#but it's my grandma's recipe and that recipe is Evil even if it comes out Great when you get it right
mistbornhero · 4 months
*lounging in the floor with a drink and dark glasses, even indoors, for the aestheticTM
Hello my dear, what it's your favorite cake. Assuming you like cakes. Describe it to me.
Excellent aesthetic TM
Sorry for the delay in reply, yesterday a podfic event was closing so it was The Rush to finish followed by Too Tired To Think lmao
I think my favorite has always been Tres Leches Cake? Asked for it for most of my birthdays, she makes the cake itself with pancake mix, because why not, and then while it is hot you dump in a can of sweetened condensed milk and a can of evaporated milk and leave it (best overnight, because it has more time to soak up the flavor). And then once it's cooled down you take heavy cream and powdered sugar and whip up chantilly cream and (artfully) cover the whole cake.
So it's wet, I guess, and very sweet?
I also love chocolate cakes. All kinds? I have a great recipe for pecan chocolate cake, throw a ganache over it and ta-da. That one is less wet, but still moist? And has more cake texture because it's not as wet.
I do love cakes other people make, but my mom is great at baking so I'm also somewhat picky about it
Love Devil's Food cake? partially because of the name, partially because chocolate.
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nataliawrites · 2 years
TikTok on the Clock // Daniel Ricciardo
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One of the best things to come out of the pandemic lockdown was finally giving in to the urge to download TikTok. You had quickly grown addicted to scrolling through the mix of eclectic videos that popped up on your “for you page” and soon enough decided to start posting some yourself.
It did not take long for Formula 1 fans to make the connection between your account and who your boyfriend is — Daniel Ricciardo was many things but subtle was not one of them and he had a tendency to “accidentally” interrupt you while you filmed.
You kept the account going long after restrictions eased and hopped on many of the trends that made their rounds on the app. This year, you were feeling slightly evil. You have been putting together a compilation of hilarious (if you did say so yourself) pranks that you pulled on your boyfriend since the season began and were just about to hit upload as the countdown began.
You put down your phone and turn to give Daniel your full attention.
His lips taste like champagne.
Happy New Year!
“Hey Dan?”
“Maybe stay off TikTok for a bit.”
“What did you do?”
You loved the Australian Grand Prix. Your boyfriend’s home race was a spectacle on the track and a great opportunity to spend time with his family off the track.
As usual, you flew out to Perth a bit early before switching coasts for the race. You were busy in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on dinner as you prepared to host everyone that evening. When everything was mostly done, you started recording on your phone and leaned it against the wall inconspicuously before calling for your boyfriend.
“Hey, babe?” You pour a heaping pile of salt on a spoon.
“Yeah?” You can hear Daniel from across the house.
“Can you come taste my sauce?” You dunk the spoon in a pot of your tomato sauce and pick up just enough to hide the salt.
He basically runs to the kitchen, “test taster reporting for duty.”
You bring the spoon to his mouth, “I used your nonna’s recipe.”
His eyes screw shut and his mouth puckers, “my-my nonna’s recipe?”
“Your mom shared it with me. Isn’t it delicious?”
“Yeah,” his voice cracks. “Delicious.”
You look at his face again and fight a losing battle not to laugh as he desperately tries not to offend you and his grandma.
You reach towards your phone as giggles escape you.
Daniel finally realizes he’s been tricked, “are you serious?”
You point the camera towards your boyfriend, “you should’ve seen your face.”
“You’re so mean to me,” he pouts.
“Babe?” You questioned coming through the front door. You had spent the day loading up on groceries and stopping by a few boutiques that caught your eye. This was the perfect opportunity to finally pull one over on your boyfriend.
“I’m in here,” you drop your bags in the foyer and follow Daniel’s voice to where he’s lying on the living room sectional.
Your phone is stuck in your bra, the camera just peaking over your shirt. “My car told me I needed windshield wiper fluid while I was out.”
He lowers his phone but keeps his focus on it.
“So I pulled into a gas station and the guy working there gave me a really good deal. He told me I got it for 50 percent off and it was only $150 for me because of how sweet I was.”
Daniel’s head snaps up as he drops his phone.
“You paid $150?”
“Yeah …”
“For windshield wiper fluid?”
“Yeah? He told me it was a good deal!”
“Love,” you can’t tell if he wants to laugh or cry, “I could’ve done that for free. He ripped you off.”
“But it was 50 percent off?”
“It costs less than $5 to buy and then you just pour it in!” He gestures wildly, “this is my fault. How do I race for a living and literally collect cars without teaching my girlfriend how to change her own windshield wiper fluid?”
By this point you’re silently laughing which Daniel finally notices.
“Really? Really?” He turns around to face the back of the couch, “don’t talk to me.”
“Awww, baby. Don’t be mad at me,” you coo. “I think it’s cute how protective you got.”
“Still mad at you.” It’s hard to take him seriously with his face shoved into the leather couch, muffling his voice.
You walk into the gym, your phone hidden in the pocket of your leggings, and take in the view of you shirtless boyfriend.
The fans will appreciate this one.
He pauses his juggling on the stationary bike.
“My back’s really been bothering since I came back from my run. Do you think you can help me stretch it or something?”
He gets off the bike and walks toward you, “do you want me to call Michael? He won’t mind coming over to help with your back.”
“Don’t bother him. It’s nothing major,” you turn away from your boyfriend and quickly stick two pieces of pasta between your molars while he can’t see, “just need to loosen it up a bit.”
“Okay …” he spreads his palms across your back and applies some careful pressure. You bite down on the pasta, timing the crack with his movements.
“Oh my god.” You let your body go limp.
“Love? Are you okay?” He tries to hold you up but you collapse on the padded floor of the gym.
“Is it your back? What did I do? I knew we should’ve just called Michael. Oh my god.”
You take pity on your boyfriend, not wanting him to think that he actually broke your back for longer than a few seconds, “it was just pasta.”
“The sound. It was just me biting pasta. It’s a prank trend.”
He lets go of your body and you fully drop to the floor.
“Are.” He pelts you with one of the balls he was juggling.
“You.” And another.
“Kidding.” And another.
“Me?” And another.
You run out of the gym laughing as he continues to chase you through the house, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
“I thought I broke your back!”
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mamayan · 10 months
Tw: Food/Sensitivity Discussion
Can’t wait for Holiday dinners when everyone starts talking about dieting/weight while I’m trying to eat—
I’ve got a good following count, so lemme hop on my soap box real quick for a little psa.
Some advice from a dietetic student specializing in ED recoveries:
You’re 100% guaranteed to like your meal/snack/dessert much more when someone isn’t commenting on it and making you feel guilty for eating it… even if it’s second hand comments not meant for you. (i.e. “I’m so jealous you’re eating that, I wish I could, but I’m bla bla bla bla”). Just put your hand up and stop them from talking, let them know you don’t appreciate their thoughtless comments, and leave. You’re allowed to walk away. You’re allowed to say something. You are entitled to eat your meal in a safe and comfortable environment.
If you or someone else is on their own personal journey that deviates from intuitive eating, please do not let them or yourself force it on others. It’s great to be proud, set goals, and have achievements, but remember that EDs are the most sneaky and harmful, and your/their journey could be someone else’s nightmare. This isn’t just telling people to not try and sell it (i.e. “Look how much I’ve lost on Keto/Exercise Program/etc.!”) I also mean it can be damaging to be presented a “gluten free/dairy free/carb free/keto friendly/ridiculously high protein meal” and have it used like a weapon. Grandma or whoever isn’t the enemy on Iron Chef, unless they/you/or someone in the family has specific intolerances/allergies/dietary restrictions (religious or by preference), there is no need to shove that dish in anyone’s face as if it’s better than a regularly used recipe. It isn’t better, it’s just different, if someone decides to make a dish like that and bring it, it should be treated like a normal dish and save everyone from hearing about it’s “health/detox/nutrient” benefits. If you see someone doing this, go ahead and call them out on their insensitive behavior.
Commenting on someone’s weight is not a compliment, whether they/you think it is or not. We’ve come so far, we can totally compliment someone on something other than than that right? If not, getting to know someone better or having them get to know you better is a great step in finding where to compliment away from someone’s weight. “You’re so beautiful! I love your boots/nail color/makeup/etc.” is so much better than “You’re so beautiful! Your waist looks thinner/butt bigger/etc.”
I am not a board certified dietician and therefore can not mention more on this topic (until I am~), but remember your time with family and friends should be spent enjoyably, and while we joke about the arguments and drama that comes with a big gathering like that, it’s good to remember that enjoyment from food is not evil and you should never be shamed or have to endure nonsense while spending time with loved ones. Those topics, if so important, can have their own separate time given to them, not while you’re trying to decide what to eat/plate up/eating.
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mariacallous · 6 months
Hamantaschen weren’t always my favorite cookie to enjoy. The ones I grew up with were dry, would sort of crumble in your hand, and had a sad apricot, prune or poppy schmear in the middle that just wasn’t enticing. My grandma would bring them home from her synagogue’s sisterhood each year and I would do my best to smile and take a bite. Fast forward, and the quality and variety of hamantaschen have come a very long way. You can find hamantaschen these days in every flavor imaginable: stuffed with hot dogs, dulce de leche, strawberry cheesecake and so on. There is no end to the creativity that bloggers, bakers and chefs have infused into these traditional Purim cookies.
These triangular treats are enjoyed for the Jewish holiday of Purim, when the wicked king Haman (BOO!) was defeated through the brilliant intellect of a Jewish woman, Queen Esther. There’s a bit more to the story, of course. But we were blessed with hamantaschen cookies as one of the many ways we are encouraged to celebrate the holiday. My other favorite part about Purim is that you are commanded to “drink until you cannot tell good from evil.” Consider it done.
However, hamantaschen do not actually date back to Queen Esther; they are a far more recent addition to Jewish cuisine. Triangular yeasted dough pastries filled with poppy seeds (known as mohn) were common in Germany during the 18th century, which is when Jews adopted them and began enjoying them for Purim; the triangle shape a nod to the hat supposedly worn by Haman.
My recipe below (which, yes, is one of the best hamantaschen recipes you will ever try) is inspired by my dear friend Rachel Korycan and her mom Susan, who took me under their wing to show me their recipe, which yields a far more delicate and delicious hamantaschen than many other old-school versions. It is not made with a yeasted dough, but rather a sugar-cookie like dough, which bakes up sweet and tender.
My favorite fillings include raspberry jam with mini chocolate chips, cookie butter, chocolate-hazelnut spread and store-bought poppy seed filling (you can find it in the baking aisle near the cherry pie filling). But really, the sky is the limit, and the most important thing is to have fun.
Hamantaschen can be tricky to make sometimes — they are notorious for leaking or losing their shape —so make sure to check out my one genius hamantaschen trick you need to ensure you have picture-perfect cookies every time. Or if you want to try and make hamantaschen baking even easier, you can try this hack using store-bought cookie dough or this hack using a box of cake mix!
You need to chill the hamantaschen dough for 1 hour, or up to overnight if you want to make it a day ahead.
You can freeze the dough for 1-2 months wrapped in a double layer of plastic wrap. I would not suggest freezing already baked cookies with fillings inside.
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pixeldolly · 3 years
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Alice didn’t feel any different after drinking the witch’s brew; she wondered whether that was a good thing or not. She wanted to believe the former. 
She spent the rest of the morning making fresh chicken soup, her grandma’s famous recipe which her family loved. That way, the chicken would not go to waste and her secret would be safe until she worked out a way to tell them the truth...or at least part of the truth. Alice hated keeping secrets. 
In an attempt to relax, she picked up her knitting and sat down to enjoy the warm sunshine streaming in through the windows. 
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Oblivious to his mother’s predicament, Duncan was glad that another school day was behind him. He’d even managed to persuade the second newcomer to Moira’s Hope - Faith Clare - to come out of her shell a bit. Faith had even fewer friends than Amelia did, although for different reasons. The girl looked anxious whenever anyone approached her, and she apparently had to ask her parents’ permission for everything, even taking a walk down to the Village Square.
Duncan thought that was odd - Moira’s Hope was as safe as any place he could imagine, and it wasn’t as if one could get lost!
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Duncan: “Remind me to introduce you to my friend Amelia. She’s in my class; the girl from Windenburg.”
Faith's eyes widened fearfully at the sound of that name.
Faith: “You mean th-the witch?”
Duncan laughed.
Duncan: “Red hair, pointy hat - that’s her!”
Faith: “But...aren’t you afraid, being friends with...with someone like that?”
Faith reminded Duncan of a rabbit caught in a trap, the way her eyes darted around as if looking for an escape.
Duncan: “Why would I - wait, you haven’t been listening to the kids saying she can turn people into toads, have you? I don’t think she can, and even if she could, Amy wouldn’t do that.”
Faith lifted her chin; suddenly, determination shone on her face, but Duncan thought he could sense something else behind it. Doubt, maybe.
Faith: “My father says all magic is evil, and witches are an affront to the Watcher.”
Duncan didn't really know how to respond to that; most people he knew were a bit wary of magic (though they happily took Moira's wares) but to call it evil...that was too much. Amelia wasn't evil, and even though she was scary, Miss Compton wasn't either.
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official-weasley · 3 years
Sisters Meeting - (The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley AU)
Warnings: pure.family.fluff 💙
Word count: 3,547
Characters: Charlie Weasley and my OC Nova from TICW which you can find here
“Uncle Bill, uncle Bill, wake up!” I opened my eyes the second I heard Aoede calling my name.
“I'm up, I'm up. Good morning, sunshine.” I chuckled at my niece who was waiting for me to pick her up at the edge of the bed.
“Good molning, auntie Fleul.” Aoede gently stroke Fleur's hair as I put her down between us.
“Good morning, Aoede. You are as cheerful as ever.” Fleur giggled as Aoede started to tickle her nose with the strand of her hair.
“I'm hungly,” Aoede announced. “Do you know what you want to eat already?” I asked.
“Pollidge! The one auntie Fleul makes! It's yummy!” Aoede rubbed two circles on her belly.
“I agree with you on that one. Did you hear, Fleur? You're making breakfast.” I leaned to her and kissed her forehead. “No,” Fleur playfully shook her head, “I want to sleep more.” She faked a yawn and covered herself over her head.
“No way! But we ale hungly, alen't we, uncle Bill?” Aoede turned to me, looking confused.
“Exactly!” I was barely keeping it together not to burst out laughing as I knew that Fleur was only playing a trick on Aoede.
“Please, auntie Fleul!”
“Please, Fleur!” I followed my niece's lead.
“Oh, alright.” Fleur came from under the covers and rolled her eyes. “But only if...” She continued with a smirk on her lips.
“Only if what?” Aoede asked.
“If I can tickle you first!” Fleur laughed in an evil way and started tickling us, with one hand each.
“No! No, auntie, stop! It tickles!” Aoede couldn't stop laughing.
“No! Not the ribcage!” I grabbed Aoede to pull her closer to me and hid us under the covers.
“We have to lun,” Aoede whispered to me.
“Okay. On the count of three. Together now.”
“One, two, three!” Aoede and I exclaimed, lifted the covers, and ran out of the bedroom with her sitting on my shoulders. “Oh, no! You tricked me!” We heard Fleur gasp dramatically while we giggled in the hallway. “We sure got her, Aoede!” I winked at her.
“We won! We won!”
“Thank you, auntie Fleul.” Aoede licked her lips as Fleur placed a bowl with porridge in front of her.
“It's not too hot is it?” I asked her. “William, I know zat I can't feed 'er 'ot food.” Fleur playfully rolled her eyes at me.
“I'm sorry, I'm just double-checking.” I felt the heat on my cheeks.
“Zis is good practice when we 'ave a baby.” Fleur giggled and sat next to me – us both admiring Aoede while she ate.
“Yeah,” I nodded, “but I think I am in the lead with me being there when Luna Dora was born.”
“I am 'appy for zat because I will be zo nervous!”
“I just felt so bad for Nova and I will feel even worse for you.” I frowned, remembering how helpless I felt when Nova was gripping my hand and I couldn't do anything to help her.
And on top of that, I felt so sorry for her because I knew how much she wanted Charlie to be there and her glancing toward the door every time the doctor told her to push broke my heart.
Charlie bursting through the door and seeing Nova's face lit up when she saw him warmed my soul and even though I felt awkward ruining their family moment at first, I was proud to be there to witness them be just the proudest parents welcoming their second born.
Right when Fleur poured some porridge for us too, an owl tapped the kitchen window with its beak. I stood up, walked to the window, and opened it. I gave the owl some treats – Fleur always kept on the window sill – and took the piece of parchment from it.
“Aoede, I have some good news for you.” I walked to her and sat down next to her chair.
“What is it?”
“Mummy and daddy are coming from the hospital today. We are going to your grandparents to meet them there.” I grinned at her.
“Yey!” Aoede clapped her hands in excitement.
Charlie and Aoede have been staying here for the past week, waiting for Nova to be released from the hospital. Charlie has been visiting her as much as the nurses allowed him – feeling bad that he couldn't be there for the entire delivery. He wanted to take Aoede with him to meet her sister but Nova was against it and didn't want Aoede anywhere close to a hospital so the only thing Aoede knew about her sibling was that it was a girl and her name.
“Are you excited to meet your sister, Aoede?” Fleur asked her.
“I guess.” Aoede shrugged, looking at her empty porridge bowl.
Fleur and I exchanged a look – Fleur nervously biting her lip.
We experienced first-hand how against Aoede was to have a sibling but Charlie and Nova were proud of her for how much she was trying in Nova's final weeks of pregnancy. When Charlie told her she has a sister she seemed excited but only for a few seconds before she started to ask when she can see her mum.
Every time we mentioned the baby, Aoede pretended she wasn't listening or started frowning so Charlie told us to ignore her attitude and try lifting her spirits by sounding excited.
“Do you want more, Papillon?” Fleur asked Aoede, tapping on her bowl.
“No, thank you.” Aoede shook her head, fiddling with her fingers.
“Aoede, I just remembered we have to pack all your toys. Want to come with me and help me?” I looked at Fleur and she smiled at me, knowing full well what I was doing. “Okay,” Aoede replied much less cheerful than she was before we received the owl.
I carefully pulled her out of her chair and we made our way upstairs.
“What got you down, sunshine?” I put her down on her bed and sat next to her.
“Nothing.” Aoede pressed her lips together, avoiding my gaze.
“Are you not excited to see your mum?”
“I am.” Aoede nodded with a bit more energy.
“You don't want to meet your sister.” I didn't say it as a question.
“Not leally.” Aoede shook her head.
“Aoede, you know your mum and dad love you, right?” I didn't know exactly what to say.
“And the baby won't change how much they play with you.”
“I know.” Aoede sighed.
“Then why don't you want to meet your baby sister?” I tried understanding her.
“I'm nelvous.” She bowed her head, letting her legs dangle off the edge of the bed.
“Nervous?” I chuckled. “To meet your sister?”
“Yes,” Aoede confirmed.
“Why?” I wanted to know, not expecting this answer at all.
Charlie and I both thought that she was against them having a baby again but we never even considered that she might be nervous meeting her baby sister. I don't remember how I reacted when I was to see Charlie when he was born but I know that I was annoyed when Percy was born and didn't want to see him at all. Charlie was the same but the curiosity of how a baby looks like got to him so our dad got him out of our room – they had more problems getting on my good side though.
“What if she doesn't like me?” She looked up at me with the biggest and saddest eyes I have ever seen her do and I felt like crying.
Charlie told me how weak he was for her puppy eyes, having a hard time saying no to her even though he knew he has to as a parent. I used to tease him about it but I understood him now.
“That's why you have been so quiet and not wanting to talk about the baby?” I wanted to make sure I understood her correctly.
“Yes.” Aoede started pulling on her index finger, getting more nervous by the minute.
“Aoede, sunshine, your sister is a baby, she won't even know you are her sister yet.” I didn't know how to tell her that she has nothing to worry about.
“She won't?” She looked up at me again. “She is this big and her eyes are mostly closed.” I showed the approximate size of her sister with my hands.
“Oh.” Aoede loosened up a bit.
“And she won't be able to speak for over a year. You'll be around five then.” I continued.
“That long?” Aoede gasped. “Was I the same?”
“You were.” I couldn't help but let out a little laugh.
“So what should I do fol hel to like me?” Aoede questioned.
“Help mum when she asks you to. You can sing to her and tell her stories about unicorns. You can show her your toys and tell her your secret recipe for cookies.” I named a few things.
“She can have my toys but I am not giving hel my lecipe!” Aoede frowned. “Only uncle Geogie and I know about that.”
“Okay, okay, my bad. Then share your toys. Oh, and you can show her how to be nice to Tiger.”
“That would be nice.” Aoede smiled for the first time since we started this conversation.
“But you don't have to worry about any of that for a while. As a baby, Luna will mostly sleep, cry or eat.”
“Pancakes and cookies?”
“Neither, not immediately.” I giggled.
“But I can eat pancakes and cookies?” She narrowed her eyes at me.
“Aoede, you can have as many pancakes and cookies as your parents will allow you.” I ruffled her hair and motioned to the empty bag where we were supposed to pack all her things.
“Thank you, uncle Bill. I feel much bettel now.” She wrapped her tiny arms around me, making my lips curve into a smile and warming my soul.
“Any time, kiddo. Whenever you need to talk, you can come to me if you feel you can't talk to your parents.”
She nodded and I helped her off the bed so we could start putting her toys in the bag.
“I miss my mum,” Aoede said all of a sudden when we were finished and I asked her if she is ready to go.
“I know you do, Aoede. We are going to the Burrow now. Maybe your mum and dad are already there.” I tried cheering her up and ushered her out of the room.
I completely understood why she missed Nova so much. Since she was born the longest Nova wasn't around her was when they came to England during the battle at Hogwarts. Now, her mum was in a hospital for a whole week so it was shocking that this was the first time she mentioned it.
“Can I hug hel?”
“Why not?”
“Because of the baby. Won't she be holding the baby?” Aoede frowned in confusion.
“She can give the baby to your dad or me or your grandma Molly.”
“Oh.” Aoede looked as if she has just had an epiphany.
“Are you all set?” Fleur smiled at us as we came downstairs.
“Yes!” Aoede ran to her and hugged her legs.
“'ow did your talk go?” Fleur smiled at me.
“She's nervous Luna Dora won't like her,” I whispered to her. “Zat is what she iz worried about?” Fleur giggled, her eyes widening in surprise.
“I couldn't believe it either. But our talk went great.” I lifted my chin proudly.
“Good.” Fleur nodded, a smug expression on her face. “Zat means you will talk to our children when zey 'ave problems.” She sniggered.
“Gladly.” I smiled and stopped her giggles with my kiss.
“Glandma Molly, glandpa Altie!” Aoede rushed inside the house the second I opened the door for her.
“There she is, our beautiful girl!” My mum picked her up and kissed her all over her face. “You have grown so much!” My dad took her from my mum and started twirling with her.
“Is anybody else coming?” I asked mum as I put down Aoede's bag.
“No. George, Ron, and Ginny went to visit them in the hospital. So did Hermione and Harry. I even think Percy went there yesterday but I am not sure.” She pulled me and Fleur into a hug.
“Oh, I am so excited to meet Luna.” She clapped and gestured for us to follow dad and Aoede to the living room.
“I heard you got some delivery practice, son.” Dad giggled and winked at me.
“Yeah, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.” I smiled.
“And it's so nice of you two to babysit Aoede while Charlie is in the hospital with Nova.” Mum tapped my leg with her hand, looking proud.
“Of course,” Fleur grinned, “she iz such an angel!”
“Oh, silly me. Does anyone want anything?” Mum looked from me to Fleur and then at Aoede.
“Aoede, I baked muffins for you.” She winked at her granddaughter.
Aoede's eyes sparkled and she beat my mum to the kitchen.
Right as they came back to the living room, the front door opened and Charlie stepped inside with his new bundle of joy in his arms.
“We're here.” He half-sang half-whispered.
“Mummy, mummy, mummy!” Aoede put her half-eaten muffin on the coffee table and ran to Nova the second she stepped through the door.
“Oh, sweetheart! I missed you so much!” Nova picked her up at once and showered her with kisses before pressing her tightly onto her body.
“Love, the doctor told you not to lift anything heavy for a while.” Charlie glared at Nova.
“I missed my daughter, Charles. I don't care what happens to me.” Nova darted him with her look.
“Okay, I'll allow it.” Charlie sighed in defeat.
“Mummy, you have to see. Glandma Molly made me a muffin!” Aoede pointed to where she left the muffin.
“Really? Where? I want to see.” Nova gasped and walked to where Aoede guided her the second my parents congratulated her on the baby.
“While Aoede is busy with her mum, who wants to see the baby?” Charlie grinned at the rest of us.
“Oh, let me see my granddaughter!” Mum stood up and slowly walked to Charlie to sneak a peek.
“You didn't say she has blue hair!” Dad gasped, admiring his second grandchild.
“Nova, she has your hair!” Mum turned to Nova who was giggling at something Aoede was telling her.
“We have no idea how it's possible,” Nova said before giving her firstborn her full attention again.
“We thought that it was just her and that her DNA wasn't affected but I guess Luna's hair proved us wrong.” Charlie chuckled.
“She is beautiful, Charles.” Mum breathed. “Oh, does she have brown eyes?” Mum asked when Luna Dora opened her eyes for a split second.
“No, still blue. It's too fast to tell but they are a different shade than Aoede's.” Charlie said.
“Charlie, can I hold her?” Mum wanted to know.
“Oh, I'm next then!” Dad said excitedly.
“Zen me!” Fleur lifted her hand in the air.
“I'll be the last one then.” I pretended to be disappointed.
“You already held her, William.” Mum glared at me.
“You'll all get a turn but can Aoede meet her sister first?” Charlie loved how excited we all were to hold her.
“Of course.” Mum pressed her lips together, completely forgetting that Aoede didn't meet her yet.
“Pumpkin,” Charlie called his daughter.
Aoede looked up at him, stopping mid-sentence as she was telling something to Nova.
“Want to meet your sister?”
“Now?” Aoede started fiddling with her hands again.
“It's okay if you don't want to.” Charlie tried not to sound disappointed even though I could see this meant a lot to him.
“She's not against her, she's just nervous Luna Dora won't like her,” I whispered to him.
“What?” Charlie said incredulously.
“She told me before we got here,” I explained. “I told her that you still love her the same and that you'll play with her and everything but she said that she knows all this and that the problem is her being nervous because she thinks her baby sister won't like her.”
“That's why she has been giving me the attitude the whole week?” Charlie's jaw dropped.
“Aoede, would you come with me, please?” Charlie tried again.
“Can mummy come?” Aoede questioned.
“Of course, she can.”
Aoede stood up and grabbed her mum's hand, walking to where we were all standing.
“Let's go upstairs.” Charlie motioned to Nova before turning to me. “Thank you for talking to her and telling me this. We'll try doing this more privately.” He smiled appreciatively at me.
“Good idea!” I gave him a thumbs up and walked to the living room to sit down.
“Char, what is going on?” Nova whispered to me as I sat on the floor in the middle of my old bedroom, nodding for Nova and Aoede to do the same.
“Just follow my lead.” I winked at her.
I couldn't believe what Bill told me about Aoede but if it was true, perhaps she would be more comfortable meeting her sister without so many peering eyes around her.
“Aoede, would you like to meet your baby sister now?” I asked gently.
“Okay.” Aoede's shoulders sank a little and I could see she started to get nervous.
“Sweetheart, why are you shaking?” Nova bent down to make Aoede look at her.
“Are you nervous to meet your sister?”
Nova blinked at me as I posed the question – finding it as hard to believe as I did downstairs.
“Yes,” Aoede admitted, avoiding looking at us.
“Why?” Nova wanted to know. “Are you afraid she won't like you?” I asked.
“Char, don't be ridicu...”
“Yes.” Aoede nodded her head, leaving Nova mid-sentence.
“How do you know this?” Nova mouthed to me.
“Bill told me.” I mouthed back. “I'll tell you later.”
“Sweetheart, you have nothing to be nervous about. She is too small to have feelings like that so you will have plenty of time to make her like you.” Nova lifted Aoede and placed her in her lap and embraced her tightly, placing a kiss on the top of her head.
“With telling hel stolies and shaling my toys?”
“Exactly,” Nova and I said together, looking impressed.
“Okay,” Aoede took a deep breath and glanced at the baby in my arms, “I'm leady, dad.”
“Are you sure?” I asked her again, not wanting her to do anything she wouldn't want.
“Yes,” Aoede frowned in determination. “I got this.” She grabbed Nova's arms and pulled them apart so she could get up.
“Alright, Pumpkin. This is your baby sister Luna Dora.” I lowered my arms so Aoede could see her better.
“She is so tiny!” Aoede exclaimed.
“What did you expect?” Nova giggled.
“I thought she'll be as big as me.”
“Oh, sweetheart, you were so tiny too when you were born,” Nova explained.
“I was?” Aoede gasped.
“We'll show you your baby pictures when we get home,” I promised her.
“Mummy, she has youl hail.” Aoede kept observing her sister.
“Yes, she does.” Nova couldn't stop smiling.
And neither could I. I know we both felt relief that Aoede was so sweet and welcoming since we thought she changed her mind again about having a sibling. But watching her observing her sister and pointing out everything she noticed to us, warmed both of our hearts and I could see in Nova's eyes that she was as proud of her as I was.
“Can I touch hel?” Aoede questioned as we sat in silence for a minute.
“Sure. Just be gentle.” I whispered to her.
Aoede slowly got even closer and placed her small hand on Luna's forehead and petted her a few times before she got shy and pulled her hand away.
“It's okay. You did great.” Nova encouraged her and Aoede repeated her gesture.
Nova looked up at me with the biggest smile on her face, making a gesture with her eyes that she can't believe this is going so smoothly. I carefully leaned to her not to disturb Aoede playing with Luna Dora and kissed her tenderly.
“Hi, Luna. I am youl sistel Aoede and you ale vely pletty.” Aoede whispered into the blanket in which Luna Dora was wrapped.
Nova and I exchanged another look as Aoede started singing to her baby sister. Nova's eyes were glistening with tears as she gently wiped a tear off my cheek. She sat closer to me so we could press our foreheads together, admiring our daughters bonding.
Never in our wildest dreams did we dare to think this was going to go as smoothly as it did and even though we were very proud of Aoede when we got her a kneazle and were in awe how amazing she was with Tiger, I think we were even prouder of her for this. She came a long way from not wanting a sibling and throwing several tantrums because of it to telling her baby sister that she thinks she is pretty.
I closed my eyes and moved along with Nova to the melody in which Aoede was singing, enjoying our first moment – being just the four of us – to the fullest.
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swanpyart · 3 years
The Short Lived Adventures of RAPH and Casey Jones
This is an old pic that was made for a zine that was never published. So I’ll leave it here. It might not ever be finished, but I think the story is decent enough on its own.
Part 1:
Casey was completely fine by herself.
Sure, her parents never really paid her any mind, but she never needed them to; Casey was a fast learner, and was able to cook, clean, and do pretty much anything the adults could do.
“Look!” Ten-year-old Casey held up an English vocabulary test, with an “100%” written in the corner in cursive. “I passed!”
“Honey,” her mother barely looked at her from her seat at her desk, “One hundred percent is the bare minimum. Anything less means you practically failed.”
There was always an empty space in the bleachers whenever Casey had a hockey game. She would cross her arms as she waited for her parents to pick her up and watched as the people in the audience rushed down and hugged their own children after a game, regardless of whether they won or lost. When her parents finally showed up, she sat in the car quietly as they drove.
Casey spent almost everyday after school at her Granny’s while her parents were at work. The old woman’s house was always warm, mostly because she was always baking; cakes, cookies, and especially her famous brownies - made with a special ingredient.
At twelve years old, Casey had failed a math test for the first time, and burst into tears as she walked through her Granny’s front door. “I’m a failure!”
“Sweetie, everyone fails every now and then,” her Granny wiped a tear from Casey’s cheek and got out an antique mixing bowl, “but I can tell you tried really hard. That’s what matters; that you don’t stop trying your best.”
Afterwards, Casey and her Granny spent the afternoon baking brownies, and that was when she was granted the knowledge of the secret ingredient. She swore her secrecy and never told anyone.
Of course, that was a while ago; her grandmother had passed away sometime afterwards. Her parents reacted with more emotion when Casey had shaved her head than when they attended the funeral.
They also seemed only mildly surprised when, at thirteen years old, Casey was accepted into the Foot Clan and never came back home.
There, Casey promised to herself to show the world just how much of a not-failure she really is! Even if she had to work with the most vile Clan in all the world to achieve it and release the Shredder, the ultimate evil, unto the world. She had worked above and beyond to get where she is, and no one could stop her!
At least, that’s what she thought before the Shredder disappeared, and with him, the Clan’s purpose. And way before those strange, overgrown turtles with no sense of honor or discipline showed up and destroyed their chances, time and time again.
Suddenly, the group she had worked with since she was a preteen, and the closest thing she had to any family, were dragged away by outside obligations she never understood.
Foot Brute and Lieutenant were better parents than her own, but, in the end, they were her bosses and coworkers, and no replacement for a family.
Sure, everyone else may have given up, but she would stay committed to the Clan’s ultimate vision, even if she had to use her dear Granny’s recipe for evil. Grandma CJ’s Brownies were an absolute bust, but she had to try something.
Then, she met this weird, giant, smelly rat with a Japanese accent dressed like a teenager who somehow turned out to be the father of those overgrown turtles.
And, as weird as it was, despite not even being human, he sat next to her and heard what she had to say; and, for those few minutes, it was almost like being next to her Granny again.
“Just because you failed doesn’t make you a failure.”
If she had been smarter, maybe she should have listened a bit harder to what he was saying. If she had been smarter, maybe she would have calmed down and talked to the girl that was beating up the Girl Scouts. There were so many opportunities to just talk.
But then the Shredder was restored, and she really thought it would be the return of her Clan’s glory. Even as she looked at the beaten down forms of her previous bosses. Even as she saw Splinter and his family struggling for their lives. Even as she realized winning would mean the end of everything, including her.
There was no more Clan. She was still alone. She was just alone with a giant evil suit of demon armor.
But, now, she wasn’t.
Even after everything, Splinter offered her an invitation into their...
He had invited her to the lair a few weeks after the fight with Shredder.
“I’m working at the Foot Shack. After my former clan disbanded, they got bought out by another company, Splinter, sir.” She squeezed the mug of tea in her hands.
“Just ‘Splinter’ is fine,” Splinter had opened a bag of chips, and was reclining in his seat. The turtles were out with April at the arcade, taking a break from repairing the lair. “Where are you staying? Do you have a place to live?”
“Yes, I actually have my own apartment.”
There was a moment of awkward silence. Splinter sighed. “Listen, Casey, I know that it’s probably hard having to... uh, sort things out by yourself-”
“What?! No, I’m fine!” She flapped her hand dismissively. “My life is fantastic! It’s definitely not in complete shambles after losing everything I know.” She blinked, realizing that she overshared, and collected herself. “I’m doing great.”
“I-I never said it was in shambles,” He massaged his temple with two clawed fingers, his beady eyes squinting in frustration. “Look, all I am saying is that, if you ever need help, or if you ever get lonely and just want to talk, I am here. And my sons would probably say the same thing. You’re a Hamato now, at least in spirit.”
Casey’s eyes widened, then she looked down. “Thank you, but I’m a very independent person. I’ll be sure to not bug you unless it’s an emergency.”
Splinter nodded, but he’d dealt with enough children to see that Casey was a bit lonely. Still, he said nothing.
For a good while, Casey stuck to what she said; she didn’t really come by the lair unless she really felt the need to or if they needed an extra set of hands with repairing.
But… occasionally, she found herself asking questions. She found out Michelangelo loved cooking, and somehow he got her to agree to bake her Granny’s brownies together. She realized that Leonardo wasn’t just annoying in battle, but all the time, and that she started getting more and more used to it, even occasionally laughing along. She found out while playing video games with them, that Donnatello was just as vicious as her, and that April was equally as competitive.
And Raph, well… they didn’t talk very much. But he seemed nice every time they spoke.
But she kept her distance. After all, it was better if she didn’t get too attached.
She occasionally goes down to the local hockey rink and plays a few rounds with total strangers, and usually gets kicked out due to a combo of delinquent children and complaining parents.
So, here she is, lying on her bed, staring blankly at her phone, with a half eaten sandwich laying on her chest, and old sweatpants that she’s been wearing for a week because her clothes are in the laundromat. For a ninja-slash-ex-cult-member, her life had fallen into a fairly mundane pattern.
Everything could always be worse. So why did she still feel like such a failure?
And for some reason, Casey found herself at the sewer grate. She didn’t even know why she came here, really.
She was about to turn back when a feminine voice spoke from behind her. “Hey, CJ, what’s up?”
She spun around. It was April.
“I was just coming to visit.” Casey tensed up. She hadn’t expected to run into someone else.
“Oh, me too!” She opened up the grate, and started climbing down the ladder. “You coming or what?”
Casey gulped. She couldn’t back out now.
Raph paced the lair, quietly groaning as he tapped his chin.
It had been about six months since the fight with Shredder, but another challenge had presented itself; cleaning up the lair after it had been almost completely demolished. Thankfully, with Draxum’s help and Donnie being able to scavenge some old tech that didn’t get destroyed and whip up some devices for reconstruction, the place was finally fixed up after about a month and a half.
Now what? Well, in Leo’s words, it was the time for “rest and relaxation.”
That was pretty easy for the rest of his family to do.
Leo’s entire existence hinged on “rest and relaxation”; Mikey has an assortment of hobbies to keep him busy; Donnie had a tight schedule trying to repair all of his broken inventions; April was trying to adjust to all of the changes at school due to all of New York recovering from the recent Battle Nexus catastrophe; and Splinter, of course, was parked in front of the TV, finally at peace after the Shredder was defeated, and helping himself to milk and cake.
Raph should be relaxing, or at least recovering from all that’s happened to them. The fight with the Shredder was the most stressful and terrifying time of their lives. They lost their Gram-Gram, and even if she was now able to rest with their ancestors and her father, it still stung.
But it’s been such a long time since he’s been in a real fight, and he can tell he’s going a little bit stir-crazy.
Of course, the turtles would spend a lot of time out of the lair; but whenever Raph gets a call on the phone, he finds himself hoping it’s some kind of an emergency, only to turn out to be Todd calling them about the puppy farm, or Leo pestering Senior Hueso with an order for pick-up. It seemed like even their strongest enemies have gone on hiatus as well; there was no word of Big Mama as of late, and every other major bad guy they fought recently seemed to have been exhausted by the Shredder ordeal as well.
Raph’s usual sparring partner, Frankenfoot, is absolutely wonderful, but fighting him wasn’t exactly what Raph had in mind; it was fun, but couldn’t really be compared to the thrill of a real fight.
“Come on, guys,” Raph stood in front of the screen, blocking Leo and Mikey’s view of a Jupiter Jim rerun while Pops was passed out on the couch, snoring, a bag of chips lying open on his stomach. “We’ve been cooped up in the lair for a million years. Who wants to go wreck some bad guys?” He pounded his fist in his opposite hand for emphasis.
“Raph, I can’t see!” Mikey waved his hand in a dismissive way as he said it, and leaned to peek around his older brother and continue watching the screen.
“Ugh, we’ve been over this,” Leo exasperated from his spot on the ground, on his stomach and his head resting on his propped arms. “No crime fighting while we’re on vacation! This is the time to chillax, my guy.”
“How long are we gonna be chillaxing, exactly?” Raph put his hands on his hips, an inquisitive look on his face, even if, deep down, he knew what response he’d get.
“I don’t know, until some other crazy evil mutant guy tries to take over the city? There’s bound to be another one of those eventually.”
“What, so we just wait until some evil mastermind has some evil plan and gets all of New York in their evil clutches? It’s our job to make sure that doesn’t happen.” Raph tried to summon the energy he usually exudes when he attempts to make a rousing speech, but the rolling eyes and groans from his youngest brothers quickly made its effect futile.
“You know,” Donnie said from the back of the room, the other three having not noticed him walk in, “We did, oh, I don’t know, save all of New York City, take down Big Mama’s Battle Nexus scheme, and, most importantly, defeat our bloodline’s greatest enemy?!”
Raph furrowed his brow, his sharp fang digging into his lower lip.
“We deserve an indefinite break, and I need it, because I actually refuse to do any fighting until I have all my stuff back online. I’d love to fight with only my impeccable mind, but let’s be realistic.” The sandwich in his hand was brought to his face and he swallowed it whole. Donnie knew he had made an excellent point.
“Don’t worry,” Mikey beamed, tucking his arms and legs into his shell, “We’ll get back into the groove of things before you know it!”
“Yeah,” Leo agreed, “Think of it as, like, you know, self-care. Sometimes, you need a break from what you’re used to. Now, can you move out of the way?”
Raph sulked out of his siblings’ view of the screen and sunk into a beanbag, next to the couch their father was snoring in.
“Hey, guys!” The turtles turn around to see April and... Foot Recruit walk in.
Raph didn’t really know what to think of Foot Recruit, or Casey, as she preferred to be called. Pops insisted that she wasn’t dangerous anymore, but it was hard for him not to be a little wary; I mean, come on, she used to work with the Shredder!
 She’d been over only a handful of times over the past few months, usually to speak with Splinter and Mikey.
“Casey! April!” Mikey stuck his hands out of his shell in joy. He ran over and hugged them both. “It’s been a while.”
“Hey, Apes. And, hi to you too, Casey.” Leo kicked his legs up behind him.
“Above ground has been pretty hectic,” April leaned on Donnie’s shoulder as she spoke, “Everyone has been freaking out about disappearing from New York for a few days. Relaxing on a yacht sure beats coming back to the city in shambles. And finding another job is so hard when everyone’s paranoid we’re gonna all disappear again. Ugh, I wish we did, then I’d get another break!”
“Well, if you want a job, you can help me repair what’s left of my s- I mean, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. The Shredder tore him apart.” Donnie put his hands on his hips and relaxed his posture to cover his slip-up.
“Aw, your cute robot son isn’t repaired yet?” April teased.
As the two bickered while walking towards the lab, Raph looked back at Casey, who was standing by the entrance, visibly tense. 
“Hey, Casey. Um, why are you here?” Raph asked innocently, not realizing how rude he sounded.
“Smooth,” Leo chimed in unhelpfully.
Before he could take it back, Casey spoke, with a glare on her face. “I’m here for the orange one.”
Raph blinked. “Huh?”
“We’re gonna bake brownies!” Mikey clarified, his chest puffed out with pride. “Casey decided that I’m worthy of learning an old family recipe.”
“Yes!” Casey grinned, in a way that was far too menacing for someone talking about brownies. “I decided that, as a new member of your- um…” clan? Group? Committee?
“...Family?” Raph assisted.
“Uh, yes, that,” she turned shy for a few brief seconds, only to return to her previous bravado, pumping her fist in the air, “I will honor you with the knowledge of my grandmother’s most nefarious secret!”
Raph peeked into the kitchen as Mikey and Casey got to work. Of course, he trusted Mikey; but he had a hunch that Casey might be up to something.
Or maybe the boredom was just making him a bit more paranoid than usual.
Dirty dishes, half-full cups and brownie mix were strewn about the kitchen counter. Whatever this recipe pertained, it must be pretty intense.
“And, now, for the final ingredient. This one was given to me by my grandmother.” Casey pulled a canister of brown powder. She leaned over and whispered close to Mikey’s head. Whatever she was saying, Raph couldn’t hear.
Mikey gasped. “PUMPKIN SPICE?!”
Casey shushed him, then yelled herself. “It’s a secret, remember?!” She poured a generous amount into the mixing bowl full of batter.
The two of them looked so happy baking together, and Raph felt a pit of guilt in his stomach for assuming the worst. He really needed to chill out.
“Wait, so let me get this straight,” Leo sunk into the bean bag chair, “You’re a fan of Lou Jitsu, right?”
“That is correct.” Casey was sitting stiffly in her seat. Her expressions were intense, like she was about to strangle someone, but Raph had realized pretty quickly that this was just her default.
“You have all of the movies memorized?”
“Of course! I used his guidelines for self improvement in my schemes to take over the world! I mean, that’s not really relevant now, but-”
“And you said you spend almost all of your available money on Lou Jitsu merch?”
“I hide them all so my guests don’t see.”
“And, yet, you’ve never watched a Jupiter Jim film? The Jupiter Jim, his longtime franchise rival and co-star in Jupiter Jim Vs Lou Jitsu?” Leo clutched at his chest, as he held up the DVD case of the movie he was talking about for emphasis.
“Leo,” Raph warned, looking up from his phone, “don’t make her feel bad-”
Leo chuckled. “Oh ho ho, trust me I won’t. I’m definitely putting on a Jupiter Jim Vs. The Galaxy Riders Part 1 and Part 2, and you are going to love it!”
Casey cackled ominously. “You really think this ‘Jupiter Jim-’” She made quotation marks with her fingers for emphasis, “-can measure up to the greatness that is Lou Jitsu? Fine, I guess we’ll just have to see.”
Raph ended up dozing off after the fifth film, and woke up to see Casey and his brother still openly debating whether Lou Jitsu would beat Jupiter Jim if they were both in a desert completely unarmed and at full strength.
“I’m not scared of much,” Donnie mentions offhandedly one day, while Raph was doing a bicep curl, “but she -”
He points to Casey eating a sandwich like a hyena, while April sat next to her, texting.
“She terrifies me to no end.”
Donnie’s strange relationship with their new friend took Raph a while to comprehend. Then it became clear as day. If anyone could match Casey in moral ambiguity, it was his immediate younger brother.
“I made you a little gift,” the softshell grinned smugly, as he handed Casey what looked like a metal hockey stick.
“Oh, um,” Casey's eyes were wide, and a little watery, and her lips were in a warbly smile. “Thank you… no one’s ever given me something so nice.”
Donnie grinned. “Press the button on the side.”
When she did, the widest end of the hockey stick flipped open like a lighter, and a stream of fire shot out of the tip. Casey’s tears of joy gave way to maniacal laughter. “Those kids at the hockey rink won’t know what hit ‘em!”
Donnie joined her in glee, his eyes and teeth shining menacingly in the light of the flames. Raph watched in mild horror (He was plenty used to Donnie’s antics), at least until the fire alarm sounded and they were all drenched from the sprinklers.
Another month had passed since Casey started coming around, and Raph seemed like the only one in the lair who hadn’t quite jived with her yet. Sure, his suspicion had pretty much subsided, and he liked her company plenty, but the two of them hadn’t really clicked.
However, he noticed some slight changes over time. Casey’s eyes had bags under them which were more obvious in brighter lights, and sometimes she fell asleep on April’s shoulder (and snored louder than his Pops, somehow). Sometimes, there were hints of sadness on her face, even when she was laughing along with everyone.
Raph didn’t mention it for fear of being rude, but he couldn’t help his concern. After all, if she was upset, she probably wouldn’t mention to him all of the people.
Hockey wasn’t a sport Raph and his brothers knew much about, but he couldn’t help but get excited as Casey gushed about it, holding tightly onto the treasured tech-hockey stick Donnie had gifted her, wearing a huge grin on her face.
The two humans and four turtles (disguised as humans, of course) were just entering the hockey rink. The hall to the auditorium was cold and echoey.
“I come here every other Friday. The regulars here know my face, and they fear it. It’s ‘cause they know I’ll decimate everyone in my path!” She pumped her fist as she spoke, a sinister grin on her face, before she caught herself and straightened out. “Well, I do until the rink’s supervisors kick me out for making a scene and being mean to children.”
“Don’t sweat it, Casey,” Donnie spoke up, “You’re not the only one whose been kicked out of establishments for scaring kids.”
“Uh huh, exactly!” April agreed a bit too eagerly, and Raph looked back to see the distant, traumatized look in her eyes, and he could tell she was remembering the screams of children and the  sinister laughter of animatronics at a certain pizza joint.
The six teens got to the rink’s auditorium, and put their bags down on the bleachers. There weren’t too many people around.
Mikey whistled. “This place is massive!”
As Raph put on a maroon hoodie and pulled on his skates, Casey rolled onto the rink, over to a huddle of teenagers wearing hockey gear. “Hey!”
One of the teenagers - a boy with messy brown hair covering his eyes - responded. “Oh, you again. Guys, look, it’s that crazy girl from last week.”
“The name is Cassandra Jones!” Casey pulled down the hockey mask she was wearing and held up her stick. “I’m challenging you to another round! Did you really think you’d escape my wrath?!”
The kids started laughing. “You challenge us every time we’re here, and you always lose. What makes today so different?”
Casey laughed. “Well, for one thing, I’ve got my own team now, so you better get ready to go crying to your mommy!”
The group hadn’t stopped laughing, even as Casey walked back to the bleachers. Raph raised a brow. “Uh, what was all of that?”
She looked down. “Those are my enemies,” She clenched her fists, “A group of jerks who manage to beat me every time I come here.”
Raph paused for a second. The look on her face was determined, but had a hint of sadness to it. Raph understood how she felt; wanting to fight, but getting beaten down time and time again. He’d realized a while ago that he didn’t have to do it alone; and neither did she.
Raph put an arm around Casey’s shoulders, and cupped a hand to his mouth, shouting to the teenagers from across the rink. “Hey, knuckleheads! You get ready for a match; you’re not just dealing with Cassandra Jones anymore! you’re dealing with the Mad Dogs, now!”
“Yeah, right!” One of the kids, a girl with a ponytail, shouts back.
He turned to face his brothers and April, who were sitting on the bleachers, their attention already on Raph from his shouting. “Hey, those guys over there are saying we’re gonna lose! What do we say to that?!”
“Oh ho ho, I like this energy!” Leo stood up on the bleachers, joining in the hype. April and Mikey stood up beside him.
“Yeah, you chumps aren’t even at our level!”
“Ya’ll ain’t seen nothing yet!”
Donnie stood up slowly, his arms crossed from the cold. “Yeah, we’ll definitely beat you! But-” He switched to his normal volume, “let’s not make promises we can’t keep.”
Raph dismissed him, and looked at Casey, who was smiling. Together, they were able to beat the Shredder. This would be a piece of cake.
“Are we done? My mom is here to pick me up,” One of the kids, a girl with pigtails, mentioned as she walked towards her belongings on the bleachers.
Raph was gasping for air from his spot on the cold ground. Hockey was hard. Like, really, really hard.
In hindsight, their loss made sense; this was the turtles and April’s first time playing hockey, and even Casey, who’d been playing since she was a kid, wasn’t able to beat these kids. They really were just that good.
“Is that all you’ve got?!” Leo had fallen in front of the goal, two huge purple bruises visible on his face; one on his forehead, and the other under his eye, popping out from his green skin and red birthmarks.  
Mikey was crying on his knees, while April patted his shell, cussing out one of the kids who she felt pushed him too hard. Even as the kid was walking away. “And another thing-”
Donnie lay flat nearby, looking like a purple stain on the white shiny floor. He was never good at sports, but he tried. Geez, it was almost more embarrassing, with just how hard he tried.
They found a vending machine, and after Raph gave Leo a cold soda can to hold over his bruises, he walked past Casey, sitting with her head in her hands.
“Hey,” He placed a hand on her shoulder, and looked around to see if the others were watching. April, Mikey and Donnie were going off about losing the match, while Leo sat dejectedly in the corner, nursing his injuries. “Are you alright?”
She looked up, tears in her eyes, and her lower lip wobbling. She hastily rubbed at her face with her sleeve, her eyeliner smearing. “I’m...I’m fine.”
“Is this about us losing?”
“No, no, it’s not that,” She sighed. “It’s a lot of different things- It’s just…”
She trailed off, and Raph sat down next to her on the bleacher. He realized this had definitely been bubbling up for a while. If only he’d talked to her sooner.
“Ugh, all I’ve ever wanted was to be a success. Taking over the world was everything for me- helping the Foot, working for the Shredder, making that whole brownie pyramid-scheme. But now? I don’t have anything. I’ve hit rock bottom. Now, I’m stuck in a stupid rivalry with a bunch of kids in a hockey rink.”
She began to cry again. “What am I going to do? Am I just doomed to be a failure?”
“Just ‘cause you’re not taking over the world doesn’t make you a failure. Most people just stick to regular, everyday stuff and they turn out fine.”
“It’s not just about taking over the world,” Casey sighed. “I don’t have a purpose. No Clan, no commitments, no future. It’s like everything I do is a failure. I’m a failure.”
Raph felt himself start to tear up, too. What she was saying felt way too familiar. “You’re not the only one whose failed.”
“My Pops told us we were supposed to die in order to protect the Dark Armor. We failed to do that, but we realized how messed up that was, and we decided to do our own thing. And it totally worked out for us, ‘cause we ended up destroying Shred-face once and for all.”
He stood, wiping the small tears from the corners of his eyes. “Think about it. So what that you don’t got a purpose? I get it, but your ‘purpose’ was handed to you by those Foot-faces. What do you wanna do? What do you wanna succeed at?”
Casey sat quietly for a few moments, thinking, and Raph feared that he might have said something hurtful. He was never as savvy with people as Leo or Mikey.
Then she spoke. “I spent all of my life trying to be the best, even if it meant being the biggest bad guy in the world. Now, I want to be the best good guy!”
Her expression softened. “I guess what I really want - I want to stop people who were like me once. I want to stop evil people who want to control others. But...how?”
Raph thought. Then, an idea struck him. “You and me can team up!”
“For what?”
“I was a vigilante for a little while. I mean, I used to be, but I guess since I was already part of a team, and with the whole Shredder thing, I just sort of stopped. But, since my bros are on hiatus, you and me could fight crime undercover!”
Casey was looking at her lap, her head bowed. Raph cleared his throat. “I mean, only if you wanna, it’s just a suggestion-”
“That sounds amazing.” Casey looked up at him in awe, her dark eyes glossy with unshed tears. Suddenly, she stands up, and pumps a fist into the air. “Raph and Casey, the most feared vigilante duo in all of New York!”
“Yeah, Go big or go home!”  Raph pounded his fist into his other hand in excitement.
“Oh me gosh, stop yelling!” The two look behind them to Leo, still holding the can to his face. He turned in the direction of his twin. “Donnie, get me another can! This one’s warm!”
Casey was giving him a big smile, a far cry from her previous mood. Raph smiled back. Finally, he’d be able to go out and fight crime again; and this time, he wouldn’t be at it alone.
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qu1nby · 3 years
these don't exactly fit into horror sooo: pyramid game! if you like mind games and teenage girls being evil /j and surviving romance! same author as makeup remover and yes it is in the romance category but don't trust that <3
your smile is a trap! beware, this webtoon broke my eyes. literally. ow. the main characters are adorable and the current arc is the stupidest goddamn misunderstanding in webtoon history it's ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS
Choco Latte and Love Doesn't Talk! yes, it seriously doesn't. there's no dialogue here. i mean it. just cute pictures. if you like challenging yourself into understanding the story without any text DKHDKDH
Death of A Popstar has the cutest art style and a convolutedly simple storyline KFHDKDH i won't say too much about this but it's currently on hiatus!!
Phase! Action-Sci-fi-Romance kinda. Plot twist of the season tbh, although there's some nsfw you should probably jump over erk
Aerial Magic and Always Human are my comfort webtoons TvT it's just. soft lesbiabs. that's it. I don't remember the plot but there's one in there. somewhere
lastly, high class homos! yes they are high class. yes they are also homosexuals. i love this sm the art style is fluffy and the characters are great! sadly i missed out on this in canvas TvT but it's a webtoon original now!!
i don't read much romance webtoons but i think you've read most of the ones i do, and i'm not sure if you like convoluted royal webtoons (like the remarried empress FKHDKD) SOOO I HOPE YOU LIKE 'EM
anyway, bonus mentions for my favorite anthologies where the plotline can and will never be consistent: brain anthology (i love this sm especially grandma's cake recipe FKHDJD), heart anthology (prepare...TO CRY), tales of the unusual (this is purposely drawn in the most bland art style ever {artist's words KFHDK} because the CONCEPT is meant to keep you engaged), tales of greed (AMAZING, FANTASTIC, PERFECT) hehe <3
I haven’t heard of pyramid game before! I do read surviving romance though :) and it’s really good so far! I read way too many zombie apocalypse stories so it also being within a novel is a nice change
your smile is a trap is SO FUNNY. That conversation about their first crushes where neither of them are willing to admit their feelings?? so great, I love them
I’ve seen Choco Latte and Love Doesn’t Talk but I haven’t started them yet!
I can’t wait for Death if a Popstar to come back! I should probably reread it before it does because it’s been so long
Phase is pretty good! I got a litttttlleee bit bored during all of the flashback episodes but now that Shuu’s back I’m looking forward to seeing what trouble they’ll get themselves into (also I went to the latest episode to make sure I got his name right and I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THE PLOT TWIST!)
Aerial Magic and Always Human have such nice vibes— I can’t believe I haven’t read them yet! The world needs more soft lesbian webtoons
I actually started reading High Class Homos when it was on canvas! It’s perfect for when I’m trying to recover from Not Even Bones and ITGR angst on Sundays
Heart Anthology is definitely my favorite of the anthologies, I go back to reread it a lot (especially My Lousy Guardian Angel). I didn’t know that about Tales of the Unusual! I usually go for art styles I find pretty/cool, but now I’m curious! I haven’t read Tales of Greed either
I have some romance recommendations too! I may have already told you about some of them to you before—
- See You in My 19th Life (by the same author as A Good Day to be a Dog! which is one of my all time favorites, by the way)
- Eaternal Nocturnal - you said you like angels and demons, right? well, how about cute dream eaters?
Eaternal is also by the same author that made Siren’s Lament, the whole reason I downloaded webtoon years ago! genuinely it is such a good story, I can’t recommend it enough (especially if you had a mermaid phase growing up like I did)
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faustonastring · 4 years
How would the main six react the the mc wanting to start a family?
Thanks for requesting I hope you like it!
My request are open!
Main six reacting to Mc wanting to start a family!
Psa! Please read before reading!
Heheh hi, so I’m like halfway through writing this and I just want to say, that there are two voices that go into wanting to start a family, just because you want too, doesn’t mean your partner may want to (atleast at the moment) I pride myself on writing the main six as accurately as I can, so I’m keeping this in mind while writing it, they still will all follow the prompt, but I’m also writing the bumps in the road that happen along the way (hopefully this makes more sense when you read it) also like half of them have some sort of childhood trauma sooo... read with an open mind.
Are you being serious? Like really serious? This is t a prank is it? If it is he’ll cry. Don’t make asra cry. Tell him your being serious. Tell him you want to start a family with him. It makes his heart flutter everytime.
He’s waited years for you to tell him this. Decades even, (depending on your time line) and yet your here. Asking him to start a family. He never thought he’d get the chance. He never thought he’d ever get the chance... but I guess all his hard work is really paying off huh.
I mention this a lot, but Asra has a lot of trauma. It doesn’t just go away when you both say I love you, or get married, or decide you want a kid. Sure it gets better over time, but it will probably take atleast a decade for those wounds to fully heal (and that’s being generous) so, as excited as asra is to want to start a family with you, if it’s too early in your relationship, he might have to decline for now. Ask him again in a year or two.
But if you do manage to get Asra ‘Commitment issues’ Alnazar to agree, he want to do it right. He wants his kid to have a better childhood than he had, so he obviously goes to his parents for help. Often. They obviously don’t mind though, they are thrilled to be having a grandchild. (also if your going to adopt, asras gets very sentimental, and wants to adopt all the kids, in the orphanage (let’s say Nadia builds one after the uprights-) and leaves crying, everytime.)
Are you sure? You do know how much time and effort you need for kids right? Don’t worry about the money though, the money isn’t the problem, the problem is: is she going to have time in her schedule to raise one or more kid(s)
I mean her parents did it what? Seven times??? And they were ruling over a whole country weren’t they? How hard can it be???? She’ll be fine. Yep. There is nothing to worry about, she’s decided. As long as your on board for it, she’ll make room for as much time as you need. Besides, it’s much easier to rule with you with her.
She has books on top of books, on top of books on how to be a good mother. I mean she had a good mother, and great sisters sure- but she doesn’t want to mess this up for you. She knows how much it means to you, and besides, being a good mother is much more difficult than being a good ruler. Any one can rule, but only a select few can properly raise a kid.
As soon as her family finds out that your planing on starting a family, they book it to vesuvia to give the both of you all the support and tips you need. And when the kid does get here, they always find it hard to part ways. It’s been a while since a new Satrinava has entered this world. Also having her family near reminds Nadia that she doesn’t need books to be a good mom. You’re here with her the both of you are going to do fine. Hopefully.
He thinks you’re joking at first. Him? Really??? Bold of you to assume that a no good drunk like him would make a good father. Am I right? It’s not like he’s canonically great with kids, helped raise his baby sister and protected her from a shipwreck, or anything. Hahaha. You my friend. Are very bold.
Julian needs a moment or two to think things over, it’s nothing against you, no no no it’s not that! You’re his love! His light! His one and only! His darling! He’d never mean to offended you! He just needs to think it over, figure out if this is the right time to start something this big. If he’s in the right mental state for it. If he’s not? He’ll let you know when he is.
But if he is ready? Ohhohoho buckle up baby because you got a long journey ahead of you! He’s reading up on child development, digging up old notes he has from the very few times he’s had child patients (he’s also researching more about pregnancy, if you can and want to go down that road with him...but I wouldn’t let him deliver the baby if I were you....if you asked him he’d probably reluctantly do so....but...it’s probably best if you leave that to a professional)
Mazelinka and Portia give you and Julian are the best recipes they can find, and Portia will knit or sew, or crochet, he’ll maybe all three- little toys for your kid when the time gets closer. They will one hundred percent be on board with this, and volunteer to baby sit everytime the two of you need some alone time
Yes. She doesn’t need to think to long or hard about it. The answer is yes. One million times yes! Yes, yes yes yes yes yes! She is over joyed to be honest! She is also going to be a great mom.
As long as the time is right, and you are alright, everything is going to be alright! Every thing is going to be great! She’s going to be a great mom....right? She’s never really had a mom....well she’s had grandmas that counts right? What if she isn’t a good mom? What if she screws something up? Or her kid hates her? What if they like her brother more than her? (*looks at camera like in an episode of the office*)
Tell her you believe in her. That she’s going to be a great mom! That you’ll be there to help her. Portia has a lot of insecurities and self doubt, so it really means a lot to her. And as soon as she’s mentally prepared- everyone and their mother knows about your plans.....”sorry! It just kind of slipped out....and then people started telling their friends and families...and...uhhhhh”
Julian would not only be a good dad, but a pretty decent uncle too! (Also again, if your pregnant...he gives you his card ;)....but not only for your safety but for your babies safety please throw it away, he’s not professionally trained to deliver-) While your waiting for things to get settled, get ready to hear an ear full of stories from when Portia and Julian were kids!
Him? When you first ask him he actually does a double take and looks around to make sure you were asking him. But who else would you ask? The chickens? He just doesn’t see why you would want to do that with....him. Him of all people. You chose him.
He isn’t sure what to say at first, he’s going to need about three to five buissnes days to think it over. No matter how much he wants this....he just isn’t sure. It has nothing to do with you really. He tries to make that as clear as possible but...can he trust him self with a kid? Obviously you trust him, and you know he won’t do anything, but this isn’t about what you think. He needs to figure it out on his own.
In three to five business days, if he says no....ask again in maybe a year or two. ( I know it’s long but you’ll have a higher chance of him saying yes if you wait longer, you can’t push things onto him, that never works.) but if he says yes? Well he doesn’t. You’ll catch him whittling things like toys, or a crib, or a bed, and if you ask what it’s for, he’ll say “for our kid/baby” Our.
He asks asra like a million questions, he gets books, and starts going out into town more to get the softest blankets and clothes. He grew up thinking he was a burden. A waste of space. He grew up thinking he was t alowed to have nice things. He doesn’t want his kid to ever go through that. His kid is going to grow up in the most loving and safe house any one can grow up in. I swear by it.
What do you mean by start a family? Like adopt more pets.....or.....the other kind of family. Oh you mean the other kind? Like the human, fleshy kind? Are you sure? Kids are so gross aren’t they? They cry and throw up and you have to take care of them for soooo long-
Look, lucio is a very.....complex..character. I don’t think he’s totally evil but he does have a lot of problems that would take a lot of time to go through before I think he’s mentally prepared to have a kid. What’s intresting about lucio is that he has a lot of layers to him. Like ogres. Which makes him very difficult to write, especially when I don’t know where we’ll end up at the end of his route so- I’m sorry lucio stans, but unless you’ve been together for like 20-30 years...
this is just how I headcanon it, other people I know will disagree and say he’d love to have a mini him running around which is valid.... but...I think he’d be scared to have a mini him running around, because of how bad he turned out, and he wouldn’t want to raise his kid like how morga raised him, but we tend to follow in are parents footsteps when raising a kid, wether we like it or not, so...
I’m sorry this is more of a meta than a headcanon I just don’t really know how to write it....lucio would be against it. He isn’t ready. Not ready for the responsibility, not ready to take the risk of the mistakes his kid is going to make. Once he cleans up all his oopsies, and quite possibly gets on good terms with his mother, then maybe just maybe you’ll have a standing chance, besides... he does want an heir ya’know (but if the two of you make an oopsie together and you want to keep it, go ahead. He needs to start taking more responsibility when it comes to his mistakes, so what a great place to start! besides who would he be to tell you what to do with your body.)
Thanks for reading! I can redo Lucios if some one wants... I really just need ideas because it’s too early In his route to really be able to tell how he handles it, so I’d love to hear your opinions on it!
Next headcanon: main six reacting to Mc’s sleepy voice! (5/23)
Request are open!!!!!
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oohfluffy · 4 years
Group: EXO
Member: Byun Baekhyun
Theme: Angst | Fluff | Rated M | University!AU | Football!AU
Word Count: 4,173
Tumblr media
chapter 5
You slumped against the wall, your usual spot on the 4th floor, the Composition Studies of Music Department. You took out your lunch box with a satisfied sigh, taking in the comforting silence around you. You looked up at the hallways, eyes drifting at the last door where you last heard the beautiful piece last week. 
"Not playing today, huh?" You mumbled to yourself as you opened your lunch box filled with cheese buldak, spicy chicken dish with lots of cheese on top. You figured how to cook it when Jiwon showed you a video of the recipe, and she kept on saying that you should try to cook it with her and you did. You were surprised with the result as you don't really eat spicy food often.
You picked your chopsticks and started digging in, chewing loudly as you tasted the flavorful spices along the soft white meat of the chicken. You smiled to yourself as you thought that your grandma would probably be proud of you, managing to cook good dishes now without her guidance.
As you continued eating in peace, a hard press in the piano keys made you look up in expectation. It was a single note and was not even a clean one, but your heart thumped in anticipation. You munched on your food slowly, putting your lunch box on your lap. 
You were expecting a piece to be played, but you waited for a few minutes already and nothing was played.
You frowned as you finished your food in disappointment. You packed your box quickly before standing up. You slowly walked towards the hallway, careful and not making a single noise. The last door was closed. It was a glass door but with blinds inside, so you can't really see how the room looks like from the outside.
You wondered why the person didn't continue playing.
You stood there for a while, still expecting that he or she would play something, but to no avail, you were left with silence. Giving up, you moved towards the elevator and pressed the down button. You waited until the doors opened and you entered with a frown, expectation not met. You pressed the close button, when a shout surprised you inside.
"WAIT! Don't close the doors, please!"
You instantly pressed the open button, eyes wide as you looked up. Your lips parted in awe and shock as you see a disheveled gray-haired guy with a red polo shirt—buttons open crazily like someone just snapped it open in an instant. And you prayed that's not the case. You looked away as you saw a lipstick stain on his neck, so red that you silently agreed with your first assumption. 
"It's you." He breathed out as he smiled in recognition, walking inside the lift quickly. He was even the one who pressed the close button, eyes on you as he did. "We keep bumping into each other, huh?"
You kept silent as you looked at your side—the elevator wall, trying to ignore the feminine scent that he has right now. You just let your mind wander to different kinds of questions, distracting yourself from his smouldering stare.
Why was he in this floor and building? Is he probably a student of the Music department? 
Your eyes widened as you looked in front, a possible incredulous thought passing in your mind. 
Don't tell me he's the one in the piano room, doing his dirty deeds inside of it?!
You stared at his figure on the elevator doors, which reflects your images clearly. Your fiery accusing gaze probably pierced through him as he suddenly stared back at you through the doors. You looked away in surprise.
"I can't believe you're really shy and quiet." He chuckled as he continued staring at you. You breathed out a relieved sigh as the doors opened, reaching the ground floor. You instantly went out when he walked quickly with you. "Hey, are you avoiding me?"
"Can you button up your shirt first and clean yourself up?" You couldn't contain your embarrassed state as you looked back at him with a grimace. "You don't look presentable right now, so I can't talk to you."
He looked surprised that you managed to say all that in one go, but then a smirk formed on his face. This so-called Baekhyun guy followed your advice and tried buttoning them all, but then two at the top fell off clumsily, making you follow them roll hopelessly on the ground.
"Oops." Baekhyun breathed out with a playful tone, eyes darting up at yours. "I guess she was too desperate earlier?"
With your cheeks on fire, you turned away from him and walked as fast as you can to your next class. You gripped on the straps of your bag tightly as you turned swiftly on the corner, occasionally looking back in case that guy followed you.
How the hell can he be so confident about such matters?!
"So scary." You mumbled as you breathlessly sat down on your seat in the room. You were the only one inside as you were 30 minutes early for this class. "I really hope they didn't make a mess in the piano room." 
You don't know how would your favorite, yes favorite, pianist react if he or she sees such dirty affairs inside his or her place. It would probably make him or her stop playing there, no? You frowned at the thought. You hope not.
That pervert.
"Hey, Ji!" 
You looked up as you heard a familiar high-pitched voice call out. It was Irene with her gang. They were looking at you with smiles on their faces as they walked towards you. You looked around, trying to see if they were calling you or someone else.
Ji? If I remember correctly, my name's Saejin.
"Come with us later!" Seulgi exclaimed as she sat next to your chair, eyes glancing at her friends before looking back at you. "There will be a party at the Kim's mansion, we should go together!"
"The Kim's?" You asked silently, pushing back the more relevant questions like why are they inviting me, why all of a sudden are they back to talking to me, are they up to something. 
"The captain of the football team! Don't know them?" Yeri feigned shock as she looked at you, her hand on her mouth ridiculously. 
"We saw you with Kim Jiwon last Friday though, so you probably know them, right?" Joy piped in as she looked down on her nails, a nail filer in her grasp. 
"Of course, she knows them! They're the hottest and most popular guys around campus." Wendy smirked as she leaned towards your desk, a glint of teasing in her gaze. "Surely, Ji won't pass on the opportunity to get close to them, right?"
The girls giggled at Wendy's remark, which probably had an underlying inside joke for you. You looked down on your lap, not knowing how to counter these kinds of conversation.
"Just come with us, and you don't know maybe..." Irene smiled, that innocent one that creeps into your nerves and screams evil to you at the same time. "...you could catch one or more hottie in your web?"
No thanks. 
"I think Jiwon would be there as well? I heard her saying that she'll ask you to come too. We're just so excited that we invited you first." Yeri grinned, patting your shoulder as she sat behind you.
Is it just me or I feel like I'm being surrounded by witches?
The bell rang, and as quick as bees, the class buzzed instantly. Everyone, yes, everyone stood up excitedly and talked loudly as if the professor went out already. You glanced at Mr. Lee in pity as he sighed while looking at his last class before going out in relief.
"Now, let's go!" 
That was the last shout you heard from Irene before you were dragged out by the girls.
You're in it for huge trouble.
You cringed as you were pressed hard in between Yeri and Joy on the back seat of the car. Irene was on the passenger seat beside her driver, while Wendy and Seulgi on the rear seat at the back of yours. It was the first time they were going with you together in one car. They never did in the past months of hanging with you.
What's with tonight's event? Why do they need to drag me with them? Is it because Jiwon wants me there too? That's impossible. She would have told me last night if she did.
"Are you excited, Ji?" Joy asked with an enthusiastic voice, combing her hair with her hand. "It will be much more exciting now because of your presence."
"Yeah! Junmyeon's parties are the best!" Seulgi squealed at the back while taking a selfie with Wendy. "It's so good that his parents aren't always home."
"Everyone can go crazy as much as they want." Irene looked back at you with a smirk. 
That makes me want to go home more.
"I-I don't think I want to go." You bravely said as you looked around. "I'm sure Jiwon can handle herself."
"No. It's your time to free yourself from loneliness, you know! You've been too silent and timid that no one wants to approach you." Yeri furrowed her brows as she looked at you. "If you're worrying about the past," She looked at her friends, lips curling but then frowning in a second. "nothing will go wrong now. Everyone has forgotten about it already."
"Yeah. We'll be with you throughout the party. Jiwon can join us!" Wendy smiled.
Is it really okay? I don't feel comforted by that though.
"That's better." Irene proudly looked in front with a smile. "We're here anyway."
As soon as you went out the car, your eyes fed on the majestic aesthetics of the mansion. There were lots of cars parked on the space near the gates, but they didn't hinder you from appreciating the features of the place. It's as if a prince lives inside that mansion. Everyone was buzzing with excitement as they entered the gates, guards welcoming the incoming guests for the night. It was still 5pm, but a lot of people were here already.
"I think I just saw Cha Eunwoo with his girlfriend for this week." Joy gasped as she grabbed her lipstick in her bag. She instantly applied a bright red color on her lips, smacking her lips loudly. "Does it look good?" She turned to you and her friends with a smile.
"Good enough to snatch him away from his date." Yeri showed her a thumbs up, supporting her friend.
He has a girlfriend though? Is that okay?
You furrowed your eyebrows as Wendy looped her arm on yours, and Seulgi on the other side. You were surprised by the intimacy, but you paid no mind to it as you went with the flow. Joy walked in first, her hips seductively swaying as she confidently went to follow the guy.
"W-Will she be okay?" You asked quietly to the girls as you entered the doors. Your eyes were wide as you took in the mansion's interior. It was bright as the white wallpaper with gold intricate designs welcomed you, the wooden staircase at the middle of the receiving area captivated you. The sparkling chandelier on the high ceiling made your eyes light up in awe. 
It indeed looks like a castle.
"Stop gawking, we know it's so beautiful." Yeri laughed as she noticed your gaping mouth. "Regretting now for not attending parties for the past years?"
You weakly smiled as you took in the buzzing crowd around the place. The girls went to the living room, where not a lot of people were hanging. Probably because more were in the kitchen or the open area? You don't know how huge this place was, but it might fit in all the students in campus.
"I can see the buffet table!" Seulgi screamed as she let go of your arm, eyes on the long table of food. Your eyes widened in surprise at how expensive every dish looks like. 
"I can see the drinks at the bar." Irene smirked as she automatically went to the bar by the corner of the area. "I'll see ya'll later. I'm gonna take a drink before this party starts."
"I'll go with Seulgi!" Yeri said as she followed her friend excitedly. You were left with Wendy, who just tugged you down to a sofa. You watched as a bunch of girls started to approach her with smiles on their faces, until their eyes fell on you.
"Hey, Wendy! It's nice to see you!" A blonde girl said as she grinned at Wendy, who greeted her back. The girl's eyes went back to you, and you can visibly notice the grimace on her face. "You're with her?"
"Ah yes. We brought her here tonight..." Wendy grinned as she looked at you. "...so she could have fun for the first time in two years after that incident." Her eyes were shining with a prodding sharp look. Like she was pushing you to say something.
"Oh!" The blonde girl's lips curled into amusement as she looked at you. Her gaze became different. It was not disgust now, but full of anticipation. "I see. Well then, enjoy the night, Lee Saejin. Let go all of your worries tonight." Wendy stood up and chatted with them.
With that, Wendy was quickly among the crowd. 
"When will Jiwon arrive?" You asked yourself as you looked around. Everyone was having their own businesses. Most of them were chatting loudly as if they haven't seen each other for a long time, some were drinking beer or champagne (how elegant), and some were doing things you would not do in a party—making out.
You looked away as soon as you see a couple sucking each other's face off. You'd rather watch the news right now than see a live show. You can hear a dj greeting the crowd on the open area behind the mansion, and following that was the loud music blasting across the air. You stood up as most of the people went out to the start of the party. Even the girls you were with earlier were out of sight.
"Better alone than with plastics." You muttered as you took a barbeque stick from the buffet table. You took a bite from it and instantly craved for more. "It's good as expected."
As you walked around the table, not hesitating to take bits of food on each dish, you cautiously looked at the paintings hung on the wall. They look like they were from ancient times, historical and intricately made by well-known painters. You wondered how rich Kim Junmyeon's family was.
"I told you she'll be here early! She'll come looking for you as soon as she arrives!"
"Shut up! Just don't tell anyone I'm here. Tell her I'm dead."
"As if she'll fall for that same reason that you told all of your girls before."
"Just listen to me, Sehun. Let her—"
When you looked down on the buffet table, you got to have a glimpse of two guys near the living room. They were talking by the door when a familiar face noticed you. Your hand was on the air with a barbeque stick when you met his eyes. Your face dropped.
"Go out and do it, maknae." Baekhyun pushed his friend out before trudging towards you with a grin.
"Oh no." You mumbled as you walked around the long buffet table, trying to avoid his approach. When you turned the corner, Baekhyun must have seen your move and followed. Sensing that he would not let you go, you face him with an obvious grimace to keep him off your back. "Hi."
"I see that you look really happy to see me, huh?" Baekhyun chuckled at his sarcastic remark, eyes sparkling with amusement. "You wound me, love."
"I'm just glad you look presentable now." You said as you walked passed him and went to the bar, where different kinds of drinks were. You grabbed a can of coke, settling for soda instead of beer. You see Baekyun's hand grabbing a glass with tequila and lime.
"Well, I wanted to please you, so I followed your advice." He slyly said, following you as you went back to the sofa—the only place you could go for now. But that idea seems to be not that good as you saw Baekhyun glance at the couple by the side, almost doing the deed shamelessly. "What a sight." He whistled.
Your cheeks were on fire as you went to the other way, leaving the shitty living room. You can hear Baekhyun's laugh as he followed you. You hastily went to the double doors that probably led to the open area as you hear the noise getting louder. 
Before you can even hear him say nonsense, you opened the door and went outside. His voice got covered by the party music played by the dj. You quickly slipped in the crowd despite the noise and energy of these people, wanting to be out of sight of that playboy. Different colors of lights played around the area as people jumped and danced the night away. You almost spilled your coke on someone as they bumped into you.
"Sorry!" You muttered every time you bumped on to someone or the other way round. You wonder if Jiwon was around here? "Where can I stay in peace?" You sighed as you found a little space by the corner.
"Oh! Just the person we were looking for!"
You looked back at the crowd and saw Irene with the girls, smiles on their faces as they approached you. You didn't feel great when a bright light hit your face, as if you were placed on a hot seat. 
"Let's greet our guest of honor tonight! Lee Saejin!" The dj shouted with a grin as he lowered the volume of the music. You looked shocked as you looked around, feeling so small at how the people stare at you while whispering to each other. 
"She said she'll be participating in the shots game!" Seulgi exclaimed as she raised a tall glass of an almost clear drink with a lemon on the top. It has a tinge of pink, which looks aesthetic, but you know it was alcohol. "Who wants to do it with her?"
Still surprised of what was happening, you looked at them incredulously as you processed what Seulgi just said.
"Oh? No one wants to? Well, that was expected." She giggled, making the crowd laugh along with her. "Who would want to, right? You might get poisoned and she might take you to bed. That's her specialty, right?"
As the laughters became louder, your mind did not know what to do. You can see all of them looking at you with distaste, if not, they looked amused with whatever's happening to you right now. You looked at Irene who started to approach you, the drink in her hand.
"The audience is waiting. Don't disappoint us, hm?" She sweetly said as she placed the glass in your hand. "Just drink it in one go, and we'll leave you alone."
Your eyes watered as the embarrassment filled your system, feeling your hands tremble as the coldness of the glass touched your skin. This was not simply humiliating, but it was painful for you. 
Why does the past keep on hunting you? Why can't they just leave me alone? I didn't do anything wrong. They just weren't on my side. They choose to believe the wrong.
"A-Are you sure you'd do that?" Your voice cracked as you lifted the glass to your chest, the strong scent hitting your nose. You cringed at the smell, but you tried keeping a straight face.
"Yes, Ji."
With a submissive nod, which you didn't like at all, you drank the liquid.
"OOOH." The crowd cheered as you drank the alcoholic beverage. It stung your throat as if flames started to spread throughout your system, burning everything that it passed through. Your eyes were filled with tears while you gulped down everything.
"Lee Saejin is as wild as ever!" The dj shouted in glee before continuing with the loud music. "LET'S PARTY HARD!"
Dropping the empty glass in front of Irene, you glared at the people for the last time before walking away. It wasn't until a few steps when you almost fell down on the ground.
"Woah there, slut." You heard a disgusting voice whisper as his arms wrapped around your waist. "Feeling hot? Wanna go somewhere less crowded?"
"Wanna go to fucking hell, man?!"
Your blurry vision didn't help as you balanced yourself, trying to push the guy away. You thought it was easy as the arms on your waist were gone in a second. Your eyes went down to the ground, trying to focus your eyesight, when a body dropped next to your feet. Your eyes widened a bit in surprise, your feet moving back in instinct. You don't recognize the face but he seems to be that guy that grabbed you earlier. 
"Come here, Saejin." 
You almost moved away when a hand grabbed your waist securely, leading you out of that stuffy and scary place. Scarier than the dark restroom. Your mind was probably not working that well now as you followed his lead.
In a minute of walking, your eyes were already filled with tears. Everything came back to you in a blink, tears started flowing down your cheeks. You hiccuped all of a sudden before sobbing with your hands trembling.
"Hey, hey. Shh." The person, who led you out to somewhere that looks like a garden, shushed you with a comforting rub on the back. "I'm sorry that happened. I guided him to hell. That won't happen again, I swear."
You just sobbed louder, hands clutching at your shirt, a habit of yours whenever you cry. With a sigh, he made you sit on a bench. Fortunately, the garden was empty and silent. Only your cries and sobs were heard.
"W-Why is it so hard to move forward?" You cried as you looked down on your lap, voice trembling with emotions that he couldn't comprehend. His arm was still around your waist, until he realized he was too comfortable with that that he didn't think what you were feeling about it. He quickly gave you space, moving his arm away and scooting farther from you.
He kept silent as he watched you try to contain your pained cries.
"I didn't do anything..." You whispered as tears continued to taint your rosy cheeks. He badly wanted to wipe them away, to make you stop hurting, to hug you tight, to let you forget those painful memories. He doesn't know what happened that made you cry like this, but it surely is not just about the guy harassing you. It's something more.
"Why do they hate me so much? Why me?"
"I don't." His voice soft and gentle as he spoke, making you look up at him. With tears in your eyes, cheeks wet, and trembling lips, you still looked breathtaking for him. You're beautiful. "I don't hate you, love."
You let out a sob as you stared into his eyes. All the rational things going out of the window.
"Because I can't see anything that will make me hate you."
"I-It's because you don't know me."
"I do though. You're Lee Saejin, the clumsy, quiet, smart, and straightforward girl that's too shy to admit she's a fan of the team." He smiled, a hand reaching to wipe a stray tear away from your cheeks. You flinched as his warm fingers touch your skin. 
"T-That's not the whole me."
"Well, I just need to know you better then?" He said, scooting a bit closer to you with a gentle smile. You continued looking at him with those eyes. A look that he thinks that wants him. "Stop looking at me like that, love. Or else I might just bite you."
His eyes widened in surprise as your head fell on his shoulder. 
"I feel so tired facing them..." You whispered as your eyes closed. "I'm so tired fighting."
His heart ached at your voice. The one that made his smile waver. His arms were like moving on their own as they wrapped themselves around you. You scooted closer to him as you felt comfort in his warm embrace. The cold wind of the night blew against the bed of grass and flowers around you.
It was the most peaceful moment you've ever had in the past years of hurting.
"We'll face them together then." He whispered as his fingers combed through your loose hair, gently rubbing your head. "Baekhyun will be with you, hm."
With those last words from his mouth, he leaned his head on yours before he closed his eyes.
♫ Ch.6
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puckngrind · 5 years
Skating Lessons part 23
Summary: Christmas with Josh and Mason
warnings: foreplay, mentions of sex, swearing
Word count: 1639
Series Masterlist
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The lights dancing over the awe in both of your boys’ faces as they watched the light show for Wildlights was worth the fact that you couldn’t feel your toes and face. Josh learned while he ordered hot chocolates there is such thing as kid temp and ordered his the same. The rest of the trip you asked if his tongue was being burnt. Finally he pulled you in when Mason was fully invested in the manatees to whisper, “My tongue burnt would be a problem for you later.” This made you blush at his promise which he of course mentioned again when you were in bed.
Josh had a few home games leading up to Christmas break and you were thankful to be back in the WAGS section which is funny because a few months ago you begged Josh to find seats in the upper bowl.
Between home games Torts gave the team the day off and Josh jumped at the chance to plan a shopping trip with you while Mason was at preschool.
“So this whole Santa thing is fun.” Josh tosses a Black Panther and Captain America Nerf gun into your cart.
“Stressful but yes, fun. His face last year was the best. And we don’t need two Baby.” You lean to grab the Captain America Nerf shield.
“Yes WE do. He needs someone to fight off the evil doers with him.” Josh puts his hands over yours and kisses your cheek while standing behind you.
“So should I write Josh on the shield?” You laugh.
“Nah, he could play with a friend too. Options you know.” Josh laughs and pushes the cart from behind you the rest of the shopping trip.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go home?” You asked for maybe the tenth time since learning he had a decent break for Christmas. He just started the car and his look was the same as the first nine times you asked.
“My answer is always the same (y/n). This is home and my family is use to celebrating at different times plus maybe next year the three of us could go with some planning. The whole Santa thing would have to be coordinated with my mom and sister.” He paused for a second to look at you. “They would love that but planning needed.”
You were able to place all the presents in hiding before picking Mason up from school. He popped into the car jabbering all about his day and how the gingerbread man ran away. Josh listened intently asking very serious questions.
“Speaking of cookies. We need to make some for Santa!” You chimed in and both your boys ears perked up.
You wasted no time getting home for cookie making. Mason grabbed his stool and Josh pushed up his sleeves as you ordered them to place certain ingredients in the bowl.
“No recipe?” Josh’s eyebrow raise and look at you.
“Momma has it in her head since she’s been making them since she was little like me.” Mason answers for you and you nod to confirm.
“Impressive.” Josh gives you a sly look then focuses on not screwing up the batter.
The cookies decorating was definitely more interesting with Josh’s commentary but they looked good. Mason selected the few for Santa and the rest the three of you picked over the next day.
Christmas Eve was spent at your parents with extended family.  Some that haven’t met Josh before and clearly were threatened not to be idiots and ask stupid questions.  You did catch your cousin’s teenage son trying to take a selfie in front of Josh and Mason playing knee hockey.  “You can just ask him for a picture you know.  He won’t say no.”  You leaned over causing him to almost drop the phone.  He did just that.  
“My extended family sometimes acts weird too you know.”  Josh wrapped his arms around you.  “I use to find it odd but it comes with the territory.  I love you family (y/n), they are all great.” He kisses you gently. “Now let’s go open some presents.”
Your parents got the three of you matching pajamas which Josh insisted you change into. Which actually made it easier when you got home.  Mason was already tired and to do you normal traditional Christmas Eve.  You had presents from Mason’s Santa shop from school.  He got both you and Josh something and he was so excited about it.  
“What’s this dude?”  Josh shakes the sparkly wrapping.  He opens a “You are the best” mug.  “Oh, this is cool!  Thanks Mace!”  You notice your boyfriend’s eyes are a touch glassy as Mason hugs him. “Momma’s turn!”  Josh turns the attention to you.  Mason hands you a similar package.  Inside a mug that matches Josh’s in color but says Mom’s favorite mug then on the back Mason’s familiar signature with a heart below it in his writing.
“Baby boy.  This is the best!”  Between Josh’s glassy eyes and the mug with Mason’s writing you couldn’t keep the tears back.
“Momma, you okay?” Mason asks.  
“Oh I’m better than okay.”  You pull him into your lap and Josh sits next to you and puts his arm around you both.  “Let’s read our Christmas book, place our cookies and milk out and head to bed okay?”
You did just that and once you were sure Mason was asleep you dragged out his Santa presents with Josh.   “Has he ever woken up?”  Josh asked as you placed the last wrapped present under the tree. 
“Yes.  When he was two.  Luckily he couldn’t open his door and I could hear his little voice saying Santa dat you?”  Josh laughs hard and you place your hand over his mouth.  “I don’t want a repeat Anderson!”  Josh scoops you up and takes you to your room.
“It’s CHRISTMAS!”  Mason lands on the foot of your bed jumping up and down!  Josh just laughs hysterically while you rub your eyes.  
“What time is it?”  You look at the clock.  
“The sun is up so I’m up!”  Mason announces.  “Can we go see if Santa came?”
“Sure thing little man.” Josh answers and the three of you head towards your family room.  Josh’s face was as in awe of the magic of Christmas as Mason’s.  Mason celebrated every present.  You sip your coffee and take in the new Christmas experiences with Josh and Mason.
“Hey, what’s that behind the tree?” Josh points after Mason opened his last present.  Mason pulls out a long thin wrapped box in the same Santa paper as all the rest of his presents.  You eye Josh because this is clearly his doing.  Mason rips open the paper and box to find a Warrior hockey stick that matches Josh’s.
“Just like yours!”  Mason shouts and starts pretending to shoot with it.  
“Oh awesome!  Josh will have to help you tape it up Mace.”  You shoot a look at Josh again and he’s beaming.
The rest of the morning was filled with playing with his new toys and snuggling with Josh on the couch.  “So I asked your parents to take Mace tonight.”  Josh whispers in your ear. 
“Oh really?”  You look up at him.
“Yeah, figured we could exchange presents and have some actual alone time.”  Josh kisses you tenderly.  
“I don’t hate that idea.  Mace, want to sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa’s?”  You turn your attention towards your still going strong five year old.
“YES!”  Mason shouted.  
After dropping Mason off, you and Josh ate dinner under the tree laughing about the day and kissing between bites and exchange gifts.
“This has been an amazing day.” Josh pulls you onto his lap and you wrap your legs around him.  
“Best Christmas ever.”  You breathe into him and feel him growing under you.  “I have another Christmas present for you before we....continue.”  You shift off of him and start looking at the tree.
“(y/n) what are you doing?”  Josh grabs at your waist to pull you back into him
“I’m looking for your gift.”  You spot the small box you placed in the tree.  “You aren’t the only one with surprise presents there Babe!”  You hand Josh the small box.  Josh eyes the tiny box and slowly opens it.  Inside a key.
“A key?”  Josh’s face looks confused as he holds up the key you placed in the box.  “Babe? A little help on what this present is?”
You breathe out and smile at him.  “It’s a key Josh.”  You giggle a little.
“To what?” Josh jingles the key in your face.
“The house.” You smirk at him.
“I have a key to the house.”  Josh’s face is even more confused.
“I know.  It’s more symbolic.  Move in with us?”  You simply say and pull you lip between your teeth.
“Are you serious babe?”  Josh’s excitement is evident.
“You practically already live here since the accident.  Mason wants you here, I want you here.  You should just be here with us.”  You place your hand on his cheek.  “I’m just sorry I haven’t said something sooner.”
Josh crashes his lips into yours. “Yes, fucking yes.  One million times yes. Of course I want to officially move in Babe.  This maybe the best Christmas present ever.”  Josh leans you down under the tree and presses his body into you.  “Having this all the time every day forever is exactly what I want.” Josh kisses you and runs his hand down your body.
“I’m glad you said yes because tonight would have been really awkward if you said no.”  You kiss down his neck.
“You must have been confident in my answer, eh?”  Josh hums into your skin as he kisses down to your core.
“Oh, I was pretty confident.” You moan as Josh continues to make you weak.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Can you lift more than 100lbs? I can’t even lift 100 lbs flat. The most I’ve been able to deadlift was I think 80 or 90 lbs, but I already count that as an achievement since I weigh around that much anyway. What's your opinion on incest? Big yikes. Some memes can be hilarious but when you think about how incest will sometimes come from a place of sexual abuse within the family, it stops being funny so I’d rather take it seriously like 98% of the time. Do you have a favorite color for cats? Mmm I think orange is really cute. The few cats that have been nice to me are usually the orange ones. What was your latest email about? It’s an email from a transcribing website inviting me to their Slack. Since I can’t get a legit job for now, Gab let me know about these websites that’ll let you do some transcribing and pay you a few cents (around ₱15-20) for each of them. One of the sites I joined, whose test I passed, invited me to their Slack earlier today so I can be a part of the team. I’m still feeling too anxious to join the group so I haven’t addressed it for now, but maybe by tonight or tomorrow. What video games did you play when you were younger? Our parents weren’t too strict when it came to video game supervision so we were already playing Grand Theft Auto, Silent Hil, Resident Evil, etc. as kids. Those games eventually ended up being my favorites. I liked other less-violent games too, like games from the Burnout franchise, The Simpsons: Hit and Run and that one Spongebob video game based on the first Spongebob movie hehe.
Would you ever get a tramp stamp? That’s not really a place where I’d like to get a tattoo. I want it to be somewhere I can constantly see, like my fingers or wrist. Do you like Lady Gaga? Yeah. It has a sentimental point to it too because she’s essentially a part of the root of mine and Gabie’s friendship. When we first met I was heavily into Beyoncé and she, into Gaga. Telephone was still a super popular song then and people were really into the Bey-Gaga duo, so it was the perfect recipe for a friendship to form. We make it a point to like each other’s bias so she’s caught up with Beyoncé’s new material and I also always support Gaga’s. What's your favorite commercial? I love the sports car ad of Fita and the ‘First Love’ McDonald’s ad. Jollibee’s Valentine’s Day ads have also been pretty gut-wrenching in the last few years. Did you cry when Michael Jackson died? I didn’t, but by then I already knew how big of a star he was because of how much Beyoncé hyped him up before he passed lol. It was also easy to understand that it was a big deal because the news covered his death and funeral for hourssss during that week. What does the last notification you received say? “home” Gab drove out to run some errands and I asked her to let me know when she gets home, because the weather isn’t looking good. What's the ugliest species of animal? Cockroaches. Are you embarrassed about any songs on your iPod? I wasn’t embarrassed over the punk bands I listened to but I knew my classmates weren’t going to understand my taste and possibly ostracize me even more than I already was, so I kept my punk playlist all to myself. Who is on your Top Friends? I don’t have Myspace but Facebook ranks friends based on how much you interact with them and my top 5 are Angela, Gabie, Mils, Alique, and Andrew. What do you use to listen to music on the computer? Spotify.  Do people know a lot about you? You guys sure do. But yeah when it comes to irl people I wear my heart on my sleeve, too. What was the last thing you said out loud? “That’s enough for now.”  Do you miss anybody? Of course. All my friends. More than ever. Have you ever heard the song What A Wonderful World? Yes, though I think I may have only ever heard the chorus since that’s the most-played part of the song. Who was the last person you said I Love You to? Gabie. Have you ever deleted someone off of Facebook? I’ve unfriended countless people and blocked a handful of others. Do you have any bug bites right now? No. Puppy bites, yes. Have you ever been burned? My finger has. When I was 7 I stupidly laid a finger on a clothes iron that was plugged in. My grandma had been using it but she left for a while to do a task. It’s still up there on the stupidest things I’ve ever done. Who was your last inbox message from? It’s the same message from Gab I mentioned earlier. Would you ever consider being a critic? Nah. Analyzing works of art has never been my strong suit. I once had to keep a movie review blog as one of the requirements for my Film 100 class and I honestly found it difficult. Being a critic requires rich knowledge on anything and everything you’re critiquing, and I don’t know if I’m well-versed enough for that. I just want to enjoy my films, dude. Same goes for TV shows, paintings, food, poems, etc. Who was the last person you slept beside? Gab probs, but it’s been a while. Do you like Metallica? I loved For Whom the Bell Tolls from the very first second I heard it, which was when Triple H used it as his entrance song from one of the recent-ish Wrestlemanias. Other than that, I’m not familiar with their music.
What's your favorite kind of soup? Miso! What’s your best friend's favorite band? Angela loves The Maine. I know Gab doesn’t pick a favorite anything. Who was the last person you IMed? Again, Gabie. Have you ever heard of the band Thin Lizzy? Nope. Who was the last person you took a picture with? I haven’t had a photo with anyone in a while, but I want to guess that it’s my family. Do you play Guitar Hero? I used to. But I always preferred Rock Band because I really liked the concept of switching from one instrument to another. Do you play any real instruments? No. What are un-real instruments lol Where are your siblings right now? They’re both in the living room. Whose house did you last visit? My grandma’s house, aka the house where we used to live. My uncle baked me a tres leches cake as a graduation gift so I briefly came over to pick it up :) Since I was already there, my grandma also gave me a portion of the lengua she had made for dinner.  Who was the last person to come to your house? ^ Same grandma, and my cousin. They went over to meet Cooper and to do a lot of catching up. What time do you usually eat dinner? 7-7:30 in the evening. Have you ever searched your own house on Google Earth? Hahaha yeah, I think most of us have at one point. I also looked up myo old school when I was still studying there. Does it bother you when people have a loose grip on hugs? No. I know some people aren’t the most comfortable with hugs. Are you looking forward to next year? If I can be promised that the virus will be gone by 2021, then hell yes. What have you done so far this summer? This has been one long-ass summer...I’ve finished my thesis, relinquished my duties as VP for my org, owned a puppy, gotten sick for the first time in years, seen my girlfriend once in four months, cooked something from scratch for the first time, and tried to apply for simple side jobs over the interwebs. Do you have a common name or uncommon? It’s kinda in the middle? It’s not a unique name, but it’s also not a very popular choice. What's your favorite punk band? Against Me! I have my other fave punk bands but none has done it for me the way AM! has.
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the half of it liveblog
LET’S GO I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SINCE MARCH hi. my name is abby, and this is me watching the half of it
i have big gay expectations for this movie
as an asian wlw, i do NOT want to be disappointed
starting NOW
fuck YES this animation is beautiful
plato. this movie is already calling out my dumb gay ass
they did really good casting with ellie! imagine having a movie with high schoolers that LOOK LIKE HIGH SCHOOLERS
chugga chugga chu chu? SQUARE UP BITCH
OMG paul and ellie’s first meeting is iconic
“i’m not looking to cheat” “no one is”
“gET a thESaURus uSE a speLLcHecKer gOOd luCk rOMeo”
this is an accurate representation of hold times istg
aster looks so tired but wowowowowow she is hecking beautiful
ellie is a disaster gay
exhibit 1: staring at aster in band
exhibit 2: “i’m ellie chu?!?!?!”
exhibit 3: more staring in the hallway
staring/longing is the peak gay experience
she is FINALLY charging acceptable prices for writing
i’d ask $15 for two page
maybe she just loves writing
can’t relate
“SHE’S LIKE ALL THREE” paul you eloquent mf
he’s a ROMANTIC... but so bad with words omg
“yah my grandma’s dead wanna go out with me”
“love makes you screwy. don’t you get screwy?”
istg you dumb jock ily
in love, one always starts by deceiving oneself... and ends by deceiving others
i LOokED uP PLaiGiAriZed
wow i had to stop for like 8 minutes there to properly watch their letters play out
the way alice wu spins this story is absolutely gorgeous
aster and ellie are so in sync and understanding of each other
the art, the words, the letters
everything just meshes together perfectly and i’m already in love with their story, whether or not there’s a happy ending
oh ho ho... paul....
no but he’s totally right
dating is burgers and fries and ice cream and whatnot
love is what ellie and aster have been doing– the talking and the listening and the understanding
smithcorona ahaha
“i love... nazis” paul you good there
oh honey you understand nothing
LMAO i love how ellie’s riding away on her bike and paul’s just bent over in the background PERFECTLY poised to pick up a rock
YES! jock + lesbian friendship
“hi ellie chu’s dad” has the same energy as “mr. jack’s dad” and “mr. sir” if u know what i’m talking about (check, please! mutuals hi)
i love how paul just treats this like drills he has to run
jocks, man
why do neither of them know how to play ping pong istg
i love one (1) girl that laughs at horror movies
omg my anxious ass would be terrified if i thought someone was watching me
oh, i thought that line was about aster
but it still makes sense in a friendship way
and this IS a friendship movie so it does make sense
my coward ass would’ve never brought a boy home in high school
especially not to my enthusiastic italian father
besides i only ever dated one person and she was a girl and i hadn’t come out to my parents yet
kudos to ellie
oh i just realized that aster’s christian
does that influence her views on lgbtq?
oh, ellie
watching that made me tear up
god, falling for someone who doesn’t know that you’re you
this english teacher is fckin hilarious
and also totally not a romantic lmao
“world’s asleep. more room for secrets”
now THAT’S what love feels like
falling in love with the little things
wait he doesn’t say “you like aster?”
...does he support her or not
paul munsky say something
oh he realizes that he doesn’t know what love is not that ellie likes aster
“if love isn’t the effort you put in”
i love this friendship and paul’s quiet wisdom
oh boy there are weird chewing noises
aww paul’s a romantic and ellie’s hilarious
seeing “guy” makes my heart hurt
aw ellie have a little faith in our dumb jock <3
this is so cute and super awkward
i feel like i did this at some point in high school
what just happened
awww he’s so enthusiastic
bitch what the fuck is “a look”
wtf is this a fucking rave
are high schools like this now??? is everyone fucking horrid?
yes girl play your song
wait a sec can they all hear her without a mic
she wrote that? that’s so sweet <3
but that’s so cliché
it’s literally high school musical
oh boy now she’s POPULAR?
i love their friendship so much
omg what? shoes in the house? shoes ON THE BED? DISGRACE PAUL MUNSKY
jk him caring for her is literally so cute
i’m glad we can have that platonically
she did that for him? aww
the way she spits out the advil is hilarious
i bet she thinks ellie and paul are dating
“it’s paul’s chinese friend” who the FUCK do you think you are? STEP THE FUCK UP KAREN
oh it’s the daisy!
it’s gorgeous
i feel like aster definitely suspects something
i have no idea what she does at the station?!?
“SECRET PLACE” oh lawd
aster definitely knows it’s ellie
i wish i had a secret pond
but alas
i am just a poor city girl
ellie is a disaster gay and i am living for it
LONG UNDERWEAR ellie is prepared for all situations
paul is so sweet that’s adorable
“i don’t think i’ve ever hung out with a girl and not talked about boys before” the GAY is showing and i love it
but love isn’t about feeling safe
it’s about feeling adventurous but being safe
you’re in HIGH SCHOOL why tf r u thinking about marriage?
oml don’t get married to trig he’s a fucking idiot
i lowkey thought they were going to kiss
and then ellie “i am a RUSSIAN DOLL of clothing!!1!1!”
when my asian mom did this, my white dad would look just like him, even after literally decades of marriage
WOAH the visuals
just... two people looking at the same sky
so intimate
“gravity is matter’s response to loneliness”
that’s so deep but all i can think of is r/showerthoughts
just two girls discussing their deepest beliefs and secrets in a spring
i would like to do that pls
lmao ellie’s dad and paul are besties now
oh ellie
COLLEGE you deserve to go to college!
omg aster and paul’s height difference
paul’s siblings are hilarious lmao
SLDKFJSDL “A BUNCH OF GUYS SNIFFING EACH OTHERS’ BUTTS” is maybe the most accurate description of high school sports
guess all that running really paid off paul
“squahamish scores for the first time in 50 yrs” i-
ellie trying to finesse the yakult is the funniest thing
what the FUCK just happened
that was like watching a train wreck in slo-mo
i have zero words.
is he ok
who sprayed him? was it paul or ellie’s dad??
oh god literally all three of them are ruined
paul! he’s trying! and that matters!
he’s been taught to condemn it
but he supports his friend first and foremost
so he tries to understand and accept it
...oh no paul’s mother
ellie looks so sad :(
ugh i’m crying
she had to grow up too quickly because of her mother’s death
“have you ever loved someone so much you don’t want anything about them to change?”
i’m so emotional
SKSKSK “i had to grind something” homophobic mother looks up
the fuck is “little lady”
oh i get it he’s proposing
trig is literally the human manifestation of microaggression
the painting metaphor is back and i am not ok
AND I OOP- she slapped him ok ok ok
“mommy wants you to know that in case you are gay, mommy still loves you” “no mom i’m not gay” “thank god” “i might want to change your sausage recipe though” “are you INSANE?” THIS IS AN EXACT PARALLEL to when bitty came out and mama bittle still loved him but then the JAM (hello again check please mutuals if ur still here ily)
lmao the english teacher “now that is some divine intervention” she is neutral evil and i am LIVING for it (bet she’s wlw too)
“you don’t mean dead, right” SLDFKJSDL
“love is messy and horrible and selfish... and bold.” -ellie chu
that’s fucking beautiful
aster looks... so tired
i have no words i just want to watch this and cry
they kissed.
they KISSED.
“i’ll see you in a couple of years”
i love that they don’t end up together
that they know that they should wait, that it’s not their time yet
because love is “the trying, and the reaching, and the failing”
ellie looks so happy
she’s comfortable in her own skin
she deserves everything
omg the emojis slap
her dad’s conductor? station master? idk but he’s working again and i’m so proud of him
is paul seriously giving her sausage
“too smart to be crying on the platform like a wussy” “i’m not crying” “wussy” underrated exchange of the year
paul chasing after ellie on the train is so sweet
i’m sobbing
she looks so content and i love that for her
that’s the end
if you made it this far, congrats! 
overall 10/10
it’s such a sweet movie it’s well paced, well written, and well shot
time to go see if there’s any fic
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writer-rochelle · 5 years
“Body Like A Back Road” Agent Tequila x Black/Agent! Reader
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a/n this is the first many fics i hope to post to tumblr. this was a longtime coming, and i’m so excited to finally be doing something that i’ve put off for a long time. let me know what you think, and send in some requests! <3 al
(also please listen to Body like a back road by Sam Hunt, it’s so good)
Got a girl from the Southside, got braids in her hair
First time I seen her walk by, man I 'bout fell up out my chair
Had to get her number, it took me like six weeks
Now me and her go way back like Cadillac seats
When Tequila thinks back to the first time he met you, he instantly recalls your braids. Long and black, covering every inch of that pretty little head of yours. Thinking about it now, he recalls how it had taken a minute to register that those were in fact braids and not just strands of hair. He watched you saunter past him, you and your girls giggling about something when you suddenly made eye contact with him. He just about tumbled out of his chair when you sent a wink his way, those big hazel eyes set against your melanin skin instantly being saved in his mind for later. The remainder of the month that the rodeo was there he made a point to speak to you. From complimenting your braids, to inviting you to watch him (even if he was just a rodeo clown), to you finally having pity on the boy and giving him your digits. Several years later and you were closer than ever, finding yourselves working for the same intelligence agency. Crazy how that works. 
Body like a back road, drivin' with my eyes closed
I know every curve like the back of my hand
Doin' fifteen in a thirty, I ain't in no hurry
I'ma take it slow just as fast as I can
The way she fit in them blue jeans, she don't need no belt
But I can turn 'em inside out, I don't need no help
Got a hips like honey, so thick and so sweet
It ain't no curves like hers on them downtown streets
“Agent Vodka, you will find the remainder of your debriefing packet back in your quarters, but if you’ll follow me I’d like to give you some new tech.” Ginger said, watching as (Y/N), Tequila and Champ removed their Statesman issued glasses. “Sure! Can’t wait to see what you’ve been cooking!” (Y/N)said, getting up and following the femme tech wiz out of the meeting room. Tequila jumped a little, feeling the junoesque woman glide her hand along the back of his neck, causing goosebumps to rise. Champagne smirked, the small yet intimate interaction not lost on the head of Statesman. Tequila (oblivious of his superior’s playfully chastising gaze) continued to watch you strut out of the room, your curves stretching against your blues jeans. The same blue jeans that had been laying inside out on the floor of his bedroom that morning. 
“While you two Knuckleheads may think your little secret is safe, the teasing and ‘Fuck me eyes’ ain't lost on anyone boy.” Champagne laughed, watching the former rodeo clown flush with embarrassment. “I'm sorry sir, it won’t happen again sir,” Tequila said, watching his Superior get up and leave the room. “Don’t worry about it Tequila, just know there ain’t no other girl like (Y/N) out on them streets. And one other thing, don’t call me sir it makes me feel old” Champ said, chuckling as he closed the door. Tequila relaxed, pulling a Polaroid he had of you out of his wallet. There sure as hell was no other girl like you. 
We're out here in the boondocks with the breeze and the birds
Tangled up in the tall grass with my lips on hers
On a highway to heaven, headed south of her smile
Get there when we get there, every inch is a mile
It was one of those rare occasions, a day to relax before inevitably some jackass somewhere would just have to enact some evil scheme. Tequila had surprised his girl with a picnic, including a batch of his mediocre attempt of recreating her Grandma’s lemon bar recipe. The young woman smiled, and ate them despite how dry they were. She knew he had tried his best, and didn’t want to hurt his feelings. 
Tequila had led her further into a large patch of land, the overgrown grass up to their waists. Despite potential bugs or snakes, the couple had laid there sharing kisses and stories and enjoying the time off. At some point Tequila had noticed how still and quiet his girlfriend had become only to realize she had fallen asleep, cuddled against his chest. He kissed the top of (Y/n)’s head, breathing in the coconut scent of her scalp conditioner. God how he loved her braids, that pearly smile set against soft brown sun-kissed skin, those hazel eyes. God, he loved every bit of her. “I love you” he whispered, he hoped those words had only been heard by himself, the breeze and the birds overhead. “I love you too”, (Y/N) whispered back a small smile settling upon her features, before further falling asleep. Tequila smiled softly, god was he in heaven?
Body like a back road, drivin' with my eyes closed
I know every curve like the back of my hand
Doin' fifteen in a thirty, I ain't in no hurry
I'ma take it slow just as fast as I can
Sam Hunt was one of (Y/N)’s favorite singers, so it was only natural that Tequila would yank her onto the dance floor, the young couple happily two-stepping; with the sounds of “Body Like A Back Road” booming through the speakers. The young woman laughed, her eyes closed showing off the glittery gold eye shadow that had been dusted across lids glinting in the neon lights. Tequila was a little more quiet than usual, something that was not lost on his partner. However, unbeknownst to (Y/N), there was a small black velvet box starting to weigh heavy in his jean jacket pocket.  About halfway through the song, he passed (Y/N) off to Eggsy to dance with, under the guise of needing to use the bathroom. 
He stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, slightly pissed with his sudden lack of suavity. This was supposed to be the night he proposed, your Kingsman friends present to celebrate the completion of the distillery in Scotland, even Ginger had joined them. It would’ve been perfect. Yet here he was ruining everything. And finally, it dawned on him. Y’all had made it this far. Through his old clowning days, to the time his addiction almost cost him his life. If you were still here, then why was he in such a hurry. He breathed in and out for a few moments, calming his nerves. “I'mma take it slow, Just as fast as I can”
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dancingsparks · 5 years
Harry Potter and the Secret Boyfriend
thank you at my wonderful beta reader @pandajelley​
Also on Ao3
“-thereby rendering Aithea’s third rule inconsequential. Nevertheless, the formation cannot, as Doromius postulates and subsequently ascertains in a sequence of dissection and speculation, be quantified in something as mundane-“
Ron gives up; the book has defeated him. Seven years fighting against dark wizards, evil professors and slimy classmates, only to fail at his transfiguration essay. Well, it’s not shocking. Honestly, he tried. He read the chapter, read it multiple times,. It is impossible to understand. The sentences are too long, twisted ,and convoluted, with no structure to speak of. Ron is sure whoever wrote that monstrosity of a book didn’t actually want anybody to learn anything and instead break into tears; though he can think of a person stubborn and smart enough to have worked it out. 
A quick glance up confirms that, yes, Hermione is steadily writing. Her hair has somehow freed itself from her braid, falling into her face and forcing her to swat it away in annoyance. She has ink on her face and fingers, having yet again forgotten to mind the drying ink. She often complains about the antiquated methods, listing Muggle inventions and explaining how they would make her life easier.
Ron smiles fondly, watching her cross-reference and plan out her essay. He could watch her like this forever.
A sudden movement at his left catches his attention, causing him to look away from Hermione. Harry is standing, shoving his things into his bag. Ron frowns. He understands why Harry might want to leave. Studying sessions in the library are rarely fun and Ron, too, often wants to end them early. Still, to just get up and go, not even half way through and on his own, is rather rude.
Now that he thinks about it, Harry has been weird in general lately, sneaking around and keeping secrets.
Ron thought it was about the war, that this is how Harry is dealing with the trauma. Hermione assured him this was natural, that Harry would need space, time to figure things out. So Ron gave him space, prepared to do whatever he could whenever Harry was ready. And he seems fine, slowly getting better in fact.
Ron doesn’t know anymore what his best friend does half of the time, though, and that worries him.
“Leaving already, mate?”
Harry gives him a guilty look. He runs a hand through his hair, a nervous habit he has taken up lately, shrugs and casts a quick glance to somewhere behind Ron. He is sorely tempted to look, to see what holds his friend’s attention. “Yeah, I am meeting someone … ehm, see I promised … I promised I would help! Yes, I promised I would help with … this thing for…”
Ron watches amused as Harry rambles on, trying frantically and failing spectacularly to come up with a believable excuse. Too bad for him that, one, he is terrible at lying and two, Ron knows him too well to fall for it anyway. Still, it is amusing to watch.
“Harry stop, it’s fine. I mean you are obviously lying and I wish you wouldn’t, but you don’t have to tell me. I won’t ask if you want to keep them a secret. Just leave before Hermione is done with her essay; you know what she thinks about cutting study sessions short.”
Harry looks relieved at his words. Honestly, Ron is slightly offended that his friend thought he would press for answers when he so obviously doesn’t want to give them.
“Thanks, I owe you one.” With a grateful nod and a glance at Hermione, obliviously editing her essay, Harry grabs his bag and heads deeper into the library . Ron turns around; curious and hoping to get a look at whomever it is that Harry is willing to spend the sunny afternoon inside a stuffy room for. The weather has been awful these past weeks, cold and rainy. Only today is the sun finally shining once again. Hermione didn’t have an easy time convincing them to stay inside and do their assignments. Ron isn’t clear on how she did it, but here they are.
Ron would be satisfied with only a glance of the mystery person, but no such luck.
It doesn’t matter, Harry will tell him when and if he wants to, and until then Ron just has to keep a close eye on him. He is sure he will know what’s going on soon enough, Harry isn’t very subtle. And Ron can’t help wanting to know, he is only human after all.
For now he goes back to trying to get some information from this impossible book. Or he could continue to watch Hermione. Maybe he could convince her to take things outside; the sun would do her some good.
Ron is content. He is warm, sitting in front of the fireplace, Hermione cuddled up against him and idly playing with his hand, telling him about her day. Granted, the hair in his face is something he still isn’t used to, but it is a small price to pay to have her this close.
“Ron, are you even listening?” He hums, too lazy for actual words and presses a kiss on her hair. That seems to be enough of an answer for her, because she starts talking again. The 8th year common room is humming gently with conversation, lulling him in with warmth.
“Harry, where do you think you are going?” Ron opens his eyes again, woken from his doze. Harry wears his Quidditch gear, is wrapped in a scarf and carries his broom on his shoulder. Really, it’s obvious where he is going and her disapproving tone shows Hermione knows it. Harry either doesn’t notice her frown or doesn’t care.
“I’m going flying, Hermione. I thought it would be quite clear, given the broom and the gear.” He’s grinning, more excited than Ron has seen in a long time. Harry is practically radiating happiness.
Ron is very sure by now; he must be dating someone. He daydreams, sneaks off and is smiling more often than not. Ron is happy for him, he is, he only wishes Harry would look less like a lovesick puppy all the time now. But he suffers through it, silent and pretending not to know. It’s clear Harry doesn’t want to share yet, which hurts, but Ron supposes he has good reasons. Or what he thinks are good reasons at least. Harry can be quite stupid when it comes to support and friendship. Ron could punch those horrible Muggles he grew up with for planting these insecurities in him. Or maybe just rub it in their faces that Harry is happy, despite what they did to him. And Harry’s happiness is the most important thing right now - well, among the most important things anyway.
“I really don’t think this is a good idea. It’s late and dark, why would you even want to?” Ron chuckles fondly, Hermione is always overprotective.
“Let him go ‘Mione. If he wants to break his neck, flying in the dark, that’s his choice.” He pulls her even closer, thinking the discussion over and wanting to find his way back to that peaceful sleepiness he had been in. Hermione has different plans though.
“Ronald! I don’t think this is very funny! Harry would risk serious injury and for what? To have more space because he would be flying alone? No, I bet he has better things to do anyway.” This time Ron sighs. Hermione is brilliant, brightest witch of their age, but people are not one of her strengths. He abruptly realises Hermione doesn’t know Harry won’t be flying alone, hasn’t connected Harry’s happiness and constant mental absence with someone special being on his mind.
It’s somehow nice, and very strange, that Ron has figured something out before Hermione has. He knows he isn’t stupid, but it’s not easy to remember that next to Hermione’s brilliance. This is a nice reminder. Still, it isn’t his secret to share, so he would just have to show off his own intelligence by defeating her at chess tomorrow.
Harry looks pained. Ron can practically see the wheels turning in his head, searching for an argument Hermione will accept. Ron remembers the embarrassing attempt at the library and winces in sympathy. There is no way Harry would come up with a reason Hermione would deem good enough.
“Harry is more than capable of handling himself, Hermione. Let him go, you can lecture him on every essay he forgot tomorrow. You know anything he writes right now would be useless anyway.” Hermione clenches her jaw, obviously unhappy with the situation, but she says nothing.
Harry grins at him, wishes them a nice evening and is out through the door. Hermione grumbles about idiots taking unnecessary risks, but Ron only laughs and burrows his face in her hair, inhaling the smell as he slowly falls back into slumber.
Eating not at the Gryffindor but the 8th year table is still odd but has grown on Ron. In any case, it has helped promote unity, just as McGonagall predicted, after announcing the students returning for their 8th year would be treated as one house of their own. Though they can’t collect points, which Ron doesn’t miss, and can’t participate in the Quidditch-Cup, which Ron does miss. Sure, they assembled their own teams, playing against each other, but just isn’t the same.
It is surprising how much things can change. Only 5 months ago, the table was clearly divided by colours, conversation only in hushed tones and between people of the same house. But now the colours are mixed, people are talking to and over each other, the fact that they all belonged to different houses forgotten.
Ron can hear Neville ranting about some endangered plant to Parkinson, who offers increasingly ridiculous schemes to save it. Goldstein and Hermione are discussing how the newly discovered artefact will affect basically everything, though they are mostly just agreeing with whatever the other said. Goyle is attentively listening to Abbott reciting her grandma’s recipe for apple crumble. Zabini is laughing at some terrible joke Seamus made. Harry is smiling at Malfoy. Macmillan is whispering to –
Harry is smiling at Malfoy? That can’t be right, Ron must have imagined things. But no, another quick glance confirms that his best friend is trying very hard to subtly communicate with Malfoy.
That in and of itself is hardly news. Harry had never been able to leave Malfoy alone, to just ignore the git. Granted, Ron hadn’t been any better, always egging him on, but he liked to think he had matured. But then, maybe Harry had too. Because whatever these two are doing is very different from what they used to do. They are still cutting grimaces at each other, but there is no way to deny that Harry at least is fond, teasing. Ron doesn’t know about Malfoy, but he seems to be responding in kind.
Ron watches them for a while, how they make more and more stupid faces in what must be a weird competition. He can’t be sure if they think themselves subtle or uncaring about someone catching them. Though why they should care if anyone knows they are friends now is beyond him. Unexpected friendships have become rather common place after all.
Suddenly it clicks. Harry is dating Malfoy. All these times he sneaked off he went to Malfoy, when he smiles at nothing in particular he thinks of Malfoy.
Ron must have made some sort of noise, because Hermione asks him if he’s all right, before returning to her discussion. Ron is, in fact, not all right, not all right at all. His best friend is dating Draco bloody Malfoy. No wonder he didn’t tell Ron about it. Malfoy is very much not who Ron had expected. Some nice girl from Hufflepuff, maybe, or even a bloke if Harry preferred that, but Malfoy?
No, it can’t be. It has to be a trick, a scheme, an illegal potion. It’s somehow Malfoy’s fault.
Ron has no idea why the slimy bastard would even want to ensnare Harry but it has to stop! Ron can’t just allow his best friend to fall for Malfoy’s tricks.
On the other hand, it seems very unlikely that the whole thing is a trick. After all, why go to such lengths to trap someone in a relationship if you are not even going to be open about it? If Malfoy wants to use Harry to polish the Malfoy’s tarnished reputation, he would have to tell everyone they are dating. So why keep it a secret?
Also, Ron thinks he would notice if his best friend were to fall victim to a love spell. The symptoms are kind of hard to miss. 
So the only explanation is that Harry is dating Malfoy of his own free will.
Having overcome the initial shock, it isn’t all that surprising. Harry had always been obsessed with Malfoy. Maybe he just isn’t capable of feeling neutrally towards him, always swinging between two extremes. And anyway, Harry is quite obviously happy. Does it really matter who makes him this happy, as long as they keep doing it?
Watching Malfoy pinch his face in a mockery of his familiar sneer almost makes Ron laugh. Maybe he isn’t all bad anymore.
Ron would definitely keep a close eye on him, but he is willing to give Malfoy a chance, for Harry. 
History of magic gets a lot better if you can watch as your best friend very stealthily throws letters at his irritated secret-boyfriend.
Ron didn’t think anyone besides Hermione paid attention to their ancient professor. And yet here Malfoy is, attentively taking notes and glaring at Harry every now and then. Who would have thought that Draco Malfoy is a nerd?
Harry doesn’t seem to mind being either ignored or scowled at though, and continues his attack. Actually, that seems to be half the fun. Ron can’t tell what he writes in his notes, if anything at all, but the wicked grin proves they are mainly supposed to annoy Malfoy. Ron approves.
Apparently bored with simple letters, Harry starts to charm them. At first Ron has no idea where his friend is going with this. They end up weirdly folded, uneven, and Harry always flattens them out again, starts over. Slowly the parchment takes shape, getting better and better with every attempt. Finally Harry charms the letter into an elaborate origami swan. He looks very proud, too.
Honestly, Ron is impressed. That level of precision isn’t something that comes easy to Harry, he must have practiced it.
Satisfied with the result, Harry sends the swan flying over to Malfoy. Ron speculates how nobody has caught these two yet, but is quickly distracted by Malfoy’s reaction. Ron had expected him to ignore that one like all the others before, but Malfoy goes bright red and the scowl he shoots in Harry’s direction lacks that certain something, making it almost fond.
On second thought, Ron doesn’t want to know what Harry has to say to Malfoy. He shudders, tries to not think about either Harry’s pleased smile or Malfoy going beet-red, and instead focuses all his attentions on Hermione, determined to forget everything he just saw.
Ron lets out a triumphant shout as he finally finds ”The evolution of sleeping potions and their acceptance in society”, immediately getting shushed and annoyed looks. Uncaring, he answers with a bright smile, showing the book off as if it were the Quidditch cup. Finding anything in this mess of a library deserves a trophy anyway. And while Hermione was right and knew exactly where to find the book, she gave terrible directions, referencing books Ron had never even heard of as orientation. As expected, they didn’t help at all and it took ages before Ron landed here.
In hindsight, it would’ve been a lot easier if Hermione had just gotten the book herself. But Ron had needed a break, to do something else besides sitting still and listening. Harry, Hermione and he had spent the entire morning studying and his little exercise only reminds him how dearly he needs a real break.
Come to think of it, they all do. Hermione tends to get too caught up in her books and lose all track of time. No matter how often she tells him that study breaks are important for all kinds of reasons, she never takes them on her own, only when Ron reminds her.  
“Harry, are you even listening to a word I’m saying?” Sounds like Harry is ready for a pause too. Ron smiles as he steps behind Hermione, placing the book on the table. Judging her more fondly irritated than angry, Ron deems it safe to wrap his arms around her. “I think we all need a break, love.”
“We can’t Ron, we are finally starting to make some real progress.” Despite her words she leans back into him, already relaxing. Knowing he has convinced her, Ron presses a quick kiss on her head, before he starts opening her messy braid to renew it. Hermione dislikes having her hair hang into her face, says it’s too distracting, but Ron knows she wouldn’t bother with redoing the braid. There are simply more important things to do. He is glad for it though, he likes her hair and enjoys braiding it, after all the effort spent on learning how.
“Or at least we would, if Harry would quit his daydreaming and listen to me. What is so much more important than revising anyway?” What easily could have been a hurtful accusation now lacks all heat, instead holding only a mild curiosity.
Not that Harry seems to have noticed, thoughts still a mile away. He blushes, runs his fingers through his hair and focuses on the table. “Sorry, it wasn’t more important I swear. I was just thinking about, ehm …. Quidditch! Yes, only Quidditch, you wouldn’t be interested.”
Sure, Quidditch. Ron doesn’t believe him, Quidditch does not make Harry blush like this. No, he must have been thinking about Malfoy again. The thought is still weird to him, but the way Harry had been smiling earlier reassures him that he is still happy. Very much so, if one also counts the blushing.
Ron can’t help but tease him about it.
“Quidditch, was it? You sure it isn’t a certain someone that’s on your mind lately?” Unbelievable, but Harry blushes even more. Ron doesn’t even try to suppress his laugh.
“What? No! No, Ron really there’s no one.” Watching Harry fall all over himself to assure Ron that, no, he must be mistaken, is comical. It’s also his own fault; he shouldn’t have teased Ron when he told him about his crush on Hermione. So, in a way, it’s only payback. Ron is looking forward to more teasing, the possibilities are endless, now that he finally knows who Harry’s secret is.
Hermione is doing that thing again, where she drums her fingers on whatever surface is closest when she is really concentrating. It’s strangely flattering that she should do so now. Not that it will help her any, but Ron still enjoys watching her try.
Finally, she commands her Rook to h4, just like Ron knew she would. It’s hard not to smile when triumph is this close, but if he wants to win he needs to be careful.
His painstakingly maintained blank mask is broken by Harry settling down next to him.
“Who’s winning?” Stupid question. Ron of course.
“Harry, are you, I mean, is that a Slytherin tie?” Forgetting all about their game he turns to look at his best friend, noting that yes, he is wearing a Slytherin tie; Malfoy’s probably. Ron doesn’t want to know why they took them off in the first place, but they must have switched them when putting them back on.
“What? No! Of course not -” He looks down, as if to prove it, freezing when he realises that he really, actually, and most definitely has his boyfriend’s tie around his neck. He mumbles something, tries to take it off without anyone else noticing but only succeeds in attracting more attention.
Suddenly everyone is talking while straining to catch a glimpse of Harry and the incriminating tie.
“Whose tie do you think that is?”
“Is it true? Harry Potter is wearing a Slytherin tie?”
“Does that mean he’s dating a Slytherin or something?”
“I can’t believe this; it must be a trick”
“Is this another absurd idea for house unity?”
Poor Harry, still fumbling with the tie, doesn’t get a word in edgewise. Ron isn’t sure it would do him any good if he could though, so maybe this is better, kinder.
The entire common room is so caught up in their discussion that no one notices the door opening. But Ron, who was waiting for Malfoy to show up, watches the smug bastard assess the scene, visibly pleased. This is his doing then. Not an innocent accident but a scheme.
Ron wants to be angry with him for putting his friend in this position, but he can’t deny the whole thing has a certain flair. He guesses Harry deserves it too, for keeping their relationship a secret this long, even from Ron. So, instead of helping him out, Ron leans back and enjoys the show. It’s certainly most amusing.
Ron isn’t the only one to expect Malfoy, though by the look on Harry’s face, he expected him later. Harry is overjoyed to see the git, until it dawns on him that if he is wearing Malfoy’s tie, Malfoy must be wearing his. Then he just stares at Malfoy, standing proud and smirking in a Gryffindor tie, revealing their relationship for everyone connecting the dots.
So, of course, Harry panics even more. His face changes from wonder to something closer to horror, and he makes frantic gestures meant to shoo Malfoy out, still foolishly believing this whole thing to be nothing more than an unfortunate accident. Love really does make you blind.
As with the tie, Harry’s attempts to subtly solve the situation and avoid attention does the exact opposite.
It doesn’t take long until Malfoy’s appearance and all the possible implications are discussed too.
Ron could swear money is being exchanged - these people bet on everything - but he doesn’t pay it any mind. He is fixated on Hermione freaking out, feverishly searching for a different explanation.
“No, they can’t be. Harry and Malfoy? Preposterous. It must be some kind of charm, curse more likely, ancient probably. I know I just read something like that! Or it’s a prank, a stupid, unfunny prank. But why on earth would Malfoy ever agree to participate? Why would Harry even ask him?
“It doesn’t make any sense! These two can barely stand to be in the same room without insulting each other and now this? No, I refuse to believe it. Unthinkable that they should have planned this.
“This can only be a misunderstanding, a bizarre and total coincidence. Harry is wearing someone else’s tie and Malfoy just happens to be here too.”
Ron can’t contain his laughter anymore; this is absolutely brilliant.
“Mione, love, have you considered that they maybe, I don’t know, might be dating, possibly?” Hermione doesn’t even glance at him, too focused on watching Harry desperately trying to pull Malfoy out of the common room and away from the chaos they’ve caused.
“Oh Ron, don’t be ridiculous.” He should not think it endearing how she scolds him without even paying attention to him.
“I know it seems unlikely, but ‘when you have excluded the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’” Her obscure muggle references are endearing though, and Ron has no problems at all with being charmed by them. Hermione is still staring at the door through which Harry escaped, so Ron takes her face in his hands to make her look at him. He has had quite enough of being ignored.
“’There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.’ Did you really not know? They weren’t very subtle.” She looks honestly shocked that she isn’t the only one who can quote Sherlock Holmes. As if she hadn’t gone on and on about him lately. Ron does listen to her sometimes.
Her awestruck expression quickly changes into one more familiar. Pity, he could have grown used to being looked at like that.
“You knew? How long, why didn’t you tell me?” Ron just laughs and happily lets her rant about the importance of open communication.
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moonbeambucky · 6 years
The Price of Gold - Epilogue
Pairing: Lance Tucker x Reader Word Count: 3973 Warnings: fluff
Summary: As a sports journalist you’ve traveled the world interviewing famous athletes. You’ve loved your job up until you find out your next article is on the last person in the world you ever wanted to talk to, Lance Tucker.
A/N: I can’t believe this is over! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this! This fic has been my life for the past few months and it really means so much to me! Written for @green-eyeddragonfanfiction Dragon’s 3k Follower Creative Content Challenge. My prompt was “I can’t be in love with you!” gif source (x) 
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Saturdays were the busiest day for Tucker Gymnastics, with most parents available on the weekend to accompany their kids as they learned gymnastics from one of the very best in the field. On this particular Saturday the center was closed for a private event, one that would show no profits but make Lance Tucker’s heart richer with love.
Ariel Tucker, named after her mother’s favorite mermaid, was turning two years old today and Lance closed the center to the public to finally give Ariel her first official gymnastics lesson.
Waking up slowly you felt Lance’s chest pressed to your back, hearing his soft snores made your lips curve into smile with a sudden urge to look at his face. Shifting on to your back Lance inhaled stiffly, the corners of his lips pulling upwards as he nuzzled against you again.
“Good morning beautiful,” he said in a raspy whisper, his eyes still closed. It was the way he greeted you every morning since you moved in together and you never got tired of hearing it.
Within two years of dating you and Lance were married. It was the wedding you always dreamed of. Held at an estate south of Spring Hill you were married with an ocean backdrop, a cool breeze flowing through the air. Friends and family surrounding you to celebrate your special day, with both you and Lance shedding a few more tears than anticipated.
The moment he saw you it was like the world stopped spinning. Accompanied by your father, you glided down the aisle like an angel floating through the heavens. Wearing a strapless ivory mermaid style dress, lace and beads beautifully accentuated your body. Carrying a large bouquet of cascading flowers colored like the beautiful sunset behind him Lance thought it was the perfect accent to a more than perfect wedding– that is until you stood before him.
The tears that had formed in his eyes suddenly dropped down his cheeks as he smiled at the delicate pearls around your neck. They were Dorothy’s, given to you after her passing as part of her wishes. You knew the significance, these were the pearls Lance’s Grandma Ruth had worn on her wedding which she passed down to Dorothy for her wedding who always knew she would give it to you.
You choked back your own tears, smiling as you and Lance held each other’s hands during the ceremony, knowing how lucky you were that after half of your lives apart you found each other again.
“Good morning baby,” you replied, scratching your fingers through his hair, enjoying the surprisingly peaceful morning for as long as you could.
He was in need of a haircut, letting the time in between appointments go longer than he was used to. He didn’t mind though, his hair was the least of his concerns, not when any free time could be spent with you and Ariel. He needed a shave too, his stubble coming in a lot more than he normally let it. The combination made him look a little older but in a more distinguished way. No longer was he the spiky haired arrogant gymnast but the man you always dreamed you would grow old with (and thankfully no warts were to be found!)
“Speaking of babies,” he paused to rub his hand along your swollen belly, “How is the little guy doing?”
You were halfway through your second pregnancy, the name of your son to be determined. For now he was just “the little guy” and you were excited to welcome him as part of your growing family.
“Well he’s pressing on my bladder and if I don’t get up right this second I’m definitely going to pee on the bed,” you joked.
It was time to get up anyway, with Ariel’s giddy anticipation for her birthday you certain she would come flying into your bedroom any minute. Pushing yourself to sit up you were about to get off the bed before Lance called out for you to wait.
Turning around he stood on his knees in the center of the bed, dressed in boxers and white t-shirt, moving closer towards you for a kiss. Despite his morning breath you would have kissed him for hours, or until Ariel would undoubtedly come in, but at this moment you had to push him away as you clenched your legs together while running to the bathroom.
Lance laughed at your loud sigh of relief through the door for finally being able to pee. He laid back on the bed, his arm thrown over his eyes to block the strong morning sunlight from coming in through the window. With a smile plastered on his face Lance thought about how lucky he was to have this life.
He’s pulled from his peaceful reprieve as the pitter-patter of tiny feet echo off the wood floor, with tiny hands reaching up and grabbing the blanket. A quiet voice squeaks out a call for her Dad who turns and smiles at his little girl, lifting her up. Purple painted toes support her tiny frame that barely makes a dent on the mattress.
Born six weeks premature, Ariel required a short stay in the NICU, with you and Lance at her side every day. She made it through without any major complications except for the fact that her parents were even more overprotective of her. It was the main reason Lance hadn’t begun teaching her gymnastics.
You and Ariel visited Lance quite often at the center and she was always squirming to get out of your arms and join her Dad and the other kids for what she thought was playtime. She was so much smaller than the other children, and even though Lance would be at her side through each move he didn’t want his little girl to get hurt in any way; you both agreed she wasn’t ready yet.
Lance kissed her forehead, rolling down her Doc McStuffins pajama top that shifted up to expose her cute belly button.
“Daddy guesshwhat?”
Lance sat up against the headboard, “What is it Starfish?” he excitedly asked.
“Is my buhhthday!” she grinned, showing off her tiny teeth.
“It is?” he feigned surprise. “How old are you today?”
“I twoo!” she replied, holding up two small fingers.
“No you can’t be two! You’re my little baby,” Lance said, scooping her up into his arms as if he were cradling an infant, pressing kisses all over her face as she giggled from his ticklish stubble.
“No… I... Big... Girl,” she said in between fits of laughter.
Lance shifted Ariel so she faced him, “Okay, okay, you’re my big girl. What does my big girl want to do for her birthday?”
Ariel’s face lit up like fireworks, “Tumbwle!”
You stood in the doorframe watching their exchange, your heart growing bigger in size at the love Lance had for your daughter. He was the perfect father, loving, gentle, kind; he was the antithesis of Mitch Tucker.
“Daddy and I will take you to tumble but first we have a surprise for you!” you spoke up, your voice catching your daughter’s attention.
She jumped out of Lance’s arms, plopping down towards the end of the bed as you walked towards her. Sitting on her knees she was face to face with your large stomach and pressed a kiss to your belly.
“Good mawning bwother,” she said. For now Ariel was excited to have a sibling, once your or Lance’s attention is diverted from her there might be an issue.
Ariel was the sweetest little girl with an equal mix of Lance and your younger selves in her. She loved to sing, making up her own songs that she would perform as you and Lance sat together on the couch watching and cheering for her.
Like her namesake she was always in the water, with you and Lance playing “mermaids” with her. With floaties secured around her arms you would hold her by the waist on the surface of the water as her arms swept out in front of her with her legs wildly splashing behind. Ariel would swim to Lance and rescue him from the evil Ursula, also known as a smiling inflatable octopus pool toy.
When she was out of the water Ariel was never without her favorite teddy bear, your own childhood bear that once sat on the shelf proudly displaying Lance’s first medal, that is until Ariel made grabby hands and began to cry for the doll. The medal is now on your nightstand, hanging off a framed photo from your wedding day, a daily reminder of how far you and Lance have come.
Lance dressed Ariel as you prepared breakfast. Things had changed so much since you were a kid, now there were endless recipes on Pinterest to choose from, some you were able to master and others not so much. Today you made whole grain pancakes, pouring out two smaller circles of batter that would become the ears on the bear you were going to create. Using banana slices you placed them on the smaller pancakes as the inside of the bear’s ear, and one on the larger pancake as the snout, with chocolate chips becoming the eyes and nose.
In a small bowl was a plain yogurt with a fruit rainbow of raspberries, mandarin oranges, sliced green grapes and blueberries. So much work goes into preparing such a pretty breakfast all the time, your parents definitely had it easier.
Clinging to Lance’s frame as he went down the steps Ariel wore a coral halter romper with a hibiscus flower print and white strappy sandals with a large flower embellishment. He placed her at the table in her booster seat as she smiled at her pancakes.
“Where Teddy?” she worriedly asked before you brought him out from the table behind her.
Teddy required delicate cleaning since he was an old bear, something you occasionally did overnight as Ariel slept.
After eating and cleaning up yogurt on Ariel’s cheeks the three of you grab the bag you packed and head out to the garage. You handed Lance your car keys as you opened the door for Ariel, securing her in her car seat as Lance adjusted the mirrors.
“You know you’re gonna need a new car babe,” you said, as Lance pulled out of the garage and clicked a button for the door to close. Lance still had his convertible Mustang though the top has been up every time he’s driven with Ariel as per your insistence. “There’s no way you’re going to be able to fit another car seat in that thing,” you continued.
“Yeah I know,” he defeatedly huffed. “But there’s no way I’m getting a minivan!”
You burst out laughing as he looked over at you, his blue eyes full of stern conviction.
“Definitely not!” you agreed. “You’ll have to get something soon though, the little guy’s coming in a just a few months.”
“There’s still so much to do! New car, finish his room, name him!” Lance chuckled.
“Yeah I know,” you said running your hands over your stomach. “Well at least we know what we don’t want. No Brayden, Aiden, Grayson or Mason...”
“Yeah, not happening. Hey Starfish, what do you think we should name your brother?” Lance called out to Ariel who was playing with her dolls.
In one hand was Teddy and the other was Stuffy, the blue dragon from Doc McStuffins. Her growing brain mulled over the decision of names between the two stuffed animals. “Stuffy!” she cried out.
“Stuffy Tucker?” Lance questioned.
“Well, maybe if he has allergies,” you joked. “Sweetie what’s the name of the police dog on PAW Patrol?” It took a while for you and Ariel to think of the name until it finally hit you. “Chase! Lance, what about Chase?”
“Hmmm,” Lance mused out loud, “It’s a maybe.”
You quickly reached your destination, bringing Ariel for her first visit to Weeki Wachee. She had no idea what was happening until the “mermaids” swam in and Ariel gasped out loud, crying out “Mermaid!”
She was watching them in the same awe struck manner as you once did, pointing towards the viewing window as the mermaids swam by with a large smile plastered on her face.
Next you went to the wildlife show, with Lance having to hold Ariel tight in his lap as she kept wanting to pet all the animals. Your anxiety increased as the teenage employee kept bringing out progressively larger snakes until he finally showed off a small alligator.
Now that you were a mom you tried to find the balance between allowing Ariel the freedom to grow up while still being nurturing and protective. Right now you were going to be protective, extremely protective and used this opportunity to remind Ariel that these animals are not pets. Blowing out a harsh breath you wondered if you caused your own parents as much worry.
After the show you sat at a picnic table for a snack, giving Ariel a sippy cup of milk and putting out some Cheerios, string cheese and a mandarin orange that you shared with her. Lance made sure you ate more than just that, pulling out carrot sticks and a granola bar from the bag along with some water. Smiling you leaned forward to kiss him in return for his thoughtfulness.
You were taking a lot of precaution as the risk of another premature birth was always there. Lance was a big help, staying home more often to allow you more time to rest. Your workload lightened as well. You were still able to Skype with athletes for your articles but travel was out of the question. You were thankful having prepared a lot in advance to release during your maternity leave.
After eating you took Ariel on the boat ride. She sat in between you and Lance as she excitedly pointed out every fish, turtle and bird that you passed. When the ride was over you asked the driver to take your photo, the three of you saying “cheese” in unison, though Ariel screamed the word, which echoed off the roof of the boat.
Finally, you were headed to Tucker Gymnastics and Ariel was bubbling with anticipation. Lance had gone into his office, you suspect to check in on calls and emails while he waited for his girls. After a quick trip to the bathroom for both you and Ariel, you changed her into a shimmery purple leotard.
Lance’s door was still shut so you picked barefoot Ariel up carefully and walked her over to the photo of young Lance and Dorothy.
“This is your Daddy as a kid!” you said, pointing to him in the picture. “And this is your Grandma Dorothy. She is Daddy’s mommy.”
“Where Gamma Dowthy?” Ariel innocently asked.
“Grandma Dorothy is everywhere. When the sun warms up the day that’s Grandma Dorothy giving you a big warm hug, and when the moon is out at night she’s looking over and watching you sleep.”
Though she’s too young to truly understand you wanted Ariel to know Dorothy and one day when she’s older you know Lance will have her read your article. He still considers it one of the greatest gifts you’ve ever given him, though nothing compares to the love you show him every day, and the family you’ve made together.
Lance pulled open the door to his office, stepping out with a serious look on his face. He tightened a red bandana wrapped around his forehead and clapped his hands together, “Let’s do this!”
Reaching into his pocket he walked over to Ariel, pulling out a smaller bandana for her to match him. Ariel leaned towards Lance who took her from your arms and you followed them into the main gym. Lance leaned down in front of his antsy little girl who would not sit still as he gathered her hair together to tie it up and tie the bandana on her.
Once she was ready Lance put his palm up, “Let’s go for the gold!”
Ariel slapped his hand, “Go faw gold!”
Lance started slow, easing her into tumbles. “Squat like a frog,” he said, adjusting her hands and feet, “Now stick your tushie in the air and look at your belly button.”
Ariel giggled at the way Lance taught her but he guided her through the movement, assuring her head was placed properly for her to roll through. Lance made it a fun as she repeated the motions until she got it before moving on to a backwards roll. She was definitely Lance’s kid as she completed a backwards roll much more gracefully than you ever could.
With your phone in hand you took a bunch of photos and videos, all of which you knew you would have to send your parents. Even though they would be coming over later for cake and presents they insisted on having their own copy of every picture of their granddaughter and you can’t blame them. Your own phone was filled with thousands of pictures of your beautiful girl.
Lance worked on some poses, teaching her how to do a bridge. Soon she was in a downward dog position in front of the wall. Lance told her to keep her arms strong as he braced one hand on her arms and the other under her stomach for support.
“Walk your feet up the walls,” he said, as her little feet staggered asymmetrically up the wall. “You’re doing great Starfish!”
It wasn’t quite a handstand, not yet at least but you know with Lance’s guidance she would get there one day, just as you did.
Afterwards Lance whispered something in Ariel’s ear that made her jump up and down. Lance carried Ariel to the balance beam that was closest to the ground, placing her down and standing behind her as he cupped his hands around his mouth as he announced, “The US Women’s Gymnastics Team proudly presents ARIEL TUCKER!”
You pleaded for him to wait so you could record this. When you were ready Lance lifted Ariel onto the beam, holding her hands as she walked across it, stopping midway as he told her to jump up. As Ariel jumped Lance lifted her up high over his head before placing her gently down on the beam again. She walked to the end of the beam, jumping off as Lance held her.
He carried her over to the uneven bars, still gripping her waist as he held her up, instructing Ariel to hold on to the lower bar. He swayed her body from side to side, all while providing commentary on how the young gymnast has skillfully mastered the uneven bars. Next was the pommel horse, where Lance held her up and she wasn’t sure quite what to do. Lance began to tickle her stomach and so she burst into a fit of giggles, her little feet stomping up and down which made it look like she was dancing.
“And for her final challenge, the vault!” his voice boomed.
Ariel clung to Lance as he stood midway in the runway. He jogged lightly, dodging the vault and jumping into the foam block pit behind it.
“Ariel Tucker wins the gold!” Lance cheered, kissing Ariel on the cheek. She nuzzled into the crook of his neck, stretching her arms around him and you were so happy to have recorded that moment.
Lance placed Ariel on the mat’s as he pulled himself out of the pit, scooping her into his arms again to head back to his office. He opened the small refrigerator that was stocked up on juices boxes and snacks for Ariel. She sat in his chair, swinging her dangling legs around as she sipped from an apple juice box.
“Here,” he said, grabbing a water bottle for you and pulling out a packet of almonds from his desk. “Come on babe, you know you want my nuts.”
“Lance!” you yelled in a whispered voice.
“What? It’s protein,” he smirked, opening the packet and tossing a few almonds into his mouth before handing it to you so he could untie his bandana.
You shook your head at him all while smiling and Lance leaned closer to rub the tip of his nose against yours, your face scrunching in return at the contact.
“I love you so much Lance,” you said, tilting your head to press a kiss to his lips.
He pulled away quickly asking, “What about Jim?” You squinted at him in confusion, wondering who Jim was and why you were supposed to love them.
“For the baby. Maybe Jim for gymnastics. Or James. James Tucker,” Lance worked through his reasoning out loud.
“Definitely not Jim. James is a maybe.”
Lance cupped your cheeks in his hands and leaned in to kiss you more sincerely, pulling away from each other before things got too steamy.
After arriving home you put Ariel down for a short nap. With Teddy by her side you tucked Ariel in and went downstairs to begin baking her birthday cake. Passing the photos that hung on the walls you stopped to smile at each one, pausing at Dorothy’s photo wishing she was here to see her grandchildren.
Lance stood behind you as you measured flour into a large mixing bowl, pressing a kiss to your neck which made you squirm with delight.
“Look at this,” you said, reaching your arms out in front of you, “I feel like I’m so far away from the counter!” You laughed as you gestured to your large belly that kept you back from the countertop.
“Just a few more months,” Lance said, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You continued to prepare the ingredients, placing them in the mixer and setting it. You saw Lance was attempting to say something but you couldn’t hear him over the sound. Once everything was done you smiled and he repeated himself.
“I asked if you should really be on your feet, Y/N. You have to take it easy,” he said, bringing over a stool.
You looked warily at the seat, “I think I might break it,” you half joked and Lance shook his head.
Instead of getting on the stool you took Lance’s hand in yours, “Lance, I have an idea for a name,” you said softly.
Lance waited for you to continue, rubbing his thumb along your hand.
“What about Theodore? For your Mom,” you suggested, looking up at him with hopeful eyes as you waited for his response.
Lance’s lips curved into a bittersweet smile, once again you found the perfect way to honor Dorothy.
His palm caressed the swell of your belly, “I love it Y/N, I love you, I love you so much,” he whispered before capturing your lips in a sweet kiss.
“I love you too.”
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The night was filled with laughter as Ariel ran around with your parents, opened up her presents and ended up with frosting all over her face.
Lance picked her up in his arms, laughing as she leaned forward to place a sticky kiss to your cheek. Your parents snapped the perfect photo with all three of you laughing widely. You wiped Ariel’s face and then cleaned your own, tucking yourself under Lance’s other arm for another picture.
The life you imagined with Lance had gone off track for a bit but you were thankful everyday for being given the opportunity to come back to each other. Lance stood proudly, with one arm wrapped around you, his little girl clinging to his other side like a starfish on a rock.
The Olympics were a distant memory, fading away as Lance finally achieved his greatest accomplishment and was rewarded with gold every day in the form of the love he shared with his family. 🏅
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