#but it has gotten a bit boring now that there's less stuff to do
hyacinthdoll1315 · 1 month
3.5 Months of Moth HRT
So, um, hi again! Not much has changed since last time but well, feel like I should be updating this more. a few things have changed. My eyesight is a bit fuzzier now. not enough to need glasses at least! but stuff that's really far away has gotten more, smudged I guess?
I called the doc about it since I was worried about having another eye infection (eww) but apparently, it's not too uncommon to occur by this point, something about the eyes beginning to split? I wasn't able to pay attention to much of it (been so scatterbrained(maybe some more tea will help?) but I did some looking into insect eyes and it seems to be the case? something about less resolution.
my sense of smells really strong now, and I'm starting to find it affecting my emotions. like, you know how ants have this smell they leave when foraging? it, kind of makes me hungry now. not that I've been sticking around ants much! I'm a moth through and through thank you very much! (paperyum)
the biggest thing I think is my skin? I'm not quite sure but it kind of feels, tight? and it's been drying out easier. like, wearing a suit that's too small. not sure what that's about, but at least my setae is still growing!
Well, silver lining I guess.
look, that's, not why I decided to write this though, I just. I feel used, in a way. and I need to write it.
So, about a week ago I went to hang out with my friends again. they've been nice and as cool as always, but, I don't know, there's this kind of, disconnect? like, Only Alice (Tea friend!) has really tried to understand while the others have kind of just acted like nothing changed and teased me a bit as normal. I guess it's just ribbing, but, I don't know, I've never really agreed with it.
but uh, we went to the mall, which was kind of nice, the others wanted to watch a movie and go to the arcade, and it was kind of fun? though a little overstimulating (too loud and the movie was boring) I kept getting weird looks the whole time though, and I just. why? they kept looking at me like, I was strange, which I sort of get, but some seemed creeped out, others disgusted.
I used to be pretty oblivious (I admit, I am kind of naive) but now I just, I couldn't stop seeing it. Even when we went to get food, there was this look in people's eyes like I was, wrong. I even heard someone call me a "freak of nature", though maybe they were talking to someone else? (no, it was about me, definitely).
I tried telling the others I wanted to go somewhere else but they just kept saying it was fine and we could go do something else first. I didn't even get to go to my favorite teashop out of fear of losing the group!
Eventually, we stopped at this ramen place and I remember we were mostly joking around a bit. I was having my salad (meat tastes a bit weird now), I don't remember it all. I think someone said something and I felt hurt, said something like, "I can't help it", I think it was about having to be a vegetarian, and I remember one of my friends just, poked the top of my head and laughed at me, something like "well duh, a moth like you doesn't eat much. don't worry about it, just follow the lights." or, something like that I just.
I felt sick. I quickly got up to the bathroom and I think I heard Alice chastising them but I don't remember. I just, needed space. The whole lamp thing is so annoying! like, everyone acts like moths always move toward light when there's so much more going on there! humans may not know how it all works, but it's definitely not just what people think it is, like some infatuation with it!
After that, I just wanted out. the others acted like nothing happened, but, I don't think I can keep hanging around with them anymore. like, they're my friends, you know? they should be there to help! and they do, or at least Alice does. the others just tend to joke around and be silly.
so yeah, that's what happened. they've tried contacting me with stuff like "Hey Emily, we didn't mean anything by it" "We were just joking, Em", or just "Hey Emily, you coming for our next dnd session?" I think I'm going to stop talking to them, just reduce contact, say I'm busy with other stuff, anything to stay out of, that, again.
I haven't gone out in a bit, just been getting my groceries, got my tea, and been trying to relax. I just hope I can find people who can better understand.
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
wear me like a locket around your throat
(steddie | explicit | 4.5k | @kinktober2023 prompt collar | AO3 | written by @yournowheregirl and @sidekick-hero)
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Steve has always been possessive in his relationships.
Not just in his romantic ones either, although that was where the possessiveness reared its ugly head the most. But even with his friends, Steve had always wanted to be their best friend. Their only friend, really. Before Nancy, Carol had been the only real test of his and Tommy's friendship. Tommy had been his best friend, and sharing him with Carol was not something Steve wanted to do.
So he'd made her his, too, the three of them inseparable. Until everything changed.
With his girlfriends, the possessiveness was even worse. He wasn't proud of it, far from it. So he tried to curb it, he really did. All Steve allowed himself were these little reminders, little things here and there that showed the world that this one person was completely and utterly his. It's why he gave Kelly his varsity jacket sophomore year, and it's why he bragged all night when Julie wore one of his button-downs at a pool party. It's the same reason he gave Nancy his class ring, because he was so proud to call her his at the time.
That's all he really let himself have, just these little things, mostly insignificant to anyone but himself. Steve had it totally under control.
Until Eddie.
Maybe it’s because he almost lost him before he even got the chance to call Eddie his. Maybe it’s because he already lost too much, so he clung to the things, the people, he still had even tighter.
Or maybe it’s just because it’s Eddie.
It doesn't really matter why, the fact remains that Eddie is making Steve a little bit feral, and the animal part of his brain demanded that he do something about it.
And that's why he bought Eddie a fucking collar, of all things.
He hadn't set out to buy one. He had just tagged along when Eddie had invited the kids on a trip to Indy because this supposedly amazing D&D store had just opened and they had to check it out. But as Eddie and the kids spent hours and hours in that store, Steve had gotten bored and had wandered off to kill some time until the nerd troop had had their fill for the day. As he walked along the sidewalk, half window-shopping, half people-watching, he came across a sex shop and curiosity got the better of him.
A faint blush had crept across Steve's face as he entered and saw all the whips, harnesses and toys the store sold. He and Eddie had only recently dipped their toes into the... less vanilla sex stuff, so while they had done a lot of extensive research and he definitely recognized some of the items, Steve still felt a little overwhelmed by the amount of options.
As he walked along the aisles, he looked at some of the toys, but finally decided that this was something he wanted to buy with Eddie. The thought of being able to watch Eddie pick out something for them to use was weirdly arousing, and so he made up his mind that he would leave the store empty-handed that day.
That is, until his eyes landed on the collar.
It was nothing special, really. Just a wide band of soft-looking black leather with a silver metal hoop on the front. But it was enough to make Steve's heart skip a beat, because now all he could think about was Eddie in that collar. Eddie in that collar and nothing else. Eddie in that collar as a true sign of devotion, of belonging, of belonging to Steve.
A mantra of mine, mine, mine echoed through his mind as he grabbed the collar and bought it without thinking twice. It was as if he had blacked out, someone else taking control of his body at that moment. Like a horny, possessive mind flayer. Steve vaguely remembers the saleswoman winking at him, telling him to have fun, and Steve assuring her that he would.
It was as if he saw himself walking out of the store, a discreet plastic bag in his hand, which he hurriedly tossed into the trunk of his car as he saw Eddie and the kids coming out of the store.
He made up some story about a new belt, and as they drove back to Hawkins, he tried to push all thoughts of his latest acquisition out of his mind.
But now, a few days later, the collar feels heavy in the plastic bag as Steve takes two steps at a time up the stairs to the trailer’s porch. His heart is in his throat as he knocks on the door. He hasn't felt this nervous since he picked up Eddie for their first date.
What if Eddie doesn't like the idea? What if this is somehow too far for him? Or worse, what if he pretends to like it too, just for Steve's sake, but secretly finds it weird or unsettling?
Wait, no. Eddie wouldn't do that. He always stresses the importance of open communication and telling each other what they like and don't like, what they need and want from each other. Eddie would tell him if he didn't like it and they could move on.
So this is going to be fine.
Steve really hopes it will be fine.
For a second he considers running back to his car, throwing the collar back in the trunk and just forgetting about the whole thing. But he doesn't get the chance, because just then Eddie opens the door.
The sight takes his breath away. It always does. Even in a simple black t-shirt and jeans, his hair a wild mess, Eddie still manages to look gorgeous and that voice in his head pipes up again.
Mine, mine, mine.
"Hey, sweetheart." Eddie greets him with the same smile he always has. His Steve smile, as Robin likes to call it, with his brown eyes all warm and sparkling and his mouth spread in a wide grin that puts his dimples on full display.
“Hi.” Steve replies with his own private smile as he walks in and presses a quick kiss on Eddie’s cheek.
“Whatcha got there? A present? For me?" Eddie's eyes immediately zero in on the plastic bag in Steve's hand. Steve lets out a breathy laugh, because he should have known that Eddie would notice the bag right away. He's like a dragon from one of his fantasy novels, always on the hunt for more treasures to hoard, and lucky for him, Steve brings him plenty of treasures.
"Uh, yeah. Sort of."
"Can I open it?" Eddie asks, mischief and anticipation written all over his face. He's already making grabby hands in the direction of the bag, so Steve decides to get it over with quickly, knowing full well that Eddie would be insufferable if he didn't get his present immediately.
He swallows thickly and wipes his suddenly sweaty hands on his jeans as Eddie takes the bag and reaches inside to grab the only item in it. God, Steve really hopes he didn’t make the wrong decision and even more so, he hopes that Eddie likes it as much as he does. He’s not sure what he’ll do if Eddie hates it. Spontaneously combust, maybe.
God, Eddie's dramatics are rubbing off on him.
The trailer is dead quiet as Eddie stares at the leather collar in his hands, the only sound being the crinkle of the plastic bag as it falls to the floor. Eddie's unusual silence doesn't do much for Steve's nerves, and he feels his stomach twist into knots the longer Eddie remains silent. He has to say something, anything.
"It's okay if you don't like it." Steve blurts out. "I mean, I don't know if I can return it, the lady at the store didn't say. Or maybe I can sell it, I dunno, but just know that it's totally fine if you don't like it. I just thought..."
"When did you buy it?" Eddie interrupts his ramblings, and really, God bless him. At least this is a simple question, not like 'Why do you want me to wear a collar?' because honestly, Steve isn't sure he's ready to answer that.
"Last week. When we were in Indy."
"You sneaky bastard, I knew you hadn't bought a new belt!" Eddie grins. "I can't believe you had that with you when the kids were there. Can you imagine Henderson finding that?"
"Oh my God, can you please not mention him right now?" Steve groans. Judging by the fact that Eddie hasn't said anything negative about the collar, Steve's confidence is slowly returning. Still, he needs to know if Eddie really likes it, that he really wants this, too. "So, uh, do you like it?"
"Yeah." Eddie nods, his eyes again fixed on the collar in his hands. "Yeah, it's... I like it. Thank you." The last part is said with Eddie's eyes boring into his, and the intensity behind them makes Steve's heart beat faster in his chest.
"Good. Glad you like it." He tells Eddie, his own voice full of... something.
Something heavy.
There's a long silence in which they both stare at each other, unsure of what to say. Or maybe they know exactly what to say next, what to do next, they're just not sure who's going to be the one to actually bring it up.
Eddie is the first to break the silence, he always is.
"You want me to put it on for you?"
Steve feels his dick twitch at the question, the for you ringing in his ears at the same time the mine, mine, mine mantra comes back with a vengeance.
Steve doesn't even recognize his own voice at that one single word, but Eddie doesn't comment on the naked need in it. He just nods thoughtfully, and Steve somehow expects Eddie to just fasten the collar around his neck himself.
But he doesn't.
Instead, he holds the collar out to Steve, and when Steve takes it from him with a questioning look, Eddie smiles his Steve smile and holds his hair up, exposing his neck in a clear invitation. It's such a small gesture, but it's enough to make Steve's mind spin out of control.
Steve has helped Eddie with accessories before. He's untangled dozens of necklaces, untied his leather bracelets countless times, and he's always the one to remove Eddie's rings before they go to sleep. In theory, putting on a collar shouldn't be much different, but they both know it's more than just an accessory.
It's a symbol of trust, of devotion, and it makes Steve feel like his skin is too tight for his body.
Steve feels like he's watching himself from outside his body as he undoes the clasp and places the collar around Eddie's neck.
Eddie's skin is almost hot to the touch under Steve's cold hands, and he can feel Eddie flinching slightly at the initial shock before giving himself completely to Steve's touch. Steve doesn't believe Eddie realizes this, yet Steve's heartbeat swells with the quiet trust and submission.
Steve makes a silent vow to never fail Eddie's faith in him.
Before fastening the collar for good, Steve tests the fit by sliding his finger between the leather and Eddie's neck. When he finds the perfect fit, he buckles the collar and presses a kiss to the skin between the sharp edge of his jaw and the soft leather.
"Alright? Not too tight?" Steve asks, his breathing already heavy.
"No. No, it's perfect." Eddie croaks.
Steve takes a slow step back to admire the sight of Eddie wearing the collar. His collar, the one Steve gave him. Steve's breath stutters at the sight of it. It's really not that different from the accessories he usually wears, it fits right in with the chains and heavy rings, but it's still different.
Because while his accessories are a part of Eddie, the collar is a part of Steve. There is a meaning behind it, a purpose. It's not about aesthetics, though the black leather looks incredibly alluring against Eddie's pale skin. It's a visual reminder of their bond, their hearts worn not on their sleeves but on Eddie's neck. It says that Eddie is his, but it's also a tangible sign of Steve's devotion.
He only ever wants Eddie to wear his collar, and his mind is already buzzing with ideas for a custom-made one.
"Yeah? You like it?" Eddie ducks his head as a faint blush spreads across his cheeks. The juxtaposition of Eddie's sweet shyness and the things Steve wants to do to him makes his stomach do summersaults.
"Yeah. I really, really do. Now c'mere because I need to kiss you right the fuck now." Steve mutters, his hand coming up to cupping Eddie's cheek and pulling him in to crash their lips together.
From the moment their lips touch, Steve's entire body is on fire. Any other day he would enjoy teasing this kind of kiss out of Eddie, driving him wild with barely there kisses and pulling back at perfectly timed moments.
But not today. Today it's heated from the start, fueled by nothing more than that simple leather band around Eddie's throat.
Steve feels like the sight of Eddie wearing the collar has unleashed the insatiable beast in his chest. He's never been so demanding when kissing anyone before, but it's like a feedback loop between him and Eddie. The more hunger Steve feeds into Eddie's mouth with his tongue, the more Eddie demands. He coaxes Steve to push harder, to plunge his tongue deeper, ready to let Steve crawl into him through his throat.
With his hands on Eddie's hips, Steve begins to walk them back until Eddie hits the kitchen counter. The moment he does so, Eddie leans back and spreads his legs so easily for him, just wide enough for Steve to slide his leg between them. Their simultaneous moans fill the room as their clothed dicks brush against each other and Steve is pretty sure he's never been so hard in his life. And they're not even naked, not even doing anything but kissing.
Eddie Munson is going to be the death of him. But what a way to go.
Not slowing down as he tries to eat him alive, Steve begins to roll his hips against Eddie, his upward strokes forceful, just this side of too much. The delicious drag of his heavy cock against Eddie is enough to force Eddie to pull away from Steve's mouth, a series of needy whimpers rolling off his tongue.
"Shit, Steve. Fuck, you feel so good." Eddie gasps, his chest heaving and his eyes heavy-lidded.
But Steve isn't done kissing him, and without thinking twice, he grabs the metal loop of Eddie's collar and pulls Eddie toward him. Their lips are only inches apart when they both realize what has just happened. Steve's cheeks turn red with shame and he's about to stammer an apology when he meets Eddie's eyes. He expects to find a sense of shock in those dark brown eyes, but instead the only thing Steve finds there is a heavy dose of lust.
Steve swallows his apology and instead asks, "Okay?"
"So fucking okay." Eddie smiles, his voice dazed.
Steve smiles back at him and uses the collar to pull him the last few inches so their lips can finally meet again. Eddie whimpers so beautifully against his mouth and it's a sound Steve wants to hear over and over again.
Licking over Eddie's lower lip, Steve lets the hand that's not still hooked into the metal ring of Eddie's collar travel south to Eddie's chest. It finds a nipple through the fabric of Eddie's shirt, the material thin from wear, and he thumbs it.
It has the desired effect, allowing him to swallow more of the whimpers that fall from Eddie's mouth. Another hard thrust of Steve's hips against his cock makes Eddie throw his head back with a high-pitched moan, showing off his beautiful neck with its collar.
Steve thinks he's going to die if he doesn't get his hands and mouth on every inch of Eddie he can reach.
Fixing his mouth to the tantalizing patch of skin just below the collar where Eddie's neck meets his shoulder, Steve steps right in between Eddie's legs, spreading them even wider. Before Eddie can react to any of this, he stoops, grabs the back of Eddie's thighs and lifts. Eddie yelps, his legs and arms wrapping around Steve on pure instinct, and Steve hums against Eddie's neck. The weight of Eddie in his arms feels good, their groins pressed tightly together and his body heat seeping into Steve.
"Oh my God, how are you even real?" Eddie asks, but Steve thinks it's one of those hypothetical questions he likes to ask sometimes. So he ignores it, just scrapes his teeth across Eddie's skin to show him that he's very real and willing to leave reminders of that on Eddie's body.
With careful steps so as not to drop his precious cargo, Steve walks over to the couch and drops onto it. Eddie bounces into his lap, the movement causing him to slide forward so that his ass sits on Steve's hard-on. Unable (and unwilling) to stop himself, Steve humps up once, letting Eddie know how fucking hard and desperate he is for him.
"I need you to touch me. Please, Steve, touch me." Eddie begs so sweetly. The blush on his face reaches under the collar of his shirt and Steve needs to see how deep it goes. He quickly removes Eddie's shirt, relishing the miles of pale skin adorned with black ink and red desire. Their position brings him to eye level with Eddie's chest and he immediately fastens his mouth to Eddie's stiff nipple as if he's hungry for it.
And he is, a hunger deeper than anything he's ever felt before. A hunger that can never be fully satisfied.
Above him, Eddie whines, a pained sound, as if it hurts, as if it's too much, the way Steve licks and sucks and bites at the sensitive bud. But he also brings his hands up and buries them in Steve's hair, pressing his face against Eddie's chest as his hips roll against Steve.
"Off," Eddie demands, and for a second Steve is afraid he has misread Eddie, that he wants Steve off of him. But then he tugs on the back of Steve's shirt and whines another "Off", and Steve gets the hint.
Releasing Eddie's nipple, he moves to pull off his shirt, not helped at all by Eddie's greedy hands on his body. After tossing it somewhere behind the couch, he grabs the metal ring of Eddie's collar and pulls Eddie forward again to catch his lips in another desperate kiss.
His fingers remain hooked around the metal loop as their mouths slide against each other and his eager tongue licks the spit from Eddie's teeth. At the same time, Steve moves his other hand down from where it's pressed between Eddie's shoulder blades to the small of his back, encouraging him to ride his lap.
Eddie ruts against him, the roll of his hips picking up speed, their rhythm sloppier, and they both pant into each other's mouths at the delicious yet not enough friction of denim on denim.
They continue to make out, Eddie writhing on top of him while Steve devours his mouth. At some point, Steve slips his hand under Eddie's jeans and underwear, kneading and squeezing his ass to get him even more riled up. Steve has noticed how Eddie gets turned on whenever Steve plays with his ass, and today is no exception. As soon as his fingers start to tease his hole, Eddie comes apart over him.
The sounds Steve is pulling out of him have Steve almost on the verge of coming himself, and when he looks up at Eddie's face, he finds his eyes glazed over and his cheeks flaming. In between whimpering and moaning, Eddie continues to babble incoherently, pleading and begging Steve for anything, everything, as he continues to rub against Steve's lap. His movements become more and more erratic and Steve knows that this is a sure sign that Eddie is close, a hair's trigger away from spilling into his boxers.
And even though the thought makes more heat pool in his own groin, that's not what Steve wants right now. He wants to savor this moment, wants to burn it into his memory forever.
Wrapping his hand around Eddie's neck, just above the collar, he restrains Eddie from moving.
Eddie whines pitifully, no shame in his face at his own need. He's gone too far, Steve realizes, he's been floating for a while and Steve putting a stop to it must feel like punishment to him.
"Shhh, sweet thing," Steve coos in his most soothing voice. "Just lemme look at you. Just for a moment. Wanna remember you like this."
And Eddie tries, he really does. Tries to let Steve look at him, holds still as Steve noses up his sternum and to his jaw, biting the jut lovingly. But that's all he can take and Steve feels the strain in his legs from trying to keep his hips from chasing his release.
Steve decides to put him out of his misery because Eddie has been so good for him, so sweet and obedient.
"Aw baby, you need a little help?" he asks sweetly.
Eddie nods frantically, his mouth slack and his face and chest pink, his blush visible under his collar.
"Maybe next time I'll buy you a leash. You'd like that, huh?" Steve can't help but push a little, playing with their newfound dynamic. "D'you like being on my leash, parading around town and showing everyone who you belong to?"
"Yes, yes, yes, yes." Eddie slurs his words, his body limp like a rag doll as he writhes on top of Steve, desperately seeking more friction.
"Say it."
"Say it." Steve's grip on the collar tightens.
"'m yours, Stevie. I'm yours, always yours." Eddie whimpers.
"Good boy."
It's as if that's all Eddie needed to hear to come with a broken sob, a litany of "thank you, thank you, thank you" falling from his mouth as he shakes apart in Steve's arms. His hips continue to stutter against Steve's lap as his orgasm rips through him and the pressure against Steve's own painfully hard cock is the sweetest torture.
When it's over, the last drop milked from him, Eddie collapses forward like a marionette whose strings have been cut. His face is pressed into Steve's neck and he continues to make snuffling noises against it, his lips and tongue wet against Steve's overheated skin.
It's so trusting, so vulnerable as Eddie lies in his arms, limp and completely out of it. The voice in his brain sings its mantra of mine, mine, mine louder than ever, eager to claim Eddie even more as its own.
Fueled by this desire, Steve lifts Eddie out of his lap and spreads him out on the couch before straddling his waist. The subtle pressure of Steve's ass against Eddie's spent and sensitive cock draws another whimper from Eddie as he stares up at Steve in starstruck wonder. It's an exquisite sight, Eddie's beautiful body offered to him in satiated surrender.
Steve unzips his pants and frees his hard and leaking cock, sighing with relief that it's no longer straining behind his jeans. He's so turned on by the sight of Eddie like this, all floating and spent and his, that he doesn't have to think twice as he grips his aching cock. He starts at the head, collecting the leaking pre-cum and spreading it over his length to ease the glide as he begins to jerk himself off with a grunt. Fuck, but it hurts so good.
"God, look at you. So pretty and all mine. My good boy." Steve moans, his hand speeding up. He's already close, feels like he's been since he closed the clasp of the collar around Eddie's neck.
"The sounds you made, Eddie, shit. Never sounded sweeter. Wish I could have filmed it, want to show everyone what a good boy you are for me, just for me. Wanna put you on a leash and show you off, show everyone who you belong to."
Eddie's mouth goes slack as Steve's dirty praise sinks in and he whimpers his name brokenly.
"What is it, baby, what do you need? I'll give you anything you want."
"Wanna," Eddie starts before a bitten whine cuts him off. "Wanna suck your cock, God, it's so big, I need it, stuff it down my throat, Steve, please."
Fuck, Steve wants that too. But there is still that voice in his head chanting mine, mine, mine and claim, claim, claim and he knows what he has to do to appease it.
Wanting to at least stuff Eddie's mouth with something, he slides three thick fingers between his lips and Eddie begins sucking eagerly.
"That's right, doll," Steve praises Eddie, his voice sweet even with the condensing words that follow. "You need your mouth stuffed so bad, don't you? Look so beautiful with your lips wrapped around my fingers."
He's jerking off furiously, turned on beyond belief. When Eddie's hips hump into him, it throws him off balance, sending him tumbling forward, his fingers sinking deeper into Eddie's mouth and Eddie gags on them.
It's the feel of Eddie's throat fluttering around his fingers that sends Steve over the edge, thick white streaks of cum splattering Eddie's face, neck and chest.
It's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
Steve has left the building, letting his animal brain take over as he pulls his fingers out of Eddie's mouth, covered in Eddie's saliva, and uses them to rub his cum into the leather of the collar.
"Mine," he whispers reverently before capturing Eddie's lips in a surprisingly soft kiss.
Eddie's too out of it to really kiss back, floating somewhere above them, so Steve decides to clean him up before the cooling cum becomes uncomfortable.
Pressing another soft kiss right between his eyebrows, he tells Eddie, "I'll just get a washcloth, be back before you know it.
And he is, taking no more than ninety seconds to return with a glass of water and a warm washcloth to clean Eddie's cheeks and chest. He removes Eddie's pants and carefully cleans his groin as well. When he's finished, he takes off his own pants and underwear, grabs the soft blanket hanging over the back of the couch, and joins Eddie on the couch.
He pulls Eddie on top of him and spreads the blanket over them. Wayne won't be home for a few hours, so Steve isn't worried. Above him, Eddie gets comfortable, nestling his face in the crook of Steve's neck and sighing contentedly. Steve begins to stroke Eddie's hair, sure that if he could, Eddie would be purring right now. With a smile on his face, Steve decides that buying the collar was the best idea he ever had.
He closes his eyes and presses a soft kiss to Eddie's forehead before letting sleep take over.
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captainremmington-13 · 7 months
A Lady Made of Snow
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova.
SUMMARY: The 10th Annual Hunger Games begin, and things quickly dissolve into chaos. Bellova grows increasingly furious about Coriolanus’s dedication towards Lucy Gray Baird. When she realizes he has cheated just to keep her alive, she decides to ruin him once and for all.
Warnings: spoilers for TBOSAS, death, violence, cursing, overall dark stuff (it’s the Hunger Games franchise so that’s sorta a given)
A/n: I am using a combination of the movie and book version of the events that occur in this chapter. I sort of streamlined the events to make the chapter less boring. Also, I highly recommend listening to “…Ready For It?” and “Look What You Made Me Do” while reading this chapter.
Other than Sejanus throwing a chair at the screen and screaming that everyone in the room was a monster, Lamina killing Marcus in an act of of mercy, and Lucky’s stupid commentary, nothing much had happened yet. 
Bellova was disappointed that her tribute was dead. Not because she cared about her, but because it meant she was missing out on the mentor experience. The thrill of having a say in someone else’s survival seemed quite exciting. 
If she wasn’t so pissed at Coriolanus for his behavior towards Lucy Gray, she would’ve reconsidered his proposal to work together. 
When the day was coming to an end, the majority of Academy students started to leave for their homes. Only a handful remained, consisting mostly of the mentors.
Bellova stifled a yawn, leaning back in her chair. Things has gotten dull, with the tributes doing nothing but finding places to hide from each other. She hoped that Dr. Gaul had something exciting in store for them soon, or people would start switching to Billi Bumble’s horrible comedy channel.
She picked up her Academy satchel and stood up from her seat. She noticed that Coriolanus was still present and slumped over on his desk, his head resting on his hand. He looked so peaceful asleep, his long golden lashes fluttering slightly. The light from the ceiling made his light blonde curls glow ethereally.
He looked like an angel. 
Bellova suddenly felt a strong urge to wake him up. She had avoided him for the entire day out of spite, but was starting to miss interacting to him. It was routine, bantering and bickering every day. Not talking felt…weird. And lonely.
She sighed. On rare occasions, she wished she could go back in time and change the way they formed their relationship. Instead of it being based on competition and rivalry, it would be full of support and affection. 
Then, an unpleasant thought hit her. 
He had only stayed so late to ensure nothing happened to Lucy Gray while he was away.
Now utterly furious, she slung her bag over her shoulder and started towards the door. ‘He’s such a pathetic sap,’ she thought. ‘He’s acting like a fool, I really should stop associating myself with him.’ 
But she found herself glancing over her shoulder to look at him one last time. And she knew, deep down, that she’s always come back, no matter how much he pissed her off.
She’d never be able to stay away from him. 
Not for long, anyway.
Bellova passed out as soon as she climbed into bed, and didn’t wake until nine hours later. She hadn’t slept well in nearly a week, as she was still recovering from her injuries. This was the first time she was able to achieve an uninterrupted night of sleep since before the bombing.
When one of her maids woke her up, it was already 8:00. Usually Academy classes started promptly at 8:00, but because of the Games, the schedule had been loosened a bit. And Bellova, who didn’t feel like interacting with anyone, was in no rush to arrive on time.
After eating a breakfast of fruit and assorted pastries, she slowly pulled on her uniform. She has always hated the Academy uniforms, but with the right accessories and makeup, she had learned to make it presentable by her standards.
Bellova checked her makeup one last time in the mirror and then headed downstairs to meet her driver at the front of her estate. He opened the passenger’s side door for her as she slid into the seat. 
“How are you this morning, Miss Bellova?” he asked, starting the engine and taking off towards the main road.
“Fine,” she said, leaning against the window. “I’m just tired, that’s all.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. I hope that once the Games are over, you can rest up properly.”
She nodded. “That would be nice. As much as I like the Games, they’ve caused quite a lot of stress this year.” 
He laughed quietly. “Most certainly. Everyone was so worried about you when you were hospitalized, your father most of all. I haven’t ever seen him so upset in my twenty years of working for him.” 
Bellova sighed. She and her father, Julio Augustus Reginelle, had a nice relationship. But he was rarely home, for he worked almost ten hours a day and often didn’t come home until Bellova was asleep. She cherished the rare moments she had with him. He had taught her to be proud of her wit and her combative nature, even if it sometimes got her into trouble. 
“You are much more like your father than you realize, Miss Bellova,” her driver said. 
“How so?” she asked.
“You are both kind until someone disrespects you. You are incredibly intelligent just like him, and pursue your goals relentlessly.” He paused for a moment. “And, you seem to have the same disdain for certain other Capitol families.”
Bellova raised an eyebrow. “Which ones?”
“Well, he’s not fond of the Cardews, as you know. He thinks they hold too much power for how little work they actually do.”
Bellova laughed. “That’s true.”
“He has never gotten along with the Creed family. He finds them irritating and foolish.”
She smirked. “I’m not surprised. Festus can be insufferable. Who else?”
Her driver sighed. “He despised Crassus Snow.”
Bellova felt her stomach twist. “Really?”
He nodded. “I don’t know exactly why he hated him so passionately, but I’ve heard they were rivals during their Academy days.”
‘I suppose I really do take after him then,’ Bellova thought, remembering her and Coriolanus’s worst arguments. ‘Crassus’s son gets under my skin nearly every day.’
Her driver pulled onto Scholars Road and stopped in front of the Academy’s main building. He stepped out of the car to open the door for her, and she gave him a nod of thanks. 
“I’ll see you later, Miss Bellova,” he said, bowing slightly and getting back into the car to drive off. 
As Bellova walked to the auditorium where the mentors were undoubtedly already at work, she pondered what her driver had said about Crassus Snow and her father. She was eager to know more about their history, but didn’t want to pry too far. Her father had a temper just like her, and she didn’t want to be on the wrong end of it.
When Bellova reached the room and walked through the doors, she immediately noticed three things: one, that Coriolanus looked exhausted and distressed, two, that he has brought his cousin Tigris to watch the Games, and three, that Sejanus was missing. 
She grabbed a spare chair and sat next to Coriolanus. He didn’t greet her or even glance look at her.
“What’s wrong with you today?” she asked, looking at the large television screen in front of them. 
He scowled. “I’m not in the mood for your snide remarks, Bellova.”
“Clearly something happened. Either tell me or I’ll figure it out on my own.”
Coriolanus gave her a sharp glare, but sighed in defeat. “We’ll talk about it later.”
Satisfied, Bellova turned her attention back to the Games. According to Lucky Flickerman, one tribute, Bobbin, had died overnight. However, there was no footage shown of him perishing. 
Bellova found that awfully suspicious. There was such a lack of action in the arena that the gamemakers would have undoubtedly shown the death of a tribute. 
When Bobbin’s death was announced, she noticed Coriolanus tense ever-so slightly. The average person wouldn’t have noticed, but she had learned to read his body language as well as the back of her hand. Clearly, something about his death made him nervous.
She decided to cast it aside for the moment. She’d pry the information out of him later. 
“They aren’t showing us what happened to that little boy,” Lysistrata Vickers said. “He clearly was killed right there. There’s cameras everywhere. It doesn’t make sense.”
“They said they were old cameras, Lyssie,” Festus responded. “Probably just another one of Coral’s.”
“Festus, sit down,” Lucky Flickerman ordered. “Same seats.”
Festus scowled but did as he was told. He and Lucky clearly had some animosity, and it was quite amusing to witness their petty interactions. 
Suddenly, after a few moments, Lucy Gray appears on screen, looking horrified. Bellova had to bite her lip to refrain from grinning. It seemed that the songbird’s luck was finally running out. 
Jessup emerged a second later. He was clearly not well, he looked much worse than he did before the Games.
“What’d you do to me?” Jessup shrieked, backed Lucy Gray against a pile of rubble.
“Nothing!” she responded, her eyes wide with fear. 
“Lyssie, what is he doing?” Bellova heard Coriolanus asked frantically.
“Something’s wrong,” Lysistrata replied, bewildered. “He wouldn’t turn on her like this.”
“Jessup going after Lucy Gray,” Lucky commented. 
“Stop running!” Jessup demanded. “What did you…” He groaned mid-sentence. “What did you do to me?”
“I didn’t do anything!” Lucy Gray insisted.
“Both tributes from District 12. The same district folding in on itself.” 
“Wait, look. The foam,” Coriolanus said. 
“I think it’s rabies,” Lysistrata said, clearly disturbed. “That bite. From that train.” 
Coriolanus stared at the screen, looking helplessly at his tribute who was nearing her inevitable doom. Then, he turned back to Jessup’s mentor.
“Send him water.”
“Wait, what?” Lysistrata asked.
“You remember the posters in the war? Rabies. It makes you afraid of water. Send him a drone.”
“That’ll scare him,” she protested.
“Yes. Away from her,” he insisted.
Bellova stood up. “Coriolanus-“
“Bellova, be quiet,” he snapped, not even bothering to look at her. “Jessup is done. Lyssie, you’re the only one that can get it right to him.”
Lysistrata clearly didn’t want to, but with a few clicks on her computer, water was being sent to Jessup by a drone. 
“Thank you,” Coriolanus whispered.
Within minutes, Jessup was dead, and four lethal tributes were cornering Lucy Gray. 
“Oh, look at this,” Lucky Flickerman said. “The Pack doing what they do best. Packing it in. Lucy Gray is swarmed, cornered. Mizzen, propellering his net.”
It looked again as if she was done for, but then-
“Mr. Snow going for his communipad,” Lucky continued. Bellova saw him send nine - no, ten drones towards Lucy Gray. 
Bellova knew exactly what he was doing. He was using the drones to give her a chance to escape. 
The drones came flying into the arena, causing The Pack to scatter. A few of them got hit, causing them cry out in pain and tumble to the stone-covered floor. 
“These drones are not very good,” Lucky commented, as if it weren’t obvious. Some of the students who had caught onto Coriolanus’s plan started to jeer at him.
“Hey!” Vipsania Sickle said indignantly. “You can’t attack the tributes.”
“I’m just sending water,” Coriolanus said casually, as if he was completely innocent.
After gathering her bearings, Lucy Gray scrambled into a tunnel with Coral on her heels. She managed to pull the vent closed just in time, the metal door nearly crushing Coral’s fingers.
Bellova positioned herself a few inches away from Coriolanus. She was seething, but it didn’t show on her face. She simply looked indifferent, despite all of the violence that had just occurred in the Games. 
“Snow, do you that time before the Dark Days when you pulled on my pigtails, so I slammed your face against my school desk?”
“Yes,” Coriolanus said, furrowing his eyebrows. “What about it?”
Bellova smiled crookedly, the violent glint in her eyes making Coriolanus visibly uncomfortable. “I’m about to fucking do it again, and this time, you’ll have more than a bleeding nose.” 
He straightened his posture, smoothing out his Academy blazer. 
“I’d like to see you try.” 
Bellova’s hands twitched. She knew that decking him in front of the majority of the student board would get her in severe trouble, but it was very tempting.
Instead of punching him, she started to storm out of the auditorium. 
“There goes Miss Reginelle. Clearly, the violence on screen has finally gotten to her-“
“Shut the fuck up, Flickerman, before I snap your microphone in half!” Bellova hissed. She threw up open the doors, and made sure to slam them behind her. 
Bellova sat in the hallway outside of the auditorium, leaning her head against the wall behind her. Her anger was threatening to spill over, and her father would be very disappointed in her if she murdered someone on Academy grounds.
She had vowed to make Coriolanus pay if he pulled any more strings for his little songbird. And he had by sending that fleet of drones after her attackers. But clearly, nobody batted an eye at that. He had not been punished, or even reprimanded.
The thought of Coriolanus thinking longingly about Lucy Gray was almost enough to drive her mad. 
Before she could do anything drastic, she heard the speakers inside the auditorium amplifying Dr. Gaul’s voice. Curious, she stood up and pressed her ear to the doors.
“Capitol citizens, I’m afraid I must interrupt our Games to announce a tragic loss, one that affects us all. Felix Ravinstill, son of our beloved president, has, this morning, succumbed to his injuries sustained in the rebel bombing.”
Bellova felt her heart drop. Felix wasn’t all that bad, when he wasn’t bragging about his life at least. She had even gone to the end-of-year Academy gala with him a couple of years ago. They had a wonderful time, and she was gifted a priceless gold necklace by him at the end of the night. She had worn it for a week straight afterwards, which delighted the young son of the president.
“Out there in the districts, they will be celebrating this young boy’s death as a triumph. I will not allow my Games to give our enemy such a victory. I swear to you, here and now, before the sun goes down tonight, a rainbow of destruction will engulf our arena. Even if it means there’s to be no victor in these Games.”
She gasped. She knew Dr. Gaul well enough to know she was completely serious. If she wanted someone gone, she’d stop at nothing until they dropped dead. 
Mere moments later, Coriolanus burst through the doors, nearly slamming right into Bellova. 
“What are you doing out here?” she asked, scowling at him.
He sneered down at her, beginning to walk away. She followed him, despite knowing he really didn’t want her to. “As if I’d tell you.”
Bellova sighed. “I told you earlier, Coriolanus, if you don’t tell me, I’ll figure it out on my own-“
“Fine!” he huffed. “I’d do anything to shut you up at this point. You’re insufferable.”
“The feeling is mutual, Snow. Now spill it, what’s going on?”
Coriolanus, against his better judgement, told her everything. Well, almost everything. He told her about how he retrieved Sejanus from the arena, but omitted the part about killing Bobbin. He explained that he needed to see Dr. Gaul immediately, for the stitches in his back from the previous evening were coming loose. 
Bellova frowned. She briefly felt bad that he was in pain, but couldn’t bring herself to actually care. She was still angry at him. 
She also noticed he said was being very vague with his details. He was definitely hiding something.
“What’s that face for?” Coriolanus asked as they approached the Citadel, which housed Gaul’s laboratory. 
“What face?”
“That scowl. You’re clearly not pleased about something, so what is it?”
She smirked. “As if I’d tell you,” she said, mimicking his words from earlier. 
Coriolanus’s jaw clenched, which satisfied Bellova immensely. She loved seeing his patience waver, it was strangely addicting.
“Will you ever learn to keep your bratty mouth shut?” he asked, his voice raising a touch.
“Bratty?” Bellova scoffed. “I’d prefer it if you called me a bitch.”
Dr. Gaul’s lab was just a few corridors away at this point. Bellova knew that causing a scene here wouldn’t be wise, but she honestly did not care. She could easily talk her way out if it.
Coriolanus glowered at her, his blue eyes icier than ever. “Go back to the auditorium, Bellova. I know you love watching the Games, and you’re probably missing all of the action.”
She laughed. “So all of a sudden, you want me to be happy. Seriously, Snow, if you want to get rid of me, just say so.”
He smirked at her condescendingly. “Then I will. Get out of here, you have no place in Gaul’s lab anyway. It’s too much for your pathetically shallow brain to comprehend.” 
Bellova stared at him for a moment. It has been awhile since he’d said something quite that harsh. It was normal for him to question her intellect, but calling her dumb? That was low, even for him.
Coriolanus was obviously anticipating a slap to the face. He was not prepared, however, for Bellova to swipe her claw-like nails across his face like a wild animal.
Stunned, he watched Bellova walk away as the new gashes on his face began to sting. As she reached the end of the hall, she screamed “You’re such an asshole!” before disappearing from Coriolanus’s sight. 
Bellova sat in the stands instead of with the mentors, watching as Dr. Gaul’s “rainbow of destruction” engulf the remaining tributes in the arena.
She had no idea that when Dr. Gaul said “rainbow”, she was referring to hundreds of colorful, deadly snakes. 
She watched, entranced, as the beautiful mutations smothered the tributes, picking them off one-by-one. She had never admired the “mad” scientist more. Her work was truly beautiful. 
Wovey, Reaper, Mizzen, and Coral were soon dead, lying lifelessly beneath the swarm of snakes. 
“Now, all colors lead to Gray,” Lucky Flickerman said. 
Coriolanus stood watching the screen, amazed at his own success. “She’s… She’s won. It’s over, she’s won.” He looked over to Dr. Gaul, who was standing to the side. “She’s won, let her out.”
The doctor smiled. “Afraid that’s not your call to make, Mr. Snow.”
Bellova bit back a laugh when Lucy Gray began to sing. At least she’d be able to get in once last performance before her vocal chords went slack.
“Dr. Gaul, she won!” Coriolanus repeated, desperation seeping into his voice. “It’s over, let her out.” 
“Why aren’t they attacking her?” someone asked.
“Must be the singing,” Coriolanus replied. “It’s calming them.”
He really was a terrible liar.
“She can’t sing forever,” Festus said. 
Bellova noticed some of the students around her begin to cry as they watched Lucy Gray sing shakily. ‘Pathetic,’ she thought.
“Dr. Gaul, please,” Coriolanus begged. “Get her out. Get her out!”
One by one, the Academy students began to chant “Get her out! Get her out!”, almost overpowering the sound of Lucy Gray’s singing. 
‘No,’ Bellova thought desperately. ‘Don’t. Just let her die.’
Then, Coriolanus said, “Who will watch the Games if there’s no victor?”
The chanting came to a halt.
Dr. Gaul looked around, seeing that she was vastly outnumbered. “Get her out,” she murmured just loud enough to be heard. 
“She’s won! Lucy Gray!” Lucky Flickerman cried over the roar of the student body. “Coriolanus Snow is the winner of the 10th Annual Hunger Games!”
Bellova’s face burned with fury, her patience finally snapping after days of wearing thin. 
She was no longer willing to overlook Coriolanus’s behavior. She had let him get away with too much. 
It was time that he faced some real consequences.
As she exited the hall quietly, she smiled, a cruel, twisted smile. She knew exactly how she would make him pay.  
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊
TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais, @gracieroxzy
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments! This was another decently long chapter, and I believe it has been the most intense one yet. Stay tuned for Chapter Six!
Also, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
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centrally-unplanned · 3 months
Oh I had a book review that I never did - Apostles of Mercy. Third in a series that I like, but while still "good" its the worst one so far! The Noumena series is a First Contact story set in Bush-era USA, telling the tale of Cora, a down-on-her-luck "everygirl" who gets dragged into being an interpreter/uncomfortably-intimate pairbond for an alien refugee named Ampersand whose home species is probably gonna wipe out humanity as a threat prevention/"why not" measure. Lets complain about things on the complaining-blog:
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(The cover art continues to slap, no downgrade there)
Book 1 of the Noumena series is, fundamentally, the story of Cora and Ampersand, and how they connect. It is done really well, their differences stack on their shared contexts and a bit of alien magic to make it really believable that they become a found family unit. So in book 2... Ampersand kind of PTSD's into becoming a reclusive asshole, and Core spends most of the book away from him connecting with other people? It is an odd choice but, you know, this can work. You create space in a relationship, they grow and change from the space, then reunite and that distance in fact builds the foundation for new stuff. Its bold for book 2 but fair enough. But then she does it again in Book 3!! Cora goes off to deal with other issues and hang out with someone else, and is primarily annoyed by or made deeply uncomfortable by Ampersand's presence and decision-making for most the book. Its not as severe this time, but still; you can't play that card again, like come on! Are you telling your Transformers meets Beauty & the Beast fanfic or aren't you? Make up your mind! It comes off as too-clever-by-half, someone uncomfortable with doing the "typical" and having to constantly ~subvert, to ill effect.
Speaking of, the distraction du jour for Book 3 is Paris, Cora's new girlfriend. And she is very, very boring. She is just A Person, spends most of the book a prisoner trying to survive alien captors who don't understand her, and pretty much just has to be rescued at the end. There is no connective tissue - skills that she has that are crucial, themes she is the lodestone for, etc. In Book 2 Cora's partner Kaveh was far, far more interesting - he pushed the narrative forward, he was audacious and witty, and he had a deep internal narrative as to his motivations and goals. Paris seems like a checkbox in comparison. And I think there is something to that - in an interview Ellis remarked that she has gotten far less "critique" on her male characters than her female characters from the lens of making them interesting to read. She implies a degree of audience sexism there, but I think its probably the reverse - besides Cora (who is great) her male characters are just way more fun because, surprise surprise, they are allowed to be assholes sometimes in ways that make them complex and interesting. Even Kaveh, who is a very positively coded character, is a thirty-something rich guy sleeping with a college-aged broke trauma ball and is shamefully kind of loving being the fixer to her broken bird. That is good shit to read about - Paris could never because she is simply A Good Person. Because of Woke.
And speaking of politics! So this part of the series was always a little cringe - Ellis as a writer wears her politics on her sleeve and they are definitely a form of unsophisticated leftism with some really heavy-handed moments. But I don't mind reading the works of people I disagree with, I quite love it in fact; in the first book it is generally fine, because she sets up competent and realistic opponents. In Book 1 its the CIA embodied in Sol Kaplan, who believes in the War on Terror and all that jazz and is one of the best side characters, and Cora has to face brutal consequences for her own ideals. In Book 2 the cringe ratchets up a bit but still, here the debate is over civil rights & strategic approaches to the now-public alien refugees, and the "right-wing" factions are portrayed with intelligent arguments around security & deterrence, and also score their own wins. In Book 3, the main plot revolves around a sister alien faction's camp who specialize in biotech. And they have this whole thing where they move from place to place for secrecy, and to be away from people they find themselves in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, and then an uncleansed mine field in Cambodia. At which point they start saying things like "we should eliminate the humans, we would steward the earth better" and you in the audience are totally supposed to be sympathetic to that. Its incredibly eyeroll, the large majority of the planet is rural countryside they could escape to with nothing close to that scale of damage, they literally chose the worst possible locations on two coin flips in a row. How are they not in Montana. Or Siberia. Its cringe, guys. She does the same thing with the CIA in this book, who eventually get commandeered by a US general who literally thinks of ethnic minorities as subhuman and says so explicitly. Incredible cringe.
Finally, Mary Sue problems. Cora interacts extensively with three humans in this book, and two of them want to fuck her and the third is her evil dad. Said dad spent the first two books being a distant figure pulling off big moves; in this book he literally does nothing but putz around, with no clear agenda but "butter up Cora", who sees through it immediately and fucks him over at the end. Like you spent two books setting this guy up? That is it? So Cora can look smart? We already knew she was smart. Someone says he loves her an "angelic" platonic way. Its not a good look and tbh a little baffling coming from Ellis, who is not at all someone who typically does that kind of stuff. I have to chalk that up to "ah fuck how do I wrap this arc up" syndrome.
Okay, done! Tbc the core of the book was still solid plotting and there was progress on interesting fronts. Its just sad to read Book 3 in a series where it commits mistakes the first two books explicitly avoided, like she ran out of endurance. Hopefully this is a book where she just got it out of her system.
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the-trinket-witch · 4 months
Trinket's TWST OCs x Reader Headcanons
(I blame @thehollowwriter for inspiring this one XD)
These Headcanons are a mix of platonic/romantic, ignoring any 'canon' pairings they might already have (Lookin' at you, Al)
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His love language is Acts of Service, so when he starts trying to do stuff for you? Keep an eye out. The problem is he's usually friendly to everyone so it's the subtleties to look out for.
To this point he's one to pine after someone. He hopes his actions might speak louder than words, so there might not be an outright 'I fancy you'. The only reason he actively pursued/told Azul outright was because subtlety can be easily dismissed by a guarded heart.
He will insist on public transit if going anywhere if a car is a viable option. Likewise he could come off as obnoxious when it comes to driver/passenger safety. Seatbelt before keys, music isn't too loud, put the phone down, etc.
Oddly, if you really want to know the biggest tell you are In With Him? The mask starts coming off. His chipper, stiff upper lip attitude gives way to a more calm, almost melancholy air. He's gotten comfortable enough with you to open up about certain things, things he hasn't so much 'lied' about so much as 'omitted details to let you make your own truth'.
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For as much as they give airs of 'being more mature' than their peers, there's still a 16yr old there. If they start trying to show you some of their art/music tastes, that's def a path of at the very least friendship.
If you find yourselves having a good whinge over something to drink? You're DEFINITELY friends. Being a Prefect is difficult, they gotta let things out somtime and there's only so many suggestions of 'Just Burn them to a Crisp' from Grim that they can take.
If comes a crisis and they feel need to give Grim to YOU? Congrats you now have a relationship with a Prefect.
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Ya boi is awkward. He's acutely aware of his size and strength so his attempts to make friends usually has him trying to seem as unimposing as possible. But if he can't, he'll content do just stand off to the side for you
He's not writing or drawing anything lewd, he swears! Catching him sketching you or writing observations is a bit of a tightrope. Either you can make him clam up about how much of a muse you are to him, or you can open the floodgates to more information about human culture (whether you're human or otherwise) that you would have any idea what to do with.
Dates may be sparse at first, as he'd want to go to a local cultural or holiday event with you. Him burying his nose in another journal isn't him ignoring you or his way to call you boring, he's just really invested in the atmosphere (and maybe observing how you're enjoying things to note for later)
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Laz is kind of a flirt, so off the bat it'll be hard to tell if he's just being him or if there's anything more.
Like a lot of guys, if he's inviting you to band practice, it's to show off. 'Mira, any requests?'
He loves the idea of being on the road for shows, but deep down he wants someone who is willing to wait for him at homebase, cheering him on. He just needs to prove it's just his music and not his heart that likes to rove.
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It should be first and foremost stated that no matter what he says, he has no interest in friends or romantic partners. Less people to share his success with.
However, one can find themselves more often at his side with a few points of navigation.
How gullible are you? How willing are you to ignore the progression in things he asks of you? How much do you need to see a therapist? How well connected are you? These are a few deciding factors in how close the Python will allow you to get.
Depending on what you can give him, he has the means to pull out quite a few stops. Gifts, travel, physical intimacy, it's all in the name of dividends.
Of course, when it comes to wits and intelligence, is where you can genuinely start to 'charm' him instead of the other way around. If you can out-psychology him or evade all his attempts to crack you, while also showing off what you know but aren't willing to divulge, will make him utterly writhe.
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He's a king looking for a ruling partner (that isn't going to threaten his status)
Friendships (or 'alliances') are mutually beneficial. He knows just the right balance of give and take.
He can smell a gold-digger a mile off. It's happened enough times he knows all the steps. Because of how often younger folks tend to shoot their shot that way, he tends to go romantically for those 30+.
While he doesn't want a leech on his arm, he doesn't want someone overly codependent either. He's a busy man, so someone with hobbies and a general maturity of independence would be ideal.
Friendly gatherings tend to be part of public events, but he's a busy man so compile your stories into elevator pitches.
'Dates' on the same hand, are typically in those same spaces. hearkening back to a need for maturity, he isn't going to bring someone who's going to get him in the paper for all the wrong reasons.
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TAGLIST: (lemme know if you want added/removed)
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia@writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @honey-milk-depresso @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @oathofoaks
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki@valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin
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siryouarebeingmocked · 6 months
Carter and Lovecraft, by Jonathan L. Howard (2015)
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I really wanted to like this book.
I've read a few Lovecraft novels and stories, and I liked them. So when I saw this on my friend's bookshelf, I borrowed it, and read it.
Tried to.
The first real fly in the ointment? NYPD protag sees his partner take a 9mm retirement in front of him on a creepy case, and becomes a private detective. Mysterious lawyer shows up at his office one day and says there was a bookstore owner in Providence, Rhode Island, who has been missing and just declared dead.
The protag gets the bookshop. He's not sure why.
Protag goes to the bookshop. Owner's niece, Emily, is there. She's been running the shop alone since the owner vanished, and she co-ran it when he was alive. Also, she's biracial. Would be played by Zoe Kravitz in the movie, he thinks.
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Her name is Lovecraft.
As in, she's a descendant of ol' Howard Philips.
She notes the irony; a black-ish "mulatto" descendant of an anti-black racist.
"Okay," I think, as I checked the publication date. "You've gotten that token bit out of the way. Now, can we move on?"
Apparently not.
As protag starts looking into the disappearance and other weird stuff, he decides he needs to get his eye in. So he goes to a gun range, where he needs to sign up for the NRA first
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and ends the session by "re-engaging the safety" on his Glock.
Fun fact: stock Glocks don't have manual safeties, AFAIK.
In the next chapter, protag thinks about how he used the gun. He hates the NRA and the whole "gun fetish" thing, but he needs the iron, just in case.
Two strikes. Three if you count the safety thing.
Yes, I know an NYPD cop might be a bit bigoted about the issue, especially considering how his partner died. But it really feels like the writer's opinion.
In fact, let me just-
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Yep. The writer is British. This sounds awfully familiar.
It was about this time that I realized something. The protagonist has no traits that aren't directly related to being a cop or detective. Absolutely none.
I don't think we know what he does in his off hours. No friends. Nothing but the job.
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Heck, Miss Lovecraft has more personality than him, and she takes up a lot less screen time.
Protag decides to give Lovecraft half the business, so he can become a silent partner. People start dying in physically impossible ways - like the dude who drowned in his dry car in a parking lot - our hero looks into it.
He also ends up learning about a local family, the Waites. Rich, keep to themselves on their own land, been around since before the area was officially settled, apparently.
The local who tells him about all this says the younger ones are oddly attractive. The family has distinctive big eyes.
Anyone remotely familiar with HP Lovecraft just went "Oh, right, they're fishmen. Got it." I've seen this trope done better before, like in the comic Shadowgirls.
Hero looks into the archives, finds records of a racist Town Council rant by an early Waite, back when they were still into trading. Including slaves. Specifically, patriarch Newton Waite went to a council meeting and said black people should serve others, and shouldn't have self-determination.
The archivist intern says it's was "a different time", and that's just how people were back then.
Of course, he adds "People who talk like that now - no pass for them."
End scene.
Like this extremely mainstream, boring opinion is some kind of
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In the next scene, protag chats about the fit he had near the Waite place. Learns about another mysterious death. When he chats about it with Emily, he suddenly realizes she's hot.
Then the narration tells us that he was a racist bigot in his teens, though he thought he was being sensible at the time. He now knows he was wrong, but he still feels sparks of it when he reads about some black kid doing some stereotypically black thing, which gives certain white people "a hard-on of righteousness".
And, of course, his time spent walking away from "instinctive racism" means his dating pool opened up. Like Emily Lovecraft, for example.
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The most stereotypically black thing would probably be crime. Or being a single mom or deadbeat dad.
 Sadly, I know of plenty of black people - from my black majority home country - who fall into one of those categories. Or two. Three if you include "poverty", but we're Developing, so that barely even counts.
Also, this basically came out of nowhere. Not Emily being hot - I mean, look at Zoe Kravitz - but his unsolicited thoughts on racism.
All of these issues have also been issues for many concerned black people. For decades. The 'stereotypically black things' might be bad themselves, not because they make racist white people feel smug.
This is precisely where I closed the book for good. I would've put away the bookmarks, but I needed the page so I could write this rant.
Honestly, writing all this made me realize that I should've given up long before I made it halfway through the book. But I just kept hoping it would get better.
Doing the same well-worn cliches in a modern setting doesn't really make them interesting. Neither do the little 'racism is bad, mmmkay?' bits.
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louiseintrees · 2 years
He’s An Idiot If He Isn’t In Love With You Yet
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Finally after a long amount of touring everything was at rest for a bit. So, to celebrate our new founded freedom we all went and got drinks. The band, and their lovers and a couple of friends, me falling in the friend category.
At the moment I was sat next to Alexa—who fell into the lovers category—and we both sat looking over the band. Matt sitting with Breana holding her close. And Jamie and Katie sitting together somewhere far away probably planning on going home soon. And Alex talking with Matt as he sipped on his drink.
“So, how long have you known Alex?” Alexa asked looking over at me holding her drink in her hand fiddling with it more than she was drinking it.
“Since the early years of primary school. I used to live in England because of my dad and we met. I’m honestly shocked we’ve lasted this long but I’m not complaining.” I stated looking over her.
“What was he like before the fame? I mean I imagine some things have changed since then, right?” She questioned.
“To be honest with you not much has changed. Less piano playing now, and he’s definitely gotten a bit more anxious but he’s still him.” I stated looking at her.
“He played piano?” She quizzed confusion on her face.
“Yeah until he was eight, did he not tell you?”
“No, I’ve never heard this.” She spoke looking confused still, a bit of disbelief at my statements.
“Yeah he played until he was eight and then he quit, calling it stupid and boring. His teacher was my teacher so we’d always complain about her. She was an old lady Mrs. Anderson and for some reason she really hated Alex, I’m pretty sure it had something to do with when he stole her dog and ran around the neighbourhood with it, but you didn’t hear that from me.” I giggled. “But anyway, he hated her so much and she would always give him hard pieces and then eventually he quit. But I was stuck still taking lessons which was kind of lame but that’s besides the point. When he was younger he had this big crush on some mystery girl he refused to tell me the name of, but he kept practicing pieces for her and then he planned this whole thing and the girl was, Sydney Thompson, and he invited her to his house and played her a piece and then he had his second ever kiss with a girl, it was honestly pretty elaborate for a ten year old. I have to admit.”
Alexa and I laughed together at the story.
“Who was his first kiss?” She questioned.
“Oh…well, me. We were in I think our second year of school together and we thought that it would be smart to practice kissing because we wanted to be prepared but it went as well as six year old could do and after that we agreed kissing was gross and never do it again.” I laughed causing Alexa to giggle along with me.
“I’m glad I get to talk to you, I needed these stories.” She spoke looking over at the boy we were speaking about.
“You know we’re not going to make it.” She said softly enough for me to hear but not enough for people around us to hear.
“What? You an Alex are awesome. You guys are so in love it’s like Katie and Jamie again.” I said wondering where this was coming from.
“Don’t get me wrong I love him and he loves me but we’re living separate lives, and he’s changing, he’s still learning and growing, and I’m far past that stage in my life. And to be honestly after he gets over me if he doesn’t date you I’m simply going to die a salty woman.” She said the whole thing taking me back.
“I’m sorry about that, you guys seemed really perfect, together, you were both really happy.” I spoke trying to ignore the second part of what she said.
“You guys are the epitome of perfect. And this isn’t coming out of a jealous girlfriend. Me and him already are planning a split my stuff is being packed and moved, but you guys are something else. Don’t get me wrong he does love me, but I think he’s got something for you that isn’t so innocently platonic.” She stated with a smile.
“Really?” I said confusion written all over my face.
Alexa laughed and looked at me, “Really. He’s an idiot if he isn’t in love with you yet. If I were him we’d already be married.”
I honestly was speechless, I’ve always had a thing for Alex, who wouldn’t? But no one knew that because I bottled it up. I’m his wingman, and I’ve never felt he’s been interested but her word’s definitely made me think.
“I’m going to head home for the night, it was great talking to you seriously.” She spoke patting my shoulder leaving and saying her goodbyes to Alex.
I watched intently. I didn’t know what they were saying but she was saying goodbye. But there was no hug or kiss. Just a simple goodbye and she left, she left alone. That was very unlike them. I guess they really were splitting.
And now I couldn’t stop thinking. They were seriously breaking up, weren’t they? I thought for sure this was going to be Alex’s end game. I thought I’d be standing at some venue for his wedding soon but I guess I was wrong. And what was all of that he’s an idiot if he’s not in love with you stuff. That was so out of pocket. It felt trippy. Like this wasn’t reality but it was.
“Hey.” Alex spoke taking the seat where Alexa once sat.
“Hey.” I responded not being able to focus properly on him.
“You alright? You seem a bit distracted.” He stated leaning in a bit.
“Alex, are you and Alexa seriously breaking up?” I asked softly, like he would break if I spoke any louder.
His mouth fell slightly agape and he looked down to the floor.
“Did she tell you?” He questioned the energy in his voice depleting into nothing.
“Yeah, yeah she did.” I said softly. I felt I had to say something other than that. I held his hand that sat in the bar top and spoke, “I’m sorry Alex. Truly she was amazing.”
He held my hand back and looked over at it avoiding eye contact with me. He sighed and then started to speak, “It’s okay. I kind of saw it coming.”
“If you need anything call me, okay? Seriously, it sucks when you lose someone like that.”
“I will.” He spoke looking into his glass before looking up at me. “Hey, do you want to get out of here, go somewhere? This place is losing its fun very quickly.”
“Anything with you, Alex.”
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ryuuzn · 2 years
— Breaking his promise
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— characters include; heizou, mentions of kujou sara
— genre; angst, teyvat not modern au
➜﹒tags: mentions of breakups, sad angsts, heizou is a dick
⸝⸝ᨒ "a/n"✫ wrote this less than an hour lol, pls give me some reqs, im kinda bored
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Summary: Heizou didn’t mean to, he didn’t mean to hurt you or make you upset in anyway. He knew you had a crush on him since the both of you was little and was planning to marry you but…why must this happen.
You’ve been dating heizou for a long time now and he’s been a great boyfriend to you. Yeah he may flirt a little bit with his female colleagues but you tend to ignore it since he didn’t REALLY mean it. After finishing the chores in the afternoon you were planning on waiting for him to come home. Time has passed and dinner was almost ready but he wasn’t home yet. You were scared and nervous that he might of gotten hurt so you went to check at his usual workplace.
While walking in town, a friend of yours ran towards you. “HEYYY” she tackles you “how have you’ve been these days? I haven’t seen you in months” “I’ve been okay, im just walking to my boyfriend’s workplace to see why he isnt home yet” “your boyfriend? you mean you guys are still dating?” she looks at you with a confused face “yea? about 5 years now, im planning on marrying him too” you said happily while walking down the town. “oh…well..goodluck with that hehe…” she giggled as she walked away from you back to her store. You looked at her confused but forgot about it. You’ve arrived at heizou’s workplace. The police station. You walk in and see kujou sara on the way and asks her “hey sara, is heizou still here?” she looks at you with wide eyes “oh….um..” you were confused, why is that everytime you talk about your boyfriend people would stare with worried like eyes or act weird. “yes..he’s still here in his office. It’s down that hallway” she points at his door. “thank you sara, I appreciate it” she stared at you while you walk down the hallway and left. Concerned for you and that you won’t be too upset about what you are about to see. As you walk down the hallway, you could hear his voice and..another voice? A female one. It could be one of his colleagues, though it sounds like they were flirting. You did told heizou that he should stop flirting with others for a while because at some points it gets too while to where he looks like he wants to get with someone else. You walk closer to the door, tip toeing and putting your ear on the door. You hear giggling so you thought they might just be talking about something nice. Until you heard something you didn’t like.
You hear wet noises coming from the door. You were guessing they were sipping some tea until you heard something coming from his mouth. “mmmh…I love you sweetheart, you’ll ever be my best loving girlfriend. Oh I can’t wait to marry you” was he drunk? could he possibly think that the woman he’s with is you? or is he really doing what you think it is. The wet kissing noises continue and you wanted to rot. Moans and laughter are coming pass the door and you decided to slam the door open. Heizou and the woman stared at you in shock as you glare at heizou. He immediately let go of the girl and got up until you slapped him. He falls to the grown and you ran away outside of the station.
There’s no way he actually did that, right? RIGHT?! you thought as you ran home. Lock all the doors and went and pack up your stuff. He promised from when you both started dating that he would always stay with you and would forever be with you. You guess he doesn’t even care anymore because that promise is going towards another woman that you don’t even know. Just how long were they together? While packing your stuff, you hear loud banging coming from the front door. You probably thought it was heizou so ignored it. The door bust opened and he went looking for you in every room screaming you name. “Y/N! PLEASE COME OUT. I CAN EXPLAIN” explain? explain my ass I don’t wanna hear your excuses he busted your bedroom door open to see you packing your stuff away, his heart shrunk as he slowly walks towards you. “Honey….no..please” he grabs you by the shoulder. You grab his wrists and pulls if off your shoulder, slapping him afterwards. “Do not talk to me, I don’t even want to hear your excuses” you yelled “but i-” “don’t even say anything, now answer me..how long were you two together” he gulps as he stared at you. He was calling her sweetheart and saying that she’s his everything and wanted to marry her….you wanted to know how long they’ve been together because he has only said that to you ONCE.
“I..uh-” he’s studdering, of course he’s studdering. He has no excuses to make because he knows what he did was wrong. But the real question was did he ever cared for you. “answer my question you bastard before I LEAVE” you yelled “two years” he blurted out. two years they’ve been together and you never even noticed. You also never seen that woman ever in your life and he’s just doing whatever he wants with her by cheating on you. Tears kept pouring down to your chin and dripping on your shirt. You didn’t care anymore. You quickly packed up your stuff and walked away from him. He tried to grab your arm but then pulled his hand back. He knew if he’d say something, you wouldn’t care so he decided to leave you alone.
A few months later, you were casually shopping for stuff with your friend and your new boyfriend. You all were picking up clothes and buying food because your friend wanted to have a sleepover at the inn you stayed in with your boyfriend. You too haven’t been together for too long and is still getting to know eachother but you love him so much and he loves you a lot too. While passing by the food stalls, you hear giggling from across you. You look to see heizou and his girlfriend happily at the food stall sharing food. You stared at them for a bit then it started to rain. Heizou then covered up the girl with his jacket and then his eyes met yours. The both of you didn’t break eye contact until your boyfriend appeared with his jacket over yours telling you to come with him. You walk away with your boyfriend as heizou looks at you in sadness. He wonders why he did this in the first place.
part 2?
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pseudocyance · 27 days
Okokok so I have written a lot um yeah
I already posted the first section of this but I edited it a wee bit and copied it here so this is that plus a lot more afterwards
I don't know what possessed me to sit down and write this but it was a lot of fun so uhh
Codex backstory stuff
Word count - 2,658
content warnings - death, manipulation, minor body horror, abandonment, swearing
(There's also one innuendo type joke but it's not that bad)
The lava hissed below them as they sprinted across the bridge. It was a less than favorable method of transportation but there was no alternative. Codex needed to get out now.
They had been collecting obsidian for months now, scrounging up every scrap every moment the magic brain fog cleared to make the portal here. Some poor soul had made this bridge, possibly a previous student making an escape attempt.
Codex tripped, their hands flying out to keep themself from falling off. They fell to their knees and scrambled to stay on the bridge. The lava was only a few feet away and the sizzling heat licked their skin.
It took a few seconds of frantic grasping at the netherrack, but Codex got a firm hold on the bridge.
I can't stop, I don't have time to stop, I need to keep going. Keep going, idiot.
They pulled themself up and kept sprinting. Through the nether fog and smoke, they could make out the shape of an island ahead.
Only a few more steps. Then you can find a new portal to go to the overworld through. Or make a new one! You have enough obsidian. So… Close…
A piglin dropped down in front of them from a ledge. It clutched a crossbow made of a deep red wood.
“Ah, hello! Um, I need to get out of here, like, now, so if you can move that would be great.”
It just looked at them, with its soulless white eyes. Codex was glad that the eyes were not a trait their piglin heritage had given them. Instead they had gotten the pink skin and small tusks. They had no idea what their eye's color had been before becoming the distinct purple of the Watchers.
“I would really rather not hurt you, but you are between me and getting away from this lava so it might have to happen.”
The piglin tilted it's head to the side. Codex wondered if it could understand them or if it was just considering whether to shoot them into the lava. Or both. But instead of raising it's crossbow, it stepped to the side and pointed to a nearby cave.
“Thank you? I think? Thank you for not killing me, Mx. Piglin.”
They started running again, this time towards the cave. Any directions, even from a feral pig monster, was better than nothing.
Don't refer to your ancestors that way.
Codex shook off the guilty feeling and slowed down their running. The cave was widening and going downwards. The temperature was rising with every step and Codex had the feeling that if they broke any of the walls, lava would come pouring in.
Why had the piglin told them to go this way? What was down here?
A deep rumble shook the ground.
“Oh voids, they're here.” How had they already noticed they were missing? Codex started sprinting again. The heat was becoming unbearable and it was getting harder and harder to breathe.
A flash of purple in front of them made them screech to a stop. But it wasn't their pursuers. It was a nether portal.
Finally, the exit. I'm so close. When I get to the overworld, maybe I can find a player to help me get to a new world.
They stepped towards the portal and reached towards the swirling surface.
“Codex,” a voice behind them rasped. “Where do you think you're going?”
They whipped around, tail flipping angrily.
“Get away! Leave me alone! All you've done is hurt me, and it is my right to escape.”
The blue skinned Watcher sighed at them with a bored, slow blink. “Kid. You don't know what you're doing. Come home and nobody will get hurt”
“I've already been hurt! Everyone there is hurt! Plus, that place has never been my home.”
“Fine, then.” In less than a second, Thane raised his hands and clapped them in front of him. Purple sparks radiated from his palms and the cave began to shake.
“You're going to kill us both! This is going to cave in, and I'm the one that's closer to the portal. You'll never make it out alive!”
“Codex… did you really think I was stupid enough to come here myself? I would never risk my life on something as insignificant as you.”
A fissure cracked through the roof and lava began pouring in. Codex stepped backwards towards the portal, not wanting to take their eyes off the Watcher.
“This is your fault. You shouldn't have left.” Thane's figure wavered. Codex thought it was heat waves at first, but then the older Watcher shortened in height. His skin turned from blue to a pale peach and his purple waistlength hair turned to white bob.
“Where am I? What happened? Why-” the human began screaming as the lava approached her.
“ROSE? Why are you here? Come here! We can escape together!”
She fell forward and started to crawl towards Codex. But the lava was too fast. It oozed towards Codex's classmate and began to swallow her.
Codex would never forget those screams as they backed into the nether portal. They would never forget the expression on Rose's face as they left her. They would never forget the smell of burning flesh and feathers.
As Codex tumbled out of the other side of the portal, they felt an excruciating pain coming from their forehead. The searing pain caused them to curl up into a ball and reach for their head, only to discover horns protruding from what used to be smooth skin. Probably yet another mark from the Watchers, claiming them as a member. The pain continued to burn for what may have been minutes, hours or days.
When it finally cleared, Codex opened their eyes to see a sunrise. Orange light flooded the forest they had tumbled into.
“I’m… free.”
It took a bit for Codex to notice their surroundings. The dense forest was made up of dark oak trees and giant mushrooms that weren't too unlike the ones in the nether. The white stems reminded them of exposed bones. They shook off the thought.
Their eyes darted around and landed on a small stone.
One step in front of the other. Ignore the pain. With the stone in hand, they returned to the portal.
“This probably isn't going to do anything, but it's better than nothing,” they mumbled to themself, and smashed the stone into the glassy portal surface. It shattered with a hissing sound and let out a wave of heat. Codex sighed with relief.
“Ok. Back to the beginning, I guess.”
They walked around the portal, collecting a bundle of thick sticks and bark. The materials to make starter tools were all they needed for the time being. Eventually they wanted to get their hands on some armor, but this would be alright for now.
I need to find a player. I can use their com to get to the hub, and then find help from there.
With the rudimentary tools in hand Codex made their way forward.
The trees thinned slowly but surely and gave out to a lush field. Codex's ears perked up as a rustling reached their ears. The wind was blowing past the flowers that coated the land, making a beautiful whistling sound. Their eyes scanned the field. The grass was short enough so nothing would be hiding in it, but they felt uneasy going out and being exposed.
Nobody is coming. You are ok. The players here are probably peaceful, so if you do run into someone it'll be ok.
Codex exited the trees and entered the field. About an end island's width away was a stream that cut between the flowery field and a huge plains.
Walking forward, they were careful not to step on the flowers. They approached the stream and were deciding on how to cross when they noticed a figure leaning over the stream. They had dark, curly hair and were wearing some sort of blue military uniform.
The figure jumped and spun around, almost falling in the water.
“Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you,” Codex smiled.
The other person smiled back and bowed slightly. They had unnaturally dark irises, making them look like there were pits in the middle of their eyes. They also had flecks of dark blue on their cheeks.
“Ok… uh… I'm Codex. What's your name?”The other person leaned down and began writing in the sandy bank with one finger.
A M B-
“I can't read common, do you know any other languages?”
They started writing again.
ᔑ ᒲ ʖ ∷ 𝙹 ᓭ ᒷ
“Ambrose! Nice to meet you! Can you not speak?”
They shook their head.
“Choosing not to, then. I can understand that. What are your pronouns? He?"
Ambrose nodded.
“Ok. Nice to meet you Ambrose, I'm Codex, they/them.” They reached out to shake his hand and he returned the gesture.
“Could I borrow your com? I need to get out of here.”
Ambrose mimed turning out his pockets.
“Oh. Are you not a player? Why don't you have one?”
He paused for a second, trying to figure out how to explain. He then pointed behind him with a fearful expression and mimed pushing through some sort of barrier.
“Sorry, I don't really understand.”
He looked slightly disappointed but shrugged.
"Would you be willing to travel with me until we run into someone with a com?” Ambrose smiled and nodded in response.
And with that, they crossed the stream and began to walk to wherever this world would take them.
Codex still didn't know much about Ambrose, but it didn't really bother them. The less Ambrose knew about Codex, the safer he was. Plus, this human had obviously gone through something rough. Neither of them wanted to share their pasts.
The sun was dipping towards the horizon and the sky was beginning to turn gold. Ambrose didn't seem to notice, but Codex was becoming anxious at the thought of walking at night.
“Do you have the materials for a bed? We can make a hole in the ground or something to get through the night.”
Ambrose smirked at them and held up one finger with a feigned shocked expression.
“Oh, shut up. Two beds.”
Codex glared at him. Ambrose giggled, which was the first noise Codex had heard him make.
And so they waited out the night.
Eyes and lava filled Codex's dreams. Nothing was really memorable or coherent, but it was enough to wake them up.
They sat forward and rubbed their eyes, yawning. Judging by the bit of light peeking out from the sky above, it was just before sunrise. Ambrose was also sitting up in his bed.
How long has he been awake?
He was curled up in a ball and facing the opposite wall from where Codex was laying. His hands were clenched into his hair and he was rocking slightly.
“Are you alright?” Codex whispered to him.
His shoulders tensed slightly and he stopped rocking. With one hand, he reached up and wrote on the wall in front of him:
ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⍊𝙹╎ᓵᒷᓭ ᔑ∷ᒷ ᓭ𝙹 ꖎ𝙹⚍↸
[The voices are so loud]
“Is there anything I can do to help?” They reached back to touch his shoulder but pulled their hand back when they noticed some sort of black substance staining his shirt.
Ambrose turned around and looked Codex in the eyes. Well, they couldn't exactly tell where he was looking. His eyes were completely black and glossy like obsidian spheres. He had deep eye bags and the blue flecks on his cheeks seemed to have grown. Tears ran down his face.
“Here. I might be able to help.” They reached out their hand again, this time pausing to silently ask permission to touch. Ambrose nodded and they brushed his cheek with their fingertips. As soon as they touched, Codex's eyes began to glow. They shut them quickly and mentally moved forward into Ambrose’s mind.
They always watch the eyes the cameras they watch they see everything I can't remember who I was who was I why am am I here save me I'm so sorry Sterling-
Codex pulled their hand back gently and opened their eyes. A glittering strand of white light followed their fingers and left Ambrose's mind. His irises seemed to melt back to a more natural blue color and the whites returned to white. He hugged his shoulders and began to rock again. Codex twirled the strand into a small loop and placed it above Ambrose's head to form a small halo.
“This will quiet everything for a while. I've used it on myself a few times. While my old school sucked, I did learn some useful tricks.”
Ambrose gave a weak smile in return.
They waited for a short while for the sun to fully rise. Ambrose pulled himself out of the hole first and Codex quickly followed. The sun was high enough for no monsters to remain on the surface so they began to keep walking in the direction they had been headed before.
Ambrose attempted to make conversation by pointing at Codex's horns, tail, and the wings behind their ears with an inquisitive expression.
“I got the wings and tail as a… uh… ‘gift’ from my old home. The horns are new, not sure why I got them.”
Ambrose nodded, possibly getting the hint that they didn't want to talk about it. They kept walking in silence.
They continued for this pattern for several days. They would walk for multiple hours, taking breaks for meals and to rest. If they found themselves in a village they would spend the night there, or just make a hole in the ground if there were no other options.
Codex had become quite fond of Ambrose. Even though he didn't speak, they felt like they were getting to know him well. Of course, they didn't know where he came from, but they didn't really care.
His smile and laugh were infectious. Codex managed to forget about the Watchers and everything that had happened for brief periods of time when they talked to him.
This was the first time they had felt safe for a very, very long time.
But all good things must come to an end.
The halo around Ambrose's head had faded some time ago, but nothing had happened so Codex assumed everything was fine. The first thing that was off about him was how quiet he was. Obviously Ambrose didn't speak, but something about the way he moved was unnaturally quiet. Then his eyes began to turn black again.
Codex didn't say anything to him but prepared themself for quieting his thoughts again.
It was around dusk and they should've been getting ready for the night. That's when Ambrose jerked violently and fell to the ground.
“Ambrose? AMBROSE? WHAT'S WRONG?” Codex dove down to kneel beside him. He was twitching and rolling around. And kept pulling at his hair.
“Are you hurt? Is this some sort of medical thing? Please be ok I need you to be ok-” Ambrose managed to pull himself up and roughly grab their sleeve.
His eyes were pure black pits again and there seemed to be some sort of black veins running from his eye sockets. His ears elongated to knifelike points and blue mushrooms sprouted from his head and shoulders.
“Run. Run and don't look back. You can't save me,” he rasped. Speaking the words seemed a great pain to him and he looked to be fighting something in his mind. His hand released their sleeve and fell limply to his side.
Codex listened. They stood up and sprinted with everything in their soul. At some point, they heard a scream from behind them but kept running.
I abandoned another friend. I could have helped him. I left him to… whatever was happening. It's my fault. I can't help anybody.
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fakecrfan · 12 days
TMAGP 30 Thoughts - Overall
This episode was pretty good-- but it was also just "pretty good" to me, which in itself is disappointing. I attribute this to the pacing.
Every single individual element of the episode is entertaining. The fed up custodian, his statement, Alice freaking out, the bored cabby, Gwen's triumph and smugness, Celia's betrayal--all of it was excellent individually. But the way it came together left me feeling a bit miffed.
Again, this is because the pacing sucked.
Instead of the frenetic, climatic pace of the season finales in TMA, this one was very slow and had a lot of unnecessary elements. For example, Alice arguing with the cabby was fun, but a mistake. It slowed the whole pace down, and added no information that we didn't already have. We already knew that she was chasing after them, did we really need to see every individual step of her journey along the way? Did we need to hear her questioning the cab guy?
It would have been much more effective for her to have the phonecall with Colin where she decides to go after Sam instead, and then to cut to her finding the custodian melted into the concrete. Seriously, are we supposed to be frightened at any point during this horror show, or aren't we? Cut to the scary bits already!
This underlines a greater tendency to waste Alice's screen time on stuff that is repetitive and unnecessary.
Another problem was--for once!--the GWEN bits! I did love to see her triumph and to see her utterly cold and smug reaction to it. But the stuff with her absolutely slowed the whole episode down. Especially since we cut from Colin's almost certain doom and Alice unknowingly making a Sophie choice between him and Sam--to Gwen.... getting what she wants, and laughing about it.
And then we cut from Alice finding a guy melted into the concrete--to Gwen having a conversation that doesn't give us any new information and only reinforces what we already learned from her convo with Lena.
All of these choices underline a more fundamental problem I have had with the way TMAGP has set itself up. Every time something exciting happens, it undercuts the building tension with 1) something boring 2) something slightly funny but unnecessary or 3) something that we already heard before. Usually Alice's plotlines have gotten the short end of the stick from this writing method, but in this one Gwen's plotline was actually the drag. We DO need to see the culmination of Gwen's season plotline, but it was in entirely the wrong place.
Here is I would have done it: Have Gwen's moment first. We don't need both Trevor and Lena to confirm that she both got the power she wanted and now is mega fucked, either. We only need one scene for this. One. Stop. Repeating. Information.
Then we can cut between Alice and Sam + Celia for the rest of the episode. Cut down the unnecessary transitional scenes. The cabby conversation was funny, but cut it. This is a finale. It's not time to add a bunch of cute banter if it doesn't naturally fit in to the action.
This episode was good, but it did not need to be 40 minutes and was not served by being 40 minutes. The TMA season finales were much more exciting with much less material because they knew to only give you the most important and most adrenaline pumping moments. That serves horror much better.
....but since this is how the entire series has been thus far, I don't have high hopes that this is going to change. I'll resign myself to what the show actually is. It's not bad, like I said. And I like enough individual elements to keep listening.
This also might sound overly critical, but this isn't because I dislike the series. It's more that I like the series, but not as much as I could have, and I am making note of why so that I can use it to improve my own writing in the future. Maybe if you're reading this, you really liked the slower pacing that is padded with tangential incidents! If so, feel free to share your own breakdown.
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thekinkyleopard · 1 year
The Gathering
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A group Non-Canon Fic (LONG!)
Ft: Alistar, Remi, Biziil, Rexar, Kriia and Meeko
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Contagion, Uh…germ rolling?, Teasing, Fluff
Description: The Anti-Christ has been up to his usual antics, but now he’s craving something new. He wants excitement. He goes looking for it, and it coincidentally enough, seems to work out…or does it?
Snz Color Key:
Author’s Notes: Hey Guys! A little bird has told me they want some Al sneeze and I’ve decided to make it happen! Also bare with me on the cover art, Geez is busy and I’m impatient so I just snipped the teaser for now 😅 I don’t wanna talk about it 🥲 😂 anyway! Enjoy!
Alistar has gotten bored of soul collecting, and life ruining. He needs something new. He’s been on earth for a few years now, and he’s expanded his horizons a few ways, by making friends. Kind of. If you could call half of them that. Who’s he kidding, they all secretly love him. However, he was feeling, melancholy, bored, missing something. He had watched so many of his mates come down with colds and messy sneezing afflictions. He wanted that. What did it feel like? To be out of control of your bodily functions? He only felt like he had met that feeling in sex, when he reaches orgasm and that electric shock tingles through every cell in your body. He had to imagine it was something like that, but for some reason it brought those afflicted, suffering. It seemed less than suffering to him.
Step one; Find someone sick. Which wasn’t hard to do in a friend group where many are cursed with poor health and immunities. Al sent everyone a text.
“Hey Hru” and though some went unanswered, he did get one back from the little mutt.
“Bringing some cold medicine by Lee’s, Remi is sick again, why?” the demon snickered. No wonder he didn’t hear from either the cat or wolf. Typical, the man was a walking virus. He knew that would be his best bet. However, getting into their space while Remi is unwell…might be a tad more difficult to achieve than he originally planned. It’s fine. The wolf wouldn’t be able to strangle him into a one way ticket to hell, being less than 100% condition. He’ll risk it. Without texting Draeko back, the mutt feeling a bit annoyed that the demon bothered him for no reason. Al got his keys and made his way to the Conderson House.
Parking in the driveway, he had stopped at the store with all kinds of different goodies he could use to charm the two, less than friendly, acquaintances of his. He got out of his car with the bag of care items in one clutched fist, he approached the front door, knocking for once. Maybe it would make them feel a bit less apprehensive sending him away. Shortly, the door opened and there standing was the freckled face cat.
“Alistar?” He asked confused, raising an eyebrow as he looked the demon up and down, taking note of the bag in his hands. “What are you doing here?” It was never usually good when the red head showed up, so Levi was more or less on guard.
“Heard the wolf is sick, thought I’d bring some stuff and help out,” shrugging his shoulders. Levi narrowed his eyes. This was unlike the other. He didn’t care. He didn’t help. He didn’t nurse. What was his angle?
“What do you want?” The cat asked now with great apprehension.
“What??? Why do I have to want something to help out my dear sick friend, Remi? You offend me so,” smiling to sell the image he was clearly trying to provide. Levi wasn’t buying it even more than he had been previously.
“Al, please, he is not in the mood to deal with any of your clown behavior, you can leave the stuff and go back home,” the leopard went to reach for the bag of items the demon brought, however, it only left access for the redhead to slip inside.
“I won’t be long, don’t worry,” snickering in an almost unnoticeably menacing way. Truthfully, Levi was just too busy closing the door and trying to brace himself for the irritation that was soon to be fogging up the entire house. Al stepped into the bedroom where Remi was splayed across the bed in only a pair of boxers. Sniffling and loosely wiping his arm across his reddened and chapped nostrils. “Nnnn…” the wolf groaned as he rubbed his nose in hard circles soft clicks echoing off his face.
“Hey buddy, you look like shit!” The demon chuckled as he dumped the contents of the bag onto the floor at the wolf’s bedside. Speaking of, his pale green eyes shot open and immediately looked to the intruder.
“What the actual fuck are you doing here?” He growled low in his sore throat trying to avoid coughing through the angry response. Alistar stood back, giving a performance of offense as he touched his chest with his open palm.
“Is that ANY WAY to treat your friend?? I brought you supplies! Snacks! Drugs! Well…the boring one… I brought you edibles!” He now gestured to all the things he had just previously dumped onto the floor.
“Great, now leave,” followed with a rough, hoarse cough that ripped through the man’s already pained throat. It felt like daggers going in and out his esophagus every time. He groaned lowly, his face twisting, nose clenching and scrunching as he was trying to stifle in the prickling tickles that threatened to over power the conversation with each flex of his jaw.
Al stood a bit closer immediately trying to waft the sprayed contagion that entered the air as the larger black haired man had expelled his coughs into open air.
“Stop that, freak,” Remi glared harder at the strange demon as he wiped his mouth. Alistar more or less ignored the statement as he collected the balled up tissues sprawled about the space within the bedroom. “What the fuck are you -hd’ISCHhh, hh'IETSH’UE!…!?” The wolf tried defensively sitting up, but exploded into a loud powerful series of sneezes that caused his whole body to tremble, his hands trembling, bringing them to his face in a panic. Trying to cover himself, hating that the demon was here to see him like this.
“I’m just cleaning! Uncle fuckin’ Christ, man, worry about that illness of yours,” the red head shook his head slowly, almost with joking solemness followed by a humored chuckle. Remi sighed deeply throwing his head back against the headboard to fight between his deteriorating health and the obnoxiously strange demon collecting his trash.
“Leeeeeave!” He groaned snatching up Levi’s pillow and hucking it over violently at the quick moving demon. Who eventually threw his hands up in defense.
“Can you do that again though? One more time?” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively before another pillow was thrown directly into his face with a PFFD! It then fell to the floor with an almost silent thud. “Okay! Okay! I’m leaving! Shit!” Mumbling as he snatched up his now refilled bag of used goods and shuffled with haste out through the bedroom door. Levi stood in the living room, looking at Alistar with an apprehensive gaze. “Someone is a sore anal cavity today,” the red head chuckled as he shot a wink toward the cat. Whom in turn rolled his bright ceruleans.
“You want me to take that bag of yuck?” Already starting to reach forward in Al’s direction, but was quickly met with retaliation, the demon recoiled from Levi’s grasp.
“No! Uh…I got it…s’fine!” Chuckling nervously, he scratched the back of his neck before awkwardly shuffling his way now to the front door. “Thanks for letting me stop by!” Waving frantically before he disappeared altogether and began racing his way to his car.
Levi, inside, walked toward the bedroom and looked out the large window that overlooked their property. Remi sat up now as well. “Why did he take all that trash…?” The wolf asked with confusion as he sniffled loudly, rubbing his nose with a new piece of the throw away cloth.
“No idea…” the leopard muttered back but continued to watch through the window, while Al scrambled into his car, and proceeded to dump the bag’s contents over his head. Grabbing handfuls of the used trash and rubbing it across his face. Levi looked over at Remi, who too was watching and they equally shared a silent, but confused gaze.
Alistar on the other hand was now stuffing tissues in his nose, huffing them through his open mouth, and just overall being a gross menace. Once he felt that he was satisfyingly submerged in germs and ick, he started up his car and headed home, leaving the two stunned silent and with millions of unanswered questions.
The Next Day
Alistar woke up with a pounding headache, his body hot, sticky, like he’d been sitting in a sauna. He sat up and pressed his palm to his forehead. “Dear Grandpa God….what the actual fuck…” groaning lowly in his newly sore throat. This was an experience he had never felt in his entire existence. His entire body was stiff, almost entirely impossible to move. Managing to muster any strength within his aching bones, Al came to a stand and slowly stumbled his way into the bathroom, flicking the light on and met face to face with a gruesome reflection. “Oh, Unholy shit… I look worse than I feel,” he mustered up a sore chuckle before it followed with a hacking cough. “Ack!” He cleared his throat, trying to fight over the uncontrollable urges building within his now awakened body.
Though most would find this current state of being completely de habilitating and check out for the next few days, Al was fueled by the aching that throbbed behind the cells of his vessel. Suddenly, an entirely new, foreign feeling started to prickle at the inside of his nostrils, trailing down his throat. He swallowed once, and twitched his pierced nose back and forth. Nothing would soothe and he found himself squinting under the harshness of the bathroom lighting. “H’h…” he stuttered, his breath catching in his throat as he begged to swallow it. “W-Wha-HEhH’eEZSCHhh’iiEW!!”
It came exploding out of the anti-Christ at lightening speed, he hadn’t time to cover as a mess of saliva came splashing across the bathroom mirror. He sniffled loudly and hung over the sink weakly, each hand on both sides of the counter to hold him up. “Fuck…” he gasped with a raspy voice, his eyes leaking and nose starting to drip. “Oh shit…” he stumbled around and grabbed a towelette hanging from the little golden ring on the wall. He slid his nose over it and tried to relieve himself of some of the wetness that polluted him as he grinned with bright satisfaction. “So that’s what that’s like…” he bit his lower lip…interesting. There has to be someone he could play with in this condition.
It took most of whatever strength he had left in him to move himself out the bathroom and through the halls. He searched Drae’s room, nothing. Kanai’s room? Also nothing. Living room, kitchen… “Seriously? None of my toys are home?” He clicked his tongue with irritation as he scanned the small home. “Fine, I’ll just find some,” he grabbed his keys and he was on his way to find some trouble with his new found virus. Who knows what could happen.
On the other side of town, Alistar found himself quite at a loss. It seemed no one wanted to come near him as he sniveled and sniffed. It seemed that majority of citizens look at him as if he said something offensive, and walk very quickly away. He didn’t understand why no one else wanted to join him with such glorious displeasure of bodily suffering. He snorted a glob of snot from the base of his sinuses down his throat to avoid hacking it out. When a flash of familiar white and red hair caught his attention at a near by cafe he happened upon. He looked over, there they were. His friends. Rexar, Biziil, Meeko, Kriia and Remi all at one table. Where were the others? He wondered silently to himself.
“I’m tellin’ you bro, dude, male hummingbirds are like MAD horny cause they got hella testosterone, I read it online,” Rex went on and on about the most random of facts that he had recently absorbed, while on another 14 hour acid trip, doom scrolling online.
“Nature is so beautiful,” Biz shook his head with a softened smile still finding the appreciation for the world and how it moves to grow and evolve. Meeko, however, looked over at her boyfriend and giggled almost unable to hold the childish expression written on her face.
“It’s something that’s for sure…” the ginger haired girl swung her feet, more or less keeping the inappropriate jokes to herself as she was seated on top of the table itself. Remi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
“Nature is weird as fuck, and now I will never unknow that dude hummingbirds are just Perma horny,” the wolf also shook his head, but almost solemnly, as if this news really, genuinely, sat uncomfortably with him.
“Honestly, good for them,” Kriia laughed openly, which then gave Meeko the courage to giggle loudly right along side her. The boys shaking their heads with softened smirks at the two immature women.
Slowly, Alistar approached the congregation of friends, blackened hands in his pockets as he came to a halt at the perimeter. “Well Hello there, crew, what ar…huh…HI’H…HEhH’eEZSCHhh’iiEW!!” The demon sneezed outwardly onto the middle of the group, causing them all to recoil quickly and cover their own faces. A fine mist floating amongst them. Al breaking into a fit of coughs now.
“Fucking, ew, dude,” Remi glared hard at the red head scooting his whole chair back at least a foot from the table itself now. “I literally just got better, don’t even look at me with whatever weird, super demon virus you have,” the wolf looked disgusted, his emerald eyes narrowed and glaring daggers down at the sick cretin.
"Whoa, Al are you sick? I didn't think that was possible!" Meeko looked genuinely shocked, almost curious enough to inspect him closely but deciding it would be best to stay away. Al sniffled and slid his hand lazily over his dripping nose.
"It's fibe, I'm fibe...oh...no, my voide id weird now...." the redhead furrowed his brows.
"Yeah, I think you may need to go home and lay down..." Biz said cautiously, also taking a slow up and down look at the male. "You look terrible,"
"Yeah like a pile of dog shit run over, twice," Rex chuckled sparking up a joint with the snap of his index and thumb. "But if you manage to feel better later dude, you should come to my show! I'm spinnin out at the theatre, my family owns the venue so we can get hella rowdy," a cocky, charismatic smirk spread clear across his face, while everyone else's fell. Did he just invite the visibly ill demon to the show? In a small venue? Packed like sardines?
"Dawg...seriously?" Remi looked over at Rex, being the only one brave enough to actually speak up before Al could accept the invitation. Kriia shrugs her shoulders and puts a hand on the wolf's back.
"In his defense, he did say if Al felt better," the redheaded female spoke matter of factly, but still with an air of gentleness to defend her mate’s careless action.
"Yeah exactly, thanks babe," he winked at his girlfriend giving her a soft purse of his lips as if to kiss her from afar before taking another long dramatic drag of his jay. Alistar cleared his throat and stood his ground, shaking his head back and forth regardless how lightheaded that action made him feel, he cleared his throat to gain some composure.
"I'm fine! What time tonight? I'll definitely slide through," shrugging off the loving embrace of his illness to convince the rest of them he was actually completely fine. More than half of them, audibly groaned, Biz slapped his palm over his face.
“8pm sharp, that’s when I go on and rock everyone’s world,” he chuckled releasing a cloud of smoke in the wake of his excitement. He really just wanted to try and get a huge gathering going, he wanted as many people to see him as possible. He believed music could heal. Even if his music was of special taste.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” Al smirked as he pulled up a chair only for Biz to stop him, coming full stand and pressing an open palm to the demon’s chest.
“Go. Take. Meds. Rest. You’re not gonna hang around us and give us your disease, you’ll give it to my little bug here, and she’ll pass it to our love at home, and then I’m stuck nursing their weak immune systems back to health,” the two men furrowed their brows at each other, but Biz easily towered the redhead. Al grumbled and stepped back from the chair only for Kriia to speak up.
“Ah, come on Bizzy, what if he just stays within 6 feet of little Crickers here,” Meeko snapped her gaze to look at Kriia. She hated the nickname her brother gave her, she hated it worse when his friends used it. She folded her arms and huffed but remained relatively silent on the matter. Biz now narrowed his grey brows again at the female who put her hands up defensively. “Just tryna’ be accommodating my bad,” snickering at how serious the bear got.
“Come oooon Biz…” Al pleaded with his watery eyes, dripping nose and chapped lips not selling his argument any further.
“No, go home,” the silver haired man sat back down in his seat, knowing full well the demon wouldn’t challenge him any further.
“You’re a dick….I’ll remember this,” the anti-Christ squinted at the large man, who made eye contact over with Remi.
“Am I a dick, brother?” The polar bear asked his in law from across the table, who could only return the gaze with a hefty chuckle and shrug of his own large shoulders.
“You? A dick? Laughable,” his glowing emeralds moving slowly to gaze at the pouting dragon that could only cross his arms with annoyance and defeat.
“You’re all gonna be sorry,” quickly lifting two fingers up to his own Ruby red orbs, and pointing it back out to the group in front of him. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he tried to smirk, he tried to be his usual catty, elusive and sneaky self but his threats were followed in a violent series of coughs and yet another loud sneeze. “Hh’HeSHH’IEW!!”
“Alright man, well, we’ll see you at the show then,” Rex finally having checked back into the conversation after getting lost in his phone scrolling for a moment. He wasn’t too interested in the mindless squabbles. The rest of them looked at the pyro like he’d just farted amongst them. Yet, Alistar turned on his heels and went to lick is contagiously ill wounds.
Later that Night…
Rex was already behind the theatre, getting ready for his performance while the crowd piled in. Stage management making sure the jockey table was set up right. It was definitely a full house, and he probably could have anticipated it, but he was always shocked regardless. Biz, Meeko, and Kriia were all up front, securing their spot while Remi went to grab them drinks. “Bear, these shoes…are already starting to kill me…” the ginger haired girl complained, the heels she chose to wear out to the event were starting to make her feet throb.
“Do you want to go up on my shoulders, mouse?” He asked already turning to grab her by her waist.
“Hmm,” she looked down at the floor, trying to gauge the level of sanitation, and figured it couldn’t be that bad. “It’s okay, baby, can you just put my shoes in your backpack?” Already starting to unstrap them to hand over. Biz smiled softly and nodded, reaching out to let her hand them to him before he stuck them in his black Jansport.
“Better?” He asked her while she stood there for a bit but as she lifted and stepped her feet a few times, he was met with a look of disgust.
“Mmh..” she sort of muttered uncomfortably trying to hide the fact she was regretting this mistake upon realizing the floor felt….sticky.
“Here, mouse,” Biz bent down and took off his own captain laced boots, now standing in his socks and handing her his shoes. She grinned at him with a brightness that always brought him straight to his knees. A soft dust of pink fell over his cheeks and nose as he looked at her lovingly.
“Thank you, Bear,” hurriedly she slipped them on and tied them tightly so they wouldn’t slide off. Despite their naturally tight fit, the shoes were significantly bigger, however they worked out way better than the previous solutions.
“Absolutely, darling,” he leaned down to kiss her lips with a tenderness, a display that caused the red headed girl next to them to audibly respond.
“You guys are disgustingly adorable,” Meeko blushed brightly and grinned clinging tightly to her large partner’s arm. Biziil could only look down at his girl, enthralled by everything she did.
“Thanks Krii!” The orangette giggled before the lights started to go down, and the crowd began to push in. Remi slowly squeezed in from behind the group, shoving people with his knees as his hands were full of drinks.
“Here,” he grumbled, though it went unheard, the intro music starting to blare through the crowd. The group each took their respective drinks, began to sip on them as they awaited Rex to start his set. Remi slid next to Kriia in the front row, his hands grasping the barricade as the sea of people started to sway around them. The stage lights started to shine and change different colors against the performance area, the stage screen starting to display animated characters flashing to the beat of the music. The jockey table displayed as a matching puzzle piece to the main screen showing. Everyone began to cheer when the screens matched up to Rex’s artist logo. Meeko and Kriia both screaming and jumping with excitement. Biz and Remi remained in a stoic stance as they drank their beverages, stealing a glance at each other in response to the reactions of the women. Smirking at one another.
Unbeknownst to them, figuring he hadn’t healed up, Alistar was late to sliding through the entrance and security. He had a few too many items in his pockets against theatre rules. Grumbling angrily between sniffles and rubbing his nose with aggressive fervor, that his weed, pills, vodka flask and switchblade were all confiscated in order to enter. He almost went home. However, it was fine, he still had some stuff, hidden. Heavily bagged eyes scanned through the crowd, finding Biz, the tallest in the building up front with the rest of the crew. “Targets acquired,” the demon snickered loosely that followed with a loud and obscenely large spray of mess. “HEHH’DZSCHh’iEEW!!” Offending a few close by fans that became casualty to his sick. He could only audibly “SNNDDFF,” with a sly, charismatic grin at those he had wronged within the crowded space. Those of them having seen the shit eating expression, rolled their eyes.
Alistar started to move his way through the crowd which wasn’t hard, anyone who gave him an issue, took one good look at him and immediately wanted nothing to do with him. He looked worse than he had earlier in the day, his skin visibly glistening with sweat, darker grey than it had ever been, one eye completely blackened, the other his sclera black and iris still red. A terrifying face to be confronted with in a dark venue for many reasons.
The demon moved fast through the people and up to the back of the crew going relatively unnoticed as Rex came into set and began to raise his hands up, flames shooting from his fingers. “Let’s, FUCKING, GO!!!!” He shouted before launching into his first song as the music blared wildly, and bodies began to collide and crash together, Al took his opportunity. He hovered behind Biz and Meeko at first, the two were glued together and managing to get pickled right behind the both of them was honestly better than Al could ask for. He focused his darkened eyes and concentrated on the bright lights flickering about that eventually brought back that tickling, and thrilling sensation from moments ago. Oh it was coming, it was going to be a big one, his nose dripping already with anticipation as it hitched up through his sinuses to front and center. “Hih’AESSSHH’UE! SHH’UH! TCH-SHIEWW!” A short series of loud bursts came flying out of his open maw, but between the two sweating and the loud music, it went passed the couple’s ability to hear anything but filthy trap music. His bacterium floating within their spacing, Meeko consuming it within her unknowingly as she gasped to sing what lyrics she knew and the music itself, had. She was bouncing in her place, as Biz tried to cling to her side, his eyes fixated on the moving images on each screen unaware of the illness being spread quickly through both of them.
Despite the sound, and going undetected, both parties did feel the fine mist of saliva that hit their exposed parts of flesh, but thought nothing of it but maybe a spilled drink. Neither turned to notice the demon, nor that he was mouth breathing so openly behind them as the sudden force from the sneezes, lack of oxygen and lights were having an effect on his flesh vessel.
“Shit…” he gasped out loud to himself as he held his head in his palm. He could only grin. “You’re a tough little virus, aren’t you?” He thought to himself internally. Never mind that his vessel felt weakened, he allowed the dizziness only to fuel his desires. While the first half of the set he hovered over the unsuspecting couple, to make sure they were well marinated. Who knows if his plan would even come to be fruitful, as most times they were hit or miss. Yet, he wouldn’t squander the opportunity to at least make an attempt at his dreams. After all, that’s what being on earth was all about, no?
A few times the demon found himself having to duck behind others, trying to avoid being spotted by Remi when he’d leave and return with drink refreshments, which wasn’t terribly hard to do. The wolf wasn’t as entirely clever as Levi in spaces like these and wouldn’t go looking for someone ducked within the space of people in the crowd. His anxiety usually caused him to avoid most things. Something the demon has noted long ago. Once the coast was clear he just had to maintain a low profile, behind the large raven haired man. Shouldn’t be too hard. Kriia was definitely distracted enough, occasionally flashing Rex during his set. Rex couldn’t really see anyone past Kriia who knew just where to stand to be visible under the lights of his set blinding him. He smirked as he continued to perform. Al’s jaw fell open and his eyes watered over, spilling tears down his cheeks. His body prickled in goosebumps while a sharp gasp was the last thing he could control before he sneezed again, “Hih’AESSSHH’ue!!” just to the side of the woman, unnoticeably, another cloud of speckled spit ghosted through the atmosphere. Alistar sniffled, wiping his nose across his arm.
Remi was however, side eyeing the crowd, and had been, three drinks in he started to notice the swift flashes of red but…that’s Kriia? Right? On occasion he heard the slight snuffle of a stuffed nose coming from his right …no? His left? It caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up, desperate to lose himself in the music like everyone else. Yet, he couldn’t shake this feeling there was something hovering them.
Alistar, ducking back and forth, completely obtuse to the music just trying to keep himself from falling over and also being seen by the ever so observant man. ‘God, can’t he ever just chill the fuck out? I just want to get him sick, what’s the big deal? Just enjoy your music, stop worrying about what’s behind you, asshole,’ the demon thought internally in between snuffles and throat ripping coughs. He didn’t need to keep his volume down, the speakers were set close to front row. His actions all drowned out as he continued to skip back and forth between them all. He traced a finger down the center of Meeko’s back, and she shuddered, suddenly feeling very cold, almost woozy. She tried shaking it off, the feeling of a light touch caused her to stir, however she could only assume it was Bizzy just being affectionate. She pushed closer into the large man who wound up enveloping her, as the ginger haired woman now stood in front of the large bear man.
“Buzzkill,” Alistar thought as his access to the small woman was blocked. It’s fine, it would all be fine this was only the beginning. The set was coming to a close, Rex announcing he had two songs left. That mean’t the anti-Christ only had a few moments before they’d all meet up back stage in the dressing room. Biz sniffled, not really noticing the sudden feeling inside his nose, and Meeko the same. Kriia was feeling hotter than she normally would at a show, but Remi, he was the only one seemingly fine as he downed a 4th drink.
The demon just couldn’t get a proper in on the wolf, anytime he would get close, the large man just knew something was beside him. How was he going to….oooh he knew how. Pulling out of his sock was a single muscle relaxer, it would be enough to keep the larger from getting too violent. Don’t ask why the demon consistently carried different types of drugs on him. He just did. He crouched silently trying to stifle his sneezes and coughs, his focus completely on taking the large male off guard. He just needed him to look away from the drink for a second.
As Rex announced his last song, Remi finally decided maybe he would cut loose, they got this far into the set with no issues, why would there be any now? His drink hand lowered at his side while he rocked his head back and forth, eyes closed shut as he absorbed the music. This was his entrance, Al quickly lurched forward and dropped the pill into Remi’s awaiting beverage, it dissolved quickly mixing within the substance undetected, Al slid back and disappeared to the other side now. The lights continued to flash crazy, and the crowd pushed up against each other, Remi quickly lifting his drink to save it from spilling. Scoffing before deciding to just chug the rest and call it a night, tossing the cup onto the already dirty floor.
Alistar snickered with a lose and flemmy cough to follow. He decided to slide his way through the crowd and to the side of the audience, closest to where they’d be going to meet Rex in the back. He wanted to see all their faces when they realize he’d been in the sea of people with them. His irritated nose was still sopping and full, it throbbed on his face and he tried to desperately rub at it to soothe the irritating sting. “Not now, nosey! We have to save it! We have important plans for these germs….” As he spoke, he was just out of range of speakers to be heard by a stranger. Who he looked over to make eye contact with. He stared at the human, that blinked with confusion toward him. Alistar blinked his own crimson eyes as they stood in awkward silence.
“Forget I said anything,” his Ruby orbs now glowing brightly as the stranger now looked to have seen a ghost, but after a few moments, he blinked and looked around himself.
“Hey bro, you seen the merch table?” Suddenly asking the demon, who’s eyes had stopped shining at this point.
“Over there,” pointing a slender finger in the opposite direction to earn a nod and a lift of the other man’s index and middle to fashion a peace sign.
“Thanks bro,” seemingly forgetting about the sickly plotting Alistar had been doing just moments before. As the stranger made his journey away from Al, the red head waited patiently while the set came to an end and people started to clear out.
“It’s time,” Al snickered, moving his spindly legs through the venue and into the back area where he would meet a very sweaty and exhausted Rex, already sparking a joint as he walked down the stage stairs.
“Duuuuude! You made it!” Rex slapped the demon on his shoulder and grinned, taking a long hit off his joint and blowing it within the space between them, shoveling them both into the dressing room.
“I did indeed, friend, it was a very good show, energetic,” smirking to himself as he looked around the room to partake in any free refreshments. Only finding a buffet of different energy drinks, alcohols, mixers and candy. The redhead blinked but turned around to meet Rex face to face, almost startling him. “Oh…”
“Hey thanks!! You feelin any better dawg? You still look pretty shit,” noticing that Al’s scleras eyes were now entirely black, large purple bags floating under his eyes.
“Nah, but I wasn’t going to miss the first home show, come on now,” winking towards the pyro before a tight breath caught in his throat. “I-Uh..Hh’HhEhh…” at this same moment Alistar struggled to keep his secret sauce contained, Biz, Meeko, Kriia and Remi all came walking in. And the second Meeko toddled herself inside, and the door closed behind her? “HEH’EZSCHh’IEW!” And almost like a bomb was set off in the room, everyone else started to realize just how poorly they were starting to feel, Remi catching a face full of Al’s release. Immediately the wolf closes his eyes and brings his arm up to defend himself as a reflex, but it’s already too late.
“Fucking SICK, dude, why are you even HERE?? I should beat…” but as the raven haired male raised his fist to sock the shit eating grin right off Al’s smug face, his arm collapsed and he found himself much weaker, like all his muscles were asleep. He furrowed his brows. “What the fuck?”
There was a click on the other side of the door, Kanai locking the only way in and out of that room , from the outside, sitting on the floor. “Okay Donnie, door’s locked,” Biz turned around quickly to shoot a look at the door and then back at Al.
“Alistar, what are you doing?” His voice suddenly very stern, Meeko gripped the large man’s arm and buried her fevering face into it.
“Hnnn…” Biz’s eye twitched as he heard his girlfriend groan in discomfort, he knew that sound, he narrowed his eyes tighter.
“Hey, you all made ME feel like YOU GUYS…Snndfff…DONT WANT ME AROUND!” Swiping the underside of his nose with the back of his hand. “I don’t…Hh’…”
“Please cover your mouth, Al,” Biz sighed shaking his head, palm on his forehead as he tried to massage the incoming headache.
“H’HEHh’DZSCHh’UE!!!! PssffF-TSCH!!” His nose twitched and stretched as his mouth opened and fumbled against his sneeze. Bottom lip dripping as he drooled slightly, almost kind of regretting the fact he left home, cause a blowjob from his bestie sounds almost as good as this whole, revenge plan.
“hAGH’SHHHEUhh!” Now Biz was sneezing, like a sudden oncoming train it just smacked right into him. He looked almost completely bewildered. “So because we wanted you to…” he crunched his nose, wiggling it in tight circles to shove away, and scratch that building, insufferable, terrible itch. His whole body feeling hot. “We wanted you to stay home cause you’re SICK Alistar, not because we don’t LIKE you,”
“I don’t like you,” Remi admitted proudly with our hesitation. Biz sighed, trying to keep his train of thought.
“….Point BEING, Most of us here don’t have any issues with you, Al, genuinely, we just didn’t also want to get sick… and now…” he paused, the room starting to feel much faster now as everything spun around him, making it difficult to keep speaking.
“Eh’KSSHOO!!” Meeko sneezed into the side of her large, clammy boyfriend, he shuddered, blushing as he heard the loud squeak of his sweet Princess.
“Oh, Darling…” he looked down at her and wiped his index under her leaking nose to clear it from her softened face. Wiping his hands on his pants only to return the palm to her burning cheek.
“N-no it’s okay I-I’m Fibe…” sniffling weakly trying to push the attention away from her.
“Look it, Al! You’ve gotten us sick!” Kriia shouted feeling empathetic toward the suffering couple to her left.
“This doesn’t explain why I can’t lift my fucking arms to make him go lights out!” Now Remi chuffed in, angry and ready to head butt the demon if he so had to. Bite his flesh off bit by bit. He didn’t care.
“I may have slipped you something in the crowd….” The red head shrunk a few sizes as he could feel the incoming heat was about to face.
“WHAT?!” The wolf exploded with rage almost completely ready to do whatever means necessary.
“Look, maybe I was being a liiiiittttleee irrational…but can’t we just enjoy this? I don’t know if you all noticed….but I think we can all agree, this is going to be a good time….” Al lifted his hands up in defense, slowly, inching his way behind Biziil to keep the irate man from riping him to shreds with his teeth. Though, he raised a single red eye brow to further insinuate the cheeky pleasure of sin.
“Yeah assuming…Rex doesn’t set the place on fire and I don’t throw up because MY SISTER AND BROTHER IN LAW ARE TWO OF THE PEOPLE IN THIS ROOM,” the black haired male still yelled though each time he spoke with such force, it was taking more and more out of him, and the virus only worked through his blood faster.
“Okay well, it’s fun for me, I just thought If I could paint the illusion that it’s a benefit for you, we could move on from this conversation,” Al shrugged his shoulders still perched behind the large polar bear man.
“I’m going to kill him,” Remi narrowed his eyes and looked up at Biziil this time.
“You can’t keep killing him,” the larger shook his head.
“But it feels good…regardless,” now looking away like a kicked puppy, he mumbled loosely.
“Okay, look, I’ll just have Kanai open the door, it’ll be fine….NAI, LET EM OUT,” he grumbled almost, while still speaking loudly enough for the hell hound to hear. Yet, there was no sound to be heard…silence.
Unknown to all of them, Kanai had barricaded the door, making sure it was secure just as Alistar instructed of him. However, Al did not say he could not explore the theatre…and there was so much to learn about human entertainment! He couldn’t resist taking a peak around.
“Is he …okay?” Kriia asked quietly , her own features flushed, her eyes lowered not just cause she’d been sharing a joint with Rex as they watched all this unfold, but she was not feeling very well, whatsoever.
“…Nai?!” Al called out again now sweating from illness AND nerves because the longer the silence went the closer Remi inched toward the demon. In turn, Al would step two inches away every time he did. “Okay…so…we might be trapped here for a bit…”
“Biz, are you SURE I can’t kill him???” Out stretching his arms to try and strangle the panicking red head.
“I’m sure, too many consequences…you’ll have to hear from Drae,” Remi shuddered at this realization. He would. Drae chastised him every time he sent the demon back to which he came. All because that one time he didn’t come back. Whatever. The wolf sighed and rolled his eyes, lowered his arms and the began sitting on one of the couches provided.
“Guess we just have to wait for idiot #2 to come back,” he finally spoke, allowing the fire to calm into a fizzling steam within him.
“Hey, that’s my idi-….Hhh’…” Alistar went to interject but found himself struggling to get it out.
“Oh for fucks sake can you just close your mouth!” Remi shouted tossing a nearby coaster at the anti-christ. It missed him just by an instance as the demon lurched forward and dodged it by blowing out.
“HIH’AESSSH’UE!” He sneezed loudly, directly across him, toward the pyro, without much conscious thought to it, truthfully.
“Oh, god…” Rex wiped off his face as the spray hit him directly in the mouth. Kriia smirked, reaching over to wipe it off with her loving thumb.
“Just got sneezed on by a Demon, babe, that’s lowkey kind of hot…” the white and red haired male looked over at his girlfriend, matching her grin and shrugging it off.
“Gotta try everything at least once,” now acting as if his intuits response wasn’t genuinely how he felt. However, if Kriia was into it, he was into it.
“I heard that,” she smirked back at him reaching up to kiss him tenderly. Their arms entangling around one another regardless of the others around them.
“Guys…can we be ss…H-..Hh’RSHH’hiiu!!” The bear snuffed loudly, taking the tissue Meeko took out of her purse to give him. “Thank you, Mouse,” he mustered that same gentle smile he always gave her.
“Nini id godda be do updet…” she sighed shaking her head solemnly, knowing all too well their poor girlfriend was going to be shocked at their current state of health.
“She is…but it’s…ah’KESHhh’yiew…just is what it is…” he sighed and the small ginger haired woman giggled reaching up with another tissue to dab, and wipe his leaking eyes and then poor reddening and pierced nose. Trying to be careful, and clean the metal as well to keep it from crusting over.
“S’k we take good care ob you baby,” reaching up to kiss him but she was caught by the sudden storm brewing from within her own sinuses. “HA’AETTCCHH’uh!” Her spit hitting Biziil directly in the middle of his once cleaned face, now undoubtedly wet again. He blushed brightly, trying to hide the fact he found it undoubtedly adorable of her to do such a thing. He cleared his throat.
“Oh! ..Bless you…darling,” Biz quickly started to dab at his face with the tissue he had clasped in his own hand, and then her face as well.
“S-Sorry B-Bear…I..” she started to apologize but was quite swiftly cut off.
“Shh..it’s quite alright, mouse, it’s not your fault…it’s his,” he looked over at Al who was ogling perversely at the two, an obvious line of drool falling from the corner of his mouth before he loudly slurked it back up and looked away, clearing his scratchy throat. “Stop enjoying this,” Biz narrowed his gaze.
“I can’t help it! It’s not my fault you’re all relatively sexy and now …afflicted with my demon germs…it’s wonderful,” he wiped a single tear from his eye as he felt warm and fuzzy all over.
“Hh—hEhTXSSHhh’ih…iit’shHIEW…FUCK!” Remi cursed loudly as he sneezed despite his best attempts to keep the rest from becoming aware. Too late, stewing in this small room only a few feet from everyone around him sneezing, his own terrible immune system failing him yet again. “How the fuck did it happen so fast?!”
“I predict the fact that I am not from here…probably mutated the virus…theoretically…of course,” the red head shrugged his tired, heavy shoulders.
“heT’CHXOO!!” Rextar now but instead of a fine mist of saliva, no it was a cloud of flames, everyone quickly jumped back, Kriia only moved slightly to the side, rubbing his back gently. “Shiiiit…sorry guys..sndfff,” rubbing his nose on the back of his performance hoodie sleeve.
“You only mildly scorched the carpet, no biggie, we can pay the damages,” Kriia shrugged trying to assure her boyfriend that everything was fine, minus the trapped in a room full of sick individuals that can’t stop sneezing, thing. Everyone looked at each other with pitiful sunken eyes, every other sound a sniffle or cough. It was roughly a 300 square ft space, it more or less, didn’t have a whole lot of elbow room. Everyone could be at most, 3 feet away from the other person.
“Dude, I’m so going to kick your ass once I have full mobility,” the wolf groaned, slumping in his chair with his head thrown back, thumb and index pinching the bridge of his nose. The thudding echoed from the center of his head to the rest of his body, he felt miserable, all he wanted was his little leopard, rubbing his head and making him soup. He lifted his head up enough to try and pull out his phone but it was pointless, there wasn’t any service in here. “Fuuuuuuck!!!” He groaned loudly throwing his head back again but the quick motion only forced the itch back up his bridge, and tickling his throat, he bit his lower lip tightly.
Alistar grinned sliding closer to the wolf trying to be quiet but was pulled backed with a tight hand on his wrist. Turning his head he was met with another ice cold stare from Biz.
“No,” the demon sighed and stood back again, crossing his arms.
“Sit,” and though everything inside of his aching vessel screamed at him to defy the large Inuit man, he decided against it and simply sat, crossing his arms.
“Fine but you can’t stop me from…” twitching and and stretching his nose with purpose before sticking his blackened index tip against the edges of his nostrils tickling it carelessly. “Hhah’AETTTSHH’uh!!! H’ETSCHU! HN’CH!” Loudly, proudly, like he had something to prove, which he did. Despite the fact they all realized he came to the show sick and had spread his germs on to them, and wanted out, they couldn’t. They’re stuck here with him. As well as the constant puffs of sickly sprays that shot from his wet lips.
“Stooooop!” Remi groaned with an exaggerated sigh to finish it, he would kill to turn these lights off right now.
“Uuuggghh….” Kriia wiggled a bit back and forth grabbing at her boyfriend’s arm. “This is too much…” feeling a mixture of embarrassment as she was turned on and terribly terribly ill.
“What’s��” but before he could get the words out..
“Ht’tchkt!!! Hhh’nGNxxt!” It was Kriia’s turn to lose control, trying to send the second into Rex’s other sleeve, but finding it hard to find privacy in such a position. She snuffled loudly, wiping her face loosely back and forth on the fabric. Rex blushed, brighter than his already sun kissed cheeks currently were. He tried to clear his throat, while he allowed his girlfriend to intimately release onto him and use his clothing as a rag.
“B-Bless you, baby,” considering maybe even just giving the demon what he wanted, a show, but he shook his head, no, not the right place or time.
“Oooo look at you two, see, I knew someone would enjoy this! We are making VALUABLE memories right now,” he tried to pull out his phone but before he could even open the app, Remi grabbed the device in one quick swoop and hucked it across the room. It shattered against the wall.
“Don’t be a fucking creep!” The wolf practically towered over him now. Fuck he was fast. Alistar rolled his eyes and lifted his palms up in defense.
“I was simply going to see…if I could contact K, that is all, I wasn’t up to anything and frankly I’m insulted you’d accuse me,” the two men stared each other down. Remi refused to believe his innocence.
“There’s no service, you know that,” slanting his dulling emerald eyes even further in accusation toward the demon.
“I forgot?” Al raised a thin red brow before suddenly he was taken by the throat, as if his head hadn’t been pounding as it was, it surely increased with the lack of oxygen to his brain now as Remi squeezed his fingers around him.
“Forgot?? Is that a question? See? Why should we ever trus-….” His eyes widened, his grasp slightly weakened just before Biz could finish standing back up to stop the man…./it/ happened.
“-hd’ISCHhh!! HI’DTSCHIEW!!” Almost like granddad finally heard him, like he was calling Alistar on speed dial. ‘Hello my son…I grant you…this blessing….’
“Thank you, Granddad….” He thought internally as a large gesture of spiddle and debris hit his entire face, Remi feeling mortified in between snuffling, he quickly let go and leaped back. Alistar realizing now, he didn’t think what he said, he had spoken it. Now the wolf was half across the room rubbing his nose from under his hoodie, almost feeling dirty, like he needed a hot shower.
“You’re fucking vile,” the raven haired male glared, turning his back.
Alistar shrugged his shoulders, not even a hint of shame written on his face, but satisfaction. “I’ve gotten what I wanted out of this, I don’t know about any of you…” he smirked before he wiped a straying trail from under his nose with the back of his hand but not the wet from Remi’s previous sneeze.
“I mean I got to play my show and once we are out of this me and Kri are def gon-..et’TCHOOO! etCHXIEW!!” Throwing his head in an upward direction to keep his heated blow outs from singeing anyone’s eyebrows clean off their faces. Regardless, a mistral of flames spewed out of him, smoke following out his nose as he slurped loudly to contain any of his salivic mess. Kriia bit her lower lip and just continued her motions of assuring and comforting back rubs. Her nails digging every so often.
“Oh, you already know me…” licking her lips before reaching to brush a few strands of his red locks away from his tear stained white and ruby eyes. They shared a moment together, while Alistar could barely contain himself. This was more than enough mental storage for later tonight. Endless imagery. If Alistar had a choice a of favorite sneeze in the room, it was Rex’s, because it came with a dark edge of danger. Nothing better than a sneeze followed by, FIRE?! Are you KIDDING ME?! This was enough to last him a life time.
Just when it was starting to get good, they all collectively heard a series of thuds at the door.
“Al, you done yet?” Kanai’s voice echoed from behind it, everyone feeling a sense of ease and relief but Al hummed lightly an index and thumb at his chin. Considerably, he could tell the hound no, and stretch this out for a painfully long time. However, he wasn’t sure how long it would take for the wolf’s blood to burn out that muscle relaxer and beat the dog shit out of him, it seemed to already be weakening. Having gotten this far alone, was a win. Best to not push his luck.
“A while ago.. why the fuck did you leave post???” He yelled back toward his best friend, when a moment of silence rolled by before the hound had any nerve to respond.
“It’s a historical theatre, Al, and you didn’t tell me I had to man the post, just barricade the door until you said, so…mind you, I did,” almost a slight edge of sass to his usually monotoned communications. He was spending too much time with that bratty pet of theirs, Drae.
“Okay, smartass, open the fucking door then,” Al hucked his foot toward the wood, making a loud banging sound. Remi snorted, trouble in paradise. He couldn’t relate since he and Levi made such a good team. They heard a serious of bangs and shifts of metal against the wood when suddenly, it came swinging open.
“If I am a smart ass does that mean it’s a compliment? Typically one’s ass does not have a brain, so therefore it has no intelligence…with that being said would tha-….” Alistar took his full blackened hand and palmed the center of Kanai’s face before pushing him clear out the door frame entryway.
“Just take me home,” shaking his head back and forth with a roll of his tired ruby orbs. As they all relatively sighed with relief and began to walk out, Biz quickly grabbed Al by the shoulder and turned him around
“Hey Al?” He spoke softly, almost suspiciously kind.
“Yeah?” Al looked at the taller male, cautiously but curiously still.
“I don’t hate you….Connie adores you, in some strange way, and I respect that…so I want you to know that despite how Remington may openly feel, me and my girls do not hate you…okay? You’re always welcome over…” the grey haired man opened his heart, and metaphorically his arms to the demon. His girl saw something in him that was more than difficult for anyone else to, but he would do anything to make amends for those thoughts that may play inside the redhead’s brain. If only for her.
“Oh…uh…thanks, Biziil…I appreciate that…but you know, I don’t, really feel that way right? I was just trying to stop Remi from serving me rare to the gates of Hell,” he chuckled, slightly shocked that the large man, cared about how he might feel if the group really did hate him. Regardless, they were friends of his pet, and in turn just more toys to play with. It was not important to him whether or not they liked him.
“Well, whether or not it was true, I just want you to know that there are people on this plain of existence that care about you….if you ever do, start to feel, anything,” the large bear followed with a chuckle, and it almost made the demon think deeply on it for a second before Meeko came stumbling out behind him.
“Bear…hot bath…home…pleeeeeaaaasssseee….” She whimpered slamming her forehead onto the middle of his back, arms slumped at her sides.
“Oh sweet girl…as you wish,” Biz quickly wrapped his strong tatted arm around her shoulders and brought her close to him before he turned to look at Al with a wink. Disappearing to the parking lot. As everyone else made their way home, Kanai walked with Alistar out to their own car.
“Where’s Drae?” The red head asked loosely, almost as if it didn’t really matter in the first place.
“He’s at home in bed watching some human drama show you like, because he misses you,” Kanai responded, unlocking the doors to the vehicle as they approached it.
“Jeez, he’s so needy,” shaking his head back and forth but feeling a slight…tingle in the base of his chest at the thought.
“He is quite persistent of our company, that must be a human thing…I have to research it when we get home…” mumbling now to himself as his brain started ticking away at the theories and possibilities.
“Okay nerd brain, just take me home so I can get my dick sucked at the LEAST with this fucking head cold I have….” He groaned rubbing at his temples. “I just know the orgasm is going to be fucking mind blowing,” unable to stop himself from snickering pridefully as they slid inside the car.
“I can imagine it would be a nice change of pace to have that feeling whilst also afflicted with that terrible one at the same time…might even possibly cure you…let me know,” the grey one looked over from the driver seat before the red head shot the hound a finger gun and a cheeky wink.
To Be Continued?!
Author’s Notes: I’m so sorry this took so long and IS so long?! Uncle Fucking Christ! (Sorry I love saying that) anyway I decided to do a part two for when Alistar comes home and Drae helps him feel relief (; it’ll be a lemon one shot Part 2 which should be easier for me to crack out than a full fic with 6 characters to keep track of Lmfao. Thanks for supporting mine and Geez’s characters! We appreciate the love it really is just the best 🥰 It’s nice to create for fun and have others just simply enjoy it for what it is. All my love 🫶🏻 @aller-geez owns Meeko, Remi, Rex, Kriia and Kanai! (also Draeko who was mentioned!)
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glitched-dawn · 4 months
General blog info
Since I said I would do this (actually I am just bored and no one knows wtf is going on in this blog) Imma make a masterpost with the general info of the blog and what's going on here. and also a little info about myself because ppl need more info abt me to send hate anons:
im a writer, obviously. im also a demiromantic apothisexual transmasc. i like baking, going out in the woods, writing (obviously), drawing and making art, playing instruments and singing, and im also a big fan of either napping half the day or staying up all night.
im not in very many fandoms but i like hollow knight, inmost, lethal company, terraria, bramble the mountain king, and ive recently gotten into heartstopper (in other words i began watching it with my more or less heartstopper-obsessed cousin, she is very sweet and yes i think the show is pretty cute too). other than that, im gonna watch more horror movies and series as that's what i write too.
(DNI is very small. do not interact with me if your intentions have anything to do with sex. thats it. i am SEVERELY sex-repulsed and will be triggered by anything that society has made sexual. its easier in text but for the fucking love of god do not send me pictures.)
now, onto the content:
writing snippets
aspec posting
stories and poems
a little bit of venting/storytime/complaining
talking to ma homies
a little bit of art
a series of writing snippets called "new/out of context quotes and quips"
probably something else i forgot
(also the reason i dont have a venting blog is bcuz hot topic i think ill keep everything in one place cuz im one person and i feel different things lmfao (yes i am also surprised by the fact that i have emotions apparently))
now a masterlist of my writing:
Novels and works-in-progress (AKA everything i write):
My main novel series, Broken Promises, currently contains ten novels:
Breached Containment
Twisted Betrayal
The Final Hunt
The Madman's Strive
Broken Strings (AKA Bring Us To Life)
Pinky Promise?
Too Late
Welcome To My Mind
A Last Promise
and here's the main characters, main cast and the main side characters:
Ambrose Blackthorne
Ace Dawn
Caleb Whitlock
Dylan Hunter
Jason Godfrey
Juan Moreno
The Shadow Reaper (he has a name but its revealed in the seventh novel so im waiting with it)
Zafirah Satar
Kierce Cadell
Joseph Clayton
Blake Campbell
Steven Zhai
Silly Sally
James Forest
Phoenix Loughty
Rahmah Abdullah Aziz
Rick Davis
Zane Hawklum
Gabriella Roseware
Alicia Wood
Rose Andersson
Eleanor Dawn
Michael Godfrey
(there are probably a lot more that are either family to the mcs or minor side characters, so im not including them here)
other than that, i have a few standalones that i work on every now and then:
Misplaced Faith
One Last Time (AKA Your Memory Will Live On Forever)
That's Me
Missing 4II
DRAMA (with my cousin as a co-author)
Blades of Rose (with several co-authors, including @ang3lic-t3ars and @daredevil-arty)
We All Eventually Drown (with one co-author)
then, of course, i have a bunch of smaller projects, most of them related to my novel series:
The Solic AKA the new bible
GUTS AND GLORY - a collection of every gory scene in BP
Realms of Selinc - A Beastiary
Memories On Paper - a collection of every letter/hand-written text in BP
A whole lot of music. just a doc named Music
The Anomalies, the start of a horror skit yt channel
PHOBIA, a video game that im not working on at the moment
I Was Born With A Gift - a prologue to the animation channel where I will animate my novel series on streams and such
All of the Darkrimm, Lumancyid included (hell and heaven lore)
A bunch of rituals. Do Not Question
Two D&D campaigns, one a homebrew and the other just. heaven and hell from BP (the novel series)
And since im extremely bored ill make an ask game so yall can ask me abt stuff (mostly the writing i gotta get more active in that)
have me tell you about one of my novels/works
ask about a character
ask about something you've seen in a snippet (specify)
wait actually you could just ask yourself from what youve seen and then ask extra info if youre curious about something
yeah acc just know my inbox is open for absolutely everything except stuff that goes against my DNI so u go ask stuff homies and thats it
well thats all i had to say so buhbyeee
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
hxh chapter 395
IT HAS BEEN 22 YEARS SINCE CHROLLO WAS FIRST REVEALED IN THE MANGA... 23 SINCE HE WAS FIRST MENTIONED... AND FINALLY........ WE ARE GETTING HIS BACKSTORY . all in god’s (togashi’s) timing. i literally couldn’t believe my eyes when i woke up to baby chrollo on the tl wednesday morning. i’m just now getting the time to scribble down all my thoughts that have been haunting me since then. is any of what i’m about to say coherent? probably not. i’m just so excited that i can barely put it into words. like. how am i supposed to function. i sure don’t know. i’ll put all my screaming + rough analysis under the read more then summarize what new things we learned about chrollo and the phantom troupe. idk how to format this so i’m sorry for anyone who braves the abyss below. anyways , without further ado ... 
(the link to the chapter for anyone who is curious)
nobunaga frames the flashback with the statement “fueled by despair and anger, we were searching for a purpose...” which more of less confirms the widely accepted notion that the phantom troupe was formed to give these people something to do. after reading that, i was expecting to go into some depressing stuff right away, but instead we get to see the baby phantom troupe members kinda roughhousing each other? acting like lil rascals. so i’m assuming nobunaga’s statement comes into play a bit later. 
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the spiders seem to have been split up into smaller cliques before they eventually formed together, these groups being chrollo/franklin/shalnark (HIS LIL MISSING TOOTH OH MY GOD), machi/uvo, and phinks/feitan. 
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this more altruistic viewpoint further convinces me that something major must’ve happened for chrollo’s worldview to shift so drastically. here and throughout the rest of the chapter, we can see him championing the cause of sharing knowledge with others around his age instead of hoarding it. this immediately sets him apart from the uvo/machi and phinks/feitan cliques who want to keep anything remotely valuable to themselves. Hmm.  
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i could be wrong, but the architecture of this church having crosses + pews seems reminiscent of the abrahamic religions, leaning more toward catholicism perhaps? this must play into chrollo’s fascination with catholic aesthetics in his adulthood. it seems that compared to the rest of meteor city, this church was somewhat of a safe haven. 
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NGL it’s kinda funny little baby chrollo looked @ phinks and uvo and went hm. yeah those dudes are definitely not the church crowd. baby chrollo being able to teach himself various languages just from watching tapes that everyone else his age finds too boring to sit through though... he’s always been a little genius. interestingly enough, the compliments on his intellect never seemed to have gotten to his head? he always took them in such a good-natured way. he seemed like such a kind boy... meteor city’s elders mention how bright he is in the next page too. i wonder what they expected from little chrollo though? 
“perhaps he could be of use to the elders? you think he may be able to solve the problems plaguing the city...” 
very curious to know if they meant now or when he’s older. anyway, the elders took an interest in him from a young age, only for chrollo to completely disregard them when he became an adult (chrollo stealing one of their abilities for his fight against hisoka). 
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i’m in ABSOLUTE agony. while this interaction is so cute, i can’t help but think about how paku prioritized chrollo’s life despite his philosophy that ‘the head of the spider [himself] can always be replaced’, which lead to her own death 🙁 OUCH OUCH IT HURTS... her care for chrollo and the troupe ran so deep. now we get to kinda see why. chrollo so brazenly telling paku that he loves her when it’s very likely she’s rarely (if at all) heard those words growing up in a place like meteor city......................... ah...........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 
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‘no way he was born here...’
it makes sense that chrollo ended up getting voted to be the leader of the troupe since his intelligence has been universally praised all along. a smart lil guy. i really can’t get over the fact he did all this just so the other kids could understand/enjoy the cartoon more 😭😭😭 that just leaves me with the same, pressing question that machi has here... 
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‘is that chrollo?’ 
she must’ve been shocked to see him go from :D to :| ........... what happened to my MANS...
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ut-versotale · 9 months
Update Time, Update Time
Welcome back, everyone. Hope you all had a very happy New Years! I come bearing a late present for you all: A Versotale update!
Game Progress
As I anticipated, I needed to take a break around the middle of November so I could focus on schoolwork. Now that we've been on break for a little while again and will continue to be for the better part of January, I've already gotten a sizable chunk of stuff done. Still not as much as I would've LIKED to have completed - There are still like only three fully-completed rooms at the moment, and even then they have a ton of WIP assets and first-pass dialogue and all - but, that is the way of coding a game solo, mostly from scratch, and with the occasional glances at Undertale's code, isn't it?
Unfortunately, while I really want to share stuff with you guys, it's all in some way a spoiler that I don't want to spoil for the people who'd rather experience everything fresh for themselves.
So, if you DO wanna experience everything fresh for yourself, feel free to bow out of this post here. If you're sticking around, enjoy some mild spoiler-y content, some character designs, and some fun vague allusions to things I still really wanna talk about! I need to give you guys SOMETHING after this long wait, right?
Game Progress: Slightly Spoiler-y Edition
The OPENING CUTSCENE you saw a while back has been tweaked slightly to make Hercine more likable, and so the dialogue can flow a bit more naturally.
Two new cutscenes have been added to the beginning, albeit with some rough visuals. These three all flow into each other, and if you're speaking through each line of dialogue, they only take up about six minutes total. Still, it is a TAD bit too long for my liking without any gameplay behind it, so there's a chance I might cut a cutscene or switch the order of things around so there's a brief gameplay section before the last one. Who knows.
Undyne has been redesigned. Undyne now sports some less bulky armor that combines aspects of her canon casual and armored forms. If she's gonna be there the entire game, she may as well have a visually-interesting design rather than the blob of bluish-grey her armor used to be. I'm sure some people will consider this a downgrade, which is always the risk you run when you redesign a character you've already shown off... but I personally just can't stand working with that old design any longer. The colors barely pop, it looks messy, the armor's boring and flat-colored and almost even blends into her scales, etc.
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You didn't get to see the outdated Frisk design I had for this iteration of the project, and I'm glad you didn't, because upon writing more of their scenes and reconfiguring their personality, I HAD to redesign them again. I don't anticipate this one changing ANY time soon, but, as with Undyne, no promises.
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Next up, some important human characters in the first area that AREN'T Frisk! You'll meet them later on, and I really hope you all end up liking them and the story behind them! In the meantime, here, have their designs. Again, they might change, but I'm comfortable with these for now.
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That's all I feel comfortable showing off for the first area at the moment! I'm hoping to record everything up until the first save point and post it on YouTube at some point before the end of January (Again, as I must reiterate, in its very unfinished form), but no promises!
While that's all for the first area, I have been poking around with redesigning some of the later characters you guys have not even seen yet. Particularly, the primary antagonist of the new Cold West. I have to admit, I was a little worried that, if I didn't switch up his design, people would start comparing him to Clover since Undertale Yellow is still fresh in a lot of our memories right now, but... I think you guys will really like "The long scarf of the law." He's a fun character.
Alright, that's all from me! I hope you guys enjoyed this brief little peek at some mild spoiler-y content! I hope to be back soon with some neat stuff for y'all to see in action!
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recurring-polynya · 5 months
Hello, I hope I'm not being weird here.
I just wanted to pop in and say I'm a huuuge fan and longtime tumblr follower, and have been reading your work for ages now. I just never got the courage to engage when you and the other handful of Bleach fans are talking on my dash hahahaha.
Your interpretations of their Renji and Rukia are basically canon to me -- I don't think anyone else has done as much work to capture their voices and dynamic as well as you have. The 2 of them have had me in a chokehold since I was waiting for Bleach updates every Thursday on Onemanga at the tender age of 11 (16 years ago!!), and they still have me in a chokehold now -- I credit that to your excellent writing and analysis. In a smallish fandom (and a smaller-still ship), it's so comforting to know that there're still people who're still here and still care enough to engage with the material.
I love how you write the vice-captain posse also, their workplace (and off-duty) shenanigans give me joy, especially now that I'm no longer 11 and, like, get it.
I'm delighted that Damage History is up after seeing your updates on Tumblr, and am saving it as a treat for after my finals. I'll leave a comment on AO3 when I read it - HKShadowWorks if you wanna know who I am!
Thank you so much, this was such a sweet note!
Also, please know that I am just a normal, boring person and no one ever needs to be nervous to talk to me. I am actually an incredibly shy and anxious person in real life, all of this ::gestures at blog:: is just a bit that I do, where I try to be kind and talk about the manga that I love and share my work even when it's not perfect and gush over other people's fan creations so they will want to make more.
Even for a quiet ship within a (currently) quiet fandom, I feel like it's gotten even quieter lately. Maybe it just feels like that because a lot of people on here I really like have gotten Overcome with Life Stuff, or moved on to other things. It may just be legit quieter since the anime is on break for now. Sometimes I think about giving up on all this, except that a) lol i am not going to stop, what else am I going to do? and b) if I stop making incredibly niche posts about the decor in the captains' offices, that's one less person out there making niche posts about the decor in the captains' offices. My point is, thanks for writing in! It is nice to hear there are people out there enjoying my work.
I hope you enjoy the fanfic! A story is only half a story until someone has read it, and I'm really enjoying hearing people's reactions to it. Good luck with your finals and thank you again for all the nice compliments, they have been very good for my heart!
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lauvra · 2 days
A few years ago, I'd watch videos on YouTube with a guy I was seeing while in bed and after each one he'd scroll down to the comments section and I remember being like "huh, why do you do that?" and he was like "I dunno, sometimes they're funny," and this stayed in my head for a long time because it really (and this may be embarrassing or ignorant) never before occurred to me to read the comments on any video I watched -- like, I was there to see the clip what do I care what a bunch of avatars have to say about it? So every now and then, I write a really unhinged but honest content-related comment as if I'm typing in my own personal journal on someone else's video and it's an oddly cathartic act. I do it because so often the comments (and I still rarely look deeply at them because of this) are boring or the slightly more passionate equivalent of a thumbs up or down so it's my mission to bring a way-too-human and ideally unsettling touch to things, it's like my own personal joke that's just for me. It's at my expense at other's expense. I think laughing at your own jokes is important, it's harmless medicinal trolling to type something you can imagine somebody reading and thinking "she's not totally alright up there, but she also appears to have no idea that's the case" but it also has ruined some of my favourite podcasts for me because I get that weird-girl vulnerability hangover and can't enjoy their content anymore oh well the horrors persist. It's just one stupid futile gesture toward preventing myself from taking myself too seriously -- which I definitely need. There was a time I'd do anything to make somebody laugh, like if they joked about kicking me out of a moving car I'd unbuckle and open the door -- I haven't had that level of commitment to the bit in a while, probably because I'm slightly less of a reckless fuckwit, my sense of humour is dumb and has gotten me into a lot of trouble but we all have our crosses to bear. What else? I'll probably say some more stuff.
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