a tune to calm you down. you loved the kisses he was pressing against your head. you loved the circles he was drawing on your back. you loved him. you would always love him.
"you should sleep," he whispered.
"i can't. not without you."
"i'm right here, love. i will be here when you wake up, too."
you snuggled closer. it had barely been one night and you had missed him so much.
"we'll talk about it once we're both well rested, yeah?"
you nodded into his shirt.
"i love you."
"i love you too."
and just like that the grasps of sleep pulled you in. but this time it was comforting. this time you had chan by your side. and you would never have it any other way.
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tags : @foxinnie8 @hamburgers101 @starlostlaiba @laylasbunbunny (send an ask to be added/removed)
©lixie-phoria, 2023
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