#but it had to have had for you to have let her kiss you
I'm that type of romantic that actually was really touched about the small things about Colin "Last of the Romantics'' Bridgerton: - Colin defending her, telling her he loved her first and being silly just to make her laugh, happy to dance with her and make her feel beautiful and loved, already so excited that he acts like she's already Mrs. Bridgerton and once she actually is, he clearly loves saying "My wife", being happy to show her their home together; - Colin making sure their first time was good for her, making all about her pleasure and taking pleasure on her enjoyment, reassuring her all the way through and after ; - Colin not being able to pretend he's unhappy about marrying her, encouraging her to come to him at the altar. He was an emotional mess because he loves her and it showed, from his smile, dancing with her, to kissing her and caressing her face: - Colin repressing himself, trying not to sleep with her not because he doesn't love or desire her but because he is the type of guy that needs them to be perfectly connected for that, because that's how it was with her, he loves her and when they did make love it was a complete connection to him and anything less taints what they have, if he still has negative feelings and doubts, but being "weak" when she says i love you, his brain short-circuits and his heart and body acted; - Colin feeling lonely and admitting to himself that it was mostly because Pen didn't reply to his letters, him keeping her letters, and smiling to himself while he reads it; - Colin so heartbroken and sad and yet he is there, in their home, sleeping on that fucking couch but there, not on the streets making her feel insecure about his whereabouts; - Colin learning to love equally, accepting and respecting, admiring her, taking pleasure on her success, unafraid of confessing his feelings and his issues, letting himself be helped and loved back... Those are a few of the things that i love about Colin this season...yes, he lashed out unfairly sometimes, he was stubborn and had his ego bruised at times, but he learned and he never stopped trying to protect her, even if with the wrong approach at times. That, my friends, means to me way more than many sex scenes. But that's just me, i like the details, the in between the lines.
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luveline · 2 days
Hi, if you have time and any interest, would you write bombshell!reader comforting Spencer after the Maeve arc? Like maybe she’s the only one he lets in, and she just holds him and lets him cry and puts him first.
Will totally understand if you’d rather not/don’t reply!
ty for requesting!! <3 —You come home from months away to find Spencer in love and grieving, so you do what you can. fem, 2k
You didn’t expect Spencer to fall in love while you were gone, but you can’t begrudge him. Not for having feelings for someone who isn’t you, and certainly not for losing her. 
You love him, and you’re his friend first. 
Your shoes make sharp but steady sounds on the stairs up to his apartment. His building is old but not rundown, lacquered wooden bannister smooth under your hand, his front door immaculate, though the hallway is busy with baskets. There’s ribbon and cellophane everywhere. It’s a sorry sight. 
You haven’t brought Spencer anything besides dinner. Unlike yourself, you take in the offerings of his friends and worry you aren’t as caring as you think you are. 
Not that he seems in the mood to accept it. 
You look down at your mary jane’s and wonder if you’re doing any of this stuff right. Spencer doesn’t even know you’re back in the country, let alone the state. Perhaps he has no interest in seeing you after this long apart, and after such a tragedy. Who wants to see their too flirty friend when they’ve just lost a real love? 
You hike the tote up your shoulder. In a chequered skirt and a simple white t-shirt, you’re underdressed. The pasta you’d made and hurriedly wrapped up burns your hip where the bag rests against you, and you have to make a choice now. Let it burn you, standing and staring morosely at Spencer’s door, or face rejection. 
You only need to hear his voice. He can leave your pasta out here on the floor if he likes. What’s important is that he’s still alive in there. 
You knock on the door. 
Nothing. Complete silence. 
Nudging aside a basket of dried fruits, you try again. A simple rat-tat-tat. 
“Hey, Spencer?” you ask too quietly. 
He won’t hear you through the door. Your voice might as well be a whisper if he’s in his bedroom with the door closed. 
“Spencer, are you okay, my love?” you ask, louder.
You wince at yourself. My love couldn’t be more raw. 
“Sweetheart, I’m just here to see if you’re okay,” you say, knocking again, before leaving your hand to rest on the door. You lean forward, forehead kissing dark wood. 
You can’t hear anything on the other side. 
“Spencer,” you say with a reluctant swallow, “if you’re home, can you tell me? You don’t have to let me in. Just come to the door.” 
Penelope said he hasn’t texted her back for days. Derek said he’d answered the phone once or twice, but beyond that he’s silent. You had a nightmare on the plane home that you’d come back to find him as he’s found his poor girl, or that he’d turn to old vices, or that he’d finally give up. He’s been strong through every horrible thing thrown his way, and now he’s all alone again—
The door opens slowly. You stand up straighter, your surprise a whack to the chest as your heartbeat picks up. 
Spencer stands at the door. He looks more tired than you’ve ever seen him, his dark circles bruised like wine stains under his eyes, even his eyelids red and sore looking. His lips are almost colourless, they're so chapped, and his pyjama pants have deep, deep wrinkles at the knees. 
“Hi,” you say. “Spencer, how are you?” 
His voice rings with disuse. “You’re here.” 
“Came straight home when they told me,” you say softly, honestly. “I knew I had to see you. To make sure you’re okay.” 
“I’m not okay.” 
“I know.” You don’t know if it’s okay to ask to come in, if he’ll close the door at the suggestion, so you don’t. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry.” You put weight in the wrong places, too much on I’m, not enough on so. “I can’t imagine it. I would never wish this for you, never.” 
“You were in Brazil.” 
“I was.” 
He must be tired of people asking if he’s okay, yet it wants to be asked. You bite it down, and instead offer what may be the key to getting in, or a quick dismissal. 
“I made dinner for you, angel,” you say. You choose the pet name more carefully. He used to call you angel to make you feel better. “It’s just pasta, I tried not to make it too heavy in case you're nauseous.” 
“I feel so sick,” he says. 
Spencer’s curse is that he probably knows why he feels sick, and he probably knows a hundred different remedies or medications or prayers to get rid of it, but nothing can get rid of this feeling. You can be the smartest man alive and you’ll never outfox grief. 
“Will you come in?” he asks.
You breathe a short, unbidden sigh of relief. He steps aside to let you in, and you gaze around at his shock of mess, books and blankets and furniture all in the wrong places, but it’s to be expected, and it doesn’t bother you beyond that empathetic hum of hurt tucked under your ribs. You approach his couch covered in books and put your tote bag atop them, turning to tell Spencer you’ll just quickly move these aside, and stopping dead when you see him. The door closed, his face pale, Spencer looks like everything is crumbling down around him. He looks horrified to have to watch, and he looks as sick as he’d confessed. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here,” you say, meaning it at its surface value. You’re sorry you were in a different country while he faced this alone. Beyond everything you’ve shared, you’re supposed to be his friend, and in a way you’ve let him down. “Please forgive me if you can, Spencer.” 
He nods tightly. 
“Let me move some of this stuff and we can sit down together, is that okay? Or do you need to go back to bed?” 
“It’s okay.” 
You do it without the grace his precious books deserve, lugging armfuls of them onto the floor, no time for tidying. You make spacious room for him and you, and your gesture gently for him to come and sit, fingers moving through the air slowly with the suggestion; he doesn’t have to listen if he doesn’t want to. 
What is it about you that Spencer would let you in before anyone else? That he’d sit and watch you until you sat down, that his shoulders relax ever so slightly when you settle, your thighs aligned? 
Maybe he needs someone who wasn’t there to watch it happen, and maybe you’re like family. You and Spencer may not be in love, but you love one another. Seeing him like this has you wishing you could fix it for him so keenly it’s like your hands are bruised. Pins and needles eat your fingers as you hold a hand to his elbow. 
“What can I do?” you ask, murmuring so as not to disturb the quiet room. 
“Nothing, I’m sorry. I don’t have anything for you to do, I just…” He squeezes his eyes closed. “I just wanted to see you. You’re the only person who– who–”
His voice lifts to a strangled high pitch as he covers his eyes with one hand. 
“Can I give you a hug?” you ask. 
He nods into his hand but doesn’t move. You have no qualms with making yourself big, wrapping him up, and guiding his hand away from his scrunched up face to hold you back. 
You’re pretty pristine with hugs, as they go. You’re a soft touch. So Spencer holds you tightly and you cradle the back of his head, aware that you’re not who he really wants to be hugging, but okay with it nonetheless. “I’m so sorry,” you say, mouth to the top of his head, your hand stroking with light touches against the nape of his neck. “Spencer, it’s not fair.” 
He starts shaking in your arms. 
“The only time I got to talk to her face to face was with a gun to her head,” he says, his eye hot where it’s squished to the bottom of your cheek. 
“Honey, you had something special,” you say, sort of guessing, because you had no idea Spencer was even talking to someone. Everything you know about the situation you learned from Hotch, but you can read from his level of distress how much she meant to him. “You don’t need to have been face to face to have shared something like that. Love is about connection, and I’m so sorry you don’t get to see her, but you– I’m sorry. You didn’t get all the time you deserved.” 
You’d been trying to say that it doesn’t matter if he saw her or not, that their relationship was just as real no matter what, but you know he’s not just mourning her, but the possibility of a life with her he won’t get now. 
“I tried everything I had to save her,” he says. 
“I know you did. Sometimes we can’t do anything. It’s not your fault.” 
He makes a low sound. He’s a quiet crier, sniffling and shaking against your neck. 
You love him. Finding out he had a girlfriend was like being stabbed in the chest, an instant sickness, but finding out that she died? To see him in this much pain cuts deeper than a split second of thinking he’d moved on. 
“You did everything you could. You did the best that you could. Spencer, you could’ve done everything right and she still wouldn’t have made it, because the world is cruel. This isn’t your fault.” 
“It’s always gonna be my fault,” he says. 
“No, it won’t be.” 
“It will! I’m like a curse, we all are.” 
You don’t know what to say. You consider offering placatives, but they’d be empty, and Spencer would know. Instead, you scratch a hand through his curls and try your best to be gentle. 
“Well, I’m here for you. I know you know you have a whole team of people who want to be there for you, but I mean it, Spence. You can tell me everything. I’m here for you and I’m not leaving again.” 
“You don’t have to go back?” 
“I’m staying here.” For as long as you need me goes unsaid. 
Spencer should rely on the kindness of all of his friends, and not just you. He needs love. Grief is going to eat him alive, just like it did with Emily; he’ll need everything from everyone, and, no offence to your friends and coworkers, you’re the most committed to giving it to him. 
“I never should’ve left,” you say quietly, “but things are different now. You’re my best friend, Dr. Reid.” Your tone turns more playful. “I don’t cook for just anybody, you know?” 
Maybe it’s a bit cringeworthy, but you really want him to stop crying. 
He laughs weakly and wetly into your collar. “I don’t think I can eat it. I just throw everything back up.” 
Aw, honey, you think. “How about a thin soup? I can make you something without any heavy creams. I make the best chicken soup around.” 
“Do you?” he asks. 
You want to kiss his cheek as you would’ve before you left, but things really are different now. You settle for patting his shoulder. “I do. We’ll have chicken soup, and some fresh bread, and– and you won’t have to pretend you aren’t miserable. Promise. You can be as sad as you want, honey, I just wanna sit with you and make sure it doesn’t get too much.” 
“Thank you,” he mumbles. 
“It’s okay.” You don’t want a thank you. “I’m glad to be home. Do you think you can get dressed? Let’s go get some stuff for dinner.” 
Spencer, to your relief, gets up to get changed without complaint. He checks you’re still on the couch a few times from the doorway of his room. You have no plans on straying far. 
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starsinscript · 3 days
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ acts of service boyfriend ; cl16
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summary ; you, and your boyfriend, charles, who loves performing acts of service, get ready for a night out.
tiktok ; yourusername
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yourusername cuts from my recent grwm 😆 (yes we were late)
[video description: in the first clip, you're looking through your jewelry, when charles walks into the room. his voice is heard softly as his arms comes into frame, picking out a few bracelets. "i like these, ma chérie," he says, holding out the bracelets in your preferred metal, ones you had already been thinking of. "tu veux que je les mette pour toi?" he asks, slipping them on your wrist at your blushy smile. he squeezes your wrist, walking behind you to pick out a necklace. "this is nice, no?" he grins, the necklace unable to be seen in frame. you giggle, rolling your eyes playfully. "it's very nice, cha." he walks behind you, moving your styled hair onto one of your shoulders to easily put the necklace on. you fiddle with the charm on the necklace, and when you move your hand to bring charles down for a kiss, the charm is out for all to see. 16. you cup charles' face and kiss him, pulling away giggling. "go get ready, cha." you say, pushing him away gently.
in the second clip, you're in front of your camera in your outfit, checking yourself out. charles walks back into the room, 'ooh'-ing at your outfit. he places his cup on your vanity, walking over to you. "une si jolie fille." he says, hands on your hips, thumbs rubbing softly. he kisses your cheek before humming. "this is a nice fabric," he comments. "feels soft." you giggle, turning around to face him. his hands slide to the small of your back, pushing you closer. "you think?" charles hums, kissing you softly. "have you picked out your shoes?" he wonders, looking at your closet. you pull yourself away to show charles you two shoe choices. a pair of flats that match your dress or a pair of heels that match your jewelry more. "i like the flats," he says and frowns as you go to slip them on. "no, no, let me," he takes the shoes, sitting you at the edge of the bed and kneeling in front of you. he softly kisses the curve of your knee after slipping on the first flat, then does the same after the second.
in the last clip, you're in the hallway of your apartment, fixing your hair in the mirror above your phone. charles walks in, finally ready. his hair is mussed in an attractive fashion, thick black glasses on his face. charles doesn't wear necklaces often, but you got him to wear a simple chain, that pokes out of the undone buttons of his dress shirt. the color of his button up matches your dress subtly, and his dress pants suits the color of his top. "very nice, mr leclerc," you comment, kissing his lips softly as he wraps his arms around your waist. he moves you from side to side slowly, like a soft lullaby. "come on, we have to go," you laugh, kissing the corner of his mouth before grabbing your phone.]
-> username him speaking in french 😩
-> username 'ma chérie' 'jolie fille' BRUH
-> username I WANNA BE HER SO BAD
username why is no talking about y/n caling charles 'cha'
-> username they're so hot they make me want to combust
username can't believe they've been hiding this
-> username that's mom and dad fr
username currently glitching because charles leclerc is on my fyp kissing the knees of his girlfriend and helping her put on her shoes and jewlery
-> username i screeched i'm being so fr
-> yourusername true 😊
-> username Y/N TELL US MORE
-> yourusername 🤫
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shaisuki · 2 days
Hiii, I read your chubby concubine work and I saw your requests were open so I wanted to ask for Sukuna x Concubine reader where she's very compliant and stays collected most of the time but she doesn't want him touching her clit and when he does she gets very vocal and sensitive please ? 🙏🏻
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᭝ ᨳଓ ՟ content warnings true form! sukuna, blow jobs, clit slapping, talks about murder, blood, penetrative sex, double penetration.
sukuna gets his meek and obedient concubine to get vocal.
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the dark hallways are illuminated with the torches placed in the pillars. guiding you to your master's private chambers. you were called for the night to accompany him and tend to his pleasures. the moon bright and full. the breeze cold as you paved your way.
you smoothed your kimono with your palms when you arrived in his chambers before raising your fist to knock, warning him of your arrival and you entered the door.
“sukuna-sama.” you briefly greeted him. head hung low as you waited for him to permit you to look at him. one thing you know of your master is you never look at his eyes until he allows you to. a painful death is imminent when he catches you looking at him.
“woman.” he calls you and that was your cue to look at him but you didn't dare to meet his gaze. anywhere your eyes can look but never at his eyes.
he sat upon his bed. legs spread and he's resting his chin in one of his arms. the black haori is the only thing that is covering his nakedness.
you slowly approached him and you're in front of him. even he's seated while you stand in front of him, he easily dwarfs you of his muscular body despite you being bigger than his other concubines.
“may i remove your haori, sukuna-sama?” in which he responds with a hum. his gaze never leaving you as he follows your every moment. you reach out for his haori. gently grabbing it as you slowly removed it from him. biting your lips and your gaze briefly meets the two eyes in the right side of his face. the brief look on his eyes got your heart rate spiking up and you hear him chuckle.
he smell the fear dancing around you along with the arousal between your thighs. it was a delight for him when he have that effect. striking fear in everyone enticing his palate with their flesh in his tongue. sukuna have already had you devoured if it wasn't for the reason you're his favorite concubine even that he can suppress the greed for the woman in front of him. the plumpness of your body and the taste of it in his tongue mingling and he's willing to let you live until you have no use for him. it will take a long time for that to happen and before that he's going to make a use out of you to be his cocksleeve.
he watches as you placed his haori beside him and your hands reach out for the obi of your kimono. delicately untying the knot before it falls to the floor along with your kimono. baring your body in front of him and he watch as your gaze drops to the two large cocks of his. hard and twitching. kneeling, your hands wrapped around them. giving it a firm squeeze before enveloping one of his cock around your mouth. the other being stroked with your hand.
“mmm—ah” the tip of his cock and your lips are connected with your spit. squeezing his lengths with your hand you went back to suck one his cocks. glistening as you gave it a suck before disconnect your mouth from it to kiss the tip and giving it kitten licks before sucking it with your mouth. your cheeks hollowing a bit to take his length deeper. you know how much sukuna likes you to take more of his cocks.
you bobbed your head. going back and forth until you're almost choking on your lord sukuna-sama's cock. it feels good. so good that you don't want to let go and just fully engulf his cocks to your mouth. you really loved the taste of it.
sukuna have you summoned for tonight and the previous nights. he won't say it but he have taken a fondness to you. a quality that once in a blue moon joins his harem. a meekly obedient mortal who have graced with a body an embodiment of wealth and fertility.
“stop.” he orders you and you halted your movements. “come and show me what you're made of, mortal.” his voice deep and that strikes a fear to your heart. you oblige without a second thought. walking towards him until your body is in front of him. the plate in the right side of his face where two of his eyes moves in a synchronized manner. one of his hands reach out to move the hair covering your chest to side. exposing you bare to him and grazing the skin with his sharp nails. droplets of blood surfaces in the teared skin. the smell of blood enticing him to take a taste of you and when you meet his gaze, you were done for.
it is said that no other concubines that laid in his bed had the privileged to ride him. it was the talk among your fellow concubines while they rouge their cheeks and combed their hair in the room where all of you gathered as concubines. you paid no mind to it and maybe you should have.
your legs burn while your holes squeezed around his cocks. you have been bouncing for hours more like minutes to say. biting your lower lip to contain the moans wanting to spill out from your mouth. it burns and it hurts. you didn't even dare to complain or voice out the difficulty of riding his two huge cocks that is swelling and definitely getting bigger inside of you. you were grateful for the support of your arms holding the cap of his knees while you ride him. it definitely helped you to ease the added burn and the stretch of his cock destroying your pussy and rearranging your guts.
it was always a question to him. how you stay collected and calm when you're being impaled by his cocks. he looks at your fat pussy between your legs. his cocks glistening as it went deeper inside you and your cunt gushes with your slick. he knows you are feeling good from the wetness between your thighs and coating his lengths. he hopes for a reaction besides the expression of your face contorting in pleasure and he wants to hear more aside from the breathless moans and the silent gasps you're emitting. it doesn't occur when a concubine of his stays this silent. they're loud and the shrill voice they make when he fucks them sends him to a irritation that they doesn't leave the room alive no matter how they suppressed it and there comes you. following every order and keeping his cocks nice and warm while being silent throughout the whole time. he ought to find on how to break you out of that collected persona of yours.
“ahh!” you squeaked out. a look of horror painted to your face as the pads of his fingers reached to rub your clit. a deep chuckle is followed. “there it is, can you still keep your voice low, human?” he challenges you and the tears swell to your eyes. face burning in embarrassment. you continued to bounce in his cocks but sukuna have other plans to you.
“please, sukuna-sama. don't touch m-me there.” you stutter out. “who are you to order me, mortal?” you shaked your head before gasping for air. choking on your moans.
he hears you squeal and your cunt gushes more slick that it was almost flowing. a pinch of your clit and your cunt convulses around his cocks. milking them and he growls in response. flicking your poor little clit and you were crying. begging for him to stop, your thighs trembling from your orgasm and another incoming one.
bored of the position, he places you on your back. your wrists are pinned above your head. “sukuna-sama?” he hears you call for him. your eyes glistening with tears. whining as he folds you. your stomach rolls are folded like dough being stacked. your knees are on the level of your chest and he stares at your puffy cunt before plunging his two cocks inside knocking the air in your lungs before pummeling your abused cunt with his length and it gotten worst when he comes to give your swollen clit with attention. slapping it while he thrusts his cocks to your fat pussy.
you laid there helplessly, you didn't know if you can still speak or it was the blunt force of his cocks are keeping your from speaking. you were too tired to speak out while he used you as his fleshlight.
sukuna watched in amusement as you came undone for his cocks the nth time. you can't even speak now seconds after you were screaming. moaning his name in desperation while he plows deeply inside you. you are truly a fascinating creature in his eyes and too bad you passed out before he can dump his load to you. he's willing to make an exception to you for now but there will be no next time. you better be sure to stay awake the next time he's giving your needy clit the attention it desperately needs.
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eufezco · 2 days
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Benedict needs to practice female form. Naked female form. And who better to help him than his lifelong friend?
Benedict x fem!reader (smut with plot, friends to lovers) + no use of y/n. english isn't my first language (!)
Benedict didn't know how to ask you.
You had been friends for a long time, your families were practically one. Always so united, your mamas took walks every afternoon, gossiping about the ton and your fathers had been friends since childhood. You and Benedict were bound to meet.
You and he grew up together. You were friends with his siblings, you had held sleepovers with his sisters and won cricket matches against his brothers. Lady Violet Bridgerton loved you like a daughter and your mother loved Benedict like a son.
But your friendship with him had always been special.
When you were twelve, you ran away together to camp on the riverbank, just because Benedict wanted to draw the moon reflecting in the water at night. The following year, despite the scolding you received for your river adventure, you and Benedict sneaked onto private land just to pluck a few petals from the summer sunflowers to get him the perfect shade of yellow.
You and Benedict were very close. Of course, there had always been rumors about what kind of relationship you two had and that Lady Whistledown had only added more fuel to the fire writing about you two in her pamphlets. You and him never cared about that, and neither your families but it was true that you two have had to face some uncomfortable conversations with them about it.
That's why Benedict didn't know how to ask you. You had a lot of trust in each other, you had always supported his artistic vocation but perhaps this was too much.
—Oh, thank God you've come. I am in need of a model —. It was the first thing Benedict said to you when you entered his studio. The maid closed the door behind you, leaving you alone with him. Thank goodness the Bridgertons' service was very discreet, if anyone found out that you and him were alone in a room it would cause quite a scandal.
—Good evening to you too, Benedict.
—My apologies. Good evening —. He leaned to kiss your cheek.— I need a model —. He let you know one more time.
—How have you been? Very stressed from what I can tell —. You tried to have a normal conversation with him before you paid attention to what he required.
You sighed. —Well, what is it? I thought we were going for a walk.
He nodded. —We can go outside later. But I need to get this done by tomorrow and I feel like I'm losing my mind.
—I need practice female form.
You slowly nodded. You were aware that Benedict had been recently attending this art academy, you were happy that he was finally able to pursue his passion and you couldn't deny that within the characteristic desperation of the artists, he looked very attractive. Benedict's hair was a mess, his white shirt was half-open, his sleeves were rolled up. He would never have allowed himself be seen in society like that and you were grateful because otherwise he would have all the girls after him.
—And you want me to...?
—Pose for me.
You weren't quite sure how to do it but it seemed easy and fun. All the times he had drawn you, he had done it when you were distracted, reading, having tea with his sisters... The pencil moved effortlessly across the paper when he saw you laughing with Daphne or playing with the cards that Colin had brought back from his trip to Spain. He was already too embarrassed to admit each time he drew you and Anthony teased him by saying that if he didn't propose to you, he would show you his drawings, and Benedict's heart skipped a beat because he knew that his older brother was not known for being a joker.
Benedict still didn't know how he was going to ask you, maybe it was better to just let it out.
—And what shall I do? Just stand here? Like this? —You laughed and made a dramatic pose like the ones you saw in the paintings in the gallery you visited together.
—I need you to ...
Benedict swallowed nervously. He looked down at your dress and then directly into your eyes. You raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to finish. You also looked at your dress to see if there was something wrong with it.
—Benedict I don't think I understand what you are trying to say—
—I need to practice naked female form.
Benedict immediately noticed your horrified face. He wanted to go back seconds ago when he hadn't even asked but if it wasn't you, who would it be? —I will not draw your face. No one will know it is you. It will be purely professional, I just need a few minutes.
You bit the inside of your cheeks and decided to trust him when he said that it would be for professional purposes only. The unfinished nude sketches that made your cheeks burn when you saw them as you entered his studio showed you that Benedict found no inspiration in the bodies of the academy models. After a nervous swallowing, you nodded and Benedict's face lit up. He hugged you but you didn't have time to hug him back because he quickly went to prepare the canvas.
—Is the door locked? —You asked him as you shed the little jacket that covered your shoulders along with your gloves. Benedict rushed off to lock it and before he returned to his position behind the canvas. You called his name and gulped, your hands failing in their attempts to unzip your own dress. —May I please get some help?
—Oh, yes, of course. My apologies.
Benedict stood behind you, his fingers brushing the skin on your back as he began to slowly unzip it until the dress slid down your body and fell at your feet. Benedict felt like he had to look away, as if in a few seconds you would not be completely exposed to his eyes. He offered you his hand to help you get up on a small pedestal that he had in his studio. Once you got rid of your underwear, you felt vulnerable but not as vulnerable as when Benedict ran his eyes over your body from his position and with the paintbrush already in his hand.
He let out all the air he had in his lungs, he couldn't take his eyes off you. Benedict could not deny that he had imagined it on many occasions, but reality far surpassed his imagination.
—What... What should I do, Benedict? —You hugged yourself.
—Put your arms down and stand like that. You look perfect, darling.
Your cheeks burned after that. You did as he said. His brow was slightly furrowed in concentration as his eyes went from the canvas to you and back to the canvas. Benedict asked you to turn around and he squeezed his eyes tightly after seeing your bare ass. Purely professional, this was purely professional, he had to remind himself.
Benedict grabbed a wooden chair and walked over to you. Your heart skipped a beat once he was so close to your naked body and he felt the exact same. He placed the chair next to you and invited you to sit on it. He nodded slowly when you did, focusing on the new position of your body. Benedict went back behind the canvas and made a few sketches.
He cleared his throat. —Would it be possible if you... Could you spread your legs?
Your cheeks grew hot and you squeezed your thighs together.
The knot you had in your stomach got tighter and you felt your chest rise and fall slowly thanks to your deep breathing. You straightened your back in the chair and you did as Benedict asked. You felt the air of the room caressing you in that warm and wet area and he held his breath, his chest puffing out as your legs slowly opened for him.
—You are beautiful, darling. Do not be ashamed —. Every new inch he discovered of your body made you look more perfect in his eyes. It was as nice to see you as it was to paint you.
Your cheeks grew even hotter but this time it wasn't just your cheeks, your whole body was in flames starting with the area between your legs that was so exposed to his eyes.
—Could we try another position?
You nodded, relieved, you were sure it was painfully obvious the way you had gotten wet and you just hoped he was busy enough to not notice.
He dropped the paintbrush and got up from the stool on which he was sitting. Benedict felt the knot in his stomach grow tighter with each step he took closer to your naked body. You moved in the chair out of nervousness. Benedict leaned slightly over you. —May I? —He asked before touching your leg. His voice made you shiver, he was so close, you felt his hand brush against the skin of your thigh. You nodded and looked up at him while he repositioned your leg. Benedict's eyes meet yours, so helpless, his lifelong friend, was that innocence in your eyes, or was that...?
Your hand grabbed the back of Benedict's head and pressed his lips against yours. His eyes widened in surprise but immediately after, his hands went to cup your cheeks as he fell to his knees in front of you. You opened your legs so he could place himself between them and be closer to you. The shameless hands of your friend traveled down your neck until they reached your breasts. You moaned against his mouth once he gave them a gentle squeeze, the soft palm of his hand brushing against your nipples.
Benedict left a trail of soft kisses from your cheeks to your collarbones and your breasts. He took one in his mouth as his hand played with the other, his tongue moving in circles around your nipple and sucking on it at the same time. Your breathing quickened and your lips parted to let out soft moans when Benedict's teeth brushed your sensitive nipple.
He let go with a pop sound and watched you gasp for air. Benedict placed his hands on the inside of your thighs and caressed your skin there before he slowly pushed them to open even further. His hands prepared you for him, his eyes asked for your permission. You nodded and Benedict flashed you a smile, that was all he needed. He peppered your thighs with kisses, taking small bites and kissing your sore skin afterwards. Your breathing deepened as his mouth got closer to where you needed him the most. He was so close he could smell you and oh Lord, his dick got hard as a rock at that moment.
You took a sharp breath when he licked from your entrance to your clit and savored your juices in his mouth. The image was completely sinful, his blue eyes were locked on you while his lips sucked on your bundle of nerves, his hands forced your legs to stay open for him. Your head was thrown back, your mouth was open in a perfect "O" form, your fingers digging into his scalp. Once he noticed the desperation in the way your hips rolled against his mouth, two of his fingers entered you easily. You stifled a loud moan, throwing a hand over your mouth.
Benedict hummed, sending vibrations to your clit.
—Talk to me. How does this feel? —He required.
—So good. It feels... —You bit down your lower lip, his fingers sank deeper. —It feels like heaven.
He was satisfied with your answer.
Benedict fucked you with his fingers until you had to grab his wrist to get him to stop, it was too much. Your legs closed around his head but his lips were still attached to your clit and he didn't stop until he heard how your moans turned into whines and cries, not until he noticed how your back arched off the chair and your chest rose and fell uncontrolled thanks to your panting. Benedict didn't stop, not until he felt how your pussy was clenching so hard that almost pushed his fingers out of you and he heard you moan his name one last time as your grip on his hair tightened.
He gave you all the time you needed to catch your breath, kissing your legs and intertwining his fingers with yours while you came down from your high. Benedict's blue eyes were locked on you making every effort to later recall every single part of you.
—How are you feeling, darling? —Benedict stood on his feet and held your hands so that you would stand up as well. Before you could answer his question, you both realized how your legs were shaking and laughed. At the same time, you felt Benedict's grip on your hands grow stronger to keep you from falling.
Benedict leaned in and kissed your lips in the sweetest possible way. The tickling sensation in your body that you felt when you were naked in front of him had turned into a different kind of tickling, now focused on your stomach. It was so familiar, you had felt it so many times when you looked at him but now, with his lips on yours and his hands treating you with so much affection and care, it was different.
You could confirm that it was not only lust but also love.
You hummed against his lips. —Wait, did you finish your drawing?
Benedict shook his head. —But, please, do not worry about that. I will help you get dressed —. You frowned confused and he gave a quick kiss to your lips so, as he had told you, you would not worry. —I can finish later. There's no way I'm forgetting your body, my dear.
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vivwritesfics · 16 hours
do you think you could do something about max and reader having a really casual relationship and while max is always saying how casual it is whenever reader agrees he gets upset and starts to develop feelings for her and finally gets frustrated and asks her outright to date?
ok OKAY you can thank @biancathecool for sending me stuff on instagram that had be writing this
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Their relationship wasn't all that. It was just sex, two best friends sleeping together. They weren't together together, not in the way either of them wanted to be.
It was a confusing situation. To the outside world, Max was with Kelly. And he had been, for years. For years, he'd been so happy with her, but they'd fallen out of love.
Instead of breaking up and trying to find real love, they entered into some sort of... agreement. Keep things going in the public, for the sake of Kelly's career. It was a stupid, lonely agreement, and it must have been confusing for Penelope.
He hated it, hated how lonely it was. His nights were spent alone and his days were spent being spotted out and about with Kelly.
That was how he found himself in her arms, in her bed. She was just his best friend, but it was so damn comforting, ploughing her into the mattress night after night. Burying his loneliness between her thighs, falling asleep soon after.
Max wanted to be with her, but he couldn't. Not while he was still "with" Kelly. She knew it, but she didn't let it get between them. She was happy to keep sleeping with him, help him stave off the loneliness.
The fans knew who she was. They didn't know she was sleeping with him, but they knew she was his best friend. There at every race, there cheering in the Red Bull garage. Fan's had there suspicion. If there wasn't a new picture of him with Kelly coming out every few weeks, they would have thought they were together.
Fuck, Max wanted her. He whispered it late into the night, while she was sleeping against him. She never heard it, though. Never heard the way he loved her.
Max saw the tiktoks. How could he not? Her, speaking to the fans in the paddock. She was so kind and polite with them, answering any questions they had and taking pictures with them.
"We're just friends," she answered whenever she was asked about her relationship with Max.
We're just friends. Three words that left as if they were piercing a hole straight through Max's heart. He hated it. Hated that she wasn't his.
That night, as she laid against him, naked body against his own, he said that to her. "I wanna take you on a date," he said as his fingers moved up and down her arm.
She rolled her eyes as she turned to face him. "Your agreement with Kelly doesn't allow for that," she said and kissed his shoulder. "It's a nice dream, though, Max."
A scoff left his lips. "It shouldn't have to be a dream." He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. The kisses he pressed to her face were sweet and comforting. "One day soon, it's not gonna be just a dream, I promise.
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jarofstyles · 2 days
Blurb idea: dark Harry undressing y/n for the first time and she’s really shy and he’s like so in awe of her and like he thinks her underwear is so cute with bows😭 extra-daddy kink
Omg wait this is good…. I may continue it as a one shot if people like it
Check out our Patreon
Warning- knife play, daddy kink, dark h and he’s slightly crazy but oh well
“Look at that…” he crooned, tapping the blunt side of the knife over the smooth cotton. “Aren’t these just precious, little dove?”
He could see her chest rising and falling in what he assumed was both anticipation and slight fear. She’d gasped so pretty when he pulled the knife out to cut off the pathetic excuse of a skirt she she’d worn out tonight, but the blade was increasingly close to her skin. He wouldn’t cut her, no, but he could tell from their previous encounters that his little bird liked to be scared. Just a little bit.
“I didn’t… I didn’t know you’d see them.” She stuttered, laid out in his bed. In fact, she’d thought he was ignoring her this whole week. “You didn’t text me back and I wasn’t… I thought you got tired of talking to me.”
“Oh, darling…” he clicked his tongue, face softening slightly. “Never. I was just busy with my… errands.” He smirked at the connotation. Y/N had met him because she’d seen something she wasn’t supposed to, and instead of threatening her and making her run off with fear stricken into her heart? He’d decided to comfort her, take her for some hot cocoa and dropped her off at home. It had been entirely her want to kiss, which he’d done so greedily before leaving her.
Since then he hadn’t been able to leave her alone.
“Oh.” She whispered, eyes going back down to the cool metal against her skin. “I thought maybe I wasn’t so good last time.”
Harry scoffed, rolling his eyes as he thumbed over the gusset of her panties. The wet patch was growing, making him feel all the more smug as her breathing hitched. “You think having my load all over that pretty face was me being displeased?” He shook his head at how ridiculous his bird was. “No. I took some pretty pictures and made myself cum a few times when I was away. But the last three days I held off so I’d have some for you. I think you liked it a lot last time, didn’t you?” He mumbled, watching her eyes widen. His girl was shy, but it was good he knew exactly how to read her.
“You did. Tell Daddy y’liked it.” He encouraged her with a kiss to her tummy, eyes meeting hers. “Go one. We both know you know how to use that pretty mouth.”
“I-I liked it, Daddy.” She breathed, hips bucking slightly into his thumb. “I liked it so much.”
A smile split his face as he watched her eyes round out. “That’s my girl. You do so well, y’know that? Even after I’ve corrupted you a bit and made you do all sorts of nasty things for me, you’re the sweetest little thing I’ve ever met. That’s why I keep you.” Another kiss was placed to her sternum as he took the knife from her panties and split her shirt, ignoring the squeak of protest as the tattered fabric was opened to expose a match bra. A light pink with a matching bow in the middle of her tits, just like the taunting one on the waistband of her panties.
“Christ, you’re perfect.” He rubbed his face against her breasts, moving up with sloppy kisses all over her chest. “I love these things. So sweet. Almost could fool me into thinking you’ve got no idea on what to do with a cock, but I’ve taught you so well.” The knife was tossed to the side as his fingers tugged the cup of the bra down, lazily sucking one of her nipples into his mouth for a few seconds. Her hands gripped at his hair in surprise, the choked whimper making his cock twitch. “Was gonna cut these off, cause y’know Daddy hates shit getting in the way of my view but… god, I think M’gonna leave them on. Stain them with my cum. What do you think about that, baby? Gonna let me?”
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liyahin4k · 2 days
“Who are you talking to”
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Paige dose a prank were she’s being disrespectful to you in front of her mom 
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Paige sat up her phone in the living room so it was facing the kitchen where you and her mom were cooking dinner drew was to busy on the game to see what she was doing.
“Bebe did you get that thing I asked for” she asked walking into the kitchen “what thing” you asked not looking up at since you were busy cutting vegetables while Amy was busy with the stove.
“That thing I asked for” she asked again this time a little harsh That when you looked up “I don’t know what you’re talking about, didn’t ask me anything” you told her looking back towards the vegetables. “See this is what I’m talking about,I ask you to do something then you don’t do it” she said louder.
That time Amy heard what she said “who are you talking to” she asked shocked “her man,she doesn’t listen” Paige shouted pointing to you “you do know I have a knife in my hand right” you asked holding onto it tightly “Madison you don’t talk to her like that” her mom told her shaking her head with a frown.
“Man whatever, y’all are annoying” she mumbled walking past you and walked out the kitchen when she did she saw that drew had paused his game to listen and now his mouth was wide open shocked that she would say that to you two. Before she could get to her phone she was hit in the head with a shoe making her stumble
“Say it again i dare you” you yelled “you don’t talk to me like that let alone your mother,are you crazy” you asked walking closer to her “ouuuu you in trouble” drew laughed “dude chill” she cried not wanting to get hit again.
“I’m not your dude” you snapped “ok,ok I’m sorry it’s a prank she rushed out pointing to her hidden. You looked at her phone and huffed “you play to damn much” you mumbled picking up your shoe and going back into the kitchen.
Paige got up and quickly stopped the video before going back into the kitchen “I’m sorry” she mumbled hugging her mom “yeah,yeah” Amy waved her off,she then walked behind you “I’m sorry” she kissed your neck “next time it won’t be my shoe” was all you said as she kept apologizing.
Caption: 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 🥲
@kkarnold: that’s what you get 🤣🤣
@paigebueckers: shut up 😒
@ice: she was madddddd 😭
@y/n_babbymama: she is soo sick of you 😅
@paigebueckers: what’s with the username 😐
See more…
If you have any more prank ideas, just let me know 
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ragingbookdragon · 2 days
It’s an incessant knocking that pulls him from the fragile sleep he’s managed to get himself into, barely tugging on the balaclava before he opens the door, damn the risks, if someone wants to kill him at his own front door, he’ll let them. That is until he cracks the metal door from the frame and sees her standing there in her nightclothes, tear-streaked face in the cool Birmingham night.
He opens the door for her. “What are you doing here? Where are the children?”
“Left them with Denise.”
Denise. The only babysitter he approved of to watch his newborn daughter and six-year-old son.
“What’s going—”
She isn’t even two steps inside the apartment and she’s falling into his arms, dry sobs escaping her throat as she cries, “He’s gone, Simon. He’s gone.”
His eyes widen, she’s just now finally coming to terms with the fact that she buried her husband two days ago. Once a proud army wife, now a frenzied, exhausted widow, unsure how to raise two children by herself and go on.
“He’s gone. John’s—oh God, Simon, he’s dead.” She stares at him wide-eyed and gutted. “My John, he’s, he’s gone.” She cried out all her tears a few days ago when they first showed up at her door, and he watches as she raises her hands to her face, fingers caged around the sides of it as she sobs, “He’s gone, Simon. What am I going to do?” She’s working herself into a grief-driven anxiety attack. “What am I gonna do? How am I going to raise our—our children, oh, Simon, she’ll never know him.”
Tears finally come to her eyes, and she stares up at him in his arms.
“My sweet Morrigan will never know him,” she whimpers. “Oh, my sweet girl. She’ll never know how much he loved her.”
“She does,” he says, and he takes her chin in her hand. “Now you’ve gotta stop this. You can’t do this. You have to get it together.”
“But he—”
“Johnny’s dead. But your children need you. JJ and Morrigan need you.” It’s harsh but it dries up her tears as she stares at him with a pitiful look.
“I can’t do this alone,” she whispers. “I need him. He…John made it better. He always made it better. Without him…” she gazes at him. “What am I supposed to do, Simon? I’m all alone.”
“You’re a fool to believe that,” he replies and pulls her close; he misses his best friend too, unable to stop the tears that come to his eyes. He inhales shakily, feeling dampness grow in his sweatshirt, remembers how he had to sit down and explain to little JJ that his dad was gone. How he made a six-year-old boy promise to be strong and be the man of his home and watch his sister and mum, while the child in Simon was grieving the exact same thing.
“I’ve got you,” he whispers into her hair. “C’mon love, I got you,” he says, holding her tight as she breaks down into sobs again.
It’s horrible. His best friend hasn’t even been dead for a week and already Simon can’t help but feel his heart yearn for her. It’s a little cliché, laying the sleeping widow in his bed, smoothing her hair as be bends down and kisses her forehead. There’s something about the way her tear-stained cheeks glisten in the moonlight but he looks away and grabs the pillow from the other side of the bed and a blanket from the closet before he lays out on the floor beside her. Her hand falls over the side of the bed, and damn Simon’s soul, forgive me, Johnny, he props his elbow up and takes her hand, gently squeezing it in his large one, feeling her faintly squeeze back.
Strongest soldier you’ll ever meet, tough as nails, hard as steel.
But at Simon’s core, he is, a weak, weak man.
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hoshifighting · 2 days
virgin!mingyu x reader
warnings: first time experience, oral, hair grabbing, cock riding, slightly nipple play (m receiving)...
you and mingyu always bicker. it's your thing. teasing, mocking—it's all part of the routine. recently, though, you’ve been working on a college project with wonwoo, mingyu’s roommate. 
mingyu had just broken up with his girlfriend from campus a little while ago. wonwoo mentioned that his girlfriend lost patience with mingyu because he didn’t want to have sex with her. 
what she didn’t know was that he’s still a virgin. 
when you heard that, you felt sad. mingyu isn’t a bad person at all.you remember back in high school when you were the one being mocked for never having kissed anyone. mingyu, hearing all the fuss in the canteen, just walked over and kissed you. it made all the teasing stop.
you didn’t like that the gossip was about him now. one evening, wonwoo excuses himself, saying he needs to go to his parents' home. he leaves you at their dorm to finish the project, knowing mingyu is around.
“hey, can you pass me the glue?” you ask, not looking up from your work.
mingyu, lounging on his bed with a comic book, grumbles but gets up and hands it to you. “you know, you could get it yourself,” he says, a smirk playing on his lips.“
“yeah, but then i’d miss out on this delightful conversation,” you shoot back, rolling your eyes.
there’s a pause, then mingyu sits down across from you, watching you work. 
it’s quiet, almost too quiet, and you can feel his eyes on you. 
finally, you break the silence.“so, uh, wonwoo told me about you and your girlfriend,” you say, trying to keep your tone casual.mingyu’s expression darkens a bit.
 “oh, he did, did he?”
“yeah. i just… i’m sorry. she didn’t deserve to know anyway,” you say, fumbling with the glue cap.
he raises an eyebrow. “didn’t deserve to know what?”
“that you’re… you know, still a virgin,” you mumble, avoiding his gaze.
mingyu sighs and leans back in his chair. “it’s not something i’m ashamed of, you know. it’s just… private.”
“yeah, i get it. people can be really judgmental about stuff like that,” you say, thinking back to high school again.
“like when you hadn’t kissed anyone yet,” mingyu says, reading your mind.
“exactly,” you say, smiling a little. “that day in the canteen… you really saved me from a lot of embarrassment.”
he chuckles. “i remember. your face was so red.”
“oh, shut up,” you laugh, throwing a balled-up piece of paper at him.
he catches it easily, tossing it back. “i just didn’t want them to make you feel bad. you didn’t deserve it.”
“neither do you,” you say softly. “i think i... can help if you want to,” you say softly, feeling your cheeks warm up.
mingyu looks at you, confusion flickering across his face. “help with what?”
you swallow, feeling a bit nervous but determined. “with, you know, the whole... virgin thing.”
his eyes widen, and he sits up straighter. “wait, are you saying...?”
“yeah,” you interrupt, feeling a bit more confident. “i mean, if you want to, that is. no pressure.”
mingyu is silent for a moment, processing what you just said. then he runs a hand through his hair, a nervous habit you’ve seen a hundred times. “why would you want to do that?”
“because you deserve someone who cares and won’t judge you,” you say simply. “and because... i trust you.”
he looks at you, searching your face for any hint of a joke or insincerity. finding none, he takes a deep breath. “are you sure? i mean, we’ve always just...”
“bickered? yeah, i know. but there’s more to us than that,” you say, moving closer to him. “i think we’ve always known that, deep down.”
mingyu’s eyes soften, and he reaches out to take your hand. “okay. i trust you too.”
you both sit there for a moment, holding hands and letting the reality of the situation sink in. then, with a small smile, you lean in and kiss him.
you lean in and kiss him, feeling the softness of his lips and the tentative way he kisses back. it’s gentle at first, but soon the kiss deepens, becoming more urgent. your hands move to his shirt, pulling it up and over his head, revealing the smooth skin of his chest.
you break the kiss, trailing your lips down his neck and across his chest. you plant a soft kiss on each of his nipples, hearing his sharp intake of breath, a soft moan escaping his lips. his embarrassment is endearing, but you can tell he’s enjoying it.
“relax,” you whisper, your voice a soft command. “just enjoy it.”
you continue your path downward, kissing and nibbling along his stomach, feeling his muscles tense under your touch. when you reach the waistband of his pants, you look up at him, seeing the anticipation and nervousness in his eyes. you slide his pants down, freeing him from the confines of his clothes.
taking him into your hand, you give him a reassuring smile before lowering your mouth to him. your tongue flicks out, tasting the saltiness of his skin, and you can feel him shudder. as you take him deeper into your mouth, you hollow your cheeks and suck gently, eliciting a deep moan from him.
his hand tangles in your hair, not guiding, just holding, as if he needs the connection to ground himself. you start to move, slowly at first, getting used to the feel of him in your mouth. your spit makes everything slick, and you can taste the faint hint of precum.
you take him deeper, trying to relax your throat as you push him further in. his hips jerk slightly, and you feel his breath hitch. your fingers trail along his length, adding to the sensation, and you glance up to see his eyes half-closed, mouth slightly open in pleasure.
as you increase your pace, taking him as deep as you can, you press a finger gently against the slit at the tip, preventing him from reaching his climax too soon. he groans, the sound desperate and full of need.
“please,” he whispers, his voice strained.
you pull back, letting him slip from your mouth. “not yet,” you murmur, climbing back up to straddle him. you align yourself with him, and with a slow, deliberate motion, you sink down onto him.
the feeling is intense for both of you, and you take a moment to adjust, watching the way his eyes widen with the new sensation. you start to move, rocking your hips in a steady rhythm. his hands find your waist, holding you as if he’s afraid you might disappear.
“god, you feel amazing,” he groans, his grip tightening.
you smile down at him, leaning forward to kiss him again. the kiss is hungry, filled with the heat of the moment. as you move faster, you can feel him getting closer, his breathing becoming more erratic.
you adjust your angle, finding that perfect spot that makes both of you see stars. his moans grow louder, and you can tell he’s right on the edge. you pick up the pace, wanting to give him an unforgettable first time.
“come for me, mingyu,” you whisper against his lips.
with a final, deep thrust, he cries out, his body shuddering as he reaches his climax. the feeling of him coming inside you sends you over the edge as well, and you ride out the waves of pleasure together.
you collapse onto his chest, both of you breathing hard, sweat-slicked and spent. he wraps his arms around you, holding you close, and you can feel his heart pounding against yours.
“that was...” he begins, but he doesn’t seem to have the words.
“unforgettable?” you suggest, smiling as you nuzzle into his neck.
“yeah,” he agrees, his voice full of awe and gratitude. “unforgettable.”
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penguintimes · 2 days
Not my fault || Fridolina Rolfö x Reader (18+)
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Summary: You tease Frido.
Popped back after a month to drop a fic. Hope everyone enjoys! Feedback is very welcome.
It was Frido’s fault, really.
It was in the morning, when she stepped out of the bedroom dressed in a pair of leather pants that hugged her ass perfectly and a short sleeved white blouse. Her golden hair framed her face perfectly, tickling you when she bent down to kiss you goodbye as she left for media day.
It was almost unfair how she had towered over you, brushing her lips so gently over yours, her larger hands cradling your head. You felt small.
You weren’t particularly short by any means. You were around 165cm, which was average height. Of course, Frido was anything but average, and you certainly did not dislike it.
The feeling of her being so clearly physically superior, though… It sent a rush of excitement between your legs. While her kiss had been nothing but chaste, you were left standing in the kitchen with a racing heartbeat, breathing heavily as your coffee got cold.
It was just your luck that she would be gone the entire day. Frido was also incredibly possessive over your orgasms, and had a diabolical sixth sense for whether you disobeyed her or not, so you couldn’t just quickly take care of yourself in her absence.
So that left you with only one choice. Suffer through your persistent yearning for your girlfriend.
You had planned on having a quiet day reading or watching tv on your couch. You disliked going out frequently, so it had seemed like the ideal day in.
You couldn’t possibly have predicted the predicament you would find yourself in. You simply could not focus. Every sentence in your book was read and then forgotten just as quickly. Every page was reread multiple times before you could even begin to claim to have registered what was written.
All you could focus on was the increasingly difficult to ignore ache between your legs.
After half an hour of struggling through your book (which you had been very excited about), you gave up and turned on the tv. Perhaps a good series would take your mind off things.
No such luck. You tossed the tv remote on the coffee table in frustration, groaning. Rubbing your eyes desperately, you suddenly sat up as you had an idea.
It would land you in deep shit of course. Frido would take you apart with her sheer dominance. But you were desperate. And horny. You just wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine, although you knew she hadn’t intended to turn you on that morning.
You weren’t going to lie to yourself, it was purely selfish to want her to suffer as you were suffering.
Before you could talk yourself out of it, you took a picture of your hand in your shorts, sending it to Frido with a cheeky “I miss you” text.
She didn’t see it immediately, so over the next hour or so, you sent her a string of pictures, each one more compromising than the last, along with a long chain of texts, ranging from innocent “i love you” texts to utterly filthy ones.
Finally, your phone rang. Smirking to yourself, you declined the call. It rang again, and you let it.
Your anticipation grew as you received a text from Frido, a simple “stop”.
Although it had done absolutely nothing for your frustration, you felt deeply satisfied in knowing that at the very least, Frido was probably feeling just as frustrated as you were.
The rest of the day was spent alternating between mindlessly watching trashy netflix shows and obsessively cleaning the already spotless apartment.
You entertained yourself by imagining what Frido would do to you when she got back home. Would she edge you until you begged her to let you come, or would she fuck you roughly until you begging from overstimulation?
Finally, you heard the sound of keys jingling in the locks. You stood up, half in anticipation and half in fear.
Frido walked in, an unreadable expression etched into her face. You stood there, frozen, not daring to say anything.
She silently took off her coat and put her keys on the counter, then approached you. You could liken the image to a panther stalking towards you. She stopped right in front of you, forcing you to crane your neck upwards to maintain the uncomfortable eye-contact that had you paralyzed.
It unnerved you deeply that she hadn’t spoken a word yet. Maybe you should say something.
You opened your mouth, then shut it abruptly as Frido’s jaw clenched.
She brought one of her large hands to the back of your neck, squeezing lightly and sending shivers through your entire body. Using your neck as leverage, she led you to the bedroom.
Closing the door behind her, she turned to observe you.
‘Care to explain yourself? And don’t lie to me.’ She glared at you, daring you to disobey.
You stayed silent, slightly regretting your decision-making.
‘Nothing?’ Frido growled, ‘You had so much to say earlier. What a shame.’
‘I’m sorry,’ You whispered, hanging your head half in shame, half in intense arousal.
‘Why?’ She hissed, ‘Because you’re a needy brat who got herself worked up and decided to distract me at work? Do you know how badly I’ve been losing my mind?’
‘I just-’ you tried to explain yourself, but Frido cut you off with a rough shove onto the bed.
‘Shut up and let me fuck you.’
She all but ripped your clothes off of you, kissing you roughly. Her hands wandered all over your naked torso, caressing your skin gently, or twisting your nipples cruelly. You gasped into her mouth, letting her slip her tongue deeper into your mouth.
You tried to pull her closer, but she promptly removed your wandering hands. She nipped and sucked along your jaw as you released a whine.
“Yeah? You like it when I kiss you there?”
Her lips wrapped around your sensitive pulse and you mewled pathetically. You tried to tug her hands down to where you needed her, but Frido grabbed your wrists in an iron grip and pinned them by your head. You struggled and squirmed under her weight as she tightened her grip
‘No,’ She said sternly, ‘Stay.’
You whimpered at her tone, but obeyed her.
She yanked your shorts off, smirking broadly at your glistening folds. It was already dripping down onto the bed. Frido spread your legs open with her hands splayed against your thighs and blew on your pussy lightly, chuckling as your hips bucked.
“Hmm, someone liked that.” she teased. ‘‘You’re absolutely dripping, älskling.’ She cooed, running a long finger through your slick. ‘Is this all for me?’
‘Yes,’ you gasped, your back arching as she applied a little pleasure onto your aching clit.
‘Did I get you so horny and desperate?’ Frido rubbed your clit gently, ignoring your cries of pleasure. ‘Poor thing, you must have been so wet and helpless all day, with no one to fill up this pretty pussy.’
‘Y-yes! Yes, like that!’ You moaned, as she touched you exactly how you wanted. You fisted the sheets tightly, hips bucking wildly into her touch. You could already feel the knot in your stomach start to tighten.
She slipped a finger into you without warning. Your back almost arched just from the relief of having your girlfriend’s fingers filling you up. She thrusted gently, and slipped another finger in you. Stroking your clit with her thumbs, her fingers curled into all the right spots, over and over again, until your legs started to clench You swore you were seeing stars. You just needed a little more-
Then, just like that, it was gone. Frido pulled away from you entirely, sucking on the taste of you on her fingers, leaving you panting and confused.
‘No!’ You whined, ‘Why’d you stop, come back!’
You closed your legs as you observed her clicking her tongue while rummaging around the drawers, still clothed. The thought that you were naked, exposed on the bed when she wasn’t had you feeling so vulnerable. The feeling of being so powerless, so owned, had your head spinning.
‘You know better than to think I’d just let you come so easily, älskling.’ She came back, holding a large strap-on in her hands. ‘Especially when you’ve been such a brat.’
Frido caressed your face with her knuckles.
‘You’ll take it how I give it to you. Understood?’
She hovered over you, frowning at your shut legs. Glancing up to look at you, she raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow up at you.
“Älskling,” she warned, “Spread your legs. I won’t ask again.”
You slowly opened your legs, exposing your slick to her once again. She smiled fondly at you.
“There we go.” She cooed, “So much better now, no? Now all you need to do is lay there and let me fuck you.”
Frudi pressed the head against your entrance, swiping up and down your folds before pressing in. You whimpered at the stretch, your smaller frame trembling in her arms, yours wrapping tightly around her back. This time, she let you pull her close.
“Shh, you can take it.” She whispered into your ear. “T-too much, too fast.” You cried into her neck, nuzzling for comfort as her cock spread your cunt open.
“You can take it.” She said firmly. “Weren’t you acting like a whore earlier? Bratting because you didn’t have enough cock in you?. No, you asked for it, and you’re going to take it.”
Frido started to thrust deeper and stronger, pulling pathetic moans from you. The pain and the pleasure molded together, tightening the knot in your stomach once again.
“Frido, baby!” You cried, going incoherent immediately after as her thrusts got rougher. She grunted softly, rutting harder into you at the sound of your sweet voice crying her name.
“Like that?” She said in your ear, biting your earlobe sharply, rolling your clit between her fingers. “You like when I fuck this pussy?”
“Y-yes!” You moaned, “I love when you fuck me.”
“Mine.” She growled, thrusting particularly deep. “My pussy. All mine. Only I can touch it. Not anyone else. Certainly not little brats like you. You better remember that, Älskling.”
“All yours.” You breathed, burying your face into her shoulder. “Your pussy.” The coil in your gut tightened so much, your legs started to shake around her waist. “Baby, I’m going to come.” You whined.
“Beg,” She demanded, circling your clit rapidly.
“Please!” You cried immediately as you hurtled closer to the edge. “Baby, please, please let me come! Please, I need it!”
“Please, Frido! You make me feel so good! Please let me come, my pussy is yours, you own it.”
“Come,” She ordered, rubbing your throbbing clit. You tipped over the edge immediately, moaning loudly as hot white pleasure rushed through your body. Frido continued to fuck you through your high, prolonging your pleasure.
As you began to come down from the sheer amount of pleasure you felt, you realized Frido hadn’t slowed down her thrusts. Hips, jumping in sensitivity, you tried to bat away the hand that was still stroking your clit, just to find your hands yanked up and pinned down under a single iron grip.
You cried in sensitivity. “Frido, I can’t, it’s too much!” You squirmed uncomfortably under her, desperate to get away from her overwhelming touch.
“Does it hurt? Good.”
“Frido, please! I can’t!”
“You can and you will take it.” Frido hissed. “Weren’t you begging to come earlier? You were such a whore today, acting like a brat. Don’t worry though. I’ll be sure to keep filling this tight cunt, make sure you don’t feel needy anytime soon. I’ll fuck your attitude right out of you, Älskling.”
Before you knew it, you were coming again, screaming her name, your body spasming and bucking violently under her. Your vision went white as you clenched tightly around Frido. She stroked your back and slowed down her thrusts. You gasped for breath, still tightly wrapped around her.
Only when the strap shifted uncomfortably inside you did you unlatch yourself from Frido, pushing weakly at her. She slipped out of you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“You did so well, Älskling, letting me take care if you like that.”
“So good, baby.” You breathed. You shifted, then hissed in sensitivity at the movement.
“Maybe you’ll think of that next time you decide to act out, hm?” She chuckled, stroking your face.
“Rest up now, Älskling. We aren’t even close to done.”
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wileys-russo · 6 hours
she loves control II f.rolfö (18+)
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part of the colourblind universe, warnings for dom/sub dynamics and smut, minors DNI. i still feel a little conflicted about writing smut for real people so this might suddenly disappear, we'll see! she loves control II f.rolfö (18+)
it hadn't taken long once you started properly going out with your now fiance that despite her soft and loving tendencies as a partner, frido not only needed but craved and relished being in control.
in control over you, your behaviour, your body, your routine, your orgasms. and it was even more of a surprise that you didn't mind, in fact you shamelessly lapped it up, finding it shockingly easy to let her take the lead over things.
you learned very quickly just how far she would go to put you back into place if you dared forget it, never to take her kindness for a weakness as in the blink of an eye she could go from ridiculously soft to domineeringly stern so fast it made your head spin and between your legs ache.
as much as it was very much a power shift to have her be so in control, fridolina never made you feel less than or like you had no choice in anything you did, and you knew if she did you were expected to communicate this to her and she'd go above and beyond to rectify it.
because as much as the defender swore up and down that she wouldn't, you knew she'd also do anything and go anywhere you asked at the drop of a hat, both of you just as much head over heels for one another and unable to imagine a life without the other in it.
you really started to get a taste for this side of your swedish lover on only your fifth date. up until then you'd gone out together to do things, having met through mutual friends at an engagement party and hit it off right away.
the first time you went out with one another you hadn't quite realised it was a date, fridolina so effortlessly charming and friendly with everyone you found yourself unsure if it was all in your head that she was being more flirty than friendly with you.
but she was quick to assure it wasn't in your head, rather teasing it seemed you'd occupied a space in hers and she hadn't been able to get you off her mind for the last week and a half since the two of you had initially been introduced.
but tonight was another step forward, frido having asked you over to her apartment for dinner, something seemingly more private and intimate than any of your dates had been before.
it would be the first time the two of you had spent any time together that wasn't in a public setting and it had you nervously excited as you double checked the address and exhaled, knocking on her door.
barely a few seconds passed before you heard a lock turn and the door swung open, a pearly white smile and bright water colour eyes greeting you.
"hallå kärlek." the girl greeted excitedly, tugging you inside and into a hug, the two of you melting into one another as she kicked the door closed behind you.
picking up on the slightly nervous energy radiating off of you frido was quick to press a soft and reassuring kiss to your lips, smiling warmly as the two of you unwrapped from one another and her hand interlocked with yours.
"let me give you the grand tour!"
"-and this is my bedroom." the blonde pushed open the door to the final room, hand still linked with yours as you smiled fondly, running a finger over a series of jade statues on her dresser.
"its very you." you laughed taking it all in. "i hope that is a compliment." the older girl playfully glared as you nodded and promised it was, your hands breaking apart as she took seat on the corner of her bed.
"i love this." you complimented, nodding to a bright orange armchair in the corner near her window and bathed in sunlight, a chunky knit blanket draped over its back. "my little reading nook." frido smiled fondly right as you started to look through her extensive bookshelf.
"did you know i also have the softest mattress in all of sweden?" the footballer wiggled her eyebrows as you caught her eye. "oh really?" you challenged taking a few steps toward her until you were stood between her legs.
"mmm really, here see for yourself." you squealed as she pulled on the belt loops of your pants sending you tumbling forward onto her bed.
"fridolina!" you laughed, kicking her playfully as she laid down right beside you with a cheeky grin. "what? see, softest mattress in sweden." the girl tutted, her hand reaching out to push a loose strand of hair out of your face as you shook your head with a smile.
"you have a staring problem." you teased as she shifted a little closer, propping her head up on her hand to look down at you. "not staring, admiring." frido corrected, revelling in the pink blush which coated your cheeks.
"du är så söt." the taller girl smiled and indeed to her you were very cute, leaning down to press her lips to yours again though a little more passionately than how she'd greeted you at the door earlier.
you pushed at her shoulders, her back now flat to the mattress as you hovered over her, her hand coming to clutch at the back of your neck pressing the two of you even closer together.
her spare hand ghosted your hip where your shirt rode up slightly, fingers ice cold in comparison to your warm skin and you felt a smile tug at her lips as you squirmed ever so slightly.
after what felt like an eternity but wasn't more than ten or so minutes you both pulled away, frido chasing after your mouth with a few more stolen kisses and a teasing tug on your bottom lip with her teeth.
"is asking girls over to make them dinner just a cheap excuse to get them into bed with you rolfö?" you teased with a grin as the blonde playfully huffed and rolled her eyes.
"no it is an expensive one, the softest mattress in sweden is not cheap!"
"what happened to 'come over and i'll cook you dinner'?" you teased as the blonde grabbed out a variety of vegetables from the crisper, rinsing them and lining them up neatly on a tea towel draped over the counter in front of you.
"i am cooking, and you are prepping!" the girl bonked you softly on the nose with a carrot as you rolled your eyes in amusement. "snälla, don't roll your eyes at me." the words sounded soft as she paired them with a kiss, but they had your stomach twisting ever so slightly.
an early sign if you'd been paying enough attention at the time.
"please dice these and these finely, and then you can chop these a little rougher." frido explained pointing to different items as you nodded, rewarded with another kiss for your agreement as frido handed you a knife and grabbed her phone from her pocket.
"the song!" you laughed as she clicked play and the familiar tune sounded from the speaker atop her fridge, frido grinning with a nod and placing her phone down on the benchtop.
"may i have this dance...again?" the blonde asked with a cheeky smile, extending her hands toward you as you shook your head but took them none the less.
the song had been one the dj had easily played ten times at the engagement party where the two of you had met, becoming an ongoing joke with the pair of you that night to dance together every time it did, though a little drunker and with a little less balance as time dragged on.
"you are much more stable on your feet when you've had one glass of wine and not a few bottles!" you teased as she drew your body into hers, humming along and swaying the two of you side to side. "hey!" the footballer gasped pinching your hip gently.
"it was not a few bottles." the taller girl pouted as you smiled, craning your neck up to steal a few kisses, frido glancing over your shoulder every now and then checking on the meat which was slowly browning in the pan.
"no no you're right, it was a lot more." you patted her shoulder sympathetically as she gasped again and you let out a squeal as your body was dipped and almost hit the floor before she pulled you back up with a twirl.
"frido don't do that!" you hit her chest lightly, the smirk not dropping from her cherry red lips at all. "do what? this?" you squealed again as she dipped you once more even lower this time, bending down to hover her mouth above yours.
"you know if i did not pursue football i could have been a ballroom dancer." frido sighed dramatically with a small shrug, pulling you back up before you could kiss her, twirling you around and gently pushing you back toward the counter where the vegetable prep was waiting.
"really?" you questioned both in amusement and disbelief, taking your seat again, quirking an eyebrow at her as she nodded enthusiastically. "really. watch!" she grabbed her phone and changed songs, quickly tossing the meat about in the pan and flicking it down to a low heat.
"it is all about the counting and the steps, the key is to control your movements and have patience with the timing." frido explained, moving into position in the middle of her kitchen. "for example, the waltz-" she gestured for you to start cutting as you smiled but did so, picking up the knife.
"you go forward on your left foot, then to the side with your right foot but so it stays in line with the left, then you move your left to meet your right. and then you step backwards with your right foot, then to the side with your left foot but again always in line, then move the right to meet the left and repeat!" the defender demonstrated as she spoke and you had to admit she did not miss a single step.
"tack så mycket!" the blonde bowed and gestured her hands about dramatically as you clapped and whistled your approval, frido sending you a wink before quickly turning back to the meat.
satisfied with how it was browning she moved it aside to a bowl and tossed in an onion she'd already diced to caramelise. then for a moment she glanced behind her, eyebrows furrowing slightly at your own dicing technique.
"nej." you looked up at her voice, pausing your movements with a confused frown. "nej nej nej nej." the taller girl tutted with a shake of her head, quickly rounding the counter and moving in behind you.
her arms snuck around your torso, taller more muscular body pressing into the back of yours and caging you against the cold marble countertop. her slender fingers decorated with a few chunky rings tapped at the top of your hand and you dropped the knife on instinct, tensing a little as her nose brushed against the crook of your neck.
"not like that." frido tutted softly, grabbing the knife and your hand having you hold it as her own hands sat atop yours. "more like this. slower, finer, neater." frido murmured, breath warm against your ear as her hands moved yours much like a puppeteer, doing the movements for you and guiding them as if they were her own.
"understand?" the blonde asked quietly stilling your hands in hers and you nodded. "use your words, please." her tone just slightly more firm you again felt a strange feeling in your stomach. "i understand." you confirmed, feeling her smile into your shoulder.
"good, show me." she encouraged, a kiss pressed to the base of your neck as her hands moved instead to settle on your hips, pushing them ever so slowly into the counter as more of her body weight bore into you from behind.
"is this okay?" she asked before you could move, clearly referring to your current position as you nodded, frido opening her mouth before you realised your error and quickly corrected it.
"yes, it's nice." you confirmed verbally, earning you a proud smile and another kiss to your cheek. "good, now show me." she repeated, chin hooking over your shoulder as you resisted temptation to melt entirely into the warmth of her hold.
"very good, very very good." the defender praised at how quickly you picked up the change, dicing exactly as she'd shown you. once again at the praise this time your stomach flipped and something clicked, you wanted to please her, wanted her to be happy with you.
"you are a quick learner and a good listener kärlek." frido complimented, your head turning and chin tilting upward as reading your mind fridos own ducked and her lips rewarded you with a few proper kisses this time.
satisfied with your technique now it matched hers she left you to it, quickly moving back toward the stove top as you tried to pretend you didn't miss the way it felt having her pressed against you.
normal conversation flowed between you as sure enough you prepped and she cooked, rewarded for each task completed with a soft thank you, gentle praise and a kiss from the blonde, and you'd be lying if you said it wasn't affecting you just a little.
"please let me help!" you offered yet again, dinner done and your date about to wash everything up, frido shaking her head. "no, you just sit there and look pretty." the girl winked, another blush coating your cheeks at her words.
"you are quite the charmer." you smiled, resting your chin on your hand and trying not to focus on the way her arms rippled as she scrubbed, her hoodie sleeves pulled up to her elbows.
"well when the soft mattress trick does not work i need to use the rest of my tool belt to get pretty girls in bed." frido teased as you gasped softly and shook your head.
"so am i just one of your girls then?" you tutted playfully as she winked, wiping her hands on a tea towel as the water drained from the sink and she appeared now in front of you.
your breath caught a little in your throat as her hands cupped your face, bright eyes boring down into you with a smile so sweet it could rot a tooth, her thumbs tenderly tracing your jaw.
"no, you are one very special girl."
your face heating up your eyes moved to avoid hers on instinct, her pointer finger tapping your cheek with a small hum to capture your attention again.
"eyes on me when i speak to you." her tone sharpened slightly, eyebrows creased ever so slightly as her eyes searched yours for any sign of discomfort at the fact but to her pleasure she found none.
"they are so lovely, you should not hide them." her voice softened again, lips curling into a smile as yours did the same. "you're one to talk, your eyes are like a water colour painting." you quipped back, a chuckle leaving her mouth.
"well well well, whose the charmer now?"
from that day forward the two of you continued to see one another until eventually dates bled into seeing her near daily and you both realised this was becoming something more serious.
not a doubt in her mind that you really were a special girl frido was quick to ask you to be hers, officially, and without a pause at all you said yes.
as more time passed the blondes need for control became less and less subtle, as did your blatantly obvious response to it, one which pleased your girlfriend very very greatly.
as much as fridolina might have needed control, you needed her to take it just as much and gave it over more than willingly. you found the way she doted on you and made sure to correct any small behaviour or habit to her liking only made you fall for her more.
but again despite the way she could often switch so easily between soft and stern, you never ever felt mistreated or manipulated. she wanted you to do as she asked and you wanted to be told what was required of you.
“baby its big, bigger than what i’ve taken before.” you chewed your bottom lip nervously, sizing it up where it sat in the tall blondes hand. 
“I know, but you can do it. I know you can.” your girlfriend encouraged with a soft coo, nodding and caressing your cheek with her spare hand, using her thumb to tug your lip out from between your teeth with a small pop. 
“It’s not going to be easy, i’m going to choke on it.” you sighed with a small shake of your head. 
“no you will not kärlek, you just drink some water first and breathe in and out through your nose as you take it, like we practised.” the blonde reminded with another nod of encouragement. “okay.” you gave in, smile curling into frido’s features.
“give it to me.” you gave your own nod, looking more determined than you actually felt. “good, very good.” the blonde praised and you melted, readying yourself with a deep inhale.
then doing as she suggested you took a large mouthful of water, swallowing and extending your palm as your girlfriend placed the huge multivitamin into it, kissing your cheek as you popped the pill into your mouth and with a small struggle managed to get it down.
“see? easy. so dramatic for nothing!” frido teased, stealing a kiss and swallowing the crude remark back which sat on the tip of your tongue. “your health is important älska, you have to look after your body and your mind.” she smiled, lightly tapping your forehead with her pointer finger making you smile.
never much of a possessive woman, knowing that just as much as she was obsessed with you, you were just as much enamoured with her, it didn't stop your blonde lover from asserting herself just a little bit more when the two of you were out with friends.
"ready?" your girlfriend asked with a smile, car engine dying off as she twisted the key and you nodded. "you look beautiful raring." the blonde sighed, eyes raking over the outfit and accessories she'd carefully and lovingly picked by hand for you to wear.
"and you look gorgeous." you complimented back, fixing a slight smudge of her lipstick where you'd kissed her as the two of you got ready earlier. "i only look so good because i have you on my arm." the taller girl flirted with a wink as you rolled your eyes and pushed her lightly.
"hej. don't roll your eyes at me baby." a large hand grabbed your jaw, the slight pressure of how it squeezed a stark contrast to the way her finger ever so gently traced beneath your bottom lip.
"jag ber om ursäkt." you apologised sincerely, a happy smile in her features at how quickly you did so. "good girl." the defender breathed out, smile turning to a smirk at the slight pink tint in your cheeks.
that was another newer discovery, the way that two seemingly simple words could have you just as flustered as anything, your girlfriend figuring out early on that much as she adored you doing what she asked, you flourished in the praise she gave you after doing so.
“are you nervous?” frido picked up on the slight waver in your normally confident demeanour right away, eyes raking over you with concern. “a little, i want to make a good impression on your friends älskling.” you admitted, not having met this particular group just yet but they were old friends your girlfriend had gone to school with and you knew they meant a lot to her.
“min kärlek, they will love you, in fact they would be crazy not to. i am very very happy with you, they will see that because i make no move to hide it, this is the happiest i have been in a long time.” the taller girl promised, softly and sincerely as butterflies fluttered around your stomach.
“tack så mycket.” you thanked her, leaning over the dash to kiss her but her hand stopped you, your breath hitching as it wrapped gently around your neck, not applying any pressure but effectively stopping you in your tracks.
“later. i do not want you to smudge your lipstick that colour is just so perfect on you, my pretty girl.” the blonde complimented, grinning at the blush which followed. “matches these eh?” she teased, poking your cheek with her finger and letting go of your neck as you backed up.
you exhaled and took a second to collect your thoughts as your girlfriend stepped out of the car, quickly appearing at your door and pulling it open, extending a hand to help you out.
you murmured a soft thanks, the door closing and car locked as the pair of you headed across the parking lot toward the restaurant you were headed to meet with some of the blonde’s friends.
your girlfriends large hand sat flush against the small of your back, guiding you across the asphalt and toward the sound of glasses clinking and laughter. but the closer you got the more frido’s hand started to creep higher and higher, and by the time you were greeted by the hostess it sat against the back of your neck.
the small gesture was so common to you by now though you hardly noticed, in fact it felt a comfort of some sorts knowing she was right there. 
frido was also comforted by the fact that with a grip on the back of your neck it was much easier to control your movements through the crowded restaurant, keeping you locked besides her as the pair of you were lead over to the table already filled with her friends.
you smiled warmly as your girlfriend introduced you to them one by one, her hand again sliding down to the small of your back, guiding you to sit down right beside her once introductions were done.
it then moved to sit on your thigh just above your knee, the blonde never without a hand on you practically at all times, especially when out around others. though it wasn’t one that held an intention of possession, your girlfriend knew you were hers and she was yours and you didn’t have an eye that would ever wander, but it was more so to remind constantly that she was there.
“what looks good?” frido murmured as a menu was slipped in front of you, a gentle squeeze of her hand against your knee capturing your attention, not that it had slipped away for a second. “what looks good to you?” you repeated the question back almost right away.
“i asked you käraste, i expect an answer please.” your girlfriend murmured tone just a touch firmer as you nodded, her thumb tracing circles against your skin absentmindedly. you scanned the menu and offered up a few options, deciding to just split them between you.
as the waiter approached and began to take everyone’s order eventually his eyes turned to you, a smile and a raised eyebrow indicating it was your turn. “she will have the garlic prawn hot pot to start, the beef bourguignon for main and a glass of pinot blanc with ice.”your girlfriend ordered for you with a charming smile before ordering her own meal, hand still firmly planted on your leg.
you were pulled into conversation quickly once everyone had ordered but you let your girlfriend take the lead, knowing when to answer or chime in as frido would gently squeeze your leg in a silent permission.
when your wine came the blonde took it from the waiters hand before giving it to you, the same actions repeated with your meals. as it grew later in the evening her hand had travelled from your leg to again gently caress the back of your neck. sender fingers toying with the baby hairs curled there, arm draped over your shoulder and your chair scooted closer so your body was pressed against hers.
every little movement was calculated. the hands on your thigh, ordering for you, leading the conversation, all the ever so subtle signs of just how much she loved control, and you lapped every bit up happily.
there were of course other much less subtle ways that fridolina asserted her dominance, and by far your favourite was of course when the two of you were hidden away in the privacy of her bedroom.
from the very first time you shared your bodies with one another though the footballer made sure you were okay with everything, communication was just as important to her as control and you knew it was her expectation you uphold that.
you were back on the softest mattress in sweden once again, as the girl loved to remind you mainly so you’d shut her up with a kiss.
but this time the kisses were a little different, they held a slight air of longing and need, the air seemed to be filled with a new and exciting tension, something both of you had picked up on. 
so it was not to your girlfriends surprise when you moved to now be on top of her, your hands cupping her face and deepening the kiss further, but as always frido was the one in control as her hand sat on the back of your head so you couldn’t pull away.
her tongue licked filthily into your mouth and you shifted, the tiniest of noises made as frido’s lips curled into a slightly smug smile and her hand moved, both of them tapping your thighs before gently pushing at your shoulders.
“are you okay?” you questioned with a slight frown of concern, chest heaving just a little as you caught your breath. “more than okay kärlek, but i want to check something with you.” you shuffled back slightly as the blonde sat up, you still perched on her lap as you nodded for her to continue.
“i need you to tell me if you want to take things further than just kissing, i need your consent.” the footballer requested softly, brushing a loose piece of hair behind your ear as you melted. “i’ve been ready for awhile now, i promise you have my full consent.” you murmured, pecking her lips a few times in between words.
“good. now, i need you to promise me if there is anything you do not like or you change your mind you will tell me right away.” her tone shifted slightly as you nodded. “no. use your words, and look at me when you speak to me.” your breath hitched as her hand gripped your jaw, turning your head to face her again as your eyes strayed for a moment and hers bore into you expectantly.
“i promise.” you spoke sure of yourself, frido smiling clearly pleased and letting go of your jaw. you used this slight moment of freedom to grab the hem of your top, pulling it off of you and tossing it over your shoulder, grinning at the way the defenders eyes widened in surprise.
“i need you.” you whispered, thumb tracing her jawline as something shifted in the way she gazed at you. you let out a squeal as within seconds you were pinned beneath her, hands pressed either side of your head as her body straddled your hips pressing them down into the mattress.
“oh no no baby you might want me, but only i know what you need.” frido’s lips ghosted yours, head pulling back as you tried to capture them with your own, cherry red and painted into a very smug smile.
“say it.” the blonde encouraged, eyes twinkling as your heart raced beneath her. “say it. you should know that i do not like to repeat myself älskade.” your girlfriend warned, your head spinning at the way she could so easily flitter between soft and stern.
“only you know what i need.”
“duktig flicka.” frido praised, letting go of your hands as one of hers settled on your cheek and the other trailed a single finger slowly down your chest as you shivered slightly. “are you cold?” the girl teased as your nipples visibly hardened. 
though your reply was swallowed by her lips hungrily devouring yours again, your back arching slightly off the mattress as two fingers teasily ghosted your inner thighs, gone as quickly as they were there as you moaned quietly and the blonde sucked harshly on your bottom lip.
“frido.” you breathed out as her lips moved to your neck, the taller girl knowing every little spot to pay close attention to as your eyes fluttered close. “mmm? what do you want sötnos? use your words.” she teased, stealing them as her teeth sank into your neck and your hips bucked against her.
“you. i want you.”
“me? but baby you have me, i’m right here no?” she tutted, your head pushing back into the pillow as a large hand cupped your left breast and squeezed, her fingers toying with the hardened peak of your nipple.
growing tired of trying to find the right words to get what you want you decided actions might speak a little louder. so with your hands no longer pinned to the bed you grabbed one of hers which sat on your cheek, slipping the slender digits into your mouth and smiling at the way her face changed.
“behövande flicka.” frido breathed out, eyes lit with a new spark as you sucked on her fingers, gagging slightly as she began to rock them into your mouth at a pace set of her own accord, knocking your hand away where it held hers.
once more your hips bucked as her other hand came to settle on your neck, not applying any pressure but even the feel of her callous palm against your throat made your head spin. as her fingers left your mouth it wasn’t without a trail of spit, your cheeks flushing red as frido wiped it off against your naked chest.
You breathed out a sigh of contement as finally her attention seemed to start to go where you both knew you needed her, lips trailing soft kisses down your chest as her body slipped off of you slightly and you exhaled as her hand again ghosted your underwear.
“so wet and i’ve barely touched you.”
the teasing tone in her voice just made you want her more, eyes slipped closed as her fingers toyed with the waistband of your underwear, snapping it against your hips. 
“look at me.” they snapped open at her voice, her hand moved to grip your jaw as you felt her hand slip into your underwear and whined slightly. “you will look at me while i fuck you kärlek, and you will not look away until i tell you to or i stop.” the blonde warned sternly and you nodded.
“words.” she ordered, squeezing your jaw and your body bucked as a singular finger slipped inside you. “yes.” you nodded, a tap to your cheek reminding you of her previous demand as your eyes opened and locked with hers.
you felt your face burn bright red as you held eye contact and a second finger entered you, her pace picking up as your hands fisted the bedsheets, her lips curled into an obnoxiously smug smirk. 
“such a pretty girl, all red and blushing just for me.” the blonde cooed, and there was something about the sudden switch in tone for you to whine. “no no, you will watch kärlek or you will not come.” she warned firmly as your eyes fluttered shut and her fingers pistoned in and out, setting a rhythm which had you squirming beneath her in need.
“are you close baby?” she pouted mockingly feeling your walls tighten and something about it had you pushed even further to the edge, her bodyweight baring down onto you pinning your bucking hips to the mattress. “yes!” you moaned out as your voice cracked, barely able to get the word out but knowing thats what she wanted.
“good girl. now ask me if you can come, and if you ask me nicely enough älskling then maybe i’ll allow it.”
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leah-lover · 13 hours
Part 1.
Alexia putellas x reader. Smut 18+
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It was agreed upon in the woso community that a stay in ibiza was the usual holiday for football stars. Ibiza offered them a beach, cool resorts, adventures, and most importantly parties to celebrate the triumphs of the season. .
For you Ibiza was home, you lived there for the entire year. You witness celebrities, businessmen, and frat boys party all the same. However, your favorites were the tanned, mostly happy footballers that came to blow off some steam from all around the world. You liked hearing their stories and overall you loved their company.
This year was no different, coming off of a world cup, you knew the parties were going to be interesting.
The club you worked at was popular because of its strategic place in front of the beach. In it there was a place to party and another place to just relax. It was what drew the footballers to it as it was their favorite spot to hang out.
As you tended to the customer asking for tequila shots, you saw her enter the room. The impeccable queen of football, or as some might call her alexia putellas. She was as gorgeous as you remembered her to be. Her hair was less blond than the last time you two met. She was wearing a black, shoulderless jumpsuit with her hair resting on her shoulder. Surprisingly she was alone this time.
As she approached you, you got more and more nervous.
“Hola preciosa” she said with a big smile on her face. You tried to contain your smile as you looked in her hazel eyes, eyes that you have missed so much.
“ Sorry, do I know you?” you responded cheekily. You couldn't hold the joke any longer as you looked more into her eyes.
“You still drink vodka sodas? ” you rhetorically asked while preparing her drink.
“ no hey, i missed you, how are you?” she said with a pout on her face.
“ ale I am working now. You know I can't flirt with clients.” you respond as you hand her her drink.
“ So I am just a client.” she continues with the same pout on her face. You hand her her drink and she hands you her credit card.
“ No ale you are the light of my summer.” you smile at her. “ But you know my rules while I am working. I can't do this. Go enjoy your drink and say hi to your friends for me . Once I am done I will join you.”
She took her drink and left you after that and you continued serving your clients. You watched as one by one her friends all joined her. Her company included Mapi, ingrid, jenni, parti, and aitana. They all said hi to you as they ordered their drinks, patri even ordering a bottle of champagne. You watched from the corner of your eye as they laughed and drank until they were visibly tipsy.
“ Alright boss this is me.” you said as you closed all your tabs and headed to change your clothes.
You didn't know that Alexia was gonna join you tonight so your outfit was underwhelming compared to hers, nonetheless you still joined her at the beach.
She was again alone nursing her drink. “ hola.” you said as you made your way to her and sat on her lap.
“ Hey, how are you? I missed you.” you whisper into her ear. As she rubs her hand on your back she responds. “ I missed you too.”
“ what i heard was that you had your fun this year without me.” she continues.
“ Ale, you don't own me. We have our fun, but I can sleep with whoever I want whenever I want. No need for jealousy. ” you respond.
“ I know , I know. But I bet none of them make you cum like I do.” she whispered.
“ It's been a long time i think i forgot how you felt inside of me.”
“ Well that's not right. Let's go back to the villa and I will remind you.” she says as she takes your hand and walks you to her villa.
On the way there you talked about everything that went down since you last met, from her history making 4 trophies, to her struggle with injury.
Once you got to her house she eagerly pushed you towards the nearest wall and locked her lips with your in a needy hungry kiss. Her hands were all over you touching every available part to her as she bruised your lips and devoured your tongue.
You pulled apart just for a short while so that you can retake the breath she stole from you with her mouth.
“ Now I remember clearly all the times you made me cum and how hard I did reina.” you say with your voice filled with lust.
“I have been dreaming of this all year. Dreaming of you and of what I can do to your body. “ you say while looking in her eyes.
“ Let me show you how proud I am of all that you have done this season. Please reina.” you ask her.
She looks at you with confusion in her eyes because this is the first time you have ever asked to top her.
Without a word she takes your hand in hers and leads you to the bedroom. When you two arrive she lays on the bed and looks at you seductively. You take the hint and undress slowly.
Once you are naked you straddle her lap and begin to take her shirt off, then her bra.
“ you are so fucking beautiful.” you say as you memorize her upper body.
“ not more beautiful than you.” she says as she takes your face with her hands and gives you another kiss.
“ alexia tonight is about you.” you say to her when you pull out of her hold. You then move to her neck, her collar bone, her chest, and her stomach, giving her bruising kisses as you move down her body. Alexia wasnt loud when it comes to sex, so the small whispers you managed to get out of her as you kissed and squeezed her boobs were music to your ears.
You slid the rest of her jumpsuit off of her and pulled off her damp underwear too.
“ Are you enjoying the show reina. Because it looks like you are.” you say as you show her how wet you fingers are when dipped them in between her folds.
Alexia has previously shown you how she liked to be eaten so you didn't waste any time once you lowered your head to her core.
You gently kissed her folds before parting them with your tongue. Your tongue made slow contact with her clit a few times before you moved up to kiss her again.
“ I am so proud of you reina. You did so well this season despite everything. You deserve all the best in the world. “
You went back to her core again moving with more determination to make her come. Your hands roamed her body in the process before settling on her chest. Her fingers tangled in your hair as you do so.
She soon because to arch more and more as you changed you stepped.
“ just like that corazon. You are doing so well. So so good.” she said breathlessly.
You smile onto her clit and continue your motions.
“ I am gonna come nena.” she declares before her legs start to violently shake around your head and her cum and her come drops on your face.
After she settles down you clean her up and move to kiss her with her cum all over your mouth.
“ How do you taste?” you ask her.
“ not better than you.” she responds.
After she retakes her breath you ask her “ did you bring my favorite strap? ” to which she responds by getting out a thick rainbow colored strap from her bedside table.
“ Can you wear it?” you ask her.
“ do you want me to fuck you?” she asks, confused be you demand.
“ Please wear it and you will see.” She does as she is told and secure the harness on her core.
You then proceed to get on top of her and sit on the stap. It was painful at first but you got used to it quickly.
“ I told you I would give you a show.” you say as you blue on her cock.
Still shocked you take her hands and put them on your chest. She quickly realized your message and started moving her hands on your body. You kissed a few times before you threw your head back and focused solely on how the strap felt inside of you. Theatrical moans were soon to follow as alexias eyes and touches, and the strap were overwhelming you.
“ eres tan jodidamente sexy” says Alexia as you continue to bounce.
“ I am soo close ale. Can I come please?” you say desperately.
“ yes amor, come all over my cock.” it only took you a few more thrust for you to come undone. Alexia followed you soon after with the second orgasm of the night.
After you calmed down, you moved off the strap and layed next to her. She then disposed of it too and held you close.
“ if i knew this is what was in store for me i would have come here sooner.” she joked.
“ I am glad you liked it reina.”
“ We agreed you would stop calling me that last year.”
“ The nickname is still true isn't it you are still the queen.”
“ That's debatable.”
“ not really i would only put this show on for you and only you.”
“ So I expect that you will only be sleeping with me this summer.”
“ You wish but I have other plans with other people.”
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mopopshop · 2 days
Say Yes (Emily x OC)
summary: emily and ava are great parents except.. emily can’t say no to their daughter kiara
just emily being cute and fluffy as a girl mom, so obsessed and hope you guys enjoy 🙌🏾🙌🏾
Six-year-old Kiara had cracked the code in her parents' parenting. You weren't strict or mean, but you tended to say ‘no’ more often, and Kiara had noticed that Emily rarely said no to her. It's been this way as long as Kiara could remember; even when Emily felt like she probably should decline her daughter, it wasn't in her nature. Whenever Kiara could, she tried to ask Emily for whatever she wanted. But as of right now, Emily wasn't home yet, so Kiara had no choice but to ask you.
The curly head runs into your office, where you've been since Kiara got home from school. "Mommy," she says, running up to your chair.
"Hm?" you ask, taking a break from your writing and looking down at your daughter.
"Can I have some chocolate cake?" she asks.
"Kiara, you already had ice cream for dessert. Not tonight, maybe tomorrow."
"Please? I'm hungry," she whines dramatically. "My stomach is crying because it needs sweets."
You caress your daughter's belly. "If you're hungry, you can have something else. No sweets, Kiara."
She pouts up at you. "Mommy!!"
"No sweets, okay? Let me know if you want another snack," you say, turning back to your computer. Kiara storms back to the living room and lies on the couch to pout her life away. Emily comes home from work 20 minutes later, and Kiara lights up and runs up to her. "Mom!!" She runs into Emily's arms as Emily picks her up.
"Missed you," Emily says, kissing her cheek. "Where's mommy?"
Kiara ignores the question. "Can I get a piece of cake?" she asks.
Emily knows you've been trying to be a bit more controlled about the amount of sugar Kiara has, especially so close to her bedtime. But Kiara pouts up at her with her big blue eyes, so Emily compromises, "Just a little piece."
Emily walks with Kiara in her arms to the kitchen and pulls the cake off the high shelf. She sits Kiara on the counter and grabs a knife. "How was school today?"
"No good. Leslie was being a meanie at recess. Didn't pick me for her team, but it's okay. I still did goodest and was on the good team."
"Amazing. That's how we do it," Emily says, giving Kiara a small slice of cake on her favorite purple plate and handing her a fork. Emily gets a slice for herself. "Mommy is the best baker, ain't she?" Emily says to Kiara as she takes a bite.
"Mhmm," Kiara nods, licking her lips.
"I'll be right back. Gonna say hi to her," Emily says, scoffing down the rest of her slice. She heads to your office, cracking the door open. "Hey, beautiful."
You turn back and smile brightly when you see her. "Hi."
Emily walks over to you, picking you up out of your chair and sitting down on the couch with you in her lap. "When was the last time you took a break?"
"I don't know, maybe two hours ago. Made dinner, but now that you're home, I know I won't be working for the rest of the night."
"I just like my girl to rest," she says, leaning in to kiss your lips. Your hand rests on her cheek as you reciprocate. You're wrapped up in each other, Emily's hand sliding up your thigh when you're interrupted by your daughter.
"Mom," she whines. "My tummy hurts." You pull back from Emily, seeing Kiara's hands and mouth completely covered in chocolate. "Kiara," you gasp. "What did you do?" you ask, taking her back to the kitchen to see that Kiara ate a quarter of the cake that was left on the counter beside her, as if she mushed it up with her hands and stuffed it in her mouth. "How did you get this?"
“Mommy gave me some."
"Emily!!!!" you groan as you hear your wife running up the steps to hide from you.
You, Emily, and Kiara are walking hand in hand down the street, enjoying the summer weather after Kiara spent some time in the park. After ten minutes of a casual roam on the sunny day, Kiara tugs your hand, "Carry me? My feet hurt."
"Ki, you can walk. You're a big girl."
"How much longer?" she cries out, always one for theatrics.
"It's nice outside, sweetie. We haven't even gone far."
"But I have little feet; they can't go that far." You chuckle at her performance.
"Come," Emily says, holding her arms up to your daughter and picking her up. "Thanks, Mom."
You look over at Emily, narrowing your gaze at her. "What?" She chuckles as she holds Kiara in one arm and locks her free hand with yours. "It's no big deal."
"You spoil her, Emily," you point out.
"No, I don't," she defends.
"What does 'spoil' mean?" Kiara asks with her small arms wrapped around Emily's neck.
"Mommy thinks I give you whatever you want," she explains, and Kiara giggles. "Yes, that's why I always ask Mom, too. She always says yes."
Emily chuckles guiltily. "You're my little girl. I can't say no."
Kiara rarely asks you for help with her homework. You are always super helpful, but she knows her mom always does more. And by more, she means doing it for her sometimes without realizing. So, when she receives an assignment from her worst subject, math, she waits until Emily comes home to ask for help.
"Why didn't you ask Ava?" Emily asks, joining her at the table where she was waiting.
"I want your help," she insists.
"Okay. Let's see what we're doing," Emily says, scanning the paper. "Some addition. You've got this."
She brings out the small building blocks you bought to help with Kiara's math homework. "Okay, come on. You know how to do this. 20+11. We can do it with the blocks," she says, counting the blocks for her. "What do these all equal? Twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-o…"
"Thirty-one," Kiara finishes excitedly.
"There we go," Emily encourages as Kiara writes down the answer. "Okay, next one. 19+6," she reads off, looking up at her mom.
"What?" Emily chuckles. "You can figure it out, Ki. Do it with the blocks."
Kiara counts out nineteen blocks and adds six more. She looks at her mom, "Twenty-two?"
"Add three more to that."
She looks confused, so Emily says, "How old was I when I married Mommy?"
"Twenty-five," Kiara answers proudly, and Emily nods with a smile as Kiara writes down the answer. Kiara has always been obsessed with your relationship, asking questions about when you met, how old you were when you married, when you had her, and so on.
When Kiara sees a multiplication equation, 1x0, her brain can't process it. She strokes her chin contemplatively to appear as if she's thinking before looking up at Emily, "I don't know it, Mom."
"Problems with zero in them are always hard. Write zero, and let's just go on to the next one," Emily encourages as she hears you walking down the steps. "Hi, baby," you greet, kissing her cheek. Emily wraps her arm around you to pull you into her lap and pecks your neck. "You look good," she says, staring down at your bralette and little house shorts.
You smile at her and peck her lips. "You got Mom to help you, Ki?"
She nods, and you glance at the work. "You're not doing it for her, right?" you check with Emily.
"No, of course not."
You narrow your gaze at your wife before picking up the assignment. "What's 20+11?" you ask Kiara, reviewing the first equation on the page. Kiara looks up to Emily helplessly, and Emily tries to inconspicuously hold up her fingers to help out. You swat at her hands, "You were doing it!"
"No, I wasn't," she laughs. "I was just helping out, right?" she confirms with Kiara.
Kiara nods and smiles innocently at you, but you don't believe the two of them for a second. "Okay, go change. I'm helping her with the rest," you say, getting out of her lap and pushing Emily to go upstairs.
"No, Mommy," Kiara whines. "Mom was helping."
"You two aren't as sly as you think. I'm helping her with homework from now on, Emily."
"Mommy said only two things, okay?" Emily reminds Kiara as they roam the toy store. She picked her up from school, and you had suggested taking her to get two things since she's been doing so well in school.
That was the original plan. Only two toys. Emily doesn't know how she ended up with a shopping cart filled to the brim with stuff. She continues to follow her excited daughter around the store as Kiara throws stuff in mindlessly.
"Kiara, you know we can't get all of these, right? We said two things. You have like twenty."
"But I've been a good girl in school," Kiara says, not even looking at her to entertain the statement, picking out more items.
"I know, but we don't even have room for all of this. You have to just pick your favorites," Emily says, picking Kiara up to sit her in the shopping cart with the toys. "Which two do you want?"
"Two is so little," she complains. "How about six because I'm six?" she tries to bargain.
Emily sighs. "Mommy is gonna kill me, Ki. How about four? Nothing too big." Kiara agrees and picks out four of her favorite items, pushing them into her mom's arms.
"Good? These four?" Emily confirms.
"Yes, please " Kiara affirms as they try their best to put everything back.
When they get back home and Emily is unlocking the front door, she says, "Don't tell Mommy. Just go upstairs and put your stuff in your room."
Kiara nods as they open the door and runs at the speed of light up to her bedroom. Emily joins you on the couch. "I'm exhausted," she says, flopping down beside you.
You lean over to give her a kiss. "Did she get her toys?"
"How many did she get?"
Emily scratches her head, looking over at you. "What do you mean how many? We said two."
"But I know my wife, and I know you can't say no to her, so how many did you buy?"
She tries to stay strong and continues to appear confused with your questioning but eventually sighs. "Only four."
You chuckle, "I knew you would. That's why I said two knowing you would get a couple more. It's sweet how you can't say no to her."
"She always knows what she's doing. She just does that look with the pout, making her eyes all big. It's your fault for making our daughter so damn adorable." Emily groans. "I swear I will be able to say no soon enough."
"It's been six years, baby."
"Give me another two, I'll be able to hold it down." You smile up at your wife and pull her down to your lips. "Good luck with that."
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lanabuckybarnes · 2 days
| A Door Away |
Minors DNI 18+
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2 weeks. It’s been 2 weeks of biological warfare in the sense of your heat. When he met up with you in the hall, Bucky knew with just with a glance just how fucked he was, and he needed it badly
✧Pairing✧ Alpha!MilitaryVet!Bucky x Omega!Fem!Reader
✧Warnings✧ Alpha!Bucky, Pining, Fluff, Buck being a cutie, Wet dreams, Oral (M), Rut, Heat, A/B/O Themes, Dirty Talk, Petnames [Omega, Pretty Girl, Baby, Princess], Dirty talk, Confessions - Any other warnings let me know
✧Word Count✧ 3.7k
✧Events✧ Hot Bucky Summer | WEEK 2 | “What should I call you? | Master, Alpha, Pet | @buckybarnesevents
Buckys-wintersoldier 2K followers Bingo | Square: Confessions in a weird situation | @buckys-wintersoldier
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James Bucky Barnes was aloof. He kept to himself most of the time, rarely speaking beyond a hello or a soft ‘how are you?’ You had to admit that there was something about the man that intrigued you. Was it his cold gaze that seemed to melt whenever he looked at you, those rippling arms and toned body you’d caught a glimpse of through your peephole one warm day. Or maybe it was the sweet gentle nature he hid behind those layers of hardened emotions. You can always remember the first time you met your neighbour face to face. He held a basket in his hand filled to the brim with household items that you could easily have forgotten with a big move.
“Oh hi” you chirped when you noticed that you’d been taking in the man for a little too long. His scent captivates you, keeping you glued to your doormat. A rich vanilla permeating your nostrils, it was one of the nicest scents you’d encountered around your time with alphas.
He cleared his throat, the tip of his nose and ears darkening to a deep pink.
“My sister…I mentioned to her I had a new neighbour and she made this…for you” his voice dropped off at the end of the sentence, his deep blue eyes unable to hold your own for more than a minute. He was peculiar for an Alpha, most of them reeked of arrogance, treating their subordinates like gum on the sole of their shoe. But here he was, a basket stretched out to you and his eyes pinned to his shoes.
You’d been staring again.
A few months into living in the new apartment, everything was finally settled and you were settling into your little home just great. Bucky helped an awful lot which surprised you beyond belief. When your AC broke and your landlord wouldn’t pick up your calls James knocked on your door, tools in hand. He had it fixed in under an hour.
The same with your shower, sink and that time you bought a bigger bed, determined you could do it yourself only to knock on James’ door with your tail tucked between your legs.
After an offer of his favourite dish and beer, he found it hard to keep the ‘annoyed’ scowl on his face. You were just too cute looking up at him like that, with wide puppy dog eyes, looking so defeated. His animal brain lived for the domestic life you two had accidentally created.
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“Today was nice Buck” You turned in his embrace to lean into his side a little more, your legs tucked under you and your face inches away from his. The swans in the water splashed around, courting each other with their pretty dances.
“I’m glad you liked it” he let his hand, the metal one that he’d lost while serving, cup your cheek, the plates clicking softly as he soothed his thumb over the bone.
His eyes dropped to the perfect bow of your lips, how close they were to his. It would take only a slight movement to connect them, swallowing your soft sounds.
“You don’t gotta stare,” you teased. He lurched forward, capturing your lips in a tight embrace, his tongue pressing against your mouth looking for entry which you gladly granted.
There was no fight for dominance in the kiss, your tongues dancing instead. His lungs stung with lack of oxygen but he didn't want to pull away, he couldn’t, your soft floral scent mixing with the dewy air keeping him trapped. When it became too much you parted, his lip captured by your teeth.
There was something so primal in your eyes, a longing that had him twitching inside his jeans in anticipation.
“James” his name came out of your mouth as a breathy whimper, almost like it was excruciating to say his name. The air around you both changed into something humid, biting at him, rearing its erogenous head.
He didn’t even notice the way your hand had drifted down, his breath catching in his throat as you rubbed your palm over him.
“Need you James” you whispered so sweetly in his ear, leaving soft kisses down his neck, completely missing his scent gland. The rhythmic clanks of his belt sounded in his ears and you pulled back with a victorious sound.
You looked like an angel as you pulled him from his briefs, pumping his length until precum beaded at the tip. Your eyes never left his as you sunk, your tongue rolling out to taste him.
You were so close he could feel your hot breath against his tip, your pink muscle drawing ever closer—
Bucky’s eyes shot open. His chest heaving against his mattress euphoria, evidence of his actions that he’d just imagined soaked his underwear and sheets.
But the dream was more than just a run-of-the-mill thing. It only meant one thing for Bucky. His rut.
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To say you were growing concerned for James was an understatement. For over two weeks now you hadn't seen him, hadn’t heard a thing from him at all. It was like he just vanished. It was when he didn’t show up for your weekly meal together that it reached its boiling point.
You couldn’t even eat the food you prepared as you sat, staring blankly at the spot James would usually sit, letting you drag on and on about your day with a soft smile or a little comment here and there. Your heart always fluttered when he did that, even if it was just a small hum it sent butterflies flapping about aimlessly in your stomach.
You went to bed in a sour mood, hangry and entirely terrified for your friend.
You tossed and turned in dreamless slumber, any slight sound shocking you awake, no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t force yourself into deeper rest.
The clock on your bedside table read 3am when you heard a bang in the hallway, a curse following it. You slipped out from under the covers and grabbed the first thing that came into your hand, your dad’s baseball bat he gave to you for good luck—and for a scenario just like this one.
You crept silently down your hall to the front door, avoiding each creaky floorboard that Bucky promised to fix sometime last week. Peaking through the peephole you found the very man that had made your life a living pain for the past few weeks.
You swung your door open quickly, meeting the wild eyes of James, anger bubbling in your chest fighting with the concern you also felt. The concern won by a slim margin.
“James” you whispered, inspecting his body with your eyes. His hair was a tousled mess, and his pale blue shirt was wrinkled. Still the same man and with no sign of injury, except the pained expression across his face.
“Bucky. Call me Bucky” he forced a smile but he couldn’t hide the low rumblings of a growl in his broad chest. His brain short-circuited at the way your sweet voice sounded. It brought him right back into his bed and into that dream. He couldn’t deal with that and he sure as hell wouldn’t force you to either. He wasn’t that kind of alpha.
Then your nose picked up on something in the air around you, that vanilla smell that Bucky had, it swirled with something much more fruity, something suggestive that had your omega brain wrestling with your logical human side.
His rut.
That’s where he was.
His voice rasped as he spoke, lying dormant for too long but your mind was far too occupied with more nefarious thoughts. You couldn’t help but imagine him, legs spread wide on a couch, his naked chest blushed pink, his mouth agape as strangled moans, growls, any sound of pleasure falling from him. His hips fucking up into his hand, or one of those silicone pussy’s you’d seen in porn.
Would he be thinking of you while he called out for his omega?
“Hello?” You shook out of your trance, realising that you’d been staring at Bucky the whole time. You shot him an awkward smile, confusing him further.
Slam. Your door shook on its hinges as you slid down the other end of it.
Bye? Why the fuck did you say that? You let your head fall backwards, sucking in some much-needed fresh air. Your thighs clenched, your hand wandering between your legs to your soaked panties. And that was only because of his smell.
Bucky was no better, the remains of his rut flaring up at the sight of you, in that tank and panties. You hadn’t anticipated anyone and opened the door in a panic, completely forgetting about your half-naked look. Bucky grunted, mumbling under his breath about how ridiculous he was being. He threw his keys into the bowl and stripped off his clothes, heading straight for the shower. If he left it any longer he didn’t want to think of the ways he’d ruin your tiny body.
His cock throbbed at the notion. God he hated his brain sometimes.
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You shot out of bed in a panic at the first twinge. It couldn’t be happening, you hadn’t had one in months. The second twinge had your legs like jelly, your hands slapping onto the nearest surface.
Oh, it was happening, and you had only a little time to prepare.
Throwing on a pair of sweats and quickly doing your teeth you frantically made your way to the car park to grab your car, almost speeding to the shop just so you could be at home in time.
You raided the store of all its protein products and energy drinks. The bags almost burst at the seam as you carried them to the elevator. Your fingers ached and your body cried out. Come on it won’t be that much longer, you reassured that animalistic part of your brain.
Stepping out onto your floor you struggled down the carpeted hall, the bags feeling heavier and heavier. Thankfully Bucky would be at work, you didn’t have any chance of bumping into him.
You fished for your keys in your pocket, grasping them tightly before fumbling with them.
“Need a hand?” Oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh yesss. A range of emotions crossed your brain at his deep voice, your logical brain cursing while your omega brain reeled.
Yes. you need a hand, let the alpha know what’s wrong. Your animal brain demanded.
Don’t be fucking stupid, he’s your neighbour and he doesn’t even like you. You’re wanting us to wriggle our ass in his face and beg to be bred, yeah I’m sure he wouldn’t call the cops.
It wasn’t unheard of for omegas to ask alphas for help during their heat, kind of like a friends-with-benefits scenario. But you’d be damned if you were asking Bucky for help. You could get a bit…passionate about sex and it doubled during your heat, you liked Bucky too much to let him bear witness to that, your mind plaguing you with thoughts of him hightailing it and running at the first sight of you.
You’d settle with your little knotted friend that rested neatly in your drawer.
After politely declining Bucky’s offer you for straight to work.
Night drew closer, your nest established on your floor, perfectly poised just the way you like it. Energy drinks and your trusty silicone dildo lay off to the side.
You took your time showering, doing your entire routine. Drying yourself off before lathering your body in lotion, you didn’t even bother to put on some clothing, instead settling yourself into the nest in a foetal position.
Your hips rolled into the air, soft whimpers falling from you at around 2am. Without hesitation you grabbed the rubber cock, squirting some lube on it and running it through your soaked slit. You pushed it in slowly until the knot pressed against your entrance, your pussy not quite ready yet but with the way your wetness rolled out of your body, it wouldn’t be too long.
Bucky could hear your whimpering from the next apartment, your scent wafting through his house and straight into his nostrils. His cock twitched at your soft sounds, your muffled pleading for an Alpha to fill you up.
His mind wandered, were you using your fingers to get off or one of those cocks he knew companies made to exploit little omega’s like you.
“Mmm fuck Alpha hurts so much need your pups”
God it was going to be a long night.
The longer you went on the worse Bucky got, his cock dribbling all over his tight briefs, his skin glistening with a layer of sweat. He sat on the side of his bed, his head leaning against the wall, listening to you please yourself.
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2 weeks later your heat was showing no signs of subsiding. Your supplies from your first run had gone long ago and you had to ask your friend to grab you some more. You’d never felt a heat like this, usually they’d last a couple of days and that would be that but you were still riding your dildo a week later.
“Fuckfuckfuck…Alpha please so good” you slurred, a flurry of whimpers slipping out of your mouth as you rocked your hips back and forth, the head of the dildo brushing against your sweet spot. Your pussy gushing more slick around the plastic, smearing all over your thighs and onto the blankets of your nest.
It just wasn’t cutting it anymore. Your orgasms shook through you but you were left unsatisfied and riding the rubber cock desperately. Trying to seek that one good, back arching blissful climax that had you sinking into your sheets in exhaustion.
But it never came.
“Oh fuck Alpha gimme that fucking knot mmmm need your knot so bad, need you to breed me full” your moans mixed with the sloshing of your cunt, your lips stretching around the knot as it sunk into you repeatedly with a sloppy sound, your fingers frantically strumming your clit for anything. You could feel the coils in your stomach tighten almost painfully but no matter what you did they just wouldn’t snap.
“Fuckkkkk” You stopped your movements, sitting on the dildo and catching your breath. You were at a loss, you didn’t know what to do, if you didn’t cum you were going to drive yourself insane but no matter how hard you fucked yourself it just wouldn’t make anything happen.
You were so desperate, so fucking needy. You needed an Alpha.
The dildo fell out of you with a pop as you stood on shaky legs, each step towards your bedside cabinet sending pleasured shocks up your spine. You unlocked your phone, scrolling through your contacts until you reached the one you needed.
‘Bucky 🤭🩵’
For a second you hovered over the call button, unsure if you should do it. But need prevailed and the ringing brought you back to reality.
You almost moaned pathetically down the phone at the sound of his voice, thick with sleep deprivation and so fucking husky.
“B-Bucky…” you hadn’t thought this far, your brain was so fogged with need that you didn’t even stop to think about how you’d ask him for help. Bucky’s voice at the end of the line was quick to respond. You didn’t need to tell him a thing he could hear just how much you struggled.
“I’ll be over in 5”
You could’ve cum on the spot, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you bit your lip and clenched your thighs. You looked around your room, a mess of blankets and pillows arranged in a circle on your floor and in the centre, your dildo. You sunk to the floor, no longer able to stand as the waves were just too much. The hardwood hurt your hands and knees as you crawled into the centre of your nest but you couldn’t care.
You were finally getting help and you couldn’t have been happier with who it was.
Your cheek smooshed against one of the pillows as you lay waiting, your hips grinding into the air subconsciously. You were so wrapped up in your trance that you failed to hear the front door opening or the soft knock on your bedroom door.
“Look at you pretty ‘mega” Bucky drawled from behind you, his slate blue eyes boring into your core. A fresh wave of slick trickled from you at the sight of him, his smell infecting the air in a way that had you gulping down oxygen like you were starved of it.
You watched as he slipped his shirt over his head, dog tags jingling before resting on his sternum, his metal hand drifting down to unbuckle his belt. You took him in like he was a cold glass of water on a boiling hot day. He was the magic medicine to your ailment.
He wasted no time in pushing his jeans and briefs to the floor, his thick cock slapping against washboard abs. He was so much bigger than the toy you relied on, your brain fought with itself, wondering if you could even take a cock that size.
You’d come this far.
“How’d you want it pretty girl? Want me to fuck you like you are just now, on your hands and knees presented to me like a little slut. Maybe you want me to flip you over and pound you, let you watch me as I hit every little inch of that hot ‘mega cunt” he spoke, words dripping with lust.
“I don’t care please Alpha” You slipped, pushing your ass back to him, waving it enticingly as more slick dripped from your folds. You needed it now, none of the teasing.
“Alpha?” He questioned with a teasing smirk, sinking to his knees behind you and flipping you with ease onto your back.
Fuck looked beautiful all fucked out, your face wet with frustrated tears, your pupils so dilated you could barely see the colour. Your chest heaving causing your tits to bounce and that sopping pussy, pathetically clenching around nothing, silently begging for him to fill you, make you full with him and only him.
“What should I call you?” You blinked up at him, blushing lightly despite the fact you lay spread wide for him. You’d never called someone Alpha before, it just fell from your mouth in bliss. Insecurity bubbled up at the thought of maybe Bucky not wanting to be your Alpha, even for just a short period.
Your worries were all squashed when he lined his fat head up with your core, sinking fully in a single thrust.
“Alpha’s fine baby, now lemme fuck that omega brain dumb alright. You don’t gotta think anymore, your alpha will do that for you.”
Dominance radiated off him. The kind that made you want to submit, roll your head back and present your neck for him to mark, letting him claim you.
He slid out slowly, letting you feel every inch, every vein of his length until just his head remained buried inside you before he thrust forward again, his tip kissing your cervix.
His thrusts picked up at the sound of your heavenly sounds, your body arching up to meet him, to be as close to him as possible.
“Ohh fuck ‘mega, that pussy ain’t been fucked good in a long time huh, she’s sucking me back in, such greedy little cunt…so fucking tight…that’s alright though, your alpha’s got you now, won’t let that pussy go unsatisfied again” Bucky fell to his elbows, his nose bumping yours as you shared each other's air. Your legs spread underneath him as his hips pushed your thighs open further.
You couldn’t think. he was everywhere. A hand in your hair, his hot breath fanning over your face and neck, his dick filling you up. You were ruined for any other Alpha you just knew.
Sobs bounced off the walls, sounds you’d never heard before falling from your mouth. Your hands clung to him, wrapping around his back, your fingernails digging into his shoulder blades.
Fuck you were so close, those coils tightening deep in your belly again, hot spikes of pleasure rolling up your spine, your cunt spewing your essence around him.
“Fuck ‘mega my fucking knots swelling already ohhh shit, my knot ain’t swelled this fast before” he laughed between guttural grunts, his teeth nipping your jawline.
“Mmmm Alpha” you heave, your pussy clenching him tightly.
“Gonna cum baby? Gonna squirt around my fucking knot yeah? Oh fuck oh shit come on sweet omega, cum on my fucking dick.”
Your world went white when the swollen base of his cock pushed into you, stretching you wide, your preen stuck in your throat as your body convulsed with such an intense orgasm. Bucky rammed his whole weight into you a few more times before following suit, dumping his huge load inside your ruined cunt.
You don’t know when he rolled you over, his arms wrapping around you, your leg hooked over his hip. Your soft whines were the only indication that you hadn’t passed out, along with the look of sheer unbridled joy melting over your features. The softness and domestic nature of it all grounded Bucky. He didn’t feel regret like he thought he would, or guilt that he’d corrupted you
He felt at home.
“You did so good for me, pretty girl, don’t know anyone that’s taken my dick so good. Such a pretty little ‘mega” he praised, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
“Love you alpha” You forced despite your tongue feeling like lead in your mouth.
“I love you too princess, now get some rest alright? I’ll be here when you get up, then I’ll make you feel nice and good again.”
Bucky’s warm embrace and strong scent lulled you to sleep. A deep satisfied slumber that you hadn’t felt for months, a smile on your face.
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danikamariewrites · 2 days
You know the whole 7 minutes in heaven thing that’s in a lot of older movies? I have been wanting to read about Az and Reader in that scenario at a little party with the inner circle. Could you write a little something with that?
7 More Minutes
Azriel x reader
Notes: I would not be able to look this man in the eyes if we were shoved into a closet together. It would be far too awkward
Warnings: not entirely proof read
Out of everyone gathered tonight Amren was the last person you thought would suggest playing such juvenile games. Her words. Exactly.
She’s just such a different person when Varian is around. And when he brings her favorite bottle of wine.
The game of the night was 7 minutes in heaven. Of course, all mated couples went in together. Even Elain went in with Lucien, coming out very flustered but happy. Besides Rhys and Feyre, only you and Azriel were left to couple up. Cassian was insistent that you two go next.
“No Cass, we don’t need to.” Your voice small as you shoot Azriel a reassuring look. You didn’t want to force the poor male to do anything. You also don’t think you could handle being that close to Azriel. Between your huge crush on him and your awkwardness you would probably die a minute in.
“But I insist.” Cassian said, only slightly tipsy. “Come, come, come,” he grabs your hand, pulling you off the floor towards the coat closet. “Cass, don’t.” Azriel said sternly. Cassian completely ignored his brother, pulling him along as well.
You couldn’t help but let Az’s stern tone get to you. It left a stinging sensation in your chest, reinforcing your thoughts that Azriel didn’t return your feelings.
Looking back at the group you found Nesta’s steel gaze, begging her for help with your eyes. All she did was shake her head no with a smirk on her face. Cauldron, she was in on this. Looking around you saw similar smirks on Feyre, Rhys, Amren, and even Lucien’s face.
You didn’t eve have time to react. Cassian was already shoving you in the small space before you could say anything. “Have fun kids!” He shouted before slamming the door. Locking it from the outside for good measure. Did coat closets even have locks?
Azriel turned the fae light on, his wings looked cramped in the small space. You grimaced for him. “Are you ok?” Az asked softly. “Yeah, it’s just Cass being Cass.” You laugh lightly. Looking up at him you saw his lips pulled in a tight smile.
“We don’t have to do anything. I know you didn’t want to be in here with me, I get it.” His voice sounded strained while trying to make light of the situation. “Of course I want to be with you.” Realizing what you just said your face immediately reddened.
Azriel looked down at you, shock setting in on his own face.
Fuck it, you thought to yourself, might as well get it out now.
Taking a deep breath, you center yourself. If your friends were looking at you like that Az has to feel the same way, right?
“Azriel I really like you. Not as just my friend. And I really do want to kiss you.” You reached for his hands, giving the scared flesh a loving squeeze.
Azriel was at a loss for words. His heart was beating rapidly against his chest, attempting to break free to smother you in all his love. You had rendered him completely speechless.
But words wouldn’t do anything. Wouldn’t convey the want and love he felt for you. That he was too scared to admit to for a long time now.
He slips his hands from yours. Your face falling at the action. Azriel’s heart broke at the look you tried to recover from. Never again would he make you look that sad. Not for a second. He held your face in his hands, tilting your face to look at him.
Azriel’s lips parted slightly, trying to say how he felt but the words caught in his throat. Shaking his head slightly he moved in, pressing his lips to yours.
You were shocked at first. Not knowing how to react. As your lips moved against his your eyes fluttered shut. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. You got lost in each other. The feel of his hands caressing you softly, his plump lips moving against yours. It was truly heaven.
It felt like hours had passed. Azriel was so intoxicating you didn’t even realize your back was pressed against the wall. His hands now resting on your hips, holding you flush to him. It felt right, fitting together like the last two pieces of a puzzle.
Without warning, Cassian whipped the door open, letting out a loud whoop. “Finally! Guys they’re kissing!” Azriel pulled away from you. You let out a small sound of protest, pulling him closer, wanting him back. Az pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. A promise that he’d come back after dealing with Cassian.
Sending his brother a death glare, Azriel’s shadows shot out, slamming the door. They enveloped you in darkness and melted away moments later to reveal your room. Smiling up at Azriel you pull his face down to yours again. He rested his forehead against yours, whispering, “Where were we?”
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