#but it’s nice gotta go clock back in in a couple minutes but after that I have until 845 to come back out and keep being mentally ill in the
agenderarkham · 2 years
Mental illness moments in the car on your lunch is actually something so personal I think
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slushycoookie · 4 months
Miguel is losing it...
He's paying too much attention to you.
Without having any spider senses, he's learned to be hyper-aware of his surroundings. Focusing on anyone's movements. Unfortunately, that means with you too.
A friendship budding into something more in Miguel’s heart. He notices everything about you. Your nice eyes glitter when you see a thing you like. The way they trace his built frame whenever he crosses your vision. Your fingers brushing an object of his; his shirt, his suit, his hands. You were a touchy person.
When you drink something and share it with him, he tries to lower the uptick in his beating heart. Your lips were on that cup. If he drinks at the same spot where your lips were, would it be like an indirect kiss? That's pathetic. He decides to drink as far away from where your lips were.
Miguel couldn’t escape the taste of you when it came to food. You like to feed him, he didn't understand why. Something about sharing with friends brings you joy. And he wants to make you happy.
You feed him like an infant, holding the utensil to his lips to taste whatever you have to share. Miguel always gazes directly at you whenever he takes a bite. Savoring the mix of food and you around his tongue. How he wishes to get more of you through a kiss. But that would blur the line of friendship and evolve into something more.
The worst part is when you go to hug him. Your body flushed against his own. Miguel rarely gets touched like this. He couldn’t remember the last time someone hugged him willingly. He wonders if he should ask you to stop because his body can't take it. It gets hot, a little sweaty, and he wants to do more than embrace you.
“You're killing me.” He mutters right when you pull away.
Miguel didn't mean for the words to slip out, but you heard it anyway. “What? What did you say?”
“Nothing.” He leaves abruptly to calm down, not giving you room to respond. Those weren't the best words to say, but it was the truth. You were killing him. Eating away at his resolve by smiling at him, hugging him, feeding him. Your entire existence was destroying him. Becoming his downfall.
Of course, you weren’t going to let it slide. He noticed your call later that night. He wasn't going to pick up, ignore you by burying himself in his work. Yet he answers.
“Hey,” You start, your soothing voice causing his tense muscles to relax. “What was that earlier? You left all of a sudden.”
“Nothing.” He shakes his head, “It was nothing.”
“Yeah, you said that.” You force out a laugh to try and lighten the mood. “It didn't seem like it was nothing though. You usually don't leave like that without saying something.”
Miguel wanted to confess. Say it was because of you. How you're creating the turmoil in his head. Why he was focusing on every single thing you do and say to him. His silence was enough of an answer for you as you continued.
“Was it because of what I did? The hug? I know we just started hugging recently if that's what made you uncomfortable-”
“No.” He cut you off, “Don't stop doing that.” The word ‘please’ was about to slip off the tip of his tongue, like a plea but he resisted.
“Are you going to storm off every time I hug you?”
“No.” He insists, “That was a one-time thing. I promise.”
“You promise, huh? That’s serious…”
Miguel bites his bottom lip, holding back his amusement. “I keep my promises.”
“Prove it then.” He hears you shuffling behind the phone, “We need a do-over on that hug.”
“You serious?” He glances over at the clock on his screen, almost midnight. “It’s late.”
“So? You should’ve thought about that when you stormed off earlier. Now, you gotta pay.”
Miguel huffs. He wasn’t going to go back and forth with you this late. Better to do a quick hug, in and out after a couple of minutes. “Fine.”
He drops into your bedroom. You leap at his presence, not expecting that.
“What the-why did you arrive in my room?”
“You said you wanted a hug, right?”
“I did but not in my room.”
Miguel rolls his eyes, “What difference does it make? Do you want one or not?”
You pout and he tries not to stare at how nice your lips look. He pulls you into his arms once you get out of bed. Usually, you're the one initiating it but not this time. He holds back from focusing on how you feel. How smaller you were compared to him. The way your arms fit around his waist perfectly. Like you were made for him and him alone.
He notices your smile of satisfaction at meeting your quota of hugs for the day. And he just can't take it anymore.
“I'm in love with you.”
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A/N: Love writing about Miguel losing his mind
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charliehoennam · 4 months
from cramps to comfort
a/n: my bestie @harmonity-vibes has been having a bit of a tough day and i just wanted to make something nice for her. luv u, hon 💗
pairing: tommy cahill x f!reader
summary: you're on your period, everything sucks so tommy makes it his mission to help you feel better
warnings: mentions of blood, period, fluff, language, not proof-read
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Getting off of work is the only thing you've been looking forward to the entire day. All you can think about is getting home and stewing yourself in a nice, hot bath to relief the aching cramps you’ve been feeling.
The day started off terribly wrong right off the bat. You had felt the cramps settling in the previous day and you even set a pad to try and prevent any accidents, but that was a total failure.
You woke up to the large red stain on your bedsheets and you just knew it was going to be one of those days.
As if the staining paranoia and the gut-twisting cramps weren’t enough to make you constantly uncomfortable, you also struggled to deal with your stupid fucking hormones.
Everything and everyone have been annoying or frustrating you for the past couple days. You hate that you feel like ripping everyone’s heads off and having their spleen for dessert. It’s not their fault; you’ve even managed to piss yourself off to the brink of tears. You just can’t help it.
You had no choice, but to brace yourself for the day. You thought about calling in sick, but you figured you could suck it up and face the day. It’d be over quickly and there was so much that you had to do.
After a hot shower to clean yourself up, you got dressed and took your phone from its charger by your nightstand in your rush to catch up with the clock.
Seeing Tommy’s name on the screen almost makes you forget about the pain.
“Morning, beautiful 🥰 Feeling better? Hoped we could have dinner together tonight?”
You read his message, but you have no time to write back. You’re running late thanks to your alarm and mother nature, so you scramble through your apartment to grab everything you could need.
The minute you lock your door, your phone starts buzzing. You lift it up to see who’s calling you and see your boyfriend’s face smiling back at you.
“Hey, Tommy”
“Morning, baby. You missed your alarm again?”
“Yeah, I think I forgot to set it last night. I really passed out, I was so tired.”
He can hear your footsteps going down the stairs as you make your way to the front entrance.
“Are you feeling any better though? You said you were feeling icky yesterday.”
“And now I know why. I got my period.”
“Oh, damn. I’m sorry, baby.”
“It’s not your fault, babe. Just Mother Nature being a bitch.”
“Is there anything I can d-“
“Fucking son of a bitch” you grumble as you push the stuck door to open. “Door never works. Sorry, babe. What did you say?”
“I asked if there’s anything I can do?”
“No, Tommy” you say holding your phone between your shoulder and your ear as you fish for your bus pass in your bag. “Fuck!” you groan. “Why can’t anything go right today?”
“What happened?”
“I gotta go back for my stupid fucking bus pass. I forgot it at home.”
“Baby, lemme give you a ride. I’m just a couple blocks over anyways.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be going to work? I don’t wanna make you late.”
“You won’t be, alright? Just wait there and I’ll pick you up, ok?”
“Alright, Tommy. Thank you so much.”
“See you in ten minutes, babe.”
You hang up and sit on the curb to wait for your boyfriend. The cold air tightens your muscles and you’re reminded of the pain in your core. You took medicine in your morning rush, but apparently, it wasn’t enough to numb it out entirely.
You sit and wait with your head tucked down over your arms. You’re so ready for the day to end.
Tommy soon arrives to pick you up as promised, but the wide grin on his face quickly disappears when he realizes how shitty you’re actually feeling.
It breaks his heart to see you in pain and feeling down in the dumps. He’s got a natural instinct for making people laugh and feel good. Not being able to do even that makes him feel useless.
It reminds him of the mental breakdown his brother went through years ago. Although he's gotten better and was able to return to his family a recovered man, depression hits him from time to time when he remembers what he had to endure.
Tommy never fails to cheer him up and remind him that he's a survivor. He might not be a doctor, but he does whatever he can to remind his loved ones that they are loved.
He listens to you vent on route to your workplace, making encouraging remarks when you mention your driving test is today during your lunch break. Tommy does his best to lift your spirits and reminds you of how well you’ve done during his lessons.
He’d been teaching you for the past couple weeks and, although he says you’ve improved a lot, you’re still nervous about the test because the instructor you were paired up with wasn’t exactly the friendliest of folks. It also didn’t help that Tommy is your boyfriend; he could be a little biased.
As you arrive at work, you thank him for the ride and kiss him good-bye. The hand he sets on your cheek makes you want to cancel the entire day just to be with him.
“Hey… All you gotta do is try the best you can today. And if it doesn’t go well, there’s always a tomorrow.”
His gentle voice chases your worries away.
“I know, baby. Thank you. Wish me luck?”
“All the luck in the world, sweetheart. Lemme know how it goes?”
“I will,” he pecks you once more before you climb out of his truck.
“Dinner at your place or mine?” he questions rolling the window down.
“Uhm, mine? Is that ok?”
“Fine by me, beautiful. Have a nice day. Love you!”
“Love you too” you chuckle and step back to let him roll the window back up. Tommy waits until you’re safely in the building to drive away.
Despite your best efforts, the day does not go as well as you had hoped.
The driving test was a total dud. Your instructor was a grade-A asshole. Your boss is riding you over some stupid report he managed to lose and accused you of not handing it in. Your insides feel like knives are churning in your walls. The headache you already took a second dose of painkillers after lunch still persists.
You can’t stop watching the clock and it seem that, as it gets closer to clock-out, time seems to go by even slower.
While you wither away at work, Tommy heads to the local drugstore. Standing the middle of the aisle, he stares at the vast variety of pads and tampons with a store basket in hand.
"What the f-" he whispers to himself as his eyes roam around in confusion. "Why does there have to be so many?"
His brows furrow like he's trying to build a spaceship. He picks one up to read the packaging. It might as well be in a foreign language because nothing makes sense to him.
He has no idea what difference between a pantyliner and overnight pad is. He doesn't understand why the tampons come in sizes.
Desperately confused, he whips his phone to dial his brother's number.
"Sam, hey! You got a minute?"
"Yeah. What's up?"
"I'm trying to get some lady shit for my girlfriend, but I don't understand any of this stuff."
"Yeah, I've been there before."
"Like how do i know what her size is? Is it like the size of her lady bits?"
"No," Sam chuckles. "It's according to her flow."
"How the fuck do i know that?"
"Just get the medium tampons when in doubt. And I'd suggest taking overnight pads. Some girls don't like sleeping with tampons."
"Alright. What are wings though? Should I get them with or without the wings?"
"They're like parts that open up and stick to the underwear, so it doesn't keep moving around. I always get the ones with wings."
Tommy nods and places the phone to hold with his shoulder as he grabs the products from the shelves and sets them in the basket.
"You should probably take some Pamprin too. Midol doesn't work for every girl."
"What the fuck is that?" he frowns.
"Medicine for cramps, Tommy. And my tip? When you're in her bathroom, take pictures of the brands she uses so you don't forget."
"Fuck, I didn't think of that. I gotta do that. Thanks, man."
With 5 minutes left of the extra hours you had to put in due to the driving test, you gather your things and head to the bathroom for a quick tampon change before starting your journey home on the bus.
You haphazardly wrap your scarf around your neck and hook your jacket on to finally make your long-awaited exit, thankfully the day is done.
The door flies open as you eagerly walk outside, but you freeze in your stride as you see Tommy standing in the parking lot, stood against his truck smoking a cigarette as he waits for you in the blistering cold.
He grins watching your face light up at the surprise.
“How long have you been waiting out here?”
“Not too long,” he lies. He’s freezing his balls off, but he doesn’t want to make you feel bad about it, especially since the intention was to surprise you. “I thought you could use a ride.”
“I most definitely can,” you nod walking towards him as he stomps his cigarette out.
He flashes a dopey smile as he cranes his head to kiss you hello. He tastes like smoke, but you don’t mind it. You’re just happy to see him and to feel his prickly beard on your skin.
“Got a couple things for you,” he smirks down at you.
“Oh? Like what?”
“You gotta get home and see,” he chuckles slyly.
You and Tommy had given each other a copy of your home keys as a special milestone in your relationship. It was a major step for him. His time in prison taught him to appreciate his freedom and personal space more, so allowing you to come and go freely meant he trusts you beyond comprehension.
“Just tell me there’s food. I really don’t wanna cook tonight.”
“There’s food, baby. I promise,” he smirks opening the passenger door to help you climb inside.
After a short straight drive home, you head up to your apartment and gasp as you walk inside.
On the table, you find a beautiful bouquet of flowers set in a pretty vase. That wasn’t there before. On the breakfast bar, you see you a box of pizza along with your favorite chips and chocolates all arranged neatly.
“There’s your favorite Ben & Jerry’s in the freezer too. And,” he pauses to walk over to the kitchen, grabbing a plastic bag off the counter. “I wasn’t sure what products you like better. I don't really understand this stuff but I got you medium tampons, night pads, Pamprin and some fuzzy socks,” he grins proudly. “I just thought they were cute.”
You laugh as you walk over to hug him, tears prickling at your eyes.
“Baby, this is so thoughtful. Thank you so much.”
 “Are you crying?” he asks worriedly.
“Yeah, but to be fair, I’ve cried like three time today already. It’s beyond my control. I’m just so tired and in pain all the time.”
“Aw, baby. I’m sorry. That’s gotta be tough. Is there anything else I can do? I-I can run you a bath? Hot water helps, right?” You nod in agreement.
The bubble bath you soak in melts your pain away. It could just be the medicine working, but the warmth of the water provides the relief you’ve been seeking the whole day.
Looking over at the feminine products on the bathroom sink counter, you smile to yourself wondering how you had managed to get so lucky with Tommy.
He might be a little rough around the edges. He smokes, he curses like a sailor, he’s got a temper, but he also takes care of you so well unlike any of your exes ever have before or at least he tries to.
“How you doing in there, sweetheart?” he smiles, snapping you out of your thoughts as he leans in the doorway already dressed in his warm sweatpants and white t-shirt.
“This feels so fucking good. You have no idea.”
“I don’t mean to rush you, baby. But the pizza’s all heated up. You need to eat too.”
“I know, I’m just so tired to move.”
“Yeah? Do you want me to help?” he asks genuinely worried. “I can dry you off and-and, you know…p-put it in you?”
You follow his hands as he reaches for the open box of tampon and takes one out to study it curiously.
“How the hell do you get this inside though?” he asks frowning confusedly as he lifts the box to read the instructions.
“Where’s the applicator? Wait, was I supposed to buy that too? Does that come separately?”
Despite his eagerness to help, you can tell he’s slightly nervous of the idea of putting a tampon in you. The instruction and the product alone have him so baffled.
Your laughs echo through the bathroom as he blushes and chuckles along shyly.
“I’m just saying, I ain’t scared of a little blood.”
“Thanks, babe. But I got it under control.”
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bordysbae · 2 years
“you’re the only one who can calm him down” & “you cheated on me.” with mark estapa, maybe a misunderstanding happens?
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“i’m all yours”
mark estapa x fem reader
warning: cussing, fighting, slight mention of blood
word count: 1.1k
you had been invited to your friend bella’s 21st birthday party. you guys met through multiple mutual friends, majority of which are the hockey boys. of course they got invited to this party too, and seeing how it’s a costume party you had asked mark to match costumes with you. but unfortunately, the guys decided to match, so you had to scratch the idea of a couples costume. you then decided to dress up as a sexy cowgirl, which ended up pissing mark off.
you’re currently wearing a very low cut white tank top, a pair of too tight jean shorts that slightly hug your ass, cowboy boots, and a cow-print cowboy hat. when mark saw your costume when he entered the party, he instantly told you how much he hated it and wanted you to change. you told him you couldn’t and that if he wanted to show you off as his, he would just have to stay by your side the entire night. mark being the petty guy he is, decided to give you silent treatment instead.
marks in the kitchen talking with mackie and nolan, and you’re talking to some of your friends holding a red solo cup in your hand. suddenly you hear someone call out your name from behind you. “y/n! oh my gosh you look so hot!” bella exclaims. “bella! happy birthday bitch! i haven’t seen you at all tonight!” you say pulling her into a big hug. you then notice the tall boy standing next to her, who appears to be around 5’11 or maybe 6ft. “oh i’m so rude! this is my friend ryan” bella says. “hi ryan, i’m y/n” “nice to meet you y/n” he smiles down at you.
you, ryan, and bella continue to talk for a few minutes until bella is pulled away by all of her other friends wishing her a happy birthday. you’re now standing awkwardly with ryan. you feel marks gaze burning into your cheek, so you turn your head slightly towards the kitchen, and you see mark glaring at you. mackie and nolan continue talking, assuming they still have marks attention. your gaze is snapped from mark back to ryan when he places his hand on your forearm. “so, how does a pretty girl like this you not have a boyfriend?” he asks you. before you can answer the question, someone else does for you. “she does.” mark says, slightly inching over ryan by 2-3 inches. “woah man chill, didn’t know she was taken. especially with how she’s dressed” ryan drunkenly chuckles. “oh that’s it, fuck you!” mark exclaims, before clocking ryan in the face with his fist. he continues to throw punches at ryan while he sloppily throws some back. quickly, nolan, mackie, and ethan appear pulling mark off of him, and drag mark into one of the bedrooms.
you’re stood there in shock, while everyone around you just stares at you or helps ryan. a few moments later, adam appears from behind you and places his hand on your shoulder. “y/n we need your help. please come try to calm him down, we’ve all tried to but he keeps threatening to punch us. you’re the only one who can calm him down.” “adam i’m the last person who he wants to talk to, there’s no way it’s gonna work right now.” “dude please, we gotta try. everyone’s tried to calm him down but it’s not working. he might need stitches but unless he calms down we can’t tell for sure.” “stitches?!” you cry out. “his lip is busted, please y/n!” after hearing about the possible need for stitches, you cave in, letting adam take you to mark.
you peak your head around the corner of the door, and see mark sitting on the edge of the bed. he notices your presence out of the corner of his eye and assumes you’re one of the boys. “just fucking go away!” he says looking up at you, his eyes going wide. “that’s no way to talk to your girlfriend huh?” you say, trying to lighten the mood. “nah nah nah don’t try and sugarcoat this shit, you’re barely even my girlfriend after all the bullshit you’ve pulled tonight.” “mark what? what are you even talking about? what ‘bullshit’ have i pulled tonight.” “you dress up in revealing clothes, knowing that it’s gonna piss me off that i cant show you off as mine in the way i want to, and then you go and start letting these guys flirt with you? you’re basically cheating on me” he scoffs. your mouth falls agape. “not my fault you decided to dress up with your friends! if you would’ve just let them call you a simp and dress up as a cowboy with me this entire thing would’ve been avoided! i don’t understand why you’re angry about a costume! and no mark, i’m not fucking cheating on you! you think i chose to date the 6’2 hockey player with anger issues, with intentions of cheating on him?!” you laugh.
mark gets off of the bed and begins to pace around the room. “im angry because y/n, i want people to know you’re mine, and if you let these guys stare at your tits, and stare at your ass, i’m gonna get angry. i know how the male brain works and best believe i saw at least 5 guys stare at your ass. the fucking things ryan was saying about you, that doesn’t piss you off? he said it in front of you too! i don’t get why you’re angry at me!” mark exclaims. you let out a deep sigh, “i’m not angry at you mark, i’m angry at the way you deal with your emotions. you didn’t need to fight him, you could’ve just like, i dunno, made out with me in front of him or something? you always resort to violence when you’re on the ice, you literally have the most penalties out of anyone! people seriously make signs before the games that say ‘free mark’ cause they know you’ll get a penalty” you chuckle. mark runs a hand through his hair, taking in the words you said. “i’m sorry for punching him, and i’m also sorry for being petty and giving you the silent treatment. i just want people to know you’re mine, and i don’t like when other guys look at you, wondering how to get you into bed. i’m sorry” he says, looking down at you. “mark i promise you don’t have to worry. i’m all yours. now, let me see that busted lip of yours.”
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idontplaytrack · 6 months
Safe & sound
AJ Campos x fem!reader (established r/s) + Gabi Campos x Chantal (established, mentioned)
Warnings: fluff, maybe some cursing? mentions of sickness, implied vomiting
In which, reader is sick and aj comes over after school to take care of her.
AJ sat in her last class of the day, watching the time on the clock impatiently as she completed the given worksheet on her desk. She was waiting for the bell to ring so she could go over to your place and see you. You were absent today on account of you being sick— which you did tell AJ about, and she was being worried about you as usual. Which was cute, and sweet of her but you were okay. Well- you would be. Just maybe not right now. Anyway, AJ makes it through the last class, finishing the assignment with a bit of time to spare. Once the bell rang, she turned the assignment in and she was off. Dumping the books she didn’t need into her locker, she hears Gabi call her name. “Oh. Hey, what’s up?”
“You said y/n was sick? You’re definitely going to see her, aren’t you? Do you want a ride to her place? I can drop you off.”
“Sure, if you don’t mind.” AJ zips up her bag and shut her locker, slinging the backpack strap over her shoulder.
“No problem, Chantal has a club thing so I don’t have any plans.” Gabi shrugs, walking beside her sister. AJ got into the front passenger seat of Gabi’s car, hearing that Gabi’s unlocked it.
“Are you planning on staying over?”
“I might. It’s Friday. Plus, Dad’s out of town and Mom’s working late.” AJ shrugs, a small sigh falls from her lips.
“Beats being home alone and not having a clue what to do.” Gabi laughs.
AJ chuckles, “I’m willing to bet that there’s a party you can go to tonight. You just gotta find one.”
“That’s true.”
It was a thirty minute drive to yours, but they were in comfortable silence, so the drive to your place felt pretty quick. “Okay, you two have fun. Tell y/n I said hi and I hope she feels better soon.”
“Thanks, Gabi. I’ll see you tomorrow. Or maybe tonight- it depends.”
“Alright.” Gabi chuckles, “Bye, AJ.”
She walks up to your house and up onto the porch then rang the doorbell. You heard it, but it takes you awhile to get off the couch and to the door to open it. “Who is it?” You asked.
“It’s me.” Your ears perked up at AJ’s voice. Quickly, you opened the door. “Hi.” She smiles the moment her gaze lands on you, causing you to mirror her smile. “Come in.” You said.
“Feeling any better?” She asked quietly, noting that the curtains were drawn.
“Not too bad. It’s just a cold, but I also have a migraine that led up to this so that’s the real kicker.” You laughed wryly, plopping down onto the couch once again. She follows suit.
“Are you home alone?”
“Of course. My Mom definitely wasn’t going to stay home to look after her 17-year old who only has a cold.” You grumbled jokingly. She snorted, “Good to hear ya joke.”
“Eh, kinda wish she cared a little more sometimes but that’s another thing for another day.” You slowly laid back down.
“Do you want to go lay down in your room instead? Wouldn’t that be more comfortable?” She asks, concerned.
“I’m way closer to the kitchen this way if I want water, or juice or whatever.” You disagreed, “Plus, I get the TV.”
“That’s a good point.” She runs a hand through your slightly tangled hair, “Want me to do your hair?” She knew you liked it when she does, and she loved trying out different hairstyles on you from time to time- though she never really admitted to it.
“Sounds nice.” You agreed and she got up to go find a hairbrush and a couple of hair ties. And so, while you asked her about her day, she got to tying your hair into two french braids.
“What’d you do today?”
“Uh, well- I read a little bit. Then the migraine nearly had me spew my breakfast everywhere- Mom wasn’t very thrilled about the close call.” You began, “Speaking of, I’m on day two of this episode. And I’m hoping it goes away tomorrow because this cold is giving me enough aches and pains as it is.”
“Pobrecita.” She sulks, cupping your cheek and caressing it with her thumb, “But it is the weekend so you don’t have to worry about classes and stuff.”
A slight smile tugs at the corner of your lips, “Yeah…oh, right- was there any homework today?”
“Just one worksheet for biology. Worry about that later.” She raised a brow, “Is there anything I can do to make you feel better, baby?”
“You being here and keeping me company is enough” You told her, “And you already did my hair for me.”
“You look cute.” She grins.
“I look like crap.” You nudged her playfully, sniffling because of your runny nose.
“You still look cute.” She disagrees, “I would totally kiss you, but then you’d have to deal with me having the cold next. And believe me, given how much Chantal is over at our house doing God-knows-what? Gabi will kill me for being sick.”
“But- oh. Okay.”
“I meeeean. It’s not like we’re any better.” You stifle a laugh.
“They don’t need to know that.” She laughs, a hand falling onto your thigh.
“Don’t tempt me.” You joked.
“Definitely not right now.” She looks at you, “Uh-uh. You’re sick.”
“That I am.”
“Did you eat anything for lunch?” AJ asks.
“Uh…I had a cup of soup and some crackers?”
“And…you think that’s enough? Are you still hungry? Did you drink any water?” She asks, a look of concern on her face.
“I have a tumbler I just filled up right there.” You pointed to it on the coffee table.
“I just- don’t have much of an appetite right now, especially with the migraine making me feel extra gross and on the edge about maybe needing to y’know-”
“I know, baby. I know.”
She guided you to lie down and your head ends up on her lap. You unintentionally groaned, having to shift your body around. AJ knew exactly what to do- she places her palm onto your stomach, the warmth bringing you some comfort. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologising?” She asks, her hand rubbing small circles on your abdomen under your shirt. “I’m more than happy to take care of you. All that matters right now is that you’re safe and sound.” Her eyes met yours briefly before focusing on the TV again. You do the same, diverting your attention from the ache in your stomach— and pretty much your whole body, to Fran shoving C.C. into a coat closet to hide from an investor for her boss’ play.
“This show is comedy gold.” AJ chuckles.
“Whatever happened to multi-cam shows anyway? They were so good.” You mumbled, admittedly coaxed to sleep by the comforting warmth of her hand.
“Oh, I know, right?” She says, looking down at you for a moment, “Are you comfortable?”
“Mhm, very.” You smiled.
She mirrors you smile, “Tell me if you need anything later.”
“Thanks for being here with me.”
“Of course, baby.”
Every time you were with AJ, you just knew you’d be safe and sound. You two had silly arguments sometimes, but always worked it out. She was your safe space, your person. Just like you were hers.
“I love you.” You said.
“Aw, I love you too.”
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toomuchracket · 8 months
girly is home sick one day before they’re together and he just keeps like making a point to walk past her desk waiting for her to come in, when one of her work besties clocks it and goes. oh she called in sick today. to which 1- he tries to back peddle being like “i was just on a stroll of the office stretching my legs, not looking for anyone” (not fooling anyone either). and 2 stops for way too many sick person supplies on the way home and brings her a little care package with like meds, sweets and soup or something.
i'm seeing this as being like at the point where you're fairly good friends but still trying to remain cool in front of each other lmao. you weren't getting the train in together this morning anyway because matty had breakfast radio press to do in central london already, so when you don't show up in the office at your usual time he's a little bit concerned - whatever, though, maybe a train's delayed, or you had an appointment, or some other trivial thing he doesn't know about. an hour passes, he wanders past your desk again, and you're still not there. same again forty-five minutes later, so he texts to ask if you're alright. there's no reply - maybe you're on the train? but no, as evidenced when he walks past your desk half an hour after the last time he did and the radio promotion girl at the next desk down is like "yo, matty, she's not here"; he's scrambling to sound nonchalant like "who's not here", and the girl smirks like "the person whose desk you've been walking back and forth to the whole morning", and he's like "have i? i've just been having a wander. knee keeps seizing. gotta keep it moving and all!", and the girl is like "uh huh. well, anyway, i answered her phone call earlier to say she wouldn't be in, and she sounded awful, bless her. she thinks it's sinusitis. doesn't know when she'll be back". matty's internally both distraught at the concept of not seeing you and extremely worried, and he's like "oh, that's terrible. should we send flowers?", and the girl is like "i mean... she's only been off less than a day", and he's like "yeah ok good point. well, thanks" and trudges back to his office quite glumly. he perks up a bit on his lunch break, though - nipping into the tesco express to buy cigs, he has the genius idea of getting you a little care package and dropping it off to you on his way home, so he grabs some chicken soup, and cold and flu meds, and nice tea, and honey, and chocolate, and a cute little bunch of tulips (and has to run back in to buy a gift bag lol). it takes you ages to answer the intercom and buzz him up when he rings the doorbell to your flat that evening, but you open the door so quickly matty suspects you were waiting by it for him, and he kinda loves that. you don't look well, your face sadder and more wan than usual, but he thinks you're adorable, all messy-haired and sleepy and cosy in your massive hoodie; your face lights up when you see him, and then goes all 🥺 when he hands you the little care package. you're like "thank you. this is really sweet, you didn't have to. but i appreciate it", and matty's like "just wanted to see how you were. missed you today" - you smile shyly like "yeah, i saw you texted, but my headache was too bad to look at my phone and reply. missed you too. was looking forward to hearing about the radio show at work today", and matty's like "it was good. you think you'll be back in a couple of days? we can listen to it together on the drive in". you smile and say "hopefully. m'feeling better after seeing you, so maybe if i keep thinking about you i'll be cured by then", and matty can do nothing but giggle like a lovesick teenage girl; he's like "darling i think the meds you've had are making you loopy", and you're like "nah, i'm lucid" and wink, and he teases like "well maybe you're more ill than we thought. i'd better go home and let you recuperate". but that's so difficult for him when you sigh and say "shame. but yeah, go and have your tea. and if you're not busy... call me later? talking to you is the most exciting thing that's happened to me all day", and matty's like "omg of course yeah i'll call you in a couple of hours. take it easy, darling. i'll see you soon", and he SKIPS to his car after you say goodbye and blow him a kiss. cute <3
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mashimarshmello · 2 years
Shoot My Shot
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Pairings: crush!jeongwoo x reader
warnings: kissing, partying but no mentions of alcohol, a mix of highschool!au and coffee shop!au, danielle from newjeans is your best friend
word count: 2.3k
a/n: hellooo! i hope i did okay for my one of my first requests. i tried my best to make it line up with the scenario so pls enjoy!
"one hot chocolate for jeongwoo." you sat the coffee down on the table. you've always seen jeongwoo around school and you couldn't help but look at him every time he was around. he had such a nice smile every time he greeted you in the hallway.
since he played basketball, you would go to the games with your friend, danielle, when you didn't have to work. he was also nice to everyone, unlike some of the others guys on the basketball team. he would come to the coffee shop from time to time so he knew you for always making his order just the way he likes it.
"thanks, y/n." he says as he takes a sip of his drink. you smile and walk away. you take a glimpse of the shop to see that it isn't very busy, so you see this as an opportunity to make small talk with your crush. you walk back over and he looks up at you.
"hey, i was wondering when's the next game?" you asked knowing that there was one later that night.
"there's actually one tonight."
"oh really, who are you going up against?"
"jyp high."
you raised your eyebrows. "jyp high? aren't they like your main competition?" you air quote and he nods his head.
"yes but if we win, the team is going to throw this huge party."
and that's when it hits you. if they win, you have a chance to see jeongwoo outside of school and the coffee shop. you have a chance to show off and make an impression. jeongwoo's phone dings as he gets a notification from his coach. "i gotta go. practice is starting soon." he grabs his bag and heads out the door.
"okay, well good luck." you walk back feeling like you've made progress. after a couple hours, your shift ends and you call danielle and tell her that your on your way to pick her up. you're excited to tell her you finally initiated a conversation all by yourself with him. you made your way to your friends house to text her that you're waiting outside for her. she runs to your car and yells, "are you ready for the biggest game of the year?!"
you laugh while unlocking the door for your friend. “alright now, get in.”
"ooouuu somebody seems to be in a good mood." danielle sings, hopping into your car and you start the ignition.
"a little bit." you giggle. "i may or may not have talked to a certain someone at work." danielle grabs your arm while your driving off.
"oh my god, shut up." she smiles big. "tell me what happened! i wanna know!" her excitement bursts out of her. if you could count on anyone, it was definitely danielle. she was your number one supporter no matter what. you told her exactly what happened and she gives you a round of applause, making you laugh again.
"oh my god, babes, do you know what this means?" your friend anticipates.
"that i get to see my crush outside of school and work. yeah, i already ran that through my head." you accidentally sigh out.
"hey, don't be nervous. i'll be right beside you." she grabs your hand and holds it with both or hers.
"thanks, danielle. i don't know what i would do without you."
"probably make a fool out of yourself." she laughs, making you roll your eyes.
a few minutes later, you two finally made it to the game and bought your way in. danielle always likes sitting closest to the court, so you made your way down the bleachers right before the game starts. jeongwoo catches a glimpse of you in the front row. you may have been to the basketball games before but this is the first time he's seen you at one.
the game goes on, and throughout the game, both teams were neck and neck. your eyes kept batting from the court to the clock, hoping that jyp high loses just this once. it's the last 5 seconds and jeongwoo takes the ball. he doesn't have much time as the clock is ticking. he made his decision to shoot the ball from the half court and everyone gasps behind you. the buzzer beeps as jeongwoo's shot unexpectedly makes it, making the crowd yell and hop out of their seats.
you and danielle cheer loudly until the excitement dials down. "we need to go so i can change my outfit!"
"what are we waiting for? let's go!" danielle grabs your hand and leads the way until you get to the parking lot. danielle starts walking backwards as she's face to face with you.
"okay, so what look are we going for? cute? alternative? sexy??" she dances in tiny, turning back around to grab your arm.
"i don't know. what do you think will look best on me?" you pucker your lips as you go deep in thought. then a lightbulb pops in your dear friend's head.
"i got it! you can wear that hot outfit you wore once to your aunt's party a few months ago. that way you'll stand out and jeongwoo will definitely notice you."
you cover her mouth and shush her. since you two were outside in the lot, anyone could've heard her if they were close enough.
"don't tell the whole world my crush, danielle." you whisper loudly. she puts her hands up in defense and starts speed walking to your car. little did you know jeongwoo was close enough to hear that whole conversation. he was just in the car next to yours. when he found out, he was shocked. jeongwoo honestly didn't know how to feel about it, so in that moment he brushed it off as he went and got ready for the party.
it's 10:00 on a friday night and almost everyone who was at the game was already at that party. you and danielle make your way to the doorstep before opening the door, hearing music blast from the other side.
"wait, danielle, before i go in, how do i look?" you straightened up your outfit preventing any wrinkles.
"babes, you look perfect." she smiles as you shy away from her compliment. "jeongwoo won’t be able to take his eyes off you when he sees you. just make sure you don't give him every bit of your attention. play it cool and keep it cool, okay?" you take a breath and nod before she opens to door.
this is not danielle’s first party like this, but you on the other hand have your eyes going everywhere admiring how the party looks. the huge eight foot speakers in the living room, the flashing lights from inside and outside the house, and the random glow in the dark objects around the room has you feeling good. great even as a matter of fact.
your friend grabs your hand and takes you to the dance floor as 'ok!' from nct u is playing. you decided to let loose and start feeling the music, forgetting the main reason you're there. jeongwoo is talking to one of his teammates as he catches a glimpse of danielle on the floor. "is that danielle?" his friend asks in curiosity.
jeongwoo turns his head seeing danielle and then double takes as he sees you on the dance floor. he almost didn't recognize you.
"who's that dancing next to her?" he asks. "that's...that's y/n." jeongwoo stares off. he can't take his eyes off you. a smirk grows on his face without even realizing.
he turns back to his teammate to find that he's out of sight. he looks around to find him but his eyes fall back on you. he looked away a couple times to not seem like he was creeping. that is until he lost sight of you, and part of him wanted to find you and talk to you.
in that moment, you lost danielle and you could only look for so long in a crowded area. you gave up and went upstairs to find the bathroom. the place was big enough to get lost, so after you used the bathroom, you went into a random room to relax for a little bit.
for the first time since you stepped into the house, you thought about him, your crush. you wonder how the night got away from you, hoping you didn't mess up your plan to catch his eye. then you hear a subtle knock on the door. you look over to see who it was.
"oh hi." you say as calm as possible. coincidentally, the knock was from jeongwoo. you stand up, signaling him that it was okay to come in.
"hey." he walks in only at the front of the entrance. "i didn't know you were a party person."
"i thought i'd give it a chance." you laugh nervously. jeongwoo smiles, looking down at his shoes.
"you look really great tonight, y/n." he says looking back up to meet your eyes. this time you look down at your shoes. your face starts heating up from his compliment. "thank you." you mumble, he barely heard you as the blasting music is vibrating from upstairs.
"sooo..." you elongate, slightly rocking back and forth on the heels of your feet.
"sooo..." he elongates as well, rubbing the back of his neck. the tension between you two was starting to grow. standing across from each other and hardly making any eye contact was making you anxious.
you suddenly start laughing, making the boy across from you confused. you cup your face and shake your head. "this is so awkward."
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you feel awkward." he worries. "maybe i should just- i should go." he starts waking away. "wait, don't go." you grab his arm and pull him back. you look up to see jeongwoo close to your face.
"you have really pretty eyes." you say as if your in a trance. "so do you." he looks back and forth at your eyes and lips.
you close your eyes as you slowly lean into him. but both of you end up backing away and you clear your throat as danielle walks in...just your luck.
"y/n, there you are! i think i might've lost my phone." she gives you a wincing look. that moment between you and jeongwoo was ruined and you couldn't help but feel upset. you throw on a fake smile and walk towards danielle.
"okay, let's go look for it." you walk out the room, leaving jeongwoo alone and uncertain.
after you found your friends phone, you told her that you were ready to go. she immediately walked you to your car as she saw the sad look on your face. the ride was quiet and danielle started to worry.
"hey, you okay? did something happen between you and jeongwoo?" she asked sincerely. you sigh, it's not like danielle did it on purpose. you blamed it on yourself for not making a move fast enough.
"no, nothing happened. i don't wanna talk about it." you brushed off. danielle grabs your hand and holds it tight for the rest of the ride.
a week has past and you haven't heard from jeongwoo since the party. he doesn't greet you in the hallways anymore and when you see him looking at you, he looks away. you haven't seen him at the coffee shop either. it's like the two of you were avoiding each other and you didn't understand why.
one day at the coffee shop, you clean off the tables as you hear the bell ring from the open door. "sorry, we're closed." you say, too focused on cleaning so you can go home.
"any chance we can talk?" a familiar voice rings through your ears. you look up and see the pretty boy standing on the doormat.
"jeongwoo?" your eyes widen. "what are you doing here?" he walks towards you slowly.
"i want to apologize for avoiding you the past few days. i didn't know how to approach you since that day at the party when..you know."
you press your lips together, losing eye contact with him. "i'm sorry, too." you say. "it takes effort for both of us to avoid each other."
the tension eases but you feel the awkwardness between you two again. . "maybe we can just start over?" you speak up again, shrugging your shoulders.
"actually, i was wondering..." jeongwoo steps closer to you, his face only inches away from yours. your face starts heating up.
"...if we can pick up where we left off?" he finishes. you try and hide the smile that's growing from your face.
"okay." you slightly nod. he raises his hands to hold your face and presses a soft kiss on your lips. the moment hits you and you smile into the kiss before pulling away.
"does this mean you're my boyfriend now?" you gently smile, chuckling at the boy.
“that’s what you wanted, right?” he smirks. your eyes grow wide, slightly baffled at his remark.
“you knew?” you stand there shocked. jeongwoo nods slowly. “yeah, i heard you and danielle outside after the game.”
“oh my god, you weren’t supposed to hear that. no one was supposed to, actually.” you nervously chuckle. you hide your face with your hands.
“maybe I wouldn’t be in this place if I didn’t.” he shrugs. him saying that made you feel a little better about it. you grab his hand and intertwine it with yours.
"well, i guess since your my boyfriend now, you have to walk me home." jeongwoo laughs and you both head out of the cafe.
after all that happened, you don't regret it because you ended up with the guy you liked. and to you, the timing couldn't have been better.
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healeroflightanddark · 4 months
We Are Family, Chapter 5: Rude Awakening
Yuya woke up later that night to the sound of the neighbor’s dog barking. The young tomato groaned and covered his head with his pillow, trying to block the sound out. The pillow didn’t seem to help, so Yuya sighed and sat up to close his window, which he normally kept open at night for a nice cool breeze. He’d found that he slept better in cooler temperatures.
He paused in surprise when he saw an odd sight in the neighbor’s front drive. There was a police car, and a couple of officers walking the neighbor’s teenage son to the front door. Curious, Yuya leaned out the window to see if he could hear what was going on.
The cops rang the doorbell of the neighbor’s house, causing the dog to bark some more. After a moment the door opened, and the cops began talking to the neighbors. Yuya was just able to hear the conversation.
Apparently the neighbor’s teenage son had been caught out after curfew drinking sake with a group of his friends. Which was illegal, since the legal drinking age in Japan was 20.
Yuya shook his head in disbelief at the neighbor’s idiot son’s behavior, and lay back down. He was sure the dog would stop barking soon, so he didn’t close the window. And sure enough, the dog stopped barking shortly after the police left.
Unfortunately, Yuya now had a problem. He couldn’t fall back asleep. He tossed and turned, trying to sleep but to no avail. Minutes passed. Then hours. This was a problem. Yuya needed to get some sleep so that he had enough energy for his gymnastics class tomorrow afternoon. The boy had been training for months to be ready for his next gymnastics meet in a couple weeks. He couldn’t afford to be tired in his class.
But he couldn’t sleep. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was now almost five AM. He groaned. “C’mon, sleep!” But sleep did not come again. Just as his eyes were finally starting to get heavy, he heard the sound of Zarc getting ready for the day.
Yuya whined. Zarc usually spent about half an hour getting himself ready before waking his brothers up. Now Yuya knew that he wouldn’t be getting any more sleep.
Too soon, Zarc knocked on Yuya’s door. “Yuya, time to get up!” he called out to his youngest brother. Yuya whined in distress, reluctantly getting up and getting ready for the day.
His brothers could tell that something was wrong the moment he came down the stairs. Yuya almost always went down the firepole, unless he was sick or too tired to trust himself with it. Zarc set a plate of pancakes down on the table and hurried over to Yuya. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
Yuya whined. “The neighbor’s stupid kid was caught out after curfew drinking sake, and was brought home by the police at like 2 AM, and it made their dog bark, and it woke me up, and I wasn’t able to fall back asleep…”
“How do you know the kid was drinking sake?” Yuri asked. Yuya groaned. “I heard the police telling the neighbors about it.”
“Ah,” Yuri nodded sagely. Yuya whined some more as he sat down at the dining table. “I have gymnastics class today! I needed my sleep! Stupid neighbor!”
“I could call your coach and have you excused for the day,” Zarc offered. Yuya immediately shook his head. “Nono! I have a meet in a couple weeks! I have to train!”
“You can miss one class,” Yuto said. “You’ve been training for three years without missing a class. It’s no big deal if you miss just one.”
Yuya shook his head some more. “No! No! I gotta train!”
Zarc sighed. “Well then, I’ll make you some strong black tea to help you stay awake for the day. You can have two cups.”
“Thanks, Zarc,” Yuya said, yawning. “I really need that.”
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drunkenskunk · 1 year
I swear, I can't fuckin win.
Right, so: a couple hours ago, I’m at the Day Job, and I show up to the store to pick up an order. 65 gallons and change worth of paint; it's a single pallet. As I'm inspecting the thing, making sure the product amount matches the numbers on the paperwork, one of my coworkers zooms past on the forklift, and says to me "I'll be with you in a minute, just gotta take care of this first!"
As they zoom away, I take a look at the back of the warehouse: the big 18-wheeler dropping off the bi-weekly STAR order is here, and she has, like, 2 dozen pallets still left to move.
I think to myself "Well, she's busy, I should take care of this myself so she doesn’t feel like she has to rush on my account." So I drop the tailgate on my delivery truck, grab a pallet jack, load up the order, and I'm on my way.
Fast forward a few hours, and just after I clock out - right as I'm on my way out the door, in fact - the manager pulls me aside.
APPARENTLY, my coworker on the forklift was VERY OFFENDED that I loaded up my truck myself, and thought that I was deliberately trying to insult her or something by not waiting for her to load up my truck. So he spends several minutes telling me off, after I’ve already clocked out and I’m trying to go home!
It’s like... even when I'm trying to be nice, people think I'm an asshole. Seriously, what the fuck? What do they want me to even fuckin do here?
I am so fucking tired.
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*Daichi wished you didn’t have to get up and go to work on such a special day, so he was determined to do everything he could to make things easier and more relaxed for you. He wakes up and turns off your alarm, wanting you to get at least a few extra minutes of sleep.*
Don’t wake up momma, just yet. *He pats Molten on the head while going into the kitchen to feed the dog and his kitty sister. He starts the coffee maker and then gets to work making some homemade muffins, hoping you’d be in the mood for a small treat for breakfast.*
*He checks the time after the muffins are done and then heads to the bedroom, sitting on the side of your shared bed and kissing your cheek and then forehead.* Honey, time to wake up. *He brushes his knuckles over you face and pushes your hair behind your ear. When your eyes blink open, his lips pull into a big smile.* Good morning, bunny. Happy Birthday.
*He waits patiently for you to wake up fully, soothing any worry you might have about sleeping in.* You’ll be just fine, love. I’ll drive you to work myself after a muffin and some coffee.
*As you get ready, he goes back to the kitchen to take the cooled muffins out of the pan and prepare a mug of coffee just how you like it.* I know you have to go into work today, Jade, but I promise we’ll have a nice dinner when you get home tonight. I have some other surprises prepared for you too!
*He makes sure to lavish you in kisses and affection before taking you to work, doing everything he can think of to keep that smile he loves so much on your face.* I hope you have the best day possible, darling. I love you so much. Happy Birthday.
*The smell of something sweet and baked tickled my nose and I stir a little, slightly waking up. I’m half eager to know what’s that yummy smell but also wanting to have a couple more minutes of sleep before having to go into work. I chose the latter, settling more into bed to catch those few minutes. The kisses felt dreamlike for a moment until I hear the voice of my husband calling me awake and making my heart bloom in getting his affection first thing in the morning. I sigh in content and lean into his touch as he brushes my face, only pouting when he pulls away; mumbling to him not to go. Still a bit sleepy, I open my eyes and my lips grow into a smile as he smiles too* “Daichi, good morning to you to-oh!”
*I notice the sunlight streaming in and panic has my heart drop about being late to work. A little part of me (maybe a little devilish side) tells me since I’m late, I should just stay home. But I sigh in relief when Daichi assures me and promises to drive me to work, along with breakfast which makes me tilt my head a little, remembering that yummy baked smell* “Muffin and coffee? Did you bake me something, honey?”
*Adoration and excitement fills me but I wash up and get dress, thinking about how I’m gonna spend the morning with him even if it’s for the drive. It brightens my mood from earlier the night before but also because I just wanna spend as much time as I can on my birthday with him. I get a little sad thinking about being away at work for most of the day for my own birthday but I know once that’s done, I’ll be in Daichi’s arms for the rest of the day. I perk up when he comes back with his little surprise* “Honey! Oh these look so yummy! Thank you!” *I lean in to kiss him* “I know… Sucks that I gotta work today but I’m yours once I’m clocked out and outta that building. You’re making it hard to just go in, honestly. But I’ll be good and do my best” *I promise by wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him properly by slotting my lips over his and pouring all my love for him*
*I happily have my breakfast in the car as he takes me to work, sharing my breakfast with him and stealing kisses during stop lights. I don’t care if it was too early for other people to be all lovey dovey; it was my birthday and I was gonna steal as much kisses as I could before parting from my husband for a few hours. Even in the parking lot, I stole a few more kisses* “I will do my best. Don’t miss me too much?” *I joke with a giggle* “I love you too, honey. I’ll see you in just a few moments. Thank you for starting my birthday off with so much love. You’re my whole heart, Daichi Sawamura”
(thank you much for this lovely birthday surprise anon-chan! this really made my morning and gosh does it make my heart flutter. thank you thank you!)
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 3089
i'm gonna have so much to catch up i when i finally watch for the future.
in the meantime, i went to work today! it was nice to be out and doing something. plus i got to see my work friends and socialize a little.
but first, i stopped at starbucks to pick up sustenance. then i went to work and waited and just was chillin for a while. kendall showed up a little late but we got to work on prob and stats for a while, and immediately after that i was whisked away by two friends to go to lunch. we went to blake's because they're closing on saturday, which is really sad, but it's been a long time coming. a local establishment and icon, blake's restaurant in manchester looks like the 70s refurbished the 50s, right down to the restroom sign. thankfully, they'll continue to make and sell their ice cream, but the restaurant location, the last brick-and-mortar store, will close for good on saturday. it's sad, but it's expected. the location in milford closed years ago, which was where i had a lot of memories from my childhood which can never be recreated or relived. (i feel like i kind of went essay mode for a little bit there. but that's how i usually write papers and stuff, that's the tone i use.)
i'm sad about it. oh boy. grief coming out of the recesses of my mind to give me grief. great.
anyway, after lunch we went back to work with enough time for me to pack my things up and leave to go work with the kiddos. i ended up waiting for a little while, so i pulled out my sweatshirt and closed my eyes as i leaned on it against the window. i must've been asleep for ten minutes but i woke up at the exact moment nancy and the kids pulled in the driveway.
i ended up mostly working on things with nancy and creating invoices that look official and shit, but i'm definitely gonna need to change the spacing of some of it. but they're official looking. enough for my tastes, anyway.
i also helped one of the kids with clocks because she's learning analog clocks and those are hard. they took me a long time to get. like, until high school. i could never see them right. now that i think about it, it might've been my eyesight or the untreated adhd that prevented me from reading it clearly. it could've been a lot of things. but i understand where she's coming from. she just needs practice. gotta pay attention to the details and practice. on a related note, i'm fairly certain she's got adhd and her sister is dyslexic. they're doing great, but that's because i know how to help them. i'd do anything for those kids.
after that i came back to joel's and took a goddamn nap. i deserved it. i texted joel saying i was gonna nap for an hour and that i'd set an alarm, and after that text i spent maybe two minutes awake and then i was out like a light, despite talking and light. i needed it badly. earlier in the day before checking how much i slept i could've sworn i'd gotten six or seven hours of sleep and that i only woke up once or twice.
3 hours 48 minutes. i counted 18 times i woke up.
no wonder i was so fucking exhausted.
anyway, we had our twilight: 2000 game tonight, which is always really fun. i was half paying attention, but my character, named callum cross (after callum from the dragon prince and cross because it was an alliteration) was digging a well. that's what he did. he dug a hole for a couple days. i checked the weather in poland for august of 2000, which is when we are in the game, and the weather was rather temperate but humid as fuck. i don't know if you've ever dug a hole in heat and humidity, but that shit is prime for heatstroke and heat exhaustion. been there, done that. it was a bad time.
anyway, i also bought a few cones of chenille yarn so i have materials for a project i wanna do. i'd like to make a blanket that's miraculous ladybug themed but pastel. i got the colors for it, so that's good, and i got them on sale. that'll be fun.
i also got word today that my diploma will be coming in relatively soon! i'm very excited.
and i decided "why not" to opening my hours for the semester a day early, and within the hour someone had booked an appointment with me for tomorrow around 1pm. i have a doctors appointment for my hand first thing, so i figured i might as well have my day open tomorrow to work, which is why i opened it up early.
anyway, all that being said, i couldn't stop making puns during game tonight and joel was having none of it. it's hilarious how much he hates puns, but then he'll go and make some himself. but only when i'm around. i'm grateful my influence has been this. if getting people to make puns is the only thing i'll ever do, it's been a life-well lived.
so far, so good. it's time for bed now because that appointment is early as fuck.
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eddiebun · 2 years
puppy love • 18+
part one, part two
pairing ; eddie munson x fem!reader
summary ; lovesick y/n has fallen head over heels, complete infatuation with the scraggly-haired metal head who drops her off at school every morning and takes her home after.
genre ; angst, smut in later parts, slowburn?, smitten!reader has heart eyes for heartbreaker!eddie, !! flashbacks/memories in all italics !!
warning ; this content is 18+ only. explicit sexual content (minors away !! grrr) in later parts, family issues, drugs, insecure reader who pines for eddie who gets bitches and sleeps around. dumb, both reader and eddie are dumb but like does he really not know how reader feels? maybe he's being cruel.. yeah he's kinda a dick in this.
wc ; 2.5k
fairy note ; putting all my heart into this, feedback and interactions are greatly appreciated.
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7:15 am,
Friday morning and just like the day before you were once again knocking on Wayne Munson's trailer door, feeling your socks in your mary janes already getting soaked through by the downpour in Hawkin's today- was Eddie really going to make the both of you almost late again today too?
Ever since you had moved into Forest Hills Trailer Park with your Mom, Wayne Munson had been a pleasant neighbor though the only difference now was that your Mom could actually endure Wayne's nephew, Eddie Munson. At first, there were plenty of times she threatened to go scold the curly-haired boy next door for the screeching sounds of his guitar rattling the whole trailer itself, "That rowdy good for nothing boy! Does he have nothing better to do than make everyone else's nights hell." your Mother would complain but to give her the benefit of the doubt it was a bumpy adjustment moving here for your divorced Mother and you who had to choose between leaving Hawkins behind to join your Father in the big City or staying beside your Mother despite losing the nice things you could once afford as a seemingly once happy and put together family.
You stayed, you wouldn't leave your Mother alone, whether she insisted she was fine or not.
"Eddie.." you frowned, realizing you wouldn't even be loud enough to awaken him if he was asleep, luckily you heard some rustling in the trailer before the door finally opened to reveal a bedhead, drowsy Eddie rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"G'morning, did you even brush your hair? Eddie, we gotta go." you glance at the clock behind him before feeling him tug you inside by the arm, stumbling a little but he had you.
"You'll get sick," he spoke up, voice grumbly and laced with sleep, "just gimme a minute."
You didn't get a chance to say otherwise as he was already fumbling toward his bedroom to throw a shirt over his head and change into his usual black distressed denim.
It had been about a year since you had moved into the trailer park, recalling how worried your Mother had seemed with you getting to school and back from with zero transportation in a whole new neighborhood, it was when Wayne and your Mom had been talking out in the yard- initially just about the both of their jobs but eventually, she shared her worries with the man which was when he mentioned Eddie, "Ah, my boy has a van, m'sure she can hop in for school."
And he had been your ride ever since, even more than that, he had become your best friend and sure it took a lot of initial nerves to overcome the stranger stage, you knew he was an outcast at school- everyone made sure everyone knew of that, but you had come to find out that despite his demeanor and differing style and interests from all the other students, Eddie was a pretty timid guy who worried about the small things and everyone else was all just talk, but Eddie, he was genuine.
Your Eddie, he wanted to do better in his classes not just to get the hell out of Hawkin's High finally but to make something of himself, whether those achievements and plans of his included you, you tried not to think about too much. Even just after a couple of weeks of getting to know him with your short car journeys back and forth, you knew he would be able to do that and there was nothing you had grown to want more than to see him happy.
That big smile he wore that took over his whole features and made his eyes crinkle in delight, it's what made any doubt and hurt worth it.
You were wide awake at 6 am, rushing around like you didn’t have a whole hour to get ready. It was your first morning riding to school with Eddie, the first time you’d properly meet him outside of seeing him tucked away at the back of your classes or at his usual table with his dnd friends, you knew their club was called ‘hellfire club’ by the writing on his shirt he’d always wear.
Nervous, but it wasn’t just because it was Eddie, you weren’t the best around new people in general so you had to muster up the courage on top of trying not to have pre-assumed judgement- worrying thoughts wracked your brain, what if he was as weird as the other high schoolers said? Some devil horned freak who was terrorising the neighbour with his obnoxious music and unruly attitude, spreading his sinister agendas across Hawkins.
You were so absent in thought that the sound of your Mom tapping the door made you jump out of your skin, “Meet Eddie outside in 10 minutes okay? Have a good day and take some breakfast with you.”
You breathed, wait what?! 10 minutes. Luckily you had already thrown your clothes on and brushed through your hair, quickly rushing to the bathroom to freshen up your face and brush your teeth.
“m’kay, goodbye Mom.” you called out, stuffing some fruit into your bag, seeing her gather up her own things for work as you stepped into your shoes and she waved you off.
Swinging back and forth from your heels to your toes you waited by Eddie’s car, the sound of the front door opening, watching him step out of the trailer, giving you a somewhat awkward wave.
“Hey, hop in.” he gestured to the car before opening up the drivers door and settling himself behind the wheel, eyes scanning the dash and underside to make sure no remnants of any drugs were showing. Turning to face you he gave a reassuring smile, he could see how tense you were, “I’m not that bad at driving, don’t worry.” he laughed, starting the engine and pulling out from the grass and onto the road.
He wanted to talk but he didn’t know what to say to make you more comfortable, he just aimlessly tapped his fingers on the wheel, humming along to some song stuck in his head. You somewhat appreciated the silence, letting yourself turn your attention to outside of the window, watching the trailer park go out of view and towards the town on the way to school with Eddie Munson.
Eddie hurried out of his room once he had some clothes on his body, though his hair still looked like a mess. Gesturing for you to follow him like he had been the one waiting.
Sat in the passenger seat, you had recalled how nervous you once were around the boy. The difference between then and now, you were almost more than certainly in love with Eddie Munson.
Was it before or after you started going out of your way to bring extra snacks with you to school for Eddie or maybe it was when you started doodling in your notebook with Eddie’s tattoos in mind, as inspiration and he actually adored them, getting a couple permanently inked on his skin the next day.. you weren’t sure about the when or what but that devil-horned boy was shredding your heart to pieces the longer you knew him.
And the worst part? you’d never be able to tell him.
You see, Eddie may not have been popular or admired at school but he told you about his metalhead-loving friends he had known outside of school, apparently, he met them at one of his local shows he was putting on with his band called Corroded Coffin. You knew he was more than admired there and you knew he had pretty friends, they must’ve been just his type, ‘I bet they all hang out together and make out all night long with each other.’ you thought, and yeah, it was stupid, so dumb just speculating but you knew Eddie, he was obliviously flirtatious with anyone who got close to him. You were sure he just thought he was being friendly, didn’t know what he was doing or the effect it would have on someone, someone like you especially.
But those friends he met, they must’ve been much more confident with their advances than you would have been, when Eddie threw a wink your way, called you a pet name or did that thing where he rubbed his thumb at the skin of your waist and squeezed, you would just freeze, brushing it off with nervous laughter.
The music blaring in the van was loud considering it was 7 am but you didn’t complain, too lost in thought until you heard the passenger door swing open, noticing you had arrived at school already.
“After you, m'lady, or are you gonna keep daydreaming in my van all morning like you just took a giant hit? I smoke in here but it's not that bad.” he raised an eyebrow, watching you step out of the van, eyes rolling playfully at his comment calling you out.
“Wait, hey!” you felt the tug on your bag, halting your steps in the direction of your first class to turn back to Eddie, “Hellfire room, 2:00pm sharp okay?” he ducked his head a little, waiting for a nod.
You tilted your head in confusion but nodded, Eddie would spring things on you out of nowhere many a times, and of course, you'd follow him along no matter what, even if it was one of his worst ideas like that time it was his bright spontaneous idea that you both break into an arcade in town at a ridiculous time in the early morning and you almost got caught if it wasn't for Eddie hysterically laughing despite the dangers than you would've been stuck stiff with fear.
That was just the sort of friendship you both had, Eddie would include you in his wild or even the mundane ideas of his, knowing you couldn't say no to his big brown doe eyes and mischievous smile that would tug at the corners of his lips, enticing you to fall further and further into his love spell.
Your classes thankfully went by briskly and before you knew it, that familiar black painted door with his Hellfire logo on it was in front of you, turning the door handle and stepping inside to see Eddie in his normal spot, perched up on that throne he stole from one of the school theatre sets.
"Hold right there heathen, state your name and reason for disturbing the dungeon master." Your eyes rolled in agony.
"Shut up, you're such a dork." You whined, throwing your bag down on the floor and sitting back against one of the other chairs at the table he sat at.
"Oh my, my, my, princess there's no need to be such a grouch." he smirked like he wasn't purposefully trying to make you wince at all his nerdish bantering all the time.
"What is it, Eddie? Are your grades dropping again in Ms. O'Donnell's?" you wonder aloud, bottom lip jutting out. "I don't mind helping you study again but do we have to do it here? it's so dark I have to squint to read anything." you complained.
"No, no actually! I'm doing great and Ms. O'Donnell has been very proud of me recently," There was that smile again, making your heart skip a beat. You wanted to jump across the table and smother him in affection. "I actually thought I'd ask for help about a totally different thing.." he sounded unsure, his hand coming up behind his head to rub the back of his neck.
His gesture and tone suddenly had you a little apprehensive, head flinching as you signalled for him to continue.
"Y'know Lori, Lori Fisher.. think she's in your math class," he pretended to think about it, eyes drifting off to the side before settling back on you, "she came to our show the other night at the diner but didn't even talk to me after." he snickered.
"Okay.." you trail on, unsure of what he was saying or implying. You knew Lori, she sat in the same row as you in your maths class, conventionally very pretty and she was sought-after by a lot of guys. You had to say you were surprised, what would Lori be doing at their show? You never knew she had any interests like that.
Eddie tutted like it was obvious what he was asking of you but he was just trying to avoid how silly he was sounding, "Like, can you talk to her, she must know we're friends so what if she wants to hang but doesn't know how to talk to me here."
You stared blankly at him, expression void of any emotion. Was Eddie asking you to set them up?! "y/n?.." you saw his hand waving in front of your face.
You jolted back, pushing his hand away, "I'm not playing wingman for you." you grumbled, stomach churning even at the idea.
"No! Not wingman.. like, it's not that serious." He scoffed, "Y'know I was just hoping you'd help me out, she could be pretty cool no? You were a lost little sheepy like her once, she might be looking for new friends.. or something." he mumbled the last part after rambling off some excuse to persuade you.
Oh, Eddie Munson was going to drive you crazy. He was going to rip your heart in two and watch you bleed right in front of him!
You hated how he couldn't just be upfront, say that he just wanted to sleep around with her, it wouldn't make you feel any better if he did but acting dismissive and like it wouldn't benefit you was bullshit.
You are a good friend, Eddie would call you an angel because you're so very good to him but wasn't this too much? Sure he'd never been a prude when it comes to talking about girls but he'd never ask for your help in this way before.
"It's not a big deal if you don't wanna I guess," he shrugged, "thought it would be nice for you to make a new friend too since you're stuck to me." Ouch, that one hurt, your lips twisting into a frown.
For someone who just wanted to just get into a girl's panties, he was sure doing a lot to convince you it was for your good and it gave you the ick, were you becoming unbearable? So much so that he conjured up this idea, hitting two birds with one stone, he'd fool around with her and get you off of his back. You'd hope you were just overthinking it like you always did.
It was silent in the room and the way he had turned his eyes to a stray dice on the table, fiddling and acting like a kicked little puppy was pulling at your fragile heart strings.
If you talked to her for him, eased up a little on the hold you had on your friend that never showed any real signs of liking you in any way other than platonic, playful gestures and flirting here and there.. would that make him happy?
"I guess I could say hi to her.."
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captainsimagines · 3 years
the warmth of winter || three
Summary: You’re home for the holidays after landing your dream job. When your dad’s old army friend stops by for the month, he makes waves immediately. Your little vacation is disrupted... for better or for worse? Nobody has to know.
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x (F) Reader 
Based on the Song: ‘Illicit Affairs’ by Taylor Swift
Mini-Series (3/6)
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Warnings: 18+ ONLY; unprotected sex; oral sex; strong language; slight exhibitionism; suggestive language; clingy/creepy male co-worker; age difference kink (Reader is 25, Bucky is 39)
Word Count: 9,000+
Author’s Note: Well, we gotta fast-forward to Christmas, no? Yes? It’s a yes. :)
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     You wake with a content groan and a couple snap-crackle-pops throughout your back and elbows. You stretch as far as you’re able, completely not remembering sharing the bed last night. But you don’t touch anything as your leg makes it all the way across to dangle over your full-size bed and your right arm knocks a couple pillows off. 
You sit up, throat dry and with heavy eyelids. It only takes a few moments for you to completely replay last night’s events, and you’re more than happy when the satisfaction outweighs the guilt. Because if there’s anything you are right now, it’s satisfied. 
There’s the tell-tale noise of plates and glasses being stacked in the kitchen. You figure it’s now or never — time to face the music — and that it’s probably not healthy to think too much about it first thing in the morning. You’ll get your answer once you go down there.
But an answer to what? Two things, really: Did Bucky sneak out your room during the middle of the night, or is this more to avoid suspicion from your dad? You’re really hoping for the latter.
You clean your face, smack your cheeks to wake yourself up more fully, and throw on your oversized, forest green cardigan. The voices from the kitchen are hushed but seem to be engaging in a regular conversation, and you have to stop yourself from blushing just from looking at the staircase you almost tumbled down last night. 
“Bumblebee! How you feelin’? Better?” your dad asks. He’s already dressed for work. The clock reads 8:01 and you’ve barely caught him before he leaves in the next nine minutes.
You clear your throat awkwardly and send Bucky a quick once-over. He’s back in his cliche checkered pajama bottoms and has seemed to swipe the sweater Clint forgot last night. It fits him nicely, you think. They’re about the same size. “Feeling better, yup.”
“You were feeling bad last night?” Bucky asks, smug smirk hidden as he raises the coffee mug to his lips for a long sip. The glare you give him is minimal, carefully calculated, like you’re really simply dismissing him. 
Your dad exhales and stands to wash his own mug. “They haven’t been that horrible since your teens! You wanna see a doctor before you head back to New York?”
“What? Oh— stop it. The menstrual cycle is nothing to be ashamed of and should be openly spoken about without the threat of backlash—”
You groan playfully, “Mr. Feminist over here preaching—”
Your dad cackles and places his mug on the drying rack. He grabs a towel to dry his hands. “Back me up here, James!”
Bucky mimes a ‘cut it out’ motion near his chest, but he’s more nonverbally stating ‘cut it out, don’t include me.’ He sits down in the chair beside yours. His right knee knocks with your left. 
“Go to work,” you tell him, and roll your eyes as your dad dips down to kiss the top of your head. 
He mumbles as he picks up his winter jacket and briefcase. “Didn’t know I was living with such a misogynist…”
You kick softly at his ankles, your smile straining your cheeks. He laughs again, “Sorry, sorry. The information was private. Sorry. Make sure she doesn’t tire herself out today, James? Please?”
“I’ll keep an eye on her.” It sends a delicious shiver up your spine, rigorous in its speed and wrecking each of your battered nerve endings. Suddenly all the amazing feelings from last night cloud your mind. You struggle to push them back down, even as your dad and Bucky have a few more seconds of small talk with you sitting in between.
Finally, your dad leaves and locks the front door behind him. The smell of coffee is inviting, comforting even, but you only make it half-way out of your seat when Bucky tugs you by the waist, lifts you up, and sits you on the table. His lips immediately attack yours. 
“Fuck,” you gasp out, immediately tugging Bucky’s sweater up and over his head. You didn’t expect such fierce kissing this early in the morning — last time you were kissed this early was forever ago. Bucky tastes of strong coffee and you minty toothpaste, and it should be such a weird combination, but it only fuels you both. 
Your cardigan slips over your hands because of how long it is and it warms Bucky’s neck as you grip it from the back, pulling him down rougher so he’s basically plastered against you. You wrap your legs around his waist and revel in the small groan Bucky gives when your heels accidentally stab his tailbone. “You really gonna fuck me in the kitchen?”
Bucky nods eagerly and goes to lick a swipe from your exposed collarbone to the underside of your chin. Now the electric currents your body produces travel like brutal shivers down every single one of your limbs. Bucky’s got your willing body on fire, but it isn’t enough to ignore the cold seeping in from outside. The fireplace and heater aren’t turned on, and it seems more snow fell during the night. 
“God, yes,” Bucky groans, and plants several more kisses along your chin. He slips his hands underneath your cardigan, careful in keeping his metal appendage away from your skin, and pushes it off. He also takes off your shirt, leaving you bare in your childhood kitchen, but before you can protest against the cold, Bucky makes quick work of pulling your heavy cardigan back over your shoulders. He even helps you slip your arms through. 
It’s such a pure gesture and it’s got your stomach curling for different reasons. 
With a breathy sigh, you help him by slipping out of your shorts and underwear. It feels naughtier being bare except for the cardigan, and Bucky in nothing but his pajama bottoms. He’s in a hurry, sort of frantic, and you want to tell him ‘hey, we’ve got all day’. Right? 
Bucky pulls down his pajama bottoms to the middle of his thighs and strokes himself a few times, gaze running from your flustered face, heaving chest, stomach, and inviting mound. He groans half to himself, half to anyone who wants to listen in, bends to his knees, and mouths the top of your mound like a hungry man, breathing in deep. The hair slightly tickles his nose, which is turning a wonderful shade of pink, and he pokes his tongue out to get a tiny taste. You gasp, hips rocking up and knees threatening to close around his head. Bucky swears to the heavens he can live down here, licking the juices seeping out of you and pulling every delicious noise from your chest, but he set a rapid pace for a reason. 
To put it softly, he’s got shit to do this morning. 
“It’s wrong that you—fu..fuck—oh, it’s wrong that you’re eating me out immediately after we’re left alone in the house.” Bucky pulls another tight scream from you when he licks a long swipe from the bottom of your cunt, up. You grip his curls tightly, guiding him up to your mouth, and it pulls a ragged breath from his throat. 
“Wrong how?” Bucky asks, and his voice turns shallow and shaky when you curl your hand around him. He’s hot and heavy in your palm, leaking from the tip and begging to be taken care of. “I’m not eating you out, doll. I’m, ah, but I am gonna fuck you.”
You release a moan that Bucky’s mouth immediately swallows. He chuckles and pulls back a little, wanting to dirty talk you further and see if you’ll absolutely crumble from his words. He doesn’t get to say anything because you pull him back to hold him in place. Just from that he can tell how needy you are, greedy groans smothering his parting lips, and decides to tear you apart with only his voice some other time.
Bucky lifts you from the surprisingly sturdy table, turns you around, and pushes you down. Your breasts make rough contact with the cold material below that it causes you to gasp loudly and writhe to create quick friction. Bucky makes sure your arms are comfortable and stretched over your head, sleeves pouring over your cute little fingers, before he pulls the cardigan up and over your ass.  
The sudden coldness startles you again and you whimper to voice it. But you’re horrified that when the sound comes out of your body, your hips decide to do a little wiggle at the same time. “Bucky.”
Bucky lays over you, his naked chest making you somewhat warmer even over the fabric, and he hushes you. It’s so soft against your ear, breathless and ragged. The restrained rut of his hips tells you that you’re not the only one struggling with resistance. 
“You’re being so good for me, doll,” Bucky praises. It makes you whimper again, but this time you move to rub your thighs together. Bucky allows it to happen and the feeling of excitement literally drooling out of you is embarrassing. Your thighs stick together momentarily until you reluctantly separate them. The soft rub on your clit was nice, but you want Bucky more than you want to handle yourself. “Guess what?”
Bucky moves to kiss between your shoulder blades, teasing. He only does it to smother himself in your sweet scent. The cardigan smells of fireplace wood and the same perfume you were wearing yesterday morning when you went shopping. It’s your sweet scent. 
“We’re all alone now,” Bucky voices, and this time decides to angle his cock with his hand, gently sliding it between your wet folds. The action causes you to jump a little and your hands clutch at nothing but air. Instead, your knuckles just drag over the fancy wood. “You can be as loud as you want.”
Your eyes widen a little as you look up, chin resting on wood, and see that the window drapes are pulled open. You’re exposed to the whole neighborhood and the sunlight is dim but bright enough to illuminate the household if anyone were to peek in. You’re suddenly even more grateful that Bucky kept you layered up. What if someone were to knock? What if the mailman comes? What if your dad forgot something? What if someone catches you and decides to watch—
“Let’s give the world a show, huh kid?” The nickname catches you off guard, and that’s why it’s a delightful shock when Bucky pushes his cock deep inside your already fluttering walls. He feels bigger and harder to take than last night but that could be because the two of you didn’t really get into the nitty-gritty of foreplay as much as you did the first time around. But Bucky rocks slowly, his hands gripping your hips to slightly elevate them so they’re not smashing against the tough wood. Suddenly all the pleasure within you rushes to that one special spot, greedy and true, and you push back so you can take him deeper. 
Bucky takes it slow for the first few pumps, enjoying the way it drags out your moans and makes you clench down harder. He watches you watch the window and it takes everything in him not to throw the front door open too. 
“Gonna fill you up, sweetheart,” Bucky breathes, and takes a handful of your ass in his metal hand. It’s cold, but not too cold that you throw him off of you, and it sends you forward into the table. Bucky’s abandoned coffee mug sits idly by, half full and just waiting to be spilled. “Fuck, you’re so warm… goddamn made for me, huh?”
“Uh-huh,” you gasp out, shutting your eyes involuntarily as Bucky starts pistoning his hips. Now the nasty sound of skin-slapping-skin erupts, wet and sloppy and so fucking good it has you screaming for more. Bucky obliges and has to bite his lip to keep from yelling your name when you clench down particularly hard. 
“Yeah, just like that, doll. You want me to fuck you? Hmm? Fast?” 
You extend your arms out further; they reach past your head, but there’s no leverage. Bucky has full control of your body. If he wants to toss you around, he can. If he wants to flip you over and shove into you with more force he’s giving right now, he can. If he wants to pull you to the floor and fuck you into the tile, he surely can. All you can do is lift your chin up slightly so it doesn’t rub against the table harshly as the impact of his thrusts makes you bounce back and forth. 
“Please, Bucky, baby— o-oh, shit!” Bucky leans down for only a quick moment to bite into your shoulder, not too hard, as a response to the pet name you’ve just given him. He’s a sucker for them. He comes back up, purposefully ignoring your plea for him to continue marking you, and fucks into you until you’re seeing white stars. His thrusts make the table creak, its legs slightly sliding against the tile beneath. Bucky’s coffee mug is inches from your right hand and with one particular thrust, you shove your hand out to hold it down. The tips of your fingers touch (thankfully) mild temperature coffee and two things happen at once: Bucky lifts one of his legs up to steady it on a nearby chair, angling his hips to perfectly hit that sweet spot inside of you, and his rapid pace causes the coffee to slosh and spill. “Fuck, yes, yes!”
Bucky grins and watches you in increments: first, how you lift your head and arch your back, the perfect position for him to grab a fistful of your hair; second, the way the cardigan is slipping down your left shoulder, bunching up near your elbow and exposing just a little part of you to the outside world; three, the way your ass jiggles as he fucks deeper into you, disappearing and reappearing with even more slick than before. He pieces all these increments together, makes a series, then chooses other things to focus on. Your voice, the goosebumps on your skin, the words you say. If he thinks about all these things at once, which may seem like the normal thing to do, he’ll implode — both literally and figuratively. So he takes his time.
You’re surprised you get this loud. You’ve never been so loud that you start comparing yourself to a pornstar. But it’s the vibe you’re getting. You sound almost pained, out of breath, completely fucked-out and close to coming four minutes into the video. You’re more or less past words, only able to formulate those animalistic grunts and high-pitched whines. The sensation of Bucky firing into you, through every one of your sparked up nerves, has you wound up so tight it’s almost painful to think about. You need to come. You need Bucky to fill you to the brim again, like he did last night, all forbidden, hungry, eager, and true.
“Yeah, that’s it, doll. You close?” Bucky pants, slowing down momentarily to catch his own breath. He rocks slow, alternating between long strides and deep ones, grinning when it makes you mutter a multitude of curse words. “Fuck, I’m close. I want you to come with me… can you do that? So goddamn fucking beautiful like this, you wanna come?”
You nod frantically. “Oh, my god! Yes! Yes, fuck yes!”
Bucky pulls your hair back harder than you expect, causing you to yelp and clench down. With his slower pace, his cock massages all your deep crevices, the burn unbelievably wonderful and just this side of oversensitive. Bucky’s force stands you up, back arched and stray strands of hair sticking to your forehead. 
“Come on, doll,” Bucky mewls in your ear, licking a quick flick against your earlobe. His hot breath paints your cheeks, then your neck, and Bucky moves his way back to your parted mouth. He accepts your gasps and shares his with you, tasting the minty freshness of your spit that you’re having trouble swallowing. He lets go of your hair to reach down, trailing his hand lovingly and a little chaotically down your front, until the pads of his rough fingers meet your swollen clit. He rubs expert circles, holding you up as your thighs begin to shake. “So goddamn good for me. Only me.”
After that, you basically devolve into nothing but a mess of short whines and failed limbs. Bucky’s got your neck angled in a way so he can kiss you, all uncoordinated but definitely one of your top five favorite things in the world. You sneak a glance out the window, suddenly aware again that you’re on full display. The cardigan has dipped dangerously low on both your elbows and Bucky’s left arm is wrapped tightly around your waist. He’s got you held solid, safe and exposed all at the same time and — fuck! — Bucky shifts and hits that spot just right, electric and sensitive, and somehow you take him even deeper. You vaguely hear yourself begging.
“Best fucking lay you’ve ever had,” Bucky grinds his hips and it makes you groan out loud, “Huh?” His breath hitches and he holds you impossibly closer, his sweaty chest against your now exposed back, and he shudders as he nips your neck. “Best I’ve ever had, that’s for sure.”
You tremble against him, now on the very edge, walls fluttering uncontrollably and stomach uncurling, parted lips kissed-out and numb. Bucky pushes in slow, deep, deep. 
“I’m—” Your arch and gasp, mouth dropping in an inviting oval as Bucky presses against the tender spot and rings an earth-shattering orgasm from you at eight in the fucking morning. Your nails scrabble against the table, coffee mug now knocked over and contents spilled, and you push yourself back multiple times to help Bucky milk your release. Bucky groans loudly as you come around him, jerking into you fast and dirty as he chases his own sudden high, until he’s coming too. You grit your teeth as the feeling of his warm release coating your insides sends another excited thrill up your tight spine.
You two slump together, Bucky over you as he trusts the miserable table to still have some fight left. He presses lazy kisses along your shoulder blades, quiet chuckles escaping here and there, until he lifts himself up. He carefully removes himself and you hiss from the overstimulation. Bucky cups his hand over your mound before his release can drip onto the floor. He doesn’t exactly clean you up  — instead, he spreads your mixed releases all over. You grunt in both annoyance and horniness. 
“Seriously?” you say, voice scratchy and used. Bucky only laughs, turns you around, and presses a chaste kiss against your tired lips. It’s such a contrast, a well-received one, and it makes your stomach turn pleasurably all over again. Then Bucky pulls back, looks at you through his long lashes, and sucks each individual finger  — with both your release, and his. 
He knows exactly what he did, because he only laughs louder when you start dragging him to the upstairs shower for round two. 
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     Wanda and Clint are both near the cash register when you burst through the door, almost ripping the holiday bells off their hinges, with an exclamation of: “Well! We fucked! Thrice!”
Clint scrambles over the counter while Wanda flutters her hands over him as if that would help him from toppling over, but he messily achieves it, and lifts you from the ground. You don’t know how he does it — Clint’s had more experience lugging around inanimate boxes than people — but he throws you over his shoulder with ease and proceeds to bounce on his heels. You’re screaming ‘put me down!’ while Wanda encourages him. They chant and chant and congratulate you, and when Clint finally puts you down, he hands Wanda a twenty. 
You huff and shoot her a glare. “Aid and abettor...” you mumble.
She sticks her tongue out and pockets the money. 
“I bet on next weekend. Not this weekend,” Clint clarifies.
“You know, it makes me insanely mad at myself that I couldn’t hold out for that long.”
“Not even forty-eight hours,” Wanda mumbles.
After a couple smacks to her shoulder and a litany of curses, she holds her hands high up in defense. “I’m not judging! I encouraged you last night!”
“You encouraged me to get fucked. Not get fucked by my dad’s best friend!”
“Is he the best?” Clint smirks.
You suck in a long breath and send him a glare. “The thing is, I’ve had time to think about it since he fucked me in the shower this morning and on the walk over here. I think I’ve created quite a fuckin’ pickle.”
Wanda chuckles low, still scared about annoying you further. “We all joked about it because we could see the tension at the bar. In all honesty, we didn’t think you’d actually do it.”
You grumble, unsatisfied, and throw yourself down onto the couch. You glance around the store for the first time since barging in, surprised that it’s empty this late in the morning. Usually the shop is full during the weekends. Date nights and all. 
“Look,” Clint sighs, shushing Wanda as she tries to stop him from talking. He looks at her with a soft smile, like a promise that he won’t tease. Yet. “You’re a woman. Not a baby. You have the right to do whatever you want. We’ll tease the shit out of you but we’re not judgin’ you. It’s not like you’ve fucked all your dad’s friends. Just this one.”
He shrugs nonchalantly and it actually makes you huff a great laugh. He continues, “Is this a fling? Serious?”
You open your mouth to reply, but find that you’re seemingly unable to. You haven’t really thought about that yet.
Wanda answers for you. “Don’t ask her that the day after she fucked her first older guy.”
You side-eye her. “I think I like him.”
“I think you like him too considerin’ you’ve just ridden his dick thrice,” Clint says. 
Wanda holds in her laugh. It’s nearly impossible, and a few cut off gasps of air leave her mouth. She says, “Get to know him. You’re here together for the same amount of time and then it’s off to New York for you two. You can see where that leads.” She shrugs. “Maybe once the adrenaline dies and the secrecy goes away, you find you’re better off as friends.”
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “Yeah, that’s good. I’ll lead with that.”
“What? You’re gonna talk to him now?” Clint asks, standing up from where he was crouching down in front of you. 
“Why not?”
“Dude just got his dick wet, give him an hour.”
Wanda fails to hold in her laugh this time, as do you. You all order sandwiches from the cafe and talk about a number of different things. You realize just how much you’ve been neglecting since you arrived. It’s refreshing to talk about work, flower shipments, the holidays, politics, and even old times. The shop starts filling with customers, a rush around mid-afternoon, but you decide to help out rather than leave. You’ll worry about Bucky and the situation later, but for right now you’d much rather enjoy Clint’s random rants about streaming service prices being too high.
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     Once, when Bucky was fifteen and took his dad’s car for a joyride, he ended up slamming into a fire hydrant and had to work all summer to repay his dad for the damages. It taught him a valuable lesson in personal responsibility and to always second guess decisions that don’t make total sense. 
Now, at thirty-nine years old and having just taken another joyride (this one obviously fucking metaphorical), Bucky wonders if a summer job can cover the consequences. 
It’s not that he regrets it — hell fucking no, he would commit that deadly sin all over again if the opportunity arose — but he does realize the fucked up things that can follow after his actions. Bucky Barnes, who has always prided himself with having his head screwed on straight most of the time, has just fucked his friend’s daughter. 
And fuck, it makes him shiver and get hard at the same fucking time. It’s depraved, immoral, so fucking wrong to take pleasure in it, in remembering the curves of your body while he showers again that morning, cock in a tight grip while he wrings out a third orgasm. 
And he has to remind himself of the three simple facts: you are not underage, you consented, and he took care of you. You may be fifteen years younger, but you’re a full adult. You had one drink and a shot last night, most of the buzz drowned with water anyway, and he was clear-headed as well. And, as fucking weird as it sounds, he treated you with respect and care while he fucked you. You are his friend’s daughter after all… it’s the least he could do. 
But now Bucky’s faced with a wild predicament. He didn’t mean for this to happen, at least not so suddenly, because let’s face it, the tension was there ever since he first called you sweetheart. And the predicament is complicated: One, do what he doesn’t want to do and call it quits, or Two, continue fucking his friend’s daughter when he’s an invited guest staying rent-free. 
Bucky thinks of this, even as you burst through the front door, an urgent question on your lips. “What are we doing?”
Bucky’s eyebrows shoot up his forehead and he mutes the television as he turns on the couch toward you. “I was about to ask the same thing.” It’s a lie, of course. Bucky has never been one to talk about his feelings much, but he figures he’s got to do it sometime. Especially with you, considering how many invisible boundaries you two have already crossed. 
“This is crazy right? Like, spur of the moment type of thing?”
“Exactly that! Yeah!” He doesn’t know what he’s saying, fuck that, but he’s a guy and you’ve just caught him off guard while he was in his own head.  
“Because what we did was wrong! Taboo. Wrong.”
Bucky stutters, then clears his throat. “I wouldn’t say taboo but uh—”
“And you must regret it because well, I’m just a fucking kid like you said and—”
“Woah, hey, woah.” You’re talking a mile a minute. Bucky stands from the couch and reaches out, holding your shoulders in place so you can stop pacing. “Do you regret what we did? I admit we’re both fucking crazy but you don’t have to stress about it.” He sighs. The good in him will always outweigh the sins of the bad, but it doesn’t mean he has to like it. “If you wanna pretend it didn’t happen, then it didn’t happen.”
The words get stuck in your mouth. You had it all planned out. Tell him you both have to stop, that it was a mistake and that it wouldn’t happen again, that it was all lust and not true. Tell him you two can pretend it never happened, that you didn’t feel what you so obviously felt, that the rest of his stay doesn’t have to be tainted because of what occurred. But Bucky looks so sad as he proposes the solution that it damn near breaks your heart. He’s got this crease in the middle of his eyebrows, deep and rough, and you want nothing more than to run the pad of your thumb on it to smooth it out. Your conversation with Wanda and Clint earlier starts to seep through and you decide that Bucky, and even yourself, deserve the truth.
Suddenly, unpracticed words spill subconsciously. “I don’t wanna pretend that.”
“So it happened.”
“It happened.”
Bucky nods slowly. “I think… that we both think it’s wrong because of who we are to another. But us as individuals—”
“It doesn’t feel wrong.”
It's barely the morning after, and yeah he’s fucked you three times, but he honestly didn’t think you would bring up this conversation now. Granted, he wanted a few more days of absolute x-rated fun before he had to speak of the consequences. Fuck logistics.
If he had met you anywhere else, he promises the same thing. He would have flirted, gotten your number, maybe even asked you out sometime. He hasn’t dated in a while. He’s rusty and unbalanced and doesn’t know the first thing about making a situation like this work, but he’s willing to try. “So what happens now?”
“I’d like to continue if that’s alright with you.”
“You’d like to continue?” Bucky smirks.
“You’re really gonna make me say it out loud?”
“I’m really gonna make you say it out loud.”
You roll your eyes. “If I met you at a bar, a bookstore, a coffee shop, even a grocery store, I probably would have flirted with you.”
“Is that so?”
“Don’t make me take it back.”
“It’s not just attraction?”
“Bucky,” you sigh, and take his metal hand in yours. “I have the sudden urge to find out what your favorite breakfast food is so I can cook it for you. I want to dance stupid little old-timey dances to those old-timey songs I heard you playing on your earphones yesterday. You made me smile five seconds after meeting you. I think I like you.”
Bucky smiles to himself more than to you, looking down at his feet to contain his blush. You sound corny, your confession a little cheesy, but Bucky was always a sucker for a good rom-com. “I think I like you, too.”
You bite your tongue to keep from squealing. His grin is so bright you have to look away and at the ceiling. “So, what? We keep this a secret? Sneak around? See where it goes?”
Bucky inches closer and lays his metal hand over your warm cheek. He says, gently, “I’m up for it if you are.”
You breathe in deeply, his soft voice like salve on a wound. 
It’s crazy, but you’ll think about that later. Right now, you tell yourself that you deserve this. You deserve to live out your Hallmark movie. Or rather, an R-rated version of one. “What do we tell my dad if he finds out?”
“He won’t. At least, not now.” Bucky places a chaste kiss against your lips, which are slightly open and ready to protest. He hushes you softly, “If this works out, we’ll talk about it then.”
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     You’ve always been good at keeping secrets.
When you were six, Sam got the passenger door of Steve’s new car torn clean off and when you found him frantic and embarrassed, he made you promise not to tell another soul. Bruce helped replace it in under an hour. Steve still doesn’t know. 
When you were thirteen, Wanda finally kissed her crush and made you promise not to tell anyone — she thought she was bad at it. Then her crush moved across the country and no one knew why she was depressed for a good month. 
You even keep secrets at work. Some of your clients have published best sellers and when the sequels are in the works, you get to read about the secret new characters, the secret new plot twists, the secret new endings and beginnings. 
You’ve become so good at keeping this secret that it’s getting kind of scary. Your dad leaves the house and both you and Bucky can’t keep your hands off each other. It’s a race to kiss stretch marks, to make the other produce a new sound, to see if the other has the ability to change the Earth’s axis. Then, strangely, it becomes domestic. You make him laugh, tripling the lovely crinkles by his eyes, and he’ll read you a chapter from one of his favorite novels while he breathes in the scent of your shampoo. 
It’s two weeks of this: domesticity and a sense of normalcy. You watch television together; you fuck or take it slow (depends on the mood); you take walks at the nearby park with your hands tucked in your own pockets, feeling the invisible string that calls you together when you have the freedom of being in private; you visit the bar together most nights to greet everyone. In front of others, even if they know about the two of you, you both keep it chaste and practically nonexistent. You’d get the side-eyes from Wanda, the smirks from Clint, the thumbs-up from Kate — it’s light and carefree but you both know you have to be careful. They’re the only people who know. And Pietro and Peggy. But Peggy doesn’t speak to or know your dad so she’s in the all-clear. 
And when you come back home and your dad is there, you have to act as if Bucky is nothing more than a new acquaintance, barely a friend; a small part of you freezes over when Bucky does the same. You’re merely friendly with one another — it does nothing to showcase how much you’ve come to know, nothing to demonstrate how much you’ve learned while paired like parentheses on your bed and twiddling your fingers together. 
Bucky’s favorite color is blue. His cat Alpine is the most important thing in the world to him after his sister Rebecca. He hasn’t had a serious relationship in nearly ten years. He bought his bar at twenty-five when he didn’t know shit about running a business. Steve Rogers may be his roommate, but Sam Wilson is his best friend. His hair once reached his shoulders and he promises to grow it out again, just for you. His SAT score was just a few points shy from perfect (both math and reading). He’s right-handed, which he thanks God for everyday considering he lost his left arm. And he visits California each year and comes back with a new upgrade to his arm, courtesy of T’challa and Shuri. 
It feels weird knowing more about Bucky than your dad does. So when Bucky repeats the same information sometimes when your dad’s around, you act as if it’s brand new. 
Bucky feels the awkward shift when the days end as well. When he sneaks out of your room at the crack of dawn and has to tip-toe down the stairs to prevent them from creaking, he feels guilty. Every morning, he feels as if he gets his full and straight up bails. No matter how long he stays to brush hair from your forehead or count your tiny snores, he feels sick leaving the bed. 
And he should have known better. It’s not like he planned on sleeping with his friend’s daughter. He especially didn’t think he’d fall for you either. If he were anyone else, he’d find this situation wrong. But then the rational side of his brain expresses the other known facts: you’re closer to thirty than eighteen, he’s single and ready to mingle, and you both live in New York where your relationship can possibly bloom further without having to censor and hide. Sure, this is an affair but it isn’t an illicit affair. He feels guilty for wanting to cut this vacation, where he’s supposed to be spending time with your dad, short. 
And he has spent time with him, don’t get him wrong. They’ve gone out to eat, Bucky’s helped plan the Christmas party, and he’s even visited him at work — they’ve even discussed the war. They don’t go into immense detail but they do get their points across. Bucky doesn’t know if they’ll ever truly talk about it. Bucky makes sure to wear his gloves whenever your dad is around. 
He feels guilty after it all, after a great day, when all he craves and prays for more than anything is to make you laugh and produce those sweet love-sounds.
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     “How’s this?” 
Bucky hums and says, “Retro. 70s.”
It's a rainbow, long-sleeved striped shirt that’s loose on the bottom and form fitting on top. You lay it over your chest and model it a little, grinning shyly when Bucky blushes. 
It’s not for you. Christmas shopping for your friends and family has been going well. So far you’ve bagged your dad’s gift, Kate’s, Clint’s, and Pietro’s. This little number is perfect for Wanda. 
“What are you getting my dad?” 
Bucky takes the shirt from you to place it in the basket he’s lugging around. “Oh you know, this and that.”
“Mm, my favorite kind of gift.”
“I think the real question is: What am I getting you?”
You send him a confused glance over the racks of clothing. He sends a similar glance just to mock you. “You don’t have to get me anything.”
Then Bucky’s left eyebrow cocks and he purses his lips. “Uh, I know a trap when I see one.”
“I’m serious! You don’t have to get me anything. But if you wanna get me something, I like Lamborghinis and Rolex watches.”
“For sure, doll. I think my bartender’s salary can swing that.”
“You own the bar.”
“I own a bikers bar in Brooklyn. All the important hippies go to Manhattan,” Bucky laughs. 
Bucky, who’s shopping for Steve and Sam as you speak (even if he doesn’t know when he’ll next see them), does not need to buy you anything. Or, you think he shouldn’t. You’re in the middle: the relationship is new and he shouldn’t feel obligated, but also he’s technically your super secret boyfriend and it would be the nice thing to do. 
“Whatever you think my heart desires then.”
“Give me a hint.”
Your mouth opens then closes with a snap. You don’t need anything so… “I have everything I need… get me something you think I’d like.”
Bucky scans the area you’re both in and points to the most hideous shirt you’ve ever seen. You stare hard, trying not to burst out laughing, until Bucky gets the message. He gives up. “Tell me three random words right now and I’ll get you something based on that.” 
“Uh… Snow… couch… round.”
Bucky rolls his eyes. “Thanks a lot, doll. Can’t fucking wait to stress over that combination of words.”
“You asked!”
He’ll find you something. Bucky promises himself that. If you get this much joy buying everyone else presents, you must look even more perfect unwrapping your own. 
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     By December 20th, it feels like time has passed way too quickly. You can honestly say that the last two weeks have been more exciting than all your past relationships combined. The ducking behind counters, the runs home when you think you’ve been spotted, the making-out in the hallway when you have guests over. The day Bucky bent you over the kitchen table, he had snuck into your room that night and asked you what your favorite food was. Then the next afternoon, he spent an hour making it. 
It’s become routine now, being this close to Bucky. Your dad had even commented about how well you look, how happy you seem to be, that you’ve spoken more to him than you have over the phone this past year. It makes you take a moment for yourself in the privacy of the bathroom — overthinking and curious about how much your dad knows.
But you don’t think he suspects anything. And that’s what makes your stomach churn.
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     “You’re fucking with me, right?” you say, nipping at Bucky’s stubble-covered chin. He shaved a week ago, but his hair is growing back fiercely. You find that he goes crazy when you run the very tip of your tongue over his chin dimple, shuts his eyes and breathes low and everything. His reaction could be because of that, or because you’re sitting firmly on his naked lap, riding him slowly and tortuously. It’s still early, maybe five, and no one is supposed to be home until eight. So you take your time, rolling your hips for merely your own pleasure. Bucky tries to guide your hips with his own hands, but you keep slapping them away. You brace your hands on his shoulders. “C’mon, baby. For every question you answer, I fuck you fast and dirty. It’s what you want, right?”
Bucky groans deep and leans his head back into the cushion. He’s fully clothed with only his cock out, which is buried deep inside your cunt and practically pulsing. You can feel it each time you slow your hips down, clenching around him purposely to see if you can get him to accidentally come. No dice, Bucky’s a strong one. 
“Mm.” It’s all he can seem to muster. He’s pliant and loose beneath you, turning red in the cheeks and licking his lips as if to distract himself from your sweet cunt squeezing him like it’s your god-given right. And the little noises that fall from his mouth are clearly unbidden — each time he makes a sound that resembles a tiny whine or plea, he grasps helplessly at your skin. All of it. Because you’re completely naked on top of him, tits right in his face, and he’s not allowed to touch unless he answers. 
“How old were you when you lost your virginity?”
Bucky chuckles, short and dry, and rolls his eyes as he realizes it’s better to answer than not at all. “Twenty. Okay? Twenty, jesus.”
You grin wide, lift yourself up slightly higher, then ride him fast. “I was nineteen!” Bucky throws his head back again, eyes lolling to the back of his head, your answer only barely registering. His upper pelvis is wet with your juices, and his clothed thighs shake from the impact of your bouncing. He gasps out your name, no pet name this time, and you watch as a satisfied smile lazily etches across his bruised lips. “Just like that, yes fuck, yes, just like that.”
You spring your hips fast a few more times, then stop to grind slowly. Bucky literally pouts, a small cry escaping his tight throat, and he struggles to open his eyes to glare at you. You giggle and peck the tip of his nose. “This is called edging.”
He bites his bottom lip, eyes challenging. He hooks an arm around your waist and fucks up into you, pulling you toward him as you shout from the sudden impact. He grinds fast, moaning every time he fills you deeply. You pull back, a rather difficult task to do as Bucky literally knocks the breath from your chest, but you achieve it. You rest your forehead against his, the tips of your nose brushing and rubbing as Bucky bounces you. “Oh, yes! Yes!”
He keeps this relentless pace, loving each mewl he pulls from you. “Got any other questions?”
You chuckle, then gasp, and inwardly tell yourself you’ve got the strength to keep this up. You’re the younger one here after all...
“You wanna go on a date?”
Bucky gazes up, hips stalling, eyes quickly scanning your face. Sure, your mouth is agape in a parted gasp and slight annoyance since he’s no longer moving, but you look genuine. He watches you watch him, then feels his heart swell when you smile. He rolls his hips up, a movement so perfect it pinches that coil in your stomach, and grabs the back of your neck to kiss you hard. It’s fierce, near brutal, but god, Bucky was going to make sure you knew how much you mean to him.
“Yes,” he breathes against your lips, the little puff of air tickling his own skin. “Yeah, let’s go on a fuckin’ date.”
You laugh and return your lips with his, and bring your hips up only to snap them back down. There’s no other way to describe it — you fuck him hard, fast, making sure his thrusts are quick and match yours. You fuck him as you wail, hands curled behind his neck as he buries his face in the slope of your neck and shoulder, where he plants sloppy kisses and muttered praises of ‘there we go, c’mon sweetheart, make yourself come on my cock, use me, use me, I’m yours.’
You twist your hips a little, slamming deep, all concept of time dwindling. You can fuck Bucky for hours, which is technically what you already do, but it’s just so brilliant to think about. It’s late in the day, Bucky was out, and this is the first you’re fucking him since last night. You’re young, hey, you’ve got drive. 
Bucky can feel you reaching your end if the tight heat engulfing him was anything to go by. Your bounces were staggering whether you noticed or not, and Bucky has mapped out your body and its tells since you two started this little affair. Your nails start digging into his skin and he’s found that you mainly claw deep into his metal appendage, absentmindedly reminded to not hurt him. He thinks it’s sweet, no matter how heated it makes him. Your thighs also begin to shake, and when that happens, your chest starts to heave delicately. Then your nose does this thing, where it scrunches up like a miniscule sneeze, and your eyes go the slightest bit wide and your mouth drops and then… All that exists is Bucky’s cock deep inside you, ringing every last drop of your orgasm, the sensation one compared to Bucky claiming you, making you his. 
Bucky slows down his strokes, not wanting to set you back on fire so soon. He holds you tightly as you recover. He relishes in your heavy panting.
“Use me, baby,” you gasp into his skin, trailing your lips down his neck like a paintbrush on a canvas. Bucky groans deep, but when he pushes up and into you again, you hiss in deep discomfort. 
“Are you okay?” Bucky asks, gently pulling your face away from his neck to see you. You bite your lip, studying him, and decide it’s better not to lie. 
“I’m a little raw down there.”
Bucky chuckles and presses a sweet kiss to your chin. Ever so slowly, he helps you off him. Your mind swoops with the sight of his heavy and hard dick, red with want and slick with your come. It causes you to whimper with interest but you know for certain your body can’t take another orgasm. It’s only your first one today, but if you’re counting the amount of times Bucky fucked you last night, it’s like the ninth in twenty-four hours. Bucky has a firm grip around himself, using the self-made lubricant to squeeze around himself. You climb off of him and settle down on your knees. The carpet is a little rough, but a lot of things outweigh the itch: the warmth from the blazing fireplace, the smell of the pie in the oven (the wait is what led to this rendezvous in the first place), the sight of Bucky’s drooling cock just aching for your mouth. 
“You don’t have to—” Bucky tries, but catches his unformed words once the tip of your tongue licks a naughty swipe into his slit, licking up the pre-come. He’s been fucking you raw for weeks and always went down on you, but this is first time he’s graced with the wonderful image of you with your mouth on him. He gives an aborted thrust, one he couldn’t stop. It makes you laugh. 
“Oh, I have to,” you say, and lick a long swipe from the base of his cock to the red, drooling tip. Bucky gives up and throws his head back into the cushion. He shivers as you swirl around the tip, the self-made lubricant apparently not enough as you spit down on him. It takes everything in him not to grab you by the hair and push you down. But you don’t tease him any longer — how can you? You’ve already come and Bucky’s been such a good boy. “Bet I’m not the only one who gets too loud.” 
He’s not expecting it, not even close, when you swallow him down. Once you begin to suck, up and down, tasting the saltiness of your own release and the taste that is so obviously Bucky, does Bucky gasp and lay his flesh hand on the top of your head. But he doesn’t press down, he’s got enough self-control right now, just lays it there. It’s a tight fit with how thick Bucky is, but you make it work. The tight suck of heat and saliva, you holding his thighs down and jerking what you can’t fit, sends tingles throughout your fucked-out body. 
“Ah— shit, doll,” Bucky gasps, curling his fingers against your head when you give one particularly nice suck. His hips thrust up and he hits the back of your throat. “Fuck, I’m sorry.”
You pull off him for a second, catching your breath. You wipe your mouth. “Can’t control yourself, huh?” Your smirk soothes the tight coil at the base of his spine, its gratifying unraveling has him holding his breath and urging himself not to come yet. “Use me, Bucky.”
It’s not a hint, no, it’s a full-on fucking request. So he guides your head back and sinks into the feeling of your wet mouth engulfing him once more, but this time he moves his hips along with you. He doesn’t outright fuck your throat — he’ll save that for when you’re full of energy — but he does sink deeper as your mouth expands. You’ve got your tongue on the underside of his cock, massaging the protruding veins then the underside of his tip, and Bucky sees stars. 
“Oh, fuck, just like that, doll. Taking my cock so well.”
You moan around him and fail to wholly grin when that pulls another deep groan from the middle of Bucky’s chest. You look up at him from your knees: little beads of sweat along his hairline, mouth parted with wet and red lips, cheeks and neck pink. He’s a beautiful sight, one you call yourself lucky enough to witness. 
It’s when you bob your head in earnest, sucking him deeper and more clever that Bucky becomes a mumbling series of praises and incoherent words. One second he’s telling you how good you look, how well you’re doing, how his cock belongs in that perfect mouth of yours, and the next he’s blubbering all over the place, stuttering phrases of f-fuck, doll, I’m-I’m, please, please, please! 
You trail your hand down in between his shaking thighs. It’s a tight fit with the cramped stretch of his jeans and all, but you’re able to shimmy his jeans a little further down. He helps you, completely gone to ask you what you’re planning, and simply falls in sync. Cupping his balls and massaging them, Bucky bites his bottom lip and tries to raise his hips to give you more access. You bob your head up and stay there, swirling your tongue around the angry head. Then you gently press the pads of your index and middle fingers against his perineum, and look at him. The breath catches in his throat and he flutters his eyes open. His rambling comes quicker. “Yes, yes, god yes!”
It’s all the permission you need. You suck him back down and angle your hand, rubbing with more pressure and milking his prostate from the outside. Bucky literally sings, moans and whines spilling from his mouth. His hips drive up faster, almost hitting the back of your throat, but you’ve got excellent technique. You press harder, rubbing expert circles like he would your clit, and hum around his pulsating cock. Bucky’s there, ready to come down your throat, and it’s the amazing combination of your hand pressing against his prostate and the sudden repeated swallowing around his cock, deep in your throat, that does it. Bucky shoots off, each stutter accompanied by vocal exclamation. You swallow his spent, bob your head a few more times to make sure you get it all, then come back up. You leave a small kiss on the tip. 
“Holy… shit,” Bucky says, and lazily smiles down at you. You carefully lift yourself up, wincing slightly from the carpet burn. You snuggle into his side, legs dangling a little off the arm chair. He pulls you in close and scatters kisses across the top of your head. “I’ll never stop thanking you for that.”
You snort and turn his head to you. “So about that date?”
“Tomorrow,” Bucky confirms, still trying to get his breathing under control. “Dinner. Mini-golf. A show. Dancing. Movies. Whatever the kids do these days.”
You roll your eyes and watch how the grin expands across all his features. You’ll never tire seeing him happy, joyful, peaceful. You’ll never tire of how this man kisses you breathless or how he always seems to know just what to say. He stares back at you, all hot and electric, and you have to admit to yourself: you’re falling in love with him.
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    “No, no. I don’t think you realize it, doll. I cried my fucking eyes out.”
You stifle your laugh with flour-covered hands, smudges on your cheeks unnoticed. Bucky takes a moment to admire how it forms a half mustache. 
“At what part? First time I cried was when she was forced to marry the guy and then when she had her son.”
Bucky whines softly, and rolls his neck. “I didn’t cry during the book, just at the end. I mean, she left her son but dedicated the book to him? Broke my fucking heart.”
You produce a little hum of agreement and finish mixing your ingredients. Bucky’s working on his own batch of cookies: his dough is already mixed and he’s just starting to roll them into balls to put on the tray. The store-bought pie sits on the counter, sizzling, apple aroma filling the house. 
“Yeah, that killed me, too. But she had to leave. She realized if she stayed she’d end up like her mother or worse.”
Bucky nods and rolls a cookie quickly so he can turn back to you. “Ah, the irony! The fact that she hated her mother and saw her as weak when she was a kid, only to understand her when she herself was in an abusive relationship? Fuck, doll. Thanks for the great read.”
You giggle and move to swiftly kiss his cheek. He leans into the quick peck, and makes a noise to mock your cookies. You’ve slightly flattened them while Bucky made them round. He bet you his cookies would somehow have more flavor. Once your tray is filled, you put them into the oven and set the timer. “No problem! I love rocking people’s worlds with literature finds.”
Bucky abandons his cookie-making to catch your waist. He easily picks you up and places you on the counter. He’s let his beard grow out a little more: you count nine grays — five above his upper lip, and four scattered across his chin. You rub the pad of your thumb across his bottom lip, watching his eyes watch you. 
Slowly, Bucky leans in and gives you a gentle kiss. Holding his cheeks while you taste him has become a habit. One second you have your hands to yourself, and the next they’re brushing his skin with both a sense of delicacy and urgency. It’s magnetic. 
“I’ll get started on the other one right away,” Bucky mutters against your lips. You tug his bottom lip gently, pulling until his whole body leans into it, and smile once his hands have found purpose higher up on your waist. 
“You do that,” you reply, and finally move your hands lower to grasp the sides of his neck. His facial hair becomes slightly less thick the further down it goes. “You’ll only cry once for this one… or maybe twice.”
“You’re tellin’ me I’m gonna cry with the sex book?”
You ruin the kiss with a laugh and push him away by the shoulders. “It’s a book with sex!”
Bucky smiles, all ready to argue, but decides against it. He glances at the clock on the wall and once he calculates how much time he’s got in between now and when your cookies are ready, he leans you back onto the counter and reaches for the button of your jeans. 
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     It’s nearly seven when a sudden knock at the front door practically flings you from Bucky’s lap. The knock doesn’t startle Bucky as much as it does you and he teases, “Kid, if it was your dad he would have just walked through the front door.” He holds you by the hips and even tries to drag you back down. 
“Baby, stop,” you whisper-yell to him, smacking his hands away as he tries to claw you closer. Once you finally break free, he grunts in annoyance. “It’s probably the mail or something, now hush.”
Wanda, Kate, and even Clint would simply walk in. They have keys. So do Sam, Bruce, and Captain Rogers. And it’s a Saturday so mail is unlikely. 
You smooth over your clothing to make sure nothing is out of place and pay extra close attention to the top of your head. The person at the door knocks again, a little harder this time. 
It’s not even an exaggeration: Hell has just frozen over. 
“Miss me?” Brock Rumlow announces, arms extended and with a large smile on his face. If there's a Hell, you’re in it. If there’s a Heaven, you’ve been barred from it. If there’s a purgatory, you’ve just been assigned one of the most insane plot twists for your ticket out. 
“Uh— hold on,” you stutter, and suddenly slam the door closed. Bucky stands from the lounge chair with an amused grin. “It’s the guy from work. It’s Rumlow. It’s the fucking guy from work.”
“What do I do?”
“What do you mean ‘what do I do’, send him away!”
“Bucky, what do I say?”
Bucky waves his hands around. He sees the way your face contorts, the way your shoulders sag, the way you're tapping your foot with uncontrolled nerves. You keep glancing at the door and back to him. It suddenly hits him: you’re scared. 
“Answer the door. I’ll get him to leave.”
“I’ll get him to leave kindly,” Bucky makes sure to clarify. Satisfied, you go to open the door again after Bucky hops out of sight. 
You hold your breath as you do so. “Brock, what are you doing here?”
Rumlow smiles and leans on the doorframe. He must’ve finished the project early. He’s confident, beaming, and obviously using up his vacation time on your front porch. “You said I should visit sometime! Well, here I am! Sometime!”
You blink as if it would help clear your mind. You rehash a thousand memories at once trying to pinpoint that exact phrasing. Nothing comes up, and Rumlow is starting to look past your shoulders and into the living room, and you still have no idea—
‘Yeah, I come from this small town where everyone knows everyone. It’s tiny but it’s homey.’
‘I’ve always wanted to spend a winter in a town like that!’ Rumlow had admitted. 
‘You should!’ you had commented, pouring your coffee in the breakroom. ‘The holidays are just around the corner. You should look into it. I hear there are a lot of Airbnb’s.’
Rumlow had smiled, nothing too creepy. ‘Sounds like fun!’
That was it. That was the whole conversation. You never invited him. Hell, you didn’t even say where you were from. How does Rumlow know where you’re from—
Fuck. Work. Those stupid ‘Get to know me!’ presentations Pepper had you guys do when she assigned teams. Leave it to Brock Rumlow to take notes. 
“Yeah,” you laugh awkwardly. “You are.”
“Aren’t you gonna invite me in?”
“Oh, well, you see, my dad has guests every year and it’ll be a little rude to invite someone in while they’re sleeping or eating so—”
A hand settles above yours on the wall, and Bucky’s large body frames yours from behind. He makes sure to leave enough room for you to slip under his arm and stand behind him. “We having guests today?”
Rumlow stares at Bucky hard, scanning him from the roots of his hair to the soles of his feet. It’s a silent war, one Rumlow is actually very good at fighting. It’s smooth, quick, and Rumlow’s back to smiles. “Sorry to show up unannounced. Wanted to surprise this little one!”
You cringe from the outside-in. No matter how much you adored pet names, the wrong pet name from the wrong person immediately shatters the wholesome nicety. 
Bucky produces the fakest, most rehearsed smile in the world. “Well, that’s nice! I’d invite you in but her dad’s not home and he has this weird rule that if you’re not family or one of his best friends, you can’t breathe the air he pays rent for unless specially chosen.”
You turn to hide your sudden snort and slip behind Bucky’s outstretched arm. Quickly, you shoot a smile over your shoulder to Rumlow. “Catch up tomorrow! Text me where you’re staying, okay? Bye!”
Rumlow opens his mouth to say something, but Bucky claps his shoulder then says his own goodbyes. He shuts the door in Rumlow’s face. 
“Fuck!” you whisper-yell. Bucky speed-runs over to you, clasps his hand over your mouth, then drags you up the stairs in an uncoordinated race to your room. Once in the safe confines of your bedroom, you both burst out laughing. 
“Oh, shit. This is so goddamn weird that I don’t even know what I should say right now,” Bucky admits, collapsing onto your bed. You go to lay beside him, then drape one arm over his torso to hug him tight. 
You giggle into his chest. “This is so bad. I don’t even think my brain is fully processing it.”
“Give it a minute.”
You roll your eyes. “I know one thing for sure, though. My boss is getting a very strongly-worded email tonight about personal boundaries and how I’m no longer tolerating the violation of them.”
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
Let’s have a baby
yandere!EraserMicx PREGNANT!Reader 
A terrible mix up leading to an accidental pregnancy? Or something more intentional? Either way now you were pregnant with (none other than the beloved power couple heroes) Eraserhead and Present Mic’s child. Time to discuss how co parenting is going to work. 
TW: pregnancy, artificial insemination, yandere elements, mentions of stalking, alludes to potential custody battle
You had been avoiding the two men for the past week, which was challenging seeing as they managed to find your phone number, address, and place of work. Any time you blocked their calls they got a new number. Two Pro Heroes versus a twenty something civilian, it was only a matter of time until you were cornered.
Now the couple stood between you and your apartment. You had a long shift at your job as a pet groomer and just wanted to get some rest.
Present Mic was the first to speak. "Hey lil momma, we heard you had work today so we brought you some dinner. We thought we could talk over a nice meal."
You had no response. You were tired, both physically and emotionally. You had been put through the ringer ever since meeting them at your doctors office. It was a total Jane the Virgin situation. You went in for an assessment about some supposed ovarian cysts and unknowing left artificially inseminated. There was a supposed mix up, a digital glitch that somehow merged your chart with the surrogates - apparently your names were super similar. Two weeks later you were called back into the doctor's office and informed of what took place. And now you were in this living nightmare.
And the two heroes had nothing to do with the error. There was totally a surrogate. They hadn't paid off your provider. And why would they? You had never met them - although given their patrols they may have seen you once or twice...
They were tearful when they were informed of the mix up, they had been waiting patiently through the whole process and now everything was thrown in chaos. They offered to compensate you for your service which sent you into a blind rage. They just assumed you would carry a child, a child with half of your DNA, and then give YOUR baby away. Rationally you understood that they had planned to be be the only parents to the child, but that was with a professional surrogate who understood the process, who didn't want the child in their life, just happy to help out a loving couple. But that wasn't you, you grew up wanting to be a mom, and now they would take that from you.
What if they tried to legally take sole custody of the baby? Surely they had some pull in the judicial system. Besides, they were a solid couple with money, while you were alone with no family and working two jobs. The thought made you sick to your stomach.
You were shaking as you tried to push past them. Maybe they would just disappear if you ignored them, a girl could dream. But instead they tagged along inside. Albeit you weren’t fighting them on it, you knew this had to happen eventually.
Aizawa easily found the cluttered dining table in your small apartment. You flinched when the loud one tried to help you shrug off your backpack. Taking a seat on the couch you waited for them to start berating you.
"Come sit at the table, dinner is getting cold," Eraser spoke for the first time.
"I'll eat later, I'm not hungry."
"You may not be, but the baby needs to eat."
You glared, how dare they insinuate you didn't know what your child needed. If your body was hungry, you ate. If you were full the baby was full too.
But, you complied, not wanting to argue, "Fine, but I ate a snack not too long ago."
As you ate, Mic kept you company, picking at some left overs, they clearly ate before their visit. Aizawa was rummaging through your place but you managed to hold your tongue until he began throwing things out of your fridge.
"What are you doing?" You hissed, getting up out of your seat.
"Mic and I will bring you groceries tomorrow. The food you have is barely safe for an adult, let alone a fetus."
"Are you kidding me? It's not like I'm chugging alcohol and living off Twinkies. Hey! I just bought those turkey slices. How is turkey bad?" You whined.
To make sure you wouldn't dig the food out trash he dumped it out of his container.
"Zashi, don't let me forget to empty the trash on our way out. Do you know how much salt is in deli meat? And there's no way you can drink any of this while you're pregnant." He gestures to the cans of soda.
As the frustration built you had to fight back tears. They couldn't come in to your home and start throwing out your things.
"Some of us don't make ridiculous money, I'm buying what I can afford and the doctor never had any problem with my health." You hissed.
Hizashi felt the tension thickening, "Hey hey hey, it's okay. Sho and I will go get you some good stuff. We just gotta watch out for you and baby."
And that was the end of your resolve, you stomped past the Hero and locked yourself in your bedroom. Finally tears began to drip down your cheeks.
Back in your kitchen Mic was chiding his boyfriend for being so tough on you.
"So I should just back down while she stuffs herself with junk food?"
Mic gave him a shrug, showing him a bottle on your counter, "At lest she's taking her prenatal vitamins?"
Grabbing the keys to your apartment Aizawa instructed Mic to wait with you while he got you better groceries. He would make copies of your keys on his was back.
You prayed they would leave soon. You were laying in your bed having cried yourself out. Barely into your second month of pregnancy. You still had to endure this for at least seven more months, but most likely much longer.
Next thing you knew you were opening your eyes and the clock read seven AM. By now your uninvited guests must be gone. Nervously you sat up, praying that you'd skip the morning sickness just once this week. You had always had a weak stomach and even the doctor was surprised you were already experiencing the symptom. Unfortunately the minute your feet touched the floor you knew what was coming. You sprinted to the restroom, not even checking to see if the duo had left.
God this was terrible, you didn't just hate throwing up, you were terrified of it. What if you started and never stopped? But it did come to an end. You wiped the water from your eyes and took a moment before standing from the floor. You screamed when a hand slid under your arm, helping you up. Another set of feet rushed to the bathroom.
" What's wrong?" Hizashi huffed as he skid to a stop.
You pulled arm free from Aizawa's grasp. "What are you two still doing here?"
You turned in the faucet to rinse your mouth. Trying to calm your stress, the nausea was trying to return.
Undeterred the scruff pulled your hair into a bun before rubbing your back. You debated returning to bed but that wouldn't get them out of your apartment. You told them you need to sit down, both of them nodding, still wearing their concerned expressions. They got you a glass of water before joining you on the couch. Stubborn men, you sat at the end of the couch so they couldn't both sit, but Mic decided to perch himself on the armrest.
He started petting your hair, "You feelin better little listener?" You nodded in response.
"I got you more food, let us know if your hungry."
You sighed in defeat, "I'm barely two months pregnant, I can fend for myself. What did you all want to talk about?"
You anxiously placed a hand on your stomach. Both men felt their hearts flutter recognizing your maternal instincts kicking in.
Aizawa let Mic begin, he was the more gentle of the two.
"Well, we figured we got off to a rough start. You got put in a tough situation. We shouldn't have assumed you didn't want a child so we're not mad at how you stormed out. But either way we expect to be in our baby's life. The two of us talked it over and we don't want to fight you if you want to be in their life too. So if you wanna be the mommy we're cool with it."
You could blame your reaction on your hormones for your response but you didn't, "Geez thank you so much for allowing me to be in MY child's life."
Aizawa placed a hand on the back of your neck, giving you a gentle massage. "Okay then, the three of us are gonna have a baby. That means you have to stop ignoring us. We can raise the baby together, without involving anyone else. But if we have to, we can always go the legal route for the baby's best interest." 
He knew it was a low blow, but the couple needed you to stop fighting them. Your eyes snapped to his and you shook your head in protest.
"Okay then we're all the same page," Aizawa reassured you.
Mic cheered, "Now we can focus on the fun stuff."
"Hun," Eraserhead caught his attention. "There's still a few more important things to figure out. We don't want you going back to that doctor. They're incompetent. We scheduled you an appointment with another's clinic for next week. Okay?"
You couldn't find your voice after how easily he threatened to take your baby. So you just nodded. Half listening.
"Good. We also went ahead and programmed our numbers into your phone. We need to be able to check in with you."
"Okay, but I can't use my phone at one of my jobs."
"About that lil momma," Mic started. "You work a lot, which is totally bad ass, but we don't think you leave enough time to rest and take care of yourself."
You tried to protest but Aizawa cut you off, "You also shouldn't be working around so many animals. Even though we love animals, they can be unpredictable and one dog can trigger all the rest into a frenzy."
You were dumbfounded, "I've never heard of anything like that happening. One of my coworkers was pregnant last year, she worked until her maternity leave. Plus I need to be able to pay my bills. And don't offer to compensate me again."
"Why do you have to view it as compensation? We just want to take care of the mother of our child. Just think about it. Mic and I have to go take care of some business but we'll be back later this week."
Back at their home Hizashi was dramatically splayed on their bed.
"Babe why are you pouting?" Aizawa asked.
"Why can't we just bring her home already?"
Aizawa sympathized with his better half, but they needed to be methodical. He reminded Hizashi that they didn't need to cause her even more stress, especially so early into the pregnancy. If they played their cards right they would have their happy little family soon enough.
If they could ease you in to the relationship everything would be easier in the long run. They had been managing just fine until now, they could wait a few more months.
He joined Hizashi on the couch. Mic was comforting himself the way he usually did when he felt like this. He was scrolling through the countless photos they had collected since their chance encounter with you over a year ago. 
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crystalcow · 3 years
𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑//𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝 𝑝𝑡 4
Masterlist // child reader ML //
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Sapnap x reader !p !child reader
Pronouns used: none specified!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, casinos
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝗼𝐤𝗼 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝗼𝐰??
Quackity was telling you all of his plans
He rambled on for hours of his ideas for casinos and how he was going to marry Karl and sapnap
It sounded great
He had his whole plan set up! He even had Sam helping him with the building
But then he left
Just like everyone else
But that was fine! You were just with sapnap
Before Karl came running over rambling on about needed to move his library
He had a library?
“[Redacted] you need to stay close, please”
You looked at him weirdly
Who the fuck was [redacted]
“Karl my names Y/n you idiot” “flame..” “sorry”
He didn’t even notice it and then you had to spend the next couple days hauling over 100 books
“Oo hey what are these! The covers look really weird”
You had found his time travel books
That man raced over and in the kindest way possible, snatched it from your hands
“Don’t touch those, they are my special books”
You just shrugged and let him be, he freaks you out enough
So you all traveled to this area in the spruce forest and built a really ugly mushroom hut
But hey it’s fine! Foolish thankfully came around later that day and made everything better
So you stuck around
Maybe you needed this, this new start
Oh but prime knows that wouldnt last long
Karl started forgetting
At first it was simple things as just forgetting where he was or little stumbles with names
But eventually he was going away longer and longer
He started calling you by these strange names, some that sound Victorian and western and others that are unlike you
One day he didn’t call you by your name at all
You were hanging around the Sakura trees and the big yin Yang pond waiting for sapnap to come back with George
Then you saw Karl exit the library, running up to him for a hug
It’s been two months since you’ve seen him
You fucking hated it but you couldn’t help but consider him another parental figure
He loved it
But he just stood there as you wrapped your arms around him
Expecting the usual “[reda]- Y/n, I’ve missed you so much my sweet flame!”
But there was nothing just a sad one sided hug
“Hello? I’m sorry but do I know you?”
You were ready to cry
“I’m sorry, I uh must’ve mistaken you for the wrong person” “No that’s fine! Hugs are nice?”
So you left and ran into the library
Scouring throughout all of the books until you found them
The same 8 books you shrugged away
You read through all of them along with Karl’s other journals
You didn’t like going through his stuff especially, a whole invasion of privacy
The more you read the worse it got
What were you gonna tell Sapnap?
Who the hell is James, and [redacted]?
And why couldn’t he stop
It’s no use anymore
You were simply just forgotten
𝐋𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐬
The closer you got to the large building, the sicker you got
Kinoko Kingdom was supposed to be your free pass
But somehow you always end up here
You called for Sam on the comms waiting for the beep
The inside looked great to say the least
“What are your past relationships with the prisoner?” “No answer.”
“Where are you currently resided?” “No answer”
“Do you believe the prisoner deserves his sentence?” “Maybe”
You put all your shit in the locker and followed him through all the safety checks
“I’m glad you didn’t bring anything with you”
You stood on the platform heart racing as the lava went down
It was like a ticking time bomb
The small squeaks and scratches of the hovering bridge
He just stared at you
That sick stupid mask was broken by tommy that day in the black stone room
So you had to look into his face
Lets just say he looks good in Orange
“Barrier up or down?” “Down”
He backed up into the corner as you stepped in
Once the lava cascaded down your smile turned into a sick frown
“Hello” is that all he had to fucking say?
“Screw you. Fuck you. Damn you”
He just looked you a small chuckle escaping from his lips
“Those all mean the same thing.” “Well I’ve been living in cinnamon town for the past couple months, and I’m ready to fucking burn some buns”
Yeah he just laughed
“I’ve missed you Hot shot”
“You ruined our damn life!”
Someone went quiet
“If you didn’t have to have a petty little war, or criminalize children we could’ve been fine! It could’ve just been you, dad, me, and George.”
You were pissed, everyone just kept leaving you.
Tommy and Tubbo, Quackity, Karl, Dream, and hell even Wilbur
“You come and visit me, after not having seen me for months and you just yell? Not a hello or ‘how are you dream?’ ‘How’s prison dream’ ‘how can I help you get out of this damn place’ “
You just sat down ready to just walk out into the lava
“I’ve been stuck here for months! None of you even cared enough to visit me, hell even Tommy came around.”
You might have felt a little bad after leaving him
The prison was cold even tho lava was flowing right there
“Why would you leave the discs alone..” “Because I had to end it.”
What were you doing here
What were you planning on saying?
“So, what do you do in prison”
“I have a clock.”
You got up to go look at the pretty clock
Then threw it at his face
“Ow” “deal with it bitch”
The longer you stayed the worse the feeling in your stomach got
so you buzzed for Sam waving goodbye
“Wait.. Do they miss me?” “Can’t say, but I think this may be for the best.”
He wanted his best friends
But he just got the annoying teenager
Oh but that wouldn’t be the last
𝐋𝐚𝐬 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐬
You got a letter in the mail one day
Who the hell uses letters??
You were shocked to see the address and the small post card
“Come around some time”-Quackity
Ans on the back it had the cords
Oh well what did you have to loose? Sapnap was focused on Karl
and well Karl didn’t even know you
So you set off
It took you a couple hours travel by horse to get to the desert area
The large sign blaring in the red text
You gotta admit the place looked beautiful
There was a giant dick and different shops
You were shocked to see this random un human like guy
“Hello, I am Charlie a totally human guy!”
Yeah totally not slime
“I’m uh, Y/n?” He reached out for a handshake sort of thing
“Dap me up!” “Another time Charlie”
Maybe when you had hand sanitizer
“Ohh so your Y/n! Mister Quackity talks about you all the time, come on in!”
You were skeptical but followed anyways
Stopping in your tracks when you saw Fundy
“Furry?” “Fire shit?”
You went over to give him a side hug, ruffling his fur
“What the hell are you doing here ginger boy!” “Oh you know, just escaping nightmares”
You were confused then just let him be
You walked to the entry way of the place
A beautiful pond with flowers and an arch
“Did what the place where Mr. Quackity was going to propose!”
Going to?
You shrugged it off following inside
You hated to admit it, but you were excited to see him
Yeah you really needed a parental figure in your life at the moment
So when you saw him, he immediately pick you up in a hug
You didn’t fail to notice his change in appearance
That beanie stayed the same tho
Thank god
“Hey hey! Let me show you around the place, we can also go for lunch and talk.”
The casino looked great to say the least
Loud music booming from the speakers, along with the live jazz band on the side
Slot machines were going off every minute
“Have a chip, something to remember this by”
He handed you a red poker chip
It was a cool one tho, in the middle has a blocky sort of smile
Creepy and dopey.. sick!
So you put it around a spare silver chain
“So how have you been kid? ‘Ts been a while hasn’t it.” “Could be better..”
You both walked around the city in silence, offering to go in the super model shop
“No” “why not” “keep walking”
On your way to lunch you had to squint at what you were seeing
“Oh my goodness you’re still alive?!” “You’re alive!?”
You and revivebur just stared at one another
“Yeah he came back after I died!” “you what now-“
You just stared at Tommy and back to Wilbur
Oh god those shrooms were messing with your head
You should’ve gotten out of there a while ago
Quackity came over placing his hands on your shoulders
“Do I have to execute you both? Get off my damn property”
“Sorry Q. Say, Y/n wanna join Lmanburg 2.0?”
You back away holding your hands up
“I denied that offer once, and I’ll do it again. Fucking zombie freaks”
You obviously muttered the last part
Why the fuck did dream revive those two shits??
When did Tommy even die??
Your visit here has just gotten weirder and weirder
𝐌𝗼𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬
Quackity got you away from the brits as quick as he could
So he brought you over to his office
“So kid, how’s your dad..”
Ah you expected this question
“How the fuck am I supposed to know. He’s living his life, Karl’s time traveling! Oh yeah did I mention he doesn’t even remember me.”
He looked at you with wide eyes
“So I’m not the only one they forgot..”
You slammed you hands on the fable dramatizing the situation
“How would you feel about moving here? I mean you could work for me in the casino!”
You thought about it for a second
You have two options
1. Live in shroom town with bubbles
2. Move to las Nevada’s with Quackity
You were sure Sapnap wouldn’t mind
I mean would he even care?
He hasn’t for the past couple months!
“You feel abandoned there, over here there are hundreds of people. You’ll have the time of your life”
You thought about it for a sec
“Alright hand me a contract”
So you signed
Making deals with the devil huh
Little did you know it would cost you your life
Devils little soul
and this is the finale! I will take requests for sapnaps child, and I’ll do some shit with Quackity and the casino and go in more depth if wanted!
As always request and ask anything! And ask if you want to be on a taglist (child reader or general)
For those on the taglist I don’t know if you wanted to be tagged for all child reader shit or just dreams child.. so please tell me :)
@creatorofstars @georgenctfound @samistheidiot @smolbox-png @ghostlysenses @stellarinstigator @bobaducky
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idontplaytrack · 24 days
Capri x (Darby’s sister) Reader (Future, Late 20’s/early 30’s)
Reader is cooking in the kitchen waiting for Capri to come home
Capri is absolutely exhausted after a long day of coaching for cheer camp
Their daughter (4) is out with her aunt (darby) giving the couple some alone time
This life thing
Capri Donahue x Harper!Sibling fem reader
Warnings: coarse language, fluff, smut
Into the future, Capri and reader’s love had grown, so did their family. (Bonus chapter to the ‘My Charmed One’ series)
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You were in the kitchen, making dinner while waiting for Capri to come home. Today’s been the quietest the house has been in ages, seeing that Adelaide yours and Capri’s 4-year old was out with Darby and Alex for the day. You knew Capri would be exhausted, she’s been coaching at a cheer camp for the last three days. As much as she loves her job, it still takes a toll. Rest was much needed no matter how motivated she was.
Capri got off work around 4:45, and it takes her about an hour to get home. So, judging by the time on the clock right now, you had quite awhile before she was home with you. She did send you a text on her way home to let you know that she was going to be back soon, so that made you more excited. In the meantime, you were making her favourite pasta dish for dinner.
You were done cooking, so you went to tidy up the house some more since you had time to kill. While you were wiping the TV console with a rag, Capri returns home. “Hi, baby!” Capri gasps, running up to you. You abandon your task, stood up and hugged her. “Hey, honey.” You kissed her on the cheek, chuckling over your words.
“Wow, it’s quiet around here.” She noticed.
“Darby and Alex took Addy out. Won’t be back until after dinner.” You pressed another kiss, to her lips.
“I know, it’s just…been awhile since we got any alone time. The house being so quiet’s a little weird.” Her hands fall onto your hips, she gazes into your eyes, brushing the stray hairs out of your face.
“How was work?” You asked.
“It was good, but of course, I’m tired and just glad to be home with my lady.” She grins cheekily. You laughed, resting your forehead against hers.
“So…what’ve you been up to today?” She asks, leading you over to the couch to sit down.
“Honestly, once they picked Addy up after breakfast, I went back to sleep, took a shower and just didn’t do anything until I had to make dinner and tidy up the place.”
“Hey, well, as long as you’re doing what you gotta do and you’re happy and rested? You know?” Capri said back.
“It’s so weird though. I’ve never had them or anyone spend the whole day with her.” You sigh.
“She’s fine, I’m sure of it.” Capri assured.
“I know, but it’s like— she’s never spent this much time apart from either of us.”
“When she left, did she throw a tantrum or cry?”
“No, she immediately ran and jumped into Darby’s arms.” You chuckled at the thought.
“Which is great, she knows and trusts them. She loves them both.” Capri continues.
“That makes sense, but I’m just not that used to it because like I said, too quiet. But it’s nice.”
“Nice?” She asks, chin leaning on your shoulder.
“Of course, my brain doesn’t feel like it’s gonna shut down like when she screams and squeals whenever I try and get her to pack up her toys, eat her food or try and get her to shower?”
Capri laughs, “That’s true. It is frustrating when those things happen sometimes,” Sneakily, she pressed a kiss to your neck which made you gasp. “It’s been a minute since we…”
You nodded quickly, the desire quickly washing over you. You had no idea how much you wanted to do something like that again until it was initiated. It’s always been the last thing on your mind these days. Or, in months, even. You two were always so tired with work and looking after Addy that nothing else was on your minds than the usual routine.
“I think…we should have dinner first.” You squirmed, fighting a laugh.
“Oh.” Capri replied teasingly, “Are we still going with the sex being dessert thing?”
That did it for you, you laughed. “I don’t know. I just— want you to have your food before we do anything, y’know? You just got back from work.”
“Unbelievable, I can still make you so flustered after so many years together?” Capri asks while squeezing your thigh.
“Always.” You admitted with a bit of a laugh, “Let’s eat dinner first, don’t want it to get cold.”
“Okay.” Capri agreed, taking your hand and walking into the kitchen with you.
Capri manages to kick the door close quickly, almost as quickly as she plopped you onto bed. “I’m so lucky.” She smiled, gazing into your eyes lovingly as she hovered over you.
“You’re lucky?” You scoffed, “Please. I’m the lucky one. Still don’t know how this happened.”
She grins. “Are you always gonna be all flustered when I do this?” Tease.
“Always.” You admitted.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. That’s not the only thing I love about you.”
Your heart fluttered.
“You know it. We’ve been through so much together.” Capri says, hands trailing down your front, “You’re so strong, so motivated, so intelligent and so loving and kind. The best partner and mother I could’ve ever imagined for myself and my kid.”
You’d pursed your lips together, cheeks growing hot, “I love you.”
“I love you too, darling.” Capri presses her lips against yours. Straightening up, her eyes gazes down at you, tracing your body. You start to avoid her gaze. “Hey.” Her hand stops on your hip, “Look at me, y/n.” And you did, immediately. Your heart melted at that, it always does. You loved yourself, you did. But the attention always makes you feel things.
“You wanna do it?” Capri asked softly, “You’re sure?”
“Mhm.” You nodded in confirmation, “I’m sure.”
With that being said, she begins to attack your skin with kisses, all over. Expertly, she was working over the spots that made you tick. “Shit.” You cursed, “Shit, that feels so good.”
Capri hums in approval, continuing her ministrations, sucking at your neck with just the right amount of pressure to make your arousal grow. When she’s heard that you were ready for more, she starts to move lower. Her hand reaches underneath your shirt, holding onto the hem as she looked at you for an answer. You swiftly nodded, allowing her to remove the clothing. Once that was out of the way, your pants and underwear were off too, abandoned along with your shirt in some corner of the room. You whined as you palmed your breast and groped it before she wrapped her lips around the tip. “Ugh, fuck.” You groaned, “Fuck, that— keep going— keep going—”
“Of course, baby. Of course my darling’s gonna get whatever she wants…” Capri’s hand slides down your front, cupping your cunt, her fingers in your folds, “and definitely whatever she needs.” As she uttered that last word, two fingers plunged into you, hitting your sensitive spot and caused you to scream. Capri took great pleasure and pride in that.
A breathy whimper made her coo at you, and made you so frustrated because she was doing it on purpose to rile you up. And it always worked. Always. She never failed to have her way with you, you’d fold all the time.
“I know, I know…” Capri spoke to you sweetly as her fingers carried on their push and pull, fucking you into oblivion. You had zero idea what kind of god forsaken noises you were even making but they sure were working in your favour because you were getting closer and closer to your high.
“Mm— fuck— fuck— fuck!” Your chest heaved, back arching off the mattress pushing her deeper. Capri only smiles at you, knowing exactly how you were feeling.
“Keep going.” Capri whispers, thumb now pressing onto your clit every time her digits pushed their way into your tightening walls. “Let me hear, huh? Am I making you feel good, darling?” Words get caught in your throat as you swallow painfully, eventually moaning. She slaps your cunt when you didn’t verbally respond, you yipped, toes curling. “Fuck!” You exclaimed, “Fuck. Yes. Yes. Yes, you’re making me feel—”
Finger number three slid into you without resistance, you gasp, begging her to go faster. Capri obliged, basking in the filthy filthy noises coming from your mouth and the juncture between your thighs. At the same time, she fondles with your tits which made your head spin. You were finally pushed into overdrive when her lips made a return to your nipple, sucking it like her life depended on it. Barely straddling you, her fingers fucked you while her mouth gave your sensitive nub the much wanted attention. Your climax hit, causing your hand to clutch her shoulder for support as you cursed and cried through every single moment. You felt your whole body literally convulsing but no, Capri doesn’t just stop. She never does, she would only gradually slow down. Which helps, usually. But right now, you were bordering overstimulation given how long it’s been since you two had been intimate.
Right before you told her to stop, she did. She stops before you asked. “Let me help—”
She shushed you, “All good. I don’t feel like it. Took care of myself last week and I’m settled for awhile.”
Your eyes widened in bewilderment for a split second but you quickly regained your composure, “Okay.” She lays down beside you, brushing the hair out of your eyes and kissing you softly on the lips, “You good? Did I hurt you?”
“I’m okay.” You nodded, “Didn’t hurt me. It’s just been awhile and damn, that was— crazy. Almost forgot how good it felt.”
Capri giggles, “Really? That’s…not very nice for me to hear.”
You sulked.
“Kidding, kidding.” She gasped, eyes meeting yours before she engulfed you in a hug, “I get it. You said they’re getting back at 9?”
You nodded, head snuggled against her chest.
“Thirty minutes.” Capri noted, “Let’s get you cleaned up. You’re showering with me.”
“How nice.” You poked her chest playfully, “One more minute though.”
Hearing some chatter from the other side of the front door, followed by a familiar jingle of keys, the front door swings open. “Hi, mommy!” Addy attacked Capri first with a hug— to her legs, given her height. Capri quickly picked her up. “Hi, my love.” Capri grins, kissing her on the cheek, “Did you have fun?”
“Uh-huh.” The kid nodded excitedly, “We played mini golf and we had milkshakes after dinner.”
“Hi, baby.” You walked over to them in the kitchen.
“Mama!” She squealed, turned around and hugged you while Capri was still holding onto her. Capri lets her go once you held on.
“Thanks…for spending all day with her.” You told them.
“We always love spending time with her.” Darby chuckles, “Sometimes a handful, definitely takes after your wife.”
Capri snorted, laughing.
“We always have a lot of fun.” Alex quipped, “And I always have a lot of fun seeing Darbs run after her.”
“Alex!” Darby chided quietly while you excused yourself and took Adelaide into her room to her a new outfit before you gave her a bath. “Yeah, well…she’s thrilled to be staying up past her bedtime, obviously.” You heard Capri joke while you exit the living area.
“You sleepy, lovey?” You chuckled as you got her dried off and dressed. Adelaide nods, nuzzling her head in your chest once she was fully redressed. You carried her off the counter and walked over to her bed, tucking her in.
Once she was actually sleepy, she wouldn’t be as chatty or be wanting to get out of the bath when you weren’t done.
“You want a story, baby?”
“No, mama.” She shook her head, “Can you lie here? With me?”
“Of course, baby.” You agreed, quickly climbing into the bed with her, letting her snuggle with you. You stroked her hair as she had her head on your chest, lulling her to sleep. “Good night, lovey.”
“G’night, mama.”
Capri showed up in the doorway, watching you both. “Hi.” She smiled, mouthing to you.
You smiled back, looking between her and Adelaide. Your heart swelled, she was a spitting image of Capri. Capri walks on and sat down with you in Addy’s bed. “She looks so much like you.” You remarked, patting the girl’s back while you glanced at Capri.
Capri nods, then shrugs, “I see a lot of you in her too. She’s a good mix of us both.”
You slid out from beneath Addy and left the room which Capri, leaving the door ajar. After saying bye to your sister and Alex, you and Capri turned in for the night. “You know…some nights I just lie here and think about how far we’ve come, how much we’ve done together, been through together. All…for what we have now. A family of our own, giving her all our love, giving her the best. We have so much love, Capri.”
Capri pulls you into her arms, “We do. We do have so much love to give, that’s why we had her. She’s everything to me, like you are. You two make me feel so happy, motivate me to get up everyday and give it all I’ve got. You two are my world.”
“Well, you guys. Are my entire world.” You said back, “I’m so lucky. To have you and Addy, my sister, Alex. To be able to have gotten married to you, the love of my life. Have a kid, start a family. It hasn’t been easy. We’ve worked so damn hard and I’m proud of what we’ve overcome and achieved.”
Capri kisses you on the side of your head, “I’m proud of us. We’re doing a fucking great job at this life thing.”
“Yes we are.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
Loved writing this one hehe. Thanks sm for the request and waiting🫶🏼 wasn’t sure if you wanted smut but it seemed like the right direction to take for a part of it😶‍🌫️
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