#but it also suggests that bruce (as well as ra’s) knows tim is related to ra’s
avayarising · 11 months
So I’ve been reading The Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul (thanks @lynzine), and…
Ra’s wants a new body to transfer his consciousness to, and has captured Robin!Tim and Damian. He says he can use either:
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But later, once Ra’s has taken over the body of his son, Dusan, the White Ghost, we see this:
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For the transference to work, you need a blood relative.
How is Tim blood-related to Ra’s Al Ghul?
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Bloodlines (2 of 3)
After receiving a vague warning from his mother about his cousin and Richard, Damian goes looking for his runaway ward.
Part of Batkid and Robin
“Someone’s in the house.”
Damian paused, one foot out the door of the car. He turned to Jon to study him.
If it was a Bat, Jon wouldn’t have said anything so he could see how long it took Damian to notice. If it was Kon or Lara, he’d already be telling them off for breaking into their house. No one else in his family would have broken in and neither would most of their friends. If Jon didn’t recognize the person or considered the person a threat, he’d be worried. For most anyone else, he’d be annoyed.
He wasn’t worried or annoyed though, which only left one person.
“Stay here,” Damian sighed and got out.
Jon grunted, still staring at the house with enough fury that Damian was surprised his heat vision hadn’t activated.
Once inside, Damian dropped his keys into a dish on the entryway table then hung his jacket on the coat rack. “You know Jonathan doesn’t like it when you show up unannounced.”
“With your alien’s powers, I never should have made it inside without his knowledge.”
He came into the living room to see his mother sitting in an armchair, a pair of teacups waiting on the table next to her. “I asked you not to call him that. And it’s about being polite, Mother.”
She hummed and grabbed her cup. She tilted her head towards the chair next to her as she said, “He is never going to approve of me and I am never going to approve of him. This is something I have come to terms with so I wish you would as well.”
He ignored the invitation, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorway. “You only don’t approve because he doesn’t have any more interest in providing me -- and therefore you -- with an heir than I have in obtaining one so he won’t help you convince me to allow your scientists our DNA. You should just come to terms with the fact you’ll never have a grandkid.”
“But I already have one,” she said into her drink.
“What are you talking about?” he growled, marching into the room to loom over her. “What did you do?”
“Calm down, my Baby Bird, I haven’t done anything. You know I wouldn’t do that without your permission.”
“After what you did to Jason, how can I be sure?”
She sighed and placed her drink back on the dish. “This isn’t what I came here to talk to you about and, unfortunately, I don’t have time to debate with you as I have to cull another uprising of the Council of Demons. When was the last time you spoke to Richard?”
Damian frowned at the change in subject. “Why do you care?”
“The Demon’s Followers are gathering.”
“Have they joined forces with the Council?” That didn’t make sense. Mara was all about gathering power for herself and she wasn’t foolish enough to think she could use them for her own gain then betray them without facing serious consequences. “And what does this have to do with Richard?”
“So you really haven’t been paying attention to the boy’s antics.”
Damian bristled. He’d been watching as closely as was possible without risking Richard discovering the invasion of privacy, something he knew would surely drive the boy away forever. “I ask again, why do you care?”
His mother stood, brushing nonexistent wrinkles from her pants. “I suggest you look into what the boy has been up to. Perhaps ask your pet, I know he’s been hounding Richard.”
Damian opened his mouth to argue, but his mother just pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before slipping into the hall. “And tell your cousin that should my grandson face significant harm, the League will wipe her little organization from existence.”
“Mother!” He followed her into the hall, but she was already gone. He didn’t bother to give chase, knowing she wouldn’t tell him any more than she already had.
“What was that all about?” Jon asked, coming through the front door.
“I’m not sure.”
Oh, he could certainly put the pieces together.
Mara was up to something, something that could put Richard in danger, but what could she be up to that would put her on the Teen Titans’ radar? His team was efficient, but they didn’t handle the type of secretive things the League of Shadows or Outsiders dealt with. The kind of things the Demon’s Followers dealt in.
There was also his mother’s descriptor for Richard. Saying that his mother wasn’t fond of his family was an understatement. She absolutely loathed Tim and Duke, more than even Damian had during those first few months after he’d been brought back to life, and the Council’s interest in Tim had only aggravated her feelings for him. She was more neutral about Cass and Jason, but she saw his sister as a stand-in child that his father should have rid himself of when his true child arrived and she saw Jason as his and his father’s pet street trash. For her to not only claim his ward as her grandson, but to also place him under her protection was… out of character. They had never spoken about Richard before, what with her going dark due to the Council’s actions during his father’s absence followed by his feelings towards Jason’s death and resurrection, but Damian had assumed she’d feel no different for him than Jason given his circus heritage.
“Are you going to go talk to Richie?”
Damian shot his partner a look.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re giving him space. It’s been over a year, though, D. I think that’s enough space.”
“He has to come to me. If I force myself into his life -”
“He’ll resent you,” Jon finished. “Okay, but he’s got that Bat stubbornness you’ve all somehow managed to inherit from Bruce despite the fact most of you aren’t actually related to him. Richie’s not going to make the first move. So if neither of you reaches out…”
“I don’t have time for this,” Damian muttered, heading for the door to the basement. “I need to figure out what Mara is up to and if the Teen Titans can handle it on their own.”
“Bats,” Jon huffed and followed him down. He stayed on the stairs, though, as Damian opened the secret door that led down to the Perch. “Do you want any help?”
Damian paused. “… Not at this time. Somerset will need your focus while I’m distracted. If anything changes, I will let you know.”
“Alright.” Jon drifted up behind him to wrap his arms around Damian’s waist. “Just know I’m here if you need anything. And be careful.”
“I will.” He leaned back into his partner for a moment before pulling away.
Red Hood was watching a factory burn when Flamebird found him. The teen had a gun pointed at his head before he could even speak. “Come for the fireworks, Boss-Bird.”
“I don’t want to fight. I need to talk to you. It’s about Robin,” Flamebird said, holding up his hands. He quickly ducked to the side when Red Hood shot at him.
“Yeah, no, you lost your chance to talk about him when you let Bitch-man kick him out.”
“That’s not what happened,” Flamebird said and threw a feather, lodging it in the gun’s barrel. “And it’s not the point. Mother came asking after him.”
That made Red Hood’s anger spike into fury, but at least he paused his attack. “She has even less of a right to talk about Red Bird.”
“Agreed, but I’m not about to ignore a warning about Robin’s safety, no matter who it came from.”
“So now you care?”
Flamebird sighed. “Hood, please, can we at least agree to put this aside for Robin’s sake?”
Hood threw the plugged gun at him. “You’ve got ninety seconds. This better be good.”
“Have you heard of the Demon’s Followers?” Flamebird asked as he grabbed the gun and slowly approached his brother.
“No. They related to your dear grandpa's cult?”
“Sort of. Like the Council, the Followers were a faction of the League that left when Mother took power. Instead of worshiping Ra’s, though, they follow my cousin.”
“You have a cousin?”
“Mara al Ghul, the daughter of one of Mother’s elder brothers. She resents me for leaving the League. She came after me when I was just forming the League of Shadows, but we took her down. The Followers have mostly operated as an organized band of mercenaries since, though Mara’s always looking for a way to gain power or spite me.”
“And you didn’t tell us about this because…?”
“I told Father, and I’m sure Barbara knows, but Mara shares Mother’s opinion of you all -”
“Meaning she thinks we’re trash.”
“- so there was never any reason to involve you.”
“Right,” Red Hood snipped. “And why does this matter?”
“Mother insinuated the Teen Titans have gotten or will get involved with the Followers, specifically with Mara putting Robin in harm’s way. When I asked for more information she acted surprised that I wasn’t already aware and suggested I speak to you. I looked into it and found evidence of the Followers in California, but nothing focused on Jump or the Teen Titans. So here I am.”
Red Hood crossed his arms and turned to leave. “Well, I haven’t heard about any Mara or her Followers so you’re out of luck. I’ll let Red Bird know to keep an eye out, though.”
Flamebird nodded, knowing he wouldn’t get any more out of his wayward brother. “Let him know she might use an alias as well. She has used Maria, Miranda, and Mariam for given names and Raatko, Tate, and Šabaḥ for surnames.”
“Sh-Shabac?” Red Hood said, looking over his shoulder.
“Šabaḥ,” Flamebird repeated slowly. “It means ghost in Arabic. She chose it to pay homage to her father, who went by White Ghost.”
Red Hood stared at him for a moment then pulled a communicator out of one of the pockets on his belt. “Shit, shit, shit!”
“Shut up!” He brought one of his hands to his helmet and the red color leached away until only an X remained, the drain revealing a white skull on black. Similarly, glowing red X’s appeared on the back of his gloves and across his chest.
Red X flipped open the communicator and pressed a button on the side.
“What’s going on?”
“I swear, if they lost him again…” Red X muttered as the communicator rang.
“X -”
“Who is this?” a voice said from the communicator and Flamebird looked over to see Nightstar’s face staring back.
“Take a guess, Princess. Where’s Red Bird? And if you tell me you lost him to that stalker bitch again, I’m going to wreak bloody vengeance on the lot of you.”
Nightstar scowled, but was knocked out of view before she could say anything by Impulse. “What stalker? Do you know something about Robin’s disappearance? Howdidyoucallus? WhydoyouhaveaT-Comm?”
“Bloody. Vengeance,” Red X growled and Flamebird grabbed the communicator before he could destroy it.
Impulse gasped as he came into view, but he ignored her. “What do you mean Robin disappeared?”
“I, uh…” Impulse glanced between him and someone offscreen. She mouthed, Help!
The screen’s view expanded to show the rest of Robin’s team.
Virus was vibrating, the edges of their body going to static. Nightstar was glaring up at him, eyes glowing. Impulse was still gaping and Wonder Girl looked startled as well, but was working to hide it as she stepped forward.
“Flamebird, this is unexpected. What are you doing with Red X?”
“We’re looking for my baby brother!” Red X growled.
“X, calm down,” Flambird said and the boy flipped him off. “What can you tell me about Robin’s disappearance?”
“Why do you care?” Nightstar asked, eyes narrowing further.
Flamebird breathed out through his nose as Red X snorted. “Knew I liked you, Princess. I’ll make your death quick.”
“I received information about a dangerous group of mercenaries in your area. There may be a connection. What happened?”
Virus leaned towards Impulse and whispered, “Are the Teen Titans going to work with the Flamebird?”
“I think so. This is so cool! Do you think Batgirl will be there?”
“Or Nightwing!?”
“We can hear you, dorks,” Red X huffed and the two flinched, Virus ducking behind Nightstar and Impulse blushing. “Just tell us what happened to Robin!”
Wonder Girl cleared her throat. “Well, last night Impulse and Robin were on a date at the boardwalk.”
Flamebird blinked.
Red X snorted. “What? Didn’t know your kid had a girlfriend?”
“His kid?” Impulse squeaked.
“Flamebird is Robin’s father?” Virus asked.
Wonder Girl looked at her team, uncertain, and Nightstar sighed.
“Short answer: No, he isn’t. It’s complicated and not important right now,” she said with finality. “Robin and Impulse were at the boardwalk. They got separated in the mirror maze and no one’s seen him since. We searched the entire area, but couldn’t find any evidence of where he could have gone.”
“Virus scanned the maze,” Virus said. “Impulse was worried Robin’s disappearance was the work of Mirror Master or Reflek, but Virus didn't find any energy anomalies, not even any that would suggest teleportation. Robin just vanished.”
“You didn’t even find evidence of a fight?” Flamebird asked and the teens shook their heads. “Have you faced anyone recently who could have taken out Robin without leaving evidence?”
Wonder Girl shook her head. “We’ve considered that, but there aren’t many of our villains that could who aren’t locked up right now. The only one we considered was, well,” she gestured vaguely, “X. But Nightstar said she had evidence he wasn’t in Jump City at the time.”
Flamebird nodded, well aware that his youngest brother had been taking down a warehouse of drug dealers in Gotham the night before.
“Did you consider White when you went through your list?” Red X asked pointedly.
The teens shared a look.
“White hasn’t bothered any of us since she came back to life,” Impulse said.
“Maybe because she’s been reconnecting with all her minions,” he snorted. “I thought Red Bird said he was trying to track her progress.”
The teens looked uncomfortable.
“Which none of you knew because you all get mad when he investigates her. Of course.”
Nightstar crossed her arms. “He’s obsessed. We -”
“News flash, your teammate is a Bat. Any of your relatives who’ve worked with one of us could tell you that obsession and Paranoia come with the gig. And that’s, you know, ignoring the fact that that psycho is stalking him.”
“Stalking?” Flamebird asked.
“You better hope he’s fine when I rescue him or I'll raze that tower to the ground,” Red X said then snapped the communicator closed.
“What’s going on? Who’s White?” Flamebird asked as Red X grabbed the communicator and shoved it into his belt.
The boy stared him down for a moment then groaned and switched his suit back to Red Hood. “Follow me.”
His brother led him to a dilapidated apartment building. As he perched on a ledge to open a window, he muttered, “I’ll have to burn this safehouse now.”
The apartment was sparsely furnished, just a small card table with two folding chairs on either side and a couch in front of a book-covered coffee table. It was tidy, though. The books on the table were in neat, organized stacks. The kitchen counters were wiped clean and the only dishes that were out were the ones drying on the rack. The mattress that could be seen through the half-open bedroom door was also made to Alfred’s exacting standards despite its lack of frame or box spring.
Red Hood stomped across the living room to a closet door, opening it with a keycode to reveal weapons and ammunition arranged on shelves. He grabbed a tablet off a lower shelf and pulled up a file.
“She’s called the White Woman,” he said, opening an image for Flamebird to see.
The woman was covered from head to toe in a white suit styled after a Komon. The skirt only went halfway down her knees, though, revealing grey leggings that matched the obi around her waist and the hood that hid her hair and neck by connecting the suit to her hannya mask. Like the suit, the mask was primarily white, just with silver teeth, horns, and eyes. She also wore silver boots and gloves along with a matching utility belt over the obi that was designed to look like an obijime. A sword was strapped to her back, though he couldn’t see what kind from the angle.
“She started setting up shop in Jump City around a year ago. Her motivations weren’t very clear at first. Her lackeys stole and she set other villains loose on the city, but there didn’t really seem to be any goal in mind.”
“But she did have a goal.”
Red Hood nodded. “Dick realized she’d been testing the Titans, toying with them. He thought she was planning something for them, like trying to figure out how to take them down so she could take over. He… miscalculated.” He closed the picture and opened a new one from the file. “She was only after one of them.”
The image appeared to have been captured by a security camera. Richard was clearly the focal point, but he wasn’t Robin. The suit he was wearing almost seemed to be mocking the Robin suit. The tunic was still red, but a darker blood-like color that had also replaced the green on his boots and gloves. His belt, cape lining, and tunic’s trim were a dull silver instead of bright yellow and his sleeves, pants, and cape had inverted from black to stark white. His domino mask has similarly flipped colors, going from a black mask with white lenses to a white mask with black lenses. The R logo on his chest was replaced by a silver and black bird’s claw.
“Don’t know a lot of what went down since Red Bird did a hell of a job burying everything, but Robin went renegade for a week or two and started working with White. I thought he had just been undercover, but one of the few things Dick would tell me about his renegade act was that he wasn’t doing it by choice. She forced him to become her apprentice somehow, the creepy bitch. She’s obsessed with him, and would probably still be after him if she hadn’t died about six months back after one of her schemes backfired on her.”
Flamebird frowned as he switched the picture back to White.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know where Talia is,” Nyssa had said when Damian had contacted her after he’d found out about Red Hood. “She cut contact with me two weeks ago. Apparently, she objected to my use of the pits. If only you had called earlier so I could have called out the hypocrisy. Healing my niece is a far better use of the pits than fixing your pet.”
At the time, Damian had been so focused on arguing that Jason wasn’t a pet, he hadn’t questioned why Mara had needed to be healed in the pit. Especially one of Nyssa’s, which rarely saw use as his aunt was far warier of the effects of the pits than his mother or grandfather.
“Mara’s the White Woman,” Flamebird said, eyes tracing her mask. It reminded him of the Oni mask she’d worn thirteen years earlier, when she’d first attacked his team. “But why would she suddenly target Jump City?”
“Specifically Dick,” Red Hood corrected. “And beats me. Like we established, none of you al Ghuls give a crap about us.”
Flamebird opened his mouth, to argue that he did care. He cared about his Robin and he cared about his Batkid, no matter what either boy might think.
Then he froze.
“When she came to warn me, Mother called Richard her grandson,” Flamebird said, turning towards the window. “I don’t know why she’d claim him as family, let alone acknowledging him as my heir, but if she was willing to overlook our lack of blood relation -”
“White could too,” Red Hood finished, tossing the tablet back into the closet and slamming the door closed. It locked automatically as the anti-hero raced after his elder brother. “She’s been targeting Dick to get at you, and you didn’t. Even. Notice!”
“I need to find Robin.” Flamebird pulled out his grapple gun, but Red Hood grabbed his arm before he could fire.
“I’ll find him. You’ve done enough.”
“I have a list of places where Mara might be.”
“And I have a list of places where White might be.”
Flamebird pulled his arm away, but turned to the boy. “Then we can compare our lists and narrow it down.”
“Not happening,” Red Hood growled.
“Ho-Jason,” Flamebird said, setting his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “This is about Richard, remember. Our focus right now should be locating him as fast as possible. You can be as mad at me as you want later.”
Red Hood slapped the hand away. “I’m going to shoot you in the kneecaps when this is over.”
For clarification:
League of Assassins: The normal LoA in the comics, ran by Talia (with Nyssa as an advisor when they aren't fighting)
League of Shadows: Dami's team (Flamebird, Nightwing, Abuse, Beacon, Flyway, Nobody, Quick)
Council of Demons: A cult that worships Ra's and seeks to bring him back to life
Demon's Followers: Mara's criminal organization
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Oooh prompts! Batfam - A Robin of your choice requesting and receiving hugs from Bruce
Bruce wasn’t a competitive...
...He couldn’t even finish that sentence. He wasn’t sure how it was relevant. While Dick lit up whenever Clark came into the room, he was also Bruce’s Robin. They worked well together- Dick had a perspective that Bruce didn’t, while Bruce was more used to channeling the stomach-churning mix of grief and rage without leaping mindlessly into fights. 
...Well, he’d gotten over it, and Bruce didn’t do that anymore. He knew his temper, has sliced himself up on the edges of that. Dick, for all he’d lost, reacted by making new attachments, charming the world into being a better place. He didn’t need to end up like Bruce.
But he might have waited until just before Clark was about to turn the corner before throwing an arm over Dick’s shoulders and suggesting a colorful diner he knew the boy wanted to go to after hearing Leslie mention the old fashioned milkshakes.
Dick bounced a bit, childishness slipping through the messy burden of teenagerhood.
Tim was soaking wet, gasping, and he’d need to make sure the boy’s lungs were checked after dousing him with bleach, given the harbor, but...
He was alive. That was what mattered. He wasn’t going to be another boy Bruce couldn’t save.
Tim, while very glad to not be dead and well aware of the spiral Bruce had been in after Jason’s death, was really glad nobody was around to see that Bruce's hug left the newest Robin dangling off the ground.
“Aw, lookit the tiny baby bird,” Harley said, and Tim muffled a groan.
He had a talent for fucking up where Stephanie was concerned. It might even count as a superpower.
But he didn't need to be superpowered or the World's Greatest Detective  to know that this particular case would hit her hard.
Predatory adoption agency, harrassing poor or teenaged or poor and teenaged moms, moms who didn't have citizenship or were afraid to get an abortion. He'd thought ruefully of people like Georgia Tan, and reflected that any progress people liked to pretend society made could just as easily be wallpaper over rot.  
Which is why he didn't comment when Stephanie used one of Cass' nerve strikes a bit harder than it should have been- Montoya and Bullock looked like they didn't blame her, much. Given the comments the man had been making about the girls he'd targeted...
Harley, next time she crossed paths with the newest Robin, would probably congratulate the girl. When she was away from the Joker, she seemed to veer more towards cheerful chaos and ignoring rules, rather than malice.
But until then, Stephanie had nearly bit through her lip, and her normally loose, shambling gait was tight and brittle.
This was the sort of thing Dick was good with. Or Diana. Or Cassandra, who Stephanie actually liked.
But he knew what he should do.
He carefully placed an arm over her shoulder.
“You did good,” he said, meaning it. He didn't fully understand Stephanie, didn't understand her brashness or her recklessness or the way she lit up at the faintest of compliments the way Jason had.
But he should learn, if she was going to be Robin. Even if he still wanted Tim back, if he quietly hoped Tim would come back after seeing his... friend... in the Robin role.
But she did do good, and her blazing determination worked, if he was willing to work with her.
She tilted her head, as if working out a puzzle. “I'm not... I mean, thanks?” she tried.
He fought back the urge to smile, just a bit.
He'd needed to wait until Jason was tired and not up for a fight.
The hug was brief and just enough to reassure himself the boy- man, he needed to sort out how he would define Jason other than as Robin and the specter of his failure to do right by him made too, too solid flesh.
Ghosts didn't smell like sweat and kevlar and blood. Also, brimstone, because this was Halloween in Gotham. They didn't breathe like their ribs were bruised.
“...The fuck, are you possessed? Do we have to get Blood or one of the other magic crazies?” Jason asked, muffled by that absurd helmet. He missed Stephanie, who would have gleefully taken Jason to task for it, and probably would do it without setting him off the way Tim or Dick would.
“I'm glad you aren't dead,” he said, instead. “Alfred will be, as well.” He couldn't resist a slight jab. “Diana would probably be happy to see you.”
He suspected Jason was blushing under the mask. “Didn't think you missed me, since you just moved on and all. Since the dickwad clown is still running around.”
He didn't answer that, because  the most honest answer- I didn't trust myself to stop, once I killed the Joker, I thought if I acted on it the rage would devour me- was one that would involve too much of a conversation for their current relationship.
“That isn't... the two things aren't related.”
“Neither are we,” Jason pointed out, before walking off.
Damien looked at him, eyes wide. “Father?”
“I...” Bruce paused. Damien was his son. Dick had been too young- hell, Bruce had been too young, and angry, and Jason will him too little, and Tim and Cassandra had been there while the Kanes had mostly been away from Gotham. “There are very few Waynes left. But. My mother had three brothers and a sister. One of her brothers are dead, but... we do have family. Who have politely insisted I introduce you to them.” He winced at the memory of Aunt Rebecca's commentary, complete with Bette laughing behind her mother's back. Kate had texted him with a series of increasingly ridiculous emoticons.
Damien, because Bruce was almost as bad with him as he'd been with Jason and Stephanie, took his expression the wrong way. “I will not embarrass you, Father.”
Bruce shook his head. “That's not one of my fears- my aunts are merely very... forceful.” He paused, and tilted his head. “I've also avoided introducing your brothers and sister to them, because I seem to have made a habit of isolating myself from my family who isn't involved in my... more private matters.” He paused. “My cousin Kate is Batwoman, which I have no doubt you will determine ... within five minutes of meeting her.”
“Five seconds,” Damien corrected, though softly enough to be amusing rather than arrogant. “So Dick and Cassandra have not met them?”
“I think Dick might have, at parties when I used to drag him as a boy, but no,” Bruce paused before adding, “Tim met them as neighbors and though those same parties.”
Damien nodded. “Is there a reason you never introduced them?”
“They are a bit... much,” Bruce said. “Though perhaps Kate will bring Maggie Sawyer.”
Damien took that without blinking, which was good. He'd never been entirely certain what Ra's had done with him, socially. “Should they be introduced? I know you have been careful, not to show favor to me as your son by blood.”
Bruce raised an eyebrow, waiting for further reasoning. The phrasing was slightly off, but it was improvement in his perception of the world.
“And if I am to prove myself to be the best, I would have it be by my actions, not because of thoughtlessness,” Damien added, looking nervous and reminding Bruce sharply how young Damien was.
He gave Damien a hug, because it was what Dick had done, and Stephanie, and they had helped Damien realize a better version of himself. Not a more humble version, but at least more thoughtful than...
Well, yes, Damien as he had been when he first came to Gotham, but more thoughtful than Bruce usually was.
“I'll check with Aunt Catherine,” he said, ruffling the boy's hair for good measure. “But I think it'll be more enjoyable, this way.”
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will-work-for-music · 7 years
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two thousand + seventeen birthed fantastic records that found me like friends, over + over again. these masterpieces lead me to people + experiences on adventures far better than i could have dreamed. these collections songs kept me company through the highest highs, the lowest lows + the walking in between of this year marked by hardship + madness, for most of the world. these are the tunes i smiled + screamed + cried + danced to the most, this year. i’m wildly grateful for each artist + the remarkable melody-wrapped memories they’ve gifted me. here’s to the songs that stay. 🖤
loved in no particular order:
brilliant + poetic + free. this band has been liberating me since i was seventeen. before lovely little lonely was even born i jumped at the chance to celebrate 10 years of this band of brothers who’ve grown up alongside their family of fans. to truly live the lyric: “let’s fall back in love with the world + who we are + do the things we talked about but never did before..” i’m grateful to the maine for adventures i only ever dreamed + for the soundtrack to them all.. she’s a masterpiece.
“And that ends an era. August ‘14-April ’17. I made this record for *you*. May you hear and see and feel yourself in these songs.” 🌊♥️🌊 - @johnmayer
she’s stunning from beginning to end.. i kept telling everyone this show felt like experiencing a film.. it’s surely safe to say JM has made another stellar, artistic set of songs for the soundtrack of my life. wow, wow, wow.. as he kept saying to us, “thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“[On The search for everything, Mayer] succeeds because he’s not donning a new costume: instead, he’s settling into a groove he can claim as his own, and it feels like he’s at home.” - AllMusic
* HARRY STYLES - harry styles
(on album release day) every once in awhile, a record comes along that surprises you in a great way. as i put it to my best friend, [on release day].. “oops, i think i like harry’s album.” THE cameron crowe recently wrote a truly stunning, intriguing rolling stone cover story with styles as the subject.. (the cover that my mom thought featured “a young mick jagger,” without a clue about the previous week’s SNL sketch, ha). as someone who was never into one direction (sorry, rob sheffield), i likely wouldn’t have given this album a shot, but it’s everything you wouldn’t expect to hear in a “former pop star” solo record. thanks to two of my favorite writers (rob sheffield, who penned the RS review like only he can, + crowe) for encouraging me to see harry for more than the kid from the boy band.. as crowe put it (on the RS music now podcast), “he’s a music geek, in the best way..” his love of classic rock shines through, while still capturing a sound all his own. well done, HS. “from the dining table” + “two ghosts” are early favorites.. which i chose just before ryan adams tweeted it.
Rolling Stone’s Rob Sheffield put HS at number 3 on his 2017 album list: “What a revelation to see Styles live the same week as Paul McCartney – a tutorial on the connection between joy and brilliance. So is this album. The songs are built to last, standing up to months of ridiculously heavy listening. The only rock star who can come on like Macca and Mick at the same time. The only rock star who could earn all six minutes of "Sign of the Times.” The only rock star using his hard-won artistic freedom to craft the kind of hilariously anti-commercial old-school personal statement where every song counts, making big guitar moves everybody else this year was too timid to try. The only rock star who thinks cigarettes in New York are “cheap.” The only rock star.“
* PRISONER - ryan adams
"i think ‘prisoner’ has so much more hope + sensuality in it—to me, it’s liberating. those songs are more a celebration of becoming something as it’s broken apart.”
a note to ryan, as tour came to a close:
i feel the most alive inside of these songs.. the ones that break me open + somehow heal me, all at once. RA, i know this time out on the road stole your health + your joy, at times, but the wonder with which you kept playing was magic to witness. i’m grateful for your pursuit of growth + grace, no matter what comes your way. be it bronchitis, haters or heartbreak, you never let anything keep you down. thank you for not one, but two flawless dates in two sparkling cities on the prisoner tour. rest up + stay weird.. xo
* ONLY THE LONELY - colony house
just shy of two weeks into 2017, franklin, tennessee born + bred band of brothers colony house released a creative, impactful collection of songs for the soul. the rocknroll band’s strong sophomore effort landed them spots in the year’s finest festivals across the country (homegrown pilgrimage fest, chicago’s lollapalooza, new orleans’ voodoo experience). it will be exciting to see where these driving, honest story songs take them in the coming year.
the fifth studio album from brandon flowers + co has been called their strongest in over a decade. the frontman said the lead single, “the man,” was written through the lens of what his 20-something self thought it was to be a man..“being tough + bringing home the bacon, when really it’s about being compassionate + empathetic.”
For NME, Flowers shared that the lyrics of the album are “the most personal and bare” that he has ever been: “I’m looking in the mirror on this record and focusing a lot on my own personal experiences. Instead of just drawing upon all these experiences and maybe using them in other songs, I am going straight for it with this and singing about my life and my family and that’s something different for me.” The track “Rut” was inspired by the struggle of Flowers’ wife Tana with PTSD. He said: “Usually I feel protective of her but I decided to take it head on. So 'Rut’ is about her submitting to it. That doesn’t mean that she’s gonna let it beat her, but rather that she’s gonna finally acknowledge that it’s there and promise to break this cycle.” Flowers also added that putting his wife’s battle into a song helped him understand better what she is going through. “Have All the Songs Been Written?” was originally the subject line of an email Brandon Flowers sent to Bono, in the midst of a bout of writer’s block, before the latter suggested it would make an excellent song title.“
'wonderful wonderful’ is altogether driving + poignant + strong, intricately crafted for the artist + his listener.
* METAPHYSICAL - the technicolors
as soon as i experienced the technicolors–friends/labelmates/co-creators of the maine–live, i knew they would be in my life from that day forward. it seemed previous projects couldn’t quite capture the passion + enthusiasm of that short set, so 2017’s "metaphysical” was highly anticipated by many.
the title’s defined as “relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses. beyond ordinary experience.” the aptly named project evokes a raw, ethereal energy that draws outside the lines, while remaining true to a rock solid focus. “sweat,” “imposter!” + “congratulations you’re a doll” would be welcome additions to any playlist, however it’s recommended listeners follow the sparkling sonic story from start to finish.
* CONCRETE + GOLD - foo fighters the ninth record from foo fighters is born + it is a freaking force. dave says it’s motörhead meets sgt. pepper’s. i sure do dig the super crunchy guitars + layered vocal melodies. paul mccartney plays drums + justin timberlake sings bgvs, just cause he wanted to + it makes me the happiest human.
“I feel an earthquake coming on,” Dave Grohl sings on “Dirty Water,” a moment of fragile guitar poetry from Foo Fighters’ ninth album. Of course, keeping things steady amid chaos has been one of Grohl’s signature themes since the Foos were born from the wreckage of Nirvana a couple of forevers ago. Musically and emotionally, Concrete and Gold is their most balanced record yet – from stadium-punk dive bombers like “Run” and “La Dee Da” to the acoustic soul that opens “T-Shirt,” in which Grohl gets his Nina Simone on, singing, “I don’t wanna be king/I just wanna sing a love song.” “Sunday Rain” is a guitar weeper so late-Beatles great it even has Paul McCartney playing drums on it.
Adele co-writer Greg Kurstin’s production adds big-studio texture without diluting the band’s raw tumult; even Justin Timberlake’s appearance – as a backing vocalist on the space-truckin’ “Make It Right” – is subtle rather than ostentatious. The highlight is “The Sky Is a Neighborhood,” a hulking dream-metal anthem: “Trouble to the right and left,” Grohl sings, driving into the darkness with a Bic lighter raised to the heavens.“ - Rolling Stone
* HALLOWEEN - ruston kelly
ruston kelly captured me, years ago, with the single release of his flawlessly raw, haunting "black magic.” ever since, like a ghost itself, the song was never far from me.
Rolling Stone writes, “Black Magic” is a crescendoing rocker that ponders the bewitching pull of romance –and how it can easily disappear in a cloud of smoke.“
"Kelly is just as adept at making catchy country grooves – Tim McGraw and Josh Abbott Band have cut his tracks –as he is capturing life’s darkest, most introspective moments. The songwriter’s debut EP, the Mike Mogis-produced Halloween, is a solemn meditation on the inevitable end of things, and the spirits that tend to haunt us. Kelly came to Tennessee as a last-minute decision after attending high school in Belgium (he jokes that his father might have been a spy). Once he landed in town, he held tenure in the jam band Elmwood and battled addiction, writing songs on Music Row while exploring his demons on Halloween and his forthcoming full-length. Current single "Black Magic” shows a powerful grasp on storytelling gleaned from his love of the Carter Family and Townes Van Zandt, but also a more ragged rock & roll soul: it’s Americana, if your Americana is Bruce Springsteen with an acoustic guitar, sung by someone who spins a little heavy metal too. “Sometimes I wear both a cowboy hat and a Slayer T-shirt, just to throw people off,” Kelly says.“
* REPUTATION - taylor swift
"hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you” at her core, i still believe taylor to be the fiercely strong, quietly brilliant songwriter she’s always been. the power of the song comes through when you strip it down + it still shines just as bright. thank you for making music that meets me where i am + takes me away, since that very first day, at fifteen (2006). thank you for this one + for playing it for jimmy fallon + his momma (go watch that performance + weep!) i look forward to growing into this record as i have the five that came before.. i’ve never doubted her prowess as a storyteller.. + i won’t start now.
see also: Rob Sheffield’s glorious write up. i wholeheartedly agree. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/albumreviews/taylor-swift-reputation-sheffield-review-most-intimate-lp-w511359
rob is my favorite RS writer/author on all-things music. from his books on life through the lens of pop music–bowie, beatles + duran duran songs, respectively, i wouldn’t trust anyone else’s TS review. he articulately captures how i feel, as a fan from album one.. i look forward to better understanding 'reputation’ with each spin, though i can’t help but miss the classic introspective ballads.
* DIVIDE - ed sheeran
a fantastically diverse record. once again, sheeran proves he can break all of the boundaries + stay true to himself as an artist. he does it all so well, without appearing to care what anyone else thinks. “dive” is a bold, beautiful statement i continue to come back to + feel just the same. the record punches + dances in all the right places, from beginning to end, begging to be played on repeat.
* LIFE CHANGES - thomas rhett
thomas rhett gifted us the quintessential road trip singalong soundtrack record of the year. the day after it was born was spent on a bus from chicago to nashville, so when it wasn’t playing through my earbuds, it was spinning on repeat in my mind. the title track still stands out clear + strong, though i thoroughly enjoyed a live taste of the addictive early maren morris duet–“craving you”–back in february on the hometeam tour. it’s no wonder his career has catapulted with his seamless versatility in blending country’s storytelling with pop music’s neverending ear candy likeablity. this record excellently showcases rhett’s range from anthemic radio jams to heartbreaker ballads and true-to-life tales in between.
* FROM A ROOM (vol 1 + 2) - chris stapleton
stapleton released music this year in two parts, dubbing them “from A room” volumes 1 + 2–not just any room, “'A’ room” being nashville’s historic RCA studio A. some songs included in the collection were written up to a decade ago; ones chosen as they still ring true to the bearded, believable-as-they-come singer/songwriter.
on the authenticity of his craft, stapleton says, “I can’t really speak to why people like what we do. Hopefully, they know what we do is authentically us, and that goes over no matter what kind of music you’re playing. People will kind of hear that and connect with that in ways they wouldn’t if you were trying to be something that you think might be popular; I think that’s always a mistake in music, maybe even in life. Do something 'cause it’s in your heart, do something 'cause it’s what you’re supposed to be doing.”
“broken halos” + “second one to know” will, to me, always conjure up memories of seeing him open for tom petty and the heartbreakers at wrigley field, on their 40th anniversary tour, this summer. music is medicine and these honest-to-the-bone tunes are instant classics as well as a balm for the soul.
* FIRST CIGARETTE - travis meadows
“we rise. we climb. we shine like broken stars.”
the above is perhaps the defining statement of next-level nashville singer/songwriter, travis meadows’ 2017 studio album, 'first cigarette.’ the veteran of a different kind of war, there’s not much meadows hasn’t faced in life–cancer, heartbreak, addiction, depression.. and no story is off-limits for the wonderfully raw-voiced, honest-as-they-come artist. each song stays true to travis’ heart, some a little more uncomfortably authentic than accessible (ie radio-friendly), but that’s the way meadows prefers his craft.
“underdogs,” “pontiac,” “hungry,” + “better boat” stand out from first listen, yet each track was chosen to land where they do in the lineup + in the heart of the listener.
Rolling Stone writes, “To his most ardent fans and peers, including Eric Church, Dierks Bentley and Jake Owen, who have all cut Meadows’ songs for their respective albums, his open-book approach to his craft is his greatest gift. But Meadows lives in fear of rejection. That ever-lingering sense of distrust remains…
[On having label support backing a project for the first time]:
"It validates all of the suffering that I went through to get here,” Meadows says. “It gives it purpose.”
“I try not to be too hard on myself,” Meadows continues, “but I don’t deserve any of this. So I’m grateful for every inch I get walking that mile.”
* STEEL TOWN - steve moakler
steel town had only been out for nine days + i’d woken up with these songs in my head, every morning. i’m partial to “wheels” + “gold” + “summer without her” (co-written with + ft. my favorite-for-so-long, sarah buxton!!) + the title track, but i cannot pick a favorite, friends. the long wait from 'wide open’ to this one was oh-so-worth it. thanks for another heartfelt record filled with story songs i can spin for years + years to come. seriously, don’t sleep on this love letter to a historically hardworking hometown.
* BRETT ELDREDGE - brett eldredge
“Brett Eldredge’s self-titled third album is the Number One country album this week. The Illinois native also scored the highest all-genre chart position of his career, landing at Number Two on the Billboard 200, behind Kendrick Lamar’s LP Damn.” - Rolling Stone (August 15)
eldredge is both effortless + earnest, perfectly showcasing his ability + personality on the record he calls, “the most [himself].” from the playful first single, “somethin’ i’m good at” to the heartfelt vulnerability of “castaway,” listeners experience all-sides of the equal parts smooth sinatra, fun-loving country crooner. the standouts are story songs–“the long way” is dreamlike while “no stopping you” is wistful–both shine brilliantly on studio LP number three.
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