#but it’s reintensifying
brynnamonroll · 1 year
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Everyone playing FE7 on NSO has gotten me thinking about Them again… here’s a lil sketch of Ninian for you
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anothermonikan · 2 years
I think if I told super depressed last year summer me that we'd actually get the DHMIS series this year, her will to live would've been boosted so much
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cc-horan28 · 6 months
Is it just me or does rereading OMAM reintensify the longing by like 10000x?
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sneezyminniejo · 2 years
Busy Bar, Jinxed Night
Here's the Jinx fic. For further info Gyuhan has a curse/jinx that gives him bad luck when he sneezes, or so he thought. In reality the jinx is that the opposite of whatever he's wishing for will happen when he sneezes. He tried using it on Sekyung, but nothing happened which led to him asking outright. The scene in episode five ends when Gyuhan starts sneezing.
Gyuhan POV
Sekyung just rejected me. Or at least, I'm pretty sure she did. When I asked her if she likes me, she told me to refill the condiments. I feel like an idiot and I just made two customers leave just to be humiliated in private.
I sigh as I realize the bag of sauce is empty, so I need to grab a new one from the top shelf. Only I couldn't quite reach it without some sort of boost, so I grabbed a nearby chair. Just as I grabbed hold of the box with the desired item, I lost my footing and fell to the ground. Apparently the box I grabbed hadn't been moved in awhile because a cloud of dust formed in the air as I crashed to the floor.
I immediately felt the tiny particles enter my nose, causing the appendage to become incredibly itchy. I barely had time to cover the first sneeze as I was overcome with an intense fit.
Sekyung POV
I can't believe that Gyuhan has figured out that I've been crushing on him. He also had the nerve to ask me if I liked him in the middle of our shift. Of course I'm not going to admit anything while I'm working. Working is not the place to discuss such matters. I'm also a little annoyed that a couple of potential customers had come in, but they decided to leave before they even had a chance to see the menu.
After Gyuhan asked me if I liked him I merely told him to fill the condiment bottles. I needed to get my thoughts in order on whether or not I wanted to confess, so I went back to the table where I was rolling silverware.
Not even a minute later, I hear a crash. I look over to see that Gyuhan knocked over a box of something. I put down the silverware I was currently rolling, when the lights started flickering. Damn. Something must be wrong with the breaker box. Thankfully our boss told me where the fuse box is just in case I needed to turn anything off or on again.
As I'm approaching the counter, I decide to check on how Gyuhan is doing cleaning up. Only he isn't cleaning up the mess he made. He's staring off into space. I frown as I wave my hand in his face to get his attention.
"Gyuha-" "Hih-ngxt, heh-nxgt, HEH-STIESHHH-NGXT!"
I stare baffled for a moment as I watch my crush succumb to a fairly intense sneezing fit. The lights flicker again before my mind kicks back into action. I run to the nearest table and grab the napkin dispenser before returning to my suffering coworker. The lights continue to flicker, but I can deal with those later.
Gyuhan POV
The sneezing continued, but the itch refused to leave. Everytime I thought I was done, the itch would reintensify and the fit would continue. I think I heard Sekyung noona call my name, but I'm not certain. The brief moments that my eyes would open, I noticed something funky going on with the lights. There's too much to focus on, but my nose won't let me focus on anything.
"Heh-ngxtsh, Hih-ngxt, heh-ngxtsiesh, heh-stieshhhh." Another fit overcame my body and next thing I know is someone placing tissues in front of my face.
It took me a few seconds to remember that Sekyung and I are the only ones here. Meaning she's currently catching my uncontrolled sneezing. Great, more embarrassment. I started to wish that I was the only one in the restaurant as I did my best to grab the tissues from Sekyung. Of course fate was not on my side and I could distantly hear the bell ding that alerts us when the door is opened.
Sekyung POV
Gyuhan definitely sneezed on me a little when I covered his face with napkins. I cringed a little at the spray, but I can't hold it against him since he's clearly having an allergic reaction or something.
I glance at the mess that Gyuhan made, and I see how dusty the box he had grabbed was. The pepper also spilled. No wonder he's sneezing so much. I grab some more napkins and switch them out for the soiled ones. After I've replaced the napkins, Gyuhan tried to remove my hand from his face and replace it with his own. I almost didn't let him, but the bell that signals someone entering chimed. Gyuhan is clearly still in no condition to work. I sigh as I quickly sort through my options.
"I'll be with you in a minute!" I call to whoever walked in. 
I then help Gyuhan stand up before leading him to the staff room just off to the side. The lights have been flickering the entire time and thankfully the breaker box is in the room we just entered. I sit Gyuhan down at one of the tables before quickly examining the breaker box. Sure enough, a couple of the switches were wrong. I quickly put the switches in the proper position and looked out of the room to see the lights stopped flickering. I look over to my coworker/crush and it appears he has mostly stopped sneezing. At least enough to blow his nose.
I wanted to stay with him to make sure he was truly okay, but that could potentially make him figure out I actually like him. Besides, I need to tend to the customers that are waiting.
"There are customers waiting." Is all I say before leaving the staff room.
Gyuhan POV
The sneezing began to calm down when Sekyung moved me away from the mess of offending particles. I was finally able to breathe long enough to blow my nose. Although it jostled around dust particles that were lingering in my nose.
"Heh-ngxtshh, huh-nxgt-ngxtshhh, hih-hih-ngxtshhh-ngxtieshh." After the fit, I blew my nose again. This time very productively. I sighed as I grabbed more napkins from the dispenser to clean myself up with. I groaned as I realized that I just spent who knows how long sneezing into my crush's hand. Sekyung probably hates me even more now for being so gross. I finish cleaning myself up before deciding to wallow in self pity and embarrassment for a bit.
After a couple of moments I start to noise coming from the dining area. I find this a little weird because it's 3:47 in the afternoon on a Tuesday. It's normally pretty dead. I stand up and open the door. My eyes widen when I see Sekyung's section is completely full and she's trying to serve everyone by herself.
As I leave the room to help my coworker, I notice that the mess I made still hasn't been cleaned up. He quickly grabbed the dustpan and broom. I first pick up the condiment containers and box, and I place them on the counter before I start sweeping.
While I'm sweeping, I begin thinking about how I hope my shift won't get any more hectic. Unfortunately, sweeping up the dust and pepper causes some particles to float up to my nose. I quickly turn to the side and bring my elbow to my face.
"Hih-ngxt, heh-ngxtshh." I sniffle a little to make sure I'm not going to sneeze again then finish sweeping.
Just as I finish sweeping, the doorbell chimes.I look up to see if anybody has left and am surprised that a party of ten walked in. I quickly put the broom and dustpan away before walking onto the floor to help out.
At one point, Sekyung asked me if I was good to work. I would have melted a little at the concern, but I knew that she was probably more worried about working solo, or having to close the bar early. I told her that everything was out of my system and we have a room full of customers who want drinks to tend to. She gave me an indecipherable look and went behind the counter to start making more drinks.
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The Tamga of the House of Aileron
Whumptober 2022: Day 23 (forced to kneel) & Day 31 (comfort, "you can rest now")
Content: branding, collar, slavery
Calyx's chest rose and fell in quick, shallow breaths. They were kneeling on the floor, the normally cool stones now warm from their proximity to the blazing forge. Their arms were tied tightly behind their back, each wrist bound just above the opposite elbow, and a rope around their ankles and thighs prevented them from trying to stand. Elvan held them in place, their back against her, with one arm around their midsection and the other around their neck—not quite tight enough to choke, but definitely enough to keep them from turning their head. She held their head turned partway to the side and tilted back against her chest, looking up at her instead of over at the forge and the red hot branding iron sitting in it.
Once the iron was sufficiently hot, Demir pulled it out of the forge and stepped closer. Calyx could only just see them moving near in their peripheral vision. Elvan could feel their trembling increasing in intensity and they let out a pitiful whine from behind the thick cloth between their teeth.
She nodded imperceptibly to Demir, then turned her attention to Calyx.
“Look at me.”
With some effort, they focused their gaze on their master. The light from the forge’s flames reflected in their unshed tears, the red-orange glow dancing across the green underneath. Elvan tightened her hold on Calyx, tensing her muscles and pulling them closer.
“This won’t last long,” Elvan said, “but it will hurt like hell.”
And with that, the branding iron was pressed against their chest. The gag did little to dampen the ear-splitting scream that tore out of them. It was the kind of pain that takes over your mind, pushing out all rational thought, leaving you with nothing but the primal instinct to get away as fast as possible. And so they tried, desperately struggling against their bonds and Elvan’s vise-like grip. They couldn’t tell if the shrieking in their ears was their own screaming, muted by the sheer intensity of sensation, or the high-pitched sizzling of their flesh, magnified by the fundamental wrongness of the sound. Their vision went black, though whether they had screwed their eyes shut or were just losing consciousness was not a distinction that existed in that moment.
After what felt like an eternity, Demir pulled the iron away from their chest and stepped away. Their agonized shrieks slowly turned into drawn out wails and their thrashing subsided once the branding was done. The pain was still immense, but now it approached a type and intensity that Calyx could actually wrap their mind around. They gasped for breath in between sobs.
Demir reappeared to clean the burn, reintensifying the pain with an alcohol-soaked cloth. Calyx somehow found the energy to cry out again, flinching back against Elvan, who had only slightly lessened her hold on them. Their bare skin was slick with sweat under her hands. Demir applied a salve and bandaged their chest snugly.
Once the healer had finished their work, when the nauseating smell of burning flesh had faded and Calyx had thoroughly exhausted themself from screaming and crying, the Regent let her slave lean back against her with their head against her shoulder, her hold on them shifting from restraint to comfort. She ran her fingers through their hair to the knot holding the gag in place. Deftly untying it, she removed the saliva-soaked cloth from between their teeth and gingerly massaged their aching jaw and mouth to reduce the tension in the muscles.
“It’s over,” she softly spoke against their hair before kissing the top of their head. “You can rest now.”
They didn’t say anything, just laid limply in her arms, staring blankly at a spot on the floor a couple paces away. They would make the occasional noise, the smallest hum their vocal cords could produce, though Elvan could tell they were putting as much effort into it as they could. Eventually Elvan gently pushed them away from herself so she could undo their bindings. With their wrists untied, they let their arms down, but kept their hands behind their back due to the strain in their shoulders. Similarly, when she untied their legs, they didn’t shift from their kneeling position until she moved their legs out from under them herself to untangle them from the ropes.
Elvan coiled the ropes and placed them on a table, then returned to Calyx and stopped in front of them. She stared down at them for a moment before speaking.
“You now bear the tamga of the House of Aileron. That is an honor I do not bestow lightly. Do you understand what that means?”
Calyx slowly lifted their eyes to meet hers. They tried to focus on her words but it was hard to think through the fog of pain clouding their mind.
“It means you are special. You belong to me, and that means no one else can touch you. If they do, I will kill them.”
She stated it so flatly that Calyx just blinked up at her for several seconds while processing what she said.
“It also means I will not kill you…unless you deserve it. Remember, what I said to you the first time you kneeled before my throne is still true—even more so than before, because if you betray me now, I will take it personally.”
They could never forget the threat she had made when they became her slave. If you betray me, you will yearn for death’s release, and I won’t let you have it.
“Think of this as a…rebirth, of sorts. Whoever you were before today, you are no longer that person. Whatever your name was, if you had one, is irrelevant now. Starting today you are nothing but what I tell you to be, you do nothing but what I want you to do. You do not exist outside of these walls. You do not exist without me.”
The newly nameless slave nodded faintly.
“Stand up,” Elvan said. They unsteadily got to their feet, wincing as they felt every movement in the fresh brand on their chest. She had picked something up off the table and they now saw it was a collar. It was a deep, dark red leather the width of a couple fingers, with a shiny metal buckle and ring. Elvan placed it around their throat and buckled it, leaving enough room that she could still grip it with one hand. Then, careful to avoid touching the area of the brand, Elvan hugged the slave. That was it, no rough kiss or pulled hair or anything. Just a strong but gentle embrace that the slave desperately wanted to throw themself into if it wasn’t for the excruciating pain from the brand. They instead leaned their forehead against Elvan’s chest. After a minute they pulled back to look up at her.
“What is my name?”
She cocked her head to the side and considered for a moment.
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yhwhrulz · 3 months
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seokmatthewz · 4 years
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llamamonger · 3 years
I get the pleasure/pain of being one of my friend’s main confidants about their new romantic interest. The emotional whiplash is very real. It’s compounded by my need to analyze the hell out of people’s relationships, but this is so meta because at the same time that I’m trying to help my friend work out their situation, I’m simultaneously working out my own based on their responses. What’s the probability that they’ll drop this & I’ll get a second chance to tell them how I much I (platonically) love them? Where do I actually stand & where would I stand if they were in a romantic relationship? When should I give up? But this afternoon we reached peak meta.
Their romantic interest has been very coy about committing to their feelings , admiting things & then walking back with a “just kidding.” It makes me so mad. My friend wants them to be the first to say how they feel & then they would happily reciprocate (ugh, my heart!). I’m like, how dare this person squander an opportunity I’ve wanted for the better part of 2 years! But my friend said they understand that it’s hard to be vulnerable like that because “if you say you like someone & it’s not reciprocated, not only is the relationship out of the question, the friendship is ruined, too.” And I just had to sit there, trying not to collapse in on myself emotionally since they were almost exactly describing my own dilemma in that moment. They did comment that a lack of reciprocation didn’t have to mean the end of a friendship, otherwise I would’ve fully ruled out ever confessing my feelings. I told them that they should call the person out on their BS if they want a resolution to this without having to make the first move. But what I wanted to say was “I LOVE YOU! I don’t just like you—I love you!! Way more than this person does! At least as much as anyone else could!” I have no idea whether they said that & had any clue I was harboring these unspoken feelings (I wonder if my face betrayed it, kind of hope it did). But I can’t even call myself out on my own BS—I knew this whole time they’d need me to speak first even if they did feel the same. But this romantic interest has had plenty of validation to take the risk & for some reason won’t, and I have had very little validation & am willing to blow this whole thing up right now.
I’m having these swings from cowardly to irrational, apparently. Between this post & the last, I went from giving up entirely to almost resolving to say something tonight. Because honestly I don’t know how much more I can take of this limbo. Please just call them out on the BS, become official, let me go crawl off under a bush like a dying animal and feel my feelings in peace. Or end the flirtation entirely because this person is a coward & not worth being with. Maybe that’s what it is. I may not have the perfect opportunity to reveal my feelings in the perfect way, and I may ruin everything, but damn it, if I’m gonna be miserable either way, I can STOP being a coward at least! And not be the last coward standing. I’m 90% willing to do it, tonight, before either of them get a chance to reintensify the conversation. The only thing holding me back is whether this the best way to love them? Is this more to my benefit than theirs? Is it equally selfish as being a withholding coward? Maybe I’m preoccupied with finding a way to do it that won’t ruin things (eliminate all other factors), though, and trying to find the nonexistent “perfect” way is what’s put me in this position (and will keep me there). I’ll see them soon, so I have to decide quickly.
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gosh im this close into jumping back into both naruto and dw(tho this one i have already dipped a bit back into)
and maybe rewatch bleach to reintensify the hyperfixation
so i’ll be in 3 layers of hell, why not multitask, why not
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tilliwriteapine · 5 years
MacGyver Prompts
So I’m wrapped up in life and school and my MacGyver novel “Burn the Ships”, and these poor ideas are just sitting on my computer, oblivious to what could be. So I’m setting them free. Feel free to tweak as you see fit. If you do decide to write one of these, tag me so I can cry over the amazing work!
Be ready for the weirdest list you’ve ever read ;)
MacGyver Prompts
*AU where Mac is a high school science teacher
*Jack has to play Hangman (what about, not sure). If he gets six wrong answers (head, body, two arms, two legs), Mac hangs - for real
*Mac on a shipping container?
*How did Bozer come to pay rent for living in Mac’s house?
*Mac and Charlie (anything goes, just THESE TWO! *star eyes*)
*Mac and Jack and phones fic
*Mac & Jack on an airplane – hijacked? (survival kit, oxygen masks, first aid kit, AED, o2 tubing, oxygen)
*Mac and Jack on a cruise ship - what could POSSIBLY go wrong? (Actually, all of them on a cruise ship, Jim included) (this idea came long before Lucas took his cruise, bahahaha)
*Use this incorrect quote in an actual fic, because THIS IS BRILLIANTLY HILARIOUS - Mac: Are you suggesting I… occasionally stray from the rule book? Matty: No, I suggest you don’t own a copy, and if you do, you have never opened it.
*Mac has PTSD after Alfred Pena dies (accentuated by Jack, dims for a few years, reintensifies when Mac finds out that bomb was, in fact, targeted at him by the Ghost)
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magaratimes · 2 years
#PoliticoCD. | DRC-Belgium cooperation: André Flahaut in Kinshasa to "intensify" diplomatic relations between the two countries again
#PoliticoCD. | DRC-Belgium cooperation: André Flahaut in Kinshasa to “intensify” diplomatic relations between the two countries again
As the Democratic Republic of the Congo prepares to celebrate its 62 years of independence, against the backdrop of the return of the relics – finally returned by Belgium – of its very first Prime Minister, André Flahaut, Belgian Minister of State, is staying in Kinshasa since the evening of Sunday June 26, to “reintensify” diplomatic relations between his country and the DRC. In an interview…
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anumetservice · 6 years
Drier Than Normal May for Antigua, Droughts Reintensify
Drier Than Normal May for Antigua, Droughts Reintensify
Dale C. S. Destin |
The rainfall for May 2018 was below normal for Antigua. The total of 43.9 mm (1.73 in) was only 42% of what normally falls – 103.6 mm (4.08 in). Thus, there was a 58% deficit of rainfall for the month.
The last three-month period – March to May, upon which the assessment of the current intensity of the drought is based, had 135.1 mm (5.32 in), only 56% of the normal total of…
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sirladysketch · 6 years
Things I should've been thinking about on my way into work today:
plot points for my current chapter
how to rework that scene so it's not pure info dumping
did I *actually* remember that info session with my tech beta correctly or am I making shit up
does stuff make sense and will people be able to stand bouncing back and forth between locations and perspectives
should I write a short fluff piece for ‘Crack’ to celebrate Monday, focusing on the other boys
do people actually want to read the sequel if it focuses on different characters
should I rewatch all of the cutscenes to reintensify feelings at the risk of starting a new plot bunny in my heart
resume/cover letter stuff so I can get a job outside of the city and never have to drive the beltway or expressway again
Things I was actually thinking about:
Do "monger" and "manager" come from the same root word? (later Googling results were inconclusive, but my heart says yes)
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phgq · 4 years
Increased spilling possible again in three Luzon dams
#PHnews: Increased spilling possible again in three Luzon dams
MANILA – Ambuklao, Binga, and Magat dams in Luzon may reintensify respective spilling operations in the forthcoming days. "We're not discounting that possibility as rainfall there may increase," said Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) hydrologist Edgar dela Cruz. He said such rainfall can increase flow of water into the dams, causing these facilities to spill or release more excess water. Intensified spilling operation aims to prevent the dams' water from rising to dangerous levels, he said. Rain from the successive onslaught of tropical cyclones since October 2020 significantly raised water level in Ambuklao, Binga, and Magat dams, resulting in spilling operations more intense than what these facilities did during the 24-hour period ending 6 a.m. Friday (Dec. 4). PAGASA data showed that volume of water each of the dams released then was constant, said dela Cruz. However, he said there wasn't much rainfall nowadays so the dams didn't have to release more water. That can change as PAGASA said the northeast monsoon or "amihan" and tail-end of a frontal system are prevailing in Luzon, he noted. On Friday, PAGASA said "amihan" is affecting northern Luzon. "We see 'amihan' will persist there this weekend," said PAGASA weather forecaster Raymond Ordinario. Generally fair weather is likely in northern Luzon then but the area can also experience some drizzle due to "amihan", he added. He said "amihan" will mostly affect the area's western portion during the weekend. Ambuklao and Binga dams are located in Benguet province while Magat Dam in Isabela province lies near the eastern portion. Tail-end of a frontal system can bring light rains to Luzon's eastern portion this weekend, Ordinario said. Continuous light rains can already have an impact on Magat Dam, he added. (PNA) 
* Philippine News Agency. "Increased spilling possible again in three Luzon dams." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1123846 (accessed December 05, 2020 at 12:00AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Increased spilling possible again in three Luzon dams." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1123846 (archived).
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thestereotypebuster · 7 years
Aaaand my fear of ever meeting Keanu Reeves in an elevator is reintensified
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i love watching americas next top model to retrigger and reintensify . my ed
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