#but it is silly that as early as season one
tanadrin · 2 days
I'm watching season 5 of discovery while I work on this map, and I think my verdict of DIS is that conceptually it is solid Star Trek. It gets Star Trek, like in the abstract. Obviously the last 3 seasons are a lot better than the first two, both because they escape prequel territory and because it just takes a ton of Trek shows two seasons to find the sweet spot. But the writing never really lives up to the ideas. So, so many of the character beats feel completely paint-by-numbers, with painfully generic dialogue, and I find myself mostly skipping over those scenes to get to the high concept SF or the action sequences. The actors really are doing the best they can, and visually it's gorgeous, and it throws out a ton of fun ideas into the Trek universe (though IMO it relies too much on overt callbacks to old Trek, it's not unique in this regard--SNW does this too, it might just be the curse of a long-running franchise). But man. The character writing is frequently not good! The emotional dialogue is frequently not good! And I don't know why; it's not like Star Trek doesn't have this stuff, rich character interaction has been there since TOS and the Bones/Kirk/Spock triad. But even back when you would have, like, Random Character Never Mentioned Before From Someone's Past showing up in an episode only to die horribly, from the older and more episodic Treks, the dialogue around these characters was still more believable and more compelling. And you'd think the more serialized nature of modern Trek would give you more room to build on and use these character dynamics.
I wonder if in part it's the decline of writers' rooms and the spec script market. Maybe something about that shift makes developing good scripts for television, and for genre TV in particular, harder. Part of me thinks it may well be the serialized format, because just like a good high concept sci fi plot often relies on a "hey-wouldn't-it-be-fucked-up-if-this-happened-randomly" idea, so too do a lot of the good character stories in older Trek--when everything has to be tied back in to an ongoing plot and significant character development has to be spread out over 10 episodes, maybe that's harder to do.
I think ultimately I feel about DIS like I feel about Enterprise--don't like prequels, do like some of the ideas, some of the characters are pretty interesting, the character arcs are kind of weak, is too bogged down in referencing other installments in the franchise, needs more Jeffrey Coombs.
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For the first time in years Joel acknowledges his birthday and wishes on a star. He gets pulled into the past and relives his birthday, the day that changed everything.
Words: 1.7k+
Warnings: all of the emotions. Sadness, depression, but also happy moments and hopefulness :)
*part of @burntheedges roll-a-trope challenge*
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September 25, 2033
It’s almost Joel’s birthday. Again.
Over the years, he’d let it pass without thinking about it. Losing track of the days was easy while he roamed, too caught up in trying to survive.
But now, in Jackson, time isn’t as elusive. Joel wakes up knowing that Mondays and Tuesdays are for patrolling, Wednesdays and Thursdays are for guard duty, Fridays are for helping with construction, and the weekends he keeps to himself.
The powers that be in Jackson also keep track of time, mostly for crop rotation and organizing the seasons, giving structure to the lives of its citizens. That means Joel has been aware of his birthday this year, creeping closer and bringing along memories he hates.
This year, he can’t live in blissful ignorance while it comes and goes, especially with Tommy around to remind everyone. So instead, he runs from it.
Joel walks down the soft, snowy streets of Jackson with his camping gear strapped to his back. He told Tommy he was going outside the walls tonight, making up some excuse about scouting a building that might have supplies to scavenge.
It was a lie.
Joel needed space—a place where he could wallow in solitude when the old feelings haunted him as his birthday approached.
With his gathered supplies, Joel mounts his favorite horse and rides out of the commune, waving to Tommy atop the lookout tower.
“See ya when you get back! And happy early birthday, big brother!” Tommy yells down.
Joel winces at the reminder and rides off into the distance.
Hours later, Joel makes his way to a familiar spot in the forest, a clearing he often visits while out on runs.
This hidden clearing, nestled deep among the trees and brush, is spacious enough for him to see the stars twinkling overhead while remaining safely concealed from any lurking dangers.
He sits by a small fire, eating his rations and gazing up at the night sky, lost in thought. He reflects on how he ended up here, all that he’s been through and all that he's done, dragging himself deeper and deeper into the pit of despair he so often finds himself drowning in.
Suddenly, something twinkles far above in the night sky, streaking across the tops of the tall oak trees.
A shooting star.
Joel had never seen one before; he had thought they had vanished like so many other pure wonders and good things in the universe. But tonight, he was wrong.
Unable to resist, Joel’s eyes follow the tiny, sparkling fragment as it glides across the sky. In that moment, he decides to be hopeful just one last time. After all, his birthday is approaching. Despite years of loathing it and skipping celebrations, maybe he deserves to make one wish.
As midnight strikes and the star falls, Joel closes his eyes and makes his wish.
He wishes to no longer hate this day. He longs to free himself from the burden of September 26th—the day he was born, but also the day he lost his reason for living, the day he lost Sarah. He wishes the memories of despair would lift from his shoulders, that things could have been different. That he could have cherished just one more birthday before everything fell apart and the world went to shit, giving him more good memories to hold onto and keep him company throughout the years.
When the shooting star fades from view and the sky darkens again, Joel feels a wave of silliness wash over him. Of course, his wish wouldn’t come true. With a sigh, he stamps out the fire, crawls into his sleeping bag, hand resting on his rifle, and drifts off to sleep.
September 26th 2003
Joel wakes to the sound of an alarm clock blaring.
He bolts upright, heart racing, and instinctively reaches for his gun—only to find nothing there.
As his vision clears, he realizes he’s not in his sleeping bag anymore. He’s in a bed—his bed—from thirty years ago.
Joel rubs his eyes, blinks, and even pinches himself, trying to shake off the dream, but it feels all too real.
Looking around his old room, everything is just as it was on the last day he lived there: rumpled sheets, a pile of dirty laundry in the corner, an old newspaper, and a glass of water on the bedside table.
It’s as if he’s been transported right back to 2003.
Warily, Joel gets out of bed and notices his joints don’t ache as they should. He races to the mirror attached to his dresser and takes in his features. He looks exactly as he did thirty years ago: fewer lines of age and worry, hair short and dark, no grey in sight, and far more muscular. There isn’t even a scar across his nose or temple.
Joel stares at himself in the mirror, breaths coming rapidly. It’s a dream, he tells himself, repeating it like a mantra.
But what if it isn’t? What if everything is as it’s supposed to be? A redo.
Just then, he hears something he never thought he’d hear again, and it takes all his strength not to fall to his knees.
“Daddy!” Sarah yells, her singsong voice bright and clear, just as he always remembered.
She bursts through his bedroom door, grinning from ear to ear—beautiful, whole, and safe.
“Happy birthday, you old fart!” Sarah teases.
Joel bounds across the room, scooping her into his arms.
“Babygirl,” he chokes back tears, wrapping his arms tightly around her. “You’re okay.”
“Uh, yeah, I’m fine,” she replies, her voice muffled against his chest. “Why are you being so weird?”
He doesn’t want to scare her, so he pulls himself together, trying to act like this isn’t the most magnificent moment of his life—a blessing to have another chance with his girl.
Gently, Joel loosens his grip and smiles down at her, cupping her cheeks in his hands.
“I love you so much,” he tells her.
“I love you too, Dad. I wish you didn’t have to work today. Working on your birthday is so lame.”
She’s right. That is lame. So, Joel does what he should have done the first time around: he pulls out his old cellphone and calls his boss to take the day off.
“Does that mean I get to skip school too?” Sarah jokes.
“Well, it’s only fair,” Joel says, a grin spreading across his face.
Sarah’s eyes widen. “Really?!” she squeals, excitement radiating from her.
“Why not?”
Joel meets Sarah in the kitchen, and together they spend the morning making pancakes and dancing to their favorite tunes. When Tommy arrives, Joel manages to talk him into skipping work as well.
“Come on, Tommy, you’ve never complained about skipping work before,” Joel teases.
“Fine,” Tommy says, his mouth full of pancake. “But when I’m short on rent this month, I’m counting on you to back me up.”
The three of them enjoy breakfast together, relishing their time as a family.
They spend the day having fun together, going to the park for Sarah to show off her soccer skills, stopping into town for ice cream on the way home, and lounging around on the couch, soaking in the quality time.
They end the day with a movie—a birthday tradition featuring "Curtis and Viper 2." This year, they even have a cake since Joel was able to skip work to pick one up.
With bellies full of sugar, Joel, Tommy, and Sarah are all sleepy-eyed on the couch, watching the end credits roll, when Sarah suddenly perks up.
“Present time!” she cheers, darting to her bedroom. Moments later, she returns with a small box in her hands.
“You got me something?” Joel asks, pretending to be just as surprised as when he first opened his birthday gift.
Sarah hands him the box and settles next to him on the couch. “You kept complaining about your broken watch, so I figured… you know.”
Joel opens the box to reveal the watch he prized above all else. He picks it up delicately, admiring the shine of the silver and the smooth, unbroken glass of the watch face.
“You like it?” Sarah asks, her voice tinged with nerves.
“Honey, this is nice,” Joel replies, tapping the watch. “But I think it’s stuck.”
“What?” Sarah exclaims incredulously. “No way! I just got it fixed—”
Joel bursts into laughter, and Tommy joins in.
“Oh ha ha, you got me,” Sarah concedes, rolling her eyes. “That was lame.”
“Where’d you get the money for this?” Joel asks, placing the watch around his wrist and snapping it into place.
“Drugs. I sell hardcore drugs.”
“Nice, kid. Real proud of you,” Joel laughs, playing along.
“Maybe you can help me out with this month’s rent then,” Tommy jokes from the other end of the couch.
“Thank you, honey,” Joel says, pulling Sarah in for a hug and kissing the top of her head. “I love it.”
Soon after, Sarah falls asleep on the couch, leaving Joel and Tommy some time together. Joel appreciates this; he’s missed his brother, and it weighs on him how their relationship has deteriorated over the years.
“Wanna go out to the bars to celebrate?” Tommy asks after a while.
“Hell no,” Joel replies. “Your ass will end up getting arrested.”
“Not fair! That only happened once!” Tommy whines.
“And it sure as hell will happen again if I don’t keep you in check.”
“Whatever,” Tommy concedes, settling back into the couch and scrolling through TV channels in search of something to watch.
“I’m gonna take her up to bed,” Joel says, nodding toward Sarah before standing and gently scooping her into his arms.
He carries his sleeping daughter to her room one last time, tucking her in with a kiss on the forehead. Instead of leaving, he wants to soak up every moment with her, as if any could be his last. So, Joel kicks off his boots and slides into bed beside her, wrapping an arm around her.
He falls asleep with a full heart and a smile on his face, grateful for the best birthday he’s ever had.
September 27th 2033
When he opens his eyes again, Joel wakes up on the cold, hard ground to birds chirping in a forest clearing. He should feel disappointed to be back in the present, but instead, he chooses gratitude. Grateful for the chance to relive the last moments with his daughter. Grateful for a wealth of new memories to carry with him through the years.
He realizes that maybe next year, when his birthday rolls around, he’ll remember the laughter and dancing in the kitchen with Sarah instead of the horrors that have haunted him for so long. The warmth of those moments will be a beacon, guiding him away from despair and toward hope.
With a deep breath, Joel rises to meet the day, ready to embrace whatever comes next.
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To think that the lovesquares biggest most ongoing problem (honesty and communication) all started from a white lie about a scarf.
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thatone-pancake · 3 months
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Oh me oh my!
not my usual phighting related post BUUT this is something i drew last month that i LOVED. like i REALLYREALLY REALLY LIKE THIS DRAWING IT'S MY FAVOURITE OF MINE so i'm sharing it!!! now because art fight is ongoing so i know i won't draw and post much loll but i still gotta keep my account active somehow yk..
ANYWAYSS hope the internet likes this as much as me and my friends do (i need to stop yapping in my post omg)
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steakout-05 · 3 months
i love how early on in the series Star Trek TNG established that Data is fully functional and that he can, in fact, have sex. like as if they knew that was something someone was inevitably gonna ask and they just wanted to get it out of the way first thing. they literally had him bang someone and then act like a drunk idiot immediately after the pilot episode aired and i think that's so fucking funny.
early TNG establishes three main things about Data's character: Data is an Android. Data cannot feel emotions. this Android can FUCK.
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jimmyspades · 6 months
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helmet-hairs · 14 days
I stopped checking the news on the F1 app for a few day and I come back to find out Andrian Newey will be working with Aston Martin in 2025.
I would say nothing could top this seasons news, but it’s all news for the order of the next season.
If this season is the silly season, 2025 will be the sick season.
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 10 months
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I am not immune to holiday alt Prof. Sycamore pokemas 😔🫵💖💖💖
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/don't hmu on how my pulls are going I'm going through it rn SDKFSDKFSDNFS
#fluff speaks !!!#all I wanted was this silly french man in his snazzy new winter coat and bam 11k gems gone SDFSKJDFNSDJFSDNS#y'all help me manifest him to come home for christmas I might actually explode otherwise /lh /lh#he was so sillyyyyyyy in the new holiday event it was so cuteeeee#god he's no joke a core memory for me when it comes to pokemonSDKJFSNDFSN IT'S SO FUNNY LIKE#quick storytime I got gifted Pokemon X back when it first came out (along with a special XY 3DSXL which is one of my fave possessions hehe)#and when I first saw this dude pop up on the intro screen I honestly didn't think much of it - I was like yeah sure another prof but french#BUT THEN fast forward a bit and I'm browsing between channels WHEN I SPOT HIM in the XY anipoke at the time playing on cartoon network#(not XYZ this was before that skdjfnsdfs and it was already english dubbed hence it being on ctn)#and I was like oh wait yeah I know this guy I recognize him#AND IT WAS - AN EPISODE FOCUSING ON HIM A LOT? I DON'T KNOW WHICH ONE BUT IT WAS EARLY IN THE SEASON I THINK#but oh my god I got such a huge crush on him specifically because of that anime appearanceSDKJFHSDHFSNDFS#NOT EVEN BECAUSE OF THE ACTUAL GAME BECAUSE BACK THEN I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY POKEMON (REAL)#but yeah that was just something silly to share#pokemas bringing me back to those years fr#I still think it's really funny how pokemon has always been sprinkled throughout my life but it's only now that I really get into it skjdfs#pokemon#pokemon masters#pokemon masters ex#pmex#professor sycamore#sycamore pokemon#pokemon xy#augustine sycamore#doodle
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Started watching SNW season 2 episode 3 and my eyes literally glazed over the moment they both came out in matching all black hoodie-leather jacket-jeans outfits and I couldn’t keep watching after that
#it was TOOO BOOOOORING for me............I want to see HIJINKS I don't care about augments or war or whatever#the augment thing was fine in the last episode bc it also had a courtoom drama and I /do/ like courtroom dramas and mystery plots#but this one was just La'an and [redacted] having a very boring date on modern day Earth which ties into something something augments Khan#the only fun part was Pelia v_v#my opinion is very biased I really can't stand more grimdark metallic war depression type plots#I skip a lot of the borg stuff on Voyager for that reason ... I'm an early seasons silliness type of guy#I hope the next episode of SNW gets back to aliens and hijinks and people in bright clothing trying to worm their way outta THIS mess#idk if this episode is fun for people who actually do care about/understand the khan stuff and the augments stuff#but please don't explain it to me v_v it will never penetrate my heart#idk how to describe 'grimdark metallic' but it's like Picard...it doesn't feel warm. It's glossy and cold.#I don't like that vibe for star trek v_v#also THIS is what it looks like when I'm not having fun so you see I was telling the truth when I said I had fun the last episode#even though I was making fun of it relentlessly...episodes can be fun-bad and I'll still thoroughly enjoy them I just couldn't get into this#please!!!! -dying- please...the goofs and gags.....#livetweeting#please star trek...the STRANGE (NEW) worlds.....not shitty earth...I'm ON shitty earth!!!
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anothermonikan · 9 months
wait the final chapter of MYM is only 3 episodes,,,,excluding the special,,,,man.
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calico-kiwi · 4 months
every joel smallishbeans video i become more obsessed with joel smallishbeans
#kiwi shares their thoughts#quickly became my (if i’m being completely honest with myself) favorite hermitcraft pov out of the ones i watch#i’m super glad that this season i decided to try watching multiple povs bc i’m having a grand old time#when i first got into hermitcraft it was like#a side effect of being sucked into the life series#and of course my intro to the life series was a bunch of people i followed being obsessed with grian and scar bc desertduo#so i started watching grian#and so i just watched hermitcraft from his pov#and by that point i think season nine had just started or somethinf#like it was pretty early into the season#but yeah there was just so much previous content#that i only watched grian’s pov bc i wanted to sorta catch up w the new season and watch it as it released#so i just didn’t branch out#but now in season 10#after being acquainted w so many of the hermit members and adjacent ccs that are their friends#i really wanted to try watching other povs#i still have no idea most the time what’s happening anywhere on the map beyond magic mountain and probably the shopping district#because i currently only watch gem grian scar mumbo and joel#which is all of magic mountain minus skizz and impulse#but yeah i’m having fun next season i’m gonna slowly start collecting more povs#probably etho (i see a lot of etho just thru the povs i watch already so might as well just watch his pov)#bdubs (he’s such a silly little guy + he’s usually online at a different time than who i’m already watching)#(so it’ll help expand what other hermits i see in episodes (+ his builds))#maybe iskall (also see a lot of him)#and probably pearl as well and maybe cleo#anyways yeah#i also wanna try starting to go back to watching twitch a lot#i used to watch so much twitch guys#i barely watch livestreams now bc of the fact dropout has completely stolen my brain’s focus#but i wanna pop into more hermit livestreams
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ozymoron · 10 months
need to fuck the shit out of that twink
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paeinovis · 4 months
I am constantly impressed with SpongeBob (show) for being able to make iconic lines and gags that don't feel overplayed even if they're repeated
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cryptvokeeper · 1 year
Man. I wanna talk abt Rise Leo again now
#I’m SORRY it’s not my fault I picked the one everyone gets really annoying about as my favorite#No bro I’m different bro I swear bro wait please-#It’s like. I got bait-and-switched SO HARD with Leo on my first watch#I went in essentially blind outside of like. Basic knowledge of what a teenage mutant ninja turtle IS from cultural osmosis#But I didn’t know these characters I had no expectations#So I watched Minotaur Maze & I see the cocky blue jokester character whos worse than the rest of the cast and has a hint(TM) of insecurity#and I went “oh. Ive seen this character type before. This is the Lance voltron. This is the early-seasons sokka. I know how this goes.”#And I’m sort of at the point in my life where I’m over that trope Yknow? It was cool when I was 15 and hated myself but now that’s old hat.#So I didn’t care for Leo that much#And then I get to Many Unhappy Returns and that whole perception gets FLIPPED ON ITS HEAD#I REALIZE IVE BEEN PLAYED#TRICKED#BAMBOOZLED#The confidence wasn’t a ruse at all! and that reframes so much from season one and so much going forward!!!#He’s a cocky magnificent bastard and would probably be a badass hero if he gave a shit but instead is only here to be silly with his fam#And that’s AWESOME#But anyway I feel like most people never had that bait and switch moment#They just moved forward with the belief that Leo’s is a bit of a loser and hates himself for it#And then fandom does what fandom do and hyperfocuses on that one trait to the point of mischaracterization#And I’m sitting here like “I love all the content for my blorbo but oh no a lot of it’s weird and off”#Rottmnt
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gregmarriage · 7 months
succ/brba crossover, where jesse and greg meet because greg goes to score drugs for kendall. then, he starts going to score pot for himself, bc jesse is nicer than a lot of other dealers, even if greg thinks he’s weird, and vice versa, but also, he’s a relaxing change of pace from the roys, and feels more akin to his old life, when he wants to go outside of himself and all the stress of his job and current life. he never has any idea what jesse gets up to, and neither does jesse of greg. one day, jesse disappears… and greg has to find a new dealer, and starts to forget about the weird fucking guy he used to smoke pot with sometimes.
#they also fuck nasty#yeah yeah the timelines and geography don’t match up#stop ruining my beautiful world <3#could also be greg spends some time in new mexico pre canon and he met jesse then#and one day he tells tom about a guy who used to deal him pot and they were sort of friends until he disappeared#could also be slightly pre brba canon or at least early into the canon#greg would have been about 17/18 in 2008 right?#if he’s supposed to be between 27 and 30#i always lean more towards 27 but if succ passes at least 2 years then he’s closer to 30 then#do i have to write this now?#is succ even set in 2018? bc it never really says and you can kinda twist shit bc the timeline makes no fucking sense so i can honestly say#anything and it’s not necessarily false#either way tho#it’s only a silly crossover and we can pretend and ignore if things aren’t correct <3#also they both have it in common that they have 4 and 5 seasons respectively but only take place over the span of two years like#that’s crazy#jesse in s1 is the same age i am now#well he turns 25 in and amongst the pilot and i’m not yet 25 but same thing#and is barely 26 at the end of the show#he’s so young!!#which kinda makes everything worse#bc obviously the thing about jesse is he may be a grown man but he’s also secretly soft and childish in his ways#and 26 isn’t old in any way#like he’s a child in my eyes#i always think he’s younger#like 19/20#he tells walt high school was a long time ago but i would also say that even if i’d just got out of high school imaoooo#anyways he and greg are both my baby boys is the point of this post imaooooo#gwen rambles#gwenposting
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danthropologie · 1 year
it's also a sprint weekend, no free practice basically (and he'd be massively jet lagged)
better to be at home celebrating with his loved ones, he'll have his chance next week
yeah exactly!!! basically the same thought process as his continual turning down of a mid-season swap for the alpha tauri seat- too much to lose, not enough to gain.
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