#but it was my solo part so it’s not rlly noticeable
goldenhypen · 2 years
hii dance show yesterday went well y’all 🫶🏻
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danikamariewrites · 18 days
hii!! I was wondering if u could write a fic with azriel and one of the spies he trains, kind of like arobynn and aelin but not creepy lol. azriel always protects reader yet when rhys notices the special treatment in his court, he grows distant. angst ensues!! possibly smut whatever youre feeling!
My Sweet Spy
Azriel x reader
Notes: I hope you don’t mind that it’s in bullet form anon! I can’t believe I haven’t thought of something like this before, I did change it a little and made them fall in love (so not rlly a master and apprentice thing) I also don’t know the word count for this but know it’s a lot.
Warnings: angst, enemies to friends to lovers, fighting and violence, blood (apologies for any typos I sped through editing this)
Your father was one of Azriel’s senior spies. At 100 years old you were still acting like a petulant child, driving your father mad. Being at his wits end he dropped you off in Velaris for training with Azriel. It was more of a punishment than anything
He wanted the high lord and spymaster to set you straight
During one of your father’s more high profile missions he was attacked and didn’t survive
His death made you resent Azriel for a long time
You didn’t come to training on time or at all some days, you wouldn’t speak for almost a year, and you acted out so bad (during Nesta’s stint at the bars as well) you and Nesta were separated and it was time for an intervention
While Nesta stayed at the House of Wind you stayed in the Town House
You still refused to speak with anyone, especially Azriel, but you pulled yourself together
Though your father was a hard-ass you loved him dearly. He was the only person you had left in the world
Realizing you couldn’t blame Azriel or Rhysand for his death you started putting in the effort of training and being a better person. If anything you were really at training for Nesta. You missed your friend and she was the only person you would talk to. Meeting Gwyn and Emerie at training made you light up. You hadn’t had many friends as an adult so this group of girls excited you.
You still wouldn’t speak to Azriel. At least not in depth. You would acknowledge him, giving him nods and the occasional yes and no. Azriel tried so hard to get you to open up. He apologized about your father’s death and even went as far as buying you a box of your favorite pastries, but nothing.
Months after Nyx was born and Nesta, Gwyn, & Emerie won the Blood Rite you were starting to warm up to everyone. You even spoke to Azriel, “Thank you.” Azriel was taken aback by how quietly you approached him, even his shadows were unaware of you. “You’re welcome.” He didn’t ask for what. Azriel had a feeling that those two words encompassed everything from putting up with you to housing and training you.
You started going to family dinners and get togethers more. While you still didn’t talk much you were showing more emotion.
You were on time for training and showed improvement. To Azriel’s surprise you were more skilled than he thought. When he reported your progress to Rhys he seemed to take interest in your skills. “Maybe her father taught her more tricks of the trade than we thought.” Azriel didn’t like what Rhys’s tone was suggesting.
Azriel tensed, waiting for the order he knew was coming. Rhys gave his brother a look he knew all too well. Then the dreaded words left his mouth, “I want you to build her up. Y/n’s father was a valuable asset, we need that again.” Azriel clenched his jaw. Doing his best to bite his tongue to think about his words.
The Spymaster knew this was an order from his High Lord, not a suggestion from his brother.
So Azriel began your training. You became more observant, an extension of Azriel’s shadows. His own shadows took a liking to you. Becoming their second master on missions, they protected you.
The only missions Azriel would take you on would be a year after your training started. And they would never be solo trips. You would go with him or another partner on short missions. You were never far from Velaris and if need be Azriel could come get you if you were in danger.
There was definitely a few tense nights where you two spent the night at an inn. You two never knew how to approach each other, never wanting to say the wrong thing to one another.
Your first solo mission was given to you by Rhys. The High Lord went over his brother’s head assigning you this. “I believe you are ready to do this y/n. You have shown change and a tenacity I haven’t seen since Feyre under the mountain.”
The high praise from Rhys made your heart soar. The fact that your change was noticed made you feel like life was going well. That there was a place for you.
“Thank you, Rhysand.” You bow your head slightly. “Azriel has trained you well, and you’ve done excellent work over the last few months.” Rhys slides a file across his desk to you. Opening it he informs you that you’ll be traveling to just outside Vallahan. A male who was once on Kier’s council defected and has been on the run for years. He has crimes to answer for and you will be delivering the High Lord’s justice.
When you didn’t show up to training Azriel went looking for you. Not being able to find you in the House he went to Rhys. “I sent her on a mission to the continent. Caliban was sighted and I thought she was the perfect person to handle it.”
Steam was coming out of Azriel’s ears. “How. Dare. You,” he gritted out. Rhys’s eyes widen at the change in his brother’s mood. Azriel was borderline erratic. “How dare you make that call!” Rhys held up a hand. “Brother, please. Calm down and think—” “Don’t tell me to cam down! Y/n has never been to the Continent! And she is far from ready to do something like this on her own!”
“Az just listen—” Azriel closed his eyes, taking deep breathes. “Where?” Rhys gave him a questioning look. “Where on the Continent id you fucking send her?” His voice was growing angrier with each word. Once Rhys told him he punched his brother square in the face and stormed out of the house.
Your father didn’t make many enemies but he had one that eluded him for years, Caliban. Once considered royalty in the Hewn City he became a fugitive of the Night Court. Now you were his target. Somehow he found out that he is your mission in Vallahan. Instead of running again he decided to face you.
Caliban made it easy for you to track him. To the point where you knew it was a trap
“You look just like your father,” was the first thing he said to you. “I suppose you’ll be just as easy to kill.” All rational thoughts left your head. You saw red as you charged at him. Azriel had taught you to used controlled emotion through your fighting technique, helping you unlearn your irrational behavior.
Diving at Caliban he swiftly side stepped you, a smirk dancing on his lips. “Still a petulant child I see.” You let out growl from deep in your throat. Jumping to your feet you unsheathed the dagger from your thigh. Caliban drew his own from thin air, ready to fight.
You slashed hard, chasing every step he took with a more aggressive one of your own. If Caliban was going to kill you, you were going to make it hard for him.
If you were going to die tonight you were taking this vile murderer with you.
Letting your rage take hold your moves become erratic. Distracted. Caliban lands a blow to your gut forcing you to double over. He grabs a fist full of your hair, clutching it as tight as possible he punched your face over and over again. Once your face was drenched in blood Caliban dropped you to the ground.
You were breathing heavily through your mouth trying to regain your strength. To get back up and fight again.
Caliban circles you, sneering down at you. “Poor little spy. Going to die all alone just like her father.” He lets out a deep laugh. A burst of anger rushed through you. Holding on tight to your dagger you quickly sit up and slash at Caliban’s inner thigh.
He howls in pain and drops to the ground next to you. “You bitch!” He spits at you. You laugh, collapsing on your back.
As the edges of your vision blur all you can think about is your friends. Specifically Azriel. He has been a constant, steady presence over the last few years.
All you could think about was how ungrateful you’d been to him. All the attitude you gave him that you never apologized for. All the things you didn’t let go of and had blamed him for, like your new shitty life and your father’s death.
But your life wasn’t shitty. It was good and you had a purpose.
Your father’s murderer was going to get up and you weren’t going to fight back because you were just so, so tired. And maybe you deserved to die. But you didn’t want to die without telling Azriel everything you were thinking.
Caliban screamed in pain. Turning to face him you see your guardian angel kneeling over him. Truthteller dripping with Caliban’s blood.
Azriel was fuming. His chest moving up and down with his rapid breaths. “Azriel,” you croak out. He snaps out of his trance. “Y/n,” he slide over to you on his knees, cradling your head in his hands. “It’s ok. We’re going to take you home.”
Mor appeared over his shoulder. A relieved smile gracing her full lips. Azriel stands with you in his arms. Mor holds onto his arm winnowing you both back to the Town House. Azriel brings you right up to his old room, setting you down gently on the bed.
Mor comes back with Madja in tow. The old healer giving Azriel a look that said “I know this is your brother’s fault” as she mended your broken nose.
Azriel holds your hand the whole time, being that silent calming presence for you until Madja left
“Why didn’t you fight harder? I know you could’ve gotten up.” There was pain in his voice. A long painful silence fell between you two before you answered. “I thought maybe I deserved it.” Tears silently fall down your cheeks as Azriel lightly squeezes your hand. He felt his heart crack a little. “I’m sorry,” you whisper. “For everything.”
Azriel shakes his head, his heart fully cleaving in two. “There is nothing to be sorry for y/n. Things haven’t been easy for you and I’ve seen that.” Azriel pulls you onto his lap hugging you to his chest as you sob.
Weeks later Azriel hasn’t left your side. Your words troubled him and he wants to show you that you deserve everything good in life. It was his mission to make sure you stopped punishing yourself for his past.
While Cassian gave him suggestions Azriel ignored his brother. His and Nesta’s relationship got off to a rocky start and the couple are still working their issues out.
Az decided to take a different approach with you. Some days you would take breaks from training. He would take you out to eat in the city or for a bonding activity, as Az liked to call it.
You gave him a questioning look the first time he suggested it. Then followed up with, “We do what I want everyday. Let’s do something you want to do.” You raised a brow at him. Feeling like this was a trap. But you’d take it. “Ok,” you shrugged and headed out the door.
You dragged Azriel from shop to shop to see where his limit would be for you buying extravagant items. He didn’t complain once though. Az just smiled and held a majority of the bags for you
Over the next few months you became closer with Azriel. The two of you have gotten so close you consider him one of your best friends. The spymaster quickly became your confidant. You opened up to him about things you haven’t even told Nesta.
It was your scheduled fudge night, where you each bring a different kind of fudge home, eat and gossip. Along with the occasional glass of wine. You were laughing about a story Az was telling you about Cassian in their 30’s. Rhys away with his father and the pair decided to party it up in the city without their brother. Azriel isn’t sure how he lost Cassian but when he finally found the General he was floating on his back in the Sidra.
“Just floating,” you snorted out covering your mouth. “Yes! He told me he saw a mermaid and just had to woo her.” That made you laugh even harder, leaning on his shoulder as you regained your composure. Azriel’s heart stutters at your palm lying flat against his chest. Your touch is soft and welcomed.
Az smiles down at you, watching the color of your cheeks go from that cherry red to their normal color. Your lips still pulled into a smile as you wipe the tears from your eyes. Azriel didn’t realize that he was softly smiling at you until you looked at him asking, “What?” He shook his head, “Nothing.” His voice gentle.
You brush it off going back to the chocolate peanut butter fudge Azriel brought. Taking a bite and sinking back into the cushions you ask for another embarrassing story. Azriel obliges because he could never deny you.
Another bonding activity you two cherish is painting. Like for the kids Feyre runs classes for you and Az find it therapeutic
Once a month, when there’s a free afternoon in the studio’s schedule, Feyre lets you two have a free paint session. You and Az set up easels to face each other and chat while you paint.
Your first painting session was silent except for the sound of the brushes and occasional question azriel would ask you. You only gave him one word answers of course. And the painting you made was a mess of colors. You just had to get your anger put and didn’t feel like trying. At the end of the hour you shoved it in the trash can and left without Azriel.
Today that first session felt like a lifetime ago. You were chatting with Azriel, gossiping and laughing like you’ve been friends for centuries
This time you were adding to a painting you started two months ago. You really wanted to get better at drawing and even asked Feyre to teach you the basics in your free time. Hands are a hard thing to draw but the skill came quite easy to you.
Putting the finishing touches on the shading of the sword you stand back and admire your hard work. It’s of one of the most important moments in your life, when Azriel taught you how to hold a sword. On that day you knew everything would change. There was a new trust between you and Azriel, he trusted you and believed in your abilities. It felt like the first time someone really believed in you, like your potential was truly seen.
In the painting Azriel was guiding your hand to grip the hilt correctly. The sapphire siphons looked like they were glowing and the white ribbon you cut on your fourth try was wrapped around your wrist.
“Are you finally going to let me see it?” Az asked, dragging his own brush in long strokes across the canvas. You squinted your eyes in thought, debating if you truly wanted to show him or wait for Feyre’s critique. “I guess,” you sigh.
Azriel laid down his brush and pallet, wiping his hands off with a paint cover cloth. Coming to face your painting his jaw dropped and his eyebrows shot up to his hairline. Azriel was rendered speechless by your skills. “Wow,” he breathed out. “Y/n…this is incredible. The detail. My scars even,” his scared hand reached out to touch the painting before he realized he shouldn’t. Instead he mindlessly moved to gently hold your hand.
The two of you stood there staring at your art for a while. You finally noticed Azriel had laced his fingers with yours. You smile at your joined hands, squeezing his before staring back at the painting.
Azriel looks down at you, that love sick smile you always seem to miss was on his face again. Just as he’s about to say something (he hoped would be romantic) Feyre came back from lunch. The bell above the door chimed causing you to jump apart.
“Wow!” She quickly made her way over to you to get a better look at your painting. “Y/n! This is fantastic! We must get it framed and hang it in the house.” The High Lady rambled on, praising your skills.
Azriel crept out as you and Feyre talked. He would talk to you again and there would be another time to tell you what was on his mind.
Missions these days were always vetted by Azriel before Rhys asked you to do anything. You haven’t been doing many lately anyway. Helping Azriel delegate, strategizing, and desk work has been your strong suit.
When Rhys noticed he called you both to his office. Azriel could tell Rhys was angry with him. He knew his brother’s tells well enough. You on the other hand just thought Rhys wanted a progress report on your skills again.
“Sit,” the High Lord said through gritted teeth. You tried to avert Rhy’s gaze while Azriel held strong, staring his brother down. Azriel would stand by his decision to keep you safe. That day he found you with Caliban scared the shit out of him. He never wanted you out there alone or without him again.
Rhys looked at you first. “I’ve noticed you haven’t been going into the field lately.” You shook your head, finally looking at your High Lord. “Care to explain.” You didn’t know what to say. Wouldn’t this be a problem between him and Az. “I—Az has been pairing me up less. I’ve been training more with the Valkyries and field work has been pushed back.”
Rhys let out a hum, his lips pulled into a thin line. “Azriel,” he directed his attention to his brother whose eyes haven’t left him once. “Why isn’t she out there? Is she not one of your spies? Is there not work to be done?” Azriel clenched his jaw. Once again biting his tongue.
“I have had y/n doing other tasks she is comfortable with.” Azriel’s voice was restrained. He saw right through Rhys’s questions and damn him. Azriel saw you were reluctant to go out after Caliban so he made a choice that would keep you safe. “Was it y/n’s choice or yours?” Before Azriel could explode on Rhys you rest a hand on his thigh for comfort. “It was my decision, Rhys. I haven’t been the best out in the field and Azriel found what I’m good at.” You look between the two of them with a small smile to diffuse the tension.
Rhys returned your smile giving you a nod. “I’m glad that you found something you like. Could you give Azriel and I a moment please.” You wordlessly get up and give Azriel’s shoulder an encouraging squeeze.
Once they were sure you were down the hall Rhys began his tirade. “You do not get to decide what her limits are. I know what she said just now, that was clearly to cover for you. But you cannot keep treating y/n like this.” “Like what,” Azriel spat back.
“Like she is a child! Y/n has come very far in her career, something her father would be proud of. By resigning her to desk work you tear down all the confidence she has built. You’ve kept her away from everything since Caliban. I needed her in the Hewn City and you told me no. I needed her in Autumn and Day and you shot those down too. Why?” Rhys was trying to keep his cool but there was a desperation to his questions.
Azriel stood from his chair. “She doesn’t want to be her father. Y/n is more than this.” Realization flashed in Rhys’s eyes. “Y/n has truly found something she is good at. She’s one of the smartest people I’ve ever met and one of your best strategists.” Without another word Azriel turned on his heel and left.
After that conversation Rhys laid off you more. He quickly realized things were more organized since you had left spying
You kept your distance from Azriel for a few days, unsure if you got him in trouble by lying to the High Lord. Well, it wasn’t a complete lie. Az just suggested a new position and you took it.
Did you work for those few days? No. You took them to rest. You haven’t taken a day off in over a year so, why not relax.
You baked cookies, something you used to do with your grandmother every week. You decided on snicker-doodles to enjoy while starting the stack of books Nesta and Emerie suggested you read.
Azriel also gave you your space. He’s been by your side for months at this point. You could use a few days without him, even though it pained him. Azriel loved spending time with you. Sure you brought chaos into his life, but it was the good kind.
On day four of being apart Azriel couldn’t take it anymore. He found you wrapped in your favorite blanket in one of the least used siting rooms in the House of Wind. A fire roaring in the hearth to keep you warm, a mug of tea next to a plate of cookies ready for you when you take a break.
Putting your book down you finally notice Az staring at you in the doorway. That love sick smile he thinks you don’t notice plastered on his face. “Hey,” you say excitedly. “Come, sit with me.” You pat the spot on the couch next to you.
He plops down next to you, curling a wing around you for extra warmth. Without a second thought you snuggle into his side. A blush dusts Azriel’s tan cheeks as he looks away from you. You giggle at the sight of the feared spymaster blushing.
You gently trace his cheek down to his jaw, taking in his beauty. Over the last year you had become very taken with Azriel. He had been there for you no matter what you threw at him. You pull Azriel’s face to look at you. You met his hazel eyes that held so much love and adoration for you, you just didn’t see it.
“Y/n I, there’s something I’ve wanted to say and I just—” Azriel cut himself off with a shake of his head, leaning in so his lips meet yours in a soft kiss you’ve been waiting months for. You kissed him back, running your fingers through his hair.
Breaking apart you give him a giddy smile. It was the most genuine look he’s seen on you since you came to them. “That was better than anything you could’ve said.” You whisper, leaning your forehead against his. Az smiled back, “I still have so much I want to say. Have to say.” “I have all the time to listen.”
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luneshallshine · 2 years
✂ ateez as songs
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a cute filler as i wrap my head around writing that san fic...
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pure fluff! some profanity..
ღ seonghwa
♫ playing now : pretty u by seventeen
does she love me? does she love me, not?
omg he fits this song so much !!
this song is so sweet and full cute lyrics
i can definitely see seonghwa as the last verse
i am counting flower petals all day long does she love me? does she love me, not? what will the petals answer to me?
imagine him picking petals to see if he should confess :(
he's such a sweetie
according to twt one of his fav svt songs is pretty u :(
he's so sweet
he WOULD be that boy next door trope
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ღ hongjoong
♫ playing now : celebrate by ateez
you're the one, only one (only one) from 7 billion, the only one (only one)
the lyrics to this song
like hongjoong would say these words to you if you're having a bad day
you're the one, only one (only one) so i celebrate you, all about you
hongjoong is such a mature person at heart
he would write so many songs to uplift you
this song is one of my favorites bc of its lyrics
and i rlly feel like hongjoong said sm truth with this song
he would also help you overcome your insecurities :((
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ღ yunho
♫ playing now : the feels by twice
'cause you got me good and i wanna be ya boo if it's dumb, well, i wanna be a fool (fool, fool, fool)
this song is so
idk i just felt a connection
yunho's our vitamin and i feel like he just has to have an upbeat song
this song is also kinda goofy and i think it fits yunho's vibe
underneath the neon lights, baby electricity tonight, baby
i can see him slaying this part^
he's just so positive that he makes me smile when i watch him
also he became one of my favs after the ateez concert in oakland bc he noticed me <;/3
our golden retriever :((
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ღ yeosang
♫ playing now : antifragile by le sserafim
i'll climb higher top of the world i itched for (ah-ah)
the lyrics are so good like yeosang is such a hardworker
all of ateez are
and like he killed the dance so...
no biggie if i were to fall i'm antifragile, antifragile
also like??? yeosang gets so little attention for his performance skills i'm :((
i feel like he's such an emotionally strong person so
he's quite literally antifragile
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ღ san
♫ playing now : moth to a flame by the weeknd
like a moth to a flame i'll pull you in, i'll pull you back to what you need initially
tiktok has ruined me
he's either your bias or your biaswrecker, there's only two options
i thought i would only bias hwa and then san rocked my world
i feel like you can't help but be pulled to him (like a moth to a flame ahaha..)
it's just one call away and you'll leave him, you're loyal to me
he would be that one ex you'd fold for
don't disagree bc i'm right
everyone's guilty pleasure
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ღ mingi
♫ playing now : all i wanna do by jay park
girl, tell me how you feel right now baby, let’s go up to the sky all i wanna do is kick it with you
off topic but the korean lyrics are so much more sweet than the english version LMAO
i was battling with putting this song for san or mingi
but mingi is such a big jay park fan i had to
the lyrics are so idk like vibe-y?
like they just want to have fun
i think it fits mingi very well
he'd want a relationship where they can be comfortable with each other and just chill n have fun
just like your outfit today, your heart is see-through all i wanna do is kick it with you
mingi can fucking rizz me up if he sang that to me
i mean he can regardless but
he just gives off that vibe on stage
if he ever went solo, he'd be wilding like jay park does
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ღ wooyoung
♫ playing now : embarassed by bts
why am I getting weirder in front of you?i’m not a pre-schooler but why is everything so childish? ;ook at my eyes, my jokes aren’t serious
idk this song makes me so giddy
woo gives off no decorum but also self-cringe vibes
also imagine woo singing this song
it could be so good
he's also such a loyal yet childish person
he'd be that puppy love typa guy, the love that lasts ofc
i was too shy to become your sun so i became a cold moon but afterwards, i keep making a wave of blankets on top of my ocean bed
woo to this song fits so well im crying
just imagine him getting so shy around you, but still trying
aaahhh ideal boyfriend i swear
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ღ jongho
♫ playing now : leave the door open by bruno mars
i ain't playing no games every word that i say is coming straight from the heart
they killed this fucking cover
bruno mars-lover jongho gets this song ofc
i literally can't listen to the song normally without hearing his voice LMAOO
this song is such honeymoon phase vibes omg
i'm here just waiting for you come on over, i'll adore you
liiiike jongho gives me husband vibes
like he doesn't fuck around
all genuine love
probably gives the BEST bear hugs in the fucking world
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aight fuck tumblr they keep fucking up my format :((
writer's block sucks, but this was quick n easy :D
ღ lune
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 4 months
rewatched genazo with some recently made fansubs so i can finally fill in anything i didn't understand yaaaaaay i also noticed some subtle visuals that i missed on the first watch
the early scenes with tokiya are soooo cutes
but btw this is a very dark movie (visually n mentally) don't let my cute posts n all the yaoi out there fool you.....!
(still as non spoiler as possible my tags turned into paragraphs n i ended up rewriting my review (mostly still the same))
it's one of those movies where you latch onto the nice moments n go into delusion world after finishing n i think thats part of why theres crazy amounts of chichimizu yaoi lmao. even the hetero &/ canon couple fanart tends to be silly-sweet what-ifs
i do want to engage in more of the canon horror tho... but i don't wanna spoil.... maybe i'll pile up art to post en masse eventually. the ghooost solo gegege zine…
(review rewrite)
pacing is very fast but imo you just kinda go along with the speed while watching it, at least on the first watch? the main charas are rlly great (+cute). the environments n colors n framing are soooooo pretty especially whenever there’s an emphasis on red. there is INCREDIBLE VIOLENCE in this n in addition to the plot its rlly wild that this movie is PG12.... i really appreciated how despite the gore they didn't show or overly explain certain things n i'm double grateful that the scenes closest to "fanservice" were aimed at mizuki like thank gooood. when ur into stuff like death mark seeing other media show restraint is such a relief
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
saw a post you made a while back answering an ask about YJA Bart's civvie life mirroring the comics, and i realized that comic Bart went straight into high school due to being 14 going on 15 when he came to the past, but YJA Bart was 12 going on 13, so he'd be in middle school for a little over a year first. so! an idea i thought i'd share: people mostly think he's Weird (derogatory) in middle school because that's where he goes through his biggest adjustment period. middle school is frustrating for him, but he manages. then high school happens and suddenly he's Mr Popularity bc 1) he's more used to being in school now, even if he still doesn't like it and high school is a different beast, 2) his West-Allen (and Meloni) related pretty genes have started to properly kick in (underrated Bart fact: he's supposed to be noticeably good-looking. like not just cute, but a Certified Pretty Boy. it gets brought up SO MUCH in his solo it's so funny) and he has a canon big growth spurt between 13 and 15, and 3) there's a ton of new ppl his age who have no established opinions of him the way others do. and like in the comics Bart hates the attention and keeps almost exclusively to his friends (one of my fave running gags is Bart being surrounded by people trying to get his attention and he just keeps doing what he's doing without engaging or even reacting barely at all)
omg anon…. this ask has given me the biggest smile ever because it just brings back so many memories of my first ever (drafted) fic ahhhhhhhh !!! especially because of the way it starts!! in middle school where he’s the certified weirdo!!! not that he minds it at all he’s more concerned with the whole concept of wtf even is school and how’s he supposed to be stuck in a classroom when he has more pressing issues like uh preventing an impending apocalypse?? lmfao but yes that first year/couple months is a huge adjustment period for him, at the very least in terms of school.
the thing is at least in my non-existent fic, i was really motivated to have carol and preston be the first civilians he befriended, which would be in middle school. But then I also want them (and others) to be his classmates throughout high school too! Cause u know, they’re the civilians we know that he interacts with and gets along. I don’t think the chances of that are too off because if they all live within the same district it would be reasonable to assume they’d attend the same high school? Like not the exact same class, but there r bound to be a few familiar faces. But that’s not rlly a problem for the concept that u outlined considering they’re his friends so the whole preconceived notion thing wouldn’t play much of a role in the first place (and if anything more accurately reflect the plot of how Carol befriends him and then at that point worries about popularity getting to him, like the impulse timeline was crazy fast (understandably ig)) . Also like yes, mirroring the comics he accidentally becomes quite popular lmfao but like u said it’s high school so it’s not without its totally dramatised plot issues (i could come up with way too many honestly they’re just so entertaining especially considering like how i mentioned he wants no part in it both intentionally as well as not lol) just like the impulse run!
Certified Pretty Boy huh that’s just as much as a trait to him as it is him having brown hair (which is always! suck it red hair truthers lmfao) but yes totally!! His genes have done him well and it’s obviously the reason why everyone is in love with him (looking at u Preston /j /srs)
basically, thank u for sharing your thoughts with us <3 cause it’s just so entertaining to think about all this!! I’m not even exaggerating i could come up with so many plots about his school experience i think there’s just so much room for potential and fun and it’s pretty amusing to think about. I would love to write a fic o. it specifically (side eye to that first fic lol) but unfortunately i’ve just got one brain and set of hands and can only really focus on one fic at a time 🫠 on the bright side i am planning on covering at least a little bit of his civvie life in the next chapter of AAIT (still in its really early stages so it’ll take a while, sorry) so if anyones interested in that, stay tuned lol
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owen-not-carvour · 2 years
waiting for the drop has been stuck in my head for the entire night
like only noel's solo and the EVERY TYPE OF MUSIC BLASTS IN MY EAR part
i could LITERALLY go on abt waiting for the drop forever!!!
it’s literally so good.
i especially love that they let ricky sing once they’re dead as another way to truly Distinguish that they are In Fact DEAD!!!
also that they really go ahead and start to characterize each character before you actually Meet them! like with noel’s couple of lines!! it just goes ahead and sets up his whole (as well as in a more broad sense) the whole Anti-Uranium thing :)
-also LOVE the subtle lyric changes toward the end (“all those colored lights” and “gotta wear shades ‘cause the futures so bright” sounding the same as “life was about to start” and “never should’ve got into that rickety cart”) ITS SO SUBTLE BUT SO EERY I LOVE IT!!! (also bc that’s only the girls saying it. bc they were in the front. they would’ve noticed first. mischa noel and ricky got to be in ignorant bliss for just a bit longer yknow)
moral of the story: i’m obsessed w this song and it’s quickly becoming my favorite opening song from rtc :)
here’s my ranking though:
1. fall fair suite: i love that it shows so much of their Reactions to their death (all except for constance really……) which all goes back to the Setting Up Their Characters Before You Meet Them thing (it’s so good)
2. waiting for the drop (see above) ITS SO CATCHY!! i just rlly rlly love it a lot :)))
3. uranium suite OK JUST BC ITS 3RD DOES N O T MEAN I DONT LIKE URANIUM SUITE!!!! no!!!!! i fuckinh LOVE this one! it really does make me feel like it’s the exposition of a Based On A True Story horror movie!! it’s so eerie how karnak does the whole Story over the roller coaster motif being sung too!! it really gives me chills when it gets to the ‘did we finally leave our town?’ part IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED BY KARNAK AND THE ROLLER COASTER NOISE!?!!?!? it’s so spooky i Love it!!! and it does a really great job setting up the small town aspect of uranium.. i just like seeing the choirs reactions to their deaths more (if there was somehow a way to combine all 3 openings i would Lose it bc that would literally give you the most perfect mix of Before -uranium suite- During -waiting for the drop- and After -fall fair-)
*i have not yet listened to tragic fact,, from what i’ve heard of it it SLAPS though*
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krispiecake · 1 year
hiii tell me about your show pls!!!
1) i love you. we should kiss
2) before i get into this because im #scared ppl will make fun of me, I’m aware that my show is a teen drama and deserves criticism in some areas, i am actually very interested in having long conversations about this criticism bc i think that its genuinely interesting and i have a lot of thoughts about how some themes such as (and especially) class could/should be handled going forward in the final season. However, i also think that it is a very well made show and also very well written (99% of the time lol) and explores very interesting lgbt+ themes and is the first show in a while that ive seen that portrays first/new/young lgbt relationships really well. That is my disclaimer.
3) so. its called young royals on netflix. and its my favourite thing in the entire world. Its a swedish show centred around the prince of Sweden, Wilhelm (diagnosed autistic by me. bc i said so.) Key facts about him are: anxiety disorder, lame, sometimes I wish i could smack him upside the head but with love. Wilhelm is sent to a private boarding school after getting into a very public fight in order to punish/straighten him out (pun intended). At this boarding school we are introduced to Simon (my fave character), who is a non boarder/scholarship student along with his sister. When we meet Simon for the first time its when he is singing a solo in the choir for the prince’s welcome ceremony/celebration thing. During this, Wilhelm basically um. falls in love. Well maybe not love but the boy is down BAD and it’s embarrassing for him. Key facts about Simon: i love him, has never done anything wrong ever, I love him. While Simon’s main ‘role’ as it were is love interest, I believe that the show does a fairly good job and creating depth for him as a character, providing a lot of context and information about him as an individual and as part of a relationship. He has his own plot lines and scenes completely separate to Wilhelm. HOWEVER I would also like this to be explored further in the 3rd season, and I hope we see a more emotional side to him too, because while we do see him express both positive and negative emotions, I still feel like he holds the especially negative ones back and away from other characters like Wilhelm - which is in character, however I personally would like to. see him cry or something idk because he deserves a breakdown. like a proper one with shouting and throwing things.
ANYWAY. We get to see their relationship grow over the episodes and honestly there is a little bit of flip flopping from Wilhelm, bc while Simon is confident in his sexuality, its implied that this is the first time Wilhelm has ever really acknowledged his attraction to the same gender, meaning we watch him learn how to (sort of) accept himself and be comfortable in liking Simon. PERSONALLY I think the way this is portrayed is quite authentic and at least somewhat similar to my own experience in coming to terms with being a lesbian specifically (although i never rlly got to kiss any girls about it so. that sucks). I think a really good example of this is their first kiss scene at the end of s1 ep 2, where we see Wilhelm making the first move when he initiates handholding (im aware of how juvenile the sentence sounds i just couldnt think of another way to put it lol) as they are watching a movie (its movie night so the two main dorms are all present, Forest Ridge (boys) and Manor House (girls). They have a cute little handholding moment until Wilhelm becomes flustered/anxious over people noticing and runs out of the room. Simon follows after a moment and this is when we get the first kiss. Simon is the one to initiate it the first two times and Wilhelm just kind of 🧍. He’s not good at this yet okay. After the second kiss, shocked back to reality by a noise from the movie down the hall, Wilhelm starts with ‘I’m sorry I’m not-‘ and Simon starts to leave, obviously sensing rejection. However, rejection does not come because Wilhelm grabs his arm and pulls him back. He’s clearly very anxious about the whole situation and running through his head is what I assume to be a million different thoughts of ‘am i allowed to want this? is this okay? do i want this? what will my mother say? this would be national news. What would my brother say? am i allowed? i dont think this is allowed.’ Simon does not say anything, allowing Wilhelm to take the time he needs to organise a coherent thought. And despite his anxiety, despite every thought in his head, he pulls Simon closer by his shirt and this time, Wilhelm is the one that kisses him.
I like this scene bc 1) its cute, like rlly cute 2) as I said i think this is a good example of the whole ‘coming to terms with it’ aspect because I remember that anxiety, I remember those ‘what would my mother think?’ thoughts and most importantly, I remember my lesbianism (or in Wilhelm’s case, his queerness and attraction to Simon) winning. I remember the way that once it popped into my head that ‘hey, you might be a lesbian’ it literally never left until i sat up one day and confronted it. And I think that this is a really sweet and probably true to life for some people way of showing this on screen.
Now. I actually have so much more to say about this show Like i could talk/type for HOURS. about it but I won’t. Know that there are so many details about this show and the casting choices and the writing and directing and acting choices that i am OBSESSED with throughout BOTH seasons. All that i typed literally only got us through 2 episodes and i didnt even talk about the other important bits. I really cannot over emphasise enough how much there is to this show. Anyway, I’m gonna leave it there though, but feel free to ask questions/for my opinion on any aspect of it. I will say if you havent watched it and somehow this has convinced you to do so, there are a few triggering subjects such as drug + alcohol addiction/misuse, death and grief, and MASSIVELY child exploitation material from season 1 ep 4 onwards - this is because a, if not THE, major plot point/conflict in the show is that a ‘sex tape’ (as it’s referred to sometimes) is filmed of Wilhelm and Simon (both 16yrs old in the show) without their knowledge or consent, and is then leaked to the public. I have some personal grievances about how this is handled in the show, however, I also dont think its handled ‘badly’, as the way the characters handle it is part of the plot and is ultimately part of what the show is criticising. If you want me to explain this further I can do as well, as i know this subject can obviously be very triggering and its best to know what youre getting into to decide if this show is right for you.
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thefact0rygirl · 2 years
HELLO!!! i hope you are doing well it is deedee / 🥂 anon. i apologise it’s been like seven years. i’m back with a thot i’m tossing around in this little tipsy brain of mine and it is boba (or …any era rex my GOD or din i just like broad men) like. catching u touching urself and u don’t notice for a bit. before being in a relationship. . ur absolutely lost in the sauce and he’s like 😳. bonus bonus points if u say his name or call him daddy. and he’s like ‼️‼️‼️‼️. esp if there was some yearning or distance in the relationship before then. i’m rlly quite drunk i apologise i’m incoherent but i want some big broad man to catch me face down ass up losing my mind and then tease + rail me about it. much love.
ahhhhh deedee my love! 🤍🤍 there is no need to apologize! life is crazy and things get in the way, but i'm so happy to hear from you! i love your thots (drunk or not) they always manage to send me into a fucking spin and ndiucvbrouibgvf you bring the three large men hello sirs i am ready 🫡
how boba, din, and rebels!rex react to accidentally walking in on you
warnings: daddy kink, accidental voyeurism so dubcon by default, reader called princess
18+ under the cut
but ok let's be real - there is a part of you that was curious what would happen if he caught you. cos you knew they would be back soon from whatever the hell he was doing (bounty hunting, slinging joopa, arguing with kanan, etc.) so deciding to have a lil' solo session right before carried a risk of getting caught. but you were excited and wanted to see what would happen.
it's been a steady build-up of flirting, longing looks, and prolonged hugs and touches. you're both falling to the same pool of desire and it's time one of you did something.
and they don't interrupt you when they find you. they're shocked that you would be thinking about them, but you best believe they will bring it up later.
boba be the most direct about it, taking the bait but still somehow making you flustered. he'll bring up casually the next day when you least expect it.
"so...you think i'm daddy?"
you'll be pushing your palms into your eyes and groaning as he chuckles at your response before leaning over to grab your wrists.
he'll call your name, asking you to look at him as he tries to coax your hands away from your eyes.
it's when your situated between his legs when you finally look at him. with his thumbs tracing the pressure points on your wrists, his grip loosens. you have every ability to push away from him, but you don't. he'll move in towards you until you can feel his breath on your face.
"is that you want, princess? for me to be your daddy?"
din, on the other hand, would be the exact opposite. he wouldn't be forward about it like boba.
even though he caught you moaning his name he isn't going to assume you want him like that. it may have been a slip or even his helmet malfunctioning.
din would be respectful as possible when he brought up while also skirting around what he saw. he'd offer to install a lock on your door or something along those lines.
"we're taking a couple days off on nevarro. i could install a lock on your door if you'd like. to give you more privacy."
and you won't catch on because privacy has never really been an issue with din despite the close living space. when you ask why, din fumbles and averts his attention to the weapon he is polishing. he tries to keep his hands busy, something to make him look busy as the words fall out of his mouth.
"i...i, well, i didn't mean to. it was an accident. i heard you, saw you actually, when you were alone."
he'll look up at you when you're quiet and he's worried because he can't read your reaction. you're neutral and it worries him. it was truly an accident but it still doesn't stop that he saw you in a position that you may not have wanted.
he'll start word vomiting just to fill the quiet space until you cut him off. "din. i don't want to leave and i don't want a lock. i want you to join me."
and rip daddy din djarin that will be the last of him.
and finally we have our beloved captain gilf rex. he's like din in that he won't be as forward as boba, but he won't try to skirt around it either.
he'll wait until you both are alone as not to embarrass you. he'll phrase it like a gentle warning, a heads up so you don't end up in this situation with someone else catching you.
"hey kid. you might want to check your door is shut next time you're...alone. i came back yesterday and saw something i don't think you wanted me to see."
you nod, your mind burning with embarrassment. it's awkard after that with you nodding and muttering an "i understand" under your voice. rex turns to leave when you figure, fuck it. he already saw you playing with yourself.
"you should join me next time, captain."
and that makes rex stop and turn around. "w-what?"
his eyes are wide as you take a step towards him. "i'll be alone again tonight. around 9pm. you should join me if you're around."
you kiss his cheek and turn around trying in your power not to sprint back to your room.
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change my clothes thoughts!! compared to mask and roadtrip the production here is way more professional imo, the vocal mixing is a lot better and the background harmonies are more interesting. it fits the vibe of the song super well. the producers alec works with are clearly really talented and especially good at tailoring production style to his voice (and dream’s, in this case).
something i noticed right away is that dream's definitely modifying his vowels to sound more like alec's which is helping a lot with pitch -- it’s super obvious listening to his solo verses that he’s emulating alec’s tone and pronunciation. this is not a bad thing!!!! at all!!!!! but im hoping he invests in voice lessons post-face-reveal bc it will help him without having to change how his voice naturally sounds, alec also has a rlly unique tone and the fact that dream blended with him so well is a testament both to whoever mixed the vocals and dream's own talent. blending is hard esp with only 2 people and when one has such a distinct voice. 
i hope for dream song #4 he takes what he learned working on this re: song production (even if that just means learning what things to ask for from his previous producers) and combines it with the strongest parts of mask (which imo shows off his range more and is more melodically interesting). i really enjoyed this song and will be looping for sure!!!!! ^_^ 
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1kook · 4 years
skirt chasers — drabble iv
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THIS IS A SKIRT CHASERS DRABBLE - FIND THE OTHERS HERE ! SUMMARY Jungkook was a man. A skirt chaser. He could only withstand so much torture before he broke, and seeing your gorgeous, smooth legs on display after so many weeks of starvation awoke an ancient being inside of him. WARNINGS JK POV!!!, attempted solo masturbation, k*ssing, jk’s extensive knowledge of pornos, grinding, cunnilingus, face sitting, spit kink, light choking, praise kink, self nipple play, a love for boobies, unprotected sex, use of the pull out method, i love u kink, its kinda hinted tht oc has a somnophilia kink? not rlly but tagging just in case -_- RATING m (18+) WC 6.3k this can't even classified as a drabble anymore wtf 
NOTES i have had this in my drafts since may 3. it is december 21. everyone point n laugh. anyway i very much love stimbo sc jk and i think he’s very cool so here’s a whopping 6k of the inner mechanisms of his big nerdy, college hottie brain <3
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He doesn’t notice you’ve drifted off until he’s three solid paragraphs into his semester-long research paper. “Babe, can you toss me my charger it’s over…” 
 Jungkook swears he’s gonna take every single one of those stupid skirts and burn them to ashes. They had done their duty well, had given him the girlfriend of his dreams, but now they were just pushing their luck. What was once the epitome of a cute and sweet girlfriend, has now become the bane of Jungkook’s existence. He loathed them, he hated them, he could go twenty million decades without ever seeing them again because the torture they inflicted upon him was borderline inhumane. 
 Holy fuck, he knew you were gorgeous— hello, he was your boyfriend, thinking you were gorgeous was very high on the list of requirements you searched for in someone of his position —but he’s absolutely positive that you’re probably the sexiest woman he’s ever seen in all his twenty-two years. And Jungkook’s seen a lot of porn. Like, a lot. 
He can’t help himself. Before Jungkook knows it, he’s rolling his desk chair over to where you’re sprawled across his bed, skin so soft where it presses against his pillow, lips so plush, and he’s pretty sure there’s a tiny, tiny droplet of drool begging to escape from between your puckered lips. Normally, he’d tease you to hell and back for this, knows how flustered you become when he catches you off guard, but today he lets it slide in favor of focusing on something else about your dozing form. 
It’s the soft curve of your hips from where you lay on your side, smooth legs tucked close to you, and that goddamn pleated skirt giving you absolutely no protection from the eyes of the world around you. Luckily, he made sure to lock the door to his room when you came over today. And he’s almost positive Taehyung isn’t home anyway. So there’s no potential roommate to see you here, cuddled against Jungkook’s teddy bear, blue lace panties tucked between your folds. 
They were his favorite. 
Adorable and soft, and he knows that particular style— the cheeky kind —is your preferred style, because it’s the one he sees almost every time the two of you fuck. Seamless, because you hate when they tug against your skin, and baby blue simply because it was your favorite color. He can’t recall the last time they had been so exposed like this. 
God, how many times had this same situation occurred? You dropping by to encourage him to do his homework, before eventually falling asleep and leaving him to his own devices. A lot of times, Jungkook guesses, because each and every time you wake up and nab one of his protein bars from the stash by his bed. Jungkook’s gone through four boxes in the last month. 
But how many times had this happened with you in a skirt? Never. This was a rarity. 
As the year progressed and yours and Jungkook’s relationship reached new levels of intimacy and adoration, Jungkook is sad to say the skirts had begun appearing less and less. It was winter and, unlike the furnace that was Jungkook’s body, he’s pretty sure you were a cold-blooded reptilian at this point, always leeching off of him for warmth. So since you couldn’t stand the cold, the skirts slowly faded into the background, replaced by Jungkook’s second favorite: the leggings. 
He was no complainer, Jungkook respected your decisions! He wasn’t going to pressure you into wearing those cute tiny skirts he loved so much just because it fueled some PornHub-esque fantasy in his brain, especially not as a harsh winter descended upon you and the days became colder. He would not risk a sick girlfriend in the name of a horndog daydream. 
But holy mother of pearl, Jungkook was a man. A skirt chaser. He could only withstand so much torture before he broke, and seeing your gorgeous, smooth legs on display after so many weeks of starvation awoke an ancient being inside of him. 
Sure he’d seen them every time you guys fucked— duh. But this was not the same. It was different, seeing the tender skin of your inner thigh when he knew you weren’t trying to, your skirt stuck between you and the bed as you shifted about. It was different, knowing he could so easily have you, just flip up the skirt and tug your underwear to the side, not having to worry about fighting your leggings or skinny jeans down your legs. It was different and it was good, so painstakingly good, to have you in the skirt, but the worst part was Jungkook couldn’t even do anything because you were fucking sleeping. 
He’d subconsciously pictured you like this for weeks, sprawled out on his sheets in the flimsiest clothing and ready for him to just slide right in, but Jungkook was a good boy—you’d told him as much just last week when he’d paid the bus fare for that ragtag group of teenagers, smiling up at him like he was your entire world. Was he sometimes a little too mean, a little too wild? Yes. But at his core, Jungkook lived for your praise. He couldn’t just stomp on that title you’d so lovingly bestowed upon him, a title he’d worked hard for since! 
Furthermore, even if Jungkook wasn’t a good boy, to touch you in your sleep just seemed wrong. You’d mentioned in passing once that you wouldn’t mind as long as it was him (“I’m yours,” you had purred at some party, hand crawling down his abdomen, “your doll, remember?”), but Jungkook couldn’t bring himself to when you were so vulnerable and just… not there. It wouldn’t feel right to use your body when you weren’t awake, and no amount of encouragement from you would change his mind. 
So he does what all good boys do and prepares himself for a quick, self-administered handfuck. 
Sue him, his girlfriend was hot!
It’d been a little over two weeks since the last time the two of you had fucked, and it was mostly his fault; clinicals and research papers had practically consumed what little free time he had in his schedule. And if Jungkook remembers correctly, he wouldn’t be that lucky this upcoming week either. Something tells him your period was approaching. 
Jungkook doesn’t know what type of sorcery you’ve done to him, but in the time you’ve been dating, it’s become increasingly more and more difficult to nut without you. Whether that be fucking you, listening to your voice, or just imagining your pretty face in his head, you held a monopoly over Jungkook’s libido, one that he feared you’d never let go. 
He had years stacked on years of browsing PornHub and Brazzers, can recall experiencing some of the craziest orgasms of his life while watching some girl get fucked. All things come to an end. Ever since he started dating you, not even his favorite video could make him hard anymore. Oh, how the great have fallen. 
But with your blue panties before him, his cock hardens by the minute, nearly doubles in size when you move about and sigh a heavenly sound. Frankly, he doesn’t feel bad jerking one off to the thought of you. You were his girlfriend! He knows that you know that you’re the main character of all his right-handed adventures, and you’re not going to be mad at him for jerking off to you now. In fact, Jungkook imagines you’d be mad if he’d woken you up just for some frenzied quickie. This way, he’s blowing off some steam and you’re getting an extra ten minutes of napping. Everyone wins. 
He’s barely tugged himself out of the confines of his sweats when a soft mumble of his name has his soul leaving his body. “Kook?” 
“Baby,” he exhales, immediately tucking himself back into his underwear before moving closer towards you. You roll onto your back, skirt useless as fuck, he thinks, as it sprawls around your waist. “What’s up?” he murmurs, voice gentle, a hand carding through the nape of your neck because that’s how you always wake him up. Jungkook would be a liar to say it wasn’t one of the best feelings in the world. 
You say something, but it’s a mess of gibberish and too quiet for him to understand, before turning on your side again and shuffling closer to him. Jungkook smiles, runs the tips of his fingers over your cheek, before moving to caress your back, massaging some feeling back into your muscles. Some more mumbled words, but this time he deciphers them as something along the lines of “c’mere.” 
He chuckles, ducking down to kiss your cheek. “Don’t wanna interrupt your nap, baby,” he hums. “Go back to sleep.” 
You whine in protest, suddenly catching his hand in yours. “Please,” you sigh, eyes fluttering open, but they’re unfocused as you gaze at him. Jungkook clenches his teeth. Technically he should be working on that twelve page research paper, and even just trying to jerk off right now would have been a huge setback. Crawling into bed with you, where you’re so sinfully laid out for him to take, would completely offset his plans until tomorrow. He had to be a responsible student here. 
“I really gotta finish my paper…” he says, trying to let you down as gently as possible, flashing you an apologetic gaze. He thinks he has it in the bag, and your extended silence almost has him rolling back to his desk, when you suddenly snap into action. 
“But what about your dick,” you murmur, and Jungkook chokes. 
“My what—?” he splutters, voice a little too high. 
You say nothing, craning your neck to release a series of cracks, soft huffs leaving your lips. Jungkook’s on edge the whole time, eyes following the movement of your neck, the hypnotizing expanse of skin that bares itself to him. “Saw your hand down your pants,” you say, eyes blinking open, and though they’re droopy with sleep, at least you can hold them open this time. 
Jungkook laughs nervously, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck in embarrassment. “You saw that?” A soft hum. He wants to die. “Ah, baby, don’t worry about it. Know you’re tired, so just nap,” he sighs, caressing the back of your head once again, and he thinks he’s finally convinced you so he lets his guard down. 
You moan softly, and he’s almost entirely sure it’s one of those waking up types of sounds, the ones you make when you’re stretching around the bed in the morning. “Want your cock.” 
Jungkook swears he’ll die, right here, right now. 
He groans, lowers his head to rest on the mattress. “Jesus, fuck, baby,” he huffs, has to count to ten to will the stirring of his slowly hardening cock away for the second time that day. “Don’t say stuff like that when you’re half asleep, please.”
You ignore him, the hand that had been wrapped around his wrist tugging him closer. You barely succeed, muscles still so weak, but Jungkook humors you and rolls his chair right beside your head, where he ducks down to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Noooo,” you whine when he draws away too quickly. 
A laugh blossoms in his chest, and Jungkook proceeds to rain down a series of kisses on your pretty face before he can stop himself. You melt under his touch, his affection, and Jungkook adores the way your body is so soft and pliant like this, back arching towards him after he places a hand on your waist. 
“Come here,” you urge, voice a quiet plea. So soft, so needy. 
Jungkook malfunctions for just a second before he’s clambering over you on the bed, manhandling your body until you're both on your sides, facing each other, with you pressed tightly to his chest. Even with your hands brushing up and down his back in the way that sends every nerve in Jungkook’s body tingling, and your leg thrown over his hip, some stupid part of him convinces himself you’re just cold, trying to warm up after walking around campus in that tiny little skirt all day. He cuddles you as best as he can. 
And even with his dick twitching in his pants and his caveman instincts yelling at him to thrust up into your inviting core, Jungkook remains as professional as someone in a relationship can be when in bed with their lover. He’s so stuck on his self-control that he almost doesn’t hear the snort you muffle against his neck. 
“What are you doing?” you laugh, reaching up to pinch his cheek. Jungkook blinks, eyes wide like a doe caught in headlights. “Are we gonna fuck or what?”
He chokes. He doesn’t even try to muffle his reaction like other times, because the way you’re looking at him and the heel you press against the back of his thigh preoccupies his thoughts instead. Your hands are still tracing along his back, melting him with your dainty touches. “Baby?” you question after he’s been silent too long, distracted by the way you use that hooked leg to tug your bodies closer. 
“You… you’re still asleep,” Jungkook says, though it’s definitely a question. 
You scoff, a smile curling around your features. “Mm, definitely not asleep,” you tease, and shift to push him onto his back, wiggling on top of him until those baby blue panties are pressed against his quickly hardening member. “Why? Wanted to touch me when I was asleep?” you continue, and Jungkook’s eyes nearly burst out of their sockets. 
“No!” he exclaims, hands clutching your hips in alarm. He can tell he surprises you, because your eyes go wide for a brief second. “Never…” he mumbles afterwards, looking away from your imploring gaze. “Only like you when you’re awake.” 
You sigh, pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek that makes his heart flood with adoration for you. “You’re a good boy, Jungkook,” you say back, just as quietly. “A blueprint for the perfect man.” Another kiss, this time against the corner of his mouth that makes Jungkook’s hands twitch against your sides. 
A soft moan tears itself from his throat, fingers digging into your hips as you slowly roll them against him. The heat emanating from your core seeps past the thin barrier of his sweatpants, makes his cock twitch in his boxers. He knows how it feels inside of you, has your body memorized like the back of his hand. But it’s in moments like these that he finds himself aching for you, desperate to feel the fluttering walls of your pussy, the pitiful whimpers that fall from your kiss swollen lips. And, well. The skirt makes it all too easy.  
He places two hands on the backs of your thighs, runs them up until he’s pushing your skirt up over your waist. You pull away from his lips with a sneaky little smile, pointer finger stroking down the side of his face lazily. “Mm?” you tease, leaving a coy little peck against his mouth. “Now you wanna touch?” Jungkook rolls his eyes, snaps his teeth at your wandering finger when you draw it too close to his mouth. The giggle you let out is so damn precious, makes him want to put you in a glass case and never let anyone else touch you. Coincidentally, it also makes him want to rail you into the mattress until you cry. 
“I’ll fucking ruin you, doll,” he settles on murmuring, subtly pushing you down against him. A soft giggle. Jungkook knows it’s your favorite nickname, even if you won’t admit it. He's the only one allowed to call you it, something about his intentions being pure or whatever, he’s not really sure. Anyway, you’re still so cute and soft on top of him, blinking slowly and prettily, so he’s dragging it out a bit, hoping you’ll become more alert in a few more minutes. 
As sleepy as you may be, you never miss out on a chance to rile him up. “As if, doll,” you retort, his nickname for you rolling off your tongue seamlessly. It sounds heavenly, sparks this weird emotion in him that he never considered before. Him, a doll? No way. But there’s something about the sweet lilt of your voice, the starry-eyed gaze you level him with, that has him throwing all reservations aside. Put him on a shelf and call him Barbie, because he would be anything you wanted him to be. 
Anyway, Jungkook’s sappy thoughts last all of two seconds before he’s rolling you over, successfully trapping you beneath his body. “Oh, so scary,” you feign, hands fluttering to clutch at your chest. 
He glides his hands down your body, let’s them trail over your hip and down the side of your thigh. “Don’t get sassy with me,” he warns, thumb peeking beneath the hem of your skirt. Jungkook really wants to burn the piece of fabric this time, because after all that time it spent torturing him with its halfhearted attempts at covering you, it chooses now to do it properly. 
Hands are thrown around his shoulders, the overwhelming scent of your perfume and body wash tickling his nose when you pull him in for another kiss. “Or what?” you purr, irises swirling with lust. “Gonna use your manly man strength to hold me down?” 
He shushes you with a kiss, slow and languid just how you like. Your taste is familiar, feels like coming home, so Jungkook can’t be blamed for getting too carried away. It starts gentle— it always does. But then a tiny mewl gets stuck in your throat, the following moan swallowed by his tongue, and Jungkook nearly loses it. He nips at your bottom lip, waits patiently for you to open up for him, and when you do he wastes no time diving in. Your tongue against his is slick and wet, makes the most lewd sound. Your little sharp intakes of air fill the gaps, shuddery breaths that Jungkook takes as a good sign. 
He strikes while the iron is still hot. 
It’s amidst your lazy kissing that he secures his hands around your waist, two reassuring squeezes thrown your way before he’s abruptly rolling onto his back again. “Kook!” you squeal, clutching at the front of his shirt. A pouty frown paints your face, sleepy eyes narrowing him with a rather unimpressed look, tainted with the barest hints of confusion. 
Jungkook grins, reaching back to yank his pillow out from beneath his head. “On my face,” he commands suddenly, and you snort. 
“What?” you ask a little incredulously, leaning back to level him with an even more lost expression. “Since when do we do that?”
Jungkook shrugs. “Since I decided twenty seconds ago,” he answers rather bluntly. You still don’t look too convinced. It’s not a position the two of you have ever tried. You’re a little on the sappy side, always like to look at his face while you fuck, hold his cheeks in your palms, kiss him sweetly. On the one hand, Jungkook totally gets it; he’ll proudly admit that the sight of your orgasming face paired with your fantastic tits have done him many favors these past few months. 
However, Jungkook is a lover of head. Giving or receiving, it’s very high on his list of sexual acts and whoever invented oral deserved all the praise in the world. Not only did you look drop dead gorgeous with his cock in your mouth— tears trailing down your cheeks, drool clinging to the corners of your lips —but you also looked absolutely sexy receiving it. 
Okay, so maybe Jungkook can’t really say, considering he always has a hard time catching a glimpse of your face when he’s down there licking and slurping your clit like a madman. Which is what leads him to this exact moment, an experiment weeks in the making. Jungkook has a theory that needs to be tested. “Please ride the fuck out of my face,” he tries, hoping the polite tone will win you over. 
He’s met with an eye roll. Still, you’re kinder than you let on. “Okay,” you give in, and Jungkook will remember your heroism for the rest of his life. “But only because being on top is empowering.” He just barely contains an over-enthusiastic fist pump into the air, settling on a rather modest smile that has you leaning down to kiss him again. You reach for the zipper on the side of your skirt. “Just let me—“
“The skirt stays on,” he says quickly, hand on your wrist to stop you from removing his most favorite article of clothing. 
“Baby,” you say, giving him a rather serious look. “It’ll cover your face.”
“It won’t,” he urges, reaching for the buttons on your blouse instead. Jungkook has had one too many encounters with tops like these, and has long since learned not to tear them apart like a crazed psycho. As much as he loves the sound of your buttons scattering across his bedroom floor, he can’t say he’s too fond of the scolding he inevitably gets afterwards. Anyway, the shirt comes off and so does your bra, leaving your tits in his face, tiny skirt on your hips. “Get up here,” he murmurs, ushering you up his body until your knees are pressing into the mattress right above his shoulders. 
If it was up to Jungkook, he would have just grabbed your hips and shoved his face against your pussy. Luckily, it’s not, and your common sense shines through just in time. “One sec,” you say, and then finally, finally, the blue panties come off. 
And then it’s just Jungkook and your glistening pussy. 
“Holy fuck,” he groans, taking the opportunity to wrap his arms around your thighs. You squeak when he pulls you closer, hand instinctively reaching for the front of your skirt to hold away from his face. The view from here is heavenly, just your swollen clit, gorgeous tits, and shy face. 
The muscles in your thighs are a little stiff. Or maybe you’re just nervous. Jungkook isn’t sure, all he knows is that it takes one encouraging tug for you to finally sit on his face. He doesn’t even register the surprised gasp that leaves your throat because he’s too busy tasting your pussy from an all new position. And it’s absolutely amazing. 
Something about the position, having you carefully poised above him, does something to Jungkook. He likes to think he knows your body inside and out, knows what makes you melt and what makes you scream. He knows just how to lap at your cunt until you’re cumming, and how many fingers it takes for you to really feel it. But it’s like having you in this position changes all of that, rearranges all the tidbits of information Jungkook has spent months collecting. 
(Jungkook is a meticulous man; he’s got a near perfect GPA right now that was the direct result of his carefully crafted note-taking techniques. Whether or not he abused the power of his perfectionist learning abilities to master the mechanisms of his girlfriend’s libido was no one's business but his own.) 
One kitten lick against your swollen pearl makes you buck forward, clit brushing against his nose. Jungkook can’t remember you ever doing that on the first lick. “O- oh my—,” you cry, all airy and whiny. Your hand is pressed to the wall behind his bed, the other bunching the front of your skirt just above your mound. He’s rather happy to learn that, just as he’d hypothesized, this position does give him a better view of you. 
He’s graced with the sight of your face, twisted up in pleasure. It’s the stereotypical eyes squeezed shut, lip caught between your teeth look. But there’s something different about it knowing that he’s gotten this reaction out of you with his mouth alone. 
Jungkook quickly repositions you over him, tugging you back until his tongue is lined up with the front of your slit. You’re so warm down here, make him feel like he’s drowning with your heady scent alone. Tentatively, he lets his tongue dip between your folds, the very tip nudging your swollen clit. A moan tears itself from your throat, the hand that had been flush against the wall suddenly jumping forward to bury itself in his hair. “Oh- oh, fuck,” you shiver, hips jolting forward once more. 
You taste good on his tongue, the arousal that coats your lips is sticky and sweet. When he laps his tongue along your folds, quivering hole to stiffened bud, you let out a sob that resonates deeply within Jungkook. And also Jungkook’s cock, which stirs beneath his trousers in excitement. What was once the focus of his mission, a quick handfuck to sedate himself before finishing his research paper, has long since been forgotten. It’s for the greater good, he tells himself, blinking up at you from between your thighs. 
Eye contact lasts for exactly three seconds before you’re looking away bashfully, the fist clutching at your skirt trembling against your tummy. You’re so fucking pretty, Jungkook’s heart can’t take it. 
And so he sets out on a mission to make you cum as soon as possible, abandoning his slow kitten licks in favor of suctioning his lips around your clit. “Kook,” you wail, tugging at his hair. Whether you do it purposely or not, Jungkook is a little shocked by how good the pain feels. It’s not an emotion he can ponder long, because then you’re using that same grip in his hair to tilt his head backwards, jerkily moving over him. 
It’s rough and sudden, the buck against his face, but Jungkook loves it. The drag of your pussy against his lips, the wet glide of your juices smearing across his chin and Cupid’s bow. It all feels so good, and the fact Jungkook is getting a front row seat to the absolutely torn look on your face is just the cherry on top. 
Jungkook has seen you make a lot of faces. He’s seen you shiver and drool as he nails you into your bed. He’s seen you sniffle and sob as he slowly fucks you in a rose petal filled bubble bath (a six month anniversary special planned by yours truly). He’s even seen your mirrored reflection fall apart as you bounced away on his lap in front of a mirror. 
He’s never seen you like this before. 
Needy and desperate, moaning his name softly, practically humping his face in your greed. Tiny skirt clutched against your waist, tits bouncing as you hurriedly grind against him. He has half the mind to burn this scene into his eyelids for the rest of his life. 
He’s given up on doing anything with his tongue, simply sticking it out for you to do as you wish. Normally, he’s not a huge fan of letting you do things yourself. After all, Jungkook was your boyfriend. Making you cum was his job. But you’re moving so fast, so frantic, in your mission to cum. So Jungkook sits back and lets you go to town on his mouth as a series of moans spill from your lips. 
And then something unforgivable happens. 
Jungkook will admit it: he’s staring at you almost a little too dreamily, heart eyes and all. He thinks you’re fucking hot, taste like heaven and have these absolutely delicious boobs bouncing up and down. He’s a little distracted by your glorious figure that he doesn’t notice one crucial bit of information. 
Your hand. 
The desperate need to cum has your muscles weakening, thighs moving at a latent pace, and, much to Jungkook’s horror, hands trembling. It’s your own pleasure that lets the unimaginable happen: your skirt flutters down. Your grip on it loosens and before Jungkook knows it, the sight of your pretty face and nice tits are gone, snatched away before his very eyes. Even your wet cunt is impossible to see, his world suddenly shrouded in darkness. 
Leave it to Jungkook to foil his own horny plan with, well, his horniness. If only he wasn’t so hopelessly in love with the image of you in skirts. Maybe then he could bask in the beauty that was you riding his face. 
He acts fast, reaching for the material before he can miss out on anything. But the angle is weird, and without Jungkook’s hands holding your hips, you’re left weakly rolling forward instead. And he’s not the only one frustrated with this turn of events, your face quickly returning to its normal composed form as you level him with a frown. “Everything okay?” you pant. 
Everything was not okay, but Jungkook isn’t sure how to tell you that without ruining this delicate moment. So he tries to show you with actions instead, releasing the skirt he’s got in his fist and letting it flutter over his face again. You giggle. “I told you so.” 
It takes more willpower than he’d like to admit to pull away from your wet folds, pulling off with a lewd sound that has you biting your lip as you gaze down at him. “I told you so,” he mimics, a little mean but you don’t take it to heart. “Hold your skirt up.” 
You hum, the grip on his hair loosening as you push away his dark locks instead. “Mmmm,” you hum. “No.”
“No?” he repeats, actually really scandalized. Okay, so he’s a little spoiled when it comes to you— it’s not his fault! You made him like this, conditioned him to think that you would always give into his every whim because you were just so sweet and considerate and wanted him to be happy. And Jungkook also wants you to be happy, and in his opinion, being happy right now means having him fuck your pretty brains out for ever getting sassy with him. 
“I don’t listen to men,” you tease, followed by a cute little nod, skin still a little warm from your looming orgasm. Jungkook takes advantage of your tiny moment of weakness, and strikes like a viper.
A girlish squeal leaves your lips, hands stretching outwards as he knocks you backwards onto the mattress. “Jungkook,” you gasp, sprawled out artfully, beautifully, over his sheets now. He doesn’t waste a second longer, crawling over your body until you’re a shivering mess beneath him. 
Hand against your throat, the other blindly reaching for the front of his sweatpants. “What is it, doll?” he drawls meanly, reveling in the way your eyes roll back when his newly-freed cock lands against your slit. A choked gasp leaves your throat, lashes fluttering wildly until Jungkook loosens his grip. 
You’ve done a nice job riling yourself up, lips squelching wet and loose when he runs the tip of his cock along them. Your knees are pulled up for him, spread perfectly for him to fit between. You’re so good for him, Jungkook feels a little bad for how hard he’s going to fuck you now. 
The sympathy doesn’t last long.  
Once upon a time, you had been the epitome of a cute and sweet girlfriend. Had picked him up from class, encouraged him to do his homework, wore these cute little skirts around campus. Deep down inside, Jungkook knew everyone else was jealous of him— you were just so pretty and cute, a girl straight out of everyone’s dreams. 
Until he sunk his horny claws into you. Jungkook will be the first to admit he spends a little too much time browsing porn sites— he’s a man, cut him some slack —which had never caused him any problems before. Even when the two of you were just friends (pining ones at that), you had never seemed even remotely affected by his extensive pornographical knowledge. It was a known fact among your friend group that Jungkook’s best friend was his right hand. 
But then, of course, you started dating Jungkook and it was like a save file of all his horniest fantasies was downloaded directly into your brain. Which leads him to this. 
“Spit in my mouth,” you shiver, got these huge, watery eyes pointed his way. His cock twitches. 
There’s a little groan that tears itself from his throat when he leans forward, cock sliding along your folds, to grasp your chin between his fingers. “Open,” he commands, and you do. Your lower lip quivers, tongue pressed against it as you wait for Jungkook to spit down your mouth. He can’t say he regrets letting you peek through his porn stash, not when it leads to this, you whimpering at the hot glob of saliva he shoots down your throat. “Filthy,” he pants, memorizing the movement of your throat when you swallow like the good girl you are. 
Before he can write another twelve sonnets about that dazed look on your face, he’s roughly grabbing at your thigh. You whine, limbs so pliant beneath his touch, letting him hike your knee over his forearm as he tugs you closer. “Fuck,” he groans, reaching down to align himself with your quivering hole. You’re still so wet, make the most lewd sound when he sinks into you. Not that Jungkook really hears it, the sound of your strained moans practically drowning everything else out. 
“Fuck,” you cry, one hand clutching at his forearm, the other toying with your breast. It’s a magnificent sight, and Jungkook is suddenly feeling a little cocky when he realizes he’s the only one who gets to see this. It’s this presumptuous nature that fuels the first round of thrusts into your cunt, fast and full. He makes sure you feel every inch of him, tip to base, as he pistons his hips forward. “J— Jungkook,” you pant, back arching beneath him. 
You take it so well, walls sucking him in every time he draws back out. “I’ve got you, doll,” he moans, hiking your leg further over his shoulder. Every roll of his hips has your tits bouncing back and forth, lower lip as well with the dopey, open-mouthed look you got on for him. And the damned skirt that got him here, fucking you with a punishing pace, sits perfectly around your waist. He has half the mind to take it off for you, briefly wonders if it hurts, but just looking at it reminds him of about thirty-seven pornos he’s seen. So it stays on, works alongside your lovestruck face to actively rewrite all those pornos anew with you starring in them instead. 
It sure helps when you start your usual mindless babbling. “I love you,” you gasp, face screwed up in pleasure. “I- I love you so much.” 
He’s contemplating doing a study on you and your weird mid-fuck confessions. You do this a lot, and while Jungkook doesn’t mind, it sure does leave him curious. “Love you too, baby,” he says anyway, repositioning his arms so he can hold your waist with both hands. 
“Really?” you ask, voice so whiny, eyes brimming with tears. From emotion or your need to cum, Jungkooks not sure. (Hence the need for a study!) 
Another brutal thrust that has you moaning loudly. “Really,” he reassures you, glancing down to watch his cock sink into your hole as he picks up the pace. Your arms are practically limbless, and his stomach is beginning to feel tight. The end was soon. “Love your pretty little face.”
Another whine, your fingers pulling at your pebbled nipples. “M- My pretty face?” you whimper, blink these long lashes up at him. They make Jungkook go a little mad, bring on a wave of jackhammer thrusts that cut your moans into choppy little cries instead. 
“Prettiest girl I know,” he groans, not once stopping the movement of his hips. You’re quivering like a leaf beneath him, your entire body locking up as Jungkook guides you toward orgasm. “A fucking doll, baby— so beautiful for me,” he praises. 
It’s exactly what you want to hear— secretly, Jungkook hypothesizes that you’re a little bit of an attention whore —crying out when he slows to a grind against you. Each roll of his hips has him rubbing over your swollen bud, leaves you trembling until you’re eventually unraveling beneath him. “Oh- Oh, fuck— Jungkook—“ you sob, writhing beneath him as you cream his cock. 
Your tits look amazing, nipples stiff from your arousal and all the attention you’d been giving them. Your features soften, gasps framed by your pillowy lips. As Jungkook has said before, your pretty face was the most dangerous weapon. 
He manages a few more pistons of his hips, mostly for reputation sake, before he’s eventually pulling out. His right hand, once the sole hero of his solo sessions, makes a valiant return now as he jacks himself off over you. It takes a few harsh pulls of his cock until he’s spurting his jizz over you, painting your tummy and your tits in white ribbons of cum. You flinch, a tiny whimper leaving your throat at the mess he makes. “Fuck,” he groans one last time. 
When it’s over, you have the audacity to shyly pull down the front of your skirt. As if your tits aren’t out and about, but Jungkook pretends he doesn’t see it. Instead, he channels his energy into peppering your face in kisses. “Best girl,” he praises, even though he knows you hate the nickname. “My beautiful feminist queen.” 
A pinch against his cheek. It hurts like hell, but he endures it for now, still very much in love with your performance today. “Get me a towel,” you huffily ask, uncomfortable with the jizz sticking to your tummy, as if he didn’t spit in your mouth a few minutes ago. 
His research paper is waiting for him at his desk, the materials he’d spent weeks collecting waiting to be typed up. But his girlfriend is so soft and sleepy, asking him to stay for another nap. 
There was never a choice.
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Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
2K notes · View notes
edengarden · 4 years
Izuku Midoriya:
Boy definitely plays a wind instrument. I’m assigning him clarinet
Wants to be first chair so bad, he practices so freaking much I swear
ALWAYS. IN. A. BAND. ROOM. with Iida and Uraraka. They’re always practicing
He’s so confused with music theory, please help him. He just,, WHY is it minor?? WHY IS THERE A SOLO WITH NOTHING WRITTEN?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE HAS TO IMPROVISE WITH THE CHORDS WRITTEN OVER THE BARS-
Ochako Uraraka:
She’s also comfortable enough to play 2nd or 3rd clarinet if needed, or even soprano saxophone
Doesn’t have her own instrument, she borrows from the school and she HATES the reeds, they’re crap. When someone gives her a good reed, she CHERISHES it.
In jazz band also! With the same instrument, but she doesn’t feel ready for solos so she’s usually 2nd or 3rd. Bro when she has to switch from swing to straight she ALWAYS forgets and it’s the band’s downfall.
Tenya Iida:
And he’s one of THOSE trumpet players, by the way.
“Sir the French horns aren’t tuned” yeah, he has perfect pitch
Literally plays flight of the bumblebee as warm up. Or has his own warm up scales. Never practices right before practice though, he thinks it’s “too late” for that
Has his own trumpet, it’s silver with hints of gold/brass. Takes care of it RELIGIOUSLY.
He HATES having to blow out spit onto the floor, but dude what other choice do you have??
Momo Yaoyorozu:
Sweet angel 🥺🥺 she’s an oboe player
Definitely bought her own instrument
Sight reading MASTER. she instantly gets the key bro, it’s so rare that she forgets an incidental
Definitely leads sectionals all the time. And she does it WELL.
When people (*COUGH* BASSES*cough*) slowdown, she’ll sway to the beat in hopes that they’ll follow her
Kyoka Jirou:
Electric bass or contrabass, give her either and she’s good to go dude.
Also has perfect pitch and knows her music theory WAY more than a high school student should know. She’s a genius.
Her warm ups? Jam sessions with Hanta and Todoroki. She just shouts a key and they go. It’s usually jazz, she plays a pretty constant pattern, Todoroki tries to improvise but hanta takes over pretty quick-
Definitely in jazz band as well. Also in a school competition band (like singer and stuff), also a one-woman-band. She’s in so many bands dude.
Shouto Todoroki:
Also has a background in flute bc his parents wanted him to have ~versatility~
Knows all the theory in his head, like he knows what’s going on, he just doesn’t know how to explain it
*false note* “sorry my instrument isn’t warmed up, it’s probably my reed”
Has plastic reeds. And reeds ESPECIALLY for jazz.
Oh yeah he’s in jazz band! Loves that he’s like, the only tenor saxophone so he gets all the solos
Rikidou Satou:
Buddy actually brings the tuba home to practice, he drags that thing AROUND.
Always. Slows. Down. But no one knows it’s his fault most of the time, they blame Sero-
Firmly believes in the “basses are the foundation of the orchestra” mindset, he’s so proud to be a bass
Kouji Kouda:
Soprano Saxophone, but can also handle clarinet if the need comes (he just loves the sound of soprano sax you guys)
DEFINITELY in jazz band, but as a Tenor Sax 2 bc he knows if he went as a soprano sax he probably would’ve gotten solos
Is it Momo’s oboe?? Is it Kouda’s soprano sax?? No one knows the different except those two and Jirou
Plays Shostakovich’s jazz suite no. 2 as a warm up
DEFINITELY A SWAYER. He just gets into the mood of the music and SWAYS.
Tooru Hagakure:
Flautist!! She chose it as an 11 y/o bc it was a girly instrument but she really likes it lol
A mediocre player, she spends most of warm up with Mina tho, she thinks that she’ll get to warm up when she’s playing bc I mean— no one hears the flutes
Wanted to main the picolo for the sole purpose that it’s an Ear Destroyer. Aizawa heard the mischief in her voice and said no.
Sight reading?? What’s that?? She has no idea what’s going on, she just pretends to play and when she’s comfortable with the melody, she’ll just step in. NEVER notices key changes and signatures.
Yuuga Aoyama:
LASKHDSJ FLAUTIST!! Also clarinetist. He loves being able to stay where he is during practice even though he changes instruments it’s sort of funny
His cheeks get SO SORE when he plays clarinet though and he WILL complain.
“My flute is so heavy!” Kind of guy.
Definitely has his own instruments and takes GREAT care of them.
Wetting his reed with his saliva?? No, he plops it in a glass of water instead (the reeds are definitely his own, and expensive)
Tsuyu Asui:
Trombone gang bro.
Positions are burnt into her brain dude she’ll never go out of tune.
SO SMOOTH. SOOOO SMOOO- dude she plays so well?? It’s never spitty, but during jazz (yes she’s in jazz), if it’s a moody piece she KNOWS how to make it juuussssttt airy enough to be beautiful
Not that good with fast songs, but she makes up for her amazing ass vibrato and her range. GOD-LIKE RANGE.
Mashirao Ojirou:
Omg he plays like a king. And he’s so proud of being the ONLY one playing French horn, but there is PRESSURE, because a French horn is rlly tricky to tune dude. Have you SEEN it??
Always keeps his mouthpiece with him, as if he’s afraid someone will play his instrument?? Like no dude it’s good in it’s case but you do you I guess
He doesn’t stand out that much, but in the majestic pieces where he has a 5 measure solo?? He gives it his all and he pulls it OFF. Those moments are always the highlight of the piece
Mezou Shouji:
Bass clarinet!!
Once he managed to growl through bass clarinet and literally ALL the saxophone players were jealous AS FUCK
Buddy goes to a low E♭ like it’s nothing?? And then he goes up to like a high high C and you’re sitting there like THE FUCKING RANGE-
His warmups are like, quick scales and arpeggios. Bro he’s so steady when he plays and he could play for HOURS. Sore cheeks?? Don’t know her.
He so proud of being a bass clarinetist, but when he saw an octobass clarinet?? Aizawa better order one of those for him RIGHT. NOW.
Fumikage Tokoyami:
Baritone saxophone. Also lowkey really wants to learn bassoon because it’s such an old instrument
SKSKS he and Shouji sit next to each other, Tokoyami loves to read off of Shouji’s partition and create the WORST fourths you’ll ever hear. Even Midoriya told them to shut the fuck up once
In jazz band too!! Still plays bari sax
Such,, a good,, sound. So,, meaty,, and full,, and HOT. Bari sax is HOT!!
Plays moanin’s intro as a warm up. Search up the song. It’s bomb.
He loves to figure out new sounds with his bari sax. The Too Many Zooz type of sounds
Hitoshi Shinsou:
PERCUSSIONIST. Especially loves the bells, timpani, vibraphone and marimba.
He’s in the back judging EVERYONE. It’s so great for him, he gets to stand there and cringe and no one will know
Totally able to play 4 mallets like the king he is
Surprisingly enough, he’s rlly good in music theory. Like he could probably compose or transpose something no problem
Aizawa’s favourite, of course. Will ask him to sit in front while they play and circle the parts where he thinks something sounds off
Now that we’ve talked about the NORMAL band kids, I present to you,,, the gremlin band kids
Mina Ashido:
Percussionist as well!! She loves snares but you’ll see her pick up castagnettes even if y’all are playing something like Gymnopédie no. 3 she’s a bit confused but she got the spirit.
CANNOT READ SHEET MUSIC. Like notes?? No. She can do beats, just not notes. Let Shinsou figure out the ancient languages dude
Her and Hagakure don’t warm up, they just gossip together.
Did this to Bakugou more than once
Denki Kaminari:
Buddy AIMS to have his spit land on someone sitting in front of him (rip Todoroki and Uraraka)
Thinks he’s cool because he plays trumpet, but he always loses count. God forbid Iida cant show up to practice because Kaminari will die
“Where are we? What are we doing? Which piece are we doing? Where are we starting?” Oh my god he’s so lost can SOMEONE please help him
Always gets in trouble during band camps dude. He and Sero are the Bad Brass duo
Eijirou Kirishima:
EUPHONIUM BABEY!! He thinks it’s so cool and he’ll get so insulted if someone calls it a “mini tuba”
So!! Protective of his euphonium. His name is Johnny, by the way. He named his instrument.
When they finish practicing a piece, he’s the first to give feedback. Usually it’s good, like praises for classmates he heard and thought were really good!!
He’s so sweet. Willing to help others during practice and sectionals too!! It’s so sad that he’s literally on the other side of the room bc KAMINARI NEEDS HIS HELP-
Katsuki Bakugou:
Hehehe he’s a flautist. I’ve stood by this headcanon for like two years.
And he wants to be THE BEST. You never knew growling could be done through a flute until you met Bakugou.
CANNOT STAND slow pieces. He wants to go all out all the time, he always speeds up when the tempo’s slow.
Also in jazz band with what? Flute. Yeah, this is George Benson Time.
Will hit you with his flute if you ever think badly of him for playing flute. He’ll defend flute ‘till he dies.
Hanta Sero:
Will be so happy if he’s in charge of bass trombone?? Like yay??
Always wants to hit Bakugou’s head while playing.
Bro his playing style?? You know the like, lazy-ish trombone playing? But it’s just so full and smooth and heavy anyways? That type of shit.
In jazz band, he’s actually a natural at jazz, doesn’t practice that much so he’s like not even in a good position, buddy just slouches and sight reads.
I love Hanta sm guys I could talk abt trombonist!Hanta forever
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farfromparker · 5 years
Dirty little joy | t.h.
Tumblr media
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Request: Ok. So! What if you and Tom were watching porn together (cuz some couples do that) and you come across a video with him in it and Tom is super embarrassed but the reader insist on watching it and gets super turned on cuz holy shit there’s a video of her boyfriend jerking himself off for all to see so she gets rlly dominant and possessive and “reminds him who he belongs to”. In short she ties him up and fucks him till he can’t remember his own name. A fucking POWER MOVE
Warnings: just good ole smut
A/N: Shout out to @xximaweirdoxx​ for the request and honestly just being the best!! 
Word Count: 2.3k
You hear the front door open and you bite your lip as you look at the screen, the pornhub homepage staring back at you. Tom and you had talked about this, but the idea still made you nervous, you wanted to do this but you wanted to make  he was going to enjoy this too. 
You ready yourself, hoping up off the bed and heading towards the front of the house. 
“Hey darling,” Tom says, emptying his pockets of the random assortment of things he’s gathered throughout the day; keys, a business card, and a mint. 
“Hi Tommy,” you say, leaning in to kiss his cheek. 
He gives you a look, knowing you only use that nickname when you’re turned on. He places his hands on your hips and cocks an eyebrow. “What have you been thinking about?”
You can feel the heat settle on your cheeks, pressing your lips into a thin line. “Okay, so we’ve talked about it before and I just was hoping you’d want to do it tonight...?”
He’s thinking, the cogs in his head turning, “You’re going to have to help me out here love, we’ve talked about a few things in the bedroom.” He says with a wink. 
And okay, he’s totally right. “Um… watching porn together?”
There’s a flash of something across his face but it disappears almost as quickly as it came. “Yeah,” he breaths, “yeah, we can definitely do that.”
“Yeah?” You’re smiling, arousal pooling in the pit of your stomach. He nods, smiling back and he easily lets you pull him back to the bedroom. 
He laughs when he sees your laptop on the bed, website already open, “So you knew I’d say yes, huh?”  
You pull your shorts off before settling onto the bed. He strips down to his boxers and joins you. “I was pretty confident that you couldn’t say no to me.”
He pushes your hair off your shoulder and leans in, kissing along your neck. “Yeah, you’re right about that.”
He pulls the neck of you shirt to the side, wanting to reach more of your skin but you shrug him off. “Tom,” you whine, “focus. What do you wanna watch?”
He leans in again though, smiling against your skin, “Whatever you want to watch, love.”
You purse your lips, thinking. You’d always been partial to solo guy videos but you’re pretty sure Tom would rather watch something else. Biting your lip, his words repeat in your mind whatever you want to watch... 
Fuck it. 
You type in male solo and a plethora of videos span out before you. Tom’s sucking on your neck now, and there are tiny noises slipping past your lips.  
Focus, focus. 
You scroll through the videos, trying to find one that peaks your interest from the screen cap alone. When you click onto page two, your mouse hovers over the third video from the top. The man is lean, body reminding you of Tom so you’re already intrigued. The caption is simple, hot guy jacks off. There’s nothing extraordinary about the whole thing and yet you can’t bring yourself to scroll past it. 
You give in, clicking on the video and bringing your hands up to Tom’s body. He feels your attention finally turn to him and so he moves and finds your lips. You open up to him, tongue finding his as he presses into you harder. 
Love watching me, don’t ya darling?
You pull back quickly, stunned. That was definitely Tom’s voice, but his lips were definitely on yours when you heard it. He’s staring back at you, eyes wide and you glance towards the computer screen. 
Your mouth drops open as you register what you’re looking at. Your boyfriend, the one who’s definitely in bed with your right now, is also on your computer screen. He’s laid out, stroking his cock absentmindedly, staring into the camera and straight into your eyes. 
Quickly you register things about the video. He didn’t do this at home, the video quality is top notch, there's a logo in the corner; cock-y boys in terrible font, and the room he’s in is staged so obviously you know no one actually lives there. 
“Tom? You - you did porn?” 
Somehow, your question snaps him out of his daze and he reaches over to snap the laptop shut. There’s a lag though and for a moment, his electronic moans reverberate around the room. 
He looks absolutely petrified, you’ve never seen him so red, eyes wide. He moves away from you and stands up, scrubbing his hands over his face. 
“I should have just told you on our first date. But I liked you so much and I was worried it would scare you off. And I haven’t done it - that was so long ago!” He’s pointing at the computer like it was his associate in all of this. “And I never had sex with someone on film. That was part of my deal, only solo videos and -”
“Videos?” You cut him off, brain reeling from the massive amount of new information. 
His jaw clenches, he’s trying to read your expression but you’re still processing. He sighs, “Five total.”
“And you thought this would scare me off?” 
Tentatively, he sits back onto the bed, you’re not screaming at him so he assumes this is a good sign. “Yeah, I told a girl I went out with before I met you and she lost it, called me a pervert and I didn’t even really like her. Then when I met you… I just didn’t want to screw it up. But I - I should have been honest with you from the beginning.”
And well yes, he definitely should have just told you to begin with, you can understand why he didn’t, why he might have been worried about this particular skeleton in his closet. But you’re curious now, more than curious, because there are five videos of your boyfriend jerking off on the internet. What does he do differently in each video? What are the views? What do the comments say? 
You reach back over for your laptop and open it up. He sputters next to you, watching as you type in your password. “What are you doing?”
“There are five videos of you out there, think I deserve to see them, don’t you?”
Somehow, he turns an even darker shade of red, “You want to watch them?”
You simply hit play on the video as an answer, his small moans and gasps filling the room again. He was young when he filmed this one, you’re guessing 20. Curls unruly, body leaner than he is now, less muscle. He’s cocky - though you suppose with that logo name it came with the territory - he’s talking to the camera like it’s his girl, telling her how much she must enjoy this, how good his cock would feel inside her, how he wants to know how wet she is. 
You’re staring intently, and in turn, you can feel his gaze heavy on you. You glance down and notice there’s a 96% up vote and you think about how the other 4% must be blind to not enjoy this. 
You scroll down and click on the comments. 
God, your cock is fucking perfect, just want you inside me. 
I’d do anything you wanted daddy. 
Just want you to cum all over my face. 
And on and on and on. Your clit has started to throb as you keep reading. They’re talking about Tom, about your Tom, and doing things to him that you get to do whenever you want. About him doing things to them that he only does to you. It’s a fucking power trip. 
“Tommy, fuck.”
“You - you like it?”
You smirk at him, “I really like having sex with you, is that much of a surprise I like seeing videos of you touching yourself?”
He deadpans, “You know what I mean, it’s - it’s out there.”
“Yeah and you’re here.” You move, pushing against his chest so that you can get into his lap. You kiss him, tongue and teeth, and he groans into you, pulling you against his hips. He’s hard. You pull away for a moment, bringing your hands up to cup his face, thumbs rubbing along his cheeks, “And that cock is mine.”
You can see it across his face, his disposition changing, eyes hooded and he nods, “Yeah, it’s yours.”
You push him down onto his back and he smacks his head into the laptop. 
He laughs, rubbing the spot on his head and you laugh too, reaching over to push the laptop out of the way. You’re still smiling when you kiss him, but then he opens his mouth to yours, hands running down your body to cup your ass and nothing is funny anymore. 
You sit up, peeling your shirt and bra off, before leaning back over him, pressing yourself against him. “You’re so cocky in that video, have men and women drooling over you. Think you need to be reminded of who you belong to.” 
You grind against his cock to further push home your point and he groans, “Yes, fuck. I’m yours.”
You shimmy out of your panties, and he follows your lead, discarding his boxers. You grind along his dick, pulling whimpers from his lips. 
“You’re so fucking wet.”
“I might have a bit of a possessive kink.” You place your hands on his chest for leverage, sliding up so that the tip of his cock knocks against your clit. His pupils are blown, mesmerized by your every moment.
Sliding your hands up, you gather his wrists and pin them above his head. He rocks up against you and he could push inside you now, the angle working better for the both of you. 
“Wanna fuck me Tommy?”
He moans, “God, yes, always.”
The tip of his cock catches at your cunt and you sink down on him slowly. He flexes up into you, sighing as you settle onto his hips. You clench around him purposefully. 
“Ah, fuck y/n.”
“Keep you hands above your head.” You instruct as your pull your hands away, and he does as you told him. You can lean back now, helping his cock find that spot inside you. You move slowly when you feel it, biting down on your lip as you rock forward. 
He fists his hands into the comforter, wanting so much for you to stop teasing. You rise up, taking your time, before sliding back down. He’s trying to be quiet, lips in a thin line as you work yourself slowly on his cock, using him. 
That just won’t do though, you reach forward and grip his chin. You slide your thumb along his lips and he opens his mouth easily. You dip your thumb into his mouth and he sucks, eyes locked with yours. 
“Don’t try to be quiet Tom, I always wanna hear how I’m making you feel.”
You pull your thumb out of his mouth with a pop. He groans then, and you watch as his biceps flex. You smirk, continuing to ride him agonizingly slow. His cock on your gspot is good, but it’s not enough. You reach a finger down and slide against your clit, gasping and moaning at the contact. 
Tom is tense under you, trembling as he feels you clench and shake above him. He wants so much more, the pit in his groin growing heavier, but the dynamic is there tonight. He’s completely at your mercy and he won’t do anything until you tell him he can. 
You can’t stop his name from slipping from your lips now, and you know he wants to hear you just as badly. It’s building quickly like this, feeling him inside you, putting on a show for him, using him. 
It’s hard to keep your eyes open, and you dig your fingernails into his skin, feeling like you’re going to snap. 
Tom hisses, and his demeanor changes, knowing you’re close now, “Fuck darling, so fucking beautiful. Pussy feels so good on my cock, want you to cum, wanna feel you. God, no one can fuck me like you do.”
It explodes from deep inside, stars bursting from behind your eyelids. You arch back, shaking from the intensity of it, clenching like a vice around his cock. One long drawn out moan filling the room as you ride it out. 
You start to twitch against your own touch, clit hypersensitive and you curl forward, pressing your forehead into Tom’s chest to try and catch your breath. He’s absolutely whimpering underneath you, body shaking along with your own. 
He’s pleading, voice cracking as your name soon turns into the only word he knows. You slide your hands up his body, thumbing at his nipples as you begin to ride him like he’s begging you too.
“Wanna touch you, please.” He begs. 
“Yeah darling, put your hands on me.”
He’s on you immediately, hands on your breasts and ass. He sits up, pulling into his chest and kissing you like he’ll never get the proper chance to again. He wraps a hand around your waist and places the other on the bed behind him. He can get leverage now and he starts fucking up into you. You gasp, still sensitive from your orgasm, and pull away from his kiss to breathe. 
He buries his head in the crook of your neck, breath fanning across your skin. He’s not quiet now, a string of curses leaving his lips as he chases his high. 
He moans, “Fuck, god y/n, gonna make me cum.”
“Yeah, no one can make you cum like I can.”
His grip on you tightens, keeping you close. He cums loudly, groaning in your ear, the words only you on his lips. 
His breathing echoes in your ears. You trail your fingers along his shoulders and up into his hair, he shivers under your touch and presses his lips against your neck. 
You both laugh. “Yeah.”
He pulls back to look in your eyes, “I think I like it when you get possessive.”
You smirk back, kissing him softly, “So, about those other videos…”
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed) :
@xximaweirdoxx​ @selfcarecapmain​ @billythebully09​ @cyrusandhiscollaredahirts​ @honeymarvel​ @billieishottttttttt​ @lovinnholland​ @oh-annaa​ @little-miss-naill​ @holland-in-disguise​ @wordless08​ @multifandomgirl-us​ @tiktok-spideyy​ @fangirlfree​ @theolwebshooter​
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luvdsc · 3 years
hey there bub! i was going thru ur masterlist and i saw in the "about" section that u made eye contact with taemin OMG how did that go AAAAA u got to make eye contact with THE lee taemin? soo lucky :") i bet this happened prob awhile back but how was the superm concert? i'm sure it was amazing n so much fun AAAAA sadly they didn't go here in my city :( but i was able to see NCT dream live during their dream show tour and i tell you WHEW GOSH those boys are so ethereal??? like they look so good in vids and in pics but they're 1000000x better in person??? like pictures don't do their beauty justice?? gosh i could write a full on essay abt this. until now i still cant believe i got to see the dreamies live?? its feels so surreal like a dream, its crazy. i remember the lights dimming and 'dear dream' started playing in the background and i just lost it lol i was shaking and bawling my eyes out n the show hasn't even started yet djkfkjn i first noticed jisung n when i saw him the first thing that popped in my mind was: "he is SO tall and he's soso cute dear lord :")" and the way he dances, a frickin dance king?? he's rlly such a born performer. AND OHMYGOD JENO, the man is rlly WOW, ngl he kinda looks intimidating with his sharp features and smooth dance moves but his eye smiles make my heart mELT. i remember during the encore stage, the show was about to end and the boys were saying goodbye to us, jeno's face was showed on screen, he was tryna eat the confetti LMAO. renjun,, i will never shutup abt this but renjun is confirmed to be a FAIRY!! the prettiest boy :") #RENJUNFAIRYAGENDA he has such sharp yet delicate features and his aura is just so warm n comforting like he just captivates u n lures u in, and when he sings, like u can feel the emotion, hes so talented. all throughout the show, hyuck was just GLOWING (lives up to his name, fullsun uwu) . he's soso pretty n he's my bias so i literally was just in awe when i saw him, i was speechless :') he was rlly entertaining to watch n he was also so attentive to the crowd esp when he saw some ppl that got hurt, he kept telling us to move back a little. OMG HOW COULD I FORGET NANA, jaemin was soo sweet n charming and the way his eyes lit up whenever he looks at the crowd gosh my heart was abt to burst he rlly adores czennies :") jskfvkds hes also super tall lmao hyuck was tryna lift his shirt up tho and of course chenle, ngl but all throughout the concert, my eyes just keep coming back to chenle. out of all the dreamies, he caught my eye the most. like,, THE POWER THIS MAN HOLDS IS CRAZY?? THIS MAN DIDNOT COME TO PLAY!! his stage presence is crazyy ohgod esp during 119 performance, and he looks like a prince in real life. he also played the piano and i remember everyone was just in awe as he played like the whole crowd had heart eyes for him. it was such a fun n amazing experience, the boys were so amazing n talented, they rlly know how to put on such a great show. they work tirelessly n they're so good, like their voices and dance moves, srsly amazing :") ++ it so memorable cus it was my first kpop concert hehe. buying tickets were such a pain in the ass ngl it was so stressful but SO worth it 🥺 i knew jisung was tall but i didnt know he was THAT tall, idk if im just small but they all rlly look so tall JKDFSDJVFF sadly mark wasnt there :( sorry if i made this long, i just got excited and i thought it'd be nice to share my concert experience w/ u as well hehe 😅 i hope you're doing great bub!! <3
- 🐼 anon
omg hi yes, i was lucky enough to score tickets to see superm last year, and i was right up against the main stage railing !!! 🤩 so ten made eye contact and smiled at me, baekhyun also made eye contact and smiled and waved at me (he’s my exo bias and i was like the heart clutching meme when he did that), i yelled “you’re doing great sweetie” when taeyong took a pause during commentary time and he said thank you 🤧, and god taem looked at me for a good 20 seconds smiling at me and i couldn’t handle it and had to blink and look away and he laughed at me 😔 akslhflakshdfla but oh my god, lucas is so goddamn attractive irl it’s insane, and ten is sooo so pretty like i didn’t even pay attention to what they were saying during the commentary time sometimes i was just staring at ten who was in front of me and i was the starry eyed emoji (baek and ten were right in front of me, lucas was next to them), and pictures don’t do taeyong justice at all like that man is absolutely ethereal ✨✨  also!!!!! seeing ten perform his solos, hearing taeyong and mark rap irl and of course BASS GO BOOM BY LUCAS BECAME MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE WHEN ARE THEY RELEASING THAT SONG??? and i was in tears when taemin performed right in front of me like 16 year old me would be shaking in her boots if she knew she would see god taem in the flesh. actually current me was shaking askdjfhalksjdf i cherish all the videos i took so much (i accidentally deleted the entire jopping video except the mark rap part when i was trying to snip it to post to my insta story and cried rip 😭😭)
YOU GOT TO SEE THE DREAMIES IRL OH MY GOD I’M SO JEALOUS 😭😭 I WANNA SEE THEM PERFORM SO BAD!!! i keep rereading your entire experience and i’m living vicariously through you now aklshdflakjsdhfda oh my god, i wanna see jisung and fairy prince renjun perform live so bad 😭 i got to see hyuck perform three times now with 127, and he’s absolutely amazing, i couldn’t stop watching him dance like he’s my number one favorite performer in nct and the way he dances is heavenly and wonderful and his voice is insane 💖 he truly was born to be an idol 🤧💞💞 i want to write a proper response to each of your description of the dreamies but right now i’m just like no thoughts head empty just heart eyes for every single one of those boys 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 aaaa thank you for describing them all, angel, i’ll keep this in mind as i write fics :’) omg and this was your first kpop experience???? you’re so lucky!!!! 💓 also i feel with the buying tickets omg i always have to get up early and keep refreshing on every device to get decent tickets and it’s so stressful askljdfhaksd but it definitely is so worth it in the end! my only regret is opting out of seeing skz last year and going to a party instead rip and omg no need to apologize!!! it’s really fun to hear about your concert experiences, sweetpea!!! 💞 thank you for taking the time to share that with me 💘  i’m doing wonderful and enjoying my weekend, and i hope you’re having a good weekend and doing well also, angel 🐝💛✨
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yokelish · 4 years
Haii reread worth millions for the millionth time again :)) and only now i noticed dazai's a bit dramatic 'change' (/pos). Idk rlly what u think of dazai, i just know you dont like him, but do/did you agree that he would change that far for someone other than oda?
I don't think Dazai changed for Oda. I don’t think even Oda intended or worked on changing Dazai. The man literally spilled some dramatic words before dying, he admitted in his thoughts that their friendship was flawed, that he could have done more for this literal child. There was little he could base his intention for Dazai to change except pure faith.
No, I don’t think he changed for Oda or because his friend died. I think, as with most things Dazai does, he did it for himself. Bandages is actually pretty selfish in his drives and goals as far as we can see from other people’s perspective. As I mentioned a bit in a shit post, Dazai owes Kunikida that one judgement call made in his favour despite what a dick Dazai has been throughout his Entrance Exam. (If their requirement was Dazai’s willingness to sacrifice himself for others, all he proved is that he is suicidal). Arguably, the least selfish he was towards Atsushi, but the bench mark is pretty low there too. Oda just, sorta accidentally, gave me him a push towards change, giving the good old “if you believe, you can, and i believe you can” speech. It was a bit shounen-y.
Here are my useless thoughts: 
BSD is strongly built on parallels, on foils of characters. And it's not just Atsushi/Akutagawa, however, it's the most in-your-face one. Atsushi's colour is white, while Aku's is black; Atsu is pussy tiger, while Akutagawa is intended to be a dragon. The whole Yin-Yang of it all. But, in fact ,it works because characters are so alike and unlike each other. 
Dazai mirrors Fyodor in thinking but not beliefs. Kunikida mirrors Odasaku in his driver towards something greater than one’s self. But when for Odasaku it’s more of a moral code, a preference, a choice, for Kunikida it’s an ideal, an almost obligation. Dazai is opposite of Kunikida in pretty much everything: their beliefs (Idealist vs. No belief), their approach (team player vs. solo), their outlook (there has to be something greater than myself vs. it doesn’t matter since it’s unattainable). Odasaku is the opposite of Dazai at the point of their meeting. Yes, it’s Odasaku who is so different to Dazai and not Chuuya, I am so sorry. 
Oda has something to hold on to (his dream), he has something to protect (the kids), to strive for (the room with the ocean view). Dazai had none of those things. He does his job in the Mafia not because he enjoyed it or because it was his dream. He was just naturally good at it. He had no dream, nothing to protect (if you think Dazai would have died for Mafia, p l e a s e), nothing to strive for because he saw no point in it. Because deep down he thought it would change nothing about who he had already become. At the end of Cannibalism Arc, Dazai admits that Oda was right, the world was a little more beautiful now that he was helping people. And that’s, I think, a point that people often miss. It’s a very deliberate choice of words. He didn’t think the world was totally different than what he had seen, he didn’t think he was wrong or delusional or pessimistic about his views. It was a simple and powerful statement “it’s not that it’s drastically different, it’s just a little better, and I am a part of it”.
Dazai, fortunately or not, knows the good the bad and the ugly about the world. It’s not the sort of knowledge that disappears on you when you get a cat. But Oda was right, his perception of the world changed just a little bit for the better, to something more beautiful. And sometimes “a little” is better than “not at all”.
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
(dances) 📖 what if, idol au 4 all ur beebs
i may know shit abt idols and how everything works BUT id die on a hill for this au (dances with u)
also pls dont mind my inner kpoppie coming out, my bias for certain styles is rlly shining through... IM ALSO NO EXPERT, SO DONT JUDGE ME
idols au
roza: she is in an unit but occasionally releases single albums due to her astounding popularity! roza follows usually girl crush concepts or concepts focused around love (including heartbreak) but her fans also adore it when she deviates from that and takes another turn - for example, in their latest comebacks (and roza’s solo), their concepts changed more into self-love!
despite that, people are so surprised to find out how much of a playful sweetheart she actually is. due to her clueless but entertaining personality, people love seeing her in interviews or shows.
roza is vocally quite strong and is usually praised for her range. she definitely has room for improvement in the dance apartment, but in her unit, she is the main vocalist. other people would consider her to be the visual alongside with another member.
examples would be; blackpink and mamamoo but as well as heize and iu
xiang: this man works as a solo idol and he is known for his more mature, sensual and sometimes rather explicit concepts. his albums are always a... sight to behold, honestly. let’s just say, they follow rather risque ideas - but hey, the producers and managers can’t complain, he’s bringing in the cash.
xiang is most definitely a more visual and dance heavy idol - his good looks attract attention and not to mention his build allows for some rather unique wardrobe choices. fancams of those love to go viral and they make people’s jaws drop.
other than that, he is actually excelling quite well at demanding dances - people like to praise him for keeping up a great vocal performance despite the difficult dances.
compared to actor au, however, he is viewed with a much more critical eye; xiang’s bold and doesn’t hold back his tongue, after all. not to mention, his fans grow quite jealous of him being possibly involved in love affairs.
if i had to give examples of the type of music he’d have, i’d say... wonho - it’s exactly what i imagine for xiang. other than that, i’d add taemin, nct or vixx
theodor: sweet lil’ theo is in an unit! his height brings him a bit at an disadvantage but his vocal abilities are very outstanding for that. he very much fits in more cheerful and crush themes - people eat that shit up and think his unit’s eras with those concepts is where he shines.
people love to gift him plushies of alpacas or llamas during fanmeets. he keeps every single one of them and the amount of photos that he posts of them with himself is astounding - not to mention during the fanmeets, you can see him hugging them for almost the whole duration.
watching the dance practices is usually pretty fun because you can see theodor making funny faces; he always brings a lot of sunshine with that cute face of his into the room and that makes him a huuuuge fan favorite for the stans of his group.
examples would be: shinee and got7
balgair: ASSUMING balgair would be in stagrove as a sort of. subunit? OR AT LEAST in a group with a similar style. i’d say he is definitely a dance heavy idol. most likely lead dancer AT LEAST. i think of like... very on point and synchronized. definitely also pretty rebellious and bad boy concepts going on.
like i said, i'd deem balgair to be a lead dancer - people would say he is rather underappreciated and deserves a lot more recognition. they also complain about the lack of his lines. but further than that, balgair's got a very charming and charismatic character - he only lets his mischievous side show during shows or interviews. he also appears to be fluent in a few foreign languages, so international fans always joke about him having a secret account to see what content the fans produce for him.
during fanmeets people LOVE talking to him, just because of how extroverted and friendly he is. they also comment on how, close up, you can really notice his unique fox-like face structures.
examples: nct and block b
chloe: she's a rather more 'unknown' idol, if you are not part of the community, but still has a certain reputation. as a solo artist, she goes against the typical girl crush concept and follows something more gender stereotype breaking.
she's very heavy on the vocal parts and also is praised for her pretty face, despite the lack of facial expressions she shows during lives or interviews. however, according to her fans, the longer you follow her and her content, the more you realize she's just a very awkward girl, bad at expressing her feelings - but that's what makes her so loveable.
she isn't the most actice idol, thus comebacks are rather not frequent for her, but you can very often see ads where she participates.
examples: moonbyul
madeline: good ol' maddy is the visual of his group. his vocal range is outstanding, but he is only considered as the lead vocal in his unit. he's another one where people like to say that his dancing leaves room for improvement; it's an inside joke in his fanbase that he is stiff like a log during dance practice.
madeline was formerly just an actor before he switched branches. his fanbase carried over as well, so he already made a name for himself. people did enjoy watching his growth, though; at first, it was hard for him getting used to teamwork, as he appeared to see it all as a competition instead of a group project, thus he was rather hostile in his trainee days. but he grew and developed and his fanbase really enjoys pointing that out about him.
his concepts are often a bit more on the emotional side; showing a rather vulnerable side of love, so to say. other than, his concepts are a lot more 'artsy' and tend to carry a convoluted plotline throughout the album. it's unusual, but certainly unique.
examples: bts and exo
briar: and lastly! our pricky prick himself! briar is one of the unexpectedly older idols but for that he is pretty much a talent in all fields - dancing, singing and even his visuals are nothing to complain about. he is a bit more... controversial, so to say? a lot of multistans think he is rather arrogant and really unfriendly - while they recognize his talent, they are critical of his attitude.
his concepts are varying, but it's usually also more of a bad boy and mature theme. his dance routines are fun to watch. sometimes, behind the scenes, you can see him teaching other members or helping them out. it's not too unusual for people to believe he is the leader of the unit.
examples: nu'est and 2pm
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cupidtyun · 3 years
Awee of course! I have love-hate memories when I listen to EDEN bc it reminds me of my ex cjdnckdk but a few of good ones/my favourites are ‘rock+roll’, ‘xo’, ‘crash’, ‘wake up’, ‘love; not wrong’ and ‘icarus’. But I highly recommend the ‘i think you think too much of me’ and ‘vertigo’ album. when or if you do give them a listen do let me know 🤗 and I’m only starting to get into skz actually! Sumi got me to listen to their ‘slump’ on first take on yt and my tiktok’s been showing me so many felix videos, and I’m falling for him hehe so I’m guessing he’s boutta be my bias 🥰
I used to have rollerskates when I was younger actually, but once I grew out of them I never got new pairs:( so it’s been a while since I’ve used rollerskates. And for anime!! I only got back into watching anime last year during the first lockdown actually, before then I haven’t watched anime since I was 13 😬 but my all time favourite is the first season of tokyo ghoul, then last year I spent the summer watching haikyuu, then some studio ghibli movies. but recently I’ve finished horimiya, and fruits basket and now I’m binge watching demon slayer! I’ve been meaning to get into jjk and danganronpa and some murder mystery types. Unless you have some recommendations? c:
and thank you! I just hope I’ll be in a better mindset about my works this summer because I’ve been so scared to post recently ngl, solely because I’m not satisfied and I lowkey keep comparing myself to others ahhh but I’ll get out of that mind set soon enough! I was meant to start a part time job this year but atm it’s not working though public places are gradually starting to open so hopefully I can start working,, ya girl needs that money to buy some clothes 🤪 I’ve been been meaning to buy some back converse run star hikes heheh and then I only recently noticed beomgyu wore them for the tokopedia interview :’)
omg apologies, this got longer than expected- I talk too much HAHAH
omg thanks for the recs sorry it reminds you of ur ex tho i hateee when that happens i cant look at han solo the same bc of mine 🙄 but i’ll def lyk when i give them all a listen!!
ayyy glad sumi is converting u into a stay skz was my ult and it broke my heart when the w**jin thing happened so i’ve been struggling to get back into them the way i used to but they’re so talented and they have a special place in my heart! do you have any songs u like?? i’m in love with get cool, mia, astronaut, mixtape #1 & mixtape #3! and yes felix is such an angel minho & jisung are my biases (and maybe i’m a lil in love with chan but u didn’t hear that from me)
that’s so cool u used to know how to rollerskate! i’ve never tried but they seem fun! i’m glad ur back into anime i’ve been watching since i was 11 and never got out of my weeb phase 🤧 i should def finish the first szn of tokyo ghoul i watched the first two eps but didn’t get to continue it! i gotta finish fruits basket & start horimiya too i hear it’s good and i loved the first szn of fruits basket! i hope you’re enjoying kny i’m salty abt the last arc of it but the rest is rlly good!
i def love jjk u should give it a watch when u get the time and i watched the first szn of danganronpa and imo it’s a rlly fun watch if u like murder mysteries (i love junko shes iconic) i’d also rec assassination classroom (my idea of a perfect anime, it’s got comedy + action + drama and it’s rlly cute) if you haven’t watched hunter x hunter it’s such a classic and one of the best anime of all time imo & bungo stray dogs is rlly good too!
i’m sorry you haven’t been feeling good about your writing it can be rlly hard sometimes to be confident abt your work but always know that while you might think someone else is better than you are, you always will have at least one reader who thinks your works are some of the best on the app! and the more you write the better you’ll get anyway! 💛 if you ever need someone to talk to abt your writing I’m always here!
oof hard same i def need $$ too here’s to hoping we’ll get part time jobs we like this summer! omg those shoes are cute the commitment of matching with beomgyu 👀 I respect it if i could get my hands on taehyun’s red panda shirt i would siiigh
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