#but it sure got some kinda reaction outta me!
chuuyagum · 1 year
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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i wondered to myself if this was a copypasta, but regardless of if it is or isnt, this is my opinion;
0 notes
raya-hunter01 · 4 months
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 5
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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A Month Later
Roman’s House
“Mama, you saw it for yourself, she slept with Jey,” I said trying to escape her wrath.
“Son, your actions caused that chain reaction, and Tia living here isn’t helping your case to get your wife back either,” my mom said washing the dishes as I fed Logan her bottle.
“Mama, Logan needs her.”
“Logan needs her like I need an enema. She doesn’t even want that baby; she barely interacts with her. How could you let this happen?” she asked as I wished the earth to open up and swallow me whole.
“Mama, I stopped it, I knew I was wrong.”
“But, it took six times sleepin’ with this girl for you to realize that, and then you lied to me. Roman, I didn’t raise you this way,” my mother scolded as I sighed taking my tongue lashing from her.
“Mama, I was gon’ tell you, I just didn’t know how,” I said as she sat down beside me.
“You start by telling the truth….I said some mean things to Kara going off how you were acting. Like when was you going to tell me that you had a child with Kara’s sister.”
“I…I was going to fix it all. I wanted her to be Logan’s stepmom.. I was going to make it right, then I saw red. She let him have her mama, my wife did that,” I said still in shock that Kara took it that far and slept with Jey.
“Roman, you can’t take a child away from her mother and give it to another woman, thinking it will fix the issue. Kara is hurt…Her husband and sister betrayed her, that’s a hard pill to swallow.”
“But look at what she did, like really out of all people it just had to be him. Why would she do that?” I asked, truly wanting to know why.
“To make sure she hurt you deeper than you hurt her, and it worked. Tore you up so bad you ordered a new bus. Got you walkin’ round here like you on life support,” my mom said, my jaw twitched just thinking about them together.
“Then you got that girl sleepin’ here, trying to get her hooks in you.”
“Mama, I ain’t-”
“I don’t care, if you want to try to work on your marriage, Tia gotta go. Her being here is showing Kara you didn’t take your marriage seriously and its disrespectful.”
“Mama, she has nobody-”
“That’s a lie, she got a mama, and a daddy. Tia’s mother was going stay with her for a month to help out with the baby. Rebecca told me, but Tia turned her down. I’m telling you Roman, get her outta here before something bad happens, son”.
“Mama, I tried to talk to Kara, but she’s been ignoring me. She just sits in mediation staring a hole through me,”  I said trying to get her to understand.
“Try harder, tell her what happened so there is no more secrets and hopefully ya’ll can get back on track. Whatever the outcome you owe her, and you know you do.”
“Mama, her sleepin’ wit Jey hurt me bad.” I said pleading my case as she threw her hands up in the air as I frowned at her. Kinda pissed she ain’t more on my side…I am her son.
“Roman, you’re not thinking about what you’ve done to Kara. I swear you are just like your daddy, can dish it out but can’t take it. Go to mediation today and be truthful with her,” she said leaving me alone with my thoughts.
Over the last month Tia being here has been hell. She won’t help with Logan, it’s almost like it’s no bond between them and that is insane to me.
 It’s been all me and mama, so I know I’m in this alone.
Hearing her come downstairs I rolled my eyes. “Morning my logan,” she said kissing logan on the forehead as Logan begins to fuss.
“Roman, I’m glad you’re still here. I thought you had left for the show, she said extra giddy. She really was trying to push something that was never going to be. My mom was right, she needed to go.
“Uh, no I got to go sign for the new bus and I got mediation today,” I said as Tia shot me a look.
“Oh, you’re still trying to beat that dead horse,” she said smartly rolling her eyes as I stood up walking towards her. “Um, what are you doing Roman?” Tia asked worriedly as I placed Logan in her arms. “Letting you bond with your daughter, because she has two parents and not just one,” I said leaving a fussing Logan with her.
“Roman, take her to your mom!” Tia cried as I kept walking, ignoring her.... I had bigger fish to fry.
“Make sure you’re gone by 1:00, my mama is taking Logan to your parents and you to get groceries for your house. I need you gone; Kara is stopping by to get some of her things!” I yelled as I heard her mutter under her breath.
Going upstairs I ran into mom. “Why didn’t you bring the baby to me? I ain’t gon’ listen to Logan cry all day because you left her with the devil,” she said as I snickered.
“Mama, she’s gotta try to bond with her,” I said giving her a hug before I went to get dressed.
Bently Law and Associates
Kara’s POV
“I know you, nor her better be there when I get there,” I whispered as Roman nodded.
“My mom is dropping Logan off at your parents. Ma, can vouch for me,” he said pointing at my mother as she nodded.
“Yeah, Roman called last night and asked us to keep Logan," my mom said as I sighed, not really caring.
“Then my mom is going to take Tia grocery shopping for some things for her house because she’s about to be going home. After this, I gotta go finalize the deal on my new bus.”
“I don’t care where Tia goes, as long as she ain’t there when I’m there,” I said irritated.
 All he had to say was she wasn’t going to be there; I didn’t need an update on his baby mama drama.
 “Nobody will be there sweetheart, I promise,” Roman said as I cringed at his use of his pet name for me.
“Please…Don’t do that,” I said as he threw his hands up and sat back in his seat.
Sitting there in silence, my brain finally caught up to the little information he revealed. He got a new bus…. Smirking I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing he couldn’t shake the image of Jey and I on the other bus.
You could feel the tension as we went to sat with our lawyers. Ten years of marriage, was coming down to being in this office on the 15th floor, sitting around this huge table negotiating assets.
Deven, a mutual friend of ours, who’s also a judge, sat at the end of the table serving as a mediator for us.
“Alright, let’s get started. I wished we were here under different circumstances, but I digress. Mr. Towns what is your client Mrs. Reigns asking for?” Deven asked as I leaned back in my chair trying to relax.
“My client doesn’t want any of her husband’s assets, she only wants a clean break,” my lawyer said as I saw Roman twitching his seat.
“Kara is you crazy? After all he’s done..The devil is a damn lie, she want it all!” my mom said as I tuned her out.
I was too focused on Roman, who had leaned over and was whispering something in his lawyer’s ear.
“Well, my client would like to try therapy before we go this route. It will look good to a judge that you guys tried and could push this along quicker in the end.”
“I want this over,” I said as Roman cleared his throat.
“I want to try to save our marriage,” Roman said as I shook my head.
“I would rather swallow nails and dance barefoot across hot coals,” I said as my mother slapped me on the arm.
“Girl, hush this about getting what you deserve. He owes this to you,” She hissed as I sighed, sitting back and allowing Roman’s lawyer to continue.
“My client wants to also pay for his wife’s medical school expenses.”
“What!” I exclaimed sitting up in my seat looking at my mom who shushed me. “Here him out baby,” she whispered as I took a deep breath.
Bitch, now you want me to go back to medical school, now you want to support my dreams.
 “Like I was saying, we’ve come up with a total of 500,000 that she needs to complete her last two years of education.”
“That’s way too much?” I interrupted as his lawyer looked down at his sheet of paper reading his notes as Roman cracked a small smile.
“Always worried about me spending too much money instead of just letting me take care of you,” he muttered as I shot him a look.
“Kara, look at me.” Deven said as I turned, giving him my full attention feeling Roman’s eyes still on me.
“I talked to Roman and the price he came up with will help you with things you need such as your books, a Condo to stay in, and any necessities you may need.”
“Deven, it’s too much,” I whispered, totally thrown for a loop everything.
“Roman wants you to focus on school and not have to worry about taking up a job. He knew you were going to come in here and wouldn’t want anything from him, but he knows you deserve everything.” Deven said as fought back tears.
“Let him at least do that much, and hear him out,” Deven pleaded as I turned back to Roman and his lawyer, wanting to hear the rest of his offer as Roman sighed in relief before turning to his lawyer.
“Let her know what else we talked about Ryan?” Roman whispered pointing to his notepad as his lawyer looked over, shocked at whatever Roman had written on his paper.
“Are you sure Mr. Reigns? I said we could renegotiate that and bring it to the table later,” His lawyer whispered as Roman shook his head.
“She deserves it and I want her to have it regardless of if we work this out or not,” he whispered as I frowned at him.
“Uh, my client would also like to add an additional three million per year for Mrs. Reigns to do with as she pleases and upon graduation Mr. Reigns will donate ten million towards his wife’s own practice,” his lawyer said as I tried to process what he was offering…
“Jesus, Roman,” my mother said as Roman’s eyes never left mine.
Why was he doing this? Why now?
“My client has also cleared the balance owed from when his wife left school and violated the terms of her scholarship. All her debts are clear, so she can re-apply for school anytime she likes.”
“Why are you doing this? Like why now?” I whispered as Roman leaned his elbows on the table.
“Because I love you, and I miss my wife. I’m trying to make it right, Kara,” Roman said as I felt the room closing in on me.
“Now you want to support my dreams…. Now you want to do right! Now you want to make it right!” I shouted, the look of remorse on his face making it hard for me to breathe.
“I think emotions are high and we should take a break and resume next week. That will give Kara some time to think about things,” Deven said as my mother rolled her eyes.
“Ain’t shit to think about….She gon’ take everything he offering…He owes her that much, all she sacrifices she made for him,” my mom said as I wiped my tears.
“Kara, please take it…Even if you don’t take me back. I want you to have this regardless.” Roman pleaded.
“I need some air,” I whispered storming out of the room.
“Kara! Come back!” I heard him yell hot on my heels.
Picking up pace, I slip inside the elevator, pushing the buttons fast as I could as Roman sprinted towards me, sliding in the elevator  just before the doors closed.
“Why are you doing this? You can't buy me, I'm not for sale."
“Baby, just listen,” he pleaded pulling me in his arms, cradling the back of my neck, holding me close as I finally exploded.
“NO! NO! Let me go!” I screamed, managing to turn my body away from him, but I couldn't escape his powerful embrace.
“Baby, I’m sorry,” Roman pleaded refusing to let me go, wrapping one arm around my waist and the other around my chest.
 His grip never loosened as he lowered us to the floor determined to not let me go as I fought against him.
“Damn you!...... You broke us! You broke ME!..... I LET YOU BREAK ME!!” I cried as he held me tighter.
“Baby, please forgive me,” he whispered, his silent tears falling on my cheek as he buried his head against mine.
He had officially broken me…And now that he had me broken, he wanted to give me all I ever had asked for from him.
“Roman, just let me go,” I whimpered as he released me, allowing me to slide to the opposite side of the elevator, creating some much-needed distance.
“I’m sorry, I just love so much,” he whispered as the elevator jolted to a stop as I looked around in confusion as the lights flickered, then dimed……
No…Not now…We can’t be stuck in here.
“This isn’t happening,” I muttered as Roman rushed to pick up the emergency phone.
“Hello! Hello……Yes, my wife and I are stuck?” he said as I tried to regulate my breathing.
“An hour!” He said I hit the wall in frustration. This day just keeps on getting worse.
An hour in here….. With Roman..Shoot me now.
“Thank you, thirty minutes sounds better than an hour,” he said hanging up and sitting down under the phone as I took off my jacket trying to get comfortable.
“Kara, I-”
“Please don’t talk to me, you’re taking up all the air,” I said checking my phone frowning at the fact I had no service.
“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen, I swear I was going to tell you that night. If you could Just let me explain,” he said as I looked at him.
“Ok, I’ll play along, since you seem like you wanna confess your sins. How did it start?” I asked putting my phone in my pocket, giving him my undivided attention.
Roman seemed shocked at my question, this was not how he wanted the conversation to go.
Roman’s POV
Damn, she didn’t waste any time asking. I knew I had to tell her all of it but I dreaded it.…
“Well, I’m waiting, you wanted to explain,” Kara said as I sighed.
“The first time was on the bus. She had asked for a ride saying her friends had left her. Later that night after you and I talked on the phone, I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night and there she was layin’ in bed with me….Naked.”
“Then what?” Kara whispered as I contemplated my next words, but I knew I had to tell the truth.
 “She climbed on top of me, I asked her to leave but it was almost eerie how she looked like you in the moonlight, so I didn’t stop it,” I said as Kara covered her face with her hands, her leg anxiously tapping against the floor.
I hated to tell her, but I knew I had to tell her all of it.
“When we were having sex, I slipped up and called her your name,” I said as Kara’s head jerked in my direction looking at me in disgust and horror, but she didn’t say anything.
“She told me she didn’t mind pretending to be you for me and I called her by your name as we had sex. Like four out of the six times we slept together I did, the other times, no words were exchanged,” I said feeling the bile rise in my throat, for the first time truly realized how sick it all was.
Kara looked at me with a sad smile. “Tia always has to prove a point that she can take away the things that I love, and I guess you were no exception…..God, I think I’m going to be sick,” Kara whispered, as I dropped my head in shame.
“Kara, If I could take it back I would but I can’t. Just please say we can try-”
“Well as a last-minute replacement for me how did she do?” Kara asked interrupting me, as I groaned.
“Don’t do that, you know nobody can ever compare to you,” I said as Kara chuckled, shaking her head.
“Did you even try to use protection?” she whispered as I felt somewhat offended, she would think I would put her life in danger.
The first time we didn’t but every time after that we did. I got tested before me and you even slept together again. I was clean, and I swear it was only that one time unprotected.”
“That’s all it takes is one time Roman, and now you have a child with her.  You still never answered my question…. How was she?” Kara whispered as I felt like I wanted to vomit.
“Kara don’t do this?”
 “No, you already did this when you slept with her and KEPT sleeping with her. So how was she?”
“Like I said, she wasn’t you and since we are on that subject, I guess I could ask you the same about Jey,” I said as the elevator started back up with a soft hum but was moving slowly.
Standing up Kara grabbed her jacket ignoring me, but I blocked her path standing in front of the doors. She wasn’t leaving here until she told me why she picked Jey.
“Move Roman.. I ain't got time for this," Kara whispered trying to avoid looking at me.
“Why Jey, Kara? It could have been anybody, but you chose him. You let him have you, why Kara,” I said unafraid and not ashamed of the tremble in my voice.
I was hurt that she let him have her, that’s all I see every time I pull into our fucking driveway.
“Just tell me,” I whispered making her look at me, her once loving eyes now void of feeling towards me.
I really did break her…I caused this change in her.
Suddenly, I felt like I couldn’t breathe as I remembered something she told me once when we were dating.
"Can you please move?"
“I have to love and trust someone to share my body with them, I don’t just jump into bed with anybody.” I whispered as she seemed shocked that I remembered but recovered quickly continuing to stare a hole through me.
“I guess there’s your answer as to why I chose, him,” she whispered as we stood in silence waiting for the elevator doors to open.
This couldn’t be it….It just couldn’t….We can come back from this…Jey is a non-issue, I’m her husband…
Gulf Shore, AL
Jey’s POV
“Man, gon’ call Kara, and tell her you missed her and want her to come over,” Trin said as I shot her a look.
“I ain’t trying to smother her, I know she has mediation this morning. It takes a lot out of her,” I said as Trin smiled at me.
“That’s an even better reason to call her and let her know you’re thinking about her, Jimmy said as I  found myself blushin’.
I really had been thinking about Kara nonstop since we left a few weeks ago. The facetime calls and texting was and all cool but I wanted to hold her in my arms.
“You never told us what happened when ya’ll went to Roman’s that night either,” Trin said as I put my glasses on acting like I didn’t hear her.
“Oh, it’s like that huh…Fine, I’ll get the info from Kara,” she said as I chuckled.
“I think they fucked,” Jimmy said as I punched him in the shoulder. “Don’t talk about Kara like that,” I said as he gave Trin a knowing look as she smiled.
“Yep…They had sex, and it was good too. She got ya brother even more sprung than before,” Trin said as I pulled out my phone to call Kara, not even bothering to argue because it was true.
I was sprung and I wasn’t ashamed to admit it…
Roman’s House
Kara’s POV
I finally calmed down enough to make my way out to the house, and it seems like Roman kept his word...Nobody was here.
 As I got out the car my phone rang, smiling I accepted Jey’s facetime request.
“Where you been all my life,” Jey said as soon as I answered making me blush as I heard Trin and Jimmy awing in the background.
“Well, I always been here, and I’m currently at the house of horrors.” I said as Jey frowned.
“Your where?” Jey asked as I sighed. “I’m at the house picking up the last of my thing I wanted to get and granny’s bracelet.”
“Is he there?” Jey asked as I chuckled. “No, he’s not, he had some business to take care of. We did mediation this morning and it was a mess, but I’ll tell you about it later,” I said as Jey studied my face.
“I don’t like that look, it means when you tell me I’mma wanna beat his ass again,” Jey said as I gave him a small smile.
“What time ya’ll gettin' in today?" I asked as he smiled.
“We should be back in town in about an hour, we makin’ good time, tell the fam, hey,” Jey said turning the camera around to Jimmy and Trin as they laughed.
“Hey fam!” I said happy to see their faces, I really missed them all.
“Hey, Booky! I’mma need you to put this man outta his misery when this is all over with Roman and your ass crazy sister. He’s crazy about you,” Trin said as I blushed.
“Man, stop tellin’ all my business, Kara already knows what time it is,” Jey said as I laughed.
 “I miss you guys and I can’t wait to see ya’ll.”
“You be careful, get what you need, and get out. Dinner on us tonight,” Jimmy said as I smiled.
“I got ya’ll it’s gon’ take ten minutes tops. If I haven’t called, ya’ll back, call me,” I said putting their minds at ease.
“A’ight ten minutes,” Jey said as I smiled hanging up putting my phone in my back pocket.
After that night we never spoke about what happened. Jey was a man of his word; we carried on like our usual selves and for that I was grateful.
Running upstairs, I went into the bedroom and grabbed some of the clothes I wanted to keep, putting them in the box Roman had left on the bed for me.
I felt my anger slowly building as I looked around the room.. Had Tia been in here? Had she slept in our bed?  Roman’s confession on how things went down with Tia really had thrown me for a loop.
“Why couldn’t you say, no?” I muttered as I heard footsteps coming upstairs.
“Roman you said you wouldn’t be here,” I said agitated, opening the door and taking a step back in shock seeing Tia standing there in the sundress I wore the day Roman proposed to me.
“Oh, I didn’t know you would be here Kara. I was just trying to put together a little surprise for-” she started but stopped talking, seeing the look on my face…She realized she had taken it too far.
“You got on my dress!” I hissed as she tried to run but I caught her arm, slanging her in the room, and throwing her up against the wall before climbing on top of her.
“You bitch” I yelled punching her in the face as she screamed in pain.
“Get off! Kara!” Tia screamed as I repeatedly banged her head against the floor.
“I’mma kill you.”
“You ok up there Kara?!” I heard Janice yell as I kicked Tia in the stomach, before running to lock the door.
Nobody was breakin’ this up..She had it coming.
“Everybody always tryin’ to save you….You never face the consequences of your actions,” I hissed as she stumbled to her feet.
Before she could even see it coming, I ran at her, grabbing her by the and hair slamming her face against the wall.
“Kara calm down!" She cried as I backhanded her as she fell against me.
“Calm down my ass, I’m sicka you! Get off me bitch! I screamed, throwing her into the dresser as she tumbled across it hitting the floor hard. Her moans of pain bringing me satisfaction.
“What is going on in there, Kara?!” Janice yelled as I trembled with anger as Tia spit blood outta her mouth, crawling toward the wall trying to pull herself up.
“ Janice, I’mma kill her, that’s what’s going on!” I screamed charging towards Tia, spearing her against the wall as we fell to the floor in a heap.
My phone sliding across the floor in the process
“It ain’t worth it Kara, come on out baby,” Janice pleaded as I fought to catch my breath but I couldn’t reign in my anger. She has taken everything from me.
“I won,” Tia gasped with a smile as I snapped pulling her up by her neck dragging her to the wall mirror in the corner.
“Look! Look at us! Bitch, what have you won! The only reason you even had him in the first place is because you look somewhat look little like me the dark hoe,” I hissed as she tried to pry my hands out of her hair.
“Ain’t nobody tryin to be you! He wanted me because he knows I’m better than you!” Tia screaming as I chuckled letting her go.
“But ain’t you tryin’ to be me, Tia?…..Let’s see….You wearin’ my clothes!...You were fucking my husband and had a baby from him but you ain’t trying to be me.. Bitch, please, just own dat shit,” I scoffed.
“He wanted me Kara…He couldn’t resist me,” Tia smiled as I shook my head. This bitch was loony tunes.
“Oh! He wanted you, huh…Wasn’t he fucking you and calling you by my NAME!  Something you didn’t mind him doing by the way, right? As long as you fucked up my life!” I yelled as she jumped back in shock at my knowledge of what happened during her intimate moments with Roman.
“H- H- He told you?” she stammered as I smirked at her uneasiness.
“Yea, he told me all of it, and who does some sick shit like that? I asked. The tension building as we stared a hole through each other.
“Oh…nothing to say now.. Well, I’ll tell you who does that…A desperate bitch who loves to throw her rank ass pussy at anything that moves!”  I screamed as she tried to swing but missed, the momentum causing us to fall against the mirror, causing it to shatter around us.  
Luckily neither one of us landed on the glass but hit the ground hard.
“Damn it,” I muttered rubbing my head as I heard my phone ringing looking around in a panic, I groaned in frustration as it stopped.
I knew it was Jey calling to check on me.
“Miss an important call,” Tia teased trying to sit up as my phone started ringing again.
“J- Jey,” I whispered trying to crawl to my phone as I felt a Tia jump on my back as we tussled to get to my phone.
“What you mean don’t call the cops! You better get her quick then Roman; they are killing each other in there!” Janice said as she continued to bang on the door.
“Just as I reached the phone, Tia bit my hand and elbowed me in the stomach before grabbing and answering it.
“Jey! Jey, she’s gone crazy! Help me!” Tia cried as I pulled her back down to the ground hitting her with a right hook before slamming her head against the floor again.
“Tia! Where is Kara!” I heard Jey yell as I ripped my phone out of her hands.
“Kara! Kara! What’s gon’ on!” I heard Jey yelling in a panic as I put the phone to my ear.
“Jey….I’mma call you back…I got some shit to handle.” I panted
“Ka-” Jey started but I ended the call before he could finish, seeing Tia trying to run for the door.
“Where you goin’?” I asked, charging toward the door pushing her against it.
“Help! Somebody Help me! Your crazy!” Tia yelled as I turned her around to face me.
“What did you expect after all you’ve done! You’ve made me this way!”
I screamed punching her in the face as she fell in a heap at my feet, leaning down I jacked her up by the hair, tossing her again into the wall
“Bitch you ain’t nobody!” I Screamed gripping her hair as she tried to back away, I began punching her,  on top of her head, only stopping to change course landing a few punches to her face as she screamed trying to cover her face with her hands.
 I got a couple more shots before I felt myself being lifted up in the air. “Let me go! let me go!” I screamed, fighting against whoever had pulled me away.
“Kara, that’s enough baby,” Roman’s voice boomed throughout the room as I stilled in his arms, panting in disbelief at how out of control I was.
“Roman,” I whispered somewhat coming out of my tunnel vision.
“Yes…..It’s me baby, I got you,” he whispered holding me tight as I tried to gather myself as Tia got up of the floor wiping her nose.
“You’re really comforting her! She’s crazy and just attacked the mother of your child for no reason Roman,” Tia moaned, as I winced feeling the pain shoot through my knuckles as I looked down seeing the scrapes and patches of raw skin.
“Nah, I ain’t crazy..You just kept pushin’ your luck, like you always do and nobody was here to save yo’ ass…Let me go Roman!” I hissed as Roman released me, finally taking in Tia’s appearance.
“Why you got on Kara’s engagement dress?” Roman asked, his powerful voice overtaking the room as Tia said nothing.
She was too busy trying to check her face in the only mirror left standing in the room, on top of the dresser.
“Don’t worry, It’s an improvement bitch!” I screamed as Roman sighed gently pulling me to him, trying to check me over.
“Stop, I’m fine,” I said stepping away from him. “You got some cuts, Kara” he said worriedly as I shrugged him off again.
“I said I’m good, but you betta get that bitch outta here before I kill her,” I said pointing at Tia as she smirked, Janice shaking her head in the corner at the scene playing out before her.
“I won…I …ruined…Your …Life and I loved every minute of it…I hate you,” she seethed as I chuckled.
“You hate me….. You hate me!  Bitch, I’ve hated yo’ ass since the womb!” I yelled, knowing it would cut her deep because she would always tell me how she would rub Mama’s stomach and talk to me when Mama was pregnant with me.
“You wanna know why I’ve always made a point to fuck up your life?” She asked I tried to get around Roman.
“Because I wished you had never been born!” She screamed. "Move Roman!" I yelled as he refused, turning to look at Tia
“Shut up, Tia!” Roman shouted as she kept talking.
“It’s true, and she should know.”
“Well, Mama shoulda’ just swallowed when it came to you. Your whole fuckin’ existence has just been you being a living, breathing, pile of disappointment and cum! You gutta slut, I hate you!” I screamed as she seemed hurt by my words.
“Timeout!..... Roman take Kara downstairs for her to calm down…They hittin' below the belt now, ya’ll still sisters,” Janice said as I shrugged Roman off.
“I can go on my own accord. I don’t need him,” I said walking out of the room as Roman’s mom followed me.
“I’ll help you get cleaned up,” she said as I looked at her unsure of what her motive was. I was still pissed by her lil outburst and shots she was throwing a couple of weeks ago.
She betta not start talkin’ out her neck or she can get this work too. I’m tired of the bullshit…And everybody…
Roman’s POV
“I told you not to be here!” I yelled as Tia continued to clean herself up.
“She has to get used to seeing us a family, Roman.”
“Uh, no she doesn’t because that isn’t going to happen. We share Logan together and that’s all. I can’t believe you really came back here after I asked you not too…Just trying to hurt Kara,” I said as she rolled her eyes.
“That wasn’t my in-”
“Tia! You up here wearin’ the dress Kara wore when I proposed to her!…You knew what would happen when she saw you in it."
“She always takes shit so personal,” she said wincing as she touched her jaw.
“It is personal, and you had no right! Look, just get outta my house.” I said just over the day. I feel like the more I try the worse everything gets.
“How am I going to get home?” Tia cried as I walked around for the first time looking at the disaster area, that was once my bedroom with Kara.
“The same way you snuck back here after my mom dropped you off at your house…Hell, walk for all I care and leave Logan at your moms, I’ll pick her up later,” I said leaving no room for argument.
“You can’t just dismiss me like I’m nothing Roman,” she whispered as I turned to look at her.
“My lawyers will be in touch, now get out.”  I said as she sighed limping out of the room.
“This is a fuckin’ mess.”
Jey’s POV
“Man, where we at? This ain’t the way!” I yelled as Jimmy sped up.
“We almost there, I took a shortcut,” he said as Trin tried to call Kara back.
“Come on Kara, pick up the phone,” Trin pleaded as I felt myself losing it.
“I just need to get there man,” I sighed as Trin rubbed my shoulder. “Kara can take care of herself,” she said as I sighed.
 “I know that…I just know Kara, she gon’ hurt dat girl.” I said honestly scared about what we were about to walk into.
“Tia been pushin’ and she finally got what she asked for. It’s been coming, and it was no way to avoid it,” Trin said as I took a deep breath.
I was so on edge as we hit the exit to Roman’s house, I probably could have run faster than Jimmy was driving.
Pulling up, we didn’t see the cops or anything but saw Tia coming out with a duffle bag slung over her shoulder.
She avoided our gaze and starting to walk up the road with a slight limp.
“Damn she limpin’ and did you see her face…Man, Kara ate her ass up,” Jimmy said as Trin snickered. “Told you Kara could handle it,” she whispered as I slammed the car door, rushing inside.
As soon as I got to the foyer, I heard Kara’s voice coming from the kitchen.
“Aye, gon’ in there, we’ll look around,” Jimmy said as I went towards the kitchen.
“Roman did tell her not to be here sweetie. I dropped her off and everything,” my aunt said as I hung back giving them space to talk.
 I was just thankful Kara was ok, and I could lay eyes on her.
I watched my aunt clean up Kara’s knuckles as she hissed at the pain. She had a small cut on her lip and a couple scratches on her arms.
“Tell me how you feeling sweetie?  You can’t keep holding this in.” My aunt said as a strangled sob escaped Kara’s lips.
“Do you know how long we tried to have a baby, and that WHORE just gave him our dream without even trying.” Kara cried as my aunt reached over and gave her a hug.
“I know it baby,” my aunt whispered rubbing Kara’s back.
“Wh- What am I supposed to do with that?.…This is all wrong, it’s not fair,” Kara sobbed, my heart breaking for her.
Pulling away, my aunt took Kara’s hands in hers. “I’ll tell you what you do…..Leave him, Kara……Leave this town and allow yourself to heal,” My aunt said as I looked at her in shock.  
She actually told Kara to leave Roman and start her life over.
“How do I do that?” Kara asked as my aunt smiled at her.
“Take it one day at a time,” she whispered as Kara nodded wiping her tears.
“You right, I need to leave…..Cause’ if I don’t leave, somebody gon’ get hurt,” Kara whispered, as I felt a chill run down my spine at the coldness of her voice.
“I know it, baby… I can feel it coming, and I don’t want that,” my aunt said as Kara nodded in agreement as they sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes until my aunt cleared her throat.
“So, do you have any places in mind?” she asked as Kara cracked a smile.
“I guess it’s time to give Boston another try,” she whispered with determination as I smiled.
I knew what that meant...She was finally going to put herself first and go back to medical school.
And she didn’t know it yet, well, maybe she did but I’m going to be with her every step of the way.
There was no way I was losing her now…
When the divorce is final and Kara’s ready….She will become Mrs. Fatu….
Why do I say that?...... Because you can’t run from destiny and Kara was my destiny.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom  @harmshake
@truefant4sy @yana3sworld amandairene88 unapologeticqueen94 empressdede xbriexx
tshepisho thatgirlest98 zdotspinalot mainthingdoja jimingotthajams rose-bliss mrswolffs-blog maeb99 jstarr86 sayyestoheav3nn digidestned  heathetherlamont30 trashbin-nie rebelrel0987
kriissy4gov brokenglassslippers headoftheetable
pittieprincess22 mindairy jaded-human mainthingdoja
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berylcups · 2 months
Could you do a LA Squadra x reader (separate or together) hcs or short fiction where reader is friends with Bruno's squad and actively hang out with them on their days off? I wanna know their reactions 😭 Thank you, I love your writing!!!
Thank you so much! That means so much to me! 🥹 I got your request coming right up!
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La Squadra x Reader who’s friends with team Bucciarati:
CW: suggestive content, possessive behavior
Notes: this is placed in an everyone lives!AU because if I placed it in canon you just know they would be trying to kill each other 😭 So in this ask they will begrudgingly coexist with each other 😅 some of it will be kinda OOC and crackish since I went a little too far with this ask. I had a little too much fun with their reactions. I hope this meets your expectations nonetheless! Enjoy!💜 Beryl
All of La Squadra: Unacceptable! *drags your ass back home*
It was dark in the base when you came back. “…hello? Anyone home?” You asked with unease.
You heard the click of a lamp being switched on and seeing a brooding Risotto looking quite displeased.
“Where were you all day?” He interrogated.
“Sigh…Ris I TOLD you this morning I was going to hang out with my friends.” You rubbed your forehead at his dramatics.
“You never mentioned it was Bucciarati and his underlings…”he grumbled.
“Why do I have to? YOU KNOW I don’t have any other friends! …in Italy that is.” You sighed.
“No more. I forbid it.” He folded his arms.
“You “forbid it”??? Are you serious right now?” You put your hands on your hips challenging him.
“You have plenty of friends here in La Squadra. You don’t need any others.” He said stubbornly.
“Too bad! It’s my day off—I do what I want. On my day off, you’re not my boss! So there!” You huffed.
“If you keep going there I will stop making you arancini and I KNOW you don’t know how to make it…and I won’t make-“
“Don’t you dare-“you threaten him knowing exactly what hes going to say.
“…lasagne. You’ll be doomed to eat frozen lasagne for all of eternity.” He smirked knowing he has the upper hand.
“Oh yeah??? Well if you do that and won’t let me see my friends, I won’t lay on top of you during bedtime anymore! You’ll have to sleep without any weight on you! And I KNOW you refuse to buy an expensive weighted blanket!”
“….please don’t. I seriously need sleep.”
“Let me see my friends and give me the Sicilian goods and you’ll get that good sleep.” You negotiated.
“…sigh. Ok. Fine. But you speak of this to NOBODY. I have a reputation to uphold.”
“I know. I was there.” He said while lounging on the couch.
“You WHAT???”
“I wanted to make sure none of them were gonna hit on you so I hitched a ride on ya and hung around for a while.” He explained like it was a normal thing to do.
“Why didn’t you just ask to come with me???” You asked dumbfounded.
“They aren’t my kind of crowd. That Mista guy is kinda cool though. I also wanted to see if you were going to cheat on me-good job by the way! I knew I could trust you!” He said giving you a thumbs up.
“That is a extreme invasion of privacy Maggio! What the hell!”
“ Hey I’m just being a concerned boyfriend. I care about your safety, you know.” He said defensively. “ it’s not like I stayed the whole time… the minute you and that Fugo started talking about sciency stuff I dipped out. That shit was BORING. He needs to get a hobby like collecting stamps, playing football…or SOMETHING. Good god.”
That made you snort. “He has plenty of hobbies. Probably too many which is why he has anger issues and hates his parents.” You snickered.
“Ah~ tiger parents… good thing my parents had such low expectations with me, yet I somehow managed to still disappoint them!” He joked.
“Now that you’re done hanging out with zeros come hang with a hero!” He said patting the couch cushion next to him. “We got football to watch!”
“Welcome back traitor!” Everytime you come back from hanging out with Bucciaratis gang.
He teases the shit outta you for hanging out with a bunch of nobodies. 😭 He’s totally not jealous that you didn’t hang out with him today.
“So spill- tell me what embarrassing things they tell you today? Did Giorno drink more piss? Did that drunkard abbacchio do anything stupid?” He snickered.
“Pfft no.. nothing weird happened today. Sorry to disappoint!” You said talking your shoes off.
“So… I planned on having dinner just the 2 of us tonight?”
Oh…shit. Bucciarati insisted on feeding you with the rest of the boys and you are really full. You had 2 orders of bruschetta and caprese salad.
“Oooh yeah… about that lulu…” you said awkwardly.
“Don’t tell me you ate HIS Food. How could you?” Illuso growled.
“He offered and it was rude to say no! I’m sorry!” You tried to de-Escalate the situation.
“But it’s not rude to not eat your boyfriend’s food???” He asked angrily with his voice cracking at the end.
“No lulu— that’s not what I mean. I will—“ you try to explain yourself until he emotionally cuts you off.
“If you’re not going to eat my Gorgonzola dippers…then I’m not eating your ass!” He stormed off to the bedroom crying.
Oh dear… what people don’t see that you see is that Illuso is actually a very sensitive man. 😢 you gotta a lot of emotional damage to patch up… even though none of this is your fault 🙄 oh well, this is to be expected when you’re dating a drama queen
“But…why..? How could you? 🥺” you hanging out with them broke this poor boys heart.
“Pesci Pesci Pesci baby please—it’s not what you think.” You were quick to do damage control.
“Is it because I’m not as attractive as Bucciarati and his goons???” He sniffled.
“Noooooooo Pesci they’re just my friends! You’re my one and only baby boy!” You said squeezing him hard. “I get to see you every day! I just hang out with them and get drunk like you do with the boys!”
“So it’s like your guy time?” He asked.
“Yeah!” You said excitedly. “That’s exactly what it is! Instead of drinking beer and watching football we just drink wine and gossip, do each others nails… fix each other hair… you know, feminine stuff!” You explained.
“Oh so you just need some friends for feminine time? Well I guess that’s ok… I really wish it wasn’t Bucciarati and his crew but it’s not like you can find some non mafiosos to hang out with.” He said feeling a little hesitant.
“Don’t worry, I’ll always have time for you Pesci! They’re my friends but the squad is my family! …my very fucked up dysfunctional family!”you said hugging him.
This helps him calm down. Everyone needs guy/girl time regardless of gender. Just make sure you go fishing with him every Sunday!
“What kind of mafioso associates with a team they don’t belong to?” He sneered. “You have no dignity Y/N. You should be ashamed of yourself. What would Risotto think knowing you're enjoying the company of troglodytes???” He scolded.
“Pros please. You’re taking this way outta hand. We all work for the boss, I don’t see the proble-“ you explained before you were rudely cut off.
“Don’t speak. The next time I’m talking to you is on Dr. Phil.” He put his hand near your face as he turned his back to you and walked off. He needed a smoke break after dealing with the fact you were hanging around Bucciarati.
He’s so disappointed in you. 😔 how dare you hang out with Bucciarati and his bootlickers. He’s giving you the silent treatment but it’s not going to last long.
He can’t go 10 minutes without you sitting in his lap while you 2 Netflix and chill. 😭
“Do you forgive me???” You asked nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
“Fine. I forgive you. I suppose I was acting out of hand… I will allow you to hang out with your poor choice of friends but in exchange you must…*whisper whisper* for me, and no complaining.”
“Oh…” your face turned red. Well… he allows you to hang out with the gang but you better be ready to do whatever he asked! 😳
“…do you think you can get some of their blood samples?” He asks suspiciously.
“NO MEL. You’re not gonna sic BabyFace on my buddies.” You smacked him on the head.
“But—How do I know they have honorable intentions??? What if they want to see your feet???”
“Melone! Only you would be the one be thinking about fucking feet!” You slapped him again. “Half of the guys are UNDER AGE and don’t even know where babies come from!” You hissed.
“Wait—really?” He asked dumbfounded.
“Fugo definitely knows but Narancia…he still thinks they come from the stork.” You sigh.
“That’s just…sad. The education system has failed him. Ok I’ll let you see your friends even though I don’t like them.”he said as he pulled out a camera. “But can I get pictures of your feet in exchange?”
“Unacceptable! You’re hanging out with THEM?! What about me?!” He hisses. Oh boy is he jealous.
“I don’t know how you can hang around Mista and his horrendous body odor! And don’t get me started on that Giorno! I swear to fuck I—“ he just won’t stop ranting… but as his S/O this is like white noise to you. You’re good at tuning him out 😅
“Are you listening to me?!” He barked.
“Huh?” You turned your head to be face to face with him staring at you angrily with intense eyes.
“Sniff sniff… you smell like cologne... You didn’t let any of them TOUCH you did you???” He interrogated you.
“Geez… calm down Ghia. No, Giorno just let me borrow his jacket because it was chilly outsi—“you said before you were cut off by Ghiaccio angrily ripping his jacket off and forcing it on you and rolling you around on the floor in it.
“Ghiaccio what the fuck are you doing??!” You whined getting dizzy.
“I’m rescenting you! I’m reclaiming what is MINE.” He said, trying to rub his scent into you.
“I’m dizzy! You’re gonna make me sick!” You whined. “Quit acting like a territorial feral cat!”
“ it’s either I do this or I hose the scent off you out in the backyard!” He growled possessively.
Ghiaccio is very territorial. 😬 he has his weird ways of expressing it too. Note to self-always bring your own jacket when visiting your friends.
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
no other will do - e.m.
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Summary: You're home from college for the holidays. Eddie's playing a show and he wants you to be there. How can you say no to the boy you've been in love with since freshman year?
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Word count: 4.8k
Warnings/tags: mean girl who is jealous of reader, friends to lovers, absolutely lovesick eddie. this man is so in love with you!!!
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Eddie's waiting in front of the gate when you come out. 
You'd honestly believed you'd convinced him not to come. Five times on the phone you had told him he didn't need to. It's a long drive from Hawkins to O'Hare International Airport. You're on break, Eddie's probably busy; there's no way you'd expect him to spend a day chauffeuring you to town. 
But there's his van. 
Eddie is not dressed properly, despite it being November, clad in a leather jacket and jeans. His hair is tied back in a ponytail. You're struck with the urge to run over and kiss him. 
No! No. Bad Y/N. You'd gone to college four states away for a reason. Yes, it had the program you wanted and branching out of Hawkins was necessary. But more importantly, it gave you ample space to get over your longtime crush on your best friend. 
Mission failed, obviously. 
"Eddie," you call weakly, waving. 
He looks up and his face splits into a grin. Eddie meets you halfway to the van, taking your suitcase. 
"I distinctly remember telling you not to pick me up from O'Hare," you say, following him to the car. 
"How long have we been friends?" Eddie asks. "You should know by now that anything you tell me not to do, I'll do it."
"So if I had asked you to pick me up, you wouldn't have?" 
Eddie pretends to think about it. 
"Hmm. Nope. I'd still be here. Gotta make sure Hawkins' princess arrives safely."
He loads your suitcase and closes the door. Then he turns to you, beaming. Your heart does a flip-flop.
"Missed ya, sweets," he says softly.
"I missed you too, Eds."
He pulls you into a hug and you melt. Eddie’s warm and smells like that familiar spicy cologne you’ve been homesick for for the last three months. All the promises you'd made yourself about not getting soft and dumb for Eddie Munson fly out the window. You're hopeless. And he doesn't even know it. 
He releases you and opens the passenger-side door for you, then gets in on the other side. 
"This is pretty," Eddie says, turning the ignition. 
He tugs on the hem of your green knitted sweater. 
"Oh." You swallow. "Thanks. It's new, I got it at a shop near school. They have a guitar store, you know?" 
"Yeah? Did you go inside and wow them with your knowledge about heavy metal?" 
"No," you giggle. "I'd never look at guitars without you. 'S sacrilegious."
“Sacrilegious, huh? Am I some kinda guitar god?” Eddie grins.
“I’m not gonna answer that and blow up your already giant ego.”
“Ego! That’s it. Outta the van, princess.”
“No chance,” you say, clicking your seatbelt. “Royalty deserves proper treatment.”
“You called my bluff,” he sighs. “I have a hard rule about never kicking pretty girls out of my van.”
You turn to look out the window so Eddie won’t see your reaction to that. He starts the car and pulls out of the pickup zone. 
“Hey, so,” he says. “Speaking of guitar gods, we, uh… got a gig.”
You snap your head back. 
“You did? Where?” 
“It’s called Excalibur, ‘bout twenty minutes from Hawkins. Kinda feels like a sign,” he chuckles.
“A paying gig? Eddie, that’s amazing! I’m so proud of you,” you gush.
Eddie’s suddenly shy, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Of course I am. I always believed in you. If anybody can be a rockstar, it’s you.”
Eddie glances at you, then back at the road. He seeks out your wrist and squeezes. He might as well be squeezing your heart.
“Thanks, princess,” he says fondly. “Well, so, what I wanted to ask is: will you come? I’d get you in for free, obviously.”
“Eddie, it’s a business—”
“That can afford me bringing a plus one,” he finishes with a wink. “Non-negotiable.”
“You want me to come? I’m not exactly heavy metal.” 
“Of course I want you to come, sweet thing. You’re my best friend and you’ve supported me from the start. I know it ain’t your scene, but you don’t have to stay the whole time! We’ll probably go eat afterwards and you can meet the others.”
“Others?” you ask.
“Yeah, well, since we got booked, we’ve been scoping out the place. We met this other band, Birds of Prey. The lead singer, Missy, she’s cool. Real Janis Joplin vibes, y’know?”
“Oh.” Missy. Of course Eddie had met a girl. You couldn't expect him to just not. Eddie’s a sweet guy. Funny. Handsome. Love of your life. Et cetera. 
“So you’ve met a lot of… girls?”
Eddie glances at you and shrugs.
“Like on dates?”
Shutupshutup. Eddie’s too clever for you to be asking direct questions like that. You might as well hang a neon sign around your neck that says jealous!
He laughs. 
“I’m really not the kinda guy people go on dates with, angel.”
Which is not true. At all. If you can figure out Eddie’s a winner, any girl with a half a brain can do the same. But you don’t tell him that, because you’re selfish and pathetic. 
“I want to go,” you say instead. 
Eddie lights up. “Great! Oh, awesome. It’ll be a bitchin' show, promise.”
“I don’t doubt it.” 
Eddie seeks out your hand, rubbing your knuckles. You smile despite the acute feeling you’re sealing your doom. 
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Friday comes fast. You spend most of your time before Eddie's show agonizing over why you love tormenting yourself. Then he rings you up and asks if you'll come over for a pre-show soiree. And because you're a sucker for Eddie Munson, you say yes. 
You've been to the trailer before. It's not strange at all for you to be here. Wayne knows you well. But for some reason, this feels different. When you saw Eddie everyday, you could pretend. His constant proximity was normal then. Now, after three months apart, you're a lovesick calf. It's just like when you'd first realized your crush on Eddie back in freshman year. You'd been an absolute mess and it'd nearly cost your friendship.
You've sworn not to make that mistake again. 
Eddie’s room currently looks like a tornado ran through it. Clothes are strewn everywhere. You dodge a flying bandana from your place on the bed as he continues to rifle through his closet.
"Eds," you sigh. "Does it really matter what you wear?" 
"Of course! It's a statement."
"But the whole point of metal is to not care," you say. “Come back so I can do your other hand.”
Eddie obeys. He kneels one leg on the bed and sticks his unpainted hand out. He’s got a bit of black kohl around his eyes and brand new spiked boots. You make sure not to look at his face for too long so you don’t do something really stupid. 
You laser in on Eddie's fingernails, carefully painting them with black nail polish. He holds his breath every time you get close, still as a statue. 
"Actually, the point of metal is to protest societal structures you don't agree with, like the government,” he says. “Metalheads definitely care if you're not dressed for a concert."
“But I thought everything in your wardrobe is metal.”
“Yeah, but—” Eddie gestures to his Metallica tank top. “This isn’t concert metal. I have a reputation, y’know.”
“Well, I’m not dressed for a Corroded Coffin concert either,” you reason. “I don’t own anything metal.”
You’d tried, for the record. You'd found a charcoal gray sweater and black tights. That’s about as close to metal as you can manage.
“That’s okay, princess. You’re so pretty, you don’t need to wear proper attire. I, on the other hand, need to look like I eat souls for breakfast.”
You cap the polish. Eddie thinks you're pretty.
“Okay, done. Don’t smear it.”
Eddie wiggles his fingers with a grin.
“You’re a doll. What if I pair this with my jacket? Or wait! What about my torn black jeans?"
Eddie gets up, hands poised delicately. He stops at his closet and pouts. 
"I'll ruin your hard work," he frowns. "D'you mind helping me look mean and scary?"
You get up with a smile. 
"Impossible. You could never be mean and scary."
"Way to crush a guy's dreams, princess."
You shrug. "Somebody has to tell you."
You gently push through Eddie’s “clean pile.” You pick up a leather jacket and a torn sleeveless top that says Devil’s Advocate.
“What about this one? You look nice in this one,” you say, holding it up to him.
“Nice? I can’t look nice! I’m not going to prom, Y/N.”
You sigh.
“Fine. You look mean and scary. Straight from the Underworld. Satan himself. Better?”
Eddie shivers exaggeratedly, grinning.
“Getting me hot under the collar with that talk, princess.”
“Shut it,” you huff, throwing the jacket at him to hide your fluster.
Eddie squawks, dodging the jacket. He wiggles his fingers.
“They’re drying!”
“I’m pretty sure they’re dry now, Eds.”
“We really can’t be so sure, can we?” 
You get up with a sigh. 
“I am not taking your shirt off, Eddie.”
“Well, ouch, princess.” 
He shrugs and in a second, pulls his shirt off. You immediately turn, looking up at the ceiling.
“Jeez,” Eddie says behind you. “‘M not gonna blind you. They show male chests on MTV, y’know.”
“I’m giving you privacy,” you say, face hot. “Now hurry up. You don’t wanna be late.”
You peek, just for a second, and catch a glimpse of pale, freckled skin and a line of hair that disappears under his jeans. Nope, nope. You are not going down that rabbit hole of thought.
“Can you at least help with the jacket?” he asks.
“I suppose.”
You take the jacket and bring it behind him. Eddie sticks his arms through, never breaking eye contact.
“Good?” you check.
“Perfect, sweet thing.”
You frown at the jeans he’s chosen.
“Eddie, those have holes.”
“Yes, dear, I know. I made ‘em.”
“It’s November! You can’t wear clothing with holes.”
Eddie beams, eyes scrunching. You cross your arms.
“Nothin’,” he says. “‘S just nice you care so much ‘bout me not getting sick. You really are a sweet thing.”
“Well, I don’t want you to be sick over my visit.”
“Purely selfish reasons, huh? Tsk tsk.” Eddie shakes his head.
“No! I just—wanna spend time together,” you say. “And we can’t do that if you’re sick.”
“Alright, alright. What if I wear my lightly torn jeans? ‘S that fair?”
Eddie steps away from you, beginning to undo his belt. You panic.
“Uh, yeah, yep! Fine! I’ll go start the car.”
You scurry down the hall and grab Eddie’s keys. You get into the van. By the time Eddie comes out, the car’s already warmed up. He wears jeans that have significantly less rips. Eddie puts his guitar in the back, then gets into the driver's seat. He smiles at you.
“Aw, look at you, keepin’ my seat warm.”
“Because you have the blood circulation of a vampire,” you reply with an eye roll.
“Vampire and the princess. Now there’s an underrated literary trope.”
Eddie looks at you a moment more. Then he seems to make a decision, sliding off the cross on his middle finger and putting it on your left ring finger. Your eyes widen.
“For luck,” he says.
“But… I’m not playing.”
“I know.” He shrugs. “But if I know you’re wearing my ring, well, I gotta make you proud. Don’t wanna be an embarrassment while you’ve got my ring on.”
“Oh, Eds. I am proud. You’re doing it.”
Eddie gives you the softest smile you’ve ever seen.
“Thanks, sweet thing.”
“You’re welcome. Now you really have to drive, Eddie. You’ve got a half an hour till your show starts.”
He checks his watch.
“Shit! Alright, hold onto something. We’re cutting this twenty minute trip down to ten.”
Eddie ends up making some questionable driving advances. Halfway through, you question if you should’ve gotten into the car with him. But you get there on time. 
Eddie ushers you out. 
“Eddie, just go, it’s okay. I can find my way inside.”
“Oh, absolutely not, princess. This crowd is rougher than The Hideout’s. Plus, I gotta get you in somehow. C’mon, pretty girl.”
Eddie keeps his guitar in one hand and you in the other. You’re practically glued to his side as he corrals you both to the back entrance. 
“Hey, Sal.” Eddie waves at the bouncer parked at the door. “Everybody’s inside?”
“Sure is. You’re on in ten. Better hurry.”
“Thanks. This is Y/N. She’s with me.” Eddie nods to you. 
“No guests, Munson,” Sal frowns. 
“Watch it, Sal,” Eddie pushes back. “She’s not a guest. She’s my girl. Came all the way from college to see me. Y’mind? We’re on a tight schedule.”
Sal looks at you. You hope he doesn’t ask questions; you have all the speaking ability of a fish right now. 
“Hmm. Fine. No tricks.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Eddie grins, tugging you through the entrance.
“You lied to him,” you whisper when you’re far enough away. “Eddie—”
“Sweet thing, what was I supposed to say? Had to get you in. And I didn’t lie, okay? You did come from college and you are my girl. Only girl I’ve got, right?”
“But… you made it sound like we’re—”
“Dude!” Gareth hisses. “Where the fuck have you been?”
Eddie rolls his eyes.
“Chill, Gare-Bear. We’ve got time. Where’s Jeff?”
“Bathroom. Hi, Y/N.”
You wave shyly.
“Hey, Gareth. Cool chain.”
Gareth gives Eddie a look. You don’t know what it means, but whatever it does makes Eddie’s cheeks redden. He turns to you and squeezes your waist.
“I gotta go. Stay in the front so I can see you, ‘kay?”
“Why? Afraid I’ll run?”
“Nah,” he grins. “Just rather look at your pretty face instead of these ugly mugs.” 
“Hey!” Gareth huffs.
“Eddie…” you tut. “Be nice.”
“Not nice. Mean and scary.” 
He makes Devil horns with his fingers and sticks out his tongue. You giggle.
“See you after,” you say. “Good luck!”
And with that, you brave the crowd. Immediately, you feel out of place.
You’ve been to Eddie’s shows before at The Hideout. But this crowd is bigger and definitely a more intense scene than Hawkins. Most of the crowd is already drunk, or at least buzzed. They’re loud with excitement and unaware of their surroundings. You focus on not getting pummeled and on finding a seat up front like Eddie’d told you.
A group of girls push past you. The ringleader knocks into your shoulder and gives you a dirty look. She has long, dyed purple hair and black makeup. Her features are striking and perfect for the atmosphere. You wish you could fit in like she does, at least for Eddie’s performance. You’re starting to feel like you might be the embarrassment tonight.
“Watch it,” she snaps. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, and grab a seat.
Thankfully, nobody else bothers you. It’s only another minute before the lights dim. The first band is clearly very popular, judging by the howling cheers they get. Their frontman is covered head to toe in tattoos. You make a note of a green dragon inked on his neck. Eddie will like that one a lot. 
You do your best to match the energy in the room, despite not knowing many songs. Eddie’s played a few bands for you, but since metal isn’t really your thing, you’re lost when it comes to the less well-known bands.
After the opening act finishes, you see a curly head of hair poke out of the curtains. Eddie searches for you. You wave and he finds you then, giving you a big smile.
“Having fun?” he yells.
“Tons!” you shout back.
He gives you a thumbs-up and disappears backstage. The curtains part.
“And now, Birds of Prey!”
The group of girls who’d bumped into you step onstage. You clap lightly and stay seated. Their lead singer, the purple-haired woman, gets to the microphone. Missy. 
“You guys ready to hear some real music?” she laughs.
The crowd screams.
They launch into Enter Sandman. Missy has a perfect voice for it, raw and raspy. You prefer Eddie’s voice, sweet and low. He always complains it’s not metal enough. You’re sympathetic but you secretly love that Eddie can croon, if he really wants to. Sometimes he does, when he’s had a beer or two and is sleepy with affection. Then he’ll sing along to Wayne’s Buddy Holly records. Your very own Eddie Munson exclusive.
Bird of Prey finish after a couple songs. You politely clap with the crowd. 
“And now, something fresh!” the emcee announces. “Corroded Coffin!”
You jump from your seat, clapping excitedly. The band comes out. Eddie dances around the stage, hyping up the crowd. They eat it up. Eddie’s born to perform.
His eyes find yours and he blows a kiss. You shake your head. After all these years, Eddie still flusters you better than anybody.
“Those ladies before us were pretty dope, huh?” Eddie asks the crowd.
They scream their agreement. He grins. 
“Hope you guys like Ozzy.”
Eddie is beautiful. He plays guitar like it’s an extension of himself. Everyone else is yelling to the lyrics, nearly drowning out the sound. You can only stand and stare. You probably look ridiculous gawking at them. But oh, well. You love Eddie Munson. If you look like a fool, so be it.
Jeff closes their performance. The crowd goes wild with applause.
You go backstage before the next band goes up; once the lights go down, it’ll be impossible to navigate the crowd. Backstage is thrumming with energy. You spot Birds of Prey first. Missy locks eyes with you. She struts to you, brow raised. You draw your shoulders back, braced for a fight.
Eddie drapes himself over you like it’s been years since you’ve seen him as opposed to forty-five minutes. You hug him back, tearing your gaze from Missy.
“Hi, Eds,” you say.
“Hi, sweet thing!” 
He squeezes you hard, curls tickling your cheek. Ah, yes. This is why you’re here.
“You were amazing,” you gush. “Really, really wonderful, Eds.”
Eddie looks like you’ve just told him he won ten million dollars.
“You really think so?” he asks. “Not just pumping my ego, are you?”
“No, Eddie. I loved it. Especially the Dio one.”
He grins.
“Oh, I know. Saw you dancing, pretty.”
“Stooop,” you whine. “Don’t make fun of me, Eds.”
“I’d never. You’re the best dancer there, angel.”
“Yo, Munson!”
One of the performers waves at Eddie.
“We’re heading out! C’mon.”
“Yeah, Eddie,” Missy coos. She looks at you. “Bring your friend too.”
Your stomach twists. Eddie turns to you.
“Oh, um… sure. Where are we going?”
“This burger joint. ‘S not far. I’ve been there loads of times.”
“With Missy?”
Eddie gives you a funny look.
“Sometimes her band comes. Wanna check it out?”
You don’t want to be a drag. Eddie is genuinely excited, hopped up on adrenaline. The rest of the band will be there too. It’s not fair to make him take you home.
“Okay,” you say, trying to smile. “Sure, Eds. Sounds great.”
Missy, luckily, takes another car. So it’s just you and Corroded Coffin in Eddie’s van. Jeff and Gareth chatter about the show and songs they should play next. You’re in the front seat, because Eddie always has you sit up front no matter who’s in the car.
“Eds?” you ask.
“Are you, uh… h-how well do you know the bands that played tonight?”
Nice. Subtlety +100.
“The first guys who performed, Black Tar? Not that well. Their frontman, Beetle, he’s kind of a legend at Excalibur.”
“With the dragon tattoo?”
“That’s him. Staring at other guys’ tattoos, huh?”
“Actually, I was thinking the dragon would look much better on you, Eds.”
Eddie grins. 
“I have been thinking of getting a new one. You haven’t chosen a tat for me since freshman year. High time we continue the tradition.”
“I think a blue dragon would look cool,” you say. “On your back or something.”
“My back? But then no one would see it, sweet thing.”
“I’d know it’s there.”
Eddie laughs.
“Would you come with me to get it?”
“Of course,” you say. “I always do. Even when you got your bats from that skeevy guy at The Hideout.”
“Now Bill was a nice dude and dirt cheap. ‘Sides, my arm didn’t turn green, did it?”
“Thank God,” you huff.
“Always worrying about me, sweet thing.”
“Somebody’s gotta make sure you don’t wreak havoc on unsuspecting Hawkins.”
Eddie pulls into the parking lot of Brey’s Beef. Big deals on big beef! the sign reads. Your chest tightens at the sight of Missy and her band inside. Eddie reaches for your hand and squeezes.
“Yeah, yeah. Ready.”
Eddie opens your door and you curse how sweet he is and how in love you are. 
Brey’s is a tiny burger shop that looks like it time-traveled here from the 50s. You go with Eddie to the counter and study the menu boards while you wait in line.
“Their milkshakes are to die for,” Eddie whispers in your ear. 
“To die for, huh? Munson approved?”
“One hundred percent.”
You order a cheeseburger and a strawberry milkshake. Eddie orders an ungodly creation called The Demon and a mint chocolate milkshake. You make a face.
“Hope you like your toothpaste shake,” you snort.
“Mint chocolate is superior,” Eddie shoots back and pulls out his wallet.
“Eds, wait—”
“No, no,” he says, pushing your coin purse aside. “I’m paying.”
“Eddie, no, c’mon…”
“Who got paid tonight?” Eddie asks, shaking his wallet. “Lemme treat you, princess. ‘S not like I get to do it much this year.”
Eddie pays and scoots you to the condiment counter. You sigh, shoving your coin purse back in your coat.
“Eds, I would’ve paid. You should save that money.”
“‘S okay, sweet thing. You’re worth it.”
God, how can he just say those things? He has to know what they do to you, doesn’t he?
“I’ll wait for the food, ‘kay? You can sit down.”
You glance at where the others are and try to hide your grimace. 
“Okay, Eds. Thanks.”
You take the seat at the end of the table. Missy and her band are in the middle, heavily flirting with the Black Tar members. As soon as she spots you, she stops. Her smile doesn’t reach her eyes.
“So,” she says. “This is the famous Hawkins Princess I’ve heard so much about.”
“Just Y/N is fine,” you mumble.
She laughs and tosses her hair over her shoulder.
“Didn’t know Eddie hung out with your sort.”
“My sort?”
“Y’know.” She gestures. “Normie. Uptight. Did you even know any of the songs tonight?”
“Some of them. Eddie’s played Dio and Sabbath for me.” You turn to Beetle. “Your opening number was a really cool cover. Judas Priest, right?”
Beetle winks at you. “Hell yeah it was. Thanks, Hawkins.”
Missy sneers.
“Well, you know how to pretend, I’ll give you that. I’m surprised, though.” She turns to her friend. “Remember when that one townie wandered in? How embarrassing.”
Her friend giggles. 
“Oh, yeah. He was so jumpy too. God, what a freak.”
The word makes you feel sick.
“Eddie thought it was hilarious too,” Missy adds. She looks at you. “I guess metal’s not for everyone.”
“Lay off, Miss,” Beetle says. “Don’t be an ass.”
“I’m not!” she squeals. “I’m just saying, y’know, people should stay in their lane.”
“Eddie says metal is for everybody,” you say, stronger than you feel.
“Of course he’d tell you that,” she scoffs. “And then you’ll go back to college for six months and he’ll forget all about you. Eddie’s not gonna want somebody holding him down, duchess.”
And that does it. You can’t take anymore. You’ll apologize to Eddie in the morning for walking out but right now, you’re tired. If this is the girl Eddie wants, you won’t fight. 
Missy whines after you, syrupy venom sinking into your brain. 
“Running already, queenie?” she mocks.
Eddie told you once there’s no shame in running. He said taking shit isn’t heroic. If you can, leave. So you do.
It’s windy and freezing. You know it has to be midnight at least. November nights in Hawkins aren’t known to be mild. You pull your jacket tighter around your shoulders and walk down the sidewalk. Maybe you can hail a cab or something.
Something wet hits your cheek. You wipe away the tear. Another falls, then another.
“Y/N, angel? Wait up!”
Eddie catches your bicep, tugging you around to face him. Fuck. You’ve never been good at lying to Eddie. He can see right through you. You have to think of something. 
“Sweet thing, why are you crying?” Eddie pulls up his sleeve and brushes your tears. He looks devastated. “Princess, please don’t cry. Who did this? Tell me, I’ll make sure they don’t bother you again.”
And you can’t help it. The name falls out.
“Missy,” you gasp. 
Eddie’s immediately confused.
“Wh—Missy? She made you cry?”
You nod, sniffling pitifully. This is not how tonight should’ve gone. 
“What the fuck,” he snaps, and you flinch. This is it; this is where Eddie chews you out for starting drama with the girl of his dreams.
“Oh,” Eddie whispers, eyes wide. “No, no, ‘m sorry. Not mad at you, babe. Sorry, sorry. I just—fuckin’ cannot believe she made you cry. How shitty can you get?”
“I shouldn’t be crying,” you say. “I shouldn’t, it’s stupid, I just—”
“Hey, hey.” Eddie pulls you into a hug, rubs your back in slow circles. “Stop it. Don’t say it’s stupid. If it made you upset, it’s not stupid.”
“I know you like her,” you cry into his shoulder. “I don’t mean to ruin that, I—”
“Whoa, what? Sweet thing, Missy’s just another singer. We’re not betrothed or anything.”
“But you said—over the summer—”
“Yeah, we got to know each other. But she’s just part of the scene. And there’s a bajillion people like that. She’s nothing special, princess, no way. She definitely doesn’t hold a candle to you.”
“But she is metal. And I’m not. And I’m gonna go back to school soon and you’re gonna find somebody who knows all of Dio’s albums and plays Dungeons and isn’t scared of getting tattoos or piercings or—”
“Y/N,” Eddie says. “I don’t care about any of that. You could religiously listen to the Hot 100 like Harrington does, whatever. Doesn’t matter. Won’t change the fact that I’m crazy about you. Nobody’s got my heart but you.”
Eddie freezes. Slowly, you draw back to meet his gaze.
“You’re crazy about me?”
He gnaws the inside of his cheek, looking everywhere but you.
“I, uh… y-yeah. I am.”
You hold on tighter because it feels like Eddie might try to back up first so you won’t have to push him away.
“I’m crazy about you too,” you confess.
Eddie’s eyes go big as dinner plates.
“There’s never been anybody but you,” you inform with delight.
Eddie’s smile is sweet and a little bashful. He surges forward, hands landing on your hips. You put your arms around his neck.
“Kiss me, Eds?”
“Anything for you, sweet thing.”
Eddie is gentle. He moves his arms up, trying to block you from the wind chill. You play with the ends of his curls. It’s everything you’ve wanted since freshman year and more. Eddie’s warm and everywhere. You feel him smile against your lips.
“Told ya you’re my girl,” he murmurs.
You smile softly. 
“Oh, I mean, uh—” Eddie clears his throat. “You’re my girl in a mean and scary way.”
“Very convincing.”
“Thanks, baby. Wanna get outta here?”
You frown at the windows. 
“I kinda wanted to try those Munson-approved burgers.”
“Oh! Shit, hold on.” 
He hands you the keys and runs inside. You turn on the van, cranking the heat to four. Eddie flits from the counter to the table. He says something to Missy she does not look happy about. You wiggle giddily in your seat.
Eddie returns shortly. You roll down the window so he can give you the food and shakes. Then he gets into the car, blowing hot air into his hands.
“I hope you didn’t start a fight with Missy,” you frown.
“I just told her to stay the hell away from us.” Eddie shrugs. “Turns out Beetle chewed her out plenty.”
“Oh, yeah. You made quite the impression.” Eddie grins and nudges you. “You’re more metal than me, sweet thing. Gareth and Jeff are getting a ride back with him.”
You grimace. 
“I guess they weren’t too happy about us ditching them.”
“Nah, they were understanding. Told them I wanted to take my girlfriend home.”
You laugh, warmth flooding you.
“Oh, really. And what did they say to that?”
Eddie grins.
“‘It’s about damn time.’”
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gaybananabread · 10 months
(Don’t mind the fact I go all out in this, I’m just excited) Hihi! Just noticed TADC in your fandom list soooo can I get grapes, pears, and maybe some mangoes too whilst yer at it with Ler!Kinger and Lee!Pomni? I would like the stomach and the chin to be heavily focused on spots but every other spot is great too! I think Pomni and Kinger have potential to have an adorable dynamic as I hc that Kinger is the circus father figure! Speaking of hcs, I personally think that Pomni would be an adorably ticklish squeaky toy and probably a fighter. Kinger on the other hand, I hc that he is not very ticklish at all! Sure you could get a giggle or two outta him if you try hard enough but that’s it. Sooo yeah! Gotta love ordering stuff! Have a great day and remember, you don’t have to write any of this if you don’t wanna!! Byeee!!!
Fruit(s): Grapes, Pears, Mangoes
GAH! Thank you Anon! Definitely gave me some good bones to work with! Kinger would be the one dad that has the mental stability of a pancake lol. Loved writing for these goobers, your hcs were really fun to work with! Love that you went all out, gives me some awesome ideas! As always, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Pomni
Ler: Kinger
Summary: Pomni is having an anxiety attack due to circus craziness. Kinger invites her into his pillow fort to calm down, showing her she can still have a laugh in their insane circumstances.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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She couldn’t take it anymore. The constant craziness, being in her new body, unable to really feel anything besides the constant stress of not knowing who the *squawk* she is. Oh yeah. The filter too.
The clown was curled up on the floor of the tent, on the verge of abstraction. The other members of the circus had gone to their rooms to cool down from that day’s “adventure.” 
Caine’s weird NPCs had wreaked havoc on the psyches of the characters, especially Pomni. She had failed the game, gotten hurt and accidentally broke Gangle’s comedy mask. Her mind was a swirling storm of regrets and uncertainty. 
She was so close to being done…
Kinger looked around, trying to find the newest member. She’d seemed…not okay, after the activity. He wasn’t one to talk, but that had been a bad day for everyone, and he felt stable enough to help out. What he saw made his heart sink; Pomni, curled up behind some giant building blocks, small black and glitchy particles hovering around her.
He quickly shuffled over to her, wrapping two floating hands around her shoulders and squeezing her close to him. “P-Pomni! It’s okay, you’re okay! Try to take some deep breaths…”
The girl tried to breathe, the warm embrace bringing her back to…wherever they were. She was far from better, but the particles had faded. Her pupils were still detached scribbles, though.
“Here, let me just..” Kinger carefully lifted her up, carrying her towards his fort, “get you somewhere calmer.” He pushed the pillow aside, ducking and setting her down on one of the cushions.
Pomni took a few shaky breaths, her eyes flicking back and forth between the twisting scribbles and her pinwheels. She had almost…oh *honk*. 
The royal piece rubbed her shoulders, trying to calm the girl down. “It’s okay, Pomni. Just breathe. You’re doing great.” His voice was softer than normal, more paternal. It helped.
“S-sorry…I k-kinda freaked…” She sounded so guilty…that wasn’t gonna slide. “Pomni, you’re fine. Everyone has bad days. I know I do.”
Pomni forced a smile, but it was clear she was still upset. Kinger tried to cheer her up, poking her side to get her attention. He didn’t expect the shocked, strangled squeak he got in response. The knee-jerk reaction was to check for injuries, but things clicked when he saw the blush on her cheeks. “Oh. You’re ticklish.”
She had enough awareness to try and run. Kinger quickly scooped her up, trapping her in a reverse hug with her small back against his chest. “Of all the bugs in my collection, I have to say there’s a favorite. Can you guess?” One hand held her shoulders, while the other traced her belly. “It’s the Tickle Bug!”
Pomni smacked at his hands, thrashing and flailing in his hold. She was a squeaky, giggly mess in seconds. It was light tickling, but she was stupidly ticklish. “K-Kihihinger! GYEEhehehe! Nohoho!”
He chuckled at the adorable sounds, looking at her eyes. The scribbles are gone, her multi-colored eyes back and wide with surprise. “Hmm, no, these work pretty well. You need a little help calming down, and laughter is the best medicine.”
Trying something, he moved his free hand to gently scribble under her chin. Pomni’s thrashing calmed way down, her giggles getting even squeakier. It was clear her chin was a melt spot, her eyes closing. Kinger cooed and kept up the tracing. “Aww, Pomni, do you like this spot?”
She whined through the giggles, but didn’t deny it. Even with her pride on the line, she wouldn’t tell that obvious of a lie. “Kihihihinger! Ihihihit tihickles!” 
“It’s supposed to, silly. Tickle Bug, remember?” He added more stomach tickles to the mix, gently scribbling where her belly button would be. She squealed, belly laughter slipping into the giggle fit. “KihihHIHIngeher! NYAHAHAhoho!” The thrashing was back, though it was more frantic than anything. She was caught between wanting to melt into the chin tickles and writhe from the belly scratches.
While it was adorable to see her like that, he was only tickling her to cheer her up. The silly chaos she was in, while cute, wasn’t the goal. He stopped, one finger still tracing under her chin as he hugged her. “Feeling any better?”
Pomni continued to giggle softly, but nodded. Without him, who knows what would have happened. “Uh-uhuhum, yeah. Thahanks, Kihinger…”
“No problem, friend. If you ever feel like that again, just come in the fort. I’ve got your back.” He released her from the hug, his eyes squinted in a smile. While he wasn’t any more sane than the rest of them, he tried his best to help out. It was nice.
Pomni hugged him one last time before ducking out of the pillow fort, a smile still on her face. The creeping dread wasn’t completely gone, but it had subsided. She felt like she could genuinely smile for a bit. That…that was enough, for her anyway. She could get through it with her new friends by her side. Just another day in the circus…
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
Long time no talk hello cc i had a shower thought.
If for some dumb reason if cerberus were to bite mc i made a list of most violent reactions to least violent i wanna know if you agree
Do you agree??? If no whats your list???
Ohhh hello 🪱 anon!
What an interesting scenario. I can't imagine Cerberus actually ever biting MC... just because I'm more inclined to imagine Cerberus loving MC as much everyone else does lol.
My list kinda depends on the definition of violent. Would they have a big reaction or would they straight up go Cruella De Vil and turn Cerbie into a coat?
I'm kinda back and forth about Lucifer. I'm pretty sure Lucifer loves Cerberus, but he also loves MC. And I don't think Lucifer would react very well to his dog doing something like that. You know, like he probably trained Cerberus himself. So I do think he'd be pissed at any rate.
I see Diavolo just getting MC out of there and keeping them at the castle for a while. I think he'd be like hey Lucifer take care of your dog and leave things to Lucifer for that part of it. He's gonna keep MC with him until they're fully healed.
Barbatos would be able to subdue Cerberus with a look, I'm fairly certain. He'd be angry, but I don't think he'd lose his cool enough to do anything other than nurse MC back to health. I see him also sorta leaving the Cerberus side of things to Luci.
I'm not so sure about Satan. He's a little more uhhhh well violent in general lol. Because I could totally see him getting pissed about this, too, but like he's more prone to losing his shit. Even still I think his priority would be MC.
I think Levi would be farther down on the list 'cause he does not strike me as the kinda demon to stand up to big scary three headed dogs. He'd be upset about the situation, no doubt, but I think he'd be too busy flailing over MC to do much. He might do that thing where he snaps and summons Lotan, though. In which case everybody's just gonna hafta go for a swim.
Beel is tricky because I don't see him as violent. To me he's such a big sweetheart, I see him doing something more like getting in the way and ending up getting bitten himself in an attempt to protect MC. Carries MC to safety as fast as he can.
Belphie... well... man I dunno. He can't exactly choke out a dog, can he? He's violent but in a quieter way than I think would be needed for something Cerbie's size lol. I think he'd be more likely to distract Cerberus with something so he can get MC outta there.
Mammon is known for being a bit of a scaredy cat, but I think it's more about horror than big dogs. That being said, he's also known for running fast, so I think he's in a good spot on the list. He'd just pick up MC and book it out of there. Yell at Lucifer about his dog later.
Solomon is interesting because I really think the "violence" definition comes into play here. Violent as in "dramatic reaction?" Put my man at the top of the list. Violent as in "physically attack?" No, he's about right where he is. Solomon would be extremely upset about this situation, but he'd take care of it with magic.
I think Asmo would use his charm on Cerbie. It obviously works on animals, so that'd be easy enough. Charms the heck out of Luci's dog so he can remove MC from the situation. And I see him being calm about it, too, just taking care of things because MC's safety is on the line and he's not messing around with that.
For some reason, I have this vision of Simeon calming the raging beast with a gentle touch lol. Is it because he's an angel or is it just because he's beautiful? Perhaps both. Either way, he's probably in the right spot.
Luke, my darling precious son, I hate to say it but I'm pretty sure he'd get eaten. I think he'd try to protect MC and stand between them and Cerberus. But he's probably just the right size to be gulped down in a single bite.
Oops this got a little lengthy lol. Anyway, those are just my general thoughts on it! But man, I kinda feel bad for Cerberus in this scenario because you know nobody is gonna be okay with him biting MC.
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green-alien-turdz · 6 months
started autistically vibrating the second i read your answer lmfao. i was thinking cartman or tweek myself tbh, those bitches are both just PRIMED for it imo. i tend to lean towards a lot of abduction experiences being some kind of extreme reaction to other earthly trauma, but that really doesnt seem to fit every account so idk what the fuck is going on. god though dude *puts on homemade MUFON lanyard* i am SO SO SO CURIOUS to hear about your/your fam's weird experiences if you ever wanna share, i saw some questionable shit when i briefly lived out in Ohio myself. gone back and forth on the legitimacy of it all over the years, one of those things that's like, the more you research the less you Know.
Okay bro, I gotchu. I NEVER get to talk about this shit so imma fuckin go wild
Ight, so legit everybody in my mfin family got some shit to say- I tried to pry my brother's experiences outta him, but he is dogshit about answerin questions. Just know that he got some stories from when he would go campin n shit (even though he has funny ass stories from when he was outta his mind fucked up, there's still a lotta sober experiences he's got too)
1st, my dad: his stories are kinda vague too bcuz we don't talk, but from what he has told me in the past, he has 2 moments in his life he was certain was alien activity. Both of these take place in Texas (but when he was still livin in Ohio, he did say he'd seen some weird shit). The first is when he was movin to Oregon, n he was drivin late at night through Texas. Not a soul on the mfin road n he's in buttfuck nowhere. He said that there was this huge fuckin flash of light from above n his truck completely shut off. Like, the mf was still rollin at the same speed, but nothin it was like the car itself just kinda switched off (no engine, no lights, no music, nothin). He's tryin to start it up over n over, not really sure what the hell was goin on- so he's tryna pop the clutch seein as he was still movin. But this shit would NOT turn the fuck over. Until after he was gonna give up, slowly brake n just pull off to the side, but before he even attempted, the truck starts up again n continues on like nothin even happened.
His second experience I don't remember as well, so sorry about that. If I fuckin recall my dad n his band were just finishin up a show n were just chillin behind the bar smokin. One mf points out that there's this weird fuckin plane over some buildings on the horizon. Like, it just wasn't movin right? He said it seemed to be movin in a really slow zig zag pattern (but it wasn't like a drone, this this was way too big n it was the mid-90s). They kinda brush it off bcuz it's late as hell n they're all pretty shitfaced. But he said that it lasted in that area for about 10 more minutes, just movin back n forth until he looked away for a minute n it was just gone.
He's also told me about how on his late night drives in dead places, he's seen a shit load of random light infront of him shootin into the ground, n this is especially fuckin freaky to me bcuz I got a very similar thing that happened not that long ago. It's explained in my individual experience.
My mom n grandma: My gma might have some more, I feel like she had told me somethin. This one is backed by both my mom n my gma (although my uncle was here too, he just doesn't associate w/ the family so maybe he'd have some input). My gma used to drive from across the whole U.S. ALL the fuckin time when my mom was growin up, like they always had these roadtrips bcuz my gpa was an abusive pos n they'd escape back to my greatgrandparents place. So they're in the more of the desert states (like New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, I just can't remember which). My mom is probably about 10 or so. It's full on daylight, unlike every other story I got, this is the only one where it is broad fuckin daylight out. There's nothin but desert for miles, it's just a long beige stretch. So when my mom saw somethin just hoverin in the sky, it stuck out like a sore thumb. My mom calls it out, which causes everyone in the car to just watch it. My gma doesn't stop drivin, but she slowed down quite a bit, n she says that thing just fuckin sat there. Like, no movement whatsoever. It didn't look all that much like a plane, but they couldn't make out defined details. All they knew is that there is this plane adjacent aircraft just hoverin in the middle of the desert. They'd never seen anythin like it, despite all of them bein raised on military bases n seein a lot of kinds of military aircrafts (which is why this was ruled out). They kept drivin off but my mom said she just watched it through the window as it became smaller n smaller until it got too far away to see- but that shit never moved. It just remained hoverin in that same place.
Ight, Imma get into my experiences now, I got two with people n one that's on my own (that one is long as SHIT).
The first one is with me n my sisters (home in Oregon): This is around 2015-2016. It's the middle of the night in late April. We were chillin bcuz it was one of my sisters bdays n we were just talkin n watchin the stars. Now we live right next to an airport, so there are a shit ton of planes that go over, even late at night- but you can always tell those bcuz of the red lights n they're usually not that high up yet. We were just talkin tryin to find constellations bcuz it was a clear ass night. At some point we see these two lights. They're contained in these circular shadows WELL into the sky, but we could still make out a vessel that the light were on. 4 light on each circle. They're goin up n down the night sky back n forth completely parallel, so it seems like they're together. At first we were losin our shit, not able to explain what we were watchin. After some rational thought, we were like 'mfer we see satellites in the sky all the time, that's probably what these are' bcuz they were fuckin zoomin through the sky. We even see satellites pass over, but we kinda notice that they move n look a LOT different than the lights we were watchin. But every satellite's different yknow? That is until these mfs, the completely parallel movin in tandem lights all of a sudden both separate n go fuckin zoomin away from one another in the opposite direction. No longer up n down, but left n right. And then they're just fuckin GONE. Like, they sped off n never returned to the place they'd been for like 20 or so minutes. (Now I am willin to admit, that very well could be satellites, but it's still weird as fuck).
Here's one with me n my dad: This is around 2019. We were out in Utah, middle of the desert. This time it's probably closer to like 10-11pm. We were kinda just doin our own thing, sittin, thinkin about shit. When outta the fuckin blue, we notice this weird ass aircraft. Like, it low flying, large enough to be a fuckin cargo plane (doesn't look like one though), n movin super slow with a BRIGHT fuckin light slowly phasin in n out, illuminatin the craft. We're both losin our shit watchin this bcuz neither of us know what the fuck we're lookin at. Now this this was low enough that, if it were a plane, we would've heard it. But it was movin at the same speed which planes always appear to be when they're thousands of feet into the sky. But this was maybe 200 or less feet up. It was a really thick, aircraft that was slightly triangular in shape, but still pretty bulky. We couldn't see any engine or shit like that. We are legit fuckin shoutin like mad men, chasin this thing. At some point we try to call over the rest of the family, but we're slowly losin our visual on this thing. Everyone else is tryna look in the sky as my dad n I make a mad dash tryna keep an eye on it as it went behind some structure. But the second we got to a place where it should've been seen on the other side, based on its flight path, this thing was fuckin gone. Like, nowhere in the sky. It was like it was never there. To this day not sure what the fuck we were watchin bcuz we followed it for a good while, just for it to vanish.
Okay, now onto my final encounter (warning, this is a LONG mf bcuz it just happened in January, so it's fresh on my mind): I had decided to drive out to Sauvi island at like 1 am because I really wanted to go out and watch the water. But it was like the foggiest night in existence. It was during that period in January where every night was covered in this thick, heavy fog. I wasn't gonna let that stop me though. Even if I could barely see the road and almost crashed like 5 different times, I was determined. The drive itself was kinda ominous, but shit didn't start gettin weird until I actually reached Sauvi's. The second I reach the island, something just feels off instantly. I mean, no one's on the road of course, it's late, it's foggy. But I mean, it was DEAD. There was an alarming amount of roadkill everywhere (like fresh roadkill), and the entire island reeked of fuckin death, skunk, and mold. So I keep fuckin driving and just get the sense that someone was following me, like on my ass tailing me, but there wasn't any other cars or nothing. But I had the window down and swear I could hear some shit close to me. I'm driving and manage to miss my turn off to the beach. Here's where shit genuinely starts getting weird. Lights. Unexplainable lights ALL over. Now if this was a more populated area, I would assume some of this was street lamps, but the island doesn't really have that many (they have them in front of some buildings, but the roads are lightless). I kept seein "headlights" coming around turns that didn't exist. And when I should've been passing them, there was nothing there and the lights were gone. Okay, weird, but maybe it was my headlights reflection on the fog. Then I see fuckin taillights. I get confused because it looks like a car going up a hill, and I brushed it off before realizing that it was a wide open, flat road, and there was no hill or car in sight. I watched the lights turn into nothing and they were gone. At this point, I'm freaked out, but I'm still finding my way back to the beach. I manage to loop back around to the entrance of Sauvi's so I can take the right turn this time. When I tell you that the smell is worse and I even notice more roadkill. I would've seen any other cars on the road, but there was fuckin no one. And I know damn well that I wasn't the one who hit them. But I brush that off because I'm every white person in a horror movie. Not too long after, I saw the final unexplainable light I'd see that night. There was this small-ish, but abnormally bright light just kinda bobbing up and down infront of this post. I assumed it was some weird reflective thing, but as I approached it, it went up and then shot into the ground- the light completely disappearin into the ground. After I saw this, the feelin of bein chased was at a 100%, like I was stressin. I finally took the right turn, and there's this one fuckin shadow in the fog that I'm TELLING you looked like this tall fucking figure walking about. I legit stopped dead in my tracks to watch it, but this feeling of dread came over me, and I sped off. I finally make it to the beach, but I think I stayed for maybe 5 minutes or less? There was an extremely menacing feeling. Like it was THICK. I couldn't see the water it was so fogged out. I mean, it was beautiful. But it truly felt like I was being watched. There was little to no sound until I heard coyotes fucking EVERYWHERE. Like an insane amount. I head back to the car and they seem to shut up. I absolutely dipped the fuck outta there.
Now it is important to note with Sauvi's that there is maybe a supernatural element into that. Seein as Sauvi's, like most of Oregon n the U.S. was home to Native Americans (Chinook Indians specifically) n as we know, mfs just weren't allowed catch a break (to put things lightly). So there is more than likely some unrest in the energies n life of the island.
But yeah, there's a small collection of experiences in my family. I'd LOVE to hear your shit from Ohio. That place has some strange shit goin on there, like genuinely. Everytime I went to vist my dad's mom, that place just feels like somethins goin on there
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bro-atz · 8 months
ateez watching indian movies with you
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author's note: i'm a brown atiny who majored in film aka bollywood/indian movies are a huge part of my identity— i was watching kal ho naa ho the other night nd was thinking abt whether or not atz would watch indian movies w me and what their reactions would be. also, i def missed a huge chunk of movies so pls excuse me ehe
taglist: @k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @aaasia111 @sunshineangel-reads apply for the permanent taglist here!
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hongjoong: this poor baby he's so dedicated to his work but would do his best to make time for the two of you to watch a three hour long indian movie with you, only to fall asleep part way through. he'd last the first 10-15 minutes then pass out, and if you're watching a south indian film, he'll immediately wake tf up when a gun goes off or during the first fight scene. he'd really want to watch rrr with you but fully fall asleep, only to be scared awake during the scene with ntr jr (bheem) wrestling the tiger and be scared shitless from there. however, if you're watching a romcom? gl bc the man is definitely fully asleep and will wake up at the end and say, "that was good i enjoyed it!" you want to be mad at him, but he looks so well rested that you're glad he enjoyed the movie in some way, shape, or crazy form. but fr he'd love the movies that are super detailed and conceptual like if he watched pushpa: the rise, he's definitely highly anticipating pushpa: the rule. he's a 2 part film kinda guy imo he loves the long development and the intensive research and the dedication a director puts into his work. i think he's a rajamouli guy for sure. maybe even like sholay, lagaan, english vinglish— you get the idea.
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seonghwa: seonghwa's a super emotional audience member— everything affects him so deeply, especially scenes with heartbreak or little kids. like, the scene in kuch kuch hota hai where kajol (anjali) finds out that srk (rahul) is in love with rani mukherji (tina) and she's just sobbing and then the song plays? hwa is fully sobbing. he's like clinging to you and drying his eyes and you're patting his back while whispering "it's just a movie it's okay" but it's not okay because unrequited love HURTS. he's definitely more of a bollywood romcom person and probably will want to binge all of srk's movies with you one night, and during the most romantic songs, he'll stand up and copy the iconic srk stance (you know the one with his arms stretched out and then the female lead runs into his arms) and he'll 100% expect you to run into his arms. he's a karan johar bitch fr... either karan johar or yrf. i feel like he wouldn't really vibe with south indian films and end up preferring the sappy, bollywood romcom. but, he's totally an indian serial slut and would binge everything like there's no tomorrow (yeh rishta, iss pyaar ko kya naam doon?, bade achhe lagte hain, and so on) but in terms of movies, he'd love kabhi alvida naa kehna, kabhi kushi khabi gham, kal ho naa ho, dostana, kuch kuch hota hai, chalte chalte (just call him an srk stan and move on).
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yunho: one word: golmaal. he would love the shit outta rohit shetty i'm telling you. like, yes, he appreciates the fine cinema that comes from india, but rohit shetty's got him rolling on the floor in fits. yunho gives such bakwas indian movie vibes but we're here for it— like, the dumbassary in golmaal 2 is everything to him, and chennai express would send him into fits (especially the drunk srk scene). he'd also 100% get up on his feet and start dancing to the upbeat songs in the films more than anything, though, he would fully make fun of the super dramatic scenes with the bawling and sobbing— and i'm not talking about truly tragic scenes but like when the sadness is overdramatic and it suddenly starts raining while the main character is crying (specifically the song tujhe yaad na meri aayee from kuch kuch hota hai) so it's safer to stick to the dumb funny movies... maybe give good newwz a whirl
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yeosang: yeosangie is happy to do anything and everything with you even if he knows the movie will confuse the shit outta him. you'd probably start the guy off on the sequel to a movie (my brain immediately went don 2 or dhoom 2) and he'll be so mad confused the whole time, so he'll keep asking you questions during the movie because he wants to be just as invested in it as you are. more than anything, though, he's more invested in you explaining the movie because of how passionately you talk about the plot and the characters and the dialogue— you might as well forego the movie and just describe the movie to him while spooning in bed. that being said, he'd probably also rewatch the movie a couple of times to fully wrap his head around the film now that he's acquired your commentary and can pair it with the visuals in the film. either that or the poor thing would fall asleep... but he'd fall asleep on your shoulder and just sink into your embrace so fuck the movie just cuddle and take a nap while armaan malik sings in the background
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san: san is such a wild card imo but let's be real i feel like he'd be such a horndog while watching movies so it doesn't even matter what movie you put on he'll only be half present, especially if the don series or race series or lust stories is playing oh dear god don't show this man cocktail if you want to actually watch a movie with you... or pathaan dear lord help BUT i feel like he'd be more interested in the family related movies— like where family is everything so k3g, ala vaikunthapurramuloo, bomarillu, chillar party, main hoon na, tararumpum, etc. also maybe even the ones about friendship, so zindagi naa milegi dobara, 3 idiots, dil chahta hai, jaane tu ya jaane na, rang de basanti, kai po che— again, the wildest of cards. he'd be down to see anything honestly. anything for his love wink wonk
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mingi: god this boy i feel like he would ask all the questions in the world like every other dialogue it's just another question (but they're all related to the movie so it's... okay?) but he just won't have the patience to wait for the next scene to answer his question. no, he wants to know from you so movies like 83, chak de india, dil bole hadippa, paan singh tomar, jersey (BUT THE TELUGU ONE JFC NOT THE HINDI ONE I CANNOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH), dangal, basically any sports movie would be best for him because most of his questions would be about the sport so there's no chance of you spoiling the movie for him but i feel like he'd also be a huge priyanka chopra fan but some of her filmography is........ traumatizing? confusing? i'm thinking fashion specifically for trauma while what's your raashee? is just so unbelievably confusing. he'd also like deepika padukone, alia bhaat, samantha, rashmika— as long as she's pretty and a talented actress, mingi's gonna vibe
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wooyoung: indian movies are his jam imo he'd get up on his feet every single song and dance his heart out even if the song is super duper sad (man's is fully dancing to naatu naatu but then also sadly jamming to komuram bheemudo two seconds later the duality is insane). his favorite actors are definitely allu arjun, vijay, hrithik roshan, varun dhawan, tamannaah— and he would rewatch the shit outta abcd and dhoom 2 because the dance numbers are truly impeccable. movies like abcd, rab ne bana di jodi, chance pe dance are right up his alley but i also feel like he'd have fun watching bunty aur babli, jhoom barabar jhoom, race gurram, etc. he's a happy-go-lucky kinda movie guy, imo
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jongho: jongho's the type to be super judgmental but like in the best way possible. he sits and watches the movie quietly with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows furrowed. super quiet and super serious. you sneak glances at him every so often but you seriously can't tell what's going on in his head until he debriefs you after the movie is done, which could go one of two ways: he spares your feelings and tells you he likes the movie (if you tell him that this movie is your most favorite movie in the world) or be completely straightforward with you and dive into an in-depth film analysis. i feel like he'd prefer the movies with gorgeous soundtracks though and want to learn to sing some of the songs (we hate kabir singh in this house but bekhayali would shake his world, and fanaa oh lord he would love that ost with all of his heart... maybe even the main hoon na ost) but lordy any ost with sid sriram is his JAM
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anon-e-miss · 1 year
More Barbarian AU
“Y’re alright,” Ricochet said, taking Barricade by the arm and guiding him down the hall. “Don’t know what the dumb aft was thinkin’ bringin’ ya here like some kinda prize. If he’d known what was good for ‘m he woulda been on a chip to Kaon.”
“What was that about?” Barricade asked. He was rather calm for a mech that had just watched another get beaten to death; that did not mean he was not likely to be terrified.
“Road Handler, the creep that bought ya betrayed Jazz, betrayed our clan,” Ricochet explained. “He said nothin’ when a mutual friend was bridenapped. A coward ‘n a fool. He outta known Jazz would scrap’m.”
“You didn’t save your friend,” Barricade guessed. “Given his reaction.”
“No,” Ricochet replied. “He died from complications givin’ emergence to my brother’s creations.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Barricade said. Ricochet nodded.
“Y’re brother sold ya?” He asked.
“I didn’t manage to find blackmail on him like the last one,” Barricade replied. “He got rid of me before I could.”
“Blackmail?” Ricochet asked.
“I’m receptive,” Barricade explained. “I’m supposed to be a good little brooder. At my age, I should have had two at least by now but I never fancied that life. My progenitor never found a mech who could handle me and when he died I blackmailed my oldest brother so he would leave me to live how I wanted.”
“What’d ya blackmail ‘m wit?” Ricochet asked.
“He liked getting fragged,” Barricade said. “He had this femme bodyguard and I caught them in berth together with her fragging him and slagtalking him like he was a cheap buymecha. If I’d let that out, his reputation would have been destroyed. He would have had to go into exile for the shame of it.”
“Cause he liked gettin’ spiked?” Ricochet asked, aghast.
“Praxus has rules,” Barricade explained. “Receptives get fragged and contributives frag. Sure lots of mecha switch things up but he was a senator. The scandal would have ruined him.”
“That’s… rough,” Ricochet said.
“Don’t feel sorry for him,” Barricade retorted. “He was a disgusting piece of scrap.”
Ricochet was not sure what to think of the mech walking with him. Blackmailing his brother with his sexuality was pretty horrific, but so was being traded or sold to be a broodcarrier. He thought a bit about what Ori had told him of Jazz’s wet nurse, of the hollowness of his optics from the torture of that life. Barricade was far from hollow; he was full of fire. If his own brother had sold him, there was no sending him back to his kin. That begged the question what to do with the mech? Jazz wanted nothing to do with him and was in no state to be responsible for another mechanism’s life. Given the lengths Barricade had gone through not to end up a broodcarrier, he was not going to be keen to be matched off with some friendly clansmecha. It would not be the same, Polyhexians had far more honour that Praxians and their receptive mechanisms were free to do as they pleased but it would also not be the same, because Barricade was Praxian and no clan would take him along for the sake of it.
“Ori, got some work for ya,” Ricochet called as he walked into the rooms his procreators had claimed, not far from the harem.
“What’ve ya done?” Punch asked, out of side. He turned the corner and saw Ricochet with Barricade. Ricochet held up Barricade’s wrist to show his originator the bangles that had been welded around his wrists. “Now how’d ya come to be in Darkmount?”
“My brother sold me,” Barricade replied. “Some mech designated Road Handler bought me and tried to give me to your Warlord as a present.”
“Rico?” Punch asked.
“Jazz beat’m to a pulp,” Ricochet replied. “Real, real dead that one.”
“Can’t say ‘m sorry,” Punch replied. “After all the time he spent in my camp as a ward, his betrayal hurt the most.”
“His clan might have a snit,” Ricochet said.
“Not if they’re smart,” Punch replied. “Come on o’er. I should have cutters narrow ‘nough to snip those off without nickin’ ya.”
It was quick work, once Ori found the right cutters, and Barricade rubbed his wrists, sighing with relief to have the bangles off. Ori ordered tisane and a tray of fuel, figuring Barricade had not fuelled in a while. Ricochet might have left them to chat but he had said he would see to Barricade and so he kept to his glyph and he fuelled with them as Ori asked his questions and they all got a better understanding on how the Praxian caravans operated. Barricade had worked behind the scenes for his oldest brother and had learned a great deal about the inner workings of the operations, despite never going on one.
“There’s room in the harem,” Punch declared when Ricochet asked where thy ought to put Barricade. “Could be good for Prowl to have another Praxian for company.”
“Prowl is not going to want me anywhere near him,” Barricade interjected.
“Why not?” Punch asked.
“Because my older brother is the one that brought his breeding rights,” Barricade replied. “He’s not going to want his rapist’s kin around him or his creations.”
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ichimatsu-gal · 8 months
I watched the the last two episodes of Hazbin Hotel
Episode 7:
almost immediately I was happy to see Charlie get angry and frustrated even if it was just for that little rant about everything that’s happened so far and then choosing to make a deal with Alastor was insane I’m already theorizing all the ways he could ask for a favor that would still be pretty bad even if it doesn’t involve hurting anyone.
when we get to meet Rosie for the first time I kinda expected her to me more malicious and kinda blood thirsty but she ended up actually being a very sweet person who was very genuine and I loved that about her, she gave Charlie some very good advice about Vaggie that I really appreciate bc I though the same thing, also wasn’t expecting her to have the voice she did but I loved it anyway. (FUCKING SUSAN) the way both Alastor and Rosie just behaved like besties in this was way too funny Alastor cursing was way funnier tho and the fact that all it took was just to say hey there’s gonna be free food and it’s angels flesh was so stupidly simple.
I loved that they gave Carmilla another song she was absolutely beautiful and badass like bro HER HAIR DOWN GOT ME BARKING NOT GONNA LIE, she’s a very strong woman who is smart, resilient, and loves her daughters, also I’m biased bc she’s Latina and I’m latina so obviously she’s the best. The fact that Vaggie being an Angel was so obvious is hilarious to me I always thought the X on her eye was some type of aesthetic eyepatch not like an actual thing angels get when they lose and eye??? Still not sure about that but whatever, I loved the realization that yeah Vaggie fights with no real concern about her own life because she’s never had to fear for her own safety before, she wasn’t even aware she could die so the fact that Carmilla is like girl you fight like you aren’t scared of getting hurt which is stupid on your part is both funny and like wow yeah she’s so right that is a dumb way to go about it. Since usually demons can’t cause any type of real harm angels have never had to worry about death so they go about killing every extermination day completely recklessly so it keeps them open to weak points, they didn’t even think about their own weapons they left behind being used against them so yeah, the song was an absolute bop (like girl find the motivation to fight in the fact that you have someone to lose).
I love that the others stayed obviously they would but it’s nice to see everyone trying to help in any way they can despite the circumstances, they all enjoy each other’s company and it was so nice to see how far everyone has come.
Episode 8:
I’m kinda confused as into how Vox managed to get cameras? technology?? Into the hotel but whatever his reactions are funny. Almost immediately I was trying to figure out who was gonna die this final episode and when I saw dear ol Pentious in his little uniform I kinda knew and I was pre sobbing getting ready for the emotional damage I was gonna get (which side note I absolutely love his hair?? When it’s down I mean I’m a sucker for long black hair??? So yeah) anyway the whole thing with him and Cherri is so cute he’s such a dork. I like the scene with nifty and Alastor cause honestly I fully believe he doesn’t own her soul she’s just so outta pocket that he finds her amusing and her presence entertaining and he genuinely enjoys it so she gets to stick around, DID YALL SEE THE FUCK ME EYES HUSK GAVE ANGEL AT THE BAR DONT TELL ME YOU DIDNT AND THE WAY ANGEL LOOKED AT HIM WHEN HE WAKLED OFF YOOOOOOOO I CANTTTTT, and then Pentious being so awkward with Cherri is so cute my man was STRUGGLING tryna confess his love for her, he did say some really sweet things tho that she was kinda getting into it before he ran off plus Angel being like hey he got two dicks and she’s like huh 🤔 (like GIRL GET SOME OF THAT OR ELSE I WILL ).
They really did us dirty with having Charlie so obviously in front of angels door crying and shit before the episodes came out that shit had me sweating. So Adam, I’m not gonna like he kinda….👀 but only because he’s voiced by THE Alex Brightman like c’mon be so serious he did that character so good I can’t even, also I was kinda wondering why all the exorcists are all women like is that just because Adam prefers it or what? But anyway the fact that Vox got the other two V’s together so they can all watch this shit go down is so funny bc they couldn’t care less. It was so fun seeing what Alastor had in store bc I find him so fascinating as a character he has all these interesting powers that he doesn’t really get to use too often since he never has a reason to kinda go all out and have fun killing people so it was fun seeing that. Bro when Adam punched the dome that was wild I was like wow that was kinda cool I’m not gonna lie and the fight with Alastor was insane the animation was amazing it was so fun seeing Al just dodging his attacks with such grace like go off king tell him he’s a bitch 😌💅, when his microphone got sliced in half his reaction was absolutely priceless holy shit I rewatched that shit like 5 times bc I couldn’t get over him cursing like it was so quick but it did the job so well, hearing his actual voice outside of his normal Radio-ish way of sounding was really something it made it feel more alive I guess. Vox’s reactions was so funny he really is a bitter ex that just wants the worst for him I love it (NO! FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOUUUUU, PUSSY!!) I love him.
When Vaggie said something had to be done about Adam and Pentious was watching I just knew, AND MY MAN JUST REALLY RIZZED CHERRI LIKE THAT BROO HE DIPPED HER AND EVERYTHING OMGGGGGG like I agree with her that WAS hot. I WAS SO PISSED THAT HE DIED FOR NOTHING LIKE BRO I KNEW HE WAS GONNA DIE A JOKE DEATH I JUST KNEW IT, they couldn’t even give bro the honor of dying in a way that would make us cry cause when he went out like that I just knew he was gonna probably end up in heaven to make up for how lame that was. Having Charlie call Adam a pig was so fun like yeas girl tell him, I kinda didn’t agree with Vaggie deciding to allow Lute to live cause girl that’s a loose end I would not wanna deal with later bc she has no mercy (she literally ripped off her own arm to chase after her bro) she would not hesitate to kill, like yeah I get the whole I’m better than you so yeah live with the fact the only reason you breathe is because I let you but girl be so for real she is a nuisance that will come back to bite you in the ass later I know it.
The fact that I didn’t even think about the fact that Adam was wearing a mask this whole time is so stupid of me but when I did see that I was thinking of all the ways he could’ve looked like and to say I was disappointed is an understatement, my disappointment got worse when I saw his pathetic little goatee 😑I’ve seen way better fanart, Lucifer coming in with the save 😮‍💨 not him saying he was gonna fuck Adam the silence was so loud (the only time the other two V’s found it interesting too)😂😂. lucifer is such an airhead twink I love him; Not only is he effortlessly flying circles around Adam and having fun while doing it he’s insulting him too, THE EVE COMMENT WAS SO OUTTA POCKET BRO LIKE WHAT WHEN DID EVE TAP THAT (lucky bitch) I was wondering where she was and apparently it was in his bed (that shit made me snort he has hella rizz) cause not only did he take Adam’s first wife he took the second one too bro, it was pretty cool seeing his more demon form his horns where hella cool and the fact that the entire time Lucy was like unserious about his whole interaction with Adam’s is crazy because I feel like it shows how powerful he really is, after all he is still a seraphim. I appreciate that despite everything Charlie still keeps her compassion and keeps her dad from killing him cause that could not be me girl plus nifty coming in with the last stab is hilarious he really got killed by her of all people that is sad, from what I could count I think she stabbed him 15 times maybe? Which like damm that’s crazy he stood no chance I’m kind of wondering if lute and him had something going one too bc her reaction was definitely not just some soldier who worshipped him it felt more personal and with the whole (sir SIR ADAM!!) plus the dopey ass smile he gave her wich Im ignoring the fact that it might’ve been due to the rapid amount of blood exiting his body and the multiple stab wounds and the fact he was, you know….dying was very loving in a way that just makes you think if there was more to them.
(Quick shout out to the fact that I’m watching the last episode for the second time and I just noticed what I think is Angeldust’s brother and Baxter watching the news)
I’m curious what deal Alastor made that is making him want so desperately to get out bc he definitely was close to a nervous breakdown there (husk was so disappointed Al didn’t die in the war). I was so thankful Pentious actually went to heaven bro I was starting to worry I’m not gonna lie 😀, his design is pretty cute i find it funny he ended up right in front of Sarah and Emily bc you’d expect him to be at the gates but no, it was like a big fuck you to Sarah about redemption which I love how they both reacted to that (love Emily).
Now Lilith, the fact that she is so obviously in heaven is insane like girl you have been gone for SEVEN years with absolutely zero contact with anyone and at first I was like where can she even go in hell that would keep her away for so long and then boom she’s on a nice beach somewhere up above like what the hell. Apparently her and Adam made a deal which my theory is that way before it was made official in order for for the exterminator to happen permanently which I’m guessing was Adam’s idea him and Lilith agreed that if she sang just enough to get his idea accepted by Sarah she would get to stay and chill in heaven maybe? It could be deeper than that but it’s crazy that all this time when her daughter needed her most she was just enjoying life upstairs, maybe she really is the evil mastermind behind it all.
(Something I just thought about, did Lucifer cheat on Lilith with Eve??? Cause like when he said he stole botu of Adam’s wives he was with Lilith so does that explain why they aren’t together or maybe had a falling out a long time ago, or would explain his depression and sense of guilt despite it being so long ago kind of)
Anyway that was all my opinions and commentary on the last two episodes of hazbin hotel I just don’t have anyone to talk to this about and it was too early for anyone else to really write anything about this so I was like fuck it I have tumbler, please do leave comments on your opinions, commentary, and theories about this I would absolutely love to hear what you you’d have to say thank you for reading this shit show that is my brain. 🥰
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quirkle2 · 4 months
I was wondering if there are any rare happy ritsu moments in ur zombie au since hes always miserable I think,, like is he always miserable or is he happy/not miserable and feeling kinda good sometimes?
VWHDGDGD NO YEAH OFC HE'S HAPPY SOMETIMES im just horrible and enjoy putting him through misery
ive never been able to get a genuine smile to look right on his face in my art style either i think thats part of it. as ive said his face is just built to be mildly uncomfortable and bothered and i lean into it sm it's starting to get kinda funny
but yes ritsu is happy plenty! i think, canonically, he just seems like the type of person to me that tends to turn lemonade back into lemons. he's easy to scare and his first reaction to things is often Dread and Anxiety. he dwells on the negatives a lot and seems to be a "hope for the best, expect the worst," kinda guy, but there's a section in this post abt shigeo always loving the little things in life, and ritsu steadily learns throughout the journey on how to do that and how healing it can rly be. even if he had to grow up too fast during this whole thing and learn things a kid should never have to, the journey also gave him some good insight and lessons in other places! ritsu is smart, he figures it all out
in terms of little things here n there he's the happiest lil guy on the planet when he finds one of his favorite foods—swings his legs while he sits and munches on a kitkat bar like he's got absolutely nothin in the world to worry abt. sometimes mob does smth funny that he laughs at; for the longest time i've had this silly image in my head of mob accidentally knocking down a bucket from a store shelf and it lands on his head and he just kinda stands there and makes noises.when the noises continue out of pure curiosity about the weird echoey quality it's giving them ritsu cannot help but lose it
besides tiny things tho, when tome comes around ritsu in general is a lot happier, just cuz he has somebody to talk to that will actually respond in some way. they're sorta reluctant partners in crime at first (at least on ritsu's end) but over time and over bonding they grow to rly like each other's presence. they bicker constantly but it's almost always fond eventually, and they shove each other and playfight until mob gets antsy enough to get worked up about it. rly, tome is a godsend to ritsu's mental health—after months and months of being effectively alone with his thoughts, he finally has another person to converse with. a person His Age, too!
tome is rly good at knowing when ritsu is thinkin himself into oblivion and she's Also rly good at being the most annoying girl on the planet to yank him outta that and replace any misery with Oh My God Get Off Me You Freak. she doesn't even do this on purpose at first, but over time she learns how to tell when he's thinking too hard and, ofc, she's grown attached and she cares, so she's as obnoxious as possible to lighten the mood
when they find reigen n teru, ritsu gradually gets Much happier still. now that he knows they're safe and the gang is finally back together (and now that there's an Adult present and he can relax a lil and let himself be taken care of) his stress levels r exponentially lowered. having teru back is another instant lift to his mood—im always a big fan of teru and ritsu friendship, and i think adding tome to their dynamic simply makes it more chaotic. truly a trio of the 3 most normal teenagers in existence which will surely bring nothing but good (reigen sweats offscreen)
actually this makes me feel bad for forever torturing him im gonna go draw happy zau ritsus brb ,.,.ok imback <3
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#qktalks#anon#zombie au#tw guns#<- for that glock in the corner . sorry#actually it looks like he's at gunpoint in that one and just going teehee about it#he looooooves tormenting tome .and tome loves tormenting him. it's their favorite pastimes#i don't rly like the second one too much tbh the sleeves are weird but i think that's just the Nature of how poofy they can get#oh this is a great time to talk abt their dynamic. sorry.this ask isn't abt that.but now it is#so i realize that tome and ritsu ??? don't rly interact in canon at all. and neither do tome and teru . as a matter of fact#but consider. uhm.what ifthey did <3 GVYIEAV#like i said they're all So incredibly normal it'll make for a great time#^ genuinely i do think so actually. most of the time anyway#i touched on it a lil bit in recondite but i rly like the idea of mob ritsu tome and teru all being a friend group#teru would undoubtedly piss tome off sometimes she'd call him out on his bullshit#but like.in terms of the canon timeline i think post-mob teru would Totally listen to her#and take what she says abt How he is into consideration. he's trying to rebuild himself into somebody better#teru and ritsu already have a dynamic in canon but it feels pretty loose and it isn't fully explored at all#i think they work together rly well tho. there's no real evidence to the contrary iirc i think they work together in canon quite well#they think alike in terms of fighting#and in a setting like this‚ once teru is on the same page as ritsu on zombies‚ they're prolly a pretty damn good team#there's a lot of room for things to go wrong tho#if i had to sum it up rly succinctly it'd be: ritsu's motive is fear‚ tome's motive is curiosity‚ and teru's motive is power#what i mean by teru's being power is Not the pre-mob teru ''wanting'' to be powerful and unstoppable#i mean teru wants to have power over everything that is trying to hurt them#he doesn't Want to cower he wants to Fight tooth and nail#and i think ritsu's fear versus tome's curiosity and teru's drive of power conflicts a lot#ritsu is passive in the sense that he'll do anything in his power to avoid altercations with anything to order to keep mob safe#he isn't Active until something goes Wrong. and usually things go Wrong when teru and tome rush ahead#WOW sorry i went on a rant that was Completely unrelated to the fucking question. im at the 30 tag limit bye
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averagetmntfan · 6 months
Secret admirer<3
((a tbadm Au fic!))
NOTE: this is not just my au. It’s a collaboration with @mikey-rottmnt
Mugman Walked to his locker, her expression blander than butter on bread. Their enthusiasm was completely drained. He glanced at her history test with pity.
‘Great, another D minus. Dads gonna murder me! And I bet mr. Goody two shoes got another perfect score.’
He sighs, struggling to open her locker when-
“Heyy, tea kettle!” A familiar, irritating voice called out from behind. ‘Oh god. Not him. ANYONE BUT HIM!!’ Mugs turned slightly to his left, and just as he thought..
it was none other then Koi peach. His mortal enemy. Frenemy? None of them were really sure, actually. As far as mugs was concerned, koi was your typical Highschool jackass who was trying to get a reaction outta him. “whatcha up to, water head?” Koi casually leaned his arm on mugs head. “Opening my locker, dumbass.” They hissed, shoving off Koi’s bulky arm.
“jeez! Anger issues, much???” Koi teased, unknowingly pushing mugs to her breaking point. Finally, the locker opened!! Now this made our blue boy less sad. He hummed to herself, giving koi a shit eating grin. As they grabbed their textbook, a scrap piece of paper launched into his face.
“seriously? Who’s puts literal garbage in a-!” They pause. Her cheeks burned as he read the note. ‘Hi mugs! (God I hope this was the right lockers —.—) or should I say cutie? Ok sorry that was kinda corny, wasn’t it? Uh, anyway I’d like to say that ur rlly cool. I’ve seen some of ur artwork in class and I gotta say, you got serious talent dude!! Do u mind teaching me some time??’ huh. Weird..there no signature on it. It’s..anonymous! As if on que, mugs attention was drawn to the other scrap paper that was shoved into his locker. They pick it up and read the paper. Aw, it was a cute little pun!! How thoughtful!! He lets out a laugh of pity from the terrible joke. Curious, koi peek his head over mugs shoulder. “What’s that at the bottom????” He points and at the bottom of the paper,
in cursive,
it was signed.
‘Your secret admirer.❤️’
Yeah, this is actually a fic that’s in my story book!! And I guess this is lore??? Idk
But there will be more abt this in the future!!!
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 119
Chapter 119: “Encounter”
Ever since the escape, the WM pen gave Emma hope, insight and a sense of direction, so seeing her drop something she held onto so tightly now that Norman is back is kinda satisfying I guess? He checks off all those boxes for her sorta. She doesn’t ditch it completely though as we see it used later on before the GF raid.
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Goes without saying but the reunion was done so much better in manga. All the emotion from Emma reflecting on their time apart hits so hard and of course seeing all the tears they’re shedding contributes to all that too. Also love how they decided to give this moment a double spread as it helps convey that there’s no longer any space between them. The only thing that would’ve made this scene better (for me) is if Emma had knocked ‘em both down to the floor. I know Norman became taller and probably a bit stronger physically since Lambda, but with the amount of speed and force Emma is putting into that hug I’m surprised he’s still standing.
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At least the anime remembered his squishy cheeks.
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I know this is a very touching moment but honey, why do you gotta say this so causally?? You’re sure as hell ain’t gonna get it back either!
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I guess another reason why the manga handles this whole reunion better is that it includes everyone, not just Emma & Ray. Yeah the anime had the escapees see Norman later at that temple they were hiding at, but it didn’t feel the same. As much as I can appreciate the fullscore trio having their own little moment for themselves, I like seeing everyone’s reactions all at once since there’s a wide range of emotions on display here. Emma also looks so pleased with herself with how large their family has become.
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I wish there were more chapters focusing on Norman’s time at Lambda. With how closely he was being watched, I can’t help but wonder how he managed to efficiently communicate with Vincent and Smee and how he orchestrated the whole escape without raising suspicions from the demons and Ratri clan working there. (remember when i said no human (on our side) has killed another? well, i forgot about this whole scheme.. so it seems norman has quite the kill count, even if those were done indirectly by an explosion.)
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Few chapters ago I wondered if Hayato & Jin knew to look for the escapees based on seeing Norman’s ID or if he told them both what to look for, and though I believed the latter was the valid reason, I can’t doubt the first option now either since his number is in plain sight. I know he typically hides it when outside paradise when attacking farms and making deals with demons so perhaps that’s why I even questioned it in the first place.
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Big history lesson incoming.
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Favorite panel/moment:
And to absolutely no one’s surprise, of course Ray slapping the hell outta Norman is my favorite. The anime pales in comparison to the sheer amount of power and lowkey rage behind manga!Ray knocking this boy on his ass. The shock on everyone’s face is hilarious as well. At least Norman is a good sport about it.
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The rest of this moment is still sweet though, like Norman quoting the letter he left Emma and seeing my boy finally break and have some tears flowing makes me wanna hug him.
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To hear the boy who cursed his life and had plans to end it all come around and say he’s happy to be alive is just.. aaahh so so very important!!!!
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I do like how the anime gave us a better look at his face with this line though.
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And I got nothing against the panel of Emma down below (because it is adorable how she questions her sudden inclusion in the hug), but I love how relieved she is upon hearing such words from Ray.
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Stupid is a term of endearment. And I wish I could say we can never let this trio be separated ever again but.. you know. Stuff happens.
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pavusprince · 1 year
I got the dog collar and put it on Astarion, I put it on everyone to see their reaction to the button, bc of course I did, and turned in for a long rest right after that to find him looking for round two with Elendria. I knooow it was triggered with some approval changes but the timing was very funny to me. Put you in a vibrating dog collar and you’re dtf again. Okay, Astarion, I see you.
Also the mess of emotions El had during that ‘flattery’ scene. Like being sure she shouldn’t like being called ‘little treat’ so much and yet there definitely a reason he’s feeding in her every night and its not just outta the kindness of her heart. And the half second of shock/panic when he says ‘I love you’. All these thoughts going through her head like: ‘wait what I thought we were being silly’, ‘no no no, not you too. Too soon.’ ‘Oh, he’s lying, we’re still silly’ and ‘why am I minorly disappointed… hmm, let’s worry about that never.’
Unrelated to Astarion, I didn’t realize Halsin wouldn’t join the party yet. I kicked Gale outta the group only to be let down 😞. Alright Gale you can sit with the cool kids again. I’m sure Shadowheart gives El such shit for her change of heart with Gale. But it’s not her fault. All she did was be be herself and his approval is like max. Reel it in, dude. She was kinda interested but now….
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undeadbanjos · 1 year
Jolt-WishShipping OneShot
Yugi couldn’t help but giggle to himself. 
Joey was completely curled into a ball of blankets at this point. One pulled over his head and back, one in his lap on top of a pillow. You could only make out his eyes peeking out towards the screen. 
“Don’t fuckin go in there don’t fuckin go in there.” Joey was scooching back on the couch. Yugi saw a hand sneak out from the blankets and reach for the popcorn bowl. Yugi glanced back at the movie. He’d already seen it in theaters, but Joey didn’t go with him. 
He got a bit sheepish when he-
“SHIT!” The popcorn toppled over and the pile of blankets curled back up. “I fuckin knew that shit was gonna happen and it still fuckin got me.” Yugi sweeped the popcorn back into the bowl with his hand. Most of it just landed on the couch. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to warn you?” Yugi set the bowl on the table where it’d be safer. 
“Nah I’m fine.” 
“He said from under the blanket.” Yugi shook his head and tugged at the top one. “Come on Joey, we don’t have to finish this if you don’t want to.” “I said I’m-” Outside thunder rumbled and Joey jumped, falling backward off the couch. “Fine,” He grunted.
“Okay let’s at least pause it.” Yugi grabbed the remote and hit the button before pulling Joey up. “C’mon I’ll make you a coffee.” 
“Thanks.” Joey pulled a piece of popcorn out of his hair. “I’ll clean the rest of this up.” Yugi chuckled. 
“Sounds like a plan then.” He padded into the kitchen and set the kettle on the stove to make himself some tea. He then started to work on Joey’s coffee. By the time it started to brew Joey was done cleaning the popcorn and strolled in the kitchen. 
“Okay, so for the record. I wasn’t scared.” Joey shoved his hands in his pockets. “Those movies just know how to get a reaction outta me.” “Mhm.” Yugi grabbed the mugs from the cabinet. “You don’t have to tell me Joey.” He saw him walk up behind him in the reflection of the window. Outside the rain started to fall harder. A bolt of lightning flashed in front of them. 
“Woof.” Joey took a deep breath. “Not my favorite weather.” Yugi frowned, remembering the semifinals of Battle City a few days before.. 
“Mine neither.” He whispered. “I used to like storms.” “Yeah.” Joey mumbled and shrugged as he reached for the kettle that was now steaming. He poured the hot water into one of the mugs for Yugi. “I mean, I didn’t really love ‘em before but now-” He let the sentence taper off. Yugi set a tea bag in his mug and stirred some honey into it. He tried to push out the gut wrenching feeling he got when he saw Joey get struck by lightning. He tried busying himself, making Joey’s coffee for him. The silence was heavy in the air until Joey cleared his throat. “Hey Yug?”
“Yes Joey?” Yugi’s voice cracked and he felt himself blush a bit. Joey smiled softly and took another deep breath. 
“Can I ask ya somethin’ kinda weird?” 
“Sure.” Yugi shrugged. Joey rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Um….when…I got struck….” He looked up at the ceiling and bit his lip. “I think…it…. I think I gotta scar.” 
“Oh.” Yugi raised his eyebrows and frowned. 
“Um…but. But it's…it’s  kinda on my back.” He winced.
“Do you…” Yugi felt his cheeks grow hot,”did you want me to look at it for you?” 
“Um.” Joey looked back at him for a second and averted his gaze. “I don’t really…have a doctor or nothin’ and I didn’t wanna scare Serenity…” Joey scratched his head. “And my pop-”
“It’s okay Joey.” Yugi crossed over and smiled softly. “I can look.” 
“Kay.” Joey took a breath, sounding slightly relieved. “Um…your room?” “Yeah.” Yugi grabbed his mug and nodded towards the stairs. Joey followed, closing the door behind them. He sat his mug down on the desk and paused at the bottom of his shirt.
“Oh yeah I uh…I did get in a scrap earlier today.” 
“What?” “I got bruises from that too, so-” Joey pulled his shirt over his head. “Just so ya know.” 
“Who’d you fight?” “Eddy Fincher.” “Why’d you fight Eddy Fincher?” Yugi furrowed his brow. Joey looked up at the ceiling. “Joey?” He huffed. 
“Does it matter?” He sounded a bit agitated. Yugi raised his hands in defense. 
“No, I guess not.” Yugi raised his eyebrows. “You just normally don’t swing without reason.” Joey looked down at his feet and shrugged. “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. Do you still want me to look?” 
“Yeah.” Joey sighed deeply and turned around. Yugi tried not to gasp. Yes, there was a bruise on his side, but that wasn’t what was so shocking.
Poor choice of words.
It’s almost like Yugi could see the pattern the lightning took in Joey’s body. Branches of scars traveled down his back down past his boxers. It looked like it was fading but still…painful.
“Does it hurt?” Yugi mumbled and stepped closer. 
“Sometimes.” Joey mumbled. “It’s like I’ll just be walkin’ and I get a pain in my arm or something. It’s like…achy…” He turned back to him. “It look bad?” “It looks like they’re going away.” Yugi’s finger hovered over the pattern. “It’s….weirdly beautiful.” That made Joey chuckle as he reached for his shirt. 
“Well that’s a relief.” Joey turned back and looked down at Yugi. “Don’t wanna hurt my good looks.” “That’d take more than a bolt of lightning.” Yugi shut his mouth quickly, a little surprised with himself.
Smooth one partner. 
Shut up. 
Joey cocked his head and grinned down at him. Yugi felt very suddenly that the two of them were really close. He watched Joey’s eyes search his, almost like he was trying to look into his mind. Joey swallowed, and took a shaky breath. 
“Yug?” “Yeah?” Yugi clenched his fists and did his best not to look at Joey’s bare chest. 
“Um…” He bit his lip as if he was trying to gain enough courage to say what he wanted. He blinked a few times as if he’d come to some conclusion in his head.”.....Eddy Fincher was callin’ you a loser.” Joey looked away. “So I kicked his ass.” 
“Yeah.” Joey pulled his shirt back over his head and grabbed his mug. “I didn’t want you to worry bout it.” 
“Okay.” Yugi rubbed his arm as Joey stepped back towards the door. He opened it and nodded towards the stairs.
“Wanna finish that movie?” Joey grinned sheepishly. “Promise I won’t make another mess.” “Don’t make promises you can’t keep Joey.” Yugi patted his arm as he walked past him. He did his best to ignore the jolt he felt at the smallest touch. They got back on the couch and started their movie back up. Joey quickly became a ball of blankets once more. Yugi stared at the screen, but couldn’t watch the movie.
He couldn’t stop thinking about kissing those scars better. 
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star-mum · 9 months
Live Star Reaction - Yellow Jackets 1x1
The worlds most awaited installment of the series: “Yellow Jackets” (aka @fayesdiana finally gets what she deserves)
Oh not the snow, Ik what happens here
VERY GORY SHIT (Kinda love ngl)
“I mean that could’ve been me” AWFUL VIBES FROM THIS LADY
Is this a therapy session ???? Or like a documentary of some kind
1996 !! Soccer makes me so nervous, I do not have the coordination for that
Okay without knowing anything about anyone my faves are Jasmine’s character (cause I already know her <3) and the blondie with the mullet (she looks cool and my sister and I almost picked her the casting of her story)
STRAIGHT SEX ????? IN MY MURDER LESBIANS SHOW ???? Terrible, revolting even
Iconic wardrobe tho
I was about to go “more straight sex?” NO ! We win today !!
Shauna... that’s the girl who was with Jackie (?)
“That I’d say you’re lying” “Then you’re still in touch” GAGGED, she got you there
Natalie, that’s another one (I’ll learn all their names eventually)
“Lets hear for the boys” BOOOOOOOO
who’s the girl with the glasses ? You know besides a huge fangirl
STATE SENATOR ??????? Okay Taissa/State Senator/Jasmine
Oh Laura Lee is either dying IMMEDIATELY when things go to shit or she’s KILLING A BUNCH OF BITCHES
THE BONE OUTTA THE LEG ??????? I literally let out a “CARALHO” and just sat there with my mouth open in shock for several minutes (holy fuck)
“He asked Jeff to ask me to ask if you were gonna be there” that’s kinda.... pathetic ...? Like maybe if they were middle schoolers that’d be cute or whatever but cmon dude
“lucy in the sky with diamonds” so... lsd (?) or cocaine (?)
“Cat fight” dude they’re gonna punch each other to death...
I’m glad they’re all lineup, maybe now I’ll learn all their names (I won’t)
“Also I like your Pilgrim hat” definitely lsd
Yeah not a great place (physically AND mentally) to try lsd for the first time, Nat... that’s how you go on a bad trip (trust me, I actually learned about this in class)
Uhhh I don’t feel good about letting your friend who’s WASTED in the car alone with a guy, Jackie.... cmon be smarter (oh that’s her bf, wHO FUCKING CARES)
WHAT ?????? AGAIN ?????
Well, I wasn’t talking about *that* danger but yEAH THAT TOO
Okay so the ones we know FOR SURE survived are Shauna, Taissa and Natalie
“I can’t believe your dad paid for a private plane” daaaaaamn Lottie
“And here, a good luck charm” Jackie that’s gay (I’d know)
“No signs of the others” WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT ?????
Heeeyyy Natty.... where you going with that fucking gUN?
Listen, okay yeah you’re stranding on an island with no way out... you’re GONNA start killing people... but exactly HOW quickly would it turn into a Cult? is my question
awwwwnn she’s an abusive nurse ;-; GODDAMIT, cAnt have SHIT in here
WAS THAT LAURA LEE ???? The one that fell off the plane ???? WAS I RIGHT ????
(Twas not, I was only confused by another blonde with straight hair, fORGIVE ME)
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