#but it was literally only created for bigender male + female people
demimaverique · 1 year
Really wish we could talk about bigender experiences that aren't just man + woman sometimes 😒
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local demon-worshipping anarchist magic fennec anti-hero poses sexily in jer underwear =)
just felt like drawing Micky doing a pose and this is what happened!
just for the record, since this is the first drawing i'm posting of jem here, Micky's pronouns are "je/jem/jer/jers/jemself"
Micky, whose full name is "Gimmick Rune Domino", is a 30 year old nonbinary alien from a species (Magic Energy Beings) that are literally magic and adopt the form of other species and become part of that species (in Micky's case, a race of magical canines known as "Ninae" that conveniently resemble Earth's mobian canines, specifically a fennec fox). MEBs can also change how they look by destroying their own body, taking their natural forms (which resemble wisps), and then creating a new body.
while je was born on Earth, je still considers jemself a ninae rather than a mobian due to jer parents being "ninae" MEBs. Micky also comes from the Gemstone Archipelago island of Aradia, a primarily canine island where many people practice magic and also speak Italian (the island's towns have some resemblance to Italian)
je's also an anarchist and demon-worshipper, believing that demons are admirable and that generalizing demons as "evil" is wrong. Micky does have fun creating a body that makes jem look like a demon, and has been involved with actual demons before while taking this form (often in other dimensions where time works differently, so Micky can spend years in a demon's dimension but it's only been like an hour in jer own dimension)
je also sees killing as fine depending on the situation, and that truly evil people should be killed in order to protect innocent people, and has killed villains before (often alongside one of their spouses and Team Stardust partners, Yun, an assassin). je has even been a villain to some more "righteous" heroes before due to jer willingness to (and unabashed enjoyment from) killing evildoers.
Micky would admit that people shouldn't aspire to be like jem and that they shouldn't find enjoyment in killing (even if Micky clearly does and has no problem admitting to enjoying killing evil), but that someone has to be willing to do what's right and not let villains continue to hurt people as "the law" will not protect you and does not exist to protect you. justice cannot exist within the law and requires doing what others may find immoral in order to save people, and Micky sees keeping people safe and alive as more important than trying to have a moral high ground, and as long as je is saving and protecting innocent people, je is more than happy to continue to kill evil people
another note: ninae (and every other species from their star system) do not have Earth's binary genders. there is no "male" or "female" equivalent for ninae, as gender is a strictly personal thing among the species from their star system (the Pepper Star System). Micky did consider jemself "male" as a child (jer gender pipeline was male > female > bigender > agender > female > nonbinary), which is why je sees jemself as trans, but there are no male or female ninae outside of Earth, at all. they aren't Earthlings, aliens aren't gonna do gender the same way as people from Earth do it (many ninae who don't go with "male" or "female" on Earth will refer to themselves as "nonbinary" for the sake of simplicity towards Earthlings)
Pepper Star System genders are basically "feelings" and much more complex than a single word or name can explain, although many still try to sum it up with a couple words so they're not giving off a short story about their own gender. in Micky's case, jer gender would be "an amaranth chain bound to a magical diamond"
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vaspider · 3 years
Me: figuring out how I’m non-binary and suddenly remembering that one time my oldest sister told me about a conversation she and my mom had where apparently my mom said that you can’t be both genders and it’s not how god made them
Also me: knowing that she’s just sorta uneducated about lbtq+ and that she’d be accepting when she gets taught about it all and understands it better but also knowing that she’s probably say something like “no you can’t do that” and go on a rant about that
Me: Haha yaaay fun🥲
(Sorry just needed to mention that somewhere)
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Is she sure about that, though?
Here's Genesis 1:27, the first mention of the creation of humanity. In this verse we see Adam (the only extant human at the time) referred to not only as "him" but "them," and also referred to as "male and female" in the same verse.
We don't see any reference to Eve until a full chapter later:
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In Genesis 2:22 (still in Bere'shit, the first Torah portion), we see a explicit reference to the later creation of Eve.
While some people may argue that this is simply two separate verses referencing the same thing - the creation of Adam as a "him" and then the later creation of Eve from Adam, in Jewish tradition we understand that there are no spare words in Torah, and every word is there for a purpose. So through that lens, and looking at how far apart the two verses are, I'd argue this is absolutely not the case.
Let's look at the sequence of events: G-d creates Adam, breathes life into him, in 1:27. And then we have an entire chapter explaining that (according to Bere'shit) Adam was created before plant life* but after all other animals; explaining the location of Eden; explaining the issue of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; explaining the naming of the animals... and after all that we get to the creation of Eve. These are clearly discrete events!
So... the next time she brings that up, maybe you can ask her: is she sure about that? Because I'm pretty sure that G-d created Adam as either bigender or non-binary or intersex or some or all of the above, and regardless of that, the other thing that Bere'shit makes very clear is that all of humanity was created b'tzelem El'ohim**, made in the image of G-d, so the way you were made? That is no more or less 'made by G-d' than Adam. If you believe that G-d fashions each of us individually and according to His purpose, then you are no less wonderfully, intentionally, and correctly made according to your gender and true nature than Adam.
So, like.
Your mom is wrong on several levels, and your gender is not only supported by the text of Torah but even if it weren't, uh, so what? If she believes G-d is infallible and made each of us intentionally, then she must also believe He made you correctly to His purpose, non-binary and beautiful in His eyes.
Thank you for bringing this to me. I happened to be sitting here with my Tanakh open and reading a different parsha, but it was my delight to flip back a couple of weeks to Bere'shit for you.
* I don't think this means literally "before plant life" but is a reference to the beginning of agriculture, but that's another discussion.
** Intentional slight misspelling.
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catlesboy · 4 years
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hi i’m back with another identity personal to me b/c i couldn’t find anything that fits me
i present to you... stray
Stray - an orientation in which one experiences what they consider as mlw or wlm attraction, but not in a way that benefits from cisheteronormativity due to being genderqueer, nonbinary, or otherwise gender nonconforming
longer explanation under cut
i call it “stray” because it sounds similar to straight, but isn’t actually straight since straight implies a position of privilege. it’s “straying” from the norm of gender and relationship roles (hehehe i’m so funny). this is inspired by the term ‘strayt,” but focusing more on external gender identity than internal.
for example as to how this works, i used to think i was a cis girl, but only experienced attraction to female-aligned, feminine, non-masc men. and although i’m not actually a cis girl, i still consider my attraction to men to be wlm, and straight? doesn’t fit, because it implies a gender conforming man with a gender conforming women, which was false for me then and still is now! plus, me not being attracted to “””real””” men is a form of gender nonconformity itself. not only that, but not fitting the heteronormative mold means you don’t benefit from straight privilege, even if your attraction is “technically” straight. i used to always feel very broken for only being attracted to gnc men, and i still do tbh, which is why i wanted to create this term.
a queer m/f couple doesn’t benefit from straight privilege and i wanted a word to convey this type of relationship! nblnb somewhat fits, but i wanted a more specific term, because whenever people in mspec spaces discuss mlw and wlm attraction, i just... Don’t relate to it because it’s too gender conforming. gender identity is complex and relies on more than just internal identity. external identity also plays a huge factor in privilege and oppression (an even bigger factor, from my experience tbh).
this can be used as an orientation (ex: straysexual) or it can be used as a type of attraction (instead of straight, gay, etc.). i identify both as a girl who’s attracted to femme boys, and a femme boy who’s attracted to girls, so either way you view ,ti my attraction isn’t straight and it greatly upsets me having it boiled down to that despite me not having privilege + being literally invisible, so i coined this term! plus when i’m mlw, my attraction feels gay but not like same-gender-attraction if that even makes any sense.
this can be used by anyone who feels their attraction is mlw and/or wlm, even if you don’t necessarily identify as a man or woman! a man who’s attracted to male-aligned women? a nonbinary aligned wlm? an agender person who feels mlw or wlm fits their attraction? a bigender person (like me!) who identifies with both mlw and wlm? all valid and can use this term!
this is something i’ve gotten tons of hate for both from cishets (ex: forcing me into cisheteronormative roles and saying i should want / behave like a “”real”” man/woman) and the lgbtq+ community (saying i’m not oppressed, being constantly invalidated and forced into the cisheteronormative m/f dynamic), so any hate will get you blocked :)
i hope there’s someone else out there who resonates with this identity like i do and can find hope in being recognized! i also think a term that could be used is qmlqw / qwlqm! (queer man / queer woman.) to replace mlw/wlm so we can find content we actually can relate to.
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aarondinglestan · 6 years
bisexualrhee replied to your post “OK I get it that it’s like, Officially Really Gross to ask this...”
hello so when i created a survey for my high school essay i was able to see how many females in my survey that identified as bisexual for example, so if you were the one who created the survey, you should be able to see how many males in your survey that are bi or gay. it'll probably take some time though but maybe it's worth it. (you probably didn't create it tho asdfghj so feel free to ignore this) also i'm stupid because i realized that you can literally see how many people that identify as gay ughhh
i didn’t create the survey! i linked back to the survey creator at the bottom of the post (x). the creator of the survey never posted the full results, so thus there’s no data on the shipping divide, though people can go for an educated guess on that.
there’s no percentages shown on the smaller pieces of the pie, so i’m estimating that around 6% are male, and around 5.4% are nonbinary, bigender, genderfluid, agender etc.
since there’s only separate graphs for gender and sexuality, there’s no accurate way of knowing how many bisexual men for example are in the mix, tho i estimate around 6% of the people in the survey identify as “gay“, but there may be a couple bisexual men in the emmerdale fandom, as well as straight men etc. but it’s hard to tell specifics from the lil percentage-less pie pieces.
413 people took the survey. 6% of 413= ~24 people on all sides of the emmerdale fandom identify as gay according to the survey data.
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afab-advice-help · 7 years
Hello, I have a complicated question. Yay. :)
Hello~! I hope you don’t mind the random ask. But I literally created an account *just* so I could find a blog like yours hoping you could give me answers to what’s been bothering me my whole life. The problem is basically… I don’t know what my gender is or what it’s doing. I’ll try to keep this short ( no promises :) ) My “sex” is female. Growing up I was what you would consider a tomboy but I had no problem with being “female” for the most part. It was only after I learned of all the people exploring the gender spectrum that I started to question my own identity. I feel so confused because there are days when I feel really girly and, in other words, cis. BUT then there are days when I feel so much dysphoria that it makes my heart ache because I feel STUCK in this body that doesn’t feel like mine. On those days I feel totally masculine would give anything to be born into a “male” body. On those days I do everything I can to ease it but I’m still not happy. It’s not enough. I’m still in the wrong body. I hate it and I want out but I’m stuck. And, occasionally, I feel like I’m in-between almost. I still hate this body I’m in and feel like it’s the wrong one. But it feels less like something I want to throw myself into a freeway over and more like an annoyance. I have considered that I may be genderfluid… but I’m both angry and confused at the fact that I feel feminine more than half the time. I would say the ratio is about 60-30. The other 10% of the time is when I feel somewhere in between both genders. And the reason it bothers me SO badly is because my dysphoria is so strong on masculine days that I almost cannot function. Even on fully feminine days there’s this nagging feeling that something feels off.  I’m sorry if this was one long pathetic rant and makes no sense, because it doesn’t to me either, but thank you so much for taking the time to listen ——-------------- Mod Ashton: Hi there! Don’t worry about the length of the question :) it’s no problem. I can only give my advice from what ive read, you yourself have to decide and figure out who you are, but it sounds like you’re Gender Fluid, Bigender, or Non-binary. I honestly know what you’re going through, I leaned way more on the masculine side, but I had days where I was super feminine and it just kinda fucked with me. Id say you mostly lean more towards Bigender, it’s like being genderfluid but instead of staying semi non binary, your identity sort of flops between both binaries. Like I said, this is something you yourself have to identify, but blogs are a great place to get advice. I recommend looking at a list of genders and find one that you sort of click with. Testing labels is also completely okay too! You could test out an identity and pronoun for awhile to see if it fits you, it’s a helpful thing to do when you’re questioning. I wish you the best of luck! - Ashton
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